en Se ea a are ee a cae +6 — BT) oNtan lashington-San. T. Freeman & Co. Pa. ts, Samuel T. Freeman & Co. Phil. ’ ftat .08 & ae ma Penwae ¥ es cite ; —) Sis oa a ew : ae ae 7 ob he we ae 7 mf ~ i gt aee; ; SE Pee eA ue . ae v & wo? Pe 4 a 4 Nits #F Bae Mesa (ce yaad ye PAD ity Aoek 5) + RP Se ok ee ae See ee ae Sp a thes Catalogue No. 994 COLLECTION Engraved Pat atee of Washington BELONGING TO The late Henry Whelen, Jr., of Philad’a. Being the identical collection from which the late -Wm. S. Baker compiled his ‘‘ Engraved Portraits of Washington.” ALSO The Engraved Portraits of Franklin Belonging the Same Estate CATALOGUE COMPILED AND SALE AT THE BODK AUCTION ROOMS OF CONDUCTED BY SAMUEL. T. FREEMAN & CO. STAN V. HENKELS 1519-1621 Chestnut St., Philadelphia Catalogue Price, $1.50 + cane wna dation nae CATALOGUE No. 994 THE IMPORTANT COLLECTION OF ENGRAVED PORTRAITS OF “WASHINGTON | Beoe to the late Henry Whelen, Jr. -OF PHILADELPHIA Who was one ae the Raslicst Collectors, and from whose collection, the late Wm. S. Baker, compiled his celebrated book on the “Engraved Portraits of - Washington,” and including all but a few of the portraits mentioned in that work ee ALSO THE EXTENSIVE COLLECTION OF ENGRAVED PORTRAITS OF FRANKLIN BELONGING TO THE SAME ESTATE TO BE SOLD Tuesday Afternoon and Evening, April 27, 1909 At 2.30 and 8 o’clock P. M. On Exhibition Three Days Previous to Sale CATALOGUE COMPILED AND SALE AT THE BOOK AUCTION ROOMS OF CONDUCTED BY SAMUEL T. FREEMAN & CO, STAN. V. HENKELS 1519-1521 Chestnut St., Philadelphia TERMS OF SALE Bills must be paid before 12 o’clock on the ei alter No credit given under any circumstance. ; On mail orders, payment must be made on receipt o aa + STE Ss All Prints are sold so much per piece, ae bids must be made accordingly. | : * Deposits must be made when requested. Bids faithfully executed by the auctioneers without extra charge for those who cannot attend sale. For purchasers present at the sale, Prints are sold as nat they are, without recourse. On mail orders, Prints are guar- anteed as catalogued. | . ary, No Prints returnable after biteen days from date of sale. RO te In all cases of disputed bids, the Auction: reserves the | : right of re-selling the lot in question. =e SAMUEL T. FREEMAN & CO. AUCTIONEERS. Print Department conducted by Sran. V. HENKELS. PRESS OF MAURICE H. POWER 1110-1116 SANSOM STREET PHILADELPHIA REMARKS HIS collection of Engraved portraits of Genl. George Washing- ton was formed by the late Henry Whelen, Jr., of Philadel- phia, who was one of the first, if not the Pioneer, in collecting the engraved portraits of this illustrious and greatest of men. It was this identical collection which induced the late Wm. S. Baker to write his admirable work on the “ Engraved Portraits of Washington.” Mr, Whelen having married the daughter of Mr. Baker, brought him in inti- mate relations with that gentleman, who was soon seized with the same fever as his son-in-law, and with his assistance, and the use of this col- lection, the world was given that interesting volume. It was also the enthusiasm of Mr. Whelen which inspired the Hon. Jas. T. Mitchell, the Hon. Hampton L. Carson and Mr. Clarence S. Bement to make their collections, which were lately dispersed by me at public sale. This collection is one of peculiar interest, from the fact that it contains nearly all the portraits mentioned in Baker’s work, com- mencing with the first Mezzotinto Portrait by Chas. Willson Peale, in three states, including one in colors, and an Artist’s proof before all letters. A fine copy of the Stipple in colors by Edwin after Peale. The Valentine Green full-length Mezzotinto after the sameartist. The Rare Portraits of George and Martha Washington by Norman. Many fine specimens of the rarest of the Campbell type. The famous and extremely rare Dawe Mezzotinto after Wright. Fine copies of both of the Savage Mezzotintos, as well as that by Hamlin, and two states of the Celebrated Washington Family by Savage. Of the Trumbull type, which are always sought after, will be found the Valentine Green full-length Mezzotinto, and the Celebrated Cheesman Battle of Trenton Portrait. The Stuart Type embraces the series of Rare portraits engrav- ed by D. Edwin, the Kennedy Mezzotinto in colors, the two rare Nutter portraits in stipple, the excessively rare Portraits in Mezzo- tinto by Wooley of George and Martha Washington, the very rare praee Portrait in Mezzotinto, which, until ately was ine covered to be by Savage. The Unique Portrait by Edwin, after Birc pile another catalogue. Of course, since the publication of Mr. Bakers book, Mr.’ ; has been able.to abtain many rare specimens of the different ty mentioned in that work, and these will be found properly ae under their particular headings. We have included in this catalogue Mr. Whelen’s Cle Engraved Portraits of the great Philosopher, Benj. Franklin. © embrace many of unusual rarity, in Mezzotinto, Line and Stipp They have all been classified according to the types as first att em te by me in the Carson and Mitchell catalogues. There are also at the end of the catalogue some few faaneet traits and Ue sUpicES of Ba interest. < portance of this collection. Many of the Portraits are of oe -_ duplicates of those that were in the Carson and Mitchell collections a but a careful perusual of this catalogue will discover many that were not in those collections, and, also, many that are in a finer state. a Stan. V. HENKELS. CATALOGUE Engraved Portraits of Washington Described According to Baker C. W. PEALE TYPE )HiS EXCEL. G WASHINGTON, ESO., LL.D., Late? Com- MANDER IN CHIEF OF THE ARMIES OF THE U. S. oF AMERICA, AND PRESIDENT OF THE CONVENTION OF 1787. Bust in uniform, head to right. Oval, with border in a rectangle. Mezzotinto. Height 7 6-16 inches; width 5 12-16 inches. Painted and Engrav’d by C. W. Peale 1787. Baker No. 1. Excessively rare. First state, being an artist’s proof before all letters, full margin, deckel edges. The only known copy in this condition ; clean as the day of issue. See facsimile. . THE SAME. With the title in the border. Brilliant wipression, inlaid, Height 6 14-16 inches; width 5 12-16 inches. © . THE SAME. Second state, with the title in the border. Printed in colors. Height 7 5-16 inches ; width 5 12-16 inches. Fine copy. Cut close to rectangle. . GEN. WASHINGTON. Full bust in uniform, head to left, the right hand gloved, thrust in the breast. Circle, with border, upon a pyramidal base, in a rectangle engraved to represent stonework. Line. Height 5 13-16 inches; width 3 11-16 inches W™ Angus Sc. Published Sepr 23, 1785, by J. Fielding Pater Noster Row. Baker No, 3. . G.WASHINGTON. Three-quarter length, in the uniform of a colonel in the Virginia service. — Mined. Height 4 13-16 inches ; width 3 12-16 inches. Painted by A. Dickinson. Engraved by J.C. Buttre. Baker No. 4. 6. 10. Il. 2, “iJ ~ WASINGTON GENERALISSIME DES Etats UNIS DE L’ AMERIQUE. Full bust in uniform, full face. Oval, with border in an orna- mental rectangle. In the oval to the left a tree, the branches of which spread over and behind the head, the title in a tablet be- neath the oval. Line. Height 13 8-16 inches ; width 10 inches. Dessiné par Bounieu d’apres un Tableau fourni par M. le Marquis dela Fayette. Gravé par Chevillet. “ Hommes Il- lustres vivans.” Baker No. 6. Rare. _ THE SAME, with different title, viz. : WAsHINGTON GENERAL- ISSIMI DES AMERICAINS, LIBERATEUR DES EtTas-Unis CoNTEM- PORAIN ET AMI DU GENERAL LAFAYETTE. | ~ Dessiné par Bounieu d’apres un Tableau fourni par M. le “Marquis de la Fayette. Gravé par Chevillet. GEN" WASHINGTON. Bust in uniform, full face. Oval. Line. Height 3 11-16 inches; width 3 inches. _ soon T. Cook del et sculp. Pudlished. by D.. Brewman, Oct’ 1, 1792. ee _ Very rare. “WASHINGTON AT THE AGE OF TWENTY-FIVE. Bust in. uniform, head to right. Oval. es YT Height 2 13-16 inches; width 2 5-16 inches. J. De Mare,. froma miniature on ivory presented by Wash- ington to his niece Harriet, and now belonging to her daughter’s family (copyright 1851). Baker No. 8... [nadia proof. GENERAL GEORGE WASHINGTON. Full bust, head to left. — Stpple.. Printed in colors. Height 12 15-16 inches ; width ro 1-16 inches, R. Peale. Pinx, D. Edwin, Sc. Baker No. to. Fine and brilliant impression. . Very rare. Baker says: ‘From the lettering of this plate, it is usually considered to have been executed from the first portrait by Rembrandt Peale, painted at the age of seventeen. But'this, we think, is an error, and if the engrav- ing is a close rendering of its original, incline to the opinion that the lettering is incorrect, and that it is really after one of Charles Willson Peale’s:later portraits.’’ _ It is the same print as Baker No, 9, with the addi- tion of a border. A Superb Brilliant Impression, printed in colors. Very rare See facsimile. THE SAME. Plain impression. G. WASHINGTON. 1772, At 40. Three-quarters length, in the uniform of a colonel in the Virginia service. Vignette. Stipple. Height 5 4-16 inches; width 3 8-16 inches. C. W. Peale. J. B. Forrest. Original in possession of G. W. P, Curtis, Esq. Mew York, G. P. Putnam & Co. Baker No. 11. WASTE! EORGE r™ av Se Dabo: rs : EN va G : i ae is. 2 GENERAL WASHINGTON. Full length in military cos- tume, leaning upon a field piece to the left, a riding-switch in his right hand; the left, in which is his hat, rests upon a horse fore- shortened at the right. In the extreme distance to left upon a hill, a large building with cupola. Mezzotinto. Height 19 12-16 inches ; width 13 14-16 inches. Peel pinxit, Philadelphia, Stothard delint Londini. J. Brown Excudit, V. Green, fecit, Mezzotinto Engraver to the King of Great Britain (and the Elector Palatine). From an Orginal Picture in the Possession of Mr. Brown. Publish’d by him April 22a 1785, and sold at No. ro, George Yard, Lombard Street, London. Baker No. 12. Extremely rare. Baker says: “‘ Different from any other full-length executed by Peale, and although ascribed to him by the lettering of the plate, andas having been painted at Philadelphia, its authenticity is extremely doubtful.” Cut close at top and sides. Damaged on the upper left corner, and on lower margin. 14. BUST IN UNIFORM, FULL FACE. Oval of a single line. 15. (The Etching of the Print of St. Aubin Baker No. 31.) Height 4 8-16 inches; width 4 inches. Halder Sculp. Baker No. 73. (Essai sur la Physiognomonie par Jean Gaspard Lavater, Im- prime a La Haye 1781-86.) LE GENERAL WASHINGTON, ComMMENDANT EN CHEF DES ARMEES AMERICAINES, NE EN VIRGINIE EN 1733. Bust in uni- form, head to right. Oval, with border in a rectangle, resting upon a tablet, in which is a representation of the surrender at Yorktown, inscribed “Iournée mémorable du 19 Octobre 1781 a York en Virginié.” Title within the border. Line. Height 7 13-16 inches; width 5 8-16 inches. Gravé d’aprés le Tableau de N. Piehle peint d’apres nature a Philadelphie en 1783. Baker No. r4. Rare. Brilliant impression with full margin. 16 THE SAME. With the printers address. A Basle chez Chr: 17. de Mechel. GENL. WASHINGTON. Bustin uniform, head toright. Oval, with border in a rectangle, beneath which is a representation of the surrender at Yorktown, inscribed ‘Event of the 19th of Oct" 1781, at Yorktown in Virginia.” Line. Height 7 11-16 inches’; width 5 8-16 inches, The English artist has followed the lines of the Print in the French original after a Picture by Piehle on account of the remarks of M® Lavater. Pudblish’d by T. Holloway & The other Proprie- tors, May 21,1794. Baker No. 15. Very rare. Brilliant impression with full margin. 18. IQ. 20. 21. 22. 4 BUST IN UNIFORM. Head to right. Oval, with three lines for a narrow border, suspended by a ring, above a tablet contain- ing a representation of the surrender at Yorktown. Outline. Height 4 10-16 inches ; width 3 12-16 inches. Tom. 6 Pl. 339. Page 219. Baker No. 16. Extremely rare. S. E. GEORGE WASHINGTON GENERAL EN CHEF DES_ ARMEES DES ETATS UNIS DE L’AMERIQUE. Full bust in uni- form, full face, the right hand gloved, thrust in the breast. Oval, with border, resting upon a base in a rectangle. Lanes Height ro 5-16 inches ; width 7 inches. Le B. Pinx, J. L. Sculp. Baker No. 18, full margin. GEORGES WASHINGTON, Eo GENERAL EN CHEF DE L’ ArMEE ANGLO-AMERIQUAINE NOME DICTATEUR PAR LE CONGRES EN FEvRIER 1777. Full bust in uniform and cocked hat, head to left, a drawn sword partly seen on the left. Oval, with border in a rectangle, resting upon a base, the title in a tablet upon the base. Line. Height 6 4-16inches; width 4 inches. Desrais del. Le Beau sculp. A Paris chez Esnauts et Rapilly rue St. Jaeques a la ville de Coutances. Baker No. 19. Rare. LE GENERAL WASHINGTON Ne Quip DErrinenTI CAPIAT Res puBiicaA. Full length in uniform, standing to the left in front of a tent; in his right hand, a roll displaying sheets inscribed “Declaration of Independence,” “Treaty of Alliance,” etc. ; his left hand, gloved, is thrust into the breast; beneath his feet are various torn documents, marked ‘Protection to Rebels,” “Con- ciliatory Bills,” etc., etc.; in the rear a negro servant with a horse ; and in the extreme right distance, on lower ground, an encampment. Line. Height 16 9-16 inches ; width 12 10-16 inches, Peint par L. le Paon Peintre de Bataille de S. A. S. M8 le Prince de Condé. Gravé par N. le Mire des Academies Im- periales et Royales et de celle des Sciences et Arts de Rouen. Gravé d’aprés le Tableau Original appartenant a M™ Marquis de la Fayette. Cette Estampe ce Vend avec Privilége du Roy a Paris chez le Mire Graveur rite et porte S* Jacques. Maison de M le Camus M®* de Drap, prix 12 livres. Baker No, 21. GENERAL WASHINGTON. Full figure in uniform, stand- ing to the left, in front of a tent. Mezzotinto, Height 12 15-16 inches ; width 10 inches. Printed for and sold by Carington Bowles No: 69 in St Pauls Church Yard London. Published as the Act directs. Baker No. 22. Extremely rare A copy of the preceding print, omitting the tree in the rear of the tent and the landscape to the right. 5 23. GENERAL WASHINGTON. Late PRESIDENT OF THE 24. 2%, Unitep States of America. Froma fine Orignal Engraved at Paris. Full figure in uniform, standing to the left, in an easy attitude in front of a tent, in the right hand an open scroll, inscribed ‘‘ Declaration of American Independence.” The left hand, gloved, is thrust into the breast. In the left foreground a camp-stool, upon which is a field-glass and cocked hat, and in the right distance, on lower ground, the view of an encamp- ment. Mezzotinto, Height 13 4-16 inches; width 9 15-16 inchies, Published 25% May 1797, by Laurie & Whittle, 53 Fleet Street, London. Baker No. 23. Extremely rare. A copy of Baker No, 21, with variations. HIS EXCELL®* GEORGE WASHINGTON, ESQ® GeEn- ERAL AND COMMANDER IN CHIEF OF THE ALLIED ARMIES, SUPPORTING THE INDEPENDENCE OF AMERICA. Bust in uniform, full face. Oval, with border in a rectangle, resting upona small pedestal, inscribed ‘‘ Temperance, Prudence, Fortitude, Justice ;”’ emblems of war on either side. Line. Height 11 10-16 inches ; width 9 4-16 inches. B. Blyth del. J. Norman Sculp. Taken from an Original Picture in possession of his Ex®’. Gov’. Hancock. Published by John Coles, Boston, March 26th, 1782. Baker No. 26. Companion : Excessively rare. MRS. WASHINGTON. Bust, with lace cap, full face. Oval, with border in a rectangle, resting upon a small pedestal ; festooned flowers on either side. Line. Height 11 5-16 inches; width 9 1-16 inches. B. Blyth del., J. Norman Sculp. Published by John Coles, Boston, March 26th, 1782. This pair of prints are of the greatest rarity, and ‘‘ are the first por- traits of Genl. Washington and Mrs. Washington executed by a profess- ional engraver in America. The mezzotinto by Peale, advertised for sale in 1780, although the first in point of time, must be considered in a different light, as Peale was not a professional engraver, the plates he produced being often of his own designs.’’ ( Baker.) Colored by hand. Somewhat water-stained and damaged on the right hand margin. WASHINGTON Zé. 40. Three-quarter length, in the uni- form of a colonel in the Virginia service. Landscape back- ground. Line. Height 4 12-16 inches ; width 3 13-16 inches. Engraved by J. W. Paradise, From a Picture by J. C. Chap- man after C. W. Peale. From the original portrait in the possession of G. W. P. Custis, Esq’. Arlington House. Baker No. 27. 26. 37, 28. 29. 30. 31. 6 G. WASHINGTON. 1772 4t. 40. Three-quarter length, in the uniform of a colonel in the Virginia service. Vignette. Stipple. Height 4 12-16 inches ; width 3 12-16. inches. CC. W. Peale. Geo. Parker. - Original i in possession of G. W. P.. Custis, Esq. Arlington House. Mew’ ue G. va Putnam oe Co. Printed De W. Pate. Baker Ee 28. Gs, WASHINGTON. Three- -quarter joa in the nee of a colonel in the Virginia ‘Service. Oval, with ornamental border ; landscape background, a ee _ Line, Height 6 inches ; width 5 inches. C...W: > Peale: = J.-Rogers. New York, Virtue & eae Baker Vo. 30 GEORGE WASHINGTON, COMMANDANT ° EN Guee DES ArmEEs AMERICAINES N& EN VIRGINIE EN 1733. Bust, in uni- form, full face.. Oval medallion in a Bee beneath the z oval, a tablet, in which is the title. ge a ee Line. Height 7 12-16 inches; width 5 10-16 ineheas: Se trouve a Paris, chez Aug. De St Aubin. Graveur. dh Rot et de sa Bibliotheque, actuellement rue Therese Bute St Roch, et a la Bibliothéque, ct chez M" Cochin, aux Galleries du Louvre, A. P.D.R. Baker No. 31. hae Rare. WASHINGTON. Full bust in uniform, head to. left. Outline Height 3 10-16 inches ; width 2 3-16 inches. 45 N. Piehle pinx! Landon direx! Hist. D’Amérique. Baker 20. F2: WASHINGTON. Full bust in uniform, head to left. Outline. Height 4 inches; width 2 9-16 inches. — } R. Sands sculp. Published by Verner, Hood & Shabhe Pout- try, Jany 1, 1811. Baker No, 33. HIS EXCEL. G: WASHINGTON Eso: LL.D. Late Com— MANDER IN CHIEF OF THE ARMIES OF THE U. S. of AMERICA ~& PRESIDENT OF THE CONVENTION OF 1787. Bustin uniform, head to right. Oval, with border in a rectangle, the title in the border. Mezzotinto. Height 6 inches ; width 4 12-16 inches, Engraved by John Sartain, From the Original print in pos- session of W. A. Whitman, Esq. Engraved by C. W. Peale, in 1787, From a Painting by himself. Baker No. 34. . THE SAME. Without border or rectangle. Printed violet. erent) a Pian qa FULL-SIZE FACSIMILE OF LOT No. 37.- i —. tl 33. 34. 35. 36. 37- 38. 