; uae 8 FIFTH AVE NEW YORK LIBRARY =) oo [= = Lid onl —) vr =) = as 556 TG RR ain or a ae “Pia one hee nd” mittee Al Wwittewe 2x1 $ ae th » ii ‘ BS ae Wer of he “En a Dureh: WwW. pus 2” 3} Ze ae BP “bunvey P ‘4H, mes ‘ Miss ae Shae bis i pe Hess Mota, i “apie” es t A “Me: 1 120—'Fa gpmiiouse, “Kent;'t) altoid Wi tbe [127—"The “Roa 4,7" Danbigny; FR. | 128—"Cat es mites “Wilton; 2 aa Lawrence i e an a a usician,”” sae P.O.” Barrow... farie de Medicis,” Pourbus; Arthur eee eee ewes on | i Farm,” Troyon; ES /Sand- biases i Back? 7 | [282—"'Gam Scene) Wo * Seri kala il th Ie i mee - rd; i 1 g ee OM Week. t } ‘ f OTE * teeewe , $46,675 | The spectators were numerous and | z . 2b lege maa 65. ipicturesque: the bidders, alert and prudent, | Gigea Schu ag,| | Pie sale-ts to be continued ae evening. Br el ae ) ‘ xen as ea A eee) Peaepns Bde; Ww. Braver. Flock,” Ede; EB. Bach- . ee ee HL Wivein W: * ae Ba, Ae eines Chas. EC. 1,’”. Delpy; Chas. Oss bk He Lee Bk Oi ANU AC a a aire Ww. Hop- 4 Baty ily,” agent. aes ide ‘So San- RENTS slr eacetieu'p, ma? py ihaniow bag vs onic ee a sah mets ee ; ig Tee AE ALE: won LD 5 Sunset, i pdpetanoa ae A ee Be Eee ae ee . rande- Conde,” Bigandy, if are aie Y Poitainble eau,” de } ot Pena, J, A. ‘Galloway i rit of Miss Bingham,” George farlow: H. beock. , a : * Pokitones* & White. ; Behaet Be Pokit onow; §, hesse oe ‘Bri iskac,’ Tournicres : au eee Yn Re meer eee “Landscape ;”~ Larkin Be aa Bie eb ote ee 150—Van Den “heekhout, “Young “Shep herd;’” Dri 0.c He Wibein asd sone 151—Cor0t, ae ‘Landscape ;” Dox Vas: vite eee. i52—Jourenet, “Madaine- de ‘Celvoys” ey ee ee ro owe eee . A. | 158—Outin,. ‘ t Modern ‘Cinderella”’ reese ee 154-—Rigaud, ‘“Duchesse de: Noailles ; EB. } MeMillin’ ay: 155—Cazin, * “Harvest; na “Morton. Gs ‘Schultz 158—Law: meen, Scountees of Damley;” i ihe A, Lait TORE uu aa Macatee reas BP etes, ‘Miss Hastings; Osgood Perk: 160-—Jont nicind. *“Gintering the Scheldt; 2D Dayton Sk 161—Le Prince, “Madame de Belle- Isle: 5 SER Lanthier AERIS CARES MAC 162—Lely, | “Lady Falconberg ;’ 2 ae “Sun- Ce Se ee and ' 168—Roybet, “the Philosopher;” T. B. .nowles aaa ahaa 164—Lawrence, “King ‘Wiliam YW.: hain os Oo Reilly, SSCL Gt ay ct aati le assis «je ieeae ies .165—Henner, “‘Revery ;”’ OR. Churchwell. [a6e—R eypolds., ‘Miss Benpel; BD WR Ce ne eC te ee SD. arkin MG RR ate ak ge ea 168—Migoara, “tis Daughter as Ceres:’ Ih, PAW Re Noes eee a ss oak Se 169—Diaz, eg ere of .Franchart, Fon- tainebleau ;’ oe W. Buller... 2... : |AT0—Geddes, “Tn the Woods; Mrs, Sun- 40 Karel, as net “Marquise; “De 172—Lely, "Countess “of Kildare: 1. AL ; 173-—Thanlow, “Bridge of Vet rona;”? G. D. Thompson... Erect ya Sha sls eusi ay ale fits Rennes: “Miss - “Montgomery; rea OF Gimpel & Wilderstein.....0....... [175-—Kyatke. ‘Vive L’Empereur;’’ Max Viti HAMS ose ee ee ee eee es t hize- Sant terre, ‘Madame - D’ eee: LF M eMillin APR ssihee al ASO Pama ac hte te heret, “Harvest. Time;’’ ©, Th. Bar- [M8—Costray, aS “Augusta, ee Royal; vu) Mrs, ‘Sunderiand re as kate tonaeS 79—D eee ete Teller?’ 1 ESN Se Yea 0 Coy LAS Oa ay NT '180-—Guardi, “Santa Maria Della Salute: ; Raymond B,. Gay ON oe Time; pede? P. 482 : ek “Le Revell Ail BD, soa? 8. am: Charles Willow bey ee Co ee ee 187—Dupre, * ‘Ma 2 Marshall Clapp...) .. pee Rexnol s. “Drichess of: Rutland Bs: E, - 189— Melsansier’ rater BO Dé Forest. 190— paar Gals ag de Montespan ;"’ De een ate acca: — andscape;’” Archi Allen, \192—Isabey, Becta: for Promenade: Phontas: Miylandss een ome sy Sak hats 193. bea we eee Deshou- BTEC eAV MC SG CURRIE PN, Crouse ase ate |194—Jon ngkind: “Canal by Moonlight: J, \ 195—Alma- pope “Sculptor’s Studio: ai } Aaron Silverman. FSG WEL EO ROMS oN }196—Nattier, “‘Duchesse | D* Orleans: 7) L. ARE ETOM Hy oe ROO ia i! Arn )197—Isabey, “Return of Fishermen :’ KE, Sandmeyer Sao iinyaup eevee EAGT rate e MNO NANOAG LAA Bre )6 wh0."9 ie 6.5118 6 ee, ene ecbeelene) ae pcos “Grand Canal: vr Tr. A, Law- Bie VeERne RE Or CR, “Sheep in Pasture :’ PQkOp ee cea Aree ged, 4 200 —Lagit ence, ‘Empress Elizabeth: L. fe DEMME G iain bovine winy cae wnsnica 9 201—Chartran palette: Gi) Aj '202—Perret,- O. | Heinze. F. Harte. ant Aer "F. A. Lawlor... ne ae ate 204—Dent. A. Lanthier:. 505 Reathon} Portrait of Corot E. 8. Nash, 204--- Poirot, BAUS Sera ah ssluic\e abheates Bog eo. RS Powers) 25505 csc. aig Brun, Ny O Reill BUS etprtical.! oo so Total Saree re “Miss Cauldyrell Be G. Gard- . 8,650 told the reporter that Senator Clark ak “‘z509 landscape by Rousseau in the world, ave Hammond;’’ G. Vv Gar- } * 22% “Mr! Brandus sald tae ins... Bie ee wise Sew letaliere(si¢, opie eld PEPE ONOAT Sar see ae +$150,645 | dred. iraatembleneee sh 2 600 Paris some years ago, A ¢ "$n this city is owned by Ji 180 Senator Clark bought the | 450 ward Brandus, a Fifth avenue 1,500 Brandus said last night that he to mention the price paid by picture, but it is un paid between $20,000 and $40,000 for it. ‘ The painting depicts the Forest of Fontaii ‘with strong sunshine effect on the bark of | oaks, Four dogs, called gri 2,650 the edge of the forest as the sun | 7x90 Senator Clark has been a ge for years. At the Stewart sale Rise the American Art Galleries, he pat 1.400 “Choosing the Model,” by Fortuny. 2,750, is now holding an exhibition at the ‘9390 Gallery, in Washington, of some of "ures of his New York home. ay 1.900 “Mr, Brandus, who has sold a number 8,200 to the Senator and is familiar with | his.candid opinion that it would bri 425 least, at auction, art collection stored pald about ; . , collection a 5.100" worth consi 2.500" Mr, Brandus expre examples in Senator Cli Lars) were of the choi oat eb ghown a great dea 4,500 | selection of his pictures. 2,350 | 1,750! 23,0001 2,700. 