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. _~ . a Sy ~ ¥ a. ee ee ae a % a a ‘er Sk? te o¥ o 4 aa, + - a “oe ay ~ Bays Ting Caney eS 3 a, oh tele . . Seery ; . 2 é- “7 “a so) ©. a a a Al a) ; ay) ee [i gare | _ a, : ae ode ~s ene = a _? : ad 7 F .* 7 EXHIBITION AND UNRESTRICTED PUBLIC SALE AT THE AMERICAN ART GALLERIES DNIADISON AVENUE $6TH zo (7TH SERBEET NIE DV ORK ae Achillito Chiesa Collection + Part III Will Be Sold on Friday and Saturday PyuleeOrandimn7, 1926, at 2!15 (p.m, The Collection Will Be On Free Public View from Sunday, April 11, Until Time Gioalcer Weekdays 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. Sunday from 2 to 5 p.m. Sales Conducted By Mr. O. Bernet and Mr. H. H. Parke AMERICAN ART ASSOCIATION - INC. Managers Mik COLLECTION OF SR. ACHILLITO CHIESA OF MILAN APLAR IE JOEL XV-XVI CENTURY MAJOLICAS Sa eel Cae LV OR TE Se se ARRAY, FRENCH AND ITALIAN ENAMELS Rel NG oeles On N CG hea V Bevery DROCADES AND LACES*” TVAUTAN SV-XVI CENTURY FURNITURE Pe % sales Conducted By Mr. O. Bernet S Mr. H. H. Parke AMERICAN ART ASSOCIATION .- Inc. Managers - — sj 7 "7 dé aie - ; i ; i , The AMERICAN ART ASSOCIATION, Inc. | ' Designs its Gatalogues ; and Directs ~All Details of Illustration ; Text and Typography « > 3 ‘ 7 % r , i be "4 bs . . ie - 4 wr : a f ’ CONDITIONS OF SALE I. REJECTION OF BIDS: Any bid which is not commensurate with the value of the article offered, or which is merely a nominal or fractional advance, may be rejected by the auctioneer if in his judgment such bid would be likely to affect the sale injuriously. II. THE BUYER: The highest bidder shall be the buyer, and if any dispute arises between two or more bidders, the auctioneer shall either decide the same or put up for re-sale the lot so in dispute. III. IDENTIFICATION AND DEPOSIT BY BUYER: The name of the buyer of each lot shall be given immediately on the sale thereof, and when so required, each buyer shall sign a card giving the lot number, amount for which sold, and his or her name and address. A deposit at the actual time of the sale shall be made of all or such part of the purchase prices as may be required. If the two foregoing conditions are not complied with, the lot or lots so purchased may at the option of the auctioneer be put up again and re-sold. IV. RISK AFTER PURCHASE: ‘Title passes upon the fall of the auctioneer’s hammer, and thereafter the property is at the purchaser’s risk, and neither the consignor nor the Association is responsible for the loss of, or any damage to any article by theft, fire, breakage, however occasioned, or any other cause whatsoever. V. DELIVERY OF PURCHASES: Delivery of any purchases will be made only upon payment of the total amount due for all purchases at the sale. VI. RECEIPTED BILLS: Goods will only be delivered on presentation of a receipted bill. A receipted bill presented by any person will be recog- nized and honored as an order by the buyer, directing the delivery to the bearer of the goods described thereon. If a receipted bill is lost before delivery of the property has been taken, the buyer should immediately notify the Association of such loss. VIl. STORAGE IN DEFAULT OF PROMPT PAYMENT AND CALLING FOR GOODS: Articles not paid for in full and not called for by the purchaser or agent by noon of the day following that of the sale may be turned over by the Association to some carter to be carried to and stored in some warehouse until the time of the delivery therefrom to the pur- chaser, and the cost of such cartage and storage and any other charges will be charged against the purchaser and the risk of loss or damage occasioned by such removal or storage will be upon the purchaser. In any instance where the purchase bill has not been paid in full by noon of the day following that of the sale, the Association and the auctioneer reserve the right, any other stipulation in these conditions of sale notwith- standing, in respect to any or all lots included in the purchase bill, at its or his option, either to cancel the sale thereof or to re-sell the same at public or private sale without further notice for the account of the buyer and to hold the buyer responsible for any deficiency and all losses and expenses sus- tained in so doing. VIII. SHIPPING: Shipping, boxing or wrapping of purchases is a busi- ness in which the Association is in no wise engaged, but the Association will, however, afford to purchasers every facility for employing at current and reasonable rates carriers and packers; doing so, however, without any assump- tion of responsibility on its part for the acts and charges of the parties engaged for such service. IX. GUARANTY: The Association exercises great care to catalogue every lot correctly and endeavors therein and also at the actual time of sale to point out any error, defect or imperfection, but guaranty 1s not made either by the owner or the Association of the correctness of the description, genu- ineness, authenticity or condition of any lot and no sale will be set aside on account of any incorrectness, error of cataloguing or imperfection not noted or pointed out. Every lot is sold “as is” and without recourse. _ Every lot is on public exhibition one or more days prior to its sale, and the Association will give consideration to the opinion of any trustworthy expert to the effect that any lot has been incorrectly catalogued and in its judg- ment may thereafter sell the lot as catalogued or make mention of the opinion of such expert, who thereby will become responsible for such damage as might result were his opinion without foundation. X. RECORDS: The records of the auctioneer and the Association are in all cases to be considered final and the highest bid shall in all cases be accepted by both buyer and seller as the value against which all claims for losses or damage shall lie. XI. BUYING ON ORDER: Buying or bidding by the Association for responsible parties on orders transmitted to it by mail, telegraph, or tele- phone, if conditions permit, will be faithfully attended to without charge or commission. Any purchases so made will be subject to the foregoing condi- tions of sale, except that, in the event of a purchase of a lot of one or more books by or for a purchaser who has not through himself or-his agent been present at the exhibition or sale, the Association will permit such lot to be returned within ten days from the date of sale, and the purchase money will be refunded, if the lot differs from its catalogue description. Orders for execution by the Association should be given with such clear- ness as to leave no room for misunderstanding. Not only should the lot num- ber be given, but also the title, and bids should be stated to be so much for the lot, and when the lot consists of one or more volumes of books or objects of art, the bid per volume or piece should also be stated. If the one trans- mitting the order is unknown to the Association, a deposit must be sent or reference submitted. Shipping directions should also be given. PRICED CATALOGUES: Priced copies of the catalogue, or any session thereof, will be furnished by the Association at charges commensurate with the duties involved in copying the necessary information from the records of the Association. These conditions of sale cannot be altered except by the auctioneer or by an officer of the Association. AMERICAN ART ASSOCIATION, Inc. OTTO BERNET MANAGERS HIRAM H. PARKE AUCTIONEERS Oe CATALOGUE : .) > = 2 a ‘ 4 4 ‘ i a . 4 > m . > > ‘ i ’ i~ « o « . a \f =e é = “ by ) at , we > _ FOREWORD HE Chiesa Collection, Part III, now to be offered at public sale by the American Art Association, Inc., com- prises an important offering of some one hundred majolicas from the principal Italian craft centres of the XV and XVI centuries; exquisite French and Italian carved ivories of the XIV and XV centuries; a small group of Limoges and Italian enamels of the XVI century, early Pisan wood carvings; two hundred superb velvets, brocades and other fabrics from the Gothic period to the culmination of the Venetian Renaissance; a small group of Milanese and Venetian laces and a collection of Italian furniture of the XV and XVI centuries. It forms an appropriate setting for and complement to Part II of the Collection, composed of Italian primitives and Renaissance paintings. The majolicas are of great beauty, with many important speci- mens of the Deruta, Gubbio, Castel Durante, Caffaggiolo and Ur- bino wares, while in Hispano-Moresque fabric there are two rare alberelli dating from the first half of the XV century. Two ex- amples, one by Luca and the other by Giovanni della Robbia, are exceedingly fine, the figure of St. John by the latter artist being a truly beautiful expression of sentiment. Among the Gothic and Renaissance carved ivories are fine dip- tychs, plaquettes and small coffers of Embriachi art and a very rare Italo-Byzantine cassetta of the XI-XII century, resembling the one in the Carrand Collection in the Bargello at Florence and a very in- teresting plaque of Carolingian workmanship of the IX century. Two Gothic velvet chasubles with appliqué embroidery, Broussa and other Gothic cut velvet hangings are features of the col- lection of textiles, all of which it may be said are of superb quality. The furniture is replete with fine examples, including a small ByzantiMescircular table of the greatest rarity, three carved and gilded walnut cassoni and a stipo a bambocci which is a perfect specimen of its type. Among the sculptures is an exquisite figure of the Madonna and Child, undoubtedly of the XIV century. One of the most important objects in the collection is the ex- tremely rare XVI century Persian manuscript, magnificently illuminated; it is indeed a work of great beauty and artistic value. AMERICAN ART ASSOCIATION, Inc. FIRST SESSION BiG AYeeA PRIM STG, Al e158 PM. Catalogue Numbers 1 to 265 Inclusive o—~—_9@_ LIMOGES AND ITALIAN ENAMELS 1. EIGHT POLYCHROME ENAMEL CRUCIFORM PLAQUES Florentine, Early XV Century {7° —Depicting four symbolic figures, of which three are the evan- gelists, the fourth the pelican; the others represent the Virgin Mother and three saints. In fine translucent enamel on silver. 2 inches square. 2. VERRE EGLOMISE PLAQUE Venetian, XVI Century Oval rock crystal frame, with appliqué floral and rosetted mo- //a- tives; ruby-red border, enclosing charming rendering of Saint Chiara. Height, 334 inches; width, 3 inches. 3. POLYCHROME ENAMEL ARCHED PLAQUE — Limoges, XVI Century SO __PreTA. Painted in fine colors of blues, greens and aubergines. | Height, 34 inches; width, 2% inches. From the San Giorgi Collection. 4. POLYCHROME ENAMEL ARCHED PLAQUE French, XVI Century O—Tur DESCENT FROM THE CROSS. Before a black background, Christ is being taken from the Cross, supported by the Virgin Mother; St. John and St. Mary on either side. In crimson velvet frame. Height, 3 inches; width, 2% inches. From the San Giorgi Collection. ee " Sites i tn ig tM ae a a, iy hy a os ee ye A f° fo wi fe 4 / f ye iy ¥ y ‘ - Z ff A. ty 4 A 4 iy 5. SMALL ENAMEL ARCHED PLAQUE | By Martial Reymond, Limoges, XVI Century Representing St. John in the desert; enameled in polychrome. aa — ‘iss In gilded bronze frame. (Illustrated) Height, 3% inches; width, 234 inches. 6. THREE POLYCHROME ENAMEL PLAQUES Limoges, XVI Century Superbly enameled colors, depicting, before an architectural a OO pacer enriched by gilding, three scenes from the Life of | Christ: CHRIST MOCKED, DRIVING THE MONEY CHANGERS FROM THE TEMPLE, and ‘THE FLAGELLATION. Height, 4 inches; width, 3 inches. Very rare and interesting specimens. ; . (Illustrated) (4unquay [AX ‘saboutT) SANOVId TANVNA ANOUHOATOd AHAHL “9 ON 7. POLYCHROME ENAMEL ARCHED PLAQUE 8. / > f ca Limoges, XVI Century Representing THE CRUCIFIXION, with Our Lady and Saint John; in the background is a mediaeval castle. In bronze and gilded frame surmounted by a cross. Height, 3% inches; width, 234 inches. Two POLYCHROME ENAMEL SILVER PLAQUES French, Late XVI Century Beautifully chiseled and painted in brilliant colors of golden- browns, emerald-green and blues, depicting THE VISITATION and THE NATIVITY. Arched panels. Charming naiveté of sentiment. Height, 6 inches; width, 3% inches. 9. POLYCHROME ENAMEL PLAQUES J o LO; is; —— By Jean Limousin, Limoges, XVI Century ST. AGNES. Enameled on copper in the characteristic colors «of Limoges. Signed at lower right, J. L., interrupted by a fleur-de-lys. Height, 4% inches; width, 3 inches. POLYCHROME ENAMEL PLAQUE Limoges, XVI Century ST. MATTHEW, THE EVANGELIST; before a background semé with stars. Enameled in fine colors of royal-blue, emerald- greens and deep blues. Height, 44% inches; width, 3 inches. FOUR POLYCHROME ENAMEL PLAQUES Limoges, XVI Century Convex plaque, enameled on copper. Displaying in fine blues, greens, aubergine and gold, the four evangelists with their symbols. Height, 51% inches; width, 4 inches. From the A. Imbert Collection. (Two illustrated) (payvtjsn]]l 007 ) (dunquan TAN ‘sabowrT) SHNOVW Id TANVNA ANOUHOATOd UNO “Tt “ON 12: 14. its ENAMEL PLAQUE By Jehan Limosin, Limoges, 1571 Rectangular, enameled en grisaille, representing THE TOIL- ETTE. A perfectly drawn semi-draped female figure in her bedchamber, receiving attention from her handmaidens. In fine translucent enamel, enriched with gilding. Signed on back, Jehan Limosin, and dated 1571. Height, 5 inches; length, 634 inches. POLYCHROME ENAMEL PLAQUE Limoges, XVI Century The scene, represented in an architectural setting, is Pontius Pilate enthroned, in the act of washing his hands after pro- nouncing his judgment upon Christ, Who is seen to the right being dragged away by Roman soldiery. Painted in very fine colors of blues, aubergine, greens and browns, illuminated by gilding. In crimson velvet gilded bronze contemporary frame, with appliqué leaf motives. Height, 7% inches; width, 6% inches. (I/lustrated) POLYCHROME ENAMEL -PLAQUE Probably Limoges, XVI Century Portrait bust of the Virgin Mother, with her head slightly bowed to the left, hooded and with mantle of a deep fluctuating blue, with gilt nimbus, on a black background. In contem- porary tabernacolo frame. Height, 834 inches; width, 634 inches. ENAMEL COPPER COUPE Limoges, Late XVI Century Allegorical representation en grisaille of CHRIST AS THE FONT OF LIFE; on tapering stem and circular foot richly decorated in the Renaissance manner with cartouches, mascarons, festoons of fruit, flowers and scrollings in gold. Inscribed on ban- derolle: Quis sitit veniat et bibat. (Restored. ) Height, 6 inches. SS aie a eee No. 13. POLYCHROME ENAMEL PLAQUE (Limoges, XVI Century) 16. ENAMEL PLAQUE By Jean Courtois, 1586 Oval; depicting in brilliantly painted golden-browns, greens, ee it blues and aubergine, THE MURDER OF ABSYRTUS, on the galley “Sw © "translucent enamel. Signed on lower left rim, I. C. (Restored.) translucent enamel. Signed on lower left rim, I. C. (Re- stored.) Height, 74 inches; length, 934 inches. From the Amherst and the San Giorgi Collections. (Illustrated) ie No. 16. ENAMEL PLAQUE = (By Jean Courtois, 1586) ITALIAN FAIENCE AND HISPANO-MORESQUE LUSTRE WARE 17. FoUR HISPANO-MORESQUE PLATES XVI Century CP Circular; exhibiting highly conventionalized and varied mo- ‘ie tives. Deep gold lustre. Diameters, 734 and 634 inches. 18. HISPANO-MORESQUE SMALL VASE XVII Century _~ --—- Inverted pear-shape, with expanding lip; displaying a foli- Z » .— ated design on a white ground. Fine copper lustre. Height, 5 inches. 19. CASTEL DURANTE ALBERELLO XVI Century OG Waisted cylindrical, depicting within a cartouche Saint Ce- f y “ cilia; on the obverse side trophies. Painted in blues, golden- yellows and greens. Height, 11%4 inches. 20. DERUTA MAJOLICA PLATE XVI Century e, ~~~ Circular, lobed deep plate with fluted cavetto; the centre deco- co —) trated with foliage. Mother-of-pearl lustre. | Diameter, 9% inches. 21. URBINO MAJOLICA PLATE XVI Century -— . Circular deep plate, exhibiting a representation of the VISITA- H~ {, ... TION OF SAINT ANN in the characteristic colors of Urbino. (Repaired. ) Diameter, 9% inches. 22. CAFFAGGIOLO MAJOLICA VASE XVI Century 4 Oviform, with tapering neck; exhibiting in a foliated car- Dae, ( _ touche a female portrait bust, painted in characteristic colors, finely glazed. The obverse side having the Caffaggiolo mark (Repaired.) Height, 10% inches. 23. Nove DisH on Low Foor Venetian, XVIII Century a Grayish-blue; with central design of floral motives in poly- SFO - chrome, and a narrow border of geometrical design. Diameter, 13 inches. ee a a 24. CAFFAGGIOLO MAJOLICA EWER XVII Century - Oviform, with tapering neck and short straight spout; scrolled A — strap handle; circular foot. Enriched on an ivory ground in royal-blue with scrollings. Inscribed: So d Betonica. Height, 9 inches. s. HISPANO-MORESQUE PLATE XVI Century The wide rim modeled with leaves in relief on a ground of © _-floral motives and the centre with a boss, on which is the cross of Malta in white. Copper-gold reffets. Diameter, 15 inches. 