SEO = ZENS 3 a pasta ss CL Ohe ona (Lichitecture of Moa cyla nd os, ennd yl vania and Pizginias 5o Llates Lhotogzaphed and Cheeanged undez the dizection of Joseph Sverett Ghandler~ (bichitects lon) COdostons oO Bates S Guild Gompany 1902 Gopyright 1899 &By Joseph Gverett Ghandlez, Fourth Edition, Sst of Plates, co a A “2 PAI > . é Che Gourcts FGouse, ‘Williamabucgh, Va. designed by Gir ») . Oo Ghetotopher ‘Ween, aS ; e : 35 ‘ = arn char mington, Ghaclottesville, a.jdesigned byChomas Jefferson. “ ~~ 7 or. 72) : NE OF ‘ : A (Linold IBansion fattmount Lack, Lhiladel shia 8 built 1761, 4 ‘ a at f iy Upoal, Germantown, La; built in 1798, ; r oD . (22 D) . 2) Doorway of Bochiss Fouse, Geemantovwn, La, 7 , oa ff) ie —D Doorway of Di. Dunton'’s FGouse, Germantown, La. 2 J 4 i> e Pp 0 x é 0 ; ; : ‘Woodfexn O]Banvion, atz~mount Lach, BLBhilac elphia; built in 1734 734. Byjo 5) 7 ; = 3. if : 7 Gliveden, Geemantown, Brigg built by EBenjamin Ghew in 17638, ele) 3) + O We ‘ F6omewood, Baltimore Gounty, MNbd.; built about 1780, DPD , CP g : ") 72 Sbeac of Aoomewood, Baltimore Gounty, Ned, iP Ue ) 2 HGomewood iable, Baltimore Gounty, Obd, 2) , C1 fine 0) 7 Front Lorch of FGomewood, Baltimore Gounty, MNbd, SG a2) a) . 2) pes F6all Doorway, Homewood, EBaltimoxe Gounty, Med, 72 a (HE Sy thed a red ANbantel in Homewood, EBaltimore Gounty, Mod, oS ye aes Soe as MNbantel in Fomewood, EBaltimoxe County, Nod, Wisk . y + V2) 2) 3) Mantel in the Bochiss FGouse, Geemantown, La, DS ~ / cp y 0 a) 7 Mantel in F6omewood, Baltimore Gounty, Ned, Y oaae 5) Sif y ‘ a) 52 Dining Soom, Fomewood, Baltimore County, Mod, So ~i> =/e) la 4 ~~ . Che Fbacwood Fbouse, Cbnnapolis, Mbd,; built about 1770 by a s Mbox, Buchland, D7, + =(2) i A 2) 7 . Shite Hall, brane Cbiundel Gounty, bd, ; built between 1740 J, i and. 1790, 18, 19. 20, 29, 30, Nee sero re Doorway in Baltimore, Olbd Door way of the Lloyd FHWoure, (blexandiia, Va; built in 1796. Hetail of Doorheac in White Hall, Gnne Cbeundel Gounty, Ned, Front and Poeaz Doors of the hase House, CLanapolis, Nbd, burlt in 1770, Dining Soom Door, Chase Fbouse, (Lnnapolis, bd, Stairway of the Shase FEouse, (bnnapolis, Mod, Detail of Fall Window, Ghase FEouse, Cbanapolis, Ned, Mantel in Dz, Giim's FGouse, Baltimore, Obed. Doorway in White Hall, Gnne Geundel Gounty, bd. House of the @istechood of Wotre Dame, (bn napolis, Olbd,; built about 17.50, Hallway (Lich, FEouse of the Bistechood of IGotce Dame, Cbnnapolis, MNbd, Tall of the FEouse of the Bistechood of TGotze Dame, (bn- napolio, bd, Stair