Reren ee as : a, a 5 Pet 7 estate . ee :. Se saree : ecco “2 ane Peis ah a — ot ca a ne po? 4h Te, ? bs ehh hea Cie xh as a ered Parole eo Serenata ons a ria eee ene rf he A s ; Wi Moda Pa: yi cs Fie =- he . i Woes Abend ‘i oa) a ° i ‘a eal J ee A a, | has THE AMERICAN ART ASSOCIATION Metts 11S CATALOGUES AND: DIRECTS Pole E PAIS OF ILLUSTRATION eer SND, LY POGRAPHY ON PUBLIC EXHIBITION mee, See AMERICAN ART GALLERIES U1 AC MADISON SQUARE SOUTH, NEW YORK Ko Aw ENTRANCE, 6 EAST 23RD STREET | = fee NING SATURDAY, MARCH 5TH, 1921, ee PeCONTINUING UNTIL THE TIME OF SALE ETCHINGS BY MASTERS OF THE NEEDLE Pe eoDING THE COLLECTION OF MR. TROWBRIDGE HALL SEAN EOV YORE CITLy. TO BE SOLD AT UNRESTRICTED PUBLIC SALE|\_4{4\33. BY ORDER OF OWNERS HEREINAFTER DESIGNATED ON WEDNESDAY AND THURSDAY EVENINGS pee i AND-IOTH, 1921, AT 8:00 O'CLOCK Peet AVERICAN ART GALLERIES ANDERS ZORN SELF-PORTRAIT WITH FUR CAP, [No. 434] ILLUSTRATED CATALOGUE OF ETCHINGS BY MASTERS OF THE NEEDLE MyCLUDING THE COLLECTION OF MR. TROWBRIDGE HALL OPNEW YORK CITY POE SOLD WITHOUT: RESERVE OR’ RESTRICTION BY ORDER OF OWNERS HEREINAFTER DESIGNATED. ON WEDNESDAY: AND THURSDAY EVENINGS ReRCH OH AND: 10TH, AL 800<.0’CLOCK THE-SALE TO BE CONDUCTED BY Peeves FE KIRBY AND HIS ASSISTANTS, OF Pee ey PE RICAN ART. ASSOCIATION, MANaGErs NEW YORK CITY 1921 ~ \ - . Fs & As : 4 > *« ° . : + 3 ‘ ie . « ‘ t if - ? . ’ - ¥ : ony ' . P . < i 1 ‘ re - - x . ‘: . 2 ‘ a Be + 7: . ri ) 5 { . & i , 4 4 ¢ ” ‘+ ow i i ‘ . Fy . \ ; . . : ‘ . ‘ . . 15 % ’ a , » " a ‘ . ‘ > R * ‘ ao 7 tin - we _ _ ® mis 1 , STATEMENT OF OWNERSHIP The Property of MR. TROWBRIDGE HALL, of New York City, sold by his Geeereeiss ete catalogued under items, Numbers—4, 5, 6, 41, 45, 47, 51, 52, eyo. 100, 100 114 116, 117, 122, 210, 231,.233, 234, 235, 236, 237, 238, Pees ieee zoo, cov, 29), 293, 295, 296, 299 305, 307, 308, 326, 334, 335, Baysooe, 304, 340, 341, 342, 343, 344, 345, 346, 347, 348, 349, 350, 351, 352, 353, eee 7,005, 399, 366, 367, 368, 376, 378, 381, 382; 388, 392, 393, 401. Part or a NEW YORK COLLECTION, sold by order of owner, is herein Catalogzued under items, Numbers,—20, 40, 50, 71, 73, 74, 94, 95, 110, 111, 115, eee io G5, 20/7, 208, 209, 216, 217, 218, 219, 220, 228, 232, 247, 283, Bee eo 257, 292, 294, 304, 311, 323, 365, 374, 377, 379, 383, 391, 402-409, 412, 413, 415, 416, 417, 418, 419, 420, 421, 422, 426, 427, 428, 429, 431, 432, °433, 434, 435, 436, 437, 438, 439, 440, 441, 442, 443, 444, Etchings from a CONSIGNMENT. RECEIVED FROM ABROAD, and sold by order of owner, are herein catalogued under items, Numbers,—8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 15,14, 42, 43, 44, 46, 48, 49, 53, 54, 56, 57, 58, 60, 104, 106, 112, 124, 128, 138, 143, ete 2 00)20/, 208, 269. 270, 271, 272, 273, 274, 275, 276, 277, 278, 279, 280, Pele 262.) 324, 325,- 327, 336. Etchings consigned by THE MISSES HANSON of Woodstock, New York, and sold by their order, are herein catalogued under items, Numbers,—403 and 404. Etchings consigned by MRS. GANO. DUNN of New York City, and sold by her order are herein catalogued under items, Numbers,—103, 154, 162, 170, 173. The Property of MR. R. C. SOMERVILLE, of Batesville, Arkansas, sold by his order, is herein catalogued under items, Numbers,—l, 2, 3, 21, 22, 23, 38, eee eer, 84, 65, 98, 99, 164, 188, 196, 199, 201, 214, 215, 313, 314, 315, SO 317,. Etchings forming a part of a NEW YORK COLLECTION, and sold by order of the owner, are herein catalogued under items, Numbers,—27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, i 00, 67, 68, 105, 113, 119, 121, 123, 126, 130, 132, 133, 137, 144, Me et ge) 222 223, 224 225, 226, 227, 230, 253, 254, 255, 256, 257, 258, Bee 202, 203, 205, 329, 361, 364, 371, 395, 397. The Property of A BOSTON COLLECTOR, sold by his order, is herein catalogued under items, Numbers—7, 59, 72, 79, 90, 91, 92, 107, 129, 135, 136, 140, 141, 142, 204, 246, 250, 264, 297, 298, 300, 303, 318, 328, 360, 394, 396, 398, 414, 424, The Property or MR. V. WINTHROP NEWMAN, of New York and London, sold by his order, is herein catalogued under items, Numbers,—362, 363, 369, 370, 373, 375, 380, 384, 386, 390. Etchings consigned from a SOUTHERN COLLECTION, and sold by order of the owner, are herein catalogued under items, Numbers,—149, 150, 151, 152, ees? 150° 159 160 161, 165, 166, 167, 168, 169, 171, 172, 174, ese AV ke pes URE Pete eye at 162 183, 184, 185, 186, 187, 189, 190, 191, 192, 195, 194, 195, 197, 198, 200, 202, 203, 205, 206. Etchings consigned by HON. ARTHUR WHITNEY of Mendham, New Jersey, and sold by his order are herein catalogued under items, Numbers,—86, 88, 387, 389, 400, 405. The Property of A PRIVATE OWNER, sold by his order, is herein catalogued under items, Numbers,—15, 18, 36, 69, 70, 93, 101, 243, 251, 252, 312, 322, 408, 423. Etchings consigned by MR. HANS HINRICHS, sold by order of owner, are herein catalogued under items, Numbers,—108, 118, 120, Poteei 34 212 229.) S01; 319, 320, 321, 372, 406, 407, 410, 411, 430. Etchings sold by order of RICHARD ELY, Attorney, are herein sold, catalogued under items, Numbers,—16, 17, 19, 75, 80, 89, 102, 244, 245, 291, 302, 306, 309, 310, Peal, oo2, 333, Etchings consigned by MR. ADAM TINDEL of Philadelphia, and sold by his order, are herein catalogued under items, Numbers,—24, 2.20, 96, 97. Consignments from THREE PRIVATE PARTIES, are herein catalogued under items, Numbers—87, 211, 385, 399, 425. Conditions of Sale 1. Any bid which is merely a nominal or fractional advance may be rejected by the auc- tioneer, if, in his judgment, such bid would be likely to affect the sale injuriously. 2. The highest bidder shall be the buyer, and if any dispute arise between two or more bidders, the auctioneer shall either decide the same or put up for re-sale the lot so in dispute. 3. Payment shall be made of all or such part- of the purchase money as may be required, and the names and addresses of the purchasers shall be given immediately on the sale of every lot, in default of which the lot so purchased shall be immediately put up again and re-sold. Payment of that part of the purchase money not made at the time of sale, shall be made within ten days thereafter, in default of which the undersigned may either continue to hold the lots at the risk of the purchaser and take such action as may be necessary for the enforce- ment of the sale, or may at public or private sale, and without other than this notice, re-sell the lots for the benefit of such purchaser, and the deficiency (if any) arising from such re-sale, shall be a charge against such purchaser. 4, Delivery of any purchase will be made only upon payment of the total amount due for all purchases at the sale. Deliveries will be made on sales days between the hours of 9 A. M. and 1 P. M., and on other days—except holidays—between the hours of 9 A. M. and 5 P. M. Delivery of any purchase will’ be made only at the American Art Galleries, or other place of sale, as the case may, be, and only on presenting the bill of purchase. Delivery may be made, at the discretion of the Association, of any purchase during the session of the sale at which it was sold. 5. Shipping, boxing or wrapping of purchases is a business in which the Association is in ao wise engaged, and will not be performed by the Association for purchasers. The Associa- tion, will, however, afford to purchasers every facility for employing at current and reasonable rates carriers and packers; doing so, however, without any assumption of responsibility on its part for the acts and charges of the parties engaged- for such service, 6. Storage of any purchase shall be at the sole risk of the purchaser. Title passes upon the fall of the auctioneer’s hammer, and thereafter, while the Association will exercise due caution in caring for and delivering such purchase, it will not hold itself responsible if such purchase be lost, stolen, damaged or destroyed. Storage charges will be made upon all purchases not removed within ten days from the date of the sale thereof. 7. Guarantee is not made either by the owner or the Association of the correctness of the deseription, genuineness or authenticity of any lot, and no sale will be set aside on account of any incorrectness, error of cataloguing, or any imperfection not noted. Every lot is on public exhibition one or more days prior to its sale, after which it is sold ‘‘as is’ and without recourse. ‘ » The Association exercises great care to catalogue every lot correctly, and will give con- sideration to the opinion of any trustworthy expert to the effect-that any lot has been incor- rectly catalogued, and, in its judgment, may either sell the lot as catalogued or make mention of the opinion of such expert who thereby would become responsible for such damage as might result were his opinion without proper foundation. SPECIAL NOTICE Buying or bidding by the Association for responsible parties on orders transmitted to it by mail, telegraph or telephone, will be faithfully attended to without charge or commission. Any purchase so made will be subject to the above Conditions of Sale, which cannot in any manner be modified. The Association, however, in. the event of making a purchase of a lot consisting of one or more books for a purchaser who has not, through himself or his agent been present at the exhibition or sale, will permit such lot to be returned within ten days from the date of sale, and the purchase money will be returned, if the lot in any material manner differs from its catalogue description. Orders for execution by the Association should be written and given with such plainness as to leave no room for misunderstanding. Not only should the lot number be given, but also the title, and bids should be stated to be so much for the lot, and when the lot consists of one or more volumes of books or objects of art, the bid per volume or piece should also be stated. If the one transmitting the order is unknown to the Association, a deposit should be sent or reference submitted. Shipping directions should also be given. Priced copies of the catalogue of any sale, or any session thereof, will be furnished by the Association at a reasonable charge. AMERICAN ART ASSOCIATION- American Art Galleries Madison Square South New York City At THE AMERICAN ART GALLERIES MADISON SQUARE SOUTH,-NEW YORK UNRESTRICTED PUBLIC SALE OF ETCHINGS BY MASTER ARTISTS BY ORDER OF OWNERS HEREINBEFORE DESIGNATED First Session, Numbers 1 to 227, inclusive WEDNESDAY EVENING, MARCH 9TH, AT 8:00 O’CLOCK ANDREW F. AFFLECK Contemporary English etcher. FFLECK, ANDREW F. 6 1. BaALtTIMorE CATHEDRAL, Exterior. Etching. Signed Artist Proof. Beautiful impression. IN PERFECT CONDITION, Height, 111%; length, 1734 inches. AFPLECK, ANDREW F. 2. THE Doces PaLace, VENIcE. Etching. [0 Signed Artist Proof. Beautiful impression. IN PERFECT CONDITION. Height, 16%; length, 24 inches. AFFLECK, ANDREW F. ToLepo CATHEDRAL, INTERIOR. Etching. Ib’ Signed Artist Proof. Beautiful impression. IN PERFECT CONDITION. Height, 2436; width, 16% inches. ADOLPHE APPIAN French etcher. Born at Lyons, in 1819. A pupil of Corot and of Daubigny. JOPIAN, ADOLPHE < 4. Souvenir. Painter-etching. Beraldi, No. 1. Proof on Japanese vellum. Attached by the upper corners to a cardboard and framed in ¥% inch gilt frame. Height, 5; length, 934 inches. SEriaN ADOLPHE 5. CHEMIN DE L’ETANG DE FRIGNON A Creys (LSERE). Painter-etching. heraldeeevo, 1.. V. St Signed in the left upper corner of the plate and dated 1864. Proof on Y. - etching paper laid down on cardboard and framed in ™% inch gilt frame. Height, 514; length, 10% inches. First Session, Wednesday Evening, March 9th ’ 2. APPIAN, ADOLPHE 6. Source DE L’ALBARINE. Painter-etching. Beraldi, No. 2. ‘f Signed in the left upper corner of the plate and dated 1870. Proof on If) | soft Japan paper, signed in pencil in the lower margin by the artist. nS Hinged from the upper corners on cardboard and framed in 34 inch ( eilt frame. Height, 734; length, 14% inches. FRANCESCO BARTOLOZZI, 1727-1815 Born in Florence, died in Lisbon. Pupil’ of Jos: Wagner at Venice,” (Came ste London in 1764. where he did most of his finest plates. One of the original members of the Royal Academy. BARTOLOZZI, FRANCESCO 7. MerrEKNESS, BEAUTY. Stipples. Tuer, LI, pp. 85-86, Nios, 15 and 16. ~ 0) After G. B. Cipriani. Superb proofs before letters, printed in red. With j ) S large margins. Two lovely