7,800 | 4,600 | 1,550! COLLECTION OF Ancient and Modern Paintings BELONGING TO Mr. EDWARD BRANDUS THE FIFTH AVENUE ART GALLERIES 366 FirrH AVENUE NEW YORE ———— : SS ea ee CATALOGUE OF THE COLLECTION Or © Modern and Ancient Paintings BELONGING TO C\ MR. EDWARD BRANDUS = TO BE SOLD AT AUCTION pit In the Grand Ball Room of the WALDORE-ASTORIA ON Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday Evenings, at 8.30 March the 12th, 13th and 14th, 1906 THE COLLECTION WILL BE ON EXHIBITION Sunday, March 11th, from 2 to 6, and following days until the Time of Sale AT THE FIFTH AVENUE ART GALLERIES 366 Fifth Avenue, New York (Bet. 34th and 35th Streets) The Sale will be conducted by JAMES P SILO, - - - - - - .,AUCTIONEER CONDITIONS OF SALE ee erg nga 1. The highest Bidder to be the Buyer, and if any dispute arises between two or more Bidders, the Lot so in dispute shall be immediately put up again and re-sold, 2. The Purchasers to give their names and addresses, and to pay down a cash deposit of at least 25 per cent., or the whole of the purchase-money, 2/ required, in default of which the Lot or Lots so purchased to be immediately put up again and re-sold. 3. The Lots to be taken away at the Buyer’s Expense and risk within 24 hours after the conclusion of the Sale, and the remainder of the purchase-money to be absolutely paid, or otherwise settled for to the satisfaction of the Auctioneer, on or befure delivery; in default of which the undersigned will not hold himself responsible if the Lots be lost, stolen, damaged or destroyed, but they will be left at the sole risk of the Purchaser. 4. Nochecks received unless certified. 5. The sale of any Article is not to be set aside on account of any error in the description or imperfection, and no warranty what- ever is made. All Articles are sold just as they are, without recourse. 6. To prevent inaccuracy in delivery, and inconvenience in the settlement of the Purchases, no Lot can, on any account, be removed during the Sale. 7. Noclaims allowed after the removal of goods. 8. Our record of Sales in all cases final. Upon failure to comply with the above conditions, the money deposited in part payment shall be forfeited; all Lots un- cleared within the time aforesaid shall be re-sold by public or private Sale, without further notice, and the deficiency (if any) attending such re-sale shall be made good by the defaulter at this Sale, together with all charges attending the same. This condition is without prejudice to the right of the Auctioneer to enforce the contract made at this Sale, without such re-sale, if he thinks fit. JAMES P. SILO, Auctioneer. BS LilsABbyY eaving No. 192 for the Promenade 1 NO. IN CATALOGUE ieee (Phe Seulptor’s SL ECA eae aD 195. -SUBIECTS ey, Sir William. . DEO ST ESA A eR 120 a Sir ‘William. . PERVERT eB OL ON LT Eyl h ale 144 ee nena OUNCE ee ee eo ye glen 08 58 ae ae . aay eseee ie oate Girl eager +. sncendo Julione. Pee oneeruc cata a) MAS .Brooklyn Bridge......... Leg SEA 111 wi Vintage Day... De Sane Pit Minit 49 J te anda BSL tiga SRE M a tier we cs ewe Boner, w. ee PES SARA LTS) 3 1A EE a 181 Rees tas’: ‘Duke of Savoye) 00.2, Cy REED 42 ..Old Farmhouse in Kent,........... 126 6 Ad ee Ma wa Oburch im Venicey 60... 663. 122 i +.s e+ s.2.. Daughter of the Emir,...... aC aa ane & 1g -_Carreno-de-la- atrandd. 4 Poriredy Of a Lady eee ee 21 is LF eae eae PIBUVeRE EMNO Nhe ou pe cs pie | TBR WP ed VAL IOUS Ye IE cna atehcle te te 8 oe Ris cole! obnth fa 201 PAS, rere Mdward Vir id uO ae i elbacte, F.. Wren Neier SEVOM IY ME TSS Nh 4 FE Mane EPMA): 70 - Coello, A: Beni. ee vi mienrerOrspadn dy 0. Loe ANT As | Goignard, Spits ET Alaa Cow in Pasture. ............ fh a 18 maoremard, Gai. ie . -,..Cattle and Landscape............. 69 Obitins RRC ae CRB OUROR DOL er auto vba aia 6/2 pee Deere ie Cu COArtIst a Sbudios! 6,0 ¢, PEM Ab Berens 20 95 Malian Girks oo cess RR ae 113 Diam ei POeievirs wis 4s LADGSCAPO, 6 ua. ie Le cele e's « Sos hol BOM e eop se UIE io a ADS ADE sen habe) COM: ONE 2e en ae Aa uebe yes BAAR RC TEE NC hi 178 (OT EU iinet i Sa Lady Holland......... SEAM AE aR YG 114 WOR it. es So aby WE DELY EROBO (3.016 5 diel bogie aie! ol de 79 CHET A asa Peummiies Cama wet sone! cycles 156 MC NS ci a ee MISE SH aS ine su tule 159 Mommebe NN ei Summer........... ROA YI Mean a Danloux, H. P..... Bahay Madame de la Chavignerie......... 8 Daubigny, Ch. F........The Road..... Poss! a dian lanka wis 127 ARTISTS REPRESENTED—Continued NAMES OF ARTISTS SUBJECTS Cc Pa seet x6 Delpy,/C) Be ae sas Seine at Vernon:..,.J.. see 18 Delpy; Ce Hi veteran are Sunset at-Reuil.< <).ch. 00 eee 14, DelpystON Heese sees Sunset: at Glotonm). i.) 40e aneeeee 82 Delpy Gi He wabacsees View on the Seine...............-- 83 Detailed): Bo By eeseeces Freneh Artillery): ). 22 jae 16 DOC WOR ahi tec bate ne Music Lesson Sse eeee dees eee Tete SG OS oie eee Studio. of Velasquez.2.0). nee 22 Diaz Soss cueee wae Forest of Fontainebleau. .......... 102 Diaz, Nees tae re sek Chiens. Griffons {>... 4. eee (125 AB ACV AEN | Coe ena iain 8 AE gS Les Rochers de Franchart......... 169 EINE, arb LY a ann ae a NS ayg A The Fortune Teller,.......... RP Yt Dupre, Jules. oS as vs The: Cottage: ...). 56. bea eee 55 Dupre, wdwles, eck ae Sunset e...5 86 Niaa 3 «at eee 119 Dupre, Jules............ Mariness oo dw be oe ee 187 Dapre, J uilenw esse en Return Homey... 27 eee 51 Dupre, Jullems hs ay Farm? Life (\ 5:23 Gas hee ee ee 137 Dupree Victory ovo: Vea Une Mares 0.0% 5350 ges eee 80 Os Re MED La Sena ag a Shepherd.’ 3 s:. wis pe 9 OEE tetany Ns Nacminneeae ete River Loing:’\s.c06 eben eee 10 HUG Seen cinte iie behets River Rus.’ 5241.5 cee 11 yt EG SA dO ah a aN Stone: Bridgenc. oS ae eee 76 BIOS Vc aa ap oa a ARPA ep WORK Shepherdess 6 a eee 77 S Ofe Foi © Seana eae gegen A aA fk River Loing.;:.’: *cienc ae 78 EG GR Ye ui oecn t A eae caln ates Lady Hllenborough.. (joie eens 110 Promentiny Hci. os. VAT gOria Ql 8 oes 2 oaks ee 87 Gainsborough, Th....... Dr. Haviland(... 2) ee seein 182 Goddee: Ao ISS ey re In the Woods... 1.i4 3 edhe 170 (6rore, 3d oT As a’ Le ‘Revell ci. eee ae 185 COP EERD SEN ASN GR aS Ry Mile. Lange...) oJ... see 45 ETIINOUEX SY eh tite cu ete ee Mlle. Deshoullieres,.............. 193 Grolleron vl oun. sk ess Watching the Enemy... )) 7. s90u4 157 Cara ee wa ahaeie Venice... 7 hat eee ee 180 Harlows Gio Bias (ee bee Daughter of the Countess of Mexborough. .5.00 ieee 46 Harlow, Gi ne ae Miss Binghata ... 2.2 eee 103 Heanor Jie Pee a, ReVERy 2). ss Sea ee eee ae eee 165 SLOINISHIG: a ORS ern yi Marquise de Chamilly............. 