CATALOGUE ! AND | REFERENCE BOOK * The Cleveland Paper Mfg. Co. PAPER or ALL HINDS The Cleveland _ Paper Manufacturing Co. MANUFACTURERS AND DEALERS .. IN ALL GRADES OF ... -PAPER- : PRINTERS’ STOCK, ae WRAPPING PAPERS, NEWS PRINT, ETC. 4 281-285 St. Clair St., CLEVELAND, QO. We are pleased to present you with this, our new catalogue, which is revised up to date. Our StocR is now larger, and service complete, and we hope for a more liberal share of your palrondge. CLEVELAND PAPER MFG. Co. 3 Notice. fe not address communications to indi- viduals intended for the firm, but address us by our correct firm name. Do not mutilate or remove sainples furnished you. We aim to keep our stock uniform, and in ordering, a descrip- tion as given on samples is sufficient, unless something special is wanted. Shipping Directions. foes state whether you want your goods shipped by freight or express. When no directions are given, we will send according to our best judgment. All goods shipped by freight will be shipped by the quickest route and at Owners’ risk, Corrections. HEN orders have been filled incor- rectly or an error made in invoic- ing, give date of invoice in directing our attention to it. No claims allowed unless reported di- rect within five days after receipt of goods. 4 CLEVELAND PAPER MFG. Co. C. O. D. Shipments. (RODS may be sent C. O. D. by express or freight; small shipments and at short distances should be sent by express Customers are to pay charges on money returned when goods are shipped by ex- press. Strangers sending us orders must ad- vance money enough with order to cover at least half of the amount of the bill and express charges both ways, as a guarantee that goods will be taken upon arrival. How to Order. OU cannot be too careful in ordering. Always mention quantity, size, weight, color and quality of stock wanted as described in this catalogue, and when stock is to be cut to special sizes, have the figures plain to avoid errors. Terms. TRICTLY cash, unless . otherwise agreed. Interest charged on ali accounts not settled when due. We allow 2 per cent. for cash, if remit- ted within ten days from date of invoice. Or CLEVELAND PAPER MEG. Co. INDEX. PAGE ACmie-Wiritin poe tar ree ia ce nee 32 MlexatsrAm nominee mGrtiSe pe meet ee eee a0 Ajax Bristol == t2oere255 ss Wek ener eee 56 AV axe ROper lL xpress aes Areca Ow.O 94 Ajax WEIN o 3.. 22 eee he ee eee 32 Bassani etre crise 98 to 102 Banana BAG Sie icici sae ce yee serie tennrac ree ES 99 Bankers saleby, Checkge =m eer 35 Bas Oma lee thvelOMeS arene eee 85 5 SYS Tet? SEH 0 Cea a aaa mt og 106 ECV CLOSES So x Stags ns era ala cee ee 99 PIG ELS | ClOC Wer. it one tioe, So eater ee 27 Blackstone Ruled Headings............... 69 BlacksGlazedetiardware os.) eee 92 BlackePattentl erecta cae eae wt Blancos (CALdesOard)) pms ee nee ee 52-53 Bigtting shape rar. cmin et a rere 47-48 BOUd* Papers: <2 ste ees 39 to 41 BOOKSPa Pers sha teat ee eee eee 15 to 20 BOX BOA hes 57. ia ea he ee 59 Bristol Boaraers. 225 sesh 52 to 61 Britiswack Ledger... 2. .a6.... oe OR aes 43 Butchers’ VRIDLE 52 sacs an OO, Late ae 3 Butchers! Mantila. oo. 2.0..ameon beaters! 90 BUGLE DISHES < fic wee nrc an nk concn: aN oa Gapacity of Bags... 55520) SR ee 105 Canboi Paper? v.42... se alk... eI 26 Rar iBOandS\. occ. boi. e sees ac o2 to 61 ClAaSPrHNVEIOPES: choc cencscnctepnct casa ROE 86 Cleveland Bristol eo. occ eccocc SL ee 54 Gleveland:Manilla, ......%-..,.neteiat 89, 98 SlevelanduNews: 2: sean tad ese es 13 GlovhwRodrd 2areer. <2 3 cet ee ee 105 SlothulinedsBiistoless ...... :. .). sce o7 Coated mB lanless eh. 5 ck. ape ae ee Goated Blotting. 2. 4...-... 25 anes eee 48 OALECTEOO lst, ccc aan tae ee 20 (OUT A PAN Sh SN fo) 8S ae eee ao 83 CLEVELAND PAPER MFG. Co. INDEX—Continued. PAGE CYS KOH eS led 25g Wa oma Tn Nee see aeaeints fe Ce Smee 14 SOlLORECUMEATS Eee pan. pews eer oper ae 49 COlOnedMhISSU Ce beer sire prac oe ate ae 45 Colored awWiGilineSi <> 5 eee eee 36-37 Comparative Weights— lenlade Wiroloboier AVIS. 5. enouengauonnosce 9 Book and Cover Paper....... SO Ra IEE 10 WisHevay baer JOSIP logon coeds oodaboobeees 87 ComlecthionenyebacStee eee Eee eras 98 COpyAngelissuert een; nec. Poet eae 45 CottomeikwAlless ss seeteni tek et ee eee 104 COVEREPADEES a ceusic- serosa we eysugioret aera 22 to 27 Creampie Cale wien re ces ge rece eeeeeeteie 38-389 (CO Wale BOM Cie eeecisricaeiie ese kgs ors oaioeeveneseiots 4] CrowalelledSersin rises . eee OO WiewanlDkL JAD Sooandoncoccsded dans cove 88 to 98 Mantlla-RisSte! eae case oe eens 45, 91 Manuscript Covers, 7.14:4..0-, OA5 eee 48 Marble shapers. ssa oe acc tees eras Caen raf IMGUBSHUS AY 882s. ao sedisecces su Un CddD oGb.oo0b% 99 WHPEKE BENS, caeducdudvduasosarondoveso0nec 21 @Oid pnelish Laid Linen 2 ot cee ee 38 Oldeniempstead Bond eeecm..- eer eee ee 40 Olvinpid LEG Ser tn .c.c.0 eh. cit mea eae 43 @IMIONESK AN, Set. wore osecs ces cyoes iss Gai angers 44 (ORES HES oo) 222 9 nin ore ees Sey or 106 Radding Glues. inns ee pe ade ee 71 BAper Cutverse enna ee ee ere ear 95 Parad ox COVE. see ond tae ee ee ee 24 Batterie Pa petess + 99 yo ct ea eee 91 Persian; COVElanc ih. eee ore ee eee 26 Bes Plates: feo cere cote secre ae Oe 97 BlatedgbaperSmanctrer aston meer te 46 PrimtedsManitlaycs.. serra ace area 88 BulptBoara: hers voce be ee ee eres 105 Rac W tapping tcc noe ee 96 Rall roadsViamill ages sa. eee ene 33 RaWeSiIKMCOVEK ae) oon tate Some eee ae 20 Red EX pLressigad. apis. itoc ce iia Ie 92 FSET ICOUWECA RC Tin. Acne seek een ee eee ee 42 RO ale rape scp eS Se seer eel eet ee 94 RileceHeadings: Fc... eee 66 to 71 SatineProol Coated :. 0.0 eae eee 21 Sip PIG wha go.) I ae ae eee ee eee AQ SIGE ate Ses ca. 2ic os eee eee ee 99 CLEVELAND PAPER MBG. INDEX—Continued. PAG SIZES Oly Us NV.elOpeSia. sake eee ne ee 76-77 SIZES Of NeW SDPApeLS) paca oeeePnh cha eee REEL 12 Sizes:ot Ruled HeaGdings ecco cccceceeecesens 2 65 Sizes of Writine. Papers ./..:caecat Et 11 Speci ist On RUNUS . sta.) astanaut te 64 Specimens of RWine. .....).weacs eth eassh 63 Stew @ lame S Ee ne ic oes cccncn areas ae oi: 31, 68 Serathmiores) eck Cover reas eae eee 28 S Una We DOT Um mec reet erecta, scin cie ee ny een 105 SE Si ASS Fea servis 2a hsiaye sci aid eta eRe ae 102 Mia BOAT Gas caisson steel) Jaman 62 BIN So asteya sgabstas Se cis dm kee aS 49 BRED RA DOT 2.4 cP wast. Sis oo SE 97 RelesraphiGipleien-- 1.) eae 107-108 TEES Gal Ey 01S at a era ae a neg em Es aV(. 7 BSS IG sR ADC Ie sy hin se. nk an ee eo 45, 91 In OLE (ele aif Glenn Pe oe eg pone eg 104 BIST UU TUES O UU Cle erect eee rl anarnavscourte fae ante ae 105 AP. Shs DE (6 igh Oe No barat ala ier eee 39 SUSIE, oe Se aoe ae ret anand od Aa 102-1038 ERY PCWhICIn pra pete ite” sen cee eee 48 Watley sHo G2:615 lp eirliit Curie ee 29 Welluron, WHeGbings 2 25 SES SURO Ro eee 34 WESTIN CON BS 66 64.8.4 bh bh baanee sees cbudae 25 Wetec Olen OUD Cr Mens aia -5o 7 wee aa 29 ACEO Ve OL On acct the net sewn teens se ie 40 WiSitino Candsmanns srons haat ste oe ee ee 50 WM CCrCiio? INVitatiOis). “S21 21 129334) 41 40 | 43 | 58 40 ‘* | 23 | 32 | 36 | 46 |... | 44 | 48 | 59 19x24..16Lbs.} 8 | 12) 13 | 17 | 15 |....| 18 | 22 18” ) 9 HS 9215+) 190516"). 20 | 24 20% “8! 10. jeI5 1°16" Qe} 18 22 | 27 22 ‘© | 11] 16 | 18 | 23 | 20 24 | 30 24 ‘* | 13} 18 | 20 | 25 | 22 26 | 32 23° “1 46 1-21) °23') '29-) 25 31 | 38 32 ‘* | 17 | 24 | 26 | 33 | 29 30 | 43 36‘ | 19 | 27 | 28 | 88 | 83 | ...