LIBRARY M.KNOEDLER & CO. 556-8 Fifth Ave. New York ee * i "4 ep bem ter ee y - Prtce Buyer Py ebe LeRoy ft ? \. LeRoy Jones Otto Bernet, . Jel. LeRoy * C.le Fliermans, Jr --W. Lowenstein .-,E. Prentice '; Miss Lorenz, Agt Jel. LeRoy “RJ. Held Agt a? J.L. LeRoy Otto Bernet, Agt W. Lowenstein -- Adolf Mayer GS. Hartford * fralee Prentice peat it ~ Capt. DeLamar Pie, Bllis -HeS. Harkness A. Robertson _ Adolf Mayer ALH. Goldingham ede Held -~.M. Frankfurter Henry Schultheis “Cede McDonough G. Franklin Miss Lorenz, Agt ReJ. Held ¥. Thompson “deL. LeRoy ? tt * W.W. Seaman, Agt BI “Miss Lorenz, ne JeLe LeRoy | HeT.E. Beardsley - V. Thompson # James B. Hasgin, Sale American Art Association, April 1917 Price 90 sa Lt cael Buyer Otto Bernet, Agt ie: JeL.e LeRoy ; K. Sylvester GeSe Hartford q Bede Maugin oe G.S. Hartford Holland Galleries Ge Franklin Holland Galleries Henry Schultheis tf Clapp & Graham Ge Franklin BS JeLle LeRoy aa) Holland Galleries ie A. ‘Socal oa 50 cea Laney 210 - ‘Hélland Galleries 5 si] "Ww ye PF, ‘Seige & Co om Frank Seaman . “ JeL. LeRoy ess +: Frank Seaman ste WeWe Seaman, Act > Holland Galleries — V. Thompson . HeS. Harkness Ge Franklin Re Ederheimer ee Holland Galleries = Otto Bernet, Apt Clapp & Graham W.eA. Jones i. aa Ml. Knoedler & Co DG. Dery | T.Ee Prentice — Hed. Harkness a AdoZf Mayer Jel. LeRoy ne ae. Price $ 220 280 230 110 100 180 180 300 190 140 110 400° 160 290 60 190 400 Buyer M. Knoedler & Co FeRe Welsh #H. Utard R. Ederheimer H. Lowenstein a A LeRoy Otto Bernet, Ag et ? E.Ve. Kohnstamm Otto Bernet, Agt F. Loeser & Co Henry Schultheis és LeRoy Otto Bernet, Agt. K. Sylvester EeVe Kohnstamm Ve Thompson A. Robertson H.S. Harkness H. Lowenstein Jel - LeRoy Holland Galleries M. Knoedler & Co. Holland Galleries JeL. LeRoy H.T.E. Beardsley Holland Galleries Adolf Mayer M. Knoedler & Co Miss Lorenz, Agt Martin Beck JeL. LeRoy H.S. Harkness BeVe Kohnstanmm CeLe Fliermans Dr. Guy B. Stearns Holland Galleries Ve. Thompson Otto Bernet:, Agt WeW. Seaman, "* Cede McDonough C.L. Fliermans WeWe Seaman, Agt tt we t Ae Robertson Ww Clapp & Graham NO« 137 138 139 140 141 142 1435 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 | ' } _ pressive “provght the highest price, +H. Lorenz, agent, for $7,200. Venice scene, “The Death of Caesar” Brings: _ Top Price at Sale of Art of ¢ | Haggin and Other Estates. f. $75, 185 FOR 151 PICTURES : Bchreyer’s “Arabian Horsemen” Fetches $6,600, a Ziem Venice Scene $5,600, a Daubigny $2,100. ' — . Seventy-six pictures from the estate of the late James B. ‘Haggin and others were sold under the auspices .of the American Art Galleries at the Plaza last evening and brought returns of $58,510, making a grand total for the 151 paint-, ings of the collection of $75,185. An im-' Gérome, ‘ The Death of Ceasar,’’ the scene Yaid in the Roman Senate Chamber, sold by: order of Wil- der, Ewen & Patterson, attorneys, going to Re $chreyer’s “‘ Arabian Horsemen,’ be- longing to the Haggin estate, brought $6,600, going to H. S. Harkness. A Ziem “Une Féte & Venise,”’ giso from the Haggin estate, formerly jn the collection of the late Charles A. ‘Dana and sold by the American Art As- sociation, with a few otber choice pict- ures in the famous Dana sale in 1898, brought $5,600, also going to Mr. Hark- ness, -A beautiful Daubigny, ‘* On the “French Coast,’’ which was one of the fine pictures of the sale, belonging tq the I agein. estate, rormerly ,in the ruax collection, brought a4. compara- ‘tively low price because of its large size, | 89% by 75 inches. It went to Louis Ral- ‘pton, for $2,100. : ss ss Pictures and Prices. es Following are the pictures, with names i of artists, buyers, and prices over $100: “reMother and Child (pancl)—J. G. og ads yer von Bremen; Holland Gallery. . $110 epfold (panel)—Charles Jacques eo ww we ewe Oe ee eoreeorereore ere ee eed ip — PAL Sonus.) -b.-- +++ 277°: | gi—interior with Sheep (panel)—Charles __ Jacque; M. Knoedler & C he Henner; D. George Dery. 200 nel)—Diaz; H.. 5. the Forest (panel) 125 Be IRE Bee la, Cag: ie A Sj OOM Ais ae 25 “ 4 age Street sois Daubigny; Bernet, agent..-- 170 tion d@’un Pamphlet (panel)— Adolpue Grison, Jj. L, Le Roy..-+- 250 | David Teniers; J. L. le Roy 190. ren Guard, quis Ralston....-.---;:° ales oats eRe oe 160 - Frenen Villag Antoine Vollon; oedler & CO...sss-serrs rss . 220 ba pg Tugboat,. (panel)—Daubigny; sa Ea is R. Welsh..-->+> oa aD ‘92—Sheep, eoeverer? ~ lenaer; Tiderhelnel +s .sa.carseets# rane ‘A Ho ng—Gericault; H. Loewenstein. 100 @5—A Beauty of Spain, (panel)—Vibert; ” H ur Tie ROY win dine se 2 owen who Ne a y (180 ‘pe_Mother’s Helpers—Alfons Spring;. on Bernet, agentscisceederrsrcerrrerr® Ray. witeT the Body of” be haggis hu apy et, as “the Flock, (panel)— net, agent.....---. ae 8 of Algiers~Decamps; ‘Ber- 7 are eest rest wmoarres sor ee Sheep in the Highlands — Madame | 3 aren aan Bonheur;) Frederick Deak «eee eoeaveet ee ne eater Sunshine—J. Francis Mur- earner 402—In the Louvre, (water color) — D. Caliga; J. L.’ Le et ak 108—Head of a Child—Hpgene Dela- . groix; Bernet, agent...-.-s-se-sereeree 2 708—-Woodland Stream—Attributed to Ja- . cob Van Ruisdael; Bernet, agent...... | 208—Moonlight: Rotterdam—Johan Bar- | | -thold Jongkind; F. Thompson........-- 400. | 107--Birth of Louis Treize, at_Wontaine- | bleau Palace, on the 27th of September, hale Les csg a ! ne a 0) Jonny : ; | ny | phy; Henry Schultheis...........-.+- -» 400— | 1@01—Isabey; A. Robertson....+++--- a (1007 Jos—A Journey Through Algeria—Gerome; a eS: Harkness. i... ne cece he ete e etek 500) |109—Landscape and Figures — Decamps; ' H. Loewensteln ....5-+-e ce ec seem nese 210 110--The Palace Studio—Charles Louls Mueller; J. L. Le ROY....-++- see serne 220 $21—A Mountain Stream—Francoig Louis ‘Brancais; Holland Galleries......-.+4. 140 412—Cows Drinking—Van Marcke; Krioed- Yor & COcscescccctege dese nerecs pene ars 1,125 $18—Study of a White Cow—Troyon; ___. Holland Gallerles....+-.e+-ess-sseeree ge ol ts) Wertn S Fleet Among the Icebergs— i William Bradford; J. L. Le Roy..--. ¥ifdU /$45—Shepherd and Flock—Van Marcke; Hr, 'T. BH. Beardsley ...-.-+--s2+0% ats 61,000 1i7—A Lady of Quality, (pastel oval)— ¥ Wranz von Lenbach; Adolph Mayer...- 500' 418—The Coming Storm—Jules Dupre; ;_ Knoedler ...----eeceerters APE gt ses §25) | 119—Sale of a Circassian Slave—Gerome; ae H. Lorenz, papave ME e y | 120—Cupids’ Festival — Diaz; Martin LS BGOM «ie win dG sinensis pene + ae eee . 2,600. | 121--Monsignor Having Refreshments— |. Vibert: J. L. Le ROY 4s «ise meaner . 1,600. 122—Arabian Horsemen—Adolf Schreyer; H. S. Harkness......-+--+-2+ 200 piace 6,600 . 428—Departure from the Mosque— ..-.. |" Gerome; Bernet, agent....:+--+++. russ -2,800° teh Landscape—Georges Michel; © es 6 QTINGUB .. sion seedy eos eme tbe eee 180 dscape—Early Wnglish School; ih: | (style of Thomas Gainsborough;) Dr. _- t | uy B. Stearns.....6. esse cesses ees -» 140 | @e6--Honfleur— Frank Meyers Boggs; | Holland Galleries .--..--.- Ce ee and Hounds-—- Joseph @lin; V. Thompson..,....04.-ss--078 370: b ‘Cavaliers Adolf Schreyer; |) | ! agent... satel, ah Ged deh iattarw agente “1,000. | 484—Portrait of a Lady—Paulus More- ; { ham oe? ae ‘oe 9 @ | W87—Portrait of a Lady— Unknown Artist; W88—Landscaps with | 4R6—Portrait of 4 Noble Lady —Attrib- ent i ge of the Common—Thomas Gainsborough, R. A.; Seaman, agent..1,050° aSi—Woodland Landscape—Attributed to a P Soke Period (Oval)—Pierre Mignard; = eaman, agent ...---+-225+:° Pe Pore 7 840 | ¥83-—Portrait of a Gentleman of tne fo 1 Louls XIV. Period (Oval)—Pierre Mige ea nard; Seaman, agent...-.---+5++5 erie Robertson ..--+>- BWR Sesto heals uted to Pierre Mignard; Chepp & Gra- 6.814 8 ony 810 5:8 0 0.m vie =o Op9 0 0 ereeree “(in the style of Antoine Vestier;) A. is Y ay siete Ba ee Sieve che liexere Po era i i578 Cattle (panel)— “3 Barly Dutch School; Rubens.......--. $00. 289—-Portrait of a Lady—Dutch School; (in the style of Govaert Flincke and |. Ferdinand Rol re Ederman....... --. 850 ‘q4o—Among the Dunes—Jan Van Essen; f G, N. Schleus....- We Aira a aia Kee rts Oo i William ' 141—Tr spe fe Entry of Sir Van Taeftinger. After the Battle of } the Golden Spurs--Sir Laurence Alma~ | | } | | “Tadema; Horie’ LAG 4 sca sss Weve d trae 480 942—The Cardinal's Reception—Joseph if Alvarez; Holland’ @anoriagy . i. ive ou. ee (¥48—Afternoon Refreshment — Gustave Jeacauet; Holland Gallertes........ si 6BO A = —_ \| 144--Milking Time—George Inness, N. ! | ASS George Ainsley. ee eseose tee 825 1445—The Interesting Letter — Vaczlav | Brozik; Bernet, agent. #..++++-+- + do's « as O0O | 146—After the Bath—Bouguereau, Holkenwy 1 land Galleries ...-.+s+s-+0+: ss ite ase |147—-Wne Fete a Venise—Felix Francois Ziem; H.'S. Plarkness. sees. ee sess es 0000 148—-The Death of’ Caesar—Jean Leon - Gerome; R. H. Lorenz, agent...-..-- . 7,200 149—The Pond—Theophile de Bock; John. Levy 150—O1d rederick W. Watts; Seaman, agent.. 850 151—On the ‘ Freneh Louis Ralston ..».-- ele seman ety Rane Pac Thomas I, Kirby conducted the sale. ~~ a : > Purchased by Clapp ae Gra: De ot American Art ASso- | | | - dation Sale. cae $16,675 P ictures Offered Include Those Colleeted by the Late Sage B. Haggin. este sh sale of paintings, including those collected by the late James B. Haggin, which was begun last night by | the “American Art Association in the ' pallroom of the Plaza Hotel, a brilliantly ‘colored picture of Venice, by Ziem, was sold to Clapp and Graham for $1, 800. Of the group of pietures by Gerome the top figure ‘was paid for the “Bashi-_ . Bazouk Singing,” which went to Miss R. EL ‘Lorenz,: agent, for $1,400. It was a ‘highly finished and characteristic speci-_ men of this master’s art. _ The total for the Ev euine's sale was $16,675. The list of the important sales, with titles, buyers and prices, follows: §—E. Sanchez- -Perrier, WO. te ‘Alcala, Spain,’ O. Bernet, aE ey Se a Oe ed $240 1c. B.- Jacque, ‘‘Poultry,” Cc. : Wilermians «es ee ess ees 190 10—Victor Florence Pollet, see of Venus,” R, H. Lorenz, agen 200 22—Alonso ~Perez, “The roast, ” ‘Capt. J. R. De Lamar...:.... 600 $3—Jean teat) Gerome, a Duet,” i Lorenz, agent.....+.---: 12%. Ber Nae Vesin, eGlelghing tales ; ‘Russia,’’: R. J. eM a ae | ‘ey 160 _ $6—Charles Louis eee “In the i et. Be 8 Ba LAG ERO bee i' ee 8 LO 3s—G. H Boughton, lpreeitia:” Ww. ew. “Seaman, BON ee a hse 310 ey H.. Kaemmerer, “Coming Home from the Fair,’ w. WwW. : ‘Seaman, agent...:..---+--es05 PAVE Py ii Leon Gerothe, ‘“Bashi- _ Bazouk Singing,” R. H. Lo- : MZ,. ACN... 20s see eee ese 1,400 or orent Willems, “speak!” ree oe he Roy He PEMEPT DO i FRON 5 nid 8 sie sisie oo we a 8 Fn eet 166 Ke 42—Rosa enous ‘King of the ei ‘Jungie,” ,H, T. B. Beardsley. 270 i 44—Georges ‘Michel, “Woodland Iie Landscape,” V. Thompson.... - 300 ' 49—Alonzo Perez, ‘The Surprise,” pe L9E ROP ye se ane ee ee ns 210 §2—Jules W Worms, “Departure of the 7 Br ide, i Holland Galleries....-- 270 g4—Bdward | Moran, ‘Mont St. Mi- ‘ cae ” Holland Galleries BK cic abi 200 (55. I . Nerboeckhoven, “Sheep apd. Lambs,” Henry Schultheis.... 675 s1—velix F. Ziem, “Venice,” Clapp & Hart, von kr Ae aeons test or 1,800 Graha | §9--Attributed to James Baker Pyne, ‘The Festival,” J. ‘TL. Le Roy. 210 _ 60—Jean ‘Leon Gerome, ““Women at : the Bath,’’ Holland Galleries. . 875 | g1— Adrien Moreau, “At the Ferry, ” Holland, Galleries... ..-..ser+ ses $40 eee. i, Verboeckhoven, “On «the Warm, J. lu. Le Roy. .«-+- +>); 675 - 64——Florent Willems, ‘‘The occmauit? OTE NEB ROY 4 one yo Hes sh as eS ~ 229 69—Charles Louis Muller, ‘“‘Happy x Parents.” Holland Galleries.. 250 70—Achille Francois Oudinot, “Bor- ders of the River Gedgint 8 Hol- ; land . Galleries,..+-++++s:2se"ss ~ 160 T1—Simon Mathurin Lantara, + ; i “Yout ch; ie Ww. ‘. Ww, Seaman, } eid eth argent eee eer er ee tle eal di wide eee 475 : hy Th art Le Pass aes, oration the Goddess Minerva Pol-- ieee: OL IEOTEDSON «0513 5s <6: © 270 Ge’ ge Loring Brown, “View of * near Amati”? “H.S: Bie de Te is 3 5 iedagadyse it mparaO ht the closing session to-niatt several -{mportant Geromes, a Ziem, Daubigny ‘Jandscape, an Inness and three works | by Schreyer ate to be sold. a ae ARTSALE ,__ SESSION, $58,610 oe be - ‘Death of Ceasar,” by sate at 87,200, Highest Price of the Bvening. | | SCHREYER NETS $6,600 : Ziem’s “The Festival of Venice” Brings $5,600— ‘Grand Total, 875,185. ] An audténcé of considerable size gath. ered in the ballroom of the Plaga last night for the sale of the James B. Hag- ‘gin and othér paintings by the American Art Association. In spite of the war times the interest in thé pictures was oe and many good prices were teal- BUA The “Death of Cesar,” by IG, Bi Gerome, led all the pricés, going to a ‘Luver represented by Miss R. H. Lorenz, agent, for $7,200. H. S. Harkness paid $6,400 for the “Arabian Horsemen,” an attractive example of Schreyer’s work, and $5,600 for the great Ziem, “The restival at Vetiicé,” a picture that once ‘pelonged to Charles A. Dana. “The list of sales, with titles, buyer ‘and pticés, follows: iJ. G. Meyér von Breménh, “Mother and Child,’ Holland GANOFIOB. + s4:c) woos Ve wags $110. 7S8—Charles Bmile Jacque, igheep- fold.” O, Bernét, agent...... 180 79—Adolf Sehreyer, “‘At the Oasis,”’ ; Clapp and Graham ...... $50 80—Martin Rico, ‘Vénice Garden,’ % With SORRD) Cea. Wee eee 860 8i—Charles Emile Jacques, ‘‘Interior with Shééep,” M. Knoedlér & OG Na es dee a icad, le dead slhict plate 600 89-—Jéan jacques tenner, “Andro- i meda Chained to the Rock,’’ > DD. Georg’. Dery 6.3 .c 6. ¢ x tiste ae 84——Diaz, past the Forest, EAA = ye Hantnes ee pee la Ae a meme pares || |. beetie GOLRRST? “A Village Street,’ ©; Bernet, Get. ...05 05.40% LT) - 87—Jules © Adolphe Grison, ‘“Redac- yas hyip Pamphlet,” J. L. Le hk oh a ae Sar Te oe \ 250 dels die to pavia Teniers, ore Homely Lifes,’ J. L. Le cs Rddpa Merete rs Ye Reet atlare ack. be deayis al 89—P. r. N. Grolleron, ‘French i Guard,’ Louis Ralston. 150 90—Antoine Vollon, “A French Vile lage.’ M. Knoedler & Co.... 220 §$i—Daubigny, ‘French Tugboat,’’ Brancis Ry Weiswe i. sk nes 280 92—Rosa Bonheur, “sheep,” H. Utard ., ; 230 93—Jan Miense Molenaer, “ine Tay- ern,” R, Ederheimer. A St kis fea 94—J. Geéricault, ‘A Horse, uae: x Loewenstein RETA See Re (Eee RLS i rn net ‘agent... Sane Loess ae a 3a ‘ 5 4h i; te ‘Francis Murphy, “Summer oe ents Han cu rine? ae eee eee se eee ev eee eh et ee oi 4 jongking, iPr ee | aad n , ye aig £ “Birth of Louis at’ Fon ze ‘a4 a Nee Pal- the 27th of September, i A Gerona Ch Z “ics apbe Jea érome, ** ourney mid Algeria,” H ai 4 “Landscape and Loewenstein. t he (eas Muller, cere Pal- Studio,” J. L. Le Roy. LNncoss Lotiis) Francais, “A en i eathopape “esigeie ee Cle + ee ooo 8 $6 oF 8 85 DD Marcke “Cows De Kknoedier & Co. _ Callga, "tn the oben ai ue . Hark- vf yon, “Study of a a Cow,” oliand Galleries 775 fad ord, “Wishing 5 Ag Feld thé Icebergs,” a on an "MatcKe, ” ee ai Flock,” H. T. B. Beards- ; Ce 1,000 pats ey yon Lenbach, “A Lady ~~ of Quality,” Adolf Mayer... 500 | As—Jules | mere “The Coming : R noedléer & Co... 25 iitgean Evan t Gérome, “Sale of a Ag hind at lave” 2 ee H. ne e Bae , ‘{00-—-Diae Aetna: Festival,” Mar- tin LEA gh UN ari Sar pa ere 2,600 sea eorkés Vibert, “Mon- eenor daving Refreshments,” | | 3 gee ape a owe eae a 1,600; An—adsit’é Se Wee snare Yiorse- kee fi arkness...... ,600 > its—gean Mheen Gétome, “Departure aber the Bias: * ©, Bernet, ae “Dutch Land- TTAMGAO #4 ese 180 EA lish School, ‘‘Land- B. St tearns.... 140 Boges, a on- Holland Galleriés...... 115 untsman and Thoimpson...... $70 ‘Arab Cava- of ae Mperhet., BEEN DS 2.0 1,000 Gainsborough, “The he Common,’” W. Puree Ott phone bb as ok 1,050 to Meindert Hob- eodland Landscape,” Wrnat Cn ee Be a ee 160 @1 ep et es “Portrait of A es Nd ie ie ae Louis XIV. uy | Sat eye | aman. agent | Ec gee ik rré. Mig ener ““Bortrait of a ay entisinan of thé Louis XIV. 1 ; iy we OW OW, °C SéAman, vie SE Gall toe eg Oe es 300 . eee uF Moreelse, isis of a of, rye fe) aa eR eae $25 | 0 lerevelt,, “Portrait : ay,’ *s Robertson. 500- vas hs jerre Mignard, ; j “Portrait of a Noble Lady,” Hy ‘Clapp & Graham.........s.5% 400; ‘13t7—Ur Ho fn artl te oer of & ens) is ee y,’ A. Robertson 186—Wari sy ute school, _tandseape eR with Cattle,” Mr. Rubens..... 300 188—Dutch Beha, “Bobtralt of 4 "OR, Bderheimer........ 350 oman van Eesen, “Among the A Bay) Ge en) BARLENB i506: 2 Ks 150. 141215 matt, Alma ac tadema, ntry of Sir fen ven Taeftingen After the es a): ; ag Na Ny Golden Acti pai ae 3 ; 480: 142— Tos sare hes A 23 dinars 2A Holland Galleries, 810° gtave y Vaequ reahment, ee ae Cty marrer= esas i ee He Thter- f 0. Bernet, nicgeus teas wa fier ‘ie Holland Galleries... FFancols Ziem, ‘Une ree iW, Aa Bat 147--Felix a Venise,” A. 8. Harkness. “148—Jean Leon Gerome, “The Death cha aap Re J Fostiecihe’ bie Si wig Slee Vb wie 9 8 08g a ae ae Tenn Tey FS SEDATE NO ANE a sed-cttteaertere W. Watts, | Near Tunbridge, Kent,” W. W Héaman;, BREN: we. ewes \151—-Daubigny, ‘On the French Coast,” Louis Ralston......... The total for the evéning’s sale 1$58,510, pouaeen of $75,165. “Od Mill 350 2,100. was” making a grand total for this - Few Kriey Richness of His Collection ee His Death ae hrew ie He i athe: ‘Market. fig The soenirte of a new exhibition of ined ings in the American Art Galleries, No. 6 East Twenty-third street, yesterdays re~ | vealed for the first time to many “fre~ - quenters of the galleries that the lat | James B. Haggin, horse breeder, turfman mining man and financier, also was 3 2 oollector of pictures, and one’ of no met | discrimination. Mr. Hagegin's collectio | of seventy-five works by important Bure- pean artists is the feature of ‘the exhi- _ bition, and will furnigh the chief attraction of the sale, which | Wednesday and Thursday nights. When Mr. Haggin died at Villa Rosa Newport, on September 12, 1914, at of eighty-seven years, after a su il] takep lace in th ‘ballroom of the’ Plaza Hotel -on re the age ecessf and imterésting career, first as the 7 of thoroughbred horses . power in financial circies, he ‘Shad and unostentatiously acquired and. later as @ silently a well palanced and representative collection. of the painting of the middle and late nine- teenth gentury. as Schreyer, Ziem, | Daubigny, 'Gerome, Von Lenbach, Diaz and with Mignard and men of the early It imelades. sugh Hany stich, ga english, school representing an older*periodyy oy Attracting the. attention as one enters the large second floor gallery are Ziem:s: | “Une Féte a Venise.” a great canvas. in “the rich soft reds, golds, and bhiess. the artist loved so well and used sO fre-, | quently, and “The EdgeVofi the. Conynon,”" a fine example of, the rather rare lanscape “art of Thomas Gainsborough. The farmer corneas i the Charles A, Dana collectio: and the latter trom: that, of Willia rules an of which were eae a ane sale in 1898. In the same roam. are % ON FREE PUBLIC VIEW SAM: UNMGE.G. PAM. AT THE AMERICAN ART GALLERIES MADISON SQUARE SOUTH, NEW YORK FROM SATURDAY, MARCH 31st, UNTIL He DATE. OP SALE VALUABLE PAINTINGS TO BE SOLD AT UNRESTRICTED PUBLIC SALE FOR ACCOUNT OF SEVERAL ESTATES AND PRIVATE OWNERS ON WEDNESDAY AND THURSDAY EVENINGS APRIL 4th AND 5th, 1917 IN THE GRAND BALLROOM OF THEA PEALA FIFTH AVENUE, 58th TO 59th STREET BEGINNING PROMPTLY AT 8.15 O’CLOCK ae dare v “# al ee ILLUSTRATED CATALOGUE OF THE VALUABLE PAINTINGS BY PROMINENT ARTISTS OF THE FRENCH, AMERICAN, ENGLISH AND DUTCH SCHOOES TO BE SOLD AT UNRESTRICTED PUBLIC SALE BY DIRECTION OF L. T. HAGGIN, MARGARET V. HAGGIN, ALLAN McCULLOH AND H. ESK MOLLER, EXECUTORS OF THE LATE MR. JAMES B. HAGGIN THE EXECUTORS OF THE ESTATE OF THE LATE ~ MR. MATTHEW ADDY OF MOUNT AUBURN, CINCINNATI MR. OREN WESTCOTT OF PROVIDENCE, RHODE ISLAND AND MESSRS. WILDER, EWEN & PATTERSON ATTORNEYS IN THE GRAND BALLROOM OF THE PLAZA ON THE EVENINGS HEREIN STATED THE SALE WILL BE CONDUCTED BY MR. THOMAS E. KIRBY AND HIS ASSISTANT, MR. OTTO BERNET, OF THE AMERICAN ART ASSOCIATION MADISON SQUARE SOUTH NEW YORK 1917 CONDITIONS OF SALE 1. Any bid which is merely a nominal or fractional advance may be rejected by the auctioneer, if, in his judgment, such bid would be likely to affect the sale injuriously. 2. The highest bidder shall be the buyer, and if any dispute arise between two or more bidders, the auctioneer shall either decide the same or put up for re-sale the lot so in dispute. 3. Payment shall be made of all or such part of the purchase money as may be required, and the names and addresses of the purchasers shall be given immediately on the sale of every lot, in default of which the lot so purchased shall be immediately put up again and re-sold. Payment of that part of the purchase money not made at the time of sale shall be made within ten days thereafter, in default of which the undersigned may either continue to hold the lots at the risk of the purchaser and take such action as may be necessary for the enforcement of the sale, or may at public or private sale, and without other than this notice, re-sell the lots for the benefit of such purchaser, and the deficiency (if any) arising from such re-sale shall be a charge against such purchaser. 4. Delivery of any purchase will be made only upon payment of the total amount due for all purchases at the sale. Deliveries will be made on sales days between the hours of 9 A. M. and 1 P. M., and on other days—except holidays—between the hours of 9 A. M. and 5 P. M. Delivery of any purchase will be made only at the American Art Galleries, or other place of sale, as the case may be, and only on presenting the bill of purchase. Delivery may be made, at the discretion of the Association, of any purchase during the session of the sale at which it was sold. 5. Shipping, boxing or wrapping of purchases is a business in which the Association is in no wise engaged, and will not be performed by the Association for purchasers. The Association will, however, afford to purchasers every facility for employing at current and reasonable rates carriers and packers; doing so, however, without any assumption of responsibility on its part for the acts and charges of the parties engaged for such service. 6. Storage of any purchase shail be at the sole risk of the purchaser. Title passes upon the fall of the auctioneer’s ham- mer, and thereafter, while the Association will exercise due caution in caring for and delivering such purchase, it will not hold itself responsible if such purchase be lost, stolen, damaged or destroyed. Storage charges will be made upon all purchases not removed within ten days from the date of the sale thereof. % Guarantee is not made either by the owner or the Associa- tion of the correctness of the description, genuineness or authen- ticity of any lot, and no sale will be set aside on account of any - incorrectness, error of cataloguing, or any imperfection not noted. Every lot is on public exhibition one or more days prior to its sale, after which it is sold “as is” and without recourse. The Association exercises great care to catalogue every lot correctly, and will give consideration to the opinion of any trust- worthy expert to the effect that any lot has been incorrectly cata- logued, and, in its judgment, may either sell the lot as catalogued or make mention of the opinion of such expert, who thereby would become responsible for such damage as might result were his opinion without proper foundation. AMERICAN ART ASSOCIATION, American Art Galleries, Madison Square South, New York City. ee CATALOGUE FIRST EVENING’S SALE WEDNESDAY, APRIL 4, 1917 IN THE GRAND BALLROOM OF THE PLAZA BEGINNING PROMPTLY AT 8.15 O CLOCK Catalogue Nos. | to 75, inclusive Philibert Léon Couturier Frencu: 1823— 1—CHICKENS (Panel) Lf 4 ; Height, 64, inches; length, 1014, inches A RED rooster and a white rooster approach each other very slowly, a few short steps apart, with heads erect and beaks open and haughty glaring eye—a brown hen stepping cautiously behind and very close to the white cock. 4) aL i, Signed at the lower right, P. L. Coururier. Property of the Estate of the late Mr. James B. Hacern. Joseph Van Severdonck FLemisH : CONTEMPORARY 2—SHEEP (Panel) Height, 7 inches; length, 9° inches Turee sheep, two lying down and one standing, and a lamb also lying down, are represented on the low bank of a pond in which a duck is swimming, while a shepherd and flock appear in the far distance. Signed at the lower right, F. Van Srvervonckx, ft., 1872. Property of the Estate of the late Mr. James B. Hacern. Joseph Van Severdonck FLEMISH: CONTEMPORARY 3—CHICKENS | (Panel) Height, 7 inches; length, 10 inches A came cock and hen, with white and black hens, chicks, pigeons and ducks, are shown on a broad farm- land knoll between a conical haystack and the edge of a pond. Signed at the lower left, J. VAN Srverpvonck, ft., 1872. Property of the Estate of the late Mr. James B. Hacer. Georges Michel Frencu: 1763—1843 iE, ern fe =_ 4—LANDSCAPE s Lyf Height, 8 inches; length, 1134 inches On an eminence in the right foreground is a wind- mill; a road runs from the right into the middle of the picture and beyond are indicated a strip of water and a stretch of country lying dark under the gray clouded sky. To be sold to close an Estate. 242 E. Sanchez-Perrier : SPANISH: 1853—1907 Yo a 5—ON THE ALCALA, SPAIN iy} 2 a, sy (Panel) Height, 7 inches; length, 1134 inches Iy the foreground are the placid waters of the stream : reflecting the shrubbery and herbage of a _ hill-side which traverses the picture. Amid the foliage is a building with white walls and red-tiled roof and rowing along the edge of the stream is a man in a punt. Sky overhead of blue with a few white clouds. Signed at the lower left, EK. Sancuez-Perrier, ALCALA. The Estate of the late MarrHew Anpy. F. Vos GERMAN: 6—MASTER’S FAITHFUL GUARDIANS (Panel) ‘Height, 914 inches; length, 12 inches A srown hound, lying down on the floor, a black poodle seated behind him, and two white shaggy lap dogs are left in charge of a man’s plumed hat and gilt-handled sword, and his gloves, in the corner of a room. All are keenly awake save a sleepy puppy. The white dogs lie on a green drapery over a red sofa. Signed at the lower left, Vos. Property of the Estate of the late Mr. James B. Hacern. Charles Emile Jacque Frencu: 1813—1894 7—POULTRY (Panel) Height, 81, inches; length, 18 inches THREE hens, with white, black and brown plumage, one seated and two standing on either side of her, in the straw of a stable. Light descends from the left, where there is a ladder leading to the floor above, and a large green jar appears in the background. Signed at the lower right, Cu. Jacaur. By order of Messrs. Wriper, Ewen & Parrercon, Attorneys. Gore Jean L. A. Théodore Gericault Bee Frencu: 1791—1824 aoe 8—SADDLE HORSE Y yj Height, 13 inches; width, 91% inches A prcrure of a dark chestnut horse, with black mark- ings, standing by a wall. He is not tied and the bridle has no reins. On his back is a Moorish saddle with high pommel and ornamented back. To be sold to close an Estate. William B. Baird G O ConTEMPORARY tn — 9—4 HORSE DEAL (Panel) ; a Height, 10% inches; length, 13%, inches In a picturesque corner of an old French town an old man and a younger one are dickering over a horse sale, with two fine animals, a sorrel and a black, stand- ing back of them. Two other men stand in a neighbor- ing doorway and more horses are seen in the square beyond. Signed at the lower right, Wiu111am Barro, Paris. On the back (in French), “Horse Market in Brittany,” and “Ww, B. Baird, rue de Abbaye, 12,” and in English: “Coming to Terms—Scene in a horse market at Pont Aven, Brittany; Wm. B. Baird, Paris, 1875.” Property of the Estate of the late Mr. James B. Haaein. Victor Florence Pollet Frencu: 1811—1882 | 10—BIRTH OF VENUS ( Water-Color) Height, 9°4 inches; length, 121% inches g g V2 Tue full-length nude figure of Venus appears in the center of the composition reclining on a conch-shell, buoyed up by the waters of the sea. A multitude of little cupids are depicted flying about her and over- head. The background consists of white clouds with small