{ Patios reve eure Pats ie r na tahort é Apes aie care a Pebieais Wy fis Ee M4 rar ti Aes eau ul "id ty ote ae ref: dun daichi et fa, ee . F Mu aerate ame safe Ay ie ay ire leas sg sia Aidit as aAge mye rh A , ae his eeok dy AY esis nah ee Tb a8 2 iy : pee finde ee 3 h E a Ci a ok ote an rs ; Secon et ise i SLi esa vee Fa Tt i a2 ine Paes ae shales a! qiite Fi i ee i a vo : | sana aN tt #03 a Hr Misa irate ee ee i , | *¢ had f ae . ay ne i fi a sae fee | Ci Frnt iii : ah jes gies ” +) Wen ree b aah direit ayt ody lie ba, - Wa veal 4 Did aite FL Ps ih sds gytede jut ih i tyes et it { Faith, er F ae oY f og Paws 4 yee se fot haa, Ho tad vie oe ss anes bbls i anal ae} ti PUNE HOWE eh Bee 1A Ha dadiicdea deta bint, ee it ' Ai 1 ee ite nat Ht ibe os i raat fy iy ui Ae a Bia ae on ea a | i we was Bawa te bebe ya 4 4 35). ‘4 i nite ety Ay etal tit aS ee A a ae Oar ae a ig dai a va a id ALY } i ae ry me a Me ae ie not cf h iy iy t ‘Api hfe ‘a rm ee ea See i i yy An i ‘| i oe 4833 Pa} Hons H) asi Ugur inhi ih iit ma Sei, Ge du Mae Hi iy ee Hy oy ; it tbs i a ! Fad be: Hay eh nM i) a i iit nie a i iy ui ae a oe ie ia He jh 13e} ee ek SS eaae oe / { ELH : iit i i one Wee hdd bal ‘ty ah At hi Poe ai im styhigs ni es ik : > His Hii td lei, an ali i shy pis i i i fi atts i} aha id , 4 vi fay iti iy “ty i a) gaits i es aut hered ti by. Gould's. ; ‘Brother-in-law. - he : a fet 16 many ee v2 arious Tt cted by the late Daniel Sich: penne April 1 is. “under P, ee was a brother-in-law | Jay. Gould and in consequence ow 5 canine of a recluse He ‘Jatter years of his” life, but have been an indefatigable col- He not only gathered many and sculptures tout | innumer- ivories, jades, crystals, por- nd books in fine bindings. ms ures in Mr. Miller’s collection ivided sharply into two di- Se that depend for their in- xX usively upon the subject and » tha appeal because of qualities of tyle. The whole course of Mr. Miller | as a collector. may be traced in the gal- leries.. It is evident he began, as most ‘collectors do, with subject pictures and Iboy degrees attained connoisseurship. As wee rouse tt was. sae lacs to the vo DD roe ses, his election now aa ins sae to interest two distinctly different sets of art lovers. : | | Mane: Notea Artists, | Ania the artists of ‘note ‘who are _ represented are Fanten-Latour, Boudin, Blommers, Evert Pieters, Kever, Monti- | ecelli, Zandomeneghi, Lerolle, Clays, Henner, Roybet, Albert: Lynch, Bougue- reau, Vollon and Marie Dieterle. — | rection a Se Marx, auc: | vt amaze one with the skill of the Oriental nant and Adams. Many. of the covers! aise c on the Goce es of them playing iu chess, near a window, the light from which _ filters through dull rose colored curtains, Eugene Boudin is an. artist whose position in the public favor is assured. Fis “Retour des Barques” {is a large 2 work in characteristic style, full of the colorful atmosphere of the. north . of | ; ' France. The picture shows the return of | a. fishing fleet, the boats lined offshore, | with animated figures on the’ beach, and vading in the water, Vollon, famous r his still lifes, contributes a seaplece that is even more impressive, a dramatic ‘rendering of a coming storm, Clay’s exdmple is a. full rigged ship. coming. *O, anchor ina Dutch’ port.) : 9% rea hs te aN ph Dutch Pictures N umerous, Le “The Duten pictures are numerous. and. i very “pleasing. Kever’s “Feeding the Goat’? comes dangerously near telling a story, but it is so well painted that all artists will accept it. Blommer’s ‘‘Re- turning Home,” Van der Windt’s land- scape and Tromp’s “Summer Pleasures” are also PEOM REE E in the Dutch section of the’ gallery. Bouguereau’s. “Before the Bath’ fs an excellent example of this artist’s style; the two Lerolle land- scapes with figures, the sti life by | Karlovski, the two heads by Zando- | meneghi and the painting by Yamayjo, the, Japanese artist, all have artistic _ interest. The Chinese jades and pe ae are numerous, many of them are exception- ally large and the designs and carvings artists who produced them. Heidei....55 2% $3006 '864--J..G; Brown, N:; A., ‘‘ My Dog ’’; eeihy © ndetaan 23 Fae) oy i ee eR RR Re arate dae peel an a 406 865-—Julian Dupre, *‘ Summer Pasture ”’; De. rs PATA THe o\sisi Ls) Giew apa d's. Stee hiwsel ies 260 \$66—Jean Jacques Henner, ‘' Small I x Henry Schulthei6........0.52. 400 iS68-—P. N. Dupiny, ‘‘ The Luxemberg Gardens 10 J. G, Oppenheim, agent.. 300 \sq0-—-Henri uorelle. ‘‘ The (Shepherd- ess") Co W. I 6 eagle an ge ene Se) ca a A 500 i875—Daniel Ridgway Knig ht; ‘‘ Gather- { . ing Apple “Blossoms ’’; og Fe Gal- } Hi VEXIGS MUN awa iipieiiein thes sole kine ¢ et Bn a ave ats 1,210; i877—E, Richter. ‘*‘ The Favorites of the Pasha eCanG Rice. REAR Rae arf TGteh SLEPT tt 180 i879-- Auguste Hagborg, ‘* An Tiiteresting Tale’? Pring Leb f ak LEE SRS A oh ruse 350 880--Rudolph Hpp; ‘* Getting Up ’’; Ar- Bett ms BDO Aa) ims CU ne NW cite alecet ya aly ong 210 i881—-F, I. Bertier, ‘‘ The Fortune Tel- ler'’’; Judge Warren We roster 2 eis. 125 '883—G, David Millet, ‘‘ Old Friends” i J. G. Oppenheimer, agent... 0.0... 04 200 | In-he sle of the afternoon No. 773, a icarved and gilt wood table, with onyx top, went to Bandler for $175; a Goro- ivan rug, No, 801, went to Schwartz for $290, and No. 803, a. Kurdistan carpet, 'to Rosenfeld for $210. | The sale will be concluded this even- ‘ing with the iimal lot of pictures, in- ‘cluding a Roybet, a pleasing Blommers, a Kever, and a Bouguereau among ‘others. The afternoon’s sale’ will be |important, including many _ beautiful Jades and erystals. fF Foote paid $1,600. for Ride rht’s Shepherdess’; _ ©. $850 for eae Ys s sa alae ene Ric ey Sr i ies 5 } fe 1] i ra ye! fa ¥ i ion : 4 mn ey w 4 a Bi As (py Ls fe 3 e | | } No. 1138—“Before the Bath.” By W. BovucGurEreavu. ; Catalogue De Luxe of the DANIEL S. MILLER ART COLLECTION To be sold at unreserved Public Auction at the MOTEL SAVOY, April 17, 18, 19, 20 Fifth Ave. at Fifty- Ninth Street 2.30 P. M. and 8.00 P. M. each day Sale to be conducted by SAMUEL MARX Auctioneer and Appraiser ~*~ Woolworth Building NEW YORK NEW YORK CITY ENGRAVED AND PRINTED BY THE KALKHOFF COMPANY INTRODUCTION =——=F1 EK late Daniel S. Miller as a connoisseur took all art for / his province. Like his father before him he was the born collector. He was one of the strain of old New Yorkers who sought fortune in the West and found it. The brother-in-law of the late Jay Gould and the intimate of financiers, Mr. Miller was a man of affairs, deeply interested in every phase of life. His latter _ years were spent much in retirement. Although he lived alone except for his servants in his spacious suite for two decades and a half, he lacked not for company, for he was surrounded by a thou- sand and one familiars of his leisure. He assembled about him works of all periods because his was a nature which saw art in many facets. He had breathed the atmosphere of the dim past of Cipango and Cathay in the gathering of the porcelains from the ancient dynasties, the flawless vases of rock crystal, exquisite sculptures of the royal jade and ivories from the hands of master craftsmen of the Orient. How rich a store of precious things he had, none except him really knew. Only when the inventory of his collection was made was the true extent of it known. His rooms were so crowded that many rare and important objects were lost to view. Wases of Sevre were huddled together at the hearth; dark corners revealed charming water colors, and here and there disposed as though they had been forgotten were veritable gems of artistry. His collection proved indeed a treasure- trove. Where there is so much it is no easy task to dwell upon special excellence. The paintings are of many schools. ‘The strong and virile art of French military painters, soft toned canvases of the modern Dutch masters and the finest works of leading American artists may here be seen. Limoges enamels, miniatures, enamels, faience, carv- ings, enriched his cabinets at every turn. The library, which was Mr. Miller’s joy, was composed of many volumes rich both within and without. Their bindings, from the ateliers of such masters of their eraft as Sangorski and Riviere, are poems in jewels and tooled levant. Many of the choicest volumes were from the M. C. D. Borden collec- tion. The presenting of this collection for the view of an art-loving public has been a pleasing occupation. Its installation at the Hotel Savoy in the grand ballroom and the adjacent suite of ten rooms, in accordance with an entirely original method, is an interpretation as near as the conditions of exhibition permit of the personality of its late owner. The dispersal of the collection introduces a new factor in the art world, Mr. Samuel Marx, for twenty-five years an appraiser of the personalty of large estates, who now enters a new and broader field. ‘The preparation of the catalogue has been to us rather a fascinating voyage of discovery than a task. The paintings have been described by William B. McCormick, the jades and crystal by Ralph M. Chait and the balance by George A. Smyth and other experts. Every care has been exercised in determining the authenticity of the various objects. JOHN W. HARRINGTON. CONDITIONS OF SALE 1. Any bid which is merely a nominal or fractional advance may be rejected by the auctioneer, if, in his judgment such bid would be likely to affect the sale injuriously. 2. The Highest Bidder shall be the buyer, and if any dispute arise between two or more bidders, the auctioneer shall either decide the same or put up for re-sale the lot so in dispute. 3. Intending purchasers may make arrangements regarding deposits and ship ment at the Hotel Savoy, administrative office of the auctioneer. 4, ‘Title passes upon the fall of the auctioneer’s hammer, and thereafter, while. the auctioneer will exercise due caution in caring for and delivering such purchase, he will not hold himself responsible if such purchase be lost, stolen, damaged or, destroyed. 5. The lots to be taken away at the buyer’s expense and risk, within twenty- four hours from the conclusion of the sale, unless otherwise specified in writing by the auctioneer, previous to or at the time of sale; and the entire purchase money to be absolutely paid or otherwise settled to the satisfaction of the auctioneer on or before delivery: upon failure to comply with the above conditions, any money de- posited in part payment shall be forfeited. All lots uncleared within time mentioned: above shall be re-sold by public or private sale, without further notice, and the deficiency (if any) attending such re-sale shall be made good by the defaulter at this sale together with all charges attending the same. This condition is without prejudice to the right of the auctioneer to enforce the contract made at this sale, without such re-sale if he thinks fit. 6. While the undersigned will not hold himself responsible for the correctness of the description, genuineness or authenticity of, or any fault or defect in any lot, and make no warranty whatever, he will, upon receiving previous to date of sale trustworthy expert opinion in writing that any Painting or other Work of Art is not what it is represented to be, use every effort on his part to furnish proof to the contrary; failing in which, the object or objects in question will be sold subject to the declaration of the aforesaid expert, he being liable to the owner or owners thereof for damage or injury occasioned thereby. 7. To prevent inaccuracy in delivery, and inconvenience in the settlement of the purchases, no lot can, on any account, be removed during the sale. 8. The Auctioneer is in no manner connected with the business of the cartage or packing and shipping of purchases, and although he will afford to purchasers every facility for employing careful carriers and packers, will not hold himself re- sponsible for the acts and charges of the parties engaged for such services. 9. Deliveries will be made on sales days between the hours of 9 A.M. and 1 P.M. and on other days—except holidays—between the hours of 9 A.M. and 5 P.M. 10. All bids on books to be per volume. All bids to be per single article. 11. All books are sold as catalogued, and are assumed to be in good condition. If material defects are found, not mentioned in the catalogue, the lot may be returned. Notice of such defects must be given promptly and the goods returned within ten days from the date of. the sale. No exceptions will be made to this rule. 12. Buying or bidding by the auctioneer for responsible parties on orders trans- mitted to him by mail, telegraph or telephone will be faithfully attended to without charge or commission. Any purchase so made will be subject to the above conditions of sale, which cannot in any manner be modified. 13. Orders for execution by the auctioneer should be written and given with, — such plainness as to leave no room for misunderstanding. Not only should the lot number be given, but also the title, and bids should be stated to be so much for the lot, and when the lot consists of one or more pieces the bid per piece should also be stated. If the one transmitting the order is unknown to the auctioneer, a deposit should be sent or reference submitted. Shipping directions should also be given. SAMUEL MARX, AUCTIONEER. Executive Office: Woolworth Building. Telephone, Barclay 6911. FIRST SESSION Monday Afternoon, April 17th, 1916, at 2:30 o’Clock MODERN PORCELAINS Parr Roya Dovuton Vases, oviform, rose coloring, floral and gold decoration. Height, 9 inches DRESDEN CHINA FRAMED EAset Mirror. | Size, 10 x 11% inches (chipped) Frencu Masorica Piague, embellished with figure of “Knight on Horse.” Diameter, 14 inches Two Farence PiaquEs, bearing Angel Heads in alto-relief. Horianp Derr PLAQuE, decorated with skating scene. | Size, 12 x 17 inches WeEDGEWooD CAMEO JARDI- NIERE, garlands and fig- ures in relief. Diameter, 7 inches PorRcELAIN DECORATED PiaquE. Court subject. Diameter, 18 inches AUSTRIAN PORCELAIN PLAQUE, with decoration of pheasants and land- scape. Diameter, 19 inches Bint) 9 Roya DRESDEN CHINA oo PLaQuE, hand-painted > a floral decorations. Size, 17x20 inches Poi : Cf 7 oO 0 2p bd - LL f Sn th 15 16 Le 20 oie Iranian Farence PLaQue, figured decoration in polychrome. Show- ing wayside watering place. Size, 18x18 inches Traian Farence PuiaQue, Historical Subject in Polychrome. Diameter, 181% inches SpanisH MagsonicaA Puate, Moorish decoration. Diameter, 1144 inches GrnorsE Masoxica Puare, Polychrome decoration. Cupids and birds. Diameter, 18 inches Irartan Masouica Prater, Polychrome decoration. “Slaying the Dragon.” Diameter, 17 inches SweEpisH Rostranp Porrery PLAQUE, decorated. “The Picnic.” Diameter, 12 inches Dutcu Detrr PLAQugE, landscape and cattle. Size, 14x16 inches ITratian LustrE Porrery PLAqQuE, centre panel depicting rescue scene. Diameter, 1634 inches Two Iranian Masortca PLaQurs, showing “Inn Scenes” by Cappelt. Diameter, 20 inches Parr Roya VIENNA PorcELAIN Vases, urn-shaped, mythological figure decoration. Height, 8 inches Parr Frencu Porce.arn Vases, oviform, with trumpet necks, floral decoration. . Height, 22 inches Royau MEIsseN Group, two figures, (damaged). Height, 10 inches Parr AUSTRIAN PoRCELAIN RoskE JARs, floral decoration. Height, 7 inches 8 No. 1063 Pe 26 haumerite 1O7 pe | ok fpr 8 0¢ Pe R _ —- Corvin LA 63 r 29 sa oe pee ) Le-pastn 30 Dy. oo. [sau yntistir 31 oO oo Frcedrmen. 82 pif bP ‘Ses c: 33 t — Srvres PorceLAIN STEMMED TRAY, Turquoise blue and gold decora- tion. Diameter, 9 inches Parr Royat DrespEN Porcetain Ficures representing “Man and Woman of Middle Ages,” in Polychrome decoration. e Height, 14 inches One Royat Bertin Porcetarn Grove, undecorated, classical figure subject. 3 Height, 9°4 inches Two AusTRIAN PorceLAIn CANDLEsTICKS, Dolphin Pattern. Height, 11 inches Parr Royat Sevres Vases, Hand Painted Figure and Landscape panel by E. Laboreau. Turquoise Blue and Gilt bands with jewelled decoration, gilt bronze mounts, grotesque head and scroll handles. Height, 12 inches Parr Roya VIENNA VASES, Cobalt Blue, Globular-shaped pedestal, rich ormulu mounts. Height, 161% inches RoyaL DouttTon Cuina JAR, covered, floral and gold decorations. Height, 12 inches Parr Bisque Urns, undecorated, garland and rams heads in relief. Height, 9 inches OnE Roya VIENNA PorcELAIN Vase, Bottle-shaped, flaring neck, light blue and gold decoration, painted panel and pe mount-' ings. Height, 1672 indie Parr Royau Sevres Bowts, Hand painted cupid and bird poner on turquoise blue and gilt ground, scroll handles. Length, 12 inches DutcH Derr PLAQvuE, figure and landscape decoration. Length, 22 inches 10 Dutcu Deurr Piaqust, decorated with lake scene. Length, 201% inches Metiacu PorceLain CAMEO PLaguE, mythological subject. Diameter, 18 inches Par Dentrr Puaques, blue and white Marine scenes. Diameter, 131% inches Parr Detrr PLaquss, blue and white Coast scenes. Diameter, 12 inches Parr Devrr Piaquts, blue and white figure subjects. Diameter, 12 inches Two Irarian Masorica PLaQues, figure subject. ~. Two Iranian Masorica PLAQuEs, grotesque figure decoration. Diameter, 13 inches Derr PLaQuE, enameled floral decoration. . | Diameter, 15 inches Iranian Masouica Prague, dark blue and yellow band with figure decoration. Diameter, 147% inches Deurr Deer Puate with fig- ured decoration, fluted border. Diameter, 18 inches Frencu Bisque Group of three figures. Height, 26 inches RoyaL VIENNA PEDESTAL VASE AND Cover, hand- painted figure band on gilt ground, all over rich cobalt blue and gilt scroll decoration. Height, 12 inches 11 es Jase VI, AT Eas eg rg c+ Banmereir49 ee Cur Guass, BEAKER-SHAPED Vase, feather and diamond cut, heavy chiseled gilt bronze mounts and garlands. Height, 16% inches Parr or Frencn Porceiain PLaQuEs, figure decoration 5-inch gilt bronze and plush frames. Parr oF LoweEstTortr JARS AND Covers, Chinese flower decoration with coat of arms. : Height, 9% inches HunGariAn PEpEsTAL VASE AND Cover, Cupids in relief, scroll han- dles, Cupid panels on Turquoise blue and gilt scroll ground. Height, 22 inches Pair oF Roya SEvres PEpEsTAL V Asks, urn-shaped and covers, hand- painted figure and landscape bands, rich jeweled mounts and gilt bands on Turquoise blue ground. Chiseled gilt bronze handles. Height, 19% inches Crown Dery Pepestau Vase, three hand painted Cupid figure panels by Landgraf, lion’s head in relief, Sphinx base, rich red and gilt decoration. Height, 23 inches AUSTRIAN PorcELAIN PLAQuE, decorated, showing portrait of “Woman’s Head,” in two-inch circular gold frame. Diameter, 14 inches Limocrs Hanp-Painrep Porcetarn Prague, figure decoration, signed, “A. M.” In six-inch gilt scroll and plush frame. Size, 1444x101 inches Parr CASTELLIENNE MARBLE FIGurEs. Height, 16 inches Gitt Bronze Bas-Retier, on Mottled Marble, by Andrieu, “Napo- leon and Son.” Diameter, 81% inches Gitt Bronze Bas-Rewier, on Mottled Marble, by Bory, “Napoleon Bonaparte.” Diameter, 81 inches 12 Nell Wy 37 73° we Lut cet 1 02 \ey PYVGA G7 Sey 58 - 59 50 60 2 Y¥- oe \de. tae Git Bronze Bas-Re ier, on mottled marble, by Gory, “Caesar and the Empress.” Diameter, 8 inches VIENNA PorcELAIN Puate, figured decorations. Diameter, 14 inches DrespEN CuHiInA PLAQUE, hand-painted Watteau figure subject, scroll border. Diameter, 14 inches VIENNA PorcELAIN PLATE, figured decoration. Diameter, 144% inches Mosaic ALABASTER PLAQUE, with inlaid semi-precious marble and stones, depicting flower and birds. Diameter, 15% inches Royau SEvres Vase, globular-shaped, all-over rich cobalt blue deco- ration. (Cracked. ) Height, 32 inches FRENCH Bronze STATUETTE, by Godet “Spirit.” Height, 201% inches Parr FRENCH Bronze Busts. “Marie Antoinette’ and Louis X VI.” Height, 10 inches 3) FRENCH Bronze STATUETTE, by Gaudea, “Etoile du Matin. Height, 22 inches Two FreNcH Bronze Busts or Cupimps. Height, 9 inches Parr DRESDEN PorcEeLAIn VASES, gourd-shaped, bird decoration. Height, 14 inches CarRARA Marsrie Figure, “Spirit of the Lily.” Height, 34 inches PARIAN MARBLE Bust, “Mozart.” Height, 151% inches 14 Parr CAsTELLIENNE Marsie Busts, Roman subjects. Height, 91 inches Parr CaRRARA MarsieE Ficurss, “The Masqueraders.” Height, 8 inches CARRARA MarsiE Bust, “Venus.” Height, 8% inches Carrara Marsie Bust, “Head of a Boy,” by A. Piazza. Height, 13 inches Roya Dovuton Vase, Porcelain Globular-shaped. White and blue figure decoration. Height, 12 inches Wepewoop PLATTER, oval-shaped blue and white, Marine Views. Length, 26 inches Two AssortTED Piaquess, Alabaster and Mosaic, floral decoration. Two Assortep PLAques, Austrian and Limoges China, Figure deco- ration. Five Roya Vienna Cutna Pratss, figure subject and heads. NINE JAPANESE CLOISONNE PiaquEs, floral deco- ration on Turquoise blue ground. Diameter, 91% inches Two ASSORTED JAPANESE PLAQUES. Diameter, 12 inches Two JAPANESE CLOISONNE Vases, enameled flower and bird decoration with vari-colored bands. Height, 24 inches 15 62 | Quw pifee "Yer nine bo Fg tO Y)« fegrven Wwe CO, Fe PF | eg > Ob Vb 86 87 88 89 90 JAPANESE CLOISONNE VASE, beaker-shaped, all-over light apple green coloring. Height, 361 inches JAPANESE CLOISONNE JARDINIERE, Enameled, rich floral and bird panels on vari-colored ground. Diameter, 131% inches JAPANESE CLOISONNE VASE, floral and bird panels (Chipped). Height, 16 inches JAPANESE Imart PLAQUE, figure and raised gilt scroll decoration. Diameter, 22 inches JAPANESE Kore Porrery PLAQuE, raised gilt floral and stork deco- ration. Diameter, 22 inches JAPANESE CLOISONNE PLAQUE, stork decoration on bine ground with vari-colored scroll border. Diameter, 24 inches CAaRRARA MARBLE STATUETTE, by Galleria Lapini, “Primo Regalo.” Height, 29 inches Wepewoop CAMEO PANEL, mythological subjects. Oak frame. Size, 17142x51% inches Parr WeEpewoop CamEo PANELS, mythological subjects, in oak frames. 1144x5'% inches FRENCH Bronze Ficure, “Chasseur Laffut,”’ by Eugene Marioton. Height, 30 inches FRENCH Bronze Ficure, “The Muse,” by Kugene Marioton. Height, 32% inches FRENCH Bronze Vase, by Fervilte-Suan. Height, 191% inches FRENCH BRONZE Ficure, by E. Villanis, “Praise de Corsaire.” Height, 34 inches 16 Royat Vienna PepestaL Vask AnD Cover, hand-painted figure panel, ideal head, by Wagner, all-over green lustre with raised gilt scroll decoration. Height, 24 inches FrEeNcH Bronze Ficure, by St. Marceaux “The Harlequin.” Height, 33 inches TurxisH Bronze Bust, by Z. Rimbez, “Saida.” Height, 22% inches FreNcH Bronze Ficure “Spring” by August Moreau, on Sienna marble revolving base. | Height, 32 inches Frencu Bronze Ficurer, by H. Moreau. Height, 32 inches Frencu Bronze Grovr, “The Reading Lesson.” Black marble base. a Height, 18 inches Two Drecoratep Cutna Puates, Royal Vienna and Dresden, rich hand-painted figure decoration. Diameter, 91% inches Persian FAIENCE PLAQugE, lustre scroll border, 16th century. Diameter, 12 inches PERSIAN FAITENCE PLAQUE, Moorish design, blue col- oring, checker border, sun-flower panels, 17th Century. Diameter, 121% inches Persian FAIENCE DEEP PLATE, 16th Century, ex- ceptionally rare specimen, showing Chinese influence embellished with the con- ventionalized Lotus Flower and with Impe- rial green coloring. Diameter, 12% inches 17 No. 104 abel — 105 ‘ee Vos! 107 | > Lay Mme its 109 +5 2 Wel baie q d oo Berton epee | wa 12? Edit 1h 419 44 oo a? 114 Perstan Farence Deer Bowt-SHAPED Puiate, 17th Century, white and blue checkered border, Arabesque leaf-shaped panel and scroll center. Diameter, 12 inches PeErRsIAN FAIENCE Deer PLATE, 17th Century, blue and green color- ing checker border, leaf panel. Diameter, 12 inches Four Dertrr Puatres. Assorted. Diameter, 101% inches Two Detrr Deer Puatss, with figured decorations. Diameter, 16 inches HunGARIAN PorcELAIN PLAQUE, pierced scroll decoration in charac- teristic coloring. | Diameter, 19 inches SIAMESE SILVER RepoussE PLAQuE. Biblical subjects. Diameter, 19 inches Iranian GENorI PLAQueE, center panel, “Rebecca at the Well” with yellow and cobalt blue coloring, figured border. Diameter, 24 inches Parr Irartan Masorica CeremMoniaL Bowl1s, Blanc-de-chine glaze, embellished. with Cardinal Crest as medallion decoration. Diameter, 18 inches PERSIAN F'AIENCE DrEp PLATE, 15th Century or early 16th Century, showing early Chinese influence. The border is of a unique medallion design, alternating in blue and apple green with white reserves. Panel embellished with Chinese Lotus and conven- tionalized Foh-he-, undoubtedly made during the Lung Dynasty. Diameter, 191% inches PERSIAN F'arence Bowr-SHaprep PLATE, 16th Century, diaper bor- der in apple green and black stripes, Arabesque panel in white and blue and quartered circular center. Diameter, 1914 inches 18 ssa neste eA AOR ny nis UN BP inn es Nh he. te Hw 19 S i) mM i om ° = a =) °o ov = 4 o oa ara oe) re co) NM = je) _ ty oy bel — ~M =| | | — Laan | Y -_ Sj Qy a) 5 fleyn es 1 17 = VY joa) i 118 hice on Lely 120 BO 62 Ache, Brno ay Rds PerstAN FAIENCE PLAQUE, lustre scroll border, 16th Century. Diameter, 12 inches Hispano Moresqur Pia@ue, floral decoration with lustre and white ground. ~ Diameter, 154% inches Caro pi Monti PorcELaIn PLAQuE, depicting Louis XVI in bas- relief. Diameter, 10 inches Caro pI Monti PorcELAIN PLAQUE, depicting Marie Antoinette in bas-relief. Diameter, 10 inches Capo pt Monti PorcELAIN PLAQUE, depicting Henry IV and Queen, in bas-relief. Diameter, 10 inches Caro pi Monti PorcELAIn PLAQUE, depicting “Angel Appearing to Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden,” in polychrome, octangu- lar shape in a three-inch ebony and ormolu frame. Size, 7 x 81% inches Caro pi Monti PorcELaIn PLAQuE, depicting “The Nativity,” in polychrome, octangular shape, in a three-inch ebony and ormolu frame. Size, 7x8% inches Capo pt Monti PorceLain PLAQUE, shield shape, depicting military scene in polychrome. Size, 1642x24 inches Capo pi Monti TANKARD, with cover depicting “Love’s Dream,” cover surmounted by Cupid. Height, 10% inches Caro pi Monti Tanxarp, depicting “Bacchanalian Scene,” cover surmounted by Lion. Height, 91% inches 20 Capo pt Montr porcine JEWEL Casket, mythological figure sub- jects, polychrome decorations, gilt mountings. Width, 7% inches; height, 7 inches; length, 11% inches Pair JAPANESE CLOISONNE Vases, fruit and flower decoration. Height, 14 inches Bronze AND Onyx Mars_e Bust, “Arab Boy.” Height, 18 inches SEVEN AssoRTED CANTON CHINA PLAQUES, figure and floral decora- tion. Two JAPANESE CHINA PLAQuES, figured decorations. Diameter, 12 inches Two AssorTED JAPANESE PLAQUES, figure and scroll decoration. Russtan I Kon, rich, rare-colored enamel, and gilt bronze mounts, in mahogany shadow box. -| Size, 7x81 inches Two MerriacH PLAQuEs, views of a city. Diameter, 17 inches Pair oF JAPANESE Imart PLAQUES, enameled green and red scroll decoration. Diameter, 12 inches ITALIAN BRONZE AND Rep Morriep MARBLE INK STanp, Sphinx top. Length, 19% inches TIFFANY Bronze 6-LicgHt ELECTROLIER, Pond Lily design. Favrile glass shades. Height, 201% inches Russian Bronze Group, by Fabrof Woerfrel, “The Adieu.” Height, 7% inches Terra Corra Two-HaAnb.Le PircHer VASE, Diana decoration. Height, 214% inches 21 | decpyenm] Ad. deny v\ vt 145 a aneet » 149 Frencu Bronze Group, by Couston, “Man and Horse.” Height, 19 inches Benares Brass VAsE, egg-shaped with tripod base showing three ostriches. Height, 14 inches VIENNA BRONZE FIGURE OF BUFFALO. Height, 8 inches; length, 11 inches OneE Ser or Four Encuisu Sinver RepoussE PANE Ls, replicas of Elgin marble sculpture, mythological figure subjects. Worked in repoussé by Wm. Pitts in 1828 for Storr & Mortimer, but not hall-marked until 1881. Length, 18 inches FRENCH Bronze, “Boy and Bird,” by August Moreau. Height, 30 inches FreNcu Bronze Group, by Godet after W. Bougereau, “Psyche and Addon.” Height, 40 inches FrencH Bronze Ficure, by Granet, “Ophelia.” Height, 37 inches JAPANESE SATSUMA Ovirorm Manparin Vase, panels mae warriors. Height, 52 inches Parr JAPANESE PoRCELAIN VASES, oviform, diaper and. floral decora- tions, and panel reserves showing garden scenes. Height, 42 inches FRENCH Bronze Ficure, by Chatrouss, “Une Contemporaine.” Height, 35 inches 3 AUSTRIAN PorcELAIN JARDINIERE, red glaze, scroll and gold deco- ration. Height, 19 inches; diameter, 17 inches AUSTRIAN PORCELAIN J ARDINIERE, blue glaze, scroll and gold shave ration. Height, 19 inches; diameter, 17 inches Russian Bronze Group, by F. Woerfrel, representing “A Russian Gypsy Camp.” Oval shaped. Length, 28 inches; width, 21 inches; height, 15 inches 22 SECOND SESSION Monday Evening, April 17th, 1916, at 8:00 o’ Clock MODERN PORCELAINS (Continued) Parr SItver Bronze Five-Ligot BrancH CANDELABRAS, Corinthian column design. Height, 24 inches Parr FreNcH Git BRonZE PITCHER VASES. Height, 22 inches ART Bronze Group, supporting barometer. Height, 18% inches Wrovucut Brass INK Stanp. Nubian figure supporting carriage. Height, 7% inches ea i { LILLE PorcELAIN PLAQUE, decorated. Size, 11x9% inches JAPANESE CLOISONNE PLaquE, frog decoration. Diameter, 12 inches Two JAPANESE PoRCELAIN ASSORTED PLAQUES. Diameter, 12 inches SpanisH Porrery PLaQuE, blue, green and brown scroll decoration. Diameter, 151% inches Sinver Bronze SincteE Lieut Execrric Stanp, with opaque iri- descent green glass shade. Height, 16% inches Pair Cut Grass Fitower Vases, gold decorations. Height, 8 inches Par Emeratp GREEN Cur Guass FLowEr VASES. Height, 10 inches 23 Cice/ 166 bees tin 9 7 ae 168 24> Id Ac Att 169 & Sehe ppe V70 Co rae l aA AV thy ) cle 7 " 171 | dl ‘a Nebo h be vz fot di | ( y y ttt thy F 4 of oe 173 / Wa Le. if ( ') 174 Lapis Lazuti1 Drinxine Cur Vase. Boat-shaped bronze base. Size, 9x10 inches Osrricu Ece Bowt-Suarep Vase, bronze mounting. Height, 10 inches Rooxkwoop VASE. Height, 6 inches Parr Cut Guass FLowER Vases, gold decoration. Height, 3 inches Gitt Bronze TRINKET Box, log pile shape, surmounted DS, bird. Height, 62 inches PaAaRIAN MarsieE Group, “Woman with Fawn.” Height, 18% inches Pair oF HAND-PAINTED PorRCcELAIN PLAQUES, “Napoleon and Mme. Recamier.” Black lacquer frames. | Size, 6x414 inches; frames, 24% inches MarBLE AND OrmMoLU VASE, with rich enamel decoration. Height, 8 inches Hanp-PaintTep PorcELAIN PLAQuE, “Ideal Head,” by T. LeRoy. In carved ebonized frame. Size, 24x18 inches Two Guiazep Potrery Bow1t-SHAPED PLAQUES, green, blue and- brown scroll decoration. Diameter, 12 inches Two JAPANESE ENAMEL PoRCELAIN PLAQUES, blue and gold. deco- ration. Diameter, 12 neha F'arence Drer Bowt1, scroll decoration, blue and yellow colorings. (Damaged. ) Diameter, 14 inches . Two Royau Bertin Hanp-Paintep PorceLaAIn Piaquss. Figure subjects. In gilt frames. Size, 74x6 inches 24 Pink Lustre Porrery PLAQuE, with blue cow center. Diameter, 16 inches MERIDEN SILVER PLATED Water PitcHeER, porcelain lined, floral de- signed. Monogram, D. S. M. GORHAM SILVER PLATED CRUMBER. GorRHAM SILveR PLATED FisaH KNIFE AND Spoon. D. 8S. M. Monogram, No. 1135 25 j Dov, 180 N-ns x fag E- 181 Tht S oat uf 192 pas Lehe ppa- 193 Et: lob A Lop W195 hot he pate f fd i 197 Ups 7 ~ 198 GoRHAM SILVER PLATED Fork. Monogram, D. S. M. GorHAM SILVER PLATED ASPARAGUS FORK. Parr Si.verR PLATED GRAPE SCISSORS. Reep & Barton SILVER PLATED VEGETABLE SPOON. GoRHAM SILVER PLATED Fisn Kyrre. Monogram, D. S. M. GorwaAm Siver PLatep Gravy Spoon. Monogram, D. S. M. Goruam Siiver Piarep Sour Lapie. Monogram, M. GorHAM Siiver PLATED Gravy LapLE. Monogram, D. S. M. ELEVEN RoGers SILVER PLATED DEssERT KNIVES. Tren SILVER PLATED DINNER KNIVES. Six TIrrany SILveR PLATED TEAspoons. Monogram, D. S. M. Eieut Tirrany ELectro-PLAtTeD SILVER PLATED OYSTER Forks. Monogram, D. S. M. THREE SILVER PLATED NuT CRACKERS. Five Trrrany SILVER PLATED SALAD Forxs. Monogram, D. S. M. Stx TrrFany SiInver PLatep Fruir Forks. Monogram, D. 8S. M. Six TrrraANy SILVER PLATED Berry Forxs. Monogram, D. 8S. M. TWELVE GoRHAM SILVER PLATED DESSERT SPOONS. Monogram, Dox MM | Two TirFany SILVER HANDLED GAME KNIVES. Six Peart HANDLED Nut Picks, OnE Rocers Sinver PLATED SucsaRr Tones, ONE GoRHAM Siryie PLATED BUTTER KNIFE. Monogram, M. Six PEarL HANDLED Fruit Knives, silver mounting. Reed & Barton. 26 ~— GorRHAM SILVER PLatep Butter DisH. No. 0705. Monogram, D. Reep & Barton Soup TurrEEen. No. 1330. Silver plated. GorHAM SILVER PLATED SALAD Fork AND Spoon. Monogram, D. S. M. ~Reep & Barron Siver SoLpERED, OvaL-SHAPED Meat PLaArter. Monogram, D. S. M. : Length, 13 inches Reep & Barton Sitver PLATED Tray. Monogram, D. S. M. Diameter, 10 inches GorRHAM Sitver Puatep Tray, No. 0640. Monogram, D. S. M. Diameter, 9 inches GORHAM SILVER SOLDERED SQuARE TRAY, lattice border. Monogram, b.5. M. Diameter, 10 inches TirFany SILver PLatep Fruir Disu, No. 250. Monogram, D. S. M. Ivory HANDLED Carvine SET of three pieces (in case). Two ASsoRTED STERLING SILVER PEPPER SHAKERS. Cur Grass Mustarp Jar AND Spoon, with silver mountings. Mono- gram, D.S. M. Two Salt Cellars. Two Sterling Salt Spoons. Two STERLING SiuveR SALT CeLuars, fitted with ruby glass imner dishes.. Diameter, 21% inches Parr oF STERLING SILVER Mountep Scissors, with sheath. Camero Guass F.asxK, silver gilt stopper. Monogram, Des MM. CrysTaAL WuisKEY BOTTLE, silver mounting. Mono- gram, D. S. M. No. 1022 27 bo RussIAN SILVER AND ENAMELED Cup, gilt lined. Monogram, D.S. M. Dutcu SILveR TEA STRAINER. Two TirFANY STERLING SILVER Bon Bon Spoons, shell bowls. Monogram, D.S. M. STERLING SILVER Cai. BELL, angel handle. Eicut STERLING SILveR Berry Forks. GoRHAM STERLING SILVER Carp Tray. Monogram, D. S. M. Diameter, 6 inches TIFFANY SILVER ASPARAGUS TONGS. TIFFANY SILVER SALAD Fork. Monogram, D. S. M. TIFFANY SILVER BERRY SPOON. TIFFANY SILVER F'isH Knire. Monogram, D. S. M. Buack, STARR & Frost STERLING Si.vER Burrer DisH. Embossed and pierced floral border with crystal glass cover. GERMAN STERLING SrLvER ReEpouss—e PLATE with pierced Scroll border. Diameter, 11 inches TrrFany & Co. STERLING SILvER Carp Tray. Embossed and pierced floral border. Monogram, D. S. M. Diameter, 6% inches Two Cut anp Ercrep Guass Decanzers, with sterling silver mounts. Figure stoppers. Height, 10% inches SILVER VASE, goblet shaped. Height, 11 inches Two Tirrany SILver Lone STEMMED Comports, No. 5946. ene: gram, D. S. M. Height, 10 inches 28 Four TiFrFrany SILver FLower Vasss, No. 1154. Monogram, D. S. M. » Height, 7 inches sf . | da | : oc GorRHAM SILver Fruit Disu, No. 3290. FRENCH SILVER PLATED Fruir Disy, embossed figure and scroll design, footed. Length, 17 inches f Ne 8 ~~ tesa Gace Tuoeo. B. Starr STERLING SILVER Lovine Cup, two- handled. Height, 9 inches ‘ No. 237 HAND-PAINTED PorcELaIn PLaguE, “Orchids,” by P. Putzki, in 314- inch gilt scroll frame. Size, 12x81 inches HaAnpD-PAINTED PorcELAIN PLAQuE, “Flowers,” by C. F. Hurton, in 5-inch gilt floral frame. Size, 26x17 inches ITALIAN Hanp-ParInTEeD Piague. Biblical subject. In 6-inch gilt and plush frame with mahogany shadow box. Diameter, 11 inches FRENCH Gi_t Bronze Crock Ser. Gray marble with chiselled gilt bronze mounts, consisting of three pieces as follows: One clock surmounted with gilt bronze group, mythological figure subject. Height, 33% inches Two 7-Light BRANCH CANDELABRAS. Height, 33 inches Parr oF SEVRES PoRCcELAIN URN-SHAPED VASES, made in 1764. ‘Tur- quoise blue and gold decoration, with painted and chiselled ormolu mountings. Height, 25 inches 29 Achof ps 288 /00 /()teg maw o39 r50= em 8 D ao. G alee? £ b § 241 | 169% chop 012 SO0EL 1 / An, J a Arhsfpr 243 7 $ gs % p> } A | 4 ree ‘ Partha 244 | | bo % | ae pPY 245 Parr Roya Sevres PepestaL Vases AND Covers, hand-painted figure and flower panels, by F. Bellanger. Rich cobalt blue top and base bands with raised gold scroll decoration. Heavy gilt bronze mount on revolving base. Height, 41 inches Parr or Royau Sevres Louris PuHipre Pepesrau VASEs, hand- painted figure and landscape panels on rich cobalt blue ground. Chiselled gilt bronze mounts on revolving base. Height, 31 inches Roya Srvres Pate Sur Pate Pepestau Vase, cover, hand-painted figure and landscape decoration, by L. Malpass. Gilt scroll bands and heavy chiselled gilt bronze mounts. Height, 28 inches Two Royau Sevres Pate Sur Pate PEDEsTAL VASES AND COVERS, hand-painted figure and landscape decoration, by L. Malpass. Gilt scroll bands and heavy chiselled gilt bronze mounts. Height, 21 inches Parr oF NAPpoLEON SEvRES PEDESTAL VASES AND COVERS, urn-shaped. Hand-painted military and landscape panels, by H. Desprez. Raised gilt floral decoration on cobalt blue top and base. Hand- chiselled gilt bronze mounts on revolving base. Height, 42 inches Two Onyx MARBLE PEDESTALS. Square revolving top with chiselled gilt bronze bands. Height, 431% inches CARRARA MARBLE STATUETTE, by A. Piazza, “The Spirit of the Sea.” Height, 38 inches Onyx Marsie PrpestaL, round revolving top, square base, with chiselled gilt bronze wreath band. Height, 26% inches CarRARA MARBLE STATUETTE, by Carlo Giromella, “Sympathy.” Height, 27 inches ; Manocany Pepesrat, ormolu mountings. Height, 30 inches 30 Parr or Ivrartan Vases, Cupid Decoration, supported by two Cupid eae with gilt and scroll top and base. Height, 36 inches Two Onyx Square Stanps, with chiselled gilt bronze mounts. Height, 11 inches Pam in PorcELAIN Vases, bottle-shaped, with covers, Cobalt blue and gold decorations. Decorated with medallions. - Height, 46 inches = ‘Two Onyx Square Sranps, with chiselled gilt bronze mounts. Height, 11 inches Parr oF LARGE PorceiaAIn Vases. Rookwood floral decoration, by L. L. Leffler and Ferrell. ; Height, 53 inches Two GREEN Onyx CyLINpRICAL PEDESTALS, square revolving top 23 and base and chiselled gilt bronze mounts. Height, 401% inches ITALIAN Bronze Crock Set, consisting of three pieces, as follows: 1 Clock surmounted by bronze group depicting the “ Hunt” by px Carrier. Heig oht, 25 inches Two Urn-SHavep Vases. Cupid and figures in relief, with grotesque head handles. Height, 19 inches Two GREEN ONYX PEDEs- TALS, cylindrical, square base and revolving top, with chiselled gilt bronze mounts. Height, 42 inches Wuitrt Onyx PEpDEsTAL, cyl- indrical, with gilt bronze bands, square base and re- volving top. | Height, 42 inches No. 254 1 la 31 | #4 ad : LA. i ; anuttlér 1 0 oe Age ee 1262 SF Pond lh / 36 *2 (ese I Foot 264 [bs (> ah oe 265 bt 6-0 yy i — f \e WD, Foe e 966 tl if 267 re Gg b ts 2? Carrara MARBLE Figure, by Paulo Triscorniadi Fero, “Les Images. Height, 39 inches Maunocany Carved PEDESTAL, with revolving top. Height, 37 inches Wuire Mars_e Pepestar, ormolu mountings, revolving top. Height, 40 inches Onyx Marsie Pepestau, with revolving top, ormolu mountings. Height, 43% inches RosEwoop PEpEstaL, with bronze bas-relief Cupid Medallion, ormolu mounts. Height, 44 inches Rosewoop PrEpEstTAL, with ormolu mounts. Height, 41 inches CaRRARA MARBLE Ficure, by A. Cipriani. “Goddess of Night.” Height, 54 inches | CARRARA MARBLE Figure, by A. Bachirini.