8s 1903 March 19 NeFi LIBRARY M.Knoedler& Co. . 14 East 57th St. New York last evening a o Adier & Schwartz. Seventy. rought: $17,450. ela ¢: ing, “Game of’ Cards,” by We Ay Paris, a pupil of Géréme, went to Comstock for $1,600, this being price of the evening. “Runaway m the brush of Josef Brandt of as sold to Mr _C. David for $1,200. 1 ] is evening, when the rem ining ne in the ; ere Ne Pictures. Collected hy, Adler »& Schwartz — | Poe | Bring, $16,205. - ge He 4 At the. nee modern) paintings cal- ected by Fishél, Adler & Schwartz, in the Firth Avenué Art Galleries, last night,’ $16,205, was realized for the - seventy-one, ‘¥ intings offered. James P. Silo was the ‘ uctioneer. “The sale is to. be continued this. evening, when sixty-eight aha are Peo Werotreredys: ° 6 ye Ne? | The best price of the Gheainess was. $1, 600, | paid by George C. Comstock for) A. A, ares “A Game of Cards.’ ©, David aid $1,200 for Josep . Brandt's: “ Runaway eam,” a painting full of action, the fright- Bear horses being enough to make a mount- ed policeman put spurs to his horse and ride to the rescue. Other pictures | which ‘prought up the total of the sale, with the tles of the canvases, namés of the art- sts, purchasers, ana the prices realized ‘follow: | Au Bord de la Mer, ‘Gustave Courbet; C. ( Hamersley ...-. 0b sere cecs wees tse Laisa kip y {$850 | Rair Visitors, We Dettt; hs Thora es Ue On ph SOOO . Hn Reconnaisance, F. Flameng; $ Mayenalh 650 ‘War Stories, Max Gaisser;: A B. Aus- bacher Par a ae at ee ee “ee eee D o< « 625, | Grand Canal, ‘venice, Gaston "Roullet; | D. Biss iat WAPPLE DEO GN wisn clk» Gotta whos wae Monte tee ee eens ; 600 The Pool, Fritz Thaulow; $. Marshall....,.. 590 Venice, Fritz. Thaulow; F.. Augustini,...2,. 580. Not to His Taste, ceases Thurr von Ceder- — strom; WwW: Hoft eee eae tieeeeebares SOD Summer Evening, "HL. Haceolioy MM. wank ae 490 ton * eeee - o * 1 * . Youth, G. Jacquet; Foy “Wentiteraors, saps aaa 440 Sheep in Pasture, Ter Muelen; J. “Hi Young! 320 bisa aaa va ! Pret Fifth Avenue Art (eAeaee 6 Gl 366 FIFTH AVENUE, TES OILOy ein) eek me eS AUCTIONEER. CAP AIO GU E Ona PME ORTANT MODERN ea PAINTINGS ALN ied. UNRESTRICTED AUCTION BY ORDER OF Messrs. Fishel, Adler & Schwartz, prior to removal to their New Galleries 3138 FIFTH AVENUE SALHS DAYS: Thursday and Friday, March 19 and 20, at 8.380 o’clock. CONDITIONS. 1, The highest bidder to be the buyer, and if any dis- pute arise between two or more bidders, the lot so in dispute shall be immediately put up again and resold, 2; The purchasers to give their names and addresses and to pay down a cash deposit, or the whole of the purchase money, 2/ required, in default of which the lot or ee so purchased to be immediately put up again and resold, 3. The lotsto be taken away at the buyer’s expense and risk upon the conclusion of the sale and the remain - der of the purchase money to be absolutely paid or otherwise settled for to the satisfaction of the auctioneer, an or before delivery; in default of which the undersign- ed will not hold himself responsible if the lots be lost, stolen, damaged or destroyed, but they will be left at the sole risk of the purchaser. 