f B1912 | Janel INR ars sp Cre ) x =) ia) iS. (ee & Q < an) By (e) mM ee] Pp jo) a0) t i i MANUSCRIPTS—Continued. 2478. HORAD BEATAD MARIA VIRGINIS, Belgice, cum ealendario. FLEMISH MS. OF THE FIRST PART OF THE 15TH CENTURY, ON VELLUM, WRITTEN IN GOTHIC CHARACTERS, IN RED AND BLACK. 147 leaves (5% x414 inches). ORNAMENTED WITH 5 LARGE MINIATURES ON GOLD GROUND, 5 borders of scrolls and flowers painted in black, green, gold, etc., and several large ornamental initials on gold ground. 8vo, in a Flemish 17th century binding of repoussé silver gilt: on the front cover the Crucifixion and on the back cover a representation of the Religious Inspiration, accompanied by emblematic figures; the back is ornamented with three scenes from the Life of Christ; chased clasps, gilt edges. Sec. XV 2479. INDIAN DRAWINGS. A Series of 48 water-color drawings heightened with gold (1454 x 95 )of the 18th cen- tury, executed by an Indian artist, representing Indian costumes. In one vol. folio, old panelled ealf. See. XVITI * Among the subjects represented, of which fifteen are women, are court officers, princes, generals, privates, elephant drivers, boatmen, etc. 2480. JARRY (NICOLAS). Priéres dévotes (Petit Office de la Viérge, Sept Pseaumes Pénitentiaux, Vespres du Dimanches, ete.). FRENCH MS. ON VELLUM, neatly and elegantlu written in Roman and Italic characters, with headings and itials m gold, blue and red, and each page within a gold border, executed by Jarry in the year 1649, and with his signature on p. 149. 87 leaves (4 7/8x3 1/16 wnches). 12mo, old French olive morocco, the sides tooled and gilt in compartments formed by interlacings and arabesques, in the manner of Le Gascon; doublure of vellum similarly tooled and gilt, with date ‘‘Juin 1695’’ in the centre, gold clasps, gilt edges, in a morocco slip ease. Paris, 1649 *The manuscript is embellished by 4 very fine and 5 small miniatures ascribed to Petitot, 5 floral head-pieces and 9 large illuminated initials. The subjects of the large miniatures are: 1. The Nativity; 2. King David praying; 3. ‘‘ Ecce Homo;’’ 4. The Preaching of John the Baptist; the small ones repre- sent the Crucifixion, the burying of Christ, the Resurrection,. ete. This manuscript, which is a fine example of Jarry’s art was executed for the Due of Berry, grandson of Louis XVI, whose monogram is painted in gold at the end. From the Lignerolles collection. 2481. JARRY (NICOLAS). Priéres Saintes et Chrestiennes tirées de l’escriture et des Péres de l’Eglise. FrReNcH MS. ON VELLUM very finely and neatly written in Roman and Italic characters in red and black, each page within a gold border, EXECUTED BY JARRY in the year 1662, with his signa- ture at end. 162 pages (5x 31% inches). Title in gold capitals within a heavy gold border, and embellished by floral orna- ments, wreaths of roses, and initials painted in gold and colors. 12mo, contemporary binding in sealskin, satin linings, chased 391 MANUSCRIPTS—Continued. gold clasps, gilt edges, in a contemporary green silk bag, em- broidered with silver thread, and the monogram ‘‘M. E. C.,’’ surmounted by the crown of a marquis on both sides. From the collections of Baron de La Roche-Lacarelle and G. de Ville- neuve. 1662 2482. KORAN. Part XXX, -Arapic MS. or THE 15TH CENTURY ON NATIVE GLAZED PAPER, entirely written in large — gold characters outlined im black. 44 leaves (1152x8% inches). Embellished with 2 ornamental borders illuminated in gold and blue, and numerous large and small illuminated circular ornaments, marking the divisions of chapters and paragraphs. Folio, Persian binding in purple boards, mo- rocco back. See. XV 2483. KORAN. Part XXX. Arapic MS. OF THE BEGIN- NING OF THE 16TH CENTURY, ON NATIVE GLAZED PAPER, EXECUTED IN Persia, written in large and well-formed characters, each page within gold borders, outlined in black. 66 leaves (14x 81% inches). First 2 pages written wm gold characters on a ground of arabesques painted in three shades of blue, and one page written in dull gold characters outlined im black on a ground of blue arabesques painted on burmshed gold; 4 pages sur- rounded and divided by gold and large blue borders with characters in dull gold, and 3 similar headings. Folio, old © Persian lacquered binding, painted dark brown and gold (much rubbed). Sec. XVI 2484. KORAN. AN PxQuisite ARABIC MS. of the 18th cen- tury, with Persian interlinear translation in red, written on 324 leaves of glazed paper (8144x 5 inches). Hach page sprinkled with gold and within borders of gold and blue. Embellished with 10 elaborately illuminated pages, 111 ornamental bands in blue and gold in the text, 102 large marginal ornaments indi- cating the division of chapters, and numerous other designs in red, blue, and gold on every page. 8vo, contemporary Persian lacquered binding, finely painted outside and inside with flowers, in gold and colors, painted edges. See. XVIII * This manuscript is one of the best examples of its class. 2485. KORAN. Arasic MS. of the end of the 18th century or beginning of the 19th, written on 366 leaves of glazed paper (714x484 inches). First 2 pages entirely wluminated in a floral design in blue and gold and the first 2 pages of text sur- rounded by floral borders also in blue and gold; all the pages within gold borders, and numerous marginal illuminated orna- ments to indicate the chapters. 8vo, contemporary Persian binding of brown morocco, sunken panels with raised flowers and foliage in dull gold; doublure of red morocco having corner and centre ornaments in a scroll pattern cut out and attached to a blue ground. - See, XVITI-XIX 392 MANUSCRIPTS—Continued. 2486. KORAN. Arasic MS. of the end of the 18th century or beginning of the 19th, written on 222 leaves of glazed paper (914 x 534 inches). Hach page within ornamental gold lines and double gold borders, between which are ornaments in blue and gold. Embellished with 6 rich borders of Persian design punted in gold and colors. 8vo, contemporary Persian lacquered binding painted on the outside and inside in borders and panels of flowers. See. XVITI-XTX 2487. KORAN. Arasic MS. of the early part of the 19th century, written on 335 leaves of glazed paper (714 x4% inches). Hach page within borders of gold outlined in black, and with gold division lines; the first 2 pages illuminated in gold and colors. 12mo, old green satin. Sec. XIX 2488. KORAN. Arasic MS. written on glazed paper A. H. 1233 (A. D. 1817). 304 leaves (6% x 454 inches). Hach page within gold borders, and with numerous marginal orna- ments, the first 2 pages being wluminated in gold and colors. 8vo, contemporary Persian binding in red morocco, gilt centre and corner ornaments. 1817 2489. LEONICENUS (NICOLAUS). Libellus de epidemia, quam vulgo morbum Gallicum vocant. Venetiis: in domo Aldi Manutii, 1497. MANUSCRIPT FACSIMILE ON VELLUM, PROB- ABLY EXECUTED IN FRANCE, at the beginning of the 19th cen- tury. 28 leaves (814 x5% wanches). 8vo, old French red straight-grain morocco, gilt and blind-tooled borders, the Aldine anchor in the centre, silk linings, gilt edges, by Bozer- jan. From the Syston Park library. See. XTX * See no. 2014 for original Aldine Edition of 1497. 2490. LE VAILLANT DE LA BASSARDRIKES. L’Ac- cord de la grace et de la liberté, poéme accompagné de remarques. FRENCH MS. ON PAPER OF THE END OF THE 17TH CENTURY, ELEGANTLY WRITTEN, each page within ruled borders. 160 leaves (1014 x 8 inches). Numerous pen-and-ink flourishes. 4to, old French olive morocco, gilt tooled broad floral borders, rose satin linings, gilt edges, by Padeloup. See. XVII 2491. LORRIS (GUILLAUME DE) anp MEUNG (JEHAN DE). Le RomMAN pe 1A Ross, et ceuvres diverses de Jehan de Meung. FrRencH MS. ON VELLUM OF THE 15TH CENTURY WRIT- TEN IN LETTRES RATARDES, RED AND BLACK, double columns. 202 leaves» (1314 x 914 inches). ORNAMENTED WITH 2 LARGE AND 74 __ SMALL MINIATURES and numerous borders composed of flowers, leaves, scrolls, etc., illuminated in gold and colors; also hun- dreds of illuminated initials. Folio, old green velvet, corner 393 MANUSCRIPTS—Continued. p-eces, central monogram and clasps of gilt brass, gilt ed7es; on the upper part of the front cover is apphed a silver plate with the inscription ‘‘Le Roman de la Rese,’’ probably from an older binding. See. XV *< if wue play Wien w/pteer: AV Moir price Dag : bonite - | SD ¢ toute Lo WIE wong CATE. CM Mp GHION ( fruored- SD ahies bow if) Aaorene © Cpe pourtyccite fan any : SS onaques fer analy oniuy wav UG fe Beuene oy 0 ficuy taur Hy) crete: gud fone ¢f/€ conciany - VF; ante fr quenvient ope - ir OP chy POLITUIY HAL (9p? - Lae ic >for uhh pure - VANS FY f Ye : 12 = Fad as ~ ne me ge oe | Qusntclour fife yCruifre > tole. | Carla parrvle gui fee ponet 4 We four aGeti/e oncquce me - Aiea ¢ x eftore nove (rmanite- PuMpmblat pret cone ; ort fve axpret/t : Sv fein ae | suae ontop touch Lice) ty NDE ere pee court a acen pene: . ' fee € feuidrat oo | tgeudscinrt ie fe au calile ia 1c 12 1 noe on oe fiewts conuefe - ffauly a fe nolaie da oF ee es Jd has eas: ao | * ee veligae he Aa SNe phot? ve “hii .* ase ae wares” CMe! > tected . ‘ | pia ROMAN DE LA ROSE, FIFTEENTH CENTURY MANUSCRIPT. (See No. 2491.) MANUSCORIPTS—Continued. mented with a fine full-page border composed of flowers and scrolls, with 4 small mimatures in the corners, 119 large orna- mental wmtials, and numerous small ones, all illuminated in gold and colors; also an historiated intial representing a “*Preta’’ at the beginning of the Canon. Folio, brown levant morocco, gilt edges, in a case. See. XVI 2496. MISSALE ad usum Ecclesie Turonensis. MS. oF THE BEGINNING OF THE 16TH CENTURY, WRITTEN ON VELLUM IN ELEGANT LETTRES BATARDES, RED AND BLACK, double columns, and probably executed in Touraine. 169 leaves (138146x9 mches). ORNAMENTED WITH 2 FINE FULL-PAGE MINIATURES, 3 LARGE ONES, occupying half the size of the page, and 19 small ones. All the large mimatures surrounded by rich and elaborate borders, in the style of the Italian Renaissance, in gold camaieu and blue, on a blue and gold ground; also an illuminated border representing the instruments of the passion (leaf 99 recto) and numerous floral and ornamental initials on gold ground. Folio, old crimson velvet, gilt edges, in a mo- rocco case. See. XVI * A SupERB MISSAL. THE MINIATURES ARE REMARKABLE for correctness of design, execution and coloring. They may be numbered among the best productions of the School of Touraine, and possibly are the work of one of Jean Foucquet’s pupils, although influenced by Flemish art. The 2 full-page miniatures represent the preparations for the Crucifixion. Christ is sitting on a rock, bound, and crowned with thorns, a workman nearby is completing the cross, the two thieves, bound, stand at the foot of the other two crosses; in the foreground are soldiers and the Virgin Mary supported by the holy women and St. John; II. The Crucifixion: at the foot of the three crosses are the holy women, one of whom supports on her knees the fainting Virgin, and the soldiers casting lots for the vestment of Jesus; in the background there are more soldiers, on foot and on horseback, and in the distance appear the hills of Jerusalem. The large miniatures represent: 1. the Nativity; 2. the Resurrection; 3. the Descent of the Holy Ghost. Among the small miniatures may be mentioned: St. Gatian, first bishop of Tours, preaching; the Martyrdom of St. Stephen; St. Maurice and his warriors; St. Martin of Tours dividing his cloak with the beggar, ete. Some of the miniatures have been slightly restored. The missal has the following special services: Mass of St. Gatian, first bishop of Tours, of St. Martin, bishop of Tours, and of St. Guillermus, bishop of Bourges; in the Litany we find Gatian and Lidorius, confessors; Monegunda, virgin. All *. . these point to Tours as the place of origin of the MS. The arms of the Lalemant family of Berry (de gueules a un chevron 395 MANUSCRIPTS—Continued. d’or accompagné de trois roses d’argent) are emblazoned in the first two borders, and-in six of the small miniatures. Prob- ably this magnificent missal was executed for a member of that family. For a longer and more detailed description see the catalogue of Firmin-Didot (year 1879, no. 18), to whom the manuscript belonged. [See Frontispiece. | 2497. NUSHIRVAN. Rissalah (a Treatise upon mysti- cism and poetry). Persian MS., beautifully written on native glazed paper, on an ornamental gold ground within lines of gold and colors, by Mohammed Isma’el al Shirazi, in the A. H. 1234 (A. D. 1818-19). 124 leaves (734 x 514 inches). Hm- bellished with 13 miniatures painted in delicate colors and 8 elaborate borders in blue, red and gold. 8vo, Persian lac- quered binding painted inside and outside with orchids, roses, and nightingales, in a red morocco slip ease. 1818-19 2498. OFFICIUM BEATA MARIA VIRGINIS secundum usum Romanum, cum ealendario. MANuscrIPT OF THE 15TH CENTURY, VERY NEATLY WRITTEN ON VELLUM IN GOTHIC CHAR- ACTERS, IN RED AND BLACK; BY A F'LEMISH SCRIBE. 210 leaves (336 x 238 inches). Embellished with 30 fine borders com- posed of flowers, fruits, birds, etc., exquisitely painted on a dull gold ground, 13 LARGE MINIATURES representing the usual subjects, and a small one; also numerous large and small orna- mental imtials in a gray camaeu on a gold ground. 16mo, old red morocco gilt, gilt edges, in straight-grain morocco ease. See. XV * A pretty little manuscript, the miniatures of which are re- markable for delicacy of composition and brilliancy of color. From the Mosbourg library, with book-plate. 2499. OFFICIUM BEATA MARI VIRGINIS secun- dum usum Romanum, cum ecalendario. MS. OF THE LATTER PART OF THE 15TH CENTURY, WRITTEN ON VELLUM IN GOTHIC CHARACTERS, IN RED AND BLACK, AND EXECUTED BY A F'LEMISH SCRIBE. 186 leaves (5x 358 wches). Ornamented with 15 MINIATURES OF GOOD EXECUTION AND COLORING, 30 borders, composed of flowers, fruits, scrolls and birds painted in gold and colors, and numerous illuminated initials. 8vo, old green silk (worn), in a green morocco slip case. See. XV * The Calendar has Amandus and Vedastus, Benedictus, and Nicasius in red; Gudila, Walburga, Walric and Lambert in black: these indicate ‘the Low Countries as the place of origin of the manuscript; the name of St. Benedict in red shows that it was executed for some monastery of the Benedictine Order. 2500. OFFICIUM BEATA ET GLORIOS AD VIRGINIS MARIA matris domini nostri Jesu Christi secundum Roman- am Curiam, cum Calendario. MS. or THE 15TH CENTURY, WRITTEN ON VELLUM IN GOTHIC CHARACTERS, RED AND BLACK; 396 MANUSCRIPTS—Continued. executed in South LTtaly. 121 leaves (7144x514 inches). Ornamented with 15 LARGE HISTORIATED INITIALS, 4 fine bor- ders composed of angels, animals, peacocks, parrots, scrolls, leaves, flowers, etc., illuminated wn gold and colors, 11 illum- nated sem-borders of a floral character, and hundreds of capitals m gold, blue and red, illuminated arms on folio 7. Small 4to, light green velvet, gilt edges. Sec. XV * The Calendar has Antonius Abbas, translatio S. Januarii episcopi et martyris, Benedictus Abbas, Apparitio 8. Michaelis Archangeli, Bernardinus de ordine Minorum, Antonius de Padua, Vitus, Modestus and Cresantius, Margarita, Donatus, Nicolaus de Tolentius, Dedicatio S. Michaelis archangeli, Franciscus, Nicolaus episcopus. All of which would indicate that the manu- script was made for use in some Franciscan monastery in South- ern Italy. 2501. OFFICIUM BEATISSIMA VIRGINIS MARIA secundum consuetudinem Romane Curie. MS. or THE 1lbTH CENTURY, WRITTEN ON VELLUM IN NEAT AND ELEGANT GOTHIC CHARACTERS, RED AND BLACK; and executed in the North of Tuscany. 