» r i w tip yew Phe rg een et) site ge Pepe tee ree > waweed Me erey ae BPH Ue Rat gipiing ea) ig SY EC ee PAL ( a) ; we) \ Oh ~ Pai gs) VS ‘a Wal oy oe ‘ ir On Free Public View In the New Galleries 924 and 926 Broadway, New York (Below 22nd Street) Beginning Monday, April 24th, 1916, and continuing until date of sale Valuable Painting by | | _ Foreign and American Artists ! and Whistler and Aubrey Beardsley Drawings belonging to Several Estates and Private Owners To be Sold at Unrestricted Public Sale in the New Galleries of Mr. Hiram H. Parke 924 and 926 Broadway, New York City On Thursday and Friday Evenings April 27th and 28th Beginning at 8:15 o’clock iv ae | a ee he é ’ ; oe et 1 - ha’ & . fa th ler ehh AY if } ‘ a em) 7 o> ig Wise a 13b4 Catalogue ae | of nearly ‘Two Hundred Paintings ‘a and Original Drawings ms Belonging to oe Estates of the late -G. B. Wy bstek Pxesioved from Hotel Netherland) ~ Professor E. A. Dowd New York City - seahor Salvador De Mendonca. A@ormprly Brazilian Minister at Washington) aE ae ak _ The Property of Mess, ea A. G. Holzapfel, London, England } i order of John Crowe Harland, Esq., No. 18 Broadway, New York City And to Close an Estate Bye cca of Justin i Miner, Esq., Attorney, 55 Liberty Street, New York City | To be Disposed of at Unrestricted Public Sale On the Evenings Herein Stated © The sale will be conducted by Mr. Hiram H. Parke Offices: Two East Twenty-third Street Madison Square South New York CONDITIONS OF SALE. 1. Any bid which is merely a nominal or fractional advance may be rejected by the auctioneer, if, in his judg- ment, such bid would be likely to affect the sale injuriously. 2. The highest bidder shall be the buyer, and if any dispute arise between two or more bidders, the auctioneer shall either decide the same or put up for re-sale the lot so in dispute. 3. Payment shall be made of all or such part of the purchase money as may be required, and the names and addresses of the purchasers shall be given immediately on the sale of every lot, in default of which the lot so pur- chased shall be immediately put up again and re-sold. Payment of that part of the purchase money not made at the time of sale shall be made within two days there- after, in default of which the undersigned may either con- tinue to hold the lots at the risk of the purchaser and take such action as may be necessary for the enforcement of the sale, or may at: public or private sale, and without other than this notice, re-sell the lots for the benefit of such purchaser and the deficiency (if any) arising from such re-sale shall be a charge against such purchaser. 4, Delivery of any purchase will be made only upon pet of the total amount due for all purchases at the sale. Deliveries will be made between the hours of 9 A. M. and 5 P. M. on the days announced by the auctioneer. Delivery of any or all purchases will be made only. at the place of sale, and only on presenting the bill of purchase. 5. Shipping, boxing or wrapping of purchases is a business in which the undersigned is in no wise engaged, and will not be performed by the undersigned for purchas- ers. The undersigned will, however, afford to purchasers every facility for employing at current and reasonable rates carriers and packers; doing so, however, without any a sumption of responsibility on his part for the acts and charges of the parties engaged for such service. 6. Storage of any purchase shall be at the sole risk of the purchaser. ‘Title passes upon the fall of the auc- tioneer’s hammer, and thereafter, while the undersigned will exercise due caution in caring for and delivering such purchase, he will not hold himself responsible if such pur- chase be lost, stolen, damaged or destroyed. %. Guarantee is not made either by the owner or the © | undersigned of the correctness of the description, genuine- ness or authenticity of any lot, and no sale will be set aside on account of any incorrectness, error of cataloguing, or SS any imperfection not noted. Every lot is on public exhibi- tion one or more days prior to its sale, after which iti sold “as is” and without recourse. 7 The undersigned exercises great care to catalogue every ~ lot correctly and will give consideration to the opinion of any trustworthy expert to the effect that any lot has been incorrectly catalogued, and, in his judgment, may either sell the lot as catalogued or make mention of the opinion of such expert, who thereby would become responsible for such damage as might result were his opinion without proper foundation. SPECIAL NOTICE. Buying or bidding by the undersigned for responsible parties on orders transmitted to him by mail, telegraph or telephone, will be faithfully attended to without charge or commission. Any purchase so made will be subject to the above Conditions of Sale, which cannot in any manner be modified. The undersigned, however, in the event of making a purchase of a lot consisting of one or more arti- cles for a purchaser who has not, through himself or his agent, been present at the exhibition or sale, will permit such lot to be returned within five days from date of sale, and the purchase money will be returned, if the lot in any material manner differs from its catalogue description. - Orders for execution by the undersigned should be writ- ten and given with such plainness as to leave no room for misunderstanding. Not only should the lot number be given, but also the title, and bids should be stated to be so much for the lot, and when the lot consists of one or more articles or objects of art, the bid per piece should also be stated. If the one transmitting the order is unknown to the undersigned, a deposit should be sent or reference submitted. Shipping directions should also be given. Priced copies of the catalogue of any sale, or any session thereof, will be furnished by the undersigned at a reason- able charge. HIRAM H. PARKE, Two East. Twenty-third Street, AUCTIONEER. New York City. FIRST EVENING’S SALE THURSDAY, APRIL 27TH, 1916 IN THE NEW GALLERIES 924 AND 926 BROADWAY BEGINNING AT 8.15 O’CLOCK Unknown 1—BAY OF NAPLES Height 614 inches; length 10% inches Across the Bay looms ;Vesuvius and surrounding moun- tainland. In the foreground, aglow with sunlight, is shown a typical Italian landscape with structures and two brightly clad figures. Wm. J. Whittemore AMERICAN: 1860— 2—IDEAL HEHAD Height 8 inches; width 6 inches Heap and top of shoulder showing; face in right profile, with high lights on base of neck; dark hair just touched with light. Signed at the lower left, WM. J. WHITTEMORE, 93. C. Colin Cooper AMERICAN: 1856— 3—COW AND BULL Height 14 inches; length 18 inches THE animals stand in a shallow pool; the cow’s hide is of a reddish brown and forms a striking contrast to that of the bull, which is black, with occasional streaks of white. The foreshortening of the bull’s figure is managed with great skill. The drawing is excellent throughout. The accessories of the painting—sky, pool and sward—are ad- — mirably rendered. Products of this conscientious painter’s brush are rare. Charice Emile Jacque FRENCH: 1813—1894 4—SHEEP IN FOLD (On Panel) Height 7% inches; length 914 inches InTERIOR showing three sheep and two fowl. Painted in a rich scheme of modulated browns. Signed at the lower right, JACQUE. F. Redwitz 5—HHAD OF A