4. The sale of any article is not to be set aside on ac- count of any errorin the description. All articles are exposed for public exhibition one or more days and are sold just as they are, without recourse: To prevent inaccuracy in delivery, and inconven- ience in settlement of the purchases, no lot can on any account be removed during the sale. 6. If, for any cause, an article purchased cannot be delivered in as good condition as the same may have been at the time of its sale, or should any article pur- chased thereafter be stolen or misdelivered, or lost,the andersigned is not to be held liable in any greater amount than the price bid by the purchaser. 7. Upon failure to comply with the above conditions, the money deposited in part payment shall be forfeited, all lots uncleared within the time aforesaid shall be re- sold by public or private sale, without further notice, and the deficiency, if any, attending such re-sale shall be made good by the defaulter at this sale, together with all charges attending the same. This condition is with- out prejudice to the right of the auctioneer to enforce the Ses made ut this sale, without such re-sale if he thinks fit. JAMES P. SILO, Auctioneer The ALEXANDER PRHSS, 14 & 16 Astor Place. CATALOGUE ee FIRST NIGHT’S SALE Thursday, March 19th, at 8.30 o'clock aot 2 IN cae E : wid nab 23 5 rr pact , EOCEMANS . “p-. Brussels Resident and student in Paris “7 o Going to Pasture , oe Water color : v 20 x 27 Signed lower right corner 2 BORIONI (B.) ’ Paris Don’t Tel] : Water color 12% x 16 Signed lower left corner JAPY (L.) Paris Near the Lake 25 x.31 Signed lower right corner 4 VAN LEEMPUTTEN (C.), deceased Edge of the Woods 21x 14% Signed lower right corner ANDREOTTI (F.) Florence The Promenade 18% x 8% Signed lower right corner TAMBURINI (A.) ; - Florence The Wine Tasters a 17% x 22 Signed upper right corner MAKHS (E. R.) : ; Antwerp Frightened Kittens OOF 1 a) 12x 15% Signed upper right corner 8 ‘ HRNST (R.) ; : Paris Medal Paris. 1889. Exposition Universelle In the Temple Baba 2334 x 16 Signed lower right corner BRUNIN (L.) : : ; Antwerp Born at Anvers. Pupilof Charles Verlat. Medal Paris, 1892 Dancing Lesson 21% x16 Signed lower right corner Io BOMPARD (M.) : Paris Born at Rodez. Pupil of Boulanger and M. Jules Lefebvre Grand Canal 18 x21% Signed lower right corner II WYSMULLER (J. H.) 3 Amsterdam Mention Honorable, 1898 Dutch Canal 21% x13% Signed lower right corner ! {2 WASHINGTON (George), deceased Born 1840. Died 1804 | : Fantasia 237% x 32 13 patel nee TG r| : WASHINGTON (George), deceased | . : | Born 1840. Died 1894 ae Horses Drinking 217% x 31% 14 ~ DESGOFFES (Alexandre), deceased Born at Paris, March, 1805. Died 1882 Objets d’Art 16 x 10% 15 COURBET (Gustave), deceased en ts Born at Ornans, 1819. Pupilof David d’Angers and others. Medals 1849, 1857, 1861. Died in exile, 1578 Au Bord de la Mer 2578 X32 3) . 