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A 14 j i +h uidoheraty 4 7 il tuba ay vf ‘ ; Deeded 3 4 in VOY or eens | ate earns ; re Pen War ye . rt Cea heapeoe sear tray ’ ; j Peer iet ee r i ) , Wer iy 3 f eh ipageuay ras pre ny Pavey rs yeh wt San age Hieptees : ih AN Pignaanane PAD Ue at ory Reeds Pid dt sh : wees +8 FD tie ia i ae i 4 a eS de pijagsatines a Jee 38 ished ieee rt ene fife fiat alts qs , Hasse grueer } i ‘ Ai rpeheet tiie Het tera peony Hap caesar FAY Pate yeted eeab he Gant Wiededaber i204 ofr swt efits van ir pa tid + tte POH wea ee Dea tht Had Ra Mt ie i ait j rae Piseei ie, tat ) pi | F bidet i! bes heed 44 (ie ae sy pea FU e ; ry i ri a ‘ag i i? { + j a i a i 1) , ee eee) ‘ diy i ; 1dr airs my ‘yy fu Ai Hg tes, tne aut : 2 A Ai . 4 ra Ath ‘4 } a fi } ; i ie ; yh , f §3 ie A 4) ‘ j Ye Span ys Sheds We 14 nh L “4 us ry ii | Ms Sees wiv i dit , rh 48 f nytt MAA) i ; A Ear LAP rH Mae Vy) i, ; any i i | ’ thy HE j int hy ' : ert Mente a yeaa et i! 1tyias ¥ i si Nila Brite i oP TUE oe'4 t ADA ON-EREE PUBLIG VIEW AT THE AMERICAN ART GALLERIES MADISON SQUARE SOUTH, NEW YORK | BEGINNING WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 22np, 1922 (WASHINGTON’S BIRTHDAY) AND CONTINUING UNTIL THE DATE OF SALE FROM 9 A.M. UNTIL 6 P.M. AMERICAN AND FOREIGN PAINTINGS OF ARTISTIC DISTINCTION TO BE SOLD AT UNRESTRICTED PUBLIC SALE BY ORDER OF EXECUTORS AND PRIVATE OWNERS ON OMONDAY- EVENING, FEBRUARY 27TH BEGINNING AT 8.15 O’CLOCK IN THE GRAND BALLROOM OF THE PLAZA HOTEL ENTRANCE, No. 9 WEST 58TH STREET ILLUSTRATED CATALOGUE OF AMERICAN AND FOREIGN OIL PAINTINGS OF ARTISTIC DISTINCTION INCLUDING A GRAND EXAMPLE OF THE GREAT MASTER GEORGE INNESS, N. A. AND A NUMBER OF OTHER IMPORTANT WORKS BY PROMINENT AMERICAN. ARTISTS BELONGING TO MR. DUNCAN PHILLIPS, WHO DISPOSES OF THEM BECAUSE: HE HAS OTHER EXAMPLES OF THE ARTISTS AND LACKS STORAGE FACILITIES TO WHICH HAS BEEN ADDED THE PROPERTY OF SEVERAL ESTATES AND OTHER PRIVATE OWNERS TO BE SOLD AT UNRESTRICTED PUBLIC SALE IN THE GRAND BALLROOM OF THE PLAZA HOTEL (ENTRANCE, NO. 9 WEST 58TH STREET) ON MONDAY EVENING, FEBRUARY 27TH, AT 8.15 O? CLOCK [9% r THE SALE WILL BE CONDUCTED BY MR. THOMAS E. KIRBY AND HIS ASSISTANTS, MR. OTTO BERNET AND MR. H. H. PARKE THE AMERICAN ART ASSOCIATION, Manacers MADISON SQUARE SOUTH NEW YORK THE AMERICAN ART ASSOCIATION _ DESIGNS ITS CATALOGUES AND DIRECTS ALL DETAILS OF ILLUSTRATION TEXT AND TYPOGRAPHY CONDITIONS OF SALE I. Rejection of bids: Any bid which is not commensurate with the value of the article offered or which is merely a nominal or fractional advance may be rejected by the auctioneer if in his judgment such bid would be likely to affect the sale injuriously. Ij. The buyer: The highest bidder shall be the buyer, and if any dispute arises between two or more bidders, the auctioneer shall either decide the same or put up for re-sale the lot so in dispute. III. Identification and part payment by buyer: The name of the buyer of each lot shall be given immediately on the sale thereof, and when so required, each buyer shall sign a card giving the lot number, amount for which sold, and his or her name and address. Payment at the actual time of the sale shall be made of all or such part of the purchase prices as may be required. If the two foregoing conditions are not complied with, the lot or lots so purchased may at the option of the auctioneer be put up again and re-sold. IV. Risk after purchase: Title passes upon the fall of the auctioneer’s hammer and thereafter neither the consignor nor the Association is responsible for the loss or any damage to any article occasioned by theft, fire, breakage or any other cause. _V. Delivery of purchases: Delivery of any purchases will be made only upon payment of the total amount due for all purchases at the sale. Deliveries will be made at the place of sale or at the storage warehouse to which purchases may have been removed. Deliveries at the American Art Galleries will be made only between the hours of 9 A. M. and 1 P. M. on sales’ days and on other days—except holidays, when no deliveries will be made— between the hours of 9 A. M. and 5 P. M. Deliveries at places of sale other than the American Art Galleries will be made only during the forenoon following the day of sale unless by special notice or arrangement to the contrary. Deliveries at the storage warehouse to which goods may have been sent will be made on any day other than holidays between the hours of 9 and 5. Deliveries of any purchases of small articles likely to be lost or mislaid may be made at the discretion of the auctioneer during the session of the sale at which they were sold. VI. Storage in default of prompt payment and calling for goods: Articles not paid for in full and either not called for by the purchaser or delivered upon his or her order by noon of the day following that of the sale will be turned over by the Associa- tion to some carter to be carried to and stored in some warehouse until the time of the delivery therefrom to the purchaser, and the cost of such cartage and storage will be charged against the pur- chaser and the risk of loss or damage occasioned by such removal or storage will be upon the purchaser. — NOTE: The Limited space of the Delivery Rooms of the Association makes the above requirements necessary, and it is not alone for the benefit of the Association, but also for that of its patrons, whose goods otherwise would have to be so crowded as to be subject to damage and loss. VII. Shipping: Shipping, boxing or wrapping of purchases is a business in which the Association is in no wise engaged, and will not be performed by the Association for purchasers. The Association will, however, afford to purchasers every facility for employing at current and reasonable rates carriers and packers ; doing so, however, without any assumption of responsibility on its part for the acts and charges of the parties engaged for such service. VIII: Guaranty: The Association exercises great care to catalogue every lot correctly and endeavors therein and also at the actual time of sale to point out any error, defect or imperfec- tion, but guaranty is not made either by the owner or the Association of the correctness of the description, genuineness, authenticity or condition of any lot and no sale will be set aside on account of any incorrectness, error of cataloguing or imper- fection not noted or pointed out. Every lot is sold “as is” and without recourse. Every lot is on public exhibition one or more days prior to its sale, and the Association will give consideration to the opinion of any trustworthy expert to the effect that any lot has been incor- rectly catalogued and in its judgment may thereafter sell the lot as catalogued or make mention of the opinion of such expert, who thereby will become responsible for such damage as might result were his opinion without foundation. IX. Buying on order: Buying or bidding by the Associa- tion for responsible parties on orders transmitted to it by mail, telegraph or telephone will be faithfully attended to without charge or commission. Any purchases so made will be subject to the foregoing conditions of sale except that, in the event of a purchase of a lot of one or more books by or for a purchaser who has not through himself or his agent been present at the exhibi- tion or sale, the Association will permit such lot to be returned within ten days from the date of sale and the purchase money will be refunded if the lot in any manner differs from its catalogue description. Orders for execution by the Association should be written and given with such plainness as to leave no room for misunderstand- ing. Not only should the lot number be given, but also the title, and bids should be stated to be so much for the lot, and when the lot consists of one or more volumes of books or objects of art, the bid per volume or piece should also be stated. If the one trans- mitting the order is unknown to the Association, a deposit should be sent or reference submitted. Shipping directions should also be given. Priced Catalogues: Priced copies of the catalogue or any session thereof, will be furnished by the Association at charges — commensurate with the duties involved in copying the necessary information from the records of the Association. AMERICAN ART ASSOCIATION, American Art Galleries, Madison Square South, New York City. EVENING SALE MONDAY, FEBRUARY 27, 1922 ~IN THE GRAND BALLROOM OF THE PLAZA HOTEL Ewrrance, No. 9 West 58TH STREET BEGINNING AT 8.15 0’CLOCK Catalogue Numbers | to 80, inclusive 4 J. VAN COUVER ; Dutcu: ConrTEMPORARY e4 i —OLD AMSTERDAM Lee 3 ( Board) 5 eee i= cy. Arms of a windmill, and a mast. — Property of Miss. L. Horrayy. JOSE WEISZ ae ee cde) (830 ™ i tA my __2-BANKS OF THE SEINE a e : . x (Panel) and white clouds. #2 | 4 Property of Miss L. HorrMann. Height, 6 inches; length, 8 inches We. B. Pow ouDs ‘gray and moisture-laden and a brilliant creamy-white, in a ight blue sky, over low buildings with red roofs of the old seaport’s 1ore front. Water with reflections blending the colors of land and Signed at the lower right, J. van Couver. Bi Height, 64, inches; length, 9°4 inches % THe edge of a ereen bank in fading light, and beyond, another green bank sharing a higher light and supporting occasional trees ; between them, a bend of the river, lighted by reflections from a sky of gray - Signed at the lower right, Jose WEISZ. 