“OF THE MODERN EUROPEAN ’ AND AMERICAN SCHOOLS tate _ MAINLY THE PROPERTY Far OF THE ESTATE OF THE LATE WwW. Wee Ar OF PHILADELPHIA, PA. [WITH A FEW ADDITIONS] TO BE SOLD THURSDAY AND FRIDAY EVENINGS “APRIL TWENTY-NINTH AND THIRTIETH wee AT EIGHT FIFTEEN O’CLOCK [MITCHELL KENNERLEY, PRESIDENT] 3 < AVENUE AND FIFTY-NINTH STREET. NEW YORK e 1920 aoe L. a | LIBRARY | io M.KNOEDLER & CO. (649 | 556-8 Fifth Av CONDITIONS OF SALE CC. New York =R LOT as numbered in the Catalogue. er to be the buver. In all cases of disputed bids the lot shall be resold, but the Auctioneer will use his judgment as to the good faith of all claims and his decision shall be final. Buyers to give their names and addresses and to make such cash payments on account as may be required, in default of which the lots purchased to be immediately resold. Purchases to be taken away at the buyer's expense and risk witltin twenty-four hours from the conclusion of the sale, and the remainder ol the purchase money to be paid on or before delivery, in default of which The Anderson Galleries, Incorporated, will not be responsible if the lot or lots be lost, stolen, damaged, or destroyed, but they will be left at the sole risk of the purchaser, and subject to storage charges. To prevent inaccuracy in delivery, and inconvenience in the settle- ment of purchases, no lot will be delivered during the sale. All lots will be exposed for public exhibition in The Anderson Gal- leries before date of sale, for examination by intending purchasers, and The Anderson Galleries, Incorporated, will not be responsible for the correctness of the description, authenticitv, genuineness, or for any defect or fault in or concerning anv lot, and makes no warranty whiat- ever, but will sell each lot exactly as it is, WITHOUT RECOURSE. Bios. We make no charge for executing orders for our customers and use all bids competitively, buying at the lowest price permitted by other bids. The Anderson Galleries, Incorporated, will afford every facility for the employment of carriers and packers by the purchasers, but will not be responsible for any damage arising from the acts of such carriers and packers. THE ANDERSON GALLERIES INCORPORATED PARK AVENUE AND FIFTY-NINTH STREET NEW YORK TELEPHONE PLAZA 9356 CATALOGUES ON REQUEST SALES CONDUCTED BY MR. FREDERICK A. CHAPMAN Eis OP AR LIS LS PAINTING NUMBER AMBERGER, CHRISTOPH 11 AMERICAN, “19TH CENTURY 143 ARANDA, JOSE JIMENEZ 129 AUERLI,G. — 66 AUSTRIAN, BEN 68, 83 BAILLY, E. HILDA 183 BAUGNIET, CHARLES 112 BEAUDUIN, JEAN 114 BENT, F. DE 64 BISPHAM, H. C. O33 BLAKELOCK, RALPH ALBERT 141, 164 BODENHAUSEN, CUNO VON’ 128 BOMPIANI, ANTONIO De BONNETTI, 95 BOSSI, J. 70, 89 BOUDIN, EUGENE 145 BRICHER, ALFRED THOMPSON 39 BRIDGMAN, F. A. 180 BRISCOE, FRANKLIN =D) eo 29, 17 / BRISTOL, JOHN BUNYAN 162 BROWN, J. G. 57, 98 BRUECKNER, H. 143 CARLIER, M. 61 CARY, EUGENE 43 CHAPMAN, CARLTON T. 46 CHAPMAN, J. LINTON 8 CHEPRINTON, 58 CIPRIANI, N. 30 COCK, CESAR DE 24 COLOMB, V. 91 CRANE, BRUCE 138 CRAWFORD, KENNETH 18 DAMSCHRODER, J. J. M. 47 DAZZURI, J. 84 DETTI, CESARE BZ DIETERLE, VAN MARCKE 132 DONAT, M. 28, 30 PAINTING NUMBER DUCLOS wAs Ly a DUNLAP, WILLIAM 160 DURAND, ASHER B. 143 DUTCH SCHOOL bv ealoo DUVIEUX, H. 2 ECKENFELDER, F. 126 ENGLISH, 18TH CENTURY 143 ESSEN, JAN VAN 144 FALB, J. 49 FAULKNER, JOHN 105 FAYARD, F. 78 FLEMISH, SCHOOL 156 FOMLA; Le: Wes FORTUNY Y CARLO, MARIANO 152 FRENCH, 19TH CENTURY LA08 21> 143,150 2169 FUCHSEL, H. RY) GAY, EDWARD 160 GAY, GEORGE HOWELL 97 GERMAN, 1/TH CENTURY 143 GOUBIE, JEAN RICHARD 130 GRENET, M. 172 GROUCHY, G. 26 GRUPPE, CHARLES P. Loy17 923, 27. 48.170 GRUPPE, EMILE A. 173, 174 HAMILTON, JAMES 104 HAMILTON, M. VEREKER 155 HILLAIRE, A. 85 HERPFER, K. 34 HERZOG, H. 81 HETZEL, GEORGE 41 HOFER, J. £22 HOWE, WILLIAM H. sys HUNT, LEIGH 118 HUYSMANS, J. B. 545 HYNEMAN, H. N. 60 INNESS, GEORGE 140, 142 ITALIAN, CONTEMPORARY 74 PAINTING NUMBER ITALIAN, 17TH CENTURY 150 IZRAELS, JOSEF 154 JOHNSON, DAVID 161 JONES, H. BOLTON 127 JONGH, O. R. DE ites: KEVER, J. S. H. 146 KRAUSS, AUGUST 110 KUWASSEG FILS, C. J. 108 LANGEROCK 25 LAUTERS, P. 124 LAZERGES, H. J. R. 13 LENBACH, FRANZ VON 153 LEROUN, CR. 179 LEWIS, EDWARD D. 95 L’HERMITTE, LEON 147 LINERTH, 0. On LINFORD, C. 1, 36 LIPPI, FRA FILIPPO MANNER OF 148 LOTINQUET, E. 45 MADRAZO, RAIMUNDO DE 136 MACGHE, i.e 64-77 MAHELIN, L. 69 MALCOLM, W. 56 MAZZOTTA, FEDERIGO 62 MEI, P. 109 MINOR, ROBERT C. 15 MIRALLES, F. Beye set NATUR, LE 93 NEUBERT, L. jie NICHOLSON, C. W. 6 NORTON, WILLIAM E. 79 OEHRING, H. ot DERTEL oye A, ; 102 PALEZIEUX, C. oe PETIT, E. 75 PORTIELJE, J. FRANCOIS 175, 186 RAMSEY, MILNE 65 REPRODUCTIONS 99 RICHARDS, WILLIAM T. 9 RICHET, LEON | 38 -RONNER, H. ROBERTI, R. M. RODE, E. D. ROSELAND, HARRY RUGIN, -K. RUY, A. SANTARO, RUBEN SANCHEZ-PERRIER, EMILIO SCAFFAT, J. ma SCHENDEL, P. VAN SENAT, PROSPER, L SIEBERT, E. ! SIENESE, SCHOOL MANNER OF | SLADE, C. ARNOLD 11, 12, 13, 7 SONNTAG, WILLIAM L. STOILOFF, C. STOITZNER, C. TERMOHLEN, K. TOMMASI, R. DE TROTTER, No tiqeem TURNER, CHARLES TURNER, CHARLES YARDLEY _ TUSQUETS, R. = TYLER, JAMES G. I¢ UNKNown _ 3, 7, 10, 14, 16 ] VERMORCKEN, F. M. VILLA, 7 VILLENEUVE, DE WEBER, CARL WICKENDEN, ROBERT J. WILBERS, A. D. H. WILLIAMSON, JOHN WITT, J. H. WOODWARD, DEWING — WORMS, JULES WRIGHT, GEORGE WYAES, E. K. WYANT; cA. eee : ZUBER-BUHLER, FRITZ : SALE THURSDAY EVENING APRIL TWENTY-NINTH, 1920 BEGINNING AT 8:15 O'CLOCK PAKS SESSION Lots 1-99 [ALL PAINTINGS IN THIS CATALOGUE, WITH THE EXCEPTION OF NUMBERS 116-132 anp 143-174 ARE FROM THE COLLECTION OF THE LATE W. W. HILT | p= C. LINFORD | CONTEMPORARY AMERICAN | de ; Ro. uy EAN DSCAPE Porat A stretch of country rising slightly to the right, a small stream zigzagging in the middle, with rocks and high grasses along its course, remains of an old house on the right and field of grain be- yond, fine trees and wooded distance, early morning sky. Canvas. Signed at lower left. Height, 12 inches; length, 17 inches. lb ABCA aR EO. FRENCH, 19TH CENTURY MOORISH TOWN High structures converge from right to left, bazaars and wares displayed on mats in the narrow street, picturesque groups about, bright sunlight effect in the distance. Canvas, Signed at lower left. Height, 26 inches; width, 19 inches. of Fa Sy a0 Set it 4 U “ce UNKNOWN ( he rE DOCKS An ocean steamer, with grey hull, red below the water line and red and grey stack is seen at one of New York City’s docks; blue sky, with slight cloud effect. Canvas. Height, 20 inches; width, 14 inches. ee a I : ttle Pee IICIN DD BRISCOE CONTEMPORARY AMERICAN Rows COAST High cliffs and rocks, the home of numerous gulls, on the right, with a huge grey mountain in the distance, rough sea, with sails at the horizon, cloudy sky. Academy board. Signed at lower right. Height, 444 inches; 734 mches. Lae RB he 1 4 { f tA , Se } — —— FRANKLIN D. BRISCOE CONTEM PORARY AM ERICAN 5 MARINE ‘ A rough sea with a swell rushing in and breaking on the le trawlers and various sail craft and a steamer about; rich suns ru hVA_. sky. Academy board. Signed at lower right. Height, 5% inches; length, 8 inches. fea C. W. NICHOLSON AMERICAN, 19TH CENTURY 6 WINDER SCENT : A young woman and a girl in heavy winter wraps crossi / ; _ small bridge in the foreground; trees rise on both sides, their h [ ( / limbs joining at the top of canvas; house in the distance, hazy s : “ee effect. = Canvas. Signed at lower left. Height, 16 inches; width 10 in UNKNOWN ; 7 AN ENGLISH GREY DAY _ ee Meadowland, with groves of trees, sea in the distance, ne Cul Mn sky, 7 ; (4 Canvas. Height, 13 inches; length, 16 inches. J. LINTON CHAPMAN AMERICAN, 19TH CENTURY 8 LADIES IN A PARK Two young ladies in Italian costume are standing on the s " a terrace in a park, peasantry in the distance, dancing an Wee ing merry. | Panel. Signed at lower right and inscribed on back, “Scene bano for Mr. Trotter of Phila., J. Linton Chapman, Rome Height, 14 inches; width, 10 inches. j WILLIAM T. RICH RRBs AMERICAN, 1833-1905 , 9 (a) FORT.DUMPLING s A rugged cliff with a fort at the farthest end, a sail at th with figures on the beach, ridge of cliffs in the distance, Ai egbere with faint rainbow. e ater color. Signed with initial below and inscribed “Fort ling in imitation of Turner.” History of ownership 07 Height, 6 inches; width, 5 inches. ae 4 i Ri 13 (b) STRAITS OF FUCA Wide stretch of water, bank with small boats at right, ridges of mountains on opposite bank with snow capped peak in distance, blue and cloudy sky. Water color. Signed at lower left. Height, 3 inches; length, 5 inches. | | 1 | ee aks UNKNOWN 0 SHEEP IN PASTURE Ron In a flat meadow a flock of sheep are grazing in the high grass in the foreground, houses and trees at the horizon, grey and silvery Sky. Canvas. Height, 13 inches; length, 1714 inches. ARNOLD SLADE CONTEMPORARY AMERICAN (a) SKETCH AT ETAPLES, FRANCE Canvas. Signed at lower right. Height, 7 inches; width, 6 inches. ) oe (b) PAS DE CALAIS eae j AN a ; "2 {r- ae Canvas. Signed at lower right. Height, 7 inches; width, 514 inches. (c) MUD FLATS AT LOW TIDE Canvas. Signed at lower left. Height, 6 inches; length, 7 inches. Se okNOLD SLADE CONTEMPORARY AMERICAN Poet SslUDY OF AN ARAB GIRL Native of Biskra with green turban and fichu and a necklace. ot & G Canvas. Signed at lower right. Height, 7 inches; width, 5V4 / inches. | ( (b) HEAD OF A MOOR A patriarch with flowing white beard wearing white turban Academy board. Signed at lower left. Height, 7 inches; width, 6 inches. CaehNOUD SLADE CONTEMPORARY AMERICAN (a) VENETIAN SKETCH Academy board. Signed at lower right. Height, 7%4 inches; width, 5% inches. i (b) VENETIAN SKETCH [2] AL. y A Canvas. Height, 7 inches; width, 6 inches. 