201 leaves (334 x 234 wches). Ornamented with 3 large historiated imtials, 3 borders of flowers, fruits and foliage, and 19 ornamental imitials, all illuminated in gold and colors. Also numerous wmitrials with pen-and-imk scroll work in red and blue. Small 8vo, old green morocco gilt, gilt edges. See. XV *The Calendar has: SS. Antonius abbas, Agatha, Monica, Nicolaus de Tolentino, Dedicatio Basilice S. Michelis, Dedicatio Basilice S. Salvatoris, Martinus, Ansanus, Inventio 8S. Crucis, Exaltato 8. Crucis in red; in the Litanys are SS. Gervasius and Prothasius, martyrs; 8. Clara, virgin. All of these point to Lucea as the probable place of origin of the manuscript. 2002. OFFICIUM BEATA MARIA) VIRGINIS secun- dum usum et consuetudinem Romane Curix, cum ecalendario. MS. or THE 15TH CENTURY, WRITTEN ON VELLUM IN LARGE GOTHIC CHARACTERS, RED AND BLACK, and executed at Sala- manca, Spain. 467 leaves (834 x 534 inches). EMBELLISHED WITH 13 FULL-PAGE MINIATURES, among which are the Meeting of Joachim and Anna, and St. Veromca holding the Sudarium; 156 richly decorated borders and sem-borders of scrolls, flowers, birds, figures, and grotesques, painted wm various colors heightened with gold; 24 historiated initials, and on the pages opposite the miniatures large initials of a floral design on a gold ground; also hundreds of wutials in gold on an orna- mental ground of blue and red. Thick 4to, old calf with blind toolings, gilt edges, in a morocco slip ease. Sec. XV * The miniatures are good examples of Spanish illumination, but show a strong Flemish influence, especially in the borders. On the lower border of the first page are painted the arms of the original owner, held by two angels. From the library of Prince di Torella, with bookplate. 397 MANUSCRIPTS—Continued. 2503. PETRARCA (FRANCESCO). Sonetti, Canzoni e Trionfi. IraLIAN MANUSCRIPT OF THE END OF THE 15TH CEN- TURY, ON VELLUM, written in neat Roman characters. 197 leaves (9x 55% inches). First page of text surrounded by an elaborate full-page border of garlands, cupids, birds, etc., luminated in gold and colors, containing 6 heads, and with historiated wutials; also 14 tlluwminated lateral borders in the enterlaced and floral style, and numerous ornamental initials. 4to, light brown morocco, the sides gilt in the Aldine manner, gilt edges, in a board ease. The full-page border is some- what rubbed. Sec. XV 2504. PETRARCA (FRANCESCO). Sonetti, Canzoni e Trionfi. IrauiAN MS. oF THE LATTER PART OF THE 15TH CEN- TURY, ON VELLUM, written in humanistic characters. 176 leaves (113 x 652 inches). First page surrounded by a bor- der of flowers, figures, etc., illuminated in gold and colors, with two angels in the lower part supporting a coat of arms, another illuminated floral semi-border on leaf 140, and over 300 small wluminated imtials. Small folio, old vellum. See. XV 2505. PRAYER-BOOK. Coptic and Arabic manuscript Prayer-book of the 17th century, written in red and black on 256 leaves of native paper (414 x 314 inches). EMBELLISHED WITH 3 FULL-PAGE CRUDELY EXECUTED MINIATURES OF GOD THE FATHER, THE VIRGIN AND CHILD, AND Kine Davin. 8 FULL- PAGE ORNAMENTS, AND 8 HEADINGS PAINTED IN GOLD AND COLORS. Thick 16mo, old Oriental binding in brown morocco, gilt and painted maroon centre and corner ornaments, in an old red morocco case. Sec. XVIT *From the Bateman Collection, with bookplate. 2506. PREVOST. Les Priéres du Salut pour la Chapelle ° du Roy. French MS. on vellum, very neatly and accurately written in Roman and Italic characters, each page within gilt borders outlined in black, executed by Prévost wm the 18th century. 16 leaves (6 2/8x4 inches). Title in gold and blue capitals, within a border of garlands, a cupid’s head, birds, flowers, etc., painted in gold and colors, and 5 large gold imtials, the grounds representing landscapes delicately painted. 8vo, old French blue morocco, gilt dentelle borders in the sides, with the arms or Marte LeczinskA, QUEEN OF Lovis XV, in the centre of both covers, her crowned mono- gram in the corners and in the panels of the back, satin lin- ings, gilt edges, by Padeloup; in a morocco slip ease. See. XVIIT *This fine manuscript was evidently executed for Queen Maria Leczinska, whose arms also appear painted at the head of the dedication. From the collection of Count de Mousbourg, with bookplate. u98 MANUSCRIPTS—Continued. 2507. PSALTERIUM DAVIDIS cum Calendario ad usum Sarum. LATIN MANUSORIPT ON VELLUM OF THE FIRST. PART OF THE XIIITH CENTURY, WRITTEN IN GOTHIC CHARACTERS IN BLACK AND RED, with the calendar in gold, blue and red, exe- cuted by an Anglo-Norman scribe. 191 leaves (9x6% mches). Embellished with 50 fine large circular miniatures, two on each leaf panted on burnished gold ground, and con- tained within ornamental panels in rose, blue and gold; 24 small circular mimatures on the margins of the Calendar representing the occupations of the months, and the signs of the Zodiac, and 187 large and small historiated initials on gold ground. Every page of the text is beautifully and elaborately ornamented with designs of the most varied character, small mitial letters, marginal tracery in red and blue, and finials in the forms of fishes, birds and grotesques in gold and black. 4to, old brown morocco, brass clasps, gilt edges, in a brown -morocco case. Sec. XITI *In the Calendar are found the following Saints: Columba in blue, King Edmund in red, Columbanus and Thomas a Becket in blue: in the litanies we find: Oswald, Edmund, Edward, martyrs; Augustine Amande, Dunstan, confessors; and Col- umba, Fredeswida, Etheldreda, virgins. This shows that the psalter was executed for the use of Salisbury. The large minia- tures represent scenes from the life of Christ and all are exe- euted with admirable skill, being very remarkable for drawing and fresh coloring. 2508. PSALTERIUM DAVIDIS cum Calendario. MaAnvu- SCRIPT ON VELLUM OF THE END OF THE 13TH CENTURY OR BE- GINNING OF THE 14TH, WRITTEN IN GOTHIC CHARACTERS, WITH THE CALENDAR IN BLACK AND RED, AND EXECUTED IN THE LOW CoUNTRIES 218 leaves (634 x 454 inches). Ornamented with 15 FULL-PAGE MINIATURES ON GOLD GROUND, enclosed in Gothic architectural frames, 12 large miniatures in the calendar rep- resenting the occupations of the months, 9 large historiated imtials containing representations of the principal saints and 175 illuminated initials, besides numerous smaller ones; each page within trilateral borders of blue, red and gold, ending in monkeys’ heads, owls, peacocks, etc. Thick 8vo, red levant morocco, covered with a rich mosaic design of flowers and serolls of dark and light green, citron and ivory morocco, gilt edges, by The Club Bindery (Léon Maillard finisher), in a morocco slip ease. See. XITI—XIV *The calendar has Dionysius, Germanus, Basilius, Remigius and Bavo, Franciscus, Donatianus, Martinus, and Amandus & Vedastus (this by a somewhat later hand) in red; Genovefa, Gertrude, Valdetrude, Lambertus, Leodegarius, Willibrord, in 399 MANUSCRIPTS—Continued. ‘black; in the Litany we find Quintine, martyr; Bavo, Aman- dus, Donatianus, Remigius, confessors; Benedicta, Walburga, Gertrude, virgins. All this points to the Low Countries as the place of origin of the manuscript. The miniatures represent the Baptism of Christ; the Scourg- ing; the Descent into Hell; St. Mary Magdalen kneeling at the feet of the resurrected Christ; Christ and St. Thomas; St. Dominick preaching; St. Francis of Assisi preaching to the birds; the Last Judgment, ete. They are all characteristic of the Flemish art of the period. 2 leaves of the Calendar mis- bound and all the miniatures more or less restored. From the ‘* Bibliotheca Renesiana.’’ [See Reproduction. | 2509. ROUSSELET (JEAN-PIERRE). Priéres de la Messe écrites par Rousselet a Paris, M. DCC. XXV. French MS. on paper, written in elegant Roman characters in black and red, within borders of gold and black, executed by Rous- selet at Parts in 1725. 45 leaves (6x41 inches). Title wm gold, blue and red within a pretty border of flowers and gar- lands in colors on a gold ground, in the Lows XV style; em- bellished by 2 full-page mimatures representing Jesus pray- ing mn the Garden of Olives, and the Raising of the Cross; 2 vignettes and 4 tail-pieces delicately painted in gold and colors. 8vo, old French light brown morocco, gilt tooled mosaic borders of dark brown and red morocco, THE CROWNED MONOGRAM OF MARIE LECZINSKA STAMPED IN GOLD on a central ornament of brown morocco; doublure of blue morocco, with large gilt tooled borders, gilt edges, by Padeloup; in a ease. Paris, 1725 * This beautiful manuscript was executed by order of Louis XV, and presented by him to Marie Leczinska on the 4th of September, 1725, the day of their marriage. From the‘libraries of the Duchess of Berry, who inherited it from the Royal family of France, Bancel, Baron de La Roche-Lacarelle and Henri Bordes. 2010. SHAHALI, SAHIB OF DELHI. Bostan-ul-Mohad- dithin. Persian MS. of the second part of the 18th century, neatly written on 131 leaves of native paper (85% x 534 inches). KHach page within lined borders in black, red and blue; the first two and the last two pages within rich floral borders illuminated in gold and colors; interlineations vm gold. 8vo, in a superb mosaic binding of Persian design in dark and lighter blue, green, citron, red, and ivory morocco, delicately tooled and gilt in small ornaments; doublure with a mosaic pattern in panels of ivory, citron and blue morocco, floral gold tools and small red flowers, oriental red silk linings, gilt edges, by The Club Bindery. Léon Maillard finisher. See. XVIIT * An interesting Persian Manuscript of Shahali’s ‘‘Garden of Traditionaries.’’ Inserted are two modern water-color draw- ings of flowers. ~ 400 1310. cwurca FLEMISH PSALTER, (See No. 2508.) MANUSCRIPTS—Continued. 2511. SVETONIUS TRANQUILLUS. De duodecim Ce- sarum vitis ibri XII. Latin manuscript or ‘‘TuHeE Lives or THE T'WELVE CASARS’’ ON VELLUM, WRITTEN IN HUMANISTICs CHARACTERS BY MILANO Burro IN 1433, PROBABLY EXECUTED AT FLORENCE. 168 leaves (934x714 inches). Ornamented with 6 full-page and 6 three-quarter page miniatures on gold ground or diaper work, representing imaginative portraits of the 12 Roman Emperors, the first swrrounded by an histori- ated border in compartments containing scenes from the life of Julius Cesar; also 12 large ornamental initials on gold ground. 4to, in a 16th century Italian binding of dark brown moroeco, the sides tooled and gilt in compartments, in the centre of both covers the device (the phcenix) of GABRIEL GIOLITO DE’ Ferrari, the well-known printer, gilt edges (rebacked). In a brown morocco ease. 1433 2512. SVETONIUS TRANQUILLUS. De vita duodecim Cesarum. Latin MS. or THE 15TH CENTURY ON PAPER, WRIT- TEN IN HUMANISTIC CHARACTERS, and executed in Italy. 121 leaves (11x8 inches). First page surrounded by a border of interlaced scrolls in white, rose green and gold on a blue ground introducing animals, with three miniature medallions, and the arms of a bishop, supported by two angels, in the lower part; also 12 large illuminated initials, the first of which is historiated. Folio, dark brown levant morocco, blind tooled sides in the 15th century French style, gilt edges, by Triquil- her. See. XV 2513. TACITUS. Annales, Fragmentum lbri XI, et libri XII-XVI; Historie, libri I-V. Manuscript oF THE 15TH CENTURY ON VELLUM, written partly in semi-gothic characters, and partly im humamstic; executed wm Italy. 218 leaves (103g x714 wches). First page surrounded by a rich and elaborate border composed of white scrolls on a blue ground flecked with white, red and green being added, the lower and outer side broken by an ornamental band in red, silver, brown and gold, and introducing peacocks, bambinos, hares, insects, and a medallion portrait of Tacitus; in the lower part an Italian coat of arms. 4to, dark brown levant morocco covered with a blind-tooled design in compartments, with gold and red dots, in the manner of the 15th century Florentine bind- ings, gilt edges, by Gruel. See. XV 2514. TASHRIH-UL-AKWAM. Persian MS. ON FINE NATIVE GLAZED PAPER OF THE YEAR 1825, written in elegant characters in red and black, each page within borders ruled in gold, blue, red and brown. 418 leaves (121% x 83% inches). Embellished with 122 FINE FULL-PAGE MINIATURE-PAINTINGS, the work of a skilful Persian artist, representing the Persian A401 MANUSCRIPTS—Continued. and Indian castes and their occupations. Folio, blue morocco, THE ARMS OF JOHN, EArt OF CLARE, in the centre of both covers, gilt edges, in a blue morocco ease, lined with velvet. 1825 * This manuscript contains an historical and legendary ac- count of the different castes of Hindustan, beginning with Vishnu, and it was executed for presentation to Sir John Mal- colm, the historian of Persia and India. The manuscript is described at length in a manuscript pamphlet of 66 pp., small. 4to, uniformly bound with the volume, and enclosed in the case. 2515. TERENTIUS. Comeedie. Accedunt Epitaphia tres Ulyssis de Lambertinis composita a B. Cantello et J. B. de Auro. MS. of the 15th century, on vellum, written in human- astic characters, and executed in Italy. 108 leaves (1034x714 inches). With 8 ornamental witials painted in various colors. Small folio, citron levant morocco. See. XV 2516. TRAGEDIE FRANCOISE d’un more cruel envers son seigneur nommé Riviéry, Gentilhomme Espagnole, sa damoiselle, & ses enfants. Rouen: chez Abraham Cousturier [ca. 1610.] Manuscript facsimile on vellum, executed in France at the beginning of the 19th century. 24 leaves (634 x4 inches). 5 pen-and-ink vignettes, reproductions of the woodcuts in the original. 8vo, old blue straight grain mo- rocco, silk linings, gilt edges. Sec. XIX 2517. TRAGICOMEDIE de la Rebellion, ou mescontente- ment des grenouilles contre Jupiter. Rouen: chez Abraham Cousturier [before 1628]. Manuscript facsimile on vellum executed in France at the beginning of the 19th century. 12 leaves (684x4 inches). Pen-and-ink vignette on title repro- ducing the woodcut of the original. 8vo, old blue straight- grain morocco, silk linings, gilt edges. See. XTX 2518. TRESOR SPIRITUEL tiré de la pure parole de Dieu, et de quelques endroits du livre de 1’Imitation de Jesus Christ. French MS. on paper of the 17th century. Ruled throughout in red. 196 leaves (57g x 3% inches). 12mo, old French red morocco, doublure of red moroceo with gilt borders, gilt edges, probably by Boyet. See. XVII 402 THIRTY-FOURTH SESSION, WEDNESDAY, 2:30 P.M. Reeolg. N 48BES (THOMAS). Microcosmus. > Tt iftory of the Me [~ chant of Venice. Withthe extreme cruelty of Shylocke— / anclew towards the faide Merchant,in cut- ting aint pound of his flefh. And the obtaining | of Portia, by the choyfe of _ pbree (askets. Written by W.SHaAk ESPEAREs i Printed by 7. Roberts,} 600. MERCHANT OF VENICE, 1600. (See No. 3032.) yt z a ee ae ee ‘ p 3030. SHAKESPEARE. Tue Tuirp Fouio. Mr. William Shakespear’s Comedies, Histories, and Tragedies. Published according to the true Original Copies. The third Impression. And unto this Impression is added seven Playes never before Printed in Folio, ete. Portrait, and verses by Ben Jonson on leaf preceding title. Folio, maroon levant morocco, gilt with broad decorations in the 18th century French style, doublure of red levant morocco, gilt borders, gilt edges, in maroon levant morocco case, by Mercier. (Very small holes are in Bb7, Qq6, L11, and at p. 6 of The London Prodigal; at p. 828 a small piece is torn out of the front blank margin; and at Fff4 a slight repair to the number of the page.) London: Printed for P..C., 1664 * Agreeing with most of the known copies, but has in addi- tion the verses by Ben Jonson on a separate leaf included in the first signature. At p. 623 the headline of ‘‘Titus Andronicus’? reads ‘‘Romeo and Juliet.’’ 