LADY Height 10% inches; width 81% inches Waist length; nearly full face, slightly inclined to right; large brown eyes and dark brown hair; peaked hat with upturned flared crimson rim; a necklace of antique gems encircles the neck, while similar jewels appear strung across a gold figured, straight front bodice, which is cut low; slashed sleeves revealing fluted robe beneath of old gold hue. Signed in the upper right, F. Repwitz. ~ Unknown ; Bs Height 5 inches; length 101% inches | A companion piece to the foregoing. -8—LAN DS CAPE Height 7 inches; length 12 inches Autumn landscape with fala and figures. High sky filled with ponderous cloud masses. Signed at the lower left, LEE. E. Nowak 9—LUNCH TIME Height 614 inches; width 514 inches A MONK, seen to the waist, is cutting a slice of bologna. On the table is a partially filled beer glass. The face is jolly and rubicund and its expression of good nature well rendered. | Signed at the upper right, E. Nowak. o H. Zuéel GERMAN: 1850— 10—YOUNG SHEPHERD (On Panel) Height 1014 inches; length 1614 inches A LITTLE shepherd with bared legs is cautiously stepping into a pool about which his woolly charges are gathered A panel of considerable sincerity and charm. Signed at lower right, H. ZucrL, MUNCHEN, °78. Byzantine School 11—VIRGIN AND CHILD (On Copper) Height 814 inches, width 634 inches Tuis Ikon, notwithstanding its age, is in excellent preser- vation. William Hamilton, R. A. ENGLISH 12—SHEPHERD AND SHEPHERDESS (Par) (On Copper) Height 1014 inches; length 1314 inches _ QuatntT and colorful compositions showing skilful draw- ing and an excellent knowledge of perspective. The paint- ings illustrate phases of English peasant life. In one is shown a woman arranging her hair, aided by the reflection in a pool, and in the other, a herdsman in- structing a pet dog; cattle and milkmaid appearing in the distance. The landscape accessories are well rendered. Unsigned. Wm. V. Birney 13—_SHINING UP Height 7 inches; length 10 inches A LITTLE negro boy is shining up various articles of silver that are drawn with precision and skill. The bright green of the covering of the table on which they are placed brings out effectively the sheen of the metal. Signed in the upper right, W. VERPLANCK Birney, ’86. L. Woodward _ 14—LANDSCAPE Height 12 inches; length 20 inches Mr1psuMMER woods with a brook in the foreground, roughly spanned by a single thick plank. In the middle distance an open expanse in the dense surrounding woods affords a grazing ground for cattle. This stretch of land and the brook at its borders are accentuated by a downpour of light from the sky. 7 Signed at the lower left, L. Woopwarp. oft Sir Godfrey Kneller ENGLISH: 1646—1723 15—PORTRAIT OF A LADY OF THE COURT OF CHARLES II Height 30 inches; width 25 inches Waist length, full face, dark blue eyes and brown hair. Dress of old gold, cut low, with pale blue fringe. An outer garment of deep blue is thrown over the right arm. Unsigned. E. Amus 16—A SCENE IN SWITZERLAND Height 14 inches; width 12 inches AN Alpine scene showing the snow-covered Jungfrau in the middle distance, well defined against a blue and white sky. Through the centre of the canvas a mountain torrent rushes brawling past a chalet on its left bank. Signed lower left, E. Amus Pierre Mignard FRENCH: 1610—1695 17—GIRL WITH DOG Height 2634 inches; width 2114 inches Fuuu face; three-quarter pose; old gold bodice with crimson outer garment. A pet lap-dog is held by the paws which rest upon the young woman’s knee. Unsigned. H. Andrews ENGLIsH: 19TH CENTURY 18—THEH BIRTH OF VENUS | Height 1814 inches; width 181% inches CYTHEREA, with her emblematic dove, surrounded by sea- nymphs, loves and denizens of the deep, is revealed on a foam-crested wave. To the right a heaving sea of light emerald hue; sky of a neutral blue. Signed in lower right, H. ANDREWS. Poole 19—THH MOUNTAIN STREAM Height 26 inches; length 36 inches SHEER, sunlit cliffs capped with a blue and white, wind- swept sky, fill the middle distance. At the foot of the cliffs, through dark brown boulders, a brawling stream flows. ‘Two figures appear on the right. Unsigned. Charles Emile Jacque FRENCH: 1813—1894 20—SHEEP GOING TO FOLD Height 1514 inches; width 12 inches A SHEPHERD is leading his flock into its harborage for the night. The sheep are seen from the rear or in profile. General color scheme, modulated browns. Signed at the lower left, JACQUE. | a J. Mackenzie 21—MARINE Height 18 inches; length 24 inches Rocky, precipitous cliffs extend from the extreme left far into the middle distance. On the left foreground appears a stranded boat, while fishermen are endeavoring to beach a second craft with single mast and two occupants. A large steam craft rides on the ocean in the centre. Dark grey clouds in convoluted masses fill the lower sky which, in the upper portion, is lightened by a broad expanse of turquoise blue. White capped waves are breaking upon _. the shore. Signed at the lower left, J. MACKENZIE. Emile Gamboé$i 2R2—THE YOUNG SHEPHERD Height 24 inches; length 31 inches A GAYLY attired young shepherd with his dog is guarding his flock. A blue and white sky descends gently towards highlands dimmed by the haze of distance. Signed in lower right, Emre GaMBoct. E. De Bievre 23MARINE Height 26 inches; length 3514 inches A FLEET of broad-hulled, single sticked luggers with belly- ing much-patched sails are gathered in a harbor and con- verging to a common centre. The sky is filled with dense grey-white cloud masses. Signed in lower left, E. De Brevee. Pierre Mignard . nce: 16101695 24—PORTRAIT, OF A NOBLEMAN | ae 291% inches; width 24 inches Neary full face, showing deeply dimpled chin; large blue eyes; brown rippling wig, under which shows a jabot of lace, which in turn rests upon the suit of armor showing clearly under a blue cloak thrown over the left shoulder. Unsigned. H. Home 25—PORTRAIT OF A GENTLEMAN Height 28 inches; width 22 inches SEEN at waist length; nearly full face, gazing straightfor- wardly at the spectator; green coat showing strawberry- colored waistcoat; full stock bulging at the breast. The lace-fringed hand holds a watch from which falls a gold chain. Unsigned. P. Villamit — AMERICAN 26—GOSSIP Height 46 inches; width 36 inches A FIGURE subject showing four young women on a balcony engaged in conversation with a young man who has stopped ~ to interchange news. The scene is probably laid in Laly, though the lace mantilla thrown over the head and shoul-__ ders of the dominant and central figure suggests a Cas- tilian origin, a surmise strengthened by her lineaments, as well. An-expanse of undulating landscape is seen on the. left and extends to the horizon. Signed in lower right, P. VILLAMIT, JAMAICA. W albouren 27—_LANDSCAPE Height 16 inches; length 24 inches NEAR a pool in the foreground is an old farmhouse with thatched roof. A church tower appears just beyond the dwelling, while a duck pond fills the right foreground. A stretch of meadow land, on which are two female figures, extends from the house to the brook. Signed at the lower left, WaAtBouREN, 1900. Ludolph Bakhuizen DutcH: 1631—1708 28—MARINE (On Panel) Height 19 inches; length 25 inches . On an agitated sea various sailing craft are tossing; one high-pooped vessel with a large crimson “ U ” on its‘stern flying the