“Ba LIBRARY M. Knoedler & Co. NO. Ze | 14 Bast 57th St New York . J37 aie CATALOGUE OF THE COLLECTION Mr. THOMAS ROBINSON OF PROVIDENCE, R. I. Hieh Class Paintings, MOSTLY OF THE MODERN FRENCH SCHOOL, AND PARTICULARLY EMBRACING THE ARTISTIC WORKS OF THE CLASSIC MASTERS OF FRENCH ART. TO BE SOLD BY AUCTION, AT MOORE’S ART GALLERIES, 290 FIFTH AVENUE, TUESDAY, WEDNESDAY AND THURSDAY, Nov. 16, 17 AND 18, AT EIGHT o’CLOCK EACH EVENING, . a A } ae ae y WILLIAM P. MOORE, AUCTIONEER. a) T has been my desire to place before the American iy Yeas 4%| people a historical collection of pictures by the French e733) artists of the nineteenth century. As with great au- thors in literature, so in art it takes more than a generation, even with the rapidity of developement of modern ideas, to settle the comparative merit of great artists. Inquiring of an old dealer for something of Hazlitt’s,—“ Hazlitt!” said he, “ don’t talk to me of him. Fifty years ago my shelves were full of them, and the only use I could put them to was kindling fires. I could get five guineas apiece for them now.” A picture dealer told Richard Wilson, “See here, Dick, I would like to patronize you, but my garret is full o’ them.” So it is, and has been with serious art. My collection, commencing with David, the stern and severe reformer of art, as he called himself, down through Gros, Delacroix, Gericault, Horace Vernet, Paul Delaroche, Conture, Troyon, Millet, Diaz, Rousseau, Corot, Daubigny,—has led me wherever I could get an interesting and worthy example of any of this race of giants. Of the collection, let art connoisseurs and lovers of art judge for themselves. Most respectfully, THOMAS ROBINSON. a aed n ARTISTS REPRESENTED AND NUMBER OF EXAMPLES OF EACH. DRING OTA (5 70505 0sbe0e CATION 3 UA ESELVO) fe as tess Desses aeses pecaoe ee EY pasecsaanpicbeetcanses I PIGAMING. cccncvsceces Sasdaiios I eee Sgn ae cpaccdcscess I PGP ROTC. bak cnatscccevescancs I Ohh ie i oe 2 PMCY RATA poseunas ovens I Bonheur, Peyrol...:........ 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Se ee I DURRANI Wer cc ary dv cde wna'e.os. stew I Number of Pictures, 232. EDOU IN fons cenop overdose taxes ox I Heyden, John Vander..... 1 £2 gL A ohn tet MORO A et I Hunt, William M........... I ESADECY. note dos an dui oh eeeace oes S TAENE agency ested pee Biaca ae I FONG RMI sey tara Sereeeeas I US (a8 0 i pane I POU ee eres ec eee 2 TAR Beef Oiceciges fogs ovat 2 UR CE Ta Bree veer nae 4 2 dL atonche?gvasstacos. ener! LePage; Bastien «.3...+ sees: I LEUUIE Di cnaedshonant erin sans I PCV, DATO ese ac edes agree I INIBQUUS Hoa skchen canreces etree I Bieri iat s faces ce eee feat ee. Denard PIREnG.4 isecescce eas Ze Lupe: 01 Abas 6¢ Pie AP Pm ee {I INU DEAE od sat lene scot an esta AX MOnticelly’...,..ouveackcaares I DE ULAION; ksh eu ayes gece cen I PNGLOUE Cy oo so o- + cna Lease pce I PROT gayi tecasin ce Samet see I INGGUT sew tune ouaceseneceskan ee I PIS Ateadbassaccowee ance bis pats I Prevost! Acs, ieee I PRAECEsens ies ot pi oh reve y ae ees I SLEVNAUCT, cos wait Gi ahaced I Regnault, Henri....ccscise. 2 BRCMOIE coisas an ede eere cadets I Bichet.- Leon os eae eees I hoqueplan ia .tiascd geet 2 SADUSSEa Us Mane eed uae nee 8 ROVE tron ce cat deaauahe tie: I echeter,(A 4 445558 tases I LP OUTREMING, Jac nes cca uasp aes 2 TV ¥OVORG sre wetee ane coe ite) Vallee, aves. celetcemeuines I Verboekhovens.)