8s 1927 Nov.17 NeAmG c.2 Liebe og 50 Rae poe Pee oe its Pipe aA iis gile de ee it Porat a CU othe te eeenaeee tae ard AP ioe PA ge SPUBCHHG Sass PIE Siete (ne ona Pet POD POT Ae en Mee tel iy ip Aarh aah rr ee etyerig afi desi a pt eehles 7) aig 7 aH Ie op ped anaes hae i ae ve je bo ph Sai “at pas ear ¥ Ge okie ahem Rts RL iat bw be a sag ppigoy-s as f Sxel pn ino ripae sae. para ee i Behe. SAS ao Prd wr, fae 3 eee fda A Wet 4 pada be Gir 2984 ondd Pnee eg aes tr Faseak EL it Ahcdigear see ghi ah Ae mae $e cmb tm Ay fp ee BP et 6A a Lr rm ge gi — eran Seliaes sian bebe al odhiCcadanty Adena be f Leader ihe frat kh eer Pent eee a MMAR ee cetled ati a teeta he i tok sage sane t» nh aimdetige 160? ete ae Pet ar de eager eon y Cte Pn Sea LO ee * PERERA er uabpr foge nena ys OO Wn Re Be th FS pee prea, amen? a9 A oe pape ie petra peletatas ag. i ‘f nada eam eye Fah ig ie py Ab me twdrut Abe ib ifs sh + ori 2G Nb # oh apd gH iT, bate arent ie tf efi a pis he Bey +i ee Bras an Lap eat ee a AGO! get ogo ate tah Ase. AH ad gered iH ab-aipmiae ina fe 9 Pain eee y # vite pataee eA PEM? the ee ne +4 ee geet b st e gle: Ep ery , 9 es eit J es ‘g ogre pennies ances tint he tase ie ee OR poke pe agent pele ssteiee Paakhitese apr RePboeg” or 1p pi wes PO IP ih nie fling eb Ff F REE Ag A ge PON erga php oy be PF a ieladee Ate dhe cent pe ea a aia Sie ntgh ig en : ath BoP Peg PIES IS Pape BD Ps ope Bh gk pte ge PE CH REE at Aken pe Ce Pip) pip bs abe tas Ee eal Arata ris HEB OP Pb leyg esers Se eoth rie te ers eee i tid atisi ard ew pase Ch hha eho os ta i Sofie Ho Pp es ee 1 :: ¥ a‘ mney tet ig gh tpi wen ee Pike peste wed by ; f RG ts ar apratret 4 s eg Heat og 1S petit eh ph a tell Lit oe fale r : Cee mL F ing 7 ari tee ee ae s os Peetorigeies uae | Badd Pega. ey Pe oie ie, Mite 1M abt Pepa i nd et RPP te veges ce Set ob aeh it a m Cs Ee ot Mb aa ‘ mee am, ra Bites i Seratat Meceryie dining Le “ Kinet rye ide Ape ppg reads BT Bh doe Aas Peg Be 4 efi lhe ab lake wed: bi HES PERM: ta estes hy f sis wd de ger, A aot eee Aaah Pie uy Apa pede, ¥ i eh sab A Bea tet tbe pas cay ou ahnens atl ae ata Gi we aif ost toes eat) “aaa Biers 710 * Aves t thats & a Verolecetpt eed fee Far hy = in ah 3 EDIT oad iby rt OF pe be ees a 1 $4 eee ep wane ee re ne ce cies ois en is oly red do Lf Ge sate aboot Mm Vgetre Dee eA arene TO ae ea ISGP SET a ke Ro Bn dp ge iA (ple dae j hey ; + Weil ip pihye nine ob tthe i ar Na Aer Gee bale t ge SA a We ake a bg’ f VST Pet Ger be ey My Hite aise veel ashe Ur atl 6 pele Pt a be ir von Siaee yoerah yt Ft fea aca Lites ee tEAM oh a OR Gado lwede wl ae tr enn, haiee Vie toe i eS pas pithy vinden ek Oo bide aA itr hare ae Makes seo ' we rN Ante Ry! Hott oitatat heatst 4 Be rn is Bs ee 6 Hh Ply * Chay f ® nae 1 i 4 eet : irate Valeow? « ae) he eae au ae Ont: eee “Ay ¢ : a aps ae (isles px HA Sot Hyamiies ba ge ies Kane ihe es V4 1 feb ts ta * a at ns i Pepsi hrunia lates hv , eter aes we Ava ey we Ve ¥ y raat 1h hae esi ba hy rb nea n Sh ee ie eb pk md fang’ ' . GoM eee hUd Hh NN tip tae can Bayes je Gi ie sit cal te r he s THE MEYER GOODFRIEND COLLECTION Important Works of BARBIZON AND THE IMPRESSIONISTS & American Art Association: Inc MADISON AVENUE - SOTH TO 57TH STREET NEW YORK CITY 1927 Buyer Wilhelm Hillquit. Lipset . M.G.Meyers G.K.Parsons Kraushaar Gals. M.K.& Co. M.Lerner Hammerstein A.A.Tilney M.K.& Co. A.E.Braun Hammerstein Spencer Goetz Hammerstein Kaufman P.Van Itallie M.Bernheimn G.K.Parsons Tilney M.K.& Co. Hammerstein M.Lerner ‘Blank M.G.Meyers M.K.&.Co. E.H. Bernheim Freed Tilney Meyers Spencer M.K.&.Co. R.N.Wallach Wm. Levy M.K.& Co. Hillquit Levy Spencer M.G.Mreyers. M.K.&.Co. Seaman,agt. Meyers Hammerstein ff P.Thompson J .Levy Spencer No. Buyer M.K.& Co. Hammerstein Mutterperl M.E.& Co. Meyers Lauderbach Meyers Rosenbergh. Lauder bach Mutterperl M.K.&.Co. Muttersperl John Levy Bernheim Bernhein Spencer PPPs. J. Levy N.C.Neyers Hammerstein _ ERS. © PoP Ss Krsushaar Hammerstein Meyers Freed Hammerstein PPS. Tilney M.K.& Co. Rosenbaum M.K.& Co. Crawford Hammerstein W.Levy Hammerstein tt Meyers Findlay Manheimer Wilhelm M.K.& Co. Hammerstein M.K.