| 39 | 48 20x25..20Lbs.| 9 |) 18/15 | 19 | 16) 18) ...| 25 2d shel Td LS EL T2293) BOS E2TY |. Sei 28 25 ‘“ | 12) 17 | 19 | 24 | 21 | 23 3] Bd “€ | 16 | 22 | 24 | 381 | 27 | 30 4} 380 *' | 17 |.24 | 26 | 33: 29 | 82 43 48 ‘+ | 23 | 82 | 35 | 46 | 40 | 44 59 o0 ‘| 24 | 383 | 37 | 48 | 42 | 46 |....| 62 65 ‘ | 381 | 41 | 48 | 62 | 54 | 59]... | 78 22x28 ..85 Lbs.| 12 | 16 | 19 | 24 | 26 | 25 | 28 00 ‘* | 19 | 26 | 29 | 36 | 38 | 37 | 40 7 “ | 29 | 40 | 45 | 56 | 58 | 55 | 61 TABLE OF COMPARATIVE WEIGHTS 25x38.. BOOK AND COVER PAPER. IN POUNDS. Size and M2 |Q/N/ 12 | O/alolaj+| t/a Weight of ba |o4 [oe] 4 a cae-a eae neva Sam ple: Pe eal cu ies [ie] S| Sd cee | 2 20x25 ..25 Lbs.|. ./31/35| 42) 43) 47] 52) 59] 66] 70! 84 35 ‘+ |..|43/49/ 59) 60) 68) 73) 82) 92) 98/118 50‘ |. 162/70) 84} 86) 95/104/118/132/140/168 22x28 ..35 Lbs./28)../40/ 48] 49] 54) 59! 65) 75] 80) 96 40 ‘* |891. 146] 55] 56] 62) 68] 76! 86) 91/109 50 ‘* |40]..|56} 68] 70) 77] 84} 93/107/112/138 60 <‘* |49]..|69} 82) 84) 92/101/112/128]134|166 75 ‘* (60). ./85/102/105}115/126|140/160|171|204 22x32 ..25L,bs./18/22!..| 80] 31) 34) 35! 42! 471 50] 60 30 ‘ |21126)..| 36] 37] 40] 44! 50! 56] 6o| 72 35 ** |25/30|..| 41] 43] 47] 52) 58) 66] 70] 82 40 ‘* |28/35]..| 47] 49] 54) 59] 67/ 72] 80] 94 50 <‘* |37/43/..| 60) 62) 68! 74! 84] 93/100/120 60 ‘ |42i53]..| 71] 74] 80] 88!100/112]120/143 70 ‘* |50/61}..| 83] 86} 94/113/117/131/140|167 24x35 ..28 Lbs.|17/20|23)...| 29} 82) 85] 39} 44] 47] 56 30‘ {18/22/25}. ..| 81) 44) 87) 42) 47) 50] 60 24x36 ..25 Lbs. |15|17/20| 24/...| 27] 30) 34] 38] 41] 48 28 ‘* {16/19/23 27)...| 31] 34] 38] 48] 45) 54 30 ‘* |18/21/24) 29/...) 83) 36} 41] 46] 49) 58 35. ‘* |20/24/29) 84/1...) 38) 42) 48] 52] 57) 68 40 <‘* |23/28/33] 39]...| 44] 48] 54! 61! 65] 78 45 ‘* |26|32/187| 44]. .| 49] 54! 61! 68] 74] 88 50 ‘ |29/36/41) 48/,..| 55! 60] 68] 76] 81] 96 60 ‘* |35/43/49] 58)... 82} 91) 98/116 CLEVELAND PAPER MFG. Co. il SIZES OF WRITING PAPERS. REGULAR SIZES. Cap - - - 14x17 Demy - - - ~ 216 x 21 Folio - - - 17 x 22 Royal - - - - 19x 24 Double Cap - - i x25 Medium - - - 18x23 Super Royal - - 20 x 28 Double Demy (narrow) 16 x 42 = (oe (broad) 2) x32 Double Folio - - 22x 34 Double Royal - 24 x 38 Double Medium (narrow) 18 x 46 gs oe (broad) 28 x 86 Flat Letter - - 10 x 16 Flat Foolscap - =14 13 x6 Crown - - - Loe 19 Elephant - - - 238 x 28 Imperial - - - 23 x ol Double Elephant - 27x40 Columbier - = 23 x 34 Atlas” - - - - 26 x 33 Antiquarian - - 31 x 53 CLEVELAND PAPER MBG. Co. Sizes of Newspapers according to Column Measurement. Width of Column 13 ems Pica. 5 column Folio 6 eL 0) ~ ~ 06 a & Quarto «¢ Wide Margin Wide Margin ) ) Size of Ba pei. 20 x 26 Column Rules. 1734 in. LEA 8S As some order Print paper fora given number of columns, the table given above is intended as a guide for such orders. The better way is to state the size in inches, and weight per ream desired. CLEVELAND PAPER MkG. CoO. 13 “‘CLEVELAND NEWS.”’ 500 Sheets to Ream. All No. 1 Grade. Price, 3 cts. per Pound. 22 x 82 : - = - 22 lb. Flat. (5 2 . a: “ 35 66 ‘6 % ? : a 80 6 24 x 85 : - 30 oy 24 x 86 - - 2D) ae c¢ 2 = 98 6 (a9 ws 30 cs 6 x S 85 oe C6 fs 40 (ay 25 x 38 30 «6 4, a +: 85 oe ce J 40 (ay 26 x 49 35 a ce és 40 ‘ 28 x 42 - - 400 2 ms - - - DOL: Sort FOLD LONG WAY. 28 x 44 an ety eset E : 50 Ib 30 x 44 ee SIND eS . - 2 50 Ib 35 x 48 - - - 60 Ib. ss - - - (OND: The above sizes and weights we carry in stock. Being manufacturers, we are in a position to furnish, promptly, special sizes and weights, sheets or rolls. ROLL PRINTING PAPER.—We can furnish any grade of News or Book on either wood or iron cores, of any width and diameter of rollas may be required for either daily papers or manufac- turing purposes. As the needs of the trade are so varied in regard to quality, width, etc., we do not carry any stock, but make only to order. Would be pleased to mail samples and quote you. CLEVELAND PAPER MBG, Co. COLORED PRINT OR POSTER. All Flat. 500 Sheets to Ream. Price, 3% cts. per lb. 24 x 86 - 2 25 1b. Yellow. = - Mandarin. - - :: Chetry. - - - S Green. 20 X 38 - - 30 lb. Yellow. - - - Mandarin. - - ns Green. oe - - ae Light Blue. ee - - BS Cherry. _ 2 - - 401b. Yellow. s - - ce Cherry. 28 x 42 - - 4) ib. Yellow. 3 2 Mandarin. “ - Zs Green. - - s Light Blue. 3 - - " Cherry, 28 x 42 - - 50lb. Yellow. ie - - = Green. - = Cherry. i - - 7 Light Blue. NON-FADING POSTER. Price, 43f cts. per Ib. 28 x 42 Z a 50 1b. Yellow. eg = = eb setts White. Can make special sizes, rolls or sheets promptly. CLEVELAND PAPER MFG. CoO. 15 BOOK PAPERS. NO. 2 MACHINE FINISH ‘*x*’? GRADE WHITE. 500 Sheets to Ream. Price, 33f cts. per Ib. 25 x 38 - = ‘ : 30 Li# ge : 2 : 2 AO Ib. eS Es : : : . 50 lb. E 3 = 5 60 Ib. 28 x 42 - : = : 50 lb. ge = : = = 60 lb. We make, promptly, special sizes and weights wherever a paper is required better than a No. | Print. COLORED BOOK. NO. 1 MACHINE FINISH 500 Sheets to Ream. Price, 4% cts. per lb. 25 x 38 Yellow - 40 Ib. ss Robins Egg Blue 40 Ib. a Pink - - A40l|b. 24 x 36 Yellow : 28 Ib. a Pink - - 28 Ib. CLEVELAND PAPER MBG. Co. BOOK PAPERS. NO. 1. EASTERN MACHINE FINISH. Extra Quality. White. 500 Sheets to Ream. Price, 4% cts. per lb. 25x 88 - - 30 lb es = - - 40 1b 50 1b : : : 60 1b 20-40 = E = 2 40 lb. 28 x 42 - : : : 50 Ib. 60 Ib. a 2 2 70 Ib. e = = - - SO Ib. 32 x 44 : : : = 60 1b. 80 lb. CLEVELAND PAPER MEG. Co. 17 BOOK PAPERS. NO. 1 MACHINE FINISH. Light Cream Tint, same quality as White. Price, 4% Cts. per Ib. 22 x 82 = - : = 30 Ib. os < - : é 40 lb. 25 x 88 - - - = AMOI 9). ss : : E 50 1b. he : 2 e 2 60 1b. 28 x 42 : : s 50 Ib. ae - “ = = 60 ib. NO. 1 LAID ANTIQUE FINISH. Light Cream Tint. 500 Sheets to Ream. Price, 434 Cts. per !b. 22 x 32 - - - - 50 Ib. 25 x 38 - ~ - 60 Ib. oe Hs - - - 89 Ib. 32 x 44 - - - 100 Ib. EXTRA NO. 1. WHITE LAID, ANTIQUE FINISH. Eastern. 500 Sheets to Ream. Price, 5% Cts. per lb. 25 x 88 - : “ - 60 lb. ‘ - - - : 80 lb. EGG SHELL FINISH. White Wove, Extra Grade. Price, 6% cts. per lb. 25 x 388 - - - - 80 Ib. 22x22 - = - : = OULD, 18 CLEVELAND PAPER MFG. Co. BOOK PAPERS. WHITE. NO. 1 EASTERN S. & S. C. Extra High Finish. 500 Sheets to Ream. Price, 4% Cts. per lb. 22 x 82 - - - - 30 Ib. S - : - : - 40 |b. - : - 50 lb. : : : - - 60 Ib. 25 x 388 - . - 40 lb. ss - - . - = 50ab:; E : - - 60 lb. - - - - %O1b. - - 80 lb. 28 x 42 - - = - - 260) 1] bs ‘f - . - - 70 1b. - 3 - - 80 1b. - - . 51:1 00 Ib. Special sizes and weights made to order in quantities of 1,000 pounds and more. CLEVELAND PAPER MRrG. CO 19 BOOK PAPERS. NO. 1 EASTERN S. & S.C. Light Cream Tint. Same Quality as in White. Price, 4% Cts. per Ib. c 38 rw) or 4 28 x 42 32 x 44 (arg 30 Ib. 40 Ib. 50 lb. 40 Ib. 50 lb. 60 lb. 70 Ib. 80 Ib. 100 Ib. 60 1b. 70 Ib. 80 Ib. 80 Ib. 100 Ib. CLEVELAND PAPER MFG. Co. BOOK PAPERS. WHITE ENAMELED. No. 1 Grade for Half Tone and High Grade Work. Coated on Two Sides. “% Price, 6% cts. per Ib. 22 x 28 E : : 100 lb. 22 x 82 - - 50 Ib. ¢< : 2 : : = 60:lb: en : 2 80 Ib. 25x 88 - - : - 60 |b. eg ae E i ; : 70 Ib. E E : 2 = OU lib: 1 oe . 2 : =" = 100° lis: 9x42 - : 3 - 80 |b. i oe £ 2 - @O0. lbs rT ; : : : 120 1b. 32 x 44 - - - =. OG thio: 66 z s = = 120 lb. NATURAL CREAM TINT. 25 x 38 - - - - 80 Ib. COLORED ENAMELED. Coated Two Sides. 