..2. auy J. B. C. COROT Deceased Coast of Normandy 1836 13% x 18 Z§0 3 H. VERNET Deceased In the Stable 181% x 23 fe Vy 125 7 ji; BiG CORGE Deceased Mountain Stream Qi x 12% MODERN PAINTINGS. 126 Pen ee GERICAULT Deceased Torso 13% x 16% 127 Neo DIAZ Deceased Forest of Fontainebleau 12% x 174% 128 fee ee COROT Study in Italy II% x 16 129 G COURBET Deceased Willows by the Kiverside £7 x24 130 col PEuURE Deceased Head of a Young Girl Drawing 18 x14 LOL ‘f 54. THE THOMAS ROBINSON COLLECTION. Fee. Ett G. MICHEL Deceased Landscape Drawing 14 x33 C. F. DAUBIGNY Deceased On the Seine gx 18% ee 133 J. B. C. COROT Deceased Florence (From the (Collection of Madame Balzac.) 8 x 163% (5 - J. F. MILLETT Deceased Frontier Life Drawing I5 x 21% MODERN PAINTINGS. 55 135 Vie ee S C. J. NATOIRE Deceased The Ascension Drawing Ig x 83¢ 136 ae H. DAUMIER Deceased Maladie Imaginaire Drawing Il1x9% 137 Cot. DAUBIGNY Deceased Landscape 9% x17 138 Pepa CORT Deceased Study of Trees 13% x 103% 56 THE THOMAS ROBINSON COLLECTION. 138 Ki Z N. V. DIAZ Deceased Dogs 84x 104% 140 L/ IO T. ROUSSEAU Deceased Village de la Brie 10% x 1534 OO &( E, FROMENTIN Deceased Caravansary Constantine 29 X 43 WoO us ; C. F. DAUBIGNY Deceased Autumn Sunset 16 x 21 th Swe, 143 E. LAMBINET Deceased Bougival 17 x29 MODERN PAINTINGS. 57 144 Poteeee bo Gi RICAULT SOOO Deceased stable Scene 20 x 24 145 FSi J. L. GEROME Curtius Throwing Himself into the Flames to Save his Country 211% x 304% 146 ee HENRI REGNAULT Deceased Moresque Dancing Girl 32 x 24 Mt Lye J. BASTIEN LE PAGE Deceased The Rainbow 23x 28% 148 N. V. DIAZ SFO Deceased Spanish Muleteer 12/4 x 9% 58 THE THOMAS ROBINSON COLLECTION. GSE 149 ; A. G. DECAMPS Deceased Samson and Delilah 10% x 15% i700 150 JULES DUPRE | Landscape 16 x 28 ZSOO isi C. TROYON Deceased Cattle Ploughing 21% x25% THIRD EVENING’S SALE. TuHuRSDAY, Nov. 18, Commencing at 8 o’clock P, M. promptly. 52 CHARLES LAFAGE 25 Deceased Landscape 10% x 15 _ ee P. MARILHAT Deceased Arab Funeral in Algiers 4% x12 154 y i, B.C. COROT Deceased Sunset in the Mountains 6x 10% . Veg PIERRE AUGUSTE RENOIR Winter 16 x 224% 60 THE THOMAS ROBINSON COLLECTION, J - 156 CONSTANTINE TROYON Deceased Ducks 64% x 4% 157 A. DE BEAULIEU Constantinople 115g x 6 G5 158 A. G. DECAMPS Deceased Pigs 103% x14 ets, 159 N. V. DIAZ Deceased Fete Champetre—Days of Crinoline Lt x10 160 wh O MONTICELLI Figures 12% x 18% _MODERN PAINTINGS. 61 161 Rae TS CHARLES FRANCOIS DAUBIGNY Deceased The Coming Shower 10% x 164 162 Ee FO feu so COROT Deceased Environs of Florence Painted during his first visit to Italy, 7x 104% /5O 163 JULES DUPRE The Cottage 9% x8 164 JIO L. LATOUCHE Deceased Berck—Coast of France 93% x 16 165 Ze GEORGES MICHEL Deceased Landscape I2x17% 62 THE THOMAS ROBINSON COLLECTION. XS 166 ' EUGENE BOUDIN Washing Day 9% x13 “FO 167 J. B. C. COROT Deceased Landscape 7x 12 ) SO 168 i R. P. BONNINGTON Deceased Looking Towards the Tuileries Painted in 1820. 123f x 18 f. 169 ES, EUGENE DELACROIX Deceased Portrait of Himself 9 x6% 170 ee LLES J.B. CG CORGE Deceased Among the Lakes 63x 12% MODERN PAINTINGS. 171 P, MARILHAT Deceased Algerian Landscape 124% x18 172 BARON GERARD Deceased Phryne before the Tribunal 6%x9 173 E. DELACROIX Deceased Taking the Last Vow 107x014 174 WeBeC. COROT Deceased Coast of France Sx 14 175 CHARLES FRANCOIS DAUBIGNY Deceased ; Autumn Sunset WYW%x Il 63 Vie SO Jive 64 THE THOMAS ROBINSON COLLECTION. 