2 = me 78 wT VO Baar wt tay Zein de ees Cart ue Sa ees tes fe ae 5 hwen, wags res eae See kaso fon an ¢ #. = ee s fy oe A ot : setreus Vm ate * ES ey, . ae wore Shas ayes CF eee re : Pas camtan are’ tne : Se Seti Pe a said Ne Sa aa rf RE a BRS ats ai "ay ag hi a BL Ee Se eae AE ACE, Aes sao eee PRISESATSALE. pe ae Brings ' More Than Double the-Price of a Corot, __ Pictures from the collection of Leroy ‘Stewart, H. D. Hewitt and» Mrs. G. ‘Dempster Hamlen were sold last night et the ieee Avenue att Galleries with | $28,320. The Phi auaanan was teo08.| The prices varied continually. A Cerot, “The Coliseum, Rome,” brought} $1,500, while Bouguereau’s “Innocence” [was sold for more than twice that} amount, $3,100. This is interesting,| -because of the fact that speculators in pictures continue to buy the works} ef Corot, whose prices continue to ad~ vance; while the canvases of Bou-}| Suereau are no longér considered a [very profitable investment, Roybet’s “A Burgomaster,” sold for| |$2,300 to J. Mortimer, Cesare Detti's “The Daughter of the Doge” for $500} to J. Fairbanks, whose name appears] ‘often in the list of buyers, and Thau-| Jews “River La Laita at Quimperie, France,’ to J. T. Little for $1,350. A bid of $725 secured A. G. Decamps’s "The Scissors. Grinder,” for. H. J. Mitchell; Van Marck’s ‘Cows,’ went to M. Beck for $700; the Diaz “Dream- Nena » to A. Maitland for $1,600, and | fhe. last number on the catalogue, ; Julien Dupre’s “Harvesting Hay,’ i Fairbanks, for $950. There were few people of prominence |} [in a matters present during the eve-|/ nin : Titles of pictures, names of painters, buyers and the prices paid for pic- Soh which brought $500 and over, fol- low: Victor Dupre, “‘Crossing the Ford.’’ $800. , A. G. Decamps, “Khe Scissors, Grinder,” H. J. Mitchell, $725. Narcisco de la Pena. Diaz, “The Artist, Garden | Fraser, 350. } Scene,’ J. ‘ ¥ritz Thaulow. ‘River 1 Laita at Quimrperle, France,’ f. T, Little, $1,385: : Cesare Detti, ‘The Panter of the Dege, aa | Fairbanks, $5 00. : Jose Weiss, ‘‘Landgcape and River Scene,’ Ed- ward Doyle, $1,376. As Piot, “Hora,?? Js Fairbanks, $500. $668 J. Blommers, ‘‘Gossips,” W. D. "Sheppard, 300. y. Bo Millet, ‘‘Woodchopper Returning Home,” John Goetz (agent), $1,100, Ferdinand Roybet, '‘A Burgomaster,’’ J. Morti- mer, 2,300. J. J. Henner, “The Widow,’’ EB. H. Halpin, $870. OF RARE PAINTINGS = ($106,162 for Day's Sales—A Harpignies Goes. hs $14,600, Values were again turned ae fuetyl at the sale of the collections of pictu formed by Leroy Stewart, EB. D. Hewitt and Mrs. G. Dempster Hamlen at the Fifth Avenue Art Galleries’ last’ night, with James P. Silo as reel % Fortuny’s “Breakfast in the Old Con- yent Garden” was sold for by 63 Henri Harpignies’s “Bords’ de> jing, to John A. originally from the collection of Will H. Stuart, and is one of one hundr masterpieces? exhibited in Paris in 1883; while the latter is not a very well-known, ape ‘exceptionally characteristic, Harpig- nies. } he prices throughout the evening were unusually good, as was be rege tendance. Sixty-five numbers - catalogue brought $106,162, ya > hat of $184,482 for the entire ec~ on. The third figure of the evenl was igiven for Leon L/Hermitte’s “Midda Rest.” It was secured by rota Fowles, dealers, for $6,800 ly following this in order o |same purchasers ‘secured, fo | Harpigies’s “Harreson.” pat $2,500 for “Innocence.” Another “Innocence,”? painted by) Bouguereau, which was superior to the one solid in the preceding evening’ s sale for $3,100, brought but ‘$2,500, It was purchased by Martin’ Beck, acting as agent for a buyer whose name was inot made known. } A GOOD PRICES AT ART SALE, ‘graaaee Obtained for Stewart; Hewitt, and Hamlin Pictures,, » There Was another large attendance at the sale of the collections of pictures of \Leroy Stewart, H, D. Hewitt, and’ Mrs. Gg. ‘Demster Hamlin at the Fifth Avenue Art “Galleries last evening. The returns were #106,162, much - higher prices prevailing ‘than at the cc evenin sale, total oF Te ane as g's e, making a ; ere is a list of paintings bringing some ee Soe high prices, with the, names of the | asa Hoogh Bernard—The Family Meal; Beate sie bea ees caer $575 setts J. J.