" eed GRAS ip my ’ weg WA Vien ASSO Sib me Pp Ke ‘6 Dan Bt hata by bot We fy RL Lee F “3 " be ats iaNet 4 eet setae eb ‘y ‘ eT ‘ ihe? " 1 te i SR fom es WL eh) He ies Veen ae) 3 ae Bi. 99 tt ai if RRR a NT ee Eran PDR hut Helped Mat pape 0434 ibe BBY Allele iyothsy ae nD a ee $ ies AD, eae hat NL a 2 ceria ra a0 Wi $4 aan i i Least RRC ahr Sp ptyety vias tg te a atti, @ahe, Hehe p vi PAE rie. cE SHAN gL ftp Hedas iy We Sie a . V4 ( V4 i fel oN et } ott WHS : f SUG ane finish } Pe hey Xa Ai iad ‘ tig ee mre ERE PUBLIC EXHIBRaReN FROM SATURDAY, JANUARY 31, TO TIME OF SALE WEEKDAYS 9 A.M. TO 6 P.M. » SUNDAY FROM 2 TO 5 P.M. PAINTINGS By “Ridgway Knight, ‘William Merrit Chase, (?helminski, Clays, eAWCauve, Berne-Bellecour, Jules “Breton, “Blakelock, “Bruce (rane, Ver- boeckhoven, ‘William Keith, ¥. Francis Murphy, ‘Wyant and Other Well Known cArtists of the “American and GYoreign Schools “he (Collections of P. oH. McMAHON, ESQUIRE, JOHN DUGAN, Poowite., THE LATE DANIEL RIDGWAY KNIGHT » « the last named sold by order of his sons, Louis Aston Knight and Charles Knight, and comprising all of the remaining paintings and sketches belonging to his estate *» » AND OTHER PRIVATE COLLECTORS LOA bck berg fe neSTRICTED PUBLIC SALE FEBRUARY 4 AND 5 AT 8:15 P.M. SALES CONDUCTED BY MR..O. BERNET & MR. H. H. PARKE AMERICAN ART ASSOCIATION, INC. MANAGERS Ghe AMERICAN ART ASSOCIATION, Inc. Designs its Catalogues and ‘Directs Aen No. Price Buyer No Buyer 1355. . S55 M.L.Glass 163. $) 160% F.X.Kelly 136. 80. C.£.Clarke 164. 210% J.J.Campbell ota Ce F.X.Kelley 6D" 60. Mrs. Loring 138. 50. G.C.Comsto ck 166. 65. F.H.Peaty 139. 50. F.X.Kelly 167. 260. F .Bucher 140. 45. Alex A.Kelly 168. FAG J.J.Campbell 142. 40. Schwartz Galls. 169. 50. H.L.Heide 143. 55. Cannell & Chaffin i170. 1350. Mr. Ackerman 144. 130. J.J.Campbell a by (a 250. E.H.Miller 145. Sor G.C.Comstock Ie 210. B.A.Cheeney 146. 65. Mrs.F.S.Hornaday sy = 40. F.Bucher 147. 85. F.X.Kelly 174. hae Mr.Fenning 148. 150. P.Thompson i Oe 120. J.J.Campbell 149. (On X.Lowensch 176. Bic} 8 ye A.J.Sequira i150. 80. Mr. Fenning ake 65. Mrs. Loring sayiee 40. Mrs.Loring a ic 55 - F.H.Peaty 152. 90. F .Bucher 179. 190. G.C.Comstock 154. 50% ¥ 180. 500’. C.J.Clarke 155. 45. Mrs.H.#.Murray Gass 280. John Levy Galls 156. 30. Mrs.Loring 182. DD. F.H.Peaty 157. 40. M.L.Glass 183. 540. a 158. cone F.H.Peaty 184. 65. H.Schultheis BUS} ) 1D)0 Crd aclarke 185 - IS}5) 6 Metropolitan Gal. 160. 110. F.X.Kelly 186. 580. G.C.Comstock al(aik- 5a Calo Art Galis. 187. 130. F.Bucher 1162. Zo Ome Mr.Fenning 188. 425. Metropolitan Gal. 189. H5Os John Levy Galls. 190. 425. Dr.J.J.Powers. » trac ie not artaped. Lea YY Je@oas a “Ee dood robe es us oe ; SAT AL OD. L ? peed oe ts aS . atend Luise. t oe” ~ Boodawoo. Ji ea garoud. 7 Biss “ Beat togox seu po gto. & o< Op We a Yi - ay ae a ae tn z ps sage BgEBEA? Yiiea.? Fi ae ‘ ® aL Alisa so. , attiedD & Th (ik a iisdc gms ae Oe foo Ce ye aHron an ® i rs oe Paes CONDITIONS OF SALE I. Rejection of bids: Any bid which is not commensurate with the value of the article offered, or which is merely a nominal or fractional advance may be rejected by the auctioneer if in his judgment such bid would be likely to affect the sale injuriously. II. The buyer: The highest bidder shall be the buyer, and if any dispute arises between two or more bidders, the auctioneer shall either decide the same or put up for re-sale the lot so in dispute. Ill. Identification and devosit by buyer: The name of the buyer of each lot shall || be given immediately on the sale thereof, and when so required, each buyer shall sign a | ecard giving the lot number, amount for which sold, and his or her name and address. A deposit at the actual time of the sale shall be made of all or such part of the | purchase prices as may be required. lf the two foregoing conditions are not complied with, the lot or lots so pur- chased may at the option of the auctioneer be put up again and re-sold. IV. Risk after purchase: Title passes upon the tall of the auctioneer’s hammer, and thereafter the property is at the purchasers’ risk, and neither the consignor nor the Association is responsible for the loss of, or any damage to any article by theft, fire, breakage, however occasioned, or any other cause whatsoever. VY. Delivery of purchases: Delivery of any purchases will be made only upon payment of the total amount due for all purchases at the sale. VI. Receipted bills: Goods will only be delivered on presentation of a receipted bill. A receipted bill presented by any person will be recognized and honored as an order by the buyer, directing the delivery to the bearer of the goods described thereon. 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In any instance where the purchase bill has not been paid in full by noon of the day following that of the sale, the Association and the auctioneer reserve the right, any 7) other stipulation in these conditions of sale notwithstanding, in respect to any or all lots included in the purchase bill, at its or his option, either to cancel the sale thereof or to re-sell the same at public or private Sale without further notice for the account of the } buyer and to hold the buyer responsible for any deficiency and all losses and expenses -_ sustained in so doing. VIII. Shipping: Shipping, boxing or wrapping of purchases is a business in which } the Association is in no wise engaged, but the Association will, however, afford to pur- ehasers every facility for employing at current and reasonable rates carriers and packers; } doing so, however, without any assumption of responsibility on its part for the acts and } charges of the parties engaged for such service. IX. Guaranty: The Association exercises great care to catalogue every lot cor- rectly and endeavors therein and also at the actual time of sale to point out any error, defect or imperfection, but guaranty is not made either by the owner or the Association of the correctness of the description, genuineness, authenticity or condition of any lot and no sale will be set aside on account of any incorrectness, error of cataloging or imper- fection not noted or pointed out. Every lot is sold ‘‘as is” and without recourse. Every lot is on public exhibition one or mcre days prior to its sale, and the Asso- ciation will give consideration to the opinion of any trustworthy expert to the effect that any lot has been incorrectly catalogued and in its judgment may thereafter sell the lot as catalogued or make mention of the opinion of such expert, who thereby will become responsible for such damage as might result were his opinion without foundation. X. Records: The records of the Auctioneer and the Association are in all cases to be considered final and the highest bid shall in all cases be accepted hy both buyer and seller as the value against which all claims for losses or damage shall lie. XI. Buying on order: Buying or bidding by the Association for responsible parties on orders transmitted to it by mail, telegraph, or telephone. if conditions permit, will be faithfully attended to without charge or commission. Any purchases so made will be subject to the foregoing conditions of sale, except that, in the event of a purchase of a lot of one or more books by or for a purchaser who has not through himself or his agent been present at the exhibition or sale, the Association will permit such lot to be returned within ten days from the date of sale, and the purchase money will be refunded if the lot differs from its catalogue description. Orders for execution bv the Association should be given with such clearness as to leave no room for misunderstanding. Not only should the lot number be given, but also the title, and bids should be stated to be so much for the lot. and when the lot consists of one or more volumes of books or objects of arts, the bid per volume or piece should also be stated. If the one transmitting the order is unknown to the Asso- ciation, a deposit must be sent or reference submitted. Shipping directions should also be given. F Priced Catalogues: Priced copies of the catalogue, or any session thereof, will be furnished by the Association at charges commensurate with the duties involved in copy- ing the necessarv information from the records of the Association. These conditions of sale cannot be altered except by the auctioneer or by an officer of the Association. AMERICAN ART ASSOCIATION, INC., OTTO BERNET, MANAGERS, HIRAM H. PARKE, AUCTIONEERS, INTELLIGENT APPRAISALS FOR UNITED STATES anp STATE TAX INSURANCE AND OTHER PURPOSES ie CATALOGUES OF PRIVATE, COLEEGTIG@ NS A ppRAISALS AND CATALOGUES. Together with the increase in exhibition and sales rooms, the American Art Association, Inc., will expand its serv- ice of furnishing appraisements, under expert direction, of art and literary property, jewelry and all personal effects, in the settlement of estates, for inheritance tax, insurance and other purposes. It is prepared also to supplement this work by making catalogues of the contents of homes or of entire estates, such cata- logues to be modelled after the finely and intelligently produced catalogues of the Association’s own Sales. The Association will furnish at request the names of many Trust and Insurance Companies, Executors, Administrators, Trustees, Attorneys and private in- dividuals for whom the Association has made ap- praisements which have not only been entirely satis- factory to them, but have been accepted by the United States Revenue Department, State Comptroller and others in interest. ‘he AMERICAN ART ASSOCIATION, Inc. MADISON AVENUE, 56TH TO 571m STREET NEW YORK CITY DANIEL RIDGWAY KNIGHT AMERICAN: 1845—1924 ANIEL RIDGWAY KNIGHT was born at Philadelphia in 1845, and entered the Pennsylvania Academy of Fine Arts, later passing to the atelier Gleyre in Paris; he spent three years, in addition, at the Ecole des Beaux Arts, finishing his studies at the British Academy in Rome. After a period of teaching in America, he went again to Paris in 1871, where he formed the acquaint- ance of Meissonier, who was to exert on his work a considerable in- fluence. He died in Paris in 1924, after a long life spent almost entirely in his adopted country, in the pleasant valley of the Seine. — Many of his paintings were exhibited in the Paris salons of vari- ous years, and he became known for his models-—peasant girls for the most part—and his individual manner of interpreting their emo- tions and their occupations; and for his rendering of the scenery of the Norman countryside. Some of the paintings in the present exhibition, having been re- moved from the studio of the late artist, are studies in various stages of completion; many of these unfinished pictures show evidence of the later maturity of his manner. FIRST SESSION WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 4, 1925, AT 8:15 P.M. Catalogue Numbers 1 to 93 inclusive DANIEL RIDGWAY KNIGHT AMERICAN: 1845—1924 ae 1—THE WELL /J° Height, 1 A cLoupy, wind-torn sky hovers over the blue lands of the far distance. In the foreground, among the tangled undergrowth of the wild meadow- land, stands an old well, by the posts of which have sprung up two saplings. > inches; width, 13 inches Sold by order of his sons, Louis Aston Knicut and CuHarues Knicut. DANIEL RIDGWAY KNIGHT be: Abb yp. ghee ERICAN: 1845—1924 v Ah bitep bss VILLAGE STREET ed ¢ Height, 15 inches; length, 181, inches P into the foreground runs the street under the warm summer sun- shine, between rows of old stone shuttered houses, the line at the right in shadow from the westering sun. Along the path figures of peasant women and children, gossiping, trudging, sleeping in the peaceful afternoon. Sold by order of his sons, Lovis Aston Knicur and Cuarurs Knicur. EDMUND HARBURGER ; GERMAN: 1846—1906 3—THE ALK DRINKER IFO (Panel) Height, 814 inches; length, 1214 inches A LOW-CEILINGED room in a Bavarian inn, the light falling from the left on the figure of the inn-keeper serving two men seated at the table. One of them is holding aloft in his right hand a stein of light ale, the others assenting with amused glances to his capacity to finish the stone jug which the inn-keeper holds ready behind him. Signed at upper left, K. Harpurcer. Property of a Private Collector. WILLIAM HENRY HILLIARD 4 4 / / AMERICAN: 1836—1910 \ : 4—LANDSCAPE WITH WINDMILL | , : : /S Height, 1614 inches; length, 2384 inches ns = A smauL patch of blue sky is ringed about with threatening rain- clouds darkening rapidly at the right and left, at the left, above a clump of trees, springing from behind a ruined fence; at the right, over the flat green plain. Through the whole winds the narrow placid stream, passing before the cows pasturing on the meadow before the central mass of the windmill, which towers above its setting of trees and the little red-roofed cottage nearby. Signed at lower right, W. H. Hrexrarp. | Property of a Private Collector. 