LIBRARY vae M.Knoedler & Co. | 14 East 57th St. ; é 120-4 2108 100. 1306 50. Prices Collections of Inglis-Morten-Lawrence Buyers C.W.Kraushasr id bi] AeWe Bahr eo Fe LeGrunewald, Jre A A.Healy C.W.Band : Constance Ter Assatouroff Holland Galleries C.HeBulil T.JdeWhalen E Hesterbrook C.¥.Kraushaar _W.W.Seaman, Agt. | A.W. Bahr Park Averme Studios Fe LeGrunewald ReS.Hull C.W.Kraushaar C Hastings Montross Galleries W.W.Seaman, Agt. Macbeth Galleries GeR.Sattige M.Knoedler & Coe C.Hastings A.A. Healy Otto Bernet, Agt. Wm. Macbeth Holland Galleries Pade Gcodhart Macbeth Galleries Arthur F.Egner Park Ave.Antique Shop R.S.Hull Arlington Galleries E.Hesterbrook GeR Sattig A°F Egner Montross Galleries Fed eHeaney Prices _ $ 35. ASchilling 60. We G.T.Sylvester 400. M.Knoedler & CO6 625. C.WeKraushsar 4400. Macbeth Galleries — 3500. C.W Kraushsar 4000 Durand~Ruel 0. Dr. F.FPrank 806 F.d.Heany 60. WeW.Seaman, Agt. 12006 Rehn Galleries 170. WeW.Seaman, Agt. 700 Otto Bernet, * 1700, KX Edwards 1800. Ofto Bernet, " 170. R.S.Hull 625. Otto Bernet, Agt. 400. E.A.Bates : 100. M.Knoedler & Co. 250 6 F.W.Gordon 500. Montross Galleries 2756 C.W.Kraushaar 110. W.Macbeth 975.6 Dr.F.Frank 2200 6 se 25506 M.Knoedler & Co. 8800. ® 8 175. R.S.Hull 1506 Holland Galleries 29006 C. Hast ings 210. Dr.F.Frank 25 E.Hesterbrook 8006 M.xnoedler & CO« 2256 CeW Kraushaar 1500. 0 * 425 M.Knoedler & Coe 200. " * 675. A A.Healy 306 FeS.Pratt 3106 A. Reimann 600.6 Macbeth Galleries 400. Fred.W.Gordon 6756 Macbeth Galleries 225-6 Dr.F Frank re ” - _so0ld at the American set Association, January 29, 19195 Buyers OAS, hangs bik large iss ‘Couchée,”” by Degas, ‘model resting between psc at his best. Al- ous ‘‘Pegasus” ranks spy would :be he who wner of all three, and be Batiatiod. for he would never pen which contained them, — : “Femme au Corsage, sufficiently represents : distinguished woman, “Life” of Henri Woods” and ; Bar | A Qui | the Divine was up [but the vedi arch. There-is an excellent {marine by Theodore Robinson. Among the other American artists rep- nted are | ‘Ralph Albert Blakelock, ie ewis Brown, William Gedney |Buce, William M. Chase, Frederick C. |Frieseke, Childe Hassam, Eugene Higgins, William T. Gagles, Jonas Lie, Kenneth |Hayes Miller, Edward Moran, Jerome’ |Myers, Henry W. Ranger, William S. Rob-! |inson, Irving R. Wiles, Frederick Bellam | Williams and Alexander H. Wyant. | “My Summer Studio,” by John Henry} ial is slight put engaging. D1 & ees Fe KAnoegier ie i 4 i? "i 3 Mey $6 fund liste ak a es ‘chsipetation con- sale’ of the Inglis-Morten- | part collection last night in the the Hotel Plaza before an Ease overly excitable audi- collection was an excellent an ie curio of view cine r cu ee of the 8 is di d unless it may ped ation-that after and f ines as they are, ! ers, and o ae, price, $8,800, selling 2 POs ’ I Jer & Co., and that is doubt- | ‘more than the late Mr. Morten . Upon the whole, Mr. Mor- | ten’s te as a connoisseur may be said to have been ratified by the auction, as of the evening. His Renoir, of. n Reading an. Jlustrated Jour- 2a Styl manpal Ruel for $4,000; his “went to C, W. Kraus- ; 3,50 , the “Pegasus,” by Albert ' William ‘Macbeth for $4,400,,, de Hassam’s “Ironbound” to C, tastings for $2,900. — o st of pictures pt eid for $150 and ip followe: ae | ees Sieg PR. Ryder, ‘‘Travelers at ey mw,” C. W. Kraushaar......... $210 i—A) er oes Ryder, “The. Eques- r Kraushaar....... 525 ri inte hatour, “Still Life,” EES IN A a eer 160 1t—Jean Charles Cazin, “From. My Seat, Window, cs i W. Seaman Pea paar Sate lt ty 280 “‘1—Adoiphe "Monticelli, “Fantasy,” TRIPS ROTI co 60! 6s 9:m.0.2 ve 170 | 20—Antoine acik ‘Barye,. “‘Land- | _ scape,’ Park Avenue Studios.... 179 28—Jean Francois Millet, ‘‘Harvest Laborer,” C. W.-Kraushaar,. 210 Sea Francois Millet, “Knitting,” . °| f BUEN eek ech ae ee - 870 25—Pierre Puvis de Chavannes, “Fe- sou Figure,” A, W. Bahr..... hein SD uis Victor Felix Mettling, La Cup ‘gi Wine,’? wis Ww. idsenacan'y f MRE co yoef coion dsen ys hansy ee 210! gt-Albert P. Ryder. “Late After- f noon,’ William Macbeth...,..... 775 | 28—Julian Alden Weir, ‘‘Roses,’”” M. : PUSTOBULCH Gs MOO lap Varah shh pe ener 260 ' $0—William Gedney “Bunce, “A Vene- tian Street,’ C.. Hastings........ 200} ee J. Enneking, ‘Sunset,’ O. ernet, agent.,..1.- ‘ ay oa ie 83—Irving Ramsey Wiles, “A ‘Span- ish Girl,” Holland Galleries..,... 150 ) A—J. J. Henner, ‘“‘The Beaune ” Bolland. PR URPICR | s sate oe ho oo ack 25— har Ibert P. Ryder, “The Pond,” ‘a great Inness | our co lectors in their] the Degas pastel | stures excited the principal com- | ; tee eg ie fa ; ! set Py TI, J. Heney. 150 45-— T. “Taglis, “aRettle | Island, ee eats ia, assachu whi: veh M. Kno fer ae : 1 as Eee oF id a peste a fd Francois Raffaelli, “At the Pe We Kraushaar, i pape $—Albert PL batiead * “Pegasus,” W. 50-—Alfred Sisley, Whe. “Quai a Sable, % Kraushaar...... # ‘bl—Auguste Renoir, “Pemme ‘Tisant un Journal] dened hel Durand-Ruel. | 58-—Childe Sg “The Blue Sea ‘and the Ba her,?*Rehn' ‘Gatieries, | 56-—-Charles Harry Baton, ‘‘Autumn eencreases ae Ww. es | ‘Wolland,” O. Bernet, Rabb (58—William Gedney Bunce, ‘‘Moon- ight, Venice,” K. Edwards...... leo exander H. Wyant, “In the Forest,’* O, Bernet, agent.. oa ae 7 Hill,” “Landscape,” Oe 8S. | MEPL a a 5 Beate ee BAS Bone, AIOE Oo BRE | 61—Frederick W, Kost, N, A. “Car- its hh Ein uke be Bie a ¢ m | 62—Charles "Melville “Dewey, “Gray Day, Shropshire}. re ung a Oe Ornette BRENT aicicy sinew ibe ee 68-—Frederick Ballard ‘Williams, ‘Ragged Island, -Maine,” E. A. MATAR Tc ek ce Mee ARS ewe tie iihe _ 63--David Johnson, ‘ Quiet Nook, ” Ge ON AOLODN cian v0 iach s wae (86—Aivert FP, Ryder, Diana, deine’, Sees, 61—Ernest, ‘Lawson, “Nocturne,” C. WORM SHR AE. f4 5 wows eon alee cai es Robert C. Minor, the Bie of the pare. Aes We} As (Ue 70—Gustave Courbet, “The Black- smnith’s, Shed,” Dr. ¥F. Frank.... 2,200 71~Mary Cassatt, “Femme au cor- a 68 rouge et enfant,” Knoedler MAD are Ge ie oe Nee 2 sid aa Cela Ae 2,550 72—_HBdgar Degas, _ Femme couchee,” M. Knoedler & Co... cavcseecs $,800 73—Louis Victor Peli: Mettling, “The aS AO: Wide ae © a. Seale = G LED Be ORE sry GmeAUk a 175) 74—Georges Michel and John Lewis Brown, “Landscape, Huntsmen and Hay Wagon,” Holland Gal- FOPIGS: Ios Coa auicts Sinco-olecata wie ie ieig ie aes oot 75—Childe Hassam, “Tronbound, yet Cre Pasties aiaves pcb ree 2,900 1 76-——Ernest Lawson, “Ola Fashioned Citcus?! Dro >. Prank:.).aessac eee 78—Julian’ Alden Weir, ‘Roses,’ M. Knoedler & CO... 2 psn aves s cen s 800 79—Ernest Lawson, “The Speedway, ie Cc. W. Kraushaar. Fag eraw sci aie sie 225 80—John Henry Twachtman, ‘‘My Summer Studio,’’ C, W. Krau- SRA BIS ee UL Ese ince Al gante coubeeee 1,500 81—William Merritt ‘Chase, “Hide and Seek,’? M. Knoedler & Co 425 82—Jonas Lie, ‘The Fog,’’ M. Knoed- fens Gi OO A bok pee 200 83—-John Lewis Brown, ‘Hunters and Pack,’’ A. A. Healey...... 