plates in fine condition. oy Height of each, 6%; width, 5 inches. EUGENE BEJOT Contemporary French etcher. Born at Paris in 1865. BEJOT, EUGENE wv /8. Le Pont Neur, Paris. Etching. Signed in lower margin, in pencil, IN PERFECT CONDITION. / i Height, 654; length, 10 inches. AS BEJOT, EUGENE / 9, Le Quart ve L’Hortoce, Paris. Etching. ee , Signed in lower margin, in pencil—E&. Bejot. IN PERFECT CONDITION. Height, 1034; width, 93¢ inches. / BEJOT, EUGENE ‘¢ 10. L’EspLaNAbDE DES INVALIDES, Parts. - Etching. ig : Signed in lower margin, in pencil—E. Bejot. IN PERFECT CONDITION. Height, 9; width, 734 inches. ! E. Bejot. Beautiful impression. Beautiful impression. Beautiful impression. BEJOT, EUGENE 4) A. Pont Neur, Quart Des OrFEvres, Paris. a Signed in lower margin, in pencil, | IN PERFECT CONDITION. Height, 9%; length, 956 inches. Etching. E. Bejot. Beautiful impression. BEJOT, EUGENE J iz. ST. BERNARD. Etching. : Signed in lower margin, in pencil—E. Bejot. Beautiful impression. | (7 . IN PERFECT CONDITION. Height, 814; length, 9 inches. QM / BEJOT, EUGENE 13. Satnr Séverin. Etching. x Signed in lower margin, in pencil—. Bejot. \ IN PERFECT CONDITION. Beautiful impression. Height, 614; length, 934 inches. First Session, Wednesday Evening, March 9th BEJOT, EUGENE 1 St. Mato. Etching. ee Signed in lower margin, in pencil—E. Beyot. Beautiful impression. () IN PERFECT CONDITION, a Height, 634; length, 7% inches. BEJOT, EUGENE j15. Saint Picotas, Paris. Etching. With two other etchings, views of Paris, by this artist, published J at ) / different times in Art magazines. ss Together, 3 pieces, various sizes. JACQUES FIRMIN BEAUVARLET Born at Abbéville, about 1731; died in Paris, 1797. BEAUVARLET, JACQUES FIRMIN 16. La FAMILLE pU FERMIER. Engraving. After the painting by Fragonard. Very fine proof before all letters. Had few tears in margins, all mended. 9 Height, 127%; length, 163¢ inches. of BEAUVARLET, JACQUES FIRMIN \ 17. L’Hymen et L'Amour. Engraving. After the painting by Boucher. Very fine impression, margins stained, otherwise in fine condition. Height, 1754; width, 1334 inches. BESNARD AND STEINLAN FESNARD AND STEINLAN os 18. La Tomerre. Etching. With (3) other etchings by this artist and an etching by Steinlan, pub- Jo" lished at various times in Gazette des Beaux-Arts. Together, 5 pieces, various sizes. GIULIO BONASONE Early Italian. Flourished from 1531 to 1574. BONASONE, GIULIO 19. Younc Maw SLayinG A SEA-Monster. Engraving. / Bartsch, No. 178. Signed on the plate—Julio Bonasone. Very fine and early impression, » in fine condition. Height, 105<; length, 1634 inches. FELIX BRACQUEMOND French etcher. Born at Paris in 1833; died in 1915. BRACQUEMOND, FELIX tee DucKS. 2Ktching. Fine impression, printed on Japan paper. IN PERFECT CONDITION, al Height, 1054; length, 1534 inches. FRANK BRANGWYN Contemporary English painter and etcher. Born in London in 1867. BRANGWYN, FRANK ; / 21. Hor Pickers (Cannon Street Station). Etching. Signed Artist Proof. Beautiful impression, IN PERFECT CONDITION. 36 Height, 2434; length, 37 inches. First Session, Wednesday Evening, March 9th Pee FRANK oy, 22. ST.+RETER’S;GENOA. : Etching. & + es Signed Artist Proof. ‘Beautiful impression. IN PERFECT CONDITION. Height, 2214; length, 2534 inches. BRANGWYN,- FRANK 23. ABBEY OF St. Leonarpo. Etching. ‘ye Signed Artist Proof.. Beautiful impression: IN PERFECT CONDITION. Lv Height, 2934; width; 2334. inches. BRANGWYN, FRANK 24. Tue TracuHetto, VENICE. Etching. Signed in lower margin, in pericil—Frank Brangwyn. Beautiful impression. i In PERFECT CONDITION. | Height, 15%; width, 1434 inches. Framed. ‘Artist’s own proof sent over for exhibition at Philadelphia Academy of Fine Arts. BRANGWYN, FRANK 25. CHURCH oF St. NicHoLtAs, DixmupeNn. Etching. “e, Signed in lower margin, in pencil,—Frank Brangwyn. Beautiful impression. | IN PERFECT. CONDITION. ee ia Height, 2134; length, 2614 inches. Framed. Attistés own proof’ sent over for exhibition at Philadelphia Academy of Fine Aid, ei / BRANGWYN , FRANK 26. THe Brince or SicHs, Venice. Etching. x U Siened in lower margin, in pencil,—Frank Brangwyn. Beautiful impression. IN PERFECT CONDITION. mr , Height, 271%4; width, 1734 inches. Arhist’s own proof sent over for exhibition,at the Phitadeiphia Academy, of Fine Arts. BRANGWYN, FRANK 27. Tue Monument, Lonpon: Etching. Signed in lower margin, in pencil, —Frank BY Rea: Beautiful impression. " In PERFECT CONDITION. Height, 2774; width, 1734 inches. ia E [See Ilustration. | oe) 1 Rafter ese BRANGWYN,*FRANK f 28. Gate oF Naptes. Etching. : Signed in lower margin, in pencil—Frank Brangz Ty. Very fine impression, B. printed on a-bluish inlaid paper. JN PERFECT CONDITION. ; Height, 2034; width, 1734 inches. BRANGWYN, FRANK 29. Tour pE°Faure. Etching. eae ; e Signed 1 in lower margin, in pencil, —Frank Brangs wy. Beautiful impression, nae fe “et a in fine condition. | Height, 934; length, 13% inches. Framed. ~ BRANGWYN, FRANK \ 30. Breaxinc Up or THE DUNCAN. (Small). Etching. : : Signed in lower margin, in pencil,—Frank Brangwyn. Beautiful impression. In PERFECT CONDITION. a\ Height, 117%; length, 15% inches. \ \ t N ANGWY NK BR RA THE MONUMENT F , LONDON BI24A [ NO First Session, Wednesday Evening, March 9th BRANGWYN, FRANK \ ~ 31. CHuRCcH AT TAoRMINA. Etching. ay Ae Signed in lower margin, in pencil, IN PERFECT CONDITION. Height, 10; width, 8 inches. Frank Brangwyn. Beautiful impression. | A) BRANGWYN, FRANK S 32. Tour bE Faure. Etching. Y Signed in lower margin, in pencil—Frank Brangwyn. Beautiful impression. ” IN PERFECT CONDITION. Height, 10; length, 1356 inches. v ARANGWYN, FRANK 33. Tree HAMMERSMITH. Etching. Signed in lower margin, in pencil,—lrrank Brangwyn. Beautiful impression. \bv IN PERFECT CONDITION. Height, 15; width, 12 inches. 2-RANGWYN, FRANK 34. FarMeER OF Porterocue. Etching. \O Signed in lower margin, in pencil,—Frank Brangwyn. Beautiful impression. _IN_ PERFECT CONDITION. Height, 1074; length, 1476 inches. BRANGWYN, FRANK 35. Tie Vittace Green. Etching. if. Signed in lower margin, in pencil,—Frrank Brangwyn. Beautiful impression, IN PERFECT CONDITION. \L Height, 1034; length, 14% inches. BRANGWYN, BONNAT, GAILLARD /36. Original etchings, engravings and drypoints, published in the various Art ne Pd Magazines at different times, included are also examples by Goeneutte. righ Dupont, Desboutin, Karl Daubigny, and others. Together, 23 pieces, \9 Af various Sizes. J. ALPHEGE BREWER Contemporary English etcher. BREWER, J. ALPHEGE. 37. EXxeTER CATHEDRAL. . Etching. ty Signed in lower margin, in pencil_J. Alphege Brewer. Beautiful im- pression, printed in colors. IN PERFECT CONDITION. A Height, 1934; width, 14% inches. H. SCOTT BRIDGEWATER Modern English mezzotint engraver. Born August 28, 1864. BRIDGEWATER, H. SCOTT 38 Tue Moruer, (The Dawn of Love). Mezzotint. After the painting by F. Dicksee. Signed in lower margin, in pencil, by both painter and etcher. Superb impression, printed on India paper. IN PERFECT CONDITION. | Height, 1814; width, 143¢ inches. BRIDGEWATER, H. SCOTT 39. Mrs. THornton. Mezzotint. After the painting by Lawrence. Signed Artist Proof. Beautiful im- pression, printed on India paper. Has few rust- stains, otherwise in perfect condition. Height, 17%; width, 14 inches. First Session, Wednesday Evening, March 9th NN Raat al ee LE hr FELIX BUHOT French etcher, born at’ Valognes,’ Normandy, in* 1847; died at Paris in 1898. “Let us say at once that Buhot—painter and etcher, is above all a poet. His technique. is assuredly far from being simple. But he is free. He is not the slave of rules and formulae. The world at large cannot fail to admire the form of his message.”-—L&once B&NEDITE. g : BUTOT. FELIX 40. Les Garpes pu Logis. Etching and drypoint. Bourcard, No. 76. Second State. Signed in the plate, and with the red owl stamp on the “7= 2) % ‘ Bourcard, No. 144. . 3) hal (en ee ett Signed in lower margin, in pencil,—felix Buhot, and with the red owl stamp. Very fine impression. IN. PERFECT CONDITION. Height, 534; length, 714 inches. ae BUHOT, FELIX 49. L’OracE. Drypoint. ~ +1 Bourcard, No. 145. as ee = | After the painting by Constable. Signed with the red.owl stamp. Beau-» tiful impression. “IN PERFECT CONDITION. - “ae ‘ Height, 6; length, 87¢ inches... BUHOT; FELIX Pe eh sede ho ay. y, 50. HERMAN 169. LeceNp oF THE Betts. Etching. Armstrong, No. 115. Boland Catalogue, No. 96. Signed in lower margin, in pencil—A-vrel H. Haig. Beautiful impression. Margins stained, otherwise in fine condition. Height, 2334; width; 165% inches. HAIG, AXEL HERMAN 170. TARRAGONA CATHEDRAL, INTERIOR. Etching. Armstrong, No. 116. Signed in lower margin, in pencil—Awvel Herman Haig. Fine impression, in fine condition. Height, 234%; width, 15% inches. HAIG, AXEL HERMAN 171. Burcos: VIEW FROM THE SoutH. Drypoint. Armstrong, No. 121. Boland Catalogue, No. 14. Signed in lower margin, in pencil—A rel H. Haig. Beautiful impression. ' IN PERFECT CONDITION. Height, 914; length, 1554 inches. HAIG, AXEL HERMAN 172. DaLtHEeM, GoTLAND, SweEDEN. Etching. Armstrong, No. 125. Boland Catalogue, No. 44. Signed in lower margin, in pencil—Azel H. Haig. Beautiful impression. IN PERFECT CONDITION, Height, 1034; length, 1354 inches. bce = 8 2 2 : s H o* & % AIG ATHEDRAL N H MA tc AXEL HER INTERIOR BURGOS [ 9 ] 162 NO. First Session, Wednesday Evening, March 9th HAIG, AXEL HERMAN 173. St..MarrK’s, VENICE:. Extertor. Etching Armstrong, No. 1206. Signed in lower margin, in pencil—A-rcl H. Haig. Fine impression. IN FINE CONDITION. Height, 2314 ; length 3134 inches. HAIG, AXEL HERMAN 174. Wunpsor Castie. Etching and aquatint. Armstrong, No. 139. Boland Catalogue, No. 222. | Bs Signed in lower margin, in pencil_4rel H. Haig. Fine impression, slightly stained. Height, 8144 length, 11% inches. HAIG, AXEL HERMAN 175. WrSTMINSTER ABBEY: *NortH PorcH. Etching. Armstrong, No. 149. Boland Catalogue, No. 216. ee Signed in lower margin, in pencil—A-rel H. Haig. Beautiful impression. _. IN. PERFECT CONDITION. Height, 2874; width, 21 inches. HAIG, AXEE HERMAN 176. CASTLE oF ViITRE (THE). Etching. Armstrong; No. 152... Boland: Catalogue, No. 30. aIS Signed in lower margin, in pencil—Awvel H. Haig. Beautiful impression. _. IN. PERFECT CONDITION. Height, 974; length, 14% inches. < The Castle was formerly inhabited by the Seigneurs de Ja Trémouille, and 7s on the road which leads from Vitré to Rennes. HAIG, AXEL HERMAN 177. Srrassspure. Etching. Armstrong, No. 153. Boland Catalogue, No. 185. Signed in lower margin, in pencil—Avel Herman Haig. Beautiful im- pression. IN PERFECT CONDITION. Height, 1344; width, 85% inches. It is the Cathedral of St. Thomas which is seen in the distance. HAIG, AXEL HERMAN 178. ANTWERP: Purace St. Nicuoras. Etching. Boland Catalogue, No. 6. Signed in lower margin, in pencil—Avxel H. Haig. Beautiful impression. In PERFECT CONDITION. | Height, 1074; width, 734 inches. HAIG, AXEL HERMAN 179. Arcetoz. Etching and aquatint. Boland Catalogue, No. 7. Signed in lower margin, in pencil,—A rel H. Haig. Beautiful impression. IN PERFECT CONDITION. Height, 1034; length, 1454 inches. HAIG, AXEL HERMAN 180. CANTERBURY CATHEDRAL AND THE Town. Etching. Boland Catalogue, No. 24. Signed in lower margin, in pencil—Avel H. Haig. Beautiful impression. IN PERFECT CONDITION, Height, 17; length, 24 inches. Furst Session, Wednesday Evening, March 9th HAIG, AXEL HERMAN 181. CaAstLe GieRsTEIN. Etching. Boland Catalogue, No. 28. Signed in lower margin, in pencil,—A vel H. Haig. _IN PERFECT CONDITION. Height, 207%; width, 14% inches. AALG, AXEL HERMAN °182. CuHorr ScreEN, AMIENS. Etching. Boland Catalogue, No. 34. Signed in lower margin, in pencil—Avel H. Haig. IN PERFECT CONDITION. Height, 14; length, 175 inches. HAIG, AXEL HERMAN 183. CHorR SCREEN, AMIENS. Etching. Boland Catalogue, No. 34. Signed in lower margin, in pencil—4 vel H. Haig. In PERFECT CONDITION. Height, 14; length, 175¢ inches. HAIG, AXEL HERMAN 184. CoLtoGNE CaTHEDRAL: INTERIOR. Etching. Boland Catalogue, No. 38. Signed in lower margin, in pencil—A-rel H. Haig. IN PERFECT CONDITION. Height, 20%; width, 145¢ inches. HAIG, AXEL HERMAN 185. East AmBuLatory: Burcos. Etching. Boland Catalogue, No. 49. Signed in lower margin, in pencil—A rel H. Haig. ___IN PERFECT CONDITION, Height, 16%; width, 1134 inches. HAIG, AXEL HERMAN 186. Ety CATHEDRAL: INTERIOR. Etching. Boland Catalogue, No. 52: Signed in lower margin, in pencil—Avel H. Haig. IN PERFECT CONDITION. | Height, 2554; width, 16% inches. HAIG, AXEL HERMAN 187. Ety CaAtTHeprRAL: INrTerior. Etching. Boland Catalogue, No. te Signed in lower margin, in pencil—Awvel H. Haig. IN PERFECT CONDITION. ; Height, 2554; width, 1614 inches. HAIG, AXEL HERMAN 188. Hoar Cross: CuHaret Hoty Ancers. Etching. ° Boland Catalogue, No. 76. Beautiful Beautiful Beautiful Beautiful Jeautiful Beautiful Beautiful impression. impression. impression. impression. impression. impression. impression. Signed Artist Proof. Beautiful impression, IN PERFECT CONDITION. Only 150 proofs. Height, 2314; width, 155¢ inches. First Session, Wednesday Evening, March 9th HAIG, AXEL HERMAN ' 189. IN THE CLOISTER GARDEN. Etching. Boland Catalogue, No. 86. Signed in lower margin, in pencil,—A vel H. Haig. Beautiful impression. IN PERFECT CONDITION. Height, 1354; width, 836 inches. HAIG, AXEL HERMAN 190. MonuMENT: VeErRoNA. Etching. Boland Catalogue, No. 112. Signed in lower margin, in pencilAvxel Herman Haig. Beautiful im- pression. IN PERFECT CONDITION. Height, 1914; width, 1314 inches. —.