Landing, Garter's Gove Hall, James Pdiver, Va, Deawing Soom, House of the Pistechood of Wotre Dame, (bnnapolis, bd, Detail of Doorhead in Dining Soom, Gunoton Fall, Va.; built about 1797 by George O]Bason, A Detail of Stairs, FCouse of the @istechood of IGotre Dame, (Lnnapolis, bd, Oantel in the Gord Fairfax House, blexandzia, Va,; built between 1780 and 1790, Hallway of Gacter's Geove Fall, james Poiver, Va.; built in 1739) Diawing Pooom Obantel, Brice FEouse, Con napolts, Mbd, OMbantel in Dz, Geim's HGouse, Baltimore, Obd, ~ ; lof2) 5 Sf) . a) 754 INoantel tiv F6untingdon, EBaltimoxe Gounty, bd, = ; So > ‘ . 72 . Parden Front of the Svidout F6ouse, Chnnapolis, MNbd,; built in 1790. fo Doorway of Gazanove, Cblexandzia, Va; built about 1806, Mantel in Gazanove, (bleaandzia, Va. DHetail of Mantel in Gazanove, blexandzia, Va, Hallway of Gazanove, (blexandita, Sa, Hallway of ‘Westover, James SPoiver, Va, Gates at ‘Westover, cJames Soiver, a, Mhirley, butlt in 1650, porches added about 1800; and “Vestover, butlt by William EBixd, IG BGS james Pdiver, Va, Doorway to Facwood Fbouvse, Cbanapolis, Mod, r Op M (PY 2 70) Doorway of Westover, James © Sotver, Sa, CP (Ee Q07 rh Gp) © 27 Loot SFintals at “Westover, cJames Soiver, “Ya. 0 - > ze sy 200-7] @tatue of Gov. Ioxborne Berheley, Williamsbucg, as exected in Uy tle Dun p . . r Doorway on Grince &t., (blexandvia, Va.; built about 1815, 3) . org ‘ Pi Lorch in Srederichsburg, Va, Fy 1 Bide Sntzances of the Old Mbacyland Glub FE CSroontand Cide Ontcances of the Uld c Oarylanc 6lub FOouse, gh i EBaltimoce, bd, 2) a6 a ’ . PLEO anal 2) ’ Gampus Font of the Lbniversity of “Ytcginta, Ghaclottesville, e ; ; ; = aes : Va, ; begun in 1817 from ae by “Ohomas Ce @tzeet Sront of the Ubniversity of “S Ya, Te) 5 é p) : i Pp FCouse and Dormitories on the Gampus, Ub niveroity of alain . ’ Oo & an oS teginta, Ghaclottesville, Sa, . A . @) ’ leginia, 6hazlottesville, © = tl oy Pa) é ; ‘ FCouse and Dormitories on the amps, Ubniversity of : yt) a) 5 oye) Virginia, Ghaclottesville, Sal Sy . 5 j ; a tepe 28 a) FGCouse on the Gampus, Ubniversity of “Ytzginta, Ghaclottes- P Q) ville, Ya, ers / : : 2 GIN. Q) F6ouse on the Gampus, University of Virginia, Ghaclottes- ’ 2’ ville, Ya, te a ; y ; : Ohe Golonial (bichitectuce of Oaryland, GE ; Ree yloanta, and Vteginia. — a ll # a amt nee tts ee yet : Oo HES ur. Ure ie 3 ES Pea) Villiamoburgh, « + Ween € HANDLE y+ Ghe Golontal Cbichitecture of ~ 72) ; aioe ee MNbaryland, BLennoyloania, and “Virginia. BLlate 2) 5 5 Ze) : 2 1 