4 ae et a a LT * DAVID JOHNSON, N.A. AMERICAN: 1827—1908 Ru doit ° 3-SCENERY AT NEW BERLIN, NEW YORK e (Panel) Height, 1214 inches; width, 9 inches . Mountains in the distance, their slopes partly tree-covered and partly cleared, are hazy under a summer sky, blue and filled with cumuli, and dwellings appear in the middleground valley. In a wind- ing road, sunny in the foreground, a young farmer riding a gray horse stops for his mount to drink at a wayside trough. Signed at the lower left, DJ (monogram), and on the back wn full, with the title. i / () | Property of the Estate of Epwarp V. W. Rosstrer. V 0X, © KX eo oO ‘a _ . ,;Arha f ' “% Q Fark ® 1 ‘eae os \ i] aya LUA. Se C ol ) cee a-e SLA tte. ag) ) Spi | Pra. 7 ¥ ‘Vo, ETIENNE PROSPER BERNE-BELLECOUR eee FRENCH: 1838—1910 , Pp 4 ' 4—A SOLDIER'S REFRESHMENT ( | | (Panel) . Height, 14 inches ; width, 104% inches Fui-Leneru figure of a French cavalryman, in great-coat of gray, ve turned slightly toward the left, standing on the green at the entrance i" of a gray building, on an abutment of which he rests his cup to pour | wine from his canteen. In the background the rose roofs and white | walls of a town, in the sunlight of a hazy day. il Signed at the lower left, EK. Berne-BEeLirecour, 1891. i Property of Miss L. Horrmanyn. / | + - = _ ae DANIEL RIDGWAY KNIGHT | 7 AMERICAN: 1845— : bet 410) ~ 5>AF ROSNY v4 4 oP : ' er, ( Panel) 3 Pe oc a” Q | O. Height, 81% inches; length, 101% mches F ' A sLENDER French peasant girl stands at a low and moss-covered gar- ‘ den wall bordering a silvery river which reflects the mauve of a twilight sky. Face in profile to left, figure turned toward the front. : At her side rich flowers in abundant bloom. ; Signed at the lower left, Ripcway Knicut, Paris. § Property of the Estate of Epwarp V. W. Rosstrer. Var SX% = CHARLES EMILE JACQUE a . Frencu: 1813—1894 a (Panel) Height, 8 inches; length, 10 inches Wirnin a sheepcote a ewe of deep fleece is reposing on straw, which is golden in the sunlight on the floor, while another sheep feeds at a rack just beyond her. At right and left a rooster and two hens. Signed at the lower left, Cu. JAcaue. Property of the Estate of Evwarp V. W. Rossiter. \ OLX, a /\ LX \ _ 6—SHEEP AND CHICKENS Wr. WM Ge Wakye i SSS Ln nn SSeS ee a ae ae .- SS a ae an = br ALBERTO PASINI Traian: 1826—1899 “"¥ AN ARABIAN BAZAAR O THE OUTSKIRTS OF DAMASCUS Height, 9 inches; length, 154% inches A GRAYISH-SANDY, flat and open place, treeless in brilliant sunshine, lies before a park or garden of bushy green trees and occasional palms, and in the background, behind the trees, a creamy wall and white towers of the city glisten in the sun. The bazaar in the open is largely attended, turbaned figures in colorful costumes standing, walking or seated, busy or idle, and at left are camels and in the middle distance horses. In the foreground, seated or lazily reclining on carpets or the earth, are other figures, with their goats and dogs among them. Signed at lower right, A. PAstnt. Property of Brr1z1nes Estate Corporation. CHARLES EMILE JACQUE Frency: 1823—1894 8 THE MASTER OF THE ROOST ey (Panel) Mn. hl. Height, 934 ches; length, 14 inches Tue interior of a chicken house, forming part of a heavily built French barn, its depths in shadow, where some chickens are perched, while sunshine brilliantly illuminates a spot of the floor at the centre thickly covered with golden straw. Here are numerous hens, and a proud game rooster rich in his coloring stands haughtily towering over them. e Signed at the lower left, Cu. Jacaur. Property of the Estate of Epwarp V. W. Rossiter. \ C%@ KiXX ~ JULES DUPRE Frencu: 1812—1889 & =. é 2 f* yo « 3 THE COTTAGE ee Height, 884 inches; length, 1034 inches Witp land and clear, and generally level, extends afar under a blue sky filled with rolling cloud billows which whiten in sunshine striking them from the left. In middle distance and near the centre of the composition stands a solitary thatched cottage, and at left between outstanding trees is a single figure, walking. The surface of the land is brown and green, and it descends gently to a foreground stream. Signed at the lower right, Jutes Dupre. Property of Mr. Duncan Puitups, who disposes of the above de- scribed painting because of having other examples of the artist, besides lack of storage facilities. see A as allt ) vat Paes ie As e Pitan . 8, y EUGENE HIGGINS, A.N.A. a . iM twit AMERICAN: 1874— * + 10—A LONELY STREET 4. kW. CRC ~ se ae — oO ~s po. Height, 1214 inches; length, 16 inches at A composition with a suggestion of tragedy. ee ao § ~ a as C= x ‘ f aod Ming aint sat bee ats ~ i} yi" Ne iS Wicig ? Property of the Brrzincs Estate Corporation. et t fr DANIEL RIDGWAY KNIGHT AMERICAN: 1850— ; q 22—IN THE GARDEN nae iE! yi Height, 2134 inches; width, 1814, inches . 1 | if dj, | of the peasantry stands with figure to front and facing the right. In a green valley of the middle distance on the right is a large church, and | : | In a garden in blossom, on high land in the foreground, a French girl | | below on the left the bend of a river. In the far distance vague hills. 7) Signed at lower left, Ripnceway Kwnicut, Paris. | From M. Knoedler & Co. | 7 Sold by order of Messrs. WintHRop & Stimson, Attorneys. | ) | £3857. bungpih hlich, $994 Joo MSXK 5 I | 4 AotA- Sp gaara | | Sb, Qwecnecgrmenh, Me Liege focercoff lth 1G 20- teeheng freee UXS | | i} DON J OSE J IMEN EZ ARANDA By Reid 1837— 23—MARKET PLACE, SEVILLA | (Panel) | | Height, 1514 wmches; length, 21 inches Grovuprep around a church or municipal building of grayish walls, and with other buildings showing more color back at the right, numerous market stalls are opened toward the street and the spectator, and display fresh vegetables in many notes of green, and white and red, and also live and dead birds. Here men and women come to buy and barter, their costumes easy and colorful, a padre comes to beg, and children look on—a composition of more than a score of figures. Signed at the lower right, J. Jimz. ARANDA, Srvitza, 1878. Shown at the Copley Society Exhibition of Paintings of the eee School, Boston, 1912. — Property of an Estate. ROSWELL MORSE SHURTLEFPF, Nea, AMERICAN: 1841—1915 24—HARLY SUMMER, KEENE VALLEY — | Height, 20 inches; length, 25 inches Wow GREEN in the freshness and rich fulness of early summer the foliage in an open forest. Rich green the moss on a great gray rock, relieved by warmer yellowish patches, which are repeated in the grass along a brook in the foreground. Amidst the loftier leafage flashes of sun- shine, and in the distance darker mountains. Signed at lower left, R. M. Suurtrierr, N.A. Property of Mrs. R. M. SuHurtierr. EMILE VAN MARCKE Frencu: 1827—1910 235—YOUNG BULL IN STABLE (. A. eee Height, 16 inches; length, 22 inches A picTURE of a yearling bull, with coat of dark brown and white, at- tached to a post in a stable. The attractive-looking young animal is shown in side view with his white face turned to the spectator. It is a truthful, well-rendered portrayal. Signed at the lower right. From the sale of the studio effects of E. Van Marcke, Paris; Catalogue No. 88.~ feo 150 = Purchased from Julius Oehme, New York. Mar ej h fbi bg From the sale of the late F. L. Loring, 1917. - #4 - Bp 3Se : b. 6, (od Property of a Private Collector. MME. H. A. OBERTEUFFER CONTEMPORARY } 0 < 26—STILL LIFE —— Height, 2514 inches; width, 2114 inches. In a strong and all-pervasive light, on a table with a covering of green and blue, a tall white jar decorated in blue holds an immense bouquet of hydrangeas, which overspread its sides. The large clusters of blossoms are white and a creamy-white, pink and blue, and amongst them is the relief of their rich green leaves. The whole in free and direct work, with eloquent expression. Signed at the lower right, H. AmtniA OBERTEUFFER. Property of Mr. Duncan Puitures, who disposes of the above de- scribed painting because of having other examples of the artist, besides lack of storage facilities. ALBERTO PASINI Iratian: 1826—1899 27-MOSQUE AND MARKET PLACE Height, 22 inches; width, 18 CE. BrLow a gr ay mosque towering toward a turquoise sky i in ich ligh clouds are drifting, and a hillside closely occupied by city dwellings, a narrow street is shown in the foreground, with awnings extended from some of its buildings and green trees showing above them from - courts or gardens. Here are gathered swarthy and slumbrous men, wearing the fez, and veiled women, clothed in brilliant and rich colors, at a market es plentifully SUP Dues with vegetables and fruits. Signed at lower right, A. ine 1870. Property of the Brntines EsrarE Corporation. = = = = = ——— SSS = z = ed Poet. - Wi An AA " — = = S SSS SS SS SS SS es —— . = = ee oes ae a TOE Ne aa nice eee — oe : 3 Durcn: 1854— 3H. “JOHAN SIMON HENDRIK KEVER 28 =i) DE WIEG (By the Cradle) | ‘Height, ee inches; width, 181, inches. on uk In a SDutch cottage room where the light i is dim a peasant - woman sits sewing. Beside her her chubby infant lies in its basket ‘cradle. The young mother bending over the work in her lap faces the right, thr ee- quarters front. She wears a dark brown waist and greenish-brown skirt, ate a white Dutch cap. : Signed at the lower right, Keven. Property of an Estate. _E. PIETERS | Dercee 1856— | _—— 29 DUTCH INTERIOR WITH FIGURE —<_ Height, 201% inches; length, 244 noha : la S O. Ix a cottage kitchen a huge kettle over a fire, and chickens picking food from the red-tiled floor. In the light of a window on the right, a chubby and rosy-cheeked, golden-haired Dutch child, in green frock and heavy sabots, seated, busily preparing fruit or vegetables. Signed at the lower right, E. Pivrens. Property