7 GEORGE WASHINGTON, CommanpeR IN CHIEF OF Y® ARMIES OF Y® UNITED STATES oF AMERICA. Bust in uniform, with black neckerchief; head to left. Oval, with border ina rectangle: above, a tablet in which is the title ; on either side of the tablet, emblems of war; over the oval, a rattlesnake and Liberty cap, with the legend, ‘‘ Don’t Tread on me;” at the sides, olive and laurel branches, flags, etc.; on the flag to the right thirteen stars. Line. Height 6 3-16 inches ; width 4 7-16 inches. Engraved by W. Sharp, from an Orignal Picture. Lozdon, Published according to Act of Parliament Feb".22% 1780. Baker No. 35. Very rare in this state. THE SAME. A later impression. With variation in the pub- lisher’s address, Feb! 22° 1783, by J. Stockdale, Piccadilly. WASHINGTON iw 1772 £Tatis 40. Three-quarter length, in the uniform of a colonel in the Virginia service. Line. Height 5 9-16 inches ; width 4 5-16 inches. Painted by A. Dickinson. Engraved by J. W. Steel. ‘I certify that the painting of Washington in.1772, executed by Anson Dickinson, Esq., from the original picture by Peale, in my possession, is a faithful resemblance of the original, the only original of the Pater Patriz prior to the revolution. Arlington House, July 18, 1830. George W. P. Custis.” Baker No. 36. GENERAL WASHINGTON. Bust in uniform, head to right. Oval, with a border in a rectangle, engraved to represent stone- work; beneath the oval, a tablet in which is the inscription and the Washington arms, with the motto “ Exitus Acta Probat.” Height 6 inches; width 3 10-16 inches. J. Trenchard Sc®* Columb. Mag. Baker No. 37. Rare. From the Columbian Magazine, Philadelphia, January, 1787. Fine brilliant impression. His Excer: G: WASHINGTON Esg. Bust in uniform, head to right. Oval, with narrow border, resting upon a base ina rectangle, title in the base; a laurel wreath and branches at top of oval. Line. Height 6 7-16 inches ; width 3 14-16 inches. From The American Spelling Book, by Noah Webster Jun. Esq. 12 Edition. Philadelphia 1789. Very rare. Fine brilliant impression, and the best which has come under my observation, Baker No. 38. Not in Carson. Engraved by Trenchard. See Facsimile. G. WASHINGTON GENERAAL DER NoorD-AMERICAANEN. Bust in uniform, head to left. Inclosed within border resembling a picture-frame suspended over a pedestal (in a rectangle) upon 39. 40. Al. A2, 43. 8 which is the inscription. On the tablet lies a hat, baton, etc. A curtain hangs over and conceals the upper left corner of the frame. - = eRe Height 5 9-16 inches ; width 4 8-16 inches. Rein? Vinkeles, Sculp., naar een Origineel Schildery, by den Wel Ed’ Heer P. van Winter, Nic: z. Baker No. 39. WASHINGTON (GEORGES) PrisipentT DE LA Ré&PUBLIQUE pes Erats-unIs D’AMERIQUE DU Norp, “ 1799. Full length in uniform, standing to the right, leaning by the left hand upon a field-piece. In the rear an attendant with a horse and a flag — partly shown, upon which is a circle of thirteen stars. In the left distance a building with cupola (Nassau Hall, Princeton), with some troops in the middle ground. Mixed. Height 9 11-16 inches ; width 6 6-16 inches. Tableau du temps Gravé par Wolff. Dessiné par Girardet. Diagraphe et Pantographe Gavard. ‘“ Gal", hist™*. de Ver- sailles.” Baker No. 4o. WASHINGTON. Bust in uniform, head to right. Title in a border. Outline. Height 4 4-16 inches ; width 2 to-16 inches. Zerlander Sc. Laker No. 41. Very rare. So rare that Baker only saw one impression. GEORGE WASHINGTON ComMANDER IN CHIEF OF THE AMERICAN ArRMy. Bust, in uniform, full face. Oval, with border upon a base (in a rectangle) upon which is the inscrip- tion. Line. - Height 5 11-16 inches; width 3 6-16 inches. Engraved for the Universal Magazine. Printed for.J. Hinton, at the Kings Arms, in Paternoster Row. Baker No. 43. GENERAL WASHINGTON. Bust in uniform, head slightly to left. Oval. Szpple. Height 3 12-16 inches; width 3 1-16 inches. Baker No. 44. Very rare. C.W. PEALE TYPE NOT KNOWN TO BAKER HIS EXCELLENCY GENERAL WASHINGTON. Bust in uniform, head to left. Oval, with a border, in a rectangle, rest- ing ‘on a base. The title with the border at the top. On the same sheet with ‘‘ Lapy WASHINGTON.” Bust, head to left. Oval with a border in a rectangle, resting on a base. The title within the border. Line. Each, height 4 12-16 inches; width 3 1-16 inches. Of extreme rarity. Only two copics have come under my observation. 9 44. GEN®t WASHINGTON. Bust in uniform, head to right. Oval, with a border. Mezzotinto. Height 5 inches; width 4 7-16 inches. Pubd 15" July 1784 by Whitworth & Yates, Birmingham. , Similar to Baker No. 42. Evidently a modern impression from an old a’ unpublished plate. 45. GEN’ WASHINGTON. Bust in uniform, head to right. Vignette. On the same sheet with a portrait of “ Dr. Franklin.” a Bust, head to left, with fur cap. Vignette. Supple. e Each, height 2 5-16 inches ; width 2 inches, , Very rare. 46. GEN? WASHINGTON. Bust in uniform, head to right, with black neckerchief. Oval in a border of two lines, the title be- neath the bust. Stipple. Height 3 5-16 inches; width 2 11-16 inches. PF 6. Very rare. 47. Bust in uniform, head to right. Oval on the same sheet with a companion Portrait of Genl. Eliot. Stipple. Height 3 4-16 inches; width 2 7-16 inches. 48. Bust, full face, circular medallion, in upper part of which are thirteen stars; the medallion held resting on a monument by an angel; in the lower right the figure of justice, and the upper left the Goddess of Music, &c. Etched. Height 5 7-16 inches; width 3 5-16 inches. Very rare. The only copy I ever saw. 49. Bust in uniform, full face. Vignette. Outline. Height 4 10-16 inches; width 3 5-16 inches. Similar to Baker No. 13, but without the border, evidently en- graved for another cdition of Lavater’s Physiognomy. 50. GEORGE WASHINGTON. Bust, head to left. Vignette. Etching. Height 6 inches; width 4 12-16 inches. © We Peale, Pinxst. S. jf. Ferris Del & Sculp. —S. }. Ferris fecit d’apres Peale. Published March 1882, by Jno. Wanamaker, Philadelphia. Three states of the plate. Artist’s proof signed and plain wm- pression. 51. THE SAME. Arrtist’s proof signed. 52. ey REE. * 56, Lo G.. WASHINGTON. Bust ‘in- uniform, head to left. Oval with. a border. (= Btching. > Height 2 15-16 inches; casters 4-16 inches. rete ‘After a Miniature of the same’ size by C. W. Peale. ° (Etched . by Bocourt.) . Zzwo states of the plate. ALEXANDER CAMPBELL TYPE. GEORGE WASHINGTON ESQ® Generar AND COMMANDER IN CHIEF OF THE CONTINENTAL ARMy IN America. Full figure in uniform and cocked ‘hat, on horseback, advancing to the right ; a. drawn sword in: the right hand is held across the body; a-_. battle in the right distance. - Mezzotinto. Height 12 11-16 inches; width 9 13-16 inches. Done from the Original. Drawn from the Life by Alex’ Campbell of Williamsburgh in Virginia. Pudlished as the Act directs 9 Sept! 1775; by C. Shepherd. Baker No. 46. Very rare. This is the print, an impression of which Joseph Reed presented. to: Mrs. Washington, and referred to by Washington, in his letter to Reed, ~ dated Cambridge, 31st January, 1776. ‘“ Mrs, Washington desires. I will thank you for the picture sent her. Mr. Campbell, whom I never saw to- . my knowledge, has made a very formidable figure of the commander-in-. ‘ chief, giving him a sufficient portion of terror in his countenance. Es ee reduced facsimile. THE) GEORGE WASHINGTON, Ely?) 2 GENERAL and COMMANDER n CHIEF of: /he CONTINENTAL ARMY 7 -4MERICA ' Shh baked as he Ael hivec i ipl. 19795 by GE Vhip herd II 57. GEORGE WASHINGTON ESQ® GENERAL AND COMMANDER 38. 59. 60. 61. 62. IN CHIEF OF THE CONTINENTAL ARMY IN AMERICA. Three- quarter length in uniform and cocked hat, the right hand point- ing to a battle in the left distance, the left hand on his hip; the head is turned to the right, the body to the left. Mezzotinto. Height 12 13-16 inches ; width 9 6-16 inches. Done from an Original. Drawn from the Life by Alex* Camp- bell, of Williamsburgh in Virginia. Published as the Act directs, 9 Sept. 1775, by C. Shepherd, London. Baker No. 49. Very rare. brilliant impression, with fine margin. THE SAME. The later state of the plate, in which there are some slight variations, beneath address ‘“‘ Joh Martin Will excud. Aug. Vind.” Rare. GEORGE WASHINGTON, ESQUIER GENERAL EY CoMEN- DEUR EN CHEF D’ARMEE DES XIII PROVINCES UNIES EN AMERI-— QuE. Full bust in uniform and cocked hat, head three-quarters to right. Oval, in a rectangle. Mezzotinto. Height 8 inches; width 6 3-16 inches. Peint par Alexander Camphell a Williamsbourg en Virginie. Se vend a Londres Chez Thom. Hart. Baker No. 50. Very rare. Fine tmpression, with full margin. WASHINGTON, GENERAL DANS L’ARMEE DES AMERICAINS. Three-quarter length in uniform and cocked hat, pointing to a battle in the right distance. The right hand upon the hip. Body to right, head three-quarters to left. Etched. Height 6 8-16 inches ; width 5 2-16 inches, Baker No. 52. A copy in reverse with some variations in the landscape and clouds of No. 49. GEORG WASHINGTON, ESOQ® ComMMANDERENDER GEN- ERAL EN CHEF DER PROVINZIALARMEE IN NoRDAMERICA. Full bust in uniform and cocked hat, body to left, head three- quarters to right. Oval, with border resting upon a base. The title on a tablet on the base. Line. Height 6 inches; width 3 8-16 inches. wow G. Fritzsch Sc. Baker No. 53. Very rare, GEN». GEORGE WASHINGTON. Full bust in uniform, head to right. Oval, with square border upon a base, in a rectangle engraved to represent stonework. A wreath tied by a ribbon extends from the top of the border down each side. Title on the base. Line. Height 5 9-16 inches ; width 3 8-16 inches. Baker No. 54. Fine impression with full margin. 63; 64. 65. 66. 67. eZ, GEN". GEORGE WASHINGTON. Full bust in uniform, head to left. Oval, with square border upon a base in a rectangle engraved to represent stonework. A wreath tied by a ribbon extends from the top of the border down each side. Title on the base. Line. Height 5 12-16 inches; width 3 7-16 inches, Liebe sc. Baker No. 55. Very rare. The reverse of the preceding print, but of much greater rarity. GENERAL WASHINGTON. Bust in uniform and cocked hat, head three-quarters to left. Oval, with border engraved to represent stonework. Line. Height 4 4-16 inches; width 3 6-16 inches. Engraved for Murray’s History of the American War. Printed for T. Robson, Newcastle upon Tyne. Saker No. 56. GEORGE WASHINGTON EQ#®®. GENERAL EN CHEF DE L’ARMEE ANGLO-AMERIQUAINE, NOMME DICTATEUR PAR LE CON- GRES EN FEvRIER 1777. Full bust in uniform and cocked hat, a drawn sword partly visible on the left. Oval, with border in a rectangle, resting on a base ornamented with war emblems, etc. The title on the base. Line. Height 6 4-16 inches ; width 4 8-16 inches. A Farts chez Esnauts et Rapilly, rue S‘ Jacques, a la Ville de Coutances, A. P. D. R. Baker No. 58. Rare. GEORGE WASHINGTON EQ®® GéntRaAL EN CHEF DE L’ARMEE ENGLO AMERIQUAINE NOMME DICTATEUR PAR LE Con— GRES EN FrevrRIER 1777. George Washington Eq’ General and Commander en Chief of the Continental Army in America. Half length in uniform and cocked hat, head to left. A drawn sword, in the right hand, is held across the body. The titles in a tablet, in the lower border. Line. Height 11 13-16inches; width 7 6-16 inches. d’apres |’Original de Champell Peintre de Williamsbourg Capi- tale de la Virginie. Baker No. 59. Extremely rare. Colored by hand. GEORG WASHINGTON ESQ* Half length in uniform and cocked hat, body to right, head to left. Oval, with border rest- ing upon a base in a rectangle. Title on the base. Etched. Height 4 8-16 inches; width 3 13-16 inches. Baker No. 60. from Hoff's Kurze Biographien, Brunn, 1782. 13 } ALEXANDER CAMPBELL TYPE NOT IN BAKER 68. GEORGE WASHINGTON ESQOR. GENERAL AND Com— MANDER IN CHIEF OF THE CONTINENTAL ARMY IN AMERICA. Full figure in uniform and cocked hat, on horseback, advancing to the right; full face; in the back distance, a fortification. Lzxe, Height 3 11-16 iuches ; width 2 8-16 inches. James Erison exc. Boston. Extremely rare. Printed on blue paper. The only copy that has come under my observation. 69. GEORGE WASHINGTON ESQ! GENERAL EN CHEF DER AMERICANEN. Full figure in uniform and cocked hat; full face; on horseback, advancing to the right; a battle in progress in the back distance; a cannon to the left on the same sheet, with Commodore Hopkins, Commandant en Chef der Americanische Zeemagt, full figure in uniform and cocked hat; full face; a drawn sword held in the right hand, standing on the banks of a river, shipping and a fortress in the back distance. Height 3 1-16 inches; width 4 11-16 inches. B. Mourik, Excudit. The only copy I ever saw. Extremely rare. 70. GEORGE WASHINGTON Eo. GENERAL EN CHEF DE L ARMEE ANGLO—AMERIQUAINE NOMME DICTATEUR PAR LE CoNnGRES EN FEVRIER 1777. Full bust in uniform and cocked hat; a drawn sword partly visible on the left. Oval, with a border in a rectangle resting on a base ornamented with war emblems, etc. Title on the base. Line. Height 6 5-16inches ; width 4 8-16 inches. Similar to Baker No. 58, of which this print is a very close copy. Line tmpression, full margin. Very rare. 71. GEORGE WASHINGTON ESQ" GENERAL UND OBERSTER BEFEHLSHABER, der Provincial Armee en America, Durch Klug- heit Muth und weises Zaudern Wird dieser Held Amerikens Fabius. Three-quarter length in uniform and cocked hat; full face ; the left hand pointing to a battle in the right distance. Etched. Height 2 6-16 inches ; width 1 10-16 inches. The only copy that has passed through my hands. Extremely rare. EUGENE DU SIMITIERE TYPE. 72. WASHINGTON. Bust in uniform, head in profile to left. Circular medallion, suspended by a ring, over a base in a rectangle. The title on the base. Line. Height 5 inches; width 3 8-16 inches. Dessiné d’aprés Nature par Du Simitier a Philadelphie. Gravé par Adam. Baker No. 63. 73: 94. Loe 76. 77: 78. 79. 80. 14 HIS .EXCELLENCY GENERAL. WASHINGTON Com -MANDER IN CHIEF OF THE FORCES OF THE UNITED. STATES OF NortH America, & Full bust in uniform, head in profile to - right. Oval, in a rectangle. Line. Height 4 7-16 inches ; width 3 10-16 inches. : BeBok Pub* May. 15 1783 by R. Wilkinson, No 58 1 Cornhill, London. Baker No. 65. : _ Rare. THE SAME. Printed in red, THE SAME. | Colored by hand. G. WASHINGTON. Bust in uniform, head in : Blone to ieee Oval in a narrow border. __ | Stipple. Height 3 2-16 inches; width 2 11-16 che Su: A. W. Kuffner sc. 1793. Baker No. 66. Very. rare. G. WASHINGTON. . Bust in uniform, head in profile to left. Circular medallion, suspended by a ring, over a base in a rec- tangle (the title on the base). Line. Height 4 15-16 inches; width 3 7-16 inches. ; : Drawn from the life by Du-Simifiere in Philadelphia. En- | graved by B. L. Prevost at Paris. Baker No. 67. Bos Fine early impression on heavy paper, before the title on the base. GENERAL WASHINGTON. Bust in. ‘uniform, in profile to right. Oval with a narrow border. _ Stipple. Height 2 14-16 inches; width 2 7-16 jnohes: B; Reading Sculpt. Drawn from the Life eke Du Simetiere in Philadelphia. Laker No. 68. Publish’d May 10" 1783, by W" Richardson, No. 174 Sirand. THE SAME. Colored. Inscription and address cut off. G. WASHINGTON, NE EN. VIRGINIE ANNEE 1733. CoM- MENDANT EN CHEF DES -ARMEES ET PRESIDENT DU CONGRES D’AMERIQUE. Full. bust in uniform, head in profile to left. Oval> =~ Supple. Height 4 2-16 eis width 3 6-16 inches. F. Bonneville deli. Ruotte sculp. A Paris rue St! Jacques No, 195. Baker No. 69. . GEN", WASHINGTON, Bust’ in uniform, head in profile to left. -Oval, with border upon a base in a rectangle. Line. Height 5 9-16 inches ; width 3 10-16 inches, Publiswd Jan. 1784 by John Walker from an Original Paint- ing. Baker No. 70. Rare. REDUCED FACSIMILE OF LOT No. 87 82. 83. 84. 8s. 86. 15 EUGENE DU SIMITIERE TYPE NOT IN BAKER. WASHINGTON. Bust in uniform, head in profile to right. Vignette. Supple. Height 2 2-16 inches ; width 1 8-16 inches. Exceedingly scarce. GENERAL WASHINGTON. Bust in uniform. Head in profile to right. On the same plate with Portraits of General Gates, Dr. Franklin, Prasid Laurens, and Paul Jones. Vignette. Etched. Height 1 3-16 inches ; width 14-16 inches. WM. DUNLAP TYPE. GEORGE WASHINGTON. Full bust in uniform. Head three-quarters to right. Mezzotinto, Height 3 12-16 inches; width 2 6-16 inches, From the original picture in Pastel Painted from life by William Dunlap, and now (1868) in the possession of Dr. Samuel C. Ellis New York. Shas Dexter 564 Broadway New York. Baker No. 73. Proof before all letters. JOSEPH WRIGHT TYPE. THE PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES. Bust in uniform, in profile to right. Oval. Etched. Height 2 5-16 inches; width 1 13-16 inches. Massa. Mag. (March No. 1791). Baker No. 77. Very rare. BUST IN UNIFORM. Inprofiletoright. Oval. Lzthograph. Height 2 14-16 inches ; width 2 2-16 inches. On the back of this print, in eighteen irregular lines, is the following autograph facsimile: ‘‘ THE Gop LikE WASHINGTON died 14th Decr 1799. All America in tears. The within is the best likeness I have seen. The hair is of his own head. This will increase its value with time. It is my earnest request this may be preserved to succeding generations. The hair was presented to me by Maj* Billings Con. Army. E. Watson, certificate. This may certify that the within hair was Enclosed by Gen' Washington in a letter to me dated Newburgh June ’83, as his own hair. Jan’ 1, 1800. And’ Billings.” Baker No. 79. This drawing is a close copy of the etching by Wright, and it is probable that the above inscription and certificate may have been written on the back of the impression from which it was niade. 87. 88. 