spaces of blue and in a larger space, which ap- pears in the right upper portion of the composition, a star is gleaming. Signed at the lower right, V. Poxzer. Purchased from the William Schaus Galleries. By order of Messrs. WrtpeErR, Ewen & Partrerson, Attorneys. Arthur F. Tait, N.A. AMERICAN: 1819—]905 11—DEER KK aes ie: : (- Height, 10 inches; length, 14 inches On the soft grass at the sunny edge of a green wood a yellow doe is seen, standing athwart the view, bending down to lick the head of a spotted fawn which lies on the grass, while a second fawn stands at her side. Signed at the lower left, A. F. Tarr, N. Y., ’74. Property of the Estate of the late Mr. James B. Hacern. Théophile de Bock VG x. Dutcu: 1850—1904 xy 12—A HOLLAND CHURCH f d Height, 91, inches; length, 14 inches A srretcu of greensward fills the foreground. On the left beyond, amid a group of trees, is a country church with square tower and steep red roofs. On the left a belt of trees; sky of gray and white clouds. Signed at the lower left. To be sold to close an Estate. : 5 : Emile Lambinet if Frencu: 1815—1878 : St oe 183—ON THE OISE ~~ ? VES Height, 11 inches; length, 15 inches Tur headwaters of the River Oise fill the left fore- ground, where some ducks are swimming. Across the stream is a stretch of country with farm buildings and masses of trees. Smoke is rising from one of the low- roofed buildings, and overhead is a luminous sky of white clouds with small horizontal spaces of blue. Signed at the lower left, and dated 1877. Property of Mr. Oren WeEsrcorv. Jules Worms Frencu:/ 1882— 14—A CUP OF CHOCOLATE (Panel) Height, 15 inches; width, 11%, inches Wirnin a well-lighted, gray-walled room with wood furnishings a priest sits reading, with one foot on the broad stand of a brazier. He turns from his book to look at a young woman in brilliant peasant dress, who has brought him a refreshing cup. Signed at the lower left, J. Worms. Property of the Estate of the late Mr. James B. Haaern. William H. Beard, N.A. AMERICAN: 1825—1900 15—THE INTERRUPTED PICNIC Height, 13 inches; length, 1614 inches A cEeNeERous basket luncheon of a picnic party in a tangled green wood is being appropriated by a she bear and two cubs, their surroundings showing evidence of the precipitate flight of the picnickers. Signed at the lower left, W. H. Brarp, 1872. Property of the Estate of the late Mr. James B. Hacarn. tll ae Jean L. A. Théodore Géricault /~ Frencu: 1791—1824 o% gE | as 16—IN THE STABLE - Height, 114%, inches; length, 151% inches THREE horses standing at their manger, the center of interest being one whose coat is pale sorrel tinged with gray. On his right, the hindquarters only shown in the picture, is a black horse, and on the left the rump of a bay. Im the lower left-hand corner on the straw lies a cavalier’s hat with white feather. Property of Mr. Oren Westcort. Jan Asselyn a Dutcu: 1610—1660 . 17—GOING TO MARKET 7 Ml Ad is Height, 11 inches; length, 17 inches Aw Italian landscape with a broad roadway in the foreground. On the left a group of trees; on the right high rocks and shrubbery; in the middle distance a stretch of country with a bridge over a river, and in the distance a range of blue mountains; a summer sky oi blue with white clouds. In the foreground a peasant is advancing with a pack-train of mules. Signed at the lower center with monogram. Property of Mr. Oren Wesrcorr. 20 ae > By = Lg. Takes T. Rosierse DutcH: 18S—REFRESHMENT AT EVENING Height, 13 inches; width, 10 inches A COMELY serving maid, carrying a tray on which are a decanter and glasses, a bottle under her right arm, and holding a lighted candle, is advancing toward the right through an apartment which shows a hall settee with a gentleman’s high hat and walking stick. The illumination of this three-quarter-length figure is pro- duced by the light of the candle. Signed at the lower left, T. Rosterse. The Estate of the late MarrHew Anpy: Eugene L. Poitevin FRENCH: CONTEMPORARY 19—SHORE VIEW (Millboard) Height, 18 inches; length, 16 inches Tue foreground shows a steep piece of seashore with the hull of a sailboat resting keel up and_ the thatched roofs of fishermen’s cottages. On the left is a part of a larger vessel, with two or three figures, and a house with white walls and slate roof in the distance; overhead a sky of gray clouds. Signed with monogram at the lower right. To be sold to close an Estate. go. H. Heckler ConTEMPORARY ad y g oe V 20—VENICE (Water-Color) 4 Mik, ‘ tng, CL Height, 138%, inches; length, 1814, inches Paxaces and other buildings on the left, whose color- ful window shades and balconies of greenery tint the pale blue water with their reflections, boatmen on the canal, and on the right mercantile buildings over whose roofs appear the domes of the Salute. Signed at the lower left, H. Hecxrer, ’97. Property of the Estate of the late Mr. James B. Hacarn. Carlton T. Chapman, N.A. AMERICAN: 1860— ov, 1) oo THE INLET (Water-Color) 4 ’ Z Ly Vii fry Height, 13%, inches; length, 191/, inches Brituiant blue water of an inlet puts in from the right, between a sandy foreground shore with patches of grass and a farther shore lined with low trees. Idle boats are in the stream, and boat houses and other buildings along shore in the middle distance. Signed at the lower right, Cartron T. CHapman. Property of the Estate of the late Mr. James B. Hacern. Alonso Perez SpaNISH: CONTEMPORARY 22 —_THE TOAST (Panel) Height, 1334 inches; length, 19% inches In a garden outside a tile-roofed cottage with dormer windows, among slender trees whose green foliage has touches of light yellow, the wedding breakfast has been set, and the company, in brilliant attire, have glasses raised ready for the toast which the young bridegroom has risen to propose. Signed at the lower right, Atonso PEREZ. Property of the Estate of the late Mr. James B. Hacern. Frank Meyers Boggs American: 1855— 23—AT HONFLEUR Height, 15 inches; length, 21% inches Ix the harbor basin at Honfleur a cargo steamer with masts and yards is seen near the center of the picture. Her cargo has been unloaded so that she floats high in the water showing the red paint of the lower hull. On the landing at the right side are a few little figures, and on the opposite side of the basin, at the left, another steamer is tied up. Farther away, masts and funnels are indicated where other shipping lies. Black smoke is rising from the funnel of the steamer in the middle of the composition and the sky shows tints of blue and gray. Signed at the lower left. To be sold to close an Estate. Ky 6 anfCxeve q oo ie ER John Califano AMERICAN: CONTEMPORARY 24_ SWISS MOUNTAINS Height, 1834, inches; length, 21% inches In the foreground is a humble cottage at the edge of a brook, with a figure standing beside it, at the foot of fresh green slopes that descend in sunshine from the right. Beyond them are mountain shadows, and as ranges of rugged peaks recede in the distance they appear as in a haze, beneath a pale blue sky with numerous clouds. Signed at the lower right, J. CALirano. Property of. the Estate of the late Mr. James B. Hacern. Joseph Nicolas Robert-Fleury Frencu: T792—1892 ay Eat hiss Vee f | rs A g 4 25—PORTRAIT OF M. RUDE Height, 16 inches; width, 13 inches A very interesting portrait-head of the great French sculptor, Francois Rude. The face is seen in full view, the head being turned to the spectator over the sub- ject’s left shoulder, which is draped with a blouse of white. The light coming from the left strongly illumi- nates the features and casts dark shadows on the other side of the head. To be sold to close an Estate. 39 — Sa 1 Ke S fF thkelf Meer (40 7 Eugene de Blaas BELGIAN: CONTEMPORARY 26—MY SWEETHEART Height, 161% inches; width, 14 inches. Tue head of a comely young woman in profil perdu, the head turned to the spectator’s right. Her dark brown hair is dressed in a heavy coil on the back of her neck and her shoulders are covered by a pale yellow handkerchief figured with roses. Signed at the right center. To be sold to close an Estate. Antonio Tamburini Itauian: 1843— 27-—IN THE WINE CELLAR Height, 151% inches; length, 201, inches A GrizzLED monk in brown habit and carrying a scar- let umbrella is seated before a great wine cask, empty glass in hand, in happy and beguiling converse with a blond young woman in blue, who is seated on a bench with cauliflower and carrots beside her. An- other huge vat is in the rear and fiaschi lie on the floor. Signed at the upper left, A. Tamsurtni, Firenze. Property of the Estate of the late Mr. James B. Haccrn. Johannes H. L. De Haas BEucIAn: 1880—1£80 28—CATTLE (Panel) Height, 141% inches; length, 201%, inches A picTurE of two steers, one black and white, the other dark red, locking horns in play. They are depicted on a grassy eminence overlooking a stretch of country with a sky of gray clouds and some spaces of blue in the upper part. Signed at the lower right, J. H. L. pe Haas, and dated 1868. Purchased from the Artist’s Executors. The Estate of the late MarrHew Anppy. Godfried Schaleken Dutrcu: 1643—1706 29—BACKGAMMON ag (Panel) f, Height, 17 inches; width, 13 inches A croup of four figures, three men and a young woman, in a richly furnished interior. The young woman in pink and blue is playing backgammon with a young man with blue coat and breeches and pink waistcoat. The head and shoulders of an older man, who is watch- ing the game, appear between them, and another man in blue, with a cocked hat, looks over the back of the lady’s chair. To be sold to close an Estate. ge O 140 Jig - Alfons Spring GERMAN: 1843— 30—MUSIC IN THE CLOISTERS Height, 18 inches; width, 13% inches A croup of three monks, of whom two robed in white are seated at a table with glasses of wine before them. The third, who is clad in dark brown, is playing on a large old-fashioned lute for the delectation of the other two. The mise-en-scéne shows a comfortable room with a high oaken cupboard in the corner. Signed at the lower right, and dated 1876. To be sold to close an Estate. William Morris Hunt AMERICAN: 1824—1879 31—SUNLIGHT AND SHADOW Height, 18 inches; width, 14 inches A LANDSCAPE with sunlight playing over the grass and herbage of a gentle slope, and a few trees casting shad- ows. In the upper half of the canvas the foliage of the trees is relieved against a sky with turbulent white and gray clouds. Signed at the lower left, W. H. To be sold to close an Estate. ) 59 Antonio Casanovay Estorach yf SPANISH: 1847—1896 “a 382—SUCCULENT OYSTERS pf? SIP A HEAD and bust picture of a monk, with brown cowl Height, 18 inches; width, 15 inches and a white apron tied around his neck, eating oysters from a plate on a table before him. He is about to slip an oyster, which he holds in his right hand, into his open mouth. The other hand is pressed against the napkin. Signed at the upper left, Anronto Casanova y Esroracn, and dated, Paris, 1888. Purchased direct from the Artist. The Estate of the late Marrnew Anpy. men Jean Léon Gérome I a ys a Frencu: 1824—1904 aes ? ie = 33—THE DUET Height, 17 inches; width, 181, inches 3 Lug A Turxisu soldier is depicted sitting on a stone bench playing a lute and singing, while on the floor before jn4 him is a tame crow which seems to be joining in the song. The soldier’s costume consists of black outer- jacket and hood, purple-pink under-jacket and volumi- nous white skirts. His legs are wrapped with black puttees and his feet are bare. On the white wall above his head hangs a long Moorish rifle in its case of scarlet cloth. Signed at the left, on the bench of the seat, J. L. Girone. By order of Messrs. WiipeR, Ewen & Parrerson, Attorneys. Jaroslav VeéSin PouisH: 1859— 384—SLEIGHING IN RUSSIA Height, 161, inches; length, 24 inches A Lusty man and a plump young maid are out for a fine ride in an old-fashioned rustic bob sleigh half- filled with straw, drawn by a dark brown team coming at a good clip down a mountain road deep in snow. The man is in brown, the maid in green with brown cloak and red head covering, and both are smiling happily as she clings close. He is keeping taut rein, ready for a swift turn at the edge of a low log bridge, and houses in the background are half buried in snow- drifts. Signed at the lower right, Jarostay Vestn, Mncn. Property of the Estate of the late Mr. James B. Hacer. (DIZ Giuseppe Palizzi ITvauian: 1812— 35—FOREST INTERIOR Height, 21%, inches; width, 18 inches Tue trunks of several trees in the foreground receive a gleam of sunlight coming from the right, which also illumines a little clearing in the middle distance. The bark of a birch tree, with splashes of white, forms the high note of the picture. Beyond the tree trunks, on the other side of the clearing, masses of green foliage are partly illumined by the sunlight and, in the upper half of the canvas, foliage and branches are seen in shadow. Signed at the lower right. Property of Mr. Oren Westcorr. , (79 Charles Louis Muller GERMAN: 1815—1892 36—IN THE SALON Height, 16 inches; length, 26 inches Inrerior of a spacious palace hall with pillars of rich marble and richer hangings, with light flooding in from one direction and veiled by stained-glass windows at the farther end. The polished floor of tinted marbles reflects vaguely the brilliant costumes of men and women standing or strolling about. Signed at the lower left, C. Mixier, 1903. Property of the Estate of the late Mr. James B. Hacer. L. Charbonnel FreNcH: ConTEMPORARY 37—_THE CONSULTATION Height, 22 inches; width, 18 inches In the gray-walled office of a writer of letters for the illiterate, a young woman in a blue dress decorated with flowers is seen facing the spectator, thoughtfully describing to the writer at his red-covered table what she wishes him to indite for her. Signed at left center, L. CHarBonNEL, 1873. Property of the Estate of the late Mr. James B. Hacern. le 0 George Henry Boughton, N.A., R.A. AMERICAN: 1834—1905 38—PRISCILLA (Panel) Height, 24 inches; width, 16 inches A CHARMING picture of a young girl wearing a brown dress, light yellow-gray cape and hood of black with white facing, holding a clasped book in her left gloved hand, pressed against her breast, as she walks through the snow toward a village which appears in the middle distance on the shores of the sea. Signed with initials G. B. at the lower left. From the Murietta Collection, London. The Estate of the late Marrnew Anpy. hy = Frederik Hendrik Kaemmerer DutcH: 1839—1892 89—COMING HOME FROM THE FAIR Height, 211% inches; width, 18 inches A GENTLEMAN in early nineteenth century garb, with Do conte, green gloves and green umbrella, comes toward the igenf Jspectator accompanied by a young lady in a gauzy dress of pearl gray and a young girl wearing a white frock and pantalettes and a pink sash. They cling lightly to his either arm, each carrying purchases from a traveling fair whose booths and shows, with numer- ous figures, extend across the background. Signed at the lower right, F. H. KaemMmerer. Property of the Estate of the late Mr. James B. Hacern. Jean Léon Gerome Frencu: 1824—1904 Z,o97 _ 49? Cee AZOUR SINGING US y, : ro Height, 18 inches; length, 26 inches On the right of the picture, seated on a masonry oven, is a Bashi-Bazouk with head-dress, skirts and leg- gings of dark red. His underskirt and shirt of white, and a broad leather belt in which his swords and daggers are stuck, complete the costume. He is depicted playing on a mandolin and_ sing- ing, while before him on the floor are a hookah and a bird-cage with a crow sitting on the top of stein the background are his companions, three men, seated on a bench, listening to his lay. In the upper left- hand corner a latticed window. Signed on the oven at the lower right, J. L. GEROME. ‘ ‘ Purchased from Goupil § Co., Paris. VoL 5 a ower By order of Messrs. Witper, Ewen & Parrerson, Attorneys. 