-““Goddess of Sun.” Height, 52 inches Waite Onyx Marie PEpEsTALt, cylindrical column, square base and revolving top, gilt bronze bands. Height, 40 inches Waite Onyx PEbESTAL, cylindrical column, square base and revolv- ing top, gilt bronze bands. Height, 40 inches Carrara Marsie Figure, by F. Vichis. “The Dance of the Veils.’ Gs Height, 59 inches’ SIENNA Mars_e PEDESTAL, revolving top, octagonal Base. Height, 34 inches 32 IVORIES, MINIATURES, AND ENAMELS PREFATORY NOTE. The writing of a brief review of the European and Oriental — carved ivories, French Limoges enamels and miniatures painted on ivories by celebrated artists of past and modern schools, is really an overwhelming: task. The ensemble presents the untiring efforts of the late owner, who was a very ardent collector of discriminating taste. The repre- sentative collection of carved ivories presents the workmanship of the Oriental and Occidental craftsmen of the past ages, and of them many are the masterpieces of the most renowned artists, whose signa- tures appear on them. The Nurenberg carved ivory tankard mounted in repoussé silver, the Renaissance presentation cups embellished with jewel and orna- ment and others, the German group embellished with silver gilt orna- ‘mentation and mounted upon crystal bases, likewise the Japanese intricately carved figures, groups and tankards, have been the cherished treasures of many generations. Among the miniatures will be found portraits of noted men and women, painted by the very best artists of their time. Of the Limoges enamels I would say that the conception of design, the harmonious treatment and decoration make them masterpieces. _ In conclusion, it may be said that so fine a gathering of such objects of art has not been offered for sale in recent years. This is an opportune moment for collectors and connoisseurs to acquire unique specimens. RALPH M. CHAIT. } “a if | | Vv Jed VOM 276 | 4 nes THIRD SESSION Tuesday Afternoon, April 18th, 1916, 2:30 0’ Clock IVORIES, MINIATURES, AND ENAMELS MINIATURE CARVED MONUMENT, pure yellow amber. Height, 3 inches CARVED AGATE OvIFoRM ORNAMENT, multi-colored. CARVED ORNAMENT, egg-shaped, multi-colored, semi-precious stone. Ink WELL, encased in egg-shaped bronze case of gilt and embellished with lacquered decoration of two grotesque monsters. SET OF SEVEN SILVER ORNAMENTS, figures of immortals. Parr oF CHINESE Bronze Kuitins, gilt and enameled. Height, 3 inches JAPANESE TORTOISE SHELL MEeEpICcINE CasgE, decorated with figures, panels, finely engraved. | Mosaic Mint Box, with green marble base. TorToIse SHELL SNUFF Box, with finely painted landscape, by Biekin. SILVER FILIGREE Carp Cask, with enameled panel depicting a sea scene. Onyx Mint Box. Diameter, 14% inches ANTIQUE VENETIAN Mint Box, Repoussé decoration of gold, stud- ded with precious and semi-precious stones. Size, 14x14 inches Limocrs Mint Box. The obverse and reverse sides are adorned with birds and scrolls in blue and gold enamels which relieve the yellow ground. Diameter, 2% inches 34 Iratian Mosaic Parer WEIGHT. _ Mint Box, delicately painted, enameled. The cover bears a medal- lion, two cherubs seated upon a fence in white enamel upon a briliant red ground. The rest of the decoration is gold scrolls upon a brilliant ight blue clouded enamel bronze. Diameter, 3 inches GERMAN STERLING SILVER GILT SNuFF Box, cover ornamented with mother of pearl which is likewise embellished with a hunter kneel- ing in a praying attitude before a deer which has a crucifix be- tween his horns. No doubt a vision wonderfully portrayed. It is stamped with a hall-mark on the interior. Size, 8x81x% inches Limoges Enamet, Powver Box, with very intricate floral and scroll decoration in heaven blue and white enamel. The cover is sur- mounted with a medallion portraying a lover’s quarrel. Parr or MINIATURE VASES, biberon shaped. The decoration consists of two panels filled with peacocks and flowers in gold upon a jeweled inlaid background. Height, 2% inches PHOENICIAN Guass VASE, bottle-shaped, low, bul- bous body and _ long, slightly spreading, ta- pering, tubular neck with overlapping lip. Invested with silver iri- descence and incrusta- tions. Height, 51% inches MiIntatTurE BotTrie-SHApP- ED ENAMEL VASE, with semi-globular body, sloping neck and turn- ed lip on low wide spreading base. The decoration consists of flying bird and butter- fly amidst a conven- No. 264 No. 263 35 296 bo ae a tionalized scroll motif. The design is carried out in gold upon a deep royal blue ground. The neck and base with gold scroll de- sign upon a turquoise blue ground. Height, 3°4 inches Parr OF SILVER Gir Birps, studded with ruby and emerald chips upon a pink quartz base. Larce Siiver Gitr Brirp, studded with ruby and emerald chips upon a pink quartz base. STERLING SILVER GILT AND ENAMELED STATUETTE. It represents a Roman warrior who carries a shield which is formed of baroque pearl and who wears, strapped in front of him in the manner of a buckler, what is really one huge baroque pearl. The base is of pedestal form supported by four claw feet and decorated with four enameled medallions. The enamel is slightly worn on the face. Height, 5 inches ; Limocres ENAMEL WINE Cup, with classical scenes. Parr oF Very GraceruL ENAMEL Vases Upon A Metra GRrounp. Ovoidal body, with trumpet-shaped neck and semi-globular base. The decoration represents ladies with their cavaliers. Has the characteristics of a Watteau painting. Height, 91% inches LarGE Bronze Mepau. On the obverse side in bold relief is the bust of the Speaker of the U.S. Senate. On the reverse side in finely carved letters is a record of great events. Signed, T. D. Jones and Ca.C Wright, BronZE CEREMONIAL TABLET. The obverse side represents a bust figure, presumably that of Jean Leon which the inscription states it to be. Beneath that appears the signature of J. G. Chaplain. The reverse side is a monumental composition very finely exe- cuted. STERLING SILVER ORNAMENTAL Paper WeicuHt. The decoration is carried out in repoussé and very fine engraving. Bears the hall- mark. Monogram, D. S. M. ORIENTAL BRONZE AND ENAMELED GOBLET. ‘The decoration is carried out in red and green. Height, 6 inches 36 ss — ww SS) rag TurKISsH BronzE TUMBLER. Deco- rated with conventionalized floral and arabesque designs in gold and red enamel. Height, 5 inches SILVER GILT SALT CELLAR. Decorated with conventionalized scroll design in relief in blue and white enamels. The base has the hall-mark stamp. Russian ENAMEL Purse, ege-shaped. SILVER FILIGREE SOUVENIR SPOON, with the figure of Columbus hold- ing-an anchor on the top of handle. SOUVENIR Spoon, elaborately deco- rated, with twisted handle. ENAMELED SILVER LADLE, with simi- larly adorned handle. Artistically ernbellished. Tat BronzE WINE Gostet, with No. 287 conical body and wide base. ‘The decoration consists of convention- alized scroll design of many colors in cloisonne fashion. Height, 7% inches Bronze Vase, Bottle Formed with elongated neck. Covered with verdigris, antique. Height, 9 inches Tawocrs ENAMEL PLaQueE, depicting a garden scene, showing lovers who are interrupted by a jester. In the immediate foreground a wine flask and cup stands on the ground, and in the background is visible a mansion through the numerous trees. Decoration is carried out in black and white. Mounted in gilt bronze frame. Size, 444x534 inches Limocrs ENAMEL PLAQUE, presenting a bust portrait of Maximilian, facing the spectator, a full fine printed head. The eyes have a contemplative look. He wears a head-dress and garment typical of the 16th Century. In both the lower corners are the signatures 37 311 312 of the artist. The entire portrait is in black and white enamels with a touch of gold. Mounted in ormolu frame. Size, 6x44 wnches Limoges ENAMEL CircuLAR PLAQUE, portraying the head of Christ wearing a wreath of thorns, with head slightly upraised and eyes turned heavenward. A spectator cannot but feel a sympa- thetic respect for the masterly execution of this unusually fine plaque. In the lower and upper corners appear the signature of the artist. Mounted in circular ormolu frame. Size, 54%x6 inches Limocres ENAMEL SQUARE PLAQUE, depicting the “Annunciation of Christ.” A sad scene. Though crude in execution is wonder- fully strong in character. Carried out in colored enamels and studded with precious stones. Mounted in an ormolu frame. Size, 74%4x6% inches Limocres ENAMEL PANEL, portraying St. John. The artist has given him a spiritual and God-like countenance and has him in blue and purple robes. On the very edge of the plaque plainly visible is written “St. Johanns.” Slightly above this inscription appears the artist’s signature. Mounted in gilt ormolu frame. Size, 444 x 5% inches Limocres ENAMEL PANEL, portraying St. Marcus. In the immediate background appears the head of an evil-looking character whose eyes and nose only are visible. The portrait is painted in deep purple and rich dark brilliant blue and green enamels. On the very edge of the plaque, partly covered by the gilt and carved wood frame appears the inscription “St. Marcus.” Size, 5x4 inches Parr oF Limocres ENAMEL PLAQueEs. One represents a hunter return- ing from the chase, carrying on his shoulder a pole to which is fastened a deer. The artist has portrayed a jubilant man striding merrily along with his dog. The other plaque presents a fisher- man who has in his grasp a great fish.. In the background can be seen boats sailing along on the waters. In both the lower left and right corners appear the signatures of the artist. Both plaques are mounted in carved gilt wood frames. | Size, 5°4x414 inches Very Fine Limoces ENAMEL PLAQUE, portraying Goddess in flowing robes. On her back is a quiver filled with darts. Kimbellished in 38 brillant polychrome enamels. On the right lower corner appears the artist’s signature, A. Garnier. Mounted in a three-inch gilt carved wood frame. Size, 74x5% inches Parr oF Porrery ENAMEL PLAQuEs. One shows a lamb browsing on leaves of a tree, the other lamb grazing. Decorated in blue glaze. The artist’s signature appears on the lower right corner. Mount- ed in carved oak frames. Size, 5x1014 inches Porrery ENAMEL OBLONG PLAQUE, presenting in high relief two old men lighting their pipes. The modelling is very fine and is in- vested with a sea green glaze. Mounted in oak frame. Signed in lower right corner. Size, 5x10% inches Limoces ENAMEL Tray, supported on four semi-globular ball feet. It has four round protruding sides with upraised rim. ‘The ob- verse side is decorated with large medallion surrounded by four smaller medallions and four vignettes, depicting Biblical sub- jects, painted in a masterly manner. The rim with a conven- tionalized scroll, floral and fruit motif. The extreme rim or edge is adorned with four finely modelled heads and sustains two han- dles which are form- ed of entwined myth- ological monsters. and are embellished in dark blue, red and green enamels which give it a jeweled ap- pearance. The re- verse side sustains a square panel filled with a scene, depict- ing a lion hunt and which relieves a con- ventionalized - scroll and arabesque ground. The entire decoration is in poly- chrome enamels. Date, 17th Century. (Has a slight chip in the enamel. ) Size, 11x12 inches No. 375 No. 372 No. 374 39 \ Uy 316 FAreENCE SHALLOW Di1su, in form of a sunburst. Sustains an oval pe panel depicting the “Ascension of Christ.” Decorated yellow, D O blue and green enamels. The reverse side is invested with a colored glaze resembling turquoise. (Repaired.) Late 17th Century. Size, 8x10 inches de MA : B17 OBLONG FRENCH SEvRES PLAQUE, with a light imperial border sur- /) o¢ rounding a medallion depicting a classical scene. In the imme- a diate foreground a warrior holding in his right hand a sheathed sword, talking gaily with a woman. On an anvil in front of him is seated Cupid in a position ready to throw his arrow. In the background attendants carrying a suit of armor and in the far distance men working at a forge. ‘The execution is charac- teristic of the best period of the artist whose signature appears in the right-hand lower corner, N. Wattieaux. Early 18th Cen- tury. Mounted in a heavy ormolu frame. i | Size, 1142x714 inches ! hu 318 Limoces ENAMELED PLAQUE, representing a nobleman garbed m a 6 v brilliant red coat, yellow breeches, and white stockings. Seated Oe upon a tapestry chair with legs crossed, he reads a book. At the rp side of him on the floor resting against the wall is a portfolio. In the background, backed by a tapestry, a commode is visible upon which are books, candlestick and wine flask with goblet. In the right-hand lower corner is the signature of the artist, J. Meis- sonier. In carved gilt wood frame. Size, 74x6 inches p7” 319 Oi PAINTING ON PorcELAIN PLaQuE. Very brilliantly executed, pre- 4, senting a young girl walking bare-footed along a country road, mY” carrving a basket on her arm and in one hand _a bundle of twigs. ; With the other hand she holds her apron which is full cf flowers. Mounted in three-inch gold frame. | Size, 714x7 inches 320 FRENCH Knamet Mountine PLAQugE, portraying a gentleman garbed “5 in fine attire playing upon a musical instrument. Standing 3 upon a white linen covered table is a stein and wine jug. Size, 644x434 inches 321 Very ILarcr Limocrs ENAMEL PLaQusE, historical group. The spec- tator sees a winter scene. ‘The principal figure is a royal per- sonage, who appears to be Henry IV coming out of a cathedral holding a Bible in his hand. He is accompanied by his cavaliers. 40 The king is met on the road by a group of noblemen and clergy- men. A man of stately appearance dressed in royal attire who seems to be the spokesman stands with hat in hand apparently addressing His Majesty. The noblemen and clergy appear to be conversing amongst themselves in an earnest manner, while His Mayjesty’s escort gazes upon them with stern countenance. Tis Majesty quietly dressed, gazes very attentively upon the spokes- man, ‘The scene takes place in an open thoroughfare and in the distant background are seen armed troops lounging about. This is a fine masterpiece of the artist. In the lower left-hand cor- ner appears his signature, Th. Soyer. Mounted in a fine scroll frame surmounted by an ebonized wood frame. Size, 11x16 inches Ivory Miniature, painted by Bluind. Portrait of a young lady in a red gown, with face slightly turned toward the spectator. In earved ivory frame. Signed by the artist. Size, 2%4x1% inches No. 3&8 4] see 323 yee aM tees rat it ie: em 9 f We Ivory MinraTurg, by Boulonger. Portrait of a lady dressed in royal attire and wearing a plumed hat. Signed by the artist and mount- ed in carved ivory frame. Size, 2¥%4x1% inches Tvory Miniature, painted by Mune. Portrait of a lady wearing a large plumed hat and very delicately executed. Mounted in a circular ormolu frame and signed by artist. Diameter, 2 inches Ivory MINIATURE painted by Felixa. Portrait of a lady wearing a large plumed hat, facing the spectator. Very remarkably exe- cuted and signed by the artist. Mounted in circular ormolu frame. | Diameter, 2 inches MINIATURE PORCELAIN PLAQUE. Decorated with a classical scene, a lady writing. Mounted in circular ormolu frame. MINIATURE FRENCH ENAMEL PLAQUE. Romeo and Juliet in white enamel upon a ruby red ground. Mounted in an ormolu frame. CoMBINED GrouP OF FIvE MINIATURES. Painted enamel, depicting classical and historic scenes. 17th Century. Mounted in gilt frame. MiIn1iATURE ENAMEL Porrtrart, after Lefebvre. Facing the specta- tor is a portrait in profile of “Rachel,” with a red head covering and green cloak which is partly covered by herlong locks of hair. A wonderful example of craftsmanship. Signed by the artist “H. R.” Mounted in ormolu frame. Ivory MInraturg, painted by W. Turner, dated 1789. Directly fac- ing the spectator is a portrait of an English lady wearing a white silk hat which is relieved by a silk ribbon. Around her neck is tied a blue ribbon in bow fashion. A black lace shawl is lightly thrown over her shoulders. .The execution is characteristic of the artist’s best period. Signed by the artist in right-hand corner. © Mounted in ormolu frame. Size, 344x234 inches Ivory Miniature painted by Sivy-Dar. Facing the spectator is a portrait of a duchess in profile. E:xquisitely painted and signed by the artist. In oval ormolu frame. Size, 31/x234 inches 42 MrnraTvreE on Ivory, “Vigee le Brun.” In ormolu frame. Size, 3144x214 inches Ivory MIntarTure, painted by A. Roi. The portrait of Lady Jane Grey. Signed by the artist. Mounted in ormolu oval frame. Ivory Miniature. Portrait of a young girl holding flowers in her lap. Mounted in an ormolu frame. Size, 84x21, inches _ No. 391 No. 395 No. 390 Miniature on Ivory, “Lady at Spinning Wheel.” In small gilt frame. | Size, 444x8% inches MINIATURE ON Ivory, painted by De Verneuil, depicting a garden scene. A little masterpiece signed by the artist. Mounted in an elaborate ormolu frame (Slightly Damaged). Size, 444x81% inches Ivory Miniature, by Audiez. A portrait of Mrs. Villebois. Signed by the artist. Mounted in an elaborate ormolu frame. ‘Ivory MINrIatTuRE, painted by Rozet. Portrait of a lady dressed in red with large plumed hat. Signed by the artist and mounted in a very fine ormolu frame. Size, 2% x 2 inches Ivory Miniature, by Ruihal. Portrait of a lady. Delightful exam- ple, signed by the artist. Mounted in ormolu frame. Size, 444 x 31% inches MINIATURE ON Ivory, painted by Dumont. The spectator sees the portrait of a female figure in classic garb leaning against a tree. Signed by the artist, mounted in a fine ormolu frame. Size, 324x3 inches 43 I dud AY 3.45 pv 5 joa f B46 We avely sai 4 ee U 2 a wank 0 AEE: ihe \ ly aA 348 / B49 Ivory Miniature. Charming portrait of a young irl ae Size, 3x2% inches Pair oF OvAL-SHAPED PoRCELAIN PLAQUES. One depicts two urchins enjoying watermelon and grapes, the other two little fruit girls counting their day’s earnings. Very finely painted. Mounted in gilt frames. Size, 534x414 inches OvaL-SHAPED PorCELAIN O1L-PAINTED PLAQUE, portraying woman holding a sword. Very finely painted and mounted in gilt wood frame. Size, 742x5% inches CrrcuLAR FRENCH ENAMEL PLAQUE, by Leen area of a woman with full face turned toward the spectator. A gold cloth shawl lightly thrown around her shoulders. Signed by the artist and mounted in an elaborate ormolu frame. | Diameter, 61% inches Ivory MINIATURE, painted by J. Embelin, showing a gate entrance which is relieved by a huge tree and figures in the foreground. Mounted in a fine carved ivory frame. Size, 544x834 inches Ivory Mintaturg, painted by Derval. Portrait of a mother and child who are both dressed in white frocks, relieved by a violet-colored shawl. Signed by the artist and mounted in a chased ormolu frame. Size, 342x414 inches Ivory MINIATURE, painted by G. Fremont. Portrait of a lady and her daughter. Signed by the artist; has ormolu frame. (Slightly cracked. ) 7 Size, 5x4 inches MINIATURE ON Ivory, by Jeavey. Portrait of a woman weaving gar- lands. Signed by the artist and mounted in ormolu frame. (Shehtly cracked.) Size, 6x4 inches FRENCH ENAMEL Miniature. Profile portrait of a woman with head covering. Signed by the artist and mounted in a fine ormolu frame. Diameter, 21% inches A.A FRENCH ENAMEL Miniature. Profile portrait of woman with jew- eled head covering and embellishments. Very delicately executed. Signed by the artist. In an enamel and ormolu frame. Diameter, 21% inches Ivory Mintarure, etched in black and white, by L. Lacisa. Por- trait of Duchess de Polignac. Unusually fine work. Signed by artist and mounted in ebonized frame. Size, 344x444 inches Ivory Miniature, painted by Geo. Congrave, about 1800. Portrait of the Hon. Mrs. McDonald, who is dressed in a red gown trim- med with ermine, large plumed hat. Signed by artist and mounted in a rare wood frame. Ivory MIniArur®, painted by Rigot. Portrait of a lady dressed in green cloak with large plumed hat. Signed by artist; mounted in pierced ormolu frame. : Size, 244x2l4 inches MrinzaTure on Ivory, painted by Kraft, titled “Per Ispera.” A very delicately painted portrait, characteristic of his best man- ner. Signed by the artist and mounted in an oval ormolu frame. Size, 424x381 inches Tvory MrntaturE, after Watteau, titled “The Bird Cage,” showing a cavalier holding a bird cage towards a seated lady in red cloak. mounted in a 2!4-inch carved gilt wood frame. Size, 3x4 inches Ivory Miniarvre, portraying a gentleman dressed in a blue coat and plumed hat holding a monocle. Mounted in a 2-inch carved gilt wood frame. Size 444x6 inches Limoces ENAMEL MINiA- TURE. Portrait of an elderly woman with high ruffled collar. Painted in black, gold and white upon a blue background. In_ the right-hand corner ap- pears the signature of the artist. Mounted in the original carved Florentine frame. | : About 17th Century. No. 396 No. 397 No. 396 Size, 4x8 inches AS Luovoces ENament Mrntature. Portrait of a gentleman dressed in the costume typical of the 17th century. In black, white and gold upon a blue background. The artist’s signature appears in the right-hand corner. Mounted in the original carved Floren- tine frame. A mate to Lot 357. Size, 4x3 inches Limoces ENAMEL MINIATURE, showing an interior scene where an argument has arisen over a game of chess, skillfully painted in polychrome enamels. Mounted in gilt carved wood frame. Signed by E. Lavigne. Size, 5x6°4 inches Ivory Miniature, painted by Oudin. Portrait of His Royal High- ness, Louis XV, showing him in his royal regalia. One of the finest achievements of this artist. Mounted in plush and ormolu frame surmounted with the royal coat-of-arms. Size, 424x31% inches Set oF THREE Ivory Miniatures, painted by David, portraying the Empress Josephine as the central figure, with her two closest friends, Mme. Tallien and the Duchess d’Abrantés. The Empress appears cloaked in a pure white royal garment. The artist has painted her in great simplicity. Her two companions are equally well depicted, making this set of three the best among his many well-known works, shows the artist at his best period. On each appears his signature. Mounted in oval-shaped elaborately chased ormolu frames of which the centre one is surmounted with the Royal Crown. Remounted on a velour and ormolu frame. Parr oF GERMAN CarvED Ivory FicuREs, presenting two Cherubs as flute players on a column-shaped pedestal. Height, 5 inches GERMAN CARVED FIGURE OF A CHERUB on Pedestal Base. Height, 5% inches GERMAN CarvVED Ivory Ficure, “The Violin Player,” on a column- shaped base. Height, 4°4 inches GERMAN CarvVED Ivory F1GuRE oF Mercury, holding an anchor. Col- umn-shaped pedestal. Height, 7 inches 46 No. 437 No. 450 No. 440 GERMAN CARVED Ivory FicureE, depicting that of an ironworker or mechanic; column-shaped base. Height, 7 inches Frencu Carved Ivory Grovp, representing classical subjects. “Wo- man and Lioness.” Length, 4 inches; height, 4 inches An Otp German Carved Ivory Group. “Cupid and Stork,” with ebonized base. ( Repaired.) Height, 444 inches German Carvep Ivory Ficure of a woman bather who is startled by a butterfly alighting upon her. A dainty bit of craftsmanship. German Carved Ivory Group, showing Cupid riding the ocean in a shell drawn by a swan. Height, 5 inches; length, 642 inches AT A puvme pale ls75 \ or. Be f rroeAr asdeemeee ayer ‘gia ), AS me o, ot 377 fh iy 378 lo — *t BA ( PyeMer/ 379 380 GERMAN Carvep Ivory Ficure of a woman disrobing. The folds of her drapery remarkably handled. Column-shaped pelea Height, 91% inches Goruic Larce Ivory Carvine of a Cardinal bearing a staff in his left hand and holding the handle of a sword in his right. The drapery shows skillful modeling. Height, 12 inches Gotruic Ivory CarvING oF A SAINT with a prayer book in her hands. Companion piece to the preceding number. Height, 10% inches Orp Traian Ivory Carvine or Curisr carrying the Lost Sheep. 17th Century; on wood base. Height, 10 inches Ivory Carvine of one of the Apostles holding a book. On wood base. 17th Century. Height, 10 inches Parr FrENcH Woop AND Ivory ComBinep Carvines of “Lady and Gentleman” in costume of the 17th Century. The garments are of wood and the head, arms, feet and ornamentations in ivory. Resting on ebonized pedestals. Height, 5% inches FRENCH Carved Ivory Group, showing “Man, Lady and Dog.” Body combines boxwood carving. Height, 7 inches; length, 5% inches; width, 44% inches GERMAN CarveD Ivory Group, “Night.” Remarkable example of the artistry of the craftsman. Height, 7 inches GERMAN CarveED Ivory Figure of a “Falcon Hunter” who is in a garb typical of the 15th and 16th Centuries. On column-shaped pedestal. Height, 7 inches GERMAN CarveD Ivory Ficure of a traveling musician in the costume of the 15th and 16th Centuries. On column-shaped pedestal. This is a mate to the preceding one, No. 379. Height, 7 inches 48 / 384 385 No. 445 No. 446 No. 442 PAIR oF GOTHIC Carvep Ivory Ficurrs of Saints. One holds a chalice, the other a Bible and staff. Height, 7 inches GERMAN CaRvED Ivory Group of “Three Graces.” Exquisitely modeled; column-shaped pedestal. Height, 9 inches Parr oF GERMAN Carvep Ivory PLaquss, depicting the life of Christ. In one it shows in cloudbursts angels hovering over the Madonna and the child Christ, who is seated in his mother’s lap. She, with a shepherd’s crook in her hand, is surrounded by lambs gam- boling on foliage of semi-precious stones. ‘The other is of Christ as a shepherd, and is similarly treated. Mounted on ebonized frame and under glass. Size, 444x6% inches TrartaAn Ivory Carvine of Madonna and Child. Reverently treated by the craftsman. Mounted upon red velvet background, sur- mounted by gilt frame and enclosed in a glass case. Parr oF CarveD Ivory Portraits of European Lady and Gentle- man. Set in gilt wood frame. Diameter, 5 inches 49 Nu Vo sss LF p-0 1 15= eT EL cs busta, B89 lV 1A ; : MPrrkw 890 pelt | 4 M 391 po fre GERMAN CarveD Ivory Piaqur. The carving is in bold relief, depicting Spring as a maiden gathering flowers from the branches. Mounted in a gilt ormolu standing frame. Size, 3x61 inches Pam or GeErmMAN ReMARKABLY CarveD GosLEtTs, cylindrical shaped upon trumpet-shaped pedestals. The goblets are deco- rated with classical scenes depicting Bacchanalian scenes in bold, full round relief. The entire conception and masterful execution makes them worthy of any collection. Pedestal base. Height, 9 inches Carved Ivory Ficure of Mary Stuart, “Queen of Scots,” attired for execution. The simplicity of her costume is relieved only by a ruffled collar. She bears a Bible and rosary. The lower half opens in a form of Triptych presenting the last scene of her life. The work is Gothic in feeling. Engraved below appear the words, “Mary Stuart.” Low column-shaped pedestal. Height, 8 inches Carvep Ivory Bust or GERMANIA. Early 17th Century. Very deli- cately executed on a Buhl pedestal. Height, 8 inches GERMAN CaArvED Ivory Gosier. Early 17th Century. Cylindri- cally shaped, supported by a nude classical figure, who has on her head grape vines, upon which the goblet rests. It is won- derfully carved. The artist has depicted the merriment and revelry with spirit. The carving is in alto-relief and with its original cover, which is surmounted by a Bacchanalian figure gulping a cup of wine. | Height, 18 inches GERMAN Carvep Ivory Wine Ewer. Early 18th Century. ‘Tall cylindrical body with finely curved neck and scroll handle. The ewer is supported by two wonderfully carved Cherubs. one kneel- ing on the base proper, the other seated upon him. The burden of the ewer rests on this one. The body of the ewer is divided into two panels, filled with vineyard scenes. The carving is carried out in alto-relief. — lc, Height, 19 inches ( 50 1 me adele “vr ve eine SET oF FivE ANTIQUE CaRvED Ivory Busr Porrrarrs oF QUEEN ELIZABETH AND Her Four Favorites. The carving is executed in bold relief. Mounted in carved wood frames, which are again remounted in brocaded and carved gilt wood frames. 7” rep a eee ane T>, RENAISSANCE SILVER Girt MountTED AND JEWELLED PRESENTATION GosLEtT. The body is of ivory in pear-shape form, and most re- = markably carved in high bold relief, depicting a historical scene. 5 From the lower part of the ivory body ascends a finely wrought and chased silver gilt scroll handle, showing a youth climbing 4 branch, and which is completed with a ruby studded animal of -_ mythology which is attached to the neck and the silver gilt cover. This has a cluster of pearls, emeralds, rubies and other precious stones. The base is likewise adorned. 16th Century. Height, 5% inches RENAISSANCE PRESENTATION Miniature Tanxkarp. The body of cylindrical shape is of carved ivory, depicting Bacchanalian revelries. Dome-shaped silver gilt cover and wide spreading No. 451 No. 449 No. 452 O ) 51 wwe i jpey 395 V/} V , Bt 4, 0 * g . «396 | } pw \ \ \ ayes ¢0¢ _ 397 pac Ord | pw A, f-O - base. From the low part of the cup to the lip, a figure seated upon a branch forms the handle, studded with emeralds and pearls. The cover is of fine wrought silver, and is surmounted by a seated form who holds in his hands an oval-shaped pearl of fine lustre. The base and cover are studded with emeralds, rubies and other precious stones. 16th Century. Height, 4 inches. Larce Royat Massive SILVER AND CARvED Ivory TanKaARrD. Cylin- drical ivory body carved in full round relief presenting a classic scene of the Bacchanalian merry life. The cover is dome shaped, surmounted with the head of an eagle on wide spreading pedestal foot. Supported on four scroll feet, from which ascends the finely wrought scroll silver handle, the head of Satyr. The cover and base are embellished with conventionalized fruit and musical instrument borders. ‘The entire silver ornamentation is of repoussé work. : Height, 15 inches Parr oF VERY EARLY CARVED Ivory AND SILVER Gitt NUREMBERG FIGURES, presenting a gardener and his wife standing upon pedestals of carved crystal, embellished with silver gilt filigree ornamentations. Supported by four pigeons. The gardener holds a silver gilt basket of flowers, and his wife carries a silver gilt basket and a fowl. The draperies are embellished with silver ornamentations, finely chased. The execution is of the most painstaking and careful technique. ‘The conception and handling make this a masterpiece. The unusual and difficult combination of the ivory and silver gilt is harmoniously treated. Late 16th Century. Height, 11 inches CaRrveD Ivory AND SILVER Gitt NUREMBERG GROUP, presenting a woman and a man seated upon a rustic bench beneath a tree, upon which are perched numerous birds. The young man holds in his hand a bird, which secures its freedom by the lady, who holds in her lap a silver cage which she has Just opened. Kneel- ing alongside of her, with an arm upon her lap, is another young ladv who holds a bouquet of flowers. The artist has wrought well with delicacy. The girl wears long flowing robes with short ruffled sleeves. The man wears a high ruffled collar and loose coat, embellished with silver gilt ornamentations. ‘The three are grouped upon a spreading scroll base of crystal and silver, and studded with precious stones. A choice and rare specimen. The combination of silver gilt and ivory is harmoniously performed. Height, 101% inches; width, 5 inches; length, 9% inches 52 399 ae. 404 405 406 407 408 409 MorHer oF Prart Prague, carved in very high relief, depicting the “Ascension of Christ,” with medallions. Very intricate and reticulated scroll ornamentations. The lustre and sheen of the mother of pearl adds to the fine execution. Mounted in a carved gilt wood circular frame. Diameter, 61% inches CARVED MoTHER oF PEARL PLAQUE, presenting a circular medallion sustaining in high relief the “Last Supper of Christ.” Sur- mounted by ten smaller medallions depicting the life of Christ from Birth to Crucifixion. Diameter, 51% inches THREE JAPANESE Ivory ORNAMENTS, carved in the form of cherries. JAPANESE Ivory ORNAMENT, carved in the form of two tomatoes. Height, 1% inches JAPANESE Ivory ORNAMENT, carved in the form of an apple. Height, 1% inches JAPANESE Lvory ORNAMENT, carved in the form of alemon. (Slightly cracked. ) Diameter, 2 inches JAPANESE Ivory ORNAMENT, carved in the form of an orange. Diameter, 2 inches JAPANESE Lvory ORNAMENT, carved in the form of a peach. Length, 2 inches CARVED JAPANESE Ivory NaTsuKE, in the form of a chestnut. JAPANESE Ivory ORNAMENT, carved in the form of a cluster of chest- nuts. Length, 4 inches JAPANESE Ivory ORNAMENT, carved in the form of a cluster of peanuts. Length, 3 inches JAPANESE ILvoryY ORNAMENT. earved in the form of a banana. Length, 6 inches 53 410 A411 412 413 414 416 417 418 419 JAPANESE CARVED Ivory Natsuxe. Man holding a fan dressed in a ereen-colored coat inlaid with mother of pearl. Signed by the artist. JAPANESE CARVED Ivory NatsuKeE. Figure of a nobleman with at- tendant. Signed by the artist. Ivory Natsuxe of a Japanese Lady and Child. Signed by the artist. JAPANESE Ivory Carvep Group of three apes resting on a yellow amber rock. Signed by the artist. JAPANESE COLORED AND CARvED Ivory Natsuxe. The figure of Bar- rel-maker seated upon a tub and holding a mallet. The tub is inlaid with silver and is raised by three feet. Signed by artist. Very Fine Carvep Ivory Natsuxe. That of a sage dressed in red ceremonial cloak and holding a mirror. Very finely carved, and signed by the artist. Carvep Bonr Figure or A REINDEER, with head slightly turned, scent- ing danger. The artist has wonderfully depicted this fine piece. Set oF TEN JAPANESE CARVED Ivory NatsuKes, which show: the Emperor and Kmpress seated upon a low gold and black lac- quered throne, dressed in full regalia. The Emperor holds under his arm the curved sword, and. in: his hand: the mace. ‘The Empress is seated holding a fan. On one side is seen a group of five Japanese musicians who are playing upon musical instru- ments and entertaining the Royal Majesty. On the other side is a group of three Japanese lady attendants, ready to serve refresh- ments to their majesties. The Kmpress bears the signature of the artist. A very unusual set, delicately carved and embellished with gold and red colors. JAPANESE Ivory Carvep Group of three elephants standing in a circle. Signed by the artist. Height, 2 inches JAPANESE CaArveD Ivory Group of five elephants crossing a bridge. The artist has carved this remarkable group from an ivory tusk, and the entire group is carved out of one piece. Length, 9 inches 54 sapeetenscmnscsccmsseeisseats ia - ae 0 a ae * a ae eet 7 = ee eee x Fee BER eg Se ee Se 1 moog ene snenenenemeentt: to ips tein seg ei Jar npr atte me eC eT EM REN sna lagen Nace 10 ee HOON EN i i ta es ¥en Seine wee volumes. Clarke's The* Rival Princes. 2 No. 489. 420) 422 423 424 426 JAPANESE Carvep Ivory Fieure of an old man walking slowly hold- — ing a bird in its cage in one hand and a bamboo stick in the other. The artist has given him a truly wonderful expression, and has handled the draperies in masterly style. Signed by the artist. Height, 4 inches SmaLL Carvep Ivory Batt, showing in very high relief, a convention- alized five-claw dragon in pursuit of the omnipotent pearl. The execution is so performed as to show a number of round holes through which is seen an inner loose-carved ball containing smaller ones with pierced and intricate denques. A wonderful specimen. JAPANESE CarveD Ivory Set or Cuess Men, consisting of 26 pieces (14 red, 12 white). A very quaint and delicately carved group. No doubt that it was sometimes customary to carve a portrait of one’s friends. Height of king, 4 inches Very Fine JAPANESE Carvep Ivory SET oF CHESSMEN, consisting of 32. pieces mounted in a mahogany frame in which the chessmen —_ rest on shelves. On the first shelf stands the King, Queen and two Bishops. On the second shelf stands the Knights and Castles. On the third and last shelf stand the Pawns. The set is arranged in a battle array. Very quaint and delicately carved, typical of the Oriental. Height of king, 4% inches SET OF SEVEN Very FINE JAPANESE CARVED Ivory NATSUKES, pre- senting seven disciples of Buddha in different attitudes and posi- tions. The carving is so fine and delicate, the draperies so won- derfully handled that it makes this the finest Natsukes in this collection. In fact, that would be said of them in any collection. Mounted in ebonized glass-covered frame. 3 JAPANESE CarveD Ivory Ficure of a bather, showing a nude lady combing her hair. An unusual and rare specimen. The signature of artist is seen upon the folds of the drapery. Height, 4 inches JAPANESE Ivory PowbeEr Box, oval shape with removable cover. The cover 1s adorned with a blossoming Peony tree and the figure of a Japanese lady with a fan. The sides of the box are adorned with small medallions of floral and scroll design. The entire 56 427 428 429 430 431 432 433 decoration is in relief, and consists of inlaid mother of pearl, jade, tortoise shell and other semi-precious stones. Size, B44x4 inches Tvory Carvine or THE Famous BuppHistic WHITE ELEPHANT, adorned with jewelled coverings, of which some of the appliqued jewels are missing. Height, 2% inches LARGE JAPANESE Ivory Tusk, made in the form of a thermometer, by Tiffany & Company. Height, 16 inches JAPANESE CARVED Ivory FicurE of a female, “The Lotus Gatherer.” The artist has so cloaked and carved her garments that it is most remarkable and unusual to see such execution in such a compara- tively small figure. Height, 7 inches JAPANESE CArvED Ivory Spitt Vase. The decoration is appliqued, and consists of trees, flowers, birds and insects, in jade, -coral, amber and aT of pearl. With foreign bottom. Signed by the artist. Height, 6 inches JAPANESE CARVED Ivory Spit Vase, wonderfully executed. Cylin- drical form is entirely covered with apes. The carving is so delicately done that one can count the hair on the body. Height, 9 inches J APANESE CARVED Ivory Spruit VASE, cylindrically shaped. Encircled with branches of wild roses and leaves, in very bold relief upon a finely etched leaf ground. The carving is most admirably executed, and one is surprised with its delicacy. Height, 12 inches JAPANESE CARVED Ivory Sprint VASE AND Cover, cylindrically shaped. The decoration consists on one side of a large ape with two young ones. One of the young ones holds a snail in his hand, presenting it to its parent with a very comical expression on its face; while the other is in an apparently playful mood. The other side shows two apes, of which one is holding a peach, the emblem of immortality. Dividing the two is a large tree, which spreads over the mouth of the vase and, with the cover, 57 forms a covering of leaves and branches upon which is seated an ape carved in the full round. The carving is so exquisite and delicately performed that one can count the hair on the apes” bodies with the naked eye. Signed by the artist. Height, 8 inches 434 JAPANESE Carvep Ivory Ficure of a lady carrying a baby on her back and holding a basket of fruit in her hand. The draperies are carved in loose manner, and each fold stands out distinctly. The lower part of her robe and sleeves are embellished with a very fine engraved design, and is a masterfully executed specimen. Signed by the artist, “Michiya.” Height, 7 inches 435 JAPANESE CARVED Ivory Ficure of a Warrior, dressed in his winter attire. He is posed in the position of tying on his weapon, which is encased in a cover to protect it from the climate. His head is covered with a hood of woolly-like material, and he wears a skin mackinaw which is tied with a rope around his girth, in a form of a belt to which is attached a powder horn on one side and on the other a purse, dagger, and a handkerchief tied in the form of a provised knapsack. Signed by the artist, “Ikezuki.” Height, 7 inches. 