German flag. A primitive but exceedingly inter- esting panel evincing downright sincerity of purpose and painstaking conscientious drawing. Unsigned. A. Ricei ITALIAN 29-THE OLD VIOLINIST . Height 12 inches; width 81% inches A WELL-PAINTED figure of a mendicant musician who, with a smile on his flusid face, extends his hat for alms. The right hand grasps a highly varnished violin. Signed in the lower left, A. Ricci, 1884. C. Themmon 30—SQUIRREL Height 20 inches; width 16 inches A RED squirrel perched on a bough has just clipped the top from an acorn that he holds in his tiny paws. The rich green of the forest proves an effective foil in bringing out the shaded browns of the animal’s pelt. Absolutely realis- tic painting here, with a sense of bulk and tactility deftly conveyed—one cannot but feel that the squirrel would be as real to the touch as it is to the eye. Signed at the lower left, C. THEMMON. Van Vileit 31—SAINT JEROME (On Panel) Height 914 inches; length 18 inches In a dark-brown interior dimly lit by a flame in a vessel — placed high upon the wall appears the nude figure of the Saint stretched at full length on the stone floor. He holds in his right hand a cross. At his feet, vaguely outlined, appears a lion. While the canvas is quite dark in its color- scheme, the gradations of brown are skilfully depicted. __ Unsigned. Guido Reni (After) ITALIAN: 1452—1519 32—BHATRICE CENCI Height 2414 inches; width 1914 inches NEARLY waist length, back presented to spectator, while face, nearly full, is turned to the front. Light brown hair; red-brown eyes; white turban and robe thrown about the shoulders in loose folds. James G. Tyler AMERICAN 33—A STIFF GALE ON THE MAINE COAST Height 30 inches; length 40 inches A RUGGED promontory on the extreme right bears the fierce onslaught of a lashing sea which breaks in foam and spume on its steadfast base. All the modulations of an - agitated ocean are in evidence—blue-green, emerald, spray and yeast-like lathering. A schooner in the middle dis- tance is laboring heavily in the trough of the sea while the menacing sky is painted in tints of neutral blue. Signed in lower left, JAMES G. TYLER. French School (18th Century) 34—-PORTRAIT OF COUNT FRANCOIS DE CLEBR- MONT Height 28 inches; width 23 inches A HIGH-BORN prelate (Bishop and Count of Noyon) is seen at waist length; the face is full; the eyes dark-blue. A linen collar rests on the dark-blue valvet lapel of his coat and the star of an order on his breast. Rembrandt Peale AMERICAN: 1778—1860 35—PORTRAIT OF A GENTLEMAN (On Panel) Height 25 inches; width 19 inches NEARLY waist length; face almost full; hazel eyes, ashen- grey hair; old-fashioned stock and dark-blue coat. Unknown 36—PORTRAIT OF A WOMAN Height 30 inches; width 25 inches ~ Portrarr of a lady seen at waist length. Full face amber ne : eyes; rich brown hair gathered in rolls under an old-fash- Naan ioned lace coiffure that reaches to the upper portion of the ar neck. E. Atalaya 3Y—A ROADSIDE MEETING IN SPAIN Height 32 inches; width 24 inches. Four gayly clad Spaniards are engaging in animated con- versation a handsome Spanish woman in the very flower of full-blown womanhood. She stands with right hand on her hip; the head, adorned with a high tortoise-shelled comb, slightly and coquettishly tilted; her whole demeanor shows that she is quite conscious of her seductiveness and charm. A stream is seen in the right middle distance, wending out of sight towards distant hills bathed in purple shadows. Signed in lower right, EX. ATALAYA. ek Fai i a = inches; width 17 inches — en and anu val. detail. In the foreground an ae on Abhi coatt and through a lofty archway an- | r desert: dweller, Bie mounted, is approaching. -~ ~~ Signed in the lower left, E. L. WEEKs. x ad Anton Mauve DutcH: 1838—1888 39—LANDSCAPE AND CATTLE Height 1314 inches; length 27 inches (A Night Scene) In the centre foreground cattle are at rest on a green, lush marshland, extending to the border of a pool in the left foreground. In the left middle distance buildings are dimly discerned. Signed at the lower left, A. MAUVE. P. Pohlen DutcH: 17TH CENTURY (On Panel) 40-—DANCING IN THE BARN Height 1834 inches; length 26 inches — InreRIoR, with Dutch peasants dancing and drinking, — while a fiddler seated on a low flight of steps acts as the orchestra. A life-like, if homely scene, with considerable _ technique shown in the modulation of the brown tints that __ constitute the color scheme of the composition. eit Signed and dated in the lower left, P. PoHLEN. Varel Du Jardin DutcH: 1622—1678 41—BEFORE THE SMITHY Height 171% inches; length 231% inches In the foreground two blacksmiths are shoeing a horse. The animal is drawn in three-quarter pose. Slightly in the rear appears a mounted horseman. In the right fore- ground a boy is driving a goat hitched to a three-wheeled child’s cart. In the background a ruined tower; on the right a detail of landscape. Unsigned. Pi fey # - Gas 7 Re es Salvator Rosa ITALIAN: 1615—1673 42—LANDSCAPE AND FIGURES Height 16 inches ; length 2114 inches Av a pool over which is erected a stone bridge appear three washerwomen, engaged in their avocations. An attendant is following a cow and sheep passing over the bridge. These figures, however, are quite subordinated to the un- dulating landscape that extends over interspersed groups of trees to the haze of the distance. On the left the sky is a rich blue; on the right a heavy cumulus of cream-grey clouds is rolling ponderously across the heavens. The time is evidently autumn as the foliage in the large trees flank- ing the canvas on either side has begun to take on the ruddy and golden tints of the fall season. Unsigned. De Wet 43THE VISIT OF THE QUEEN OF SHEBA TO SOLOMON (On Panel) Height 1414 inches; length 181% inches A cANvas painted in rich low tones. The Queen of Sheba is making obeisance to King Solomon, who has arisen from his throne and is advancing to raise the Queen from her kneeling posture. The offerings she has brought are strewn in bewildering and careless profusion before the throne. The figure modeling is excellent and facial char- acteristics and hands admirably rendered. Unsigned. George Moreland _ ENGLISH: 1763—1804 (On Panel) 44--THEH ANGLER Height 11 inches; length 14 inches On the extreme right a sportsman, standing in a clump of brushwood, has thrown his line in a brook spanned by a rustic bridge, one end of which is braced against the trunk of a dwarfed tree. On the bridge appear a smock-clad peasant and his child, who, leaning on the rail, watch the — angler. A flat stretch of country reaches out to the horizon. Unsigned. David Teniers (The Younger) FLEMISH: 1610—1690 : (On Panel) 45—THE WATERDOCTOR Height 101% inches; length 134% inches Genre, Dutch Composition . INTERIOR, showing central figure of a man clad in blue coat with brown fringe. He holds at armslength and criti- cally inspects the contents of a water bottle ; a hunchbacked woman is regarding him attentively the while. On the left are seen three other figures and various household articles are scattered about the room. From the Captain Ponsonby Collection. Signed in the lower right-hand corner, D. T. Charles Andre 46—THE LUTE PLAYER Height 1514 inches; width 1214 inches A YOUNG woman clad in a blue fur-lined robe is playing a lute; a