i 2 ae a a ih iiedates ae = é p f oy igs os S i iY -~ * ase > Je ~~ ex Hao ta Se ental = on EN RIS ee eh 7 Bw TZ 3 » P = hey , tee ae oe oe >" ; ge ee Sek ; Sax 3 4 en = fae Ls BBS i pa ae +e a ae T eta emae a Se ~ . ee ae a ery of ‘he recip ie w also gave $110 nt. on the Ru rmectis ubeliaees n the Defensive,” for Suir “Stag in Sight. 1 cost him $880: W. nt, gave A25 for -? M.. Knoedler g ‘iy - &§ erpent.” A 4 of General Edward M. Taylor = PATUETTE, i $775. re od BAe ‘at an after- yesterday in the American n Galleries, together with Mt ‘a gis ane of Mrs. Oliver ip ‘equestrian. peNietts. a sketch fended monument to Charles VI. age the prices, going to W.. for $775. Col. Jacob Ruppert for No, 96, Barye’s “Bull on ” and $380 for No. 93, the it of His Rival,” by Barye. ‘ylor paid $205 for No. > 92, ““Fnglish Setter,” and W.. W.' -agent, bought No. 97, the “Advancing,” for $425. ioedier & Co. gave $280 for No. ‘Lion Smiting the Serpent,” by aya $260 for No. 95, his “Jaguar 6.” Edward Taylor got the “Gen. eee by J. Q. A. Ward, No. ) ~The total for the bronzes Rupe , oem. Wood's collection chelling paid $125 for No, 100, a ye brass koro, and $50 for No, '98, vase. A. Goldschmidt gave $55 . 90, a brass temple set, and W. anes agent, paid $55 for No. 87, nee brass candlesticks, and $45 fo, 42, fifteen old Imari plates. . ie Mrs. Wood’s Oriental of | sa | bronzes, Japanese. curios and other art objects in the collection | formed by the°late Frederick B. Mc- | Guire, for many years director of. _the Corcoran Gallery of Art, Wash- ington, was dispersed yesterday — | afternoon in the American Art Gal- leries. The Barye bronzes offered _included the sculptor’s “Charles VI. King of France,” “Lion Smiting Serpent,’ “Jaguar at Gaze,” “Eng ‘lish Setter” and other noted animal pieces, j Among the bronzes by Mene were _ “Race Horse,” “Tiger Seizing Croco- dile” and “Browsing ‘Wapiti Stag.” | The 115 art pou ncts sold brought a | total of $4,8 » Kor othe COE statuette of Charles: VI. King of France” W. Williams paid $775, the higheat | price of the sale. Instead of the helmet, the King wears the laurel crown, and instead of the lance or sword he carries the _baton of command. Barye’s “Bull on the Defensive’ was bought by Colonel Jacob Ruppert for $520, and Stallion Advancing” went to W. We | Seaman, agent, for $425. Other sales were: Stag in Sight of His Rival eo ne Barye, Colonel Jacob Ruppert, $380, . _. “Lion Smiting Serpent,” by Bary e; M. _Knoedler & Co., $280, | “Jaguar at Gaze, ” by Barye,: M. | Knoedler & Co., $260. ‘General Daniel Morgan,” by the | Ace Sry: A. Ward, E. M -Taylor, “English Setter,” b gat e, Roger Taylor, $205. - é ia “Racé Horse,” by P. J. ‘Mene, H. H. Benkard, $140. “Walking. Pheasant,” by: /Pis de | Mene, Colonel Jacob Ruppert, $110. “Pheasant on the Alert,” “by P. J. Mene, W. Williams, $110. jon ad | a. &, (Legs and Méne ae WALL ~| The collection of Barye and Méne bronzes and other art objects in the collection, formed by the late Frederick