ee cel K's: a ies San: Satine inet By Nie SoS Wt niceitel Bes obi eccennant FR Pek Sued gored Fant gets DS Bae omega coe ta a & carey Catalogue No. 900 THE PRIVATE LIBRARY OF THE LATE HOWARD 1. GOODWIN OF PHILADELPHIA | Catalogue No. goo. Part I. THE Magnificent Library OF THE LATE | HOWARD T. GOODWIN, ESQ. OF PHILADELPHIA | SOLD BY ORDER OF THE EXECUTRIX (HAMPTON L,. CARSON, ESQ., COUNSEL ) The Rarest Books The Most Sumptuous Editions The Most Hlegant Bindings ABSOLUTELY THE FINEST BOOKS EVER OFFERED THE AMERICAN PUBLIC AND ELEGANT Olh PAINTINGS AND WATER cohoks TO BE SOLD Thursday, Oct. 22, Friday, Oct. 23 and Saturday, Oct. 24, 1903 COMMENCING EACH DAY AT 2.30 O’CLOCK \ On Exhibition Tuesday, Oct, 20, and until the day of sale CATALOGUE COMPILED AND SALE AT THE BOOK AUCTION ROOMS OF CONDUCTED BY DAVIS & HARVEY, STAN. V. HENKELS. 1112 Walnut Street, Philadelphia, Pa. TERMS OF + Sare—Case. All purchases must be settled immediately following the sale. Sale conducted by STAN. V. HENKELS LIST OF PRICES REALIZED AT THE SALE OF THE Library of the Late Howard T. Goodwin Part I—Sold October 22, 23 and 24, 1903 DAVIS & HARVEY, Auctioneers 1112 Walnut St., Phila. ena re Le ie en te ee Price | Lot $169 60 | 37 7 20 | 88 15 50 | 89 34 00 | 90 63 00 | Of 10 OO | 92 2 00 | 93 10 50 | 94 8 CO | 95 15 00 | 96 63 00 | 97 7 50| 98 25 @0 | 99 22 50] 100 I2 50| IO! 93 00 | 102 §8 50 | 103 4 00 | 104 3 00 | 105 4 00 | 106 561 OO | 107 3 50 | 108 5 25 | 109 2 50| 110 I2 0o| III 10 0O | I12 360 00 | 113 16 00 | 114 8 50 | 115 35 00 | 116 36 00 | II7 5 50| 118 7 25 | 119 44 00| 120 27 50| iat 52 00 | 122 37 OO | 123 46 OO | 124 30 OO | 125 21 50 | 120 12 50, 127 10 50 | 128 7 50 | 129 2 LIST OF PRICHS rene Drine tiles Price’! Lat Price ti Let Prins ist Price _—— OOO —— — — ee 217 10 50| 270 60 CO| 323 19 00| 376 40 OO | 424 7 0O 218 42:00 12711333 00) 324 II 50| 377 24 00| 425 10 GO 219 15675] 272 60 GO| 325 32 00/ 378 ~=176 00}| 426 6 00 220 15 0O| 273 14000] 326 17 GO| 379 10 OO] 427 10 0O 221 6 00| 274 10 50| 327 13 50| 380 61.75 | 428 6 00 222 18 50] 275 60 00] 328 5 75| 381 95 00] 429 12 00 223 23 00| 276 8 00} 329 25 00| 382 II 50| 430 4 00 224 19 OO| 277 II OO} 330 22 50] 383 6 50| 431 10 0O 225 15 00| 278 Il 25) 331 850) 384 35 00) 432 5 00 226 1650] 279 2050) 332 25 00/ 385 57 20) 433 6 50 227, 21 0O| 280 2 50| 333 36 00| 386 10 00 | 434 450 228 275| 281 II 50] 334 99 00} 3387 30 00 | 435 17 00 229 5 CO| 282 18 75] 335 6 25| 388 12 GO| 436 IO 00 230 10 00} 283 27 0O| 336 8 00} 3864 5 50/437 7 0O 231 5 CO} 284 15 0@| 337 10 OO} 390 It 00| 438 4 00 241 143 50| 294 18 50] 347 15 00} 400 40 00/448 2 00 242 16 00} 295 12 00] 348 4 00} 401 20 00] 449 6 00 243 10 0O| 296 $ 50! 349 14 0O| 402 2 50/450 Ii OO 244 127 50| 297 35 00) 350 8450] 403 47 50\451 2 00 247 5 00} 3G0 7 50} 353 14 40| 400 47 50| 454 6 00 248 294 00! 301 3.25) 354 51000] 407 33 00] 455 6 90 249 19000] 302 56 25| 355 175 00] 408 70 00/456 400 250 2400} 303 115 50) 356 51 00} 409 59 00 | 457 7 00 251 21 25) 304 10 50} 357 33 00} 410 52 50/458 7 50 252 8 00] 305 42000; 3538 14 OO| 4il 37 591459 10 50 25 3 4 50] 306 76 50] 359 40 00} 412 60 GO| 460 3 00 254 12 00| 307 40 50] 360 11 OO} 412a 35 00/461 6 50 255 6 50} 308 42 00} 361 3 00} 413 17 50| 462 10 00 250 20 GO| 309 2 50| 362 10 OO| 414 27 50| 403 If CO 257 7 50} 310 7 0O| 363 24 00] 415 85 00] 464 3 00 258 IO CO} 311 5 OO} 364 44 00| 416 80 00} 465 3 00 259 15 OO| 312 7 00} 305 43 00] 417 50 00| 466 6 00 260 13 00] 313 5 50| 366 Il 0O| 417 a 40 00/467 200 201 Ti 50| 314 5 00] 367 20 GO| 418 80 00 | 468 4 00 262 17 OO} 315 6 0O| 368 I 60} 419 45 00] 469 6 oo 263 9 50} 316 13 00/ 369 9 50| 420 65 90] 470 21 00 264 $ 00} 317 7 00} 370 I5 OO} 421 22 50| 471 4 00 205 16 00} 318 2 50] 371 400/ 421a 45 00/472 5 00 LIST OF PRICES 3 Lot Price | Lot Price | Lot Price | Lot Price | Lot Price 476 $200] 490) $1200/ 504 $1300] 518 $4 50] 532 $3 50 477 3 50) 491 3 00} 505 5 50} 519 4 00} 533 6 00 478 7 50| 492 2 50| 500 14 00} 520 7 00| 534 5 0O 479 5 00] 493 __—iI§ 00] 507 7 00| §21 36 00/535 450 480 21 OO} 494 3.50] 508 10 OO} 522 5 00] 5 30 10 50 481 2 00} 495 14 00} 509 4 50| 523 7 59) 537 3 00 482 5 GO} 496 9 0O| 5:0 10 OO| 524 7 00 {538 2 50 483 7 00| 497 3 00] 511 18 OO} 525 3 00| 539 2 00 484 3 00} 498 13 OO] 512 5 50| 526 3 00| 540 3.50 485 9 00| 499 14 00] 513 3 00] 527 2 50| 54! 2 00 486 12 0O| 5e0 7 50| 514 6 50] 528 2 50/542 2 50 487 7 50| 501 2 50] 515 2 00| 529 3 50/543 2 50 488 2 50| 502 3.50| 516 Q 00| 530 6 50/544 225 489 2 50] 503 13 OO| 517 7 00| 531 2 00] 545 I oO ; Sa ee = REMARKS. HE reputation of the late Howard T. Goodwin, Esq., as a collector of the rarest books and the most sumptuous editions of the works of favorite authors, is so well-known that it is unnecessary for us to make any comments further than to say, that in the opinion of experts and connoisseurs, it is the finest collection of books ever offered at public sale, etther in Europe or America. . | The editions are the very best. The subscription books are those that were limited to a very few copies, and the bindings are simply supurb. Every book in the library is richly bound by the most noted of the craft, including fine specimens of the work of Cobden Sanderson, The Hampstead Bindery, The Guild of Wo- men-Bookbinders, Fazakerley, David, Marcel, Bécourt, Zaehns- . dorf, Riviere, Hayday, Bedford, Matthews, Pfister, Worsfold, Tout, Root & Son, Macdonald, Blackwell, Lautig, Morrell, Stikeman and others of note. The books are all in elegant condition, and are thoroughly described, both as to rarity and conditions. A glance over the pages of the Catalogue will give to the reader a better idea of the many rarities than we have space here to notice. The Oil Paintings, while not being works of the great masters, are really very beautiful, and by artists who are fast gaining reputations. The Water Colors embrace a great variety, are pleasing both in conception and detail, and include the work of many noted colorists. Parts II. and III. of this Catalogue will follow soon, and will include First Editions of English and American Anthors ; a very large collection of Extra Illustrated Books ; Publication of William Loring Andrews; The Grolier Club of New York ; Kelmscott Press: Tthe Essex House Press; The Vale Press ; Elegant Editions of Favorite Authors; Special Publications ; Elegant Art Works; Rare Americana, etc.; all superbly bound. We wish it distinctly understood that every Book enumerated in this Catalogue belongs to the Estate of Howard T. Goodwin, Deceased. STAN. V. HENKELS. Lay nee Se sOe sues Gatalogue. I ‘BECKETT, GILBERT A. ‘The Comic History of England and Rome. With humorous full-page colored “6.50 etchings and numerous woodcuts by John Leech. : 3 vols. Imperial 8vo, half red crushed levant, gilt, top edges gilt, uncut. London: Bradbury, Agnew & Co., N. D. Large-paper copy with all the plates on India paper. = +, 2 , ACKERMANN’S HISTORY of the Abbey Church of St. ; Peter’s, Westminster, its Antiquities and Monuments. ///us- 3 Sve tvated with numerous elegant full-page tinted engravings, and with portrait of William Vincent on India paper. 2vols. 4to, half contemporary morocco, gilt, gilt edges. London: Printed for R. Ackermann, 1812 Fine, tall copy. 3 ACKERMANN’s HISTORY of the Colleges of Winchester, ic ee Eton and Westminster, with the Charter-House, the Schools ; of St. Paul’s, Merchant Taylors, Harrow and Rugby, and the Free-School of Christ’s Hospital. lustvated with numer- ous superb aquatints, printed tn colors. Royal 4to, half contemporary calf, gilt, marbled edges. London: Published by R. Ackermann, 1816 ACKERMANN’S History of the University of Cambridge. Pro Its Colleges, Halls and Public Buildings. Illustrated with ; numerous superb aquatinits, printed in colors, and engraved portraits colored by hand. 2vols. Royal 4to, half contemporary calf, gilt, marbled edges. London: Printed for R. Ackermann, 1815 Gg’ 5 ACKERMANN’s Histrory of the University of Oxford. Its .0@ ~ Colleges, Halls and Public Buildings. //ustrated with numer- ous superb agquatints, printed im colors, engraved portratts colored by hand, etc. 2vols. Royal 4to, half contemporary calf, gilt, marbled edges. London: Printed for R. Ackermann, 1814 The above four lots are all fine, tall and clean copies of these very desirable books, and are very scarce, particularly so in such fine condition. TAPE 6 (A Kempis, Tuomas.) L’Imitation de Jésus-Christ. Superbly illustrated with full-page plates in gold and colors, every page being surrounded with highly tlluminated borders, cach of a different design, together with the appendix adorned wth portratts and other illustrations. 2vols. Imperial 8vo, full red morocco, elaborately gilt backs and sides, in- side dentelle borders, polished gilt edges. Paris: L. Curmer, 1856 This magnificent monument of the typographical art consists of over four hundred pages printed in the highest style of the chromo-lithographic art, all mounted on muslin guards, being a fatthful reproduction of the original wluminated edition ' of Thomas a Kempis’ adtvine work. aD ee 7) A Kempis, THomAsS. Of the Imitation of Christ. ///us- trated by Laurence Housman, engraved on wood by Miss Clem- ence Flousman. 8vo, three-quarter crushed light purple levant, gilt, top edges gilt, uncut, by : Riviere. London: Kegan Paul, 1898 rk Only six hundred copies printed on Arnold & Fester's un- bleached paper. 72.00 8 AQLIGHIERI, DANTE. The Divine Comedy ; or, The In- ferno, Purgatory and Paradise of. Rendered into English by Frederick Pollock. With fifty dllustrations drawn by Geo. . Scharf, Jun., engraved by Dalziel. 8 vo, full crushed olive levant, elaborately gilt back and sides, inlaid in red and green levant, watered silk doublé, heavy gold borders, polished gilt edges, Morris paper fly-leaves, by Fazakerdey. In silk lined cloth case. London: Chapman & Hall, 1854 A beautiful specimen of Fazakerley’s binding See Fac- li simile. eee tL2.,ce 9 . ALKEN AND ROowWLANDSON. Real Life in London ; or, The re Rambles and Adventures of Bob Tallyho, Esq., and his Cousin, The Hon. Tom Dashall, through the Metropolis ; Exhibiting a Living Picture of Fashionable Characters, Manners and Amusements in High and Low Life, by an Amateur. L7mbellished and tllustrated with a series of colored prints, designed and engraved by Messrs. Alken, Dighton, Rowlandson, and others. 2 vols. 8vo, full polished light calf, gilt backs and sides, inside dentelle borders, gilt edges, by JZozz, London: Printed for Jones & Co., 1821 The vare Furst Edition. é ons 6 0 he etait DIVINE COMEDY OF DANTE ALIGHLERI > | | he PLATE OF BINDING, BY FAZAKERLEY, ON DANTE’S DIVINE COMEDY, LOT SHOWING COLOR OF LEATHER AND DESIGN. THE FORE-EDGES OF THIS BOOK ARE GILT OVER TWO BEAUTIFUL WATER-COLOR PAINTINGS ILLUSTRATING THE BOOK, AND WHICH ARE VISIBLE BY PRESSING THE EDGES FROM EITHER SIDE. / 4 Bie t° L O.0L 1/3.5¢e 3 Soc Sut 12 13 3 14 15 y ro) ALKEN. A Cockney’s Shooting Season in Suffolk. By Henry Alken. Containing the Remarkable Adventures that Actually Occurred to a Young Cit on a Visit to his Friends in that County. With szx large full-page colored plates by H. Alken. . Royal 4to, three-quarter crushed green levant, gilt, top edge gilt, by Zachns- dor. London: Published by Thomas McLean, 1822 Beautiful copy of the exceedingly rare, oviginal edition, with the printed covers bound in, ALKEN. The National Sports of Great Britain. By Henry Alken. Jilustrated with fifty colored engravings, ex- hibiting Alken’s most spirited work, with descriptions. Royal 8vo, half red cross-grained morocco, top edge gilt. London: Printed for Thomas McLean, 1825 Original edition, Very rare. ALKEN. Real Life in Ireland; or, The Day and Night Scenes, Rovings, Rambles, and Sprees, Bulls, Blunders, Bodderation, and Blarney of Brian Boru, Esq., and his elegant Friend, Sir Shawn O’Dogherty, Exhibiting a Real Picture of Characters, Manners, etc., in High and Low Life in Dublin and Various Parts of Ireland. Embellished with humorous colored engravings from original designs by (Alken and others) the most eminent artists. By a Real Paddy. Fourth Edition. 8vo, full sprinkled calf, gilt, canary edges. ae Re London: Published by Jones & Co., 1829 Original edition. ALKEN. Memoirs of the Life of the late John Mytton, Hsq., of Halston, Shropshire. With Notices of his Hunting, Shooting, Driving, Racing, Eccentric and Extravagant Ex- ploits. By Nimrod. With zumerous cllustrations in colors by H. Alken and T. J. Rawlins. Second Edition. 8vo, full crushed red levant, gilt back and sides, red silk doublé, gilt edges. London: Kudolph Ackermann, 1837 The second and best edition, with original covers bound tn. Another copy. 8vo, original cloth, gilt edge. London, 1837 Fine copy, in the original binding.. Name on title. ALKEN. The Life of a Sportsman. By Nimrod (C. J. Apperley). With ¢hirty-stx colored illustrations by Henry Alken. 8vo, full red crushed levant, gilt back, gold lines on side, inside gold borders, gilt edges, by Riviere. London: Rudolph Ackermann, 1842 Fine copy of the original edition. J/1Q.00¢ / “S00 O00 Soc 2 7: O00 4. 16 ALKEN. (Surtees, R.S.) Jorrocks’s Jaunts and Jollities, being the Hunting, Shooting, Racing, Driving, Sailing, Fat- ing, Eccentric and Extravagant Exploits of that Renowned Sporting Citizen, Mr. John Jorricks, of St. Botolph Lane and Great Coram Street, with fifteen colored illustrations by Henry Alken. Second Edition. 8vo, original cloth, gilt, gilt edges. London: Rudolph Ackermann, 1843 17 ALKEN. The Analysis of the Hunting Field; being a Series of Sketches of the Principal Characters that Compose One, the whole Forming a Slight Souvenir of the Season 1845-6. With numerous full-page colored illustrations by FZ. Alken. 8vo, original green cloth, gilt, gilt edges. London: Published by Rudolph Ackermann, 1846 Original edition. Name erased from tile. 18 Ampuyion, THE NEw. Being the Book of The Edinburgh University Union Fancy Fair, in which are Contained Sundry Artistick, Instructive and Diverting Matters, all now made Publick for the first time. l/lustrated. 12mo, vellum, gilt, top edge gilt, uncut, ribbon ties. Edinburgh, 1886 No 70 of one hundred large paper copies. 19 ANGLING. Maxims and Hints for an Angler, and Miseries of Fishing. JJlustrated by drawings on stone, on India paper, by Seymour. To which are added Maxims and Hints for a Chess Player. 8vo, full crushed maroon levant, elaborately gilt back and sides, inside den- telle borders, top edge gilt, uncut, by Tout. London: John Murray, 1833 20 ANOTHER COPY. 12m0, full green crushed levant, gilt back and sides, inside gold borders, top edge gilt by Azvzere. London, 1833 Presentation copy from the author, Richard Penn, with auto- graph inscription, signed with initials. | 21 (AppxRLEY, C.J.) Remarks on the Condition of Hunters, the Choice of Horses, and their Management. In a Series of Familiar Letters, originally published in The Sporting Magazine, between 1822 and 1828. By Nimrod. With notes and copious index. $vo, full crushed maroon levant, gilt back, gold lines on sides, inside gold porders, top edge gilt, uncut, by Rzvzere. London: Printed by M. A. Pittman, 1831 Fine copy, with the very rare set of plates (12) by Turner, and the original wrappers bound tn. 5 hee Me 22 ARNOLD, MATTHEW. Poetry of Byron.’ Chosen and Arranged by. Vignette on India paper. 8vo, three-quarter crushed green levant, gilt, top edge gilt, uncut, by Macdon ald, Macmillan & Co., London, 1881 One of seven hundred and five large paper copies. 23 ART AND LETTERS. For 1888 and 1889. J/llustrated with / 04,00 hundreds of superb photogravures, many of which are hand- somely colored, and some printed in tints. 16 vols. Imperial 4to, full crushed dark blue levant, elaborate gilt backs and sides, red levant doublé with heuvy borders, watered silk fly-leaves, top edges gilt, uncut. Paris, London, The Hague, 1888-89 The most sumptuous art magazine ever published. “ 24 Assist, St. Francis or. ‘The Little Flowers of. Care- ~.5o fully Revised by Thomas Okey. With eight illustrations by Paul Woodroffe. 12mo, three-yuarter crushed brown levant, gilt, gilt edges. London: Kegan Paul, 1899 Keramic Art of Japan. 25 AUDSLEY, GEORGE ASHDOWN, AND Bow#s, JAMES LORD. 3 Poo Keramic Art of Japan. Jllustrated with upwards of fifty superb chromo-lithographic plates, many printed in gold, silver and colors, and numerous illustrations in the text. The whole work on linen guards. 2 vols. Imperlal folio, full crushed levant, emblematic gilt tooling, inside gold borders, gilt edges. London, 1875 The original limited subscription edition The best work on the subject 26 ALDRY, A. l.. Sir John Everett Millais. His Art ps ca) B and Influence. Elegantly illustrated. 8 vo, full polished red calf, gilt back and sidcs, blue and maroon labels, inside dentelle borders, gilt edges, by Zaehusdor/. London: Geo. Bell & Son, 1899 27 BELL, MaLcoym. Rembrandt Van Rijn and His Work. 40.00 Illustrated with numerous beautiful facsimiles of his neost noted productions. Imperial 8vo, full crushed dark blue levant, gilt back, gold lines on sides, light blue silk doublé, with dentelle borders, polished gilt edges, by Zaehusdorf. London: Geo. Bell & Son, 1899 b.ce sai ea 6 § O 3, 7 0 2. S.0¢ 28 29 30 31 32 6 BENNETT, CHARLES. ‘The Nine Lives of a Cat. A Tale of Wonder. Jllustrated with engravings tn colors. Square 8vo, polished tree calf, gilt edges, by Riviere. London, 1860 With the original cover and advertisements bound in, and “ex libris” of Wilham Crampton. Brwick. ‘The Seasons. By James Thomson. A New Edition. With engravings on wood by Bewick, from designs of Mr. Thurston. 12mo, full blue morocco, gilt, gilt edges. London, 1805 Bewick. ‘The Natural History of British Birds; A Natural History of Water Birds; A Natural History of Fishes; A Natural History of British Quadrupeds; A Natural History of Reptiles, Serpents and Insects; A Natural History of For- eign Birds; and A Natural History of Foreign Quadrupeds. Seven Chap-Books. 4 eo Ss m4 oa ~ Le. CO 14 65 CorRBETT, EDwarp. An Old Coachman’s Chatter; with some Practical Remarks on Driving. With eight full-page tllustrations on stone by John Sturgess. 8vo, half morocco, gilt, top edge gilt. London, 1890 66 — Another copy. 8vo, full polished light calf, gilt back and sides, inside gold borders, top edge gilt, uncut, by Azvere. London, 1890 Fine copy of the first edition. 67 COSTELLO, LOUISA STUART. ‘The Rose Garden of Persia. New Edition. Jllustrated with tlluminations and borders. 8vo, three-quarter red calf, green labeis, top edge gilt, uncut. London: George Bell & Sons, 1887 68 COSTUMES OF SWITZERLAND. A Series of Forty-three Colored Engravings of the Costumes of the Inhabitants of Switzerland. Mounted on cardboard. 4to, half maroon morocco, gilt, top edge gilt. (1790) Includes the very rare series of twelve plates, after the designs by Jean Holbein. 69 CostumrEs. A Collection of Swiss Costumes in Miniature, Designed by Reinhardt. Each Plate Represents a View Taken on the Spot. ‘To which is added a Description in French and English. Thirty full-page colored plates. ' Imperial 8vo, half straight-grained morocco, uncut. London, 1822 “Edition des Aquarelles” of Courtiers and Favorites of Royalty. Limited to twenty-six copies. 70 COURTIERS AND FAVOURITES OF ROYALTY. With z/us- trations in water colors. Containing :— Richelieu, 3 vols. Madame du Barré, 4 vols. Madame D’Hspinay, 3 vols. Empress Josephine, 2 vols. Talleyrand, 2 vols. ' Memoirs of Fouche, 2 vols. Henry IV. of France, 1 vol. Cardinal de Retz, 1 vol. Marmontel, 2 vols. Together, 20 vols. 8vo, dark blue crushed levant, elaborate gilt backs and sides, red calf doublé with gold borders, top edges gilt, uneut. Paris, Societé des Bibliophiles; London and New York, Merrill & Baker, N. D. The Edition des Aquarelles Limited to twenty-six lettered and registered sets, of whitch this ts copy / 6.00 7 “oO 8 ae ~3» L.00 356.00 SGD aa fp: 73 74 vis) es) CRABBE, REV. GEORGE. ‘The Poetical Works of. With his Letters and Journals, and his Life, by his Son. /W/ustrated with fine steel engravings. 8 vols. 16mo, half green calf, gilt, red labels, top edges gilt. London: Jno. Murray, 1847 The best edition, with autograph letter, signed, of the author inserted, CROKER, T. CrRorron. The Historical Songs of Ireland. Illustrative of the Revolutionary Struggle between James II and William III. Edited, with Introductions and Notes. 12mo, full polished dark green calf, gilt backs and sides, inside dentelle borders, top edge gilt, by Zaehusdor/, London: Printed for the Percy Soeiety, 1841 flas autograph of Maria Edgeworth, and was presumably trom her library. Original Drawing by Cruikshank. CRUIKSHANK. The Original Drawing of the Cartoon, ‘““The Leader of the Parisian Blood Red Republic; or, The Infernal Fiend.’”’ By George Cruikshank. Together with an Autograph Presentation Copy of an impression in colors from the plate of the same subject, with the Autograph In- scription, signed by the Artist, ‘‘To J. W. Bouton, with the best wishes of George Cruikshank. August 3, 1871.” An unique memento of the great artist, and one of his most powerful etchings, wlustrating the Paris Commune of 1871. CRUIKSHANK. George Cruikshank’s Fairy Library. Jack and the Bean Stalk, Hop O’ My Thumb, and The Seven League Boots, Puss and Boots, and Cinderella and the Glass Slipper. iets Lage 126 127 128 129 130 24 CRUIKSHANK. (Barham, R. H.) ‘The Ingoldsby Le-- gends; or, Mirth and Marvels. By Thomas Ingoldsby, Es- quire. With xumerous etchings by Cruikshank, Leech, Buss, and others. ‘The three series, complete. 3 vols. 8vo, three-quarter crushed maroon levant, gilt, top edges gilt, uncut. Bentley, London, 1840-42-47 fine copy of the first edition throughout, and the first issue of the first volume, in which page 236 is left blank. The forename of the Baron de Shurland (in the “Gray Dolphin’) which ts here given as “Ralph,” was subsequently changed to “Robert.” CRUIKSHANK. (Barham, R. H.) The Ingoldsby Legends; or, Mirth and Marvels. By Thomas Ingoldsby, Esq. With numerous etchings by Cruikshank, Leech, Buss, and others. 3 vols. 8vo, half calf, gilt, top edges gilt. Bentley, London, 1852 ° CRUIKSHANK. (Barkam, R.H.) The Ingoldsby Legends; or, Mirth and Marvels. By Thomas Ingoldsby, Esq. With wllustrations by George Cruikshank, John Leech and John Ten- nel, Square 8vo, full polished light calf, gilt, gold lines on sides, inside gold borders, gilt edge, by Zachusdor/. London: Richard Bentley, 1865 CRUIKSHANK. (Cockton, Henry.) Stanley Thorn. By the Author of ‘‘ Valentine Vox.’’ With the dlustrations by George Cruikshank, John Leech and Alfred Crowgutll, 8vo, full polished light calf, gilt back and sides, inside gold border, top edge gilt, uncut, by Zozt. London: Richard Bentley, 1841-4 first Edition. Extracted from Bentley's Miscellany, with original covers and advertisements bound in, and with jist wmpressions of the plates. CRUIKSHANK. (Cockton, Henry.) Stanley Thorn. By Henry Cockton, Esq. With /wll-page etchings by George Cruikshank and Alfred Crowquill. ef 3 vols. 8vo, full polished light calf, gilt backs, gold lines on sides, inside gold borders, top edges gilt. London : Richard Bentley, 1841 Choice copy. CRUIKSHANK. Dobdin’s Songs, Naval and National, of the late Charles Dibdin. With a Memoir and Addenda, Collected and Arranged by Thomas Dibdin. With charac- teristic sketches by George Cruikshank. 12mo, full light polished calf, gilt back and sides, top edge gilt, uncut. John Murray, London, First Edition. me ie Lb.§0 b a Yc /tt-cc a f ~s ae 2 C9 132 133 134 135 25 CRUIKSHANK. George Cruikshank’s Omnibus. ///ustrated with one hundred engravings on steel and wood. Edited by Laman Blanchard. 8vo, full polished light calf, gilt back and sides, inside gold borders, pol- ished gilt edge, by Root & Son. London: Tilt and Bogue, 1842 Fine copy of the first edition. CRUIKSHANK. Ainsworth, Wm. H. The Miser’s Daugh- ter. A Tale. With 7l/ustrations by George Cruikshank. 3vols. 8vo, full crushed dark maroon levant, gilt backs, gold lines on sides, inside gold borders, top edges gilt, uncut. London: Cunningham & Mortimer, 1842 fine copy of the first edition, with a duplicate set of plates. Proofs before letters. CRUIKSHANK. Jerrold, Douglas. Cakesand Ale. J//lus- trated by George Cruikshank. 2vols. 12mo, full light calf, gilt, top edges gilt, by Jour. London: How & Parsons, 1842 First Edition with original cloth covers bound in as double, to each volume. CRUIKSHANK. Ainsworth, W. Harrison. Windsor Castle. An Historical Romance. New Edition. J/lustrated by George Crutkshank and Tony Johannot, with designs on wood by W. Alfred Delamotte. 8vo, full polished light calf, gilt back, gold lines on sides, inside gold bor- ders, polished gilt edge, by Jouz. London: Henry Colburn, 1843 Furst Edition, in separate form CRUIKSHANK. Martin’s Vagaries. Being a Sequel to ‘“A Tale of a Tub,’’ recently Discovered at the University of Oxford. Edited, with Notes, by Scriblerus Oxoniensis, and zlustrated by George Cruikshank. 12mo0, three-quarter crushed green levant, gilt, gilt edge. London: A. H, Baily & Co., 1843 Very rare The author was R. H. Barham. Has original covers bound tn. CRUIKSHANK. Maginn, William. John Manesty, the Liverpool Merchant. With zllustrations by George Cruik- shank. Zvols. Full polished maroon calf, gilt backs and sides, inside gold borders. top edges gilt, by Zou. London: Jno. Mortimer, 1844 First Edition. C.5D /2 i$ © NERS 138 139 140 I4I 142 143 26 CRUIKSHANK. Maxwell, W. H. History of the Irish Rebellion in 1798,-with Memoirs of the Union, and Emmett’s Insurrection in 1803. Jllustrated with etchings by George Crutkshank. Svo, full light calf, gilt back and sides, inside gold borders, polished gilt edge, by JZowt,. London: Baily Brothers, 1845 First Edition. CRUIKSHANK. (Lever, Charles.) Arthur O’Leary ; His Wanderings and Ponderings in Many Lands. Edited by his Friend, Harry Lorrequer, and Jilustrated by George Crutk- shank. 8vo, three-quarter crushed red levant, gilt, top edge gilt. London: Henry Colburn, 1845 The first octavo edition. CRUIKSHANK. George Cruikshank’s Table-Book. Edited by Gilbert Abbott a’Beckett. Jl/ustrated with full-page etch- ings and many wood engravings by George Cruikshank. Square 8vo, full crushed levant, gilt back and sides, inside gold borders, top edge gilt, by Morrel?. London: Published at the Punch Office, 1845 Fine copy of the rare first edition CRUIKSHANK. The Pantamerone; or, The Story of Stories. Fun for the Little Ones, by Giambattista Basile. Translated from the Neapolitan by John Edward Taylor. With zllustrations by George Crutkshank. Square 12mo, full polished light calf, gilt back, gold lines on sides, inside gold borders, with original covers as doublé, top edge gilt, uncut, by Riviere. London: David Bogue, 1848 Fine copy of the rare first edition. CRUIKSHANK. Reach, Angus B. Clement Lorimer; or, The Book with the Iron Clasps. A Romance. Jllustrated by George Crutkshank. | 8vo, full dark blue crushed levant, gilt back and sides, inside gold borders, top edge gilt, uncut, by Rzviere. David Bogue, London, 1849 Furst Edition. Very rare. With the original cloth covers bound in at end. Fine copy. CRUIKSHANK. Clarke, Mary Cowden. Kit Bams’ Ad- ventures ; or, The Yarns of an Old Mariner. J/iustrated by George Crutkshank. 12mo, full mottled polished calf, gilt back and sides, inside gold borders, top edges gilt, others uncut, by Xzviere. London: Grant & Griffith, 1849 fine copy of the very rare first edition. So © | foo. 4. b.0% egg 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 27 CRUIKSHANK. ‘Three Courses and a Dessert. Compris- ing Three Sets of Tales, West Country, Irish and Legal, and a Melange. With jifty dlustrations by George Crutk- shank. Fourth Edition. 12mo, full crushed red levant, gilt back and sides, gilt edge. London, 1850 CRUIKSHANK. The Loving Ballad of Lord Bateman. Illustrated by George Cruikshank. Colored. Square 16mo, full crushed green morocco, gilt back, gold lining on sides, inside yold borders, top edge gilt. Philadelphia: T. K. Collins, Jr., 1850 Original paper covers bound in. CRUIKSHANK. 1851; or, The Adventures of Mr. and Mrs. Sandboys and Family, who came up to London to ‘‘ Enjoy Themselves’’ and to See the Great Exhibition. By Henry Mayhew and George Cruikshank. Many folding plates by George Cruikshank. 8vo, full polished light calf, gilt back, gold lines on sides, inside gold borders, top edge gilt, uncut, by Rzviere. London : David Bogue, N. D. Fine copy of the first edition, with the original cloth back and sides bound in. CRUIKSHANK. Stowe, Harriet Beecher. Uncle Tom’s Cabin. With twenty-seven tllustrations on wood by George Crutkshank. : 8vo, half crushed green levant, gilt, top edge gilt, by 7owz. London, 1852 First English Edition. CRUIKSHANK’S MAGaAzINE. Jllustrated with one etching, three designs transferred on stone, eight woodcuts, and one plate in glyphognophy. The two parts, which were all that was published. 8vo, half morocco. (London, 1853) One of the rarest of Cruikshank volumes, there being no copy in the Mackenzie, Hutt, Stewart or Burnett collections. CRUIKSHANK. The Life of Sir John Falstaff. //ustrated by George Cruikshank, with full-page etchings. And with a Biography of the Knight from Authentic Sources by Robert B. Brough. 8vo, three-quarter red crushed levant, gilt, top edge gilt, uncut, by Zout. London: Longman, Brown & Co., 1858 First Edition. ANOTHER COPY. 8vo, full polished calf, gilt back, gold lines on sides, inside gold borders, polished gilt edge. London, 1858 First Edition. Aes 9.$ 0 if ¢ -O00 if Oo ae. I51 153 154 155 156 28 CRUIKSHANK. Stop Thief; or, Hints to Housekeepers to Prevent Housebreaking. By George Cruikshank. With tllustrations by the author. 8vo, sewn, uncut. London (1860) lirst Edition. Presentation copy from George Cruikshank, with jus signature on title. CRUIKSHANK. Bates, William. George Cruikshank, the Artist, the Humorist and the Man. With some Account of His Brother Robert. A Critico-Bibliographical Essay. Lllustrated chiefly from original drawings by George Cruik- shank (India proofs) in the possession of the author. 4to, three-quarter brown morocco, gilt, top edge gilt. Birmingham, 1878 Large-paper copy. One of a very few issued with the plates on India paper CRUIKSHANK. Old ‘‘ Miscellany Days.’ A Selection of Stories from ‘‘ Bentley’s Miscellany.’’? By Various Authors. Lllustrated by George Cruikshank, 1837-1843; with thirty- three tllustrations printed from the original etchings on steel. Royal 8vo, three-quarter crushed levant, gilt, top edge gilt. London, 1885 CRUIKSHANK. The Humorist. A Collection of Enter- taining Tales, Anecdotes, Epigrams, Etc. With Sorty tllus- trations by George Cruikshank, colored by hand. 4vols. Square 8vo, full crushed tan colored levant, blind tooled, inside gold borders, top edges gilt, uncut, by Bretaude, London: John C. Nimmo, 1892 No. 72 of two hundred and sixty copies, printed from ty pe. CRUIKSHANK. Whom to Marry, and How to Get Married; or, The Adventures of a Lady in Search of a Good Husband. Edited by the Brothers Mayhew. — Lllas- trated by George Cruikshank. 12mo, full polished sprinkled calf, gilt back, gold lines On sides, inside gold borders, top edge gilt, by Larkins. b London: David Bogue, N. D. first Edition. CRUIKSHANK. The Horse Shoe. The True Legend of St. Dunstan and the Devil, Showing how the Horse-shoe came to be a Charm Against Witchcraft. By Edward G. Flight. With z/ustrations by George Cruikshank. 8vo, half yellow morocco, top edge gilt. London, N. D. Both the jirst and second editions bound in one volume. 2.00 SS | i oa a oo 29 157 CRUIKSHANK. Gore, Mrs. New Year’s Day.+ A Win- ter’s Tale. With dlustrations by George Cruikshank. 12mo, full light polished calf, gilt back and sides, top edge gilt, by Azviere. Fisher, Son & Co., London, N. D first Edition. Original cloth covers bound in at back. 158 CRUIKSHANK. The Life of Napoleon Bonaparte. By W. H. Ireland, Esq. //lustrated with numerous full-page folding plates, in colored aquatint, by George Cruikshank. 4 vols. 8vo, full light calf, gilt backs and sides, inside gold borders, edges gilt in the rough, by Larkins. London: Printed for Jno. Cumberland, N. D Fine copy. Very scarce. 159 CRUIKSHANK. J/lustrations of Popular Works by George Cruikshank. Part I. contains six etchings on steel, India proofs, for illustrating ‘‘ The Vicar of Wakefield,” ‘‘Knick- erbocker’s New York,”’ etc. Folio, original printed wrapper. London, N. D Large paper. 160 CRUIKSHANK. Pardoe, Miss. Lady Arabella; or, The Adventures of a Doll. /lustrated by George Cruikshank, in colors. Square 12mo, full polished light calf, gilt, top edge gilt. Z London : Kerby & Son, N. D 161 CRUIKSHANK. Scraps and Sketches. By George Cruik- shank. Colored by hand. Oblong 4to, half calf, illustrated paper sides. London. Reprinted from the edition of 1828. 162 CRUIKSHANK. My Sketch Book. A Series of Thirty- seven Pages of Comic Etchings. By George Cruikshank. Ln colors. Oblong 4to, picture boards. ; London. Reprint of the 1834 Edition. 163 CRUIKSHANK. The Cruikshankian Momus. “Let Momus rule the day.” Pictorial Broadsides and Humorous Song-Headings. Lifty-two comic designs to popular ballads by the three Crutkshanks, the elder Isaac, Robert, and the great George. Colored by hand (after the originals). Royal 8vo, cloth, top edge gilt, uncut. London, 1892 No, 256 of five hundred and twenty copies printed. Migr ~ f.¢ a 3 ™ ©0,00¢ 164 165 166 30 CRUIKSHANK, GEORGE. ‘The Life of. In Two Epochs. By Blanchard Jerrold. With xumerous wlustratons. 2vols. 8vo, full blue crushed levant, gilt backs and sides, inside gold bor- ders, top edges gilt. London, 1882 Extra illustrated by the insertion of one hundred and ten etchings by Cruikshank, including fifty in colors from Punch and Judy, and the works of Ainsworth, Dickens, etc ; also the first portrait of Kean as Richard £11. CRUIKSHANK. An Essay on the Genius of George Cruik- shank. By W.M. Thackeray. Jdlustrated. 8vo, full crushed dark green levant, gilt back and sides, inside gold borders, top edge gilt, by Wood. London, 1883 Extra ulustrated by the insertion of ninety-seven plates, forty eight of which are colored, including “ Pictures of London,” “ Lady and fishwoman, “ Kean, as Richard ITT.,” reduced by Palethorpe,* The Chair before the Throne,” “ The Real Romeo, or, Coates & Mathews.’ ‘‘ Death of the Marquis of Londonderry,’ Illustrations from the “ Fawry Library,’ © The Yule Log,’ “ Sketches by Boz,” ete. CRUIKSHANK. ‘Thackeray, W. M. An Kssay on the Genius of George Cruikshank. J/lustrated with several hun- dred etchings, mostly colored, and wood engravings selected from his works, from 181o to 1873. Extended to4vols. Folio, full crushed red levant, gilt backs, gold lines on sides, inside dentelle borders, orange silk doublé, top edge gilt, by Zachss- dors. Extended to four volumes by the insertion of 23 original pen and pencil sketches, 133 colored etchings, 226 plain etch- ngs by Cruikshank, 5 rare portraits of Cruikshank, & title pages, besides many wood engravings. Among the colored etchings will be found Mr. Grimaldi, as Clown in the Dulse Domum, Mr Kean as Richard, The Rural Romeos ; or, Coates and Mathews, Mr. Kean, as Count Bertram, Mr. Simon Paap, Death of the Marquis of Londonderry, and Bar- ney Buntline and Billy Bowling ; and wlustrations to Demon- ology and Witchcraft, plain and colored; Sketches by Boz, plain and colored ; Oliver Twist, plain and colored ; ilus- trations to Jack Sheppard, The Loving Ballad of Lord Bate- man. (colored) ; Tower of London, Miser’s Daughter. Wind- sor Castle. Life of Elliston, Vule Log, plain and colored ; Cin- derella, Workmen's Dwellings (two unpbulished etchings), Falstaff (two proofs from Cruikshank's studio), Shaving a Ghost (unfinished proof ), Subscription Ticket for Worship Il 3.ce b bce o. 168 170 31 of Bacchus, The Infernal Fiend (the last caricature) and twenty-three original sketches in pen and pencil by Crutk- shank, etc. The whole forming an exceedingly interesting memento of the great artist. CRUIKSHANK Points of Misery ; or, Fables for Mankind. Prose and Verse. Chiefly Original. By Charles Westmacott. Illustrated with twenty designs by Robert Cruikshank. 8vo, full polished light calf, gilt back, gold lines on sideg, inside gold borders, gilt edge, by Rvzere. London: Published by Sherwood, Jones & Co., 1823 Fine copy, Furst Edition. CRUIKSHANK. The English Spy. An Original Work. Characteristic, Satirical and Humorous, Comprising Scenes and Sketches in every Rank of Society; being Portraits of the Illustrious, Eminent, Eccentric and Notorious, Drawn from the Life by Bernard Blackmantle. The zlustrations de- signed by Robert Crutkshank, embracing many full-page colored aguatints. 2vols. 8vo, full erushed green levant, gilt backs, gold lines on sides, inside gold borders, gilt edges, by Kzvzere. London: Printed by Sherwood, Jones & Co., 1825 Fine copy of the very rare first edition. CRUIKSHANK. Pierce Egan’s Finish to the Adventures of Tom, Jerry and Logic, in their Pursuits Through: Life in gnd out of London. J/lustrated by the pencil of Mr. Robert aaa in thirty-six scenes ( full-page and colored) from val life, and enriched with several designs on wood by the same artist. 8vo, full straight-grained red morocco, elaborate gilt baek and sides, green silk doublé, with gold borders, top edge gilt, uncut, by Zaehnsdorf. . London, 1830 Fine copy of the rare first edition, with a vare folio mezzo- tinto portrait of Pierce Egan inserted. CRUIKSHANK. ‘The March of Intellect. By W. T. Mon- crieff, Esq. Jllustrated with eight spirited engravings on wood after designs by Robert Crutkshank. 12mo, full light polished calf, gilt back and sides, inside gold borders, top edge gilt. London: William Kidd, 1830 First edition, with original paper covers, bound in. J hoo bids r & Oo [ "a on we 171 172 173 174 175 32 CRUIKSHANK. ‘The Beggar’s Opera. In three acts. By John Gay. Jllustrated by Robert Cruikshank. Wondon, 18.277. The Mayor of Garratt. A Comedy in two acts. By Samuel Foote. J//lustrated by Robert Cruikshank. l,on- don, 1837. (Original covers bound in.) Inlvol. 12mo, full polished red calf, gilt back and sides, inside gold bore ders, top edge gilt, by Zozz. CRUIKSHANK. Oddities of London Life. By Paul Pry. With xumerous full-page etchings by Robert Crutkshank, Pierce Egan, Jr. 7. C. Wilson, Hl. Heath, ete. 2vols. 8v0, original cloth, uncut. London: Richard Bentley, 1838 CRUIKSHANK. Bacchusand the Tee-Totallers. By Rum- fusticus Bibulus, Esq., President of the Anti-Temperance Society. Jllustrated with full colored etchings by Robert Crutkshank. 4to, full polished tree calf, gilt, inside gold borders, gilt edge, by Bedford. London: Sherwood, Gilbert & Piper, 1841 Fine copy of the rare first edition, with the “ ex-libris” of L. Leveson Douglas Stewart, Glenogil, with original front wlustrated cover bound in. CRUIKSHANK. Chronicles of the Bastile. First Series. The Bertaudiére. An Historical Romance. With xumer- ous full-page etchings by Robert Crutkshank. 8vo, full polished maroon calf, gilt back and sides, inside gold borders, gilt edge, by Root & Son. London: T.C. Newby, 1845 Furst Edition, CRUIKSHANK. The Wit’s Album; or, Pine-Apple of Literature. Being an Extensive Repository of Wit, Humour and Eccentricity; combining the Cream of all the Well-sea- soned Jests, Curious Relations, Droll Doings, Strange Stories, Sprightly Sayings, Witticisms, Epigrams and Bon Mots, which have been Recorded in the last Century, and Cannot be Exceeded in the Age to Come. Embellished with copperplate etchings by kK. Crutkshank; aqua-tinted by Jos. Gleadah. | 8vo, full red crossed-grained morocco, gilt, back and sides, inside gold borders, edges gilt in the rough, by Zaehusdorf, London: Printed and published by Jno, Duncombe. Exceedingly vare, fine copy. / Feo fO.coe oP oo x; “Ss 176 177 I 78 179 180 181 33 CRUIKSHANK. Mr. Mathews ‘At Home.’ A Lecture on Character, Manners and Peculiarities, called Home Circuit, or Cockney Gleanings, Performed with the most Distin- guished Success at the Theatre Royal, English Opera- House, including all the Laughable Tales, Anecdotes, and Original Comic Songs, etc. With colored plate by Robert Crutkshank. 8vo, full polished mottled calf, gilt back, gold lines on sides, inside gold borders, top edge gilt, uncut, by Riviere. London, N. D Fine copy. Very scarce. CRUIKSHANK. Lessons of Thrift. Published for General Benefit by a Member of the Save-all Club; and illustrated with twelve full-page humorous colored etchings by J. R. Crutkshank. Svo, full crushed red levant, gilt back and sides, inside gold border, top edge gilt, uncut, by Jozt. London: Printed for Thos. Boys, 1820 Magnificent tall copy of the very rare first edition. ANOTHER COPY. 8vo, full light caif, gilt buck and sides, inside gold borders, polished gilt edge, by ZJout. London, 1820 CRUIKSHANK. The Commercial Tourist; or, Gentleman Traveller. A Satirical Poem, in Four Cantos. Embellished with full-page colored engravings by J. R. Cruikshank. ‘The Second Edition, greatly enlarged. 8vo, full light calf, gilt back and sides, inside gold border, gilt edge, by Robson & Kerslake, London, 1822 fine copy of the first issue with the Cruikshank plates. CRUIKSHANK. Selections from Mr. Mathews’ Celebrated Memorandum Book. Comprising a Full Account of his Admirable Lecture on Peculiarities, Customs and Manners; with the most Laughable of the Stories and Adventures, and Seven Original Comic Songs. . . . Embellished with charac- teristic engravings (colored) by J. R. Crutkshank. 8vo, full olive colored crushed levant, inside gold borders, uncut, by Riviere, London, 1825 CRUIKSHANK. Munchausen at Walcheren; or, A Con- tinuation of the Renowned Baron’s Surprising Travels, Adventures, Expeditions and Exploits at Walcheren, The Dardanelles, Talavera, Ceritra, Etc. His Various Combats with Hastern Armies; and the Particulars of a Wonderful Turtle-Feast with Sir W....C.... on Board his Yacht when Preparing to Attack Flushing. J/iustrated with full-page colored plates by Cruickshank. 12mo0, boards, uncut. London: Printed for J. Johnston, 1811 (3) 182 183 ‘ae ye S_ O 4 184 NF rr ae &) 185 6 9 flO.v.oo 34 CRUIKSHANK. Sketches of Mr. Mathews’s Celebrated Trip to America. Comprising a full Account of His Ad- mirable Lecture on Peculiarities, Characters and Manners; with the most Laughable of the Stories and Adventures, and Hight Original Comic Songs. .. . Embellished with four elegant engravings (colored) by Cruickshank. 8vo, half red calf, gilt, top edge gilt, uncut, by Larkins. Original covers bound in. Scarce. AGLEY, R. Death’s Doings. Jn twenty-four plates destgned and etched by R. Dagtey (colored by hand). With Illustrations in Prose and Verse. The friendly contributions of Various Authors. 8vo, original half calf, white label, uncut. London, 1826 An unusually fine copy of the scaree first edition, with the plates colored by hand. DAUDET, ALPHONSE. ‘The Complete Works of; with a Memoir. ‘Translated by George Burnham Ives, and others. Illustrated with full-page photogravures, many of which are colored. ‘ 24vols. 8vo, buckram, top edges gilt, uncut. Boston: Little, Brown & Co., 1898-1900 The Champrosay Edition, limited to one hundred copies, of which this 1s No. 5. Edition Magnifique of Days of the Dandies. Limited to twenty-six copies. Days OF THE DANDIES. The whole work printed on Japan paper, with the numerous tllustrations in three states—colored, plain and proofs. Containing :— | Colly Cibber, 2 vols. Captain Gronow, 2 vols. Mrs. Jordan, by Boa- Laurence Sterne, by Fitz- den, 2 vols. gerald, 2 vols. Peg Woffington, by Beau Nash, by Goldsmith, Molloy, 2 vols. 1 vol. Mary Wortley Montagu, Fanny Burney, 1 vol. 1 vol. ‘Horace Walpole, 1 vol. Chas. Fox, by Walpole, 1 vol. Together, 15 vols. 8vo, full red crushed levant, elaborate gilt floral designs on backs and sides, with roses inlaid in blue and white levant, white morocco doublé with crest in centre, gilt borders, top edges gilt, uncut, by The Grolier Bindery. The Grolier Society, London, N, D Edition Magnifique. Limited to twenty-six copies for Eng- land and America, of which this 1s Letter A. EG3c©o Sib. o oc f20.0¢ 186 187 188 ao DiBDIN, Rev. T. F. The Bibliographical Decameron; or, Ten Days’ Pleasant Discourse upon Illuminated Manu- scripts and Subjects Connected with Early Engraving, Ty- pography, and Bibliography. Superbly illustrated with choice engravings on copper and woodcuts, many of which are on India paper. 3 vols. Imperial 8vo, three-quarter crushed dark green levant, gilt, top edges gilt, uncut, by Riviere. Shakespeare Press, London, 1817 An unusually fine large-paper copy, of which Lowndes says, ‘« From the inforntation which tt contains, and the splendor of the decoraitons and printing, it will ever be considered as a model of excellence and good taste in typography and the arts. Loth the copper plates and the woodcuts which embellish the work have been destroyed.” DIBDIN, REV. THomAs FROGNALL. A Bibliographical, Antiquarian and Picturesque Tour in France and Germany. Superbly illustrated with humorous full-page engravings, many choice engravings on India paper inserted in the text, numerous woodcuts, colored plates, etc. 3 vols. Imperial 8vo, three-quarter crushed dark green levant, gilt, top edges gilt, uncut, by Aviere. Shakespeare Press, London, 1821 Choice large-paper copy of one of the handsomest books issued from the English press, containing much curious in- formation respecting the manuscripts aud rare works in public and private libraries abroad. DIBDIN, REV. THomMAS FroGNALL. A Bibliographical, Antiquarian and Picturesque Tour in the Northern Countries of HKngland and Scotland. Elegantly illustrated with choice engravings on copper and woodcuts. 2vols. Imperial 8vo, three-quarter crushed dark green leyant, gilt, top edges gilt, uncut, by Azviere. London, 1888 Choice large-paper copy. DIBDIN, REV. THOMAS FROGNALL. Bibliotheca Spen- ceriana; or, A Descriptive Catalogue of the Books of the Fifteenth Century, and of many Valuable First Editions, in the Library of George John Earl Spencer, K.G. Jélustrated with many woodcuts in facsimile of the originals tn rare books, together with the Supplement. [lustrated with portrait of Earl Spencer and woodcuts. Anda Descriptive Catalogue of the Books Printed in the Fifteenth Century, Lately forming Part of the Library of The Duke di Cassano Serra, and now the Property of George John Earl Spencer, K.G. Witha General Index of Authors and Editions, Contained in the PN aa Ro 190 Ig! 192 193 36 Present Volume, and in the Bibliotheca Spenceriana and Ades Althorpiane. 6 vols. Imperial 8vo, three-quarter crushed dark green levant, gilt, top edges gilt, uncut, by Aivzere. Shakespeare Press, London, 1814-1823 Choice large-paper copy. It ts compiled with the greatest care and industry, and those who have had occasion to consult its pages can testify to its accuracy and great utility. Thos collection was the finest private one in Europe. DiIBDIN, Rev. THOMAS FROGNALL. ria wv O 44 221 ALLIENNE, RICHARD LE. The Religion of a Literary Man. (Religio Scriptoris.) Svo, full polished blue calf, gilt back, gold lines on sides, inside dentelle borders, top edge gilt, uncut, by Zachusdor/. London: Elkin Mathews, 1893 222 GARDINER, SAMUEL RAwSON. Oliver Cromwell. £ie- ganily wlustrated with fine colored portrait of Cromwell and numerous other portraits and facstmile. 4to, three-quarter crushed green levant, gilt, gilt edges, by Oldach. London, Paris and New York, 1899 No 434 of fourteen hundred and seventy-five copies printed on fine paper. 223 Gay, JoHN. Fables of; witha Life of the Author, and embellished with seventy plates by Blake, Grainger and Wilson. 2vols. Royal 8vo, three-quarter straight-grained morocco gilt, gilt edges, by Worsfold. London: Printed for Jno. Stockdale, 1793 Stockdale's beautiful edition. 224 GOLDSMITH, OLIVER. The Vicar of Wakefield; with Prefatory Memoir by George Saintsbury, and one hundred and fourteen colored tllustrations. Royal 8vo, full polished red calf, gilt back and sides, blue inpete, red silk doublé, with gold borders, top edge gilt, by Root & Son. London: Jno. C. Nimmo, 1886 225 GOLDSMITH, OLIVER. The Poetical Works of. J/lustrated by wood engravings from the designs of Cope, Creswick and other members of the Etching Club. With a Biographical Memoir and Notes on the Poems. Edited by Bolton Corney. 8vo, full crushed green levant, gilt back and sides, inlaid with red levant, inside dentelle borders, edges gilt on the round, by Bedford. Longman, London, 1846 A superb copy of the best edition, and one of a few copies specially printed on heavy laid paper. 226 GREEN, MARY ANNE EVERETT. Lives of the Princesses | of England, from the Norman Conquest. J/ustrated with portraits and vignettes on engraved ttlles. 6 vols, 8vo, half red levant, gilt, top edges gilt, by Root & Son. London ; Henry Colburn, 1850-65 —s- ro > l.w@o 275 4 O.20 7 er ea T- bay 228 229 230 231 232 233 234 45 GREEN, J. R. A Short History of the English People. Edited by Mrs. J. R. Green and Miss Kate Norgate. Pro- Jusely tlustrated. 4vols. Royal 8vo, three-quarter crushed red levant, gilt, top edges gilt. New York: Harper & Brother, 1898 GUSHINGTON, Hon. Impursia. Lispings from Low Latitudes; or, Extracts from the Journal of. ///ustrated. Oblong 4to, half green morocco. London : Jno. Murray, 1863 ALL, MRS. S. C. Sketches of Irish Character. Both Series. 2vols. 8vo, half dark olive crushed levant, gilt, top edges gut, by Zaehus- dorf. London: Frd’k Westley, 1831 HauL, Mrs. S. C. Pligrimages to English Shrines. With Notes and zlustrations by F. W. Fairholt. Both Series. 2vols. 8vo, full crushed tan colored levant, blind tooled, inside gold bor- ders, top edges gilt, by Pyster. London: Arthur Hall, 1850-3 Hort, Lizut.-Coy. The Embroidered Banner, and other Marvels. With eight colored steel etchings by Alfred Ashley. 8vo, half red morocco, gilt, top edge gilt. London: John and Daniel A. Darling, 1850 Hort, Likut.-Cor,. Penelope Wedgebone, the Sup- posed Heiress. Hymbellished with eight colored etchings on steel by Alfred Ashley. 8vo, full polished light calf, gilt back, gold lines on sides, inside gold bor- ders, top edge gilt, uncut, by Riviere. London, N. D With original covers and back bound in, and “ ex libris” of William Crampion. Hazuitr, WILLIAM. Liber Amoris; or, The New Pygma- lion. With an Introduction by Richard Le Gallienne. 12mo, full yellow calf, gilt, top edge gilt, uncut, by Zachusdor/. London: Elkin Mathews, 1893 HEATH. The Beauties of Washington Irving, Esq. J//us- trated with stx colored etchings by William Heath. 16mo, full polished light calf, gilt back and sides, inside dentelle borders, gilt edges, by Riviere. London: Printed for John Bumpus, 1825 Very scarce. 235 236 46 Horianp, T.C. The British Angler’s Manual; or, The Art of Angling in England, Scotland, Wales and Ireland. With some Account of the Principal Rivers, Lakes and Trout Streams in the United Kingdom, with Instructions in Fly-Fishing, Trolling and Angling at the Bottom, and more Particularly for the Trout. mbellished with numerous engravings on steel and wood from original pictures and draw- ings by the author. 8vo, full crushed green levant, gilt back, gold lines on sides, inside gold borders, top edge gilt, uncut, by Azstere. London: Published by Whitehead & Co., 1839 Fine copy of the first edition, with plates on Indta paper. Hoce, James. Tales and Sketches by the Httrick Shepherd. Including the Brownie of Bodsbeck, Winter Evening Tales, Shepherd’s Calendar, Etc., and Several Pieces not before Printed. With clustrative engravings chiefly from real scenes by D, O. Hill. 6 vols. And The Poetical Works of the Ettrick Shepherd. Including The Queen’s Wake, Pilgrims of the Sun, Mador of the Moor, Mountain Bard, Etc. With a Life of the Author by Pro- fessor Wilson, azd cllustrative engravings from original drawings by D. O. Hiill. 5 vols. Together, 11 vols. 16mo, full polished red calf, gilt backs, maroon and green labels, gold lines on sides, inside dentelle borders, top edges gilt, by Zou#. Blackie & Son, Glasgow, 1837-8 Fine set of the first collected and best edition. HOLBEIN. Icones Veteris Testamenti. Jilustvations of the Old Testament. Engraved on wood from designs by Hans Flolbein. Crown 8vo, full crushed dark blue levant, gilt back, broad gold borders on sides, inside dentelle borders, edges gilt in the round. London: Wm. Pickering, 1830 Edited by the Rev. Thos. Frognall Dibdin, with ninety fine woodcuts printed on one side of the paper only. Very rare. Horsk-Racine. Anecdotes on the Origin and Antiquity of, from the LHarliest Times. Mezzotinto frontispiece by Giller. 12mo, full calf gilt, gilt edges. London, 1825 /4-7.e0 Yo IY 3.50 239 240 241 Se * * 47 Edition de Bibliophile of Hugo’s Works. Huco, Victor. The Complete Works of. ‘Translated into English, and illustrated with numerous etchings in two states. Containing :— Hans of Iceland, 2 vols. Dramas, Io vols. The Toilers of the Sea, Notre-Dame de Paris, 4 vols. 4 vols. Les Miserables, 1o vols. The Laughing Man, 4 #Ninety Three, 2 vols. vols. Last Day of a Condemned, Bug-Jargal, 1 vol. and Claude Gueux, 1 vol. Selected Poems, 3 vols. And seventy choice double-page etchings illustrating Hugo's works, tn two states, Japanese vellum and Holland paper. Printed in 4to, enclosed in morocco portfolio. 41 vols. text. 8vo, cloth and uncut, and 4to, portfolio of plates, making in all 42 vols. Philadelphia: Geo. Barrie & Son. Edition de Bibliophile. Limited to two hundred and jifty copies on Japanese vellum. Containing five hundred and ninteen etchings; two printings, one on Japanese vellum in black, one on Japanese vellum tn bistre ,; of the seventy double- page etchings; one on Japanese vellum in black, and an album containing all the double-page etchings in two print- ngs, one on China paper, mounted ox Japanese vellum in black, and the others on Holland paper in bistre. This copy ts No. 86. Lrinted for H. T. Goodwin. Hueco, Victor. John Brown. Frontispiece. 8vo, three-quarter crushed blue levant, gilt, top edge gilt, uncut, by Black- weld. Alwil Shop, Ridgewood, N. J., 1902 No. 14. of fifteen copies printed on Japan vellum paper. ACKSON, CATHERINE CHARLOTTE, LADY. The Collected Historical Works of. Viz.: Old Paris. Its Courts and Literary Salons. /Portrazts. London: Richard Bentley & Son, 1878. The Old Régimé, Court, Salons and Theatres. Portrazts. 2vols. London: Richard Bentley & Son, 1880. The French Court and Society, Reign of Louis XVI. and First Empire. Portraits. 2 vols. London: Richard Bent- ley & Son, 1881. /b.c0 4 O.O oO J27.50 48 * The Court of the Tuileries, from the Restoration to the Flight of Louis Philippe. Portratts. 2 vols. London: Richard Bentley & Son, 1883. * ‘The Court of France in the Sixteenth Century. 1514- 1559. Portraits. 2 vols. London: Richard Bentley & Son, 1886. * The Last of the Valois and Accession of Henry of Navarre. 1559-1589. Portratts. 2 vols. London: Richard Bentley & Son, 1888. * ‘The First of the Bourbons. 1589-1595. Portraits. 2 vols. London: Richard Bentley & Son, 1890. Together, 14 vols. Full polished blue calf, gilt, maroon labels, gold lines on sides, inside dentelle borders, top edges gilt, by Root & Son. London, 1878-1890 Fine set of the best edition. 242 JACOBS, JOSEPH. More Celtic Fairy Tales. Selected and Edited by. Jllustrated by John D. Batten. Royal 8vo, full crushed light olive levant, elaborate gilt in Persian design on back and sides, inside gold borders, Morris paper fly-leaves, top edge gilt, by Zhe Hampstead Bindery. ; London: David Nutt, 1894 No. 54 of one hundred and seventy-five copies printed on Japan vellum paper. 243 JESSH, EDWARD. Scenes and Tales of Country Life, with Recollections of Natural History. With woodcuts. A New Edition. Post 8vo, tull dark green crushed levant, elaborate gilt back and sides, in- side gold borders, polished gilt edge, by Zaekusdor/. London: Jno. Murray, 1844 Edition des Amateurs of Jesse’s Works. 