os : Caainy ny : : M.Knoedler&Co., 14 East 57th St. | \ aR ; ae awe = yy # Ais, re : ” 7H) 3 16 Sige his Od Faas 2 rap \, Re rthark pa “tA ta ae fi een 5 teas TS yet e . j z : ee ~ ae Pa 4 , PROG ‘yaa a. seca a ma oe Ce ON FREE PUBLIC view. /J 64% AT THE AMERICAN ART GALLERIES MADISON SQUARE SOUTH, NEW YORK BEGINNING SATURDAY, APRIL 19Tu, 1919 AND CONTINUING UNTIL THE DATE OF SALE VALUABLE ORIENTAL ART TREASURES FROM THE COLLECTION OF THE LATE CHARLES STEWART SMITH TO BE SOLD AT UNRESTRICTED PUBLIC SALE _ BY DIRECTION OF THE HEIRS ON FRIDAY AND SATURDAY AFTERNOONS APRIL 25TH AND 26TH AT THE AMERICAN ART GALLERIES MADISON SQUARE SOUTH BEGINNING EACH AFTERNOON AT 2.30 O’CLOCK No, 429—TALL BRILLIANT SANG-DE-BCEUF VASE (Lang-Yao) CATALOGUE OF THE VALUABLE ORIENTAL ART TREASURES COLLECTED BY THE LATE CHARLES STEWART SMITH OF NEW YORK CITY TO BE SOLD AT UNRESTRICTED PUBLIC SALE BY DIRECTION OF THE HEIRS ON THE AFTERNOONS HEREIN STATED THE SALE WILL BE CONDUCTED BY MR. THOMAS E. KIRBY AND HIS ASSISTANT, MR. OTTO BERNET, OF THE AMERICAN ART ASSOCIATION, MANAGERS MADISON SQUARE SOUTH, NEW YORK 1919 THE AMERICAN ART ASSOCIATION DESIGNS ITS CATALOGUES AND DIRECTS ALL DETAILS OF ILLUSTRATION TEXT AND TYPOGRAPHY CONDITIONS OF SALE 1. Any bid which is merely a nominal or fractional advance may be rejected by the auctioneer, if, in his judgment, such bid would be likely to affect the sale injuriously. 2. The highest bidder shall be the buyer, and if any dispute arise between two or more bidders, the auctioneer shall either de- cide the same or put up for re-sale the lot so in dispute. 3. Payment shall be made of all or such part of the pur- chase money as may be required, and the names and addresses of the purchasers shall be given immediately on the sale of every lot, in default of which the lot so purchased shall be immediately put up again and re-sold. Payment of that part of the purchase money not made at the time of sale shall be made within ten days thereafter, in de- fault of which the undersigned may either continue to hold the lots at the risk of the purchaser and take such action as may be necessary for the enforcement of the sale, or may at public or private sale, and without other than this notice, re-sell the lots for the benefit of such purchaser, and the deficiency (if any) aris- ing from such re-sale shall be a charge against such purchaser. 4. Delivery of any purchase will be made only upon pay- ment of the total amount due for all purchases at the sale. Deliveries will be made on sales days between the hours of 9 A. M. and 1 P. M., and on other days—except holidays— between the hours of 9 A. M. and 5 P. M. Delivery of any purchase will be made only at the American Art Galleries, or other place of sale, as the case may be, and only on presenting the bill of purchase. Delivery may be made, at the discretion of the Association, of any purchase during the session of the sale at which it was sold. 5. Shipping, boxing or wrapping of purchases is a business in which the Association is in no wise engaged, and will not be performed by the Association for purchasers. The Association will, however, afford to purchasers every facility for employing at current and reasonable rates carriers and packers; doing so, however, without any assumption of responsibility on its part for the acts and charges of the parties engaged for such service. 6. Storage of any purchase shall be at the sole risk of the purchaser. Title passes upon the fall of the auctioneer’s hammer, and thereafter, while the Association will exercise due caution in caring for and delivering such purchase, it will not hold itself responsible if such purchase be lost, stolen, damaged or destroyed. Storage charges will be made upon all purchases not removed within ten days from the date of the sale thereof. 7. Guarantee is not made either by the owner or the Asso- ciation of the correctness of the description, genuineness or au- thenticity of any lot, and no sale will be set aside on. account of any incorrectness, error of cataloguing, or any imperfection not noted. Every lot is on public exhibition one or more days prior to its sale, after which it is sold “as is”? and without recourse. The Association exercises great care to catalogue every lot correctly, and will give consideration to the opinion of any trust- worthy expert to the effect that any lot has been incorrectly cata- logued, and, in its judgment, may either sell the lot as catalogued or make mention of the opinion of such expert, who thereby would become responsible for such damage as might result were his opinion without proper foundation. AMERICAN ART ASSOCIATION, American Art Galleries, Madison Square South. ' 5—Whuite Hirano Porcenain Netsuke PROS vig ee ¢< Monkeys and chestnut. Eighteenth century./ e FIRST AFTERNOON’S SALE FRIDAY, APRIL 25, 1919 | | AT THE AMERICAN ART GALLERIES BEGINNING AT 2.30 O'CLOCK WOOD NETSUKES AND CARVINGS 1—Two Hrrapo Porcetaw NEtTsvuKEs (a) The amused Gama Sennin, with movable toad. e drapery of the figure has yellow, green and purple enamels. y O- ‘ 22--Two Woop NETSUKES P (a) Blind shampooer. (Amma.) WAGE . fF “ _(s) Demon and a priest’s tokko (baton). Signed fe Beiun. ETSUKES Sh (plh iO ce (a) Shoki (The Demon-slayer) applying moxa to demon; ivory inserted mark. By Hojitsu. (zs) Round mask of Ota-fuku with bug. By Kakutei. 24—Two Woop NETSUKES q \o /) va (a) Mice. By Masatoshi. -T Umargy fr “— (n) Two Puppies. Signed by Tamatoshi. First Afternoon 25—Two Woop NetsuxeEs (2 Wig beeen : ~ Jif » (A) Kyl couchant. Signed by Issa. (s) Frog and sandal. Signed by Masanao. 26—Woop Masx or Orp Man ar: Carle aS Signed with private marks. ve U _— 27—JapaNnEsE Woop NETSUKE AND Wego. Box With crane decoration; interior holds group of ivory tur- — | Ve nee tles, 28—Woop NETSUKE a ya Openwork with the Twelve Signs of the Zodiac. Sukenaga. ce v = 29—Woop NETSUKE —- tol Signed by Sadaaki.” we {> -- Group of tortoises. 30—Rare Woop NEtTsvuKkE y The Seven Gods of Happiness (shi-chi- tale Gee o7 4 sanao. ' 31—Smatt Woop Ficuret 7 G faa: Seated, with Dog Fu in relief, and surmounted by ixory head. Height, 2% inches. 32—-CarveD Woop Oximono Th CR: - essa, . f Representing a seated rat nearly natural size. With chest- “f “—— nut and bead eyes. : Height, 314, inches. 38—OLp JAPANESE Woop Povucu \ VA / ct With inlaid pear-wood and ivory | busts, representing / a Samurai and his retainer. School of Ritsuo; bears inser tion and seal of artist. Furuyama, Matasakio. Height, 3% inches by 4 inches. First Afternoon IVORY NETSUKES AND CARVINGS eee /} 34—Two Ivory NersvuKEs SK ead U i : (a) The youth Momotaro and a Demon. By Riu-chin. rs y, <* (s) Carved in form of three rabbits. Signed by Ruiusai. 85—Two Ivory NETSUKES | ai (a) Carved in form of toy dog on War. (s) Hokai (seat for “No” dancers). /Q 36—Two Ivory Nersuxes (| (a) Kannushi polishing the Suzu bell. “By Shuo-sai. ) aa «+ (Bp) Demon cleaning bell. Without mark. 1 = Be 87—Two Ivory NeETSsUKES a) { (a) Group of monkeys. Signed Okatomo. / eee (3) Monkey and Fugu fish. Unsigned. ~ 88—Two Ivory NEtsvxKEs : oe tee 6 g ; eal (a) Group of mice. Signed: Tomo-chika. O74 ‘t.. (8) Boat and figures. Signed by persiusay: ( 39—Two Ivory NETsuUKES ip Wren“ ee »« (A) Carved in form of an octopus chitching a man. (s) Sambasa mask of Okina. 40—-Two Ivory NETSUKES 4 elena 6 J (a) Grinning round faced mask. B omin. bs ka, ZA rae ; Made of hoten, or cheek bone of a s ork. Showing natural Pac -colors. Mark of Shojo (Wine-bibber). Signed: Ono aa Fh Nao hbluvhuy 42—_NETSUKE OF 'TORTOISE-SHELL AND Ivory fo (se) Mask of demon. Signed: Hogyoku. 41—RareE NETSUKE Showing a snail on bamboo. By Hojitsu. ( //*— First Afternoon 43—Two Ivory NEtTsuKEs } les (a) Benkei carrying the Miudeya bell. By Toy ca —~ (8) The magic Chagama pot. Signed by Mitsu-sada. 44—Two Ivory NEtTsuKEs ie Oban ( se (A) Mask of Otafuku. Signed: Horiu. ee asa. (zn) Representing a mouse and sheaves of wheat. 45—Ivory NEtTsuxe a 5 C(Saee / we Rabbit and rooster beside a drum. 46—Ivory NETSUKE i jt The magic Chagama pot and ko-sal. 47—Two Ivory NeEtsuxKEs J ge batt. a A) Pheasant on bough. Signed by Mitsuhiro. } a te g 8 nf Yat (3) Hatching Tengu. Signed by Masakazu. 48—Two Ivory Netsuxss (2. tie 7 / (a) Representing a monkey and toad. ~ (8) Rat and bean. Signed: Okatomo. 49—Two Ivory NetsvuKEs yi, (a) Carved in form of sage, withUarge forehead, ex ot GY ‘—— a scroll. (8) Child and Ox. By Keimin(?) 50—-T'wo Smartt Ivory NeEtsuKEs Wis Wah: / Ho (a) Representing a mouse on broom. (3) Figure of an old poet and his wine jar. 51—Two Ivory Netsvuxrs Fn ne Z (3 4 (a) Representing a cat ‘dressed in a kimono. [Gos F — (8) God of Plenty and boy attendant. Signed. First Afternoon 52—Two Ivory NEtsvukeEs Binet et/ (a) Hotei (the God of Prosperity) an page : ) re (8) Rat on hat. 538—Two Burron-sHarep Ivory NETSUKES (a) Masks of Otafuku, Demon and eae e ce (s) Carved with the Twelve Signs of the yoku. Ze 54OnrE Smatut Ivory anp Ont Bone Mask Ce aeeatane Of woman and man. odiac. By pesias 55—Two Butrron-sHArEeD Ivory NETSUKES a (dt (a) Mask-carver. vie ~— (8) (Kagami-buta.) With gold- Silos crest (dnd flow er(/ 56—THREE i@anrsi Ivory Poucn BurTrTrons ee og Ys a te PANELS — (a) Showing figure of Kwan-non in gold es, Ly eke, at / (zn) Copper-colored figure of a coolie. Sioned’ KS artist. (c) Figure of a temple Deva; chiseled in relief. Without » mark. Date 1780. 57—Two Ivory NETsUKES O& Ratt VA EF «+ Masks of demons. = 58—Ivory NETSUKE (BuTron) Ok p55 Wea. uv ~~ ‘Seiyobo and Genius. By Meikeisai Hojitsu. ) ; 59—Ivory Netsuke (Burton) Ceo has a? ~ <* Kintaro scattering beans to exorcise Benen By Meikeisai ¢ Hojitsu. 60—Ivory Netsuke (Burton) [fi Yoritomo releasing storks. By Ono Rio-min. 61—Ivory NETsuKE Form of fruit with stem. Signed: Mitsushiro. e¢ Neos First Afternoon 62—Ivory NETSUKE x bo Vin Lhe By(Hok Ji. ,,.. Group of seven “No” masks. u-unsal. ss 63—Two Smartt JAPANESE Ivory Neos (a) Representing dog and leaf. / / Be — (8) Goat. Signed Kaigyokusai. 64—Two JApAanEsE Ivory NETSUKES Fe haan (a) Form of purse, with gold-lacquer decoration. /t- — (8) Carved in form of eight masks. By Rio-min. 65—Two Ivory NErTsvuKEsS uN t [Ge (a) In the form of a bunch of acorns and ginzo nuts, with = carved landscape views of ‘‘Yenoshima,” “Kanazawa” and “Shichirigahama.” By Giokuho-sai. (s) In form of the mythical creatures with es and Long-arms. By Tomochika. 66—Two Ivory NeEtsuxeEs a Morice: (B+ (a) Carved in form of a tortoise on leaf. “oe (B) Persimmon and Woodpecker. Signed by Araku. 67 Ivory NETSUKE Mythical creatures with Long-arms / «¢ legs (Ashi-naga). By Tomochika.* 68—Ivory NETSUKE 2 nw / Urashima and the Box of Life. By Mitsutsugu. [be 69—Two Ivory NetsuKEs ad ( Q j : (a) Group of 8 “No” masks. Sigtrted: Giokuriosai. /¢ c (s) Helmet and mask. Signed by Toyei. 70—Ivory NETSUKE Vif es Quails, Indian corn and hat. Signed: Okatomo. J “4 2 fi “s. ee Form of a peach, with interior cay, ed to represent a land- First Afternoon 71—Ivory NeEtsvuKkE Virwnarne da Sie oe, re Man and Ox. Signed by ee 72—Ivory NETSUKE ee Children at play. Signed by Rio-min. ae ( “8—LarcE Ivory NETSUKE = SO ce Group of two monkeys clothed with jackets. Si 74—Ivory NETsuKE = Quails and Indian corn. By Okatomo. . os poles 75—Ivory NETSUKE wy ——— scape. Signed. i tiete : 76—Ivory Netsuke Smelt : mt é v ss An aged Kylin. By Tomo shika. 77—Ivory OrnAaMENT ah b Ssh volta Wild Bear. By Kaigyokusai ie %8—Ivory ALcovE ORNAMENT / eh ¢ we wv / BS +« Child and drum. Signed by Ono. ee 79—Ivory Box oie Behr Sly Design of boat with figures. 80—Smatit Ivory Group eae Faggot-gatherers with their bundles. li Height, 21, inchex. Ivory FIcure o¢ The umbrella mender. WW ea Height, 2 inches. AZ? 82—Ivory IncEeNnsE Box LY) 4 . y & ,. Rabbit. Signed Kaigyoku. é First Afternoon | ~ In sections with linear reticulations and fretted design. / poe Has a long chain, formed by numerous small monkeys. Underneath foot bears a circular “Shou” mark. Height (closed), 4 inches. 84—Smatt ArticuLATED Ivory Crap : f vc» Natural size. Stained red. Nineteenth entury 85—-Ivory Oximono fe /+s. Dog of Fo or Kara-shishi. By Haru 86 /5 ‘-— Form of wild goose asleep. By Kaigyoku. 87-——CHINESE Ivory Cup vA Yr btein 4 ji 2 .~ Carved in low relief, with archaic drdgon, angular feng- ~ huang and grotesque Fu Dog panels. Late eighteenth cen- tuiny: Height, 2 Bs, diameter, 31, Ca 88—Ivory Oxtmono Sud -: Bee’s Nest and maple boughs. Re by Joshu. 6 nee jured.) Ivory Incenset Box as ) h This carving received a certificate of merit at the Tokyo Fine Arts Exhibition of 1886. Ga C z c : MANA _ 89—Ivory anp Gotp LacauERED PrerrumMe Box (Ko hie 4 ‘— Flat shape, with chrysanthemum design in gold and filver. Height, 1% inch; width, 2 by 3% inches. 90—JapaneEsE Pree Case Cas a awe Of bone, with silver incrustation; showing a figure and tree, together with mark of artist. Length, 71, inches. 91—JapANESE Ivory Poucu Yo. Witte ey, ae Basket shape, with ring clasp; gourd{shaped bone netsuke and chestnut slide. First Afternoon S 92—JapaNeEsE Ivory Carvine (Okimono) _, Representing huntsman, with dog/and game. pened) (p AA — kei. (Hogiku?) Z | Height, 4 inches. 93—JAaPANESE CarveD Ivory OximMono - t « adst Representing actor in role of aged noble, wearing mask and ~— hat of state, holding infant. Height, 31/, inches. 