- so HAIG, AXEL HERMAN 191. NortHern Museum, StockHotm. Etching. Boland Catalogue, No. 118. Signed in lower margin, in pencil,—Awel H. Haig. Beautiful impression. IN PERFECT CONDITION. Height, 6%; length, 934 inches. HAIG, AXEL HERMAN 192. PaLerMo CATHEDRAL. Etching. Boland Catalogue, No. 136. Signed in lower margin, in pencil, —Axel H. Haig. Beautiful impression. IN PERFECT CONDITION. Height, 19; length, 24 inches. HAIG, AXEL HERMAN 193. Puupirr, Parma, Etching: Boland Catalogue, No. 145. Signed in lower margin, in pencil,—A rel H. Haig. Beautiful impression. IN PERFECT CONDITION. Height, 1534; length, 21% inches. Palma is the capital of "the Balearic Isles off the coast of Spain. HAIG, AXEL HERMAN 194. St. EtreENNE CATHEDRAL, Bources: Exterior. Etching. Boland Catalogue, No. 157. Signed in lower margin, in pencil,—Axrel Herman Haig. Beautiful im- pression. IN PERFECT CONDITION. Height, 16%; length, 223 inches. The Cathedral at Bourges is one of the five greatest in France. HAIG, AXEL HERMAN 195. St. EtrENNE CATHEDRAL, Bources: Exterior. Etching. Boland Catalogue, No. 157. Signed in lower margin, in pencil,—Avel H. Haig. Beautiful impression. IN PERFECT CONDITION. Height, 16%; length, 2234 inches. HAIG, AXEL HERMAN 196. St. EtreENNE CATHEDRAL, Bources, EXTERIor. Etching. Boland Catalogue, No. 157. Signed Artist Proof. Beautiful impression. IN PERFECT CONDITION. Height, 16%; length, 2234 inches. HAIG, AXEL HERMAN 197. Sr, Ours; Locnes: Etching, Boland Catalogue, No. 167. Signed in lower margin, in pencil—Azrel H. Haig. Beautiful impression. IN PERFECT CONDITION. Height, 10; width, 7 inches. ‘First Session, Wednesday Evening, March 9th HAIG, AXEL HERMAN 198. SALAMANCA, SPAIN. Etching. Boland Catalogue, No. 168. Signed in lower margin, in pencil,—drel H. Haig. Beautiful impression. IN PERFECT CONDITION. Height, 23; width, 14% inches. HAIG, AXEL HERMAN 199. Burcos CATHEDRAL, SoutH ArsLtE Looxinc West. Etching. Boland Catalogue, No. 177. Signed Artist Proof. Beautiful impression. IN PERFECT CONDITION. Height, 28%4; width, 19% inches. : HAIG, AXEL HERMAN 200. SoutH TRANSEPT, St. Marx’s. Etching. Boland Catalogue, No. 178. Signed in lower margin, in pencil —A+rel H. Haig. Beautiful impression. IN PERFECT CONDITION. Height, 1714; length, 221% inches. HAIG, AXEL HERMAN 201. Totepo CATHEDRAL, VIEW OF THE SOUTH AISLE. Etching. Boland, Catalogue, No. 196. Signed Artist Proof. Beautiful impression. IN PERFECT CONDITION. . Height, 283g; width, 1954 inches. HAIG, AXEL HERMAN 202. Wispy. Etching. Boland Catalogue, No. 226. Signed in lower margin, in pencil —Azel H. Haig. Beautiful impression. IN PERFECT CONDITION. Height, 18; length, 26 inches. This etching, though done in 1888, is not included in Armstrong’s catalogue. HAIG, AXEL HERMAN 203. Carpet or St. ANNA, Burcos. Etching. Signed in lower margin, in pencil—Awvel H. Haig. Beautiful impression. IN PERFECT CONDITION. Height, 734; width, 5% inches. HAIG, AXEL HERMAN 204. FremisH Lace Workers. Etching. ONLY ONE STATE. Signed artist’s proof on heavy, buff Whatman paper, limited to 100 impressions. The plate has been destroyed. Fine and very rare. Height, 714; length, 11 inches. HAIG, AXEL HERMAN 205. ENTRANCE To NortH TRANSEPT, WESTMINSTER. Drawing. Signed and dated in lower left corner,—Arel H. Haig, June 19, 1903. Beautiful pencil drawing, in perfect condition. Height, 1334; width, 10 inches. HAIG, AXEL HERMAN 206. Krrxstatt ApBey, YORKSHIRE. Drawing. Signed and dated in lower left corner—A. H. H. 15 July 1879. Beautiful pencil drawing, in perfect condition. Height, 674; length, 934 inches. First Session, Wednesday Evening, March 9th E.G) HALL HALT. “BG, 207. Nites Ponp. Etching. Signed in lower margin, in pencil—Il. G. Hall. Beautiful impression. IN PERFECT CONDITION. Height, 834; width, 654 inches. PIAL pe. 208. Orn Houses, Vicenzia. Etching. Signed in lower margin, IN PERFECT CONDITION. Height, 8'4; width, 6% inches. F. G. Hall. Beautiful impression. PAL Are 209. Wiritow’s East GLovcester. Etching. Signed in lower margin, 1 i IN PERFECT CONDITION. leight, 654; length, 10% inches. G. Hall. Beautiful impression. W. LEE HANKEY HANKEY, W. LEE 210. Moonrise. Painter-etching in color. Proof No. 31 printed in color at one printing by the artist himself. Signed in pencil in the right lower margin,—“lV. Lee Hankey, sc et imp.” and in the left corner “31.” Laid, down on cardboard and framed in 34 inch bronze frame. Height, 12; width, 10 inches. CHILDE HASSAM American painter and etcher. Born at Boston in 1859. HASSAM, CHILDE 211. Tue ATHENAEUM, PorTsmMouTH. — Etching. Proof printed by Hassam, and signed in ‘lower margin, in pencil,—C. H. imp. in circle. Fine mee IN PERFECT CONDITION, Height, 836; width, 57% inches. SIR HUBERT HERKOMER Contemporary English painter and etcher. Pupil of Legros. HERKOMER, SIR HUBERT 212. Roaps or ENGLAND.. Soft-ground. Signed in lower margin, in pencil—Hubert Herkomer. Very fine impres- sion, printed on Japan paper. IN PERFECT CONDITION. Height, 101%; length, 14 inches. SIR CHARLES HOLROYD Contemporary English etcher. HOLROY D,SIR CHARLES 213. VeENIcE. Etching. Signed in lower margin, in pencil, Bares by Holroyd. . Beautiful impres- sion. IN PERFECT CONDITION, Height, 4; length, 8% inches. First Session, Wednesday Evening, March 9th ALBANY E. HOWARTH Contemporary English etcher. HOWARTH, ALBANY E. 214. Rosze Winpow, Roven. Etching. Signed Artist Proof. Beautiful impression. IN PERFECT CONDITION, Height, 2414; width, 17 inches. HOWARTH, ALBANY E. @io- ST, MarxK’s, VENICE. Etching. Signed Artist’s Proof. Beautiful impression. IN PERFECT CONDITION, Height, 21%; length, 3114 inches. HOWARTH, ALBANY E. 216. AsoLa, ITALY. Etching. Signed in lower margin, in pencil,—dlbany E. Howarth. Beautiful im- pression. JN PERFECT CONDITION. Height, 734; length, 117% inches. HOWARTH, ALBANY E. 217. CARNARVON CASTLE, WALES. Etching. Signed in lower margin, in pencil,—Albany E. Howarth. Beautiful im- pression. IN PERFECT CONDITION. Height, 1054; length, 14 inches. HOWARTH, ALBANY E. 218. Gateway, Kincs COLLEGE, CAMBRIDGE. Etching. Signed in lower margin, in pencil,—Albany E. Howarth. Beautiful im- pression. JN PERFECT CONDITION. Height, 1174; width, 734 inches. HOWARTH, ALBANY E. 219. THe Market. Etching. Signed in lower margin, in pencil,—Albany E. Howarth. Beautiful im- pression. JIN PERFECT CONDITION. Height, 10; width, 6% inches. HOWARTH, ALBANY E. 220. THE O_p Wei. Etching. Signed in lower margin, in pencil—Albany E. Howarth. Beautiful im- pression. JIN PERFECT CONDITION. Height, 10%; width, 7% inches. HOWARTH, ALBANY E. 221. CARNAVRON CASTLE. Etching. Signed in lower margin, in pencil—dlbany Howarth. Beautiful_impres- sion. IN PERFECT CONDITION. Height, 1054; length, 135% inches. HOWARTH, ALBANY E. 222. CARNAVRON GaTE. Etching. Signed in lower margin, in pencil,—Albany Howarth. Beautiful impres- sion. JIN PERFECT CONDITION. Height, 8: width, 6 inches. First Session, Wednesday Evening, March 9th HOWARTH, ALBANY E. - 223. Corre.CAsTLe. Etching. Signed in lower margin, in pencil—dAlbany Howarth. sion. IN PERFECT CONDITION. Height, 74%4; width, 63 inches. HOWARTH, ALBANY E. 224. DurRHAM CATHEDRAL (Exterior). Etching. Signed in lower margin, in pencil—Albany Howarth, sion. IN PERFECT CONDITION. Height, 1154; length, 14 inches. Framed. HOWARTH, ALBANY E. 225. Gourock. Etching. Signed in lower margin, in pencil—Albany Howarth. sion. [IN PERFECT CONDITION. Height, 534; length, 84 inches. HOWARTH. ALBANY E. 226. Kine’s CoLLEGE CHAPEL. Etching. Signed in lower margin, in pencil—Albany Howarth. sion. IN PERFECT CONDITION. Height, 137; width, 9% inches. HOWARTH, ALBANY E. 227. VENICE NicHT. Etching. Signed in lower margin, in pencil—dAlbany Howarth. sion. IN PERFECT CONDITION. Height, 574; width, 4% inches. Beautiful Beautiful Beautiful Beautiful Beautiful impres- impres- impres- impres- impres- AT THE AMERICAN ART GALLERIES MADISON SQUARE SOUTH, NEW YORK Peo RICTED PUBLIC SALE OF ETCHINGS BY MASTER ARTISTS BY ORDER OF OWNERS HEREINBEFORE DESIGNATED Second Session, Numbers 228 to 444, Inclusive THURSDAY EVENING, MARCH 10TH, AT 800 O’CLOCK JOSEF ISRAELS Celebrated Dutch painter and etcher. Born at Gréningen in 1824. / SRALLS sTOSEF 228, GIRL WITH BASKET, SEATED ON THE SHorRE. Etching. « Signed in lower margin, in pencil,—Josef Israels. Beautiful impression, printed on India paper. Margins slightly stained. Height, 6; length, 9 inches. ISRAELS, JOSEF Jf 729. CHILD IN THE CRADLE. Etching. \ Signed in lower margin, in pencil_—Josef Israels. Beautiful impression, | 0 printed on Japan paper. IN PERFECT CONDITION. Height, 3%; length, 57% inches. Poms JOSEE 230. CHitp IN ‘CHarr. Etching. . QO, Signed in lower margin, in pencil,—Josef Israels. Beautiful impression. ac IN PERFECT CONDITION. Height, 57; width, 4 inches. Framed. CHARLES JACQUE Celebrated French painter and _ etcher. Jom in Parisein 1813 = ‘dreds at + Bar- bizon in 1894, JACQUE, CHARLES 231. PocHER SURVEILLANT SON TROUPEAU. Effet de Soir. Painter-etching. Guiffrey, No. 92. Fg SECOND STATE. Signed on the plate and dated 1850. Proof on India .- a paper; small margin. Hinged from the upper corners to a cardboard and framed in % inch gilt, frame. Height, 534; length, 876 inches. JACQUE, CHARLES 232% La BeErceRIE. Etching. e Guiffrey, No. 161. Signed in lower margin, in pencil,—Cherles Jacque. Beautiful impression. : ‘py Margins slightly stained, otherwise in perfect condition. Height, 1134; length, 17% inches. \) This plate and La Bergerie Béarnaise are usually considered Jacque’s masterpiece. “Cette estampe célébre.’’— Second Session, Thursday Evening, March 10th JACQUE, CHARLES 233. La RENTREE. Brebis et agneaux, rentrant surveillés par un berger. Painter- etching. 7) z Guiffrey, No. 191. al AY, SECOND State. Signed on the plate. Proof on India paper, slightly foxed. | Attached to the mat at the uppe corners and framed in % irich gilt frame. Height, 5; length, 7% inches. JACQUE, CHARLES 234. Coo ET PouLes. Painter-etching. Guiffrey, No. 201. ~() SECOND STATE. Signed on the plate. Proof on India paper, slightly foxed. NA Hinged from the upper corners on cardboard and framed in % inch | gilt frame. Height, 434; length, 634 inches. JACQUE, CHARLES / 235. Le Retour pes CHamps. Painter-etching. / Guiffrey, No. 210. q : FourtH State. Signed on the plate. Proof on India paper, hinged from hi the upper corners on cardboard and framed in % inch gilt frame. Height, 454; length, 7 inches. JAGOUE, CHALE 286. TROUPEAU DE VACHES ET BOEUFS. Painter-etching. vA Beraldi, No. 422. Signed on the plate and dated 1866. Proof on India paper, ineed from (ESS the upper corners on a cardboard and framed in % inch gilt frame. ca Height, 434; length, 111% inches. JACQUE, CHARLES 237. CHAUMIERES. Painter-etching. ay, Beraldi, No. 456. .) Signed on the plate and dated 79. Proof on Japanese vellum, hinged from the upper corners on cardboard and framed in ™% inch gilt frame. Height, 634; length, 836 inches. JACQUE, CHARLES A) 248. TroupeAu pve VacHes A l’AsBreuvorr. Original Drypoint and roulette work. > Beraldi, No. 458. Signed on the plate and dated 1878. Proof on Japanese vellum, hinged from the upper corrers to a cardboard and framed in ™% inch silver- eilt frame. Height, 5; length, 9% inches. MAXIME LALANNE French etcher. 