244 JESSE, JOHN HENEAGE. The Complete Works of. &/- eganily illustrated with numerous portraits and other plates, in two states. Containing ;— * Memoirs of the Court of England during the Reign of the Stuarts, including the Protectorate, and from the Revo- lution, in 1688, to the Death of George the Second. 10 vols. * Memoirs of the Pretenders and their Adherents. 3 vols. * London and Its Celebrities. 3 vols. * George Selwyn and His Contemporaries; with Memoirs and Notes. 4 vols. ** *k *. *K 246 J 2.c0¢ 49 Memoirs of the Life and Reign of King George the Third. 5 vols. Memoirs of Celebrated Etonians. 2 vols. Memoirs of King Richard the Third and some of his Contemporaries. 1 vol. Literary and Historical Memorials of London. 2 vols. 30 vols. 8vo, full olive colored crushed levant, blind tooled, inside dentelle borders, top edges gilt, uncut. Printed for Francis A. Niccolls & Co., Boston, N. D Edition des Amateurs. Limited to one hundred copies, of which this 1s No. 15. Jowrrr, B. The Dialogues of Plato. Translated into English, with Analyses and Introductions. Second Edition. Revised and Corrected throughout, with additions, and an Index of Subjects and Proper Names. 5 vols. 8vo, three-quarter crushed green levant, gilt, top edges gilt, by Zaehnsdorf. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1875 EATS, JOHN. The Poetical Works of. With a Me- K moir. By Richard Monckton Milnes. //ustrated with one hundred and twenty designs, original and from the antique, drawn on wood by George Scharf, Jr. 8vo, full crushed green levant, gilt back, gold lines on sides, inside dentelle borders, top edge gilt, by Azuzere. London: Edward Moxon, 1854 Keats, JouHn. The Poetical Works of. Chronologically Arranged and Edited, with a Memoir, by Lord Houghton. Portratt. 12mo, full polished dark blue calf, gilt back, gold lines on sides, inside den- telle borders, top edge gilt, by Root & Son. London: George Bell & Son, 1897 (4) 50 Author’s Autograph Edition of Kingsley’s Works. Limited to Ten Copies. 248 KINGSLEY, CHARLES. The Novels, Poems, and Life of. 7 G ¢ fens Elegantly tlustrated with full-page proof plates in two states, colored and plain. Viz.: Hypatia. 2 vols. Alton Locke. 2 vols. Two Years Ago. 2 vols. Westward Ho! 2 vols. Hereward the Wake. 2vols. Yeast. 1 vol. Poems. I vol. Letters and Memoirs. 2 vols. 14 vols. 8vo, full crushed dark blue levant, elaborate gilt backs and sides in floral design, inlaid with flowers and leaves in red and green levant, inside gold borders, red morocco doublé on back cover, original drawings illustrat- ing the works burntin on yellow calf on inside front cover, red watered silk fly-leaves, top edges gilt, by Bécourt. New York: J. F. Taylor & Co., 1899 The author's autograph edition, limited to ten copies, of which this 1s the publisher's proof copy with autograph letter, signed, of the author inserted in the Letters and Memoirs. The most sumptuous edition ever issued, and an unique set, being the publisher's proof copy and magnificently bound by the celebrated Bécourt. See facsimile of binding. Japan Paper Edition of Kipling. 249 KIPLING, RuDvYARD. ‘The Writings in Prose and Verse /GOce of. Jllustrated. 20 vols. 8vo, raw silk, top edges gilt, uncut. New York: Chas. Scribner’s Sons, 1897-1902 Japan Paper Edition. Limited to two hundred and four copies, of which this ts No, 142. : 250 KNIGHT, CHARLES. The Popular History of England. ZY os An Illustrated History of Society and Government, from the Earliest Period to Our Own Times. J/lustrated with fine steel portraits and upwards of one thousand wood engravings. 8 vols. 8vo, three-quarter brown crushed levant, gilt, top edges gilt, by Root & Son. London: Bradbury & Evans, 1856 first Edition. COURT, “ON. LOT Taac¢ Pi 4 BY BE ro) Zz om A Z — jaa) fy fo) Ay - — = = WM 3) a fy TAT ON Tn eS Se NN rs RAT RE SE aa ad aR INL SE eI OST Se OLD nd UD RR ND STO ELOISE OE ws I an ee OPP eS cee ae Se RAE ee a ae De PE OE ee Tee ne ee ESS aI aa RO FO NE RNP EO 0 py SOo 4. So tie Spe 6.50 oo, O6 251 252 253 254 255 256 51 A BRUYERE, JEAN DE. The Characters of. Newly Rendered Into English by Henri Van Laun. With an Introduction, a Biographical Memoir and Notes. //- lustrated with twenty-four etchings by B. Damman and V. Foulquier. 8vo, full crushed red levant, elaborate gilt back and sides, green silk doublé, with heavy gold borders, polished gilt edges, by Root & Son. London: Jno. C. Nimmo, 1885 Three hundred copies printed for England, and two hun- dred copies with an American imprint for America. This is No. 79, with the English imprint. LANG, ANDREW. ‘The Life and Letters of John Gibson Lockhart. From the Abbotsford and Milton Lockhart MSS. and Other Original Sources. With //teen illustra- ttons. 2 vols. Square 8vo, half crushed red levant. gilt, top edges gilt, uncut, by Stzkeman & Co, London : Jno. C. Nimmo, 1897 Large paper. LANG, ANDREW. Aucassin and Nicolite. Done into English by. | 12mo, full polished light calf, gilt back and sides, inside dentelle borders, top edge gilt, uncut, by Zaehusdor/. Cheswick Press: London, N. D. No. 67 of one hundred copies printed on Whatman paper. LEECH. ‘‘ Young Troublesome’’; or, Master Jacky’s Holidays. From the Blessed Moment of his Leaving School to the Identical Moment of his Going Back Again, Showing How there Never was Such a Boy as that Boy. Designed and etched by John Leech. Oblong 4to, three-quarter crushed green levant, gilt, gilt edge, by Wood, / one Bradbury & Evans, London, N. D. Fine copy of the original edition. LeEcH. American Broad Grins. Edited by Rigdum Funnidos, Gent. With humorous illustrations by John Leech. 16mo, polished tree calf, gilt, gilt edges, by Riviere. London: Robt. Tyas, 1838 first Edition, with original covers and advertisements bound in. Published with gilt edges, LeECcH. The Fortunes of the Scattergood Family. J/us- trated with numerous full-page etchings by John Leech. 8vo, full polished light calf, gilt back and sides, inside gold borders, top edge gilt, uncut. London, 1840-45 First Edition. Extracted from Bentley's Miscellany, with all the original cevers and advertisements bound in, ~ ae oot OD es Sf. tr ¢ /F.oe §2 257. LeEcH. ‘The Porcelain Tower; or, Nine Stories of China. Compiled from Original Sources by ‘‘T. T. T.” Illustrated with full-page etchings and wood engravings by John Leech. . Post 8vo, full light calf, gilt, top edge gilt, uncut, by Azvzere. London: Richard Bentley, 1841 Furst Edition. 258 LEECH. Whitehead, Charles. Richard Savage, by. With numerous full-page etchings by John Leech. 8vo, full polished light calf, gilt back and sides, inside gold borders, top edge gilt, uncut, by Zouz. London, 1841-42 First Edition. Extracted from Bentley's Miscellany, with the original covers and advertisements bound tn. 2590 LEECH. Daniel, George. Merrie England in the Olden Time. J/lustrated by John Leech. 2vols. 8vo, full maroon calf, gilt backs, gold lines on sides, top edges gilt. London: Richard Bentley, 1842 260 LEEcH. Daniel, George. Merrie England in the Olden Time. JLllustrated by John Leech. 2vols. Crown 8vo, original red cloth, uncut, London: Richard Bentley, 1842 First Edition. 261 LeEcH. Smith, Albert. The Adventures of Mr. Led- bury, and his Friend, Jack Johnson. With nxumerous full- page etchings by John Leech. 8vo, full polished light calf, gilt back and sides, gold border, top edge gilt, uncut, by Zou. London, 1842-43 Furst Edition. Extracted from Bentleys Miscellany, with original covers and advertisements bound in, 262 LEECH. Smith, Albert. The Wassail-Bowl. With numerous tllustrations by John Leech. 2vols, 8vo, full crushed olive levant, gilt backs and sides, gold lines on sides, inside dentelle borders, top edges gilt, uncut, by Morrei. London: Richard Bentley, 1848 Chotwce copy of the first edition, with original back and covers bound in. 263 LEECH. Smith, Albert. The Marchioness of Brinvilliers, the Poisoner of the Seventeenth Century. Jiustrated with numerous full-page etchings by John Leech. 8vo, full polished light calf, gilt back and sides, inside gold borders, top edge gilt, uncut, by Zozt, London, 1845 first Edition. ‘Extracted from Bentley's Maicellany, with original covers aud advertisements bound in. 4 OOD / b,c AI So <5 aa as 264 265 266 267 268 93 LEECH. Maxwell, W.H. Hill-Sideand Border Sketches; with the Chevoits and the Lammermuir. J//ustrated by John Leech. 2vols. 8vo, full light calf, gilt, rea and green labels, gold lines on sides, in side gold borders, top edges gilt, uncut, by Riviere, London: Richard Bentley, 1847 fine copy of the first edition. LEECH. Smith, Alfred. The Struggles and Adventures of Christopher Tadpole at Home and Abroad. With Sull- page etchings by John Leech and portratt of the author. 8vo, in parts, complete, uncut. London: Richard Bentley, 1848 fine copy of the first edition, in the original sixteen numbers as issued, with all the printed covers and advertisements. LEECH. Berkeley, Grantley F. Reminiscences of a Huntsman. With colored frontispiece and full-page tllustra- tions by Leech. 8vo, three-quarter red crushed levant, gilt, top edge gilt, by Zaehusdor/. London: Longman, Brown, Green, & Co., 1854 First Edttion. LEECH. The Paragreens on a Visit to the Paris Universal Exhibition. With d/ustrations by John Leech. 12mo, full red calf, gilt, inside gold borders, top edge gilt, by Zouz. Edinburgh: Thos. Constable & Co., 1856 LEECH. A Little Tour in Ireland. Being a Visit to Dublin, Galway, Connamara, Athlone, Limerick, Killarney, Glengairiff, Cork, ete., by an Oxonian (Hole). Justrated by John Leech, with folding colored frontispiece and full-page engravings and woodcuts. Square 8vo, full light calf, gilt, inside gold borders, gilt edges, by Riviere. ’ London: Bradbury & Evang, 1859 first Edition. Title loose at bottom LEECH. Follies of the Year. By John Leech. A Series of Colored Etchings from Punch’s Pocket Books. 1844-1864. With some Notes by Shirley Brooks. Oblong 4to, half morocco. Bradbury & Evans, London, N. D “b a Oe e, ACS Is 270 271 54 Les Evangiles. LES EVANGILES DES DIAMANCHES et Fétes de L’ Année, suivis de Priéres a la Sainte Vierge et Aux Saints. Texte revu par M. l’Abbé Delaunay. Volume I. being composed of xearly five hundred pages illuminated in gold and colors, in the way of full-page miniatures, capital letters and borders. Volume Il. wdlustrated with numerous engraved capital letters and borders. The whole taken in facsimile from tlluminate an- cient vellum manuscripts. 2vols. 4to, half red morocco, top edges gilt. Paris: L. Curmer, 1864 A grand work and a fit companion to the other monuments of art issued by Curmer: “ L’Imitation de Jesus Christ,” “Ceuvres de Jehan Foucquet,’ to be found elsewhere tn this catalogue. The whole work 1s mounted on linen guards. Autograph Edition of Charles Lever’s Works. Limited to Twenty-six Copies. The Complete Works of. Edited by ilustrated with numerous full-page LEVER, CHARLES. his Daughter, and humorous engravings by ‘‘ Phiz’’ and others. Viz :— Harry Lorrequer. Jack Hinton. Arthur O’Leary. The Knight of Gwynne. Horace Templeton. Roland Cashel. Dodd Family Abroad. The Martins of Cro’ Martin. Davenport Dunn. Barrington. Luttrell of Arran. title pages. Sir Brooke Fossbrooke. That Boy of Norcott’s. Illuminated Charles O’ Malley. Tom Burke. The O’ Donoghue. Sir Jasper Carew. Con Cregan. The Daltons. Maurice Tiernay. Fortunes of Glencore. One of Them. A Day’s Ride. Tony Butler. The Bramleighs. Lord Kilgobbin. St. Patrick’s Eve. 37 vols. 8vo, full polished yellow calf, gilt backs, blue and red labels, gilt sides, inlaid with blue calf, blue calf doublé with gilt borders, polished gilt edges, by Zaehnsdor/f. London: Downey & Co., Ltd., N. D. Autograph Edition, limited to twenty-six lettered copies of which this is copy G. Volume 1 has autograph letter, signed, of the author, 3 pp., gto, inserted. A magnificent copy. Bound in Zaehnusdorf’s elegant style. ‘Ms << ce Teo 466 /O.$0 Cro. a2 272 LIBRARY OF HISTORIC CHARACTERS AND FAmovUs Events of all Nations and Ages. A. R. Spofford, Librarian of Congress, Emeritus, Frank Weitenkampf and J. P. Lamberton, Editors-in-Chief. //ustrated with photogravures from paintings by great artists, and from authentic portratts. 12 vols. Imperial 8vo, full red crushed levant, gilt backs and sides, black calf panel on sides, brocaded satin doublé, gold borders, top edges gilt. Boston: J. B. Millet, 1900 Renaissance Edition. Limited to six starred and fifty numbered sets, of which this 1s copy No.* *, Bound to the order of FH, T. Goodwin, Lodge’s Portraits. Original Edition. Large-paper Copy. 273 LopGE, Epmunp. Portraits of Illustrious Personages of Great Britain. Hngraved from Authentic Pictures in the Galleries of the Nobility, and the Public Collections of the . Country. With Biographical and Historical Memoirs of their Lives and Actions. The portraits all open-letter proofs on India paper, and nineteen of the portraits in duplicate, being proofs before letters on India paper. 4vols. Imperial folio, full russia, gilt backs, gold lines on sides, inside gold borders, gouffourd gilt edges. London: Printed for Lackington, Hughes, Harding, Mavor & Lepard, 1821 A choice, large-paper copy of the very rare original edttion, with proof plates. 274 LYRE OF LovE (THE). With vignette on title. 2vols. 12mo, full polished red calf, gilt backs and sides, inside dentelle borders, gilt edges, by Zowz. London: Printed by Chas. Whittingham, 1806 Beautiful copy of a very beautiful selection of amatory poems. 275 ACAULAY, LORD. ‘The Works of. Viz.: The His- tory of England, from the Accession of James the Second; with an Introduction by Edward P. Chey- ney, 10 vols.; and Miscellaneous Works, 10 vols. Alegantly tllustrated with full-page plates on Japan paper. 20 vols. 8vo, three-quarter dark green levant, gilt, top edges gilt, uncut. G. P. Putnam’s Sons, New York, N. D The Whitehall Edition. Limited to one thousand sets. of which this 1s No. 34. % Seo Shoo fds x a, 0 rs BIS 276 277 278 279 280 281 282 56 Macuis#, DanreL. A Gallery of Illustrious Literary Characters (1830-1838) drawn by the late, and Accompa- nied by Notices, chiefly by the late Wm. Maginn. Edited by Wm. Bates. With a Preface and Copious Notes, Biograph- ical, Critical, Bibliographical and Generally Illustrative. 4to, full green calf gilt, gold bands on sides, inside gold borders, gilt edges, by Zaehnsdory. London, N. D \ Manan, Capt. A. T. The Life of Nelson. The Embodi- ment of the Sea Power of Great Britain. J///ustrated. 2vols. 8vo, full blue calf, gilt, red labels, gold lines on sides, inside dentelle borders, top edges gilt, by Zaehusdorf. London : Sampson Low, Marston & Co., 1897 MARRVAT, Capt. Jacob Faithful. //ustrated with nu- merous humorous full-page colored etchings by R. W. Buss. 3 vols. 8vo, full polished light calf, gilt backs, gold lines on sides, inside dentelle borders, gilt edges, by Azvzere. London: Saunders & Otley, 1837 Very rare. First ulustrated edttion. MARTIAL ACHIEVEMEN'’S of Great Britain and Her Allies, from 1799 to 1815. Jllustrated with fifty-two beautifully colored aquatints, fine colored portraits of Wellington and Blucher. The arms of Wellington tn colors and vignette on title. Royal 4to, full contemporary straight-grained morocco gilt, gilt edges. London [1815] MATHEWS, Memoirs of the Youthful Days of Mr. Mathews, the Celebrated Comedian. With colored portratt of Mr. Mathews as the Old Scotch Woman. Sketches of Mr. Mathews’s Celebrated Trip to America. With colored frontispiece. Mr. Mathews’s Memorandum Book of Pecu- liarities, Characters and Manners. Mathews in America. A New Dramatic at Home. Mathews’s Trip to Paris, and other Tracts. Bound in 1 vol. 12mo, half morocco. London, N. D MAUPASSANT, Guy DE. Pierre et Jean. ‘The Two Brothers. ‘Translated by Albert Smith. With z//ustrations by FE. Duez and A. Lynch. 4to, full crushed dark green levant, gilt back, gold lines on sides, green calf doublé, with dentelle borders, polished gilt edges, by Bradstreet. Philadelphia: Lippincott Co., 1889 METTERNICH, PRINCE. Memoirs of. 1773-1815. Edited by Prince Richard Metternich. The papers arranged and classified by M. A. de Klinkowstrom. ‘Translated by Mrs. Alex Napier. Portraits. 5vols. 8vo, half blue calf, gilt, red labels, top edges gilt, by Morredi. : London: Richard Bentley & Son, 1880 Best edition. oe nee / b.00 27.1% 6.60 283 284 285 286 287 288 | MICHEL, EMILE. Rubens. His Life, his Work, and his Time. ‘Translated by Elizabeth Lee. Superbly illustrated with photogravures from some of his most noted paintings ; numerous reproductions of his drawings, sketches and other il- lustrative prints, together with a portfolio containing an extra set of the larger plates mounted on Indian paper. 3 vols. Royal 4to, three-quarter blue crushed levant, gilt, top edges gilt, uncut. Hardy, Pratt & Co., Boston, 1899 No. 13 of fifty copies printed on Japanese vellum paper. MiLToNn’s L’ ALLEGRO AND It, PENSEROSO. J/lustrated with etchings on steel by Birket Foster. The whole work mounted on linen guards. Imperial 8vo, full crushed Nile green levant, elaborate gilt baek and sides, insides dentelle borders, gilt edges, by the Guzid of Women-Bookbinders. London: W. Kent & Co., 1859 MITFORD, JoHN. The Adventures of Johnny Newcome in the Navy. A Poem in four Cantos, with Notes. J//us- trated with twenty full-page colored plates by C. Williams. 8vo, full polished light calf, gilt back, gold lines on sides, inside gold bor- ders, polished gilt edge, by Jowz. ae London: Published by Sherwood, Neely & Jones, 1819 Furst edition Moore, THomAS. ‘The Poetical Works of. Collected by himself. Jllustrated with beautiful steel engravings. 10 vols. 16mo, half mauve calf, gilt, red and green labels, top edges gilt. London: Longman, 1853 The best edition, with autograph letter, signed, of the author to the poet Rogers, inserted. MoRLAND, GEORGE. Memoirs of the Life of the Late, with Critical and Descriptive Observations on the Whole of his Works, Hitherto before the Public. J//ustrated with fine portratts, seven plates from his most celebrated paintings and drawings and engraved tttle-page. Royal 4to, three-quarter crushed green levant, gilt, top edge gilt, uncut, by Riviere. Albion Press Printed: London, 1806. Fine copy. Very scarce Contains a catalogue of Mor- land’s works, and his original white label bound tn, MorRRELL, SIR CHARLES. The Tales of the Genii; or, The Delightful Lessons of Horam, the Son of Asmar. Translated from the Persian. J/lustrated with the numerous beautiful engravings from designs by Craig. 2vols. 8vo, full red calf, gilt, black labels, inside dentelle borders, canary edges. London, 1805 Soc 4$O0.00 sae ee So 289 290 291 292 293 294 58 Morris, Rev. F.O. A History of British Birds. ///us- trated with three hundred and fifty-seven plates, drawn from nature and beautifully colored. 6 vols. 8vo, three-quarter crushed green levant, gilt, gilt edges, by Root & Son. London: Groombridge & Son, 1851-7 Fine and choice copy throughout of the first issue. Moscow. Historical Sketch of. J/lustrated with twelve views (aquatints, printed tn colors) of different parts of that imperial city, The Kremlin, etc. 4to, original boards, uncut. London: R. Ackermann, 1813 APOLEON. Galerie du Musée Napoléon, Publiée par Filhol. Graveur, et redigée par Lavallée (Joseph) dédicé. A. S.M. L’Empereur Napoleon Ier. ///us- trated with seven hundred and thirty chotce line engravings by the most eminent artists. 10 vols. Royal 8vo, full crushed green levant, emblematic gold tooling on backs, gold lines on sides, red satin doublé, polished gilt edges, by Root & Son. Paris, 1804-1815 fine tall copy. The engravings, which are executed in the highest style of the art, ave faithful copies from the original paintings, which composed the greatest gallery in the world. gathered by the great Napoleon during his conquests, and which were for the most part returned to their former destina- tion. This is an extra fine copy with brilliant impressions of the plates and fine wide margins. The first eight volumes have morocco slip cases. NAPOLEON GALLERY (THE) ; or, Illustrations of the Life and Times of the Emperor of France. Engraved by Reveil and other Eminent Artists, from all the most Celebrated Pic- tures, etc., Produced in France during the last Forty Years. 12mo, full polished dark blue calf, gilt back, gold lines on sides, inside den- telle borders, top edge gilt, by Zouz. London: Chas, Tilt, 1837 NEWLAND, REV. HENRY. The Erne. Its Legends and its Fly-Fishing. Colored frontispiece and other engravings. 12mo, full light calf, gilt back, aa tg lines on sides, inside dentelle borders, top edge gilt, uncut, ey Riviere. London: Chapman & Hall, 1851 NOLHoL, PIERRE DE. Louis XV. et Marie Leczinska. Lllustrated with nunterous superb reproductions of rare por- traits, full page views and head and tail pieces, in two states. 4to, cloth covers. Paris: Goupil & Cie, 1900 Imperial Japan paper edition. No. 31 of one hundred copies, with an extra set of plates in bistre, including colored frontispiece. ie aaa SX’ So 5 Saeed ny a oe 8 ae 295 296 297 298 299 59 NortTucote FABLES. Original and Selected. Lmbel- lish with two hundred and eighty engravings on wood by Jackson and others. Both Series. 2vols. S8vo, full crushed maroon levant, blind tooled, inside gold borders, top edges gilt, by Morredé. London: Geo. Lawford & Jno, Murray, 1828-33 ECONOMY OF HUMAN LIFE. Translated from an Indian Manuscript. Written by an Ancient Bramin. Illustrated with copperplates after Harding. 12mo, full straight-grained morocco, gilt back and sides, gilt edges. London, 1806 OLIPHANT, Mrs. ‘The Makers of Venice: Doges, Con- querors, Painters and Men of Letters. With clustratcons by R. R. Holmes. ‘The Makers of Florence: Dante, Giotto, Savonarola, and their City. With portrait of Savonarola, engraved by C. H. Jeens, and illustrations from drawings by Prof. Delamotte. Royal Edinburgh, Her Saints, Kings, Prophets and Poets. With 7llustrations by George Reid. Jerusalem, Its History and Hope. With wood engravings from drawings by Hamilton Aide and photographs by F. M. Good. ‘The Makers of Modern Rome. With zd/ustrations by H.. P. Riviere and Joseph Pennell. 5vols. 8vo. Full polished light calf, gilt backs, red and green labels, gold lines on sides, inside dentelle borders, top edges gilt, uncut. London: Macmillan & Co., 1876-1895 All First Editions. Fine set. The Makers of Venice has name of former owner on dedication page. ORIENTAL FIELD Sports. Being a Complete, Detailed and Accurate Description of the Wild Sports of the Hast; and Exhibiting, in a Novel and Interesting Manner, the Natural History of the Elephant, The Rhinosceros, The Tiger, The Leopard, The Bear, The Deer, The Buffalo, The Wolf, The Wild Hog, The Jackall, The Wild Dog, The Civet, and other Domesticated Animals, as likewise the dif- ferent Species of Feathered Game, Fishes and Serpents. The whole interspersed with a variety of Original, Authen- tic and Curious Anecdotes taken from the Manuscripts and Designs of Capt. Thos. Williamson, who served upwards of twenty-five years in Bengal. The drawings, by Samuel Howitt, made uniform in size and engraved by the first attists. Forty beautiful colored plates. Second Edition. 2vols. Royal 4to, full contemporary red straight-grained morocco, gilt, gilt edges. London, 1819 Large-paper copy. ORIGINAL Porms. //lustrated. Square 12mo, tree calf, gilt, edges. London, 1868 Ne Ee 300 301 60 OSBALDISTON, WILLIAM AuGusTUs. ‘The British Sports- man ; or, Noblemen, Gentlemen and Farmer’s Dictionary, or Recreation and Amusement, including a most improved System of Modern Farriery and Anatomical Dissections of the Horse, with Concise Rules for Chusing good Horses, and the Secrets of Training them with Wind and Vigour for the Course, Field and Road. Particular instruc- tions for Riding, Racing, Hunting, Coursing, Hawking, Shooting, Setting and Fishing, etc. Embellished with ele- gant copperplates, colored by hand. 4to, contemporary calf, gilt. (Rebacked.) London, N. D. (1792) AINE ALBERT BIGELOW. The Great White Way. Pp A Record of an Unusual Voyage of Discovery and some Romantic Love Affairs amid Strange Surround- ings. The Whole Recounted by one Nicholas Chase, Pro- moter of the Expedition, whose reports have been arranged for Publication by. With drawings by Bernard J. Rosenmeyer, sketches by Chauncey Gale and others, 12mo, full crushed dark blue levant, gilt back, gold lines on sides, watered silk doublé, with heavy gold borders, top edge gilt, uncut. New York: J. F. Taylor & Co., 1901 With author's autograph on title. PARDOE, JuLIA. The Works of, viz.: Louis the Fourteenth, and the Court of France in the Seventeenth Century. With numerous illustrations on steel and wood. 3 vols. London: Rich’d Bentley & Son, 1886. The Court and Reign of Francis the First, King of France. Portraits. 3 vols. London: Rich’d Bentley & Son, 1887. The Life of Marie de Medicis, Queen of France, Consort of Henry IV., and Regent of the Kingdom under Louis XIII. Portraits. 3vols. London: Rich’d Bentley & Son, 1890. Together, 9 vols. 8vo, full polished light calf, gilt backs, gold lines on sides, inside gold borders, top edges gilt, uncut, by Zaehnsdorf. London, 1886-1890 The best edition. Flolland-Paper Edition of the Paris Salon. PARIS SALON. From the First Issue in 1881 to 1gor. Being reproductions in photogravures of all the most noted paintings by great masters exhibited in the ‘‘ Paris Salon’? for the last twenty years. Some of which are handsomely colored, with text in English. 21 vols. Imperial 8vo, three-quarter dark blue levant, gilt, gilt edges. Paris : Goupil & Cie., 1881-1901 flolland-paper edition, of which only three hundred and Jifty copies were prinied . Bie. “ gist fae [et eed eae Par yt “> Wn fe. wen" SAR ae AV LI RN RRO IN FER setnceron or afl CERI see Mage Poa " a? 4 “al po ie g Nh tenses Sane OE ee 3 er sce oe ene “/ rt Site A AI hal TIN Kecnnineeitts asiraasnpitee ysaggnesmneassemajei pia epicciaton ibe Ya F 1 arstnserepen nc age: Ht ban SN MOT EN. fare EAN NL EES CLES IP YMA NAD ROTO EEO DNL ING RETA Y Sipaevrcanmnanenineree eit . ‘4 4 # ed ~ Pd d Y ‘4 5 7 - > — GF -Bemesocm seang etch Ewa eee ae ovens oer sci Baar ctempanstenmeateed Mae ean Bimmer ee EN aan ~ monte 2 " ¥ $ bees Randi Nemiins Sotonien seca macht ro = » ohana ceyenioaooetiebacoecal eis ge ao i AO NBA MR TN I 0 Ee AM pin eRe A, Bpagldhnde seca CDE PM AAR CII Ie NE LEE I EE EPL BAL BLE ALE EOE ALD LINER AGE! LADIES! 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Cs % % wy ne wi ES . : “ch Pe TS aie ed , ee PRPSPER 3 ff way ay 3 ? a ee eg . : : Z ; : z. ener 4 , ge F, : | Beas ne a one 7 PLATE OF BINDING, BY BECOURT, ON PARKMAN’S WORKS, LOT 305, SHOWING THE COLOR ald oy SRR GN EH aN ORNS ESPON AN, ATHER ON SIDES, WHICH IS INLAID WITH GOLD AND GRHEN. yt 4 LE tbs Rik ae . esa nae gee hans, os sie f e te ncn tear eo mbt ay tte tbI 8 BAe se ij ded eect Binet nce De eS | F | | } Qn MOAT RARE NC gNNreRaT cea TNL: abet EDDA AbD ROY TEEPE NEE AT OF gest EIS Spa 2 Ey ASHE WARP RCS ESHER LOS PERNA etre ASR HOMER: “rei nen weit. Beye IRO > fa RAR caoTr HOA SS n ee ee ee a ee ee ee eee ee eee ee FOS % 61 304 Paris SALON. Two] hundred plates in photogravure by Goupil & Co., with text in English. Translated by Henry Bacon. 2vols. Imperial 8vo, cloth. Goupil & Co., Paris, N. D Author’s Autograph Edition of Parkman’s Works. Only Ten Copies Printed. PARKMAN, FRANCIS. The Complete Works of. Zach volume illustrated with original water color drawing, and many elegant full-page colored plates. Viz: Pioneers of France in the New World; France and Eng- land in America. PartI. 2vols. With autograph letter of the author inserted. The Jesuits in North America in the Seventeenth Century; France and England in North America. Part 2. 2 vols. La Salle and the Discovery of the Great West; France and England in North America. Part III. 2 vols. . The Old Régime in Canada; France and England in North America. Part IV. 2 vols. Count Frontenac and New France under Louis XIV.; France and England in North America. Part V. 2 vols. A Half-Century of Conflict; France and England in North America. Part VI. 2 vols. Montcalm and Wolfe; France and England in North America. Part VII. 3 vols. The Conspiracy of Pontiac, and the Indian War after the Conquest of Canada. 3 vols. The Oregon Trail. Sketches of Prairie and Rockey Mountain Life. 2 vols. A Life of Francis Parkman. By Charles Haight Farn- ham. 1 vol. Together, 21 vols. 8vo, full brown crushed levant, gilt backs and sides, inlaid with ivy leaf in green levant, inside gold borders, green morocco doublé on back cover, and original drawings illustrating the work burntin on yellow calf, on inside of each front cover, watered silk fly-leaves, top edges gilt, uncut, by Bécourt. Boston: Little, Brown & Co., 1897-1961 The Author's Autograph Edition, limited to ten copies, of which thts ts the publisher's proof copy. The handsomest edition obtainable of the great historian's works, and an unique copy, in the most sumptuous binding in Bécourt s best style. See plate of one side of cover. to - NS ¢ -O2a 1s) uy YY loo 306 307 308 399 310 311 62 PATER, WALTER. ‘The Works of, viz: The Renaissance, Marius the Epicurian, Imaginary Portraits, Gaston de Latour, Appreciations, Plato and Platonism, Greek Studies, Miscellaneous Studies and Essays from the Guardian. Together, 9 volumes. &vo, full green crushed levant, gilt backs and sides, inside dentelle borders, polished gilt edges, by Ol/dach & Co. London: Macmillan & Co., 1900 Limited to seven hundred and seventy-five copies. Pepys, SAMUEL. ‘The Diary of. Clerk of the Acts and Secretary to the Admiralty. For the First Time Fully Transcribed from the Shorthand Manuscript in the Pepysian Library, Magdalene College, Cambridge, by the Rev. Mynors Bright, M. A., late Fellow and President of the College, with Lord Braybrooke’s Notes. Edited with Addi- tions by Henry B. Wheatley. Numerous tlustrations, tn- cluding many colored portraits. 18 vols. Crown 8vo, three-quarter red crushed levant, gilt, top edges gilt, uncut New York: Croscup & Sterling Co.. N. D Magdalene College Edition. Only seventy-five copies printed, of which this ts No. 18. Percy, SHOLTO & REUBEN. The Percy Anecdotes. Original and Select. J/lustrated with fine portratts. 20 vols. 16mo, full light blue polished calf, gilt backs and sides, red labels, inside dentelle borders, top edges gilt, by Root & Son. London : Jos. Cumberland, N, D Beautiful copy. Puiz. Morals from the Churchyard, in a Series of Cheerful Fables. With zllustrations by H. K. Brown. Square I6mo, full mottled calf, gilt back and sides, inside gold borders, gilt edge, by Rzviere. London: Chapman & Hall, 1838 Puiz. Sketches in London. By James Grant. With twenty-four humorous tllustrations by ‘* Phiz’’ and others. 8vo, original cloth, uncut. London: W.S. Orr & Co.. 1838 First Edition, Fine copy. ANOTHER Copy. 8vo, full polished light calf, gilt back, gold lines on sides, inside dentelle borders, top edge gilt, uncut, by Azviere. London, 1838 First Edition. 5.50 2 See hotac; / 3.00 io Age 63 312 PuHiIz. The History of Jonathan Wild, the Great. By Henry Fielding. ‘Io which is added a Contemporary Life of Jonathan Wild; also J.W.’s advice to his Successor, and Proposals for an Hospital for Decayed and Infirm Thief- takers. With 2/ustrations by ‘* Phiz.” 8vo, full light calf, gilt back and sides, inside gold borders, top edge gilt, uncut, by Azviere. London: E. Churton, 1840 First edition with the “ Phiz” iWustrations, 313 PuHiIz. The Commissioner; or, Di Lunatico Inquirendo. (By G. P. R. James.) With twenty-eight tllustrations on steel, by Phiz. 8vo, three-quarter light calf, gilt, red labels, top edge gilt, uncut, by Root & Sox, Dublin: Wm. Curry, Jr., 1843 first Edition. 314 ANOTHER Copy. 8v 0, original cloth, uncut. Dublin: Wm. Curry, Jr., 1843 Chotce copy of the first edition as issued. 315 Puiz. The Disgrace to the Family. A Story of Social Distinctions. By W. Blanchard Jerrold. With twelve Sull- page ulustrations by Phiz. 8vo, three-quarter crushed green levant, gilt, top edge gilt, uncut, by Wors- jold, London : Darton & Co., 1848 First Edition with the “ Phiz’’ plates. - 316 Puiz. Illustrations of the FiveSenses. By H. K. Browne, ““Phiz.’’ With both colored and plain impressions of the five plates. Oblong 4to, three-quarter light calf, gilt. London: Published by Grant & Griffith, 1852 Fine copy, with original covers bound in. 317 PHiz. Tom Moody’s Tales. Edited by Mark Lemon. With zlustrations by Hablot K. Browne. Square 12mo, original cloth, gilt, gilt edges. London: Bradbury & Evans, 1864 Autograph presentation copy from Mark Lemon. 318 Puiz. The Oiled Feather. By Rev. P. B. Power. Illustrated by Phiz. 8vo, full light ealf, gilt, top edges gilt. London, 1871 first edition, with original covers bound in. Vo oe Foo / Poo ffoe Sh Go 319 320 Eyal B22) 324 64 Puiz. Legrand Martin. The Cambridge Frenchman ; or, Memoirs of Mr. Golightly. With smerous illustrations by Phiz (Hablot K. Browne). 8vo, full light calf, gilt, top edge gilt, by Azvzere. Ra London: Tinsley Brothers, 1878 Furst Edition. Puiz. Life and Labours of Hablot Knight Browne, ‘“ Phiz.’’? By David Croal Thomson. With one hundred and thirty illustrations, including many proofs on India paper, and fine artists’ proof copy of the portrait of ‘' Phias? Royal 4to, three-quarter crushed brown levant, gilt, top edge gilt, uncut, by Macdonald, London: Chapman & Hall, 1884 . Limited to two hundred copies, of which this is “ Mr. Chap man's presentation copy. with the author's compliments and thanks.” Pork, ALEXANDER. The Works of; with a Memoir of the Author, Notes and Critical Notices on each Poem by the Rev. Geo. G. Croly. llustrated with beautiful steel en- gZrvavings. 4-vols. 12mo, full light calf, gilt backs and sides, red and green labels, top edges gilt, by Rzvzere. London: A.J. Valpy, 1835 Prior, MartHEw. Selected Poems of; with an Intro- duction and Notes by Austin Dobson. Beautifully ulumt- nated in high colors, by hand, with capital letters and borders. gvo, full crushed red levant, gilt back and sides, inside gold borders, top edges gilt, uncut, by Macdonald. London: Kegan, Paul. Trench & Co., 1889 The large-paper edition, consisting of fifty copies, all of which are numbered and signed. Thus is No. 36. ABELAIS, MASTER FRANCIS. Five Books of the Lives, Heroic Deeds and Sayings of Gargantua and his Son Pantagruel. ‘Translated into English by Sir Thomas Urquhart, of Cromarty, and Peter Antony Mot- teux. With an Introduction by Anatole De Montaiglon, and illustrations by Louis Chaton. ' 2vols. Imperial 8vo, full crushed green levant, gilt backs and sides, red buckskin doublé, gilt porders, top edges gilt, uncut. Lendon: Lawrence & Bullen, 1892 No. 586 of one thousand copies printed, Rapciir‘é, F. P. DetmME. The Noble Science. A Few General Ideas on Fox-Hunting, for the Use of the Rising Generation of Sportsmen, and more especially those of the Hertfordshire Hunt Club. With xwmerous tllustrations. 8vo, full red calf, gilt, top edge gilt. London: Rudolph Ackermann, 1839 325 va | Deal 326 / 7,06 é 327 rte Tea | 328 IS 329 Pie oc 330 (22.5% 65 RALFE, Mr. The Naval Chronology of Great Britain ; or an Historical Account of Naval and Maritime Events from the Commencement of the War in 1803, to the End of the Year 1816. Also, Particulars of the most important Courts-Martial, Votes of Parliament, Lists of Flag-Officers in Commission, and of Promotions for each Year. The whole forming a complete Naval History of the above period. Sllustrated with sixty beautifully colored engravings. 4vols. Royal 8vo, full embossed russia, gilt backs and sides, marbled edges, London, 1820 Fine copy. Scarce. Contains illustrations of naval bat- iles during the war of 1812. RAWSTONE, LAWRENCE. Gamonia; or, The Art of Pre- serving Game; and an Improved Method of making Planta- tations and Covers, Explained and J/ustrated with Fifteen Colored Drawings by J]. T. Rawlins, taken on the spot. 8vo, full green morocco, gilt, gilt edges. London, 1837 Ricci, Corrapo. Antonio Allegri du Correggio. His Life, his Friends and his Time, from the Italian by Florence Simmonds. With ¢hirty-seven full-page plates and one hun- dred and ninety text tllustrations, 4to, full crushed levant, elaborate gilt back and sides, inside dentelle borders, top edge gilt, by Zaehnusdor/. London: Wm. Heinemann, 1896 RimMMER, ALFRED. About England with Dickens. With jifty-eight illustrations. pee Square 8vo, three-quarter crushed maroon levant, gilt, top edge gilt, by Macdonald, London: Chatto & Windus, 1888 ROGERS, SAMUEL. Poems by. And. Italy: A Poem. Eleganily illustrated with fine steel engravings after Stothard, Turner and Prout. . 2vols. 8vo, full light calf, gilt backs and sides, inside gold borders, gilt edges, by Jout. London: Printed for T. Cadell, 1830-34 Fine copies of the original edition. RoMAN CONTEMPORAIN. Containing Bohemian Life, by Henri Murger; The Confession of a Child of the Century, by Alfred de Musset; His Excellency, the Minister, by Jules Claretie; Monsieur de Camors, by Octave Feuillet ; Nouvelles, by Alfred de Musset ; Raphael, by Alphonse de Lamartine ; Gerfaut, by Charles de Bernard ; The Devil’s Pool, by George Sand ; and Miltona, by Theophile Gautier. All illustrated with numerous fine etchings in two states, re- marque proofs and India proofs. 9vols. 8vo, cloth, uncut. Philadelphia: Printed only for subscribers by Geo. Barrie & Son, N. D Japanese vellum paper edition. Only one thousand coptes printed, of which this 1s No. 56. (5) me At eed 331 332 333 66 RoosEs, Max. Fifty Masterpieces of Anthony Van Dyck, in Photogravure, Selected from the Pictures Exhibited at Antwerp in 1899, Described and Historically Explained, with a Sketch of the Life of the Artist. Translated by Fanny Knowles. Jllustrated with numerous fine photograv- ures, printed in bistre from the original pictures. Royal 4to, half vellum, top edge gilt. London: Sampson Low, 1900 ROUSSEAU, JEAN JACQUES. The Confessions of. Now for the First Time Completely Translated into English without Hxpurgation. Jilustrated with a series of etchings by Ed. fledouin, and two portratts. 2vols. Royal 8vo, full crushed lilac levant, elaborate gilt backs and sides, inside gold borders, top edges gilt, uncut, by Macdonald. 1n slip cases. Privately printed, 1896 Large-paper library edition. Printed throughout on Japan- ese vellum. Limited to five coptes. ROWLANDSON. ‘The Comforts of Bath. A series of thir- teen humorous colored plates by Rowlandson, mounted on card- board. 4to, full red straight-grained morocco, gilt back, gold lines on sides, inside dentelle borders, top edge gilt, by Zaehusdorf. London, 1798 Very scarce. ROWLANDSON. The Microcosm of London; or, London in Miniature. S/lustrated with one hundred and four superb aquatints, printed tn colors, by Rowlandson. 8 vols. Royal 4to, half contemporary calf. London (1808) - fine tall copy, with brilliant impressions of the plates, beau- tufully colored. ROWLANDSON. A Sentimental Journey Through France and Italy. By Mr. Yorick (Lawrence Sterne). A New Hdition. Embellished with two caricature colored prints by Rowlandson. 12mo, original boards, uncut. : London, 1809 ROWLANDSON. The Beauties of Sterne. Comprising his Humorous and Descriptive Tales, Letters, ete. Ambellished wrth caricatures by Rowlandson from original drawings by _ Newton. 12mo, full crushed maroon levant, gilt back, gold lines on sides, inside den- telle borders, top edge gilt, uncut, by Riviere. London : Printed for Thomas Tegg, 1809 2 B.ce aS) Z.°00o 337 340 342 67 ROWLANDSON. An Academy for Grown Horsemen. Con- taining the Completest Instructions for Walking, Trotting, Cantering, Galloping, Stumbling and Tumbling. The An- nals of Horsemanship, Containing Accounts of Accidental Hxperiments and Experimental Accidents, both Successful and Unsuccessful, Communicated by Various Correspondents to the author, Geoffrey Gambado, Hsq., Riding Master, Master of the Horse, and Grand Equerry to the Doge of Venice. llustrated with twenty-nine full-page colored plates after Bunbury, by Rowlandson. 8vo, full polished light calf, gilt back, gold lines on sides, inside, gold bor- ders, gilt edges. London: Printed for Verner, Hood & Sharpe, 1809 Fine copy of the first edition. ROWLANDSON. Naples and the Campagna Felice. In a Series of Letters Addressed to a Friend in England in 1802. Lilustrated with full-page colored engravings by T. Rowlandson. 8vo, full polished light calf, gilt back and sides, inside dentelle borders, top edge gilt, by Zout. London: Published by R, Ackermann, 1815 ANOTHER Copy. 8vo, three-quarter crushed red levant, gilt, top edge gilt, uncut, by Macdon- ala, London, 1815 Fine uncut copy. ROoWLANDSON. The Grand Muster; or, Adventures of Qui Hi? in Hindostan. A Hudibrastic Poem in Hight Cantos. By Quiz. J/ustrated with engravings by Rowland- SO. 8vo, full crushed red ;levant, gilt back, gold lines on sides, inside dentelle borders, gilt edge, by Guzld of Women-Binders. London ; Printed by Thos. Tegg, 1816 The rare first edition, with all the twenty-eight colored plates. ROWLANDSON. ‘The English Dance of Death. Fyvom the designs of Thomas Rowlandson, with metrical illustrations by the author of ‘‘ Doctor Syntax’? (Wm. Combe). 2vols. 8vo, full crushed maroon levant, gilt backs and sides, inside gold borders, polished gilt edges, by Riviere. London: Printed by J. Diggens, 1815 The exceedingly scarce first edition, with beautiful wmepres- sions of the seventy-three colored plates. RowLANDSON. The Dance of Life. A Poem by the author of ‘‘ Doctor Syntax’? (Wm. Combe). Justrated with colored engravings by Thos. Rowlandson. 8vo, full crushed maroon levant, gilt backs and sides, inside gold borders, polished gilt edges, by Riviere, London: Published by R. Ackermann, 1817 Lhe exceedingly scarce first edition, with beautiful tmpres- sions of the twenty-six colored plates, bound uniformly with lot No. 341. 70.0 Oo ae 6.0 © NA rN gets if . oO 343 344 345 346 347 348 68 ROWLANDSON. Goldsmith, Oliver. The Vicar of Wake- field. A Tale. illustrated with twenty-four designs in colors by Thos. Rowlandson. 8vo, full brown straight-grained morocco, elaborate gilt back and sides, inside dentelle borders, top edge gilt, uncut, by Zachusdorf. London; Published by R. Ackermann, 1817 A beautiful copy of the very rare original edition. ROWLANDSON. The Old English ’Squire: ‘‘A Jovial Gay Fox Hunter, Bold, Frank and Free.’’ A Poem, in Ten Cantos. By John Careless, Esq. J/ilustrated with plates by one of the family. 8vo, full polished light calf, gilt back, gold lines on sides, inside gold bor- ders, gilt edge, by Azviere. London : Printed for Thos. McLean, 1821 First Edition, with the twenty four colored plates after Rowlandson’s style. ROWLANDSON. The History of Johnny Quz Genus, the Little Foundling of the late Doctor Syntax. A Poem. By the author of the Three Tours (Wm. Combe). With the twenty-four colored plates by Rowlandson. 8vo, full crushed olive levant, gilt back, gold lines on sides, inside gold borders, top edge gilt, uncut, by Morredi. London: Published by R. Ackermann, 1822 Choice copy of the first edition. The concluding volume of “ Doctor Syntax's Three Tours.” ROWLANDSON. (Combe Wm.) The Tour of Doctor Syn- tax, in Search of the Picturesque, Consolation and a Wife. With numerous humorous colored illustrations by Rowlandson. 3 vols. 16mo, full maroon crimpled‘ morocco, gilt backs and sides, gilt edges. London: Published by R. Ackermann, 1823 ANOTHER Copy. 3 vols. 16mo, three-quarter crushed maroon levant, gilt, gilt edges, by Spencer, London, 1823 ROWLANDSON. An Academy for Grown Horsemen. Containing the Completest Instructions for Walking, Trot- ting, Cantering, Galloping, Stumbling and Tumbling. Lilustrated with copperplates (colored, and in the style of Row- landson), and adorned with a portrait of the author. By Geoffrey Gambado. 12mo, original boards, white label, uncut, with extra watered-silk covers. London: Printed tor R. Ackermann, N. D Choice copy. Tt oo S450 /O.Sd 349 359° 352 69 ROWLANDSON. The Frolicks of Fortune. Squeamish and the Queer. plates by Rowlandson. The Adventures of Doctor Comicus; or, A Comic, Satirical Poem for the With fourteen full-page colored 8vo, full polished light calf, gilt back, gold lines on sides, inside gold bor- ders, edges giltin the rough. Furst Edition. London: Printed for B. Blake, N. D Connoisseur Edition of Ruskin. Limited to Fifty Copies. RUSKIN, JOHN. illustrated. Containing : Modern Painters, 5 vols. Stones of Venice, 3 vols. Seven Lamps of Archi- tecture, 1 vol. Sesame and Lilies, 1 vol. Mornings in Florence, 1 vol. . Crown of Wild Olive, 1 vol. Deucalion, 1 vol. The Complete Works of. Elegantly The Laws of Fesole, 1 vol. Fors Clavigera, 4 vols. Proserpina, 1 vol. St. Mark’s Rest, 1 vol. Two Paths, 1 vol. Ethics of the Dust, 1 vol. Poetry of Architecture, 1 vol. Arrows of the Chase, 1 vol. Preeterita, 1 vol. Hortus Inclusus. 26 vols. 8vo, three-quarter red crushed levant, gilt, top edges gilt, uncut. Connotsseur Edition. zs No. 28. Boston: Estes & Lauriat, 1897 Limited to fifty copies, of which this / AND, GEORGE. The Masterpieces of. Now for the First Time Completely Translated into English by G. Burnham Ives. Illustrated with numerous photo- gravures, after paintings by eminent French artists, in two states. hand. 19 vols. 8vo, watered silk, uncut, Lach volume having one plate beautifully colored by Printed for subscribers by George Barrie & Son, Philadelphia Of this edition on Japan vellum paper. only one thousand numbered copies were printed, of which this is No. 4. S. AUGUSTINE. The Confessions of. With full-page illus- trations from designs by Paul Woodruff, and engraved on wood by Miss Clemence Housman, by whom the title-page has also been engraved from the design of Lawrence Housman. 8vo, full crushed red levant, gilt back and sides, blue levant doublé and fly- leaves, heavy inside gold borders, edges gilt in the round, by Oldach Co. London: Kegan Paul, 1900 Printed on Japan vellum paper. Limited to thirty copies, of which this 1s Na. 2. / L/, if-¢ oe © Saye 79 SCHOBERL, FREDERIC. The World in Miniature. Edited by. Viz.: Russia: Being a Description of the Character, Manners, Customs, Dress, Diversions, and other Peculiari- ties of the Different Nations Inhabiting the Russian Empire. Illustrated with seventy-two colored engravings. 4 vols.— Persia: Containing a Brief Description of the Country and an Account of its Government, Laws and Religion, and of the Character, Manners and Customs, Art, Amusements, etc., of its Inhabitants. //lustrated with thirty colored engrav- ings. 3 vols.—And China, Containing Illustrations of the Manners, Customs, Character and Costumes of the People of that Empire. Jilustvated with thirty colored engravings. 2 vols. Together, 9vols. 16mo, full straight-grained morocco, gilt backs and sides, gilt edges. R. Ackermann, London, N. D The history of each nation 1s bound in different colors. & _Collector’s Autograph Edition of Waverley Novels: Limited to Ten Registered Sets for America. 354 ScorTt, SIR WALTER. The Waverley Novels. J//ustrated with numerous beauttful plates, colored by hand, and many wood engravings, and Autograph Letter, signed, of the author inserted. Accompanied by five cases, quarto size, filled with choice proof impressions of the various illustra- tions, mounted on quarto cardboard. 51 vols. Imperial 8vo, full green crushed levant, gilt backs and sides, orna- mented with design of thistle and Scott’s coat of arms in red and gold, red levant doublé, with rich borders of thistles in gold, coat of arms in green and gold in centre, Morris paper fly-leaves, polished gilt edges, by Zhe Trauiz- Bauzonnet Bindery; and five boxes of extra illustrations, making in all 56 volumes. London, Paris, New York: Geo. D. Sproul, 1900 The collector's autograph edition, of which only ten copies were published for America, and twelve for Europe, making the most sumptuous edition of the Waverley Novels ever pub- lished, and bound in the most elegant and tasteful manner. This copy 1s No, 2, and was specially Ulustrated and bound expressly for H.T. Goodwin. No two sets of this edition are alike, and the extra wlustrations are different from each of those of the other sets. Each volume is encased in a new white box in tmitation of alligator skin, iy int tnetyilins. «ea ee re LD cD HH e) Si Z ie) eS m4 jaa i) Z a EH fy AZ Z © N ~ = o Zz e a Z sa) ee Oo oa y ee = Lama 7 1S) a fy a L/S. 0% Sy AP > See eGo Lf.00 200 356 357 358 by, 360 71 Lockhart’s Life of Scott, Bound in Roger Payne Style. ScoTr, SIR WALTER. Memoirs of the Life of. By John G. Lockhart. Jlustrated with numerous full-page portratts and other engravings on Japan paper. 10vols. 8vo, full crushed green levant, elaborate gilt backs and sides, red levant doublé, with gold and green borders, watered silk fly-leaves, top edges gilt, uncut, by Riverside Press, Boston and New York: Houghton, Mifflin & Co., 1901 No. 1 of six hundred copies printed, and one of ten copies bound in Roger Payne style, Edition Magnifique of Scott’s Poems. Limited to Ten Copies. ScoTT, SIR WALTER. The Poems and Ballads of. With Introductory Essays and Notes by Andrew Lang. JNu- merous tUlustrations, with duplicate impressions on Japan paper. 6 vols. 8vo, polished tree calf, gilt, inside gold borders, top edges gilt, uncut. Boston: Dana, Estes & Co., 1900 Edition magnifique. Extra illustrated. Limited to ten numbered copies, of which this is No. 4. ScorTt, SIR WALTER. ‘The Poetical Works of. J/lustrated with beautiful steel engravings. 10 vols. 16mo, full polished light calf, gilt backs, red and blue labels, gilt sides, inside dentelle borders, top edge gilt, by Zaehusdor/. Robert Cadell, Edinburgh, 1833-4 fine copy. scott. Tom Cringle’s Log. 2 vols. The Cruise of the Midge. 2 vols. Together, 4 vols. 12mo, full calf, gilt, top edges gilt Edinburgh, 1833-36 fine copies of the first edition. SEyMouR. Sketches by. A series of one hundred and eighty full-page comic etchings on various colored paper. 5 vols. 8vo, full polished light calf, gilt back, gold lines on sides, inside gold borders, gilt edges, by Jouz. London: Published by G. 8S. Tregear, N. D Fine set of the first issue. SEYMOUR’S HUMOROUS SKETCHES. Comprising eighty-stx caricature etchings, tllustrated in prose and verse by Alfred Crowguill. With a descriptive list of the plates and a Bio- graphical Notice of Robert Seymour, including an Account of his Connexion with the Pickwick Papers. By Henry G. Bohn. 8vo, full polished light calf, gilt back and sides, red label, inside dentelle border, gilt edges, by Zoxz. London, 1870 is Ow y C.0co 1 Of bf tf. & 6 # 3.06 Shee 72 361 Sktymour. The Squib Annual of Poetry, Politics and Personalities, for 1836. With twelve designs by R. Seymour. 16mo, full light calf, gilt, top edge gilt. London: Chapman & Hall, 1836 Furst edition, 362 Seymour. The Book of Christmas. By Thomas K. Hervey. With zlustrations by R. Seymour. 12mo, full polished red calf, gilt, gilt edges. London, 1836 363 SHAFTESBURY, ANTHONY (EARL OF). Characteristics of Men, Manners, Opinions, Times. Full-length portrait and vignette on titles, by Gribelin. 8 vols. Royal 8vo, full crushed green levant, gilt backs and sides, inside denteile borders, gilt edges, by Riviere. Birmingham: Printed by Jno. Baskerville, 17738 The celebrated and very beautifully printed Baskerville Edition. Fine copy. 364 SHAKESPEARE, WILLIAM. The Works of, including Life and Concordance. Edited by Wm. Geo. Clark and Wm. Aldis Wright. With one hundred and seventy-one en- gravings on steel after the Boydell illustrations and fifty-four photogravures chiefly from life. 16 vols. 8vo, cloth, uncut. Philadelphia: Geo. Barrie & Son, N. D Interlinear Edition. On Japanese vellum paper, limited to Jive hundred copies, of which this 1s No. 317. 365 SKELTON, JOHN. Mary Stuart. J/lustrated with numer- ous portraits from original paintings, scenes, facsimiles, etc., including portrait of Mary Stuart, tn colors, with illuminated border. Imperial 4to, full crushed red levant, elaborate gilt back and sidesin floral design, inlaid with blue levant, red watered silk doublé with{broad gilt bor- ders, pollshed gilt edge. Boussod, Valadon & Co., Paris and London, 1893 One of one hundred copies printed for America. 366 SONGS OF THE CHACE. Containing an Extensive Collec- tion Relative to the Sports of the Field, including the Several Subjects of Hunting, Shooting, Racing, Coursing, Angling, Hawking, ete. /vontispiece and engraved title. 12mo, full crushed red levant, elaborate emblematic gold tooling on back and sides, inside doublé borders, orange silk doublé, edges gilt in the rough, by Zachusdorf. London, 1811 Fine copy. 0.0 ~ a o iy 367 369 370 371 372 ors 73 SOUTHEY, ROBERT. ‘The Poetical Works of. Justrated with beautiful steel engravings. 10 vols. 12mo, half blue calf, gilt, top edges gilt. London: Printed for Longman, Orme & Co., 1837 The best edition, SouTHEY, ROBERT. The Doctor. Edited by his Son-in- Law, John Wood Warter. With fortratt and engraved title. Square 8vo, half crushed green levant, gilt, top edge gilt, by Larkins. London: Longman, Brown, &c., 1849 SOUTHEY, RoBERT. The Life of Nelson. With /welve wllustrations by Westall, printed in Woodbury type, plans, etc. 8vo, full polished red calf, gilt back and sides, inside dentelle borders, gilt edge, by Zaechusdor/. London: Bickers & Son, 1895 Flas fine autograph letter, signed, of Robert Southey (4 pp. gto) dated Keswick, April 30, 1829, inserted. The letter refers to the publication of his works. STAAL-DELAUNAY, MADAME DE. Memoirs of. Trans- lated from the French by Cora Hamilton Bell. With forty- one etchings by Ad Lalauze. 2vols. 12mo, full erushed red levant, gilt backs and sides, inlaid in green and white levant, with floral design, brocaded silk doublé, broad inside borders, polished gilt edges in the round. New York: Dodd, Mead & Co., 1892 “STANLEY, ARTHUR PENRYHN. Historical Memorials of Westminster Abbey. J/lustrated edttion. 2vols. 8vo,half crushed green levant, gilt, top edges gilt. Philada,, 1899 STERNE, LAURENCE. A Sentimental Journey through France and Italy. With twelve full-page illustrations in photogravure, by the Goupil process, and numerous sketches throughout the text, from designs by Maurice Lelotr. 4to, full crushed green levant, gilt back, gold lines on sides, brocaded silk, double-heavy gold borders, polished gilt edge. New York: J. W. Bouton, 1884 A sumptuous copy, with the dluminated cover bound tn. STERNE, LAURENCE. A Sentimental Journey Through France and Italy. J/lustrated by Stanley L. Wood. 12mo, full crushed dark brown levant, blind tooled, inside gold borders, top edge gilt, uncut, by Dent. London: Pickering & Chatto, 1892 The Aldine edition. —<~G@H4,G0 UN are “Lb o.0¢ ators ae ae / 74 Edinburgh Edition of Stevenson’s Works. 374. STEVENSON, RoserRt Louris. The Works of, including 375 376 Siu 378 his Letters to his Family and Friends. Selected and Ed- ited, with Notes and Introductions, by Sidney Colvin. 3l vols. 8vo, three-quarter crushed raspberry colored levant, gilt, top edges gilt, uncut. Edinburgh: Printed by T. & A. Constable, 1894-99 The very scarce Edinburgh and best edition, of which ten hundred and thirty-five copies were printed, This is No. 331. STEVENSON, ROBERT Louis. The Letters of, to His Family and Friends. Selected and Edited, with Notes and Introductions, by Sidney Colvin. Portrait. 2 vols. 8vo, three-quarter crushed levant, gilt, top edges gilt, by Zachusdor/. London: Methuen & Co., 1899 STRICKLAND, AGNES. Lives of the Queens of England, from the Norman Conquest. Now First Published from Official Records and other Authentic Documents, Private as well as Public. A New Edition, Revised and Greatly Augmented. Embellished with portratts of every queen. 8 vols. 8vo, half maroon crushed levant, gilt, top edges gilt. a% London: Colburn & Co., 1851 Best edition. STRICKLAND, AGNES. Lives of the Queens of Scotland and English Princesses Connected with the Royal Succession of Great Britain. Jllustrated with portraits of the Queens. Third Edition. 