& Co. Hammerstein George md net — nn ae Pete BEEO EXHIBITION From Saturday - November 12 Until Time of Sale Weekdays g to 6 » Sunday 2 to 5 UNRESTRICTED PUBLIC SALE Thursday Evening November 17 Beginning at 8:15 O'Clock EXHIBITION &? SALE AT THE AMERICAN ART GALLERIES Madison Avenue: 56th to 57th Street New York City e SALES CONDUCTED BY Mr. O. Bernet & Mr. H.H. Parke American Art Association: Inc MANAGERS 1927 IMPORTANT FRENCH PAINTINGS INCLUDING THE FINEST WORKS OF Jean Francois Cachoud EVER OFFERED AT PUBLIC SALE Collection Belonging To The Estate of THE LATE MEYER GOODFRIEND Sold By Direction of the Executors Jacob Goodfriend, David Livingston and Julius Kaufman DD ) <> ED ¢ > ~~ ae Saye’ | We ee ty be Signed at lower Hee F, CacHoupD_ i Height, 2134 inches; length, 26 inches Purchased from the artist » ELIE ANATOLE PAVIL ie H: 1875— 3 ay PARIS: sf i p+ Brilliantly hghted in luminarist colors, the broad guai in th foreground flooded with sunshine; here and there, strolling figures. Beyond stretches the Seine, crossed in the distamgl by the Pont Neuf towards the fresh green trees of the | 4 | de la Cité sae thesncit Signed at lower right, Erie Pavit Height, 1814 inches; length, 24 inche te ete ORR RSTIRT LIT RSTO 2 Ag COR eRe RES RPTETIG tor | FRENCH: 1849— 4/f yr 7 7; SS a Poel,’ P -DU-CHATEAU: NEIGE A thin covering of snow, scraped bare in the middle of the way, covers a broad road running into the right foreground, with the figuré of a plodding woman and a man driving a cart coming towards the observer. At the left are build- ings, here and there bare saplings, and, in the background, the undulating line of purplish gray hills. : DI RTI SN pa ER ETN TER aN Signed at lower left, ALBERT LEBourc Height, 1534 inches; length, 2534 inches Exhibited at the Galeries Georges Petit, Paris [See illustration | 33 ALBERT LEBOURG A Lk o RE 35+ i 450 FRANCOIS CHARLES CACHOUD | FRENCH: =. | tS O. win NUIT D°OCTOBRE: ALBAN A wild sky with wind-driven clouds lighted low pwn ee: a brilliant moon; before it is a descending curtain of half-— : bare russet trees, lashed into violence by the gale. “uae Signed at lower right, F. CacnHoup ae ‘Height, 24 inches; length, 2834 ‘inches : Purchased from the artist JULIAN RIX AMERICAN: I85I—I903 ae, ee Ome e- A dark valley extends across the middleground with lines of trees and the clustered roofs of a village. Further off long smoky trails of gray cloud hang before the olive-green band of the foothills. Height, 19 inches; length, 26 inches t Julian Rix Collection, American Art Association, 1913 34 ALBERT LEBOURG ; | FRENCH: 3 oS ; a a Co Q, 4 7.) CANAL EN HOLLANDE’ The blue water of a canal flows into the foreground at the © extreme right, the roofs of a large town on the farther ___ bank and a group of three windmills in the distance. On the near shore, the canal road leads past poor houses and trees, ‘struck by the mellow light of the setting sun. Loafers are idling along the waterside. Signed at lower left, A. Lesourc, and dated 1895 a Height, 15 inches; length, 2134 inches [ See illustration ] mate distance, beyond which lie the houses and factory chimneys w Aa) O~ : »* _ JEAN BERTHOLD JONGKIND is DutcH: I819—1891 YE _S ‘ ‘ ne 38; QUAIS DE LA-SEINE = _- A littered sandy shore in the left foreground slopes down to — the wide river, crossed by a five-arched bridge in the middle of a large town. On the near shore are carts loading rubble and an enormous barge pushing off from the bank. 4 Signed Sf lower left, Joncxinp, and dated 1865 s . Height, 13 inches; length, 18 inches Collection Saint Albin, Paris } From the Galerie Allard, Paris mie = [See illustration | a ETIENNE DINET FRENCH: I861— B Bo osx MATERNELJE ‘i 2 aoe The interior of a doorway lighted from the left. An old _ Algerian woman, wrapped in a purple and silver shawl, _ is clutching protectively to her breast her youthful daughter, who is robed in green and white, and stares affrightedly into eee space, _ Height, 2734 inches; width, 24 inches JOSEPH MOSSE a aie CENTURY io SA ceo = é ahee COURCELLES |SEINE-ET-MARNE ie An autumn day, the curving country lane flanked by trees with russet and green verdure. A woman is walking up the road towards the white-walled cottages of the village in the middle distance, bright against the brown woods behind. Signed at lower right, Jo. Mossé, and dated 1904 Height, 18 inches; width, 15 inches 37 ATs B75 : cre Woe a Co, /', drawn cart is loading ballast into a sailing boat. On the ‘Collection Vian, Paris | FRANCOIS CHARLES CACHOUD “FRENCH: 1866— WL i 19d LES*SA 37 O: DU as The edge of a green plain with a group of seven pollard willows, beside which is a peasant girl driving home a pair | of i oxen. Beyond is the thin thread of a river aus a misty hill- side in the light of the moon. : Signed at lower right, F. CacHoup 3 ‘Height, 2534 inches; lene 32 inches | Purchased from the eee ALBERT LEBOURG FRENCH: 1849— In the left foreground a quay with houses, small steamboats moored in the middle distance; a short jetty is thrust out