B. McGuire, ‘or many years Director of the Corcoran Gallery, Washington, D. C., was sold Mon- lay afternoon at the American Art Gal- Pa for a total of $4,859. Barye’s equestrian statuette of “Charles LVI, King of France,” was purchased by Mr. W. Williams for $775, the highest price of the sale. Barye’s “Bull on the Defensive” 'was secured ”by Col. Jacob Ruppert for | $970, and “Stallion Advancing” went to W. Seaman, agent, for $425, . eoree sales were: pees in Sight of His Rival,” Barye, Col. Jacob aah TRUID DOLLS aieisie aie wise a oscle Reber abelehehatans alleiw a wre i8ty “Lion Bniting Ser ent,” Barye, Knoedler & Co. 280, all pers at Gaze,”’ ary try Knoedler & Co........ 260 | “Gen. Daniel Morgan, Ja Oma ard, E. M. Taglor oc os teh be eee « ce VR ap Os ole Bie 280 “English ‘Setter Bae Roger laylofiwsjecs ss 205 | Race Horse,’ ey Méne, H. H. Benkard...... 140 ged eee Peer » p, J. Méne, Col. Jacob Rup- | «pheasant on the Alert,’ P. J. Méne, W. Wil- Liar oe cho 5 a5 0s eRe ENERO SEM Stone. Shice vlc wie 110 ON FREE PUBLIC VIEW AT THE AMERICAN ART GALLERIES MADISON SQUARE SOUTH, NEW YORK BEGINNING THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 22np, 1917 (WASHINGTON’S BIRTHDAY) AND CONTINUING UNTIL THE DATE OF SALE THE COLLECTION OF THE LATE FREDERICK B. McGUIRE FOR MANY YEARS DIRECTOR OF THE CORCORAN GALLERY OF ART, WASHINGTON, D. C. TO BE SOLD AT UNRESTRICTED PUBLIC SALE AT THE AMERICAN ART GALLERIES ON MONDAY AFTERNOON, FEBRUARY 26th, 1917 AT 2.30/ O’CLOCK ; o- = oer he’ a No. 98S—CHARLES VI, KING OF FRANCE. By BARYE ILLUSTRATED CATALOGUE OF THE COLLECTION OF BARYE AND MENE BRONZES JAPANESE CURIOS AND ART OBJECTS COLLECTED BY THE LATE FREDERICK B. McGUIRE FOR MANY YEARS DIRECTOR OF THE CORCORAN GALLERY OF ART, WASHINGTON, D. C. TO BE SOLD AT UNRESTRICTED PUBLIC SALE ON THE AFTERNOON AND EVENING HEREIN STATED BY DIRECTION OF THE UNION TRUST COMPANY OF THE DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA, ADMINISTRATOR THE SALE WILL BE CONDUCTED BY MR. THOMAS E. KIRBY AND HIS ASSISTANT, MR. OTTO BERNET, OF THE AMERICAN ART ASSOCIATION, MANAGERS NEW YORK 1917 — SS ~ tel... KA Y—Ivory NETSUKE pv _ Asleepy pilgrim, signed by Tomotoshi. ‘ © 8—Smaty Ivory Carvine L 0¢ Japanese boy beating drum. 9—Smauut Ivory Carvine % A Clon 4-uv¢_ Japanese boy in kneeling posture. 10—Ivory Carvine : | / Spher ical shape, numerous mice, saute and (¢ “2 in openwork and undercut. 11—Woop Carvine f he: hl oh y¢ Two monkeys with panels ine. Carved (s Us 12—Ivory Carvine wg Lie Group of five turtles on lotus leaf. 13—Ivory Carvine Spats Ge [Iy ag, ( ae Skull, surmounted by a serpent which is crushing a toad. ee 14—Ivory Carvine ¥. ( G : VL aha 06 Japanese shoemaker. Signed by Masauki. +e Height, 2 inches; length, 214% inches. 15—Frvne Oup Ivory Carvine 62 Clo 4 Japanese poultry dealer. Signed by Rakushin. — mie et owes Height, 2°, inches, length, 3 inches. 