LIBRARY M. Knoedler & Co. 14 East 57th St. New York See por CATALOGUE OF THE ART COLLECTION FORMED BY THE LATE S. A. COALE, Jr. OF ST. LOUIS TO BE SOLD AT PUBLIC SALE WITHOUT RESERVE BY ORDER OF EXECUTRIX ON WEDNESDAY, THURSDAY AND FRIDAY EVENINGS | APRIL 18TH, 19TH AND 20TH BEGINNING PROMPTLY AT 8 O’CLOCK AND MONDAY AFTERNOON, APRIL 23RD BEGINNING PROMPTLY AT 2.30 O’CLOCK AT THE AMERICAN ART GALLERIES MADISON SQUARE (SOUTH) 0” WHERE THE COLLECTION WILL BE ON EXHIBITION DAY AND EVENING FROM THURSDAY, APRIL 12TH, UNTIL DATE OF SALE, INCLUSIVE THOMAS E. Kirspy, AUCTIONEER “ee THE AMERICAN ART ASSOCIATION, a NEW YORK O Lr% 1894 ‘ss " ope a{° CONDITIONS OF SALE, 1. The highest Bidder to be the Buyer, and if any dispute arise between two or more Bidders, the Lot so in dispute shall be imme- diately put up again and re-sold. 2. The Purchasers to give their names and addresses, and to pay down a cash deposit, or the whole of the Purchase-money, if required, in default of which the Lot or Lots so purchased to be immediately put up again and re-sold. 3. The Lots to be taken away at the Buyer’s Expense and Risk upon the conclusion of the Sale, and the remainder of the Purchase-money to be absolutely paid, or otherwise settled for to the satisfaction of the Auctioneer, on or before delivery; in default of which the undersigned — will not hold themselves responsible if the -Lots be lost, stolen, dam- aged, or destroyed, but they will be left at the sole risk of the -Purchaser. 4. The sale of any article is not to be set aside on account of any error in the description, or imperfection. All articles are exposed for Public Exhibition one or more days, and are sold just as they are with- out recourse. 5. To prevent inaccuracy in delivery and inconvenience in the set- tlement of the purchases, no Lot can, on any account, be removed during the sale, 6. Upon failure to comply with the above conditions, the money deposited in part payment shall be forfeited ; all Lots uncleared ‘within three days from conclusion of sale shall be re-sold by public or private Sale, without further notice, and the deficiency (if any) attending such re-sale shall be made good by the defaulter at this Sale, together with all charges attending the same. This Condition is without prejudice to the right of the Auctioneer to enforce the contract made at this Sale, without such re-sale, if he thinks fit. AMERICAN ART ASSOCIATION, MANAGERS. Tomas E. Kirsy, Auctioneer. mero REPRESENTED Achenbach, O., 22. Accard, E., 23. Anatasi, Auguste, 61. Allston, Washington, 69, 70. Breton, Jules, 39. Bertrand, James, 60. Bol, F., 80 Butin, Ulysse, 59. Cabat, Louis, 28, 29, 30. Chardin, Joseph, 73 Clairin, Georges, 21. Couture, Thomas, 33. Cabanel, Alex, 58. Cederstrém, Baron G. O., 90. Ol. Chase, W. M., Charlet, F., 63. Corot, J. B. C., 37. Coutourier, P. L., 31. Chambord, F. de, 1 Doré, Gustave, 66. 67, 68. Durand, A. B., 20. De Cock, Xavier, 62. Delacroix, Eugéne, 38. Dupré, Jules, 34, Diaz, N. V., 36. Dagnan-Bouveret, 47. David, J. L., 89 Ehninger, J. W., 46. Frangais, F. L., 53, 54. Hunt, E., 40. Hanoteau, Hector, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45. Hamon, J. L., 48 Inness, George, 4%, 50. Jourdan, Adolphe, 92. Kensett, J. F., 18, 19. Klouderhuys, M. J., 85. OIL PAINTINGS Lafon, E.J., 52. Landelle, Charles, 65. Luminais, E. V., 16. Leu, A., 51. Linnell, Sr., John, 88. Lobrichon, T., 15 Lemaire, Madelaine, 8. Lefebvre, Jules, 17. Leutze. E., 64. Lely, Sir Peter, $7. Leroux, H., 26. Merson, Olivier Luc, 57 Mélin, Joseph, 93. Mignot, L. R., 12, 13, 14, 46. McEntee, J., 11. Nasmyth, A., 76. Pelouse, L. G., 24, 25. Peyrol-Bonheur, 27. Poelemburg. C. Van, 74, 75. Palmaroli, va Protais, Alexandre, 9, 10. Picou, Ho P., 32. Rossetti, D. G., 83. Rathbone, J., 77, 78. Rembrandt Van Ryn, 82. Rousseau, Théodore, 35. Ruysdael, J. Van, 72. Sully, Thos., 84. Shattuck, A. D., 40. Velasquez, D. R., 81. Veron, E., 79. Voillemot, A. C., 56. Vertunni, A., 55. Wappers, Baron G., 7. Wynants, Jan, 71. Whittredge, W., 6 Wauters, aaaate 5. 4 ARTISTS REPRESENTED WATER COLORS Alisal, Del, J. C., 100. Lucas, George, 135, Luminais, E. V., 155. Boughton, George H., 127. Lauri, L. E., 148. Bacon, Henri, 185. Leloir, Maurice, 101, 102, 108, 104, 105, Beckwith, J. Carroll, 183. 106, 107, 108, 109, 110, sit 112, 113, Beaumont, E. de, 118, 119, 120. 114, 115, 116, 117. Blake, Wm., 166, 167, 168, 169. Bargue, Charles, 170, 171, 172,173,174, Meadows, H., 190. 175, 176,177. Magglione A., 195. Brown, H. ee 186. Muyden, E. Van, 194, Bartlett, W. H., 165. Mauve, ‘Anton, 149. Murray, Elizabeth, 121. Cooper, T.S., 138, 134. Mesdag, H. W., 131. Coffin, W. ke 182. Crouch, George, 157, 158, 159. Prout, Samuel, 152. Camois, V2 bb; Pollet, Victor, 99. Catermole, George, 148, 144. ; Cox, David, 146a, 147. Richardson, T. M., 97. Delacroix, Eugéne, 128. dley. W. 'T., 184. Delattre, J. M., 160. Breet ee a Doré, Gustave P., 129. Suter. F.. 192. oua, 1 , 198, 1 Fitzjames, Anna Maria, 145, 146. See pee ges Foster, Birket, 94, 95, 96. : Giminez F, F., 193 194. : Ten Kate, H. F. pee 153, 154. ‘ ne ; > 1e Topham, F. W., 164. Girard, Firman, 161, 162, 163. Ter Meulen, F.'T., 129. Hackert, J. G., 191. Te R. B., 186, 137, 188, 139, 140, 141, Indoni, F., 187. Vaini, Petro, 180. Vitelli, E., 179. Kever, J. S. H., 182. : Wheeler, Dora, 181. Lambert, L. E., 98. i Westall, Ve 150, 151. Lucas, Eugenio, 188. Wright, J. W., 122, 123, 124, 125. BLACK AND WHITE AND MINIATURES Bargue, Charles, 235 to 284 inclusive. Kauffman, Angelica, 220. Chase, Harry, 215. Lawrence, Sir Thomas, 203, 204, 205. Cruikshank, Geo., 223. Mazerolle, A. J., 218, 219. Detaille, E., 216. Max, Gabriel, Q22. Durand, A. B., 213. Margant, L., 228, 229, 280, 231, 232. Delort, Charles, 214. Dayas, E., 207. Natur, La, M., 228, 224, 225. Ferri, C., 221. Stothard, Thomas, 200, 200a. Fragonard, J. H., 226. Smirke, Sir Robert, 201, 202. Gerard, Baron F. P., 227. Voltz. F., 212 Volk, Douglas, 217. Tltenbach, Franz, 208. Wood, Stanley, 206. Klimsch, Eugene, 209, 210, 211. Westall, R., 150, 151. feet ALO GUL. Pamol NIGHT’S SALE Wednesday, April 18, AT THE AMERICAN ART GALLERIES, BEGINNING PROMPTLY AT 8 O’CLOOCR, P. M. OIL PAINTINGS. FERNAND DE CHAMBORD : ‘ : : Paris Born in Paris ; pupil of Hodin and Jules Lefebvre. No. 1 aloe Le “The Mode! ”’ Height, 14 inches; width, 10} inches DON VICENTE PALMAROLI R : : : ; Paris Born at Madrid, 1831. Pupil of Madrazo, the San Fernando Acad- emy, and studied in Rome. Medals, Paris, 1867; Madrid, 1871. Chevalier and Commander of the Order of Charles III. of Spain, and that of Isabella the Catholic. Director of the Spanish Academy at Rome, No. 2 “La Marquise ” Height, 16 inches ; width, 11 inches No. 3 “Woman of the Elizabethan Period” Height, 114 inches ; width, 8% inches 6 FIRST NIGHT’S SALE AARON DRAPER SHATTUCK, N. A. : ; New York Born in Francestown, N. H., 1832. Pupil of Alexander Ransom and of National Academy of Design. Elected National Academician, 1861. 2 ae No. 4 ‘“Sunsbury Meadows, Connecticut ” Height, 101 inches ; length, 16} inches CONSTANT WAUTERS : ; ; 4 ’ ; Deceased Born in Brussels, a, No. 5 “ The Roman Bath ” Height, 91 inches ; length, 114 inches WORTHINGTON WHITTREDGE, N. A. : : New York Born at Springfield, Ohio, 1820. Pupil of Andreas Achenbach in Diisseldorf, and studied in Rome. Hlected a National Academician, 1861; President of the Academy, 1875-1876. No. 6 we ae. “Tandscape and Cattle” Height, 10 inches : length, 13 inches BARON GUSTAVE WAPPERS 5 ; ; : Deceased Born in Antwerp, 1808. Pupil of Antwerp Academy and of I. J. Van Regemarter, Van Bree, and Herreyus, Professor and Director of Antwerp Academy. Created Baron in 1845; Legion of Honor, 1842 ; Officer, 1855; Order of Red Eagle, 1847; Officer of Order of Leo- pold, 1855. Died in Paris, 1874. ; No. 7 27 Uae: *“ Allegorical Figure, Italy” Height, 14 inches ; length, 26 inches OIL PAINTINGS 7 MADELEINE LEMAIRE ; ; , . ‘ ; . Paris Born in Paris. Honorable mention. No. 8 “TS Fie “Tdeal Head’”’ Height, 12 inches; width, 163 inches PAUL ALEXANDRE PROTAIS : : . Deceased Born in Paris, 1826. Pupil of Desmoulins. Medals, 18638, 1864, 1865, 1878; Legion of Honor, 1865; Officer, 1877. No. 9 66 ’ hee x Before the Combat—Early Dawn’ Height, 18 inches ; length, 23} inches (Direct Commission to the Artist) No. 10 6c * ” oF ol, fe Zouave Resting Height, 84 inches; length, 12} inches (Direct Commission to the Artist) JERVIS McENTEE, N.A.. : , : ; ‘ . Deceased Born at Rondout, N. Y., 1828. Pupil of F. E. Church, and studied in Europe. Elected National Academician, 1861. No. 11 IY ee “November Days” ‘ a Height, 12 inches ; length, 16} inches 8 FIRST NIGHT’S SALE LOUIS REMY MIGNOT,N.A. . i . Deceased Born in South Carolina, 1831. Pupil of Shelfhout at The Hague. Elected National Academician, 1859. Died in England, 1871. No. 12 Uae “Evening in the Tropics” Height, 16 inches ; length, 24 inches 27.2 No. 18 “A Cloudy Day” Height, 13 inches ; length, 213 inches No. 14 ‘Near Windsor Castle—Winter ”’ TIMOLEON LOBRICHON fives i i ' Paris Born at Cornod, in the Jura, 1881. Pupil of Picot. Medals, 1868, 1882 ; Legion of Honor, 1883. No. 15 A EAS “Tdeal Head” Height, 214 inches ; width, 181 inches EVARISTE VITAL LUMINAIS 3 . ‘ : Deceased Born at Nantes, 1822. Pupil of Léon Cogniet and Troyon. Medals 1852, 1855, 1857, 1861. Legion of Honor, 1869. No. 16 Cp ais “Escape of a Roman Captive’”’ Height, 17 inches ; width, 123 inches OIL PAINTINGS 9 JULES JOSEPH LEFEBVRE . : : , ‘ Paris Born at Tournan. Department Seine-et-Marne, 1834. Pupil of Léon Cogviet. Grand Prix de Rome, 1861. Medals, 1865, 1868, 1870, 1878; Grand Medal of Honor, 1886 ; Legion of Honor, 1870; Officer, 1878. No. 17 ON A Beato ae We Height, 22 inches ; width, 10 inches JOHN FREDERICK KENSETT, N. A. ‘ : : Deceased Born at Cheshire, Conn., 1818. Studied engraving under Daggett and taught himself painting. Traveled in Europe ; exhibited in Royal Academy, London, 1845; elected National Academician in New York, 1849 ; died in New York, 1872. No. 18 a (GE fo “Storm on Lake George” . Height, 12 inches; length, 231} inches No. 19 “Landscape, Hants, England” c20 «s Height, 10 inches ; length, 14 inches