over the turquoise-blue water. On the end of it a horse- farther shore at the right, houses and factory chimneys. Signed at lower left, A. LEBourc Height, 18% inches; length, 33 34, inches Exhibited the Galerie Rosenberg, Paris [See illustration | 38 SuR LA SEINE 42. No HENRY PEMBER SMITH DNC ON: 1854s : “a GO. S24 ue 43. THE OLD MILL, MONMOUTH 7. cle a g © In the right foreground, the mill pool, its grassy bane ae covered with green shrubs; behind it the red frame walls of the old mill, a beech tree half hidden boven and wooded hill country at the left. Signed at lower left, Henry P. Smiru a Height, 14 as inches; length, pie: a, inches. FRANCOIS CHARLES CACH OI? FRENCH: 1866— US © 44. LE CHEMINEAU An old man carrying a satchel and leaning heavily on a ys fo L © stick, plods up a moonlit road stretching away from the | observer between grassy banks lined with trees. Light starry sky. Signed at lower right, F. Cacnoup Height, 2534 inches; length, 3214 inches” Purchased from the artist 40 WILFRID C. BEAUQUESNE FRENCH: 1847—1 913 5 eeccene DE 1870: LE RENFORT Behind the white wall of a farmhouse is seen a church tower, a _ dark against a cloudy sky. Over the wall a handful of poilus have scrambled and are charging up the ditch into the fore- pened, where a hand-to-hand fight is taking place between ~ small details of French and German sEuia At the left B are bare saplings. 4 ‘Signed at lower left, W. Bravouesne, and dated 1886 ina = is Height, 22 inches; width, 18% inches — | i io 1 e ELIE ANATOLE PAVIL {I ooo Va Se 1 BO) 46. VUE SUR NOTRE DAME DE PARIS The near bank of the Seine in the right foreground, with a line of linden trees with brilliant blue trunks. On the river are barges winding their way towards the distant Pont Neuf between banks of trees; silhouetted against the sky are the towers of Notre Dame. Signed at lower right, E. A. Pavit, and dated 1919 Height, 22 inches; length, 29 inches 4! gt Wananga tibia eres eet = : = 4! weit ALBERT LEBOURG : FRENCH: 1849— LS O. =, é Ne Ome 4 (47) BORDS DE LA SEINE €4 DIGG er ( | Brilliant blue water in the right foreground, spanned by 4 (fragile jetty to which are tied rowboats. On the lush gra: ys | of the bank behind are two figures touched with red; beyon them trees clustered about tall mansions and a square-towered church. | Signed at lower right, A. Lesourc Height, 18% inches; length, 30 42 ~-FRANCOIS CHARLES CACHOUD RENCH: 1866— SO, ‘ ss. NUTT G IR SUR LA|ROUTE DE oe a | BOUVENT 45? Be The meonlit road runs away from the left foreground and past a chestnut tree beside the calm waters of the river, BE iecting the full moon, which is hidden behind the chest- vs ut. On the farther bank, a dark undulating n mass of hills. a ae Signed at lower right, K, < Saas | | ‘Height, 26 ches: length, 32 inches f= Purchased an the artist JULIAN RIX ? O AMERICAN: 18 ek “49. masMAINE PASTURE po A dark, swiftly flowing stream curls between grassy banks into the left foreground. Behind it an olive-green mass _of oak and beech trees is set solidly before a cloudy tur- quoise sky. Signed at lower right, Juuran Rix Panel: Height, 1934 inches; length, 2334 inches Julian Rix Collection, American Art Association, 1913 43 1 > Nae 0 OR SR as FRANCOIS CHARLES CACHOUD FRENCH: 1866— so: NUIT TOMBANTE APRES 1A PECs ee: ae 3 od al S 5 O lings, curves at the right foreoroutll past a peasant’s. hut. - a The cloudy sky and the moon are suffused with | ee h ze following a shower of rain. ae Signed at lower right, B. Cacnoup 1 Height, 21 a inches; length, Das a inches x Purchased from the artist LEON RICHET FRENCH: 1847—1907 | st. PAYSAGE IQS, ea A covered wagon is making its way slowly along a curving / oy. 2 lane between meadows fresh under recent rain. In the ~ left foreground, two half-bare trees; in the right middle dis- tance a copse beneath dull rain clones of an October sky. Signed at lower left, Léon RicHet . Height, 20 inches; length, 26 inchell 44 ALBERT LEBOURG FRENCH: 1849— BORDS DE LA SEINE AUX ENVIRONS Se | Ee PARIS ey ae yy, Ke cee I The green grass of the foreground is fresh after washes of recent rain. Two groups of trees partly screen a vista of houses and barns in the distance, lining the edge of the smooth river at the right, on which are two boats with fisher- men. The light blue sky is heaped with pinkish white cloud. ned at lower left, A. Lesourc, and dated 1902 Height, 19% inches; length, 2834 inches || From Bernheim jeune et fils, Paris, 1903 From the Galeries Georges Petit, Paris | [See illustration | | 45 | — FRANCOIS CHARLES CACHOUD RENCH: 1866— G15: 53. LE VILLAGE: NUIT DE SEP zo Into the sky tower the tall slender trunks of a group of ~~ poplars and birches in the left foreground; behind them the haystack and white-walled thatched cottages at the out- skirts of the village, catching the moonlight on their plaster | walls. Before the houses is a stretch of turf criss-crossed by the tree-shadows. A light sky is filled with stars. Signed at lower right, F. Cacuoup Height, 28 inches; length, 32 inches Purchased from the artist [See illustration ] 46 Pee ek . % pote Pret, 20) inches; width, 26 inches ~> ALBERT LEBOURG a F, a on ke. 1849— a