675! 85—Giovanni Battista Tiepolo, “‘Ar- y rival of an Embassy,’”’ A. Rie- mace Th y be Waar uae male tt ties Lk asp iene eneat eral 810 86-—-Ernest Lawson, “Morningside Heights,” William Macbeth, 600 87—-Edward Moran “The Voyage “of Leif Ericson,” F. W. Gordon.... 400 88—-Frederick Carl Frieseke, ‘‘Lady Trying on Hat,’ William Mac- PE ibis eis oak iris tal ate nay oid Beaker ate 675 sag 2 8h Doses Theodule Ribot, ‘“‘Ri- t's Family Group,’’ Dr. F. itd Re ee Bena tale get ek Sera te fy ae 225 90—Touis Latouche, OReturn of the Fishing Boats,”” Dr, F. Frank. 175 The total realized for the et tak sale was $54,110, “ rm FEB 4 1919 ON FREE PUBLIC VIEW aig: AT THE AMERICAN ART GALLERIES MADISON SQUARE SOUTH, NEW YORK BEGINNING WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 22np, 1919 AND CONTINUING UNTIL THE DATE OF SALE VALUABLE MODERN PICTURES BY DISTINGUISHED FOREIGN AND AMERICAN ARTISTS TO BE SOLD AT UNRESTRICTED PUBLIC SALE BY ORDER OF THE EXECUTORS OF ESTATES AND A PRIVATE OWNER ON THE EVENING OF WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 29TH BEGINNING AT 8.15 O0’CLOCK IN THE GRAND BALLROOM OF THE PLAZA FIFTH AVENUE, 58TH TO 59TH STREET ILLUSTRATED CATALOGUE OF MODERN PICTURES BY DISTINGUISHED ARTISTS OF THE FOREIGN AND AMERICAN MODERN SCHOOLS TO BE SOLD AT UNRESTRICTED PUBLIC SALE BY DIRECTION OF THE EXECUTORS OF THE LATE ALEXANDER MORTEN THE LATE FRANK R. LAWRENCE FOR MANY YEARS PRESIDENT OF THE LOTOS CLUB AND THE PRIVATE OWNER MISS ELIZABETH INGLIS DAUGHTER OF THE LATE JAMES S. INGLIS (COTTIER & CO.) ON THE EVENING HEREIN STATED THE SALE TO BE CONDUCTED BY MR. THOMAS E. KIRBY AND HIS ASSISTANT, MR. OTTO BERNET, OF THE AMERICAN ART ASSOCIATION, MANAGERS NEW YORK CITY THE AMERICAN ART ASSOCIATION DESIGNS ITS CATALOGUES AND DIRECTS ALL DETAILS OF ILLUSTRATION TEXT AND TYPOGRAPHY CONDITIONS OF SALE 1. Any bid which is merely a nominal or fractional advance may be rejected by the auctioneer, if, in his judgment, such bid would be likely to affect the sale injuriously. 2. The highest bidder shall be the buyer, and if any dispute arise between two or more bidders, the auctioneer shall either de- cide the same or put up for re-sale the lot so in dispute. 3. Payment shall be made of all or such part of the pur- chase money as may be required, and the names and addresses of the purchasers shall be given immediately on the sale of every lot, in default of which the lot so purchased shall be immediately put up again and re-sold. Payment of that part of the purchase money not made at the time of sale shall be made within ten days thereafter, in de- fault of which the undersigned may either continue to hold the lots at the risk of the purchaser and take such action as may be necessary for the enforcement of the sale, or may at public or private sale, and without other than this notice, re-sell the lots for the benefit of such purchaser, and the deficiency (if any) aris- ing from such re-sale shall be a charge against such purchaser. 4. Delivery of any purchase will be made only upon pay- ment of the total amount due for all purchases at the sale. _ Deliveries will be made on sales days between the hours of 9 A. M. and 1 P. M., and on other days—except holidays— between the hours of 9 A. M. and 5 P. M. Delivery of any purchase will be made only at the American Art Galleries, or other place of sale, as the case may be, and only on presenting the bill of purchase. Delivery may be made, at the discretion of the Association, of any purchase during the session of the sale at which it was sold. 5. Shipping, boxing or wrapping of purchases is a business in which the Association is in no wise engaged, and will not be performed by the Association for purchasers. The Association will, however, afford to purchasers every facility for employing at current and reasonable rates carriers and packers; doing so, however, without any assumption of responsibility on its part for the acts and charges of the parties engaged for such service. 6. Storage of any purchase shall be at the sole risk of the purchaser. Title passes upon the fall of the auctioneer’s hammer, and thereafter, while the Association will exercise due caution in caring for and delivering such purchase, it will not hold itself responsible if such purchase be lost, stolen, damaged or destroyed. Storage charges will be made upon all purchases not removed within ten days from the date of the sale thereof. 7. Guarantee is not made either by the owner or the Asso- ciation of the correctness of the description, genuineness or au- thenticity of any lot, and no sale will be set aside on. account of any incorrectness, error of cataloguing, or any imperfection not noted. Every lot is on public exhibition one or more days prior to its sale, after which it is sold “fas is” and without recourse. The Association exercises great care to catalogue every lot correctly, and will give consideration to the opinion of any trust- worthy expert to the effect that any lot has been incorrectly cata- logued, and, in its judgment, may either sell the lot as catalogued or make mention of the opinion of such expert, who thereby would become responsible for such damage as might result were his opinion without proper foundation. AMERICAN ART ASSOCIATION, American Art Galleries, Madison Square South. SALE WEDNESDAY EVENING JANUARY 29, 1919 IN THE GRAND BALLROOM OF THE PLAZA FIFTH AVENUE, FIFTY-EIGHTH TO FIFTY-NINTH STREET BEGINNING PROMPTLY AT 8.15 O’CLOCK 4 é} © WILLIAM S. ROBINSON, N.A. A , AMERICAN: 1861— I—WIND CLOUDS (Sketch) Height, 7144 mches; length, 938 inches Over. a rough and wild landscape of open fields, with patches of green grass and grayish and purplish rocks and brush, and a single tree clump, clouds gray and white roll and pursue one another across a sky whose blue is all but obscured. Signed at the lower left: Wm. S. Rozrnson, 1906. Estate of the late AtexanpER Morten, YO ar Ly Oy | JULIAN ALDEN WEIR, P.N.A. AMERICAN: 1852— 2—ON THE BEACH (Water Color) Height, 5 inches; length, 7 imches A wine stretch of gray, sandy beach, with a pavilion at left, and a cart by the shore; a glimpse of the sea at right, and sky of gray clouds. Collected by James 8. Incuts and to be sold for account of Miss Evizasetu Ineris, Owner. ALBERT P. RYDER, N.A. AMERICAN: 1847—1917 3—TRAVELERS AT DUSK On (Sketch) | | ONY? Height, 7 inches; length, 1114 inches In the dim light of after-sunset a gentle saddle-horse walks slowly toward the right, along the edge of fields which slope from a grayish-white horizon, a woman and an infant seated on his back. Estate of the late ALExaANDER Morten. - RALPH ALBERT BLAKELOCK, N.A. dS, \ i AMERICAN: 184'7— f @ ‘a Height, 7 inches; width, 44% inches From the right a great rock in brown and reddish-yellow, with a tall, jagged-arch opening, projects into a greenish sea, which throws up a white smother between the pro- jecting rock and a rough foreground shore, the shore being keyed in the same deep tones of the rock. Signed at the lower right: R. A. BLAKELOCK. Varchaud ¥ bdarard. Yel Hur york 19095 _ From the collection of J. R. Andrews, New York, 191 6.