‘ ‘ i 180 L] | SALE NUMBER I79I1 ON PUBLIC EXHIBITION FROM SATURDAY, DECEMBER TWENTY-NINTH THE J. W. T. WETTLESON COLLECTION j\[, [\.\J ILLUSTRATED CATALOGUE OF EARLY COLONIAL HOOK RUGS COLLECTED OVER A PERIOD OF YEARS | BY 2 MR. J. W. T. WETTLESON OF RUTLAND, VERMONT TO BE SOLD BY HIS ORDER FRIDAY AND SATURDAY AFTERNOONS JANUARY FOURTH AND FIFTH AT TWO THIRTY THE ANDERSON GALLERIES [MITCHELL KENNERLEY, Presipent] PARK AVENUE AND FIFTY-NINTH STREET, NEW YORK CONDITIONS OF SALE All bids to be PER LoT as numbered in the Catalogue. The highest bidder to be the buyer. In all cases of disputed bids the lot shall be resold, but the Auctioneer will use his judgment as to the good faith of all claims and his decision shall be final. Buyers to give their names and addresses and to make such cash pay- ments on account as may be required, in default of which the lots purchased to be immediately resold. Purchases to be taken away at the buyer’s expense and risk within twenty-four hours from the conclusion of the sale, and the remainder of the purchase money to be paid on or before delivery, in default of which The Anderson Galleries, Incorporated, will not be responsible if the lot or lots be lost, stolen, damaged, or destroyed, but they will be left at the sole risk of the purchaser, and subject to storage charges. All lots will be exposed for public exhibition before the date of sale, - for examination by intending purchasers, and The Anderson Galleries, Incorporated, will not be responsible for the correctness of the description, authenticity, genuineness, or for any defect or fault in or concerning any lot, and makes no warranty whatever, but will sell each lot exactly as it is, WITHOUT RECOURSE. Terms Casu. Upon failure to comply with the above conditions any sum deposited as part payment shall be forfeited, and all such lots as re- main uncleared after twenty-four hours from the conclusion of the sale will be resold by either private or public sale at such time as The Anderson Galleries, Incorporated, shall determine, without further notice, and if any deficiency arises from such resale it shall be made good by the defaulter at this sale together with all the expenses incurred thereby. This condition shall be without prejudice to the right of The Anderson Galleries, Incorporated, to enforce the contract with the buyer, without such resale. Bros. We make no charge for executing orders for our customers and use all bids competitively, buying at the lowest price permitted by other bids. The Anderson Galleries, Incorporated, will afford every facility for the employment of carriers and packers by the purchasers, but will not be responsible for any damage arising from the acts of such carriers and packers. 7 THE ANDERSON GALLERIES PARK AVENUE AND FIFTY-NINTH STREET NEW YORK : TELEPHONE PLAZA 9356 CATALOGUES ON REQUEST SALES CONDUCTED BY MR. FREDERICK A. CHAPMAN ¢“Drawn-In”’ Rugs I sometimes wonder if people really appreciate the simple charm of “drawn-in” (hooked) rugs. Oh, I know connoisseurs do, and that, now and again, unbelievably high prices are paid for historical or landscape patterns. But I mean everybody, everybody who loves old furniture, and its unpretending homeliness which was the background of our ancestors’ lives. In no sense do they become lofty chambers of magnificence; rooms where Sheraton settees in the golden tones Time has polished to a subdued radiance, or subtly carved ribbon-backed Chippendale chairs agree in eighteenth century perfection with inlaid Hepplewhite card-tables, for these demand the finest Oriental weaves. But with the plainer Colonial oak (if we are fortunate enough to have it) or peasant furniture from England and France; with Windsor or stenciled chairs and the drop-leaved tables and the flat-topped, unpretentious highboys that all our forefathers once possessed, they are admirable. Indeed, I don’t know any other thing that quite takes their place; they have a finer color-value than either braided or woven rugs, and infinitely more personality and presence. It is just this vivid personal quality I want to stress,for, in some way, it makes them akin to the direct craftsmanship of the furniture. That’s why I hate what the old countrywomen hereabouts call “boughten patterns.” These completely lack the naive spontaniety which women, working by the fireside on snowbound afternoons, or in the long hours of winter evenings, were able to create upon their canvasses, strips of stretched burlap, with their colors, home-dyed pieces of wool and skeins of yarn. They reflected the life around them: the cat sleeping on the hearth, their memories of gold and crimson autumn, the blues of the faiénce upon the tall mantel. Nowhere else, except in the pages of the mediaeval miniaturists who worked with precisely the same feeling, do flowers bloom in the same pro- fusion of unpremeditated art. I have just been examining an illustration of “Le Roman de la Rose’, and, if I showed it to you, covering the figures with my hand, and you saw just the blossoms, you’d swear that you were looking at a North-Country hooked-rug. I fancy they must have some quality of eternal-ness. As most of us know them, even at their best, they are an early nineteenth century craft. Two rare examples, variants of the eighteenth century, I have seen, and that is all. But they are akin to old honey-dark oak, and the simpler eighteenth century furniture, for they are the lineal descendants of the “Turkey-work” done to beguile the tedium of method and result, es in We finely aoe and sh work is almost exactly the same. Hooked rugs are nota revival, but a gentle continual this decorating truth ; that no ‘collection of old furniture i is 1 plete without them. Sale Friday Afternoon, January Fourth at Two-thirty FIRST DAY EARLY AMERICAN ROSE HOOK RUG—Jaspé gray and black field ; displaying training bouquets of rose-crimson roses, corners and leaf border. Size: 4 feet 3 inches x 2 feet 2 inches. EARLY AMERICAN MEDALLIONED IVORY GRAY HOOK RUG—Jaspé silvery-gray field; hooked with black oval medallion of pink roses. Black border scrolled at ends. Size: 2 feet 10 inches x 1 foot 1 inch. EARLY AMERICAN ROSE-DU-BARRY HOOK RUG—Tawny- black ground; with crimson rose at center and fine rose-du-Barry scrollings at corners. Size: 4 feet 2 inches x 3 feet 2 inches. EARLY AMERICAN TILE HOOK RUG—Oblong striated cen- ter, of blue, black, yellow and ivory. Surrounded by vari-colored small locked oblongs. Size: 3 feet 4 inches x 2 feet 4 inches. EARLY AMERICAN OAK LEAF HOOK RUG—Jaspé gray field displaying a spray of three red Autumnal oak leaves. Black border. Size: 3 feet 3 inches x 2 feet 3 inches. 18TH CENTURY AMERICAN TILE HOOK RUG—Radiated central medallion; surrounded by striated tiles and triangular cor- ners. In pastel colors. Black and old yellow chevroned border. | Size: 3 feet 6 inches x 2 feet 5 inches. EARLY AMERICAN ROSETTED HOOK RUG—Fluctuating black and brown ground; with central rosette and similar rosettes as border. Executed in grays, light and dark blues, crimson, pink and yellow. Size: 3 feet 5 inches x 2 feet 10 inches. EARLY AMERICAN BASKET HOOK RUG—Resonant black field; hooked with basket of varied crimson and yellow flowers and scrolled yellow corners; banded borders. Size: 3 feet 2 inches x 2 feet 4 inches. 18TH CENTURY AMERICAN BASKET HOOK RUG—Ellip- tical tan field; sustaining a rose and black basket loosely filled with mulberry roses. Striped yellow borders with black triangular corners. Size: 4 feet 5 inches x 2 feet 3 inches. I IO II I2 13 14 15 16 17 17a EARLY AMERICAN MEDALLION HOOK RUG—Double in- curved soft yellow medallion center, lobed with tawny brown and sustaining long bouquet of crimson roses. Deep black border with floral corners. Size: 4 feet 4 inches x 2 feet 2 inches. 18TH CENTURY AMERICAN FLORAL HOOK RUG—Ivory medallion, with floral wreathed center and ends. Jaspé yellow bor- der with floral corners and braided edge. Heavy close hooking. Size: 4 feet 8 inches x 2 feet 8 ches. EARLY AMERICAN ROSE HOOK RUG—Stepped oblong tawny brown field with oval rose bouquet center. Striped borders in crimson, blues and yellows with tan and black corners. Size: 3 feet x 1 foot 10 inches. EARLY AMERICAN IVORY HOOK RUG—Fluctuating gray- ivory field; with central bouquet of loose varicolored flowers. Crim- son and blue entwined borders and black outer guards. Size: 3 feet 2 inches x 1 foot 9 inches. EARLY AMERICAN FLORAL SCROLLED HOOK RUG— scrolled with two large pale yellow-green leaves. Tawny borders. Very heavy hooking. Green-gray field displaying large pink roses, Size: 5 feet 8 inches x 2 feet 4 inches. EARLY AMERICAN PASTEL HOOK RUG—Tan field sustain. ing a close oval bouquet of pastel colored flowers. Jaspé tawny and tan borders. Size: 3 feet 4 inches x 2 feet 7 inches. EARLY AMERICAN ANIMAL HOOK RUG—Yellow and crim- son scrolled oval ivory medallion occupied by a tan cat licking cream from a crimson jug. Tan borders. | Size: 2 feet 8 inches x 1 foot 7 inches. EARLY AMERICAN ROSE HOOK RUG—Gray tan field; hooked with crimson bouquet of roses and valanced border. Fin- ished with bands of blue and deep gray. Size: 2 feet 1 inch x 1 foot 7 inches. 