as & ‘ er Wvow \U ee THE CHOICE COLLECTION OF _ ENGRAVED PORTRAITS Sit Ber KeciisldS, The Right Hon. THE EARL OF NORMANTON, WHICH (by Order of the Trustees) Will be Sold by Auction by L 59, cee AT THEIR GREAT ROOMS, 8 KING STREET, ST. JAMES’S SQUARE, On TUESDAY, MAY 14, 1901, AT ONE O'CLOCK PRECISELY. CONDITIONS OF SALE. oO I, THE highest Bidder to be the Buyer; and if any dispute arise between two or more Bidders, the Lot so in dispute shall be immediately put up again and re-sold. II. No person to advance less than 1s.; above Five Pounds, 5s. ; and so on in proportion. III. In the case cf Lots upon which there is a reserve, the Auctioneer shall have the right to bid on behalf of the Seller. IV. The Purchasers to give in their Names and Places of Abode, — and to pay down 5s. in the Pound, or more, in partof payment, or the whole of the Purchase-Money, if required ; in default of which, the Lot or Lots so purchased to be immediately put up again and re-sold. V. The Lots to be taken away and paid for, whether genuine and authentic or not, with all faults and errors of description, at the Buyer’s expense and risk, within Two days from the Sale; Messrs. CHRISTIE, MANson and Woops not being responsible ~ for the correct description, genuineness, or authenticity of, or any fault or defect in, any Lot; and making no warranty whatever. VI. To prevent inaccuracy in delivery, and inconvenience in the settlement of the Purchases, no Lot can on any account be removed during the time of Sale; and the remainder of the Purchase-Money must absolutely be paid on the delivery. VII. Upon failure of complying with the above Conditions, the Money deposited in part of payment shall be forfeited; all Lots un- cleared within the time aforesaid shall be re-sold by public or private Sale, and the deficiency (if any) attending such re-sale shall be made good by the Defaulter at this Sale. os ~ Ee ee a ee SeATALOGO EH. —tor-— On TUESDAY, MAY 14, 1901, AT ONE O CLOCK PRECISELY. —_«<>—— AFTER SIR JOSHUA REYNOLDS. PORTRAITS—uwn framed. 6 ; 1 Abington (Mrs.) as “ Roxalana,” stipple, by J. K. Sherwin; and ‘ The Same, by Bretherton 2 fo Pins ; _ + Q Bastard (Mrs. Ann), by J. MeArdell Grund, A 3 Beattie (Dr. James), by J. Watson Zong Wi, * 4 Berkeley (Elizabeth, Countess of), by J. McArdell Q See 4 A . 5 Bowles (Miss), by W. Ward—second state yeas a: 6 Bowles (Miss), by C. Turncr—jirst published state Ve : : 7 Broughton (Lady), whole length, by T. Watson; and The Same, ee by J. Wilson 2 8 Carpenter (Lady Almeria), by J. Watson—first state 0,8 ee 9 Cholmondeley (Mrs.), by J. Watson—second state aa. 7 10 The Same, by C. Corbutt at. 11 Coke (Master) as “ Young Hannibal,” by C. Townley EES Sieh” 12 Coventry (Barbara, Countess of), by J. Watson “Dress 13 Dawson (Lady Anne), by J. McArdell—second state oe 14 Fish (Miss Charlotte), by J. Watson N 15 Fitzwilliam (Lady Charlotte), by J. McArdell ot gt eee 16 Fitzwilliam (Lady)—engraver’s proof; and Ove Other 2 2 17 Fitzpatrick (Lady Gertrude), by J. R. Smith—engraver’s proof aL. before any letters 18 Fordyce (Miss), by J. Watson—/irst state He 19 Greenfield (Miss), by R. Purcell—proof ; and Two Others 3 Ce 20 Greenway (Miss), by J. Watson; 21 The Same, by R. Purcell— first and second states 2 22 Greville (Miss) and her brother, by R. Corbutt Zl 28 Hope (Mrs. Mary), by E. Fisher—engraver’s proof before any GO letters ‘ 24 Horneck (Mrs. Hannah), by J. McArdell—second state eet 4 25 Horneck (Mrs.), by R. Purcell—second state 26 Horneck (The Misses), by S. W. Reynolds; and Other eS iy be, Portraits 27 Irwin (Mrs.), by J. Watson . “7 oe 28 James (Mrs.), by T. Blackmore—irst state ty | 29 Johnson (Miss), by J. Grozer Y fora 30 Johnston (Lady Charlotte), by J. Watson; and The Same, by he Corbutt ae 31 Lascelles (Mrs.) and child, by C. Coi butt Doe 32 Marlborough (Duke of), by R. Houston; Admiral Keppel; and On aan One Other 324 Marchi (Giuseppe), by J. Spilsbury . Ilr. {2.. 