436 JAPANESE CarveED Ivory Figure of an old man carrying a Rooster.. His garments are held together by a girdle to which are attached his tobacco pouch and pipe. The artist has carried this out with sympathetic feeling. A very masterful production by Toyonaga whose signature appears on the base. | Height, 7 inches. 437 JAPANESE CarveD Ivory Ficure of a pleasant-faced gardner carry- ing in one hand plants and in the other a bow. Dressed in loose flowing garments held together by a girdle to which is attached a tobacco pouch and the pipe. Very finely executed and signed by the artist. Height, 9% inches 438 JAPANESE Carvep Ivory Group of a traveling toy maker who has dis- played some of his wares attached to pegs from a provised coun- ter, at the back of which he is seen pouring out a liquid clay of which he makes his toys. Standing along side of him is a young boy who gazes enviously upon his work. A monkey very finely 58 A439 . 440 44 442 4.43 AA, executed is perched upon the back of the busy worker. The group is delicately and skillfully sculptured. Signed by the artist. Height, 5 inches JAPANESE CARVED Ivory Group presenting a wood-chopper and his son, on their way home after their work is done. ‘The wood-chop- per holds in his hand a long-handled axe and strapped to his back are two bundles of branches. His son holds him by the sleeve with his one hand and with the other grasps a curiously bent twig. The wood-chopper’s coat is girdled by a leather thong, to which is attached a gourd and his tobacco pouch and pipe. Signed by the artist. | Height, 5 inches J APANESE CARVED Ivory F'icurE of a wood-chopper portrayed by the artist plying his trade. Climbing upon his back is a monkey who playfully tries to catch the axe which is about to be brought down upon the tree trunk. In the foreground is seen a bag full of pro- visions, and in the background is seen a basket with a full-grown head of cabbage in it. The garment of the wood-chopper is very delicately executed. A very finely carved specimen. (Slightly damaged. ) JAPANESE CarvED Ivory Ficure of a dancer holding a fan. Her flowing robes are very brilliantly and delicately carved. Signed by the artist. Height, 9% inches ANTIQUE, Unusual JAPANESE Ivory CARVING OF A GROUP, repre- senting a Goddess chasing the Devil—most wonderfully executed. Signed by the artist. Has carved teakwood stand. JAPANESE CarveD Ivory Figure of a Gardener carrying a basket of plants, a bag of tools and is holding a pipe. The artist has ex- celled himself in this remarkable collector’s specimen. Height, 10 inches JAPANESE CarveD Ivory Ficure of a lady holding a parasol, dressed in long flowing robes, which are embellished with finely etched de- signs. Signed by the artist. Height, 91% inches 59 4AS5 446 4A7T 448 449 Very UnusuaL JAPANESE Ivory Carvep Group, showing most deli- cate workmanship of masterly treatment; two monsters wrestling and witnessed by two royal personages. Height, 6 inches JAPANESE CARVED Ivory Group representing two grotesque headed monsters, the guardians of the Universe, supporting an ivory sphere. The masterly treatment and delicate execution makes this a choice and unusual specimen. Height,7 inches JAPANESE CARVED Ivory FicurRE Group, presenting a mill with fig- ures of persons busily employed in it, shaded by a huge, tall tree. The treatment and conception makes this one of the choice and rare treasures of this collection. Signed by the artist. Height, 41% inches; Length, 4 inches JAPANESE Ivory Group. Lady carrying baby on her back, and hold- ing parasol. Lady is dressed in flowing drapery, with delicately engraved brocading. Roosters, hens and chickens carved in full form on base. Signed by the artist. oe Sea eee ix 59, Height, 8 inches JAPANESE CarvED Ivory Group of a wood-chopper and his assis- tant who is holding a bird. The wood-chopper carries his axe on his shoulders to which is attached a bag of tools and in his hand he carries a basket of gathered fruit; strapped to his back is a bundle of twigs. Signed by the artist. Height, 91% inches JAPANESE CARVED Ivory Figure of a woman making her toilet. A charming and delightful figure, gracefully posed. In one hand she holds a mirror, and with the other she is adjusting an orna- ment in her hair. ‘The details of her brocaded garment, the exquisite carving of the features, make this one of the finest specimens of the Japanese craftsmanship. Signed by the artist. Height, 10 inches JAPANESE Carvep Ivory Group, depicting an immortal holding in both hands branches of the peach tree, the emblem of life. Stand- ing near the sage is an attendant feeding a stork, the bird sym- bolic of domestic felicity. By the group stands an incense burner, supported by a high pedestal. The robes of the figures 60 are artistically draped, and the modelling is especially fine. Signed by the artist. Height, 9% inches 452 | JAPANESE Ivory CARVING, representing an empress. In her hand she _holds a rooster. The charmingly arranged draperies, the fine details of the royal head-covering and the Buddhistic ornaments lend themselves admirably to the delicate pierced and relief carv- ing. The figure rests upon a lotus flower, which in turn is sup- ported by a finely carved spreading base, encircled by a Greek fret border. Signed by the artist. Height, 101% inches 453 CarveD Ivory Tusk, in the form of a ceremonial drinking cup, deco- rated with three scaled dragons in pursuit of the great pearl. The open-jawed monsters are struggling with each other for the possession of the precious jewel. The figures are enveloped in a motif of flames and clouds. Signed by the artist. Has a carved teakwood stand. Height, 21 inches 4.54 JAPANESE CARVED Ivory Tusk, in the form of a vase, flattened flask- shaped body with a graceful flaring neck, and slightly spreading base set on gold-lacquered teakwood stand. ‘The vase is deco- rated with a peony tree which encircles the body; birds, flowers | and rocks are very delicately carved in low relief. The shoulder @ and hip of the vase are adorned with a Greek fret border; the neck is embellished with lotus flowers and scrolls, appliqued with mother of pearl, adorned in malachite, coral and other semi- precious stones. The base of the vase bears engraved and filled vermilion, the name of the artist and period. Early 18th Century. Height, 7. inches 455 JAPANESE CArvED Ivory Tusk, in the form of a vase, flattened flask- shaped body with incurved wide-spreading neck and slightly spreading base set in a gold-lacquered teakwood stand. The vase is decorated with a peony tree which encircles the body; birds, flowers and rocks are very delicately carved in low relief. The shoulder and hip of the vase are embellished with lotus flowers and scrolls, appliqued with mother of pearl, malachite, coral and other semi-precious stones. The base of the vase bears _ engraved and filled vermilion, the name of the artist and period. Early 18th Century. Companion to 454. 61 456 J APANESE CARVED Ivory AND Woop PLAQUE, depicting a scene from a famous Japanese legend of the gardener who is visited by a god- dess riding upon a stork, who from a vessel in her hand sprays his plants, thus transforming them into fruit and flower-bearing trees. Size, 82 x 12 457 JAPANESE CARVED Ivory AND Woop PLAQuE, depicting a theatrical scene of two ladies, one, dancing on a vase, the other, dancing alongside of her. ‘The decoration is carried out in tinted ivory. Size, 84% x 12 4.58 Parr JAPANESE CARVED Ivory AND Woop PLaAQusEs, depicting theatri- cal scenes, showing warriors battling for supremacy. Decora- — tion is carried out in tinted ivory. | Size 1012 x 14 62 BOOKS It has fallen to the lot of few men to gather such a library as that of the late Daniel S. Miller. Only since experts have been examining the rare volumes which he had accumulated through the years have the hidden beauties of Mr. Miller’s literary retreat been revealed. In a dark cabinet, for instance, were found what biblio- -philes declare to be the most ornate copy of Williamson’s ‘The History of Portrait Miniatures” extant—a princely work in two volumes. From each of its red levant covers appear seventeen exquisite miniatures, the entire number of inserted medallions being sixty-eight. It was once owned by McD. Borden. The Muller library contains many works as notable as the Wilhamson volumes. Among others set with miniatures are Walter Pater’s “Renaissance,” with a portrait of Mona Lisa on the cover, and “An Inquiry Into the Portraits of Shakespeare,’ which is adorned with numerous likenesses of the bard, painted on the ivory. A Constable edition of the plays of Shakespeare, in forty volumes, is also ornamented with miniatures. Among the artists who wrought in leather and gold and gems to create the beautiful jewelled bindings of this collection were Sangorski, Riviere, Tranz-Bugonnet, Pagnant and Adams. Mr. Miller had from boyhood been devoted to good hterature, and when wealth gave him the opportunity to follow a refined and cultivated taste, he took delight in volumes which were the appro- priate settings of his literary treasures. -__ _ He was especially fond of the beautiful illuminated manuscripts of Keats’s “Ode to Psyche,” and 'Tennyson’s “The Lady of Shalott.”’ Sitting in his carved Empire chair, near a massive bookcase, which was such a resource to him, we see him reading the quatrains of the -~“Rubaiyat” from a tiny book, the cover of which sparkles with the amethysts in the form of the purple grapes, of which the Persian -tent-maker sang. | : Mr. Miller, therefore, delighted to have volumes in elegant bind- ings, decked with exquisite miniatures and precious stones; to have books extra-illustrated and illuminated in gold and colors; to have the best and most complete de luxe editions of the writings of the world’s great authors, splendidly printed and bound; to have in book form the finest reproductions of great works of art: in fact, his aim was not to have a large library, but that everything he owned should be in keeping with his ideals. Such is the library described in this catalogue. 63 pV 465 466 FOURTH SESSION Tuesday Evening, April 18th, 1916, at 8:00 o’Clock BOOKS A’BECKETT (Givzerr A.). The Comic History of Rome.—The Comic History of England. Superbly illustrated with colored etchings and wood engravings by John Leech, the smaller cuts printed on China paper. 3 volumes, Royal 8vo., three-quarters red morocco, gilt backs, gilt tops, uncut. London: Brad- bury, Agnew & Co., n.d. 3 volumes. The choice Eprrion pe Luxe, printed in large type. ABRANTES (Ducuess or). Memoirs of Napoleon, His Court and Family. 2 volumes, 8vo., half light calf, red lettering pieces, marbled edges. New York: D. Appleton & Co., 1892. 2 volumes. AMERICAN REFERENCE LIBRARY. By America’s Leading Authors: John Clark Ridpath, James W. Buel, etc. Illustrated with etchings, photogravures, and steel engravings. 6 vols., 8vo., half morocco, gilt tops, uncut. Washington, 1900. 6 volumes. De Luxe Library Edition. ANDERSEN (Hans Curistian). Works. Author’s Edition. Illustrated with numerous wood engravings. 10 vols., crown 8vo., full blue polished calf, richly gilt backs, gilt edges. New York, 1872-6. 10 volumes. ARABIAN NIGHTS. A Series of Seventy Original Illustrations to Captain Sir R. F. Burton’s “ARABIAN NIGHTS,” and a Portrait of Capt. Burton. Re- produced from the Original Paintings in Oil, specially painted by Albert Letchford. 70 superb photogravure plates. Large folio, half green morocco, cloth sides, gilt back, gilt top, uncut. London: H. S. Nichols, Ltd., 1897. 1 volume. The Choice Eprrion pe Luxe. No. 33 of only 250 copies printed. . ART OF THE WORLD. Illustrated in the Paintings, Statuary, and Architecture of the World’s Columbian Exposition. Text by D. H. Burnham, H. C. Ives, and others. Profusely illustrated with Goupil water-color facsimiles, photo- gravure plates, and many smaller illustrations. 4 volumes, folio. Bound in full green levant morocco, doublures of green brocade, gilt inside borders, gilt tops, uncut. New York: D. Appleton & Co., 1893. 4 volumes. AUDSLEY (G. A.) and BOWES (J. L.) Keramic Art of Japan. Numerous fine colored plates. Royal 8vo., bound in red morocco, gilt sides and backs, gilt edges. London: H. Sotheran & Co., 1881. 1 volume. AUSTEN (Jane), Novels of, Clawton Edition. Finely illustrated with hand- colored plates, printed on Japan paper. 10 volumes, 8vo., bound in green levant morocco, the sides and backs gilt-tooled, each volume inlaid with 12 floral designs in red morocco, doublures of red morocco, gilt-tooled, flies of red silk, gilt tops, uncut. New York: J. F. Taylor & Co., 1901. 10 volumes. No. 6 of only 10 sets issued. 64 SS 2 volumes. cA wa ete hy He Clayton’s Queens of Song. 65 No. 490. Be tic ; Se tee oe ait a es gh ee et oS ted se ie atid oe ag ee a OY ip cee Rae ge ecco oek, “ai ee a ek ig ae og A I AE i SNE ae Maer a a SP PS AE EE aE tk Pe ee Fee he Fok te a i tg BO i sth 9. Sing it Ry eae SA am ete er Vat ‘ie 468 eS tag Er J>7 ar a/ 469 my, 4 wes 3 py a J, )470 [- , A7 4. BARHAM (R.H.). The Ingoldsby Legends; or, Myrth and Marvels. By Thomas Ingoldsby. Illustrated with numerous fine steel plates, by John Leech and other artists. Thick 8vo., charmingly bound in full blue levant morocco, the sides and back embellished with inlays of vari-colored leathers depicting humorous characters out of the book, from such as a Witch, the Devil, the Ghost, etc., gilt-tooled, doublures and flies of red watered-silk, gilt edges, by Kettry. London: R. Bentley, 1867. 1 volume. ~ BEAUX AND BELLES OF ENGLAND. A series of Biographies of Notable Persons, including Beau Brummell, Lord Chesterfield, Nell Gwyn, Count Grammont, The Sheridans, Mrs. Siddons, Lady Hamilton, Lord Nelson, Lady Blessington, and Mary Robinson. By Various Authors. Finely illustrated with engravings IN TWO sTATES, one set on Japan paper, and one colored by: hand. 14 volumes, 8vo., bound in red levant morocco, gilt-tooled, gilt tops, uncut. London: The Grolier Society, n.d. 14 volumes. Epition pes Amateurs, No. 9 of only 100 sets issued. BELL (Mrs. Artuur) [N. D’Anvers]. Representative Painters of the XIX Cen- tury. Finely pete Ae with photogravure plates and half-tone reproduc- tions. Quarto, three-quarters tan calf, green lettering pieces, gilt top, uncut. New York: E. P. Dutton & Co., 1899. 1 volume. BIBLIOPHILISTS’ LIBRARY. Comprising Works by Rabelais, Margaret of Navarre, Rousseau, Voltaire, Boccaccio, Le Sage, Cervantes, etc. Splendidly illustrated with engraved plates PRINTED IN Two sTATEs, 20 volumes, 8vo., red morocco, gilt sides and backs, gilt tops, gilt inside borders. Philade]phia: George Barrie, n. d. 20 volumes. No. 856 of only 1,000 sets printed on Japan Paper. BICKMORE (A. S.). Travels in the East Indian Archipelago. Illustrated. 8vo., half blue calf, marbled edges. New York: D. Appleton & Co., 1869. -1 volume. BOHEMIA: Official Publication of the International League of Press Clubs for the Building and Endowment of the Journalists’ Home. A Symposium of Literary and Artistic Expressions by Men and Women Distinguished in Jour- nalism, Art, Literature, etc. Edited by A. K. McClure, Henry Watterson, and others. Numerous fine portraits. Quarto, red morocco, with floral inlays, gilt-tooled, front doublure of green morocco, gilt top, uncut. Philadelphia, 1904. 1 volume. Among the contributors are John Hay, Irving Bachellor, J. K. Bangs, Mrs. piu Baker Eddy, ete. BOSWELL (James). Life of Samuel Johnson, LL. D. New Edition, with Notes by Alexander Napier. Five Votumes Exrenpep To 10, by the insertion of 183 choice portraits and views, engraved on steel or copper, many of them proof impressions. 10 volumes, Impl. 8vo., three-quarters red levant morocco, gilt panelled backs, gilt edges. London: Cane Bell & Sons, 1884. 10 vole A very finely extra-illustrated set. No. 53 of only 100 copies printed on special paper, and signed by the printers, Messrs. Charles Whittingham & Co. BRIC-A-BRAC SERIES. A Series of Reminiscences of Celebrated Personages, including Thackeray, Dickens, Mérimée, Greville, Moore, Jordan, ete. Edited by R. H. Stoddard. 10 yoluines, 12mo., half red calf, mache edges. New York: Scribner, 1876. 10 volumes. 66 Cover. ) ont (Fr ce daa db iiss we. Mee a Bit y9« Am 2 % . en eeeneseeh, som: ne ASN INEPT CLANDESTINE ENA ARAN AI ATT 478 A479 BRINKLEY (Carr. F.). Oriental Series: Japan and China; Their History, Arts, and Literature. Profusely illustrated with full-page colored plates. 12 vols., 8vo., bound in full pink levant morocco, the sides and backs richly gold-tooled, doublures of blue and pink levant, gilt-tooled, silk flies, gilt tops, uncut. Boston and Tokyo; J. B. Millet Co., (1901). 12 volumes. ImpeRraAL Epirion oN JAPAN PAPER. Limited to 26 sets. BRINKLEY (Caprain F.) (Editor). Japan: Described and Illustrated by the Japanese. Written by Eminent Japanese Authorities and Scholars. Superbly illustrated with a large number of colored plates and photographs, frontis- pieces in colors on Japanese silk. 12 volumes, quarto, accompanied by a portfolio with 10 large plates, colored by hand. Bound in vari-colored em- broidered silk, in the Japanese style. Boston: J. B. Millet Co., (1897). . 14 volumes. “Shogun” Edition, Limited to 25 lettered’ sets, this set being letter T., accompanied by a superb collection of 15 Japanese color prints, in a red velvet case. : BROWNING (Euizaseru Barrett). Aurora Leigh. New Edition, with Prefator} Note by A. C. Swinburne. Portrait. 8vo., Beautifully bound in full light blue levant morocco, the sides and back covered with an interlaced design of flowers. tooled in gold, inside gilt borders, gilt edges, by Miss Le Lechnor. London: Smith, Elder & Co., 1898. 1 volume. A very pretty example of binding in the style of Cobden-Sanderson, executed by one oi his pupils. BUCKLE (H. T.). History of Civilization in England. 2 volumes, 8vo., half calf, marbled edges. New York: D. Appleton & Co., 1879. 2 volumes. Large Type Edition. BURNS (Rosert). The Life and Works of Robert Burns. Edited by Robert Chambers. Revised by Wm. Wallace. Jilustrated with hand-colored portrait of the Poet, and numerous fine steel engravings. 8 volumes, 8vo., bound in green levant morocco, gilt sides, backs gilt-tooled with thistles, doublures and flies of white watered-silk, gilt tops, uncut. Edinburgh & London: W. R. Chambers; New York: Croscup & Sterling Co., 1901. -. 8 volumes. RoyaLt EprxnsurcH Epririon. ‘This is No. 2 of only 10 sets numbered and registered, printed for America. . BURTON (Captain Sir R. F.). The Book of the Thousand Nights and a Night. Translated from the Arabic by R. F. Burton. Reprinted from the Original Edition and Edited by Leonard C. Smithers. Profusely illustrated with charm- ing photogravure plates. 12 volumes, 8vo., bound by Cedric Chivers in translucent vellum, the front covers and backs with paintings under the vellum. London: H. S. Nichols, 1893. 12 volumes. The paintings on the backs represent scenes from the Arabian Nights. | BURTON (Rosert). The Anatomy of Melancholy. 3 volumes, 8vo., half light calf, double lettering pieces, marbled edges. New York: W. J. Widdleton, 1867. 3 volumes. — BURTON (W. E.). Cyclopedia of Wit and Humor. Illustrated with steel plates. Thick 8vo., half calf, marbled edges. New York: D. Appleton & Co., 1881. | 1 volume. BYRON (Grorce Nort Gorpon, Lorn). The Works of Lord Byron. With His Letters and Journals, and His Life by Thomas Moore. Edited and with an Introduction by Richard H. Stoddard. Title-pages printed on Japan paper; 68 . Translated by Lockhart. Sreegs allads, ‘¢ * as y - és AS %. a) w cre APS 4 tI OCMC LO ENTREES necient Spanish B A hey ~ . 490 finely illustrated with engravings, PRINTED IN THREE STATES, one set on Japaw paper, one set of India proofs, and one set colored by hand. 16 volumes, 8vo., bound in full green levant morocco, gilt sides, richly gilt backs, doublures of pink and red levant morocco, gilt-tooled, flies of watered-silk, gilt tops, uncut. Boston: F. A. Niccols & Co., 1900. -- 16 volumes. Eprriox Macniriave. No. 2 of only 10 sets issued, with the Autograph of Mr. Stoddard. CAMPBELL (Lorp). Lives of the Lord Chancellors and Keepers of the Great Seal of England, from the Earliest Times till the Reign of Queen Victoria. New Edition, Edited by John Allen Mallory, of the New York Bar. Portraits and other illustrations. 10 vols., 8vo., half leather, gilt backs, marbled edges. Boston: Estes & Lauriat, 1874-5. 10 volumes. CARLETON (Wm.) ‘Traits and Stories of the Irish Peasantry. Numerous illustrations by Harvey, Gilbert, Phiz, etc. 2 volumes, 8vo., original green ~ cloth, uncut. London: Wm. Tegg & Co., 1869. 2 volumes. CARLYLE (Tuomas). Complete Works. Sterling Edition. Portraits. 20 vols.,. 8vo., half maroon calf, marbled edges. Boston: Estes & Lauriat, n. d. 20 volumes. CARLYLE (Tuomas) and Emerson (R. W.) The Correspondence of Carlyle and Emerson, 1834-1872. Portraits. 2 volumes, 8vo., half calf, red and blue lettering pieces, marbled edges. Boston: J. R. Osgood & Co., 1883. 2 volumes. First Edition. CIBBER (Cottey). She Would, and She Wou’d Not; or, The Kind Imposter. A Comedy. As it is Acted at the Theatre-Royal in Drury Lane. Bv Her Majesty’s Servants. First Epirion. Small quarto, bound in brown levant morocco, the front cover richly gold-tooled and lettered, gilt back, doublures and flies of watered-silk, gilt edges, by Riviere. London, 1703. 1 volume. CLARKE (Mary Anne). The Rival Princes; or, A Faithful Narrative of Facts Relating to Mrs. M. A. Clarke’s Political Acquaintance with Colonel Wardle, Major Dodd, etc., etc., who were concerned in the Charges against the Duke of York, etc., etc., Portrait. 2 volumes, 8vo., bound in full purple levant morocco, the front cover of Vol. 1 apoRNED WITH A CHARMING MINIATURE PORTRAIT OF| Miss CLARKE, PAINTED BY Miss E. B. Currin, AND A MINIATURE PORTRAIT OF THE Duke or York set into the front cover of Vol. II, the intervening spaces of the front covers decorated with floral inlays of red and green moroccos, richly gilt-tooled, the backs inlaid with green morocco, gilt-tooled, gilt tops, uncut, by Riviere. Each volume in a purple morocco solander case.. London: Printed for the Author, 1810. : 2 volumes. (SEE ILLUSTRATION. ) CLAYTON (Exrien C.) Queens of Song: Being Memoirs of Some of the Most Celebrated Female Vocalists who have appeared on the Lyric Stage. Engraved Portraits. 2 volumes, splendidly bound in full blue levant morocco, the sides of each volume adorned wir FOUR LOVELY MINIATURE PORTRAITS; PAINTED By Miss E. B. Curriz, MAKING A TOTAL OF SIXTEEN MINIA- TURES, each surrounded by a border of gold tooling, gilt corners, richly gilt backs, doublures and flies of flowered brocade, gilt tops, uncut; by Riviere. Each volume in a brown levant morocco pull-off c2se. London: Smith, Elder & Co., 1863. 2 volumes. 70 SONDA HOH es 3 : SH . % ee SPARE EERE SPEER EERE EHS HES SS Se ESRF HE: oO) Fi eile asi: i Pabes ? eee POSSI TS ee an ee ee No. 585. Pater’s “The Renaissance.” Cosway Binding. y g 71 $e ») VV E pen) 408 , xe UY &— 494 lane aT 495 f ] j The Miniature Portraits comprise: Mrs. Billington, Mlle. Falcon, Mme. Viardot Garcia, Mme. Fodor, Mrs. Anastasia Robinson, Mrs. Cronch, Mme. Catalani, Signora Storace, Mme. Pasta, Mme. Malibran, Mme. Grisi, Mme. Clara Novello, Miss Paton, Fanny Persiani, Miss Stephens, Henrietta Sontag. (SEE ILLUSTRATION. ) CLEMENS (Samve,t Lanenorne)—“Marx Twain,’ The Writings of. Auto- graph Edition. Finely illustrated. 23 volumes, 8 vo, bound in full. red levant, gilt sides and backs, inside gilt borders, gilt tops, uncut. Hartford: Ameri- can Pub. Co., 1899. 23 volumes. AvtocrarH Eprrion, SicNep By S. L. Cremens, “Marx Twatn.” Only 512 sets printed, of which this is No. 197. CLEMENT (Curara E.). The Queen of the Adriatic; or, Venice, Medieval and Modern. Illustrated. Exquisitely bound, after an old fifteenth-century Vene- tian pattern, taken from a rare volume in the Grand Ducal Library. The covers consist of a fretwork design in relief, cut in wood, upon which are painted in blue, red, and gold, bands of flowers, leaves, and diamonds; inlaid in the fretted compartments is mother-of-pearl upon which are painted con- ventionalized designs, and in the center compartment the title on a cartouche; the back is of brown morocco, gauffered top, uncut. Boston: Estes & Lauriat, [1893]. 1 volume. Italian Binding of Velvet with Filigree Work. CONTARENO (De Anceto). Cum Divi Marci Procurator Electus Dignitatis Possessionem Caperet Orationes. Engraved frontispiece and Vignette title. Contemporary binding of velvet, almost entirely covered with silver and gold filigree work in a design of conventionalized flowers, shields, and banners. Quarto. Venetis: Apud Georgium Fossati, 1754. 1 volume. In very nice state of preservation. COURT MEMOIRS SERIES. Nichols’ Series of Memoirs of the European Courts. Numerous engraved portraits. 45 vols., 8vo, half red levant morocco, gilt tops, uncut. London: H. S. Nichols, 1896-99. 45 volumes. CRUIKSHANK (George). An Essay on the Genius of George Cruikshank. By W. M. Thackeray. Taken from the “WESTMINSTER GAZETTE,” the Text inlaid to quarto size, and Spuenpipty Exrra-Itiustratep with upwards of 200 choice prints by Cruikshank, consisting of colored and plain etchings, colored caricatures (many of them double-page), with specially prepared title- pages; A 'Two-Pacr Aurograpu Lerrer with G. C.’s characteristic signature, and a proof portrait engraved by Pailthorpe. 4 volumes, quarto, bound in full blue levant morocco, gilt, gilt tops, uncut. London: 1840. 4 volumes. Inserted is an autograph note of F, W. Pailthorpe, reading: “The illustrations to these four volumes of 'Thackeray’s ‘Genius of Cruikshank’ were selected and arranged by me.” te St sein 900 A he AN RETR A te ER ERE ART HEC ARP Ot IRM Pe AB semen eee mintontamerentnen a 5 emus st re em a gt a gg * > 2 * No. 603. Boaden’s Portraits of Shakespeare. Cosway Binding. 73 501 CUSTIS (Gro. Wasuineron Park). Recollections and Private Memoirs of Washington, By His Adopted Son. Finely Exrra-Iuiustratep by the insertion of nearly 100 engraved plates of Persons and Views connected with the Life of Washington. Thick 8vo, half blue levant morocco, pane back, gilt top, uncut. Philadelphia: Bradley & Co., 1867. - 1 volume, DAYS OF THE DANDIES. A Series of Noted Biographies of Eighteenth Century Notables, comprising: Beau Nash, Fanny Burney, Colley Cibber, Mrs. Jordan, Horace Walpole, Lawrence Sterne,. Lady Montague, Captain Gronow, Charles J. Fox, and Peg Woffington. By Various Authors. Finely illustrated with engraved portraits in photogravure, PRINTED IN TWO STATES, one set being colored by hand. 15 volumes, 8vo., bound in blue levant morocco, gilt sides and backs, gilt inside borders, gilt tops, uncut. London: The Grolier Society, n. d. | 15 volumes. Epition ves Amateurs. No. 9 of only 100 sets Prinrep Turovcnour on Japan Paver. DEFOE (DanteL). The Life and Adventures of Robinson Crusoe. Finely | illustrated by Grandville. 8vo, half green calf, marbled edges. | London: Routledge, 1864. 1 volume. DICKENS (Cuarues), Works of. Edited with Annotations, Bibliography, and Topography, By Frederic G. Kitton. Profusely illustrated with photogravures, steel engravings, etc. 15 volumes, thick 8vo, bound in full green levant morocco, gilt backs, doublures of vari-colored moroccos, with the monogram of Dickens inlaid in green and red leather, flies of white watered-silk; gilt tops, uncut. New York and London: George D Sproul, 1902-1908. 15 volumes. AvutocrarH Eprrion, Limited to 250 copies on white hand-made paper, this set being No. 38, autographed by the Publisher. Although this edition was intended to form 56 volumes, only 15 volumes were ever pub- lished. ‘They comprise the following titles: Pickwick Papers, 3 vols.; David Copperfield, 3 vols.; Dombey & Son, 3 vols.; Barnaby Rudge, 3 vols.; Old Curiosity Shop, 2 vols.; Reprinted Pieces, 1 vol. DICKENS. Arcurr (Tuomas). Charles Dickens: A Gossip about His Life, Works, and Characters. With 18 full-page Character Sketches, reproduced in photogravure, after designs by Fredk. Barnard, and numerous text illustra- tions. Folio. Bound in red morocco, gilt edges. New York: The Dickens Sketch Society, n. d. 2 volumes. One volume of Text. The photogravure plates are preserved in a specially made case of red velvet, with lock and key. No. 4 of the Eprrtion Rarisstmus, Onty 20 Copies Issuep. DORAN (Dr. Joun), Complete Works of. Superbly illustrated with numerous fine photogravure plates, PRINTED IN THREE STATES, One set on Japan paper, one on India paper, and one set daintily colored by hand. 28 volumes, 8vo., bound in red levant morocco, the sides gilt-tooled, richly gilt-tooled backs with blue morocco inlays, doublures of blue morocco, floral gilt tooling, flies of red silk, gilt tops, uncut, by the ADams Brnpery. Boston: F. A. Niccolls & Co., n. d. 28 volumes. Epition Macniriqur, Limited to 26 lettered sets, this being Letter I. 74 fe % TEETER PRT eRe ei: aa thar ae: GekliyS ue a 2 . m4 ; . Pats ie B 5 be J > OMe PAYS p Ames £8 te 8 Fh teyetees A ems Sige ey 25 Fe oe Raat Riccrereee: cpt wenn serge CRT Lae ee ae he ee, . as" ERS EGS." $a aus ine No. 606. Shelley’s Posthumous Poems. 75 508 A 7 y Le tf (Gi 504 - 4 ue Lae y WA KR) Sy : a 509 DORAN (Dr. Joun). Annals of the English Stage, from Thomas Betterton to Edmund Kean. Edited and Revised by R. W. Lowe. Splendidly illustrated with 50 copper-plate portraits and 80 wood-engravings. 3 volumes, Impl. 8vo., three-quarters red levant morocco, gilt paneled backs, gilt tops, uncut. Londen: J. C. Nimmo, 1888. 3 volumes. The Limited Large-Paper Edition. DRAMA (Tue). Its History, Literature, and Influence on Civilization. Edited — by Alfred Bates, M. A. Illustrated with very finely engraved plates, PRINTED IN THREE sTATES, 1 set colored by hand and two sets on Japan paper; \hand- colored title-page. 20 volumes, 8vo., bound in coffee-brown morocco, the sides and backs richly decorated with floral inlays of lilac, pink, and green moroccos, inside gilt borders, doublures of autumn-leaf morocco, emblematically decorated with vari-colored leather inlays, flies of cream-colored silk, gilt edges. London: The Athenian Society, 1903. . 20 volumes. PRESENTATION Copy of the Sophocles Edition. Only a very few sets printed. DRAMA. The Stage and Its Stars, Past and Present. A Gallery of Dramatic Illustrations and Critical Biographies of Distinguished English and Amer- ican Actors from the Time of Shakespeare Till Today. Edited by Howard Paul and George Gebbie. Illustrated with 128 photogravure plates and over 400 portraits in the text. 2 volumes, folio. Full red morocco, gilt-tooled, gilt edges. Philadelphia: Gebbie & Co., n. d. 2 volumes. DuBOIS (Henri Pene). Four Private Libraries of New York. A Contribution to the History of Bibliophilism in America. Numerous fine reproductions of bookbindings printed in colors. 8vo., original red silk cloth, uncut. New York: Duprat & Co., 1892. 1 volume. No. 866 of only 1,000 copies printed. DUMAS (Atrexanpre), The Romances of. D’Artagnan Edition. Finely illus- trated. 50 volumes, 8vo., three-quarters red levant morocco, the backs nicely gilt-tooled and inlaid with flowers in blue morocco, gilt tops, uncut. Boston: Little, Brown & Co., 1900. ~ 50 volumes. D’Artagnan Edition. DUMAS (Arexanpre). Celebrated Crimes. Translated by H. G. Burnham. Illustrated with photogravures after original drawings, THE PLATES IN TWO states, and printed throughout on Japan paper. 8 vols., 8vo., three-quarters brown morocco, gilt edges. Philadelphia: George Barrie & Son, n. d. 8 volumes. With a one-page A. L. S. of Dumas inserted. No. 138 of only 500 sets issued. DUMAS. ‘Firzeeratp (Percy). The Life and Adventures of Alexandre Dumas. Portrait. 2 volumes, 8vo., half dark red morocco, marbled edges. London: Tinsley Bros., 1873. 2 volumes. EDWARDS (Ameria B.). A Thousand Miles Up the Nile. With upwards of (0 illustrations on wood by G. Pearson after finished drawings executed on the spot by the author. Thick quarto, decorated cloth, gilt edges. London and New York: 1877. 1 volume. 76 Gprrcnanransminanionns oe AND OF % toteeieeemamette cee Mt eR: tM MS Bid ¥ i ! F - . me , . fy easy o = st <3 “7 ‘ ; } ‘ i = ic POs, sie ‘ % ay EES fh ge RES MANE RR TOE ee TE pres ai 4 es hoses Raps rad ree setter ay EG osech yee ae ; ; ‘ AX — 7 tay, RP ors 3 . F r ig 3 ; “ S ID, THE SUN SPRANG FORTE ssn venenatis ge soonenarende 8. See So fA * .: Res oh aa a FP om, SEDATE SL ee cael AC. E®) SSANMUVG \FELL_FROM THE AWAKENED BEART SWIFT AS A SPIRIT HA No. 606. Shelley’s Posthumous Poems. (Front Cover.) ch f\ | \ pe | b= 510 515 EMERSON (R. W.), Works of. Portrait. 5 volumes, 12mo., half calf, red and green lettering pieces, marbled edges. Boston: Houghton, Osgood & Co., 1879. 5 volumes. EVELYN (Joun), Diary and Correspondence of. Edited by William Bray. Exrra-Ityustratep with nearly 100 engraved portraits and views, all neatly inlaid wherever necessary. 4 volumes, 8vo., half orange morocco, gilt backs with blue lettering pieces and small red morocco inlays, gilt tops, uncut. London: H. Colburn & Co., 1857. 4 volumes. FIELDING (Henry), Complete Works of. With an Essay on the Life, Genius and Achievements of the Author, by W. E. Henley. Splendidly illustrated with engraved plates, PRINTED IN TWO sTaTES, one set on Japan paper; hand- colored frontispieces. 16 volumes, 8vo., bound in green levant morocco, the sides gilt-tooled and with red floral inlays in the corners, gilt backs, with small floral inlays in red morocco, wide inside borders, doublures and flies of watered-silk, gilt tops, uncut. New York: Croscup & Sterling Co., 1902. | 16 volumes. | AvtocrapH Enprtion. No. 7 of only 75 sets printed on Holland hand-made paper. — FISHER (S. G.) The True Benjamin Franklin. Exrra-ILLustratep by the insertion of 64 engraved portraits and views. Thick 8vo., three-quarters green levant morocco, gilt top. Philadelphia: J. B. Lippincott Co., 1899. 1 volume. FISKE (Joun). Discovery of America, 2 vols.—American Revolution, 2 vols.— Critical Period of American History. Together, 5 vols., 8vo, uniformly bound in light calf, the backs ornamented with a floral spray inlaid in green and red leathers, gilt tops, uncut. Boston, 1899-1900. 5 volumes. FITZGERALD (Epwarp). Letters and Literary Remains. Edition de Luxe. Portraits and Facsimiles. 7 volumes, 8vo., beautifully bound in purple levant morocco, the sides and backs gilt-tooled, with center-piece~inlaid in blue morocco, the backs richly gilt-tooled and with small red morocco inlays, doublures and flies of red watered-silk, gilt tops, uncut, by Apams. London: Maemillan & Co., 1902. | 7 volumes. Beautiful set of the Enitron pe Luxe, of which only 775 sets were issued. FOUCQUET (Jrnan). Heures de Maistre Estienne Chevalier. Superbly printed in gold and colors, within illuminated borders of a wide variety of designs, with many full-page miniatures. Small quarto, bound in red levant morocco, inside gilt borders, doublures and flies of blue watered-silk, gilt edges. Paris: L. Curmer, 1866. 1 volume. This copy has not the volume of text. FRANKAU (Jura). An Eighteenth Century Artist and Engraver: John Raphael Smith. His Life and Works. Compiled, Arranged, and Written by Julia — Frankau. Superbly illustrated with 30 photogravures. ANd A PortFouio CoNTAINING 50 Exampies of stipple, mezzotints, paintings, and drawings, printed in colors and monochrome. 2 vols., 8vo, and folio, splendidly bound in full red crushed levant morocco, with the most elaborate and beautiful inlaid decoration, the designs for front and back covers and for both doublures being 78 519 different; the front cover with a central panel containing conventionalized flowers inlaid with brown morocco, with leaves in green, and elaborate gold- tooling, with a broad border of oak leaves and acorns inlaid in green and brown levant on a dotted ground; the back cover with a central panel contain- ing bunches of grapes inlaid with purple morocco and with grape leaves in green, with a broad outside border containing conventionalized iris inlaid in white morocco, with gold-tooled sprays on a dotted ground; the doublure of light brown crushed levant, with a flowing design of lilies inlaid in white morocco, with curving leaves inlaid in green morocco, the back doublure being a similar design inlaid in the same colored leathers, flies of dark green watered-silk, gilt top, uncut, by Morretyi. London, 1902. 2 volumes. FRANKAU (Jura). Eighteenth Century Artists and Engravers: William Ward, A. R. A., James Ward, R. A. Their Lives and Works. Superbly illus- trated with 30 photogravures. AND A PORTFOLIO CONTAINING 40 ENGRAVINGS in mezzotint and stipple; printed in monochrome and colors. 2 vols., 8vo, and. folio, splendidly bound in full red crushed levant morocco, with an elab- orate conventional design of interlacing arabesques inlaid in green, blue, purple, and orange levant on the covers, doublure of olive green levant with a decoration of curving bands of inlaid red levant, with a center panel of inlaid blue levant, flies of green crushed levant, gilt top, uncut, by Morreti. London: 1904. 2 volumes. GALERIE pes HOMMES. Livre d’Estampes pour la Jeunesse, etc. Illus- trated with upwards of 150 finely colored full-page plates depicting the costumes of all nations, three to five figures to each plate. ‘Text in French, Descriptions of the plates in German. 3 volumes, square 12mo., polished red ealf, gilt sides and backs, gilt edges. Leipsic: Chez F. A. Leo, 1804-07. 