cfazmington, Ghaclottesville, a, Ce eee Che Bolo ial (Lechitectuce of Maryland, ey syloania, and fe) late 3, CP Q?: a Virginia, ~ pore ee >, ae Arnold Moansion, Faizmount Sach, Lhiladelphia, tales n't, Che Golonial Cbichitectuze of (Q99/ (ap) ' COs 0 MNoaryland, Lennoylvania, and Virginia, Late 4, ) D Lbpaal, GY ecmantown, La. | COPYRIGHT Che Golonial Clichitecture of Q?: Moazyland, Gennsyloania, and VYreginia. tay G 8) 4 ay > Doorway of Bockiss Soouse. Llate 5, | (4 =>) ‘a a Gecmantown, La. DHoowvoay of c € ~ c (& , Sif. ob Junton 3 Sbouse. Ghe Golonial Lechitecture of ie € 5) . 6 JO , . Noaryland, Gennoylvania, and Vizginia, Llate 6. D 0° , oma : ree > CGNs re “Woodsen I Cansion, Saizmount Sach, Lhiladelphia, inn ») (G2 sliveden, Germantown, Bai, Che Golonial Cbichitectue of + 72) a WON 9 ocho Mbaxyland, Lennoyloania, and “Virginia, BLlate Ta, i WUD) Gia 5 3) od ASbomewood, Baltimore Gounty, Mod. COPYRIGHT, 1898, @Y JOSEPH EVERETT CHANDLER, She Golonial bichitecture of or lap) é PY wit MNboaxyland, Gennoylvania, and os Plate 8. Cc ) a CL te a ‘Oo Sbear of A6omewood, Baltimore Gounty, COPYRIGHT, 1898, BY JOSEPH EVERETT CHANDLER. Nbd. st I | tl EC 1B ‘219P14O) poowawog nee WD Ype vpheorale 2097 YORD) ]¥) 40]06) a YQ, : LQ i i g Ws a a a os A mm) Be PONS ‘hyunoc 920UWI]]D Che Golonial Lichitecture of or >) f ayia Moaryland, Gennsylvania, and Vieginia. 2 Glate 10, > > aero) Seerne ) 50 SFrnt Lorch of Soomewood, Haltimore Gounty, Nod. Ghe Golonial bechitecture of ~ 3) ‘ Oi ie Maryland, Lennsylvania, and % teginta, Llate 11, yO VO) ‘ ) a Fall Doorway, SOomewood, Baltimore Gounty, Nod. Se Ghe Golonial Gechitecture of ~ GP : Nyon 629 Noaxyland, Gennoylvania, and “S veginta, TTETLLTT TEE LETITIA TTIPITTVT TUTTI TT in i HAM “TTT eT OTT TOUT 232932302 MPA2290297921092920990)09909Fd0TAADIA‘IDIADADISADIIAIADADAIAT }998929999999009999909009 Blate 12. Pad P we) 5 ; 2) ay MINCantel in Sbomewood, Baltimore Gounty, Mod. Y COPYRIGHT, 1899, BY JOSEPH EVERETT CHANDLER —————— — = Che Golonial brchitecture of 7p a) : DO ie eaaas MNoazyland, Lennoyloania, and %S teginia, Llate 13. C 7° 2. Cee fae 2) We Mantel in SOomewood, Baltimoxe Gounty, Mod. COPYRIGHT, 1899, BY JOSEPH EVERETT CHANDLER Ghe Golonial Cbrchitecture of OF (ap) ‘ NG Bc MNbaryland, Gennsylvania, and “Vtzginia, i / | BLlate 14. Wine : Cy : 2) ) (Pp Mantel in the Bochiss Abouse, Gecmantown, L Od, ae . oe 5 ; ra) a5 MI Cantel in Sbomewood, Baltimore Gounty, Nod. uy COPYRIGHT, 1899, BY JOSEPH EVERETT CHANDLER: Pea 2) 5 5 - Ghe Golonial (Lichitecture of ~ G3 + Piel ’ . MNoaxyland, Gen loania, and Vieginia, 5 ; Llate 1, Oo (Gf )\o.. 3 (FP) Af? c . Dining Sroom, tbomewood, Baltimoxe Dounty, COPYRIGHT, 1809, BY JOSEPH EVERETT CHANDLER. Mod. ae ; Che Golonial Cbichitecture of Qo lee Yurginta, ~ 3) 5 MNbazyland, Sennoylvania, and By ate 16, > CI2 SO) ‘ >o ‘Che Sb6axwood Souse, (Lnnapolis, Mod. BY JOSEPH EVERETT CHANDLER. Fe a) 6 Va 3 Che Golonial (Lichitecture of onw 7) + 9+ esd MNbaxyland, Leonnoyloania, and “S 1), +, Yy 7 O 72 White Fall, OA nne A xundel Gounty, Nod. COPYRIGHT, 1880, BY JOSEPH EVERETT CHANDLER, Gi . CIB) . Doorway in Baltimore, Che Golonial Chichitectuce of > Q? AMbacyland, Lennosyloania, and Virginia, Nod. sh j tI ae Llate 18, Doorway of the COPYRIGHT, 1899, BY JOSEPH EVERETT CHANDLE! ) SIO ‘ : Lloyd Fbouse, hlexandzia, Ma. Ghe Golonial Cbichitectuce of ~ (ap) A 7: nea Maryland, Lennsyloania, and °S lcgtnta, i Vile p Wi, y} 5 Su, = ] DAT 2G re AL YO MTD, PPE ay. , ied ae LPIA ey. Late (0, ~ - ), Fs Gy ie ( Six é Tag O wm Detail of Doorhead in CVhite FCall, Anne Arundel Gounty, MINod. Ghe Golonial Cbechitecture of 7k > . YG. meron MNoaxyland, Lennoyl ve and “Ytrginia, Se ) H | Llate 20, | 5 > Hy a) SUD) Sf ; oad | Soear and Front Doors of the (hase Sbouse, Annapolis, Mod. 899, BY JOSEPH EVERETT GHANDLER, = aa = Ses —E ae _ as a Rt ee eee EN, Ghe Golonial Cbechitecture of 7 z 0 Mo ae Maryland, Lennoylvania, and % teginia, Llate 21. nee 5) 2) Ge Sif c ji72 Dining Sboom DNooz, 6hase TSOouse, Annapolis, Ned. ‘Tyecreomarnnreers ——————————————— — = — SS SESSA E INE SESE ESET AIT avs Che Golontal Cbichitecture of ~ > B 1p) = teed MNbaxyland, Lennsylvania, and 4S ligtnta, 5 Glate 22, 2 ie > O forge) (6 3 yo Stairway of the Ghase Sbouse, (Lanapolis, Nod. PPLE EPS EELS LEDS IPS A EDT AR Ghe Golontal CLichitecture of ro ) : ee MNbaryland, BLennoylvania, and Vieginia GP Llate 23, , Gi! 90). O eve) Cy : We Detail of TFoall Window, 6hase TSbouse, Annapolis, MDbd. mse a Serre cect es sn rc NCantel in Dz, Gx Che Golonial (bichitecture of ~ (ap) ‘ DDE Oa Mbaxyland, Lennoyloanta, and ‘y | ct Xt e << bee DP ne EHP ne NEED 4 , Gr.) 5) >° 7 r0 r C772) G (6 (o) ae) F6ouse, Baltimore, Mod. Dl Joorway in WVhite F6all, Chnne CLrundel Gounty, Mod. unm & © EVERETT CHANDLER Ghe Golonial Lichitecture of ' } } i 72 Q ; Ai eo q Maryland, =e ennsyloania, and “icginta, 4 i : i ; Plate 25, FGouse of the @istechood of WGotve Dame, (Lanapolis, Ned. Past RRA TERES CLSTTS aG srpseheecnrtenncn 4d SHANE ALAR A HCE ters ERE —————— EEF EET RRS AO nn Ghe Golonial