3-A MIDDLE TON vias 4 La Pensee 3-B WILLIAM STEELINKE PA Ch Mba | Rain on tlhe Road . ( (Water Color) OLIVE PARKER BLACK AMERICAN: 1868— 5—THE WILLOWS he: Height, 16 inches; length, 24 inches Tue fine fragrance of spring lies in the swept blue skies with their white stratus clouds, against which the willows of the foreground wave their branches, already beginning to glow with the buds of new leaves. The fresh grass at the left from which they spring, the narrow stream _ winding its way into the middle distance, the slowly rising meadow- land at the right and the cluster of farm buildings behind it all respond alike to the infectious happiness of the warm sun. Signed at lower left, O. P. Buack. Property of a Private Collector. ITONIO FABRES Spaniso: 1854— (Panel) Height, 1714 inches; width, 1414 inches Against the white wall of an Algerian street, seated on a tattered rug and wrapped in a great deal of torn sacking, is the chocolate- brown, bearded native, his head crowned with a turban-lke fez, en- gaged in riveting together a broken faience bowl, further specimens awaiting his attention beside him at the right. Signed at lower right, A. Fasrks. Property of a Private Collector. : EDWARD GAY, N.A. ; 4 : AMERICAN: 1837— —AILDER BROO ae, ‘ Height, 18 inches; width, 10 inches A sunny September day finds the brook winding between green flowery meadows, with a curtain of woods glimpsed faintly at the left; and stretching, too, into the right foreground, which is a maze of slender trunks pushing upwards their yellowing leafage by the side of a rustic bridge, which crosses the stream a little farther off. Beneath them, and dwarfed by them, on the narrow river path, is the solitary figure of a man carrying a gun. Signed at lower right, Epwarp Gay, and dated on back 1876. Property of a Private Collector. EDWARD TROY AMERICAN: CONTEMPORARY Cuz 8—DEXTER A ce Height, Brrore a background of landscape lighted with purple and red from the western sun is a black horse with white fetlock and nose, facing right ; on the ground at the right is a yellow blanket bearing his name. inches; length, 2314 inches Signed at lower left, E. Troy, 1867. Property of a Private Collector. DANIEL RIDGWAY KNIGHT Doe dy Narre” 1845—1924 I eels GIR Height, 22 inches; width, 181% inches ‘a and an incoming arm of the sea bridged by rows of stakes, under a morning sky with the promise of brilliant tints in _ its clean expanse; leaning on a boat-hook is the young fisher-girl, a yellow scarf tied about the neck of her blue bodice, her head, under its short brown hair, bent over to her right, an empty basket slung over her left shoulder. Sold by order of his sons, Louts Aston Knicur and Cuaries Kyicur. DANIEL RIDGWAY KNIGHT AMERICAN: 1845—1924 10—THE SEINE AT POISSY Height, 13 inches; width, 984 inches Aw autumn day, the blue sky almost covered by passages of white cloud. The foreground, entirely occupied by the rippling waters of the stream, is overshadowed by the masses of the leafage cresting the farther bank, while towering to the sky are two trees touched with the russet and gray of October. Signed at lower left, Ringway Kynicur. Sold by order of his sons, Louis Aston Knicur and Cuaryes Knicnt. AmeERIcAN: 1840—1896 / a WORDSWORTH THOMPSON, N.A. J ISLAND, NORTH CAROLINA hes; length, 4334 inches 11I—THE RAPIDS, S0 ° Height, 28% 24 A witp and gloomy gorge of the French Broad River, the high rocky banks piled with dark pines thrusting spiky shafts into the mist and the thunder clouds which hang low over the summits of the crags. The river itself swirls furiously over the low weir among scattered rocks, lashing itself into a curdled white mass of foam lighting the lower half of the scene in sharp relief against the universal sombre- ness above. Signed at lower left, WorpswortH THompPson, 1871. Property of a Private Collector. DANIEL RIDGWAY KNIGHT AMERICAN: 1845—1924 12—_WATER CARRIER Height, 3114 inches; width, 251% inches oes on the edge of the river, framed by a mass of flowers spring- ing from the left of the canvas pee the sun-lit wooded banks which fringe the farther water, is a young girl with white blouse, plum- colored bodice and skirt, and blue apron, holding a ewer in her left hand and gazing off to the right away from the sunset. Sold by order of his sons, Louis Aston Knicur and Cuarwes Knicut. 138—JULIA © ae Height, 3134 inches; width, 2514 inches E- DANIEL RIDGWAY KNIGHT i / y Le df : 2, Auencoss: 1845—1924 PERCHED on a ladder, leaning against a tree, up which is trained a climbing red rose-vine, is a young Normande, plucking roses to fill the basket suspended from one of the rungs; her white sleeves are rolled above her firm young arms, her knotted hair crowning a face beautiful in the fineness of the straight nose, in the full lips, and in the eyes, which are intent upon her work. In the distance at the right, a vista of sun-filled valley with river, village and swelling uplands. Sold by order of his sons, Louis Aston Knicur and CHarues Knicur. | LD DANIEL RIDGWAY KNIGHT | | / AmERICAN: 1845—1924 14—ELISE ZO ° Height, 32 inches; width, 25%4 inches Sranpinc among the greenery of a kitchen garden, which loses itself in wooded country and stream in the distance, is a young girl in striped brown and gray bodice and skirt holding three enormous cabbages, freshly taken up from the dewy ground. Sold by order of his sons, Louis Aston Kyicut and Cuarres Knicur. NIEL RIDGWAY KNIGHT A/ AMERICAN: 1845—1924 15—RISETT ve b ‘ Height, 281% inches; length, 3614 inches Tue river and the distant rising country are lighted alike with the warm glow of a late afternoon sun, and diagonally across the fore- ground, high above the water, runs the old stone wall of a rose gar- den, where among the profusion of the flowers stands the figure of a young peasant girl in white blouse, colored bodice and striped skirt, a bouquet of brilliant red fiowers clasped to her waist. Sold by order of his sons, Louis Aston Knicut and CHarues Knicur. CHARLES SCHREYVOGEL | f. Glyn American: 1861—1912 | 16—BISON J (Crayon Drawing) 1e/ Height, AY, inches; length, 7 inches THE majestic body of the animal displayed in profile to the left, the _ fine head furtively turned to face the observer. Signed at lower right, C. ScHREYVOGEL, 799. Property of Mr. Joun Ducay. LEON GASPARD y hs FRENCH 17—LES MISERABLES SO. (Pastel Drawing) Height, 884 inches; length, 201 inches A winpine colorful procession of shabbily clad Russian fugitives, with sleds bearing their wretched belongings, is moving slowly across a snow- covered landscape towards a wooden bridge crossing a river in the middle distance. Signed at lower right, L&on Gasparn, Russta, 1915. Property of a Private Collector. EDWARD LAMSON HENRY, N.A. ° MERICAN: 1841—1919 18S—THE YOUNG DRIVER Jb : (Sepia Drawing) Height, 514 wches; length, 7 inches A wacown loaded with wheatsheaves and drawn by two horses is pass- ing through a rustic gate, a youngster seated on top and holding whip and reins; a few laborers and an excited dog, leaping at the novelty, complete the picture. Signed at lower right, K. L. Henry, Oct. 1878. Property of Mr. Joun Ducan. ; ROBERT SWAIN GIFFORD, N.A. : _ American: 1840—1905 19—BIRCH IN AUTUMN {6 (Water Color) Height, 10 inches; width, '7 inches Wir foreground herbage withered to a soft tan, a slender birch tree shoots its erratic course upward at left of centre, its white bark reliev- ing the landscape and the dark blue and the white of the sky; by it. some small neighbors. Signed at lower right, R. Swarx GirForp. Property of Mr. Joon Ducan. EDWIN LORD WEEKS qQ / AMERICAN: 1849—1903 ’ * Vauniy 20—INDIAN FAKIR ; Height, 9 inches; length, 1234 inches Tue side of the street, with the door of a ruined mosque at the left, and at the right a broken wall; before it a bench on which is squatted the fakir. His audience comprises the seated turbaned figures of two old men in long white garments and a standing, half-nude third, _ the two former playing with his monkeys, the latter watching his incantations over the earthern jar. Signed at lower left, L. WrEeExks. Property of a Private Collector. H. A. DYER ait AMERICAN: 1872— 21—_THE HUT (Water Color) Height, 11 inches; length, 15 inches CrenTRALLY, the entrance to a grass-grown path, the wooden gate thrown back, leading to the right past the tiny hut with its flower garden to a faintly glimpsed cornfield. Signed at lower left, H. A. Dyer, 1910. Property of a Private Collector. (| FRANKLIN DE HAVEN, N.A. bbupeme 1856— 22—WINTER Y (Water Color) 0 . Height, 101% inches; length, 174% inches Low rounding hills at right, with a brook at the foot of their slope, and others. at left, with bits of vegetation on all protruding in brown color through a blanket of wet snow; plodding up to left a solitary man in a slow sleigh. Signed at lower left, F. De Haven, 1892. Property of Mr. Joun Duean. 