89. go. gl. 16 GENERAL WASHINGTON Late PRESIDENT OF THE AMERICAN ConcReEss. Three-quarter length, in uniform, head ‘nearly in profile, the body three-quarters to left. The right _-hand rests upon a sword-hilt, held from the body and perpenii- cular therewith, a chapeau in the-left. In the distance to the - left; a Battle. Mezzotinto. Height 17 8-16 inches; width 13 15-16 inches. ' 'Painted by R. Wright of Philadelphia. P. Dawe sculpt. London Published by D. Gally No 263 High Holborn Jan’ &® r8or. Baker No. 8o. Extremely Rare. Fine copy of one of the rarest.of the Wright type. See reduced facsimile. GEN. GEORGE WASHINGTON COMMANDER IN CHIEF OF THE ARMIES OF THE UNITED States. Born Feb. 11th 1732 _O.S. Died December 14th 1779. Bust in uniform, in profile to right. Over the head an eagle with laurel wreath. Szpple.. Height 3 4-16 inches ; width I 5-16 inches. A. Doolittle Sculp. Laker Wo. Sr. Extremely rare. Engraved for the funeral-discourse on the death of Washington delivered by Beng. Trnmbull, D. D., at North Haven, Dec. 29, 1799; published New Haven, 1800. G. WASHINGTON PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES. Bust in uniform, head in profile to left. Oval with a border, on an ornamented title-page to “The Battle of Prague, a Favorite Son- ate for the Piano Forte, with Accompaniments.” Etched. Height 4 5-16 inches; width 3 15-16 inches, Boston, Printed & Sold by Graupner N° 6. Franklin St Baker No. 82. Notin Carson. A fine copy of this excessively rare portrait, with all the music. Baker only saw one impres- sion, this is the second impression which has come under my observation, with the music. See reduced facsimile. GENERAL WASHINGTON. Full bust in uniform, three- quarters to right. Head in profile. Oval. Supple, Printed in colors. Height 4 8-16 inches; width 3 8-16 inches. Drawn by J. Wright. Engraved by W. Evans. Baker No, 83: Published 1 March 1800, by Thos. Medland, Abingdon Street, Westmr. Lixtremely rare, with full margin. The only copy I ever saw with the address. FULL BUST IN UNIFORM. Three-quarters to right, head” in profile. Ruled background. Etched. Height 2 13-16 inches; width 2 5-16 inches. (Force’s picture of the city of Washington.) Baker No. 85. Sree JIOSTON oe ; Printede Sold by Graven eRN? 6 Frenklin’ ! REDUCED FACSIMILE OF LOT No. 89 17 . GENERAL WASHINGTON. Full bust in uniform,: three- quarters to left, head in profile. Oval. Stipple. Height 3 4-16 inches ; width 2 8-16 inches. Parson’s Genuine Edition of Hume’s England. Eugraved for J. Parsons, Paternoster Row, May 1795. Baker No. 86. . GENERAL WASHINGTON. Full bust in uniform, in profile to right. Oval. Line. Height 3 ro-16 inches; width 2 14-16 inches. T. Holloway, Sculp. ‘“ Literary Magazine.” Published as the Act directs 1 Aug. 1792, by C. Foster, Poultry. Baker No. 87. Rare. . GENERAL WASHINGTON. Full bust in uniform. in profile to right. Oval. Line. Height 3 9-16 inches ; width 2 13-16 inches. Baker No. 88. . GENERAL WASHINGTON. Full bustin uniform. In pro- flle to right. Oval. Line. Height 2 1-16 inches ; width 1 8-16 inches. From an orig! Draw$ George Murray sculp. (‘‘ Pocket Magazine.’’) Baker No. 91. . GEORGE WASHINGTON. Bust in profile to right. Vign- ette inclosed in thin lines forming a square. Mixed. Height 1 14-16 inches; width 1 3-16 inches. Elias Dexter 564 Broadway (1863). Baker No. 92. India proof. . WASHINGTON. Full bust in uniform. Head to right. Mezzotinto. Height 5 inches ; width 4 2-16 inches. (Engraved by J. A. O'Neill. From an original contemporary Picture in the possession of William Menzies, Esq.) Private Plate. Baker No. 93. Proof before all letters. . WASHINGTON. Bust in uniform, in profile to right. Oval. Stipple. Height 3 11-16 inches; width 2 14-16 inches. H. Roosing Sculp* Rotterdam. A. Loosjes Pz. Execud*. 1793. Baker No. 94. Rare. . G. WASHINGTON As HE APPEARED WHILE REVIEWING THE CoNTINENTAL ARMY ON Boston Common 1776. Bust in uni- form, in profile to right. Oval medallion, in the centre of a rectangle ruled with waved lines and inclosed by a border. Szpfle. Height 5 14-16 inches ; width 5 inches. Drawn by N. Fullerton. Engraved by G. G.Smith. v/ered according to Act of Congress, in the year 1851, by Charles Fox, in the Clerk’s Office of the District Court of Massachusetts. Baker No. 96. India proof. 100. Iol. 102. iD: 104. 105. 106. G. WASHINGTON. Born Virginia Feb'” 11 1732. General of the American Armies 1775. Resign’d 1783. President of the United States 1789. Full bust in uniform, in profile to left. Cirle: Supple. Diameter 3 9-16 inches. - Baker No. 97. The reprint after the plate was altered by removing the ribbon on the arm on which was the title. JOSEPH WRIGHT TYPE NOT IN BAKER. WASHINGTON. His Path be Ours. Bust in profile to left. Oval. Litched. Height 2 4-16 inches ; width 1 13-16 inches. A Todd, Sculp. Philada. Extremely rare. GENERAL WASHINGTON. Bustin uniform, three-quarters, and head in profile to left. Oval. Supple. Height 3 4-16 inches; width 2 8-16 inches. Engraved by J. White. Published by J. Kobins & C? Al- bion Press, London. GEN®", WASHINGTON. Full bust in uniform, in profile to left. Oval, with a border. Stipple. Height 4 2-16 inches ; width 3 1-16 inches. Extremely rare. When Freedom, first her glorious Day had won, She smil’d on Washington, her darling son, Mild Justice claims him as his Virtues rise, And Love and Honor, still attend the Prize. Bust in unitorm, in profile to left. Oval medallion, supported on a base by a female figure, the figure of Justice leaning on the top of the medallion; Liberty in the form of an angel de- scending with the liberty cap from the clouds ; a pyramid in the distance. Etched. Height 6 12-16 inches ; width 4 3-16 inches. G. WASHINGTON. Bust in uniform, in profile to left, the title on a ribbon beneath the bust cut to a rude oval. Etched. Height 2 inches ; width 1 10-16 inches. ROBERT EDGE PINE TYPE. WASHINGTON. Half length in uniform, head three-quarters to left; the right hand rests upon a walking-stick, Vignette. Supple. Height 5 8-16 inches ; width 4 inches, H. B. Hall. From the original Picture from life by Robert Edge Pine taken in 1785. (In the possession of J. Carson Bre- voort, Esq., Brooklyn, N. Y.) Engraved for Irving’s Washing- ton. Baker No. 98. 107. 108. 109. IIo. III. ¥12. 113. 19 G. WASHINGTON. Bust in uniform, head three-quarters to left. Oval, in a frame adorned with laurel leaves, resting upon a base in a rectangle. At the top of the frame, “ E. Pluribus Unum,” and beneath it an open scroll containing facsimile auto- graphs of the signers. Supple. Height 8 9-16 inches ; width 6 4-16 inches. Painted by A. Chappel. Engraved by G. R. Hall. From the original portrait by Pine in the possession of J. Carson Bre- voort Esq’. (Copyright 1856.) Baker No. 99. 2 states of the plate. Half length in uniform, head to left; the right hand holding a walking-stick. Photogravure printed in colors. Height 16 14-16 inches; width 13 5-16 inches. From the Original Picture by Robert Edge Pine. Paris, Pub- lished by Godefroy Mayer No. 15 Rue Pigalle. Copyright 1902, by Henry T. Coates & Co. nda proof. JEAN ANTOINE HOUDON TYPE. WASHINGTON. Profile head and bust, to right. Vignette. Line. Height 3 4-16 inches; width 2 4-16 inches. From Houdon’s Bust. Engraved by A. B. Durand, 1833. Baker No, roo. WASHINGTON. Profile head and bust, to right. Vignette. Supple. Height 4 2-16 inches; width 2 8-16 inches. From Houdon’s Bust. Title-page to “ Life of George Wash- ington,’ by Washington Irving. Baker No. ror. WASHINGTON. Profile head and bust, to left, in a rectangle. Engraved by a roulette. Height 2 12-16 inches; width 2 1-16 inches. Wm. Hamlin Sc. AX. g1. From Howdan’s Bust. Rich- mond, Va. Baker No. 102. WASHINGTON. Profile head and bust, to right, in a rec- tangle. Stipple. Height 5 inches; width 4 inches. Drawn by J. Wood from Houdon’s Bust. Engraved by Leney. Published by Joseph Delaplaine Chestnut S" Philad? r8r4. Baker No. 103. THE SAME. Variation in the type of the'title. WASHINGTON. Head in profile to left. Oval medallion, suspended by a ring, in a ruled rectangle. Height Io 10-16 inches ; width 9 2-16 inches, Ormsby’s Pentography. Baker No. 104. 20 114. GEO. WASHINGTON. Full figure in uniform, standing upon a pedestal. Head in profile to left; the right hand rests upon the folds of a military cloak thrown over the ends of a bundle of fasces, and the left upon a walking-stick. Vignette. Supple. Height 6 inches ; width 2 8-16 inches. From the statue by Houdon in the Capitol, Richmond, Va. Daguerreotyped from the Statue. Geo. Parker. Baker No. 105. 115. G. WASHINGTON. Profile head and bust, to right. Vig- nette. Supple Height 2 8-16 inches; width 1 8-16 inches. From Houdon’s bust. Engraved by G. F. Storm. Baker No. 107. 116. G. WASHINGTON. Head in profile to left, the hair flowing and tied by a ribbon. Circular medallion; title on left. Lzme. Diameter 2 15-16 inches. Dessiné et Gravé d’apres Houdon par Alexandre Tardieu. “Pour sauver son pays du pouvoir arbitraire, Washington combattit en guerrier valeureux : Mais il acquit bien plus qu’une gloire vulgaire ; I] fut homme d’Etat, humain et vertueux. Par J. Castera.”’ Dépose a la Bibliotheque Nationale le 9 Vendemiawe Ang. A Paris chez Alex. Tardieu Gr. de la Marine Rue de 0 Université N°? 296, au Depot National de Machines. Baker No. 108. Fine impression. Full margin. Very rare. 117. THE SAME. Before the verses. Very rare in this state. 118. Profile head and bust, to right. Vignette. Supple. Height 6 inches ; width 3 8-16 inches. Engraved to imitate a crayon drawing. Baker No, 108. Very rare. Lettered “ Benjamin Franklin.” JEAN ANTOINE HOUDON TYPE NOT IN BAKER. 11g. Bust in uniform, in profile to right, on a ruled background, cut oval. Engraved with a Roulette. Height 7 13-16 inches; width 5 10-16 inches. 120. G. WASHINGTON. Head in profile to left, the hair flowing and tied by a.ribbon. Circular medallion, title on left. Swpple. Diameter 2 6-16 inches. nach Tardieu von Senn. Similar to Baker No. ro8. Very rare, SS I2I. 122. 123. 124. E25; 21 GEORGIO WASHINGTON. Sveremo Dvci EXxXeErRcITVvN ADSERTORI LIBERTATIS. COMITIA AMERICANA. Profile head and bust to right. Circular medallion ina ruled rectangle. Lune. Height 4 7-16 inches ; width 3 5-16 inches. W. L. Ormsby Sc. JAMES PEALE TYPE. G. WASHINGTON. Bust in uniform, head nearly in profile to right. Vignette. Line. Height 3 6-16 inches; width 3 inches. Pte ete. all, N. Y, 1865... J. Peale Pinx. 1788. (Private Plate.) Baker No. rrr. India proof before the title. Half length in uniform, head three-quarters to right, the right hand on sword-hilt. In the rear to left, a tent partly visible, and in the right background an attendant with a horse. . Mezzotnto, Height 8 4-16 inches; width 6 4-16 inches. Engraved by J. Sartain after the Original Painting, From Life by James Peale. Saker No. 112. From a private plate of a portrait of Washington painted in 1778, be- longing to Mr. Lenox of New York. The portrait represents Washing- ton in a military costume of that period. MADAME DE BREHAN TYPE. GEORGE WASHINGTON NE EN VIRGINIE LE II FEVRIER 1732. Profile, head to left, laureated. Circular medallion in the upper part of a rectangle. The title in a tablet. Stupple. Height 5 12-16 inches ; width 4 inches. Grave d’apres le Camée peint par Madame de Brehan a New- york en 1789. Dirigé par P. F. Tardieu. Gravé par Roger. Baker No, 113. Brillant uppression. Rare. G. WASHINGTON. Profile, head to right, laureated. Vign- ette. LANE. Height 2 8-16 inches; width 2 2-16 inches, “The President’s compliments accompany the enclosed to Mrs. Morris.’ Engraved & printed at the Bureau Engraving and Printing. This profile of Washington is engraved from the original now in possession of Gen. Geo. B. McClellan, which was presented to Mrs. Morris by Gen’ Washington, accompanied by a note of which the above text is a true and exact facsimile. Baker No. 114. India proof. 120. 127. 128 129. 130. 131. 22 THE SAME. Proof before the inscription. GEORGE WASHINGTON, | Profile, head to right, laureated. Circular. medallion, with border, suspended by a ring, tied with a ribbon. ' The title in the upper part of the border. Aguatmnt. Height 3 12-16 inches; width 3 5-16 inches. Grave d’aprés le Camée peint par M™*, le Marquise de Bréant par A. F. Sergent 1790. Baker page 205. Brilliant proof before the Verses. Exceedingly rare. : CHRISTIAN GULAGER TYPE. GEORGE WASHINGTON. | Head and bust, three-quarters to right. Oval-in rectangle. Line. Height 4 10-16 inches ; widtir 3, 13-16 inches. Eng*. by Wm. E. Marshall from a Portrait by Gulligher belonging to E. Belknap Esq. Baker No. 115. India proof. “EDWARD SAVAGE TYPE. GEORGE WASHINGTON, Eso®.-PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. Full bust in uniform, the order of the Cincinnati on the left breast; head three-quarters to right. Oval; in a rectangle. ~~ Stipple. ‘Height 5 3-16 incaes ; width 4 3-16 inches. Painted & Engraved by E. Savage From the Original Picture - Painted in. 1790 for the Phil esonhucal Chamber, at the University of Cambridge, in Massachusetts. Baker JVo. 116. A superb impression. . Very rare. See facsimile, GENERAL GEORGE WASHINGTON. Full bust in’ uni- form, the order of the Cincinnati on the left breast; head three- quarters to the right. Oval, in a rectangle. Supple. Height 5 3-16 inches; width 4 3-16 inches. Painted & Engraved by E. Savage. Baker No. 117. GEORGE WASHINGTON Eso®. PreEsIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES OF America. Nearly full length, sitting, legs crossed, at a table to the right, upon which is a hat with a large rosette ; head three-quarters to right. A large chart upon the table is held by the right hand; the left arm rests upon it, the hand hanging over in front; the background is formed by a curtain, which, drawn at the right, reveals the sky and the lower portion of a pillar. Mezzotinto. Height 17 14-16 inches; width 13 15-16 inches, 4“ hn 7) Tinta & Fraravid bu Fo Savag GEORGE WASHINGTON, ESQ* President of the United States of Ameri ~ ae ? Poom fre Ungmat tb / / ‘ Phil: pop hit: ad thambler { fa / jp) J F Z CHILL + SA VIEL 447 1H AL): CLL thé Laiwer Pin “f Y IX MASSACHUSETTS Ast Rata taPa SSP TR LEONEL RY SER EEE ALOE LER AT UI ILL ILL LLL LESS ELSE LES LL ATLL AAT SSS aA Tata RS NE 123, £33. 134. 135. 23 E. Savage pinx. et sculp. From the Original Portrait Painted at the request of the Corporation of the University of Cambridge in Massachusetts. Published June 25, 1793, by E. Savage, No. 54 Newman Street. Baker No. 178. This copy is a brilliant and beautiful impression of this rare print, with a fine wide margin. GEORGE WASHINGTON PrReEsIDENT oF THE UNITED STATES OF AmeERICA. Nearly full length sitting, legs crossed, ata table tothe right. (Same description as the preceding print.) Mezzotinto. Height 18 3-16 inches; width 13 14-16 inches. From the original Portrait Painted at the request of the Cor- poration of the University of Cambridge in Massachussetts. Baker No. 119. This is a different Plate from the preceding one, although very similar. It is not so well executed, and slight differences are visible throughout, the most marked, perhaps, being the Rosette on the hat, which is entirely different. It is supposed to be by Savage. It is exceedingly scarce. Baker only saw two imprssions. ‘This is a brilliant open letter proof, with a good margin. THE WASHINGTON FAMILY. George Washington his Lady and her two Grandchildren by the name of Custis: La Famille de Washington, George Washington Son Epouse et Ses deux petits Enfants du Nom de Custis. Fuil figure in military costume, seated to the left of the print. His right arm rests on the boy who is standing, while the left is upon a chart extended on a table, to a part of which Mrs. Washington points with a fan. Stpple. Height 18 6-16 inches; length 24 6-16 inches. Painted and Engrav’d by E. Savage. Philadelphia. Publish- ed March roth 1798, by E. Savage & Robt. Wilkinson No. 58 Cornhill London. Baker No. 120. Beautiful brilliant impression, with a good margin. Perfectly free from spots and the margin has not suffered by being framed, asis the case with nearly all copies. THE SAME. Ofen leites proof, with full margin. WASHINGTON. Bust in uniform. Head three-quarters to right. Vignette. Line. Height 3 2-16 inches ; width 3 8-16 inches. Marckl. Del. Bertonnier Sculp. udhe par Pourrat F. a Paris. Baker No, 121. . WASHINGTON. Full bust in uniform, the order of the Cin- cinnati on the left breast ; head three-quarters to right. Vignette. Mezzotinto. Height 4 8-16 inches; with 3 10-16 inches. Eng? by J. C. Buttre N. Y. After a Painting by Edward Savage. Baker No. 122. 137: > 138, 139. 140. TAM. 142. 143. | 24 TER SAME, ooo 3 Ee Sa ee ‘GENE GEORGE WASHINGTON. - anes fall ee pe military coat, sitting ata table to the right, crossed légs.” “Upon oa a pedestal to the right, relieved against the sky, an urn, with halo: eS - at top, bearing ‘the. ‘inscription “ G: “W. Ob! Decb? 14 1709 Au 68 On the side of the pedestal, “ The Grateful Tribute of his ..._..Admiring Countrymen,” and on the front, in three lines, “ ‘ Death ea -ere thou hast slain another Wise . and. Great. and, Good as He, Coe Time shall throw his dart at thee.” Rone oe “cl Mezzotinto. « Height 17 11-16 inches; width 13 SANG: inches. E. Savage’ Pinx?=* W: Hanlin’ ‘Sculp* : “Published hy 1800 » by Waa. Hamlin, ‘Providence. R: I. Baker No ee “A copy with variations noted of the mezzotinto by- gee Raker No. _ 118, Only:10o impressions of the plate were taken for pubSCH Der cs It is RoR < eztremely rare. See plate. GEORGE WASHINGTON Eso". Obt. Decb*. 3a 1799 - ot e 68. ~ Nearly full length, sitting at a table to the left, crossed legs; head three-quarters to the left: See a | Mezzotinto, ee Height 7 5-16 inches ; width 5 8-16 inches. E. Savage pinxet. .W™. Hamlin supe Providence. “Baker es ~ No. 124. Copy. in the reverse of the mezzotinto.by Savage, Baker ie 118, - Original i impression inlaid.” “Presentation copy from Mr. Hamlin. THE SAME. Modern i impression. GEN}: GEORGE WASHINGTON. Bust. in- uniform, ate. : three-quarters to right. Oval. | - Stipple. ee ‘Height 3 14-16 inches; width 3 3-16 inches. _E. Savage, Pinx'.. W. Hamlin, Se’. Provi®. Farnsworth’s head three-quarters to right. Oval, surrounded by rays. : Stipple. Height 10-16 inch ; width 7-16 inch, W® Hamlin, Sculpt. Baker No. Te 96 GENE, GEO. WASHINGTON. Full bust in uniform, head — three- -quarters, to left; the order.of the Cincinnati-on the right ~ breast. Oval, in a rectangle: ns Supple. . Height 4 2-16 inches ; width 3 inches, W. Harrison Jun’. Sculpt. Baker No. 128. Very rave. : Fence WASHINGTON, PRESIDENT OF THE Unrnes SraTEs “AMERICA. » Full.-bust. in. uniform, head. three- -quarters. to right the order of the Cincinnati on the left breast. Oval, ina rectangle. Stipple Height 4 inches; width 3 inches. Engraved by S. Hill. Baker No. 129. Rare. ny a Warn | a’ vce ASNT AES vis tee 9 © Edition.” » Baker No. 126. ces eas Voy rare, oe GEN". GEORGE: WASHINGTON. Full Grist in ‘uitiform, 4 : 4 fran, ia Anite sa | 5 vi a ptt ae fl ig aia Mat iy se ea Bore a dd Gra fer aU ho ein athe UT gone incline AR MATE cian Sale LAr es mea san ¥. cease Sere i MA foi bed cd G fatage Pad ; : 5 fis ? Pe : ae, inc Vastenyplen. Publihied July seen hy W' tmnlin, Peawtdents 4 FACSIMILE OF LOT No. 138, REDUCED 145. 146. 148. 149. 150. ee 25 GEORGE WASHINGTON, Eso". Full bust in uniform, head three-quarters to right; the order of the Cincinnati on the left breast. Oval. Stipple. Height 4 4-16 inches; width 4 2-16 inches. Houston, Sc. Philad®. Pudbhshed for Tho’ Condie Book- seller. Baker No. 130. Rare. Full bust in uniform, head three-quarters to left. Oval. Stipple. Height 4 9-16 inches ; width 3 8-16 inches. Savage pinx. O’Neill Sc. (Published by Ehas Dexter, 546 Broadway, N. Y..