middle-aged man with his right hand resting on her shoulder is engaging her in conversation. There is much vivacity and color in the composition, with bril- lant rendering of flesh tints. Unsigned. J. G. Brown, N. A. AMERICAN: 1831—1913 49_THH SPRINGTIME OF LIFE Height 10 inches; width 7 inches A BLUE-EYED, golden haired tot stands laughingly, with her hands held behind her back, against the trunk of a tree. She seems in hiding from undisclosed companions. A genre canvas replete with tenderness and charm. Signed at lower right, J. G. Brown, 1864. John F. Stacy AMERICAN: 1859— 48—-MARINE Height 914 inches; length 1314 inches A BREEZY day on the water and among the clouds, both sky and sea being painted with a Dupré-like vigor. A sense of mass and volume is given in the wave-presenta- tion; a fine and colorful canvas. Signed at the lower right, J. FF. Stacy. William M. Harnett — AMERICAN 49—STILL LIFH Height 1314 inches; length 1414 inches ONE of the best and most favorably known of American . : still life painters. A rich-hued Kazak rug which forms ay i jee if : covering for a table that extends across the entire front — : Page of the canvas is littered with law books, volumes covered in pigskin, calf and decorative binding. A carelessly thrown down book reveals the typography of its pages, while loose sheet music with musical score in evidence shows how thoroughly Harnett has mastered this medium. This small canvas in its fidelity to detail is one of the finest things in this line ever executed. Signed at the lower left, Harnett, 1882. J. Carlin 50—DON QUIXOTE Height 12 inches; length 14 inches AN amused group listening to the wondrous chivalric tales of the redoubtable Knight while his squire, Sancho Panzo, stands in the rear with respect and awe depicted on his simple countenance. Background in light brown color scheme. Signed at the lower left, J. CARLIN. -F. Goya SpanisH: 1746—1828 51—PORTRAIT OF A GENTLEMAN Height 40 inches; width 30 inches Neary full face; a little over waist length; brown eyes; gray hair; old-fashioned stock and linen tie. The left \ hand holds lightly a sheaf of documents. Black coat with gray waistcoat showing. Unsigned. Van Loo 52—PORTRAIT OF AN OLD LADY Height 3214 inches; width 2514 inches Waist length; full face; linen and lace cap; figured drab coat with fur trimming; hands in muff. a Unsigned. Balthazar Denner 1684—1749 583—PORTRAIT OF A MAN WITH GREY WIG Height 25 inches; width 20 inches Seen at nearly waist length; face almost full, slightly turned to the right, blue eyes, brown coat with gold bullion buttons. The coat is unfastened and shows a linen fluted shirt with narrow collar. Gilbert Stuart AMERICAN: 1755—1828 54 PORTRAIT OF GHEORGHE WASHINGTON (On Panel) Height 2014 inches; width 16 inches Heap and shoulders, the face shown almost full. This portrait is said to be the third painted from life by Gilbert Stuart for the Fowler family, and was bought from his daughter by Aaron Gates. Unsigned. A. Charnal 55—LANDSCAPEH AND FIGURES Height 21 inches; length 28 inches A Frencu chateau is seen through the branches of sparsely verdured trees. On the right is seen a heavy growth of chrysanthemums; three figures—mother and two children —appear at the foot of the chateau’s steps; swans are resting upon the bosom of a pond in the right middle dis- tance. Signed at the lower right, A. CHARNAL. Jan Van Houton 56—THH LIFE SAVING STATION Height 24 inches; length 35 inches Drawn well up on a marshy stretch of land that extends to the sea in the centre middle distance a lifeboat is beached, while the station and a fishing village in the rear appear on the left. A full moon is emerging from clouds in the middl@ heavens and lights with silver a fringe of waves _ beating up on the shore. The figure of a bent-over woman with basket on her back is seen in the right foreground. Excellent sky effects and handling of tone values. Signed in lower left, JAN VAN HovurTon. Adrian Van Ostade DutcH: 1610—1694 S1—WINTER LANDSCAPE Height 20 inches; length 27 inches A BRILLIANT canvas that will repay the closest scrutiny. The numerous figures are drawn with astonishing fidelity and show masterly technique in the rendering of facial characteristics and forms of animals. There are, moreover, broad effects of vigorous brushwork—notice the fine aban- don and assured mastery of cloud-bank and perspective. The charm and archaic quaintness of the scene are allur- ing and compelling. It is evident that the ancient Hol- lander knew well the joys of winter and the pleasures of relaxation. Unsigned. Peter Paul Rubens | FLEMIsH: 1577—1614 58—RAPE OF PROSPERINE (On Panel) Height 12 inches; length 17% inches JUPITER in a chariot drawn by three dark-brown horses is forcibly carrying off Prosperine, while her mother is vainly endeavoring to stop the wheels of the equipage. . land- scape is shown on the farther shores. Uasonees Salomon van Ruysdael DutcH: 1600 ?—1670 59—LANDSCAPE (On Panel) Height 13 inches; length 17 inches if THE foreground is in deep shadow, with two women and a child resting under the shade of a thickly leaved-oak. In the middle distance solidly constructed buildings are shown in the sunlight that falls from a rift in the clouds over- head. A pond is shown on the right. Unsigned. Ferdinand Bol DutcH: 1611—1680 60—THE PROFESSOR Height 17 inches; width 14 inches AGAINST a dark-brown background, and rising from gar- ments of still deeper colors, the face of the subject shows in singular contrast of ruddy brown high lights. Close scrutiny reveals the excellent modeling of the right hand which holds a compass over a terrestrial or astral globe. P. Wouverman DurcH: 1620—1668 61—HORSEMAN AT THE INN Height 20 inches; length 24 inches A Military Encampment A Group of hofsemen, one a musician, one a man at arms and his attendant are seen in the right foreground and form a brilliant note of color as the light falls athwart the figures. Military tents, surmounted with standards, ap- pear on the right on a gently rising hill. On the plain on the left the main encampment is disclosed. Unsigned. Sir Peter Lely ENGLIsH: 1617—1680 62—VEHNUS AND CUPID Height 25 inches; length 29 inches Fuut length, nude; body resting upon a crimson drapery, head on a number of linen pillows that raise the torso into a semi-recumbent pose. Thick folds of crimson drapery form a background for the goddess. Cupid is seen at her right knee, head and shoulders showing. An outside build- ing of classic proportions is seen on the left. Unsigned. James M. Hart, N. A. AMERICAN: 1828—1901] 683—SHEPHERD AND FLOCK Height 6 inches; length 10 inches — THE time is autumn. A woman stands at the open door of a thatched outbuilding into which a flock of sheep are entering. A shepherd dog is seen at the right. Excellent perspective and rich color. | Signed in lower left, JAMES M. Harr. W.Y. Birney (On Panel) 64—READING THE NEWS Height 8 inches; width 6 inches An excellent genre piece showing an old man seated at a table, on which are wine, glasses and cigar box, absorbed in the perusal of a newspaper. The facial lineaments are remarkable. Signed in lower right, W. V. BIRNEY. Poussin 65—LANDSCAPE Height 5 inches; length 7 inches On a small tree-crowned acclivity two horsemen and pedestrians are gathered. Woods appear on the left and below in a sunlit valley the spire of a church at the foot of a hill that extends to the distance. Heavy cloud mass rolls across the sky. A delightfully painted miniature bit of singular attractiveness. Unsigned. | A. H. Wyant, N. A. oe “ AMERICAN : 1836—1894 oe, : i eight 6 inches ; length 9 inches scene with a river in the middle distance. In regxround a heavy clump of woods and over mirably rendered sky in light brown and cream A masterly — composition, small only in its i mai e Vee 2 Se v the Prof. Dowd Collection. - Riek eae '. Signed at the lower right, A. H. Wyant. pea ae (On Panel) _ Height 514 inches; length 814 inches A Masterpiece in Miniature _ Foor heifers are resting at the foot of a haystack, but one is feeding from it. A splendid example of color and superb drawing. ' Signed at the lower left, Wir11AM H. Howe, 1903. 