8 vols. 8vo, half crushed blue levant, gilt, top edges gilt, by Riviere. nie Wm. Blackwood & Sons, Edinburgh, 1859 Best edition. First Editions of Surtees’ Sporting Novels. SURTEES, R. S. Sporting Novels. Viz: | Jorrocks’s Jauntsand Jollities ; or, The Hunting, Shooting, Racing, Driving, Sailing, Eating, Eccentric and Extrava- gant Exploits of that Renowned Sporting Citizen, Mr. John Jorrocks, of St. Botolph Lane and Great Coram Street. With ¢welve illustrations by Phiz. Yondon: Walter Spiers. 1838. first Edition. Hawbuck Grange ; or, The Sporting Adventures of Thomas Scott, Esq. With eight illustrations by Phiz. Wondon: Longman, Brown, Green & Longman, 1847. First dition. * *k ‘ 75 Mr. Sponge’s Sporting Tour. With full-page colored en- gravings and woodcuts by John Leech. ondon: Bradbury & Evans, 1853. First Edition. Handley Cross; or, Mr. Jorrocks’s Hunt. With full-page colored engravings and woodcuts by John Leech. Yondon: Bradbury & Hvans, 1854. First Edition. ‘“ Ask Mamma ;” or, The Richest Commoner in England. With full-page colored engravings by John Leech. V,ondon: Bradbury & Evans, 1858. first Edition. ‘Plain or Ringlets?’’ With full-page colored engravings and woodcuts by John Leech. london: Bradbury & Evans, 1860. fzrst Edition. Mr. Facey Rumford’s Hounds. With /wll-page colored plates and woodcuts by John Leech and Hablot K. Browne. London: Bradbury & Evans, 1865. first Edition. Hallingdon Hall; or, The Cockney Squire. A Tale of Country Life. With twelve illustrations by Wiaildrake, fleath and Jellicoe, colored by hand. london: John C. Nimmo, 1888. First Edition. 8 vols. 8vo, full polished light calf, gilt backs, red labels, gold lines on sides, inside gold borders, top edges gilt, by Riviere. Londen, 1838-1888 A beautiful set of the first editions throughout, with all the original covers and backs bound in. (SURTEES, R.S.) Hawbuck Grange; or, The Sporting Adventures of Thomas Scott, Esq. With full-page illustra- tions by Phiz. 8vo, full crushed red levant, emblematic gilt tooling on back and sides, in- side dentelle borders, top edge gilt, by Root & Son. London, N. D SWIFT, JONATHAN. The Works of. Containing Addi- tional Letters, Tracts and Poems not Hitherto Published. With Notes and a Life of the Author. By Sir Walter Scott. Portratt. 19 vols. 8vo, half light blue calf, gilt, red and dark blue labels, top edges gilt, uncut, by Zoxt. London: Bickers & Son, 1883 Only seven hundred and fifty copies of this edition have been printed, two hundred and fifty of which were reserved for America. This is No, 441. GS. Co f {+S 0 Ww 21 J r C7, O & 381 382 383 384 385 386 76 ENNYSON, ALFRED. Poems by. Wustrated with portrait and many wood engravings. 8vo, full maroon crushed levant, elaborate gilt back and sides, inlaid in grotesque design in red and light and dark green levant, watered silk doublé, heavy gold borders, Morris paper fly-leaves, Gouffourd gilt edges, ornamented with three superb water-color paintings illustrating the work, by Fazakeriey in silk-lined cloth case. London: Edward Moxon, 1887 A magnificent specimen of Fazakerley’s best style of bind- ing. See facsimile. THOMSON, JAMES. The Seasons. With engraved illus- trations from designs on wood by John Bell, G. W. Cope, Thomas Creswick and others. And with the Life of the Author by Patrick Murdoch. Edited by Bolton Corney. 8vo, full crushed green levant, gilt back and sides, inlaid with red levant, inside dentelle borders, edges gilt in the round, by Bedford. Longman, London, 1842 A superb copy of the best edition, and one of a few copies specially printed on heavy laid paper. THoms, WILLIAM J. Lays and Legends of Various Nations. Illustrative of their Traditions, Popular Litera- ture, Manners, Customs and Superstitions of Germany and France. J/lustrated. 2vols. 12mo, full light calf, gilt backs and sides, inside dentelle borders, top edges gilt, by Zouz. London: Geo. Cowie, 1834 THOMSON, JAMES. The Seasons. Ji/ustrated with ele- gant stipple engravings by F. Bartolozzt and P. W.-Tom- kins, Historical Engravers to their Majesties; from Original Pictures Painted for the Work by W. Hamilton, R.A. Royal 4to, three-quarter dark blue crushed levant, gilt, gilt edges, by Root & Sox. London: Printed for P. W. Tomkins, New Bond-Street. The Letter-press by T. Bensley. The types by V. Figgins, 1797 A magnificent copy of Bentley's jinely printed edition, with brilliant impressions of the plates by Bartolozst and Tomkins. Torstor Lyor'N. The Novels and other Works of. With full-page illustrations on Japan paper. 22 vols. 8vo, half blue levant, gilt, top edges gilt, uncut. New York: Chas. Scribner’s Sons, 1899 TOURNAMENT (THE); or, Days of Chivalry. With twenty-four engravings beautifully printed in colors. 8vo, full polished light calf, gilt, inside gold borders, gilt edges, by Riviere. London: Printed for Wm. Sams, 1823 REE NT AI AR CRATER Sei ReED SIS ASE TAA AT PLS NASP TE OT ES SAREE i des els Na ae Ne TIT RL MLA IO NNT NS AEN IY TO EAR EN FI ta : a ie = o th . : : ; NEL ERAT IR ES EIN LL TE ID LM MAIR ATEN RN ike RL Te Save ee AE ae AME Te Rie “ os, LORS RELA ARE ERE RET CEN EPPO EA A EEN ESA FiOS ae . RUST TH I OP Dae —t ’ t 4 4 4“ ey ¥. iS 1 : ein : = : ‘ fe F ¥ . ; ld | 4 yf y § " d me x gine atom tigpnesonee % > _ 5 TRE ONECART EON RA RRR, cy! FACSIMILE OF BINDING, BY FAZAKERLEY, ON LOT AOL: ~~ Lf f a a ee Se a ee ae = > > = Oks _ - . — | - m2 ©. 00 PAice Shoo / Loo 387 388 389 390 391 77 The Fine Edition of Wedmore’s Turner and Ruskin. TURNER AND Ruskin. An Exposition of the Work of Turner from the Writings of Ruskin. Edited, with a Bio- graphical Note on Turner, by Frederick Wedmore. With ninety-one full-page engravings printed in brown and black, weth duplicate set of plates in portfolio. 3 vols. Imperial folio, buckram, uncut. George Allen, London, 1900 Lhe Edition de Luxe. Only a limited number printed, with the duplicate set of plates in separate portfolios. ALOIS, MARGARET DE. Memoirs of, Queen of Navarre. Containing the Secret History of the Court of France for Seventeen Years. Viz.: From 1565 to 1582, during the Reigns of Charles IX. and Henry III. Written by Herself, in a Series of Letters. Portratt. 8vo, full crushed dark olive levant, elaborate gilt back and Sides, light blue silk doublé, heavy gold borders, top edge gilt, uncut. London: H. 8S. Nichols & Co., 1895 One of five extra copies printed on Japanese vellum, none of which were offered for sale. VAN Dykk, HENRY. Fisherman’s Luck, and some other Uncertain Things. Jilustrated. 8vo, half vellum, uncut. New York, 1899 Lhe Walton edition. Limited to one hundred and fifty copies on Van Gelder paper, of which this is No. 67. VIZETELLY, HENRY. ‘The Story of the Diamond Neck- lace, told in Detail for the First Time, Chiefly by the Aid of Original Letters, Official and other Documents, and Con- temporary Memoirs recently made Public, and comprising a Sketch of the Life of the Countess De La Motte, Pretended Confidant of Marie-Antoinette, and Particulars of the Careers of the other Actors in the Remarkable Drama. Portrait and frontispiece. 2vols. 8vo, full polished dark blue calf, gilt back, gold lines on sides, inside dentelle borders, gilt edge, by Morrell. London: Tinsley Bros., 1867 VOLTAIRE. La Henriade. Nouvelle Edition. With fixe medallion portratt of the author engraved on title, and twenty plates and vignettes, the whole engraved by De Longueil after fiisen. Original impressions. 2vols. 8vo, full crushed red levant, antique gold tooling, olive colored label, inside dentelle borders, polished gilt edges, by Riviere. Paris: Chez la Veuve Duchesne, Saillant, Desaint, Panckoucke & Nyon Libraries, 1770. A beautiful copy of the edition which Voltaire predicted would be most soughi after in consequence of the engravings which embellish it. ZIG ce / S.o¢ 392 393 78 “The Immortals” Edition of Voltaire. VOLTAIRE. ‘The Works of. A Contemporary Version, with Notes by Tobias Smollett. Revised and Modernized New Translation by William F. Fleming, and an Introduc- tion by Oliver H. G. Leigh. A Critique and Biography by the Rt. Hon. John Morley, J//lustrated with two hundred designs, comprising reproductions of vare old engravings, steel plates, photogravures, and curious facsimiles, some of which are colored. 42 vols. 8vo, full crushed green levant, elaborate gilt tooling on backs and sides, red levant doublé, inlaid in colors, with gold borders, watered silk fly- leaves, gilt edges. E. R. Dumont, Paris, London, New York, Chicago, N. D ‘« The Immortals” Edition. Limited to forty sets, of which this is No 4. Lhe finest edition of Voltawe published, the water-marked paper being especially manufactured for it. ALKER, MRS. A. Female Beauty, as Preserved and Improved by Regimen, Cleanliness and Dregs, and Hspecially by the Adaptation, Colour and Ar- rangement of Dress, as variously influencing the Form, Complexion and Expression of each Individual, and Render- ing Cosmetic Impositions Unnecessary. With ‘the numerous colored mechanical plates. 12mo, half red levant, gilt, gilt edges, by Root & Son, London, 18387 WALPOLE, Horace. Earl of Orford. ‘The Works of. Viz.: A Catalogue of the Royal and Noble Authors of England, Scotland and Ireland. With Lists of their Works, enlarged and continued to the present time by Thomas Parks. Numerous fine portraits. 5 vols. London, 1806. Memoirs of the Reign of King George the Third. Now first Published from the Original MSS. Edited, with Notes, by Sir Denis Le Marchant. forvtratts. 4 vols. London: Richard Bentley, 1845. Memoirs of the Reign of King George the Second. Edited from the Original MSS., with a Preface and Notes by the late Lord Holland. Second Edition. Revised. /or- tratts. 3vols. London: Henry Colburn, 1847. jee Ye *k 325 79 Journal of the Reign of King George the Third. From the Year 1771 to1783. Edited, with Notes, by Dr. Doran. Por- traits. 2vols. London: Richard Bentley, 1859. Anecdotes of Painting in England; with some Account of the Principal Artists, with Additions by the Rev. James Dallaway, and Vertue’s Catalogue of Engravers. Portraits. 3 vols. London: Bickers & Son, N. D The Letters of Horace Walpole, Earl of Orford. Edited by Peter Cunningham. Portraits. g vols. London: Bohn, 1861. Memoirs of Horace Walpole and his Contemporaries, in- cluding numerous Original Letters, chiefly from Strawberry Hill. Edited by Eliot Warburton. Portraits. 2 vols. London: H. Colburn, 1857. The Castle of Otranto. A Gothic Story. With Srontis- prece. 1 vol, on stilts. London, 1797. Together, 29 vols. Full light calf, gilt, blue and red labels, marbled edges. London, V. D f Warton & Corron’s ComplLeTE ANGLER; or, The Contemplative Man’s Recreation. By Isaac Walton. And In- structions How to Angle for a Trout or Grayling in a Clear Stream. By Charles Cotton. With Copious Notes, for the most part Original. A Biographical Preface, Giving an Account of Fishing and Fishing Books, from the Earliest Antiquity to the Time of Walton, etc. (By Rev. Geo. W. Bethune). Cofpzously illustrated. Both parts in 1 vol. Crown 8vo, full dark green turkey morocco, elaborate gilt back and sides, top edge gilt. New York and London: Wiley & Putnam, 1847 Line copy of the rare first American edition, with the “ex | hibris” of EF. F. Snow. 396 WALTON & Corron’s Complete ANGLER; or, The Contemplative Man’s Recreation of Izaak Walton and Chas. Cotton. Edited by John Major. With the numerous illus- trations on India paper. 8vo, three-quarter dark green levant, emblematic gilt tooling, top edge gilt, uncut, by Oldach & Co. Philadelphia: J. B, Lippincott & Co., N. D Edition de Luxe. Limited to two hundred and fifty copies, of which this 1s No. 33. / bce A beoe 4 o, Ce 397 399 400 80 (WARD, EDwARD,) Nuptial Dialogues and Debates; or, An useful Prospect ‘of the Felicities and Discomforts ‘of a Marry’d Life. Incident to all Degrees, from the Throne to the Cottage. Containing many great Examples of Love, Pity and Prudence . . . . also the fantastical Humours of all Fops, Coquettes, Bullies, Jilts, fond Fools and Wan- tons, Old Fumblers, Barons, Ladies, Misers, Parsimonious Wives, Ninnies, Sluts and Termagants, drunken Husbands, etc. By the Author of the London Spy. /vontispzeces. 2vols. 12mo, full mottled calf, gilt backs, gold lines on sides, inside dentelle borders, gilt edges. London, 1728 The title fully indicates the delectable morsels to be found within the covers. WARWICK, EDEN. ‘The Poets’ Pleasaunce; or, Garden of all Sorts of Pleasant Flowers, which our Pleasant Poets have, in past time, for pastime, planted. RANI AGHP ca engraved ornamented borders throughout. 8vo, full crushed dark green levant, elaborate gilt back yee sides in floral designs, with leaves inlaid in light green levant, Morris; paper doublé, with gold borders, edges gilt in the round, by Xiviere. London: Longman, Brown & Co., 1847 A beautiful book, and elegantly bound by Riviere. See facsimile of binding. WATERLOO. Historic, Military, and Naval Anecdotes of Personal Valour, Bravery, and Particular Incidents which Occurred to the Armies of Great Britain and Her Allies, in the Last Long-Contested War, Terminating with the Battle of Waterloo. Jllustrated with numerous superb aquatints, printed tn colors. Royal 4to, three-quarter crushed red levant, gilt, top edges gilt. London (1815) Fine copy, with all the forty colored plates ilustraing scenes immediately preceding and during the batile of Waterloo. : WuHuitr, GILBERT. The Natural History of Selborne. Edited, with Notes, by Grant Allen. Jllustrated by Edmund H. New; also illustrated with full-page and other original water colors by T, P. Bush. | 2vols. Royal 8vo, full crushed dark green levant, blind tooled, inside gold borders, top edges gilt, uncut, by Oldack Co, Jno. Lane, The Bodley Head, London, 1900 One of two copies illustrated in water color by T. P. Bush. A beautiful work. PLATE OF BINDING, BY RIVIERE, ON THE POETS’ PLEASAUNCE, LOT 398 wate } SHOWING COLOR OF LEATHER AND DESIGN. é £C.c0e 2.56 Y]eSo 4 7.S& 401 402 403 404 8I WILSON, HARRIETTE. Memoirs of. Written by herself, Illustrated with many suggestive ENngrAaVINES. 4vols. 12mo, full crushed brown levant, gilt backs, gold lines on sides, inside dentelle borders, top edges gilt, uncut, by Riviere, London: Printed by J. Mitford, 14 Gate Street, N. D. Fine copy. Very scarce. Wo rr, THEODORE F. Literary Haunts and Homes. American Authors. J/ustrated. 12mo, half red levant, gilt, top edge gilt, uncut. Lippincott, Philadelphia, 1899 WorRLD’s Great Crassics. Beautifully illustrated with colored and plain plates and illuminated title-pages. Contain- ing Orations of Demosthenes; with Introductions by the Translator, Thos. Leland. 1 vol.—Orations of Marcus Tullius Cicero. Translated by Chas. D. Yonge; with Special Introduction by Chas. H. Ohly. 1 vol.—Orations of American Orators, including Biographical and Critical Sketches ; with Special Introduction by Julian Hawthorne. 2 vols.—Orations of British Orators, including Biographical and Critical Sketches ; with a Special Introduction by Julian Hawthorne. 2 vols.—Essays of American Essayists, includ- ing Biographical and Critical Sketches; with a Special In- troduction by C. C. Starkweather. 1 vol.—Essays of British Hssayists, including Biographical and Critical Sketches; with a Special Introduction by C. C. Starkweather. 2 vols.— Hssays of French, German and Italian Essayists, including Biographical and Critical Sketches; with a Special Intro- duction by Chauncy C. Starkweather. 1 vol. Together, 10 vols. 8vo, full crushed dark green levant, gilt backs, gold lines on sides, green silk doublé, with dentelle borders, top edges gilt, uncut. Colonial Press: New York, N. D. Lhe Colonial Edition. Limited to one hundred copies, of which this 1s No, 6. Wor.LpD’s Great Crassics. Beautifully illustrated with colored and plain plates and illuminated title-pages. Contain- ing History of Kurope During the Middle Ages. By Henry Hallam. With Special Introduction by A. R. Marsh. And Modern History. By Jules Michelet. With Special Intro- duction by William MacDonald. 3 vols. A. Short His- tory of the English People. By John Richard Green. With a Special Introduction by Albert S. Cook. And History of Civilization in Europe. By F. P. G. Guizot. With Special (6) L750 82 Wor.Lpb’s GREAT CLAssics—Continued. 405 Introduction by Paul Van Dyke. 3 vols. The French Revolution. By Thomas Carlyle. With a Special Intro- duction by Julian Hawthorne. 2 vols. Ancient History. By George Rawlinson. With a Special Introduction by William F. McDowell. _1 vol. And Decisive Battles of the World. By Edward S. Creasy. With a Special Intro- duction and Supplemental Chapters on the Battles of Gettys- burg, Sedan, Santiago and Manila, by J. G. Spied. Together, 10 vols. 8vo, full crushed dark blue levant, gilt backs, gold lines on sides, blue silk doublé, with dentelle borders, top edges gilt, uncut. Colonial Press, New York, N. D The Colonial Edition. Limited to one hundred copies, of which this ts No. 6. Worup’s Great Crassics. Beautifully tllustrated with colored and plain plates and illuminated title-pages. Contain- ing Dialogues of Plato. With Introduction by the translator, Benjamin Jowett. 1 vol. The Spirit of Laws. By Baron de Montesquieu. Translated by Thomas Nugent. And Physics and Politics. By Walter Bagehot. 2 vols. Democracy in America. By Alexis de Tocqueville. Trans- lated by Henry Reeve. With Special Introductions by John T. Morgan and John J. Ingalls. 2 vols. Advance- ment of Learning and Novum Organum. By Francis Bacon. With Specjal Introduction by James H. Creighton. rt vol. Principles of Political Economy. By John Stuart Mill. With Special Introduction by A. T. Hadley. 2 vols. Critique of Pure Reason. By Immanuel Kant. With Introduction by the translator, J. M. D. Meiklejohn. 1 vol. And The Philosophy of History. By Georg W. F. Hegel. With Prefaces by Charles Hegel and J. Sibree. 1 vol. Together, 10 vols. 8vo, full crushed red levant, gilt backs, gold lines on sides, red silk doublé, with dentelle borders, top edges gilt, uncut. Colonial Press, New York, N. D The Colonial Edition, Limited to one hundred copies, of which this 1s No. 6. Worup’s Great Crassics. Beautifully illustrated with colored and plain engravings and tlluminated title pages. Con- taining : The Sacred Books of the East. With Critical and Biographical Sketches by EK. Wilson. 1 vol.——History of English Literature. By H. A. Taine. Translated by Henry Van Laun. With Introductions by J. Scott Clark. 3 vols.——Oriental Literature. With Special Introduction 83 WoRLD’s GREAT CLAssics—Continued. by Richard J. H. Gottheil. 4 vols. And Classic Dramas by Greek, Spanish, French, German and English Dramatists. With a Special Introduction by Albert EH. Bergh. 2 vols. | Together, 10 vols. 8vo, full crushed brown levant, gilt backs, gold lines on sides, silk doublé with dentelle borders, top edges gilt, uncut. Colonial Press, New York, N. D The Colonial Edition. Limited to one hundred copies, of which this is No. 6. 407 OLA, EMILE. The Works of. The Rougon-Mac- quart Series. J/lustrated with etchings in two states. The 33,00 Ob whole work printed on Japan paper. Containing: Gerininal, 2 vols. La Curée, 2 vols. La Terre, 2 vols. Nana, 2 vols. L, Assommoir, 2 vols. Pot-Bouille, 2 vols. 12 vols. 8vo, cloth, uncut. , Philadelphia: Printed for subscribers only by Geo. Barrie & Son. Printed on Japanese vellum paper. Limited to one thousand copies, of which this ts No. 69. See next page for descriptions of Oil Paintings and Water Colors. 84 Saturday Afternoon’s Sale, Oct. 24th, at 3° 0 clock VALUABLE OIL PAINTINGS. FERRIS, J.-L. G. Reoetee. . Philadelphia 408 A Game of Chess. AUSTRIAN, BEN. : ; ‘ Philadelphia 409 Still Life. AGRESTI, G. . [ i i : : Rome 410 A Lucky Throw. FERRIS, J. L. G. i Philadelphia AII Spanish Beauty. CHASE, WM. M. é ; : ; New York 412 Still Life. AUSTRIAN, BEN. : : : Philadelphia 412A Wild Duck POR Rea : ; Philadelphia 413 Cattle and Landscape. BALLESTER, T. : : Paris 414 Ideal Head. AUSTRIAN, BEN. , ; Philadelphia 415 Mother and Brood. FERRIS, J. L. G. ; é Philadelphia 416 A Willing Prisoner. DE BEUL, LAURENT. : . . ; Brussels 417 Sheep—The Stragglers Rescued. 85 425 Street Scence in Holland. 426 Arranging the Flowers. 427, Vettice. 428 Scene in Holland. 429 Hvening Landscape and Cattle. 430 Launching the Life Boat. 431 Outside the Bazaar, Cairo. 432 Autumn—The Country Road. 433 A Venetian Byway. AUSTRIAN, BEN. : : Philadelphia AI7A Still Life—Wild Duck. KNIGHT, D. RIDGWAY. Paris 418 The First Lesson. FERRIS, J. L. G. i Philadelphia 419 Her Legal Adviser. AUSTRIAN, BEN . Philadelphia 420 Chickens. FOX, R. A. : ; res Philadelphia 421 In the Barn Yard. AUSTRIAN, BEN. : : Philadelphia 421A Still Life—Duck. BRISCOE, F. D. ; Philadelphia 421 B Saturday’s Tub. AUSTRIAN, BEN. Philadelphia 421C Quail. WATER COLORS. 422 Dictating to a Scribe. Marconi 423 Autumn Landscape. Archibald Chichester paca Cattle. S. S. Bailey R. Laudenbach Jan Vreeland J. W. Argeles A. Van Lemke S. S. Bailey W.G. Russell Marconi Geo. Howell Gay Tossari 434 435 436 437 438 439 440 441 442 443 444 445 446 447 448 449 450 451 452 453 454 455 456 457 458 459 460 461 462 463 464 465 466 467 468 469 470 471 472 473 474 86 Autumn. | The Monastery Cook. The Canals of Holland. Sheep. The Fishing Boats. Ventees)\. At the Watering Trough. Old Windmill on Coast near Antwerp. Venetian Flower Garden. Roses. A Gray Morning on Long Island Sound. At the Armorer’s. A Rainy Day in Amsterdam. Landscape and Cattle. On the New Jersey Coast. The Busy Housewife. Driving the Flock Home. Marine—Off Shore. The ’Cellist. The Approaching Storm. Road to the Mill. Swiss Landscape. Children Crabbing. Homeward Bound. Venetian Canal. A Tour in Holland. Cattle. A Wet Day in Antwerp. Preparing Dinner. A Bazaar in Cairo. Dutch Windmill. Shepherd and Flock. Gathering Flowers. The New Jersey Coast. Summer. Holland Landscape. A Byway in Cairo. On the Cathedral Steps. At the Watering Place. Autumn Landscape. A Passing Shower— Antwerp. Archibald Chichester A. Waters J. Van Dressen W.R. Derrick W. G. Russell Santos Robledo S. S. Bailey A. Van Vorst A. Guaccimanni De Scott Evans O. B. Galland Marconi R. Laudenbach S. S. Bailey Walter Bolton Jan Vreeland Arthur Chichester Charles DeCamp A. Waters E. P. Volkenberg A. Van Lemke J. Kesel Prosper Magnan S. S. Bailey ‘Tossari BK. VanVorst S. S. Bailey R. Laudenbach Jan Vreeland Marconi J. W. Thurlaw R. H. Bierfoot Arthur Chichester W. C. Loring M. Caldwell A. Van Lemke ‘Marconi R. Laudenbach S.S. Bailey Arthur Chichester HK. Van Vorst 475 476 477 478 479 480 481 482 483 484 485 486 487 488 489 490 491 492 493 494 495 496 497 498 499 500 501 502 503 504 505 506 507 508 509 510 511 512 513 514 515 87 A Cloudy Day. Shepherd and Flock. In the Harvest Field. Boat Landing—Antwerp. Sunset. Street Scene in Cairo. ‘The Beach. Cattle. The Town Gate. The Wreck. In the Kitchen. Sheep Grazing. A Morning Shower. ‘Dutch Windmill. Children Crabbing. Along the Canal. Landscape and Cow. Landscape. The Antiquarian. A Heavy Rain. A Public Scribe—Cairo. Showers in Dort. The Fisherman’s Home. Boat Landing at the Mill. Music Hath Charms. Antwerp—Along the Canal. Landscape. Cows at Pasture. Autumn—Country Road. A Rainy Day in Antwerp. Arriving Home. Bazaar in Cairo. A Dutch Village. The Fishermen’s Landing. Cattle Resting. The Faggot Gatherer. A Byway in Cairo. Dutch Windmills. In the Juniata Valley. Boat Landing—Holland. Marine—On the Sound. A. Van Lemke Adolf Romaine J. Kesel EK. Van Vorst R. Randall Marconi Walter Bolton S. S. Bailey R. Laudenbach R. N. Gault Jan Vreeland Archibald Chichester BK. Van Vorst W.G. Russell Prosper Magnan J. Van Dressen S.S. Bailey T. Lambert A. Waters S. T. Perrett Marconi R. Laudenbach Von Keiver Josef Wuert A. Waters EF. Van Vorst H. G. Rathbun S. S. Bailey Archibald Chichester E. Van Vorst A. Van Lemke Marconi Pierre Peraud J. Van Dressen S. S. Bailey Archibald Chichester Marconi Josef Wuert F. Lesshafft EK. Van Vorst W.C. Loring 516 Duy 518 519 520 521 522 923 524 925 526 527 528 529 530 531 932 533 534 535 536 537 538 939 540 41 542 943 344 945 88 Market Boat—Canal, Antwerp. . .. J. Van Dressen, Driving the Flock Home. _ ‘Archibald Chichester, Fishing Fleet in the Harbor. . |! Von Keiver. The Best of the Herd. | S. S. Bailey An Old Dutch Town. R. Laudenbach, Street Scene—Cairo. x3 Marconi. Quiet Day Along Shore. R. M. Chapman OIL PAINTINGS—Unframed. BY A: T. MILLER. Marine—Moonlight. A Ramble in the Fields. The Surf. Landscape. Boat Landing on the Seine, Paris. Bed of Geraniums. The Breakers. Still Life. A Sail on the Inlet. The Flower Garden. A Cloudy Day. Peasant Women, Laren, Holland. A Sandy Road. Fishing Boat at Anchor. Among the Flowers. The Sea. The Vegetable Garden. Marine. Gathering Wild Flowers. Wreck Along Shore. In the Hammock. The Old Picket Fence. Landscape. BICKING PRINT S. E. Cor. Tenth and Market Sts Fe ee Ree SeReere ed Cn eee ae Ce Se ; Ps Catalogue No. goo. Part II. THE Magnificent Library OF THE LATE HOWARD T. GOODWIN, ESQ. OF PHILADELPHIA SOLD BY ORDER OF THE EXECUTRIX (HAMPTON L. CARSON, ESQ., COUNSEL ) The Rarest Books The Most Sumptuous Editions The Most Elegant Bindings ABSOLUTELY THE FINEST BOOKS EVER OFFERED THE AMERICAN PUBLIC AND Original Sketches by Eminent Artists, Autograph Letters, Choice Etchings and Water Colors TO BE SOLD Thursday, Nov. 12, Friday, Nov. 13 and Saturday, Nov. 14, 1903 COMMENCING BACH DAY AT 2.30 O'CLOCK i vanel o> . | GV Oe Ue BF On Exhibition Monday, Nov. 10, and until the day of sale CATALOGUE COMPILED AND SALE AT THE BOOK AUCTION ROOMS OF CONDUCTED BY DAVIS & HARVEY, STAN. V. HENKELS. 1112 Walnut Street, Philadelphia, Pa. Bids will be ark we. | ey Peesuat as pine sued in 1 catalogue, TERMS OF Sarn—Casn. iambediansty following the sale, , \ Ry ty 4 ry POR Bat ‘ ay ‘ ~ j : 4 : ST: ay ; A & ve \ } \ f ’ y ai \ ei ah . * } \ < 4 1 ie ‘1 Py { ¢ ‘ P i > i th i ‘ # i i ; i ; { 1 1 yi t MI ) . i qe { ; ’ Pilot OF PRICES REALIZED AT THE SALE OF THE Library of the Late Howard T. Goodwin a Part II—Sold November 12, 13 and 14, 1903 E Sale conducted by DAVIS & HARVEY, Auctioneers 4 ; STAN. V. HENKELS 1112 Walnut St., Phila. 4 Lot Price | Lot Price | Lot Price | Lot Price | Lot Price . 1 537,50 144 § $10 00! 87 ~ $52 00} 130 $1 25] 173 $2 50 = - 50145 3 50 | 88 IL OO} 131 350| 174 II OO , a2 202°50.| 46 12 40 | 89 4 50] 132 § 50/175 152.00 a 4 37 00 | 47 2 75 | 90 21 OO| £33 18 00| 176 16800 = 5 130 OO | 48 I 25 | QO: 21 CO| 134 § 75| 177 It 00 eS 6 5 50/49 5 25 | 92 11 OO] 135 § 00; 178 36300 . 7 - 30 00 | 50 a OS 39 00] 136 1§ 00/ 179 4 00 a 8 QO 00 |51 21 0O | 94 19 50| 137 12 00| 180 8 00 a g -125°00 | 52 3 25 | 95 36 00| 138 5 00] 18t 6 00 e 10 160 00 |53 3 00 | 96 25 00] 139 14 00| 182 13 00 I! 120 00 | 54 3 00 | 97 66 00} 140 10 50| 183 5 50 12 18 001/55 3 00 | 98 34 OO| 141 9 00| 184 24000 13 3 50 | 50 4 ©0 | 99 § OO| 142 11 00} 185 13 00 14 Q 00 |57 4 00] 100 24 OO} 143 If OO| 186 20 00 15 3 25 158 6 50| to! 34 OO| 144 26 00} 187 30 25 16 4 00 |59 23 00 | 102 50 OO} 145 14 50] 188 40 0O 17 21 00 | 60 6 50 | 103 67 50] 146 8 00| 189 60 CO 18 5 50/61 10 0O | i04 18 OO] 147 36 00} 190 22 50 19 13 00 |62 13 50] 105 14 00| 148 § OO| 19! 16 00 . 20 4 75 |63 30 00 | 106 85 OO} 149 4 00} 192 § 00 “ 21 2 00 | 64 Pe-50 b 407932501450 8 25] 193 7 00 - 22 21 00/65 18 00 | 108 § 50| 153 14 00] 194 17 00 23 3 50 | 66 32 0O| 109 250 OO} 152 7 OO} 195 3 00 j 24 22 50 |67 132 0O| 110 SO] 153 2 00} 196 18-00 25 # 92.00/68 15 0O| I1i 2 25| 154 30 00| 197 6 50 | 26 4 25 |69 8 00 | I12 6 OO] 155 45 00| 198 6 00 27 30 00/70 144 00] 113 10 50] 156 8 00] 199 70 00 28 2 60 |71 30 OO| II4 IO GO| 157 40 00} 200 50 00 Be 29 § 00|72 375 | 115 12 OO| 158 275| 201 40 00 . 30 5 00 |73 10 40 | 116 8 00] 159 30 00} 202 il OO $ 31 12 50174 § 00/117 16 00} 160 4 00} 203 7 50 a 32 13 00/75 20 00 | 118 7 00} 161 6 00| 204 350 & 33 11 00 |76 16 00 | L19 61507 162 3,00| 205 1 50 a 34 37 50 |77 60 00/120 45 OO} 163 22 00| 200 32 00 a 35 1 50|78 6 00/121 104 O0| 164 § 00} 207 12 50 x 36 350179 Q 00 | 122 38 O0| 165 19 50| 208 42 00 = s7 24 00 | 80 10 00 | 123 34 00} 166 10 50| 209 50 00 a 38 21 00/8! Q 00 | 124 8 00] 167 2 00} 210 29 CO g 39 6 00 | 82 18 00 | 125 5 00/168 2000] 211 2600 a 40° 3 00 | 83 19 00/126 100 00| 169 Q 00} 212 22 00 * 4l II 50|84 16 50!.127 500/170 1600] 213 3200 : 42 § 00 | 85 24 00|128 123 75| 171 20 00| 214 30 00 43 62,70|86 ~— § 50} 129 22 00|.172 115 OO| 215 25 00 2 LIST OF PRICES Lot Price | Let Price | Lot Price | Lot Price | Lot Price 216 $1900] 269 $5 50| 321 $29 70| 374 $1300|427 1800 217 20 00} 270 5 25] 322 26 00! 375 = 105 00/ 428 19 00 218 225 50] 271 2 50| 323 17 00| 376 31 00| 429 18 00 219 42 00} 272 I 25] 324 250] 377 30 00] 430 250 220 30 00} 273 3 60} 325 17 00| 378 38 00] 431 5 50 224 I 00] 277 I 25] 329 5 80] 382 26 00] 435 16 00 225 450/278 13600 330 42 00; 383 30 00| 436 18 OO 226 I 00} 279 4 00) 331 28 75] 334 8 50/437 14400 230 43 00/ 283 =216 00] 335 6 00} 388 450/441 7 50 231 160 OO} 284 9 OC! 336 3 50] 38g 8 50| 442 3 00 232 14 00] 285 3 00} 337 85 00} 390 9 00] 443 2 50 233 6 00] 286 14 25| 338 36 00} 391 1 251444 7 50 234 13 00] 287 I 50] 339 28 00] 392 4 00/445 12 00 235 72000| 288 3 00} 340 30 00] 393 4 25|446 175 236 20 00} 289 10 50/ 341 6 50] 394 I2 50] 447 225 237 18 00} 290 2 00} 342 16 00} 395 3 50] 448 2 00 238 4000} 291 14 50) 343 = 25 50/ 396 ~— §5 20] 449 2 00 239 3600) 292 8 00} 344 3 25) 397 400/450 7250 240 105 00} 293 8 00] 345 40 00] 398 32 00/451 125 00 241 325] 204 30 00] 346 13300] 399 ©6210 00 452 9 00 242 II 50} 295 42 50! 347 12 00} 400 3751453 9 00 243 § OO} 296 72 00| 348 3 00] 401 18 00/454 17 50 244 33 09} 297 I 25) 349 3 50] 402 9 50/455 21 00 245 4 00| 298 10 0G} 350 4 00} 403 9 50/456 16 00 246 42 OO} 299 6 50} 351 2 50} 404 6 00] 457 4 00 247. 102 00] 300 3 25| 352 8 80] 405 27 00/458 4 00 248 3 00] 301 3 00} 353 15 00} 406 19 00} 459 5 00 249 30 OO] 302 3 50] 354 13 00} 407 19 00} 460 27 50 250 1200} 302% 131 25} 355 900} 408 3300/4601% 900 251 © 00} 303 57 00} 356 7 50] 409 I5 OO| 461 31 00 252 200} 304 13200] 357 775| 410 26 00| 462 40 00 253 375] 305 6 50] 358 14 OO| 4tI 6 50/ 463 85 00 254 19 50] 300 16 GO|} 359 3 00} 412 10 50| 464 20 OO 255 60 00} 307 108 00| 360 70 00} 413 12 00} 465 25 00 256 20 00} 308 24 00} 361 30 CO} 414 20 00 | 466 5 00 257 27 00} 309 39 00} 362 18 50} 415 16 00 | 467 250 258 63 25] 310 22 00} 363 10 00} 416 800/467 a 12 25 259 1§ OO} 311 12 00| 304 112 00/ 417 15 50} 468 I 00 260 33 00} 312 42 50| 365 I 25] 418 5 50| 469 15 oo 261 60 00} 313 26 00} 360 I OO] 419 7 900/470 § 00 262 100] 314 33000} 367 15 GO| 420 2I 00/471 I5 00 263 3.25] 315 15 CO| 368 442 00| 421 § 50/472 If OO 264 3 50] 316 1 00] 369 80 00} 422 12 00} 473 10 00 265 28 00} 317 26 00| 370 160 00} 423 3 501474 9 Oo 266 2 00} 318 3 50} 371 18 0O| 424 15 00} 475 6 00 267 I 25/ 319 325] 372 16000] 425 Q 00| 476 i§ OO 268 I 00! 320 72 00| 373 10 50] 426 3 00] 477 8 00 a Ser, a a ee _ ~ _-_ -, eee eo Se 4 Be 2 2 : | : LIST OF PRICES 3 Lot Price | Lot Price | Lot Price | Lot Price | Lot Price 478 $3 00} 505 $5 00} 532 $1 00 | 559 $2 00] 586 $I OO 479 13 00} 506 4 20] 533 2 25 | 560 I 50| 587 8 00 480 Q 00} 507 2 0O| 534 I 25 | 561 2 25| 588 2 00 481 7 00} 508 2 00} 535 5 00 | §62 13 00} 589 { OO 482 5 GO| 509 I 50| 536 I 75 |563 2 00} 590 25 483 8 00} 510 2 00} 537 150 | 564 I 23| 5901 2 00 484 200] 5II I 50| 538 2 25 | 565 2 00/ 592 es 485 4 00/ 512 250] 539 5 50 | 566 I 00} 593 I 00 486 5 50] 513 175} 540 3 50 | 567 150} 594 9 50 487 5 00/| 514 5 50| 54! 3 00 | 568 2 50} 595 75 488 250] 515 4 00} 542 2 00 | §69 1 50} 396 I 00 489 5 00} 516 3 00] 543 3 00 | 570 5 00} 597 2 25 - 490 8 0O| 517 3 00] 544 I 50/571 I 25} 598 I 00 4QOI II OO| 518 3.50} 545 100 |572 2 00} 599 2 00 492 6 GO} 519 5 00| 546 I 00 | 573 I 75| 600 2 00 493 7 00} 520 6 50| 547 7 50 | 574 4 00| OoI I 25 494 Q 00} 521 2 50| 548 3.00 | 575 2 50| 602 I 25 495 5 50) 522 3 50} 549 2 50 | 576 4 00] 603 I 50 496 10 00} 523 I 50] 550 2-00: 1577 i 50} 604 75 497 8 00} 524 6 50] 551 150/578 I 50| 605 I 50 498 8 O00] 525 350] 552 200 | 579 50| 606 1 00 499 3 00] 526 I OO] 553 2 00 | 580 1 75| 607 I oO 500 4 00} 527 250] 554 125 |581 I 00} 008 I 50 501 8 00} 528 2 00] 555 3.25 | 582 I 50| 669 I 00 502 3.50| 529 5 00O| 556 50 | 583 I 25] 610 I 50 503 2 00| 530 250] 557 225 1584 I OO} 611 2 25 504 I 20! 531 200] 558 200 1585 2 00} 612 200 REMARKS. HE books described in this Catalogue embrace the second portion of the Library of the late Howard T.. Goodwin, of Philadelphia, and fully sustain his reputation of owning many of the rarest books in the English language, bound in the most sumptuous manner. In this portion of the Library are brought together his collection of the First Editions of Lamb, Keats, Shelley, Ros- setti, Thackeray, Dickens, Scott, Cowper, Milton, Dr. Johnson, Marryat, Lytton, and other noted authors, many of them being special copies, and all superbly bound, including a few presented by the authors. ‘There are also many unusual volumes of great rarity, with special bindings, embracing selections from The Kelmscott Press, The Vale Press, The Essex House Press, and numerous other privately printed books, as well as quite a number of costly works on the fine arts. The works of standard authors include the leading writers of England and America, mostly limited editions, specially and sumptuously bound to order. The bindings are the work of the leaders of the craft in England, France and America, exhibiting the most beautiful workmanship and the most delicate taste, only obtained by a lavish outlay of money and time. There are also valuable original drawings by Sir Thomas Lawrence, Angelica Kauffmann, Rosa Bonheur, F. O. C. Darley, Hablot K. Browne, and other noted artists; some few choice Autograph Letters and Manuscripts, many fine Etchings, and a - fine collection of Water Color Paintings. | To The Photo-Chromotype Engraving Company, of Phila- delphia, we are indebted for the many beautiful reproductions of the bindings, as well as for the facsimile titles. Catalogue Part III. will follow shortly, and will include an unusual collection of Extra-illustrated Books, as well as many literary rarities. WE WISH IT DISTINCTLY UNDERSTOOD THAT EVERY BOOK IN THIS CATALOGUE BELONGS TO THE ESTATE OF THE LATE Howarp T. Goopwin. STAN. V. HENKELS. SUS Ue SUR SOR SURE Catalogue. I CKERMANN’S TOURS. Picturesque Tour of the Seine, from Paris to the Sea. With Particulars, His- torical and Descriptive, by M. Sauvan. Jdlustrated with twenty-four highly finished and colored engravings from draw- ings by A. Pugin and J. Gendall, and accompanied by a map. London: Published by R. Ackermann, 1821. * A Picturesque Tour Along the Rhine, from Mentz to Cologne. With Illustrations of the Scenes of Remarkable Events and of Popular Traditions. By Baron J. J. Von Gerning. m- bellished with twenty-four highly finished and colored engravings from the drawings of M. Schultz, and accompanied by a map. Translated from the German by John Black. London: Pub- lished by R. Ackermann, 1820. * A Picturesque Tour Along the River Ganges and Jumna, in India. Consisting of twenty-four highly finished and coloured views, a map and vignettes from original drawings made on the spot. With Illustrations, Historical and Descriptive. By Lieutenant-Colonel Forrest. London: Published by R. Ackermann, 1824. Together, 3 vols. Royal 4to, original cloth, gilt. London, 1820-24 Fine copy. Very scarce. 2 ArnswortH, W. Harrison. Auriol ; or, The Elixir of Life. Jllustrated with numerous full-page etchings by ‘‘Phiz.”’ Being the New Monthly Magazine Gratuitous Supplement. 8vo, full polished light calf, gilt back, gold lines on sides, inside dentelle borders, top edge gilt, by Azviere. London Furst Edition. 4 Large-paper Japan Edition of Ainsworth’s Works. 3 AINSWORTH, WILLIAM HarRRIson. Historical Romances of. Superbly illustrated with water-color facsimile in each volume. Numerous historical portraits on India paper and many choice etchings in three states—jirst state, remarque, after semarque. Containing :— Crichton, 2 vols. Windsor Castle. The Manchester Rebels. Constable of the Tower. Saint James. Old Saint Paul’s, 2 vols. Talbot Harland. Jack Sheppard, 2 vols. The Lord Mayor of London. John Law. Cardinal Pole. The Goldsmith’s Wife. Boscobel, 2 vols. Tower of London, 2 vols. Rookwood, 2 vols. Guy Fawkes, 2 vols. The Star-Chamber. The Constable de Bourbon. 25 vols, Royal 8vo, full erushed blue levant, gilt backs and sides, inside dentelle borders, polished gilt edges. Philadelphia: Printed only for Subscribers by Geo. Barrie & Son, N. D. first-state, large-paper, Japan edition. Limited to two hun- dred and fifty copies, of which this is No, 27. Sumptuously bound for Mr. Goodwin. 4 Airy, Osmunp. Charles II. Jlustvated with numerous full-page portraits, printed in tints, rom contemporary paint- ings, and colored portrait of Charles Il., also with an extra set of forty proof plates on heavy Japanese vellum. 2vols. 4to, paper, uncut. Goupil & Co., Manzi, Joyant & Co., Successors, London, Paris & N. York, 1901 Japanese vellum copy. of which only three hundred were printed, thisis No 103. To be sold as 2 vols., the extra plates beng counted as a volume. The handsomest work on the subject. 5 ALKEN, HENRY. The National Sports of Great Britain, by. Illustrated with fifty full-page engs avings by Alken, printed zm colors, with description. Folio, full crimson straight-grained morocco, emblematic gold tooling on back and sides, green silk doublé and fly-leaves, rich inside gold borders, pol- ished gilt edges, by Zaehusdor/. London: Printed for Thomas McLean, 1825 A superb large-paper copy of the exceedingly rare first edition, with all the elegant colored plates, free trom Spots, Name of former owner on title. Original printed label bound in. 3 6 ArRNoLD, MatruEw. Alaric at Rome. A Prize Poem. A Type-Facsimile Reprint of the Original Edition. Published at Rugby in 1840. Edited by ThomasJ. Wise. With /ron- tisptece. 8vo, full crushed red levant, gilt back and sides, inside gold borders, top edges gilt, uncut, in slip case. London: Printed for private circulation only, 1893 One of thirty copies printed on Whatman paper. 7 AR TREASURES OF AMERICA. Being the Choicest Works of Art in the Public and Private Collections of North Amer- ica. Edited by Edward Strahan. J/lustrated with numerous superb proof photogravures and hundreds of illustrations in the teAE. 4 vols. Royal folio, full crushed crimson levant, elaborate gilt backs and sides, watered-silk doublé, with heavy gold borders, polished gilt edges. Philadelphia: George Barrie Edition de luxe. No. 623 of one thousand copies published. The finest and handsomest art work published by Barrie. 8 AvupsLEy, GEORGE ASHDOWN. The Ornamental Arts of Japan. Drawing, Painting, Engraving, Printing, Embroid- ery, Textile Fabrics, Lacquer, Incrusted-Work, Metal-Work, Cloisonné Enamel, Modelling and Carving. leganily cllus- trated with full-page plates in gold, silucr and colors, tllustrat- ing the most beautiful specimens of the various arts of the country. The whole work mounted on linen guards. 2vols. Royal folio, full crushed black levant, emblematic gilt backs and sides, inlaid with red, white and green levant, ribbed silk doublé, heavy gold borders, polished gilt edges. New York: Charles Scribner’s Sons, 1883 The best authority on the arts of Japan. Clawton Edition of Jane Austen’s Works. Limited to Ten Sets. 9 AvSTEN, JANE. The Novels of. J/lustrated with full-page engravings in colors. Containing: Emma, 2 vols. Pride and Prejudice, 2 vols Sense and Sensibility, 2 vols Mansfield Park, 2 vols. Northanger Abbey, 1 vol. Persuasion, 1 vol. Together, 10 vols. 8vo, full crushed green levant, gilt backs and sides in floral design, with roses inlaid in red levant, red levant doublé, with rich gold borders, red silk fly-leaves, top edges gilt, uncut, by Blackwell. New York: J. F. Taylor & Co., 1901 The Clawton Edition. Limited to ten copies, of which this ts No. 2. Specially bound for Mr. Goodwin. The Aquarelle Edition of Balzac. ce) ALZAC, HONORE DE. ‘The Works of. ‘Translated by Katharine Prescott Wormely. Jllustrvated with nu- merous full-page plates on India paper. 40 vols. 8vo, three-quarter maroon levant, blind tooled, top edges gilt, uneut. Boston : Roberts Bros., 1896 Ihe Aquarelle Edition. Limited to twenty-five sets, of which this 1s No. 19. Ir BARRIE, J. M. The Novels, Tales and Sketches of. J//us- trated with photogravures. 10 vols. 8vo, half vellum, top edges gilt, uncut. Published in New York, by Chas. Scribner’s Sons, 1896 The Author's Autograph Edition, on Japan paper. Limited to one hundred and fifty copies, signed by the author, of which this 1s No. 97. 12 BARTLETT, W.H. The Works of. Elegantly illustrated with steel and wood engravings. Viz: * Walks about the City and Environs of Jerusalem. Lon- don, N. D. ** Forty Days in the Desert on the Track of the Israelites ; or, A Journey from Cairo, by Wady Feiran, to Mount Sinai and Petra. London, N. D. ** Gleanings, Pictorial and Antiquarian, on the Overland Route. London, 1851. ** Footsteps of Our Lord and His Apostles in Syria, Greece and Italy. London, 1852. * The Nile Boat ; or, Glimpses:of the Land of Egypt. Lon- don, 1852. * Jerusalem Revisited. London, 1855. Together, 7 vols. Royal 8vo, three-quarter brown crushed levant, gilt, top edges gilt, by Morredé, London, 1851-5 13 BayiEy, JOHN. The History and Antiquities of the Tower of London. With Memoirs of Royal and Distinguished Persons, deduced from Records, State-papers and Manu- scripts, and from other Original and Authentic Sources. Second Edition. J//lustrated. 8vo, half red morocco, gilt, top edge gilt. London: Published by Jennings & Chaplin, 1830 5 14 Bayty, Tuomas. Herba Parietis; or, The Wall Flower. As it grew out of the Stone-Chamber belonging to the Metro- politan Prison of London, called Newgate. Being a History Which is Partly True, Partly Romantick, Morally Divine ; Whereby ‘a Marriage between Reality and Fancy is solem- nized by Divinity. Written by Thomas Bayly, D. D., whilst he was a Prisoner there. With the scarce frontispiece of New- gate Prison. Folio, full polished light calf, gilt, inside dentelle borders, giltedges, by Riviere. London: Printed by J. G., and are to be sold by John Holden at the Blue Anchor in the New Exchange, 1650. Fine copy. Very scarce. 15 BEDE, CUTHBERT. (Edward Bradley.) Motley Prose and Verse, Grave and Gay. With original illustrations by the author. 12m0, full light calf, gilt back and sides, inside dentelle borders, original covers as doublé, top edge gilt. London: James Blackwood, 1855 First Edition. Autograph presentation copy from the author. 16 BENNETT, CHARLES. ‘The Nine Lives of a Cat. A Tale of Wonder. Jllustrated with engravings tn colors. Square 8vo, full polished red calf, gilt, inside gold borders, gilt edges, by 7Jouz. London: Griffith & Farran, 1860 17 BERNERS, JOHN BOURCHIER (LORD). The History of the Valiant Knight, Arthur of Little Britain. A Romance of Chivalry. Originally Translated fromthe French by. A New Edition. With a series of plates from tluminated drawings contained in a valuable MS. of the original romance. 4to, full ‘contemporary red straight-grained morocco, gilt back and sides, inside gold borders, gilt edges. London: Printed for White, Cochrane & Co., 1814 Very scarce. Large-paper copy. The plates all colored by hand. 18 BxESANT’s Book. Glimpses of the Dark Ages; or, Sketches of the Social Condition of Europe from the Fifth to the Twelfth Century. 16mo, half morocco, gilt. London, N. D Walter Besant’s copy. Presentation copy from his brother, with the inscription in the hand-writing of Walter Besant on back of title. é 19 BEWICK. Poems by Goldsmith and Parnell. (The Traveller, The Deserted Village, by Goldsmith, and The Hermit, by Parnell.) lustrated with numerous beautiful wood engravings by T. Bewick. Vondon: Printed by W. Blumer & Co., Shakspeare Printing Office, 1795. The Chase, a Poem. By William Somervile. ///ustvated with wood engravings by T. Bewick. London: Printed by W. Blumer & Co., Shakspeare Printing Office, 1796. Waiting for Death. A large folding woodcut, with description, being Bewick’s last work. Inlvol. 4to, half morocco. London, 1795-6 Large-paper copies. Very rare. First issues, with the Bewick engravings. ‘* Ex libris” of Daniel Cooper. | 20 BIBLIOTHECA ANGLO-PoETICA; or, A Descriptive Cata- logue of a Rare and Rich Collection of Early English Poetry in the Possession of Longman, Hurst, Rees, Orme and Brown. Illustrated by Occasional Extracts and Remarks, Critical and Biographical. /vontispiece and vignette on title. 8vo, full polished light calf, gilt back, gold lines on sides, inside gold berders, canary edges, by Bedford. London, 1815 Very scarce. 21 BrLApES, WILLIAM. The Biography and Toypgraphy of William Caxton, England’s First Printer. J//ustrated. 8vo, cloth, marbled top. London: Trubner & Co., 1877 22 BLAKE. Ballads by Wm. Hayley, Esq. Founded on Anecdotes relating to Animals. With prints designed and engraved by Wm. Blake (in colors). 12mo, full crushed red levant, elaborate gilt back and sides, in the style of Roger Payne, white vellum, doublé, with red levant and gilt borders, top edge gilt, by Guzld of Women-Binders. Printed by J. Seagrave, 1805 Exceedingly scarce, and a beautiful specimen of binding. See facsimile. 23 BLOOMFIELD, ROBERT. May Day with the Muses. J//us- trated with woodcuts, by Bewick. 12mo, full polished red calf, gilt back, gold lines on sides, inside dentelle borders, top edge gilt, by Zoxz. _London: Printed for the Author, 1822 First Edition 24 Boccaccio, GIOVANNI. ‘The Decameron of. ‘Translated by John Payne. Jilustrated after designs by Louis Chalon, Jacques Wagrez, C. D. J. Eisen and Léopold Flameng. 3vols. 8vo, cloth, with extra covers, uncut. London, 1895: Privately printed for subscribers only. Hlorentine edition. One of sixty-six copies printed on Japanese vellum paper, of which this is No. 38. NY a i im 2 S (@) fa -Q 7 a ‘Ee Zi a= O x ‘) QA ao im 2, <0 me x aN be a) Oo a Q Zz — ~ fy © a I ; 4 3 } f a ea i } i sor { le 1g PLATE OF BINDING, BY ZAEKHNSDORF, ON SALAMAN AND ABSAL. LOT NO. 199, 199 200 201 202 203 204 47 JAmiI. Salamaén and Absdl. An Allegory. ‘Translated from the Persian by Jami. Frontispiece. 8vo, full crushed brown levant, elaborate gilt back and sides in floral de- sign, brown silk doublé, with rich gold borders, top edge gilt, by Zachnsdor/, in brown morocco slip case. London: J. W. Parker & Son, 1856 Very rare. Elegantly bound. See plate. JARDINE, SIR WILLIAM. ‘The Naturalist’s Library. Viz: Ichthyology, 6 vols.; Ornithology, 14 vols.; Entomology, 7 vols., and Mammalia, 13 vols. Zhe whole illustrated with hundreds of plates, beautifully colored by hand. 40 vols. 16mo, halt calf, gilt, maroon and green labels, top edges gilt. Kdinburgh: W. H. Lizars, 1833-43 Fine copy of the first edition. First Edition of Johnson’s Prince of Abyssinia. (JOHNSON, SAMUEL.) ‘The Prince of Abyssinia. A Tale. Zvols. 12mo, full polished mottled calf, gilt backs, gold lines on sides, in- side dentelle borders, edges gilt in the rough, by Zaehusdor/. London: Printed for R, & J. Dodsley, in Pall-Mall, and W. Johnston, in Ludgate-Street, 1759, Beautiful copy of the rare first edttion, First Edition of Johnson’s Tatler. (JOHNSON, SAMUEL.) The Tatler. (Lucubrations of Isaac Bickerstaff, Hsq.) From No. 1 to 271; with title to Vol. 1, Folio, full polished mottled calf, gilt back, gold lines on sides, top edge gilt, uncut, by Riviere. London, 1709-10 A fine uncut copy in the original numbers as issued, but lacking the second title and index. JONES, OWEN. ‘The Psalms of David. Illuminated by. Royal folio, heavily embossed calf, representing carved wood, gilt edges. London, N. D A series of one hundred and four pages, with different borders, etc.; capital letters printed in gold, silver and colors on heavy cardboard. The designs taken from ancient mis- sals, hour books, etc. JouBERT. A Selection from his Thoughts. ‘Trans- lated by Katharine Lyttelton; with a Preface by Mrs. Humphrey Ward. 8vo, three-quarter crushed yellow levant, gilt, top edge gilt, uncut. London: Duckworth & Co., 1898 205 206 207 208 209 48 JUSSERAND, J. J. The Romance of a King’s Life. Trans- lated from the French by M. R. Revised and Enlarged. by the Author. Jlustrated. 12mo0, vellum, top edge gilt, uncut. London: T. Fisher Unwin, 1896 No. 21 of twenty-five copies printed on Japanese vellum. Signed by the author. Illuminated Vellum Manuscript. EATS, JOHN. Odeto Melancholy. Beautifully writ- ten and highly tllumtnated in gold and colors, on four leaves of pure vellum, on one side of page only. 8vo, full maroon levant, rich gilt back and sides, white vellum doublé, with heavy gold borders, gilt edges, by Clus Bindery, 1900. A beautiful book, and fine specimen of the famous Club Bindery. First Edition of Keble’s Christian Year. (KEBLE, JoHN.) The Christian Year. Thoughts in Verse for the Sundays and Holydays Throughout the Year. 2vols. 12mo, full dark brown crushed levant, blind tooled and gilt backs and sides, inside borders, top edges gilt. Oxford: Printed by W. Baxter for J. Parker, 1827 Beautiful copy of the exceedingly scarce first edition. KELMSCOTT PRESS. The Defence of Guenevere and other Poems. By William Morris. Printed in red and black. Small 4to, full crushed green levant, elaborate gilt back and sides, inlaid with dark green levant, crushed red levant doublé and fly-leaves inlaid with green levant beautifully gilded, and rich gold borders, top edge gilt, uncut, by De Sauty, in red erushed levant slip case. Kelmscott Press, 1892 Only three hundred copies printed. A beautiful Shee of De Sauty’s binding. KeitmscorTr Press. The Poems of William Shakespeare. Printed after the Original Copies of Venus and Adonis, 1593; The Rape of Lucrece, 1594; Sonnets, 1609; The Lover’s Complaint. Edited by F. S. Ellis. Printed in black and red. 8vo, limp vellum, ties, uncut. Kelmscott Press, 1893 Five hundred copies only printed. Although the number was large, this has become one of the rarest books issued trom the press. 5 4 =e 2 > ow g PLATE OF BINDING, BY DE SAUTY, ON THE TALE OF THE EMPEROR CONSTANS. LOT NO. 213. 210 mi 212 213 214 215 49 KELMSCOTY PRESS. Ballads and Narrative Poems. By Dante Gabriel Rossetti. With woodcut title, borders and znttial letters. 8vo, limp vellum, ties, uncut. Kelmscott Press, 1893 Only three hundred and ten copies printed. KELMsCcoTr PrEss. The Order of Chivalry. Translated from the French by William Caxton, and reprinted from his edition of 1484. Edited by F. S. Ellis. And L,’Ordene de Chevalerie, with Translation by William Morris. With woodcut designed by Sir Edward Burne-Jones, and borders. Printed in black and red. Small 4to, full crushed brown levant, elaborate blind tooling on back and sides, inside blind tooled borders, top edge gilt, by Zaehusdor/. Kelmscott Press Only two hundred and twenty-five copies printed. Ketmscorr Press. Ballads and Narrative Poems. By Dante Gabriel Rossetti. Printed in red and black, with ornamental borders. 8vo, full brown pigskin, uneut. Hammersmith, 1893 Unique and extremely handsome copy, bound in pigskin with the Kelmscott design and borders on the fore and lower covers, with the original green silk tiepteces. KrLMscorr Press. The Tale of the Emperor Coustans and of Over Sea. Done out of Ancient French by William Morris. With woodcut title, borders and initial letters. Printed in black and red. 16mo, full crushed brown levaunt, elaborate gilt back and sides, inlaid with a beautiful design in various colored levant, crushed red levant doublé, richly gilded, with gold borders, top edge gilt, by De Sauty, with slip case. Kelmscott Press, 1894 Only five hundred and twenty-five copies printed. A beautiful specimen of De Sauty's best work. See plate KELMscoTr PRESS. Sonnets and Lyrical Poems of Dante Gabriel Rossetti. With woodcut title, borders and capital letters. Printed in black and red. 8vo, limp vellum, ties, uncut, Kelmscott Press, 1894 Only three hundred and ten copies printed, Ketmscort Press. Child Christopher and Goldilind the Fair. By William Morris. With woodcut title, borders and intttal letters. Printed in black and red. 2vols. 16mo, half holland, uncut. Kelmscott Press, 1895 Only six hundred copies printed. (4) 216 217 218 50 KrELMscoTTr Press. The Sundering Flood. Written by William Morris. Overseen for the Press by May Morris. With borders and initial letters, and map printed on cover. Printed in black and red. 8vo, half holland, uncut. Kelmscott Press, 1897 Only three hundred copies printed. The last romance written by William Morris. KEMBLE, FRANCES ANN. Record of a Girlhood. 3 vols. London: Richard Bentley & Son, 1878. Records of Later Life. 3 vols. London: Richard Bentley & Son, 1882. Further Records, 1848-1883. A Series of Letters, by Frances Anne Kemble, forming a Sequel to Record of a Girlhood. fortratts. 2 vols. London: Richard Bentley & Son, 1890. Together, § vols. 12mo, half crushed dark maroon levant, gilt, top edges gilt, by Root & Son. London, 1878-90 All first editions. KOBBE’S AMERICAN STAGE. Publisher’s Edition, Limited to Three Sets. KosBE, Gustav. The American Stage and Those who have made it Famous. Jllustrated with one hundred superb photogravures, portratts and scenes from the principal plays, beautifully colored by hand, and ornamented with original water color borders. ‘The designs illustrating the central pic- ture, all mounted on heavy cardboard, with leather guards, and bound in ten imperial folio volumes ; full black morocco, gilt, red crushed levant doublé, richly gilded with broad bor- ders, Morris paper fly-leaves, gilt edges. Accompanied by an 8vo volume of descriptive text, bound in full crushed blue levant, gilt back and sides, red levant doublé, with rich gilt borders and Mortis paper fly-leaves, top edges gilt, uncut. Together, 11 vols. New York and Philadelphia, Gebbie & Co., 1901 Publisher's copy Manufactured for Mr. A. R. Keller, President of Gebbie & Co. Three sets only of this edition have been manufactured, one for the president, one for the vice president, and one for the secretary and treasurer of Geblie & Company; with the attestation stgned by the officers of the company. JOHN WOODVIL A TRAGEDY. BY Cc. LAMB. TO WHICH ARE ADDED, FRAGMENTS OF BURTON, THE ANATOMY OF MELANCHOLY. London: PRINTED BY T. PLUMMER, SEETHING-LANE 5 FOR G. AND J. ROBINSON, PATERNOSTER-ROW; 1802. Facsimile of Title of Lot No. 220. 52 219 A FONTAINE, J. DE. ‘Tales and Novels in Verse of. [Illustrated with beautiful impressions of the eighty-five original plates by Etsen. 2vols.in4. 8vo, full polished light ealf, gilt backs and sides, red and blue labels, yellow silk doublé and fly leaves, with rich gold borders, polished gilt edges, by Broca Paris: J. Lemonnyer, 1877 No. 44 of one hundred copies printed on imperial Japanese paper. Very rare. First Edition of Charles Lamb. 220 Lams, C. John Woodvil. A Tragedy. ‘To which are added Fragments of Burton, the Author of the Anatomy of Melancholy. 12mo, original boards, uncut, in silk slip cover. London: Printed by T. Plummer, Seething-Lane, for G.and J. Robinson, Paternoste1r-Row, 1802. fine copy, in the original state, of the exceedingly rare first edition. Netther French or Arnold had a copy. This copy bears the inscription on the fly-leaf,“ To Miss Burchell, with the author's best regards. N. B., the poor author has a great respect for Miss Burchell’s father.’ We would not, however, wish our patrons to consider that the writing in Lam's hand, as tt bears all the appearance of a clumsy tmitator. See facsimile of ttle. 221 LAMB. ‘Time’s a Tell-Tale. A Comedy in Four Acts. As Performed at the Theatre-Royal, Drury-Lane. By Henry Siddons. 8vo, full crushed green levant, gilt back, gold lines on sides, inside gold borders, giltedges.2 London: Printed for Longman, Hurst, Rees & Orme, 1807 The rare first edition, with the epilogue written by Charles Lamb, 222 LAMB, CHARLES. The Works of. 2vols. 12mo, full polished red calf, gilt backs, gold lines on sides, inside dentelle borders, top edges gilt, uncut, by Zoxz. London: Printed for C. and J. Ollier, 1818 Fine copy of the rare first edition. 