16—Ivory Carvine Ra ir ' Ie an go _ Japanese sculptor. Steer at Height, 23, inches. a 17—Ivory Carvine \/ ADSM TRY ce —oy Grotesque group. Wrestling mat¢éh between a jouse : and toad. | l Height, 234 inches. a 2. ae” > 18—Ivory Carvine wae de ; Cc ee 0 Tug of war between mouse and monkey. a Height, 2 inches; length, 4 inches. 19—Ivory Carvine /v GY ene gy Skeletons, toad and monkey. | ae a =. (Height, 3 inches. Japanese laborer, with large conch shell. Y eo Height, 31, inches. 21 TF Ivory CarviInG is Two Japanese in a trial of muscular strength. Signed ‘ 8 ¢° by Muneuki. : Length, 414 inches. | A ft 22—Ivory Carvine v4 a TRL Street performer and trained monkey. ge Pith Height, 41/, inches. 23—Ivory Carvine AW. Ub hainuf, | Grotesque figures of monkeys masquerading. Signed by rf co Shokumasai Giyokuzan. Height, 21/, inches. 2?4—Ivory Carvine Nr Q (0. Hhahh Badger beating large Japanese bell. Signed by Ichiusai. 7 oe Height, 31/, inches. 25—Ivory CarRvING ae Vy . caine © od A pilgrim holding a snail to his ear. A — Y Height, 51% inches. 296—Ivory CarvVING } te ¢¢ Articulated crab. /O 27—Ivory Carvine hh ee avg NLGe e : Monkeys tearing a sleeping demon. 0 / a ra Length, 41, inches. pa 28—Ivory Carvine ut, DY tha Carp, crayfish, crab, mice and various shells, carved in li) 0% openwork and undercut. Vf Length, 51 inches. 29—Woop Carvine iV = ( Group of three monkeys and branch of tree. g¢ Height, 61, inches. 380—Ivory STATUETTE : a Japanese gardener, with eS ade rake.// Signed by 5v Shigemitsu. (Repaired.) S) H es, 7 inches. ie , {f 4 31—CuInEsE Ivory eee ‘ Y Y Jae Spheres within spheres, intricately carved in openwork, b (¢ with chain and tassel pendant. 32—JAPANESE DAGGER (2. Ivory handle and scabbard skilfully carved in relief with oT numerous figures and deities, dignitaries and other de- signs. Signed by Kanemitsu. 33—JAPANESE Woop Peal 3 5 Cr =, S02 tehifl _ A seated figure of a demon beating a song which is sus- / i) ae pended from his neck. Height, 41/4 inches. a & t~ 384—CuHINESE NECKLACE 4 , Formed of nutshells, which are intricately carved in re- / Oo ‘lef and openwork. | = LS. a 35—JAPANESE Bett Buckle Th Ce) Ve (ephe t Panel of carved wood in design of storks, deer, pine and o Cc bamboo, the symbols of longevity. 386—PrrruMe Box 7 SE ea Sao 2 ,» vapanese mulberry wood. The lid carved with a view — of the sacred bridge at Nikko. 37—Inro ~ “Yr Todor Four compartments. Brown lacquer with long tail f 9 g* __ rooster in raised gold vermilion and other lacquers. ; 38—-Iyro Fr . Cs ls J Three compartments. Brown lacquer with plum in blos- —./% som, sparrows and stream, pencilled in gold. cc — A Wi ‘ 39—Inro Ve. Whar Five compartments, with outer case, which is of polished .. 4° —brown lacquer and ornamented with a figure of the god of happiness and his boy attendant, executed in gold and other lacquers. 40—Inro a | Mh th Tae Four compartments. Polished brown lacquer, birds, magnolia in blossom and garden scene delicately pen- cilled in gold and other lacquers. Signed by Soshian. Carved wood netsuke, monkey with large melon. Signed by Ranseu. 