500 Sheets to Ream. Price, 73{ Cts. per Ib. Rose, Azure, Primrose and Golden Rod. 25 x 388 = - - - 80 Ib. CLEVELAND PAPER MRG. Co. 21 WHITE COATED LABEL PAPER. Coated One Side Only. For Labels and Color Printing. Price, 7% cts. per Ib. 22 x 28 - - - ~ AO lb. A : 2 z Z =~ “OO us Other sizes and weights made to order, promptly. SATIN PROOF COATED. White. Double Coated, Two Sides. Price, !2 cts. per Ib. 25 x 88 - - - - 100 Ib. MUSIC PAPER. light Natural Tint, Velvet Finish. Pricé;-o % cets.-per ib: 14 x2ly LOL. Gaeeen - - me ‘“ 102, Canary - - - ‘* 108, Russett - ‘* 104, Coral - - : 105, Dark Blue - 106, Vermillion Red - tf ‘Sed0%, Whites. + - $8 MARBLE PAPER. Four Patterns. Per Quire. 20 x 380 : : 2 @ 35 Se EVELAND TES ee BS DECKLE EDGE PAPERS. 500 Sheets to Ream. Price, 22 cts. per lb. We carry in stock : 10x28-26 lb. White Wove Antique Finish. i ‘* Cernlean Wove ‘ is a ‘{ White Laid af ss ‘* White Wove Plate Finish. 19x25-44 lb. White Laid Antique ase “< «6 Waite Wove oe 22x32-66 lb.‘ 4 a “ «White aid STRATHMORE COVERS. 10% x 28% - - ~ 32 Ib. Buff Wove Antique Finish. 10% x 28% - - - 32 Ib. Olive Wove Antique Finish. For booklets, programs, circulars and fancy work this makes a fine paper. If you have calls for this paper send for catalogue. Any other colors, sizes and finishes, as shown by this catalogue, furnished from mill promptly. CLEVELAND PAPER MEkG. Co. 29 FLAT WRITINGS. VALLEY FORGE. (Water-marked.) Hxtra No. 1—White Wove Superfine. 500 Sheets to Ream. Price, 14 cts. per Ib. Folio - 17 x 22 - 20 Ib. Es - - a - - 4 ]b. Royal - 19 x 24 24 Ib. “ - - - - 28 Ib. Double Cap 17 x 28 - 28 Ib. ss oe sf - - 32 1b. VENETIAN SUPERFINE. (Water-marked.) White Wove No. I Quality. 500 Sheets to Reain. Especially made for Lithographing and Half-Tone Work. Price, 13 cts. per lb. Folio - exec - 20 Ib. rz - > Mm : - 24 Ib. Royal - 19 x 24 28 Ib. Double Cap 17 x 28 - 28 |b. cs ‘Sor * - 32 |b. For Ruled Headings, see Page 67. 30 CLEVELAND PAPER MEG. Co. FLAT WRITINGS. DUNBAR SUPERFINE. (Water-marked.) White Wove No. 1 Grade. Lithograph Finish. 500 Sheets to Ream. Price, I { cts. per Ib. Folio : 17 x 22 - 16 lb. a - - = - - 20 Ib. gs - = - 24 Ib. Royal - - 19x 24 - - 28 lb. : - ae : 32 1b. Double Cap 17x28 - - 28 lb. a ‘ g : 32 Ib. 5S - - 386 lb. For Ruled Headings, see Page 68. Flat stock put up in strong blue wrapper, Ruled Headings in black wrappers. CLEVELAND PAPER MFG. Co. 31 FLAT WRITINGS. ST. CLAIR MILLS. (Water-marked.) Our Most Popular Brand, Tub Sized. Blue-White Shade, good Finish. Adapted for All Grades of Work. 500 Sheets to Ream. Price, 8 cts. per Ib. Demy - 16 x 21 - 20 Ib. Folio - - 17x22 - - 14\]b. x - a - 16 Ib. sy - - - =37780 Tb. : ss - 24 Ib. sf : : f - = 28 1b. Royal - 19 x 24 - 24 lb. es - - s -H0- 28 Ib. es - . . 32 Ib. Double Cap * - - 224]b. § ily 5e Ss - 28 lb. s i % Sen et eSealb: : canes S - 36 Ib. Double Folio 22x34 - - 48]b. Check Size - 20x 27 - 36 Ib. The last two sizes plain, no water-mark. For Ruled Headings, see Page 69. CLEVELAND PAPER MEG. Co. FLAT WRITINGS. AJAX MILLS. (Plain, not Water-marked.) Price, 6% cts. per Ib. Folio - Lig 22 - Roya = 19 x 24 c¢ x = ce a Double Cap 17 x 28 ce ¢ 6é c¢ ce 6 Double Folio 22x 34 - : ‘ cs ce short time. 500 Sheets to Ream. Price, 5% cts. per Ib. Folio - Ii exase, - 66 es 2 «6 ee f cs 66 = ne C6 Bs = Royal - 19 x 24 ce a6 Double Cap 17 x 28 (6 66 «6 Double Folio 22 x 34 - 6 6 (a9 White Wove. 500 Sheets to Ream. 14 lb. LGA: 20 lb. 24 Ib. 24 Ib. 28 lb. 24 lb. 28 lb. 82 Ib. 40 lb. 48 Ib. Mill orders for special sizes made in “ACME” WHITE WRITING. No. 1 Quality, good Color and Finish. 14 lb. 16 lb. 20 lb. 24 |b. 20 Ib. 24 Ib. 20 Ib. 24 Ib. 28 lb. 32 Ib. 40 lb. CLEVELAND PAPER MFG. CoO. 33 YELLOW WRITINGS. For Railroad Work. 500 Sheets to Ream. Price, 4% cts. per lb. Folio - 17 x 22 - 14 lb. oe , : 5 ; syn Ib. sf = oe - 18 lb. ms : - ef : - 20 1b. - : ‘ - 24 lb. Royal - - 19x 24 - = J69b: “ : a : 20 lb. “ = = fa 2 =e4 line Double Cap 17 x 28 - 16 Ib. $i Siene cs 2 - 20 1b. “ig fs 1: z 24 lb. § ‘(ante ¢é * = —28%lib: Double Folio 22 x 34 : 28 lb. Kt “* ge ss = = debs ‘« = es : 36 Ib. s ee aie os - = 40 Ab. EXTRA NO.1S.&S.C. FINISH. For Blanks and Special Work. Price, 5% Cts. per Ib. 22 x 84 - - - - 32 Ib. 7 - - - - - 40 1b. Other regular sizes and weights fur- nished from mill promptly. CLEVELAND PAPER MFG. Co. FANCY WRITING PAPERS. WEDDING STOCK. 500 Sheets to Ream. CREAM PLATE FINISH. Per Reatn. WeSioed = = 8060 ib. = -- 299500 INDIA PROOF EMBOSSED. Per Ream. 21x05. = == 60lb. - --. $15.00 COLORED WOVE VELLUM. 500 Sheets to Ream. Per Ream. 21 x 88—60 Ib. Purple - $9.00 « S Azure = - 9.00 e = Amber - 9.00 a es French Gray 9.00 * ge Dark Blue - 9.00 © ss Quaker Gray 9.00 + S SednGreeniee-me a)).00 £ . Sagem. 9.00 All the above papers are put upin % ream packages and for folders, pamphlet covers, and on account of their bright and attractive colors are very popular. Send for samples. We are also prepared to furnish, promptly, “CENTURIAN COVERS.” Per Rean), Olsen jee mee O0rb: 2 = = oie. 00 21 x 88 = 80 lb. - 16.00 Seven colors. Send for samples. oy) eon | CLEVELAND PAPER MFG. Co. USE BANKERS’ SAFETY BOND PAPER For your Checks and Valuable Documents. Millions of Dollars are lost annually by Raised and Forged Checks and Drafts. This paper is the strongest and most reliable safeguard against alterations. It is an absolute defiance to check raisers. It stands every test, either by chemical or mechanical means. PRICE LIST. Regular sizes carried in stock at mill. 14 x 17—500 sheets, $3.75 net, ream lots. iGexa2 | DGS) iS 17 x 22 if 6.0015 “ * 17 x 24 “(iq 6. 50 mit ‘— 17 x 28 ‘a ieDOr a es 17 x BO = S00) <*! 2 18 x 23 6.50 ‘ 18 x 26 se Oe oe es 18 x 28 ” 6:00" =~ ‘ 19 x 24 , ¥,502> * 19 x 28 a S00 toas ag 20 x 28 * 9.00 ‘S = Odd sizes furnished on short notice at corresponding rates. All the above sizes in colors—Primrose, Green, Pink, Blue, Vellow and Stone. We carry only one size in stock (17 x 28 in all colors), from which most all checks cut to best advantage. Other sizes from mill in short time. Send for samples. CLEVELAND PAPER MBG. Co. COLORED WRITINGS. NO. 1-COLORED LAID. Loft Dried. 500 Sheets to Ream. Price, I 1 cts. per Ib. Folio 17 x 22—24 Ib. Cherry. = a ef Canary. Zs ss 4 Light Blue. a ms sy Dark Blue. “s i - Dark Green. be a ss Amber. Dbl. Cap 17 x 28—28 lb. Cherry. c¢ “es ce Canary. 66 <6 oe sre Light Blue. adit J& «< = Dark Green. ‘6 «ss wy <$ Amber. 20 1b. Folio and 82 Ib. Dbl. Cap from mill, promptly. NO. 1-COLORED WOVE SUPERFINE. For Checks, Drafts and Blanks. 500 Sheets to Ream. Price, 9 cts. per lb. 17 x 22 - 241b. Opaline. a - - ‘- Azure Blue. - 83 Marguerite. = - - ms Shell Pink. 19 x 26 - 32 1b. Marguerite. - - Opaline. Azure Blue. CLEVELAND PAPER MFG. Co. COLORED LAID WRITING. No. 2 Grade. Price, 6 cts. per Ib. Following colors in both sizes : Folio - Lixce2 - 20 1b. ‘Double Cap 17x28 - - 28 Ib. Canary, Light Blue, Melon, Cherry, Fawn, Dark Blue, Dark Green, Pink and Amber. Following colors in both sizes : Folio - 17 x 22 - 24 Ib. DoubleCap ~ Tix 28 = - 382 1b. Light Blue and Canary. CLEVELAND PAPER MBG. Co. 37 LINEN AND BOND PAPERS. TIGER LINEN. (Water-marked.) Extra No. 1 Wove Linen. White and Colors. 