3 volumes. Rare. The plates include Costumes of the North American Indians. GEROME (Jean Leon), Life and Works of. By Fanny F. Hering. With an Introduction by Augustus St. Gaudens. Illustrated with 94 superb plates, in photogravure, etc., of Paintings, Sculptures, etc. 2 volumes, folio, bound in green levant morocco, doublures of red and green levant, gilt-tooled, flies of red brocade silk, gilt edges, by Apams. (One binding damaged). New York: Cassell Publishing Co., 1892. 2 volumes. GOLDSMITH (Oniver). The Works of Goldsmith. Edited by Peter Cunningham. With an Introduction by Austin Dobson. Finely illustrated with photogravure plates PRINTED IN TWO STATES, One printed on Japan paper: 12 volumes, 8vo, three-quarters green levant morocco, the backs and sides gilt- tooled with a floral design, gilt tops, uncut. New York: Harper & Bros., 1900. 12 volumes. The Wakefield Edition. Only a limited number issued. GOLDSMITH (Otrver). The Vicar of Wakefield. With 32 Illustrations by W. Mulready, engraved on wood. 8vo, finely bound in red levant morocco, the front cover decorated with the figure of the “Vicar” in his pulpit, inlaid in vari-colored moroccos, the remaining spaces gilt tooled, the back cover richly gilt-tooled, gilt back and edges, doublures and flies of green silk, by Keuty. London: John Van Voorst, 1855. 1 volume. 79 2 inane NE 525 Lat Fag ence 526 ) 529 530 531 GONCOURT (Epmonp anp Jutes pe). Letters and Leaves from their Journals. Compiled and Translated by M. A. Belloc and M. Shedlock. Eight portraits. 2 vols., 8vo., cloth, gilt tops, uncut. New York: Dodd, Mead & Co., 1895. 2 volumes. GREAT MASTERPIECES OF THE LOUVRE GALLERY. Magnificently illustrated with upwards of 200 color plates and photogravures, depicting the Gems of the Celebrated Louvre Galleries in all Departments of Art. 4 volumes, folio, bound in dark red levant morocco, doublures of green morocco, decorated with inlays of fleur-de-lys in white leather, flies of red watered-silk, gilt tops, uncut. New York: D. Appleton & Co., and Paris: Goupil & Co., 1898-1900. 4 volumes. Epition pe Granp Luxe, with English Text. Limited to 200 copies. HAMILTON (Anruony). Memoirs of Count Grammont. New Edition, Edited with Notes by Sir Walter Scott. Illustrated with 64 choice portraits, engraved by Scriven. 2 vols., 8vo. 2 RceOnE Ter green levant morocco, gilt tops, uncut. London: J. C. Nimmo, 1885. 2 volumes. HAMM (M. A.). Builders of the Republic. Some Great Americans Who Have Aided in the Making of the Nation. Finely Exrra-IutLustratep by the inser- tion of 99 engraved portraits and views. Thick 8vo., three-quarters blue levant morocco, panelled back, gilt top, uncut. New York: James Pott & Co., 1902. oD wohmye: HARTE (Bret), Complete Works of. Autograph Edition. Beautifully illustrated with photogravure plates. 19 volumes, 8vo., bound in red levant morocco, gilt sides and backs, inside gilt borders, gilt tops, uncut, by the Riverside Press. Boston: Houghton, Mifflin & Co., n. d. 19 volumes. AvrocraPH Epirion, No. 159 of only 350 sets issued. HAWTHORNE (Naruanre.), Complete Works of. Finely illustrated with por- traits and other plates, PRINTED IN Two states, one set of plates being colored by hand. 22 volumes, 8vo., bound in green levant morocco, gilt sides and backs, inside gilt border, gilt tops, uncut. Boston: Houghton, Mifflin & Co., 1900. 22 volumes. AvtocraPH Eprrion, No. 484 of only 500 sets issued. With a Document signed by Haw- thorne, as Surveyor of the Port of Salem, inserted in Vol. I. HAYWARD (Asranam). Biographical and Critical Essays. Eminent Statesmen and Writers. Complete set, comprising 7 volumes, 8vo., half olive levant morocco, gilt tops, uncut. London: Longmans, 1858-1880. 7 volumes. Fine set of the Oricrnat Larce Tyre Lisrary Epirion. HEDIN (Sven). Central Asia and Tibet. Towards the Holy City of Lassa. Fully illustrated. 2 volumes, 8vo., original cloth, uncut. New York: Charles Scribner’s Son’s, 1903. 2 volumes. HOGARTH (Witu1am). The Works of William Hogarth, from the Original Plates Restored by James Heath, Esq., R. A.; with the Addition of many Subjects not before Collected. To which is prefixed, A Biographical Essay 80 Ses Tennyson's Poems. Sl cs atic ital ce SF aG é Nee cls Ne ame i Se lt et IR AONE pA OO i tes ae OR Riciicstibiinat Ohi Sab bee. La a eee ae a tis nh Cid Sida are” : p Siting Bot tore ee ssa ae © 5a? ors aR 2 > a on nae Yan fae ts Fee ge ae ee SD ac i Be Sin ed at A aS a tN i ICE RR A ll EC naa ®. 1 in Seth Aaa IT SY: 3 A yorw> Illuminated by Sangorski. on the Genius and Productions of Hogarth, and Explanations of the Subjects of the Plates, by John Nichols. 116 plates. Large folio, half morocco, gilt back (somewhat rubbed). London: Baldwin, Craddock & Joy, 1822. 1 volume. Q 7 AS UUs 582 HOGARTH (Wm.), The Works of. Containing 158 Engravings by Mr. Cooke On and Mr. Davenport, with Descriptions and a Comment on their Moral Tendency \y- by John Trusler. 158 Copper-plates. 2 volumes, quarto, half red morocco, gilt backs, gilt tops, uncut. London: J. Goodwin, 1827. 2 volumes. lyf | ~ 588 HOOD (Tuomas), Works of. Edited by Epes Sargent. Frontispieces. 6 volumes, twa 6 cs § 8vo., half light calf, red and blue lettering pieces, marbled edges. New York: : | — G. P. Putnam, 1864. 6 volumes. i : 5354 HUNT (Garmiarp), Life of James Madison. Finely Exrra-Intustratep by the 2 pA insertion of 61 engraved portraits and views. Thick 8vo., three-quarters h— green levant morocco, gilt eles back, gilt top, uncut. New York: Be! Doubleday, Page & Co., 1902. 1 volume. ee vp 335 JAMES (H. E. M.). The Long White Mountain; or, A Journey in Manchuria. pe Plain and colored plates and a map. Thick 8vo., original cloth. London: y Longmans, 1888. 1 volume. i) hawt 536 JAMES (Henry). The Princess Casamassima; Tales of Three Cities. First Renee a Epirions. 2 vols.,; 12mo., original cloth, uncut. Boston & London, 1884-86. 2 volumes. Fine copies. | \~ KX 63 ate 537 JAMESON (Mrs.). Legends of the Madonna as Represented in the Fine Arts. at Finely illustrated. 8vo., bound in blue levant morocco; on the front cover 110-7 is inserted a Lovery Miniature Parntine by Miss E. B. Currie, representing u! the Madonna and Child, after Ridolfo Ghirlanddaio, surrounded by a border of golden rays, tooled in gold, floral inlays of green and cream-colored moroccos, laced inlay of brown morocco with title lettering; the back inlaid with flowers in green and cream-colored moroccos, gilt tooled, wide inside borders, doublures and flies of white watered-silk, the original cloth covers bound in at end, gilt edges, by Riviere. London: Longmans, 1852. A very pretty example of “Cosway Binding.” ; 538 JAMESON (Mrs.). Sacred and Legendary Art. Finely Illustrated. 2 volumes. Each volume bound in blue levant morocco; on the front cover of Vol. I is inserted a lovely Min1arure Parntine by Miss E. B. Currie, of the Madonna, oy after Botticelli; on Vol. II, the Madonna, after Mainardi; each Miniature is surrounded by a border of golden rays, tooled in gold, floral inlays of green and cream-colored moroccos, laced inlay of brown morocco with title lettering, the back inlaid with flowers in green and cream-colored moroccos, gilt-tooled, wide inside border, doublures and flies of white watered-silk, the original cloth covers bound in at end, gilt edges, by Riviere. London: Longmans, 1852. 2 volumes. Charming examples of “Cosway Bindings.” 82 JAMESON (Mrs.). Memoirs of the Beauties of the Court of Charles the Second, with their Portraits after Sir Peter Lely and other Eminent Painters; Illus- trating the Diaries of Pepys, Evelyn, Clarendon, etc. Fourth Edition. With 21 superb steel portraits. Royal 8vo., polished calf, red and green lettering pieces, gilt edges. London: H. G. Bohn, 1861. 1 volume. JAMESON (Mrs.). History of Our Lord, as Exemplified in Works of Art. Fully illustrated. 2 volumes, 8vo., half calf, red and blue lettering pieces, marbled edges. London: Longmans, 1872. 2 volumes. JESSE (J. Henrace). London: Its Celebrated Characters and Remarkable Places. The original Two Votumes Exrenpep to Six by the insertion of 640 Extra ILLUSTRATIONS comprising engraved portraits, views, etc., mentioned in the work. Each volume with a specially printed title-page in red and black. 6 volumes, 8vo., finely bound in blue levant morocco, doublures and flies of blue silk, gilt backs, gilt tops, uncut, by Zarunsporr. London, 1846. ihe . 6 volumes. A Superb Set. The plates were chosen with special care and are of the very best quality. [JOHNSON (Dr. Samvuet)]. Graphic Illustrations of the Life and Times of Samuel Johnson, LL.D. Superbly bound in brown levant morocco, the front cover embellished by the insertion of 9 Miniature Portraits of Dr. Johnson, Warren Hastings, Richard Owen, Flora Macdonald, Thomas Warton, Henry Thrale, Topham Beauclerk, Edward Cave, and Michael Johnson, the father of Samuel Johnson, painted by Miss E. B. Currie; the intervening spaces elab- orately gilt-tooled, the backs richly gilt-tooled; doublures and flies of green watered-silk, gilt edges, by Riviere. In green levant morocco pull-off case. London: John Murray, 1837. 1 volume. (SEE ILLUSTRATION. ) JOSEPHUS (Fiavius), Works of. Translated by William Whiston. Portrait. 2 vols., 8vo., half light calf, red and blue lettering pieces, marbled edges. New York: A. Mason, 1877. . 2 volumes. JUSSERAND (J. J.).. The English Novel in the Time of Shakespeare. Illus- trated. S8vo., three-quarters brown morocco, gilt back, gilt top, uncut. London: T. Fisher Unwin, 1890. 1 volume. Illuminated Manuscript of Keats’s ‘“Ode to Psyche.” KEATS (Joun). The Ode to Psyche and Other Poems. Manuscript, Designed, Written Out, and Illuminated by Alberto Sangorski. Comprising “Ode to Psyche,” “To Hope,” “To Fancy.” On forty pages of pure vellum, embel- lished throughout with charming Miniatures, Borders and Capital Letters, delicately designed and very finely executed. The text is surrounded by borders representing different styles of treatment, while in some borders appear very dainty Miniatures; the Capitals and Borders are heightened with solid gold; 83 546 fully equal if not surpassing in effect some of the finest examples of XIVth and XVth Century Illuminated Manuscripts. The title-page contains a delicately painted double border of flowers heightened with solid gold, surrounding a half-length Miniature Portrait of the Poet. The frontispiece Miniature portrays Psyche, half draped, surrounded by four Cupids, all within a lovely border, painted in rich colors, and heightened with solid gold. Another Miniature depicts Puck and Cupid in a forest dell, painted in the most exquisite shades. The poem “Hope” is preceded by an elaborate Miniature of a young Mother and Babe, within a border of exceptional beauty. The verse beginning with— “Then by my solitary hearth I sit, And hateful thoughts enwrap my soul,” is followed by a charming Miniature’of a young girl seated before an open fire-place, the full light shining into her beautiful face. There are several other large Miniatures, one depicting a Cottage Scene with four pretty figures in the foreground. Another illustrates— “Whose lip mature is ever new-—” by a Miniature of a charming young maiden with superb Titian hair, painted with great brilliancy. The last Miniature illustrates— “Let the winged fancy roam Pleasure never is at home” by a splendid Miniature depicting four young maidens dancing outdoors. The Manuscript is bound in blue levant morocco, with blue levant doublures, flies of watered- silk; the covers and doublures (four distinct designs) most elaborately decorated with inlays and gold tooling. The design of the binding is floral in character, the covers being divided into spaces of artistic shapes and filled with a conventionalized treatment of a variety of floral designs. Front Cover: Center comprised of a heart-shaped sunken panel, within this a smaller heart surrounding a pheasant, exquisitely done in high relief and beautifully colored, the intervening spaces of the panel gold-tooled in pointillé, heightened with numerous inlays of flowers, and two flaming torches, all beautifully worked in green, red, brown, purple and white moroccos; the remaining spaces literally covered with gold pointillé and floral inlays within laced borders the whole consisting of several hundred distinct pieces of leather, forming-a combination of © the most artistic beauty. Back Cover: This consists of two sunken panels, the first enclosing a chained anchor worked in blue and red moroccos, the outer border with a combination of opened flowers, leaves, and three butterflies, inlaid in vari-colored moroccos of beautiful shades, the background of pointillé, forming an almost solid mass of gold, the remaining spaces decorated with designs similar to those on the front cover. The doublures are formed of an arabesque design of cream-colored morocco within another compartment of blue morocco, the whole covered with an exquisite design, the center one con- sisting of a Lyre and Trumpet and Wreath within a circular floral border of green and red moroccos, the remaining spaces filled with pointillé, floral inlays of indifferent shades, all richly gold-tooled. The doublure of the back cover consists of a similar design except that the center piece decoration is a flaming torch above two hearts of red morocco, entwined with a ribbon of blue morocco, the remaining spaces very richly gold-tooled. Flies of watered-silk, gilt edges; by Riviere. In a morocco case. 1 volume. (SEE ILLUSTRATION. ) KIPLING (Rupyarp), The Writings in Prose and Verse of. Edition de Luxe. Etched portrait by William Strang and numerous fine illustrations. 26 vols., 8vo., three-quarters blue levant, gilt backs, with an elephant’s head inlaid in buff morocco, gilt tops, uncut. London: Macmillan & Co., 1897-1909. 26 volumes. Eprrion pE Luxe, of which only 1,050 copies were printed. LACROIX (Pau). Military and Religious Life in the Middle Ages, and at the Period of the Renaissance. Illustrated with 14 colored plates and upwards of 400 wood engravings. Royal 8vo., polished tree calf, gilt, gilt edges. New York: D. Appleton & Co., 1874. 1 volume. 84 & ar aran'sariaraeae oa fae Seay eee Oe Pee « 8 % « eta - ee Cae ae ius ® ees On ae soks He BP x ke Fa ae secon iC) e Soe 8 ex ee fA A Et hii cs banat % : Kaine c 2 Mh STENT CONTE MES Secunia cet en Mirra eterna ste AO At a saint eer ? Tennyson’s Poems. Jewelled Binding by Sangorski 85 A 550 [Aer Ose (p ae 551 Wm e y LAyY- LAr ‘e / ) v s 552 ~VV 2 132 a CyT) 553 554 } im 555 LACROIX (Pavr). The Eighteenth Century. Its Institutions, Customs, and Costumes. France, 1700-1789. Illustrated with 21 colored plates and 351 wood engravings. Royal 8vo., half blue morocco, gilt back, marbled edges. New York: Scribner, 1876. 1 volume. LACROIX (Pau). Science and Literature in the Middle Ages and at the Period of the Renaissance. Illustrated with 13 colored plates and- 400 engravings on wood. Royal 8vo., full tree calf, gilt back, gilt edges. New York: D. Appleton & Co., 1878. 1 volume. LAMB (Cuartes). Poetry for Children, Entirely Original. Engraved Frontis- pieces. 2 volumes, small 8vo., mottled calf, gilt tops, uncut. London: Printed for M. J. Goodwin, 1809. 2 volumes. Tuer’s Facsimile Reprint. No. 54 of only 112 copies issued. LAMB (Cuartes), The Works of. Portraits. 5 volumes, 12mo., half calf, red and blue lettering pieces, marbled edges. New York: W. J. Widdleton, 1878. 5 volumes. LAMB (Cuartss), Life, Works, and Letters of. Edited by Alfred Ainger. Printed throughout on Japan paper. With numerous engraved portraits and views. 12 vols., 8vo., bound in full red levant, gilt-tooled, each volume with 32 floral inlays of white and green moroccos, doublures of red and blue levant, with 12 floral inlays of red morocco, red watered-silk flies, gilt backs, gilt tops, uncut. London: Caxton Society, 1905. 12 volumes. Extra-ItLustratep Epition. No. 1 of only 10 sets so issued. The illustrations comprise many rare plates, including scarce color prints. LEE (Guy C.). The True History of the Civil War. With 24 illustrations and maps. Extra-ILtutustratep by the insertion of 78 engraved portraits and views, and 27 autograph letters, documents, or signatures of persons men- tioned in the work. Thick 8vo., three-quarters red levant morocco, gilt top, uncut. Philadelphia: J. B. Lippincott Co., 1903. 1 volume. LINCOLN. Curtis (W. E.). The True Abraham Lincoln. Illustrated with 24 Plates and further embellishment by the insertion of 83 Extra PLatEs consisting of engraved portraits, views, etc., connected with the Life of Lincoln. ‘Thick 8vo., three-quarters blue levant morocco, gilt back, gilt top, uncut. Phila- delphia: J. B. Lippincott Co., 1903. 1 volume. A Most Sumptuous Jewelled Binding By Sangorski & Sutcliffe. LOCKHART (J. G. Translator). ANcrent SpanisH Batuaps; Historicat AND Romantic. ‘Translated with Notes, by J. G. Lockhart. With illustrations engraved on wood, printed within colored borders. 8vo. London: John Murray, 1841. 1 volume. Superbly bound in full lilac crushed levant morocco, with decorations in an Oriental design; on the front cover an outer border with leaves in purple and interlacing bands of green and purple on a background of solid gold 86 pointillé, a central panel framed by a curved band with leaves in purple and flowers inlaid in green and red and a background of solid gold pointillé, the central panel sunken with an elaborate design of curving leaves and inter- lacing bands inlaid in maroon, green and light blue levant on a ground of solid gold pointillé; the whole studded with precious stones which form an integral part of the design and accentuate its beauty. The back cover with a wide outside border with a fanfare design inlaid in green, red, yellow, and light blue levant and gold-tooled, a diamond-shaped sunken _ panel in the center with interlacing bands of light blue, maroon and dark green on a ground of solid gold pointillé, framed in a formal diaper of red, blue and green morocco, and gold-tooled, and ornamented with garnets and turquoises, doublure of a Moresque design inlaid in green, blue, purple, and white levant, and gold-tooled, with straight and curving lines in a Bos formal pattern, with a wide outside border inlaid in red and green mo- roccos and gold-tooled, flies of dark green crushed levant with inlaid and gold-tooled borders, gilt edges with a painting in water-colors of the Rock of Gibraltar under the gold on the fore-edge, by Sangorski and Sutcliffe. ~The masterpiece of the late Francis Sangorski, being the last volume from his designs, and upon which he was engaged at the time of his lamented death. _ This magnificent example of all that is splendid in the art of book-binding contains 228 jewels and 2,500 inlays of colored levants. The jewels are as follows: 14 diamonds, 12 sapphires, 32 chalcedonies, 43 turquoises, 76 - topazes, 17 marquise garnets, 14 smaller garnets, and 2 tourmalines. The design of the whole binding is Moresque in character and possesses all _the richness of color, intricacy of line, and concentration of ornament that one associates with the best period of this type of decoration. There is involved in the execution of this binding more time and care than has ever been expended on the covers of a book, and whatever fad or fashion may obtain in the future history of book-binding; this volume must ever remain a marvellous and beautiful triumph of bibliopegistic skill. (See ILLUSTRATION. ) g2 agiey > 2erese OG H t x ; ~ if i" Py < \ a" 7 : _— 3 ? 4 iW a © t : et “ j , ’ a : S 4 : 2 - 4 - = ? = . s ry —. & i" A . J oo. t ‘ 4 | +y - sy . ch | 2 a Ve a ft ¢ a cs | 2 { 9 : ; eee i‘. Se j SRY } ee F RPS - re ] t } ; te { a a 4 2 : ES wa Ful 7 . re > + - . - 4 " : € % ” 7) 7 N/ 556 LOSSING (Benson J.). The Pictorial Field-Book of the Revolution. Illustrated — with 1,100 wood engravings, and Exrra-Inuustratep by the insertion of nearly 200 fine engravings, many of them of considerable rarity. 2 vols., imperial 8vo., three-quarters red levant morocco, gilt panelled backs, gilt tops, uncut. New York: Harper & Bros., 1855. 2 volumes. First Edition. LOSSING (B. J.). Pictorial Field Book of the War of 1812. Illustrated with several hundred engravings on wood, and Exrra-ILLustRATED by the insertion of 91 engraved portraits, etc. Imperial 8vo, three-quarters red levant morocco, panelled back, gilt top, uncut. New York: Harper & Bros., 1869. 1 volume. First Edition. LUBKE (Wnuerm). Outlines of the History of Art. Translated from the 7th German Edition by Clarence Cook. F ully illustrated. 2 vols., Imperial 8vo, original cloth, gilt tops. New York;~Dodd, Mead & Co., 1878. 2 volumes. McCULLOUGH (Hveu). Men and Measures of Half a Century; Sketches and Comments. Exrra-Iniusrrarep by the insertion of 31 engraved and partes de-visite portraits, and 21 autograph letters and documents signed, of notables 87 561 563 564 565 Extended to 2 vols., large 8vo, three-quarters green New York, 1888. 2 volumes. mentioned in the work. levant morocco (backs slightly faded), gilt tops. MACFALL (Hatpane). A History of Painting. With a Preface by Frank Brangwyn. Splendidly. illustrated with 200 plates printed in colors. . 8 volumes, Royal 8vo, three-quarters brown levant morocco, the backs decorated with small floral inlays of pink and red moroccos, gilt tops, uncut. Boston: Dana Estes & Co., n. d. 8 volumes. The limited Fiorentine Epirion. MABERLY (J.) The Print Collector. An Introduction to the Knowledge necessary for forming a Collection of Ancient Prints. With an Appendix containing Fielding’s Treatise on the Practice of Engraving. Edited with Notes, and an Account of Contemporary Etching and Etchers, and a Bibliography of Engraving, by Robert Hoe, Jr. ONE VoLUME EXTENDED TO EIGHT BY THE ADDITION OF OVER 1,000 PRINTS SHOWING THE VARIOUS STYLES OF ENGRAVING of different periods, ALL ORIGINAL IMPREssIoNs, including many very rare and scarce plates. 8 volumes, quarto, three-quarters brown levant morocco, gilt backs, gilt tops, uncut. New York: Dodd, Mead & Co., 1880. 8 volumes. A Superb Set. No. 42 of only 50 copies printed on Whatman’s hand-made paper. The extra-illustrations are arranged and classified under the following heads— Vol. I. ext; Vol. II. Early Woodcuts and Rare Copper-plates. Vol. Ili. Early Copper-plates. Vol. IV. French Eighteenth Century Engravings. Vol. V. Etchings and Early American Steel and Copper-plates. Vol. VI. Modern Steel-plates, all proof impressions. Vol. VII. Colored plates of all periods. Vol. VIII. Original Drawings and Curious Engravings. The prints are inlaid on fine paper of uniform size. MADDEN (R. R.). Literary Life and Correspondence of the Countess of Bless- ington. Splendidly Exrra-ItLustratep by the insertion of 297 choice engraved portraits and views. 3 volumes, 8vo, bound in red levant morocco, gilt sides and backs, with 12 inlays of flowers in white morocco, inside borders, gilt- tooled, doublures of blue levant morocco, flies of blue watered-silk, gilt tops, uncut. London: T. C. Newby, 1855. 8 volumes. Very finely extra-illustrated. The plates have been inlaid to size wherever necessary, and include many rare prints. MALAN (A. H.) Famous Homes of Great Britain and their Stories. More Famous Homes of Great Britain. Profusely illustrated. 8vo., three-quarters calf, green lettering pieces, gilt tops, uncut. G. P. Putnam’s Sons, 1900. Also: 2 vols., Royal New York: 2 volumes. MASKELL (Atrrep). Ivories. (Connoisseur’s Library). 88 full-page plates with upwards of 350 illustrations. Imperial 8vo, three-quarters blue levant morocco, gilt top, uncut. New York: G. P. Putnam’s Sons, 1905. 1 volume. MAUPASSANT (Guy pre), Works of. Embracing Romance, Travel, Comedy, and Verse. For the first time Complete in English. With a Critical Preface by 88 ‘i . = ee ree &, * ‘= rp ing by Jewelled Bind ipt Manuscri in *s L’Allegro and I] Penseroso i 566. Milton O. N Sangorski. 89 568 Paul Bourget. Superbly illustrated with photogravure plates, IN TWO STATES, One set being colored by hand. 17 volumes, bound in full blue morocco, gilt-tooled, doublures of red calf, gilt inside borders, gilt tops, uncut. New York: M. Walter Dunne, 1903. 17 volumes. Choice set of the Eprrion Normanp, Limited to 100 sets. Printed throughout on Japan PAPER. Manuscript in Splendid Jewelled Binding. MILTON (Jonn). L’AtiecGro anp It PENserRoso. A Manuscript, ExecurTep By Messrs. Sancorski & SUTCLIFFE. Manuscript written out on vellum and elaborately illuminated with miniatures, borders, and capitals in color and raised gold. Both poems are symbolized in the decoration of the binding. This is in brown levant, with leather joints, blue levant doublures and fly leaves, and with the whole elaborately inlaid, gold-tooled, and set with 12 amethysts, 12 turquoises, 16 garnets, 8 moonstones, 12 chalcedonies, a ruby, and a number of pieces of Mother of Pearl, in all, 61 Prectous SToneEs. The design of the front cover is an interpretation of the poem “L’Allegro,” both in color and detail suggesting the joy and gladness, and the pleasure of gaiety and mirth depicted in this poem; birds, butterflies, and bees being shown amongst a wealth of roses and other floral decoration. In contrast to this the back cover is suggestive of the poem “Il Penseroso.” As the poet himself has interpreted with lyrical perfection of symbolic expression the twofold ideas of light and darkness, joy and sorrow, gaiety and contemplation, so the binder has endeavored himself in contrasting the decoration of the front and back cover to represent the same ideas. ‘The back cover is sombre in tone, and night is suggested by a little moonlight scene, an owl being a prominent feature, and a bat is decoratively displayed in each corner. The design of this binding is entirely original and 1330 SEPARATE PIECES OF INLAY ARE USED. MINIATURE BIBLE. Abridged Versions of the Old and New Testaments. Very curious engravings on wood. Size 156 by 1% inches. In contemporary binding of red morocco, gilt-tooled, with center-pieces of blue morocco, upon which the Sacred Initials are stamped in gold. London: E. Newberry, 1780. Choice example. Lacks the title-page to the Old Testament but has that to the New. MOLIERE (J.-B. P.), Works of. Superbly illustrated by Louis and Maurice Leloir, Jacques Leman, and Ed. Hedouin, with numerous full-page copper- plates, head and tail-pieces, and a hand-colored frontispiece to each volume. 12 vols., quarto, bound in full red levant morocco, gilt sides and backs, gilt inside borders, gilt tops, uncut. Philadelphia: George Barrie & Son, n. d. 12 volumes. - Enprtion Comopre FRANCAIS, PRINTED ON JAPAN VELLUM. No. 113 of only 250 sets. MOLINIER (Emite). Royal Interiors and Decorations of the XVIIth and XVIIIth Centuries. Their History and Description. Superbly illustrated with upwards of 200 full-page plates, each plate being colored by hand in exact facsimile of the originals. The illustrations represent the choicest examples 90 gies Pere wiper pag of Furniture, Tapestries, and other Objects of Art. 4 volumes, folio. Bound in full dark blue levant morocco, doublures of steel blue levant morocco, with green and red floral inlays, gilt-tooled, brocade silk flies, gilt tops, other edges uncut. New York: Goupil & Co., n. d. 4 volumes. The AquarELLE Epition, No. 6 of only 10 sets issued. A truly magnificent work, printed and illustrated in the best style, for which the firm of Goupil & Co. is noted. MONTAIGNE (Micuarx pr). Works. Revised by W. Hazlitt. Edited by O02 W. Wight. Portrait. 4 vols., half calf. New York, 1875. _ 4 volumes. MONTAIGNE (Micuet pez). Essays of Montaigne. Translated by Charles Cotton. Revised by W. C. Hazlitt. Finely illustrated with photogravure plates, IN TWO sTATES, one set being colored by hand. 10 vols., 8vo. Bound in full green polished morocco, gilt-tooled, doublures of red morocco, with watered-silk flies, gilt tops, uncut. New York: Edwin C. Hill, 1910. . = 10 volumes. The finely printed “Emerson Enrtion,” this set, being No. 136 of only 250 sets issued. ~ MOORE (Frank Franxrorr). A Georgian Pageant. Illustrated. 8vo., three- quartered red levant morocco, gilt top, uncut. New York: E. P. Dutton & Co., ii ~ 1909. ~ 1 volume. MORRIS (Witu1am). Love is Enough; or, The Freeing of Pharamond. A . Morality. 8vo, Superbly bound by Saneorsx1 & Surcriirre, in dark blue _leyant morocco, with an outside border of red levant with leaf sprays and flowers gold-tooled and the background filled-in with gold pointillé, in the center a heart shaped ornament inlaid in blue and red levant and gold-tooled in pointillé’and with E1reur Prarts inset in the circumference of the heart, the intervening spaces filled-in with a design of lilies inlaid in white and leaves in green and gold-tooled; doublures of brown levant morocco with an outside border of blue levant with lilies inlaid in white and leaves in green, gold-tooled; in the center a diamond-shaped ornament, inlaid in red and brown levant, gold-tooled, with numerous small flowers and sprays of leaves on a background of pointillé, flies of blue levant morocco, edges gilt on the rough. In blue morocco case. London: Ellis and White, 1873. 1 volume. Fe OFS CER TRE eEiER oe peg SRR ROR SES ARCMIN RR ee one a MORRIS (Wit11am). The Story of the Glittering Plain, which has been also . ealled the Land of Living Men; or, the Acre of the Undying. Numerous |) OAS | ie fine woodcuts and initial letters. Small folio, superbly bound in full blue tevant al | morocco, the front cover with a center ornament filled in pointillé with con- BS yentionalized flowers and acorns inlaid in green, purple, and red moroccos, the inner border richly tooled in pointillé with similar inlays, narrow border of brown morocco tooled with diamond-shaped designs; wide inside border of brown and blue morocco, inlaid with flowers of vari-colored moroccos and gold-tooled with a design of spirals, etc.; flies of green watered-silk, gilt top, uncut, by Riviere. London: Kelmscott Press, 1894. 1 volume. A Superb Example of Binding. Kelmscott Press Volume on Vellum. MORRIS (Witu1am). Tue Weir at tHe Wortp’s Enp. Printed at the Kelm- scott Press. Chaucer type, in red and black, with many beautiful woodcuts 1 580 and borders. Quarto, sumptuously bound in dark blue levant morocco, the sides almost entirely covered with elaborate gold tooling; in the center, a circular compartment of gold pointillé work, from which branch numerous stalks bearing leaves and red roses into an outer compartment richly decorated with a conventionalized design of bunches of grapes and leaves, executed by inlays of various colored moroccos; border of inlaid brown morocco; the whole richly gold-tooled; the back similarly tooled and inlaid in panels; doublures of white vellum, within a wide border of green levant, with floral inlays, the center compartment tooled in a design of small gold-lined squares; watered silk flies; gilt top, by Riviere. The volume enclosed in a morocco case, lined with watered-silk and velvet. Kelmscott Press, 1896. 1 volume. Printed entirely on vellum. Only a few copies were so printed, and these are highly esteemed as the most precious productions of this famous press. MORRIS (Wirit1am). The Hollow Land, and Other Contributions to the Oxford and Cambridge Magazine. 8vo, bound in brown levant morocco, the sides and back superbly decorated with numerous blue and red morocco inlays and richly gilt-tooled, doublures of steel blue morocco, with wide borders of brown morocco, double border of red and blue morocco inlays, gilt-tooled; flies of blue morocco, gilt edges on the rough, by ZarHNnsporr. London: Chiswick Press, Printed with the Golden Type designed by William Morris for the Kelmscott Press, 1903. } 1 volume. MOTHER-OF-PEARL BINDING. Oraciones Para Asister Al Santo Sacrificio De La Misa. Illustrated. 12 mo, BeaurtruLty Bounp In MotTHer-or-PEart, the front cover decorated with chased silver borders and center piece, gilt edges, with silver clasps. Paris: Dejardin, n. d. 1 volume. In perfect condition. : NAPOLEON. Military Career of Napoleon the Great. An Account of the Ae) Remarkable Campaigns of the “Man of Destiny.’ By M. B. Gibbs. 36 portraits and other illustrations. Thick post 8vo, three-quarters crimson crushed levant extra, gilt top, uncut, by Blackwell. New York: Saalfield Pub. Co., 1902. 1 volume. Extra-Ititustratep by the insertion of 76 extra portraits of Napoleon and his contempora- ries, in stipple, line, etc.; also views and other interesting material. A fine volume. NICOLAY (Joun G.). A Short Life of Abraham Lincoln. Condensed from Nicolay and Hay’s “Abraham Lincoln: A History.” Splendidly Exrra-Iiius- TRATED and embellished by the insertion of 83 engraved portraits and views, and 34 autograph letters, documents, or signatures, of persons mentioned in the book. 2 volumes, 8vo, half red levant morocco, gilt backs, gilt tops, uncut, by C. Walters. New York: The Century Co., 1902. 2 volumes. Among the autographs inserted is the lower portion of a document signed in full by Lincoln. ‘“Rubaiyat” in Jewelled Binding. OMAR KHAYYAM. The Rubaiyat of Omar Khayyam, and the Salaman and Absal of Jami. Rendered into English Verse [By Edward Fitzgerald]. Fourth Edition. 8vo. Elaborately bound by Sangorski & Sutcliffe in full mauve levant morocco, 92 A Ce AEG ra Wee Po pe es ie lige ge teenes PES tee sa Illuminated by Sangorsl bie . alott Sh 93 cy “The Lady of S ’ Tennyson 615. O N Ree ee aes ee naa Co sgt Oe . ; ae - Lt PPO nee apple ee : ~ 5 salar see ReneS YAN cen Leese ne pA ph OO hein fib th gi with leather joints, green levant doublures and flyleaves, the whole elaborately inlaid and gold-tooled, and set with 4 moonstones, 21 garnets, 5 olivines (small), 1 ruby and 1 sapphire. The design of the cover is in keeping with the theme of the Poem, the central figure on the front being a peacock in a sunk panel with tail outspread; the eyes of the feathers are represented by 21 garnets, the bird’s crest is formed with olivines, while a ruby suggests the eye. This panel is surrounded by a vine design on a solid dotted gold background elaborately inlaid in green, mauve and brown. The back cover has a central sunk panel enclosing an intricate strapwork design on a gold background, the strapwork being raised and modeled, and set with moon- stones and a large sapphire. The remainder of the back cover is decorated with roses and a border of green strapwork with a gold dotted ground. The doublures are decorated with a border of peacock feathers and interlaced lines. THIRTY-TWO JEWELS AND 333 SEPARATE PIECES OF INLAY ARE USED IN THE DECORATION OF THIs BINDING. London: Bernard Quaritch, 1879. 1 volume. OMAR KHAYYAM. Rubaiyat of Omar Khayyam, Translated into English Prose by Justin Huntley McCarthy. Narrow 8vo, bound in full green levant morocco, richly gilt-tooled sides and back, doublures and flies of orange colored silk, gilt tops, uncut, by Zarunsporr. Portland: T. B. Mosher, 1896. 1 volume. PARDOE (Juu1a). Historical Writings: Louis the Fourteenth and the Court of France in the 17th Century, 3 vols—The Court and Reign of Francis the First, King of France, 3 vols——The Life of Marie de Medicis, Queen of France, 3 vols. Steel portraits. Together, 9 vols., 8vo., three-quarters green levant morocco, gilt backs, gilt tops, uncut. London: Bentley, 1886-1890. Q volumes. Fine large type edition. PARKMAN (Francis). France and England in North America, 5 vols.—Con- spiracy of Pontiac and the Indian War, 2 vols——Montcalm and Wolfe, 2 vols.— The Oregon Trail. Together, .10 vols.; 8vo, half “black calf, (201 10e volumes in three-quarters morocco), gilt tops, uncut. Boston, 1880-85. 10 volumes. PARTON (James). Life of Voltaire. Portraits. 2 vols., 8vo., half dark red calf, marbled edges. Boston: Houghton Mifflin & Co, 1881. 2 volumes. PATER (Wa rer H.) Studies in the History of the Renaissance. First Epirion. 8vo, superbly bound in light blue levant morocco, the front cover embellished by ,the insertion of a superb Mrniarure Porrrarr of “La Gioconda” | Mona Lisa], painted by Miss E. B. Currie, and very richly gold-tooled, gilt back, doublures and flies of white watered-silk, gilt top, uncut, by Riviere. London: Macmillan & Co., 1873. 1 volume. (SEE ILLUSTRATION. ) PEARLS OF AMERICAN POETRY. Illuminated by T. W. Gwilt Mapleson. Finely printed in gold and colors within decorative borders, each of a different design. Quarto, full black morocco, gilt edges. New York: Wiley & Putnam, ny di 1 volume. 94 PEPYS (Samvet), Diary and Correspondence of. With a Life and Notes by Richard, Lord Braybrooke. Exrra-ILuustratep with nearly 100 portraits and views, all neatly inlaid wherever necessary. 4 volumes, 8vo., half orange morocco, gilt backs with blue lettering pieces and small red morocco inlays, gilt tops, uncut. London: H. Colburn & Co., 1857. 4 volumes. PHOTOGRAPHIC REPRODUCTIONS. Collection of 78 Albums, mainly quarto size, containing upwards of 3,000 photographic (unmounted) reproductions of Notable Paintings, Famous Places and Churches, etc. etc., all loosely inserted. 78 volumes. A very valuable collection, of great interest to art students. PLOOS VAN AMSTEL (C.). Collection d’Imitation de Dessins d’apres les Prin- cipaux Maitres Hollandais et Flamands, Commercée par C. Ploos van Amstel, Continuée et portée a nombre de Cent Morceaux, Avee des Renseignemens Historiques et Detailles sur ces Maitres et sur leurs Ouvrages. Précédés d’un Discours sur l’etat ancien et moderne des Arts dans Les Pays Bas, par C. Josi. Illustrated with 157 plates, nearly all of them being full-page, beautifully engraved in colors or in aquatint, mounted on drawing paper. 2 volumes, folio, full red morocco, gilt, doublures of green morocco, gilt-tooled, gilt edges, 2s yellow lettering pieces. Londres: C. Josi, 1821. 2 volumes. | se A Very Rare Work. Nearly all the plates in this collection are in Proor Strate, with Van | i ‘ee Amstel’s mark on the back. 236. No. 236. See Page 29. 95 : ae a 590 591 593 PLUTARCH. Plutarch’s Lives of Illustrious Men. Translated by J. & W. Lang- horne. Illustrated. 2 volumes, 8vo., half tan calf, blue lettering pieces, gilt tops. London: H. G. Bohn, 1853. 2 volumes. POE (Epear Attan), Complete Works of. Edited and Chronologically Arranged on the Basis of the Standard Text, with Certain Additional Material and with Critical Introductions by Charles F. Richardson. Splendidly illustrated by F. S. Colburn, with numerous engravings, PRINTED IN THREE STATES, one set of proofs, one set on Japan paper, and one set colored by hand. 10 volumes, Imperial 8vo., bound in green levant morocco, the sides and backs gilt-tooled, and with 8 oral inlays of red morocco in the corners, wide inside borders, gilt-tooled, doublures of red velvet, flies of white wateccd ale gilt tops, uncut. New York: G. P. Putnam’s Sons, 1902. 