3orn at Bordeaux in 1827; died in 1886. LALANNE, MAXIME Vur prRIsE DU Pont Satnt-MicHer (Le Pont-Neuf et le Louvre). Painter- etching. Beraldi, No. 8. Signed on the plate. Proof on “Aqua fortisto” paper with full margin, decked edges. Hinged from the upper edge on cardboard and framed in 34 inch gilt frame. Height, 77%; length, 11% inches. From the Philippe Burty and Sir Wm. Drake collections. Second Session, Thursday Evening, March 10th ea a a nel St LALANNE, MAXIME 240. RICHMOND, PRES LonpreEs. Painter-etching. Beraldi, No. 57, [0 Signed on the plate and dated 1871. Published in the “Portfolio” Proof [2a — on “Aqua fortisto” paper. Hinged from the upper corners on card- board and framed in % inch gilt frame. Height, 8; length, 914 inches. LALANNE, MAXIME 241. SOUVENIR DE BorpEAUx. Painter-etching. Beraldi, No. 98. CU. signed on the plate “M. L.” Published in “Traité de la Gravure a l’Eau- Forte,” edition of 1878. Proof on “Aqua fortisto” paper, signed in ink. pe. Hinged from the upper corners on a cardboard and framed in TY inch gilt frame. Height, 53¢; width, 334 inches. LALANNE, MAXIME SY 242. Un ViEUx QUARTIER DE ViTRE (Ille et Vilaine). Painter-etching. /é a Berald:,, No. 112. Signed on the plate. Proof on thin Japanese vellum. Height, 654; length, 10 inches. LALANNE, MAXIME 243. UNr RUE ve Roven. Etching. Ig / Signed in the plate, together with Lalanne’s Rue de la Tonnellerie, an etching by Appian and (12) etchings by Jacquemart, some of which have been published in the Gazette des Beaux Arts. Together, 15 pieces, various sizes. NICOLAS DE LAUNAY Botm at Paris, 1739: died there in 1792, PAaNAY, NICOLAS DE 244. ANGELIQUE ET Mépore. Engraving. After the painting by Raoux. Very fine impression, slightly stained 1S otherwise in fine condition. Z Height, 18; width, 135< inches. Framed. LAUNAY, NICOLAS DE 245. MarcHE DE SILENE. Engraving. After the painting by P. P. Rubens. Very fine proof of the Second State 4. before the inscription. IN PERFECT CONDITION. Height, 1334; length, 18 inches. tt, - LG LAUNAY, NICOLAS DE 246. La Letrre Envoyvér. Line-engraving. After J. B. Le Prince, 1768. Portalis and Beraldi II p. 547. No. 30. Very fine proof with the coat-of- arms, the artist’s name and the title only. With small margins on top i and sides, but showing the entire blank inscription space at the bottom. => ; Extremely rare in this state. A slight stain in the lower margin. Height, 1454; width, 1134 inches. Second Session, Thursday Evening, March 10th 2 ____ Ee ALPHONSE LEGROS Celebrated French painter and etcher. Born at Dijon in 1837; died at London in 1911 LEGROS, ALPHONSE fa. BEGGAR WITH A CRUTCH, HIS Hat IN HIS HAND. Etching. Signed in lower margin, in pencil—A. Legros. Beautiful impression, 16 \ with etched remarque. me PERFECT CONDITION. > Height, 874; width, 67% inches. LEGROS, ALPHONSE 7 / 248. L’ARBRE DE SALUT. Etching. Signed in lower margin, in pencil—4d. Legros. Beautiful impression. a y IN PERFECT CONDITION, Height, 10; width, 8%4 inches. LEGROS, ALPHONSE a) 249. Le Rerour pes Cuamps. Etching. 4 Signed in lower margin, in pencil—A. Legros. Beautiful impression. ny - V4 IN PERFECT CONDITION. Height, 614; length, 71% inches. LEGROS, ALPHONSE 250. THe PropicaAL Son. Etching and drypoint. / } yy Signed proof on old paper, with large margins. Fine. A Height, 7; width, 5. LEGROS, ALPHONSE Zo\s FISHERMAN In Boat. Etching. Signed in the plate in lower left corner,—A. L. Fine impression, together ‘with small landscape etching. i 5), Height, 734; length, 1034 inches. AUGUSTE LEPERE Contemporary French etcher. LEPERE, AUGUSTE : W 52. L’ABREUVOIR AU Pont MARIE, Paris. Etching. Signed in the plate, with (6) other etchings and (2) wood-cuts by ye this artist, published at various times in the Gazette des Beaux Arts and other magazines. Together, 9 pieces, various sizes. ERNEST LUMSDEN Famous contemporary English etcher. LUMSDEN, ERNEST 253. Apeypur Morninc. Etching. Signed in lower margin, in pencil—E. Lumsden, Fine proof, printed on Japan paper. Margins and sky rubbed. a ee! Height, 84 length, 107% inches. belt t LUMSDEN; ERNEST 254.. CHIEN MeN FROM WirHouT. Etching. ; i i in, 1 i trnest Lumsden. Beautiful impression. Oe ae IN PERFECT CONDITION. 7°) Height, 874; width, 67% inches. Second Session, Thursday Evening, March 10th LUMSDEN, ERNEST 255. Empress GovERNMENT Buitpines, Vicrorta, B. C. Etching. Signed in lower margin, in pencil_—Ernest Lumsden. Beautiful impression. IN PERFECT CONDITION. Height, 7; length, 9 inches. LUMSDEN, ERNEST 256. Fort Street, Vicroria, B. C. Etching. Signed in lower margin, in pencil_—Ernest Lumsden. Beautiful impression. IN PERFECT CONDITION. Height, 6; length, 83g inches. LUMSDEN, ERNEST Y 25/7. Fort AND City. Etching. Signed in lower margin, in pencil—Ernest Lumsden. Beautiful impression. IN PERFECT CONDITION. Height, 97g; width, 734 inches. / LUMSDEN, ERNEST 258. InpIAN Reserve. Etching. Signed in lower margin, in pencil—Ernest Lumsden. Beautiful impression. ou IN PERFECT CONDITION. Height, 6%; length, 9 inches. LUMSDEN, ERNEST X y 259. PatH By Gunca. Etching. Signed in lower margin, in pencil—Ernest Lumsden. Beautiful impression, margins slightly rubbed. Height, 8%; width, 6 inches. LUMSDEN, ERNEST “ 260. PrkinG SHops. Etching. | . Signed in lower margin, in pencil,—Ernest Lumsden. Beautiful impression. IN PERFECT CONDITION. | Height, 434; length, 93¢ inches. MSDEN, ERNEST sae THe Great WaLL. Etching. , Signed in lower margin, in pencil,—Ernest Lumsden. Beautiful impression. IN PERFECT CONDITION. Height, 9; width, 7 inches. LUMSDEN, ERNEST ToMB IN THE PALMS. | Etching. Signed in lower margin, in pencil,—Ernest Lumsden. Beautiful impression, margins slightly rubbed. ‘\ Height, 414; length, 6 inches. LUMSDEN, ERNEST 263 THe Dean Brinvce. Etching. Signed in lower margin, in pencil—Ernest Lumsden. Beautiful impression. & IN .PERFECT CONDITION. Height, 83¢; width, 6 inches. Second Session, Thursday Hvening, March 10th ANTOINE MASSON 1636-1700 Born at Loury near Orleans and died at Paris. One of the most skilful French masters of the buriu. MASSON, ANTOINE 264% Marin CuRCAU DE LA CHAMBRE. Physician to the King. Line-engraving. After P. Mignard. Robert Dumesnil I], p. 116, No. 24. { : First State (of 5). Before the cross-hatchings on the left cheek. With ex very small margin, trimmed just at the plate-mark. Fine. , Height, 105¢; width, 834 inches. “One of the chefs-d’oeuvres of the engraver.” R. D. From the Boston Museum Collection. J. HAMILTON MACKENZIE Contemporary Scotch etcher. MacKENZIE, J: HAMILTON 265. L’ANCIEN GREFFE, BruGES. Etching. *. / Signed in lower margin, in pencil, J. Hamilton MacKenzie. Fine proof. bie IN PERFECT CONDITION. — }U \ Height, 1334; width, 656 inches. DONALD SHAW MacLAUGHLAN Contemporary American etcher. Born in Canada in 1876; living abroad. “I know of no modern etcher who has ‘arrived’ (in the best critical sense) more rapidly than Donald Shaw MacLaughlan. In 1900 this young Canadian, of Scottish an- cestry, who had studied painting in Boston, was making his best experiments on the copper under the spell of ‘Old Paris.’ But already only eleven years after his modest début A. M. Hind has called him one of the few etchers of to-day whose architectural and landscape etchings are comparable in a sense of style with those of Cameron and Bone, betraying. the same touch of the artist of conviction.”—CLEVE- LAND PALMER. MacLAUGHLAN, DONALD SHAW f 266. MELONCELLO. Etching. a ¢ Signed in lower margin, in pencil—D. Shaw MacLaughlan: Very fine impression. IN PEREFCT CONDITION. Height, 614; length, 8% inches. MacLAUGHLAN, DONALD SHAW 267. SAINT SEVERIN. Etching. 1) Signed in lower margin, in pencil—D. Shaw MacLaughlan. Beautiful ‘ W impression. IN PEREFCT CONDITION. y Height, 74%; width, 43% inches. MacLAUGHLAN, DONALD SHAW 268. Tour DE SAINT-LAURENT, ROUEN. Etching. Signed in lower margin, in pencil—D. Shaw MacLaughlan. Very fine impression. JN PEREFCT CONDITION. Height, 83g; width, 4% inches. MacLAUGHLAN, DONALD SHAW / 269. Tue Great Gate. Etching. ; Signed in lower margin, in pencil—D. Shaw MacLaughlin. Fine im- xy / pression. JN PERFECT CONDITION. \ Height, 874; width, 6 inches. MacLAUGHLAN, DONALD SHAW 270. Houses on THE Aare, SCOTLAND. Etching. Signed in lower margin, in pencil—D. Shaw MacLaughlan. Very fine impression. Margins cut close to plate mark. IN PERFECT CONDITION. ) Height, 77%; length, 854 inches. Second Session, Thursday Evening, March 10th oe ane a AE ae MacLAUGHLAN, DONALD SHAW /27\. Frevps or Asoro. Etching. Signed in lower margin, in pencil,—D. Shaw MacLaughlan. Fine im- } / pression. IN PERFECT CONDITION, | Height, 10% ; length, 1314 inches. MacLAUGHLAN, DONALD SHAW 272. “IN GIORGIONES LAND. Etching. Signed in lower margin, in pencil—D. Shaw MacLaughlan. Beautiful ; impression. IN PEREFCT CONDITION. Height, 97g; length, 12 inches. 73.- Tue Boat Burtpers. Etching. Signed in lower margin, in pencil,—D. Shaw MacLaughlan. Fine im- pression. JN PERFECT CONDITION. P25 tng Boia 3 DONALD SHAW §\ Height, 87; length, 107% inches. | MacLAUGHLAN, DONALD SHAW ae LA VILLE DE MArpre. Etching. s/ Signed in lower margin, in pencil—D. Shaw MacLaughlan. Fine im- pression, left margin slightly stained, otherwise IN PERFECT CONDITION. Height, 1134; width, 95% inches. MacLAUGHLAN, DONALD SHAW (5/ Tue Poot, Lonpon. Etching. Signed in lower margin, in pencil—D. Shaw MacLaughlan. Fine im- pression, margins cut to plate mark, IN FINE CONDITION. |0 Height, 15; width, 10 inches. MacLAUGHLAN, DONALD SHAW 276. SUMMER DREAMS. Etching. Signed in lower margin, in pencil,—_D. Shaw MacLaughlan. Fine im- pression. IN PERFECT CONDITION. s/ Height, 10; length, 12 inches. MacLAUGHLAN, DONALD SHAW 27/7. SUNLIGHT AND SHapows. Etching. Signed in lower margin, in pencil—D. Shaw MacLaughlan. Fine im- pression. IN PERFECT CONDITION. Height, 12; width, 97% inches. MacLAUGHLAN, DONALD SHAW 278. Rio Verona. Etching. | Signed in lower margin, in pencil—D. Shaw MacLaughlan. Beautiful \) impression. IN PERFECT CONDITION. | Height, 1134; width, 95% inches. 9. Tue Market, Venice. Etching. Signed in lower margin, in pencil,—D. Shaw MacLaughlan. Beautiful On Se DONALD SHAW impression. IN PEREFCT CONDITION. he Height, 1054; length, 147@ inches. 280. La Saute, VENIcE. Etching. ae Signed in lower margin, in pencil—D. Shaw MacLaughlan. Fine im- pression. IN PERFECT CONDITION. Height, 734; width, 4 inches. Second Session, Thursday Evening, March 10th MacLAUGHLAN, DONALD SHAW 1, La FLEcHE, RouEN. Etching. y Signed in lower margin, in pencil—D. Shaw MacLaughlan. Very fine / f) : impression, JIN PEREFCT CONDITION. / Height, 634; width, 3 inches. MacLAUGHLAN, DONALD SHAW 282. RurE DE CHASSEURS, RovuEN. Etching. y Signed in lower margin, in pencil—D. Shaw MacLaughlan. Fine early a ee proof of the First Stare, printed on old paper. IN PERFECT CONDITION. Height, 654; width, 45¢ inches. p } MacLAUGHLAN, DONALD SHAW Sl 7°283 SUNLIGHT AND SHapows, No.