3031. SHAKESPEARE. Tue Fourtrs Fouro. Mr. William Shakespear’s Comedies, Histories, and Tragedies. Published according to the true Original Copies. Unto which is added, Seven Plays, Never before Printed in Folio, ete. Folio, brown levant morocco, richly gilt, gilt edges, by The Club Bindery. Small hole in N4. London: Printed for H. Herringman, EH. Brewster, R. Chis- well, and R. Bentley, at the Anchor in the New Exchange; and at the Crane, and Rose and Crown in St. Paul’s Church- Yard, and in Russel-Street Covent Garden. 1685. * One of the very rare issues of the Fourth Folio with Chis- well’s name in the imprint. A very tall copy, measuring 143 x 9% in. SHAKESPEARE QUARTOS. 3032. SHAKESPEARE. The Excellent History of the Merchant of Venice. With the extreme cruelty of Shylocke the Jew towards the saide Merchant, in cutting a iust pound of his flesh. And the obtaining of Portia, by the choyse of three Caskets. Written by W. Shakespeare. Small 4to, blue morocco gilt, gilt edges, by W. Mansell. Printed by J. Roberts, 1600 *Two editions were printed in 1600, one by Roberts, the other by ‘‘J.R. for Thomas Heyes,’’ and authorities are yet disputing as to which should have priority. In favor of the theory that this issue is the first there is the fact that Roberts obtained a license for printing it on July 22, 1598, nearly two years before a license was granted to Heyes. It is possible, however, that the date is fictitious as is the case 1n several other of Roberts’ publications. A TALL COPY, measuring 744 x 5% inches. [See Reproduction. | 481 3033. SHAKESPEARE. The first part Of the true & honorable history, of the Life of Sir Iohn Oldeastle, the good Lord Cobham. As it hath bene lately acted by the Right honorable the Earle of Notingham Lord High Admirall of England, his Seruants. Written by William Shakespeare. Small 4to, green levant morocco, covered with a foliage and panel design, doublure of red levant, dentelle borders, gilt edges, by Chambolle-Duru. : London: Printed for T. P. [Thomas Pavier.| 1600 * First Eprrion. One of the seven spurious Shakespeare plays. From Henslowe’s Diary it appears that it was written in 1599 by Munday, Drayton, Wilson and R. Hathwaye. No second part is known to exist. : 30384. [SHAKESPEARE.| The Puritaine or The Widow of Watling-Streete Acted by the Children of Paules. Written by W. 8. Small 4to, green levant morocco, panelled back and sides, gilt top, uNcuT, by Bedford. (Many margins and cor- ners repaired or replaced, blank leaf a 1, missing.) London: by G. Eld, 1607 * First Epirion. One of the seven spurious plays which ap- peared in the third folio Shakespeare. Very rare in uncut state, and possibly the only copy known. 3035. SHAKESPEARE. M. William Shake-speare, his True Chronicle History of the life and death of King Lear, and his three Daughters. With the unfortunate life of Edgar, sonne and heire to the Earle of Glocester, and his sullen and assumed humour of Tom of Bedlam. As it was plaid before the Kings Maiesty at White-Hall,.uppon S. Stephens night, in Christmas Holidaies. By his Maiesties Servants, playing usually at the Globe on the Banck-side. Small 4to, brown levant morocco gilt, doublure of maroon levant, covered with a seroll design, centre ornaments of brown levant mosaic, gilt edges, in a green levant morocco case, by David. Printed for Nathaniel Butter, 1608 * SECOND EDITION. Measuring 6% x5 in. [See Reproduction. | 3036. SHAKESPEARE. The Whole Contention betweene the two Famous Houses, Lancaster and Yorke. With the Tragicall ends of the good Duke Humfrey, Richard Duke of - Yorke, and King Henrie the sixt. Divided into two parts: and newly corrected and enlarged. Written by William Shakespeare, Gent London, for T. P. [1619]. The Late, and much admired Play, called PrericuEes, Prince of Tyre. With the true Relation of the whole History, adventures, and for- 482 Mz WVilliam shiveane: HIS o Curenicle Hiftory of the life and death of King Lear, and his : three Daughters, Wi th the unfortunate life of Eva ar, fonne and heire to the Earle of Glocefter, and | bis fallen and afjumed humour of TOM : of Bedlam. A sit was plaid before the Kings Maiesty at White-Hall, vp- a S. Stephens nig ht,in Christmas Hollidaies. _ Byhis Maiefties Seruants, playing vfually at the Globe on the Banck-fide. Printed for ONCahanie Barr. 1608. King LEAR, SECOND EDITION, 1608. (See No. 3035.) tunes of the saide Prince. Written by William Shakespeare. Printed for T. P. 1619. 2 works in 1, 4to, red levant morocco, elaborately tooled, with compartments of green inlays and rich scroll tooling, doublure of red levant, gilt edges, by The Club Bindery. London: Thomas Pavier, 1619 “The first play bears Shakespeare’s name, but is merely one of the plays of which he made use. Two issues of the ‘*Pericles’’ appeared in 1609 and one in 1611. This is presum- ably the fourth issue. The pagination of the two plays is continuous. » - 3037. SHAKESPEARE. A Yorkshire Tragedy. Not so New as Lamentable and True. Written by W. Shakespeare. Woodcut. Small 4to, blue levant morocco, richly gilt tooled, doublure of red levant, gilt edges, in half levant morocco ease, by Cuzin. (Lacks the first blank as usual.) Printed. for TPs 1619 * SECOND EDITION. One of the seven pseudo-Shakespearean plays. The running title reads ‘‘ All’s One, or One of the four Plaies in one, called a Yorkshire Tragedy. As it was plaid by the Kings Maiesties Players.’’ A tall copy, measuring 7 3/16 x 5% inches. 30388. SHAKESPEARE. The most excellent Historie of the Merchant of Venice. With the extreame crueltie of Shy- locke the Jewe towards the said Merchant, in cutting a just pound of his flesh: and the obtaining of Portia by the choice of three Chests. As it hath beene divers times acted by the Lord Chamberlaine his Servants.- Written by William Shake- ‘speare. Small 4to, red levant morocco gilt, gilt edges, by Chambolle-Duru. London: Printed by M. P. for Laurence Hayes, 1637 * THIRD EDITION, and the first of Shakespeare’s plays to con- tain the Dramatis Persone. Fine copy, measuring 7x5 in. 3039. SHAKESPEARE. Othello, the Moor of Venice. A Tragedy. As it hath been divers times Acted at the Globe, and at. the Black-Friers: and now at the Theatre Royal, by His Majesties Servants. Small 4to, red levant morocco gilt, gilt edges, Griswold arms, by Bedford. London: Printed for Richard Bentley, 1695 *SrxtH Epition. Tall copy from the Griswold collection. 3040. SHAKESPEARE. Venvs and Adonis. 16mo, origi- nal vellum binding, uncut, in morocco case. Edinbvrgh: Printed by Iohn Wreittoun, and are to bee sold in his Shop a litle beneath the salt Trone, 1627. * PRESUMABLY UNKNOWN IN THIS CONDITION, WITH THE FORE AND BOTTOM EDGES ENTIRELY UNCUT, AND THE PRELIMINARY LEAF A. THE ONLY OTHER KNOWN COPY IS IN THE BRITISH MUSEUM. The Griswold copy. 483 3041. SHAKESPEARE (WILLIAM) ann ROWLEY (WILLIAM). The Birth of Merlin: or,-The Childe hath found his Father. As it hath been several times Acted with great Applause. First Epirion. Small 4to, red levant mo- rocco, gilt edges, by Lortic (slight repair to title). London: Printed by Tho. Johnson for Francis Kirkman and Henry Marsh, 1662. * Although Shakespeare’s name appears on the title-page of this play, there is no reason to suppose that he wrote any part of it. 3042, SHAKESPEARE. Macbeth, a tragedy. With all the alterations, amendments, additions, and new songs. As it’s now Acted at the Dukes Theatre. 4to, red morocco, gilt edges, by The Club Bindery. London: Printed for P. Chetwin, 1674 * FIRST SEPARATE EDITION of Sir William Davenant’s alter- ation of the play, originally printed in the first folio, 1623. 3043. SHAKESPEARE. Mr. William Shakespeares Come- dies, Histories, & Tragedies. Published according to the True Originall copies. Portrat. Folio, Cambridge calf gilt, gilt top, uncut, by Bedford. London: Printed by Isaac laggard, and Ed. Blount, 1623. London: J. Wright [1808]. * Wright’s reprint of the First Folio. 3044. SHAKESPEARE. The Plays and Poems of William Shakespeare. Portrait. 11 vols. 8vo, brown levant morocco gilt, gilt tops, uncut by Louise Reymann. London: Wm. Pickering, 1825 * A very fine set of Pickering’s famous ‘‘ Wreath’’ edition. 3045. SHAKESPEARE. The Pictorial Edition of the Works of Shakspere. Edited by Charles Knight. Wiliam Shakspere; a biography. by C. Knight. Nwmerous woodcut allustrations. 8 vols. royal 8vo, cloth, uncut. London: Charles Knight and Co. [n. d.] [eirca 1843] * Original issue, comprising Comedies, Histories, Tragedies and Poems, Doubtful Plays, etc., and Biography (1843). 3046. SHAKESPEARE. Dramatic Works of Shakespeare. With a Glossary. Printed in red and black, and with portrait (inserted). Post 8vo, blue levant morocco, gilt fillet, gilt edges, by Marius Michel. London, 1853 * A three-page letter from Theodore De Vinne is laid in. 3047. SHAKESPEARE. Dramatic Works; the text carefully revised with notes by Samuel Weller Singer F. 8. A. The Life of the Poet and Critical Essays on the Plays by William Wat- kiss Lloyd. Portrait on India paper, and woodcuts, by John Thompson after Stothard. 10 vols. small 8vo, green levant morocco gilt, gilt edges. London: Bell and Daldy, 1856 * Large paper copy. 484 3048. SHAKESPEARE, DAVIES, ann MARLOWE. Venus and Adonis, from the hitherto unknown edition of 1599; The Passionate Pilgrime, from the first edition of 1599; of which only two copies are known; Epigrammes, written by Sir John Davies, and certaine of Ovid’s Elegies, translated by Christopher Marlowe, from a rare early edition. Edited by Charles Edmonds. Small 4to, red levant morocco, uncut. London, 1870 * ONE OF 6 COPIES PRINTED ON VELLUM, 3 of which are small 4to. 3049. SHAKESPEARE, DAVIES, ann MARLOWE. Venus and Adonis, from the hitherto unknown edition of 1599; The Passionate Pilgrim, from the first edition of 1599. Epigrammes, by Sir John Davies, and Ovid’s Elegies, trans- lated by Christopher Marlowe. 1870. 16mo, green levant morocco, tooled in the manner of Roger Payne, gilt top, un- cut. London, 1870 * One of 131 copies printed for subscribers. 3050. SHAKESPEARE. Shakespeare’s Home; visited and described by Washington Irving and F. W. Fairholt, with a Letter from Stratford by J. F. Sabin, etc. Htchings on India paper by J. F. and W. W. Sabin. 8vo, cloth. New York, 1877 3051. SHAKESPEARE. The Sonnets of Shakespeare. Edited by Edward Dowden. Portrmt. 12mo, original covers, uncut. London, 1881 * One of 50 copies on Large Paper. 3052. SHAKESPEARE. Works. 12 vols. 12mo, original covers, uncut. London: Kegan Paul, Trench & Co., 1882-1883 * LARGE PAPER copy. One of 50 copies printed. 30538. SHAW (G. BERNARD). Passion, Poison, & Petri- faction. A new and Original Tragedy in One Act, by the Chelsea Shakespear. HE ORIGINAL MANUSCRIPT OF THE PLAY, written in pencil on one side of 41 leaves. Attested to by Shaw. ‘‘This is the true and original copy written by me, mostly in Great Northern Express trains; hence the joggly handwriting in many places.’’ 4to, red morocco. [London] [1905] * Inserted there is a playbill of the first performance, and 2 autograph letters from Shaw relative to the acquisition of the manuscript. 3054. SHAW (HENRY). Details of Elizabethan Archi- tecture. 60 plates, 3 of which are colored. Imperial 4to, boards, leather back, uncut. Large PAPER COPY. London: Pickering, 1839 A485 3055. SHAW (HENRY). The Decorative Arts, Ecclesi- astical and Civil, of the Middle Ages. Numerous plates, beautifully aluminated in gold, silver and colors. Folio, original half morocco, uncut. London: Pickering, 1851 * The special edition, of which only 25 copies were printed. 3056. SHAW (HENRY). A Handbook of the Art of Illu- mination, as practised during the Middle Ages. With a de- scription of the metals, pigments, and processes employed by the artists at different periods. With 16 plates. Folio, cloth, uncut. London, 1866 3057. SHELLEY (HARRIET). Harriet Shelley’s Letters to Catherine Nugent. 12mo, original paper covers, uncut. London: Privately Printed, 1889 * Only 21 copies printed. 3058. SHELLEY (MARY GODWIN). Rambles in Ger- many and Italy, in 1840, 1842, and 1843. 2 vols. 12mo, brown levant morocco gilt, gilt tops, uncut, by Riviere. London, 1844 3059. SHELLEY (PERCY BYSSHE). Queen Mab; a Philosophical Poem; with Notes. 8vo, red levant morocco gilt, dentelle borders, gilt top, uncut, by Bedford. London: Printed by P. B. Shelley, 1813 * THE EXTREMELY RARE First EpIvIon, containing Shelley’s name on the title-page, and also his name in the imprint on the last page, and with the dedication ‘‘To Harriet.’’ Almost all copies of the first issue have the name of the author cut out by Shelley himself. 3060. SHELLEY (PERCY BYSSHE). The Cenci. A Tragedy in five Acts. 8vo, brown levant morocco gilt, gilt top, other edges uncut, by Riviére. Italy: C. and J. Ollier, 1819 * First EDITION. ONE OF A FEW COPIES PRINTED ON THICK PAPER. 486 THIRTY-SEVENTH SESSION, THURSDAY, 8:15 P. M. 3061. SHERBURNE (EDW ARD—Translator). Seneca’s Answer, to Lvcilivs His Qvere; Why Good Men suffer mis- fortunes seeing there is a Divine Providence? London, 1648. Medea: a tragedie. Written in Latine by Lucius Annzus Seneca. Englished by E.8., Esq. London, 1648. BotH FIRST EDITIONS. 8vo, 2 works in 1 vol. citron levant mo- rocco gilt, gilt edges, by The Club Bindery. -London: Printed for Humphrey Moseley, 1648 3062. SHERBURNE (EDWARD). Poems and Transla- tions: Amorous, Lusory, Morall, Divine. First EDITION. Frontispiece. 12mo, brown morocco gilt, gilt edges, by Clarke and Bedford. London: W. Hunt for Thomas Dring, 1651 3063. SHERBURNE (EDWARD—Translator). Troades: or the Royal Captives. A Tragedy. Written originally in Latin. Small 8vo, brown levant morocco gilt, gilt edges, by Riviere. London: Printed by Anne Godbid, 1679 *FIRST EDITION. Contains the scarce preliminary blank leaf. 3064. SHERIDAN (RICHARD BRINSLEY). The Critic; or, A Tragedy Rehearsed. A Dramatic Piecein Three Acts, as it is performed at the Theatre Royal in Drury Lane. Vignette on title. FIRST ISSUE, but without half-title, pp. 98. 8vo, green levant morocco gilt, gilt top, uncut, by Riviére. London, 1781 3065. SHERIDAN (RICHARD BRINSLEY). Dramatic Works, with an Introduction by Richard Grant White. 3 different portraits of the author, engraved by Ritchie, each in two states—before and after letters. 3vols. 8vo, blue levant morocco, floral ornaments, dentelle borders, gilt edges, by Marius Michel. New York: De Vinne, 1883 * One of 30 copies on Japan paper. 3066. SHERLOCK (WILLIAM). The Scripture Proofs of our Saviour’s Divinity Explained and Vindicated, &e. 8vo, English red morocco, panelled sides, tooled in a deli- cate pattern, with the MONOGRAM AND CROWN OF QUEEN ANNE in each corner, gilt edges. London: Printed for W. Rogers, 1706 3067. SHIRLEY (EVELYN PHILIP). Lower Eating- ton; its manor house and church. With 5 woodcuts. Small 4to, olive-green levant morocco, doublure and guards of maroon russia, gilt top, uncut, by Zaehnsdorf. London: Privately printed at the Chiswick Press, 1869 487 3068. SHIRLEY (JAMES). The Wedding, As it was lately Acted by her Majesties Servants, at the Phenix in Drury Lane. Small 4to, maroon levant morocco gilt, gilt edges, by Zaehnsdorf. London: Printed for John Grove, 1633 * SECOND EDITION. Shirley’s first play. 3069. SHIRLEY (JAMES). The Gratefvll Servant. A Comedie. As it was lately presented with good applause in the private House in Drury-Lane. By her Majesties Servants. Small 4to, ealf gilt, gilt top, uncut, by W.. Pratt. (Small corner of last leaf repaired.) London: Printed by I. Okes for William Leake, 1637 * SECOND EDITION. VERY RARE UNCUT. It also contains the preliminary blank leaf Ai. 3070. SHIRLEY (JAMES). The Schoole of Complement. As it vvas acted by her Majesties Servants at the Private house in Drury Lane. SECOND EDITION. Small 4to, red levant morocco gilt, gilt edges, by Riviere. London: Printed by J. H. for Francis Constable, 1637 3071. SHIRLEY (JAMES). The Doubtful Heir. P , sie ie 3291. UZANNE (OCTAVE). la Nouvelle Bibliopolis. Voyage d’un novateur Au Pays des Néo-Icono-Bibliomanes. Lithographies en couleurs et marges decoratives de H. P. Dil- lon. Frontispiece a leau-forte d’aprés Félicien Rops [et] nombreuses illustrations dans le texte et hors texte. 