4.90 | 139 7 Florent Willems Bewcian: 1823—1905 41—“SPEAK!”’ (Panel) Height, 22%, inches; width, 1514 inches A sILKEN-HAIRED lapdog “sitting up” on the floor, with fore paws held out, looks up dumbly at a tall, mature woman who stands beside a table, leaning over and looking down at him with a smiling command to bark. She is in a décolleté gown of white satin, and a black velvet jacket trimmed with fur. Fruit is on the table and a still-life painting on the wall. Signed at the lower_right, F. WiiiEMs. Property of the Estate of the late Mr. James B. Hacern. Mile. Rosa Bonheur FrencH: 1822—1899 42_KING OF THE JUNGLE Height, 19 inches; length, 26 inches A Most impressive study of a lion, standing and seen in side view with head turned somewhat to the left. The animal is depicted in full color and some har- monizing color is on the canvas around the feet and legs. In the margin of bare canvas surrounding the lon are six drawings, executed with the brush in brown color—three showing heads of a lion and a lioness are on the left; the three on the right show a full figure of a lioness and the hind quarters of two other lions. Signed at the lower right, Rosa Bonwevr. On the back of the stretcher is the seal of the VentTE Rosa Bonnevr, 1900. Purchased from the William Schaus Galleries, New York. By order of Messrs. WitpErR, Ewen & Parrerson, Attorneys. Y \3 Georges Michel Frencu: 1763—1843 43—LANDSCAPE: NEAR MONTMARTRE Height, 20 inches; length, 27 inches Levet lands in the foreground are traversed by a road in the right center where a wayfarer is hobbling along accompanied by his dog. In the middle distance are groups of trees and houses and beyond rises a range of hills, dark under the great black clouds which appear in the sky on the right. To be sold to close an Estate. a Georges Michel Frencu: 1763—1848 44—WOODLAND LANDSCAPE Height, 20 inches; length, 26%, inches A WANDERING, untraveled road through an aged forest enters the view in the right foreground, and passing back along the left loses itself in the distance, To right of it the trees are thick, while to left a single rugged sentinel stands near the foreground, in sun- shine which mellows its aged trunk and the rich foliage of the massed trees opposite. / Property of the Estate of the late Mr. James B. Haagern. h ate bball ALLEGCLION. Vere oT kk ee law Be Mh dill dil $97$ 4 X34 $7300 7 Karl Bodmer Swiss: 1805—1888 eAS—IN THE FOREST OF FONTAINEBLEAU Height, 231%, inches; length, 281% inches Tue trunks of three great trees in the left foreground and the trunk of another, with wide-spreading branches, on the right. Between them is a forest glade with two other large trees; a ray of sunlight falling from the left illuminating portions of the green foliage. The figure of a peasant woman, with blue blouse and red cap, appears kneeling in the grass at the top of the slope. In the upper part of the picture, through the interstices of branches and foliage, is a summer sky of pale blue and white. Signed at the lower left. Property of Mr. Oren Westcort. William Bradford, A.N.A. AMERICAN: 1830—1892 46—IN THE ARCTIC REGIONS Height, 20 inches; length, 30 inches A BROAD expanse of gently ruffled water fills the fore- ground and is lost in the distance at the right. In the middle distance high and jagged white icy peaks mount skyward from the water, and sturdy fishing boats with colorful sails are seen about them, the lp = B Lei gre white glare from the ice peaks and the reflected hues of the sails giving the water a warm glow, to which the flanks of great land mountains on the left con- tribute. Signed at the lower right, Wm. Braprorp, N. Y. Property of the Estate of the late Mr. James B. Hacern. Gabriel Cornelius von Max GERMAN: 1840— 47—YOUNG WOMAN Height, 32% inches; width, 22 inches A HALF-LENGTH picture of a young woman with blond hair and dark eyes, wearing a sumptuous robe of white trimmed with shoulder knots of dull pink ribbon. The head is seen in full face view and the body is turned somewhat to the spectator’s right. The right hand appears in the lower right corner of the canvas. Signed at the lower left. To be sold to close an Estate. /39 a Leon Bazile Perrault Frencu: 18382— 48—AFTER DINNER Height, 251%, inches; length, 30 inches Havine lingered to the point of drowsiness over nuts and raisins, cake and cheese, a plump and pink cheeked golden haired little girl has fallen asleep at the table, head resting on her chubby arm. She 1s in a high backed red chair and wears a frock with puffed shoul- der sleeves edged with lace. Signed at the upper right, L. Perrautr, 771. From the Osborne-Chapin-Thorne Sale, New York, 1893; No. 50.9606", Property of the Estate of the late Mr. James B. Hacern. Alonso Perez SPANISH: CONTEMPORARY 49—THE SURPRISE Height, 251%, inches; length, 31%, inches Merry and gay are a party of bewigged young gen- tlemen and brilliantly gowned ladies, in a courtyard, with saddle horses and dogs standing near, and hunting horns worn on sundry shoulders; the object of their merriment being a young gallant and a pretty maid, surprised, straw covered and unrepentant, in a tryst. The surprise is equally great on the part of the com- pany. Signed at the lower right, Atonso Perez. Property of the Estate of the late Mr. James B. Hagern. Hugh Blaker BritisH: CONTEMPORARY 7-04 ; J — 50—PORTRAIT OF GEORGE BERNARD SHAW Height, 30 inches; width, 251% inches Mea gers } A HALF-LENGTH portrait of the noted Irish man of letters. The head is placed in the right upper half of the canvas, and the hands are shown as if resting on the arms of a chair at the bottom. The face is painted in light blond tints, as are also the fair hair and beard. Signed at the upper left. To be sold to close an Estate. oS sell 10 ag 9. Thantiprd i Totland Gulls Paul Wagner GERMAN: CONTEMPORARY 51—THE YOUNG GENERAL (Panel) Height, 33 inches; width, 20 inches A THREE-QUARTER-LENGTH figure of a chubby boy, in full face view to the spectator, wearing a black hat, holding the hilt of a sword in his right hand. Signed at the upper left, Pavt WaGner, MUNCHEN. The Estate of the late Marruew Avpy. Jules Worms Frencu: 18382— 52—DEPARTURE OF THE BRIDE (Panel) Height, 25 inches; length, 351% inches Wirnin a patio where the softly diffused daylight scarcely throws a shadow nine figures appear, among them a man with a guitar throwing a parting kiss toward a young lady seated on a tall mule, while a girl with a tambourine looks on, and the lady’s escort on a proud charger looks back haughtily; in the fore- ground a man is loading fruits into saddlebags, which his mount, a small donkey, stolidly awaits. Signed at the lower right, J. Worms. Property of the Estate of the late Mr. James B. Hacern, 4°60 Rev. W. Gilpin, M.A. i] a EncutsoH: 1724—1804 Eat 58—DERBYSHIRE LANDSCAPE Height, 24 inches; length, 32 inches A LANDsCAPE depicting a wide stretch of rolling coun- try diversified by patches of forest, meadows, houses and barns. In the immediate foreground, on the right, are two cows lying down, and on the left a tree reach- ing up to the top of the canvas spreads its foliage before a summer sky, depicted with warm tints of grayish pink and yellow with pale blue on the right. Property of Mr. Oxex Westcott. - | a, Edward Moran, A.N.A. Ze y ee American: 1829—1901 ae 54—MONT ST. MICHEL lay, d teouis A view of the famous Mont St. Michel on the Nor- mandy coast of France, at low tide. The foreground and middle distance show the flats extending from the mainland to the Mont with fisher-folk crossing the sands. Mont St. Michel itself appears in the middle distance shrouded in the mists and somewhat dimly illuminated by the light of the setting sun. In the distance, on the left, the horizon line shows the ex- panse of the ocean dotted with white sails, The sunset sky, with warm-tinted clouds in the lower portion, shows blue with white cirrus clouds at the top. Height, 30 inches; width, 25 inches Signed at the lower left, Epwarp Moran. The Estate of the late Marrnew Anppy. EKugene Joseph Verboeckhoven BELGIAN: 1799—1881 55—_SHEEP AND LAMBS Height, 24 inches; length, 321% inches Two full-fleeced ewes and two lambs, in a comfortable stable with a window on the left giving a view of land- scape. One of the ewes is standing in the middle of the picture and facing the spectator; the other is lying down on the right of her companion, with two lambs nestling near her head. On her left a black hen is pick- ing her way across the straw which lies on the ground and bunches of straw are seen piled up on the right. Signed at the right, and dated 1858. The Estate of the late Marrnew Anppy. Emile Jean Horace Vernet Frencu: 1789—1863 56—THE THOROUGHBRED a Ls Height, 251, inches; length, 32 inches A picture of a dappled gray horse, in side view, hal- tered and tied in his box-stall. Over his back is thrown a folded brown blanket. The spirited looking animal holds his head erect and his gaze is fixed upon some- thing he sees on the left and outside of the picture. Signed with initials H. V. at the lower right. To be sold to close an Estate. n Felix Francois Ziem ee, wm 4 Frencu: 1821—1911 / 0 + we 57—VENICE uy, /8t0 oo Height, 26 inches; length, 32 inches A BRILLIANT Venetian scene with boats with yellow and : U, f / _ white sails in the right foreground and a gondola scud- gph Thee ding along on the left, as it is propelled by the gon- dolier whose shirt makes a bright note of scarlet. In the middle distance, bordering the blue waters, are the buildings and domes of Venice, with St. Mark’s and the Campanile appearing near the middle of the composition. The picture is completed by a high sky of tempered blue. Signed at the lower left. | Purchased by the late owner direct from the artist. The Estate of the late MatrnHew Anpy. Edouard Joseph Stevens Beician: 1822—1892 58—A YOUNG DOE Height, 25% inches; length, 3642 inches A stroneLy painted study of a young doe lying down with the left forefoot and both hind feet, doubled under her, appearing on the forward side of the body. The head, at the left, is raised and the ears laid back. The brown and whitish coat, with black markings, is relieved against a background of dull greens, Signed with monogram at the lower left, and dated 1841. To be sold to close an Estate. Y James Baker Pyne EncutsH: 1800—1870 © 59—_THE FESTIVAL Height, 284 inches; length, 361, inches Near the center of the background a group of classical buildings surmounts ‘a broad eminence, the confines vague in a light haze, and crossing the foreground a ~ lively procession in single file moves toward it, the paraders showing much red in their costumes and pass- ing before and around a clump of trees and brush in warm coloring. Property of the Estate of the late Mr. James B. Hacer. OSS, racket ) Zana ee Ss ok = BS latins Jean Léon Gérome Frencu: 1824—1904 60—WOMEN AT THE BATH Height, 28 inches; length, 39 inches Tue setting for the picture is the interior of a sump- tuous bath in Constantinople. In the foreground ap- pears a part of a circular bathing pool, with the water heating apparatus in the immediate right foreground. Seated on the marble pavement at the edge of the pool, in the left portion of the picture, is a young woman nude, who, with her left hand, is using a flesh brush on her right foot. Back of her, also seated, is another young woman, and on the right of the picture, partly obscured by the smoke and vapor arising from the heat- ing apparatus, are several other women. In the upper portion of the composition are the tiled walls, pillars and arches of the baths. Signed at the left on the upper rim of the bathing pool, J. L. GEROME. | By order of Messrs. Wiper, Ewen & Parrerson, Attorneys. eee Pe — A Shy 7 Adrien Moreau FrenNcH: 18438—1906 61—AT THE FERRY Height, 29 inches; length, 36%, inches Two young peasant girls in quietly brillant attire have come down to a small landing within the bend of a blue and silvery river, its surface warmed by faint cloud reflections. One stands with milk cans in both hands, while her companion is seated on a provision basket, and a young man who has just rowed up pushes his primitive ferry boat against the reeds, at the edge of the green and flowery bank. Signed at the lower left, Aprren Moreav. Property of the Estate of