CLichitecture of = 5) ; Sees a Moaryland, GLennoyloania, and ixginta, 5 : Glate 26. YP é ela : 2c - OF Sballway (Lich, F6ouse of the Aistechood of TGotce Dame, (Lanapolis, Nod. Ghe Golonial Lichitectuce of Or T. ' Q9° Lee Noaxyland, Lennoyloania, and Vixginia, ne cal eee ecereter Llate 27, FEall of the Fbouse of the @istechood of WGotze Dame, (Lnnapolis, Nod. COPYRIGHT, 1899, BY JOSEPH EVERETT CHANDLER, Ie ¢ i ) ‘buipuvs 200 Ss = = ban a CO IC S| oe qu 8 Sa Ss aR ow) LO SS a a : S Aq ~~ els a 89 5 SS eo Sou 3 t — S = a8 aS c =n a ¢ ~ > s coe 3 ~ & d Ge z 1a Oo” ipa) Se iS nes aS 2 K S$ 3 * =: = oy 5 fa 8 a RS = a <= S : SS S&S - = a 3s 99 5 R = -y en 4 S a = f bh So Ss A S, =5 is Silene = ~ a - ~ > E = = : Is Ss ai “ E SS —G - as a , Iz Bis Ao bE ao — Q ity E 5 r a Je 5 ‘3 SS) 5 @; ie 2) ay} Jo INOS » UsO00C . 5 ¢ PIUCE ‘enpodvuuy ‘awy(qy P2100, fo pooy2ae? TOOT : Be ) z Pa é Sas oes les Sco OD csc eee a Che Golonial (Lichitecture of ~ Ce. 4 Dia en MNoaryland, Lennasyloania, and Sixginta. P| ‘ 4 or ack. Pe Bi BG Is SIA Toe ee ee | + % AVM AVM VADER VIER Re oR BY NP Ree) ROeeeee ee a a PUTA MDIPLAWIEN Glate 29. g Ee 3 Oren >) eye) >) Detail of Dovihead in Dining Sooom, Gunoston Fball, a. Detail of Ptairs, Bistechood of VGotce Dame, (Lrnapolis, Nod. — ” —— — a a ————— — aT SN ee eS A GCA SRT SAS STINE Che Golonial (Lichitecture of Piss 7) ‘ pe eed INbaxyland, Lennoyloania, and Veeginia, Llate 30, (Vie ‘ ) oy oho Ue) KC F >) MNCantel in the ord Sairfax Shouse, (Llexandzia, a, Sry) + al ' ) yf) Nh TY: <5 ) Sballway of Garters Grove AFball, i James Sdiver, a, COPYRIGHT, 1898, BY JOSEPH EVERETT CHANDLER Che Golonial Cbechitectur Oy) (Ge) CY oe Ioaryland, Lennoylvania, and yLegunta, : (GI C ‘G awing Sooom INoantel, C SIMA ~ a) . d . G Ghe Golonial Chichitectue of 49. Or tap) 2 Die Modaryland, Gennsyloania, and “Ytegintia, SO RSIS I %) 5 fu cyan isee ee ney ae hate ata | Bate yo ‘ yo 4 1D 4 yo MIOantel in De: Sei ts) Sbouse, Baltimore, Nod. Ghe Golonial Lechitecture of ae QD ae MNoaryland, LGennoyloania, and Vieginia. SRS EEE SAS at CAEN a * \ l SRE TOT 2) late 33, > . Sy) A Gipy Q » Dee MNoantel un SOuntingdon, Haltimoze Gounty, Nod. # 5 4 COPYRIGHT, 1899, BY JOSEPH EVERETT CHANDLER peer SE PP es a ETT > om SC =) = Q S S Qe Al Oc S — S BW = =I a oy & < cS c ae = Q reg S = oo 2» & - 2 S S SS an 28 C9 A 8° GY a & S om ae Se 18 S ty ® S 5 Se ~ eS 2 S cS = > SS (cs = s s 3 a & = 6 1G * S 2 WS > Sw Sh S a s 2 = Qa e f = els (SZ So o> ass x = S & S S. Ss S. ~~ 8 S is} SS @n <9) = en) WO SS RSENS Oe 71-- aes