CATALOGUE OF THE SPLENDID, CHOICE, AND CURIOUS LIBRARY OF P. A. HANROTT, ESQ. PART THE FIRST, V INCLUDING Cicero de Officiis, FIRST EDITION UPON VELLUM, Mocunt. PER Fust Er Scnoyrrer, MCCCCLXV. Cicero de Officiis, Seconp Epirtion, PRINTED UPON VELLUM, MCCCCLXVI. Apuleii Metamorphoses, FIRST EDITION, SWEYNHEYM ET Pannartz, MCCCCLXIX. Biblia Sacra Hebrea, 4 vol. spLENDID Manuscript UPON VELLUM, from the Vatican Library. Dictes and Sayinges of the Philosophers, by Earl Rivers, imprynted by Caxton, MCCCOLXXVII. Fayts of Arms and Chevalrye, Imprynied by Caxton, MCCCCLXXXIX. Les Chroniques de France, (Dites de St. Denys), 3 vol. First Edition, and the first Book printed at Paris with a Date, MCCCCLXXVI. Chroniques de France, (Dites de St. Denys) 3 vol. Prinrep upon vELLUM,. with splendid Miniature Paintings, a Magnificent Book, Par. Verard, MCCCCXCIII. Castiglione, il Corteygiano, with an OricrnaL AuTroGRrapPH SONNET OF Tasso ; Also THE CHALLENGE OF THE ADMIRABLE CricHTON, which was stuck on the church doors at Venice, an unique leaf, and otier cu- rious Documents, a Volume of extraordinary interest, Ven, Aldo, 1545. Boydell’s Collection of Prints, a splendid Assemblage Engraved by the first Artists, 9 vol. cHoIcE PROOFS, many before the letters and on India paper. Blore’s Monumental Remains of Great Britain, THE ORIGINAL Drawines most exquisitely executed. A Splendid Collection of Chinese Drawings beautifully coloured. Dugdale, Monasticon Anglicanum, 12 vol. best edition, LARGE PAPER, illustrated with the plates of the Original Edition, morocco. Champ de Drap d'Or, spLeNDID MaNuscriprT repre- senting the Celebrated Interview between Henry VIII. and Francis the First, with most beautiful OriginaL Drawings in Oil, Water Colours, &c. by Bone, Willement, &c. Dolce, Transformationi, PRINTED UPON VELLUM, supposed to be Unique, Giolito, 1553. Hrarne’s Works relating to British History and Antiquities, 55 vol. LARGE PAPER, Dr. Mead’s Subscription Copies in fine old red morocco. A Brav- TIFUL Missal EXECUTED For Henry II. or France, Dibdin’s Tour in ‘France, &c.7 vol. LarGE paper, splendidly illustrated, with Original Drawings by Lewis, and choice Prints, red morocco, &c. WHICH WILL BE SOLD BY AUCTION, BY MR. EVANS, AT HIS HOUSE, No. 93, PALL-MALL, On Tuesday, July 16, and Eleven following Days, (Sunday excepted). 1833. * fyb -9f. 9% =74 99) P CJUiU Ahi y AK at, as & IAF E7T-DAOCF 77 CONDITIONS OF SALE. 1. Tue highest Bidder to be the Buyer; and if any Dispute arise between two or more Bidders, the Lot so disputed, shall be immediately put up again and re-sold. Ii, No Person to advance less than 1s.; above Five Pounds, 2s. Gd. ; and so in Proportion. IYI. The Purchasers to give in their Names and Places of Abode, and. to pay down 5s. in the Pound, if required, in Part Payment of the Purchase-money; in Default of which the Lot or Lots so purchased to be immediately put up again and re-sold. IV. The Lots to be taken away at the Buyer’s Expence, within Three Days after the Conclusion of the Sale; and the remainder of the Purchase-money to be absolutely paid on or before Delivery ; in default of which, Mr. Evans will not hold himself responsible if lost, stolen, damaged; or otherwise destroyed, . but they will be left at the sole risk of the Purchaser. V. The Books are presumed to be perfect unless otherwise expressed in the Catalogue, in the following Condition, or at the . time of Sale; but if, upon collating within seven days they should prove defective, the Purchasers will be at Liberty to take or reject them. VI. The Sale of any Book or Books, Hlustrated with Portraits, Prints or Drawings, or of any Collection of Portraits, Prints or Drawings, is not to be set aside on account of any Error of _ Enumeration of the Portraits, Prints or Drawings, stated in the Catalogue. VII. The Sale of any Book, or Books, is not to be set aside on account of any Stained, or Short Leaves, or want of List of Plates. VIII. Upon Failure of complying with the above Conditions the ~ Money deposited in Part of Payment shall be forfeited ; and all Lots uncleared within the time aforesaid, shall be re-sold by public or private Sale, and the Deficiency (if any) attending such Re-sale, shall be made good by the Defaulter at this Sale, together with all charges on such Re-sale. *,* No Lots will be delivered during the Time of Sale. Gentlemen who cannot attend the Sale, may have their Commissions faithfully executed, by their humble Servani, R. H. EVANS. * Prinied by W. Nicol, Cleveland-row, St. James’s. CATALOGUE OF THE SPLENDID, CURIOUS, AND VALUABLE LIBRARY OF P. A. HANROTT, ESQ. FIRST DAY’S SALE. [Each Day’s Sale will commence at Half Past Twelve.| Octavo et Infra. 1 L’Abbé a sa Toilette, - Lond. 1707 Q ABELARD ET ELOISA. fetes d’Abailard et d’Heloise, Latin et Frangois, par Bastien, 5 vol. prINTED UPON vetuuM. Sir M. Sykes’s Copy, in red morocco, gilt leaves, Paris, 1782 3 Abelard. Lettres et Epitres amoureuses d’Heloise et d’Abe- lard, par Cailleau, 3 vol. red morocco, gilt leaves, Paris, 1796 4 Abelard and Heloise, peettars of, blue morocco, with joints, silk inside, - 1815 5 Abengufian, Vie du ea iiceweor: Chants XIV.) red mo- rocco, Elsev. 1671 6 Abingdon’s Antiquities ais the Cathedral Church of Wor- cester, - - Wrz Absurdities i in os and Verse, plates, h. b. morocco, 1827 8 Abulgasi-Bayadur-Chan, Histoire Econ des ibe red morocco, gilt leaves, - Leyde, 17 9 Account of Alien Priories, by Gough and Nichols, 2 toe 1779. Account of the Abbey of Bec, 1779, in. all 3 vol. 10 Achilles Tatius, Gr. et Lat. in yellow morocco, gilt leaves, L. Bat. (Elz.) 1640 11 Acosta, De natura Novi Orbis libri duo, rare edition, extra, gilt leaves, - > ‘: Salmant. 1589 12 Acosta, Histoire Naturelle des Indes Orientales et Occi- dentales, red morocco, gilt leaves, =. Par. 1600 B [2] 13 Acosta, Histoire des Indes, par Rob. Regnault Cauxois, Paris, 1606 14 Acta Martyrum in Anglia, Gallia, Germania, &c. qui ab Wicleffo et Husso usque ad hunc diem mortem subie- runt, fine copy, - - Gen. Crispin, 1556 15 Acta Colloquii Ratisponensis ultimi, gilt leaves, Lovan. 1547 16 Adamson’s Memoirs of the Life and Writings of Camoens, 2 vol. blue morocco, gilt leaves, - - 1820 17 Admiranda rerum Admirabilium encomia, red morocco, gilt leaves, - - - Noviomagi, Bat. 1676 18 Adiiani, Istoria de suoi tempi, 8 vol. extra, marbled leaves, Prato, 1822 19 Adry, Notice sur les imprimeurs de la Famille des Elzevirs, extra, gilt leaves, ~ “ Paris, 1806 20 Advis aux Criminalistes sur les abus qui se glissent dans les proces de Sorcelerie, mis en Francois, per ae S de Belledor, - - Lyon, 1660 21 A‘schinis Socratici Dialogi tres, Gr. et Lat. Horrei. Wil- liams’s Copy, green morocco, with joints and gilt leaves, Leov. 1718 22 Eschine e Demosthene, Orationi Due, Vineg. Aldo, 1554. Diodoro Siculo, Antiche Historie, Giolito, 1547, 2 vol. in 1, gilt leaves, - - - 1547 23 Aischylus, Grece, FIRST ‘ EDITION, red morocco, gilt leaves, Aldus, 1518 24 /Eischylus, Greece, LARGE PAPER. Renouard’s Copy, blue morocco, gilt leaves, = Par. ap. Turnebum, 1552 25 AEschylus, translated by Potter, 2 vol. - 1779 26 Aisop: Fasuta, Grace, Manuscript or tHe XVruH CrenTurRY, EXECUTED IN ItTaLty. The Initial letters in gold and colours, with ornaments of Flowers and Vases, with 131 Miniature Paintings, representing the suljects of the Fables, in olive morocco, richly tooled, in pire i lined with morocco, tooled inside. 27 Alsopice Fabule ex Vetusto Cod. Florentino, Gr. et Lat. Furle, FINE PAPER, yellow morocco, gilt leaves, Lips. 1810 28 Aisopus Habitu Poetico ab ae numerous cuts, green mo- rocco, gilt leaves, - Frane. 1574 29 Esope, Fables, avec celle de Philelphe, par Bellegarde, 2 vol. cuts, red morocco, gilt leaves, - Amst. 1708 30 Agreda, Novelas Morales y Exemplares, extra, gilt ea Mad. 17 31 Agrippz Opera, 3 vol. best and uncastrated edition, fine copy, ee French red morocco, gilt leaves, Lugd. per Beran Fratres, 32 Aikin’s Father's Letters to his Son,. 1794 33 Aikin’s Essays on Song Writing, with Collection of Songs, by Evans, extra, gilt leaves, - “ 1810 [3] 34 Aikin’s. Life of Huet, 2 vol. 1810. Aikin’s Lives of Selden - and Usher, 1812, in all 3 vol. 35 Aikin’s Select Works of the British Poets, 10 vol. with 140 Proof Plates, from Sharpe's abt inserted, fine set, in olive morocco, gilt leaves, - 1821 36 Aikin’s (Lucy) Memoirs of the Court of Queen Elizabeth, 2 vol. extra, gilt leaves, . =. 1819 37 Aimoni Monachi Historie Franeeitiv’ lib. V. Arms on the sides, - - - - Paris, 1567 38 Alabastri Roxana Tragoedia, with the frontispiece, blue mo- rocco, gilt leaves, - - Lond. 1632 39 Alamanni, Opere Toscane, gilt leaves, ap. L. A. Juntam, 1542 40 Albert (Petit) Secrets Merveilleux de la Magie naturelle et Cabalistique, gilt leaves, - Lion. 1744 41 Alberto, Hecatomphila, 1534. Alberto, Deiphira, 1534. La Pazzia, 1540. Il Lasca, 1584. Dialogo contra i Poeti del Bernia, 1540. 42 Alberti della Pittura e della Statue, gilt leaves, Milano, 1804 43 Albuquerque. Commentarios do Grande Alboquerque que foi das Indias Orientales em tempo del Manuel Primero, 4 vol. in 2, green morocco, gilt leaves, Lisb. 1774 44 Aleala (Geronimo de) El Donado Hablador, 2 vol, extra, marbled leaves, - - Mad. 1805 45 Alciati Emblemata, nuper in lucem edita, Aldus, 1546 46 Alciati Emblemata, wood cuts, ertra, gilt leaves, Antverp. 1565 47 Alciati Emblemata, cum Commentario Minois, interleaved to form an Album, with Autograph Signatures by H. Ste- phens, Jos. Scaliger, Cujacius, Golius, and others, amount- ing to about 180, sumptuously bound in olive morocco, richly tooled in compartments, with morocco linings, beau- _ tifully tooled inside, - - Antverp. 1577 48 Alciati Emblemata, Plantin. 1584. Sambuci, Emblemata, Plantin, 1584, 2 vol. in 1, green morocco, gilt leaves. 