-*34 SHS Estate of the late ALEXANDER Morten. ALBERT P. RYDER, N.A. / Nee Ree. Agratioae? 18471917 2 5—LANDSCAPE SKETCH Height, 584 inches; length 714 imches Aw aged willow tree, leaning and massive, and little of 5 — Pina? its foliage seen within the picture, grows at the foot of a =o dark bank on the right, and a green brook rushes about its fp Loe e2 root, the ripples white with cloud-lights. PRS. Estate of the late ArexanpER Morven. s+ 9 ft ) a AUGUSTIN THEODULE RIBOT Frencu: 1823—1891 6—ST. SEBASTIAN Height, 934 inches; width, 75 inches A Limp figure—probably a representation of St. Sebas- tian—is bound upright, nude save for a loin cloth, with back against a tree and arms around the tree trunk, on the right, agonized eyes directed heavenward and breast and thigh pierced by arrows. In the distance two robed fig- ures, dimly seen, beholding the martyrdom. Signed at the lower left: T. Rigor. Estate of the late ALExanpER Morten. Weave alo WILLIAM T. INGLIS 1860—1906 7—BOULOGNE HARBOR ( Panel) Height, 84% inches; length, 101% inches A COLORFUL view of a piece of shore in the outskirts of the harbor at Boulogne, France, with a sailing vessel, row- boats and a tug; red-roofed small buildings along the shore and a low hillside, beyond; sky of pale, gray-blue. Signed at lower right: W. 'T. Ineus. Collected by James 8. Iyeuis and to be sold for account of Miss EvizaBetu Ines, Owner. en : { | CHARLES EMILE JACQUE i TD Mawd Frencu: 1813—1849 8—CHILDREN AND SHEEP (Crayon Drawing accentuated with white chalk) Height, 74% inches; length, 10 inches A Group of three children, a sheep and two lambs. A little boy holds a small child on the sheep’s back and a little girl with grass in her apron caresses the kindly animal. Signed, on the mount, at lower right: CHARLES JACQUE. Collected by Jamus 8. Incuis and to be sold for account of Miss Exizasetu Ineus, Owner. AY 0 , ADOLPHE MONTICELLI i/ ~ Le pa ps et eae Frencu: 1824—1886 Ja 9-IN THE WOODS Manco len eaerfoorstf (Panel) Height, 101% inches; width, 814 inches A sreatep figure of a lady, with black bodice, pink skirt and red head dress, in a landscape setting of herbage and trees; a bit of blue and white sky at the upper right. From Boussod, Valadon & Co., No. 488. Collected by James S. Incuts and to be sold for account of Miss EvizaBetu Ines, Owner. J ho \, JAKOB MARIS Ne Durcu: 1888—1899 10—LANDSCAPE AND FIGURE Height, 5°4 inches ; length, 11 inches Aw evening effect, with sunset sky, depicting fields and a brook, crossed in the foreground by a foot bridge; at left, near the brook, a figure of a man standing; in the distance hills and a clump of trees. Signed at the lower right: J. Maris. Collected by James 8. Incuis and to be sold for account of Miss EvizaBetu Ineus, Owner. A ALBERT P. RYDER, N.A. 3 iS AMERICAN: 1847—1917 ; 1I—THE EQUESTRIAN : (An interesting sketch showing the equestrian figure <= Ker of the artist’s friend, J. Alden Weir, President of the \ Oo National Academy.) a. yy Height, 8%4 inches; length, 1184 inches On the right, autumn fields, and a diagonal line of sinuous | trees leading to a stream on the left, which is white with i reflections of horizon clouds, the rest of the landscape lying in the dusk. In the foreground, by the trees, a solitary horseman drawn up at the brink of the stream, accompanied by his dog. Estate of the late ALEXANDER MorTEN. yd, ». QWU 4 Mah WILLIAM S. ROBINSON, N.A. AMERICAN: 1861— 12—IN THE VALLEY, ARKVILLE, N.Y. (Sketch) Height, 714 inches; length, 932 inches Turovucu a flat, meadow-bottomed valley marked by oc- casional clumps of dark green bushes, a silvery stream winds, about the foreground, along the foot of low back- ground hills over which grayish clouds hang low. Signed at the lower left: Wm. S. Rosiyson. Estate of the late ALEXANDER Morven. Won. dvr» : * ree HS WILLIAM S. ROBINSON, N.A. : : American: 1861— | 13—THE DAYS ENDING (Sketch) Height, 714 inches; length, 9% inches Ar the right a clump of feathery birches, and at the left a detached tree whose scraggly foliage shows touches of color, in a wild field on the brush-grown border of wood- land; in the dull sky a glint of sunset. Signed at the lower right: Wm. S. Rozinson. Estate of the late ALExanvDER Morten. ‘wi\~ am Uo~ \ / \ , rT d Ay 4 tebtobrhe ROBERT C. MINOR, N.A. AMERICAN: 1840—1904 14—MOONRISE 7 (Water Color) Height, 9 inches; length, 1014 wmches A LANDSCAPE, with a lake in the center foreground; trees, at right; hills on the opposite shore, and clouded, night sky and the moon rising above the hills. Purchased from the Artist, in 1891. Estate of the late Frank R. LAwRrENcE. FRANCOIS BONVIN Frencu: 1817—1887 15—STILL LIFE (Panel) Height, 7 inches; length, 9 inches A_ DISTINGUISHED bit of painting by a French artist noted for the sobriety and restraint of his technical handling. On a table covered with a rea cloth are a small globe, some maps and books, and a pair of compasses. Signed at the upper left: F. Bonviy. From L. Crist Delmonico, New York. Collected by James S. Ineuts and to be sold for account of Miss EvizasBetu Incuis, Owner. HENRI FANTIN-LATOUR Frencu: 1836—1905 soa ia | i 16—STILL LIFE Height, 614 inches; length, 10 inches Signed at the lower left: Fanrry, 61. Collected by James S. Ixeuis and to be sold for account of Miss E1izanetit Ineuis, Owner. MK ae ee oh \ JHAN CHARLES CAZIN | wre Frencu: 1840—1901 ve 17—_FROM MY STUDIO WINDOW Height, 5%4 inches; length, 81% inches Downe lands dip from left and right, roll among them- selves, and their slopes meet in a narrow, winding ravine e or gully; their surfaces are crowned with soft grays and : yellows, greens and autumn browns, and the nearness of } the salt sea is felt—all under a pale turquoise sky screened by grayish clouds, with mauve tufts of approaching sunset. = Signed at the lower left: J. C. Cazin. | f | From the Julius Oehme Collection, New York, 1911; No. 46. Estate of the late ALEXANDER MORTEN. »,/. ; Aw ivory paper knife, a book and some sheets of paper, a bottle of ink and a stick of red sealing wax, on a table. LA. ldrue } Frencu: 1824—1886 18—FANTASY (Panel) Height, 12 inches; width, 6 inches A Group of three young women, standing close together in graceful attitudes, the chief color notes in their costumes being red, warm white and vellow; background of brown foliage. Collected by James S. Iyewis and to be sold for account of Miss E1izaBEtuH Inceuis, Owner. rf H V bn lis he a (Fa f* [8% ), AAT. Bad 19—CENTAUR ENLEVANT UNE NY MPHE (Drawing) Height, 74% inches; length, 1014 inches A MUSCULAR centaur, moving toward the left, grasps firmly a resisting nymph whom he has forced partly astride his back, the whole in tense activity. Collected by James S. [yews and to be sold for account of Miss Evizasetu Ines, Owner. t B10 por >| \ N ANTOINE LOUIS BARYE Frencnw: 1795—1875 So Ie 20—-LANDSCAPE MM | Height, 8 inches; length, 1514 inches A ¥oreEsT landscape depicted in restrained tints of color, small trees with brown foliage appearing in the fore- ground; beyond, large boulders, and trees crowning a slope. Signed at the lower right: Barve. On back: red seal “VENTE Baryr.”’ Collected by James 8S. Ineuis and to be sold for account of Miss EuizABETH InNGuLis, Owner. Ao! a PHILIPPE ROUSSEAU a Frencu: 1816—1887 FL. Grarepald 21—STILL LIFE (Panel) Height, 9 inches; length, 13834 inches A wutte fish, a hare, ducks and a platter of oysters, on a table with kitchen utensils on a wall in the background. A fine minor example of the work of a celebrated artist. Signed at the lower right: Pu. R. Collected by James 5S. Lyeuis and to be sold for account of Miss el A Evizaspetu Incuis, Owner. eA A 4) od RS A CHARLES FRANCOIS DAUBIGNY Frencu: 1817—1878 Ca WY 29-4 TRAGEDY SUGGESTED 7 Dn pa (Drawing) oe Height, 6° inches; width, 534 mches THREE figures appear on a great stone outdoor stairway, but dimly hghted and largely in shadow, a man clothed and a partly nude woman bearing laboriously between them the imp body of another woman but partly draped. Signed at the lower left: DausBieny. Collected by James 8S. Ineuis and to be sold for account of Miss EizABETH INGLIS, Owner. se | Frencu: 1814—1875 bea ry C JEAN FRANCOIS MILLET 23—HARVEST LABORER (Fragment of “Moissonneur liant des gerbes’) a (Drawing) Height, 8 inches; length, 105% inches A. HARDY peasant, bare of foot and arm, kneels upon and leans over a great sheaf of grain which he is binding up and preparing to carry. At either side, tall haystacks. oY Va Signed at the lower right: F. M.~ _— Collected by James S. Iveuis and to be sold for account of Miss EvizaBetu [newts, Owner. Se JEAN FRANCOIS MILLET V 2 Frencu: 1814—1875 24—K NITTING (La Grande Bergére) (Crayon Drawing) Height, 1124 inches; width, 81% inches A FRENCH peasant girl, wearing a hooded cloak, a cap — and sabots, standing, as she knits, beside a bank with slen- — der trees. At left, in a field, a shepherd dog and a flock of sheep. .: “it Signed at the lower left: J. F. M. In lower right hand corner: VENTE MILLET. French inscription on back. “Bergére gardant ses moutons et tricotant. Dessin envoyé a M. Haro par J. F. Millet pour le tableau il a peint pour lui.” Collected by James S. Ineuis and to be sold for account sh Miss EizABETH Ines, Owner. Frencu: 1824—1898 25—FEMALE FIGURE > (Charcoal Drawing) Height, 15 inches; width, 81% inches A PARTLY draped figure of a young woman of robust pro- portions, standing beside a tree, bending over, and with the right hand holding up her left foot. — Signed at the lower right: P. Puvis pz CHAVANNES. Collected by James 8. Ineuis and to be sold for account of Miss EwizaBeEtH Inewis, Owner. ' pes LOUIS VICTOR FELIX METTLING vA Re xeiaw, oe Frencu: 1847—1904 | 26—4 CUP OF WINE es = ( Panel) Height, 1214 inches; width, 9 inches A FULL-LENGTH seated figure of a young man, in brown corduroys, red girdle and wide brim black hat, in a wine cellar, pouring out a glass from a bottle held in his right right. Signed at the lower left: Merriine, 774. Collected by James S. Ineuis and to be sold for account of Miss : A eae Owner. Q A \Wn l ee pee | # \ ALBERT P. RYDER, N.A. | 5 can | AmERICAN: 18471917 27—_LATE AFTERNOON Height, 10 inches; width, 914 inches A skxetcu of fields in a farming country, the foreground shadowed and threaded by a farm road; beyond a tall tree brown in its autumn mantle, a golden-yellow field of broad expanse, and in the distance low dark green up- lands. Estate of the late ALEXANDER Morten. hand; a large earthen jar and a barrel, on the floor, at — a SS ws 4 \ / KENNETH HAYES MILLER 4. Kh. bets AMERICAN: 1876— 283—THH QUICKENING Height, 1334 inches; width, 1024 inches STANDING figure of a young woman, nude, at the seaside, seen nearly at full lengthNherback-to the spectator and chin resting on her uplifted and folded arms, as she gazes skyward, her face observed a little less than in profile toward the left. Signed at the lower-right: Hayes MILrEr. Estate of the late ALEXANDER MoRTEN. i; aww ne Q | lyk he SULIAN ALDEN WEIR, P.N.A. AMERICAN: 1852— ~ 29—_ROSES (Panel) Sue Height, 8 inches; length, 10 inches o 7 A cLusteEr of pale yellow and pink roses, on a table. Collected by James 8. Ineuis and to be sold for account of Miss EizaBEtH Ines, Owner. ays WILLIAM GEDNEY BUNCE, N.A. AmeERICAN: 1840—1916 30—A VENETIAN STREET ( Panel) Height, 9 inches; length, 1314 inches A CANAL in Venice with buildings on the right and a boat with red sails; on the left a glimpse of sea and vessels; sky of warm-tinted clouds intermingled with blue. Signed at the lower left: W. G. Bunce. Collected by Jamrs 8S. Ineuis and to be sold for account of Miss Evizasetu Inewis, Owner. \ ty? THEODORE ROBINSON Z 2 teaty AMERICAN: 1854—1896 | 31—FISHING BOATS lo ja i i ] Height, 10 inches; length, 16 inches THREE broad-beamed fishing vessels high and dry on a sandy beach, with nets suspended in the rigging; a glimpse of the sea, beyond, with a sloop passing; sky of gray clouds with a rift of blue. Collected by James S. Ineuis and to be sold for account of Miss Evizasetu Ines, Owner. edn i. Dy Crh, df peor ue Brey ues 2s 60 (ss 5 eee | A RICH, low-toned landscape with trees in th the branches of which appear against a sur _ 7 Eyre m 5 Heat, 10 inches: length 14 m 2 3 tA son clouds, ws ote seta gray. a FY ye “i ‘ ‘Signed at the lower right: Purchased ge the Lotos Club Eahibition, 1898. Estate of the ate Frank R. Lawnencr. _cona ty EAL NRL SIE le BARES ES I OS ON TTP ae NaF Oe NCAR ER Ml DCD eae A i Oe DPT RS Ne MIP SE ARTS RAR ESE LE Be oa ASN Ree ea ae i ; f i: IRVING RAMSEY WILES, N.A. AMERICAN: 1861— 33—A SPANISH GIRL (Panel) Height, 14 inches; width, 9 inches A THREE-QUARTERS length, seated figure of a young Spanish girl wearing a low cut gown of white satin, red velvet embroidered jacket and black sombrero, playing a guitar. Signed at the upper left: Irvine R. Writes. Purchased from the Artist. Estate of the late Franx R. Lawrence. We, ‘i iv JULIAN RIX American: 1851—1903 \ A Height, 51% inches; length, 161% inches ce op \ Vi Breakers rolling in on a rocky shore, at left, the sea stretching away, on the right, to the horizon, where the sun ___ is sinking in a sky of warm, yellow gray. Signed at the lower left: Jutian Rix. { Presented te Mr. Lawrence by the Artist, 1890. Estate of the late Frank R. Lawrence. 