10 volumes. Lenore Epition, PrinteED oN JAPAN VELLUM, and limited to 10 sets, signed by the Pub- lishers. PRIDEAUX (S. T.). An Historical Sketch of Bookbinding. With a Chapter on Early Stamped Bindings, by E. Gordon Duff. 8vo., Coarminety Bounp By tHe AutHor HerseEtr, in full red levant morocco, the sides and back decorated with floral inlays of cream colored morocco, gilt-tooled, gilt edges, stamped “SS. T. P)1902) Lendon471897: 1 volume. Miss Prideaux ranks ‘among the foremost Artist-Bookbinders, and examples of her work- manship are greatly coveted by Collectors of Fine Bindings. Jewelled ‘‘Romantique’”’ Binding By Sangorski & Sutcliffe. QUARLES (Francis). Emblems. Illustrated by Charles Bennett and W. Harry Rogers. 8vo., in a Supers “RomMantiQue” Brnpina, described below. London, 1861. In morocco case. 1 volume. Most elaborately bound in full crushed brown levant morocco with leather joints, green levant doublures, and silk fly-leaves with both covers, doublures and fly-leaves elaborately inlaid, gold-tooled, and set with fire opals, garnets, chalcedonies and a turquoise, ae with clasps jewelled with sapphires and gilt edges, tooled and hand colored. The design of the whole binding is emblematic in character. In an oblong panel sunk slightly below the surface of the front cover appears a golden orb (suggestive of the Sovereignty of Christ), embossed and richly jewelled with garnets, chalcedonies and a turquoise. ‘This is surmounted by a wreath of thorns (suggestive of the Crucifixion), inlaid in black upon a closely studded gold ground, and is surmounted by a Dove (repre- senting the Holy Spirit), modelled in high relief. In the lower part of the panel is an hour glass, surmounted by a pair of wings, the, whole modelled in high relief, and suggestive of the Flight of Time. The background of the panel is decorated with the Vine (symbolical of the Blood of Christ), the leaves of which are inlaid in gold and the grapes in purple, appearing on a closely studded gold background. This central oblong panel is surrounded by a floral border, showing a deco- rative treatment of the Privet (suggestive of Everlasting Life), the berries of which are inlaid in red and the whole of the border is inlaid in blue. The central feature of the back cover is a conventional representation of a Phoenix appearing amidst flames and surrounded by 16 fire opals, and encircled with a wreath of butterflies. This whole device is emblematical 96 a TL I pl NOT Ia RNA rr ————————————— shctiniiecaetitea bacilli * * * » e ad cag ¢ os a oe i < s “The Lady of Shalott.” Jewelled Binding by Sangors! 97 ~) Tennyson No. 615. 595 of Everlasting Life, Immortality of the Soul, and the Resurrection. It is surrounded by a rose design, the flowers of which are inlaid in white, and the leaves in green and the whole is enclosed by a border of dead rose stalks decoratively arranged and inlaid in purple. The contrasting ele- ments of this design: The living rose, with its vigorous growth and wealth of bloom and the dead entanglement of stalks, is suggestive of Life and Death. A number of emblematical devices also appear on the front doublure. In the centre appears a Cross inlaid in brown, and with the crown of thorns and the three nails represented, the whole suggesting the Crucifixion. This is enclosed by a border showing a decorative arrangement of peacock feathers (suggestive of vanity and pride), with a Dove in each corner (the Holy Spirit) and White Lilies (Purity) in circular panels inset into the border, this border being enclosed within bands of interlaced strap- _ work, inlaid in blue. Butterflies, hearts, and a Spiritual Crown are also introduced into the decoration of this doublure. A similar border encloses the back doublure, but with a winged Scarabeus, emblematical of Eternal Life in each corner. A symbolical device appears in the center, composed of a sword and scales surrounded by Lilies rep- resenting Purity and Justice. The fly-leaves are richly tooled with a diaper design composed of flowers and small hearts. The panels on the back are decorated with a rose design and with a butterfly and Spiritual Crown, alternately. SEVEN HUNDRED AND SIXTY-SIX SEPARATE PIECES OF INLAY ARE USED IN THE DECORATION OF THIS BINDING, AND OVER 22,000 DOTS ARE TOOLED IN GOLD ON THE FRONT COVER ALONE. The designs of both covers and doublures are original, and have never been used before. RICHARDSON (Samuet), The Novels of. Complete and Unabridged, Splendidly illustrated with engraved plates, PRINTED IN TWO STATES, One set on Japan paper, and one colored by hand. 20 volumes. §8vo., bound in red levant morocco, gilt sides and backs, each volume with 9 floral inlays in the corners, doublures and flies of watered-silk, gilt tops, uncut, by Stikeman. Printed from type for Subscribers only, by Croscup and Sterling Co., New York, 1901. 20 volumes. AvtocrApH Epirion, No. 2 of only 56 sets upon hand-made paper. ROMAN CONTEMPORAIN.. (The Masterpieces of Sand, Daudet, Goncourt, Dumas, Halevy, Gautier, Flaubert, Zola, etc., translated into English.) Beautz- fully illustrated with etchings by noted artists. 20 volumes, crown 8vo., full green morocco, a floral design in gold on front and back covers, backs richly gilt, inside gold borders, gilt tops. (A few of the bindings slightly faded.) Philadelphia: George Barrie & Son, 1900. 20 volumes. Printed throughout on Japanese vellum; limited to 1,000 sets, this being No. 655. ROOSES (Max). Dutch Painters of the Nineteenth Century. With Biographical Notices. Translated by F. Knowles. Illustrated with 6 etchings, 6 photo- gravure plates, and over 200 other reproductions. Quarto, three-quarters tan calf, green lettering pieces, gilt top, uncut. London: Sampson, Low, Marston & Co., 1900. 1 volume. ROUSSEAU (Jran-Jacguzs), The Confessions of. Preface by Jules Claretie. Superbly illustrated by Maurice Leloir with a large number of full-page en- 98 gravings, PRINTED IN TWO STATES, one set on Japan paper, and one on satin, colored by hand, the satin plates within sunk mounts; numerous fine head and tail-pieces. 6 volumes, Royal 8vo., bound in red levant morocco, the sides and backs gilt-tooled and inlaid with green and blue moroccos, doublures of green levant morocco, gilt tooled, with floral inlays of white and red moroccos, leather joints, flies of green watered-silk, gilt tops, uncut. Philadelphia: Gebbie & Co., 1902. 6 volumes. AstraL Eprrion, Prinrep THrovucHour on Japan Paper, and limited to 56 copies, this being No. 12. Ks SAINT-SIMON (Duke or). The Memoirs of the Duke of Saint-Simon on the Reign of Louis XIV and the Regency. Translated by Bayle St. John. 3 volumes, 8vo, original cloth, uncut. London: Chatto & Windus, 1876. z 3 volumes. Jewelled Binding, with Miniatures. SCOTT (Sir Watrer). The Lady of the Lake. Illustrated by numerous en- : gravings on wood from drawings of Birkett Foster and John Gilbert. 8vo. Luxuriously bound in blue levant morocco, the front cover almost entirely covered with inlays of vari-colored moroccos forming a design of the Scottish Arms and Banners, EMBELLISHED WITH 28 SAPPHIRES AND OTHER PRECIOUS STONEs, set within solid gold mounts; borders of blue morocco, upon which is lettered in gold the stanza beginning with: ~ “When last among its banks I wandered -| Through groves that had begun to shed,” the back cover with a somewhat similar design and center-piece of crossed swords and shield, inlaid in vari-colored moroccos, with borders of blue morocco upon which is lettered in gold the stanza beginning with: “The mighty minstrel breathes no longer.” gilt back with small inlays of red morocco, gilt edges gauffered to a floral pattern, the petals painted in green and red; the front doublure of green and. blue morocco, with small purple and red inlays surrounding a superb Portrait Miniature of SIR WALTER SCOTT, painted by Miss E. B. Currie, within a solid gold setting and a border formed of 12 emeralds, topazes, etc; the back doublure of blue and green morocco, with purple and red inlays and a center design showing Sir Walter’s monogram inlaid in red and green morocco, sur- rounded by 8 emeralds, etc.; flies of brown silk decorated with thistles, by Sancorsk1 & Surcrirre. In blue morocco case. Edinburgh: A. & C. Black, 1853. 1 volume. SCOTT (Sir Watrer). Waverley Novels. Connoisseurs’ Edition. Superbly illus- trated with hand-colored frontispieces, proof plates, and wood engravings. 26 volumes, imperial 8vo., bound in full autumn-leaf levant, the sides and backs gold-tooled, with inlays of green morocco in corners, center, and backs, wide inside borders, doublure of white leather, gilt-tooled, gilt edges. New York: ~G. D. Sproul, 1900. ; 26 volumes. Connorsseurs’ Epvrrron. No. 5 of only 180 sets, signed by the publisher. SERMON ON THE MOUNT. Beautifully Written Out and Mluminated by Alberto Sangorski. Reproduced by the Graphic Engraving Co. Printed in gold and colors. Quarto, full purple suede ealf, gilt. London: Chatto & Windus, 1911. 1 volume. 99 602 604 A Unique and Remarkable Set of the Edinburgh Edition of Shakespeare, Superbly Extra-Illustrated and Illuminated © by Hand. SHAKESPEARE (Witr1am). The Works of Shakespeare. Epinspuren Epirion. Edited by William Ernest Henley. Maceniricentity Exrra-ILLusTRATED AND _Intuminarep. Each volume has a hand-colored frontispiece, and is richly, embellished throughout. with a large number of finely painted initial letters, borders, head and tail-pieces, and other decorations, executed with consummate art, in brilliant colors and burnished gold, after the manner of the ancient manuscripts. The Extra-Illustrations comprise original water-colors depicting the leading characters of Shakespeare’s plays; these are full-page in size and are done especially for this set by eminent artists; there are also a large number of colored prints and engravings on wood and steel and copper, many of them, being of the greatest rarity; in all, over 5,000 Extra-Illustrations, depicting the Life and Works of the Immortal Bard of Avon. 40 stately volumes, royal folio, bound in full red levant morocco, Janseniste, with doublures of brown levant morocco; IN THE FRONT DOUBLURE OF EACH VOLUME THERE IS SET A CHARMING AND BEAUTIFUL HAND-PAINTED MINIATURE PORTRAIT of one of the characters figuring in that volume (in all, 40 miniaTrurREs), within a border of rich gold tooling and under glass; flies of brown watered-silk, gilt tops, uncut. Edinburgh: T. & A. Constable, n. d. 40 volumes. Unquestionably one of the most sumptuous sets of Shakespeare’s works in existence. The — admirable Edinburgh Edition printed on fine paper and in large readable type, edited by the noted scholar, W. E. Henley, consisting of 40 volumes (a play to each volume), has been taken as the groundwork for a master effort in extra-illustrating and illumination. Complete sets of plates from old and rare editions of Shakespeare have been combined with rare prints and original drawings, to give the set every possible embellishment; all of the plates have been inlaid to size. In the binding, the finest levant has been utilized, and the hand-painted min- iatures in the doublures add to the splendor of the volumes. SHAKESPEARE (Wii11Am), Complete Works of. Edited by Henry N. Hudson. Harvard Edition. 10 volumes, 12mo., half blue calf, marbled edges. Boston: Ginn, Heath & Co., 1883. 10 volumes. SHAKESPEARE. Boapren (James). An Inquiry into the Authenticity of Various Pictures and Prints, which, from the Decease of the Poet to our own Times have been offered to the Public as Portraits of Shakespeare, ete. Engraved Portraits. Elegantly bound in olive levant morocco, the FRONT COVER ADORNED WITH SEVEN SUPERB MINIATURE PORTRAITS OF THE IMMORTAL SHAKESPEARE, PAINTED BY Miss E. B. Currix; each miniature is surrounded by a gilt border and the remaining spaces are decorated with a floral design, tooled in gold; richly gilt-tooled backs, doublures and flies of red watered-silk, gilt tops, uncut, by Riviere. In a red morocco pull-off case. London: Robert Triphook, 1824. 3 1 volume. (SEE ILLUSTRATION. ) SHAKESPEARE. Boypeti’s SHakespEARE GatiERy. A Collection of Prints from Pictures Painted for the Purpose of Illustrating the Dramatic Works of Shakespeare, by the Artists of Great Britain. 100 superb plates engraved on copper. 2 volumes, large folio, contemporary red morocco, gilt-tooled (slightly rubbed). London: John & Josiah Boydell, 1803. 2 volumes. Fine set. The plates are all good impressions, and in clean condition. 100 ee ee 1 Y | ik A ] | ‘4 ee ee ee SHAKESPEARE. Dartey (F.O.C.). Shakespeare Illustrations. Thirty Superb Plates, to Illustrate the Works of Shakespeare, with accompanying text; the plate of “Macbeth” with the Artist’s signature in pencil; each plate in a cut-out mount. Preserved in a specially made case of grey suéde calf. New York: 1884-86. 1 volume. No. 143 of a very limited number. Jewelled Binding, With Miniatures. SHELLEY (Percy Byssue). Posthumous Poems. First Eprrion. 8vo., beauti- fully bound in full blue levant morocco, almost entirely covered withen floral design consisting of green, red, and yellow inlays, with a border inlaid in red morocco, upon which is lettered in gold the first stanza of “The Triumph of Life” beginning with ‘Swift as a spirit hastening to his task’; the front cover adorned with ten clusters of grapes, each consisting of 14 Topazes set in solid gold mounts, doublures of cream morocco, each with a sunken panel containing aN EXQUISITE MINIATURE PORTRAIT OF SHELLEY, painted by Miss E. B. Currie; the Miniature in the front cover shows Shelley at the age of 26, the one in _ the back cover at the age of 20; each portrait is surrounded with a floral design consisting of 12 PETALS OF TORQUOISES AND RUBIES AND 12 sappuHires; wider border of blue morocco, the whole richly decorated with numerous floral inlays tooled in gold; flies of brown silk, gilt-tooled, the back richly gilt-tooled and inlaid with clusters of grapes done in purple morocco; gilt top, uncut. London: Printed for John and Henry L. Hunt, 1824. In a green levant morocco case. {en 1 volume. Bound by Messrs. Sancorsx1 & Surciirre, after designs specially made for this volume. A veritable “Tour, de Force” of Bibliopegistic Art. (See ILLUSTRATION. ) SMOLLETT (Tostas). Complete Works of Smollett. With Introductions by G. H. Maynadier. Finely illustrated. 12 volumes, 8vo., half red morocco, gilt backs, gilt tops, uncut. New York: Geo. D. Sproul, 1902. 12 volumes. Limirep Eprrion. No. 773 of only 1,000 numbered and registered sets. SPORTSMAN’S LIBRARY. Comprising:—Nimrod’s The Chase, the Road, and the Turf; Smith’s Life of a Fox; Scrope’s Art of Deer Stalking; Allen's Sportsman in Ireland; Berkeley’s Reminiscences of a Huntsman. Finely il- lustrated with colored and plain plates. 5 volumes, Imperial 8vo., three-quarters red levant morocco, gilt backs, gilt tops, uncut. London: Edwin Arnold, 1896-98. 5 volumes. Choice set of the Large Paper Edition. STANLEY (Henry M.). Through the Dark Continent. With 10 maps and 150 wood cuts. 2 volumes, 8vo., half morocco. New York: 1878. 2 volumes. STANTON (Epwin McMasters), The Autocrat of Rebellion, Emancipation, and Reconstruction. By F. A. Flower. Splendidly Exrra-IuiustratTep and em- bellished by the insertion of 115 portraits, views, etc., and 39 autograph letters or documents of personages mentioned in the work. Thick 8vo., three-quarters blue levant, gilt-panelled back, gilt top, uncut. Akron: Saalfield Pub. Co., 1905. 1 volume. 101 QIv bet Our A) Wb 612 613 f' Z F . Bee iS ye hd } LEA BA 614 ov STEVENSON (Rozerr Louis), Works of. EpinsureuH Epition. Finely illus- trated. 31 volumes, 8vo., three-quarters rose levant morocco, richly gilt backs, gilt tops, uncut. Edinburgh: Printed by T. & A. Constable, 1894-1904. 31 volumes. Very Rare. No. 334 of only 1035 sets printed. STOTHARD (Tuomas), Life of. With Personal Reminiscences. By Mrs. Bray. ONE VOLUME EXTENDED TO THREE, by the insertion of upwards of 300 engraved examples of this celebrated artist, and including portraits and views of persons and localities mentioned in the work; all neatly inlaid to size where necessary. Square 8vo., full-mottled calf, richly gilt back, with red lettering pieces, gilt tops, uncut, by Larkin. London: John Murray, 1851. 3 volumes. TAINE (H. A.). History of English Literature. T ranslated from the French by H. Van Laun. 3 volumes, 8vo., half dark red calf, marbled edges. (One Mm volume slightly damaged.) New York: H. Holt & Co., 1876. 3 volumes. Magnificent Illuminated Manuscript. TENNYSON (Atrrep Lorp). Some Porms sy Atrrep Lorp Tennyson. Manvu- script Executep By Messrs. Sancorski & SUTCLIFFE. For more than 40 years Tennyson remained at the head of modern poetry. All subjects in his time he has touched in a poetical and enlightened manner. His feeling for nature is accurate, loving and of wide range. His human sympathy appeals to everyone; he makes true song and has excelled in pure Idyll. In lyrical measures he is effective and original. These selections of his poetry are written out on vellum and richly illuminated in a manner affording a fitting tribute to the great Poet of the Victorian era. These poems selected are “THE DAY DREAM,” “SIR GALAHAD,” and “LADY CLARE,” and comprise 52 illuminated pages, all of which are illustrated with miniatures. These miniatures have been specially composed for this book and are entirely original. The “DAY DREAM” in partic- ular affords splendid scope for the imagination of the artist. The Sleeping Palace is decoratively depicted in an initial miniature, rich in color, with delicately painted marble steps and pillars, with the “peacock asleep in its laurel bower” and the still fountain in the background. “THE SLEEPING BEAUTY” is next illustrated. In these three verses we have the perfect expression of Tennyson’s lyrical power. His artistic shaping of verse charms the ear with the delicate cadence of lines which are full of wondrous beauty and color. The panel miniature painting is. illustrative of: “She sleeps: her breathings are not heard In palace chambers far apart. The fragrant tresses are not stirr’d That lie upon her charmed heart.” The next miniature represents the arrival of the Prince, illustrative of the following lines: “He travels far from other skies— His mantle glitters on the rocks— A fairy Prince, with joyful eyes, And lighter-footed than the fox.” 102 No. 620. H ' i } “4 Thomson’s ‘“The Seasons.” 103 1s na RU Cosway Binding. a mnsansnaapancansancnrmsamesensttt OT ee “The Revival” opens with a beautiful panel picture of the awakened king seated at the banquet board, interpreted by the lines: “And last with these the king awoke And in his chair himself uprear’d And yawned, and rubb’d his face, and spoke ‘By holy rood, a joyful beard’ How say you? We have slept my lords.” The concluding miniature of this poem represents “The Departure,’ a panel picture of an imaginative landscape showing the Prince and Princess leay- ing the Palace; painted with a depth of tender expression. “And on her lover’s arm she leant And round her waist she felt it fold And far across the hills they went In that new world which is the old.” The poem “SIR GALAHAD?” is illustrated by a full-page miniature painting of the Knight riding to combat, armour clad, and lance in hand, gorgeously apparelled with the plumes upon his helm flying in the breeze, illustrating the splendor and power of these lines: “My good blade carves the casques of men, My tough lance thrusteth sure, My strength is as the strength of ten, Because my heart is pure.” “LADY CLARE” is a lyrical poem, simple in its lines, and is illustrated by a large oval miniature painting illustrating the following lines: “It was the time when lilies blow, And clouds are highest up in air, Lord Ronald brought a lily-white doe To give his cousin, Lady Clare.” The book is bound in green levant morocco, with leather joints, buff colored doublures and brown levant fly-leaves and with covers, doublures and fly- leaves elaborately inlaid and gold-tooled and embellished with 280 jewels, These comprise: 20 diamonds. 12 sapphires. 51 topazes. 1 small sapphire. 80 garnets. 27 amethysts. 20 marquise garnets. 16 fire opals. 31 green chalcedonies. 4 Australian opals. 8 pale blue chalcedonies and 5 rubies. 5. pearls. ‘Two thousand and seven hundred inlays are employed in the decoration of this binding. The designs have been specially prepared for the book, are entirely original and will not be used again. They are symbolical in character. An endeavor has been made to suggest in a subtle manner the three poems in the book. The dominant feature of the front cover is a symbolism of the Holy Grail; this is surrounded by lilies, each occupying the remainder of the panel. The flowers are slightly modelled in relief and suggest the purity of “THE QUEST.” They also remind one of the lines in “LADY CLARE”: “Tt was the time when lilies blow.’’ 104 The Sleeping Palace is dedicated to “LADY CLARE,” Goddess of flowers and of spring. This is suggested by the richly colored floral design that occupies the central portion of the back cover. Floral borders inlaid and ‘Closely stopped in surround these panels on each cover. The decoration of the doublures is depicted by the Poem “THE SLEEPING PALACE.” The front one represents the Palace asleep and the back one “The Awakening.” In an oval panel sunk slightly below ihe surface, the Sleeping Palace is suggested by “the peacock asleep in its laurel bower,” the suggestion of the still fountain and the garden overgrown with bramble. The Peacock is richly jewelled, the crest being formed by pearls, the eye by a ruby, and topazes represent the eyes of the feathers in the tail. In the back doublure is a suggestion of the Palace awake, birds are singing amongst the foliage, bees and butterflies add to the scene of animation and < the fountain is seen playing. Both of these panels are surrounded by richly inlaid foliage. | | Flowers ornament both fly-leaves, the monogram of the Poet occupies the center of the front one surrounded by the laurel wreath, and a foliated heart the center of the back fly-leaf. Work on this book was started in the early part of 1912 and completed the - 81st day of March, 1914. . (SeE ILLUSTRATION. ) : Illuminated Manuscript, in Rich Jewelled and Inlaid Binding. ee TENNYSON (Atrrep, Lorp). “Tue Lapy or Suarorr.” Manuscript Executep By Messrs. Sancorski & SUTCLIFFE. 1 volume. —— The whole of this beautiful poem is written out and elaborately illuminated on ae 23 pages of pure vellum embellished throughout with charming Miniatures, a nh entire Borders, and Illuminated Capitals delicately designed and very finely a | executed. Each page is beautifully decorated, the writing being within borders representing different styles of treatment, while in some borders appear very dainty Miniatures, and the Capitals are heightened with solid gold, the whole being most magnificently executed, and surpassing in effect some of the finest and most costly examples of the 14th and 15th Century Illuminated Manuscripts. There are two magnificent large full page miniatures (size 8 inches by 56 inches) in brilliant colors and exquisite beauty, portraying Towered Came- lot, the Magic Web and mirror clear, The Knight in shining armor “Sir Lancelot.” “Helmet and the Helmet Feather Burn’d like one flame together As he rode down to Camelot.” Ete. The second large miniature depicts the lovely Lady of Shalott floating in her stately barge past Tower and Wharf and lighted Palace near. “Silent into Camelot. God in His mercy lend her Grace The Lady of Shalott.” Etc. This beautiful poem was written by Lord Tennyson in 1832, and in it he allows his fancy to run free amidst scenes of exquisite beauty; it is a spirit akin 105 wry RA Fag cover is a circular ornament of gold ground with the Monogram of the Poet ; inlaid in blue morocco, surrounded by 16 emeralds, in gold settings; the pA remaining spaces richly inlaid with floral designs in green and purple moroccos, 1 hee interlaced bands of red and green moroccos, the center tooled with diamond- to that which gave us the “Mid-Summers Night’s Dream” and in which the life of Nature and Man are interwoven with the passionate power of his early work. | The Manuscript is bound in light blue levant morocco, leather joints, brown levant doublures and fly leaves, and with covers, doublures and fly leaves elaborately inlaid, gold-tooled and set with 152 jewels. The design of the binding is floral in character, the covers being divided into panels of inter- esting shapes and filled with a conventional treatment of a variety of flowers. The jewels which are used in the decoration of this binding are:— _ Marquise Garnets, Chalcedonies, Turquoises, Pearls and a large Mexican fire Opal, and nearly 1,000 separate pieces of inlay of various colored leathers, are used in the decoration. Both the decoration of the book and binding are original, and will not be duplicated. eae The illumination, writing and binding is the work of the famous firm of. Illuminators and Binders, Messrs. Sangorski & Sutcliffe, and represents from every point a most magnificent specimen of each art embodied in this most beautiful book. 7 ; (Srz ILiusrration on Pace 97.) — Tennyson’s “The Princess,” in a Jewelled Binding. 616 TENNYSON (Atrrep, Lorp). The Princess. First Edition, with the illustrations by Daniel Maclise. Square 8vo., superbly bound by Sangorski & Sutcliffe in blue levant morocco, with leather joints, levant morocco doublures and fly-leayes, the whole elaborately inlaid and gold-tooled. The center feature of the front shaped figures. The back cover is of a similar design, elaborately tooled in gold and inlaid with moroccos of different shades. The doublures of green and brown levant moroccos, the first with a sunken center panel containing a lovely Miniature Porrrair or Tennyson, painted by Miss Currie, surrounded by a border set with 10 emeralds in solid gold settings; the doublure of the back cover similarly decorated with floral inlays and richly gold-tooled, flies of brown watered-silk, gilt edges, by Sangorski and Sutcliffe. In morocco case. London, 1860. 1 volume. 617 TENNYSON. Napier (G. G.). The Homes and Haunts of Tennyson, Poet f Laureate. Beautifully illustrated with engraved plates. 8vo., three-quarters mA, olive levant morocco, gilt back, gilt top, uncut. New York: Macmillan & Co., 1892. ; 1 volume. Limited to 300 copies, printed throughout on Japan paper. 618 TENNYSON (Atrrep, Lorp). A Memoir. By His Son. Splendidly extra- | illustrated by the insertion of 84 choice engravings, consisting of portraits, views, etc., mentioned in the work; and an autograph signature of the poet, ope 4 volumes, 8vo, three-quarters olive levant morocco, gilt tops, uncut. New York: Macmillan Co., 1897. 4 volumes. 619 THACKERAY (W. M.), Complete Works of. Eprrion Unigur. Profusely illus- trated with plates printed on India paper, specially prepared for this edition. 52 volumes, Imperial 8vo, bound in green levant morocco, gilt-tooled sides and 106 secsenteeieintec cist ATR AT NOE No. 631. Williamson’s History of Portrait Miniatures. 2 vols., in Cosway Bindings. 107 backs, wide inside borders gilt-tooled, leather joints, gilt tops, uncut. New York: .G:0PecPuinam’s #oo0ns,s1-4.d: 52 volumes. This is Smith, Elder & Co.’s Edition de Luxe in 26 volumes, extended to 52 volumes, with specially printed titles bearing the Putnam imprint. THOMSON (James). The Seasons. With Engraved Illustrations from Designs - Drawn on,Wood, by John Bell, C. W. Cope, Thomas Creswick, and other Artists. 8vo, beautifully bound in blue levant morocco; on the front and back covers are inserted TWO CHARMING MINIATURES of the THREE GRACES, exquisitely painted by Miss E. B. Currie, the remaining spaces filled in with a floral design richly gilt-tooled, doublures and flies of green watered-silk, gilt top, uncut, by Riviere. In a green morocco pull-off case. London: Longmans, = 1847. 1 volume. Charming example of “Cosway Binding.” (See Iptustration on Pace 108.) Tissot’s Superbly Illustrated Bible. SAINTE BIBLE, LA. Comprising: Ancient Testament, 2 volumes; La Vie de Notre Seigneur Jesus Christ, 2 volumes; together, 4 volumes. Superbly illustrated, with 565 colored plates, many of them full-page, designed by J.-James Tissot. Large quarto, bound in brown levant morocco, each volume with a sunken panel on the front cover, with the figure of Our Lord (on the Old Testament, that of Moses) worked in brown leather relief, perpendicular blind-tooled bands, the backs with heavily raised bands, double lettering pieces of yellow morocco; doublures of brown and yellow levant, gilt tooled, flies of green watered-silk, gilt edges, by Pagnant. Paris and Tours, 1896-1904. 4 volumes. Of the Old Testament, only 600 copies have been printed, this copy being No. 155. The New Testament is No. 658 of an edition of 1000 copies. TREASURES AND MASTERPIECES OF ART at the Paris Universal Exposi- tion. Descriptive Text by Gaston Migeon. With an Introduction by Emile Molinier. Superbly illustrated with upwards of 150 full-page plates in colors, and photogravures, of Portraits. Paintings, Furniture, Objects of Art, etc. 3 volumes, folio, full brown levant morocco, doublures of blue levant morocco, with floral inlays of red morocco, brocade flies, gilt tops, uncut. Paris: Goupil & Co., n. d. 3 volumes. Uniaue Eprrion. No. 144 of only 250 sets issued. TORTOISE, SHELL BINDING. EI Officio del Domingo. Narrow 8vo, BounpD IN TORTOISE SHELL, the front cover with silver chasing decorations, gilt edges, _ silver clasps. Tornai (Belgica): Sociedad de San Juan Evangelista, n. d. 1 volume. — A curious and pretty example of printing and binding. UNIVERSAL ANTHOLOGY. Edited by Richard Garnett and others. Splendidly illustrated with photogravures on Japan paper. 33 volumes, large 8vo, bound in red morocco, gilt-tooled sides and backs, gilt tops, uncut. London: The Clarke Co., 1899. 1 volume. Author’s Autograph Edition, No. 29 of only 100 sets issued. . 108 625° WALLACK (Lester). Memories of Fifty Years. With an Introduction by Lawrence Hutton. Numerous fine portraits. 8vo, half calf, gilt top, uncut. New York: Charles Scribner’s Sons, 1889. 1 volume. No. 218 of only 500 copies issued. WEBSTER (Danirt), Life of. By George Ticknor Curtis. Engraved portraits. 2 volumes, 8vo., stamped morocco, gilt edges. New York, 1870. 2 volumes. WHITELAW (Atex.) The Book of Scottish Song: Collected and Illustrated with Historical and Critical Notices, etc. Frontispiece and Title engraved on ‘steel. MINIATURE PORTRAIT OF RosertT Burns, the back cover with a Miniature depict- ing Scotch Farm Cottages, with three figures in the foreground; front and back covers with a border inlay of red.morocco, the Miniatures being surrounded by a border of green morocco, gilt-tooled with a design of thistles and other emblematical figures, the whole richly gilt-tooled, inlaid backs of red morocco, tooled in gold; doublures and flies of cream-colored watered-silk, gilt edges, by Riviere. Edinburgh: Blackie & Son, 1851. 1 volume. WHITELAW (Atex). The Book of Scottish Ballads, Collected and Illustrated with Historical and Critical Notices. Frontispiece and Title engraved on steel. .12mo, bound in a similar style as the item described above, except that the two miniatures represent Sir Walter Scott, and a River Scene. Edinburgh: Blackie & Son, 1845. 1 volume. WHITMAN (Watt), Complete Writings of. Issued under the Editorial-Super- vision of his Literary Executors, Richard M. Bucke, T. B. Harned, and Horace Traubel. With Biographical and Critical Material prepared by Prof. O. L. Triggs. Numerous fine portraits and facsimiles, the portraits PRINTED IN THREE states. 10 volumes, Impl. 8vo., bound in green levant morocco, gilt sides and backs, with center inlay of green, red, and white moroccos, wide inside borders, doublures of red velvet, gilt tops, uncut. New York: G. P. Putnam’s Sons, 1902. 10 volumes. Avuruor’s AvrocrarH Eprrion, printed throughout on Japan Vettum Paper. Limited to 10 sets, this set being No. 1, signed by the Publisher. With a one-page Avrocrarn Letter, signed “W. W.” inserted, and a sworn statement of Jeanette L. Gilder certifying to the genuineness of the letter. WILDE (Oscar.) Salome. A Tragedy in One Act: Translated from the French of Oscar Wilde. Pictured by Aubrey Beardsley. First Eprrion. With 10 full-page illustrations by Aubrey Beardsley. 8vo, bound in blue levant morocco, the sides almost entirely covered with an elaborate floral design consisting of 0-0 vari-colored morocco inlays, richly gilt tooled; doublures of white leather upon Sa ae which are repeated Beardsley’s designs “The Woman in the Moon,” and “The Stomach Dance,” worked in black upon white leather, wide borders of a blue morocco, gilt-tooled; the original cloth covers and the publisher’s adver- tisements bound in at the end, gilt top, uncut. By Rivizrz. In green morocco | oe ease. London: Elkin Mathews and John Lane, 1894. 1 volume. 631 WILLIAMSON (Gerorce C.). “The History of Portrait Miniatures. Superbly ‘Ilustrated with 35 hand-colored plates and 104 full-page collotype reproduc- tid tions. 2 volumes, Folio, Sumptuously bound in full red levant morocco, the 109 noo 12mo, bound in full blue levant morocco, the front cover adorned with a.» Front AND Back or THE VoLuMEs EMBELLISHED BY THE INsERTION oF SIXTY- EIGHT Lovery Miniature Paintines, By Miss E. B. Curriz, the intervening spaces filled with gold-tooled leaf sprays, doublures and flies of dark green watered-silk, gilt tops, uncut, by Riviere. London: George Bell and Sons, 1904. Each volume in a green levant morocco pull-off case. 2 volumes. A truly magnificent work, in a luxurious binding. Among the subjects chosen by Miss Currie for the embellishment of the bindings are: James JI, after Oliver; Queen Anne, after Hilliard; Robert Dudley, after Hilliard; Anne Carr, aftce S. Cooper; Charles II, after: S. Cooper; Miss Berry, after Cosway; the Duke of Rutland, after Cosway; Duchess of Devon- shire, after Plimer; Miss Sutherland, after Englehart, and fifty-nine other Celebrities ip by the foremost Miniaturists and described in Mr. Williamson’s monumental work. (Sez ILLustrATION ON Pace 107.) _ WINTER (Witiiam). Old Friends. Being Literary Recollections of Other Days. Illustrated. 8vo, three-quarters red levant morocco, gilt top, uncut. New York: Moffat, Yard & Co., 1909. 1 volume. WISE (Joun S.). Recollections of Thirteen Presidents. Splendidly Exrra-IL- LustTRATED by the insertion of 51 engraved portraits and views, and 48 autograph letters or signatures of persons mentioned in the work. Thick 8vo, half blue levant morocco, gilt back, gilt top, uncut. New York: Doubleday, Page & Co., 1906. 1 volume. WOOD (J. G.). Wood’s Animal Kingdom. Illustrated with about 500 wood engrav- ings by the Dalziels. Royal 8vo, half calf, marbled edges. London: H. A. Brown & Co., 1870. 1 volume. WOODWARD (G. M.). Eccentric Excursions; or, Literary and Pictorial Sketches of Countenance, Character, and Country, in Different Parts of England and Wales. Interspersed with Curious Anecdotes. Embellished with upwards of 100 Characteristic and Illustrative Prints. Quarto, polished calf, gilt back and edges. London: Allen & Co., 1807. 1 volume. WORLD’S GREAT CLASSICS, THE. Julian Hawthorne, Managing Editor. With photogravure portraits on Japan paper. 40 volumes, large 8vo., three- quarters morocco, gilt tops, uncut. New York: Colonial Press, 1900. 40 volumes. Editors’ and Artists’ Edition, limited to 1,000 copies and signed by the editor, this week being No. 211. 637 WRAXALL (Sir Naruaniet W.). Historical and Posthumous Memoirs, 1772-1784. [ f f ; Edited, with Notes and Additional Chapters from the Author’s Unpublished Den AVE MS., by Henry B. Wheatley. Numerous engraved portraits. 5 vols., 8vo., cloth. 7 = New York: Scribner & Welford, 1884. 5 volumes. 638 MISCELLANEOUS BOOKS 144 volumes. 110 : ee ed : PETRA gee eh se GAO oe go y San d b inate Illum 5] oO bp oO ze ilton’s L M Segoe S RES a bhp! 639 Loar 640 o? an Wha L Las a"y 646 if! | 647 fy Wane 648 Mn) 849 1. 4650 FIFTH SESSION Wednesday Afternoon, April 19th, 1916, at 2:30 o’Clock FURNITURE, RUGS, DRAPERIES, SMALL BRIC-A- BRAC, AND PAINTINGS Pair oF Imari JAPANESE VASES, figure and floral decoration. Height, 18 inches Terra Corra Doc. Fox Terrier. Height, 19 inches JAPANESE GLOBULAR-SHAPED VASE. Height, 14 inches VeERNIS Martin Work Tasie. Hand-painted figure panels, ormolu mounts. Two PHoro-ENGRAVINGS OF ADMIRAL DEWEY AND GENERAL GRANT. In gilt frames. Floral decoration. Height, 23 inches JAPANESE MARAIBO VASE. JAPANESE Imart Lamp Vass, with bronze mounts, raised gilt and enamel figure and floral decoration. Height, 23 inches Two Grit FRAME CoLoreD Prints. Figure subjects. Two Sitver Bronze Fiaures, “Cupids,” by L. Kley, on red marble base. Height, 9 inches Wepewoop RoskE Jar, with pierced cover. Floral decoration. THREE ASSORTED VASES. JAPANESE CARVED Woop Tray. Floral decoration. Length, 19 inches 112 geet Renee Bg ne ¥ i GiLt FRAME Print, “Mother and Child.” Two Frencu Porcenarn Vases anp Covers. Floral panels, Height, 10% inches Two Carvep AND Gitr Taxzourets, claw feet. Height, 25% inches Carvep Biack Traxwoop Taxzouret, inlaid red mottled marble top. . Height, 14 inches Persian TaBLE Mat, silk and gold embroidered. Two nce BisQuE Ficures. Sed Height, 15 inches ~ (Gur Bronze Goat INKWELL (damaged). Two TepuitZ THree-Licnhr CANnDELABRA, figure base. ee Height, 14 inches Two Sitver Bronze Grotesque Figures or “Boys,” on red mottled marble base. : Height, 11 inches _ CHINESE See AND WuitE GINGER Jar. Floral decoration. Height, 7 inches Two Terra Corra Prrcuer Vases, figure decoration. Height, 8% inches PaRIAN MARBLE Group oF Two FIGURES. Height, 81 inches ~Srx Preces or Bric-a-Brac. Or Parntine, “On the Beach,” by M. Etienne. In gilt scroll frame. Height, 4 inches ; 6x8 inches Om Parnrine Interior Scene of “Early Dutch School” Gilt Frame and ebonized shutter box. Size, 24x38 inches 113 pf WA 668 pidl / 669 Rar 670 i [oie wal LV p,/ A Davtr’ o75 00 ra On yt LAK be “ 676 pp” 677 Wage nr tA 678 Y =, yp aes 679 a 680 | 681 yt 2L/ 682 Oi Parntine, “Head of a Girl,’ Stiepevitch, in 31-inch gilt scroll — frame. ; Size, 8x6 inches Four SMALL Pieces of Bric-A-BRAc. Two Terra Cotra PitcHer VASES. Gitt Bronze Group, “Puppies.” CoMPosITION AND Giut Woop FLOWER STAND, with cane panels and metal inner dish. | Height, 39 inches VERNIS-MarTIN SEwING Stand. Figure decoration and ormolu mounts. CarvED TEAKWoOD TABOURET, mottled marble inlaid top. Height, 151 inches THREE Partrs oF ASSORTED WINDOW DRAPERIES. CARVED TEAKWOOD STAND, inlaid red mottled marble top. Height, 30 inches Two Warer Coors, panels, in oak and ebonized frames. Ort Parntine. “Head of Cow,” by H. Marx. Size, 9¥%x7\% inches “The Fencer,’ by G. Casin. Size, 744x9% inches Ort PAINTING. HUNGARIAN VAsE, pierced top floral decoration. Brass-MountTED ARGAND BuRNER, with opaque glass shade. Two JAPANESE ANTIMONY INLAID TRINKET BOXEs. JAPANESE Bronze Om Lamp, raised dragon decoration with etched red glass shade. BronzE Pouar Bear, on artificial ice, crystal base, and one Bronze Two-Piece Dog Inkwell. 