26. HIspANO-MoRESQUE LUSTRE PLATE XVI Century VF Circular, with embossed fondo, the whole enriched with con- -~ ventionalized foliage and scrollings. Fine deep gold reflets. (Repaired.) Diameter, 1434 inches. 27. Pairk ITALIAN FAIENCE LARGE PLATES Ce eo broad rims with Raphaclesque designs and the centres occupied by allegorical subjects. Diameter, 18 inches. 28. HIspANO-MORESQUE LUSTRE PLAQUE XVI Century .~= Circular, with embossed tondino ; decorated with complex ofS _ arabesque design. (Repaired.) Diameter, 16% inches. 29. HispANO-MorESQUE LUSTRE PLATE XVI Century _— The central boss occupied by a flower and encircled by bands. ) —The rim with various conventionalized floral designs; the lustre of golden iridescence. Diameter, 12% inches. 30. HispaNo-MorEsQUuE LUSTRE PLATE XVI Century 0 Deep plate; exhibiting a highly conventionalized motive. wee ine gold reflets. Diameter, 14 inches. 31. HrspANo-MorESQUE LUSTRE PLAQUE XVI Century tre with boss occupied by the coat of arms of the Gondi family. In soft copper reflets on a white ground. Y ( -—~ The rim with conventional floral and leaf motives and the cen- 7 Diameter, 15% inches. us an a7 / 7 AY Ce fro iww0 - 7H Ue / (/ ve : Po idl Zo re 9° 34. 35: 36. ZO 37: 38. « ; , — ‘i gold mother-of-pearl lustre . 4 . . «~~ ized arabesque design. HISPANO-MORESQUE LUSTRE PLATE XVI Century Wide rim with alternating designs of leaves and conventional- ized flowers with touches of blue. The centre occupied by a boss with the Maltese cross in white and surrounded by geo- metrical designs. Copper lustre. Diameter, 1534 inches. HIspANO-MORESQUE LUSTRE DEEP PLATE XVI Century Designs of conventional flowers and arabesques decorating the rim, with a leaf pattern in relief. Copper lustre. Diameter, 15% inches. ITALIAN MAJOLICA LARGE PLATE XVII Century Deep blue, with central coat of arms in gray and blue and the rim with floral decoration in gray. Diameter, 17 inches. HISPANO-MORESQUE BASIN XVI Century The centre with a peacock and three detached bunches of car- nations amid other floral motives. Copper lustre. | Diameter, 15% inches. HISPANO-MORESQUE LUSTRE PLAQUE XVI Century Circular, with embossed tondino,; decorated with conventional- ized floral motives and lotus blooms, outlined with blue. (Re- paired.) Diameter, 1534 inches. HISPANO-MORESQUE LUSTRE PLAQUE XVI Century Circular, with embossed tondino, decorated with conventional floral motives and leafage, enriched with shaded blues. Rich (Repaired. ) Diameter, 1534 inches. HISPANO-MORESQUE LUSTRE VASE XVI Century Oviform, with high collar, and four strap handles at the shoul- der. Of fine iridescent gold lustre exhibiting a conventionai- (Repaired. ) Height, 834 inches. 39. 00 _ 40. Fo PERS Al. 42. 43. Ss o—! aS _ CASTEL DURANTE PLATE XVI Century Circular, with deep tondo, enriched with female portrait fac- ing to the right, the marli with voluted foliage. In fine blues, green and golden-browns. (Repaired.) Diameter, 834 inches. URBINO MAJOLICA PLATE Italian, Late XVI Century Scene representing PELEUS AND TETHYS; finely drawn and showing excellent perspective, in characteristic colors of the Urbino. Inscribed on back: Peleo et Tettise. (Repaired.) Diameter, 10% inches. CALTHAGIRONE MAJOLICA VASE XVII Century Oviform, with incurving short neck; displaying in character- ms. istic colors a portrait medallion and scrolled leafage. Height, 834 inches. UrBINO MAJOLICA PLATE AVI Century Deep cavetto, with finely drawn representation before an archi- tectural background of THE KING RECEIVING HELEN OF TROY. The marli enriched with figures of sporting putti. Diameter, 17 inches. URBINO MAJOLICA PLATE Italian, XVI Century Circular, with deep cavetto; glazed with scene representing ULYSSES AND AJAX IN DEADLY COMBAT; distance view of me- diaeval castles. (Repaired.) Diameter, 12 inches. 44. /to- CAFAGGIOLO MATOLICA PLATTER Italian, Early XVI Century Circular; the marli enriched with highly conventionalized trees and flowers, the centre with a domino motive enclosed by circles. In variegated blues, greens, golden-browns and brick- red. Caffaggiolo mark “S” on back. . . a Diameter, 1234 inches. 45. DERUTA-MAJOLICA PLATE XVI Century Deep plate, exhibiting within a sunburst motive a female por- trait, holding a lily branch. In deep gold and blue. - Diameter, 9% inches. 46. CO — URBINO DEEP PLATE XVI Century A subject from Virgil portrayed in polychrome. Fine exam- ple. Diameter, 14 inches. Pe eee ee ee ae . —e ee ——————oer rr 47. Z 40. 49. PESARO PLATE XVI Century With the figure of a horseman, with plumed helmet and sword, riding a white steed; in the background are seen groups of _ houses and hillocks. The rim with alternating decoration of fish-scales and conventional flower and leaf designs in colors. Diameter, 14% inches. PESARO PLATE XVI Century The rim richly decorated with lilies and floral scrolls. In the centre a youthful warrior in fifteenth century costume, leaning on his lance and holding a shield with armorial bear- ings. Hilly landscape and flowering plants in the background. Diameter, 15 inches. PESARO PLATE XVI Century The centre is occupied by the figure of St. Barbara, holding her in attributes, a palm branch and a tower. The wide rim has f. a O.. 50. panels of fish-scale design, flowering scrolls and conventional leaves. Diameter, 141% inches. DERUTA PLATE XVI Century The wide rim decorated with conventional leaves and pine- a, ~~ cones in deep yellow, and an inner band of pearls and tiny J flowers; the centre decorated with a geometrical device formed —_ . ° ° of two squares, one within the other, and centred with a blue wi: shield with a wide band and flowing streamers. Beautiful iri- descence and mother-of-pearl reflexes. Diameter, 15 inches. DERUTA MAaJOLICA PLATE XVI Century Circular; the fondino in relief bears a coat of arms with the EVO inscription, C. H. Amiila, surrounded by a roulean motive; - —_ the flange with conventional foliage. In the characteristic colors of Deruta which have been lustred at Gubbio. Diameter, 13 inches. ea 56. / SO - URBINO DEEP PLATE XVI Century Depicting in brilliant colors the subject of Muzio-Scevola burning his right hand. Inscribed on the reverse: Muzio che la sua destra erante chocie, 1548. . Diameter, 1034 inches. PESARO PLATE XVI Century The cavetto with a half-length figure of ‘a woman, in profile, and surrounded by flowering branches. ‘To the right of the figure is a scroll with the inscription: La Antoni-Abell-A. Wide rim with panel decoration of floral ornaments. Diameter, 15 inches. LARGE URBINO MAJOLICA PLATE XVI Century Flat rim and deep cavetto, within which is represented the legendary PASIPHAE AND THE BULL, in brilliant colors. Diameter, 15 inches. URBINO MAJOLICA PLATTER AVI Century Three-lobed deep dish, the centre displaying a seated Emperor with his vassals, enclosed within a fine Raphaelesque design . of three sea divinities, grotesques, dolphins and the like. In the characteristic colors. ‘The back decorated in relief with pelicans affrontés. Diameter, 18 inches. PESARO PLATE AVI Century Wide rim with panel decoration of fish-scales and floral scrolls. The centre with a three-quarter length female figure, standing, holding a heart in her left hand. The background, a land- scape. In blue, yellow and white. Diameter, 16 inches. 57. URBINO Majo.ica DISH Italian, XVI Century Circular deep dish on splayed foot; representing in the char- a a acteristic colors of Urbino, SAMSON IN COMBAT WITH THE 4 / bs __PHILISTINES, in an architectural setting, showing fine per- spective and drawing. Diameter, 10 inches. 58. URBINO DEEP PLATE XVI Century Portraying an historical scene of homage being paid the con- queror by the presentation of the head of the vanquished, in a brilliant colorings. ‘The reverse inscribed: I1 Richo do de ( ... lonorata testa, 1548. Diameter, 12 inches. 59. URBINO PLATE Early XVI Century Wide marli. The cavetto with scene in brilliant colors of three J men fording a stream, going towards a rock on which is a OC O woman kneeling between two children. In the background, view of acity. The reverse inscribed: La Dea Latona. Diameter, 10 inches. 60. he ae, we 61. Litho s y, 62. 63. fy f ae 64. PESARO PLATE XVI Century The centre occupied by the head and shoulders of a youthful warrior, turned slightly to the left and wearing a fantastic Oriental helmet. From side to side is a scroll with the in- scription, M. Marcho Turcuo. The wide rim with alternat- ing decoration of flowering scrolls and fish-scales. In the characteristic Pesaro colorings, blue, yellow and white. Diameter, 151% inches. CASTEL DURANTE PLATE XVI Century Representing on a blue ground, bust portrait of a young woman in profile to right, with banderolle inscribed: Portia Bella. Diameter, 8% inches. CASTEL DURANTE “AMATORIO” PLATE : Italian, XVII Century The broad marli with characteristic trophies; the cavetto with portrait bust of Talanta Bella. In fine yellows, blues and browns. Diameter, 16 inches. DERUTA ‘[WO-HANDLED VASE XVI Century Circular, with tapering neck and flaring lip; on splayed foot. Decorated in characteristic Deruta colors of golden-yellow and blue with leafage and armorial bearings. Fine mother-of- pearl reflets. (Repaired.) Height, 10% inches. DERUTA PLATE XVI Century Decorated in the characteristic Deruta colors and having fine iridescence. In the centre is represented Judith brandishing her sword and holding the head of Holofernes in her left hand. The rim with panel decoration of leaves, flowers and lattice design. (Repaired.) Diameter, 16 inches. 6c. LARGE URBINO MAJOLICA PLATE XVI Century Depicting the biblical legend of Moses and the Drazen serpent. 3 13 A beautiful specimen, in a good state of preservation. _ Diameter, 17 inches. 66. CASTEL DURANTE TWO-HANDLED VASE caus Italian, XVI Century Oviform, with expanding lip and circular foot; spiraled loop handles. Paneled in girali motives enclosing an animalistic subject; on the reverse side a sunburst. In fine colors of blue, yellow and green. (Repaired.) Height, 9 inches. 67. CASTEL DURANTE ANIMALISTIC EWER Italian, XVI Century Me Oviform, with scrolled strap handle; the spout formed of a \ O— dragon’s head. Enameled in fine blues, greens and brick-red, depicting two portrait busts, a bearded man and a maiden. In- scribed at the base: Ox Baccara. A fine specimen. Height, 9% inches. 68. A ye wt ‘en : ? , 7 \ va err! > 69. FAENZA MAJOLICA VASE XVI Century Oviform, with slender neck and slightly flaring lip. Deco- rated in fine blues, golden-yellows and greens and depicting the semi-draped figure of Strength. Inscribed at base: A— Scabiosa. Height, 16 inches. FAENZA PHARMACY VASE Italian, XVI Century Oviform; with central portrait medallion inscribed: Faustin A. B., and further inscribed on the banderolle, Ceceb d. Yaga- ritis with diagonal motives of scrolled leafage and dolphins, in blues, yellows, greens and brick-red. Very interesting speci- men. Height, 14 inches. HISsPANO-MORESQUE LUSTRE PLAQUE XVI Century Circular, the embossed fondino decorated with a spiral motive; the fondo and flange with arabesque scrollings, leafage and lotus blossoms, outlined in blue. Fine gold lustre. (Re- paired.) Diameter, 197% inches. HISPANO-MoRESQUE LUSTRE PLAQUE XVI Century Circular, with embossed tondino, decorated with highly con- ventionalized floral motives, outlined in blue. Deep gold lustre. Diameter, 151% inches. STANNIFEROUS ENAMEL TONDO School of Della Robbia, Florentine, XV Century Modeled in bas-relief, depicting before a blue background the seated three-quarter length figure of the Madonna, gracefully draped, with the Child in her arms; both figures are haloed and brilliantly glazed in soft white. Enclosed in a frame of wreaths of fruit and leaves, in yellows, greens and blues. Diameter, 19 inches. URBINO OVAL PLATTER XVII Century The embossed centre depicting the JUDGMENT OF PARIS; around are four lobed cartouches enriched with grotesques and Raphaelesque designs interrupted by mascarons and masks in relief. ‘The back lavishly decorated with encarpa and flowing ribbons, inscribed within a cartouche: Alfons Pata Nacci Fecit Vrbini in Bote Gadi Ios Batis Bocioni 1607. 74. HIspANO-MORESQUE LUSTRE PLAQUE XVI Century Circular, with embossed tondino; decorated with conven- CO tionalized floral motives and panels of lattice-work, outlined in blue. Fine gold lustre. (Repaired.) Diameter, 151% inches. 75. POLYCHROME TERRA-COTTA BAS-RELIEF School of Rossellino, Florentine, XV Century / ¢ MADONNA AND CHILD. Three-quarter length figure of the Vir- J “gin Mother, wearing a crimson tunic and blue mantle, sup- porting the Divine Infant, Who stands on a cushion at her side. Beautifully modeled conception. Height, 23% inches; width, 12% inches. 76. GLAZED TERRA-COTTA STATUE By Giovanni della Robbia, Florentine, 1469- ae ST. JOHN THE BAPTIST. Erect full-length figure facing the ob- \ ™ server, with head slightly inclined to the left; habited in the proverbial sheepskin, girdled at his waist and partly covered by a flowing mantle depending from the left shoulder, draped and held around the body. The figure is beautifully modeled and has a soft creamy-white yet luminous glaze; on pale green base. Height, 30% inches. (Illustrated ) ; No. 76. GLAZED TERRA-COTTA STATUE (By Giovanni della Robbia, Florentine, 1469-1529) 77. ITALIAN SCULPTURED Woop Bust Florentine, XV Century TS cle So. Portrait bust of a patrician youth of classic profile, wearing a simple garment; beautifully colored and enriched with gild- ing. On angular gilded base. Height, 17% inches; width, 16% inches. POLYCHROMED SCULPTURED Woop FIGURE Italian, XVI Century MADONNA AND CHILD. Standing graceful figure draped in a gold tunic, over which is a flowing embroidered mantle. The Child, in a crimson robe, is supported on His Mother’s arm, in the attitude of benediction, with a fluttering bird on His knee. Both figures are haloed. Height, 39% inches. CARVED PEARWOOD STATUE Southern France, XV Century MADONNA. The erect full-length figure of the Holy Mother with flowing hair, and gracefully draped robes with her hands extended. A very fine figure; rich brown patina. Height, 53% inches. IMPORTANT SCULPTURED PEARWOOD GROUP “Arte Pisana,’ XIII-XIV Century MADONNA AND CHILD. Erect figure of the Virgin Mother in ot é é 7 -~flowing robes richly draped and hanging in fine folds, holding the apple towards the Child on her left arm, Who is alk robed and regarding His Mother with Ur Plt Height, 56 inches. Note: The above is generally known as a work of Pisa of the epoch; it has the characteristics and the fine proportions of Arnolfo di Cambio and the primitive sentiment of Giovanni Pisano. (Illustrated) No. 80. IMPORTANT SCULPTURED PEARWOOD GROUP (“Arte Pisana,’ XIII-XIV Century) SI. VG Or POLYCHROMED ‘TERRA-COTTA BUST Attributed to Luca della Robbia, Florentine, 1400-1482 The youthful female head facing slightly to the left, is mod- eled with all the charm and technique of this master, having delicate contours and beautiful expression. (Lower portion restored. ) Height, 13 inches. Note: This work has always been attributed to Luca della Robbia. (Illustrated) ae REV Reeve EAN ACES 82. POINT DE VENISE HEADDRESS Late XVII Century x; Exquisite floral design of varied blossom forms and foliated 7) scrolls in fine punto relievo, edge picoteé. —_— 83. PAIR POINT DE VENISE LAPPETS AND STRIP OF POINT PLAT DE VENISE XVIIT Century B20 (A) Beérain design of vases and floral forms and scrolling leaves on a ground of brides picotées, dainty floral dentelé edge. (B) Strip of point plat de Venise in floral and scroll design. (4) Length (each), 15 inches; width, 4 inches; (B) Length, 24 inches; width, 134 inches. 84. POINT DE VENISE BORDER XVIII Century «~~ Dainty design of scrolling leaves and flowers with varied and -~ interesting edge. Length, 1 yard 9 inches; width, 3% inches. 85. BORDER OF ITALIAN TAPE LACE XVII Century Interesting design of archaic floral scrollings with very beau- 0 tiful brides, border of tiny S-scrolls; edge ajouré. Y — Length, 2 yards; width, 5 inches, 86. BORDER OF ITALIAN BOBBIN LACE XVIII Century Bold pattern of star-shaped floral forms surrounded by in- o ier tricate scrolling; brides resembling coral branches. Length, 2 yards 18 inches; width, 14 inches. 87. STRIP OF POINT DE GAZE : Very charming design of leaves and blossoms on a filmy réseau ; 3 v deeply indented edge. a ; Length, 1 yard 9 inches; width, 234 inches. 