5 WILLIAM MERRITT POST la e ij. A IcAN: 1856— : i 23-+EARLY SPRIN IER (Water Color) Height, 14 inches; length, 20 inches A cray clear sky, and the wind rushing through the bare branches of the trees which pattern the background and line the farther margin of a small brook, which winds into the left foreground between banks lined with boulders and covered with grass and patches of brown brake. | Signed at lower right, W. Merrirr Post. Property of Mr. P. H. McManon. ARTHUR PARTON, N.A. AMERICAN: 1842—-1914 24 EVENING: ‘SEW YORK aN ae _ (Water Color) Height, 13 inches; length, 21 inches A HILLSIDE pasture, the grass overshadowed by the spreading branches of the apple trees at the right, and sloping down toward the farm _buildings glimpsed against the scarlet sunset of the lower horizon. Straying uncertainly along a narrow path, leading towards the houses, are a number of sheep, heading for home as the light falls out of the sky. Property of Mr. P. H. McManon. HENRY PEMBER SMITH TERICAN: 1854—1907 F 25—SUNNY DAY, OFF ATLANTIC CITY WE es (Water Color) Height, 18 inches; length, 28 anches Lave afternoon, a pale sun sinking in a ruddy sky and casting warm reflections on to the regular lines of rollers making for the shore; ta the left a three-masted barque heading for port, on the distant horizon a schooner tossing in the heavy swell. Signed at lower right, Henry P. Suiru, 1883. | Property of Mr. P. H. McMaunon. A. L. GROLL, N.A. AMERICAN: 1866— 26—EMERALD LAKE, CANADA ilboard) Jb (Mil Height, 4 inches; length, 6 inches Tue deep blue color of the still water receives the misty reflections of the jagged mountains in the background under a dawn sky. Signed at lower left, Grou. Property of a Private Collector. ROBERT CRANNELL MINOR, N.A. ; AMERICAN: 1840—1904 27—_SUNSET 4 S - Height, 6 mches; length, 8 inches . Tue last rays of a setting sun reveal a sky of soft turquoise erren here and there by a vaporous purple cloud. In the middle distance scattered trees, and in the foreground a patch of moorland are wrapped in a sombre twilight. yak o Signed at lower right, Mrnor. Property of Mr. Joun Duean. *DANIEL RIDGWAY KNIGHT ERICAN: 1845—1924 Ve 28—_HELEN os Heap and shoulders portrait, facing the observer, of a young woman draped in a leaf-green robe; the eyes large and brown in color, the lips full, the hair soft and black and dressed high above the fore- head. . _ (Panel) Height, 10 inches; width, 8 inches Signed at lower right, Ringway Kyicut, Paris. Property of Mr. P. H. McManon. RANKLIN DE HAVEN, N.A. ERICAN: 1856— 29 UMN FOLIAGE JO : (Millboard) Height, 71% inches; length, 11 inches Tue bare ochre-yellow earth of the foreground is warmed by the bril- liant russet tints of a clump of trees rising centrally against a blue sky filled with fleecy cirrus clouds. Signed at lower left, De Haven. Property of a Private Collector. WILLIAM MERRITT CHASE, N.A. Yy DE oe AMERICAN: 1849—1916 4 Vay Ann LL’ | 30—SHINNECOCK HILLS GrEEN-cLAD, treeless hills mould the high and gently rolling contours of the horizon line under a pale sky; a sandy road winds down to a purple-gray foreground with patches of green furze. (Panel) Height, 646 inches; length, 914 mches Signed at lower right, Wm. M. Cuase. Property of Mr. Joun Duean. GEORGE M. BRUESTLE AY { AMERICAN: 1872— Cs 31—LATE SUMMER a (Panel) pA) Rocky, uneven landscape sparsely fringed with trees, stretching away to a distant hilly background. Under the light of wind-driven clouds the masses of the trees, one still bearing its summer foliage, are broken up into bold clumps. Height, 741% inches; length, 91 inches Signed at lower left, BrursTue. Property of a Private Collector. RALPH ALBERT BLAKELOCK, N.A. let 1919 82—WOODED LANDSCAP | SO (Panel) ta Height, 7 inches; length, 9 inches A Brook courses between rising banks at the left and right crowned with trees, their green and russet foliage massed thickly against the glory of the sky in the majestic colors of a declining run; the light falling on the tangled brake of the foreground and on the stream, and failing progressively towards the background, giving to the scene a feeling of unutterable depth and melancholy. Signed at lower left, R. H. Buaxetocx. To be sold to Close an Estate. 2 LARA. T. McCHESNEY MERIGAN: CONTEMPORARY 33--THE BEACH 74 ao Height, 10 inches; width, 8 inches A sandy shore with brightly colored bathing tents and the figures of scattered holiday-makers. Signed with initials C. M. C. at lower right. Property of a Private Collector. GEORGE CONROY , AMERICAN: CONTEMPORARY 34—LATE AFTERNOON, ST. JOSEPH’S, N. Y. ——— : (Millboard) Height, 8 inches; length, 10 inches LanpscaAPE in the early autumn. At the left, the slender towering birches in the splendor of their orange and russet panoply throw vivid color on to the grass and stones of the rolling foreground. Signed at lower right, G. Conroy. Property of a Private Collector. (Companion to the following) GEORGE CONROY hy AMERICAN: CONTEMPORARY 35—EVENING GLOW, ST. JOSEPH’S, N. Y. ase (Millboard) Height, 8 inches; width, 10 mches Tue landscape of the previous number in the soft light of an autumn evening, the yellow glow of the sky bringing out the deep emerald of the grass of the middle distance. Signed at lower right, Conroy. Property of a Private Collector. (Companion to the preceding) eee ROBERTO RASCOVICH J. CoNTEMPORARY 86—OLD (MEXICAN MISSION Lv (Water-color) Height, 30 inches; width, 211% inches In the bright sunlight before a green lawn is a mass of white build- ings—at the left a chapel, at the right a tall belfry with a shrine before it tiled in blue and white brick, and at the extreme right the square bulk and the first arcades of a cloistered building. Before the porch of the chapel the figures of two women and a child. Signed at lower left, RopErto Rascovicu, Mexico. DAVID ADOLPH CONSTANT ARTZ utcH: 1837—1890 37—LANDS€APE WITH DUCKS Fo. A ciEearine of grass banked with trees that might be the heart of a wood, were it not for the willow at the left, promising nearby water ; the ducks are four in number, and preen themselves with great con- tentment in the sun. (Panel) Height, 81% inches; length, 13 inches Signed at lower right, Constant Artz. Property of Mr. P. H. McManon. WILL H. LOW, N.A. A HG AMERICAN: 1853— 38f- THE BATHERS 4 Ge (Panel) Height, 12 inches; width, 10 inches Two fair young women, nude, appear by a circular pool in a secluded garden, one reclining on the grass, facing the observer, her companion standing against a large jar and observed partly in back view, facing the right. Signed at lower right, Witt H. Low, 1888. Property of Mr. Joun Duean. JULES LEROY O hii : 1833—1865 39—TWO KITTENS _—— Height,.9 inches; length, 13 mches In front of a tapestry and a heavy cardinal drapery is spread a small Chinese rug; and on it, before an overturned basket of knitting wools, are two black and white kittens. Signed at lower right, J. LeRoy. Property of a Private Collector. ‘ | EUGENE VERBOECKHOVEN 1799—1881 2 0LANDSCAPE WITH U a (Panel) Height, 11 inches; length, 131% inches EEP THE animals are grouped, huddled together in the left foreground, sitting on the bare grass near a small pond; behind them is a clump of furze and the end of a timber fence. To the right the landscape stretches, interrupted by lines of hedges, to a distant prospect of low hills under a sky of the purest blue, with passages of heavy white cumulus clouds. Signed at lower right, EucENE VERBOECKHOVEN. | Property of Mr. Joun Ducan. CY, CHARLES HOVEY PEPPER Ow AMERICAN: 1864— 41—DUTCH GIRL y : (Water-color Drawing) Height, 12 inches; width, 9 inches Wirn her back to the observer and her head turned over her right shoulder is a young girl in a white Dutch cap, loose lilac blouse and gray plaid skirt standing before a huge tile hearth and scouring an iron pot. Signed at lower right, CHartes Hovey Prepprr. WILLIAM H. HOWE, N.A. 6 AMERICAN: 1846— bo oried/ 47—-YOUNG CATTLE (Panel) Height, 91% inches; length, 13 inches Russet fields in the late sunshine, with a low blue horizon at the right, at the left the edge of a clump of woodland. In the foreground, roughly lined up, is a group of cattle; four brown calves and a white bullock, standing stolidly together in the grass between two heaps of boulders. Signed at lower left, Witt1am H. Howe, 1901. Property of a Private Collector. GEORGE ELMER BROWNE AMERICAN: 1871— OU ny . (Panel) Height, 101% inches; length, 14 inches A tone, low, white-walled building, red-tiled and gabled, tucked snugly away under the lee of a group of trees at the right of the picture; seeming to defy the menace of a dull horizon heavily banked wit thunder-clouds. : Signed at lower left, Gro. Eimer Browne, 1911. Property of a Private Collector. JOHN CARLETON WIGGINS, N.A. MERICAN: 1848— | 44 _SHEEP BEFORE THEIR FOLD 7 4 1] 4 Height, 10 inches; length, 151% inches On the bare grass of the foreground, outside the timber fence which divides them from their fold, is huddled the whole flock, shivering in the bleakness of an autumn day. Beyond the fence a succession of low farm buildings stretch up the hill to the near horizon, which is at first coldly blue, but higher is dull with gray rain-clouds; a timid sun lights with a pale gleam the backs of the sheep. Signed at lower left, CarteToN Wicerns. Property of Mr. Joun Duean. 7 G p } UNKNOWN 45—THE CANAL Le | (Water-color Drawing) Height, 124% inches; width, 74% mches Art the right the line of houses curves abruptly inward to an embattled bridge cut off by the projection of a wall at the left of the scene. In the foreground at the right an old boat floats on the murky water. la EMILE RENOUF SL nceH: 1845—1894 46—THE MAN AT THE WHEEL ee Height, 33 inches; width, 26 inches A ska, flecked with white under a dark brooding sky, is visible through the cordage and bulwarks of the stern of the ship; on the wet planks of the deck, at the wheel, facing the observer, an old seaman in storm- coat and sou’wester looks steadfastly ahead through the gathering weather. Purchased from Wm. Schaus. Property of Mr. P. H. McManon. ASHER B. DURAND, P.N.A. ee 1796—1886 _ .47—GREETING THE SUN 2 or? ; Height, 46 inches; length, 62 inches "On the left a broken hillside of trees and rocks, bordering a mountain lake which lies at the right ; across the rippling water a path of light from the rising sun, and in the foreground at the edge of the lake an Indian chief, standing, with arms spread in prayer. Signed at bottom, centre, A. B. Durann, 1857. From the Morris K. Jessup collection. Property of Mr. Joun Dvean. JASPER FRANCIS CROPSEY, N.A. | ' JAmertcan: 1823—1900 48—LANDSCAPE | y v Height, 12 inches; length, 18 inches Brrore a background of mist-laden mountains lies a low, rolling coun- try, and the cottages of a hamlet nestle there at the mountains’ foot in brilliant and mellow sunshine; in the foreground at right a boat appears, drawn up from a cove, and in the centre of the foreground is a fishing net. Ducks waddle toward the water and an occasional villager is visible. Signed at lower left, J. F’. Cropsry, 1851 (the year of his admission to the Academy). Property of Mr. Joun Duean. at f) ; DANIEL RIDGWAY KNIGHT oe! AMERICAN: 1845—1924 49—HIGH TIDE AT ETRETAT y, 0. Height, 1814, inches; length, 2134 inches On the gray stones of the foreground, two young fisher-girls are lying, their baskets discarded, looking out toward the band of green sea, which is breaking with a sharp splutter of white foam on to the shore edge; or perhaps toward three sails, discerned at a great dis- tance at the left, beating up to land against the wind. Signed at lower left, Ripeway Kyieut, Errerar. Sold by order of his sons, Louis Aston Knicut and Cuartes Knienr. JAN VON CHELMINSKI PoutsH: CoNTEMPORARY 50—FRENCH CAVALRY IN THE TYROL N, (Panel) VA D Height, 11% inches; length, 17 inches Ripine up a path at the left of the picture, through the mountain coun- try of the Tyrol, has come a detachment of French cavalry, led by a _ General of the Empire and his aides; the former, in black uniform and cocked hat, and riding a dappled gray horse, has stopped to ques- tion a picturesquely clad peasant for information as to the route. In the right middle distance can be seen the rear of the cavalcade cross- ing a bridge over a turbulent stream. Signed at lower right, JAN v. CHELMINSKI. Property of a Private Collector. O34 - A 2Abe cmacgnansn fire Ualiah Gek 1908 - . foe Sbxe Sod Scott »Igole Oth ANN19O3 + pi OFS - DANIEL RIDGWAY KNIGHT AMERICAN: 1845—1924 51—RAINY/WEATHER Height, 13 inches; length, 1614 inches Tue gray sky, with its layers of clouds, looks down on a stretch of grassy country shining from the embrace of the fresh rain and cut by a road passing diagonally to the right, on which is the bulky figure of a peasant woman under an old umbrella. In the foreground, near the trees and the fence which fringe the right of the picture, a family group of three, the man trundling a wheelbarrow, is making its way through the pools whieh have formed in the swampy ground. Signed at lower left, Ripeway Knicur. Sold by order of his sons, Louis Aston Kyicut and Cuarurs Knicur. EMILE CHARLES LAMBINET | . Pa Frencu: 1815—1878 N STREAM Height, 13 inches; length, 1814 inches JO ° je the foreground a pond, and on the right near a clump of bushes two women fishing; beyond the centre of the picture some pollards, and on a low hillside at left in the distance a comfortable-looking cot- tage. Signed at lower left, Eine LamBINET, 1877. Property of Mr. Joun Duean. 