500 Sheets to Ream. Price, 18 cts. per Ib. Colors, 18% cts. per Ib. WHITE. Folio = 17 x 22 - 13 lb. vs - - = - - 16 1b. i - rs : 20 Ib. y - : a - - 24 1b. Royal - 19 x 24 - 20 Ib. ss - - a - - 24 Ib. Double Cap 17 x 28 - 20 Ib. A » - - 24 1b. BLUE AND BUFF. Folio - 17 x 22 - 16 Ib. af : - mS - - 20 1b. Royal - 19 x 24 - 20 Ib. Double Cap a - - 20 1b. For Envelopes to match, see page 85. For Ruled Headings, see page 71. Before placing your order requiring good stationery, write us for samples. CLEVELAND PAPER MBG. Co. LINEN AND BOND PAPERS. OLD ENGLISH CREAM LAID PAPERS. Extra No. 1 Stock. 500 Sheets to Ream. Price, I? cts.- per |b. Folio : Vix 22 = 13 Ib. se : é fs a F416 Ib: a - as . 20 Ib. a - : a = EE oy Royal - 19 x 24 - 16 Ib. es - = ‘ - Sere Onliing af 2 y - 24 Ib. MALTESE CREAM LAID LINEN. (Water-marked. ) No. 1 Grade. All 500 Sheets to Ream. Price, 14% cts. per Ib. Folio - Liexice - 16 lb. es - - ¥ : = 20 lb: ; - s§ - 24 lb. Royal - - 19x 24 -- 20 1b. Double Cap 17 x 28 - 20 Ib. Can furnish other sizes from stock at mill, promptly : Folio - 17 x 22—12 Ib., 14 1b. Royal - 19 x 24—16 lb., 24 1b., 28 Ib. Double Cap 17 x 28—24 Ib., 28 lb. Double Folio 22 x 84—82 lb., 40 Ib. CLEVELAND PAPER MFG. Co. 39 LINEN AND BOND PAPERS. “*T. S.’? CREAM LAID LINEN. No. 2 Grade. 500 Sheets to Ream. Price,’ 8% cts?'per |b. Folio - 17 x 22 - 13 lb. = - - ES - - 16 1b. is : ia - 20 Ib. Royal - 19 x24 16 1b. xs - = - 20 Ib. Double Cap 17 x 28 20 Ib. YOKENA BOND. (Water-marked.) White Wove. Lithograph Finish. 500 Sheets to Ream. Price, 12 cts. per Ib. Folio : 17 x 22 - 13 lb. eS : . - 5 ly als), se - - - 20 Ib. Royal - 19°24 - 161b, + - o - 20 Ib. $8 - ws - 24 1b: Double Cap 17 x 25 - 20 Ib. * ea 6 - 24 |b. Double Folio 22 x 84 - 32 Ib. ss - w - 40 |b. For Ruled Headings, see page 71. For Envelopes, see page 86. 40 CLEVELAND PAPER Mrc. Co. LINEN AND BOND PAPERS. VICTORY BOND. White Wove only. Carried for the Litho- graph Trade, with Special Finish for Running Dry. 500 Sheets to Ream. Price, 12% cts. per lb. Folio - 17 x 22 16, 20 lb. Double Folio 22 x 34 32, 40 lb. Other sizes furnished promptly from mill. INDENTURE BOND. Golden Rod Color Only. Royal, 19x24—20 1b. Per ream, $3.00 Folio, 17 x 22—16 lb. e 2.40 634 Envelopes to match, $1.65 per 1,000. OLD HEMPSTEAD BOND. No. 1 Grade. Decided Colors, and makes very attractive Stationery. Price, 14 cts. per lb. Colors, 14% cts. per lb. WHITE. Folio - 17 x 22 16, 20 Ib. Royal - 19 x 24 : 20 Ib. Double Cap 17 x 28 - 20 lb. COLORS. Folio - 17 x 22 - 16 lb. Blue, Buff, Primrose aud Pink. For Envelopes, see Page 62. For Ruled Headings, see page 72. CLEVELAND PAPER MFG. CO. LINEN AND BOND PAPERS. CROWN BOND. (Water-marked.) Good Colors, Finish and Strength. 500 Sheets to Ream. Price, 9 cts. per Ib. WHITE. Folio - OB ee - 13 lb. a 3 < 3B - = +6%hD% a - ¢ - 20 Ib. Royal - 19x24 - = Gil. os - ee : 20 1b. Double Cap 17 x 28 = Gap; 66 66 a 66 .. 20 her Double Folio 22 x 34 + 2321; COLORS Yellow, Blue and Pink. Folio : 17 x 22 . 16 lb. Royal - .. 19 «24. - 20 lb. Double Cap 17 x 28 : 20 lb. GOLDEN ROD. Folio = 17 x 22 3 1GHlibs Royal led Bu RN a 20 Ib. 41 CLEVELAND PAPER MEG. Co. LEDGER PAPERS. RELIANCE LINEN LEDGER. (Water-marked.) No. 1 Grade. 500 Sheets to Ream. Price, 17 cts. per lb. Demy - - One a8 Ip: a = - - a 30 Ib. Folio - - Sires" 24 Ib. = - - - 28 1b. Medium - - vi8x 23 36 Ib. ‘t : - : a 40 lb. Royal - - - 19x 24 32 Ib. 3 : - - zs 36 Ib. sf - - - x 44 lb. Double Cap - 17 x 28 32 Ib. nf i - ~ ce 36 lb. fs a 3 os 49 lb. Double Deny - 21x82 60 |b. Long Double Demy 16x42 56 Ib. = ‘“ Mediuma18 x 46 72 Ib. RELIANCE LINEN LEDGER. Buff, Price |I8 cts. per Ib. Demy - 16221 - 28 Ib. Folio” - = orl eG22 - 24]b. se : as : 28 Ib. Medium - 18 x 23 - 40 1b. Doubie Cap 17 x 28 - 36 Ib. CLEVELAND PAPER MFG. CoO. 43 LEDGER PAPERS. BRUNSWICK LINEN LEDGER. BLUE. 480 Sheets to Ream. Price, 15 cts. per Ib. Folio = 17 x 22 : 24 lb. Medium esse eo = 36 lb. Double Cap 17 x 28 - 986 Ib. BYRON WESTON’S LEDGER. Furnished in all Regular Stock Sizes. CROWN LINEN LEDGER. (Water-marked.) 500 Sheets to Ream. Price, 12% cts. per lb. Deny - 16 x 21 28, 80 Ib. Folio - iiss 24, 28 Ib. Medium - 18 x 23 - 36 lb. Royal - 19 x 24 - = oortbe Super Roy Ae 20 x 28 - 54 1b. Double Cap 17 x 28 - - 28 1b. ce «6 i (¢ = 32 lias a a - 36 Ib. SEs § - 40 lb. Double Demy 21x32 - 60 Ib. OLYMPIA LEDGER. WHITE ONLY. 500 Sheets to Ream. Price, 10% cts. per Ib. Demy - 16x21—28 lb. Folio - - 17x 22—20Ib., 24 1b. Medium 18 x 23—386 lb. Double Cap 17 x 28—28 lb., 32 1b., 36 1b. Royal - 19x 2428 Ib. , 36 Ib. CLEVELAND PAPER MEG. Co. FLAT WRITINGS. ONION SKIN PAPERS. No. 1 All Linen. 500 Sheets to Ream. Per Ream. Folio 17 x 22—10 1b. Glazed $2.75 Unglazed 2.75 Royal 19x 24—13 lb. Glazed 3.25 No. 2 Grade. For Manifold Books and Typewriter Letter Carbon Copies. Per Ream. 17 x 22 - 8 lb. - $1.60 Gs 26. SeetOuline: = = me 22OQ) FRENCH FOLIO, S.& S.C. No. 1 Grade. 500 Sheets to Ream. Per Ream. HOMO seas liexaco-—l.ib., -- $0.75 Dbl. Folio 22 x.84—20:Jb,, -- 1.50 Colors in the above sizes in stock.— White, Canary, Light Blue, Green and Cherry. 19x 24 and 24x 88 sizes furnished from mill promptly. CLEVELAND PAPER MFG. Co. 45 TISSUE PAPERS. COPYING TISSUES. Folded Long Way of Sheet. 20% x 24%, White, Imported, Glazed, $1.60 per ream. 20% x 24%, Parchment Manilla, Glazed, $1.25 per ream. 20 x 80, Yellow, R. R. Copying, Flat, $1.10 per ream. COLORED DOMESTIC TISSUE. For Wrapping Purposes. 480 Sheets to Ream. 20 x 30 Dark Blue - 0 cts. ream. as Yellow - 60 = ve Dark Green - 60 oh re Light Green GO eri oe Azure Blue -_ 60 a a Pink : 60 ze “ Purple oF 3605 es ae Brown - 60 a WHITE. 480 Sheets to Ream. Per Ream. 20 x 80 No. 2 Grade - $0.65 No. 1 8 2 - 0.85 24 x 86 No; hess : 1.10 20 x 30 fewelersiGa@p mays) 1200 MANILLA TISSUE. 20 x 30 . - 00 cts. per ream. pieao0. =) ee - 65 s = CLEVELAND PAPER MBG. Co. GLAZED AND LABEL PAPERS. For Labels, Box Covers, Etc. Size, 20 x 24—480 Sheets to Ream. . 1—White Glazed Per Reain. . 2—Light Blue Glazed 2.75 . s—Pink Glazed - . 4—-Yellow Glazed 2.15 2.75 . d—Dark Green Glazed 3.25 . 6—Vermillion Red ‘ . 7—Steel Blue Glazed . 8—Dark Blue Glazed PLATED PAPERS. 3.00 4.00 3.00 Size, 20 x 24. 480 Sheets to . 10—White Plated . 11—Yellow Plated . 12—Green Plated Per Ream. $2.25 2.75 3.00 . 183—Turkey Red Plated 3.25 _ 14—Dark Blue Plated 3.25 Ream. Per Quire 5: ets v0 A om 20 ' 25 « yon 30 ‘¢ 15 Per Quire. 15 cts 20. « 20 « eons CLEVELAND PAPER MFG. CoO. 47 GUMMED PAPERS. For Labels, Stickers, Etc. Alex Pierie’s Imported, Best Made. 480 Sheets to Ream. WHITE. Per ber, Ream. Quire. Folio 17 x 22—14 Ib. $8.50 25 cts. oe - fe 16)b:' 4.00 30in‘ Medium 20x 25—161b. 4.50 385 “ COLORS. Per Per Ream. Quire Med’m 20x25—Cherry $4.75 35 cts sg ‘* Green 4-75: 85‘ i ‘* Yellow zB t5 aes 3 ey " ‘“ Red Plate O10 750" *‘ i. - OL L Blige Gia. 12.00: 75 BLOTTING PAPERS. RELIANCE BLOTTING. A No. 1 Grade, for Medium Price. 500 Sheets to Ream, % Ream Bundles. Price, 8 cts. per lb. 19 x 24 2 = 80 lb. White. °F = : OO mae ‘f es s : 120 lb. ee “ : : = 1240) ike). 2 i 100 lb. Canary. E = - 1001b. Blue. vs . = 100 1b. Pink. vs E - 1001b. Granite. Gs - : 100 1b. Buff. CLEVELAND PAPER MFG. Co. BLOTTING PAPERS. “‘IDEAL’’ COATED BLOTTING. Coated Surface. One Side for Litho- graphing and Color Printing. Per SIZ6; LO ex 34. Weight. Ream. White coated on pink blotting 120 $12. 60 nee SMD Twe ne 120 Pink “eeebite . 