ae Pees ys RE RUZ UR AR cece ge aR Nc So OE IRE ESS IS SEENON Che Golonial bechitecture of One (Ge . Q0* stent MNoaryland, Lennsylvania, and Vizginia. Date 3D, Cc iO) G A ») Doorway of Gazanove, (Clexandzia, a, SEL ee atiaauantneneneneneeeseeetes oT SS I RI I ES TE ET NS SRSA ASOT NEE RSENS Oe 71-- LEIP REI ROT SOREN RIESE ORR ERS res Ghe Golonial Lichitecture of et > ’ Moaryland, Gen sylvanta, and Yi NESTLE SET IE | Blate 36, yO Ps 3) * Ri Moantel in Gazanove, (Glerandzia, Va, COPYRIGHT, 1899, BY JOSEPH EVE! RSENS Oe 71-- Ghe Golonial Lechitectuce of Q?: ged Yucgenta, 7 5) ; Moa zyla nd, Genn syloa nia, and SAS SN rials: al 5 PA ; ¥ isc ews rs Ay oot Y * » co EL. ? A lord F ») C J Detail Ibantel in bazanove, (Glexandzia, Oa, COPYRIGHT, 1899, BY JOSEPH EVERETT CHANDLER. RSENS Oe 71-- ERA MEDAN i (ei Soe sees esldsepinnartronenlei Aba ll Wa Yy of O DAZANOVE, 72 3) ; Nba xyla nd, Gen nsyloan ia, and Alexa ndia, ; k NS b & — O ; i 3 iS ‘Che Golonial (Lichitecture of Wap a0 A Virginia, & COPYRIGHT, SNE SP ITE hip eanaavensopipuere nmemereromnnreamneticgearenasn tne Site Reema Llate 38, Af? 2 Oo ‘7 Cp: Sballway of Vestover, James Soiver, a. \.3 499, BY JOSEPH EVERETT CHANDLER, a RSENS Oe 71-- sfarlirboncn anteater entation | eae teal Renn Re ENR CPS Se al ss ay = SR cee ea Che Golonial Lrchitecture of 279: oo Mbazyland, Lennoyloania, and “yixginta, tc iy Llate 39, ) Or 7 (GO) QD Gates at Westover, James Solver, Ya. COPYRIGHT, 1299, BY JOSEPH EVERETT CHANDLER dshrstaatattststs sesso eaeuagabaeabeataeneaqeeeetetazastted ata ean ams td depen acerca coocawecaatie eres Haitian neers Misc teisiites Ash LI RNC INR ET NEI eS 3 ae ae Ta ae ss RSENS Oe 71-- aS TTP TCE Th ne eae nee ane ans tcc RPRERE ae Ae NY A PO NR TET Pc eS RO ghee eel mest debi GSS Fe : : - 7 Che Golonial Grchitectuce of ony CGP . QD ase INbaryland, Sennasyloania, and my teginta, D Llate 4o. alr >) so if My Bo Phicley and Westover NGansions, James Soiver, a, Santas asta sgn eee me TS sel SASS SERN ADRS IIa ie SESS RSENS Oe 71-- NEN ARERR ieRaRa TAT ENS RG GIES pave RRS wate tnnoarsasncnseneenerte nee > » ras ei cd fu C8 CR OD CD ED Caen cae E* ry se) O16 0) 0 6. 0d Che GBolonial Lechitecture of — y 4 Q): A MNbaxyland, Lennaylvania, and Vieginia, Door way of a tp) § , My Ga Vestover, James Soiver, Q9 Fla Tata DSRS RE TSE GS ea! 1 mrtiuieesttstriaasaesratedes RSENS Oe 71-- t Ghe Golonial Cbrchitecture of % zo re) 5 eran ty MNbaxyland, Lennosylvania, and Virginia. N Sasa ASAI DAIS ITREBE OD re RR es Se SOE — | | ‘| 5] eaavieh asics Llate 42, FD eG D0 wi Dye Di af? 4 ~ (orp) OC09+s)- Q Loot Finials at SVestover, c/ames Sbiver, Va. Atatue of Gov. TGorborne Berkeley, WVilliamsbuzgh, Va, BY JOSEPH EVERETT cl sine itis RSENS Oe 71-- Ghe Golonial Cichitecture of 72 GPP? i Yoh... MNoaxyland, Lennoyloanta, and “$ veginta, ose Gi Glew + 1c tnganasine:semconrmrneng anette ei lab Asanti SS iG CP: d C . 