223 LAms, CHARLES. Album Verses, with a Few Others. Vignette on title. 8vo, full crushed green levant, elaborate gilt back and sides, inside gold borders, top edge gilt, uncut, by Clud Bindery, 1901. London: Edward Moxon, 64 New Bond Street, 1830 A fine copy of the very rare first edition. Beautifully bound, See facsimile of title. ALBUM VERSES, WITH A FEW OTHERS, BY CHARLES LAMB. LONDON : EDWARD MOXON, 64, NEW BOND STREET. 1830. Facsimile of Title of Lot No. 223. 224 225 226 227 228 229 54 Lams. Charles Lambin Pipefuls. Selected and Arranged by Walter Lewin. Portrait and engraved title. 8vo, original illustrated paper wrapper, uncut. Liverpool: At the Office of ‘‘ Cope’s Tobacco Plant,” 1890 LAMB, CHARLES. In the Footprints of. By Benj. Ellis Martin. J/lustrated by Herbert Railton and John Fulleylove. With a Bibliography by E. D. North. 8vo, three-quarter crushed maroon levant, gilt, top edge gilt, by Macdonald, London: Richard Bentley & Son, 1891 Original covers bound in. LAMB, CHARLES. A Descriptive Catalogue of the Library of. Portrait. 8vo, paper, uncut, New York: The Dibdin Club, 1897 No. 45 of one hundred copies printed. LAMB, CHARLES. Essays of Elia. J/luminated by hand. 8vo, full crushed red levant, elaborate gilt back and sides, red silk doublé, with gold borders, top edge gilt, uncut. The Roycroft Shop, East Aurora, N. Y., 1899 No. 19 of forty copies specially tluminated by hand. LAMB, CHARLES. » The Life and Works of. With Intro- duction and Notes by Alfred Ainger. 12 vols. 8vo, full vellum, beautifully hand decorated in gold and ecolors in floral designs on backs and sides, inside gold borders. top edges gilt, uncut, by Cedric Chiver. London: Macmillan & Co., 1899 Edition de luxe. Limited to six hundred and seventy-five copies. This copy was specially bound in hand-decorated vel- lum, every volume of a aifferent design, for Mr. Goodwin. (LANDOR, WALTER SAVAGE.) Poetry by the Author of Gebir. 8vo, original paper covers, uncut, in silk case. Sold by F. & C. Rivington, St. Paul’s Church-Yard, London, 1802 First Edition. The author's own copy, with his autograph on title and manuscript corrections throughout. See facsimile of ttle. ) j POETRY BY The Author of Gebir. Wal lx Stew age pero be —3 099 OO08 —— —= OHHH HII SOLD BY F. 2 ¢. RIVINGTON, Sr. PAUL’s CHURCH-YARD, Tones, ee20e088 Facsimile of Title of Lot No. 229. 56 230 LANG, ANDREW. Prince Charles Edward. J//ustvated oot with numerous full-page portraits printed in tints, from con- temporary paintings ; with portrait of Prince Charles Edward in colors; also with an extra set of thirty-seven proof plates on heavy Japan paper. 2vols. 4to, paper, uncut. Goupil & Co., Manzi, Joyant &Co., Successors, London, Paris & N. York, 1900 Japanese vellum copy, of which only three hundred were printed This 1s No. 38. To be sold as two volumes, the extra plates being counted as one volume. The handsomest work on the subject. Une Femme de Qualite. LELOIR, MAuRIcE. Une Femme de Qualité au Siecle Passé ie bars, ay 73. a OLE Revert—La Fille de Chambre—La Réveil—La Baignoire et le Déjeuner—La Sortie de Bain—lLa Petite Toilette—Le Corps de Baleine—Le Bain. II. La Toirerre—Le Cabinet de Toilette—Les Visites Le Coiffeur Léonard — L’ Edifice—La Robe — La Grande Toilette. III. Le DINER—La Chaise 4 Porteurs—Cour d’Hotel— La Diner—Le Service; la Cuisine—La Table; la Desserte —Au Jardin—A Table. IV. Les EmpLerres—Le Départ—Le Coureur — Le Choix des Etoffes—L’ Exposition 4 la Place Dauphine—Au Petit Dunkerque—Chez le Cordonnier—Chez Mademoiselle Bertin. V. La VIE DES SALOoNS—Le Parfilage—Les Silhouettes : les Découpures—Le Jeu—Le Poéte, le Colin—Maillard— Le Thé ; le Billard—Le Boudoir—Une Lecture. VI. PARTIES DE CAMPAGNE—Rendez-vous A la Porte Saint-Antoine—Le Voyage—Les Appréts du Diner—Le Jeu de Bagues Chinois—La Bascule ; la Course aux Anes—La Bal aux Flambeaux—Le Déjeuner sur 1’Herbe. VII. La DEvoTION—Le Sermon—Le Confessionnal ; la Chambre des Pensionnaires—La Petite Classe—La Parloir; le Dortoir des Grandes —lLecon de Musique; Lecon de Danse—Le Gofiter—La Tribune de Pentemont. 222 233 234 af VIII. MATERNITE — I,’ Accouchée — La Noutrice; les Visites—Avant & Aprés les Baptéme, Le Départ de la Nourrice; les Relevailles—Visite 4 1’ Enfant—Visite aux Parents—Baptéme a Saint-Roch. IX. La Comeprr—Lecon de Déclamation; les Plans du Thédtre—Visite aux Travaux—lLes Cartonnages; les Peintres Amateurs—Le Costumier, Répétition en Costume— Les Derniéres Mouches, En Scéne—Triomphe La Repre- sentation. X. Les Socreres.— Cours d’Histoire naturelle — L’ Ordre de la Persévérance—Les Lanturles ; les Rosates— Loge d’adoption, Epreuves d’apprentie—Epreuves de Com- pagnonne-—Epreuves de Maitresse—Réception d’une Cheva- liére dans 1’Ordre de la couronne. Illustrated with eighty superb aquarelles, in exact tmitation of the original water-colors by Maurice Leloir. All elegantly mounted on heavy cardboard. 10 sections, complete in 2 portfolios, white morocco, gilt and satin lined. Paris: Jean Boussod, Manzi, Joyant & Cie, 1899 A truly magnificent work, fully wWlustrating in the most delicate and beautiful manner, high society in France, in the eighteenth century. LETCHFORD, ALBERT. Oriental Tales. A series of seventy original illustrations to the Arabian Nights. Painted by Albert Letchford, all remarque proofs, printed on Japanese vellum paper. 8vo, three-quarter russia, gilt, top edge gilt, uncut. Printed for F. A. Niccolls & Co., Boston, N. D No. 19 of five hundred copies printed. LEVER, CHARLES. Our Mess. Jack Hinton, the Guards- man. With portrazt of the author and numerous illustrations on wood and steel by Phiz. 8vo, in the original numbers, with the covers as issued. é ae Dublin: Wm. Curry, Jr., 1843 Furst Edition. (LEVER, CHARLES.) Confessions of Con. Cregan; The Irish Gil Blas. With dlustrations on wood and steel by Hablot kK. Browne. 2vols. 8vo, full polished green crushed levant, gilt backs, gold lines on sides, inside dentelle borders, Morris paper fly-leaves, top edges gilt, London: Wm.S. Orr & Co., Amen-Corner Paternoster-Row, N. D Chowe copy of the rare first edition. 2395 236 58 Author’s Autograph Edition of Lever’s Works. Limited to ten copies. LEVER, CHARLES. The Novels of. Edited by His Daughter. Jlustrated with numerous full-page colored etch- ings by Phiz, and a full-page original water color drawing as frontispiece to each volume, illuminated titles. And an Autograph Letter, signed, 3pp, 8vo, of the author inserted in Vol. I. of ‘‘ Charles O’Malley.” Containing :— Charles O’ Malley, 2 vols. Confession of Harry Lorre- quer, 2 vols. The Dodd Family Abroad, 2 vols. Sir Jasper Carew. The Bramleigh’s of Bishop’s Folly. Luttrell of Arran, 2 vols. Davenport Dunn, 2 vols. Confessions of Con Cregan, Paul Goslett’s Confession. St. Patrick’s Eve. Tom Burke of Ours, 2 vols. The Daltons, 2 vols. Maurice Tierney. Tony Butler. One of Them, 2 vols. Horace Templeton. The Knight of Gwynne, 2 vols. The O’ Donohue. 2 vols, The Fortunes of Glencore. Jack Hinton, the Guards- Roland Cashel, 2 vols. man. Sir Brook Fosbrooke, 2 vols. The Martins of Cro’ Martin, Lord Kilgobbin. | 2 vols. That Boy of Norcott’s. Arthur O’Leary. Tales of the Trains. Barrington. Nutcrackers, etc. A Day’s Ride. Together, 40 vols. 8vo, full crushed green levant, elaborate gilt backs and sides, inlaid with red levant, red levant doublé on back covers, with rich gold borders, on inside of front covers a burnt-in drawing on light calf, illustrating each book, with gold borders, watered silk and Morris paper fiy-leaves, top edges gilt, uncut, by Bécourt. London: Downey & Co.; New York: J. T. Taylor & Co., N. D Author's Autograph Edition. Limited to ten registered copres, of which this 1s publisher's proof copy, specially preparen for Mr. H1. F. Goodwin, and furnishing a beautiful specimed of Bécourt's best binding. LITERATURE OF ALL NATIONS AND ALL AGES. History, Character and Incident. Edited by Julian Hawthorne. As- sociate Hditor, Professor J. P. Lamberton. Jilustrated with one hundred photogravures from paintings. 10 vols. Imperial 8vo, three-quarter black levant, gilt, top edges gilt, Philadelphia: Wm, Finley & Co., 1897 Author's Edition. Limited to five hundred copies, of which this 1s No. 36. All signed by Julian Hawthorne. OUTRE-MER; A PILGRIMAGE BEYOND THE SEA. Noe I have passed manye landes and manye yles and contrees, and cnerched manye fulle straunge places, and have ben in manye a fulle gode honourable companye- Now I am comen home to reste. And thus recordynge the tyme passed, I have fulfilled these thynges and putte hem wryten in this boke, as it woulde come into my mynde. Sir Joun MAuNDEVILLE. BOSTON: HILLIARD, GRAY, & CO. M DCCC XXXIlIl. Facsimile of Title of Lot No. 238. 237 238 239 240 60 LOCKER, FREDERICK. London Lyrics. With the Srontis- prece by Caldecott in two states, and with the illustrations by Kate Greenaway on India paper. Large 8vo, original vellum, uncut. London: Privately printed, 1881 Large-paper copy. Very rare. “In 1881 a privately printed edition appeared. A very few copies were printed on large paper, with an illustration by Kate Greenaway and another by Caldecott. These large-paper copies are exceed- ingly scarce’'— Slater. In addition to the two illustrations mentioned above, which are on India paper, there is inserted en this copy a proof of the Caldecott tllustraton, differing in design from the original illustration. The author objected lo the feather in the girl's hat in the frontispiece, and the plate was therefore re engraved. the feather being eliminated A few proofs of the plate in its first state were struck off, one of which is tnserted in this copy. Only fifty copies of the book were printed, and it is stated in the French Catalogue that only six copies had the Caldecott plate in both states. (LONGFELLOW, HENRY W.) Outre-Mer: A Pilgrim- age Beyond the Sea, No. I. Boston: Hilliard, Gray & Co., MDCCCX XXIII. Outre-Mer; A Pilgrimage Beyond the Sea, No. II. Boston: Lilly, Wait & Company, 1834. 2vols. 8vo, full crushed black levant, gilt backs, gold lines on sides, in- side gold borders, Morris paper fly-leaves, top edges gilt, by Sttkeman, in slip case. Boston, 1833-4 Fine copy of the exceedingly rare first edition of which only two parts were published, and which are rarely found, espe- cially together. The whole work was issued in two volumes in 1835. See facsimile of title of Volume I LouvrE GALLERY. The Great Masters in the. JJus- trated with twenty-four full-page colored Plates and over seventy full-page photogravures, as well as many smaller engravings in the text, from the paintings of the most noted artists, with descriptive text. 12 sections in 2 portfolios. New York and Paris, 1898-1900 LOVER, SAMUEL. The Collected Writings of. Llustrated wrth colored frontispiece and full-page plates. Containing — Rory O’More. 2 vols. - He Would be a Gentleman. Legends and Story of Ireland. 2 vols. 2 vols. Handy Andy. 2 vols. Poems. 1 vol. Dramas. 1 vol. 10 vols. 8vo, full crushed green levant, gilt backs and sides, gold inside borders, Morris paper fly-leaves, top edges gilt, uncut. Boston : Little, Brown & Co., 1901 The edition de luxe. Limited to one hundred copies, of which this ts No. 1. 241 242 243 244 245 61 LYTTON, SIR EDWARD BuLWER. Not so Bad as We Seem ; or, Many Sides toa Character. A Comedy in five acts, as first Performed at Devonshire House in the Presence of Her Majesty and His Royal Highness the Prince Albert. 8vo, half morocco. (Broken.) London: Published for the Guild of Literature and Art, 1851 First Edition. The cast consisted of Dickens, Costello, Jerrold, Forster, Mark Lemon, Wilkie Collins, Tenniel and other well known men. Dickens was stage manager, and in- troduced many important changes and additions in the dialogue and in the stage directions. Kare. ABIE, HAMILTON WRIGHT. William Shake- speare, Poet, Dramatist and Man. Wé7th one hun- dred illustrations, including nine full pages in photo- gravure, 4to, full white rough calf, gilt, top edge gilt, uncut, with loose cloth cover. London and New York. The Macmillan Co., 1900 Only one hundred and fifty copies printed on large paper. Signed by the author. This ts No 1. MacKay, CHARLES. ‘The Thames and Its Tributaries ; or, Rambles Among the Rivers. 2 vols. 8vo, half green crushed levant, gilt, top edges gilt, by Zaehnsdor/, London: Richard Bentley, 1840 First Edition. (Manony, Rev. Francis.) The Reliques of Father Prout, late P. P. of Watergrasshill, in the County of Cork, Ireland. Collected and Arranged by Oliver Yorke, Esq. lllustrated by Alfred Croquill, Esq. 2vols. 12mo, full crushed red levant, gilt backs and sides, inside gold borders, top edges gilt, uncut, by Zouz. London : James Fraser, 215 Regent Street, 1836 Fine copy of the very rare first edition, With an extra set of proof plates printed on separate pages, bound in ; and with half titles and engraved titles. MAISTRE, XAVIER DE. Voyage Autour de Ma Chambre. Etched portrait and engraved title. 8vo, half vellum, uncut. Cambridge: Riverside Press, 1901 Ce Tirage est de cing cents exemplaires tmprimés sur papier verge numéro LI. 246 62 MANNING, Miss. ‘The Works of. A Collected Set. Containing— The Maiden and Married Life of Mary Powell, After- wards Mistress Milton. /ortratt. Third Edition. lLon- don, N. D. Deborah’s Diary. A Sequel to ‘‘ Mary Powell.’’ Lon- don, N. D. Claude the.Colporteur. Colored frontispiece. London, 1854. First Edition. The Adventures of the Caliph Haroun Alraschid. London, 1855. First Edition. | Some Account of Mrs. Clarinda Singlehart. Frontispiece. London, 1855. First Edition. The Old Chelsea Bun-House. A Tale of the Last Cen- tury. London, 1855. First Edition. The Good Old Times. A Tale of Auvergne. Second Edition. London, 1857. Helen and Olga. A Russian Tale. Frontispiece. First Edition. London, 1857. Tasso and Leonora. The Commentaries of Sir Panta- leone degli Gambacorti, Gentleman Usher to the August Madama Leonora D’Este. Frontispiece. First Edition. London, 1856 Lives of Good Servants. First Edition. London, 1857 The Ladies of Beaver Hollow. A Tale of English Country Life. First Edition. 2vols. London, 1858. Poplar House Academy. First Edition. 2 vols. London, 1859. The Day of Small Things. First Edition. London, 1860 The Chronicle of Ethelfield. First Edition. London, 1861. Belforest. A Tale of English Country Life. First Edition. 2vols. London, 1865. The Lincolnshire Tragedy. Passages in the Life of the Faire Gospeller, Mistress Anne Askew. Recounted by ye unworthie Pen of Nicholas Moldwarp, B.A. First Edition. London, 1866. *k *K *K *K * - 247 248 249 250 63 A Noble Purpose Nobly Won. An Old, Old Story. Third Edition. London, 1870. The Provocations of Madame Palissy. Sixth Hdition. London, 1880. Cherry and Violet. A Tale of the Great Plague. /7ont- tspiece. London, N. D. The Colloquies of Edward Osborne, Citizen and Cloth- worker of London. /vontispiece. Second Edition. London, N. D, The Household of Sir Thomas More. Portrait. Second Edition. London, N. D. Together, 24 vols. 12mo, uniformly bound in half crushed red levant, gilt, top edges gilt, by Root & Son, London, V. D. Fine set. Mostly first editions. MARRYAT, Caprain. The Complete Works of. £le- gantly illustrated with etchings on Japan paper. 94 vols. 8VO, three-quarter dark blue levant, emblematic gold tooling, top edges gilt, uncut. New York: Croscup & Co., 1896 Made expressly for members of the New Vork Yacht Club. Limited to one hundred copies, of which this ts No, 2. MARTINEAU, Harriet. The Hour and the Man. A Historical Romance. 3vols. Post 8vo, three-quarter crushed green levant, gilt, top edges gilt. London: Edward Moxon, 1841 First Edition. Title and first leaf of Vol. I. repatred. Masson, FREDERIC. Joséphine. Empress and Queen. Translated by Mrs. Cashel Hoey. J/lustrated with upwards of forty full-page portraits and other illustrations, and colored portrait of Josephine. 4to, full black straight-grained morocco, elaborate emblematic gold tooling on back and sides, inside gold borders, top edge gilt, uncut, by Durvand, New York: Goupil & Co. of Paris, Jean Boussod, Manzi, Joyant & Co. Successors, 1899. Original covers bound in. MayvuEw, Henry. The Lower Rhine, and its Picturesque Scenery from Rotterdam to Mayence. /llustrated by Birket Foster. And The Upper Rhine, the Scenery of its Banks and the Mansions of its People, from Mayence to the Lake of Constance. Jllustrated by Birket Foster. 2vols. Royal 8vo, three-quarter crushed blue levant, gilt, gilt edges, by Zowt, London: Routledge, Warne & Routledge, 1860 251 252 253 254 255 256 64 MERIMEE, PROSPER. Carmen. ‘Translated from the French, and 7zllustrated by Edmund H. Garrett. With a Memoir of the Author, by Louise Imogen Guiney. 8vo, full vellum, clasps, uncut. Winchester, Mass., 1896 Vo. 3 of an edition of fifty copies printed on Japan paper, and signed by Edmund H. Garrett. MERRYWEATHER, F. SOMNER. Bibliomania in the Mid- dle Ages.. With an Introduction by Charles Orr. 8vo, boards, uncut. New York: Meyer Brothers & Co., 1900 No. 3 of twenty five copies on Japan paper. MEw, JAMES. Types from Spanish Story; or, The Old Manners and Customs of Castile. With thirty-six proof etchings by R. De Los Rios. i Imperial 8vo, three-quarter crushed green levant, gilt, top edge gilt, with extra illuminated cloth cover. New York: Rk, Worthington (Edinburgh), 1884 MILLER, THomMAS. ‘The Works of. First Editions. Viz.: Godfrey Malvern. With twenty-five illustrations by Phiz. London (1842). Pictures of Country Life and Summer Rambles. J/ilustrated. Yondon, 1847. Our Old Town. Illustrated. Yondon (1857). The Poacher and Other Pictures of Country Life. J/lustrated. J,ondon. The Country Year Book. Jllustrated. Wondon, 1847. Birds, Bees and Blossoms. Jilustrated by Birket Foster. lon- Cony N a: Together, 6 vols. 8vo and 12mo, half crushed dark olivelevant, gilt edges. ate London, V, D All first editions. First Edition of Milton’s Paradise Lost. MILTON, JOHN, Paradise Lost. A Poem in Ten Books. The Author, John Milton. Small 4to, full crushed levant, elaborate gilt back and sides, inside dentelle borders, polished gilt edge. London: Printed by S. Simmons, and are to be sold by T. Helder, at the Angel, in Litte Brittain, 1669. fine copy of the very rare first edition, with the eight title. See facsimile of ttle. MILTON, JOHN. Paradise Regain’d. A Poem in IV Books, to which is added Samson Agonistes. ‘The author, John Milton. 3 Small 8vo, full crushed brown levant, back and sides elaborately ornamented in gold and inlaid in various colored levant, inside gold borders, gilt edges, by De Sauty, in silk case. London: Printed for John Starkey at the Mitre in Fleet-Street, near Tem- ple-Bar, 1680. Line copy of the very rare first edition. See plate of binding. SER SA i IE Be ES LITER ap PTT GN LS SS ANTI IEE NC PLATE OF BINDING, BY DE SAUTY, ON MIL'TON’S PARADISE REGAIN’ D LOTHNOs2 50. ‘ Uy . ue Ay . * - , , . . pec * - i \ = a ; gee ~ ) The Author FOHN MILTON. LONDON, Printed by §. Sivswons, and are to be fold by T. Helder, at the pide in. Lytle Brittain, 1669. oper seen SN A ee TT ED SS : Facsimile of Title of Lot No. 255. (5) POEM S,&c. GPON Several Occafions. | BY \Mr FJOHN MILTON: || BohENGLISH and LAT IN, &c. Compoféd at feveral times. | With a {mall Traétate of | VE DUCATIONI | Zo Mr. HARTLIB, : LONDON, | Printed for Tho.Dring at the Blew Anchor next Mitre Court over againtt Fetter Lane in Fleet-firect. 1673. Facsimile of Title of Lot No. 257. 67 257 MiLTon, Mr. JOHN. Poems, etc. Upon Several Occa- sions, both English and Latin, etc. Composed at several times, with a small Tractate of Education to Mr. Hartlib. 8vo, full crushed red levant, blind tooled, inside dentelle borders, Morris paper fiy-leaves, gilt edges, by Bradstreet. London: Printed for Tho. Dring, at the Blew Anchor, next Mitre Court, over against Fetter Lane in Fleet-Street, 1673 Fine copy of the rare first edition. See facsimile of title. 258 MITCHELL, DonaLD G. The Works of. A Collected Set, mostly first editions. Containing— * Fresh Gleanings; or, A New Sheaf from the Old Fields of Continental Europe. By Ik. Marvel. New York: Har- per Bros, 1847. First Edition. Name on title. * Reveries of a Bachelor; or, A Book of the Heart. By Ik. Marvel. New York: Baker & Scribner, 1850. First Edition. * The Battle Summer. Being Transcripts from Personal Observations in Paris, during the Year 1848. By Ik. Marvel. New Vork: Baker & Scribner, 1850. First Edition. * ‘The Lorgnette; or, Studies of the Town by an Opera Goer. Second Edition. Set off with Mr. Darley’s Designs. New Vork : Printed for Stringer & Townsend, N. D. 2 vols. Library stamp on title. * Dream Life. A Fable of the Season. By Ik. Marvel. New Vork : Charles Scribner, 1851. First Edition. * Fudge Doings. Being Tony Fudge’s Record of the Same. By Ik. Marvel. New York: Charles Scribner, 1855. 2vols. First Edition. * My Farm of Edgewood. A Country Book. New York: Charles Scribner, 1863. First Edition. * Seven Stories, with Basement and Attic. New York: Charles Scribner, 1864. First Edition. * Wet Days at Edgewood. With Old Farmers, Old Gar- deners, and Old Pastorals. New York: Charles Scribner, 1865. First Edition. 258 *K *K * * * 259 260 68 MITCHELL, DonaLrp G.—Continued. m ‘Doctor Johns. Being a Narrative of Certain Events in the Life of an Orthodox Minister in Connecticut. New York: Charles Scribner & Co., 1866. 2 vols. First Edition. Rural Studies, with Hints for Country Places. New York: Charles Scribner & Co., 1867. First Edition. About Old Story-Tellers ; or, How and When they Lived and What Stories They Told. New York: Scribner, Arm- strong & Co., 1878. First Edition. Out-of-Town Places; with Hints for their Improvement. New York; Charles Scribner’s Son, 1884. (A reissue of ‘Rural Studies.’ ) Bound Together. A Sheaf of Papers. New York: Charles Scribner’s Sons, 1884. First Edition. English Lands, Letters and Kings. By Donald G. Mitchell. New York: Charles Scribner’s Sons, 1889-97. 4 vols. First Editions. American Lands and Letters. New York: Charles Scrib- ner’s Sons, 1897-99. 2 vols. First Editions. Together, 23 vols. 12mo and 8vo, three-quarter crushed tan-colored levant, gilt, top edges gilt, by Macdonald, New York, 1847-1899, All first editions except one. MITFORD, JOHN. The Adventures of Johnny Newcomb in the Navy. A Poemin Four Cantos. With Notes. With numerous full-page colored plates by Williams, after the style of Rowlandson. ‘The Second Edition. 8vo, half morocco, sprinkled edges. London: Published tor the author, 1819 Some plates repaired. MODERN ArRTIstTs. Illustrated Biographies of. Published under the direction of F. G. Dumas. Jllustrated with a series of thirty-seven fine proof etchings of the principal works of modern artists, and their portraits. Many of the etchings by the artists who painted the pictures. All neatly mounted and matted on cardboard, and numerous smaller engravings throughout the text. 1 vol. Folio, full black levant gilt, gilt edges, watered silk doublé, with heavy gold borders, and 2 black levant morocco portfolios enclosing the proof etchings, making in all 3 volumes. Paris : Ludovic Baschet, N. D 26 Ty * *K 69 - Works of William Morris. Morris, WILLIAM. ‘The Works of. Collected Set. Containing :— A Dream of John. Ball, and a King’s Lesson. London: Longmans, Green & Co., 1896. News from Nowhere; or, An Epoch of Rest. London: Longmans, Green & Co., 1896. The Defence of Guenevere, and Other Poems. London: Longmans, Green & Co., 1896. The Life and Death of Jason. A Poem. London: Long- mans, Green & Co., 1896. Poems by the Way. Love is Enough. London: Long- mans, Green & Co., 1896. Hopes aud Fears for Art. London: Longmans, Green & Co., 1896. Signs of Change. London: Longmans, Green & Co., 1896. The Earthly Paradise. A Poem. 4 vols. London: Long- mans, Green & Co., 1896. The Story of the Glittering Plain, which has been also called the Land of Living Men ; or, The Acre of the Undying. London: Longmans, Green & Co., 1896. The Roots of the Mountains, wherein is Told Somewhat of the Lives of the Men of Burgdale, Their Friends, Neigh- bors, Their Foemen and Their Fellows-in-Arms. London: Longmans, Green & Co., 1896. The Story of Sigurd the Volsung and the Fall of the Niblungs. London: Longmans, Green & Co., 1896. The Odyssey of Homer. Done into English Verse. London: Longmans, Green & Co., 1896. ZEneids of Virgil. Done into English Verse. London: Longmans, Green & Co., 1896. The Wood Beyond the World. No. 19 of fifty copies on Whatman paper. London: Laurence & Bullen, 1895. A Tale of the House of the Wolfings and all the Kindreds of the Mark. Written in Prose and in Verse. London: Longmans, Green & Co., 1896. The Well at the World’s End. 2 vols. London: Long- mans, Green & Co., 1896. Together, 20 vols. 8vo, and crown 8vo, uniformly bound in half crushed dark blue leyant, blind tooled, top edges gilt, uncut, by Zaehnsdorf. London, 1895-6 262 263 264 265 7O MorRISs, WILLIAM. Pre-Raphaelite Ballads. With many tllustrations and decorative borders in black and white by H. M. O'Kane. Square 8vo, vellum, uncut. A. Wessels Co., New York, 1900 No. 238 of two hundred and fifty copies on imperial Japan paper. Moore, Tuomas. The Epicurean. A Tale. With vignette ellustrations by J. M. W. Turner. And Alciphron. A Poem. 12mo, full light calf, gilt back and sides, inside gold borders, top edge gilt. London: John Macrone, 1839 Furst Edition. (Moork, THOMAS.) The Poetical Works of the Late Thomas Little. Thirteenth Edition. 12mo, original contemporary calf, gilt, marbled edges. London: Printed for Carpenter & Son, 1817 The suppressed facetious poems, by the poet, Thomas Moore. Mosher’s Limited Publications. MOSHER’S OLD WORLD SERIES. Viz.: The Story of My Heart, by Richard Jefferies; The Kasidah of Haji Abdu Hl-Yezdi, My Sister Henrietta, by Ernest Renan ; Sylvie: Souvenirs du Valois, by Gerard de Nerval; Sesame and Lilies, by John Ruskin ; Sonnets from the Portuguese, by H. B. Browning; The Letters of a Portuguese Nun; Underneath the Bough, by Michael Field; Atalanta in Calydon, by Algernon C. Swinburne; The Story of Ida, by Francisca Alexander; Rubaiyat of Omar Khayyam, Trans- lated by Edward Fitzgerald; Aucassin and Nicolete, done into English, by Andrew Lang; Helen of Troy, Her Life aud Translations, by Andrew Lang; A Child’s Garden of Verses, by Robert L. Stevenson ; Underwoods, by Robert L. Stevenson; The House of Life, by Dante Gabriel Ros- setti; The New Life of Dante Alighieri, Translated by Dante Gabriel Rossetti; Monna Innominata, Sonnets and Songs, by Christina G. Rossetti; A Tale of Chloe, by George Meredith; A Modern Love and Other Poems, by George Meredith. . 20 vols. 16mo, boards, uncut, Portland, Maine, Thos. B. Mosher, 1897-1900 All printed on Japan vellum, and limited to one hundred coptes. 266 267 268 269 270 271 272 273 71 MosHER. Our Lady’s Tumbler. A Twelfth Century Legend. Done out of Old French into English by Philip H. Wicksteed. 8vo, boards, uncut. Printed for Thomas B. Mosher, Portland, Me., 1900 No. 35, of fifty copies printed on Japan vellum. MOSHER. Empedocles on Etna. A DramaticPoem. By Matthew Arnold. 8vo, boards, uncut. Thomas B. Mosher, Portland, Me., 1900 One of fifty copies on Japan vellum. MosHER. Hand and Soul. By Dante Gabriel Rossetti. Square 16mo, boards, uncut. Thomas B. Mosher, Portland, Me., 1899 One of one hundred copies on Japan vellum. MosHER. ‘The Poems of Master Francois Villon, of Paris. Now first done into English Verse in the Original Forms, with a Biographical and Critical Introduction by John Payne. Square 8vo, ornamental boards, uncut. Printed for Thomas B. Mosher, Portland, Me., 1900 No. 40 of fifty copies on Japan vellum. MosHER. Louis Veneris. Poemsand Ballads. By Alger- non Charles Swinburne. Portrait. Square 8vo, boards, uncut. Portland, Me.: Thomas B. Mosher, 1899 No. 1 of four hundred and fifty copies printed on Van Gelder hand-made paper. MosHER. The Heptalogia. By Algernon Charles Swin- burne. 4to, boards, uncut. Portland, Me.: Thomas B. Mosher, 1898 No. 33 of fitty copies on Japan vellum. MosHER. ‘The Story of David Gray. By Bobert Buch- anan. fortratt. Small 4to, boards, uncut. Portland, Me.: Thomas B. Mosher, 1900 Vo. 30 of fifty copies on Japan vellum. MosuER. Child Christopher and Goldilind the Fair. By William Morris. 8vo, boards, uncut. Portland, Me. : Thomas B. Mosher, 1900 No. 43 of fifty copies on Japan vellum. We: 274 MosHER. Under the Microscope. By Algernon Charles Swinburne. 8vo, boards, uncut. Portland, Me.: Thomas B, Mosher, 1899 No. 20 of fifty copies on Japan vellum. 275 MosHER. ‘The Bibelot. A Reprint of Poetry and Prose for Book Lovers ; Chosen, in Part, from Scarce Editions and Sources not Generally Known. Vols. 1 to 6. 6 vols. Square 16mo, boards, uncut. Portland, Me.: Thomas B. Mosher, 1895-1900 276 MosHeR. Primavera. Poems by Four Authors. 8vo, illustrated boards, uncut. Portland, Me.: Thomas B. Mosher, 1900 No. 30 of fifty copies on Japan vellum. 277. MosHER. Fancy’s Following. By Anodos. 8vo, illustrated boards, uncut. Portland, Me.: Thomas B. Mosher, 1900 No. 41 of fifty copies on Japan vellum. Netherlands Edition of Motley’s Works. 278 MoTiuEy, JoHN LAtHrorp. The Works of. Comprising: The Rise of the Dutch Republic, 5 vols.; History of the United Netherlands, 6 vols.; Life and Death of John of Barneveldt, 3 vols.; Correspondence of John L. Motley, 3 vols. Jilustrated with full-page plates on Japan paper, maps and tlluminated title-pages. 17 vols. 8vo, full dark olive crushed levant, gilt backs and sides, inside dentelle borders, top edges gilt, uncut, by Macdonald, New York and London: Harper & Bros., 1900 The Netherlands edition, of which only five hundred copies were printed, this ts No. 20. Sumptuously bound to order for Mr. Goodwin. 279 MOUNTAINS AND LAKES OF SWITZERLAND AND ITALY. Sixty-four Picturesque Views, after Drawings taken from Original Sketches by C. Pyne. With Descriptive Notes by the Rev. Jerome J. Mercier, | 4to, original cloth, gilt, with watered silk extra covers. London: Bell & Daldy, 1871 Fine copy of the original edition. Now very scarce. 280 MuuLBacH, Louisa. The Historical Romances of. Translated from the German. J/llustrated with photogravures. 20 yols, 8yo, half green morocco, gilt, top edges gilt, uncut. New York; D. Appleton & Co., N. D. 16) 281 Mountz, Eucene. Leonardo Da Vinci, Artist, Thinker and Man of Science. From the French of. With forty-eight plates and two hundred and fifty-two text illustrations and entire set of proof impressions, on India paper, of the full-page plates in separate portfolio. 3 vols. Imperial 8vo, three-quarter crushed blue levant, gilt, top edges gilt. Boston: Hardy, Pratt & Co., 1899 No. 13 of fifty copies printed on Japan vellum. 282 Music of THE MODERN Wortp. Illustrated in the Lives and Works of the Greatest Modern Musicians, and in Reproductions of Famous Paintings, etc. Anton Seidl, Editor in Chief, Assisted by Fanny Morris Smith, H. E. Krehbiel, Consulting Editor; W. S. Howard, Art Editor. Illustrated with ten superb colored photogavures from noted paintings, neatly matted and mounted, and loosely laid tn, many full-page colored prints and proof portraris of great com- posers, as well as hundreds of small illustrations throughout Ge 16X17. 10 sections, in portfolios. New York: D. Appleton & Co., 1895 Edition de luxe. Limited to five hundred copies, of whach this 1s No, 221. Edition des Amateurs, of Memoirs of Napoleon. Limited to Twenty-six Copies. 283 APOLEON BONAPARTE. Memoirs of. Jdlustrated with over one hundred etchings and photo-etchings, im- cluding a portrait of every marshal, general and states- man who took a prominent part in Napoleon’s reign, and re- productions of all the great battles, particular attention being paid to portraits of Napoleon, showing him at various stages of life, with a duplicate set of plates in colors. Containing :— * Memoirs of Napoleon. By Louis Antoine Fauvelet de Bourrienne. 4 vols. * ‘The Life of Napoleon. By Wm. Hazlitt. 6 vols. * Memoirs of Madame Junot, Duchesse D’Abrantés. 6 vols. Together, 16 vols. 8vo, full crushed green levant, elaborate emblematic gold tooling on backs and sides, inlaid with red levant, red levant doublé, with Napoleon crest in gold, with shield in blue levant, richly gilded borders, watered silk and Morris paper fly-leaves, top edges gilt, uncut, by Grolier Bindery. ~ Printed by the Grolier Society, London. N.D Edition des Amateurs. Limited to twenty-six lettered copies for Great Britain and America, of which this is Letter A. 284 285 286 287 288 289 74 NAUNTON, SIR ROBERT. Fragmenta Regalia ; Memoirs of Elizabeth, Her Court and Favourites. By Sir Robert Naunton, Secretary of State to King James the First. A New Edition, with Notes, and a Memoir of the Author, the Text Collated with the Manuscript Copies in the British Museum. Jilustrated with nine fine portraits by Cooper. 8vo, full morocco, gilt edges. Printed for Charles Baldwyn, 1824 Large paper copy, only fifty printed. This copy belonged to the editor, Brownlow Waight. and has an autograph des- cription of his, on the fly leat, giving the reasons for publish- ing the book. With “ex libris” of E. A Crowninshield. NEWELL, WILLIAM WELIS. Sonnets and Madrigals of Michelangelo Buonarroti. Rendered into English Verse by. With Italian Text, Introduction and Notes. 12mo, cloth, uncut. Houghton, Mifflin & Co., 1900 No. 9 of three hundred copies printed. NEVILL, RALPH. Memoirs of Monsieur D’ Artagnan, Captain-Lieutenant of the First Company of the King’s Musketeers. Now for the First Time Translated into Eng- lish. Portratt. 3 vols. 8vo, cloth, uncut. H. 8S. Nichols, London, 1898 LLA PODRIDA. Kssays by Bishop Horne, The Rev. Thos. Monro, A. B., The Rev. Henry Kett, B. D., etc., Forming the Collection Originally Entitled Olla Podrida. 16mo, full morocco gilt, top edge gilt. 1820 ALMETTO PRESS. ‘The Blessed Damozel. By Dante Gabriel Rossetti. With frontispiece, illuminated title and capital letters. Square 16mo, vellum, uncut. Ye Palmetto Press, Aiken, S. C., 1900 No. 11 of five hundred copies printed. PENN, WiLLiAM. An Address to Protestants upon the Present Conjuncture. In II. Parts. By a Protestant, William Penn. Small 4to, polished paneled calf, gilt, inside dentelle borders, gilt edges, by Root & Son. Printed in the year 1679 fine copy. Scarce. fra 290 PENNELL, JOSEPH AND ELIZABETH ROBINS. Our Senti- mental Journey Through France and Italy. Copzously zllus- trated. 8vo, vellum, gilt, uncut. London: Longmans, Green & Co., 1888 Large paper. No. 69 of one hundred and twelve copies printed. 291 PorLox, RospeRrt. The Course of Time: A Poem, in Ten Books. 2vols. 12mo, full dark brown crushed levant, gilt backs and sides in floral design, inside gold borders, Morris paper fly -leaves, top edges gilt, uncut. Wm. Blackwood, Edinburgh, and T. Cadell, London, 1827 Fine copy of the first edition. Presentation copy from Alaric A. Watts, the English journalist and litterateur, with autograph inscription on fly-leaf. 292 Pook, JOHN. Little Pedlington and the Pedlingtonians. 2 vols. 8vo, full polished red calf, gilt backs, green labels, gold lines on sides, inside dentelle borders, polished gilt edges, by Jou. London: Henry Colburn, 1830 Autograph presentation copy from the author to Thomas Campbell, the poet, with Campbell's autograph on preftace. 293 Pore, A. The Rape of the Lock. An Heroi-Comical Poem. Adorned with plates engraved by Bartolozzt. 8vo, full contemporary straight-grained morocco gilt, gilt edges. London: Printed for T. Bensley, 1798 An autograph presentation copy from Wm. Combe, the author of “ Dr. Syntax” to Miss M. Brooke, with autograph sonnet (signed with initials) by Wm. Combe to Miss Brooke on fly-leaf, dated Jan. 1, 1807. 294 Popx, ALEXANDER. The Works of, viz: The Poetical Work, 6 vols. in 3. The Iliad of Homer, 6 vols. in 5, and The Odyssey of Homer, 6 vols. in 3. A New Edition. //- lustrated with the numerous beautiful plates after Stothard, Westall, Fuseli and others, all choice proofs. Together, 9 vols. 8vo0, three-quarter crushed maroon levant, gilt, gilt edges by Root & Son, London: Printed for E. F. J. Du Roveray, 1804-6 Choice large-paper copy of the much sought after Du Rove- ray edition, with the proof plates. 295 296 297 298 299 300 76 Pope, ALEXANDER. The Works of. New Edition. In- cluding Several Hundred Unpublished Letters and other new Materials, collected in part by the late Rt. Hon. John Wil- son Croker. With Introduction and Notes by Rev Whit- well Elwin. With portraits and other illustrations. 10 vols. 8vo, half crushed levant, gilt, Morris paper sides and fly-leaves, top edges gilt, uncut, by Zaehusdorf. London: John Murray, 1871 The best edition. PrEscortT, WILLIAM H. The Complete Works of. Ed- ited by John Foster Kirk. Containing; Philip the Second, Charles the Fifth, Conquest of Mexico, Conquest of Peru, Ferdinand and Isabella, Biographical and Critical Miscel- lanies, and Life, 16 vols. 8vo, half dark blue levant, gilt, top edges gilt, uncut. Philadelphia; J. B. Lippincott Co., 1895 Limited to fifteen hundred sets, of which this is No. 626. PRIDEAUX, Cor. W. F. Notes for a Bibliography of Hdward Fitzgerald. Frontispiece. 8vo, buckram, uncut. London: Frank Hollings, 1901 First Edition of Prior’s Poems. PRIOR, MATTHEW. Poems on Several Occasions. 2vols. Small 8vo, crushed tan-colored levant, gilt, top edges gilt. Glasgow: Printed by Robert & Andrew Foulis, 1759 First Edition, PROCTER, ADELAIDE ANNE. Legends and Lyrics. A Book of Verses. With an Introduction by Charles Dickens, Portratt. zvols. 12mo, full polished light calf, gilt backs, blue labels, gold lines on sides, inside dentelle borders, top edges gilt, by Zaehnsdor/. London: George Bell & Son, 1875 PUCKLE, JAMES. The Club. In a Dialogue Between Father and Son. Jdlustrated with numerous beautiful wood CNLTAVINGS. Imperial 8vo, three-quarter crushed dark blue levant, gilt, top edge gilt, un- cut. London : Printed for John J ohnson, 1817 Large-paper copy, only two hundred printed. 77 301 AMSAY, ALLAN. The Works of. With Life of the Author, by George Chalmers; an Essay on his Genius and Writings, by Lord Woodhouselee, and an Appendix Relative to his Life and Posthumous Repu- tation. Jllustrated with steel vignettes. 3 vols. 12mo, half morocco, gilt, gilt edges. A. Fullarton & Co., Edinburgh, N. D 302 Rayvk, CHARLES. A Picturesque Tour Through the Isle of Wight. Jllustrated with numerous views, aguatints printed in colors. Oblong 4to, half morocco. London: Printed by Howlett & Brimmer, 1825 302% READE, CHARLES. The Complete Works of. J/- lustrated with numerous full-page plates in two states, some of which are colored and printed on Japan paper. 25 vols. 8vo, full crushed blue levant, blind tooled, inside gold borders, top edges gilt, uncut. Printed for the Grolier Society, Paris and Boston, N. D Edition des Amateurs. Limited to one hundred copies, of which this 1s No 9. 303 ReEcLUS, ExiseR. The Earth and its Inhabitants. Edited by E. G. Ravenstein. Europe, 4 vols; Asia, 4 vols; Af- rica, 4 vols ; Oceanica, 1 vol; North America, 3 vols; and South America, 2 vols. J/lustrated with numerous engravings and maps. : 19 vols, Imperial 8vo, half green morocco, gilt, marbled edges. New York: D. Appleton & Co., N. D ‘First Editions of the Works of Captain Mayne Reid. 304 Rep, Captain Mayne. The Collected Works of. First Editions. Containing :— * The Scalp Hunters; or, Romantic Adventures in North- ern Mexico. 3 vols. London: Charles J. Skeet, 1851. * ‘The White Chief. A Legend of Northern Mexico. 3 vols. London: David Bogue, 1855. * ‘The Quadroon; or, A Lover’s Adventures in Louisiana. 3 vols. London: George W. Hyde, 1856. * The Plant Hunters ; or, Adventures Among the Himalaya Mountains. Jllustrated. London: W. Kent & Co.,' 1859. * Oceola. Jilustrvated. 3 vols. London: Hurst & Blackett, 1859. * ‘The Wood-Rangers. Jllustrated. 3 vols. London: Hurst & Blockett, 1860. 304 * *K *K *K *k *k 32S 306 78 REID, CAPTAIN MAyne—Continued. Odd People. Being a Popular Description of Singular Races of Men. Jilustrated. London: Routledge, 1860. A Hero in Spite of Himself. From the French of Louis de Bellemore. 3vols. London: Hurst & Blackett, 1861. The Maroon. 3 vols. London: Hurst & Blackett, 1862. The Headless Horseman. A Strange Tale of Texas. Iilustrated. Y,ondon: Richard Bentley, 1866. The Giraffe Hunters. 3 vols. London: Hurst & Blackett, 1867. The Lone Ranch. A Tale of the ‘‘Staked Plain.’’ 2 vols. London : Chapman & Hall, 1871. The Death Shot. A Romance of Forest and Prairie. 3 vols. London: Chapman & Hall, 1873. The Flag of Distress. A Story of the South Sea. 3 vols. London : Tinsley Bros., 1876. Gwen Wynn. A Romance of the Wye. 3vols. London: Tinsley Bros., 1877. The Free Lances. A Romance of the Mexican Valley. 3 vols. London: Remington & Co., 1881. No Quarter. 3 vols. London: Swan Sonnenschein, 1888. Together, 44 vols. 8vo and 12mo, uniformly bound in half red crushed levant, gilt, top edges gilt, by Root & Son. ; : London, 1851-88 A fine set, All first editions. REYNARD THE Fox. A Renowned Apologue of the Middle Age, Reproduced in Rhyme; with a Preface by S. Naylor, and an Introduction. J//uminated title page and rubricated letters throughout. 8vo, fnll polished green calf, gilt back and sides, inside dentelle borders, top edge gilt, by Zaehnsdorf Longmans, London, 1844 Very rave. Slightly foxed. REYNARD THE Fox. After the German Version of Goethe. With zlustrations by J. Wolf. 8vo, full crushed light olive levant, gilt back and sides, inside gold borders, Morris paper fly-leaves, top edge gilt, uncut, by Root & Son. London: Wm. Pickering, 1853 A chowe copy of the very rare Pickering edition, with all the beautiful full-page engravings by the celebrated artist, Wolf, and beautifully bound. 397 *K rhe, Works of Joseph Ritson. First Editions. RITSON, JOSEPH. The Works of. A Collected Set. All First Editions. Containing :— Observations on the Three First Volumes of the History of English Poetry, ina Familiar Letter to the Author. London: Printed for J. Stockdale, 1782. Remarks, Critical and Illustrative, on the Text and Notes of the last Edition of Shakspeare. London: Printed for J. Johnson, 1783. The Spartan Manual; or, Tablet of Morality. Being a Genuine Collection of the Apophtegms, Maxims and Pre- cepts of the Philosophers, Heroes and other great and Cel- ebrated Characters of Antiquity. London: Printed for C. Dilly, 1785. Ancient Songs, from the time of King Henry the Third to the Revolution. London: Printed for J. Johnson, 1790. The Office of Constable. Being an entirely new Compen- dium of the Law, concerning that Ancient Minister for the Conservation of the Peace. London: Printed for Whiledon & Butterworth, 1791. Pieces of Ancient Popular Poetry from Authentic Manu- scripts and Old Printed Copies. Adorned with cuts. Yondon: Printed for C. Clarke, 1791. Cursory Criticisms on the Edition of Shakspeare published by Edmond Malone. London: Printed for Hookham & Carpenter, 1792. The English Anthology. 3 vols. London: Printed by C. Clarke, 1793. Scotish Song. 2 vols. London: Printed for J. Johnson, 1794. The poet Thomas Campbell's copy, with autograph on titles. Robin Hood. A Collection of all the Ancient Poems, Songs and Ballads, now Extant, Relative to that Celebrated English Outlaw. To which are Prefixed Historical Anec- dotes of his Life. 2vols. London: Printed for T. Eger- ton, 1795. Poems on Interesting Events in the Reign of King Ed- ward III. Written in the Year MCCCLII, by Lawrence Minot. With a Preface, Dissertation, Notes, and a Glossary. London: Printed by T. Bensley, 1795. 307 k 80 Ritson, JosEPH—Continted. Bibliographia Poetica. A Catalogue of English Poets of the rath, 13th, r4th, 15th and 16th Centurys, with a Short Account of their Works. London: Printed by C. Roworth, 1802. An Essay on Abstinence from Animal Food as a Moral Duty. With folding plate. Wondon: Printed for Richard Phillips, 1802. Ancient English Metrical Romances. Selected and Pub- lished by Jos. Ritson. 3 vols. London: Printed by W. Bulmer & Co., 1802. Northern Garlands. The Bishopric Garland, or Durham Minstrel; a Choice Collection of Excellent Songs. The Yorkshire Garland; a Curious Collection of Old and New Songs. The Northumberland Garland, or Newcastle Nightingale; a Matchless Collection of Famous Songs. The North-County Chorister; an Unparalleled Variety of Excellent Songs. London: Printed for R. Triphook, 1810. Gammer Gurton’s Garland; or, The Nursery Parnassus. A Choice Collection of Pretty Songs and Verses for the Amusement of all Little Good Children, who can Neither Read nor Run. London: Printed for R. Triphook, 1810. Large paper. The Office of Bailiff. London: Printed by A. Strahan, ee 8 A Select Collection of English Songs, with their Original Airs, and a Historical Essay on the Origin and Progress of National Song. Second Edition. With Additional Songs and Occasional Notes by Thomas Park. 3 vols. London: Printed for F. C. & J. Rivington, 1813. Practical Points or Maxims in Conveyancing. Drawn from the Daily Experience of a very Extensive Practice, by a late Eminent Conveyancer. Second Edition. London: Printed for J. & W. T. Clarke, 1820. The Caledonian Muse. A Chronological Selection of Scot- ish Poetry, from the Earliest Times. With vignettes engraved by Heath, after the designs by Stothard. Vondon: Printed 1785, and now first published by Robert Triphook, 1821. The Life of King Arthur. From Ancient Historians and Authentic Documents. London: Printed for Payne & Foss, 1825. SI 307. Rrirson, Jos—EpH—Continued. * Memoirs of the Celts and Gauls. London: Printed for Payne & Foss, 1827. * Letters from Joseph Ritson, Esq., to Mr. George Paton; to which is added a Critique by John Pinkerton, Esq., upon Ritson’s Scotish Songs. Edinburgh: Printed for John Stevenson, 1829. Large paper. . * Annals of the Caledonians, Picts and Scots; and of Strathclyde, Cumberland, Galloway and Murray. 2 vols. Edinburgh : Printed for W. and D. Laing, 1828. * Hairy Tales. Now first Collected, to which are Prefixed Two Dissertations: 1 on Pygmies, 2 on Fairies. London: Printed for Payne & Foss, 1831. : * ‘The Letters of Joseph Ritson, Esq. Edited Chiefly from Originals in the Possession of his Nephew; to which are Prefixed a Memoir of the Author, by Sir Harris Nicolas. 2 vols. London: William Pickering, 1833. Together, 36vols. 4to and 8vo, uniformly bound, full red straight-grained morocco, gilt backs, gold lines on sides, inside gold borders, gilt edges, by Bedford. London, Kdinburgh, 1782-1833 Fine set, mostly first editions, and beautifully bound by Bedford. 308 RIVERSIDE Natural History. Hdited by John Ster- ling Kingsley. Articles by C. C. Abbott, J. A. Allen, W. B. Barrows, E. A. Birgé, H. C. Bumpus, S. F. Clarke, J. H. Comstock, E. D. Cope, E. Coues, G. Dimmock, H. Edwards, D. G. Elliot, W. Faxon, C. H. Fernald, J. W. Fewkes, W. F. Ganong, S. Garman and others. //ustrated with more than twenty-two hundred woodcuts in the text, one hundred and sixty-eight full-page engravings, and twelve plates in colors. 6 vols.in12. Imperial 8vo, half crimson morocco, gilt, top edges gilt. Boston and New York: Houghton, Mifflin & Co., N. D (6) 399 310 ATE che 323 82 ROGERS, SAMUEL. Italy. A Poem. . Elegantly illus- trated with steel engravings, after the designs by J. M. W. Turner and Stothard. 8vo, full crushed maroon levant, elaborately and richly gilded back and sides, orange colored silk doublé, with rich gold borders, polished gilt edges, by Zaehnusdor/, with slip cases. London: Printed for T. Cadell, 1830 A superb copy of the first edition, with autograph letter, signed, of the author, relating to one of his works, inserted. A beautiful specimen of Zaehnsdorf's binding. ROQUELAURE, Duc DE. ‘The Secret Memoirs of the. Written by himself. Now for the first time completely trans- lated into English. 4vols. 8vo, vellum, gilt, uncut. H. J. Cook, London, 1900 No, 181 of one thousand copies printed. RoscoE, THomas. Wanderings and Excursions in North and South Wales. //lustrated with one hundred engravings, Jrom drawings by Cattermole, Cox and Creswick, and map. 2 vols. 8vo, full dark green levant, gilt backs and sides, red rough calf doublé, with gold borders, gilt edges, London: H. G. Bohn, 1853-4 Ros RosARUM EX HORTO PoRTARUM. Dew of the Ever- Living Rose. Gathered from the Poets’ Gardens of Many Lands by ‘‘E. V. B.”? Jllustrated with woodcuts, head and tau pieces and capttal letters. 12mo, fullcrushed blue Jevant, elaborate gilt back and sidesin floral designs, red levant doublé, richly ornamented in gold, brocaded silk fiy-leaves, edges gilt in the round, by Chamdolle-Duru,in slip case. London: Elliot Stock, 1885 Beautiful specimen by the celebrated Chambolle-Duru. Only a few copies of the book were printed. See plate. ROSSETTI, CHRISTINA G. Verses by. Dedicated to her Mother. 12mo, full crushed green levant, gilt back, gold lines on sides, inside den- telle borders, top edge gilt, by Riviere. Privately printed at G Polidoris, No. 18, Park Village East, Regent’s Park, London, 1847. The exceedingly scarce, original issue, privately printed by the authors grandfather, with autograph letter of author, signed (3 pp), inserted, presenting a copy of the above work to Mr. Flowell. FACSIMILE OF BINDING, BY CHAMBOLLE-DURU, ON ROS ROSARUM. LOT NO. 312. » No. 1. (Price One Shilling.) JANUARY, 1850. With an Etching by W. HOLMAN HUNT. SEhe Ger &3 09 é3 3 & & Chonghts tomarhs Mature Bx oe Su Poetry, Literature, and Art. se 2 GSES OS é © (0) MAhen twhoso merely hath a Uttle thought S Gok GAM plainip think the thought which ts tm him,— SS CNO ot tmaging another’s bright or dim, eS ( Mot mangling with new words what others taught; (EO When twohoso speaks, from habing cither sought eo so @r onlp found,—tmill speak, not just to skim oS) NO A shallow surface with words mave anv trim, eS But in that berp speech the matter brought: AN) Be not too keen to crp—‘ Zo this is all !— > A thing E might myself have. thaught as well, Cs) GNO But wouly not sap ft, fos ft was not worth” os Ask: “Zs this truth?” for is tt still to tell Ox ZNO That, be the theme a paint or the whole earth, C Truth ts a circle, perfect, great or small? Oy é & ra ? NYO (©) | London: ZIG > AYLOTT & JONES, 8, PATERNOSTER ROW. 6 OOOO ROR ES G. F. TuPezz, Printer, Clement’s Lane, Lombard Street. Facsimile of Title. §LotgNo. 374. 314 315 84 Rossetti’s Germ. Rossertr. The Germ. Thoughts toward Nature in Poetry, Literature and Art. Four etchings by Holman Hunt, Ford Madox Brown, James Collinson and W. H. Deverell. The four numbers. : 8vo, full crushed dark green levant, elaborate gilt back and sides, inside gold borders, edges gilt in the rough, by The Dove's Bindery, 1901 (Cobden San- derson), in African leather case. London: Aylott & Jones, and Dickinson & Co., 1850 A remarkable set, being in immaculate condition through- out, and in an absolutely correct state, with all of the many bibliographical “ points” The original wrappers are bound in and are of the highest importance. as they alone contain the titles, dates, etc, and (on the inside) the list of contents. The fifty poems and articles are chiefly by D. G Rossettt, Christina Rossetti, W. M. Rossetti. Thomas Woolner, Ford Madox Brown, W. B. Scott, and Coventry Patmore. This copy contains the very rave octavo sheet, giving notice of the change of the name of the periodical from “ The Germ,” to ‘Art and Poetry” ‘‘In the early months of 1850 the members of the Preraphaelite Brotherhood, with the co-operation of some friends, brought out a short-lived magazine named ‘The Germ’ (afterwards ‘Art and Poetry’) here appeared the first verses and the first prose published by Rossetti, including the First Editions of Rossetti’s ‘Blessed Damozel’ (subsequently much altered), ‘My Sister’s Sleep,’ ‘From the Cliffs-Noon’ (afterwards called ‘Sea Limits’), ‘The Casil- lon,’ ‘Pax Vobis’ and ‘Hand and Soul,’ besides six Sonnets; also contributions from W.M. Rossetti(The Editor), Christina Rossetti, Coventry Patmore, Ford Madox Brown, etc.” This is a presentation copy from W. M. Rossetti to Prof. Nichol, and bears Rossettt's autograph inscription, and wt ts further enriched by the inseriion of a four-page Autograph Poem, signed by W. M. Rossettt, of fifteen stanzas, entitled, “In the Hill Shadow” The book also affords a beautiful specimen of Cobden Sanderson's binding. See facsimile of covers of first number and plate of binding. RossEerti, D. G. ‘The Early Italian Poets. From Ciullo D’Alcamo to Dante Alighieri (1100-1200-1300), in the Original Metres, together with Dante’s Vita Nuova. Trans- lated by. ‘ 12mo, origina] cloth, uncut. London: Smith, Elder & Co., 1861 The rare first edition. Binding in poor condition, but has autograph letter, signed, of Dante Gabriel Rossetti (4 pp. &vo, dated Scalands, 28 April, 1870) in reference to the above book. FACSIMILE OF BINDING ON THE GERM. LOT NO. 314. 316 317 318 319 85 ROSSETTI, DANTE GABRIEL. The New Life (See Vita Nuova) of Dante Alighieri. Translated by. Frontispiece. 16mo, cloth, gilt. London, 1899 First Edition, ROWLANDSON. ‘The History of Johnny Quae Genus, the Little Foundling of the late Doctor Syntax. A Poem. By the Author of the Three Tours (William Combe). //us- trated with numerous full-page colored plates, by Rowlandson. 8vo, full polished light calf, gilt back and sides, inside gold borders, Mor- ris paper fly-leaves, polished gilt edges, by Root & Soa. London: Published by R. Ackermann, 1822 first edition, companion to Doctor Syntax's Three Tours. Roycrorr Press. The Rubaiyat of Omar Khayyam. Rendered into English Verse by Edward Fitzgerald, with the Address of John Hay at the Omar Khayyam Club, London. Oblong small 4to, rough ealf, silk dou blé. The Roycrofters, East Aurora, N. Y., 1899 No. 650 of nine hundred and twenty copies printed. Roycrorr PRESS. So Here Then are the Preachments Entitled the City of Tagastes, and a Dream and a Prophecy. By Fra Elbertus. Portrait and illuminations by Anna Paine. 320 321 4to, half calf, uncut. The Roycrofters, Hast Aurora, 1900 No. 141 of nine hundred and forty copies printed. Royal Edinburgh Edition of Burns’ Works. ‘Limited to Ten Copies. BurRNS, RoBERT. The Life and Works of. Edited by Robert Chambers, LL.D. Revised by William Wallace. Lllustrated with colored frontispieces and numerous other en- gravings. 8 vols. Royal 8vo, full crushed green levant, gilt backs and sides, watered silk doublé and fly-leaves, broad borders, top edges gilt, uncut, by Croscup & Sterling Co, Edinburgh and London: W. & R. Chambers, 1901 The Royal Edinburgh Edition. Limited to ten numbered and registered copies for America, of which this 1s No. 1. RuSKIN, JoHN. The Complete Works of. Elegantly tllustrated. 28 vols. 8vo, buckram, top e@ges gilt, uncut. : PRL a tm ety Boston: Dana, Estes & Co., N. D St. Mark's Edition. Limited to one thousand copies, of which this 1s No 16. 86 322 CXAINT AUGUSTINE. The Confessions of. Frontis- prece. Square 8vo, full crushed green levant, ornamented on back and sides in floral design in gold and various colored leathers, crushed green levant dou- blé, with design of ,water lilies in various colored levants, rich gold borders, watered silk fiy-leaves, edges gilt in the rough, uncut. London: Kegan Paul, 1900 This edition limited to thirty copies. Printed on Japanese vellum, of which this is No 16. A beautiful specimen of binding. 323 SAINT-PIERRE, BERNARDIN DE. Paul and Virginia. With numerous full-page and other illustrations by Maurice Leloir. Imperial 8vo, full red morocco, elaborate gilt back and sides, inside doublé border, gilt edges, by Pawson & Nicholson. London: Geo. Routledge & Son, 1888 324. SCARRON, Mon. The Whole Comical Works ‘of. Con- taining : I. His Comical Romances of a Company of Stage- Players. In Three Parts, complete. II. All-his Novels and Histories. III. His Select Letters, Characters, etc.; a great Part of which never before in English. ‘Translated by Mr. Thomas Brown, Mr. Savage and others. The Third Edition, Revised and Corrected. Portrait, engraved title and one plate. 