94— JAPANESE CaArvep Ivory Fieure (Okimono)- & ¢ Za Ss? Representing an actor in Samurai role; richly clad and with — _ swords. Signed: Shin-riu-sai. Height, 5 inches. - «€ ~95—JapPaNESE Carvep Ivory Group : : - . Representing two warriors on a rocky mount surrounded ae a) 2 by waves, one of whom is kneeling holding a battle axe, the — other standing. oa, ~ Y Height, 7 inches. 96— JAPANESE CaRveED, Ivory Oximono eyes [3 Representing tall rockery infested with the several super- Sarre natural and other animals, including a “dragon” a “Dog | — of Fu,” a tiger, eagle and monkeys. Eighteenth century. Height, 11 inches. 97—Ivory Censer (Okimono) Clam, a . Carved in form of a heron, with beak held upward, in act iy -- of swallowing. Interior fitted for perfume. Has small cover above the wings of ivory, and shakudo bronze legs, resting upon wood base carved to represent stone. Without mark. Eighteenth century. Height, 17%, inches; width, of base, 7 inches. 98— JAPANESE Ivory CarvING (Gimonah ey Pe AO —., In form of a tortoise (kame), representing one of the super- LS ~ natural animals with its stemlike exhalation of silver sup- porting an ivory sphere, showing delicately carved interior landscape. With teakwood stand. Height, 934 inches; width, 6 by 9 inches. Z ul First Afternoon FINE OLD LACQUER y. 99—JapaNESE LaceuER PERFUME Box caste U 4 , Flat oblong shape; black ground with gold-lacquered fern — design. Interior finished with gold nashiji lacquer. Eigh- teenth century. | Height, 1% inch; width, 24%, by 8% inches. nN 100—PerrumMeE Box (Kogo) (\ : Black ground, with raised gold landscape decoration. In ve / e toki-makiye ee Interior finished with gold nashiji lac- me eT Height, % inch; width, 1% by 21% inches. 101— Japanese Lacquer PErFuME Box Be: ! Flat oblong shape, divided in sections and decorated with i / ¢~ butterflies, birds and blossoms; interior finished with wave and gold dragon crest motif. Hei t, % inch; width, 24% inches a | | 6 102—Japanese Buack Lacauer Incenst’ Box (Kogo) Cover with fern and floral decoration in gold lacquer, in- 9) UY 0 cluding mother-of-pearl inlay. Sides show red lacquer with gold decoration. Eighteenth century. Height, 15% inches; width, 25% inches. 108—WrnE Cup | Cote P Oa © x ee The face is in gold lacquer with “tai” (fish) in high relief, ool me swimming among water grasses. ‘The back is in red lacquer. —— Mark: Ju-kakusai (a complimentary name). Date, eigh- teenth century. (Injured.) a Diameter, 31/ inches. 104—Rep LaceuEer Wine Cur ie ; Cac Richly decorated with landscape, pavilion and foe in gol lacquer. Eighteenth century. , Diameter, 4144 inches. 105—Wine Cup (/> } Of red lacquer, with delicately executed landscape in gold. °. _—- Eighteenth century. j Diameter, 414, inches. First Afternoon 106—Larcr New Yerar’s WINE Cur 2 BS eee Se Of red lacquer, with decoration of hawks on perches. Mark: f G Fukuji (congratulation). Date, 1800. yee Diameter, 5 inches. | 107—JapanesE Buack Lacaurer INCENSE Boy (. S Stale Low flat form; decorated with three fans in gold lacquer, - u sa showing plum, pine and bamboo motif. Interior finished in nashiji sprinkled gold on black ground. Eighteenth cen- tury. Height, 1 inch; diameter, 41, inches. re aq 108—Japanrse Buack Lacever Incense 1 6: Oo designs. Interior is covered with gold nashiji; two sides 7 ay o Quatrefoil shape, decorated with gold-ladquer floral and fern 1s have rings. Eighteenth century. Height, 2 inches; width, 31, by 3%, inches. 109—Japanese Goitp Laceurer INcENsE Box Si My /O oe o- 2s Flat cinquefoil shape, with plum blossoms in tint‘ geld ~— taki-makiye relief. Interior in gold nashiji, with plum blos- -soms and representation of musical instruments. Early eighteenth century. 110—Gonp-LAcauER Ivro WH i ree LLL. With five sections; sustaining carriage and flower motif, or ioe with chin-kin-bori and inlaid ground. Interior finished with nashijilacquer. Eighteenth century. + \ Wa 7 111—Goxp-Lacaver Inno (Medicine Case) jamrnnane7TMe On Five sections; with mother-of-pearl inlogings showing figure and interior of pavilion. Mark: Buyu no ju Kajikawa, no ai oy ‘- Saku (made by Kajikawa, living in Tokyo). Eighteenth century. | 112—Bracx Lacever Inpro ee Six sections; Imperial carriage and cherry trees decoration SS in gold lacquer. By Kajikawa. Date, 1750. First Afternoon 1183—Goxp-LacevuErR Woon Inro representing the Rokkasen, in mother-of-pearl! inlaying. In two sections; with five poets, > Xv Komachio, Narihira and others, Signed: Kohei. Date, 1780. | | 114—Gotp-LacauER Section Box For RA. With base and open-sided cover; revealing three interior sec- ~ a se tions, with landscape views in raised design including tray with urn and grapevine decoration. Date, eighteenth cen- tury. wis Seas Te by 3 inches. : OD Van Abd 115—-JaparsE Goup-LacauER Box (Kiri-Kan) Oblong shape, with rounded corners; embellished with land- EG dg ‘+ scape in rich kiri-kan gold lacquer of rare quality. In- terior in fine gold nashiji lacquer. Late seventeenth cen- tury. ice by 4 inches. — Ne 116—Bunppuisr Crynapar Lacquer ScEerrex /(Ju-t Curved wand, with trefoil fungiform upper end; elaborately / pre carved in red cinnabar (chu-ch’i) lacquer of Peking. The design including emblematic fruit of Abundances, .together with other symbols of Rank and Honor, amid leafy scrolls and borderings. Complete, with yellow silk tassel and cords. ' Era of Ch’ien-lung (1736-1795). Has silk-covered stand. ] | ¥ Length, 16 inches. rv 117—Cinnapar New YeEar’s Tasrer (Chinese) .. Form of a gourd, richly carved in red cinnabar lacquer, with oF ~ diaper of floral designs; bearing pearl incrusted dedication characters of Good Augury. Era of Ch’ien-lung (17386- 1795). With metal hanger. (Injured.) va Length, 14 inches. 118—CuHInEsE CrinnaBpar LACQUER kl See Square shaped red cinnabar (chu-ch’l) lacquer of Peking iS GS” “ deeply carved in floral arabesque designs and fitted wit glass panels on the four sides. The upper surface with rounded corners sustaining “Shou” emblems of longevity, First Afternoon [ No. 118-—Continued | together with a center medallion which represents an image of Lao Tsze, one of the gods of longevity; the remaining field, in angular form, displays the eight Buddhist symbols (Pa-chi-hsiang) of Happy Augury. The smaller interior box, in green and red carved Peking lacquer, is composed of three compartments, its uppermost section holding small - perfume boxes. Era of Ch’ien-lung (1786-1795). Height, 10 inches; width, 8 inches square. 119—JapanresE Goitp Lacavuer Sraxp oe Embellished with chrysanthemum design/ and provided with Ae iz j ~ drawer. Late eighteenth century. Height, 734 inches; (width, 9 inches 120—JapanEsE Sworp Rack (Katana Kake) iG Cp styr & Lacquered wood, with gold lacquer bird and (diaper pattern fs = decoration. From the Brayton Ives Dollection, 1891. 121—JapanEsE Rep anp Brack Lacaurr Si K. nae With pearl incrustation in peony design and red serrated od ©\_ lacquer bordering, showing diaper motifs. Late eighteenth century. eae 11 inches. Height, 1414 inches; diameter, 18 inches. oS GUARDS, KNIFE HANDLES AND SWORD MOUNTS Mostly from the Captain Brinkley ey Japan 122—Two Knire Hanpies hito Ave rho (a) Shakudo, with nanako shagreened surface. Represents Y ~— monkeys stealing a bee’s nest; executed in medium relief and 7 picked out with gold, shibuichi and copper inlaying. Signed: Kanehide. Date, 1760-1790. (3) Copper. The design, chiseled in high relief and picked out with shibuichi, silver and gold, represents a figure danc- ing the “No.” Date, 1840. (Probably by Nobuyoshi.) First Afternoon 123—Two Knire Hannes S ‘ Vy (a) Copper, with shibuichi back. The obverse side show the god Hotei and a child; chiseled in strong relief an yi Oo %-_ picked out with gold inlay. Signed: Sekijoken Moto-yuki. Date, 1785-1815. (8) Shibuichi; the back and sides of shakudo and gold. Front represents the Fox’s Wedding Procession; in medium relief and inlaid with gold. Unsigne 124—Two Knire Hanpies Walk (a) Shakudo, with ishime shagreenéd surface. Represent- oY ‘— ing a child on a ladder to reach persimmons. The design is incrusted with gold, silver, coral and mother-of-pearl. Signed: Tsunenao. Date, 1785-1820. (8) Shakudo, with nanako shagreened surface. The design represents a heron standing under a willow, in low relief and picked out with silver and gold. The back is inlaid with plum blossoms in silver and gold. Mark: Goto Hokyo Ichijo. Dated, 1780-1820. 125—Two Kynire Hanpies Os (_ - A rob fie (a) Shakudo, with gold back and nanako (shagreened) sur- face. Sustaining three tortoises in gold, shibuichi and cop- per in high relief. Signed: Nagatsune. Date, 1780-1780. (8) Copper. Ornamented with lotus leaves and flowers; chiseled in medium relief. Date, early nineteenth century. a 126—Two Kyire Hanp es Te (Ca Ase (a) Shakudo and gold. The surface is hammered in nana 3 ( ++ shagreen style. The design, in low relief and picked out with gold and silver, presents the favorite and merry god Hotei asleep. Made by T'sune-yuki; inscribed: ‘“‘Ansei roku mi no hitsuji nanro.” Ranzan Tsune-yuki (eighth month of sixth year of Ansei (1859). (8) Shibuichi. Two Rishi, chiseled in low relief; inscription reads: “‘Kwaden Kutsu wo irezu (‘Don’t wear boots in a melon patch,” 1. e., lest in stooping to adjust them you may be suspected of stealing the melons); Rika Kammuri wo naosuna (Don’t adjust your helmet under a pear tree). Mark: Joi. Date, 1730-1761. First Afternoon 127—Two Kyire Hanpirs oe 4, (ati (a) Shibuichi. The obverse, With shibuichi enclosed~m. a gold frame, sustains cherry blossoms seen through a mist, ‘ the blossoms in silver and cloud effects produced by shaded: of “— shakudo and gold inlaying. Signed: Yegawa Toshimasa. (3) Shibuichi. Shows the expedition of the famed Court noble Raiko to subdue the ogre Shuten-doji; engraved and inlaid with gold and shakudo. Signed: Nagayoshi. Date, 1750-1780. 7 Vay 128—Two Knire Hanpies COTY) WE "ell = (a) Shakudo.~ The design shows a man bleaching linen. . / a ¢*___‘*‘The figure, in medium relief, is picked out with gold and sil- (ee ver, and the strips of linen are in gold and silver. Ejigh- teenth century. (3) Shibuichi. Presenting puppy-dogs chased in medium relief with gold and shakudo inlaying. Signed: Sensai At- suoki. Date, 1820-1850. - 129—Two Knire Hanpies ) oe (a) Shibuichi. Chiseled in low relief/and picked out wit — gold, shakudo and silver. Shows thre¢ figures of the Fox’s Wedding Procession on the obverse side, the remainder of the procession being engraved on reverse. By Hirotoshi. Date, 1780-1830. (s) Shibuichi. The obverse shows a huntsman and hound, chiseled in high relief and picked out with gold, copper and shakudo; the reverse displays a wild boar escaping ridden by a monkey and a hare. Signed (on the edge): Gofu Sai Shiu Hirosada. Date, 1780-1820. SF | // 180—TIwo Kynire Hanpues iD lal WL 1 (a) Shibuichi, with gold back. The obverse sustains a cat oY “—___ sleeping among peonies in high relief. The reverse shows engraved peonies picked out with silver, gold, shakudo and copper. Signed: “Tankai Rengetsu-tei Toshikage tsukuru” (Made by Toshikage, in the Rengetsu Hall; lotus and moon Hall, in Awaji). Date, 1810-1835. 4) >) | Continued First Afternoon [ No. 180-—Continued | (s) Shibuichi. A sparrow in gold flying across the moon, and in the lower corner a spray of bamboo. The surface is finished in a peculiar patina called ku-sara-kashi, produced by acids. Signed: Shintoken, Mitsuyoshi. Date, about 1840. | | Se 131—Two Knire Hanpies ae YW: Kekhey es (A) Copper and shakudo. An artist making a portrait of f J ~ a woman; executed in low relief and picked out with gold / and shakudo. Signed: Narano no Haruchika. Date, 17604 1785. (s) Silver. The engraved design represents the Twelve Signs (animals) of the Zodiac. Date, eighteenth century. 1382—Two Knirrt Hanpies Vig (a) Shibuichi, with back of shakudo. Two rats stealing eggs; one rat embraces an caieea the other drags its if — comrade off by the tail. The rodents are chiseled in high relief; the eggs are in silver. Signed (on edge): Kariuken Yoshinori. Date, 1830-1850. ; (s) Shibuichi. A man drawing water from a well, under a plum tree called “gantan wakamatsu no miza,” or the first water drawn on New Year’s day when the pine decoration is young. The design is picked out with gold and silver. Signed: Kikkodo Naoyasu. Date, . 1835. ; 183—Two Knire Hannes v4 Ct 3 (a) Shakudo, with nanako shagreened surface and gold cee The design, chiseled in low relief and picked out & mee with gold and silver, represents three rats inspecting an ; account book and a soroban or calculator (abacus). Signed: Made by Ito Masa-toshi. Date, 1790-1825. (s) Shibuichi. The design shows a number of storks chis- eled in low relief. Signed: Itchosai Hamano Hozui. Date, 1700-1760. First Afternoon | 184—Two Knire Hannes oe ath | . | (a) Shakudo, with ishime shagreene hee ao gold Back. . The obverse shows equestrian figure of Shoki, the ae oF ‘slayer; chiseled in high relief and picked out with gold. Signed: Soyo (the second generation of the Soyo family). Date, 1730-1765. (8) Shibuichi, shakudo and gold, with Sosen’s design of a monkey in a tree. Executed in relief and inlaid with gold and copper. Date, eighteenth century. 