53—VIEW FROM THE HOLLAND RHINE Vi Ps (Panel) Height, 1384 inches; length, 1914 inches BAREND CORNELIS KOEKKOEK es Dutcu: 1803—1862 Trees at left and right, those at left throwing their shadow forward and across a bit of a brook, those at right standing in the sunshine; coming forward down a bare pathway before them, a shepherd and his dog, following a small flock of sheep. Signed at lower centre, B. C. KorKKorx. Property of Mr. Joun Duean. HENRY PEMBER SMITH On): Eph pe: 1854-1907 &64—Ad NEW ENGLAND HOMESTEAD Lb oO. Height, 141 inches; length, 20 inches Brrore a small duck-pond rises at the right a creeper-clad farmhouse ; a curving road leads past it to outbuildings and to a village sheltered by trees. Signed at lower right, Henry P. Smiru. Property of Mr. Joun Ducan. ) DANIEL RIDGWAY KNIGHT Cote. /- SAMERICAN ; 1845—1924 Height, 15 inches; length, 1814 inches A vrnzyarp of Eastern France, the long rows of vines stretching away along the hillside, which slopes down to a village seen vaguely in the right middle distance. In the foreground a group of the harvesters —girls and boys—working and chattering together in the sunshine. . Signed at lower left, Rineway Knicurt. Sold by order of his sons, Louis Aston Knicur and Cuartes Knicur. DAVID JOHNSON, N.A. AMERICAN: 1827—1908 56—STUDY FROM NATURE, RAMAPO of _— ra 0 Q Height, 13814 imches; length, 21 inches A LEVEL green meadow in the foreground, in sunshine, with occasional detached trees before a green wood, which breaks at the left to dis- close a stream, and the Ramapo Hills beyond. Signed at lower left with initials, D. J. 76; and on back with title. Property of Mr. Joun Duean. J. O. DAVIDSON ~ AMERICAN: CONTEMPORARY OATS OFF CHERBOURG, FRANCE Height, 124% twnches; length, 2514 inches - Iy a choppy sea the fishing fleet is seen, mainly in the distant right, with grayish clouds rolling before a deep red sunset sky; in the right ‘foreground a boat under full sail, bound in, and men aboard her, aft, surveying their surroundings. Signed at lower left, J. O. Davipson, 1887. Property of Mr. Joun Ducan. JEAN LOUIS HAMON Vne Lh ey 1821—74 58—THE OLD CHINA pene ba Height, 191% inches; width, 16 inches A younc woman in the costume of the sixteenth century in Italy is seated on a tabouret before three tiers of shelves filled with rows of porcelain and faience. On her knees she holds a platter, while with the other hand she is reaching for a lustre vase. Signed at lower left, J. L. Hamon. Property of a Private Collector. RICHARD CREIFELD t-, MERICAN: CONTEMPORARY 59—_SHEEP GRAZING Pe, P Height, 16 inches; length, 20 inches SHEEP moving slowly toward the spectator and the left over fields of wild land in the autumn; woods in their fall colors seen in the dis- tance, and near two detached leafless trees on the right the shepherd, with his back to the observer. Signed at lower right, R. Crerrern. Property of Mr. Joun Duean. FRANKLIN DE HAVEN, N.A. ayy, tictsba : 1856— eh THE APPROACHING euty Height, 16 inches; length, 20 inches Own the right in the distance low hills in sunshine under a white sky. and before them at left green fields darkening in shadow under the fast approaching clouds of a black storm; moving slowly toward the right, near the foreground, a load of hay drawn by a white ox team, a man walking beside it. Signed at lower left, F. De Haven, 1896. Property of Mr. Jonn Duean. _ DANIEL RIDGWAY KNIGHT ey AS 1924 ; ng O. Height, 2014 inches; length, 2534 inches Away up the river path, crossing the scene diagonally and losing itself in the distance at the right, plods a wedding procession of coun- trymen and women, the bride like a white wraith among their sober figures. Work is interrupted for the moment by the weeders in the foreground, the four girls neglecting barrow and sacks to wonder dreamily at the solemnity of the cortége. Signed at lower left, Ripeway Kwicur. Sold by order of his sons, Louis Aston Kyicut and Cuares Knicut. . SIMMONDS ENGLISH : Pe tee 62—THE REND | "3 7 S 5 Height, 21 inches; width, 1614 inches Ix the foreground is a secluded part of the palace garden, shaded by dense foliage; seated on a bench is a young woman in the costume of Louis Quinze, in earnest conversation with an officer of the guard, who leans negligently against a tree-trunk curling a very handsome moustache between the tips of his fingers. | Signed at lower left, J. Simmonpvs, DsprF 76. Property of a Private Collector. THEODORE VAN SLUYS bebe: PPP rca: CoNTEMPORARY e 63—_SHEEP / Ke Height, 16 inches; length, 24 inches On sloping, grass-grown land in the foreground groups of sheep and lambs, and at left a few ducks, in the sunshine; a line of green brush on the rise behind them. Signed at lower left, TH. vAN Siuys. On back, declaration of the artist that he painted the canvas to the order of the S. & G. Gump Company of San Francisco. Property of a Private Collector. LOUIS AIME JAPY i Frexcu: 1850— 64—BRIGHT MORNING ON THE RIVER SOMME FS D , Height, 18 inches; length, 22 inches A LITTLE of the near bank is seen crossing the picture diagonally, fringing the thick wood at the left, the centre dominated by three birches thrusting their slender trunks upward; under them is a peasant girl tending sheep at the water’s edge. The river itself reaches broadly across from the margin of the forest to the misty ground and dim trees at the right, quivering in the bright morning light poured down from the clean rosy sky of the late dawn. Signed at lower right, Japy. Property of Mr. P. H. McManon. DANIEL RIDGWAY KNIGHT de é pes | 7 Z 0 Height, 15 inches; length, 181% inches i On the slope of a green French hillside, among the grasses, are two young girls, one erect, the other crouching; spreading clean linen to dry in the breeze which tears across the heath to the village nestling in a depression on the horizon at the right. Signed at lower left, Ringway Kwnicur. eee Sold by order of his sons, Louts Aston Knicut and Cuarwes Knicurv. — | FEDERICO PEDRO MOJA ine a y f NisH: XIX CrEntTury | 0TH CHA YAL, GRANADA, SPAIN Height, 231% inches; width, 191% inches am ise church, the tall rearing arches of which permit only a glimpse at the top of the canvas of the windows of the triforium; the niches filled with saints look down on a central pinnacled shrine of | white marble enclosing a sarcophagus, and draped above from the | walls of the nave with gold-fringed black velvet festooned from a | temporal crown which is set, with a cynical irony, higher than the | statue of the saint which surmounts the shrine. Signed at lower left, F. Mosa, 1835. Property of Mr. P. H. McManovy. b f UNKNOWN 67—THE FAIRY/TALE vs, A smauu girl, with straight blonde hair, her short blue frock covered by a russet-brown apron, is seated on the floor absorbed in the reading ight, 2015 mches; length, 24 imches of a story. Purchased from Goupil in 1860. Property of a Private Collector. DANIEL RIDGWAY KNIGHT ue AMERICAN: 1845—1924 68—A COUNT INN 40 P eight, 15 inches; length, 22 inches (as inn garden, with the inn at the right, at the side of the invisible road that runs athwart the canvas. ‘Three low trees provide a too scanty shade for the guests at the little wooden tables, a group of whom, in the foreground, are talking women’s matters with a wealth of interest and gesture. Signed at lower right, Ripeway Kwnicurt. Sold by order of his sons, Lovis Aston Knicut and Cuaries Knicur. i * A. EMIL PRINZ Je p brp, DutcH: ConTEMPORARY td 69—CATTLE Height, 20 inches; length, 26 inches Tue scene is a fading pasture in sunshine, with a patch of water at the left and cows grazing beyond it; in the foreground a black and white cow lying down, a fulvous cow and a red and white one standing behind her. Signed at lower left, A. Emit Prinz. Property of Mr. Jonn Dugan. FRANK KNOX MORTON REHN, N.A. AMERICAN: 1848—1914 70O—A LINE STORM 2 oO . Height, 221% inches; length, 261% inches Gray and dark reddish rocks in the foreground divide the tossing waters that dash in restlessly from the left, breaking in white spume that contrasts boldly with the green of the sea, turned almost black under the low and angry clouds of a heavy storm. Signed at the lower left, F. K. M. Renn. From William Macbeth. Property of Mr. Jonn Duean. DANIEL RIDGWAY KNIGHT Lh. is Ve 1845—1924 pe i hanenbt“ | ; Height, 2114 inches; length, 2524 inches 4) g A g A Cox, stripped brown moorland and a line of blue-gray hills falling in the distance to the level of the earth at the right; a group of three peasant girls and a boy in the foreground, and a man are making a holocaust of the tall weeds, a great bonfire to the Field Gods of the autumn. Signed at lower right, Ripeway Kyicut, Poissy, 719. Sold by order of his sons, Louis Aston Knicut and Cuartes Knicut. PAUL ANDRE JEAN ESCHBACH Sy, 3 int oe ‘RENCH: ConTEMPORARY v Dry phe CENTURY GENTLEMAN G ° Height, 2834 inches; width, 2334 inches Porrrair at half-length, facing slightly to the left, of a gentleman in red coat and cloak, his broad white collar trimmed abundantly with white lace; one gloved hand before his breast, grasping a staff. He wears a dark reddish moustache and the great mass of his hair is crowned by a wide-brimmed hat. Signed at lower right, EscuBacu. Property of Mr. Jounn Ducan. | ° 72-A HENRY A. FERGUSON // 77 ny | rd ep Haymaking A, ble AMERICAN: 1867—1909 | a f-— PINCKNEY MARCIUS-SIMONS HAA 7383—THE SPIDER AND THE FLY De wo: Height, 24 inches; length, 29 inches Ix a tangled green landscape of the foreground at the head of the lake, its surface brightened with water-lilies, a modern Arachne is seated, facing the observer and mending a net stretched between neigh- boring trees; her hair is auburn and she is garbed in green, with a bodice of white. At the right, a man who has come in dripping from _ the water peers over the net from behind a tree trunk in her direction, a fact to which she is-by no means oblivious. Signed on boat in centre of foreground, Marcius-Simons. Property of a Private Collector. J. B. CANINI-MAES t, Iratian: 1794—1856 74A—_ITALIAN GROUP ° Height, 30 inches; width, 241% inches Brrore a street archway of Rome a woman at the left sits holding her nude infant on her lap, and gazing at a smiling boy who comes up to her with a live turkey; two other children in the group, and in the rear a woman carrying a water bottle on her head. Signed ut lower left, Mars, Roma, 1852. Property of Mr. Joun Ducayn. JOHN G. BROWN; N.A. se fe AMERICAN: 1831—19138 Height, 30 inches; width, 20 inches Two of Old New York’s bootblacks, seated on their kit boxes, one facing the spectator and the other seen in profile to left facing him, in merry conversation, smiling. Signed at lower left, J. G. Brown, N.A. Purchased direct from the artist. Property of Mr. Joun Duean. H. SINGLETON BISBING g d | AMERICAN: 1849— 76—A CORNER OF THE MEADOW: SPRINGTIME Fo , Height, 251% inches; length, 391 inches saa pa mera my AE + ly Tue lush grass is already sprinkled with wild flowers, and the gnarled apple trees are blazing with the fragrant pink blossom, which weighs - down even the slenderest of their twigs, balanced so lightly over the lake at the right, with its water-lilies and heedless untroubled surface; and deep in the soft grass of the foreground are four sober young calves, also mightily unmoved by all this business of Spring. Signed at lower left, H. S. Brspine. Property of a Private Collector. WILLIAM TROST RICHARDS, How. N.A. f) AMERICAN: 1883— TiI—_MARINE: DAWN 0 : Height, 27 inches; length, 43 inches A moopy horizon, clear at the water’s edge and banked high with cum- ulus clouds above; peopled with sailing vessels at the left. The green sea, at ebb-tide, breaks lazily on the uncovered sand of the foreground, an occasional sea-bird gliding a scant distance above the wave crests; the rising sun, now hidden behind the cloud masses, throws a wan yellow light over the whole. Signed at lower left, Wa. T. Ricuarps, 1888. Property of a Private Collector. ’ ANGELO ASTI Ay: 1847—1908 TA meet T18—IDEAL HEAD Oo. Height, 211% inches; width, 15 inches A Farr young woman with placid smile, her head in profile to the right, figure front, a full ight on her face and nude shoulders; loose garments droop from her shoulders and her hair is tied at the back with a red ribbon. | Signed at lower left, Astt. Property of a Private Collector. DANIEL RIDGWAY KNIGHT es =f p / AMERICAN: 1845—1924 19—THE ISLAND, POISSY Fo Height, 18 inches; length, 2184 inches Tue island is a not very large hummock of green shrubs, crowned with trees and with a group of low buildings nestling on the hither shore and forming a species of port, in the shelter of which lie two or three smacks with bare poles. A prospect of blue hillside at the left and the vivid summer sky, are more vaguely reflected in the quiet surface of the water. - Signed at lower left, Riweway Kyicur. Sold by order of his sons, Louis Aston Kyicur and Cuarxies Knicur. AUGUST HAGBORG Y, Lyf Lb 2 rand, ee /80—HOME FROM THE FISHING FLEET : Height, 18% inches; length, 251 inches _Acainst a low breakwater stretching from the gray seashore out into the quiet water, are seated two figures; a fair-haired Swedish fisher- girl, a colored handkerchief knotted about her head, and a sturdy - young sailor wearing a sou’wester. She looks thoughtfully, even wist- fully, out to the meeting-place of gray sky and gray sea, while the unromantic male is studiously engaged in lighting his pipe. Signed at lower right, Hacgore. Property of Mr. P. H. McManon. DANIEL RIDGWAY KNIGHT ats MERICAN: 1845—1924 Aw Gonarlkd”’ - 1 MOURNING (F oe, Height, 21% inches; length, 29 inches A vitiacE street curving from the right into the foreground beneath a sombre sky. On the steps of a stone house is seated an old wife in black weeds, staring dully into her lap, and unheeding the presence of the three younger women who have stopped on their way from the fields to offer homely comfort. Signed at lower right, Ripeway Knicur, Potssy. Sold by order of his sons, Louis Aston Kwnicut and Cuarues Knicur. E. IRVING COUSE, N.A. AMERICAN: 1866— 82— SHEEP ID LAMBS AT THE CROSSING vA GY : Height, 24 inches; length, 29 inches A uittTLe thicket of trees through which murmurs a tiny stream cury- ing into the right foreground among the grass and wild flowers of autumn; an old bearded shepherd in a blue coat, a stick in his right hand, hesitates as the ewes and lambs which surround him huddle un- certainly together at the crossing of the rivulet to the gap beyond in the trees. In the frame of the gap, and at the extreme left, the dull yellow sky lights mistily a faintly seen vista of brown earth. Signed at lower left, K. 1. Cousr, and dated 1902. Property of Mr. P. H. McManon. CHARLES P. GRUPPE CanapiAn: 1860— | tf * Height, 32%, inches; length, 331% inches _ A srream fringed on the right bank by bare willows standing in a line like soldiers on parade and thrusting spiky slender branches into the pallid sky. On the left bank, grassland backed by wooded country ; on the right, behind the willows, the rolling stubble of autumn, the ~ whole suffused with a soft mist dimming the coldness of the light tones of a November evening. Signed at lower left, CHartes P. Gruppe. Property of Mr. P. H. McManon. GEORGE. HENRY BOUGHTON, N.A., R.A. bp j AMERICAN: 1834-—1905 84— AT THE ROADSIDE | 7? ° Height, 42 inches; width, 34 inches A narrow road—virtually a path—runs athwart the canvas, fringed on either side by birches, their faded leaves rustling in the little wind, and with a vista beyond them of a September cornfield. In the scrub of the nearer side of the road are two children with sheaves of wild grasses, the elder with pink dress and white apron, sitting down while the younger, in blue, stands with her back to the observer in a stolid attitude of expectation. Signed at lower left, G. H. Boucuton. Property of Mr. P. H. McManon. ¢ DANIEL RIDGWAY KNIGHT ~— AMERICAN: 1845—1924 85—THE REST-HOUR JO 7” Height, 35 inches; length, 46 inchés Tue river bank is fringed with reeds and sprinkled with wild flowers, and shady under the low trees which darken the right of the canvas, while the wide river and the rising farther shore flaunt their expanse under the open sky. Stretched on the grass in the foreground, two young country girls with striped bodices, spotted skirts and the in- evitable apron, are eating in leisurely fashion a midday meal of bread, cheese and radishes, the elder, poised on one arm, talking earnestly to her companion. Signed at lower right, Ripecway Kyicut, Paris. Sold by order of his sons, Louis Aston Knicut and CHARLES KNicutT. (Illustrated) (qybuy hvabpy jauvg hg) UNOH-LSayY AHT—C8 ‘ON GEORGE H. BOGART, N.A. | hs bi American: 1864— LAGE CHURCH SPIRE Height, 28 inches; length, 36 inches Tue falling brown land sloping swiftly to the dark patch of forest at the extreme left, leads away to the stone boundary wall fronting the village, from which the white church spire thrusts boldly its tapering finger into the heavens. ‘The spire and the russet trees at the top of the hill on the right look down on the farther expanse of the quiet sea, which reaches out toward an unattainable horizon, below the huge yellowish cloud-bulks which fill the nether sky. Signed at lower left, GEorcE Bocarrt. Property of Mr. P. H. McManon. eet EUGENE VERBOECKHOVEN | Fremisu: 1799—1881 [go : ht, 35 inches; length, 44 inches | A GREEN landscape stretching as far as the eye can see in flat grass- land, with wooded country and the white roofs of a town visible in, the distance at the left; in the foreground at the right, before a copse, is the shape of a bare withered trunk piercing the sky and catching the gleams of the rising sun on the dead bark. Before it, two cows, one sitting, facing right, the other standing with its back to the ob- server, and two sheep lying on the grass next them, the peaceful group being completed by a pert magpie strutting before them on the bare ground at the left. Signed at lower lefi, E. J. VERBOECKHOVEN, FT. 1896. Property of a Private Collector. WILLIAM HOGARTH (Ascrisep TO) A te Encuiso: 1697—1764 oS bDan pee AT THE AGE OF TWENTY-FIVE Jd O Height, 30 inches; width, 25 inches Hawr-Leneru portrait of a youth in plum velvet cap and a coat open at the throat to display a white linen shirt; the head facing half-left, the large eyes set on either side of a prominent, almost aggressive nose, the mouth finely sensitive. From the collection of Richard Mansfield. Property of Mr. P. H. McManon. DANIEL RIDGWAY KNIGHT Fy _ AMERICAN: 1845—1924 89—LES FUGITIFS CL, ° Height,\Z4 inches; width, 1934 inches A witb heath, the dark sky broken by the shaking bare branches of a gnarled tree. At the left, a figure with bound head is slinking away through the undergrowth from a group of three in the foreground— an old man, a half-fainting woman and a young man with a sword, in mediaeval costume. Sold by order of his sons, Louis Aston Kyicut and Cuarues Knicut. LUTHER TERRY -Am@rican: 1818—1874 G THE WAY: RELIGIOUS SYMBOLISM Height, 48 inches; width, 36 inches Turee-quarters length standing figure of an Italian girl, in back - view, to right, with her face turned over her right shoulder and looking at the spectator, as with her left hand she points to far distant St. _Peter’s, whose dome appears against a sunset sky. In quiet colors with a brilliant scarf; in her right hand a cruciform staff bearing the legend Saint PETER. Property of Mr. Joun Ducan. WILLIAM T. RICHARDS, N.A. AMERICAN: 1833—1905 é 91—ROCKS AND SEA (Water Color) | W 0 - Height, 23 inches; length, 37 inches A rocky shore rising steeply at the right from the water surface in jagged strata crowned by bare grass and dwarf trees. In the fore- ground, on the stony beach, are the figures of two young women and two boys, the latter busied with a skiff lying in the creek; in the offing, far out at sea, schooners break the line of the horizon low down under the masses of banked white cumulus clouds. Signed at lower left, Wm. T. Ricuarp, 1881. Property of Mr. P. H. McMauon. | Sere BALDOMERO GALOFRE UREANIS : 1848—1902 92M ORNING ON THE LAKE 7 0 7 (Water Color) . ‘ Height, 3801 inches; length, 43% inches Tuer retreating morning haze, through which are visible occasional patches of blue sky, reveals a placid lake; in the foreground is a small boat in which a young Spanish fisherman is busily Pier himself s for the day’s catch. | Signed at lower right, B. Givers Property of a Private Collector. DANIEL RIDGWAY KNIGHT | AMERICAN: 1845—1924: es CINDERELLA 50 ee Height, 68 inches; width, 49 inches . Iy the proverbial stone kitchen, watching a caldron heating over a wood fire, with a pile of utensils to clean, and fuel to replenish the unwilling flames, is seated a depressed Cinderella—a young peasant maid in a plum-violet dress, sabots and cap, with hands clasped and staring listlessly to the right at the dismal pot. Signed at lower left, Ringway Kwnicut, Paris, 1920. Sold by order of his sons, Louis Aston Knicut and Cuaries Knicut. (Illustrated) o. 938—CINDERELLA (By Daniel Ridgway Knight) BN Dv) a * Py q eee . a F SECOND AND LAST SESSION THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 5, 1925, AT 8:15 P. M. Catalogue Numbers 94 to 190 inclusive i. PIERRE JULES MENE | yy, | is. eet 1810—1879 z # ij _- 94--BRONZE GRUUP £ vos. Height, 9 inches Portrayine a setter and a pointer surprising a partridge, hidden among bushes; the pose of the two dogs intensely energetic in ex- pression. Rustic base. Signed at right and dated: P. J. Méne. 1847. Property of Mr. Joun Dvuean. PIERRE JULES MENE My ry Frenci; 1810—1879 95—BRONZE STATUETTE: THE STALLION 6 Height, 124% inches A srurpy and graceful stallion gallops over a plain, the face with its frightened eyes and distended nostrils bearing an expression of the utmost terror. Rustic oval base. Signed at left: P. J. Méne. Property of Mr. Joun Dvean. RALPH ALBERT BLAKELOCK, N.A. or Tans AMERICAN: 1847—1919 eo £ “NINE WESTERN STUDIES (Water Colors) Aw interesting group of leaves from a note book in Colorado—im- pressions of the Great Canyon, the Twin Lakes, the Stray Ridge, and other aspects of the rugged scenery in various moods of the day- light; and always in the distance the towering snow-crested mountains. From the studio effects of the artist. Property of Mr. P. H. McManoy. JOSEPH PENNELL 4 ) forenicas : 1860— (Water Color) Height, 684 inches; length, 91% inches Tue lower harbor at the oncoming of evening; in the left foreground a confused medley of shipping and wharves seen from a height. The Statue of Liberty dominates the centre of the background, which be- hind it is an indistinct band of blue, with lights twinkling along the water-line, and topped by the last colors of the day in the western clouds. On the dull water tugs are plying, but the impression is rather of a slow ceasing of activity. Signed at lower left, J. PENNELL. Property of a Private Collector. L. ASTON KNIGHT Frencu: 1873— fy AT SAINT SAUVEUR me (Water Color) “Height, 1B inches; width, 914 inches Is a e Pe id sunlit fields and trees, behind which rises the gray ¢ Norman abbey, weather-beaten and covered with trailing masses | a : sight ag : P roperty Bi arr eat. Collector. Signed at lower right, Aston Kwytent. pat J. ALDEN WEIR, P.N.A. ; » ) a 99 THE RIVER ITCHEN , Water Color 9 70 | Tue turbulent little stream flows under a plank bridge with a broad sweep into the foreground; the wind from a cold sky rustles the heavy stiches of the big elm at the left and bends into mad shapes the ‘small helpless trees on the horizon. Height, 131% inches; width, 91% inches Signed at lower left, J. AtpEN WErR. Property of a Private Collector. 