120 a Blue cé ¢6¢ «6 66 120 (a9 Primrose “* ‘ Bis Be 120 Ss White ‘oq §© ple us 100 10.50 140 lb. furnished promptly. TYPE WRITING PAPERS. PARCHMENT WHITE WOVE BOND. 500 Sheets to Ream. Per Ream. No. 10 8 x 13 Plain : $1.00 No. 14 - ~ 1210 No. 16 ws as - 1.25 | No. 20 He . = =~ 1.35 | No. 16 Ruled Margin 1.25 All put up in boxes of 500 sheets each. PRO AND CON CREAM LAID LINEN. 500 Sheets to Ream. Per Ream. Novwt0’ - “8x98 -° Plain -**$0.90 No. 14 ss 0.90 No 16e- rs - ss 1.00 No. 20 sy is 1.15 All put up in boxes of 500 sheets each. MANUSCRIPT COVERS. 8% x 15% - $2.00 per Ream. Corors—Emerald, Terra Cotta, Blue and Chocolate. In packages of 100 sheets each. CLEVELAND PAPER MFG. Co. 49 SHIPPING TAGS. MANILLA—‘C.LIMAX’’ BRAND. Put up Single and in Gangs of 4s. 1,000 in each box. No. 1—13% x 2% - 20 cts. per M. No. 2—13 x 23 - - 30 ‘“ o No. 8—1% x 334 hc No. 4—2% x 44% - - 40 “ * No, 5—2% x 434 - PDO? s No. 6—25g x 54% - - 60 “ a No. 7—2% x 6 - (ona i No. 834% x64 - - 80 ‘ a Less liberal discount from above list. Wiring (single or double) done on short notice. We carry tags strung, all sizes in stock. Stringing, 50 cts. per 1,000 extra, COLORED TAGS. CoLors—Green, Red, Blue and Yellow. 1,000 in a box, single. No. 8 - - - per M. $1.20 No.5 - - - - . 1.60 No. 6 - - - i 2.00 TOSS, hig ay: JUTE TAGS. 1,000 in a box, single. No. 4 - - = per M. $ .70 Nomp - - - - s 0.85 No. 6 - ~ - i 1.00 NO. 7 62 . - - a 1.15 No. 8 - - - ds 1.30 5510) CLEVELAND PAPER MFG. Co. ALEXIS ANNOUNCEMENTS. Paper and Envelopes to match for Invita- tions, Announcements, Etc. Two sizes. All colors in each size. Marchioness. Countess. Price per 1,000 sets $6.80 $8.80 Blue, Straw, Sea Green, White. Liberal discount in quantities. Send for samples. WEDDING INVITATIONS. All White in Combination. 50 sheets of paper, 50 inside and 50 outside. Envelopes to match in each box. | Price, 75 cts. per box. | No. 698—In both Kid and Satin Finish. Size of sheet when folded 44% x 6%. No. 698'%%—In both Kid and Satin Finish. Size of sheet when folded 43% x 7. No. 95-5—In both Kid and Satin Finish. Size of sheet when folded 5% x 63%. “M.C.’’ size, in both Kid and Satin Finish. Size of sheet when folded 6x 8. Price $1.25 per box. Wedding and Visiting Cards. All White and cut from an Extra 2 Ply Wedding Bristol. Banded in packs of 25, 12 packs in box. GENTLEMEN’S. Per 100. Per 1000 No. 20—size 1% x38 30. cts. $2.00 No. 10 Sty x3y 180. '' 2.00 Nowt2 "= 2x35 80 * 2.00 LADIES’. No. 50—size2%x3% 30 cts. $2.00 Wo8l7, <° .254%3% .. 80.‘ 2.00 PLAIN BEVEL CARDS. No. F —size 24% x33, 35 cts. $83.00 INO: 12) oe xo oo 3.00 Nosy “88 2hex5%4 00 * 3.00 CLEVELAND PAPER MFG. CO. 51 CUT CARDS. NO. !. DIE CUT, ROUND CORNER. Cut from Heavy Velvet Finish. Translucent Bristol. 505 Cards in each Box. WHITE. No. 10—size 1%x3% $0.65 per M. No, 20. 5° 24ex 4 QO 7% No. 380 “ 2%4x4% 0.80 ‘« No. 40 ‘ 23 x45 0.90 No..50, Sige 5s IeOn a a ASSORTED TINTS, FIVE COLORS. No. 10—size 17%x3% $0.65 per M. No. 20 “ 2% x4 0.70 «§ No. 30 “ 2%x4% 0.80 « No. 40 ‘ 23x45 0.90 « Non5eoDGrT x60 SOB « NO. 2. SQUARE CORNER. Cut from 4 Ply White No. 1 Pasted Bristol. Hand Cut, Smooth Edges. 505 Cards in each Box. No. 2-size1%x3% $0.45 per M. Nog 6 234 «356 O10 owe 4: 23ers. 4 0560: — 455 No. 5 “‘ 25% x 43% Orb IMGs OF “G52 (oa 437 ORO as Noy ( "223374, 0285, CLEVELAND PAPER MFG. CoO. CARD BOARDS. NO. !—WHITE, PLAIN BLANKS. Size 22 x 28. Per 100 Sheets. 3 ply, 100 sheet packages - $1.30 ha RO) ae = - 1.60 gba pen) as a - 2,20 St agi 7 - 2.75 1 5 SS Pe 5 - 3.00 | pies 3,0 aS : - 4.50 NO. 1—LITHOGRAPH BLANKS. Size 22 x 28. White Coated, Two Sides. Per 100 Sheets 3 ply, 100 sheet packages - $2.50 Ape Se at COLES a - 2.75 Soa a parties Ua - - 38.25 Soe a OU ea os - 3.75 LO 0a a : - 4,50 White Coated, One Side Only. Per 100 Sheets. 4 ply, 100 sheet packages - $2.30 Gages BOOMs: - 2.05 gi OURO) « v6 _U 3340 nn ) CLEVELAND PAPER MFG. Co. CARD BOARDS. COLORED COATED BLANKS. Size 22 x 28. No. 1 Stock. Coated Two Sides. Per 100 Sheets. 4 ply Flesh, 100 sheet packages $3.00 47 ** Azure, 100. 2 “ 3.00 a Pinte. -bOOe= i a 3.00 4 “* Green, 100 ‘ oS 3.00 UG.e Pink’? 50 "> 3 4.00 Gp & Azure, dO“ oe 4,00 Other thicknesses and colors furnished from the mill, promptly. NO. 1 MOUNTING BOARD. For Mounting Photograph and Camera Pictures. Size 22 x 28. 50 Sheet Packages. Per 100 Sheets. 10 ply Ivy Green - - $7.00 10“ Scotch Gray - - 7.00 10 ‘* Royal Brown - : 7.00 105 Carbon Black - - 7,00 The above are all felt finish face, with Sage Green back. CLEVELAND PAPER MFG. Co. CARD BOARDS. PURITAN PASTED BRISTOL. Extra No. 1 Grade. Size 22 x 28. Per 100 Sheets. 2 ply White, 100 sheet packages $2.20 3A ¢ os: 100, 2.64 roe = 100%; . 3.08 GS i 1007 ** - 3.02 ore Z HO * “ 3.96 4 Cream, 100 ‘“ wf 3.08 Ge. ws 1OOe* ws 3.52 CLEVELAND BRISTOL. Size 22% x 28%. White only. Good Color and Finish. Per 100 Sheets. 2 ply, 100 sheet packages. - $1.60 oe F008 a 2 = ee APS LOO; arr 2 2.24 Ga =H 100m “ ee - F 2.06 2 8 6 50 es as » =: 2 8S CLEVELAND PAPER MEG. CO. +539) CARD BOARDS. en NO. I. WHITE PASTED WEDDING BRISTOL. Size 22 x 28. 50 Sheet Packages. Per 100 Sheets. 2 ply Extra Thin - - $4.50 2 ‘* Regular . - - 4,50 ee toa - - . 5.50 es 2 2 : - - 6,50 6 ‘Crd OTAiRG GaAnOL 7.50 WEDDING BRISTOL. Kid Finish. Size 22 x 28. Per 100 Sheets, 4 ply White - : - $5.00 Co es “ = E - 6.00 MENU BOARD. Size 22 x 28. Coated Lithograph Surface. Delicate Colors for Bill of Fares, Folders, Etc. Per 100 Sheets. 5 ply Pearl - - - $3.50 Dae Straw —- = - = 3.50 “~ Azure - : e 3.50 Or Ot ee Pile ~ 42 : 2 E 3.50 CLEVELAND PAPER MRG. Co. CARD BOARDS. AJAX BRISTOL. White. Size 2234 x 28%, No. 3 Grade. Per 100 Sheets. 2 ply, 100 sheet packages - $1.10 Cees 100r 637 = - 1.32 BG B= TOON ier - 1.54 Gate 100+ “ us - 1:76 COLORED BRISTOL. No. 1 Grade. | Size 22% x 28%. 100 Sheet Packages. Per 100 Sheets. 3 ply Yellow - . - $2.40 a Cheri - - - - 2,40 3 ‘* Green : = - 2.40 3, ., Woss Rose - - - 2.40 | a «Blue = - : : 2.40 a) Jeenice - = wane. 40 | a Gray, 3 Ass 2.40 VICTOR FOLDING BRISTOL. Coated Two Sides. Size 22 x 28. Per 100 Sheets. White, 100sheet packages - $2.00 Coral, LOO. -* ae = 2.00 Primrose, [00 ~“' s - 2.00 Green, KOO = SON are 2.00 Azure, OO ee S =. 2.00 Fawn, 100=— ** gape 2.00 bee | Or CLEVELAND PAPER MEG. Co. CARD BOARDS. TOUGH CHECK. Ste 22 x 28. Per 100 Sheets. 3ply White, 100sheet packages $2.60 BYE Vellow. = 100-- of 2.60 oe ceds ROO me - 2.60 3¥"'=Blue, LOO. ss i 2.60 av“Green; = 100 °* “f 2.60 oe Coral. OO me: sa 2.60 BUYS a leno nce O0 ee s 2.60 68" White, 0) ee eu 4.75 GEO Vellow,. 00 neS if 4.75 6 ‘° Red, SOR Ss s 4.75 6 *° Blue, BO, =e an 4.75 6 “ Green; 0- us 4.75 6 © -Corale O\ “ 4.75 G. & Cardimalieeo0: +: te 4.75 CLOTH LINED BRISTOL. Size 22 x 28. lithograph Coated, White One Side. Per 100 Sheets. White, : 2 Z : $6.00 CLEVELAND PAPER MEG. Co. CARD BOARDS. RAILROAD BOARD. Size 22 x 28. Per i100 Sheets. 4 ply Yellow, 100 sheet packages $2.50 He Red, 1: 1008s" a 2.50 an Blue, 10053" 45° Green, 100 «“ is 45‘ Corals 100s. ind) Or S Ce) Oo ho or an) 65% Yellow, 50 << 25 6.“ Red, 50.‘ as 3.25 6 ‘ Blue, a0 3.25 ‘* Green; 60 ..‘ 3.25 Ga .Coraly 50 3.25 oes (Gray @ 00 i“ 3.25 PRESS BOARD. Leather Color. Per 100 Sheets. 22x28, Thin, - - -- $8.50 Sinica misecio- | - 74050 22x34, « eS 8.75 Other sizes, colors and thicknesses fur- nished promptly. CLEVELAND PAPER MFG. Co. og CARD BOARDS. FOLDING BOX BOARD. MANILLA. Coated One Side. Per 100 Sheets. 28 x 44, Yellow - - $3.00 White - - - 8.00 Green - = 3.00 Blue - - = 300 Red - - 2 3.20 SUPERIOR BRISTOL. No. 8 Colored Bristol. Size 22% x 28%. Per 100 Sheets. 