8vo, sheep. London: Printed for J. Nicholson, 1712 Presentation Copy of “Sir Tristrem,” by Sir Walter Scott. 325 ScoTt, WALTER. Sir Tristrem ; A Metrical Romance of the Thirteenth Century. By Thomas of Ercildoune, called the Rhymer. Edited from the Auchinleck MS. by Walter Scott, Esq., Advocate. Royal 8vo, original boards, uncut, white label, in morocco case. Edinburgh: Printed by James Ballantyne, 1804 Large paper presentation copy of the original edition, trom Sir Walter Scott, with his autograph inscription. Sir Walter Scott’s Own Copy of Chronicles of Canongate, 326 (Scorr, SIR WALTER.) Chronicles of the Canongate. By the Author of ‘‘ Waverley,’’ Etc. 2vols. 12mo, full maroon, morocco, gilt backs and sides, inside dentelle borders, gilt edges. Edinburgh: Printed for Cadell & Co., 1827 First edition. Volume Sir Walter Scott's oun copy, with numerous manuscript corrections and additions im his own hand writing, evidently prepared for a new edition. 327 328 329 33° ear 87 Scorr, SIR WALTER. Memoirs of the Life of (by J. G. Lockhart). Jllustrated with fine steel vignettes. Second Edition. 10 vols. Foolscap 8vo, half crushed red morocco gilt, top edges gilt, by Root & Son. Robert Cadell, Edinburgh, 1839 SECUNDUS, JOANNES. ‘The Basia of. ‘Translated into English Verse. To which is Added The Epithalamium, with the Hnglish Version of George Ogle. Edited, with a Pre- fatory Memoir, by Wallace Rice. Jllustrated with portratt and hand illuminated capital letters. 8vo, vellum, silk ties, uncut. Chicago: Printed for Frank Morris, 1901 One of twenty six hand tlluminated copies on Japan vellum. Lllustrated by Alta Abby Hall. SENANCOUR, ETIENNE PIVERT DE. Obermann, Selec- tions from Letters to a Friend by. Chosen and Translated with an Introductory Essay and Notes, by Jessie Peabody Frothingham. 2vols. 8vo, blue boards, uncut. The Riverside Press, Cambridge, 1901 No. 235 of an edition of three hundred copies printed. Seymour. New Readings of Old Authors. Shakspeare (Antony and Cleopatra, As You Like It, King Richard 2nd, and King Lear, Romeo and Juliet, Julius Ceesar, Coriolanus, Taming the Shrew, Loves’ Labor Lost, Richard the Third, King Henry IV., Parts Iand II, King Henry 5th, King Henry VIII, King John, Cymbeline, Midsummer-Night’s Dream, Pericles, Titus Andronicus, Troilus and Cressida, The Tempest, Macbeth, The Merchant of Venice, Othello and Hamlet), and Byron (The Giaour.) A series of up- wards of two-hundred and fifty full-page comic etchings by Seymour, illustrating (without text) the works of Shakespeare and Byron. 4vols. 16mo, full polished light calf, gilt backs, gold lines on sides, inside dentelle borders, gilt edges, by Zouz London: Charles Tilt, N. D. The original editions. Very scaree. SEvmMour. Sketches by. A series of one hundred and eighty full-page comic etchings on various colored paper (by Robert Seymour). 5 vols. 8vo, half crushed red levant, gilt, gilt edges. London: Published by G. 8. Tregear, N. D. First issues, with * ex libris” of Seward Brice. 33? 88 Srymour. The Squib Annual of Poetry, Politics and Personalities for 1836. With twelve designs by R. Seymour. 16mo, full light calf, gilt back, gold lines on sides, inside gold borders, gilt, edge, by Azviere. London: Chapman & Hall, 1836 First Edition. Edition Magnifique of Shakespeare. Limited to Twenty- 333 Oot 930 five Copies. SHAKESPEARE. ‘The New Century. The Cambridge Text, from the latest edition of William Aldis Wright, with Introductions, Notes and Glossaries to each Play, by Israel Gollancz, Editor of the Temple Shakespeare. The Com- plete Notes, with Variorum Readings and General Glossary of Alexander Dyce; A General Introduction amd Life of the Poet, by W. J. Rolfe; and A History of the Drama and General Criticism, by Henry N. Hudson, and others. Elegantly illustrated with photogravures and etchings tn three states. (Japan proof, India proof and plain.) 24vols. 8vo, full crushed red levant, gilt backs, gold lines on sides, tree calf doublé, with heavy gold borders, top edges gilt, uncut, by Macdonald & Allen. Boston : Dana, Estes & Co., 1900 Edition magnifique, limited to twenty-five copies, of which this is No. 21. Bound specially for Mr. Goodwin. SHAKESPEARE, WILLIAM. Romeo and Juliet. With an Introduction by Richard Henry Stoddard, anxd tlustrations by Jacques Wagrez and Louis Titz. Imperial 8vo, full crushed purple levant, elaborate gilt back and sides, in floral design, inlaid with various colored levant, inside borders inlaid with green levant, with floral designs in gilf and light blue levant, Morris paper centre and fly-leaves, top edge gilt, uncut, by Pompey, in silk case. New York: Duprat & Co.. 1892 One of fifty copies on Japan paper, of which this ts No. 22. A beautiful specimen of Pompey’s best binding. See plate. SHAKESPEARE, WILLIAM. As Vou Like It. A Pleasant Comedy, by. Newly embellished with sundry decorations, by Will H. Low. Imperial 8vo, morocco backs, raw silk sides, gilt, with imitation morocco slip cover. Dodd, Mead & Co., New York, 1900 Only two hundred copies printed on imperial Japan paper, with proof plates neatly mounted. This copy is No. 32. <" : * .. 4 = pane ‘ e a Be ; See et ee ee te ee Bons a yea =| Hy = = Q Z a e) sea = 2) 7 D jaf pe ea jaa ae jel M4 < aa nD Z e) isa Ay — <] © am > an FACSIMILE OF BINDING, a 2 AG HuS a4 HE CENCL A TRAGEDY, IN FIVE ACTS. By PERCY B. SHELLEY. ITALY. Prinrep ror GC. anp J. OLier VERE STREET, SOND STREET. LONDON. 1819. Facsimile of Title. Lot No. 339. 336 ov 338 339 340 go SHAKESPEARE’S SONNETS. With ornamental designs by Bertram G. Goodhue, and capital letters. Square 8vo, vellum, uncut. Copeland & Day, Boston, 1897 One of seven hundred and fifty copies on hand-made paper. First Edition of Shelley’s Queen Mab. SHELLEY, PERCY ByssHE. Queen Mab; a Philosophical Poem. With Notes. 8vo, full crushed tan colored levant, elaborate gilt back and sides, inlaid with designs in red and white levant, inside gold borders, Morris-paper fly- leaves, top edge gilt, uncut, by C/us Bindery, 1900, in crushed levant slip case. London: Printed by P. B. Shelley, 23 Chapel Street, Grosvenor Square, 1813 For fear of prosecution, Shelley, as 1s well known, removed the title page and cut the unprint from the last leaf of all ex- cept a few of the earliest copies of “‘ Queen Mab.” This copy has the very scarce title, and the last leaf intact with wm- print, “ Printed by P. B. Shelley,” etc. To be able to offer an uncut copy with the title and last leaf intact ts almost a biblio- graphical event This copy ts a fine one. The title page, leaf and dedicatory verses, and last leaf, have been supplied from another source, but, were the fact not pointed out, this would defy detection, (SHELLEY, PERcy ByssHE.) Queen Mab; a Philosoph- ical Poem. With Notes. 8vo, original boards, uncut. (London, 1813) The extremely rare first edition. Published without a title page, which togther with the imprint at the back, were cancel- led by Shelley himself. SHELLEY, Percy B. The Cenci. A Tragedy in Five Acts. 8vo, tull crushed maroon levant, gilt back, gold lines on side, inside den- telle borders, polished gilt edges, by Rzviere. Italy : Printed for C. and J. Ollier, Vere street, Bond Street, London, 1819 Fine copy of the first edition, of one of Shelley's rarest works, of which only two hundred and fifty copies were printed for sale, and tt is the only book of Shelley's which reached a second edition during his lifetime. See facsimile of title. SHELLEY, PERCY BysSHE. Prometheus Unbound. A Lyrical Drama in Four Acts ;.with other Poems. 8vo, full crushed red levant, blind tooled, inside dentelle borders, polished gilt edges, by Macdonald. London: C. and J. Ollier, Vere Street, Bond Street, 1820 First edition, with the half title. gl! 341 SHELLEY, PeRcY ByssHEe. Essays. Letters from Abroad. Translations and Fragments by. Edited by Mrs. Shelley. 2vols. Crown 8vo, three-quarter crushed levant, gilt backs in floral design, inlaid with blue-and-white levant, top edges gilt, by Macdonald, London: Edward Moxon, 1840 First Edition. 342 SHERIDAN, RICHARD BRINSLEY. The! Critic;: or, A Tragedy Rehearsal. A Dramatic Piece in Three Acts as it is Performed at the Theatre Royal in Drury Lane. 8vo, full crushed red levant, blind tooled, inside dentelle borders, gilt edges, _ by Riviere. London: Printed for T. Becket, 178, First Edition. 343 SHERIDAN, RICHARD BRINSLEY. The Dramatic Works of. With an Introduction by Richard Grant White. With - portraits in two states. 3 vols. Post 8vo, full crushed crimson levant, gilt backs and sides, inside gold borders, Morris paper fiy-leaves, polished gilt edges, by Oldach. New York : Dodd, Mead & Co., 1883 No. 23 of thirty copies printed on Japan paper. 344 SILL, EDWARD RowLaNpD. The Poems of. Portrait. 8vo, half buckram, uncut. Cambridge: Printed at the Riverside Press, 1902 No. 3 of five hundred copies printed. 345 SLOANE, WILLIAM MILLIGAN. Life of Napoleon Bona- parte. Jllustrated with hundreds of full-page plates, many im colors and tints. 4vols. 4to, full morocco emblematic gilt tooling, gilt edges. New York: The Century Co., 1896 Works of Albert Smith. First Editions. 346 SmiItH, ALBERT. The Works of. A collected set. All first editions. Containing :— * ‘Phe Wassail-Bowl. JU/ustrated by John Leech. 2 vols. London: Richard Bentley, 1843. Original cloth covers bound in. First Edition: * ‘The Adventures of Mr. Ledbury and his Friend, Jack Johnson. Jllustrated with full-page etchings by John Leech. 3 vols. London: Richard Bentley, 1844. First Edition. * ‘The Fortunes of the Scattergood Family. With full-page etchings by John Leech. 3 vols. London: Richard Bent- ley, 1845. Original cloth covers bound in. First Edition. ’ 346 * * 92 SmitH, ALBERT—Continued. The Physiology of Evening Parties. With zlustrations by John Leech. A New Edition. London: Richard Bent- ley, 1846. Original paper covers bound in. The Marchioness of Brinvilliers. ‘The Prisoner of the Seventeenth Century. A Romance of Old Paris. Fyrontts- prece by John Leech. Viondon: Richard Bentley, 1846. First Edition. Original covers bound in. The Natural History of the Gout. J//ustvated. Tondon: David Bogue, 1847. First Edition. Original paper covers bound in. The Natural History of the Ballet Girl. J/lustrated by A. flenning. VYondon: D. Bogue, 1847. Original paper covers bound in. First Edition. The Natural History of ‘‘Stuck-up’”’ People. J/lustrated by A. Henning. London: D. Bogue, 1847. First Edition. Original paper covers bound in. . A Bowl of Punch. //lustrated by Henning, Hine and Sala. London: D. Bogue, 1848. First Edition. Original paper covers bound in. The Natural History of the Flirt. l//ustrated by Gavarni, Gilbert and Flenning. Wondon: D. Bogue, 1848. First Edition. Original covers bound in. The Natural of Tuft-Hunters and Toadies. J/lustrated by H. G. Hine. Wondon: D. Bogue, 1848. First Edition. Original paper covers bound in. The Natural History of the Idler upon Town. J/lustvated by A. Henning. Wondon: D. Bogue, 1848. First Edition. Original covers bound in. A Pottle of Strawberries to Beguile a Short Journey, ora Long Half Hour. Jlustrated by Gilbert and Henning. London: D. Bogue, 1848. First Edition. Original paper covers bound in. The Struggles and Adventures of Christopher Tadpole, at Home and Abroad. Full-page illustrations by John Leech. London: Richard Bentley, 1848. First Edition. Original cloth covers bound in. The Pottleton Legacy. A Story of Town and Country Life. » With z/ustrations by Hablot K. Browne. VWondon: David Bogue, 1849. First Edition. Bound up from the original parts, with covers bound in. . 346 * * 93 SmirH, ALBERT—Continued. Gavarni in London. Sketches of Life and Character, with Illustrative Essays by Popular Writers. Edited by Albert Smith. Jlustrated. London: David Bogue, 1849. First Edition. Original cloth covers bound in. A Hand-Book to Mr. Albert Smith’s Entertainment, en- titled the Overland Mail. Being a Reminiscence of Travel on the Homeward Route from Suez to Boulogne, via the Desert, Cairo, the Pyramids, Malta, Marseilles and Paris. Illustrated. Published for the author, 1850. First Edition. Original paper covers bound in. A Month at Constantinople. Colored frontispiece and wood- cuts. VLondon: David Bogue, 1850. First Edition. Origi- nal cloth covers bound in. The Miscellany. A Book for the Field or the Fire- Side. Amusing Tales and Sketches. London: David Bogue, 1850. First Edition. Original paper covers bound in. Pictures of Life at Home and Abroad. Jlustrated. WLon- don: Richard Bentley, 1852. First Edition. Original paper covers bound in. Comic Tales and Sketches. Jllustrated. Wondon: Richard Bentley, 1852. First Edition. Original paper covers bound in. The Story of Mont Blane. Colored frontispiece and wooda- cuts. Tondon: David Bogue, 1853. First Edition. Original cloth covers bound in. ‘Press Orders.’’ Being the Opinions of the Leading Journals on the Abolition of Newspaper Privileges. Lon- don: W. Kent & Co., (1853). First Edition. The English Hotel Nuisance. London: David Bryce, 1855. First Edition. Original paper covers bound in. To China and Back. Being a Diary Kept Out and Home. Illustrated. Published for the Author, 1859. First Edition. Original paper covers bound in. Wild Oats and Dead Leaves. London: Chapman & Hall, 1860. First Edition. Original paper covers bound in. The London Medical Student. London: Routledge, Warne & Routledge, 1861. First Edition. Original paper covers bound in. 346 *k 347 348 349 350 351 94 Smrtru, ALBERT—Continued. he Man in the Moon. Edited by Albert Smith and Angus B. Reach. With 7/lustrations by Phiz, Kenny Meadows, Hine, Nicholson, Thomas, A. Mayhew, Smythe, and others. 5 vols. London: Clarke, N. D. First Edition. Original covers bound in. Together, 88 vols. 4to, 8vo, 12mo, and square 12mo, uniformly bound in full polished light calf, gilt backs, gold lines on sides, inside dentelle borders, top edges gilt, uncut, by Aiviere. London, 1843-1851 A fine set and very scarce, All first editions but one. Original Manuscript by Albert Smith. Sumrru, ALBERT. Mrs. Cruddle’s Annual Attack. The Original Autograph Manuscript, signed. 16 pages. 4to, full polished light calf, gilt backs, gold lines on sides, inside dentelle borders, top edge gilt, by Azvere. SOBIESKI, JOHN AND STUART, CHARLES EpWARD. Lays of the Deer Forest. With Sketches of Olden and Modern Deer-Hunting; Traits of Natural History in the Forest ; Traditions of the Clans; Miscellaneous Notes. /vontisprieces. 2vols. 12mo, original cloth, uncut. William Blackwood & Sons, Edinburgh, 1848 Presentation copy from the author, with the autograph in- scription. SomETHING CONCERNING Noxzopy. Edited by Some- body. Embellished with fourteen characteristic etchings tm colors. Post svo, full polished light calf, gilt back and sides, red silk doublé, with gold borders, top edge gilt, by Root & Son. London: Printed for Robert Scholey, 1814 Very scarce. Soncs, MADRIGALS AND SONNETS. A Gathering of Some of the Most Pleasant Flowers of old English Poetry. Set in borders of coloured ornaments and vignettes ; the whole work mounted on guards. Square 16mo, full light calf, gilt, gilt edges. London: Longman, Brown, Green & Co., 1849 SouTuEy, RopERT. Journal of a Tour in the Nether- lands, in the Autumn of 1815. Svo, half buckram, uncut. Boston and New York: Houghton, Mifflin & Co., 1902 No. 3 of five hundred and nineteen copies printed. or the first time published from an original manuscript, pur- chased at the Southey sale in 1864. 95 352 SPECTATOR (THE). The Text Edited and Annotated by G. Gregory Smith. With an Introductory Essay by Austin Dobson. Jllustrated with portraits. 8 vols. l16mo, half buckram, uncut. New York: Charles Scribner’s Sons, 1897 353 SPENSER, EDMUND. ‘The Poetical Works of. With Life of Rev. John Mitford. /ortratt. 5 vols. 16mo, full polished dark blue calf, gilt backs, muroon colored labels, gold lines on sides, top edges gilt, uncut, by Zaehusdorf. London: William Pickering, 1852 Fine copy of the ‘“‘ Aldine Edition,” 354 SPENSER, EpMUND. The Faerie Queene by. Pictured and Decorated by Lovis Fairfax Muckley; with an Introduc- tion by John W. Hales. 2vols. 4to, three-quarter morocco gilt, top edges gilt, uncut. London: J. M. Dent & Co., 1897 One of one hundred copies on haud made paper. 355 STEDMAN, EDMUND CLARENCE. A Victorian Anthology. 1837-1895. Selections Illustrating the Editor’s Critical Re- view of English Poetry, in the Reign of Victoria. Fyvrontzs- pieces and illustrated titles. 2vols. 8vo, cloth, uncut. Cambridge: Printed at the Riverside Press, 1895 No..201 of two hundred and fifty copies printed. 356 STEDMAN, EpMUND CLARENCE. An American Anthol- ogy. 1789-1900. Selections Illustrating the Editor’s Criti- cal Review of American Poetry, in the Nineteenth Century. Frontispteces and tllustrated titles. 2vols. 8vo, cloth, uncut. Cambridge: Printed at the Kiverside Press, 1900 No. 47 of three hundred copies printed. as70. STEELE, SiR RicHarp. The Conscious Lovers. A Comedy. As it is Acted at the Theatre Royal, Drury-Lane. By His Majesty’s Servants. 8vo, full crushed green levant, gilt back and sides, inside gold borders, gilt edges, by Ramage. London: Printed for J. Tonson, at Shakspear’s Head, over against Kath- arine-Street in the Strand, 1723. First Edition. 358 JOU 360 361 362 96 STERNE, LAURENCE. A Sentimental Journey Through France and Italy. With twelve full-page illustrations in photogravure by the Goupil process, and numerous sketches throughout the text by Maurice Lelotr. 4to, three-quarter crushed maroon levant, gilt, top edge gilt. New York: J. W. Bouton, 1884 Limited edition, with the illuminated covers bound in. Bind- ing slightly damaged. SULLIVAN, DENNIS. A Picturesque Tour Through Ire- land. Jllustrated with numerous colored views (aquatints printed tn colors) of the most interesting scenery. Oblong 4to, half roan. London: Published by Thomas McLean, 1824 SWINBURNE, ALGERNON CHARLES. ‘The Queen-Mother, Rosamond. ‘Two Plays. 12mo, full purple crushed levant, elaborate gilt back and sides in floral design, purple crushed levant doublé, with heavy gilt borders and purple crushed levant fly-leaves, top edge gilt, uncut, by Zaekusdox/, in extra cloth covers and slip case, London: Basil Montague Pickering, Piccadilly, 1860 Beautiful copy of the exceedingly rare first edition, with the original white labels bound in. A magnificent specimen of Zaehnsdorf's best binding. See facsimile of binding. SWINBURNE, ALGERNON CHARLES. A Song of Italy. 12mo, full crushed brown levant, gilt back and sides, with floral design in- laid with green levant, white vellum doublé, with heavy gold borders and vellum fiy-leaves, top edge gilt, by 7he Hampstead Bindery, in slip case. London: John Camden Hotten, Piccadiliy, 1867 A beautiful copy of the exceedingly rare first edition. Beau- tifully bound by The Hampstead Bindery. See facsimile of binding. SWINBURNE, ALGERNON CHARLES. Siena. 12mo, full crushed green levant, blind tooled, inside gold borders, top edge gilt, by Club Bindery, 1890. London: John Camden Hotten, Piccadilly, 1868 The poem of Stena,was contributed to Lippincott’s Magazine, Philadelphia, June 1868, and published in a separate form in London, to secure the Engltsh copyright. Very few coptes were printed, and still fewer tssued. Original covers bound in. See facsimile of title. FACSIMILE OF BINDING, BY ZAEHNSDORF, ON THE QUEEN MOTHER, BY SWINBURNE. LOT NO. 360. rv ta, aya FACSIMILE OF BINDING, BY THE HAMPSTEAD BINDERY, ON SONG OF ITALY, BY SWINBURNE. -LOT NO. 361. | eet ) a . a : ae , aie 7, : ae boen . - Sac n oe | ears che n | : . oo ae at eee < 5 ‘ x - | ae) oe bod ) O i = z ' : ‘7 z, ; . ; 4 = 2 Seal Bes ee e ©. LONDON JOHN CAMDEN HOTTEN, PICCADILLY ) 1868. (ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. ' Facsimile of Title. Lot No. 362. we. t op) 98 From Charles Dickens’ Library. 363 AUCHNITZ, BERNHARD. Five Centuries of the English Language and Literature. Volume CCCCC of the Tauchnitz Edition. Portrait. 16mo, morocco. Leipzig, 1860 Autograph presentation copy from Bernhard Tauchnite to Charles Dickens, with Charles Dickens bookplate and the printed label inserted by his executors, June, 1870. 364 ‘TENNYSON, ALFRED. Poems by. Elegantly illustrated. 8vo, full crushed yellow levant, elaborate gilt back and side, inlaid in flora, designs, with various colored leather, watered-silk doublé and fly-leaves, with rich gold borders, Gouffurd edges, with water colors on the fore-edge, illus. trating the book, by Fazakerley. London: Edward Moxon, 1858 A magnificent piece of binding in Fazakerley’s best style. See facsimile. 365 TENNYSON, ALFRED, LorD. The Lady of Shalott. Square 12mo, half green levant, top edge gilt. Thomas Maitland Cleland, 1900 Only two hundred and forty copies printed. This 1s No. 234. 366 ‘THACHER, JOHN Boyp. Charlecote; or, The Trial of William Shakespeare. J//lustrated by Charles Louts Hinton. 8vo, half calf. New York: Dodd, Mead & Co., 1895 No. 306 of three hundred and fifty-six copies printed on imperial Japan paper. : 367. THACKERAY, WILLIAM MAKEPEACE. Autograph Letter, signed. 8vo, 36 Onslow Square, S. W. No date. “* DEAR MR WALLER ‘The fire from my chimnies communicates to the Barons walls, and smoke breaks through the panels of his drawing room. Will you send somebody to examine my fire places and my neigbours? We may be all in ashes if we dont mind. * Faithfully yours, W. M. THACKERAY.” Edition Unique of Thackeray’s Works. Limited to Twenty-five Sets. 368 ‘THACKERAY, WILLIAM MAKEPEACE. The Complete Works of. Elegantly tllustrated with 2175 full-page and other engravings, all on India paper. 52 vols. Imperiai 8vo, full crushed red levant, gilt backs and sides, broad inside gold borders, Morris paper fly-leaves, top edges gilt, uncut, Originally published by Smith, Elder & Co., London. Specially prepared and issued by G. P. Putnam’s Sons, New York, N. D. Edition Unique, Twenty-five sets only prepared for sale, of which this ts No 6. This copy was specially bound for Mr. Goodwin. | > * | | | | \ \ : a \\ | | | eal \\] . \ 2 | = Re eR Cae: \ a f Gy | . N | | ' a | ‘ | Ss | \ =, Y SS NJ FACSIMILE OF BINDING, BY FAZAKERLEY, ON TENNYSON’S POEMS. LOT NO, Oo 64. | ‘ THE PARIS SKETCH BOOK: ; BY : MR. TITMARSH. WITH NUMEROUS DESIGNS BY THE AUTHOR, ON COPPER AND WOOD. LY LONDON: Pe _ JOHN MACRONE, 1, ST. MARTIN'S PLACE, ee ie i ‘TRAFALGAR SQUARE, ce Ne Re Facsimile of Title. Lot No. 371. Oe eee : - . 369 370 371 372 Too (THACKERAY, WILLIAM MAKEPEACE.) The Snob. Fourth Edition. No. 3, Thursday, April 23, 1829; No. 4, Thursday, April 30, 1829; No. 5, Thursday, May 7) Ineo: and No. 6, Thursday, May 14, 1829. Printed on green, yellow and white paper. 4numbers, uncut, in green levant slip case. 1829 the first Thackeray publication, and one of extreme rarity. Mr. Johnson says in his bibliography. “It is doubtful whether any numbers of ‘ The Snob’ were published without the words second, third, or fourth edition. The British Museum copy and all others I have seen have these words, I greatly doubt whether Thackeray wrote anything in ‘ The Snob’ except ‘Limbuctoo, which is signed‘ T’.” The poem of Timbuctoo occurs in No 4, so really, to the Thackeray collector, this little gathering contains all that is required for his collection. THACKERAY. Damascus and Palmyra: A Journey to the East. With a Sketch of the State and Prospects of Syria Under Ibrahim Pasha. By Charles G. Addison. ///us- trated with colored plates. 2 vols. 8vo, cloth, uncut. London: Richard Bentley, 1838 llustrated by William Makepeace Thackeray. In the frontispiece to Vol. IT, the figure of the European has been verified as a portrait of Thackeray. THACKERAY. The Paris Sketch Book. By Mr. Titmarsh. With numerous designs by the author, on copper and wood. 2 vols. Crown 8vo, three-quarter crushed dark maroon levant, gilt, top edges gilt, by Jout. London: John Macrone, 1840 The very rare first edition. with all the full page ilustra- tons. Thackeray's first book, and very interesting for this veason, also for its being so entirely his work, having been not only written but illustrated by him. Tt is curious. like Dickens first book's ** Sketches by Boz” T, hackeray's first book was published by the same printer, John Macrone, 1840. See facsimile of title. THACKERAY. The Second Funeral of N apoleon. In Three Letters to Miss Smith, of London, and the Chronicle of the Drum by Mr. M. A. Titmarsh. Full-page illustration. Square 16mo, full crushed plue levant, blind tooled, orange colored silk doublé, with rich gold borders, top edge gilt, uncut, by Zaehnsdorf, with brown levant slip case . London: Hugh Cunningham, St. Martin’s Place, Trafalgar Square, 1841 Lhe exceedingly scarce first edition, with the printed front cover wlustrated by Thackeray, bound in Johnson in his bibli- ography quotes the fact that the British Museum's copy ts much cut down, but has the cover. This has the cover and ts uncut, top edge gilt Probably tt would be impossible to jind a better copy than this. See facsimile of title. FACSIMILE OF ORIGINAL COVER. LOT NO. 372. = "ee Pe IOI 373 ‘THACKERAY. ‘The Irish Sketch-Book. By Mr. M. A. Titmarsh. With numerous engravings on wood drawn by the author. 2 vols. Crown 8vo, three-quarter crushed morocco levant, gilt, top edges gilt, by Jou. ‘London: Chapman & Hall, 1848 Fine copy of the first edition. and the first work of Thackeray published by Chapman & Hall. 374 ‘THACKERAY. Notes of a Journey from Cornhill to Grand Cairo, by way of Lisbon, Athens, Constantinople and Jeru- salem, Performed on the Steamers of the Peninsular and Oriental Company, by Mr. M. A. Titmarsh. With colored Jrontispiece and woodcuts by the author. 8vo, full crushed dark green levant, gilt back, gold lines on sides, inside dentelle borders, top edge gilt, uncut, by Riviere. Chotce copy of the rare first edition, with the original colored frontispiece, most copies being issued without this, and supplied with the same from the second edition, Original pictorial cloth covers bound in. Thackeray’s Christmas Books. First Editions. 375 ‘THACKERAY, WILLIAM MAKEPEACE. Christmas Books. All first editions, viz. ; * Mrs. Perkins’s Ball. By M. A. Titmarsh. With /wenty- two illustrations counting the title-page, all bifore the inscrip- tion, and a duplicate set of plates, in colors, before the tnscrip- tion, with the original tlustrated cover bound in. London ; Chapman & Hall, 1847. * ‘Our Street.”” By Mr. M. A. Titmarsh. With szxteen full-page tllustrations, including the title, and a duplicate set of the plates in colors, with original tllustrated cover bound in, London ; Chapman & Hall, 1848. 3 * Doctor Birch and His Young Friends. By Mr. M. A. Titmarsh. With szxteen full-page tilustrations, including the title page, and a duplicate set of plates in colors, with original illustrated cover bound in. Tondon; Chapman & Hall, 1849 * Rebecca and Rowena. A Romance upon Romance. By Mr. M. A. Titmarsh. With z/ustrations by Richard Doyle, eight full-page tllustrations and one on title-page, and a duplicate set of plates in colors, with original tllustrated wrap- , per bound in. London: Chapman & Hall. 1850, * 376 377 378 379 102 The Kickleburys on the Rhine. By Mr. M. A. Titmarsh. With jifteen full-page illustrations, including the title-page, and a duplicate set of plates in colors with the original wlus- trated cover bound in. london: Smith, Elder & Co., 1850. Together, 5 vols. Square 8vo, full crushed green levant, elaborate gilt backs and sides, red silk doublé, with rich gold borders, polished gilt edges, by Zaehnsdorf, with slip cases. London, 1847-1850 A choice and unique set, all first editions, and all with the vare plates in colors (in duplicate), superbly bound in Zachns- dort’s best style. THACKERAY, W. M. The Book of Snobs. With zumer- ous wood engravings. Svo, full dark green levant, gilt back and sldes, inside gold borders, top edge gilt. London : Punch Office, 1848 The rare first edition, with the original green paper covers bound in, containing an illustration by the author which has never reappeared in any edition since published. From the Grant collection, with the yellow bookplate. | THACKERAY, WILLIAM MAKEPEACE. The History of Pendennis ; his Fortunes and Misfortunes; his Friends and his Greatest Enemy. With z//ustrations on steel and wood by the author. : 2vols. 8vo, half crushed orange colored levant, gilt, top edges gilt, by Root & Son. London: Bradbury & Evans, 1849 First edition. Bound up trom the numbers as issued, with one of the eriginal yellow front wrappers beund tn. THACKERAY, W.M. The History of Samuel Titmarsh and the Great Hoggarty Diamond. Witn ten full-page illustrations, including the title page, and a duplicate set of plates tn colors. Square 8vo, full crushed dark green levant, elaborate gilt back and sides, red silk doublé, with rich gold borders, polished gilt edges, by Zaeknsdor/, in slip case. London: Bradbury & Evans, 1849 Beautiful copy of the excessively rare first edition, with the original illustrated cover bound in, which contains an en- graving not in the book, also the press notices of “ Vanity Fair” and ‘ Pendennis.” Bound by Zaehnsdorf in the same style as Thackeray's Christmas books, elsewhere described. See facsimile of title. ANOTHER Copy. Square 8yo, three-quarter crushed red leyvant, gilt, top edge gilt, uncut. London: Bradbury & Evans, 1849 The rare first edition, with the press notices of Vanity Fair” and‘ Pendennis” bound in, but has not the wlustrated cover. One plate has been repaired. THE HISTORY OF SAMUEL TITMARSH AND THE GREAT HOGGARTY DIAMOND. BY W. M. THACKERAY, AUTHOR OF * PENDENNIS,”’ “VANITY FAIR,” &c. &c. LONDON : BRADBURY & EVANS, 11, BOUVERIE STREET MDCCCXLIX. Facsimile of Title. Lot No. 378. 380 381 382 383 384 104 THACKERAY. Sand and Canvas. A Narrative of Adven- tures in Egypt, with a Sojourn among the Artists in Rome. By Samuel Bevan. Colored and plain tlustrations. 8vo, half light calf, gilt, top edge gilt. London: Charles Gilpin, 1849 Scarce. Contains the original issue of Thaekeray’s Poem, “ The Three Sailors,” at pp. 340, 341 and 342, THACKERAY. Rebecca and Rowena. A Romance upon Romance. By Mr. M.A. Titmarsh. With eight illustra- tions, tncluding the frontispiece by Richard Doyle, seven being colored. Crown 4to, original picture boards. London: Chapman & Hall, 1850 First edition. In all colored copies the title was left plain, as in thts. THACKERAY. The Kickleburys on the Rhine. By Mr. M. A. Titmarsh. With fifteen full-page colored illustrations. Square 8vo, full crushed dark green levant, elaborate gilt back and sides, red silk doublé, rich gold borders, polished gilt edges, by Zaehnsdor/, with slip case. London: Smith, Elder & Co., 1851 The rare second edition, of interest to collectors from the fact that it contains ‘‘ An Essay, or Thunder and Small Beer,” occupying fifteen pages, which is not im the first edition, and which was written in answer to a review in “The Times.” This copy contains the original illustrated cover (bound in) from which we take the date “1851,” the title page proper in this copy bears the date‘ 1850.” Bound by Zachnsdorf, in the same style as Thackeray's Christmas Books, elsewhere described. See facsimile of title. THACKERAY. The History of Henry Esmond, Esq. A Colonel in the Service of Her Majesty QO. Anne. Written by himself. 3 vols. Post S8vo, full crushed dark green levant, gilt backs, gold lines on sides, inside dentelle borders, top edges gilt, uncut. London: Printed for Smith, Elder & Co., 1852 Fine copy of the first edition, with the original cloth covers and white lables bound tn. THACKERAY, W. M. The English Humourists of the Highteenth Century. A Series of Lectures Delivered in England, Scotland and the United States of America. 8vo, full crushed red levant, gilt back, gold lines on sides, rich inside gold borders, top edge gilt, by Rzvzere. London: Smith, Elder & Co.,65 Cornhill; Bombay: Smith, Taylor & Co., 1853 Fine copy of the first edition, with all the advertisements of of ‘‘ Esmond,” etc., bound in. THE KICKLEBURYS ON THE RHINE. | PATER ia at iy BY MR. M. A. TITMARSH. LONDON. SMITH, ELDER, & CO., 65, CORNHILL. MDCCCL. FACSIMILE OF TITLE PAGE. LOT NO. 382. MR. THACKERAY, MR. YATES, AND THE GARRICK CLUB. THE CORRESPONDENCE AND FACTS, STATED ‘BY, EDMUND YATES. PRINTED FOR PRIVATE CIRCULATION. 1859. | Facsimile of Title. Lot No. 387. 385 386 387 388 389 106 THACKERAY. The Newcomes. Memoirs of a most Re- spectable Family. Edited by Arthur Pendennis, Esq. With tllustrations on steel and wood by Richard Doyle. 2vols. 8vo, full crushed red levant, gilt backs and sides, rich inside gold borders, Morris paper fly-leaves, top edges gilt, uncut, by Morredi, London: Bradbury & Evans, 1854-5 A superb copy of the first edition. Bound up from the num- bers as issued, and with all the original wrappers bound tn. THACKERAY. ‘The Rose and the Ring; or, The History of Prince Giglio and Prince Bulbo. A Fire-side Pantomime for Great and Small Children. By Mr. M. A. Titmarsh. With eight full-page illustrations and a duplicate set of plates tm colors; also numerous wood engravings. Square 8vo, full crushed dark green levant, elaborate gilt back and sides, red silk doublé, with rich gold borders, polished gilt edges, by Zackusdor/, in slip case. London: Smith, Elder & Co., 1855 A beautiful copy of the very rare first edition. with the original tlustrated covers bound in. Bound by Zaehnsdorf in the same style as Thackeray's Christmas Books, elsewhere described. THACKERAY. Mr. Thackeray, Mr. Yates and the Gar- rick Club. The Correspondence and Facts Stated by Ed- mund Yates. 8vo, full polished light ealf, gilt back and sides, inside gold borders, top edge gilt. Printed for private circulation, 1859 It 1s unnecessary to emphasize the great rarity of the above pamphlet, the memorable quarrel and consequent controversy being unfortunately sufficiently well remembered. See fac- simile. THACKERAY. A Selection from the Works of Frederick Locker. With zlustrations by Richard Doyle. (Moxon’s Miniature Poets. ) Crown 4to, cloth, gilt. London: Edward Moxon & Co., 1865 first Edition. Very scarce. Contains, at page 78, The Rose and the Ring. by William M. Thackeray, with vignette wlustration containing a portrait of Thackeray. THACKERAY, W. M. Denis Duval. 8vo, full crushed red levant, gilt back, gold lines on sides, rich inside gold borders, top edges gilt, by Riviere, London: Smith, Elder & Co., 1867 A choice copy of the first edition in book form of Thack- eray’s last book, left incomplete at his death. See facsimile of title. ' ij , * ‘ PepENIS, DUVAL. - f ee 4 ae BY WW. THACKERAY, 4. abe _ AUTHOR OF ‘‘ VANITY FAIR,” ‘©THE ADVENTURES OF nih aia PHILIP,” ETC. on al - LONDON: Me | SMITH, ELDER AND CO., 65, CORNHILL. ay: : 5 ae 1867. f K Nok i ; Facsimile of T Pie WLORDING. GOs Op ty aoe 108 390 THACKERAY, WILLIAM MAKEPEACE. ‘The Mahogany Tree. With dllustrations by frank T. Merrill and portrait of Thackeray on India paper. Royal 4to, cloth, ornamented with mahogany wood. Boston: Samuel E. Cassino, 1887 No. 73 of five hundred copies printed. 391 ‘THACKERAY, WILLIAM MAKEPEACE. Reading a Poem. A Sketch, by. Communicated to the Sette at a Meeting Holden at Sommer’s Hotel, on Friday the 1st of May, 1801. By Brother Charles Plumptre Johnson. frontispiece. Square 16mo, vellum, uncut. Imprinted at the Chiswick Press, 1891 No. 307 of three hundred and twenty-one copies printed for private circulation. 392 THACKERAY, WILLIAM MAKEPEACE. Mr. Brown’s Let- ters to a Young Man About Town. 8vo, half buckram, uncut. Cambridge: The Riverside Press, 1901 No 104 of five hundred numbered copies printed. The Jirst time printed as a single volume. It is included in Thacke- vays “ Sketches in London,’ which appeared in Punch in IS49 393 THACKERAY, WILLIAM MAKEPEACE. Our Annual Ex- ecution, Preceded by a Word on the Annuals. 8vo, full green watered silk, gilt edges. Philadelphia: H. W. Fisher & Co.. 1902 No 9 of five hundred and fifty copies printed. 394 THACKERAY. Hollingshead, John. Odd Journeys in and Out of London. Crown 8vo, original cloth, uncut. London: Groombridge & Son, 1860 Thackeray's own copy. Autograph presentation copy from the author, “W. M. Thackeray, Esq , with the best wishes of the author.” and with Thackeray’s monogram stamp on uztle, from the Fraser collection with the Fraser bookplate. 395 THOREAU, HENRY D.ANDSopHIAE: Some Unpublished Letters of. A Chapter in the History of a Still-born Book. Edited, with a Prefatory Note, by Samuel Arthur Jones. Portratts. 8vo, blue boards, uncut. Printed on the Marion Press, Jamaica, N. Y., 1899 No. 62 of one hundred and fifty copies printed. 396 109 Times, Joun. The Works of. A Collected Set. Nearly all First Editions. Containing :— Popular Errors, Explained and Illustrated. London: Tilt & Bogue, 1841. Curiosities of London. J//lustrated. London: David Bogue, 1855. Things Not Generally Known. New Edition. 2 vols. London: David Bogue, 1857. Curiosities of Science. Past and Present. London: Kent & Co., 1859. Anecdote Biography. William Pitt, Earl of Chatham and Edmund Burke. Jlustrated. 2 vols. London: Richard Bentley, 1860. A Century of Anecdote. From 1760 to 1860. Jilustrated. 2vols. London: Richard Bentley, 1864. Romance of London. Strange Stories, Scenes and Re- markable Persons of the Great Town. 3 vols. London: Richard Bentley, 1865. English Eccentrics and Kccentricities. 2 vols. London: Richard Bentley, 1866. Club Life of London. With Anecdotes of Clubs, Coffee- Houses and Taverns of the Metropolis during the 17th, 18th and i9th Centuries. J/lustrated. 2vols. Richard Bentley, 1866. Nooks and Corners of English Life, Past and Present. Illustrated. London: Richard Bentley, 1867. London and Westminster, City and Suburb. Strange Events, Characteristics and Changes of Metropolitan Life. 2vols. London: Richard Bentley, 1868. Doctors and Patients; or, Anecdotes of the Medical World. And Curiosities of Medicine. 2 vols. London: Richard Bentley, 1873. Anecdote Lives of the Later Wits and Humorists—Can- ning, Captain Morris, Curran, Coleridge, Lamb, etc. 2 vols. London: Richard Bentley, 1874. Together, 23 vols. 12mo, uniformly bound in half red calf, gilt, top edges gilt. London, 1841-74 All first editions but one. From the Thomas J. McKee Library with his ex libris” in each volume. 397 398 399 400 401 IIO Timsps, JoHN. Club Life of London. With Anecdotes of the Clubs, Coffee-Houses and Taverns of the Metropolis during the Seventeenth, Eighteenth and Nineteenth Cen- turies. Portraits. 2vols. Post 8vo, original cloth, uncut. London: Richard Bentley, 1866 First Edition. TRISTRAM, W. OuTRAM. Coaching Days and Coaching Ways. With twenty-four tllustrations by Hugh af homson and flerbert Railton. 12mo, full crushed red levant, elaborate gilt back and sides, red silk doublé, with gold borders, polished gilt edges, by Zaehusdorf. London: Macmillan & Co., 1894 Beautiful specimen of Zaehnsdorf’s binding. See plate. Artist’s Proof Edition of Trollope’s Works. Limited to twenty-six copies. TROLLOPE, ANTHONY. The Complete Works of. Zle- gantly illustrated with full-page plates on Japan and India paper, in duplicate, one being artist's proof, and some beautt- fully colored. Containing : The Warden. 1 vol. The Barchester Towers. 2 Doctor Thorne. 2 vols. vols. The Small House at Arling- Framly Parsonage. 2 vols. ton. 3 vols. The Last Chronicle of Bar- Can You Forgive Her. 3 vols. set. 3 vols. The Eustace Diamonds. 2 Phineas Finn. 3 vols. vols. Phineas Redux. 3 vols. The Prime Minister. 3 vols. The Duke’s Children. 3 vols. Together, 30 vols. 8vo, full crushed maroon levant, gilt backs and sides, broad inside gold borders, Morris paper fiy-leaves, top edges gilt, uncut, by Haddon & Co. Philadelphia: Gebbie, 1900 The Artist's Proof Edition. Limited to twenty-six ics of which this ts Letter G. TROLLOPE, Mrs. The Barnabys in America; or, Adven- ~ tures of the Widow Wedded. Jlustrated with full-page etchings by ‘‘ Phiz.’’ 3 vols. 12mo, original cloth, uneut. _ London: Henry Colburn, 1848 First edition. Name on title. Tuscan SonGs. Collected, Translated and z/lustrated by Francesca Alexander, with one hundred and eight photograv- ures from the original designs. Royal 4to, vellum, gilt. Cambridge: Printed at the Riverside Press, 1897 No. 23 of fifty copies printed on Japanese vellum paper. 398. LOT UN Oe , BY TRISTRAM: AYS 4 D COACHING ON ) et ee i a v * PA 5 ya Ga Ss - 34 od #2 % ss x §, ey a % % * é a : 3 ¥ & Li gi g Kok é - ; 4 & : : 2 ba " oe x ar oS . Re £ Z : ae aR te 5 ‘ 4 % *) ‘ CE, ee x 3 ee hy ug ; Eb ik ae : ihc oF ‘ ? ia 7 , ¢ : ‘ . a Saget ; is ; . oo’. ae * F iS ‘ * $ < a hy : ‘ P ¥ pees ‘ =a 2 x “2 / a E e : 3 at arog z * x 3 e eae icestoae § * y af "4 4 te ig. anette Fy ¢ oi i SS =a “; Benes eee s « 3 J ie « aa ? i 5 ? Mr: a? : 4 S ” : Po ae r28e i ,, ‘ % f 4 4 z ghee =" » + OB 2 ; ae & ts ¢ 4 if $ “~ q ta ty Se: ‘ =) ae x Fa on & eae & Pe a 3 De : ‘ 3 3 met 4 ‘ 4 ». x i) ara * ; ¢ Fi i 2 $ on sah el | * ‘ 5 3 : ‘ ee : : 3 ji ae , * i £ ‘ Se x 5 lack 4 ye a a? 2 3 He cag 3 es E: sec oe peak iB: z ? ae CR GELLER BLE DENA BS PORTIA eats Pe say f r > iy + id iE iat i ; : ae, cain: s 7 ‘ iB ¢ 7 ay % ¢ : BY ZAEKHNSDORF ) 5 f j % : f A WAYS SISTRAM | ~- OF BINDING ' W. 0. TRIS COACHING DAYS | 5 PLATE es i. 402 403 404 405 406 407 408 The ZANNE, OCTAVE. ‘The Sunshade, The Glove, The Muff. Beautifully tllustrated by Paul Avril. Printed zn tints. Royal 8vo, full crushed blue levant, blind tooled, inside gold borders, top edge gilt, uncut, by Grieve, London: J.C. Nimmo, 1884 UZANNE, Octave. The Fan. Beautifully clustrated by Paul Avril. Printed in tints. Royal 8yo, ful) crushed blue levant, blind tooled, inside 'gold borders, top edge gilt,;uncut, by Grieve. London: J. C. Nimmo, 1884 UZANNE, Octave. ‘The Mirror of the World. With one hundred and sixty illustrations in the text by Paul Avril. Printed in tints. Imperial 8vo, ornamented cloth, gilt edges. London: J. C. Nimmo, 1890 \ ALE PRESS. ‘The Poems and Songs of Sir John Suckling. Edited by John Gray. With woodcuts, border and tinttials by Charles Ricketts. 8vo, full crushed olive-colored levant, blind tooled, crushed levant doublé, richly gilded and inlaid with old rose colored levant, Morris paper fly-leaves, top edge gilt, uncut, by Pompey, in slip case. Vale Press, London, 1896 Only three hundred and ten copies printed. Beautifully bound by Pompey. VALE Press. The World at Auction. A Play. By Michael Field. The decorations designed and cut by Charles Ricketts. 8vo, full crushed blue levant, elaborate gilt back and sides in floral design, inlaid with green and red levant, broad inside borders, inlaid with red levant, richly gilded, Morris paper fly-leaves, top edge gilt, by Pompey, in slip case. Vale Press, London, 1898° Only two hundred and ten copies printed. VALE Press. ‘The Rowley Poems of Thomas Chatter- ton. Edited by Robert Steele. Decorated by Charles Ricketts. 2vols. 8vo, boards, uncut. Vale Press, London, 1898 Only two hundred and ten copies printed. VALE Press. The Centaur; The Bacchante. Translated from the French of Maurice de Guérin by T. S. Moore. With woodcuts by T. S. Moore. 8vo, full crushed green levant, elaborate gilt back and sides, white vellum doublé, inlaid with various colored leather, rich gold borders, vellum fly- leaves, designed and tooled by Constance Karslake. Vale Press, London, 1899 Only one hundred and fifty copies printed. A beautiful specimen of binding by Constance Karslake. See plate, 409 A412 413 II2 VALE Press. Nymphidia, and the Muses Elizium. By Michael Drayton, Esq. Edited from the Earliest Editions by John Gray. With woodcut frontispiece and border by Charles Ricketts. 8vo, full crushed tan-colored levant, blind tooled, rich ingide gold borders, top edge gilt, uncut, by 7afin, with slip case. Vale Press, London, 1896 Only two hundred and ten copies printed. VALE Press. The Life of Benvenuto Cellini. Translated by John Addington Symonds. Decorated by C. S. Ricketts. 2vols. Folio, half holland, uncut. Vale Press, London, 1900 Only three hundred copies printed. VALE Press. Lyric Poems. By Alfred Lord Tennyson. With border designed by C. S. Ricketts. 8vo, buckram, uncut. Vale Press, London, 1900 Only three hundred and twenty copies printed. VALE PRESS. In Memoriam. By Alfred Lord Tenny- son. With border designed by C. S. Ricketts. 8vo, buckram, uncut. Vale Press, London, 1900 Only three hundred and twenty copies printed. VENICE. Streets and Canals in Venice, and in the Islands of the Lagoons. Edited by Ferdinand Ongania. Illustrated with fifty large and superb photogravures, from original photographs taken on the spot, with descriptive text. Large folio, illustrated cloth sides, morocco back, uncut. D. Appleton & Co., New York, 1895-8 Presentation Copy from Queen Victoria. 414 VICTORIA (QUEEN). Lays and Legends Illustrative of English Life. By Camilla Toulmin. With zluminated title page, and eighty-two engravings and woodcuts after Turner, Collins, Creswick, C. R. Leslie and others. 4to, original cloth, gilt edges, as issued. London: Published by Jeremiah How, 1845 Presentation copy from Queen Victoria, having the follow- ing inscription on the inside of the front cover, all in her autograph, “To Baroness de Spith from her affectionate Vic- toria R., Windsor Castle, January 1, 1846.” vy Ti Sa oe SPAM, VIELE AAS aha PROD ASS 8 PAT, ow e be ¢ {orae ts PLATE OF BINDING, DESIGNED BY CONSTANCE KARSLAKE, ON THE CENTAUR ; THE BACCHANTE. LOT NO. 408. 415 416 Ary 418 419 113 ViLLON. The Poems of Master Francis Villon of Paris. Now first done into English verse, in the original forms, by John Payne. frontispiece. Square 8vo, vellum, gilt, top edge gilt, uncut. London: Printed for the Villon Society for private distribution, 1878 The very rare first edition, of which only one hundred and Jifty-seven copies were printed. VIZETELLY, ERNEST ALFRED. The True Story of the Chevalier D’Kon. His Experiences and his Metamorphoses in France, Russia, Germany and England. Told with the Aid of State and Secret Papers. J/lustrated with poriratts, facsimiles, etc. Royal 8vo, buckram, uncut. London: Tylston & Edwards, 1895 No. 60 of one hundred large-paper copies on Van Gelder's royal 8vo paper, with colored illustrations. VoLTAIRE, M. p#. La Pucelle d’Orleans. A series of Forty-nine Beautiful Engravings for Illustrating the same, after the Designs by: Moreau, Moncieau, Barbier, Monnet & Marillier, of which twenty-three (being mostly the designs by Marillier), are fine proofs on India paper. Mounted in one volume. All printed on 4to size paper. 4to, full crushed red levant, elaborate gilt back and sides, with inlaid panel in black levant, inside gold borders, top edge gilt. A fine and rare collection. ~VourarrE’s CANDIDE ou L’OprimismEe. Preface de Francisque Sarcey. llustrations de Adrien Moreau. Royal 8vo, half green morocco, gilt, top edge gilt, uncut. Paris, 1893 One of fifty copies printed entirely on China paper. Large- paper copy. Very rare. ALTON, IZAAK anp Corron, CHARLES. The Complete Angler. With portracis and vignettes on titles. 2vols. 16mo, full polished light calf, gilt backs and sides, green and red labels, inside dentelle borders, Morris paper fly-leaves, top edges gilt, uncut, by Zout & Son. Chiswick: Printed by C. Whittingham, 1824 The beautiful Chiswick Edition. (3) 420 421 422 423 424 I14 WALTON, WILLIAM. Paris, Known and Unknown. Illustrated with nearly one hundred full-page plates, mostly in colors, illustrating the scenery and manners and customs of the people, as well as hundreds of smaller engravings in the text, mostly colored. 3 vols. in 10 sections, each in a morocco-back portfolio. Philadelphia: Printed by Geo. Barnes & Son, 1901 Japan Edition. Limited to five hundred numbered copies, of which this is No. 15. Sold as three volumes. WARREN, SAMUEL. The Lily andthe Bee. An Apologue of the Crystal Palace. 12mo, full light polished calf, gilt back and sides, inside dentelle borders, gilt edges, by Riviere. Wm. Blackwood & Sons, Edinburgh, 1851 Presentation copy from the author to Dr. Sprague, with the autograph signed inscription on the title, and on the half title Dr. Warren has written: “I would almost as soon have thas book thrown into the fire, as read hastily—or otherwise than with the consideration due to an author who has thought for- himself, for nearly twenty years, on most of the great topies condensed into this volume, with severe self denial. S. W.’ The vare first edition. (WARREN, SAMUEL.) ‘Ten Thousand a Year. 38vols. 8vo, full polished light calf, gilt backs, maroon and blue labels, gold lines on sides, inside dentelle borders, top edges gilt, uncut, by Riviere. Wm. Blackwood & Sons, Edinburgh, 1841 The scarce first edition of the most popular and one of the most successful novels of the last century. The author admitted wn one of his letters that “ It ts most true to human nature, and it cost me a few tears while writing it.” WELSH CosTuMES. A Series of Sixteen Colored Plates, Representing the Manners and Customs of the Welsh People. Oblong small 4to, full polished light calf, gilt back and sides, inside dentelle borders, gilt edges. London: Rock & Co., 1853 Scarce. WINKLE’S Architectural and Picturesque Illustrations of the Cathedral Churches of England and Wales. The Draw- ings made from Sketches taken Expressly for the Work by Robert Garland, Architect. With Descriptions by Thomas Moule. 3 vols. Royal 8vo, full morocco, gilt, top edges gilt. London: Effingham Wilson, 1888 first edition. Fine early copy. 425 426 427 428 429 430 II5 WILLIAMS, JAMES LeoN. Home and Haunts of Shakes- peare. With an Introduction by Horace Howard Furness. Illustrated by fifteen plates in water color, thirty full-page photogravures, and more than one hundred and fifty other illustrations. Stratford Edition. Imperial 4to, three-quarter crushed maroon levant, gilt, top edges gilt. New York: Charles Scribner’s Sons, 1895 Wison, Francis. The Eugene Field I Knew. J/us- trated. Svo, half vellum, uncut. New York: Charles Scribner’s Sons, 1898 No. 37 of two hundred and four copies on Ruisdael paper. Signed by Francis Wilson. WILSON, Prorgessor. The Works of. Edited by his Son-in-Law, Professor Ferrier. Containing Noctes Am- brosianz, Essays, Recreations of Christopher North, Tales, and Poetical Works. 12mo, half crushed green levant, gilt, top edge gilt, by oot &* Son, William Blackwood & Son, 1855 WHISTLER. ‘The Gentle Art of Making Enemies, as Pleasingly Exemplified in Many Instances, wherein the Serious Ones of the Earth, Carefully Exasperated, have been Prettily Spurred on to Unseemliness and Indiscretion, while Overcome by an Undue Sense of Right. 4to, cloth, uncut. London : William Heinemann, 1890 Large-paper copy. First edition. No. 83 of two hundred and fifty copies published. Wuitt, Rev. Ginpert. The Natural History and An- tiquities of Selborne, and A Garden Kalendar. Edited by R. Bowdler Sharpe, LL.D. With an Introduction to the Garden Kalendar, by the Very Rev. S. Reynolds Hole, Dean of Rochester. Numerous illustrations by J. G. Keulemans, Herbert Railton and Edmund J. Sullivan.. 2vola. 4to, vellum, titles in red, illuminated crest on sides, uncut. London: Published by S. T. Freemantle, 1900 The large-paper edition. Limited to one hundred and’ sixty copies, of which only one hundred and fifty are for sale, this being No. 136. Signed by the edttor and artists. Waitt, GILBERT. The Natural History of Selborne. Edited, with Notes, by Grant Allen. Jl/ustrated by Edmund H. New. Square 8vo, buckram, top edge gilt, uncut. John Law, London, 1900 116 431 WHITE, Rev. GILBERT. A Naturalist’s Calendar, with Observations on Various Branches of Natural History, ex- tracted from the Papers of. Never before published. With colored frontispiece. 8vo, full crushed brown levant, gilt back and sides, inside gold borders, gilt edges. London: Printed for B. & J. White, 1795 First Edition 432 WHITMAN, WALT. Complete Poems and Prose of. 1855-1888. Authenticated and Personal Book (handled by W.W.). Portraits from life, and autograph. Royal 8vo, three-quarter crushed green levant, top edge gilt, uncut. Mie, See This edition was limited, each copy being signed by the author. ARTISTS’ EDITION OF WHITTIER’S WORKS. One of five copies bound in the style of Roger Payne. 433 WHITTIER, JOHN GREENLEAF. ‘The Complete Works of. Including his Life and Letters by Samuel T. Pickard. The whole wlustrated with etchings and photogravures on India paper. 9vols. 8vo, full crushed maroon levant, elaborate gilt backs and sides, blue levant doublé, richly gilded, with broad borders, watered silk fly-leaves, top edges gilt, uncut, after the style of Roger Payne, by The Riverside Press. Houghton, Mifflin & Co., Boston and New York, N. D Artists edition. No. 344 of seven hundred and fifty copies, and one of five copies bound especially for Mr. Good- win, in the style of Roger Payne, with fine autograph letter, signed by John G Whittier, inserted. 434 WOLFE, THEO. F. Literary Shrines. The Haunts of Some Famous American Authors, and A Pilgrimage Among the Haunts of Famous British Authors. Jllustrated. 2vols. 12mo, half crushed blue levant, gilt, top edges gilt, uncut. J. B, Lippincott Co.. Philadelphia, 1897 435 Woop ENGRAVING. Engravings on Wood, by Members of the Society of American Wood-Engravers, with an In- troduction and Descriptlve Text by William M. Laffau. 4 series of twenty-five choice wood engravings, all proofs before letters, signed by both painter and engraver and neatly mounted and matted, in portfolio. | New York: Harper & Brothers, 1887 No. 51 of one hundred and twelve copies printed. 436 437 438 439 117 WoRDSWORTH, WILLIAM. ‘The Poetical Works of. Por- trait. A New Edition. 8vols. 12mo, full polished light calf, gilt backs and sides, blue labels, inside dentelle borders, top edges gilt, by Zaehnusdorf. j London: Edward Moxon, 1841-3 The best edition. The World’s Famous Places and Peoples. Limited to Twenty-six Sets. WorLpD’s Famous PLAcEs AND PrEoPLES. Jllustrated with beautiful full-page colorcd plates, on Japan paper. Con- taining— Florence. By Charles Palestine. By John Fulton. Yriarti. 2 vols. 2 vols. Venice. By Charles Morocco. By Edmondo de Yriarti. 2 vols. Amicis. 2 vols. Paris. By Maria Hornor America. By Joel Cook. Lansdale. 2 vols. 6 vols. The Rhine. By Karl Stieler, etc. 2 vols. Together, 18 vols. Full variegated colored polished calf, gilt backs, elabo- rate gilt sides, with emblematic crests, in gold, on green levant inlaid, white levant doublé, elaborately gilded, with broad gold borders, watered silk and Morris paper fly-leaves, top edges gilt, uncut, Merrill & Baker, New York and London, N. D Edition des Aquarelles. Limited to twenty-six regtstered and lettered sets, of which this 1s Leiter A. WorLpD’s BEST ORATIONS. From the Earliest Period to the Present Time. David J. Brewer, Editor. Edward A. Allen, William Schuyler, Associate Editors. Lllustrated with numerous full-page portraits and other illustrations printed on Japan paper, accompanied by a volume of tm- pressions from the cancelled plates. ll vols. Royal 8vo, full black morocco, gilt backs and sides, top edges gilt, uneut. St. Louis, Chicago: Ferd. P. Kaiser, 1899 Author's destroyed-plate edition. Limited to one hundred sets, of which this in No. 41.’s Brest Essays. From the Earliest Period to the Present Time. David J. Brewer, Editor. Edward A. Allen, William Schuyler, Associate Editors. llustrated with numerous full-page portraits and other wlustrattons printed on Japan paper, and a cancelled impression of each plate bound tn. 10 vols. Imperial 8vo, full black morocco, gilt backs and sides, top edges gilt, uncut. St. Louis: Ferd. P. Kaiser, 1900 . Author's Edition. Limited to one hundred copies, of which this 1s No. 41. 118 440 WoRLD’s ORATORS (THE). Comprising the Great Ora- tions of the World’s History. With Introductory Essays, Biographical Sketches, and Critical Notes, by Guy Carleton Lee. With nzumerous tllustrations. 