ASHER BROWN DURAND, N. A. ‘ . : Deceased Born in South Orange, N. J., 1796; at first a steel engraver, then studied painting in Europe; one of the founders of the National Academy of Design, and President from 1845 to 1861; died in 1886. No. 20 DLL A og *““Landscape ; a Peaceful Day” Height, 14 inches ; length, 24 inches 10 FIRST NIGHT’S SALE JULES VICTOR GEORGES CLAIRIN : ‘ ; Paris Born in Paris, 1848. Pupil of Picot and Pils, and Ecole des Beaux Arts. Medals, 1882, 1885. Hors Concours. No. 21 eel aa; ” a ” Sarah Bernhardt” as “Mrs. Clarkson Height, 18 inches ; width, 14} inches (Special Commission to the Artist) OSWALD ACHENBACH : ; , . : Disseldorf Born in Diisseldorf, 1827. Pupil of his brother Andreas. Medals, Paris, 1859, 1861, 1863. J.egion of Honor, 1863. No, 22 eee “The Bay of Naples” Height, 17 inches ; length, 24 inches EUGENE: ACCARD 4.20.0 02) > 2.93 Born at Bordeaux. Pupil of Abel de Pujol and Léon Cogniet. Honorable mention at Salon. No. 28 OL? si: “The Love Letter” Height, 121 inches; length, 16 inches LEON GERMAIN PELOUSE . ‘ " : ; ; Paris Born at Pierrelaze. Medals, 1878, 1876, 1878. Legion of Honor, 1878, No. 24 fe ps Landscape. “Spring at Cernay”’ Height, 16 inches ; length, 24 inches No. 20 EON ee “The Poplars ”’ Height, 18 inches ; length, 254 inches (Special Commission to the Artist) — OIL PAINTINGS 11 HECTOR LEROUX . : ; 4 . : , Paris Born at Verdun, 1829. Pupil of Picot. Second Grand Prix, 1857. Medals, 1863, 1854, 1874, 1878. Legion of Honor, 1877. No. 26 “After the Bath. Pompeiian Lady and Servant” Height, 23 inches ; width, 16 inches PEYROL-BONHEUR . j ; : ; : : Paris Born in Paris, 1830. Sister and pupil of Rosa Bonheur, and of her father. Medal, 1855. Married name, Madame Peyrol. No. 27 “Landscape and Sheep” Height, 181 inches ; length, 28 inches LOUIS CABAT ., - : : : : : ; Paris Born at Paris, 1812. Pupil of Camille Flers. Medals, 1834, 1867. Legion of Honor, 1843. Officer, 1855. Director of French Academy at Rome, 1879. Member of Institute, 1867. No. 28 Landscape. ‘‘Evening in Autumn” Height, 213 inches ; length, 294 inches (Special Commission to the Artist) No. 29 Landscape. ‘Springtime ”’ | Height, 193 inches ; length, 254 inches (Special Commission to the Artist) No. 30 ’ Landscape. ‘Summer’ Height, 193 inches ; length, 254 inches (Special Commission to the Artist) | iam ing = 12 FIRST NIGHT’S SALE PHILIBERT LEON COUTOURIER Rae sn Paris Born at Chalon-sur-Sadne, 1823. Pupil of Nicolas Coutourier and Picot. Medals, Paris, 1855, 1861. Hors Concours. No. 31 SO iS? . “The Farm” Height, 2i+ inches ; length, 26 inches HENRI PIERRE PICOU ; : : : : : Paris Born at Nantes, 1822. Pupil of Delaroche and Gleyre. Medals, 1848, 1857. Hors Concours, No. 32 ALT 7% “Nymph and Cupids” Height, 24 inches ; width, 20 inches THOMAS COUTURE : : : : 5 ; Deceased Born at Senlis, in the Oise, 1815. Pupil of Gros and Paul Delaroche. Second Grand Prize. Salon of 1837. Medals, 1844, 1817, 1855. Legion of Honor, 1848, Died at Villiers le Bel, 1879. No. 33 oz <° “Russian Peasant” Height, 24 inches ; width, 20 inches JULES DUPRE . 1 MOE Pas Deceased Born at Nantes, 1812. Wasat first a painter on porcelain. Studied in Paris at the Louvre. Medals, 1833, 1867. Legion of Honor, 1849. Officer, 1870. Died in 1889. “ No. 34 Is 2? “Landscape; Effect of Storm” Height, 244 inches ; width, 21} inches OIL PAINTINGS 13 PAUL ETIENNE THEODORE ROUSSEAU... __ Deceased Born in Paris, 1812. Pupilof Lethiere. One of the founders of the Barbizon School. Medals, 1834, 1849, 1855. Legion of Honor, 1867. Grand Medal of Honor, Universal Exposition, 1867, Diploma to Memory of Deceased Artists, 1878. Died insane, 1867. No. 35 pation vos Co “Landscape: Forest of Fontainebleau ”’ Height, 9 inches ; length, 14 inches NARCISSE VIRGILE DIAZ ; : > Deceased Born at Bordeaux, of Spanish parents, family name de la Pefia, 1808. Began asa porcelain painter. Medals, Paris, 1844, 1846, 1848. Legion of Honor, 1851. Diplomato memory of Deceased Artists, 1878. Died at Mentone, 1876. No. 36 ““Flowers’”’ Height, 5 inches ; width, 3% inches JEAN BAPTISTE CAMILLE COROT : : Deceased Born in Paris, 1796. Pupilof Michallonand Victor Bertin, Studied in Itaiy. Medals 1883, 1848, 1855, 1867, Legion of Honor, 1846. Offi- cer, 1867. Diploma to Memory of Deceased Artists, 1878. Died in Paris, 1875. No. 37 ‘“‘Landscape”’ Height, 9 inches ; length, 15 inches (From the Bernier Collection, Paris. Imported by L. Orist Delmonico, New York) oc ae ES 14 FIRST NIGHT’S SALE FERDINAND VICTOR EUGENE DELACROIX . . Deceased Born near Paris, 1799. Pupil of Guerin. Legion of Honor, 1831. | Officer, 1846. Commander, 1855. Member of the Institute, 1857. Medals, 1824, 1848 ; Medal of Honor, 1855. Died in Paris, 1863. No. 38 “Study of Tigers” Height, 7 inches ; length, 11 inches (Imported by Durand-Ruel) JULES ADOLPHE BRETON . : : ; : 2 ares Born at Courriéres, Department Pas de Calais, 1827. Pupil of Droiling and Devigne. Medals, 1855, 1857, 1859, 1861; Medal of First Class, 1867, Exposition Universelle ; Grand Medal of Honor, 1872. Memberof the Institute, 1886. Chevalier of the Order of Leo- pold of Belgium, 1881. Ribbon of St. Stanislaus of Russia. Medals, London, Vienna, Brussels, etc. Member of Vienna, Stockholm, and Madrid Academies. Legion of Honor, 1867. Officer, 1886, No. 39 ee 2 ‘‘ Evening” Height, 13 inches ; width, 93 inches (Purchased direct from the Artist) E. HUNT. : ; ; 5 : : é - . London Born in London. Pupil of, and exhibitor at the Royal Academy. : No. 40 Ree aN “The Strolling Players” Height, 20 inches ; length, 24 inches OIL PAINTINGS Loe: HECTOR HANOTEAU ; : ' ; ; : Deceased Born at Decize, in the Department of Niévre, 1823. Pupil of Gignoux. Medals, 1864, 1868, 1869. Legion of Honor, 1870. All of Hanoteau’s pictures were specially commissioned by the late Mr. Coale, No. 41 “Landscape ”’ Height, 17} inches ; length, 274 inches No. 42 “The Potato Gatherers ” Height, 30 inches ; length, 40 inches No. 48 ““A Goat Keeper” Height, 30 inches; length, 40 inches No. 44 pone (beet “Harvest.” Height, 30 inches ; length, 40 inches No. 45 “Blessing the Seed” Height, 30 inches ; length, 40 inches a ae OU JOHN WHETTON EHNINGER—L. R. MIGNOT, N.A. Deceased. Ehninger was born in New York, 1827. Graduate of Columbia Col- lege. Studied in Paris under Couture, and in Diisseldorf. National Academician, 1860. Louis Rémy Mignot was born in South Carolina, 1881. Pupil of Shelfhout at The Hague. National Academician, 1861. Died at Brighton, England, 1871. No. 46 “The Foray ”’ Height, 36 inches ; length, 60 inches (Landscape by Mignol, figures by Ehninger) Ae Add ?° Ate mae 16 FIRST NIGHT'S SALE PASCAL ADOLPHE JEAN DAGNAN-BOUVERET . Pars Born in Paris. Pupil of J. L. Géréme. Medals, 1878, 1880. Medal of Honor, 1889. Grand Prix, Universal Exposition, 1889. Legion of d Honor, 1885. No. 47 (hae ale edge fe < In an Orange Garden Height, 893 inches ; width, 29} inches . oe eS (Special Commission to the 7 Me “7. ae JEAN LOUIS HAMON , : : ; ‘ Deceased Born at St. Loup, in the Cétes du Nord, France, 1821. Pupil of Paul Delaroche and Gleyre. Medals, 1851, 1858, 1855, 1867. Legion of Honor, 1855. Died, 1874. : No. 48 J LO °* * Discipline ” Height, 423 inches; width, 41 inches GEORGE INNKESS, N. A. : ; : : Montclair, N. J. Born at Newburgh, N. Y., 1825. Had slight instruction in paint- ing from Regis Gignoux, but otherwise self-educated. Became a steel engraver, travelled and studied abroad. Elected National e Academician, 1868. Exhibitor at the Salon and other foreign exhibi- tions. No. 49 a pee ‘Berkshire Hills” Height, 47 inches ; length, 72 inches ‘ No. 50 / IY aoe Nae : x a “Tast of the Mohicans” Height, 26 inches ; length, 36 inches OIL PAINTINGS 1 i WILHELM AUGUST LEU ; : : : : - Eerlin Born at Miinster, 1818. Pupilof Schirmer, at the Dtisseldorf Aca- demy. Medals, in Berlin and Munich. Belgian Order of Leopold. Member of Berlin, Vienna, Amsterdam and Brussel’s Academies, and Royal Professor of the Fine Arts. No. 51 “View of Capri’ Height, 35 inches ; length, 49: inches EMILE JACQUES LAFON epee Te Deceased Born at Perigneux, in the Dordogne, 1817. Pupil of Gros and Delaroche. Medal, 1848. Legion of Honor, 1859. Died in Paris 1886. No. 52 “Sister of Charity and Orphans ”’ Height, 52 inches ; width, 38} inches FRANGOIS LOUIS FRANCAIS : ‘ : : : Paris Born at Plombiéres, in the Vosges, 1814. Pupil of Gignoux and Corot. Medals, 1841, 1848, 1855, 1867. Medal of Honor, 1878. Legion of Honor, 1858. Officer, 1867. Grand Medal of Honor, Salon 1892. No. 538 “Landscape; Ruins of Pompeii” Height, 38 inches ; length, 52 inches (From A. T. Stewart Collection) No. 54 Landscape; ‘“‘Bas Meudon” Height, 17 inches ; length, 26 inches (Direct Commission to the Artist) Ses oc Atta 18 FIRST NIGHT’S SALE ACHILLE VERTUNNI : a Sees ‘ ; : : Rome Born at Naples. Pupil of Fergola. Medals, Vienna, 1873; Phila- delphia, 1876. Legion of Honor, 1878. ) No. 55 OE ae “The Roman Campagna” Height, 293 inches ; length, 604 inches ANDRE CHARLES VOILLEMOT At oe aoe Paris Born in Paris, 1822. Pupil of Drdlling. Medal, 1870. Legion of Honor, 1870. No. 56 “Venus and Cupid” be Height, 394 inches ; width, 23 inches LUC OLIVIER MERSON : ; ; : é . Paris © Born in Paris, 1846. Pupil of Chassevent and Pils. Grand Prix de Rome, 1869. Medals, 1869, 1873. Legion of Honor, 1882. No. 57 ee “Le Repos en Egypte” Height, 24 inches ; length, 44 inches (From the Salon of 1879) ALEXANDRE CABANEL . : z 2 : : Deceased Born at Montpellier, 1823. Pupil of Picot. Grand Prix de Rome, 1845. Medals, 1852, 1855. Medals of Honor, 1865, 1867, 1878. Mem- ber of the Institute, 1868. Professor at Ecole des Beaux Arts, Legion of Honor, 1855 ; Officer, 1864; Commander, 1884. Died in Paris, 1891. ioe bey No. 58 “Eve After the Expulsion” Height, 30 inches ; length, 88 inches (From the H. L. Dousman Collection) OIL PAINTINGS 19 LOUIS AUGUSTE ULYSSE BUTIN . 7 : . Deceased Born at St. Quentin, Department of Aisne, 1835. Pupil of Picot and Pils. Medals, Paris, 1875, 1878. Legion of Honor 1881. Died in Paris, 1883. No. 59 ‘“Fishing for Eels” Height, 33 inches ; length, 524 inches mimewCRRTRAND! . «,- . \°.° ~°S .”