90 Hobbema, My uo ee Landscapes 00) 0 Oe 6 Trinds) Gat ae Meare Landscape yo. i eo eee 20 ENGR Oe es a Rocky: Dell. 3.) cy eae 74 LW OO eI, —s a - = noes oe el oo a es a Ee eS ae OS Pee cael EMAL ON Sele elie eu _ ARTISTS REPRESENTED—Continued The Artist’s Daughter as Ceres... NAMES OF ARTISTS SUBJECTS ‘ ferian Pperieabey, Fei. o6 5 634... _... Leaving for the Promenade........ 192 Peevey Ml A sa. vis Return of the Fishermen,......... 197 iiegacomin; MOB oes ois2. Forest of Marly..... pee ae Tela ht Jacomin, M. F..... Pr woresh of nambouillet .. 0.6.6... 0 67 Pdeeine Oh. of. 0.0% ty ey ie eee sks coe aaa 43 Bee ON ii es hs was 2) 0 i AO edie’ 19 Wee et G52). Shepherdess... .... 2.0.0. sce 121 ee ee TING) oe See l oc eevee enue s 147 Jongkind, J. B.......... Vessels ftaring the Scheldt...... 160 Jongkind, J. B.......... Canal Near Amsterdam....... .... 194 Jouvenet, F....... Ata) Madame de Celvoy.............. . 152 Kavel, M...... ieee Nigh) 1 gue, OTIONG, -. scons 6 oe os 41 EG” laa alia aaa ee ia Petite Marquise... ee 171 Bitatkor Tn. je cis. Bai hu Vive Slr Bmpereur. oo is)s, 6 desis sb 175 Ladbrooke........ Mees: Landscape Near Norwich.......... 149 PME ECHOC, ly ele ai BEANS. CANON cu ce sin a he 4 8 135 Lagrenee, L............. PAN Gie OU DaOE Cu UG a 116 menrenes. Ta eee ins S: Empress Elizabeth of Russia...... 200 TN Tears) A NA la a Mme. de Grandval ............... 186 Largilliere, N.'de........ Marquise de Louvois............. 65 DemC ONE iel ee seis 3 os Comtesse de Bermont............. 31 Lawrence, Sir Thomas...Countess Wilton,................. 128 Lawrence, Sir Thomas...King William IV.................. 164 Lawrence, Sir Thomas...Countess Darnley................. 158 (Mie A A aa aaa Duchesse de Lesdiguieres......... 50 Lely, Sir Peter.......... Countess of Kildare-.............. 172 Lely, Sir Peter.......... Tidy Pb aCOU DSL eh ovine gate 162 CS 2 Cals 6d) Duchess of Richmond 5 oe ee: 138 ET PINAY. ees SEVUNLOW ALD NOIELOO LCR earache 441d ole ak, 35 PPMEEINOO Frey) ows. ss os BING OUCISIO Noda 3 cates 4s 161 MRT iy Ps ose! a din 00's RUCHED SU ee eta ahemecstore nit 39 LOM CID es ar lve’ s!s PER GU SIDO ROU ee iia la Mista G ats bhp wis 26 1 OA sl Phe Musketeer i. sy iscaeeasis 6 99 Meissonier, J. L......... MOO VERT eee elie eaiesra's ein ss'Tetny Rie Gort 189 EM el ci ola bine 6 sueie s POUT interne ii Un ihe Wire 143 a 6) eo Oe ee Hs oy Nog 7 i A A ae 47 EGG 108s) 31.5 «in nism glen. PAREN CANOS MEAN sath dik yal Lost Youd lord 24 DEVOID ON iy ge aati, TO AMLEL CIOS 1S sare att Mea Ge 33 Migenerds ON oe et Peer) MATIDOLOUR I i. c\ cia) o. 48 ARTISTS REPRESENTED—Continued NAMES OF ARTISTS _ SUBJECTS CATALOGUE Piste A. Misnard. Boyt i. .....Queen Christine de Suede.......... 186 Mignard, P..........:..La Marquise de Montespan........ 190 Moreelse, P..... Se oe elk. ErINCess Of Nassau, ocean 62 re Moreelse, Por sie se. Portrait of a: Lady; ©. 3.0. 4 ee Mostaert, J............. Religious Sabject. 05), 0 aan aa ee Mytens, D..............Daughter of Charles I..... i ae eee Mytens, D..............Duchess of Buckingham.......... 73 Natoire, Charles.......,Marie Madeline De La Fayette ' Duchesse De La Tremouille,., 142 Nattier, J.) Mos. ose Duchesse d’Orleans....... aoe eee Northcote, iF ces ves Age of Innocence! i Nae Northoote, S102. us Babe in the Woods..... .......... 189 COLES TUR OU ai & =... Miss Morland. cs) ce eneeenn nn ae Outen seals ...Modern Cinderella..............., 153 Palamedes....... os. 2s. Christening... 0 2. siete ests seen ad Perret, Aime? De cues Premier Aveus ln 0 Sia bets ce brigle en En Ga Perret, Aime............La Vanneuse...... vale bits as ET Perret, Aime... ....)...Geese Herder.) ln ee Perret Almay oa s aie Shepherdess a. i. Se eee Peat cia Perret, Aime: Jo. .,4.,; Peasant: Girk i) 2 eee wvats 146 Perret, Aime............ Harvest...... MEER rts fs hors ae Piazettas dbo ri eek ..Boy Feeding Birds; ............... 68 Paint, Aye Po BHlegy seek pach se 285 Pokitonow, I........ .. Landscape. ss. 2B ees 104 Pokitonow, I........);,Hunters’ Repash.,. i) tunes een Pourbus, F...... ....s...Marquis of Monticucoli............ 23 — POULTRY Ee oy ....: Marie de Medicis.) 0c oo aeueuneee 130 Provaigs Peace Sak Prise d’une Batterie... /......)..1., 28 Reynolds, Sir Joshua....Cupid Disarmed......... ghee ChE Reynolds, Sir Joshua, ,.: ; Miss Keppeli. 77. 200) ae Reynolds, Sir Joshua....Duchess of Rutland............... 188 Bichety Tae Gey Pel ells Ua Li Arora; cis PER 2 base ihigies i AE Richets dy sey aes Jusivy Sur Mare... 0. 200 ee Richter, Edouard........ In;'the Corridor Vii). Aon ee “iso Rigana, hor Poke Met Mme. de Flameville...... io alae aie Bigs, Be old ly he Grand Conde. 3) oe 100 Rigaud Ae ele Nia ».Duchesse de, Noailles .). Sean 154 BO DDSE ae ea Cia Interior of a Cowshed.:.......... . 140 ARTISTS REPRESENTED—Continuod NAMES OF ARTISTS ve SUBJECTS Pantereoste Pemomamen Gs ts Miss Montgomery.....,........... 4 aU SUG a a ea Mme. d’Azincourt..... Percent atl ae Oe Ly Beounwestrn he ee Tanducane, 22! 63.6606 06 000. ee 97 EI A 1 a 129 pi Own. 1. leise i.e. 2 HOE NRE a a ea 163 » + Santerre, J.B... .. Palade Louise Adelaide d’Orleans......... 86 Santerre, J. B........... Mme. d’Argenville................ 176 Meettover A) 20)... Walachian Horses... ..0.......05. 183 Pprmeume A Morning in the Forest............. 1 eer The Fagot-Maker.:..0../..0...:°. “1 SOE AG, CAE et a aa La Mare Aux Viperes.............. 72 Orb ek, '; etre Ldeal Bead ee ee ay Lae. 3 ‘Shee, Sir Martin......... LIER ONL gh SO 1's lata wa 8) 40 Shee, Sir Martin........ PURER. ALOMIMONLO Cin CU TRV OES) 184 aR er pie ii Landscape and River..... ........ D2 Peete Ae RIODBINGRE AA Le racy. leno 38 School of Cologne. ...... Religious Subject...... RIOT Eye, 27 Phealow We lo Venice. ..... LMSC HS UD ER 63 aatlowe hf. Bridge of Verona... .).02.0. 06 6. 173 PUTO WLR ED oS Wear ADDGVILG) i ee eee es 91 PLOUTES. CANN Moe eee. Spanish Beauty............ VA Ai 59 cyclo) Sa ee cod li/ aCe} RTS P Wie Ve toe 2leed bay any i iy cp a 60 CN Nel ea ec ss Revery.. Ose, MAUL CaM NER cst) ie Wi, 61 promrese Aw oe ee MIAO LE ene le es ro ie, 93 ee Ree CuiepreliBearity cil ene ee dale 94 1G SO NER oe oe ee TOGAE TACEe ye Aa eee unt eos ie | 95 Mee Ae eis Lye MEAT QUIS aes a. i vise en hm = 133 Torres, A..... it aha aba WORE URGE Ur baie marry uh oy a: 134 Tournieres, R........... Mme. de Mondonville.,........... 