18TH CENTURY AMERICAN FLORAL HOOK RUG—Pale- — yellow ivory field; delicately hooked in pastel colors with double wreaths; within oval tan and black medallions and gray-black borders. Size: 4 feet 4 inches x 2 feet 4 inches. 2 18 19 20 a | 22 of 24 25 26 EARLY AMERICAN MOSAIC HOOK RUG—Deep blue field; hooked with curious ivory, light blue and tan striated motives; blue and ivory borders and blue-black outer guards. Size: 3 feet 3 ches x 2 feet I inch. EARLY AMERICAN HOOK RUG—Resonant black field; with archaic vase of flowers. Tile border with festooned interior motives. Executed in crimson, yellow, blues and ivory. Size: 3 feet 10 inches x 2 feet 9 inches. EARLY AMERICAN FLORAL HOOK RUG—Deep jaspé ivory field; enriched with large bouquet of roses and convolvuli. Mottled gray borders. Size: 3 feet 3 inches x 2 feet. EARLY AMERICAN ROSE HOOK RUG—Mottled gray ground ; curiously sprayed with pink and crimson roses. Black borders inter- - rupted with blue and gray leaves. Size: 3 feet 9 inches x 2 feet 4 inches. EARLY AMERICAN MEDALLION HOOK RUG—Autumnal leaf-scrolled tan oval medallion; occupied by bouquet of pink roses. Tan-gray corners with rose-buds. Size: 4 feet 2 inches x 2 feet 7 inches. EARLY AMERICAN ANIMAL HOOK RUG—Tan ground, with ivory and blue sky ; occupied by a ferocious tiger in mulberry, yellow and tan. Crimson roses and scrollings at borders. Size: 3 feet 9 inches x 2 feet 5 inches. EARLY AMERICAN SAPPHIRE BLUE HOOK RUG—Fine fluctuating pale sapphire-blue field; display bouquet of light crimson roses. Chevroned tan border. Size: 3 feet 7 inches x 2 feet. EARLY AMERICAN SCROLLED HOOK RUG—Very heavy hooking. Interesting irregular leaf-scrolled yellow medallion with deep gray-ivory center occupied by lavender and crimson rose bou- quet, similar roses appear at corners. Small black border. Size: 4 feet 7 inches x 2 feet 5 inches. EARLY AMERICAN FLORAL HOOK RUG—Mottled yellow field, with gray oblong medallion having ivory center, enriched with pink flowers and leaves. Triangular mosaic corners, black borders. Size: 3 feet 4 mches x 2 feet 4 inches. 3 27 28 29 30 30A 30B 31 32 3.3 34 -EARLY AMERICAN ANIMAL HOOK RUG—Ivory field occu- pied by a stalking tiger in naturalistic colors. End scrollings of crimson roses. Size: 3 feet x 1 foot 10 inches. EARLY AMERICAN FLORAL HOOK RUG—Heavy hooking. Fluctuating gray field; occupied by loose scrolling bouquet of pink — and crimson roses and buds. Size: 3 feet 4 inches x 2 feet 2 ches. EARLY AMERICAN BASKET HOOK RUG—Very heavy hook- ing. Ivory field, occupied by basket of crimson and blue flowers. Leaf scrolled golden- -yellow border ; finished with bands of black. Size: 5 feet 3 inches x 3 feet. EARLY AMERICAN FLORAL HOOK RUG—Fluctuating tan — field; with long bouquet of crimson roses and buds. Leaf and staff border of deep amber-yellow. me Size: 3 feet 4 inches x I foot 8 inches. EARLY AMERICAN CIRCULAR HOOK RUG—Deep black field, with bouquet of pink roses and buds and chevroned pink border. Illustrated. ‘Diam.: 3 feet. EARLY AMERICAN ANIMAL HOOK RUG—Fluctuating black field, occupied by the standing figure of a beribboned bulldog. Leaf scrolled corners. Illustrated. Size: 4 feet 4 inches x 2 feet 6 inches. EARLY AMERICAN BLUE HOOK RUG—Elongated blue medallion, with scrolled center and borders of flowers; executed in rose-crimson, pink, orange and pale greens. Tan and black outer borders. Size: 4 feet 5 inches x 2 feet 2 inches. EARLY AMERICAN FLORAL HOOK RUG—Jaspé tan field; hooked with spray and oval wreath of lavender, blue, pink and crim- son flowers. Size: 3 feet 1 inch x 1 foot 10 inches. EARLY AMERICAN MEDALLION HOOK RUG—Ivory lozenge medallion, occupied by crimson bouquet of roses. Mellow . yellow field with black borders. Size: 3 feet x 2 feet 2 inches. — 18TH CENTURY AMERICAN HOOK RUG—Fluctuating black field; occupied by a loose bouquet of rose-du-Barry crimson roses. Arched tile border in pinks, blues, grays and lavenders. Size: 3 feet 5 inches x 3 feet 3 inches. a 4 a5 36 37 38 39 40 4I 43 EARLY AMERICAN FLORAL HOOK RUG—Heavy, close hooking. Ivory field, with oval bouquet of lavender and rose-red roses and scrolled inset red borders. Striped blue and deep amber outer borders and tan guards. Size: 3 feet 4 inches x 2 feet 5 inches. EARLY AMERICAN WEDDING HOOK RUG—Jaspé gray field, with large spray of leaves in center, red hearts at corners interrupt- ing inscriptions. Size: 3 feet g inches x 2 feet 6 inches. EARLY AMERICAN GOLDEN-YELLOW HOOK RUG— Close-hooking. Mottled golden-yellow field with elongated scrolled medallion flanked by scrollings. Executed in crimsons, blues, pinks, greens and ivories. Size: 4 feet 8 inches x 2 feet 4 inches. EARLY AMERICAN ANIMAL HOOK RUG—Lozenge-shaped. Oval yellow medallion; occupied by a stag’s head. Surrounded by gray and black borders stepped at ends. Sige: 3 feet 1 inch x1 foot 11 inches. EARLY AMERICAN FLORAL HOOK RUG—Gray field; scrolled with large green leaves bearing pink flowers. Crimson and black narrow borders. Sige: 4 feet 5 inches x 2 feet 7 inches. EARLY AMERICAN EMBROIDERED RUG—Lavender pink field; enriched with closely placed black and yellow double circular medallions. Rare. : Size: 4 feet 5 inches x 2 feet-3 imches. EARLY AMERICAN BLACK HOOK RUG—Resonant black field; with bouquet of crimson, pink and yellow roses. Rosetted tan borders. Size: 3 feet 2 inches x 2 feet 3 inches. EARLY AMERICAN ANIMAL HOOK RUG—Striated green- black field; occupied by a standing dun cow and crimson stellate motives at corners. Tile border. Size: 3 feet 10 inches x 2 feet 11 inches. EARLY AMERICAN IVORY HOOK RUG—Rich ivory field, with bouquet of crimson and dull yellow flowers. Borders of trail- ing vines of holly leaves. Size: 4 feet 6 inches x 2 feet 5 inches. 5 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 EARLY AMERICAN ANIMAL HOOK RUG—lIvory oval medal- lion; occupied by a recumbent yellow and dull red lap-dog. Rope borders of blue and crimson; finished with tawny guards having scrolled pink corners. Size: 3 feet 8 inches x 2 feet 3 inches. EARLY AMERICAN HOOK RUG—Jaspé golden-yellow field, with chevroned edges; occupied by quaint crimson roses interestingly — scrolled with green leaves. Black border. Size: 4 feet 6 inches x 2 feet 8 inches. EARLY AMERICAN ANIMAL HOOK RUG—Heavy, close hooking. Oval tan medallion, occupied by recumbent tan lap-dog. Trailing bouquets of pink and crimson flowers at ends. Black borders. Size: 5 feet x 2 feet 8 Gua ) EIGHTEENTH CENTURY AMERICAN IVORY HOOK RUG —Fine deep ivory field; enriched in beautiful pastel colors with wreath of varied flowers and sprays at corners. ; Size: 3 feet 7 inches x 1 foot 11 mches. EARLY AMERICAN ANIMAL HOOK RUG—Curious gray and © yellow lobed oval medallion; occupied by a crimson water fowl amid growing waterlilies. Gray and pink borders with leaf corners. Size: 3 feet 3 inches x 1 foot 10 inches. EARLY AMERICAN MEDALLION HOOK RUG—Close heavy hooking. Silvery jaspé ivory field; occupied by an oval wreath of beautiful crimson, yellow and pink flowers. Tan borders with floral corners. Size: 5 feet x 2 feet 6 inches, — a EARLY AMERICAN BLACK HOOK RUG—Very heavy hook- ing. Lustrous blue-black field; hooked with finely scrolled sprays of holly bearing red berries. Size: 3 feet 10 inches x 2 feet 5 inches. EARLY AMERICAN FLORAL HOOK RUG—Close, ivory field; with green lobed oval medallion enclosing crimson Mae elec Tawny green borders striped on inner sides. Size: 4 feet 4 inches x 2 jocks 10 inches, ‘a EARLY AMERICAN ANIMAL HOOK RUG—Close heavy hook- a ing. Deep golden-yellow field occupied by black squirrel on branch of tree and floral corners. Borders of blue, pink and gray stripes. Size: 3 feet 2 inches x 2 feet 5 inches. 