88. BORDER OF POINT PLAT DE VENISE XVIII Century Exquisite and intricate design in point de neige of a formal arrangement of lily and leaf device; border of similar pattern with straight edge. Depth, 5 inches; length, 2 yards 12 inches. (Illustrated ) 89. BORDER OF PoINT DE MILAN XVII Century : With design of delicate leaf scrolls on very beautiful réseau. SO - Depth, 7 inches; length, 3 yards. NR (Illustrated ) Ae if ae ss bs ee J Rites ~ gees. 3 . d is SF Need shir es Bie Bese SNe Ag >) %e ae 0 0.04458, ORS SAG No. 88. BORDER OF POINT PLAT DE VENISE No. 89. BORDER OF POINT DE MILAN Ql. Z O 92. oR oo > se 93: So BORDER AND CUFFS OF POINT DE VENISE A BRIDES PICOTEES XVIII Century The toile of picoté displays a meandering scrolling of leatage and dainty floral forms, edge with tiny supplementary blos- som. Edges of cuffs slightly different. Length of border, 1 yard 17 inches; width, 5Y2 inches. Length of cuffs, 11 inches; depth, 7 inches. POINT DE VENISE BORDER XVII Century A marvelous piece of needlepoint, the jours and tiny star-like brides with the delicacy of frost flowers. A museum speci- men. Length, 25 inches; width, 3 inches. BORDER OF POINT PLAT DE VENISE Early XVIII Century Delicate pattern of small scrolls and tiny star-like flowers. Edge a jour. | Length, 4 yards 9 inches; width, 5% inches. POINT. DE VENISE BORDER XVIIT Century Rarely lovely border of punto a relievo, having formal pattern of tiny per/es, floral ornament and foliated scrollings; beautiful light brides and straight edge of similar design in miniature. Length, 4 yards 9 inches; depth, 5% inches. (Illustrated) - reer oP Hee bad Sore. tan SMES < . “ ee )~ : WEN i ry Sad Sato Ciel We 6 Se Saal na ee “ears: are Nels eg Ee a ee Cry) oe mee. mavsttes e 3 > . v Kae Fea ee atin, = * ie Mpc 6 2 wl ot et “a Be ad ree my der Sud 3 No. 93. POINT DE VENISE BORDER (XVIII Century) neh bg A Tae ~e e se re a Bnd te 3 Pam ae ts eet e we ae tel bigmel S_/ P= ) BS <> Ay te Py i 94. POINT DE. VENISE PLASTRON- ek Tiny roses amid scrollings and leaves forming ey sign, oe ees 5 , hs ae i Depth, 13 inches; widt re relief so. renege aes ze the Aone a : duced in Venice during the latter half o: tury; brides picotées, beautiful edge a jo Depth, (Illustrated) ra =~ f = ‘i, =a aN . i he : J ) = rs 3 ; . ’ oh Eee - , : . Toate = ? Po > 3 i” * 7 a Les Vist \ 96) LIN Ohm See DAD sz we a 8 6t¥ Wed ee wr of #, ro =~ ys SofSz Pros cay t re Rey ie) No. 95. SUMPTUOUS GROS POINT DE VENISE BORDER (Late XVII Century) + hed ow i = ee DE VENISE. ee FRONTAL Exquisite pattern of trumpet- and acieoal foliated scrollings of great beauty, with brides ness. Made in one piece with Gn ales bras Gx Ps ~ corners. od 4 ~ » . ~. > > “t r >» | =~ * ~e ' - —e . Depth, 12 ee approxima | Ullustrated) - od 4 ies FY es . s bas , fig . t a nae OMe y PE & ox. s ft) pe eee: ; : . LS iy aad a” "s 5: Pl ok EFS ra es he x 7 4 <3.0 ae ¢ rie zt “em, rhs Del. pees at shebe 44 No. 96. POINT DE VENISE ALTAR FRONTAL (XVII Century) f #4 98. 99: BORDER OF POINT DE VENISE A LA ROSE XVIII Century Designed in the style of point de France, with a pattern of floral scrollings and fine floral edge. Depth, 3 inches; length, 5 yards. (Illustrated ) , . Pair PuNTo Gotico LACE COVERS Old Cluniac design of star-centred circles divided into squares; narrow edge a jour. , Length, 18 inches; width, 14 inches. BORDER OF VENETIAN NEEDLEPOINT XVII Century An infinity of stitches make up this extraordinarily beautiful example of Venetian point a l’aiguille, the intricate floral and - rocaille scrollings in minute relief resembling delicate carving in ivory; the brides and tricots must be seen through a glass to be appreciated. Length, 18 inches; width, 14 inches. (Illustrated) Sin’ sheeede bY aed oe 0-8 97 ISE A. LA ROSE 99 Nowo7e BORDER OF POINT D Ei VEIN EEDLEPOINT NN No. 99. BORDER OF VENETIA IOO. MOL. LOZ. RETICELLA AND GOTHIC LACE BORDER Band of reficella of interesting design in beautiful ivory tone. edged by dentelé Gothic lace. Evidently the border for a bed cover. Length, 9 feet 11 inches; width, 6 feet 10 inches. GUIPURE DE FLANDRE FLOUNCE Late XVII Century Bold design of intricately interlacing scrolls and floral forms and a large mesh. (In two pieces.) Length, 4 yards 15 inches; width, 16 inches. POINT DE MILAN TRIMMING FOR AN ALB Late XVIII Century Flounce and pair of cuffs. Design of beautiful foliated scroll- ings and blossoms with an infinite variety of jours on very fine clear réseau, narrow scrolling edge. Length, 2 yards 12 inches; depth, 31 inches. BROCADES, DAMASKS AND VELVETS RUBY VELVET CUSHION Deep wine-crimson velvet, mounted with galloon and gold tassels. GENOESE CRIMSON CUT VELVET CUSHION Genoese, XVII Century © Design of horn-shaped ee with scrolling floral pendants © and leaf festoons. PAIR CRIMSON VELVET CUSHIONS Mounted with gold galloon. Two SMALL CRIMSON VELVET CUSHIONS Italian, XVII Century One with central band of crimson twill silk. = GENOESE RUBY VELVET CUSHION XVI Century . Rich lustrous deep crimson velvet; mounted with galloon and tassels. GENOESE RUBY VELVET CUSHION XVII Century Oblong; mounted with dull gold galloon. 109. GENOESE RUBY VELVET CUSHION XVIT Century AI ee Similar to the preceding. 110. GENOESE CRIMSON VELVET CUSHION AVI Century “EK __Mellow rose-crimson velvet, mounted with gold galloon. TIT, PAIR GENOESE RUBY VELVET CUSHIONS AVITI Century ae - «Impressed with small single medallion displaying female figures. 112. IwO CRIMSON VELVET CUSHIONS Genoese, XVII Century j Fal . . 2 , One oblong, the other square, with inset corners. 113. EMBROIDERED CRIMSON AND MOSS-GREEN VELVET CUSHION ; Italian, XVII Century Kh J Lente with appliqué gold-embroidered escutcheon; bordered ag in rich moss-green velvet and mounted with gold becca 114. WELVET CUSHION Italian, XVI Century 220 Oblong; central panel in crimson Renaissance velvet with gold “appliqué coat of arms. Green velvet border of a later date. bis VELVET CUSHION Italian, XVI Century oF @ Similar to the preceding. 116. Two VELVET CUSHIONS Italian, XVII Century Ln Oblong; the centre in amber velvet with gold appliqué coat », “of arms. Border in crimson Renaissance velvet. 117. THREE VELVET CUSHIONS Italian, XVII Century Vos — Rectangular; in amber velvet with narrow gold lace. The —“centre embroidered with appliqué coat of arms. 118. Two VELVET CUSHIONS Genoese, XVI Century 0 om Rectangular; in crimson Genoese velvet with narrow gold gal- loon appliqué to form squares. 119, Iwo VELVET CUSHIONS Italian, XVII Century 0 Rectangular; the centre in amber velvet with gold appliqué ez = coat of arms. Border in green velvet. 120. VELVET CUSHION Italian, XVII Century Oblong; the central panel in taupe velvet with five gold ap- / “ = pliqué crosses. Border in amber velvet. 121. VELVET CUSHION Italian, XVI Century oy, Rectangular; the central panel in amber Renaissance velvet; “~~ “the border in crimson velvet. 122. VELVET CUSHION Italian, XVI Century / - Rectangular; the centre in crimson Genoese velvet with em- = ‘ : f , 2 rf ¥ «broidered appliqué coat of arms; the border in amber velvet. 123. Two GENOESE CRIMSON VELVET CUSHIONS ~~ Italian Renaissance (fs ppm * SS | Oblong; in crimson velvet, with wide gold galloon border. 124. WELVET CUSHION Italian, XVI Century | Oblong; in crimson Renaissance velvet with gold embroidered v appliqué coat of arms. 125. [WO GENOESE CRIMSON VELVET CUSHIONS XVI and XVII Centuries od * Oblong; rich fluctuating ruby velvet. 126. TOPAZ AND CRIMSON VELVET CUSHION . ty, hs Italian, XVII Century Cot ™ Golden-brown centre, bordered in crimson and mounted with gold guimpe and tassels. 127. EMBROIDERED BEIGE AND. EMERALD VELVET CUSHION ig Italian, XVII Century \& C@_ Brownish-ivory with appliqué coroneted silk escutcheon ; bor- dered in emerald velvet and mounted with tassels. 128. EMERALD SILK DAMASK CUSHION French, XVII Century Bold design of serpentine scrolling branches of leaves and coe small blossoms. 129. Two CRIMSON DAMASK OCTAGONAL CUSHIONS i Italian, XVI Century One displaying affrontés putti and pendent leaves; the other a jardiniére of leaves within a leaf-scrolled frame. 130. PAIR CRIMSON DAMASK CUSHIONS Ys Italian, Late XVI Century - Square with incurved corners; design of bold beribboned leaf scrollings. 131. PAIR CRIMSON DAMASK OCTAGONAL CUSHIONS ~ Italian, Late XVI Century UF = Design of leaf-scrollings and poles of medallions with putto supporting coronet. 132. GENOESE RUBY VELVET PANEL XVI Century / ..~ Rich ruby-crimson velvet, worn down in parts to the ivory ‘ew magaesr ground. Length, 17 inches; width, 16 inches. 133. DRAP D’ARGENT CISELE VELVET PANEL Italian, XVII Century — ilver ground, enriched with swaying rows of small carnations ciselé in brown and greenish-black a deux hauteurs. Length, 20% inches; width, 19 inches. 134. IVORY AND PEACH-TONED CUT VELVET VEST may French, circa 1830 a2 wweeFnriched in raised ivory velvet pile with borders of leaf fes- toons and semé with stellate motives. 135. CUT JADE-GREEN SAINT JOHN VELVET COVER cok Genoese, XVII Century y) S eeBeautiful drap d’or field of stitches of gold, enriched in cut jade-green velvet with bold floral design. Height, 26 inches; width, 22 inches. 136. VARY RARE GOTHIC CUT VELVET PANEL Venetian, XV Century Jive Bees ttous sapphire field, cise/é with trefoil leaves, small blos- soms and pomegranates outlined in a lighter tone. Height, 27 inches; length, 54 inches. | iss AY j CRIMSON WELVET GOLD-EMBROIDERED PANEL Italian, XVI Century Rich crimson field, the centre with appliqué panel enclosing the Greek cross with the extremities composed of fleur-de-lys flory, the borders of rinceau motive embodying the cornu- copiae. Length, 28% inches; width, 22 inches. CUT GREEN VELVET COVER Italian, XVII Century Fluctuating gold-green tones; patterned to a diamond design enclosing palmate motives. Edged with gold lace galloon. Height, 29 inches; width, 20 inches. EMBROIDERED JADE-GREEN SILK COVER Italian, XVIII Century Square; in gold and ivory silk embroidery, a central medallion of scrolls and foliations, the border of similar design in the same media. 2314 inches square. Two EMERALD CUT VELVET FRAGMENTS — XVIII Century The one an oblong panel, the other a cushion; minute design of diapered blossoms within diamond trellis reserves composed of leaf scrolls. Length, 36 inches; width, 18% inches. Length, 17 inches; width, 14% inches. DRAP D’OR CRIMSON DAMASK PANEL Italian, Late XVI Century Woven in gold thread with wreathed ogivals of leaves enclos- ing scrolled frames surrounding leaved pomegranate designs. Length, 3 feet 7 inches; width, 3 feet 2 inches. GOLD-EMBROIDERED APPLIQUE THREEFOLD SCREEN Spanish, XVI Century Richly embroidered in gold and silken threads and lined with crimson damask, exhibiting needlepainted figures of SS. Peter, Jacopo and Paul. At the base are horizontal crimson velvet panels. Fleight, 20% inches; width extended, 32 inches. LA8: GOLD-EMBROIDERED APPLIQUE "THREEFOLD SCREEN Spanish, XVI Century Cher, _Similar to the preceding, but depicting the Madonna and 144. =) Dae. = 146. pao LL 147. Child and SS. Andrew and John. Height, 20% inches; width extended, 32 inches. SCumaR? CUT VELVET MAT Ivory field, displaying in jade-green and mulberry-crimson a central medallion emitting conventionalized floral motives, the borders of similar design. Length, 45 inches; width, 23 inches. SCUTARI CUT VELVET MAT Similar to the preceding. Length, 45 inches; width, 23 inches. CUT AND FRAPPE VELVET CHASUBLE Orphrey cut with scrolled leaf ogivals, enclosing small pome- granate figures; chasuble similarly, and stamped with borders of pendented scroll leaves. CISELE VELVET CHASUBLE Italian, Late XVII Century Ivory ground, with symmetrical design of floral sprays sur- © «rounded by serpentine scrolling branches of flowers woven in 148. a 149. Yo crimson velvet @ deux hauteurs. .Mounted with gold galloon. WINE-RED CUT VELVET TABLE COVER Italian, XVI Century Design of cut leaf-shaped medallions headed by and enclosing symmetrical floral devices of pomegranates, carnations and violets. Length, 40 inches; width, 28 inches. GENOESE LOUIS QUATORZE CISELE VELVET PANEL XVII Century Ivory ground, with pattern in raised crimson velvet a deux hauteurs of symmetrical leaf spreads. Length, 36 inches; width, 21 inches. 150. SCUTARI VELVET PANEL ‘ fre nei. Jo - ie LS 3: JAI | an as # 4 yan oe OV & GL 154. GOLD-WOVEN SILK BROCADE COPE A central medallion and corners with pendent bunches of grapes and border of vines and blossoms in crimson and green raised velvet on a ground of golden-tan. Length, 45 inches; width, 23 inches. SCUTARI VELVET PANEL Similar to the preceding. - ScUT. ARI VELVET’ PANEL XVIII Century fie Developing in crimson and leaf-green velvet a symmetrical design of a jardiniére of roses, carnations and tulips, within an oval trail of blossoms secant ok by a border of flowers and undulating leaves. Gold-woven ground. Length, 48 inches; width, 23 inches. OLD-ROSE VELVET TABLE COVER French, XVIII Century Bordered in silver galloon. Length, 53 inches; width, 41 inches. Venetian, Louis XV Period Developing thick swaying branches of leaves woven in gold and emitting serpentined stems of blossoms in delicate pastel colored silks; the ground of écru, shaded with silver. Rose- CRIMSON VELVET PANEL beens XVIII Century O Light velvet with rose-pink bloom; mounted with green velvet ae | “oie passementerte. Length, 52 inches; width, 37 inches. I 50. CRIMSON AND GOLDEN-YELLOW BROCATELLE TABLE COVER Italian or Spanish, XVII Century an “ Design of gigantic-leaved ribbon ogivals enclosing sym- oe metrical floral spra pitdA & a ee ff /s ye gth, 42 inches; width, 50 inches. 157.04 SCULARE Oa PANEL Late XVII Century Design, in crimson and sage-green on a ground of dull gold, of an oval patera surrounded by scrolling branches of carna- tions and phlox. Length, 49 inches; width, 23 inches. 158. SCUTARI VELVET PANEL Late XVII Century we Developing in crimson and green velvets an oval medallion Jf? eee with pendent bunches of grapes within an undulating border of leaves, tendrils and vines. Length, 48 inches; width, 22% inches. 159. THREE LENGTHS OF SILVER PASSEMENTERIE —. French, XVIII Century 0-3: Nek: | | ; Réseau supporting an irregular design of vermiculate branches sustaining leaves and rococo shell motives; mounted on crim- son silk. Lengths, 6 feet © inches, 9 feet and 10 feet 10 inches; width, § inches. 160. CLOTH-OF-GOLD CHASUBLE Lustrous ground of gold thread brocaded with rococo design 7 «of ribbons interlacing with leaf forms, and delicate sprays of flowers. 161. RUBY VELVET AND BROCATELLE CHASUBLE / Deep lustrous velvet, with orphreys of sixteenth century bro- b Se catelle developing quatrefoils enclosing leaf devices in crim- ~ son and golden-yellow in ivory field. 162. GOLD-EMBROIDERED CRIMSON SATIN CHASUBLE, MANIPLE AND STOLE _ Régence Style JS J —Symmerical design of interlacing leaf scrollings festooned with latticed rocaille ornament and enriched with an escut- cheon surmounted by a cardinal’s hat. 163. Ivory SILK DAMASK DALMATIC Louis XIII Period ~~ Baroque design of interlacing scrolling branches with pendent ~’ = blossoms. Mounted with gold galloon. 164. SALMON-PINK GOLD BROCADE ECCLESIASTICAL SET French, XVIII Century ae Comprising: Chasuble, pair stoles, pair maniples and missal | cover. Close allover floral design. SILVER-EMBROIDERED ORANGE SILK CHASUBLE Venetian, Régence Period Beautiful symmetrical design of large scrolling leaves and blossoms, linked by arabesques of branches and rococo orna- ment. 166. RUBY VELVET AND APPLIQUE EMBROIDERY CHASUBLE Italian Renaissance A Ce Lustrous deep crimson velvet with orphrey of clair de lune silk, embroidered with symmetrical Renaissance scrollings and chimerae and sacred monograms, MR and IHS. CYPRESS-GREEN VELVET PANEL Italian, XVII Century Deep, rich sombre green deepening almost to black; mounted with narrow galloon. 40 inches square. FRAPPE VELVET PANEL French, XVIII Century Indigo-blue velvet with graceful swaying design of branches with pendent leaves and blossoms. Length, 32 inches; width, 22 inches. RUBY VELVET CHASUBLE Deep lustrous crimson velvet, braided with gold galloon. E/MERALD-GREEN CISELE VELVET CHASUBLE Design of small symmetrical leaf lattice enclosing tiny floral sprays; orphrey with tan ground enriched in raised velvet pile with a chain of ogivals enveloping sprays of leaves. . CRIMSON VELVET AND CUT VELVET ‘TABLE COVER French, Empire Period _ Central panel with design of ogivals enclosing floral devices on ivory ground; border of crimson velvet. Length, 51 inches; width, 36 inches. EMERALD CUT VELVET CHASUBLE PATRON Lattice design of interlinked stellate rosettes. ITALIAN SILK-EMBROIDERED MOSS-GREEN VELVET PANEL Appliqué border of interlacing branches of tulips and forget- me-nots with a symmetrical scrolled floral medallion enclosing the figure of a bird. Length, 3 feet 7 inches; width, 26 inches. CuT VELVET TABLE COVER Italian, XVII Century Exhibiting parallel rows of delicate leaf-scroll borders in golden-yellow, lavender and Vandyke brown respectively; on _ an ivory ground; bordered in gold galloon. Length, 3 feet 8 inches; width, 3 feet 5 inches. 