33 Mason (Rev. W.), by W. eeu and Robinson (Dr.), by R keri : Houston 2 ($- 34 Muse (Miss), by J. Faber : Zora 2. + 35 Oliver (Miss), by J. Marchi Legg aA ; " 36 Palmer (Miss Theophila), stipple, by Seorodoomof—proof, in red ; Pl o 42 Sheridan (Richard Brinsley), in ges by J. Hall—open letter Ltn proof _‘¢ ~ 48 Spencer (Countess), stipple, by F. Bartolozzi—in bistre OME oe 45 ~- 44 Spencer (Lord Henry and Lady Charlotte), stipple, by J. Jones CELA) —proof, in bistre JS 45 Spencer (Lady Charles), by J. Pott he 10 Se Strafford (Countess of), by T. Johnson Pe eee 47 Tavistock (Francis, Marquis of), by J. Watson—proof, in the second state ‘0 - 48 Thurlow (Edward, Lord), stipple, by F. Bartolozzi—open letter eed pay proof . , 3 * 49 Turner (Mrs.) of Clints, by J. McArdell ea sé. 50 Windham (Rt. Hon. W.), by 8. W. Reynolds—first state Fp Chan Np , - 51 Wynn (Master) as “ The Infant St. John,” by J. Dean 40 ~ 52 Yorke (The Ladies), whole length, by E. Fisher—third state ols B 2 Framed. ve : / a: § 53 Bartolozzi (Francis, R.A.), by T. Watson—first published state ALa- -54 Bamprynpe (Lapy), whole length, by Thomas Watson—fine proof, G3 ° Ve he in the first published state - 55 Beauchamp (Lady), stipple, by W. Nutter—proof, with title im open letters fo -/0 b : 6 * 56 Beauclere (Miss Elizabeth) as “Una,” stipple, by T. Watson— second state — 20 - 7 : é 57 Beprorp (Francis, Doxe or) with his brothers and Miss Verno n whole length, by V. Green—first state , Ved. | L Lee . 58 Brnanam (Hon. Miss), stipple, by F. Bartolozzi—jirst state before Do YZ, any letters, in bistre 33. $2 - 59 Boothby (Miss Penelope), by T. Park—irst state Man 60 Bosvitie (Miss Jura), by J. Watson—third state Void. 3-6 le 3 one h. - 4- ¢ 61 Chambers (Lady), by J. McArdell—second state 6 / 6 - U 62 Cholmondeley (George James), by J. Jones—first state l q ai yl Ae §3 Cocxsurn (Lapy) AND HER CuiupreEn, stipple, by C. Wilkin=// 5 first state sO - 70 * 64 Conway (Hon. George Seymour), by E. Fisher 7] +308 Lb . Ze «65 Crewe (Master) as “ Henry VIII,” whole length, by J. R. Smith(Zo x —third state § se /P. * 66 Crewr (Mrs.) as “St. Genevieve,” whole length, by T. Watson /, / —second state, before name of personage bog - * 67 Crospiz (Viscounrzss), whole length, by W. Pickine a ie ee state [5 J. rh 68 Fitzpatrick (Lady Gertrude), “ Collina,” whole length, by J. Deak/1 9-« —undescribed state, with Watson and Dickinson's address Fox (Rt. Hon. C. J.), with Lady Sarah Lennox and Lady Susan . Strangways, by J. Watson Ofte Garrick (David) between Comedy and Tragedy, by E. Fisher— a, second state Goldsmith (Dr. Oliver), by J. Marchi eo GwarTkin (Miss), “Simplicity,” stipple, by F. Bartolozzi—first Gh, published state, in bistre Haus (Mrs.) as “ Huphrosyne” in “L’Allegro,” whole Te f by J. Watson—/irst state of «yb Hatuipay (Lapy Jane), whole length, by V. Green—/irst state, with inscription by Sir Joshua Hastines (Warren), by TI’. Watson—irst state V« fiam : Herbert (Master Henry) as “ Bacchus,’ whole length, br J. R. Smith—second state ee Hersert (Lapy Harriet), by V. Green—first state ag eet Hersert (Lapy, ExvizaserH) anp HER Son, whole length, b YS. a: J. Dean—first state Hoare (Master Henry), stipple, by C. Wilkin—second state, Wey bistre 7 : Horneck (Miss Mary), whole length, by R. Dunkarton—*seeeus. Howarp (Lapy Oarouine), whole length, by V. Green— first state Hume (Sir Abraham), by J. Jones—firsl state CEs . , Malden (Viscount) with Lady Elizabeth Capel, whole length, by Veh C. Turner— second state Z Marxieorouen (DucHESS OF) AND HER Daveurer, by J. Watson —first state . Meyer (Miss) as “ Hebe,” whole length, by J. Jacobé —/first ay ie state, with untrimmed margins /31 . 5 «+ 86 Monraceu (Lavy Carnot) as “ Winter,” whole length, by Vrs J. R. Smith—first state Co : / o 6 87 Montagu (Mrs.), by J. R. Smith—second state + embroke (Countess of ) and her son, . Dixon—second state fle he 88 Pembroke (C f) and her Son, by J. Di d stath VU Jf ASS eas ~ * §9 O’Brien (Miss Nery), by J. Wilson—second state ek Nf t Ly : 90 O’Brien (Lavy), by J. Dixon—first published state, with wid margin 4 etn ae “Sy fae /O * 91 Pauuer (Miss Mary), by W. Doughty—first state v3 vA : Oy « 92 Reynolds (Sir Joshua), by J. Watson—second state 4: A ase 434° & >» 93 Rosrnson (Mrs.) as “ Perdita,” stipple, by W. PA aees oe a state, before any letters, with wide margin a f IS . 122 Two flat cases, covered with crimson morocco leather : a A “ FINIS. Lendon: Printed by Witt1am C1Lowrs AND fons, Limited, Stamfor Street and Charing Cross. B01 Ney 14 Lochn 1 L dee cimiae Porras atte i rive 4 . + one bey tee oe ; Re ‘ + BEARS LS i in ke Dare $8 Sh ah id ETE hn aN ee EEE EU fh EF ME OE olintegl tet Bawa tee eee i oe : ye ~ 2 SR REDS ATEN ETS NLARS Ma PAS ES HONE TS BRT ERAURO NP TOME T BI wipes tare sasacia Err tt 5 a9. - ‘ c "S > .