2 6 53 54 56 37 58 59 EARLY AMERICAN GEOMETRIC AND FLORAL HOOK RUG—Ivory-gray field, with diamond tile center placed on two similar staves crossing diagonally from corners. The triangles formed by staves occupied by bouquets of crimson roses. Chevroned pink and black borders. Hooked with great precision. Size: 4 feet © inches x 2 feet 4 inches. EARLY AMERICAN FLORAL HOOK RUG—Striated gray- blue field, with large crimson floral rosette at center. Pink rosetted black borders with yellow guards. Size: 3 feet 10 inches x 2 feet 10 inches. EARLY AMERICAN ANIMAL HOOK RUG—Fluctuating pale blue and gray field; displaying two facing golden-yellow sea-lions standing on staves. Size: 3 feet 4 ches x 2 feet 4 mches. EARLY AMERICAN FLORAL IVORY HOOK RUG—Irregu- lar ivory field, scrolled with crimson leafage and displaying long bouquet of rose-crimson flowers. Size: 6 feet x 2 feet 1 inch. EARLY AMERICAN MEDALLION HOOK RUG—Long heavy hooking. Incurved lozenge-shaped blue and gray medallion semé with blue, crimson and ivory blossoms. Gray borders with spray corners. Size: 4 feet 4 inches x 2 feet 9 inches. EARLY AMERICAN ANIMAL HOOK RUG—Crimson scrolled oval medallion; displaying a pink lion standing on green ground. Gray scrolled borders at ends. Size: 3 feet 8 inches x 2 feet 3 mches. EIGHTEENTH CENTURY AMERICAN HOOK RUG—Rich deep ivory field; enriched in pastel colors with curious basket of flowers and rosettes. Sige: 3 feet 5 ches x 2 feet. EARLY AMERICAN FLORAL HOOK RUG—Very heavy close hooking. Jaspé golden-yellow field; enriched in crimson, blue, ivory and pale-yellow with large central wreath and scrolled floral corners. Size: 6 feet 5 inches x 2 feet 11 inches. EARLY AMERICAN RAISED MEDALLION HOOK RUG— Orange-yellow diamond medallion, with sprays of raised crimson- pink flowers. Triangular black corners with sprays of similar flowers. Illustrated. Size: 4 feet 7 inches x 2 feet 6 inches. 7 600 EARLY AMERICAN FLORAL HOOK RUG—Close heavy hook- 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 ing. Rich deep black field, with bouquet of pink, crimson and laven- der-rose ; surrounded by yellow-brown leaf scrollings, interrupted by smaller bouquets. Illustrated. | Size: 5 feet x 2 feet 2 inches. EARLY AMERICAN ANIMAL HOOK RUG—Fluctuating green field, occupied by a black and tan standing terrier, captioned “Prince.” Border of diagonal red, blue and yellow stripes. Size: 3 feet 6 inches x 2 feet 5 inches. EARLY NOVA SCOTIAN HOOK RUG—Close heavy hooking. Scrolled ivory field with sprays of maple leaves flanked by British escutcheons amid green scrollings. Size: 4 feet 5 inches x 2 feet 6 inches. EARLY AMERICAN WEDDING HOOK RUG—Heavy hook- ing. Curiously striated gray field, displaying crimson and yellow stellate motive, hearts at ends and lobed corners. Striped border. Size: 5 feet x 3 feet 2 ches. EARLY AMERICAN “GOOD LUCK” HOOK RUG—Close heavy hooking. Seal brown field sprayed with crimson and lavender horseshoes. Gray and crimson end panels. Braided border. Size: 4 feet 9 inches x 1 foot 8 inches. EARLY AMERICAN SYMBOLIC HOOK RUG—Mellow-yellow oblong center, enriched in crimson with two anchors flanking a stel- late motive and borders, succeeded by bands of pink, ivory, tan and blues. Size: 4 feet 3 inches x 2 feet 9 inches. EARLY AMERICAN STELLATE HOOK RUG—Ivory field, with blue and crimson stellate center and borders of blue, crimson, and ivory. Sze: 3 hese I inch x 3 feet. EARLY AMERICAN ANIMAL HOOK RUG—Very Sout hooked. Sapphire-blue field with two baskets of fruit at center and four at corners. The central flanked by red parrots. —_ Size: 4 feet 3 x 3 feet. | EARLY AMERICAN FLORAL HOOK RUG—Tan field, with very curiously serpentined central medallion flanked by large crimson — flowers. Old red and tan border. Size: 5 feet 7 inches x 3 feet 2 inches. 8 ae ‘aan a! i) a Pins. ohm ole weal ene 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 EARLY AMERICAN FLORAL HOOK RUG—Yellow-tan field ; occupied by oval bouquet with an oval wreath of finely varied flow- ers. Executed in crimson, pink, blues, greens and ivories. Tan border. Size: 3 feet x 2 feet 8 inches. EARLY AMERICAN ANIMAL HOOK RUG—Green and crim- son tesselated ground, with gray sky above displaying two recum- bent yellow and tan poodles. Striped borders. | Size: 5 feet x 2 feet 7 inches. EARLY AMERICAN IVORY HOOK RUG—Rich ivory field; with oval medallion of large, mulberry,-blue and pink flowers. Black borders. Size: 3 feet 5 inches x 1 foot 11 inches. EARLY AMERICAN ANIMAL HOOK RUG—Green landscape, on which a many tined stag is standing, before black ground. Striped borders. Size: 4 feet x 3 feet 6 inches. FARLY AMERICAN MEDALLION HOOK RUG—Mellow gray-blue oval medallion, occupied by bouquet of crimson and ivory roses. Surrounded by scroll borders of lavender-pink and soft greens. Black guards. Size: 3 feet 11 inches x 2 feet I inch. EARLY AMERICAN FLORAL AND FRUIT HOOK RUG— Scrolled gray-ivory field ; occupied by a purple vase of flowers. Bor- ders with bunches of lavender grapes at corners and trailing green leaves. Black guards. Size: 4 feet 5 inches x 2 feet 8 inches. EARLY AMERICAN ANIMAL HOOK RUG—Rocky seascape, with huge black, gray and crimson fish swimming in forewaters. Pink and tan borders. Size: 4 feet 4 inches x 2 feet 6 inches. EARLY AMERICAN FLORAL HOOK RUG—Lobed oval yel- low medallion; occupied by crimson bouquet of roses. Black corners with pink stellate motives. Size: 3 feet 5 inches x 2 feet. EARLY AMERICAN SCROLL HOOK RUG—Heavy close hook- ing. Ivory irregular oval medallion with central crimson and yellow bouquet. Interesting large scrolled corners. Gray borders. | Size: 4 feet 6 inches x 2 feet 7 inches. 77a EARLY AMERICAN ANIMAL HOOK RUG—Pale golden- yellow field, with pink and blue rosette center flanked by stags’ heads. Vari-colored striped borders. Size: 6 feet 4 inches x 2 feet 7 inches. 9 78 79 SI 82 83 84 85 87 EARLY AMERICAN BLUE HOOK RUG—Deep sapphire-blue center, enclosed by sprays of Autumnal tinted leaves. Black borders. Size: 3 feet 5 inches x 2 feet 4 inches. EARLY AMERICAN MEDALLION HOOK RUG—lIvory oval medallion, occupied by vase of old red flowers. The medallion scrolled with green leaves. Gray borders with ivory leaves at corners. Size: 4 feet 9 inches x 2 feet 9 inches. EARLY AMERICAN FLORAL HOOK RUG—Deep tan field; displaying wreath of crimson, pink, blue and lavender flowers; flanked at ends with sprays of similar flowers. Scrolled crimson leaf borders. Size: 5 feet 1 inch x 2 feet 6 inches. RARE EARLY AMERICAN MASONIC HOOK RUG—Striated crimson, blue, gray, yellow and ivory field, with quarter rosette cor- ners. Black central shield displaying Masonic compass and square. Surrounded by fish, owl, hen and chickens and cat. Size: 3 feet 10 mches x 3 fed 5 inches. EARLY AMERICAN FLORAL HOOK RUG—Ivory field; dis- playing oval crimson and gray leaved medallion occupied by sprays and bouquet of crimson flowers. Size: 3 feet 2 inches x 2 feet. EARLY AMERICAN MEDALLION HOOK RUG—Close hook- ing. Finely scrolled soft yellow oval medallion displaying large bou- quet of pink lilies and crimson rose. Black borders. | Size: 4 feet 7 inches x 2 feet 4 tnches. EARLY AMERICAN TILE HOOK RUG—Composed of sixteen — oblong tiles ; each paneled in blues, black, pink and tan. Size: 3 feet 5 mches x 3 feet. EARLY AMERICAN MEDALLION HOOK RUG—Mottled mellow yellow oval medallion, with loose bouquet of crimson roses. Scrolled in green and pink. Tawny borders. Size: 4 feet 8 inches x 2 feet 8 inches. EARLY AMERICAN GEOMETRIC HOOK RUG—Field of crimson, green, yellow and tan irregular, locked tile motives. Pink rosetted black borders. Size: 3 feet 6 imches x 1 foot 10 inches. EARLY AMERICAN MEDALLION HOOK RUG—Golden- yellow lozenge medallion, with crimson floral bouquet. Striped — borders. Size: 3 feet 3 inches x 1 foot 2inches. IO 88 89 - QOF QI 93 94 EARLY AMERICAN RAISED FLORAL HOOK RUG—Mottle pink-ivory field; with loosely placed crimson floral center. Border of trailing vines and rosebuds. Size: 3 feet 8 inches x 2 feet 6 inches. EARLY AMERICAN GREEN HOOK RUG—Very heavy hook- ing. Fine green field, with banded ivory diamond center having two pink blossoms. Blue-black borders with inner trailing vines of pink flowers. Size: 3 feet 6 inches x 2 feet 7 inches. EARLY AMERICAN FLORAL HOOK RUG—Heavy hooking. Curiously striated light blue and ivory field with sprays and vines of pink, crimson and mulberry roses. Size: 3 feet x 2 feet 3 inches. EARLY AMERICAN FLORAL HOOK RUG—Striated deep gray field; loose bouquet of pink and crimson flowers and rose-pink scrolled corners. Illustrated. Size: 3 feet 9 inches x 3 feet. EARLY AMERICAN MEDALLION HOOK RUG—Pale blue oval medallion, occupied by long bouquet of crimson and pink roses and buds. Deep leaf scrollings of mulberry at corners. Illustrated. Size: 4 feet 5 inches x 2 feet 8 inches. EARLY AMERICAN MEDALLION HOOK RUG—Rich ivory oval medallion; displaying long bouquet and wreathed with flowers in brilliant crimson, orange, blue and green. Purple field with linked border. Size: 5 feet 4 mches x 2 feet 11 inches. EARLY AMERICAN SAPPHIRE-BLUE HOOK RUG—Sap- phire-blue field; with