—The ae Nymph: ML Balser usec ccs e lass a eval oun parr’ ale 2,650, ‘Rico Martin—-Venice; ‘ ee i Walters... eae 1,450 ‘Rousseau, Th.—In the Forest; E, L. Doyle 800 ‘Neuhuys, Albert—The Fisherman’s Court- ANID} Enc PAIMTSsorns 5 vie siees pales ee Rieter hae LYDOO ‘Jacquet, “Gustave—The Song: W. Mitchell 1/500 |Thaulow, Fritz—Windmill in Holland; G. Y Ahrens Bitte gietu cieva scsls is Suna cides ey Aes Ta ‘Diaz, Narciso de la Pena—-Woods at Fon- | tainebleau; a8 A. Pranklin......s...++..4,800) Ponte Tek F. V. E.,—Entry of Christians , Into Jerusalem; W. Burrowes,...... @ Nigl, Arpad de—Blossoms; J. Allen Park- sl | PEON NBS CATES SR areas Sra Pip Star Wy Ghana ey Se ao ‘chavs, Paul Jean—Becalmed on the heldts WI. Iu Richardson... ..50-.+. 910 eee Charles—Sheep in Stable; Thomas IATTES Sicieis os Wite'etsle © 2. Seabee: O00: Leader, B. W., TR: A, y-An Engifsh Cot- 7 tage, Surrey; EB. J. Maguire....... diets 950) Roybet, F,—The ‘astronomer; Louis Ral- BEOTL So felarehe: ie ie od Badia Bids sie Bie lee ewilenuywes Corot, J. B. C.—The Seine, Moonlight; FSS NEUL AWW LISON Ae wie oe egrsinls vin mtlnqale 600 | ‘Dupre, Jules—Woods. at Fontainebieau: WSC AIVILEGIIGLD., on iin pleat 'e Hane eiays wig he aleriacare 1,350 /Pasini A.—The a Gateway; Be Schul- "9 HE EIEN By oa Wactres wilet cesu oo lace Gris Narayan SIME Mella #1918 975 MR Se aie ec wiais Goro sel NE UNe wees cabana Sealers 700 Méissonier, J. L. “'.Douis XUr. Cav- alier; Scott & Fowles. .........-5 Rie ate cst O;500 Ll’ Hermitte, Leon—Midday Rest; G: ; Tefevie, agent 2... .c cede rece sept woees 3,300 Harpignies, . Henri—Herreson; | Seott & PO WIES co aie eae s eines cess eeinne SE 6,000) Casin, F, C.—Near Boulogne; —_—_——. .. 38,750 Rousseau, Theodore—Landscape, aut BS pCR AN CB isip sicitce sivis bev alte die vials wipAlee e's 1,500 IWOFOL. ds! Bi C—Summer Idyl;. J. Rt FAIS U UO Su aieiouc cseme hes dun eesinid ale nies 2,200) Daubigny, C. “F-On" the Marne; BE. L. | MEMO VAG Gs biases cle sco sib sigma ae wie gee ewes eles.» 3,600 ‘Van Marcke, .—Calves: in Pasture; Ww. MAURO WES Oaths oa eicies od beth aalne ee midew nas 1,750, Harpignies, Henri—Bors de la Loire; John | He. Fheintz, Buffalo; peeves eee peta et 14,600) Schreyer, Ad.—The Arab Advance Guard; | Scott “th FOWI1ES 0 eee ences ses eneens 3,500! Mauve, A.—The Loggers; G. M, Lefevre, Biter tnlcesahy Wisin luis tale’: a: sian és pia nivie'p © wig ise aja" 3,000} Fortuny M.—Breakfast in the Old Con- vent Courtyard: Scott & Fowles........ 7,500) ‘Diaz, Narcisco de hg Pena—Forest Inte- | TUOMAS Nhe OATEO oc as ene taseesviesie dh . 4,000) “Maris, William—Cattle at River Bank; } T. L, Baulkner.... 0. .eeeee eee eee ce ee eee 1,200; ning, ‘bolas of the Tonos aS ° © other ca: vases, and’ buyers as Nymph” by. J.J, for $2,650; “Fores ‘Diaz, to] Harpignies Bema for $14°600: Diaz, to Ww. i. Be pape. Ty a ie ae ae THURSDAY _AND FRIDAY EVENINGS (APRIL I and 2), at 8:30, INTHE Fifth Avenue Art Galleries “SILO BUILDING,” 546 Fifth Ave., ‘Cor. 45th St. Pa JAMES P. SILO, Auctioneer, CELEBRATED _ PAINTINGS The well-known Collections of LEROY STEWART, E. D. HEWITT, with, additions; also THE COLLECTION OF | G. Dempster may purchased from the Galleries of ? Messrs. M. KNOEDLER & CO., Viz.: 2 Martin Rice Pane “Mauve, Bouguereau, Neuhuys, L'Hermitte, Pasini, Thaulow, TOGETHER WITH ~The Famous Fortuny “Breakfast in the Old Convent Yard,” Bought in the William H. Stuart sale, mentioned in Goupil & Co,’s Catalogue of The 100 Great Paintings of Modern ‘Times. ) THE SALE bids