3 UNKNOWN ASSTUDY IN-GREY AND BEAGCE A lady in white blouse with flowered scarf and black skirt is _ standing at a door, her right hand grasping the knob, tulips in deep ] Ue blue glass vase on the floor at right. Canvas. Height, 28% inches; width, 17% mches. CHARLES PGREEE 7 CONTEMPORARY AMERICAN NOVEMBER DAY Scene along a Dutch canal showing habitations among trees on the left and right banks, flat country in the distance with a mill against a grey silvery sky. Canvas. Signed at lower right. Height, 11 inches; length, 14 ——» ) imches. so ee UNKNOWN 16 A AUN EO House boats at the right moored along a low wooded expanse of land, calm sea with several boats at the left, grey sky with cloud N effect. so ATL Q »\ MEanvas. Height, 17 inches; length, 28 inches. f 7 — | 17 18 CHARLES: P. GREE CONTEMPORARY AMERICAN IN THE GARDEN 3 A fair-haired young maiden in a garden at half length to the front is admiring a wild pink rose. She is attired in light grey jacket L$ and pale blue blouse. : Canvas. Signed at lower right. Height, 24 inches; width, 20 inches. KENNETH CRAWFORD AMERICAN SCHOOL LANDSCAPE WTERRPEICU RE A country girl in white dress carrying a pail is in the fore- ground, approaching a convenient place to climb over the fence into a neighboring field. Green and brown grasses in the fore- ground, meadow in the distance with trees on right and left rising /7 Ls to top of canvas; pale grey sky. Canvas. Signed and dated 1881 at lower left. Height, 16 inches; length, 25 inches. { ey ee gee P 1 ET eae ee ~ 1B. ca 22 ia 45, UNKNOWN Seon ON THE BRONX RIVER ~ SS od Various light craft are moored or drawn ashore for repairs, grey / grey sandy bank littered up with fragments of wood, many figures about; opposite bank is green, with indications of buildings, small boats on river. Canvas. Height, 14% inches; length, 21 inches. Chek Ss CURNER CONTEMPORARY AMERICAN Peer SCENE Verdant foreground traversed by a creek with a bridge, thicket at the right, houses in middle distance, rising ridges to the horizon, several figures and cows about, blue sky with light flaky clouds. Canvas. Signed and dated 1905 at lower left. Height, 21 inches; length, 31 inches. debe AIM Bal Bg ITALIAN, 19TH CENTURY Peep o tl RKREFLIES A blonde young lady in silk and lace house gown, is seated on a stone bench in a garden and is releasing a lot of butterflies held captive in a small green box. A net and hat are at her side. Canvas. Signed at lower left. inches. Height, 13 inches; width, 8% ANTONIO BOMPIANI AR LIA CONTEMPORARY ITA N qlee — HEAD OF AN ITALIAN GIRL Bust, head slightly to the right, shoulder to the front, attired in green bodice over white undergarment with lace finish, pale pink and yellow striped shawl, light grey background. Water color. Signed at lower right and inscribed Roma. Height, 27% inches; width, 19 inches. ea ARIen SP wo klWiP RE CONTEMPORARY AMERICAN Poon OCTOBER A stream traverses a wooded district with low banks, several inches. 5 cows seen at the left middle distance, blue sky, slightly clouded. Canvas. Signed at lower right. Height, 13 inches; length, 18 ] Oy. { } /) he Lh, li } CESA Rap Eva Uae CONTEMPORARY BELGIAN 24. SPRINGTIME ; Flat country with trees about and'a couple of women gathering Ps a | ¥ herbs at the center; edge of a lake in the foreground with a path 3 — JU" rand ereen sward on bank. Grey and pink sky. Panel. Signed at lower right. Height, 944 inches; length, 15 inches. LANGEROCK BELGIAN, 19TH CENTURY Aaa NEA ABA GR): A peasant girl in blue shawl and apron and pink skirt has en- countered a lizard ina clearing among low bushes and has paused x can. \y_) to watch its movements. \)b ot Canvas. Signed at lower left. Height, 10% inches; width, 8% inches. G GROWN FRENCH, 19TH CENTURY 26 PLEASANT NEWS a A young lady standing at the left in blue gown is reading a note Sd ) Acwith manifest pleasure ‘while her sister in brown looks over her ) a AX” shoulder. Interior background with a red curtain at the leit. Canvas. Signed with monogram at upper right. Height, 18 inches; width, 14 inches. CHARLES P-.GRU ha | CONTEMPORARY AMERICAN 2/ A MARSH DAY A creek zigzags from foreground to middle distance where a wooden bridge crosses it; muddy banks, a road at the right enliv- sO ened by cows, driven by a man in blue shirt : houses in the distance b ] —— \| faintly detached from a grey thicket; pale sky. a Canvas. Signed at lower left. Height, 12 inches; length, 16 | inches. M. DONAT BELGIAN, 19TH CENTURY 28 LN TELE CEN IN A path through a wood with figures of wayfarers and peasants, ( \WAigh trees on the left bank, olimpse of sky L Panel. Signed at lower left. Height, 634 inches; length, 9% fy Yer mches 6 33 PRANICEUINGDS BRISCOE CONTEMPORARY AMERICAN QCOVOBER IN THE WOODS Tonal study of a wood with a pool of water amid a rock strewn {} foreground, a clearing in the center, tal! trees composing nicely JOA2 in the middle foreground; two white beech trees are in fine relief from the warm copper-colored foliage; blue sky Academy board. Signed at lower right. Height, 14 inches; width, 10 inches. M. DONAT BELGIAN, 19TH CENTURY : THE MOUNTAIN PATH “OUAL beg A broad path with green banks cut up by rocky projections, bushes on the left and fine tree group at the right, slate grey mist at middle distance and touch of warm creamy sky at the top left, man and little girl on the path add interest to the com- position. Panel. Signed at lower left and inscribed on back. Height, 6% inches; length, 9% inches. Ee RING GERMAN, 19TH CENTURY — vgn ee VILLAGE POLITICS LINDL hy Three typical villagers sitting at a table in a corner of the Public / House listening to village schoolmaster who is discussing some point of local interest to the amusement of his audience. Panel. Signed at upper left. Height, 12% inches; length, 16 inches. Grr rolek 71 Bex PRENGH *SCHOOL . A SEAPORT bors A French town built on a hill beside a river near the sea, as the trawlers, tugs and sailing craft indicate. Canvas. Signed at lower right. Height, 22 inches; length, 32 inches. | Pee Ci Bole AMERICAN, 19TH CENTURY ah sh ae ISLANDS ON THE HUDSON Anh CA A broad arm of the river at the left with a wheatfield, cottages / and figures at the right while the river zigzags among island fat = groves to the horizon. Blue and cloudy sky. Canvas. Signed and dated 1874 at lower right. Height, 13 inches; length, 23 inches. 7 Ko PERPRER GERMAN, 19TH CENTURY ASDIFFIGULT, PAS SAGE An auburn blonde young miss in pale green silk house gown is standing with violin and bow studying the score placed on a gilt stand. Fine interior with a pale crimson velour curtain and tapes- 50 try wall covering. ) Canvas. Signed at lower right. Height, 23/2 inches; width, 16 inches. “N. CLRRTEANT CONTEMPORARY ITALIAN A MONK A Franciscan lay brother in brown habit is seated in an ornate arm chair and with lips apart and eyes half closed seems to regret 34 3) ; \Y ae NA! \ 4 ois ‘ ‘ A : Ut“ 36 38 \Adistance. Blue skv with cloud effect. ‘he empty flask he holds, while the glass is ready to be refilled. Pale blue backround. Water color. Signed at lower left. Height, 2214 inches; width, 15 inches. CG. LINE ORD CONTEMPORARY AMERICAN THESDAM A wide shallow stream with thick verdant foliage on the oppo- site bank and graceful trees on the right where a dam of rocks separates the limpid calm of the upper portion of the stream from ) Re the fast flowing lower level. Grey clouds at the top left with pale 7 —_— blue and creamy effect at the horizon. : Canvas board. Signed at lower right. Height, 46 inches; length, 20 inches. QO:-CINE RO GERMAN SCHOOL DEER IN A FOREST . A deer and several does are grouped in a thicket and at a clear- ing on the right and appear scenting danger as their pricked ears and the bellowing of the male suggest. Canvas. Signed at lower left. Height, 1414 inches; length, 23 inches. pis © oO LEON RIGHE A FRENCH, 1844-1897 THE QUARRY A couple of draft horses in the foreground, a man in blue shirt mounted on the near one and receiving instructions from the quarryman standing beside blocks of white stone, two-wheeled cart at the left, flat expanse of country with trees and hills in the at: -_ Canvas. Signed and dated 1880 at lower left. Height, 18 inches; length, 24 inches. 