64 Wournieres, Reiss... Duchesse de Brissac. 0... 65...02 106 PRMOM OM Ci OMLGCY arte aru Mar fei aly 131 Mam Bassen 2.66 4 Santa Maria Maggiore............. 25 \ 4 Van Ceulen, C.J ....... PEOREML EC RCRA BCID WON UN TT EOL Ny fi eas td ne 1. | # Van Ceulen, C. J........ Ae ArISt Ss Pathe ji... sds... 84 i* Van den Eeckhout, G....Shepherd Boy...3..........0..000- 150 i Van Loo,-Carle,......... Marquise d’Hautpoul.............. 141 t ae Pram po TBs ei eek Madame Pavarty 0 el deed wiges 98 | a . Van Mierevelt, M. J..... Dame Van Hooft.......... Be iii abe 146 | - Van Miereyelt, P.... ... Dame Van Montfoort.............. 29 | a : Verboeckhoven, E....... GACY AOE OGY GU ih usec delgran 167 h & , a { NAMES OF ARTISTS Verboeckhoven, E. J. Vernon, Poe eae Vernon ioe, Vestier, A........... Watts, POWs oS Wouverman, oer : Ziem, Bees ceeeee oe ACID Rani cae es Vilera Beste Siu aeaas + \ "SUBJECTS | Sheep in Pasture m, .Ideal Head. . . Primavera... .Theroine de Mericou .Landscape...... ee Camp Scene.. Scene on the ‘Adriatic. 5 Venice, see seseeeseceee Now L72 SIR PETER LELY Countess of Kildare AY, MARCH 12th, 1906 1651-1690 i 50 Height 49 inches; width 3 73 inches a 4 : JULIEN DUPRE ; | 4 Paris Born in 1851 aah s Third-class medal 1880; second-class medal 1881. Chevalier Legion of Honor 1892. H.C. ol RETURN FROM PASTURE Height 18 inches; width 21% inches JAMES STARK TOARRERS to London, where he entered the Royal Academy OL, ! The National Gallery and Kensington Museum contain many of his most important works te hy, LANDSCAPE AND RIVER Height 17 inches; width 24 inches. : ey CESARE DETTI Ug / if Born in Rome Pupil of the St. Lucca Academy in Rome aie | Studio Paris e | ee uae uf Represented in many of the best known collections a abroad and in this country In the W. H. Vanderbilt collection, Metropolitan Museum, New York D3 THE MUSIC LESSON Height 28 inches; width 20 inches q | yy a | {| DANIEL MYTENS | The Hague aek 1590-16 58 Court Painter to Charles I. in 162 Sune ny «Of THE DAUGHTER OF CHARLES 1. _ (Married later to Gaston d’Orleans) Height 43 inches; width 36 inches ‘ , uy j + ae JULES DUPRE = 9» 6 0 — 1 First Salon Medal 1833 Legion of Honor 1849 Officer of Legion 1870 —_— Born at Nantes, 1812. Learned to paint on por- celain. Studied from Nature and the old masters in the Louvre. Exhibited in Salon 1821, and won the favor of the Duke of Orleans. Died near Paris, 1889 5d THE COTTAGE Height 16 inches; width 123 inches From the Georges Petit Galleries Paris GEORGE ROMNEY London © 1734-1802 MISS FARREN =. oh Height 30 inches; width 25 inches XN AN AIME PERRET | See Biography No. 36 Z | 4 . ’ ee 10gr Pp! ne O 3 Ni f Wes iT sia LE PREMIER AVEU a Height 254 inches; width 32 inches 7 | A BELLED Paris ‘STUDY OF A YOUNG GIRL Height 28% inches; width 232 inches — x o ANTONIO TORRES Paris Born at Tarragona, Spain. A pupil of the Julian Academy, Paris. His ‘‘Ideal Heads” have been received with much favor, and a great future is prophesied for this clever artist 24 aa pou. SPANISH BEAUTY (/7(?, King tlanel e | Height 18 inches; width 153 inches 60 BLONDINE broke SE Go a te We Height 24 inches; width 18 inches 61 : REVERY V6 Ie 4 Height 21% inches; width 15% inches K - Name ies: oe Holland — 1571-1638 PRINCESS OF NASSAU Height 54 inches; width 42 inches - Gold Medal Paris Be sition 1900 Officer of the Legion of Honor 1901 VENICE Height 24 inches; width 19% inches Paris 1668-1752 MADAME DE MONDONVILLE Height 50 inches; width 4o inches NICOLAS DE LARGILLIERE | (Ce a at 4; R . i - MARQUISE DE LOUVOIS th ae Height 29 inches; width 23 inches Bei: ESP (Oval) ; a eyed . Collection F. de Launay 4 ey ante oe 2 pan ai ea ies Ree inches ‘ width 45 1601-1674 THE CHRISTENING Height 32 inches STEVAERTS PALAMEDE No. 171 MARTIN KAVEL La Petite Marquise SECOND DAY SALE a DAY, MARCH 13th, a, + PROMPTLY AT 8.30 P. M. A } Be ay, vb f is 00 M. F.JACOMIN , Zi a Paris tb Lee adil ’ Medal Paris Salon 1888, 1889 Hors Concours Nee 67 ~~ FOREST OF RAMBOUILLET a | (Seine et Oise), France Height 213 inches; width 174 inches BOY FEEDING BIRDS Height 29 inches; width 23} inches _L. COIGNARD f. 1812-1883 Ly | Paris 1 it oF One of the “ Petit Maitres ” of the School of 1830 Medals Paris Salon in 1846, 1848 Represented in many museums in France 69 CATTLE AND LANDSCAPE Height 143 inches; width 21 inches FRANCOIS CLOUET Paris 1510-1572 HENRY, Height 153 inches; width 11 inches Collection Azay le Rideau - ADRIEN SCHULZ Paris Pupil of Dardoize and Hanoteau Exhibits in the Salon, and is represented in many,Art s Museums of France His works show many of the characteristic qualities of Diaz eens ttt: THE FAGOT-MAKER IN THE Pg 1 (1 FOREST OF ' FONTAINEBLEAU # ff: ty, Height 13 inches; width 16 inches LA MARE AUX VIPERES Pe y, | ee 72 7 (Vipers Pool) FOREST OF FONTAINEBLEAU Weis? Height 16 inches; width 26 inches a es, The Hague 1590-1658 Court Painter to Charles I. in 1625 ’ THE DUCHESS OF BUCKINGHAM Height 30 inches; width 25 inches ‘ + * ig) GEORGE INNESS oe Hest Mths 1 oy New York Cd velar Cee 1825- 1894 THE ROCKY DELL Height 32 inches: width 42 inches From the Collection of Mr. Thomas B. Clarke Sale Feb., 1899; No. 155 in Catalogue CORNELIS JANSON VAN CEU 1590-1664. Satabrre PORTRAIT OF AAD Py ( width 19 inches b) Height 243 inches ) + —s FREDERIC EDE 2 Paris i Born in 1865, at Ottawa, Canada; he lives at Mon- i _ tigny, on the River Le Loing, near Fontainebleau, France Pupil of Tony Robert, Fleury and Bouguereau. Re- ceived Ist prize at the Exhibition of Montreal 1891, and the Medal of Honor at the Columbian ae Exposition, Chicago, 1893 Ban GV wes _ THE STONE BRIDGE | | Height 18 inches; width ro inches . (1 THE SHEPHERD AND HIS FLOCK Gif — : Height 234 inches; width 29 inches SH actt J BANKS OF THE RIVER LE LOING, ee aa Zo! ae FRANCE ie a e Height 214 inches; width 284 inche ov br 7 ha ii FRANCIS COTES, R.A. 1726-1770 This splendid painter of the English School was a contemporary of Sir Joshua Reynold, and became his most powerful rival. In fact, many paintings by Cotes have been taken for works by Sir Joshua, 