12mo, red levant morocco, gilt panels, floral ornaments, gilt top, un- eut, original covers bound in, by The Club Bindery. Paris, 1897 *One of 100 copies on Japan paper, with the plates in two states, one in color. 3292. Pee NUS (OTHO). Quinti Horatii Flacci Em- blemata. 103 full-page copper engravings. 4to, red morocco, gilt edges. Antuerpix, 1612 *The Syston Park copy. 3293. VASNIUS (OTHO). Amoris Divini Emblemata; 1660. Emblemata sive Symbola, 1624. Title vignette and 60 copper-plates (proofs). 2 works in one vol. 4to, olive morocco gilt, gilt edges. Antverpia, 1624-60 3294. VAINIUS (OTHO). Amorum Emblemata. Portrait of Ovid by P. Bouché and 125 plates by C. Boel. Oblong 4to, red levant morocco, richly tooled, gilt edges, by The Club Bindery. : Bruxellex, 1667 3295. VAWNIUS (OTHO). Le Théatre moral de la vie humaine, representée en plus de cent Tableaux divers, tirez du Poéte Horace, et expliquez en autant de discours moraux par le Sieur de Gomberville. Portrait of Venus engraved by Pontius and 103 emblematic copper-engravings. Folio, half - levant morocco, gilt top. Bruxelles, 1678 3296. VAENIUS (OTHO). Zinnebeelden der Goddelyke Liefde, etc. With 60 copper-plate illustrations. 12mo, vel- lum boards. Amsterdam, 1703 3297. VZANIUS (OTHO). Le Spectacle de la Vie Hu- maine; ou Lecons de Sagesse, exprimées avec art en 103. Tableaux en taille-douce, Dont les sujets sont tirés d’ Horace. 103 emblematic copper-engravings. 4to, vellum, gilt top, uncut. La Haye, 1755 3998. VALERIUS MAXIMUS. Factorum dictorumque memorabilium libri IX. Gothic characters. 198 unnumbered leaves without signatures and catchwords; 30 lines to the page. Title of the work and printer’s mark at the end printed in red. Small folio, blue straight-grain morocco gilt, broad inside borders, silk linings, gilt edges. Mentz: Peter Schoeffer, 1471 * FIRST DATED EDITION. Large copy, from the Bateman lib- rary. Hain-Copinger, 15774, Proctor, 95. 523 3299. VALERIUS MAXIMUS. Faits et paroles Mémor- ables. Translated [into French] by C. A. F. Frémion. 3 vols. 8vo, red levant morocco, gilt backs, with the monogram E. B., gilt edges, by Belz-Niédrée. Paris, 1827-28 3300. VALLET (PIERRE). Le Iardin du Roy trés chrestien Henry IV Roy de France et de Navare dedié a la Royne. Architectural engraved title, portrait of the author, and 74 fine plates of flowers. Folio, old vellum, with ties. (Writing on the portrait. ) [Paris] 1608 3301. VANBRUGH (SIR JOHN). The Relapse; or, Vir- tue in Danger: Being the Sequel of the Fool in Fashion. A Comedy acted at the Theatre Royal in Drury Lane. Small 4to, red levant morocco gilt, gilt edges, by The Club Bindery. [London] Printed for Samuel Briscoe, 1697 * FIRST EDITION. ONE OF THE MOST FAMOUS OF VANBRUGH’S PLAYS, recast by Sheridan. as ‘‘A’Trip to Scarborough.’? | 3302. VANBRUGH (SIR JOHN). The Provok’d Wife: a Comedy, As it is Acted at the New Theatre, in Little Lincolns- Inn-Fields. First Epirion. 4to, dark brown ealf, gilt top, uneut, by Riviere. (Last page repaired.) | London: J. O. for R. Wellington, 1697 33038. VANBRUGH (SIR JOHN). The False Friend, a Comedy. As it is Acted at the Theatre-Royal in Drury-Lane, by His Majesty’s Servants. First Epirion. Small 4to, green levant morocco, gilt and mosaic panels, gilt edges, by Zaehns- dorf. London: Jacob Tonson, 1702 8304. [VANBRUGH (SIR JOHN).] The Confederacy. A Comedy. As it is Acted at the Queen’s Theatre in the Hay-Market. By Her Majesty’s Sworn Servants. First Epit1on. 4to, half red morocco (defect in paper on one page). London: Jacob Tonson, 1705 3305. VANBRUGH (SIR JOHN). The Mistake. A Comedy. As it is Acted at the Queen’s Theatre in the Hay- Market. By Her Majesty’s Sworn Servants. First Eprrion. Small 4to, citron levant morocco, gilt extra, gilt edges, by Zaehnsdorf. Contains the leaf of advertisement. London: Jacob Tonson, 1706 3306. VANBURGH (SIR JOHN). Plays. Portrat en- graved by J. Miller. 2 vols. 12mo, green levant morocco, gilt borders, gilt edges. London: Printed for C. Hitech, 1759 3307. VAN DER DONCK (ADRIAEN). VERTOOGH VAN Nigu-NeperR-LANpD. SMALL 4T0, VELLUM. LATERAL AND LOWER EDGES UNCUT. In ’s Graven-Hage: Michiel Stael, 1650 * PERHAPS THE MOST IMPORTANT WORK ON THE HISTORY OF NEw NETHERLANDS PUBLISHED UP TO 1650. The Brinley copy. 524 3308. VAN DER DONCK (ADRIAEN). Beschryvinge van Nieuw-Nederlant (Ghelijch het tegenwoordigh in Staet is) Begrijpende de Nature, Aert, gelegentheyt en vruchtbaerheyt van het selve Lant; ete. Copper engraving representing t’ForRT NIEUW AMSTERDAM OP DE MANHATANS, on p. 9. Ato, red levant morocco gilt, gilt top, SEVERAL EDGES UNCUT, by Bedford. (Several corners restored.) Amsterdam: Evert Nieuwenhof, 1655 *First EpiTion. The plate here contained is THE SECOND ENGRAVED VIEW OF NEW YORK, WHICH ORIGINALLY APPEARED IN 1651. It was not issued as a text engraving in the second edition of the above work, published the following year, but was included in the map [see No.: 3309]. This treatise pos- sesses an interest aside from its rarity, being the relation of an educated man regarding the Indians of the island and in the neighborhood of New York. [See Reproduction. ] 3309. VAN DER DONCK (ADRIAEN). Beschryvinge van Nieuw-Nederlant. Seconp Epirion. With a folding map of New Netherland engraved on copper, contamng in the lower part a small view of Nizeuw AMSTERDAM oP T HYLANT MAN- HATANS. 4to, red levant morocco, richly tooled and gilt in the manner of Le Gascon, gilt edges, by David. Amsterdam: Evert Nieuwenhof, 1656 * No copy of this edition is in the Church collection. 3310. VAN DER NOODT (JOHAN). Theatrum, das ist Schawplatz darein die Hitelheit, etc. Portrait, coat-of-arms repeated and 20 woodcut plates. 8vo, blue levant morocco, richly tooled, by Lortic Fréres. Coln, 1572 * Hach page printed within an ornamental border. 3311. [VARENNES (CLAUDE DE).] Le Voyage de France dressé pour |’instruction et commodité tant des Fran- cois que des estrangers. 8vo, green levant morocco gilt, gilt edges, by Lortic. Paris, 1643 3312. VAUGHAN (HENRY—trHE Sivurist). Silex Scin- tillans; or Sacred Poems and Private Hiaculations. Hngraved title. 16mo, dark green levant morocco, rich gilt scrolls with inlays of different colored leathers, IN CENTRE OF FRONT COVER A PANEL OF SILVER, REPOUSSE, WITH THE RECLINING FIGURE OF Psycue, doublure of dark green levant morocco, gilt edges, by The Club Bindery. London: Printed by T. W. for H. Blunden, 1650 * FIRST EDITION. 525 3313. VAUGHAN (HENRY). Silex Scintillans. Sacred Poems and Private Ejaculations. Memoir by Rev. H. F. Lyte. 12mo, cloth, uncut. London, 1847 3314. VAUGHAN (HENRY). Poems, edited by E. K. Chambers. 2 vols. 12mo, half vellum, gilt tops, uncut. * LARGE Papzr, one of 100 copies. London, 1896 3315. VAUGHAN (SIR WILLIAM). The Chvrch Mili- tant, historically Continued from the Yeare of Our Saviovrs Incarnation 33, untill this present, 1640. First Eprrion. Small 8vo, red levant morocco, red edges, by The Club Bind- ery. London: Printed by Tho. Paine, 1640 3316. VECELLIO (CESARE). De gli habiti antichi, et moderni di diverse parti del mondo, libri due. First Epirion. 420 full-page woodcuts of costumes of Europe, Asia and Africa, within ornamental borders. 8vo, red levant morocco, tooled and gilt with scrolls and arabesques in the Venetian manner of the 16th century, gilt edges, by Bedford. Venetia: presso Damian Zenaro, 1590 * The designs of the woodcuts are said to be the work of Tiziano. 3317. VECELLIO (CESARE). Costumes Anciens et Mo- dernes. Habiti Antichi et Moderni di tutto il mondo di Cesare Vecellio, précédés d’un Essai sur la Gravure sur bois, par M. Amb. With 513 engravings on wood. 2 vols. in 1, 8vo, brown levant morocco, covered with a Grolieresque design of scrolls and azured fleurons, doublure of dark brown morocco, wide Grolieresque border, with crest in centre, gilt over uncut edges, by Chambolle-Duru. Paris: Firmin-Didot, 1860 * Printed on India paper. Contains the Essay on Wood En- graving. 3318. VELDGEZANGEN VAN THYRSIS. De Veldege- zangen van Thyrsis, Giefierd met toegepaste Zinneminne- beelden door W. M. Frontispiece title engraved by H. Eland and 20 illustrations. 4to, brown morocco gilt, blind tooled fillets, gilt edges, by The Club Bindery. Leyden: H. van Damme, 1702 3319. VELMATIUS (JOANNES MARIA). Veteris & noui testamenti opus singulare, ac plane divinum. Tvtle with- in an historiated woodcut border and 11 very fine woodcuts in the text. 4to, olive morocco, gilt edges, by Clarke. (Small wormhole in the first and last leaves.) Venetiis, 1538 * With the Errata. 3320. VENTO (CLAUDE VIOLETTE). Les Peintres de la Femme. With 47 illustrations. Royal 8vo, original covers, uncut. Paris, 1888 526 es t Fort niciw Amfterdam op de Manhatans sey THE SECOND ENGRAVED VIEW OF NEW YorK, AMSTERDAM, 1655. (See No. 3308.) ‘ ot ro) ‘ ’ . - ’ , ’ ‘ ve Paes 2 \ ' oY * 3321. VENTURI (A.). La Madone. Représentations de la Vierge, dans l’Art Italien. Numerous illustrations, some on tented paper. Imperial 8vo, original covers, uncut. Paris [1902]. 3322. VERGIER (JACQUES—anp otTHmrs). Contes Nou- velles et Poesies Diverses du Sieur Vergier Et de quelques Auteurs Anonymes. NouvELLE Epition Augmentée d’un Vol- ume. Frontispieces. 3 vols., small 8vo, blue levant morocco gilt, gilt tops, uncut, by Masson-Debonnelle. Rouen, 1748 3323. VERGIER (JACQUES). C#uvres de Vergier. Por- trait. 3 vols. 24mo, calf (spotted) gilt, gilt edges. Paris, 1770 3324. VERLAINE (PAUL). Choix de Poésies; avee un portrait de l’auteur par Eugéne Carriére. 12mo, dark brown levant morocco, gilt and mosaic ornament on the back, floral ornaments of green and mauve morocco, gilt and blind-tooled on the sides, doublure of light brown morocco, floral borders in mosaic of ivory, dark brown, and mauve, gilt and blind- tooled, gilt over uncut edges, original covers bound in, by René Kieffer. Paris: Bibliothéque Charpentier, 1891 * First Epit1on. One of 30 copies on Holland paper. ExTra- ILLUSTRATED by the insertion of special title, and 98 ORIGINAL MARGINAL DRAWINGS by Coulon. 3325. VERONE (FRANCOIS DE). (I) Apologie povr Iehan Chastel Parisien, Execvté a mort, et povr les péres & escholliers, de la Societé de Iesvs, bannis du Royaume de France. Contre l’arrest de Parlement, donné contre eux a Paris, le 29. Decembre, 1594. Diuisée en cing parties.... L’An ele.cl.xev. (II) Advertissement avx Catholiqves, sur l’Arrest de la Cour de Parlement de Paris. En la cause de Tean Chastel...L’An M.D.XCV. Small 8vo, old red morocco, gilt back, ARMS OF CLAUDE Marig FEVREL DE FONTELL, CON- SEILLER AU PARLEMENT DE BourGgoyNeE [1710-1772], on the sides, gilt edges. [1595] * First Epirion of this libel, which is attributed to Jean Boucher, Curé de Saint-Benoit. Three pages of the fly-leaves are filled with contemporary handwriting. 3326. VERRIEN (NICOLAS). Livre curieux et utile pour les Scavans, et Artistes. Composé de trois Alphabets de Chiffres simples, doubles & triples, fleuronnez et au premier trait. Accompagné d’un tres grand nombre de Devises, Emblémes, Médailles et autres figures Hieroglyfiques. Portrait engraved by Edelinck after Jouvenay, 63 plates containing 945 em- blems, 153 of monograms, and 17 plates of heraldic supporters. 8vo, red levant morocco, gilt edges, by Marius Michel. Paris [1685] 527 33827. VERRYKE (E.). Zederyke Zinnebeelden. Frontis- prece, vignette and 100 copper-plate emblems. 8vo, tree calf, gilt back. Amsterdam: Isaac Trojel, 1712 3328. VERSTEGAN (RICHARD). Theatrum Crudelita- tum Hereticorum Nostri Temporis. Frontispiece and 29 plates. Firsr Epition. 4to, green levant morocco, gilt edges, by Capé. Antverpie: A. Huberti, 1587 *On page 85 there is an engraving and an account of the execution of Mary, Queen of Scots, who was beheaded Feb. 8, © 1587. 3329. VERSTEGAN (RICHARD). Théatre des Cruautez des Hereticques de nostre temps. Hngraved title and 29 plates. 4to, contemporary red morocco gilt, gilt edges, prob- ably by Derome. Avers: A. Hubert, 1588 * Although this translation contains the second impression of the plates, it is more desirable than the original Latin text be- cause of its additions. 3330. [VESALIUS (ANDREAS).] Vive Imagines Par- tivm Corporis Hvmani ereis formis expresse. Title within an architectural border engraved on copper and 42 fine anatomical copper-plates. Folio, brown levant morocco, covered with a Grolieresque design of interlacing bands in- laid in dark brown and blue morocco, outlined in gold, gilt scrolls with arabesques of blue and white morocco, mosaic back; doublure of vellum richly tooled and gilt in the manner of the Eves, gauffred gilt edges, in morocco case, by Cuzin. (Blank leaves V2 and last missing. ) Antwerpiz: ex officina Christophori Plantini, 1566 3331. VESPUCCIUS (AMERICUS). Lettera di Amerigo vespucci delle isole nuovamente trovate in quattri suoi viaggi. (At end) Data in Lisbona adi 4 di Septembre 1504: Servitore Amerigo Vespucci in Lisbona. Sixteen leaves, Roman type, with signatures, but no pagination. Four woodcut illustra- tions and large ornamental imtials. Sine nota; Lettera di Andrea Corsali allo Illustrissimo Signore Duca Iuliano de Medici, Venuta Dellindia del Mese di Octobre Nel M.D.XVI. (At end) Stampato in Firenze per Io. Stephano di Carlo da Pavia. Adi x. di Dicembre Nel M.D.XVI. Six leaves, Roman type, without pagination. Two vols. small 4to, uniformly bound in crimson levant mo- rocco, tooled in a Grolieresque design of interlacing gilt panels, 528 3teet relieved by blind tooling, doublure of blue levant morocco gilt, silk guards, gilt edges, in crimson levant case, by Lortic. * H. 87. First EpitTion of the complete account of the Four Voyages of Vespuccius. ONLY FOUR OTHER COPIES ARE KNOWN, ALL OF WHICH ARE IN EUROPEAN PUBLIC LIBRARIES. The Court- Kalbfleisch copy bought by Quaritch for Mr. Kalbfleisch and later sold to Mr. Hoe, and the one from which the London book- seller made the facsimile for his Monograph on the Voyages of Columbus. This extraordinarily rare book is with little reason assigned to the year 1516, by Harrisse, from the fact that Heber’s copy was bound with the Corsali letter of 1516, in a binding of the early part of the XVIth century. Harrisse, however, was not aware that there was another copy, described by D’Avezac, in a con- temporary binding with a pamphlet by St. Basel printed in January 1506 by the printer of the ‘‘ Lettera di Vespucci,’’ thus taking the date back to the beginning of the year 1506. Another fact, apparently overlooked, is that Waldseemiiller in his account of the voyages of Vespuccius printed about April, 1507, either copied from this edition, or from the manuscript on which it was founded, and gave the incorrect date of the third voyage as May 10, 1501, as in this edition. In all other editions (about the same time or later), the date is given as May 14. Harrisse also states that the types of the Letter of Vespuccius and the pamphlet by Corsalis are identical, which is only par- tially true, as the printer of the letter—Stephano di Carlo, came into possession of the types of the original printer. A ‘few letters have without doubt been recast, the capital ‘‘Q’’ for instance, while others possibly had new letters cut on the same body. It was this statement by Harrisse that probably induced Mr. Hoe to add the Letter of Corsalis to the Vespuccius, as Mr. Quaritch’s original bill for the latter only is laid in, showing that Mr. Hoe purchased the Corsalis at some other time. THERE CAN BE LITTLE DOUBT THAT ‘‘ LETTERA DI AMERIGO VES- PUCCI’’?’ WAS PRINTED NOT LATER THAN JANUARY, 1506, AND IT MAY HAVE BEEN PRINTED SHORTLY AFTER THE DATE OF THE LAST LETTER IN THE VOLUME, SEPTEMBER 4, 1504. The editions of the letters of Vespuccius are extremely rare. The Florence edition of the Four Voyages is by far the rarest of the known editions. There is a copy in the British Museum in the Grenville Library. This library was presented in 1847 and Sir Thomas Grenville bought books at the Heber sale. The Heber and Grenville copies may be the same, otherwise all trace of the Heber copy has disappeared. A second copy is that de- scribed by Varnhagen, which seems to agree with the Poggiali copy, and which cannot be traced since 1863. This copy is said also to have once been a part of the Palatina Library in Florence, where was to be found another copy bound separately and not with the tract of St. Basil found in both the Varnhagen and Poggiali copies. A third (or fourth) is now in the Capponi Library, Florence. The only other known copy is the above, the history of which is \ 529 as follows: Somewhere in the ‘‘seventies’’ this copy was owned by the bookseller Tross of Paris, and passed into the col- lection of Docteur J. Court, a famous French collector. At that time it had the Corsali Letter bound with it, but the volume was broken up by Dr. Court and each of the two bound sepa- rately. The sale of the Court books took place in 1884, and both these volumes were purchased by Bernard Quaritch as they appear in his catalogue for June, 1885. They were bought by the late Charles Kalbfleisch of New York, and finally passed into the possession of Robert Hoe. A careful argument narrows down the number of copies. The Heber and the Tross-Kalb- fleisch-Hoe copy had bound with them the Corsali Letter; were these two the same? The Varnhagen and Poggiali copies in like manner were bound up with the tract of Saint Basil—were these also one and the same copy? And will that copy ever come to light? So FAR THE HOE COPY IS THE ONLY ONE THAT HAS EVER BEEN IN THE POSSESSION OF AN AMERICAN COLLECTOR, AND THE ONLY ONE THAT CAN EVER HOPE TO BE KEPT IN AMERICA, THE OTHERS BEING IN NATIONAL LIBRARIES. [See Reproduction. ] 3332. VESPUCCIUS (AMERICUS). Mundus nouus. (ln gothic type; followed by Roman.) Albericvs Vespvtivs Lav- rentio | Petri De Medicis Salutem Pluri | mam Dicit. | Teat of the narrative commencing on the first page. Four leaves, small Gothic type, forty-two lines to the full page, no signature or pagination. Small 4to, red levant morocco gilt, gilt top, uneut, by F. Bedford. Sine nota. |Rome, Eucharius Silber, 1504] * VESPUCCIUS’ NARRATIVE OF HIS THIRD VOYAGE. H. 23. VERY FINE TALL COPY MEASURING 814 x 554 IN. ONLY FOUR OTHER COPIES ARE KNOWN. The types, although a little worn, are the same as those used by Silber in the letter of Columbus (1493), of which a copy is in this catalogue (no. 835). 3333. VESPUCCIUS (AMERICUS). Folo 1, recto: Mun- dus Nouus. Folio 1, verso: Albericus vespucius Laurentio Petri de me | dicis salutem plurimam dicit. || Four leaves, small Gothic type, 44 and 45 lines to the page, without sig- nature or pagination, verso of last leaf blank. Small 4to, red levant morocco, gilt edges, by Chambolle-Duru. Sine. nota. * VESPUCCIUS’ NARRATIVE OF HIS THIRD VOYAGE. H. 30 AND ADDITIONS 14 (?). HARRISSE GIVES ONLY FORTY-FOUR LINES TO A PAGE. EXTREMELY RARE, SEVEN OTHER COPIES BEING ALL THAT CAN BE TRACED. Probably printed in Germany. 530 - Zettera di Amerigo yefpnect deile tfole nuouamente trouagte in quattro. — _- {uot plaggi. a le. @: (uit , (ig rey gy iy! et "se pice rj Ith pe Ls ‘ d * ; ea a a ee +4 i > Se on 4 y fF 4 i ‘ i7, Pung oar het feet fe i } i ote SES ( ti ; : {{ \\ \t : \\ \\ We VAAN ay § — ; | v 2 7 = = 3 ae ‘d *4 ; J z } ? THE DATE OF 1515 TO THIS EDITION, AND AS PRECEDING GALLIOT DU PRE’S EDITION. It contains in addition to the voyages of Vespuccius, those of Columbus, Vasco da Gama, and other early navigators, being a translation of Montalboddo’s Paesi Novamente Retrovati, 1507. 3335. VIARDOT (LOUIS). Les Merveilles de la Peinture. 21 woodcuts, by Pasquier. 2 vols. 12mo, half cloth, uncut. Printed on India paper. Paris, 1868-69 3336. VIARDOT (LOUIS). Les Merveilles de la Sculp- ture. Ouvrage illustré de 62 vignettes par Chapuis, Petot, P. Seller, etc. 12mo, half cloth, uncut. Printed on India paper. Paris, 1869 3337. [VIAUD (THEOPHILE).] Le Parnasse Satyrique du Sieur Théophile. 12mo, citron levant morocco, in com- partments formed by inlaid interlaced bands of green mo- rocco, outlined in gold, the spaces tooled and gilt with pointillé and scrolls ornaments, ‘‘ a la fanfare,’’ gilt mosaic back, gilt edges, by Capé; in a morocco slip case. [Leyde: Hackius], 1660 * THE MOST CHARMING AND THE RAREST EDITION of this collec- tion of very curious poems. Annexed to the Elzevirs. 3338. VIAUD (THEOPHILE). Les Oevvres de Theo- phile, Diuisées en trois Parties. Premiere Partie, conte- nant Vimmortalité de l?Ame, auec plusieurs autres piéces. La seconde, la Tragedie de Pirame & Thisbé, & autres mes- langes. Et la troisiesme, les pieces qu’il a faites pendant sa prison. Reueués & corrigées en cette derniere Edition de plusieurs fautes notables. 12mo, red levant morocco, gilt panels, gilt edges, by Belz. Paris, chez Nicolas Pepingvé, 1662 3339. VICARS (JOHN—Translator). Babels Balm: or The Honey-Combe of Romes Religion. With A neate draining and straining-out of the rammish Honey thereof. Sung in tenne most elegant Elegies in Latine, by that most 531 worthy Christian Satyrist, Master George Good-vvinne. And Translated into tenne English Satyres, by the Muses most vnworthy Eecho, Iohn Vicars. FIRST EDITION. Small 4to, red morocco, gilt edges. (Title cut close and portion defective. ) London: George Purslowe for Nathanaell Browne, 1624 3340. VICTORIUS (PETRUS). Commentarii in primum librum Aristotelis de Arte Poetarum. Folio, old red mo- rocco gilt, giltedges. Florentiz, in officina Iuntarum, 1560 * From the Lamoignon and Wodhull collections. 33841. [VIDOCQ (FRANOQOIS JULES).] Mémoires d’un Foreat, ou Vidoeqg dévoilé. 3 vols. 8vo, half green mo- rocco, uncut. Paris, 1828 3342. VIDOCQ (FRANCOIS JULES). Mémoires de Vi- doeq, chef de la police de sureté, jusqu’en 1827, aujourd’hui propriétaire et fabricant de papiers a Saint-Mandé. FIRST EDITION. Portrait. 4 vols. 8vo, half green morocco, uncut. * Signature of the author in Vols. land III. Paris, 1828 3343. VIE du Roi Salomon, Rédigée par Théophile, Prince R.*. C.:. Souverain d’Héredon. Frontispiece. 12mo, green levant morocco, gilt edges, by Bauzonnet. [n. p.]. An 5802 de la Creation [end of XVI Century. | * From the Library of Comte Henri de La Bédoyére. 3344. VIE ELEGANTE (LA). Littérature, Voyages, Sport, ete. Title-page by Rops and numerous illustrations, full-page and in the text. 2 vols. small folio, brown morocco, gilt tops, uncut, original covers bound in. Paris, 1882-83 * Printed on Holland paper, with duplicate set of the full- page plates in Vol. I, on heavy tinted paper; in Vol II, proofs before letters. 3345. VIGNY (ALFRED, COMTE DE). Les Destinées, précédées de Moise. 46 illustrations de G. Bellenger gravées par Hroment. Royal 8vo, blue levant morocco, gilt borders, gilt top, uncut, original covers bound in, by The Club Bindery. Paris, 1898 * One of 15 copies on Large Japan paper, with duplicate set of the illustrations on India paper. 3346. VIGNY (ALFRED, COMTE DE). Servitude et Grandeur Militaires. Exemplaire unique. 31 ORIGINAL WATER-COLOR DRAWINGS, BY CHARLES MOREL. 2 vols. in 1. Royal 4to, red levant morocco, gilt fillets, gilt edges, by Canapé. Paris, 1598 * LARGE PAPER COPY. 3347. VILLANOVANUS (ARNOLDUS). L’Eschole de Salerne en vers burlesques et poema Macaronicum, de Bello Huguenotico. 4to, red levant morocco gilt, gilt edges, by Riviere. Paris: J. Henault, 1650 582 3348. VILLEDIEU (MARIE C. H. DESJARDINS DE). Cléonice ou le Roman galant. FIRST EDITION. 12mo, red levant morocco gilt, gilt edges, by Trautz-Bauzonnet. Paris, 1669 3349. VILLEMAIN (ABEL FRANCOIS). Tableau de Eloquence Chrétienne au IVe siécle. NOUVELLE EDITION, revue et augmentée. 8vo, half green morocco gilt, gilt top, uncut, by Matthews. Paris, 1849 3350. VILLEMAIN (ABEL FRANCOIS). Souvenirs Con- temporains d’Histoire et de Littérature. FIRST EDITION. 2 vols. 8vo, half green morocco gilt, gilt top, uncut, by Matthews. Paris, 1854 3351. VILLEMAIN (ABEL FRANCOIS). Cours de Lit- térature Frangaise. Tableau de la Littérature au XVIIIe siecle. 4 vols. 8vo, half green morocco gilt, gilt tops, un- cut, by Matthews. Paris, 1855 3352. VILLEMAIN (ABEL FRANOQOIS). Choix d’Etudes sur la Littérature Contemporaine. FIRST EDITION. 8vo, half green morocco gilt, gilt top, uncut, by Matthews. Paris, 1857 3353. VILLEMAIN (ABEL FRANCOIS). M. de Cha- teaubriand, sa vie, ses écrits, son influence littéraire et po- litique sur son temps. FIRST EDITION. §8vo, half green morocco gilt, gilt top, uncut, by Matthews. Paris, 1858 3354. VILLENEUVE- BARGEMONT (FRANOQOIS LOUIS, MARQUIS DE TRANS). Histoire de René d’An- jou, Roi de Naples, Due de Lorraine, et C* de Provence. 17 plates, consisting of portraits, views, facsimiles, and music. 3 vols. 8vo, brown straight-grain morocco, gilt borders, the ARMS OF THE DUCHESSE DE BERRY (1798-1870) on both cov- ers, gilt edges, by Simier. Paris, 1825 3355. VILLON (FRANCOIS). Les Givres Maistre Fran- coys Villon. Le Monologue du frane Archier de Baignol- let. Le Dyalogue des seigneurs de Malle paye & Bailleuent. Small 8vo, brown levant morocco, in a mosaic formed by ornamental inlays of black, green and red morocco, out- lined in gold; doublure of vellum with gilt leaf sprays, gauffred gilt edges, in a morocco case, by Mercier. (Writing on title.) Paris: a l’enseigne de l’escu de France [chez la veuve Jean Trepperel], 1533. * Similar to the issue of 1532, and even rarer. 533 3356. VILLON (FRANCOIS). The Poems of Master Frangois Villon of Paris, now first done into English verse, in the original forms, with a biographical and critical in- troduction, by John Payne. 8vo, vellum boards, gilt top, uncut. Limited issue. London: Printed for the Villon Society, 1892 3357. VINGTRINIER (AIME). Histoire de l’Imprimérie a Lyon de lorigine jusqu’a nos jours. Many woodcuts im the text. 8vo, orginal covers, uncut. Lyon, 1894 3358. VIOLLET-LE-DUC (EUGENE EMMANUEL). Dictionnaire Raisonné de l Architecture Francaise du XI¢ au XVIe siécle. Nearly 4,000 illustrations. FIRST EDITION. 10 vols. royal 8vo, half brown levant morocco, gilt tops, uncut. Large paper copy, only 100 printed. Paris, 1854-68 8359. VIOLLET-LE-DUC (EUGENE EMMANUEL). Dictionnaire Raisonné du Mobilier Franeais de l’époque Carlovingienne a la Renaissance. 8&2 colored plates and many hundred woodcuts. 6 vols. royal 8vo, half red mo- rocco, gilt tops, uncut. Paris, 1871-75- 3360. VIRGIL. Opera. 8vo, red levant morocco, gilt — interlaced borders, doublure of red levant morocco, gauf- fred gilt edges, in a morocco ease. Venetiis: in edibus Aldi Romani, 150f * FIRST ALDINE EDITION. 3361. VIRGIL. Opera. First large initial in colors. 8vo, brown levant morocco, richly tooled and gilt in a Grolier- esque pattern of interlacing and arabesques, gilt back, vellum linings, gilt edges, by Bedford. (Margins of some leaves supplied). Venetiis: in edibus Aldi et Andree Soreceri, 1514 * THE SECOND OF THE TWO EDITIONS DATED 1514 with the errors corrected; but not printed before 1519. 3362. VIRGIL. Les cuvres de Virgile. Translatées de latin en francoys et nouuellement imprimées, veues et cor- rigées oultre les précédents impressions. Slack letters, double columns. Title within a woodcut border, and 159 woodcuts. Folio, red levant morocco, covered with a rich design of mosaic compartments and ornaments in dark brown, blue, green and citron morocco, gilt tooled ‘‘a la fanfare,” gilt mosaic back, doublure of blue levant, gilt. leaf-spray borders, silk linings, gilt edges, in a morocco slip ease, by Lortic. Paris: Oudin Petit, 1540 * A VERY EARLY FRENCH TRANSLATION OF VIRGIL AND A BEAUTIFUL SPECIMEN of modern bookbinding. 584 3363. VIRGIL. Opera Omnia innumeris pene locis ad veterum Petri Bembi Cardinalis et Andres Navgerii exem- plarium fidem, postrema hac editione castigata. Cum XI. Commentarijs, Seruio presertim ac Donato, ad suam integ- ritatem restitutis. Title within an architectural woodcut border and 112 woodcuts by a German master. Folio, brown levant morocco, gilt edges, by Lortic. Venetiis: apud heredes Luczantonii Iunte, 15 52 38364. VIRGIL. L’Eneidetranslatée de Latin en Francois, par Louis des Masures Tournisien. [In verse.] Title within an ornamental woodcut border and 12 woodcuts ascribed to Bernard Salomon called ‘‘le Petit Bernard.’’ 4to, blue levant morocco, gilt centre ornaments on the sides, gilt edges, by Trautz-Bauzonnet. Lion: Ian de Tournes, 1560 3365. VIRGIL. The XII Atneids of Virgil, the most re- nowned Laureat-Prince of Latine Poets; translated into English deca-sylables, by Iohn Vicars. FIRST EDITION. Engraved title-page. Square 16mo, original limp vellum, with ties. [ Lond. ] 1632 3366. VIRGIL. The Works of Publius Virgilius Maro. Translated, adorned with Sculpture and illustrated with annotations, by John Ogilby. Frontispiece portrait by Faithorne and about 100 plates, anda map, by Faithorne, Lombart, Richer, &c., besides vignettes and initials. FIRST FOLIO EDITION. Folio, brown morocco, gilt panels, gilt edges, by Matthews. Lond. 1654 3367. VIRGIL. Bucolica et Georgica tabulis zeneis olim a Johanne Pine illustrata. Hngraved title, fine plates, vignettes and tail-pieces by John Pine. Royal 8vo, red levant morocco, gilt panelled sides, gilt inside borders, gilt top, uncut. Londini, 1774 3368. VIRGIL. Qé£uvres completes. Translated by Charpentier, Villenave and Amar. 4 vols. 8vo, red levant morocco, gilt backs with monogram E. B., gilt edges, by Belz-Niédrée. Paris, 1833-35 3369. VIRGIL. Carmina Omnia perpetuo commentario ad modum J. Bond. Engraved title and 27 head-pvieces. 16mo, brown levant morocco, gilt back, gilt edges, by David. | Paris, 1858 3370. VIRGIL. Publii Virgilii Maronis Carmina Omnia perpetuo commentario ad modum Joannis Bond explicuit Fr. Dubner. Engraved title and 27 head-pieces. 16mo, red levant morocco, gilt panels, giltedges, by Matthews. Paris : Firmin-Didot, 1863 VIRGIL. See No. 2673, Phaer and Twyne. 535 3371. VIRTUTES. Cardinales Ethico Emblemate Ex- presse. Hngraved title, four plates and printer’s device on the last leaf. 4to, citron levant morocco, gilt back, gilt edges, by David. Antverpie, 1645 3372. VISSCHER (ROEMER). Sinnepoppen. 83 en- gravings on copper. Oblong 4to, russia, panelled sides, gilt edges. Amsterdam: VVillem Ianfz, 1614 3373. VITO DI GOZZI (NICOLO). Dello Stato delle Republiche Secondo la Mente d’Aristotele. 4to, red mo- rocco gilt, anchor on covers, GILT TOP, UNCUT. *The Syston Park copy. In Venetia: Aldo, 1591 3374. VITRUVIUS. M. Vitrvvivs per Iocvndvm Solito castigatior factvs cvm figvris et tabvla vt iam legi et intelligi possit. Title within an ornamental woodcut border and 186 woodcuts, including one representing a boat driven by means of a paddle-wheel. Folio, old French brown mo- rocco, gilt edges. Fine large copy with 16 INITIALS IN GOLD AND COLORS AND A COAT-OF-ARMS painted on the lower border of first page of text. Venetiis: Ioannes de Tridino, 1511 3375. VITRUVIUS. De Architectura, libri decem ad Cesarem Augustum, omnibus omnium editionibus longe emendatiores; collatis veteribus exemplis. Woodcut por- trait and numerous illustrations in the teat; also a folded table containing an ancient Roman inscription. 4to, olive calf, gilt ornaments, gilt inside borders. Lugduni: Joan Tornesium, 1552 3376. VITRUVIUS. Architecture ou Art de bien bastir mis de Latin en Frangoys par Ian Martin. Tle within a woodcut border and over 150 architectural woodcuts by Jean Goujon. Folio, red levant morocco, gilt edges, by Cuzin. Paris: H: de Marnef & G. Cavellat, 1572 * At the end is a dissertation on architecture by Jean Goujon, accompanied by two plates of palaces in the style of the French Renaissance, 3377. VOISENON (CLAUDE HENRI DE FUSEE DE). Romans et Contes. Portrait by Vigée and 4 plates by Que- verdo, engraved by de Launay. 