41—Iyro S- Ww Nyhle.hkvd o 56 Four compartments. Black lacquer with mountain | - eter with raised gold. Whe oy 7 - 42-—OLp JAPANESE Woop Toxsacco Bott- Drldenrt d With figure of a Japanese gardener incrusted with ivory and other materials. Carved wood netsuke of wild boar. Z 2° Signed by Hosho. Has carnelian ojimi. Pt oe 43—CuInEsE Cake Box Cue Si Lhe » ie Teakwood, inlaid with mother-of-pearl! figures ; boating scene and foliage. Diameter 61/, inches. SNUFF BOTTLES 44—AcaTE SnurFr BotTrie ay ‘d yi ( 9 Mottled brown bat, deer, pine and plum trees in blossom Carved in relief in the matrix. Carved stopper. 45—CaRNELIAN SNUFF BoTTLeE Tl. Jv. of, 5 a UA me qo Highly polished surface. | 46—Fert1-ts’ur Snurr Borris hen Emerald green markings, highly aa surface. /3e— 47—Rock Crystat SNUFF Bore UG a Mythological beast and symbol\, carved in relief in the es matrix. Jade stopper. | 48—Campuor Guass SNUFF Sea, ao wir Grllanalle L{o¢ Dragon modeled in relief in ruby red. ( ACs stopper. 49—Hair Crrstat Snurr Botrie = W- ive ) ee 50—Larer Jasper SNuFF Borrie Ce . cp e_Higily polished surface. Jade metal mounted stopper. 51—Larcr Acate Snurr BotrriE ¥ 4 Imperial-green jade stopper. Squirrel, birds and vine carved in relief in the matrix. vee 2 ¢¢ Pink quartz stopper. _ 562—Rocxk Crystat Snurr Borris f- “We 7 (© Tall hexagonal shape, panels ornamented with flowers, blossoms and text, carved in low relief. Jade stopper. 538—Larcer Guass Snurr Botrie organ ae Ruby red. Archaic dragons modeled in relief. el 54—Larcr Campuor Guass SNUFF Boley” 4 (3 ses ( g0 God of longevity, bat and other symbols modeled ‘in high ——~_ relief in ruby red. 55—Amper Snurr Borrie Tn rhe / of Golden brown color, polished surface. Sp alin 56—Very Larcre Snurr Borrie L-~- Melee / Ruby red glass. Archaic dragons and band of palmettes 4 ““—— modeled in bold relief. AGATES AND JADE ORNAMENTS oo eae 57—Two Carvep Acate PENDANTS vere, i ttre y 0 (a) Sacred fungi, in red and white. ———~. (s) Cluster of fruit and vine in brown and white. 58—Carvep AGATE PENDANT lie gs jo Fungi, peach and Buddha’s-hand eo Carved in open- 6 —— ork. 59—Carvep WHuiTtE JADE PENDANT es 4 je Caco pr_ 5-0? ~=s- Floral designs in openwork with silk cord and tassels/7 60—WhuitE JADE PENDANT (a Ciba ccth 4¢_Carved in openwork, two movable miniature figures, with / / 2 silk cord and tassels. ~ Y Ww te 61—Gray JADE PANEL oe ue eet Ae anh Cranes and flowering plants intricately carved in open- oo ¢9___work. fi: We tmc Dragons and lotus intricately carved in relief and open- poe Work: 62—YELLOwW JADE PANEL - 63—Wuire Jape Immature TABLE SCREEN ? | 46 Stork, flowers, vines and border of cloud forms, carved in —_ openwork. Carved teakwood ee 64—WritEr’s Gray JADE WATER Disease YW: y " Five symbolical bats and shou symbols carved in high relief. MISCELLANEOUS OBJECTS 65—SoAPSTONE SEAL S. & Jn Bian jv? Surmounted by a seated figure of the God of Longevity. Nesom 66—Two Soapstone SEALS ot inti nee igri One surmounted by a figure of a p the other by a ~e o¢ keylin, 67—SoapstonE STATUETTE hk Oto - 3 90° Seated figure of the God of Longevity. 