175. BOIS-DE-ROSE CUT VELVET TABLE COVER Italian, XVII Century AO __ Delicate design of undulating ribbon lattice supporting sway- ing oak-leaves, in a ruddy fawn; bordered with peach velvet, mounted with contemporary tassels. Length, 4 feet; width, 2 feet. 176. AMBER CUT VELVET PANEL Louis XVI Period Graceful composition of vertical meandering, bow-knotted Yo ribbon bands, cords and tassels and zig-zag filets. Lower hori- | zontal frieze of tasseled draperies enclosing flower-baskets and tied with bow-knots. Height, 3 feet; length, 9 feet 3 inches. Late XV Century Yo _— Woven with a coroneted ogival enclosing a palmette and inter- lacing with scrolling branches of tulips on a crimson ground. Length, 3 feet; width, 2 feet. 177. GOLD- AND SILVER-WOVEN SCUTARI VELVET PANEL P7oee@UT VELVET [TABLE COVER Touts XV Period Golden-brown field with basketed ground composed of small 67 _ shaped lozenges, semé with blossom forms, pointing in oppo- site directions. Gold galloon edge. Length, 4 feet 3 inches; width, 3 feet 4 inches. 179. CUT VELVET TABLE COVER Italian Renatssance 5 @ Lustrous olive-green field, covered with a repeating design of “large quaint archaic leaf motives under Near Eastern in- fluence. Fringed gold thread border. Length, 5 feet 7 inches; width, 4 feet 5 inches. 180. EMBROIDERED BROCADE COVER Italian, XIX Century Emerald silk damask ground woven with four vertical wave O-bdands from which project varicolored blossom sprays, executed in pastel silks and gold thread. Length, 49% inches; width, 42 inches. 181. GOLD AND’ SILVER BROCADE COVERLET Venetian, Louis XV Period —, Vermilion silk damask ground covered with a graceful pattern Vi - of vertical meandering bands of rocaille scrollings, placed closely together and enhanced with projecting flower sprays. Gold galloon border. Length, 8 feet 6 inches; width, 6 feet 8 inches. 182. BROCADE COVERLET Venetian, Late XVII Century ’ - Silver thread ground adorned with allover repeating design oR of fruits and leaves, executed in natural colorings. Gold gal- 0 loon border. Length, 6 feet; width, 5 feet 1inch. Cut VELVET AND CLOTH-OF-SILVER BANNER Genoese, XVII Century Silver ground, cise/é with horizontal arched bandeaux of leaf and blossom arabesques in apricot velvet. At top and base a border of gold lace; gold galloon border. Antique tassels. Height, 58% inches; width, 22% inches. MOoss-GREEN VELVET ARCHED PANEL Italian, Late XVII Century Lustrous velvet of fluctuating tone, impressed with natural- istic sprays of gaillardia. Length, 6 feet 6 inches; width, 3 feet 6 inches. AMBER VELVET COVERLET Italian, XVIII Century Striated surface covered with a golden-brown sheen. Com- posed of three widths. ( Pieced.) Length, 6 feet 2 inches; width, § feet 1 inch. DraAP D’ARGENT CUT VELVET TABLE RUNNER Composed of alternate panels of sapphire-blue and peach-col- ored velvet with silver ground and sixteenth century design ~ of tiny swaying floral sprays; border of eighteenth century bois de rose velvet. Length, 6 feet 3 inches; width, 2 feet 2 inches. VELVET COVERLET Composed of four widths and various smaller sections of crim- son velvet having a lustrous sheen. Contemporary gold gal- loon border. Italian, Renatssance Length, 6 feet 7 inches; width, 6 feet 3 inches. DEEP AMBER VELVET FRONTAL Italian, XVII Century Deep golden sheen. ‘rimmed with antique silver galloon at border. Length, 6 feet 9 inches; width, 1 foot 7 inches. ITALIAN POWDER-BLUE CUT VELVET APPENDIUM XIII Century Drap d’or field, the velvet cut to a small floral design; the end paneled and enriched with cartouched Cardinal’s coat of arms. Banded with gold galloon and fringe. Length, 54 inches; width, 21Y% inches. 190. W/o. beyt ).. 192. 4/0 - 193. fio- 194. CLARET VELVET COVERLET Italian Renaissance Lustrous satin-like sheen. Composed of four widths sub- divided into various smaller sections. Elaborate contem- porary gold galloon border, depicting scrolls and blossoms. Length, 6 feet 8 inches; width, 6 feet. CISELE VELVET PANEL Italian Renaissance Apricot field depicting horizontal bands of blossom-enhanced cinquefoils, surmounted by leaf-scrolled pinnacled arches. The entire design delicately outlined on the old-ivory ground. Silver and gold lace border. (Discolorations.) Length, 44% inches; width, 27 inches. VELVET COVER Italian, Early XVII Century Characteristic blue velvet with beautuiful sheen. Border of gold galloon. In very good condition. Length, 7 feet 11 inches; width, 6 feet 10 inches. APRICOT VELVET COVER Italian, XV IIL Century Superb fluctuating tones, banded with lace galloon and lined with a golden-yellow silk. Length, 7 feet 7 inches; width, 6 feet 1 inch. VELVET COVERLET Italian, XVIII Century Silky peach-colored ground dappled with a silvery sheen. JOd —Composed of six small oblong panels. 195. Ba 196. = 197. foe Length, 6 fect 3 inches; width, 5 feet 3 inches. THREE PANELS OF CRIMSON VELVET French, XVIII Century Delicate garnet velvet fluctuating to deeper tones. Lengths, 36 (one) and 23 inches; widths, (two) 23 and 18 inches. VELVET TABLE RUNNER Italian, XVII Century Amber velvet with a brilliant sheen. Length, 6 feet 5 inches; width, 21 inches. VELVET HANGING Italian, XVIII Century Composed of four panels in beautiful plum-colored velvet. Length, 7 feet 9 inches; width, 3742 inches. CRIMSON VELVET AND NEEDLEPAINTED CHASUBLE Spanish, Early XVI Century The orphrey and cross depict, respectively, the crucified Christ with attendant angels, Saint Francis, an unknown saint, a deacon, Christ and Nicodemus, and St. Peter with an at- tendant, enshrined within arched traceried porticos, exqui- sitely wrought in rich blues, greens and crimsons and gold thread. 3 = s4 a s = aa Be = 4 64 Bad 199. SUPERB CUT VELVET AND NEEDLEPAINTED CHASUBLE hod 0 O XV Century Beautiful Botticelli-green ground, with applique cross and _.otphrey depicting within niches the figures of the Virgin and Child, St. Elizabeth, St. John, St. Peter, St. Bartholomew, St. Catherine and St. Andrew. The cross bears a quatrefoil me- dallion at intersection representing Ja Madonna Misericordia. In a splendid state of preservation. 200. CUT BLACK VELVET PANEL Venetian, XVII Century ; Drap d'or silk ground exhibiting bold design of ogival arched Fe . bands of black cut velvet centring a conventionalized floral ) motive. Length, 7 feet 3 inches; width, 3 feet 4 inches. 201. DRAP D’OR CUT VELVET RUNNER Italian, XVII Century Lustrous gold field very beautifully enriched with a Louis 45 v) Quinze design in cut two-toned mulberry-crimson velvet. Trimmed with tasseled fringe. Length, 44 inches; width, 20% inches. 202. UNUSUAL CUT VELVET PANEL Genoese, Early XVII Century Le wd, Woven with five rows of graceful palmettes, emitting scrolled Ys branches bearing tulips and leafage, in veil or, cobalt-blue, bois de rose and emerald; border of sky-blue silk overlaid with filigree gold galloon. Length, 4 feet 9 inches; width, 2 feet 9 inches. 203. DRAP D’OR TABLE COVER Venetian, XVIII Century uo ve I< brocade of splendor in which the pattern is floral, woven in « gold threads. Banded with gold galloon. Length, 6 feet 5 inches; width, 4 feet 10 inches. 204. CUT AND UNCUT BOTTICELLI-GREEN VELVET TABLE RUNNER Italian, XVII Century fs O owe Ground of ivory silk and golden threads, semé with conven- tionalized floral motives in rich toned cut velvet; the end panels of uncut velvet. Edged with silver lace galloon. Length, 6 feet 6 inches; width, 1 foot 8 inches. 205. CUT SAPPHIRE-BLUE VELVET PANEL Italian, XV Century i ‘tarp _— Superb old velvet portion of a chasuble, cut to a pointed Gothic eee design. Height, 41% inches; width, 26% inches. 206. Two LENGTHS OF PEACH-TONED VELVET Italian, XVI Century Superb tones fluctuating from flame-red to golden-yellows, / f CO ™ with traces of a scrolled appliqué design. . Length, 19 yards. 207. EMERALD-GREEN VELVET PANEL Italian, XVIII Century Lustrous tones varying with the light; with impressed Louis tZ _ Seize design of entwined scrollings from previous embroidery. Edged with gold galloon. Length, 12 feet 9 inches; width, 3 feet 5 inches. 208. AMBER CUT VELVET COVERLET Genoese, Renaissance Three joined panels, bearing an allover design of blossoms, qb _— ©sscrolls, meandering sprays, and leafage wrought in an in- tricate ensemble. Length, 7 feet 8 inches; width, 4 feet 9 inches. 209. BOTTLE-GREEN VELVET COVERLET Italian, XVIII Century Striated ground and rich soft sheen. Composed of four even 7 /0- widths. Narrow gold galloon border. Length, 8 feet 1 inch; width, 6 feet 10 inches. 210. LARGE AMBER VELVET COVERLET Italian, Late XVII Century eZ / 6 _- Composed of five panels of the finest golden-amber velvet. Contemporary gold galloon border. Length, 10 feet; width, 8 feet 5 inches. 211. WELVET COVERLET Italian, Late XVIII Century Composed of five widths of deep sky-blue velvet; brilliant a / p _-sheen. Gold galloon border of meandering ribbons and blos- som motives. Length, 8 feet 8 inches; width, 8 feet 4 inches. 212. BLEU-DE-CIEL VELVET PANEL Italian, XVIII Century The field is composed of three widths of lustrous sky-blue iW 20) __velvet. Gold galloon floral border at three sides. Length, 9 feet 8 inches; width, 5 feet 1 inch. 213. VELVET COVERLET Italian, XVII Century Beautiful garnet-colored field of lustrous sheen. Serpentined ae -inner border of silver galloon; straight outer border of the ofS cx same material. Length, 6 feet 10 inches; width, 6 feet 6 inches. 214. WELVET COVERLET Italian, XVIII Century Soft sea-green velvet covered with a brilliant, silvery sheen. Length, 9 feet 5 inches; width, 7 feet 5 inches. 16 0.— 7 A 2 215. BEAUTIFUL APRICOT VELVET COVERLET Italian, XVII Century / ~ Unusually soft texture of deep rich orange tonation, dappled ee with a brilliant silvery sheen. Gold galloon border of inter- secting meandering ribbons. ‘Three widths. Length, 7 feet 1 inch; width, 6 feet 2 inches. 216. FLAME-COLORED VELVET RUNNER Italian, XVII Century Lustrous rich velvet, bearing outlines of a coronet surmounting a scrolled oval escutcheon; bordered in narrow gold galloon. ee uss Length, 7 feet; width, 1 foot 9 inches. 217. SUPERB DRAP D’OR CRIMSON VELVET PANEL Broussa, Late XV Century if / ©. Woven with lavish ogivals of leaves emitting tulips and en- | closing fan-shaped palmettes, in silver thread. Length, 6 feet 3 inches; width, 4 feet 3 inches. 218. UNUSUAL GOLD BROCADE AND VELVET COVERLET caer Italian, XVI Century ae: The striated claret field is woven with a latticed leaf spray pattern; the reserves thus formed, are occupied by large many- petaled blossoms. Crimson velvet border. Length, 7 feet 10 inches; width, 6 feet 7 inches. 219. LARGE VELVET COVERLET Italian, Late XVII Century Composed of four widths of lustrous crimson velvet of bril- ad ry fy ant sheen. Fine cntemporary border of gold galloon featur- > ing conventional floral motives. Length, 8 feet; width, 6 feet 10 inches. 220. SUPERB CUT VELVEF AND BROCADE PANEL Broussa, XV Century Fawn ground of lustrous sheen, bearing a magnificent bold — composition of arched meandering branches with coronets at / .4 intersections. The reserves, thus formed, are occupied by tulip m™/ . . blossoms and leaf motives. The whole woven in gold and silver thread. Length, 5 feet; width, 2 feet. 221. CRIMSON GOLD-WOVEN BrocaDED HANGING Venetian, XVII Century Developing a symmetrical design of scrolling leaves embrac- ) bo -~ ing chrysanthemums, tulips, peonies and other flowers sug- gestive of a strongly Oriental influence and woven in sky-blue, green, pink, fawn and ivory; joined by a triple band of silver filigree galloon. Length, 8 feet 9 inches; width, 6 feet 1 inch. 222. AQUAMARINE VELVET HANGING Genoese, XVII Century 2, Oblong panel, fluctuating from deep greenish-blue to sky-blue, 4 0 “and bearing traces of former arabesqued scroll appliqués; bordered with silver galloon. Length, 10 feet 9 inches; width, 4 feet 10 inches. 223. SKY-BLUE VELVET HANGING Italian, XVII Century Superb rich velvet, with lavish warm cerulean-blue tones; lb ¢ _~bordered in silver galloon. Length, 9 feet 5 inches; width, 5 feet 1 inch. 224. BEAUTIFUL APRICOT VELVET PANEL Italian, Renaissance Brilliant sheen, giving it the aspect of cloth-of-silver. Com- nosed of six small oblong joined panels. Length, 6 feet 8 inches; width, 5 feet 1 inch. 225. IMPORTANT CUT VELVET AND SILVER BROCADE PANEL French, Louis XV Period Silver ground, superimposed by diapered blossoms in apricot 2 a ; ; : : > “velvet. Narrow central panel, identical in design but exe- cuted in sapphire velvet. Length, 6 feet 8 inches; width, 2 feet 10% inches. 226. EMERALD VELVET COVERLET Genoese )S0. The field is composed of three vertical panels, intact. Length, 7 feet 2 inches; width, 4 feet 7 inches. 227. PAIR VELVET AND APPLIQUE EMBROIDERY PORTIERES Italian, XVII Century Beautiful apricot velvet field superimposed with an embroid- ered border composed of bold, blossom-wreathed scrollings. ¥ _-Phe ends are formed by arches enriched with flower, vase and 54. shell motives. Height, 7 feet; width, 4 feet 8 inches. 228. LARGE VIEIL-OR VELVET COVERLET Italian, Early XVIII Century G Consisting of four and one-half widths of golden-colored / ¥ / + velours de Génes. Imprints of an appliqué scroll and blos- som border are still visible. Gold galloon edge. Length, 14 feet 3 inches; width, 7 feet 11 inches. 229. AMETHYST VELVET TABLE COVER Italian, XVII Century Delicate purple velvet with lustrous sheen; braided with gold Q —galloon. | Length, 5 feet 4 inches; width, 4 feet 8 inches. 230. VIEUX-ROSE VELVET HANGING French, XIX: Century _~ Four widths of light silk velvet fluctuating to shell-pink. c 4 “~ Length, 6 feet 11 inches; width, 5 feet 9 inches. 231. VELVET HANGING Italian, Early XVII Century In a beautiful amethyst color of brilliant sheen. Length, 5 feet; width, 39% inches. 232. SILVER-WOVEN SALMON-PINK SILK HANGING Italian, XVII Century / ). , , Brocaded in silver thread with allover design of undulating cm vermiculate branches bearing tiny upstanding flowers and- leaves. Length, 5 feet 10 inches; width, 3 feet 10 inches. 233. PEA-GREEN FLOSS VELVET HANGING Italian, XVIII Century “Ge Pale lime-green ground, woven with shaggy velvet pile applied Lf ~. © in horizontal lines in the weft direction. Four widths. Length, 6 feet 10 inches; width, 7 feet. 234. CRIMSON BROCATELLE ALTAR FRONTAL Italian, XVI Century Design of double ogivals enriched with spirally twisted ribbon _-¢) <~ motives and enclosing pomegranate figures. Length, 6 feet 5 inches; width, 2 feet 9 inches. <> 235. CRIMSON AND GOLDEN-YELLOW CuT VELVET PANEL Design of small lattice formed of scrolling leaves enclosing y) 6 rosettes, tiny jardinieres and leaf devices in crimson velvet : on a ground of pale gold. Length, 6 feet 2 inches; width, 1 foot 10 inches. 230. CRIMSON AND GOLDEN-YELLOW CUT VELVET PANEL Similar to the preceding. a a : ¢ a Length, © feet 2 inches; width, 1 foot 9 inches. 237. GOLDEN-AMBER VELVET COVERLET = Italian, XVII Century Rich amber-yellow shading to brownish-topaz with the play of ISG gate light; bordered with gold galloon. Length, 7 feet 1 inch; width, 5 feet 1 inch. 238. AMETHYST VELVET TABLE CoveR French, XVIII Century Magnificent silk velvet with soft fluctuating surface deepen- Lo ing to purple. a Length, 6 feet 3 inches; width, 4 feet 10 inches. 239. BOUCLE GOLDEN-YELLOW DAMASK PANEL Italian, XVII Century of » «Design of interlacing ribbon ogivals enclosing leaf-shaped é pomegranate figures and leafage and bouclé with loops of gold thread. ‘ Length, 7 feet 6 inches; width, 2 feet. 240. GOLDEN-AMBER VELVET COVERLET Italian, XVII Century _-Rich amber-yellow shading to brownish-topaz with the play of /?- the light; bordered with gold galloon. Length, 6 feet 11 inches; width, 5 feet © inches. 241. LouIS TREIZE CRIMSON DAMASK COVERLET Crimson satin ground damassé in ivory with ogivals of inter- linked leafage enclosing jardiniéres of tulips and carnations /¢ Be arented with mascarons. Length, 8 feet 4 inches; width, 7 feet 2 inches. 242. AQUAMARINE VELVET COVERLET French, XVIII Century Heavy lustrous greenish-gray velvet in four widths; mounted “with gold galloon. (Needs repair.) Length, 7 feet 5 inches; width, 8 feet 9 inches. 243. ees 244. 3e- eh, 246. ) 4 UV. 248. 