2) GP . Te p C Doorway on Sunce A treet, (Llexandzia, ‘Ya. Lorch in ¢ vederichsbucg, COPYRIGHT, 1899, BY JOSEPH EVERETT CHANDLER Sai TARTU TINT 5 y 2 a, dune innnnnee, SEITE IO) CP aN SO BA nea a oe ig MINS TARRY jester isuncntertntt7 RSENS Oe 71-- Ghe Golonial Cbechitectue ~ > . MBaxyland, Gennsyloania, and > Blate 44, Front and Gide Snteances of the Old MNbazyland C COPYRIGH EPH EVERETT CHANDLER, of Q?: Py wa Yucgunea, ay or fe sub Souse, Baltimore, Nod. RSENS Oe 71-- O amps Sront of the Ubnivecsity of = 5) : 4 he Golonial (Lichitecture of ~ > Maryland, Senn > : Glate 4), Q?: ylvania, and Vicginia, k 4 Q): ees @) ‘ o yerguua, vhaxlottesville, Va. T CHANDLER RSENS Oe 71-- Che Golonial Lechitecture of Nk > ’ 21910 Cea MNbazyland, Lennsylo and VYeeginia, Sea Pes an Dic nan aE BEB Era tas sash | ta , . Slate 46, p rt - 5 5 > OD). Pane O 2 9p) Ateeet Sront of the Ubniversity of Virginia, Sharlottesville, “Sa. RETT CHANDLER, RSENS Oe 71-- PRESSE EE aI ial nanan mle sr rent itera tt gine eS UN aS ae = Ys 9120 20/777 PUY arno ) ay} Uo ¢ } O]) UU GS pur eae 170 Hes Qc Xs} SS GX Si) asx — c { Ss GY R a q ~ ~ Se Seas : 3 S&S a =] S zi S i 7S} Oe avs g S 1O S38 a S ae = 8 = S es 5 = S : So 8 SS & 3 om \ s eo) 2 Ss 8 5 Ss. a s. > | SS ss S- : x we we oe. 8 MS R a S wo S a Ss. SS ios Q 8 > eC 5, apf rovanopvyo ‘pruib ‘9 2 Oe Sit uacnateeeminenien eins ae sieeaneane Natta 2 RS I~ ENS WH a Te) EN SIT I OO I IO RSENS Oe 71-- 2) 5 se pun CANOE Q) ay} Uo varojrU I) eC 202), ‘ondwr Sh MZ 2, fo RUG) [EELTOD) 240, 18, fo hn 2 pruib37 8. puv ‘pruvopheuurs, ‘puvji2argie > Gos. AUP EN OEY C) ‘prurb RSENS Oe 71-- 2 SSS REE ERE SSS siumeesmeereniietnttennn a Ce aN sudan er deisel ean ene Mer Ghe Golonial brchitecture of Plate 49, C72) oO ’ . 7 OP). hee Oo A S6ouse on the amps, LUbnivecsity of Vicginia, Gharlottesville, COPYRIGHT, 1899, BY JOSEPH EVERETT CHANDLER ISAS LEE OLE a ‘A RRR RERES 2 Ha 1 RSENS Oe 71-- 5 eC Wes Gr iO) ‘pruib278, fo hyiw2001Uq), ‘enduro au uo MEO) ees BOC p1u1b371 8. pur ‘pruvophouueg~ ‘pura wen 5 fe Q 4CC fo aAanp2}IYIAQ) JVIUCIOC) 240), J ’ y : Cc eee i “iit Mise 5 wy \ ene RCO CI” g Pl er < OO iy ag aS / f 4 é Y Ye’ 4a mV i Mae