‘3. Efehing. ja / Signed in lower margin, in pencil—D. Shaw MacLaughlan. Beautiful 1 impression. IN PEREFCT CONDITION. ; Height, 14%; width, 1014 inches. (D Me€ELAUGHLAN, DONALD SHAW ad 84. Houser or Ceres. Etching. Signed in lower margin, in pencil—D. Shaw MacLaughlan. Beautiful Y impression. IN PEREFCT CONDITION. Height, 14%; width, 107 inches. MacLAUGHLAN, DONALD SHAW / ¢ 285. THe Market VENIceE. Etching. Signed in lower margin, in pencil—D. Shaw MacLaughlan. Beautiful . impression. IN PEREFCT CONDITION. oe Nd ly Height, 1054; length, 15 inches. oas MacLAUGHLAN, DONALD SHAW 286. TREVISO WATERS. Etching. . Signed in lower margin, in pencil—D. Shaw MacLaughlan. Beautiful I impression. IN PEREFCT CONDITION. Height, 10; length, 121% inches. MacLAUGHLAN, DONALD SHAW Gr78/. NENETIAN NOONTIDE. Etching. Signed in lower margin, in pencil—D. Shaw MacLaughlan. Beautiful (2 Le impression. IN PERFECT CONDITION. Height, 934; length, 115% inches. MacLAUGHLAN, D. SHAW , / 288. FisuHine Boats, BouLocNe. Painter-etching. eae. 4 Proof on thin Japan paper, signed on the lower margin, in pencil, by the 6) / artist. : Height, 4%; length, 53¢ inches. flacLAUGHLAN, D. SHAW a) 289. THE Force oF THE Wuite Horse; one of the Paris set. Painter-etching. » Proof on thin Japan paper, signed on the lower margin, in pencil, by the artist. h, Height, 6; width, 55% inches. MacLAUGHLAN, D. SHAW 290. THE WINpMILL. Painter-etching. ray SECOND STATE; with the clouds in the sky. yk Proof on thin Japan paper, signed on the lower margin, in pencil, by the artist. « \p Height, 314; length, 4 inches. Second Session, Thursday Evening, March 10th PIERRE MALEUVRE Born at Paris, 1740; died there, 1803. MALEUVRE, PIERRE 291, LEnrant GAré. Engraving. After the painting by J. B. cee Very fine impression, has a few /9 printer’s folds, otherwise in good condition. I iat Height, 167%; width, 13% inches. Framed. ffs MORTIMER MENPES Contemporary English etcher. Born in Australia in 1860; living in London. MENPES, MORTIMER 292. La GrossE Horioce, Roven. Etching. By St Signed in lower margin, in pencil,—Mortimer Menpes. Beautiful im- / pression. IN PERFECT CONDITION. Height, 1534; width, 936 inches. S ’ ) CHARLES MERYON Celebrated French etcher. Born in Paris, 1821; died there in 1868. MERYON, CHARLES 293. ANCIENNE PorTE pU PaLais DE Justice. Painter-etching. // ii, © Delteil, No. 19. Sat, Tuirp State; the plate is cut down, shows only one subject and the let- tering is put oni, Proof-on “aquafortis” paper with good margin. Laid loosely in a % inch gilt frame with brass stand on back, Height, 314; width, 334 inches. MERYON, CHARLES | 294. ARMS OF THE City or Paris. Etching. ? Delteil, No. 21. [/] Ss ‘ : Signed s the plate. Beautiful impression, IN PERFECT CONDITION. / Height, 3g; width, 43¢ inches. Z, if Xe ; ¥g As) C ir BR MERYON, CHARLES 295. La Garerie Notre-Dame. Painter-etching. Delteil; No. 26. FourtH STATE; with Meésyon’s monogram in the left upper corner and with 5 small crows added between “the thin columns to the right and with “La Galerie N:. D.” in’ the lower margin. Proof on India paper = pry laid on “A quafortists” paper. Full margin. Two printer’s creases in the lower right margin on one in the upper margin just stopping at the border-line. Hinged from the upper corners on a cardboard and framed in 14-inch gilt frame. SS Ee Height, 11; width, 634 inches. ~e MERYON, CHARLES 296. LA Pompe dE Notre-DAmeE. Painter-etching. Delteil, No. 31. SEVENTH STATE; before the inscriptions in the lower margin were burn- ished out and the title and date put on in engraved letters. Also before of “C, Méryon D. S.” in the right upper corner. Proof on dark India paper, 7 ry, laid on plate paper. Pub lished in “P Artiste.” A trifle foxed. Good margin. Hinged from the upper ey on : cardboard ede: framed in %-inch gilt frame. Height, 634; length, 934 inches. Peas oe Second Session, Thursday Evening, March 10th MERYON, CHARLES 297. La Pompe Norre-DaAme_. Paris, 1852. Painter-etching. Delteil, No. 31. / Burty, No. 45. at TuHirp State (of 5, not counting the trial proof). SEVENTH STATE (of 9, including all known trial proofs). | Before the inscriptions were taken off and replaced by: “C. Méryon D. S.” 15 ae in the upper right, and in the lower margin “La Pompe Notre-Dame, | 1852” in capitals. One of the 600 impressions published in “L’Artiste” of 1858. The plate is destroyed. Fine impression on deep yellow India paper, with margin. Height, 634; length, 934 inches. MERYON, CHARLES 298. Le Grand CHATELET veRS 1780. Etching from a contemporary drawing. Delteil, No. 52. At 7 Burty, No. 29. TuHird State, with the lettering. One of 100 impressions taken, on “D. C. Blauw” paper, after which the plate has been destroyed. . With very large margin. Height, 6 15/16; length, 9 13/16 inches. th ACHE: CHARLES F. W. MIELATZ Born in Breddin, Germany, 1864; died in New York, 1919. MIR LATA, GHARLES SE awe 299. WINTERLANDSCAPE, 1888. Painter-etching. Hts on Japan paper. Signed in pencil by the artist. In % inch silver-gilt ‘ rame. “Vv Height, 854; length, 171% inches. ? OLtp WomMAN FANNING A KITCHEN Fire. Painter-etching by S. G. Mc- \ V Cutcheon. Proof on thin Japan paper hinged to the original mat and | L framed in 34-inch bronze frame. Height, 814; width, 57< inches. Together, 2 pieces. JEAN FRANCOIS MILLET 1814-1875 Born in the village of Gruchy on the coast of Normandy; died in Barbizon. One of the most celebrated painters of the Barbizon school. MILLET) JEAN FRANCOIS 300. La CousEusE. Peasant woman mending clothes. Painter-etching. Delteil, No. 9. Wy Turrp State. Fine impression on “Pro patria’ paper, an English paper ia of the early part of XIX century. With very large margins. The y paper is cracked along the right edge of the plate from the heavy pres- sure in printing. Height, 374; width, 234 inches. WILLIAM MONK MONK, WILLIAM 301. NewGate Prison, Lonpon. Etching. / Signed in lower margin, in pencil—W. Monk. Fine impression. IN PER- / FECT CONDITION. | Mo Height, 7; length, 124 inches. Second Session, Thursday Evening, March 10th a re a a ai le AGOSTINO DE MUSI Flourished at Venice and Rome from 1514 to 1536. MUSI, AGOSTINO DE 502. ApoLto AND DAPHNE. Engraving. Parise, No. 317. Vol. XIV. SECOND STATE, with the date 1518 changed from 1515, but before the address of Salamanca was added. Good impression, in fair condition. Height, 87; width, 654 inches. Framed. With unidentified collector’s mark “S.R.” in lower right corner. Fagan, | 4 No. 482. bg ROBERT NANTEUIL 1623-1678 Born in Reims; died in Paris. The most important of the French portrait engravers of all centuries. Pupil of N. Regnesson, whose sister he married when he was only 17. His portraits from life are his best works and among them those of Louis XIV. NAN LT EUIL, ROBERT 303. FRANGoIs SERVIEN, BisHop or Bayeux. Line-engraving. After Philippe de 2 Champaigne. Vy, ) Robert-Dumesnil IV, pp. 176-177, No. 225. LOT Ge First State (of 3); before the name and rank of the personage appears on the base. Fine impression on paper with the watermark “I.H.S. cross and three nails in circle.” . Height, 1314; width, 1014 inches. SAMUEL PALMER English watercolor painter and etcher. Born in 1805; died at Regate in 1881. PALMER, SAMUEL 304. THE SkytarKx. Etching. yU Hardie, No. 2. - Artist’s name and number etched in lower margin. Fine impression. Le Printed on India paper. IN PERFECT CONDITION. _ Height, 434; width, 37% inches. SUNSET; oR THE HerpsMAN’s Cottace. Etching. Hardie, No. 3. Artist’s name and number etched in lower margin. Fine impression, printed on India paper. IN PERFECT CONDITION. Height, 4%; width, 4% inches. Together, 2 pieces. PALMER, SAMUEL 305. THE EArLty PLoUGHMAN. Known also as THE MorNING SPREAD UPON THE MOUNTAINS. Hardie, No. 9. FINISHED STATE, the first published. Appeared in “Etching and Etchers” by P. G. Hamerton, Ist:edition, 1868. Proof on Whatman paper, with good margin, deckel edges. Hinged from the upper corners and framed in %-inch gilt frame. Height, 54%; length, 734 inches. MARC ANTONIO RAIMONDI | Early Italian engraver. Born at Bologna about 1480; died there about 1530. Z 7 RAIMONDI, MARC ANTONIO oe 306. ADAM AND Eve. Engraving. Barisen, No. 1, Vol. XIV. es After Raphael, good impression, in fair condition. Height, 93g; width, 7 inches. Framed. Second Session, Thursday Evening, March 10th REMBRANDT VAN RIJN Celebrated Dutch painter and etcher. Born at Leyden in 1607; died at Amsterdam in 1669.- Pupil of Swanenburch and Lastman, but largely selftaught. “The opinion among etchers which enthrones Rembrandt as king of his craft is the most recent instance of perfect unanimity among people of all nationalities. As we all say that Phidias was the greatest sculptor, Homer the greatest epic poet, and Shakespeare the greatest dramatist, so we are all agreed on the world wide supremacy of Rem- brandt. In his own lines of work there is no one in all history to be compared with Rembrandt.’’—P. G, HamerrTon. REMBRANDT, VAN RIJN ‘4 307. JosepH TerLiinc His Dream. _ Painter-etching. 7 Bartsch, No. 37; Hind, No. 160. | VS Tuirp STATE, curtain and heads in the background covered with shading. 1m Height, 434; width, 3% inches. | \ REMBRANDT, VAN RIJN \ 308. ADORATION OF THE SHEPHERDS: A Nicur Piece. \Painter-etching. Bartsch, «No; 46;:.Hind, No. 255: \ TA EIGHTH |. STATE; further lines of shading (perpendicular). Cross the se Virgin’s forehead and face. The: plank partition is now scarcely visible. Y Printed on thin Japan paper. . ; Height, 576; length, 734 inches. REMBRANDT, VAN- RIJN 4) ,309. Homme A CuHevat. | Etching. ~) , » f wy, ol Bartsch, -No. 139. ai Signed on the plate in upper right corner. Fine early proof, before the Vt plate was cut so as to make it rectangular. In fine condition. v Height, 314; width, 2% inches.- REMBRANDT, VAN RIJN 310. THe Great JewrsH Brine. Etching. . Rovinski, No. 340. FINAL STATE OF Four. Signed, R. 1634. FINE IMPRESSION, IN PERFECT r ZO) Hh). CONDITION. Has marrow margin all around outside plate mark. i WNI4 - Height, 814; width, 6% inches. Framed. y KY PP From the Boehm. collection, : Wh. | [See Illustration. ] ‘ % ¥ ) Baad W. RENISON RENISON, W. ) /.8li.--Joun-Knox’s House,: Lonnon.. © Etching. ie fs ee Signed in lower margin, in pencil,—lV. Renison. Beautiful impression. > By, IN PERFECT CONDITION. Ka VY Height, 1734; width, 1336 inches. AUGUSTE RODIN RODIN,“ AUGUSTE = ie : y 312.. Vicror Huco.. Drypoint. KW With two other drypoints by Rodin, published at various times in Art . magazines. \) Together, 3 pieces, various sizes. W. DENDY SADLER Famous English historical painter. Born at Dorking, 1845. Pupil of the Dussel- dorf School. Became a member of the Society of British Artists in 1889. zy) SADLER W. DENDY V $13, Vittace Gossip. Etching. \ Etching by Dobie after the painting by W. Dendy Sadler. Remarque Proof. Signed in the lower margin, in pencil by both painter and ) etcher. Beautiful impression, printed on Japan paper. IN PERFECT / CONDITION. Height, 1614; length, 23 inches. f i t SS: bare wa aS REMBRANDT VAN RIJN THE GREAT JEWISH BRIDE [No. 310] vepatoe Bese ase LA = as - SAN ras [ec Second Session, Thursday Evening, March 10th . SADLER, W. DENDY 314. Tue Swine. Etching. Etching by Dobie after the painting by W. Dendy Sadler. Remarque Proof, Signed in the lower margin, in pencil by both painter and etcher. p A Beautiful impression, printed on Japan paper. IN PERFECT CONDITION. » eae. Height, 1334; length, 19'4 inches. SADLER, W. DENDY 315. Ir Micut Have Bren You, Joun. Etching. Si Etching by J. Dobie after the painting by W. Dendy Sadler. Remarque - Proof. Signed in lower margin, in pencil by both painter and etcher. VY Beautiful impression, printed on Japan paper. IN PERFECT CONDITION. Ap Height, 14; length, 195¢ inches. SADLER We DiENIO’N ,316. Love Letter. Etching. Pe f Etching by J. Jacquet after the painting by W. Dendy Sadler.’ Remarque ae Proof. Signed in lower margin, in pencil by both: painter and etcher. rs Beautiful impression, printed on Japan paper. IN PERFECT CONDITION, Height, 1434; width, 10% inches. SADILEIGR DVWue) aN 317. THe Answer. Etching. Etching by J. Jacquet after the painting by W. Dendy Sadler. Remarque Proof. Signed in lower margin, in pencil by both painter and etcher. rh, Beautiful impression, printed on Japan paper. IN PERFECT CONDITION. ng / Height, 15; width, 11 inches. GEORG FRIEDRICH SCHMIDT 1712-1775 3orn in the little village of Schonerlinde near Berlin; died in Berlin... Pupil of G, P. Busch and Larmessin. The most celebrated German line-engraver (principally portraits) of the eighteenth century and intimate friend of Ville. SCHMIDT) GEORG FRIEDRICH 318. /ELIsABETH PETROwNA, Empress oF Russia. ; Full length, standing in coronation robes. 1761. The engravers chef- doeuvre. Line-engraving after L. Tocqué.. L. D. Jacoby, No. 82. J. E. Wessely, No. 30. SECOND STATE, with full inscription, unusually fine impression with margin. The upper part of the margin slightly foxed. Height 25; width, 20 inches. From the celebrated Brentano-Brockenstock collection in Frankfort. CHARLES H. SHANNON Contemporary English painter and lithographer. Ant ee CHARLES FH: Y $19. Caresses. Lithograph. Signed in lower margin, in pencil_—C. H. Shannon. Fine impresstons. IN PERFECT CONDITION, \ v, s Height, 83¢; width, 6% inches. AHANNON, CHARLES H. / { 320. Summer. Lithograph. | Signed in lower margin, in pencil—C. H. Shannon. Fine impression. IN PERFECT CONDITION. * Height, 1414; width, 1034 inches. Cy Second Session, Thursday Evening, March 10th a et RE SHANNON, CHARLES H. 21. Tue Waite Wartcu. Lithograph. Signed in lower margin, in pencil—C. H. Shannon. Fine impression. ia IN PERFECT CONDITION. Heicut, 13%4; width, 91% inches. SHANNON, CHARLES H. 322. THE SHEEPFOLD. Lithograph. > With (3) other lithographs by this artist, published at various times in ) Art magazines. Together, 4 pieces, various sizes. EK. SHAULAND Set UUAND, E. » 323. RwHEIMS CATHEDRAL. Etching. “\/ Signed in lower margin, in pencil—E. Shauland. Beautiful impression. er, IN PERFECT CONDITION. a / Height, 2334; width, 1534 inches. - - \ FRANK SHORT Contemporary English etcher, aquatinter, and mezzotinter. Born at London in 1857. SHORT, FRANK of THE CHuRCH AT KAmMpEN. Etching. £ Signed in lower margin, in pencil—Frank Short. Beautiful impression. IN PERFECT CONDITION. Height, 554; length, 8 inches. 