the late Mr. James B. Hacern. Paul Delamain FRENCH: CONTEMPORARY 62—AN ALGERIAN INN Height, 2314 inches; length, 431, inches Tue motif of the picture is a building with white stucco walls and white dome, which occupies the middle of the composition. The effect is in strong sunlight and the gleam of the white walls is set off by the dark foliage of tropical trees which rise above the roofs of the building and are in relief against a Southern sky of strong blue. Before the door-way of the building, which is seen to be somewhat dilapidated, are the fig- ures of two vendors—the one seated, and the other, a young woman, leaning against the wall—who have two heaps of green melons spread on a rug. On the right of the picture, where there is a horse trough against the walls of the building, a man is watering two Arab steeds. Signed near the lower left center. Property of Mr. Oren Westcorv. -- i! Eugéne Joseph Verboeckhoven Beucian: 1799—1881 ~ 68—ON THE FARM (Panel) Height, 27 inches; length, 4014 inches Lyne on the soft grass at the edge of a duck pond, in the foreground, two lambs nestle against the ewe, and a solemn donkey stands nearby, while more sheep are seen in the fields, and off at the right is a group of thatch-roofed buildings. A brilliant blue sky 1s banked with gray and gold-tipped rain clouds, the vapor lying low over the distant landscape and the atmosphere charged with moisture. Signed at the lower right, EvchNE VERBOECKHOVEN ft. 1853. Property of the Estate of the late Mr. James B. Hacer. Florent Willems BeLcian: 1828—1905 64—THE PROPOSAL Height, 47 inches; width, 24 inches Wirury a palace portico overlooking formal gardens, with flowering vines around the pillars and rich hang- ings between them, a gallant gentleman presses the waist of a tall and smiling lady to whom he has pre- sented a ring, which she holds up, his pledge of love, confirmed by confident smile. She is in white satin, décolleté, and he in green velvet, slashed, and a rich black cloak; adorning his hat are curling yellow plumes. Signed at the lower right, Frorent WILLEMS. Property of the Estate of the late Mr. James B. Hacer. e179 i a U Etienne Bosch DutcH: CONTEMPORARY C10 65—SANTA MARIA DELLA SALUTE, VENICE i Height, 30 inches; length, 39% inches oo Tur church, with its fagades and domes, occupies the Za central portion of the picture, while passing in the waters before it in the foreground are several gondolas. ve On the right are other buildings of the town, separated 4 ee seri X A from the church by a narrow street, in which are seen numerous small figures; overhead a mid-day sky of tempered blue. Signed at the lower right. To be sold to close an Estate. Es TAT Richard Norris Brooke AMERICAN: 184'7— 66—A HAPPY PICK ANINNY Height, 45 inches; width, 35 inches A sEATED, life-sized figure of a negro boy with a bell- metal kettle held between his knees while, with a spoon, he scrapes from the bottom the jam that has been left after his mother has emptied the vessel. On the left of the picture is a wooden cupboard with a blue Delft plate on the shelf, and on the right against the white wall hangs a bunch of ears of seed corn. Signed at the lower left. To be sold to close an Estate. A. A. Anderson AMERICAN: 1847— 67—STILL LIFE: GAME Height, 3014, inches; length, 49°4 inches Hancine against a stone wall and lying on a long nar- row table are pheasants, wild ducks, a peacock, small game birds and a hare, with the leg of a deer in view at one end, proofs of sportsmen’s markmanship and freshly brought down. On the ledge of an open, iron- grated window, a black cat looks in with blazing green eyes. Signed at the lower center, A. A. ANDERSON. Property of the Estate of the late Mr. James B. Facer. Vincente Palmaroli aT Iratian: 18385—1896 ) 1, bv / is 68—THE APPROACHING STORM (Panel) Height, 541, inches; width, 25 inches A youne matron and her small daughter, out to enjoy the sea from a broad sandy beach, are driven home- ward by a black storm rapidly overtaking them. Signed at the lower right, V. Patmaroz. Property of the Estate of the late Mr. James B. Hacer. : 5 > 7 nm aa Charles Louis Miiller Wigs 6) German: 1815—1892 > a, Ve 69—HAPPY PARENTS Mawd Seblereit Height, 49% inches; width, 38°, inches STANDING under an apple tree and appearing at three- quarters length are a smiling young mother and father, with their chubby infant, whom the mother supports on a garden seat in front of her, while the father, standing back of her, holds one hand above the baby’s head and in the other extends, teasingly, an apple, waiting for the youngster’s choice. The child, inclin- ing toward the fruit, seeks the mother’s eyes in appeal. Signed at the lower left, C. L. Mtrrer, Property of the Estate of the late Mr. James B. Hacern. ? ai +f fi jf i 2p U/ f Ly \4 (bo 7 Achille Francois Oudinot FrencH: 1820— “0-——-BORDERS OF THE RIVER LEPTE Height, 36 inches; length, 51 inches A LANDSCAPE suggesting the manner of Corot, the com- position showing a stretch of placid water in the fore- ground where near the shore is a punt with two figures, a boy and a girl, and on the right sloping banks with trees in summer foliage and the ruined tower of a castle rising above. A pollard willow grows on the shore in the left foreground and beyond is a bit of the farther shore and a faint indication of a distant line of hills; overhead a sky of blue with white clouds. Signed at the lower left. To be sold to close an Estate. a ady & = ee ’ os wT , aie ta RRS, SS oe > gma 8, ne ee eh ui a Simon Mathurin Lantara Frencu: 1729—1778 71—_YOUTH Height, 391%, inches; length, 49 inches A cuassicAL landscape with figures. On the left, in the foreground, a young man is passing with a young woman who has set her water-jar on the ground. Near by another young woman is about to dip water from the stream which flows through the foreground, proceeding from a wood and hill on the right of the picture, In the foreground also is another figure, re- clining on a rock at the edge of the stream, and some sheep are pasturing under the trees. In the left middle distance is a castle, perched on the hillside, and the buildings of a town appear somewhat farther away below. Beyond is a range of mountains and overhead a sky filled with clouds except for a space of blue at the top of the canvas. To be sold to close an Estate. Ny 2 oo Elizabeth Gardner Me (Madame W. A. Bouguereau) 6 72_MOTHER AND CHILDREN Height, 48 inches; width, 42 inches A FULL-LENGTH, seated figure of a comely young French peasant mother, holding her baby boy on her lap and with her little girl standing at her knees, with her hands clasped. The setting for the group is a cottage interior with a window on the left. Signed at the lower right. Painted to order for Mr. Addy. The Estate of the late MarrHew Appy. Hector Leroux Frencu: 1829—1900 43—THE ADORATION OF THE GODDESS MI- NERVA POLLIADE BY THE MAIDENS OF ATHENS Height, 35 inches; length, 54 inches Tue scene depicted is on the Acropolis of Athens at a time when this celebrated hill was bare of those great monuments which were erected later and many of which still exist. Herodotus relates that, when the City of Athens was founded, the people were in doubt what name to choose for it. Neptune and Minerva were both disputing the honor, and the gods decided that the preference should be given to the one who could bestow upon mankind the most valuable gift. Neptune, with a stroke of his trident, presented the war horse, while Minerva created an olive branch, the symbol of - peace, and she was awarded the victory. Signed at the lower left, and dated 1878. Exhibited in the Salon of the Society of French Artists (known in America as the “Old Salon”), 1878. Property of Mr. Oren Wesrcort. op 7 0 George Loring Brown Ad > aa ARERICAN: 1814—1889 a4 a 74—VIEW OF ARTRANI, NEAR AMALFI, GULF OF SALERNO 3 Naflnves Height, 341%, inches; length, 601, inches A roap bordered by a protecting stone wall appears in the left foreground and leads around the side of a hill into the middle of the picture where, on a headland, are numerous buildings standing close together. Build- ings also are perched on the hillside at the left. Still farther away, in the right center, is an island with other buildings. In the right foreground and stretch- ing away to the distant horizon lies the sea. Sail- boats dot its surface and a fleet of them is seen near the middle of the picture, lying inshore. High above the town rises a range of mountains and beyond is a summer sky of blue with warm-tinted white clouds. A peasant woman and a little boy are seen in the roadway on the left. Signed at the lower left, and dated 1871. To be sold to close an Estate. f en } ra A {00 7 4 trav J. L. Eugene Isabey Frencu: 18038—1886 45—ON THE COAST Height, 59 inches; length, 81 inches A GRANDIOSE composition, showing an inlet of the sea on the right, and great rocky cliffs on the left, extend- ing up to the top of the picture. In the left foreground a piece of the mast of a sailing vessel with blocks and cordage which has been washed up on the sands; on the right, tossed about by the waves, is the hull of a wrecked galleon. In the middle of the picture, in an open space between the rocks, sunlight shining through from the left illumines the turgid waters. In the upper portion of the canvas, a stormy sky with heavy black clouds, Property of Mr. Oren WeEstcorrt. Fi % ¢ i ~ b ¥ eo , ; \ > ‘ - 7 ‘ 4 : ‘ ; a - 4 ey a -— t a ‘ ra > A - , << ¥ ez , : «< ‘ i = < », , - . ri . , - ‘ ‘ is * A ? - a J ’ SECOND AND LAST EVENING’S SALE THURSDAY, APRIL 5, 1917 IN THE GRAND BALLROOM OF THE PLAZA BEGINNING PROMPTLY AT 8.15 O CLOCK Catalogue Nos. 76 to 151, inclusive Eugen Klimsch GERMAN: CONTEMPORARY Us 76—IN THE GARDEN WW ty . (Water-Color) Height, 51% inches; width, 4 inches In a formal garden or great park, with aged trees and plentiful shrubbery, a small group of people, including two fond couples, are listening to a young woman playing the lute. Signed at the lower right, Kucen Kurscu, 1875. Property of the Estate of the late Mr. James B. Hacern. f ne Mifics Morlbaud Sellanic ($= J. G Meyer von Bremen GERMAN: 1813—1886 Y7—MOTHER AND CHILD (Panel) Height, 734 inches; width, 6% inches Ix a dimly lighted cottage room with brown beams and gray walls a young mother is seated, seen in profile to the right, holding on her lap her chubby young son, who wears a white smock. The mother is in dark blue, brown and black, and both are smiling and ca- ressing, Signed at the wpper right, Meyer von Bremen, From the William Schaus Galleries, New York, 1898. Property of the Estate of the late Mr. James B. Hacer. Charles Emile Jacque Frencu: 1813—1894 78—SHEEPFOLD (Panel) Height, 414, inches; length, 54% inches Iw a faintly shadowed corner of a sheepcote two gray sheep are standing, turned slightly toward the left and with backs to the spectator, feeding at a rack. A soft light slanting in from above glints from glossy surfaces of their fleece, and gives a greenish-golden note to the straw on the floor, where a white hen is pecking. Signed at the lower left, Cu. Jacauz. From the William Schaus Galleries, New York, 1898. Property of the Estate of the late Mr. James B, Hacein. Adolf Schreyer GERMAN: 1828—1899 ot ht Lf ee) 6 Y9—AT THE OASIS LY a 6 (Panel) a top Xx LT Height, 7 inches; length, 91% inches Lirne figure of an Arab warrior, garbed in green, red, white and brown, on a restless black charger with white feet and yellow and red trappings. More vaguely treated, in the middle distance, are two other horsemen, dismounted, before a background of familiar monumental piles. Signed at the lower left, Av. Scureyer. From the. William Schaus Galleries, New York, 1898. Property of the Estate of the late Mr. James B. Hacer. Martin Rico SpanisH: 1850—1908 ine A 80—VENICE GARDEN (yy 6n 2 2@9 (Panel) iy Height, 113, inches; width, 61/, inches Atone the right extends the balconied walk of the garden, looking down over starch-blue water gently rippled, and brightly clad figures are seen on the walk, against a background of rich greenery. Others appear in gondolas at the foot of the wall, and in the dis- tance is seen the top of the Campanile. Signed at the right, on the wall, Rico. From the William Schaus Galleries, New York, 1897. Property of the Estate of the late Mr. James B. Hacern. (09 Charles Emile Jacque ay Frencu: 1813—1894 81—INTERIOR WITH SHEEP | y* (Panel) v" “oe : Wh Height, 1234 inches; width, 94 inches I Ki is 4 7 A watr dozen or more sheep, with three lambs, are here eee x depicted in their fold. A ladder on the right leads up to a hay-loft, and a woman is seen in the farther part of the stable busy mixing feed. Signed at the lower right, Cu. Jacque. By order of Messrs. Witper, Ewen & Parrerson, Attorneys. Jean Jacques Henner Frencu: 1829—1905 a O 0 ee 82—ANDROMEDA CHAINED TO THE ROCK Height, 134, inches; width, 7%, inches A FULL-LENGTH nude figure of Andromeda, in side view, facing to the left. Her hands are shackled to the tall dark rock which forms a background to the brilliantly illuminated figure. Her auburn hair streams outward from her back on the right as it is blown by the wind, and the picture is completed by a stretch of the blue sea, on the right, with a tender blue sky above. Signed at the lower left, J. J. Hennen. Purchased from Messrs. R. & M. Vose, Boston. By order of Messrs. Wiper, Ewen & Parrerson, Attorneys. oe Martin Rico a /? SpanisH: 1850—1908 i ie 883—ALONG THE RIVER . (Water-Color) Height, %1/, inches; length, 15%, inches ect ar a" ial ae aa ee OL eee A sroap and placid river whose surface is a pearly gray in a light haze winds about a low, grassy point, — on which ducks are wandering, one of which a girl has captured. Im the distance a city. Signed at the lower left, Rico. From the William Schaus Galleries, New York, 1897. Property of the Estate of the late Mr. James B. Hacer. on N. V. Diaz de la Pena L / lL Frencu: 1807—1876 84—IN THE FOREST / Z roe “ (Panel) 4 6 partes} Height, 634 inches; length, 10 inches In the central portion of the composition is a clear- ing