stepped corners, enriched with scrolled and lobed diamond motive in crimson, light blue, yellow and green. Striped borders in similar colors to central motive. Size: 4 feet 10 inches x 2 feet 5 inches. EARLY AMERICAN IVORY HOOK RUG—Rich ivory field; with pastel colored central bouquet scrolled with large soft old red leaves. Size: 3 feet 9 inches x 2 feet 3 inches. EARLY AMERICAN FLORAL HOOK RUG—Fine heavy hook- ing. Tan field, hooked with central bouquet and scrolled corners in pale blues, pinks, crimson and tawny outer leaves. Striped and black borders. Size: 3 feet 10 inches x 2 feet 2 inches. II 95 96 97 98 ee, 100 IOI Iola 102 EARLY AMERICAN SCROLLED HOOK RUG—Ivory field; double scrolled with crimson leaves forming medallion and corners; both occupied by clusters of crimson, lavender and yellow roses and tulips. Tawny brown borders. Size: 5 feet 2 inches x 2 feet 5 inches. EARLY AMERICAN MEDALLION HOOK RUG—Scrolled oval medallion of mottled ivory, bearing formal bouquet of crimson flowers ; scrolled with large tortoise-shell and red leaves. Size: 3 feet 4 inches x 2 feet 6 imches. EARLY AMERICAN TAN HOOK RUG—Heavy hooking. Scrolled tan oblong center, with two red roses. Havana brown border with occasional blue flowers. Size: 3 feet x 2 feet 7 mches. EARLY AMERICAN PATRIOTIC HOOK RUG—HEighteen star, in red and blue within round tawny medallions closely placed on gray field. Deep golden-yellow borders. Size: 3 feet 6 inches x 1 foot 11 iches. EARLY AMERICAN FLORAL HOOK RUG—Mottled gray field, sustaining bouquet of crimson and lavender-pink roses. Pale- yellow border of large leaves. Black guards. - Size: 3 feet 10 ches x 2 feet 2 inches. 18TH CENTURY AMERICAN TILE HOOK RUG—Field of vari-shaped pastel colored tiles, latticed with diamonds in tawny brown and ivory. Size: 7 feet 4 mches x 4 feet. EARLY AMERICAN ANIMAL HOOK RUG—Mottled deep gray and pink field; displaying two black horses running towards one another. Crimson and blue striped border and triangular corners. Size: 6 feet 9 inches x 2 feet 11 inches. EARLY AMERICAN FLORAL HOOK RUG—Golden-yellow and brown irregularly striped field, with two bouquets of crimson flowers. Striped borders of blue, yellow and black. Size: 4 feet 5 inches x 2 feet. 2 EARLY AMERICAN PATRIOTIC HOOK RUG—Tawny-brown field; with crimson-rose bouquet center and striped red, white and blue borders. Size: 3 feet 3 inches x 3 feet. I2 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 IIo III EIGHTEENTH CENTURY AMERICAN FLORAL HOOK RUG—Mottled golden-yellow field ; with dull rose bouquet and fleur- de-lis corners. Small paneled border. Size: 4 feet 3 inches x 2 feet 4 inches. EARLY AMERICAN MOSAIC HOOK RUG—Field curiously striated with crimson, black, blue, ivory and yellow motives. Size: 4 feet 8 inches x 1 foot 10 inches. EARLY AMERICAN FLORAL HOOK RUG—Heavy hooking. Ivory-gray field, hooked with bouquet of crimson and yellow roses. Trailing borders of similar flowers. Size: 4 feet 2 inches x 2 feet 8 inches. BKARLY AMERICAN MEDALLION HOOK RUG—Brown and yellow striped field; occupied by scrolled red oval medallion with spray of roses on ivory field. Black borders with trailing vine of pink roses. Size: 3 feet 7 inches x 2 feet 6 inches. EARLY AMERICAN GOLDEN-BROWN HOOK’ RUG— Mosaic golden-brown striated ground; enriched with crimson-pink formal bouquet. Size: 4 feet 10 inches x 2 feet 3 inches. EARLY AMERICAN RAISED FLORAL HOOK RUG—lIvory field, bearing fine bouquet and scrollings of pink and crimson flowers. Braided pink borders. Size: 3 feet 5 inches x 1 foot 11 inches. EARLY AMERICAN FLORAL HOOK RUG—Ivory field; with scattered pink, crimson and wine-colored roses. Tan border. Size: 3 feet 7 inches x 2 feet 1 inch. EARLY AMERICAN MEDALLION HOOK RUG—lIvory-gray field; hooked with central round medallion bearing diamond motive and edged with sprays of crimson roses, scalloped black borders. Size: 2 feet 11 inches x 2 feet 3 inches. EARLY AMERICAN MEDALLION HOOK RUG—Close-heavy hooking. Ivory medallion with close-bouquet of very varied flowers in crimson, yellows and ivories; surrounded by a wreath of further flowers. Gray field with chain-linked borders. Size: 5 feet 4 inches x 2 feet 11 inches 13 I12 113 114 115 116 ity 118 119 120 I20G EARLY AMERICAN TILE HOOK RUG—Field of square tiles; striated in crimson, tans, and blues. Size: 3 feet Q inches x 3 feet 3 inches. EARLY AMERICAN FLORAL HOOK RUG—Pale blue field; semé with crimson, blue, yellow and ivory flowers. Deep blue border. Size: 3 feet 2 inches x 1 foot 10 inches, EARLY AMERICAN FLORAL HOOK RUG—Mottled gray field; with red roses at center and large vari-colored flowers at cor- ners; scrolled with leaves. Size: 4 feet 4 inches x 2 feet 8 inches. EARLY AMERICAN FLORAL HOOK RUG—Mottled gray and ivory field; sprayed with red roses. Scrolled black border and gray- guards. Size: 3 feet 7 inches x 2 feet 5 inches. EARLY AMERICAN MEDALLION HOOK RUG—Very heavy hooking. Blue oval medallion, with clustered red roses. Radiated field in crimson, ivory and tan. Mottled tawny borders. | Size: 5 feet 3 inches x 3 feet I ich. EARLY AMERICAN IVORY HOOK RUG—Tan-ivory field; hooked with flowers, sprays and leaves in crimson, pink, pale yellow and blues. Size: 3 feet 4 mches x 1 foot 10 inches. ae EARLY AMERICAN GOLDEN-BROWN HOOK RUG— Striated golden-brown field; hooked in crimson, pink, mulberry and orange with bouquets surrounded by wreath in similar colors. Size: 4 feet 4 inches x 2 feet 7 inches. EARLY AMERICAN FLORAL HOOK RUG—Irregularly striped blue, green and black field, displaying attenuated sprays of flowers. Crimson, pale yellow and similar outer borders to field. Size: 4 feet 3 inches x 2 eg I inch. EARLY AMERICAN FLORAL HOOK RUG Bie ivory field, - having central large bouquet at foot emitting scrollings interrupted with flowers and forming borders; tawny guards. Size: 4 feet 10 inches . x 2 feet 7 inches, EARLY AMERICAN MEDALLION HOOK RUG—Striated seal-brown grounds; hook with wreath of crimson, blue and yellow flowers. Borders of yellow and crimson scrollings. ae Illustrated. Size: 4 feet 4 mches x 2 feet 5 ches, 14 sy 120H EARLY AMERICAN FLORAL HOOK RUG—Striated brown I2I I22 123 124 125 126 127 128 field; occupied by jardiniere of loose pink and crimson flowers. Triangular corners of mosaic in crimson, blue, ivory and blue-black. Illustrated. Size: 4 feet 6 inches x 3 feet 2 inches. EARLY AMERICAN MEDALLION HOOK RUG—Scrolled oval golden-yellow medallion occupied by jardiniere of tulips. Striated brown borders. Size: 4 feet 2 inches x 2 feet. EARLY AMERICAN IVORY HOOK RUG—Heavy hooking. Ivory field with bouquet of old red and lavender flowers; field scrolled with large yellow and brown leaves. Black borders. Size: 4 feet 8 inches x 2 feet 6 inches. EARLY AMERICAN DIAMOND HOOK RUG—Heavy close hooking. Fine yellow field, with central diamond, cubed with crim- son, gray, tan, blue and dull lavender. Crimson maple leaves at corners of field. Size: 3 feet 3 mches x 2 feet 3 inches. EARLY AMERICAN TILE HOOK RUG—Interlocking stepped square tiles, alternately of tawny brown and the others each striped blue, brown and ivory, having pink stellate centers. | Size: 7 feet 5 ches x 4 feet 5 inches. EARLY AMERICAN SCROLLED CRUCIFORM HOOK RUG —Heavy hooking. Vari-colored large blossoms, the central two cruciformed with crimson cubes. Tan borders. Size: 4 feet 1 inch x 2 feet 4 inches. EARLY AMERICAN MEDALLION HOOK RUG—Deep rich black field; with scrolled red oval medallion having oval bouquet of crimson, ivory and lavender roses. Sprays of similar roses at corners. Size: 3 feet 9 inches x 2 feet 4 inches. EARLY AMERICAN BRICK HOUSE HOOK RUG—Two houses in lavender, brown and red at left with tree at right. Rosetted black borders. Size: 2 feet 11 inches x 2 feet 4 inches. EARLY AMERICAN RAISED FLORAL HOOK RUG—Ivory field; scrolled with large pale yellow leaves and occupied by raised pink sprays of flowers. Tawny borders. Size: 5 feet x 2 feet 7 inches. 15 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 EARLY AMERICAN FLORAL HOOK RUG—Tawny yellow field; with crimson and black scrolled oval medallion, occupied by large crimson bouquet. Rose sprayed corners. Striped red and black borders. Size: 3 feet 10 inches x 2 feet 5 mches. EARLY AMERICAN FLORAL HOOK RUG—Striped red, white and blue oval medallion sprayed with vari-colored flowers on ivory grounds. Pepper and salt corners. Size: 3 feet 1 inch x 2 feet 1 inch. EARLY AMERICAN IVORY HOOK RUG—Heavy ivory field; enriched with fine green, yellow and old red stellate motives and vines. Vari-colored scalloped borders. Size: 3 feet 11 inches x 2 feet 10 inches. EARLY AMERICAN MAPLE LEAF HOOK RUG—Jaspé yel- low field; enriched with Autumnal maple-leaf wreath and corners. Tawny borders. Size: 3 feet 5 inches x 2 feet. EARLY AMERICAN DIAMOND HOOK RUG—Tawny seal- brown field; with crimson chevroned diamond medallion enclosing bouquet of pink flowers. Spray of similar colored flowers at corners. Size: 2 feet 10 inches x 2 feet 4 inches. Pn EARLY AMERICAN MAPLE LEAF HOOK RUG—In the shape of an Autumnal tinted maple leaf ; with black ridges. Size: 2 feet 6 inches x 2 feet. EIGHTEENTH CENTURY AMERICAN TILE HOOK RUG— Striated square tiles ; hooked in pastel colors and having parting lines of black. Size: 5 feet 8 inches x 3 feet 2 inches. 