7 Benjamin West, P. R. A. AMERICAN: 1738—1820 68—ADMIRATION Height 24 inches; width 20 inches Neary waist length; face almost full; red-brown hair; dark-blue eyes; chemise showing over blue bodice; the right hand grasping a strand of hair. Probably copied by West from an original painting by Titian, as features and coloring are strongly reminiscent of that artist’s “ Flora.” Unsigned. Jean Germain Drouais FRENCH: 17638—1788 | 69—PORTRAIT OF A LADY | : Height 32 inches; width 25 inches Neary full face, seen to the waist; light blue eyes; hair of neutral, ashen tint, is surmounted, in turban effect, with a rolled crimson fabric. Lace trimmed, square fronted bodice, with blue waist. A crimson scarf is thrown over the left shoulder; a brown figured shawl is held in the left hand. Unsigned. a Jean Mare Nattier 1685—1776 "0—PORTRAIT OF A LADY Height 36 inches; width 27 inches THE subject is costumed as Diana and is shown in three- quarters pose with full face turned partially to the right. Brown hair, blue eyes; orange colored dress cut low in waved design, wide open sleeves with fringe of lace pro- truding. The crescent typical of the goddess and her bow and quiver are depicted in the composition. Unsigned. Justus Sustermans FEEMISH: 1597—1681 T1— PORTRAIT OF A LADY Height 3814 inches; width 31 inches THREE-QUARTERS length; nearly full face, slightly inclined to left; brown hair and eyes; full bosomed, with bodice cut low; right hand smoothing out a long tress of hair that falls nearly to the waist. Skirt and bodice of rich brown texture. Unsigned. Unknown 72—STILL LIFE (FLOWERS) Height 3914 inches; width 3214 inches AGaAInsT a dark background poppies, carnations and other flowers emerge into prominence and evince skilful mastery of floral painting. Wesley Weber AMERICAN 73—EVENING LANDSCAPE Height 18 inches ; length 24 inches On the right a thick cluster of trees indicate the entrance to a forest. Over the tops of these trees the light falls on a stretch of brown sward that gently declines to a swiftly running stream on whose farther bank is seen a village. — The sky, of neutral tints, brightens on the right horizon. Signed at the lower left, WESLEY WEBER. Wesley Weber AMERICAN "4 SHEPHERD AND FLOCK Height 23 inches; length 30 inches EVENING, with the western sky aglow with ruddy light. A shepherd and his flock are returning homeward through a valley bordered on either side by forest. hs Habita- tions are seen in the middle distance. Signed at the lower left, WESLEY WEBER. Homerdonck "5—LANDSCAPE AND CATTLE Height 14 inches; length 1914 inches Cows, sheep and goats are seen in a valley with a reach of lofty blue hills stretching from the extreme left of the — canvas to the middle distance. A woman milking a cow and a man arranging victuals are seen on the left. Inter- esting sky-treatment and excellent drawing are manifested. Jean Charles Cazin FrencH: 1840—1900 76—VILLAGE SCENE (On Panel) Height 14 inches; width 7 inches AN entourage of antique stone structures, with two bastion- like flanking round towers with peak-shaped roofs. Bulk and solidity one gathers from the most cursory inspection of these buildings. They seem built to defy the destruc- tive agencies of time. Cazin has utilized their red brown roofs as a medium for the play of high lights caused by rifts in a blue and white sky, a sky so low as to seem almost to find anchorage on the buildings themselves. Signed at the lower right, Cazin. James B. Sword AMERICAN: 1839—1915 %7_SOUTHERN LANDSCAPE (On Panel) Height 15 inches; length 22 inches SEMI-TROPICAL woods and verdure in luxuriant growth border a turquoise inlet on which is seen a man and a woman in a skiff. The unrippled sheet of water borrows its delicate blue from a sky practically cloudless, save for the appearance of an oblong mass of cottony white, touched by the sun with the radiance of shimmering silver. Beauti- ful modulations of brown, olive and’ emerald greens are shown in the woods adjacent to the inlet. Signed at the lower right, J. B. Sworn. James B. Sword AMERICAN: 1839—1915 "“8S—_SOUTHERN LANDSCAPE (On Panel) Height 1414 inches; length 22 inches Companion to Preceding A Most pleasing composition abounding in color. In. the centre of encircling and guardian trees is seen an old Southern mansion with antiguous buildings. On the left, in the middle distance, flows a placid stream, lit by sunlight that pours from a break in the heavy tumulus of clouds that roll in the left heavens. Various | figures—one mounted—appear upon the lawn before the house. Signed at the lower left, J. B. Sworn. Theodore Valerio FRENCH: 1819—1879 79—ENTRANCE TO HONFLEUR Height 91% inches; length 1314 inches AN evening scene showing a town in the extreme left. The sea is of deep bluish green and the sky of similar hue slightly flecked with gray clouds. Sailing craft appear, some at rest, others under full sail. A brown stretch of sand reaches across the entire front of the canvas, Signed at the lower right, VALERIO. D. W. (1691) DutcH ScHOOL 80—SHIPWRECK (On Panel) Height 24 inches; length 30 inches A QUAINT and interesting composition showing a scene of great stir and excitement. A high-pooped vessel has come to grief on a rocky coast. She has already been partially dismasted and on the verge of being engulfed. Rescuers, on the shore are seen in attitudes of helplessness and grief at their inability to afford succor to the doomed occupants of the endangered craft. Cloud and wave treatment are given vigorous representation. Signed at the lower left, D. W., 1691. Richard Wilson, R. A. EnGuisnH: 1714—1782 81—LAGO DI NENCI (On Panel) Height 71% inches; length 91% inches In the middle distance rise the ruins of an old castle which stands just beyond a stone bridge spanning a stream that extends to distant, hazy hills. In the left foreground are the figures of a man and a woman, the latter in semi- recumbent posture at the foot of a heavily foliaged tree. On the right is another lofty tree in full verdure. High sky with an abundance of cream colored clouds. This panel shows strong evidence in brush work and arrange- ment of the artist to whom it has been attributed. Unsigned. L. Reichart GreRMAN CONTEMPORARY 82—OLD MAN DRINKING (On Panel) Height 6 inches; width 414 inches A DIMINUTIVE genre canvas; revealing oe character and. ve detail work. A valiant toper of the lowlands is shown. The interior accessories, noticeably the costume of the reveler and the table with its rakish, lathe-turned legs, nae ete., are