3 ply Yellow - - - $1.10 3 ‘* Rose - : ae eel 10) 3 Cherry - - - 1.10 3 ‘* Robin’s Egg Blue - = LO 3 “ Dark Bine = - = Li,.10 3 ‘* Granite - - et 5 °° Vested hoe = . 1.10 o * Quaker Drab - =~ dE10 3 “* Primrose. - - - 1.10 eiieGreen - - = =" 10 3 ‘* Salmon 7 - Tesh® Dan Lilac - - - - jays p - 'Ox Blood |= - 10 & ‘* Gray - - = aly Co wb OPW WO W WO 2 ply Yellow, 6 CARD BOARDS. VIGILANT COLORED BRISTOL. No. 2 Quality. Delicate Colors. Good Folding Quantities. Co) Size 22% Amber, 100 Light Blue, 100 Cherry, 100 Green, 100 Lilac, 100 Salmon, 100 Fawn, 100 100 sheet x 28%. Per 100 Sheets. C6 ce ce ce (ay pkgs. $1.10 «4 6 1.10 10 10 .10 AQ .10 10 ce coe SE oe oo EAGLE BRISTOL. No. 4 Grade. Size 22% “ 2 ply White - 3 ee White Only. x 28%. r 100 Sheets. $0.80 See hehe 1.12 CLEVELAND PAPER MFG. CO. 61 CARD BOARDS. GLOBE BRISTOL. No. 3 Bristol. Size 22% x 28%. Per 100 Sheets. 2 ply Yellow - - - $0.70 2 “* Strawerrs - - = On40 2 “ Cheney - - - 0.70 2 ann = - - Se ORG 2 ‘ Robin’s Egg Blue - 0.70 2 ‘© Mandarin = - zy O40 ati SocOx Blood Ge - 0.70 2 ‘* Melon - - - - 0.70 2 ‘* Assorted Colors - 0.70 on, “iGreen = : - =2e0.10 TRANSLUCENT BRISTOL. Size 22 x 28. Per 100 Sheets. 3 ply Primrose - - - $2.75 o “* Rearit i : = = 2.79 B.S Cogal 2 : = ae du “*. Blue - - SRD) 3 ‘* Green 2 . : Pathe) 8 ‘* White - = - =» 240 on ele 2 : : 3.25. Go ee : : : SSheele CLEVELAND PAPER MFG Co. TAG BOARD. MANILLA. Medium Grade. 500 Sheets to Reain. Price, 3% cts. per lb. 22% x 28% - 80-100-120-140-160 lb. 24x 86 - 100-120-140-170-200 tb. ROPE TAG BOARD. Strong and Velvet Finish. 500 Sheets to Ream. Price, 5% Cts. per Ib. 22% x 28% size only - 100-120-140 Ib. CLEVELAND PAPER MFG. Co. SPECIMENS OF RULING. SHOWING THE DIFFERENT WIDTHS OF RULING IN GENERAL USE. ___No. 1 PENS. No. 5 PENS. No. 134 PENS. ‘ No. 6 PENS. No.2 PENS. No. 2% PENS. No. 7 PENS. No. 3 PENS. No. 8 PENS. No. 4 PENS. ‘u9}}141M Ayureyd ue nod yeyM Sutmoys Adoo v puas skempy ‘dT As poos ur pue ssaujdmoid 11M siapio [je ajnooxa uv aA, “AUN 0} Burps0ogv0e OpeUl Oq [JIM jsT[T VAOGE Wo] UOT}JONpoI wv JOAO IO SsTUvdI EG JO SIOpIO UT 0e'T ded s[qnog OL'T [eAOY IO OO 00°T ded a[qnoq 08" [eAOY IO OOF 00°T ded s[qnoq 08" [eAoY IO OO 09° de s[qnog ii 1, ae 02’ OS ‘Weer [BUOT}Ippe OF '08 [eAoy IO OTfOy wreor T ‘AeM J ‘apis auO MFG. Co. iy =~ Bs meats SOF CR Ape. Sab; Wetter —— Be 12 10Hbe< is Set 090 poy & ee ee 6 Ib. Statements ea? lala 6 lb. Oblong Memoran’m Heads 1.14 YOKENA BOND. (Water-marked.) White. In 500 Packages. Per 1000 Packet Heads, 5 Ib. to 1000, r’d 1 side $0.70 6 6 6 lb. 6 66 1 (3 84. Letter Heads, 8lb. ‘‘ Ste GS a Ol bea" ee ee SE AO) Memo. ~ ‘‘ Gi 7 ieee’ «64 Statements, Due ae ate eames A) Bill Heads, 121b. 6s, CASE SiG 56 seat 12 Ib. 4s, MOPS Pk ASE O 8d CLEVELAND PAPER MFG. Co. Al ———_ ‘“CRYSTAL’”? COMMERCIAL FOLDED PAPERS. Put up in 4% Reain Packages. Wrapped in Reams. Price, |3 cts. per Ib. Commercial, 61b. White Wove, Ruled. - Gib: Creanres Access ce. eres 2.00 WellowactleCiuiiteen er terme ene ss scriegcel er 1.00 IPOStere Mellor en co ancie Vase bate sere .00 PURPLE INKS. Wioletleake, reddish \-....5. ser eh ee 10.00 Wioletlake) bluish 2). 4 sate ose 8.00 Brilliante viOlete sr oc trecee teeta .. 4.00 WAKO eI Kol © pees Sas een ir eA rte mS A 4.00 TINT INKS. ent Os: Is2, on 4,0, 6, 7, o, 9) 10; LL tee OU) peti, SHACEG Mate. jic 2. oe: <-emagteh ee 1.00 CLEVELAND PAPER MFG. Co. 15 PRICE LIST .—Ccntinued. COPYABLE INKS. PER LB. Blue, Scarlet,Green, Purple, Black or Red $5.00 BRONZE INKS. Brotize Carmine .. . coccc.0 nc ec overs Pee sane EO.U0 Bronze: Redes eee en ieee 4.00 Bronze Greene sion Ft. ee ee 4.00 Deép Bronze Blue No.1: 22... soc. eee 2.50 Bronze*BluewNor 1s eae eee 2.50 Bronze BIMEINO: Jew iiocies oe ee eee 2.50 BRONZE SIZE. Mellow: no case ee ee eee 1.50 White, for Silver Bronzes................ 1.50 GLOSS INKS. GOSS" REG) (eee ea ee 3.00 GlossiBlue; =e. i ee ee ee 3.00 GOSS: Greet teat ee eee 8.00 GlOSSyBrO With Spee eae cc ae ee 3.00 GIOSSYBlAaCK tena ee ee eee 2.00 GOLD INKS. Pale Golden. see lor a Ol ee 5.00 Richt Gola sees sh 5 ke ee 5.00 WHITE INKS. Hxtra Fine Body White (prints white)... 1.50 Fine White for Tints SMALLEST PACKAGES. News Inks in packages as stated in Price List. 2 1b.—Inks listed at 25 cents per Ib. 1 1b.—Inks listed at 50 cents per Ib. ¥% 1b.—Inks listed at 75 cents per Ib. Y 1b.—Inks listed at $1.00 per Ib. and over. Inks listed at $1.50 per !b. and over are supplied in 1-4 lb. tubes if speciaily ordered, but at a lesser discount than is allowed on Inks sold in cans. BRONZE POWDERS, VARNISHES and DRYERS Furnished when ordered. CLEVELAND PAPER SIZES OF ENVELOPES IN INCHES. 2 e Commercial CLEVELAND PAPER MFG. Coa. SIZES OF ENVELOPES IN INCHES. No. 5 Coin - d4%x 5% No. 6 at ote 3834 x 6 No. 4 Baronnial 38%x 4% No. 4% - o3% x 434 No, 5 1s Aux bY No. 6 : - Deo xe 0. Theatre Ticket 148 x 4,7 No. 2 Bank - 44% x 6% No. 3 2 = Dex 134 No. | Portfolic 556 x 8% No. 3 ¥ = 6%x 94 No. 7% Glov sx TY No. 9 ae tie 54x 84% No. 1 Catalogue 5%x 7% No. 1% is 64% x 9% No. 2 uv 6%4x 9% No. 3 7 x1l0X¥ Imperial Cabinet5 x 7% Nowil0 Gbolicy = = 4%x 9% MERCHANDISE CLASP ENVELOPES. (See Price List.) 78 CLEVELAND PAPER MFG. Co. ENVELOPES. ook for a Cut of Garfield Monument ou Each Box. We have spared no pains in selecting our line of Envelopes, both in quality and the way in which they are put up. Always order by number, with color and weight, and how put up, in 250 or 500 boxes. 60 LB. NO. 1 RAG. COMMERCIAL AND LEGAL SIZES. WHITE WOVE ONLY. 250 White Boxes. Per 10 No. 601— 8 XXX High cut $1.00 No. 601— 5 LOG S lO) No. 601— 64% XXX a 1.25 No. 601— 63 XXX = 1.35 No. 601—10 XXX = 2.35 No. 601—11 xKX ms 2.80 No. 601—12 xx XK 3.00 WHITE WOVE ONLY, In 500 Boxes. Per 1000 No. 601— 6% XXX High cut $1.15 No. 601— 63 XXX S 1.25 No. 601— 9 HOOK fe 1.95 No. 601—10 2 Oe mS 2.15 No. 601—I11 XXX y 2.60 CLEVELAND PAPER MEG. Co. 79 ENVELOPES. 50 LB. NO. 1 RAG. COMMERCIAL AND LEGAL SIZES. WHITE WOVE. 500 White Boxes. Per 1000 No. 501— 64% XX Highcut $1.00 Nowb0l.—-aGaza aeXexe ow w ZS CR SS ae > —" Or 1-EXTRA GRADE. YM Boxes €¢ C6 C6 Per 1000 $1.95 2.10 2.40 2.60 2.90 CLEVELAND PAPER MFG. Co. 83 COIN ENVELOPES. NO. 1—MANILLA. Open End. 500 Plain Boxes. 36 lb. XX. No. 1a Nox? Nore. Now = Noo. No.6; 45 Ay 52 D3 m5)5) a 50 lb. XXXX No.1. No.2. No.3. No.4. No.5. No. 6. .50 D2 D9 .60 .68 .90 DRUG ENVELOPES. 1000 in a Box. No. ti. Nowe Now: Manilla - $0.36 $0.39 $0.41 White - - 41 46 90 Canary - - - .O2 OD Blue - - - > ade mSy) Cherry - - - 52 OD Gréeeiise ge pc - =¥ Oe DO PAY ENVELOPES. SIZE NO. 2. Per i000 36 lb.—Manilla - : $0.46 40 lb.—White ~ - z 57 50lb— ‘* - - - .62 40 1b.—Canary - 2 = 60 49 1b.—Amber ; 2 60 40 1b.—Blue : = : 60 40 Ilb.—Cherry : 60 CLEVELAND PAPER MFG. Co. ENVELOPES. POLICY. Open End. Gummed. 500 Boxes. Per 1000 50 1b. No. 10—Manilla - $1.75 PORTFOLIO. Open Side. Gummed. 500 Boxes. Per 1000 36 lb. No. 1—Manilla - $1.30 36 Ib. No. 3 sf . - 1.50 BANK. Open Side. Gummed. 500 Boxes. Per 1000 36 lb. No. 1—Manilla - $1.10 36 1b. No. 2 - - 1.380 BANK PASS BOOK. 250 Boxes. Ungummed. Per 1000 80 lb.