114 Onyx MANTLE Crock, ormolu mount. Height, 10 inches BronZE STAND, surmounted with two gilt bronze doves. Height, 17 inches CARVED AND GILT BLack WALNuT Picture EAsEL. CARVED AND GILT Woop Picture EAset. ‘Lance Carved TrEAKkwoop TasourEt, with red marble inlaid top and lower shelf. Height, 32% inches -Larer Brack Watnout Inia Corner CABINET, with glass sides -and door. , | Height, 48 inches ~~ | CARVED AND Gitt Woop Rounp Top CENTRE TABLE, inlaid with onyx; fluted tapering legs. sf" a Diameter, 232 inches pes CARVED OBLONG TEAKWOOD ee Length, 40 inches Manocany AND Marquetry Inuaip Rocker, ladder back. rosin Oe hi Back Rocker, saddle seat. CARVED TEAKWOOD SQUARE Top 'TABOURET. Diameter, 16 inches Om Parntine, “Conversation,” by E. Benassit. In 3%-inch gilt scroll frame. Size, 10x8 inches Or Parytrve, “The Cavalier,” by L. Perrey. In 31-inch gilt scroll frame. Size, 1814x8 inches Om Parrine, “Feeding the Chickens,” by W. Morgan. In 3%-inch fluted gilt frame. Or, Parntine, “Admiration,” by Rosati. In 2-inch gilt frame and plush lined shadow box. 115 C4 ee f Cranmatnhe” 711 tk Of ND feasts ; pay 712 i) " ; A Si st ff oa a” Om. Parntine, “The Swordsman,” by T. Ballouin. In 41%-inch gilt fluted frame. Size, 8x6 inches CARVED AND STAINWOOD OcTAGONAL-SHAPED TABOURET. Cut Grass CLARET PrrcHer. Cut glass and sterling silver mounted. Height, 114 inches BRONZE Bas-ReEevieEF TEeNtERs, Figure Subject. Diameter, 10 inches Two CHiInEsE PorcELAIN PLAQUES, figure decoration. Diameter, 9 inches CoMPOSITION AND GILT Woop CANE HOLpeER. LARGE CarveD TEAKWOoD STAND, with mottled red marble inlaid top, lower shelf. Height, 32 inches FLoRAL TAPESTRY UPHOLSTERED OTTOMAN. ManoGany CirctE Back Arm Cuarr, floral tapestry, upholstered seat and back. CaRveD Manocany Empire Hieu Back Arm Cuair, floral tapestry upholstered slip seat. CarveD Manocany Arm Cuarr, figure arm support and back up- holstered in figured cut velvet. Ou. Parntrne, “Mother and Child,” by De Vries; 37-inch gilt scroll frame. Size, 9¥%x7 inches Cotor Print, figure subject, gilt frame. Om Paintine, “Girl in Red,” by Marie Brooks. In 5-inch ebonized frame. Size, 12x6 inches Om PaintinG, Venetian scene, by L. Kinslos. In 38-inch gilt scroll frame. Size, 8x8 inches 116 QuARTERED Oak SIDEBOARD, cabinet and mirror top; four small PGES and two single door compartments. Oak eves Tor Extension TABLE, with leaves. 54 wnches QuaRTERED Oak CoRNER See with double glass doors and shelves. Oax Cura Croser, single glass door, spiral columns and adjustable shelves. bee SET ears Dryinc Room Cuarrs, quartered oak and embossed leather seats. QUARTERED Oak SiwEe Taste, with single drawer and lower shelf. Enony ‘CorNER CABINET, with glass door and sides. a CrNTRE TABLE, with lower shelves, heavy chiseled gilt bronze mounts. Length, 34 inches ? CARVED AND Git Woop Sipe Cuair, floral silk tapestry upholstered seat. ? ~ CARVED MAHOGANY Emprre Arm Crarir, ormolu mounts, floral tapestry Sey eieted seat and back. SILK Bhd. TAPESTRY Down Sora CUSHION. On Partine, “Head of a Bull,” by H. Marx. In 34-inch gilt scroll frame. Size, 9144x7% inches Om Parntine, “Ideal Head;” not signed. 914x714 inches in 8%-inch gilt frame Om Parntine, “Dancer,” by Savini. 8x5 inches in 4-inch gilt frame Om PAINTING, “Landscape,” P. V. Berry. 6x8 inches in 4-inch gilt scroll frame 117 + Gs box. vt wid 737 73 [Mthay, » 738 cee le vy Lay 739 ha y on ro * f j i? foe GT Abaya f Two Water Cotors, “Landscapes.” 10x7 inches in narrow gilt frames ONE CarvED TEAKWOOD STAND, with red mottled marble top. 9x15 inches Onre Manocany Music CaBineEt, inlaid with vari-colored woods, mot- tled marble top, ormolu mountings. Five Pieces or AssortTeD RED PLusH DRAPERIES. Two YELLOw SILK PLusH AND GiLt BULLION EMBROIDERED TABLE SCARES. OnE Parr oF FLuorAL SitK TAPESTRY PORTIERES. Two Parrs oF YELLOow SILK FLORAL TAPESTRY PORTIERES. ONE JAPANESE BLUE AND WHITE PorCELAIN J ARDINIERE. Diameter, 181% inches ONE Parr MounTED ANTLERS, on wood panels. ONE JAPANESE CLOISONNE PLAQUE, landscape decoration. Diameter, 12 inches ONE WuHuitTEeE MARBLE AND Bronze Mountep Two Borrie INK STAND AND PEN Tray To MatTcuH. OnE DrespEN Urn SHAPED PEDESTAL VASE, hand-painted figure and floral panels, with green, red and gilt decoration. Height, 14 inches Brass CRAB CUSPIDOR. ONE JAPANESE BLUE AND WHITE PorRcELAIN BANQUET LAmp, with frosted glass globe. THREE ASSORTED PORCELAIN PLAQUES. Two O13. Parntines, Marine Scenes, by Marceau. 1916x514 inches in 2-inch gilt frames Gop Curio Caprnet, mirror back, crystal shelves, glass sides and single glass door. Dimensions, 2042x1712x68 inches high 118 7 COL ae Two Smats. Gotp Curto CABINETS, mirror back and crystal shelves, glass sides and single door. 4 Dimensions, 1972x1412x57 inches high CARVED SU ee Booxcass, double glass doors and adjustable shelves, fluted front columns. Dimensions, 15x48x76 inches high Manocany Dovusie Door Bookcase, fluted pillar front, one large drawer, carved claw feet. eo 3 Dimensions, 191/2x52x82 inches high Carven Manocany Bookcase, double lattice glass doors, adjustable shelves, carved columns and claw feet. oa Dimensions, 44x23x42 inches high gn = Carvep Manocany Booxcass, double lattice glass doors, adjustable __— shelves, carved columns and claw feet. Dimensions, 44x23x42 inches high (ae Ware Coror, “The Rug Mart,” by F. J. Seguimo, after “Gerome.” 3 Size, 20x86 inches, in 34-inch gilt frame Om Parnrive, “The Bather,” by L. Rossi. 22x15 inches 1 in 4-inch gilt frame On. PAINTING, €Curvrents,” by Brunet Neuville. 16x1014 inches, in 5-inch gold floral frame GREEN Onyx CENTRE TABLE, gilt bronze mounted. 32 inches long One Carvep AND Girt RosEwoop InLArD Warprose, double door. Square Tor Carvep TEAKWwoop STAND, with lower shelf. Diameter, 16 inches — Carvep AND Girt Manocany Divan, upholstered in floral silk tapestry. FLoRAL SILK TAPESTRY UPHOLSTERED OTTOMAN, with tasseled fringe. Repousse Brass FRAME HANGING Mirrror. 50 inches in length 119 ape (bina YELLOW SILK EMBROIDERED WINDOW DRAPERIES. OnE Parr YELLOW SILK EMBROIDERED WINDOW DRAPERIES. OnE Parr YELLOW SILK EMBROIDERED WINDOW DRAPERIES. Two Rep Sirk PLusH AND EMBROIDERED SCARES. Two YELLow PLusH AND GILT EMBROIDERED LAMBREQUINS. Five Preces EMBROIDERED SILK BROCADE. TWELVE Preces EMBROIDERED RED SILK BROCADE. Two Patrs YELLOW SILK AND FLoRAL EMBROIDERED WINDOW DRAPERIES. OnE Parr YELLOW SILK AND FLORAL EMBROIDERED WINDOW DRAPERIES. Water Cotor, “Proposal,” by G. Campi. 17x12 inches in gilt scroll frame Oi, Parntine, “Peasant Boy,” by V. Demont Breton. 13x13 inches in gilt scroll frame Or Parintine, “Woodland,” by Martinul. 14x81% inches in 44%-inch gilt scroll frame Water Cotor, “Italian Boy,” by Lari. 18x11% inches in 4%-inch gilt frame Ros—Ewoop AnD MarquEtTry INLAm PARLOR CABINET, single door compartment, hand chiseled, gilt bronze mounts, red mottled marble top. Dimensions, 50x17x44 inches high Carvep AND Girt Woop Lisrary Tasxe, with mottled onyx top. 50x31x34 inches high Two-FoLp AND EmeposseD LEATHER SCREEN, hand-tooled and gilt. Height, 72 inches | ADJUSTABLE SoLip Brass Boox STAND. 120 ManoGany Boox Sranp, three shelves, mottled top, gilt ormolu mountings. Height, 36 inches FrencH Carvep and Gitt Reception Surre, upholstered in floral silk tapestry, consisting of one divan, one arm and one side chair. FRENCH Carvep AND Girt Hien Back Wine Arm Cuaik, uphol- stered in floral silk tapestry, loose cushion seat. ~ Down Sora Cusuron, colored floral silk tapestry. Vee _ Manocany Lisrary Taste, hand-carved winged-dragon supports and two small drawers. : i al Dimensions, 54x86x380 inches high 81 ot Wrovcut Brass AND ONYX STAND. enna Height, 22 inches ae Manocany AND FLorRAL Tapestry UPHOLSTERED ROCKER. CARVED Oak Hats STAND, bevel plate mirror, box seat. - “Dimensions, 50x90 inches high CoLontAL Manocany Rounp Tor CEntTRE Taste, pedestal base, carved claw feet. Diameter, 30 inches ~Buack Watnout Inia Foriprne-Tor Carp TABLE. Carvep AND Ginr Woop Arm Cuarr, figured tapestry, upholstered seat and back. CHINESE CHIPPENDALE CARVED AND GILT Woop Partor CABINET figures and flowers in relief, glass sides and door with plate glass shelves. Dimensions, 34x12x84 inches high CHINESE CHIPPENDALE CARVED AND Gitt Woop PARLOR CABINET, figures and flowers in relief, glass sides and door with plate glass shelves. ANATOLIAN Rue. . Size, 3 ft. 0in. x 1 ft. 10m. 121 j i Aes 799 Brercama Mart. Size, 3 ft. 8 in. x 2 ft. 9 in. KaraBaGH Ruc. Four diamond-shaped connecting center medal- lions, with nine-inch three-stripped figured border. Colors: blue, — green, ivory white, red predominating. | Size, 3 ft. 8in. x 2 ft. 9 an. SHERVAN Prayer Ruc. All-over small figured center, with eight- inch four- ala figured border. Colors: yellow, blue, red and white. Size, 5 ft. 3in. x 8 ft. 9 an. Mossout Hatt RuNNER. Small all-over figured design center, ten- inch three-striped floral and scroll border. Colors: yellow, blue, red and ivory white. Size, 10 ft x 8 ft. 2 an. KarasacH Rue. All-over conventional design, striped scroll border. Colors: blue, old rose, white and dark blue. Size, 6 ft.x 8 ft. 5 in. DacGuisTaAN PrayErR Rue. Medallion center, 1514-inch five-stripe scroll border. Colors: blue, red, sepia and white. Size, 6 ft.x 8 ft. 9 in. Kurpistan Hatt Rue. All-over small figured center, with nine- -inch three-striped figured border. Size, 8 ft. x 2 ft. 9 im. Two center medallions, seven-inch five-striped Colors: red, dark blue, yellow and ivory white. Size, 4 ft. 2in. x 8 ft. GHIORDES Rua. figured border. Kurpistan Hatt Rue. Six hexagonal-shaped connecting center medallions, fourteen-inch three-striped figure and scroll border. Colors: blue, red, yellow and ivory white. Size, 10 ft. din. x 4 ft. Lan. ANATOLIAN SILK PRAYER Rue. Red center, 1014-inch four-striped scroll border. Colors: green, red, white and old rose. Size, 3 ft. 6 in. x 5 ft. 122 ANATOLIAN S1LK Rug. Floral medallion center on old rose, 74-inch Sestriped scroll border. Colors: green, tan, ivory white and old rose “predominating. | ? ef eee Size, 1 ft. 9 in. x 5 ft. 8 in. Gorovan Ruc. All-over figure and floral center, with 29-inch five- _ striped scroll border. Colors: blue, red, green, tan and ivory white predominating. Size, 10 ft. 6 in. x 16 ft. 6 in. : ‘Rue. Small figure center, 28-inch seven-striped border. red, blue, sepia, ivory white and yellow. Size, 11 ft. x 15 ft. 6 an. RDIS os n Carper. All-over figure and floral center, 24-inch five- toe riped figure and animal border. Colors: dark blue, yellow, red, green and ivory white. Size, 9 ft. 9in. x 15 ft. 6 iN. 123 ae oS eS, Oe Pa ae ee ee ee eee 4 Rae we 5 P ’ ' THE MILLER PAINTINGS. The distinctive feature of the collection of paintings left by Mr. Miller is the fine group of examples of the modern Dutch and French schools. ‘This first-named division of his collection includes — canvases by the great figures in modern Dutch art, Blommers, Kever, De Bock and Pieters, and paintings and water colors by men who, while not so well known, have much to say for themselves through the superb qualities of their technique. On the same level with these paintings is the group of modern French paintings. Its range is naturally wider, and includes exam- ples of such widely diversified painters as Fantin-Latour, Boudin, Zandomeneghi, Monticelli, Bouguereau, Henner, Marie Doieterle, Antoine Vollon, Lerolle; also the military painters, Berne-Bellecour, Grolleron and Chelminski, a Pole inspired by Gallic influences, and that favorite American painter who has lived so long in France as to be one of its school, Ridgway Knight. Unlike most American collectors, Mr. Miller devoted less atten- tion to the native school than is usual nowadays. With the exception of the two Harts among his pictures, these being wholly characteristic examples of the Hudson River School, now gradually coming back into a better state of appreciation among our amateurs of native art, he had few of them. And these, curiously enough, are all by men who had or have lived so long abroad as to be looked upon almost as strangers to their native land. This, at least, showed an uncommon consistency on Mr. Miller’ S part; for, since these men wholly paint in the school of the country in which they are domiciled, they are foreigners in their art, at least, and it was to European art that this collector was devoted. That is probably why he acquired a Boughton, because it was British in feel- ing; a McEwen, because his canvas was of the older Dutch manner; a Pearce, because it was French. Patriotism has so little to do with art collecting that it is rather refreshing to see, here, an amateur’s collection that represents freedom from that spirit. In all of these schools intending purchasers will find exam- ples that are not only thoroughly artistic but have a pictorial interest as well. Mr. Miller bought his pictures to live with and, when all is said and done, that is the supreme demand of any picture bought to adorn a home. So it is that in all the other schools and painters rep- resented, this quality is the predominating one. And among the smaller pictures there is not one that does not hold its own reward of artistic quality, decorative charm and anecdotal interest which will make it a future treasured possession. WILLIAM B. M’CORMICK. 124 ‘ SIXTH SESSION Wednesday Evening, April 19th, 1916, 8:00 o’Clock PAINTINGS G. SIGNORINI. Irau1an: Contemporary. 'TOREADOR. (Water Color.) Height, 12% inches; width, 91% inches. _ A Spanish bull-fighter, in costume of black and red and gold, stands before a white wall on which is a poster advertising th national sport. ; - Signed at lower right, G. Signorini, Paris. ; CHARLES CARYL COLEMAN. we AMERICAN : 1840- A CAPRI GARDEN SCENE. (Panel.) Height, 22% inches; width, 6% inches. ~ Wholly characteristic of this delightful Amer- ican painter is this view of an old garden in his favorite Capri. Above a stone-paved terrace, on which stand some coarse pottery jars and flower- pots, rises the marble col- umn supporting a grape- vine. Beyond is a view of a tangled garden, with a mountain in the distance. Signed at lower left, in cipher, C. C. C., Capn, "95. Purchased from S. P. Avery, Jr. 125 A. MALTOLIMI. Iratian: Contemporary. THE VEGETABLE VENDER. ; Bae te (Water Color.) Ne’ nv Height, 14 inches; width, 10 inches / iy, — Against a wall of heavy stones, that fills the background above the level of her head, stands an Italian peasant woman in a pictur- esque native costume, with a basket of vegetables balanced on her shapely head. A blue and white sky shows above the wall, and there are some green weeds in the turf at the base of the wall. Signed at lower left, A. Maltolima. 807 , A. MALTOLIMI. ad AMS A on _ ITrarran: Contemporary. VL Warn Apa KT Wor “ Tue TROOPER. ‘) DAMS! ~ v0 (Water Color.) 5 “Height, 14 inches: width, 10apeuee A study of a stern-faced trooper in blue and red velvet, with a steel casque and gorget, and a broad leather baldric across his breast. He has wide-flapped yellow boots, and his basket-hilted rapier is held loosely in his right hand, the point of which rests on the ground. Signed at lower left, A. Maltolim. 808 JOHN H. HENRICI. ; ) Contemporary. \ ta WW row Tue Boorsiack. W) 4 : - DD (Water Color.) jo Height, 14° inches; width, 10% inches. A type of Parisian gamin now rarely seen in the City of Light is giving one of his own boots a touch of his own trade. He is seated on a box before a plastered wall, cn which is a poster advertising a brand of some “delicious dessert.” Signed at lower right, John H. Henrici. 809 ADOLF BAUMANN. alg fo GerMAN: 1829-1865. Y eM’), Tue Brrp TRAINER. ’ ‘i (Water Color.) 1 Oe Height, 14 inches; width, 9 inches. A good-natured cavalier is seated in an old oak chair, teaching a bullfinch that is perched on a green glass standing on an oak cabinet. 126 .~ The man holds a churchwarden pipe in his left hand, while his right hand is raised toward the bird. Signed at lower right, A. Bawmann, Muenchen. A. PROSDOCIMI. Iravian: Contemporary. (a St. BARTHOLOMEW’S SQUARE, VENICE. (Water Color.) Height, 114% inches; width, 4% inches. The famous equestrian statue of Colleone in Venice, seen against a blue and white sky, with a group of Venetian natives at the base of the statue. Sig oned at the lower right, A. Prosdocimi. MARIUS ROY. < Frencu: Contemporary. | | : | | | | | | | 1 PoLISHING THE HELMETS. (Panel.) -| Height, 10 inches; width, 5’ inches. ‘At the door of a stable a French cuirassier in working uniform is seen cleaning one of the famous metal-plumed hel- mets of his regiment. A saddle is in the foreground and military trappings are hung on the wall. Signed at the lower right, Marius Roy. Purchased es C.W. Kraushaar. MARIUS ROY. Frencu: Contemporary. PREPARING DINNER. Height, 10 inches; width, 51% inches. Under the roof of an open wagon shed a French infantryman 1s 127 OO OO” preparing carrots for his mess. He is in his shirt-sleeves, and behind him is a brick wall and the sunny side of a thatched-roof cottage. Signed, lower right, Marius Roy. Purchased from C. W. Kraushaar. Companion to the preceding number. 813 V. CAPOBIANCHI. 7 f ot a) ITALIAN. / VV bb A) THE GUARD. (Panel. ) ee ; ne one Height, 8 inches; width, 54 inches. A soldier in a long leather tunic, a broad-brimmed plumed hat, knee breeches and blue stockings stands in a watchful attitude with a long matchlock over his right shoulder. A green wall is behind him, and cutting across the picture from floor to upper right-hand side is a great banner on its staff, in reds and blacks and yellows. Signed at the lower right, V. Capobianchi. Purchased from Boussod, Valadon & Co. B14 P. V. WIMEROUTH. GERMAN. MorHer AND DAUGHTER. eS (Panel.) a Height, 9°4 inches; width, 8 inches. In a room decorated in the French manner a pretty girl and her still prettier mother are at a table, their attention having been called from letter-writing to a greyhound that has just entered the room before an elderly man, who can be seen at the left. Signed at the lower nght, P. V. Wimerouth. 815 ANCILLOTTI. vy, f - Iratian: Contemporary. A f io (Panel. ) IN THE GARDEN. Height, 10% inches; width, 8% inches. A cavalier in blue and red velvet is seated in a park, engaged in talking to his greyhound, who stands in an eager attitude before his master. Green trees and a warm, grey sky fill the vista. Signed at the lower right C. Ancillotto, Paris. Purchased from C. W. Kraushaar. 128 l. ki S angor S ? by Oo Bindins > > “Tove Is Enough S ’ is lliam Morr i SEU ANY No 816 A. EGUSQUIZA. SPANisH: Contemporary. Ais sae VENICE. W wn on x Panel) JW Ket Height, 9 inches; width, 5% inches. ia y yee The white and green facade of a typical Venetian palazzo pre- J sents its front behind the calm surface of a canal. A black gondola is at the landing steps, and at the right is seen a glimpse of the garden, above which rises the campanile of a distant church. Signed at the lower left, A. Egusquiza. Purchased from Durand-Ruel. 817 W. ANSLEY DOLLOND. | [ ) Lertke Contemporary. 3 | : ITALIAN GARDEN SCENE. (Water Color.) ro Height, 13 inches; width, 942 inches yy A woman and a little girl in semi-classical costumes stand on 4 marble terrace overlooking a classical landscape. Signed at the lower left, W. Ansley Dollond. 818 M. DE GAROY. Frencu: Contemporary. Uy y). New Cry, J. £ Tue Court Lapy. pe (Water Color.) Height, 141% inches; width, 11% inches. A lady of the Pompadour period is out for a stroll in a formal garden, whose marble-terraced steps are seen behind her. She holds a fan against her cheek and lifts her skirt a trifle with her right hand. Signed at the right, M. de Garoy. Purchased from C. W. Kraushaar. 819 G. MUSS ARNOLT. e | \o 1 4/ Rene Contemporary. “L ae } BOAR Sis POINTERS. } 71 UA Height, 12 inches; width, 16 inches. | ¢ 0 Two hunting dogs have come to a point in a meadow. An old + x * a 5 . | rail fence runs across the edge of the field behind them and a grove of trees is seen in the distance. Signed at the lower right, G. Muss Arnolt. Purchased from C. W. Kraushaar. 130 1. rsk ango S inated by Illum 29 “Ode to Psyche 131 , ss eat fat K rip Manuse 820 te oe \y rar AW LAM G. MUSS ARNOLT. GERMAN: Contemporary. SETTERS. Height, 12 inches; width, 16 inches. In this painting setters are represented in characteristic attitudes in a thickly overgrown field, with a background of autumnal foliage. Signed at the lower right, G. Muss Arnolt. Purchased from C. W. Kraushaar. Companion to the preceding number. L. BAKALOWICZ. Contemporary. VLAS THe NECKLACE. (Panel. ) Height, 18 inches; width, 91% inches. A lady in a lustrous white satin frock is standing by a table examining some jewels, one of which she holds in her right hand. A table is at the right, and behind her is a green and gold screen and a heavy curtain of greenish-blue velvet. Signed at the lower right, L. Bakalowicz, 1867. JEAN BERTRAND. Frencu: Contemporary. LADY witH CLOAK. Height, 11% inches; width, 9% inches. The full-faced view of a smart mondaine, whose bright brown hair is bound with a pink ribbon. She glances downward, and around her bare neck and bosom she holds a fluffy boa of white fur. A pink cloak is around her shoulders and bosom. Signed at the lower right, Jean Bertrand. AUGUSTE TOULMOUCHE. FreNcH: 1829-1890. Tue DEBUTANTE. Height, 18% inches; width, 11 inches. The figure of a tall young woman is placed in profile, facing to the left, against a pale blue background. She wears an ornate recep- tion dress of pale violet, white and gold and lace, and she holds in 132 No. 852 her hands, clasped loosely before her, a large pink rose. Her shapely head is bent slightly downward, but her serious eyes glance slightly upward. Signed at lower left, A. Toulmouche.—1887- FRITZ JANSEN. Dutcu: Contemporary. Tue VIOLINIST. (Water Color.) Height, 22 inches; width, 12 inches. Before a window veiled in white draperies that reach the floor, and an expanse of dark-toned wall, a young woman in a white dress stands playing a violin. Her graceful head faces to the left and is seen in profile, while her body is turned in three-quarter view away from the spectator. Signed in upper right, Fritz Jansen. ALBERT LYNCH. Peruvian: Contemporary. Winter PARK SCENE. (Water Color.) Height, 16% inches ; width, 1144, inches. Figure study of a Parisian lady, who has paused for a moment 133 in her stroll to gaze at something that has caught her attention. Two trees are behind her at the left, and the entire perspective is filled with a view of a park, with the Arch of Triumph in the distance. Signed at the lower right, Albert Lynch. Purchased from C. W. Kraushaar. : GUSTAVE BOURGAIN. l drt? Frencu: Contemporary. ON AT THE WELL. 6-6 (Water Color.) Height, 19% inches; width, 14 inches. Before a curious old stone well, with a rough pointed hood, a young Breton woman in native costume has paused in her task of drawing water to talk to a soldier of the Napoleonic period, in a gorgeous uniform of red and blue, who stands with his back to the spectator in an easy pose. A great tree trunk, a steep hillside and a view of blue water fill in the background. Signed at the lower left, G. Bourgain (with anchor). Purchased from C,. W. Kraushaar. : f JAN VON CHELMINSKI. Poriso: 1851- wae, aM, 5 “ees THE CONFIDENCE. ( Panel.) Height, 17 inches; width, 12 inches. Two young women in costumes of the Cavalier period are riding along a winding road, one telling her secret to the other. They are attended by a hound and a groom, who is seen in the distance. ‘Trees touched with autumn’s red and a windy sky are in the background. Signed at the lower right, Jan V. Chelminski, 1890. D. A. C. ARTZ. Dutcu: 1837-1890. XN AT THE SEASHORE. (Panel.) Height, 11% inches; width, 6 inches. On a grass-grown sand bank rising from the ocean beach, a young Dutch woman sits in profile, facing the left, knitting and look- ing out to sea. Her dark skirt makes a strong note of color in this 134 No. 853 tonality of soft greens and grays, and her ruddy face and hands are flower-like bits in this charming color scheme. Signed at the lower right, Artz. Purchased from Crist Delmonico. CHARLES SCHREIBER. Dutcu: Contemporary. me, THE COLLECTOR. . (Panel.) Height, 84 inches; width, 6 inches. _ A cardinal who, judging from the tabouret at his right side may be a painter as well, is seated in a cane chair inspecting a drawing he has taken from a portfolio standing at the base of a working easel at the right of the picture. A gold-framed canvas is on the easel. with a green drapery behind it, and behind the man, at the left, is a palm in an ornate pot. Signed at the lower left, Ch. Schreiber. Purchased from C. W. Kraushaar. / 135 V. MOROSINI. IraLian: Contemporary. Hf), y/ Cavalier DrinxInc WINE. ly (Water Color.) Height, 13834 inches; width, 911% inches. Kither a fondness for wine or an unusual thirst has led this gaylv- attired cavalier into filling three glasses with wine, one of which he holds in his hand while he bends forward over the table on which stand the other two glasses. Behind man and table is a cavernous fireplace. Signed at the lower right, V. Morosini, Rome. JEAN BERTRAND. ; ; Frencu: Contemporary. l a” iy A DO a Lapy’s Heap. Height, 14% inches; width, 10% inches. The profiled head of a pretty blonde, whose hair is confined by a fillet of blue ribbon. Her bust is turned partly to the right and her shoulders are revealed through a white tulle scarf. Signed at the lower left, Jean Bertrand. Y. PIMAZO. Irar1an: Contemporary. | | {} , Ad ber LD St. Marx’s, VENICE. (Panel. ) Height, 15 inches; width, 9% inches. A brilliant representation of the famous church, with a windy blue and white sky above it, and the familiar pigeons fluttering about three figures in the foreground. Signed at the bottom, Y. Pimazo, Venezia. 833 F. DE BEUL. Beieian: Contemporary. rf Brincinc Home THE FLOCK. f { (Water Color.) Height, 16 inches; width, 23 inches. 7) 4 p : Through an autumnal landscape an old shepherd walks along a road that leads directly away from the spectator. A narrow stream runs by the side of the road at the left, and at the right is some 136 Pe St ve te, gr a — ——-— —— ————— = orgs? . 5 ery eight, 6Y, inches; width, underbrush and a few trees, all touched with the sunset hues of autumn. The flock of sheep make their slow way before the shepherd, and his dog is by his side. | - Signed at the left, F. De Beul. -*D. B. GIOZA. Irarian: Contemporary. THE REHEARSAL. 914 inches A gay medieval scene, with courtiers in an apart- ment decorated in the _ Italian manner. - Initialed in lower left corner. No. 862 3 ; AUGUST WEBER. GeRMAN: 1817-1873. THE CONNOISSEUR. (Water Color.) Height, 10 inches; width, 8% inches. One of Weber’s characteristic cardinals seated behind a table, on which are the elements of a frugal meal. In contrast to most of his clericals, this one is drinking mineral water. A tapestry panel is on the wall behind him. Signed at the lower left, A. Weber. AUGUST WEBER. THE SMOKER. Height, 10 inches; width, 8’ inches. Another cardinal, this one lolling in a gold chair blowing smoke rings by the side of a table, on which stand liquer bottles and a cigar box. Signed at the lower right, A. Weber. Companion to the preceding. : 137 837 A. REYNA. Iratian: Contemporary. CANAL, VENICE. v4 Height, 20 inches; width, 12 inches. A weather-beaten and time-worn Venetian palace juts out into ge the canal at the right, its facade grown with climbing plants. A lateen- nny sailed boat floats along at the left of the palazzo, and in the distance is seen the dome of St. Marie del Salute. Signed at the lower left, A. Reyna, V enezia. Purchased from Boussod, Baladon & Co. LEON GIRARDET. A, \ FrENcH: Contemporary. eM Tue SERENADE. (Water Color.) Height, 20 inches; width, 12 inches. In a beflowered balcony outside an open window an effeminate- looking youth in a white wig and purple and white costume plays a guitar to an invisible listener. Signed at the right, Leon Girardet. 839 LEON GIRARDET. ties oa | Tue ANSWER. f y 7 S (Water Color.) Ist rela, ee? fs AKAN Height, 20 inches; width, 12 inches. : j on From the ledge of an open window, on which stands a vase filled Lf - SU with red and yellow flowers, a pretty young woman in a pink dress iia sits looking out at something that holds her attention for the while. Signed at the right, Leon Girardet. Companion to the preceding. _ 840 M. PEZUNT. _| ier / Contemporar j l aa WA age Pp y- bd iM CATTLE. ae Height, 18% inches; width, 24 inches. Ty Te ie A suspicious-looking white and brown cow stands on the bank hie of a pool in the foreground, while one of her black and white mates in the herd drinks from the pool at the right. A third cow stands in the water and gazes at the spectator, while in the background other cows dot the flat meadow. Signed, lower right, M. Pezunt. 138 FREDERIGO ANDRE- <5 OH tg BR “ Ivarian: Contemporary. adh, je CONVERSATION. Height, 2024 inches; width, 1534 inches. Against a deep green wood, a marble seat has been placed on which a dark- haired girl in a summer dress of pink sits listening to her companion, who _ stands behind the bench in a costume that suggests the _ wearer is playing at peasant life. Signed at the lower left, McK wen. els Domyht ne det ; : 701. M) Purchased from M. Knoedler & Co. Sold 9.14 : } BX4- 873 ree CONRAD KIESEL. 3 GERMAN: 1846- , 67 ; AT THE MASQUERADE. 0x4 - Height, 48 inches; width, 32 inches -| Against a red background, over which is traced a flower design a oF in black and gold, a tall handsome young matron stands ready to de- a. b part for a masked ball, the symbol of which (a pink satin mask) she .. ie holds in her grey-gloved right hand with her fan and second glove. A : black lace scarf partially covers her graceful head and is knotted loosely around her bare throat and bosom. She wears a black satin gown of the fashion of the late ’80’s, over which is a lustrous black figured silk wrap that is lined with red brocade. Her bared left hand holds up her wrap, that is trimmed with fur. Signed at the lower left, Conrad Kiesel, pat. Purchased from Arthur Tooth and Sons. 874 ALEXANDER LOUIS BOUCHE. / y Frencu: Contemporary. rALMY, ABRENVOIR. a G00 te = Height, 3734 inches; width, - | AW inches. : From out of a sheep eote into the strong, clear morning sunshine a flock of sheep emerges in two com- panies and already are be- = é ginning their cropping of No. 874 151 7” é ia oa o.* ie i > ir > 7 ae ¢ 4 tL i grass as they move out to the wider pastures. Shepherd and sheep dog attend them while one of the women of the farm goes about some task at the left of the pasture, her blue waist and white apron making bright notes of color in the warm sunlight. A red-roofed barn at the left and the long low line of the sheep cote in the background are topped by towering tree forms, above which the morning sky turns from clear white to a rich blue. | Signed at the lower right, Bouche, 1903. Purchased from C. W. Kraushaar. 875 DANIEL RIDGWAY KNIGHT. | ( as AMERICAN: Contemporary. | A of ie ) | LK , UA om GATHERING APPLE BuLossoms. | he 4 A : . : : | pau Height, 47 inches; width, 354 inches. | pt In her happy task of gathering wild flowers, a mass of which, et 2g A | — including purple iris and lilacs, she holds caught up in her coarse pee patched apron, a French peasant girl has paused beneath a bourgeoning apple tree to add some of its blooms to her store. The girl stands facing the spectator in the center of the picture with her right arm upraised to 152 break off a slender branch of the apple tree and her upcast head enables her eyes to follow the movement of her arm. She wears a heavy skirt, thick boots and a tight red and yellow waist with a lovely spotted yellow and red kerchief around her head and neck. She stands in a flower-starred field with a low stone wall and a river behind her across which fields rise in a gentle slope, a blue sky almost hidden by moist grey clouds filling the remainder of the view. Signed at the lower left, Ridgway Kmght, Paris. " Purchased from C. W. Kraushaar. (See Illustration, Page 13.) <9 We i. a > os mr = : a \ Ah a ~~. in Fis Y cy oe dix | | a ‘oe Ts ———————— a hag | | | No. 876 ALBERT LYNCH. Peruvian: Contemporary. iA _ Tuer ENCORE. Height, 22% inches; width, 15% inches : ed faces suggest they are Two singers, whose charming culture amateurs vas come to the edge of a stage to respond to the applause 1538 of an unseen audience. The illumination from the foot- lights is thrown upon their modish evening gown of white and yellow and pale blue. They are obviously pleased by the applause, and the girl on the left seems more accustomed to it than the one on the right, whose timorous expression and re- luctance to come forward reveals her shy pleasure ad- Fas ote Ss mirably. Behind them is a No. 870 setting that suggests more | care than is usual at professional concerts. Signed at the lower right, Albert Lynch. Purchased from C. W. Kraushaar. 877 E. RICHTER. GERMAN: Contemporary. /) THE Favorites oF THE PASHA. yv LA 7 Height, 48 inches; width, 32% inches y i Germanic love of detail and photographic realism is marked in }oYV this briliant Oriental interior that owes its origin to the Alhambra, as the “place signature” on the canvas indicates. The odalisques in their harshly vivid costumes, the Eastern musical instruments, the Hispanic- Moresque plates and satin textiles, all harmonize with the atmosphere of resplendent luxury demanded by the bearded pasha who surveys the scene from an alcove in the background. 4943. Brroht prow lpusne Signed at the lower left, E. Richter, Granada. Tetadew%* 1-42-1888: dad Purchased from M. Knoedler & Co. Std M pat 189%: va AMXX- 878 LOUIS PAUL DESSAR. AMERICAN: 1867- rh | f DA I Di re MENDING THE NETs. | : Height, 38% inches; width, 311% inches | y, { (-U fo) / , ( ——™ Ina sunlit room two Dutch fisherfolk are engaged in mending a ; net and have paused in the work while the woman explains some in- tricacy of technique in weaving. ‘The woman is seated in profile with her face turned partly away from the spectator as she talks to the old 154 fisherman whose serious weather-beaten face is presented in full view. Warm sunlight from the window behind the couple fills the room with a softly glowing light. | Signed in lower right hand corner, L. P. Dessar, Etaples. 1892-3-4. | Purchased from C. W. Kraushaar. No. 873 AUGUSTE HAGBORG. SwepisH: 1852- AO: AN INTERESTING TALE. Height, 25 inches; width, 41 inches. This painter of French fisherfolk has grouped two men and two women before a stout yaw! hauled up on the beach. A sturdy young woman stands by the side of the boat telling her story to a man seated on the rail and the others of the quartette seated on the sands. Beyond them stretches a calm sea overhung by a lowering sky. Signed at the lower left, Hagborg. 155 880 RUDOLPH EPP. GERMAN: 1834-1910. GETTING UP. Height, 291 inches; width, 38 inches. Os On a bed against an old wooden wall and draped by a green cur- ( by tain at the right, a little yellow-haired bright-faced girl has just awak- | ened from her nap. Her right hand and arm is pushed forcefully into a big pillow to lift her body and her left hand catches the edge of the pillow, her body resting partly on it and partly on the bed. She is bare-legged and wears a white guimpe, a red plaid smock and a dark gray skirt. FHS dengan frome th Melo Wr hv IM Signed at the lower right, R. Epp, 87. tty. BAL~ Purchased from M. Knoedler & Co. Sota fee 1873» 9 NSN - F. E. BERTIER. FRENCH: 1809. why! ca Ak yr THE Fortune TELLER. Height, 45 inches ; width, 851 inches. ‘ te Seated on the edge of an old table covered with a fabric in green aly ¢ and red tones, a fair-haired young woman is showing her fortune to the spectator. It consists of the aces of clubs and diamonds that she holds up in her left hand while her right hand is spread out on the rest of the pack of cards “fanned” out on the table. She wears a fancy dress party costume of pink satin skirt trimmed with gold and a tight red bodice with an Oriental scarf around it, her forearms and bosom being bare. 44,63. Brn ybb trom pathy Ga. NM « Signed at the upper right, F. EH. Bertier. Sctdss, ein Gules an mero Purchased from M. Knoedler & Co. ik 69 ; | 7 SAd fume 1893: of 1XK— 7 882 LOUIS VAN KUYCK. BELGIANS VRBV-VRGD. Barn INTERIOR. (Panel.) Height, 37 inches; width, 50 inches. A busy scene of farm life. In the old barn five horses are seen in their stalls, the artist’s attention having been centered on the big white animal that stands lengthwise in the center of the picture. A young man is carrying two pails of water to the horses, a child is feeding chickens in the foreground at the right and behind her stands a young 156 woman in the doorway leading from the house. ‘Trusses of hay, blankets, a saddle and objects of domestic utility are to be seen on the floor of the barn. Signed at the lower left, Louis Van Kuyck, 1867. = No. 877 G. DAVID MILLET. FrencH: Contemporary. OLD FRIENDS. Height, 56 inches; width, 47% inches. In a room in a peasant’s cottage an old woman has come to call on the tenant of the house who is treating her to a glass of native wine. They sit at a heavy table before a window that gives a view, above the coarse half-curtains, of a housetop, trees and sky. A geranium blooms on the window-sill and the whole interior is rich in the atmosphere of homely peasant life. i: Signed at lower left, G. David Millet. iz Purchased from C. W. Kraushaar. | 157 JADES, CRYSTALS AND CHINESE PORCELAINS PREFATORY NOTE. It may be said without the slightest hesitation that this is the finest assemblage of jades, crystals and other hard stones ever offered for sale in the United States. There are very few collections of this kind, and the supply of fine pieces of jades and crystals decreases from day to day. The collection as herein catalogued is of the finest possible qual- ity in form, color and technique. Mention may be made of the large Rock Crystal Palace Vase, the superb Rose Pink Quartz Vases, with their original covers, which are masterpieces of the Chinese craftsmen of past ages. The Emerald Green Jade Screen, the Crystal Balls, and the very unusual Mandarin Amber and Jade Necklace—in fact the entire ensemble is so fine in quality, conception and of artistic merit, — that the pen cannot do it justice. | Among the snuff bottles will be found distinctive examples used by the most fastidious princes and mandarins of China. The amber specimens are unsurpassable. The Chinese and Japanese porcelains, though not all antique, will be found in good forms and colors, especially some of the mono- chromes, which are represented by apple-green, coral-red and fine blues; the polychromes are likewise very fine, with happy shapes and charming decorations in famille-verte and famille-rose enamels. Therefore such a gathering of so many cherished treasures should be of more than passing interest for the collectors and con- noisseurs. (Signed) RALPH M. CHAIT. 