324% THE Dijk at VoLeNDAM, HoLiaNnp. Etching, Signed in lower margin, in pencil—Frank Short. Beautiful impression. \ IN PERFECT CONDITION. QW) Behe 754 ieneth, 1034 inches. J. ANDRE SMITH Peat eaitnter y American etcher. SMITH, J. ANDRE 4) 26. WuHuitsy, ENGLAND. Painter-etching. . Proof on Japan paper, printed by the artist himself and signed in pencil in the lower margin, “J. André Smith, imp.” Laid down on cardboard ‘\ and framed in %-inch “Whistler Pattern” gilt frame. Height, 634; width, 434 inches. By Ts FRANK H. M. STONE [sZONE. H. M. 327. Simpsons, CorNHILL. Etching. . / Signed in lower margin, in pencil—H. M. Stone. Beautiful impression. L ‘ IN PERFECT CONDITION. . Height, 6%; width, 57% inches. WILLIAM STRANG Contemporary painter-etcher. wot RANG, WILLIAM ry 328. WaAaLLs oF THE ALHAMBRA. Painter-etching. Signed proof on “A. B. C.” paper, with full margin. Very fine. eX Height, 12; width, 117 inches. Second Session, Thursday Evening, March 10th ‘ : EDWARD MILLINGTON SYNGE Contemporary English etcher. Born at Malvern in 1860; died in 1912. SYNGE, EDWARD MILLINGTON 329. Doorway, Docre’s PALAcE, VENICE. Etching. Signed in lower margin, in pencil—E. M. Synge. Beautiful impression. IN PERFECT CONDITION. WA Height, 1314; width, 734 inches, LUCAS VAN LEYDEN Early German engraver. Born in Leyden in 1494; died in 1533. VAN LEYDEN; LUCAS 330. ApAM AND Eve. Engraving. Wry Bartsch, No. 8. ST/ Signed and dated on the plate—-“L. 1519.” Beautiful impression. ) IN PERFECT CONDITION. \V Height, 454; width, 234 inches. From the Alfred Morrison collection. VAN LEYDEN, LUCAS | /331. ApAmM AND Eve AFTER THE EXPULSION. Engraving. ray Bartsch, No. 11. Signed and dated on the plate——“L 1519.” Good impression, in good Y condition. Height, 6%; width, 47 inches. VAN LEYDEN LUCAS 332. St. Grorce LIBERATING THE PRINCESS. Engraving. Bartsch, No. 121. fo Signed on the plate with the initial “L.” Fine impression. Few marks Jon 4 through center which show on surface, print at some time having been ) (\ ‘ folded, otherwise in fine condition. : Height, 63¢; width, 4% inches. Vi From the Alfred Morrison collection. VAN LEYDEN, EUGAS 333. ORNAMENT WITH Two DoLpHIns. Engraving. Bartsch; No: 161. Signed on the plate with the initial “ZL.” Fine impression. IN PERFECT =| hy CONDITION. Height, 414; width, 314 inches. HENRY VION VION,, HENRI 334. La CuHanson. Etching. After a painting by J. L. E. Meissonier. Remarque proof on vellum, oe signed on the lower margin in pencil by the etcher. Laid down on a cardboard and framed in 34-inch gilt frame. Height, 11; width, 854 inches. CADWALADER WASHBURN Contemporary American etcher. WASHBURN, CALWALADER 335. Casa CECCHINO, VENICE. Painter-etching. . Proof on thin Japan paper. Signed in pencil below the right lower / | corner of the plate. Hinged from the upper corners on cardboard and \ "A "a framed in 3-inch Whistler pattern gilt frame. is r Height, 934; width, 67% inches. YQ Second Session, Thursday Evening, March 10th era ge ey a ere ee Sv A CHARLES J. WATSON Contemporary English etcher. Lived at Norwich and London. WATSON, CHARLES J. 336. Saint Lo, Norre Dame. Etching. 144 ; ; : : : ‘ hand Signed in lower margin, in pencil—Charles J. Watson, Beautiful im- y / pression. IN PERFECT CONDITION. / Y Height, 9; width,, 774 inches. or fe HERMAN A. WEBSTER Contemporary American etcher. Born in 1878. Pupil of Laurens, Paris. WEBSTER, HERMAN A. , ” 376 ‘Tae A: :M he hey . HE ALHAMBRA: MIRADA DE LAS REINAS. Painter-etching. (f/f, Proof on “F. I. Head & Co.” paper, signed on the lower margin, in pencil, by the artist. Laid down on cardboard and framed in 3%-inch black hardwood frame. Height, 6%; width, 4% inches. WEBSTER, HERMAN A. 338. OLtp Butter Market, Bruces. Painter-etching. aS Proof on “F. J. Head & Co.” paper. Signed.on the lower margin, in i), o* pencil, by the artist. Laid down on cardboard and framed in ™%-inch f silver-gilt frame. : Height, 614; width, 534 inches. WEBSTER, HERMAN A. 339. PaySANNE, Painter-etching. Proof on “F. I, Head & Co.” paper. Signed on the lower margin, in pencil, by the artist. Laid down on cardboard and framed in 14-inch a Pe silver-gilt frame. f ) Height, 4%; width, 17% inches. “. . . Paysanne, a clever and direct figure-study of an old peasant at Mar- lotte, comes as an episode of pleasing variety in Mr. Webster’s work, and tends to show that, though he has a preference, he is not really fettered by any lim- itation of subject or treatment.’—Martin Harvie. WEBSTER, HERMAN A. 340. La Rue Haute, Pont pe v’ArcHe. Painter-etching. UV Proof on “F. I. Head” paper. Signed on the lower margin, in pencil, <2) se the artist. Laid down on cardboard and framed in %-inch silver- . gilt frame. Height, 4; width, 2% inches. WEBSTER, HERMAN A. 341. La Rue GRENIER suR L'Eau, Paris. Painter-etching. Proof on Japan paper. Signed on the lower margin, in pencil, by the artist. Laid down on cardboard and framed in ¥%-inch silver-gilt frame. wr , Height, 854; width, 454 inches. Lé a “A fourth plate, perhaps even finer than any of those in force, directness, and con- é ws L : na Fs s es f centrated simplicity, is the Rue Grenier sur l’Eau. There is much of Méryon in its clear, crisp line-work.”—MartTin HarpDiIeE, WEBSTER, HERMAN A. 77) 342. La Rue DE LA PARCHEMINERIE, Paris. Painter-etching. @ Proof on “F. I. Head & Co.” paper. Signed on the lower margin, in x 9) aS pencil, by the artist. Laid down on cardboard and framed in %-inch i/ silver-gilt frame. PFs Height, 107%; width, 67 inches. “Very akin to it in restful balance of composition and in fine shadow effect is the (Rue de la Parcheminerie—of special value now, for the old street has disappeared largely since the making of the plate.’—Marrin Harptre. Second Session, Thursday Evenng, March 10th WEBSTER, HERMAN A. 343. La Route pe Louviers. Painter-etching. Proof on “F. I. Head & Co.” paper, signed on the lower margin, in pencil, by the artist. Stretched from the edges on cardboard and r0 framed in %-inch silver-gilt frame. . a Height, 6; length, 8% inches. v eclsty landscape, as in his architectural work, Webster sets his theme upon the plate with fine skill of arrangement and with exquisite draughtsmanship.”—MarTiIn HARDIE. WEBSTER, HERMAN A. 344, Oxp Houses, Rouen. Painter-etching. f Proof on Japanese vellum. Signed on the iower margin, in pencil, by p the artist. Laid down on cardboard and framed in %-inch silver-gilt fi / | frame. : Height, 434; length, 5% inches. WEBSTER, HERMAN A. 345. La CaATHEDRALE, ROUEN. Painter-etching. Dy Proof on “F. I. Head & Co.” paper. Signed on the lower margin, in Dey, pencil, by the artist. Laid down on cardboard and framed in %-inch [ vA silver-gilt frame. Height, 814; width, 414 inches. WEBSTER, HERMAN A. Pr. An Op Court, SACHSENHAUSEN. Painter-etching. : Proof..on “P. 1. THeadvcs Lo. paper Signed on the lower margin, in yA pencil, by the artist. Stretched from the edges on cardboard and 2) \ framed in 14-inch silver-gilt frame. Height, 874; width, 67% inches. Soy ae One of the plates that the collector of future days will most desire to possess. . , . The etcher has overcome a natural fear of blank spaces, and his reticence and more summary execution have lent to the plate much of the unconscious and unpremeditated charm that is one of the finest qualities which an etching can possess.”—MartTiIn HARDIE. WEBSTER) HERMAN-A: 347. BENDERGASSE, FRANKFURT. Painter-etching. rf Proof on “F. I. Head & Co.” paper. Signed on the lower margin, in f) pencil, by the artist. Stretched from the edges on cardboard and A) f } ° I ° . : Uy framed in ™%-inch silver-gilt frame. fi Height, 774; width, 47% inches. “Then there are the Street of the Three Kings (Dreikoenig Strasse), the Bendergasse and Sixteenth Century Houses, all of them felicitous in charm of theme, in play of light and shade, and in the suggestion of life given by the animated fig- ures.”’—Martin HARDIE. WEBSTER, HERMAN A. 348. DrEIKOENIG STRASSE, FRANKFURT. Painter-etching. “Proof on “F. I. Head & Co.” paper. Signed on the lower margin, in ai pencil, by the artist. Stretched from the edges on cardboard and ). framed in %4-inch silver-gilt frame. ce. Height, 534; width, 434 inches. WEBSTER, HERMAN A. 349. Der LANGE.FRANZ, FRANKFURT. Painter-etching. ae Proof on “F, I. Head & Co.” paper. Signed on the lower margin, in pencil, by the artist. Stretched from the edges on cardboard and f/f framed in 14-inch silver-gilt frame. (/ Height, 5; width, 334 inches. , => b “Der lange Franz, a view of the Rathaustower that took its nickname from a tall burgomaster of the town, is a little gem, brilliant with light, and rich in the mystery of shadow.’—Martin I[JArDIE, Second Session, Thursday Evening, March 10th a aE i WeeeonoleR, HERMAN A. @ VA 350. Ku ostercasse, FranKrurt. Painter-etching. Proof on “F, I. Head & Co.” paper. Signed on the lower margin, in pencil, by the artist. Stretched from “the edges on cardboard and / framed in ¥%-inch silver- me frame. / Height, 814; width, 534 inches. WEBSTER, HERMAN A. 351. La Rue Carpinate, Paris. Painter- etching. Y / Proof on “F. I. Head & Co.” paper. Signed on the lower margin, in af pencil, by the artist. Laid down on cardboard and framed in %4- inch silver-gilt frame. ay Height, 1034; width, 714 inches. WEBSTER, HERMAN A. 352, La Rue Sr. JACQUES, Paris. Painter-etching. Eroot on “FP. 1: Head & Co.” paper. Stoned on the lower margin, in 0 pencil, by the artist. Stretched from “the edges on cardboard and framed in %-inch silver-gilt frame. iy Height, 854; width, 57% inches. ane of the best etchings he has ever made. . It ig not merely fine in its pattern of light and shade, but it has a direct ‘force and simplification that are rich with promise for the future.”—Martin Harpe. EBSTER, HERMAN A. 353. Bruces, FETE pE L’ARBRE D’OrR. Painter-etching. Proof on Japan paper. Signed on the lower margin, in pencil, by the artist. Laid down on cardboard and framed in %-inch_ silver-gilt f) \ frame. | Height, 634; width, 37% inches. ALTE MAINBRUCKE, FRANKFURT. Painter-etching. Proof on “F. I. Head & Co.” paper. Signed on the lower margin, in | } pencil, by the artist. Laid down on cardboard and framed in '%4-inch fe STER, HERMAN A. 4 silver-gilt frame. Fine. Height, 4. length, 554 inches. WEBSTER, HERMAN A. 355. LOWENPLATZCHEN, FRANKFURT.. Painter-etching. Proof on “F. I. Head & Co.” paper. Signed on the lower margin, in ic pencil, by the artist. Laid down on cardboard and framed in '%-inch Ue silver-gilt frame. Height, 8; width, 614 inches. STER, HERMAN A 356. THe OLp Brince, FRANKFURT. Painter-etching. Proot on “F, 1. Head & Co.” paper. Siened and dated “1911” on. the lower margin, in pencil, by the artist. Stretched from the edges on f cardboard and framed in %-inch silver-gilt frame. | Height, 554; length, 85% inches. WEBSTER, HERMAN A. 357. fr. OueN, Roven. Painter-etching. ee Proof on “F. I. Head & Co.” paper. Signed on the lower margin, in pencil, by the artist. Laid down on cardboard and framed in %-inch w silver-gilt frame. \ \ Height, 514; width, 4 inches. Second Session, Thursday Evening, March 10th WEBSTER, HERMAN A. 358. Le Pont Neur, Paris, 1908. Painter-etching. Proof on “F. I. Head & Co.” paper. Signed on the lower margin, in (v . pencil, by the artist. Laid down on cardboard and framed in %-inch 12 se silver-gilt frame. Height, 8; length, 11% inches. WEBSTER, HERMAN A. 359. Moriarx. Etching. After M. Lalanne’s plate. Proof on Japan paper. Signed on the lower / margin, in pencil, by the artist. Laid down on cardboard and framed /( in 14-inch silver-gilt frame. : Height, 734; width, 55% inches. WEBSTER, HERMAN A. 360. Pont Notre-Dame, 1913. Painter-etching. Signed proof on paper watermarked “Arches,” with good margin. Fine yy clear impression. Pi) gh Height, 654; length, 1134 inches. | ‘7, JAMES ABBOTT McNEILL WHISTLER Celebrated American painter and etcher. Born at Lowell, Mass., in 1834; died at London in 1903. “All his work is alike perfect. It has only been reproduced under different cir- cumstances and is an attempt to render different effects or situations. Therefore the methods vary, but the results are always the same—great. The greatest, most perfect, as a whole, that any etcher has ever accomplished.’’