250. Fa a é , oa © ] ; - a exer AMBER-YELLOW VELVET COVERLET French, XVIII Century Mellow golden-amber velvet with yellow bloom; bordered with gold galloon. Length, 9 feet 8 inches; width, 8 feet 2 inches. DRAP D’OR YELLOW SATIN COPE Italian, XVIII Century Golden-yellow satin shaded with gold thread in lines run- ning in the weft direction. Length, 9 feet 7 inches; width, § feet. CRIMSON BROCATELLE COPE Italian, circa 1600 Design of interlinked leaf ogivals enclosing symmetrical de- vices of pomegranates emitting serrated leaves, and sprays of carnations. Length, 8 feet 5 inches; width, 4 feet 4 inches, ROSE-CRIMSON CUT VELVET ALTAR FRONTAL French, Empire Period Interlacing double ribbon design of ogivals clasped with coro- nets and enclosing pomegranate devices. Fringed. Length, 9 feet 8 inches; width, 2 feet 7 inches. BOIS-DE-ROSE SILK VELVET COVER French, XVIII Century Lustrous silk velvet with shell-pink bloom. Mounted with silver galloon. Length, 9 feet 9 inches; width, § feet. JADE-GREEN VELVET COVERLET French, XVIII Century Soft lustrous silk velvet fluctuating to bluish-jade tones. Mounted with gold galloon. Length, 9 feet 2 inches; width, 7 feet 4 inches. GOLDEN-AMBER VELVET COVERLET French, XVIII Century Lustrous velvet with pale yellow sheen; bordered with gold galloon. Length, 7 feet 7 inches; width, 5 feet. PLUM VELVET COVERLET French, Empire Period Deep wine-red velvet; bordered with gold galloon. Length, 7 feet 10 inches; width, 6 feet 6 inches. APRICOT VELVET COVERLET French, XVIII Century Rich silk velvet with golden-yellow sheen; bordered in gold galloon. Length, 8 feet 2 inches; width, 7 feet. 252. B30. - EMERALD-GREEN VELVET HANGING Spanish or Italian, Late XVII Century Brilliant metallic-green velvet with traces of original appliqué of broad strap-work and leaf design. Bh: ry 254. jo 2515 6p - 2.0) ess 257, 50 250: J 40- Length, 10 feet 8 inches; width, 1 foot 7% inches. GOLD AND SILVER BROCADE COVERLET Italian, Louis XV’ Period Lavishly enriched with florid design of undulating gold and silver branches, supporting flowers woven in soft-colored silks and enclosing bunches of flowers and vines. Length, 7 feet 2 inches; width, 5 feet 4 inches. VANDYCK-BROWN VELVET HANGING French, Empire Period Lustrous golden-brown velvet; mounted with silver galloon. Length, 9 feet; width, 3 feet 9 inches. DRAP D’OR ET D’ARGENT BROCADE PANEL Lous Philippe Period Cloth-of-gold ground woven with ogivals formed of broad un- dulating silver ribbons, enriched with blossoms and shell mo- tives and enclosing symmetrical floral sprays in colored silks enriched in raised velvet pile. Length, 9 feet 10 inches; width, 1 foot 9 inches. PEACOCK-BLUE VELVET COVERLET French, XVIII Century Rich pale bluish-green velvet with brown ground; mounted with gold galloon. Length, 9 feet 3 inches; width, 6 feet 10 inches. SICILIAN LINEN DAMASK COVERLET Early XVIII Century Developing in greenish-blue on a beige ground a bold design f interlacing leaf scrolls with pomegranate and pendent blossoms enclosing large ogival medallions of leaves and fruit. Length, 8 feet 11 inches; width, 4 feet 3 inches. INDIGO-BLUE VELVET HANGING French; Empire Period Large panel of rich greenish-blue velvet fluctuating to steel- blue and bearing traces of border appliqué of interlacing scrollings with shell figures at the corners. Length, 12 feet 8 inches; width, 9 feet 8 inches. 259. HO. - 260. fers Z 261. ke ie Two ORANGE VELVET VALANCES French, XVIII Century With traces of appliqué of broad ribbon scrolling. Lengths, 7 feet 3 inches and 11 feet 5 inches; width, 1 foot 8 inches. PLUM-COLORED VELVET PANEL French, Empire Period Mellow velvet fluctuating from purple to wine-red; bordered in gold galloon. Length, 9 feet 4 inches; width, 9 feet 6 inches. BoOUCLE BOIS-DE-ROSE CUT VELVET HANGING French, Empire Period Bold design of large symmetrical clasped leaf scrolls sur- Fo — mounted by canopies of leafage and enriched with tiny gold 262. 263. aaa £ Sad : < / . ot loops. Fringed. Length, 11 feet; width, 7 feet § inches. STEEL-BLUE VELVET COVERLET Italian, XVII Century Large panel of fine metallic-blue velvet bearing traces of broad __ original leaf-scroll appliqués at the ends. Length, 14 feet 5 inches; width, 7 feet 1 inch. ORANGE VELVET VALANCE WITH GOLD APPLIQUE French, XVIII Century Length of lustrous tawny-orange velvet, enriched with a heavy gold running appliqué of scrollings. Length, 14 feet 7 inches; width, 1 foot 7 inches. 264. PLUM-COLORED VELVET BALDACCHINO French, Empire Pertod Deep wine-purple velvet with traces of border appliqué of Tee it _~ interlacing scrolled strap-work design. tno Length, 11 feet 6 inches; width, 10 feet 8 inches. 265. ANTIQUE RESHT PATCHWORK EMBROIDERY MOSQUE HANGING ~ Divided into six panels with arched compartments enriched with mosaic designs and headed by plaquettes with inscriptions _alternating with arabesqued roundels; worked in appliqués of colored linens surrounded by woolen cordonnets. Length, 22 feet 6 inches; width, 6 feet 7 inches. {END OF FIRST SESSION SECOND AND LAST SESSION SATURDAY, APRIL 17, AT 2:15 P.M. Catalogue Numbers 266 to 528 Inclusive 6S MISCELLANEOUS OBJECTS CARVED BOxXWwooD GREEK CROSS 266. is Monte Athos, XVI Century [2 “ Minutely carved and reticulated, exhibiting scenes from the ; life of Christ. Height, 47% inches. 267. Two CARTHUSIAN FRAMES -® ~ With inlays of olive- and rose-wood. Length, 634 inches; width, 5 inches. 268. VERRE EGLOMISE DIPTYCH Venetian, XIV Century Depicting in the cusped arches The Annunciation; in the B7 / (© —pPanels The Nativity and The Crucifixion; in the spandrels ’ are representations of the Apostles and symbols of the Evan- gelists. Height, 8 inches; width extended, 91/4 inches. 269. CARVED WALNUT AND BEECHWOOD MINIATURE CHEST Italian, Late XVI Century .. Rectangular molded hinged top; the front panel having ap- - =< plied escutcheon, polychromed and charged; deeply gadrooned and leaf-carved base, on embryonic claw feet. Height, 10% inches; length, 15% inches. 270. BYZANTINE TRIPTYCH Early XVI Century Painted panels, depicting in the characteristic manner twelve scenes in the life of Christ, mounted at the corners and sides fb in brass. Folding to form one panel with the sudarium on —_— the back and an apostle on the front. Extended length, 14 inches. PA: hee 72 ire [sd a. 273. = Se 274. pr ry de Jy - 270. Ca Spe 2777. $5... Se ee rag kek ae a GILDED FRAME WITH MINIATURES French, XVIII Century Gilded frame containing five French miniatures, a small Bat- tersea enamel and two French enamels. Height, 11 inches; width, 8% inches. MURANO GLASS COVERED VASE XVII Century Coniform, with domed cover. Of iridescent slate color flecked with silver. (Cracked.) Height, 5 inches. SICILIAN NIELLO COVERED COUPE AND PLATE Cylindrical; on slightly domed foot; circular plate; enriched with an arabesque design of leafage ate rosettes. Height, 7% inches. BrASS INCENSE BURNER XV Century Style Globular, on foot with spreading base, with heads and trefoils, repousseés. Height, 9 inches. IMPORTANT BRONZE MORTAR Italian, XVI Century Bell-shaped, with flaring lip and circular foot, enriched by horizontal double moldings and acanthus leafage. The han- dles formed of human heads modeled in full relief. Height, 934 inches. GOTHIC BRONZE PESTLE AND MORTAR Italian, XV Century Deep bowl-shaped, the sides enriched with ridged projections, and ring drop-handles. Height, 34 inches. BRONZE PESTLE AND MORTAR Italian, XVI Century Tapering sides, with molded rim and foot; enriched with out- __.standing bossed and scrolled lugs enclosing fleurs-de-lys, at the rim is a chain of fleurs-de-lys. Height, 414 inches. GOTHIC BRONZE PESTLE AND MorTAR’- French, circa 1500 Round tapering body, paneled with rinceau motives enclosing a species of the Tudor rose, at the base a banding of Gothic tracery. Curious rope-molded handle. Fine patina. Height, 5% inches. — ITALIAN BRONZE-MOUNTED AGATE BOWL Circular faceted bowl of translucent dove-gray-blue agate; on tripod base composed of sphinxes. (Reconstructed base.) Diameter, 4% inches. BRONZE CUPIDON By Roccatagliata, Italian, XVI Century Erect winged figure, partly draped and supporting a coronet. On bronze plinth. Height, 734 inches. Two GILDED BRONZE STATUETTES Italian Renaissance (A) MADONNA. Erect figure of the Holy Mother, classically draped and hooded, with her hands clasped. (B) SAINT JOHN. Erect figure, with flowing habit. (Hand missing.) Heights, 6% and 634 inches. GILDED BRONZE COUPE Italian Renaissance Circular bowl, repoussé with leafage; on chased balustered stem and splayed circular foot. Height, 7/4 inches. REPOUSSE BRAssS DISH Venetian, XVII Century Circular, with broad flange stamped with trefoils and quatre- foils, the centre having bossed medallion emitting convention- alized leafage and thistles. Diameter, 15 inches. SMALL COPPER CAULDRON Italian, XVIII Century Circular bowl, enriched with incised floral and fan motives; on circular molded foot. Bail handle. Height, 1014 inches. COPPER CAULDRON Italian, XVII Century Circular lobed body, having astragal molded collar and round foot. Bail handle. Height, 10% inches. _ PatR BRONZE PRICKET ALTAR CANDLESTICKS Italian, XVIII Century Vase baluster stem, on trilateral base with claw feet. Circular er1easc-tray. Height, 7% inches. Pair CUIVRE Doré CANDLESTICKS Florentine, XV Century Columnar stem, on splayed circular foot in two sections; repoussé with cartouches containing fleur-de-lys flory. “Ys— Height, 8% inches. a, LO -~orease-tray. 288. PAIR VENETIAN BRONZE CANDLESTICKS XV Century Molded base and knopped stem; circular flaring foot and Height, 10% inches. 289. PAIR BRONZE ALTAR PRICKET CANDLESTICKS Italian, XVII Century — A ; . aD .Knopped baluster stem, on circular incurving molded foot. ws * —— 290. [se 291. 294. 295. » « various colors. Circular grease-tray. Height, 1334 inches. GoTHIC WROUGHT IRON CANDLESTICKS Slender baluster and screw shaft, with arm for candle; on six scrolled feet. Height, 18% inches. BRONZE FIGURE OF A BULL In the manner of Giambologna, Florentine, XVI Century The animal in attitude of combat; well modeled and with beautiful patina. On small oval base. Height, 8% inches. BRONZE FIGURE OF A HORSE Florentine, XVI Century Classically modeled figure; on rectangular marble base. Height, 10 inches. Note: Possibly the work of a follower of Leonardo da Vinci who was in his studio when Leonardo was preparing the monument of Sforza e Tri- vulzio. MILANO MAJOLICA FIGURINE — XVIII Century -Naturalistically modeled figure of an elephant, glazed in soft white. The ears are painted a rich mauve and the tusks a golden-yellow. Length, 10% inches. PAIR CAPO DI MONTE GROUPS Early XVIII Century NEPTUNE AND VENUS. On rock base, around which are sirens -and further ornamentation of conch-shells and masks. Height, 9 inches. PAIR CAPO DI MONTE GROUPS Early XVIII Century Representing bacchanals on rock bases, around which are youthful bacchanalians and grape and vine decoration, in Height, 15% inches. 296. WALNUT CHAMBER CANDLESTICK Northern Italian, XVII Century ? f/f}. Baluster stem, having a revolving central member, emitting 7. one bobéche,; on circular foot. Height, 22% inches. 297. SMALL TORTOISE-SHELL CASKET Italian, XVII Century f- Rectangular, with faceted domed hinged top. Length, 7% inches. 298. CARVED WALNUT MINIATURE CHEST Italian, Late XVI Century jt _« Oblong molded hinged top; the front having recessed panel C of finely figured burl walnut; on gadrooned base and claw feet. Height, 8% inches; width, 16% inches. 299. CARVED WALNUT MINIATURE CHEST Italian, XVI Century “ate Rectangular molded hinged top, having notched cornice mold- . ing, the front panel flanked by voluted leaf pilasters. On molded base with claw feet. Height, 12% inches; length, 2334 inches. 300. GILDED BRONZE BASE OF A CHALICE Florentine Renaissance d x Repoussé balustered stem, on circular foot enriched with / ro scrollings and cherubic masks. Height, 7 inches. 301. REPOUSSE SILVER CHALICE Italian, XVI Century Bell-shaped coupe; on balustered stem and hexagonal lobed foot; enriched with winged cherubim-heads within finely led cartouches; the base exhibiting the Virgin Mother, Saint Joseph and a mitred Bishop, alternating with palmette motives. With plate. Height, 8% inches. 302. REPOUSSE SILVER-GILDED GHAMICE Italian, XVI Century Bell-shaped coupe, supported by a bossed baluster shaft; on splayed circular foot; the whole repousseé with cherubim-heads ou amidst scrolled leafage. Height, 8% inches. 303. 5 ao, ey, 304. 300. Gee 397: GILDED COPPER CHALICE Italian, XV Century Knopped stem, with six enameled medallions, exhibiting the Latin and Moline crosses, and cinquefoils. Inverted cone- shaped coupe, on circular lobed foot finely repoussé with tulip forms. Height, 8 inches. GOTHIC GILDED COPPER CHALICE Italian, XIV Century Knopped stem, with six medallions incised with mystic Chris- tian symbols; the coupe with expanding lip and finely chiseled perifery; on polygonal dome foot with enameled medallions. (Enamel damaged. ) Height, 8 inches. GILDED COPPER BASE OF CHALICE Venetian, XVI Century Vase baluster stem, on circular splayed foot, richly repoussé with Renaissance motives and having silver appliqué heads of angels modeled in the manner of Sansovino. Height, 8 inches. GOTHIC GILDED COPPER MONSTRANCE Italian, circa 1500 Knopped stem, with six enameled medallions depicting saints; hexagonal glazed arcaded top with polygonal dome and ter- minal figure; on circular lobed base with finely chiseled leafage. Height, 13% inches. CUIVRE DoRE RELIQUARY Italian, XVI Century Cylindrical; enriched with reticulated quatrefoils; the glass _ container having a pyramidal hinged lid, surmounted by a fimbriated cross; on hexagonal knopped stem and incurving foot. Height, 12 inches. GILDED BRONZE MONSTRANCE Italian, XVI Century Of architectural form, the dome in two degrees, repoussé with scrollings and having crucifix finial, supported by four fluted and quilled half columns surmounted by figures of SS. Cath- erine and Mary Magdalene and two further saints, having at the base winged cherubim-heads. On vase baluster stem and splayed circular foot, incised with leafage and scrollings. Foot and stem of a later period. Height, 1414 inches. 309. GILDED BRONZE MONSTRANCE Italian, XVI Century Of architectural form; the dome in two degrees, repoussé with arcadings and having crucifix finial, supported by tapering Lf 5S fluted columns with caryatid capitals, and having at the base female masks. On vase baluster stem and splayed circular foot, incised with leafage and scrollings. Foot and stem of a later period. Height, 15 inches. 310. SILVER GILT MONSTRANCE Italian, XVI Century Of architectural form; the domed top with terminal figure yj p _vepoussé with winged putto-heads, and emblems of Christ’s - Passion, supported by fluted columns with caryatid capitals; on balustered stem and circular lobed foot. Height, 15% inches. 311. CUIVRE DORE MONSTRANCE Italian, Late XV Century Architectural; having spherical knopped stem with six medal- _ lions inscribed with I H S and floral motives. Domed top with / 0 “. terminal figure supported by flying buttresses of Gothic con- tour. On hexagonal lobed base with enameled medallions. (Enamel damaged.) Height, 16% inches. 312. SCULPTURED DUOMO MARBLE GROUP Northern Italian, XV Century PIETA. Classically draped seated figure of the Holy Mother uf y, with the emaciated figure of Christ upon her lap; she supports “~~ His thorn-crowned head by her right hand. Height, 13% inches. By one of the “Maestri Comacint” and ascribed to Giovanni of Como. 313. GILDED SILVER PEDESTAL Italian Renaissance Vase baluster stem, having a flattened spherical knop, and an urn finial, upon which are superimposed two cornucopiae set _—— saltirewise. On lobed cruciform base. The whole repoussé E and chiseled with acanthus leafage and anthemion motives. Height, 17 inches. 314. SILVER GILT VOTIVE RELIQUARY Spanish, XVI Century Irregular octagon-shape, on vase baluster stem and hexagonal Peer p _lobed foot. The Teliquary proper finely repoussé and having tif in niches appliqués figures of SS. Peter, Paul, Andrew, Jerome and others; hinged top of pyramidal form, emitting scrolled dolphins; the foot also repoussé and finely chiseled with em- blems of Christ’s Passion. Inscribed and dated on border: En el Ainio: 1546—and the names of donors. Height, 16° inches. (Illustrated ) 315. WROUGHT IRON PRICKET TORCHERE Italian, XVI Century Slender square shaft, on scrolled base; the horizontal member oe fitted with thirteen prickets for candles, and supported by 0) graceful C- and S-scrollings in triangular form. Height, 46% inches. CARVED IVORIES, SMALL COFFERS AND BOXES 316. ‘Two Ivory PLAQUETTES Embriacht Art, XV Century ie , ni y mF d Fail 317. Ivory PLAQUETTE AND BONE HUNTING-KNIFE HANDLE z The former with carving of Christ pronouncing the benedic- Ss _— tion; and the latter with scenes of the hunt. _ Each carved with two female figures. 318. CARVED IvoRY STATUETTE Spanish, XVI Century - Minute figure of Saint Francis of Assisi with tonsured head, / ) . garbed in the habit of his order. On ebonized base. Height, 3% inches. 319. KNIFE AND Fork WITH CARVED Ivory HANDLES Augsburg, XVI Century _» 9» The handles carved with putti surmounted by a musical fawn | and a nymph, in a characteristic pose. No. 314. SILVER-GILT VOTIVE RELIQUARY (Spanish, XVI Century) 320. 8 Oe Coal CARVED Ivory DIPTYCH French, XIV Century Rectangular hinged panels which close to box form; beneath Gothic arched canopies. The Crucifixion with naively por- trayed figures of the pious women, Saint John and Nicodemus. At the right Saint John between the Archangel Michael and Saint Christopher. Height, 3% inches; length, 5% inches. A very interesting miniature specimen. (Illustrated ) CARVED IVORY FIGURINE Spanish, XV Century Erect figure of a saint, with flowing hair and beard, wearing a girdled tunic and draped mantle. On pearl-molded base. Height, 4% inches. CARVED Ivory DIPTYCH Spanish, Late XIV Century The left panel represents the Crucifixion, with the tragic weep- ing figures of the Virgin Mother and Saint John; the right panel the three Marys at the sepulchre. Traces of polychrome and gilding. Height, 4 inches; width, 5 inches. 