Dutch. ie eee Signed in the lower right, L. Rercwanr. | Jean Charles Cazin FrEeNcH: 1840—1900 (On Panel) 88—THEH OLD TAVERN Height 12% inches; length 19 inches BaTHED in a flood of spring sunshine an old Normandy Tavern with archaic Gothic-arched portal fronts a wind- ing road that loses itself in the middle distance through an avenue of trees. Four figures of peasants are depicted about the inn or on the road. Feathery foliaged trees form a pleasant background and foil for the brilliant high notes of color that the play of sunshine on the buildings has created. Painted with an assured and easy abandon that proclaim the master of color and technique. Signed at lower right. Winslow Homer AMERICAN: 1836—1910 84—_ SHASCAPE Height 10 inches; length 14 inches Hues brown boulders fill the center of the canvas. Be- yond an emerald sea with foam-crested breakers rolling shoreward. A grey sky with strata of light blue. The sea is finely done. Signed at the lower left, W. Homer. Unknown 85—_LANDSCAPE AND CATTLE Height 12 inches; length 20 inches In the foreground a herdsman is driving cattle, the fore- most of which are wading in a stream that extends from the right to the middle of the canvas. A lofty mountain rises in the central distance. The sky generally is over- cast, with breaks on the right through which the light falls on the foreground. Ferdinand Bol DutoH: 1611—1680 86—PORTRAIT OF A MAN Height 20 inches; width 1514 inches Heap and shoulders; face in right profile; dark hair; gold earrings; artist’s cap; low linen collar with gold brooch at breast. L. Donzetti FRENCH: 1834 8Y_—_MOONLIGHT Height 19 inches; length 25 inches In the centre distance a full moon is rising and throws , its radiance full athwart the intervening meadow to the aa foreground lightly silvering in its progress a winding = stream in which two cows are wading. The sky is finely a 4 painted and an ambient glow, with elusive modulations of a brownish tints, suffuses the entire canvas. i Signed in the lower right, L. DONZETTI. T. L. Smith es AMERICAN: 1835— | a 88—WINTER SCENE Height 20 inches; width 16 inches InvTERIOR of a wood with wood-cutter at work. His un- yoked oxen are seen in the centre of the canvas. Signed in the tower right, T: L. Smitu, 77. F. Marcotte de Quivieres 89—A RAINY DAY Height 26 inches; width 18 inches A soLiTary figure of a young woman with umbrella held over her head and brightly decorated hat. A terrier patiently stands at her side. The waves break almost at her feet while a lowering sky of gun-metal tint darkens into a deeper hue on the horizon. Solidly constructed | buildings appear on the right. Signed in lower right, F. MARCOTTE DE QUIVIERES. Thomas Sutcliffe 90—THE OLD MILL Height 19 inches ; length 3214 inches Near the water wheel of an old mill a young fisherman, watched by two little girls, has dropped his line in the brook that affords power to the mill. The dominant fea- ture of the canvas, however, is a great oak of distorted growth that veers over a pathway on the right. Signed in lower right. Franz Hals 1580—1666 91—BOY WITH A FLUTE (On Panel) Height 17 inches; width 1314 inches THE subject is represented at nearly full length; face in three-quarter pose; brown hair, downcast eyes scanning a musical score spread upon a table. Prevalent color scheme rich, modulated browns. Strong virile brushwork and handling of pigments. G. Neymack, 1879 92—AN UNEXPECTED DELAY Height 24 inches; length 34 inches A FALLEN cab horse has caused an unexpected and irritat- ing delay to a tourist whose baggage is loaded on the top of a Parisian fiacré. The traveler, in fur-lined topcoat, consults anxiously his watch, while the cocher is vigorously endeavoring to draw to his feet the fallen animal. Various details of architecture and street life are cleverly shown. Signed in lower left, G. NEYMACK, ’79. Eugene Louis Gabriel Isabey _Frencu: 1804—1886 93—VHNETIAN SCENE Height 20 inches; width 1614 inches In the foreground between buildings painted in a rich and glowing brown a reach of the canal flows under a bridge extending between the walls of the structures on the edge of the waters. In the middle distance the facades of these buildings are illuminated by the sunlight that falls from a turquoise sky flecked with clouds. The light does not seem as if depicted in the canvas, it seems to emanate from the painting itself. The rich modulation of browns in the foreground is Rembrandtesque. From the Matthews Estate. Signed in lower right with monogram of KE. L. G. I. Johannes Hendrik Weissenbruch DutoH: 1824—1903 94A—-_ LANDSCAPE AND MARINE SCENE Height 11 inches; length 16 inches A uieH sky, heavily laden with white cloud-masses through which appear occasional suggestions of the blue ether be- yond, throws light upon a dense gathering of brown- roofed fishermen’s dwellings, that, in a huddling cluster, abut upon the sea that creeps up to their very founda- tions. Painted with a broad brush heavy with pigment. Signed at the lower right, J. H. WEISSENBRUCH. SECOND EVENING’S SALE FRIDAY, APRIL 28TH, 1916 IN THE NEW GALLERIES 924 AND 926 BROADWAY BEGINNING AT 8.15 O’CLOCK Remington, Frederic AMERICAN: 1861—1909 95—PAIR OF COWBOY HEADS (Crayon and Wash Drawings) 10x10 and 1014x104 inches Both in profile. Signed F. R. Remington, Frederic AMERICAN: 1861—1909 96—PAIR OF COWBOY HEADS (Crayon and Wash Drawings) Bach 1014x1014 inches One profile and one full face. Both signed F. R. Smith, John Raphael 97—PORTRAIT OF CHARLES JAMES FOX (Mezzotint ) Height 26 inches; width 18 inches ENGRAVED by C. Turner, after the painting by J. R. Smith; Fox is depicted seated in an armchair, spectacles in left hand and handkerchief in right; behind his right shoulder there is a marble bust of himself, and a table with writing materials at his elbow. In Old English, black and mod . frame. Superb original impression. Morland, George ENGLISH: 1763—1804 98—“ THE COUNTRY STABLE” (Mezzotint) Height 17 inches; length 24 inches | SHOWING interior of barn; with 3 figures, a horse and dogs. . Engraved by William Ward, 1792.. In Old English, black and gold frame. Very fine original impression. Morland, George ENGLISH: 1763—1804 99—(PAIR) LAE FROTEOU OR INDUSTRY AND IDLENESS (Mezzotints ) Height 2414 inches; width 1814 inches ¢ “THE Fruits of Economy and Industry ” and “ The Effects of Extravagance and Idleness.” The latter an open letter proof before descriptions. Engraved by William Ward. In uniform Old English black and gold frames. Very fine original impression. = Darley, F. O. C., N. A. AMERICAN: 1822 100—GIRLS PICNICKING IN WOODS (Pencil and Wash Drawing) Height 9 inches; length 121% inches THREE young girls are shown seated among the trees, wearing the costumes of the “ Fifties.” Signed with date. _ Darley, Aug. 27/55. From Darley’s Estate. Abbey, Edwin Austin AMERICAN: 1852 101—_INTERIOR (Pencil Drawing) Height 10 inches; length 14 inches Stupy of a room with much detail, also showing two women holding a conversation. Signed in full, lower right, EK. A. Abbey. From a Friend of the Artist. Abbey, Edwin Austin AMERICAN: 1852 02 PORT EAIT OF JOHN RUSKIN (Pencil Drawing) Height 12 inches; width 10 inches Ruskin’s full face is given and his beard finished in a most remarkable manner. Signed in full, lower right, E. A. ABBEY. Unique. Never reproduced. A superb