of Miss L. HorrMmann. “ | THEODORE ROBINSON, SAA. wd : AMERICAN: 18521896 | 4 30—4A COBBLER OF OLD PARIS eons 25% inches ; width, ae inches , mB bo a. Dythisgtile- floored shop ave its rude furnishings a Crispin Site facing | 4 2) . his wide open window and is seen in profile to the left, a vigorous man in his prime, with dark hair and moustache, and dark clothes and a blue apron. A shoe between his knees, he has paused in his work to ; converse with a heavy-featured woman in blue and wearing a large coniform straw hat, who leans over his window-sill with arms crossed over her market basket. In the narrow street back of her gray es under a sky of white and blue. Signed at lower right, Ex. ROBINSON, 1885. Property of Mr. Duncan PHILLIPS, who disposes of the niece de- scribed painting because of having other examples of the artist, besides lack of storage facilities. JEAN JACQUES HENNER Frencu: 1829—1905 JX-IDEAL HEAD 7] Waren oo. Height, 21 winches; width, 21 inches Facine the right, with figure turned slightly to the front, a young woman, seated, is depicted leaning on her left elbow, the hand sup- porting her chin as she looks pensively downward. She is shown at half-length, in a crimson waist décolleté, against a dark background, with a high light from the left illumining the creamy flesh of her neck and cheek and her flowing orange-yellow hair. Signed at right centre, J. J. HENNER. Property of an Estate. : | J. LEURS DutcH: ConreEMPoRARY —— 82-LANDSCAPE AND CATTLE ie pa ae ~ Height, 2734 inches; width, 201% inches Pouiarp willows, silver-tipped in sunshine, at the edge of a stream __ where stand black and white and red and white cows. More cows back - in flat fields divided by a line of trees. Signed at the lower left, J. Luurs. Property of a HorrMann. ra WORTHINGTON WHITTREDGE, N.A. | fr z | American: 1820—1910 2 FOREST BROOK Ej Height, 2714 inches; length, 28 inches i ! ; Wiruin a forest the bend of a brook, which curves forward from the right, rippling; in its course great beech logs, gray and coated with green moss, offering footway to the farther side. ‘Tree branches arch and interlace overhead, spanning the stream, and in the middle distance sunshine illumines an open space partly cleared, beyond which is a single glimpse of blue sky. | | ie . Signed at lower left, W. WuirrrencGe, 1882. i: From the National Academy of Design, 1882. Property of the Birurxes Esrare Corporation. 7 F GEORGE BELLOWS, NAA. AMERICAN? -1882— : sa Height, 221, iene length, 28 het , a dt. 4) , : = 5D. Ar left a green bank along an old village road, and a footpath which descends by a stair to the foreground. Down the stair is coming a _ man without an umbrella, huddling in his overcoat from the wind- driven rain, and back of him the gray trunk of a tree and the corner of a white Colonial house stand out in the light, which also glistens from the wet roadway. Over the road the dense foliage of the trees border- Be ing it makes a solid green mass, and at a house on the right 1 is a floral,.\7Aam arbor. v3 Signed on back, GEO. sate th title. Property of Mr. Duncan Puitiirs, who disposes of the above de- scribed painting because of having other aaa of the artist, besides tela of rome facilities. ———” ae, Aare renee 4 841 7 he LO. lb ROSWELL, MORSE SHURTLEFF, NLA 35—ACROSS THE MEADOW, KEENE oe Height, 20 inches; length, 25 inches | Low and sloping open land crossed by a brook is green and brown, and ~ reveals suggestions of a gray footpath, and in the middle distance supports detached trees and massed evergreens. In the background green mountains are at either hand under a blue and white sky with hovering gray shower clouds. Signed at lower left, R. M. SHurtierr, N.A.- } as Property of Mrs. R. M. Sxurrierr. Gets eine en GEORGE HERBERT McCORD, A.N.A. AMERICAN: 1848—1909 36—ALONG THE WHARVES AT EVEN we Height, 181 inches; length, 30 inches A sroap stream fills the foreground and extends toward a distant city, whose towers appear before an after-sunset sky; on the water the soft glow from the rose and dulled-gold and gray of the clouds. In mid-stream and tied to wharves at right and left are working boats, with and without sails, and some figures about them appear in the dimness. Signed at lower right, G. H. McCorp. Exhibited at the Industrial Exposition, Milwaukee. Property of the Biutines Estate Corporation. i, F ROSWELL MORSE SHURTLEFF, N.A. OO San | (0 0. AMERICAN: 1841—1915 37—THE OLD BEEKCH Height, 20 inches; length, 25 inches Own the left the foot, with the lower branches, of a fine old beech stand- ing somewhat isolated in a forest of lesser trees, whose foliage leaves no sky visible. In the open space of the rough, uneven slope neighbor- ing it, a buck and a doe are seen in the soft, wood-interior light, and glints of sunshine lighten the verdure of mounds beyond them. Signed at lower left, R. M. SHurrierr, N.A., and again on the back, with the title. Property of Mrs. R. M. Suurrierr. EDWARD MORAN AMERICAN: 1829—1 901 38—AN OCHAN TRAMP Height, 20 inches; length, 30 inches Purut hy. , OxLp ocean under a sky of white and gray, humid, moisture-laden : clouds, which, parting, open a suggestion of blue, and allow sunlight ~ to come down and silver the emerald surface of a moderate, confused sea. Steaming forward and toward the right, and helped along by sails, one of the black and red tramps of the ocean, the wind sending her black smoke ahead of her sluggish progress. Signed at the lower left, Epw. Moran. fa =| Gann Sak, AV 5 My : Property of the Estate of Enwarp V. W. Rossirer. LEON VICTOR DUPRE id Frencu: 1816—1879 120 - | x 39—_LANDSCAPE AND CATTLE Height, 22 inches; length, 32%4 inches " q. (Uatlsek | Towarp the end of the day a herd of cows are seen in the middle dis- tance, some still grazing, some standing placidly, a white-capped peasant girl watching over them, in a flat country of rough green meadow land with suggestions of harvested fields beyond. ‘Trees de- tached and in groups are widely scattered, the sky is gray and white, and the light is soft in its subdued glow on the varied coats of the cattle. 20. Signed at lower left, Vicror Dupré, 1855. Property of the Brnuixncs Estate Corporation. {[7-o- z= <_< Naa Anmntcan: 1841—1915 120. ROSWELL MORSE SHURTLEFF, NAL 40—THE GIANT, FROM ST’. HUBERT’S - Height, 20 inches; length, 25 nen ‘ | ie ee In the background a high and mounded massive mountain. top, rising before the white clouds billowing 1 in a blue sky, and viewed between tall and dense trees standing at either side of the picture. The mountain is sunshine, its verdant face broken by gray rifts. In the green valley below, cows in a TR OOH ihe in the forest gas a brook. | Signed at loner left, R. M. Sate N.A. “| Property of Mrs. R. M. SHURTLEFF, EMIL CARLSEN, N.A. American: 1853— 41—"WEIR'S PLACE AT WINDHAM” Height, 25 inches; length, 30 inches . 4 . ao ae nacho a Bryonp a level foreground of green sward, with the longer grasses showing a yellowish tinge, a background of varied trees, with dense foliage, under a sky of soft blue heavily veiled with light cloud vapor, in which here and there occurs a vague mauve suggestion. Before and among the trees are cream-toned cottage buildings, and other buildings of a country place in grayish tone, and on the green in front of them a tall tree stands detached, its green crown a broad — arch—the whole enveloped in the soft atmosphere of a hazy sunny day. The Connecticut summer home of the late J. Alden Weir, N.A. Signed at lower left, Emm Cartsen, Property of Mr. Duncan Putts, who disposes of the above de- ; scribed painting because of having other examples of the artist, = besides lack of storage facilities. ‘THOMAS MORAN, N.A. IN bite Pig Rees 42—_LL AN DS CA PE Height, 20 eh length, 30 “ 1, In partly « open ground at the outskirts of a wood a Sareea re- -flects a bit of the white-clouded blue sky of a fair day, and around it the grass of knoll and. hollow and the foliage of masses of trees show the fresh greens of early summer.’ At right the twisted trunk of a blasted tree still struggles to put forth life, and at its foot a bluish- gray rock, cool 1 in partial het is warmed 1 in a ey lichen eee Signed at the lower left T Monaxy 1903. Pr operty of Miss L. Homtee oo ie cet ee aE I TT ee EDWARD WILLIS REDFIELD — We Jt a Us : My. 43—S LEIGH BELLS | en: ‘3 ie “a Height 26 inches; ae 32 hoe lee Aneap of the spectator as he looks down a broad, snow-covered coun- try road, a woman and a child are walking at one side, and a gray horse with ears:cocked briskly is trotting nimbly along, at the shift- ing-bar, drawing a cutter in which is a single passenger, wearing a red cap. Bluish shadows cross the white blanket of the snow, houses are at either side of the road, with trees brown and bare, and an occasional evergreen in a yard. AMERICAN: 1868— Ww. + Col Signed at lower ania E. W. Repriexo. Property of Mr. Duncan Puiwiups, who disposes of the above de- scribed painting because of having other examples of the artist, besides lack of storage facilities. as WE. CHARLES A. PLATT, N.A. iti 44—MY GARDEN IN WINTER Height, 251% inches; length, 301% inches mn EK. a Tue spectator looks from a terrace or porch, the line of vision lead- ing down an entrance stair and straight across the garden to a gate- way of a low outer wall, and on to rolling fields, hills and a winding stream beyond, the ground snow-covered under a gray. winter sky. Shrubs project through the snow, and the yellowish covering of semi- circular beds bordering the walk relieves the white, while in the broad — and varied