1385—Kyire Hanpie iZ 4 v4 Shibuichi, with shakudo back. The obverse side eee Ri yb Go culturists, in low relief and picked out with gold, setting rice plants, with their kettle and food lying on the bank of the rice field attracting a scarecrow standing in the next field. Signed: Kikkodo Naoyasu. Date, 1800-1835. 136—Inown Kyurer Hanvre us & "p With gold back.. The obverse, chiseled in relief and inlaid e Br: with gold and silver, represents a demon disguised as Da- ruma and seated on a rock, before a censer. The reverse _ shows Shoki, the Demon-slayer, appearing beyond the hill- tops. Signed: “Motome ni ojite Niudo Munetaka” (Made to order by Munetaka Mouneyoshi after his retirement from the world) ; and a seal. Date, 1780-1820. 137—Knire Hanpie or SHIBUICHI Nn. eta ABD, _ Showing a boat from which the god Hotei is looking through, vy) ae a telescope at Fujiyama, which is seen engraved on the ba ic The boat, Hotei’s bag, and a child on the latter are chiseled in medium relief in gold, shibuichi and shakudo. Date, eighteenth century. ( f eh fR Ue ; / 188—Knyire Hanne oF SHakupo Aanp Various METALS The face has the mokune-ji or wood grain (obtained by the a «* mingling and subsequent hammering out of different metals), with superposed ornament showing chrysanthemums, a koto and an ox in relief. (An allusion to a certain theatrical piece.) Date, about 1800. First Afternoon aa The obverse design represents fh and the Demon; chiseled in | 1389—KniFrE isiastan S OF Scammed the story of Omori Hikoshichi ar relief and picked out with gold. Signed: Hozui, and with seal mark intend in gold. Date, 1700-1760. 140—Knire Hanpie or SHakupo J 0, J The obverse motif presents the gate fence of a country residence, with trees and autumn grasses, including the moon V, 3 enceer rising through clouds. The design is executed in low shakudo relief, with gold, silver and bronze inlay. The surface of the shakudo is hammered in shagreen nanake style. By Goto Ichijo. On the back is the following verse: “Husband and wife sing together; their wings of love soar high into cloud-land. They sing their lasting affection, and their love notes thrill through the twin-branched pines.” Mark (on lower edge): Ichijo. wien -18 . vy / 141—Knire Hanpie or Correr anp SHIBUI i eth, The design on the face chiseled in relief in shale gold a —— and silver, represents a demon startled at the sight of a branch of evergreen ilex (hiragi) with the head of a sar- dine (iwashi) impaled on it; a combination placed over houses in Japan at the change of the year to act as a charm against evil spirits and for keeping (oni wa soto fuku wa uchi) good fortune. The b ack is engraved to represent the fence-boards at the entrance of a house, and is inlaid with a branch of plum tree in shakudo and silver. Signed by Toshimasa (Yasuchika). Date, 1750-1780. 142—-KnireE HanpuE or SHAKUDO With seal inlaid in gold. ‘J ; 7 With ishime shagreened surface and go d back. Embellishe lee a with a “Dog of Fu” (shi-shi) in gold; chiseled in high re- lief. Signed: Somin 2nd. Date, 1750-1780. The engraved design represents the© fod Hotei crossing a 148—Knire HanpieE or SILVER i oe eon river on an ox. Mark: Soyo. Date, 17730-1765. "f ; / fa ee Se First Afternoon 144—Knire Hanpie or SHIBUICHI Soe & Zs ‘y pf The obverse side sustains an elaborate Daimyo’s procession ; oo a inlaid in gold, silver, copper and shakudo. The reverse | tyr shows a portion of Azuma bridge and the temple of Kwan- a Ss non at Asakusa (Tokyo), engraved and clouded as seen in the morning mist. By Masamori. Signed (on the edge): Hosono Sozayemon Masamori. Date, 1750-1780. 145—Bronze Kyire Hanpre anp Koeatr ne CPS ESO In gold, shibuichi and copper. The handle shows figure ofa ve vi man directing a black demon to pour wine into a tub; chis- eled in high relief with gold, shakudo and copper inlay. The Kogai displays red-colored demon pushing a cart with a huge bottle of sake (a fanciful episode in the story of Shiuten Doji), the monster and demon-robber. Mark on the Kogai: Kinriusai; the kozuka is signed: Senshu-koku kore wo kizamu (Chiseled by Senshu-koku). Date, 1780- 1810). ae, yi, 146—CoLLEcTiOoN oF FIFTEEN JAPANESE KNIFE pee Japanese kozuka cabinet of lacquered wood with gold-lac- quered inscription. f] oe (a) Kozuka of copper, with Kara-shishi (Dog of Fu) in relief. Re- / ai verse of gold, with shakudo inlaying. By Miboku. (8) Shibuichi. With Deva king in copper-colored relief. By Yasu- chica. (c) Shakudo, with mythical figure of “Ashiinga” and “Tenaga,” catch- ing a cuttlefish. Reverse of gold, with poetic inscription. (p) Shibuichi and silver, wrought with figure of a Mandarin. Signed by artist. (zr) Yellow “sun-spot” bronze, wrought with figure of Chinese sage and tiger. Reverse with shakudo. (F) Shibuichi bronze, wrought with monkey hiding in tree from eagle. Reverse of silver. ; (c) Shibuichi bronze; representing a stream with two fishermen. Signed: Shim-siu-sai. (a1) Shibuichi; with man near a well, looking up at flying bird. Re- verse of silver. (1) Chased bronze, with shakudo, silver and gold inlaying, representing figure of scholar looking up at the moon. | Continued First Afternoon [No. 146—Continued | (s) Shibuichi, with a representation of Shoki and silver gourd. (x) Shibuichi; representing the figure of a priest, water bottle and egg. Signed: Hamano Nao-dide. (1) Bronze; representing a man wearing rain.coat. Enriched with gold and shakudo inlaying. Signed. (m) Silver, with raised figure of a man in copper and gold, blowing horn. By Hiro-chika. (x) Shibuichi, with raised figure of a man holding fan and small box. Reverse of silver and gold inlay. (0) Shibuichi; representing the God of Longevity, accompanied by a 7 stork. With gold incrustation. Made by Hiro-chika. 147—-SmMaALL JAPANESE KNIFE 148—TIron Sworp Guarp / AX (2 %. ( : — 149—SmaLL Sworp GuaARD 0 é ea 150—Sworp Guarp oF BrownisH SHAKUDO (U4 o* _ 151—Sworp Guarp or BronzE y With simple gold incrustations. Eighteenth century. Length, 5 inches. SWORD GUARDS IN SILVER, SHIBUICHI AND 3 4 Dyes — SHAKUDO Wrought in the shape of a stork and lotus leaf. Unsigned. Date, eighteenth century. Of sen-taku (yellow bronze) with chased design; showing hut and a Tanuki (raccoon-faced) figure. Bears mark of Nao-michi. Ejighteenth century. hu With gold incrustation, representing two Deva kings or “Nios,” together with rocks and whirling water. Signed: Hama-no. Naomichi. Eighteenth century. Wie Wrought in form of a tiger, with gold-incrusted eyes and claws. Signed by the artist Yasuchika. tt. First A was 152—Iron Sworn Guarp rk. 6 Bate _ d in Wrought with plum stem, sprays and sparrows, chase ee high relief. Signed: Kingyoku-do Miyochin, Hirosada. fe Date, 1780-1820. 1538—-Sworp Guarp or Rep Bronze : ,;- Wrought with gold representation of 4 /gourd and leafage. ~~ Signed: Tosui (?). Eighteenth century. 154--Sworp Guarp or Iron Sa ‘ : Py ‘ie With cherry blossoms wrought in medium relief. Mark: ~ “Made by Masatoyo.” Date, 1760-1795. 155—Sworp Gvuarp or Iron ( ‘ Ae Ornamented with chrysanthemum flowers and leaves. Bgar- 2 ¢¢ ing inscription: Made by Noriaki of Owari, by request of ~— Moroga Masataka. Date, 1780-1820. ioe 156—Correr Sworp Guarp Wi ee a : The surface hammered in ishime (shagreened pattern), with o ri fs design of a cricket (korogi), clouds and the moon in medium relief with shakudo and gold. Signed: Gyonen rokuji-go Kunichika. Made by Kunichika, when sixty-five years old. Date, 1760-1790. 157—Sworp Guarp or Bronze NWN Ne hEarren With a representation of two “No” [ee richly inlaid, . . imeluding a gold drum and fan. Reverse shows cactus plant Va "A — and a frog breaking through its shell. Signed by Tan-zui, made when sixty-two years of age. 158—Iron Sworp Guarp yas TR bic KOR 4 / The Three Monkey Motif, wrought in high relief and SD st ie , resenting the “silent monkey” (iwazaru) ; the “deaf monkey” Me a ¢ ~— (kikazaru) and the “sightless monkey” (mizaru), illustrat- V ing a practical pun on the negative ending (zaru) of Japan- ese verbs, which is a homonym of “saru.” Mark: Shoami Nario. Date, 1730-1765. First Afternoon 159—Iron Sworp Guarp OA With chrysanthemum flowers and leaves chiseled (in medium y) ¢4 relief and incrusted with gold. Inscribed: “‘Choshu Hagi ni oite Okazawa Eisuke kore wo tsukuru” (Made by Okaz- awa Eisuke, at Hagi in Choshu). Date, 1765-1830. 160—Suizsvicu! Bronze Sworp Guarp The obverse side sustains a raised sprig of vegetation i pect wrought in gold and silver, its reverse side showing small shells and twigs. Nineteenth century. 161—Inon Sworp Guarp (Boe. g Wrought with cherry blossoms and a landscape, q relief, and incrusted with gold and silver. Mark: Kajitsura. b “—~ Date, 1763-1795. 162—Iron Sworp Guarp tp. ve With smooth surface, showing raised spotted deer with cop- ey) ‘"_ per and gold inlaying. Signed: Kanaiye. f : 163—Iron Sworp Guarp (i MG. Ri Aeohen ._ Inthe form of two dragonflies. Inscribed on obverse: Mo- / y “- yoga Masataka no Konomi (By desire of Moroga Masa- 3 taka); on the reverse: Owari no kuni no ju (Living in Owari); Noriaki saku (Made by Noriaki). Date, 1780- 1820. 164—Suisvicur Sworp Guarp 4 ia 4 / yf ‘__ Wrought with figures of huntérs in high relief and inlaid with gold, silver and haley Mark: Tetsugendo Nao- shige. Date, 1775-1810. ff) oe 165—Sworp Guarp or SHAKUDO Gi ee B [ aah Ornamented with chrysanthemum flowers, chiseled in medium — relief. Early nineteenth century. First Afternoon 166—Sursvicu1 Sworp Guarp Oo The obverse side sustains Shoki,/ the Demon-slayer, looking at the reflection of a Demon the water; reverse shows if 5 the Demon peering down from a tree. Inscribed: ‘‘Genji ni nen ushi no shoshun giyonen roku-ju-roku shojo okina, Temmin” (Made by the old tippler Temmin, aged sixty-six, in the spring of the second year of Genji). Date, 1865. 167—Sworp Guarp or SHaxupo Bronze ES o yé With ishima hammered surface and incrusted ornamenta- eres tion, representing a fan, pouch and silver inro, together with green gourd-shaped slide. Nineteenth century. 168—Sworp Guarp or Bronze vf ‘S | With copper-colored demon surprised at the sight of a (eas pigeon, wrought in gs Signed: Sei-kwa-gai. 966--Swonp Guarp oF Copper (Rep Bronze) cL, A See? a : Wrought in form of a crouching demon (oni), inscribed —_-— with mark of Toshi-masa. Late eighteenth century. 170—Sworp GuarpD oF SHAKUDO a 4 | The design shows a cock on a roof, with a pine tree; the 3 oe ge reverse side presents sheaves of rice beside flowing water, — uniformly executed in medium relief and picked out in silver, gold and copper. Mark: Iwamoto Konkan. Date, 1'743- 1800. ( Y 171—Sworp Guarp oF SHAKUDO : Wrought with figure of Shoki, the | 43a, slayer, holding a large sword. The reverse shows the run- ning figure of a small demon. Early nineteenth century. rly giant and Demon- 172—Sworp Guarp oF SILVER | With shagreened surface, showing a small snail; leafage hd “é~___ in gold, together with bamboo rim band in shakudo. Signed: Takara Koshinori. First Afternoon 178—-Iron Sworp Guarp ies | b 6? = 174—Sworp GuARD OF SHAKUDO Bee 175—Suizvicut Sworp Guarp Y hg ed 176—SHuHiBvicH1 Sworp GuARD gS ) b y) oe 177—Sworp Guarp oF CopPrER pa eA 178—Sworp Guarp oF Iron Log Wrought in openwork and showing aconch shell with gold- : incrusted cords in loops. Signed by Masa-yoshi. With shagreened surface. The obverse side showing land- scape, with the Azuma bridge in Tokyo. The Sumida River and boats, including the temple of Kwan-non at Asakusa, in the middle distance, and Fujiyama in the background. On the reverse side, a view of Mukojima. The work is exe- cuted in medium relief and picked out in gold, silver, shi- — buichi and copper. Inscribed: ‘‘Yonezawa no ju, Yokoya Yosaburo, Yokoya Tomotsune” (called also Yokoya Tomot- sune, residing in Yone-zawa). Date, 1835. ) With figures of the Deva, or Temple gods, in medium re- lief and on recessed panels, the ground of which is ham- mered in ishime pattern. The remaining surface incised with scattered cherry petals. Mark: Shozui (probably made by a pupil). Date, eighteenth century. Incrusted gold and silver design, representing a sage reading a scroll, whose attribute, the stork, appears flying above him. Reverse shows simple engraved tree. Signed: Take- nobu. With gold rim. The obverse shows horses in strong relief under a willow; the reverse side sustains willow tree and waterfall, enriched with gold, shakudo, silver and shibuichi inlaying. Signed: Omori Teruhide. Date, 1740-1798. Wrought openwork (Sukashi-bori) in form of spearhead with silver incrustation. Signed: Tetsugen. Date, six- teenth century. ¥ Qe Cee VO a — First Afternoon 179—Pair or Sworp GuaRDS OF Cae a Pee ; (For the Samurai’s two swords.) With ishime shagreened surface. The design shows a stork and tortoise, overlap- ping the upper edges of both guards; the lower parts sustain 4 “ crested wave motifs, chiseled in medium relief and picked out in shibuichi, copper and gold. Mark: Iwamoto Shirotoshi. Date, 1780-1810. 