49 Alciphronis Epistole, Gr. et Lat. Bergleri, LARGE PAPER, green morocco, gilt leaves, - Rhen. 1791 50 costo ta Lettves, avec des Notes, 3 vol. red morocco, Amst. 1785 51 Alcoran, par Du Ryer, green morocco, gilt leaves, Haye, 1683 52 Alcoran des Cordeliers, gili leaves, x Genev. 1578 iat Alcoran des Cordeliers, Latin et Francois, 2 2 vol. plates by Picarty* *. “ - - Amst. 1734 54 Alcyonius de exsilio, in olive morocco, gilt leaves, Aldus, 1522 5 Aldrich, Elementorum Architectura, the fragment i the first Edition of which ten copies only were printed, ‘ Oxford. [4] 56 Aledris (Xerif), Descripcion de Espana Arab. con trad. de Conde, h. b. morocco, gilt top, - Mad. 1799 57 Aleman, Vida y Hechos del Picaro Guzman d’Alfarache, 2 vol. plates, extra, marbled leaves, Amberes, 1726 58 Alemano, Vita del Picaro Gusmano d’Alfarache trad. da Barezzi, 2 vol. green morocco, gilt leaves, § Venet. 1615 59 Alemand, Histoire Monastique d’Irlande, title stained, blue morocco, gilt leaves, - ~ Par. 1690 60 Aletephilo, Amorosa Historia de Isabella et Aurelio, tra- dotta di Lingua Castigliana, gilt leaves, Vineg. 1526 61 Aleyn’s Historie of Henry the Seventh, a Poem, portrait, 1638 62 Alexandri ab Alexandro Genialium Dierum libri sex, notis variorum, 2 vol. rich old red morocco, gilt leaves, L. Bat. 1673 63 Alfieri (Vittorio). Vita, scritta da Esso, portrait, extra, gilt leaves, - < - Italia, 1817 64 Algarotti (Conte). Opere, 2 vol. red morocco, Hollis’s copy, with emblematic tooling, - « Livorno, 1764 65 Algarotti (Conte). Opere, 17 vol. blue morocco, gilt leaves, Venez. 1792 66 Alibert, Description des Maladies de la Peau, 2 vol. LARGE PAPER, PLATES COLOURED, red morocco, gilt leaves, Bruzel. 1825 67 Ali Bey, Voyages en Afrique et en Asie, with Atlas in 4to. 4 vol. “ Paris, 1814 68 Alioni Astensis Operk Fudinds Metro Macharronico Ma- terno Gallico Composita, ExcESSIVELY RARE, supposed to be the only perfect copy known, in morocco, splendidly tooled in compartments, Ast. per Magistrum Francischum de Silva, 152] 69 Alione, Opera Piaccevole, faye rare, green morocco, gilt leaves, - Asti. 1601 70 Allacci, Poeti Antichi rasta: da Codici MSS. scarce, Napoli, 1661 71 Allen’s History = the County of Surrey, 2 vol. LarGcE PAPER, plates on India paper, h. b. morocco, gilt leaves, 1830 72 Allen (William). Traicté Politique que tuer un Tyran nest pas un meurtre, Lugd. 1658. L’Art d’Assassiner les Rois enseigné par les Jesuites, morocco, gilt leaves, Lond. 1696, 2 vol. 73 Allison’s Voyage from Archangel in Russia in 1697, and Wintering near the North Cape, map and plate, green morocco, gilt leaves, - - 1699 74 Alma Mater, or Seven See at. Cambridge, 2 vol. in 1, red morocco, gilt ‘etchide - - 1827 [5] 75 Almanach Imperial pour 1813, green morocco, gilt leaves, Par. 1813 76 Almon’s Anecdotes of the Life of William Pitt, Earl of Chatham, 3 vol. illustrated with portraits, - 1810 77 Alnandri Historiola Artis Typographice in Suecia, h. b. morocco, uncut, gilt top, - - Rostoch. 1725 78 Alphabeta varia Orientalia, &c. extra, gilt leaves, Rome, Typis Sac. Congreg. de Prop. Fide, V. Y. 79 Alphonse de Lirias, fils de Gil Blas, adage green morocco, gilt leaves, ~ - Amst. 1744 80 Alvarez, Historia de la cans de Becca in morocco, gilt leaves, Anvers. 1557. Alvarez, Historia de las Cosas de Ethiopia y de Preste Juan. A scarce edition, but some leaves badly stained, in morocco, gilt leaves, Toledo, 1588 81 Alvarez, Historiale Description de l’Ethiopie, Pays du Grand Roy et ) gaabaeg Prete-Jan, in morocco, gilt leaves, i - Anvers. 1558 82 Alvin, Tractatus de Botestats Episcoporum Abbatum, &c. russia, gilt leaves, - Paris. 1607 83 Alxinger, Bliomberis, ein Rittergedicht, Leipz. 1791 84 Alxinger, Doolin Von Maynz. ein Rittergedicht, plates, fine paper, 2 vol. green morocco, gilt leaves, Leipz. 1797 85 Amadis de Gaule mis en Francoys par Herberay, avec le Tresor d’Amadis, 25 vol. old red morocco, rich, gilt back, gilt leaves, ee 86 Amadis of Gaul from the Siamnh by Sauthey: 4 vol. gilt leaves, - - - 1803 87 Amaltheorum Fratrum Carmina, old morocco, Venet. 1627 88 Amant Mal Traicté de sa Mye, cuts, gilt leaves, Paris. 89 Ambillon, Sidere, Pastorelle, - Paris, Estienne, 1609 90 America, or an Exact Description of the West Indies, by N. N. with the map. 4 portrait of Columbus, fine im- pression, inserted, green morecco, gilt leaves, 1655 91 America, Account of the British Colonies in, h. b. morocco, gilt top, - - - 1775 92 America, Sketch of the Internal Condition of the United States by a Russian, h. b. morocco, gilt top, Baltimore, 1826 93 America. Notions of ie Americans picked up by a Travelling Bachelor, 2 vol. * - 1828 94 American Mariners, or the Atlantic Voyage, a Poem, half - morocco, gilt top, - Salisbury. 95 Ames’s Catalogue of English Heads, h. b. morocco, 1748 96 Jost Amman, Neuwe Biblische Figuren, Franc. 1571. Hofferi Tonnes Catecheseos, Viteb. 1570, 2 vol. in 1, _ many cuts, olive morocco, gilt leaves. 97 Amory’s Life of John Buncle, 4 vol. - - 1770 [ 6 ] 98 Amours Pastorales de Daphnis et Chloe, plates by Audran, red morocco, gilt leaves, - - Paris, 1718 99 Amours d’Anne d’Autriche, red moroceo, gilt leaves, Col. (Elzev.) 1699 100 Amours de Cleante et Belise, green morocco, gilt leaves, Leyde. 1697 101 Amours de Florisec et Clareo, et de la peu Fortunée Ysea, trad. de Castillan par Jaques Vincent, Paris, 1555 102 Amours de Neron per Mad. * * * yellow morocco, gilt leaves, - - Haye, 1695 103 Amours of Messalina, (Satire on the Second Wife of James II.) in russia, gilt leaves, - - 1689 104 Anacreon, Gr. edente Brunckio, with three plates, proof impressions inserted, blue morocco, gilt leaves, Argent. 1786 105 Anacreon, Greece, e recensione Brunckii, PRINTED UPON ass’s SKIN. Sir M. Sykes’s Copy, red morocco, Argent. 1786 106 Anacreontis Odaria, PRINTED UPON VELLUM, plates, red morocco, gilt leaves, silk ends, bere Parm. 1€02 *,* Only two copies were printed upon vellum, the other is in Earl.Spencer’s Library. 107 Anacreon, Grece. Printed in capital letters, thick paper, red morocco, gilt leaves, - - Parm. 1791 108 Anacreon, Grec, Latin et Francais, par Gail, 3 vol. plates, PRINTED UPON VELLUM, red morocco, gilt leaves, Par. Didot, 1800 109 iaiceis translated by Moore, yellow morocco, gilt Teaves, 1803 110 Wianins de Natura Deorum, i olive morocco, gilt leaves, Aldus, 1589 M11 Ansicnt Reliques, 2 vol. in 1, LARGE PAPER, proof plates, 1812 112. Anderson's Genealogical History of the House of Yvery, 2.vol, PORTRAITS AND PLATES, PRIVATELY PRINTED, RARE, green morocco, gilt leaves, - - 1742 *,* This copy has an additional half sheet in vol. 2, ” entitled addenda to p. 452, Oe the History to 1765. 473) Anderson’s Narrative of the Embassy to China, 1796 ‘114 Anderson’s Ballads in .the Cumberland Dialect, with Glossary,-h. b. morocco, gilt top, - Wigton, 1808 115 Andre, (Jehan.) Confusion de la Secte de Muhamed, per Guy le Fevre, extra, gilt leaves, - Paris, 1574 116. Andrew, (Marsilio) . ‘De Amplitudine Misericordie Dei Oratio, Celio Horatio Curione Sereniss. Anglize regem Edvardum VI. red:morocco, gilt leaves, Basil. 1550 [7] 117 Andrews, Preces: Private Quotidiane; Gr. et Lat. blue morocco, gilt leaves, . Lond. 1828 118 Bishop Andrews’s Devotions, analited by Hall, blue mo- rocco, gilt leaves, - - 1830 119 Andronici Rhodii Paraphrasis Ethicorum Nicomacheo- rum, Gr, et Lat. Heinsii. Williams’s Copy, red morocco, with joints and gilt leaves, - - L. Bat. 1817 120 Anecdotes Ecclesiastiques, ruled with red lines, uncut, Amst. 1752 121 Ane Mort ou la Femme Guillotinée, Bruxz. 1829. La Confession, Brux. 1830, 2 vol. in 1, red morocco, gilt. leaves. 122 Angelo et Carli, Viaggio nel Regno del Congo, in olive morocco, gilt leaves, Ven. 1679 123 Anglia et Scotia. Illustria Rrephoes Ecclesias Catholice ex recentibus gestis Anglicorum Martyrum, Scotice Proditionis, &c. blue morocco, gilt leaves, - 1572) *,* This work contains Anecdotes of the Lives of Bishop Fissher, Sir T. More, &c. 124 Annuau Recister, from the commencement in 1758 to 1818, with Index to 1792, calf, and from 1819 to 1831, in boards, together 77 vol. 125 Anquetil, Esprit de la Ligue, 3 vol. flee copy, in French red morocco, gilt leaves, Par. 1767 126 Anquetil’s Summary of Universal Historgs 9 vol. vellum, marble leaves, - - - - 1800 127 L’Antechrist Romain, old 1ed morocco, gilt leaves, 1604 127*Anthologia Greca, Grece. The first Aldine Edition, in olive morocco, gilt leaves, - - Aldus, 1503 128 Anthologia Greca, Grece. The second Aldine Edition, blue morocco, silk ends, gilt leaves, ° Aldus, 1521 129 Anthologia Hibernica, 4 vol. - 1793 130 Antidote (a la nopege de Chappe d’Auteroche dans ‘la Siberie), - - 1770 131 Anti-Jacobin, 2 vol. red morocco, gilt leaves, 1799 Quarto. aire T. A.’s History of the Azores or Western Islands, plates, 1813 133 Abd- Allatif, Relation de Ligypte, avec des Notes par , Sacy, = <° Par. 1810 134 Abel’s Journey in Chisini tat a, h. b. morocco, 1819 135 Abulcacim, Verdadera Historia del Rey Don Rodrigo, with the Autograph of mccenagare green morocco, gilt leaves, ‘ m _ Valenc, 1606 [8] 136 Acerbi’s Travels in Sweden, Finland, &c. 2 vol. plates, 1802 137 Ackermann’s History of the University of Oxford, 2 vol. COLOURED PLATES, with portraits of Founders, red morocco, silk ends, with joints and gilt leaves, < - 1814 138 Ackermann’s History of the University of Cambridge, 2 vol. coloured plates, abate red morocco, silk ends, joints, and gilt leaves, ‘ - 1815 139 Ackermann’s History of Westminste? Abbey, 2 vol. co- LOURED PLATES, - 1812 140 Ackermann’s History of Winchester, Eton, Westminster, and other Public Schools, plates coloured, — - 1816 141 Acosta, Historia de las Indias, red morocco, gilt leaves, Sevil. 1590 142 Acosta’s History of the East and West Indies, gilt leaves, 1604 143 Acosta, Historia delle Droghe delle Indie Orientali, wood cuts, - - - Venet.1585 144 Acosta (Christoval). Tratado en Loor de las Mugeres, morocco, gilt leaves, - Venet. 