10 vols. 8vo, full brown levant, gilt backs and sides, top edges gilt, uncut. G. P. Putnam’s Sons, New York, 1900 University Edition. Limited to one thousand sets, of which this 1s No. 6. Presentation Copy from Moore, the Poet. 441 WRIGHT, REV. O. N. A Guide to the Lakes of Kil- larney. llustrated by engravings after the designs of George LClree, 12mo, full contemporary straight-grained green morocco, elaborate gilt back and sides, inside gold borders, gilt edges. Loudon: Printed for Baldwin, Cradock & Joy, 1822 Autograph presentation copy from Thomas Moore, the poet. “ Given to Bessie on my return from Killarney m 1823, Thomas Moore,” and with bookplate of Bessie Moore. To be sold Saturday Afternoon, Nov. 14, 1903 AT 3 O'CLOCK. RARE AUTOGRAPHS. 442 STOWE, HARRIET BEECHER. Autograph Letter, signed. Quarto. N.D. With rare lithographic portrait by Cartau. Framed and glazed. 443 Bryant, Wm. CuLLeN. Autograph Letter, signed. 8vo. Roslyn, Long Island, October 21, 1870. With fine proof portrait. Framed and glazed. 444 DICKENS, CHARLES. Autograph Note, signed. ‘‘ The MS. herein referred to is in my right hand table drawer.’’ To W. H. Wills. Two fine portraits by Lawrence and Joycuse. Framed and glazed. 445 HArTE, BRET. The Original Autograph Manuscript of his Poem, ‘‘The Legend of Glen Head. Related by a Cautious Observer.’’ Signed. Three pages, folio, with por- trait. Framed and glazed. | 446 Louis XIV, KinG oF FRANCE. Document, signed. Folio. December 14, 1714. 447. Louis XV, KING OF FRANCE. Document, signed. Folio. Versailles, 1724. 448 Louis XVI, KING oF FRANCE and Friend of America. Document, signed. Folio. Versailles, May 29, 1780. 449 Louis XVI, KING oF FRANCE. Document, signed. Folio. Versailles, July 3, 1777. II9 ORIGINAL SKETCHES BY EMINENT ARTISTS. Portrait of Mrs. Browning, by Sir Thomas Lawrence. 450 451 452 453 454 455 456 457 458 459 The Original Water Color Sketch, by Sir Thomas Lawrence, of the Portrait of Mrs. Elizabeth Barrett Browning, the Poetess. Framed and glazed. Original Sketch by Rosa Bonheur. Original Sepia Drawing of the Shepherd and Sheep. By Rosa Bonheur. Signed and dated, 1839. Framed and glazed. Original Drawings by Darley. Original India Ink Drawing of the Discovery of Gold in California. By Felix O. C. Darley. Oval, 11 x 17 inches. Framed and glazed. Original India Ink Drawing. Loading a Vessel at a Southern Port. By. Felix O. C. Darley. Oval, 11x17 inches. Framed and glazed. | Original Drawing by Angelica Kauffmann. Original India Ink and Colored Chalk Drawing of the Vestal Virgin. By Angelica Kaffmann. Framed and glazed. Original Drawing by ‘“ Phiz.” Original Water Color Drawing of a Knight of the Olden Time. By Hablot K. Browne (Phiz.) Framed and glazed. Original Water Color of the Building Immortalized by Dickens in ‘‘T’he Old Curiosity Shop.’’ By A. Waters. Framed and glazed. Original Pen-and-Ink Drawing. Carlyle in his Study. By the celebrated English illustrator, Woodward. Framed and glazed. Original Pen-and-Ink Drawing. The Eviction Riot. By the celebrated English illustrator, Woodward. Framed and glazed. Original Oil Painting, in black and white. Cavaleria Rus- ticana. By W. de Leftwich-Dodge. Paris, 1896. Signed. 120 The Great White Elephant, by Sarony. 460 Original Oil Painting, in black and white. The Proces- sion of the Great White Elephant. By Sarony. Accom- panied by an Autograph Letter, signed by the artist, in reference to the same, in which he says, ‘‘ Do come and see my best drawing that I will rest my fame on. I have had it framed and it looks glorious.’’ Framed and glazed. 460% Original Crayon Drawing. Innocence. By Sarony. Framed and glazed. 461 Original Pencil Drawing of the three-quarter length Por- trait of Theodore Roosevelt. By Carl J. Becker. February, 1903. Signed by the artist and by ‘‘ Theodore Roosevelt, White House, March, 1902.’’ ORIGINAL CHOICE ETCHINGS AND ENGRAVINGS. Rembrandt’s ‘Hundred Guilder Print.” 462 Rembrandt’s Great Etching, Christ Healing the Sick. Commonly known as the Hundred Guilder Print. Etched by Rembrandt Van Rhyn. Magnificent, brilliant, original impression. Framed and glazed. 463 Rembrandt’s Portrait of John Cornelius Silvius, Minister, Amsterdam. Etched by Rembrandt Van Rhyn. Choice, brilliant impression. Framed and glazed. 464 Colored Engraving. Shakespeare’s Measure for Measure. Act V. Scene I. Painted by Thomas Kirk. Engraved by L. P. Simon. A beautiful stipple engraving, printed in colors. Framed and glazed. 465 Portrait of Henry W. Longfellow. Painted and Engraved by W. H. Marshall. Accompanied by a certificate estab- lishing the fact that this is No. 186 of 1025 impressions, after which the original plate was destroyed. Framed and glazed. On the back is a copy of the defaced plate. — 466 Portrait of Lord Alfred Tennyson. Etched by G. Mercier. Artist’s remarque proof, signed: Framed and glazed. 467 Another Copy. Unframed. 4674 A Series of Engravings, by William Hyde, entitled Lon- don Impressions, containing Views of Kensington Gardens, The River, Terrible London, Waterloo Bridge, The Clock Tower, Westminster, Utilitarian London, and St. Paul’s at Dawn. Artist’s proofs, signed. (Engraved by Swan Electric Engraving Co.) Framed and glazed. 7 pieces 468 469 470 471 472 473 474 475 476 477 478 479 480 481 482 483 484 485 486 i k2E Street Scene in Holland. Etched by Franziska Redels- heimer. Artist’s remarque proof on Japan paper, signed. Portrait of Gen’l U. S. Grant. ‘Three-quarter length, in uniform. After H. Balling. Etching. Artist’s remarque proof on India paper. | Portrait of Admiral George Dewey. Etched by James Fagan. Artist’s remarque proof, signed. The Burgomaster and Wife. After Rembrandt. Etched by Koepping. Artist’s proof, signed. The Parting Song. After Roybet. Etched by Jules Courtin. Artist’s remarque proof, signed. On satin. he Halt. After Meissonier. Etched by A. Fauna. Artist’s remarque proof, signed. On satin. Return from the Fields. Etched by R. Minot. Artist’s remarque proof, signed. On satin. The Smoker. After Rajon. Etched by P. Rano. Artist’s remarque proof, signed: On satin. L’ Avant, Posse. After Meissonier. Etched by P. Rano. Artist’s remarque proof, signed. On parchment. Retour des Champs. After Laugee. Etched by J. Jacques. Artist’s remarque proof on parchment. Signed. Le Connoisseur. After Fortuny. Etched by H. Leon. Artist’s remarque proof on parchment. Signed. Salut aux Blesses. After Detaille. Etched by M. Muost. Artist’s remarque proof on parchment. Signed. The above eight superb etchings were all limited to a very few tmpressions. Italian Seaport. Etched by Stephen Parrish. Artist’s remarque proof on parchment. Signed. Gathering Water Lilies. Etched by Hamilton Hamilton. Artist’s remarque proof on parchment. Signed. Sheep at Pasture. Etched by J. A. S. Monks. Artist’s remarque proof, signed. On parchment. The Morning’s Shave. Etched by Thomas Hovenden. Artist’s remarque proof, signed. On parchment. Moonlight. Gloucester, Mass. Etched by J. C. Nicoll. Artist’s remarque proof, signed. On parchment. Country Politicians. Etched by T. W. Wood. Artist’s remarque proof, signed. On parchment. Towing into Port. Etched by R. Cleveland Coxe. Artist’s remarque proof, signed. On parchment. 487 488 489 490 491 492 493 494 495 496 497 498 499 500 > 50 502 993 504 505 506 I22 The Obedient Scholar. Etched by J. L. G. Ferris. Artist’s remarque proof, signed. On parchment. Low Tide.. Etched by Charles F. W. Mielatz. Artist’s remarque proof, signed. On parchment. The Inland Lake. Etched by Kruseman Van Elten. Artist’s remarque proof, signed. On parchment. Lhe above ten etchings are by America’s greatest painting etchers, all double remarque, of which only eighteen coptes were printed. Reminder of By-gone Days. After Artiguee. Etching on satin. Remarque proof. The Connoisseurs. After Fortuny. Etching, on satin. Remarque proof. Karly Roman Days. After W.S. Coleman. Htched by A. Gravier. Artist’s remarque proof on satin. Lady Teazle. After Oliver. Etched by A, Gravier. Remarque proof, colored. | A Stubborn Customer. After Jules Dupre. Etched by H. Martin. Remarque proof, colored. Laitiere Hollandaise. After Delort. Etched by A. Gravier. Remarque proof, colored. Karly Roman Days. After W. S. Coleman. Etched by A. Gravier. Remarque proof, colored. Egyptian Garden. After W. S. Coleman. Etched by A. Gravier. Remarque proof, colored. The Rampart. After Delort. Etched by A. Gravier. Remarque proof, colored. Vanessa. After Gordon. Remarque proof mezzotinto, colored. Nora. After Gordon. Reniarque proof mezzotinto, colored. Peg Woffington. After Oliver. Etched by A. Gravier. Remarque proof, colored. gee The Harvest. After Lehermitte. Remarque proof etch- ing, colored. Portraits of Charles Darwin, John Tyndall, Thomas H. Huxley and Herbert Spencer. Photogravures. 4 pieces CHdipus, The Betrothed, Calling the Worshippers, Lacing the Sandal. Photogravures. 5 pieces. The Original Defaced Copperplate of a Portrait of Dr. Samuel Johnson. Framed and glazed. Six Photogravures on Satin, illustrating the American- Spanish War, 507 508 509 510 511 512 513 514 315 516 517 518 519 520 521 522 523 524 525 526 527 528 529 53° 531 532 533 534 535 536 Saf 538 539 549 123 WATER COLORS. Early Morning on the River The City Gate On the Seine . Rocky Coast Dutch Wind Mill The Moonlit Sea Jersey Coast . Entrance to the Palace . A Cloudy Day Country Road The Old Mill Gray Morning Off Shore In the Desert Rainy Day—Dutch Fishing Village Stranded The New Moon Gathering Clouds Mediterranean Port Winter Twilight Sea Cliffs Shepherd and Sheep Fishing Boats Returning Home Venetian By-way October Landscape Moonlight at Sea Bowlders Surf Along the New jersey Coast In the Fields Canal near Antwerp Evening Landscape Nearing Port Landscape in Holland Landscape The Ploughman Albert Coxe . Jose Mazzanteni L. Jaccone . Chas. Du Camp Fritz Berger A. Dauvit Ww. C. Loring . Jose Mazzanteni J. Claudin Fritz Berger Fritz Berger M. Langdon x. Zago Francois Baudet Albert Coxe M. J. Farquhar Krakauer D. Cropsey A. J. Wilson Teen emer Hans Von Bilders A. Thoolen Santos Rebledo J. Claudin L,. A. Dalton Albert Coxe Pp. Chavette Hans Von Bilders J. Van Dressen Vv. O. Howard M. Langdon Fritz Berger V. Snow W. Webster 54! 542 543 544 545 546 547 548 549 550 551 552 553 554 555 556 557 558 559 560 561 562 563 564 565 566 567 568 569 570 571 572 573 574 575 Breakers Homeward Bound Misty Day Off Shore On the Beach Landscape—Evening Landscape : The Old Cathedral Moonlight—Long Island Sound Twilight Wind Clouds—Holland Under Full Sail The Fishing Fleet The Wreck Landscape Misty Morning Still Life Fishing Village Shepherd and Flock Marine ) On the Sound. Shore at Low Tide Landscape At Anchor in Port The Surf Boat Marine Landscape Marine . The River Bank The Milk Maid Dutch Fishing Village . Approaching Storm Landscape in France Marine—Moonlight At Anchor On the River Shore O. Leland Hans Von Bilders J. C. Porter - R. M. Chapman S. R. Clarkson J. A. Craft R. Laudenbach George Reynolds Charles Broughton Hans Von Bilders Douglas Malcolm Van Clough Albert Coxe J. W. Thurlow J. Cy Porter J. A. Craft R. S. Rosenboom D. R. Romeau Charles Lamson H. Reppetti Albert Coxe Archibald Chichester A. Dauvit R. M. Chapman S. Carlton V. O. Howard C. Fred Orson J. W. Thurlow Fritz Berger Francois Baudet J. C. Porter Arthur Duggan L. A. Dalton D. Walters Albert Coxe 576 Ses 578 579 580 581 582 583 584 585 586 587 588 589 590 591 5992 593 594 595 596 597 598 599 600 601 602 603 604 605 606 607 608 609 610 611 612 125 Canal Scene—Holland . Landscape and Sheep Landscape Marine . ; Jersey Sand Hills . The Surf French Landscape Wind Mill— Holland The Wood-Chopper’s Home . Fishing Boats Outward Bound ‘The Close of Day . Holland Water-Way October Day—France . The Approaching Storm The Little Shepherdess The Flock Nearing Home The River. ey Landscape—Holland Rainy Morning in Amsterdam Sail Boat—Early Morning Moonbeams on the Lake Dutch Village Shepherd and Flock The Sea Twilight Fishing Nets The Mediterranean Landscape Marine . : French Landscape A Gray Morning . Fishermen’s Homes Near Fontainebleau Landscape Landscape French Landscape Village in Holland .R. S. Rosenboom V.O. Howard A. Mueller A. Thoulen W.C. Loring O. Leland J. W. Thurlow Fretz Berger H. Jansen Emile Raudot J. A. Craft R. Laudenbach Jo. Arthur Krakaner Van Nees S. R. Clarkson V. Snow .R. S. Rosenboom R. Laudenbach Alphonse Greville J. Renard .R. S. Rosenboom S. R. Clarkson J. C. Porter V. Snow Jean Tissot A. Dauvit W. C. Loring A. Dauvit J. W. Thurlow O. Leland S. R. Clarkson , oJ ..We Lourlow Fritz Berger J. O. Arthur Hans Von Bilders Kramer Mee Ae a : == = c os i - yee: 4 : > ; : x 3 * - . A $ 2 aa ” : : 1 ~ ho ~ — — m = < . r = = ‘ -_ Ts: —_ < Secor : - = = é = 5 : 3 = Z = * ae = > r . . _ = 2 * £ : = - - an rly < - a + eS . = = m - oeae _ rr 4 — ot - “ * rs = olin - ‘ -_ ~ ~ = “ = > . ~ < Se ss - =x ™ - ; ° - es ~ - Es ¢ he want £ “ 2 = , . whee « , .. ¥ me stant eIng NARS ADDIE IRIE ERIAME MECN ep BE DSA BRUNE et Ae EPO TN Catalogue No. 900 Catalogue No. goo. Part III. ‘ THE Magnificent Lit agnilicent Library OF THE LATH HOWARD T. GOODWIN, ESQ. OF PHILADELPHIA SOLD BY ORDER OF THE EXECUTRIX (HAMPTON L. CARSON, ESQ.; COUNSEL ) The Rarest Books The Most Sumptuous Editions The Most Elegant Bindings ABSOLUTELY THE FINEST BOOKS EVER OFFERED THE AMERICAN PUBLIC INCLUDING The Publications of Wm. L. Andrews and The Grolier Club, and much Americana; ~~ AND An Unique Collection of Extra Lilustrated Books AS WELL AS Several Hundred Choice Water Colors TO BE SOLD Thursday, Des, 10, Friday, Dec. 11 and Saturday, Dec, 12, 1903 COMMENCING EACH DAY AT 2.30 O’CLOCK On Exhibition Monday, Dec. 7, and until the day of sale CATALOGUE COMPILED AND SALE AT THE BOOK AUCTION ROOMS OF CONDUCTED BY DAVIS & HARVEY, STAN. V. HENKELS. 1112 Walnut Street, Philadelphia, la. NOTICE. Bids will be executed by the Auctioneers y charge. = | i. Bids are always so much per volume or otherwise stated in catalogue. — Ri: ae Terms of SALE—CASH. oe All purchases must be settled for and remc immediately following the sale. ee | | DAVIS & ~ ‘ h ee i Ps, ‘ - - e I oe “= = é ‘ uf hea Bg, ? + AY up Bs 2: y Fi + ra aban . ’ J Tu Ps } ff os LIST OF PRICES REALIZED AT THE SALE OF THE a Library of the Late Howard T. Goodwin a: ; Part III—Sold December 10, 11 and 12, 1903 Sale conducted by Tie STAN. V. HENKELS 4 Lot Price Price q 827 $48 00 & 2 43 18 OO : q¢ 216 525 OO 4 5 51 00 4% 17 120 OO 5 92 13 50 6 39 1 10 7 82 19 00 8 18 72 00 9 30 go oO 10 30 2 25 11 15 192 0O rit 15 5 50 12 22 8 00 13 16 21 00 14 22 108 OO 15 31 10 OO 16 59 28 50 17 12 17 00 13 22 12 75 19 42 10 OO 20 6 15 oO 21 27 10 50 22 vi 10 50 23 i 45 00 24 12 140 00 25 58 34 20 26 196 23 00 27 9 2 00 26°31 5 OO 29 4 9 00 30 20 I 40 31 6 26 OO 32 8 IO 50 33 37 264 00 34 21 195 OO 35 66 2 50 30 14 20 80 37 28 8 00 38. 12 87 00 39 57 00! 40 14 00 4i 14 50 DAVIS & HARVEY, Auctioneers 1112 Walnut St., Phila. Lot Price 82% $49 50 8234 2600 $3 6 40 84 1,300 Oo 85 6 oO 86 2 25 87 6 50 88 13 50 89 zee go g 00 OI 224 25 92. 84 09 93 50 94 22 50 95 4 490 96 12 OO 97 26 00 G8 55. 60 99 13 00 100 ig OO IOI 5 00 102 22 00 103 fore 104 6 OO 105 2 40 106 8 OO 107 16 00 108 8 OO 109 425 OO 110 275 III 48 OO 112 7 00 113 27 50 114 13 50 115 84 00 116 25 00 17.) 650 118 8 00 119 9g 00 120 25 900 121 12 OO [22 120 00 123 30 00 Lot 124 125 126 [27 128 129 130 13% 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 {44 145 140 (47 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 Price} Lot 3 50 325 6 oo 5 0O 31 OO 72 50 I OO 70 00 6 00 3 00 7 00 54 00 5 OO 8 00 If OO 5 OO 1i OO 10 50 2 00 3 59 17 OO 5 00 1 OO I 0O 4 00 I OO 167 1638 169 170 171 172 173 174 175 176 177 173 179 180 131 182 133 184 185 186 187 188 189 190 1gt 192 193 194 195 196 197 198 199 200 201 202 203 204 205 206 207 208 209 Price re eS re eee $80 OO $9 00 28 00 9 OO 28 GO 10 00 35 00 20 0O 72 00 70 0O 7 5° 20 90 27 00 8 00 7 OO 275 4 00 10 10 50 10 00 10 0O 8 0O 47 60 64 50 32 50 250 I 30 28 00 20 OO 59 00 60 00 1275 59 50 a7 5 35 00 6 00 1§ 00 19 50 9 50 6 50 8 00 140 00 42 00 _ 28 00 2 LIST OF PRICES TTT ee ee rn LL Smt Sat nn ae | | tL aTeSetetieetenstesteiee | [| tte cesssnpsensnsisesssnsispesiat ate 9 ff pe ee ae 214 3 25 | 267 3 50) 320 7 00) 371 215 1 60} 268 44 OO} 321 5 50] 372 216 18200] 269 3.25) 322.' 181 50| 373 217 [{ 0O| 270 51 00} 323 45 00} 374 218 40 0O| 271 350 O0O| 324 4 25| 375 219 9 00} 272 8 00! 32 7 50! 376 220 7 50/ 273 + 12000] 326 325] 377 221 3 00} 274 17 00] 327. «178 50/ 378 222 275| 275 48 co| 328 3 25| 379 223 3 00| 276 20 00| 329 15 00} 380 224 70 00} 277 © 50| 330 6 50) 381 225 99 20} 278 21 OO} 331 3 50) 382 226 20 00] 279 19 50] 332 59 50! 383 227 22 50} 280 1 GO} 333 6 00} 384 ~ 228 50 00} 281 TI OO| 334 20 CO} 385 229 24 00} 282 17 25| 335 5 50} 386 230 6 00] 283 18 CO} 336 16 80| 387 231 5 50) 284 200 00] 337 80 00} 388 232 4 00} 285 § 25] 338 52 00! 38g 235 350] 288 27 SO| 341 16 O00} 392 230 12 50] 289 6 50] 342 IT OO} 393 227 3 00] 290 10 00] 343 16 OO} 394 238 14 OO} 201 2 00} 344 Q OO} 395 249 40 00} 302 60 00} 353 30 OO} 400 250 4 00} 303 79 90) 354 33 90} 407 251 15 OO} 304 66 00} 355 20 00} 408 252 2 25] 305 48 00] 356 75 00} 409 253 3 50] 206 O 00} 357 70 00} 410 254 If ©O| 307 200] 3538 §2 00| 4lII 255 21 00] 308 4 00] 359 7200} 412 256 25 00| 309 51 00} 360 20 OO} 413 257 42 OO} 310 2 00| 36: 19 OO} 414 258 350] 3nk 75 40| 302 13800] 415 259 30 OO} 312 10 00} 303 +120 00| 416 260 8 50| 313 3 00| 364 48 00} 417 261 6 OO] 314 7 00} 365 22 OO} 418 Lot §03 504 505 506 507 508 509 510 511 512 513 514 515 516 517 518 519 520 521 Sos 523" §24 525 526 527 528 529 530 53! § 32 533 Price $3 00 2 50 4 50 4 CO ie i OO 175 6 50 2 25 1 50 3 50 I 50 275 6 00 275 2 0O 2 OG 3 00 2 50 2 50 2 00 2 00 175 2 OO 4 00 3 50 250 1 50 3 25 2 25 1 00 LIST OF PRICES Lot 534 535 5 36 5 37 538 5 39 540 54! 542 543 544 545 546 547 548 549 550 551 552 553 554 555 556 557 558 559 560 501 562 563 564 Price $250 2 00 275 4 00 2 00 2 00 I 50 3 00 225 175 1 75 4 50 3 00 I OO 212% 250 1 00 2 00 2 00 1 50 1 OO 225 22k 2 00 2 00 150 275 1 25 175 2 00 1 00 Lot 565 566 567 568 569 579 571 572 573 574 575 579 577 578 579 580 581 532 583 534 535 536 587 588 589 590 591 592 593 594 595 Price $1 50 I 50 2 50 2 50 1 50 I 25 I 50 175 I 50 2 50 I 0O 2 00 375 I 50 i 50 I OO 175 I 50 2 00 1 50 2 25 3 00 7 5° I 50 I 50 3 00 I 25 2 00 275 8 00 3 25 606 607 608 669 610 Oli 612 613 614 615 616 617 618 619 620 621 622 REHMARKS. HIS Catalogue embraces the third and last part of the Howard T. Goodwin Library. Like the other parts, it is peculiarly rich in the most elaborate specimens of bindings by Lortic, Riviere, Zaehnsdorf, The Guild of Women-Binders, Matthews, Bradstreet, Fazakerley, and others of the craft noted for their beautiful workmanship. The special feature of this sale is the unusual number of Extra Illustrated Books, all of which are bound in the most elegant manner, including Irving’s Life of Washington, Sar- gent’s Major André, Guizot’s France, Ireland’s Book-Lover’s Enchiridion, Froissart and Monstrelet’s Chronicles, Walton and Cotton’s Angler, Life of Edmund Kean (in eight folio volumes), Irving’s Life and Letters, Publications of the Club of Odd Vol- umes, Life of Cruikshank, Many Theatrical Biographies, and other works of Historical and. Literary interest. [hese are accumulated under one heading in the latter part of the Cata- logue. The collection is also rich in the Publications of William Loring Andrews, The Grolier Club, the writings of American statesmen, and many items in rare and scarce Americana. There are also choice editions of the works of favorite English, French and American authors, Specially Printed Books, Elegant Art Works, and THE Famous Saint DUNSTAN EDITION OF DICKENS, SHAKESPEARE’S SONNETS, BROWN- ING’S SONNETS FROM THE PORTUGUESE, AND FITZGERALD’S RUBAIYAT OF OMAR KHAYYAM, PRINTED ON VELLUM AND ILLUSTRATED AT A COST OF $1000 PER VOLUME. The Water Color Paintings are of a very interesting class, by popular artists, and include many subjects of a pleasing character. We wish it distinctly understood that every Book and Painting mentioned in this Catalogue belongs to the Estate of the late Howard T. Goodwin. STAN. V. HENKELS. PSUR SOP SOURS OR SUR SO Gatalogue. I BBOTT, JACOB. Makers of History. (The Lives of Celebrated Men and Women who have been Prominent in the Political History of the World from the Earliest to the Present Time. ) 32 vols. 12mo, half morocco. New York: Harper & Bros., 1900 2 AMERICAN REFERENCE LIBRARY. By America’s Lead- ing Authors, John Clark Ridpath, James W. Buel, J. Franklin Jameson and Marcus J. Wright. Jllustrated with etchings, steel engravings and photogravures, some of which are on satin. 6 vols. 8vo, full blue levant, gilt backs and sides, with monogram of Mr. Goodwin, blue silk doublé and fly-leaves, gold borders, gilt edges. Washington, D. C., N.D Author's autograph edition. Limited to twenty-six lettered copies, signed by J. W. Buel. This copy ts letter B.” 3 AMERICAN STATESMEN. Edited by John T. Morse, Jr. Including Lives of Benjamin Franklin, Samuel Adams, Patrick Henry, George Washington, John Adams, Alexander Hamilton, Gouverneur Morris, John Jay, John Marshall, Thomas Jefferson, James Madison, Albert Gallatin, James Monroe, John Q. Adams, John Randolph, Andrew Jackson, Martin Van Buren, Henry Clay, Daniel Webster, John C. Calhoun, Thomas H. Benton, Lewis Cass, Abraham Lincoln, William H. Seward, Salmon P. Chase, Charles Francis Adams, Charles Sumner and Thaddeus Stevens. J//ustrated. 32 vols. 8vo, three-quarter crushed levant, gilt, top edges gilt, uncut. Boston and New York: Houghton, Mifflin & Co., 1900 Large-paper edition, Five hundred copies printed, of which this is No. 31. 4 AMERICAN Views. A Series of Thirty-one Small Steel Engravings of Views in New York, Boston, Philadelphia and other Localities in the United States. Engraved by Childs, Tucker and Steel. Small 8vo, full crushed crimson levant, gilt back and sides, inside gold bor- ders, top edge gilt. 4% Amicis, EpMoNDO pg. Holland and its People. le- gantly tllustrated with etchings and photogravures. 4to, three-quarter crushed blue levant, gilt, top edge giit, uncut. New York: G. P. Putnam’s Sons, 1885 The Zuyder-Zee Edition. No. 1 of twenty-five copies printed on Whatman paper, with an extra set of proof etchings printed on satin and mounted. This copy 1s No. ro. PUBLICATIONS OF WILLIAM LORING ANDREWS. 5 ANDREWS, WILLIAM LoRING. Jean Grolier De Servier Viscount D’Aguisy. Some Account of his Life and of his Famous Library. With /ull-page facsimiles and other en- gravings, plain and colored. 8vo, full crushed olive-colored levant, beautifully gilded and inlaid in various colored leathers in Grolier style on back and sides, crushed levant doublé and fly-leaf, tooled in Grelier style, top edge gilt, by Zaehusdor/. New York, 1892, The DeVinne Press. A sumptuous copy, with original covers bound in. Only I4o copies printed on hand-made paper. See facsimile of binding. 6 ANDREWS, WILLIAM LoRING. An Hssay on the Por- traiture of the American Revolutionary War. Being An Account of a number of the Engraved Portraits connected therewith, remarkable for their rarity or otherwise interest- ing. To which is added an Appendix, containing lists of Portraits of Revolutionary characters to be found in various English and American Publications of the eighteenth and the early part of the nineteenth Century. J/llustrated with re- productions, by the photogravure process, of the original engrav- ings. 8vo, full crushed crimson levant, elaborate gilt backs and sides, black levant doublé, rich emblematic gold tooling, watered-silk fly-leaves, top edge gilt, un- cut, by S7ékeman, in slip case. New York, 1896 One of one hundred and eighty-five copies on hand-made paper. 7 ANDREWS, WILLIAM LoriInGc. New Amsterdam, New Orange, New York. A Chronologically arranged account of Engraved Views of the City, from the first Picture published in MDCLI until the Year MDCCC. Numerous facsimiles, and Duke’s plan tn colors. 8vo, cloth, top edge gilt, uncut. New York, 1897 One of one hundred copies, with Duke's plan in colors. ‘“JRAN GROLIER DE SERVIER PLATE OF BINDING, BY ZAEHNSDORF, ON ANDREWS’ VISCOUNT D’AGUISY.’’ LOT NO. 5. x id 3 “6 “ a 7 2° _ . - . . $ > . a! 4 . ‘ ‘ , ‘ . . , ¥ a \ oe 4 Nee ‘ t ‘ ‘ ¥ Dy : ~ “ ‘ Uf 5 a te x a . _~ . « . 3 8 ANDREWS, WILLIAM LORING. Fragments of American History. Illustrated Solely by the Works of those of our own Engravers who flourished in the XVIIIth Century. Privately Printed for William Loring Andrews. Jllustrated from the Engravings of Doolittle, Hill, Aitkin, Norman, Har- ris, Turner and Trenchard, some of which are colored. Post 8vo, half calf, gilt, top edge gilt, uncut. New York, 1898 One of eighty copies printed on American hand-made paper. 9 ANDREWS, WILLIAM Lorinc. A Trio of Highteenth Cen- tury French Engravers of Portraits in Miniature—Ficquet, Savart, Grateloup. Numerous illustrations. 8vo, full crushed orimson levant, gilt back and sides, watered-silk doublé, with rich gold borders, polished gilt edges, by Oldach Co. New York, 1899 Of this book there have been printed one hundred and stxty- one copies on imperial Japan paper, bearing the stamp of the Japanese Government Mill, and no longer exported. 10 (ANDREWS, WILLIAM LorING.) The Journey of the Icono- philes Around New York in Search of the Historical and Picturesque. Avontispiece. 8v0, original yellow wrappers, uncut. Printed at New York, 1897 One of eighty-seven copies on imperial Japan paper. 11 ANDREWS, WILLIAM Lorinc. A Prospect of the Col- ledges in Cambridge, in New England. Engraved by William Burgis in 1726. The Description Compiled by. With fold- ing plates and other illustrations. | 8vo, red cloth, uncut. Dodd, Mead & Co., New York, 1897 One of one hundred and fifteen copies on hand-made paper. 114% ANOTHER COPY. 12 ANDREWS, WILLIAM: LorInGc. Sextodecimos et infra. Illustrated with numerous facsimiles of bindings, etc., many in colors. Crown 8vo, Japan paper covers, gilt, uncut. New York: Charles Scribner’s Sons, 1899 No. 138 of one hundred and forty copies on English hand- made paper. 13 ANDREWS, WILLIAM LORING. The Iconography of the Battery and Castle Garden. Colored and plain plates. 8vo, cloth, uncut. New York: Charles Scribner’s Sons, 1901 One of one hundred and thirty-five copies on American hand- made paper. 4 14. ANGLO-SAXON REvIEW (THE). A Quarterly Miscellany. Edited by Lady Randolph Spencer Churchill. /lustrated with many fine portrazits. From the commencement, June, 1899, to September, 1901. 19 vols. Folio, full calf, gilt, top edges gilt. John Lane, London, 1899-1901 The binding on cach volume is different, and are exact copies of the most elaborate specimens of bindings in the British Museum, and other great Libraries. | 15 APPLETON’S CYCLOPADIA OF AMERICAN BIOGRAPHY. Edited by James Grant Wilson and John Fiske. With zz- merous portratts. 6vols. Royal 8vo, full brown moroceo, gilt backs and sides, inside gold bor- ders, gilt edges. D. Appleton & Co., New York, 1894 16 APPLETON’S SCIENTIFIC LIBRARY. Containing the Works of Herbert Spencer, Charles Darwin, Thomas H. Huxley, John Tyndall, Haeckel, Lecky, Bain, Mason, Jevons, You- man, and others. 4 vols. 12mo, half morocco, top edges gilt. D. Appleton & Co., New York 1898 17. ARMOUR, MARGARET. Songs of Love and Death. J/lus- trated and decorated by W. B. MacDougall, in colors by Miss Gloria Cardew. | 8vo, full crushed green levant, elaborate gilt back and sides, inside gold bor- ders, top edge gilt, uncut, by 7ke Hampstead Bindery. London: J. M. Dent & Co., 1896 18 ART AND LETTERS. For 1888 and 1889. Jllustrated with hundreds of superb photogravures, many of which are hand- somely colored, and some printed in tints. 16 vols. Imperial 40, three-quarter crushed red levant, gilt backs, top edges gilt, uncut. Paris, London, The Hague, 1888-89 The most sumptuous art magazine ever published. 19 AUDSLEY, GEORGE ASHDOWN. ‘The Ornamental Arts of Japan: Drawing, Painting, Engraving, Printing, Embroid- ering, Textile Fabrics, Lacquer, Incrusted Work, Metal Work, Cloisonné Enamel, Modelling, Carving and Heraldry. Lllustrated with many superb full-page chromolithographs, fully illustrating the rarest art works of the country. 2vols. Folio, full crushed black levant, elaborate emblematic gold tooling on backs and sides, inlaid with various colored leathers, polished gilt edges. London: Sampson Low, 1884 The handsomest and best authority on the subject. 5 20 AUNGERVYLE Society—‘‘Invenire.” The Nauigation and Vyages of Lewis Wertomannus, In the Yeere of our Lorde 1503 (to the Regions of Arabia, Egypte, Persia, Syria, Ethiopia and East India). 8vo, three-quarter light calf, gilt, top edge gilt. Privately printed for the Aungervyle Society, 1884 No. 179 of three hundred copies printed. 21 AUSTEN, JANE. The Novels of. With colored portrait and other illustrations. 10 vols. 8vo, three-quarter crushed green levant, gilt, top edges gilt, by Blackwell. London: Grant Richards, 1898 Limited to two hundred and fifty copies for America, of which this is No. 16. 22 AyTouN, WILLIAM EDMONSTOUNE. Lays of the Scottish Cavaliers, and other Poems. With zllustrations by Sir Jos. Noel Paton and W. H. Paton. 4to, full crushed straight-grained morocco, elaborate gilt back and sides, in- laid with blue levant, inside dentelle borders, gilt edges. William Blackwood & Sons, 1870 oo ALZAC’S Masterpieces. Miniatures from. Trans- lated by S. P. Griffin and F. T. Hill. 16mo, cloth. New York, 1894 24 Bancrort, GkorGE. History of the United States of America, from the Discovery of the Continent. The Author's last Revision. /fortrazts. 6 vols. 8vo, halt brown morocco, top edges gilt. New York: D. Appleton & Co., 1896 Bancroft’s Book of Wealth. 25 Bancroft, Husert H. Achievements of Civilization. The Book of Wealth; Wealth in Relation to Material and In- tellectual Progress and Achievement. Being an Inquiry into the Nature and Distribution of the World’s Resources and Riches, and a History of the Origin and Influence of Prop- erty, its Possession, Accumulation and Disposition in all Ages and among all Nations, as a Factor in Human Accom- plishment, an Agency of Human Refinement, and in the Evolution of Civilization, from the Earliest to the Present Era. Lach section profusely illustrated, and each with an extra series of four superb colored plates, three artist's proof etchings, signed, and three proof photogravures ; all eleganily mounted and matted. Sections1to9. Atlas folio, halt calf, gilt, figured silk doublé, gilt edges. New York, 1896 Author's edition, signed. Limited to two hundred and fifty copies, of which this is No 29. These nine sections contain thirty-six choice colored plates, twenty-seven artisis proof etch- ings, signed, and twenty-seven proof photogravures. 6 Edition Magnifique of Beaux and Belles of England. Only twenty-six copies printed. we) 26 BEAUX AND BELLES OF ENGLAND. Elegantly tlustrated with many full-page etchings by noted artists, in three states. (Colored by hand, Japan paper proof and India paper.) Con- taining : * Count de Grammont. By Anthony Hamilton. *k * Nell Gwyn. By Peter Cunningham. Together with Mrs. Jameson’s Lives of the Duchess of Portsmouth and Cleve- land. Mrs. Mary Robinson. By herself. With the Lives of the Duchesses of Gordon and Devonshire. By Grace and Philip Wharton. * Mrs. Sarali Siddons. By James Boaden. 2 vols. * *K *K The Sheridans. By Percy Fitzgerald. 2 vols. Beau Brummell. By Captain Jesse. 2 vols. Lady Hamilton and Lord Nelson. By John Cardy Jeaffre- son. 2 vols. * Lord Chesterfield. By W. Ernst. 2 vols. *K 27 Lady Blessington. By J. Fitzgerald Molloy. 14 vols. 8vo,full crushed blue levant, elaborate gilt backs and sides in floral designs, inlaid in different colored leather, white levant doublé, rich gold bor- ders, Morris paper fly-leaves, top edges gilt. The Grolier Society, London Edition Magnifique. Limited to twenty-six copies for Eng- land and America, of which this is letter “ D. Specially bound for Mr. Goodwin. BERANGER, CHANSONS DE. Edition revue par l’auteur, Contenant Cinquante-trois Gravures sur Acier, d’apres Char- let, A. De Lemud, Johnanot, Grenier, Jacques, &c. et, Musique des Chansons de Béranger, Airs Notes Anciens et Modernes. The whole superbly illustrated with numerous full- page steel and wood engravings. 3 vols. 8vo, half red levant, gilt, gilt edges. Paris, 1861-2 Best edition. 7 28 (BEVERLHY, RosBerT.) The History of Virginia. In Four Parts. I. The History of the First Settlement of Vir- ginia, and the Government thereof to the Year 1706. II. The Natural Productions and Conveniences of the Country, suited to Trade and Improvement. III. The Native Indians, their Religion, Laws, and Customs, in War and Peace. IV. The Present State of the Country, as to the Polity of the Government, and the Improvements of the Land, etc. Bya Native and Inhabitant of the Place. The Second Edition, revis’d and enlarg’d by the Author. With full-page plates. 8vo, full crushed olive colored levant, gilt back and sides, inside dentelle bor- ders, by Ramage. London: Printed tor F. Fayram & Co., 1722 Fine copy of the best edition, with author's name written on title. 29 Bryn, Marix-Hewri. La Chartreuse de Parme. With thirty illustrations by V. Foulguier. ‘Translated from the French by EF. P. Robins. 3vols. 12mo, half calf, top edges gilt, uncut, New York: George H. Richmond & Co., 1895 No. 50 of two hundred and fifty copies on Holland handa- made paper. 30 Brpa GosprLs. The Gospels According to St. Matthew, St. Mark, St. Luke and St. John. ///ustrated with the numer- ous full-page etchings by the celebrated Bida. 2vols. Folio, half morocco, gilt edges. London : Sampson Low, 1877 The first English edition. 31 BrncHam, Carr. (THE Hon. D.) The Bastile. With a Preface by James Breck Perkins. Copiously illustrated. 2 vols. 8vo, vellum, top edges gilt, uncut, with extra cloth cover. New York: James Pott & Co., 1901 No. 33 of one hundred copies printed. 32 BLAKE. Blair, Robert. The Grave: A Poem. Jllustrated with twelve etchings executed from original designs of William Blake by Schiavonettt. 4to, three-quarter tan colored crushed levant, top edge gilt, uncut, by Mac- donald. London: Printed by T. Bensley, 1808 Fine copy of the original ediuon. 33 o4 35 26 8 Booxs Axsout Books, viz.: Early Illustrated Books. A History of the Decoration and Illustration of Books in the 15th and 16th Centuries. By Alfred W. Pollard.—Book- plates. By W. J. Hardy.—Booksin Manuscript. A Short In- troduction to their Study and Use, with a Chapter on Records. By Falconer Madan.—The Great Collectors. By Charles Isaac Elton and Mary Augusta Elton.—Early Printed Books. By EK. Gordon Duff.—And The Binding of Books. An Essay on the History of Gold-tooled Bindings. By Herbert P. Horne. All elegantly tllustrated. 6 vols. 8vo, three-quarter crushed maroon levant, gilt titles, top edges gilt. London: Kegan Paul, 1893-4 Large-paper edition. Limited to one hundred and jitty” copies on Dutch hand-made paper. Book OF Gems (THE). The Poets and Artists of Great Britain. Hdited by S.C. Hall. Jdlustrated with many superb steel engravings by the most eminent artists, for 1836, 1837, I838. 3 vols. 8vo, vellum, red labels, uneut. London: Saunders & Otley, 1836-38 Book oF Sport (THE). Edited by William Patten. //- lustrated with chowce water color paintings, colored photogravures, and hundreds of half-tone portratts, and twenty-six extra plates printed tn colors and mounted. 2vols. Folio, full crushed dark green levant, elaborate emblematic gold tooling on backs and sides, inlaid with design of saddle in center in light calf, light calf doublé, back and front ornamented with burnt-in drawings illustra- tive of the work, with redand green levant borders, richly gilded, white watered- silk fly-leaves, top edges gilt, by Bécourt. J. ¥F. Taylor & Co., New York, 1901 One of five copies, extra ulustrated and extended into two volumes. This is publisher's proof copy, prepared espectally for H. T. Goodwin. Elegantly bound by Bécourt. Boston MASSACRE. Innocent Blood Crying to God from the Streets of Boston. A Sermon Occasioned by the Horrid Murder of Messieurs Samuel Gray, Samuel Maverick, James Caldwell and Crispus Attucks, with Patrick Carr, since dead, and Christopher Monk, judged irrecoverable, and several others badly wounded, by a Party of Troops under the Com- mand of Captain Preston, on the Fifth of March, 1770, and Preached the Lord’s-day Following, by John Lathrop, A. M., Pastor of the Second Church in Boston. 4to, full crushed red levant, gilt title, gilt edges, by Zaehusdox/. London: Printed for E. & C. Dilly, 1770 37 38 39 9 BOSWELL’S LIFE OF JOHNSON. Including Boswell’s Jour- nal of a Tour to the Hebrides, and Johnson’s Diary of a Journey into North Wales. Edited by George Birkbeck Hill, WE siiusivated, 6vols. 8vo, half calf, top edges gilt, uncut. New York: Harper & Bros., 1889 Limited to three hundred coptes, of which this 1s No. 46. BRADFORD CLUB. ‘The Croakers. By Joseph Rodman Drake and Fitz Greene Halleck. First Complete Edition. Wth proof portrait. Imperial 8vo, full crushed brown levant, elaborate gilt back and sides, inside gold borders, Morris paper fly-leaves, gilt edges, by O/dach. New York, 1860 No. 70 of one hundred copies printed. Duplicate stamp of the Lenox Library on inside of title. BRADFORD CLUB. Anthology of New Netherland; or, Translations from the Early Dutch Poets of New York, with - memoirs of their Lives, by Henry C. Murphy. 40 4r. 42 Imperial 8vo, half morocco, top edge gilt. ‘New York, 1865 One of seventy-five copies printed. BRADFORD CLUB. Narratives of the Career of Hernando de Soto, in the Conquest of Florida, as Told by a Knight of Elvas, and ina Relation by Luys Hernandez de Biedma, Factor of the Expedition. Translated by Buckingham Smith. Portratt. — Imperial 8vo, half green morocco, gilt, top edge gilt. New York, 1866 No. 41 of seventy-five copies printed. Brapy, Cyrus T. Stephen Decatur. fortrait. 16mo, cloth. Boston, 1900 Imperial Edition of Brinkley’s Japan. Limited to twenty-six copies. BRINKLEY, CAPTAIN F. Japan. Its History, Arts and Literature. Llegantly illustrated with numerous superb full- page plates, many in colors, including quite a number printed in colors on satin, illustrating principally the arts of the country. The whole work printed on Japanese vellum. 8 vols. 8vo, full crushed pink levant, elaborate emblematic gold tooling on backs and sides, blue crushed levant doublé, picturesquely tooled in gold, rich gold borders, watered-silk fly-leaves, top edges gilt, uncut. J.B. Millet Co., Boston and Tokyo (1901) Imperial edition Limited to twenty-six registered coptes, printed on Japan paper, with fine portrait of the Emperor of Japan. Thais ts letter“ D.” IO 43 BROWNE, Sir THomas. The Works of; including His Life and Correspondence. Edited by Simon Wilkin, F, Lise Portrait. 4 vols. Royal 8vo, full crushed dark blue levant, gilt backs, gold lines on sides, inside gold borders, gilt edges, by Wright. London: Wm. Pickering 1836 Choice, large paper copy. Saint Dunstan Edition of Browning’s Sonnets. Only thirty copies printed on vellum. 44 BROWNING, ELIZABETH BARRETT. Sonnets from the Portuguese. J/lluminated throughout by hand by Ross Turner. The whole work printed on vellum on one side only. 4to, full dark green crushed levant, gilt back, rich gold tooling on sides, inlaid with mauve colored levant, white levant doublé, with gold centre, broad and rich gold borders, edges gilt in the rough, by 7he Trautz-Bauzonnet Bindery, in white silk box. Geo. D. Sproul, 1901 The Saint Dunstan Edition. “ It 1s guaranteed to sub- scribers that 18 copies of this Edition have been made for sale in America, and Twelve copies only for sale in Europe, and that no further edition will be issued. Thatit 1s printed from type and the Type has been distributed. That this copy which 7s number PUBLISHER'S PROOF Copy, has been specially ulums- nated throughout by Ross Turner for H. T. Goodwin, and that no two copies are altke.’—Geo. D. Sproul. See plate. 45 BROWNING, Mrs. E. B. The Complete Works of. Edited by Charlotte Porter and Helen A. Clarke. Elegantly zllus- tratid with full-page plates, tn two states, printed on Japan and Flolland paper. 6vols. 8vo, full crushed crimson levant, elaborate gilt backs and sides, crushed green levant doublé, ornamented with floral designs in gold and col- ored leather, rich gold borders, top edges gilt, uncut. New York: George D. Sproul, 1901 Connotsseur's Edition. Limited to forty-five sets, signed by the editors, of which this ts No. 9. 46 BROWNING, ROBERT. ‘The Complete Works of. Edited by Charlotte Porter and Helen A. Clarke. Flegantly zllus- trated with full-page plates, in two states, and a colored portratt on Japanese vellum paper. 12 vols. 8vo, full crushed crimson levant, elaborate gilt backs and sides, blue crushed levant doublé, ornamented in gold, rich gold borders, watered-silk fly- leaves, top edges gilt, uncut, by The Trautz-Bauzonnet Bindery. New York: George D. Sproul, 1899 Connotsseur's Edition, signed by the editors, and of which only forty-five copies were printed. This is No. 29. BINDING ON ST. DUNSTAN EDITION Ste tee ntepnngaseteage mopoR ME > 4 ' OF MRS. BROWNING’S ‘‘SONNETS LOT NO. 44. spt sinenra stern nade saat on Fae re sete CRS th Monee si tan ss oe Oe ae » a P a | ras Ta, ot. orENrsx a, rs i 5 s« aaa FROM THE PORTUGUESE.”’ 47 48 49 50 51 52 : II Bryc#, JAMES. The American Commonwealth. 3 vols. 8vo, half brown levant, gilt, gilt edges, by Oldach Co. . London: Macmillan & Co., 1888 The rare first edition, unexpurgated. Bupp, Tuomas. Good Order Established in Pennsylvania and New Jersey. Reprinted from the Original Edition of 1685 ; with Introduction and Notes by Frank J. Sheperd. 8vo, boards. Cleveland: The Burrows Brothers Co., 1902 No. 15 of twenty copies printed on Japanese vellum only. BuNVAN, JouN. The Pilgrim’s Progress. With ¢hirty- nine illustrations by Rob Anning Bell, and an Introduction by Core ‘Pirth. 8vo, vellum, backs and sides ornamented in colors by hand, with a view from the Pilgrim’s Progress, title inlaid with mother of pearl, inside gold borders, polished gilt edges, by Cedric Chivers, in slip case. Methuen & Co., London, 1898 A beautiful specimen of Cedric Chivers’ binding. Decorated in colors, on vellum, by hand. BurKE, Epmunp. ‘The Writings and Speeches of. With numerous portraits and other plates. 12 vols. 8vo, full crushed dark blue levant, elaborate gilt baeks and sides in floral designs, inlaid with different colored leather, red levant doublé, rich gold borders, Morris paper fiy-leaves, top edges gilt, uncut. Boston: Little, Brown & Co., 1901 The Beaconsfield Edition. Limited to one thousand copies, of which this is No.1. Spectally bound for Mr. Goodwin. Burns, Rosert. The Complete Works of. J/lustrated with sixty etchings, woodcuts, maps and facsimiles. Printed on Japan paper. 6 vols. in 12. 8vo, full erushed dark olive levant, gilt backs and sides, red watered silk doublé, inside dentelle borders, top edges gilt, uncut. Philadelphia: The Gebbie Publishing Co., 1896 Carnegie Edition. Only fifty copies published, of which this is No 17. Burritt, Exruu. Sparks from the Anvil. /vontespiece. 16mo, cloth. Worcester, 1846 Autograph presentation copy from the author. TQ Edition Magnifique of Byron’s Works. Limited to ten copies. r 53 Byron, Lorp. The Works of. With his Letters and Journals, and his Life by Thomas Moore. Edited and with an Introduction by Richard Henry Stoddard. Alegantly illus- trated with full-page engravings in three states—artist’s proof signed, tn colors, Japan paper proof, and India proofs. 16 vols. 8vo, full crushed crimson levant, elaborately gilded in Roger Payne style, crushed green levant doublé, with the Goodwin monogram in centre, rich gold borders, white silk fly-leaves, top edges gilt, uncut, by Macdonald & Allen, Boston: Francis A. Niccolls & Co., 1900 Ldition magnifique. Limited to ten copies, of which this is No 6, and signed by the editor, R. H. Stoddard. 54 AMPBELL THOMAS. Gertrude of Wyoming. A Pennsylvania Tale, and other Poems. 4to, half crimson morocco, top edge gilt. London: Printed by T. Bensley, 1809 Furst Edition. 55 CAMPBELL, THomAS. ‘The Poetical Works of. Jl/ustrated with numerous fine steel vignettes after the drawings of J. M. W. Turner. 8vo, full crushed levant, gilt titles, gilt edges. London: Edward Moxon, 1837 Chotce copy of the first edition, 56 CARLETON, WILLIAM. ‘Traits and Stories of the Irish Peasantry. A New Hdition, with an Autobiographical Intro- duction, Explanatory Notes, and Numerous MMlustrations on Wood and Steel, by Harvey, Phiz, Franklin, Macmanus, Gilbert and other Artists of Eminence. 2vols. 8vo, full polished light calf, gilt backs, gold lines on sides, inside den- telle borders, top edges gilt, uncut, by Riviere. Wlliam Curry, Jun. & Co., 1843 Best edition, with the original cloth covers bound in. 57. CASANOVA, JAcguES. The Memoirs of. Written by Him- self. Now for the first time Translated into English. 12 vols. 8wo, vellum, gilt, uncut. Privately printed, 1894 Large-paper edition. Limited to fifty copies. of which this is No. 34. 58 CAxTon, WiLLIAM. ‘The Game of the Chesse. Facsimile Reprint of the Rare First Edition, including the Curious Woodcuts. Folio, full merocco, with silver clasps and bosses, in the style of the period (1474). London: VY. Figgins, 1865 Te 13 59 CELEBRATED TRIALS, and Remarkable Cases of Criminal Jurisprudence, from the Harliest Records to the Year 1825. Illustrated with numerous portraits and scenes. 6 vols. 8vo, full light calf, gilt backs, gold lines on sides, inside dentelle borders, top edges gilt, uncut. London: Printed for Knight ana Lacey, 1825 60 CERVANTES’ History of the Ingenious Gentleman, Don Quixote of la Mancha. ‘Translated from the Spanish by P. A. Motteux. Jllustrated with etchings by Lalauze. 4vols. 8vo, three-quarter crushed crimson levant, gilt, top edges gilt, London: William Paterson & Co., 1892 61 CHISWICK PRrEss. A Collection of Old Plays, Correctly Given from Copies Used in the Theatres by Thomas Dibdin. Illustrated with woodcuts. 18 vols., lacking Vol. II. 16mo, half crimson levant, gilt, top edges gilt. Printed at the Chiswick Press, by C. Wittingham, 1814 62 CippeR, Mr. CortEy. An Apology for the Life of. Written by Himself. A New Hdition, with Notes and Sup- plement by Robert W. Lowe. With twenty-stx original mezzotint portraits by R. B. Parkes, and eighteen etchings by Adolphe Lalauze. 2vols. 8vo, half crushed maroon levant, gilt, gilt edges. London: John C. Nimmo, 1889 No. 475 of five hundred and ten copies printed on fine paper. 63 CLUB OF OpD VoLumES. The Women of the Court of Louis XV. ‘Translated from the French of Imbert de Saint- Amand. Jllustrated with four fine portraits of Madame de Pompadour (one in colors) and Louis XV., with title, capital letters and tail pieces beautifully illuminated by hand. 4to, half white cloth, uncut. Boston: The Club of Odd Volumes, 1892 No. 67 of one hundred and fifty copies. Printed on Holland paper, with sixty-one hand iluminations, signed by Z. T. Hol- lingsworth. 64 COLOR PRINTS. Three Superb Facsimiles, in Colors, of the Celebrated Painting of Leon Girardet’s Departure of the Regiment; C. De Lort’s The Censor; and M. De Cuvillon’s The Sleep. All beautifully mounted and matted. 65 Coox, THomas A. Old Touraine. The Life and History of the Famous Chateaux of France. Jilustrated with numer- ous photogravures. 2vols. 8vo, vellum, gilt, uncut. New York: Jas. Pott & Co:, 1900 Only one hundred copies printed, This is No. 1. 14 66 CoopER, J. FENIMORE. ‘The Novels and Tales of. ///us- trated with fine steel vignettes by F. O. C. Darley. 30 vols. 8vo, half olive colored levant, gilt, top edges gilt. D. Appleton & Co., New York, 1892 Edition des Aquarelles of Courtiers and Favourites of Royalty. Limited to twenty-six copies. 67 COURTIERS AND FAVOURITES OF ROYALTY. With zllus- trations tn water colors. Containing : Richelieu, 3 vols. Madame Du Barré, 4 vols. Madame D’Hspinay, 3 vols. Empress Josephine, 2 vols. Talleyrand, 2 vols. Memoirs of Fouche, 2 vols. Henry IV. of France, 1 vol. Cardinal de Retz, 1 vol. Marmontel, 2 vols. Together, 20 vols. 8vo, dark blue crushed levant, elaborate gilt backs and sides, red calf doublé, with gold borders, top edges gilt, uncut. Paris: Societé des Bibliophiles. London and New York: Merrill & Baker, N. D. The Edition des Aquarelles. Limited to twenty-six lettered and registered sets, of which this ts copy — 67144 COURTIERS AND FAVOURITES OF RoyvaALtTy. J/lustrated with numerous full-page plates. Containing : Cardinal De Retz, 1 vol. Memoirs of Madame D’KEs- Madame Du Barré, 4 vols. pinay, 3 vols. Talleyrand, 2 vols. The Empress Josephine, 2 vols Richelieu, 3 vols. History of Henry IV., 1 vol. Joseph Fouche, 2 vols. Together, 18 vols. 8vo, three-quarter black morocco, gilt, top edges gilt. Paris Societé des Bibliophile, New York: Merrill & Baker, N. D Versailles Edition. Only five hundred copies printed. This 1s Vo. 2. 68 COWPER, WILLIAM. Poems by the Late, of the Inner Temple, Eqr. Jllustrated with engravings from the designs of Richard Westall, R.A. 2vols. 12mo, old Hnglish red morocco, gilt, with stamp of Lord Byron on sides, gilt edges. London: Published by John Sharpe, 1810 Lord Byron's copy. Stamped with coronet and B on front sides and “ ex libris” of “ The Knight of Morar.” 69 CRANE’S (WALTER) PICTURE Book. Comprising: The Baby’s Opera, The Baby’s Bouquet and The Baby’s Own fYsop. With the original designs in color, printed by Edmund Evans. Oblong 4to, half vellum, London : Frederick Warne & Co., 1900 No. 434 of five hundred copies printed. 7O e 7 NS 7 73 74 fs) 15 CRANE, WALTER. The First of May. A Fairy Masque. Presented in a series of fifty-two designs on India paper. Oblong 4to, three-quarter levant, gilt, gilt edges. London : Henry Sotheran & Co., 1881 India proof copy, of which only three hundred were printed and signed by Walter Crane. This ts copy No. 164. CRUIKSHANK. A Catalogue Raisonné of the Select Collec- tion of Engravings of an Amateur (Mr. Wilson). With frontispiece and numerous India proof engravings inserted in the text, several of which are by George Crutkshank. 4to, three-quarter crushed tan-colored levant, gilt, top edge gilt, uncut. London, 1828 Only a few copies privately printed on large paper. Among these wlustrations will be found the vare etching by Cruikshank of “ The Print Room in the British Museum,” The work 1s seldom offered for sale. CurTis, WILLIAM H. The Capitals of Spanish America. Illustrated. 8vo, cloth. Harper & Bros., New York, N. D ARLEY, F. O. C. Character Sketches from the Works of Charles Dickens. A series of thirteen reproductions in colors from the original drawings. Imperial folio, in eloth portfolio. Philadelphia: Carson & Simpson, N. D Darley’s Illustrations to Shakespeare. DARLEY, F. O. C. Illustrations to Shakespeare. A Series of Thirty Reproductions, full stze, from the Original Drawings by F. O. C. Darley, of Illustrations to the Works of William Shakespeare. All India proofs. The First being Signed by Darley. Large folio. A very limited number printed. The Champrosay Edition of Daudet’s Works. DauDET, ALPHONSE. The Complete Works of. Trans- lated into English. Alegantly illustrated with full-page plates, many of which are colored by hand. 24 vols. 8vo, full erushed lilac colored levant, elaborately tooled in gold on back and sides, watered-silk doublé and tly-leaves, with rich, gold borders, top edges gilt, uncut. Boston: Little, Brown & Co., 1898 The Champrosay Edition. Limited to one hundred copies, of which this ts No. 42. Specially bound for H. T. Goodwin. 16 Edition Magnifique of Days of the Dandies. Limited to twenty-six copies. 75% Days oF THE DanpiEs. The whole work printed on Japan paper, with the numerous illustrations in three states—colored, plain and proofs. Containing: Colly Cibber, 2 vols. Captain Gronow, 2 vols. Mrs. Jordan. By Boaden, Laurence Sterne. By Fitz- 2 vols. gerald, 2 vols. Peg Woffington. By Molloy, Beau Nash. By Goldsmith, 2 vols. 1 vol. Mary Wortley Montague, Fanny Burney, 1 vol. 1 vol. Horace Walpole, 1 vol. Charles Fox. By Walpole, 1 vol. Together, 15 vols. 8vo, full red crushed levant, elaborate gilt floral designs on packs and sides, with roses inlaid in blue and white levant, white morocco dou- plé, with crest in centre, gilt borders, top edges gilt, by The Grolier Bindery, The Grolier Society, London, N. D Edition Magnifique. Limited to turenty six copies for Eng- land and America, of which this ts letter “A.” 76 DE Bury, RICHARD. Philobiblion. A Treatise on the Love of Books. The English Translation thereof made by John B. Ingles. With Introduction by Charles Orr. 8vo, boards, uncut. New York: Meyer Brothers & Co., 1899 Japan paper copy. No. 18 of twenty-five printed. 77 DEFOH, DANIEL. Romances and Narratives by. Edited by George A. Aitken. With chotce illustrations by J. B. Yeates. 16 vols. 16mo, half red levant, gilt, top edges gilt. London: J. M. Dent & Co., 1895-99 St Giles’ Edition. Limited to two hundred and fifty seis, of which this 1s No. 47. 78 Drspin, Rev. THOMAS FROGNALL. Aedes Althorpiane ; or, An Account of the Mansion, Books and Pictures at Althorp, the Residence of George John Earl Spencer, K.G. To which is added a Supplement to the Bibliotheca Spence- riana. iustrated with numerous fine portraits and other en- ravings. | Imperial 8vo, three-quarter crushed dark green levant, top edge gilt, uncut, by Riviere. Shakespeare Press, London, 1822 79 80 SI 82 17 Dippin, Ruv. T. F. The Bibliographical Decameron; or, Ten Days’ Pleasant Discourse upon Illuminated Manuscripts and Subjects Connected with Early Engraving, Typography and Bibliography. Szperbly illustrated with choice engravings on copper and wood, many of which are on India paper. 3vols. Imperial 8vo, full polished paneled calf, elaborate gilt baeks and sides, inside gold borders, polished gilt edges, by Zow?. Shakesneare Press, London, 1817 An unusually fine copy, of which Lowndes says, “ Krom the information which it. contains, and the splendor of the decorations and printing, it will ever be considered as a model of excellence and good taste in Typography and the Arts.’ Both the copper plates and the woodcuts which embel- lished the work have been destroyed. Dippin, Rev. THoMAS FRoGNALL. A Bibliographical, Antiquarian and Picturesque Tour in France and Germany. Superbly illustrated with numerous full-page engravings, many on India paper, inserted in the text, and woodcuts, colored plates, etc. 3 vols. Imperial 8vo, full polished paneled calf, elaborate gilt backs and sides, inside gold borders, polished gilt edges, by Jeut. Shakespeare Press, London, 1821 Choice copy of one of the handsomest books issued from the English press, containing much curious information respecting the manuscripts and rare works in public and private Libraries abroad. Dispin, THOMAS FROGNALL, D.D. Bibliomania; or, Book-Madness. A Bibliographical Romance. Illustrated with cuts. New and Improved Edition. To which are added Pre- liminary Observations, and a Supplement, including a Key to the Assumed Characters in the Drama. Imperial 8vo, full polished paneled calf, elaborate gilt back and sides, inside gold borders, polished gilt edges, by Jout. London: Chatto & Windus, 1876 Choice copy. Dippin, Rev. T. F. The Library Companion; or, The Young Man’s Guide and the Old Man’s Comfort in the Choice of a Library. Second Edition. Imperial 8vo, full polished paneled calf, elaborate gilt, back and sides, inside gold borders, polished gilt edges, by Zou. Shakespeare Press, London, 1825 Choice copy. (2) 18 82%. Dippin, Rev. THomas FrocNALL. A Bibliographical, _ Antiquarian and Picturesque Tour in France and Germany. Superbly illustrated with humorous full-page engravings, many chowe engravings on India paper inserted in the text, numerous woodcuts, colored plates, ete. 3 vols. Imperial $vo, three-quarter crushed dark green levant, gilt, top edges gilt, uncut, by Riviere, Shakespeare Press, London, 1821 } Choice copy of one of the handsomest books issued from the English press, containing much curious information respecting the manuscripts and rare works in public and private libraries abroad. 