158 SEVENTH SESSION Thursday Afternoon, April 20th, 1916, at 2:30 0’ Clock JADES, CRYSTALS AND CHINESE PORCELAINS Park SMALL FAMILLE VERTE Jars, oviform shape, of Ta-Ming por- celain and decorated with a conventionalized design presenting two lions rampant amidst a lotus flower and scroll motif. mbel- lishment is in the famille verte enamels upon a white ground. With two hand-carved teakwood covers and yellow ivory tops. Of the Wan-Li Dynasty, 1573-1620. No. 888 885 Frve-Cotor Cricxer Box, oblong shaped. The ends are reticulated. tha The entire box is decorated with the hundred antiques in the vd/ famille rose enamels. Tau-Kwan period, 1820-1850. w *, Ze : Size, 7x5 inches 886 CYLINDRICAL-SHAPED VASE, with trumpet neck, the body sustaining | 0) two monster heads bearing rings. Decorated with one of the Cine eight immortals holding a branch of the peach tree, symbolic of | ve immortality. Decoration carried out in peach bloom and blue ] under-glazed enamels on a white ground. ‘The base bears in 159 under-glazed blue a character mark of the Ming Dynasty, but is obviously of the Tau-Kwan period, 1820-1850. Height, 8 inches 887 FAMILLE VERTE JAR, oviform shape, with upright lip (which is repaired), and has a pewter mounting. The body presents four lon leaf-shaped reserves, sustaining conventionalized floral designs. | The shoulder is decorated with lotus flowers, leaves and scrolls, Ow and from it and the base, in ascending and descending form, appear Joo-I heads, symbolic of happiness. The vase is covered with a diaper pattern of the Yung-Ching period, 1723-1735. Height, 91% inches 888 Pair OF CHINESE LowEsToFF MANDARIN VASES, with sloping upright lip. The decoration consists of two white reserves, filled with domestic scenes. The rest of the vase is adorned with flowers and insects. The neck has a diaper pattern border, embellished ] iH 0 in famille rose enamels and silver blue upon a brilliant, translucent white ground. Of the Chien-Lung pena® 1736-1795. Bell-~ shaped carved teakwood covers. Height, 9% inches 889 CHINESE PoRCELAIN PILGRIM-SHAPED VASE, or, as the Chinese term vo ee it, Full Moon Vase. Decorated upon both faces with lotus flowers, nA X/ birds and arabesques, in famille rose enamels upon a black ground. The sides sustain four loops and are also decorated with chrysan- aa themums and scrolls, in five colors upon a canary-yellow ground. The high-spreading foot is similarly adorned. Ornamentation is executed in Graviata style. Of the late Chien-Lung period, 1736-1795. Height, 82 inches 890 Parr or TaLtL CHINESE Lowestorr VasEs, flat flask-shaped, with spreading mouth and foot. The bodies are fluted. Fine, vibrant sf AS Ta-Ching porcelain, presenting upon an over-all diaper pattern design five white reserves. On the obverse and reverse sides the ts" medallions sustain sea scopes and domestic scenery. ‘The medal- — lions on the sides are filled with flowers. 'The neck sustains two ascending dragons, which form handles. ‘The entire decoration is carried out in five colors, of which red is very predominant. Of the Chien-Lung period, 1736-1795. | Height, 11% inches 891 Par or BoTtLE-SHAPED, CorAL-ReED Vases, bulbous body and trum- Seg pet neck, wide spreading base. Invested with a remarkable and 160 brilliant coral-red glaze of metallic quality. Of the late Chien- Lung period, 1736-1795. (The lip of one slightly damaged and repaired. ) Height, 7 inches Bortie-SuHarep Vase, with slightly tapering body and short, tubular neck. Of resonant Ta-Ching porcelain, coated with a very bril- liant tomato-red glaze of uniform quality. Of the Chia-Ching period, 1796-1820. Height, 6% inches JAPANESE O1p AwaTtTA WarE Farence PLAQuE, shallow saucer shape. The obverse side is decorated with a lady enjoying some refreshments. She is dressed in very finely embroidered and flowing robes, embellished in green, yellow and aubergine enamels upon a pale-blue ground. ‘The reverse side is invested with a cream-white crackled glaze. Diameter, 16 inches GaALIPoTt-SHAPED CoraL-ReEp VaAsE, with bulbous body and slight- ___, tapering short trumpet neck. Invested with a rich coral-red glaze of even quality, which has a remarkable metallic iridescence. Chien-Lung period, 1736-1795. | Height, 9 inches BorrLE-SHAPED CorAL-RED VAsz, with ovi- form body and trumpet-shaped neck, coated with a very fine coral-red glaze of unusual quality, which presents a metallic iridescence. The porcelain is of remarkably fine quality, which makes this a very choice and unique specimen and one of the prize monochrome glazes of the Chinese connoisseurs. Yung- Ching period, 1722-1735. Height, 8°4 inches Fink CuHineseE Harp PorceLain GRaACcE- FULLY SHAPED VAsE, with bulbous body, tapering down to the base, which slightly spreads out. Attenuated neck, which has a collar. Invested with a rose-colored glaze of very remarkable brillianey and quality. The base bears the double ring mark in under-glaze blue. Height, 8% inches 161 899 0 tal st a) AY Ta-Cuine Harp PorceLaIn CYLINDRICAL VASE, with small upright lip. Invested with a very fine and brilliant mustard-yellow glaze, which is adorned with a very minute crackle, known as fish spawn. ‘The foot of the vase is coated with a cream-colored crackled glaze and bears the mark of Suen-Tih in red, but is obviously of the Chien-Lung period, 1736-1795. Height, 8% inches Parr oF CiuB-SHAPED Vases, with cylindrical, slightly tapering bodies, tubular necks, with upright lip. Invested with a very bril- liant powder-blue glaze of uniform quality. ‘The vase bears the double ring-mark in under-glaze blue. Height, 8 inches Fiat Fuask-SHAPED VASE, with trumpet neck and high, sloping pedestal foot, of Ta-Ching hard porcelain. The body and neck of the vase are entwined by two lotus leaves, which are boldly modeled in high relief. Invested with a very brilliant peacock-_ blue glaze, which is very minutely crackled. The base is unadorned, but is similarly coated with a peacock glaze of darker quality. Of the late 18th Century. Height, 9 inches MINIATURE BIBERON-SHAPED VASE, coated with a sang de boeuf crackled glaze of very fine quality. The foot bears the six-char- acter mark of Kang-Hsi in under-glaze blue, but is obviously of the 18th Century. Height, 3% inches Invested with Of the Chien- BorrLeE-SHAPED VASE, bulbous body and tubular neck. a very brilliant royal-blue glaze of even quality. Lung period, 1736-1795. Height, 6 inches BaARREL-SHAPED VAsE, of hard Chinese porcelain. Invested with a sang de poulet glaze of remarkable quality. under-glaze blue the double ring-mark. Height, 6 inches Ovirorm Jar, with upright lip and bulbous body, which tapers down to the base, which is also extended in bulbous form. Hard Ta- Ching porcelain, coated with a most remarkably brilliant sang de poulet g slaze of even quality. The foot is coated with a pale Celadon glaze. Of the 18th Century. Height, 6 inches 162 The vase bears in > GLoBuLar Jar, mounted with gold rims on lip and foot. Low pedestal base. Has a very unusual sang de boeuf glaze which presents in some parts dark clottings, as would the blood. The foot is coated with a cream crackled glaze typical of these specimens. Kang- Hsi period, 1662-1722. Height, 4 inches Bottite-SHarep Vase, with globular body and long tubular neck and short trumpet base. Invested with very fine and unusual deep apple-green glaze. The crackles present a dark outline through the fact that they have been filled in with India ink, as was cus- tomary for the Chinese to do in this wonderful ware. 18th Century. Height, 8 inches No. 909 No. 957 No. 940 Borrte-SuHarep Vase, with globular body, tubular neck, bulbous mouth and upright lip. Invested with a very fine and brilliant deep cucumber-green crackled glaze of remarkable quality. Chien- Lung period, 1736-1795. Height, 5% inches 907 JAPANESE PorceLaAIn WINE Cup. The exterior is decorated with a conventionalized floral scroll and bird design. ‘The interior is covered over all with small and most unusually remarkably distinct af characters. To the Kuropean eye it presents a marvelous feat. | The exterior decoration is gold upon a red ground. -” } - ae + ‘ 14, ‘ - fe ) SU Height, 3% inches 168 JAPANESE SATSUMA GoBLET. The base is of trumpet shape and bears a Japanese mark . Faience porcelain. ‘The decoration pictures “The Thousand Sparrows,” executed in gold and green upon a white ground. Height, 3% inches Parr oF VERY FINE OLD JAPANESE SATSUMA F'LAT GALIPOT-SHAPED Vases. ‘The embellishment consists of medallions, sustaming domestic scenes, birds, flowers and scrolls, in five colors upon a white ground. Height, 44% inches OLD JAPANESE SatTsuMA TEApPoT with original cover, with spout in the form of an ascending dragon, and a similar dragon in descend- ing form as handle. Decorated with floral designs in red, gold and blue upon a white ground. The cover is surmounted by a coiled serpent which is similarly adorned. Height, 4% inches OLD JAPANESE SATSUMA GALLIPOT-SHAPED VASE, with tapering body. The upper part represents a garden festival in which ladies of the Japanese court are being served with refreshments by their attendants and entertained by musicians. The lower half presents two peculiarly shaped panels, one sustaining a landscape with a pagoda in the immediate foreground, the other, birds and flowers. Decorated in five colors. Height, 9 inches Otp JAPANESE SATSUMA CYLINDRICAL VASE, with contracted neck. The decoration represents a river festival, in which is seen a procession of the Imperial Boats. 'The shoulder and base are adorned with curious designs. Embellished in many colors, of which gold is predominant. | Height, 10 inches Op JAPANESE SatsuMA WINE Ewer, with original cover. The bulbous body is decorated with domestic scenes. ‘The spout is embellished with ““The Thousand Sparrows.” An unusual speci- men of the Ceramic artists of Japan. : Height, 10 inches INDIAN LACQUERED Cup, embellished with floral border in black and gold upon a reddish-brown ground. 164 EUROPEAN OpstonGc-SHAPED ARTIST’S BrusH Howper. The decoration con- sists of many designs, the principal one of which is an artist’s palette picture in the form of a panel sustaining two goats butting each other. Several peasants are shown as spectators. The decoration and form is characteristic of the art of Japan. The base bears the signature of the artist, EK. Galle Nancy. Height, 7 inches JAPANESE PorCELAIN FIGURE OF A SAGE. Seated alongside of him is a deer, sym- bolic of happiness and longevity. Km- bellished in blue and yellow upon a - white ground. CHINESE Puzz_E Juc, on WINE Ewer, in the form of a Chinese boy,. holding a pup which has a flowing red ribbon on its neck. On one side it holds a bell and on the other it forms a handle. The decoration is carried out in blue, red and gold. 19th Century. Height, 7% inches Porrery STATUE or Kwan-YIn, or Goddess of Mercy, riding upon a dog, Foo, which stands erect, with head slightly turned toward the spectator. The decoration is yellow, blue, green and rose, upon a buff-colored ground. This is a very remarkable specimen of Oriental modelling of the 19th Century. Height, 10 inches 919 ANTIQUE JAPANESE Figure or A Kwan-YIN, or Goddess of Mercy, ) seated upon a rock. She holds her hands in the sleeves of her gown. Her head is cloaked in a red-colored head covering. ae Height, 7 inches 920 JAPANESE STATUE, presenting the Goddess of War riding upon a mythological animal. She holds in her hand the sword and spray bottle. Her garments are decorated with the Royal Phoenrx 165 birds and flames, decorated in red, blue and gold upon a creain white ground. | Height, 10 inches JAPANESE INCENSE BurNER, with its Original Cover, presenting a grotesque monster supporting the burner. The color is red, blue and deep dark green. A very curious specimen. (One of the claws of the monster is missing.) Ses : Height, 7 inches BLANC DE CHINE PorceLAIN TREE, most remarkably modelled, very unique. Of Chien-Lung period, 1736-1795. Height, 14% inches CHINESE Harp PorcELAIn BLUE AND WHITE STATUE OF A SEATED Kwan-Yun, or Goddess of Mercy. On both sides of her stands an attendant. Very remarkably executed. Height, 10 inches CHINESE PorceLAIN TILE, depicting in the upper half a scene of the Emperor in conference with his ministers. In the lower half is a group of warriors boldly drawn, in brilliant enamels of the famille rose. Size, 13x17 inches SemI-Ece SHELL PorceELAIN VASE, with tapering body. The decora- tion presents a prunus tree in black, upon a rich brilliant yellow ground. Height, 74 inches BLUE AND WHITE PorcELAIN RosE JAR, with pierced biscuit cover bearing a conventionalized floral decoration in pale silver-blue upon a clear white ground. Height, 4% inches Parr or Friar Pitgrim-SHarep Vasks, or, as the Japanese and Chinese call them, Full Moon, with narrow, tubular neck and low, spreading foot. The decoration consists of numerous curious patterns, which form a conventionalized floral and leaf design. The decoration is carried out in enamel, red, green and white upon a deep blue ground. Height, 1234 inches CHINESE Harp PorceLAIN THrrE-Cotor Kyun. Coated with a very fine yellow glaze of even quality, and which presents a 166 metallic iridescence. Of the Min Dynast ) ; y Tr, 1868-1644, carved teakwood stand . core : 2 CHINESE PorcELAIN, Biur and Warre Cy.inpricaL Jar AND Cover. Decoration shows a mountain retreat of the sages, some playing on musical instruments, others reading poetry, and others reclining. Height, 7 inches No. 1017 No. 1024 930 BLUE AND WuitE Harp PorceLAIn PrAr-SHAPED VASE, decorated with the Eight Precious Things, symbolic of happiness, longevity, good luck, etc. ‘The decoration is in rich cobalt-blue under a ry) pellucid white glaze. Kang-Hsi period, 1662-1722. ie Height, 6 inches Se i ee a" oS 931 , BLuE AND WHITE CLUB-SHAPED VASE, hard Chinese porcelain. ‘The by cylindrical body is decorated on one face with the prunus tree and peonies branching out from a rock; the other face presents a pine tree, with Phoenix, birds and Buddha’s hand fruit, “the cit- ron.” The entire decoration is carried out in rich cobalt-blue upon 167 ad A A Afr 938 a nelle’ white glaze. The base bears the double ring mark of the Kang-Hsi period, but is apparently of a later epoch. Height, 174% inches CoMPANION Piece BLUE AND WuuttEe CuLuB-SHAPED Vase, hard Chinese porcelain. Height, 17% inches LarceE BuuE AND WHiItrE GuospuLaR JAR, decorated with historic scenes. Presents on one side Buddha on horseback, with an armed escort who are met by his disciples. On the other side he is seated on his throne, and entertained by musicians and poets. ‘This scene is depicted upon a river bank, where, in the far distance, nude Chinese women are bathing. The cover is surmounted by a peach, the emblem of immortality. The decoration is in silver, under glaze blue upon a white ground. 19th Century. Height, 81% inches , BLur AnD WHITE BEAKER-SHAPED VASE, with trumpet-shaped neck, globular body and trumpet base. Clear and vibrant, hard porce- lain, decorated with five-claw water dragons among water lilies. The decoration is in rich and brilliant cobalt-blue under a pellucid glaze. The base bears the six-character mark of the Ming Dynasty in under-glaze blue, but is evidently of a much later epoch. Height, 16 inches Parr oF CHINESE BLUE AND WHITE HAwTHORN GINGER JARS, with their Original Covers. Decorated with Hawthorn sprays deli- cately drawn upon a very deep cobalt-blue, which presents a crackled appearance. ‘This depicts the cracking of the ice in the springtime, when the Chinese use these jars for gifts. (One of the covers broken and repaired. ) Height, 8% inches OnE Larck BLUE AND Wuitre HawtTHorn GINGER JAR, Chinese hard porcelain, decorated with prunus tree and aster flowers upon a deep dark-blue ground. With original cover similarly adorned. Height, 94% inches Larce JAPANESE UMBRELLA STAND, decorated with red lacquer fan- shaped panels upon a diapered- pattern ground. Parr oF OLD JAPANESE SATSUMA IMPERIAL VASEs, bolster spans contracted neck and spreading mouth with upright lip. This pair of superb vases depicts the latter part of the life of Buddha and his ascension to Heaven. He is seen in the form of an Angel, 168 hovering over his disciples, who have gathered from all parts of the Universe to pay homage to him. Of these remarkable vases it can only be said that the conception of the artist and the tech- nique of the execution presents a masterpiece. Height, 25 inches ; diameter, 12 inches Parr oF Ovirorm Jars. ‘Ta-Ching hard porcelain, decorated with the conventionalized lotus scroll and flower design, which is exe- cuted in low relief and invested with a white glaze, relieving the starch-blue ground. Of the late Chien-Lung period, 1736-1795. With carved teakwood stands and covers. Height, 6% inches No. 1029 Larerrrat Ware Borrie-SHaApep Vase, with bulbous body and grace- fully shaped neck, low pedestal foot. An unusual feature of this vase is that the center part of the body is’of porcelain. The neck, commencing from the shoulder of the vase, and the base, 1s nn metal. The porcelain body sustains four reticulated Hee lar medallions, through which is seen an inner vessel of blue and w ute porcelain with a landscape decoration. — The panels themsel es depict beautiful garden scenes, which relieve the ruby-red ground 169 , of the porcelain body. The neck and base are decorated with conventionalized scrolls and floral motifs, amidst which appear bats, symbolic of good luck. The whole decoration is in famille rose enamel upon a turquoise and ruby-red ground. ‘The base bears the seal character-mark of Chien-Lung and the vase is of that period. Height, 121% inches THREE CoLoRED GouRD-SHAPED Vase. ‘The decoration is conven- tional and consists of lotus leaves and scrolls in deep peacock- blue and white enamel upon a brilliant aubergine ground. Of the Ming Dynasty, 1368-1640. | Height, 8% inches MiniaturE Borrie-SHAPED VASE, of hard Chinese Porcelain. Inves- ted with rich and brilliant Mazarine-blue glaze. Height, 514 inches CHINESE GuAss Borrte-SHAPED Vase, carved in high relief with flowers and trees of turquoise-blue coloring. Height, 5 inches CHINESE Gass BorrLE-SHAPED VAsE, with globular body and tubular neck. The body of the vase is decorated with entwined branches, leaves and lotus flowers in which appears the Phoenix in smoked- yellow tint. On the base is engraved in characters a Ming mark, but it is obviously of the Yung-Ching period. A choice and unique specimen. Height, 4% inches Parr OF CHINESE BotTLE-SHAPED CARVED GLaAss VAsEs. Decorated with a conventionalized floral design in high relief colored ver- milion-red upon a sulphur-yellow ground. Height, 5% inches AMPHORA-SHAPED CHINESE GLASs VASE. Decorated with flowers, trees and scrolls, in vermilion-red upon a sulphur-yellow ground. Height, 4% inches CYLINDRICAL CARVED GLaAss VASE, decorated with two convention- alized dragons in lapis lazuli-blue, among flames of pale-pink upon a pure milk-white ground. (Slightly damaged.) Height, 4% iwches 170 i | 1 i t 4 | € 953 0 CHINESE GLoBuLAR CaRvED Gurass y SMALL CarveD Giass Borrie-SuHarep Vase. Tall, cylindrical neck and hexagonal collar. The decoration is of a flying dragon amidst a scroll motif. The embellishment in lapis lazuli-blue upon a milk-white ground. | Height, 5 inches Jar, decorated with barnyard scenes—a cat chasing a rooster. The decoration is carried out in five colors upon a_ milk-white ground. ‘The lip and foot have amber-colored borders. With- green jade cover, carved in high relief, sustaining the emblematic peach. Carved ivory stand. Height, 2% inches CHINESE Carved Gtass’ Bortie- _ SHAPED Vase, with globular body and long tubular neck. The deco- ration consists of a four-clawed dragon and a Phoenix, which are We To80 the symbols of the Emperor and Empress. The carving is boldly executed in high relief and is of ruby-red color upon a sulphur-yellow ground. Chien-Lung period, 1736-1795. Height, 81/ inches CHINESE CARVED GLAss BOTTLE-SHAPED VASE. Semi-globular body and long tubular neck, decorated with conventional design of grapevine leaves and branches carried out in ruby-red upon a sulphur-yellow ground. Chien-Lung period, 1736-1795. Height, 9 inches MINIATURE JAPANESE BronzE ENAMELED Vase. Gallipot shape, decorated with flowers and leaves in dark green and rose, upon a light sea-green ground. Height, 3% inches Lm JAPANESE CLOISONNE CyLINpRICAL BrusH Honper. Decorated with fan-shaped medallions sustaining birds, flowers and scrolls, in five colors upon a gold scroll. Height, 4 inches Lys! Pair oF CHINESE CLOISONNE BorTLe-SHAPED VAsEs, with seni-globu- lar body and long tubular neck. Decorated with conventionalized lotus leaf and scroll motif in red, yellow and green upon a light- blue ground. 18th Century. Parr oF CHINESE CLOISONNE Ecc-SHAPED Vases Ornamented with — flowers, scrolls and leaves. A diaper pattern border encircling the central part of the body relieves the decoration which is in dark- red, yellow and green upon a turquoise-blue ground. Height, 9 inches Parr oF CHINESE CLOISONNE BorrLE-SHAPED Vases. Oviform body with sloping shoulders and cylindrical neck, low pedestal foot. The neck and shoulder present a conventionalized floral and scroll motif enveloping four dragons. ‘The body is decorated with leaves, scrolls and flowers. The vase is encircled by a scroll and Joo-i head border in yellow and turquoise-blue. The lip and foot have floral scroll borders in lapis lazuli. The entire decoration is carried out in five colors upon a black ground. 18th Century. (One is slightly dented.) Height, 14 inches Parr oF PEKIN ENAMELED WINE Ewenrs with their original covers, F lat flask-shaped bodies with spreading neck and high trumpet- shaped base. Scrolled loop handle and long, high curved spout which is attached to the neck of the vase by a fish. Upon the body of the ewer in outstanding manner are two peach-shaped medal- ions which sustain in a circular border bats which surround the symbol of longevity. The entire decoration is carried out in five colors on a pale silver and heaven-blue ground. A very remark- able and unusual pair. 18th Century. Height, 17 inches CHINESE JADE, AMBER AND GLASS SNUFF BOTTLES. : i 958 CARVED CHINESE GuLAss SNUFF Borre, sustaining a decoration of Mi ee bf } conventionalized lotus flowers, and leaf decoration of design in a LAP EAE green, yellow, pink, red, and blue upon a milk ground. With | ye amber stopper. Chien-Lung period, 1786-1795. L. Height, 3 inches 959 CHINESE CarveD GLass SNurF Borrie, gallipot-shaped with gold- mounted rim, presenting a landscape on one side and a flying 172 stork on the other, symbolic of good luck. In lapis lazuli-blue upon milk-white ground. Height, 31% inches 960 | Carved CHINESE Gass SNuFF Borrty, sustaining two monster head handles, with rings in bold relief. A dog and parrot complete the decoration in a brilliant vermilion-red, upon a milk-white ground. ] | Chien-Lung period, 1736-1795. Height, 3 inches 961 CHINESE CarveD GuAss SNuFF Bortte, decoration in high relief of p) lotus flowers, leaves and scroll, in five colors, on a milk-white Ut ground. With red stopper. Chien-Lung period, 1736-1795. ED st Height, 3 inches No. 1028 No. 103 No. 1032 962 ExxtrAorDINARY LarGE CHINESE CARVED GLASS SNUFF BortLe. iT, Decorated with prunus tree on one side and animal and flowers on | Ke the other, sustaining two monster head handles. The decoration 1s carved in high relief and is in deep ruby-red tint upon a smoke- |) eray ground. oe Height, 4 inches 1738 963 - CHINESE PorcELAIN SNUFF Bort e, decorated with conventionalized (rye 3 oe Qrr-— dragons amidst flames. Invested with a rich lapis lazuli-blue enamel. Light-blue colored top. Chien-Lung period, 1786-1795. Height, 3 inches 964 PorcELAIN SNUFF Bort ez, design represents the sixteen Aharats or ne disciples of Buddha. The decoration is in famille rose enamels kd erin upon a pale-green scroll ground. Bears seal-mark of the late : ote Chien-Lung period. Is mounted in gold. Light amber top. 4 Height, 3 inches 965 Very Fine YELLow AMBER SNUFF Bort se, of finest quality. Gold \bLjea and green jade stopper. 4 a Height, 3% inches A 966 Uv BotrtLE-SHAPED AMBER SNUFF Botte of remarkable quality, with Yas MAM green jade stopper. i“ “372 Height, 3% inches 967 . ONE GOLDSTONE SNUFF BoTTLE OR AVENTURINE AND STOPPER, of HH very fine quality. (watts Height, 234 inches 7 _ oe YELLOW AMBER GRACEFULLY SHAPED SNUFF Bort iF, of the finest Wa pend a A ho te quality with brown mottlings and with coral and lapis lazuli stop- pier per. Height, 4 inches 4 96 Brown AMBER SNUFF Bort te, of fine color and bane ees quality. L with green jade stopper. rv 4 990 Movuti-CotorED Composition SNUFF Borris, with coral and glass Yr nsarMnar stopper. Very unusual. ISA | eae! SNUFF BotrtiEe. Biberon shape, a mixture of glass and goldstone. A Wry ey combination of the two ingredients only been made possible by eae Chinese ingenuity. Light and dark amber stopper. : esti | . i ~ 972 CHINESE GLAss SNUFF BorrLe, with decoration of domestic scenes | \ lead painted on the inside. Whuth rose quartz stopper. i) (oe Height, 8 inches 1) , ? | 973 Very UnusuaL AGATE SNUFF Borrie. Its decoration consists of | : ~ trees and flowers of carved jade attached to the agate. Of unsur- tT NL, pfRAa7r he passable quality. Semi-precious red stone stopper. ‘g 174. oe at ee a reer glimmeee tse eens SINR aD ED ——— Er sl a a al Maal aaa - S~aeiethaaindi ti dindinteh ate Late Chien-Lung period. 1736-1795. Height, 3 inches jade stopper. CHINESE PorceLaIn Snurr Borris. Biberon shaped, moulded in high relief presenting a conventionalized design of the three- clawed dragon and a Phoenix. Invested with a deep-red enamel. Pure Waite JADE Snurr Bort e, of translucent quality, with green Pure Waite JADE SNurr Bort te of translucent quality, with green jade stopper. ~ Pure Waite Jape SNurr Bortte, highly polished and of remarkable quality. With stone stopper. an Height, 3 inches No. 1037 Pure Were Pear-SuHarep SnNurr Borris. Very fine quality jade with Carnelian and gold top. Larce Cutese Crystar. Giass SNurF Bortte, carved in low relief and sustaining two monst an with a court scene in five colors from the inside. 175 er head handles and rings. Decorated The base is en- graved with a seal-mark. Chien-Lung period 1736-1795. With blue glass stopper. p p/ Height, 5% inches al Tih. {i/ i Cry <0 980 Very Unusuat Biur AGATE SEAL, with a natural white reserve and — | ae blue motif. Be Height, 273 inches 4H a) Onan ee aS EMERALD GREEN AND WHITE JADE AMULET. Embellished with a < wy parrot carved in very high relief. Also the fwngus which is sym bolic of good luck and happiness. fe 12r” [rk 982 Morriep GREEN AND WHITE JADE ORNAMENT. Carved in the oe cs of an early Chinese coin. ye hacen 983 Smatt Gord Miniature SNurr Box. The top and bottom are of 0 goldstone or aventurine, not artificial. — M oy 984 Parr oF Pure Wuirtkt JADE AsH Trays, mutton fat quality. ioe Length, 4% inches Sp phyph sre | G, Pf yt) 985 AMRER AMULET. Remarkably fine quality. Carved in high relief 1 — with a conventionalized floral scroll. A wonderful specimen. Sup- ported on a carved teakwood stand. To be used as a small ; screen. itthal | ae, 986 AMBER SEAL, surmounted by a Kylin. ) ea Height, 1% inches ( f' Ve § I r Bh” a /987 Dark Cotor AMBER ORNAMENT, presenting a carved figure of a 4 b i horse. Very fine quality. Sane Height, 1% inches fi . 1) / ‘4 | po 988 Larcr Ametuyst. Wonderfully carved ornament, presenting the i Y ae figures of a large and a small frog. Unusually fine specimen. I priceless treasures amongst the Chinese and are only parted with | ia when such unexpected occurrences as the late revolution and in- ie terior troubles. Length, 60 inches, when measured without long pendant Length, 78 inches, measured with pendant 1056 Morton Fat JaveE Vase in the form of the ancient bronzes. Flat- tened rectangular shape, with slightly contracted neck and 1938 upright flange with low tapering pedestal foot. Commencing from the base, and ascending along the side and over the neck, a five-claw scaly dragon, carved in the full round, is in pursuit of the omnipotent pearl or flaming orb. The obverse and reverse sides are embellished with a conventionalized floral motif in low relief. Fine mutton fat jade of translucent quality, highly polished. On high carved teakwood stand. Height, 11 inches 1057 Pure WuHuitr JADE HANcInG VASE and original cover, pear shape cer body, with slightly tapering neck and low pedestal foot. The NiN\n- a aS p/ neck sustains two scroll-carved loop handles, to which is attached \ AV oe a long double-link chain connected to monster head ornament, a which has also a carved loose ring and forms the handle and sup- is 0 rs port by which the vase hangs. The cover of the vase is sur- Ws | mounted by a bird carved in the full round, which holds in its beak one end of a double-linked chain. In the central part of the body, amidst a low relief conventionalized design, a bird carved in the full round holds the other end of the chain, to which the cover is attached. From the base protrudes a carved ring, which supports a finely modelled bird. Very fine quality jade, highly polished with a mirror-like brilliancy. Sculptured from one solid block of jade. Has a carved box and teakwood arched high stand. Height, 8% inches Height, with stand, 15 inches 1058 Pure Rare Mutton Fat Jape Vase, with original cover, with 4 Pe slightly bulbuous body with receding neck and low-spreading cy LS Appa” pedestal foot. The neck sustains two elephant head loop hands, rad aA) which support two large carved loose rings. The foot, lip and De GS rim of cover are decorated with an engraved Greek fret border. aut, The dome-shape cover is surmounted by a recumbent Kylin. The body of the base, as well as the cover, is unadorned and presents in quality the finest jade possible, of a clear white, with greenish. tinge hue, and very highly polished, which presents a very charming texture. Height, 13 inches lest 1059 Pure WHitTE JADE CARVED FIGURE OF AN ELEPHANT, who carries by ey . upon his back two young Chinese boys, each holding a lotus f ~flower and branch. ‘The elephant is adorned with a finely bro- caded tasseled covering. Standing alongside is an attendant ee carrying a flower vase. ‘The elephant’s head is turned towards <\—- him, and is typical of the white elephant so highly regarded by o the Buddhists when leading the ceremonial processions of festi- 194 vals. The carving is of the most elabo | rate workmanship, very aie aioe ce aa quality of the jade is of the finest ng a pure white, slightly clouded texture. : : orately carved teakwood pees a aie las Measurement, including pedestal: H eight, 12% inches Measurement of jade elephant: 74% x 5% inches 1060 IMPERIAL E:MERALD-GREEN JapE Larce Taser SCREEN, oblong upright shape, decorated with carving in high relief on the obverse and reverse sides, depicting sages with their attendants in their at mountain retreat. On the obverse side are seen grouped together a ,.0/ five figures, who represent sages, holding branches of the peach 4h tree, symbolic of immortality, in the shade of an entwining peony tree. ‘The reverse side shows the retreat, shaded by blossoming 4 7 Pa | and curling peony trees. The sides, top and bottom are embe!- _ lished with a finely engraved Greek fret border. The fine quality jade is of what is known as Fets-ui. The fine vigorous carving combined with the high polish of mirror-like brilliancy, makes this one of the most unique specimens of the collection. Mounted in a blue filigree and very fine enamel decoration, consisting of lotus flowers, leaves and branch borders, amidst which ies appear on the obverse and reverse sides ee two leaf-shape panels sustaining birds, | flowers and scrolls in Champleve ~ fic a 4 i . an enamel. From the sides protrude two i= archaic dragons holding rings. Of . Chien-Lung period, 1736-1795. FE é Height, including mount, 13 inches ' Size of screen, 8x6 inches 1061 Larce Rock Crystat Vase and original : cover, flat ovoid-shaped body with = slightly contracted neck and low-spread- : — ing pedestal foot. The neck sustains two carved figures of Chinese boys, one | se holding a peach, symbolic of immor- )3 tality; the other with Ju-i head scepter, emblem of good luck. The body on the obverse side has a carved-in panel, sus- taining a figure group of an immortal and a deer. The immortal is dressed in long flowing robes, held together by a girdle, and holds a branch of the peach No. 1067 195 tree, known as the tree of life. The reverse side presents a similar panel of a lady with a basket of flowers on her shoulders, with head slightly turned, gazing at a Phoenix, Feng Huang. Her attire and aspect is characteristic of the “Long Eliza Ladies” as met with in the porcelain decorations. 'The hat-shape cover is sur- mounted with two carved Chinese boys holding a cricket cage. Clear, flawless color. Has carved teakwood stand. Height, 13 inches; width, 8 inches 1062 Very Fine Rock Crysrau Vase and original cover, flask shape, Af) y A phe slightly tapering body, with receding neck and low pedestal foot. The neck sustains two monster head-carved loop handles with carved loose rings. ‘The body stands upright in the embrace of branches, leaves and peaches, and is embellished on the obverse and reverse sides with two of the eight immortals in bold relief. ~ The dome-shaped cover is surmounted by a coiled, bearded archaic dragon in the full round. Clear, flawless quality of the rarest kind. Has carved teakwood stand. Height, 12 inches 1063 Very Large UNIQUE IMPERIAL Rock CrysraL PALACE VASE, with 30 its original cover. Bulbous rectangular-shape body with attenu- ated neck and low-spreading pedestal foot. ‘The neck sustains two archaic monster head-carved loop handles with large carved — loose rings. ‘The base, lip and rim of cover are engraved with a broad Greek fret border. The body of the vase carved and under- carved in high relief. On one face the elaborate decoration con- sists of scrolling, peony tree, Phoenix bird, Feng Huang, deer, the sacred fungus plant, emblematic of good luck, happiness and longevity. On the other face, ina similarly treated manner, a tree bearing peaches, pomegranates and citron, Buddha’s hand, and which are also symbolic of long life, good luck and happiness. The sides are adorned with ascending sacred fungus plants. The dome-shape cover is carved in high relief, with dragon and Phoenix bird amidst a flame and cloud motif, surmounted by a broad knob finial. Fine, clear, flawless, exceptional quality. The breadth of treatment, the vigorous carving, the masterful concep- tion. of design, make this one of the best performances of the Chinese artists and craftsmen of the past ages. Crystals of this size and workmanship are considered as priceless treasures by Oriental collectors and connoisseurs. It has carved teakwood stand. Height, 141% inches; width, 7% inches; breadth, 5 inches 196 No. 992 No. 1051 No. 103 No. 998 Larce Grand ImprriaL Rose Quartz Pauace Vase, with original cover. Flattened rectangular oviform-shaped body, with slightly contracted neck and high, wide spreading base. The neck sus- tains two monster head-carved loop handles, which support two carved loose rings. The base, lip and rim of cover are adorned with an engraved Greek fret border. ‘The body of the vase is entwined in a conventionalized curling nelumbian lotus flower and scroll in low relief. ‘The dome-shape cover is embellished with a conventionalized lotus flower and scroll motif, surmounted by a recumbent Kylin, with bushy tail and mane, in the full round. Reddish-pink, fine quality crystal quartz. ‘The remark- ably vigorous treatment and fine execution makes this a cherished treasure, not only on account of its unusually huge dimensions. Has a carved teakwood stand. Height, 13 inches; width, 9 inches Loe 1065 Larce UNIQUE CARNELIAN FLOWER VASE, cylindrical body, standing upright, entwined by lotus and peach tree branches. The obverse side is decorated with a finely posed stork, bat and a sacred deer, © carved in the full round amidst a scroll motif. The reverse side presents a carved and under-carved similarly treated decoration, consisting of a bird and sacred fungus flowers, emblematic of happiness, good luck and longevity. The material is enhanced by a very brilliant polish. Has carved silver inlaid teakwood stand. Height, 9 inches RosE Quartz VAsE and original cover; flat, cylindrical shape. The body stands upright and is embraced by the conventionalized lotus and peach trees, with fungus plant embellishment. The decora- tion is carved and under-carved in bold relief. The cover is carved in a similar manner, presenting a clump of branches, leaves and peaches, symbolic of long life. The material is very highly polished, with mirror-like brilliancy and of light rose-pink | texture. Height, 10 inches , Rose Quartz Vase, with original cover, flattened flask shape, slightly bulbous body, with tapering neck embraced by scrolling, peach and pomegranate fruit-bearing trees, carved and under-carved in high relief. The low, semi-globular cover is embellished with similar decoration. ‘The material is of fine rose-pink, flawless quality, enhanced with a high polish. Has carved teakwood stand. Height, 13 inches 198 = SS ee eee SSS —$__—__—_ Si ein es a EIGHTH SESSION , Thursday Evening, April 20th, 1916, at 8:00 0’Clock PAINTINGS GABRINI. f Iranian: Contemporary. THE WANDERER. ; () eee ie | (Water Color.) tO ~©— eight, 1942 inches; width, 121% inches. No. 1068 Down a gently sloping road from some Italian city comes a sturdy peasant with stout stick in one hand and a pack and pan over his left shoulder. A cleverly painted water color made the more distinguished by the compelling force of the man the artist has indicated here. Signed at the lower right, Gabrini. 199 1069 : MARIUS ROY. Wier FrencH: Contemporary. hero At THE BARRACKS. (Water Color.) 