3 ALBERT LYNCH yy AMERICAN: CONTEMPORARY 100—WINTER IN Tue bare ground is yellow-white where the sun falls on it, and in the — middle a small ornamental pond, still unfrozen, permits of the sailing of model ships by the children clustered around it. Behind it stands an obelisk, and in the distance, seen through a gap in the trees, a — triumphal arch. The figure of a woman dressed in black, in the cos- — tume of the first decade of the century, and carrying an umbrella, stands before two bare trees at the left of the scene whose trunks are sharply cut off by the top of the canvas. (Water Color) ght, 16144 mches; width, 11 imches Signed at lower left, ALBERT LyncH. Property of Mr. P. H. McManon. FREDERIC REMINGTON Ay AMERICAN: 1861—1909 we SOLDIER ater Color, Black and White) Height, 17 inches; width, 10 mches FULL-LENGTH standing figure, in profile to the left, in a white tropical uniform, with haversack and cartridge pouch, his head surmounted by a curiously shaped straw hat, a short rifle leaning against his right knee. Signed at lower right, FrepERIc REMINGTON. | Property of Mr. P. H. McManon. . BRUCE CRANE, N.A. AMERICAN: 1857— e 102—MIDSUMMER, EAST HAMPTON, LONG ISLAND aS (Water Color) p Height, 14% inches; length, 1914, inches A sumMER sky, splashed with white clouds, hovers lightly over a green country-side and a yellow lane which traverses the heart of the picture between banks of grass and the low trees of a wood. At the edge of the road a small flock of geese is straying into the gay sunshine. Signed at lower right, R. Bruck Crane, New York. Property of Mr. P. H. McManon. GEORGE H. BOGART, N.A. AMERICAN: 1864— 103—WINTER: QUT RLE, BRITTANY (Water Color) b. Height, 19 inches; length, 27 inches THE expanse of snow-covered ground is broken by the mirror surface of a half-frozen river coursing diagonally out of sight behind the edge of bare copse at the left of the picture. On the farther bank, among the few willows, a high road runs athwart the valley past the roofs of a village, half buried in snow at the right, and a line of tall shiv- ering poplars waves its feathery arms against a background of swelling hills and the fierce brilliance of the gray and white of a cold winter sky. Signed at lower left, Gro. H. Bocarr, QUIMPERLE, FRANCE. Property of Mr. P. H. McManony. ANTON MAUVE A. iG iy oer bs Durcu: 18981886 104—ON THE WINDMILL ROAD Sh : (Black Crayon) Height, 10 inches; length, 1314 inches Tue dusty road, leaving the foreground, curves away behind a hum- - mock on which stands the windmill at the left; the right side is bordered with a confused mass of shrubbery. On the road, away from the observer, is plodding a shepherdess with a flock of sheep. Signed at lower left, A. Mauve. (Signature almost obliterated) Mesdag Collection, American Art Association, 1920. Endorsed by B. E. van Houten as a sketch by Mauve. Property of Mr. P. H. McManon. JOHANN GEORG MEYER VON BREMEN GERMAN: 1813—1886 105—HEAW OF A 7 fi (Panel) 4-0. Height, 6 inches; width, 4% inches Heap and shoulders, nearly in profile to the right, of a youth with long auburn hair, in white shirt and gray coat, against a background of dull sky. Signed at lower left, Meyer von BREMEN, 1881. Property of Mr. Joun Dueay. A. BRYAN WATT AMERICAN: CONTEMPORARY ANDSCAPE (Panel) Height, 7 inches; width, 7 inches ¥ Roxie moorland country peopled by skeleton trees; in the left middle distance a tall white farmhouse, of which the fowls are scratching the bare earth in the foreground. - Signed at lower right, A. Bryan Wart. Es - Property of a Private Collector. RAIMONDO DE MADRAZO dy SpANIsH: 1841—1920 V JL T7+THE REHEARSA | (Panel) / 5D ‘ Height, 9 inches; width, 54% inches A DARK-HAIRED young woman in a white satin evening frock partly covered by a pink fur-trimmed wrap is standing before a piano atten- tively studying the music, which she holds in her left hand, while the other runs lightly over the keyboard. Signed at lower right, Mavrazo. Property of a Private Collector. a 108—WINTER I (de 8 eee Tue cold light of a winter morning sees the turgid waters of the river and their background of low houses and smoking factory chimneys under a gray sky. EDWARD EMERSON SIMMONS i AmeErIcAN: 1852— NDSCAPE, HUDSON RIVER eight, 9 inches; width, 7 mches Signed on back, KEpwarp Simmons, 1893-94. Property of a Private Collector. RALPH ALBERT BLAKELOCK, N.A. S 0) ony is AMERICAN: 184'7—1919 109—THE CANOE: LATE AFTERNOON Fo ; | (Board) Height, 81% inches; length, 10% mches Crimson tufts mingle with those of soft golden and creamy tones— and here and there a drifting patch of white—among the sunset clouds of late afternoon, over distant blue hills. In the middleground nu- merous trees touched with autumn tones dot a green slope, where before a tepee at the left sits a figure blanketed in blue. At the foot of the slope a river passes in the foreground, and over it a birch canoe is paddled by a dark-haired figure in a crimson cloak. Signed at the lower right, R. A. Buaxrtock. Property of a Private Collector. ALEXANDER H. WYANT, N.A. LA G Ey BE owt 1836—1892 110O—KEENE VALLEY fob (Panel) Height, 91% imches; length, 1414 inches Art left, in the middle distance the end of a cottage comes into view, before it a few trees graceful in shape and with partly open foliage; beyond a stream a few smaller trees at right, in the central distance an open field, with tree-tops seen beyond it. Signed at lower left, A. H. Wyanvr. Shown at the South Carolina Inter-State and West Indian Exhibition, Charleston, 1901-2, lent by Homer Lee. Property of Mr. Joun Duean. Fa i" CHARLES P. GRUPPE BR G, Pudong sows: 1860— 11—CATTLE PASTURING +3 (Millboard) | :/ b Height, 8 inches; length, 10 inches 5 A crassy upland, with the figures of three browsing cattle, under a blue sky with two small fleecy clouds. \ ~~ Stgned at lower left, Cras. P. Gruppe. Property of a Private Collector. ~ ty ARTHUR F. TAIT, N.A. Am¥rRIcCAN: 1819—1905 112—YOUNG QUAIL Te (Oval) Height, 9 inches; length, 1134 inches Ferns and undergrowth in the woods’ heart with a moss-covered gray stone, half buried in the soft earth. On it and about it a brood of six brown fledglings, their tiny wings and the upward poise of their heads giving them an air of rather absurd self-importance. Signed at right, A. F. Tart, ’58, N. Y. Property of a Private Collector. | PAUL DESIRE TROUILLEBERT i L ¢ ip Poof 1829—1900 113—EVENING LANDSCAPE | 4 Americans 1823—1894 : b, ene. 145—NEAR KEENE, NEW HAMPSHIRE S ; Height, 15 inches; length, 261 imches Disranr mountains gray in mist, and a valley threaded by a stream leading to them through foreground and middle distance; in the middle distance a flat meadow, where cows are grazing in the sun, some at the water’s edge; on a bank at the right before a wood, two women seated and a man reclining. Signed at lower right, Wm. Harr. Property of Mr. Joun Duean. DANIEL RIDGWAY KNIGHT AMERICAN: 1845—1924 146—WATER CARRIER f ~ A f : Height, 1844, inches; length, 24 inches. | Ar the right, a quiet broad river curves into the foreground between green hummocks of land catching the bright rays of the evening sun on the sand and the grass alike. At the water’s edge a group of — peasants, young and old, have come down the well-worn path from the village on the sky-line at the lefty to fill ewers and Ig with the © sweet clean water. q : a hPa, = : | ee aka att coon — Signed at lower left, Rineway KnicurT. a Sold by order of his sons Lovis Aston Kyicur and Cuaries Kyicut. ——* ; DANIEL RIDGWAY KNIGHT AMERICAN: 1845—1924 147—MEDITATIO KF ; Height, 24 inches; width, 20 inches Ox a bank covered with long grasses and wild flowers and the scarlet — of poppies, is seated a young woman in a blue-gray coat and skirt — of dull red, a scarf bound about her neck, and clasping a stone ewer; © her face, framed in dark hair, is lighted with thought, as she looks out to the left over the quiet waters which lap her feet. 4 Sold by order of his sons Louis Aston Knicut and CHarues KnicHt. (Panel) Height, 19% inches; length, 23 inches Our of the edge of a rough wood at the left a man comes driving be- fore him some cows, sheep and goats, toward a foreground pool; at the right, others of the animals are at rest, some in the shade, some on a sunny hillside. Signed at lower right, EUGENE VERBOECKHOVEN, Homann. Painted in 1824 in conjunction with Joannes Hellemans. Property of Mr. Joun Duean. ' IEL RIDGWAY KNIGHT AMERICAN: 1845—1924 149—THE HARVESTERS’ MEAL Height, 2114 inches; length, 2534 inches A ciLoupy sky broods over the cornfield in late summer; in the middle distance the figures of two men working, in the foreground a group of three girls preparing for their midday meal of brown bread and cheese among the stubble and poppies of the cut wheat. Sold by order of his sons Louis Aston Kyicut and CuHarues Kyicur. ie ae H. L. BODDINGTON y 7 Encuisu: 1811—1865 fy, | 150—SUMMER MORNING ON THE RIVER THAMES fo. Tue broad expanse of the river covers the right foreground, flowing away to lose itself round a curve behind the tall beaches of the middle distance. At the left rough grassland with lines of willows coming down to the water’s edge, rushes, and a broken tree dipping into the river, where swims a brood of ducks; at the right, a prospect of pasture land stretching far away to low hills along the line of a curving yellow road which runs to a manor house framed in trees. From the flat unfenced fields cattle have strayed on the farther shore into the cool water; but the peaceful river is unpopulated save for the birds and animals, and a distant sail reflects equably a cloudless sky disturbed only by the central glory of the hazy sun. ight, 35 inches; length, 551% inches Property of a Private Collector. FRANCK A. BAIL FrenNcH: ConTEMPORARY -151—LE NETTOYAGE DES CUIVRES | : Aho 2 Hev@ht, 25 inches; width, 21 inches A HOUSEWIFE is seated in her parlour on a high-backed chair; clad in an overall, she is assiduously cleaning one of the group of copper utensils by which she is surrounded. Signed at lower right, Bait, Francx. Property of a Private Collector. | o— FRANCOIS BRUNERY Y Pe / FRENCH: CONTEMPORARY 1p2-THE ACE “4 1) : Height, 28 inches; width, 