landscape of the distance are oc and other trees, green and brown. Signed at lower fess Gi Ad ‘Phare Property of Mr. Duncan Puiturs, who disposes of the above de- scribed painting because of having other examples of the artist, besides lack of storage facilities. GLI TORIES PRD NALINI I PS SINT ETI AMBION a MEENA LES SII OE tl FELIX ZIEM Frencu: 1821—1911 | 45—FETE ON THE GRAND CANAL, VENICE (Panel) Height, 25 inches; engl 32° inches Ww.» THE water is a rich turquoise-blue, with areas of green Be tem thd sky a deeper blue on high and exhibiting tufts of vapor, which ea more dense below and settles in banks of mauve along the horizon. At right in middle distance the Campanile towers above the rose = Palace of the Doges, at left San Giorgio, and beyond it the Dogana, and nearer by in mid-stream is the State barge, with its white sail reflected in the water. On a warm sandy foreground shore are persons in costumes of rich color, at a point of embarkation. — Sa Signed at the lower right, Zien. Purchased from the late Theodore C. Noe, New York, 1905. Pr operty of the Estate of EKpwarp V. W. Rascne Os:2741 « le tenscgnannk fond bey Etats akg pcos <4 oi . * BERNARD DE HOOG oe | = | Durcu: 1866— 46—THE FRUGAL MEAL : Height, 284 inches; length, 32 inches Yb. A COTTAGE room Lai a many- rates window at the left, in eee light — a peasant in from work sits at a plain wood table, with his: wife, a fair e ‘ young woman in a Dutch cap. They serve their plates from the single steaming dish that furnishes the meal, and picture a placid content- ment. At the wife’ s elbow an infant’s rush ie partly Bee by a greet drapery. | ete Signed at the lower right, B. pr Hoos. Ben: rz: PTA Sars — —= Property of Miss L. Horrmann. Suna oe steed Salt (35 Bice Sas. CLAUDE JOSEPH BAIL | FRENCH: 1862—1921 YOUNG WOMAN MAKING LACH Height, 2834 inoher width, 2344 inches Ix a room with plain and low-toned walls two young women are eeated in the light coming from an embrasured window at the left. “One fac- ing the observer and the right, three-quarters front, wears, a Tose-— hued waist, light shoulder scarf and fluffy white cap,a gray skirt and light apron, and is giving attention to work on her lap, which her companion also is carefully studying. The second young woman, evi- dently a maid, at her close observation, leans forward with elbows resting on knees, and is seen profil perdu. She is in dark dress with a large light apron. aes es Signed at lower right, Wat doer. Property of Mr. Duncan Puiiurs, who disposes of the above de- scribed painting because of having other examples of the artist, besides lack of storage [eres WILLARD LEROY METCALF AMERICAN: 1858— " 48—PONT ROYAL, PARIS — | Were 7 Height, 26 inches; length, 29 inches In the foreground and toward the left the broad street along the left bank of the river, facing west, with cabs strung along the curb, and pedestrians on the sidewalk. The roadway as it swings to right across the bridge, in the middle distance, shows a greater activity of traffic. On the Seine below an occasional steamer, and on the farther bank and in the distance the green masses of dense trees in the Tuileries gardens and beyond. Rosy horizon under a greenish robin’s-egg sky. 3. Signed at lower left, W. L. Mercaur, 1913, and again on | back with title. ‘ Property of Mr. Duncan Puiuuirs, who disposes of the above de- scribed painting because of having other examples of the artist, besides lack of storage facilities. “KNEE fhe haat Us oe eenacgronanh fm Mea ie _ >. 5. .° ‘THOMAS MORAN, N BME ee Sa AMERICAN EU LOO u ae in thé ae light a a full moon, wanes banks pa dispersing mists. ge suis ara cies a a lower Property of Miss L. HorrMann. Be CHARLES WEBSTER HAWTHORNE, NAL AMERICAN: 1872 a 50—MOTHER AND CHILD (Panel) — Z Height, 33°4 inches; width, 30 inches Portrait of a brown-eyed and affable young mother with brown hair, a 4 | and rose in her cheeks, seated and holding on her lap and close to_ her breast her small child, who has chubby and rosy cheeks and bright dark eyes—and seems to find its thumb succulent. The mother faces the left, three-quarters front, and is observed at three-quarters length, and is clad in a rich golden-yellow. The child is in greenish-white. on es i. — Signed at lower right, C. W. Hawrnorns. Property of Mr. Duncan Puinurs, who disposes of the above de-— .. scribed painting because of having other examples of the artist, Besides lack of storage [aCe a - “ ~° —_— Se ee cong ee i a ee mS eS ee a a = Ee eee ee 3 _ - = —EEOOooo WALTER GRIFFIN, A.N. a 135 © : | - Aneeerouns 1861— 4 te, ame ena oe Bec eteL NEY, CANAL, VENICE Heghe 33 inches; length, 3614, inches See Jo50. A composition in the rich splendor of color characte¥istic of the artist’s latter-day work, a wealth of pigment made to speak i in vibrant — = tones, brilliant as sunshine split into its elements. Foreground and a middle distance are water of the canal, ruffled and polychromatic, at — a right a gondola is disappearing from view, and at right and left p berane it are boats with their lateen sails raised, lying near the gon- dola posts in front of the buildings which form the background. ; These palaces continue the richness of the whole blaze of color mak- ing up the picture, and at the extreme right, above the oe there is Sa a glimpse of sky. foo Bs Signed at the lower ee: Gaene q Property of Mr. Duncan Puiviips, who disposes of the above de- 8 scribed painting because of having other examples of the artist, besides lack of storage facilities. ee a> ae a ame HARPIST a Height, 32% inches : length, in orb the hae iSresertee at fees more thar in shadow of trees, with the play of the subdued. not the least interesting of the charms of the pic at slow tempo a harp which rests between her kne picture limits, and between its strings the eye t lights of an after-sunset sky, blue and dull ™ Property of a Private Owner. SS SS Se aS a. se mmr rt cn aN aN JEAN FRANCOIS RAFFAELLI Frencn: 1850— 583—NOTRE DAME DE PARIS Height, 2484 inches; length, 4215 inches eancttshierietanei Tue Ile de la Cité occupies the central distance, and the twin towers of the cathedral appear above the roofs of nearer buildings, white and gray. The composition takes in not only the island and the blue Seine but both banks of the river and the neighboring conspicuous buildings and numerous trees. In the foreground and to left the broad gray and yellow-sandy quay is piled with freight near the water’s edge, where a boat is lined up, and men and horses are at the business of the day. Signed at the lower left, J. F. Rarrakw1. Purchased from Durand-Ruel, New York. Property of Mr. Duncan Pups, who disposes of the above de- scribed painting because of having other examples of the artist, besides lack of storage facilities. EUGENE JOSEPH VERBOECKHOVEN Beucran: 1799—1881 54 SHEEP AND LAMBS (Panel) Height, 241% inches; length, 3444 inches Own a low sandy and grass-covered mound in a section of dune land, a group of sheep, carefully studied, are depicted in the foreground, in bright sunshine from the left which throws their shadows on the grass, and on a distant hillock others of the flock are seen. Of those in the foreground a gray one stands before some low bushes, a white one is lying down with two lambs at her side, and a sheep with a brown face behind her, also recumbent, eyes the spectator across her back. In a stream two wild ducks of brilliant plumage are swimming. Signed at lower right, KucENE VERBOECKHOVEN, 1859; and again on the back, in a declaration by the artist dated at Brussels, the same year. Property of the Brr1tincs Estate Corporation. PIERRE VAUTHIER CoNTEMPORARY _ 55 THE FRENCH FAIR |, 4 (LU Mew + O- (Pastel) ; a Height, 274 inches; length, 4614 inches A sroap street leads directly ahead of the observer, toward towers and b ry 5 city buildings mistily developed on a day of light showers. To right, buildings surmount high green banks, and to left, on the terrace of a wooded park, itinerant entertainers in scarlet cloaks and other gay costumes are holding forth. The street in front of them is filled with a motley throng, and the moist pavement is variegated in sundown reflections. Signed at lower left, PrerRE VAUTHIER. Property of an Estate. 