16 136 137 138 vt39 140 I4I 142 143 144 Sale Saturday Afternoon, January Fifth at Two-thirty SECOND DAY EARLY AMERICAN FLORAL HOOK RUG—Pepper and salt field; with gray jardiniere of rose-colored flowers and small black- scrolled corners. Size: 3 feet 3 inches x I foot 11 inches. EARLY AMERICAN BLACK HOOK RUG—Seal-black field; hooked with rose and ivory floral wreath and similar colored scroll corners. Ivory borders. Size: 3 feet 7 inches x 2 feet 2 inches, EARLY AMERICAN GRAY HOOK RUG—Jaspé gray field ; with oval medallion bearing spray of wine and pink rose and buds. The medallion cruciformed in black and orange. Scroll corners. Size: 3 feet 4 inches x 1 foot 11 inches. EARLY AMERICAN TILE HOOK RUG—Heavy hooking. Tawny field; with semi-circular red, tan, ivory and blue motives at sides. Similar colored square tiles as borders. Size: 3 feet 11 inches x 2 feet 7 inches. EARLY AMERICAN IVORY HOOK RUG—lIvory field; with spray of rose-crimson flowers. Striped crimson and blue borders. Size: 3 feet x 2 feet 3 inches. EARLY AMERICAN CORNUCOPIA HOOK RUG—Tawny brown irregularly striped field; with spray of yellow roses and fern leaves. Two cornucopias at each end filled with trailing crimson and rose flowers. Size: 3 feet 10 inches x 2 feet 6 inches. EARLY AMERICAN MEDALLION HOOK RUG—Tawny black and brown field ; with lozenge-shaped medallion of pink flowers. Scalloped edge. Size: 2 feet 10 mches x 2 feet. EARLY AMERICAN GOLDEN-YELLOW HOOK RUG— Heavy hooking. Jaspé golden-yellow field with three clusters of rose- - red flowers. Scrolled large leaf corners with tawny grounds. Size: 4 feet 4 inches x 3 feet 2 inches. EARLY AMERICAN TILE HOOK RUG—Gray-black center ; with plum-colored, ivory and red diamond motives flanked by floral incurved squares. Yellow-gray inner and tawny black outer border. Size: 4 feet 6 inches x 2 feet 1 mch. 17 145 146 147 148 149 150 I50K I50J Toi EARLY AMERICAN FLORAL HOOK RUG—Tan X Shaped medallion; bordered with crimson and yellow leaves, occupied by crimson, pink and blue flowers. Tawny borders. Size: 3 feet 3 gadis Pte foot IO inches. EARLY AMERICAN RAISED FLORAL HOOK RUG—Ivory field, latticed with border of large tawny diamonds, filled and emitting sprays of pink roses. Size: 4 feet 5 inches x 2 feet 7 inches. EARLY AMERICAN GOLDEN-YELLOW HOOK RUG—Fine fluctuating golden-yellow field with oval wreath of orange and crim- son flowers. Bamboo borders, with tawny guards. Size: 4 feet 9 inches x 2 feet 3 inches. 3 EARLY AMERICAN ROSE HOOK RUG—Jaspé gray field; with spray of crimson-rose flowers. Broad pink, blue, yellow and ivory striated border, with blue and red medallions at quarters. Siero feet 5 inches x 2 Je a inches. EARLY AMERICAN IVORY MEDALLION HOOK RUG— Oval ivory medallion with spray of pink roses and border of rose buds. Striped black field. Size: 3 feet 8 inches x 2 feet. EARLY AMERICAN IVORY HOOK RUG—Silvery-gray-ivory field; cruciformed with gray and brown large leaves. Gray key- scrolled inner border; yellow mid-border and striped brown outer border. Size: 3 feet 4 inches x 3 feet 4 inches. EARLY AMERICAN ANIMAL HOOK RUG—Semi-circular ; with gray and blue field in which ducks are swimming. Mottled tortoise-shell borders. Illustrated. Size: 3 feet 2 inches x 1 foot 7 inches. EARLY AMERICAN RAISED MEDALLION HOOK RUG— Mottled blue-black field, displaying two gray-blue medallions on raised crimson-pink flowers and green leaves. Illustrated. | Size: 3 feet 10 pate pe feet. EARLY AMERICAN FAN HOOK RUG—Grayhiee field, bayinty | small crimson, black and mulberry medallions at center and fans at corners. Scalloped vari-colored borders with blue-black guards. Size: 3 feet 6 inches x 2 feet 7 inches. 18 ee et ee a 152 153 154 155. 156 157 159 160 EARLY AMERICAN LATTICED HOOK RUG—Heavy hook- ing. Field, latticed with vari-colored diamonds; medallioned at cen- ter and corners with crimson and plum-colored flowers. Size: 4 feet 2 inches x 2 feet 8 ches. EARLY AMERICAN ANIMAL HOOK RUG—Heavy close hook- ing. Oval ivory medallion lobed to edges of rug, in yellow, pale blue and tan. Medallion occupied by blue jardiniere of flowers flanked by quaint black cats. Size: 3 feet 3 inches x 2 feet 5 inches. EARLY AMERICAN GOOD LUCK HOOK RUG—Gray and brown mottled field; displaying two green arabesque motives with black grounds. Enriched with pink horseshoes and rosebuds. Striped pink borders. Size: 5 feet 9 inches x 2 feet 10 inches. EARLY AMERICAN IVORY HOOK RUG—Fine ivory field; with pointed oval medallion of crimson flowers. Pink- brown bor- ders with key corners sprayed with small red flowers. Size: 3 feet 6 inches x 2 feet 2 inches. EARLY AMERICAN MOTTO HOOK RUG—Black field, with large pink and mulberry wreath of large flowers, occupied by motto, _ “Home, Sweet Home.” Size: 5 feet x 2 feet 6 inches. EARLY AMERICAN FLORAL HOOK RUG—lIvory field, scrolled in yellow and sapphire-blue, and occupied by spray of red roses and buds. Black borders. Size: 2 feet 10 inches x 1 foot 11 inches. EARLY AMERICAN TILE HOOK RUG—Irregularly striped tawny black field; hooked with borders of green and crimson-rose diamond tiles. ; Size: 13 feet 3 inches x 3 feet 9 inches. EARLY AMERICAN FLORAL HOOK RUG—Irregularly striped golden-yellow field; with closely clustered crimson-roses, wreathed with quaint leaf motives. Sige: 3 feet 1 inch x 2 feet 8 inches. EARLY AMERICAN ANIMAL HOOK RUG—Close fine hook- ing. Ivory-gray field with oval medallion occupied by a recumbent spaniel; within a scrolled leaf pink wreath. Small, scrolled pink corners. Size: 3 feet 8 inches x 2 feet 8 inches. 19 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 EARLY AMERICAN GOLDEN-YELLOW HOOK RUG— Jaspé golden-yellow field with clustered roses, buds and honeysuckle in yellows, lavender, greens and crimson. Curved blue leaves at corners. Size: 3 feet 3 inches x 2 feet. EARLY AMERICAN RAISED FLORAL HOOK RUG—Heavy hooking. Tawny black field with spray of raised rose-pink flowers. Surrounded by pale-yellow scrollings. Size: 4 feet 8 inches x 2 feet 9 inches. EARLY AMERICAN IVORY HOOK RUG—Mottled ivory field ; with spray of raised rose-pink flowers. Striped black borders. Size: 3 feet 2 inches x 2 feet. EARLY AMERICAN FLORAL HOOK RUG—Heavy hooking. Mottled black field with fine bouquet of crimson roses and buds. Pale yellow scrolled corners. Size: 3 feet 7 inches x 2 feet 5 che EARLY AMERICAN ANIMAL HOOK RUG—Pale blue-green oval medallion; finished with crimson scrollings and occupied by a standing bay horse with black mane and tail. Wreathed with small crimson flowers. Size: 4 feet 1 inch x 2 feet 8 inches. © EARLY AMERICAN FLORAL MEDALLION HOOK RUG— Fine close hooking. Ivory medallion lobed with crimson, brown and gray ; occupied by a wreath of varied flowers in crimson, blue, yellow and pink-tan. Black borders with green leaf corners. Size: 3 feet 4 inches x 3 feet. EARLY AMERICAN HOOK RUG—Mottled coral pink ground curiously strap arabesqued with tawny yellow allover scrollings. Size: 6 feet 8 inches x 6 feet 7 inches. EARLY AMERICAN FLORAL HOOK RUG—Gray mottled field; with fine central stem of pink and crimson roses and buds. Striated borders i in lavender, pink, brown, ivory and blue. Size: 4 feet 2 inches x 2 feet 5 inches. EARLY AMERICAN MEDALLION HOOK RUG—Pink oval medallion; with crimson, blue and black banded border, occupied by a huge fruiting cherry tree. Dotted pink corners. Size: 3 feet x 2 feet 2 inches. 