ee os FRENCH: 1849— f 466) LA SEINE AUX ENVIRONS DE PARIS: . GE PECH EO see Oe | q O O The converging lines of the composi ion are focused by two figures in blue and red in a small rowboat on the calm mirror of the water, in which are reflected the pink clouds of the brilliant sky, the masses of green and yellow autumn foliage up of the left bank, and the hill with its scattered trees and houses at the right. The whole is pervaded by a freshness as if after rainfall. Signed at lower left, A. LEBourc, and dated 1902 { Height, 20 inches; length, 29 inches From Berheim jeune et fils, Paris Exhibited at the Galeries Georges Petit, Paris, 1918 [See illustration | 58 ELIE ANATOLE PAVIL ae _ FRENCHE 1875— | Saale wt by / mo JARDIN PITTORESQUE, PARIS The observer looks down the broad path of the public gar- dens into a line of perambulators and nurses, among the 4 dappled shadows cast by the brilliant sunshine from the trees and shrubbery which border the path on either side. In the distance the warehouses and factory buildings of a suburb. Signed at lower right, E. A. Pavir Height, 24 inches; length, 29 inches Purchased direct from the artist 59 68. 5 3e AN ALFRED SISLE Aas FRENCH: 1840—1899 ar, - ranean ae LA MACHINE, MARLY a A brilliant group Ab éthre and wee trees, perched on ¢ rise on the left bank are reflected in the gray water oS river; on the near bank in the right foreground, green erass and undergrowth, with a factory building half-c on cealed by brown bushes. In the far distance, beyond tl white scum of the weir, wooded hilly country in a ioe blue beneath the gray heavens. wy Signed at lower left, Sistey, and dated 1873 a - Height, 15 inches; length, 2414 inche : Purchased direct’from the artist Collection of Mme. G. Morris — From the Galerie Allard, Paris [See illustration | 60 ATUV ‘7NIHOV VI ad AOVUUV ° ‘oO N LOUIS EUGENE BOUDIN | = ~ Frencu: B824—~1898 3 — | SS b: \ v - 5 i. : LE PORT DU HAVRE( | Morning light in a pale gray sky, with flocks of blue arru clouds low down on the horizon. On the silvery water are moored at left and right lines of cross-rigged merchant ves- sels; early boats are putting forth across the harbor and a buoy is seen floating in the centre of the scene. Signed at lower right, E. Boupin | 4 Height, 15 inches; length, 21% inches Collection J. A. Fernandez, Buenos Aires From the Galerie Allard, Paris See illustration 62 7 Se ee = st <4 % e~. bi Ag } a a L e —_ LEON AUGUSTIN LHERMITTE F NCH: 184 —J 25 =] —p : yh a Ge ? ‘ oe tS PORTAGE INTERION LD / A low-walled room with beamed ceiling and a stove with an upright pipe in the centre; at the left an open door, at the right the window, through which the light streams on to a group composed of a peasant woman and two children sitting beside her, working. Signed at lower left, LuHERMITTE Pastel: Height, 20 inches; length, 24 inches [See illustration | 63 a) ao _ va bes / ce “ee © A ae . v . ak re + . : “ . OB i -. s eit ee - "FRANCOIS: ‘CHARLES Ci Ae Lee LUNE PARATY DANS LES a VARBRES ner Pe Fs a = oe : K | 5 O) Gabled cores bees: a hay-stack together at the foot of two g _ branches are patterned i in a delicate sky splashed with the light of the 1 on the grass of the clearing. ‘ Signed at lower right, FP, Ceca = | Height, 2G ee s ~ Purchased from the artist (See illustration | ae TE eee OO I ca a ahi S ps ARBRE AN Lune ParaiT DANS LES GR mei. LA No ame ALBERT LEBOURG ws: Here 1849— ¢ Co. bank. Signed at lower left, A. LEBOURG Height: 16 inches; sein 29 inches Collection L. Schoengrun, 1901 Collection A. Sthabiner Collection Rosenberg, Paris From Messrs. Bernheim jeune et Cie., Paris Galeries Georges Petit, Exposition Albert Lebourg, Paris, 1918 [See illustration ] 5 eer Gu ae cae eee ee ea eee iy, a ‘Seiesdaashaiell E lee A Port MARLY EN 72. La SEINE fe) Pa FRENCH: Pee ree , lo of. “ae DE RIVIERE — e, ee oe The sky is a light dae eray, the light ¢ { country with distant hills and a still river flo into the right foreground; on the furthe trees and thin pencil-like saplings, and with a red kerchief visible at the ext reedy stream a white duck is swimming -scow, which floats idly on the water. Signed at loge right, ‘Corot Height, I 5 inches 1 Collection St. Albin, Vers Collection of Mme. Poupinel, Paris — From the Galeries Georges Petit, Paris — ~ [See illustration | 68 No. 73. Borp vE RIVIERE From Bernheim Fréres, Paris es: From the Galeries Georges Petit, Paris - ALFRED SISLEY : FRENCH: | pone J Ll Od: 3 SOUTE AUX ENVIRONS | PA A suburban scene in late autumn. The foreground is aaa russet and side woman and school-cild eae pu bank i in — ig High 18 inches ength, x [See illustration | 70 ¥ csaranegorra.