181% imches N a gilded salon of the eighteenth century in France, two princes of the Church in scarlet and crimson are seated at a table playing cards, a young lady standing behind them, absorbed in the game. The right- hand player is in the act of exposing the ace, to which gesture His Eminence in scarlet returns a thoughtful countenance. - j Signed at lower right, F. Brunery. Property of a Private Collector. DANIEL RIDGWAY KNIGHT / i, AMERICAN: 1845—1924 154—THE GOSSIPS ee: | | q SP ° Height, 1814 inches; length, 29 inches a Low flat country of grassland and trees, the broad river sweeping — from the left foreground past the tree-crowned island which dominates — the middle distance; sprawled on the stubble in the centre of the scene are four, young peasant girls, one of whom, on her knees, is lazily — stretching herself and talking manfully away in the idle hours of the midday rest. ‘< q Signed at lower left, Rineway Knicur. Sold by order of his sons Louis Aston Knicut and CHarxtes KynicutT. — | DANIEL RIDGWAY KNIGHT a AMERICAN: 1845—1924 ~ - 155—BURNING BRUS 4S Height, 211 Tue dull colors of earth and rainy sky will be half obliterated by the white smoke rismg from a burning pile of brush in the foreground, around which are busied two peasant girls and a small boy; while their mother, nothing backward, brings up in her arms another huge bundle of the brown fuel. 4, inches; length, 25°84 inches Signed at lower left, Ripeway Kynicur. Sold by order of his sons Louis Aston Kntcur and Cuarues Knicut. rey vege ia ‘ WILLIAM A. COFFIN, N.A. | ) AMERICAN: 1855— 156—GATHERING THE HARVEST E i 2 dO. Height, 20 inches; length, 30 inches Across the foreground a brown field of autumn, with the corn in the shock and scattered pumpkins and their green vines interspersed ; near the centre a farmer with his team and wagon. Woods in the distance under a white and blue sky. 3 Signed at lower right, Wm. A. CorFin. Property of Mr. Joun Duean. DANIEL RIDGWAY KNIGHT ne E Glee: ae cn 184521994 157—HIGH Lead? DRY 4-0 : Height, 211% inches; length, 3114 inches Tux dull heavens banked with cumulus clouds are lowering above the stretch of sandy shore partly covered in green scrub, which runs diagonally away from the left foreground and fringes the near gray water; a dozen yards from its margin, stark against the sky, is the decaying hulk of an old three-decker, its rotten sides forming windows for the light streaming from behind it. Signed at lower right, Ripeway Kwnicut, Potssy. Sold by order of his sons Louis Aston Knicut and Cuaries Kynicut. oem Sea SCn ~m— -FRANK KNOX MORTON REHN, N.A. , x. American: 1848—1914 i 158—MARI | Vi : Height, 22 inches; length, 36 inches 3 A sroopine sky of yellowish-gray looks down.on the troubled surface of the water breaking on a sandy beach in the foreground; the sea appears in an ugly mood, the ochre and brownish-purple and green __ of the rollers reiterating the oppressiveness of the uncertain atmos- phere. Signed at lower right, F. K. Renn, 90. Property of Mr. P. H. McManon. GEORGE H. BOUGHTON, N.A., R.A. AMERICAN: 1834—1905 as 159—_WIDOW’S ACRE Height, 22 inches; length, 30 inches A say on the seacoast, the lines of the combers marching forward diagonally in the left middle distance to break on an uneven beach rising in the background to wooded hills, at the foot of which crouch a few scattered houses. The shore sweeps around past woodland and bare plain to the hard earth of the foreground, of which a scanty portion has been cleared and scratched to make a miserable crop; and garnering the poor harvest of potatoes are two women, the younger kneeling beside a basket, the older with her foot poised in a fork, arrested by the approach of an old countryman, with a beard and wearing a pot hat, who comes toward them up the beach to the rude fence at the left. Signed at lower right, G. H. Bovcuton, 1879. Property of Mr. P. H. McManon. etl R. BRUCE CRANE, N.A. yf. V : American: 1857— 160—HA Ny Low MM 1) ° Height, 25 inches; length, 30 mches A TURQUOISE sky with woolly balls of white cirrus above the cornfield, which slopes abruptly down into the left foreground and terminates on the horizon at the left in the emerald of a wood. The standing corn has been half cut down by the binder, the sheaves lying in two long rows awaiting the completion of the lines of stacks started at the right ; behind them the still uncut wheat bends in the wind sweeping over the crest of the hill and pk ah ls to life the rich warm tones of earth. Signed at lower right, Bruce Crane. From the Blakeslee Collection, American Art Association, 1915. Property of a Private Collector. JOHN GEORGE BROWN, N.A. ab lap; I fprxmeas: 1 1831—1913 161—HOOKED HIM! Fe Height, 3544 inches; width, 20 inches A HILLSIDE brook flowing between banks heaped high with feathery grasses ; in the extreme foreground standing on the stones which glow pink in the light of the sun, is a country boy in old black hat, white shirt and brown trousers, his feet bare, tensely grasping a fishing rod. Signed at lower right, J. G. Brown, N.A. Property of a Private Collector. SIR MARTIN ARCHER SHEE, P.R.A. by SF i EncusH: 1769—1860 ') 162-THE LITPLE LADY WITH A ROSE - Zio ° eight, 30 inches; width, 2414, inches Fuxt-Lencru portrait of a bright-eyed little girl seated on the ground and facing the spectator, figure slightly to the right. Her curly hair, dark golden in tone, is done high about her head and her hazel eyes look out seriously above rosy cheeks. The low white frock is bound with a rose ribbon, above which she holds a single rose before her breast. Property of a Private Collector. fam DANIEL RIDGWAY KNIGHT +. Be - American: 1845—1924 163—KNITTING ie eight, 8134 inches; width, 2514 inches PA IIR ONLI ELE ID Reinet ie Se pe 9 he r Ppa 2 SES Th ah Looxine straight down the river, far below, there is glimpsed a pros- pect of shaded banks and open rising country under a warm sun: leaning on a stile in the foreground, among the poppies and the flows 3 ering rose trees of a garden, is the figure of a young girl knitting, — her face, young and soft, crowned with a wealth of coiled hair, and expressing a quiet beauty of mind which seems part of the unruffled — ‘4 evening stillness. : q = Sold by order of his sons Lovis Aston Knicut and CuHarzes Knicut. — bf RIDGWAY KNIGHT 4 ! AmeERIcAN: 1845—1924 a / 164—OLGA 9. / 1) ee Height, 3134 inches; width, 251% inches THe Normandy skies look down on rising grassland in the middle — distance and are reflected grayly on the surface of the broad river © flowing down to the right. The near bank, of which a few yards only — are visible, is heaped with poppies, wild flowers and rose bushes; in — the centre of this fragrance stands the figure of young girl in peasant bodice and skirt, a plum-colored mantle held over her right shoulder, — her full fair face itself having something of the beauty of the rose, — and the natural simplicity of the wild flowers. J Sold by order of his sons Lovis Aston Knicut and Cuarues Knicnt. — (Illustrated) No. 164—Oucea (By Daniel Ridgway Knight) DANIEL RIDGWAY KNIGHT AMERICAN: 1845—1924 165—THE BATTLE OF THE MARNE Height, 26 inches; length, 32 inches _ A corrace with an open window at the right looking into a low, raftered room, and the figures grouped about a table in the morning light: an old French peasant, his wife and his son and daughter, the first studying a war-map spread across the table and sticking tiny flags into it as his son reads to him. The brilliance and contrast of — the lighting infuses a rugged and harsh realism into the BO of this little group of kinsfolk. Sold by order of his sons Louis Aston Knicur and CHARLES renee AMERICAN: 1820—1910 2 Hy. WORTHINGTON WHITTREDGEH, P.N.A. ~—/ e 166—AUTUMN TWILIGHT, HUDSON RIVER Cee Height, 27 inches; length, 34 inches A ROMANTICALLY beautiful setting framed in an arch of delicate branches of the half-denuded trees of the foreground; at the foot, the softly glimmering river, half dark, half touched with the subdued tones of the reflected glow. Beyond, a swelling hill, seen starkly with its crest of vegetation against the glory of the sky, which from a milky- yellow descends to a warmth of rose-pink and gray streaks lying heavily over an unseen horizon. Signed at lower left, W. Wittrepcr, 1883. National Academy, 1883. Listed in Champlin: “Cyclopedia of Painters and Paintings.” Property of a Private Collector. a, ARTHUR BRIDGMAN, N.A. ob — 1847.— + ell OF A HAREM 2b. Height, 241% inches; length, 351% inches In a tiled court, under the shadow of two huge trees, is seated on a heap of rugs a group of four ladies of the harem, a fifth standing up behind them and an old woman attendant with her child seated at the right of the embroidery frame at which they are working. The bright colors of their garments contrast with the vivid turquoise of the pierced tiled balustrade seen through the Moorish arches of the house at the rear. Pa Signed at foot of rose-bush, F. A. Bripeman. Property of a Private Collector. PERCIVAL LEONARD ROSSEAU MERICAN: 1869— Vk /168—SHEEP / ) 2 Height, 81% inches; length, 12 inches PLAcID landscape, the trees and the tiny pond on the left of the picture uncannily still in the bright sunshine. In the right foreground a flock of sheep, their shepherd and his black-brown dog. Signed at lower right, RossEau, 1911. Property of a Private Collector. . WILLIAM 8S. ROBINSON, N.A. AmERICAN: 1861— 5S MARINE SO ; Height, 24 inches; length, 40 imches PurpPLe-Brown rocks in the left foreground, on which is breaking in a splutter of white foam and a surge of oily green waters, a sea, gray- black in the distance save where a feeble light is returned from its surface as the reflection of a sun hidden behind masses of gloomy clouds. Signed at lower right, Witi1Am S. Rosinson. Property of a Private Collector. a ect a ~ ante Pi RS fay t \ i pas - WILLIAM SHAYER, Sr. Encusu: 1788—1879 170—THE GOSSIPS + / Jo Height, 301% inches; length, 40 inches Aw uneven countryside, wooded at the left, a broken path on the rising ground at the right down which is proceeding a covered wagon drawn by two horses; in the foreground a ridge of bare earth, stones, weeds and scanty patches of grass. Under the lee of the ridge, before a slender tree-stump, is seated a peasant woman nursing her child and surrounded by a group composed of daughter, lunch basket, two dogs _ and husband, the last seated on the ground with his back to the ob- server; to them has come a cowherd with one of his animals, others of which have strayed off towards the shade of the elms. The domestic interlude takes place under the fine clear skies of a late afternoon in summer. Signed to left of centre, WM. SHAYER, Srnr, 1845. Property of a Private Collector. GEORGE H. BOGART, N.A. Pe 5 Vib AMERICAN: 1864— | We go O ‘ Height, 28 inches; length, 40 inches y VE 1) : Height, 30 inches; length, 40 inches Rovcu pasture land stretching away infinitely to a distant horizon, 171—SUNSET : VENICE Recra Hapriag, as the sun lips the western horizon, the glaring yel-— lows and blues flung on the mighty palette of the sky behind the in- © comparable background of the San Marco at the left and the Doges’ — Palace and the Campanile at the right; in the foreground a gon- | dola, and at the right two feluccas with their great blood-red sails — pointing upward as if emulating the spires and domes of the distant city, and the green water peaceful even in the turbulence of the sunset. — Signed at lower left, Gzorcre H. Bocarr. Property