portrait. From a Friend of the Artist. who himself after a brief meteoric career was ey i re ee a Ey be HORS 4 ye . Aubrey Beardsley “To open a new gate, to disclose fresh vistas, to be t pioneer of a new realm, this is to achieve one of the rares triumphs in art; it was this that Aubrey Beardsley this youth, whose work appeared only a few years ago and | familiar to us before he was gone. “If every drawing of Aubrey Beardsley varied 2 not a single reproduction were available, his fame would endure, — In a sense he discovered anew the flowing line, he revealed — anew the supreme value of simple masses of white and black. To-day every draughtsman has learned a lesson from him; that’s his supreme and lasting distinction.” —Justin M cCarthy. Beardsley, Aubrey ENGLISH: 1872—-1898 103—HHAD OF A WOMAN (Pencil Drawing) In circle 614x614 inches Hap of a woman, facing to left. Signed on right, monogram. Formerly in the possession of Oscar Wilde. a 8 ve inches; peed 54 inches Beard Blow. Aubrey -EneuisH: 187%72—1898 -105—WwoW AN, SHMI-N UDE (Black and White Drawing) Height 614 inches; width 5 inches Interior, woman, three-quarters length; semi-nude, dis- carding dressing cloak. ive Signed, lower left, monogram. NEVER REPRODUCED. Formerly in the possession of Oscar Wilde. a“ 1 a ee ae ee ee a. — Beardsley, Aubrey ENGLISH: 1872—1898 _ 106—THE BALLAD OF THE BARBER (Black and White Drawing) Height 1214 inches; width 814 inches InreRtor, lady seated in dressing robe, while a hair- dresser fixes her coiffure; room decorations finished in detail. if Signed at lower left, monogram. __ NEVER REPRODUCED. | 5 wee Formerly in the possession of Oscar Wilde. Beardsley, Aubrey ENGLISH: 1872—1898 107—LADY WITH FAN (Black and White Drawing) Height 10 inches; width 6 inches Lapy with long peacock train dress, holding fan in left hand; strolling about a flowered lawn. ; Signed at lower right, monogram. NEVER REPRODUCED. EXQUISITE. Formerly in the possession of Oscar Wilde. Beardsley, Aubrey ENGLISH: 1872—1898 108—RAPH OF THE LOCK (Black and White Drawing) Height 1034 inches; width 734 imches CourTIER standing, facing to right, holding a mask in right hand; coat magnificently embroidered, tapestry and candelabra in background. Signed in full, lower left, AUBREY BEARDSLEY. NEVER REPRODUCED. LHEXQUISITE. Formerly in the possession of Oscar Wilde. Beardsley, Aubrey Enauisu: 1872—1898 109—SHLF PORTRAIT (Black and White Drawing) Height 4 inches; width 3% inches Bust portrait of the artist, facing to left. Signed lower right, monogram, UNIQUE AND NEVER REPRODUCED. Formerly in the possession of Oscar Wilde. May, Phil. 110—CARICATURE OF W. E. GLADSTONE (Pen and Ink Drawing) Height 914 inches; length 111%4 inches — t Premier Gladstone is depicted seated upon a lawn, facing the spectator. SS aa Signed lower right, PHIL May, 91. From a Personal Friend of the Artist. Cruikshank, George ENGLISH: 1792—1878 111—FRONTISPIECE TO GRIMM’S FAIRY TALES (Pen and Ink and Pencil Drawings) ORIGINAL finished Pen and Ink Drawing of the frontis- prece of volume 1, of Grumm’s Fairy Tales; also the orig- inal pencil study for same; both signed and in one frame. Cruikshank made this drawing to illustrate the following paragraph: : “Now you must imagine me to sit by a good fire, amongst a companye of good fellowes, over a well spiced bowle of Christmas ale, telling of their merrie tales, which hereafter followe.” It is generally conceded that Cruikshank’s illustrations of Grimm are his best work. The drawing is much larger and contains variations from the finished plate; and is the best of the 22 plates made for the work. AN ITEM OF EXCESSIVE RARITY. 2 TRAIT OF A WOMAN (Crayon Pravin } -Whistler, J. Abbott McNeil AMERICAN : 1834—1903 - 1183—PORTRAIT OF A WOMAN (Crayon Drawing) | Height 9 inches; width 534 inches Fut length portrait of a woman standing, facing to right, holding a child in her right arm. Signed, lower right, with Butterfly. NEVER REPRODUCED. Formerly in the possession of Sir Henry Irving. y Whistler, J. Abbott McNeil AMERICAN: 1834—1903 | ee : 114—-PORTRAIT OF A MAN (Crayon Drawing) Height 914 inches; width 61% inches Portrait of a man in Evening Dress standing with cloak thrown over the arm, walking stick in right hand. Signed, lower left, with Butterfly. NEVER REPRODUCED. Formerly in the possession of Sir Henry Irving. Whistler, J. Abbott McNeil AMERICAN : 1834—1903 115—PORTRAIT OF OSCAR WILDE (Crayon Drawing) Height 11 inches; width 834 inches Bust portrait of Wilde, showing collar of a fur coat; by his friend J. M. Whistler. A remarkable association of two great names. Signed, lower right, with Butterfly. UNIQUE AND NEVER REPRODUCED. Formerly in the possession of Sir Henry Irving. Sir Anthony Van Dyck FLEMISH: 1599—1641 (Red Chalk Drawing) 116-—APOTHEHOSIS OF WILLIAM OF ORANGE |. (WILLIAM OF NASSAU) Height 1814 inches; width 1614 inches THis original drawing was purchased by the Prince of Orange (William IJ. of Holland) from the collection of M. Stier d’ Aertselaer, Antwerp, 1822. It was then bought by Lord Grimthorpe at the Wilham II. of Hol- land Sale. Then again purchased by I. Waagen of Lon- don at the Lord Grimthorpe Nephew’s Sale by Robinson Fischer & Co., 1907. Afterward purchased by the Marble Arch Gallery, London, from the heirs of I. Waagen 1914, from whom the present owner secured it. Examples of this kind are of the greatest rarity and are seldom seen beyond the walls of museums. The drawing is superb. Apart from the unusual record of authenticity that ac- companies it, the sketch would of itself, proclaim the master draughtsman. Signed in the lower left, A. VAN DycxK. J. G. Gerstenharier (Pastel) 117—CHARLES DICKENS Height 26 inches; width 22 inches Presented by Sir W. A. Fraser, Bart. Tuis pastel presents the famous novelist in his best known and favorite pose, viz.: face almost in entire profile and resting upon his right hand. The author is represented at a time when he had reached the full maturity of his powers. The flesh tints and the hair and beard are ad- mirably depicted. Signed in lower left, J. G. GERSTENHARIER. W. R. Miller AMERICAN ee 118—A VIEW OF NEW YORK FROM WEEHAW- KEN (Water Color) Height 14 inches; length 18 inches On a road bordering the Hudson appear three pedestrians while over and beyond various sailing craft Manhattan Island is seen. Apart from intrinsic artistic merits this painting is interesting in its presentation of the New York City’s skyline of 1849—more than a half century— before the present era of skyscrapers. Signed at the lower right, W. R. MILER, 1849. Giovanni Paolo Pannini ITALIAN: 1695—1768 119—VENETIAN RUINS Height 24 inches; length 29 inches Many critics prefer Pannini to Canaletto, the mediaeval adept in architectural details. Certainly the former’s work is more varied and evinces a mastery of color and landscape features that was never possessed by Canaletto. The present example is conclusive proof of Pannini’s pos- session of both these qualities. a. at “Sa Unsigned. E { Giovanni Paolo Pannini ITALIAN: 1695—1768 120—THE QUAY BRIDGE Height 29 inches; length 39 inches A MOST interesting composition, which in addition to superb handling of architectural details, is somewhat anec- dotal. ‘Two armored soldiers and two attendants are leading to the galley ship (a portion of whose hull is seen through