fair to be THE MOST IMPORTANT IN THIS GALLERY'S HIS- > TORY, and is F “Nei m8 Save me mentees ere sea Ham- Lo 10n HH amples Jens Colt TREN ER, DUPRE HEN, NER, VAN ARC aed other Painters of equal importance. ON EXHIBITION betas FROM 9 A. ™. UNTIL 106° P.M. Logie catalogue mailed postpaid on re- ceipt af 50 cents, The well Kate au Collections of LEROY STEWART, By HEWITT,” with additions; also — THE COLLECTION OF . | Mrs.G. ben Hamien | purchased from | bees : 53 the Galleries of Piiy MESSRS. M. KNOEDLER & an viz, Martin Rico. arpl Bouguereau, Nechooe! Pasini, ‘Thaulow, NOGETHER WITH eta The Famous Fortumn: “Breakfast in the Old Convent Yard,” " Boughtiin the: 4) 4) William H. Stuart ia mentioned in © Goupil & Co.’s Catalogue of The 100 Great Paintings of. Modern Times, -THE SALE bids fair to be THE MOST. IMPORTANT IN THIS reer s HISTORY, and is unprecedented in tie it affords Collectors AN OPPOR a NITY OF SECURING GREAT 3 TERPINGES AT Wenhig ce ND RESTRICTED PRICBS., as aside from) ve Tow pore mentioned from Mrs. Ham-) en’s. Collection there are great exam by DIAZ, COROT, SCHREYER ae PRE, HENNDR, VAN pce and other Painters of ‘equal importance. . ‘ EXHIBITION DAILY 9 Av M. UNTIL 10° P. My Illustrated taloz of 50 cane. catalogue mailed postpaid on receipt ee Sa FIFTH AVENUE ART GALLERIES 546 FIFTH AVENUE, NEW YORK CORNER FORTY-FIFTH ST. SILO BUILDING JAMES P. SILO, - - AUCTIONEER CATALOGUE THREE FAMOUS COLLECTIONS OF CELEBRATED OIL PAINTINGS BY ORDER OF LEROY STEWART E. D. HEWITT AND MRS. G. DEMPSTER HAMLEN WITH ADDITIONS TO BE SOLD AT AUCTION ON THE EVENINGS OF Thursday and Friday, April Ist and 2d AT 8.30 O'CLOCK. aa cnataninsyunuisitvannaetesnasntaasagh, THE ALEXANDER PRESS, 114-116 West 27th Street, New York. oe ke CONDITIONS OF SALE (a 1. The highest bidder to be the buyer, and if any dis- pute arise between two or more bidders, the lot so in dispute shall be immediately put up again and resold. 2. The purchasers to give their names and addresses and to pay down a cash deposit, or the whole of the purchase money, if required, in default of which the lot or lots so purchased to be immediately put up again and resold. 3. The lots to be taken away at the buyers’ expense and risk upon the conclusion of the sale and the remain- der of the purchase money to be absolutely paid or otherwise settled for to the satisfaction of the auc- tioneer, on or before delivery, in default of which the undersigned will not hold himself responsible if the lots be lost, stolen, damaged or destroyed, but they will be left at the sole risk of the purchaser. 4. The Lots to be taken away and paid for, whether genuine and authentic or not, with all faults and errors of description at the Buyer’s expense and risk, within TWO DAYS from the Sale; Tue Firro Avenue Art GALLERIES not being responsible for the correct descrip- tion, genuineness, or authenticity of, or any fault or defect in, any Lot, and making no warranty whatever. 5. To prevent inaccuracy in delivery, and inconven- ience in settlement of the purchases, no lot can on any account be removed during the sale. 6. If, for any cause, an article purchased cannot be delivered in as good condition as the same may have been at the time of its sale, or should any article pur- chased thereafter be stolen or misdelivered, or lost, the undersigned is not to be held liable in any greater amount than the price bid by the purchaser. 