\ Baker No. 137. Lndia proof, before the title. . GEORGE WASHINGTON. PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED States. Full bust in uniform, head three-quarters to left; the order of the Cincinnati on the right breast. Oval. Stipple. Height 4 14-16 inches; width 3 12-16 inches. Savage Pinx'. Rollinson Sc’. Baker No. 132. Rare, THE WASHINGTON FAMILY. Ge°. Wash". Parke Custis, Gen'. Geo. Washington, Eleanor Parke Custis, Martha Wash- ington, William Lee. (Copy of the print by Savage, Baker No. 120.) Mezzotinto. Height 16 4-16 inches ; length 23 12-16 inches. Painted by Edward Savage. Engraved by J. Sartain. Baker WYO. 2 33. GEORGE WASHINGTON, PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES oF America. Nearly full length, sitting at a table to the right, with crossed legs. Line. Height 4 13-16 inches; width 3 12-16 inches. I Scoles, deletsculp. Publish’d by Smith, Reed, and Wayland. Baker No. 134. G. WASHINGTON. Full bust in uniform, head three-quarters to-the left. Oval. Stipple. Height 4 12-16 inches; width 3 12-16 inches. Savage pinx. Tanner,sc. (‘ Engraved for the Washington- iana.”) Baker No. 135. Fine tmpression before the inscription. GEORGE WASHINGTON Eso’. PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. Full bust in uniform, head three-quarters to right; the order of the Cincinnati onthe left breast. Oval. Supple. Height 5 inches; width 3 13-16 inches. From the Original Picture painted by Savage in 1790, for the Philosophical Chamber of the University of Cambridge in Mass- achusetts. London, Pub“ for the Proprietor, Aug’ 10, 1793, by E. Jeffery, No. 11, Pall Mall, Baker No. 136. See plate. Rare. 182, 153: 154. 155. 156. Lev: 158. 26 GEORGE WASHINGTON. PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. Bust in uniform, body slightly to left, head drawn in rather an awkward manner, three-qaurters to right. Oval. Stipple. Height 4 inches ; width 34-16 inches. from an Original Miniature in the Possession of Benjamin Smith of Philadelphia. Published June 10” 1794, by T. Palfer, No. 4, Bridge Road Lambeth near the Turnpike. Baker No. 137. : Extremely rare. EDWARD SAVAGE TYPE NOT IN BAKER. GIORGIO WASHINGTON. Bust. in uniform, head three- quarters to right. Circular. | — Supple. Diameter 2 4-16 inches. ~ Minatelli’ s, Pubblicato in Venezia a spore di Catterin Minatelli e Comp.: , Very rare. WASHINGTON. FAMILY. George Washington seated to the right of.a table, upon which is spread a map, with sword resting upon it; to the left, in the rear, Martha Washington ; to the right Geo. W. P. Custis, in the rear; ‘Nellie Custis ; in the front right corner a globe, étc. Mezzotinto. Height 13 5-16 inches ; width 9 14-16 inches. Painted by. F. B. Schell. Engraved. by A: B, Walter. Pud- lished by John Dainty 15 S. 6th St. Philadelphia. After the style of Savage’s Maeteeten Family. WASHINGTON FAMILY; aie described in the preceding print. Oval).4 Mezzotinto. Height 8 2-16 inches at 6 4-16 inches, Painted by E. B. Schell. Eng’d. by A. B. Walter. Published by J. C. Mc Curdy & Co. Philadelphia. THE SAME. Different state of the print. GEN. GEORGE WASHINGTON AND HIS FAMILY. Fully described in Print. Baker No. 147. Mezzotinto. Height 5 inches ; width 7 6-16 inches. WASHINGTON. Half length, head to right. Mezzotinto. Height 10 3-16 inches ; width 8 6-16 inches. Painted by E. Savage. Engraved by S. Arlent Edwards. Published by Jos. F. Sabin, New York, 1900. 151 FACSIMILE OF LOT No. 159. 160. 161. 162. 163. 164. 165. 166. 27 JOHN TRUMBULL TYPE. G. WASHINGTON. Half length in uniform, head to left. Mezzotinto. Height 4 9-16 inches; width 3 10-16 inches. Trumbull. Bannister. WASHINGTON. Full bust in uniform, a cloak around the left shoulder; head to left. Line. Height 8 6-16 inches; width 6 6-16 inches. Dessiné par Couder. Gravé par A. Blanchard; ‘“ Dédié a S. E. le Général Jackson, President des Etats-Unis d’Amérique, Par son tresrespecteux admirateur, le Typographe N. Bettoni.” Baker No. 139. India proof. THE SAME. Fine proof before the inscription. WASHINGTON. Half length in uniform, head to left. Vig- nette. . Height 4 4-16 inches; width 3 4-16 inches. Burt. Baker No. 140. GENERAL WASHINGTON. Full length in uniform, head to left; a field-glass in the extended right hand, the left on a sword-hilt at his side. In the rear, a soldier with a horse, and in the extreme background the representation of a battle (Trenton). At his feet a dismounted cannon. Stipple. Height 25 9-16 inches; width 17 11-16 inches. Painted by John Trumbull Esq*. Engraved by T. Cheesman. Laker No. 141. Fine impression. G4" WASHINGTON. Bust in uniform, head to right. Vignette. Etched. Height 3 r1-16 inches; width 3 4-16 inches. Couche fils sc. Baker No. 142. WASHINGTON. Full length in uniform. (Fully described in the print by Cheesman, No. 279.) Supple. Height § 2-16 inches; width 3 7-16 inches, Engraved by A. Daggett from the original Painting by Colonel Trumbull. Published by Nathan Whiting New Haven Con. Baker No. 143. Two states of the plate. GEORGE WASHINGTON. Half length in uniform, head to left. Line. Heigut 4 8-16 inches; width 3 10-16 inches. Eng. by A. B. Durand from the full length Portrait by Col. Trumbull belonging to Yale College. Entered according to the Act of Congress in the year of 1834 by James Herring, in the clerks office of the District Court of the Southern District of New York. Laker No. 144. 1675 168. 169. 170. 71, 172. 172 WASHINGTON. Bust in uniform, head to left. en Line. Height 3 8-16 inches ; width 3 8-16 inches. ” Geoff oy Se. Publie par Furne, Paris. Baker No. 14 5. GENERAL WASHINGTON, Full length in uniform, cea ing upon a rocky eminence near.a river. The right hand, hold- _ ing a hat, rests upon his sword-hilt, while the left, in which is a scroll, the arm across the body is pointing toa fortification upon the opposite bank. In the bend of the river, in the rear, shipping enveloped in smoke, and to the right a negro. servant with a — horse browsing, his fore-parts only visible. In the lower margin an rey holding a shield bearing the Washington arms. Meszotinto. <5 Height 22 12-16 inches; width 15 14-16 inches. ; - Painted by J. Trumbull Esq’. of Connecticut 1780. fines by V. Green, Mezzotinto Engraver to his Majesty and to the Elector Palatine. Engraved from the Original Picture in the -Possession of M. De ‘Neufville, of Amsterdam. Published by appointm*®. of M. De Neufville Jan"y. 15 1781, by V. Green, N. 29, Newman Street, Oxford Street, London, Baker No. 147. Very rare. ‘-Choice brilliant impression, with full margin. ; G. Washington. Bust in uniform, head to left. Vignette, in a _ back ground ruled to a rectangle. ~ Etched. Height 4 12-16 inches; width 3 iot6 inches. : : Etch’d by Alice Hall, Aged 18, New York 1866. — India “proof: Baker No. 148. Not in Carson. Wery scarce. ay, WASHINGTON. Bust in uniform, head to left. Vignette. : Likes, Height 4 inches ; width 4 4-16 inches. . (Engraved by H.:B. Hall, Morrisania, N. Y., from the origi- - nal by Col. Trumbull.) Private plate. Baker No. 149. India proof before all letters. THE SAME. India proof with the title. ‘GEORGE WASHINGTON. | Full length in uniform, head to left.» (Fully described in the print by Cheesman, Baker No. 141.) Vignette.“ Line. Height 10 inches ; width 7 6-16 inches. - Engraved and Printed by Ilman & Sons. “Qn the great occasion .of-our Presidential Election, to all lovers of -Freedom ‘and Independence, is presented this portrait, ‘The Father of our Country,’ from an acknowledged and much admired painting by Col. J. Trumbull.” Baker No. 150. THE SAME. “The. Ledger Carriers’ Annual Greeting to their subscribers, New Year, 1856.”’ WITHOUT THE TITLE BUT a rt) 13) > a Fe) x 166, FACSIMILE OF LOT 177, _ right hand a field-glass, the left on a sword-hilt at his side; in 178. 179. 180. 29 . G. WASHINGTON. Full length in uniform, standing upon an eminence near a river. Inclosed with a border, the title in a tablet on the lower part. Height 7 inches ; width 4 9-16 inches. J. Trumbull Pinx. J* Le Roy Sculp. Baker No. 151. Brilliant impression. Very rare with the border. A copy in the reverse of the print by V. Green, Baker No. 147. . THE SAME. Without the border. . GEORGE WASHINGTON, Le Heros LIBERATEUR DE SA PATRIE NE EN 1732, MORT A LA FIN DE 1799. Full figure in uniform, standing upon a rock near a river; the right arm is across the body, a chapeau in the left hand; to the left a palm tree. Line. Height 4 6-16 inches ; width 3 inches. Maria Misa sculp. Baker Wo, 152. Rare. A variation of the print by V. Green. Baker No. 147. WASHINGTON. Full length in uniform; in the extended the left distance a soldier with a horse ; a palm tree on the right. Vignette. Mixed. Height 6 3-16 inches ; width 4 4-16 inches. Guemied del E. Monnin Sc. Baker No. 153. Very rare. Only one impression of this had come under the notice of Baker. G. WASHINGTON. Half length in uniform, head to left. Stpple, Height 4 inches ; width 3 2-16 inches. Eng. by Read from the full length Portrait by Col. Trumbull belonging to Yale College. George Wills, Great Piazza, Covent Garden. Baker No. 154. GENERAL WASHINGTON. Full length in uniform, (Fully described in the print by T. Cheesman, Baker No. 141.) Line. Height 6 11-16 inches ; width 4 9-16 inches. Engraved by John Rogers, from the Picture by Col. Trum- bull. Baker No. 155. Not in Carson. GEN". WASHINGTON. Bust, full face.” Oval. Lines Height 3 4-16 inches ; width 2 12-16 inches. (Published according to the Act of Parliament May the 1o™ 1783 by J. K. Sherwin, N° 28 St. James’s Street & Will™ Hin- ton N° 5 Sweetings Alley Cornhill.) Baker No. 156. Fine proof before the tulle, Very rare original tmpression. 181. 182. 183. 184. 185. 186. 30 “THE SAME... Modern impression. ‘GEORGE WASHINGTON. Full lengthy in ‘uniform. (Fully described in the print by T. Cheesman, Baker No. 141, but in the Reverse.) ” gees 5 Heiglit 7 ivhes: width 4 8-16 inches. : Engraved by W. E. Tucker, from an original Fauntne Baker No. 157. Not in Carson. GEN. WASHINGTON (on the Battle Field at Trenton. ) Full length in uniform. (F ae described, in the print by Cheesman, Baker No. 141.) Mezzotinto. Height 24 13-16 inches width 17 8-16 inches, Engraved by W. Warner from the original picture by Col: John Trumbull in possession of Yale College N. Haven. . Pud- lished by Wright & Groves, Phila. Entered according to Act of Congress in the Year 1845 by John Dainty in the clerk’s office of the District court in the Eastern district of ae eee Baker No, 158. THE.SAME. Variation in name of publisher, “ Published by William Smith 706 South Third S‘, Philadelphia, & by J. Turgis 78 Duane S‘. New York.” His Excellency GEorGE WasHINGTon. Commander in Chief of the American Armies, Marshal of France, &c.. Full length in uniform, standing, an open scrool in his right hand, inscribed “American :Freedom established by Valour. & Perseverance ;”’ the left arm is across the body; beneath ‘his feet, flags and two scrools, marked “Stamp Act’ and ‘“ Boston Port Bill,’ and -near by two: books labelled. “Acts of. Par.” and ‘ Brit. Stat. ; ” in the air a figure of Fame with trumpet, advancing to the left, - in the act of crowning him with a laurel wreath. . Line. Height 6 8-16 inches; width 4 7-16 inches. Baker No. 160. Extremely rare. See reduced facsimile. The figure in this is the same as in the print by Valentine Green .. Baker No. ‘147, the accessories varied as above described. JOHN TRUMBULL TYPE NOT IN BAKER. GENERAL WASHINGTON. Full bust in uniform, nearly full face, body turned to left, in a square with a border. Mezzotinto. Height 12 10-16 inches; width 10 inches, | Painted by J. Trumbull Esq? of Connecticut. Engraved by V. Green, Mezzotinto Engraver to his Majesty and to the Elector palatine. Pudblish'd June 3d 1783 by V. Green N° 29, Newman Street, Oxford Street & Sold by J. Brydon, Printseller, N° 7, Charing Cross, London. Excessively rare. Beautifulimpression. See plate. O7L Pre 7 ande GT OWN, [0772772 | \ WASHIN EORGE 5 oie S bait Coomerccan Clr 7 \ LILC G Bee VOVCCE C thal of Mat Chief of the FULL-SIZE FACSIMILE OF LOT No. 185- Peentid by S Srumbull Cag of Conneetout. Gagroved ty A. Green, Mpeedlbite Chigravitte tis » Mayes 10 Mhe-Clecor flalaten: ; ; Pa GENERAL WASHINGTON. a Atbtustil Fare 3 77ds tea crretee 2G, - ermpreate/« tiecet. Chyord Atrect Sold ty FBrya@r, L pintlr PLEIC Rarwg (role, Londo» FACSIMILE OF LOT No. 186, REDUCED ve a .. 187. 188. 189. 190. gl. 192. 193. 194. ait WASHINGTON. Full bustin uniform, head to left. Vignette. Line. Height 3 2-16 inches; width 2 8-16 inches, Bureau Engraving and Printing. WASHINGTON. Full bustin uniform, head to left Mezzotinto. Height 4 10-16 inches ; width 3 9-16 inches. Mezzotint by Wm. Sartain, 1891, after Couder for Sons of the Revolution. G. WASHINGTON. II fut Homme d’etat, humain et verteux. Bust in uniform, head to right. Circular. Title within the circle. Supple. Diameter 3 2-16 inches. Excessively rare. WASHINGTON. Bust in uniform, head to right. Oval. Supple. Height 3 3-16 inches ; width 2 10-16 inches. Rare. LE GENERAL WASHINGTON. Bust in uniform, head to right. Oval in an ornamented rectangle, on the upper part of which is a bursting sun surrounded with twelve stars. The title on the lower portion. Stipple. Colored. Height 7 1-16 inches; width 4 13-16 inches. Mariage Sculp! a Paris chez Bance Ainé M‘ d’Estampes Rue S' Denis, Déposé a la D. G. de la Li Very rare. WASHINGTON. Bust, head to left: Oval. Stipple. Height 4 3-16 inches; width 3 5-16 inches. Engraved by Wm. Holl after a portrait by John Faed, R. S. A. Kendall Bank Note Co, 285 Bdway N. Y. ARCHIBALD ROBERTSON TYPE. G. WASHINGTON 1796. Bust, three-quarters to right. Oval. Supple. Height 2 14-16 inches; width 2 3-16 inches. F. Bolt, £1796. Baker No. 161. Rare. GEORGE WASHINGTON. Bust, head three-quarters to right. Oval. Supple. Height 3 7-16 inches ; width 2 14-16 inches. From the original Miniature on Ivory, Painted from life by Arch* Robertson, in Philadelphia, in December 1791. kas Deater, 564 Broadway, New York, 1866. Baker No. 162. India proof. = 2 195. 196. 197. 198. T9g9Q. 32 GEO. WASHINGTON. Bust, head three-quarters to right. Oval, with border upon a pedestal, in a rectangle, a large scroll in front, to the right a sword and scales, and to the left a Liberty cap and oak branches. Line. Height 7 inches ; width 4 inches. Grainger sculpt. Baker No. 163. GEO. WASHINGTON. Bust, head three-quarters to right. Oval. : Height 3 10-16 inches ; width 2 13-16 inches. W. Grainger Sculpt Baker No. 164. GEORGE WASHINGTON. Bust, head three-quarters to right. Stipple. Height 3 5-16 inches ; width 2 9-16 inches. nach Frey gest v. Krethlow. Zzwéckau, 6. d. Geb. Schumann, | 1818. Baker No. 165. GIUSEPPE CERACCHI TYPE. WASHINGTON. Bust in profile to left, head filletted. Vignette. | Stipple. Height 3 6-16 inches; width 3 inches. H. B. Hall. From the Bust by G. Ceracchi, taken from life (now in possession of Gouverneur Kemble Esq. Cold Spring). Engraved for Irving’s Washingion. Baker No. 166. 2 States of plates. WASHINGTON. Bust, upon a pedestal, head nearly in profile to left. Vignette inclosed by a single line. Stipple. Height 3 9-16 inches ; width 2 14-16 inches. Drawn by J. G. Chapman, from the Original bust by Ceracci. _ Engv’d by J. F. E. Prud’homme. Harper & Brothers. Baker No. 167. WILLIAMS TYPE. 200. WASHINGTON. Half length, in Masonic dress, as a Past Master, head to right. Vignette. Mixed. Height 5 inches; width 4 inches. O’Neill N. Y. Engraved from the Portrait painted from life by Williams, for Alexandria Washington Lodge N° 22, Virginia 1794. Baker No. 168. Leta 201. 202. 203. 204. 205. 206. a WALTER ROBERTSON TYPE. GEORGE WASHINGTON, PreEsIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES. Full bust in uniform, with black neckerchief, head to right. Oval, with narrow scroll border. Above the oval, a star with rays, and beneath an eagle with outspread wings in cloud, with along ribbon in his beak, the ends over his wings, inscribed ‘‘ E Pluri- bus Unum.” At each side, flags and palm branches reaching to the top, the whole inclosed with two slight lines. Supple. Height 11 14-16 inches; width 9 inches. (Robertson Pinxt. Walker Execudit.) Baker No. r70. Very rare. With the exception of the star, in place of the sword above the oval, this is a close copy of Baker No. 169. Brilliant proof before letters, and before the ‘“‘E Pluribus Unum” on the scroll, full margin. THE SAME. Beautiful brilliant impression, but not a proof, and cut down. G. WASHINGTON Presipent oF THE UNITED States, Full bust in uniform, with black neckerchief, head to right. Oval. Supple. Height 3 13-16 inches; width 2 14-16 inches. Rollinson sculp? fudlish’d by 1. Reid New York 1796. Baker No. 172. GENY WASHINGTON. Full bust in uniform, head and bust three-quarters to left. Oval, with border in a rectangle; beneath the oval a representation of a review, entitled, ‘‘ Gen! Wash- ington takes command of the American Army at Cambridge quly. 321775.” Line. Height 6 8-16 inches ; width 3 14-16 inches. Tisdale Sc. Engrav’d for C. Smith N-York. Baker No. 173. ; 3 Very rare. SAMUEL FOLWELL TYPE. Full bust in profile to right. Silhouette. Wood engraving. Height 3 12-16 inches ; width 2 6-16 inches. Baker Page 109. ADOLPH ULRIC WERTMULLER TYPE. GEORGE WASHINGTON. Bust in uniform, head to right. Vignette. Supple. Height 4 8-16 inches ; width 4 inches. Engraved by J, C. Buttre, from the Portrait by Wertmiiller. Baker No. 175. 34 207. G. WASHINGTON. Bust, head to right. Vignette. Szpple. Height 5 8-16 inches; width 5 inches. (A. Wertmiiller, S. Pt. Phila. 1795. H. B. Hall.) Baker No. 176. India proof before the title. 208. THE SAME. Plain impression. GILBERT STUART TYPE. 209. WASHINGTON. Bust, head to left. Vignette. Line. Height 4 12-16 inches ; width 3 8-16 inches. From the original painting by Stuart, taken from life, in pos- session of the Boston Atheneum. Engraved by Joseph Andrews. Baker No. 177. 210. WASHINGTON. Proof before Letters. 211. GENERAL WASHINGTON. Bust, head to left. Oval. Lene. Height 3 10-16 inches ; width 2 12-16 inches. Engraved by J. Baker. Published May ro” 1800 by W. Bent. Baker No. 178. 212. G. WASHINGTON. Bust, head to left. Vignette. Line. Height 3 inches; width 2 10-16 inches. Eng* by V. Balch from a Painting by G. Stuart. Baker No. 179 213. WASHINGTON. Full bust in uniform, head to left. On the left breast the order of the Cincinnati. Vignette. Line. Height 3 12-16 inches; width 4 inches. Ballin del. et sculp. Puble par Dufour, Mulat et Boulanger, Imp. Giulgquin et Dupain, r. de la Calandre, 19, Paris. Baker No. 180. 