< No. 74. RouTE aux Environs DE Paris FRANCOIS CHARLES CAC } Freon: es Xp. : e 75. LA MARE A SAINT “ALBAN: SEPTEMBRE et 5 O O A iittle pool of arene water lighted by moonlit sky, with a clump of trees at e their feathery foliage before the he the line of a road, at the left a low crowned in the distance by gabled lies over the quiet scene: Signed at lower right, ah; Cactoun | Height, 26 1 Purchased from the artist [See illustration | /2 ; i ‘ lt # a) 1 } 1 \ { } } i Hot ; | } q i} \ tf i ih | | | Ih 1 i il a | ii ih ie i ih) 1h ti 14 | al i i 1h) Wi ii ia {4 ; | i | 1} } No. 75. La Mare A Saint Atzan: Nutr DE SEPTEMBRE 4s 70m ad ; Bust portrait “of a woman in youth{ dark creen ier bine ee a Callcceat R. ache, Paris From the Galerie Barbazanges, Pa 74 MapEMOISELLE MuRER \S ~ fe) Z _ JEAN BAPTISTE CAMILLE COROT | FRENCH: 1796—1875 tiie PAYSAGE DE LA CAMPAGNE ITALIENNE —<~o ,QALBANO [55° joe Sten eee he of gray-green grass, ‘with 4 Ww women in Italian costumes, seated in the grass beside ; a a earthen path, a blue- cloaked man walking past them. the left of the path, a rough gray boulder, and to the above the grassy banks, tall cliffs with iron-rust — their sheer faces and green trees rooted in crevices. path descends to a sunny middleground, where a man j approaching through a field bordering the river, bey yon which are distant hills under a fair sky. Signed at lower right, Corot, and dated (8ah eee 4 } Height, 32 inches; width, 2 25 inc he Recorded and reproduced in Alfred Robaut, LE wore d Corot, Vol. sIL NoaGa P Collection Vriant-Dauvin, 1876 Collection of M. Martin, secretary of the Marne du Temp rf Paris q Collection Chailloux Collection Foinard, Paris From the Galerie Barbazanges, Paris [See illustration | 76 E DALBANO + 2 ALIEN NE IT A CAMPAG 4 Po. 77. PAYSAGE DE L 2 FRANCOIS CHARLES CACH C Prexcu: 1866— | i curving into the left foreground. A with lighted pipe and carrying a switch, yy Py The init aed seveads aes a ise the softly blurred mass of a huge oak. | by an invisible moon in a cloudy sky Signed at lower Fight, a8 Cachoup 3 Purchased from the artist [See illustration] 78 ERE lee CHEMIN DE LA BLANCHE eps No ‘ALFRED SISLEY Frencu: I Sa 8 " : MOREL ‘SUR LOING: TEMPS” Under a rainy gray sky a distant gre the houses and beach of the village of calm water of the Loing, which fl right foreground. In the foreg drawn up to the grassy shore, tall ¢ towards which a boatman is plod Signed at lower left. t, Sistey, and. Height, 24 11 = Collection of Captain Hone sec ‘Taceaeen a Temps PLuUVIEUX MoreET sur LOoOING Lia No 80. Fae FRANCOIS CHARLES CAC Ck | Prevent i 866— Le Os eT f) NEI GE EF LUNE On the top ofa ee rise is pet cottages and barns, their roofs covered by a ring of bare shivering trees, the ne: veils with its straggling green branche ground is carpeted with snow, | brilli and patterned in ‘the, near foregr shadows. —~ aes > Signed at lower right, F Cacnoun’ = : Height, 28 a Purchased from the artist | a pee oa [See illustration] © en 82 NeEIGE ET LUNE No. 80 Purchased diner: from the artist EUGEN EK GABRIEL ISABEY 3, sp, FRENCH: 78 oa LE CHATEAU-FOR UE The old gray walls and pointed round towers oft VG u re heaped up at the left on the rugged hill, the roofs poi ing into a heavily clouded evening sky; up the path t the entrance gate, a string of horses is being driven tendant soldiers. On the grass in the foreground, colored costumes, the three central figures being the tagonists and the umpire of a duel. Signed at eee: left, E. Isapry, and ie 1863 Height, 214 inches ce 28 v4 i il Collection of M. L. de Villequetone, Bans From the Galerie Allard, Paris [See illustration | 84 THN FI] :LAOY-AVALYHD AT ‘18 ‘ON FRANCOIS CHARLES CACE FRENCH: 1§66— Get. Res 82. See DANS LA NUIT DE Pep y, tween eect: banks fringed with reeds es init light is ec in patches i in 1 hee | the “quiet ‘water. 