323.. CARVED IVORY PLAQUE Spanish, XV Century Rectangular ivory plaque, representing the incredulity of Saint Thomas. Colored and gilded. pe Height, 334 inches; width, 2% inches. (L/lustrated ) 324. CARVED IvoRY PLAQUETTE French,-XIV_ Century Rectangular; representing within Gothic arcading, two scenes _ from the Passion of Christ: The Crucifixion, with Saint John, £O _and the pious women grouped around, and The Deposition, ‘ with the traditional personages of this event. Height, 4 inches; width, 2% inches. (Illustrated) 325. CARVED Ivory SPINDLE German Renaissance _«~ Slender stem with a dolphin’s head and other minute figures. 326. SMALL CARVED IvoRY PLAQUE | French, XIV Century | Rectangular, with carvings of the Crucifixion and St. John aim the Madonna, beneath a Gothic trilobed arch. Height, 3% inches; width, 2% inches. 327. SMALL CARVED Ivory DIPTYCH French, XIV Century The wings depict: (the left) The Annunciation to the Holy Virgin, who is seen seated upon a Gothic throne in front of a ( So _~ lectern with a flowering lily in the foreground; (the right) The Madonna and Child between SS. Catherine and Agnes. Height, 2 inches; length, 3% inches. Note: This exceptionally fine work in miniature reveals great skill in execution and a perfection of composition. (Illustrated ) 328. CARVED IVORY PLAQUETTE French, XIV Century Minutely carved. Beneath a triple Gothic arched canopy is 8 i Pr oe Pe ee ee ee . \ ‘ & X x ‘ \ x A) ‘ + xa < ae 336. TRIPTYCH OF EMBRIACHI SCULPTURES XIV-XV Century bo — The central panel displays the classically draped full-length figure of the Virgin Mother and Child, on either side are beatified female figures; in the left wing, St. Stephen; in the right, St. Francis of Assisi robed in the habit of his order. The pointed arches and rectangular base are enriched with geometrical intarsia. Height, 8% inches; total length, 7 inches. 35: Care 340. 5607 341. CARVED IvORY STATUETTE Italian, XVI Century Anthropophagus figure of Saturn, beautifully carved and with fine patina. On Veronese marble base. bud é POS aS Height, 6 inches. CARVED IvORY ‘TRIPTYCH Italian, XIV-XV Century Sculptures of the Embriachi art, representing the Madonna and Child against an arcaded background and between two saints; in the wings St. Stephen and St. Francis. (The intar- siata frame restored.) Height, 8% inches; width, 7 inches. CARVED IVORY FIGURINE German, XVII Century Naturalistically carved, a stag in the attitude of grazing; the antlers and base tinted. Height, 3% inches. CARVED IvoRY HEAD OF A CROZIER 5 Italian Byzantine, XIII Century The reticulated centre enclosing the symbolic Lamb. Traces of gilding and polychrome. CARVED IvorY DIPTYCH French, XIV Century Two rectangular panels interestingly sculptured with supreme primitive naiveté. Depicting the Nativity, with angels an- ~nouncing the tidings to the shepherds and the Final Judgment; our Lord seated between angels bearing the signs of the Pas- sion; below are those awaiting judgment; above the triple arches are glorified angels. Height, 5 inches; length, 7% inches. Note: A very rare work. (Illustrated ) CARVED BONE FIGURINE Roman, VI-VII Century Erect female figure classically draped; on low base. Fine patina. Height, 534 inches. CARVED IVORY STATUETTE Italian, XVI Century Erect figure of an Evangelist, with flowing robes and holding a missal. On walnut and ivory base. Height, 7% inches. No341. GARVEDSLVORY DIPTYCH (French, XIV Century) 344. CARVED IvoRY PLAQUETTE Carolingian, IX Century Rectangular; primitive portrayal of the Crucifixion, at the left is the grief-stricken Mother with St. John to the right. Above ft SSO _~the Saviour’s head is the inscription: IHS Nazars Rex Ivde; F on either side are medallions bearing profile heads, a saint and a prophet. Fine patinay | | Height, 434 inches; width, 234 inches. Note: Very rare object of vertu, of great importance by reason of its antiquity, origin, and the great sentiment shown in execution. Lee ee le eee ee ee OO eee ee —_—-- - 345. CARVED IVORY STATUETTE German, XVI Century | OUR LoRD. A bearded figure, seated, holding a chalice and 5 ye pronouncing benediction. In voluminous draperies. On cir- - cular base. Height, 534 inches. 346. CERTOSINA POWDER FLASK German, XVII Century Circular molded body, with minute inlay of stellate and other » Ce motives. 347. CARVED IVORY STATUETTE Haut Rhin. XV-XVI Century _ Finely modeled erect figure of St. Mary Magdalene, volumin- [¢ = ously robed and with flowing hair. On circular base. Height, 8% inches. 348. CARVED IVORY COUPE German Renaissance Vase-shaped, with curiously lobed lip; on circular foot, en- Fo ” riched with classic Greek key motive; the perifery carved in relief, exhibiting hounds hunting a stag in a wooded country. Height, 5% inches. 349. JAPANESE IvorRY CARVING XVII Century Two warriors amid floral motives, surmounted by an eagle. », La Character mark on the base. Height, 10 inches. 350. SCULPTURED IvORY GROUP Umbrian, XVI Century Superbly modeled seated Virgin, her head veiled and bound by a fillet, robed in flowing draperies; with the Child on her oy, / —Tap, a standing figure of St. John, and a seated putto. Se Height, 7% inches. 351. CARVED Ivory MorTaR AND PESTLE Italian, XVI Century Deep vase-shaped bowl, with moldings at rim and about centre, enclosing an arabesque design composed of griffins affrontés, IS; i lower perifery with sporting and musical amorini among >O the clouds carved in low relief. On echinus-molded base. Height, © inches. Note: Rare specimen. | 7 ‘ 352. 354- 355: 256, CARVED IVORY VASE South German, XVI Century Cylindrical, with baccello base and slightly expanding lip; the perifery carved in relief with a bacchanalian procession of infant amorini and oxen bearing baskets of fruit, under a grape vine. Height, 7 inches; diameter, 4% inches. CARVED IvoORY PLAQUE Spanish, XVI Century The coroneted Virgin within the mandorla, supported by three angel-heads; surmounted by the Holy Trinity and the emblems of Christ’s passion; below are two angels flanking a classic urn. In tortoise-shell tabernacolo frame with appliqués mounts and clasp. Height, 9% inches; width, 534 inches. OcTAGONAL PLAQUE WITH EMBRIACHI SCULPTURES Italian, XIV Century Depicting in the centre St. Paul with the sword fashioned as a cross, flanked by a warrior and two classic figures, enclosed within various similar sculptures. Height, 1034 inches; width, 1034 inches. Ivory MORTAR AND PESTLE Italian, XV Century Cylindrical, tapering slightly to the base; on circular foot, having a series of horizontal moldings of differing contours. Molded pestle. Height, 8 inches. IvoRY MorTAR WITH PESTLE Italian, XV Century Cylindrical; on circular foot in two degrees, the perifery banded with horizontal moldings of varying contours. Height, 8 inches. From the San Giorgi Collection. 357: 3fo- CARVED IVORY STATUETTE French, XV Century Fullilength figure of the Madonna facing the spectator, with the Child in her arms. She is robed in a long tunic, slightly open at the neck, which falls in large folds to the ground; a mantle depends from her shoulders. Her gilded crown 1s studded with turquoises. On detachable circular base. 358. CARVED IVORY STATUETTE Italian, XVI Century Curiously draped figure of the Virgin Mother with the Child a “8 C), mon her right arm; standing on a cartouche base inscribed: | Gloriosissima Virginis Maria. Ebonized base. Height, 1134 inches. (Illustrated ) 359. CARVED IVORY STATUETTE German, XVI Century Erect figure of Saint Margaret, robed in a girdled tunic and | (0 flowing mantle, bearing the cross with the dove; the demon appearing from behind. On ebonized base. Height, 8% inches. 360. CARVED Boxwood GROUP Northern Italian, circa 1450 Superly carved erect crowned figure of the Virgin Mother, / OS fe ith the draped Child in her arms, in the hieratic attitude of benediction. Height, 9 inches. (Illustrated) 361. CARVED AND POLYCHROMED PLANEWOOD STATUETTE Ife Erect figure of the Madonna, hooded and voluminously robed. Height 13y2 inches. Jee aole — Qrrd. O&te CL; peyote COLLECTION OF SMALL COFFERS 362. SMALL CERTOSINA CASKET Italian, First Half XIV Century |S — Oblong; the top of pyramidal form; interestingly inlaid with ivory, olive- and king-wood developing a lozenge design. ‘The base simulating dominoes. Trimmed with copper mounts. . Height, 3 inches; length, 5 inches. 363. CARTHUSIAN COFFRETTE ~ XV Century Rectangular with hinged cover. Inlaid geometrical designs } 2.4 ee in ivory, bone and wood, tinted. Length, 6 inches; height, 2% inches. 358 360 INor 358. CARVED IVORY SPATUETIE No. 360. CARVED BOXWOOD GROUP 3073 40 _ terns in black and white. 368. foe 369. CARTHUSIAN COFFRETTE XV Century Similar to the preceding. Length, 5 inches; height, 3 inches. CARTHUSIAN COFFRETTE XV Century Rectangular, with hinged pyramidal cover and extending base. Inlays of horn, ivory and wood. Length, 5% inches; height, 4% inches. CARTHUSIAN COFFRETTE XV Century Rectangular, with hinged cover. Inlays of olivewood, horn and ivory in geometrical designs. Length, 4 inches; height, 2% inches. ITALIAN BONE AND HORN COFFRETTE XIV-XV Century Rectangular, with hinged pyramidal cover; geometrical pat- Length, 6 inches; height, 5 inches. INLAID IvoRY CASKET Norman Sicilian, circa 1200 Rectangular riveted box; the iron bound cover in the form of a truncated pyramid, and with the sides is finely decorated with conventional flowers, animalistic figures and geometrical motives. Height, 4 inches; length, 6% inches. (Illustrated) JEWEL CASKET WITH SCULPTURES OF EMBRIACHI ART Italian, XIV Century 3 I _ Oblong, hinged domed top enriched with certosina inlay. The carved ivory plaques depict angels bearing a shield; the sides with seventeen small plaquettes also carved in bas-relief with mediaeval figures. (Restored.) : Height, 7% inches; length, 7% inches. (Illustrated) ee a eee Se a, CLALPAPL SSS?! LS . CARTHUSIAN COFFRETTE XV Century 370. Rectangular, with hinged cover. Inlaid geometrical designs me Lege in various woods and ivory. Length, 6 inches; height, 234 inches. 371. IvoRY AND TORTOISE-SHELL COFFRETTE XIV-XV Century a Rectangular, with truncated pyramidal cover. Geometrical -\.~) - designs in horn with circular inlays in ivory. Guilloche border. Length, 7% inches; height, 5 inches. 372. JEWEL CASKET WITH SCULPTURES OF EMBRIACHI ART Italian, XIV Century zy OHO -" Oblong hinged dome top, the convex ivory plaques carved with leet flying angels; the sides having ten small plaquettes with me- diaeval figures in bas-relief. (The box is reconstructed.) Height, 6% inches; length, 7 inches. 373. SMALL IvoRY CASKET Moorish-Sicilian, XV Century Rectangular; enriched with a fretted design and having inlaid 374: TT atl / /¢ 375: borders of geometrical patterning, suggesting the Moorish- Sicilian epoch (1400). . Height, 2 inches; length, 5 inches. CARVED BONE AND HORN COFFRETTE Embriachi Art, Italian, XIV Century Rectangular, with hinged pyramidal cover. On the four sides are carved bone figures showing traces of polychrome and at each angle, a spiraled column. ‘The cover, with inlays of bone in horn; the front and back carved with angels. Length, 7 inches; height, 6 inches. (Illustrated) BYZANTINE CARVED Ivory CASKET Italian, X-XI Century Rectangular; the sliding top and sides having recessed panels 7 . » «finely carved with grotesque dancing figures and animalistic AY oO subjects, enclosed by moldings enriched with stellate and ro- setted motives within connecting circles. Length, 11% inches. Note: A very rare casket, similar to one in the Carrand Collection, Bar- gello Museum, Florence. (I/lustrated) ee —_— No. 375. BYZANTINE CARVED IVORY CASKET No. 374. CARVED BONE AND HORN COFFRETTE —- AS. CERTOSINA JEWEL CASKET Italian, XV Century Oblong; the hinged top and sides decoratively inlaid with ivory, olivewood and ebony, displaying geometrical designs, the chief motives of which are stars and chequering. Lined with old-crimson velvet. Length, 8% inches; height, 334 inches. CARVED BONE AND HORN COFFRETTE Embriachit Art, XIV Century Rectangular, with hinged pyramidal cover; the sides with carvings of figures in bone, showing traces of gilding. Length, 734 inches; height, 6 inches. CARTHUSIAN COFFRETTE XV Century Rectangular, with geometrical and lattice designs in bone, ivory and various woods. Length, 7% inches; height, 4 inches. CERTOSINA CASKET Italian, XV Century Rectangular; the hinged top and sides inlaid with various fruit-woods, ivory, etc., exhibiting an interesting stellate and geometrical design. Height, 8% inches. 380. JEWEL CASKET WITH SCULPTURES OF EMBRIACH ART Oe 381. [10 Italian, XV Century Oblong, with hinged dome top with certosina inlay; the small ivory plaques exhibiting interestingly carved erect figures. Height, 6% inches; length, 634 inches. CARVED IvoRY CASKET German, XVI Century Oblong, with hinged dome top and two small drawers, banded with pearl and rosetted moldings and richly decorated with reticulated girali1 motives, containing fantastic figures, gro- tesques, birds, lions, and squirrels. Trimmed with bail handles. Height, 634 inches; length, 9% inches. 382. GOTHIC WROUGHT IRON CASKET French, XIV-XV Century 7/0 —“Rectangular, with reticulated design of Gothic tracery. Slightly domed cover with original iron hasp. Height, 4 inches; length, 634 inches. (Illustrated ) 383. VELVET CASKET MOUNTED IN CuIvRE DoRE French Renaissance Oblong, with hinged top; paneled with exquisite bands re- 2s poussés, and chased to an arabesque design depicting hunting scenes, connected by interlacing lattice scrolls. Resting on ball feet and trimmed with bail handles. Height, 3% inches; length, 614 inches. INLAID WALNUT MINIATURE CHEST Italian, XV Century Oblong hinged top with minute intarsio inlay exhibiting the Latin cross amid a chequered motive. ‘The sides with geo- metrical designs. (The splayed base is repaired.) Height, 7% inches; length, 16% inches. . WALNUT MINIATURE CHEST Italian, XVI Century Sarcophagus-shaped; molded domed hinged top, the front and sides paneled with applied moldings; claw feet. Height, 91% inches; length, 19% inches. SMALL WALNUT AND CARVED IvoRY CABINET Italian Renaissance . Rectangular; fitted with eleven drawers, the three central ones simulating an architectural door with spiraled half columns and broken pediment, having below a winged cherub-head, the side drawers carved with mascarons, cartouches and scrolled leafage. Height, 15% inches; length, 19 inches. ITALIAN MAJOLICA, HISPANO-MORESQUE ; PLAQUES AND VASES URBINO MAJOLICA PLATTER Oval; the tondo in relief, exhibiting an erect bearded figure surrounded by a Raphaelesque design of cupidon, dolphins and grotesques. In characteristic coloring. Length, 15 inches. URBINO MAJOLICA PLATTER Similar to the preceding, with slight variation in details. Length, 15 inches. URBINO MAJOLICA PLATTER Similar to the preceding. Length, 15 inches. URBINO MAJOLICA PLATTER Similar to the preceding. Length, 15 inches. : 391. FAENZA MAJOLICA PLATE DU gia entary Ae Circular; the tondo with decoration in blue, exhibiting clasped é _~ hands surmounted by a crown, the symbol of Fidelity; the rim with lozenge motives. Diticteeee ae hee 392. FAENZA MAJOLICA EWER XVI Century as Oviform, with tapering neck and short spout; loop strap han- , =~ clazed blues, greens and golden-browns, displaying metallic reflections. Height, 14% inches. 411. GUBBIO MAJOLICA PLATE XVI Century Deep plate; the centre enriched with the arms of the Visconti ff _family of Milan, surrounded by foliage in relief. In fine OO: golden-brown having a rich ruby-red lustre. Diameter, 834 inches. os ee CB) we: NE Pog cB) ) On the fondo is a representa- amily and an indecipherable Ss rS co S 5 QE ey oa Begs fa sche bp oye acho peo = EA ae 0 3a 3 % Fo Sg og gee ere BES ee aren See E ae re Ba eS Se Sees = -f oe O93 35 ES a By Fra Xanto Avelli, Worked at Urbino, 1530-1543 Circular deep dish, representing Saint Jerome seated in a wood, in the act of extracting a thorn from the lion’s paw while a group of terrified monks seeks shelter in the Saint’s cave. Through a richly wooded scene is a distant view of the city. Under the lion’s paw is the artist's monogram. On the back is inscribed: 1542 Come Sa Jeronimo Caua la Spina alla Zapa al Lione. In finely enameled yellows, blacks and greens. (Re- paired.) Diameter, 10% inches. 437: [500.% DERUTA MAjJOLICA PLATE XVI Century _Circular; the fondino in relief depicting the profile portrait bust of a maid facing to the left; the fondo enriched with a roulean motive, and the marli wodh conventionalized leafage and cones. Diameter, 12% inches. 438. GUBBIO PLATE XVI Century Circular; the cavetto and broad marli molded in relief, de- picting the Lion of St. Mark and a conventional leaf design; in the brilliant blue, yellow-gold and ruby lustre of Gubbio. Diameter, 10 inches. 439. GUBBIO MAJOLICA PLATE _. XVI Century | Circular; the embossed tondo representing a male figure dig- 00. ing with a spade; around in relief are oak leaves and conven- tionalized floral motives in blue, yellow and ruby lustre. Diameter, 9% inches. 