4 | | : HELEN M. TURNER — AMERICAN: CONTEMPORARY an aU » o 56 MORNING 4 Ce Ceku Height, 344% inches; length, 4414 inches From a veritable bower of blossoms, though not a formal arbor, a j v 50. young lady looks toward the spectator, facing fully the front, as she is seated with figure slightly to left, on a bench on a balcony. A gar- den with trees behind her. She is in white negligée, with an open sweater of turquoise-blue, and leans with one elbow on a many-colored cushion and the other arm extended along the bench back. She holds lightly a freshly gathered bouquet, and a basket of flowers les be- side her, while the outdoor background scintillates in floral luminosity, the fresh morning light flashing also from the lap of her white dress. Signed at the lower right, HELEN M. TuRNER, ISTSSeN Exhibited at the National Arts Club, New York, 1922, where it re- cevtved the second prize. Property of Mr. Duncan Puriwups, who disposes of the above de- scribed painting because of having other examples of the artist, besides lack of storage facilities. ROBERT CRANNELL MINOR, N.A. AMERICAN: 1840—1904 7—DUTCH WINDMILL Height, 30 inches; length, 50 inches Wivyeere os “YY. Aw extensive range of landscape, green and brown, is presented before a luminous afternoon sky—lowlands, slightly rolling, with trees and brush at left and right, and also in the central middle distance about a windmill which is silhouetted against the sky. Beyond the mill, broad fields are indicated, and at right, among the trees, cottages. In the foreground, before the mill, a pond or winding stream, with grasses in its shallows and its surface reflecting sky and mill. Signed at the lower right, Mrvnor. ==} [ Property of the Bituines Estate Corporation. = FREDERIC EDWIN CHURCH, N.A. Peicaw 1896-41900 = bt rrntf- 2 7 ‘58-WATERSIDE LANDSCAPE WITH FIGURES Height, 32 inches; length, 48 inches Ar left tall, large and graceful trees, with lesser outposts, the end of a wood, ceasing at the low, yellowish bank of a stream, whose farther shore on the right and in the distance is also wooded, and reveals groups of palm trees in the grayish, foggy obscurity that envelops it. At the wood-edge in the left foreground a girl of Italian type who seems to be holding a freshly caught fish, and on the stream two boats of sandola type broadly housed over, with men in them. Through a _ cloud-rift sunshine plays on the foreground shore. Signed at lower right, F. E. Cuurcn, 1881. Property of the Birtincs Estate Corporation. bo “Srgveg eee Pe ee i ae ? Pade! | Argo. Cie PAUL DOUGHERTY, NAL | “AMERIOAN. sve Hs 59—BETWEEN SUNSET AND MOONRISE Height, Be inches ; length, 431, inches. os Day is not done at the seashore, the sea at the left extending to the _ distant horizon; the moon, pale gold, straight before the observer’s eye, appears above a bleak and rocky coast, treeless but verdant, on the right, its green and rounded surfaces broken by iron-stained ex-' 3 posures of the steep and massive cliffs—high in the background, below — 4 the eye in the foreground. In cavernous depressions between them and against their foot, seas plunge and gt — gee vibrant reflec: a “2 tions in the luni-solar light. | ao! = | a Property of Mr. ie Puitiipes, who disposes of the above de- a scribed painting because of having other examples of the artist, _ besides lack of storage facilities. Nine Q- ROSWELL MORSE SHURTLEFF, NAL emcee is41— > ip bate 60—EDGE OF THE FOREST, KEENE VA LLEY 5 60 . Height, 30 inches; length, 40 ene | In the interior of a forest of second growths, tall slender trees and 3 slenderer saplings show light trunks amidst foliage of ‘soft greens, which aloft throws an intermittent screen before a blue sky and alow becomes dense in mingling with the leafage of the underbrush. Sun- shine filtering through gilds yellowing patches of the moss covering a huge boulder near the centre of the middle distance, beyond an eee E. foreground of verdure and gray earth. sch alta eek L = a a é “Signed at lower right, R. M. Suurrierr, N.A. Property of Mrs. R. M. Srrurrzerr. J/Q00.. ~ > FRANK W. BENSON, NAY ie « | AMERICAN: 1862— + a ee LST SRST, May 61—REFLECTION i Are a ) ) ava —- Height, 44 inches; width, 86 inches = ESS acanen eS te me We a of rose in her tke and nels cut it fenton coe hed: a Sine tabled - and facing front, with head turned slightly to her right, as she looks — at a glass held in her right hand, which rests on the table. Beside the glass is a large bowl of flowers, and blossoms that have dropped — ie on the table. She wears a coat of golden hue, with a soft confusion of delicate color notes in its broad collar and trimming, os falis | below her knee over r her hight skirt. 2S JOO ae Sais | : -Ag ocr Signed at the lower left, F. W. Brnsov, 1921. Property of Mr. Duncan PHIuies, who disposes of the above decom scribed painting because of having other esti) of the artist, — besides lack of storage fae gor | Be GEORGE INNESS, N.A. On.) AMERICAN: 1825—1894 Oe 62—INDIAN SUMMER: 1894 UA “a Height, 30 inches; length, 411% inches — retain the richness of their autumn color in intensified note, and seem the more splendid above the browning herbage of the ground. Here a | _ t ia: , young and slender tree with foliage a rich and brilliant red stands to left of centre, the observer’s view cut off just short of its top, one of three saplings in a group, its neighbor still farther to left clothed in leafage of rich yellow, while the comrade tree between and behind Y them is still green. Partly shaded, a low gray shed comes to view. To right the grasses and brush are a soft green and deepening brown, © and a figure seated on a log and another standing are suggested amongst them, stilled in observation and contemplation under the spell of the hour and the season. The sky is a soft turquoise, with light clouds jaundtres. 3 | , % 0 g A RARE day in the peace and quiet of late fall, while still the trees ‘_ ; Signed at the lower right, G. InneEss, 1894. — = | Purchased from Mr. Inness by the congregation of the Central Church, Chicago, for presentation to their pastor, the Reverend Doctor Newell Dwight Hillis, on resigning his charge to become pastor Bs a _ the Plymouth Church, Brooklyn, New York. One of the last completed works of the Artist, who died in 1894, and considered one of his most important examples. It was sold im the sale of the collection of Emerson McMillin, Esq., January.< © 1913, and purchased by Messrs. M. Knoedler & Co., from whom the present owner obtained the painting. Reproduced (No. 49) in “Fifty Paintings by George Inness,” pri- vately printed and copyright by Frederic Fairchild Sherman, New York, 1918, with introduction by Elliott Daingerfield, N.A. “I do not believe that anyone, whether craftsman or connoisseur, will ever rightly comprehend the art of George Inness unless he places himself squarely on the 3 platform of the man’s religious convictions, and seeks in his work those eliminations 4 of the gross, or the material, in order that the spiritual may be seen, which was the aim and the intent of his best and. highest effort.’—From Mr. Daingertfield’s: intro- duction to “Fifty Paintings by George Inness,” above referred to. Property of Mr. Duncan Puitiurs, who disposes of the above de- scribed painting because of having other examples of the artist, besides lack of storage facilities. | 4307] 4 (baregldh ze fie Spell hel 8 KU78- pe 20 ~ lA. bot bL EZ bey 191 8- BAK EXX 4 “G27. On corse gumank foerd 6 Wpallfic “yim JULES DUPRE i Fi Parecni 1812 Teeaae 2 06> 68 PASTURE ON THE RIVER FAY (inde) | 54: Height, 31% inches ; moe ATT), A srrercu of low green pasture land dotted with flowers crosses the foreground, which nearer by is partially overflowed by waters of a brook affluent of the river which shines white in the middle distance. | a Cows lie at rest or graze in the pasture, others stand in the shallow ; a foreground water drinking, and a man driving a field cart is crossing the shallows. Along the river bank are many gray boats, with figures — seen in some of them, at the right the edge of a green forest comes to view, and in the distance are. rolling: hills, some under the shadow of lowhanon rain clouds drifting in a light sky. Bs at the lower right, Jur Deere, 1842. From the collection if Robert Davis, Esq., Wes Hee Catford, Kent, England. Wo Yond aus aolu a Property of a (enemy ve CHARLES FRANCOIS DAUBIGNY peers -1817—1878 64—LES COTEAUX DE atonal KG 5 OF. Height, 3134 inches; length, 51 inche pS f a ie hills begin | in the middle distance on the right with a art lined with trees in autumn foliage of yellow-brown, and exter d wi irregularly flattened tops leftwards in the background, under f h 2 ened light of a cloud-screened sky. On the low ground of thee ent | valley bushy trees partly 1 in their own shadow extend ater f rom : = skirts the hills and broadens out in the foreground, aves his i “i the hight sky and the dark shadows of these trees. Reeds are a a . stream’s edges, and pollarded trees. pe at the lower left, Dausieny, 1 69. From the collection of Raper Lae, Esq., Walmer House, Catford, Kent, TB SORE Fs ¥ Property of a Connoisseur. “/ ot ees ERNE HARPIGNIES mos Ib & 0 Frencu: 1819—1916. ae ocr 65 LANDSCAPE: ON THE MEDITERRAN. fi IN 16S 0. : Height, 891% inches; length, 491/, inches | From the right an arm of the great sea puts in between a low green foreground shore and a mountainous shore in the background, rugged, barren, rocky and of reddish-sandy hue; the farther shore in bright sunshine from the left, the nearer shore in cool shadow. Here wild grass and brush are green, and the ground is threaded by wandering 4 grayish paths, and at right a wall of rough stone projects into the = picture... Within the shadow also, and at its boundary, are trees of Bs erratic growth and eccentric branches, their bushy tops partly in the sunshine, which illumines also the low and varied middleground shore beyond: them. The surface of the sea, smooth but with breeze enough to move sailing-craft, is turquoise-blue, with turquoise-greenish areas and hints of the qedgsl cantly steeps. reflected from the far side. Signet at the lower left, eb Henpieaa 1865. From the ‘oneenon of Roberi Davis, mas Wiiiities hare Catford % Kent, England. vA Property of a Connoisseur. EUGENE FROME NTIN Pew cH: 1820— 1876 66-—DANSE ARABE Height, 39 es ; length, 5534 inches Roven and bare ground, a yellowish greenish-gray, supporting a few low plants near a pool toward the right, is made the scene of an Arabian dance with many onlookers seated and standing about, two _ of them on horses. An enthusiastic dancer in white and purple, yellow and blue, with tambourine or small drum raised joyously above his head, is in the act of jumping clear of the white cloth spread for his — a dance and held in place by the feet of two huge men who furnish these music. The musicians and others of the assemblage are in crimson, be and