—JosmrpH PENNELL. _+ WHISTLER, JAMES ABBOPMSWena ee aj}; 361. Annie. Etching. ee | Kennedy, No. 190. ) Signed in the plate——IJVhistler. Beautiful impression. IN PERFECT CONDI- i TION. Height, 454; width, 3% inches. « WHISTLER, JAMESVABBOTI Wich Eis {U 362. ANNigz. Etching. f Kennedy, No. 10. , / Signed in the plate,—Whistler. Beautiful impression, printed on thin j Japan paper and mounted down. Height, 454; width, 3% inches. WHISTLER, JAMES ABBOT Meni iis 663. En, PLern SoLem. Etching. ray, S/ Kennedy, No. 15. \ Signed in the plate—Whistler. Beautiful impression, printed on ribbed - paper. IN PERFECT CONDITION. Height, 4; length, 5% inches. WHISTLER, JAMES ABBODT MceNeiee 864. THe UNSAFE TENEMENT. Etching. WV Kennedy, No. 17. $v Signed in the plate,—Whistler. Beautiful impression, printed on heavy Japan paper. IN PERFECT CONDITION. Height, 6%4.; length, 87% inches. WHISTLER, JAMES ABBOTT McNEILL 365. Doc on A KENNEL. Etching. i Kennedy, No. 18. 547 Signed in the plate—Wbhistler. Beautiful impression, printed on Japan AB ee paper. IN PERFECT CONDITION. / Height, 234; length, 3% inches. Second Session, Thursday Evening, March 10th WHISTLER, JAMES ABBOTT McNEILL 366. StTRYET AT SAVERNE. Painter-etching. ‘Aennedy, No. 19. x of the “Twelve Etchings from Nature,” also known as the “French ais ey) “ Mirth State; the name and address of the printer have been removed. S Printed with an ink of a slight greenish hue on a yellow Japan paper. Laid on a smooth faced Japan paper of buff color. A small printers crease in the foreground. Height, 83g; width, 61% inches. WHISTLER, JAMES ABBOTT McNEILL 367. LA MARrCHANDE DE Moutarpbe. Painter-etching. “Kennedy, No. 22. WA va One of the “Twelve Etchings from Nature,” also known as the “French Sets . ig ) irra State; the name and address of the printer has been removed. Fine and clear impression on thin Japan paper. Height, 644; width, 3% inches. ro week, JAMES ABBOTT McNEILL _ , 368.. THe Rac GaTHerers. _ Painter-etching. =e Kennedy, No. 23. j FirtH STATE: with the figures of the boy and the girl in the back- A ground and “Whistler, 1858,” and not as mentioned by Kennedy, “Under Whistler, at right, there is an indistinct date, 1881, which should be, | x doubtless, 1857.” On the lower part of the wall to the right, written in ) two lines running up and down. Very fine impression on yellow India paper backed with plate paper. Height, 6; width, 3% inches. Wristlek, JAMES ABBOTT McNEILL 369. Tue Wine-Giass. Etching. paper. Mounted down. Kennedy, No. 27. @ Signed in the plate—Whistler. Beautiful impression, printed on Japan / Height, 334; width, 214 inches. WIsTEER, JAMES ABBOTT McNEILL 370. READING IN Bep. Etching. rv4) Kennedy, No. 28. eae 34 . i Signed in the plate—WdJustler. Beautiful impression, printed on ribbed . paper. IN PERFECT CONDITION. Height, 454; width, 3% inches. WHISTLER, JAMES ABBOTT McNEILL 371. A Littte Boy, (Seymour Haden). Etching. Kennedy, No. 29. ie Beautiful impression, printed on ribbed paper. IN PERFECT CONDITION. y Height, 534; width, 37% inches. WHISTLER, JAMES ABBOTT McNEILL 372. SrymMour STANDING UNDER A TREE. Etching. Kennedy, No. 31. : Signed in the plate——Whistler. Very fine proof, printed on Holland paper, 4) a has scratch on surface 1 inch long on bank to the left. 5 ze Height, 514; width, 334 inches. \7 With the blind stamp of the collector C. J. D, Second Session, Thursday Evening, March 10th WHISTLER, JAMES ABBOTT McNEILL 73. READING By Lampuicut. Etching. Kennedy, No. 32. C Signed in the plate——Whistler. Beautiful impression, printed on French ) \ ribbed paper. IN PERFECT CONDITION. Wg Height, 61%; width, 454 inches. JWHISTLER, JAMES ABBOTT McNEILL ( 374. Lanpscare witH A Horse. Etching, Kennedy, No. 36. \ Signed in the plate, Whistler, 1859. Beautiful impression, printed on a} Japan paper. Small printers fold in lower margin, otherwise in fine i condition. Height, 5; length, 8 inches. WHISTLER, JAMES ABBOTT MceNEILE / 75. NuRSEMAID AND CHILD. Etching. : ( Kennedy, No. 37. ae) \ Signed in the plate—Whistler. Beautiful impression, printed on ribbed L paper. IN PERFECT CONDITION. . Height, 37%; length, 5% inches. WHISTLER, JAMES ABBOTT McNEILL 376. Eacte Wuarr, (Tyzag, Whiteley & Co.). Painter-etching. Kennedy, No. 41 / One of the “Sixteen Etchings,” also known as the “Thames Set.” / f) sf THe Onty. State. Signed on the plate—WMistler 1859. Very fine im- (9 Y | pression on thin Japan paper. - Height, 51%; length, 77% inches. WHISTLER, JAMES ABBOdW f McN Ero 377. Brack Lion Wuarr. ° Etching. ay “ Kennedy, No. 42. : a V4 ') / Signed in the plate——Whistler, 1859. Beautiful impression, printed on LH Uv ribbed paper. Margins slightly stained, otherwise in perfect condition. One of the Thames Set. Height, 6; length, 87% inches. [See Illustration. ] WHISTLER, JAM FSUABBO LT Men elise: 378. Brack Lion Wuarr. Painter-etching. oe. Kennedy, No. 42. —_ / : One of the “Sixteen Etchings,” also known as the “Thames Set.” KM Tuirpd State; signed on the plate—Whuistler, 1859. The black mark on Wg the lower left “edge has been removed. Very fine impression on thin Japan paper. Height, 554; length, 83¢ inches. WHISTLER, JAMES ABBOTT McNEILL 379. Tuames Porice. Etching. Kennedy, No. 44. Q Signed in the plate——Whistler, 1859. Extremely fine and early impression, y printed on ribbed paper. IN PERFECT CONDITION. One of the Thames ot: Height, 6; length, 9 inches. [Z7¢ ‘ON] AUYVHM NOIT MOVIE UATLSIHM THAN LLOGAV SANE ¢ eee eo a a oe ot Second Session, Thursday Evening, March 10th WHISTLER) JAMES ABBOT Wen ei: 380. LoNGSHOREMEN. Etching. Kennedy, No. 45. a & id Signed in the plate-—IVhistler, 1859. Fine impression, printed on Japan a | paper. IN PERFECT CONDITION, Height, 6; length, 9 inches. WHISTLER, JAMES ABBOTT McNETeL 381. THe Lime-Burner. Painter-etching. Kennedy, No. 46. AW a teed One of the “Sixteen Etchings,” also known as the “Thames Set.” VJ \ SECOND STATE; signed on the plate——Whistler, 1859. With the light perpendicular lines at the right of the shoulder of the Lime- Burner. Very fine impression on thin Japan paper. Height, 9144; width, 6% inches. WHISTLER, JAMES ABBOTT MeNeIES 382. BILLINGSGATE. Painter-etching. Kennedy, No. 47. | Published in “The Portfolio,” January, 1878. Pe . SEVENTH StTaTE (of 8). Signed on the plate-—Wdistler, 1859. The “ / Kennedy, No. 49. ZY Signed in the plate,—Whistler. Beautiful impression, printed on Japan paper. IN PERFECT CONDITION. Height, 6; length, 9 inches. WHISTLER, JAMES ABBOTT McNEILL (385. Brpr LALovette. Etching. Ye Kennedy, No. 51. ( ( ee Signed in the plate——Whistler, 1859. Beautiful impression, IN PERFECT CONDITION, Height, 9; width, 6 inches. WHISTLER, JAMES ABBOTY McNEILE 386. Brat Latourette. Etching. ‘ Kennedy, No. 51. 4 ah Signed in the plate,—lVhistler, 1859. Beautiful impression, printed on + ; Japan paper. Few water and rust stains, otherwise in fine condition. Height, 9; width, 6 inches. Second Session, Thursday Evening, March 1oth sce aeentinnantnt inven ana ated at Ake aac amahr eAAL WHISTLER, JAMES ABBOTT McNEILL 387. BecQuet, THE Etching, Kennedy, No. 52. Fourth State. Fine impression, printed on Japan paper. IN PERFECT CONDITION. One of the Thames Set. Height, 10; width, 754 inches. \ ay RB [See Illustration] hey Vis, I> WHISTLER, JAMES ABBOTT McNEILL 388. RorHerHite. Published as “Wapping.® Painter-etching. Kennedy, No. 66. One of the “Sixteen Etchings,” also known as the “Thames Set.” Tuirp State. Signed on the plate—lV ustler, 1860, with diagonal lines, running from left to right, cross the arm and shoulder of the man in the center and other additional work on the sky and the bow of the sail 4s boat. Fine and strong impression on thin Japan paper. ae Height, 1074; width, 774 inches. WHASTLER, JAMES ABBOTT McNEILL 389. THE Force. Drypoint. Kennedy, 68. Signed in the plate—Whistler, 1861. Fine impression. IN PERFECT 5U ) CONDITION. One of the Thames Set. Height, 754; length, 1214 inches. WHISTLER, JAMES ABBOTT McNEILL 390. VAUXHALL Brince. Etching. Kennedy, No. 70. / Signed in the plate——Whistler. Good impression, printed on Japan paper. Has a rubbed spot along bottom plate mark. 4S Height, 234; length, 414 inches. TITLE TO THE FRENCH Ser. Etching. Kennedy, No. 25. Signed in the plate. Fine impression, printed on thin Japan paper. Mounted down. Height, 4%; length, 534 inches. Together, 2 pieces. fiotlik JAMES ABBOTT McNEILL [5 MitiBank. Etching. Kennedy, No. 71. < Beautiful impression printed on French ribbed paper. IN PERFECT CONDITION. One of the Thames Set. V Height, 4; length, 5 inches. WHISTLER, JAMES ABBOTT McNEILL 392. OLp HuNGERForD Brince. Painter-etching. Kennedy, No. 76. One of the “Sixteen Etchings,” also known as the ? “Thames peti | t. = ess ) Tuirp State. Signed on the plate——Whistler. Fine and clear impression on thin Japan paper. Height, 544; length, '83¢ inches. WHISTLER, JAMES ABBOTT McNEILL 393, Orn THuNGrRForD Bringer. Painter-etching. Kennedy, No. 76. One of the “Sixteen Etchings,” also known as the on thin Japan paper. “Thames Set.” ( Tuirp State. Signed on the plate—Whistler. Fine and clear impression ' Height, 514; length, 834 inches. Second Session, Thursday Evening, March 10th WHISTLER, JAMES ABBOTT McNEILL 394. Tue Storm. Drypoint. / Kennedy, No. 81. Mansfield, No. 83. Wedmore, No. 77. On old ribbed paper of: a slightly greenish hue; evidently from an old vf scrapbook; the left lower. corner of the blank margin is torn off and Of) . the opposite corner somewhat lacerated in tearing off a print once Dp fastened to it. fe The plate has been destroyed. Height, 6; length, 11% inches. WHISTLER, JAMES ABBOTT McNEILL 395./ CHELSEA BripGE AND CHurcH. Etching. A) / Kennedy, No. 95. . i . Pa Og Fine impression, printed on Japan paper. Margin slightly rubbed and O V/ f stained: One-of the Thames Set. iz, ; Height, 4; length, 65¢ inches. Pw WHISTLER, JAMES ABBOTT McNEILL ,) / 396. Frorence Leytanp. 1873. Etching. ~ Saf Kennedy, No. 110. Mansfield, No. 109. Wedmore, No.. 96. se Ped Ninth State; on “Van Gelder” paper. With good margin. A _. Height, 834; width, 53% inches. WHISTLER, JAMES ABBOTT McNEILL 397.. FLorENCE LEYLAND. Etching. / / Kennedy, No. 110. 7 Ws Signed in the plate, with the “Butterfly.” Good impression, in fine condi- fj \ dition a 2 ; - : Ne t > Height, 814; width, 53g inches. WHISTLER, JAMES ABBOTT McNEILL oie 398. .WHISTLER WITH THE WHITE LOcK. 4 Dry-point. Kennedy, No. 172. Mansfield, No. 169. Wedmore, No. 142. “ We The only state. On old paper of a slightly greenish hue with the water- ,) matk “Fleur-de Lis.” With large margin. Only about 100 im- SA \ pressions taken and the plate destroyed. ea? Height, 454; width, 3% inches. / WHISTLER, JAMES ABBOTT: McNEILL 3909, ADAM AND Eve TAVERN, O_p CHELSEA. Etching.- | Kennedy, No. 175. eee ee yt \ - Signed onthe plate with the “Butterfly.” Very fine impression. IN PERFECT en, CONDITION. ~ ae Sane . oe Height, 674; length, 12 inches. . x WHISTLER, JAMES ABBOTT McNEILL 400. ApAM AND Eve. T/Avern, Orv Cuetsra. Etching. Kennedy, No.-175.. . . . Signed on the plate with the “Butterfly.” _Fine impression, printed on 7 Japan paper. Has been torn in two places and mended, each extending into the etched surface 1 inch from upper plate mark. Height, 7; length, 117 inches. Framed. WHISTLER, JAMES ABBOTT McNEILL 401. Tue “ApAm ANp Eves,” Otp Cuetsea. Painter-etching. Kennedy, No. 175. we Seconp STATE; with the “Butterfly” and with other additional work. Fine | ) } and clear impression on thin Japan paper. Height, 674; length, 12 inches. we JAMES ABBOTT McNEILL WHISTLER BECQUET, THE FIDDLER [xo. 387] Second Session, Thursday Evening, March 10th WHISTLER, JAMES ABBOTT McNeieL 402. Lirtte VeENIce. Etching. Kennedy, No. 183. : Only State. Proof printed by Whistler and signed on the tab with the,— Butterfly imp, in pencil. Extremely fine impression, of this rare and beautiful print. IN PERFECT CONDITION. Height, 714; length, 1036 inches. CTNL ; 3 73 [See Illustration] J _JWHISTLER, JAMES ABBOTT MeNELILL J's. Nocturne. Etching. Kennedy, No. 184. eX) \ Fifth State of Five. Proof printed by Whistler and signed on the tab ' with the,—Butterfly imp., in pencil. Beautiful rich impression in nut- \ , brown ink, marked on the back in Whistler’s hand- writing,—Selected OD j OS proof. IN PERFECT CONDITION. Rare. ! \} a ‘aN Height, 774; length, 115% inches. XS [See Illustration | WHISTLER, JAMES ABBOTT McNEILL 404. Tue TracHerro, No. 2.. Etching. Kennedy, No. 191. Fourth State of Six. Proof printed by Whistler and signed on the tab os. with the,—Butterfly imp., in pencil. Extremely fine impression, of this a rare and beautiful print. Had a small tear to the right of the tab AN AY _ at bottom which has been mended, otherwise in perfect “condition, Jw Height, 914; length, 12 inches. WHISTLER, JAMES ABBOTT. MeNEILG 405/ Lone Venice. Etching. 