214. G. WASHINGTON. Full bust, head to left. Vignette. Szpple. Height 5 8-16 inches; width 4 8-16 inches, Painted by G. Stuart. Engraved by G. J. Bather Jr. Baker No. 182. 215. G. WASHINGTON. Full bust to right, head turned to left. Line. Height 4 8-16 inches; width 3 3-16 inches. Dalla Libera. I. W. Baumann sc! Mchr. Printed and pub- lished by G. G. Lange at Darmstadt. Baker No. 183. Two states of plate. 35 . WASHINGTON. Bust, head to right, inclosed by two slight lines surmounted by a Globe over which is an Eagle, beneath a star emitting rays; at the sides and bottom, beautifully en- graved wreaths, fiags, etc. Line. Height 2 4-16 inches; width r 11-16 inches. Bertonnier sculpt, “Galerie Napoleon” Bernard, Editeur, Galerie Vivienne, N° 49. Baker No. 184. Five states of the plate. . G. WASHINGTON. Head to the right. Oval, with ruled background. Line. Height 5 13-16 inches; width 5 inches. Engraved expressly for Graham’s Magazine from the original Painting by G. Stuart. Laker No. 185. . G. WASHINGTON. Head to the right. Oval, with ruled background. Line. Height 3 inches ; width 2 9-16 inches. Godey’s Ladys Book.) Baker No. 186. y y Full bust, head to right. Line. {Height 5 inches ; width 3 12-16 inches. Stuart Pinx? C. Burtsc. Baker No. 187. India proof. 220. G. WASHINGTON. Full bust, head to left. Vignette. : Mezzotinto. Height 5 inches ; width 4 4-16 inches. Peamitea by tz. oivart, “Engraved by J.C. Buttre. “ En- : graved expressly for this work.’ /7rinted by J. C. Buttre N. Y. : Baker No. 188. 221. G. WASHINGTON. Bust, head to left. Oval. Mixed. Height 6 7-16 inches ; width 5 4-16 inches. G. Stuart. J.C. Buttre. Baker No. 189. 222. GEORGE WASHINGTON. First PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED States. Full bust, head to left. Oval ina rectangle. In the angles representations of scenes at Trenton, Princeton, Valley Forge, and Yorktown. Mixed. Hach, height 13 8-16 inches ; width Io 2-16 inches. Engraved and Published by J. C. Buttre, 48 Franklin Street, New York. Border désigned by W. Momberger. Painted by G. Stuart. Entered according to Act of Congress AD 1866, by J. C. Buttre,in the Clerk’s Office of the District Court of the Southern District of New York. Baker No. rot. Bust, head to left. The Upper Portrait on an orna- mented sheet entitled ““The Presidents of the United States,” containing portraits of Washington, John Adams, Jefferson, 223; i es 227. 228. 229. Madison, Monroe, John Quincy Adams, and Andrew Jackson, in borders resembling picture-frames suspended on a wall. In the centre a Statue of the Goddess of Liberty, in an archway resembling a Frame over the top of which is an Eagle with shield and Flags, underneath a Table upon which is a Vase, Ink- stand, and Pen; to the right and left of table, a vase. Line. Height 2 3-16 inches ; width 2 inches. Whole plate, height 12 11-16 inches ; width 8 4-16 inches. Designed by Robert W. Weir. Engraved by J. W. Casilear. From original and accurate portraits, Painted & Engraved ex- pressly for the New York Mirror. Lxtered according to Act of Congress in year 1834 by George P. Morris in the clerk’s office of the District Court of the Southern District of New York. Baker. No. 192. GENERAL WASHINGTON. Bust in uniform, head to right. Oval. . . Supple. Height 4 8-16 inches ; width 3 6-16 inches. J. Chapman sc. Published as the Act directs Mar 1, 1800. Baker No. 193. Very rare. . THE SAME. Without Engraver’s name and copyright, but with “ Engraved for the Encyclopedia Londinensis, 1828.” . GENERAL WASHINGTON. Full length, standing. The ‘“ Lansdowne Portrait,’ fully described in the picture by James Heath. Baker No. 250. Line. Height r9 12-16 inches; width 13 inches. Painted by Gilbert Stuart, 1797. Engraved by John Chorley, Boston. Printed by Pendleton, Boston. Baker No. 194. Fine Lmpresston. Rare. G. WASHINGTON, Who departed this Life, Dec? 14, 1799, Aged 68. Bust, head to left. Circle, in a rectangle engraved to represent stonework. The title beneath the circle. Spode. Height 2 10-16 inches; width 2 4-16 inches. T. Clarke sc. Sold by.W. Spotswood. Baker No.195. Rare. WASHINGTON (GEORGE.) Bust, head to right. Line. Height 2 4-16 inches; width r 12-16 inches. M*"* Coigneto sc. “ Iconographic instructive.” GIORGIO WASHINGTON. Full bust, head to right. (Lans- downe.) Line. Height 5 inches; width 3 9-16 inches. Stuart pin. Dall’ Acquainc: Baker No. 197. Past om ee ee ee, ee ES, 5 Mla ; of 230. GENERAL WASHINGTON. Full length, head to left. The “ Lansdowne Portrait.’’ Fully described in the print by Heath, Baker No. 250. Line. Height 4 1-16 inches ; width 2 10-16 inches. Davenport, sculp. London Published by Thomas Teg g, No. 73, Cheapside 1° Dec’: 1838. Baker No. 198. 231. WASHINGTON. Bust, head to left. (Lansdowne.) Vignette. - Etched. Height 3 8-16 inches ; width 3 7-16 inches. Vernier, del. Lemaitre, dir. Delaistre, sc. Baker No. 199. 232. WASHINGTON. Three-quarter length, sitting, head to left, a 4 dress sword on the left forearm. To the left a table upon which is an inkstand, pen, and upright book; the back of an armchair partly visible to the right, and the backgrcund formed by a recess with pillar. Oval, with border in arectangle. Ornamented corners. — Mezzotinto, Height 12 9-16 inches ; width 9 13-16 inches. Painted by Stuart. Engraved by Doney. Published by Rice & Allen, Corner of Burdick & Water S“® Kalamazoo, Mich. Entered according to Act of ‘Congress in the year 1863 by Thomas Doney in the clerks LS of the District Court of - Illinois. Baker No. 201. 233. ——— Bust, head to right. Mezzotinto. Height 4 12-16 inches; width 3 11-16 inches. Baker No. 202. This plate was never lettered. 234. WASHINGTON. Three-quarter length, head to left, the right hand on an upright book upon a table. The left upon the hilt of a dress sword held perpendicular. The back of an armchair partly visible to the right and the Ga ewoens formed by a recess, with pillars on each side. Mezzotinto. Height 13 12-16 inches ; width ro 12-16 inches. Engraved by T. Doney. utered according to Act of Congress A, D. 1865, by Wm. Pate, in the clerks office of the District Court Jor the Southern District of New York. Baker No. 203. 235. GEORGE WASHINGTON. Bust, head to right. Oval. Supple. Height 4 inches ; width 3 7-16 inches. A. Doolittle Sc. Connecticut Magazine. Baker No. 204. Extremely rare. Only six numbers of The Connecticut Magazine or Gentleman’s and Lady’s Monthly Museum, published at Bridgeport, commencing January, 1801, and ending with the June number were issued. This Print is in the January Number. i 2306. 237. 238. 239. 240. 24t; 242. 243. 244. 38 GEORGE WASHINGTON. Full bust, head to right. (Lans- downe.) Line. Height 5 inches ; width 3 11-16 inches. Stuart, pinxt Dupréel, Sc. Baker No. 205. WASHINGTON. Full bust, head to left. Line. Height 4 9-16 inches; width 3 11-16 inches. Painted by G. Stuart. Engraved by A. B. Durand. From the original picture in the possession of the Athenzeum, Boston. Baker No. 200. WASHINGTON. Full bust, head to left. Oval, with Arabes- que border; beneath, the representation of a battle, ‘‘ Trenton.” Supple. Height 8 inches ; width 5 8-16 inches. Stuart. Edwards. London: George Virtue. Baker No. 207. 2 states of the plate. GEORGE WASHINGTON Esg® Born Feb’Y 22, 1732, took the command of the American Army 1775, elected President of the United States April 30° 1789, resigned 1796. Died Dect 14” 1799. Full bust, head to left. Oval. Stipple. Height 5 11-16 inches ; width 4 8-16 inches. Engraved from an Original Picture by D. Edwin. Paudblish’d by I. Scoles, New York. Baker No. 208. Fielding No. 1974. Reprint. Bust, head to left. Oval. Stipple. Height 4 14-16 inches ; width 4 2-16 inches. D, Edwin, Fecit. Fiiladelphia. Published Jan” 1%! 1800 by A: Dickens. Baker No. 209. Fielding No. 198. THE SAME. Without Publisher’s address. Third state. GEO. WASHINGTON. Full bust, head to left. Stipple. Height 4 13-16 inches ; width 3 14-16 inches. D. Edwin sc. Baker No. 210. Melding No. 199. THE SAME. ‘ Edwin Sculp.,” but from a re-engraved plate slightly different from either of the above two prints. Height 4 13-16 inches ; width 3 15-16 inches, Baker says: ‘‘ Edwin Engraved several of these plates (for Marshall’s Life of Washington) to supply the demand forthe work. The variations are scarcely noticeable.’’ WASHINGTON. Full bust, head to left. Ornamental border. Stpple. Height 8 6-16 inches; width 5 6-16 inches. Philad?! Published by M. A. Milhette, 320 Chestnut St. Baker No. 217. (245. 246. 247. 248. ———— 249. 9 THE SAME. With different address, “ Philad* Published by Joseph Parker.”’ rs) GEORGE WASHINGTON GeneraL AND COMMANDER IN CHIEF OF THE AMERICAN REVOLUTIONARY ARMY AND First PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED States. Full bust, head to right. Oval. Supple. Height 4 inches; width 3 5-16 inches. Edwin sc. Baker No. 212. Fielding No. 206. From an Essay on the Life of George Washington by Aaron Bancroft, Worcester, 1807. WASHINGTON A Nations Joy. Full bust, head to left. Oval. Supple. Height 2 13-16 inches ; width 2 2-16 inches. Edwin sc. Baker No. 213. elding No. 203. Beautiful 2presston. Rare. From The Life of General George Washington, by John Kingston, Baltimore, 1813. Bust, head to left. Oval, above it a star and the words “Centenary Anniversary,’ beneath “Feb. 22, 1832,” and ‘“ We Perpetuate the Fine Arts.” Height 2 8-16 inches ; width 1 13-16 inches. “ Printed during the Procession by the Association of Copper- plate Printers.” Pub by R. H. Hobson 147 Ches' S* Baker lo. 214. Melding No. 203a. Very rare. Baker says: ‘‘ This appears to be the preceding plate reduced.’’ In this he is wrong, as they differ very materially in several ways, the most noticeable being the lower part of the lacework on the shirt front. ‘‘The Procession referred to, took place in Philadelphia, to commemorate the Centennial Anniversary of Washington’s Birthday.”’ WASHINGTON. Bust, head to left. “ Take him for all in all, We ne’er shall look upon his like again.” Vignette. Supple. Height 2 3-16 inches ; width 1 4-16 inches. Edwin sc. Baker No, 215. Fielding No. 204. Rare. From A Collection of American Epitaphs by Rev. Timothy Alden, New York, 1814. 250. HIS EXCELLENCY GEORGE WASHINGTON Lieut GEN’ OF THE ARMIES OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. Three-quarter length in uniform, sitting, the order of the Cin- cinnati on the left breast ; a sword lies in the right forearm, and a chart in the hand, the left hand resting upon that portion of it which is upon a table. A curtain drawn up at the right, reveals 253. 284, 255. 40 an encampment in the distance. In the lower margin, an eagle GiB yes, with shield and motto,“ E Pluribus Unum.” Szpple, Height 11 3-16 inches ; width 8 10-16 inches. F. Bartoli Pinxt a. Edwin Scns Respectfully Dedicated to the Lovers of their Country and Firm Supporters of its Consti- tution.” Baker No. 216. Fielding No. 209. Magnificent Brilliant Impression with fine wide margin, . WASHINGTON SACRED TO MEMORY. -Threqenartee | length in uniform, seated.. The same as the - preceding plate, with the addition of a border 11-16 inch “in width, the title in a tablet in the upper part. Beneath the portrait and let into the ‘ border a funeral: urn, supported by two female figures, and surrounded by war emblems. Upon the top of the urn a sword and field-glass crossed, and on a medallion, in three lines. ‘QO, -B, Decx 14,7 2700, Ait 68 Stapple. Height 11 3-16 inches; width 8 10-16 inches. eee F. Bartoli pinxt D. Edwin Sc. Revised by T. J. Barralet. Published by D. Kennedy 228 Market S' Philad® Baker No. 277. Very rare. The only. perceptible Sifetence between this and the preceding print is the cuff on the right arm, which is not so wide, and in the sword, which reveals a portion ‘of the blade between the hilt and the cuff. Beautiful brilliant impression, with wide margin. See reduced facsimile. . WASHINGTON: Bust, head to left, Oval medallion, the: upper one of a group of four in an ornamented. Vignette. The others contain the: ey of Adams, Jefferson, Abs Madison. ee a Height 2 inches ; width 1 8-16 ieee: D. Edwin. G. Murray. (Title, Washington, Adams, Jefler- son, Madison.) Baker No. 278. Fine impression. GENERAL GEORGE WASHINGTON. — Bust, head to right. Line. Height’2°12-16 inches ; width 2 4-16 inches. Painted by Stuart. Engraved by William Ensom. Vonien Pubs Sor the Proprietor, September 1822, Baker No. 219. From Walmsley’s Physiognomical Portraits,.1824. India Proof. — Bust, head to left. Oval, with border, surrounded by diverging: rays. Stipple. Height 5 12-16 inches; width 5 2-16 inches. G. Stuart pinx’ .G. Fairman sculpt Baker No. 220. Choice Proof with full margin. Very rare in this state. THE SAME. Without the rays, on an imperial folio sheet. Entitled ‘‘ Washington’s Farewell Address.” Folded. LS es ee Pecrecraudbnivensangl 1 : s vaniine GRUPR HOES DEIN BATSD rot nawiaeniAnTy euanie stashed adouauareranagneaiiengntudsens PL Ls LI ORGANS il it re HHA Kevvacel by TI Barat, 4l . WASHINGTON. Bust, head to left. Vignette. Stipple. Height 5 6-16 inches; width 4 12-16 inches. Drawn by B. Trott from Stuart’s picture. pees and pub- lished by G. Fairman. Baker No, 221. Rare. SlHE SAME. “Fairman & Childs Sct” One of the later impressions. . GEORGE WASHINGTON. Half length, head to left. (Lans- downe.) Line. Height 7 7-16 inches ; width 6 1-16 inches. Engraved by Fenner, Sears & C° from a Painting by Stuart. London Published May 2, 1831, by R. Ackermann, 96 Strand, for the Proprietors of Hinton’s History of America, 2 Vols. 4° plates. Baker No. 222. Open letter proof on India paper. . THE SAME. Proof before letters on India paper and with the engraver’s name immediately under the Portrait. Large paper. . THE SAME. Variety in address of Publisher, ‘‘ Rest, Fenner, Sears & C® 53, Paternoster Row & Thomas Wardle, Philadel- phia & Isaac Taylor Hinton.” 261. THE SAME. Reducedtoa full bust and put into an oval, with ornamental border, and variety in Title and address. ‘‘ George Washington From the original Painting by Stuart. J. & F Tallis. London Edinburgh & Dublin.” 262. GEORGIUS WASHINGTON. Bust to right, head to left. Line. Height 7 inches ; width 5 inches, G. Longhi dis. G. G. Felsing inc. Verlag und Eigenthum von Louis Rocca in Leipzig. Baker No.223. Choice open letter proof, large paper. 263. THE SAME. «= &rilhant proof before letters. Large paper. 264. THE SAME. aN Paris, chez Tessari et C® Rue du Cloitre - Notre Dame, N° 4 265. THE SAME. With different title. “George Washington. Nato il 23 Febbr. 1733, Morto il 14 Decembr, 1799.” G. Giao, Felsing inc, Milano, 1324. 266. Bust to left. Vignette. Etched. Height 9 inches; width 7 4-16 inches. (S. J. Ferris.) Baker No. 224. Artist's proof on India paper, Signed. 267. THE SAME. Plain proofs. 268. 260. 270. 271. 272: 20 274. 1 > Ue ees. — a wary whe SF Se Te ee — Se 474. 475. 476. 7X America represented by a female figure leaning weeping upon the base of the monument, to the right. On either side cypress and willow trees, and in the immediate foreground an eagle with bowed head. Line. Height rr 11-16 inches ; width 7 6-16 inches. Designed, Engraved & Published by Aikin & Harrison Jun’, Philad* Jan® 20% 1800. Baker No. goo. Only two impressions had come under the notice of Mr. Baker. The profile resembles the Sharpless Portrait. Full figure, in uniform, standing upon a pedestal, head to right, a baton in the extended right hand, the left resting lightly upon the sword-hilt at his side. The coat is buttoned, with the order of the Cincinnati on the left; on the left of the figure, a bundle of fasces against the trunk of a tree, upon a branch of which is a cocked hat. In the background, and to the right and left, representations of various battles. Upon the pedestal, engraved to represent marble, “ First in war First in Peace and First in the Hearts of his country’” (Head after Stuart.) Stipple. Height 23 2-16 inches; width 18 11-16 inches. Design’d Engrav’d & Publish’d by John Eckstein Philad* “To the Honorable the Society of the Cincinnati this Monu- ment of Gen! George Washington. Is very respectfully in- scribed by the Artist.” Copyright secured according to Law. Baker No. got. Extremely rare. An exceptionally fine copy of this remarkable and rare print. APOTHEOSIS OF WASHINGTON. Full figure seated on clouds, a cherub in the act of crowning him witha laurel wreath. Beneath, to the right, a view of the Mansion at Mount Vernon. Supple. Height 20 14-16 inches; width 14 10-16 inches. Painted by R. Peale. Eng’d by Edwin. Pudlished by G. Kennedy, N° 129 Chestnut St. corner of 4 Philadelphia. Baker No. 402. Fielding No. 208. Very rare. Original impression. Title cut off. Narrow margin. PATER PATRIZE. Bust in uniform, head three-quarters to right. Ova! medallion, upon the shaft of a monument pyramidal in shape, surmounted with a funeral urn. The medallion is supported by Minerva, and Fame holds over it by her left hand a laurel wreath which encircles the title, held to her mouth a trumpet, from which hangs a banner inscribed “ TRENTON, Princeton, Monmoutu, Yorktown.” Ina tablet upon the base, to which the Genius of America is pointing with averted head, the inscription in seven lines: ‘Sacred to the Memory of the truly Illustrious GzorGE WASHINGTON, Renowned in War, Great in the Senate, and possessed of every Qualification to render 7/2 him worthy the Title of a GREAT and GOOD MAN.” Upon the plinth, “ Born Feb, 22> 1732, Ob, Dec, 44, 1790, 5 in the right foreground a soldier, wearing a conical shaped hat, is ex- pressing grief, his gun upon the ground. Two cherubs at the top of the shaft are draping the monument with laurel, a part of which hangs down over the left side of the medallion. The genii of War, Liberty, and Truth, with emblems, surround the shaft. (Head after Savage.) Line and Stipple. Height 13 2-16 inches; width 8 14-16 inches. Painted by John Coles Jun. Eng* by E.G. Gridley. (Boston, 3 July 28, 1800.) Baker No. 403. Very rare : 476% GEN. GEORGE WASHINGTON departed this life Decf 14° 1799. A 67. And the tears of a Nation watered his grave. Full bust in uniform, head to right. Oval, with border, ; cut from an imperial folio sheet entitled ‘‘ Eulogium Sacred to 3 the Memory of the. Illustrious George Washington Columbia’s great and Successful Son. Honored be his Name;” in the upper half of the border the words ‘Sacred to the memory of the brave;”’ in the lower half, eighteen stars. The oval rests on a base, upon which are the words: ‘““Washington’s no more, by silence grief’s express’d. Lo! here he lies, his Worl laim the rest.” o! here he lies, his Works proclaim the rest. A medallion upon the base contains the title, etc., in eight lines, Stipple. Height 4 12-16 inches; width 4 3-16 inches. (Engraved by P. Maverick. Newark N. Jersey.) Baker No. 404. 