still others are in blue, orange and white. Immediately back of Gam the company is a ridge with dark verdure, and in the distance are barren and broken Hence, under a blue sky with mauve, ory ly. white clouds. ion i . a Signed at the lower left, Kuve, ELE From the Sarlin Collection, oh We Ane on tan ed iow Fr om the Georges Petit Collection, Paris. | Property of a COmidissbuk > EDMUND ‘H. OSTELATSA ae has | | Awenicay: Cosma ors ah ; ; " 67 HUNTING DOGS — ga a = Height, 35 nike length, 50° a ae 550: ya Crownine a knoll, trees spread to right and Me winds Hon and | green, and others showing the colors of autumn, whose hues also en- liven and enrich the rough herbage encompassing the knoll. Her the foreground, three alert setters, tails extended and ners = +3 Signed at the lower right, Epa. i. Osrnavs, Property of. Miss. L. Horrmany. wa il - RICHARD WILSON, R.A. “ o%% Encuisu: 1713—1782 yer “~~ 68—CLASSIC LANDSCAPE a gi re Height, 18 inches; length, 24 inches. Aone the left, a range of mountains, with sides wooded and peaks rugged and bare, receding in the distance toward the right, where they shine in bright sunlight in a hazy atmosphere. A tortuous stream traverses their base, separating them from uneven lowlands, and in the foreground at the right trees in sharp silhouette rise beyond the picture limits. In the centre of the foreground a semi- -nude fisherman drags ashore his net. a Purchased from the Elirich Cnleee Property of Mr. Duncan Puitiprs, who disposes of the above de- scribed painting because of having other examples of the artist, besides lack of storage facilities. 3 “SIR HENRY RAEBURN, Pa aENGuse? 1756— -1823 "CLARK OF MON ROSE” | Height, 30 Hee width, 25 inches ele TIS: Porrrarr at half-length of a man in middle life, figure somewhat to right and face almost full to the front, with his blue eyes on the f spectator. He is clean-shaven save for short “sideburns,” and his 3a very light hair is in carefully-careless disarray, with a curling lock well down on his high forehead. A white stock binds his high Sheetal collar, and his Sats waistcoat is projected well above his dane double- E breasted coat, which has ere buttons. that catch the ee a " 4 i r Property of Mr. Biicar Puintiips, who dispauee “on he ibabe de-\ 7 scribed painting because of having other senamnples of. the wah § ig besides lack of storage facilities. | *. ae Poe eae ey! kh ee oe wer 7 ie eer” ae oe : . 7 ahaa = = a ‘oe SIR THOMAS LAWRENCE, PRA. Eatin: 176902100 10—THE TWO SISTEES Paced Height, 50 inches; width, 37 inches a a: ee In white décolleté gown, lace-trimmed and with shoulder ‘Siete the high waist marked by a blue sash, the elder sister stands at the centre — of the composition, facing the spectator, with figure turned ote to the left toward the great harp with gilt ornamentation which she is in posture of playing. She is fair with blue eyes and rosy cheeks ; and braided and curled chestnut hair, and is observed nearly at full — length. Beside her at the right her younger sister is seated, looking upward, with figure to left and face seen in profile. Her white gown is — décolleté and she wears a purple- pink sash, and in one hand resting: a on her knee she holds the music of a song. ee i on ne A ante DIMES DOM EE IE Sete a nie Oa a pe neem oa Sancta erent ah ee setmp ery BC From the Theron B. Blakeslee Collection. — Property of a Connoisseur. ROBERT TOURNIERES Frencn:: 16681752 | 8 T1—LE TEE ee DE FONTANGES: pe : AND HIS DAUGHTER ss Height, 53 inches; width, 4114 inches SEATED and facing the observer the Marquis ere slightly ad rests — his left elbow on a railing, over which his hand droops as in protective — | ¥ embrace of his small daughter, who, beside him, with her right » elbow pe on his knee, also faces the spectator. The child raises her left hand | 3 toward her father’s, a pet bird perching on her finger. The Marquis, observed. nearly at full-length, a brown-eyed man with rosy cheeks and % the great wig of the period, wears a coat and waistcoat of a rich, soft brown, with gold embroideries, white lace jabot and a rose mantle. His 4 daughter is in black velvet, décolleté, and wears a hat with. rose and aq plume. Drapery and sunset background. . 7 From the Collection of Dr. Paul Mersch, Consul- General of? Lurem- o. bourg. Property of a Connoisseur. 1 —-72_OLD MILL THOMAS CRESWICK, R.A. Encuisu: 1811—1869 é Height, 56 inches; width, AAT, inches Aw ancient mill stands athwart the picture, its great wheel fed from an overhead sluice spilling into a winding stream. From the miller’s cottage adjoining, behind it, smoke is issuing from the chimney, and from the bridge of an extension or wing a youth looks down toward two girls, seated and standing on rock shelves of the stream’s bank, sa > one bare-legged wearing a dark skirt and light waist, her comrade in 3 crimson skirt and a grayish waist. The steep bank behind them is _ zs deep with grass, the red-brown rocks are moss and lichen covered, and behind the gray and creamy and heavily thatched mill isa forest of. dense trees, in sunlight and shadow. A composition mellow in the . . . . . ° . — affluence of its color, rich in its sentiment of antiquity and romance. — Signed at the lower right in monogram, and dated 1833. Property of Mr. Duncan Puitips, who disposes of the above de- scribed painting because of having other examples of the artist. besides lack of storage facilities. | . 4g er =) JAN BREUGHEL FLEMIsH : 1568—1625 A ihe 73—LE PARADIS TERRESTRE | H Aone 45 inches; length, 631% inches Tue earthly paradise of the title is represented by a beautiful and formal park, with fountain playing on a terrace, a hedge-lined walk _ leading to a chateau in the distance, and in the foreground a pavilion with another fountain beside a pool. Here in the pool are two swans and two fishes swimming, and a duck and ducklings, with other ducks — at the water’s edge, at left; at right, two squirrels in a fruit tree. At foot of the tree roses blossoming, and in jardiniéres everywhere — other flowers in bloom. On the pavilion steps three ladies, one draped — in white seated on a vermilion mantle, one gowned in rich topaz, and one with a blue wrap falling from her breast. From a balcony above, a man of importance looks down. 3 | | Signed at bottom, toward the right, JAN BrEevGHEL, Fc. Note: Experts have expressed the opinion that the figures were painted by the artist’s great friend, Peter Paul Rubens, who became protector of Breughel’s two daughters after their father’s death. From the collection of Robert Davis, Esq., Walmer House, Catford, Kent, England. Mis Cr Property of a Connoisseur. ANTONIO CANALE 7 CALLED a IL CANALETTO Ae + > 7 G 0. Re : be 74—PALACE OF THE DOGES a. Tratian: 1697—1768 Height, 54 inches; length 77 inches Ar right the green canal rippled with choppy wavelets, white edged, and on it gondolas and sandolas and the state barge. At left the Molo and the Ducal Palace, the Prison, and the solid line of build- — . ings beyond it curving around to right in the background to the limits of the picture. On the boats, steps and landing stages, before the palace and in the loggia are many figures in the varied costumes of their different ranks or occupations, the colors soft and rich, the entire scene in a softened sunlight relieved by transparent cloud shadows. : ee Pe ye — From the collection of Robert Davis, Esq., Walmer House, Catford, i Kent, England. Property of a Connoisseur. Or 76—THE SONG: DECORATIVE PANEL ~ Nos. 75 to 80 include A Series of Original Studies for the a Decorations for the Opéra Comique, Paris. LOUIS JOSEPH RAPHAEL COLLIN Frencu: 1850—1916 dd L 75—THE HARPIST: DECORATIVE PANEL “ a | Height, 1984 inches; length, 2914 inches Warrep in atmospheric space before a richly chromatic background, the extended figure of a supple maid partially draped in a mantle of pale old-rose, her raised head in profile to the right and her flowing tresses blown ahead of her across the strings of a harp, which she lightly touches with delicate and graceful fingers. Signed at lower left, R. Corin. Exhibited at the Boston Musewm of Fine Arts. Property of an Estate. LOUIS JOSEPH RAPHAEL COLLIN Frencu: 1850—1916 (. Brsudis Height, 271 inches; width, 17°84 wmches Berrore a poetic woodland background with an atmospheric vagueness, ~ the standing figure of a young woman, nude to the waist, her lower body in a drapery of dulled old-gold and opalescent gray, her long and thick chestnut hair hanging below her hips. She faces the left and the woods, at the verge of a brook, holding a lyre from whose strings one hand has just been raised, and her head is thrown back in song. Signed at lower left, R. Coun. Ea«hibited at the Boston Museum of Fine Arts. Property of an Estate. 