7. Upon failure to comply with the above conditions the money deposited in part payment shall be forfeited, all lots uncleared within the time aforesaid shall be re- sold by public or private sale, without further notice, and the deficiency, if any, attending such re-sale shall be made good by the defaulter at this sale, together with all charges attending the same. This condition is with- out prejudice to the right of the auctioneer to enforce the contract made at this sale, without such re-sale if he thinks fit. THE FIFTH AVENUE ART GALLERIES are in no way responsible for the charges or manner of delivery of Goods purchased at their Sales. JAMES P. SILO, Auctioneer. Arntzenius, F., 81 Bennett, 2 Baker, C., 10 Brascassat, J- h- 12 Braith, A., 21 Ballavoine, J.; 35 Bakhuysen, S., 37 Brandt, G., 38 Bouguereau, W. A., 63, 108 Blinks, T., 83 Boughton, G. H., 117 Blommers, B. J., 47 Chigneau, F., 34 Couturier, P. L., 36 Coulaud, M., 40 Cederstrom, Th. V., 55 Matt, J. dt. 90, 102,121 Charlet, F., 60 Couture, F., 77 Clays; P: J. 97 Cazin, J. C., 119 Dupre, V., 14 De Buel, F., 17 Decamps, A. G., 27, 76 Diaz, N., 41, 57, 62, 94, 106, 129 Desgoffe, B., 42 Detti, C., 44, 79 De Bock, T., 59 LIST OF ARTISTS REPRESENTED Dupre, Julien, 64 De-Haas J, Hub, -72 Defaux, A., 80 De Hoogh, B., 87 Delacroix, E., 95 Dupre, Jules, 103 Daubigny, C. F., 122 Ernst, R., 31 Friant, E., 99 Fortuny, M., 128 Gola, 20 Garland, H., 24 Herring, J. F., 16 Haquette, G., 19 Harlamoff, A., 53 Henner, J. J., 54, 88, 107 Hagborg, A., 71 Harpignies, H., 110, 116, 125 Isabey, E., 105 Jacque, E., 5 Jacquet, G., 25, 92 Jongkind, J. B., 78 Jacque, Ch., 98, 118, 124 Kaemmerer, F. H., 75 Lee, H. C., 7 Rico, M., 89 Leloir, L., 9 Rousseau, Th., 90, 120 Leader, B. W., 23, 100 Smith, H. P., 1 Laissement, H., 82 Swan, C. E., 6 Lenoir, C. A., 86 Smith, Hobbe, 11 L’Hermitte, L., 114 Schgoer, J., 18 Schenck, A. F., 28 Michel, G., 26, 66 St.-Germier, J., 29 Munthe, L., 30, 69 Scherrewitz, J., 52 Monticelli, A., 39 Seymour, G. L., 68 Millet, J. F., 50 Seignac, G., 73 Marais, A., 70 Schreyer, A., 126 ‘Monchablon, J., 84 Migl, A. de, 96 Torres, A., 13 Mesdag, H., 104 Twachtman, J. H., 15 Meissonier, J., 115 Thaulow, F., 43, 93, 109 Mauve, A., 127 Troyon, C., 49 Maris, W., 130 Trood, W. H., 67 Nardi, E. 3 Vigo, C., 4 Neuhuys, A., 91 Van Boskerck, R. W., 65 Van Marcke, E., 61, 123 Perrault. 33 Van Essen, J., 74 Piot, A., 46 Perret, A., 56, 113 Weissenbruch, J. H., 8 Pouget-Didier, W., 85 Wallet, A..G.,.32 Pasini, A., 112 Weiss, J., 45 Walker, J. H., 48 Richet, L., 22 Roybet, F., 51, 101 Ziem, F., 111 FIRST EVENING’S SALE THURSDAY, APRIL Isr, 1909 at 8:30 o'clock ou s if Ps SoM -Crienry P.) New York Canal, Venice 20x28 BENNETT Prince Elphberg 19x25 NARDI (E.) Sheep Going to Pasture “sy 21x30 Water Color ® VIGO (Charles) Ideal Head a 24x18 JACQUE (Emile) Son and pupil of. Ch. Jacque. Born at Eper- nay, France. Honorable Mention, 1889. Hon- orable Mention, Universal Exhibition, 1889. Returning Home 1614x13% London e Jungle 914x124 New York Landscape 15x18 ae WEISSENBRUCH (J. H.) Holland The Inlet 74x14 Sn hel A ee ae LELOIR (Louis) Paris Medals 1864, 1868, 1870. Legion of Honor 1876 Figure Subject 10x54 10 BOKER (Carl) _ Dusseldorf Crying Baby s : 16x11%4 11 SMITH (Hobbe) The Hague Hague, near Zaandam 15x20% Water Color ae ett 12 . S BRASCASSAT (J.R.) Paris Medals, 2nd Class, 1827; 1st Class, 1831, 1837. Legion of Honor, 1837 Landscape and Cattle | 32x40 | 13 TORRES (Antonio) Pupil of the Barcelona Art School and the Julian Academy, Paris The Belle of Madrid Ne sain canta? iecoarieiacneeaeeeoned cinta nhs caienaieiastins tate aeons on ke aeaaelaieeieeteoneetied 20x17 14 Bet yc) Paris 9 ee Medals Paris Salon, 1849 ay \ ; 4 | , Crossing the Ford ae . i E. 1534x2534 gene @ i 15 TWACHTMAN (J. H.) Landscape, Evening 2024 j awe ti New York 16 HERRING {J.