477. IN MEMORY OF GEN? GEORGE WASHINGTON AND HIS LADY. Busts of Washington and Mrs. Washington facing each other, upon a large funeral urn ona pedestal, placed in a landscape beneath a weeping willow. Washington, in uniform, head three-quarters to right. In the backgrounda view of the Mansion House and out-buildings at Mount Vernon. Three figures, two of whom are females (are weeping), one ad- vancing to the left. (The head resembles Savage.) Supple, colored. Height 11 7-16 inches; width 16 13-16 inches. S. Seymour Fecit Philad* Jan. 1, 180g. Published by J. Savage according to law. Baker No. 405. Excesswely rare. Original impression. 478. FULL FIGURE SURROUNDED BY CLOUDS rising from a tomb, sup- ported by Time and Immortality, the latter pointing upwards. To the left, figures of Faith, Hope, and Charity. In the fore- ground to the right, an Indian with bowed head, and to the left 479. 73 Liberty with war emblems at her feet. On the tomb the inscrip- tion, “SACRED to the Memory of WASHINGTON. Ob. 14 Dec. A. D: 1799. -ALt. 68.” I, J. Barralet Fecit. Supple. Height 24 inches; width 18 6-16 inches. Philadelphia: Published by Simon Chandron, and John J. Barralet, JanY 1802. Baker No.406. Extremely rare in this state. THE SAME. With the title “Commemoration of Washing- ton” and “Drawn and Engraved by J. J. Barralet.” Colored by hand. MEMORIAL DESIGNS NOT DESCRIBED BY BAKER. 480. 481. 482. WAGINGTON. Bust in uniform, head three-quarters to left. Oval medallion, suspended on a pedestal with two other medal- lions, containing portraits of ‘‘ Franklin” and “ Louis Seize’’; on the base of the pedestal the inscription, ‘‘L’Amerique et les Mers, 6 Louis! vous ,reconnaissen’ pour leur Libérateu’”’; on the top of the pedestal a crowing cock perched on a globe; to the right an Indian maiden with foot resting on a lion’s head, a staff in the left hand and the right resting on the base of pedes- tal; to the right of the Indian, palm trees, one of which is en- circled with a ribbon upon which is inscribed “ En M’Elevant je M’Embellis ’; to the left an anchor; in the left distance shipping. Circular, underneath which is the inscription “ Indépendence des Etats-Unis”; and 28 lines of script in double columns. Colored aquatint. Diameter 5 5-16 inches. Duplessis Berteaux del, L. Roger sculp. 1786. A Paris chez Blin, Imprimeur en Taile-Douce, Place Maubert, N¢ 17 vis-a-vis ta tundes.? Ports, A. PD. R. pochED TO THE MEMORY OF THE ILLUSTRIOUS G. WASHINGTON. Bust, head to right. Oval medallion with border of olive leaves. On the side of a monument over which hangs a weeping willow ; underneath the oval the inscrip- tion, ‘‘ G. Washington”; on the base of the monument, ‘‘ There is Rest in Heaven’’; to the left of the monument are three figures, one of hope, and the other two weeping. The whole enclosed in a circle with an ornamented border in a rectangle engraved to represent stonework ; beneath the circle a tablet on which is the inscription. Stipple. Height 8 4-16 inches; width 8 inches. T. Clarke, Sculp? 1801: Boston. Rare. G. WASHINGTON. Bust, head in profile to left. Oval me- dallion with a border, on which is the title, on the base of a monument, on the top of which are Portraits of Franklin and Hancock, on the right of a landscape. To the left of the monu- 483. 484. 485. 74 ment, and leaning thereon, is the figure of America holding an American Flag on a Staff in the left hand; on the ground to the right a negro child is seated; in the left background shipping. In the lower margin the word “America.” Mezzotinto colored. (Height 8 2-16 inches; width 6 14-16 inches. Pub, March 28, 1803, by J. Hinton 44 Wells Str’ Oxford Str’ London. Excessively rare. FICTITIOUS PORTRAITS. WASHINGTON CROSSING THE DELAWARE. Full figure in uniform, on horseback, with military cloak and chapeau with cockade, advancing to the right, a field-glass drawn fully out, in the right hand; the horse is richly caparisoned, the holster covered with a large rosette, upon which is the letter W ; the background is formed from heavy masses of rock, and through an opening to the left, soldiers are advancing; to the right, a view of the river, with the troops crossing in boats. Etched. Height 15 inches; width 12 10-16 inches. (I. Baker) Entered according to act of Congress by H. Phelps, in the Office of the Clerk of the Dist. C' of the U.S. for the Southern Dist of N. Y. Thisimpression has not the en- graver’s name, as is the case with the few known. The print is so rare that Baker only saw one impression. Baker Wo. 4og. Not in Carson. WASHINGTON (Crossing the Delaware). Full figure in uni- form and chapeau, on horseback advancing to the right, an ex- tended field-glass in the right hand. In the rear to the right the river, and troops crossing and preparing to cross. Without sky or inclosing lines. Etched, Height 13 8-16 inches ; width 12 inches. Published by Humphrey Phelps, 336 Bowery & 157 Broadway N. York, Aug 1% 1833. Baker No. gto. Extremely rare. THE WASHINGTON FAMILY. Full length in uniform and chapeau, standing upon a portico at the head of a flight of steps, taking leave of Mrs. Washington preparatory to a ride, a riding-whip in the left hand, the right hand extended towards ~ Mrs. Washington, who stands about the centre of the print. A negro groom is waiting with a saddle-horse, at the extreme right. Three young people, a boy and two girls, one of whom is seated, are at the left. To the right the view of a distant landscape. Mezzotinto. Printed in colors. Height 17 12-16 inches; width 23 11-16 inches. Painted by J. Paul Jun Philadelphia. Engraved by E Bell London. Published December 1% 1800, by Atkins and Nighting- £5 gale N° 143 Leadenhall Street London & N® 35 North Front Street, Philadelphia. Baker No. grt. Extremely rare. Fine copy of this very rare print. Beautifully printed in colors, mounted on a stretcher. Its great rarity is attested by the fact that Baker - never saw a copy printed in colors and it is the third that has come under my observation, and the only one with a margin. 486. GENERAL WASHINGTON. Bust in uniform and chapeau, head three-quarters to left. Vignette. Stipple. Height 4 inches; width 3 inches. Published as the Act directs for IT. Sumner & C? Shakespeare Press, Wigan. Baker No. 412. From the “ Emigrant Directory, London 1820.” 487. G. WASHINGTON. Full length in uniform, seated at a table upon which is a military cloak; head to right; a sword rests against the chair and a letter is held in the right hand. Line. Height 21 8-16 incHes ; width 16 5-16 inches. Painted by C. Schussele. Engraved by Edward S. Best. Published by John M. Butler 242 Chestnut Street, Philad* En- tered according to act of Congress, in the year 1859, by John M. Butler, in the clerks office of the District Ceurt of the United States an and for the Eastern District of Pennsylvania. Baker No. 41}. This print is known as ‘‘ Washington and the Duche Letter, Valley Forge 1777.” 488. THE SAME. Early trial proof. | 489. WASHINGTON. Full figure in uniform (overcoat) on horse- back, advancing to the front, head in profile to right, a chapeau in the extended right hand, the left in the breast, as if receiving ee ; a Salute. Etched. ‘ Height 5 2-16 inches ; width 4 inches. i J. L. Brown sc. Paris, Cadart & Luce Editeurs, Imprimeurs, E Rue N° des Mathurins 58. Baker No. 414. ‘ 490. GEORGE WASHINGTON. Bust in uniform and chapeau, a head three-quarters toright. Oval. Stpple. Printed in colors. Height 3 inches ; width 2 6-16 inches. Z R. K. Porter Delin. J. Chapman sculp! “London Publish’d ; May 1, 1797, by H. D. Symonds, Pater-noster Row.’ Baker E No. 415. 3 491. WASHINGTON. Full length in uniform, standing, head to 3 left, a field glass in the right hand; to the lefta mounted cannon, : and to the right, partly in the rear, a horse led by a soldier; in the distance to the left, on the opposite bank of a river, a fortifi- cation. ELTA : Height 25 inches ; width 20 12-16 inches. 4 a 492. 493. 494. 495. 496. 497. 76 Painted by Cogniet, 1836. Engraved by Laugier, 1839. The head from the original painting by G. Stuart, in the Athe- nzum of Boston. Laker No. 417. (Copyright 1839.) India proof. HIS EXCELLENCY GEORGE WASHINGTON ESQ*® CAPTAIN GENERAL OF ALL THE AMERICAN Forces. Full length in uniform and cocked hat, a baton in the extended right hand, while the left rests upon the muzzle of a cannon. Head nearly in profile to left. In the left distance a commander’s marquee and tents. Line. Height 6 12-16 inches ; width 4 1-16 inches. Laker No. 478. From ‘‘An Impartial History of the War in America, &c.’”? London & Carlisle 1780. GEORG WASHINGTON. Full figure in uniform and chapeau, on horseback advancing to the left, a drawn sword in extended right hand, a palm tree in the background to the left, and some negroes and low buildings on the right. The landscape southern in character. Line. Height 5 14-16 inches; width 4 inches. H. Pinhas, sc. Baker No. 421. Very rare. GIORGIO WASHINGTON. Full length, standing on the bank of a river, right hand in the breast ; the left, the arm parallel with the body, open, the palm downwards; on the right two male figures, one about entering a small boat; to the left a palm tree. Stipple. Height 6 12-16 inches ; width 4 10-16 inches. G. B. Bosio dis. G. A. Sasso inc. Baker No. 422. Very rare. Only one impression had come under the observation of Mr. Baker. GENERAL WASHINGTON. Bust, head nearly in profile to right. Line. Height 3 8-16 inches ; width 2 8-16 inches. R. Scott Sc. Baker No. 423. Rare. WASHINGTON AS A MASON. Full length, standing in Masonic regalia, the right hand on an upright book (upon a table) labelled ‘“‘Ancient Masonic Constitutions;” the left holds a mallet upon a pedestal. Oval. Mezzotinto, Height 8 2-16 inches; width 6 3-16 inches. Eng? by A. B. Walter. Published by John Dainty 15 S. 6% St. Philadelphia. Baker No. 425. THE SAME. Different state of plate. 5 cdl < ial ees soe Vi, oh Tag cali ST ee ill Ve ont 4 PEO Ss — eee Se — 502. FY Pe al Y ted 503. 408. 499. 500. for. 77 GEORGE WASHINGTON. PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. Full figure in civil dress, head to left, a medallion on his breast, suspended by a ribbon around his neck, In the right hand a cocked hat; the left, by the side, holds a dress sword in an awkward manner. Inclosed by a narrow border, in which at the top is a roll crossed by a pen, inscribed “Revolution ;” no background. Line. Height 6 inches; width 4 4-16 inches. Published by H. D. Symonds, June 18,1796. Baker No. 427. Very rare. GEO® WASHINGTON ESQ® Commander in Chief of the Forces & late President of the United States of America. Full bust in uniform in profile to left. Oval with one line border. Line. Height 3 10-16 inches; width 2 14-16 inches. London. Published by C. Cawthorn, British Library, 132 Strand, 31 June 1799. Baker No. 428. Rare. GEO: WASHINGTON. Full bust in uniform in profile to right. Oval with one line border. Supple. Height 4 4-16 inches; width 3 6-16 inches. Engraved for the Lady’s Mag. Baker No. 429. GEORGE WASHINGTON ESQ® Bust, head nearly in pro- file to left. Oval. Line. Height 3 5-16 inches; width 2 9-16 inches. Published by G. Kearsley, Fleet St. May 1, 1800. Baker No. 430. Rare. From the British Magazine, Vol. I, Jany toJuly 1800. A sketch of the Life of the late General Washington, by John Corry. G. WASHINGTON E® GENERAL OF THE CONTIN™ ARMY IN America. Head in profile to left. Circular medallion with a border in which is the title, in a rectangle, resting on a base upon which is the inscription, ‘‘ Washington réunit par un rare assemb- lage Les latens du Guerrier et les vertus du Sage, Voltaire.’ On either side of the medallion at the lower portion are olive branches, flags, trumpet, etc. Line. Height 4 10-16 inches; width 3 9-16 inches. Dessiné et grave par Testard d’aprés la Médaille frappé a Londres par le parti des opposants. A Paris chés Testard rue des Cordeliers audessus de |’Egoit. Excessively rare. G. WASHINGTON. Late President of the United States of America. Half length, nearly full face, a scroll in the left hand entitled “American Independence.” Oval in a rectangle. Mezzotinto. Printed in colors. Height 15 3-16 inches ; width 13 10-16 inches. j ) : pe : SS aneetannmienanat 504. 505. 500. 507: 508. 509. 78 | (Painted by G. Hodson at New York. Engraved by P. Dawe. _ Published April 1, r8or, by J. Clement, Sommers Town, & Sold at N° 44. Wells Street, Oxford Street.) Not in Baker or Carson, and the only impression I ever saw printed in colors. No mar- gin, cut close to print on all sides. Full length in uniform and cocked hat, standing. The left hand supporting asword. The right hand extended palm downwards, head to left. Vignette. . Etching colored. Height 9 14-16 inches; width 5 15-16 inches. One of the lower figures on an imperial folio sheet entitled Fashions by Allen Ward, Phil* Zxcesstvely rare. The only copy I ever saw. STATUARY, GIORGIO WASHINGTON. Seated figure, profile to right. . . Line. Height 11 5-16 inches ; width 9 12-16 inches. Ant. Canova, inv. e. scolpi. G Tognoli dis. Aug. Bertini inc. “Alla grande Nazione degli Stati Uniti di America.” Baker, page 202. GIORGIO WASHINGTON. Seated figure, facing to left. Line. Height ro 15-16 inches; width 11 2-16 inches. Ant Canova inv. e scolpi. G. Tognoli disegno. Dom. Mar- chettiincise. ‘Alla grande Nazione degli Stati Uniti di America.” Baker, page 202. WASHINGTON. Seated figure, facing to right. Outline. Height 4 15-16 inches; width 4 3-16 inches. Antonio Canova Sculpt. Engraved by Henry Moses. Pud- lished by Septimus Frowett, 269, Strand. India proof. Baker, page 202. CLARK MILLS’S STATUTE OF WASHINGTON. Full figure on horseback, on pedestal, in the open. Line. Height 6 8-16 inches ; width 4 11-16 inches. Kirk, del. J. Rogers sc. Virtue & C® Publishers N. Y. Baker, page 202. GEORGE WASHINGTON. Standing figure. Height 12 3-16 inches; width 4 8-16 inches. Drawn by H. Corbauld. Engraved by J. Thomson. From a Statue by F. Chantrey. London, Published Jan. 1% 1827, by Colnaght & Son, Pall Mall East. Baker, page 202. India proof. Signed by the Sculptor F. Chantrey. - a?) eee Ww fa Sar apie f ; 510. Bit, cae8 513. 514. 515. BLO. 517. 518. 79 EQUESTRIAN. The Washington Monument, Richmond, Va. Vignette. Line. - Height 5 10-16 inches; width’4 10-16 inches. Thomas Crawford, sculptor. G. R. Hall. Baker, page 202. EQUESTRIAN. Statue of Washington by H. K. Brown, Union Square, New York. Height 5 10-16 inches; width 3 8-16 inches. Engraved by G. R. Hall. Baker, page 202. “STATUARY NOT DESCRIBED BY BAKER. CANOVA’S STATUE OF WASHINGTON. Seated figure, facing to right. Outline. Height 5 14-16 inches ; width 3 13-16 inches. H. Adlard, sculpt (Arnold's Magazine of the Fine Arts, 1833.) WASHINGTON. Seated figure, facing to right. Supple. Height 5 inches; width 4 4-16 inches. Ant. Canova sc. Grave par Reveil. WASHINGTON. From the Christ Church Bust. Vignette. Litching. Height 4 4-16 inches; width 2 10-16 inches. E. Bocourt. STATUES OF GENERAL WASHINGTON. 3 pieces. Bust on a monument, head to right. At the foot of the monu- ment a youth standing. Time, seated to the right points to the Bust of Washington ; in the lower left a female seated, succor- ing three small children. Vignette. Line. Height 13 10-16 inches ; width 18 8-16 inches. MISCELLANEOUS. Full length in uniform, head to left, standing to the right of a horse upon which the right arm is resting, a chapeau held in the left hand, which is resting on the hip. Mezzotinto. Height 9 14-16 inches; width 6 15-16 inches. Jno. Trumbull New York 1790. S Arlent Edwards. Copy- right 1899 J. F. Sabin, New York. Artist's proof, signed. Full length, in uniform, head to left, standing in front of a horse, a handkerchief held in the right hand resting on a walking stick, a chapeau in the left hand resting ona sword. Mezzotinto. Height 20 inches ; width 13 inches. Jno. Trumbull. Max Rosenthal. Vo. 7 of 50 artist’s proofs, signed. Sy _ fading laurels. deck ‘thy. shrine ! Born. Feb;-22,°1732.>2 Died = ; 520. 521, S22: 523. S24; SOR, Hs : . Bust, head to right: On a tablet. of Sine: vestng: ‘on a base, upon which is inscribed: “A generous nation’s grateful tears aré thine! Even unborn ages | shall. thy worth commend, And never- Dec 14% 1799 ;” beneath: the base, implements of War, &c. ~-Vignette.t > : aoe ee Lithegraple . Height: I 3 a6 rebnes width 11 8-16 inches. ew Lith. G.: Greenewald, Bethlehem Ps 4 Bust; ‘head to eke Oval with a border in a backgeound ia 7 to a rectangle. Sa ste, cs Height 3 5-16 inches; width 23-16 inches. _- = ase Bone, Pinx. J. A. J. Wilcox Se. India proof. Bust, head to right. Oval medallion suspended bya a ring: ¥ ae - Biching, Height 4 3-16 inches ; width 3 inches. Etched by Albert Rosenthal from a Miniature By. Robert ' Field in the possession of C. C. Moreau Esq. N. Y. Dodd, Mead & Co N Y. 7896. Arust's proof, signed. — , : Bust in uniform, head to left. Oval. ee Se an ? pe Height 2 14-16 inches ; width 2 inches. ; ‘ John Ramage Pinx. Albert Rosenthal. sc... Published by Henry T. Coates & Co. 1896. Artist's proof, signed, WASHINGTON. Bust nearly in profile to left. Vignette. Line, Height 9 inches ; width 6 11-16 inches. Copyright 1897 by Alfred Jones.N.A. Delt et Sculpt. India proof. WASHINGTON’S APOTHEOSIS. Full figure in the clouds, surrounded by figures of Hope, Faith, &c. On the lower portion view of a’ monument upon which is inscribed “ George Wash- ington Obit Del XIV MDCCXCIX. Aetates LX VIII.” Lithagy ale Height 17 10-16 inches; width 23 inches. ' Painted by Samuel Moore. Lithograph by H. Weishaupt. Eighteen lines of Script beneath title. THE BRITISH SURRENDERING THEIR ARMS TO GEN. WASHINGTON after their defeat at York Town in Virginia October 1781. Stipple. Height 21 6-16 inches ; width 30 12-16 inches. Drawn by John Francis Renault.. Engraved by Tanner, Val- lance, Kearny & Co., and Wm. Allen. To the Defenders of American Independence, this print is most respectfully inscribed ’ by their fellow citizen J? F.