. Deceesed Born at Lyons, 1825. Pupil of Périn and Orsel. Studied in Rome. Medals, 1861, 1863, 1878. Legion of Honor, 1863. No. 60 “Death of Virginia ”’ Height, 34 inches ; length, 73 inches (Replica of picture in the Salon of 1869, and now in the Luxumbourg) AUGUSTE PAUL CHARLES ANASTASI ; - Deceased Born in Paris, 1820. Pupil of Delaroche and Corot. Medals, Paris 1848, 1865. Legion of Honor, 1868. He died in a blindness of some years duration. No. 61 “Sunset at Dordrecht, Holland” Height, 273 inches ; length, 48 inches XAVIER DE COCK ; ; : : : ; ; Brussels Born at Ghent. Medal, Paris, 1857. No. 62 “Forest Interior, with Deer” Height, 35 inches ; length, 55 inches LOG co Joa Jl Gi 20 FIRST NIGHT’S SALE FRANZ CHARLET : ; ‘ : : < : Brussels Born at Brussels. Pupil of J. L. Géréme, Jules Lefebvre and Portaels, Paris. Medals, Paris, 1855, Ghent and Antwerp. % No. 63 ue Oe ‘The Parrot Charmer” Height, 57 inches ; width, 36 inches EMANUEL LEUTZE . «©... (9.339 3 eee Born at Gmiind, Wurtemburg, 1816. Brought to America as a child. Studied under John A. Smith in Philadelphia and Lessing in Diisselldorf. Elected National Academician 1860. Died in Washing- ton, where he was employed in decorating the Capitol, 1868. No. 64 ae, Lafayette in Prison, Bidding Adieu to His Daughters ”’ Height, 48 inches ; length, 61 inches CHARLES LANDELLE : ; ; : : ‘ ; Paris Born at Lavale, France. Pupil of Paul Delaroche and Ary Schef- fer. Medals, 1842, 1845, 1848, 1855, and Centennial Exposition, Phil- adelphia, 1876. Legion of Honor, 1855. No. 65 Girne “Spiritual Consolation” Height, 52inches ; width, 32} inches GUSTAVE PAUL DORE . |. (= sssyeeeneers Born at Strasburg, 1833. Original name Dorer, which he Gallicised. Self-tanght. Won his first fame as a designer. Traveled in Spain, England and Scotland. Also practised sculpture with success. Le- gion of Honor, 1861. Officer, 1867. Medal of Honor, Universal Ex- position, 1867, Died in 1888. No. 66 | ad a ‘“Spanish Gypsy” Height, 73 inches ; width, 43 inches OIL PAINTINGS 21 "No? Gy “The Spate in Aberdeenshire ” Height, 48 inches ; length, 73 inches No. 68 Sf OE ae paiebarn in the Hichlands” WASHINGTON ALLSTON : ° ; : ; Deceased Born at Waccamaw, 8. C., 1779. Pupil of Malbone; graduate of Harvard College; student at Royal Academy School, London, Paris and Rome. Prize winner at Royal Academy and British Institution, London. Associate of Royal Academy, London. Died, Cambridge- port, Mass., 1848. No. 69 “Portraits of Mrs. Siddons ”’ Height, 10 inches; width, 8 inches ee, ee No. 70 “Portrait of Himself, as a Boy” 11 nae Height, 171 inches ; width, 14inches JAN WYNANTS : : : : . : ; Deceased Born in Haarlem, about 1615. Died after 1679. Novegt “Tandscape—A Stormy Day’”’ / oD Height, 15 inches ; length, 19 inches. JACOB VAN RUYSDAEL . 4 : ; Deceased Born in Haarlem about 1625. Son and pupil of Isaac Van Ruysdael, and of his uncle, Solomon Van Ruysdael. Died in great poverty, 1682. No. 72 “Landscape and Figures”’ Wh Height, 14 inches ; length, 21 inches 22 FIRST NIGHT’S SALE JEAN BAPTISTE SIMEON CHARDIN . ‘ , Deceased Born in Paris, 1699. Pupil of Cazes and Noél Caypel. Member of the Academy, 1728. Treasurer, 1755. Died in Paris, 1779. No. %3 “The Portrait ” Height, 12} inches ; length, 16 inches aD Wes CORNELIS VAN PORKLEMBURG , ‘ ; ‘ Deceased Born at Utrecht, 1586. Pupil of Abraham Bloemaert, and studied in Rome. Master of the Guild at Utrecht, 1664. Died, 1667. No. 74 SRC ‘Ideal Head. Ecstasy” Height, 19 inches ; width, 15 inches F2sf2 No. 75 “Diana Surprised ”’ Height, 12 inches ; length, 143 inches ALEXANDER NASMYTH . : 4 ‘ 5 : Deceased Born at Edinburgh, 1758. Died, 1840. -No. 76 PO co “‘View on the Rhine” Height, 18 inches ; length, 24 inches JOHN RATHBONE F : " ; ‘ ; j Deceased Born in London, 1750. Died, 1807. £6 No. 77 oO ‘e o “English Landscape ” Height, 17 inches ; length, 24 inches OIL PAINTINGS 23 No. 78 “English Landscape ”’ Height, 17 inches ; length, 24, inches EK. VERON . : : ‘ ‘ : ‘ : , Paris Born in Paris. Honorable mention at Salon. No. 79 Landscape. ‘“‘On the Seine”’ Height, 13 inches ; length, 22} inches FERDINAND BOL ‘ ; ‘ ; : , ; Deceased Born at Dordrecht, 1611. Principal pupil and most successful imi- tator of Rembrandt. Had his studio in Amsterdam, where he died in 1680. No. 80 “Portrait of an Old Gentleman” Height, 21} inches ; width, 18 inches. DIEGO RODRIGUES DE SILVA Y VELASQUEZ Deceased Born in Seville, 1599. Pupil of the elder Herrera and of Fran- cisco Pacheco. Also studied in Italy. Became Court Painter to the King of Spain and one of the officers of his household. Died in Madrid, 1660. No. 81 “Portrait of a Man” Height, 33 inches ; width, 25 inches REMBRANDT VAN RYN ; ; , ' . . Deceased Born in Leyden, 1607. Pupil of Jacob Isaacz Van Swanenbuich and Pieter Lastman. Settled in Amsterdam in 1680, and died there in 1669. No. 82 “Head of a Woman” Height, 18 inches ; width, 14} inches Oe 0 js Bete 60 24 FIRST NIGHT’S SALE DANTE GABRIEL ROSSETTI - : : . Deceased Born in London, 1828. Student at the Royal Academy, and pupil of Ford Madox Brown. Died near Margate, 1882. No. &3 “The Decameron—Fifth Day” THOMAS SULLY : ‘ ‘ : : : r Deceased Born at Horncastle, England, 1783. Brought to America by his parents who were actors. Became a miniature painter at Richmond and Norfolk, Va., and in 1806 came north and settled in Philadelphia. Studied a few months under Benjamin West in London, and died in Philadelphia, 1872. No. 84 Cee “Portrait of a Gentleman” ID Ed Height, 19} inches ; width, 14 inches M. J. KLOUDERHUYS . z : ; ‘ : . Deceased No. 85 ‘Sir Robert Peel and His Dog” Height, 32 inches ; width, 21 inches SIR PETER LELY : , ‘ : ; ; ; Deceased Born at Soest, 1617. Real name Peter van der Faes. Pupil at Haarlem of Pieter de Grebber. Went to England with William of Orange ; was made Court Painter and knighted by Charles II. Died in London, 1680. No. 87 ee “Court Beauty. Time of Charlesei1, Height, 38 inches ; width, 293 inches OIL PAINTINGS 25 JOHN LINNELL SR. A . : ‘ Deceased Born in London, 1792. Pupil of Benjamin West, John Varley, and Royal Academy. Also engraver in line and mezzotiut. Died, 1882. No. 88 “Harvest Time” Height, 28} inches ; length, 39} inches (From the Henry Probasco Collection.) JACQUES LOUIS DAVID . : ; ; } Deceased ‘Born in Paris, 1748. Pupil of Vien, and founder of the French classical school of painting. Won Second Prix de Rome, 1771. First Prix, 1774. Associate of French Academy, 178u; full Member, 1783. Took active part in the French Revolution, was imprisoned and nar- rowly escaped the guillotine. Was Court Painter to Napoleon I. Officer and Commander of the Legion of Honor, and, exiled after the restoration of the Bourbons. Died in Brussels, 1825. No. 89 “Venus and Vulcan” Height, 57 inches ; length, 76 inches BARON GUSTAVE OLAF CEDESTROM : ; : Paris Born in Stockholm, Sweden, 1845. Pupil there of Malmstrém and Winge, of Fogerlin in Diisseldoif ; and Bonnat and Meissonier in Paris. Painted in Rome and Florence. Member of Stockholm Aca- demy. Medal, Paris, 1878. No. 90 “Dark Moments” Height, 51 inches ; length, 59 inches Joh GO 20 26 FIRST NIGHT’S SALE WILLIAM MERRITT CHASE, N. A. . : é New York Born at Franklin, Ind., 1849. Pupil of B. F. Hayes of Indianapolis, J. D, Eaton and National Academy of Design, New York ; Piloty and Wager, Munich. President Society of American Artists. Member of National Academy, 1890, ASO 20 No. 91 ‘*Carmencita ” Height, 70 inches ; width, 40 inches (Direct Commission to the Artist) ADOLPHE JOURDAN : ‘ , ; : : Deceased Born at Nismes, 1825. Pupil of Jalabert in Paris. Medals, 1864, 1866, 1869. No. 92 le “Teda and the Swan” Height, 67 inches ; width, 453 inches (The Picture by which he won his first Medal, Salon, 1864) JOSEPH MELIN J ee Deceased Born in Paris, 1814. Pupil of Delaroche and David d’Angers, Medals, 1813, 1845, 1855, 1858. No. 93 FG 0 fo “Boar Hounds at Full Cry” Height, 69 inches ; length, 1274 inches (From the Salon of 1876) i es Sec OND NIGHT’S SALE, Thursday, April 19, AT THE AMERICAN ART GALLERIES. BEGINNING PROMPTLY AT 8 O’CLOCK. WATER COLORS BIRKET FOSTER Jo Pah rs TED Caer London Born at North Shields, England, 1825. Began as a draughtsman on wood under E. Landells, the engraver. He then took up water color painting, and later painting in oils. Member of the Water Color Society since 1861. No. 94 “The Hayfield” oe oe "9 Go (Special Commission to the Artist) No. 95 J 2D se “The Primrose Gatherers”’ (Special Commission to the Artist) No. 96 {OO %0 “Homeward Bound” (Special Commission to the Artist) 28 SECOND NIGHT’S SALE THOMAS MILES RICHARDSON : : : 4 Deceased Born at Newcastle-on-Tyne, 1784. Resided there all his life. Was a cabinet maker’s apprentice and taught himself todraw. Member of the New Water Color Society. Died, 1848. No. 97 Co ce Co “Deer Stalking in the Highlands” LOUIS EUGENE LAMBERT .., eee et Born in Paris, 1825. Pupil of Delacroix. Medals, 1865, 1866, 1870, 1878. Legion of Honor, 1874. No. 98 S fed 322 “ Anticipation ” VICTOR FLORENCE POLLET . . . . . Deceased Born in Paris, 1811. Pupil of Delaroche and Richomme. Grand Prix de Rome 1838. Medals, 1845, 1849, 1855. Legion of Honor, 1855. Died in Paris, 1882. No. 99 JOO 6 ‘‘Omphale Victorious ” : (From the Salon of 1879.) JOSE CASADO DEL ALISAL .. _ . Deceased Born in Valencia, Spain. Pupil of Madrid Academy. Prize of Rome, 1860, three first-class medals ; Court Painter ; Director of the Spanish Academy at Rome ; Knight of the Order of Isabella of Spain. No. 100 ALO 2° ‘“Zaida, la Favorite” MAURICE LELOIR ., ° : ; : : ; : Paris Born in Paris, 1853. Pupil of his father and his elder brother, Louis Leloir. Medal, 1878. No. 101 of ie “Ta Lecture” WATER COLORS No. 102 Pataties Opera: * No, 103 “The Fair Florist” No. 104 “Pop Goes the Cork” No. 105 ‘Selecting the Slippers” No. 106 “The Fair Laundress” No. 107 “En Campagne—Rosa B”’ No. 108 “In the Library” No. 109 “The Pretty Sewing Girl” No. 110 “The Fair Violinist ” No. 111 “The Bird’s Nest” UA. PS 2° 30 SECOND NIGHT'S SALE - Dae Ae | No. 112 “ Winter ”’ No. 113 LF Aire a ‘SAt the Tryste No. 114 J7 VO oMy Pretty Bird” No. 115 Oe “‘ Ninette ” e No. 116 eer “Marie ”’ No. 117 Zo ..) [gee For biography, see No. 66. No. 180 