CATALOGUE OF A BEAUTIFUL COLLECTION OF PUGw TD BW Se PRINCIPALLY BY THE MOsT DISTINGUISHED ARTISTS OF THE MODERN DUTCE AND BELGIAN SCHOOLS, WITH SOME Gp Preuch and Bnglish Masters: AND SOME BEAUTIFUL COPIES, BY WILKIN, IN WATER COLOURS; The Property of a GENTLEMAN, . Who is leaving his Residence in Town : WHICH GA be Sold by Auction, by Messrs. CHRISTIE and MANSON, - AT THEIR CREAT ROOM, 8, KING STREET, ST. JAMES’S SQUARE, On SATURDAY, MAY the 20th, 1848, AT ONE O'CLOCK PRECISELY. ——iiie—- May be viewed Two days preceding, and Catalogues had, on the Premises, and at Messrs. Cuaristiz and Manson’s Offices, 8, King Street, St, James's Square. gus From the library of Frank Simpeon M2 2e CONDITIONS OF SALE. I. THE highest Bidder to be the Buyer ;. and if any dispute arise between two or more Bidders, the Lot so in dispute shall be immediately put up again and re-sold. - II. No person to advance less than 1s.—above Five Pounds, 5s.—and so on in proportion IIf. The Purchasers to give in their Names and Places of Abode, and to pay down 5s. in the Pound, or more, in part ef payment, or the whole of the Purchase-Money, if | required ; in default'of which, the Lot or Lots so Sypae efits to be mean me up again and re-sold. | — Oe IV. The Lots to be taken away with all Faults and Errors of Description, at the Buyer's Expense and Risk, within Two Days from the Sale ; Messrs. Curistiz and Manson not considering themselves answerable for the correct description or authenticity of any Lot. V. To prevent inaccuracy in delivery and inconvenience in the settlement of the Purchases, no Lot can on any account be removed during the time of Sale; and the remainder _ of the Purchase- Money must absolutely be paid on the delivery es VI. Upon failure of complying with the above Conditions, the Money deposited in part of payment shall be forfeited; all Lots uncleared within the time aforesaid shall be re-sold by public or private Sale ; and the Deficiency (if any) attending such re-sale shall be made good by the Defaulter at this Sale. CATALOGUE. —=< On SATURDAY, MAY the 20th, 1848. AT ONE O CLOCK PRECISELY. ie Murillo, after... 1 The Virgin and Child—a beautiful small copy Sir Joshua, after. . 2 The snake in the grass BEAUTIFUL COPIES IN WATER COLOURS, BY WILKIN. _ 3 St. John baptizing Christ 4 Portrait of A. del Sarto 5 Christ disputing with the Doctors 6 An Italian peasant 7 St. Catherine, after Raffaelle Moglia . . . . 8 The Cenci—in mosaic Robson . . . . Q Stirling Castle, witha rainbow—a grand drawing in water colours Copley Fielding . . 10 Bolton Abbey—in water colours PICTURES. P, Williams . . . I1 _ View of the Cascatelle of Tivoli, and Mecenas’s villa Bitty, RiAL 2) 12) A’ study of a nymph Raffaelle, after . . 13 La Madonna della Sedia—a beautiful small copy Rombouts . . . 14 An upright woody landscape, with a Horsenian‘on a road Correggio, after. . 15 The Magdalen reading Geviaratti*r. 2s. s 46 4 The Virgin and Child Modern . . ,. . 17 A hay cart Greuze . . . . 18 A girl, with young birds VanGoyen . . . 19 A frozen river, with figures and sledges on the ice Guardi , . . . 20 A pair of views near Venice—small A.di Voys . . . 21 A man seated smoking Hekemans . . . 22 A woody scene, with deer—upright Guardi . . . . 23 A view on the Lagune, with a square tower and gondolas Wan Goyen.. ©... 24 ia Wappers®.. (4:9. “22 Ditto ni ee PER e's 8 Jan Steen Ae ee eS Dyckmans .. VP 28 MC ADEIN fie yes a SD P. V.Schendel . . 30 Schelf houwt:.¢%.7 622-34 Verbeckhoeven, 1803 32 am (lage co. oe Se Se Van Oss’? .. 225 Se a4 Wetter. 2 Boone. Koekkock “.. @./€42 36 A. Schelfhout . . 37 Brackelaer . . . 38 B.L.Ommeganck,1776 39 A Dutch river scene, with a boat An allegory of figures The companion A musical party— interior An old woman standing at a cottage door threading her needle, a cat on a table before her A peasant and a woman at cards, and a man looking on holding a glass of beer A market scene—moon and candlelight, a woman buying fruit at a stall View of Rotterdam from the river, with vessels—evening Two cows, sheep, anda goat, in a sunny landscape A group of fruit, with a partridge and a woodcock on a table near a sculptured relief—upright A partridge, and a hen pheasant, with fruits and flowers—the companion A conversation champétre A town on a river, with sledges and figures on the ice ’ A Dutch river scene with snow—figures on the ice, and a cart on a road Two men at their repast before an inn door, in conversation with two women A Dutch dairy farm, with peasants, cattle, and sheep—a town in the distance a - pe i aes F Lee, R.A. Schelf hout Madoun, 1813 Madou GREUZE Dyckmans GREUZE De Brackeluer VERBECKHOEVEN wyinems . 3°... Leys. SCHOTEL . WOUVERMANS WILSON HILTON 40 4] 42 43 44 45 45* 46 47 48 49 50 5| 53 D An English coast scene, with market figures and fish on a pier A sea shore, with fishing boats on the sands, and figures at the mouth of a small river Interior of a cabaret, with a Burgher guard entering during a dispute Interior of an apartment, with the painter showing one of his works to his patrons Head of a girl, partly concealing her face with her hand—oval A lady seated in an apartment sewing near a window, with a dog at her feet Portrait of a lady, her hand to her cheek—oval A girl playing the guitar, and singing to an old man and woman seated at their repast before the porch of a house A Roman shepherd reposing, with a donkey, an ewe and lambs, _and a kid—with timber—an important and capital picture Jnterior, with a cavalier and lady visiting a peasant’s family A Dutch town during a fair, with booths and numerous ngures in the principal street, and travellers halting before the ornamented door of an ancient inn; illumined by a brilliant gleam of sunshine A calm, with a man-of-war and a frigate and fishing boats near a jetty in front, two men in a small boat in a creek The shore of Scheveling, with numerous figures landing fish, and loading a waggon ; and figures pushing off a boat—/from the collection of Mr. Zachary An English river scene, with a castle on a promontory— upright A nymph caressing Cupid, who his reaching for his bow— a charming work of this elegant master FINIS, me 4 gir - Sa Sue eer “= Z Wik re te ye % ; i > «