0 BERCHERE (Narcisse) Born at Etampes (Seine et Oise, 1822). Medals, Third class, 1859; Medal, 1864; Legion of Honor, 1870 Oriental Scene 233% x16 ¥ 17 KNIGHT (Aston) ; ; . Paris Pupil and son of Ridgway Knight Trysting Place Water color 16% x 204% Signed lower right corner 18 A 6 ' JAPY (L.) i ubaris Gathering Flowers 23% x 19% Signed lower right corner IWILL . Si ne April Evening Pastel 41 Xx 23 Signed lower right corner 20 } SIMONI (G.) Rome President of Water Color Society in Rome The Market Water color ot 21x 29% Signed lower left corner at WILLIAMS (J. i.) va "Twas at Trafalgar Bay 30 X 45 Signed lower left corner tin QO: 22 .AMBURINI (A.) } Florence Good Drop 1714 x23 Signed upper left corner ; a TAMBURINI (A.) : : Florence Chef of Monastry 18 x 22 Signed upper left corner 24 } L | Vo FABRES (A.) : Paris Pupil of Fortuni In the Harem Water color 24x 17 Signed lower left corner 25 SCHREIBER (Chas.), deceased : Paris Member of Society of French Artists Nea Friendly Critics 15 x 18 Signed lower right corner 26 REYNA (A.) Rome Venice 134 x 29 Signed lower right corner’ pA 27 LAZERGES (Jean Baptiste Paul), deceased Medals Paris, Third Class, 1884; Second Class, 1889. Hors Concours. Member of Society of French Artists Encampment Biskra 21% x 28% Signed lower right corner MELNIK (N.) : : ; Paris The Coquette 25 x 20% Signed upper right corner LEROLLE (H.) . Paris Born in Paris. Medal, Salon, 1879 ve Summer Evening 281% x 3314 Signed lower right corner 30 VAN LEEMPUTTEN (F.) Roadside Meeting 19% x 27% Signed lower right corner 31 SIMONIDY Girl with Roses 32 x23 Signed lower right corner 32 LESUR (V. H.) Pupil Ecole des Beaux-Arts On the Boulevard 18 x 21% Signed lower right corner Antwerp Paris Pari$ tas 3 WEISSE (R.) : Paris Mention Honorable, Paris, 1889 Arabian Cafe 18 x 24 Signed lower left corner 34 BRIDGEMAN (EF. A.) . Paris Born at Tuskegee, Ala., 1847. Pupil Ecole des Beaux-Arts. Medal, Paris, 1878. Member of Legion of Honor Arab and His Horse 20 xX 24% Signed lower right corner RSs) INNOCENTI ; ‘ . Paris Flirtation 9/2 X 12% Signed lower left corner 36 we VAN LEEMPUTTEN (C.), deceased Brussels Going to Pasture 19% x 30 Signed lower right corner 37 TAFURI (A.) Venice Narrow Canal 3014 x 21 Signed lower right corner 38 DELPY (HH. C.) : Paris Born at Joigny. Pupil of Corotand Daubigny. Mention Honorable, Paris, 1884. Medals 1884, 1889 Morning 11 x 21 Signed lower right corner 39 SANTORO (R.) . Paris Born in Mongrasseno, Italy, 1843. Mention Honorable, Paris, 1896. Professor Academy at Naples Canal St. Marina 194 x 14% Signed lower left corner \ 40 PEZANT (A.) : , : Paris At the Watering Place 25% x 32 Signed lower right corner 4l VAN LEEMPUTTEN (F.) . Antwerp Returning Home 1934 x 27% Signed lower right corner 4. SANTORO (R.) . Paris Born in Mongrasseno, Italy, 1843. Mention Honorable, Paris, 1896. Professor Academy at Naples Canal St. Trovaso 19% x 144% Signed lower right corner 53 WORMS (Jules) : Paris Born in Paris, 1837. Pupil of Lafosse. Medals, Paris 1867, 1868, 1869. Grand Cross of Legion of Honor, 1876. Medal, Exposition Universelle. Member of Society of Rone French Artists. Hors Concours Conversation 18 x 14 Signed lower left corner 44 HAQUETTE (G.) DOA hOB ans Fishing. in the Channel 16.27 Sigued lower