68—CurnesE Srttver Hanpie NA ak oe / 4 ¢__Enameled and engraved with an inscription. 69—JAPANESE ENAMELED VASE eae Oviform turquoise-blue ground on ape mandarin ducks 4) m colors. Height, 7 inches. 70—JAPANESE CLoIsonnE Enamet Box vA ce With pang 4 i, Floral medallions on a chocolate color ground. By ont sie =" 71—T'wo Cuinest Lapy’s Bagcs rr4 Embroidered with silk cords. Shou symbols and other 3 g? designs. 72—-SMaALL Satsuma VASE Chis: 4 butte Microscopically decorated by the famous Meisen, with é 22 — scene depicting a procession of children. Height, 314 inches. | A 78—Smau_ Kaca Traror 7 wt, trath Bre < 4a Same | . 7 Pay _ i‘? ' aes ? — hin ae) ¥ has ee) 2 ee) “Md pees Ae 5 Ses, ? = m Asin! a aD ; ae ne sete Re eG ey Se eee EN Aas (LY J SKS XN = * { eS a a oe 7 ff ihe ’ re) Late ~ = ie D De gee Ss See i 5 \ : — - z 7 Sas APN ag Se ee, ge ae — aren ey ee eg ea te re aR lg ELE a Be 7 Ee eee Rem Metts > Se / : apes 3 . = Bt) 3 3125 01663 1323 “Sy Ta a Sk AN ETTY RESEARCH INSTITUTE 2 I Be WOMAN \ Saas hy Gxt , ee. Se * +“ J. fy" —- 4 ae) perky re Ye TRS STK Fos bi in"4 \ — r. 4 Soe Male ‘ HES NE Ase te h pee cs eh vate ron, bi Hascoss BEN CNS Rita mey PUSE REE ireatieg eaten te mer ih hap to Rishizadlt Pema 5 SS TEAR Ar A) Reh ead Se avout: SASS Mt : Beet enter is “Kenenisa NS aR, Fae Sear Ak ss S439 EStrintenitct Teac Tay ane ae Sara Xe EES, sasyaby thst tit Saytile ey BRACY preys VAN, eg Reed NES, Sighs Ca a SEM hanes bes sy re ASAE ey Sse? SEDAN BEE Deretoy Tay Eni A? iiek at UME BhoNt aa rmansn ida) Booka SOCOM AD Mig Whos eS W ELM dip 4 lati aes se % ‘i Sane Bi ite ugh rath PUNY, Siminas Seegatiee is rahe bbe: ae AIRS SHS SUP es nhs SAUAIORLNE ASS. aus belt Sag Ay Sy ae Seay aye ey Saya Ss PULA Berea SHE TO Beas Be ore pase * oMALAee | vere Henig ney, aus RAS Sen Bias de ct TN Ba Sy criy sah eS Pinney, 4 Oh eer ee pv) Hanh eee “ * 4 Sa NPE Sait ss Ty bs ye Savas Laken mec ai aeN oe he nih “ bes Runs 4 2A Wego 88 Fe ot ey sally Lihas ion oN Soong ly ewer soe Mau mata ek Fe 7A “Ay ie aia Be Att a ey “HM Ant sales AY xy, Wea a a) mh Anant: Bees i SAN Lee AR pote out AiO Sl naa Sistege ire Daten oe ae iW Pa hoes te at Ceo aie: hha AA hu Meth lei i Pe FM te OCU, ST PB eal Aes Tha Ay bbe bale AL Beanie ‘ nist wal tie wal Hrhe WWE AH sh 3 iN} Ls) chin dy af Visa Se aoa iio On Sy Wb yey > Dara bas Re ae = ~ = - yer i, oS a: ; jas fe ren ys Ag 2 Ag ae ete ae Ay a 4 Stans rata Packie 4 Py see ‘ an Ne ee TONE EATER Tawa th eu Nh Mt pea ce cae Aas vee iy = we oe ai yo hes Si ake a vas Ses Pay ey NA ah a “a eats WW yES Selene ae 18 ens ON aL | aa Nu ray el eb RRL Ye NN aye ds Ne why cd FE EAN en AStished ayn ie on idk ah i aaa cath saa a Ue hi Sn cae RAIN ti eh : ie 36x 1 Pp WAL Taa aD De se is naoe prt he ait 4 yn ave aang: Es — a Re Shao a ve gues aie a ae a Libre dot CoN § ae ae f 4 Vie Jiihs Ce ea i ha aha song t ALS AN va a Ren ial eae Bevkatbe y a at) ue ' OM ere py yy a} te