in the forest, presumably that of Fontainebleau, with a pathway leading through the herbage and boul- ders between the trees, which appear on either side, Signed at the lower right with the seal Vente D1az. Sold at the sale of the artist’s effects in Paris. The Estate of the late Marrnew Anpy. Ue: Charles Francois Daubigny pe ata Frencu: 1817—1878 Wy of =§=685—A VILLAGE STREET (Panel) ) [ernet, yeah Height, 9, inches; length, 13%, inches From the foreground a lane winds through a little French village, with a country cemetery on the left and some houses over-shadowed by the foliage of a great tree. A peasant woman is walking in the road- way. An evening sky with tints of blue in the upper portion shows yellow and pink, qualified with gray, at the horizon. Signed at the lower right. To be sold to close an Estate. Léon Bazile Perrault ad FrencuH: 1832— -86—TETE DE JEUNE FEMME iy Mage (Panel) Ue d Height, 1214, inches; width, 9 inches Heap and shoulders portrait of a young woman, figure to the left and face turned three-quarters front, her hazel eyes looking directly at the observer quietly, with a smile ready on full pink lips. She is in white and blue, with a white scarf over her yellowish-chestnut hair, and is seen against a dark mahogany background. Signed at the upper left, L. Prrravtt. Property of the Estate of the late Mr. James B. Hacein. Jules Adolphe Grison Frencu: 1845— 8” REDACTION D’UN PAMPHLET (Panel) Height, 124 inches; width, 101% inches TuREE men are assembled at a table in the corner of a room, before a well stocked sideboard which has already contributed liquid cheer to the table. They are in richly colored and embroidered coats and white stockings, and are intent in the study and considera- ation of a brochure which one with his back to the spectator is preparing, his pen at his side. Signed at the lower left, Grtson. From the Salon of 1892. Property of the Estate of the late Mr. James B. Hacern. ao Fe Attributed to David Teniers 88—DUTCH HOMELY LIFE OF (Panel) a Z, “ Height, 914, inches; length, 1314 inches An old peasant woman in a blue waist, with white ker- chief about her head and white neckerchief, is seated on a low bench in a court corner peeling apples. AMERICAN: CONTEMPORARY 98—CARING FOR THE FLOCK ‘Kuh Z (Panel) Height, 1734 inches; width, 12%, inches SunsuHINE brightens the creamy gray walls of a stable and sheepcote, and illumines patches of cloud vapor floating in a light blue sky seen over a corner of the heavily thatched roof. On the green grass in an angle of the yard a flock of gray sheep and lambs are gath- ered, and a peasant woman is giving them attention, at a low doorway. Signed at the lower right, J. Carirano. Property of the Estate of the late Mr. James B. Haein. gO Vo f /3 = are AypIR.30G (85% = Alexandre Gabriel Decamps Frencu: 1808—1860 99—THE BAY OF ALGIERS Height, 131 inches; length, 1934 inches In the foreground is a circular natural sea-basin with some sailboats and figures, the entrance to the basin appearing in the left middle distance; beyond it lies the expanse of the sea. Rocky cliffs appear on the left of the picture and beyond is an island with some buildings. A few sails dot the waters, and the sky shows strong yellow tints in the lower portion with blue and a horizontal white cloud above. To be sold to close an Estate. Madame Peyrol (Juliette Bonheur) Frencu: 1830— 100—SHEEP IN THE HIGHLANDS Height, 1414 inches; length, 174, inches SHacey-HarrED sheep, brown sheep and sheep yellow- gray, are lying on the moist green grass of a steeply sloping hillside in the highland country, their shepherd also lazily lolling on the turf near a ledge of rock. Rock outcroppings spot the green with brown and gray, and a bluish mist or haze veils the valleys and lower crests of the distance. Signed at the lower right, Pryrot. Property of the Estate of the late Mr. James B.’ Hacer. J. Francis Murphy, N.A. American: 1853— . oo Vi a 101— SUMMER SUNSHINE Lf} 8, G 7 Height, 14 inches; length, 20 inches Dex Tue foliage of a willow overhangs a little brook on the right of the picture and casts shadows on the grass; on the left a field and garden; in the middle distance a house, its roof brightly shining in the sun and the chimney casting a strong shadow, and a clump of thickly foliaged trees. In the upper part of the canvas, on the left and on the right, are the tints of a summer sky. Signed at the lower left. To be sold to close an Estate. D. Caliga ConTEMPORARY 102—IN THE LOUVRE (Water-Color) Height, 1414 inches; length, 181 inches Aw end and portions of the side walls of a gallery of the Louvre are shown, with a French artist dressed in black and wearing a silk hat copying one of the pic- tures in a corner, and two ladies in green and blue standing in the opposite corner. Signed at the lower right, Dio Caries, 1875. Property of the Estate of the late Mr. James B. Hacer. F. V. Eugene Delacroix Frencu: 1798—1863 1083—HEAD OF A CHILD Height, 18 inches; length, 15 inches A FULL-FACE life-size bust portrait of a child with black hair and black eyes, wearing a head-dress of red and black, and yellow-brown drapery about the neck. The background shows a landscape composition with tints of crimson at the horizon and a dark sombre mass above. Signed at the lower left. To be sold to close an Estate. ne — “yl So j Height, 15 inches; length, 22 inches ) ev) ee Frank Meyers Boggs AMERICAN: 1855— 104—ST. VAAST-LA-HOAGE A sEA-SHORE view with the Normandy highlands in the foreground overlooking the ocean, On the left is a schooner lying high and dry and keeled over to the right, with a dory beside it. In the right center, in relief against the gray sky, are buildings and sheds. The color scheme is cast entirely in grays with a note of red near the middle of the picture. Signed at the lower left, and dated ’82. To be sold to close an Estate. Attributed to Jacob Van Ruisdael DutcuH: 1628°?—1682 105—WOODLAND STREAM Height, 1614 inches; length, 20 inches EE Sn Low trees with scraggly branches partly bare stand on a bank at the left, the ground beneath them flooded with sunlight, through a brief clearing beyond, while much of their foliage and the greater part of the pic- ture are shadowed. In the foreground a brook tumbles down the bank, broadening into a placid stream along which a shepherd is driving some sheep. Property of the Estate of the late Mr. James B. Hacern. 0 oes “ey ‘&) b é Johan Barthold Jongkind Dutcn: 1822—1891 106—MOONLIGHT: ROTTERDAM Height, 15 inches; length, 18% inches Tue waters of a canal fill the foreground, illumined by the rising moon. The banks, with trees, buildings and towers appear on either side, and boats with bare masts are seen near the quays. The sky shows tints of blue, gray and pink, with clouds of darkish brown. Signed at the lower left, and dated 1870. ¥ Property of Mr. OrEN WeEstcorr. Louis Gabriel Eugéne Isabey joe 5 if Aga Frencu: 1803—1886 TO BIRTH OF LOUIS TREIZE, AT FON- A, fo TAINEBLEAU PALACE, ON THE 27TH OF SEPTEMBER, 1601 Height, 2134, inches; width, 18 inches A nisrorIcAL composition in the style of Rubens. Sit- ting in a regal arm-chair, the Queen, with head turned to the right, Marie de Médicis, wife of Henri Quatre, regards her new-born son, who is being placed by Jus- tice in the arms of the genius of Health, a nude male figure with blue drapery about the loins and his em- blem, a serpent coiled around his left arm. Behind the Queen stands Fortune. On the left of the compo- sition, Fecundity presents the Queen emblematically with the other five children who shall spring from her as from a basket of flowers. Back of this group is an angel with blue wings, drawing aside a large piece of red drapery. In the sky, at the upper left, Apollo is seen driving the chariot of the sun, To be sold to close an Estate. Jean Leon Gerome Frencu: 1824—1904 108—A JOURNEY THROUGH ALGERIA (Panel) Height, 161%, inches; length, 24°, inches Crossine the view in the middle distance is a three- arched bridge over a stream, and on it a long line of camels and people afoot, the head of the line having already turned to come forward down an inclined path along an arm of the stream which puts into the fore- ground. Tramping majestically through the shallow water of this arm a second procession of camels comes forward, its leaders now turning toward the left. Along the left bank of the stream and across the background are lines of palmettos and dense shrubbery, with bushes in blossom near a white building a corner of which appears in the left foreground. Signed at the lower left, J. L. Gtrome. Property of the Estate of the late Mr. James B. Hagern, oe A al 410 = Alexandre Gabriel Decamps Frencu: 18038—1860 109—LANDSCAPE AND FIGURES Height, 14%, inches; length, 24%, inches 1. Kepewtfoin/ : Restine, close together, on grass-grown boulders on a stretch of lowland between mountains and the sea are a handsome, pensive young woman in a warm buff dress, and a young peasant in a rose tunic, who holds a pipe and is in serious thought. They occupy the center of the foreground with a dog curled up at the maid’s feet and a water jug and baskets lying around. In the distance on the right is the blue sea and on the left a range of blue mountains, and figures are to be seen at the water’s edge and on the slopes. Signed at the lower right, Decamps. At extreme lower right, the stamp: VENTE DECAMPS. Property of the Estate of the late Mr. James B. Hacer. Charles Louis Muller GrerRMAN: 1815—1892 110—THE PALACE STUDIO Height, 16 inches; length, 26 inches Ix a palace hall with marbled walls, gilt sconces and paintings of woodland nymphs, an uncompleted paint- ing of another nymph is unveiled on an easel, and in a corner three bewigged gentlemen, one serious and the others with wise smiles, confer, elbow to elbow. Signed at the lower left, C. Mvrrer. Property of the Estate of the late Mr. James B. Hacern. s Francois Louis Francais Frencu: 1814—1897 111—4A MOUNTAIN STREAM f J, Mand deni Height, 21%, inches; width, 18 inches 46 ate ye MW A Brook emerges from a thicket of trees and brush at the foot of a steep slope, and forms a clear shallow pool, reflecting the cool colors of the woodland. On a boulder in the pool a barelegged boy stands fishing, and on a natural bridge above him a man and another boy with a fish-pole are seen looking down. Signed at the lower right, Francais, 1886. Property of the Estate of the late Mr. James B. Hacern. Emile Van Marcke PH, Frencu: 1827—1890 112—COWS DRINKING Height, 1714, inches; length, 224, inches Lusu and deep the grasses of a meadow, bounded afar by hills on the right and nearer at hand by lines of trees toward the left, and wandering cattle grazing among them in sunshine or in the shadows. In a pool in the foreground a white cow stands in the sunlight, and a black cow with a white face, her head lowered to the water, stands in shadow, both looking toward the spectator in a pause in their drinking. Signed at the lower left, Em. van Marcxe. Property of the Estate of the late Mr. James B. Hacern. Constant Troyon Frencu: 1810—1865 113—STUDY OF A WHITE COW Height, 1934 inches; length, 2742 inches A FINE white cow with a red ear and black-tipped horns walks sedately across the foreground, toward the right, — over green herbage tufted with brown, followed by a blue-bloused young man carrying a stick. Both eye the onlooker. Sunshine glosses the white coat, on shoulder and back, and the flank exhibits subtle and interesting shadows. In a middleground stream a woman is washing linen, and the landscape of the dis- tance is low, with some trees, At the lower left, the stamp: Vente Troyon. nadie amie Property of the Estate of the late Mr. James B. Hacer. William Bradford, A.N.A. AMERICAN: 18380—1892 114—FISHING FLEET AMONG THE ICEBERGS Height, 18 inches; length, 30 inches Wuirre and cold green mountains of ice rise from rip- pling waters, and before them fishing boats with dull- colored sails ride closely grouped. In the foreground on the right fishermen are hauling a net, off a low point of land, and in the middle distance les a brigan- tine with white sails, and men aboard, near to one of the bergs. Property of the Estate of the late Mr. James B. Hacern. Emile Van Marcke (¥& my) ae Frencu: 1827—1890 v4 115—SHEPHERD AND FLOCK / b y 4. he Height, 18 inches; length, 28 inches In the level foreground pastures, standing in the sun- light, is a shepherd in blue with his cloak on his arm and accompanied by his two dogs. Farther away his flock is grazing and in the distance is a belt of trees, traversing the canvas, and a range of hills. A gray sky tempered with blue completes the picture. Signed at the lower left, Em. Van Marcxke. By order of Messrs. Witper, Ewen & Parrerson, Attorneys. Frank Meyers Boggs American: 1855— 116—AFTER THE RAIN Height, 26 inches; width, 20 inches A srrikine picture of a French provincial town, show- ing a street passing over a bridge of a canal in the foreground and leading into the middle of the com- position, where there is a medieval church with a tall tower and spire. Other buildings line the street and on the right, in the canal, is moored a fishing boat. A market-cart and numerous pedestrians, some of them carrying umbrellas, are seen in the street, the pave- ment of which reflects the buildings and sky on its wet surface after the rain. Signed at the lower left. Property of Mr. OreEN Westcott. : Franz von Lenbach poo German: 1836—1904 Uy oo _— : PeedeLADY OF QUALITY (Pastel—Oval) M Height, 241 inches; width, 21% inches A weap and bust picture of a young woman with dark hair and eyes, in nearly full face view, the head turned | slightly to the spectator’s left. A collar of pearls is : ‘ndicated around her neck and the shoulders are cov- : ered by cloud-like white drapery. : Signed at the lower right, and dated 1898. To be sold to close an Estate. N. V. Diaz de la Pena Frencu: 1807—1876 120—CUPIDS’ FESTIVAL Height, 23%, inches; length, 29 inches A syivan idyl in which five nymphs of the woodland appear, surrounded by twice as many playful and whispering cupids, in a secluded open place in a rich forest, with a pool in the foreground and wild flowers growing in the grass. The young women are half nude, with rich garments over the lower body, three reclin- ing, one standing, and one seated with back to the observer, and they have generous masses of golden, red and mahogany hair. Red notes tinge the green foliage, and through the umbrageous vistas creamy white clouds appear floating in a green-blue sky. Signed at the lower left, N. Diaz, 770. ey oni. a ~*~, At the lower left, the stamp: Vente Diaz From the David C. Lyall Collection, New York, 1903; No. 74. $3800. Property of the Estate of the late Mr. James B. Haaern. wo Georges Vibert Wh Frencu: 1840—1902 121—MONSIGNOR HAVING REFRESHMENTS Height, 221% inches; length, 29%, inches ArraBLe and rotund, the favored of the Church and the ladies is seated comfortably below the corner of a marble mantel, facing front, and holds up in one hand his cup for some sugar from his hostess in pink, while a visitor in dark blue velvet and plumaged hat_ rises to offer him at the same time a dish of sweet-_ meats. Signed at the lower left, J. G. ViBert. Property of the Estate of the late Mr. James B. Hacer. 