8234 Dippin, Rev. THomas FROGNALL. A Bibliographical, Antiquarian and Picturesque Tour in the Northern Countries of England and Scotland. Elegantly illustrated with chotce engravings on copper and woodcuts. | 2 vols. Imperial 8vo, three-quarter crushed dark green levant, gilt, top | edges gilt, uncut, by Riviere. London, 1838 I Choice copy. | 83. Drspin, Mr. (CHarrEs). The Professional Life of. | Written by Himself. ‘Together with the Words of Six Hun- | dred Songs Selected from His Works, and Szxty small Prints taken from the Subjects of the Songs, and Lnvented, Etched and prepared for the Aqua Tinta by Miss Dibdin. Embellished also 4 withan Llegant Engraving by Mr. Smith, Jrom a Portraitof Mr. i Dibdin. ; 4vols. 8vo, half crushed dark green levant, gilt, gilt edges, by Root & Son, London: Published for the author, 1803 Vol. LLL. lacks title, The Saint Dunstan Edition of Dickens’ Pickwick Papers. Only fifteen copies printed on vellum. . : 84 DICKENS, CHARLES. The Pickwick. Papers. Jiluminated | throughout by hand, by Ross Turner. The whole work printed on vellum. 2vols. 4to, crushed dark blue levant, gilt backs, rich gold tooling in floral design on sides, inlaid with various colored levants, with light blue levant panel, | olive-colored levant doublé, with centre inlaid with white vellum, richly orna- . mented in arabesque design in various colored leather and gold, light green levant borders, edges gilt in the rough, by Zhe Trautz-Bauzonnet Bindery, in | white silk cases. New York and London: Goorge D. Sproul, 1902 The celebrated St. Dunstan Edition, and the most expensive edition ever printed. “ Itis guaranteed to subscribers that only ee oes EAT ASIGD TORY SA METER 7 x aay nae Na renee ed mars aces ae meenr oie eee v PTA RETEST P ERR NL ST Pe MME ar ee ETT NA SNES BRYN RNa ahidatodesiaamined Ty ne eae ~ ° Ma 0G TEA Rs SN INE ERE TSN RA ‘ NESE, LPS Dag aT BBG SE ET AER TE, DICKENS wes ee ee ne a a aes | | : ] Je NEFA Rel COAT RO DUNSTAN EDITION OF THE WORKS OF CHARLES ~ N a rn a Zz eo) e) Z ei A Zi — —~Q LOT NO. 84. J an . ‘ a “ b . . x - a . a * i + ‘ ae + ‘ } i y ' ‘ , : . 4 » i ' - , - ‘ ’ ; a } a o e > . . E : a , ‘* ' a ‘ ser a 4 5 ™ ; x ' : te »} - is < - é Ps ~ ge | an tee te Ce ese me a Par 4 aA ‘ PT ee ae ae ee ee oe ree ee eee es Ee a Ce, | ry ree ene oe Seng 4 2 . ees Te We ee ere ° 7 we 19 eight copies of this edition will be made for sale in America, and seven copies for sale in Europe, and that no future Illuminated Editions of Dickens will be issued by us. This ts set number PUBLISHER'S PROOF, and it has been specially made and illu- minated throughout for H. T, Goodwin.’—George D. Sproul. See plate. 85 MAvUPASSANT, Guy DE. Boule de Suif. With an Intro- duction by Arthur Symons, and fifty-six wood engravings Jrom drawings by F. Thévenet. Imperial 8vo, boards. London: William Heineman, 1899 Japanese Vellum Edition. Limited to five hundred copies. 86 DICKENS. The Keepsake, 1852. Edited by Miss Power. With beautifully finished engravings. 8vo, cloth, gilt. London; David Bogue, 1852 Contains the first appearance in print ef Charles Dickens’ “To be Read at Dusk.” 87 DouGLAS, ROBERT B. A French Volunteer of the War of Independence (The Chevalier-de Pontgibaud). ‘Translated and Kdited by. With engraved portratt. 8vo, full crushed crimson levant, gilt title, inside gold borders, top edge gilt. Paris: Charles Carrington, 1897 Vo. 7 of twenty copies printed on Japan paper. 88 DoyiEH, James E. A Chronicle of England. B.C., 55- A. D., 1485. Written and [Illustrated by. The designs en- graved and printed in colors by Edmund Evans. 4to, three-quarter crushed green levant, gilt, gilt edges, by Oldack. London: Longman, Green, Longman, Roberts & Green, 1864 89 DRAKE, JOSEPH RODMAN. The Culprit Fay. Frontispiece. 12mo, cloth. New York: Rudd & Carleton, 1859 90 Du Barri, MADAME. Memoirs of. Translated from the French by the Translator of ‘‘ Vidocq” (H. T. Riley). Portrait. 4vols. 8yo, cloth, uncut. London: H. 8. Nichols, 1896 = a ll" gI Q2 20 DumAS, ALEXANDRE. ‘The Complete Works of. J/llustrated with numerous full-page etchings, engravings and photogravures. Containing :— Two Dianas, 3 vols. Queen’s Necklace, 2 vols. Duke’s Page, 2 vols. Angé Pitou, 2 vols. Marguerite of Valois, 2 Comtesse de Charny, 4 vols. vols. Chevalier de Maison Rouge, La Dame de Monsoreau, I vol. 2 vols. Companions of Jehu, 2 vols. Forty-Five, 2 vols. Whites and Blues, 2 vols. Three Musketeers, 2 vols. Monte Cristo, 4 vols. Twenty Years. After, 2 She-Wolves of Machecoul, vols. 2 vols. Vicomte de Bragelonne, Ascanio, 2 vols. 2 vols. War of Women, 2 vols. Black Tulip, 1 vol. Ball of Snow, 1 vol. Chevalier D’ Harmental, Black, 1 vol. 1 vol. Agénor de Mauléon, 2 vols, Regent’s Daughter, 1 vol. The Brigand, 1 vol. Memoirs of a Physician, Horoscope, 1 vol. 3 vols. Sylvandire, 1 vol. Celebrated Crimes, 8 vols. Chauvelin’s Will, 1 vol. Olympe de Cleves, 2 vols’ Notes and Characters, 1 vol. Together, 69 vols. Post 8vo, half green levant, gilt, top edges gilt. Boston: Little, Brown & Co., 1891 Large paper. Limited to one hundred and fifty copies, of which thisis No. 144. Very rare. Best edition. Note .—7 vols. are in the original cloth, viz: Agéner de Mauléon, The Brigand, Horoscope, Sylvandire, Chauvelin's Will, and Notes. The Celebrated Crimes ts published by Geo, Barrie, in uniform style with the balance of the work. Edition de Luxe of Duruy’s Greece and. Rome. Durvuy, Victor. History of Greece and of the Greek People, from the Earliest Times to the Roman Conquest. Translated and Edited by M. M. Ripley. With an Introduc- tion by J.P. Mahaffy. Containing over two thousand engrav- ings, tncluding numerous maps, plans and colored plates. 4 vols. in 8. And History of Rome and of the Roman People, from its Origin to the Invasion of the Barbarians and Fall of the Empire. By Victor Duruy. Translated by W. J. Clarke. Edited by the Rev. J. P. Mahaffy. Containing over three thousand engravings, one hundred maps and plans and numer- ous chromo-lithographs. 8 vols. in 16. Together, 24 vols. Imperial 8vo, blue cloth, top edges gilt, uncut. Boston: Dana Estes and Chas, HE. Lauriat, 1884 Edition de luxe. Printed on linen vellum paper. Limited to one thousand registered copies, of which this ts No. 584. NO. 97 LOT n BH wn I i) —< = < o4 A U i = (oe) 1) an op) _ 4 ) Z jal Z © © Z ~ QA Z i= oe q ‘o) eat H < Hy Ay 21 93 DuvAL, SrkuR. Geographia Universalis; the Present State of the Whole World. Giving an Account of the Sev- eral Religions, Customs and Riches of each People. The Strength and Government of each Polity and State. The Curious and most Remarkable Things in every Region, with other Particulars necessary to the Understanding, History and the Interest of Princes. Made English by Ferrand Spence. 8vo, old calf. London: Printed by H. Clark, 1685 Contains much early information about Florida, Georgia, Virginia, New Spain, Philippine [slands, Mexico. Canada, etc. Very scarce. Name of former owner on title and preface. lnk blot on title. 94 [ BERS, GEORGE. The Historical Romances of. //us- trated with photogravures. ‘Translated from the German. 15 vols. 12mo, half brown morocco, gilt, top edges gilt. D. Appleton & Co., New York, N. D 95 ELEGANT Extracts. Being a Selection of Instructive, Moral and Entertaining Passages from the most Eminent Prose Writers, Poets and Epistolary Writers. With vignettes on titles. 18 vols. 16mo, full straight-grained morecco, gilt, gilt edges. London, N. D 96 Eiior, Francis. The Historical and Descriptive Works of. Numerous illustrations. 12 vols. 12mo, half crushed crimson levant, gilt, top edges gilt. New York: Croscup & Sterling Co., 1897 Florentine Edition. Of this extra ulustrated edition only one hundred copies were printed. This is No 4. 97 ENGLIsH Comic DRAMATISTS. Edited by Oswald Craw- furd. Jilustrated with three beautiful water color hihi by Leslie and Nash. 8vo, full crushed purple levant, ornamented on back and sides with floral design in gold and colored leather, blue levant doublé, rich gold borders, watered-silk fly-leaves, polished gilt edges. London: Kegan Paul, 1888 No. 40 of only fifty copies printed on large paper. Printed at the Chiswick Press. See plate. CO 22 98 EXPOSITION UNIVERSELLE, 1900. ‘The Chefs-D’Cuvre, Art and Architecture, by W. Walton; Applied Art, by V. Champier; Centennial and Retrospective, by A. Saglio. //lus- trated with two hundred and fifty superb full-page photo- gravures, some of which are colored, from paintings by the most noted artists, and numerous smaller photogravures in colors throughout the text. 10 vols. Folio, three-quarter green levant, doe skin sides, gilt, top edges gilt, uncut, Philadelphia: George Barrie, N. D Edition on Whatman drawing paper, with the textual sllus- trations finished in facsimile. Only one hundred copies printed. This is No. 12. Printed for H. T. Goodwin. 99 ACETIA,. Musarum Deticia; or, The Muses Recrea- tions conteining severall pieces of poetique wit, by Sr. J. M. and Ja: S. 1656. Wut RESTOR’D in severall select poems, not formerly publish’t. 1658. Wuts RECREA- TIONS, selected from the finest fancies of Moderne Muses, with a thousand out-landish proverbs. 1640. ‘The whole diligently compared with the originals, with all the wood en- gravings, plates, Memoirs and Notes. New Edition. With additional Notes, Indexes, anda portrait of Sir John Men- nts, Kt. 2vols. Square 8vo, full polished light calf, gilt backs, gold lines on sides, in- side dentelle borders, top edges gilt, uncut, by Riviere. London: John Camden Hotten, N. D Large-paper copy. 100 FAIRCHILD, LEH. The Tippler’s Vow. With twenty-six original dry-points by Jean Paleologue, in three states—colored, Japan proof and Holland paper proof. Folio, full crushed crimson levant, gilt back and sides in floral design, watered silk doublé, with rich gold borders, top edge gilt, uncut. Croscup & Sterling Co., New York, N. D Edition de Bibliophile, printed from type. Limited to twenty- jive numbered and registered copies, of which this is No. 1. iol THe ORIGINAL Twenty-six Dry-Point Etchings by Jean Paleologue. Made for illustrating the Tippler’s Vow. All neatly mounted and matted. os = IO2 103 104 23 FALCONER, WILLIAM. The Shipwreck. A Poem. The Text Illustrated by Additional Notes, and Corrected for the First and Second Editions, with Life of the Author, by J. S. Clarke. J/lustrated with eight fine plates and vignettes by fittler, after Pocock. Large-paper, royal 8vo, original full straight-grained blue morocco, gilt back and sides, gilt edges, in crushed blue levant slip case. London, 1804 Unique and very interesting copy. Presented to Miss Kay from Wm. Hood, with seven original MS. verses relating to the work ; there 1s also a transcript of these verses in the autograph of S. T. Coleridge, the eminent author, 2 pp., gto; also an original autograph letter, signed by S. T. Coleridge, to Miss Kay (to whom the book was presented), 2 pp., gto (1814). “I have heard your name so often, and such warm regard and such respectful warmth repeated by my kind and honoured Friend, Mr Food, that I have for many a year connected it with the tdea of Friendship,’ etc. Also interesting autograph letter to Miss Kay, from Mr. Flood, referring te Coleridge : “ The Shipwreck being compleat, I have troubled my Friend, Mr, Daniel, to send it you from his lodgings. Aliho’ I have borrow d the poet's head, yet I did not his heart. JI often think, but seldom talk of absent or departed Friends, which my friend Coleridge has so happily expressed in the stanza commencing — “Demanding dear Remembrance of Friend, or absent or no more.” There ave also five original verses in the autograph of Miss Kay, addressed to Wm. Hood, in acknowledgment of the work, FARRAR, FREDERIC W. ‘The Life of Christ as Repre- sented in Art. Llegantly illustrated. 8vo, full crushed olive-colored levant, gilt back, gold lines on sides, inside dentelle borders, fore edges gilt over a reproduction in water colors of Leonardi da Venci’s, Last Supper, by Fazaker/ey. London: Adam & Chas. Black, 1894 Elegantly bound by Fazakerley, and a chotce specimen of fore edge water color painting and gilding. FAUBLAS, CHEVALIER DE. The Life and Adventures of the. Including a Variety of Anecdotes Relative to the Present King of Poland. 4 vols. 12mo, half old calf. London, 1793 105 106 107 108 109 IIo 24 FEMALE SPECTATOR (THE). Fvontispieces. 4vols. 12mo, old calf. London, 1755 Very scarce and curious. | FITZGERALD, PERcy. The Kembles. An Account of the Kemble Family, including the Lives of Mrs. Siddons and Her Brother, John Philip Kemble. /Portrazts. 2vols. 8vo, half crushed dark olive levant, gilt, top edges gilt. London: Tinsley Bros., N. D FITZGERALD, PERcy. ‘The Romance of the English Stage, and A New History of the English Stage, from the Restoration to the Liberty of the Theatre in Connection with the Patent Houses. 4vols. 8vo, half crushed dark olive levant, gilt, top edges gilt. London: Tinsley Bros., 1874-1882 FITZGERALD, Percy. The Life of David Garrick. From Original Family Papers, and Numerous Published and Un- published Sources. Portratt. 2vols. 8vo, half olive levant, gilt, top edges gilt. Tinsley Bros., London, 1868 Saint Dunstan Edition of the Rubaiyat. Only thirty copies printed on vellum. FITZGERALD. Rubaiydt of Omar Khayyam. Edward Fitzgerald Version. Jlluminated throughout by hand by Ross Turner. The whole work printed on vellum. 4to, full crushed dark green levant, gilt back, rich gold tooling on sides, with panel in white levant, decorated with lotus flowers in red levant, white levant doublé, with gold centre and elaborate gold borders, corners decorated with lotus flowers in red, edges gilt in the rough, by the 7raufz- Bauzonnet Bindery, Geo. D. Sproul, 1901 The Saint Dunstan Edition. “ It ts guaranteed to subscrib- ers that eighteen copies only of this edition have been made for sale in America, and twelve copies only for sale in Europe, and that no future edition will be issued. That it 1s printed from type and the Type has been distributed. That this ts copy which 1s number PUBLISHER'S PROOF Copy, has been spectally illuminated throughout by Ross Turner for A. T. Goodwin, and that two copres are alike.’—Geo. D,. Sproul. See plate. FLAUBERT, GUSTAVE. Bouvard and Pécuchet. Author- ised Edition. Translated from the French, with an Intro- duction by D. F. Hannigan. J/lustrated with new original designs after S. Gorski, in three states. 8vo, full green silk, gilt. London: H. 8. Nichols, 1896 Limited edition. Printed on Japanese vellum paper. — FACSIMILE OF BINDING, BY TRAUTZ-BAUZONNET BINDERY, ON FITZGERALD’S ‘‘ RUBAITY OMAR KHAYYAM.’’ LOT NO. I09. Ii! 112 113 114 25 Forp, WORTHINGTON CHAUNCEY. George Washington. Illustrated with numerous fine portraits on India paper, in- cluding one each of George and Martha Washington, in colors, and an extra set of proof plates in two states. . 3 vols. Imperial 8vo, half vellum, top edges gilt, uncut. Charles Scribner’s Sons, New York, 1900 Edition de Bibliophile. There have been printed of this edition. fifty copies, with two extra sets of all the full-page illustrations. One on imperial Japanese, in bistre, and on white India, mounted on antique Holland in blue camateu tint, also two extra title-pages and one extra index. This is copy No I4. Foucus, JosEpH. The Memoirs of, Duke of Otranto. With full-page illustrations. $vols. 8vo, half roan, top edges gilt, uncut. Paris and New York, N. D Versailles Edition. Limited to five hundred and three copies, of which this 1s No. 2. FRANKLIN, BENJAMIN. ‘The Works of. Containing Several Political and Historical Tracts not Included in any Former Edition, and many Letters Official, and Private, not Hitherto Published. With Notes and a Life of the Author, by Jared Sparks. Portratts. 10 vols. 8vo, half light calf, gilt, blue and red labels, top edges gilt, uncut. London: Benjamin Franklin Stevens, 1882 World’s Great Paintings. ALLERY of the World’s Greatest Paintings. With Biographical, Critical, and Descriptive Text. By Clarence Lansing. Jilustrated with twenty-four chouce veproductions in colors, and sixty large photogravures of paintings by the great modern masters, in six portfoltos. International League of Artists, New York, N.D Printed for subscribers only. Bibliophile’s Edition of Theophile Gautier’s Works. 115 Limited to twenty copies. Gautier, THEOPHILE The Works of. Translated and Edited by Prof. F. C. de Sumichrast. Containing—Made- moiselle de Maupin, The Grotesques, Travels in Spain, Romance of a Mummy, and Portraits of the Day. Lllus- strated with many superb full-page water color patntings by noted artists, and borders on every page. 6 vols. Royal 8vo, full crushed blue levant, elaborate gilt tooling on backs and sides in floral design, eur de dis in the centre, inlaid with various col- ored leather, orange colored levant doublé, with fleur de lis in center in col- ored leather and gold, rich gold borders, inlaid with flowers in colors, Morris- paper fly-leaves, top edges gilt, uncut, by Trautz-Bauzonnet Bindery, New York: George D. Sproul, 1901 The Bibliophile’'s Edition. Limited to twenty numbered, vegistered and signed sets, of which this 1s number Publisher's Proof. | 116 [17 118 II9 I20 26 GENTLEMAN’S LIBRARY DES AMATEURS. Containing— Makers of Venice, by Oliphant; Persian Letters, by Mon- tesquieu ; Frederick the Great, by Muhlbach, Royal Edin- burgh, by Oliphant; Lorna Doone, by Blackmore; Little Minister, by Barrie; Count Grammont, by Hamilton ; Romola, by Geo. Eliot; Makers of Florence, by Oliphant; and The Last Days of Pompeii, by Lytton. J/lustrated with full-page etchings, ete., photogravures in three states. 10 vols. 8vo, full black levant, gilt backs and sides, red calf doublé, with black and gold borders, brocaded silk fiy-leaves, top edges gilt. New York: Merrill & Bates, N. D Limtted edition. GESSNER, SOLOMON. New Idylles by. ‘Translated by W. Hooper, M.D. With a Letter to M. Fustin, on Land- scape Painting. And The Two Friends of Bourbon : A Moral Tale. By M. Diderot. Jilustrated with the numerous Sull- page beautiful copperplate engravings, by Sparrow, after paintings by Gessner. Folio, full crushed dark green levant, gilt back, gold lines on sides, inside dentelle borders, top edge gilt, uncut, by Riviere. London: Printed for S. Harper, 1776 A beautiful large-paper copy of this elegant book, with brilliant impressions of the many plates. GLENN, Tuomas ALLEN. Some Colonial Mansions, and Those Who Lived in Them: with Genealogies of the Various Families Mentioned. Profusely illustrated. 2vols. Royal 8vo, three-quarter crushed blue levant, gilt, top edges gilt, Philadelphia: H. T. Coates & Co., 1898 Gopwyvn, THomas. Romanz Historie Anthologia. An English Exposition of the Romane Antiquities, wherein many Romane and English officers are paralleled and divers obscure phrases explained. Small 4to, vellum. At Oxford: Printed by Joseph Barnes, 1614 Sir Christopher Wren's copy, with his signature four times repeated on back fly-leaf and his initials on title, and several manuscript notes on margins in Sir Christopher Wren's autograph. GOETHE, JOHANN WOLFGANG von. ‘The Complete Works of. ‘Translated into English. Ji/ustrated with colored plates. 10 vols. 8vo, half green morocco, gilt, top edges, gilt, uncut. The Anthological Society, London, New York and Chicago, N. D Edition de luxe. Limited to five hundred copies, of which this 1s No. 2. I2I 122 123 27 GOLDSMITH, OLIVER. ‘The Vicar of Wakefield. With a Preface by Austin Dobson, and /Vustrations by Hugh Thomson. Crown 8vo, full crushed crimson levant, gilt back and sides, inside gold borders, polished gilt edges, by Riviere. London: Macmillan & Co., 1890 First issue, with the suppressed plate at page 95. Very rare. GOLDSMITH, OLIVER. ‘The Works of. Edited by Peter Cunningham, F.S.A., including The Life and Time of Goldsmith, by John Forster, and Introduction by Austin Dobson. Llegantly illustrated with full-page plates on Japan- ese vellum, each volume containing a duplicate plate beautifully colored. 32 vols. Imperial 8vo, full green crushed levant, beautifully decorated in gold in floral design on backs and sides, inside gold borders, Morris paper fly- leaves, top edges gilt, uncut. Harper & Brothers, New York and London, 1900 The Wakefield Edition. Printed onlarge paper. Limited to five hundred sets, of which this is No. 2. GREAT COMMANDERS. Edited by Jos. Grant Wilson. Viz :—General Jackson, by Parton ; General Greene, by F. V. Greene; General Sheridan, by Davies; General Scott, by Wright; General Washington, by Johnson; General Taylor, by Howard; General Johnstone, by Hughes ; General Grant, by Wilson ; General Hancock, by Walker ; Admiral Farragut, by Mahan ; General Thomas, by Coppée, and General Lee, by Fitzhugh Lee. fortraits on India paper. 12 vols. 8vo, half blue morocco, gilt, top edges gilt. New York: D. Appleton & Co., N. D Large-paper edition. Limited to one thousand copies, of which this is No, 24. The “ Verdi” Edition of the Great Operas. 124 GRAND OPERAS (THE). The Romantic Legends upon which the Masters of Song have Founded their Famous Lyrical Compositions. Introduced by Guiseppe Verdi. Edited by James W. Buel. Lach section tllustrated with five superb proof photogravures on Japan paper, and accompanied by two extra impressions, one in color and one on satin. Elegantly mounted and matted, and with numerous smaller tllustrations throughout the text. Sections l, 4, 5,6,7,8,9and10. Folio, three-quarter levant, brocaded silk sides, white brocaded silk doublé, gilt edges. The Societé Universelle Lyrique, London, Paris, Boston and Philadelphia The Verdi” Edition. Limited to fifty copies, this copy ts No, 22. 28 125. GREENAWAY, Kate. A Day in a Child’s Life. J/lus- strated tn colors by. Music by Myles B. Foster. 4to, ornamented boards. London, N, D 126 GREENAWAY, Kater. Marigold Garden. Pictures and Rhymes by. Printed in colors by Edmund Evans. 4to, picture boards. London, N. D 127 Grant, Mrs. ANNE. Memoirs of an American Lady. With Sketches of Manners and Scenes in America, as they Hxisted Previous to the Revolution; with Unpublished Letters, anda Memoir of Mrs. Grant by James Grant Wilson. Lllustrated. } zvols. 8vo, half vellum, top edges gilt, uncut. New York: Dodd, Mead & Co., 1901 No. 3 of three hundred and fifty copies printed. 128 GRANT, U.S. Personal Memoirs of. ///ustvated. 2vols. 8vo, three-quarter crushed blue levant, gilt, gilt edges. New York: Charles L. Webster & Co., 1885 With autograph of General Grant on portion of envelope bound in. GROLIER CLUB PUBLICATIONS. 129 A DECREE OF STAR CHAMBER CONCERNING PRINTING. Made July 11, 1637. Reprinted by The Grolier Club, from : the First Edition by Robert Barker, 1637. Végnette on title- page printed in colors. 8vo, full crushed blue levant, elaborate gilt back and sides, inside gold bor- ders, top edge gilt, by Matthews, uncut. The Grolier Club, New York, 1884 No. 11 of one hundred and fifty copies printed from type. 130 RUBAIYAT OF OMAR KHAyyAm. The Astronomer-Poet of Persia. Rendered into English Verse by Edward Fitz- gerald. Vignette on title-page and headpieces printed in colors. 8vo, full crushed light blue levant, gilt title, rich inside gold borders, top edge gilt, by Matthews, with the original covers bound in. Grolier Club, New York, 1885 No. 21 of one hundred and fifty copies on Japan paper. 131 TRANSACTIONS OF THE GROLIER CrUB. From its Foundation, January, 1884, to July, 1885. Part I. Royal 8vo, cover of charcoal paper on loose boards, The Grolier Club, New York, 1885 Seven hundred and forty copies published. a ee nee ee a ee ee ae ee ae a ee ee te Mer. 132 133 134 135 29 A History oF NEw York, FROM THE BEGINNING OF the World to the end of the Dutch Dynasty; Containing, among many surprising and Curious Matters, the Unutter- able Ponderings of Walter the Doubter, The Disastrous Pro- jects of William the Testy, and the Chivalric Achievements of Peter the Headstrong—The Three Dutch Governors of New Amsterdam; Being the only Authentic History of the Times that ever hath been or ever will be Published. By Diedrich Knickerbocker, &c., &c. A new Edition, con- taining unpublished corrections of the Author. J//ustrations by Geo. H. Boughton, Will H. Drake and Howard Pyle, and etchings by Henry C. Eno and F. Raubicheek. Az etched frontispiece tn three states tn each volume. 2vols. 8vo, Orange-colored boards, uncut. © New York: Printed for The Grolier Club, 1886 One of one hundred and seventy-five copies printed on Flolland paper. A LECTURE ON BOOKBINDING AS A FINE ART. Deliv- ered before The Grolier Club, February 26, 1885. Szxty- three illustrations by Robert FHloe. Demy 4to, boards, buif cloth back and covers, top edge gilt, uncut. New York: Published by The Grolier Club, 1886 One of two hundred copies printed on Holland paper. ' Historic PRINTING TypEs. A Lecture Read Before The Grolier Club of New York, January 25, 1885; with additions and new illustrations by Theo. L. De Vinne. J/lustrated with facsimile of type. Demy 4to, boards, bufi cloth back and covers, top edge gilt, uncut. New York: The Grolier Club, 1886 One of two hundred copies printed on Holland paper. CHRISTOPHER PLANTIN AND THE PLANTIN-MoRETUS Museum at Antwerp. By Theo. L. De Vinne. J/lustrations by Joseph Pennell and others. Square 8vo, ornamented granite paper covers on loose boards. Printed for The Grolier Club, New York, 1888 One of three hundred copies on paper. THE PHILOBIBLION OF RICHARD DE Bury. Edited from the best Manuscripts and Translated into English, with an Introduction and Notes, by Andrew Fleming West, Professor in Princeton College. Introductory Matter and Notes. J//- lustrated with facsimiles of manuscripts and early printed texts, and vartous seals used by De Bury. 8 vols. Small 4to, vellum, uncut. New York: Printed for The Grolier Club, 1889 Vol. Its the Latin version with the wlustrated capital letters and rubrications throughout. One of two hundred and ninety-seven copies on paper. 137 138 139 140 I4I 142 143 30 MODERN BOOKBINDING PRACTICALLY CONSIDERED. A Lecture Read Before The Grolier Club of New York, March 25, 1885, with additions and new illustrations by Wm. Mat- thews. Light facsimiles of bookbindings. Demy 4to, cream-colored cloth, top edge gilt, uncut. New York : The Grolier Club, 1889 One of three hundred copies printed on Holland paper. AREOPAGITICA. A Speech of Mr. John Milton, for the liberty of unlicensed Printing, to the Parliament of England; with an Introduction by James Russell Lowell. Portratt of Milton, after an engraving by Faithorne. 8vo, full crushed green levant, gilt titles, device of the Grolier Club in gilt on sides, rich inside gold borders, edges gilt in the rough, by Rudan. New York: The Grolier Club, 1890 One of three hundred and twenty-five copies on Holland paper. WASHINGTON IRvING. A Sketch. By George William Curtis. 8vo, full straight-grained red morocco, glit, gilt edge, in slip case. New York: The Grolier Club, 1891 One of three hundred and forty-four copies, on hand-made paper. Presentation copy from Geo. Wm. Curtis to Chas. B. Foote, with the autograph inscription on fly-leaf. EFFIGIES OF THE Most Famous ENGLISH WRITERS, from Chaucer to Johnson. Exhibited at The Grolier Club, New York, December, 1891. Portrait of Ben Johnson and Thomas Killegrew. 8vo, cream-colored paper, uncat, in red morocco slip case. Now York: The Grolier Club, 1891 One of two hundred copies, on large paper. BARONS OF THE PoTOMACK AND RAPPAHANNOCK. By Moncure Daniel Conway. Jilustrated with portraits, views and facsimiles of autographs. Square 8vo, gray boards, uncut. New York: The Grolier Club, 1892 One of three hundred and sixty copies on Italian hand- made paper. ANOTHER Copy. CATALOGUE of an Exhibition of Illuminated and Painted Manuscripts, together with a few Early Printed Books, with illuminations. Also some examples of Persian Manuscripts. With plates in facsimile, and an Introductory Essay. Square 8vo, olive green cloth, uncut. New York: The Grolier Club, 1892 One of three hundred and fifty copies on Holland paper. ee eS ee |; eS Ee ee ee as Pe Oe ee ee — se 31 144 CATALOGUE of Original and Early Editions of some of the Poetical and Prose Works of English Writers, from Lang- land to Wither. With collations and notes and erghty-seven Sacsimiles of title-pages and frontispieces. Bein ga contribu- tion to the Bibliography of English Literature. Royal 8vo, half straight-grained russet morocco, uncut. Imprinted at New York for The Grolier Club, 18938 One of four hundred copies on Helland hand-made paper. -” 145 FACSIMILE OF THE Laws and Acts of the General Assem- bly for their Majesties Province of New Vork, etc. At New York. Printed and Sold by William Bradford, Printer to their Majesties King William and Queen Mary. 1664. Together with an Historical Introduction, Notes on the Laws, and Appendices. By Robert Ludlow Fowler, Coun- sellor-at-Law. Folio, vellum, uncut, in slip case. The Grolier Club of New York, 1894 One of three hundred and twelve copies on hand-made paper, with the circular giving notice of the auction of two vellum copies, laid in, 146 A CLASSIFIED List of Early American Bookplates, with a Brief Description of the Principal Styles, and a Note as to the Prominent Engravers. By Charles Dexter Allen, to ac- company an Exhibition at the Grolier Club, October, 1894. Lllustrated with reproductions of bookplates. 8vo, granite paper covers, uncut, in slip case. 1894 One of three hundred and fifty copies on Italian hana- made paper. 147 TRANSACTIONS of The Grolier Club of the City of New York. From July, Highteen Hundred and Kighty-five, to February, Eighteen Hundred and Ninety-four. Part IT. Royal 8vo, cream-colored paper covers. New York: The Grolier Club, 1894 One of seven hundred and fifty copies on hand-made paper. 148 THE CATALOGUE of Books from the Libraries or Collec- tions of Celebrated Bibliophiles and Illustrious Persons of the Past, with Arms or Devices upon the Bindings. Exhib- ited at The Grolier Club, in the month of January, 1895. Lllustrated with twenty-four reproductions of covers and marks of ownership. Square 8vo, dark green cloth, uncut. New York: Published by the Grolier Club, 1895 One of three hundred and fifty copies on Holland paper. ‘} ) | 32 149 CATALOGUE of the Engraved Work of Asher B. Durand. Exhibited at The Grolier Club, April, 1895. Portrazt. 8yo, cream-colored paper, uncut, in red morocco slip case. New York: The Grolier Club, 1895 One of three hundred and fifty copies on large paper. 150 A DESCRIPTION OF THE EARLY PRINTED Booxs owned by The Grolier Club, with a brief account of their Printers and the History of Typography in the Fifteenth Century. Illustrated with facsimiles. Folio, half brown calf, buff cloth sides, Printed for The Grolier Club, New York, May, 1895 One of four hundred copies printed on hand-made paper. 151 THe PoEMS OF JOHN DONNE, from the Text of the Edition of 1633. Revised by James Russell Lowell, with the various readings of the other editions of the Seventeenth Century, and a Preface, an Introduction and Notes by Charles Eliot Norton. Two portraits. 2vols. 12mo, tea-colored cloth, uncut. New York: The Grolier Club, 1895 One of three hundred and eighty copies on hand-made paper. 152. Drrro., Vol. 1 only. 153 THE CHARLES WHITTINGHAMS, PRINTERS. By Arthur Warten. Jilustrated with portraits and facsimiles. Royal 8vo, half green morocco, uncut. New York: The Grolier Club of New York, 1886 With the Index, One of three hundred and eighty-five copies on hand-made paper, with notices of exhibttion of Chiswick Press books bound in. 154 CATALOGUE OF AN EXHIBITION ILLUSTRATIVE OF A Centenary of Artistic Lithography, 1796-1896. ° With 244 examples by 160 different artists. ///ustrated with twenty photo-engravings, from the originals by Bonnington, Cassatt, Chauvel, Daumier, Decamps, Englemann, Fanton-Latour, Gavarni, Hanfstaengl, Horner, Jacque, Jacob, Millet, New- sam, Otis, Prout, Raffet, Vernet and Wagenbauer. At the Grolier Club. 8vo, full crushed tan colored levant, gilt back and sides, inside gold borders by Macdonald, with original granite paper covers boundin. In slip case. New York, 1896 One of four hundred copies on hand-made paper. 155 156 157 158 ete 33 CATALOGUE OF AN EXHIBITION ILLUSTRATIVE OF A Centenary of Artistic Lithography, 1796-1896. With 244 examples by 160 different artists. J//ustvated with twenty photo-engravings, from the originals by Bonnington, Cassatt, Chauvel, Daumier, Decamps, Englemann, Fanton-LAatour, Gavarni, Hanfstaengl, Horner, Jacque, Jacob, Millet, New- sam, Otis, Prout, Raffet, Vernet and Wagenbauer. At the Grolier Club. 8vo, granite paper covers, uncut, in morocco slip case. New York, 1896 One of four hundred copies on hand-made paper. A CHRONOLOGICAL CATALOGUE OF THE ENGRAVINGS, Dry-points and Etchings of Albert Dtirer, as exhibited at The Grolier Club. Compiled by S. R. Koehler. With fac- stmiles of some of the rarest specimens. Royal 4to, tea-colored cloth, uncut. The Grolier Club of New York, 1897 One of four hundred copies on Holland paper, Two Nore Booxs of Thomas Carlyle, from 23d March, 1822, to 16th May, 1832. Edited by Charles Eliot Norton. Portratts. 8vo, half brown morocco, top edge gilt, uncut. New York: The Grolier Club, 1898 One of three enaeed and eighty-seven copies on hand- made paper. THE LIFE OF CHARLES HENRY, Count Hoym Ambassador from Saxony-Poland to France, an Eminent French Biblio- phile, 1694-1736. Written by Baron Jerome Pichon for the Society of French Bibliophiles, and translated into English for The Grolier Club; with a Sketch of the Life of the late Baron Pichon. Jilustrated with portraits, facsimiles of bind- ings, ete. Imperial 8vo, half maroon morocco, figured silk sides, uncut. The Grolier Club, New York, 1899 One of three hundred and three copies on hand-made paper. A TRANSLATION of Giovanni Boccaccio’s Life of Dante ; with an Introduction and a Note onthe Portrait of Dante, by G. R. Carpenter. Fortrait of Dante, views of Florence and rubricated capital letters. Small 4to, ornamented vellum, uncut, with extra cover and case. The Grolier Club of the City of New York, 1900 One of three hundred copies on Italian hand-made paper. (3) _ — eee 160 161 162 165 34 TRANSACTIONS of The Grolier Club of the City of New York, from February, eighteen hundred and ninety-four, to July, eighteen hundred and ninety-nine. Portraits and other tllustrations. Square royal 8vo, cream-colored paper on loose boards, uncut. New York: The Grolier Club, 1899 One of four hundred and seventy copies on American hana- made paper. CATALOGUE of an Exhibition of Selected Works of the Poets Laureate of England. Portrait of Ben Jonson. 8vo, gray boards, uncut. New York: The Grolier Club, 1901 One of three hundred coptes, on hand-made paper. GRONOW, CAPTAIN. The Reminiscences and Recollec- tions. 1810-1860. Being Anecdotes of the Camp, Court, Clubs and Society. With portrait, four woodcuts, and twenty etched and aquatint tlustrations from contemporary sources. The plates in two states, colored, and India proofs. 2vols. Imperial 8vo, cloth, top edges gilt, uncut. London: John C. Nimmo, 1889 Large paper. No. 50 of eight hundred and seventy-five copies, with the twenty-five wlustrations in duplicate. One on plate paper, proofs before letters, and the other on Whatman paper, with title, colored by hand. ACK, MARIA. English Stories of the Olden Time. 2vols. 12mo, half green calf, top edges gilt. London: Harvey & Dalton, 1839 Hatxvy, Lupovic. The Abbé Constantin. ustrated by Madame Madeleine Lemaire with numerous full-page and other plates. Folio, full crushed crimson levant, gilt back and sides, rich inside borders, Morris paper fly-leaves, gilt edges. Paris: Boussod, Valadon & Cie, 1888 HALL, MR. AND Mrs. S. C. Ireland. Its Scenery, Character, etc. Sleganily tlustiated with many fine steel engravings and woodcuts. A New Edition. 3 vols, boundin6. Imperial 8vo, three-quarter crushed green levant mo- rocco, gilt, top edges gilt, uncut. London : Hall, Virtue & Co., N.D The best work published on Ireland, ree FL a et a 166 167 168 169 170 I7I 35 Hatt, Mr. and Mrs. S. C. Ireland. Its Scenery, Character, etc. Jllustrated with many steel and wood engrav- ings. 3 vols. Royal 8vo, half green morocco, gilt, gilt edges. London: How & Parsons, 1841 Fine copy of the rare first edition, with brilliant impressions of the engravings. HALL-STEVENSON, JOHN. The Works of. Containing Crazy Tales, Fables for Grown Gentlemen, Lyric Epistles, Pastoral Cordial, Pastoral Puke, Macarony Fables, Lyric Consolations, Moral Tales, Monkish Epitaphs, etc. Cor- rected and Enlarged, with Several Original Poems, now First Printed, and Explanatory Notes. /vontisptece. 3vols. 8vo, calf, gilt. London, 1795 Fine copy. Very scarce. Hatrszy, R. T. Harnes. Pictures of Early New York on Dark Blue Staffordshire Pottery, together with Pictures of Boston and New England, Philadelphia, the South and West. With xumerous plates printed in the colors of the origt- nal pottery. 4to, buckram, with panel of plate with view of New York in blue, on side, uncut. Dodd, Mead & Co., 1899 One of two hundred and sixty-eight copies on hand-made paper. Hx. By the Author of ‘‘It,” ‘‘ King Solomon’s Mines’’ and ‘‘ Bess.’’ With colored title. 8vo, full crushed green levant, gilt title, brown levant doublé, rich gold bor- ders, watered silk fly-leaves, top edge gilt. London: Longmans, Green & Co., 1887 Large paper copy. Only twenty-five copies of this edition have been printed, of which this 1s No. 12. Heine, Hurnricu. ‘The Works of. Translated by Charles Godfrey Leland. Jllustrated with fine portratts. 8 vols. Square 8vo, three-quarter crushed red levant, gilt, top edges gilt. New York: Croscup & Sterling Co., 1898 Only one hundred copies published, twenty-five being for America, of which this ts No. 3. HERVEY, JOHN Lorp. Memoirs of the Reign of George the Second, from his Accession to the Death of Queen Caroline. Edited from the Original Manuscript at Ickworth by the Right Hon. John Wilson Croker. Portrazt. 2vols. 8vo, half crushed green levant, top edges gilt, uncut. London: John Murray, 1848 172 173 174 *k * * *k * *k 36 HiIcGInson, THomaAs WeENtTwortH. ‘The Complete Works of. Portraits. 7vols. 8vo, full crushed crimson levant, gilt backs, gold lines on sides, crushed levant doublé, with rich gold borders in floral design, Morris paper fly-leaves, polished gilt edges, by Oldach. Cambridge: Printed at the Riverside Press, 1900 No. 9 of two hundred copies printed. Specially bound for Mr, Goodwin. Historical, Memorrs. Viz :—Memoirs of the Duc de Saint-Simon, on the Times of Louis XIV. and the Regency. ‘Translated by Katharine P. Wormeley. 4 vols. The Prince De Ligne. His Memoirs, Letters and Mis- cellaneous Papers. Selected and Translated by Katharine P. Wormeley. 2 vols. The Book of the Ladies. By Pierre de Bourdeille, Abbé de Brantome. 1 vol. And The Correspondence of Madame, Princess Palatine, Mother of the Regent; Of Marie-Adelaide de Savoie, Duchesse de Bourgoyne, and of Madame de Maintenon, in Relation to Saint-Cyr. Translated by Katharine P. Wormeley. 1 vol. Lilustrated with portraits, some of which are colored. 8 vols. 8vo, three-quarter red levant, gilt, top edges gilt, uncut. Boston: Hardy, Pratt & Co., 1899 Versailles Aquarelle Edition. Limited to eighty-five sets, of which this 1s No. 32. Historica, Mremorrs. Jllustrated with numerous fine Portrarts, in two states, many of which are colored. Con- taining:— Memoirs of Madame de Montespan. 2 vols. Memoirs of Marie Antoinette. By Madame Campan. 2 vols. Memoirs of Margaret de Valois, Queen of Navarre. 1 vol. Memoirs of the Court of St. Petersburg. 1 vol. William II., Germany ; Francis Joseph, Austria-Hungary. By Mme. La Marquise de Fontenoy. 2 vols. Memoirs of the Courts of Sweden and Denmark. By John Brown. 2 vols. *K *K * * 175 176 37 Memoirs of the Courts of Europe. By Henry Swin- burne. 2 vols. | The Private Memoirs of Louis XV. 1 vol. Nid ie of Empress Josephine. By Madame Ducrest. 2 vols. Memoirs of the Court of Austria. By Dr. E. Vehse. 2 vols. The Secret History of the Court of Berlin. By Count Mirabeau. 2 vols. The Royal Family of France during the Revolution. 2 vols. Napoleon’s Court and Cabinet of St. Cloud. 2 vols. Secret Memoirs of the Court of Louis XIV. 1 vol. Together, 24 vols. 8vo,cloth,uncut. Philadelphia: Geo. Barrie & Co., N. D Japanese vellum paper edition. Limited to one thousand copies, of which this is No. 4r. HoGartH, WILLIAM. ‘The Life and Works of. Includ- ing the Analysis of Beauty and Five Days’ Peregrination. Edited from the Text by John Nichols, F. A. S.; George Steevens, F. R. S., and Samuel Ireland. With a New Critical Introduction by John Lefarge, and a Chronological Catalogue Raisonné by Austin Dobson. J/lustrated with many steel and copper impressions from the engravings by Armstrong, Cook, Englehart, Hall, Mottram, Raddyffe, Rom- mey, etc. 10 vols. Imperial 8vo, full crushed green levant, emblematic gold tooling, inlaid with various colored leather, rich inside gold borders, top edges gilt, uncut. Philadelphia: Printed by Geo. Barrie & Son, 1900 This edition, with impressions of the intagho plates, printed on India paper, 1s limited to one thousand copies, of which this 1s No. 14 Printed for Howard T. Goodwin, and bound especially for him. Has the suppressed plates. HOGARTH, WILLIAM. The Complete Works of, ina Series of One Hundred and Fifty Steel Engravings from the Original Pictures ; with an Introductory Essay by James Hannay, and Descriptive Letterpress by Rev. James Trusler and E. F. Roberts. 4to, morocco, antique, gilt edges, London, N. D 38 177. Hocc, James. The Poetical Work of the Ettrick 178 179 180 181 182 Shepherd, including the Queen’s Wake, Pilgrims of the Sun, Mador of the Moor, Mountain Bard, etc. ; with an Autobi- ography and zllustrative engravings from original drawings by D. O. Hill. § vols. And Tales and Sketches by the Ettrick Shepherd, including the Brownie of Bodsbeck, Winter Evening Tales, Shepherds Calendar, etc., and several Pieces not before printed. With dlustvative engravings, chiefly from real scenes by D, O. Hill. 6 vols. Together, 11 vols. Foolscap 8vo, three-quarter red calf, gilt, top edges gilt. Blackie & Son, Glasgow, 1837-40 HoLBEIN, HANS. The Dance of Death ; from the Original Designs of. ///ustrated with thirty-three plates engraved by W. ffollar, with descriptions in English and French ; together with the Dance of Macaber. Zhe plates beautifully colored by hand. | 8vo, full russia, gilt back and sides, gilt edges. London: Printed for J. Coxhead, 1816 Fine copy. Very scarce. HOLBEIN. Icones Veteris Testamenti. J///ustrations of the Old Testament, engraved on wood from designs by Hans Hol- bein; with descriptions in English, French, Spanish, Ltalian and Latin. 8vo, full polished light calf, gilt back and sides, inside gold borders, top edge?® gilt. London; William Pickering, 1830 Rare. Hoe, S. REYNOLDS. Our Gardens. Seautifully tllus- trated. 8vo, full crushed green levant, beautifully gilt in floral design on back and sides, green silk doublé and fly-leaves, with rich gold borders, polished gilt edges, by Zaehnusdorf. London: J, M. Dent & Co., 1899 The Haddon Hall Library. Edited by the Marquess of Granby and Mr. George A. B. Dewar., W. D. Italian Journeys. With zlustrations by Joseph Pennell. 8vo, half white cloth, uncut. Cambridge: Printed at the Riverside Press, 1901 No. 3 of three hundred copies. Howirt, WILLIAM. The Rural Life of England. J/lus- trated with beautiful wood engravings. 2vols. Crown 8vo, half yellow calf, gilt, top edges gilt, by Zaehnsdor/, : nr London: Longman, Orme, Brown & Co., 1881 first Edition. wey eS eA, Py 183 185 186 187 188 39 HuBBARD, ELBERT. Little Journeys to the Homes of Eminent Artists. ‘‘ Gainsborough.’”’ J/lustrated. 8VvO, paper. The Roycrofters: Aurora, N. Y., 1902 Huser, V. A. The English Universities. From .the German of. An Abridged Translation. Edited by Francis W. Newman. With all the many fine plates, both plain and colored. 3vols. 8vo, half calf, gilt, marbled edges. London: Wm, Pickering, 1843 The fine Pickering Edition, with many plates which are not in the editions issued by H G. Bohn. RVING. Old Christmas. From the Sketch Book of Washington Irving. lustrated by R. Caldecott. Crown 8vo, full crushed crimson levant, gilt back and sides, inside gold borders, polished gilt edges, by Riviere. London: Macmillan & Co., 1876 IRVING, WASHINGTON. Bracebridge Hall. J/lustrated by R. Caldecott. Crown 8vo, full crushed crimson levant, gilt back and sides, inside gold borders, polished gilt edges. by Riviere. London: Macmillan & Co., 1877 IRVING, WASHINGTON. Sketch Book of Geoffrey Crayon, Gent. Elegantly illustrated with proof engravings on India paper. Imperial 8vo, three-quarter crushed brown levant, gilt, top edge gilt. Philadelphia: J. B. Lippincott & Co., 1882 Edition de luxe. No.7 of five hundred copies printed. ACKSON, LADY. The Historical Works of. Viz.: Old Paris, 2 vols.; The Old Régime, 2 vols.; The Court of France, 2 vols.; The Last of the Valois, 2 vols.; The First of the Bourbons, 2 vols.; The French Court and So- ciety, 2 vols.; and The Court of the Tuileries, 2 vols. /d/us- trated with numerous portraits on Japan paper, and portratts in colors on Holland paper. l4vols. 8vo, green buckram, top edges gilt, uncut, Printed tor The Grolier Society, Paris and Boston, N. D Edition de luxe. Limited to one thousand copies, of which this 1s No. 177. 189 *K 190 IgI 192 40 JAMESON, Mrs. A Collected Set of the Works of. All First Editions. Viz.: Sacred and Legendary Art. Vol. I. Containing Legends of the Angels and Archangels, The Evangelists, The Apos- tles, The Doctors of the Church, and Mary Magdalene. Vol. II. Containing Legends of the Patron Saints and Virgin Patronesses, The Greek and Latin Martyrs, The Early Bishops, The Hermits, and the Warrior Saints of Christen- dom. Elegantly illustrated. 2 vols. Iondon: Printed for Longman, Brown, Green & Longmans, 1848. Legends of the Monastic Orders, as Represented in the Fine Arts. Forming the Second Series of Sacred and Legendary Art. Slegantly illustrated. ondon: Printed for Longman, Brown, Green & Longmans, 1850. Legends of the Madonna, as Represented in the Fine Arts. Forming the Third Seriesof Sacred and Legendary Art. Illustrated with drawings and woodcuts. Tondon: Long- man, Brown, Green & Longmans, 1852. The History of Our Lord as Exemplified in Works of Art, with that of His Types, St. John the Baptist, and . other Persons of the Old and New Testament. Commenced by the late Mrs. Jameson, Continued and Completed by Lady Eastlake. Elegantly illustrated. 2 vols. London: Longman, Green, Longman, Roberts & Green, 1864. Together, 6 vols. 8vo, three-quarter crushed maroon levant, gilt, top edges gilt, by Root & Son. London, 1848-1864 A choice set of the very rare first edition. JEFFERSON, THomAs. The Writings of. Collected and Edited by Paul Leicester Ford. 10 vols. 8vo, three-quarter crushed crimson levant, gilt, top edges gilt, un- cut. G. P. Putnam’s Sons, New York and London, 1892 Letterpress edition, of which seven hundred and fifty copies were printed. This is No. 746. | JEFFERSON, THOMAS. Memoirs, Correspondence and Miscellanies from the Papers of. Edited by Thomas ne Randolph. 2vols. 8vo, calf. Charlottesville, 1829 Name of former owner on title. JERROLD, BLANCHARD. ‘The Best of all Good Company. First Series: Dickens, Lytton, Thackeray, Scott, Disraeli, Douglas Jerrold. With portraits and facsimiles. 8vo, half straight-grained morocco, canary edge.s London: Houlston & Son, N. D =~ Se ee ee eo a . eh)! ee ae!) a He -— Fy “ FQ o A Lon A A Lm aa) q O fw wv Lam = e id 9) YU e) Zz on Z ‘e) Nn A % O f oo sf re Z | 4 f? y Z PF £0 Z 1H | FQ 284 61 St. Dunstan Edition of Shakespeare’s Sonnets. Only thirty copies printed on vellum. SHAKHSPEARE’S SONNETS. Part I. Mluminated by hand throughout by Ross Turner. The whole work printed on vellum. 4to, full crushed green levant, gilt back, rich gold tooling on sides, inlaid with pink, white, red and maroon levant, green levant doublé elaborately gilded with white levant centre, and inlaid with various colored leather, edges gilt in the rough by the Trautz-Bauzonnet Bindery, in white silk box. Geo. D. Sproul, 1901 The Saint Dunstan Edition. “ Tt is guaranteed to subscribers that eighteen copies only ef this edition have been made for sale in America, and twelve copies only for sale in Europe, and that no future edition will be issued ; that it ts printed from type, and the type has been distributed, and that this copy which ts number PUBLISHER'S Proor Cory has been specially illuminated throughout by Ross Turner for Howard T. Goodwin, and that no two copies are _alike.’—Geo. D,. Sproul. See plate. 285 286 287 SHALER, NATHANIEL S. The United States of America. A Study of the American Commonwealth. Its Natural Resources, People, Industries, Manufactures, Commerce, and its Work in Literature, Science, Education and Self- Government. fortratts. Zvols. 8vo, half brown morocco, top edges gilt. D. Appleton & Co., New York, 1898 SHarpLess, Isaac. A History of Quaker Government in Pennsylvania. J/lustrated. 2vols. 8vo, morocco, top edges gilt, uncut. Philadelphia: T. 8. Leach & Co., 1900 Haverford Edition. No. 17 of six hundred copies printed. SLOANE, WILLIAM MILLIGAN. Life of Napoleon Bona- parte. Profusely illustrated with full-page engravings in colors and tints. ' 4vols. 4to, three-quarter crushed red levant, gilt, top edges gilt. The Century Co., New York, 1896 62 Autograph Edition of Venice of To-day. 288 SMITH, F. HopgKrnson. Venice of To-day. llustrated 289 290 291 292 by the author with twenty large facsimile water colors, twenty large facsimile crayon drawings, and numerous other sketches in colors throughout the text. 10 sections, in portfolios. New York: Henry T. Thomas, 1896 Autograph edition. Limited to Jive hundred and forty copies, signed by the artist. This copy is No 26, SmMitH, Horace. The Poetical Works of. Now First Collected. Portratt. 2vols. 12mo, cloth, uncut. London: Henry Colburn, 1846 Autograph presentation copy from the author. « Yee F Masquerier, Esq., from his friend, Horatio Smith,” : SMITH, JosHuA Herr. An Authentic Narrative of the Causes which Led to the Death of Major André, Adjutant- General of his Majestys Forces in North America. To which is added a Monody on the Death of Major André, by Miss Seward. With fixe portrait engraved by Hopwood. 8vo, original boards, uncut. London: Printed for Mathews & Leigh, 1808 An immaculate copy, and very rare, SOCIAL SONGSTER (THE). Containing a Greater Variety of Favorite Songs (embracing many originals) than have ever been Collected in so Small and Unique a Compass. Lllustrated. Both parts in 1 vol. 24mo, full calf, gilt back and sides, inside gold borders, gilt edges, by Zachnsdorf. London, N. D. Addison Edition of The Spectator and The Tattler. Limited to twenty-six copies. SPECTATOR (THE). With Introduction and Notes by George A. Aitken. With forty original portraits, and eight sketches by Railton; and The Tattler, with Introduction and Notes by George A. Aitken. With twenty-four photograv- ures from rare engravings. Together, 10 vols. 8vo, full crushed blue levant, elaborate gilt tooling on backs and sides, crushed brown levant doublé, ornamented in gold, rich gold borders, corded wartered-silk fly-leaves, top edges gilt, uncut. J. B. Millet Co., London, Boston, 1901 Addison Edition. Limited to twenty six lettered and reg- astered copies, of which this is letter “G.” HN EN RO EME EELE A ORLA YORAM AASB AHH RoR OL HM OIIIH i RAN NMCNE HAs RNs AND LIE ie Ot ae ttn set io eagle a PRS sin RNR SR a ofeeoseco RH Mme fs sis SS aH et ARIAS TaN HON ie teenie eat RRS SH LYRICS FROM SPENSER TO MILTON.’’ i] 4 io) Z jee ON ) BY ZAKHNSDORF ‘* "GUS SR We BS * PLATE OF BINDING, 293 294 295 296 297 298 63 SpENSER TO MILTON. English Lyrics from Spenser to Milton. Jiustrated by Robert Anning Bell, and Introduction by John Dennis. 8vo, full crushed green levant, beautifully tooled in gold, in floral design on back and sides, green silk doublé and fly-leaves, broad gold borders, top edge gilt, by Zaehnsdor/. London: George Bell & Sons, 1898 Japanese vellum edition Limited to one hundred and twenty five copies, of which this is No. 82. See plate of bina- Ing. STANLEY, Henry M. In Darkest Africa ; or, The Quest, Rescue and Retreat of Emin, Governor of Equatoria. With six etchings and one hundred and fifty woodcut illustrations and maps. 2vols. 4to, half crushed olive levant, gilt, top edges gilt, uncut. New York: Charles Scribner’s Sons, 1890 Large-paper demy quarto edition. Limited to two hundred and fifty copies signed by Henry M, Stanley, of which thts as No, 22}. | SrrRNE, LAURENCE. A Sentimental Journey Through France and Italy. With xzmerous illustrations by Maurice Lelotr, and with an original water color drawing on half title by Maurice Leloir. Signed. Folio, loose, in satin portfolio. J. W. Bouton, New York, 1884 Special edition de grand luxe, with duplicate tmpresstons of the photogravures—one in bistere before letters and an origt- nal water color painting by Maurice Leloir. Limited to one hundred copies, this being No. 96. STERNE, LAURENCE. The Works of. Edited by George Saintsbury. With dlustrations by E. J. Wheeler. 6 vols. S8vo, three-quarter crushed maroon levant, gilt, top edges gilt. London: J. M, Dent & Co., 1894 No. 110 of one hundred and fifty copies on large paper. Sruvens, A. Madame de Stael. A Study of Her Life and Times, the First Revolution and the First Empire. With portraits. 2vols. 8vo, full polished calf, gilt backs, gold lines on sides, inside gold borders. London : John Murray, 1881 Spuvens, HENRY. Recollections of Mr. James Lenox, ‘of New Vork, and the Formation of his Library. Portracts. 12mo, half cloth, uncut. — London: Henry Stevens & Son, 1886 299 300 301 302 64 StrtH, WILLIAM. The History of the First Discovery and Settlement of Virginia. Being an Essay towards a General History of this Colony. By William Stith, A. M., Rector of Henrico Parish, and One of the Governors of William and Mary College. With the Appendix. 8vo, full crushed crimson levant, gilt backs, gold lines on sides, inside den- telle borders, polished gilt edges, by Léoyd. Williamsburg: Printed by Wm. Parks, 1747 Fine copy, with the “ ex libris” of George Chalmers, STODDARD, JOHN L. Lectures. J/lustrated and Embel- lished with Views of the World’s Famous Places and People. Being the Identical Discourses Delivered during the Past Kighteen Years, under the Title of the Stoddard Lectures. With supplemental volume. ll vols. three-quarter morocco, gilt, top edges gilt. Boston: Balch Bros. Co., 1898-1901 Author's Edition. Limited to five hundred copies, signed by John L. Stoddard, of which this ts No. 28. STRICKLAND, AGNES. Lives of the Queens of England, from the Norman Conquest ; with Anecdotes of their Courts, now First Published from Official Records, and other Authentic Documents Private as well as Public. New Edi- tion, with Corrections and Additions. With portraits of every Queen. 12vols. London: Henry Colburn, 1842-48. Lives of the Queens of Scotland and English Princesses Connected with the Royal Succession of Great Britain. By Agnes Strickland. Jllustrated with portraits. 8 vols. Wm. Blackwood & Sons, Edinburgh, 1850-59. Lives of the Princesses of England, from the Norman Conquest. By Mary Anne Everett Green. 6 vols. Lon- don: Henry Colburn, 1850. Together, 26 vols. Uniformly bound in half red calf, gilt, top edges gilt. London, 1842-1859 Edition des Amateurs of Eugene Sue’s Works. Limited to fifty copies. SuE, EUGENE. The Works of. ‘Translated into English. Containing :— The Wandering Jew, Mysteries of Paris, 6 vols. 6 vols. Arthur and Indolence, 2 vols. Pride, 2 vols. The Knight of Malta, 1 vol. Luxury-Gluttony, 1 vol. Avarice—Anger, 1 vol. Envy, 1 vol. The whole illustrated with full-page etchings, in two states ¢ 65 (Japan paper and Holland paper proofs) by Adrian, Marcel, Merciér, Poiteau, Bicknell and others. 