-E.) London Horses’ Heads 13%4x13% 17. DE BEUL (Franz) Brussels Member of the Royal Academy of Belgium Chevalier of the Order of Leopold A Spring Morning in Belgium 291434 y is i | Na Re Y Re « 4a ‘ é 18 SCHGOER (J.) London Midday Meal 8x13 19 HAQUETTE (G.) Paris Pep tomCahanel Medals Paris, 1880 Starting for the Fishing Banks 1814x2534 20 GOLA Venice Canal in Venice 3114x1834 Pastel - 21 BRAITH (A.) Munich Gold Medal, Munich, 1869 ~ Cows in Pasture 1334x124 Os 22 RICHET (Leon) Paris Pupil of Diaz, ra Landscape 22x32 go» f 23 LEADER (B. W.), R. A. London oe View in North Wales 8x12 | London Scotch Cattle 32x48 25 JACQUET (Gustave) Medals Paris Salon, 1868, 1875, 1878 Legion of Honor, 1879 Head of Little Girl 9x62 aOR TGV ENED RY TT Te mad at we. 22 b : 7 26 MICHEL (G.) Approaching Storm hy ‘ 1 L poner oh ox 5 a JS DECAMPS (A. G.) Pupil of Pujol. Medals, 1831, 1834. Officer of the Legion of Honor, 1851 The Scissors Grinder i 1334x1014 PAC id, 28 SCHENCK (Auguste Frederick Albert) Paris Medals: Paris Salon, 1865. Legion of Honor, ~ 1888. Cavalier of the Order of Christ of Por- tugal. Cavalier of the Order of Isabella La Catholica. Medal: Centennial Exhibition, 1876. 27 Sheep in Snow Storm 2114x254 ih e: if : : ST. GERMIER (J.) Paris Canal in Venice 23x15 30 MUNTHE (L.) Dusseldorf Gold Medal, Berlin, 1872; London, 1876; Paris, 1st Class, 1878; Legion of Honor, 1878 Forest Scene 2014x1534 31 ERNST (Rodolphe) Paris Pupil ‘of Feuerbach ‘Medal, Ur ivceaal Exhibition, 1889 Oriental Sword Dance 1734x14 oe WALLET (Albert Charles) Paris Mention Honorable, Paris, 1884. Medal, Third Class, 1893. Medal, Second Class, 1895. Medal, Bronze, 1900, E. U. Member of the Society of French Artists. Hors Concours. Autumn in the Woods of Barbizon 3914x314 33 PERRAULDA (iS) Paris Medals, Paris, 1864, 1876, 1889. Chevalier of the Legion of Honor Resting 1714x32% 1 ; CHIGNEAU (F.) Paris Minding the Flock ~ : 2014x174 i go: 35 BALLAVOINE (J.) Paris ie Pupil of Pils. Medal, Third Class, 1880 Lillian 18x15 ct gies 36 ge UTURIER (ey = ‘Paris Pov of N. Coutourier oe Picot. Medals, _ Third Class, 1855, 1861 ~ Fowl 6x9 37 BAKHUYSEN (S.) Landscape 1714x14 The Hague 38 BRANDT (G.) Munich 4 ae | _ The Wood Nymph 7: | 12x1534 a i: ¥ uy , 4 § MONTICELLI (A.) Pupil of Ramond, Aubert and Diaz 39 The Storm 18x25%4 ; ¢ jb 40 COULAUD (M.) | Paris Path Through the Heather 2844x234 eo DIAZ (Narciso de la Pena) Paris pioaenes Paris Salon, 1844, 1846, 1848 Legion of Hoonr, 1851 The Artist, Garden Scene 18x1434 42 DESGOFFE (Blaise Alexander) Paris Pupil of Flandrin and Bouguereau. Medals Po Salon, 1861, 1863. Legion of Honor, Still Life 22x24 43 THAULOW (Fritz) Paris River La Laita at Quimperle, France 24x29 44 DETTI (Cesare) Paris Pupil of the St. Lucca Academy. Various Medals. Hors Concours. Chevalier of the Or- der of St. Maurice and Lazare. The Daughter of the Doge 36x29 45 WEISS (Jose) . London Landscape and River Sceen 28x42 46 PIOT (A.) Paris Honorable Mention, Paris, 1880. . Perpetual Member of the Society of French Artists Flora 26x20 09° 47 BLOMMERS, B. J. Holland _ Gossips Ae 20x16 Meditation 22x15 ~~ Me 49 ‘TROYON (C.) | BR Neral, Paris Salon, 1838, 1840, 1846 Cattle at Pool OB ay 1014x1434 Se ee et 50 MILLET (j. FP.) ; Paris Medals, 1853, 1864. Legion of Hoonr, 1868 Woodchopper Returning Home E. 4 i | 26x18% \- f yi A : Ber | : | a> a5 SS, PORN ali Ba . 51 ROYBET (Ferdinand) Paris Received all the honors of the Salon, includ- cluding the Grand Medal in 1893; Officer of the Legion of Honor. A Burgomaster 32x25 j 3 52 ng SCHERREWITZ (J.) The Hague Ploughing in Holland 2714x40 iQ. | ' ae 53 | HARLAMOFF (A.) Paris Medal Second Class, Paris, 1878 A Russian Girl 19x15 54 i HENNER (J. J.) Paris : Pupil of Drolling and Picot. Prize of Rome, 1858. Legion of Honor, 1873. Officer of the Legion of Honor, 1878. The Widow 10%x8% 55 CEDERSTROM (Th. V.) Munich Checkmated 2214x284 56 PERRET (Aime) Paris Chevalier of the Legion of Honor. Hors Concours.. Second Medal, Paris Salon. Gold Medal, Chicago Exhibition, 1893. Paintings in the Luxembourg Musee. The Peasant’s Home 29x24 oe au 57 ae DIAZ (Narciso dela Pena) wieieate ic Medals, Paris Salon, 1844, 1846, 1848 cr ae Legion of Honor, 1851 ha ; | 4h Forest Scene wer 814x124 | | : 539) ok PE COROT GAB Gs Paris Pupil of V. Berten. Medals, 1838, 1848, 1855, 