0 Height, 18% inches; width, 138% inches. A scene in a French village temporarily occupied by a cavalry de- tachment. A bronzed-faced trooper stands before his horse who is en- joying a drink out of a green iron-hooped pail. Signed at lower left, Marius Roy. No. 1069 F. J. SEGUINO. Irat1an: Contemporary. GRAND CANAL, VENICE. ; (Water Color.) ore Height, 14 inches; width, 21 inches. /*< X | A vista of the most famous waterway in Venice on a fete day. fis Signed lower right, F. J. Seguino. 200 F. J. SEGUINO. ) 5 ITALIAN: Contemporary. THE Dogcer’s PALace. og (Water Color.) Height, 14 inches; width, 21 inches. ot An animated canal scene with the famous palace of the title and _ the church of St. Marks in the background. Signed lower right, F. J. Seguino. Companion to the preceding. JULES GIRAIDET. Frencu: Contemporary. ae IN THE OLDEN Days. . | (Water Color.) —_ fees Height, 191% inches; width, 1314 inches. Before a round, arched doorway in an old church wall, washed pale-yellow by time, a gallant in pow- dered wig, black velvet and gold coat and breeches, is holding the hand of a young lady in a costume of pink and white and blue, who carries a prayer- book in her right hand. In a green flower-pot at the left a bush of white and yellow flowers, a note of sim- plicity to this little episode of artificial a ae Pe a eg oe ie a eg a gallantry. Signed at the lower left, Jules Giraidet. Purchased from C. W. Krau- shaar. FRITZ JIG. AUSTRIAN. Dalsy. | Br. Height, 16 inches; width, 16 inches. ——_. Against a dusky landscape back- ground is placed the head and bust of No, 1091 201 a fair-haired child. The body is in profile, and the rosy, smiling face is turned toward the spectator. She wears a white waist with red straps over shoulders, and on her yellow hair is a lace- trimmed cap. Signed at the lower right, Fritz Jig. Head and bust of a gypsy type of young girl, with a neck dress and cap, suggesting the love of her people for barbaric colors. Signed at the lower right, Fritz Jig. Companion to the preceding. 202 No. 1096 1074 0A FRITZ JIG. : Jul Ny AUSTRIAN. an, \\ NELLY. pV). Height, 16 inches; width, 16 inches. EISMAN SEMENOWSKY. | } Se Russian, MEDITATION. yO (Panel.) ) Height, 35 inches; width, 11 inches. In a classical costume of blue and pink, with flowers in her hair and an antique musical instrument by her side, a slender girl stands by a marble well-curb in a Roman pergola with a marble floor. “Gs Signed at the lower right, E. Semenowsky. Purchased from C. W. Kraushaar. ; i = ae No. 1097 | ec : EISMAN SEMENOWSKY. || ee { . : Russian. ae ap | Tur SIEsTA. ; v# WA 0 y (Panel.) Py | Height, 35 inches; width, 11 inches. ‘ 4 On a Roman stool on a marble terrace a girl in green and flow- a - ered draperies studies the blossoms on a branch she has plucked from a 3 a tree. A jar of flowers is beside her and a classical landscape shows ia above the marble wall behind her. 7 | Signed at the lower right, E. Semenowsky. - Purchased from C. W. Kraushaar. Companion to the preceding. 1078 AUGUSTI MUSIN. BeiGian: 1852. MARINE. ,, —) YV¥/ / Vw, (Water Color.) : f aan Height, 16% inches; width, 22% inches. Bluff-bowed Dutch luggers have been becalmed in one of their crowded waterways. ‘Their old sails are cleverly “spotted” by the artist, and a typical Netherlands sky of softly moving grey-blue clouds fill the background of the picture. Signed at the lower left, Augustt Musin. LEON EMILE CAILLE. FreNcH: 1836-1907. W \ AKA Ix LOI PREPARING DINNER. \ Ji sssv~ a | (Panels) Paid pit bp AS + Height, 10% inches; width, 181% inches. 1079 The interior of an ancient cottage, with an old iron stove in the fireplace, at the side of which a woman in peasant dress is stir- ring something for the coming meal in a saucepan. On a wooden stool in the foreground a little girl is paring vegetables, and a chicken is looking for scraps behind her. An old dresser, with plate racks and a table, complete the sparse furnishings of the room. Signed at the lower left, Leon Caille. Purchased from C. W. Kraushaar. rs HENRI GERVEX. 4) 2 FRENCH: 1852- AVANT LE BAL. Height, 30 inches; width, 10 inches. A lady in a pink and white evening dress, with a long train that sweeps around to her right on the crimson carpet, is standing in a French drawing-room, with a tall window and the wall behind her. A curtain is looped back from the window; the wall is relieved by an ornate window, and an Empire table with a shaded lamp is at her right hand. Signed at the lower right, H. Gervew. Purchased from Durand-Ruel. 204 1080 EUGEN VON BLAAS. a |p _ AusTRIAN: 1843- a D 4, Si _ CHILDHOOD. ( Sees Height, 13°4 inches; width, 101% inches. : An ideal head of a gypsy type of child, with blue-black hair ae clustering around her cheeks and shoulders. Her head is turned " _ ‘away, giving a three-quarters view. A yellow and red kerchief is | knotted around her shoulders over a white waist. — ———— Sagned at the upper right, Eugen Von Blaas, 1897. UNSIGNED EneuisH ScHoo.. { ~ Heap or a Younc Woman. ee Height, 26 inches; width, 22 inches. oe —— | ‘The head and bust of a typical English girl of the Georgian xd period. It is placed against a background of green and red tones, the bust almost in profile, and the head is turned toward the spec- _tator. The lovely, youthful face is crowned by clustering dark-brown hair, that is piled up in a loose knot on top of her head. She wears a waist of soft brick-red, edged with white, and a knot of green ribbon at the point of the V-shaped opening. GUSTAVE DE JONGHE. Dutcu: Contemporary. MorHerR AND CHILD. (Panel.) Height, 21°4 inches; width, 17% ches. Just before bedtime, a mother in a voluminous white robe de nuit is seated in a chintz-covered basket chair, with her little daughter in her lap. The child is deeply interested in the crucifix that hangs from the rosary around her mother’s neck, while the mother lovingly gazes down at her child’s face. An Oriental carpet is on the floor, and a cradle draped with chintz is in the background at the left of the picture. | Signed at center right, Gustave De Jonghe. 205 Up 1870» Mrraniy Towra’ ff SHA 1083 : A. REYNA. f) IraLrian: Contemporary. / : | ho "SOA plow VENETIAN SCENE. Ly f | | ) pa Height, 131% inches; width, 30 inches. . } } The Venice of broad canals; of wide, still, blue lagoons; Renais- | sance palaces, the Campanile (before it fell and was rebuilt), and the famous church of Ste. Marie del Salute. Gondolas and brown lug-sailed boats dot the water, full-foliaged trees rise above the garden walls, and a deep-blue Italian sky, dotted with a few small white clouds, overhangs land and water. Signed at the lower right, A. Reyna, V enezta. Purchased from Boussod, Valadon & Co. 1084) | PAUL GROLLERON. ) fh, [] y\ Frencu: 1885. YS aca THe ATTACK. f V7 1) \ y Height, 16 inches; width, 10% inches. 5 () — A Zouave outpost has been attacked by a Prussian force, as indi- : cated by the familiar spiked helmet on the ground at the right. The Zouave is ready to thrust with his bayonetted rifle, and some reserves are coming up to his support on the run. A broken stene wall cuts across the picture at the right. Signed at the lower left, P. Grolleron. Purchased from C. W. Kraushaar. LOS? jae CHARLES-AMABLE LENOIR. nf NG aes Frencu: Contemporary. A roVVXK A Mornine Guories. Height, 18% inches; width, 15% inches. An ideal head of a young girl, with the flowers of the title entwined in her brown hair. Her bared bust is turned partly toward the spectator and her head faces him directly, with her great brown eyes looking gravely straight forward. Around the right shoulder and across the bosom is loosely draped her white chemise. A beau- tiful piece of flesh painting. Signed at lower left, C. A. Lenoir, 1902. Purchased from C. W. Kraushaar. 206 y, F Xk )) hy ALPHONSE MOUTTE. ¥ ‘Frencu: Contemporary. SOWING SEEDS. (Water Color.) Height, 161% inches; width, 12% inches. 5, A dignified study of labor in the manner that Millet made famous. ie Through a roughly plowed field on the crest of a hill a peasant woman ___ walks, dropping the seed with her right hand, while in her left hand _ she grips a wicker basket in which she carries the rest of the seed. She wears a soft-toned costume of white, blue and dun colors, and on ___ her splendidly modeled head is a dark-red cap. Behind her, in a valley,. is the roof of a house, and a tender grayish sky. ai _ Signed at the lower left, Alphonse Moutte. L/ W. J. FERGUSON. Vd EneLisH: Contemporary. EVENING ON THE STOUR. (Water Color.) Height, 221% inches; width, 1472 inches. Constable’s favorite river as seen by a modern English painter. The stream winds through a flat meadow country, dotted with clumps of trees, and overhung with typical English blue clouds. Signed at the lower left, W. J. Ferguson. EUGEN VON BLAAS. AusTRIAN: 1843- YoutasH. (Panel.) A ) } S- Se | Height, 13°4 inches; width, 10% inches. .. - Against a lustrous blue background is placed the head and shoul- ders of a brown-faced maiden, the bust in profile, the head facing the left in three-quarters view. An ornate topaz earring gleams against her neck and a yellow drapery is drawn around her right shoulder over her white chemise. Signed at the wpper right, Eugen von Blaas, 1897. 207 1090 1091 JOHN BUNYAN BRISTOL. AMERICAN: 1826-1909. THE CATSKILLS. Height, 13 inches; width, 26% inches. Beyond a flat green meadow land, broken in the foreground by the low, wooded banks of a narrow stream, rises a bold mass of rounded hills, lighted by a reddish glow from the sinking sun. A white farmhouse and its barns are seen at the base of the hills and over all arches a brilliantly clear lemon-blue sky. Signed at the lower left, J. B. Bristol, 18. CAMILLE HIPPOLYTE DELPHY. FreNcu: 1841-1910. WasH Day. Height, 10% inches; width, 17 inches. By the side of a stream that runs through a lush green land- scape a woman bends over the bank washing some linen. A thick clump of trees is at the right and beyond the stream is a sloping bank topped by poplar trees. The light from the pale-blue and red sky is reflected in the water of the stream. Signed at the lower left, C. H. Delphy. FREDERIC HENRI KAEMMERER. DutcH: 1839- THE Op WARDROBE. (Water Color.) Height, 1642 inches; width, 8Y% inches. The painter’s profound interest in the play of light on textures is fully displayed in the characteristic water color. A bewigged elderly man stands with his back to the spectator, unlocking the door of a tall, quaintly carved wardrobe. He wears a pink satin long- skirted coat, white silk stockings and a three-cornered beaver hat. Two marble busts stand on top of the wardrobe and the corner of an old table piled with ancient books is seen at the left. The artist’s signature is at the edge of the bluish-green rug before the wardrobe. Signed across lower center, F. H. Kaemmerer. 208 A. REYNA. | = Iratian: Contemporary. CANAL, VENICE. Height, 13% inches; width, 291, inches. ea Behind a boat-builder’s shop on the foreground a narrow canal ____ Stretches away in the distance. Old barges are drawn up or moored i. by, the builder’s shed, three figures stand on the beach at the left, i and on either side of the waterway is a line of typical Venetian houses _—~ and the tree-overhung wall of some palace garden. Height, 21% inches; width, 29 inches. i‘? 62 A characteristic canvas by this French artist, showing a vast b yy expanse of farming country, with its various planes well balanced and filled with minute details of nature and agricultural activities, the whole scene bathed in clear, luminous air. = Signed at the lower right, Jan Monchablon; and at the left, No. 173. Purchased from C. W. Kraushaar. (See Ilustration, Page. 233.) ane, e No. 1134 1135 FERDINAND ROYBET. 73 > A Frencu: 1840- in. YVVi A Lt hs THe MAN WITH THE Sworp. kur rk (Panel.) Height, 39% inches; width, 31% inches. o0 With his basket-hilted sword in his right hand and supported -— by the other, the blade pointing upward across in front of his left shoulder, a cavalier in a gorgeous costume of red and scarlet and white lace stands at ready ease against a landscape background. He is represented in half-length; his mobile, alert countenance is crowned by a broad-brimmed hat, the upturned brim of which is in keeping with his character. Dark, clustering, curly hair falls from either side of his forehead, concealing his ears, and a slightly twisted mustache completes the harmony of gallantry conceived by the artist. The landscape is evidently seen from a classical portico, for a column rears itself behind the man at the right of the picture. Signed at the wpper right, F'. Roybet. Purchased from Arthur Tooth & Sons. (See Illustration, Page 25.) 235 4 DANIEL RIDGWAY KNIGHT. e) f AMERICAN: Contemporary. ° eS i Seat SP 3 done ARMANDE, THE SHEPHERDESS. Height, 47 inches; width, 85% inches. In a field lush with meadow flowers, by a river’s edge, a grave- faced shepherdess stands, with her four-footed charges busy feeding behind her at the right. She has paused in the plying of her knitting needles while pondering over some problem evidently of a melan- choly nature, to Judge by the expression of her face. She wears the traditional blue apron of the French peasant, a violet-colored jacket - over a white bodice, and a worn striped cloak hangs from her shoul- ders. At the left the flowing river fills all the distance, and across the background a line of low hills rises up to a soft grey sky. Signed at the lower left, Ridgway Knight, Paris. Purchased from M. Knoedler & Co. The buyer of this painting will be presented with an autograph letter signed by Ridgway Knight, written to the late Mr. Miller, telling something of the life story of the original of this painting. It is dated Jan..16, 1912, and has inserted a photograph of the painting. 14163. Vearurht Pane lophot “apt 48,1910 - Sn. UXXK.~ it Poke 141, . ff MUXX— | 236 Gh 7 7 a . i ‘ ~ 4 No. 1136 237 No. 1137 BERNARDUS JOHANNES BLOMMERS. DutcH: 1845-1914. RETURNING Home. Height, 28% inches; width, 36 inches. Across a sandy dune rising from the margin of the sea three Dutch peasants walk slowly homeward. A tiny girl with a hoop leads the way, and behind her, but nearer to the spectator, walks the mother and father, suiting their pace to that of the child. All attired in conventional peasant costume, the mother knits a heavy woolen stocking as she goes along, and the father, whose hands are behind his back, chews a bit of weed with a ruminative air. The sands, the sea and a glowing yellow sky carry the eye up to the limits of the canvas. | Signed at the right, Blommers. Purchased from C. W. Kraushaar. 238 7009 = rug - Mirealbamtrns finer tte ht- 1891» Fro, MEANY, - sb. Oy Pa cia a ant (ke park sn- Ae ee Pow Na Ts h-4:.. 1845: ~ANMS.- Sot : the. 416, 1896, 07. Tn : f USXK~ 6 3986.- trem Toitorep Ves 44/106 « J RSKK- ee W. BOUGUEREAU. FreNcH: 1825-1905. 4 i LE / ( : Y Maw BrEFoRE THE Batu. E 5) | Height, 54 inches; width, 36 inches. | A Little Mother is seated in a chair in the dooryard of a peasant’s house, with a nude baby in her lap to whom she is about to give a bath. The Little Mother is barefooted and wears a blue petticoat with a light blue skirt, that falls in graceful folds at her left side; a white waist and black bodice. On the edge of an outdoor bathtub of stone, beside the chair, are a towel and soap dish, while a grape- vine climbs up a pole at the right of the composition, suggesting an arbor, and a spear of yellow country flowers thrusts itself up against the lovely clear sky. Us py a , « N . ) | Signed at the lower left hand, W. Bouguereau, 1891. 4, y-7, . fp SANY- - Purchased from M. Knoedler & Co. 14657 — Jet wv SFr J AXMM. | (See Frontispiece. ) Sold Fh. 1913 ; ? HNN ~ 1139 HENRI J. T. FANTIN-LATOUR. | | FRENCH: 1836-1904. | i) praurt+* THE CHess PLAYERS. Height, 24 inches; width, 291% inches. pt ; [ yen D In a room that suggests an Oriental interior three odalisques are seated on the floor, concerned with a game of chess. The two . figures in the foreground are nude above the waist, one in blue draperies, the other in green. The third figure, in the center of the composition, wears an Oriental jacket of yellow and red, and is just making a move on the board. A loosely draped red curtain at the left of the picture is illumined by the light from an unseen window. At the right the background is in a dull green tone. Signed at the lower right, Fantin. Purchased from C. W. Kraushaar. é z : \ j 7 4 a t = ‘ pathwik ta fe = ‘ Gg 239 JOSEPH BAIL. FRENCH: 1862- Tue Lace MAKERs. Height, 22 inches; width, 181% inches. In a sparsely furnished room two Belgian lace-makers have stopped their toil to eat their mid-day meal. ‘Their table has been placed before a window, through which a strong light streams, that reveals clearly the simple utensils on the table, their patient, sweet faces, and the characteristic grey wall of this painter behind them. One of the young women has her back towards the spectator, but her face is seen in profile as she reaches down to lift the long loaf of bread from a three-legged stool by the side of the table between the two women. At the end of the table the second woman sits, her gentle face, grey and black gown and white apron all painted with superb precision by this modern master of tactile values and sunlit atmosphere. Signed at the lower right, Bail, Joseph. Purchased from C. W. Kraushaar. EUGEN VON BLAAS. AUSTRIAN: 1843- FLoweER GIRL. Height, 43% inches; width, 238%, inches. With a coquettish air, comporting well with her vivacious costume of flowered green skirt, tucked up to show her white petticoat and red stockings, purple and red bodice with embroidered guimpe, a slender, grace- ful brunette has paused for a moment against an old brick wall to glance towards the spectator over her right shoulder before she steps through a stone-arched gateway in the wall Jeading into a wooded park seen at the right. She holds a flat basket of brilliant flowers on her right hip and balances this by holding her left hand against her other hip. Signed at the lower right, Eugen von Blaas, 1900. No. 1141 240 és “ee No. 1142 GEORGE INNESS, N. A. (Attributed) \A NE @ AMERICAN: 1825-1894. SUNSET. Height, 12 inches; width, 18% inches. In an opening between two clumps of trees, and beyond a rich, green meadow, lies a pool lit with the reflection of the sinking sun. The luminary has dropped below the horizon, but the sky is still glorious with scarlet and yellow clouds, above which floats a darker expanse touched by the shadow of the oncoming night. In the fore- ground are some fowls, and the figure of a man at the left. Signed at the lower left, Geo. Inness. 242 Jb Iy 04 No. 1143 HENRI J. T. FANTIN-LATOUR. Frencu: 1836-1904. INSPIRATION. Height, 24 inches; width, 29% inches. A. decorative symbolical study characteristic of Fantin. On a height, rising above a broad plain, are seated two figures. The golden-haired woman who typifies Inspiration is on the crest of the slope, while at her feet is the artist, with pencil poised above a sketch- ing block. The figure of the title is draped only to the waist in filmy red, and her golden hair, bound with flowers, hangs down her back. The artist wears a black costume and looks up eagerly to the figure above. Dramatic, portentous clouds sweep across the sky behind the figures and over the plain. Signed at the lower left, Fanton. Purchased from C. W. Kraushaar. 243 No. 1144 EVERT PIETERS. | ne DutcH: 1856- . \ i Picking FLOWERS. fy MA A Height, 35 inches; width, 43 inches. The modern Dutch genre school is brilliantly represented in this charming picture of happy childhood and the rich beauty of the native landscape. In a meadow by a little pool two girls and a boy are engaged in picking the gayly colored wild flowers of the coun- tryside. The boy has his back to the spectator and is evidently still plucking the blossoms. At his left is the seated figure of a young girl making a nosegay of the plucked flowers in her lap, while stand- ing behind her is a little girl holding her flowers in the hollow of her left arm. The sunlight falls on the flaxen heads of the children in high lights and on their shoulders. Through a vista formed by clumps of trees at the left and right of the picture is seen a broad. low-lying meadow with barns dotting it, and a humid rose-and-blue sky hangs over this distant prospect. Signed at the lower right, FE. Pieters, 1911. Purchased from C. W. Kraushaar. 244 AUGUSTE HAGBORG. SwepisH: 1852- A. Barr-DiGcer. Height, 47% inches; width, 301% inches. eet Bi Armed with her long- ,, Of handled bait spade and wat- tled basket, a French peas- ant woman stands on the beach at low tide resting for a moment before she begins work. The artist’s interest z in the woman as a subject -__-was clearly in her wind-red- dened face and the soft hues 3 of her time-worn yellow Bee's - skirt, red bodice and blue waist. The threatening sky behind her strong head and figure is an elemental fea-— ture of the canvas. Signed at the lower right, Hagborg. | Purchased from M. Wate ae 3 Knoedler & Co. 6I56.— Uewgat rw Cont Mine AS Sof LY, 1839: oe MSXK- dotd . Marg 18 14 ‘ ? KR SX.- P. M. DUPINY. Frencu: Contemporary. pennants, CHILDREN PLAYING IN LuUxXEMBURG GARDEN. Height, 21% inches; width, 32 inches. A corner of the Luxemburg Garden given over to a children’s playground. The foreground 1s filled with gayly-dressed little ones, attended by their bonnes, and in the background more children are seen against a marble wall. Sunlight falling through the trees dap- ples the ground with patches of yellow light. Signed at the lower right, P. M. Dupiny. 245 JEAN MOREAU. FRENCH. p A 7. FETE DES VIGNERONS. AV Ae 4 Height, 26 inches; width, 321% inches. gray plastered walls and stone-paved floor. Signs on the wall tell | 4 pes The interior of an old French wine shop, with beamed ceiling, of the fete that is obviously going on, a present sign of which is the slightly inebriated elderly man at the right, who seems to be making love to the old woman who keeps the inn. Three peasants are grouped around a table watching the love scene. Signed at the lower right, Jean Moreau. Purchased from Boussod, Valadon & Co. 246 ee ae e ven a iid vie Cee oe = 4 4 \ ae y a aree, - © Fy ep ’ ; : ioe 7 ~ oe @ © ee ° ee 6 oeoe eee ee ee ee ein\6 ee @ @ © -» © @ 0@ © @ © © « 6 ° core ee oe e ee oeoee ee Rene 7 Moteagy oung Girl, 5 ...2.0...-5.. LOWICZ, L. MetenecklACe cbc ee eee eee ee M. The Lace Makers (Illustrated)...... -- Barravorne, Jutes FrepErRicK Meee Mipnon <<<. ... Pe We ee eZ, Baumann, Apoir The Bird Trainer....... eden ho eee Berne-Betitecour,—ETIENNE PROSPER 247 The Sentinel (Illustrated)..........- ee eee . coece ee ove ee —- . ©. 58) O (Wyre a) ° oe ec ee © we we ew ew ° ° eo ee we ew oeee oe ore ° oeeeee ° eocewe ee ee see e ° oe ee eee oe . eo eee oe ee 8 © ooeee oeeee Aas MOT ae ee, OTD Una RL ties, Gietett OMe. Rrra ae SAT abel I RA) oe ee ee eee eee Lot No Bertier, Louis EuGENE The Fortune* Teller) 345 222, fees set i 881 BERTRAND, JEAN Lady with. Cloak: . 2.2. do. im Ghee eae Fs ee ae 822 Lady’s*Head .. 6 6 coed C8 ita ge ee Mee ee Buiaas, EuceNnre Von Childhood) 0. 6. sf el 2 cet ie a Me © eel ie co ou ee 1080 "Youth oon seis eo is ba Sita ae hte Te, le ee oe ec 2S oe LOS Flower Girl (Illustratéd) 122... 2. i 44 . 6 er 1141 BiomMERsS, BERNARDUS JOHANNES Returning, Home (Illustrated). ............ Pte Ah a Boucue, ALEXANDER Louis Abrenvoir (Illustrated) ~........0. 0. +. 2 J. 874 Boupin, Louis EvuGENE Retour des Barques (Illustrated)...........,... ve. ee BouGcuton, Georce H. Katrina Von Tassel (Illustrated). ....0.0..... 9525 0 eri) ak He BouGuEREAU Before the Bath (Illustrated; See Frontispiece) .:.... 9). eee 1138 BourGain, Gustave . At the Well... 0.055 es ese at ae ae be eos ale ee er 826 Bristot, JoHN BuNYAN The’ Catskills .5 its ee le ot alee 1089 Brown, J. G. My Dow oe cca whe Sie alse ele plete 2 05s 9 o6:le 00a ae yr rr 864 C CaiLLE, Leon EMILE The Lesson .°. 2 6.6 Pe a a ape lelapeee 2 hse a alte ens ate a ae a 855 Preparing Dinmer: 2... i005 6 cn. oh tin aee won © 5 eee te aan eae Re sa 1078 248 SRP ACGS Re) AG! (Se bis) eee el wl eer e ek ef a Leh ete) ee 6 6 #6) ’ ech Casein aay WNT a wale OLE See arene ares OES ete ings neces oss oe.¥ 1098 eM out tel tach level (91)(0) /eunsnie)| a fe, (o's: (ee) sie 'ci ie \s\'e e's, 90) e,\6 = 6. 5. sine 01s) Gee 01 co ba BB iat eo ee © we 6 O80 ee) 8) 8 SO OFCOM) 6.4.07. 16) (6) ev 0.8) Lele) €! 6s 6) we: oOn Ole: WOuNe) (ya “0. (a re! 16), @. O16. 89.0 6 8 tee 6 oo he ye eee) Ol tes ce @ eo) [a> ra) @: oe See 6, 6TG 8 SE Re a, OO OOO 6 6 56 ie. 6) 6 6 Oe |S (Oe) 6D ed ov 6 ae el ae a 0 a vie Lee © 6. (0: ee S116" @ <@) 46 ae) 6. eGo se eG; 66 e166 ie (6 Te) 8) 65 '9) 8, Oe we ila oie HS 6) wreten 6) se (ee. elie! e eheute, 6) 16) (6 @ er 6: ee! a (e.Se 8) ee OY 61 OS. 6) 6 ec) if) e's) 8) ec Camitie HiepotyTe ? Ma DAY 0. e ee eee ee eee eh te LO ee 1090 _ Dessar, Louis Pavt Mending the Nets Ci Aa ce eae em Weert ee el ae ce ae ate ge" S78 a Dieterte, Marie . Cattle and Landscape (Illustrated)............ Pe ene Eek ae 1127 DiraANIAN, SERKES PAG ce A Cre eer eee oe ee ee se a ee rrr 848 Dover, W. Dr Lerrwicu POE ROCEATY oii tts eee ek; Shee ik GE aca eR Oe es one ft we FLOOD Ve et a a eA A em 249 Lot No Dotianp, W. ANSLEY Italian Garden Scene. ..0 ss. ys Sn ek 8 2 817 Dupiny, P. N. The Luxemburg Gardens (Illustrated)... 5.02. 2 2s4-0u eo. oe 868 Children Playing in Luxemburg, Garden... 22... . + 2s 1146 Dupre, JULIEN Summer Pasture (Illustrated). 2"... 5 Joka! so. ee 865 E E1eaLter, Gustave The Rehearsal (Illustrated). ......-..2.% 2. <%= 1132 Erp, Rupoueu Gretiin gL pt") cis), as eet ses tee ea Wish b e/els « eoei ee Ala ana er 880 Eeusquiza, A. 7 : Venice tse: otf iis et erty oe nel eee los eb Sale sak one ie 816 , F Fantrin-Latour, Henri G. T. . The ‘Chess Players... - 2 20.65 252 es 2 oe alote ss so ely ow en 1139 Inspiration (Illustrated) . 22... 0... 6. 05 ee es sn oer 1143 Frerauson, W. J. : ; Evening-on,. the Stout s7 40. eee err Me 1087 The Thames near Great Marlow...........:»+-«: se sue oe L102 G GABRINI The Wanderer (Illustrated). ..:... 2.2.5...) 5 «es ae ee 1068 Garoy, Dr M. The Court Lady... 2. 2. 5 6s = 6 ee she aca eg eee as oe 818 Grrvex, HENRI ; ; ) Avant Le Bal... io. 2 a ee ee ee 1079 Gay, Epwarp | Winter Scene o.oo. on eas eee ode eae « 0 ool pie) a rr 1101 GIRAIDET, JULES In the Olden Days... . 2.525 65 Sees ose ae ee 1072 GrraRDET, Leon The Serenade «.. . i. os vce c's 4 ween Wis ero 'G. wn nes a Coca 838 The:sAmswer co oscc) 03 6 cata tg eee Doles 0% athe els ale 500 naiRcel en 839 4 Magee POEM eee PAG a). 5s ks a's en oe BBA iere.of the Nile......2... Ie Pane oe ae De Sia BESO Reba 8:00 anal esc s Halen Rake Sw ee eee A BPsaaeary eee ... 866 rec: and Bust of a Young Girl epee ed). Dh. dG Mk 1110 Mrs @. 6 (66) e1Ke eye, bie @ 10 'e 16 ee apes etia lt 6.6 6s eal. ~. (eo) wetter ie ca eS, (8G OB em, 8) 8 oe oO Fe? le eee. o Larde, [6 GO) Se) - oS 1 by mS BY aitigirecuar of tels ofc hie euiene et O56 2016! 16) (6) te) 60, 6 6 6 46) (0! SAT 20) PEST eerie ye ia 010 504 8 es _Innzs, Grorcxs—(Attributed ) a Smmcet ( Uilustrated.) 2... 6... esse ee ee eee Sisco ga eRe ick atte 251 J JACQUET, GUSTAVE ise Dily:-of the “Valley. 7). es eee Dana clee a tle JG ba: 6 lan 1122 JANSEN, Fritz : The Violinist... 0.000240 be ene cee et 54 ce eee a ae Jia, Fritz Daisy a ee le cece ee tie ee ole goles ale eee» 1s ial eee eer 1073 Nelly oo. sce et ee be Seen 9 oible a ee Os eee 1074 K KAEMMERER, FREDERICK HENRI The Old Wardrobe (Illustrated) .....5..... 7. 24s ae 1091 KaARLOVSKI, B. Dr Melons and Greriades (Illustrated) -. 0. 2.20... eee ee 1109 Kever, JAcosp Simon HENDRIK Feeding the Goat (Illustrated).............. =. 0) as 1124 KiEsEL, Conrap At the Masquerade (Illustrated)........:. 92) 225 Lt 873 Knicut, Dantert. Ripeway Gathering Apple Blossoms: (Illustrated) ..:...... 2.23. 875 Armand, The Shepherdess (Illustrated)... ... >. 2y. ye 1136 Kuyck, Lovis Van Barn Interior .... 0.055000 snes ee eens eee) pe 882 1b La FontTAINE, CHARLES The Cherry Maid (Illustrated). .,......./....% 5. - 3) 1105 Lenoir, CHar.LEes-AMABLE Head of a Woman... .. 2.60.4 2205 5 s0 + <5 oes siete iene ete 871 Morning Glories. 2... i. . ciciee ee ene eens» 08s ale © nian renee 1085 Lreroitie, HENRY The Shepherdess (Illustrated)... ...<...0.4.4% ¢ +e se et een 869 The Gleaners. ..... ci 0 0 5b ers © ook eb ole aoe ey otete Geib estefan to 1130 252 Vogl Geir Teel | ¥ ) 810 Venetian Scene... 0. oi. eee cen eo ov obese o Won ona enn 852 R Reyna, A. Canal Venice... 2... 6c dis ewe oe tle nee 6 eee ee 837 Venetian. Scene: . 2...) 6.63 k Bynes coke ts so beers ely Cee een onan 1083 Canal, Venice...... 2... ess oe Bele a ss 4 6 oes eee 1092 RicuTer, E. The Favorite of the Pasha (Illustrated)..............'45 see 877 254 RIUS, | Migatiesrietmets 5, eek)... « CTS Tey ae a ae Oa the Sword (IIlustrated)......0.. 00. cccceceececeeeee. 1135 ss, LS iw Me a ay SS es ee Sea ee eb ve tthe ee sat at esccse S49 RRC san 3s 7P)e! ie" Sens SNe le ge ease aetna a ee + 6829 De ona ie MOOG Nae) i eOM eS cr Vann 4 = =| n er RS o> on Oo Qu. — a 0 VES SG Re eo ee eee ee LOTT Ne GO Ne os wn ways acs oR nti ek one aa LOTO = AS =r NOWSKY, E1sMAN SET D5 i eR Eke ees & 1075 CRs i ete eee eee eerie: ook noe ae eT G MESON GO PIOWETS. 0h. ee wee ee ee tenet ens ewereees 1108 Tee eer eng, ~ NORINI, G. ow Sounacrorx, F, g PIECORP AI. «ok oes es ROS REN cs Sak 3p PR te Tata A NB ge ey ai Seta ie laa aaiaalilialinal Set Eo ae oe 4 a oO 3 iq") br) rg 9 iz) cr q ie.) — we =. Tanovux, Apriren HENRI Washing Day (Illustrated)...........+++++++- i's CPE ie etree / BOL 255 Wiorin: Epovarpo te Sor co The Visit (strata) £ Ten@, i yen Derr | Prepare. Dinner. ate Sr sace ie re 9 TouLMoucHE, AUGUSTE ! RASS Te tee mae The Debutante . nl ¥ . oa. coee i . ee 3 eeee e eeeee vive. ene e TravutTscHoLp, MANFED | uae Introdnetion . io 8 196 19. 80 : ° o. oer ee ee : oun z oe ms ee o . : TRoMP, Jan Zire ae : ie Summer Pleasures (Illustrated) i. ees eis / - = * Tanieeee Aveus ea" mt : «Ree A A RIE asin Se nas: UNSIGNED : Head: of a Young (Woman. 40. s2a) see - Voiion, ANTOINE . The ene Storm (Illustrated) one es 6c ee Ow lottery APR ts mee nes erate LN ey ee le am - : WEBER, AUGUST > The ‘Connoisseur .4-.53) 0. & yraneaic ee cole eee The sSmoker ... ..008 00 eae te ee ce ke ee The “Latest *Newssi5 ou bet are bis od co en ee Good: News(Illustrated) 2225... 234.) eee Wimerouty, P. V. Mother and. Daughter............-...6.+- 2s eeeeue, Winpt, C. Van Der | Landscape Leen ee ee ee een ee otis ee eles ene oe Yamaso, T. Japanese ne, Be gi race eee ek es: . * a0 i oll as * P a NR aie 5/0 On, IE Re ta oie e% 842 ia LaeMe) AU oli st slib) 6176 8.9 «) e ¢) (6) (ee) 6. 6.05610) .6 66, Solel Sete! S) 6 wee sales « 856 257 General Index INDEX TO SESSIONS. First Session, Aprit 17TH, at 2:30 P. M. Pace. Modern Porcelains. Lot No. 1:to: Lot Now 15022 oven os bo ee i . SEcOND Session, Aprit 17TH, aT 8:00 P. M. - Modern Porcelains. Lot No. 151 to: Lot No. 268% aus 25k oss coe soe ee 23 Tuirp Session, Aprit 18TH, at 2:30 P. M. Ivories, Miniatures and Enamels. Lot No. 269 to Lot No..4582 0. 2. os oe ns 0a ee 34 TourtH Session, Aprit 18TH, at 8:00 P. M. Books. Lot No. 459 to Lot No. 638... 5... 36. 55. os os 2 ele 64 Firtu Session, Aprit 19TH, ar 2:30 P. M. Furniture, Rugs, Draperies, Paintings, etc. Lot No. 639 to Lot No. 808......... 20:2. 2% «cde ete ee 112 Sixt Session, Aprit 19TH, ar 8:00 P. M. Paintings. Lot No. 804 to Lot’ No. 883....... Me i er 125 SEVENTH Session, APRIL 20TH, aT 2.30 P. M. Jades, Crystals and Chinese Porcelains. Lot No. 884 to Lot No. 1067... 2... 2.0 00.25 os we ce 159 EigHtH Session, ApriL 20TH, aT 8:00 P. M. Paintings. Lot. No..1068 to Lot No. 1147.0... 6... 7198 6 ee OO INDEX TO THE SEVERAL DIVISIONS OF THE COLLECTION. Books iitete. i ae-7c ln te ee ayes othe e ete ele wie as eve ob ola ginal ee 64 Furniture, Rugs, Draperies, etc...... 0.23... 3 ce 1i2 Ivories, Miniatures and Enamels............. 3. ets). «5 sa) eee ee 34: Jades, Crystals and Chinese Porcelains............ <5 4/«s/s)e)s gua 159 Modern Porcelains. 2. 1)... 6s occ rete sw ee cis oo a © ee tare wie oi onl nr Maton Modern Porcelains: (continued). . 2.0: -- 2... s+ «2 meeeen seen 23 Paintings? . BAIS LO% ys ae Pe en mae tear Me ER 125 Paintings (continued) .. . 000.6 cle dels doe os so 4 le ete oienene teeter 199 INDEX TO INTRODUCTIONS. General Introduction, by John W. Harrington....... 2.0.04.) 5): 3 Introduction to Books... c5 0 cle = p0 vie 6s wists Care oles 5 gel ee 63 Introduction to Ivories, Miniatures and Enamels, by Ralph M. Chait........ 33, 158 Introduction to Jades, Crystals and Chinese Porcelains, by Ralph M. Chait.... 158 Introduction to Paintings, by William B. McCormick... ..2. 2... sass) ee 124 258 APPRAISEMENTS OF ‘Paintings, Jewelry, Personal Effects of Every Description for Inheritance Tax and Other Purposes, are made by SAMUEL MARX ——FXECUTIVE OFFICES WOOLWORTH BUILDING ae TELEPHONES { ae and wae t BARCLAY C.H. Warren =D. Hailman Schwartz N.J. Heller Max Salomon Kraushaar Max Salomon $.5. JdeGe Oppenheim Wm. Rosenblum Herman Le Heide Mrs. HeV. Newcombe Mrs. Prank Ss. Voss C.W. Kraushaar P.F. BE. Bruner H.V. Newcombe JeGe Oppenheim C. Klackner JeGe Oppenheim Herman L. Heide M. Knoedler & Co. Warren Rosenblum John J. Dietz Lel,. Wrictdaan 5 ps Le Friedman Holland Galleries Schwartz C.W. Kraushaar JeG.e Oppenheim Max Saloman Holland Galleries vw e _ ‘Holland Galleries _ Max Salomon — _ JeGe Oppenheim Herman L. Heide Max Salomon A w Printz Brothers JeG. Oppenheim Holland Galleries NeY. Mfg Co. Holland Galleries Klackner JeGe Oppenheim Dr. HC. Scobey Henry L. Heide Klackner Clapp & Graham Schulthies M. Dugro Buttles . JeGe Oppenheim Kraushaar Dr. H.C. Scobey Salvatore Pasne Clapp & Graham Schultheis Kraushaar Holland Galleries Kraushaar Rice JeG. Oppenheim Prinz Bros. Arthur Eckstein Judge Foster Rice JeG. Oppenheim 850. . 75.00 a TL 140.00 852. 105.00 853. 45.00 854, 65.00 "655. 60.00 856. 35 200 857. 65.00 858. 50.00 859. 150.00 860. 175.00 861. 80.00 862. 205.00 863. 300.00 864. 400.00 865. Clapp & 865. 260.00 866. 400.00 867. 175.00 868. 300.00 869. 350.00 870. 165.00 871. 65.00 872. 210,00 873. 265.00 874. 500.00 875. 1210.00 876. 100.00 877. 180.00 878, 125.00 879. 350.00 880. 210.00 881. 125.00 882. 135.00 883. 200.00 Eighth Session, April 20-th 1068. 28.00 1069. 30.00 1070. 25.00 1071. 40.00 1073. 70.00 1073. 55.00 ee eee S| _ Oppenhei i ae - Holland Galleries Bandler 1083. 110,00 pen ae 1133. 700.00 ~—S Foot 1084, 150.00 Rosenfeld — 1085. 110.00 Belle Alice Hamburger : 1086. 70.00 Mrs, Frank S, Voss 1134, 625.00 Kraushaar 1087. 60.00 B.A. Hamburger 1135, 1075.00 Holland Galleries 1088. 115.00 Oppenheim 1136. 1600.00 Jessie S. Foot 1089, 40.00 Smyth 1137. 1600.00 Kraushaar 1090. 45.00 J.B. Townsend 1138. 3650.00 M. Sanmel Stern 1091. 60.00 Oppenheim 1139, 1250.00 Kraushaar 1092. 85.00 Rosenfeld 1140. 550.00 tao 8 1093, 40.00 sda 1141. 475.00 Oppenheim 1094. 60.00 Ge ? 1142. 50.00 Samel Marx 1095. 50.00 Ernstthal 1143. 1000.00 Smyth 1096. 35.00 N.Y. Mfe. Co. 114%, 700.00 Kraushaar 1097. 90.00 Kraushear 1145. 400.00 Smyth 1098. 110.00 D. Ernsthal 1146. 250.00 Rosenfeld -20ga8 80.00 Oppenheim 1147. 175.00 Hamburger TTI. 150.00 Oppenheim 1112. 90.00 Geo.H. Ainslee 1113, 330.00 Holland Galleries 1114, 170.00 Jessie S. Foot 1115. 150.00 1116. 120.00 Salomon 1117, 210.00 Oppenheim 1118, 175.00 Salomon 1119. 225.00 Rosenfeld ,2120. 350.00 Kraushaar 11226 200.00 Smyth 1123. 850.00 JeAe Woolly #1121. 225 200 Oppenheim 6356 ae 1 Ptg, by A, Hagborg, =... Fg (Bint se 950,00 7367 4 Pte, by F, B, Bertier Oe Wines. A ann S705 X 2 Pte, byR, Eo, =|” “Getting Ip oe RCS ED OO eR ere ee ee eh we os oe ets ee 0104-2. Ptgy-by Dy Ry Knight, g Roses", 322 x 26 4. © Fe392 V 1 Ptg, by J, v, 4 | - . i ff a? SP. 12659 *1 Pte, by W. Bouguereau, | 34b % B4, or Anu 6,000, 00 : 5 Se mma eee eje: Ven ee on as me ee a - Se / Gu 3s"Ob co : ? : & : + : a = sig a « . ; p y ; ; : ce > i ‘J 7 ; * “= ~,* J ge : .« , re > 7 \ j a i, " = J ae + = ™ 7 a os aoe > -~) ~ Saaee Sea | ae aE SyPeANteay hse ed Met etiaay cb YES ARS UE DS, ae * ie! Sy PEE HSK paren tine eniekes eabancad POrseur uray 4 a Fes hPy ete > r bt ’ hy Se Putas Ned 4 BINT HEED UDE MUA MH coy eRe Rr MAPOR WAG PH ta Sy oe PPAsy oh yg : A treh bce ns ei ‘ ‘ r BEM beki tet bl Poi bathe oh a eee edn Rane es Srey bate spew eyo ae ote ’ asd ei brbyerags ' ‘ NEU Sheba, bette Sef Aa S498 ! 3 : beat hei rick behiay4 Asnubin fa savy fe ' . ay Ta 4 UAT EAPGCG ERS Str physi aan ee Teter trace sthees ou path uit Heri; ny: Neb iy Wit ses boas ATS Mepqeaaye anaes ne ba epee tisnieh hen Fyre Natur N> ai NS ar sewera: Scares Weer, bab urusg nti stat SPU aik ral) & ene tts pate yi tates Pgh a Bee mit - sats nee he 7 a4 Sat UehS Se ae st ara a 2 ae ya portent reared Kiber at (hs rte Seamer ta pees {4 hs Hah ee ethos MUSH eH AD risueur i. rates et aM ie ek Heats = FAS EhG! Naw in Pons eb eat fans tix eee wi SWrene pay Ge deol Webet , { (hpeenn 4 ‘ yh Sat Mu, Tires onvenaNot Uru secb: USL HOS auth eye LED MeuaUnURitGe te r he fies Sy Hk hae i ies he re phe Nene ae: , 7 UNS Y) at 4 b tui "a Salta Bie Ceaike asks 4k : a) ude ge tied ‘ : f hati ap teen Ne ‘ ei svet na iteeinett Meroe eras ety KERB ANI anti yh " AST INE OVER Asad ASU #4 \: saspetie LupEGDEOEC a % ey Sean santa Uiisk ehGsdeh rind \erkaae ts } fain thie 1h borat eked va) Lsnr Vee ak eka em iden ind s ES apy A ate ay: tia rant Hie we } cae ati oc ; ‘its { eV belna ren tsbs pepe trbes ‘ 4 ‘i RHA Abhte WEiley ray A re A ‘ sre tie, t ‘4 7 = RY i} Aika see ne she ‘ eae a ' \ r he bot A hs a a ce ei ieee WAR LA eate inate ‘) betbatigh “tht Sele h e y me N M ‘ fines iat | if sir ee) 5 3 ee RAN ets t i x24 ate Hi i pt eer eh ihe } te Mie aah ‘ Bab ‘ eas PRY atte 1h Ge ; as he wt a He Wah Wo bioys die tea evn } Saale dad bate , r 4 tie bead a Veet ries? ane Holi nt 7) wee ise aly . haihy beh ‘ + Ub “ Vee Aen a a ey HAS rh bah bite Pahatss my {ENS Ret pie, ABER TS ih Lats tratednt etal ii it { eb hate pit g Wet bib Ue aA ciated hele piseaas An wy bs iv ee Pei, Mi } LW OPN LER AMHR iil eT i: ai ot nae Reaty cee att a o ot ae if i i ae ity iti ih iy MEH Heetay tee acy an a aoe Wah ok Gog t) Y Lee Dew PED h Pele cle hod tab Hak by Weiter bye abs Hyviky | shel a Was, 4 ial Gib Hit nie a ' ak. Ayiehe). bik i, aa, fieicts fret petreeus ick Ah ye Cass Vat f {3 bp keti hind o Hahei tity oe midi fil ‘ ith Ut { oF 44 if ‘| ve ; Hh. a \ uit H 3 ia i white t i 4 ai i WO ta aN wie he We ht a til iu ae — ree os ies es Sie eeer ot oe is waa reot =: Pes: _—— i? i A He Mail itd iF Hae ratig' uh 1 ie : tit ity bait . i ‘ ne be aa wh Hitt Mata ttn TD vit ; ah aN Mi eae Wah BaF i iq it ike oo iit on cathe ine ri tyes x us AY TE Ate ee eo i ei by ¢ ct re on | Wah i A iy ULE il ra Webel el cuit A Cet eof: i ii HAGE ETAL NOE AG ahh is CR OURIGAR A RAD ANA tyes SP tit t Met an f : re } HA rile A ae HN Cn PM aoe LUNs Bu 1 w bce meee are ee i 9 Mr MRS 19: Beer Se.