the archway on the left), an aureole crowned personage whose hands are tied and whom the artist has evidently intended to designate as saint or martyr. The slight portion of the sea that is visible shows the familiar Pannini treatment of waves, 1. e., a primitive representa- tion of a methodical regularity in their surge and re- cession. Unsigned. Giovanni Paolo Pannini ITALIAN: 1695—1768 121—ENTRANCE OF THE TEMPLE Height 42 inches; width 30 inches A HIGHLY decorative architectural composition, with skil- fully drawn Corinthian marble columns and sundry scat- tered figures. Through a double-arched entry a glimpse of landscape and garden is obtained. Obscurely signed in lower centre. Giovanni Paolo Pannini ITALIAN: 1695—1768 122—LANDSCAPEH AND THEMPLE Height 25 inches; length 39 inches THOUGH an exceedingly cleverly drawn facade of a marble building proclaims the Pannini origin of this painting, the artist has shown a facile mastery of landscape painting in a more emphasized way than is usual with him. For a country of rare beauty nearly fills the entire middle distance and background of this suave and charming composition. A tree in the left foreground shows rhythm in linear Grane ing and the sky is signally well painted. Unsigned. Giovanni Paolo Pannini ITALIAN: 1695—1768 128—RUINS OF THE TEMPLE Height 25 inches; length 39 inches Various figures in old Roman costume appear in the foreground. Through an archway of the dismantled shrine is seen the sea; on the left a fortress or castle at the base of a pyramid-shaped mountain peak. The char- acteristic handling of lights and shadows and especially the extreme geometrical correctness of structural details unmistakably suggest this as the work of Pannini. | Unsigned. Jannarius Zick GERMAN: 1733—1812 124—_ DRINKING SCENE Height 17 inches; length 22 inches A soENE of bacchanalian revelry and bucolic mirth. Hight figures appear in the composition, variously engaged, sing- ing, dancing, carving viands, etc. The moulding of the figures is capital and the expressions excellent, ranging from maudlin glee to the cool cynicism of the ab- _ solutely sober gentlewoman, who with an air of disdain, ob- serves the proceedings. Onsigned. Peter Paul Rubens Fiuemisu: 1577—1614 125—THH ACCIDENT IN THE WOODS Height 25 inches; length 35 inches A HUNTSMAN has accidentally transfixed with his arrow a woman who, apparently fatally wounded, falls to the ground. Both figures are in the foreground in the centre of a thick wood composed of lofty and heavily foliaged trees. To the right is a low hill with a stone structure, and below it a round knoll, on which are two figures with a few sheep. The sky is painted with an assured and vigorous brush, and the whole effect of the canvas is one of richness of color and robust strength. Unsigned. rt 4 ir - ‘ I Cd a, Coe oe Rw ea SoS Phe? Oe > ty te a et Re FED &S Girt RES Francis A. Silva AMERICAN: 1835—1886 126—MORNING IN NEW YORK BAY Height 20 inches; length 42 inches Tue gently rippling surface of the water is dotted with sailing craft of various kinds. On the left bank is shown ‘ the old fort on Governor’s Island. Beyond, the shores of Long Island. Signed at the lower left, FRaAncis A. SILva, 74, J. J. M. Damschrouee GERMAN 12°—THE TOY PEDDLAR Height 26 inches A GeRMAN interior. An itinerant toy-peddlar is display- ing his wares to two children and their mother. A detail of landscape and sky appears through the open door, while scattered about the room are seen various household uten- sils, fruit, ete. Signed at the lower left, J. J. M. DAMSCHRODER. Pauwel Bril BELGIAN: 1554—1626 128—HUNTING SCENE Height 1914 inches; length 2514 inches At the foot of a mountain almost denuded of trees except those of stunted growth is a French chateau erected on the borders of a placid stream. The main feature of the composition, however, is the hunting party of gayly ap- pointed equestrians, who, with their attendants, are closing in on a stag, which is about to be pulled down by the hounds. There is in this composition an interesting study of various shades of green, ranging from the delicate emerald tint of the woods about the chateau to the rich olive of the for- ests in the immediate foreground. The deep tints of wood- land verdure are in turn diversified by the various growths of light brown. Onsigned. George Gillis Van Haanen Mounicu: 1807 129—RHADING THE STORY Height 23 inches; width 18% inches INTERIOR scene showing a mother clasping her little girl’s hand and reading from an open book. Signed at the lower left, G. G. HAANEN. F. J. Zuéel ; ; Ne Leaiey! i 24 GERMAN | 130—THE SLEEPING GUARDIAN Height 211% inches; length 28 inches OvERCOME with fatigue a shepherd has fallen asleep out- side of the structure that serves as a shelter for his charges. _ Both they and the dog crouched at the sleeper’s feet ap- pear to be keenly conscious of the neglect to which they _ have been subjected. The sheep are finely modeled. — Signed in lower right, F. J. ZucEn. Unknown 131—THE VISIT OF THE VIRGIN MARY TO HER COUSIN ELIZABETH Height 3814 inches; width 3114 inches A group of five figures with Joseph, spouse of the Virgin, showing in the left foreground. Mary and Elizabeth, the mother of St. John the Baptist, are the central points of © interest. There is a great deal of color in the composition, and through an open casement in the rear is seen the masonry of solidly constructed buildings. Ralph Albert Blakelock, N. A. AMERICAN: 1847%— 132—LANDSCAPE (On Panel) “ BLAKELOCK” is written all over this canvas—brush work, color scheme, sky depiction. In magistral authority a single, finely-proportioned tree stands silhouetted against the light emanating from the line of the horizon; a sward of rich, dark brown reaches to the foreground. A noble composition, small only in-its dimensions. From the Prof. Dowd Collection. Signed at the lower right, R. A. BLAKELOCK. N. V. Diaz FRENCH: 1808—1876 133—LANDSCAPE (On Panel) Height 9 inches; length 11 inches AvuTUMN woods with sward strewn with boulders; heavy white and grey cloud masses. The centre of the canvas is brightened by the light falling through a rift in the clouds. A painting abounding in rich contrasts of green and brown. Signed at the lower left, DIAZ. SH Mace 134—RIVER SCENE IN ITALY Height 8 inches; length 10 inches tti pron rd Sat Bon my tk Kad 5 tas a erst ity st as Fath Ha toke aie al nye JN oN “ aie yn Farha) ah ROE then! cee ahs Hsin “fst 4 Fa ie ute Dein | chars hy it n> au aya A Kae My tes SQM MAP heey 040 > Wh skand a RAWAL ash eM NAS) ia a bos ee ihe US ih “4 Nene eA lnm rinasa, § MEV gt A, aay a Mra BAY Aad » vac we y Mule DAS Dak ny ut ” iy ay eetat ue AAEAE ERIS Ait z pe bats yet 9 yy. Hy cern Dat I rin ate - este ne eae bt oy: shed i Fi ay eit yh CaN Ng a Pa ‘a “4 hs Hea ty » pony zh Wa ea ia beg es ‘ lL 3431) ALLE Be » q Ht ih EMERGES OR abe ye Sgt izes} teh? PRA eaniha Ao teh Bone plas Upgae Ge ee We ee Ritts A seh ONC re ENS Wie. ON ‘ Feu bunayin 4 yen ah eA OA hodhs Thine a 7 Pe its Misa hyibe dey asa 8 Wey b ms bt ps (eo te Ub ae RM oy De my ag PN Scie N tae Vie Th ian WWeMentiey as By. er a ide, 0, Mi se ‘ Hall Hilt yt AWTS Hy th Gt Wed hy WAR a BF Tenn ry HG Hy ie io a ov " Urea wks mY VBLW ROW Ra RNa By las Gy \Miy ity sw on aA rs i sh 4 ‘ 5 YL) na uy 4 eS 4 4 Aa uy hy itt vit ia wus MON) 2