1 so closely related were their styles and palettes | i His most noted work is a portrait of Admiral Hawke F in Greenwich Hospital : 79 = YOUNG LADY WITH ROSE Height 26 inches; width 20 inches ‘ _-—«- VICTOR DUPRE a | Paris PRs - Born in 1816 ie ane Pupil and brother of Jules Dupré _ Medal Paris Salon in 1849 80 - UNE MARE DANS LE BERRY (FRANCE) © 4 ; Height 14 inches; width 22 inches - Paris 1718-1793 MADAME D’AZINCOURT Height 32 inches; width 254 inches _ CAMILLE HIPPOLYTE DELPY | Paris { Pupil of Corot and Daubigny Medals Paris Salon 1884, 1889 nie % ys _ SUN SET AT GLOTON C1 iene he Height 16} inches; width 28 inches 27 4 ae VIEW. ON THE SEINE Height 163 inches; width 28 inches CG bs CORNELIS JANSON VAN CEULEN > | hofeae 1594-1664 MN / Amsterdam % 84 PORTRAIT OF THE ARTIST'S FATHER _ Height 29 inches; width 25 inches - ne A. POINT | AG . | Paris & . evthy p: ft Medal Paris Salon 1889 * E One of the most Coieable of the younger French followers of the ‘Primitives.’ He designs him- wee self the frames for his pictures and the result is uncommonly successful, as can be seen in this picture 85 ELEGY Height 223 inches; width 144 inches J. B. SANTERRE 1658-1717 LOUISE ADELAIDE D’ORLEANS ~ Height 37 inches; width 32 inches _ EUGENE FROMENTIN IrS00 Paris —1820- 1876 oO - Maj fag Pereals Paris Salon 1849, 1857, 1859, 1867 : Wiecion of Honor 1859 | Officer 1869 87 SOUVENIR OF ALGERIA Height 193 inches; width 363 inches _ From the Collection of M. Beugniet, Paris From the Collection of M. David C. Lyall, of Brooklyn, sold by the American Art Association, February 1903, No. 93 in the Catalogue and illustrated FREDERICK W. WATTS This worthy follower of Constable was born in London and painted in many ports of the British Isles He was a brother-in-law of Constable , 44 most prolific painter, exhibiting between the years | 1821 and 1862 no less than 258 canvasses in London | 83 LANDSCAPE WITH FISHERMAN Height 22 inches; width 30 inches ») Sos oe A i he 3 xt ME SP ree Meee ees ais Le PAUL VERNON | fl — é ~ Paris . : PRIMAVERA Ba Height 133 inches; width 103 inches JEAN JULES HEINSIUS 1740-1812 MARQUISE DE CHAMILLY Height 50 inches; width 39 inches From the Collection of Dr. Rew Parsons, Chelsea, England FRITS THAULOW Paris } Gold Medal Paris Exposition 1900 Officer of the Legion of Honor 1901 - Yl —sSNEEAR.: ABBEVILLE Height 15 inches; width 18 inches > SIR JOSHUA REYNOLDS, P. R. A. - London a 1723-1792 CUPID DISARMED Height 32 inches; width 21 inches — ANTONIO TORRES Paris Born at Tarragona, Spain. Pupil of the Julian Academy, Paris. His ‘Ideal Heads” have been received with much favor, and men who know prophesy a great future for this clever artist 98 THE MANDOLIN PLAYER Height 36 inches; width 243 inches 4 ORIENTAL BEAUTY Height 24 inches; width 18 inches Bs 95 IDEAL HEAD Height 24 inches; width 18 inches of cy WA PORTRAIT OF ALADY Height 25% inches; width 214 inches 4 \e ‘ odevospury] NVASSNOY HL 97 Paris 1812-1867 wa.c.tery pf Medals 1834, 1849 Medal of Honor 1867 Legion of Honor 1852 Officer 1867 LANDSCAPE ; SUNSET Height 63 inches; width 10% inches From the Collection of Count Greffulhe | ie ‘“ Doctor Dieulafoy As ts “* Georges Petit JEAN BAPTISTE VAN | - 1684-1745 MADAME FAVART ~ Celebrated Actress of the Comedie Francaise : Height 371 inches; width 31 } inches 99 pf SALVATOR MEGE i : Gry tla fog oo of Bonnat | Salon 1879, 1880, 1881 THE MUSKETEER Height 32 inches; width 264 inches “APN ines Wes pr a) A # , HYACINTHE RIGAUD 0a oy 1659-1743 Born at Perpignan in 1659, Rigaud came from a family ‘of painters, both his father and grandfather : having been artistically noteworthy ‘ He began his studies in Paris at the Academy in 1681, ' and in the following year gained the first prize for his ‘Cain Building the City of Enoch” RRS : He became the ‘fashionable painter of the upper classes,” his sitters being such noteworthies as i‘ Louis XIV., Augustus III. of Poland, Cardinal Fleury, Boileau, Charles XII. of Sweden, Louis XV., and the painter Mignard . eo 100 LE GRAND CONDE rah as ee Height 32 inches; width 28 inches Se ae Oe ee eet eS Ge hes ee es . Sn a a eae TR eS. LEON RICHET | , Paris Pupil of Diaz PT Ones a Medal Paris Salon 1888 101 JUVISY SUR MARNE Height 25% inches; width 36 inches NARCISO DIAZ DE LA P ana | Paris goer 1808-1876. Medals Paris Salon 1844, 1846, 1848. Legion of Honor 1851 FOREST OF FONTAINEBLEAU Height 11 inches; width 14 inches Yds | | Wb foatorek ; - George Henry Harlow, the most successful follower of Sir Thomas Lawrence, was born in London in 1787 103 PORTRAIT OF MISS BINGHAM Height 30 inches; width 25 inches IVAN POKITONOW Born at Odessa, Russia, he studied in Paris under Meissonier. He won all the art honors in Russia __ and many medals in Germany and France i 104 LANDSCAPE Height 7 inches; width 10 inches — 105 THE HUNTERS’ REPAST Height 7 inches: width 10 inches 7) _-—s ROBERT TOURNIERES 6 00 Pais ae Veg 3 i 1 ae . fF i | eae 1668-1752 GC he / y — 106 _ _DUCHESSE DE BRISSAC Height 543 inches; width 414 inches FELIX ZIEM Paris Felix Ziem was born at Beaune in 1821 His paintings, particularly his Views of Venice, have : _won for him a world wide reputation Medals 1851, 1852, 1855 and Legion of Honor in 1857 — | 107 SCENE ON THE ADRIATIC Height 27 inches; width 44 inches he ae CLAUDIO COELLO ae : a Pee cos. CO Netly : 1 | ith See, 4 108 INFANTA OF SPAIN Height 233 inches; width 157 inches WILLIAM A. BOUGUEREAU , Prix de Rome, 1850; received Medals in 1855, 1857, and 1867 pill _ Legion of Honor 1859 Pitcher of the Institute of France 1876 Officer of the Legion of Honor 1876 ae Medal of Honor 1878, 1885 Commander of the Legion of Honor 1885 109 AUTUMN Height 35 inches; width 30 inches Signed and dated 1905 Bouguereau died in 1905, and this picture is therefore one of his last works i a , AM. taet. | Me he ; 1787-1849 _ / GUILLAUME ETTY, R.A. 2 WL London Born at New York; Pupil of Sir Th. Lawrence 110. ~~ Lapy ELLENBOROUGH Height 30 inches; width 25 inches FRANK BOGGS Paris Hon in New York; has a Studio in Paris. Received a Medal at the Salon of 1889; is ‘‘ Hors Concours.” The French Government bought one of Boggs’ pictures for the ‘‘“Musée du Luxembourg” 111 = ye