1867. Officer of the Legion of Honor, 1867. Diploma to the memeory of deceased artists, Exposition Universelle, 1878. The Coliseum, Rome 14x2134 ee gO ss | 59 DE BOCK (Th.) The Hague Near Leiden 11x20 60 CHARLET (Frantz) Paris Pupil of Gerome, J. Lefebvre and Porteals Medal, Third Class, 1885 Family Cares 31x3914 61 ; VAN MARCKE (E.) Paris Medals, Paris Salon, 1867, 1869, 1878 Legion of Honor, 1872 Cows A Des &. > ; be we * SHS ry ye 1514x22 62 DIAZ (Narciso de la Pena) Paris Medals, Paris Salon, 1844, 1846, 1848 Legion of Honor, 1851 Dreamland 1034x834 fh pi i 63 BOUGUEREAU (William A.) Paris Prix de Rome, 1850; received Medals in 1855, 1857 and 1867. Legion of Honor, 1859. Mem- ber of the Institute of France, 1876. Officer of the Legion of Honor, 1876. Medal of Honor, hee 1885. Commander of the Legion of Honor, 1885. Innocence 35x20 gfe vy Kl J 64 ’ DUPRE (Julien) Paris Medals, Paris, 1880 and 1881. Silver Medal, 1889. Exposition Universelle. Chevalier of the Legion of Honor, 1892. Hors Concours. Harvesting Hay 3514x4534 SECOND EVENING’S SALE FRIDAY, APRIL 2np, 1909 at 8:30 o'clock 65 VAN BOSKERCK (R. W.), A.N.A. New York River Scene, France 16x24 66 MICHEL (G.) Paris Landscape with Windmill 2114x29 67 TROOD (W. H.) London : ple & Stop Thief ha hy ? 12x16 SEYMOUR (G. 1A) London Louisa 23x16 p* 69 MUNTHE (L.)j Dusseldorf Gold Medal, Berlin, 1872. London, 1876. oe First Class, 1878. Legion of ee 18 Winter Scene 2212x32 e | jQe?’ ia 70 MARAIS (Ad.) Paris Pupil of Busson, Berchere and C. de Cock Medal, Third Class, 1880 Cattle in the Meadows 26x32 Z.. 71 HAGBORG (Auguste) Paris Medals: Paris, 1879. Hors Concours, 1889. Exposition Universelle. Chevalier of the Le- gion of Honor, 1883. Hors Concours. Officer of the Legion of Honor, 1902. Waiting for the Tide 29x39 72 DEoHAAS (J. H.-L.) Brussels Commander of the Order of Isabella the Catholic of Spain, and of the Order of Charles III. of Spain, and of the Order of Leopold of | Belgium. Officer of the Order of the Cou- | ronne de Chenne, Holland. Officer of the Or- der of the Merit of St. Michael, Bavaria. Off- cer of the Couronne d'Italia. Chevalier of Fran- cis Joseph of Austria, Chevalier of the Cou- ronne de Prusse. Member of the Academy of St. Ferdinand of Spain. Member of the Royal Academies of Amsterdam, Antwerp and Rotterdam. Landscape and Cattle 22x29 . 73 SEIGNAC (G.) Ideal Head VAN ESSEN (Jan) The Hague Ploughing Near Haarlem ~ | 32x41 Ha | | b 75 KAEMMERER (F. H.) Paris Pupil of Gerome. Medal, 1874 Modiste, Winter 18x1034 76 api ed DELAMPS (A. G.) Paris IZ Pupil of Pujol. Medals, 1831, 1834. Officer of the Legion of Honor, 1851 Fisherman and Dog gr 1034x914 e COUTURE (T.) Paris ; Pupil of Gros and Paul Delaroche. Medals: Third Class, 1844; First Class, 1847, 1855; Le- gion of Honor, 1848. At the Fountain 78 ls ; JONGKIND (J. B.) Paris J Pupil of M. E. Isabey. Medal Paris Salon, 1852 Canal Near Rotterdam, by Moonlight 1314x184 a EARS Soil Lo ote Late a | @ : 19 79 DETTI (Cesare) _ Paris Pupil of the St. Lucca Academy. Various | Medals, Hors Concours. Chevalier of the Or- der of St. Maurice and Lazare. Louis XIII. Cavalier 36x29 d j 80 DEFAUX (A.) Paris Pupil of Corot. Medals: Third Class, 1874; Second Class, 1875; Legion of Honor, 1881. Landscape Near Fontainebleau 3114x2354 ii] v 0. 81 ARNTZENIUS (F.) The Hague ‘\ Street in The Hague 3744x28 82 LAISSEMENT (H.) Awaiting an Audience ~ 18x14 83 BLINKS (Thos.) . London . Full Cry 34x28. ’ MONCHABLON (Jan) _ Paris 4 Mention Honorable, Paris, 1885. Silver Medal, 1889, E. U. Chevalier of the Legion of Hoonr, 1895. Silver Medal, 1900, E. U. Hors Con- cours. , La Valleede la Saone pres Chatillon 15x22 . 