78VISION D’ETE: DECORATIVE PANEL LOUIS JOSEPH RAPHAEL COLLIN Frencu: 1850—1916 Height, 32% inches; wlth, 1834 inches ies FULL-LeNeTH standing figure of a fair young woman with ight hair loosened and falling to her hips, clad in a loose white gown of light material with flowing shoulder sleeves. Flowers deck her hair and she holds with both raised hands a branch of flowers, crossing behind her shoulders, and her straw hat is suspended by its purple ribbon from her elbow. Bare-footed in the light green grass, with woodland background. : Signed at lower left, R. CoLurn. Exhibited at the Boston Museum of Fine Arts. Property of an Estate. LOUIS JOSEPH RAPHAEL COLLIN Ret ex 1560-1916 Height, 22 inches; length, 4234 neler lecey [ote a ) SEMI-NUDE figure of an auburn-haired young woman reclining in wood- land verdure, a diaphanous bluish-white mantle under her shoulders, her limbs enfolded in a drapery of golden-yellow, one knee raised. She rests on her extended right elbow, with head erect and supported by the right hand, her face observed in profile to the left, and left hand on a lyre lying on the grass beside her. Hazy atmosphere and a distant suggestion of a stream beyond low trees. Signed at the lower right, R. Cotxy, 1908. Exhibited at the Boston Museum of Fine Arts. Property of an Estate. rena Saou UN REVE: DECORATIVE PANEL LOUIS JOSEPH RAPHAEL COLLIN Frencu: 1850—1916 e) pe Height, 2214 mches; length, 72 imches Reposine at full length, demi-nue, her limbs’ draped in her golden mantle, other folds of which are spread beneath her shoulder and head, a nymph with a yellow rose in her red-brown hair and face turned toward the observer is idly playing a lute, as she lies on a carpet of soft green grass. Grasses of taller growth and mingled with patches of purplish-brown and touches of yellow fill the back- ground, and enclose toward the right a misty pool. Signed at the lower right, R. Couzi, 1903. Eahibited at the Boston Museum of Fine Arts. | Property of an Estate. % LOUIS JOSEPH RAPHAEL COLLIN Frencu: 1850—1916 ue al me 80—GRACE PRINTANIERE: DECORATINE PANEL Height, 221% inches; length, 9314, inches On fresh green grass, whose deeper growths make a background ris- ing above the picture limits, a skin of white and purplish-brown fur is spread, and on it a dark-haired nude youth is seated, playing the pipes. Before him a fair-haired maiden in white reclines at full length, facing him in listening, dreamy attitude. Wild flowers spot the grass in front of her and a pale gold mantle is seen beyond her shoulder. Signed at the lower right, R. Contin, 1903. — Exhibited at the Boston Museum of Fine Arts. Property of an Estate. AMERICAN ART ASSOCIATION, MANAGERS. THOMAS E. KIRBY, AUCTIONEER. ee | eZ as orm or on ~ = ein ocean ee te een | i ba Bae = LIST OF ARTISTS REPRESENTED = AND THEIR WORKS fe ze v- = - e erick Nappanee ec nd yeh | te all) ne LIST OF ARTISTS REPRESENTED AND THEIR WORKS ARANDA, Don Josk JIMENEZ Market Place, Sevilla BAIL, CLaupE J OSEPH Young Woman Making Lace BELLOWS, GEORGE, N.A. A Wet Night BENSON, Frank W., N.A. Reflection BERNE-BELLECOUR, ETIENNE PROSPER A Soldier’s Refreshment BREUGHEL, Jan Le Paradis terrestre CANALE, Antonio (cattep IL CANALETTO) Palace of the Doges CARLSEN,’ Emu, N.A. “Weir's Place at Windham” CHURCH, Freperic Epwin, N.A. Waterside Landscape with Figures CATALOGUE NUMBER 23 47 34 61 41 <1 ann ae CATALOGUE NUMBER COLLIN, Louis J OSEPH RAPHAEL a oo bra: "7 The Harpist: Decorative Panel 75 The Song: Decorative Panel | Ry eit Flora: Decorative Panel ee Te Vision d’Eté: Decorative Panel — 783 Dans un Réve: Decorative Panel 3 70> a Grace printaniére: Decorative Panel = | SISO ae = CRESWICK, Tuomas, R.A. = Old Mill | 72 ae DAUBIGNY, Cuartrs FRANcots Les Coteaux de Valmondois — 64. DOUGHERTY, Paut, N.A. Between Sunset and Moonrise ; 59 ~DUPRE, Jurzs The Cottage | a ‘eee Pasture on the River Fay (Indre) - 63 DUPRE, Lion Vicror 3 Landseape and Cattle . 39 EATON, CHarLtes WarrEN Autumn near Greenwich, Connecticut 16 FROMENTIN, Euvcenr | Danse Arabe 66 GRIFFIN, Wauter, A.N.A. . Grand Canal, Venice 51 CATALOGUE NUMBER HARPIGNIES, Henri Landscape: In Sunshine and Shade Tat Landscape: On the Mediterranean 65 HAWTHORNE, Cuartes Wesster, N.A. Mother and Child 50 HENNER, Juan JacQueEs Ideal Head od HIGGINS, Evcenr, 4.N.A. A Lonely Street 3 peak HOOG, BERNARD DE , Mother and Children | 13 The Frugal Meal | 46 INNESS, Grorer, N.A. Indian Summer: 1894 62 ISRAELS, Josrr The Harpist 52 JACQUE, CHartes EMILE Sheep and Chickens The Master of the Roost 8 JOHNSON, Davin, N.A. | Scenery at New Berlin, New York 3 KEVER, Jowan Simon HENpDRIK : Bij de Wieg (By the Cradle) 28 KNIGHT, DanieL Ringway At Rosny 5 In the Garden a7, ca wi i, was + fa LAWRENCE, Sir Tuomas, P.R.A. The Two Sisters LEURS, J. f Landscape and Cattle McCORD, Grorce HeErsert, A.N.A. Along the Wharves at Twilight Along the Wharves at Even METCALF, Witiarp LEroy Pont Royal, Paris MINOR, Ropert Crannety, N.A. A Cloudy Day in Kent, England Dutch Windmill MORAN, Epwarp An Ocean Tramp MORAN, THomas, N.A. Sunny Venice — Landscape Moonlight OBERTEUFFER, Mure. H. A. Still Life OSTHAUS, Epmunp H. Hunting Dogs PASINI, ALseErto An Arabian Bazaar on the Outskirts of Damascus Mosque and Market Place a _ CATALOGUE =< “ge a c eles « nm, eS eh AS sy \ * 5 4 19 j ae r ) aS F 38 “ i a 67 27 - om CATALOGUE l ay vi NUMBER = PIETERS, E. Dutch Interior with Figure 29 F PLATT, Cuarwrs A., N.A. My Garden in Winter LA. RAEBURN, Siz Henny, R.A. “Clark of Montrose”’ 69 RAFFAELLI, Jean FRANCOIS Notre Dame de Paris 53 REDFIELD, Epwarp WILLIs Sleigh Bells, 43 ROBINSON, Tueovorr, S.4.d. A Cobbler of Old Paris 30 SANCHEZ PERRIER, Emuzio ‘Riverside, Pontoise 12 Along the River: Sevilla 20 SCHERREWITZ, J. Loading Wood Li SHURTLEFF, Roswrett Morse, N.A. Early Summer, Keene Valley 24 Across the Meadow, Keene Valley 35 The Old Beech 37 The Giant, from St. Hubert’s ; 40 Edge of the Forest, Keene Valley 60 TOURNIERES, Roserr Le Marquis de Fontanges and His Daughter ria | TRYON, Dwicut Wim, N.A. After Sunset TURNER, HeEten M. Morning VAN COUVER, J. Old Amsterdam VAN MARCKE, Emme Young Bull in Stable VAUTHIER, Pirrre . The French Fair VERBOECKHOVEN, Eucrnet Josep Sheep and Lambs 7 VEYRASSAT, JuLes JAcQuEs La Fin du Jour WEISZ, Jost Banks of the Seine WHITTREDGE, Worruinetron, N.A. ~The Forest Brook WILSON, Ricwarp, R.A. a Classic Landscape ZIEM, Frrrx | Féte on the Grand Canal, Venice INTELLIGENT APPRAISALS FOR UNITED STATES AND STATE TAX INSURANCE AND OTHER PURPOSES THE AMERICAN ART ASSOCIATION IS EXCEPTIONALLY WELL EQUIPPED | TO FURNISH APPRAISEMENTS AND INVENTORIES OF ART PROPERTY, BOOKS, MANUSCRIPTS, JEWELS AND PERSONAL EFFECTS OF PY ERY DESCRIPTION AT CHARGES COMMENSURATE WITH THE DUTIES INVOLVED THE AMERICAN ART ASSOCIATION MADISON SQUARE SOUTH f NEW YORK TELEPHONE, 3346 GRAMERCY 2 COMPOSITION, PRESSWORK AND BINDING BY eae + oh aad § t : a) ol Raton wae offin AF, Bunnuer -MVFLH. de Hass Wm. T, Richards Ch, Deshayes A, Resier BE, Sanehez Perrier Agi, Lesral W. Baird PRP. Gabrini Ernst Newak Emil Jacque ‘Fmil Jacque Suhaten. Perrier ~ Wietor Le Comta Aad Marais HEH, Rendel Ad Grison wT WwW, " " F, Del Campo Proullle bert Zism y Knight Josef Israels W.C. Bernard de Hoog oJ. Weyrassat J, Deminge Wa hs Richards Wijly Martens Chas. Jacque gan Menchablon Reubens Santore Jd. Veyrassat JeseL Israels rie. pig kerie . ; Clays Tenet Isvaels A.A, Lesrel J@an Gustave Jaequet Ridgway Enight BE, Sanehez Perrier Willy Martens d, Rosier 0, de Penne Be Neuville David Johnson R, Chevillarda Marais Milton Blemmers Chas. Jacque BL, Blommers GL, Seymour Ad, Schreyer J.V,. Chelminski H, Velten ankkeehd- cameenen eS Solitude ! At Rosuay Witching and Waiting Dutch Interior Halt at the Inn Mt. Washington 7 An Ocean Tramp (Da'g eg Morning near Viakbiws (Library Summer Autumn near Greenwich (Parlor | Rvening in Somerset aie se Prk: Moonrise (Parlor Fishing Boats from Schereninzen (Im'g Rm) Marine (Library) Marine Landscape ( Study In the Harbor (Stug Rm Riverside (Library Seidier Louis XIil (Parlor ) In the Lane (Dal g Rm) Retuming from the Fields (parlor) Birthday Morning (Library ) At the Waiting Place ( ) Rnd of the Day dn"g Rm) Ou the Shore of the 0400 (Parlor ) Interior White Cow ss Head Young Girl (Library) La DijJestion " Fly in Coifee *8 L'Apris Dejeuner s Venice m La Loire a Beaulieu " Grand Canal ~- Venice (Parlor ) (Sting Rm) (Parlor ) La Fin de la Jounes (Da'g Rm) La Bin du Jour {Stng Rm) Spanish Cavaliors ” Off Newport " In Holland (Parlor ) Interior Chickens & Sheepftg Rm ) On the Siene - France fo dade Venetian Gondolier (Library The Noonday Meal (Parlor } Interior in Holland eke af the Herd (Da'tg Rm) Pete an Grand Gyre d (Paxbor eae On the Scheldt, Yniwasp (Library) Making Pancakes Sting Rm The Dispute at Cards {Parlor ) Indian Head (Library) Plower Garden at Rosnay Le Alameda Seville Stngz Rm) Garden in Holland (Parlor ) On the River Oise-#ranca( . Hounds ~ 2 pictures { Study ) Seldiers & Artlilery Feench Aray (Parlor ) Landscape New Berlin NY {Parlor ) An Idle Moment -y The Belated Guest (Library) The Lovers (Sing Rm) Interior Children of the Sea (Library ) Ruby (Stng Rm) Avab Chief (Library) News from Prince Rugene de Beauharnois - The Information (parlor ) (parler ) ua OS «te OI BBE GA i bast AE Tabac vs ¥ bs _ ‘ MALE AAS BE LOR ALO DIC TER Ge) Ak aS Roe Hamman Ae Sale of Paintings including a Grand Exam le of George Inness: | belongong to Miss L.Hoffmann, Duncan Phillips, Edward V.W.Rossiter, Mrs.R.N.Shurtleff, etc., sold at Plaza Hotel, a aaa 6c Price $ 50. 50. 115. 180. 210. 275.6 625. 680. 525. 100. 160. 175. 390. 360. 325. 120. 290. 825. 250. 375. 220. ATS. 1404 120. LS, 70. 800, 300. 1,250. UTS. 625. 150. 120. 550. 160. 250. 160. 170. 160. 120. Mrs.B.Von Gerbig 41, $ 675. Wm. Macbeth, Inc. J.J-Campbell 42. 900. Le Roy Frost Rudert,agt. 43. 575. M.Knoedler & Co. P.H.Douglas 44, 475. Mi Clapp & Grahem. 45. l; 900. Mrs.J.B,Wayl and Mrs.M.H.Dodge 46. 800. Robert Anderson Miss R.H.Lorenz,agt. 47. 825. " Mrs.M.H. Dodge 48. 500. John Levy John Levy - 49. Lope. P.H.Deuglas F.K.M.Relim 50. 650. Wm.Macbeth, Inc. Lorenz, agte Sle 1,350. Will.J.Davis Arlington Galls. S26 300. Seaman,agt. P. Thompson 53. 500. M.Knoedler & Ce Seaman,agt. 54. 300. John Levy \ 8 55. 60. Walter Drew ey Dr.W. Timme 56. 850. F.K.M.Relim Paul H.Douglas 57. 800. Seaman, agt. John Levy ays 58. 475. ~~ Bernet,agt. M.H.Wheelock 59. 