1592 145 Adami, la Spada d’Orione stellato tiétio cielo di Marte, cioe il valor Militare de Piu Celebri Guerrieri de Nostri Secoli Illustrato, plates, old red morocco, gilt leaves, dedication copy to Louis XIV. - -- Roma, 1680 146 Adrianus Cartusianus de Remediis Utriusque Fortune, printed by Ulric ge about igh 8 green morocco, gilt leaves. *,* Laire and rca say this venaihe consists of "152 leaves, but this copy has 160. 147 Adams’s Shripwreck in ‘Africa, and Reshiente in Tom- buctoo, h. b. morocco, - : - 1816 148 Addison's Works, 4 vol. h. b. russia, uncut, Birmingham, Baskerville, 1761 149 Atliani Varia Historid; Gr. et Lat. Gronovii, 2 vol. LarGE PAPER, in morocco, gilt leaves, - «sD. Bat. 1731 150 A®lian’s Tactics, translated by Lord Dillon, h. b. morocco, gilt top, - 1814 151 Affo, Saggio di Meiorie su la “Piper Parmense del Secolo XV. h. b. morocco, - ~ Parma, :1791 152 African Association, Proceedings of, maps, LARGE PAPER, 1790 153 Agostini, Notizie Intorno la Vita, e le Opere degli Scrit- tori Viniziani, 2 vol. LARGE PAPER, Venez. 1752 154 Nicolo delli Agostini, il Quarto, Quinto e Sesto Libro dello Innamoramento di Orlando. Col. Stanley's Copy, in russia, gilt leaves, | Ven. per Niccolini da Sabio, 1529 155 Aikin’s History of spe unire pam and the large map, in russia, - 1795 [9] 156 Alamanni, Gyrone il Cortese, extra, gilt leaves, Parigi, 1548 157 Alamanni, Girone il Cortese, old red morocco, richly tooled, Vinegia, 1549 158 Alamanni, Avarchide, title a little mended, in French red mo- rocco, gilt leaves, - Giunt. 1570 159 Alcafarado’s paistory of the Discovery of the Isle of Ma- dera, 3 1675 160 Alcarotti, een di Terra fleate, - Novara, 1596 161 Alcedo, Diccionario Geografico-Historico de las Indias occidentales, 5 vol. - - Mad. 1786 162 Alberg, Pericles. De l'Influence des Beaux-Arts sur la felicité Publique, h. b. morocco, Parme, Bodoni, 1811 163 Alberti, Descrittione d'Italia, - Venet. 1577 164 Alberti, Dizionario, Italiano-Francese, 2 vol. russia, Marsiglia, 1796 165 Albi, Eloges Historiques des Cardinaux illustres, portraits, Paris, 1644 166 Alcedo y Herrera, Noticias del Peru, Chile, Granada, &c. in green velvet, - - Madr, 1739 167 Alehabitius, cum Commento, - Ven. Sessa, 1512 168 Alciato, Emblemas, per Lopez, red morocco, gilt leaves, Najer, 1615 169 Aupine Tracts. Progne, Tragoedia, nunc primum edita in Acad, Ven. (Aldo,) 1558. Sadoleti et Sfondrati Duo tum Gravissima tum lepidissima Poemata, in Acad. Ven. (Aldo,) 1559. Hoedus de Miseria Humana, in Acad. Ven. (Aldo,) 1558. Ugonius de maximis Italie atque Grecie, calamitatibus, in Acad. Ven. (Aldo,) 1559. De Legato Pontificio, in Acad Ven. (Aldo,) 1558, bound in 1 vol. in olive morocco, gilt leaves. 170 Aldini, Account of the late Secs enspiia in Galvanism, h. b. morocco, - - 1803 170*Aldrete, Varias pnie seanee de Redan, Africa, y otras Provincias, - Amberes, 1614 171 Aldus. Payne and Foss’ s Catalogue of Books printed by Aldus and his successors. 172 Alfieri, Cleopatra ed Antonio, Tragedia, an AuTroGraPH Manuscript or ALFieri, splendidly bound in. olive mo- rocco, sides richly tooled, with joints tooled inside, lined, with silk ends. *,* This Ms. is entirely in the hand-writing of Alfieri, it is the second of three Tragedies written by him on the subject, and has never been pub- - lished. 173, Alfieri, Opere, ‘ 22 vol. in. 1k, VELLUM PAPER, green. morocco, gilt leaves, ” - Italia, 1605 C [ 10 ] 174 Algiers, Voyages by 6 of his Maiesties Ships, 10 Mer- chant’s Ships, and 2 Pinnaces, - 1621 175 Auvan or Daruincton's Tracrs. A very curious Collec- tion of Tracts relating to the History and Antiquities of Durham, PRIVATELY PRINTED AT THE Press -oF G. AuuAN, EsQ. FOR PRESENTS ONLY, uncut, morocco back and corners. 176 Allix’s Remarks upon the History of the Chunsthee of the Albigenses, LARGE PAPER, - 1692 177 Allix’s History of the Churches of Pivlaiact and Albi- ~ genses, 2 vol. in 1, in russia, - 1690-92 178 Alsedo y Herrera, Historia de Guayaquil en las costas de la Mer del Sud, map, - - Madr. 1741 179 Alvarez, Hijos de Madrid, Diccionario Historico, 4 vol. in 2, h. b. morocco, uncut, - | - Mad. 1780 180 Amadis de Gaule, en Francoys, par Herberay, wood cuts, 15 vol. in 8, old morocco, - Anvers, 1573-74 181 Ambassade du Grand Ture envoyéa sa Majesté Imperiale, 2 cuts, . - - - Vien. 1620 182: Amboyna. Relation of the cruel procaine against the English at Amboyna, - 1632 183 Beatus Ambrosius, de Officiis, rupees to. be printed at Cologne by Ulric Zell about the year 1470, green morocco, gilt leaves. 184 Amirault, Vie de Francois, Seigneur De la Noué, dit Bras- de-fer, extra, gilt leaves, - - Elsevier, 1666 185 Amman, Habitus Cleri, utriusque sexus, title mended, nu- - merous cuts, in red morocco, gilt leaves, Franc. 1585 186. Ammirato, discorsi sopra Tacito. Thuanus's copy, with his 4rms, red morocco, gilt leaves, - Giunt. 1598 187 Amsinck’s Tunbridge Wells ache its Neighbourhood, with Etchings by L. Byrne, | n 1810 188. Anderson’s Collections eee to the History of Mary: Queen of Scotland, 4 vol. h. b. morocco, uncut, Edin. 1727 189 Anderson's Journal of the British Expedition to Egypt, plates, LARGE PAPER, russia, morocco lining, - 1802 190 Andrade, del scoprimento del Regno di Tibet, Roma, 1627 191 Andreini, l’Adamo, Sacra Rapresentatione, portrait of the Author, and plates, soe . =, » Milan, 1617> *,* The celebrated Work which suggested to Milton “the idea of writing Paradise Lost. 192 Andres, Dell’Origine, progressi et Stato attuale d’ogni Letteratura, 7 vol. LARGE PAPER, eztra, gilt leaves, Parma, 1782. 193 Andrews’s History of Great Britain connected with the Chronology of Europe, h. b. morocco, gilt top, - 1794 [11] Folio. 194 Abela, Descrittione di Malta, plates, - Malta, 1647 195 Abynzohar Rectificatio medicationis, Collegit Averroys, extra, gilt leaves, - - - Venet. 1514 196 Ademollo, Dessins Bas-Releifs au Trait pour l’Eneide en Lithographe, - - Paris. 197 Aisopi et Gabrie, Fabule et Prantaind Varii, Greece, FIRST EDITION, red morocco, with red morocco. lining, tooled inside, gilt leaves, ~ - > Aldus, 1505 198 Aisopi Vita et Fabule, Latine, cum Versione Italica et Allegoriis Tuppi, extremely rare, cuts uncoloured, (which seldom occurs,) in Venetian morocco, gilt leaves, Neapoli, M CCCCLKXXV. 199 Aigidius de Regimine Principum, Manuscript, vPron VELLUM, with Miniature Paintings, in russia, gilt leaves. 200 Ainslie’s Views in Turkey, Syria, Sicily, &c. - 1811 201 Alexander’s Plates of the Egyptian Monuments in the Bri- tish Museum, - - 1807 202 Allason’s Antiquities of Pola in $eith: proof impressions of the plates, ~ - - 1819 203 Amadis de Grecia. Choronica del Amadis de Grecia Ca- vallero de la Ardente Espada, green morocco, gilt leaves, Lisb. 1596 204 Amsterdam. Series of Views in Amsterdam, by De Jong, Amst. 1805 205 Andersoni, Diplomatum et Numismatum Scotie Thesaurus, plates, LARGE PAPER, frontispiece inlaid, russia, gilt leaves, Edinb. 1739 206 Anson’s Genealogy of the family of Anson, accompanying Autograph Note, privately printed, - 1806 207 Antonii Nebrissensis Res Gestz Fernandi et Elizabethe, 1545. Episcopi Gerundensis Paralipomenon Hispa- nie, libri X. antehac non excussi, Granate, 1545, red morocco, gilt leaves. 208 Antonii Bibliotheca, Vetus ac Nova, 4 vol. LARGE PAPER, red morocco, gilt leaves, > - Matr. 1788 209 Antonio, Censura de Historias Fabulosas, Valenc. 1742 210. Francisco de S. Antonio de la Provincia de S. Gregorio en las Islas Philipinas, China, Japon, &c. 3 vol. fine set, green morocco, gilt leaves, - Manila, 1738 211. Appiani’ Historia Romana, Latine a P. Candido, First EDITION, green morocco, gilt leaves, - Ven. 1477 212 Ashmole’s History of the Garter, Lance paper. The bottom - margin of a few leaves stained, portrait of Charles II. by _. Sherwin, plates by Hollar and others: Sir M. Sykes’s Copy, blue morocco, gilt leaves, - - 1672 [12] 213 Assemanni Bibliotheca Orientalis Clementino Vaticana, 4 vol. - > - Rome, 1719 214 AprocaLyPrseE DE St. JEAN. A SupPERB MANUSCRIPT OF THE XVth CenruRY, UPON VELLUM, written in a Gothic Secretary Hand, containing SEVENTY-EIGHT LARGE AND SPLENDID Min1aTURE ILLUMINATIONS. From Williams's Library, splendidly bound in morocco by Lewis. *,* This Splendid Manuscript formerly belonged to Prince Golownin. At the end of the volume is an account of the Miracues anp MartTyrpom OF ST. EpMmuUND. 215 Apocatypsis. Sancti JoHANNIS VISIONES APOCALYPTICA. A SERIES OF WOOD CUTS WITH EXPLANATORY DESCRIP- TIONS, EXECUTED WITH WOODEN BLOCKS, IN THE VERY INFANCY OF PRINTING, EXTREMELY RARE, ; *,* This very rare and curious Volume is generally considered to be one of the very earliest attempts in the Typographical Art, and is supposed to have been executed about 1430. By the suffrages of all eminent Bibliographers, it preceded many years the Discovery of Printing with Metal Types. An Elaborate Description of it is given in the Bibliotheca Spenceriana, Vol. 1, and in Heinnekin. This Copy contains several Variations from Lord Spencer’s Copy. The entire Work should consist of 48 Plates, this wants the last, as Sir Mark Sykes’s Copy wanted the same plate, it was pro- bably a subsequent addition after some of the copies had been issued. 216 Aputen Merramorpuoses ev AuiA Opera, Tue First anp Uncastrarep Epirion, fine copy, red morocco, gilt leaves, Rome, apup SweyYNueM ET Pannartz, MCCCCLXIX. *,* Only Two Hundred and Seventy-five Copies were printed of this: rare first edition, a small number compared with those of other Classic Authors by Sweynhem and Pannartz. 217 Ars Memoranp: Norasitis pzER Ficuras EyANGELISTA- RUM SIVE MemoriALE Quaruor EvancELISTARUM. *,* This Extremely Rare Work is considered by Dr. Dibdin, as the first among those which were EXECUTED WITH WoopEN Biocks IN THE INFANCY or Praintina. The present copy is quite complete, and agrees with Heinnekin’s Description of the First Edition. ‘The cuts are coloured. [13 ] SECOND DAY’S SALE. Octavo et Infra. 