180—Sworp Guarp oF SHAKUDO The obverse shows one of the Sdyen Sages of the Bamboo Grove (Shichi-kenjin) unfolding a scroll; an attendant ff 3 ¢* appears under bamboos on the reverse. The design is exe- cuted in medium relief and inlaid with gold, silver and cop- per. Mark: Toshinaga. Date, 1740-1770. on /) 181—Iron Sworp Gvuarp Ae (CO Y Wrought with figure of Daruma in high relief on one side; 7° ____ the face in shibuichi bronze and the eyes in gold. The re- verse represents a priest’s hossu (fly brush) in silver and shakudo. The obverse side, in shakudo ideographs, bears the inscription: “Shingai muzen-ho” (There is no guide like conscience). Mark: Naotsugu. Date, 1790-1820. 182—Iron Sworp Gvuarp | ie In the form of New Year’s knot (shogwatsu no shime- kd Kazari), embellished with two rats onUhe edge, one of the —— rats in shibuichi bronze. Mark: Tsunagawa, with a seal. Date, 1810-1835. “et 183—-Sworp Guarp oF IRon « Wrought with silver storks. Reverse shows a tree chiseled e: Y —— in low relief. Fine texture. By Shiho Getsu Kuwan. With gold-inlaid seal mark. 184—-Sworp Guarp oF Iron ae 3 Cae > - ; Wrought with bronze incrustation, representing walnuts. Y —_ Signed: Kon Kuan of Osaka. Seventeenth century. First Afternoon 185—Pair or SHakupo Sworp Gt (For the Samurai’s tw swords. ) With ishime shagreened surface. The obverse of the larger guard shows sparrows flying from a pine tree, into which a oJ ‘—hawk has swooped; the reverse design includes a bird near a brook, and a branch of pine, uniformly picked out in gold and shibuichi bronze. The obverse of the smaller guard shows a sparrow flying from an evergreen tree where a hawk has lit; the reverse shows a second sparrow flying down to a brook; the whole chiseled in high relief and picked out in gold, shibuichi and copper. Mark: Horiuken Takasu Yeiji. Date, 1805-1825. i: | | : 186—Sworp Guarp or Iron Je ee ie J *_ In sukashi-boru (wrought openwork), with chrysanthemum — blossoms and vines, with gold, copper and silver incrusta- tions. Seventeenth century. 187—SuHaxupo Sworp Guarp On. We Obverse side sustains figure of a man in a b at, in the Bien ace act of casting a fish net; reverse shows a willow tree and — water; chiseled in medium relief, and picked out in gold and " shibuichi inlaying. Date, late eighteenth c entury. sa 188—STEEL Sworp Guarp a } / The design consists of ae at play, chiseled in low re- ( g«° lef. Mark on the obverse made by Choun-sai; on the re- verse by Yoshitane. Date, 1760-1785. 189—Iron Sukeht GUARD ‘ Syne side and cloud po on the other; the ascending dragons ie are incrusted in silver and the flames in gold. Tenkodo Hidekuni. Date, 1780-1815. fe Ae 2 Wrought in form of a tied purse, or Kane-bukuro; with ge 190—Iron Sworp Guarp silver inlaid cords. Signed: Tetsu-gen do. Eighteenth cen- tury. First Afternoon FOE ie 191—Sworp Guarp anp Mounts Les oe, Ch fh rae (a) Sword guard of shakudo, with gozame (matting grained) surface. The design, in high relief, presents > ad se dragonflies, with gold, shakudo and copper inlaying. Mark: Jochiku. Date, 1780-1820. (s) Knife handle of shakudo. To match. Mark: Hideshige. Date, 1810-1835. 192—Iron Sworp Guard wiTH GoLpD Bayram fal, The obverse side presents wild geese/and hedge in high relief ; and the reverse shows flying geese with grass in the > & | ie if ‘_ foreground; uniformly picked out in gold, silver and shi- buichi inlaying. Signed: Hideyo saku (made by Hideyo) ; on the back: Onishi Naomaru. Date, 1830-1850. fe / 198—Sworp Guarp Te ‘ The obverse side, in shibuichi, sustains a landscape with oS ( ee monkeys; the reverse, in shakudo, shows pine trees with a monkey in the boughs. The surface of the shakudo is in ishime shagreen style, and the design is in medium relief, picked out in gold, silver and copper. Mark on the reverse: Keio Gannen ushi no shoshu (1st year of Keio, first autumn of the ox, 1865); on the obverse, Fukiware no Kyotoshi (Made by Kyotoshi). WY 194—Iron Sworp Guarp dae ue Sf: NG, MANAG Representing the famed Court noble Minamoto, better a ra known as Raiko, and the head of Shutendoji, the ogre mon- \/ at. v* ster. Inscribed: Seiunsai Nagahide saku, an apocryphal ~~ mark. Probably made by Tenkan. Nineteenth century. /\ y) Sf? 195—Sworp Guarp or SHaxupo BronzEeAna avr AR Go Wrought with elaborate floral embellishment in gold and > bits shakudo relief. Signed: Made by Naga-take. ~~ From the Brayton Ives Collection, New York, 1891. Or ae First Afternoon 196—Iron Sworp Guarp re . L On The obverse side is ornamented in \Welief with gold and sha- ' kudo inlaying, showing the goddess Benzai-ten on a dragon 7 ¢~ with her biwa, while the reverse presents scroll motifs. Early nineteenth century. 197—Pair oF Sworp GuarpDs ae (9 ahs DM «- With design of herons, lotus flowers and leaves in silver — and shibuichi; medium relief. Mark: Otsuki Mitsushiro. Date, 1800-1840. 198—Iron Sworp GuarRD tha‘ (c VY , (eee s.. LY y¥# The obverse side shows a clam-shell from which emanates a golden cloud that partially envelops the palace of the Sea-god; the reverse sustains a landscape with lake picked out in gold, silver, shibuichi and shakudo. Mark: Seirisu- sai Hidetoshi (called also Kyotoshi and Toriu-sai) ; with seal. Date, 1810-1865. \ 199—Sworp Guarp or Yettow Broxze (Sen-takw) / fe ¢° Representing hawk, wrought in cépper, in pursuit of mon- keys who are trying to hide. The reverse represents a waterfall. Bears mark made by Mi-boku. Eighteenth century. 200—Sworp GuaArD IN SHIBUICHI ual Ct With mendicant leading a monkey, whose jacket is wrought “ Vi in gold. Reverse chased with landscape; house and view of Mount Fujiyama. Signed: Nagahede (Seun-sai). 201—Iron Sworp Guarp With shagreen surface, sustaining a simple representation 7 of some famed (kosuka) knife. Made by Masa-nori. Eighteenth century. Vollin Gr ST? Pe First Afternoon 202—Irnon Sworp Guarp Wrought with a demon on the back of Shoki, in shakudo and inlaying of gold and silver. Reverse shows a tree in o ae shibuichi. Signed: Kiyo-aki. 203—Iron Sworp Guarp iy je pine ae Incrusted with silver chrysanthemums and ideographic in- a d) «< __ scriptions in six characters. Date: Eighteenth century. 204—Iron Sworp Guarp Ornamented with dragon, clouds nv rain in gold; edge EES «« inlaid with gold. Mark: Tenkodo Hidekuni. Date, 1780- 1815. 205—Larcer Sworn Guarp oF Bronze ML- Wrought in form of a sake jar, with group of five Shojos, whose long hair shows copper color. Signed: Itsu sando, o )uz including seal. Naga-haru. ™— 206—LarcE-sizE Sworp GUARD bs Of yellow bronze (sen-taku), with large image of Toshi- / Viki toku; a year of virtue and good luck god, wrought in cop- “ per and gold inlay, looking down from Mount Fujiyama upon two flying cranes. ‘The reverse shows an engraved wooded landscape. Bears mark: Nara Yoshi-masa. Late eighteenth century. Lat 207--Larcr Sworp Guard oF YELLOW Bronze 4 )x With bust of Futen, the Wind god, wrought in copper and — gold. Reverse represents wind clouds with a bird seeking shelter among leafage. Signed: Kounken-Michi nao. 208—-JarPANESE DAGGER ¥ Red-lacquered scabbard, embellished with gold-lac cherry blossoms. Iron mountings with gold inlaying, in 52 fern design, includes knife and chopsticks. ss pai Length of blade, 9 inches. So First Afternoon orp Guarp ANd Mount ee D With nanako surface and gold rim. The design consists Pe of a pine tree and storks, in silver, gold and shakudo. A oS ~~ — kurita or cord ring with stag in relief. Both pieces by | Ishiguro Koreyoshi. Date, alu tecaineee tay 210—Parir oF SHakuUDO Sworp GuarpsAKD Mounts i For the Samurai’s two swords. With shagreened (ishime) y M a4 surface. The obverse design on one sustains peacock and peonies, and the other a cock, chickens and peonies, all chiseled in high relief with gold, silver and copper inlaying. Signed: Ishiguro Masayoshi. Date, 1765-1820. ‘The sur- face of the two tips and the two hilt rings is in ishime pattern and the design consists of peonies, peacock, rooster and chickens, in strong relief and picked out with gold and copper. Both rings signed: Ishiguro le Date, 1765-1830. a a Ln 9 Np Mounts to MAtcH — — es (a) The guard, with design of monkeys, waterfall and trees, ies in medium relief, with gold, copper and shakudo inlay. Mf ~~ (n) Ring and tip of shibuichi. Showing an eagle and a monkey hiding in a cave below; chased in medium relief and picked out with gold. Both guard and mounts inscribed: Tofu-ju Jihyosai Ishiguro Masayoshi, kore wo tsukuru (Made by Jihyosai Ishiguro Masayoshi, residing in Edo). Date, 1813. 212—.J APANESE SHORT Sworp 4. Bg: Se Red-lacquered scabbard, embellished with gold-lacquered kiri-mon crests; sharkskin handle, with bronze guard and inlaid mounting. Length of blade, 11 inches. 213—Jaranrse Lone Sworp a, Noe Lis vie Gold-lacquered scabbard, silver mounting embellished with © scroll and narrow serrated form, under the crackled glazing. Era of Yung-Cheng, 1723-1745. Has teakwood stand. Height, 1%, inches; diameter, 234 inches. 309—Buve anp Wuire Wine Cur os fe } VA Tall tazza shape, white Ch’ing porcelaih, decorated with J *& two dragons and the omnipotent jewel motif, together with a border of Taoist symbols and leafage. Bears six marks of the Yung-Cheng era (1723-1735). Height, 3% inches. 310—-BiuE anp Wuire Sort-paste VASE at mM (0 Ovoid shape, soft-textured Ch’ing porcelain, decofatéd with VAAL OW — butterflies and chrysanthemum flowers growing near ro¢ks, delicately rendered in cobalt-blue under the pellucid glaze. Era of Ch’ien-lung (1723-1735). Height, 5 inches. 3$11—-Buvurx anp WuiteEe CaBINneEtT BotrTLEe / ‘4 Ab Yerrk, Pear shape, with slender neck; white Ch’ing porcelain pre- * 5S ~< senting landscape decoration in cobalt-blue under the bril- liant glazing, including silicic peaks, lake and boatmen. Era of K’ang-hsi (1662-1722). Has teakwood stand. Height, 51% inches. Second and Last Afternoon 312—Btivur anp CuHamois CoLorED SPRINKLE BorrLe u Pear shape, with long tapering neck; Ch’ing porcelain, — coated in light café-au-lait or ts’u-chin chamois-colored glaze, with three white reserved circular medallions sustain- Af ‘ling blue chrysanthemum decoration. Era of K’ang-hsi (1662-1722). Height, 7, inches. 3138—B.LivuE anp WHITE Jar Y- Y ADMBY sv Ovoid shape, with short neck; white Ch’ing eigen of — fine texture; the decoration, in brilliant cobalt-blue presents palmette leaf and diamond-shaped panels, together with serrated and scrolling blue borders, painted under the lustrous glaze. Foot bears the “Ai-Yeh” leaf mark with fillet. Era of K’ang-hsi (1662-1722). (Slightly injured.) Height, 51%, inches. 314—BuivurE anp Wuite Sort Paster Ko) (Seger Graceful oviform, with slender ano and everted rim; soft fo J *= — white textured Ch’ing porcelain, decorated with varied bor- dering.in deep cobalt-blue. Showing a palmation at the neck and a scrolling arabesque design with small blossoms below; shoulder sustaining a lanceolated band in like shade of brilliant blue under the uniform small crackle and lus- trous glaze. Era of Yung-Cheng (1723-1735). Height, 74, inches. 315—BLvueE AND WHITE SOFT-PASTE Vas Ty ty 8 Lappe t ¢ o- i ie Gr aceful baluster shape, with small everted neck. Soft white textured Ch’ing porcelain; the cobalt-blue painting showing a series of narrow bands at the neck, in palmation and lanceolated forms, and scrolling rinceaux motif with small convolvulus buds around the body, in uniform brilliant blue under the pellucid crackle glazing. Era of Yung-Cheng (1728-1735). Height, 7 inches. Z Second and Last Afternoon Z 316—Buvr anp Wuitre Casiner Vase \/- we Va, fg e tN | as 3$17—BLuE anp WuitEt HawTHorn JAR BRET Graceful oviform, with everted neck; bet textured ive porcelain; presenting a branch of the (mei-hua) wild prunus tree, with blossoms and pair of birds, painted in cobalt-blue under the pellucid glazing. Ascribable to the era of Yung-Cheng (1723-1735). Height, 73/4, inches. Ovoid shape, white Ch’ing porcelain, presenting small clusters of mei-hua blossoms (the so-called ‘hawthorn’ motif), in white reserve against the deep blue ground, which sustains reticulation of darker blue criss-crossed lines to resemble cracking ice. Era of K’ang-hsi (1662-1722). Has teakwood cover. (\ Height, 51/, inches. 3818—Buve anno Wuitrt Borrie fe ite Wl hhnrtr u ps Pear-shaped; soft white crackled téxture, decorated with three borders in deep cobalt-blue showing palmettes at neck. Yung-Cheng. etapa) 7, inches. 319—Buure anp CHamois Cotorep BorrLe (ao (3 epee kA is ~ of uniform and rare quality. Ascribed to the era of K’ang- Gourd shape, with bulbous neck. Ch’ing porcelain of fine texture; upper section with cobalt-blue medallion and scroll decoration, alternately presenting gift objects, lotus flowers and rabbits under the glaze. The lower section in mono- chrome, sustaining a café-au-lait colored (tz’u-chin) glaze hsi (1662-1722). Height, 9 inches. . eee a, ey 820—Buvur anp WHirTeE JAR Aho AD Ovoid shape, Ch’ing porcelain of fine texture; decorated “with four chrysanthemum medallions and small scrolling (curvilinear edged) borders in deep cobalt-blue under the brilliant glazing. Ascribed to the era of Yung Cheng (1723- 1735). Has teakwood cover. Height, 7 inches. Second and Last Afternoon 321—Buvue anp WuitE BotTrTLe Ute Qua, Pear shape, with slender neck; Ch’ing porcelain of fine tex-V ae ture, presenting the “Vandyke pattern,” or form of lancet & § “— escalloped borders, enclosing floral and arabesque motifs; painted in deep cobalt-blue under the lustrous glaze. Era of K’ang-hsi (1662-1722), H eight, 914, inches. 