20 170 I7I 172 173 174 175 177 178 EARLY AMERICAN GOOD LUCK HOOK RUG—Mottled golden-yellow ground; with purple horseshoe sprayed with crimson flowers. Diagonally placed vari-colored striped borders. Size: 3 feet 2 inches x 2 feet. EARLY AMERICAN GOLDEN-YELLOW HOOK RUG— Heavy hooking. Rich golden-yellow field, with blue and crimson basket loosely filled with crimson and blue flowers. Striped crimson border having blue chevrons. Size: 4 feet 7 inches x 3 feet. EARLY AMERICAN CIRCULAR HOOK RUG—Mottled tan field; with wreath of rose-crimson roses. Borders of pink, yellow and black. Size: 2 feet 6 inches x 2 feet 6 inches. EARLY AMERICAN FLORAL HOOK RUG—Heavy close hooking. Golden-yellow field; hooked in crimson, blue, yellow and ivory with scrolled center pendented with fleur-de-lis; baskets of flowers at ends. Pink ribbon borders with black grounds. : Size: 4 feet 9 ches x 2 feet 10 inches. EARLY AMERICAN GRAY HOOK RUG—Mottled gray ground ; with cluster of lavender and yellow flowers at center scrolled with green leaves. Corners scrolled in lavender with larger leaves. Size: 3 feet 10 inches x 2 feet 5 inches. EARLY AMERICAN BLUE-GRAY HOOK RUG—Very heavy dense hooking. Blue-gray field; hooked with three lavender central blossoms. Curious border of lavender scrollings. Size: 4 feet 4 inches x 2 feet 8 inches. EARLY AMERICAN FLORAL MEDALLION HOOK RUG— Heavy hooking. Black blunted oval medallion of crimson and blue flowers; gray field. Striated borders of crimsons, blues, black, yel- low and ivory. Size: 3 feet 9 inches x 2 feet 4 inches, EARLY AMERICAN GOLDEN-YELLOW HOOK RUG—Close heavy hooking. Rich golden-yellow field; with two huge sprays of crimson roses. Chevroned tawny black border with pink roses at intervals. Size: 5 feet 10 inches x 3 feet 5, inches. EARLY AMERICAN ROSEBUD HOOK RUG—Pale yellow field ; with two sprays of crimson roses. Light and dark blue borders. Size: 3 feet x 2 feet 6 inches. 2I 179 EARLY AMERICAN RAISED FLORAL HOOK RUG—Silvery ivory field; with raised bouquet of lavender and crimson flowers. Borders of large black scrolling leaves. Size: 4 feet 6 inches x 2 feet 7 inches. 180 EARLY AMERICAN MEDALLION HOOK RUG—Brown lobed oval medallion; with rose spray and buds. Striated black, brown, blue and ivory borders with green wing-like corners. Size: 3 feet 2 mches x 2 feet 4 ches. 180L EARLY AMERICAN RAISED FLORAL HOOK RUG—Fluctu- ating rich black ground; occupied by a quaint yellow vase of crim-— son trailing flowers. Pale yellow and blue scrolled corners. Frontispiece. Size: 4 feet 11 inches x 3 g's 180m EARLY AMERICAN RAISED GOLDEN-YELLOW HOOK RUG—Heavy fine hooking. Rich golden-yellow field with cluster of crimson roses, wreathed with crimson and green leaves. Braided borders. Illustrated. Size: 3 feet 8 inches x 2 feet 7 inches 181 EARLY AMERICAN IVORY HOOK -RUG—Heavy hooking. Rich ivory field scrolled with yellow and green leaves and occupied by crimson and dull pink bouquet. Rich black border. Size: 5 feet 4 inches x 2 feet 5 inches. 182 EARLY AMERICAN GOOD LUCK HOOK RUG—Beautiful du Barry crimson field; hooked in ivory with diamond medallion en- closing horseshoe parting inscription “Good Luck.” Four further horseshoes at corners. Size: 2 feet 10 inches x 1 foot 7 inches. 183 EARLY AMERICAN ANIMAL HOOK RUG—Rose-red oval medallion, occupied by a recumbent gray and black cat; the medallion curiously scrolled in crimson, ivory, gray and black. Braided blue © and yellow edge. Size: 3 feet 4 mches x 2 2 feet 8 ci ae 184 EARLY AMERICAN FLORAL HOOK RUG—Heavy hooking. Resonant striped black field; hooked in crimson, lavender and green with central panel of entwined small flowers. | Size: 3 feet 4 inches x I foot 10 inches. 15 EIGHTEENTH CENTURY AMERICAN IVORY HOOK RUG —Silvery-ivory field; hooked with elongated oval pale-yellow medal- lion bearing rosetted center, cruciformed with acorns and flanked by oval scrollings of flowers and blue leaves. Curious old red-pink — 7 castelated border. Size: 6 feet 10 hate x 3 feet 2 inches. 22 | 180 M | 186 187 188 - 190 IQI 192 193 194 EARLY AMERICAN OVAL HOOK RUG—Jaspé tan field; hooked with crimson roses at center. Surrounded by wreath of pink, blue, ruby crimson and ivory flowers. | Size: 3 feet 4 mches x 2 feet 5 inches. EARLY AMERICAN TILE HOOK RUG—Composed of square tiles, alternately striped and chevroned in grays, yellows, black, old red-pink and blues. Size: 6 feet 10 inches x 4 feet 6 inches. EARLY AMERICAN RAISED FLORAL HOOK RUG—Jaspé resonant black field; hooked in rose-pink, pale blue and gray with finely scrolled bouquet of lilies, roses and berries. Surrounded by large scrollings of pink-brown and dull yellow leaves. Size: 3 feet 8 inches x 3 feet. EARLY AMERICAN FLORAL HOOK RUG—Mottled pink-tan field; hooked with three formal crimson bouquets and gray, black and blue surrounding scrollings. Deeper gray tan border. Size: 5 feet 9 inches x 3 feet 3 inches. EARLY AMERICAN MOTTO HOOK RUG—lIvory tan field, with diagonally placed inscription in black, “ Home Sweet Home.” - Black scrolled bracket corners. Striped borders of green, pink, brown and black. Size: 4 feet 6 inches x 2 feet 8 inches. EARLY AMERICAN RAISED FLORAL HOOK RUG—Deep heavy hooking. Rich resonant black field ; with lobed ivory medallion, enclosing fine stem of “American Beauty” roses. Running vine border in ivory and green. Size: 3 feet 3 inches x 2 feet 3 inches. EARLY AMERICAN MEDALLION HOOK RUG—lIvory-tan mottled field, scrolled in crimson with leaves and occupied by loose bouquet of blue, crimson, ivory and yellow flowers. Yellow floral corners. Black borders. Size: 5 feet 10 inches x 3 feet. EARLY AMERICAN ANIMAL HOOK RUG—Deep ivory field ; with central lobed lavender medallion occupied by a “Hound’s Head” ; flanked by blue cornucopias of pink flowers. Black borders. Size: 4 feet 4 inches x 2 feet 6 inches. FARLY AMERICAN RAISED FLORAL HOOK RUG—Ex- ceptionally heavy hooking. Mottled ivory grounds, hooked with crimson rose-stem at center and blue floral corners. Striped old pink, blue and black borders. Size: 3 feet 8 inches x 2 feet 2 inches. 23 195 196 197 198 199 200 ' 201 202 203 EARLY AMERICAN FLORAL AND BIRD HOOK RUG— Mottled tan field, with lavender and crimson floral center, flanked at each end by two similar colored birds. Scrolled yellow, gray and tan borders. Size: 4 feet 9 inches x 2 feet 2 inches. EARLY AMERICAN FLORAL HOOK RUG—Very heavy hook- ing. Rich resonant black field ; hooked in blues, yellows and crimson with close oval bouquet and rose border having crimson outer stripe. Size: 3 feet 11 inches x 2 feet 6 inches. EARLY AMERICAN IVORY HOOK RUG—Fine ivory field, scrolled with green, red, tan and yellow leaves, emitting at base sprays of ferns and clusters of pastel colored flowers. Deep tan borders. Size: 4 feet 10 inches.x 2 feet 6 mches, EARLY AMERICAN ANIMAL HOOK RUG—Jaspé crimson field; supporting on a patch of turf, a gray and tan standing “Bull Dog’”’; leaf corners. Tawny black banded borders. Size: 4 feet 8 inches x 3 feet. EARLY AMERICAN RAISED, LOBED ROUND HOOK RUG —Finely lobed jaspé black field; with ivory medallion occupied by cluster of raised ivory, crimson and yellow flowers. The lobes alter- nately display green and ivory leaves. Diam.: 2 feet 10 inches. EARLY AMERICAN ANIMAL HOOK RUG—Jaspé gray field; presenting a black “Texan Steer,” standing facing left and inscribed , “Texas.” Black borders. Size: 2 feet 2 mches x 2 feet 2 inches. EARLY AMERICAN RAISED FLORAL HOOK RUG—Deep plum-colored diamond field; banded in pink and deep blue, occupied by spray of raised lavender and blue flowers. Large triangular cor- ners of varicolored small diamond tiles. : Size: 4 feet 6 inches x 2 feet 11 inches. EARLY AMERICAN ANIMAL HOOK RUG—Heavy mottled gray field, with raised crimson and blue scrolled oval medallion ; occu- pied by a yellow cat, captioned “Puss” ; in pink. Sige feet 5 inches x 2 feet 2 inches. EARLY AMERICAN IVORY HOOK RUG—Deep tan-ivory field scrolled with deeper colored large leaves and occupied by cluster of crimson roses and buds. Deep pepper and salt border. Size: 3 feet 4 inches x 2 feet 10 inches. 