3 we x. é: no Yn Ve aa 1s pen P. RYDER, N.A. A€ Amienteam: 1847—1917 2 ; ike | 35—THE POND ee bene ( J Height, 1214, inches; length, 1684 inches | be Low fields in the background are deep brown in an autumn | gloaming, and slope gently forward to a pond silvered by whitish cloud reflections; foreground a narrow strip of meadow at the pond’s edge, gray-green in the half-light. At right, trees and autumn foliage. Estate of the late ALEXANDER MoRTEN. ‘\)_ mY KK = Dx ALBERT P. RYDER, N.A. | 4 e AMERICAN: 1847—1917 | 36—HOMEWARD BOUND : 4 r%. il | Height, 1034 inches; length, 16 inches a ‘| Across a treeless field otherwise deserted, in the gloaming, ‘ a sorrel horse plods wearily, followed by a black horse on i} which a small figure is mounted. Far on the right, where the sloping field meets a low mound, the full moon is just emerging above the horizon. a, x: _ Estate of the late ALEXANDER Morven. *y Y nee PG solerlee Mos Rey. o. PB. x l4liaes Mors Ren * 1,680 Baden Gad, é YARCISSE VIRGILE DIAZ DE LA PENA Frencu: 1807—1876 387—FIGURE SKETCH FOR A LARGE > We RELIGIOUS COMPOSITION “ad Height, 184 inches; width, 9 inches ALLEGORICAL group of five figures, three white-robed females in devotional attitudes, and a dark masculine figure supporting a nude female back of them, all posed as in an apotheosis. | Signed at the lower right: N. Diaz. From the James S. Inglis Estate Collection, New York, 1910479. $ 100+ From the estate of J. R. Andrews, New York, 1916.~4#/6 4 Sloo- Ll: uwrtiz Estate of the late AtExaNDER MorTEN. * a » GEORGES MICHEL | DP Frencu: 1763—1843 \ 38—LANDSCAPE ee 4 o (Panel) Ei W VJ j Height, 12 inches; length, 18 inches Two wide roadways meet in the foreground after passing a rocky mound which appears in the middle of the com- position; on the left, two windmills; on the right a cottage; small figures on the road; sky of clouds, warm yellow- gray below and dark gray above. Collected by James S. Ineuis and to be sold for account of Miss EvizaBetH Ineuis, Owner. ath \"\ ‘ Frencu: 1826—1895 39—-JHA LOUSY Height, 1614 inches; width, 1214 inches A Group of numerous figures, in costumes of the 14th century, in a square in an Italian city. The two principal figures are young men, in a circle of onlookers, one dressed in red, who is dangling a necklace before the other dressed in brown, much to the discomfiture, apparently, of the latter. The action seems to indicate the success of the young man in red in some love-making adventure. Signed at the lower left: E. Ficuer, 1869. Estate of the late Frank R. LAwRreENCcE. WP JOHN LEWIS BROWN 4. Meskobee A Lok Frencu: 1829—1890 40H ORSE AND S OLDI ER Me Height, 13% inches; length, 184% inches In the foreground a skilfully painted white horse, lying dead_on a roadside and, at left, Just back of the horse’s aol On back, in pencil: “Pegasus, Sainte by Albert P. Ryder for ; Charles De Kay, 1885.” From the collection of the late Stanford White, New York, 1907, 30 Lia 5 From the estate of J. R. Andrews, New York, 1916. No. 111. $5004 . Estate of the late ALEXANDER MorTEN. \ws\ » ao*¥ rin ALFRED SISLEY Frencn: 1840—1899 50—LE QUAI A SABLE Height, 18 inches; length, 2184 inches A river of France, perhaps the busy Seine, is shown for part of its width in a bend in the right foreground, which puts in to a low grassy and sandy bank. Here in the blue and greenish-turquoise waters freight barges and small boats are drawn up, some waiting for sand loads, some with workmen in them. Other persons are seen about the shore, where are dwellings and the buildings of industry. In the background a line of the ever present pewpliers. 7 4 + ‘ 7 ; Signed at the lower left: Ststny, *75. From the Cyrus J. Lawrence Collection, New York, 1910; No. 65 P/225~ Estate of the late ALEXANDER MorTEN. ‘usr AW got ¢ G} ty } fark’ 52—AN ALGERIAN BEAUTY Height, 16 inches; “width, 123, i inches \ ip AUGUSTE RENOIR Frencu: 1840— 51—-FEMME LISANT UN JOURNAL ILLUSTRE Height, 18 inches ; length, 2184 wches A GIRL in an opalescent gown of lapis and malachite and misty notes is seated in a red-upholstered chair, back to the spectator and observed profil perdu, holding up before her the opened pages of a paper picturing figures of women. She has wonderful hair, a wealth of it, which reflects ee of greenish-gold and the red of mahogany. Signed at the upper right: Renorr. Estate of the late ALExANDER Morren. Ywr m Qahod FERDINAND ROYBET A () FRENCH: 1840— FULL-LENGTH figure of a beauty of Algiers, seated on a luxuriantly cushioned divan which is draped in many colors. She, too, shows a wealth of color, in her Oriental costume and jewels, and a contrast between her heavy red skirt and her gauze waist. She looks at the spectator with large eyes, dark almost as her jet black hair which falls over her shoulders, and her cheeks are rouged and her feet are bare. Signed at the upper right: F. Roysert, Aucrr, ’87. Collected by James 8S. Ineuts and to be sold for account of Miss EvizasBetu Ines, Owner. HENRY WARD RANGER, N.A. i AMERICAN: 1858—1916 53—THHE RIVER THAMES Fe a (Water Color) lz Height, 14 inches; length, 17 inches A ScENE on the English river ‘Thames, with buildings and a vessel tied to a wharf, at the left. On the opposite shores a white tower appears, on the right, and overhead is a sky of gray clouds. Signed at the lower left, with inscription: “Yours very truly, H. W. Rancer.” Presented by the Artist to the late Mrs. Frank R. Lawrence m 1897. | Estate of the late Franx R. Lawrence. © ee : EUGENE HIGGINS AMERICAN: 1874— | ee 54—TO THE NEXT TOWN Vas Pe wlan, : ot (Pastel) | Height, 1814 inches; length, 1834 inches A FAMILY of peasants trudge a weary way at sunset, mov- ing toward the left across a flat, deserted country. ‘The father, walking with a staff, is carrying an infant which the mother leans forward to caress, and beside them walks a youth with a shoulder-burden of the family possessions. Signed at the lower left: Hicerns. Estate of the late ALEXANDER Morren. hiram Lille : AMERICAN: 1859— / 55—THE BLUE SEA AND THE BATHER j | Height, 191% inches; length, 21 inches SCRAGGLY pines at the grassy and sandy border of a blue arm of the sea take curious twists, and they frame pleasant vistas across the rippling water, taking in bits of the land. Close inshore a nude bather, with a mass of sun-lit yellow hair, prepares to step out into the yellowish-green and flower-dotted grass. Signed at the lower left: CuHitpr Hassam, 1906. Estate of the late ALEXANDER Morten. \4- »~ 20h \ \ CHARLES HARRY EATON, A.A. Ti Vy) ee hi. AMERICAN: —1901 56—AUTUMN LANDSCAPE Height, 16 inches; length, 24 imches A BROOK and green meadows, not yet seared by frost, occupy the foreground, and on the left is a group of trees with foliage of yellow and brown. Beyond is a wooded hillside, and over all is a sky of gray. Signed at the lower left: C. Harry Eaton. Estate of the late Franx R. Lawrence. Wp boul, a