322 Brur anp Wuitrre Manparin Vase “ a “ Biberon shape, with small neck, soft paste Ch’ing porcelain, LK 0 ‘= with so-called orange-peel surface, sustaining two vertical landscape panels, with view of hills, lake and young fisher- men under the crackle glaze. Era of Ch’ien-lung (1736- 1795). Hight, 81, inches. 323—LarGcE BLUE AND WHITE Bowne ‘ Escalloped edge, with vertical ribbing; the exterior i) Gis senting “Lange Lysen’’ figures alternately with wild p®unus — blossoms (mei-hua) and plants painted in deep cobalt-blue under the lustrous glazing. The interior sustains a medal- hon with (mei-hua) blossoms. Era of K’ang-hsi (1662- 1722). 81/4, inches Height, 4.inches ; , diameter, t , eats Buve Hawruorn PLate ie Dyes White Ch’ing porcelain; panel and/border in deep co blue painting under the brilliant glaze; presenting cluster- , ings of wild prunus (mei-hua) blossoms, reserved in the . white upon a field of undulating cumulus-blue with reticula- tion to represent breaking ice. Underneath, the panel bears a lozenge mark with swastika symbol and fillets. Era of K’ang-hsi (1662-1722). 3825—Larcr BuuE AND WHITE i OLE see, J ~ 44: | White Ch’i ing porcelain, with cobalt-blue decoration under ‘i the brilhant glaze; representing two dragons amid cloud and nebule forms in pursuit of the effulgent jewel. Under- neath the foot, panel bears an Artemisia leaf mark. Era of K’ang-hsi (1662-1722). Diameter, 131% inches. er, 137% inches. Second and Last Afternoon 326—Larce BuvuE anp WuitrE PLATE Deep shape, white Ch’ing porcelain, with bein hale blue decoration under the glaze; panel showing Mandarin / Por figure subject, including a rider on dappled horse. Border ~~ with leaf-shape medallions, sustaining alternately “Long Eliza” figures and rockeries against a ground of swastika fret pattern. Underneath, panel bears six marks. Era of K’ang-hsi (1662-1722). Diameter, 1334 inches. i 327—BivuE anp Waite HawtHorn WINE Jar OA f me Tall gallipot, so-called Temple jar (Mei-hua-Kuan), white- . = Ayaan textured Ch’ing porcelain, with blossom bearing branches of the (mei-hua) prunus tree growing alternately upwards and downwards, reserved in the white against a modulated blue background of brilliant quality with network of criss- crossed lines in darker shade of cobalt-blue, resembling the fissures in breaking ice, emblematic of the near approach of spring. ~The neck is encircled by a narrow dentated band and fungus border. Foot bears ring mark; ascribable to the era of K’ang-hsi. (1662-1722.) Height, 13 inches. From Captain Brinkley’s Private Collection, Japan. | C) 328—PorcetaIn SNuFF Borrie Xe i With raised embellishment, presenting a pleasure boat with ey —— the eight Pa-sien or Taoist genii. Glazed in polychrome colors. SmMALEL PoLYCHROME BorTrTLEe A Sebernrath ye Ch’ing porcelain, with slender neck ; Silnvg in green, pink esd ct and yellow marbleized glaze. Era of Chia-Ch’ing (1796- oa 1620). Height, 3 inches. o : 3380—Decoratep Snurr Borrie | ee KDE z Bulbous oviform; Ch’ing porcelain; with red dragon deco- ac gee. ration in soft-toned bean-red amid grayish clouding. Foot bears apocryphal mark in four characters. Ascribable to the Ch’ien-lung period. Height, 31/4, inches. Second and Last Afternoon 331—Smatut DeEcoratTep VASE ome 9 —eEet i 3382—DercoraTEp YELLow Water Cu & aoe Oviform, with small handles; body covered /in coral-red glaze with gold decoration and panels in white reserve, holding landscape and poetic inscriptions alternately. Era of Chia Ch’ing (1796-1820). Height, 31 inches. Shallow shape, Ch’ing i “uniformly covered in brilliant yellow glaze and decorated with green lotus scroll motif. Foot bears six blue marks. Era of Yung- Cheng (1723-1735). Has teakwood stand. Height, 1 6) ( . 2 inches. 333—FamitLeE VeRTE WINE Cup 3 0 no ae 3384—MarsLeEizep Rep anp Gray Vases Laat _— Semi-eggshell porcelain ; decorated with ee figure subject, in varied colors of the ‘famille verte” genre. Era of K’ang-hsi (1662-1722). Height, 1%, inches; diameter, 2%, inches. Oviform, with everted neck; Ch’ing porcelain, soft red, blue and gray marbleized nes Era of Chia-Ch’ing (1796- 1820). Height, 334 inches. 3385—SmaLL Decorated CouPE (Aa e ~ Looe 336—SmaLL Rep anp Gray VASE Se Globular form; Ch’ing porcelain, presenting a pure white glazed body with archaic lizard forms and narrow borders in blue outline under the glaze, together with yellow, red and green overglaze decoration. Era of Ch’ien-lung (1736- 1795). Has teakwood stand. Height, 2 inches; ee 21, inches. a Oviform, with everted neck; Ch’ing porcelain, covered in — marbleized pink and gray glaze. Era of Chia Ch’ing (1796-_ 1820). Height, 4 inches. fate! Second and Last. Afternoon 337—MarBueizEp Rep VasE cy , LS o Oviform, with everted neck; covered in marbleized pink and us “yellow glazing. Era of Chia-Ch’ing (1796-1820). Height, 4 inches. 338—SMALL Metatuic Brown AND GREEN BOTTLE , Pyriform, kaolinic stoneware, presenting a metallic body, with green overglazing in cloud forms. Foot shows we E brown-stained biscuit texture. Era Ch’ien-lung (1736- 1795). Height, 41/, inches. From the Brayton Ives Collection, New York, 1891, - 3389—Smatu_ Harieauin VAsE at (ges Pyriform, with everted neck; coated in harlequin soufflé ~~ glaze in polychrome colors, including blue, pink, green and gray tones. Era of Chia-Ch’ing (1796-1820). Height, 41, inches. 840—Smatyi Pink Graviata DECORATED vaskOLfy WE Abs eae ae Pyriform, with slender neck; Ch’ing porcelain, covered in wo. +7 __ pink enamel which sustains a delicately incised scroll pat- tern, together with floral painting in varied colors; in- cluding a morning-glory in full blossom. Foot bears small red seal mark on green ground. Era of Chia Ch’ing (1796- 1820). Height, 4° inches. 341—Decoratep Corat Rep Borrie ~ & oz _, Pear-shape: (cabinet size); Ch’ing porcelain, covered in ——-opaque coral-red glaze and sustaining a bamboo motif in gold. Foot bears seal mark. Era of Ch’ien-lung (1736- 1795). Height, 5 inches. 342—Smatt DecoraTED VASE Gy) ty ie 5 Globular body, with flaring neck; Imperial Ch’ing porcelain, “eran, J 7s 2 richly decorated to represent turquoise-blue cloisonné ~—— enamel work, with small mei blossoms in pink and diapered reticulation in gold. Neck showing palm-leaf border out- lining in blue. Interior of neck in pale pistachio-green and the foot in white soufflé glazing. Era of Ch’ien-lung (1736- 1795). Has teakwood stand. Height, 3%, inches; diameter, 3 inches. Second and Last Afternoon 343—ReEp ano Wuttre DECORATED as Va Graceful oviform shape, with everted neck. Ch’ing porce-— lain, with brilliant red overglaze decoration presenting two 34 ‘= Feng-huang or phenix birds upon a vermiculated red back-_ ground, together with floral sprays. Era of K’ang-hsi (1662-1722). 344—TorToisE-SHELL GLAZE Veen 7 ia Si Bulbous pyriform, with everted neck; Ch’ing porcelain, covered in brilliant yellow glaze with brown flecking re- (PRE sembling tortoise-shell colors. Era of Ch’ien-lung (1736- otra, too): Height, 51/, inches. From Captain Brinkley’s Private Collection, ee 345—DeEcoraTED Bown Aanp CovER Wiese (Spr White Ch’ing porcelain; decorated with flowered ‘crest forms freely dispersed on the white ground in varied design and y Hine coloring. Interior decorated, showing delicately rendered buds in white enamel over the glazed body. Bears mark: “Made for the Lord of the Hsieh Bamboos.” Era of Chia- Ch’ing (1796-1820). Height, 3 inches; diameter, 41%, inches. From the Brayton Ives Collection, New York, 1891. 346—PownpER-BLUE T'EAPOT white Ch’ing porcelain; deep powder-blue soufflé glazing with gold scrollwork, presenting two oblong panels, reserved in the white, and separately decorated with peony and chry- santhemum motifs in transparent colored enamels of the “famille verte” genre or glaze. Era of K’ang-hsi (1662- 1722). Without cover. Cylindric form, with side handle and upturned spout. [eR Height, 3%, inches. 3 / 2 —MasstvE Porcenain Bown SY eS A fnela — Covered with red and black marbleized glaze mANivaton of old soapstone. Interior with gilding. Foot bears blue seal. Era of Ch’ien-lung (1736-1795). Height, 134 inches; diameter, 414, inches. Second and Last EGER GON 348—Yerttow Graviata Mepariion Bown NM Magn — Ch’ing' porcelain; exterior presenting a aides gra- viata” or brocaded ground, with rose-colored overglaze , og — decoration in form of small vases and flowers, alternately “~- with four white circular medallions separately sustaining sheep objects. White interior, decorated with sheep me- dallion, Buddhist emblems and flower in blue under the glaze. Foot bears blue seal. Era of Chia-Ch’ing (1796-1820). Height, 21/, inches; diameter, 5%, inches. 3849—REMARKABLE FamILLE Rost Borrie oh Graceful biberon (mei-p’ing) shape, with small neck. Pure white Ch’ing porcelain of fine texture; the “over-glaze” ; . decoration, in delicate and half-toned enamel colors of the - f Gd ~ ‘famille rose” genre, presents a clustering of yellow and pink peony flowers with green herbage, growing near rocks, above which appears a “feng-huang’’ or phoenix bird-of- paradise, in-radiant plumage, showing all the enamel colors of the eighteenth century palette. A most distinguished and rare example in composition and quality of its class. Foot bears Imperial factory mark. Era of Ch’ien-lung (1736- 1795). Height, 9 inches. 350—Decoratep Rep ann Wuirt Dracon Vee Z Re Amphora shape, with small neck; white Ch’i ing porcelain, ., sustaining a pair of “Imperial” d seat together with a, — nebule decoration in soft peach-red tinder the pellucid glaz- ing. Foot bears six marks of the K’ang-hsi period (1662- 1722). (Has slight crack at neck.) Height, 8% inches. 351—DecoraTep EccsHett Lantern (T'o-tat Tengl/O nN : Cp 2AK Ovoid shape; thin white porcelain, with “famille verte” deco- ration, representing a pheenix bird (feng-huang) and S3y ~. dragon motif, together with the jewel of omnipotence ; red “— nebule and conventional cloud scrolls on a pure white ground. Era of Ch’ien-lung (1736-1795). Height, 81, inches. Second and Last Afternoon | Square shape; white Ch’ing porcelain, decorated\ with floral. J «* and butterfly motif in light enamel colors of the “famille jul | rose” genre, including emblematic pomegranate fruit, cherry blossoms, orchids and “ling-chi’ (sacred fungus) on a lus- trous white ground. Era of Chia-Ch’ing (1796-1820). Height, 43, by 61% inches square. 352—DrcorAaTED FAMILLE Rosé. nines is 3853—DeEcoRATED PLATE White Ch’ing porcelain; pancl With chrysanthemum motif in ue ew polychrome enamel colors in free overglaze rendering on a pellucid white ground and with fluted border. Underneath panel bears six marks in blue under the glaze. Era of Yung- Cheng (1723-1735). Diameter, 7 inches. 354—DecoratEep Rost-pack PLATE u > Eggshell porcelain, of fine texture, with “famille rose” deco- ration, representing three roosters together with pink peony flowers growing near rocks; delicately rendered on a ground | og: — of lustrous white. The border is finished with delicately v flowered green diaper pattern. (Has slight mending.) Era of Ch’ien-lung (1736-1795). 7 Diameter, 734 inches. 355—DecoraTeD- PowpER-BLUE PLATE Dig trnastOeg Ch’ing porcelain; presenting five panels, in white foliated A and fan-shaped reserves, separately decorated with red and LA ) = blue blossom motifs on a ground of powder-blue soufflé glaze. Foot bears “Hall” mark within ring. Era of K’ang-hsi (1662-1722). | Q iameter, 9 inches. Fae ae es White Ch’ing porcelain, presenting a scroll-shaped panel 4 ~~ in polychrome enamel colors, with floral and bird, design, including butterflies on white ground, field and bordering with flowered diaper patterns, “famille rose” genre of the eighteenth century. Era of Ch’ing (1736-1795). Diameter, 9 inches. 356—FaAmiILLE Roszt DEcoRATED PLATE Second and Last Afternoon 397—FamILLE RosrE Pate rel is et With floral panel and border, sustaining alternately floral and landscape decoration in polychrome enamel colors on a — white ground. Era of Chia-Ch’ing (1796-1820). Diameter, 9 inches. 358—Two Famitte Rose Piatres ue GES SP Ch’ing porcelain, decorated with polychrome floral panel and border in typical “famille rose” genre over the white —i~b JS ~—body glaze. Era of Chia-Ch’ing (1796-1820). Diameter, 10 inches. / 359—FamitueE Rost Puate Deep shape, with floral decoration in polychrome enamel / 4? colors of the “famille rose” genre, including free border with ~— fruit motifs. Era of Ch’ien-lung (1736-1795). Diameter, 11 inches. 359a—F amMILLE Rost PLATE Mn - (3 ia ,» Deep shape, with floral decoration in polychrome colors ; —— of the “famille rose” genre on white ground. Era of Chia- Ch’ing (1796-1820). Diameter, 11 inches. 