85 DIDIER-POUGET (W.) ‘eens Honorable Mention, Paris, 1890. Medals: Third Class, 1896. Legion of Honor, 1900. Bronze Medal, 1900, Exposition Universelle. Member of the Society of French Artists. The Last Rays of the Sun 2634x36 86 ~ LENOIR (C. A.) Paris Blonde 18x15 45> Si 87 DE HOOGH (Bernard) The Hague The Family Meal 31x38 88 HENNER (J. J.) Paris Pupil of Drolling and Picot. Prize of Rome, 1858. Legion of Honor, 1873. Officer of the Legion of Honor, 1878. Uke The Wood Nymph ie aX 1034x18 + ver Dy Ba, afu ebay fA se OS. a) pup ni Do D0 va eer eo! ody RICO (M.) Bysy Paris Pupil of F. de Madrazo. Medals: Third Class, Paris, 1878; Legion of Honor, 1878 Venice 2714x1934 90 ROUSSEAU (Th.) Gace g ly Medals, Paris, 1834, 1849. Medal of Honor, 1867. Officer of the Legion of Honor, 1867. poe In the Forest ie f sah bey ran ats (Zh 614x8% f cs yt tee oP Seekonk (UL) Cui bai CC SOME ENS | PORK I ‘i, ‘ Hee or FAK icc aan Dap ke JO as Dos HO. bei Mma 7a MIS C 303 Tne GB £3. xm: UKX se [uffe wn Ca rae, stfo 3 we COM SX on ie 91 i i) OScunvvs (Albert) — | Holland Pupil of G. Craeyvanger and of Antwerp Academy The Fisherman’s Courtship 1414x10%4 92 “JACQUET (Gustave) Paris Medals: Paris Salon, 1868, 1875, 1878 Legion of Honor, 1879 The Song 4% a 93 | , THAULOW (Fritz) Paris Windmill in Holland | 26x32 eee Se nee 94 io eS ae _ DIAZ Narciso de la Pena) Paris Medals: Paris Salon, 1844, 1846, 1848; Legion of Honor, 1851 Woods at Fontainebleau A | 1934x274 | | 95 -DELACROIX (F. V. E.) ona Paris Pupil of Guerin. Medals, Paris, 1824-1848. _ Officer of the Legion of Honor, 1846 Br’ Entry of Christians Into Jerusalem itz Ea 19x22¥ ee {| 2a 96 1 f MIGL (Arpad de) | Paris HB Medal, Bronze, 1900. Mention Honorable, 1901 ke Blossoms i | 3834x31 Ahi ha A ale a 97 ' CLAYS (Paul Jean) Brussels Medals: Paris, 1867. Legion of Honor, 1875. Officer of the Legion of Honor, 1881. Medal, _ Brussels, 1851. Chevalier of the Order of Leo- — pold. Member of the Royal Academy of Bel- gium. Becalmed on the Scheldt 25x39 iy AQs 2 | cas * i JACQUE (Chas.) i eee Medals: Paris Salon, 1861, 1863, 1864. * ate Legion of Honor, 1867 4 ath eo if ler Sheep in Stable see eo P : 74x11 é : 99 Oe! ORTANT (E.) Paris . Pupil of Cabanel. Medals, Paris, 1884, 1885 Landscape 1714x21 100 a DER (B. W.), R.A. London wh An English Cottage, Surrey 30x50 eee sadly 7% * Dra ke 11 399 ee BM Kv 101 4 em ROYBET (F.) Paris Medals, Paris Salon, 1866, 1893. Officer of the Legion of Honor, 1900 The Astronomer 51x38 Paris 102 “f) COROT (J. B. C.) Pupil of V. Bertin. Medals, 1838, 1848, en 867. Officer of the Legion of Honor, Diploma to the memory of deceased artist r Exposition Universelle, 1878. The Seine, Moonlight 1914x24 are DUPRE (Jules) Paris Medals: Paris Salon, 1833; Legion of Honor, 1849. Officer of the Legion of Honor, 1870 Woods at Fontainebleau dele - 104 - MESDAG (Hendrick) The tats Pupil of Alma Tadema Medals: Paris, 1870; Third Class, 1878 Marine 3014x19% I. » Che f o 105 ISABEY (Eugene) : Paris Pupil of his father, J. B. Isabey. Medals, Paris Salon, 1824, 1827, 1855. Officer of the Le- gion of Honor, 1852. After the Storm 1514x1134 106 DIAZ (Narciso de la Pena) Paris Medals, Paris Salon, 1844, 1846, 1848 Legion of Honor, 1851 Forest of Fontainebleau 13x16 6 gor) 107 ic HENNER (J. J.) Paris Born in 1829. Pupil of Drolling and Picot. Prize of Rome, 1858; Legion of Honor, 1873; Officer of Legion of Honor, 1878; Member of the Institute, 1889. Devotion H i! i 26x16 Sg oot cae fe a BOUGUEREAU (W. A.) Paris Pupil of Picot. Prize of Rome, 1850. Medals, 1855, 1857, 1867. Officer of the Legion of Honor, 1876. Medal of Honor, 1878, 1885. Innocence 37x2314 Ins DAE UB, AR Uf BOSXK Wye S 3 G7 Deny aap fo) a Lf / ) hong Meh bf0p LONI Y, THAULOW (Fritz) Legion of Honor, 1889 é A Norwegian River, Winter a + Mogg sts a AG a}. HARPIGNIES (H.) Paris ‘ Pupil of Achard. Medals, Scone Class; ; 1878; Legion of Honor, 1878. ae of the he Legion of Honor, 1883. . ae oe Near fon qe i) ye SEE: Dyexl7e , “ | 111 ay _ZIEM. (F.) ae Pari ps: Medals, Paris Salon, 1851, 1852, 1855. Officer