BROOKLYN BRIDGE Height 73 inches; width 60 inches HYACINTHE RIGAUD 1659-1743 a, We MADAME DE FLAMEVILLE Height 18 inches; width 15 inches a a pce EDD 40° a J. B. C. COROT . ll Meter Paris Pupil of Bertin. Medals 1838, 1848, he 1867. Legion of Honor 1846. Officer of Legion of — a Honor 1867. Diploma to the Memory of De- a ceased Artists, Universal Exhibition, ta7e 113 ITALIAN GIRL Height 26 inches; width 214 inches” From the Georges Petit Galleries Paris Sat ; FRANCIS COTES, R. A. Ca lee This splendid painter of the English school was a contemporary of Sir Joshua Reynolds, and be- came his most powerful rival. In fact, many paintings by Cotes have been taken for works by | Sir Joshua, so closely related were their styles and palettes | 1726-1770 114 PORTRAIT OF LADY HOLLAND Height 42 inches; width 32 inches ae ER SES REMUS pee pe re ee ae PR RRR o-.. ~ eid a AG ¢ ae: Oe) aS : Pan § ; eo ae o£ - ye . a a a | Le (lye. 4! \ Lh au | fe yey LBs Dy { : : : ey ; FELIX ZIEM wn Paris” Medals Paris Salon 1851, 1852, 1855. Legion of Honor 1857 Officer 1878 VENICE Height 21 inches; width 337 inches LOUIS LAGRENEE ; ae pe a 1724-1805 116 = MapEMoISELLE BOURGOIN vi ’ In the play “Tipoo-Saib” ip Height 31 inches ; width 25 inches CAROLUS DURAN orn at Lille, France, in 1837 Medals Paris Salon 1866, 1869, 1870, 1878 x ~. Grand Medal of Honor Salon 1879 Legion of Honor 1872 | Officer of the Legion of Honor 1878 © Member of the Institute of France Re 5 rip at At present Director of the “Académie*Francaise” at Rome a 117 tHE DAUGHTER OF THE EMIR 4 Height 243 inches; width 15 inches ae Dated 1882 is signed at the left WILLIAM COLLINS f ae 1788-1847 Collins early received instructions from Morland, and one cannot but feel his influence, especially in Collins’ early productions His pictures of Rustic Life met with very great success, “Cromer Sands,” for instance, bringing 3600 guineas at the Gillot sale in 1872 The South Kensington Museum contains no less than twelve of his works 118 LANDSCAPE Height 18 inches; width 24 inches A “ be E bo Parise: 1812-1889 First Salon Medal 1833 Legion of Honor 1849 Officer of Legion 1870 SUNSET >) Height 18 inches; width 234 inches ‘Collection I. Montaignac 2 SIR WILLIAM BEECHEY, R. A. epee London 7 apss-1839 “He Dee “1200 ~— iss O'NEIL Height 36. inches: width 28 inches GUSTAVE JACQUET Paris Medals Paris Salon 1868, 1875, 1878 Legion of Honor 1879 121 THE SHEPHERDESS ; a: ‘Ge ad Height 22 inches; width 184 inches Purchased direct from the Artist 1905 ANTONIO CANAL ane (Called “Canaletto i) MHL YG, Iris ao ae boop 768 ‘ His principal works are at Berlin, London, Munich, Paris, Vienna and Dresden i 122 A CHURCH IN VENICE we Height 24 inches; width 39 inches few AIME PERRET — See biography No. 36 _—s«JOHIN OPIE, R. A. 400 wee Tondon, y : y Hs x ' 81801 A J Cle by : MISS MORLAND t Pe ee tLeight 30 inches; width 26 inches Che | (Oval) © NARCISO DIAZ DE LA PENA “@ Parise ie : x 4 1808- 1876 3 = Medal Paris Salon 1844, 1846 1848 Legion of Honor 18 sr 125 CHIENS GRIFFONS DANS LA 4 asus Cee in the Forest) Height 8} inches; “width 128 faces Engraved in the ‘‘100 Masterpieces,” page 103 foto rwalt, Sac Vee aah 2 shy Wo Vay er arte (90L- “222 -N. DIAZ be - SIR AUGUSTUS Ww. ‘CALLCOTT, R. A. Z : | 1779-1844 V/ Pannen His first success was a portrait of Miss Roberts, painted i aes “under the tuition of Hoppner in 1799 ‘ is For many years he contributed to the Royal Academy, | _of which he was made a member in 1810 e > Examples of his work are found in all the principal galleries of Europe 126 OLD FARMHOUSE IN KENT Height 34 inches; width 54 inches CHARLES FRANCOIS DAUBIGNY _ Paris mer 1817-1878 Medals Paris Salon 1848, isan 1855, 1857), 1859 and 1869 Legion of Honor 1859 Officer 1874 127 THE ROAD Height 8} inches; width 163 inches a ey Cee eee mee ee se ee _ 146 ~—s COUNTESS WILTON ae ‘4 | , Height 36 inches; width 30 inches Paris Medal Paris Salon 1866 Grand Medal of Honor 1893 Legion of Honor 1892 Officer 1900 A MUSICIAN Height 26 inches; width 20 inches FRANS POURBUS _ VA iy ; (THE YOUNGER) I 569-1622 Mya Medel, O The works of this splendid and most interesting painter of the Dutch School are scattered throughout the great galleries of Europe | _ He became a master of the guild of St. Luke in 1591 In 1600 he was employed by the Arch-Duke Albert at Brussels, and from Brussels he journeyed to Italy, from Italy to Paris, where he settled down, later being appointed Court Painter to Marie de Medici We find the best examples of his work in Darmstadt, London, Madrid, Munich, Paris, The Hague and Vienna 130 PORTRAIT OF MARIE DE MEDICIS Height 48 inches; width 38 inches , ae 24 CONSTANT. TROYON Paris 1810-1865 Medals Paris Salon 1838, 1840, 1846, 1848, 1855 he “ Legion of Honor 1849 131 THE POULTRY FARM Height 21 inches; width 25 inches ae Of Me Z, < = g ae a Be od (x) eo Bros & rd s QQ ; Hate) ot width 57 inches b Height 36 inches; F. GUARDI No. 180 _ ‘THIRD DAY SALE PROMPTLY AT 330 P.M. ~ ! 7 _ ANTONIO TORRES | Paris iy p Born at Tarragona, Spain. Pupil of the Julian _ Academy, Paris. His ‘‘Ideal Heads” have been received with much favor, and a great future is prophesied for this brilliant artist 2 Sf oe i is “3 Height 25% inches; width 203 inches | 134 | IDEAL HEAD ; Height 24 inches; width 18 inches anes ra Paris 1724-1805 4 MADAME SAINT AUBIN Celebrated Actress Height 32 inches; width 25 inches PIERRE MIGNARD AL Mllaiu, 1610-1695 Height 30 inches; width 235 inches wT VN : Paris Medal Paris Salon 1880, 1881 Legion of Honor 1892. ~ * FARM LIFE Height 15 inches; width 213 inches Mg SIR PETER LELY Oe 1617-1680 f a _ DUCHESS OF RICHMOND Height so inches; width 40 inches JAMES NORTHCOTE, R. AL He was made an A.R.A.in 1786, and aR. A. in 1787 The National gallery is most rich in works by this ie painter, among them being a portrait of Northcote a: by himself | 139 BABE IN THE WOODS Height 36 inches: width 28 inches he | Brussels = INTERIOR OF A COWSHED hee, (A Good Example of a Scarce Master) | - Height 18 inches; width 23 inches wo CARLE VAN LOO _ - Paris 1705-1765 Height 30 inches; width 24 inches ‘ Collection Edouard Chappey, Paris” ok No. 141 C. VAN LOO Marquise d’Hautpoul t. Height 364 