360—Larer Decoratep PowpER-BLUE pO, ence Deep shape; Ch’ing porcelain. The powder-blue soufflé body _,. sustaining slight gold embellishment, together with five re- ie aK “served panels in white foliated form; separately decorated with floral motifs in ‘‘famille verte” genre. The center panel including a féng-huang (pheenix) birds. Border on reverse side is glazed in powder-blue, and the white panel bears a lozenge shape (Pa Pao) mark with fillet. Era of K’ang-hsi (1662-1722). Diameter, 11 inches. ( 7 ; / Second and Last Afternoon 361—Tatt Powprr-siur Vase (Bleu fouetté) S L YAM. (Ch’ui-Ching-Yao.) Cylindrical form, with sloping shoul- der and attenuated neck (so-called club-shape); Ch’ing © 7 9 J ‘—_ porcelain. Covered in powder-blue soufflé glaze of deep mazarin tone which sustains a supplementary decoration in gold floral and scroll design, relieved by three large verti- cal panels and a series of small upper and lower medallions, reserved in the white and separately painted with floral, landscape, and emblematic objects in transparent colors of the “famille verte” genre. Rare quality. Foot bears ring mark. Ascribable to the era of K’ang-hsi (1662-1722). Height, 1714, inches. From the Brayton Ives Collection, New York, 1891. - 862—T att PowpeEr-BLvuE Vase (Bleu fouetté) n u Base with ormolu mounting in Louis XV design. Cylindri- / ( J ‘“— cal form (so-called club shape), with attenuated neck. Covered, in powder-blue soufflé glaze of deep mazarin tone, with supplementary gold floral and insect painting. ‘The reserved white vertical panels sustain symbolical floral mo- tif of the ‘Four Seasons” (Ssu-chi-hua) 1.e., peonies (mutan) for Spring; lotus (lien-hua) for Summer; chry- santhemum (chu-hua) for Autumn; wild prunus blossom (mei-hua) for Winter; freely rendered in transparent col- ors of the “famille verte” genre. The shoulder and neck sustain other small white reserved panels with floral paint- ing in similar colors. Era of K’ang-hsi (1662-1722). | ( Mended.) Height, 1914, inches. 368—Larce Buve anp Rep Decorate Borrit Bulbous form, with tubular neck; white Ch’ing porcelain; } / j «+ decorated with peach-red dragons disporting amid scrolling cobalt-blue clouds and nebulae forms above a bordering of waves, shown at the base to represent the sea under a pel- lucid and perfect glazing. The panel underneath bears seal mark of the Ch’ien-lung period (1786-1795). las carved teakwood stand. Height, 19 inches. Second and Last Afternoon Y ais 364—Larcre Famitte Verte Vase Vy . 1 i Pole Tall oviform, with French ormolu bronze mounting at up- per rim and base. Presenting floral plants with pheasant and symbolic Mandarin flowers, growing amid rocks and ve i «~ herbage, in the varied colored glazes of the “famille verte” genre, including guelder-roses, peonies and wild plum (mei- hua) blossoms, in free and vigorous rendering on a pellucid white ground. Date, nineteenth century. Height, 27 inches. SINGLE COLOR PORCELAINS 365—TvurevuolsE-BLUE SNuFF BoTTLe Cylindrical form, with small neck; Ch’ing/ ; elain, cov- re ered in turquoise-blue glaze. Era of Tad-Kuahig (1821- eo 1850). Height, 21% inches. 366—SMALL Caré-au-Lait VASE a Oarnrela Pyriform, with everted neck; Ch’ing porcelain, covered in st monochrome café-au-lait glaze of even texture. Era of ef} — Yung-Cheng (1723-1735). Height, 3 inches. « 367—Rep anp Gray SouFFLE SnuFF BotrLe . CYL Slender oviform, with everted neck; covered in and gray speckled soufflé glaze. Era of Chia-Ch’ing (1796-1820). pe nad wa Height, 3 inches. 368—MIntaTURE CAMELLIA-GREEN VASE OL (9 Ovoid shape, with flaring neck; Ch’ing porcelain, covered in oy 6” green-blue soufflé glaze with crackle. Era of Chia-Ch’ing (1796-1820). Height, 3 inches. 369—Wuitrt Water Covure Oo a gare’ . Low globular shape, soft-textured paste, with small band incised under the creamy-white glaze. Era of Yung-Cheng le (1723-1735). Has teakwood stand. Height, 1 inch; diameter, 214 inches. Second and Last Afternoon 370—MusTARD-YELLOW SNUFF BOTTLE VY: thane ree Ovoid form, with small neck; Ch’ing porcelain, covered in S ~ mustard-yellow glaze and green-glazed interior. Era of Chia-Ch’ing (1796-1820). Height, 21, inches. 37 1—-SMALL GRAY CRACKLE BoTTLE sd- Graceful oviform, with slender neck Spreading at rim; dense / J ** _Ch’ing porcelain, covered in gray crackle glaze of fine tex- ture. Era of Ch’ien-lung (1736-1795). eight y3/inches. Yam - - 372—Meratiic Brown-coLorED SNuFF BoTru Pe Biberon shape; Ch’ing porcelain, covered with copper- y —— brown glaze, with soufflé texture. Era of Ch’ien-lung (1736- 17953 Height, 2°, inches. /373—Smatit Rep anp Gray Borrie Pear shape, with short everted neck/; Ch’*mg porcelain, coy- xf ered in white glaze with red soufflé clouding. Era of Tao- . | Kuang (1821-1850). F SU ‘& Height, 3 inches. 2 7 ee Se a 374—SNUFF Botte ai ‘ Ovoid form, with small neck; covered in mustard-yellow glaze. Era of Chia-Ch’ing. : Ae MAb ret UEFLE COUPE Ovoid shape; Ch’ing porcelain; white body with pink ) ag soufflé clouding under the glaze. Era of Chia Ch’ing (1796- 1820). Has teakwood stand. Height, 1%4 inches. 376—Wuite Wine Cup (2 BAL ' May ee : Eggshell porcelain, with delicately engraved dragon and / y@ floral design under the glazing, visible only if held against — a strong light. Bottom bears mark with six characters of the Chia Ch’ing period (1522-1566). Ming Dynasty. Height, 14% inches; diameter, 21% inches. SmMaLL Pink Aanp Wuitre So 375 From the Brayton Ives Collection, New York, 1891. Second and Last Afternoon 377—SMALL WuirE Saucer CVn rs qy1%r— _ Shallow lobed shape, with lightly engraved dragon design. / g, gv Bears impressed Ch’ien-lung seal mark underneath. ia Diameter, 3 inches. 378—Rep anp Gray SourrLtt Snurr Borrie We Waekheonrean Ovoid shape, with small neck; covered in/ red and gray / 2 flecked soufflé glaze. Era of Chia-Ch’ing (1796-1820). Height, 3 inches. 379—Smatt LicHtT RED Vase ere Oviform, with everted neck; Ch’ing porcelain, covered in Sts soft peach-red glaze with gray clouding. Era of Ch’ien-lung we; (1736-1795). Height, 3 inches. 380—SmaLu Rep Frampt Water Coupe ae A A Low circular shape; Ch’ing porcelain, covered in mono- ‘a J —~_ chrome sang-de-beeuf flambé glaze of brilliant quality, with white glazed interior and biscuit foot of fine technique. Era of Ch’ien-lung (1736-1795). Height, 114 inches; diameter, 254 inches. 381—Smatt Monocurome Rep Jar at: Ovoid shape; Ch’ing porcelain, covered in soft bean-red glaze, showing the pear-skin texture. Era of Chia-Ch’ing (1796-1820). se 2 inches. 382—SmatL Wuitre Tra JAr L. (Ona Perfect globular shape, with ivory cover; early Ch’ing por- 32a celain of fine texture, sustaining a small and delicately in- ~——. cised floral motif under the lustrous white glaze. Foot bears four marks in blue. ‘T’ien-Ch’i (1621-1627). Has teak- wood stand. Height, 21, inches; diameter, 21% inches. 383—MotrTrLep Rep Water CovurE | if eee AGB 9 ’ Low circular shape; Ch’ing porcelain; coated in séft peach- < J sz red glaze with pigeon-blood clouding of leah texture. Foot ~—_ panel in buff crackle glaze. Era of Ch’ien-lung (1736- 1795). Has teakwood stand. Height, 1, inches; diameter, 3 inches. «et —_ Second and Last Afternoon 384—SmaLL MonocHromMeE Mazarin Buvut Botrrie Pyriform; Ch’ing porcelain, covered in mottled mazarin blue © | a4 ¢- soufflé glaze with clouding; powder-blue variety. Era of K’ang-hsi (1662-1722). Height, 4 inches. 385—SmaLt Coprer-BrowN VASE Aree t Oviform, with everted neck ; kaolinic stoneware, stained and aN covered with copper-brown glaze of metallic texture. Era of Ch’ien-lung (1736-1795). Height, 41% inches. 386—Sorr Rep Snurr BortTie LN 2 Cylindric shape; Ch’ing porcelain, covered uniformly in / év “bean-red” glaze approaching the color of the peach. Era Ties of Ch’ien-lung (1736-1795). Has teakwood stand. Height, 3% inches. 387—SMaLu Iron-Rust BoTTLE i? ieee “ 3 Biberon shape; semi-kaolinic stoneware, covered in fine [eo oS _ speckled “‘iron-rust” soufflé glaze of uniform texture. Era of Yung-Cheng (1723-1735). Height, 4 inches. 388—RovcE-pE-FER Rep VasE QO, Ovoid shape; Ch’ing porcelain, with small handles covered js ¢ in monochrome salamander-red glaze (couleur de moufle) of brilliant coral red color. Era of Chia-Ch’ing (1796-1820). Height, 4 inches. 389—WuitE WarTer Covurr \. LD —-) 2 Shallow globular form, soft tee(geed paste, with delicately incised fret and fringed bordering, under the ivory-white glazing. Fen-Ting Yao genre, of the Yung-Chéng period (1723-1735). Height, 117, inches; diaygter, 334 inches. 390—MonocHrRoME EMERALD-GREEN OND (rat Og Gallipot shape; semi-kaolinic stoneware; covered with a uni- form dark green glaze of brilliant emerald tint (gros verte), showing fine crackle texture. Era of Yung-Chéng (1728- 1735). Height, 41% inches. tA ae ~oceeeetk |) Second and Last Afternoon 391—SmatL SeuaRE PEACOCK-BLUE VASE ee es Quadrilateral shape, with round attenuated neck and base; * ; Ch’ing porcelain, the four corners sustaining the eight Mys- J Pe tical Trigrams of divinations (Pa Kua) in low relief under the monochrome peacock-blue glaze of the Fei-ts’ui Yao genre. Era of K’ang-hsi (1662-1722). Height, 41/, inches. 392—Smat~t Monocurome Copper Brown Borer : Biberon shape (mei p’ing); Ch’ing pofeelain, uniformly | rg J ‘—___ coated in copper-brown glaze with metallic soufflé of the i— “iron-rust” variety. Era of Yung-Chéng (1723-1735). Height, 41%, inches. 393—SmMALL MustTarp-YELLow VASE LY. vs - Oviform, with everted neck; semi-kaolinic Ch’ing porcelain, covered in mustard-yellow glaze with small crackle and uni- form texture. Era of Chia-Ch’ing (1796-1820). Height, 454 inches. es | eS ie 394—_Smatut TEA-LEAF VASE rad Oviform; semi-kaolinic stoneware; covered in olive-brown with “tea-leaf” soufflé flecking. Era of Ch’ien-lung (1736- 1795). Height, 4°, inches. 395—SmaLL WuirE Capinet VASE : Oviform, with small everted neck; soft whyte-textured por- 3 a «* __celain, with delicately incised floral motif under the pellucid glaze. Era of Yung-Chéng (1723-1735). Height, 4°/ inches. 396—Wuitr CaBinet Borrie oy ‘ Pear shape; Ch’ing porcelain, with slight undulating surface 3 a under the pellucid white glazing. Era of Tao Kuang (1821). Height, 54% inches rth, Second and Last Afternoon 397-—_Mottiep FEI-ts’u1 BLUE Verne He _ . Quadrilateral shape, with attenuated neck; semi-kaolinic wy yo” porcelain, covered in brilliant peacock and turquoise-blue clouded glaze, with crackle texture. Era of Chia Ch’ing (1796-1820). Height, 51% inches. 398—MonocHroMeE Rep FLAMBE a JAR Yo Llanhey y2 Cylindric (pi-t’?ung) shape; Ch’ing porcelain, covered in f —— bean-red flambé glaze of varied tones and showing crackle. Under base coated in celadon crackle. Era of Yung-Chéng (1723-1735). Height, 41/, inches. RM. Arye 399—MonocuromME Musrarp-YELLow BorTrrTLe th J ‘= Pear shape; massive semi-kaolinic Ch’ing porcelain, covered in “mustard-yellow” glaze with fine crackle and iridescent texture. Era of Chia-Ch’ing (1796-1820). Height, 51% inches. From the Mary J. Morgan Collection, New York, 1886. ny \y et 400—Wuire EcesHert Porcenarn Bown |} m AO ‘~ With escalloped indented rim and translucent texture, pre= senting dragon disporting amid cloud forms, delicately en- graved and only visible when held directly against a strong light, including the K’uan mark which appears faintly traced in the disk which forms the bottom of this bowl. *Yung-Lo-nien-chih.” (Mended at rim). Height, 2 inches; diameter, 614, inches. From the Charles A. Dana Collection, New York, 1898. 401—MorttTLep BuvE VasE Ii52 Oviform body with long neck; semi-kaolinic stoneware, cov- ~~ ered in brilliant turquoise-blue glaze, with sapphire-blue clouding and crackle texture. Era of Ch’ien-lung (1736- 1795). Height, 514 inches. 1. Oe Second and Last Afternoon 402—Smauut Rost-pu-Barry Vase WVX%- SL, Oviform, with everted neck; covered in rose soufflé glaze 1 pt TS showing orange peel surface. Era of Chia-Ch’ing (1796- 1820). Height, 5 inches. 403—MonocuroMe AsHEN Gray VASE pw } Oviform, with flaring neck. Dense kaoltnic stoneware, - aad fe coated, with a light gray crackle glaze, including red flambé flecking on the rim of neck. Era of Chia Ch’ing (1796- 1820). Cae 6 inches. Le rg, We 404—Tron-rust Pottery Vase \ ( eat? jf *=_ Gourd shape; brown Japanese pottery, with copper-colored ground glazing with “iron-rust” (Seto-Kusuri) overglazing. Early nineteenth century. Height, 51% inches. 405—Darx Brown Framsi Vase (Yao-pien) UJ" ¢ G Gourd shape; semi-kaolinic porcelain, coated in deep brown 7)? * and purple flambé glaze. Chia-Ch’ing (1796-1820). Height, 7 inches. CALe 406—-MonocHromMeE TuRQUOISE-BLUE CABINET Vitti ny S/N ine? r- it Oviform, with short everted neck; dense semi-kaolinic - — celain, invested with turquoise-blue glaze of the Kung-chuo- lu genre, showing so-called shad-roe (yu-tzu) crackle and uniform texture. Era of Ch’ien-lung (1736-1795). Height, 514, inches. Licot Brown Casinet Borrie (t2°u-chin-yads.) 407 —-# <= Pear shape; Ch’ing porcelain, covered in light metallic cof- fee-brown of uniform quality. Ascribable to the period of K’ang-hsi (1662-1722). Height, 61/, inches. 408—MonocnromMe Dark Brown Caré-au-Lalt Crackie VASE Biberon shape. Ming stoneware, covered in dark brown EX café-au-lait glaze with crackle texture. Seventeenth cen- > tury. Ming Dynasty. Height, 61/, inches. Pe oe cL try < iv a j ee. 7 f PA Second and Last Afternoon 409—Wuitt Piterim BorrLe | RG (3 Aron Flat gourd-shape, with small handles; pure white Ch’ing | 2 ie porcelain, with engraved medallions on either side under the lustrous white glazing. Era of Ch’ien-lung (1786-1795). Height, 71/4 inches. 410—CrELADON CRACKLE VASE OX ; vA Ribbed quatrefoil body with small tusk-like handles. Dense semi-kaolinic Ch’ing porcelain, coated in celadon green contre; glaze; showing giant crackle in light and dark staining. LOS Foot bears blue seal mark. Era of Ch’ien-lung (1736- 1795). Height, 6°, inches. f. 411—CrELapon Capinet VASE stoneware, covered in celadon green genre, showing brown RS stained crackle. Era of Yung-Chéng (1722-1735). Height, 714, inches. 