of the Legion of Honor, Leys Venice 25x32 a ve Apne ees Os 62 ie : Bee: ie Lf 22fer few! LAA dy | 112 _PASINI (A.) Paris Pupil of Ciceri. Medals,~Paris, 1859, 1863, 1864. Grand Medal of Honor, 1878. Officer of the Legion of Honor, 1878. , The Old Gateway 23 W “ee 7 + = ; : ' ete past Raine ee es es ae ee De a ee eS 1814x1514 y 113 ! _ PERRET (Aime) Received several medals at the Paris Salon. # Chevalier of the Legion of Honor. The French [3 Government acquired a number of his works ; for the Musee du Luxembourg and for other Museums in France. ee Gathering Grapes 32x26 114 L’HERMITTE (Leon) & ae Midday Rest “a. a 23x2714 Pee 00d. ay S373 hee. sy2 P J KKK Spa poe CL ib fas is MX XXK 115 MEISSONIER (Jean Louis Ernest) Medals: Third Class, 1840; Second Class, 1841; First Class, 1843 and 1850. Medals of Honor, 1855, 1867, 1878. Chevalier of the Le- gion of Honor, 1846; Officer, 1856; Commander, 1867; Grand Officer, 1878. Member of the Insti- tute, 1861. Paris Louis XIII. Cavalier - 13Y%4x6% “4From the Meissonier Sale, 1893 - e | GK Ff LL Hie G.B.1G fare 2/o3 BM xxx \j HARPIGNIES (Henri) Wace Pupi lof Achard. Medals: Second Class, 1878. Legion of Honor, 1878. Officer of the + 0° Legion of Honor, 1883. ~ f pee Pa; cre Herreson QP a ot oe ; x of wie 3 24x32 117 BOUGHTON (Gy aka London Springtime 30x20 cat CF G109 Urals Iams Bee. gfor PM kxx a fits Ohm Yoo. £99 lf ASxkx 4? JACQUE (Chas.) Paris | ea ee Tending the Flock 18%4x15 119 ofS? CAZIN (F. C.) , “Paris fr Medal, 1880. Reaion of Honor, 1880. Officer a Legion of Honor, 1889 Near Boulogne ony 4 Ps * 28x2314 ae ‘ eee Sod | 120 | fi ROUSSEAU (Theodore) ©. Paris Medals, 1834, 1849. Medal of Honor, 1867 Legion of Honor, 1852. Officer, 1867 Landscape—Sunset \" x & 61%4x103%4 121 . COROT IB) “Paris oles Medals, Paris Salon, 1838, 1848, 1855, 1867. e Legion of Honor, 1846. Officer of Legion of Honor, 1867. Mest Shy Summer Idyl eae 15x13 . Te 122 DAUBIGNY (C. F.) Paris. Medals, Paris Salon) 1848, 1858, 185s (sey 1859 and 1869. Officer Legion of Honor, 1874 On the Marne % ke “1814x284 * Sy aan if 123 VAN MARCKE (E.) Paris Medals Paris Salon: 1867, 1860. tare Legion of Honor, 1872 Calves in Pasture 1614x22 once: 124 JACQUE (Chas.) : Paris _ Medals, Paris Salon, 1861, 1863, 1864 = Legion of Honor, 1867 Sheep and Lamb aie” | 20x24 iN se Nn SEA ETH I net bie —— : 125 _HARPIGNIES (Henri) Paris Medals at the Paris Salon, 1866, 1868, 1869, 1878 “Legion of Honor, 1875. Officer, 1883 oe eh 4 ES IRTP NS AT OM = eo bat ‘Ss P ~t Bords de la Loire ‘ 4 i : Hy 4 42x30 jake * ae er as o ae att eC ‘ See é ie ko SMe ¢ g SCHREYER (Ad.) Medals, 1864, 1865, 1867. Court Painter to the Grand Duke of Mecklenburg. Chevalier of the Paris Claes a Order of Leopold. laa _ The Arab Advance Guard eres sl Vege i ste et Seer hee Te: 2 Bey! pL a es 1 ei) a 5% Wil (56) WSL B, Yorsofpl i | Gallia me Lph yt) § R Sxx 127 Ro® MAUVE (A.) . Holland 13x21 The Loggers ube? $: ne i FORTUNY (M.) Paris Pupil of the Barcelona Academy. Chevalier of the Order of Charles III. Prize of Rome from Spain, 1858. Diploma to the memory of deceased artists, Exposition Universelle, 1878. Formerly in the Wm. H. Stuart Collection Exhibited Cent Chefs—D’Oeuvre, Paris, 1883 Breakfast He ihe Old Convent Yard ol er 13%4x10%4 ; 4, oa se J lax ‘She Mt ise fitehe, Pab, Jb UREN o7 ty / 8 ae 129 “uae € DIAZ (Narciso de la Pena) Paris Medals Paris Salon, 1844, 1848 Legion of Honor, 1851 Forest Interior 714x105 pe 130. i | | oie MARIS (Wm.) The Hague 7 Cattle at River Bank 1314x20 | . a JAMES P. SILO, Auctioneer. nesting ed ree ote eee meal ar a pehhe Dwene F mapa 8a nn pea adpadiet > Ft i ee ; reins A Mss Ange SEARCH INSTITUTE TUNA 3 3125 01662 914 a ae ae ae iat ET ee en ee PE nh ee ae te ee ae Creat Bc ae Ch ee fa ae 2 PP ie to aut, ee inte, Sy, ms meet? se aa eV x Grainne oe, , era Pepe Pernt pe ee ot aie art Ag Soe sgh? Gra