2 vols. 12mo, original boards, uncut. Paris, 1798 3378. VOLTAIRE (JEAN F. M. AROUET DE). C£dipe, tragedie. Small 8vo, old red morocco, gilt back and edges. A Paris: Chez Pierre Ribou, &e., 1719 * FIRST EDITION of Voltaire’s first publication. 3379. VOLTAIRE (JEAN F. M. AROUET DE). (1). La Ligue ou Henry le Grand, poéme epique. Genéve (Rouen, Viret), 1723; (2). Reflexions critiques sur un poéme intitulé La Ligue, Imprimé a Genéve, & attribué a M. de Voltaire. 536 Seconde edition. 1724; (3). Lettre critique ou paralelle des trois poémes epiques anciens, Seavoir, |’ Iiade, l’?Odyssé a’ Ho- mere & |’Eneide de Virgile, avec le Poéme nouveau, intitulé, La Ligue, ou Henry le Grand, Poéme Epique. 1724; (4). Seconde Lettre et critique generale [signée de Bellechaume] ou parallele des trois poémes epiques anciens [same imprint as (3)]. 4 vols. in 1. 12mo, red levant morocco, gilt edges, by Cuzin. Genéve, 1723-4 * THE FIRST WORK IS THE FIRST EDITION of ‘‘LA HENRIADE,” in nine cantos only, published secretly at Rouen by Thierot, secretary and friend of Voltaire. It contains the blank leaf V 4. 3380. VOLTAIRE (JEAN F. M. AROUET DE). Oreste, Tragédie. Also, Samson, Tragédie Lyrique. Small 8vo, red morocco, gilt back, the ARMS OF FERIOL on the sides, gilt edges, by Padeloup. A Paris, 1750 * FIRST EDITIONS. Includes ‘‘ Mensonges Imprimés.” The pagination is continuous. 3381. VOLTAIRE (JEAN F. M. AROUET DE). Can- dide, ou l’Optimisme. Wirth 4 inserted plates by Chodo- wieckt. 12mo, red levant morocco, gilt edges, by Cuzin. : in. p.|.1759 33882. VOLTAIRE (JEAN F. M. AROUET DE). La Pucelle d’Orleans. Frontispiece, 20 plates engraved on cop- per, portrart of Voltaire, 2 vignettes and 1 cul-de-lampe, all unsigned. 8vo, polished ealf gilt, gilt top, uneut, by Bed- ford. Londres, 1764 3383. VOLTAIRE (JEAN F. M. AROUET DE). La Guerre Civile deGéneve. Poéme Heroique, avee des Notes Instructives. DERNIER EDITION. 6 curious unsigned plates. Square 18mo, half red morocco. Besangon, 1768 *The following title precedes the one given above: ‘‘ La Guerre Civile de Geneve. Nouvelle edition. Paris MDCCLX- LY 6 ay 3384. VOLTAIRE (JEAN F. M. AROUET DE). La Tactique et Autres Piéces Fugitives. FIRST EDITION. 8vo, red levant morocco gilt, uncut by Riviére. Geneve, 1774 3385. VOLTAIRE (JEAN F. M. AROUET DE). Romans et Contes. Fleuron on titles, portrait of Voltaire engraved by Cathelin after La Tour, 57 plates by Baquoy, Chatelain, Deny, Dambrun, Lorieux, Putas, Vidal and Elisabeth Thiébaut, after Marillier, Martini, Monnet and Moreau, ALL BEFORE THE NUMBERS, and 13 vignettes by Deny after Monnet. 3 vols. 8vo, red levant morocco, doublure of cit- ron levant with gilt tooled large dentelle borders, in the manner of Derome, silk linings, gilt over UNCUT EDGES, by Marius Michel. Bouillon: aux dépens de la Société typographique, 1778 537 3386. VOLTAIRE (JEAN F. M. AROUET DE). (I) La Henriade, poéme, suivie de notes et de variantes. (II) Suite de la Henriade, contenant l’essai sur les guerres civiles de France, une dissertation sur la mort de Henri IV, et l’essai sur la poesie epique. 2 vols. royal 8vo, red levant morocco, gilt backs, gilt edges, by Chambolle-Duru. De Vimprimerie de la Société Litteraire-Typographique {Kehl] 1785. * THE ONLY COPY PRINTED ON VELLUM, In Volume I are portrait of Henri IV by Tardieu after Pourbus and 10 plates after Moreau le jeune engraved by Dambrun, de Launay, Duclos, Guttenberg, Helman, Lingée, Patas, Romanet, Simonet, and Triére, on Holland paper. Inserted are two portraits of Henri IV by Cathelin after Jannet and by Dequevauvillier after Pourbus, the latter on India paper, and 10 plates after Gravelot. In Volume II are an inserted portrait of Henri lV, by Tardieu after Pourbus, a frontispiece by Flipart after Gravelot, and 3 other plates, the two last, after Gerard, in 2 states, including India proofs before letters. Presentation copy from the actress Sarah Félix, with her autograph on the half-title of Volume I. 3387. VOLTAIRE (JEAN F. M. AROUET DE). Collec- tion of Engravings for the works of Voltaire. 113 plates en- graved by Coiny, Croutelle, Delvaux, Girardet, de Ghendt, Godefroy, Halbou, Ingouf, Nicollet, Petit, Ribault, Roger, Romanet, Simonet, Thomas, Triére, Villecog, Villerey and De Villiers after Moreau le jeune; with Renouard’s addition of the 34 portraits engraved by St. Aubin, and the other 12 portraits of which he had the plates. Large 8vo, red levant morocco gilt, gilt top by Bertrand. [ Paris: Renouard, 1802] 3388. VOLTAIRE (JEAN F. M. AROUET DE). Romans de Voltaire. Proof wmpressions of the 27 plates by Moreau le jeune. 3 vols. 8vo, half red levant morocco gilt, gilt tops, un- cut, by Allo. Paris, 1821 * Large Paper. 3389. VOLTAIRE (JEAN F. M. AROUET DE). Lettres inédites de Voltaire a Mademoiselle Quinault, a M. D’Argental, au Président Hénault, a M. Damilaville, a Madame D’Epinay, et autres personnages remarquables. Royal 8vo, half red levant morocco, pointillé back, gilt top, uneut, by Capé. Paris, 1822 * LARGE VELLUM PAPER copy. Inserted are 12 portraits (5 proofs on India paper), including 4 of Voltaire, after Hou- don’s bust and de Latour’s painting. 3390. VOLTATRE (JEAN F. M. AROUET DE). Céuvres de Voltaire. Avec Préfaces, Avertissements, Notes, &c., par M. Beuchot. 72 vols. in 71, royal 8vo, half red levant morocco, pointillé backs, gilt tops, uncut, by Capé.. = Paris, 1829-1840 * PRINTED ON LARGE VELLUM PAPER. Inserted are over 2,100 plates, including over 100 portraits of Voltaire, after St. Aubin, 538 Houdon, de Latour, Desenne, de Largilliére, and others in various states, and an artist’s proof impression of the very rare portrait engraved by Ficquet. The first series of illus- trations after Moreau is in two states, including proofs before letters on India paper; the second series is also in two states, engraver’s etching and proofs before letters; the two -series after Desenne and Devéria are proofs before letters on India paper. This superb collection of plates contains many rare French and English portraits in various states, and a number of unique illustrations. Among them are (Volume I) the rare portrait of Moreau engraved by St. Aubin after Cochin; (VI) an original drawing by Moreau, different from the plate; (IX) a rare artist’s proof impression of the first plate of ‘“Agathocle’’ engraved by Delignon after Moreau, the pub- lished one having been engraved by Simonet; (X) ten original drawings by Le Prince for the ‘‘ Henriade,’’ in sepia; an original pencil drawing of Jacques Clemént by Massard, with accom- panying engraving; an original sepia drawing of Ravaillac by Massard, with plate; frontispiece by Moreau in three states, the first very rare, the first and third states being on India paper; the series of illustrations after de Troy for the first edition; the series after Hisen, Devéria (India paper) and N. Vieughels; (XI) ‘‘La Pucelle,’’ an original sepia drawing (page 77) by Steinel, with plate; the two series of illustra- tions after Monsieau and le Barbier, both in two states, engrav- er’s proof and proof before letters; and (page 154) the rare vignette of Judith, proof before all letters; (XIII) an original wash drawing (page 177) of the Duchesse du Maine, and (page 240) an original sepia drawing of Mlle. Clairion by Vanloo, (XIV) the series of illustrations for the ‘‘ Poésies’’ by Monnet on India paper, and an original wash drawing of Madame de Pompadour by Cazenave; (XVI) a pen and pencil portrait of Friedrich Barbarossa (page 98); (XX) a folded facsimile of the signatures of the ‘‘Protecteurs des Acadé- miciens’’ and of the ‘‘ Académiciens;’’ (XX XIII) an original sepia drawing of ‘‘Jeannot et Colin’’ by Choquet, 1816 (page 369), and the rare series of plates by Moreau for ‘‘Candide,’’ in two states, (LXVIII) the rare plate, ‘‘Partage de la Pologne, ou le Gateau des Rois,’’ proof before letters. 3391. VOLTAIRE (JEAN F. M. AROUET DE). Lettres inédites de Voltaire recueillies par M. de Cayrol et annotées par M. Alphonse Francois, précédées d’une préface de M. Saint-Mare Girardin. 2 vols. 8vo, half red levant morocco, pointillé backs, gilt tops, uncut, by Capé. Paris, 1856 * PRINTED ON PAPIER VELIN, AND EXTRA-ILLUSTRATED by the insertion of 10 portraits (4 proofs on India paper), including 2 of Voltaire, after de Latour and Firilley, the latter a proof before letters on India paper. 539 3392. VOLTAIRE (JEAN F. M. AROUET DE). La Pucelle d’Orléans. Portraits of Voltaire, portrait, proof be- fore all letters, of Jeanne d’Arc, frontispiece and numerous vignettes. 2 vols. in one, 12mo, red levant morocco gilt, gilt edges, by Capé. Paris, 1865 * One of 15 copies on India paper. 3393. VOLTAIRE (JEAN F. M. AROUET DE). Le Sot- tisier de Voltaire publié pour la premiére fois d’aprés une copie authentique faite sur le manuscrit autographe conservé au Musée de 1’Ermitage a Saint-Pétersbourg, avec une préface par L. Léouzon le Due. 8vo, half blue levant morocco gilt, un- eut, by Champs. Paris, 1880 * One of 300 copies on Holland Paper. 3394. VORAGINE (JACOBUS DE). Legenda aurea. Gothic characters, double columns. Title in red, with woodcut, historiated and ornamental imtials. 4to, brown levant mo- rocco, richly tooled to a Groleresque pattern of interlacing and arabesque on a gold dotted ground, with the title of the book stamped in capitals on each cover, gilt back and inside borders, vellum linings, gilt edges, in morocco slip case, by Riviére. (Title skilfully mended.) Lugduni: Claudius d’Avost alias de Troys, 1504 3395. VORAGINE (JACOBUS DE). Hier beghint twinter stuck des Passionaels. Dat ghehieten is Aurea legenda. Gothic character, double columns; title in red and black. Woodcut on title, 77 spirited woodcuts in the text and a full-page wood- cut of all the Saints in glory on the verso of last leaf. Folio, brown levant morocco, gilt edges, by Lortie. Uoleynt te Parijs in sint: Jacobs strate. By Wolffgang hopyl. int teyken van sint Jorys voer Willem Houtmart. boee ver- coper wonende te Brusel in brabant, 1505. 3396. [VORAGINE (JACOBUS DE).] Hier begint tsomer stuck vanden Passionael. Gothic character, double columns; title in red and black. Woodcut on title, 112 spirited woodcuts in the text representing scenes from the life and passion of Christ, saints, etc., and a full-page woodcut of all the Saints in glory on the verso of last leaf. Folio, brown levant moroeco, gilt edges by Lortie. Gheprent te Pariis in sint Jacobs strate in teyken van sint Jorys voor Willem Houtmart, boeck verecoper wonende te Brusel, 1507. 540 097. ALL (VICOMTE DE). Porte-Feuille d’un Jeune Homme de vingt-trois ans. 8vo, green straight-grain morocco, gilt and blind tooled, gilt edges, by Thouvenin. Paris, 1788 * VELLUM PAPER COPY, 50 printed for presentation and issued in no other form. From the library of Comte Henri de La Bédoyére. 3398. WALLER (EDMUND). The VVorkes of Edmond VValler Esquire, Lately a Member of the Honourable House of Commons, In this present Parliament. Leaf of Imprima- tur Na. Brent. Decem. 30, 1644. Small 8vo, red levant mo- roceo gilt, gilt edges, by Bedford. London: Thomas Walkley, 1645 * FIRST AND RAREST ISSUE OF THE ‘‘spurious’ first edition, printed without the author’s permission. 3399. WALLER (EDMUND). Poems, &. Written by Mr. Ed. Waller of Beckonsfield, Esquire. All the Lyrick Poems in this Booke were set by Mr. Henry Lavves Gent. of the Kings Chappell, and one of his Majesties Private Musick. Printed and Published according to Order. 12mo, brown levant morocco gilt, gilt edges by Riviére. London: Printed by T. W. for Humphrey Mosley, 1645 * SECOND ISSUE of the ‘‘spurious’’ first edition. The sheets of the preceding issue, with new title, dedication, and the mis- leading Advertisement to the Reader. An unusually large copy, with 8 pages at the end giving a list of 76 books put forth by Moseley. This copy has not only the inserted signature ‘‘I,’’ containing the poems and the table first published in this edition, but also the speeches, G7- H8. It thus agrees in collation with the Locker-Lampson copy. 3400. WALLER (EDMUND). Poems, &c. Written by Mr. Ed. Waller of Beckonsfield, Esquire; Lately a Member of the Honourable House of Commons. And Printed by a Copy of his own hand-writing. All the Lyrick Poems in this Booke were set by M?. Henry Lavves, Gent. of the Kings Chappell, and one of his Majesties Private Musick. Printed and Published according to Order. (With the Speeches.) 12mo, red levant morocco, doublure of blue levant, wide bor- ders, gilt edges, by Cuzin. London: Printed by I. N. for Hu. Mosley, 1645 * THICK PAPER copy of the First EpITION. Known as the First GENUINE EDITION. 3401. WALLER (EDMUND). Poems, &e. Written Upon Several Occasions, And To Several Persons. Never till now Corrected and Published with the approbation of the Author. 12mo, red levant morocco, richly tooled in compartments, gilt inside borders, gilt edges, by Riviere. London: Printed for Henry Herringman, 1664 * SECOND EDITION. First AUTHORIZED EDITION, with the several leaves of misprinted pagination, to which is prefixed the License Leaf,—‘‘ January 10th, 1663. Imprimatur, Roger L’Estrange.’’ 541 3402. WALLER (EDMUND). Poems, &. Written upon Several Occasions, And to Several Persons: THe Tuirp Ept- TION, with Several Additions, Never before Printed. ks red levant morocco gilt, gilt edges, by Riviere. London: Printed for Henry Herringman, 1668 * THIRD EDITION, published with the approbation of the author. Contains the 4 lines of Errata. 3403. WALLER (EDMUND). Poems, &. Written upon several Occasions, And to several Persons: THE FoURTH EDI- TION, With several Additions, Never before Printed. Portraits by Vander Banck. 8vo, original old English black morocco, covered with gilt tooling, gilt edges. London: Printed for Henry Herringman, 1682 * FourTH EDITION. Fourteen poems are added to this edition, including ‘‘Of Divine Love,’’ published here for the first time. 3404. WALLER (EDMUND). Divine Poems. Small 8vo, red levant morocco gilt, gilt over uncut edges, by Mat- thews. [London] In the Savoy: Printed for Henry Herringman, 1685. : “SECOND EpitTion of ‘‘Divine Love,’’ which first appeared in the Fourth Edition of the Poems, in 1682, and First EDITION of ‘Divine Poesie.’’ 3405. WALLER (EDMUND). Poems, &c. Written upon several Occasions, And to several Persons. THE FirtH EpI- TION, With several additions never before printed. Portrait of the author at the age of 76, by Van der Banck. Small 8vo. red levant morocco gilt, gilt edges, by Riviere. [London]: Printed for H. Herringman, 1686 3406. WALLER (EDMUND). The Maid’s Tragedy altered. With some other Pieces. Not before Printed in the several Editions of his Poems. Small 8vo, red levant mo- rocco gilt, gilt edges, by Chambolle-Duru. London: Printed for Jacob Tonson, 1690 * First AUTHORIZED EpiTion. The play was never intended to be published, but after the author’s death it was printed by his friends to rectify the spurious version published by Dean Atterbury. 3407. WALLER (EDMUND). The Second Part of Mr. Waller’s Poems. Containing, His Alteration of the Maids Tragedy, And whatever of his is yet unprinted: Together with some other Poems, Speeches, &c. that were Printed sev- erally, and never put into the First Collection of his Poems. Small 8vo, red levant morocco gilt, gilt edges, by Riviére. London: Printed for Tho. Bennet, 1690 * First Epirion. This version differs from ‘‘The Maid’a Tragedy Altered,’’ published in the same year, with the license leaf preceding title. 542 | - R a ie: Pe SS » Pay 3408. WALLER (EDMUND). Poems, &e. Written upon several Occasions.’ And to several Persons: THe SrxrH EpI- TION with several Additions. Never before Printed. Portrait by Van der Banck. Small 8vo, dark blue levant morocco gilt, gilt edges, by Riviére. London: Printed for H. Herringman, 1693 3409. WALLER (EDMUND). (I.) Poems, &c. Written upon several Occasions, And to several Persons; THE SrixTH Epittion; with several Additions. Never before Printed. London: Printed for H. Herringman, 1694; (II.) The Maid’s Tragedy altered. With some other Pieces. First Epition. Not before Printed in the several Editions of his Poems. London: Printed for Jacob Tonson, 1690. 2 vols. in 1, small 8vo, brown levant morocco gilt, gilt edges, by Riviere. London, 1690, 1694 * THE SHEETS OF THE SIXTH EDITION of the Poems, with a new title-page, and another copy of THE First Epirion of ‘ {c3 Cenfus cpalcit {cs ant tia CQuags ferret) (c5 de7 ris Fpl. Dilla cauctgsoes FEST let. prebet robur binié ce eee SEs @ Bic expontt ap iffa ca B uet) {cs mortalia coelet) IR \\Y) {cs pertalia Cpbetrobur> {f (c3 otra intmcos Coinit? 5 eS. fc5 nes dco Cet angen ics | Paaenet re e | Acquuné ano ali pevs ee fus oe cadet materia, Roborat et leulgat cond cit auget et omat. Delecs tat oclet vegetat palcit SERMO PRO EpIscoro PUERORUM, PRINTED BY WYNKYN DE WORDE, 1496. (See No. 3562.) = Fe = ri 3067. YOUNG (EDWARD). The Brothers. A tragedy. Acted at the Theatre Royalin Drury-Lane. FIRST EDITION. 8vo, brown morocco, gilt edges, by The Club Bindery. London: R. Dodsley, 1753 3568. YOUNG (EDWARD). Works of the Author of the Night Thoughts. Revised and corrected by himself. Por- trait by Boitard. 6 vols. 12mo, red morocco, gilt edges, by J. Clarke. London, 1774-78 3969. YOUNG (EDWARD). Night Thoughts by Edward Young. With the Life of the Author, and notes critical & explanatory. Portrait and 8 illustrations after Stothard. LARGE PAPER. Royal 8wo, Spanish calf, marbled edges (worn). London, 1798 3570. PO UARIA (JUST FRIEDRICH WILHELM). Les Quatre Parties du Jour, Poeme traduit de Vallemand par Muller. frontispiece, four plates and vig- nettes engraved by C. Baquoy after Hisen. 8vo, old citron morocco, silver tooled, gilt end papers, gilt edges. Paris, 1769 * Bound with the above is Saint Lambert’s Les Saisons, Am- sterdam, 1769. 3571. ZEEVSCHE Nachtegael ende Des selfs dryderley gesang: Geheel anders in der vvaerheyt verthoont, als de selve voor desen by sommighe uyt enckel mis-verstant ver- keerdelijek is gheoordeelt. FIRST EDITION. Frontispiece and 7 half-page plates engraved by P. de Jode, C. van Que- booren and others, after Adriaen vande Venne. Ato, three parts in one volume, original vellum covers. Bound with several other works of the same period. Middelburgh, 1623 * Among the contributors to this work are Johanna Coomans, Anna Roemers, Apollonius and Jacob Schotte, Jacob Cats and Adriaen vande Venne. 3572. ZINCGREFIUS (J. G.). Emblematum Ethico- Politicorum Centuria. Hngraved title and 100 circular copper engravings of emblems. 4to, old calf (rebacked). Heidelberg, 1666 3573. ZOLA (EMILE). Mon Salon, augmenté d’une dédicace et d’un appendice. FIRST EDITION. 12mo, half cloth, original covers bound in. Paris, 1866 3574. ZOLA (EMILE). La Confession de Claude. FIRST EDITION. 12mo, half calf. Paris, 1866 3575. ZOLA (EMILE). Le Voeu d’une Morte. FIRstT EDITION. 12mo, original wrappers [dated 1867], uncut 7 : Paris, 1866 567 3576. ZOLA (EMILE). Ed. Manet. Etude biographique et critique. Accompagnée d'un portrait d’ Ed. Manet par Bracquemond et W@une eau-forte d’Ed. Manet d’aprés Olympia. FIRST EDITION. 8vo, half red morocco, original covers bound in. Paris, 1867 3577. ZOLA (EMILE). Thérése Raquin. First EDITION. 12mo, half brown levant morocco gilt, figured silk sides, gilt top, uncut, original covers [dated 1867] bound in, by The Club Bindery. Paris, 1868 3578. ZOLA (EMILE). Madeleine Férat. Facsimile. FIRST EDITION. 12mo, original wrappers, uncut. Paris, 1868 3579. ZOLA (EMILE). La Fortune des Rougon. FIRST EDITION. 12mo, half cloth, nneut, original wrappers [dated 1872] bound in. Paris, 1871 3580. ZOLA (EMILE). La Curée. First EDITION. 12mo, half red levant morocco, gilt top, uncut, original covers {dated 1872] bound in, by Ourvand. Paris, 1871 3581. ZOLA (EMILE). Contesa Ninon. Nouvelle édi- tion. 12mo, half citron levant morocco, gilt top, figured silk sides, uncut, by The Club Bindery. _ Paris, 1874 * ONE OF 25 COPIES ON HOLLAND PAPER. 3582. ZOLA (EMILE). Contes a Ninon. 12mo, half red levant morocco gilt, gilt top, uncut, by Canapé. Paris, [n. d. ] 3583. ZOLA (EMILE). Nouveaux Contes a Ninon:—Un Bain, Les Fraises, Le Grand Michu, &c. FIRST EDITION. 12mo, half red levant morocco gilt, gilt top, uneut, with the original covers bound in, by Canapé. Paris: Charpentier, 1874 3584, ZOLA Men L’Assommoir. FIRST EDITION. 12mo, half red levant morocco, gilt top, uncut, original cov- ers bound in, by Ourvand. Paris, 1877 * ONE OF 75 COPIES ON HOLLAND PAPER, 3585. ZOLA (EMILE), L’Assommoir. Numerous wood- cuts. Royal 8vo, cloth. [Paris], n. d. 3586. ZOLA (EMILE). Théatre. 12mo, half red levant morocco gilt, gilt top, uncut, by Pouillet. Paris, 1878 * ONE OF 75 COPIES ON HOLLAND PAPER. 3587. ZOLA (EMILE). Mes Haines; Causeries littéraires et artistiques; Mon Salon (1866); Edouard Manet, étude bio- graphique et critique. Nouvelle édition. 12mo, half blue levant morocco, figured blue silk sides, gilt top, uncut, original covers bound in, by The Club Bindery. Paris, 1879 * ONE OF 75 COPIES ON HOLLAND PAPER. 568 3588. ZOLA (EMILE). Nana. First EDITION. 12mo, half blue levant morocco gilt, figured silk sides, gilt top, uncut, original covers bound in, by The Club Bindery. * ONE OF 325 COPIES ON HOLLAND PAPER. Paris, 1880 3589. ZOLA (EMILE), DE MAUPASSANT (GUY) and four others: J. K. Huysmans, Henry Céard, Léon Hen- nique, Paul Alexis. Les Soirées de Médan. G. Charpen- tier, Editeur. FIRST EDITION. 12mo, half red levant mo- rocco, uncut, original covers bound in, by Champs. : Paris, 1880 * ONE OF 50 COPIES ON HOLLAND PAPER, with autographs of the six authors. 3590. ZOLA (EMILE). Pot-Bouille. Frrsr EDITION. 12mo, half olive levant morocco gilt, plaid silk sides, gilt top, uncut, original covers bound in, by The Club Bindery. Paris, 1882 * ONE OF 250 COPIES ON HOLLAND PAPER. 3591. ZOLA (EMILE). Nana. dition illustrée par Andre Gill, Bertall, etc. 4to, half red levant morocco gilt, gilt top, uncut, with the original covers bound in. Paris, 1882 * One of 100 copies on Large Holland paper, with duplicates of the woodcuts on India paper. 3592. ZOLA (EMILE). Au Bonheur des Dames. FIRst EDITION. 12mo, half brown levant morocco gilt, figured silk sides, gilt top, uncut, original wrappers bound in, by The Club Bindery. Paris, 1883 * ONE OF 150 COPIES ON HOLLAND PAPER. 3593. ZOLA (EMILE). Le Capitaine Burle. 12mo, half brown levant morocco gilt, figured satin sides, gilt top, un- cut, by The Club Bindery. Paris, 1883 * ONE OF 50 COPIES ON HOLLAND PAPER, 3594. ZOLA (KMILE). Une Page d’Amour. 2 vols. royal 8vo, green levant morocco, gilt fillets, gilt tops, uncut, original covers bound in, by The Club Bindery. Paris, 1834 * ONE OF 20 COPIES ON THICK INDIA PAPER, WITH THE ETCHINGS IN TWO STATES. 3595. ZOLA (EMILE). Nais Micoulin. 12mo, half green levant morocco gilt, Dresden silk sides, gilt top, uncut, original covers bound in, by The Club Bindery. Paris, 1884 * ONE OF 100 COPIES ON HOLLAND PAPER, 3596. ZOLA (EMILE). Les Mystéres de Marseille. Nouvelle édition. 12mo, half green levant morocco, figured silk sides, gilt top, uncut, by The Club Bindery. Paris, 1884 * ONE OF 50 COPIES ON HoLLAND PAPER. 569 3597. ZOLA (EMILE). La Joie de Vivre. First EDI- TION. 12mo, half blue levant morocco gilt, figured satin sides, gilt top, uncut, original covers bound in, by The Club Bindery. Paris, 1884 * ONE OF 150 COPIES ON HOLLAND PAPER. 3598. ZOLA(EMILE). Germinal. First EDITION. 12mo, half green levant morocco gilt, gilt top, uncut, original wrappers bound in, by Canapé.- Paris, 1885 * ONE OF 10 COPIES ON JAPAN PAPER. Presentation copy from the author to Edmund de Goncourt, with inscription on - the half-title. 3599. ZOLA (EMILE). L’CGiuvre. First EDITION. 12mo, half blue levant morocco, figured silk sides, gilt top, uncut, original covers bound in, by The Club Bindery. Paris, 1886 * ONE OF 175 COPIES ON HOLLAND PAPER. 3600. ZOLA(EMILE). LaTerre. First EDITION. 12mo, half brown levant morocco gilt, gilt top, uncut, original wrappers bound in, by Canapé. Paris, 1887 * ONE OF 80 COPIES ON JAPAN PAPER. 3601. ZOLA (EMILE). La Terre. FIRST EDITION. 12mo, half brown levant morocco, uncut, original covers bound in. Paris, 1887 * ONE OF 275 COPIES ON HOLLAND PAPER, 3602. ZOLA (EMILE). Renée. Piéce en cing Actes. FIRST EDITION. 12mo, half red levant morocco, gilt top, uncut. Paris, 1887 3603. ZOLA (EMILE). Le Réve. First EDITION. 12mo, half brown levant morocco gilt, figured silk sides, gilt top, uncut, original covers bound in, by The Club Bindery. * ONE OF 25 COPIES ON JAPAN PAPER. Paris, 1888 _ 3604. ZOLA (EMILE). Le Voeu d’une Morte. NOUVELLE EDITION. 12mo, half brown levant morocco gilt, figured silk sides, gilt top, uncut, by The Club Bindery. Paris, 1889 * ONE OF 100 COPIES ON HOLLAND PAPER. 3605. ZOLA (EMILE). La Béte Humaine. First EpDI- TION. 12mo, half red levant morocco gilt, gilt top, uncut,’ original covers bound in, by Canapé. Paris, 1890: * ONE OF 30 COPIES ON JAPAN PAPER, Edmond de Gon- court’s copy, with his autograph. 3606. ZOLA (EMILE). L’ Argent. First EDITION. 12mo, half blue levant morocco gilt, gilt top, uncut, original covers bound in, by Canapé. Paris, 1891 * ONE OF 25 COPIES ON JAPAN PAPER, 3607. ZOLA (EMILE). La Débacle. Frrst EDITION. 12mo, half blue levant morocco gilt, figured satin sides, gilt. top, uncut, original covers bound in, by The Club Bindery. * ONE OF 830 COPIES ON HOLLAND PAPER. Paris, 1892. 570 3608. ZOLA (EMILE). Le Docteur Pascal. Folding plate. First EDITION. 12mo, half green levant morocco gilt, plaid silk sides, uncut, original covers bound in, by The Club Bindery. Paris, 1893 * ONE OF 40 COPIES ON JAPAN PAPER. 3609. ZOLA (EMILE). La Curée. Compositions de Georges Jeanniot. Imp. 8vo, brown levant morocco, chis- elled figufre of a man on front cover, gilt over uncut edges, with the original covers bound in, by Raparlier. Paris: E. Testard, 1894 * One of 130 copies on India paper, with duplicate set of the illustrations, proofs before letters. 3610. ZOLA (EMILE). Les Trois Villes. Lourdes. First EDITION. 12mo, half green levant morocco gilt, plaid silk sides, gilt top, uncut, original covers bound in, by The Club Bindery. Paris, 1894 * ONE OF 340 COPIES ON HOLLAND PAPER. 3611. ZOLA (EMILE). Tes Trois Villes. Rome. First EDITION. 12mo, half brown levant morocco gilt, figured silk. sides, gilt top, uncut, original wrappers bound in, by The Club Bindery. Paris, 1896 * ONE OF 800 COPIES ON HOLLAND PAPER. 3612. ZOLA (EMILE). Nouvelle Campagne, 1896. 12mo, halt light brown levant morocco gilt, figured brown and green silk sides, gilt top, uncut, original covers bound in, by the Club Bindery. Paris, 1897 * FIRST EDITION of articles which, except the last, appeared in Le Figaro, ONE OF 20 COPIES ON HOLLAND PAPER. 3613. ZOLA (EMILE). Les Trois Villes. Paris. First EDITION. 12mo, half citron levant morocco gilt, figured silk sides, gilt top, uncut, original covers bound in, by The Club Bindery. Paris, 1898 * ONE OF 300 COPIES ON HOLLAND PAPER, 3614. ZOLA (EMILE). Les Quatre Evangiles. Fécon- dité. FIRST EDITION. 2 vols. 8vo, half blue levant morocco gilt, plaid silk sides, gilt tops, uncut, original covers bound in, by The Club Bindery. 3 Paris, 1899 * ONE OF 50 COPIES ON JAPAN PAPER. 3615. ZOLA (EMILE), Les Quatre Evangiles. Travail. FIRST EDITION. 2 vols. 8vo, half red levant morocco gilt, figured silk sides, gilt tops, uncut, original covers bound in, by The Club Bindery. Paris, 1901 * ONE OF 30 COPIES ON JAPAN PAPER. OTL 3616. ZOLA(EMILE). L’Attaque du Moulin. Tilustra- tions by Claude Faivre after Emile Boutigny in four states in color in the text, and separately in bistre and wood en- graving on India paper. The allustration on the cover 1s m sia states, three showing the states of the color printing. 8v0, red levant morocco, decorated with borders, compartments, and centre ornament composed of small eighteenth century tools, red moiré silk linings, -gilt edges, original covers bound in, by The Club Bindery. Paris, 1901 * ONE OF 20 COPIES ON JAPAN PAPER. 3617. ZOLA (EMILE). . L’Affaire Dreyfus. La Vérité en Marche. FIrRst EDITION. 12mo, half brown levant mo- rocco gilt, figured silk sides, gilt top, uncut, original covers bound in, by The Club Bindery. Paris, 1901 * ONE OF 20 COPIES ON HOLLAND PAPER. 3618. ZOLA (EMILE). Les Quatre Evangiles. Vérité. First EDITION. 2 vols. 8vo, half red levant morocco gilt, figured silk sides, gilt tops, uneut, original covers bound in, by The Club Bindery. Paris, 1903 * ONE OF 30 COPIES ON JAPAN PAPER, 3619. ZOOLOGICAL SOCIETY. The Gardens and Men- agerie of the Zoological Society Delineated. Published with the Sanction of the Council. Printed on India paper, with woodcut illustrations of Quadrupeds and Birds, engraved after drawings by Wiliam Harvey. 2 vols. in 1, 8vo, calf gilt, gilt edges. Chiswick: Chas. Whittingham, 1831 3620. ZOUCH (THOMAS). The Life of Isaac Walton, including notices of his contemporaries. Wa2ath 21 plates, proofs on India paper, and 5 other India proofs, laid an. LARGEST PAPER. 4to, half morocco, uneut. London, 1824 3621. ZURCHER anp MARGOLLE—HKditors. Les Ascen- sions célébres aux plus hautes montagnes du globe. SECOND EDITION. 39 dllustrations. 12mo, half cloth, uneut. * PRINTED ON INDIA PAPER. Paris, 1869 e American Historp and Diterature, DATE. 1493. Columbus. 1494. Columbus. 1503. Bergomensis. 1504. Vespuccius. 1504. Vespuccius. 1504. Vespuccius. 1512. Montalboddo. 1515. Vespuccius. 1516. Giustiniani.. 1534. Amandus. 1535-57. Oviedo. 1539. Apianus. | 1552-53. Las Casas. 1554. Gomara. 1554. Gomara. 1556. Oviedo. 1556. Munster. 1557. Staden. 1558. Thevet. 1560. Cieca di Leone. 1563. Puga. 1578. Beste. 1580. Monardes. 1586. Laudonniére. 1590. Hariot. 1590-1634. De Bry. 1598. Las Casas. 1606. Baxter. 1612. Hudson. 1612. Martyr (Peter). 1613. Champlain. 1618. Lescarbot. 1620. Whitbourne. 1621. Philoponus. AUTHOR OR TITLE. Epistola Christofori Colom. Veradus-Columbus. Cronicarum. Lettera. Third Voyage. Third Voyage. Paesi nouamente ritrouati. Nouveau Monde et Naviga- tions. Psalter. Chronica. La historia general des las Indias. Cosmographia. Complete Set of Tracts. Historia General de las Indias. Historia de Mexico. L’Histoire Naturelle des Indes. Cosmographie Universelle. Historia und Beschreibung in den Newen Welt America. Les Singularitez de la France Antarctique. Cronica del Gran Regno del Perv. Prouisiones, cedulas. Voyages of Martin Frobisher. Joyfvll Newes out of the new- found world. Histoire de la Floride. Raport de la Virginie. Grand Voyages. Narratio Regionum Indicarum per Hispanos. Sir Philip Sydneys Ourania. Descriptio Detectionis Freti. Historie of the West Indies. Les Voyages. Histoire de la Nouvelle France. Discovery of Nevv-fovnd-land. Nova Typis Transacta Navi- gatio. 573 LOT NO. 835 836 402 3331 3332 3333 2351 3334 2818 75 2597 118 1960 1465 1466 2598 260 3130 3228 798 1563 421 2335 1968 969 968 1961 342 LTLE 2217 732 2021 3495 2679 DATE. 1624. 1625-26 1630. 1632. 1632. 1637. 1643. 1647. 1647. 1648. 1649. 1649. 1652. 1653. 1655. 1655. 1656. 1659. 1662. 1669. 1671. 1671. 1672. 1672. 1674. 1675. 1689. 1702. 1730. 1744, 1747. 1749. 1753. 1753. 1757. 1759. 1769. 1774. 1775. 1781. 