222 Antiquarian Classics, Warwick’s Spare Minutes, Quarles Enchiridion,S. Jenyns’s Disquisitions, Southwell’s Marie Magdalen’s Funerall Teares, 4 vol. yellow morocco, gilt leaves, - 1821 223 Antiquarian and Wapopraphicél’ Cabinet, 10 vol. Larce PAPER, proof plates, green morocco, gilt leaves, 1807 224 Antiquitatum Variarum Autores, gilt leaves, Lugd. 1552 225 Antithesis Christi et eee videlicet Pape, green . morocco, gilt leaves, - Genev. 1578 226 Antithese des Faicts de ions Christ et du Pape, some . leaves a little damaged, cuts, red morocco, Rome, 1600 227 Antonin (l’Empereur Marc-Aurele). Pensées, trad. par de Joly, LARGE PAPER, red morocco, gilt leaves, Paris, 1796 228 Antoninus’s Meditations, in olive morocco, gilt leaves, Glasg. 1764 229 Antoninus’s Meditations, translated by Graves, Bath, 1792 230 Antonini Liberalis Transformationes, Gr. et Lat. Munc- kero, extra, gilt leaves, - - Amst. 1676 231 Antonimi da Utopia, la Sferza de Scrittori Antichi et Moderni, gilt leaves, Vineg. 1550 . 232 Antonius de Arena, Provingalis, de Bragardissima Villa di _Soleriis, Carmen Macaronicum, yellow morocco, Par. 1579 233 Antonius de Arena ad suos Compagnones. studiantes, &c. Poema Macaronicum, old red morocco, gilt leaves, 1670 _ 234 Arena (Anton.) Meygra Entreprisa Catoliqui Imperatoris, Poema Macaronicum, red morocco, gilt leaves, Lugd. 1760 935. Apicius Coelius de Arte am wie edente Listero, blue morocco, gilt leaves, - Amst, 1709 236 Apollodori Bibliotheca, Gr, a Lat. FIRST EDITION, bound in red morocco by R. Payne, gilt leaves, . Rome, 1555 237 Apollonius Rhodius, i in English Verse’ by Green, 2 vol. 1780 238 Apologie Catholique contre les Libelles des Liguez per- a turbateurs du Royaume, green morocco, gilt leaves, 1585 239 Apologie de Louis XIV. et de son Conseil sur la revoca- . tion de l’Edit de Nantes, old red morocco, gilt leaves, 1758 240 Levinus Apollonius de Peruvie Regione, Novi Orbis Pro- _ wincia Celeberrima, red moroeco, gilt leaves, Antv. 1566 241 Apollonii Tyanzi, Anacharsidis et Euripidis Epistole, Gr. et Lat. Lubini, first edition, red morocco, ap. Commelin. 1601 [ 14 ] 242 Apothegmata Greca, Gr. et Lat. Sir J. Thorold’s Copy, blue morocco, gilt leaves, - ap. H. Steph. 1568 243 Apothegmes ou Bons Mots des Anciens, de la trad. de Nic. Perrot Sieur d’Ablancourt, extra, gilt leaves, Paris, 1794 244 Appiani Historia, Gr. et Lat. Variorum et Tollii, 2 vol. Williams's Copy, red morocco, with joints, and gilt leaves, Amst. 1670 245 Appiano, Guerre Civili et Esterni delle Romani, red mo- rocco, gilt leaves, - ~ Aldus, 1545 246 Apres-Disnées du Seigneur de Cholieres, first edition, red morocco, gilt leaves, Par, 1587 247 Biblioteca Aprosiana, pigiadl edition, gilt leaves, Bel. 1673 248 pprepinns Bibliotheca, a Wolfio, extra, marbled leaves, — Hamb. 1724 249 Apalell Asinus Aureus. et Alia Opuscula, first Giunta Edition, red morocco, gilt leaves, P. de Giunta, 1512 *,* Bandini says he could never see a copy of this Edition. 250 Apuleii Metamorphoses, edente Priceo, portrait, Williams's Copy, green morocco, with joints, and gilt leaves, Goud. 1650 251 Apuleius, Amour de Cupido et de. Baiché; with 32 cuts by L. Galter, red morocco, gilt leaves, 252 Aquilano (Seraphino). Sonetti, Strambotti, Barzelette, &c. green morocco, gilt leaves, - Giunt. 1516 253 Aquilano (Seraphino). Sonecti, Strambotti, Barzelette ed altre Opere, Firenz. per Zuchetta, 1517. Lorenzo de Medici, selve d’Amore, Fir. Zuchetta. Pulci, Giostra di Lorenzo de Medici, Flor. 1518, red morocco, gilt leaves. 254 Aquilano (Seraphino). Opere, con molte cose aggionte di novo, Venetian morocco, gilt leaves, from Charles James Fox's Library, - Venetia, Vavassori, 1539 255 Arabian Night's Entertainments, with a Selection of New Tales by Scott, 6 vol. LARGE PAPER, aa after Smirke, green morocco, 1811 256 Brees (Tullia d’). Dialogo della Tofinita di Amore, green morocco, gilt leaves, - Vineg. Giolito, 1552 257 Aragona (Tullia d’). Rime et di Diversi a Lei, © : Vineg. Giolito, 1560 258 Arcadia de Entremeses, - - Mad. 1723 259 Aresta Amorum, Aceuratissimis Benedicti Curtii Commen- ‘tariis, 2 vol. ai Paris. 1555 260 Aretino, Ragionamenti, 2 Parte, 1584. _Aretino, Ragio- namenti, Parte terza, 1589. Aretino, Quatro Com- medie, 1588, bound in 3 vol. green morocco, gilt leaves. [15] 261 Aretino, Ragionamenti, con la Puttana Errante, in hogskin, gilt leaves, - - - - 1584 262 Aretino, Verginia, Comedia, raze, fine copy, olive morocco, gilt lesupe. - . 1535 263 Aretino, il Filosofo, Goniedia: FIRST EDITION, EXTREMELY RARE, green morocco, with morocco lining, tooled on the sides and inside, ~ - 1546 264 Aretino, Il Filosofo, Comedia, ears edition, yellow morocco, - - - Vineg. 1549 265 Aretino, Horatia, red morocco, lined with morocco, tooled inside, gilt leaves, - - Vineg. Giolito, 1549 266 Aretino, e Quattro Libro de la Humanita di Christo, green | morocco, gilt leaves, _- - - 1545 267 Aretino, Setti Salmi di Penitentia, red morocco, gilt leaves. 268 Aretinii—Rime Toscane et Epigrammi Latini in Morte della Diva parppstre Aretina, green morocco, gilt leaves, | Vineg. 1547 269 Aretino, Puttana Errante, Zaffetta e Poesie da Fuoco di Diversi Autori, EXTREMELY RARE, red morocco, gilt leaves, Lucern. 1651 *,* The Puttana Errante of Aretino, versified by the Author, con piu indecente maniera, che non aveva fatto in Prosa. Aretino audaciously published these Poems under the name of a respectable Prelate. “ E ben dice il titulo Poesie da Fuoco, perché sono tutte ripiene delle laidezze le piu abhorevoli, si per le parole, che per li sensi, e perd degne della fiamme.”’ Quadrio. 270 Aretino, Dialogo nel quale si Parla del Gioco, con Mo- ralita Piacevole, in morocco, gilt leaves, Vineg..1545. 271 Aretino.—Lettere Scritte da Molti Signori al Aretino, 2 vol. Brunck’s copy, in blue morocco, gilt leaves, Ven. 1552 272 Aretino, Lettere, 6 vol. in 3, red morocco, rich gilt back, gilt leaves, © Parigi, 1609 273 Aretino Dubbi iA hofosi: h. b. morocco, gilt top, Roma, 1792 274 L’Aretin Frangois, free plates, 1803. Odcuvres Badines d’Alexis Piron, plates, 1797, extra, gilt leaves. 275 Argumentorum Ludicrorum et Amoenitatum Scriptores Varii, old red morocco, gilt leaves, - L. Bat. 1623 276 Ariosto, Orlando Furioso, da lui Proprio Ampliato e _ Corretto. AN EXTREMELY RARE AND UNDESCRIBED . Epition. Col. Stanley’s Copy, blue morocco, gilt leaves, “a , Vineg. Mesi Agosti, per Bindoni e Pasini, 1533 i &, y* This must be-the First Edition published after “the death of Ariosto, which happened June 6, 1533. [ 16 ] 977 Ariosto, Orlando Furioso, alla sua integrita ridotto, con alcune stanze del Gonzagre in laude del medesimo, cuts, red morocco, gilt leaves, | Vineg. Giolito de Ferrari, 1545 278 Ariosto, Orlando Furioso, 4 vol. in 2, old red morocco, richly gilt, - - Parigi, 1746 278* Ariosto Orlando Furioso, avec la trad. Francoise de Pan- coucke et Framery, 10 vol. Tasso, Ital. et Frang. par Pancoucke, 5 vol. together 15 vol. gilt leaves, Paris, 17 85-87 279 l’Arioste moderne, par Vasconcelle-Gomes de Figueredo, 2 vol. old red morocco, joints, gilt leaves, Lyon, 1685 280 Aristea de Settanta due Interpreti, per Domenichi, red mo- rocco, gilt leaves, - - Torentino, 1550 281 Aritophanis Comedie, Greece, uncut, bound in olive mo- rocco, tooled in compartments on the sides, lined with mo- rocco, tooled inside, = - Giunt. 1515 282 Aristophanis Thesmophoriasouse et Lysistrate, FIRST EDITION. Renouard’s Copy, green morocco, gilt leaves, Junta. 1515 283 Aristophanes, Gr. et Lat. 2 vol. fine copy, from Dent's Li- brary, green morocco, gilt leaves, - Amst. 1670 284 Aristofane, Comedie, per B. et P. Rositini, red morocco, gilt leaves, - Veneg. al segno d Erasmo, 1545 285 Aristotelis Poetica, Greece et Latine, per Paccium, blue morocco, gilt leaves, - * Aldus, 1536 286 Aristotelis Poetica, Gr. et Lat. a Winstanley, LARGE PAPER, Williams's Copy, with joints and gilt leaves, | Oxon. 1780 287 Aristotelis Ethica, Gr. et Lat. a WUE anes LARGE PAPER, in olive morocco, gilt leaves, Oxon. 1716 288 Aristotle’s Ethics and Politics, by Gillies, - 1804 289 Arliquiniana, gilt leaves, - - Par. 1694 290 Arlotto, Facecie, Piacevolemse Fabule e Motti, cuts, gilt leaves, Ving. per Bindoni e Pasini, 1525 291 Arlotto et altri Aasties Facetie, - Vonee. 1594 292 Arnaud, Lorezzo, Nouvelle, blue morocco, gilt leaves, Paris, Didot, 1781 293 Arnaud, Histoire de la Glorieuse Rentré des Vaudois dans leur Valées, EXTREMELY RARE. bound in red morocco, sides in the Harleian style, gilt leaves, ~ - 1710 *,* This isa book of great curiosity and interest. It is said that not more than four or five copies are known. Henry Arnaud received a Colonel's com- mission from King William. He says the history is taken from notes of the facts as they occurred. After a desolating war of three years and a half, the Vaudois recovered their heritage under Arnaud. 294 308 309 310 311 312 a15 314 [a7] Arnaud’s History ofthe glorious Recovery of the Vaudois of their Valleys, by Acland, rine PAPER, proof plates on India paper, olive morocco, gilt leaves, - 1827 *,.* This translation was made from the preceding original. Arrets d’Amour, 2 vol. red morocco, gilt leaves, Amst. 1731 } Arriani Expeditio Alexandri, Gr. et Lat. Raphelii. Wil- liams’s Copy, red morocco, with Joints and gilt leaves, Amst. 1757 Arsenii Scholia in Euripidem, Grece, First EpiTion, Sir J. Thorold’s Copy, red morocco, gilt leaves, ap. L. A. Juntam, 1534 Arsenii Itinerarium ad Hierosolymam, i in Lingua Gr. Ho- dierna, green morocco, - - Ven. 1691 Art de Désopiler la Rate, - Gallipoli, 175886 Art de Désopiler la Rate, extra, marbled leaves, Venise, 177873 Art de connoitre les Femmes, old red morocco, gilt leaves, Haye, 1730 Art de Plumer la Poule sans crier, calf, gilt leaves, Cologne, 1710 Artemi. of Armenia, Memoirs ofhis own Life, | 1822 . Ascargorta, Compendio de la Historia de Espafia, 2 vol. green morocco, gilt leaves, - - Madr. 1806 Aschami Epistole, edente Elstob, ruick paprR, frontis~ tispiece, green morocco, gilt leaves, - Oxon. 1703 Ascham’s English Works, ‘ te 1 BIG 7 Ashburnham’s Narrative of his attendance on Charles the First, published by Lord Ashburnham, 2 vol. in 1, tarGE ‘PAPER, morocco, gilt leaves, presentation copy to Sir James Mackintosh, with his Autograph, - 1830 Ashmole’s History ‘of Berkshire, 3 vol. LARGE PAPER, with the Portrait, and rare folding map with a View of Windsor on the top, a few plates inserted, fine set, in red morocco, ' gilt leaves, - ~ ” 1719 Asiatick Researches, J0 vol. h. b. in russia. 