8 39 40 0S, 41 )g- SE 42 Puer RED TEHONPSON BRICHER, .N.A. AMERICAN, 1839-1908 Pewee os COVE, LONG ISLAND SOUND A moderate sea rolling in at ebb, leaving a wide transparent space of moist sandy shore radiant with opalescent tints and frothy ripples, beach with deposits of seaweed at the left with indications of a pavillion on rising ground at the distance. Grey silhouette of highlands at the right and sails at the left of the horizon. Blue sky with grey and cream cloud effects. Figures and sea gulls ani- mate the composition. Water color. Signed at lower left. Height, 10% inches; length,» | 27 inches. lp -A-¥ YE as PREZ ZUBER-BUHLER swiss, 19TH CENTURY BREAKFAST IN BED A pretty young woman in white lace chemise half sitting up, resting her head on her left hand, holds a spoon with a menacing gesture to the dismay of a brown and white Angora cat who has approached the cup at her side. Pink breakfast service on a table in the foreground, blue curtain background. Canvas. Signed at lower right. Height, 21 inches; length,,24% pee inches. | Wil Ue pees CPORGE HEAR AMERICAN, 19TH CENTURY ma ti Or A FOREST A rock-strewn expanse with a small brook with towering pines and birches, while autumn leaves lend a warm color to the soil: touch of grey sky, slightly pink. Canvas. Signed on tree at the right. Height, 20 inches; length, 34 inches. LA. TO hialtity a yy LE ETAMEL: SONNDPAG.-N-A, ( AMERICAN, 1822-1900 MOUNTAINOUS LANDSCAPE Picturesque country with a lake, high slopes, ridge of moun- tains at the left disappearing in the mist at the distance, tree stumps and refuse of the woodman’s ax in the foreground and ve + Dsaplings at the extreme right and left. Blue sky with cloud ) ? ——effects. Canvas. Signed at lower left. Height, 20 inches; length, 36 « 2 2 inches. RA t eS f Ue f f 43 44 45 46 EUGENE CARY FRENCH, 19TH CENTURY Pt BLS A lady in fine raiment of white with pink trimming is seated in a garden holding a bird’s nest containing the voung and is amused / pADY, the parent birds flying at close range reclaiming their brood. Canvas. Signed and dated 1872 at lower left. Height, 19% inches; width, 1134 inches. UNKNOWN LANDSCA Ta. Broad presentation of an autumn aspect portraying a tree eroup on a rising at the left and at the right distance with rolling meadow in the foreground, evening sky of pale green with orange h 2 tinted clouds. Canvas. Height, 16 inches; length, 20 inches. E. LOTIQUET FRENCH, 19TH CENTURY. THEA ET A lady in morning attire of flowered basque, blue skirt and apron and cap is giving her pet parrot a sweet morsel; the bird is perched on the back of a yellow satin-lined arm chair while a mandolin, a red drapery, fan and sheet music are on the seat, with 5c tapestry and wall background. ) °—_— Panel. Signed and dated 1874 at lower left. Height, 16 inches; width, 12% ches. CARLTON T. CHAPMAN, Neer. CONTEMPORARY AMERICAN RIVER SCENE A stream overgrown with waterplants, showing several punts with people idling, white cottage with red roof near opposite bank - at a clearing with wooded masses detached from a blue and one aa S sky. Canvas. Signed at lower left. Height, 10% inches; length, 16 inches. J. J. M. DAMSCHRODER DUTCH, 19TH CENTURY THE FISHWOMAN In a humble interior a man seated on a bench and his wile standing are bargaining with a fishwoman who has deposited her basket on the floor and is holding up a large cod for their inspec- tion. ays Canvas. Signed and dated 1874 at lower left. Height, 14 C# inches; length, 18 inches. 10 [NUMBER 52] CHARLES: 2: GRGEEE CONTEMPORARY AMERICAN 48 DUTCH VILLAGE SCENE | A typical cottage at the left separated from the road by a nar- row canal crossed by a small bridge, a rowboat on the canal, houses beyond and a fine mill throwing its arm across the sky ae ar" _~—s at ~ the horizon, wooded expanse on the right while a peasant 2G} woman in the national garb enlivens the road in the foreground. \ Listless sky of a light grey. Water color. Signed at lower right. Height, 14 inches; length, 17 inches. ) Ade B FRENCH SCHOOL 49 HEN HOUSE White, brown and black hens grouped about among the straw at the entrance to their shelter. LUAbLY Canvas. Signe dat lower right. Height, 25 inches; width, 12% : inches. | F. MIRALLES FRENCH SCHOOL 50 Dae ers A lady with jet black hair in black kimono with decorated sleeves looks at the spectator as she holds a letter. Yellow back- Oph - ground. | Canvas. Signed at upper right and dated 1877. Height, 16 inches; width, 13% mches. RUBEN SANTORO CONTEMPORARY ITALIAN 51 VENETIAN SCENE One of the famous 15th Century Gothic palaces, the facade of A stucco with marble ornamentation, adorned with balconies, with a ) g JU landing place and garden at the side; other palaces and a dome ofa church at the horizon, gondolas and an orange-colored sailing boat enliven the water . a . Canvas. Signed at lower left. Height, 17% iches,; width, 13 : inches. CESARE,DP IEE CONTEMPORARY ITALIAN 52-0 ol ee Phe A cavalier in Louis XIII. costume of broad brimmed hat, yellow doublet with slashed sleeves of silvery grey, crimson cape, purple silk knee breeches and grey stockings is carrying a gun Over his _, right shoulder and with his left arm akimbo is coming along a { : DW Gs \ ypath in a wooded country at a swinging gait; two men of lesser EAA rank are seen at the right distance. hea Canvas. Signed at lower right. Height, 32 inches; width 25 imches. [SEE ILLUSTRATION | 12 4O_ 268 Ee RNG Sto ELLA “2 1 6 pe AMERICAN, 1841-1882 jpeZe CLL 53 DR. KANE IN THE ARCTIC REGIONS | ) The famous explorer stands on a height in the middle and is looking through a field glass while the eight white, black, brown and spotted Esquimaux dogs attached to the sledge behind him are employing the pause to snarl and square some of their canine differences. Two attendants bring up the rear, one about to chas- - tise the dogs with a whip and the other rigging up an arrangement Jo) “to prepare a meal. A sledge drawn by dogs is seen advancing at the left distance, ice masses projecting in the foreground, misty distance where mountain peaks are dimly outlined, with a dark leaden sky, which is clearing at the top. Canvas. Signed and dated 1865 at lower right. Height, 24 inches; length, 36 inches. J. B. HUYSMANS BELGIAN, 19TH CENTURY.. Seer LIRTATION The young favorite in rich Moorish costume is standing on the back of a chocolate-colored attendant and is exchanging sweet SO words with her bearded lover at the crated window high up in the | wall of a luxurious interior. , Panel. Signed at lower left. Height, 21% inches; width, 13 ( | A inches. Lee. roy : “a f J. B. HUYSMANS BELGIAN, 19TH CENTURY Pyeeett RTA TION The bearded young lover is seen in the narrow street of a Moor- ish town mounted on his camel exchanging sweet words with his § D0 sweetheart whose head appears at the crated window. A negro vi} » -——~ servant holds the bridle of the camel. ; : Panel. Signed at lower right. Height, 21% inches; width, 13 inches. We MALCOLM ENGLISH, 19TH CENTURY 56 MARINE Trawlers in the foreground and distance and a tug at the right, gulls flying about, choppy sea with grey cloudy sky. | Kone Water color. Signed at lower right. Height, 18% inches; length, 28% mches. fof LAS ie 13 ) t se j J. G. BROWN, N.A. AMERICAN, 1831-1913 57° A SCRAPE ON THE SEY, A Jad is seen in the corner of the studio running the bow sv over a big bass violin which rests against the wall, a canvas on an > ~ ‘ee easel at the left, studies on the wall, as well as a dusting-brush, pan LAA pro d cloth on the floor. ate and clo | Canvas. Signed on the trunk at lower right. Height, 11% inches; | g g | width, 1434 inches. CHEPRINTON CONTEMPORARY FRENCH 58 LANDSCAPE, WITH CATTLE On a grassy hillock overlooking an azure sea two cows are seen in the foreground, while a goat and an old woman sitting on the side of a slope, give a nice balance to the composition. Mountain 05, ridge at the left and at the distance pale blue sky with light cloud ' ‘(Our as IO aaa effect. | Canvas. Signed at lower left. Height, 20 inches; length, 25% imches. | A. RUY CONTEMPORARY BELGIAN 59°) KEREENS . A couple of tabbies, one black and white, playing with a bail of yarn and one yellow