of Mr. P. H. McManon. WILLIAM S. ROBINSON, N.A. AMERICAN: 1861— 172—PASTURE INFAUTUMN crossed by rough lines of stones and flanked by the long stretches of denuded trees, their shivering branches clothed with a few scanty brown leaves, their straight trunks upright for an instant as the wind dies away. The rise sloping from the left finds at its foot a few sheep — nibbling the grass among the birches. Signed at lower right, Wm. S. Ropinson. Property of a Private Collector. U cA a ——— Ml a gS ee eS ee PETER TILLEMANS E AS / } / FiemisuH: 1684—1734 173—HER MAJESTY’S CAMPAIGN IN FLANDERS LL-b 3 Height, 3014 inches; length, 4314 imches In the immediate foreground at the left on a rise of uneven country is the General, in scarlet coat and wearing the Order of the Garter, mounted on a gray horse, and accompanied by his aides, two of whom have been despatched in different directions toward the scene of the assault. This is being conducted in the middle distance by masses of cavalry, advancing in serried lines under the cover of artillery fire against the wall of the city, two of the bastions of which are visible at the right as the smoke clears away revealing at the same time a distant prospect of blue hills. The ground is littered with equip- ment, wounded men and horses. Signed at lower left, P. TittEMans. Property of a Private Collector. ee JULIAN RIX AMERICAN: 1851—19038 OOK it, 42 inches; width, 32 inches THE FOREST He NaRRow stream imprisoned between high, tree-clad banks emerges from the foreground to lose itself in the distance. The sunlight throws bright splashes of gold on the long grass, and the water reflects a sky of limpid blue, glimpses of which are visible in the distance through a curtain of leafage. 174 Signed at lower left, Jurian Rrx. Property of a Private Collector. | WILLIAM MERRITT CHASE, N.A. a RICAN: 1849—1916 175—_THE LOUNTRY HOLIDAY joo (Panel) Height, 14%4 inches; length, 16 inches Broap. rolling scrub country, stretching for acres under the blue cloud-flecked sky of a summer afternoon; sand, grass, wildflowers and patches of gorse on the top of a hill. At the left is seated on the ground a girl of perhaps ten years, in a white dress, with a poppy-red cap, sash and stockings; looking inquiringly on at the activities of her small sister in white, who stands uncertainly in the grass in the right middle distance. Signed at lower right, Wm. M. Cuasr. Property of a Private Collector. oh eae E . HENDRIK W. MESDAG Dutcu: 18381—1915 | Migs RECK oy O.- Height, 1914 inches; length, 231% inches | A cLovup-TorN sky lighted only low down on the eastern horizon by the rising sun, looms above the reeling distant shape of an aban- doned vessel, its solitary brown sail flapping hopelessly in the wind; in the foreground a boat-load of shipwrecked men is making difficult headway against the heavy ground-swell, while overhead black gulls hover ominously about the lost craft. Signed at lower right, H. W. Mzspac. From the Mesdag Collection, American Art Association, 1920. Property of Mr. P. H. McManon. ERNEST PARTON AMERICAN: 1845— - 177—SUMMER OS THE summer sun beats gaily down on to the old narrow river, which finds its peaceful way between tree-crowned banks past the village in _ the middle distance on the farther bank, past its church framed in -__ trees, until it loses itself in the left foreground; on the right, along a path cut through an emerald lawn, a woman with a basket is coming towards the observer and a skiff awaiting her at the water’s edge. Sky i and stream are pale and clean in the light of an English June. 1 THE UPPER THAMES ight, 2214, inches; length, 36 inches Signed at lower right, Ernest Parton, 1890. Property of Mr. P. H. McManon. F. P. JAMES WEHR AMERICAN: CONTEMPORARY 178—HOPI INDIAN FLUTE BOY Height, 18 inches; width, 12 inches Sranpine figure at full length in profile to the left and playing a long flute; the black hair tied with a red riband, the upper part of the body bare, the lower draped in a fringed white garment. At his feet, spread across a block of stone behind hin, a striped blanket. Signed at lower left, F. P. James Wenr, 1906. PAUL JEAN CLAYS EMISH: 1819—1900 179—PORT OF VEERE, ON THE ISLAND OF WALCHEREN vA 0 (Panel) ve Height, 131% inches; length, 201% inches On the right, sleeping placidly in the quiet Dutch atmosphere, is the town of Veere, with its quay, avenue of formally planted trees and the belfry of the Town Hall, glowing softly in the bright sunshine against the brilliant sky; in the centre, floating on the Middelburg canal, are two great sailing barges, fellows of those tied up at the quay, rearing tall masts and brown sails into the turquoise heavens. Signed at lower right, P. J. Cuays, 767. A leaf pasted on the back of the picture and signed by the artist states that it was painted for M. van Becetaere, lawyer; statement dated Brussels, 1867. Property of a Private Collector. JOHN FRANCIS MURPHY, N.A. AMERICAN: 1853—1921 IN THE tLDS _ (Water Color) Height, 141% inches; length, 20 inches (180 TO . A winpby spring morning blowing up scudding masses of cloud and lashing into a fine frenzy of rustling the foliage of the tall elms and poplars of the sky-line along the road stretching away at the left of the background. Over the bare field roars the wind, over the brown stubble and the grassland with its stones and patches of weeds and an abandoned plow—-so that the solitary figure with a hoe, scratching the earth where grass meets stubble, shivers at his chilly task. Signed at lower right, J. Francts Murpny. Property of Mr. P. H. McManon. Q. THOMAS MORAN, N.A. ¥ 4 Prfferscax: 1837— og 181—DOMES¥ AND TOWERS FROM THE LAKE, ki CHICAGO, 1892: 0 : Height, 18 inches; length, 28 inches Eventne light on the Venice of 1892—the World’s Fair on the shores of Lake Michigan. An impressive, almost fantastic panorama of minarets and domes, Florentine towers and basilicas, stretching across the scene in endless variety under a panoramic sky touched with yel- low and pale orange in the west, and reflected in smooth horizontal passages of color in the water, on the surface of which is plying a solitary boat. Signed at lower left, T. Moran, 1894. Property of Mr. P. H. McManon. ay & JERVIS McENTEE, N.A. i AMERICAN: 1828—1891 182—OVER THE HILLS G3 . Height, 25 inches; width, 21 inches Aw autumn morning, with the leaves on the ground, and behind the few half-denuded trees in the left foreground an open rolling country swell- ing to low hills on the near horizon; a narrow road, patterned with the shadows of the fence posts, curves away into the sun-warmed dis- tance. Among the trees, two men have turned aside from their walk to converse with a third, looking over the side of a low fence fringing his property. Signed at lower right with initials, J. M. E. ’83. Property of Mr. P. H. McManon. WILLIAM WATSON Scortrisu: 1769—1874 1883—ON THE LYON, GLEN LYON, PERTHSHIRE Height, 20 inches; length, 30 inches A Fair blue sky screened by white vapor, and below it mists modifying the delicate and confused hues of the Scotch mountains which sur- round a small lake opening in the foreground; here in the penetrating sunshine a half-dozen of the Highland cattle with spreading horns and richly colored shaggy coats are standing in the water or lying in the grass on the bank. Signed at lower right, W. Watson, 1902. Property of a Private Collector. WILLIAM MERRITT POST AMERICAN: 1856— 184—LANDSCAPE NEAR THE SEA if se Height, 30 winches; length, 40 inches Vibe A somBRE landscape, brown and olive-green under a sombre sky; the cart-track of the foreground, a runnel of water and the line of wispy birches converge on the centre of the middle distance, finding their way through the russet of the scrub and the boulders that scar the country. From right and left masses of forest dip down to lose them- selves in the level of the middle horizon, baring to view the broad ex- panse of the desolate heavens. Signed at lower left, W. Merrirr Post. Property of Mr. P. H. McManon. ALBERT BIERSTADT, N.A. Lot, Abd a Seeyegs: 1850—1902 185—_WESTPHALIA one Height, 3134 inches; length, 454 inches Unver cloud shadow on a hill in the middle distance some ruins, and in a sunny meadow below, haymaking, beside a stream. In the fore- ground to the left, a farm wagon pursuing its slow way, and at right the figure of a man lying in the shade. Signed at lower left, A. Brerstapt. Property of Mr. Joun Dueayn. DANIEL RIDGWAY KNIGHT | f wA 6, AMERICAN: 1845—1924 SY, ms | 186—PICKING GRAP SVo “ Height, 22 inches; width, 18 inches In a garden tangled with flowers and greenery a bright young French- woman stands, facing left, cutting bunches of black grapes from a vine that has grown over the trunk of a small tree. Signed at lower right, Ringway Knicut, Paris. Property of a Private Collector. JAMES M. HART, N.A.. Oi ym AMERICAN: 1828—1901 187—_SCENERY I N93 4 Height, 39 inches; length, 531 inches A suaztzow brook of varying width traverses the centre of the pic- ture, and cows are standing in it in the foreground and in the dis- tance; on the right a wooded hillside, and in a meadow at left more ESSEX COUNTY, NEW YORK COWS. Signed at lower right, Jas. M. Harv, 1855. Exhibited at the National Academy of Design, 1856. Property of Mr. Joun Duean. WILLIAM KEITH AMERICAN: 1839—1911 Gpllerig - Height, 30 inches; length, 40 inches EN SUNSET Crioups are a blaze of brilliant gold and dull crimson, in a sky still blue and greenish, over wooded hills rich and dark in their foliage and bounding a valley of lush grass; in its centre a pool glistens, and in a shaft of sunshine in the middle distance are seen some cows. Signed at lower right, W. Kerrn. Property of a Private Collector. DANIEL RIDGWAY KNIGHT 4, AMERICAN: 1845—1924 ITEUX COUPLE rhe A ue Lyd Variations on a domestic theme. The cottage interior, between the open window at the right and the table at the left bearing the remains : of a meal; and in the corner thus formed an old peasant in cap, blue smock, gray trousers and sabots leaning back in his chair with clasped hands, his eyes nodding in sleep while next him the companion of his declining years, a kindly-faced woman with flowered blouse and spotted skirt, looks fondly over to his figure, the more realistic part of her being concentrated on the knitting of a stocking. Height, 52 inches; length, 6034 inches Signed at lower right, Riwpeway Knicut, Paris. Sold by order of his sons, Louis Aston Kyicut and Cuarwies Knicut. (7ybuy honbpry jauvg fig) aTdN0O) XOdIA NOG NQ—68T ‘ON DANIEL RIDGWAY KNIGHT Ab rehiere 1845— 1924 190—CHARITY | : Boh Height, 51%4 inches; length, 60 inches A TABLE by the window in the interior of a French cote the good- man eating his midday meal and helped thereto by his old wife. Out- side, the kindly sun shines on a mass of tangled greenery and the line of the yellow road, from which has entered timidly a young woman in an old black-dress and carrying a baby. She stands hesitatingly on the steps as the peasant’s wife, with a world of practical sympathy and understanding, proffers her a plate of stew from the steaming tureen. Signed at lower left, Ripaway Kyicur, Paris. Sold by order of his sons Louis Astron Kyicur and Cuaries Knrcnt. (Illustrated) (qyb6uy hombpny jauvg fig) ALIYVHJ—(06L ‘ON a | | | | | | a Ee e | a | 4 f EARCH INSTITUTE il iN | il | MANN eae ee aas 6; oy Aaya: seh aoe Nise magnaes : RAAF EMBL PE a OMe ieee. aman at rasta tee wins ef 242 ON et aa ea Seba airy Uy easy Baer ntrn ae rie’ yeu dy Mode ated a Bote Hee yy it an ae