24 , > ee kone ey rue 204 205 206 207 208 209 210 21ION EARLY AMERICAN RAISED FLORAL HOOK RUG—Heavy hooking. Deep rich ivory field, hooked in crimson, greens, orange, yellow, wine-color and blues with all over scrollings centered by four large blossoms. Banded gray and tawny border. Size: 3 feet 11 inches x 3 feet 9 inches. EARLY AMERICAN ANIMAL HOOK RUG—Heavy hooking. Jaspé gray field, occupied by a crimson “Flamingo” amid bullrushes and water lilies. Gray mottled borders. Size: 4 feet 4 mches x 2 feet 7 inches. EARLY AMERICAN IVORY SEMICIRCULAR HOOK RUG —Golden-tan field; hooked in crimson and blue with arched label captioned “Welcome,” surmounted by arrow and ring; three diamonds below. Size: 2 feet 9 inches x 1 foot 7 inches. EARLY AMERICAN MEDALLION HOOK RUG—Fine heavy hooking. Deep ivory field sprayed with crimson flowers and leaves ; supporting blunted oval tan medallion with further sprays of crimson flowers. Striped black and deep pink narrow borders. Size: 3 feet 11 inches x 2 feet 6 inches. EARLY AMERICAN TILE HOOK RUG—Composed of diago- nally placed interlocking squares; striped with soft pink, blues, grays and tans. Size: 7 feet 1 inch x 4 feet 4 inches. EARLY AMERICAN FLORAL HOOK RUG—Ivory-tan field; hooked with spray of crimson, wine-red and blue flowers. Curiously lobed deep tawny tan end borders. Size: 3 feet 3 inches x 2 feet 1 ich. EARLY AMERICAN ANIMAL RUG—Heavy close hooking. Curious jaspé purple and black field, occupied by crimson lozenge medallion having a recumbent golden-brown spaniel at center. Cor- ners of rose-sprays and leaves. Size: 3 feet x 1 foot 11 inches. EARLY AMERICAN FLORAL HOOK RUG—Oblong blue field, curiously banded in tans at lower portion and occupied by an ivory and yellow goblet of red-crimson flowers. Borders chevroned in blues, ivories, tans and crimson, interrupted with cartouche corners, Black guards. [Illustrated. Size: 3 feet 9 inches x 3 feet. 25 2top EARLY AMERICAN RAISED FLORAL HOOK RUG—Fine 2I1 212 213 214 215 216 217 heavy hooking. Ivory field with very beautiful raised floral bouquet in crimsons, pink, blues, lavenders and greens. The field scrolled with crimson leaves. Black borders. Illustrated. Size: 3 feet 11 inches x 2 feet 3 mches. EARLY AMERICAN PASTEL HOOK RUG—Rich deep ivory field; scrolled with large gray mottled leaves and occupied by three bouquets in pastel shades. Tawny black borders. | Size: 4 feet 5 ches x 2 feet 3 inches. EARLY AMERICAN ARCH-SHAPED HOOK RUG—Beautiful rose-du Barry field; occupied by a spreading tree and fluttering birds in low tones of yellow, gray, blue, ivory and occasional black. Black and gray borders. Size: 3 feet 8 inches x 2 feet. EARLY AMERICAN CRIMSON AND BLUE HOOK RUG— Very heavy hooking. Clear Jaspé sky-blue oval medallion occupied by purple and crimson flowers and wreathed with crimson flowers. Black borders. Size: 5 feet 22 seen... ; EARLY AMERICAN MEMORIAL HOOK RUG—Heavy fine hooking. Resonant black field, occupied by a golden-yellow cross, garlanded by wreath of crimson and blue flowers. Size: 3 feet 10 inches x 1 foot 10 imches. EARLY AMERICAN GOOD LUCK HOOK RUG—Mottled mel- low-yellow field, with horseshoe resting in a cluster of crimson flow- ers; surmounted by motto in blue, “Good Luck”; yellow banded border scrolled at ends with formal green and crimson flowers. Size: 5 feet x 2 feet 6 inches. EARLY AMERICAN RAISED FLORAL HOOK RUG—YIan oval medallion occupied by spray of crimson, blue and ivory lilies and roses. Black borders, garlanded at ends with large flowers. Size: 3 feet 2 inches x 2 feet. EARLY AMERICAN ANIMAL HOOK RUG—Wine-red oval medallion; occupied by a many tined yellow “‘Stag’s Head,” on green hillside with blue sky. Pale yellow field with corner leaves. Lav- ender and blue borders. Size: 3 feet 8 inches x 2 feet 5 inches. yee [240 S] sn aw BE ow FS 218 21y 220 221 222 224 224 225 226 EARLY AMERICAN BLUE HOOK RUG—Fluctuating blue grounds, occupied by oval close bouquet of crimson-red and blue flowers. Borders of large green scrolled leaves. , Size: 4 feet 4 inches x 2 feet 7 inches. EARLY AMERICAN SYMBOLIC MOSAIC HOOK RUG— Field of crimson, blue, lavender, black and ivory stripes, occupied by a red anchor, symbolic of “Hope.” Striped borders. Size: 4 feet 3 inches x 2 feet 10 inches. EARLY AMERICAN RAISED FLORAL HOOK RUG—Tawny black field, with central raised orange, blue and crimson rose and bud bouquet. Large leaf scrolling borders in blue, yellow, crimson and black. Size: 3 feet 10 inches x 2 feet 2 inches. EARLY AMERICAN GOLDEN-YELLOW HOOK RUG—Mel- low golden-yellow field; with loose long bouquet of lavender, wine- red, blue and crimson flowers. Deep striped border, in blues, reds and tans. Size: 4 feet 5 inches x 2 feet 8 mches. EARLY AMERICAN ANIMAL HOOK RUG—Ivory field; with oval medal, occupied by a golden-yellow and brown spaniel, recum- bent on a tesselated ground. Ribbon wreathed in green and crimson. Black borders. | Size: 3 feet 8 inches x 2 feet 4 tnches. EARLY AMERICAN FARMHOUSE HOOK RUG—Turquoise- blue field; with dark green ground, occupied by a green farm-house, having pink windows and deep crimson roof. Striped red, blue and black borders. Size: 3 feet 3 inches x 2 feet 6 inches. EARLY AMERICAN MEDALLION HOOK RUG—Double lobed ivory-gray medallion; finely scrolled in tans touched with coral red; occupied by large rose spray. Tawny tortoise shell borders. Size: 4 feet x 2 feet 6 inches. EARLY AMERICAN FLORAL HOOK RUG—Heavy hooking. _Ivory-gray field; occupied by a golden-yellow bowl of crimson, pink and yellow flowers. Deep blue borders. | Size: 3 feet 5 inches x 3 feet 5 inches. EARLY AMERICAN ANIMAL HOOK RUG—Gray-blue sky and brown ground, occupied by a recumbent deep golden-yellow “Tion” flanked by growing orange flowers. Brown borders, scrolled in mulberry, blue and green at ends. | Size: 4 feet 8 inches x 2 feet 5 inches. 27 227 EARLY AMERICAN FLORAL MEDALLION HOOK RUG— Tan-gray elongated oval medallion; scrolled with reddish-brown - large leaves and occupied at ends with large crimson rose sprays. Black borders. Size: 5 feet 2 inches x 2 feet 4 inches. 228 EARLY AMERICAN IVORY MEDALLION HOOK RUG— Very heavy hooking. Deep ivory oval medallion scrolled with crim- son and blue leaves ; occupied by blue and crimson cluster of flowers. Black borders with sprays at corners. Size: 3 feet 4 inches x 2 feet 3 inches. 229 EARLY AMERICAN ANIMAL HOOK RUG—Rose du Barry field; with stepped tan oblong medallion, occupied by a spirited rich- crimson “Horse” having yellow saddle. Gray borders. Size: 3 feet 4 inches x 2 feet 2 mches. 230 EARLY AMERICAN SYMBOLIC HOOK RUG—Tawny black field, with crescent moon surmounted by four red, white and blue stars and flanked at ends with varicolored closely placed blossoms. Tawny mottled pink and black borders. . Pos ae Size: 3 feet 2 inches x 1 foot 11 inches. 231 EARLY AMERICAN WREATHED HOOK RUG—Tortoise- shell, golden-yellow field, occupied by two wreaths at ends, of pastel colored flowers. Size: 10 feet x 2 feet. 232 EARLY AMERICAN MEMORIAL HOOK RUG—Fine ivory field, occupied by golden-yellow cross, garlanded with pink and crim- son flowers. Silvery-gray borders. Size: 3 feet 5 wmches x 2 feet. 233 EARLY AMERICAN WELCOME HOOK RUG—Semicircular. Mellow golden-yellow field inscribed in black, “Welcome,” sur- mounted by a spreading rosebush bearing blue, wine color and lav- ender roses and buds. Black borders. aay | . Size: 3 feet x 2 feet 2 inches. — 234 EARLY AMERICAN GOOD LUCK HOOK RUG—Black field, with gray “Horseshoe” flanked by sprays of flowers. Finely scrolled. borders in ruby, blue and green. : Size: 4 feet 6 inches x 2 feet 7 inches. 235 EARLY AMERICAN INSCRIBED HOOK RUG—lIvory tan field; with central vase of crimson flowers sheltering initials H. S. and A. H.; ends with sprays of roses. Striped mosaic borders. Size: 4 feet 11 inches x 2 feet 4 ches. 28 and agbe te * ay 3 Bide! ee a et 236 237 238 239 240 2408 240R EARLY AMERICAN FLORAL HOOK RUG—Curiously striped tawny-brown field; semé with red and ivory dots, occupied by a cluster of crimson, blue and ivory flowers. Striped tan and ivory borders. Size: 3 feet 7 inches x 2 feet 3 inches. EARLY AMERICAN ANIMAL HOOK RUG—Oval gray medal- lion, scrolled with crimson bandings and leaves, occupied by golden- brown “Dog’s Head.” Tawny black borders. Size: 2 feet 8 inches x 1 foot 3 inches. EARLY AMERICAN TILE HOOK RUG—Two old Jaspé crim- son stepped diamond motives, with corners and parting centers of small blue, green, gray, crimson and tan square tiles. Size: 6 feet 6 inches x 3 feet 3 inches. EARLY AMERICAN FLORAL MEDALLION HOOK RUG— Lobed tawny-black field, with circular ivory medallion, occupied by clustered varicolored flowers. Striped arched crimson, ivory and tan borders. Size: 3 feet 4 inches x 1 foot 10 wches. EARLY AMERICAN IVORY MOTTO HOOK RUG—Extra heavy fine hooking. Silvery-ivory field, with raised purple-crimson spray of flowers at center, above, motto “Forget-met-not.” Gray scrolled corners, Green-gray borders. Size: 4 feet 2 inches x 2 feet 2 inches. EARLY AMERICAN FARMHOUSE HOOK RUG—Waved green and blue fields, occupied by ivory fenced red farmhouse at left and well at right before a huge red barn. Ivory maple leaf borders. Illustrated. Size: 4 feet 4 inches x 2 feet 6 mches. EARLY AMERICAN SAPPHIRE-BLUE, BIRD HOOK RUG —Rare close fluctuating sapphire-blue field, occupied by crimson oval ' medallion bearing tulip sprays. Finely drawn yellow birds at quar- 241 ters and corners. Striped borders. Illustrated. Size: 3 feet 2 inches x 3 feet 1 inch. EARLY AMERICAN IVORY RAISED HOOK RUG—Pale- yellow field; with basket of raised lavender orange-red, blue and yellow flowers. Red and black fan-shaped corners, | Size: 4 feet 6 inches x 2 feet 7 inches. 