left corner 45 VESIN (Jaroslav) ; ’ Munich Winter Evening in Poland 24 x 36 Signed lower left corner 46 GAISSER (Max) : Munich War Stories 20 X 25 Signed lower right corner 47 SCHLESINGER (F.) . Munich Children Feeding Rabbits 20 x 16 Signed lower left corner 48 [ i d LINDERUM (R.) Ageing Mane The Quartet % Signed lower left corner 2 49 SAUVAGE (P.) : ; Paris Pupil of Kduard Frere 4 Preparing Carrots 10% x8% DE JOUGH (O. R.) , . Amsterdam Winter Sports, Amsterdam 34% 27% 5% | va BRANDT (Josef) —. Munich Born in Poland, 1841. Studioin Munich. Mention Honorable, 1882 Runaway Team 27% X 44 4 * € y ig § 52 We ROULLET (Gaston) ; Paris Born at Ars. Chevalier, Legion of Honor, 1895. Hors Concours Grand Canal, Venice 27% x 39% 53 CEDERSTROM (Baron Thurr von) Munich J Medal Shae Exposition, 1878 Not to (His: ‘Taste 18% x 13% KAVEL (Martin) . : Paris Pupil of Bougereau vy The Flowers 24x 17K a ed Dipiey (C..A.) : Paris Born at Joigny. Pupil of Corot and Daubigny. Mention Honorable, Paris, 1884. Medals, 1884, 1889 Evening 11% x21 Signed lower right corner 56 TAMBURINI (A.) : : Florence Pupil of Ciceri and Bonatin Paris. Medal Academy of _ Fine Arts, Fiorence. Various medals, Romeand Florence New Vintage 14% x12 Signed upper right corner PEZANT (A.) . Paris Minding the Cows 12% x 16 Signed lower right corner 58 COLLINS ; ‘ London Sussex Homestead I2 x 18 Signed lower right corner 59 COLLINS : : : London Cattle and Children 13% x 18 Signed lower right corner re re GARLAND : Z London Highland Drove 14 X 21 Signed lower left corner 61 (i SCHAAN (P.) Paris Born at St. Petersburg. Pupil of M. Guillemet Lesson in Geography 19 x 24 Signed lower right corner 62 TER MUELEN The Hague Sheep in Pasture Oy 24x 4l Signed lower right corner / 63 WEBER (Theo.) : ; ; Paris Honorable Mention, Paris, 1861. Medals, 1863 and 1869 High Tide at Treport 214 X 33 _Signed lower left corner f : 54 THAULOW (Fritz) Paris Born in Norway. Studied in Stockholm and Munich, later in Paris. Legion of Honor, 1889, Member of Na- tional Society Beaux-Arts The Pool x21 Signed lower left corner 65 FLAMENG (F.) : PES oh af bas Born in Paris. Pupil of Cabanel, M. J., P, Laurens and his father En Reconnaisance £G;X%23 Signed lower left corner THAULOW (Fritz) ; Paris Born in Norway. Studied in Stockholm and Munich, later in Paris. Legion of Honor, 1889. Member of National Society Beaux-Arts cy . Venice 21% x 18 Signed lower right corner 67 TAFURI (A.) d , Paris View of Grand Canal and San Salute gh 24 x 3414 Signed lower left corner 68 JACQUET (G.) ; Paris Born in Paris, 1846. Medals, 1868, 1875, 1878, Pupil of Bouguereau. Legion of Honor, 1879 9 Youth 18 x 15 Signed lower left corner ] a f f ; . Up 69 t LESREL (A. A.) . Paris ay Born at Jenest. Pupil of Gerome Game of Cards 26x 351% Signed lower right corner DECAMPS (A.) a ; : Paris we Born at Allery. Pupil of M. Vollon Interior of a Church 3834 x 290% Signed lower right corner Pa OD (res “sis DRTTI (C.) ’ : Paris Born at Spoleto. Medals at Paris 1888, 1889. Exposition vA i Universalle. Medal of Second Class. Hors Concours Fair Visitors 2614 X 37 Signed lower left corner