ile, : “The Transfiguration ” (Black and White Drawing) WATER COLORS 33 HENDRIK WILLIAM MESDAG . ‘ : ; The Hague Born at Gréningen, 1831. Pupil of Alma Tadema. Medals, Paris, 1870, 1878. | No. 131 Hn ee 2 “Marine, a Gray Day, Holland” Jos, 4, KEVIER : 3 ; : 5 ; - Amsterdam Born at Amsterdam. The first of the younger Dutch aquarellists to attract attention in the United States. No. 182 “Preparing the Morning Coffee” oe THOMAS SIDNEY COOPER, R. A. : ; ; Deceased Born at Canterbury, 1803. Taught himself to draw, became a scene painter, and then painted easel pictures and water-colors. Studied for a time at the Royal Academy, and for a short while under Ver- boeckhoven. Elected Royal Academician, 1867. No. 153 ese “Cattle and Landscape; Calm Day” ae | No, 184 “ Cattle and Landscape, Windy Day” whe 20 GEORGE LUCAS : : ; ; : : : London Born in London, Painteralso in oils. Exhibitor at Royal Acad- emy. No. 135 “Tandscape at Harvest” 34 SECOND NIGHT'S SALE RICHARD BRINSLEY TICKELL. : ‘ - . Deceased A nephew of Richard Brinsley Sheridan. Captain in the Royal Navy under Nelson. Accomplished as an amateur in water-colors. These seven pictures represent vessels jin Nelson’s fleet, and were painted by Captain Tickell, to be presented to his uncle, from whose family they come. No. 136 Fo 2 “Battle off Cape St. Vincent ” No, 137 “H, M. S. Phoebe” oo ek No. 138 ‘HH. M. S. Monarch off Yarmouth ” IAT No. 139 nila ae, ‘“H, M. S. Monarch” No. 140 ele SO “TT, M. S. Phoebe off Sheerness ” No. 141 -2/-e°« tT M.S, Phoebe in the Bay of Naples” No. 142 oZ Soe “ Marine” GEORGE CATTERMOLE .. 9. 4 0 ye eeeeeee Born at Dickleborough, England, 1800. Member of Water Color Society, Royal Academy, Amsterdam, and Belgian Society of Water Color Painters. He and Landseer took the only two First Class Medals awarded to British artists in Paris, 1855. Died in London, 1868. 2 ve No. 143 i ‘“The Red Mask” Gel Ved we: WATER COLORS DANTE GABRIEL ROSSETTI For biography see No. 82. No. 144 30 Deceased Re Be a8: “Mignon Looking to Heaven” ANNA MARIA FITZ-JAMES Deceased Born at Bath, England. Pupil of Valentine Bartholomew, the flower painter, and of William Hunt. Member of tle Society of Female Artists, London. No. 145 AD ee “Fruit. Apricots” No. 146 “Fruit. Grapes and Plums” AP GFE DAVID COX . Deceased Born at Birmingham, England, 1783. Began as a scene painter. Member Royal Society of Painters in Water Colors. Died near Birm- ingham, 1859. No. 146a A Ao ae ‘“‘Landscape. Near Bettws-y-coed, Wales” (From A. Forth & Sons, London.) No. 147 “Landscape” LOUIS EUGENE LAURI ee ES Deceased Born in Paris, 1800. Pupil of Gros and Horace Vernet. Medals, 1865, etc. Legion of Honor, 1837. Officer, 1862. No. 148 “Strolling Players ’”’ Hod SO 36 SECOND NIGHT’S SALE ANTON MAUVE ‘ : 4 ; : . é Deceased Born in Zaandam, Holland. Pupil of Van Os, Medals at Amster- dam, Antwerp, Brussels, The Hague, Paris, ete, Died at The Hague, 1889. No. 149 API ee “Landscape and Calves” RICHARD WESTALL, R.A... -. ee Born at Hertford, England, 1765. Apprenticed to a silver engraver. Studied in the Royal Academy schools, elected Associate, 1792, and full Member, 1794. Speculated in old masters, fell into difficulties, and j died a poor pensioner of the Royal Academy in 1836. No. 150 Gee “Grief” No. 151 VA TE es) “ Kneeling Woman” (Black and White Drawing) SAMUEL PROUT : : : ‘ : ; : Deceased Born at Plymouth, 1788. Taught himself drawing and water color painting. Member of the Water Color Society. Died in 1852, the © greatest architectural painter England had produced. No. 152 /O eo “ Architectural Drawing” HERMAN FREDRIK KARL TEN KATE : . The Hague Born at The Hague, 1822. Pupil of Cornelis Kruseman in Amster- dam, and studied in Paris. Medals at The Hague and Antwerp. Honorary Member of the Rotterdam Academy, 1856, No. 1538 “Tnterior of a Guard Room” are Jatt newt Sore le aes WATER COLORS ys No. 154 ve “ A Cottage Interior” JO EVARISTE VITAL LUMINAIS . 5 : : . Deceased Born at Nantes, 1822. Pupii of Léon Cogniet and Truyon. Medals, Paris, 1852, 1855, 1857, 1861. Legion of Honor, 1869. No. 155 metuncing Dogs.” VICTOR CAMOIS ; ; ‘ : : : Marseilles Born at Marseilles. Pupil of local academy. No. 156 “Landscape ” GEORGE CROUCH : : ‘ : : : London Born in London. Nos. 157-159 “Three English Landscapes” eee anim DELATTRE -- 6 eo ee Deceased Born in Paris, 1746. Died about 1838. No. 160 “Portrait of a Cavalier ” FIRMAN GIRARD : : : ; : : : ; Paris No. 161 “Old Roman Ruins” 72.02 38 SECOND NIGHT’S SALE PIO JORIS : : : : ; : : : ‘ Rome Born in Spain. Pupil of Madrid Academy and Spanish Acadeniy, Rome. Chevalier of the Royal Order of Merit of St. Michael of Bavaria, 1880. Chevalier of the Order of the Crown of Italy, 1875. Gold medal, Munich, 1869. Medals in Italy, ete. President Roman Water Color Society. Honorary Member Belgian Water Color Society. No. 162 jt EI i ae “Waiting ” LSE ep No. 163 “A Japanese Lady” FRANCIS WILLIAM TOPHAM ‘ . See Deceased Born at Leeds, England, 1808. Began as an engraver. Removed to London in 1829. Became Member of the Water Color Society, 1848. No. 164 eee “Woman and Children” WILLIAM H. BARTLETT ‘ ; : : ; : London Born in London, 1809. Famous as a draughtsman and painter of landscape scenes. No. 165 of *6 ‘“‘Tandscape, Prior Park” WILLIAM BLAKE F : : E : i e Deceased Born in London, 1757. Studied drawing and engraving, and made a specialty of publ’shing his own designs. Their eccentric manner and powerful conception won him wide renown, and they have grown in esteem since his Geath, which occurred in London in 1827. No. 166 Tae 2° “The Marriage of Heaven and Hell” (Series of six drawings) WATER COLORS 39 No. 167 Se Gnie “The Bold, Bad Man” No. 168 ; a (sie) “ Dante’s Release from Sin’ No. 169 Taber oeay Serpent 7 aha CHARLES BARGUE . : : : : ‘ . Deceased Born in Paris. Began asa lithographer, and studied painting under Gérdme. Neversent any pictures to the Salon, but received medals there for lithography in 1867 and 1868. A man of genuine genius and great technical gifts ; he lived such an irregular and dissolute life, that his finished pictures are very few, and correspondingly costly. Died in a public hospital in Paris, 1883. No. 170 a ae “Landscape Study” No. 171 Lr oe “The Butcher’s Shop” No. 172 athe ses, “Tandscape. Storm Effect” / No. 178 “The Bashi Bazouk” No. 174 ‘“Tandscape with Trees” No. 175 “Playing Wagon ” ee ee 40 SECOND NIGHT’S SALE = No. 176 etre “Tandscape and Cottage” ime SD No. 177 “Diana Surprised by Actaeon” GUISEPPE SIMONI . : : - 2 : : '. Rome Born in Rome. Medals at Rome, Naples, Florence, Turin. Ce No. 178 “The Duchess” BE. VITELLL . 2. a No. 179 7: fe 73 : cB) Design for a Fan PIETRO VAINI =. 6 ove =) ~ Born in Rome 1847. Pupil of Fortuny. Died, 1872. No. 180 VOmss “The Pet Parrot ” DORA WHEELER é ; : : , é ; New York No. 181 nie “Venus on Dolphin—A Fantasy” WILLIAM ANDERSON COFFIN : : 5 ; New York Born at Allegheny City, Pa., 1855. Pupil of Bonnat. Member of Society of American Artists. No. 182 Joe SO “ Sketching ” ao WATER COLORS 41 JAMES CARROLL BECKWITH : : : : New York Born at Hannibal, Mo., 1852. Pupil of Carolus Duran. Member of Society of American Artists. No. 188 ; IIS 6 “ Reverie ” WILLIAM THOMAS SMEDLEY : ; : 4 New York Born at West Chester, Pa. Member of Society of American Artists. No. 184 SS irede Out B60 Ps HENRY BACON , : ; ; ; : F : Paris Born at Haverhill, Mass., 1839. Pupil of the Paris Heole des Beaux Arts ; of Cabanel and Edouard Frere. No. 185 2 “Who Loves Me Follows Me” ea HABLOT KNIGHT BROWNE . ; : : ; Deceased Widely known by the pseudonym of ‘’ Phiz” as a caricaturist and illustrator, especially of the works of Charles Dickens. Born in Lon- don about 1812. Became really famous about 1839, when, upon the suicide of Seymour, he took up the illustration of ‘‘The Pickwick Papers.” Died in 1882. No, 186 “Sympathy ” iets Go Peas ONL, : : ; ; : . : : ; Rome No. 187 “ The -Promenade ” 42 SECOND NIGHT’S ALE EUGENIO LUCAS ‘ ‘ : ; : : Deceased Born in Madrid, Pupil of Goza, and Court Painter to Queen Isa- bella Il. Several medals and decorations. Died, 1866. wo ee No. 188 “The Drowsy Duenna ” HENRY MEADOWS . No. 190 Af oe | “The White Lady ” JOHANN GOTTLIEB HACKERT 5 : : Deceased Born in Germany, 1744 Died in 1778. No. 191 Ge eo ‘“ Landscape” F, SUTER . No. 192 Lae ae “The Belle of Thuro” F; FERNANDEZ GIMINEZ ‘ ‘ : “ % : Paris Born in Spain. Studied in Italy and Paris. No. 193 te Go “Tady and Bird’s Nest” WATER COLORS 43 EVERT VAN MUYDEN . ‘ : ; A : aL ars Born in Switzerland. Studied in Paris and Holland. Has won the reputation by his paintings and etchings of savage animal life. “Crouching Tiger” A. MAGGLIONE No. 193 oF. oo “‘ Landscape ” Vy Ati on f e8 SINGUA ; : : i ; : * ; : : Japan A native artist. No. 196 A OCUELLE: Jok eo No. 197 “Ideal Head” ie” No. 198 “Opium Smoker” of ofa No. 199 “Literary Mandarin in His Study” / (oe y eA OYE FS. Go THIRD NIGHT’S SALE. Friday April 20th. AT THE AMERICAN ART GALLERIES, BEGINNING PROMPTLY AT EIGHT o’CLOCK. BLACK AND WHITE DRAWINGS, MINIATURES, ETC. THOMAS STOTHARD : ; : 5 : “ Deceased Born in London, 1755. Originally a designer of silk patterns. Then became an illustrator and painter. Royal Academician, 1794. Librarian of the Royal Academy, 1810. Distinguished as a painter and a designer of illustrations for books. Died in London, 1834. ee ae No. 200 £ 4 4 . e e “Drawings in India Ink” (Two) Ao P02 No. 200a “Miniature Vignets in Grisaille and Color” (Thirty-three) ROBERT SMIRKE : ; : : : ; , Deceased Born at Wigton, England, 1752. Commenced as a heraldic painter, 1766. Studied at Royal Academy, and became a Member, 1793. Famous as a designer of illustrations. Died in London, 1840. No. 201 “ Drawing ” (Black and White) BLACK AND WHITE DRAWINGS, MINIATURES, ETC. 45 No. 202 : Las CO 6 “Prisoner ”’ (Black and White Drawing) SIR THOMAS LAWRENCE, P. R. A. ; ; Deceased Born at Bristol, England, 1769. Began to draw crayon portraits at Bath and Oxford, while yeta boy. Settled in London in 1787, Elected a Royal Academician, 1794; became President in 1820. He was knighted by George IV. in 1815, and died in 18380, No. 208 “Portrait of Elizabeth Ann Tickell”’ OO ae Niece of Richard Brinsley