inches; width 283 inches , HUGUES MERLE Paris = | Oh gia Born in 1823 f Pupil of L. Colas | Medals Paris Salon 1861 A 1863 nae : bh . Legion of Honor 1866 — Be) 143 AMOUR MATERNEL Height 394 inches; width 32 inches | an BEECHEY, R. A. é oO’ Loe) CO. ~ Ue ioe) WN ™~ > | London AM e. t LL LADY CLINTON width 40 inches ton b) Height 50 inches From the Collect in ion of Colonel Cl ; AIME PERRET | See biography No. 175 ‘ Height 24 inches; width 20 inches _ : Vn NSZEN VAN MIEREVELT a : j 1567 eh AME CORNELIUS VAN HOOFT * Height 4 s} inches ; width 35 inches ae Collection Theryc de Chatelard « Paris: Height 24 inches; width 193 inches _ No. 147 G. JACQUET Spring S70 JEAN BELLINI | 1428-1516 nn hauler 148 PORTRAIT OF VINCENZIO JULIONE Height 22 inches; width 16 inches From the Collection of Princess Mathilde Bonaparte VA a— ROBERT LADBROOKE 1770-1842 This noted painter of the Norwich School was born in 1770. He became intimate with John (old) Crome, and later they married sisters. They were the — ) s founders (with others) of the Norwich Society of ef A Lut Artists in 1805, but later a quarrel took place be- tween them and they opposed each other in two different societies 149 LANDSCAPE NEAR NORWICH Height 39 inches; width 33 inches . DT VAN DEN EECKHOUT ies Amsterdam | Ore . L 1621-1674 : Pupil of Rembrandt LO a THE YOUNG SHEPHERD Height 52 inches; width 62 inches ‘ts i! ne a, \ J.B. C. COROT ag Parise 1796-1875 Medals Paris Salon 1838, 1848, 18 55, 18 Legion of Honor 1846 Officer of Legion of Honor 1867 151 IDEAL LANDSCAPE. (The Ruins) Height 93 inches; width 124 inches ts Callechon of Comte Armand Doria 4 No.ha2 F. JOUVENET Madame de Celvoy IS JOUVENET As 1664-1749 a a ha Ann. | MADAME DE CELVOY. ~~! | it i Height 30 inches : width 24 inches = re Paris A MODERN CINDERELLA — Height 32 inches; width 23 inches i es SS 154 La DUCHESSE DE NOAILLES ao é Height 58 inches; width 37 inches $ JEAN CHARLES CAZIN : Paris | : Medal Paris Salon 1 880 Legion of Honor 1882 Officer Legion of Honor 1889 | a“ e 155. ‘HARVEST | ne ¥ ~ Height 193 inches; width 244 inches _ ; Collection I. Montaignac—Paris i | oy) } MISS CAULDWELL ¥ : [3 _ Height 354 inches; width 273 inches From the Galleries oe hanes McLean, London PAUL GROLLERON Sy N Paris Pupil of Bonnat CHING FOR THE ENEMY 157 wart MAS LAWRENCE ‘5 Nees 1769-1830 /* ©THE COUNTESS OF DARNLEY mg pee Pog | PONE ie 1 eae Pat os a f,) - ‘Height 50 inches; width 25 inches {is eee t hae Height 163 inches; width 11 inches _ ee . FRANCIS COTES, R. A. Konan’ Nate wie 159 porTRAIT OF MISS HASTINGS © 7 Height 50 inches; width 40 inches J. B. JONGKIND Vessels Entering the Scheldt No. 160 Pais” 1819-189! rr mn at Lateop, Honaca. he: went to France while “Pupil of M. E. Isabey Medal Paris ne 1852 pe 160 VESSELS ENTERING THE SCHELDT Se Height 222 inches; width 314 inches ‘ From the Collection Porto-Riche Sale, Paris, 1890 Paris | 1733-1781 MADAME DE BELLE-ISLE ‘ ~ AE \ “London be ey Len ' ‘ Ge FERDINAND ROYBET Grand Medal of Honor 1893 Legion of Honor 1892 Officer 1900 THE PHILOSOPHER , Height 32 inches; width 251 inches | President of Fhe Royal Academy ae + 1769- 1830 E.0 Mestly Bi or KING WILLIAM IV. Height 55 inches ; width 43 inches |-From the Collection Oly Reo ea The Duke of | Cambridge J. J. HENNER © Paris Born in 1829. Pupil of Brollies and Picoe Prize : Rome 1858; my of Honor 1873; oe of 1889 leery eS BE Height 24 inches; width 18 inches oy No. 166 SIR JOSHUA REYNOLDS Miss Keppel S SIR JOSHUA REYNOLDS, P.R.A.° London 1723-1792 LGAs Lather 166 MISS KEPPEL (Afterwards Mrs. Thomas Meyrick) Height 36 inches; width 28 inches Brussels 1799-1881 ee Legion of Honor, Commander of the Order of ‘Leopol READY FOR DUTY aN ‘e : e i - 1606-1668 r é ig as ¢ | , PORTRAIT OF HIS DAUGHTER M0 AS CERES - Ma , Height 45} inches ; width 35 inches , NARCISO DIAZ DE LA : Paris: 1808-1876 Medals Paris Salon 1844, 1846, re | Legion of Honor 1851 | ; THE ROCKS OF FRANCHART 169 FOREST OF FONTAINEBLEAU Height 21 inches; width 26} inches Diaz Sale No. 66 of Catalogue January, 1877—Paris Weyourly op siayooy soy] ZVId “N 69T “ON ANDREW GEDDES, A. R. A. | 1789-1844 Geddes was born in Edinburg about 1789. He entered the Royal Academy Schools during the time that ,_ Jackson and Wilkie were students there, after- © ward (in 1814) taking up a residence in London to pursue his work as a painter The approbation which his portraits of Dr. Chalmers. and Sir David Wilkie elicited made him an associate of the Royal Academy in 1832 The most important of his works are found in the National Gallery of Edinburg and the South Kensington Museum Let Te 170 IN THE WOODS e feta. Ver ie Height 40 inches; Width 50 inches pee Le : MARTIN KAVEL , Paris 171 LA PETITE MARQUISE Height 32 inches; width 254 inches Napali: SIR PETER LELY London LD W4 se hE 1617-1680 172 COUNTESS OF KILDARE Height 53 inches; width 43 inches From the Sedelmeyer Galleries, Paris pe ai ee FRITS THAULOW 5 feo Paris Gold Medal Paris Exposition 1900 Officer of the Legion of Honor 1go1 173 THE BRIDGE OF VERONA Height 18 inches; width 218 inches No. 174 GEORGE ROMNEY | Miss Montgomery 2.640 GEORGE ROMNEY zone Cynjer + Wbileutleins 1734-1802 174 MISS MONTGOMERY Daughter of Sir William Montgomery Height 36 inches; width 28 inches LOUIS KRATKE yhoo” Paris | mM mye Pupil of Gerome 175 VIVE L’EMPEREUR Height 24} inches; width 20 inches jLeo — JEAN BAPTISTE SANTERRE Pe Ue nllae 1658-1717 176 MADAME D’ARGENVILLE Height 51 inches; width 383 inches RT We ee ate ee re = oe Ses ceher - Taee ee} a Ree eae « Se ret II Titan oi et oe ae TON Np ee | oR Sr Ns Fee nn ne Were Oe iw A a OF Phe ae nn a gs A, ee ae | Pe (4° AIME PERRET | Paris Born at Lyon in 1846 He began exhibiting in the Salon in 1872 and received his first medal in 1877, followed by others in 1888 and 1889. At the Columbian Exposition, Chicago, 1893, he was declared ‘‘hors concours,’ and in the same year he was appointed ‘‘ Chevalier” of the Legion of Honor. His Salon picture of 1876 was purchased by Princess Mathilde, and the one of 1877, “A Christening in Bourgogne,” by the City of Lyon. The French Government has bought a number of Perret’s works; first in 1879, Le Saint Viatique for the ‘‘Musee du