** Renault, Assistant Secretary to the Count de Grass, and Engineer to the French Army at the Siege of York. De a al ee eal PBT e H ' : : : % 7 “* Gj, 2? « ‘ tan -trip.e t:.FOIK78- SI 526. AMERICA GUIDED BY WISDOM. An Allegorical repre- sentation of the United States, denoting their Independence and prosperity. Line. Height 15 5-16 inches; width 22 4-16 inches. Drawn by John J. Barralett. Engraved by B. Tanner. at Mount Vernon, head to left; a walking stick in the right : f 527. WASHINGTON. Full length in uniform, standing on the lawn hand ; in the left distance a View of a Building. Mixed. Height 23 13-16 inches; width 17 4-16 inches. : Painted by T. Hicks, N A. Engraved by H. Wright Smith. 528. 5 PORTRAITS OF GENL. WASHINGTON. f205 2 ear. LITHOGRAPHIC PORTRAITS OF WASH- INGTON. ENGRAVED PORTRAITS OF BENJ. FRANKLIN CHARLES WILSON PEALE TYPE 530. BENJAMIN FRANKLIN. Aer 84. Half-length seated, | head to left, with spectacles, left arm resting on a table, upon | which are some papers and an inkstand; in the background a | curtain, drawn aside from a window, reveals an electric storm. Vignette. Etching. Height 4 12-16 inches; width 3 12-16 inches. C. W. Peale Pinxit. Albert Rosenthal Sc. From the origi- nal painting in the possession of the Historical Society of Penn* India proof. B. WILSON TYPE. 531. D. BENJAMIN FRANKLIN, er vita INTER AMERICANOS ACTA, ET MAGNIS ELECTRICITATIS PERICULIS CLARUS. Bust, head three-quarters to left. Oval resting on a base in a rectangle. The title in a tablet. Mezzotinto. Height 8 inches ; width 5 3-16 inches. I, E. Haid sculp. A. V. 1778. Brilliant impression; very rare. See facsimile. Van Loo Pinx, JA 7 Wilcox S = | : Ss. ELMER TYPE. servations on the nature of Civil Liberty,” etc. — Height 13 7-16 inches; width 11 14-16 inches. - Painted by S. Elmer A. Engraved by Te ‘Rye Original Plate Re-published July 1, 1824, y Z. Sweet a COV LONE Se =a | 534. BENJAMIN FRANKLIN. BRapurn.cake Peewee Semen _ i Que Tyrannis. Fully described in Print No. 533. = 5 Height 4 inches ; width 3 6-16 inches. i G. Walker, Sculpt M. CHAMBERLIN TYPE. 535. D? FRANKLIN. Three-quarter length, head three-quarters to left, body to right; seated at a table upon which the left hand is resting holding a manuscript; the right hand holding a pen; — , to the left is a bookcase and some electrical pes and a Hes Height 6 6-16 inches ; width 4 2-16 inches. 336. THE SAME. 537. BENJ* FRANKLIN, OF PHILADELPHIA, Lies R. S. Three-quarter length. Fully described in Print No. 1269. i | Mezzotinto. — Height 5 9-16 inches ; width 4 5-16 inches. ay M. Chamberlin, Pinxt C. Turner, Sculpt A. R. A. 538. THE SAME. 539. BENJ* FRANKLIN. Three-quarter length, head nearly full face, body to right; seated at a table upon which the left handis — resting, holding a manuscript ; oe right hand holding a pen. — Vignette i in a ruled border. Supple. Height 4 inches; width 3 1-16 inches. Engraved by W. J. Alias: 543. 544. 545. 540, 83 . BENJS FRANKLIN, L.L.D. Tuer Lecistator oF AMERICA. DIED AT PHILADELPHIA, AGED 84. Half length, seated; head three-quarters to left; body to right; seated at a table upon which the left hand is resting holding a manuscript; the right hand holding a pen; to the left is a bookcase, some electrical apparatus, and a curtain drawn aside which reveals to the right a view of an electrical storm passing over a city, the lightning striking a building. Vignette. Supple. Height 3 4-16 inches; width 2 11-16 inches, London, William Darton, 58. Holborn Hill, 1822. . BENJAMIN FRANKLIN, L.L.D. Full length, head three- quarters to left, body to right; seated in an armchair at a table, upon which the left hand is resting, holding a manuscript; the right hand holding a pen. Vignette in a ruled border. Line. Height 7 inches; width 4 8-16 inches. M. Chamberlin pinx. G.M. Brighty del. J. Romney sculp. Pub. by C. Dyer Comptom Str’ Rare. Petit SAME, Pee heaNKEIN-OF PHILADELPHIA, L.L.D. F.R.S. Half length, head three-quarters to left; body to right, seated in an armchair; the right arm resting on the chair, the hand holding a pen. Stipple. Height 8 4-16 inches; width 6 8-16 inches. Chamberlin Pinxt W. Haines Sct Piiladelphia, Published by W. Haines N? 270 Arch Street Oct? 13% 1804. Damaged and lad down. BENJAMIN FRANKLIN, L.L.D. Full bust, head three- quarters to left, body to right. Oval. Underneath the oval a vignette of a building and a representation of Franklin flying a kite in an electric storm. Height 4 7-16 inches; width 3 6-16 inches. J. Chapman sculp. London, Published as the Act directs May 24” 1806 by J. Wilkes. BENJAMIN FRANKLIN, L.L.D. & F.R.S. Bust, head three- quarters to left, body to right. Oval. Underneath the oval the motto, ‘‘ Ubi Libertas, ibi patria.” Height 4 7-16 inches; width 3 14-16 inches, “Those who would give up Essential Liberty to purchase a little Temporary Safety, deserve neither. Liberty nor Safety.’—Address of the Assembly of Pennsylvania, in 1755. BENJAMIN FRANKLIN. Halt length, head three-quarters to right, body to left; seated in armchair; left hand resting on arm of chair. Vignette. One of a group of five portraits on a 547. 548. 549. 550. 551. 552. 84 quarto sheet, the others being Dr. Hugh Blair, William Cowper, Gen. Elliot, and Earl of Chatham. Height 3 7-16 inches ; width 3 4-16 inches. Published by James Cundee, Albion Press, London—r1811. BENJAMIN FRANKLIN, L.L.D. Bust, head to left. Vig- nette. Line. Height 2 1-16 inches; width 1 12-16 inches. Engraved by Bock from a scarce American Portrait. Publ* by C. Hulbert, Shrewsbury. C. N. COCHIN TYPE. BENJAMIN FRANKLIN. Full bust, head to left, with fur cap and spectacles. Oval in a rectangle. The title in a tablet underneath the oval. Supple. Height 5 12-16 inches ; width 3 8-16 inches. L. A Claessens. Sculp. Fine wmpressions. BENJAMIN FRANKLIN, L.L.D. F.R.S. Full bust, head to left, with fur cap and spectacles. Ovalinarectangle. The title in a base beneath the oval. Line. Height 5 6-16 inches ; width 3 8-16 inches. TACook soc, D. BENJAMIN FRANKLIN: er VITA INTER AMERICANOS ACTA, ET MAGNIS ELECTRICITATIS PERICULIS CLARUS. Full bust, head to left, with fur cap and spectacles. Oval resting on a base inarectangle. The title in a tablet on the base. Mezzotinto. Height 8 2-16 inches ; width 5 3-16 inches. I. Elias Haid Sculp 1780. Rare. D. BENIAMIN FRAENCKLIN, GrAnpD CoMISSAIRE PLENI— POTENTIAIRE DU CONGRES D’AMERIQUE EN FRANCE NE A Bos— TON 1706, EN 17. JANVIER. Nearly half length, head to left, with fur cap and spectacles; the left hand holding a paper. Oval in a rectangle. Mezzotinto, Height 7 13-16 inches ; width 6 3-16 inches. desine par C. N. Cochin Chev. de l’ordre du Roi a Paris 1777. Se vend a Londres chez Thom Hart. Excessively rare. Fine brilliant tmpression. BENJAMIN FRANKLIN, Nz A Boston pans La NOUVELLE ANGLETERRE LE 17 JANVIER 1706. Full bust, head to left, with fur cap and spectacles. Ovalina rectangle. The title in a tablet beneath the oval. Supple. Height 7 10-16 inches ; width 5 6-16 inches, Very rare. Bas 554. 555. 550. 557- 558. 559. 85 D® BENJAMIN FRANKLIN. Full bust, head to left, with fur cap and spectacles. Oval, over which are olive branches tied with a ribbon. Stipple. Height 5 5-16 inches ; width 2 7-16 inches. Engrav’d by P. R. Maverick 65 Liberty Street. BENJAMIN FRANKLIN, LL.D. F.R.S. ONE oF THE AMERICAN PLENIPOTENTIARIES AT THE CourT OF FRANCE. Full bust, head to left, with fur cap and spectacles. Oval witha border. Line. Height 4 4-16 inches; width 3 6-16 inches. Pollard sculp. Engraved for ‘“ Murray’s History of the American War.” Printed for T. Robson, Newcastle upon Tyne. Full bust, head to left, with fur cap and spectacles. Oval, resting on a scroll entitled “The Art of making money plenty in every Man’s Pocket By D* Franklin.” Over the oval olive branches tied with a ribbon. Stpple. Height 5 inches; width 3 9-16 inches. Pub. & Sold by S. Wood, 357 Pearl S' N. Y. Modern impression. BEN* FRANKLIN. Full bust, head to right, with fur cap and spectacles. Oval in a rectangle. Mezzotinto. Height 7 8-16 inches ; width 5 8-16 inches. Engraved, by Geo, E. Perine N. Y. for the Eclectic, after Drawing by C. N. Cochin 1777. 2 copies. BENJAMIN FRANKLIN. Nz A Boston, DANS LA NOUVELLE ANGLETERRE LE 17 JANVIER 1706. Full bust, head to right, with fur cap and spectacles. Oval ina rectangle. The title in a tablet beneath the oval. Line. Height 8 5-16 inches ; width 5 7-16 inches. Dessiné par C. N. Cochin Chevalier de l’Ordre de Roi, en 1777, et Gravé par Aug. de S! Aubin Graveur de la Bibliothe- pue du Roi. Se vend &@ Paris ches C. N. Cochin aux Galleries du Louvre; et ches Aug. de S' Aubin, rue des Mathurins. BENJAMIN FRANKLIN, Born ar Boston, THE 1777 JANY 1706. Full bust, head to right, with fur cap and spectacles. Ovalinarectangle. The title in atablet beneath the oval. Lzne. Height 5 9-16 inches; width 3 5-16 inches. Printed for T. Hinton, at the Kings Arms, in Paternoster Row. Engraved for the Universal Magazine. D® BENIAMIN FRANKLIN, GEBourn Zu BOSTON DEN 17 Jan®*" 1706. Nearly half length, head to right, with fur cap and spectacles ; a book in the right hand, a curtain to the left. Oval in a rectangle resting on base upon which 1s the title. Line. Height 6 3-16 inches; width 3 9-16 inches, (H. T. Tyroff, fc) 560. 561. 562. 563. 504. 565. 566. 567. 568. 569. 86 BENJAMIN FRANKLIN, L.L.D. F.R.S. Full bust, head to right, with fur cap and spectacles. Oval. Line. Height 3 10-16 inches; width 2 12-16 inches. W. Harrison Jun* Sculp. For the American Universal Maga- zine. Scarce. THE SAME. Stained. Dr. FRANKLIN. Full bust, head to right, with fur cap and spectacles. Oval. — Supple. Height I 14-16 inches ; width 1 8-16 inches. Holl, Sculp. BENJ* FRANKLIN. Full bust, head to right, with fur cap and spectacles. Oval. Supple. Height 4 8-16 inches; width 3 14-16 inches. Drawn by C. N. Cochin 1777. Eng by A. H. Ritchie. FRANKLIN. Full bust, head to right, with fur cap and spectacles; ruled background. The title ina tablet. Outline. Height 3 12-16 inches ; width 2 7-16 inches. Drawn by Cochin. Engraved by G. Cooke. London, Pub- lished by Vernon, Hood & Sharpe, Poultry, 1807. FRANKLIN. Full bust, head to right, with fur cap and spectacles. Inarectangle with border resemblinga frame. The title in the lower portion. Outline. Height 4 3-16 inches; length 2 14-16 inches. Scoles. sculp. Rare. DOCTOR FRANKLIN. Nearly half length, seated in an arm- chair, head to right, with fur cap and spectacles. Stipple. Height 4 10-16inches ; width 3 12-16 inches, London, Published by Wiliam Cole ro Newgate Street, Jan 1825. THE SAME. Variety in publisher’s address: ‘ Engraved for the Select Portrait Gallery in the Guide to Knowledge.’ FRANKLIN IN PARIS, Acep 71. Full bust, head to right, with fur cap and spectacles. Vignette. Supple. Height 3 7-16 inches; width 3 7-16 inches. igi ate chhy BENJ* FRANKLIN. Bust, head to right, with fur cap and spectacles. Vignette. Stipple. Height 3 inches; width 8 8-16 inches. Cochin P' 1777. Eng. by H. Wright Smith. Two copies. ; : fo Ri ~ ‘a 3 x 571. 572. 573. 574- 575: 576. 577: 87 . BENIAMINO FRANCKLIN. Full length, seated in an arm- chair, head and body to right, with fur cap and spectacles; a table to the right upon which the left arm is resting, near some books and inkstand; to the left lower corner a scroll; in the left distance a window; in the right background a Franklin stove. Supple. Height 6 12-16 inches ; width 4 ro-16 inches. G. B. Bosio dis. G.A.Sassoinc. Rare. BENJAMIN FRANKLIN, L.L.D. F.R.S. Bust, head to left, with fur cap, in a Border resembling a frame. Supple. Height 2 10-16 inches; width 2 2-16 inches, _ From the Works of Dr. Benjamin Franklin. Edinburgh 1829. BENJAMIN FRANKLIN. Néa Boston le 17 Janvier 1706. Half length, head to right, with fur cap and spectacles, a paper held in the left hand. Oval in a rectangle, on a base, upon which is the title. Aquatint. Height 6 2-16 inches; width 3 8-16 inches. BENJAMIN FRANKLIN, L.L.D. F.R.S. Bust, head to left, with fur cap and spectacles. Oval in a rectangle, the title on a tablet. Line. Height 5 6-16 inches; width 3 8-16 inches. NINI TYPE BENJ. FRANKLIN. Full bust, head and body in profile to right, with fur cap. Oval. Supple. Height 3 10-16 inches; width 2 12-16 inches. Anderson S. Rare. D®¥ BENJAMIN FRANKLIN. Full bust, head and body in profile to left, with fur cap. Oval. Line. Height 3 2-16 inches; width 2 9-16 inches. R. Gray sculp' Published by W. Falconer, Glasgow, 1814. BENJ* FRANKLIN. Full bust, head and body in profile to left, with fur cap. Oval. Line. Height 3 11-16 inches; width 2 14-16 inches. W. Grainger Sculpt Zwo copies. BENJAMIN FRANKLIN. Full bust, head and body in pro- file to right, with fur cap. Oval. Underneath the oval is the following : ‘‘T1 a ravi le feu des Cieux Il fait fleurir les Arts en des Climats sauvages I, Amerique le place a la téte des Sages La Gréce l’auroit mis au uombre de ses Dieux.” ; Line. Height 3 2-16 inches ; width 2 11-16 inches. Heath sculpt From a Medallion in possession of Df? Lett- som. ‘ 578. 579. 580. 581. 582: 583. 584. 585. 88 D® BENJAMIN FRANKLIN. Full bust, head and body in profile to right, with fur cap. Oval. Height 3 3-16 inches; width 2 10-16 inches. E Mitchell sc. Published by Oliver and Boyd. Edin" 1812. BENJ® FRANKLIN. Full bust, fully described in the preced- ing print by O’Neill. Oval. Line. Height 3 10-16 inches; width 2 13-16 inches. Scoles sc. are. D® FRANKLIN. Full bust, head and body in profile to left, with fur cap. Vignette. Stpple. Height 2 inches; width 1 10-16 inches. BENJAMIN FRANKLIN, NE A Boston pAns LA NOUVELLE ANGLETERRE LE 17 JANVIER 1706. Bust, head to left, with fur cap. Oval ina rectangle, ona base. The title in the base. Line. Height 6 5-16 inches ; width 4 6-16 inches. Desrayes del. le Beau scul. A Faris ches Esnauts, rue S' Jac- gues a la Ville de Coutances, A. P. D. R. FRANKLIN. Bust, head to right, with fur cap. Oval in a rectangle, beneath which is a tablet with the title and four lines of script. Stipple. Height 6 inches ; width 3 9-16 inches. A Faris chez Mad: Bergny M*® ad’ Estampes de S. A. S. la Prin- cesse Lamballe, rue du Cog. S. Honoré, A. P. D. R. VERSAILLES TYPE. FRANKLIN. Full bust, full face, fully described in the pre- ceding print by Levy. Supple. Height 4 4-16 inches; width 3 5-16 inches. H. W. Smith. From the Painting in the Gallery of Versailles. D. MARTIN TYPE. BENJAMIN FRANKLIN, L.L.D. F.R.S. Half-length, head to left, seated, with arms resting on a table, reading; the chin resting on the thumb of the right hand. Stpple. Height 4 12-16 inches; width 3 13-16 inches. D. Martin Pinxt G. Gobrecht sculp? BENJAMIN FRANKLIN, L.L.D. Half-length; fully described in the preceding print. Supple. Height 4 6-16 inches ; width 3 ro-16 inches. Engraved by C. Goodman & R. Piggott, from an original painting by Martin, for the Analectic Magazine. Published by M. Thomas, 1818. 2 copies. di i, “ a ve. ere ao ? ‘. é. i * os ra 5 Le 2 s, ‘ 3 ; te Fy * 586. 587. 588. 589. 590. 591. 592. 593. 594. 89° D® FRANKLIN. Half-length; fully described in the print by Gobrecht, No. 1415. Supple. Height 4 8-16 inches ; width 3 10-16 inches. Martin Pinx Goodman & Piggot sc. BENJA* FRANKLIN. Half-length; fully described in the print by Gobrecht, No. 584. ° Stipple. Height 3 11-16 inches ; width 3 inches. Engraved by Ilman & Pilbrow. BENJAMIN FRANKLIN. Half-length; fully described in the print by Gobrecht, No. 584. Stipple. Height 3 11-16 inches; width 3 1-16 inches. Engraved by J. B. Longacre, from a Painting by Martin. BENJAMIN FRANKLIN. Half-length; fully described in the print by Gobrecht, No. 584. Supple. Height 4 13-16 inches ; width 3 15-16 inches. Painted by Martin. Engraved by Longacre. THE SAME. Variety in publisher: “Published by S. C. At- kinson, Philad®”’ FRANKLIN. Half-length, head to left, the left hand holding a book; the chin resting on the thumb of the right hand; with arabesque border. Stipple. Height 4 14-16 inches; width 2 11-16 inches. Painted by Martin. Engraved by J. B. Longacre. C. S. Willams, New Haven Ct. FRANKLIN. Full bust, head to left, chin resting on the thumb of the right hand; in a border engraved with a rulette; over the border, the representation of an electric storm ; beneath the border, a tablet on which is the title. Stipple. Height 4 2-16 inches ; width 2 4-16 inches. Perkins & Heath. Patent Hardened Steel Plate. BENJAMIN FRANKLIN. Half-length; fully described in the print by Gobrecht, Lot 584. Line. Height 2 9-16 inches ; width 2 inches. Martin del. W.D. Smith sc. BENJAMIN FRANKLIN. Halflength; fully described in the print, Lot 584. Supple. Height 4 9-16 inches ; width 3 12-16 inches. Engraved by T. B. Welch from the Portrait by Martin in pos- session of the American Philosophical Society. 595. 590. 597. “598. 599. 600. fore) BENJAMIN FRANKLIN. Half length, fully described in the print by Gobrecht, Lot 584, but with an ornamental border, the title on a tablet in the border. Supple. Height 8 4-16 inches ; width 5 5-16 inches. Philad Published by M. A. Milliette 320 Chestnut St. DUPLESSIS TYPE BENJ. FRANKLIN, L.L.D. Full bust, head to left. Circular in a rectangle, resting on a base. The title on a tablet in the base. Line. Height 5 12-16 inches ; width 3 8-16 inches. W. Angus. Sculp. From a Painting in the Possession of F. Schwediauer, M.D. in Newman Street. Published April 1" 1783 by J. Fielding, Paternoster Row, J. Sewell, Cornhill & J. Debrett, Piccadilly. BENJAMIN FRANKLIN. Full bust, head three-quarters to left, with fur collar. Oval in a rectangle, resting on a base, on which is the title, and in a tablet on the base the following : **Honneur du nouveau monde et de ’humanité Ce Sage aimable et vrai les guide et les éclaire Comme un autre Mentor, il cache A l’ceil vulgaire, Sous les traits d’un mortel, une divinite, par M. Feutry.” Line. Height 10 8-16 inches ; width 7 inches. : Duplessis Pinxit Parisiis 1778. Chevillet Sculpsit. Tiré du Cabinet de M. le Ray de Chaumont. | Brilliant impression, full margin. THE SAME. With full margin. BENJAMIN FRANKLIN, MINIsrRE PLENIPOTENTIAIRE DES Erats Unis DE L’AMERIQUE PRES S. M. LE ROI DE FRANCE. Ne A Boston LE 17 JANVIER 17006. Mort A PHILADELPHIE EN AVRIL 1790. Full bust. head three-quarters to left. Oval in a tectangle, resting on a base, on which is the title. Line. Height 5 8-16 inches ; width 3 12-16 inches. Fr. Janet. sc. A. BENJAMIN FRANKLIN Docteur en MEpEcINE. NE A Bosron CAPITALE, DE LA PROVINCE DE MASSACHUSSET EN AMERIQUE LE 17 JANVIER 1706. Full bust, head three-quar- ters to left. Oval in an ornamented rectangle, resting on a base, - upon which are olive leaves, books, inkstand, globe, and open book inscribed ‘‘ Pro Patria.’ The title in a tablet on the base. Line. Height 6 5-16 inches ; width 4 inches. P. Maren del. Le Beau Sculp. ‘“‘ Sa Vertu son Courage et sa Simplicité De Sparte ont retracé le Caractere Antique Et cher a la raison, cher 4 1 Humanité Il Kctaira l’ Kurope et sauva l’Amerique.’’ Beautiful impression with full margin. as a Lia Se yy Ce a a ae Pa a net te toe - A ae ae ate 5 gl . BENJAMIN FRANKLIN. Full bust, head three-quarters to left, with fur collar. Oval in a rectangle resting on a base, a wreath of oak leaves tied by a ribbon at the top extending on either side of the oval; on the base to the right an eagle; tothe _left an open map and book; on the front of the base the word Vie Line. Height 6 2-16 inches; width 3 13-16 inches. T. Pélicier Sculp 1782. Rare. 602. FRANKLIN. Full bust, head three-quarters to left, with fur collar. Vignette. Stipple. Height 5 inches; width 3 4-16 inches, Steendr. van H. J. Backer. Dordt. 603. FRANKLIN. Full bust, head three-quarters to left, with fur collar. Vignette. Supple. Height 3 4-16 inches; width 3 2-16 inches. Bouvier Sc. 1833. Open letter proof. 604. THE SAME. 605. FRANKLIN. Full bust, head three-quarters to left, with fur collar. Vignette. Line. Height 3 4-16 inches; width 3 6-16 inches. Vernier del. Lemaitre dir. Delaistre.Sc. Open letter proof. 606. FRANKLIN. Half-length, head three-quarters to left, with fur collar. Vignette. Stipple. + Height 4 inches ; width 4 2-16 inches. E. Dentu, Ed. 13. Gal. d’Orleans (Pal. R) Paris. Eugéne Leguay Gilquin et Dupain Imp. r. des Fossés. S' Jacq. 3. Paris. L[ndia proof. 607. BENJAMIN FRANKLIN. Full bust, head three-quarters to left, with fur collar. Vignette. Stipple. Height 3 4-16 inches; width 3 4-16 inches. Dnplessis gem. Stahlstich von Carl Mayer: Stuttgart, /. Schieble's Buchhandlung, Druck v. Carl Mayer. Nog. 608. BENIAMINO FRANKLIN. Full bust, head three-quarters to left, with fur collar. Vignette. Supple. Each, height 3 3-16 inches ; width 2 14-16 inches, Savevio Pistolesi dis. inc. Judia proof. 609. BENJAMIN FRANKLIN. Full bust, head three-quarters to left, with fur collar. Vignette. Stipple. Height 3 3-16 inches; width 3 4-16 inches. F. Weber. Sc. durch Kunst-Verlag, W. Creuzbauer in Carls- ruhe, 610. 612. Oa: 614. 615. 616. 617. 618. Q2 BENJAMIN FRANKLIN. GESANDTER DER VEREINIGTEN Norp-AMERIKANISCHEN STAATEN AN DEM FRANZOSISCHEN HoFE. GEBOHREN ZU BOSTON D: 177 JAN. 1706. GESTORBEN ZU PHILADELPHIA IN APRIL 1790. Full bust, head three-quarters to left, with fur collar. Oval with a border. Stipple. Height 3 8-16 inches ; width 3 3-16 inches. Rare. . FRANKLIN. Crroven pes Etats—Unis. Full bust, head three-quarters to left, with fur collar. Vignette. Outline. Height 3 8-16 inches; width 2 6-16 inches. FRANKLIN. Full bust, head three-quarters to left, with fur collar. Vignette. Line. Height 3 8-16 inches ; width 3 8-16 inches. Duplessis J. Andrews. From the original Picture by Duples- sis in the possession of M’S Barnett of Paris. Published by Whittemore, Niles & Hall. Printed by C. D. Andrews. THE SAME. Proof before letters. BENJAMIN FRANKLIN. NE A Boston LE 17 JANVIER 1700. Morr LE 17 Avrit 1790. Full bust, head three- quarters to left, with border of three lines. Line. Height 2 13-16 inches ; width 2 3-16 inches. Bertonnier sculp. nda proof. 3 states of the plate. BENJAMIN FRANKLIN, L.L.D. F.R.S. Full bust, head three-quarters to left, with fur collar. Line. Height 3 7-16 inches ; width 2 13-16 inches. From a French Painting. Carter, Andrews & Co. Sc. I AM YOURS B. FRANKLIN. Full bust, head three-quar- ters to left, with fur collar. Line. Height 3 6-16 inches ; width 2 13-16 inches. From a French Painting. Dick Sc. New-York, Harper & Lrothers. FRANKLIN. Full bust, head three-quarters to left, with fur collar; with border of 4 lines. Line. Height 2 10-16 inches ; width 2 1-16 inches. A. Dutillois sculp! THE SAME. With a biographical sketch of seventeen lines and variety in artists’ names. “A. Dutillois Scu’ Duplessis Pinxit.”’ 4 i EST YN tere ame PES gh a ams — ree ae pe a ee ee om, er Oe eee tee ie at Me 4 eg . - 7 . ? * Bi pli M oe. vik 'ad * a3 ~ ap os ah “> > ?, Bisse Bo —, . 3 : ; is - 7 is & ue sie ed tat» igh ‘ + 619. 620. 621. 622. 623. 624. 625. 626. 93 FRANKLIN. Full bust, head three-quarters to left, with fur collar; in ornamented border; the title in drapery on top of border. - Supple. Height 4 3-16 inches ; width 2 10-16 inches. Engraved by W. T. Fry. FRANKLIN. Full bust, head three-quarters to left. Line. Height 4 inches ; width 3 7-16 inches. Nordheim sculp. Zu Meyer's Monatsheften. (Published for Herrmann J. Meyer, New-York.) FRANKLIN. Full bust, head three-quarters to left, with fur collar; in border resembling a picture-frame, suspended by a ring, Supple. Height 5 14-16 inches; width 4 10-16 inches. Disegnato ed inciso da M'? Pekenino in America 1822 Sopra la Miniatura di Janinet. ud? by the Engraver, Philad® 1517 Pine St. B. FRANKLIN. Full bust, head three-quarters to left, with fur collar; in border resembling a frame, suspended from a nail. Supple. Height 2 14-16 inches; width 2 2-16 inches. Janinet p. Pekenino sc. New York: Published by R. & W. A. Bartow, 1822. 2 copies. BENJAMIN FRANKLIN, L.L.D. F.R.S. Full bust, head three-quarters to left, with fur collar. Stipple. Height 3 8-16 inches ; width 2 13-16 inches. From a French Painting. Engraved by T. Wright. BEN* FRANKLIN. Full bust, head three-quarters to left, with fur collar. Oval with an ornamental border, at the bottom of which is a representation of Franklin flying his kite. Szzpple. Height 4 10-16 inches ; width 3 9-16 inches. Painted by Duplissis. Eng? by R. E. Babson & J. Andrews. Walkex.& White, Boston, New York, Philadelphia & Baltimore. 2 coples. FRANKLIN. Ne A Boston LE 17 Janv. 1706. Morra PHILADELPHIE EN 1790. Full bust, nearly full face, with fur collar. Oval. Stipple. Height 2 7-16 inches; width 2 1-16 inches. F. Bonneville del. Delatour Sculp. Rare. BENJAMIN FRANKLIN (Paysicien Er PHILosoPpHE) MEMBRE DE LA SOCIETE ROYALE DE LonpreEs, NE A Boston (ETATS UNIS D’ AMERIQUE) LE 17 JANVIER 1706. Morr A PHILADELPHIE LE 627. 628. 629. 630. SEPE 632. 633. 634. 04 17 Avrit 1790. Full bust, head three-quarters to left, with fur collar. Oval. Supple. Height 4 1-16 inches ; width 3 5-16 inches. Dessiné d’apres le portrait peint par Duplessis a Paris en 1778, et Gravé par Ambroise Tardieu. Fine impression, with full margin. BENJAMIN FRANKLIN. Full bust, head three-quarters to left, with fur collar. Oval. : Line. Height 4 3-16 inches; width 3 9-16 inches. BENJAMIN FRANKLIN. Full bust, head three-quarters to right, with fur collar. Line. Height 48-16 inches ; width 3 11-16 inches. Eng? by R. W. Dodson from a Painting by J. B. Longacre after an Original Miniature in possession of W. J. Duane Esq*® 2 copes. FRANKLIN. Full bust, head three-quarters to right. _ Lzme. Height 5 2-16 inches ; width 3 11-16 inches. . C. A. Bovara inc. Per Vinc® Ferrario. BENJ* FRANKLIN. Full bust, head to right, with fur collar. Mezzotinto. Height 4 11-16 inches ; width 3 13-16 inches. FD ross: BENJAMIN FRANKLIN. Nearly half-length, head three- quarters to right. Line. Height 5 4-16 inches; width 3 14-16 inches. Engraved by H. B. Hall from the original picture in Pastel painted from life by J. A. Duplessis in 1783, and now (1868) in the possession of John Bigelow Esq. THE SAME. Fine proof before all letters on India paper. FRANKLIN. Full bust, head three-quarters to right, with fur collar. : | Stpple. Height 4 13-16 inches; width 4 inches. Engraved by J. Thomson. From an original Picture by J. A. Duplessis in the possession of M* Barnet, Consul General for the United States of America at Paris: Under the Superintendence of the Society for the Diffusion of Useful Knowledge. London Published by Charles Knight, Ludgate Street & Pall Mall East. BENJAMIN FRANKLIN. NE A Boston LE 17, JANVIER 1706. ERIPUIT COELO FULMEN SCEPTRUM QUE TYRANNIS. Half- - length, nearly full face, with fur-trimmed coat, seated at a table 95 upon which is a map entitled ‘‘ Philadelphie”’ and spectacles ; the right hand pointing to the map. The title in a tablet. Line. Height 13 5-16inches; width 9 5-16 inches. Print par Madame Filleul. Gravé par Cathelin, Graveur du Roi. A Paris chez M. Boquet rite Comtesse d’ Artois vis-a-vis celle Mauconseil. Very rare. \ 635. FRANKELIN. Munistre PLENIPOTENTIARIE DEs Etats UNIA DE L'AMERIQUE SEPTENTRIONALE. Full bust, head three-quar- ters to right. Oval in a rectangle resembling an ornamental frame, with title on a tablet in the lower portion. Line. eae Height 13 6 16-inches; width 10 inches, Dessiné par Bounieu d’aprés le Buste de M. T. Coudon. Grave par Chevillet. ‘‘ Galerie des hommes illustres vivans.”’ Brilliant impression, with full margin. Rare. 636. BENJAMIN FRANKLIN. Full bust, head three-quarters to right, with fur collar. Oval in a rectangle, resting on a base. The title on a tablet in the base. Line. Height 5 13-16 inches ; width 3 10-16 inches. Goldar sculp’ Published Sep’ 23% 1785, by J. Fielding, Pater Noster Row. 636%. (BENJAMIN FRANKLIN.) Full bust, head three-quarters to left. Oval in a rectangle. Line. Height 3 11-16 inches ; width 2 4-16 inches. Duplessis. P. Alex® Tardieu sculp! Proof before the title, on India paper. 637. BENJAMIN FRANKLIN. Ne A BosTon LE 17 JANVIER 1706, Full bust, nearly full face. Oval. Aquatint. Height 7 3-s6 inches; width 6 2-16 inches. 638. BENJAMIN FRANKLIN. Ne A Boston, LE 17 JANVIER 1706. Morr A PHILADELPHIE EN 1790. Full bust, nearly full face, with fur collar. Oval. Supple. Height 4 8-16 inches ; width 3 10-16 inches, F. Bonneville Deli. Gautier Sculp. A Paris chez, Auteur vue du Théatre Francats N. 4. 639. BENJAMIN FRANKLIN. Nearly half-length, head three- quarters to right. Oval in a rectangle. Line, Height 13 12-16 inches ; width rr 4-16 inches, A. Krause sc. Druck v. Zehl. Leipzig. 639%. BENJAMIN FRANKLIN. Ne‘A Boston En 1706, Mort LE 17 AvriL 1790. Full bust, head three-quarters to right; with fur coat. Oval, with a border in a rectangle. Line. Height 4 6-16 inches ; width 3 inches. Maria Miou sculp. 96 640. BENJAMIN FRANKLIN. MInNISTRE PLENIPOTENTIAIRE A LA 641. 642. 643. 644. 645. 646. CouR DE FRANCE POUR LA REPUBLIQUE DES PROVINCES UNIES DE L’AMERIQUE SEPTENTRIONALE. Full bust, head three-quar- ters to right, with fur collar. Oval in a rectangle, resting on a base, supported by a figure of Diogenes and his lantern; over the oval a liberty cap on a spear; in the upper left-hand corner a flying dove with a ribbon; to the left a tree and a large tub; in the lower right-hand corner an eagle standing on a docu- ment entitled “‘ Ameriq Septent.”; in the lower left-hand corner a bunch of beets; on a base upon which the oval rests is the motto “Stupete Gentes! Reperit vivum Diogenes.” Line. Height 10 10-16 inches ; width 8 1-16 inches. N. L. G. D.L. C. A.D. L. del. et Sculp:- A Pants chee Dias Lancer du Rot, M* ad’ Estampes, Peintre, Doreur et Vitrier, Cour du Manége aux Thuilleries. FRANKLIN (BENJAMIN) NE A Boston EN 1706, MorT EN 1790. Full bust, head three-quarters to right, with fur-trimmed | coat. Vignette. Line. Height 2 10-16 inches ; width 2 8-16 inches. Ferdinard Sct Publé par Blaisot. BENIAMINO FRANKLIN. Full bust in clouds, head three- Huarters to right. Vignette. Line. Height 4 4-16 inches ; width 4 inches. Gaet Bonatti inc. (BENJ* FRANKLIN.) Full bust, head three-quarters to right. Vignette. Etching. Height 4 8-16 inches ; width 4 inches. Etch* by H. B. Hall, N. Y. 1879. Lroof. 2 copies: BENJAMIN FRANKLIN. Full bust, head three-quarters to right, with fur collar. Vignette. Stipple. ' Height 3 12-16 inches ; width 4 inches. Eng* by Geo. E. Perine. N. Y. PROFILE PORTRAITS. BENJAMIN FRANKLIN. Bust and head in profile to right. Oval. Line. Height 4 3-16 inches; width 3 8-16 inches. J. Akin Sc. Philad* Published by W™ Duane, Philadelphia, r8og. Rare. BENIAMIN FRANKLIN. Bust and head in profile to left. Circular medallion, on a sheet with a portrait of John Howard. Line. Diameter I 14-16 inches. D. Berger sc. 1792. Very rare. ae aN 647. 648. 649. 650. 651. 652. 653. 654. es BENJAMIN FRANKLIN. GeEsBonreEN 1706. Bust and head in profile to left. Oval medallion, suspended by a ring tied with a ribbon, ina rectangle. The title under the medallion. zn. - Height 4 11-16 inches ; width 2 11-16 inches. D. Berger, Sculp 1783. Very rare. B. F. Full bust and head in profile to right. Circular medal- lion ina wreath of oak leaves, bound together at the bottom with a ribbon. Supple. Diameter 9 3-16 inches. Lethere Delineavit. Darcis Sculpsit. A Parts Chez Potrelle. M! ad Estampes. Rue Honoré, N? 54. Rare. BENJAMIN FRANKLIN. Born Jan’ 177% 1706. DIED AprRIL 17%" 1790. Head and bust in profile to left. Vignette. Stipple. Height 2 13-16 inches; width 1 9-16 inches. Edwin sc. BENJ. FRANKLIN, L.L.D. F.R.S. Bust and head in profile to right. Oval. . Line. Height 4 2-16 inches ; width 3 7-16 inches. Drawn by T. Holloway from the Bust modelled at Paris from the Life, engrav’d by Allardice. BENJ. FRANKLIN, L.L.D. Bust and head in profile to right. Oval. Stipple. Height 4 2-16 inches; width 3 3-16 inches. W. R. Jones sc. are. BENIAMIN FRANKLIN. Bust in profile to right on a ped- estal mounted on a monument, being crowned with a wreath of oak leaves by the figure of Liberty, which is standing to the right; a cupid is seated at the bottom of the monument holding a map of the two hemispheres, with a wand in the right hand pointing toward the map; drapery in the upper left-hand corner. Line. Height 6 1-16 inches; width 3 6-16 inches. H. Lyps del & sc. BENJAMIN FRANKLIN. Head and bust in profile to left. Vignette. - Etching. Height 2 6-16 inches; width 2 8-16 inches. Etched by Thomas Landseer. Published by Hunt & Clark, Tavistock Street, Covent Garden. Transferred from copper to stone by C. Hullmandel. Very rare. BENI. FRANKLIN. GeEsorEN zu Boston In NEv ENGLAND, DEN 17. JAN. 1706. Non Sorpipus AucTor NATURAE VERIQUE. Bust and head in profile to right. Vignette. Line. Height 3 4-16 inches ; width 2 inches. C. G. Nestler fec. Very rare. 655. 656. 657. 658. 650. 660. 601. 662. 663. 98 BENJ® FRANKLIN, L.L.D. F.R.S. Bust and head in profile to left. Oval draped with an olive wreath. Line. Height 4 6-16 inches ; width 3 5-16 inches. Noble sculp. New London Magazine. B. FRANKLIN, L.L.D. F.R.S. AMBASSADOR FROM THE CON- GRESS OF AMERICA TO THE COURT OF FRANCE. Head and bust in profile to left. Oval with a border. — Line. Height 4 4-16 inches ; width 3 7-16 inches. J. Norman Sc. Very rare. BENJAMIN FRANKLIN. Bust and head in profile to right. Oval medallion suspended by a ring, with ribbon tied in a bow at top, in a rectangle; the title under the medallion. Line. Height 4 10-16 inches; width 2 11-16 inches. Saack. sc. Very rare. D® BENJ. FRANKLIN. Bust and head in profile to right. Oval in rectangle, on a background representing stonework. The title in a tablet beneath the oval. Supple. Height 3 11-16inches; width 2 13-16 inches. Tannersc. Philadelphia, Published by W. W. Woodward, r8or. BENJAMIN FRANKLIN. Head and bust in profile to left. Vignette. Line. Height 2 8-16 inches ; width 1 9-16 inches. J. V. N. Throop. sc. BENJAMIN FRANKLIN. Born JAn? 1777 1706. DtEp _ APRIL 177" 1790. Head and bust in profile to left. Vignette. Stipple. Height 2 12-16 inches ; width 1 10-16 inches. Warnicke. Sc. Head and bust in profile to left. Vignette. Supple. Height 2 6-16 inches; width 1 7-16 inches Eng® by E. Wellmore from an original drawing by J. B. Long- acre after the bust by Houdon. BENJ: FRANKLIN. Bust and head in profile to left. Cir- cular medallion. Stipple. Diameter 2 4-16;inches. C. Westirmayr fecit 1794, nanch einem Basrelief. Lcesstvely rare. LE DOCTEUR FRANCKLIN Couronné Par 1a Liperte. Bust in profile to right, resting on the globe; supported by an angel holding a sword in the right hand, and a scroll in the left, inscribed ‘“ Constitution du Gouvernement de Pensilvanie Art. 664. 665. 666. 667. 668. 669. 99 1°”; to the right Liberty with a crown of olive leaves in each hand in the act of crowning Franklin; at the bottom in the fore- ground a bundle of fasces and olive leaves; at the top a Liberty cap on a pole, from which are emanating diverging rays. Aquatint. Height 9 1-16 inches; width 7 8-16 inches. Rare. (By Fragonard.) BENJ. FRANKLIN, L.L.D. F.R.S. ‘“ Where Liberty dwells, There is my Country.” Bust and head in profile to right in oval. Supple. Height 4 4-16 inches; width 3 8-16 inches. Rare. Bust and head in profile to right in the center of a wreath of flowers. Oval in a rectangle. Stipple. Height 5 4-16 inches; width 4 4-16 inches. “ Bristol Hard Porcelain Flower Piece, (size 834 in. x 7 % in.). Portrait of Benjamin Franklin. In the collection of M* William Edkins, Bristol.” Bust in profile to left. Oval in a rectangle. Outline. Height 4 3-16 inches; width 3 11-16 inches. From Lavater’s Physiognomy. BENJAMIN WEST TYPE. BENJAMIN FRANKLIN, L.L.D. Full bust, head three- quarters to left. Vignette. Supple. Height 2 12-16 inches; width 2 14-16 inches. ; Engraved by R. Page. Published by J. Robins & Co., London, July 1, 1826. BENJ. FRANKLIN, L.L.D. F.R.S. Full bust, head three- quarters to right. Line. Height 3 7-16 inches ; width 2 11-16 inches. is Scott sc. THOS. GAINSBOROUGH TYPE. DOCTOR BENJAMIN FRANKLIN. Full bust, head three- quarters to right. Oval. Supple. Height 3 3-16 inches; width 2 10-16 inches. Engraved by W™ Evans from an original picture (the last painted) in the possession of Df Ja? Hamilton. Pudblshed for Lackington Allen & C° Jan! 1, 1804. TOO GIACOMO TOURIN TYPE. 670. B. FRANKLIN. Bust, head three-quarters to right. Oval ina rectangle, resting on a base, in which is the title. Flowers strewn around the base. Line. Height 4 10-16 inches ; width 2 14-16 inches. Ramondi incise. Dal depinto sopra smalto di Giacomo Touron presso il Marchese Girolamo d’Adda in Milano. MEMORIAL DESIGNS, SCENES FROM FRANKLIN’S LIFE, CARICATURES, ETC. 671. L. AMERIQUE INDEPENDANTE. Representing Franklin in a Roman dress, crowned with oak leaves, standing amidst a group of figures at the foot of a statue of Liberty, with a wand in his left hand, pointing to an Indian maiden kneeling at the base of the monument; over the whole the figure of “ War” with shield and spear; in the background trees and shrubbery in the margin at the bottom a harp in a circle composed of thirteen links, upon which are the names of the thirteen United States, on either side of which are flowers, horn of plenty, etc. Line. Height 17 2-16 inches ; width 13 11-16 inches. A Borel invenit et delineavit 1778. J. C. le Vasseur Sculptor Regis et Majest® Imper™ Reg™ Sculp. ‘‘ Dediée au Congrés des Etats unis de l’Amerique.”