1806-11 Askew’'s Catalogue of Askew’s Library, LARGE PAPER, in- terleaved with Prices, morocco, gilt leaves, wee 1775 Askew’s Library. Catalogue of Askew’s Manuscripts, with Prices and Names, very scarce, ~ - 1785 Atanagi, Raccolti de le Lettere Facete, et Piaccevoli di diversi grandi Huomini, + - Tenet.1561 Atanagi, Raccolta di Rime di diverse Nobili Poeti Tos- cani, title damaged, and a few leaves stained, olive mo- rocco, gilt leaves, Ven. 1565 Athenagore Apologia pro eupiutianig Gr. et Lat. red mo- rocco, gilt leaves, - . Off. Stephani, 1557 D [ 18 ] Athenian Oracle, by J. Dunton and others, 4 vol. 1728 Atkins’s Voyage to Guinea, Brasil, and the W. Indies, 1737 Avantures de Massé, beautiful copy, blue morocco, gilt leaves, Bourd. 1710 Avantures de Docteur Fauste, plates, - Amst.1798 Avantures Amoureuses de Luzman, trad. par Chappuis, Rouen, 1598 Avantures d’Abdalla fils d’Hanif, 2 vol. plates, Paris, 1712 Avantures du Baron de Foeneste, par Theodore Agrippa d’Aubigné, 2 vol. - - Amst. 1731 Avantures de Jacques Sadeur dans Ja Decouverte de la Terre Australe, extra, gilt leaves, - Paris, 1692 Avellaneda’s Life of Don Quixote, 3 vol. Swaffham, 1805 Aviani Fabule, notis Variorum, Williams’s Copy, red mo- rocco, with joints and gilt leaves, - Amst. 1731 Avieni Descriptio Orbis Terrz, Williams's Copy, red mo- rocco, with joints and gilt leaves, - Amst. 1786 Avity, Bannissemens des Folles Amoureuses, Lyon, 1618 ‘Avoyaro, Historia della disunione del regno di Portogallo della corona di Castiglia, extra, gilt leaves, Amst. 1647 Avril, Voyages en divers états de l'Europe pour decouvrir un Nouveau Chemin & la Chine, green morocco, gilt leaves, - ~ - Par. 1693 Avril’s Travels in divers parts of Europe and Asia, mo- rocco, gilt leaves, - * 1693 Aubrey’s History of Surrey, 5 vol. LaRGE PAPER, very scarce, portrait, map and plates, red morocco, gilt leaves, 1719 Aubrey’s Miscellanies, gilt leaves, - - 1714 Aubery, Histoire de Cardinal Richelieu, 2 vol, in olive morocco, gilt leaves, ~ - Col. (Elz.) 1666 Augurelli Carmina, green morocco, gilt leaves, Aldus, 1505 Augustini Confessiones, blue morocco, gilt leaves, Elsev. 1675 S. Augustin, Les Confessions per d'Andilly, avec le texte Latin, ruled, old red morocco, with arms, morocco inside, Paris, 1651 St. Augustin, Les Soliloquies, les Meditations, et le Ma- nuel, ruled with red lines, old blue morocco, gili leaves, Paris, 1711 S. Augustine’s Meditations, engraved borders, with Sir N. Throckmorton’s Autograph, - - 1575 Aulus Gellius, olive morocco, gilt leaves, Aldus, 1515 Aulus Gellius, cum H. Stephani Noctibus Parisinis, in red morocco, gilt leaves, - - Paris. 1585 Aurungzebe’s (Emperor) Letters, trans. by Earles, Calcutta, 1788 [ 19 ] 341 Aurelio and Isabell, Doughter of the Kinge of Schotlande, English, Fr. Italian, and Spanish, green morocco, gilt leaves, - - Anv. 1556 342 Ausonius, with Lane s Autograph, gilt leaves, Aldus, 1517 343 Ausonii Opera, a Pulmanno, old red morocco, gilt leaves, Antverp. Plantin, 1568 344 Ausonius, Notis Variorum et Tollii. Wéilliams’s Copy, red morocco, with joints and gilt leaves, Amst. 1671 345 Ausonius, avec la trad. de Abbe Jaubert, 4 vol. red mo- rocco, gilt leaves, Arms of Philip, Duke of Orleans, (U Egalité) on the sides, - - Paris, 1679 346 Auteuil, Histoire des Ministres d’Estat, qui ont ok sous les roys de France de la Troisiesme Ligné, 2 vol. in 1, extra, gilt leaves, - Paris, 1669 347 Auteurs Deguisez, sous des Noiiié Etrangers, Pits, 1690 348 Azara, Voyages dans l’Amerique Meridionale par Walcke- naer, avec des Notes par Cuvier, with Atlas in 4to. 5 vol. extra, gilt leaves, - - Paris, 1809 Quarto. 350 Anguillara, Vita di S. Francesca Fondatrice dell’ Oblate di Terre de’ Specchi. Parma, 1818 809 Boeneri Delineatio Hist. Fratrum Minorum a Geusiis in odium Fidei occisorum, plates, Plantin. 1635. Studium Seraphicum Sacri Ordinis Franciscani, plates, 1543, red morocco, gilt leaves. 810 Boencourt’s (De) Narrative of. the French Expedition to Danzig, in 1734, Fifty eight copies abe ss for private dis- tribution by Mr. A. Henderson, Edin. 1831 811 Boiardo, Orlando Innamorato, both Parte: green morocco, gilt leaves, 2 vol. in 1, very rare when a copy possesses both Parts, - - Vineg. Sabio, 1539-44 812. Boiardo, Orlando Innamorato, insieme co i tre libri di Nicolo degli Agostini, in morocco, gilt leaves, Vineg. Scotto, 1553 813 Boracay; Orlando Innamorato, co i tre libri di Nicolo de _ Agostini, red morocco, gilt leaves, = ° Ven. 1576 814 Boyardo, Orlando Enamorado, en Castel por Garrido de Villena, in green morocco, gilt leaves, Valence. 1555 815 Boisgelin’s Travels through Denmark and Sweden, plates, 2 vol. in 1, half morocco, gilt top, - - 1810 $16. Bolingbroke’s Works by Mallet, 5 vol. and his Letters and Correspondence by gig? 2 vol: hy ee 7 vol. russia, marbled leaves, | S977 -92 ae Description of the Port and Island of Boinbay: with the folding map, in morocco, gilt leaves, SES ee ee [Pat 7) 818 Bonardo, Gliillustri et gloriosi gesti et vittoriose imprese fatte contra Turchi dal Sign. Giorgio Castriotto detto Scanderbeg, fine head, - Vineg. 1584 819 L. Bonaparte, Charlemagne ou I’Eglise Delivrée, Poeme, 2 vol. ~ * - Lond, 1814 820 Boyardo, Timone, Comedia. 4 most extraordinary Manu- script Facsimile of the rare edition of 1518. With a pen and ink drawing of the frontispiece, red morocco. $21 Boni, Storia delle relazioni vicendevoli dell’ Europa e dell’ Asia dalla Decadenza di Roma fin alla distruzione del Califato, LARGE PAPER, 2 vol. 4alf morocco, Firenze, 1827 $22 Bonifaccii, Historia Trivigiana, parGz PAPER, morocco, gilt leaves, - - > Trivig. 1591 823 Bonifaccio, Arte de gap in old French blue morocco, gilt _. leaves, - Vicenz. 1616 824 Bonnet, Ciuvres d’ isttine Naturelle et. Philosophie, 8 vol. in 10, - Neuchatel, 1779 825 Borde’s Introduction of Hah wists Reprint. 825*Borja, Principe de Esquilache, Obras en Verso, green mo- rocco, gilt leaves, - - Plantin, 1654 826 Borja, Principe de Esquilache, Obras en Verso, Larce PAPER, RARE, green morocco, gilt leaves, Plantin. 1663 *,.* Borja y Esquilache was styled by his Country- men the Prince of Spanish Poets. ‘‘ He may be regarded as the last Representative of the Classic Style of the XVIth Century. His Lyric Romances present at once the richest and most beautiful gleanings of poetic composition.” Bouterwek. 827 Borja, Napoles a eae Poema Heroica, calf gilt leaves, = Amberes, 1658 828 Bory, Essais sur les Isles forturiecs, et l'Antique Atlantide, maps, half morocco, = - Paris, 1803 829 Boscan, obras, y algunas de Garcilaso de La Vega, green morocco, gilt leaves, - Medina del Campo, 1544 830 Bossi, de Veris ac Salutaribus Animi Gaudiis, prinrep UPON VELLUM. The Dedication copy to Lorenzo de Me- dici, in olive m orocco, with morocco linings, gilt leaves, Florent. Bonaccursius, MCCCCLXXXXI. +. Bossi was Confessor to Lorenzo de Medici. 831 Bossi de instituendo Sapientiz Animo, Jirst edition, in mo- rocco, gilt leaves, - - Renton 1495 832 Bossuet, Histoire Universelle, sane in blue morocco, by Bozerian, gilt leaves, Par. Didot, 1784 833 Bossuet (Francis von) Cabinet de l’Art de Sculteur, gravé - par Pool, ar - - . °) Amst. 1727 [ 48 J 834 Bottis, Istoria di vari incendi del Monte Vesuvio, plates, Nap. 1786 $35 Bouchet, Les Angoysses et remedes damours, black letter, old red morocco, gilt leaves, - Poictiers, 1535 836 Bowdich’s Excursion to Madeira and Porto Santo, plates, half morocco, gilt top, - - (1825 837 Bougainville, Voyage autour du Monde, fine copy in red morocco, gilt leaves, - - - Par. 1771 838 Bouhours, Vie de Saint Ignace, Fondateur de la Com- pagnie de Jesus, - - - Paris, 1689 839 Boulase, Triomphante Victoire du Corps de Dieu sur l’Es- prit Maling Beelzebub & Laon en 1566, title mended, in russia, - - “ Par. 1578 840 Bourne’s (William) Regiment for the Sea, black letter, green morocco, gilt leaves, London, Dawson, 1574 841 Bouquet’s Expedition against the Ohio Indians, plates after designs by West, ~ - - _ 1766 842 Bournon’s Descriptive Catalogue of Diamonds in the Cabinet of Sir A. Hume, plates, - 1815 843 Bowdich’s Mission to Ashantee, half morocco, * 1819 844 Boys’s History of Sandwich, with the four cancelled pages, and the extra plate of the Seals of the Borough of Great Yarmouth, uncut, - - - 1792 845 Brand’s Observations on Popular Antiquities, by Sir Henry Ellis, nance rarer, 2 vol. half morocco, gilt tops, 1813 846 Brant, Navis Stultifera, a Lochero, cuts, olive morocco, gilt leaves, - - Bas. Lamparter, 1506 847 Brant, de Origine et Conversatione Bonorum Regum et laude Hierosolyme, rirst Epirion, Basil. Olpe, 1495. In laudem Ferdinandi Hispaniarum Regis Bethice et Regni Granate obsidio, victoria et triumphus, et [co- LuMBI EPIstoLa] de Insulis in Mari Indico nuper in- ventis, wood cuts, 1494. Vympfelingii Stylpho, 1494, in morocco, joints with gilt leaves, border on the side and inside. *x* The two first tracts, though the second is dated a year posterior to the first, in reality form one work, which is very rare and unknown to Brunet, &c. Panzer on the authority of Denis cites the second Tract, and supposes it to be an entire work. The first Tract in the Second Part is a Pageant in honor of King Ferdinand acted in 1492, and is fol- lowed by the celebrated letter of Columbus, and is the first and probably the only edition ornamented with cuts, 848 Brant, Varia Carmina, 1498. Rochlin, Scenica Progym- nasmata, a Brant. Gruninger, 1498, 2 vol. in 1, gilt leaves, [ 49 ] 849 Brant, Rationarium = Pea ge a cuts, morocco, gill leaves, ~ Bas. 1522 -850 Braun, Notitia de Cod. Mss. in Bibliotheca Monasterii : Ord. S. Benedicti ad SS. Udalricam et Afram August extantibus, 6 vol. in 1, russia, marbled leaves, Aug. Vind. 1791 851 Brayley’s Ancient Castles of England and Wales, LarGE PAPER, PROOF PLATES on India paper, 2 vol. in 1, mo- rocco, gilt leaves, © 1825 852 Bremond, Viaggi nell’ Bgitto, nel Monte Sinay, &c. da Libraro, - - Roma. 1679 853 Brenneri Thesaurus Rand nsteern Sueo-Gothicorum, FINE PAPER, plates, - - Holmie. 