and white squatting and looking up, both | 0. s er pre floor near a basket of sewing material; red background. pwr’ Panel. Signed and dated 1899 at lower left. Height, 9 inches; i\Ae f width, 7 inches. H. N. HYNEMAN AMERICAN SCHOOL 60 HEAD OF AN ORIENTAL GIRL At profile to the right with delicate vari-colored head dress of “ fine material with gilt braided border and different colored é () spangles; yellow background. = 0 XD — Academy board. Signed at lower left. Height, 10 inches; width, & inches. M:-CARLIER CONTEMPORARY FRENCH i Glee iii i A kitchen corner showing a copper collender, some peaches on a red striped cloth, a liquor bottle on a table and farther back on _ 1 aes a wooden safe, other utensils and food in bright colors. ay i ( NB Be | Manel. Signed at lower left. Height, 10% inches; width, 7/2 | {\o WA inches: i= y 14 Wii 63 ie HUE RIGE SM AZZOT TA CONTEMPORARY ITALIAN rie i) PIGEON A buxom peasant girl with bright green neckerchief over white undergarment and corsage and her violet and yellow striped skirt tucked up at the side, stands with her right arm akimbo and caresses a pigeon which she holds to her face with her left hand; table at the right, light grey wall background. Panel. Signed at lower left. Height, 13% inches; width, 9 inches. EaOo Pike Lo BNA CONTEMPORARY AMERICAN FISH HOUSE, NEAR KENNEBUNKPORT, ME. Low lying land near the sea, a boat tied to stake at the left, fish house beyond at the right, sea at the left with sails and other craft, stretch of land at the horizon, light grey sky. Canvas. Signed and dated 1886 at lower right. Height, 18 inches; fi f) length, 29% inches. Lt ive i be BENT RURAL SCENE Several cows at the edge of a pool in the center, a woman ap- proaching a clearing at the right, trees at the left and right, limpid blue sky with slight cloud effect. Canvas. Signed at lower left. Height, 9 inches; length, 13 inches. MILNE RAMSEY AMERICAN, 19TH CENTURY Seis LIPE | A white cloth is arranged over the edge of a basket which con- tains onions and partially covers a table whereon several dried fish and an onion are displayed. Dark background. Canvas. Signed and dated 1883 at lower right. Height, 24 inches; » O4y an f f U/ length, 29 inches. Abn ength, inches LAM. ya A C4 orig v5 / GreAUR ELI ITALIAN SCHOOL Pee yLAST DEFENSE A nobleman in scarlet coat and close-fitting garments is kneeling on a terrace and firing a revolver between the balusters, as the revolutionary coldiers appear on the left. Water color. Signed and dated 1882 at lower left. Height, 19 inches; length, 28% inches. : 15 J. C. MAGEE CONTEMPORARY AMERICAN 67 WINTER SCENE ts aes A couple of simple cottages with woodsheds close up to a | ) A dat thicket and trees in the foreground adding interest to the com- /(), ° rt" Y ; position, all covered with snow. Grey sky. Canvas. Signed at lower right. Height, 22 inches; length, 27Y% imches. BEN AUSTRIAN CONTEMPORARY AMERICAN 68>: GEICK S A brood of chicks are perched in, on top and about a rusty and 5 a “a dilapidated pail close to a dense growth of bushes and are mani- Or Kh 2’ L. festly on good terms with themselves Ly Canvas. Signed and dated 1900 at lower right. Height, 15 inches; length, 20 inches, Lee ACH Ea FRENCH SCHOOL 69 GOING TO MARKET : J’, \ 4. A fair young woman in provincial costume of white headdress, pPthqir “Blue dress and light apron is passing with a basket of vegetables over her arm and carrying a milk pail. Water color. Signed at lower right. Height, 13% inches; width, 91% inches. ~ J. BOSSI ITALIAN SCHOOL 70 THE HAUNT OF THE WILD aes A body of water in the foreground, overgrown with reeds and | water grasses upon which several ducks are about to alight; flat Ao \ N ys country beyond with towering birches. Blue and grey sky. J \- LAV Canvas. Signed at lower right. Height, 2034 inches; width, 1044 inches. Ay Le Dit ereae FRENCH SCHOOL 71 THE MEETING DURING THE THIRD ast An officer in picturesque uniform holding his plumed hat in his right hand and his sword bracing on the ground has met a lady in white costume and holding a fan, in the corner of a park. & ale Potted plants about, ornamental vases on parapets in the back a [PN Ste and a lake on the right. Late afternoon sky. Panel. Signed at lower right. Height, 20% inches; width, 16 inches. Carved wood frame, as 1s. | 16 UNKNOWN 72 WINE AND EXPLORATION In a 15th Century interior a couple of navigators have been dis- - : é % 5 2 cussing their next cruise to the accompaniment of several bottles ee of wine Canvas. Height, 9 inches; length, 12% inches. |\LA ec TCO Nira BN FRENCH SCHOOL Pees PEOLD | _ A group of sheep, a goat and hens and chicks make a happy family in the foreground. By Canvas. Signed at lower left. Height, 21 inches; width, 16 inches. , klLa ) 3 0 Le PEALIAN’ CONTEMPORARY V 74 VENETIAN SCENE Wide landing steps leading to a small place at the entrance of a monastic palace, ornamental gate at the left flanked by vine- covered walls with a servants’ house and belfry in the center, ae canal with the stern of a boat at the right, figures about; blue sky. Panel. Height, 10 inches; width, 7% inches. Brrckst : Lt_9) Daw edad cA Bae FRENCH SCHOOL Ge nS fs FLOWERS Bouquet of pansies and field flowers in a vase with blue decora- tions. / 1 $e Canvas. Signed at lower right. Height, 16 inches; width, 1234 ae: inches. Ma. re aba DE VILLENEUVE , FRENCH SCHOOL foe oOLDIERS ON A COUNTRY ROAD An officer mounted on a brown charger followed by an orderly on a black horse passing along a country road in the foreground; soldiers about the bank of a canal in the middle distance to the AO left and a mill and village beyond. Blue sky with cloud effect. (Le Canvas. Signed at lower right. Height, 13 inches; length, 16 inches. | 17 J. Cs MAGEE CONTEMPORARY AMERICAN 7 Pe bay ed Cie The adults of the family in back of the house, some sitting and » chatting under the trellis at the left, one woman hanging odd- ! Rh LAY ~ ments on the line, fowl running about; pale blue sky with slight Y fF cloud effect. ; Canvas. Signed at lower left. Height, 18 inches; length, 22 inches. [else deine 6, FRENCH SCHOOL / 78 SHEEP IN SNOWSTORM gn A flock of sheep are slowly approaching the foreground, their (4) an shepherd in heavy mantle and the dog hurrying them on in the blinding snow, bare trees and bushes at right and left. Canvas. Signed at lower right. Height, 25 inches; length, 36 inches. WILLIAM E. NORTON CONTEMPORARY AMERICAN 79 GLOUCESTER HARBOR A fishing smack is just ready to land its catch at a dock on the ah _ , right, silhouette of the town in the distance, sails on the water ; , | , ¥ fUpale blue sky with slight cloud effect. | eee, Canvas. Signed at lower right. Height, 40 inches; width, 30 \0- ) inches. | R. DE TOMMASI CONTEMPORARY ITALIAN 80. THE GHOST silks An elderly woman has left her spinning and with distaff in hand is telling the children gathered about an interesting. story. The girls are over-awed, the boys incredulous. Humble kitchen in- (,\, terior, with the servant at the left more interested in the recital OWN a \ Verfan the peeling of potatoes. vo Bel ate Water color. Signed and dated at lower left, 1892. Height, 26% a inches; length, 39 inches. He HERZOS GERMAN, 1OTH CENTURY 81 LANDSCAPE, WITH WATERFALL A stream flowing from the right over successive rocky ledges forms a waterfall in the middle of the composition, a couple of : deer on the near bank, fine pine trees, all in strong relief from a : \ 'e, \y leaden sky, which presages a heavy storm. Q Sa ie Canvas. Signed at lower left. Height, 29 inches; length, 44 | , A tinches. . Vie 18 1S Ls Sy HO, 82 : a at | : MOTHER AND CHILDREN A A woman in homely garb is seated at the window with a child on her knee and a little girl standing at her side. K. RUGIN hia eee —— Canvas. Signed at lower left. Height, 24 inches; width, 20 inches. 83 84 85 87 DE Nv LREAN, CONTEMPORARY AMERICAN h) eS THE NEWLY-BORN CHICK ies | Academy board. Signed at lower right. Height, 8% inches; / width, 614 inches. / J. DAZZURI 19 cee Uy ITALIAN, 1YTH CENTURY ay REY | Bay PrALIAN GIRL yah KK 1 A serving maid in pale green bodice over white undergarment, pink skirt and vellow headdress, holds a mug in her right hand and coguettishly grasps her apron with the other. Canvas. Signed at lower right. Height, 11% inches; width, 8 inches. PA adsl Lane Bors PARISIAN SQUARE A broad square where boulevards converge, tree-lined side- walks, showing crowds moving about, omnibus halting place; light grey sky. Canvas. Signed at lower right. Height, 21 inches; length, 25 inches. ee ViNe Re) 5 2 Rede ITALIAN SCHOOL THE FLOWER GIRL A couple of dandies are admiring the pretty girl who has fallen asleep while sitting on a bench of a park terrace, her basket of bouquets beside her. Water color. Signed at lower right. Height, 141% inches; width, 12 inches. | L UNKNOWN pO GoAaot SCENE / Sandy shore with a trawler beached and nets and oddments at the right, a fisherman on a horse laden with their catch and a man walking beside, various figures about, cloudy sky with masses of blue. Oil paper on card board. Height, 14 inches; length, 21 PD f tA / 19 UNKNOWN : Co UY LGHeCOAS Tesh: of ype Pe trawler on the beach awaiting floodtide, figures about, grey ™ * \" 2 sky. rs Canvas. Height, 8 inches; length, 13 inches. J. BOSSI 592 SWIG LG Ee »Arm of a lake with wooded banks and a couple of cows at the ea _ water’s edge, grey sky with pink and lemon tints at the horizon. 