440. GUBBIO MAJOLICA PLATE XVI Century Circular, with deep cavetto exhibiting on a gold ground a / bo OD ~“ficure of Cupid with his arrow and quiver. The marli en- riched with masks, rams’ heads, military trophies and other devices on a blue ground. In superbly enameled colors. Diameter, 9 inches. Note: Assuredly of Gubbio handiwork from a Castel Durante design. vibe in —_ ae ~ air asesteriien 441. GUBBIO MAJOLICA PLATE XVI Century Circular; simulating a concave wheel with alternate yellow A300 eadach white spokes, radiating from the tondino of finely enameled ' blue with a conventionalized floral motive, enclosed by ruby- red pearls. The marli with strap patterning of circles and ovals in lustred ruby-red and vellow. On splayed foot. Diameter, 10 inches. 442. DERUTA MAJOLICA PLATE XVI Century Circular; the deep tondo enriched with a shield charged with Jf 60 the arms of the Medici and Filicaia families, flanked by cor- nucopiae. The border paneled and having imbricated motives, leafage and conventional flowers in fine golds, brick-red and variegated blues with fine iridescent glaze. (Restored.) Diameter, 17% inches. 443. DERUTA MAJOLICA PLATE XVI Century Circular; the tondo exhibiting before a blue ground the profile 2 EDO Portrait bust of a galeated warrior, facing to the left, with a * cloak draped about his shoulders. The banderolle bears the inscription: Alesandero M S. ‘The border painted and en- closing conventional floral and imbricated motives. In superbly enameled yellows and blues. Diameter, 16% inches. 444. URBINO MAJOLICA FIASCA XVI Century Hunting bottle with scrolled branch handles and screw stopper; 57 : on oval splayed foot. Depicting in the brilliant enamel colors of Urbino, ORPHEUS SLAIN BY THE BACCHANTE; on the re- verse, ORPHEUS CHARMING THE ANIMALS. Height, 14 inches. 444A. URBINO MAJOLICA FIASCA XVI Century Similar to the preceding. Depicting VULCAN FORGING THE Cm § 2), ROWS FOR CUPID’S BOW and on the reverse another mytho- "logical subject. Height, 14 inches. 445. PAIR CAFFAGGIOLO ALBERELLI XV Century H Sd. Incurved sides; richly enameled colors of fine golds, brown and variegated blues, with scrolled and voluted leafage and the Medici ring, enclosing the lon rampant surmounted by a crown. - Heights, 934 inches. Very rare specimens of majolica bearing the Caffaggiolo mark. 440. 5/00. Pairk HIspANO-MORESQUE VASES Early XV Century Incurving cylindrical, with tapering high neck; richly enam- led in gold and blue with girali motives and ivy leafage. Height, 12% inches. Very rare specimens with beautiful metallic lustre. A similar vase appears in the fine painting by Hugo van der Goes in the Uffizi Gallery at Florence. 447. PERSIAN ILLUMINATED MANUSCRIPT. POETICAL WORKS OF DJ AMI Circa 1550-75 uf THE FINEST PERSIAN ILLUMINATED MANUSCRIPT WHICH Ve 7 — HAS EVER BEEN SOLD IN AMERICA FO. 4 The Complete Works in Verse of the Persian Poet, Djami (Jami—Born at Jam in 1414, lived at Herat, died in 1492). It is composed of seven Poems entitled “Haft Awrang,’—The Seven Stars, z.e. the stars of the “Great Bear) Welteisomne ane the name of ‘“Sab’a” which also means “seven” in Arabic. Folio, original Oriental binding of lacquered paper orna- mented in panel effect with floral border and triple centre pieces painted in natural colors on a background of bronze color sprinkled with gold in iridescent effect; red leather doub- lures with bronze lacquered edge (rebacked with leather and rehinged). The manuscript is written in Persian characters on 304 leaves of white Samarcand text paper, 4 columns of 20 lines each to the page, averaging 8% to g inches tall by 5% inches wide. Each leaf is skilfully inlaid in Dowletabad margin paper of various shades of cream, yellow, blue and green, elaborately decorated with floral and other designs in gold. The volume contains 27 full-page and one three-quarter page BEAUTIFUL MINIATURES of excellent design and brilliant coloring with a lavish use of gold leaf; in some cases the entire background is of gold, which is also used in numerous mosaic wall designs, arches, etc., trappings of horses and decorations on the cos- tumes. In most of the miniatures the design is extended into the marginal paper, in many cases without the usual sepa- rating band of gold and colored lines. In addition to the miniatures there are 9 Sarlows, or headbands. [ Continued 447. Continued of elaborate mosaic, geometrical and floriated designs in dull and burnished gold and vivid colors, also hundreds of large and small chapter heads similarly ornamented, and a large number of pages which are composed entirely or to a large extent of small block designs similarly illuminated in gold and colored mosaics. ‘There are guard sheets of thin glazed paper to each of the miniatures and the other specially deco- rated leaves. The manuscript is composed of the following works, each with separate colophon: (1) SILSILAT-AZ-ZABAH (The Golden Chain), composed of three quires of paper, the copy- ing having been done, as it is mentioned, by Malek Deilami, who began his work at Meshed and finished it at Kasvin for iemieintary of Fi. H. Aboul Fath Sultan Ibrahim Mirza, Sevefide. The first quire bears inscription as- follows: “Fin- ished in the month of Zilihadjé of the year 963 [in letters] at Meshed,’ and the second quire: “Finished in the month of Ramazan of the year 964 [in figures]; (2) YOUSSEF VA ZULEIKA. At the end there is the indication: “By the scribe Mohebb-Ali, Librarian at Meshed, the 12th. Radjeb of the year 964 [in letters] for the Library of H. H. Aboul Fath Sultan Ibrahim Mirza.’ |Mohebb-Ali, or Mouhibb-Ali, is mentioned in Huart (p. 340) as being a pupil of Hasan of Bagdad]; (3) SABHAT AL ABRAR (The Chaplet of the Saints). At the end there is: “By the scribe Shah Mahmoud of Nichabour for the Library at the Sevefide Sultan Ibrahim Mirza, finished the ist. Zil V'hadjjat of the year 963 [in let- Jers}; (4) SOLEIMAN VA ABSAL. At the end the fol- lowing mention is made: “By the scribe Aichi ben Ichrati [ Continued 447. Concluded | [fictitious name signifying ‘the dissolute son of the libertine’ ] in the year 968 [in figures] for the Library of H. H. Aboul Fath Sultan Ibrahim Mirza’; (5) TOHFAT AL AHRAR (the gift to the freed). Written “by the scribe Roustem Ali, finished the ist. Sha’wal of the year 963 [in letters] for the Library of Sultan Ibrahim Mirza Sevefide.’” Roustem Ali of Khorassan, pupil of Meshehedi, had been employed in the Library of Behram Mirza and of his son Sultan Ibrahim Mirza; he was a nephew of the master painter of miniatures, Behzad; he died in 970 (1562-63) and was put in a grave at the side:of his uncle. Cf. Huart, p. 223; (6) DEI A hae MADJNOUN. “By the scribe Mohebb Ali, in the month of Sha’wal of the year 972 at Herat for the Library of Sultan Ibrahim Mirza’; (7) AINE ISKANDERI (Alexander’s Mirror). ‘The end (the last page only) is missing, as the last chapter refers to the transportation of Alexander’s coffin to Alexandria. Following the last poem is an additional leaf of manuscript, its text in no way connected with the poem. ‘This is signed by the scribe Sultan Mohammed Khan Dan who was a pupil of Meshehedi and died in 950 (1543) leaving a pupil, Yari of .Cheraz (see Huart paconye A number of official stamps and manuscript notations are on last page, a translation of which accompanies the volume. Ir Is IN AN ADMIRABLE STATE OF PRESERVATION, comes from the Library of ARDEBIL, and bears on several pages the seal of ‘‘Wagqf’s Astaneh-i-Mota- barrekeh-i-Safiyeh-i-Safaviyeh,” which means ‘‘Pious Foundation on the blessed and chosen Sefevide threshold.” Shah Abbas collected at Ardebil, for the pious institution he had created as a memorial of his ancestor, Sheik Safty ed Din, and of his grandfather, Shah Ismail, the founder of the Sefevides Dynasty, the most famous library of the whole East, and included in it 166 manuscripts, being the richest in illumina- tion, most beautiful, best painted, and the most famous Eastern manuscripts which he could procure, AMONG THEM THE ONE ABOVE DESBRIBED. a ie ie, at eee as we ee ee Nae ee a ee ($4-08$1 7949) Td YOSANVW GALVNINNTT NVISUdd “477 ON abrir i 9 ‘f ITALIAN FURNITURE 448. CARVED WALNUT WooL WINDER Northern Italian, XVI Century 10. -— Notched supports on embryonic claw base; the four arms radiating from a baluster-turned hub. Height, 25 inches; width, 16% inches. 449. INLAID WALNUT WRITING CASE Italian, XVI Century Rectangular; fitted for writing materials; enriched with certo- / 4) sina inlay, exhibiting an intriguing geometrical design. Length, 14 inches. 450. INLAID WALNUT MINIATURE CHEST Italian, XVI Century Oblong molded hinged top, with central applied panel de- picting in zntarsia animalistic and floral motives; the front and ba .~ side panels enriched with various landscape scenes inlaid and incised. ‘The front panel with central escutcheon flanked by unicorns and other animalistic figures. Claw feet. Height, 13 inches; length, 24 inches. 451. CARVED AND POLYCHROMED CASSETINA Veronese, First Half XV Century So. — Rectangular hinged top; the front decorated with incised de- piction of THE ADORATION OF THE MAGI; polychromed in green and red, while on the back is the monogram of the painter, Stefano da Zevio. On molded arcaded base. Height, 111% inches; length, 20% inches. 452. CARVED WALNUT LOW CHAIR Tuscan, XVI Century Arcaded open back, scrolled bar slats, flat-carved, with hexa- ei Say connected by five slender spindles; quadrangular seat having two rosetted projections; on block and turned stretch- ered legs. 453. CARVED WALNUT SIDE CHAIR Italian, XVII Century Canted open back, with S-scrolled finials, two scrolled bar ) slats connected by a single spindle; square seat, on ring-turned / 00, and block stretchered legs, bun feet. The seat covered in crim- son velvet. 454. 0, “ 455. WALNUT Low CHAIR Italian, XVII Century Open canted back, leaf-carved finials, scrolled bar slat and lower slat connected by five slender spindles; rush seat, on columnar box stretchered legs. ITALIAN WALNUT SMALL CABINET XVII Century With drop-front enclosing numerous drawers and a central / 3 et008 of architectural design; at either side, carved figures. The Sa 456. 7 - é 457. 2a 458. / 0. 459. 460. 70. apron with central carving of two putti supporting an escut- cheon. A drawer in the upper portion of each side. Height, 24 inches; length, 30 inches. CARVED WALNUT SIDE CHAIR Northern Italian, Antique Period Open canted back, with leaf finials, the uprights having im- bricated motives; scrolled bar slat carved with leafage; molded square seat, on columnar box stretchered legs. CARVED WALNUT AND PINE Low CHAIR Abruzzi, XVI Century Open back, with two bar slats archaically flat-carved and hav- ing gorged imbricated motives; rectangular seat; on quad- rangular box stretchered legs. CARVED WALNUT AND PINE LOW CHAIR Abruzzi, XVI Century Similar to preceding, with slight variation in details. SMALL WALNUT TABLE Italian, XVII Century Oblong hinged top; deep box frieze, on lyre-shaped end sup- ports. Height, 28 inches; width, 24 inches. CARVED BEECHWOOD SAVONAROLA CHAIR Italian, XVII Century Arched back, enriched with gorged rosetted medallion; eight spindle curule arms and legs; lifting seat, folding on a pivot. 461. f 462. > rn SA 463. 466. 53 CARVED WALNUT SGABELLO CHAIR Italian, XVI Century Scrolled panel back, enriched with carved stellate motives; angular massive seat with trifid projection at back; on three splayed rectangular legs. ITALIAN WALNUT SMALL CABINET XVII Century The body composed of numerous drawers in the centre of which is a door with two carved figures. Height, 2534 inches; length, 2534 inches. ITALIAN WALNUT CABINET XVII Century Rectangular. The apron with two drawers having figure knobs and sculptures at the corners; the drop-front enclosing many drawers and a small door in architectural design, flanked by figures. Height, 37%4 inches; width, 3634 inches. CARVED BEECHWooD Low CHAIR Florentine, XVI Century Open back, with series of balusters; rectangular imbricated side supports, with channeled and voluted finials; rectangular seat covered in deep peach-toned velvet trimmed with fringe; on turned and block box stretchered legs. CARVED WALNUT Low CHAIR Italian, Late XVI Century Open back, with five baluster spindles crowned by a scrolled pediment carved with a central cartouche and flanked by im- bricated leafage; square side supports with scrolled finials; rectangular seat covered in crimson cut velvet; on quadrangu- lar box stretchered legs. CRIMSON VELVET WALNUT ARMCHAIR Italian Renaissance Slightly canted open square back, with gilded acanthus finials; molded straight arms projecting beyond ball-turned supports; rectangular seat, on quadrangular stretchered legs; carved frontal stretcher. Velvet of a later date. 467. 2 pt 468. Two CRIMSON VELVET WALNUT ARMCHAIRS Italian Renaissance Slightly canted open back, with gilded acanthus finials; scrolled arms projecting beyond quadrangular supports; rect- angular seat, on quadrangular stretchered legs; the frontal stretcher pierced with a geometrical design. Velvet of a later date. PAIR GILDED AND POLYCHROMED PEDESTALS Venetian Renatssance Rectangular; molded at top and base; the front of one depict- ing before a gold background, St. George, the other a mitred Bishop. Height, 21% inches; length, 21% inches. Two CRIMSON VELVET WALNUT ARMCHAIRS Italian Renaissance _ Slightly canted open square back, with large gilded leaf finials; molded straight arms projecting beyond turned baluster sup- ports; rectangular seat on four quadrangular stretchered legs; the frontal stretcher richly carved. Velvet of a later date. WALNUT SGABELLO CHAIR Italian, XVI Century Canted back, silhouetted in the form of a lyre sustaining a lily, with a sunken heart-shape device; molded and massive angular seat, on three splayed legs and frontal stretcher. WALNUT CENTRE TABLE Tuscan, XVI Century Rectangular overhanging top; the frieze fitted with drawer having a bronze cherub-handle; supported by reel-turned box stretchered legs and block feet. Height, 25 inches; length, 32 inches. ITALIAN BEECHWOOD SAVONAROLA CHAIR AVI Century Formed of eight double curved supports with straight base rails. Shaped back with three incised rosettes. ITALIAN BEECHWOOD SAVONAROLA CHAIR XVI Century Formed of eight double curved supports, the front ones carved; on square base rails. Shaped back with incised central rosette. 480. PAIR WROUGHT IRON PRICKET TORCHERES , Italian, XV Century Slender hexagonal shaft, enriched with clustered scrollings. Circular grease-tray. On scrolled Gothic tripod. Height, 50 inches. PAIR WROUGHT IRON PRICKET TORCHERES Italian, XV Century Similar to the preceding. Height, 50 inches. WROUGHT IRON TORCHERE Italian Gothic Period Circular knopped shaft on arched tripod support; large cylin- drical candle-holder. Height, 53 inches. INLAID CARVED WALNUT CREDENZA Italian Oblong molded top, with nulled cornice molding; the front fitted with frieze drawer and central cupboard door enriched with panels of burl walnut, flanked by grotesque masks and sculptured caryatid pilasters. Height, 3714 inches; width, 24% inches. CARVED WALNUT CREDENZA Northern Italian Oblong molded top; the cornice molding carved with lunettes, opening as shallow drawer; the central cupboard door carved with armorial bearings. On leaf-carved base with drawer and molded plinth, claw feet. Height, 38 inches; width, 27 inches. CARVED WALNUT CASSONE Central Italian, XVI Century Rectangular; molded, wrought iron bound top; the front bold- ly carved with a central scrolled cartouche and flanked by female masks enclosed within cartouches. The torus-molded base carved with leafage, fruit and cross ribbons. Height, 20 inches; length, 361% inches. WALNUT CENTRE ‘TABLE North Italian, XVII Century Rectangular molded top, supported by four block and turned splayed legs with bun feet and connected by flat box stretcher and two molded side stretchers. Height, 29% inches; length, 43% inches. ASI. 482. 483. 484. 485. CARVED WALNUT CREDENZA Val d’Aosta, XVI Century Rectangular molded top; the front with double enclosing doors exhibiting coat of arms carved in cavo-relievo,; the shield party per fess and charged with crenolated tower with the lion couchant; to the left is a rampant lion. On molded end supports. Height, 38% inches; length, 37% inches. CRIMSON CUT VELVET WALNUT ARMCHAIR Florentine, XVI Century Rectangular slightly canted back, with leaf-carved finials; straight flat arms projecting beyond turned supports; rectangu- lar seat, on block and ball-turned stretchered legs. Seat and back covered in fine Renaissance drap d’or cut crimson velvet. FIVE INLAID CARVED WALNUT SIDE CHAIRS Northern Italian, XVII Century Open canted back, with carved acanthus finials; two scrolled bar slats; fan-shaped seat with carved lambrequin; on quad- rangular stretchered legs; the frontal stretcher in recurring design. With loose leather seats. CRIMSON VELVET WALNUT ARMCHAIR Italian Renaissance Slightly canted open square back, with gilded acanthus finials; molded straight arms projecting beyond vase baluster supports; rectangular seat, on quadrangular stretchered legs; carved and pierced frontal stretcher centring cartouche. Velvet of late date. CARVED WALNUT REFECTORY TABLE AVI Century Oblong molded top, having a notched valance; on lyre-shaped end supports with claw feet connected by central serpentined traverse, securely mortised and tenoned. (Traverse restored.) Height, 2 feet 10% inches; length, 6 feet 10 inches. 