Sheridan (Drawing in Chalk and Water Colors) No. 204 “The Countess” (Black and White Drawing) No. 205 fie “One of the Beautiful Misses Gunning ” (Black and White Drawing) STANI.EY WOOD ; : : : : : ' London Born in London. Widely known as an illustrator. No. 206 7 “The Arabian Nights” (Series of Twelve India-ink Drawings, Illustrating these Stories) 46 THIRD NIGHT’S SALE EDWARD DAYES ; é ? , b : F Deceased Pupil of William Pether. Commenced exhibiting at Royal Academy, 1796. Committed suicide, 1804. No. 207 Lee “King Edward Stabbed” (Black and White Drawing) FRANZ ILTENBACH ; : ; «hess : Deceased Born at Kénigswinter, near Cologne, 1813. Pupil of Hilderbrand- ; and Schadow at Diisseldorf, and studied in Italy and Munich. Medals at Cologne, Berlin, Besangon. Prussian Order of the Crown. Belgium Order of Leopold. Professor, Member of Vienna Academy. Died at Disseldorf, 1879. No. 208 Cras “The Holy Family” Original drawing for his ‘‘Holy Family in Egypt ” in the Berlin National Gallery. (Black and White) EUGEN KLIMSCH : ; : ; : : . Frankfort Born at Frankfort-on-Main. Widely known as a designer. No. 209 Co F “The Olden Time” (Black and White Drawing) No. 210 “A Cavalier ”’ (Black and White Drawing) ae No. 211 ‘“ Scenes from Boccaccio” (Two Black and White Drawings) ee BLACK AND WHITE DRAWINGS, MINIATURES, ETC. 47 FREDERICK VOLTZ : 5 : - ‘ ; ; Munich Born at Nordlingen, 1817. Pupil of Munich Academy. Medals, Berlin, Vienna, Munich, Diisseldorf, and Great Wurtemburg Art Medal. Member of Berlin and Munich Academies, and Royal Bavar- ian Professor. No. 212 “Cattle” (Black and White Drawing) ASHER BROWN DURAND ; 5 : : : Deceased For Biography, see No. 20. “Landscape ’”’ (Black and White Drawings) PAeeGRS EDOUARD DELORT ©... . . . — Paris Born at Nismes, 1814. Pupil of Gleyre and Géréme. Medals, 1875, 1882. No. 214 “Cavaliers in Discussion ’”’ (Black and White Drawing) HARRY CHASH, A.N.A. : : ; ‘ : . Deceased Born in Vermont, 1853. Pupil of National Academy, New York ; of Munich Academy, Soyer in Paris, and Mesday at The Hague. Mem- ber of American Water Color Society. Associate National Academy, 1883. Died, 1889. No. 215 “Marine” (Black and White Drawing) Ye Co cess 48 THIRD NIGHT’S SALE EDWARD JEAN BAPTISTE DETAILLE ‘ : > Paris Born in Paris, 1848. Pupil of Meissonier. Medals, 1869, 1870, 1872. Medal of Honor, 1889. Legion of Honor, 1878. Officer, 1881. # No. 216 ei “The Vidette” (Black and White Drawing) DOUGLAS VOLK ME Born at Pittsfield, Mass, 1856. Pupil of Gé1éme and Paris Ecole des Beaux Arts. Member of the Society of American Artists. No. 217 be % “Rip’s Daughter” (Black and White Drawing) ALEXIS JOSEPH MAZEROLLE : : : : : Paris Born in Paris, 1826. Popil of Dupuis and Gleyre. Medals, 1857, 1859, 1861. Legion of Honor, 1870. Officer, 1879. No. 218 of aes ‘Ta Source” (Black and White Drawing) No. 219 ok on ‘‘Ta Charmeuse” : (Black and White Drawing) ANGELICA KAUFFMANN, B.A. 22 Born at Coire, Switzerland, 1741. Pupil of her father, and studied in Italy. Settled in England, 1766. Became one of the original members of the Royal Academy, 1769. Died in Rome, 1807. No. 220 ae RE Ne “Head of Minerva”’ (Black and White Drawing) - BLACK AND WHITE DRAWINGS, MINIATURES, ETC. 49 ‘CIRRO FERRI : : : : : ; ‘ ; Deceased Born in Rome, 1634. Died, 1689. No, 221 S a Se oteececelia — (Black and White Drawing) GABRIEL MAX ; : : - : : : : Munich Born in Prague, 1840. Pupil of Engerth at Prague Academy ; Blass at Vienna, and Piloty at Munich. Gold medals in Berlin, Munich, etc. Honorary member of Munich Academy and Professor. No. 222 ° ) 44 e Ce “Faust and Marguerite” 7 (Black and White Drawing) MAURICE LA NATUR. ok stig a Se a eke a, Paris Born at Poitiers. Pupil of Géréme. One of the most promising of modern French designers. . No. 223 = ‘Before the Ball”’ Wes, (Black and White Drawing) : No, 224 ‘After the Ball” vs ; eee, (Black and White Duawing) No, 225 ne sopons s (Black and White Drawing) 50 THIRD NIGHT’S SALE JEAN HONORE. FRAGONARD. . , . . ~~ Deceased Born at Grasse, in Provence, 1732. Pupil of Chardin and Boucher. Grand Prix de Rome, 1752. Member of the Academy, 1765. Died in Paris, 1806. vel 5 Go nce “The Princess de Lamballe” From the Collection of King Ludwig of Bavaria. (Miniature on Ivory) BARON FRANQGOIS PASCAL GERARD ~ . , Deceased Born in Rome, 1770. Pupil of Pajon, the sculptor; Brenet and David. Second Prix de Rome, 1789. Portrait painter to Napoleon I., Louis XVIII., Charles X., and Louis Philippe. Member of the Institute, 1812. Legion of Honor, Order of St. Michael, and created Baron, 1817. Died in Paris, 18387. ae No. 227 “Mile. Mars (the Actress) ” (Miniature on Ivory) L. MARGANT ‘ : ‘ . ; . : ‘ Deceased Worked in London. No. 228 “Countess of Lancaster and Child” (Miniature on Ivory) No. 229 rae “The Holy Family” Illumination on Parchment, from an Old Missal. No. 230 f 7 “Preaching” Illumination on Parchment, from an Old Missal. BLACK AND WHITE DRAWINGS, MINIATURES, ETC, dl No. 281 “ Automedon and the Horses of Ulysses” Etched by G. Mercier, from the painting by Henri Regnauit in the Boston Art Museum. (Remarque, artist-proofs. Six copies) No. 232 2d ef cree tae rinedu. Pravail” Etched by G. Mercier, after the painting by Jules Breton, (Remarque artist-proofs, one of 25 signed by the artist) por oie GEORGE CRUIKSHANK . : : : : . Deceased Born in London, 1792. Picked up drawing from watching his father, who was a caricaturist. Became enormously popular as a designer of caricatures and illustrations. Painted also in water colors and oil. Died in London, 1878. “Guy Fawkes” pee Ge (Four designs to illustrate Harrison Ainsworth’s romance) FRANCESCO BARTOLOZZI, R.A. : : ; ; Deceased Born in Florence, 1728. Learned engraving and painting at Venice and Rome. Settled in London under the patronage of George III., and became one of the founders of the Royal Academy. Went to Lisbon in 1805 to take charge of the School of Engraving. Died there 1818. No. 284 “At the Cross” ee i Vee Coe for A5f 22° Ch ua 52 THIRD NIGHT’S SALE PENCIL SKETCHES AND STUDIES. After the death of Bargue the meagre property he left was sold by auction at the Hotel Drouot to pey his debts. It consisted almost entirely of studies, sketches from nature, and sketches for pictures. As far as finished pictures were concerned, it was his practice to con- sume the price of each one before he finished, and often before he even commenced another. But these sketches and studies, many of an exquisite delicacy in line and execution, are of the greatest interest and value in the insight they give into the artist’s methods. They were purchased by the late Mr. Coale at the sale, and all bear the Government stamp. FRAMED SKETCHES. ° re | No. 235 “A Bashi Bazouk ” ea. No. 236 “Female Head” O/ ~%e No. 237 “Egyptian Dancing Girl” No. 2388 “ Dieppe Fishermen ” (In pen and ink washed with water color, 1839) No. 239 “An Almee” “ Coquetry ” PENCIL SKETCHES AND STUDIES No. 241 ‘““A Normandy Country Fair” No. 242 ‘“‘ Fisher Boys” (Pen sketches. Dieppe, 1889.) No, 248 “Study of a Female Model” No. 244 “Normandy Fishing Boats” (Pen sketch) No. 245 “ Dieppe Fishing Boats at Their Wharf ” No. 246 “A Female Model’’ No. 247 “Nymps at a Pool” (Sketch for a Picture) No. 248 “A Female Model ” No. 249 Na Saree Coftage © ee ee alee if Cea o—2e THIRD NIGHT’S SALE ye ae No. 250 “The Inn Yard” oo eae No. 251 “ Study of a Female Figure” ae. No. 252 “Children Reading” es y No. 258 “In the Studio” (Sketch for a Picture) No. 254 ses te c¢ 4. 77 Portrait (Apparently of Corot, from life) No. 255 ‘A Forrest Interior” No. 256 Oe ree “Portrait of a Child” 2-20 “Egyptian Dancing Girl” 72? No. 258 “Wood Nymphs” PENCIL SKETCHES AND STUDIES No. 259 “Head of a Medieval House” No. 260 “Head of an Old Norman Peasant ” No. 261 ‘ Portrait ” (In charcoal, apparently of himself ) No. 262 “Landscape Sketckes” (4) No. 263 “Female Models” (4) No. 264 ““Tandscape Studies” (2) No. 265 “Sketches of Fishing Boats” (4) No. 266 “Female Models” (4) No. 267 “Eoyptian Figure Sketches” (4) No. 268 “Tandscape Sketches” (4) ate Ze pone es 7e THIRD NIGHT’S SALE No. £69 ‘“Lanscape Sketches” (4) No. 270 “Figure Sketches” (4) No. 271 “Tandscape Studies” (3) No. 272 “Figure Sketches ” (4) No. 278 “Figure Sketches” (4) No. 274 “Figure Sketches. Females” (4) * No. 275 “ Architectural Sketches ” (2) No. 276 ‘“‘ Architectural Sketches ” (2) No. 277 ‘Sketches ” (3) (Fishing Boats, Drapery, and Female Figures, tinted.) No. 278 ‘““Female Models” (2) PENCIL SKETCHES AND STUDIES 57 No. 279 BZ FO “Female Figures” (2) No. 280 Ako 0 “Figure Sketches” (4) No. 281 La “Figures, Female ” (2) No. 282 of ee “Figure Sketches” (2) No. 283 “Figure and Landscape Sketches” (5) ee No. 284 ‘Unframed Sketches ” BERS E These sketches, mounted on cardboard of uniform size, form a veritable Bargue Collection in themselves ; either to be preserved in a portfolio, or for binding or framing. Among them are the com- pleted outlines for some of his most famous pictures, for which he always made such finished drawings on paper before he commenced to work out his ideas in color. They number twenty-six, two being on the front and back of the same sheet of paper, but mounted so as to show both sides. The collection will be sold as one lot. Ae SALE, Monday Afternoon, April 23d, AT THE AMERICAN ART GALLERIES, BEGINNING PROMPTLY AT 2.30 o’CLOCK. JAPANESE AND CHINESE PORCELAINS. po 285 Two Saki Saucers. Kioto porcelain; blue and gold decoration. tas oft Ne, Oe aa fv? 286 Two Kaga Wine Cups. Crimson glaze; decoration in gold. 287 Covered Bowl. Kioto porcelain ; decoration of maple leaves. 288 Two Wine Cups. Old Japanese porcelain; gold lacquer decoration on black ground. 289 Two Saki Bottles. Kaga porcelain ; crimson ground, with decoration in gold blew de Nankin bands. 290 Wine Cup. Kioto porcelain ; finely decorated with cherry tree in blossom, and other subjects. 291 Bowl. Imari porcelain ; crackled texture, rich decoration. 292 Covered Bowl. Imari porcelain; finely decorated with gold and bright colors. 293 WineCup. Kagaporcelain; decorated H6-6 bird, in gold on crimson ground. 294 Covered Tea Cup and Saucer. Fine old Nagasaki porcelain ; egg- shell texture. Blew de Nankin medallion, crimson and gold ground. 