7 Kennedy, No. 212. 5 V4 Iifth State of Five. Proof printed by Whistler and signed on the tab NS \ with the,—Butterfly imp. in pencil. Very fine impression. IN PERFECT y CONDITION. Height, 5; length, 12% inches. From the Ellingwood collection. WHISTLER, JAMES ABBOTT MeENEILEL 406/ \WHEELWRIGHT. Etching. We Kennedy, No. 233. / Proof printed by Whistler and signed on the tab with the—Butterfly imp. j ’ in pencil. Extremely fine impression. IN PERFECT CONDITION. Height, 47%; length, 67, inches. WHISTLER JAMES: ABBOTT McNEILL 407. Tue Menpres Cuitpren.. Etching. 4) ~ Kennedy, No. 261. \ Signed in the plate with the butterfly. Beautiful impression. IN PERFECT CONDITION. Height, 25¢; length, 4 inches. WHISTLER, JAMES, ABBOTT McNEILL 408. Tue Lirtte Putney, No. 1. Etching. ‘ Kennedy, No. 179. , Signed on the plate with the “Butterfly.” Good impression, in good condition. Published in ‘Four Masters of Etching’ in 1883. yal Height, 514; length, 8% inches. [ZOp ON] SOINSA ATLLIT Pa : . / YATLSIHM TIHANPW LLOgdv SHNVE | Second Session, Thursday Evening, March 10th WHISTLER, JAMES ABBOITA MeNELCE A09. Earty Mornine Bartrersea. Lithotint. 4 Way, No. ie : an Signed with the butterfly drawn on the stone. Beautiful impression. IN PERFECT CONDITION. Height, 6%; length, 10% inches: WHIS PEER, JAMESABBOLT MeN Hai 410. Vuicrorra. Crus. Lithograph. Way, No. 11. 7 ) Signed with the butterfly drawn on the stone. line impression. DP - IN PERFECT CONDITION, 3 Height, 8; width, 53¢ inches. ‘WHISETLERS JAMES ABBOWT Men Sie 411./ Orp BatrerseEA Brince. Lithograph. Way, No: 12. L/L “§ Wes Signed with the butterfly drawn on the stone. Beautiful impression. ~~~ tN ae i PERFECT CONDITION. Height, 5% length, 13 inches. WHISTLER, JAMES ABBOTT. MeNEILE% 412. Op BatrerseA Brince. Lithograph. / Way, No. 12. Ys ] Signed with the butterfly drawn on the stone. Beautiful impression. . / IN PERFECT CONDITION. . Height, 514; length, 13 inches. WHISTLER, JAMES-ABBOTT McNEILL 413. Drury: Lane. Racs. Lithograph. Way, No..21. . LS: Signed with the butterfly drawn on the stone, and in pencil, in lower margin. Beautiful impression. IN PERFECT CONDITION, . Heipht, 57%; length, 636 inches. WHISTLER; JAMES: ABBOTT McNEILL . 414. Cnetsea Racs. A shop in Milman’s Row in the neighborhood of Chelsea. ‘. Painter-lithograph.- Way, No. 22:- : yy . Published in. “Albemarle.” /) Height, 74%; width, 63¢ inches. WHISTLER,- JAMES ABBOTT ON ELLs 415. Gants DE SuEpE. Lithograph: Way, No. 26. . 14 Signed with the butterfly drawn on thee stone, and in pencil, in margin. Q \ Beautiful impression. IN PERFECT CONDITION, Height, 844; width, 4 inches. WHISTLER,. JAMES ABBOTT McNEILL 416. / Cocks AND HEwns, Horet Cotpert. Lithograph. ‘Way, No. 36. / Signed with the butterfly drawn on the stone, and in Ketel in lower Yh i) 3 margin. Superb impression.. IN PERFECT CONDITION. . hi _ Height, 1585. width, 554 inches. { Bi Ties JAMES ABBOTT McNEILL TETE-A-TETE IN THE GARDEN. Lithograph. Way, No. 54. WW ; Signed with the butterfly drawn on the stone. Beautiful impression. IN PERFECT CONDITION. / Height, 754; width, 614 inches. [fOh ON] ANAALOON UATLSIHM TIIANOIW LLOGdV SAWVL . { | Second Session, Thursday Evening, March 10th a a « WHISTLER, JAMES ABBOTT McNEILL 418. Tue Sisters. Lithograph. ~~ Way Noo fe i Signed with the butterfly drawn on the stone. Very beautiful impression. 2 IN PERFECT CONDITION. Height, 574; length, 9% inches. WHISTLER, JAMES ABBOTT McNEILL Ald. GirL witH A Bow. Lithograph. / Way, No. 82. [ = Signed with the butterfly drawn on the stone. Superb impression. of J \ IN PERFECT CONDITION. VERY RARE, VA Height, 53g; width, 25% inches. WHISTLEER, JAMES ABBOTT McNEILI f/ 420. Tue Strong Arm. Lithograph. ee f Way, No. 89. ry f Signed with the butterfly drawn on the stone. Beautiful impression. SIS \ IN PERFECT CONDITION. AH Height, 734; width, 614 inches, WHISTLER, JAMES ABBOTT. MceNEIE: 421. Srupy—Mr. THomas Way, No. 1. Lithograph. Way, No. 107. ) q) Signed with the butterfly drawn on the stone. Superb impression. aS) \ IN PERFECT CONDITION. Height, 73g; width, 434 inches. WHISTLER- JAMES ABBOTT MeNEILEG 422./ UNFINISHED SKETCH oF Lapy Hapen. Lithograph. AD Way, No. 143. ¢ Signed with the butterfly drawn on the stone. Beautiful impression. ay IN PERFECT CONDITION. Height, 117; width, 734 inches. WIER, RENOUARD, STRANG WIER, RENOUARD, STRANG 423. Original etchings and drypoints, published in the various Art magazines at different. times, included are also examples by Burridge, Roll, Roy, Raffaelli, and Vierge. Together, 8 pieces, various sizes. (<) ‘JOHANN GEORG WILLE * 1715-1808 Born in the obermihle Bierberthal near Koenigsberg (Granduchy of Hesse); died in Paris: First apprenticed to a gunsmith who taught him engraving on steel and silver. In 1736 he went to Paris. On his way met G. F. Schmidt and they decided to travel together. In this manner a fast friendship sprang up between them which lasted all their lives. Wille first worked for Odieuvre, but soon received the favor- able notice of Hl. Rigaud. After that he rose rapidly and became the most celebrated engraver of his time. WILLE, JOHANN -GEORG 424. L’Osservareur Distrarr, Line-engraving. After Fr. Mieris. Le Blanc pp. 51%. No. 65. Second State. The plate is terminated; in the upper margin “Will” and “Zwélfte Platte” ae / reversed, In the lower margin the Coat-of-arms and the small sketch / a> s only. With margin showing the plate-mark. Very fine. With an [vu unidentified collector’s mark—“head of stag in oval border,” dry stamp. Height, 9; width, 8 inches. Second Session, Thursday Evening, March 10th ci tal NE BS lla a 8 oil al ANDERS ZORN Swedish painter and etcher. Born at Mora in Delcarlia in 1860. “But it is in his etchings that the art of Anders Zorn is seen in its highest vigor, creativeness and sureness of hand, whether these etchings be done directly from nature or are transcriptions of his masterly paintings. Lines apparently scribbled at random, and which might seem to harshly gash the copper-plate, result in a whole which is strong, clear, and vivid, and the etchings present pictures expressing the most delicate and fleeting phases of expression and gesture.”’—HeEnrt MARCEL, ZORN, ANDERS 425. RosiraA Maur. Etching. Delteil, No. 34. . c Signed in lower margin, in pencil—Zorn. Very fine impression, printed y AO ‘| in ees ink on heavy Japan paper. Margins along plate-mark badly ‘oie rubbed. Height, 854; width, 554 inches. ZORN, ANDERS 426.. Joun Hay. Etching. A Delteil, No. 178, ‘om Signed in lower margin, in pencil—Zorn. Beautiful impression. ow is IN PERFECT CONDITION. Height, 774; width, 6 inches. ZYRN, ANDERS 7. PorTRAIT OF THE Artist. Etching. Delteil, No. 180. \ Signed in the plate. Beautiful impression. IN pERFEctT CONDITION, © Height, 7; width, 5 inches. ZORN, ANDERS J 428. Miss Emma Rassmussen. Etching. S° Delteil, No. 182. Y Signed in lower margin, in pencil,— Zorn, Beautiful impression. 3 IN PERFECT CONDITION, Height, 77; width, 57 inches. [See Illustration] ZORN, ANDERS 429. Dance at Gopsmor. Etching, / Delteil, No. 192. oh Signed in lower margin, in pencil_—Zorn. Beautiful impression. ) IN PERFECT CONDITION, Height, 1134; width, 734 inches. ZORN, ANDERS 430. Ture Turee Sisters. Etching. Delteil, Supplement, No. 259. re Signed in lower margin, in pencil—Zorn, Beautiful impression. IN PERFECT CONDITION, f) Height, 934; width, 7 inches. ZORN, ANDERS 431. Crown Princess or Swepen. Etching. Delteil, Supplement, No. 260. Signed in lower margin, in pencil,—Zorn, Beautiful impression. \0 ' IN PERFECT CONDITION, we Height, 934; width, 7 inches. Second Session, Thursday Evening, March 10th ZORN, ANDERS 432. Brersak. Etching. Delteil, Supplement, No. 261. Signed in lower margin, in pencil—Zorn. Beautiful impression. IN PERFECT CONDITION. “ for Height, 934; width, 7 inches. Res Cw 3» BB ZORN, ANDERS 433. Frma. Etching. Delteil, Supplement, No. 262. Signed in lower. margin, in — pencil,—Zorn. Beautiful impression.. IN PERFECT CONDITION. Height, 734; width, 534 inches. ZORN, ANDERS 434. Serr-Portrair witH Fur Cap. Etching. / Delteil, Supplement, No. 269. < . Signed in lower margin, in pencil,—Zorn. Beautiful | impression. s \ IN PERFECT CONDITION, ae Height, 7; width, 45% inches. ae = [See Frontispiece for Illustration | ZORN, ANDERS 455. . Bust. Ktching. / Delteil, Supplement, No. 270. | 0) Signed in lower margin, in penctl—Zorn. Beautiful impression. VY *° IN PERFECT CONDITION, Height, 934; width, 7 inches. ZORN, ANDERS 436. . Tue Two. Etching. Delteil, Supplement, No. 4/1, pe Signed in lower margin, in pencil—Zorn. _ Beautiful impression. IN PERFECT CONDITION. . Height, 734; width, 57% inches. ZORN, ANDERS vA pase DANCE AT Gopsmor. Etching. \V, Delteil, Supplement, No. 272. . Wes Signed in lower margin, in pencil—Zorn. Beautiful impression. oe ' IN PERFECT CONDITION, Pie a torn . Height, 11%; width, 7% inches. ZORN, ANDERS / _ 438; My Two Movers. Etching. / j Delteil, Supplement, No. 21S : ‘ Signed in lower margin, in pencil,—Zorn. Beautiful impression. \ IN PERFECT CONDITION. . Height, 734;. width, 534 inches. ‘ZORN> ANDERS 439, Pa Hamso. Etching. Delteil, Supplement, No. 274. gee Signed in lower margin, in pencil,—Zorn. Beautiful impression. | IN PERFECT CONDITION. Height, 754; width, 514 inches. GEREN ETL ETL EP IME LT i i TTS ee = eta f i f ANDERS ZORN MISS EMMA RASSMUSSEN [No. 428] . f #4 Second Session, Thursday Evening, March foth ZORBN, ANDERS 440 Avper. Etching. Delteil, Supplement, No. 279. ; Signed in lower margin, in \ IN PERFECT CONDITION. i Height, 674; width, 45% inches. ZORN, ANDERS 441. DaLecARLIAN Peasant. Etching. ADelteil, Supplement, No. 280. () / Signed in lower margin, in /\ _IN_ PERFECT CONDITION. — } > ow Height, 614; width, 45% inches. 4 ZORN, ANDERS 442, Pinot. Etching. Delteil, Supplement, No. 283. Signed in lower margin, in IN PERFECT CONDITION. KO: Height, 674; width, 4% inches. ZORN, ANDERS A43. Batance. Etching. Ps Delteil, Supplement, No. 285. \ Signed in lower margin, in Ay ae IN PERFECT CONDITION. Height, 614; width, 4% inches. ZORN, ANDERS 444., AGAINST THE Current. Etching. / Delteil, Supplement, No. 286. pencil,— Zorn. pencil,—Z orn. pencil,—Zorn. pencil,—Z orn. Beautiful Beautiful Beautiful Beautiful impression. impression. impression, impression. Signed in lower margin, in pencil,—Zorn. Beautiful impression. ¢ f ( ) IN: PERFECT CONDITION. | at Height, 414 length, 614 inches. THE AMERICAN ART ASSOCIATION, THOMAS EE: KIRBY: AUCTIONEER. MANAGERS. INTELLIGENT APPRAISALS FOR UNITED STATES AND STATE TAX INSURANCE AND OTHER. PURPOSES THE AMERICAN ART ASSOCIATION Poort | PONALLY WELLE” KQUIPPED 2 -PURNISH APPRAISEMENTS AND INVENTORIES OF ART PROPERTY, BOOKS, MANUSCRIPTS, JEWELS AND PERSONAL EFFECTS OF EVERY DESCRIPTION AT CHARGES COMMENSURATE WITHTHE DUTIES INVOEVED THE AMERICAN ART ASSOCIATION MADISON SQUARE SOUTH NEW YORK TELEPHONE, 3346 GRAMERCY a ’ ~ TE +%. y pt!) as ‘he % 3 * Cag j i ey, “sh sit Ne "1921 Mar i 9 NeAmH 1 | nee hings by m a iii | CY ae bh party alee eC Gell , : Kept i (pet eRe ait Ah ite ai Sine ow mes > = mas eee Sear ——e, en Nera tar hobo te bores carded —_ 20) rion fin Sraearee hy i Att ATH PL Wane ait, idan 4 ¢ aeie’ t i} Heath { 3 Ae eee ee LA MIR BBE Aaah ae ah se tae aera ey Et 2 ees =, ~ = act ee ne a I a Se es _ SS > < ar coe 2 Seah : F i <5 ee “ ee eae — oe pe a eo ee ee = E ~— = ta i <7 a * a ms — ss ~ >. = > a ae = Ss mygeite are uN - Hens : Hi ‘ iF 4 é ¥ e \ a mS bes ue +: Lae *,\ r aan te -~? re —s fon on Pie Par hes os a Ade Are AES ey oy sr mee t site : POH hp thi iy PoP et eye Asie eye af. tae 4] bs ey, ‘gh Hanh Ch (Qe CMe ye 4 be 4 Set arr sant 4 tal Chey et iat fi RH arena Serene moe a CRUDAT RAINE Gos eee " * PL Mn i Ate alafnigd Settee rs It SS “a & Sp a ee an —-s > ee es Ea CFDS tek — Pa. oa Fits 3 ce 25 a. eae SS a eae eat eee ae et ret, See eH vi a | | x iat it val Phare! mao as aS