SECOND NIGHT’S SALE Friday, March 20th, at 8.30 o’clock 72 PEZANT (A.) Born at Bayeaux. Pupil of Veuillefray Milking Time 18 x 24 Signed lower right corner 73 LE ROY (J.) Born at Paris. Pupil of Jules Goupil The Happy Family 1814 x 23% Signed lower right corner Paris Paris ANGLADE ; : : Paris Born at Bondy Heath with Heathers 20 X 29 Signed lower right corner 75 TIMMERMANS : i ‘ Paris Pont Marie 20x 251% Signed lower right corner 78) HENDRICH (C.) . Berlin Fairy of the Abyss 21% x 4! Signed lower left corner 77 VAN DEN EYCKEN (C.) Brussels Member of Royal Academy, Brussels Intruders 13% x18 Signed lower left corner 78 KAKMMERER (F. H.), deceased Paris Born atthe Hague. Pupil of Ecole de Beaux-Arts. Medals 1874, 1889. Chevalier Legion of Honor. Hors Ma A Concours 4 At the Shoe Maker’s 213f x 143% Signed lower right corner 79 GILBERT (V.) : : i Paris Milliners 23% xi19% Signed lower left corner DELPY, (H.C.) ; Paris Born at Joigny. Pupil of Corot and Daubigny. Mention Honorable, Paris, 1884. Medals, 1884, 1889 Seine near Tournedos 17% x 2734 Signed lower left corner 81 SANTORO (R.) : é Paris Born at Mongrasseno, Italy, 1843. Mention Honorable, Paris, 1896. Professor Academy, Naples Canal Vestrin 16 x 12 Signed lower rlght corner 82 CEREMANO : é Paris Born at Thielte, Belgium. Studied at Barbizon. Resides in Barbizon Return of Flock 29 x 24 Signed lower right corner 83 LAZERGES (Jean Baptiste Paul), dec’d Paris Medals, Paris. Third Class, 1884; Second Class, 1889. Member of Society of French Artists. Pupil of his fath- er. Hors Concours Encampment 28 x 32 Signed lower right corner 84 SCHROEDER (A.) Munich The Smoker 133% x 103% Signed upper right corner 85 SCHROEDER (A.) Munich The Drinker 1338 x 10% Signed upper right corner PEZANT (A.) : : Paris Born at Bayeaux. Pupil of Veuiilefray Cattle at Pasture | 133508 Signed lower right corner $ 87 LAZERGES (Jean Baptiste Paul), dec’d Paris Medals, Paris, Third class, 1884; Second Class, 1889. Member of Society of French Artists. Pupil of his father. Hors Concours Caravan Crossing the Creek 15 x 18 Signed lower left corner 88 RICHET (Leon) : : Seo Paris Born at Solesmes. Pupil of Diaz, Boulanger and Lefe- bvre. Mention Honorable, Paris, 1885. Medals, 1885, 1888 Landscape 15 xX 22 Signed lower left corner 89 fi ERNST (R.) : d ; Pari Born at Vienna. Pupil of Feuerbach. Medal, Paris, 1889, Exposition Universelle Reading 234% x 16 Signed lower left corner 90 KAEMMERRER (F. H.), deceased rite Paris Born at The Hague. Pupil Ecole de Beaux-Arts. Medals 1874, 1889. Chevalier Legion of Honor. Hors Concours Returning from School 21144 x13 Signed at lower right corner gI ERUNNERY (F.) ; . Paris * Born at Turin, Italy. Pupil of Gerome and Bonat Don’t Be Afraid 23% x IQ Signed lower right corner sil 92 VAN BEEK : : . Amsterdam Tool-Keeper’s Home 154 x2! Signed lower right corner Vi ) 93 VAN BEEK } Amsterdam Lowland 14 x 19 Signed lower right corner 94 SCHRAM (A. H.) : Vienna Vi Venetian Idyl 1774 X 21K Signed lower left corner 95 CONTI (Tito) . Florence After the Ball 223% x18 Signed upper right corner 9 SIMONIDY Paris Spring 27X13 Signed