7s : Signed at lower right, F. Cacnoup Height, 32 inches; Purchased from the artist _ [See illustration] 86 EcLAIRCIE DANS LA Nuit DE LUNE a ore) fe) Z, 7 La (834 WES IN OVG RG wee ae DE SOLE: the rainbow hues OF rainy sunset. Collection J. B. Faure, Paris ALFRED SISLEY FRENCH: 1840—1899 as Cie Me Coe, COUCHANT: PREMIERS JOURS D?OCTOBRE e At the right, at the edge of a kitchen garden, stands | a of walnut trees, their thick green leafage dotted with pe of autumn color; beyond them, the boundary of the fi a rough hedge eneleeed by a low fence, with red-ro cottages and trees behind. A man and a woman are work in the left foreground. The sky is streaked : Signed at lower left, Sistzy ~ ae) Height, 29 inches; length, 6 Vhs in es From the Galeries Georges Petit, Paris [See illustration | 88 PREMIERS . e >?OcCTOBRE Les Novers, ErretT DE SoLEIL COUCHANT Jours D 83 No. Let pt ht te Scr PA a, Cetin Pn ieee aeons espana! ad Owen! ae LES BCEUFS a ip he : ay re : A pair of brown oxen Seylleisl toaethee r e ae stretches like a white band into. the left in the moonlight and crossed by the : Signed at lower right, F. Cacnoup FRANCOIS CHARLES CACI é FRENCH : 1866— ing their master—a peasant wearing a blue a switch—who is plodding up the Behind is a wooded hillside, with a erol far right. Re “a ee ¥oWe. Height, 34 inches Société des Artistes Francais, ‘Salon, I a4 Purchased from the artist [See illustration] —- SUES Sr TCI neva nN hee CN cree totitnere—tr oy etter inertness ie menrtrmersem gO 84. Les Baurs No 3] In a rocky garden filled with tov plant 4, ¥ _ young girl is seated on the ground beside a pool, n ta red and white drapery and resting her head or ankles and neck are hung with barbaric jewelry. “Signed at lower right, E. Diner ETIENNE DINET : Hoes 1861— hand, The sunshine glints on her tattooed body; | é rv ciate 32 inches; lengthy 39) Purchased direct from the artist From the Galerie Allard, Paris JULIAN RIX. AMERICAN: I85I—1903 IN THE MOUNTAINS Un. A hillside road runs steeply up from the foreground on high banks of grass and the dark olive-green foliage of oaks. Two cottages nestle at the foot of the hills in the curve of t the road, : Signed at lower right, Jutian Rix - Height, 32% inches; width, 26 inches | Julian Rix Collection, American Art. Association, 1913 Q2 87 FRANCOIS CHARLES CACHOUD FRENCH: 1866— pes Ss Se, ib Be PANT LA PORTE lf ot An evening scene, lighted by a flood of moonlight. road curves down from the middle distance into the right fore- ground, passing a clump of willows at the right to reach an enormous white-walled farmhouse, in the door of which a woman is standing. Before her, under a tree, stands an old peasant who has alighted from his cart, which is lt by the flame of a torch. Signed at lower right, F. Cacnoup Height, 35 inches; length, 4534 inches Purchased from the artist [See illustration | 93 4, 0° ide to embark. a 3 oS LS at lower right, A. Lesoure, La Bouitte b—O, : ) EMBARQUE E T DU BATEAU A TAPE “ALBERT LEBOURG | FRENCH: I S49 me a A sky filled with points of color looks denn on waters of an inlet fringed by sunlit trees. In 1 eround is a small steam vessel waiting at the q numbers of people on board and Oe down to d h veh 3 Height, 20 inches; length, 28 FRANCOIS CHARLES CACHOUD (E50: QUAND LES FEUILLES TOMBENT Egy oe > 1866— An autumn scene in moonlight, with four trees in the fore- ground, three almost denuded of their leaves and showi their wispy bare branches against the sky, the fourth be: a cluster of cottages and barns with white walls and gabled roofs. Masses of tree shadow he over the grass, on which are scattered fallen leaves. 4 Signed at lower right, F..Cacnoup Height, 35 inches; ae 46 inch Purchased from the artist _ [See illustration ] 94 TOMBENT QuaND LES FEUILLES eg No 250. go. wrk h QI. 30° - glitters a solitary star. PRA CHARLES CACHO 1866— -Frexew: DETOILE. ‘DU BER ER A green oer in the immediate foregro four pollard willows; behind is a rolli: thick curtain of woodland, beneath an oa oe Signed at lower right, F, CacHoup | ETIENNE DINET FRENCH: 186tee 4 ( } PAY SAG EVE Gea ae An Algerian scene, depicting a valley filléd with 1 white stucco buildings and rich palms, watered by a rl and sheltered by purplish hills behind; in the foreg two figures of women. A night sky with a crescent | moon h flying ome clouds on the horizon. Height, 30 inches; wide 5 ia inch [See illustration | 96 EGENDAIRE [fh gt. Paysace L No. ADC 92. LA MAISON AUX OMBRES DE LUNE FRANGOIS CHARLES CACHOUD _ FRrencug 1866— | he 550. os A turquoise-green starry sky appears above the trees at them 4 b oO left; a lattice of shadows of foliage in the full moonlight falls