486. 490. 491. Two GREEN VELVET WALNUT ARMCHAIRS Italian Renaissance | Slightly canted open square back, with large gilded leaf finials; molded straight arms projecting beyond baluster supports; rectangular seat, on block and turned front legs and ball feet connected by double frontal stretcher and lower side stretchers. Contemporary velvet and fringe. (Illustrated ) Two GREEN VELVET WALNUT ARMCHAIRS Italian Renatssance Similar to the preceding. Two GREEN VELVET WALNUT ARMCHAIRS Italian Renatssance Similar to the preceding. CRIMSON VELVET CARVED WALNUT ARMCHAIR Italian, XVI Century Slightly canted back with leaf-carved finials; molded flat arms projecting beyond vase balustered supports; rectangular seat, on quadrangular stretchered legs with frontal stretcher pierced to a geometrical design; rudimentary claw feet. Back and seat covered in crimson velvet and trimmed with galloon and fringe. . Two. CRIMSON VELVET CARVED WALNUT ARMCHAIRS Italian, XVII Century ~ High canted back with leaf-carved finials; flat straight afms projecting beyond turned supports; rectangular seat, on block and turned legs connected by two side stretchers and frontal stretcher reticulated and centring a cartouche. Back and seat covered in crimson velvet, trimmed with tasseled fringe. CRIMSON VELVET CARVED WALNUT ARMCHAIR Italian, XVII Century “Similar to the preceding. No. 486. TWO GREEN VELVET WALNUT ARMCHAIRS (One illustrated) 492. Ib HG 493. j y, l b Jb: 495. a ~ 7 } Ci 496. BEECHWOOD FOLDING MONASTERY CHAIR Northern Italian, XVI Century the open back with seven molded and slightly the back sur- X-shape; spooned supports continuing into frontal legs; mounted by an arched pediment. mnAm~ Char “TTALIAN WALNUT SMALL CREDENZA AVII Century The body, a cupboard enclosed by two doors, which are sepa- rated and flanked by three pilasters with carved escutcheons. Above, two drawers separated by carving of a cherub and with leaf carvings at the ends. Gadrooned base. Supported on lion paws. Height, 40 inches; length, 41% inches. PAIR WALNUT FOLDING MONASTERY CHAIRS Northern Italian, XVI Century X-shape; the open back with five molded supports continuing into frontal legs; the back surmounted by an arched pediment centred with a cartouche in relief. THREE CARVED WALNUT SIDE CHAIRS Piedmontese, XVI Century Open canted back, with leaf-carved finials; the carved bar slat embodying the Savoia knot; rectangular seat, on quadrangular stretchered legs. RARE BYZANTINE CARVED Woop TripoD TABLE Italian, XII-XIII Century Circular top, with interesting notching; beneath, simulating supports, are voluted modillions interrupted by grotesques; the quadrangular central support rests upon an archaically mod- eled symbolic Lamb and three animalistic feet. Height, 22 inches. Note: The table is probably of liturgic origin and may have served as a baptismal font support. The notched cornice molding is probably an addi- tional ornamentation during the XVI century; the remaining carving un- doubtedly of the XII-XIII century and therefore of incomparable rarity. (Illustrated) No. 496. RARE BYZANTINE CARVED WOOD TRIPOD ‘TABLE 497: 499. 4/) NJ] & 500. : ret iowa CuT VELVET CARVED WALNUT ARMCHAIR Italian, XVII Century Serpentined oblong back; scrolled and voluted arms carved with leafage, on turned supports; quadrangular seat, supported by block and turned H-stretchered legs, claw feet. Covered in crimson jardiniére cut velvet, trimmed with fringe. Cut VELVET CARVED WALNUT ARMCHAIR Italian, XVII Century Canted oblong back; scrolled and voluted leaf-carved arms projecting beyond turned supports; turned and box stretchered legs, the frontal stretcher carved with a mascaron; the front legs terminating in claw feet. Back and seat covered in drap d’or cut green velvet exhibiting a fine floral design. BEECHWOOD SAVONAROLA ARMCHAIR Italian, XVI Century X-shape; the arched panel back, enriched with gorged ro- » setted medallions; seven spindle curule arms and legs, with lifting seat folding on a pivot. ITALIAN WALNUT STIPO A BAMBOCCI XVII Century In two sections. The frieze with two drawers separated by vg e~ carved figures of putti supporting an escutcheon and flanked by putti. The hinged drop front when opened discloses interior fitted with numerous drawers and carved with figures and architectural designs; flanking these, and at the sides, are groups of sculptured figures. The lower portion has one door with fluted pilasters having Corinthian capitals. Height, 64 inches; width, 33 inches. ITALIAN WALNUT CREDENZA Brescia, XVI-XVII Century Rectangular. The apron with two wide and three narrow drawers with heavy carvings of acanthus and leaf scrollings. The body arranged as a cupboard with two wide doors and one narrow door with carved fruits and flowers. The base on animal-head supports, fitted with one drawer. Height, 47 inches; length, 67 inches. yas ‘4 503. 505. ~~ ITALIAN WALNUT SMALL CREDENZA AVI Century The upper portion with two carved pilasters with disks, ro- settes and masks and two drawers with brackets at each end. The central portion with two doors enclosing a cupboard hav- ing pilasters at each side. Fleight, 37 inches; width, 35 inches. GOTHIC CHESTNUT AND Cypress MONEY CHANGER’S TABLE Lombardian, circa 1500 Massive oblong sliding top; the under portion in hutch form; the frieze and drawer with horizontal panels; on arched end supports, having two central stretchers securely mortised and tenoned with retaining wedges. Height, 29 inches; length, 43% inches. CARVED WALNUT Strpo A BAmMpBocct Italian, XVI Century Rectangular molded top with leaf-carved edges; the front fitted with three frieze drawers, the central one a box drawer carved with putti supporting a Viscount’s coroneted escutcheon; drop- front revealing architecturally sculptured interior with nu- merous small cupboards, drawers and secret compartments. The front and side pilasters carved in high relief with various figures, putti and satyrs. With original wrought iron clasp and lock. In good condition. Height, 34 inches; length, 37% inches. CARVED WALNUT CHEST-OF-DRAWERS ~— Italian Renaissance Rectangular molded top; the front fitted with five drawers paneled in burl walnut and having reeded moldings, and han- dles formed of sculptured heads in relief; the top drawer cen- tring a baron’s coroneted escutcheon. The stiles are also carved in relief with putti, caryatids and an imbricated motive. On scrolled supports. Height, 42 inches; length, 52 inches. 506. DLE CARVED WALNUT STIPO A BAMBOCCI Florentine, XVI Century Rectangular molded top, with leaf-carved edges; the frieze fitted with two drawers and carved in full relief with groups of putti, the central group bearing a shield. The drop-front of beautifully patterned burl walnut with original wrought iron escutcheon and clasp, and when open reveals interestingly fitted and superbly carved interior, with drawers and cupboards ar- chitecturally conceived. The movable front and the side pilasters are sculptured to portray ABRAHAM’S SACRIFICE. Height, 34 inches; width, 38 inches. An excellent specimen, in a perfect state of preservation and fine patina. (Illustrated closed) a i } t Thee Vee hae Ne ihe Leis No. 506. CARVED WALNUT STIPO A BAMBOCCI (Florentine, XVI Century) (Illustrated closed) 507: ore IMPORTANT CARVED WALNUT AND GOLD ILLUMINATED CASSONE Italian, XVI Century Rectangular hinged top, having a central raised panel with leaf-carved cyma molding. The chest of curvilinear contour, the front superbly carved in high relief with acanthus foliage and grotesques, centring a charged cartouched escutcheon flanked by griffins. On massive claw feet. Height, 28 inches; length, 64 inches. (Illustrated) IMPORTANT CARVED WALNUT AND GOLD ILLUMINATED CAS- SONE Italian, XVI Century Similar to the preceding. Height, 28 inches; length, 64 inches. BEAUTIFULLY CARVED WALNUT AND GOLD ILLUMINATED CASSONE Italian, XVI Century Rectangular hinged top, having a central raised panel with leaf-carved cyma molding. The chest of classic urn-shape, the stiles with acanthus carving, the top rail deeply rosetted, bold nullings, volutes and imbrications centring a cartouched shield charged with the lion rampant, in a framing of fruit carved well in relief. Height, 26 inches; length, 68 inches. CARVED WALNUT CREDENZA Tuscan, XVI Century Rectangular molded top, the frieze fitted with two paneled drawers and three mascaron box drawers; supported by pilas- ters of sculptured armored warriors on voluted corbels which enclose double paneled doors; the doors and drawers having cherubim-heads carved in relief as handles. Gadrooned base and claw feet. Height, 40 inches; length, 55% inches. In a fine state of preservation and having an excellent patina. WALNUT SGABELLO CHAIR North Italian, XVI Century Scrolled panel back, with central rosette and piercing; massive square seat with trifid projection at back, on three spreading legs. No. 507. IMPORTANT CARVED WALNUT AND GOLD ILLUMINATED CASSONE (Italian, XVI Century) 512: jz! CARVED WALNUT CREDENZA Central Italian, XVI Century Rectangular top with notched cornice molding, supported by voluted and horizontally molded corbels enclosing carved torus-molded drawer with knop handle. ‘The central cup- board door with a mascaron in relief, flanked by fluted and and quilled pilasters. On gadrooned base with claw feet. Height, 36 inches; width, 31 inches. INLAID WALNUT CREDENZA Tuscan, XV Century Oblong molded top, the front with two paneled enclosing “drawers inlaid with briarwood and having at the corners and sides rosetted dies, flanked by pilasters decorated in the same media; on deeply nulled base and claw feet. . Height, 44 inches; width, 43% inches. ITALIAN WALNUT CABINET XVI Century Rectangular, in two sections. The upper portion is arranged ‘as a cupboard enclosed by two doors and above, one drawer with four brackets, flanked by pilasters. The lower portion with two doors and a drawer. Gadroon carving on the base. Lion paw supports. Height, 65 inches; width, 32 inches. WALNUT LECTERN Northern Italian, XV Century Rectangular columnar support, on square molded base; ob- long missal support. Height, 56 inches; width, 21% inches. CARVED WALNUT. LECTERN Umbrian, XVI Century Rectangular pedestal, carved with a rou/ean motive; on square -molded box base; the revolving pyramidal top with rosetted sides supported by four voluted corbels. Height, 67% inches; width, 20 inches. CARVED WALNUT CASSONE Florentine, Late XVI Century Rectangular molded hinged top; the frieze guilloche-molded, supported by four voluted modillions simulating pilasters en- closing three panels carved in cavo relievo with elongated quatrefoils and a central cartouche; on nulled base. ‘The whole structure supported by carved and polychromed kneeling angels. Height, 37% inches; length, 58 inches. CARVED WALNUT CREDENZA Piedmontese, XVII Century Rectangular molded top; the front fitted with two frieze drawers and double enclosing doors, which, with the massive stiles and rails, are modeled and gouged to a diamond or loz- enge design, characteristic of an earlier period. Height, 43 inches; length, 51 inches. 519. 523. GOTHIC INLAID CARVED WALNUT CASSONE Central Italian, circa 1500 Rectangular paneled hinged top; the front richly carved and reticulated, enclosing four mirror panels inlaid with sycamore parqueterie and having circular medallions of imbricated leaf- age, centring rosettes in relief. ‘The stiles and rails enriched with pointed Gothic tracery; on cyma-molded carved plinth. (Restored. ) Height, 2 feet 8 inches; length, 6 feet 7 inches. EBONIZED SAVONAROLA CHAIR . Northern Italian, XVI Century Arched panel back, enriched with central medallion com- posed of stamped stellate motives; five curule arms and legs; with lifting seat, folding on a pivot, cross stretchers. CARVED BEECHWOOD SAVONAROLA CHAIR Tuscan, XVI Century Oblong back, with incurving corners; punched to a circular medallion and stellate design; five spindle curule arms and legs, with lifting seat folding on a pivot. Claw feet. CARVED WALNUT SAVONAROLA CHAIR Italian, XVI Century Scrolled back, enriched with central coat of arms; ten spindle curule arms continuing and crossing as legs; the front carved with oak leafage. Claw feet. CARVED WALNUT CREDENZA Tuscan, XVI Century - Oblong hinged top with leaf-carved edges; the front fitted 524. ta with central paneled cupboard door with a carved rosette and knop handle, enclosed by an astragal molding. The frieze and pilasters molded and nulled. Height, 36% inches; width, 31 inches. CARVED WALNUT CASSONE District of the Etsche, circa 1450 Rectangular molded hinged top; the front sgraffito-carved and enclosing within niches, male and female figures arrayed in mediaeval costumes, above which are animalistic figures; carved recumbent lions act as supports. Wrought iron side handles. ‘Traces of polychrome exist. Height, 22 inches; length, 60% inches. 4B eile LE 5203 CARVED OAK CABINET Italian, XVI Century Rectangular molded top, the cornice molding and_ frieze carved with voluted leafage, centring a human mask, supported - by half columns, fluted and having capitals of Doric form; the central cupboard door with raised central panel enclosing within a cartouche a winged cherubic head; beneath, a drawer. The whole supported on stand with bulbous ringed legs. (Re- constructed. ) Height, 5 feet 2% inches; width, 2 feet 4% inches. CARVED WALNUT SANSOVINO CASSONE Liguria, XVI-XVII Century Rectangular molded top, the edges enriched with foliated lunettes; front and sides panels sculptured in relief and de- picting in scrolled cartouches groups of winged pufti and a central cherubic figure supporting a basket of flowers upon his head. On boldly gadrooned base. Height, 23 inches; length, 53 inches. POLYCHROMED AND GOLD ILLUMINATED CASSONE Sienese, XVI Century Domed, lifting top; the chest of incurving contour; the front panel richly decorated in pastiglia with a fine Renaissance de- sign of dolphins enclosing numerous quartered escutcheons and mascarons, bordered by guilloche molding; on bracket feet. Height, 20% inches; length, 58% inches. CARVED WALNUT CASSONE Northern Italian, XVI-XVII Century Rectangular hinged top, with nulled cornice molding; the front panel carved in relief with scrolled vine and leafage, the pilasters boldly rosetted; on scrolled bracket feet. Height, 24 inches; length, 64% inches. | END OF SECOND AND LAST SESSION fete PM glee AOE Nels DOTS UNITED STATES AND STATE TAX INSURANCE AND OTHER PURPOSES CATALOGUES OF PRIVATE COLLECTIONS ¢ APPRAISALS. The American Art Association, Inc., will furnish appraisements, made by experts under its direct supervision, of art and literary property, jewelry and all personal effects, in the settlement of estates, for inheritance tax, insurance and other purposes. CATALOGUES. The Association is prepared to supple- ment this appraisal work by making catalogues of private libraries, of the contents of homes or of entire estates, such catalogues to be modeled after the fine and intelligently produced Sales catalogues of the Association. Upon request the Association will furnish the names of many Trust and Insurance Companies, Executors, Admin- istrators, Trustees, Attorneys and private individuals for whom the Association has made appraisements which not only have been entirely satisfactory to them, but have been accepted by the United States Estate Tax Bureau, the State Tax Commission and others in interest. The AMERICAN ART ASSOCIATION 7 INC. MADISON AVENUE, s6rx to 57TH STREET New York (ity ae COMPOSITION, PRESSWORK AND BINDING BY ow 7 f i By a's y | i oo \ ; Nis y hy 7 - s Je \ 4 i -® re : A oa) . as Be v t GETTY RESEARCH INSTITUTE ili ll i wo! whetw wat: 7 ober ¢ +e ee oe, vial tele ete zhtietl Teikipcere et < ati - . oY Pees +S ie » ne apy - ee * i ' : bg Pb tre ts et i mata 7 . : BR at SF rene ‘ : Piaget . ; : Y , t ‘aes. ag ng — Feith P fp i? wv, Be F ‘ ie bd Seah y . pues é z Po < : nw ie y & a ’ DG Sf wl et ol oof oe To ‘ : : ih esha aioe Pee pe a. * F - ao" s ‘ ; : oe ; ; : ‘ / . : Po rertatnatie 2 : : : : se z : Pon ‘ a . be to ae se - ~ Serres erent alan ge +h : : : * “ a : Sees oe = <= Ss ‘ ? 5 ‘ 2 nb = Ziad ae TS i = is ‘een Sua wy : ~ yb ow 3 w, ews ‘ be w t a at Se cag +e font Ps a re . oh ‘\ - arly ; 3 d 4 : piste t that oot a enten Wte 4 pate ; alan : Ss aie sie sae tate te rr “ . f s 4 ‘ ae : ie a8: ‘- eoke - + oS 2 oe et oR OS 2: wy 43 e A ie aire ne hk Renate ey. Fd eared ate os i -fints -bnee