i HENRY WARD RANGER, N.A. AMERICAN: 1858—1916 57—A RIVER IN HOLLAND Height, 18 inches; length, 26 inches Aw early morning effect, depicting a river, with a punt and figure, in the foreground; trees on the bank at left, and in the middle distance a low building with thatched roof; pink clouds, at the horizon, in the blue sky and gray clouds above. Signed at the lower left: H. W. Ranerr, 1890. Eahibited at the Lotos Club. Estate of the late Franx R. Lawrence. a en ; cw tee Aes te, ee Te SY ewer ae Sd, eS ee at | an aS ak ee eu o : 4 nad OS . m) ; Ce Ce TS ny ae Ee = we é oe ae 3 ps ay WILLIAM GEDNEY BUNCE, ~ AmeERICAN: 1840—1916 58 MOONLIGHT, VENICE (Panel) Height, 15 inches; length, 25 inches A. virw from the island environs of Venice, with the ex- panse of the sea occupying the foreground; on the right, two fishing vessels; beyond, the line of the city, with its towers and lights. The moon is rising amid clouds near the horizon and the general effect is one of quiet, silvered grays. | Presented to Mr. Lawrence by the late William T. Evans. Estate of the late Franx R. Lawrence. % d, | 0 mn \ ee ALEXANDER H. WYANT, N.A. AMERICAN : 1836—1892 » 59-IN THE FOREST Height, 16 inches; length, 20 inches A RICHLY toned forest interior with sober color scheme, showing a foreground in shadow and sunlight illuminating the grass and the trunks of the trees in the middle dis- tance. In the upper portion of the picture glimpses of blue sky appear through the branches and foliage. From M. Knoedler and Co., New York. Exhibited at the Lotos Club, 1902. ‘cingl t the lower right: A. H. W : CMEGS_ 0 eal ah BMEKK Atained biaves /Ofgfigihy Estate of the late Franx R. Lawrence. . ‘ 5 C. F. HILL FRENCH: CONTEMPORARY 60—LANDSCAPE Height, 191% inches; length, 231% inches A WINDING road leads from the foreground into a patch of woods, in the middle distance; on the left a stretch of country; sky of yellow gray. Signed at the lower right: C. F. Hr. Collected by James S. Incuis and to be sold for account of Miss - EvizaABEtTH Ines, Owner. a FREDERICK W. KOST, N.A. m XS of Heaney AMERICAN: 1861— 61—CARMANS RIVER, LONG ISLAND Height, 22 wmches; length, 28 inches AN effect of early evening with the moon rising into the blue over a cloud bank, at the left. The river, with a sail- boat, in the middle distance, beyond a foreground of meadowland, and on the farther shore is a wooded hill- side. | Signed at the lower left: Kost. Purchased from the Artist. Estate of the late Frank R. Lawrence. aS CHARLES MELVILLE DEWRY, N.A. | | : AMERICAN: 1849— : Wa foreclbof | 62—GRAY DAY, SHROPSHIRE, ENGLAND Height, 20 inches; length, 24 inches ue A LANDSCAPE depicted in an effect of gray weather, with ee large trees, at right, the foliage extending well across the canvas toward the left; a pathway and a pool, in the | foreground; a hillside in the left middle distance, and a sky of warm grays. | Signed at the lower right center: CHarLtes MELVILLE Dewey. From the William T. Evans Sale, New York, 19138; No. 161.0300 1 é boar Estate of the late Franx R. Lawrence. FREDERICK BALLARD WILLIAMS, N.A. AMERICAN: 1871— 683-—-RAGGED ISLAND, MAINE \ yal Height, 27 wmches; length, 32 mches A. GREAT rocky cliff, at left; a gorge in the middle fore- ground and a rocky shore on the right; beyond, occupying the right of the picture, the blue-gray sea. Sky of clouds with spaces of blue in the upper part. Signed at the lower right: Frep. BALLARD WILLIAMS.’ From the annual exhibition of the Society of American Artists, about 1901. Estate of the late Franx R. Lawrence. 7 a" bt a ne © —-" a = - HENRY WARD RANGER, N.A. AMERICAN: 1858—1916 64—A RAILROAD YARD (Water Color) ae eee Height, 22 wmches; length, 28 inches A. NIGHT view, in monotint, of a railroad yard by the river, with engines puffing smoke, and sheds at the left; switch- lights and locomotive headlights shine in the darkness and overhead is a dark gray clouded sky. Masts of ships in the background. Signed at the lower left: H.W. Rancer, ’84. Purchased from the Artist. Estate of the late Franx R. Lawrence. a a | - i 3 ‘ DAVID JOHNSON, N.A. AMERICAN: 18277—-1908 65—A QUIET NOOK (Panel) Height, 24 inches; width, 20 inches A pasroraL landscape with a placid stream, in which two cows are standing; trees and shrubbery on the banks, at right; in middle distance, trees on the river shores and a stretch of country; summer afternoon sky with gray and white clouds in the blue. Signed at the lower left: D. J., and signed, also, on back of panel: “A Quiet Nook, Davin JoHnson, 1881.” From S. P. Avery, Jr., New York, 1894. Estate of the late Frank R. Lawrence. re ~ad _\\M ALBERT P. RYDER, N.A. \ W AMERICAN: 1847—1917 . N seprana \ ur Height, 2834 inches; width, 1924 inches F i Iw the shade of an overhanging tree in the mellow lght of a late afternoon in autumn a golden-blonde rests on a green bank, nude from the waist, a white and golden- yellow drapery over her limbs. At her feet a pointer sniffs the ground. Estate of the late ALEXANDER Morten. Way ~ anv (elk. Petuel Cort cprsx 6S: 67—NOCTURNE | 7a > _ ERNEST LAWSON, N.A. ba AmERICAN: 1873— ef ’ Height, 26 inches; length, 29 inches A NocTURNE of rich melody, colorful, vague, impressive; an urban portrait of streets drenched, atmosphere satu- rated, trees and buildings adrip, and a hansom cab and be- lated pedestrian appearing almost as shadows in an opalescence of lights. Signed at bottom center: E. Lawson. Estate of the late ALtexanpER Morten. Wo 1. 2 4a fie \ | KENNETH HAYES MILLER A. a We, Noefele American: 1876— | 68—THE SUPPLIANT Height, 27 mches; width, 23 inches THREE-QUARTERS length seated figure of an aged and mus- cular but shrunken man, his body nude and a white drapery wrapped about his thighs. His head is bowed abjectly, and he extends in front of him towards the right an open, | pleading hand. Signed at the upper right: Kennetu Hayes MIvirr. Estate of the late ALEXANDER MortTEN. ‘Wir 04 ben he Sy ee ROBERT C. MINOR, N.A. AmeEnican: 1840—1904 69—_THE EDGE OF THE FOREST Height, 30 inches; width, 22 mches A LANDSCAPE composition with meadows, a pool and rocks in the foreground; at right, a tall, irregularly foliaged tree, its trunk bending to the left; beyond, other trees and, in the left middle distance, a stretch of level country; sky of masses of gray and-white cloud. Signed at the lower left: Mrnor. Exhibited at the Lotos Club. From the George I. Seney Sale, American Art Association, New York, }892./89K + ¥ /KK- PALO 1 Estate of the late Franx R. Lawrence. eee es GUSTAVE COURBET Wy Frencu: 1819—1877 70—THE BLACKSMITH 'S SHED Height, 231% inches; length, 29 inches In the shade of trees that stand at the right, and of the projecting tiled roof of a French brown farm building occupying the centre of the composition,—which is a wing of an adjoining low brown building-group on the left,— two