1783. Smith. Purchas. Smith. Champlain. Sagard (Theodat). Morton. Eliot. Eliot. Ward. Eliot. Eliot. Bullock. Eliot. Eliot. Eliot. Van Der Donck. Van Der Donck. Eliot. Gray. Morton. Eliot. Josselyn. Lederer. Josselyn. Byfield. Mather (Cotton). Charlevoix. Horsmanden. Stith. New York Laws. Livingston. Livingston. Smith. Burke. Massachusetts Bay. Hubbard. Dusimitier. Dusimitier. AUTHOR OR TITLE. Historie of Virginia. Pilgrims. Travels, etc., in Europe, Asia, Affrica and America. | Les Voyages. Voyage du pay des Hurons. New English Canaan. Indian Tracts. No. Indian Tracts. No. The Simple Cobler vvam. Indian Tracts. No. Indian Tracts. No. Virginia. Indian Tracts. No. Indian Tracts. No. Indian Tracts. No. Nieuw-Nederlant. Nieuw-Nederlant. Indian Tracts. No. Virginia’s Cure. 1. 2. of Agga- 3. 4. 5. - New-Englands Memoriall. Great Storm in the Gulph of Florida. Indian Tracts. No. New-England Rarities covered. Discoveries. a Two Voyages to New England. King Philip’s War Narratives, Nos. 1, 3, and 4. Late Revolution in New-Eng- land. Magnalia Christi. Histoire de S. Dominique. Journal. Virginia. Independent Reflector. Occasional Reverberator. History of the Province of New York. Surprising appearance of a Ghost. Case America. Regulations. of Great-Britain and Indian Wars in New-England. Portraits. Portraits of the Revolution. 574 Dis- LOT NO. 3093 2819 3094 733 2956 2395 17194 1192 3476 1193 1194 618 1195 1196 1197 3308 3309 1198 1479 2394 1014 1499 1809 1976 1810 2545 652 2229 750 1700 3152 2548 2548 2548 3096 2546 632 2222 1715 1182 1183 AUTHOR OR TITLE. DATE. 1784. Filson. [1790-1800]. End XVIII Century. 1804. Irving. 1805. Irving. 1809. Irving. 1816. Barbé-Marbois. 1819. Irving. 1830. Irving. 1833. Irving. 1840-44. Audubon. 1849-1854. Audubon and Bachman. 1888. 1892. 1893. Harrisse. Harrisse. Stevens. 5 Discovery, ete., of Kentucky. Chap-Books. Early Manuscript Journal. Early Manuscript Note Book. History.of New York. Complot d’Arnold et de Clinton. History of New York. Manuscript Note Books. Manuscript Note Books. Birds of America. Quadrupeds of North America. Columbus and the Bank of Saint George. Discovery of North America. New Laws of the Indies. 75 LOT NO. 1284 739 1758 1759 1762 323 1763 1760 1761 153 155 1560 1561 3151 FJneunabula, GERMANY. MAINZ [n. a. 1454]. Printer of the 42 line Bible. [1450-54.] Biblia Latina. [1450-55]. No. 656. Peter Schéffer with Johann Fust. 1457-66. Bonifacius VIII. Liber Sextus Decretalium. 17 Dec. 1465. No. 500. Peter Schoffer alone. 1467, March 6-1500, Oct. 5. Valerius Maximus. 14 June 1471. No. 3298. Aquino (Thomas de). Summa, prima secunde. 8 Nov. 1471. No. 126. Bonifacius VIII. Liber Sextus Decretalium. 5 Apr. 14738. No. 501. Printer of the Catholicon (J. Gutenberg?) 1460. Balbus. Catholicon. 1460. No. 304. Printer of the Darmstad Prognostication. [n. a. 1476. ] Schilditz. Speculum Manuale sacerdotum. [c. 1475-80.] No. 2993. STRASSBURG [n. a. 1461]. Printer of the 1481 ‘‘ Legenda aurea”’ (Martin Schott?). 1481-83. Eyb. Margarita poetica. [c. 1482.] No. 1240. Johann Reinhard of Griiningen. 1483 Aug. 28-1500 and later. Terentius. Comoedize. 1 Nov. 1496. No. 3212. Johann Priiss. 1483-1500 and later. [Bidpay.] Directorium humane vite. [14837] No. 4389. Printer of the 1483 ‘‘ Jordanus de Quedlinburg.” 1483-99 Aisopus Fabule, [a. 1488.] No. 25. Martin Flach. 1487 May 10-1500 and later. Molitor. De laniis et phitonicis mulieribus. [c. 1490.] No. 2384. KOLN, 1466. Ulrich Zelof Hanau. 1466-94. Augustinus. Enchiridion de fide. [c. 1467.] No. 156. Gerson. Opusculum tripartitum. [c. 1468.] No. 1398. Arnold ter Hoernen. 1470-1482. [Rolewinck.] Sermo in festo presentionis B. Virginis. 1470. No. 2928. Johann Koelhoff the Elder. 1472-93. [Kannemann.] Duarum passionum collectio. [c. 1477.] No. 1881. Printer of the Sarum Breviary. [date ?] Homeliarius Doctorum, [c. 1475.] No. 1653. Ludwig of Renchen. 1483-92. Nider. Preeceptorium. [c. 1486.] No. 2553. 576 NGRNBERG, 1470. . Anton Koberger. n. a. 1471-1500 and later. Biblia Latina, 16 Nov. 1475. No. 657, Hieronymus. Vite sanctorum patrum.- 7 May 1478. No. 1615. Biblia Latina. 10 Nov. 1478. No. 659. Durandus, Rationale. 19 Apr. 1480. No. 1172. Schedel. Liber chronicarum, 12 July, 1493. No. 2992. Caspar Hochfeder. 1491 March 27-1498 March 19. Kempis. Opera. 29 Nov. 1494. No. 1841. ITALY. Roma, 1467. Conrad Sweynheym and Arnold Pannartz. 1467-1478 Dec. 31. Czesar. Commentarii. 12 May 1469. No. 670. Cicero. Epistole ad Brutum, etc. 1470. No. 790. Eucharius Silber. 1480 May 20-1500 and later. Columbus. Epistola de insulis noviter repertis. [a. April 29] 1493. No. 8385. VENEZIA, 1469. Wendelin of Speier. 1469-1477, March 10. Boccaccio. Genealogize deorum et de montibus, etc. 1472-738. No. 470. Nicolas Jenson of Sommevoire. 1470-1480 Sept 20. Leonardus Aretinus. De belloitalico. 1471. No. 128. Diogenes Laertius. Vitz philosophorum. 14, Aug, 1475. No. 1054, Plinius. Historia naturale tr. da C. Landino. 1476. No. 2703. Biblia Latina. 1476. No. 658, Adam of Ammergau., 1471 May 18-1472. Cicero. Orationes. 1472. No. 791. Bartolomeo of Cremona, alone, 1472-1473 Nov. 30. Antoninus, Confessionale (Defecerunt). [n. a. Aug.] 1473. No. 117. A. de Paltasichis alone. 1473 Jan. 31-1492 Jan. 21. Aulus Gellius. Noctes Atticz. 1477. No. 1392. Andrea Torresano di Asola, alone. 1486 Aug. 29-1500 Jan. 12. Sabellicus. Res Venetz. 21 May 1487. No. 29852. Aldo Manutio. 1494 Febr. 28-1500 and later. Aristoteles. Opera, greece. Vol. I. 1 Nov. 1495. No. 134. Bembus, Attna, Febr. 1495. No. 392. Theophrastus, greece. 1 June 1497. No. 287. Leonicenus. De morbo gallico. June 1497. No. 2014. Hore, greece. 5 Dec. 1497. No. 1681. Epistole greece. 1499. No. 1217. FERRARA, 1471 July 2. Lorenzo Rossi of Valenza with A. de Grassis. 1492-93. Leonicenus. Plinii et aliorum errores. 18 Dec. 1492. No. 2013, z FIRENZE, 1471 Nov. 7. Francesco Buonaccorsi, alone. 1485-87 and 1490-96. Lilius. Orbis Breviarium. 7 Apr. 1496. No, 2058. Lorenzo Morgiani and Johann Petri. 1490 Oct. 8-1498 Nesius. Oraculum de novoszculo. 8 May 1497, No. 2540. Lorenzo di Francesco di Alopa [n. b. 1492]-1496. Appollonius Rhodius. Argonauticon libri IV. greece. 1496. No. 171. 577 Napoul, 1471. Matthias of Olmiitz [Moravus]. 1475-1491 Jan 31. ~ Plinius. Epistole. July 1476. No. 2704. SWITZERLAND. BASEL [n. a. 1468]. Johann Bergmann of Olpe. 1494 Febr. 11-1499. Verardus—Columbus. 1494. No. 886. Brant. Stultifera navis. 1 Aug. 1497. No. 541. FRANCE. PaRIs, 1470. Ulrich Gering with Martin Kranz and Michael Friburger. 1470-78. Fichet. Rhetorica. [July 1471.] No. 1268. Philippe Pigouchet. 1491 Dec. 1-1500 and later. Heures a l’usage de Romme. 17 Sept. 1496. No. 1680. Books printed for Antoine Vérard. 1488-1500 and later. Froissart. Chronique [1495-1500]. No. 1342. La Fleur des Commandements [6 Sept. 1499?] No. 1306. Terence. [c. 1500]. No. 3213. HOLLAND. GoupA, 1477 May 24. Gerardus Leeu. 1477 May 24-1484 June 19. Dialogus Creaturarum. 31 Aug. 1482. No. 1028. BELGIUM. LOUVAIN [a. 7 Aug. 1474.] Johann of Paderborn [J. de Westphalia] 1474 Dec. 9-1496 Nov. 7. Henricus de Zoemeren—Epitoma. 1481. No. 1594. Johannes Junior. Scala coeli. 1485. No. 2553. ANTWERP, 1481 June 8, Gerardus Leeu. 1484 Sept. 18-1493. Ludolphus Carthusiensis. Tboeck vanden leven Ihesu Christi. 3 Nov. 1487. No. 2140. ENGLAND. WESTMINSTER, 1477. William Caxton. 1477-90. Chaucer. Canterbury Tales [1477-78.] No. 757. Higden. Polychronicon. [a. 2July.] 1482. No. 1618. Wynkyn de Worde. 1493-1500 (later in London). Vitas patrum [b. 21 Aug.] 1495. No. 1616. Sermo pro episcopo puerorum,. [c. 1496.] No. 3562. Communycacyon betwene God and Man. [c. 1499?] No. 845. St. ALBANS, 1480. The Schoolmaster Printer. 1480-86. Chronicles of England. [n. b, 1483.] No. 780. 578 Armorial and Association Bindings. ENGLISH. Anne (Queen), 1838, 3066. Charles I, 280. Charles IT, 218, 2059. Clare (John—Earl of), 2514. Dudley (Robert—Earl of Leicester), 173. Evelyn (John), 3117. Gosford (Lord), 3420. James I, 3093. Henrietta Maria, Queen of Charles I, 244. Laud (Archbishop), 291. Richmond (Duchess of), 3093. FRENCH. Albert (Charles d’), Duc de Luynes, 2716, 3010. Angouléme (Duchesse d’), 2646. Anna of Austria, 1'75. Audenet (Adolphe), 776. Berry (Duchesse de), 3354. Bévy (Louis Philibert Joseph Joly de), 2487. Boucherat (Louis), Comte Compans, 2448. Boullion (Claude de), 222. Bourbon (Charles Louis de), Count of Villafranca, 1617. Bourbon-Conti (Louis de), 2015, 3078. Bourbon (Jeanne Baptiste de), 176. Bouthillier (Léon de), Count de Chavigny, (?), 1122. Coislin (Marquis de), 1001. Colbert (Jean Baptiste), Marquis de Seignelay, 178, 3232. Des Portes (Philippe), abbé de Thyron, 203. Du Barry (Madame Jeanne), 3176. Elizabeth (Princess), sister of Louis XIV, 234. Feriol Family, 33880. Fevret de Fontelle (Claude Marie), 3325. Feydeau de Brou (Denis), 3016. Fleury (Cardinal de), 537. Fouquet Family, 177. Francis I,, 215. Franconville Family, 2981. Grammont (Beatrix de Choiseul-Stainville, Duchesse de), 1870. Grolier (Jean), 247, 256, 269, 278. Henry IT., 260, 2482. Henry II. and Diane de Poitiers, 241, 287. Henry III., 207, 273. Henry IV., 182, 248, 2440, 2441, 3237. Hoym (Count de), 791, 1892, 25380. La Bedoyére (Henri de), 2354. La Croix-Laval (Count de), 2423. Lagondie (Conte Joseph de), 2352. Le Douarain (l’ Abbé), 2815. 579 Longepierre (Baron de), 1673, 1865. Louis XIII, 251, 2440, 2441, 2590. Louis XIII. and Anna of Austria, 250. Louis XIV., 206, 263, 2682, 3209. Louis XV., 1258, 2400, 2661, 2705. Louis XVIII., 2089. Louis-Joseph, son of Louis XVI., 271. Louis Philippe, 2364, 2562. : Machault (L. C. de), siegneur d’Arnouville, 2905. Malinfant (Jacques), almoner of the Queen of Navarre, 213. Marie Antoinette, 192, 1914. Marie Leczinska, 264, 2506, 2509, 2566. Mazarin (Cardinal), 228. Mazarin (Louis-Jules), Baron Mancini, 282. Medici (Marie de’), 201. Miroménil (Armand-Thomas Hue de), chancellor of France, 2622. Morante (J. Gomez de La Cortina, marquis de), 2163. Mornay-Soult (A. J. C. J.), marquis de Mornay-Montchevreuil, 2984. Napoleon I., 221. Orléans (Marie-Anne-Louise d’), 274. Phélypeaux (Louis), marquis de la Vrilliere, 2925. Pompadour (Madame de), 172, 180, 276, 358. Richelieu (Armand du Plessis Wignerot, Duc de), 53. Richelieu (Cardinal), 196. mare d’Aguillon (Lady of the family of Du Plessis de Wignerot de), 16. : Richelieu (Marechal de), 1181. Rohan (Charles), Prince de Soubise de, 960. Sartines (A. R. J. Gualbert-Gabriel de), 1953. Savoy (Cardinal Emanuel of), 267. Savoy (Marie Josephine Louise of), 249. Savoy (Eugene, Prince of), 2627. Saxe (Marie Josephe de), 229. Seilliére (Baron Achille), 773. Sophie de France, daughter of Louis XV., 198. Thou (J. A. de), 24,227, 2176. Valois de Saint-Remy (Marie-Marguerite de), 258,268. Verrue (Jeanne-Baptiste d’ Albert de Luynes, Comtesse de), 933, 2670. Victoire de France, daughter of Louis XV, 225, 2625. ITALIAN. Albani Family, 202, 2444. Barberini (Cardinal), 2422. Benedict XIII., 248. Canevari (Demetrio), 170, 200, 288, Clement XI., 2383. Ferrari (Gabriel Giolito de’), 2511. Foscarini (Marco, Doge), 990. Foscarini Family, 2048. Gonzaga Family, 194. Maioli (Thomas), 242, 272. Spinola Family of Genova, 688, 833. 580 Winders and Winding. AMERICAN BINDERS. The Club Bindery. Nos. 116, 214, 452, 472, 597, 670, 1200, 1219, 1413, 1442, 1443, 1446, 1453, 1569, 2461, 2508, 2510, 2822, 3036, 3535, and 409 other examples. Matthews (Alfred and William). 2229, and fifty-two other examples. ARABIAN BINDING. Silver binding. No. 266. DUTCH BINDINGS. Embroidered binding. No. 285. "Tortoise shell and silver bindings. 18th century. Nos. 185 and 286. ENGLISH BINDERS. Bedford. One hundred and sixty-four examples. ‘Cobden-Sanderson. Nos. 219, 254, and 284. ‘Gosden. No. 3434. Lewis. Nos. 787, 2434, 3420, and twenty-two other examples. Mearne (Charles). Nos. 209 and 252. Mearne (Samuel). Nos. 262 and 283. Payne (Roger). Nos. 169, 171, 174, 181, 2065, 2704 and 3170. Pratt. Forty examples Riviere. Nos. 780, 998, 1118, 1627, 1830, 1989, 2164, 2167, 2471, 2473, and 175 other examples. Zaehnsdorf. Forty-two examples. ENGLISH BINDINGS. Embroidered bindings. 17th century. Nos. 184 and 188. Silver bindings. 17th century. No. 217. Silver bindings. 18th century. No. 210. Silver bindings. 19th century. No. 197. ‘Stag skin and silver binding. No. 289. Velvet binding. No. 288. FLEMISH BINDING. Silver binding. 17th century. No. 2478. Res . 581 FRENCH BINDERS. All6. No. 1371 and thirty-six other examples. Bauzonnet. Nine examples. Bauzonnet-Trautz. No. 45 and ten other examples. Belz-Niédrée. Forty-three Seton Boyet. Six examples. Bozerian Jeune. Six examples. Canapé. Twelve examples. Capé. Nos. 1999, 2178, 2466, 2567, and forty-five other examples. Chambolle-Duru. Nos. 387, 2097, 2662, 2834, and eighty-nine other examples. . Champs. Fifty-three examples. Cuzin.. Nos. 1097, 2087, 2349, 2525, and’ thirty-five other examples. David. Nos. 75, 3035, and eighty-two other examples.. Derome. Nos. 894, 1914, 2315, and thirty-three other examples. Derome Jeune. Ten examples. Duru. Fourteen examples. Duseuil. Seven examples. Eve (Clovis). Nos. 203, 281, 1695 and 1827. Gruel. Nos. 60, 1328, 1525, 1680, 2513, and five other examples. Hardy-Mennil. Sixteen examples. Joly. Nos. 1500, 2468, 2472, and fifteen other examples. Le Gascon. Nos. 190, 239, 250, 251, 259, 261, 280, 1696, 2530 and 3188. Lortic. Nos. 841, 1343, 2098, 2344, 3331, 3362, and forty-four other examples. Lyonnese (ancient) calf bindings. Nos. 1684 and 1686. Mercier. Nos. 143, 656, 757, 2423, 3355, and fourteen other examples. Michel (Marius). Nos. 1095, 2281, 2537, 2804, and nineteen other ex- amples. ae ; Monnier. No. 245. Padeloup. Nos. 234, 235, 282, 2088, 2357, and ite other ex- amples. Raparlier. Seven examples. Rousselle. Highteen examples. Thibaron. Seventeen examples. Thibaron-Joly. No. 1689 and nine other examples. Trautz-Bauzonnet. Nos. 275, 1323, 2465, 2849 and 107 other exer FRENCH BINDINGS. Embroidered binding. No. 223. Morocco bindings. 15th century. No. 2463. Morocco bindings. 16th century. No. 2421. Morocco bindings. 17th century. No. 2480. Painted calf bindings. 16th century. Nos. 1688, 1690, 1691 and 1692. Seal skin binding. 17th century. No. 2481. Silver bindings. 16th century. No. 2447. Silver bindings. 17th century. No. 3202. GERMAN BINDINGS. Calf bindings. 15th century. Nos. 2553 and 2577. Silver bindings. 18th century. Nos. 186, 189, 246 and 2452. 582 ITALIAN BINDINGS. Embroidered binding. No. 243. Marbled painted calf bindings. Nos. 2568 and 2569. Morocco. 15th century. Nos. 2417 and 2454. Morocco. 16th century. Nos. 2587, 2666 and 3015. PERSIAN BINDINGS. Lacquered bindings. 15th century. No. 2419. Lacquered bindings. 16th century. No. 2483. Lacquered bindings. 18th century. No. 2484. Lacquered bindings. 18th and 19th centuries. No. 2486. Lacquered bindings. 19th century. No. 2497. Morocco bindings. 18th and 19th centuries. No. 2485. Morocco bindings. 19th century. No. 2488. SPANISH BINDING. Mother-of-pearl binding. 19th century. No. 212. In addition to the binders and bmderies named above, the work of less important English, American and French binders and binderies is repre- sented by numerous examples. 583 To The Anderson Auction Company, 284 Madison Avenue, New York. Please buy for me at your Auction Sale Now... on the following lots at not exceeding the prices named, which are so much per Lot. First Word of Title i Lot First Word of Title Make your bids on this sheet for one sale only, with full name and address. All books are sold as catalogued and are assumed to be in good second-hand condition, If material defects are found, not mentioned in the catalogue, the lot may be returned. Notice of such defects must be given promptly and the goods returned within ten days from the date of sale, No exception will be made to this rule. Autograph Letters, Documents, Manuscripts, Bindings, Magazines and other periodicals and all miscellaneous books arranged in parcels are sold as they are without recourse, Terms Cash. References or cash deposit required with orders from strangers, a — - Ld i) pe i) = to . un Lot Po