on the white walls of two thatched cottages, before the nearest of which are two peasants in conversation. © Signed at lower right, F. Cacnoup J Rb 0 NA ENTE Re 23 i ih na Height, 29 inches; length, 6 Z inches - Purchased from the artist FRANCOIS CHARLES CACHOUD = / | FRENCH: 1866— a ee. 93. RENTREE AU -CLAIR DEGLGy a i STR eALEB AW Moonlit meadow country rising to a knoll in the distance — at the right, where are two white cottages. In the fore- ground is a peasant sitting in a two- wheeled cart, drawn — slowly forward by two oxen. Signed at lower right, F’. Cacuoup, and dated rgrt. Height, 3514 inches; length, 4534 inches Exhibited at the Paris Salon Société des Artistes Francais, Salon 1911 Purchased from the artist 98 EUGENE GABRIEL ISABEY FRENCH: 1804—1886 ‘3 ) oie PECHE oh, te a CoO | Low tide in an open as Bt a ‘bleak coast, with a rude . jetty and, in the distance, a gloomy hill. Dark storm clouds overhead have extinguished the sunset; in the foreground, the disturbed light falls on a line of fishermen struggling to beach their remaining net, and a boat assailed by the angry surf. On the shore, a part of the catch and two sail boats beached high above the water. Signed at lower right, E. Isapry, and dated 1861 Height, 32% inches; length, 481% inches Collection of M. Gouvet, secretary to the Duc de la Valette From the Galerie Allard, Paris [See illustration | 99 FRANCOIS CHARLES CACHOUD EF RENCH: "i 966— 15 — 95. CATTLE AT SPRING ; Meet » ton — A misty sky with a full méd¥ ‘Overtooking a eras y | g Os with cottages. In the foreground a pair of cattle d | from the water of the spring, a herdsman standing | them at the foot of a birch sapling. Signed at lower right, CacHOUD c { ts ag AN Licht 35% inches; length 46 n Société des Arties Francais, Salon 1913 Purchased cane the artist Zw ALBERT LEBOURG sf t 7) =o, a ENCH: 13849— CX Yas, Oy Re. Cee ai ae “96. SORTIE DUGPOR. DE LA ROCHERL TS _, The sky is filled with pinkish masses of cumulus cloud. A / &) smooth expanse of water is dotted with the sails of fishing | i L Va boats, putting out from the low-lying port at the right. “ ) 1S Signed at lower right, A. Lenoure, and dated 1905 wt / f Height, 18% inches; length, 30 inches | 100 A tl a a cL el te teat ees SS econ a: et tae ‘ siemens ey te Hg ad Sten eon SoRTIE pu Port pr La ROCHELLE 96. No. FRANCOIS CHARLES CACHOUD FRENCH: 1866— ~ NOVEMBRE Moonlight falls on a stream bisecting the meadowland in ~ the foreground, amid bare scattered saplings and willow — trees. In the distance the village girdled by hills, beneath — a cloudy evening sky. - Pa Signed at lower right, F. CacHoup Height, 3514 inches; length, 46 inches Purchased from the artist ELIE ANATOLE PAVIL — FRENCH: I875— pe oe | LAPERITIF AU CAFE, PEACE BLANCHE Interior of a café, through the window of which can be seen | the figures and houses in the Place Blanche. Ata table upon | which are cigarettes, a liqueur and a carafe of water, is seated a young woman in a dark blue dress with yellow col- | lar, and a blue and yellow turban, resting her head on her | left hand, and facing the observer. 3 Signed at lower left, E. A. Pavit; and dated 192281999 | Height, 23% inches; length, 29 inches [END OF SALE] 102 To Toe AMERICAN ART ASSOCIATION, Inc. 30 EAST 577TH STREET, NEW YORK Telephone: Puaza 1270 I desire to place the following bids for the Sale of , 192 . These bids are to be executed at prices as low as other competitive bids permit and not exceeding the amount herein named, are SO MUCH PER LOT, and are made subject to the CONDITIONS OF SALE printed in the Catalogue of this Sale. Name _ Address— Shipping Directions OT NO.| FIRST WORD BID LOT NO. | FIRST WORD BID Pied oe EE ee Peas Ce Me ALT Sala 2 Aue eee TR a, Place bids on this sheet for ONE SALE ONLY, with full name and address. TERMS CASH. References or cash deposit should accompany orders from persons unknown to the Association. ‘ Syitet INDEX OF ARTISTS REPRESENTED | AND THEIR WORKS | a : | “NUMBER BEAUQUESNE, Witrrep C. Meetsicire de 1870: Le Renfort 45 -BLAKELOCK, Ratpu Atsert, N.A. | a Sunset a DRE BOUDIN, Louis EucENnE | | ~ _ Le Port du Havre © 69 -CACHOUD, Francois CuHar.es ie Cattle at Spring | : 95 jm Devant la Porte. 