—4% x 6%, Manilla - $2.00 OLD ENGLISH LAID LINEN. Cream Laid. In 250 Boxes. Per 1000 6% Commercial 4 2 $2.10 63/ - - = 2.20 TIGER LINEN. In 500 Boxes. Per 1000 64 Commercial, White Wove $2.10 63/ 2.20 10. Legal - a a 3.85 64% Commercial Blue : 2.10 634 oh < =~ 42,25 64% By Buff : 2.10 634 66 C6 te > 2.95 85 CLEVELAND PAPER MFG. Co. ENVELOPES. cS G go T og T OT 08 'T 0G'T 0a'T ‘9 ON “G‘ON ‘ff ON "FON Ow TSN », YSIsuy plo 0¢'T onbywy pre’y uresrD ‘QgeT OFT puog peoysdursyy PIO ony” OS la erT » oy SONYM T “ON “TO9 OS SET = os pe LONG TG9 20°T bi 2 Wiesel) T ON “TOG 80'T ees: + fF ON (0G Be ae » 8 ON ‘20S 06°08 POOAA PACA\ AIA T° ‘OOOT tod aso11g) = ‘sapeIy [VW uy “IVINOYVa ON “809 ‘saxog QGg UI INDENTURE BOND. 500 Boxes. Golden Rod Color. Per 1000 $1.65 634 size YOKENA BOND. White Only. 500 Boxes. 86 CLEVELAND PAPER MEG. Co. ENVELOPES. AJAX CREAM LAID LINEN. 500 Boxes. Per 1000 6% size . : e $0.80 Commercial Clasp Envelopes. For Mailing Merchandise, Catalogues, Etc. Per 1000 No. 0 23x 4 $4.75 No. 2 ops x 53¢ - 5,00 No. 7% 41% x 10 yana)) No. 9 bretex 717 6.25 No. 12 64%x 9% 8.00 No. 13 7% x 10% - - 9.50 No. 17 Ox 2 - - 12.00 Card 11%x 14% : - 16.00 Trade discount in 1000 lots. CLEVELAND PAPER MFG. Co. CATALOGUE ENVELOPES. Open End. Gummed. 250 Boxes. MANILLA. 36 Ib. 50 Ib. 45x 63 $ .80per1000_ .... per 1000 Dyes Xe 1G) 95 2 $1.10 i BY al me wee 58) cs 1.15 at bie Sy 0 Z 1.25 2 64% x 9% 1.48 ss 1.65 as 634x 9% 1.50 e 1.70 es Tone CxglO ee ale GO S 1.85 sé WHITE. DY er ee ee eS 1.70 se THEATER TICKET ENVELOPES. Gummed. i000 Boxes. Manilla - - - 80c per 1000 White : 2 - 90c es oa) bee | CLEVELAND PAPER MFG. CO COMPARATIVE WEIGHTS OF WRAPPING PAPER. leloitlolalialioclolwalo|s(/rnlcia [em | QIN OM) Olea Si tlt ON! a!) m|o | >| >| > Kl] x] m1 | mK] OK] mK] OK] | OK x Njw/oOlOI|AN}O/O/O1/O/O/+/+| | mL lLeK [NINN Ol Olt) st AlN } | | RSS |e a a ee | | | | 4) 5! 8} 10) 12) 15) 21} 25) 34) 50} 10} 12} 14) 17 | — = — on bo i bo ws ew) ent ra BS Or S Oo ee) _ S oS hs Ss bh 7) Oo bo ~ Oo or | 10} 14 20] 28] 82) 42] 56] 66) 901133 27| 30} 86) 47 | 18, 18] 25, 85) 40) 52 70) 84/111 167| 88) 88] 45) 58 15) 21] 80] 42, 48] 62) 84/100/185]200| 40| 45] 54) 70 25] 85) 49) 56) 73, 981116|158)238) 47) 53) 63| 82 | 20| 28} 40] 56) 64| 88] 1121182/180}267| 53| 60] 72| 93 | 81] 45) 68] 72| 93)126/150/201/300) 60] 68] 82/105 25| 85| 59| 70| 80|104!189|167|222/383| 67| 75| 90,117 CLEVELAND PAPER MFG. Co. PRICE LIST OF PRINTED MANILLA PAPERS. N. B.—We do not print tess than five reams ~ of a size or quality of paper. We guarantee count of 480 sheets to ream. With or without illustrations. Discount................ X MANILLA. For Dry Goods, Notions, Etc. Size. Per Ream. Size. Per Ream. 6x 9 - $0.45 15x 20' - $1.30 piper ee 55 iG s4)- 4) 1.80 Sixes 12?' 2 10 | 20x 80 2.05 LOps 15, — =, -2. 685 e4ex OO a: i 20.40 fox 18 - PelOe eer. = 4.50 XX MANILLA. For Dry Goods, Notions, Etc. 10x15 - $0.95 | 20x30 - $2.90 12x18 - - 1.20 | 24x36- - 3.85 15x20 - 1.55 | 80x40 - 5.75 18x 24- - 2.20 XXX MANILLA. Extra Heavy, for Boots and Shoes. 12x18 - $1.25 | 20x30 - $3.30 1x20- - 1.70 | 24x36- - 4.30 18x24 - 2.386 | 30x40 - 6.00 CLOTHING PAPER. 20x 80 - $3.60 | 30x40 - $6.75 24x86 - - 4.65 | 36x48 - - 9.00 We bk PAPER MEG. ee 89 SPIDER WEB MANILLA. Pure Jute. Rough Finish. Flat Price, 5 cts. per lb. Especially Made for Laundry Use. Size. Weight. 24 x 24 - - - - 20 Ib. Aree = ee) ee ae 24 x 30 - - - : 25 Ib. 24x 36 - - - - 80, 85 Ib. 27 x 32 - - - 35 Ib. 30 x 40 - - - - 40 lb. Printing, 25 cts. per ream extra. Can furnish in rolls 12 to 24 in. on special orders. CLEVELAND MANILLA. No. 1. Smooth Surface. Price, 4 cts. per Ib. Our Own Make. Flat and Folded. Size. Weight. Lee ees SRT eR See. 15 x 20 - : S01 319} AO Ib. eae eS Ae Ts 20 Wey 20 x 24 - - - - 20 1b. 20 x 30 - - 14, 18, 20, 25 lb. 24 x 30 - - 25 lb. 24x 36 - 20, 25, 30, 35, 40, 50, 60 Ib. 24 x 40 = - - - 40 lb. 30x40 - 28, 86, 40, 50, 60, 80 Ib. 36x40 - 40, 50, 60, 80, 100 Ib. 36x48 - - 60, 80, 100, 125 Ib. 40 x 48 - 100, 125, 150, 200 Ib. Rolls 6 inches to 86 inches. 9 inches diameter. 30 and 40 lb. weight. Special sizes made to order. CLEVELAND PAPER MBG. Co. CRESCENT MANILLA. No. 2—Folded. Our Own Make. Price, 3 cts. per lb. Size. Weight. 12x 18 ee 74 Tb. 15 x 20 - - - - 10 Ib. 18 x 24 - : - 15, g ley, 20 x 30 - - 20, 25 Ib. 24x36 - - 380, 40, 50, 60, 30 lb. 30 x 40 - 40, 50, 60, 80, 100 Ib. 36 x 40 - - 60, 80, 100, 125 Ib. 36 x 48 - - 100, 125, 150 Ib. 40 x 48 : 150, 200 Ib. Rolls 6 in. to 86 in., 9 in. diameter. Special sizes and Weights made to order. VALLEY BUTCHERS’ MANILLA. Water-proof. Our Own Make. Price, 2% cts. per Ib. Basis 24 x 86—60 lb. to ream 480 sheets. Size. Weight. 1Six"18 . - - EGE]: Hjxt23° - - - 27 1b. 18 x 24 = - : 30 lb. NOES Ve - UB lip: 20 x 30 - - 42 |b. 24x36 - = - - 60 1b. Rolls 12 in. to 24 in., 9 in. diameter. CLEVELAND PAPER MBG. Co. 91 MANILLA TISSUE. Size. Per Ream. Tie iS = : - 15 cents. 12 x 18 - = =h203 1 15 x 20 - - - 20 at 18 x 24 - - S = eo) ewes 20 x 80 . - : 50 os 24 x 36 - - - - 65 “s 30 x 40 - - - OO: =o** ROLL PATTERN MANILLA. High Finish. Price, 6 cts. per Ib. X - - weight 24 x 36—80 Ib. oe rea ee ‘495 Ib. OKC ae “ “165 Ib. XXXX gee “915 Ib. XOX XO pees * 250 lb. 0.2.0:C. 2.9: Gar ee = 300 Ib. In rolls 30, 36, 40 and 48 in. wide. BLACK PATTERN PAPER. Price, 6 cts. per Ib. Rolls 80 in. wide. 35 and 50 lb. weight. GREEN PATTERN. Price, 7% cts. per lb. Rolls 80 in. wide. 40 and 50 1b. weight. CLEVELAND PAPER MFG. Co. BLACK GLAZED HARDWARE. Price, 4% cts. per lb. For Hardware Manufacturers Use. In square sizes from 8x 8 to 382x382 24 x 86—75, 90 Ib. Special sizes made to order. Light Drab Glazed Hardware. Price, 4 cts. per lb. | Size: Weight. | 24 x 86 z : 2 “ 80 Ib. | 80x 40 - : : 125 Ib. 40 x 48 3 : - 150, 200*1b- Rolls 30, 36, 40, 48 in. Special sizes made to order. No. I—RED EXPRESS. Price, 3% cts. per Ib. Size. Weight. 24 x 36 - - - - 80 lb. 30 x 40 - - ~ - 125 Ib. 36 x 40 - - - = 150 Ib. 40x48 - - - - 250 Ib. Special sizes, rolls or sheets, made to order on short notice. CLEVELAND PAPER MEG. CO. 93 FIBRE PARCHMENT MANILLA. Best quality. Very smooth surface. Price, 5% cts. per Ib. Sizes Weight. feeeis ss 67, Oe. 15 x 20 - - - O10; Lee. isso 12314, 15, 20 lb. 20 x 380. - - - 17%, 20, 25 lb. Siig fee ee BI) 5 sO Ol. Sed) = eo Oo Unloe Rolls 6 in. to 24 in., 9 in. diameter. No. | Fibre Butchers’ Manilla. Price, 4 cts. per lb. Basis 24 x 86—40 lbs. to ream 480 sheets. Size. Weight. 13 xiSee - - ~ eog tie) lilo: Mi xeco - - - - lies ye 19x 28 - - - - - 25 1b. 20 x 30 - - - - 28 lb. 24x 86 - - - ~ 940). 1 Rolls 12 in. to 24 in., 9 in. diameter. CLEVELAND MANILLA. Extra quality. Put up flat for printing. Size. Weight. 24x 36 - - - 25, 80, 40 1b. 30% 40 . . xdixees 40850960 1b. CLEVELAND PAPER MFG. Co. AJAX ROPE EXPRESS. Very strong. Price, 4 cts. per lb. Size. Weight. 24x 86 - - - 60, 80, 100 lb. 30 x 40 . - 80, 100, 125 lb. 310) Sse - - - 125, 150 1b. 40D x 48 - 160, 180, 200, 250 Ib. 48x 56 - - - - 390 Ib. 48 x 64 ~ - - - 450 Ib. D0 64 - - - 500 Ib. Rolls 24 in. to 60 in., 14 to 18 in. diam. Can make any special size to order. ROYAL DRAB EXPRESS. Pureseibre, Glazed: Price, 4 cts. per lb. Size. Weight. OdbeeGi. .GahdiAto 2IbtU.2 4 = $3.00 No. 2 QELO ul: - 3.50 No. 8 --. “" 840°4b. *e= —-—. -4.00 No. 5 = 4 to 5 lb. - 5.00 Ress. discount... OVAL. Size. Capacity. Per 1000. No.0 - - %tollb. - - $8.00 INO seE : pcOncehon - 3.00 NGS 2 = = 2 tors eS a o0 No. 3 = 3 to 4 1b. = 4.00 No: 5. == = —4 tod lbw =e eo.00 Less discount... WOOD PIE PLATES. Size. Per 1000. 