200 ue | Cc. TROYON Deceased French Cottage 9% X 13 | 177 ZO T. COUTURE Deceased Head of Falconer Drawing 13% x 104% LO 178 D. A. M. RAFFET Deceased Portrait of a French General Drawing g x 634 SK ae ) (yO E. ISABEY Pa Deceased The German King Swearing Allegiance to Charlemagne 1034 x 1334 MODERN PAINTINGS. 180 A. VOLLEN Sl sloite 22x 18% 181 Nove DIAZ Deceased Gathering Fagots 434 x 23 182 J, Fo MILLET Deceased Ploughing 94 x 14% 183 JULES DUPRE Marine 13% x 174% 184 V. BERTIN Deceased Young Ladies’ Institute E77 x E23 6* f 4 66 O50 ? THE THOMAS ROBINSON COLLECTION. 185 N. V. DIAZ Deceased Forest of Fontainebleau Io x 113¢ 186 J. B,C CORO Deceased Near Ville d' Avray 13x94 187 THEODORE ROUSSEAU Deceased Landscape From the Collection of M. Sensier. Government Cachet on Back. 8 x II 188 A. F. DESCHAMPS Deceased Scissors Grinder 133% X 10% MODERN PAINTINGS. 67 189 ieee GC KOOUEPLAN Deceased Landscape I7X 11% 190 Tee LccCOROT Deceased Early Morning 9% X 19% I 9 I A. ASSELYN Deceased Italian Landscape ELASl 192 G. COURBET Deceased Sunset on the Wave From the Collection of Emile Girardin. 19 X 25% 193 G. MICHEL Deceased Cloud Effects tex 22 I Zou 7 Ld 68 THE THOMAS ROBINSON COLLECTION, Jo ic 194 0 /- : J. B. C. COROT Deceased Misty Morning 13 X 83f vA 5 ay oS 195 Us J. F. MILLET Deceased Sheep Shearing Drawing 8144 x6% a 5 si 196 CONSTANTINE TROYON Deceased Landscape 123f X 734 Ve 260 197 P. MARILHAT Deceased Vue de Thiers, France 20% x 28 | 198 a ; O C. F. DAUBIGNY Deceased Landscape MODERN PAINTINGS. 69 ay LBC Van C2 COROT Deceased Morning at Ville d’Avray QM x 1234 200 Ds b hey GUSTAVE COURBET We Deceased Ornans, Birthplace of Courbet 15 x 18 AeA E Vif Halen Asses CERICAULT 0 Deceased Dragoon 1818 14 x 124 Pee Eel CORE 42s Deceased Portrait of M. Rude, the Sculptor 13}2X9% 203 M. FORTUNY eee Deceased B32 ») A Corner in Granada 83f x 113 70 ILO THE THOMAS ROBINSON COLLECTION. 204 A. G. DECAMPS Deceased Turkish Yard Exhibited in Salon, 1831. 54% x84 205 Nive aia Deceased Beech Tree 1334 x 9% 206 7B CG CORGT Deceased Classic Landscape 9 x 103% 20% G. MICHEL Deceased The Stone Breakers 184% x 22 208 J. B. JONGKIND Moonlight £3°%.56 MODERN PAINTINGS. 71 209 C. F. DAUBIGNY Zz oO Deceased Springtime 154% x10 210 bec. COROT / SD ‘ Deceased The Old Tree 10% X14 DAUMIER Deceased The Choir 1934 X 24 a ae WILLIAM M. HUNT Deceased Landscape—Easton, Massachusetts 24x. 36 : Lhe TBC COROT Deceased The Cabin IO X I5 2OV0 mn 10 72 THE THOMAS ROBINSON COLLECTION. 214 E. DELACROIX Deceased Arab Spy 281% xX 23% 215 C. F. DAUBIGNY Deceased Evening 20 X 32 216 N: Ve DEAZ Deceased Mother and Child 16 X 2537 217 J. .B. C) CORGT Deceased Italian Landscape 134% x21% 218 C. TROYON Deceased Cow Grazing Crayon Drawing 16 X 21% MODERN PAINTINGS. 73 219 LOUIS DAVID C.F Deceased Portrait of Marshal Ney 12x 9% 220 SEO : BARON GROS Deceased Marshal Massena 25% X17% 221 SJ S00 fees To GERICAULT Deceased Stable Interior 184 X 23 222 40g fon GaCOROT * Deceased Landscape 16% X 213% 223 hisyy T. ROUSSEAU Deceased Sunset 13 X 16 74 Vl 0 [00 THE THOMAS ROBINSON COLLECTION. 224 A. G. DECAMPS Deceased Parting by the River Side 11% X15 225 J. 8. OGROs Deceased Oak Trees 19% x 25% 226 C. F. DAUBIGNY Deceased Twilight 26 x 363 227 J.-F. MILLEE Deceased Flight into Egypt ; 123 x 9K { 228 T. ROUSSEAU Deceased Forest of Fontainebleau 12% X 14% 5 ee a eer MODERN PAINTINGS. 75 229 7) HORACE VERNET ee The Lion 40 X 32 230 Ad ee EUGENE FROMENTIN Deceased Arab Staff Officer Calling to the Fight 234%4X35% 231 Vee ROSA BONHEUR Holstein Bull IIx 18% ME ISOC C. 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