87 - _ Eclaircie dans la Nuit de Lune 82 Fin de Journée — 63 La Lune parait dans les Grands Arbres ai La Maison aux Ombres de Lune 92 La Mare a St. Alban: Nuit de Septembre : 75 Le Chemin de la Blanchére 78 Le Chemineau A4 Le Ruisseau’ sous la Lune 61 Les Beeufs : 84 Les Buveurs — oe Les Saules du Marais AI L?Etoile du Berger gO Le Village: Nuit de Septembre 53 Neige et Lune 80 Novembre 97 Nuit Claire sur la Route de Bouvent 48 Nuit d’Octobre: St. Alban 35 Nuit Tombante aprés la Pluie 50 Ombres et Lumiéres Lunaires 59 [Continued CACHOUD—Continued Quand les Feuilles Tombent Rentrée au Clair de Lune a St. Alban. Sous le Ciel d’Automne Vieille Grange a St. Alban [Savoie] Vieilles Granges a la Lune COROT, Jean Baptiste CAMILLE Bord de Riviére Chateau- Thierry : Paysage de la Campagne Italienne d’Albano Village au Bord de la Mer Vue d’Oloron COTTET, CHar.es -_ Les Cochons DAUBIGNY, CuHartes Francois Lisiére de Foret Paysage au Printemps DIAZ DEF is PENA, NarcissE VIRGILE Bohémiens DINET, ETIENNE Baigneuse Surprise Paysage Légendaire Repos de la Baigneuse, Algérie Tendresse Maternelle DU PUIGANDEAU, F. Two Landscape Scenes for Fans Féte en Bretagne DUPRE, JULEs La Chaumiére ISABEY, Euctne Gasriet La Péche Le Ch&ateau-Fort: Le Duel JONGKIND, Jean BERTHOLD Canal Hollandais: Effet de Nuit vey a ~ Quais de la Seine | KNIGHT, Renae | ‘ Les Derniéres Roses @Eté | LEBOURG, ALsert ~ ; Bords de L?Allier, Pont-du-Chateau Bords de la Seine 4 Dieppedalle Bords de la Seine aux Environs de Paris Canal en Hollande Dieppedalle: Soleil aprés la Neige Embarquement du Bateau a Vapeur Environs de Rouen: Soleil Couchant feeeemie a fort Marly en Eté iaeoeine aux environs de Paris: Le Pécheur La Tour de Moulineaux [Seine-et-Oise | Le Chemin de Rouen: Effet de Neige Les Fardiers, Quai de Bercy [Seine | Route a Pont-du-Chateau: Neige Sortie du Port de La Rochelle pur da Seine ) LHERMITTE, Léon Avcusrin | Cottage Interior CATALOGUE NUMBER 65 38 70 MOSSE, JosEPH Courcelles | Seine-et-Marne ] NEYMARK, G. Aux Manceuvres PAV Dieser ars Bassin d’Arcachon Canal de lOurcq | Féte de PArmistice: Boulevard Montmartre, Paris Hiver: Rue Lepic, Montmartre Jardin Pittoresque, Paris | LD’ Apéritih aunG@ theme lace Blanche Paris: Pont Neuf Place Pigalle: JoumedesPivi Place Pigalle, Montmartre: La Pluie Six Sketches invameate ? Vue sur Notre Dame de Paris PISSARRO, CamiILie Mademoiselle Murer RICHET, Lton Paysage RIX4] |urian A Maine Pasture Cloud Mists In the Mountains Sunset RUSis gies: Marine, Holland CATALOGUE NUMBER Fs SISLEY, Ss Barrage de la Machine, Marly 68 Les Noyers, Effet de Soleil Couchant: Premiers Jours d’Octobre 83 Moret sur Loing: Temps Pluvieux 79 Route aux Environs de Paris 74 | SMITH, Henry PEMBER Landscape: Late Afternoon 64 Landscape: Monmouth, N. J. 5 Late Summer Breracn 8 October Morning — - 20 sOld Oaks at Sunset. 25 The Old Mill, Monmouth, N., it 43 " TENIERS, Davip [Tue ELpvEr | ~The Temptation of St. Anthony 15 = | VERNET, Emme Jean Horace | S. M. Louis Philippe — 12 een Scab Cp cnmebecancanionie PPE RAISALS FOR Seer STATES &© STATE TAX INSURANCE & OTHER PURPOSES POGUES OF PRIVATE COLLECTIONS eA ™,_> Is HE cAmerican Art Association, Inc. will furnish appraisements, made by experts under its direct supervision, of art and literary property and all personal effects, in the settlement of estates, for inheritance tax, insurance and other purposes. The Association is prepared to supplement this appraisal work by making catalogues of pri- vate libraries, of the contents of homes or of entire estates, such catalogues to be modeled after the fine and intelligently produced sales’ catalogues of the eAssociation. GQ Upon request the Association will furnish the names of many trust and insurance K companies, executors, administrators, trustees, | attorneys and private individuals for Whom the eAssociation has made appraisements which not only have been entirely satisfactory to them, but have been accepted by the United States Estate Tax Bureau, the State Tax (ommission _ and others in interest. Cf bf AMERICAN ART ASSOCIATION =: INC Madison Avenue at 57th Street NEW YORK COMPOSITION, PRESSWORI AND BINDING BY % vince: Sine RESEARCH INSTITUTE ~ 3 3125 01694 1821 Tenth Seeretan : Ss RGN Bare enc sien hows rh sayy buchen 24) Saha ote - ses iuat Seok a oh. ee Cite Ves eee: . Meta Aine n : FP ane ne mal) st ny at 5 hie teal he tink Ane Alien he Pyeng a aM Re ARE 2 Way cme cath Mya , hy : Mags ye) Cu . SUN : Sa UN phi aie) i p AN saea eae al bala he La.) Rei sy tsy 0 i Sah ays ¥ aed PA KIM eA 8 Py SQ OU SN Pires Pie sais HAIN Phe A Ta 4 FERS AY AD IAY hy ig opts Hy tise Su PA a hak Ba soit sg Wes ah ray hea slaclt wh, y x Der ey HAY is ht Soe oy a SE Passe: oben NCR aR tah ‘\ ‘ be { ‘ 3h x , { ae i wi uy CN h rigs oe Ria ; Aly ee WNch bela es t a Mtb tay a Nene ta ¥ Tee eae if 4 ed Pies —o van ay i an ou es ay ib ; ise et) ie ei ae ‘ Ry 3 i ei nae } re i m4) Bit tee H my } Sy Puy Peay i “ch ie a 4 ‘ay YA ie