20 vols. 8vo, full crushed black levant, gilt titles, inside dentelle borders, top edges gilt, uncut. Printed for Francis A. Niccolls & Co. , Boston, N. D Edition des Amateurs. Limited to fifty copies, of which this ts Vo. 2. 303 SUMNER, CHARLES. His Complete Works. With Intro- duction by George Frisbie Hoar. /ovtrazts. 20 vols. S8vo,full crushed green levunt, gilt titles, red levant Goublé with Goodwin’s monogram in centre, rich gold borders, watered silk fly-leaves, top edges gilt, uncut, Boston: Lee & Shepard, 1900 Statesman's Edition. One thousand copies printed, of which § this is No. 5 7 304. SURTEES, R.S. Sporting Novels. Viz :— * Jorrock’s Jaunts and Jollities ; or, The Hunting, Shooting, Racing, Driving, Sailing, Eating, Eccentric and Hxtrav- agant Exploits of that Renowned Sporting Citizen, Mr. John Jorrocks. With séxteen illustrations by flenry Alkens, printed in colors. Wondon, 1893. * ‘Hawbuck Grange; or, The Sporting Adventures of Thomas Scott, Esq. With dlustrations by H. K. Browne and W. T. Maud. Wondon, N. D. * Mr. Sponge's Sporting Tour. With /ull-page colored engravings and woodcuts by John Leech. Yondon, N. D. * Handley Cross; or, Mr. Jorrock’s Hunt. With /ull-page colored engravings and woodcuts by John Leech. Jondon, N. D. * Ack Mamma ;’’ or, The Richest Commoner in England. With full-page colored engravings and woodcuts by John Leech. London, N. D. * ‘Plain or Ringlets??’ With full-page colored engravings and woodcuts by John Leech. Vondon, N. D. * Mr. Facey Rumford’s Hounds. With /wll-page colored plates and woodcuts by John Leech and Hablot K. Browne. London, N. D. * Hallingdon Hall; or, The Cockney Squire. A Tale of Country Life. With ¢welve illustrations by Wildrake, Heath and Jellicoe, colored by hand. Yondon ; Jno. C. Nimmo, 1899. 8 vols. 8yo, three-quarter blue calf gilt, top edges gilt. London, N. D. (5) 66 305 Swirr, Dr. JonaTHaAn. The Works of. Accurately re- vised. Adorned with copper-plates, with some Account of the Author’s Life, and Notes, Historical and Explanatory by John Hawkesworth, LL.D. 24 vols. 16mo, contemporary calf. London: Printed for C, Bathurst, 1765 Each volume has the ‘Ex Libris” of Humphrey Repton. 306 SWINBURNE, ALGERNON CHARLES. Grace Darling. 4to, original boards, uncut. London: Printed only for private circulation First Edition. Limited to a few copies only. Very rare. 307 ABLEY, JOHN LEICESTER WARREN, LORD Dz. Poems, Dramatic and Lyrical. With dlustrations by C. S. Aicketts, Engraved by Dawson. 8vo, full vellum, gilt back and sides, top edge gilt, uncut. London: Elkin Mathews, 1893 On Japanese vellum paper. No. 1 of one hundred copies printed. 308 ‘TENNYSON. Friendship’s Offering, for 1832 and 1833. Illustrated. 2vols. 12mo, embossed morocco, gilt edges. London : Smith, Elder & Co., 1832-88 Loth volumes, containing the first appearance of some of Lord Tennyson's earliest poems. 309 ‘TENNYSON, ALFRED, LorD. The Works of. Poet Lau- reate. Edited by William J. Rolfe, Litt.D. Beautifully tllustrated with full-page photogravures. 12 vols. 8vo, full crushed black levant, blind tooled, inside dentelle borders, top edges gilt, uncut. Boston: Estes & Lauriat, 1895 Lidition des Amateurs. Limited to one hundred copies, printed on Japanese vellum paper. This copy 1s No. 5. Specially bound for Mr. Goodwin. | 310 ‘TENNYSON, LoRD ALFRED. A Memoir, by his Son. Portratts. 4vols. 8vo, cloth, uncut, NewYork and London : Croscup, Sterling & Co., 1898 Limited edition. 311 ‘THACKERAY, WILLIAM MAKEPEACE. The Complete Works of. Jllustrated with hundreds of humorous full-page illustrations, some of which are colored and many on India paper. 26 vols. Imperial 8vo, light cloth, uncut. Smith, Elder & Co., 1879 Large-paper, No. 922 of one thousand copies printed, a > Se Se aT? 313 314 315 316 317 67 THOMSON, JAMES. The Seasons. With engraved tllustra- tions from designs on wood by John Bell, C. W. Cope, Thomas Creswick, Frank Stone and others ; and with the Life of the Author, by Patrick Murdock. Edited by Bolton Corney. 8vo, full black straight-grained morocco, elaborate gilt and embossed back and sides, inside dentelle borders, top edge gilt, uncut. London: Longman, Brown, Green & Longmans, 1842 Choice copy of the best edition. Has inserted The Seasons in French, set to music, and illustrated with the elegant designs of Le Botteux, Tomson, Mrs. Memoirs of the Jacobites of 1715 to 1745. fortratts. 3vols. 8vo, half calf. London: Richard Bentley, 1845 First Edition. THOREAU, HENRY Davip. Cape Cod. With ddlustra- tions from sketches in colors by Amelia M. Watson. 2vols. Crown 8vo, three-quarter crushed blue levant, gilt, top edges gilt. Boston and New York: Houghton, Mifflin & Co., 1896 THOREAU, HENRY Davip. The Service. Edited by F. B. Sanborn. 8vo, half vellum, uncut. Boston : Chas. E. Goodspeed, 1902 No. 12 of twenty copies printed on Japan paper. THREE SIXTEENTH CENTURY RARITIES. Viz:—The Complete Angler; or, The Contemplative Man’s Recreation. By Izaak Walton. Being a Facsimile of the First Edition Published in 1653. Jtlustrated. The Temple. Sacred Poems and Private Ejaculations. By George Herbert. Being a Facsimile Reprint of the First Edition, with an In- troduction by Rev. Alex B. Grosart. The Pilgrim’s Progress, as Originally Published by John Bunyan. Being a Facsimile Reproduction of the First Edition. 3 vols. 12mo, full crushed green levant, gilt backs and sides, vellum doublé, with gold borders, top edges gilt, uncut, by Ramage. London: Elliot Stock, N. D Printed on pure vellum. Being No 4 of six copes pub- lished. and beautifully bound by Ramage. TOCQUEVILLE, ALEXIS DE. Democracy in America. Translated by Henry Reeve, Esq. A New Edition, with an Introductory Notice by the Translator. 2vols. 8vo, half brown levant, gilt, top edges gilt, by Oldach Co, London: Longman, Green, Longman & Roberts, 1862 318 319 320 age 68 TROLLOPE, ANTHONY. ‘The Novels and Tales of. J//us- trated with photogravures. 28 vols. 16mo, half calf, gilt, top edges gilt. New York: Dodd, Mead & Co., 1893-8 TROLLOPE, Mrs. Domestic Manners of the Americans. Lllustrated with numerous full-page lithographic plates. Sec- ond Edition. 2vols. 8vo, three-quarter morocco calf, gilt, gilt edges, by Root & Son. Pe : London: Printed for Whittaker, Treacher & Co., 1832 TRUMBULL, JOHN. ‘The Poetical Works of. Containing McFingal. A Modern Epic Poem. Revised and Corrected, with Copious Explanatory Notes The Progress of Dull- ness, and a Collection of Poems on Various Subjects, Writ- ten Before and During the Revolutionary War. J/lustrated with the numerous fine plates by Tisdale and portrait by Maverick. 2vols. 8vo, full crushed green levant, gilt titles, inside dentelle borders, top edges gilt, uncut, by Canaze. Hartford, 1820 TYNDALE TESTAMENT. ‘The New Testament of Our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ, Published in 1526, being the First Translation from the Greek into English, by that Eminent Scholar and Martyr William Tyndale. Reprinted Verbatim, with a Memoir of his Life and Writings by George Offor; together with the Proceedings and Corre- spondence of Henry VIII, Sir T. Moore and Lord Cromwell. With colored portratt and tlluminations. Small 4to, full morrocco, antique, giltedges. London: Samuel Bagster, 1836 One of twenty-five copies specially printed and illuminated. Author’s Autograph Edition of the Universal Anthology. 322 NIVERSAL AnruHorocy (THE). A Collection of the Best Literature, Ancient, Medizeval and Modern. With Biographical and Explanatory Notes. Edited by Richard Garnett, Leon Vallée and Alois Brandl. Jilus- trated with numerous full-page photogravures, in two states (Japan proofs and Folland paper proofs), some of which are colored. With Index. 33 vols. Imperial 8vo, full crushed crimson levant, gilt backs and sides in floral design, inside dentelle borders, Morris paper fly-leaves, top edges gilt, uncut. Published by The Clarke Company, Limited, London, ete., N. D. Lhe Author's Autograph Edition. Limited to one hundred sets, of which this 1s No 5. Autograph presentation copy from Richard Garnett, the editor, to H. T. Goodwin, with the autograph inscription on fly-leaf. 69 Japan Edition of Vanderbilt’s House and Collection. 234 ANDERBILT’S (MR.) House and Collection, Des- cribed by Edward Strahan. Jllustrated with Thirty Superb Plates in Colors, many from Etchings and Full- page Photogravures, Lilustrating the many Art Treasures, and Architectural Beauties of the Mansion. 10 sections, in portfolios, half morocco, red satin doublé. Philadelphia: George Barvie, N. D. Japan edition Limited to five hundred copies, of which this 1s No 109. 324 VicNy, Count ALFRED. Conq-Mars; or, A Conspiracy under Louis XIII. ‘Translated by William Hazlitt. 12mo, half roan. London, 1847 Name cut from title. 325 VIRGINIA. The Case of the Planters of Tobacco in Virginia, as represented by Themselves; signed by the President of the Council, and Speaker of the House of Burgesses, to which is added a Vindication of the Said Representatives. 8vo, half straight-grained morocco, uncut, London: Printed for J. Roberts in Warwick-Lane, 1733 Very rare. 326 VOICES OF THE SUMMER. Poems Selected from the Works of Byron, Shelley, Drayton, Keats, Dora Greenwell Rogers, etc. Jdlustrated with stxtcen full-page etchings after original drawings by Sir J. £. Miltats. - 4to, cloth. Edinburgh, 1899 “The Immortals ” Edition of Voltaire’s Works. Limited to forty sets. 327 WVOLTAIRE. The Works of. A Contemporary Version. With Notes by Tobias Smollett, Revised aud Modernized. New Translations by William F. Fleming, and an Introduc- tion by Oliver H. G. Leigh, a Critique and Biography by the Rt. Hon. John Morley. /llustrated with two hundred designs, comprising reproductions of rare old engravings, steel plates, photogravures, and curious facsimiles. 42 vols. 8vo, full crushed brown levant, blind tooled, mottled calf doublé, with rich gold borders, watered silk fly leaves, top edges gilt, uncut. E. BR. Du Mont, Paris, London, New York, Chicago, N. D ‘“ The Immortals” Edition Limited to forty sets, of which this is No 3. Specially bound for Mr. Goodwin, 328 329 33° 33! 33? 333 70 VOLTAIRE. Candide; or, All for the Best. A New Translation from the French, with Introduction, by Walter Jerrold. Jllustrated with vignettes by Adrien Moreau. 8vo, full, canary colored silk, top edge gilt, uncut. London: George Redway, 1898 One of six hundred copies printed. ALLACE, LEW. ‘The Fair God. A Tale of the Con- quest of Mexico. Jilustrated by Eric Pope and orna- mentations in colors. 2vols. Royal, 8vo, full embossed lambskin, gilt, top edges gilt, uncut. Boston and New York: Houghton, Mifflin & Co., 1899 Author's autograph edition, signed by the author, of which only two hundred and fifty copies were printed. This is No. 63. WALTON, IZAAK, AND CoTrTron, CHARLES. The Complete Angler; or, The Contemplative Man’s Recreation. J//us- trated. Vondon, 1825. The Lives of Donne, Walton, Hawkes, Herbert and Sanderson. Written by Izaak Wal- ton. fortratt. London, 1827. 2vols. 24mo, original cloth, uncut, London: Wm. Pickering, 1825-27 Pickering's beautiful diamond-type edition. WASHINGTON, GEORGE. Official Letters to the Honorable American Congress. Written during the War between the United Colonies and Great Britain. 2vols. 8vo, original calf. New York, 1796 Name on title of Vol. I]. WASHINGTON, GEORGE. ‘The Writings of. Collected and Edited by Worthington Chauncy Ford. 12 vols. 8vo, three-quarter crushed red levant, gilt, top edges gilt, uncut. New York and London: G. P. Putnam’s Sons, 1889 Letterpress edition Seven hundred and jilty copies printed, This 1s No. 749 WATSON, JOHN F. Annals of Philadelphia and Pennsyl- vania in the Olden Time. Being a Collection of Memoirs, Anecdotes and Incidents of the City and its Inhabitants, and of the Earliest Settlements of the Inland Part of Penn- sylvania, from the Days of the Founders. J/ustrated. 2 vols. 8yo, boards, uncut, Philadelphia, 1868 re al le ee ee ON eee ee ee gins 334 WILSON AND BONAPARTE’S AMERICAN ORNITHOLOGY or, The Natural History of the Birds of the United States. Illustrated with plates engraved and colored from original drawings from nature, by Alex Wilson and Charles Lucian Bonaparte » with A Sketch of the Life of Wilson, by George Ord, and a Classification of the Genera and Species of American Birds, by Spencer F. Baird. 3 vols. Text, im- perial 8vo, and 1 vol. colored plates. Folio. Together, 4 vols. Half morocco, top edges gilt, uncut. Philadelphia: Porter & Coates, N. D 335 WILSON, JAMES GRANT. Bryant and His Friends. Some Reminiscences of the Knickerbocker Writers. Itlus- trated with numerous portraits and facsimiles. Ato, three-quarter crushed blue levant, gilt, top edges gilt. New York: Fords, Howard & Hulbert, 1886 Large-paper edition. Limued to one hundred and ninety- five copies, of which this is No go. 336 WILSON, PROFESSOR. The Works of. Viz.: Noctes Ambrosianz, Recreation of Christopher North, Tales, Poet- ical Works, and Essays. ortrazt. 12 vols. 12mo, half crushed blue levant, gilt, top edges gilt. Wm. Blackwood & Sons, Edinburgh, 1863 Autograph Edition of Winsor’s Narrative and Critical History. 337. WINSOR, JUSTIN. Narrative and Critical History of America. Jilustrated with thousands of facsimiles of rare old engravings, maps and plans, numerous portraits, etc. 8 vols. in 16. 4to, three-quarter crushed dark olive levant, gilt, top edges gilt, uncut. Boston and New York: Houghton, Mifflin & Co.,N.D Large-paper edition, Signed by the author, of which only five hundred and fifty copies were printed. This ts No. 303. 338 ANOTHER COPY. Regular Edition. 8 16. Imperial 8vo, half morocco, gilt, top edges gilt. 339 WOLLEY, CHARLES. A Two Years’ Journal in New : York, and Part of its Territories in America. Reprinted from the Original Edition of 1701, with an Introduction and Notes by Edward Gaylord Bourne. 8vo, boards, uncut. Only two hundred and fifty copies printed. This is No. 152. Cleveland, 1902 340 341 342 72 Wor Lp’s Great Books. Containing: DeTocqueville’s Democracy in America, Hallam’s Middle Ages, Montes- quieu’s Spirit of the Laws, Stowe’s Uncle Tom's Cabin, Discourses and Meditations by Epictetus and Aurelius, Orations and Essays by Demosthenes and Cicero, Great Orations, Great Essays, Burke’s Orations, Nicolette and Aucassin, Paul and Virginia, Undine and Sintram, Froude’s Julius Cesar, Essays on Astronomy, De Quincey’s Opium Hater, Herodotus’ Ancient History, Manzini’s Betrothd, Grifin’s Collegians, Heine’s Pictures of Travel, Byron’s Childe Harold, Pope’s Homer’s Iliad, A’Kempis’ Imitation of Christ, Great English Plays, Greek Dramas, Ruskin’s Seven Lamps of Architecture, Dana’s Four Years’ Before the Mast, Franklin’s Autobiography and Assyrian and Babylo- nian Literature. ///ustrated. 29 vols. 8vo, half morocco, gilt, top edges gilt. D. Appleton & Co., New York, 1901 ‘WorLp’s GREAT Ciassics. Beautifully illustrated with colored and plain plates and illuminated tztle-pages.. Contain- ing Dialogues of Plato. With Introduction by the translator, Benjamin Jowett. 1 vol. The Spirit of Laws. By Baron de Montesquieu. ‘Translated by Thomas Nugent. And Physics and Politics. By Walter Bagehot. 2 vols. Democracy in America. By Alexis de Tocqueville. Trans- lated by Henry Reeve. With Special Introductions by John T. Morgan and John J. Ingalls. 2 vols. Advance- ment of Learning and Novum Organum. By Francis Bacon. With Special Introduction by James E. Creighton. t vol. Principles of Political Economy. By John Stuart Mill. With Special Introduction by A... Hadley. 2 vols. Critique of Pure Reason. By Immantel Kant. With Introduction by the translator, J. M. D. Meiklejohn. 1 vol. And The Philosophy of History. By George W. F. Hegel. With Prefaces by Charles Hegel and J. \Sibree. I vol, ! \ 10 vols. 8vo, half red morocco, gilt, top edge gilt. The Colonial Press, New York, 1890 WORLD’S GREAT CuAssics. Beautifully illustrated with colored and plain plates. Containing Orations of Demos- thenes ; with Introductions by the Translator, Thos. Le- land. 1 vol.—Orations of Marcus Tullius Cicero. Trans- lated by Chas. D. Yonge; with Special Introduction by Chas. H. Ohly. 1 vol.—Orations of American Orators, in- cluding Biographical and Critical Sketches; with Special Introduction by Julian Hawthorne. 2 vols.—Essays of American Essayists, including Biographical and Critical Sketches ; with a Special Introduction by C. C. Stark- See ee 343 344 345 73 weather. 1 vol. Essays of British Essayists, including Biographical and Critical Sketches ; with a Special Intro- duction by C. C. Starkweather. 2 vols.—Kssays of French, German and Italian Essayists, including Biographical and Critical Sketches; with a Special Introduction by Chauncy C. Starkweather. 1 vol. 10 vols. 8vo, half morocco, gilt, top edges gilt. The Colonial Press, New York, 1899 Wortp’s GREAT Cuassics. Beautifully illustrated with colored and plain plates. Containing History of Europe During the Middle Ages. By Henry Hallam. With Special Introduction by A. R. Marsh. And Modern History. By Jules Michelet. With Special Introduction by William MacDonald. 3 vols. A Short History of the English People. By John Richard Green. With a Special Intro- duction by Albert S. Cook. And History of Civilization in Europe. By F. P. G. Guizot. With Special Introduction by Paul Van Dyke. 3 vols. The French Revolution. By Thomas Carlyle. With a Special Introduction by Julian Hawthorne. 2 vols———Ancient History. By George Rawlinson. With a Special Introduction by William Te McDowell. 1 vol.-—— And Decisive Battles of the World. By Edward S. Creasy. With a Special Introduction and Supplemental Chapters on the Battles of Gettysburg, Sedan, Santiago and Manila, by J. G. Spied. 10 vols. 8vo, half morocco, gilt, top edges gilt. The Colonial Press, New York, 1899 WorLD’s MASTERPIECES OF MODERN PAINTING. Se- lected from the Great Art Exhibitions of all Nations. Edited by Chevalier John Sartain. Illustrated with one hun- dred full-page photogravures and one facsimile in colors. 2 vols. in 25 sections. - Philadelphia: William Finley & Co., N. D. SHAKESPEARE, WILLIAM. Works of. Edited by Rev. Alexander Dyce. Life of the Poet, Explanatory Notes and Glossary by the Editor. Illustrated with colored and plain plates. Vols. Land Il. 8vo, full stained calf, elaborately gilded packs and sides, in- laid with green levant, white levant doublé, with rich gold borders, watered- silk fly-leaves, top edges gilt. Merrill & Baker, London and New York Great Author's Edition. Limited to twelve sets, each of which is named for and dedicated to a great impersonator of Shakespearian characters. This copy ts dedicated to Edmund Kean. Specially bound for N. T, Goodwin. 74 345A CoOWPER. Poems by William Cowper, of the Inner Temple, Esq. 2vols. 8vo, full contemporary calf, gilt. London: Printed for J. Johnson, No. 72 St. Paul’s Church-Yard, 1782 first edition of the ‘‘ Poems?’ and the second edition of ‘ The Lask.’’ A very interesting set, presented by Cowper to Mrs. Courtenay (afterwards Lady T, hrockmorton), and handed on to Dr. Robertson as a memento of Lady Throckmorton. It contains his autograph and George Courtenay’s autograph and bookplate, besides an interesting note by Dr. Robertson, etc., bearing on the history of the volumes. 345B_ ROWLANDSON. The Old English ’Squire; ‘A Jovial, 346 347 Gay Fox Hunter, Bold, Frank and Free.” as°! Lucy,’’ as ©’ Constantia,’ as ‘‘ Hoyden ;’’ and 271 rare portraits and views, including Mrs. Jordan, stipple ; Mrs. Brown, stipple, by Scott; Mrs. Siddons, mezzotinto, by Turner ; Mr. Barrymore, stipple ; Miss Mellon, stipple, by Hopwood; Miss Jordan as Pricilla, line, by Angus ; Mrs. Alsop as Rosalind, stipple, by Thomson; Mr. Cherry as Lazarillo, stipple, by Ridley; Mrs. Robinson (reclining), stipple, by Adlard; F. H. Kelly, stipple, by Thomson ; Mrs. Jordan, stipple, by Ridley, etc. Also twenty-two original play bills and numerous other insertions of adver- tisements. ‘Title pages, articles from books, etc., all apper- taining to the work, and an a. z. s. of Mrs. Jordan. All neatly inlaid when necessary. Forming three unique and handsome volumes. gO Unique Extra Illustrated Copy of the Life of Hdmund Kean. 39! KEAN, EDMUND. The Life of. J/lustrated with original drawings, caricatures, autograph letters, portraits, play bills, etc. 8 vols. Thick royal folio, full crushed green levant, elaborate emblematic gold tooling on back and sides, broad inside gold borders, gilt edges, in slip covers. London, N, D A sumptuous and unique copy of The Life of Edmund Kean, enlarged from octavo size, and extra illustrated and extended into eight large and thick folio volumes by the insertion of one hundred and forty autograph letters, including a. 7. s. of Noverre, the playwright, with fine stipple portrait in colors; a. /. s. of Henry Angelo (2); a. d. s. of John Philip Kemble, with fine portrait, stip- ple, by Gardiner ; a. 7. s. of John Richardson ; manuscript, (original) of Kean’s part in‘‘The Review,’”’ prompter’s copy ; a.l.s. of Captain Marryat; a./.s. of Mrs. Siddons; a. JZ. s. of Mrs. Edmund Kean, née Mary Chambers (4); copy of the marriage certificate of Edmund Kean (1833) ; a. /. s. of James Sheridan Knowles (3) ; a. /. s. of T. C. Grattan; a. /. s. of Charles J. Kean, (11) with fine portrait in colors, (auto- graph presentation copy from C. J. Kean to J. G. Harley); a.é.s. of James Tokely; a. Jl. s. of Mrs. Jordan; a. J. s. of Samuel Arnold, manager of Drury Lane, with fine colored portrait, by Ridley; a. /. s. of Mr. Le Kain, with fine col- ored aquatint portrait ; a./. s. of J. G. Raymond, (2) ;a./.s. of W. H. Oxberry ; a. Z. s. of Edmund Kean, (10) Sanches of Charles Mathews (to Kdmund Kean, in reference to a Shakespeare monument) ; a. /. s. of ‘Thomas Moore, the poet, (3); a@. 2. s. of William Hazlitt, (3); a./.s. of Mrs. KE. M. Garrick ; a. 7. s. of Theodore Hook ; a. J. s. of Samuel Coleridge, the poet ; a. Z. s. of Joseph Munden, (2); a. J. s. of Fanny Kemble ; a. /. s. of Samuel Whitebread ; a. /. s. of Miss Eliza O’Neill; a. Z. s. of Mr. Garrick; a.J. s. of John Bannister ; a. 7. s. of Mary Kean; a. J. s. of John P. Kemble ; a. 7. s. of W. H. Oxberry ; a. Zs. of Charles Incle- don; a. /. s. of George Coleman; a. /. s. of J. W. Wallack (4) ; a. 2. s. of Junius Brutus Booth ; a. /. s. of Talma, (4); a.l.s. of Miss EK. W. Macauly; a. J. s. of T. S. Dowton; a.l.s.of R.W. Elliston, (2); a. 2. 5s. of Samuel Phelps; a.l.s. of Joanna Baillie ; a. /. s. of Julia Glover, (2)3iaet eben Charles M. Young; a. /. 5. of Miss M. Jarman; a. J. s. of Fanny Kemble; a. /. s. of Dr. J. Doran; a. Z. 5. of James Vining; | a.l.s. of J. R. Anderson ; a. /. s. of J. P. Warde, etc., all of which bear more or less upon the career of Edmund Kean, and for the most part, addressed to him. His own letters are exceedingly interesting, and were written mostly during the period of his greatest popularity. There are also numerous 391 gt KEAN, EpMuNpD—Continued. contemporary manuscripts, including a diary, from day to day, of Mr. Kean’s whereabouts and actions. The portraits, which number one hundred and seventy- eight, have been selected on account of their rarity, and embrace many of Kean, mostly in costume, as well as those of his contemporaries, and include Mr. Charles Bannister, mezzotinto; Mr. Kean’s imitation of Henderson’s Hamlet, etching, 1786; John Kemble, etched; George III., mezzo- tinto, by Houston; Mrs. Siddons, line, signed proof, by Graves; Mr. Beverly as Terry, etching, in colors, by Roberts ; Master Betty as Norval, line, folio, proof before all letters ; Mrs. Jordan, stipple in red, by Bartolozzi, folio; Kean as Richard III., in colors; S. Whitebread, mezzotinto, proof, by S. W. Reynolds, folio; John Bannister, mezzotinto, by Clint, folio; Kean as Richard, etching in colors; Kean as Richard III., decorated with silk and spangles; Kean as Richard III, folio mezzotinto, in colors; Mr. Kean as Gloster, stipple in colors, published by Turner ; Kemble as Richard, stipple, folio ; Mrs. Siddons, by Lane; Mr. Cooke as Richard, etching in colors, by Dighton; John Philip Kemble as Hamlet, mezzotinto, by Dawe; Mrs. Garrick, stipple in colors, by Sherlock; Mr. Kean as Othello, stipple in colors (three different portraits); Kean as Macbeth, stipple in colors (three different portraits); Miss O’Neill as Juliet, in colors, by Lane; Miss Walstein as Rosalind, in colors, by Heath, folio; Kean as Gloster, in colors, with silk and spangles; Frederick Reynolds, mezzotinto, by Doo, folio; Mr. Loston, mezzotinto, by Sadd, folio; Mr. Loston in Paul Pry, in colors, folio; John Bannister, mezzotinto, printed in colors, by Smith, folio; Mr. Kean as Sir Giles Overreach, in colors; Miss O’Neill as Belvidera, stipple, printed in colors, by Meyer, folio; David Garrick, mezzotinto, by McArdell, folio; Kean as Sir Edward Mortimer, in colors, folio; Mr. Conway, mezzotinto, by Say, folio ; Joseph Grant Raymond, mezzotinto, folio; Mr. Kean as Barabas, by Cruikshank, in colors; Mr. Kean as Brutus, by Cruikshank, in colors; Kean as Brutus, stipple in colors, by Stump, folio; Kean as Lucius, by Dighton, in colors, folio; Miss Kelly as Annette, in colors, by Peake, folio; Robert Burns, stipple, by Thomson, folio; John Kemble as Cariolanus, mezzotinto, by Burgess; Shakespeare, line, by Martin Droeshout; a view of Cook’s Tomb, aquatint in colors, by Smith, folio; Michael Kelly, mezzotinto, by Turner, folio ; John Bannister, mezzotinto, by Smith, folio; Francois Talma, line, by Girard; Charles Kean as Claude Melnotte, folio; Charles Kean as Richard, by ‘Taylor, in colors; Charles Kean as Louis XI., in colors, folio; Miss Fanny Kemble, 391 392 593 92 KEAN, EpMuND—Continued. folio; death of Edmund Kean, the only known copy, for- merly the property of J. W. Cole; Mr. Frederick Vining as Felix, in colors, by Brookes; Kean as Macbeth, stipple, by Meyer, folio. The Play Bills, number 115, commencing with that of the Theatre Royal, Haymarket, Wednesday, Aug. 2, 1780, till Feb. 14, 1833, when he, Kean, appeared at the Theatre Royal, Brighton, as Othello. There are also 12 original water colors and drawings, 9 views, 23 large caricatures, many by George Cruikshank. The work was extra illustrated by the late Augustin Daly. All the portraits were selected by him personally, and not inserted unless they had a certain degree of merit as to their artistic worth, or else were of a rare and scarce nature. With the work are bound many rare pamphlets, hundreds of newspaper clippings bearing on the subject, pertinent advertisements, broadsides, etc. We have mentioned above some of the rarities in the portraits and letters, but a per- sonal examination is necessary to fully appreciate the unique character of the work, every page of which has been pre- pared with a special border. The title-pages are drawn and illustrated by hand. Law, Ernest. The History of Hampton Court Palace, Tudor Times, Stuart Times, and Orange and Guelph Times. Lilustrated with engravings, etchings, maps and plans. 6vols. Square 8vo, full crushed crimson levant, gilt backs, gold lines on sides, inside dentelle borders, Morris paper fly-leaves, polished gilt edges, in slip cases, London: George Bell & Sons, 1877 Extra illustrated by the insertion of one hundred and forty portraits and views. and twenty original portraits in India ink and sepia. All the illustrations have been carefully selected and neatly inlaid when necessary. LEECH. Frith, William Powell. John Leech: His Life and Work. With portrait and numerous illustrations. 3 vols. 8vo, full crushed dark green levant, gilt backs, gold lines on sides, top edges gilt, by Riviere, London: Richard Bentley & Son, 1891 Extra ulustrated and extended from two into three volumes by the insertion of two hundred and thirty five prints and letters including fifty five portraits, one hundred and eighty- two etchings (twenty four colored). fourteen woodcuts and four autograph letters of Douglas Jerrold. Sir John Paxton, Sohn Leech and John Forster. The third volume is composed en- tively of etchings from the most noted books illustrated by Leech All the plates have been selected with great care; with the“ ex libris” of William Crampton in each volume. ee ee ee 93 394 LE SaGE’s Adventures of Gil Blas of Santillane. Trans- 395 396 lated from the French, by T. Smollett, and 7///ustrated by Jean Gigoux. 2vols. 8vo, full crushed red levant, emblematic gold tooling on backs and sides, crushed green levant doublé with rich gold borders, figured silk and Morris paper fiy-leaves, top edges gilt, uncut, by David, in slip case. London: J.J. Dubochet, N. D. Extra illustrated by the insertion of the scarce full-page engravings from designs by Gavarnt The serwes of proof plates by Colin, and the characteristic etchings by De Los Rios. Elegantly bound by the celebrated David. Lmwis, LADY THERESA. Extracts from the Journals and Correspondence of Miss Berry. From the Year 1783 to 1852. Edited by. Second Hdition. /dlustrated. 3 vols. 8vo, full polished light calf, gilt backs, gold lines on sides, inside dentelle borders, by Morredd, London: Longmans, Green & Co., 1860 Extra illustrated by the insertion of one hundred and two portraits and views, embracing the portrarts of the most pro- minent characters during the American Kevolution, the Napo- leontc Wars, and French Revolution, the early reign of Victoria, as well as including the great literary characters of the time, all carefully selected, and neatly inlaid when NECESSATY . MontTHOLON, GENERAL Count. History of the Captivity of Napoleon at St. Helena. ///ustrated. 4vols. 8vo, full crushed green levaut, elaborate emblematic gold tooling on backs and sides, with the Napoleon arms in centre, white levant doublé, decorated with floral designing violets in gold and violet colored levant, green watered silk fly-leaves, top edges gilt, uncut, by Roussede. London: Henry Colburn, London, 1846 The best edition. Extra tllustrated by the insertion of one hundred and eighty-five superb portratts, many tn colors. The portraits include a great number of India paper proofs, among which may be found portraits of Napoleon, stipple, in colors, by Roger; Jerome Napoleon, stipple, in colors; Josephine, stipple, in colors, by Godfrey; Massena, stipple, by Bonneville ; Joseph Napoleon, stipple, in colors, by Noel; Charles Fox, stipple, by Bonneville; Joachim Napoleon, stipple, in colors, by Simon; Bonaparte, stipple, by Bonneville; Alexander I., stipple, in colors; Pichegru, stipple, by Bonneville ; Napoleon at St. Helena, by Delaistre, in colors, etc.; every portrait being selected with special care, both as to their quality and condition, many being exceedingly scarce, and all of a proper size without the necessity of inlaying. It would be a difficult task indeed to duplicate the work. B97 398 4h )) 400 94 MUNDEN, JOSEPH SHEPHERD. Memoirs of, Comedian. By His Son. 3 vols. 8vo, full crushed dark blue levant, emblematic gold tooling, inside dentelle borders, top edges gilt, by Riviere. London: Richard Bentley, 1844 Extra illustrated and extended into three volumes by the insertion of two hundred and fifty prints. The prints are mostly rare portraits of actors and actresses, including Joseph S. Munden, by Cook; Mr. Parsons, by Parker; Francis Bartolozzi, by Scriven; Mrs. Fawcet as Queen Elizabeth, in colors; Mrs. Inchbald, by Walker; Mr. Grimaldi, by Cruikshank; Mr. Braham, by Thomson; Mrs. H. Johnston, in colors, by Page; Miss Bolton, by Armytage; Mrs. Glover as Norna of the Fitful Head, in colors; Edmund Kean as Shylock, in colors; Miss Stephens, by Armytage; Mr. Harley, by Ridley, etc.; all neatly mounted and inlaid, with specially printed title pages. PENNANT, THOMAS. Some Acconnt of London, West- minster, and Southwest. J//ustvated with portratts, views, historical prints, medals, etc., together with an Appendix and Index. Many of the portraits printed in colors. 4vols. 4t0, contemporary Russia, gilt, gilt edges. London, 1814 Only one hundred and seventy-five copies printed in quarto without any illustrations. This copy is extra illustrated by the insertion of over two hundred and fifty fine and rare portraits and views of the most interesting character, including quite a number of mezzotinto portraits printed in colors, by Dunkarton, Earlom and Turner. The whole forming an unique work of the greatest historical interest, as well as affording fine specimens of many of the early English engravers. RABELAIS, FRANCIS. The Works of. ‘Translated from the French and Illustrated with Explanatory Notes by M. Le Du Chat and others. Portratt on title. 4vols. 12mo, half morocco, gilt, top edges gilt, uncut. London: Printed for T. Evan, 1784 Extra ilustrated with numerous rare old engravings and etchings. RERESBY, SIR JOHN, BART. The Travels and Memoirs of. The former (now first published) Exhibiting a View of the Government and Society in the Principal States and Courts of Europe during the Time of Cromwell’s Usurpa- tion ; the latter containing Anecdotes and Secret History of 401 402 403 95 the Courts of Charles II and James II. Jllustrated with forty portraits and views of the most remarkable persons and places mentioned. 8vo, full crushed crimson levant, elaborate gilt backs and sides, inside den- telle borders, Morris paper fly-leaves, gilt edges. London: Printed for Edward Jeffrey, 1813 Very scarce. Large paper copy, many of the plates are colored, and has four extra and rare portraits inserted. ROBINSON, HENRY CRABB. Diary, Reminiscences and Correspondence of, Barrister-at-Law, F.S.A. Selected and Edited by Thomas Sadler. 6 vols. 8vo, full crushed green levant, gilt backs, gold bands on sides, in- side dentelle borders, top edges gilt, uncut, by Larkins. London: Macmillan & Co., 1869 Extra illustrated and extended into six volumes by the in- sertion af two hundred and fifty fine portratts, all selected with cave, including many of constderable rarity. ROBSON, WILLIAM. ‘The Old Play-Goer. 8vo, full crushed crimson levant, gilt back, gold lines on sides, inside den. telle borders, top edge gilt, by Rizvzere. London, 1846 Extra illustrated by the insertion of sixty-eight portratts, mostly of theatrical characters. The portraits include Mr. Kemble as King Richard, by Thornthwaite, colored; Lord Byron, by Meyer; Charles Kemble, by Thomson; Mr. Fawcett as Touchstone, by Ridley; Mr. Liston in Paul, by Jones, in colors; Nell Gwynne; Mrs. Glover, by Cardon; Mrs. Dickens as Rosina; Kean as Richard, by Cruikshank, in colors, etc. All neatly inlaid when necessary. SARGENT, WINTHROP. The Life and Career of Major John André, Adjutant-General of the British Army in America. 3 vols. 8vo, full crushed crimson levant, gilt titles, inside gold borders, top edges gilt. Boston: Ticknor & Field, 1861 Extra illustrated and extended into three volumes by the tn- sertion of over three hundred engravings, mostly portratis. The engravings include many of considerable rarity, and embrace a full set of the portraits from Murray’s History of the American War. Nearly all the prominent American and English officers who served during the American Revo- lution, including several of Washington and Major André, as well as portraits of Honora Sneyd (André’s lady love), andot his friends, many being fine impressions of such as appeared contemporaneously in the European Magazine. Sy pete oo Pr = — See Sa em 96 404 SEELEY, L. B. Horace Walpole and His World. Select Passages from his Letters. Edited by. With eight tllustra- tions after Str Joshua Reynolds and Sir Thomas Lawrence. gg Square 8vo, full crushed maroon levant, gilt title, inside dentelle borders, Morris paper fly-leaves, polished gilt edges, by Broca, in morocco slip case, London: Seeley, Jackson & Halliday, 1884 sag a ea EC — le OI nlp Pa ae, Lixtra illustrated by the insertion of thirty fine portraits and vlews. , 405 STONE, Mrs. Chronicles of Fashion, from the Time of Elizabeth to the Early Part of the 19th Century, in Manners, Amusements, Banquets, Costumes, Etc. Jllustrated. 2vols. 8vo, full crushed green levant, gilt backs, gold lines on sides, inside dentelle borders, top edge gilt, uncut, by Riviere. London: Kichard Bentley, 1845 LS yee mene © Extra illustrated by the insertion of eighty carefully selected portratts, of celebrated male and female characters, who flour- tshed during the eventful period mentioned in the work, tnclud- ing some fine proofs and many that are very rare, as well as | 4 some that are beautifully colored. 406 STOTHARD, THomaAs. The Life of. With Personal Remi- niscences by Mrs. Bray. With numerous illustrations from his works. 3vols. Square 8vo, full calf, gilt, red labels, inside gold borders, top edges gilt. London: John Murray, 1851 Extra illustrated and extended from one into three volumes, by the insertion of over three hundred engravings, from the designs by Stothard, used tn illustrating various scarce books and magazines, such as Tom Jones, Robinson Crusoe, The Novelist’s Magazine, The Ladies’ Poetical Magazine, The Arabian Nights, Don Quixote, The Rambler, Sir Charles Grandtson, The Perstan Letters, Shakespeare, The British Theatre, Etc. 407 STOTHARD, CHARLES. The Life of. With Personal Reminiscences by Mrs. Bray. With xumerous illustrations r Srom his works. Square 8vo, full crushed blue levant, gilt backs, gold lines on sides, inside dentelle borders, top edge gilt, by Morrel2. London: John Murray, 1851 Extra tllustrated with seventy superb India proofs of eng rav- ‘ ings from the designs by Stothard. FACSIMILE OF BINDING, BY DAVID, ON ‘‘GULLIVER’S TRAVELS.” LOT NO. 408% oF Jonathan Swift. First Edition of Gulliver’s Travels. 408 409 (Swirt, JONATHAN.) ‘Travels into Several Remote Na- tions of the World. In Four Parts. By Lemuel Gulliver, First a Surgeon, and then a Captain of Several Ships. or- trait and plates. 2vols. 8vo, full crushed crimson levant, gilt backs and beautifully gilded sides, inlaid with green levant, blue levant doublé, richly gilded, colored brocaded silk fly-leaves, polished gilt over marbled edges, by David. London: Printed for Benj. Motte, at the Middle Temple-Gate, in Fleet- Street. MDCCXXVI. Fine, clean copy of the first edition (exceedingly rare), with both titles, dated 1726. The title of Volume 2 differs from that in Volume r,in the printer’s address, on Volume 2 ‘‘in Fleet-Street’’ is left off. This ts a peculiarity of the first edition, each volume ts separately pagenated. This copy ts in a remarkably clean condition. The book being very popular, most copies through that reason are in a dilapidated or tmper- fect condition. Extra illustrated by the insertion of the set of etchings by Lefebvre and Lalauze. See facsimile of binding. THACKERAY, WILLIAM Maxeprack. An Essay on the Genius of George Cruikshank. With amerous illustrations of his works ( from the Westminster Review, No. LXVI), with additional etchings. 3 vols. 4to, full crushed crimson levant, gilt backs, gold lines on sidcs, in- side gold borders, gilt edges, by Morre//. Henry Hooper, 13 Pall Mall East, 1840 Inlaid into 3 vols., gto, and extra illustrated and extended by the insertion of three hundred and twenty-stx plates, tnclua- ing ninety colored etchings and sixty-four proofs, with extra title pages drawn by hand. Among the illustrations will be found many that are very rare, including ‘‘ A Select Civil Committee,” in colors; “Vaux Hall Fete,” in colors; ‘‘Mr. Kean as Richard the Third,’ in colors; ‘‘A Grand Manceuvre ; or, The Rogues March to the Island of Elba,’’ in colors; ‘‘ The Last March of the Conscripts,’’ in colors; ‘‘Ivan Ivanitz Chabert,’’ in colors; ‘‘ A Visit to Cockney Farm,’ in colors; ‘‘ The Catch Purse Expedition,” in colors; ‘* Eccentric Tales from the Germans,’’ set of 20 colored plates ; “‘ The Cato Sireet Conspirators,’’? in colors; ‘‘A French Hilt on a Spanish Rapier,’’ in colors; ‘t Punch and Judy,’’ 10 colored plates ; ‘Demonology and Witchcraft,” 12 plates; “ Sketches by © Boz,” 12 plates. Copies of 26 water color drawings, illus- trating Oliver Twist, in the possession of Joseph Gregg, (7) 98 with the inscriptions in the autograph of Joseph Gregg, and copies of the etchings of the same; illustrations to Jack Sheppard; The Bottle, with all the plates, being an auto- graph presentation copy from George Cruikshank, with original covers; plates of Hop-o’-my-Thumb, Jack and the Bean Stalk, Cinderella, and Puss in Boots, etc., etc. All neatly mounted, forming one of the most interesting me- mentos of the great artist possible to be had, including many items of an unique character. Elegantly bound. 410 THEATRICAL BouguEeT (THE). Containing an Alpha- betical Arrangement of the Prologues and Epilogues, which have been Published by Distinguished Wits, from the Time that Colley Cibber first came on the Stage to the Present Year. Crown 8vo, full crushed green levant, gilt back and sides, inside dentelle borders, top edge gilt, by Riviere. London: Printed for T. Lowndes, 1780 Extra tlustrated by the insertion of sixty vare and scarce portraits, mostly of theatrical characters, all neatly inlaid when necessary. 411 ‘TICKNOR, GrorGHE. Life, Letters and Journals of. Lllustrated. 2vols, 8vo, full light calf, gilt backs and sides, inside dentelle borders, top edges gilt. Boston: Jas. R. Osgood & Co., 1876 Extra wlustrated by the insertion of eighty five interesting portraits of eminent literary and ether characters, both of Europe and America. ? 412 TIFFIN, WALTER F. Gossip about Portraits. Princi- pally Engraved Portraits. 8vo, full crushed maroon levant, gilt back, gold lines on sides, inside den- telle borders, top edge gilt, by St7keman. London: H. G. Bohn, 1866 Extra illustrated by the insertion of numerous fine portratts, many of which are quite rare. 413. TRELAWNY, EDWARD JouNn. Records of Shelley, Byron and the Author. 2vols. 8vo, full crushed light brown levant, gilt backs and sides, broad in- side gold borders, top edges gilt, by Joust. London : Basil Montague Pickering, 1878 Extra ulustrated by the insertion of the autograph letter, signed by the author in reference to Rossetti, and sixty-three portraits and landscapes, several being India proofs, including portratts of Shelley (4) Byron, Leigh Hunt, Hobhouse, Rog- ers, Southey, Mary Woolstonecraft, Countess Guicciolt, ete. i he na oe oo Pe en eee ey ye Te ee “Ao ce a ee ee, i FACSIMILE OF BINDING, BY LORTIC, ON THE POEMS OF MASTER FRANCOIS VILLON. LOT NO. 415. 414 415. 29 TROLLOPE, ANTHONY. Thackeray. 8vo, full polished light galt, gilt back and sides, inside dentelle borders, top edge gilt. , London: Macmillan & Co., 1882 Extra wlustrated with nearly fifty fine portraits. “VILLoN, MASTER FRANCOIS. The Poems of, of Paris. Now first done into English Verse, in the original forms ; with Biographical and Critical Introduction by John Payne. Royal 8vo, full dark olive crushed levant, emblamatic blind and gold tool, ing on back and sides, maroon crushed levant doublé, with rich gold borders- watered silk fly-leaves, top edge gilt, by Lortic. London: 1892. Printed for the Villon Society by private subscription, and for private circulation only. Large paper. Limited number only published. Extra u- lustrated by the insertion of several rare prints, including the vare veprint of the engraving of Dianna of Potctters, taken from Dibdin’s biegraphical tour in France and Germany. Elegantly bound by the celebrated Lortic of Farts. See facsimile of binding. 416 VOLTAIRE. ‘The Illustrations from the Works of. A Series of One Hundred and Fifty-nine Choice Line Engrav- ings, after the beautiful designs of Moreau and St. Aubin. Printed on large paper. - All brilliant tmpressions. 8vo, full crushed crimson levant, gilt backs, gold lines and crest of former owner on side, inside dentelle borders, polished gilt edges. ~ Paris (1780) A fine set abstracted trom the best French edition of Vol- taire, nearly one-half consisting of portraits of characters con- temporaneous with Voltaire, with the “ex libris” of Francis Palmer. Major’s Edition of Walpole’s Anecdotes of Painting. 417 WALPOLE, Hon. Horace. Ancedotes of Painting in England; with some Account of the Principal Artists; and Incidental Notes on Other Arts. Collected by the late Mr. George Vertue, digested and published from his original MSS., with considerable additions by Rev. James Dalloway. Illustrated with numerous fine portraits on India paper. 5 vols. Royal 8vo, full crushed dark blue levant, blind tooled, inside den- telle borders, top edges gilt. London: Printed at the Shakespeare Press for John Major, 1828 The rare and beautiful Major edition. Extra illustrated by the insertion of an extra set of artists’ proofs of all the plates published with the work, making an unigue set. 418 419 420 A421 422 10c WALTON AND Corron. The Compleat Angler. By Izaak Walton and Charles Cotton. Edited, with an Intro- duction, by Richard Le Gallienne. J/lustrated by Edmund HT, New. 2vols. Royal 8vo, full crushed dark blue levant, elaborate gilt tooling on back and sides, inside gold borders, top edges gilt, by Larkins. . John Lane, The Bodley Head, London, 1897 Extra tilustrated and extended into two volumes by the inser- tion of over two hundred superb engravings, many on India paper, including an original water color drawing of Isaac Walton's house,and a fine folding plate of Trout Fishing, printed tn colors, with the original paper covers bound in, Jorming a delightful copy of the very popular and rare edition of the work. WARD, ADOLPHUS WILLIAM. Dickens. | 8vo, full polished light calf, gilt back and sides, inside dentelle borders, top edge gilt. London: Macmillan & Co., 1882 Extra tllustrated with nearly fifty fine portraits and views. Warts, ALARIC A. Lyrics of the Heart; with other Poems. With forty-one engravings on steel. 8vo, full maroon straight-grained morocco, gilt back, gold lines on sides, in- side dentelle borders, by Stzeman. London: Longman, Brown, Green & Longmans, 1851 Extra illustrated by the insertion of a set of artists’ proofs of all the forty-one choice engravings in the work. WILLIAMS, JOHN AMBROSE. Memoirs of John Philip Kemble, Esq. With an Original Critique on his Perform- ance. | 12mo, half green morocco, gilt, top edge gilt. London, 1817 Extra illustrated by the insertion of twenty-eight rare por- tratts of John Philip Kemble, Charles Kean, Mrs. Siddons, John Bannister, David Garrick and other noted actors and actresses. Some in character, including one in colors, of Talma as Nero. WINTER, WILLIAM. The Press and the Stage. An Oration by. Delivered before the Goethe Society, at the Brunswick Hotel, New York, January 28, 1889. 8vo, three-quarter biue morocco, gilt, gilt edges. New York, 1889 Limited to two hundred and fifty copies, Extra illustrated by the insertion of twenty-five portraits and autograph senti- ment, signed by Wilham Winter. 1 ee TEE AT AMT FOOT LIE VB ie TE OO Se eT Te eae pe > Sy ‘are ee ‘ 4 ae een Oe Fg A ee ee) Nel yg ne a, eee eT ee 423 IOI ZoucH, THomAS. The Life of Isaac Walton; Including Notices of his Contemporaries. J/lustrated. 8yo, full polished light calf, gilt back, gold lines on sides, inside dentelle borders, by Aiviere, London, 1823 Large paper. Extra illustrated by the insertion of fifty- two choice engravings, including many proofs and some col- ered, embracing portraits, views, etc. 423A BROWN, CHARLES BROCKDEN. The Complete Works of. 6vols. 8vo, half vellum, top edge gilt, uncut. _ Philadelphia: David McKay, 1887 Five hundred copies printed. This is No. 147. 423B Saint Augustine. The Confessions of. frontispiece. Square 8vo, full crushed green levant, ornamented on back and sides in floral design in gold and various colored leathers, crushed green levant dou- blé, with design of water lilies in various colored levants, rich gold borders, watered silk fiy-leaves, edges gilt in the rough, uncut. London: Kegan Paul, 1900 This edition limited to thirty copies. Printed on Japanese vellum, of which thts is No. ro. A beautiful specimen of binding. TO BE SOLD SATURDAY AFTERNOON, 425 426 427 428 429 43° 431 432 433 AT 2.30 O'CLOCK. WATER COLORS. Entering Port : : : ‘ ; Geo. E. Essig Venetian Palace. ; gr aee . A. Giuaccimanni A Holland Settlement . : , . R. S. Rosenboom Landscape and Cattle . ‘ : , S. S. Bailey Sunset on the Adriatic . ; ; ‘ J. Moreni The Fisherman . : : ; { Louis Valez Holland Landscape : : : ; Krakaner Winter . ; ; ; ? : . W.G. Russell Charity se : . : : ; A.C. Buck (8) 434 435 436 437 438 439 440 441 442 443 444 445 446 447 448 449 450 451 452 453 454 455 456 457 458 459 460 461 462 463 464 465 466 467 468 I02 Squally Weather Sheep Grazing The City Gate Mid-Ocean : A Venetian Canal . The Pilot Boat Edge of the Pool Evening Cloudy Day Off Shore Oriental Girl ; The Approaching Storm Gathering Sea-weed The Cliffs A Hazy Morning The Pride of the Farm The Beach at Schevenengen Driving the Geese Hntering the Harbor Shepherdess and Flock A Rift in the Clouds The New Book The Close of Day . Twilight on the River Canal in Holland Rosy Sunset The Surf French Landscape . Sunrise : Landscape in Holland Harly Morning on the Bay Market Boats Off Shore Nearing Port Country Road Venetian Flower Garden Winter Landscape . Charles Du Camp H. W. Fleming B. Van der Vloe J. C. Porter J. Sewell Ware Geo. E. Essig J. W. Thurlow S. R. Clarkson L. M. Camp . Sandero Robeno . H. P. Volkenberg W. Webster Albert Coxe O. B. Galland S. S. Bailey Geo. E. Essig W. C. Loring H. McElroy V. Barbier C. H. Swain De Scott Evans H. W. Fleming J. Barbier J. Van Dressen H. W. Fleming Geo. E. Essig J. W. Thurlow Albert Dodge Hans Von Bilders O. B. Galland Geo. E. Essig Paul Delvalle Hans Von Bilders A. Giuaccimanni A.J. Wilson 469 470 471 472 473 474 475 476 477 478 479 480 481 482 483 484 485 486 487 488 489 490 491 492 493 494 495 496 497 498 499 500 501 502 503 103 Through the Mists Farm Scene—Holland A Gray Morning The Old Gate : A Wet Day in Amsterdam Solitude The Old Farm House Marine—Moonlight Dutch Wind Mill The Anchorage The Finishing Touches . On the Adriatic Near Fontainebleau Holland Landscape Canal in Holland At the Watering Place . Landscape Venice : i Approaching Storm The Bell Buoy A Brilliant Sunset . Rainy Day in Antwerp . A Sandy Waste Fishing Boats Beached The Harvesters Evening in Mid-Ocean Italian Shepherd and Sheep A Heavy Snow The Setting Sun In the Mediterranean Driving the Flock Home The Light House The Breakers The Artist of the Monastery . Sunset and Reflection kare Let Fritz Berger C. H. Swain S. E. Daniells EB. Van Vorst J. O. Arthur J. W. Thurlow Hector Delcourt . R. S. Rosenboom O. B. Galland De Scott Evans H. Repetti J. O. Arthur Hans Von Bilders . B. Van der Vloe V. Barbier A. T. Bazone _ A. Giuaccimanni J. Claudin Geo. E. Essig H. W. Fleming R. Laudenbach V. Duval H. Harrison W. G. Russell Rene Le Roue V. Bernier C. O. Lenord H. W. Fleming J. Sewell Ware . Hans Von Bilders W. C. Loring Walter Bolton H. A. Beauchamp H. W. Fleming 504 595 506 507 508 509 510 SII 512 SAS 914 O15 516 517 518 519 520 521 522 523 924 525 526 527 528 929 930 931 532 533 534 539 536 537 538 104 Along the Jersey Coast . On the River Seine Moonlight Unloading the Cargo French Landscape . Moonlight on the Adriatic Road Through the Dunes Holland Fishermen . Near Dusseldorf Moonlight at Sea Evening Near Fontainebleau Narragansett Bay The Sheep Fold The Trackless Sea Sunlit Clouds . Holland Fishing Boat The Boat Landing—Veniice River in Holland Landscape Surf Breaking on the Bar Evening at the Farm Spring Misty Morning on the Adriatic The Flock Homeward Bound. Tambourine Girl The New Moon French Landscape—Autumn . A Calm Morning Landscape Lighthouse on the New jomet Coast The Breakers . Maiden Cliffi—Maine Entering the Harbor At the Fountain Cloudy Morning along Shae L. A. Duncan A. T.. Millar A. Dauvit | R. N. Gault J. O. Arthur Guzman Azcarraga Edwin Daniel Simpson H. Haeckle Wempelfeldt Randolph Clarges J. O. Arthur L. A. Duncan V. Bernier Rene Le Roux . H. W. Fleming A. T. Millar L. Mazzetti Edwin Daniel Simpson Charles Broughton L. M. Camp A. Marks W. C. Loring Rossi 6. R. De Broock Sandero Robino A. T. Millar Jj. O. Arthur J. Sewell Ware J. W. Thurlow W. C. Loring P. Chavette Victor Darby A. Dauvit Marché St Germain C. H. Swain wate al FERRE PA Af ee ee ee DP Oot ee ee Fey te. 539 540 541 542 543 544 545 546 547 548 549 550 551 552 553 554 555 556 5o7 558 559 560 561 562 563 564 565 566 567 568 569 570 571 572 373 105 Landscape Coasting Schooners Holland Wind Mill Fishing Fleet at Anchor The Close of Day Sunset—New England Coast . The Prior of the Monastery . Marine—Moonlight Landscape Fishing Boats : Sunset Across the Bay . Sheep Grazing Marine Moonlight—Holland Winter Landscape . Approaching Storm Landscape— France The Spinner . Marine The Evening Glow: Moonlight The Hay Barge Nearing Home A Grey Morning Landscape The Peasant’s Home The New Moon Holland Landscape Venice Marine—Sunset Sheep Grazing Landscape J. O. Arthur A. T. Millar W.G. Russell Rene Le Roux V.O. Howard H. McElroy H. A. Beauchamp Hector Delcourt Charles Broughton H. Haeckle O. B. Galland S. E. Daniells A. T. Millar Jan Van Essen A. J. Wilson }. C. Porter J. O. Arthur P. Von Brakenburgh H. Winslow P. B. Pradel I, A. Dalton H. Haeckle O. Arnold L. M. Camp J. A. Craft S. R. Clarkson H. W. Fleming Vollmers Santos Robledo C. Fred Orson Arthur Duggan J. O. Arthur Farm House and Wind Mill—Holland Hans Von Bilders A Rift in the Clouds Landscape. : ‘ . Hector Delcourt ; C. Robertson 574 575 576 577 578 579 580 581 582 583 584 585 586 587 588 589 990 5gI 592 293 594 595 596 997 598 599 600 601 602 603 604 605 606 607 608 106 A Rocky Beach In the Harvest Field Moonlight on the Beach Canal—Venice : i Fisherman’s Home—Holland The Anchorage The Light House Out of the Mist Winter Sunset Fisherwomen—Holland . The Setting Sun Summer Landscape Off to the Fishing Banks Hdge of the Woods Landscape Riding at Anchor An Acceptable Gift The Approach to the Ruins A Brilliant Sunset Marine—Moonlight On the Lehigh River The Mediterranean Road to the Farm Cloudy Day . : : 4 Market Boat Returning Home Marine . French Landscape Shepherdess and Sheep . Marine Landscape Holland Farm Scene A Calm Sea Landscape } Driving the Flock . Storm Clouds : 5 A Albert Coxe R, Julien | S. R. Clarkson Jules Debay Krakaner Emile Raudot S. R. Clarkson Chas. Lamson Dekarg Van Nees C. H. Swain C. A. Walker A. 'T. Millar A. T. Bozane J. O. Arthur Chas. Lamson . H.A. Beauchamp A. McHlroy H. W. Fleming A. Dauvit Xanthus Smith Rossi JA rae J. W. Thurlow . R. S. Rosenboom C. H. Swain J. O. Arthur . M. A. Raymond S. Carlton J. Claudin . Hans Von Bilders C. Fred Orson — V. Snow Kramer L,. A. Dalton 107 Wind Mill—Holland A Maine Lake Misty Morning : Home Through the Rain Gathering Clouds Landscape A Sandy Road The Bowlders Landscape Landscape French Landscape . Landscape Landscape : : Oil Painting (unframed), Wreckage Along Shore BICKING PRINT 8. E. Cor. Tenth and Market Sts Fritz Berger . Chas. Broughton J. C. Porter S. T. Perrett Rene Le Roux Fritz Berger V. Snow Jean Tissot M. Beck V. Snow J. W. Thurlow M. Beck V. Snow A. T.. Millar a 7 2 4 ar 1 4 7 , y 7 i a y i \ wy, ry cit ; 2 ar + ; iv ob) 1 on ; ‘ H Hi J a j ea : os 7 \ ‘ ) i he ¢ : 4 j , } : \ ‘ 5 : 1 ] a ‘ 1903 Oct.22 PhDaG c.1 Davis & H/Magnificent library of 93-P5316 INIA 3 3125 01184 2025 peg Shang Fie? ee ae pre: Reig! Sg eee? ig Ite m4 A Pet EOP al EF, Ce ry tee antic Fey et ee “itd Fiero bevia Brn) Hy at tat me oe * rh i Bieys | se ieu tite 2, Aetihs nd st ene wderwe Tee Se 3 se 4 os + ary Of ? Sih SsPee ae Sy Raa SENS ast a8 SA Renae a ee a kgs 32, 252 ed 3 is “+ See ait Bays ) 2 Rian ah 5 ne ae ose nN Sot Dey + & §, Axa eras iee he et Sa Manta eit: ats B Sars i Belk Me, 4 i oy ws Pe ; i % i npwee BS 2 > ba 4 22% rey) Ca nat sta a e eats aa Oe ae vin ie Aas i UA ) Lars nan 4 gah SN ah) N 7 TS ‘' " a My oy, ve ; IY 2 rx .. tee Hostal : i, Mea 2, Pie ies a pt bh A A ats aT SN ad ne hale * 3 AAR Bead ERT Perr Se o Sheet Ns Ratan PA Ss Arey, Ug Want bs Ebay Gin D eect ant stevia? Ret DAT RN) AU ace pot Paws) a i? ae dee et 320 car Dy be Ba oit a2 Pyne» ’ a. Ae ee + AE at » 4 rey . i . aye ih Heat +t Ne 139, a) as”, = oes + * iy * Hp hehe \) f SNe yr nto Pe ei chery Le Pays . ee Lo SFE eT BRS ERS SE Ge “ x a