0 oS) GO hI = M.S. Wafiness GERMAN: 1828—1899 | aN Adolf Schreyer gv r 2 122— ARABIAN HORSEMEN Height, 2134 inches; length, 3234 inches Emercine from a hazy background on the left a tur- baned cavalcade on prancing steeds wheels across the foreground and turns back toward a massive and low- domed archictectural pile standing on a broad hillside in the middle distance on the right, beneath palm trees. An advance guard already has arrived below the walls. Signed at the lower right, Av. SCHREYER. Property of the Estate of the late Mr. James B. Hacein. 4 0 Jean Leon Gerome d 2) 3 Frencn: 1804-3100 i A 123—DEPARTURE FROM THE MOSQUE Height, 211% inches; length, 31 inches : A Lone procession of Sheiks and common citizens are 4 V Kohaudkaeuspescending the stone staircase in the middle of the com- a position, which leads from the arched doorways of a Mosque into a courtyard in the foreground. The fore- most figure is a young man in blue and the next is an elderly man who seems to be blind, as he taps with his staff on the pavement and rests his left hand on the head of a child who serves as his guide. Other figures, in vari-colored costumes, are descending the steps and advancing from the interior of the building. Signed on the mounting-block at the foot of the stairway, near middle of picture, J, L. Gtrome. By order of Mussrs. Wirper, Ewen & Parrerson, Attorneys. No. 124 /89 Georges Michel sabe f p= Frencu: 1763—1848 fi A 124 DUTCH LANDSCAPE Lirnacud Height, 211, inches; length, 2834 inches Hicw and rolling pasture land along the bank of a broad river lies in transparent cloud shadow in the foreground, while flat fields dotted with occasional buildings stretch far away in a soft hazy light beyond the stream. On a foreground knoll a cow is lying down, another stands beyond her, and dogs drawing a cart laden with milk cans are ee on a level patch of the ground. Property of the Estate of the late Mr. James B. Haaern. Fur Saud b. Kyat dale 1908 4 268» $800 ~ Early English School (1 (Style of Thomas Gainsborough, R.A.) , I Oe Eneuisn: 1727—1788 Jay U4 Oe 125—LANDSCAPE Height, 24°, inches; length, 3114 inches Tuer canvas pictures a retired spot, of rough and broken ground, in a partly open space near the edge of a thick forest. Warm light from a sunset sky enters through a screen of younger trees, and throws into relief blasted trunks and a group of figures beyond a knoll. Property of the Estate of the late Mr. James B. Haaern. Frank Meyers Boggs American: 1855— 126—HONFLEUR Height, 2314 inches; length, 32 inches A view of the entrance to the port of Honfleur with the town occupying the middle distance lying beyond. In the foreground the waters of the sea, at low tide, occupy the right of the picture and stretch away between the sands and the walls of the harbor. On the left, the white tower of a harbor light is relieved against the distant view of part of the town, lying blue-gray under a sky filled with clouds, except for some spaces of blue. . Signed at the lower left, and dated ’87. To be sold to close an Estate. Joseph Melin FreENcCH: CONTEMPORARY ? 127—HUNTSMAN AND HOUNDS : Height, 26 inches; length, 361, inches p= larupoonn HUNTSMAN, with red coat and waistcoat, black breeches and black velvet cap and white leggins, with a cor-de-chasse over his shoulder and around his body, advances in the foreground of the picture with his whip held in his right hand, raised high in the air, as he leads an eager pack of some twenty-five fox- hounds who crowd around him and follow on. The landscape setting shows a country roadway leading through a gap in the hills which are crowned with : clumps of trees in relief against a misty morning sky | of gray. Signed at the lower left. To be sold to close an Estate. Adolf Schreyer Gunman: 1829-—19geee 128—ARAB CAVALIERS N ee Height, 26 inches; length, 32 inches Two Arab tribesmen, one mounted on a gray steed and the other on a chestnut roan, are crossing a shallow stream in the foreground. In the middle distance lies a wide stretch of North African country with a sky showing gray clouds and at the horizon tints of pink and yellow where the sun has set. Signed at the lower left. The Estate of the late Marrnew Appy. ae G y bt \ . ae gory VP rwlon* Thomas Gainsborough, R.A. EneusH: 172'7—1788 129—THE EDGE OF THE COMMON Height, 25 inches; length, 30 inches A patu through a common of great diversity of sur- face winds across the middle distance, back of a central hillock which slopes roughly to the foreground and in front of a dense forest. Another dense growth of trees edges into the picture on the right near the fore- ground, and between these two woods the light from a clouded but still luminous sky falls upon the hillock, — is reflected into the nearer shadows, and brings into effective relief the figures of idle men and an anciently felled tree trunk on the slope, and a farmer and pack- horses following the winding path. A landscape rich and warm in color, charming in the light distribution and in the fine complexity of composition. “A fine example of the rather rare landscape-art of Thomas Gainsborough.”—Morning Post, London, November 10, 1890. From the William H. Fuller Collection, New York, 1898; No. 13. 2700. Property of the Estate of the late Mr. James B. Hager. i aX School of Sir Thomas Lawrence, P.R.A. y Y oe reariar 01769-41880 ve 130—DUKE OF WELLINGTON 4 0 Nhe Voupe ge Height, 80 inches; width, 25 inches Hatr-Leneru portrait of the great Duke, against a dark neutral background of deep olive note. With fig- ure very slightly turned to his left he is facing almost full to the front, his glance slightly downward. He wears a blue coat, and a dark olive greatcoat with green-blue lining, both thrown slightly open, as is his white waistcoat, and he wears a white stock, below which the red ribbon of an order appears. Property of the Estate of the late Mr. James B. Haaery. pt Attributed to lb, = : VU Meindert Hobbema | f, | Fs Dutcu: 1638—1709 131—WOODLAND LANDSCAPE Height, 26 inches; length, 30%, inches Aw old gray mill with red tiled roof stands in sunlight at the left, at the edge of a dark wood, and in a clear- ing on the right in the background is a group of dwellings, also in the sunlight. Two figures walk toward a bridge over the mill stream, and in the fore- ground a man is pushing a wheelbarrow. Property of the Estate of the late Mr. James B. Hacern. yak Pierre Mignard FrencnH: 1610—1695 132—PORTRAIT OF A LADY OF THE LOUIS y MA 0 oe XIV PERIOD (Oval) TY iy §, Vertical diameter, 3414 inches; horizontal, 271, inches OTe Le SE AmAN ya ‘Py REE-QUARTER-LENGTH standing figure of a smiling Coy eof. lady in young maturity, in a low-cut gown of deep golden yellow lined with pale old rose, the corsage edged | with white, and a rich blue velvet cloak lightly draped about her and held at one shoulder by a jeweled clasp. Companion to the “Portrait of a Gentleman” by the same artist. Property of the Estate of the late Mr. James B. Hager. eg | a ~” a“ Pierre Mignard | Frencu: 1610—1695 133—PORTRAIT OF A GENTLEMAN OF THE 3 yo LOUIS XIV PERIOD] V7 — (Oval) Ue VA Pea hee : 5 } rok oT, 7. ; fi Dee ae” Vertical diameter, 341, inches; horizontal, 71%, inches but affable gentleman in a great periwig, face nearly full to the front and figure turned toward the right. Left arm akimbo, his right hand is brought across his breast and held in a gesture, the index finger raised and the second finger brought to the tip of the thumb. His gray coat is gold embroidered, pink lined, and shows a white jabot, and over his arm is a black robe lined with red. A companion to the “Portrait of a Lady” by the same artist. ot THREE-QUARTER-LENGTH standing figure of a dignified Property of the Estate of the late Mr. James B. Haaoin. Paulus Moreelse Durcu: 1571—1688 134—-PORTRAIT OF -AcLAD® Height, 44 inches; width, 3214, inches THREE-QUARTER-LENGTH standing figure of a handsome and smiling young Dutch lady of the seventeenth cen- tury, facing very slightly toward the left and looking frankly at the spectator, her right hand resting on the back of a chair. In her left hand, dropped by her side, she holds gloves with ornate gauntlets. Her black gown is richly ornamented, her lace ruff and cuffs are of intricate pattern, and pearls and other gems adorn her hands and headdress. At the upper right ap- pears a coat of arms, with an inscription beginning “Mari” and bearing the date 1629. Property of the Estate of the late Mr. James B. Hacer. , a“ Y aa School of ¢ Michiel Janszen Van Mierevelt Durcu: 1567—1641 ov ; U7 — 185—PORTRAIT OF A LADY (Panel) Ul KA, / / Height, 461%, inches; width, 34 inches & THREE-QUARTER-LENGTH standing figure of a young Dutch lady of serene beauty, with cleanly chiseled fea- tures and large, brilliant eyes, placid but with ready smile. She is facing left, three-quarters front, with left arm hanging at her side and right hand slightly projected in front of her and holding a feather fan. She wears a rich dark greenish-black dress with globu- lar metal buttons, a stiff white ruff and characteristic white tight headdress. At the upper left are two lines of lettering, “Attatis’” and “Anno 1617” appearing. Property of the Estate of the late Mr. James B. Hacern. Kp = bed A ahem Attributed to Pierre Mignard Frencu: 1610—1695 1386—-PORTRAIT OF A NOBLE LADY Height, 5114, inches; width, 3634, inches A youne lady of easy curves and cheery expression, magnificently gowned, stands erect before a formal background of landscape with incidental architecture. She faces front, turned slightly toward the left, and holds out in one hand some freshly gathered flowers. She has delicately rose-tinged cheeks, warm lips and large blue eyes, and a wealth of dark hair worn in ringlets. Her white satin gown is low, the tightly fitting bodice and the front of the skirt are intricately embroidered in white and gold and munificently adorned with pearls, and her lace-edged short sleeves are set off with jewels of rich color. A scarf of blue and gold entwines her, Property of the Estate of the late Mr. James B. Hacer. (} Aoki ot VAN (ae é “ Unknown Artist (In the style of Antoine Vestier ) Frencu: 1740—1824 137—PORTRAIT OF A LADY Height, 50 inches; width, 40 inches Porrrait of a handsome, mature young woman, seen at three-quarters length standing, or caught momen- tarily in a brisk but gentle walk, against a landscape background of hillside and tree. She is in a rich white silk gown of creamy and pearly tones, with loose, short sleeves and loosely draped low corsage. Her fair hair is left largely free, she wears a broadly flaring hat adorned with white plumes, and from her shoulders hangs a flowing green-blue mantle, while in one hand she carries a red rose and in the other a white ostrich feather. Property of the Estate of the late Mr. James B. Hacer. Early Dutch School 188--LANDSCAPE WITH CATTLE (Panel) Height, 33% inches; length, 451, inches Ow the left the edge of a wood rises boldly against the sky, which away on the right is filled with white clouds. whose light is reflected in a shallow stream along the wood’s edge and brings out in strong relief a low sloping bank on the right. Cows and sheep are in the water and on the bank, and back of a knoll two men are resting. Property of the Estate of the late Mr. James B. Hacein. Dutch School (In the style of Govaert Flincke and Ferdinand Bol) 139—PORTRAIT OF A LADY Height, 42 inches; width, 34% inches THREE-QUARTER-LENGTH figure of a lady in youthful maturity, facing the left, three-quarters front, ob- served against a dark neutral background of vague spaces and dimly discernible drapery. She wears a low-cut gown of dark reddish-orange with slashed puff sleeves, lace over her shoulder and drooping from her hat, which is adorned with rich plumes of varied color, and pearl ear-drops and_ necklace. Jewels sparkle from her hat and a corsage clasp, and strings of pearls bind her reddish-golden hair. Her cheeks are warm, and a mellow light plays on face and the liberally exposed breast. Property of the Estate of the late Mr. James B. Hacer. Ua 1 Seb leu Jan Van Essen Dutcnu: 1857 poe 140—AMONG THE DUNES / 37°C Height, 27, inches; length, 41 inches A tanpscare showing the dunes of Holland, depicted with tempered tints of green, brown, white and gray. In the middle right center are two small figures seated, which serve by comparison to show the wide expanse of the landscape of the dunes ; overhead a sky of gray and white clouds with a space or two of grayish-blue. Signed at the lower right. To be sold to close an Estate. an SJ nS Sir Laurence Alma-Tadema, R.A. EncuisH: 1886—1912 yo 141—TRIUMPHAL ENTRY OF _SIR WILLIAM Ag mo VAN TAEFTINGEN, AFTER THE : BATTLE OF THE GOLDEN SPURS . Height, 38 inches; width, 26 inches brvse Pee: Fvuu in a soft, warm and mellow light, falling within the precincts of huge stone arches and columns, de- voted followers bear the man triumphant on their shoul- ders, he and various of the followers wearing chain mail, in addition to soft robes of rich color. The four- teenth century procession moves impressively toward the right, eight figures appearing. Signed at the top, to right of center, L. Atma-Tapema, 1860. Property of the Estate of the late Mr. James B. Haaatn. 