295 Imari Bowl. Decorated with flowers and symbols, in bright colors and gold. 296 Pair Saki Bottles. Kaga porcelain ; decoration of figures, flowers, birds, and other objects, in crimson and gold. 297 Wine Cup. Old Kaga; very fine decoration of hawk, pine-tree, and flowers, in crimson and gold; intricate decoration of Japanese poem inside. 298 Wéte-a-Téte Set. Kioto porcelain ; black and gold lacquer decoration. 299 Large Bowl Old Imari porcelain ; decorated with flowers, symbols and other designs, in finely combined colors. 300 Saki Bottle. Kaga porcelain; decorated with figures of Japan’s famous poets, in crimson and gold. 301 Pair Covered Tea Bowls. Kioto porcelain ; floral decoration; finely painted. i. JAPANESE AND CHINESE PORCELAINS 59 4 25s- 802 Bowl. Kioto porcelain; decorated in pale blue ; neat vine design. aan 303 Set of Five Covered Tea Cupsand Saucers, Old Japanese egg- ; shell porcelain ; decorated with figures of warriors, in bright colors. S oo 304 Covered Box. Kioto faience ; cloisonné enamel and painted ornamenta- tion. : 305 Vase. Bottle shape Japanese porcelain ; mottled glaze. vibe g ioe 306 Cup and Saucer. Kioto faience ; floral decoration. 307 Bowl. Awata faience; crackled texture. Crest and vine design in relief, in vo dark blue enamel. 4: 2g~%08 Plate. Old Japanese porcelain ; decorated with bold figure of priest. 2. se 309 Two Bowls. Kaga porcelain; richly decorated in crimson and gold. ae 310 Vase. Ovoid shape, Chinese porcelain ; gray glaze, with bold crackle beneath. Dive 311 Kioto Faience Vase and fea Jar. Cloisonné enamel ornamentation. we 312 Two Saucers. One eggshell porcelain, with willow tree in gold ; the other : Kaga faience, decorated with male and female figures and other designs, in crimson, black and gold. Z.o¢ %13 Small Vase, Awata faience ; exquisitely decorated with floral designs by Taizan. J‘O $314 Tea Jar. Old Kioto faience ; chrysanthemum decoration ; lacquer lid. 4-22 $15 Perfume Jar. Satsuma; finely decorated with floral and other designs. Yo 316 Wine Cup. Evxgshell texture; rose glaze, with decoration in bright colors. (Repaired.) s- 317 Perfume Burner. Kioto faience; dark red glaze, with gold decoration. Pee Wee 318 Miniature Vase. Bottle shape. Satsuma faience ; crackled texture ; deli- cate floral decoration. ae ee $19 Miniature Vase. Gallipot shape. Exquisitely decorated with floral ara- besque, and other designs, by Taizan. 320 Incense Burner. Satsuma; fine crackled texture ; richly decorated floral ve crests and other designs, in crimson, gold and blue; figure of Dog Foo sur- mounting cover. Df 3:21 Small Vase. Gallipot shape. Satsuma faience ; fine crackled texture ; deco- rated with clusters of chrysanthemums. a 322 Nea Jar. Cylindrical shape. Old Satsuma faience ; decorated with branch Ske of flower, implements, and other designs. we aed 323 Cowered Jar. Awata faience; beautifully decorated with flowers and butterflies, by Taizan. 5 $24 Imcense Burner. Square shape. Fine Satsuma faience ; artistic decora- a tion ; bird of paradise, flowers, etc. Per Nas 325 Vase. Bottle shape. Awatafaience ; decorated with Mikado’s crest, in bright A enamels and gold. eae 326 Covered Dish. Old Kioto faience ; decorated with garden scenes and other : designs, in fine colors. ep ute 327 Wea Jar. Kiotofaience; finely lacquered ornamentation. 328 Covered Jar. Kaga porcelain ; richly decorated with chickens, floral, and Ps oh other designs, in crimson and gold. 2.S? Cm. ete as ee 60 MONDAY AFTERNOON’S SALE 329 Rose Back Plate. Chinese eggshell porcelain ; decorated with figure of Chinese lady and children, various ornaments and floral designs. (Slightly cracked.) 330 Vase. Bottle shape. Chinese porcelain ; red glaze. 331 Collection of Japanese Tea Pots, comprising : A. Ten specimens in Banko ware and porcelain ; various shapes and decora- tions. B. Ten specimens in tes, faience and Banko ware. C. Ten specimens in porcelain, faience and Banko ware. D. Five specimens in porcelain ; richly decorated. HF. Seven specimens in Banko ware. F. Eight specimens in pottery and porcelains. G. Five specimens in porcelain and Banko ware ; large size. H. Four specimens. Banko ware ; large size and curious designs. I. Four specimens. Banko ware and porcelain ; large size. J. Five specimens in porcelain ; richly decorated. ce. Five specimens in porcelain ; richly decorated. L. Three specimens ; two porcelain and one bronze ; large size. 332 Collection of Tea Jars, comprising A. Tenspecimens. Japanese pottery ; various shapes and glazes. B. Ten specimens. Satsuma and other faience; various shapes; all deco- rated. C. Ten specimens. Pottery ; various shapes and glazes. PD. Ten specimens. Decorated and undecorated pottery. #E. Ten specimens. Various shapes and glazes. F. Eighteen specimens. Decorated and undecorated faience ; various shapes. 333 Large Vase, Chinese porcelain ; ovoid shape, with flaring neck ; deep red glaze. Height, 16 inches ; diameter, 7 inches. 334 Large Cylindrical Vase. Chinese porcelain; deep red glaze. Height, 243 inches ; diameter, 8 inches. 335 Pair Vases. Ovoidshape. Satsuma faience ; richly decorated with Japanese figures, flowers and other designs, in gold and various colors. Height, 23 inches ; diameter, 9 inches. CHINESE AND JAPANESE ENAMELS. 336 Coupe. Globular shape. Japanese cloisonné enamel ; birds, butterflies, and flowers, on translucent ground. 337 Coupe. Globular shape. Japanese cloisonné enamel ; floral designs in red and white, on turquoise blue ground. 338 Perfume Box. Chinese cloisonné enamel; flying bats, and other designs, on turquoise blue ground ; black medallion. 339 Small Dish. Chinese cloisonné enamel ; birds and blossoms on turquoise blue ground ; Indian red and white porters 340 Plaque. Old Japanese cloisonné enamel; blossom flowers, butterflies ‘ne other designs in various colors. Diameter 12 inches. IVORY CARVINGS, NETSUKES, JADE, ETC. 61 $41 Wase. Cylindrical shape, with handles. Old Japanese enamel (Shippo), Pe mosaic designs, in low-toned colors. Height, 12 inches ; diameter, 4 inches. 342 Pair Vases. Beaker shape. Old Japanese enamel ; floral and other de- signs, in low-toned colors. Height, 15 inches ; diameter, 8 inches. (343 Wase. Ovoid shape, with boldly flaring neck. Old Japanese enamel ; floral Dade & and mosaic design, in fine old colors. Height, 19 inches ; diameter, 10 inches. IVORY CARVINGS, NETSUKES, JADE, ETC. 344 Two Ivory Netsukes, Shento priest and woman pounding rice. Eigh- 4 vee teenth century. 345 Two Ivory Netsukes. House, with figures, and Jurojin, with his deer. 4 tie Eighteenth century. 346 Two Carved Wood Netsukes. A demon hiding beneath a hat, and JF ae atmasked performer. Seventeenth century. x5 347 Ivory Carving. Group of seven excellent carved masks, by Sho-wo. Eighteenth century. 2 20248 EFwo Ivory Carvings. A boy with hatchet, and another with fan. 319 Ivory Netsuke. Group of two lions, splendidly carved ; movable ball in Zee side the mouth. Seventeenth century. 350 Ivory Netsuke. Pairof wild boars. By Masayuki. Signed. Eighteenth (AS century. 2 351 Ivory Netsuke. Amermaid. Eighteenth century. 352 Ewo Ivory Netsukes,. One chrysanthemum design, and the other with ee oe bronze centre, figure of Hotei. path 353 Ivory Carving. Family group of falconers. 354 Ewory Carving. Group of childrenat play. An exquisite carving. 355 Ivory Carving. Family group of ancient warriors. By Ono Katsu-min. / v2 Nineteenth century. 356 Kvory Netsuke. Monkey and wolf at fight. By Nakamura Toshimitsu. AGe Eighteenth century. 357 Ivory Carving. Hotei and children at play. Fine carving. 358 wo Ivory Carvings. Chess players by Hide-chika, and two children Lhe " at play. 359 Ivory Carving. Long armed and legged men. By Tomo-masa. Nine- fee teenth century. 360 Two Ivory Carvings. Anold man setting a trap, by Masa-hiro, and a AD Oe boy acrobat. 361 Ivory Netsuke. Acow. By Tomo-tada and signed. Eighteenth century. A TSe Rare specimen. feo 362 Two Ivory Carvings. One, mouse and eggshell; the other, badger. Zz 363 Ivory Carving. A traveler on horseback and his companions. By Komin. ae Delicate carving. 364 Ivory Carving. Passengers and ferryboat. Fine carving. 62 MONDAY AFTERNOON’S SALE 365 Ivory Carving. Bamboo-shoots digger. 366 Two Netsukes. Group of tortoises made of pottery. By Teiji. Eigh- teenth century. Rare and artistic specimen; and square piece of ivory carved with a figure of wrestler. 367 Miniature Wask. Carved wood, full of spirit and expression. Rare and valuable specimen. Seventeenth century. 368 Ivory Carving. men. Traveling priest and boy. By Muné-yuki. A fine speci- 369 Iyory Carving. A young girl and her companion. 370 Ivory Carving. A fisherman with his carps, basket, tobacco pouch and a carrying pole, : 371 Ivory Carving. King of Hades and demons. sion. Fine example. Carved with much expres- 372 Ivory Carving. A young lady arranging flowers. 373 Ivory Carving. rock Jooking up. Carving full of movement and power. Seal. Nineteenth century. 374 Inro, Ivory and gold lacquer ; three sections. gazing at flying cranes. By Sho-ko-sai. An eagle killing a small bird, two monkeys beneath the By K6-h6-sai. Group of ancient dignitaries Delicately drawn with fine gold lacquers in colors. Nineteenth century. 375 Kvory Fan. Twenty-one sticks of fine ivory, beautifully polished and decor- ated with bunch of peh-ac flowers wrapped in presentation papers, showing front ornamentation as well as back on both sides of the fan, all painted with finest grade of gold powdered lacquers and finished in highest workmanship. Very valuable work. 376 Ivory Cabinet, Twosections with three drawers below, and six small ones with closet and shelf inside the two doors on upper section ; carefully carved and decorated with group of warriors in gold lacquer ; hinges and corners all finished with metals and knobs, and catches are of carved ivory ; on back, an eagle in gold lacquer, painted with much skill; and on both sides rooster, drum, and flying storks, painted also in gold lacquer. Height, 7 inches ; width, 61 inches ; depth, 3 inches. ; 377 Ivory Dragon. Carved and_articulate ivory work; scales, beard, and claws are all joined and made movable. Costly specimen. Length, 32inches. 