1731 854 Bres, Malta Antica aasiemssigt pale half morocco, gilt leaves, Roma. 1816 855 Breton’s Poste Wass a Racket of Mad Patsare both Parts, in olive morocco, gilt leaves, - - 1637 856 Brewster's History of Stockton-upon-Tees, LARGE PAPER, | plates, with morocco back and corners, uncut, 1796 857 Bright's Travels through Hungary, plates, half morocco, . Edin. 1818 858 Bristol, Charters of the City of, russia, . Bristol, 1736 858* Bristol, Charters of the City of, by Seyer, russia, gilt leaves, ~ Bristol, 1812 §59 Britannia Sancta, or Lives of the British and Irish Saints, 2 vol. in 1, Illustrated with a Series of Portraits and Prints descriptive of the Lives, Actions and Miracles of the Saints, blue morocco, gilt leaves, - 1745 860 Britton’s Architectural Antiquities of Great Britain, 5 vol. plates, yellow morocco, gilt leaves, - 1807 861 Britton’s Fine Arts of the English School in Painting, Sculpture and Architecture, Proof Impressions of the Plates, blue morocco, gilt leaves, - 1812 862 Bronsted, Voyages dans la Grece, plates, 2 livraisons, Paris, 1830 863 Broughton's Voyage of Discovery to the North Pacific ; _ Ocean, maps and plates, half morocco, uncut, 1804 864 Broughton’s Letters written in a Mahratta Camp, plates, half morocco, - - 1813 865 Brown's Travels in Bey Austria, Syria, &c. 1673 866 Browne's Travels in abet Egypt and a plates, half morocco, 1806 Folio. 867 Bayao, Portugal, como vida y persia do Dom Sebastiao, in morocco, gilt leaves, Lisb, Occident, 1737 H [ 50 J 968 BenLtowes’ Turopruita or Love's Sacrifice, a Divine Poem, with Portrait, Plates, and NuMERovus ADDITIONAL Piates: By Houtiar, Gaywoop, &c. Britiiant IMpres- SIONS, SUPPOSED TO BE THE Finest AND Most Perrecr Cory Known, red morocco, gilt leaves, - 1652 *,* In no two Copies are the Plates exactly the same. This was Mr. Inglis’s Copy, who consider- ably enriched it with Additional Plates, and im- proved it by Superior Impressions. 869 Brore’s Monumentat Remains oF NoBLeE AND EMINENT Persons, comprising the Sepulchral Antiquities of Great Britain. Turrry Two Oricinat Drawincs Most Beautirutty Executep, Splendidly Bound in Morocco, with Broad Borders of Gold. *,* This Beautiful Series of Drawings is executed with a Taste, Spirit, Grace and Fidelity which might be expected from the Distinguished Skill and Taste of the Eminent Architect. They will excite the highest admiration and encrease the re- gret, that the Numerous and Important avocations of Mr. Blore, did not permit him to add a Second Volume to the Collection. Two or raz Drawines HAVE NEVER BEEN ENGRAVED. 870 Boissardi Tractatus de Divinatione et Magicis Prestigiis, plates, calf, gilt leaves, Oppenh. 871 Botron’s Drawines of Flowers, exquisitely drawn upon VELLUM, AND COLOURED FROM NATURE By BOLTON OF Hatrrax, 1793, mounted and bound in green morocco, rich gilt back. 872 Bonfinii Res Ungarice, very fine Copy, formerly Thuanus’s, with his Arms, green morocco, gilt leaves, Franc. ap. Wechel, 1581 873 Borgia, de Cruce Veliterna Commentarius, LARGE PAPER, russia, gilt leaves, - ~ Rome, 1780 874 Borlase’s Natural History and Antiquities of Cornwall, 2 vol. plates, uncut, > - 1758-69 875 Born, Testacea Musei Cesarei Vindobonensis, coloured plates, FINE PAPER, russia, marbled leaves, Vindob. 1780 876 Bossi Chronica, Gesta, Dictaque Memorabilia ab orbis Initio, green morocco, sides tooled, gilt leaves, Parme, Zarotus. 1492 *.* Mr, Roscoe styles this a very curious work. [ 5E 877 Bossi, Del Cenacolo di Leonardo da Vinci, plates, half morocco, gilt top, - - Milano. 1810 878 Bouchet, Epistres Familieres du sidecases ruled with red lines, morocco, rare, - 1545 879 Bourdigne (Jehan de) Hystoire sanianiiee des Annalles et cronicques d’Anjou, black letter, Paris, Anthoyne Couteau, 1529 880 Boypett’s Coxiiection oF Prints, engraved by the most eminent Artists, after the most capital Paintings in England, with a Description of each Print in English and French, 6 vol. 1769, &c.-—Boydell’s three additional volumes of Prints, 1790, &c. together 9 vol. Remarx- ABLY FINE copy, from Mr. North’s Library, cu1eF.Ly PROOF IMPRESSIONS, UNIFORMLY BOUND IN RUSSIA. *,* The celebrity of this magnificent Collection of Engravings is known throughout Europe, and has conferred immortality on the name and munificence of Alderman Boydell, at whose sole expense the whole Series was executed. ‘The perfection of the Engravings is unrivalled, and nothing can surpass the Beauty of the Impressions in this Copy, a very large proportion of which are PROOFS BEFORE THE LETTERS, AND MANY ON INDIA PAPER. 881 Boydell’s Collection of Portraits of Royal and Illustrious Personages, with Select Specimens of the British, Fle- mish and Italian Schools, engraved iz Mezzotint by the Smiths, 4 vol. - - - 1805 882 Bourgeois’s Views in Switzerland, plates on India paper, 1822 FIFTH DAY’S SALE. Octavo et Infra. 883 Biondo, La Patientia Pastorale, 1548. Nova Prudentia di Biondo, 1546. Difesa delle Donne da Dom. Bruni, Milano, 1569, 1 vol. calf, extra, gilt leaves. 884 Birkbeck’s Notes on a Journey through France, half mo- rocco, gilt top, - - 1815 [ 52 ] 885 Bisaccioni, Novelle Amorose, 2 vol. Col. Stanley's Copy, red morocco, gilt leaves, “ - Ven.1643 886 Bisaccioni, H Porto, Novelle, green morocco, gilt leaves, Venet. 1664 887 M. Bishop's Life, with an Account of Actions by Sea and Land from 1710 to 1711, gilt leaves, - 1744 888 Bizzari varia Opuscula, green morocco, gilt leaves, Venet. Aldus, 1565 *,* This Volume is Dedicated to Queen Elizabeth, and many of the Poems are addressed to Cele- brated English Characters of the time. 889 Blackett’s Remains, with a Memoir of his Life by Pratt, 2 vol. in 1, half morocco, gilt top, - 1811 890 Blackwall’s Life of Benes LARGE PAPER, russia, gilt leaves, - 1735 891 Blaikie on the Sint in Wheat, gud other Agricultural Tracts, h. b. morocco, uncut, ae 2 892 Blair’s Sermons, 5 vol. russia, - 1800 893 Blake’s Songs of Innocence and of Ripititioe, with Sin- gular Designs, 2 vol. red morocco, gilt leaves, scarce, 1789 $94 Blakes Gates of Paradise, red morocco, gilt leaves. $95 Blancherie (Pahin de la) Extrait du Journal de mes Voy- ages, 2 vol. LARGE PAPER, Old red morocco, gilt leaves, : Paris, 1775 896 Blancalana, Historia de la Imagen de Christo qui esta en la Ciudad de Luca, plate, blue morocco, tooled sides, Mad. 1638 897 Bland’s Collections from the Greek Anthology, gilt leaves, 1813 &98 Blasons, Poesies Anciennes des xv. et xvi. siecles, extra, marbled leaves, - - Paris, 1809 899 Bletterie, Vie de l’Empereur Julien, old red morocco, gilt leaves, - - - Paris, 1735 900 Blome’s Description of Jamaica, map, gilt leaves, 1672 901 Blondel, Ecelaircissement de la question, Si une femme a esté assise au Siege ee: de Rome, red morocco, gilt leaves, - Amst. 1647 §02 Bloomfield’s Farmer’s Boy, Wild Riowsem Rural Tales, Banks of Wye, 4 vol. blue morocco, - 1809-11 §03 Blore’s History of the Public Schools and Charitable Foundations of Stamford, - - 1813 904 Sir H. Blount’s Voyage to the Levant, in russia, gilt leaves, 1669 905 Blumenthal’s (Mad. de) Life of General de Zieten, trans. by Beresford, 2 vol. - - Berlin, 1803 906 Blyenburgii Veneres Blyenburgice, ealf, gilt leaves, Dordraci, 1600 [ 53 | 907 Buuer D’Arseres (Bernard de), Comte de Permission, Chevalier des Ligues des XIII. Cantons Suisses, et ledit Comte de Permission vous avertit, quil ne scait ni lire ni escrire, et n'y a jamais appris, mais. par ]'Inspiration de Dieu, et conduite des Anges, et pour la bonté et misericorde de Dieu, &c. Le Premier Jour de Mai, l’an 1600. ** © Such is the singular Title of a work regarded as one of the most extravagant ever published, and which has given rise to many dissertations on its subject. ‘The Grand Secret of the Philosopher’s Stone, has even been supposed to be here concealed in Mysterious Phrases. It is difficult to give a just idea of this very strange book, but with regard to its rarity, it is well known that nothing is more diffi- cult than to find a complete copy of this Recueil.” De Bure, Bibliographie Instructive, vol. 2, p. 230. He then goes on to state that to be entirely com- plete, ‘‘ this excessively rare work should contain 103 fugitive and separate Tracts, printed by the Author himself, and distributed by him in the Streets, and in the Houses, to persons who gave him pecuniary assistance. One of the Tracts con- tains the names of the persons who assisted him and the sums which each contributed.” The present copy is the most complete known, of this singular Collection. In addition to the 103 Books as described by De Bure of such great rarity, it contains a fourth volume of 200 pages, with wood cuts, which commences at the 141st and finishes at the 173d Book. The following Title has been printed expressly for this volume. Dernieres GEuvres de Bernard de Bluet d’Arberes, &c. contenant les Interpretations de la Vie de Jesus Christ imprimées a Paris depuis le Jour de Noel, 1604, jusqu’au IX. jour d’Avril, 1605, &c. This fourth volume is be- lieved to be UNIQUE. In 4 volumes, blue morocco, by Derome, from the Mac Carthy Library. 