7 inch ee LS lay ate ee 00) eo ee 5.50 Put up 250 in crate. Special discount to the trade. CLEVELAND PAPER MEG. Co. CONFECTIONERY BAGS. LINEN PAPER. Size. Per 1000 plain. 1 ounce - - - - $1.40 | oba Paty 2s. Ger. 1.50 ¥% pound : : - = 1.80 | ys - - - - 2.15 eee ee 3 | 3 SEE - - - - 4.25 FLOUR SACKS. For Grocers use. Per 1000 4 bbl.—Peerless, extra ENE | $16.00 | y bbl. a “ 8.00 A, bbl. “ z z 5.50 | 10 lb. P “ a 5.00 6 lb. . = 3.50 yy bbl.—Paragon - - - 13.00 ¥% bbl. es - - - 7.00 js bbl. fieGs - - - 4,75 10 lb. e - - - 4,25 6 Ib. Suite - - - 3.50 ¥% bbl.—No. 1, Jute : - 12.00 \% bbl. lla ree - - 6.50 is bbl. pes - - 4.00 10 Ib. ea 2 - - 3.50 6 lb. fa . - 3.00 5 Ib. ‘Geni ni 08S - - 2.75 Printing, $1.00 per thousand extra, one color. CLEVELAND PAPER MFG. CO. 99 BICYCLE BAGS. CLEVELAND BRAND. For completely covering Bicycles for protec- tion in transit and storage, from dust, abrasion and punctured tires. Made from Anti-Rust and Anti-Tarnish Paper. Size, 46 inches wide, 76 inches long, and 8 inches lap. Per 10090. Heavy weight - - - $60.00 Regular weight - - 50.00 Juvenile size . = - 45.00 BANANA BAGS. Per 1009. 48 x 40 - - - - $14.00 48 x 44 - - - - 15.00 52 x 44 - - - - 15.50 52x48 - - - - 16.00 SHIRT BAGS. Per 1000. 10 x 22—Gummed Flaps - $3.75 11 x 23 o 2 - - 4,50 Printing, 50 cte. per 1000 extra, in 2000 lots or more; less quantities 75 cts. per 1000, or if less than 1000, for the lot. MILLINERY BAGS. Per 1000. 15 x 19—Manilla : = = ilevd 17 x 21 ae = - = 2.20 18 x 23 a - - 2.75 Printing, 50 cts. per 1000 extra, in lots of 2000 or more. In lots of 1000 and less than 2000, 75 cts. per 1000. In less than 1000, 75 cts. for any quantity. Can furnish other sizes, if desired. '99HOD PUNOAL) PUL JSvOY S¥ oTU¥S 91} Jnoge SadIdg punoly pure ajoyM— ALON ” LI ) st LI ASI KO 6 A8 AL 9 S “AW eat peimba st : 4s JoZ1e] 9ZIS Br B‘sIayAIVID| ° % WS] 107 . ZO F ‘aL % CAPACITY OF BAGS. fo) VU 16) ea = io Q Ay Q 4 O : , | ‘punoiy "Jseoy ‘MadI£ . ama )_| wosAyr *4x Wy ‘ginseo OVID ‘A AATAOO ‘eOL "1e3NnS W So a ee eS eee ea (:927 07 gv guaraigns aava, spuamaansvau ISIYL ) 100 CLEVELAND PAPER MFG. Co. 101 GROCERS’ PAPER BAGS. PRICE LIST. No. 1 Manilla No. of Thousand in per 1000. each Shipp’g Package Ulb. - -.2Bipo0 tt ah lSe _ - 10,000 Yib. - = = 1:20 |b 10000 1 lb. - =! =sa.60 11b. - - - 8,000 i} ib, 22-2 0e tel ee OOOO) Oilbinecee eo O0k| cle eee NO0 8ib.-- - - 2.50 3 lb. - - - $8,000 41b, = - - 2:90,) ib, 2) = =ae000 Dillpwes = = 735.40 5lb. - - = 937000 6 lbwess- - 400>\— Gilbe = 29 SenOO0 (ele re ee (1b. - - - 2,000 gap.0F" = - 24:80-\ Sib. - > stamoo 10 Nibjaee-> = 5220 2) 10M bs = tea 00 12.Ib. = = ~ -<-6:30N |G ieaie= a ae 000 14.0081 - - -8.80-| 14-4b. = = REOOO 16 Ibnee = = 9.000! SIGH: 2a" SaIeOU0 S0'1b. = - =10,00. | 20h. e000 254bPet - - 11.00-| 2b"Ib. - - 2217000 30 lb.n-; - .- 18.00 | 80 Ib. -1— 15000 30. 1D. -eo> a= D008 | Bde = eel OO0 Printing, 50 cents per thousand extra. Write for discounts. KINDS OF BAGS. All Grocers Bags are sold on above list. Satchel Bottom - - - STANDARD. * a = = 2 EXTRA HRAVY. Square a - - - STANDARD. nS i - - - SPECIAL, ce Se - - - MIKADO. Improved Square Bottom STANDARD. e : i SPECIAL, sy a os MIKADO. ns a YELLOW. Old Style Plain Bottom STANDARD. CLEVELAND PAPER MFG. Co. 5 Ib. size - - - Gal. - - mri, °° * es - | mOelb, - lp. = - - h4r lb. =!" = = TORI, 2a - - 2Oplb=—“ = 2 Zopib, we 2" ~ = B ne Butchers =. Variegated ‘ Sea Island ‘ TWINES. Cone Twine Holders : SUGAR BAGS. Sold by weight. Colors—Red and Drab. 200 bags to package. Price, 4% Cts. per Ib. Average weight per 1000 55 Ib. 65 Ib. 75 Ib. 90 Ib. 100 Ib. 110 Ib. 125 Ib. 160 Ib. 175 tb. Price per Ib. (5.45 «¢ or cones No. 1 Cotton Twine, in balls or cones $0.20 18 18 .20 .30 each . 20 CLEVELAND PAPER MFG. CoO. 103 TWINES. FLAX TWINE. Put up in 8 1b. packages. 6 balls in each. Price per package. No. 6—B.C. Flax - 90 cents. No. 9 2 - ee - No. 12 y : - GD ies No. 18 " - - 1060-4 = No. 24 . - - 60% No. 36 z - 5 Smet No. 48 hey ck - 5Ont “4 No. 60 o - st See et ~HEMP TWINE. Price per 1b. No. 4% and 6—American 16 cents. No. 7 - - ‘< 14g —~ No. 8 - - 13° ge No. 4% and 6—India = LP No. 7 - tee ie bib eae No. 8 - py Sc aa eae In reels or balls. Finished or unfinished. Jute Twine, 8, 4 and 5 ply balls, $0.09 Wool Twine ~ - ~ 07% Sisal Twine - - - ~ 09 CLEVELAND PAPER MBG. Co. TOILET PAPER. PACKAGE PAPER. Hach package has handsome wrapper. 100 packages in case. Wire suspension hooks. Sunflower, 44% x6 500sheets, $4.00 Club, - 41% x6% 800 ‘* 5.50 Pure Tissue, 5 x¥% 1000 ‘* 7.50 Union League,5%x7%4 1000“ 8.50 Hoyt’s—For Hoyt’s Cabinets — - 9.00 ROLL PAPER. 100 rolls in case. Lake Front, 8 oz. roll, 12 lb. paper, $4.00 St. Clair, 1000 sh. 10 lb. paper, cut, 5.50 Erie, OOO mse Online =< = OO iReenless; 20005 “10 Ib. e) 9.00 Cross Cut 1000 ‘‘ No. 1 Ot ee 6.50 SPRINGFIELD OVAL. For Hotels and Public Buildings. No. 1—Best Quality - - $7.00 B Grade—Standard = - 6.50 No. 2 - = ~ = = 5.75 SANITARY TOILET. For use in Sanitary Cabinets. No. 1 Quality Paper - - $7.00 Cabinets furnished on lease. TOILET PAPER FIXTURES. Equity, Nickel 50 cts. each. $5.00 doz. Kaimily,.Bronze, 10 HOO Nickel, Bronze, 20 “ ft .DOue* CLEVELAND PAPER MFG. Co. 105 No. No. No. No. STRAW BOARD. Air dried. Size 26 x 38. Put up in bundles of 50 lb. 12, 15, 20,25 - per bdl. $1.50 team dried. Size 26 x 38. 30 to 120 - per bdl. $1.25 WOOD PULP BOARD. Size 26 x 38. . 15 to 30 - per bdl. $2.00 . 40 to 120. - - * 1.50 CLOTH BOARD. 15 to 40, size 19 x 80, per bdl. $1.50 15 to40 2 x oe 1.50 TRUNK BOARD. . 5, 7, 10, size 33 x 44, per bdl. $2.50 FRICTION BOARD. 5, 7, 10, size 83 x 44, per bdl. $3.00 CLEVELAND PAPER MFé. Co. OYSTER PAILS. PRICE LIST. Per 1000 Pints - : - - $10.00 Quarts - 7 - ~ - 15.00 2 Quarts - - - - 20.00 Less discount................ BERRY PAILS. Per 1000 1 Quart - - - - $5.00 Qa E 2 : : 7.50 533 SRS s : : 10.00 es <8 3 = = = -3= 12.50 Less discount................ ICE CREAM PAILS. Per 1000 % Pint : £ - = $13.50 ie alaee : 2 S ete LOLOO 1 Quart - - - - 20.00 0) AGS Ee 4 = = = $2.00 Business cards printed on 500 or more of one size without extra charge. MISCELLANEOUS. Carpet Felt. Deadening Felt. Roofing Paper. Building Paper. Roofing Cement. Will be pleased to quote on application. CLEVELAND PAPER MFG. CoO. 107 TELEGRAPHIC CIPHER. ALL TELEGRAMS MUST BE PREPAID. SHIPPING DIRECTIONS. SEND BY CIPHER. Express C. O. D., Dainty. Adams Express, Damage. American Express, Danger. United States Express, Dare. National Express, Dark. Wells Fargo Co.’s Express, Dash. Electric Package Express, Dawn. Frgt Dft vs. Bill Lading, Dead. Big Four R. R., Deaf. Erie R. R., Devate. Pennsylvania R. R., Debt. CSC ieee Decoy. Bucs O: ie we, Deceit. Ee S28 MES: Rye; Decide. Wires a, Declaim. Wabash R>R., . Decision. CUA Se DisReeRe. Declamation. D ©. Boat, Decorum. C.-&.B, Boat, Decreed. MCR kes, Default. CAT ee. CR pions Deface. N. Y.C, & St... RB. R., Deen. CLEVELAND PAPER MBG. Co. TELEGRAPHIC CIPHER—ConrTINUED. MISCELLANEOUS. Quote best price, On board cars Cleveland, Delivered here, In car load lots, In case lots, Per thousand, When can you ship, How long will it take to make, Have you shipped, How much have you on hand, Mail sample and quote price, Wire price and say when you can ship, Ship direct from mill, Deep. Defer. Defile. Deformity. Degree. Dejected. Delicacy. Delight. Deny. Depart. Despatch. Desert. Deserve. hi lh NZ MWY ZINN a