lower left corner 97 SIMONIDY 5 ; : Paris Summer 24x 13 Signed lower left corner 98 SIMONIDY } ; : Paris Autumn 27x13 Signed lower right corner 99 SIMONIDY 4 fs : Paris Winter 27 x13 Signed lower right corner 100 RICHET (Leon) : Paris Born at Solesmes. Pupil of Diaz, Boulanger and Lefe- bvre. Mention Honorable, Paris, 1885. Medals, 1885 and 1888 Sunset on the Lake Ir x18 Signed lower right corner IOI MELNIK (C) Born at Plada. Pupil of Bonat Girl with Poppies 28 x 23 Signed upper left corner BRUNIN (L.) Medal, Paris, 1892 The Flute Player 24% x 19% Signed upper right corner 103 ANTONIO The Reader 24% x 21 Signed lower right corner Antwerp Pari 104 BEAUDUIN (J.) . Paris Born at Verviers. Pupil Ecole de Beaux-Arts, d’Anvers Dolce Far Niente 23% x 28% Signed lower left corner 105 MERLOT (G.), deceased : . Paris Pupil of Van Marcke Cows at Pasture 21 x 29 Signed lower right corner 106 MERLOT (G.), deceased : » Paris Pupil of Van Marcke Cows at Watering Place 2x2 Signed lower right corner 107 VAN BEEK Amsterdam Preparing the Meal I2x 19% Signed lower right corner 108 RAU (E.) : : Munich ie Love Making in the Alps 18% X 23 Signed upper right corner 109 WIGGINS (Carlton) Dae TLD New York Cow and Landscape 15 x2! Signed lower left corner ’ 1IO KOWALSKI (A. W.) : 7 Munich Return from the Wedding A Study 19 XQ Signed lower left corner Ii! MENEGAL (A.) : : France Pupil of Messonier War Despatches 18 x 17 Signed lower right corner 112 VAN SLUYS (T.) : ; Holland Sheep 16 x 25 Signed upper right corner 113 4. WIEGAND (G.) ee S. Landscape 15 x 22 Signed lower left corner 114 by NICHOLLS (Burr H.) : : eS: Landscape 17 X 25 Signed lower right corner 115 BOUGHTON (George H.) : London later in New York. Wentto London in 1861. Member Born at Norwich, England, 1834. Studied in Albany, National Aoademy of Design and Royal Academy be Brittany Maiden 35 x OF 116 HERMANN (Prof. Hans.) : Berlin View in Amsterdam 16 x 12% 117 CALDERON (C.) . Paris Grand Canal 18 x 25% 7 18 MEYER (E.) ty Paris / m Born in Paris. Pupil of Vibert. Mention Honorable, 1891 V The Favorite Flowers 18% x 15% Signed 119 MONCHABLON (Jan) ae Paris Born at Chatillon-sur-Saone Mention Honorable, 1885. ie Silver medal in 1889. Legion of Honor, 1895. Silver medal, 1900. Hors Concours Hay-Making, Enfouvelle 15 x 22 120 PILTZ (Prof. Otto) : , Munich Springtime 36 x 27 Ia! LAMBERT (Eugene) ; Paris Pupil of Delacroix The First Lesson “ 36 X 3134 Signed lower left corner )*1 122 TAFURI (A.) , . : Venice ; Afternoon on Grand Canal 22% x 38 Signed lower left corner 123 THAULOW (Fritz) : ; Paris Bornin Norway. Studied in Stockholm and Munich, - later in Paris. Member of National Society Beaux- Art Port de Christiani Pastel 25x 31K Signed lower right corner 124 BRIDGEMAN (F. A.) hPa Born at Tuskeegee, Ala., 1847. Pupil Ecole de Beaux-Arts. Medal Paris, 1878. Member of Legion of Honor & Chief of Tribe on his Travels 31 x 47 Signed lower right corner 125 ' as GUILLON (A.) . Paris Born at Paris. Pupil of H. Flandrin and Detouche Oriental Woman 36 x 25 Signed upper left corner mH A os 6: 29 WEISZ (A.) ' ' Paris Born at Bude. Naturalized