412—Rare Corat Rep Botrrre if i (Shey ae eee Pear shape, with slender neck ahd silver-mounted rim; Ch’ing porcelain, coated in monochrome coral-red glaze of yA 7 B= brilliant and even quality. Era of Yung-Chéng (1723- 1735). Height, 8%, inches. va 413—APPLE-GREEN BOTTLE Tes a \ =A Pear shape; Ch’ing porcelain of dense te} ture; invested with a rare translucent ‘‘apple-green” glaze of the Lu Lang yao .. genre, showing a network of fine crackle and uniform tex- em) — ture. Attributable to the era of K’ang-hsi (1662-1722). ches. x Height, 6 in 414—MonocHROME ere 610. Se So-called club shape (p’ing-chih p’ing) ; white Ch’ing i ane g ‘~ lain, covered in “mirror-black” (u-ching) glaze of uniform and brilliant quality. Without mark. Ascribable to the period of K’ang-hsi. Height, 8 inches. ail aa eee eee, el Wi eaieal \ Oo Nye gene Sr ee ar oe Wd Dee oc i 4 . een at . - on : = or =a Se tet Second and Last Afternoon 415—Iron-rust Borris (Tieh-hsui yao) Bulbous body, with slender neck, linea upper rim. Ch’ing porcelain, coated in metallic brown glaze ‘ed y) «* with saillant “iron-rust” soufflé (tieh-hsui) flecking of rare quality. Era of Yung-Cheng (1723-1735). Height, 834 inches. From the 8. Bing and Mary J. Morgan Collections. . 416—EnNcGRAVED WuitrE ANd CEeLapon IN1iAID apt ' ark Pear shape, with tubular neck; white Ch sustaining a delicately engraved dragon pursuing the ef- SC ‘~___ fulgent jewel of omnipotence, enveloped amid nebule, in light celadon. Era of Ch’ien-lung (1736-1795). ing porcelain, Height, 91/, inches. / \ vhs \ \ covered in brown ing and iridescent 417—PorrLE FruamBet BorTriEe Pear shape; semi-kaolinic stoneware,/ flambé glaze with purplish-gray cloud Re Yj “—— quality. Seventeenth century. Height, 81/4, inches. / a ee Sloe Bow. . | OLG (3 White Ch’ing porcelain; exterior covered in deep powder- blue soufflé glaze of brilliant mazarin shade; with superposed — . gold painting, showing rampant dragon in pursuit of the AS ‘{__ effulgent jewel amid cloud forms. Foot bears a seal (Hall) mark within ring. Era of K’ang-hsi (1662-1722). Height, 3 inches; diameter, 81%, inches. OC 419—-CeLapon Jar (Ch’ing-tz’w) Par vie Faerntro of Globular shape, with contracted neck. §onorous stoneware yA as | ‘— of ferruginous and vitrified texture; presenting a slightly raised lotus blossom and scroll motif, together with vines and leaf bordering under the pellucid celadon green glaze. Invested with vertical brown stained crackle. Ming Dy- nasty (1368-1643). Height, 7 inches Second and Last Afternoon | RIA MAMN 420—CrELApON GREEN VasE (T'ung-ch’ing yao) Oviform, with flaring neck; Ch’ing porcelain, the lower sec- ,. on presenting relief embellishment in bordered form, i ( — with peony blossoms and leafy scrolls, and the neck sustains lotus leaf and lanceolated fungi borders in low relief, under a uniform celadon green glazing of pellucid quality. Era of K’ang-hsi (1662-1722). Height, 7 inches. 421—Licutr GrayisH Mazarin Buvurt Vase 7 Yeats Quadrilateral shape (feng-hu), with elephant-head handles. 7 b °- Massive Ch’ing porcelain, uniformly covered in light grayish mazarin blue glaze with interlacement of giant crackle in black. Ch’ien-lung (1736-1795). Height, 81/, inches. - 422—-PowDER-BLUE VasE (Bleu ey Baluster shape; white Ch’ing porcelain, covered in powder- Le § “= blue soufflé glaze of brilliant mazarin tint, showing traces of supplementary gold floral decoration. Era of Yung-Cheng (1723-1735). (Mended near neck.) Height, 94 inches. From Captain Brinkley’s Private Collection, Japan. 423—SeuarE MonocuromMEe CreLapon VAsE Quadrangular shape, with round contracted neck and base; / Cae massive Ch’ing porcelain. The sides sustain recurrent cor- ner ridges slightly raised, in dentated form, under the pel- lucid celadon glazing. Ascribable to the eighteenth cen- tury. Late Ch’ien-lung (1736-1795). Height, 91/, inches. 424—Rep Fruampt Vase with CEentRicosE-LOBED Rim Covered with a brilliant monochrome red glaze, | showing if 4) “=~ flambé flecking at the lobed rim. Era of Ch’ien-lung (1736- 1795). Height, 8 inches. AC: mano - Second and Last Afternoon 425—Two Rep Fiamprt Vases nas se ie of / Urn shape, with four rudimentary grotesque mask han eS ; massive Ch’ing porcelain, covered in red flambé glaze, show- ‘ uf ts ‘ing celadon green splashes. Era of Ch’ien-lung (1736+ ( 1795). Height, 7 inches. 426—DerrEpr Sanc-pE-BeuF VasE (Lang-Yao) one igs Pyriform, with rich oxidized-silver mounting; at rim. Dense 2 Ch’ing porcelain, coated in the rare mottled red glaze of the genre known as “sang-de-beuf” or ox-blood variety, ae 0 *— with clotted form of clouding. The underneath foot is glazed in light-toned celadon. Date: Era of K’ang-hsi (1662-1722). Height, 81%, inches. 427—Rep Casinet Vase (Haricot rouge) Ure y rae ee es - Biberon shape; Ch’ing porcelain, covered in a soft ~bean- fa -- red’ (Chiang-tou-hung) glaze, with slight rose tinge and ~~ “pear-skin” texture, under the pellucid glaze. Foot bears six marks in blue within ring. Era of Yung-Cheng (1723- 1735). Height, 8% inches. { 428—Sortr Rep VAsE Se Pyriform; Ch’ing porcelain, uniformly covered if/ of the genre known as “bean red” or ‘‘Ch’iang-t showing a fine pear-skin texture. Era of Ch’ien-lung (1736- 1795). Height, 914, inches. / 429—Tatt Sanc-pre-peur Vase (Lang-Yao) Peer Jie {— A yi 4 e ree CL M1 2a The rare baluster form; coated in brilliant ‘‘sang-de-beeu SOwr glaze of true “Lang yao” genre, with characteristic cloud- VR ‘ing passing into ruby-red and deeper tones of ox-blood. The upper rim is defined by a line of light celadon and the interior is glazed in rice tone, with small crackle. 'The foot underneath is technically perfect and displays a_ light celadon glaze with a clot of red marking this distinguished example. Date: Era of K’ang-hsi (1622-1722). Height, 18 inches. From Captain Brinkley’s Private Collection, Japan. Eye (Illustrated—See Frontispiece) Second and Last Afternoon 430—Larcrt MonocHroMeE CoratL-rED JAR Ovoid shape with white-rimmed neck, presenting a brilliant rouge-de-fer glaze of the coral-red variety of even color and ff $G “—_ pear-skin texture. The white panel underneath is without mark. Late Ch’ien-lung. Height, 12%, inches; diameter, 91/, inches. 431—Gray Crackle Jar CG Corner 2b Ovoid shape; massive porcelain in grayish-white glaze, wi Vie 3 A *s giant crackle. Foot bears four apocryphal marks of the Cheng-hua period (1426-1435). Height, 12 inches. s “x 4 432—TatLL PowpeEr-BLvuE Vase (Bleu fouetté) Graceful baluster form; white Ch’ing porcelain, covered in deep powder-blue soufflé glaze of brilliant texture (deep 27 U — mazarin tone) with supplementary gold dragon borders. Rare quality. Ascribed to the K’ang-hsi period (1662- 1722). 434—Larce TuRQUOISE-BLUE ee es Oviform, with flaring neck; dense Ch’ing porcelain, co in monochrome turquoise-blue (Kung-chua-lu) glaz v on .. slight mottling in light and deeper shades. Era of Chia- — Ch’ing (1796-1820). Height, 16%, inches. Height, 24 inches. From Captain Brinkley’s Private Collection, Japan. Larcr PisTacHE-GREEN VA : Cy bee Graceful gourd-shape; Ch’ing porgelajn, covered in mono-. / Nay chrome light pistachio-green enamel of opaque texture and uniform quality. Foot underneath is glazed in light tur- quoise color. Era of Ch’ien-lung (1736-1795). (Has fire crack.) 435 Height, 231, inches. Second and Last Afternoon 436—Larer CreLapon Jar (T'wng-ch’ing yooh iG) Me G, "a 4 Globular shape, with two chimera heads and rudimentary ring handles. The body, with raised ornamentation under the pellucid celadon-green glazing, showing floral scrolls and $e ra g°= Taoist (Pa-an-hsien) emblems, together with borders. Shoulder is encircled by a band of swastika fret and circular “Shou” symbols of longevity, and the neck shows five em- blematic bats (wu-fu) amid cloud and nebule scrolls. Foot bears Imperial factory seal of the Ch’ien-lung period (1736- E7UD)., Height, 15 inches; diameter, 17 inches. RHODIAN AND GREEK POTTERY PERSIAN, EUROPEAN, CHINESE AND JAPANESE BRONZES 437—Ruopian Ewer ye Lindus pottery, with semi-translucent~ white enameled ground of stanniferous texture; sustaining typical poly- chrome decoration in the form of red and blue palmette a blossoms and interlacing in black outlines. Date early seventeenth century. Height, 9 inches. 438—RuHopian PLATE Ck Ge aH y, Ee ae Lindus pottery in flowered design, with serrated border. Date, early seventeenth century. Diameter, 9%4 inches. 439—Smatut Ruyopian PLATE an und, sustain- Lindus pottery; stanniferous white enam ‘ero ing polychrome decoration with ewer and lottis blossom *“—_ motif, including a narrow border. Date, early seven- teenth century. ; Diameter, 8 inches. X he 440—Ruyopian PLATE Sustaining bird and flower motif on white ground. Date, S2~o early seventeenth century. Diameter, 81%, inches. Second and Last Afternoon 441—Ruopian Piate Sustaining figure and lotus m ff on/white ground. fr pee seventeenth century. Diameter, 81% inches. 442——RuHopIan PLATE Xe Crus, Lindus pottery, with stanniferous white enamel y DE sustaining a conventional red and blue blossom “ motif, sows cowverte. Early seventeenth century. Diameter, 12 inches. 443—Prrsian Porrery Tite (a™ Jem mt aodace With stanniferous white enamel, sustaining an interlaced / asf motif in rich blue and light golden-toned reflet of rare qual- ity. Sixteenth century. Ebonized wood frame. 5 by 5 inches. S & 444—Two Framep Inpo-Prerstan TILEs Vitreous glazed pottery, with polychrome decoration, show- ing three figures on deep cobalt-blue ground, together with — ree! : ae serpentine corners. Seventeenth century. 8 by 8 inches. 445——Larcre Framep Persian TILE F = : Vitreous glazed pottery, with polychrome decoration, rep- & lati? resenting dancers performing before a Shah. Seventeenth Se CENUITY.. © Ge A) bi. ean, Bow. 446—GREEK-Erruscan 'TERRA-COTTS 3 _~« Light ground, painted with berder motif; involving three $ — steers and three figures. Third to foun century. ( Mended. ) Height, 31, inches. nn : u & 447—SmMaLuL GREEK TERRA-coTTA Ewer Black glazed ground with red panel, showing figure and | ei §@ stand with ewer. Fourth century. mae oF Height, 4 inches. Second and Last Afternoon 448—Smatu GREEK TERRA-COTTA een Van. g. kL Black glazed ground, with panel, shavane y running figure. oe, «““___ Probably intended for Phidippides, the “fleet Marathon runner. Fourth century. Height, 41, inches. 449—Greex-Erruscan Trerra-cotta VAsE ) J x Vp ae Mh ; Amphora lekythos; with one handle. Decorated wjth Athen- / 20 ian warrior holding shield on light ground palm-leaf and scroll, including bordering. ibe a 6 inches. 2 Z 450—GreEk-Erruscan Trrra-corta Vase \ pe pone oY LE GA. Amphora-shaped lekythos with one en Pajhted eee 4 .: hon, showing Grecian figure on olive ground. Wola speci- ~ men. Third to fourth century B.C. Height, 6%, inches. 451—GRrEEK-EtTruscan TrErra-cotra BotTLe | ga. Yk O., Graceful shape, with one handle. Brown glazed body, sus- Y a ~—. taining borders and the figure of a Grecian lady holding fan. third to fourth century. Height, 7%, inches. 452—Greek Trrra-corra Mortuary VASE = - ( With two handles; decorated with recurrent red bands, and Jtse _ showing incrustation of earth from long burial. Fourth century. ie 584 inches. 453—GREEK-ETRUSCAN TERRA-coTTa VASE oft blac , adhe Oinochoe or wine Jug. With two handles; s uf ect e painted with warriors in combat; reverse, with a single fig- “are and small border in pale red. A Nola specimen of the second or third century, B.C. eokeai 121/, inches. 454—Greek-Erruscan Terra-cotta VAsE eagle 4 Cael an : Oinochoe; black ground, with two handles painted 7d e+ panels showing three figures on each side. ‘Third to fourth ia century. Height, 6%, inches. Second and Last Afternoor a Ei Bete s ; i , | | 7 a 7 Ch 455—Licur Trerra-coTta ‘TandckaA Ficurtne | . _.. Representing a seated Athenian boy, with mask. Hellenic ~ 3 5 8s Mperiodes.C) Height, 6 inches. 456—Licut 'TERRA-COTTA i ele Representing a walking Athenian lady with palm-leaf fan held up. Hellenic period, B.C. (Neck repaired.) 3 = ; eight9 inches. : ad: fe 457—Licur Trrra-cotra TanaGra Figurine Representing a seated Athenian woman, with flowing robes; ( Cece showing the remains of color on hair and folds. From Cen- tral Greece. Hellenic period, B.C. Height, 714 inches. EcypeTiAn ALABASTER VASE ik Wan ew Te oY 4 Ampulla shape; prehistoric per éd Ke to III Dynasty [oo B.C.). | —_W 459—Eeyprian ALABASTER VASE Aree é Ampulla shape; II to IV Dynasty B.C. Y Bie we We Height, 5 inches. 460—Ecyrpttan Bronze Usnasti Ficuxtgc YL Representing “Mut,” Mother of Zeus Am’mon, or the Ma- ternal principle. Green patina. Type of the Nineteenth Bow Dynasty (?) (About 1400-1280 B.C.). Has wood base. 458 - (/ —, 461—EeyrtTiAn ScuLPprurep B TONE Fictr Representing the “Priestess Ammon Ra,” with inscription ue 0 «* on back reading: “Say a Prayer to Oseris Am’mon of Thebes for an offering to Wapu” (Lady of Reverence). Type of the Nineteenth Dynasty —_— B.C.) C4 With steel mounting and floral painting. Early ninet f ME o© century. | Height, 11 inches. 462—Rounp AMBER SNUFFBOX enth Second and Last Afternoon 463—SNnvuFFBOXx Cr onihey Mother-of-pearl, enriched with carving ree Nep- // tune, nymphs and other mythical figures riding on sea- ~ lh, << horses or dolphins. Mounting of gilt bronze. Early nine- teenth century. 