Luxem- bourg,” then his Salon picture of 1881 for the ‘‘ Musee de Carcassonne,” of 1885 for the ‘‘ Musee de Chalons-sur-Marne,”’ of 1886 for the ‘‘ Musee de Morlaix,” of 1897 for the ‘‘ Musee de Nantes,” and the City of Paris aquired his painting ‘‘L’Aieule.” Besides, Aime Perret is represented in many of the most prominent private collections in France and abroad. He is called the painter of the ‘happy peasants” in difference of Millet, who painted the ‘very poor peasants.” History will place the name of Aime Perret in the same class with those of Millet, Rousseau, Jacque, and all those great artists who have shown us in their works the poetry of the fields, their joys, their sorrows and their eternal beauty V7 HARVEST TIME ; c (3 Pa Height 293 inches; width 364 inches RICHARD COSWAY, R.A. / ey! London fe eases i, DN a tes AUGUSTA, PRINCESS ROYAL, DAUGHTER OF GEORGE III. 178 Height 69 inches; width 49 inches | o aati , 40 NARCISO DIAZ DE LA PENA Patis 4 Ar 1808-1876 Gg. ‘ Medals Paris Salon 1844, 1846, 1848 Legion of Honor roe 179 THE FORTUNE TELLER Height 10% inches; width 8% inches No. 179 N. DIAZ The Fortune Teller Vi OO a FRANCESCO GUARDI gnats. Gory 1380 SANTA MARIA DELLA eo . Venice Height 325 inches; width 413 inches SUMMER TIME Height 35 inches ; width 25 inches — x Signed and dated 1905 | Bouguereau died in 1905, and this picture is one of his last works THOMAS GAINSBOROUGH, R. A. No. 182 Dr. Haviland COLe ae ‘THOMAS GAINSBOROUGH, R.A. 1727-1788 . Lint, On J ; 182 DR. HAVILAND Height 30 inches; width 25 inches From the Galleries of Charles Sedelmeyer, Paris O o/ Sf? / , ADOLPH SCHREYER 1828-1899 AM Medals Paris Salon 1846, 1865, 1866 183 “WALACHIAN HORSES Height 214 inches; width 29 inches From the Georges Petit Galleries, Paris SOSIOH uBIyORIe AY YAAAUHOS °V Ve ae SIR MARTIN A. SHEE, P. R.A. 1769-1850 4G. V. Carrel? He was elected an associate of the R. A., and in 1800 a member, and upon the death of Sir Thomas Lawrence in 1830, he was elected President, which position he retained until his death, which took place at Brighton in 1850 184 PORTRAIT OF MRS. HAMMOND Height 45 inches; width 24 inches 185 JEAN LEON GEROME Paris — Medal Paris Salon 1847, 1848, 1855 Legion of Honor 1855 Officer Legion of Honor 1867 Commander Legion of Honor 1878 Grand Medal of Honor 1874 LE REVEIL Height 253 inches; width 214 inches fol e NICOLAS LANCRET 8 ar Weblog hl y 1690-1743 Lancret is known to have painted only a few portraits PORTRAIT OF MADAME DE GRANDVAL 186 Height 36 inches; width 29 inches _— / Ve i JULES DUPRE bef? Paris tarot 1812-1889 First Salon Medal 1833 Legion of Honor 1849 Officer of Legion 1870 187 MARINE Height 12% inches; width 16 inches Collection I. Montaignac S/O Te SIR JOSHUA REYNOLDS ; 1723-1792 ¢.0 Weelly 188 THE DUCHESS OF RUTLAND cut Height 52 inches; width 41 inches Collection of the late Lady Charles Bruce, Carlton House Terrace ee ee JEAN LOUIS ERNEST MEISSONIER Paris anit | ase” 1815-1891 Medals: third-class 1840; second-class 1841; first-class 1843 and 1850 Gav Medals of Honor 1855, 1867, 1878 © hh, d Chevalier of the Legion of Honor 1846; Officer 1856; Commander 1867; Grand Officer 1878 Member of the Institute 1861 189 CAVALIER Period of Louis XIII. Height 134 inches; width 63 inches From the Meissonier Sale 1893 No. 210 of the Catalogue (Engraved) LG JLo PIERRE MIGNARD ‘ Paris R 1610-1695 Soba perenne 190 LA MAROUISE DE MONTESPAN Height 364 inches; width 29% inches SC a J. B. C. COROT , fate (hiarnr. Paris Pupil of Bertin. Medals 1838, 1848, 1855, 1867. Legion of Honor 1846. Officer of Legion of Honor 1867. Diploma to the Memory of De- ceased Artists, Universal Exhibition, 1878 191 LANDSCAPE Height 214 inches; width 144 inches Collection Charles Sedelmeyer Paris PO ee J; Bx GG; COROT Landscape ALS OO —~ LOUIS, GABRIEL, EUGENE ISABEY Paris Al ae Sty laud 1804-1886 Pupil of his father, Jean Baptiste Isabey Medals Paris Salon 1824, 1827, 1855 Legion of Honor 1832 Officer 1852 192 LravING FOR THE PROMENADE Height 14% inches; width 11 inches From the celebrated Forbes Collection, No. 1255 French Academy see Member 7 A i e tio ‘ Nae Musee of Besancon, ‘Bordeaux, Greno e, Nar Orleans’ ea a PORTRAIT OF 193 : MADEMOSELLE DESHOULI ; yy J. B. JONGKIND Sea i Paris : Z 1819-1891 fr Wek | Born at Latrop, Holland, he went to France while very young, and settled in Paris for the rest of his life Pupil of M. E. Isabey Medal Paris Salon 1852 CANAL NEAR ROTTERDAM BY MOONLIGHT 194 Height 134 inches; width 18} inches Mentioned in Scribner’s Encyclopedia, page 353 Collection Boussod-Valadon a SIR ALMA TADEMA, R. . Leys. Medals Paris Salon 1864, 1867, 1878. Honor 1873; Officer 1878 (30a gains | Grand Gold Medal, Berlin, 1874 Munich! Berlin and London 195 THE SCULPTOR'S ae ue at 24} inches; width 18$ inches | rae JEAN MARC NATTIER wt LA dents 1685-1766 LOUISE HENRIETTE DE BOURBON CONTI, DUCHESSE D’ORLEANS 196 Height 40 inches; width 32 inches Collection Georges de Montauzon ie eit A foe if LOUIS, GABRIEL, EUGENE ISABEY > ey er Paris C ey Cg + 1804-1886 Pupil of his father, Jean Baptiste Isabey Medals Paris Salon 1824, 1827, 1855 Legion of Honor 1832; Officer 1852 197 RETURN OF THE FISHERMEN Height 32% inches; width 483 inches From the Georges Petit Galleries, Paris dus A “[BUBD pUuLID WHIZ ‘d 861 “ON 198 4 boo— FELIX ZIEM Paris Ao Kaw ler Medals Paris Salon 1851, 1852, 1855 Legion of Honor 1857 Officer 1878 THE GRAND CANAL Height 263 inches; width 38 inches , EUGENE JOSEPH VERBOECKHOVEN M, A “iY Py ae Brussels 1799-1881 199 SHEEP IN PASTURE Height 30 inches; width 24 inches LOUIS LAGRENEE PUO0 e -18 ys Mor oe Kilt “Kisemey First Grand Prix de Rome 1749 Member of the French Academy 1755 Director of the School of Rome 1781 First Painter of the Empress Elizabeth of Russia Director of the Academy of Painting of St. Petersburg from 1760 to 1766 PORTRAIT OF THE EMPRESS ELIZABETH OF RUSSIA 200 Height go inches; width 50 inches ar De 9 oan a / yor _ THEOBALD CHARTRAN Born in France 1849. Pupil of Cabanel ae Grand Prix de Rome 1877 : Medal Universal Exhibition 1889 }. | Chevalier Legion of Honor 1890 Officer Legion of Honor 1902 Commander St. Grégoire-le-Grand 201 JULIETTE : ; < ~ ae “1 TE iii \