3 f h QA “ Canvas. Signed at lower left. Height, 2034 inches; width, 10% — /) | mches. UNKNOWN 90 SICK ICH OF “A GADY WIG is eae Head at profile to the right with back to the spectator, seated, rN 4} a young lady with auburn hair, playing a guitar. | b+ WN C-Canvas. Height, 30 inches; width, 25 inches. 124 Vi. COLOMEB Sly MOTEL R: oN DGrans i ; Water color. Signed at lower left. Height, 10 inches; width, 7 )LXbches. UNKNOWN y 92 THE DANCING GIR An Italian girl in Neapolitan costume with a tambourine. ae () , Canvas. Height, 244 inches; width, 15 inches. x DE SNASTU ER: FRENCH SCHOOL 93 DEL SR le eg A lady at the doorstep of a mansion reading a note while a Suitor is seen outside of the grill playing a flute, a dog and a cave tha , PLatthe left. / N Canvas. Signed at lower left. Height, 18 inches; width, 14% inches. | UNKNOWN 94 -FOREST INTERIOR J Rugged trees to the left, a path with two equestrians in bright S7 ¢ mantles, deep sunset sky. . »-) — | Canvas. Height, 31 inches; width, 13 inches. 20 vo [ds 96 ) ay, 98 EDWARD D. LEWIS os AMERICAN, 19TH CENTURY tis og 52 ol. (a) SPRINGTIME Gee } Water coloz. Signed and dated 1888 at lower left. Height, 94 mches ; length 20 inches. BON TAT. Se COURT YARD SCENE Water color. Signed at lower right. Height, 13% inches; width, 94 inches. Niel see ORG) Laie hk ca ree (a) HORSE AND FOWLIN STABLE $A 114 t of = Canvas. Signed and dated 1865 at lower right. Height, 10 inches; length, 14 inches. HD RONNER (py RABBITS Panel. Signed at lower left.. Height, 9 inches; length, 13 inches. GUORGHE HOWELL GAY (a) MARINE Water color. Signed at lower right. Height, 10 inches; length, 19 | inches. . COUGAR abs pea tS, Water color. Signed at lower left. Height, 112 inches; length, 23 imches. J. G. BROWN, N.A. AMERICAN, 1931-1913 Bootblack sitting on his kit-box and playing a flute. Original etching on silk. Signed proof. heePRODUCTIONS Two enamels on porcelain and one painted photograph. Three in all. : ina pum AA, L LA, 21 101 SALE FRIDAY EVENING APRIDVTHIRG TE blew e BEGINNING AT 8:15 O’CLOCK SECON Desh osia Lots 99-186 a WAOHN WILLIAMSON, AG | AMERICAN, 1826-1885 TROUT FISHING A brook with sandy banks broken by rocks, with fine tree groups. A fisherman is seen in the left foreground; blue sky with light fleecy clouds. DY, Canvas. Signed with monogram and dated 1865 on a tree at the left. Height, 14 inches; length, 20 inches. A. Dy WHEBERS DUTCH, 19TH CENTURY COAST SCENE IN HOLLAND Sea at the left, trawlers near the shore, sandy beach on the right rising to grass covered hillocks, figures in the foreground and a fishing smack beyond about to be drawn out to sea, town in the SO distance; blue sky with clouds. _— Panel. Signed and dated 1858 at lower left. Height, 15% inches; width, 11 inches. TAL OFRU Ee AMERICAN, 19TH CENTURY INDIAN HORSE THIEVES | An Indian mounted on a black pony is galloping beside a large grey horse which he holds by the bridle while other redskins at ee the left and right are driving frightened horses before them on the 4 prairie; pink and grey sunset sky. Canvas. Signed and dated 1858 at lower right. Height, 16 inches; length, 21 mches. 22 104 105 107 GAR NOG De SlA DE CONTEMPORARY AMERICAN STUDY OF SURF ON MAINE COAST The waves are rolling in and dashing against a number of rocky ledges in the foreground throwing the surf in creamy masses high in the air on the left and eddying in pale emerald and deep blue tints on the right; light blue-green sky. Canvas. Signed at lower left. Height, 18 inches; length, 21) inches. JAMES HAMILTON ENGLISH, 1818-1878 ) ol COAST SCENE ac at An old town on an arm of land at the right with mighty chalk cliffs rising in the background, sails on the calm sea, cloudy sky with a mass of blue. Academy board. Signed at lower left. Height, 12 inches; length, 17% inches. TOHN PAULKNIER, R.H.A. ENGLISH; 19TH CENTURY i TRISH COAST A rough sea is rolling in, dashing against high basaltic pillar cliffs, a small-beach at the left with several figures, pale cloudy sky. Water color. Signed at lower left. Height, 19 inches; width, 17% inches. COTARNOLD SLADE CONTEMPORARY AMERICAN A NUBIAN GIRL Bust, head to the front, shoulders slightly to the left, wearing a green and white headcloth, pink and crimson shawl over a green tunic, light yellow background. Canvas. Signed at lower left. Height, 16 inches; width, 13 inches. SMARLES YARDLEY TURNER, N.A. AMERICAN, 1850-1918 SOTTAGE SCENE Back of the kitchen, a bench laden with pots and oddments, be- side which a little girl is feeding the fowl, a woman in the distance, fine tree groups and a lawn at the right, touch of sky. Canvas. Signed and dated 1884 at lower right. Height, 17 inches; length, 26 inches. oa } ; F f) Das cece i | or Ln" / vast [ , A & MW) if AA ts Qo 108 109 110 vl, CARL JOSEPH KRUWASSHG Ei FRENCH, 1802-1877 Ao WI Soo VIN A characteristic scene showing a bridge over a river in the foreground with small steamers and rowboats, people about at the right bank, where two men are fishing; tall church spire looms up among closely built houses in the middleground, while abrupt peaks form the background with a snow-capped mountain at the ° horizon, blue sky with pink cloud effect. Canvas. Signed and dated 1870 at lower left. Height, 12% inches; width, 10% inches. Nefasehia cil ITALIAN, 19TH CENTURY PEL 2) iia A young woman nude to the waist, her lower body enveloped in white towelling is seated on a settee beside the bath and is being attended by a female servant, preparing to don the elegant attire of pink and blue placed at her side. Interior decorations of Greek figure, mosaic floor and Pompeian wall design. Panel. Signed at lower right. Height, 19 inches; width, 13 inches. AUGUS| KRAWSS GERMAN, 19TH CENTURY IN PHEW INE Cra A lay brother in brown cowl and grey apron holds two mugs and is examining the contents of a third in his left hand, expect- antly ; other mugs and a copper vessel on a bench at the left and on the floor, casks arranged against the wall, arched passages at the right. Canvas. Signed at lower right. Height, 20 inches; width, 16 inches. JULES WORMS FRENCH, 1832-1881 THE BASHFUL Ss Ghia In a quaint interior a young man in bull fighter’s costume sits at the left while a duena is adorning the black hair of a senorita teas with red flowers, being the finishing touch to her toilet of ae LA - ow satin, black trimmed skirt, red waist and slippers. Objects | of art about, all nicely rendered. Panel. Signed at lower left. Height, 18 inches; length, 22 inches. 24 39% 2s Cras esa UNL BELGIAN, 1814-1886 Mee CONSOLATION A pretty maiden in rich costume of white cloth, trimmed with lace and a pink sash stands at the right, while her elder sister in fur-lined crimson velvet is seated at her side and holds her hands pe Y 0; as if to express sympathy at the outcome of an affair of the heart. Richly furnished interior. (iL Cl / bjs Cradled panel. Signed at lower right. Height, 30 inches; width, 22 imches. fee olay PE JEAN RAYMOND LAZERGES FRENCH, 1817-1887 113 THE NOMAD A bearded Arab in white tunic girdled at the waist and flowing headdress carrying a blanket over his left shoulder is facing the _ __ spectator as he walks along a mountain path at a swinging stride; /$ meeerocky ledee at leit, tree groups at the right, blue sky. Panel. Height, 27% inches; width, 15% inches. / pete Att4y A } JEAN BEAUDUIN CONTEMPORARY FRENCH fee tte PEASANT GIRL A comely girl is standing at full front at a low stone wall partly leaning against the handle of a rake which she holds with both hands; red and other flowers border the path which descends oy to the left; a village nestling among the slopes of rising dS country beyond, late fesse oat effect, blue fe Wet. Ut tt 4p Canvas. Signed at lower right. Height, 23 inches; length, 28 UV inches. * eirib ye Rd e, AMERICAN, 19TH CENTURY Peer ee UING THE CANARY In the middle of a rooin three girls in their teens are amusing themselves with the canary, one holding the cage while another wee puts a bit of food between the bars. A cradle is at the left, toy about, potted geraniums and a window at the right. Kl: Canvas. Signed at lower left. Height, 22 inches; length 27 inches. 