908 Boaden’s Life of Kemble, in 3 vol. 1LbLusTRATED WITH ABouT Four Hunprep AnD Ericuty PorTRAITs, AND SCENIC AND OTHER Prints, many proofs before the letters, and some few Drawings, and Manuscript Letters of C. Mat- thews, Sheridan, King, Quick, Lord Byron, &c. &c. in olive morocco, gilt leaves, 1825 909 Boaistuau et Belleforest, Hetanes Prodigieuses, 6 vol. in 3, red morocco, gilt leaves, - Par. 1583 [ 54] 910 Boccacio, il Decamerone, RARE, fine copy, green morocco, gilt leaves, - - mr Aldo, 1522 911 Boccaccio, IL Decamerone, per Bruccioli, green morocco, gilt leaves, - - - Venet. 1542 912 Boccaccio, Il Decameron, old morocco, gilt leaves, Elzevir, 1665 912*Boccaccio, Il Decamerone, 5 vol. extra, gilt leaves, with the double set of plates, - - ( Par.) 1757 913 Boccaccio, Decamerone, 4 vol. vellum, Lond. (Livorno,) 1789 914 Boccaccio, Il Decamerone, 5 vol. calf extra, gilt leaves, Lond. 1815 915 Boccacio, Decamerone, da Ugo Foscolo, 2 vol. in 4, PRINTED UPON VELLUM, UNIQUE, yellow morocco, with joints and gilt leaves, - - Lond. Pickering, 1825 *,.* This copy possesses the Autograph of Foscolo’s Dedication to R. Wilbraham, Esq. and Mr. Picker- ing’s attestation to its being the only copy on vellum. 916 Boccacio, Decamerone, da Ugo Foscolo, 2 vol. in 1, yellow morocco, gilt leaves, - Lond. Pickering, 1825 917 Boccace, Le Decameron, par Magon, 2 vol. red morocco, Paris, 1572 918 Boccaccio’s Decameron by Dubois, 2 vol. LARGE PAPER, 1804 919 Boccace, Contes et Nouvelles, traduction libre, plates by Romain de Hooghe, 2 vol. morocco, gilt leaves, Amst. 1699 920 Boccace, Le Philocope, trad. par Sevin, old red morocco, gilt leaves, ie be - - Paris,.1575 921 Boccaccio, Il Filocolo, extra, gilt leaves, Firenze, 1594 922 Boccaccio, Laberinto d’Amore, Vineg. 1545. La Fiam- metta, 1540. Urbano, 1543. Nymphale Ameto, Fi- renze, 1529, 1 vol. ertra, gilt leaves. 923 Boccaccio, Laberinto d’Amore, gilt leaves, - S. a. 924 Boccaccio, Libro delle Donne illustre, Venet. 1547 925 Boceaccio, Libro delle Donne illustre trad. per Betussi con una additione, olive morocco, gilt leaves, Vineg. 1547 926 Boccace des Dames de Renom, gilt leaves, - Lyon, 1550 927 Boccace, Le Nymphal Fiesolan, trad. per Guercin du Crest, gilt leaves, - Lyon, 1556 928 Boccace, Traite des mesadventures de Personnages signa- lez, trad. par Witart, gilt leaves, - Paris, 1578 929 Boccaccio, Casi de gli Huomini illustri tradotti et ampliati per Gius. Betussi, olive morocco, gilt leaves, Vineg. 1551 930 Boccacci, La Vita di Dante, half morocco, Vinez. 1825 931 Bodin, La Demonomanie des Sorciers, - Paris, 1598 932 Bodin, Dela Republique, extra, marbled leaves, Paris, 1583 [ 55 | 933 Bohn’s English Catalogue, tArcE PAPER, 1829. Bohn’'s Select Lists, 2 vol. 934 Boendermakeri Bibliothece Catalogus, h. b. morocco, Amst. 1722 935 Boetius, notis Variorum. Williams’s Copy, red morocco, with joints and gilt leaves, - L. Bat. 1671 936 Boetio, tradotto da Bartoli, blue morocco, gilt leaves, Fiorenza, 1551 937 Boece de Boot, le Parfaict Joaillier, ou Histoire des Pierreries, cuts, green morocco, gilt leaves, Lyon, 1644 938 Bollioud-Mermet de la Bibliomanie, Haye, 1761 939 Bolswert, Voyage de deux soeurs Colombelle et Volon- tairette vers leur Bien-Aimé en la Cité de Jerusalem, plates, - - ~ Liege, 1734 940 Bombet, Lettres sur le Celebré Compositeur Haydn, marbled leaves, - - Paris, 1814 941 Boiardo, Orlando Innamorato, con i tre Libri de Nicolo de gli Augustini, VERY RARE EDITION, green morocco, gilt leaves, - - - Ven. 1574 942 Botarpo, Ortanpo Innamorato, with an Essay on the Romantic Poetry of the Italians, Memoirs and Notes by Panizzi, 5 vol. PRINTED UPON VELLUM, UNIQUE, Mr. Hibbert’s Copy, in olive morocco, gilt leaves, Lond, Pickering, 1830 ** Mr. Pickering has certified on a fly leaf that this is the only copy taken off on vellum. 943 Boiardo’s Orlando Innamorato, by Panizzi, 5 vol. in mo- rocco, gilt leaves, - Lond. Pickering, 1830 944 Boileau, Giuvres, avec des Eclaircissemens Historiques, 4 vol. cuts by Picart, red morocco by R. Payne, gilt leaves, Haye, 1722 945 Boileau, Oeuvres de, par Saint-Marc, 5 vol. Paris, 1747 946 Boileau, Poesies, 2 vol. in 1, blue morocco, gilt leaves, Paris, 1781 947 Boitzav, Givvres, avec un Nouveau Commentaire par ' Amar, 4 vol. best edition, LARGE PAPER, WITH THE ORI- GINAL DRAWINGS, ETCHINGS, PROOFS BEFORE THE LET- TERS, AND A DUPLICATE SET OF PROOFS BEFORE THE LET- TERS ON INDIA PAPER. The Duchess of Berry’s copy, in blue morocco, with her arms on the sides, Paris, 1821 948 Boileau, (l’Abbé) Histoire des Flagellans, ruled, uncut, Amst, 1701 949 Boisard, Fables, 2 vol. Lance PAPER, in French red morocco, gilt leaves, “ - - 1777 950 Boisrobert, Histoire Indienne d’Anaxandre et d’Orazie, Par. 1629 ~ [ 56 ] Boissat, Brillant de la Royne, ou Vies des Illustres Me- dicis, olive morocco, gilt leaves, - Lyon, 1613 Boissy, (Desprez de) Lettres sur les Spectacles, old red morocco, gilt leaves, - Paris, 1771 Boitel, Les Tragiques Accidents ied Hommes Illustres, old red morocco, gilt leaves, Paris, 1616 Bonamicus de Bello Italico, 2 vol. Dutch paper, with a Ms. French Translation of Names and Places, fine copy, in French red morocco, gilt leaves, L. Bat. (Lucca,) 1749 Bonaparte. Recueil de Pieces Authentiques sur le Captif de Ste. Héléne, 4 vol. - Paris, 1821 Bonaparte. Notice Biogepa de Napoleon, eztra gilt leaves, - Bruz. 1819 Bonaparte. De Bausset, Mamattes Historiqgia’ sur l’inte- ricur du Palais, pour servir & l'Histoire de Napoleon, 2 vol. half morocco, gilt tops, - Paris, 1827 3 Bonaparte, and the French People under his Consulate, 1804 Bonaparte. Memoires pour servir & l’Histoire de France sous Napoleon, ecrits sous la dictée de ]’Empereur par les Généraux Gourgaud et Monsoon, 7 vol. half mo- rocco, uncut, gilt tops, = Lond. 1823 Bonarelli, Filli di Sciro, 2 vol. in cltiahes gilt leaves, Lond, 1800 S. Bonaventure, L’Esguillon de lAmour Divin, par B. de Vigre, ruled, old green morocco, richly tooled, Paris, 1588 S. Bonaventure Doctrina Christiana, Hibernice, green morocco, gilt leaves, = - Rome, 1707 Boncicault, Les Amazones révoltées, Roman, old blue mo- rocco, gilt leaves, Amst. 1730 Bond’s Topographical Sketches of East and West 1 hehe, h.b. morocco, gilt top, ~ ~ 1823 Bondelmontius de Insulis Archipelagi, notis Sinneri, co- loured map, red morocco, gilt leaves, - Lips. 1824 } Boni, e Gambi, Degli Autori Classici, Biblioteca Porta- tile, 2 vol. green morocco, gilt leaves, - Venez. 1793 Bonne Reponse & tous propos, red morocco, gilt leaves, © Paris, 1548 Bonnier, Bibliotheque de, FINE PAPER, with prices, yellow morocco, gilt leaves, ~ ~ Paris, 1800 Bonnefons, Pancharis et autres Gayetez, red morocco, , Par. 1610 Bontempi, Historia della ribellione d’Ungheria, rare, russia, - - - Dresda, 1672 Bonnycastle’s Spanish America, maps, 2 vol. half morocco, gilt tops, - - + 1818 2 Boot (A. de) Gemmarum et Lapidum Historia, old yellow morocco, gilt leaves, - “ L. B. 1647 [ 57 | 973 Bouterwek’s History of Spanish and Portuguese Literature, translated by Ross, 2 vol. in 1, half morocco, gilt top, 1823 974 Borde (Jean de la) Choix de Chansons, mis en Musique, plates by Moreau, LARGE PAPER, 2 vol. old red morocco, gilt leaves, - - | Paris, 1773 975 Bordelon, Mital, ou Avantures incroyables, with the scarce eanaetled leaves, - - Paris, 1708 976 Bordelon, Les Tours de Maitre Pio 2 vol. in 1, plates, extra, gilt leaves, - - Paris, 1714 977 Bordelon, Histoire de Monsieur Oufle, retouché et reduite par M. G. plates, extra marbled leaves. 978 Bordelon, Histoire des Imaginations Extravagantes de . Monsieur Oufle, plate, 2 vol. - Amst. 1710 979 Borghini, Il Reposo, 3 vol. eztra, gilt leaves, . Milano, 1807 980 Borghini, Discorsi, de Manni, 4 vol. extra gilt leuves, Milano, 1808 981 Borlase’s Reduction of Ireiand to the Crown of England, 1675 982 Borri, La Chiave del Gabinetto. Intruzioni Politiche, old mae morocco, “ - Colon. 1681 983 Borri, Nouvelle Mission des Peres Jesuites au Royaume de la Cochin Chine, ruled with red lines, choice old mo- rocco, - - - Rennes, 1631 984 Borromeo, Catalogo de Novellieri Italiani del Borromeo, con aleune Novelle inedite, hulf bound, morocco back, Bassan. 1805 985 Borgogni, Rime di Diversi Illust. Poeti de’ nostri tempi, olive morocco, gilt leaves, Venet. 1599 986 Boscan, Obras, y algunas de Gartileaso de la Vega, green morocco, tooled sides, gilt leaves, - Leon, 1549 987 Boscan, Obras, y algunas de Garcilasso de la Vega, green morocco, gilt leaves, - - Anvers, 1554 988 Bosman’s Description of Guinea, cuts, 3 1705 989. Bosman, Voyage de Guinea, plates, Utrecht, 1705 990 Bosman, Viaggio in Guinea, 3 vol. in 1, plates, Venez. 1752 991 Bosquet, Histoire des troubles advenus en la Ville de Tolose, l’an 1562, morocco, gilt leaves, Tolose, 1595 992 Bossi, Istoria d'Italia, Antica e Moderna; 19 vol. The Du- chess of Berry's Copy, with her arms, blue morocco, gilt leaves, - - - Milan. 1819 993 Bossi, Vite di Colombo, con Documenti Rari o inediti, cuts, - - - Milan, 1818 994 Bossu, Voyages dans l'Amérique Septentrionale, gilt leaves, Amst, 1777 995 Bossuet, Histoire Universelle, 2 fol: f in 4, PRINTED UPON VELLUM, - eye - Paris, 1786 | ; I [ 58 J 996 Bossuet, Histoire Universelle, 2 vol. PRINTED UPON VEL- Lum, Junot's Copy, - - Par. Didot, 1803 997 Boswell’s Tour to the Hebden, FIRST EDITION, red mo- rocco, gilt leaves, - 1785 998 Boswell’s (Sir Alex.) Clan cial Vow, calf, marbled leaves, privately printed, - Edinb. 1811 999 Bottu, Storia della Guerra Americana, 7 vol. in 3, half morocco, gilt tops, - - Firenze, 1822 1000 Botta, Storia d'Italia, 5 vol. halfmorocco, gilt tops, Italia, 1894 1001 Bovillus de raptu divi Pauli, olive morocco, ap. Colineum, 1531 1002 Bouchet, Les Triumphes de la Noble Dame Amoureuse, Lovain, 1563 1003 Bouchet (Jean) Le Jugement Poetic de !Honnevr Fe- menin, et Sejour des I[llustres Clairs et Honnestes Dames, black letter, RARE, yellow morocco, gilt leaves, fine copy, - Poictiers, 1538 1004 Boucher, Deplorauge: de l'Eglise Militante sur ses Per- secutions interieures et exterieures, PRINTED UPON VEL- LUM, RARE, in yellow morocco, - Par. Eustace, 1512 1005 Boucher, De Justa Henrici tertii abdicatione e Franco- rum regno, old red morocco, gilt leaves, Lugd. 1591 1006 Boucher, Vie de Henry de Valois, tout au long, 1589, Le Faux Visage descouvert du fin Renard de la France, 1589, 2 vol. in 1, red morocco. 