1,400. me Parke, agt. 60. 500. YWim.Macbeth,Inc. Seemen,agt. 61. 1,000, # john: Levy—_——_—..aal62. 16,500... Bernet, agt. P. Thompson 63. 1,500. R.Austin Arlington Galls. 64, 1,500. R.ZAustin C.H. Brown 65. 1,650. Mr.Frigmuth Arlington Galls. 66. OUT Lorenz, agt. 67. 550. Mr.M.H.Dodge W.H.Siebert 68. 2208 Ehrich Galls. " 69. 425. Ferargil Galls. M.Knoedler & Co. 10. OUT N.Coleman TW. OUT P.H.Douglas TZ 260. Kelly Art Gall. Wm.H.Griffin 73. OUT ¥F. K.M.Relun 74, 2,000. C.D.Peul Capl M.Owen 156 100. John H.Frye Parke, agt. 76. 120. C.Brandus John C.Peyne 77. 400. Bernet, agt. _ Bernet, agt., 78. 140. Arlington, Gall. R.eNeWallach 79. 150. R.D,Bixley C.H. Brown 80. 250. John H.Fry. am," by Macbeth, mas Moran, N. A >. “Sleigh d to ame de elli, to_M. Turner, Windmili,” A., to Seam, N.-A,, = by Frank W. « 6 y Charles Fran » $1,500; ds 3 the | nean,’” ‘by Henri Harpignies, to by unch, $1,650; “Hunting Dogs,” * pomend H. Osthausg, to Mrs, -M,: Dodge, 550. . acters enh ore eee ae 106 110 Seventh Ave., N. nthe a | ReBERESENES oa NEW YORK Be First Established an ree Cutting Bureau in the World Vi ‘Address New oer d Most Doitipiete’, HERALD Sema, 2 fe, 81928 * mpiy ee ae and or _. Paintings Sell for. Total of $54,225, Highty American and foreign paint- ings from the coliection of Duncan Phil- lips and other estates and private own- ers were sold at auction last night in the Plaza Hotel for $54,225. The prize of the collection, a fine example of George Inness, which was presented to Dr. { Newell Dwight Hillis by the congrega- tion of Plymouth Church, brought the high price of the evening, $16,500. It Was an “Indian Summer,” 30 inches high by 4146 long, and was bought by Bernet, agent, for a private purchaser. | The same bidder paid “$1, 400 for a Paul Dougherty, “Between Sunset and | Moonrise.” Mrs, J. b. Wayland gave. /$1,900 for “Fete on the Grana- Canal, i | Venice,” by Felix Ziem, and Paul H. | Douglas Paid $1,350 fora ‘Moonlight’ by Thomas Moran.. A utch Interior with Figures” by E. Piet Hi: Siebert for $1,250. Other ° ata th buyer and price follow: © we s went to W. Palace of the Doges, by Antonio Canale (called Il Canaletto); pers “ BO Ar SE ie Dee oan me tepcets. 2,000 2 Jacaue; Mrs. M. A. hole 680 ottese, by Jules Dupre: John mid Levy - Tien tak sare vis dessert LOA Idee] Head, by. Jean Jacaiies Henner ;- N, Coleman....-..... egihivs dialare 625 A Wet Night, by George ‘Bellows, N, Bae aS Ac, BORE Ae, vince cee 530 Mosque and Market ‘Place, Alberto Pa- sini; Miss. Lorenz, agent........... 800 Weir's Place at Windham; by ‘Emil ‘Carlson, N. A.; Wm, Macbeth, Ine. 675 Landscapo, by Thomas Moran, N. AZ; Hiei Roy ETOSt. deo, ves. ~ 900 Sleigh Bells, by Hdward Willis ae field; M. Knoedler.& Covs..z....... S75 The Frugal Meal, by Bernard de Hoog; . Robert Andersonies.:+.s0..6s ‘ 800 Young Woman Maing Lace, by Claude Joseph Bail; Ropert Anderson....... S25 Pont Royal, Paris, by Wilard Leroy Metealf; John Levy .ise.e.c.ss sacs 500. Mother and aon By, Charles Webster awthorne, N, ; William Macheth, BOE At sar cy etait ee dtp Santee | at Grand pee ‘Venice, py. Walter Griffin, A. N. A.; W. J. Davis.. 43850 Notre Dame de Paris, by Jean Fran- ; cois Raffaelli; M. Knoedler & Go.... ,. 900 Morning, by Helen M. Turner; @. Ix. MesBaban aa eds cree 850 } Dutch Windmill, by Robert Crannell 5 Minor, N ; Seaman, agent... .... 800 Hdge of the Forest, Keene Vailey, We _ Roswell Morse Shurtleff, - ? William Macbeth, Inc: clw ncs0seees =00 Reflection, by Frank WW. Benson, N. A.;- William Macbeth, Inc......,.. 1,000 Pasture on the River Fay, Jules Dupre RA AUstinedic so. wakes sce 1.8009 ‘Les Coteaux de Valmondois” by Charies Francois Daubigny; R. Austin...... 1,500 Landseape on the Wieatietrancna: by’ Henri Harpignies; Fridmunch...... 1,650 Hunting Dogs, by Edmund H, Osthaus; % Miss) Ms EE WOU RG. calcitic even ais 550 a a = ROMEIKE, Inc 106-110 SEVENTH AVE. NEW YORK Established 1881 American and Foreign Works | 8 Totaling $54,225. ae “ Indian Summer,”’ a large panne By |George Inness,« brought the top price ai the sale of American paintings by: Ame ican and fereign artists, from dii.'> | owners : BZ Pa |net, agd@at, for,$16;500. It-was 30 by 404 inches, & #ure: of soft, warm Autumr ton¢és with one young tree os bright rec | foliage. ~~" Thé picture: haa a nisuene. pike a one of the last completed works: of the artist, who died in 1894, and was con sidered ‘one of his most important ex amples. It was purchased from Mr Inness by the congregation of the Cen tral. Church, Chicago, to present to i pastor, the Rev. Dr. Newell Dwight Hillis, when he resigned to take charge of Plymouth Chureh, Brooklyn. It w: sold in the sale of the collection Emerson McMillin in 3913, going Knoedler & Co., from whom it was chased by Duncan Phillips, who | posed of a number of pictures i | night's sale. The picture was s’ at $5,000, One of the picturés on’ whic was an upset price last night important Fromentin, ‘* Danse A here was»a eall for a bid of $8 as it was not forthcoming the was passed. The Pictures and Prices. Following is a list of the p bringing $500 and over, with . names of artists and buyers when gi 7—An Arabian Bazaar on the Outskirts eet tie wich St ca Phase op pag oes Mrs: M,” E. Dodge. ...-. eu veereeses oeee 9—The Cottage—Jules Dupre; John Levy aged : ble ie eee ae Meren Lorenz, ARON 6. sass cee es ee ee ts pee beeen Fiction with Figure—E. Pieters; |W. H. Siebert. ......-1-ceeccsaueuuses $1,250 3t—Ideal Head—Henner; N. ‘Goleman. es $625 ». Rohan | [sicavetr | 2 “Landsoape—Thomas Moran, Ni b Roy Prost oi. <0. bye eset eee ees - 43—Sleigh ‘poils—wdward Willis Redfield; | Knoedler-& Co... .+-¢entesetersen cee ens $5 ( — on the” Grana Ganal, Vv + Mrs, J, B. Wayland... 026-08 oes ot $1,900 46—The Frugal sie Sasilaeale de Hoog; “aa 34—A Wet NIEBES Geuree Bellows; .F. atid se Bail; 48—Pont move ; calf; John Levy.. 4 : 46. Moonlight—Thomas: “Moran> “Paul a be Douglas oh... hee pee noted ens bed nial 31,350, | 50—Mother and Child—Charles Ww. Hey thorne; William Macbeth, Inc. ...+,.:.% 51—Grand Canal, bees pais Meer Griff: W, eee eee j Tendadler BS OO LL veteaiacis ete tame ae : pig Moneing eles M. Turner; 2B. Reham ‘ bi—Dutch Windmill—Robert ‘Gran Seaman, A@Gent. ....5- seer e weer ree nenes 59—Between Sunset and Dougherty; Bernet, agent.......+..-+ $1,400 i of the Forest, Keene Vailey—Ros- well orse Bhuptlerts yee Bae sp ew BUY inc 61 Reflection--Franic "w.’ Benson; Macbeth, Inc. §...4...5..2-.0-04. $1, 62—Indian Summet—Géorge Inness; O. Ber- net, agent n 6,500 68—Pasture on the River Sail pe R: Austin. ...evees 64—Les Coteaux de +R. Austin -..-0:-- $1,500 6i—Landseape: on the pignies; Fridmunch ....-+-+++.-..- -$1, 650 6rHunting Dobe ein’ H. Osthaus; Mrs. MM. Dedse NBASAMaS prkeshCer A. cp 550 1d Palace f the Dodger saws: Cray Batilcal: wenee neces ieee wares $2,00 The total for the sale was $54,225. here was a good attendance. Hx-Sen- ator W. A. Clark was one of the well- Ska eople in the audience. Thomas , ay was in thgestictieneer’s bench. HENRY _ ROMEIKE, Inc. (ORIGINAL 106-110 SEVENTH AVE NEW Established YORK a8. | prone £628 19%% TRIBUNE of | , ce Se Saki ‘Eighty Canvases Sold at | Total of $54,225 at Sale of American and For- eign Subjects at Plaza | wighty American -and foreign paint- ings of-distinction, jneluding @ histori: | aay significant and prilliant painting by the American master, George In- \ness, N. Ay were dispersed at auction last night at the Hotel Plaza by the American Art Association for $54,225. |The Inness was the painting, “Indian | Summer,” @ landscape in soft reds and | browns, which was purchased from the | artist direct in 1894 by the congrega- | tion of the Central Church, Chicago, for presentation to its pastor, the Rev- , Dr. Newell Dwight Hillis. It fetched $16,500 from 0. Bernet, an agent acting for 4 private collector. It was ne of the last works of the artist and ‘considered one of his most important. It was sold to Messrs, Knoedler at the McMillin sale in 1913 and from them acquired by Duncan Phillips, who of- }fered it in this sale. : Many of the important paintings. in | this offering were the property of Mr. | Bhillips though other examples were fron the Billings’ estate corporation, | the estate of Edward Vv. We Rossiter | and the collections of Miss. L. Hoff- man, Mrs. RB, M. Shurtleff and, other oynetae <3 Sse eh Tl Canaletto’s fie | painting, “Palace of the Doges. | was from the Robert Davis ce ght $2 “of the i ELLA wir AN CHET HN m= a CRT Ya hy 4 Ualboy tab lebsin ‘bel ta te ON pa MUSE LEG he FhiFul bos Aa SI Fp eg) Bw 4 aml, Nog ani 48 Ea Barcel ae roa Fe MLA Sy oD ne pe ee as munis saahy By ot wits AS! 3 by OG me) iN BL priaerey ate eed Bed FOF) SUF Spay ty et r ae dy By RAE) EF Wii sedipad Spe: ened Lady hho ty pty te banda de dy bat etn de ae fey Be Sy = zykyy Eprieyen tee teaee a ap hy 54 te Piya eet Ring Eerie ba an Lil ies on rw Bea Wy 4 BETO L Ry ES ad SE Gs Biel Sa ONG iris byte te aaah ey eat aa » wk Oh a Se Ala & Let dy 49 PRA RRA RG RD saete Stiri Malate re agin ets Doda pete yh sy AS Sy HEY Rye LSet ay ary maka ary ky ty fa) BGiAa) Lied este tt Tegel Lat SRL ALS EL AL SEE BY Wi hab og ea teehee) MEA ida yt Hive) spehaues eh sib FA FUSES RRR EDL Ie S © te eh eley Payers ee at ss aie rare See UE A EL tek en ER ed emi ntins eqeued AMAIEUSL EEA HEUEL BeasesoRe FQ OH bas Hon bike Petes trie a] eLngeae hk a RFR EU SEALER TH i Sr plipletales + eae aR: Reb hy 84) NOPE SUL ER FTL Eee EY SR PENNEY BPA Ley ve hae ies Seiy {P| : ia Pecaybeueha 4 +? 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