farm horses are tethered, a white and a sorrel, and an aproned man is currying the white one. A slant of sun- shine illumines the horses’ coats and glints softly from the grassy ground, and the foliage of the trees stands out against a greenish-turquoise sky veiled with creamy-white | clouds. This painting has been exhibited both as ‘The Blacksmith’s Shed” and as “The Blacksmith’s Shop.” Exhibited at the Metropolitan Museum of Art. Estate of the late ALEXANDER Morten. ‘\ 7 & ‘ ~s ee ee el i MARY CASSATT American: 1855— 71—FEMME AU CORSAGE ROUGE ET ENFANT Height, 27 inches; width, 2014 inches. A srout young mother with chestnut hair and fair skin, in a red waist cut moderately low and a loose blue skirt, is seated with back to the observer before a dressing table whose mirror reflects her shadowed features. She clasps in her arms a plump nude infant, his feet resting on her lap and chubby arms folded over her shoulder, the child facing the spectator, with wide wondering eyes and pleased expression. Signed at the lower left: Mary Cassarr. From the Cyrus J. Lawrence Collection, New York, 1910; No. 66, $1025. Mla Instn Estate of the late ALEXANDER MorTeEN. \\). oa ee se ete i npr cern i a pe ee Ra 2 mae HILAIRE GERMAIN EDGAR DEGAS Frencu: 1834—1917 72—FEMME COUCHEE oo (Pastel) Height, 2014 inches; length, 2614 inches A young artist’s model with brownish-red hair hanging loosely about her shoulders, bust nude and a white drapery wrapped lightly about her, has flung herself down for a rest, on a divan covered with varied cushions and draperies. Signed at the lower left: Drcas. From the Tadamasa Hayashi Collection, New York, 1918; No. gg. - 3 2/45% Estate of the late ALEXANDER MorRTEN. Yo ~~ aadd eee aes E 3 { ee eS Oe eee. LOUIS VICTOR FELIX METTLING x '¢ | Frencu: 1847—1904 ee | 22 inches square A SEATED nude figure of a young woman, in profile to left, the head inclined forward, the right hand resting on one knee and the left hand placed on a piece of white drapery beside her, on the right; low-toned landscape setting, with a pool. Signed at the lower right: L. Merrrine. Collected by James S. Iveuts and to be sold for account of Miss EuizasetuH Ines, Owner. a. GEORGES MICHEL AO Frencu: 1763—1843 | <0 AND JOHN LEWIS BROWN Frencu: 1829—1890 74A—_LANDSCAPE, HUNTSMEN AND HAY WAGON Height, 18 inches; length, 241% inches A LaNnpscarre by Michel with a plain in the foreground, a hillock and windmill beyond, and sky of gray clouds with a space of blue, with three mounted huntsmen galloping across the plain and a hay wagon with three horses on the right; the horses and figures painted by Brown. Signed at the lower right: Joun Lewis Brown. Collected by James S. Iveuts and to be sold for account of Miss EvizaBetu Inewis, Owner. an CHILDE HASSAM, N.A. AMERICAN: 1859— 75—IRONBOUND Height, 30 inches; width, 25 inches A sicut of the sea, cobalt and rippling, puts in from the right, and is walled at left and in the background by tall, steep cliffs, green crowned, their rugged facade a maze of delicate colors which are mirrored on the water. In the foreground a low, outstanding colorful rock. Signed at the lower right: Cu1LpE Hassam. \ > Estate of the late ALEXANDER Morten. ‘Wir o Avl¥ b° 4 ERNEST LAWSON, N.A. | Ja - v. Pratt American: 1873— " v2 £5 re 76—OLD-FASHIONED CIRCUS \{ Height, 25 mches; length, 30 inches In a green meadow are set up the great white tents of a circus, gay with pennants and surrounded by accessories of brilliant color; beyond the field a blue lake lies at the foot of green background hills. On a bridge or railed causeway passing from the foreground along the right, men, women and children look over the railing at the ever- attracting display. | | i Signed at the lower right: EK. Lawson. Estate of the late ALEXANDER Morren. Wid. 200 ta c JULIET THOMPSON : vi 7g AMERICAN: CONTEMPORARY vA Wototak 77—PORTRAIT OF MRS. LESLIE CARTER . (Pastel Sketch) Height, 2914 inches; width, 241 inches Heap and shoulders portrait of the famous actress, facing the spectator, head poised lightly over her right shoulder, lips parted in a smile, and glance directed downward to- ward her left. The rich warm red of her hair frames her lively features, under a feathery hat of pale canary, emerald and white. Signed at the upper left: Jutmt THOMPsoON. Estate of the late ALEXANDER MorrTeEN. ~— ce a ig AN St te \f 4% \ \ a \ rN A XN JULIAN ALDEN WEIR, P.N.A. AMERICAN: 1852— 78—ROSES be Height, 311% inches; width, 21 inches Wuite, pale pink and pale yellow roses, in an ivory white dish; at right a tall silver goblet with cover; in background a bronze low relief of the child St. John the Baptist. Collected by James 8. Ineuts and to be sold for account of Miss E1izaABEtH Incuis, Owner. AMERICAN: 1873— ERNEST LAWSON, N.A. - ve 79—THE SPEEDWAY Height, 25 inches; length, 30 inches Tue Harlem river shimmers with color, and a tug on it puffs white smoke or vapor, under the span of the bridge far above it. The heights and slopes of the land on the left, with buildings, evergreens and bare-limbed trees, add notes of rich color, and patches of snow lie here and there on the green grass. e : Signed at the lower right: E. Lawson. Estate of the late ALEXANDER Morten. Wehr un oul.) Meso, OHN HENRY TWACHTMAN ) American: 1853—1902 £ i RN ofp 80—"“MY SUMMER STUDI ory 3 we : Height, 30 inches; width, 30 ones Ny A srrEAM wandering in a steep country is filled with rich Es - reflections of the plenitude of color in the flora and herb- : eX age of its banks—pink, green, yellow, purple, red, and blue.—and an offshoot turns and rushes down the fore- ; ground between boulders and a low bank not less colorful. The farther bank in the background is high, reaching out of the picture, and on a ledge of it stands a white cottage surmounting a basement story of red brick. fle Stamped at the lower left: TwacutMan Saxe, New York, 1908 -/e- Estate of the late ALEXANDER Morten. ‘yw | f a ~(U i \ ww Seas WILLIAM MERRITT CHASE, N.A. AMERICAN: 1849—1916 8I—HI DEH AND SHEK ies eight, 2714 imches; length, 36 inches Salle In a large room or studio, its walls and floor in dark, rich at neutral tones, two little girls in white frocks are playing _ hide and seek. Both are seen in back view, one at the | left where she peeps about a curtain edge, the other grop- ing her way toward a Japanese drapery back on the right. Signed at the lower right: Wm. M. Cuase. Collected by James S. Ineuis and to be sold for account of Miss Evizaspetu Incus, Owner. | See eos t CMDS. y Cie ee neha tees tee Oe wk — N \ (if 19 187 : | Ls G (\\ CAR LIE, A.N.A. é. i AMERICAN: ie J” 82 THE FOG ote Cy \ on ey Height, 35 inches; lengthy 42Y, 1 6 Tress of thick foliage turned to autumn colors and smaller bare-limbed trees among them stand on a rolling sward. The waves of a thin fog sweep in among them, veiling them in vague grayish mist, and here and there settling in greater density and obscuring the landscape altogether. Aaa faa (etl 44 aid fests ee oan JONAS Te 07. Estate of the late ALEXANDER Morten. (916 XIK-«PHO- 4M. pease wr lo JOHN LEWIS BROWN Frencu: 1829—1890 fe vf oO 88—_HUNTEHRS AND PACK Height, 28% wmches; length, 29 inches A pack of hounds released from their kennel, at right, are leaping about, in the foreground, while two red coated huntsmen seek to keep them in control. The master of the hunt, on a bay horse, appears on the left. Signed at the lower left: Joun Lewis Br. Collected by James S. Ineuis and to be sold for account of Miss EvizasetH Ines, Owner. EUGENE HIGGINS AMERICAN: 1874-— 84 THE CHAIN GANG ( Pastel) Height, 25 mches; length, 34 inches A LINE of convicts plods, pick and bucket over shoulder, towards the right, the leader with hand resting on the back of a wagon in which an armed guard stands behind the driver. Signed at the lower right: EucENE Hicerns. 