29 242 243 245 246 247 248 EARLY AMERICAN ANIMAL HOOK RUG—Orange and red oval medallion, occupied by a quaint gray, black and yellow striped recumbent cat. Black borders bearing yellow and crimson diamond motives. Size: 3 feet 1 inch x 1 foot 11 inches. EARLY AMERICAN RAISED FLORAL HOOK RUG—Extra heavy hooking. ‘“Robins-egg” blue field, hooked with brown bowl of crimson and yellow roses. Golden-yellow scrolled corners. Size: 4 feet 5 inches x 3 feet 2 ches. EARLY AMERICAN FLORAL MEDALLION HOOK RUG— Gray blue medallion, occupied by loose sprays of varied rose-pink flowers. Dull pink corners scrolled in lighter pink and ivory. Size: 3 feet 11 wmches x 2 feet 4 mches. EARLY AMERICAN ANIMAL HOOK RUG—Gray oval medal- lion, occupied by ivory and tan spaniel recumbent on a black, red and gray tesselated ground. Wreathed with green leaves and ribbon. Crimson scrolled corners on black borders. Size: 3 feet 7 inches x 2 feet 9 inches. ~ RARE EARLY AMERICAN GEOMETRIC HOOK RUG—Fine heavy hooking. Pale sapphire-blue scrolled round medallion bearing rosetted blue center and lobed radiations on tawny grounds. Tan field with key corners and arched series of rosettes at two ends. Mottled gray-blue borders. Braided edge. An excellently hooked and balanced rug. Size: 3 feet 8 inches x 3 feet 6 inches. EARLY AMERICAN BUTTERFLY HOOK RUG—Deep ivory field, displaying large butterfly hooked in crimsons, blue, black and Wek Borders of crimson and blue rosettes on ivory grounds. Size: 4 feet 4 inches x 2 ie: 6 inches. EARLY AMERICAN TILE HOOK RUG Comndeed of serpen- tined interlocking tiles forming oval entwined medallions, in mellow greens, yellows, tans and grays with the centers of crimson. Size: 7 feet 3 inches x 4 feet 2 inches. EARLY AMERICAN GRAY FLORAL HOOK RUG—Jaspé gray field; enriched with beautiful loose bouquet of lavender, yellow, ivory and crimson flowers. Size: 3 feet 5 inches x 2 feet 4 inches. 30 eee 251 252 253 254 255 256 25/7 EARLY AMERICAN FLORAL MEDALLION HOOK RUG— Tortoise shell black oval medallion enriched with bouquet of crim- son, yellow and blue flowers. Mottled yellow field with allover purple and brown scrollings. Brown borders. Size: 4 feet 2 mches x 2 feet 6 inches. EARLY AMERICAN ANIMAL HOOK RUG—Tan oval medal- lion, occupied by a tan and soft yellow “Spaniel” recumbent ona red, green and ivory tesselated ground. Field of closely clustered large crimson, orange and blue flowers. Tan borders. Size: 5 feet 2 inches x 3 feet 2 inches. EARLY AMERICAN TILE HOOK RUG—Composed of inter- locking square tiles parted by black lines and paneled in yellows, mellow greens, blues, tans and crimsons. Size: 6 feet 5 inches x 4 feet 6 inches. EARLY AMERICAN MAPLE LEAF HOOK RUG—Deep ivory field, with red, deep blue and brown stellate center, flanked at ends with arched green and yellow leaves. Striped green and red borders. Size: 4 feet 3 inches x 2 feet 4 inches. EARLY AMERICAN ANIMAL HOOK RUG—Tawny black field, occupied by standing gray mare with deep blue mane. Sur- rounded by varicolored horseshoes in borders. Size: 3 feet 3 inches x 2 feet 3 inches. EARLY AMERICAN FORMAL FLORAL HOOK RUG—Tan field, finished with lobed running vine of lavender and crimson rose- buds, occupied by a large formal bouquet in blue, rose-red, yellow, lavender and greens. Size: 5 feet 2 inches x 2 feet 6 inches. EARLY AMERICAN ANIMAL HOOK RUG—Ivory-yellow oval medallion, occupied by a brown and black “Spaniel,” recumbent on crimson, blue and ivory tesselated ground. Wreathed with leaves over a pink ribbon. Black borders with scrolled pink corners. , Size: 3 feet 8 inches x 2 feet 3 inches. EARLY AMERICAN FLORAL MEDALLION HOOK RUG— Black field, with pointed crimson lozenge-shaped medallion, occupied by close bouquet of crimson, pink and ivory flowers; leaf scrolled and key patterned corners. Size: 3 feet 6 inches x 2 feet 2 inches. 31 258 259 260 261 262 263 264 265 EARLY AMERICAN CRIMSON HOOK RUG—Very finely hooked. Beautiful crimson field, with lobed oval ivory floral medal- lion. Curiously cubed pink, ivory and tan inner, waved central and seal-brown outer borders. Size: 4 feet x 2 feet 2 ches. EARLY AMERICAN ANIMAL HOOK RUG—Fine ivory field, scrolled with large brown-black and ivory leaves. Occupied by a recumbent “Stag” amid trees; a black dog at left is stalking the stag. Braided borders. Size: 3 feet 5 inches x 2 feet 3 inches. EARLY AMERICAN FLORAL HOOK RUG—lIvory-gray field ; displaying scrolled medallion of crimson flowers set above two huge arched green leaves. Size: 4 feet 8 inches x 2 feet 9 inches. EARLY AMERICAN RAISED FLORAL HOOK RUG—Fine tan field, bearing green and mellow red scrolled leaves forming oval medallion; occupied by lavender vase of raised pastel colored flowers. Rose sprays at outer corners. | Size: 5 feet 5 inches x 2 feet 9 inches. a EARLY AMERICAN TILE HOOK RUG—Formed of square tiles, outlined in blacks and tans and angularly striped in rose-pink, blue, crimson and ivory. Striped pink tan and ivory borders. — Size: 7 feet 3 inches x 3 feet. EARLY AMERICAN PASTEL HOOK RUG—Fluctuating tan field, with cluster of flowers at center and arched sprays at ends in pastel colors. Scrolled lavender and yellow borders with black guards. Size: § feet 1 inch x 2 feet 6 inches. EARLY AMERICAN DAISY HOOK RUG—Rich Havana-brown © field, occupied by green and crimson stepped medallions of orange and ivory oxeyed daisies. Two placed at center and four at corners, interrupting blue and purple-black striped borders. | Size: 4 feet 5 inches x 2 feet 11 inches. EARLY AMERICAN BLUE FLORAL HOOK RUG—Blue fluc- tuating field ; scrolled with large gray leaves, interrupted occasionally by crimson blossoms. Tawny black borders. } Size: 5 feet 2 inches x 2 feet 6 inches. 32 6 267 268 o i290) 270T 270V 271 EARLY AMERICAN FLORAL IVORY HOOK RUG—Long ivory medallion, occupied by two bouquets of mellow crimson and yellow blossoms and scrolled in tan, red-pink and yellow over black borders. Size: 5 feet 3 ches x 2 feet. EARLY AMERICAN RAISED FLORAL IVORY RUG—Fine ivory field; scrolled with beautiful pearly gray leaves forming elon- gated medallion, having central cluster of gray and crimson flowers. tortoise-shell deep gray and black borders, with rose sprays at corners. Size: 4 feet 1 inch x 2 feet 4 inches. EARLY AMERICAN RAISED FLORAL HOOK RUG—Deep tan-ivory field, beautifully hooked with red basket, loosely filled with raised lavender, red, blue and yellow flowers. Borders of Autumnal leaved vines. Size: 4 feet x 2 feet 8 inches. EARLY AMERICAN TILE HOOK RUG—Composed of large interlocking square tiles alternately of tawny black and deep tan; the black squares bearing large crimson leaves and the tan, green maple leaves. _ Size: 7 feet 4 inches x 3 feet 10 inches. EARLY AMERICAN FARMHOUSE RUG—In a flower decked landscape with a winding brook in the foreground is a white Farm- house having green windows, purple door, yellow and black tiled roof and two red chimney stacks. Two large trees at left and right canopy the house. Narrow black border. Size: 3 feet 3 inches x 2 feet 10 inches. EARLY AMERICAN HOOKED CARPET—Composed of square tan and brown tiles; interestingly waved with stripes of crimson, blue and ivory. Illustrated. Size: 8 feet 10 inches x 8 feet 4 inches. EARLY AMERICAN HOOKED CARPET—Tortoise-shell brown field, with small rosetted crimson and pink central medallion and arched lobed borders enriched with sprays of similarly colored flowers. Illustrated. Size: 8 feet 9 inches x 8 feet 9 inches. EARLY AMERICAN FLORAL HOOK CARPET—Tortoise- shell brown field; centered with crimson diamond motive; sprayed at corners with rose and wine colored roses. Corners with similarly colored larger sprays of roses. Crimson banded borders bearing trailing vines of large pink roses. Size: 8 feet x 7 feet 11 inches. 33 273 274 275 _ EARLY AMERICAN FLORAL HOOK CARPET—Fluctuating wine-crimson field, occupied by four sprays of rich crimson and pink large roses. Borders of quaint green scrolling leaves. Unusually rich coloring. Size: 6 feet 8 inches x 6 feet 7 ches. EARLY AMERICAN FLORAL HOOK CARPET—Fine wine- red field; hooked with rustic wreath of rose-pink roses, scattered rose buds and mellow green leaf scrolled, rose sprayeu :orners. Size: 8 feet x 6 feet 2 inches. EARLY AMERICAN RAISED FLORAL HOOK CARPET— Seal-brown field, with small wreath at center of very highly raised crimson flowers, surrounded by sprays in similar colors and border rosettes at quarters flanked by buds and entwined green and crimson ribbons. Size: 6 feet 8 inches x 6 feet. EARLY AMERICAN RAISED FLORAL HOOK CARPET— Golden-tan field; hooked with rose-pink wreath and surrounding sprays which all have clustered Autumnal leaves. Mellow rose-crim- son borders, elaborately scrolled with black leafage. Size: 8 feet 5 inches x 8 feet 4 inches. 34 Te aces a -