2 Joseph Alvarez Le SPANISH: CONTEMPORARY } oo MA — 142-THE CARDINAL’S RECEPTION Maud SO Height, 25 inches; length, 39%, inches Ix a resplendent hall of an episcopal palace, crimson, green and gold, with marble floor and a canopied throne, a distinguished company has gathered, lay and ecclesiastical, a churchman is saluting the cardinal’s ring, and the ladies and gentlemen seated and standing around are in apparel rivaling in richness the garb of the Church. Signed at the lower right, J. Atvarez, Roma. Property of the Estate of the late Mr. James B. Hacern. ,, oF Jean Gustave Jacquet { ee Frencu: 1846—1909 \ / i ({ W8—AFTERNOON REFRESHMENT C Moan | aenref Height, 38%, inches; length, 49% inches On a terrace beside a lake bordered by great trees in a palace park, with the corner of a portico in view on the right, a goodly company in brilliant costumes has gathered for amusement and refreshment. Young people all, they are grouped about a table, and at the moment chiefly interested in the approach of a patrician young woman attended by an eager suitor, whom they await with garlands and music, beverages and luscious fruits. Signed at the lower left, G. Jacquet. Property of the Estate of the late Mr. James B. Hacern. George Inness, N.A. AMERICAN: 1825—1894 144—MILKING TIME Height, 291%, inches; length, 45 inches In the level pastures of the foreground a maid is seated milking a dark red cow, standing in side view, and there are four other cows nearby, in the left-hand portion of the picture. In the middle distance, from the right to the left center, is a belt of trees in thick summer foliage. On the extreme left are one or two farm buildings. A sunset sky shows strong qualified tints of red at the horizon, en the left, and through an opening in the trees, and gradates into warm yellow-blue above, with dark clouds at the top of the canvas. Signed at the lower right, G. INNeEss. From the Maynard Collection, Boston. “et a~ ~al> Painted to order for Mr. Maynard. Property of the Estate of the late MarrHew Anppy. 4 : Vaeczlav von Brozik Le BowemMian: 1852—1901 74 for +0 ——-145—THE INTERESTING LETTER Height, 351, inches; length, 471% inches y) Uy leuk Aw elderly gentleman in black velvet and his wife in ) blue, both with wide collars, are seated in a great room 0. richly furnished, a small grandson leaning against the oh, woman’s knee. all listening intently to the reading of a / letter by a young lady in pink who is seated opposite. : Behind her stands a dark young woman in blue, and | two young men converse over a cup near a neighboring doorway. Signed at the lower right, V. Brozix, 1880. Property of the Estate of the late Mr. James B, Hacer. Untlawd bles William Adolphe Bouguereau FrencH: 1825—1905 146—AFTER THE BATH Height, 51%, inches; width, 30 inches A FULL-LENGTH, seated nude figure of a young girl with light brown hair falling loosely over her shoulders, her head turned to the spectator’s left. Resting on her knee she holds her right foot, which she is drying with a white drapery. She is seated on a cloth of purple-blue which lies on a grassy bank, and at her feet, on either side, are jonquils growing. The back- ground above shows a wooded slope with green foliage and a little patch of sky at the left upper corner. Signed at the lower left, and dated 1891 Purchased direct from the artist. The Estate of the late MarrHew Avpy. 3 O, { u Félix Francois Ziem f /\ ahs Frencu: 1821—1911 t ay jo 14%—UNE FETE A VENISE > a Height, 3234 inches; length, 531%, inches 4 J Varlbress Ho.pine the center of the scene is the gorgeous state barge, with red oars, creamy-white and opalescent sails and brilliant pennants, which carried the Doge to cele- brate the marriage of Venice with the Adriatic. She is crowded, and sailors mount along the yards. ‘The smoke of a saluting cannon appears astern, gondolas are moving in the lagoon and the shore is lined with people garbed in rich, soft colors. The most famihar buildings of the city appear on either hand, and sky and water are blue and fair, adding joyousness to the festal occasion. Signed at the lower left, Ziem. From the Charles A. Dana Collection, New York, 1898; No. 588. S500 - Property of the Estate of the late Mr. James B. Hager. Jean Leon Gerome Frencu: 1824—1904 148—THE DEATH OF CAESAR Height, 321, inches; length, 57 inches THe scene is laid in the Roman Senate Chamber. The Senators, in white togas, form a group in the middle of the composition as they retreat, after the murder, through the halls leading out of the building, their arms raised high as they brandish their daggers. In the immediate foreground, on the left, lies the body of the dead Caesar. His chair on his throne is over- turned and on the right of the picture are the empty seats of the Senators. An impressive composition and known as one of the principal classical works of Géréme. Signed at the lower left, J. L. Gtrome, with date in Roman numerals, Purchased from Boussod, Valadon & Co., Paris. By order of Messrs. Witprr, Ewen & Parrerson, Attorneys. a, bw l Uae Va bs ty) £4 Théeophile de Bock Durcu: 1850—1904 149—_THE POND Height, 39 inches; length, 54% inches A LANpscAPE of impressive general effect, showing a pond in the right foreground amid green meadows which stretch across to the left of the composition, where a clump of bushes and trees show their white trunks and foliage reaching up to the top of the canvas; on the right, in the middle distance, the meadows are bordered by a belt of trees, and a church spire rises above them against a high summer sky of blue with some gray and white clouds Signed at the lower left. To be sold to close an Estate. Frederick W. Watts A BritisH: ? oo — yy — 150—OLD MILL NEAR TUNBRIDGE, KENT — ZB SO oy 5 Height, 36 inches; length, 52 inches pi + MM tb Z caf An English pastoral landscape showing a mill with / - white walls and thatched roof, nestled amid the trees in a glade, its wheel slowly turning as water runs on it from the mill-race. The water of the stream runs into the middle foreground between banks covered with greensward, ferns, and other herbage. On the banks of the slopes, on either side above, are groups of trees, and on the right a hillside stretches high upward to the sky, which is filled with cumulus clouds except for spaces of blue near the top of the canvas. Property of Mr. Oren Wesrcort. 4/00 ~ Be hella. Frencuo: 1817—1878 151—ON THE FRENCH COAST__ Height, 391, inches; length, 75 inches A LANpscAPE of great breadth, and rich and varied feeling, sympathetically studied and freely and gener- ously expressed—land, sea and the heavens, and dis- tant shipping on the deep. In the foreground a plateau of rich verdure sweeping across the picture, the herbage dotted with field flowers and shrubs and wind-swept trees. Beyond, the blue-gray, gray-green sea in ceaseless, easy motion, under a sky of active clouds which shroud a reddened sun and yield but glimpses of the deep azure behind them. Signed at the lower left, Dausicny. Property of the Estate of the late Mr. James B. Haaern. bal er. LIST OF ARTISTS REPRESENTED AND THEIR WORKS . ‘ z LIST OF ARTISTS REPRESENTED AND THEIR WORKS CATALOGUE NUMBER ALMA-TADEMA, Sir Laurence, R.A. Triumphal Entry of Sir William van Taef- tingen, after the Battle of the Golden Spurs 141 ALVAREZ, JosEru The Cardinal’s Reception 142 ANDERSON, A. A. Still Life: Game 67 ASSELYN, Jan Going to Market 3 a be BAIRD, Wixti1aMm B. A Horse Deal 9 BEARD, Wixi» H., N.A. The Interrupted Picnic 15 BLAAS, EvcrENE DE My Sweetheart 26 BLAKER, Hucu Portrait of George Bernard Shaw 50 BOCK, THroPHILE DE A Holland Church 12 The Pond 149 BODMER, Karu In the Forest of Fontainebleau BOGGS, Frank Meyers At Honfleur St. Vaast-la-Hoage After the Rain Honfleur BONHEUR, Mute. Rosa King of the Jungle Sheep BOSCH, Erienne Santa Maria della Salute, Venice BOUGHTON, Georce Henry, N.4., R.A. Priscilla BOUGUEREAU, Wi1u1am ADOLPHE After the Bath BRADFORD, Wituam, 4.N.A. In the Arctic Regions Fishing Fleet among the Icebergs BROOKE, Ricuarp Norris A Happy Pickaninny BROWN, Georce Lorine View of Artrani, near Amalfi, Gulf Salerno BROZIK, VACZLAV VON The Interesting Letter CATALOGUE NUMBER 65 38 146 46 114 66 145 CALIFANO, Joun Swiss Mountains Caring for the Flock CALIGA, D. In the Louvre CATALOGUE NUMBER 24 98 102 CASANOVA Y ESTORACH, Anrtonto Succulent Oysters CHAPMAN, Cartton T., N.A. The Inlet CHARBONNEL, L. The Consultation COUTURIER, Puitisert Lton Chickens DAUBIGNY, Cuarres Francois A Village Street French Tug-boat On the French Coast DECAMPS, ALexanprE GABRIEL The Bay of Algiers Landscape and Figures DE HAAS, Jounannes, H. L. Cattle DELACROIX, F. V. Evcene Caesar Viewing the Body of Head of a Child 32 21 37 CATALOGUE NUMBER DELAMAIN, Pavut An Algerian Inn 62 DIAZ DE LA PENA, N. V. In the Forest . 84 Cupids’ Festival 120 DUPRE, Jures The Coming Storm 118 DUTCH SCHOOL (In the style of Govaert Flincke and Ferdinand Bol) Portrait of a Lady 139 EARLY DUTCH SCHOOL Landscape with Cattle £138 EARLY ENGLISH SCHOOL (Style of Thomas Gainsborough, R.A.) Landscape 125 FRANCAIS, Lovis Fran¢ots A Mountain Stream 111 GAINSBOROUGH, Tuomas, R.A. The Edge of the Common 129 GARDNER, ExmazsetrH (Madame W. A. Bouguereau) Mother and Children 4 GERICAULT, Jean L. A. Tutopore Saddle Horse 8 In the Stable 16 A Horse 94 CATALOGUE NUMBER GEROME, Jean Lion The Duet 33 Bashi-Bazouk Singing 40 Women at the Bath 60 A Journey through Algeria 108 Sale of a Circassian Slave LL9 Departure from the Mosque 123 The Death of Caesar 148 GILPIN, Rev. W., M.A. Derbyshire Landscape 53 GRISON, JuLes ADOLPHE Rédaction d’un Pamphlet 87 GROLLERON, P. L. N. French Guard 89 HECKLER, H. Venice 20 HENNER, Jean JAcQUES Andromeda Chained to the Rock 82 HOBBEMA, Mervert (Attributed to) Woodland Landscape 131 HUNT, Witiram Morris Sunlight and Shadow 31 INNESS, Georce, N.A. Milking Time 144 ISABEY, J. L. EvucrEne On the Coast 45 CATALOGUE NUMBER ISABEY, Louis GasrieL EvcEtneE Birth of Louis Treize, at Fontainebleau Palace, on the 27th of September 1601 LOR JACQUE, CHaAar es EMILE Poultry : if Sheepfold 78 Interior with Sheep 81 JACQUET, Jean GuSTAVE Afternoon Refreshment 143 JONGKIND, JoHan BArtTHOLD Moonlight: Rotterdam 106 KAEMMERER, Freperix Henprik Coming Home from the Fair 39 KLIMSCH, EvcrEn In the Garden 76 LAMBINET, Eire On the Oijse 13 LANTARA, Simon MatTHurin Youth V1 LAWRENCE, Sir Txomas, P.R.A. (School of) Duke of Wellington 130 LENBACH, Franz von A Lady of Quality Ai ky CATALOGUE i NUMBER LEROUX, Hecror The Adoration of the Goddess Minerva Polliade by the Maidens of Athens = 73 MAX, Gapriet CoRNELIUS VON Young Woman AT MELIN, JosErH Huntsman and Hounds Lit. MEYER VON BREMEN, J. G. Mother and Child WL, MICHEL, GrorceEs Landscape 4 Landscape: Near Montmartre 43 Woodland Landscape AA Dutch Landscape 124 MIGNARD, PIerRe Portrait of a Lady of the Louis XIV Period tee Portrait of a Gentleman of the Louis XIV Period 133 MIGNARD, Pierre (Attributed to) Portrait of a Noble Lady 136 MOLENAER, Jan MIENSE The Tavern 93 MORAN, Epwarp, 4.N.A. Mont St. Michel 54 MOREAU, ADRIEN At the Ferry | 61 MOREELSE, PAULUS Portrait of a Lady MULLER, CuHar_es Louts In the Salon Happy Parents The Palace Studio MURPHY, J. Francis, N.A. Summer Sunshine OUDINOT, Acuitite Francois Borders of the River Lepté PALIZZI, Giuserrr Forest Interior PALMAROLI, Vincente The Approaching Storm PEREZ, Atonso The Toast The Surprise PERRAULT, Lton Bazitz After Dinner Téte de Jeune Femme PEYROL, Mapame (Juliette Bonheur) Sheep in the Highlands POITEVIN, Eveetne L. Shore View POLLET, Vicror Friorence Birth of Venus CATALOGUE NUMBER 134 36 69 eG 101 35 68 22 49 48 86 100 ee 10 CATALOGUE NUMBER PYNE, James Baker (Attributed to) The Festival 59 RICO, Martin Venice Garden S80 Along the River 83 ROBERT-FLEURY, Joseru Nicouas Portrait of M. Rude 25 ROSIERSE, T. Refreshment at Evening 18 SANCHEZ-PERRIER, E. On the Alcala, Spain 5 SCHALCKEN, Goprrirp Backgammon 29 SCHREYER, Apour At the Oasis 79 Arabian Horsemen 122 Arab Cavaliers 128 SPRING, Atrons Music in the Cloisters 30) Mother’s Helpers 96 STEVENS, Epovarp JosEpH A Young Doe 58 TAIT, Anrtuor F., N.A. Deer 11 TAMBURINI, Anronto In the Wine Cellar 2 TENIERS, Davin (Attributed to) Dutch Homely Life TROYON, ConsTAntT Study of a White Cow UNKNOWN ARTIST (In the style of Antoine Vestier) Portrait of a Lady VAN ESSEN, Jan Among the Dunes VAN MARCKE, Emre Cows Drinking Shepherd and Flock VAN MIEREVELT, Micuiet JANsZEN (School of) Portrait of a Lady VAN RUISDAEL, Jacos (Attributed to) Woodland Stream VAN SEVERDONCK, JosEru Sheep Chickens VERBOECKHOVEN, EvcrtnE JOSEPH Sheep and Lambs On the Farm VERNET, Emrte JEAN Horace The Thoroughbred CATALOGUE NUMBER 88 118 137 140 112 115 135 56 VESIN, JAROSLAV Sleighing in Russia VIBERT, JenHan GEORGES A Beauty of Spain Monsignor Having Refreshments VOLLON, AnTOINE A French Village NO Fon Master’s Faithful Guardians WAGNER, Pavu The Young General WATTS, Freperick W. Old Mill near Tunbridge, Kent. WILLEMS, Friorent Topeak!’ The Proposal WORMS, JvuLes A Cup of Chocolate Departure of the Bride ZIEM, Feuix Francois Venice Une Féte a Venise CATALOGUE NUMBER 34 95 121 90 150 147 FOR INHERITANCE TAX AND OTHER PURPOSES THE AMERICAN ART ASSOCIATION IS EXCEPTIONALLY WELL EQUIPPED TO FURNISH INTELLIGENT APPRAISEMENTS OF ART AND LITERARY PROPERTY JEWELS AND PERSONAL EFFECTS OF EVERY DESCRIPTION IN CASES WHERE PUBLIC SALES ARE EFFECTED A NOMINAL CHARGE ONLY WILL BE MADE THE AMERICAN ART ASSOCIATION MADISON SQUARE SOUTH NEW YORK TELEPHONE, 3346 GRAMERCY ORK PRESSW COMPOSITION, oT ke AND BINDING BY v4 a + =, bh, otT4,7) a t! AA BEN Tabtg Sf nh st ty ren Cer ‘aa ci ra a Capi eet) fi + ee * eee i Pe. Sat i ‘} 7. : ’ i ) ‘3 HY Lid et af oo) th