25 DEWING WOODDARD CONTEMPORARY AMERICAN 116 STUDY OF A FEMALE NUDE Full length standing figure of a reddish blonde young woman with her back to the spectator, head inclined to the right a profile | php «perdu, holding a pink gauze drapery against a bluish tinted wall. lr i Pastel. Signed with monogram at lower right. Height, 31Y% inches; width, 17% inches. WILLIAM “He HO Wis ae CONTEMPORARY AMERICAN LIZ NEE ie A study of a grassy plot with a trench on the right bordered by pollard willows, wooden structure farther distant, thick foliage of ) / |. poplars with a bit of warm grey sky. K I AX | Panel. Signed with monogram and dated 1886 at lower right. Height, 10% inches; length 1334 inches. LEIGH? ECGN Sa CONTEMPORARY AMERICAN 118 AFTER THE HENLEY REGAT EX A couple of barges loaded with the boats which where used by the rival college oarsmen at the annual race, just passing under a | ) » , 4 bridge; wooded banks with rising moon at full on the right. : eh 78) 4 b Water color. Signed at lower right and dated 1911. Height 11¥% inches; width, 10 inches. DUTCH, 19 TH CENTURY UO eis Ae i Flat country with a low pitched horizon where a mill with its arms towers over the sky at the left, couple of cows beside a pool | | in the foreground. Silvery and grey strata clouds with pale blue it X“" - sky at the top. Academy board. Height, 1134 inches; length, 1634 inches. FRENCH, 19TH CENTURY 120. LANDSCAPEY WILE SEE ER ) In a wood with towering trees, a shepherdess is tending a num- J ) \o.. ber of sheep. we Peet \ Cradcled panel. Height, 14 % inches; width, 12 inches. 26 322 121 122 [e- 124 125 FRENCH, 19TH CENTURY meoNG THE NILE A dahabiyeh sailing boat in the foreground, green bank at the right, town in distance with cliffs in a sunset glow, blue sky with pink and yellow tints. Ry oe ret Canvas. Height, 8 inches; length, 17 inches. a oe ieee J. HOFER GERMAN, 19TH CENTURY WINTER SCENE A village beside a lake with figures and fine tree groups. Canvas. Signed and dated 1877 at lower left. Height, 634 ches; length, 10 inches. We. eS ae ral } Gee LOL ZN EK CONTEMPORARY GERMAN PBtalLAsS OF WINE A man in plain garb looks expectantly as he holds a half-filled glass with both hands. hj a Panel. Signed at upper left. Height, 8 inches; width, 6 inches. CAL{ts Be AUPE RS BELGIAN, 1806-1875 Byvioo LANDSCAPE | A vale with a path toward farm houses in the center and indica- tions of a stream at the foot of high rugged mountains extending in three ridges, grey sky with light clouds and touches of blue. Panel. Signed with monogram at lower left. Height, 9 inches; _, width, 6 inches. (° h Pen EBERT DUTCH, 19TH CENTURY LOWLANDS Lagoons on the left with strips of sandy banks where a man and woman are about to embark in a boat; meadowland, houses and tree groups at the right; low pitched horizon, orange and lemon colored sky with grey fleeting sky. - bung. Canvas. Signed at lower left. Height, 15 inches; length, 21 inches. eee es 27 Fo ECK ENR FRENCH SCHOOL 126 AKEED TIME ne a A donkey hitched to a two-wheeled cart halting on the side of a ae €. road along a canal is busy with his ration from a bag which is at- a] 7 \ tached to his neck and rests on the ground, while a brown bull dog squats on the paving. Canvas. Signed and dated 1882 at lower right. Height, 10 inches; length, 16 inches. H. BOLTON JONES Nw CONTEMPORARY AMERICAN 127 AUTUMN LANDSCAPE A path winds up an incline from foreground to the right, bare trees and green sward on both sides, grey distance, creamy sky. Canvas. Signed at lower right. Height, 16 inches; length, 24 ‘Ynches. y 1 A § Purchased from Gustave Reichard. CUNO VON BODENHAUSEN CONTEMPORARY GERMAN 128 IDEAL HEAD Bust to the front of a young maiden, rich brown hair, lace cap, white fan ruff, laced old gold tunic, gilt background. 10; Panel. Signed at lower right. Height, 9 inches; width, 6 inches. | JOSE JIMENEZ ARANDA | CONTEMPORARY SPANISH 129 THE GENTLEMAN GARDENER An elderly man in peaked cap, embroidered waistcoat, brown knee breeches, is watering the flowers, some in pots, others grow- ga —= —7 ing beside the brick wall. J LG “Panel. Signed and dated Sevilla 1880 at lower end. Height, 11% inches; width, 734 inches. JEAN RICHARD GOUBIE FRENCH, 1842-1899 130 THE MORNING A lady on a fine horse accompanied by a little girl on a pony are coming along a road in a park while a little dog standing on his = hind legs receives the attention of the younger rider. Foliage os background, light grey sky. Canvas. Signed and dated 1883 at lower right. Height, 13 inches; length, 17 inches. 4 ~ fy AWA ae Gare pe 28 EMILIO SANCHEZ-PERRIER SPANISH, 1853-1907 ioe LANDSCAPE Mid-day effect along a small stream partly covered with water plants; on the opposite bank a man and woman are engaged with some linen, rising slope with trees on the right, bushes at the left, ,, 9”; field of grain in the distance, blue sky. ty ep Panel. Signed and dated Paris 1882 at lower left. Height, 11 inches.; length, 15 inches. Mie. DIE TERLE VAN MARCKE CONTEMPORARY FRENCH fee ore LE IN PASTURE A brown cow with white head stands in the foreground and a light fawn colored one lies close by to the right; other cattle at the left distance, thicket on the right, sky of silvery grey and creamy 24 d, clouds. Canvas. Signed at the lower left. Height, 21 inches; length, 23 inches. Wise ECHeSCuOol 17TH CENTURY ioe ERIOR WITH FIGURES A cavalier is seated at the fireplace, about to light his pipe with a hot ember held with a pair of tongs, while the maid is just plac- ing a jug of refreshments on the table at the left, where a quaint light arrangement is also seen. On metal. Height, 111%4 inches; width, 94 inches. A gf 1) Pew AN SCHUENDEL BELGIAN, 19T HCENTURY ie CANDLELIGHT SCENE A fair young woman sits shoulders to the front and head at profile to the left with right elbow on the table at the left holding a cabbage, other vegetables on the table where the candle in ornamental stick is placed. Panel. Signed and dedicated on the back and dated 1803. Height, / inches; length, 9 inches. [ty ite ~» ¢ y= | ER 138 NUMB —— 135 137 138 9./ Or O. R. DE JONGH DUTCH, 19TH CENTURY PeowtCH TOWN IN WINTER Characteristic houses, mostly of red brick, along both banks of ¢ a frozen canal showing a boat at the left with skaters and others on its surface; a bridge near the foreground, church tower in the distance, many figures about; housetops and sidewalks partly cov- ered with snow, leaden sky fading into blue and cream at the top. Canvas. Signed at lower left. Height, 22% inches; width, 17% inches. RAIMUNDO DE MADRAZO CONTEMPORARY SPANISH Pee oe an SPANISH GIRE At profile to the left, her black hair decorated with flowers, red patterned shawl about shoulders, pale ivory tinted background. Canvas. Signed at upper left. Height, 16 inches; width, 12 inches. saab L tL Poke WYyAlS CONTEMPORARY BELGIAN BARNYARD FOWL A group of hens presided over by a magnificent red and blue cock who looks scornfully at an intruding pigeon, are beguiling the time among a heap of straw and litter near the stable; other hens and a duck at a wheelbarrow loaded with hay at the left, a wall and dense bushes at the back. Canvas. Signed on a board at the right and inscribed on the back. Height, 23 inches; length, 37 inches. BCE GRAIN BNC AS CONTEMPORARY AMERICAN imo RAY SCENE A small creek with enticing pastures where cows are seen at the left, white cottages at the distance and fine tree groups at the right and at the horizon. Blue sky with fluffy cloud effects in creamy color darkening into grey at the top of the composition. Canvas. Signed at lower right. Height, 24 inches; length, 36 iis ] inches. Aer [SEE ILLUSTRATION | big “4 31 AHS WY Aa ee . AMERICAN, 1836-1892 139 MOONRISE A road with high banks in the foreground, trees at the left and bushes on the right with fine groups at the middle ground, hilly distance; sky with moon emerging at full from a bank of cir- ie I \ imrus clouds which become a dark grey toward the top, slightly 2. a Vad tinged from the setting sun. | Canvas. Signed at lower left. Height, 20 inches; width, 16 inches. GEORGE INNESS, N.A. AMERICAN, 1825-1894 140 SPRINGTIME Verdant pasture with apple trees in full bloom at the left, small stream wth several cows, ducks near a cart under the trees, hedge a __» and road at the right, hill at distance, pale emerald sky with cloud LO s Ax py ~ © effects: 7 Canvas. Signed at lower right. Height, 20 imches; length, 30 inches. RALPH ALBERT BLAKELOCK AMERICAN, 1847-1919 141 INDIAN