464—CrystaL Quartz SEaL pee ELL aes In form of a crowned bust. French. “Eighteenth century. Vi) ad Height, 2°/, inches. 465—-SmautL Frencu. Limoces ENAMEL ’ Oval shape, with figure and cupid design; enameled dial. Se ieee Eighteenth century. ( ‘ae 466—Limocrs Enamet Ewer ) (7 (/) VA . With griffon-shaped handle; curve y bi ee C Ge dallions, representing a Bacchanalian féast: Venus, Nep- 4 > tune, and Fauns, together with arabesque scrolls. Eigh- teenth century. Height, 7 inches. 467—Perrstan Repoussk S1tver Cup a Sau gn SOXSO_ ( ae 468—-East Inpran Sitver Fiticree Box VY So Tall ovated shape, with openwork borders. re wT ey Pp p Heit, 31, by 2 inches. 469—Perrsian Firticree Pire i? w iz Silver stem, with amber mouthpiece. im / AL eee Length, 6 inches. tn 470—East Inpian DacceEr Che \tpnnkee f AP, 7 7 ded BL f | / 0 ne ee Handle and end scabbard richly ornamented th silver and gilt filigree work on shark-skin in lotus scroll design. _. Length of blade, 11 inches. f) 471—Smauu Iron Marcupox LD A, UT VAMA a —— Persian; with gold damascening in arabesque design. Second and Last Afternoon 4'72—-SnNUFFBOX NA eis i hd . ey 5? Oval shape, with silver and gold niello work in scrolling arabesque design. l U 473—Iron SNUFFBOX bas eae ¢ | poe. Oblong; with round ends; gold inlay in medallion and ara- besque borders. Silver-plated interior. , u 474—Spanisu Sitver Snurrnox ~~ [a Ornamented with niello work in arabesque design. Cy 475—S1LvER SNUFFBOX - ¢& foe 5% With silver niello medallion and clasp. 476—Perrsian Inuaip Metan Tray & ¢ ‘ Richly damascened with gold, silver in arabesque and bor- 226% der motifs, including vignettes with “Neshky” inscriptions. : Sixteenth century. | ' Diameter, 181, inches. 47°7—LarcrE Srvres Porcetain VasE Qry Tapering oviform, with tortoise-shell brown soufilé glaze, — including ormolu mounting at the base. Nineteenth cen- CUTTY. 478—Larce SEvRES PorceLain VAsE ws rd. Monochrome lapis-blue (bleu-de-roi) glaze; oviform, " /) ‘s mounted with ormolu bronze, including two chimera-head handles. Nineteenth century. ale Wie 29 inches. a 479—Smatt Barve Bronze: Runnrine Evreruant ~RACmAY a = Cog «« In golden colored patina, from the Paris Exposition, 1889. Height, 6 inches; length, 714 inches. 480—BarvE Bronze Group: “Strac nes toric Brown patina. Cast by Barbédienne (1889). (Get Height, 81/, inches; width, 14 inches. Purchased direct from Barbédienne, Paris. eight, 25 inches. Second and Last_Afternoon 481—Baryvr Bronze Group: “PANTHER SEIZING STac”’ Cast by Barbédienne, Paris (1889). e e 1 O 0 —— Height, 14 inches; width, 22 inches. Purchased direct from Barbédienne, Paris. CHINESE & JAPANESE BRONZES 482—-SinrvER NETSUKE lr e t 3 ~ Wrought in the form of an articulated skeleton. Made by ? Kazu-taka. Eighteenth century. 483—Buiacxk SHaxupo Bronze Saeed a 71 In miniature form, representing a turtle; bearing a gold in- - VEU laid seal mark. Made by Kikuoka Mitsuyuki. oe o . 484—Smatt Japanese Bronze Turtie (Okimono) a Aun od a Cast by “*Seim-min.” a Length, 2°, inches. : © | 485— JapANEsE Pipe (Kiserw) 3 EEG Va 7 Of silver, embellished with ‘“‘kiri-crest’”’? emblems. Bae Length, 8 inches. 486—JapanEsE Pree (Kiserw) a le Of shibuichi bronze, with gold-incrusted figures and land- ayes SeAPe- q Length, 8° inches. &- 487—JAaPANESE Bronze PANEL Fan shape, with engraved figure of a Buddhist priest. Nine- Uh ee teenth century. Signed: Sho-Min. 314% by T4, wmcehes. 488—JAPANESE Iron PANEL y Incrusted with two bronze monkeys on stump of tree, and [oie 4 showing cherry tree with silver buds. Nineteenth SA Pe —Signed: Sho-Min. Os ag 1 ( / 5 by 7 inches. Second and Last Afternoon 489—Ox1p1zEpD SILvER INcENSE Box 15 3m Its cover is richly damascened and inlaid with gold in yi 7 — chrysanthemum flowers. The sides executed in form of a ‘“fukusha” or “presentation cloth,” in silver, sustaining diapered cherry blossom patterns. Has interior of silver and bears seal mark: Koyosai, Yei-jiro. An exposition piece of distinction. Height, 1%4 inches; width, 34%, by 3% inches. 490—JaAPANESE SILvER IncENsE Box 14 ; With openwork cover; engraved ornament, with gold and 1h eke shakudo peony flowers, fitted with two rings and extra in- : terior tray. Height,2Y, inches; width, BY, by 2%, inches. 491— JAPANESE SILVER CENSER, Form of a pheasant with delicately chased plumage. Late- eighteenth century. iat ’, ost Height, 314 inches; length, 11 inches. CLOISONNE AND OTHER CHINESE ENAMELS /492—Smatz Crorsonné Examen Cup Re AAWK_. With turquoise-blue ground, sustaining blossoms And leafy scrolls in light polychrome colors. Chien lub period as (1736-1795). : can Height, 1 inch; diameter, 21% inches. 493—JAPANESE SILVER CLoIsonné EN Foliated shape, with chrysanthenYum and scrolled design on grayish-green ground. Interior of silver. Bears artist’s flowered mark. Nineteenth century. Height, 114% inches; diameter, 314, inches. 494—Prxinc EnamMet Tray tn i 4 Presenting a yellow ground, with blossom and scroll orna- ( ee ei Diameter, 6 inches. Second and Last Afternoon 495—CrLoIsonNE ENAMEL Cup-sTAND ae tah Lobed form, with turquoise-blue ground. Ming type, sus- taining floral motif and leafy scrolls in polychrome colors. /7@ Era of K’ang-hsi (1662-1722). Height, 31, inches; diameter, 51/, inches. : oar 496—JaPANESE Bronze PERFUME Box de i Oey ee Pouch form, wrought with shakudo and gold, upper section presents image of Rishis and Shinto shrine; lower section pigta is of red bronze, with gold dragon embellishment. Interior plated with silver. Nineteenth century. 497—CHINESE BronzE VASE Or ; Miniature beaker shape, with golden brown patina; raised ps2 gold details. ‘The everted neck presenting storks among — cloud patches, while the middle segment depicts landscape view, followed below by fishes midst waves. Date, early eigh- teenth century. Height, 5 inches; diameter, 3 inches. 498—JapANESE Bronze OximMono Meg ae. vy, J *“—_ Representing Kwan-non, the Goddess of Mercy, with flow- ing tunic. Brown patina. Cast by Tei-go. Early nine- teenth century. Height, 51% inches. 499—-ArTICULATED IRoN Crab Thr Se Unique example of Japanese metal work (attributed to Mio- ge «s chin). Seventeenth century. Natural size. Length, 9 inches. z Sc Seer ig 500—JaPaNESE BronzE CENSER Y-& hay. ; Ovated shape, with upturned handles and open“base. Its oes lid, with pierced details, shows leafy scrolls. The sides, with sunken panels, present archaic arabesques. Date, eigh- teenth century. Height, 434, inches; width, 5 by 3 inches. Second and Last Afternoon Ji RA: 501—JapanrEse Bronze INcENSE Bex” YD f Wnrn_a__ Square shape, raised on four feet. and with Wo tiger-head handles. The obverse and reverse sides display sunken “<* dragon panels and the cover is surmounted by a kylin. Height, 5°4 inches; width 3%, by 21% inches. 502—JapanEsE Bronze Tripop bpesnk YL < Hexagonal shape; the six sides sustain raised panels with ( ¢ Wave pattern. Pierced cover in cloud forms, surmounted by b a kylin. Mark: Toun-Sai Heishi iru. Early nineteenth century. Height, 6 inches. —.__ 503—CuINESE Bronze CENSER (>. Via heen Round form, with beaded bordering; raised on three feet. ye “_'The cover is surmounted by a “Dog of Fu’; golden olive patina. Bears a Ming seal mark, of the Hsuan-te period. Has teakwood stand. Height, 3%, inches; diameter, 51/, inches. 504—Cumsgse “Sun-spot” Bronze Shes: O Pe _ With two small loose handles; massive yellow-textured ji is *“—pbronze, with golden “sun-spot” marking. Bears (apocry- phal) incised Hsuan-te mark. Ming type, of the seventeenth century. With bronze stand to match. Height, 514 inches; diameter, 51/4, inches. 505—JAPANESE Bronze Onna ie ff ew Figure of a sage with crane. Ninetee h century. Height, 11 inches. 506—JAPANESE Bronze Oximono (3 7 | he Group of two turtles. Brown patina. [hee 507—JAPANESE Bronze CENSER Form of crab, finely modeled\ and cast by Ke Date, y, o— SY _ about 1820. eight, 4 inches; width, 8 inches. Height, 424 inches; width, 81% inches. Second and Last Afternoon * VA 508—JAPANESE Hexaconat Bronze Vase ( ¢ Corbeau With spreading neck. Showing two raised pheenix (howo) birds and floral sprays on diapered ground. Lower section 5 “— with escalloped sides. Light patina. Bears incised mark. Cast by Toun-Sei. Early nineteenth century. Height, 61, inches; diameter, 514 inches. JAPANESE BRONZE sae (abi) nrg In two sections. Body in globular form, with dr a rca f Fo in free relief. Resting on bronze base, with open clotid forms. Early nineteenth century. Bears incuse mark. 509 Height, 51% inches; diameter, 71%, inches. . ees, ty Y 510—JaPaANEsE Bronze Hanecine Vase vi © ee kee Curved in form of a fish. Go “— Length, 12 inches. /J 511—JapraneEsE Bronze CENSER aS Hortery— In form of mandarin duck, with finély chased plumage; C6 3 X J ~— brown patina. Date eighteenth century. Length, 51/, inches. 512—JAapPANESE Bronze Koro-BrAZIER ak VA ae Globular shape, with cover and top handles; massive cast- ing, showing chrysanthemum blossoms and leafage, deeply > g ge chased. Bears incised mark; made by Kin-saisei. Early LY — nineteenth century. Height, 5 inches; diameter, 8 inches. 513—CnineEseE Bronze CENSER PR C) ae With reticulated bronze cover to match. ‘Body in massive form, with bamboo springs and leafage in relief, including small feet and rim handles. Soft light patina. Bears Hsuan-te mark. Ming Dynasty; probably reproduced dur- ing the K’ang-hsi period (1662-1722). Height, 8 inches; diameter, 9 inches. Second and Last Afternoon 514—_JapaANESE Bronze Vase ey: ey Oviform shape, with everted neck and two tubular handles. / 8 The body sustains archaic fret and descending leaf-shaped borders. ‘The patina showing an olive-brown tone. Date, eighteenth century. Try ( Height, 10 inches. AN 515—Larcre Japanese Bronze Oximono Censer, in form of a grotesque “Dog of Fu” on rock. Cast Yb oe by Gido (1830). Height, 111% ae width, 12 inches. 516—JapanesE Warrior Iron Mask) a ¢ phate. - The forehead bears the mark Jikoku-ten (one of the Shi OF *“_tenno) ; another mark under the chin reads: Made by Myo- chin of Yedo, a great armorer of Japan. Date, seventeenth century. « 517—CoLLEcTION oF THIRTEEN STEEL Go -HEADS 3 «. in Yassaghi-ha Wata-Kousi shapes, with pierced and oe ~ wrought openwork, showing ideographic dragon and blossom designs ; some being dedicated to “Hachiman Bosatsu” (the God of War), others to Marishi Ten (another God of War, or Deva); “fone willow leaf” arrow-head bears “Bud- dha’s Prayer” (Namu Dabutsu). Inscribed by different makers, including Fuji-wara Tomotada and Ukiharu and others. Sixteenth to seventeenth century. - Japanese Double arrow Rack, for above. Folding form, _ enriched with gold lacquer. Eighteenth century. | eke 23 in 518—Larece CircuLar JAPANESE MM, a0 5s in! Of iron, ornamented with a group of alls onze ee esp —two large apes with copper-red faces and shibuichi bodies are examining a kakemono scroll upon which appear a & demon and imp, wrought in relief with gold and shakudo inlaying. The smaller monkey is clothed in a gold-brocaded jacket, and appears to be attracted by the scroll and its parent, which holds a pair of eyeglasses in judging the merit displayed in the kakemono. This panel bears the name and seal of Tomo-nage in gold relief. Diameter, 26 inches. Second and Last Afternoon | eee 4 519—CninEsE CLoisonNéE ENAMEL VASE Oviform, with lotus flowers and leafy ane | in ogee Ww, ae nas and deep blue on turquoise-blue ground. The Ider is ; Ah © —~encircled by a yellow border, with Buddhistic emblems of Happy Augury. Early eighteenth century. Ming type. Height, 10 inches. 520—CuinEsE Cioisonné Enamet TRIPop-cENSER ye 4 Globular shape; with bronze openwork and cloisonné cover, by: showing bats and “Shou” emblems. The body, with dark Si co as —hlue lanceolated border, sustaining Buddhistic symbols, leafy scrolls and bats on turquoise-blue ground. The contracted neck is finished with upstanding handles, and the three cloisonné feet show gilt bronze masks and bat forms. Eigh- teenth century. Has teakwood stand. Height, 13 inches. AMERICAN ART EAGLES MANAGERS. THOMAS E. KIRBY, AUCTIONEER. r e Ps a, z = INTELLIGENT APPRAISALS FOR UNITED STATES AND STATE TAX INSURANCE AND OTHER PURPOSES THE AMERICAN ART ASSOCIATION IS EXCEPTIONALLY WELL EQUIPPED TO FURNISH APPRAISEMENTS AND INVENTORIES OF ART PROPERTY, BOOKS, MANUSCRIPTS, JEWELS AND PERSONAL EFFECTS OF EVERY DESCRIPTION AT CHARGES COMMENSURATE WITH THE DUTIES INVOLVED THE AMERICAN ART ASSOCIATION MADISON SQUARE SOUTH NEW YORK TELEPHONE, 3346 GRAMERCY a Bl RRR Bes BALE Sy BI tie POE i th i Se mS at i" eed 7 AND BINDING BY OSITION, PRESSWORK oh San Sf cea Lh gma (Mme | Pa Pate RNY 77 pipe Ca Nts Pe giant Cee =) | | | | hee ie Pan \ \ y re ‘i 5 te } ay. - Y cfalZ, ng reise ¥ Bee ia ‘ re = "ate a, ” iy At 7S rem eal aan | ey 4 Sm, na en ht EI Be sift oe eae. ‘ : “er y hs kes here ms ta . ‘. ) es po ‘ a; } i 4 Age: PA ‘ be alle ‘ ' Los a sol Ks ' 1) a, " ¢ . 7 ~ 1 ~ —— oe bf { pd fe Xx ~ « ee 5 AT %! % 6 Ip ste Yay RO peeing 7) Ne 7, . i 1 32o GETTY RESEARCH INSTITUTE $f, Gatiqeotacer crags LO yee . y oa ) | j \ ~ ) mes egy Waa er / . ar ay A I Se a ee 4 ¢ rd i bs Map a A Aus tS ' We Pe ‘ oN Na cre ay \ 4 > i . | pa 0 : i AAS ts C ir "tie an per vA fr ha AN PY ye fe