378 Desk Screen. cal inscription on back by Chinese Professor Bun-cho-mei. inches ; width, 7 inches. Carved teakwood with Jade panels set in centre, and poeti- Height, 10 379 Jade Cup. With side handle and carved teakwood cover, Jade top. Fine specimen. Height, with cover, 3} inches; diameter, 2% inches. 380 Jade Cup. With side handle; bamboo design; carved. Fine quality. Diameter, 4 inches. 381 Jade Vase and Cover. Dragon and lizard carved in high relief ; carved and silver wire inlaid teakwood stand. Total height, 93 inches. 382 Jade Bowl. On carved teakwood stand ; chrysanthemum flowers carved inside and out, and six small flowers filled in with jewels of brilliant red shade. Height, with stand, 4 inches ; diameter, outside measure, 8} inches. JAPANESE METAL-WORK, PIPES, SWORDS, ETC. 63 383 Jade Bowl and Stand. Green shade, carved with bats and plants in centre and flowers outside in high relief. Height, with stand, 5} inches; diameter, 9 inches. sre ,284 Snuff Bottle. Dull white glass, with leaf designs in blue; green stopper. 385 Carved Beads. Consisting of seven balls carved with figures, animals, and IS? fish. 386 Necklace. With set of earrings made of smoke-crystal. Finely cut and Ay ° polished. 387 Lady’s Fan. Ivory sticks and hand-painting on silk; Japanese fishing oo scene by moonlight ; peony flowers in colors ; silk tassels and ivory slide. 388 Lady’s Fan. Wood sticks, with silk tassels ; landscape on one side and 27 War) flowers on back, painted in water-color. By Kuni-hisa. Seal. Nineteenth : century. ‘389 Pipe Case. Carved bamboo, encrusted with corals, gold and ivory ; deco- / thee ration, lions and peonies. By Ikko and signed. JAPANESE METAL-WORK, PIPES, SWORDS, ETC. 390 Jewel Box. Bronze. Ornamented with figures and landscape in Shakudo ae GF con and silver inlay. Oblong shape. 391 Box. Iron, ‘‘Fundo’’ shape. Damascened and inlaid design of fretwork, ae and horse under cherry tree. 392 Portable Inkstand. (Yataté.) Silver, with repoussé work of dragon cP bs inlaid with gold. By Shd-min and signed. 393 Pipe. Silver. With chased design of figures and water-fall. By Yasu-hiro er ee and signed. 394 Pipe. Silver and Shibuichi. Traveling monkey and dog chased, inlaid and ees chiselled in gold, silver and Shakudo. By Ikkin, signed. Ikkin was a pupil ae. of Goto Ichijo. 395 Pipe. Silver. Deeply carved and chased with archaic design. By Sei-jo. Seal. ae Van Eighteenth century. ’ 396 Pipe. Silverand bronze. Snowball and puppies, chased in high relief. By Wa Mitsu-haru. Seal. Eighteenth century. 397 Pipe. Silver and copper. Collection of masks in various metals, encrusted. te By Masa-haru. Seal, Eighteenth century. 398 Pipe. Silver and bronze. Carp and frog. By Masa-haru. Seal. Eighteenth ve century. 399 Pipe. Silver and bronze. Grasshopper and butterfly in gold and Shakudo. Va By Masa-hidé. Seal. Eighteenth century. 400 Pipe. Silver and bronze. Dragon and clouds ; spiritedly chased and engraved 6° SF 401 Pipe. Silver and bronze. Tigers on rocks; deeply engraved and inlaid with ene? gold and Shakudo, ures a2a +s 64 MONDAY AFTERNOON’S SALE 402 KImcense Burmer. Bronze and silver. Dragons in low-relief; lizard handles on sides. The cover has three sacred balls in gold. Height, 6% inches. 403 Pair Vases. Silver and bronze. Ornamented on both sides with birds and flowers profusely inlaid, chased and chiseled in gold and silver, on Shakudo panel. The ground work throughout finished in Nanako style ; has enamel decoration near the rim. Height, 9 inches. 404 Enecense Burner Tripod. Bronze. Geese and herons incrusted and chased on both sides inside the panels ; the other parts decorated with grass design in flat relief ; the cover has open work of cloud design, with three rings on top. Height, 11 inches. 405 Cake Box, Bronze. Drum shape ; morning glories and dragon design, pro- fusely engraved and inlaid with gold, silver, shakudo, and bronze. Signed Inonye of Kioto. Height, 4} inches ; diameters, 5 inches x 4} inches. 406 Wase. Bronze. Hexagonal panels, ornamented with flowers, grass, and other designs ; rings on sides. Signed Isshin-#ai Katsu-mitsu. 407 Punch Bow! and Spoon. Bronze. Shape of lotus leaves, hammered and repoussé work, Height, 103} inches ; diameter (opening), 18 inches. 408 Short Sword. Silver mounting. Scabbard in vermillion lacquer. Length of blade, 11 inches. Seventeenth century. 409 Short Sword. Iron mounting. Lacquered scabbard. Blade, 11 inches. Seventeenth century. Fuchi and Kashira deeply carved with dragon ; guard decorated with warrior and demon ; the Menukes are of gold in design of dragon. 4190 Short Sword. Silver mounting. Lacquered scabbard. Blade, 12} inches. Seventeenth century. Fuchi, Kashira, and Kojiri, are carved with bamboo and plum-tree designs ; has Kodzuka and Kogai. 411 Short Sword. Silver mounting. Black lacquer scabbard. Blade, 124 inches. Sixteenth century. Has Kodzuka and Kogai, with Shakudo handles of Goto School. Tsuka or handle is of shark-skin, with one gold Menuki in design of lion. 412 Short Sword. Blade, 12 inches. Seventeenth century. Scabbard is of shark-skin, polished and lacquered ; iron guard, decorated with bird Phoenix in relief ; has Kodzuka, with bronze handle. 413 Long Sword. Blade, 29} inches. Seventeenth century. Scabbard is of shark-skin, polished and lacquered ; iron guard, engraved with landscape ; has Kogai, with bronze handle. 414 Long Sword. Blade, 25 inches. Seventeenth century. Black lacquer scabbard ; guard is of old iron, with crest design damascened; Fuchi and Kashira are of bronze, with plum-tree design. 415 Long Sword. Blade, 26} inches. Sixteenth century. Mounting is of old iron and bronze work ; scabbard is of leather and cherry-bark, with design of demon fishing up a drum ; guard is of old iron, inlaid with bronze panels ; Menuki is of bronze, showing various toys, 416 Long Sword. Blade, 26 inches. Seventeenth century. Mounting is of silver and bronze ; gold lacquer Nashiji scabbard, decorated with Phoenix birds and cloud in rich gold lacqner. ' Fine old specimen, LACQUERS 65 LACQUERS. 417 Inro. Four sections. Polished lacquer ; Nashiji inside ; landscape in fine II Bis gold lacquer; amber netsuke and cinnabar lacquer slide. Seventeenth century. 418 Inro. Three sections. Red lacquer ; an eagle and rock in gold lacquer ; CK, carved ivory lotus netsuke, Eighteenth century. 419 Inro. Five sections. Black lacquer; peacock and peony in raised gold Se lacquer ; Nashiji :nside. Signed, Kwaritsu-sai. Seventeenth century. 420 Inro, Four sections, Powdered gold lacquer ; six famous poets (Kokkasen) exquisitely drawn in fine gold lacquer. Signed, Kaji-Kawa. Seventeenth Aho ° century. - 421 Inro. Two sections, Black lacquer ; horse, musical instruments, and in scription. Carved and lacquered by celebrated artist, Zéshin, of Tokio‘ far signed. 422 Saki Cups. Set of three. Red lacquer ; tortoise by Matsukawa Giokzausai ; Lae 2 butterflies by Yeijusai ; cranes in raised gold lacquer. 423 Box. Diamond-shaped. Red lacquer ; mother-of-pearl inlay, with cow carved and lacquered on top. Seventeenth century. 424 Box. Small, flat. Wood-grain lacquer ; cherry flowers on cover; flowers ae ga and grass inside, over Nashiji ground. Seventeenth century. 425 Box. Small, flat, with two smaller boxes inside. Chrysanthemum flowers on top, over Nashiji ground. Seventeenth century. 426 Box. Small, oblong. Gold lacquer ; landscape on top in gold lacquer; SrS2 Nashiji inside. 427 Box. Small, Square, Black lacquer ; mother-of-pearl inlaid design of figures ee and inscription on cover. Seventeenth century, 428 Box. Fan-shaped. Gold lacquered ; pine-trees on cover ; Nashiji inside. Le os 429 Box. Small, square. Nashiji lacquer ; Tokugawa crests in gold on cover J Le and sides. Seventeenth century. 430 Box. Small, flat. Gold lacquer ; maple trees in lacquer with color; fine So Nashijiimside. Eighteenth century. 431 Sake Cups. Set of three. Red lacquer ; Fujiyama by Shunzan ; cranes VD by Ko-sensai. = 432 Perfume Box. Double Square form in two sections, with inside tray. Landscape and house in fine gold lacquer, richly ornamented throughout ; ce oo fagot and hatchet on tray in gold lacquer. Height, 2} inches ; width, 44 ; inches ; depth, 31 inches. Eighteenth century. 433 Cake Box. Round and flat. Black lacquer, with partly Nashiji finish, AF coe Inside richly painted with mountains and maple trees in fine powdered gold _ lacquer. Diameter, 54 inches. 434 Jar. Black lacquer; flower design on sides ; sparrows on top in gold bits e Jacquer. Height, 5 inches, ; 5 pve 66 MONDAY AFTERNOON’S SALE 435 Box. Oblong. Black lacquer ; flowers and diaper patterns in gold lacquer and colors; inside slightly with Nashiji finish. Height, 2} inches ; width, 4} inches ; depth, 4 inches. 436 Tray. Square. Cinnabar lacquer ; landscape and figures ; carved and lac. quered. Size, 7} inches square. Seventeenth century. 437 Saki Cups. Set of three. Red lacquer ; Hoshino-tama or sacred bulls painted in powdered gold lacquer. e 438 Box. Small flat. Gold lacquer; sunflower and grasshopper drawn on the cover in fine gold lacquer. Seventeenth century. 439 Jar. Oval. Brown lacquer; bamboo leaves and sparrows painted in colored lacquers. Height, 5 inches. 440 Writing Case. Form of koto (musical instrument). Black lacquer ; dec- oration representing complete setting of strings and cushions pertaining to koto playing; all finished in gold lacquer ; inside throughout Nashiji ; inkstone and old bronze water-holder inside. Eighteenth century. A41 Writing Case. Nashiji lacquer; bird H0-6 and Kiri tree, most richly drawn in fine gold lacquer in relief over the Nashiji ground ; plum-flowers inside the cover and box ; inkstone and silver metal water-holder. Seven- teenth century. 442 Writing Case. Black lacquer; garden-entrance and trees painted in Togidashi style in gold ; on the back, cherry-branches and chrysanthemums in gold; inkstone and metal water-holder. Eighteenth century. 443 Writing Case. Black lacquer ; plum-tree, pines and crest, painted with fine powdered gold lacquer in relief; on the back of cover is drawn peony flowers in gold over the Nashiji ground ; has inkstone. Highteenth century. 