ENCAMPMENT A wigwam at the left, in front of which an Indian is about to : mount his horse, a squaw closely by with her papoose on her back, _ a rising cliff farther distant on the brow of which a mounted In- : diamyis seen in silhouette against the lemon tints of the sky; body LC | \ . ,, Of water at the right with a canoe at the shore, a ridge of hills at a™ rm a a the Horizon, sunset effect. | Be Panel. Signed at lower left. Height, 634 imches; length, 112 | inches. | GEORGE INNESS aes | AMERICAN, 1825-1894 : 142 MOUNTAINOUS LANDSCAPE A valley between two mountain ridges, road to the left where a farmer’s cart is moving toward several houses nestling on the side ’ of the slope, creek on the right, grey sky with bright creamy cloud e | @ wt f \— effects. ( be Ana \ Canvas. Signed and dated 1859 at lower right. Height, 20 inches; V length, 2S inches. OZ 143 jos - 143a 143b -) Va 143c ao CAG >be.) URAN D AMERICAN SCHOOL, 1796-1886 VIEW OF WEST POINT An early painting by the chief and originator of the Hudson River School of American Landscape. It is a view of the winding river, taken from the hill above Garrison Station; it shows the rocky promotory on which the Military Academy is built, and the high crest of Crownest and Storm King mountains beyond. A steamboat of the period of 1825 or 1830 appears on the river. Interesting as a relique of the Hudson River School and valuable as a document in the history of the Military Academy. Canvas. Signed Durand, lower right. Height, 15% inches; width, | 23 inches. From the John D. Crimmins Collection. ah k H. BRUECKNER ROGER WILLIAMS LEAVING SALEM The artist represents Williams in Puritan garb with a bundle under his arm and carrying a stick, leaving Salem to proceed to Narragansett Bay; the populace is gathered in groups at the side- walks and with angry mien signifies its disapproval of his teach- ings; a buxom lass wields the broom at the right. Interesting Colonial setting; winter scene, effective sky. Panel. Signed at lower right. Height, 12 inches; length, 16 ches. oer f 2 " t sw é \ A : : Lue all GER MAGN 17 DH CENTURY meetin OF A YOUTH Three-quarter length standing presentment, turned slightly to the right of a blonde boy in black doublet and knee breeches and standing open lace collar and cuffs; his left hand caressing a dog standing on a table; neutral background. Panel. Dated 1619 at upper right. Height, 9 inches; width, 6% inches. ¢ h 4 i kA PRENOGE, a9 LR4CEN PURY AWAITING THE MEET A pack of hounds are leashed to a tree at the left, path at the right, their master in red coat with his horn hung over his shoulder is seen in the distance, touch of sky at upper right. Panel. Signed at lower right, illegible. Height, 1234 inches; width, 94 inches. ; . U . AMERICAN, 19TH CENTURY 143d PORTRAIT OF PRESIDENT MADISON a Aa Bust, head and shoulders slightly to the right in white necker- \ ,, | “\Chief and jabot, black coat and waistcoat, red curtain background, An books to the right. C: Canvas. Height, 28 inches; width, 24 inches. UNKNOWN 143e PORTRAIT OF GEORGE WASHINGTON / Bust, head and shoulders to the left, eyes looking at the spec- (? grr tator, white neckerchief and jabot, black coat, neutral background. 2? rs Cradled panel. Height, 18 inches; width, 14 inches. I> Sa ENGLISH, 18TH CEN Ties 143f PORGRAIT OF GEORGIA Head at three-quarters to the left, in red coat with gilt embrot- dery and black collar, blue sash over shoulder, white neckerchief | ey and lace cabot; neutral background. ) NANT Panel. Height, 14 inches; width, 914 inches. : UNKNOWN 143g LORD BYRON Bust at profile to the left in loose open white collar and black ee ee coat, light brown background. lB AA Canvas. Height, 2034 inches; width 17% inches. } A JAN VAN ESSEN DUTCH, 19TH CENTURY 144 LIONESS AND:-CUBS A lioness at full length in the shadow of a thicket holding vigil while her cubs are asleep at her side. oe Charcoal and pastel. Signed at lower right. Height, 13% mches; ou | | “ oy, h A aubjength, 165% inches. EUGENE BOUDIN | FRENCH, 1824-1898 145) FISHINGsEORG | | | At the estuary of a river close by the sea a number of fishing | smacks are laid up and beached along the sandy banks while a long | E — pict traverses the length of the middle distance; blue sky with / 6 St | ; nog (fleeting cloud effect. Vie O aufess Panel. Signed and dated 1882 at lower left. Height, 12% inches; length, 16% inches. 34 JOHAN SIMON HENDRIK KEVER CONTEMPORARY DUTCH / 146 THE YOUNG MOTHER Ut TNL by A little sandy haired girl in her teens is sitting on a chair and leans forward over the cradle at her front to fondle the baby of which a hand and white garment are visible, while the next of age -— of about three summers stands with both hands clasping some- G ae thing as the left arm of the oldest encircles her back. Humble interior. Water color. Signed at lower left. Height, 144% inches; length, 19¥% inches. LEON L’HERMITTE CONTEMPORARY FRENCH 1A 4 io 1447 RURAL TOWN fl V AAT A stream showing the backs of sixteenth century houses on op- ee: posite bank and at the right distance, while the foreground is en- livened by a man arranging a net from a punt and a number of white ducks chasing along the water, water grasses and trees add 400 ¢ to the composition; blue sky. Pastel. Signed at lower right. Height, 97% inches; length, 13V% imches. PP eeNER OF FRA: FILIPPO LIPPI 148 MADONNA AND CHILD The Virgin is seated on a throne and holds the Infant Child on a cushion placed on her knee, attired in blue mantle and hood with as: a red tunic, gold halos and floriated gilt background. Pee (p i f Tempera on panel. Height, 43 inches; width, 16 inches. MANNER OF SIENESE SCHOOL 149 MADONNA AND CHILD The Virgin in blue hood and cape with gilt striation and orna- mental border holds the Infant attired in green tunic with biack and gilt embroidery Who looks up at the Virgin and caresses her - with His left hand. Tooled gold background with nimbus and Q) floriated design. Tempera on panel (split). Height, 25 inches; width, 17 inches. Ge F ph. 35 : »V, RA Bed Dele ITALIAN S17 Ter Nee 150 APOTHEOSIS OF A MONARCH A ruler in royal robes wearing a laurel wreath sits on an ele- vated throne at the right with soldiers and attendants while a pope \ (| wearing his miter and with crozier in hand appears on a bank of res UL > yes (UX X1ouds attended by a host of angels and cherubim and points to a cross carried by two angels. Architectural setting. Canvas. Height, 46 inches; width, 30 inches. CHRISTOPH AMBERGEE GERMAN, 1490-1563 151. PORTRATI-OFR CHARLES v2 Half-length, head slightly to the right, shoulders to the front with hands crossed, resting on a decorative globe indicating his vast dominions. Attired in doublet with flat white collar and wide sy p, fur-lined coat. Green background with the armorial escutcheon of Uy Castile at upper left. Canvas. Height, 25 inches; width, 20 inches. From the Riabouchinsky Sale, Apri, 1916. MARIANO(FORTUNY Y CARBO SPANISH, 1838-1874 1520 POW lS YeaR) A pool at the left with trellis work and vines at the bac chickens in richly toned plumage about. anvas. Signed and dated 1869 at lower right. Height, 15 inches; From the William M. Chase Sale, May, 1917. Lert 18% inches. FRANZ VON LENBACH GERMAN, 1836-1904 153 .PORTRAIT OF Agee Bust, head and shoulders to the front of a lady of distinguished e mien, wearing a close-fitting band of five rows of pearls about the 5 throat, in low white corsage. inches. From the Haggin-Addy-Westcott Sale, April, 1917. Drawing on tinted card board, heightened with pastel. Signed and py 1898 at lower right. Oval. Height, 25 inches; width, 21 \) JOSE TZR Aes puTcH, 1824-1911 154 BROTHER AND isiS ia ~ 1A fisherboy has his little sister on his back wading in a shallow, _- » Stream. bs Ww M Signed at lower left. Height, 9 inches; width, 6 inches. , 36 M. VEREKER HAMILTON CONTEMPORARY ENGLISH , 155 ON AN ISLAND, BRITTANY ty A Lae A strong painting, suggesting vividly the loneliness and wild self-determination of Brittany. rife stretch of blue sea, the blue 5 © pote of the crouching woman, are strengthened by contrast to the a s) a feos tumble of the foreground boulders. : Canvas. Signed. Height, 1834 inches; width, 2234 inches. 