30-7 Estate of the late ALEXANDER MorrTen. io 72.4 NW. Stameen lagen 3 GIOVANNI BATTISTA TIEPOLO ey bq : . i 7: 1692—-1770 f i L Mrenanw TALIAN i( () 0 as pug 85—ARRIVAL OF AN EMBASSY [ee Height, 23% inches; length, 3814 inches A FINISHED study for a ceiling painting depicting, at left, a group of personages led by an ambassador in Venetian 18th century costume, and, at right, two high dignitaries of the church and accessory figures. At left, attendants are seen, holding up a canopy; at right are columns and a portico. The background is a dark blue sky with a warm white cloud. Collected by James S. Iveuis and to be sold for account of Miss Evizasetu Ineus, Owner. (0 ERNEST. LAWSON, N.A. AMERICAN: 1873— 86—MORNINGSIDE HEIGHTS Height, 33 imches; length, 40 inches Tuer Morningside ridge is viewed from a southeasterly angle, in winter, with a heavy blanket of wet snow covering the streets below and snow lying in thick patches on the green slopes. An occasional lone pedestrian is seen. The great arch of the cathedral crossing, so long a landmark before Saint John the Divine began to take its form, stands out on the crest, to left of the varied group of buildings already accomplished on the site. Signed at the lower left: E. Lawson. Exhibited at the Corcoran Gallery of Art, Washington: Second Exhibition of Contemporary American Oil Paintings, 1908. Estate of the late AtexaNDER Morten. 4 ed fred. U. Dd EDWARD MORAN AMERICAN: 1829—1901 87_THE VOYAGE OF LEIF ERICSON Height, 40 inches; width, 32 inches A coMPoSsITION depicting the voyage of discovery of Leif Ericson with a powerful Viking vessel with bellying sail of yellow, white and red, and rowers, advancing in the fore- ground waters, followed by a fleet of similar ships and all making smart headway under a spanking breeze. The high sky of blue shows the sun, near the horizon, amid clouds of gray. Signed at the lower left: Ep>warp Moran. One of a series of historical paintings, exhibited at the Columbian Exposition, Chicago, 1898. Purchased from the Artist. Estate of the late Franx R. Lawrence. Ki: gf a } eS 4 rm, { Al —_ fi \| \* = fe \ oe .. HM # * ( 3 ee FREDERICK CARL FRIESEKE, N.A. AMERICAN: 1874— 88—_LADY TRYING ON HAT Height, 64 inches; width, 51 mches A YOUNG woman in a filmy gown of mauve-pink and other delicate tones sits comfortably in her boudoir, facing the spectator, her slippered feet on a blue cushion. She is trying on a new straw hat trimmed with green leaves and a pink rose, and leans with her back against her mirrored dressing-table, studying effects with the aid of her hand mirror. Signed at the lower right: F. C. Friesexe, 1909. Exhibited at the Carnegie Institute, Pittsburgh. Estate of the late ALEXANDER Morten. ‘Wy vw 24 ~oneol AUGUSTIN THEODULE RIBOT Frencu: 1823—1891 89—_RIBOT’S FAMILY GROUP Height, 41 inches; width, 3614 wches SEVENTEEN figures appear in the composition, the faces of each and every one carefully and expressively studied. The atmosphere is of a dark and solemn interior, with high but softened lights on the foremost faces, while the others recede in the sombre spaces of the middle distance. The scene seems to represent in some sort a trial. In the centre an elderly woman in a dark green gown is seated, her gnarled hands knotted on her lap; near her is a stand- ing figure in a dark olive coat, while at either hand are men and women, chiefly women, young and old, and in the foreground an elderly man is making a record; all eyes, on a common object, are looking straight at the observer. Signed at the lower right: T. Rrsor. Estate of the late ALEXANDER MorTeEN. ‘\w z ‘ae F: : a “Fg L a a } : @ r 4 a a ee a — See er ’ — pete = id eames RR Bias em a Ph 2 FN RT I NY Re eT rn Sas 3 << - wa ac dn LOUIS LATOUCHE Frencu: 1829—1884 90—RETURN OF THE FISHING BOATS Height, 41 inches; length, 60 inches | A BROAD, iene rolling beach of goldensvelee sand, ex: posed at low tide and lighted here and there by aloe pools retained in the depressions, spreads out beneath a sky curtained by summer clouds. Heavy fishing boats stand at various points, with people working about them, and other workers dig for seafood 1 in the sands. Signed at the lower right: Le Laroucue. Colicesed by James 8. Ineuis and to be sold for account of Miss ExizasetH Ineus, Owner. THEIR WORKS BARYE, AntornE Lovis Landscape Pee OCk Rare Arcerr, N.A. Marine: Seal Rock BONVIN, Francois — Stil Life yo ‘i a , oe Ba A sg : -. a , S| sf : q * % is - A Lf BROWN, Joun Lewis le | Horse and Soldier a Landscape, Huntsmen and Hay Wagon Hunters and Pack 1 BUNCE, Wittiam Gepney, N.A. | i A Venetian Street 7 Moonlight, Venice } , CASSATT, Mary Femme au corsage rouge et enfant i CAZIN, JEAN CHARLES | From My Studio. Window | CHASE, Wuiutam Merritt, N.A. Hide and Seek | COURBET, Gustave d The Blacksmith’s Shed LIST OF ARTISTS REPRESENTED AND CATALOGUE NUMBER 20 . 71 17 81 70 DAUBIGNY, Cuarres Francors DEWEY, Cuartes Menvitze, N.A. DIAZ DE LA PENA, NarcissE VirciLe + s ee. A ‘Tragedy Suggested DEGAS, HinatrreE GERMAIN EpGar Femme couchée Gray Day, Shropshire, England Figure Sketch for a Large Religious Composition | EATON, CHar_eEs Hare ANA, Autumn Landscape ENNEKING, Joun J. SUNSET FANTIN-LATOUR, Henri Still Life FICHEL, Euckne Jealousy EFRIESEKE, Frepertck Caru, N.A. Lady ‘Trying on Hat | HASSAM, Cuinpr, N.A. The Blue Sea and the Bather Ironbound yi de phe teenie tame me oat Xie A chal HIGGINS, Evucenr Convicts To the Next Town The Chain Gang PO. C. i. Landscape INGLIS, Wititam T. Boulogne Harbor Kettle Island, Magnolia, Massachusetts Al ACQUE, Cuartes Exe Children and Sheep JOHNSON, Davn, N.A. A Quiet Nook KOST, Frepericx W., N.A. Carmans River, Long Island LATOUCHE, Lovis Return of the Fishing Boats LAWSON, Ernessr, N. A. Nocturne Old-Fashioned Circus The Speedway | Morningside Heights LIE, Jonas, A.N.A. The Fog CATALOGUE NUMBER 43 54 84. 60