444 Portable Smoking Cabinet. Black lacquer; flowers in gold lacquer painted on all sides ; has three small drawers with metal knobs and handle on top ; fire bowl and ash-receiver in bronze set in on top. 445 Portable Smoking Cabinet. Black lacquer; decoration the fifty- three stations of Tokaido from. Yeddo to Kioto, painted in gold ; has metal fire bowl, three drawers and metal handle. AAG Stand. With two drawers. Lacquer ; conventional diaper pattern, in gold ; corners and tops of the pillars are covered with metal. Height, 9 inches ; width, 103 inches ; depth, 7 inches. 447 Priest Prayer Stick (Nio-i), Cinnabar lacquer ; carved design of flowers and symbols; the stand carved and lacquered in diaper pattern. Length, 19} inches. Eighteenth century. 448 Toy Dinner Table. Black lacquer ; red lacquer on top ; crests and grass design painted on sides with gold lacquer. Height, 4} inches ; width, 7 inches. 449 Stand with Three Legs. Black Jacquer ; grass design in gold lacquer. Height, 5 inches; diameter on top, 8 inches. A SP /S® 2.00 {ve ASB ae VO 2” ae UY we Aire VO es /0 2° By ee JF 7? aé a? BRONZES 67 KAKEMONOS. 450 Kakemono. Subject : Buddhist saints or Rakan, painted on silk. Signed Yeisen. Seal. Nineteenth century. A451 Kakemono. Subject: Buddha seated, painted on silk. Signed Yeikai, Seal. Nineteenth century. 452 Kakemono. Subject: Buddhist saints or Rakan, painted on silk. Signed Yeisen. Seal. Nineteenth century. This is companion to No. 166. 453 Kakemono. Subject: Chinese personage, painted in colors on silk. Signed Kwaiki. Highteenth century. 454 Kakemono, Subject: Chinese dignitary and his visitor, painted in colors on silk. Signed Hogen Yeikai. Nineteenth century. 455 Kakemono. Subject: Turojin and poetical inscription on silk. Signed Kaku-wo. Seal. Nineteenth century. OLD SILVER AND OTHER METAL WORK. ae | Silver Spoon. Persian. - Pair Silver Salt Stands. Persian; egg shape. 457 Mustard Pot and Spoon. Persian ; silver. 458 Antique Drinking Cup. Madeof gourd ; silver mountings and mouth- piece. 459 Silver Bowl. Persian; engraved ornamentation. 460 Two Drinking Cups. Persian; silver; engraved ornamentation. 461 Four Wine Cups. Persian ; silver; engraved. 462 Persian Wine Cup. Double bowl; engraved ; silver. 463 Antique Ladle. Russian silver; finely enameled and jeweled orna- mentation. 464 Silver Trophy Cup. /epoussé and relief ornamentation. 465 Legion of Honor Medal. Finely wrought silver and gold enameled ornamentation. 466 Set. Mosaic bracelet, brooch and earrings; mounted in finely wrought Roman gold. BRONZES. 467 Pair Japanese Bronze Toads. 468 Candlestick. Japanese bronze. Stork on tortoise, 469 Vase. With detached handles. MONDAY AFTERNOON’S SALE 1 Incense Burner. Old Japanese bronze. Finely wrought. Signed with 68 Vy . 0 Japanese Silver Bronze. Incised and inlaid with various metals Height, 8 inches. 47 7 -SO Foe seal. 47:2 Antique Vase. Japanese bronze. Beaker shape, with dragon handles ; relief ornamentation ; fine brown patine. Seal of maker, Height, 6 inches. 473 Candlestick Vase. Old Japanese bronze. Finely wrought. Seal of maker in relief. Height, 12 inches. 474 Incense Burner, Dog Foo and ball. Japanese bronze. Height, 9 inches; length, 11 inches. 475 Vase. Cylindrical shape, Japanese silver bronze. Ornamentation of birds, flowers and other designs, incised and in relief, in various metals. Height, 12 inches ; diameter, 7 inches. 4%75a Bronze Group. Cat and chicken. By Fremiet. Length, 16 inches; height, 54 inches. 476 Bronze Statuette, Jeanne D'Arc. By E. Fremiet. Height, 16 inches. 477 Bronze Group. ‘Chef Gaulois.” By E. Fremiet. Height, 17 inches ; width, i0 inches. 478 Barye Bronze. Walking lioness. Green patine. Length, 15} inches ; height, 84 inches. 479 Bronze Group, Centaur and bear. By E. Fremiet. Height, 15 inches ; width, 15 inches. 480 Bronze Panther. By Georges Gardet. Green patine. Length, 19 inches ; height, 74 inches. 481 Browze Group. Panther and tortoise. By Georges Gardet. Length, 18 inches ; height, 84 inches. 482 Bronze Group. Bison and jaguar. By Georges Gardet. Length, 17 inches ; height, 84 inches. 483 Bronze Dog. By Georges Gardet. Antique patine. Length, 23 inches ; height, 11 inches. 484 Barye Bronze, Lion and wild boar. Rich brown patine. Length, 18 inches ; height, 15 inches. 485 Barye Bronze. Lion and antelope. Length, 18 inches; height, 15 inches, 486 Antique Temple Incense ‘Burner. Japanese bronze. {Dog Foo. Height, 20 inches ; length, 22 inches. From the Haines sale, and said to be over 600 years old. 487 Pair Large Vases. Japanese silver bronze. Skilfully wrought ; incised and [relief ornamentation ; bold figures of warriors, pine-tree, and other designs ; inlaid with various metals. Height, 30 inches ; diameter at top, 12 inches. Des ef 2° ana Z/ ee ae MISCELLANEOUS PORCELAINS, FAIENCE, ETC. 69 MISCELLANEOUS PORCELAINS, FAIENCE, Etc. 488 Two Pitchers, Wedgewood and Copeland Faience. 489 Covered Bowl, Old Wedgewood ; dark blue ground with figures and ornaments in relief in white. 490 Wedgewood Vase. Pitcher shape, light blue ground, with figures of Cupids, in relief representing the seasons. 491 Dresden Porcelain Bonbonier, Flowers and vines in relief. 492 Covered Vase. “Birch” Black Biscuit ornamentation carved in relief. 493 Large Cup and Saucer, Sevres porcelain; Turquoise blue ground, and gold decorations, figures of Cupids and Monogram of Louis Philippe in medallion. 494 Sevres Cup and Saucer. Rich Bleu du Roi glaze, and gold decoration. 495 Wedgewood Flower Pot, ete. Two pieces. 496 Grecian Vase. Fac-simile of a vase representing the Battle between the Greeks and the Amazons ; found at Come towards the latter end of the year 1855. 497 Pair Bohemian Glass Vases. Ruby panels, and gilt decorations. 498 Bureau Set, Bohemian green glass ; gilt decoration. 499 Covered Vase. Green glass ; decorated in enamels and gold. Height, 15 inches. 900 Plaque. English faience; decorated with scene from Mulready’s cele- brated painting. 501 Pair Jardinieres. Gien faience ; decorated with birds and flowers. 502 Pair Jardinieres, ‘ Copenhagen” black glaze ; Egyptian decoration. 503 Pair Etruscan Vases, ‘ Copenhagen” black glaze ; Egyptian decora- tion. Height, 14 inches. 504 Glass Cigar Cabinet, Intaglio glass ; Gilt mountings. 505 Dresden Mantel Clock. With side brackets for candles; figures and other ornamentations in relief ; has glass shade. 506 Pair Sevres Vases. Urn shape; rich King’s blue glaze; gold gilt mountings and ornaments. Height, 17 inches ; diameter, 9 inches. 507 Austrian Loving Cup. Tall form. Carved and painted. 508 Pair Sevres Vases. Figures and landscapes, painted finely in medallions: King’s Blue ground, with gilt ornamentation ; gold gilt metal mountings. Height, 18 inches ; diameter, 7 inches. 909 Antique Porcelain Vase. Egyptian design, finely painted decoration, bronze and gilt mountings, and ornaments ; marble base. Height, 32 inches ; diameter, 14 inches, re i0 MONDAY AFTERNOON’S SALE 510 Large Sevres Vase and Clock. Finely painted decoration of figures ee and landscape. By Canant. Blew du Roi glaze, with gilt ornamentations ; elaborate gold gilt metal mountings and ornaments ; figure of cupid sur- mounting cover. Height, 57 inches ; diameter, 18 inches. 511 Pair Candlelabras. Gold gilt bronze, four lights each, have stands and PED fa o0 glass shades. 512 Large Vase. Tall cylindrical shape with flaring neck Japanese porcelain. Blue de Nankin and richly lacquered ornamentation. Height, 45 inches ; S/7 7.0 diameter, 16 inches. 513 Pair Large Imari Jars. Ovoid shape, richly decorated with bright eS 2 Bs colors and gold. Height, 24 inches ; diameter, 16 inches. 514 Two Teakwood Ornament Stands. Oblong shape, with Indian v4 marble top. 2oO 515 Two Ornament Stands. Square shape teakwood with India marble i Po panels. 516 Teakwood Ornament Stands. Square shape. 517 Three Ornament Stands. Teakwood ; various sizes. A Cee 518 Ten Teakwood Stands. Assorted sizes. MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS. vs 519 Complete Set of Musical Instruments as used in Japan. Cee? 20 specimens. 20 Complete Collection of Chinese Musical Instruments, 18 3 SX ao ( specimens. 520a Siamese Musical Instruments, Complete Collection. 10 specimens. 521 Musical Instruments. Complete Collection as used in LA le East India. 12 specimens. 522 Large Sereen. Chinese needlework panel; birds and flowers in bright i silks on grey satin ; carved amaranth wood frame and mountings. Width, Ve a 5 feet ; length, 6 feet. 523 Large Screen. Chinese needlework panel; birds and flowers in bright silks on red satin ; carved amaranth wood frame and mountings. Width, 5 AS iil ey v5 o feet ; length, 6 feet. 524 Large Screen. Chinese needlework ; rich plumage birds, flowers, and butterflies, in bright silks on blue satin ; carved amaranth wood frame and oF i oe mountings. Width, 5 feet ; length, 6 feet. 525 Large Screen. Chinese needlework ; rich plumage birds, flowers, and butterflies in bright silks on light blue satin; carved amaranth wood frame Pe ee fp and mountings. Width, 5 feet; length, 6 feet. ) MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS 71 e/e/ 72526 Pair Carved Teakwood Screens, Chinese needlework panels. eS oad 527 Pair Carved Teakwood Screens, Chinese needlework panels. i To tod 528 Elaborately Carved Teakwood Sereen, Chinese needlework = fo <2 panel. 529 Old Japanese Folding Screen, Decoration on gold ground. a 930 Japanese Folding Screen, Embroidered panels. \) f°" 531 Small Screen, Amaranth wood. Af 2 » 232 Mall Chair. Carved teakwood. 7 os 533 Old Oak Corner Cabinet. Brass inlaid. 534 Four Japanese Cabinets, Incrusted ornamentation. 539 Carrara Marble Bust. Ajax. Canova. THE AMERICAN ART ASSOCIATION, MANAGERS. FO of F/O.-° Tuomas E. Krrpy, Auctioneer. La a ee ee . 4 Dey ts + rial +t o—. ae watt + er ae ae ar, tn =~ ee = phot ielgte.s we tta) hy Hie rt bly i 4 f Nh ts Sah } 44 ‘ | ny, a eaa? 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Atti | ahs ated Oe NNN atinEaaagte inet Stitt hy ‘ ed ps - es eer ae fo eet Sy ean ee Ma But Vier “ter?