4 FLEMISH, 17TH CENTURY Rickerka 156 HEAD OF A MADONNA Bust, head and shoulders slightly to the left, her brown hair parted in the middle and dropping on the shoulders in waves, in cs: jw blue hood and mantle, pink tunic with an undergarment of fine a / i" linen, neutral background ss Panel (as is). Height, 14% inches; width 12% inches. ey.’ mo eer = OS VELNOR. NLA, AMERICAN, 1840-1904 457 AUTUMN TWILIGHT A road with luxuriant growth of bush and underbrush, and fine tree groups at the left, nicely balanced by a single birch on the right which is bereft of its foliage, pale emerald sky with streaks oy Ce of sunset tints. Canvas. Signed at lower right. Height, 10 inches; length 14 , ee pte F. M. VERMORCKEN a CONTEMPORARY BELGIAN ' 158 THE SMOKER A young man in Seventeenth Century costume, breact rimmed ee hat and cart-wheel ruff is smoking a clay pipe and in the act se: eg? of emitting a volume of bluish smoke; neutral background. [= Canvas. Signed and dated Antwerp, 1903, at upper right. Height, ey. 17 inches; width, 13 inches. \ f_ fa : jaar Uae 2 . FRENCH, 19TH CENTURY _ 159 BARNYARD, WITH SHEEP Thatched stone barns with a cottage surrounded by a fence, several sheep near a pool of water in the foreground where ducks ae and hens are seen, figures in the distance, and thick foliage at the a | aS right, blue and grey sky. oe Panel. Height, 10%4 inches; length, 14 inches. blr BY Eg. Pi heh } {edn aero La 160 {i~ EDWARD GAY, N.A._ CONTEMPORARY AMERICAN RIVER SCENE A limpid stream with verdant banks and tree groups about, boat near the fore, cream and silvery sky. Canvas. Signed and dated 1886 at lower left. Height, 17 inches; length, i inches. From the Collection of Judge Horace Russell. AS) ~ WILLIAM DUNLAP, N.A. AMERICAN, 1766-1839 160a PORTRAIT OF ROBERT SNOW Half-length seated, head and shoulders slightly to the left, eyes directed to the spectator, right hand on knee, left hand resting on a table at the right grasping a pair of spectacles. Attired in black with white neckerchief terminating in a bow, red backed easy chair, a large open volume on the table, neutral background. ce Canvas. Height, 34 inches; width, 24 ches. ay Robert Snow resided in Brooklyn for the last thirty years of his life, where he founded the first public library, he was a philanthrophist gud model citizen. From the Thomas B. Clarke Sale. HARRY, ROSE Agha. CONTEMPORARY AMERICAN 160b DIFFERENCE OF OPINION | An elderly negro of the Uncle Remus type and his better half are sitting back to back on an old hair-stuffed settee, both wearing an expression of unyielding determination; quaint interior charm- ingly rendered, one of the artist’s cleverest compositions. Canvas. Signed at the left. Height, 25 inches; length, 30 inches ) ROBERT J. WICKENDES CONTEMPORARY ENGLISH 160c SUNRISE, VAL AU BE, ISLAND OF JER The large disc of the sun is rising majestically in a clear sky, spreading a warm orange and crimson glow over the distance, | while a group of gnarled oaks stand in dark relief at the left and a number of cows are grazing peacefully on a meadow at the right; bushes and grassy expanse in the foreground. “anvas. Signed and dated 1885 at lower left. Height, 30 inches; length 52 inches. a 38 Ss DAVID. JOHNSON, N.A. AMERICAN, 1827-1908 A rl ea eeenk. POMPTON, NEW JERSEY A path leading to a lake, most of which is hidden behind grace- ful trees in the foreground, a cottage appears at the right distance, : -— blue sky with light fleecy clouds. So] id) 2s Signed with monogram and dated 1879 at lower left and inscribed rm: on back. Height, 16 inches; length, 25 inches. 4 From the collection of Judge Horace Russell. HOTIN BUNYAN: BRISTOL, N-A. AMERICAN, 1826-1909 — fee tow IC AT LAKE CHAMPLAIN Te i ED eos A hh An excursion party has landed from a boat at the shore and is / Ee just spreading a cloth on the green sward on the left bank near ae ge? a group of trees, low-pitched horizon with mountains, cloudy sky 9% — with spots of blue. Canvas. Signed at lower left. Height, 1214 inches; length, 17% inches. From the collection of Judge Horace Russell. JAMES G. TYLER ees CONTEMPORARY AMERICAN Meeeriog ©THE LIGHT HOUSE ie. | Moonlight near the coast with a lighthouse on the right, its powerful red light reflected in the water, rough sea with the silvery oe reflection of the moon whose disc at the top of the composition sO emerging from a bank of fleeting cumuli clouds. q — Canvas. Signed at lower left. Height, 11 inches; length, 14% inches. y Poe Le Beverly AUCBERT BLAKELOCK, AMERICAN, 1847-1919 mot Sl. GABRIEL'S GROTTO, ISLAND OF JAMAICA A party of women and a man standing beside a horse have halted ot at the base of a huge rock; fairy-like background of luxuriant vegetation. Canvas. Signed at lower right. Height, 36 inches; width, 24 inches. KAA ow SPE Loy WL Ge IN: Uo eiNGe: AMERICAN, 1828-1891 fo5, AUTUMN LANDSCAPE } Rising ground on the right with slender trees, rocks, autumn >, leaves and bushes in the foreground, meadow at the middle dis- Stance, tree groups beyond, sky light purple grey to lemon at the horizon. Canvas. Signed with monogram and dated 1866. Height, § inches; length, 14 inches. C 39 Ve Re A JAMES G. TYLER CONTEMPORARY AMERICAN 17 st 166 MOONLIGHT MARINE A yacht is seen in dark relief against a sky of fleeting clouds with the moon at the top of the composition, mainland at the hori- zon, choppy sea. Crncae Signed at lower right. Height, 8% inches; length, 13 inches. JAMES G.. TYLER CONTEMPORARY AMERICAN 167 MOONRISE The disc of the moon is just above a ridge at the left, calm "seaua es a trawler and a bit of shore in the forearaninn Canvas. Signed at lower right. Height, 12 inches; length, 15 inches. KER MEO Eas CONTEMPORARY AMERICAN 168 PARK LANDSCAPE bode ground with fine tree groups, blue sky with fleeting acl ids Canvas. Signed at lower left. Height, 30 inches; length, 40 inches. FRENCH, 196TH: CENT 3a FRENCH, 19TH CENTURY 169 LANDSCAPE, WITH FIGURES An embankment with a pack mule and the driver on the left while the figure of a woman is indicated at the lower right, warm evening Ges Canvas. Height, 18 inches; length, 16 inches. CHARLES. P-GRUEEs CONTEMPORARY AMERICAN WOOD CUTTERS: IN -HOLLEAND Late autumn effect, a clearing in foreground where men are occupied among newly -cut timber, pale grey sky with streaks of Ais ah i 2Convas. Signed at lower right. Height, 20 inches; length, 32 \ inches. 40 / }/ \7 Slee hvedu del ced b ath "| | Wes =. CONTEMPORARY GERMAN | A fis POOL A fine study representing a pool with water plants and thick foliage in rich coloring, touch of ivory tinted sky at the left. _ Academy board, Signed at lower right. Hegtht, 9 inches; length, 1234 inches. M. GRENET mi CONTEMPORARY AMERICAN SUNSET ON LAKE ONTARIO | A clearing with a path and the lake on the right, wooded dis- tance, sunset sky. Academy board. Signed at lower right. Height, 12 inches; length, _ 16 inches, . Pe eb oA CRW PP CONTEMPORARY AMERICAN SUNSHINE ALONG A CREEK A narrow stream with a road at the left, houses in the distance _ with a purple hill from which the slender trees in the foreground Be a bricht relici, AD Gouache. Signed at lower left. Height, 14 inches; length, 20 inches. PVE OAS GRUPPE CONTEMPORARY AMERICAN Peek IN THE CATSKILLS _ Sketch. Academy board. Signed at lower right. Height, 12 - inches; length, 16 inches. f Sere NCOs FPORTPIEE TE BELGIAN, 1818-1895 Poe RAITT OF A LADY Bust at profile of a smiling dark-eyed young woman to the right, shoulders to the front in wide-brimmed red hood with white feather, with a wealth of chestnut hair falling down her back and over her left shoulder, attired in old gold velvet bodice, laced at the corsage with broad lace collar, double rope of pearls and an antique necklace with pendant; neutral background. Canvas. Signed at upper left and inscribed on the back. Height, a — inches; width, 20 inches. 2 VO pse ws. ss JH WIT, Aone : AMERICAN, 1840-1901 1/6 CANOEING A couple of ladies in fashionable attire are seated in a canoe, the | i ,one_ with her back to the spectator is handling the paddle and her a“ : -t, ,, 4-“)*companion is facing the front. Bank of land at the right and in the yo hs eed VA distance, several sails about, light grey cloudy sky. : Canvas. Signed at lower right. Height, 23 inches; length, 27 et g g gnt, g inches. FRANKLIN D. BRISCOE | CONTEMPORARY AMERICAN 7 MARINE | The sea of a delicate grey and green tint rolls in and gradually | spreads over the flat beach; late afternoon sky with strata and se | , (\gqumuli clonds. $ $ | | td€envas. Signed and dated 1898 at lower right. Height, 20 inches; @ LAA L I | length, 30 inches. \ GEORGE WRIGHT AMERICAN, 1OTH CENTURY 178 THE-UNWILLING MODEL The mother is tempting the youth in the easy chair at the right with sweets so as to pose for this portrait for the artist sitting back patiently in his chair facing the canvas, a lady seated at the rear ie. looks on, studio interior. | ) 3 inches. CR: LEROGe CONTEMPORARY FRENCH 1/9 LANDSCAPE, WITH HEATHER BLOOM . , . Undulating foreground in the middle leading to a lake, grassy \) slopésAvith pink heather on both side, a thicket on the right, hilly bw E | | a, vz ( » Canvas. Signed at lower right. Height, 25 inches; length, 30