Frenchman. Pupil of wre M. Jalbert. Hors Concour Mandolin Player 40 x 26 Signed lower left corner 127 JACOMIN (A.) 3 Paris Born at Paris, 1843. Medal, Philadelphia, 1876. Pupil of his father ‘Neaihes Goldsmith's 39 x31% Signed lower right corner 128 BELIMBAU (A.) : : Florence Tea Rose 35/2 x 22 Signed upper left corner \ 129 HENDRICK (C.) Berlin Summer Night by the Sea 254% x 39% Signed lower left corner 130 BLOMMERS (B. J.) The Hague Little Nurse 14% x 20 Signed lower right corner 131 KEVER (J. H.) : ‘ Amsterdam Medals, 1889, 1893, 1896, 1899, 1900 Amusing Baby 18% x 25 Signed lower left corner 132 BERNE-BELLECOUR(E.P.) . __Paris Born at Boulougne-Sur-Mer. Pupil of Picot Barria. Medal, 1869. Medal, 1st class, 1872. Cross of Legion of Honor, 1878. Medal Exposition Universelle, 1878 Resting 1644 x12% Signed lower right corner 133 KNOOP (A.) : : Munich The Debtor’s Assignment 25x 28 Signed lower right corner eae Mi i Ne “ FABRES (A.) ; : Paris Born in Barcelona. Frixde Rome. Mention Honorable Paris, 1895 The Connoisseur Water color 384 x 25 Signed lower right corner es é 135 SIMONI (G.) : , Rome President of Water Color Society of Rome Sorrento 22 x 34 Signed lower right corner A 130 FRAPPA (Jose) : : Paris Born at St. Etienne, France, 1854. Pupil of Pils, Compt and Vibert Cordon Bleu 2714 x 36 Signed lower right corner 1 137 ; INNESS (George) eae The Golden Sunset Painted, 1888 28 x 50 138 KNIGHT (D. Ridgway) Paris Born in Philadelphia. Pupil of Gleyreand Messonier. Mention Honorable, 1882. Medal, 1888. Silver medal, 1889. Legion of Honor. Hors Concour The Grape Gatherer 22x18 Signed lower right corner 139 PENOIR(C. A.) . ; Paris Born at Chatelaillon. Pupil of Bougoureau and Tony Robert-Fleury. Hors Concours Pandora’s Box 68% x 34% Signed lower right corner JAMES P. SILO, Auctioneer it : nk ( Ht Ce Se Maeay, ; aN Ni A NMa st a Hg 4 F ¥ oe eee 0 Ce } ane 7 hah enters: OS tae GLAS Tite Tetenige ad ee 20201 } ‘ eta eue. te ‘ eit Wael Pe Oa og Ree in Ht die 7 i i 4 ' ae rs ia ee: PRS ee aN fs ees, Seng! RAN et Tie SET a ew N Pgs Uae Wt 813 PPA TRE oe Ss Lh hel SHS ase lente Use ete epee TR RAMS 3¢ An ere) ei? Mo TE A yO NG Wht eas i STE he RL Liar Seah ; i Maier é J ty es tescaee aL eyl 8 ih Rens eae esa i mere i eran eens UE . fel uatele: 1, ts! : tee HT, th hI a Hct SL UHIRIES ; : re Roe SW Telesis tictin ts eae i i jas br: rie let e ‘ 3 aun atebes aig Heantl pte naa tf: H € ees fe) < Tee) Hs i ise weses ae aseis est if Sear iete ls ; ; 2 BEANS Ee Srialt iy; pix ayoat j aie Ni aesnre é ‘ i By i me h Bain ae by ta wy pipet thal « Ouest 3 (| Ua Le ts i : Forel teeeton oe, * S ms s eee ae ae ee Ren fn le ray aN i — aoe. che. ny ee CS er pig eo on = it [8 I a oe BE = = 8 Am oe Al oe eae Se a ar i sR Dione > po i pa pars aa fermen pars cae tag ab akeomied Epi bees rd Ae ly a et net ers! i ah | ‘ ) ¢ EI \ ty a ~s : b' 2 na - ee ee rare a ear = PR A gem ae NB A ee ts oy x = EO a ge ate Lo bd ee me ee ee . —— ? -- Se q oae ea: inn 5 te en bi 7 36 Pon) a en I ser yr Sect ef ae te es ie eae ME A Le, MSE ioe 4 ms 7 Sees ~ = ee ee ee = eee eerie peed taees eo peo Z Basle Pmt a ~~ SE a