1007 Boucher, Sermons de la Simulée Conversion et Nullité de la Pretendue Absolution de Henry de Bourbon, Prince de Bearn, a S. Denys, red morocco, gilt leaves, Par. 1594 *,* This work was rigorously suppressed on the entrance of Henry IV. into Paris. 1008 Bouchet, Les Serées, 3 vol. olive morocco, gilt leaves, Paris, 1608 *,* “T entertain little doubt,” says Ferriar, “ that efor the perusal of this work, Sterne conceived the first precise idea of his Tristram Shandy.” » 1009 Bouhours, Entretiens d’Ariste et. d’ iageneellee morocco, | gilt leaves, - Paris, 1671 1010 Bouiller, Essai Philosophique sur Ame des Bétes, gilt : leaves, - Amst, 1728 1011 Boulainvilliers, La Vie de Mahpeueed LARGE PAPER, extra, gilt leaves, = - Lond. 1730 1012 Bourges, Relation du Vora del’ Eveque de Beryte au Royaume de Siam, gilt leaves, Paris, 1666 [ 59] 1013 Bourges, Voyage de |’Evéque de Beryte en Cochin Chine, Turquie, Perse, &c. gilt leaves, Par. 1668 1014 Bourgoing’s Modern State of Spain, plates, 4 vol. in 2, and Atlas in Quarto, half morocco, uncut, 1808 1015 Conte Bourke, Ruines de Naples et de ses Environs, VELLUM PAPER, plates, privately printed. Presentation Copy to the Duke of York, red morocco, gilt leaves, Par. 1823 Quarto. 1016 Botello, el Nuevo Mundo, Poema Heroyco, green morocco gilt leaves, - - - Madr. 1701 1017 Brugiantino, Cento Novelle, cuts, very scarce, in olive mo- rocco, gilt leaves, - Vineg. Marcolini, 1554 *.* This Poetical Paraphrase of the Decameron of Boccacio has sever been reprinted. 1018 Brulliot, Dictionnaire de Monogrammes, Chiffres, &c. sous lesquels les plus célébres Peintres et Graveurs ont designé leurs noms, russia, . - Munich, 1817 1019 Brumoy, Théatre des Grecs, avec des Notes par Brotier, Du Theil, Rochefort, et Prevost, 13 vol. best edition, LARGE PAPER, plates, proofs before the letters, Sir M. Sykes's copy, red morocco, - Par. 1785 10620 Brunes (Joh. de) Emblemata, fine impressions, Amst. 1624 1021 Bryan’s Dictionary of Painters and Engravers, 4 vol. LARGE PAPER, interleaved, russia, gilt leaves, 1816 1022 Bryant’s System of Ancient Mythology, 3 vol. plates, in- cluding the powering) Gem by ae ik, red morocco, gilt dea 1774 1023 Br ydges’ s (Sir Ecurton) Memoirs of the [Pbete of Eng- land in the Reign of James I. vol. 1, all published, LARGE PAPER, with additional portraits, half morocco, gilt top, - 1802 1024 Brydges’s (Sir Egerton) ver Regiz, Sixty copies only printed for presents, half morocco, Florence, 1800 1025 Brydges’s (Sir Egerton) Lake of Geneva, a Poem, 2 vol. in 1, morocco, gilt leaves, Geneva, 1832 1026 Buchanan’s Journey through the “Mysore, Canara, and Malabar, 3 vol. LarGE paper, half morocco, gilt tops, 1807 1027 Buckland’s Reliquize Ditaviaiie, plates, half morocco, | 1823 1028 Bulwer’s Man Transformed: or the Artificial Change- ling, frontispiece, russia, - 1653 1929 Buonarotti ~ Venetia, 1630 1065 Campomanes, Dissertaciones Historicas del Orden, y Ca- valleria de los ‘Templarios, - Mad. 1747 1066 Camus, Memoire sur les Collections de Voyages des De Bry, et de Thevenot, marbled leaves, - Paris, 1802 1067 Caius de Antiquitate Cantabrigiensis Academie. De pronunciatione Greece et Latine Linguz libellus, red morocco, gilt leaves, Londini, Johannes Daius, 1574 1068 Canda, La Vie de S. Thomas Archivesque de Cantorbie, blue morocco, gilt leaves, rare, - S. Omer, 1615 1069 Canning’s Farthing Post, a Periodical Publication, on the affair of Eliz. Canning, half morocco, scarce, 1753 1070 Canovai, Elogio d’Amerigo Vespucci, Firenze, 1783 1071 Canova, Opere di Scultura e di Plastica descritte da Al- brizzi, half morocco, - ~ Firenze, 1809 1072 Caorsin, Obsidionis Rhodiz urbis descriptio, green mo- rocco, gilt leaves, beautiful copy, from the Library of St. Mark at Venice, without place or date, circa 1490 1073 Capelloni, Vita del Principe Andrea Doria, calf, gilt leaves, Vinegia, Giolito, 1565 1074 Carafia. Prose e Verse, per Onorare la memoria di Libia Doria Caraffa, di alcune rinomati Autori, LARGE PAPER, portrait by Morghen, and plates, - Parma, 1784 1075 Caraffa, Historie del regno di Napoli, old red morocco, with Arms of Thuanus, gilt leaves, - Napoli, 1572 1076 Carafa, Instruccion Christiana de Principes y Reyes, original red morocco binding, richly tooled, Palermo, 1688 1077 Carabajal y Saavedra, Novelas Entretenidas, olive mo- rocco, gilt leaves, . é “Madrid, 1728 | 63 | 1078 Qarate’s Discoverie and Conquest of the Provinces of Peru, and the Navigation in the South Sea along that Coast ; and also of the ritche Mines of Potosi, trans- lated by T. Nicholas, black letter, wood cuts, fine copy, VERY RARE, ~ London, Richard Johnes, 1581 1079 Cardim, Fasciculus e Japponicis Floribus, suo adhuc madentibus Sanguine, blue morocco, gilt leaves, Rome, 1646 1080 Cardonnel’s Series of the Scottish Coinage, plates, Edin. 1786 1081 Carew’s Survey of Cornwall, » by Tonkin, half morocco, gilt leaves, - “ 1811 Folio. 1082 Brant’s Ship of Fooles, with the Eclogs of Mancin, trans. by Barclay, wood cuts, blue morocco, gilt leaves, — Lond. Cawood, 1570 1083 Brant, La Nef des folz du Monde, black letter, wood cuts, rare, damaged margin, - = 1497 1084 Brettingham’s Plans, Elevations, and Sections of Holk- ham in Norfolk, - - - 1773 1085 Bernardus de Breydenbach, Peregrinationes in Montem Syon ad Christi Sepulcrum in Jerusalem atque in Montem Synai, rirst EDITION, plates, and the large fold- ing plates, RARE, green morocco, richly tooled inside, gilt leaves, - - Mocunr. MCCCCLXXVI. 1086 Breydenbach, Peregrinationes in Montem Syon, Synai, &e. plates, and the large folding plates, red morocco, gilt leaves, - Spire, per Drach, MCCCCXC, 1987 Breydenbach, Peregrinationes in Montem Syon, Synai, &e. with all the plates, a scarce edition, red morocco, gilt leaves, - Spire, per Drach, 1502 1088 Bernard de Breydenbach, Saini Voiage et Pelerinage de la Cité Saincte de Hierusalem, with all the plates, very scarce, fine copy, in Venetian morocco, gilt leaves, (Lyon) MCCCCLXXXIX. 1089 Bridges’s History of Northamptonshire, 2 vol. plates, with the 4 sheet Map, and some additional plates inserted, ' Sir M. Sykes’s Copy, in russia, gilt leaves, - 1791 1090 Bridgens’s Views of Sefton Sema? with parts of the Interior, . - 1822 1091 British GALLERY oF eee PorTRAITs, with their Lives by Adolphus, 2 vol. Larce papErR, choice im- pressions of the Portraits, splendidly bound in red morocco, gilt leaves, - - - 1822 [ 64 ] BRITANNICARUM RERUM. SCRIPTORES VETUSTIORES. wees 1092 Balei Catalogus Scriptorum Ilustrium Majoris Britan- nize, with the Supplemeut, ies copy, bound in hogskin, gilt leaves, Basil, 1557-59 1093 Ailfredi regis res pees Walsingham, Historia Brevis, et Ypodigme Neustriz, - Lond. Day, 1574 1094 Rerum Anglicarum post Bedam Preecipui edente Savile, LARGE PAPER, very scarce, in russia, gilt leaves, Lond. 1596 1095 Rerum Anglicarum post Bedam Precipui, edente Savile, best edition, FINE PAPER, fine copy, in hogshin, gilt leaves, | France. 1601 1096 Rerum Britannicarum Scriptores Vetustiores ac Precipuli, scarce, Colbert's copy, - Heidelb. 1587 1097 Historie Anglicane Scriptores, edentibus Gale. et Fell, 3 vol. LARGE PAPER, EXCESSIVELY RARE, magnificent copy, splendidly bound in red morocco by Lewis, with arich border of gold, with joints, tooled inside, gilt leaves, also tooled upon, Oxon. 1684-9] e * J THIs 18 ONE OF THE VERY RAREST Booxs 1N Encuiisu History. Not more than three Copies have been sold in the last thirty years. This copy was Williams’s, at whose sale it was purchased by Mr. Hurd, 1098 Historie Anglicanz Scriptores, edentibus Gale et Fell, 3 vol. beautiful copy, in old French red morocco, gilt leaves, | Oxon. 1684 1099 Matthei Westmonasteriensis Flores Historiarum, fine copy, gilt leaves, - - Lond. 1570 1100 Hist. Anglicans Scriptores Varii, e Cod. Mss. edidit Sparke, Larce paper, gilt leaves, - - Lond. 1723 1101 Hectoris Boethii Historia Scotorum, FIRST EDITION, with Ms. Notes on the margins, LARGE PAPER, in russia, gilt leaves, - - ap. Badium, 1526 1102 Anglica, Normannica, -eiheuaaae Cambrica a Veteribus Scripta, a Camdeno, in morocco, gilt leaves, Franc. 1603 1103 Historie Anglicane Scriptores X, a Twysden, Lond, 1652 [ 65 ] 1104 Brockedon’s Illustrations of the Passes of the Alps, 2 vol. LARGEST PAPER, CHOICE PROOFS AND ETCHINGS UPON InpIA PAPER, splendidly bound in green morocco, richly tooled on the sides and inside, gilt leaves, - 1828 *,* This is a most choice copy, the plates were se- lected by Mr. Brockedon himself. This copy con- tains a complete set of the Etchings on India Paper, excepting one, which is on common paper, and.Mr. Brockedon in an Autograph Letter, insert- ed in the Volume, states that it is the only copy ever taken, which renders this set unique. 1105 Sir T. Brown's Works, portrait, - - 1686 1106 Bucuanan Ga.uery, a series of Engravings intended to illustrate the Portraits and Ideal characters of the great Masters of the various Schools of Painting, containing fifteen proofs and 8 etchings by Suarpe, RapuaeLt Mor- GHEN, &c. an unpublished work, half morocco, gilt leaves, 1814 1107 Buck’s Views of Castles, Monasteries, Palaces, Cities and Towns in England and Wales, 3 vol. in russia, with joints, 1774 1108 Buck’s Views of Castles, Abbeys, &c. 2 vol. fine old im- pressions. 1109 Buckler’s Views of the Cathedral Churches of England and Wales, with Descriptions, LARGE PAPER, proof plates, 1822 1110 Bullet, Memoires dela Langue Celtique, 3 vol. remark- ably large copy, bound out of sheets, in morocco, gilt leaves, Besang. 1754 1111 Bulwer’s Views in the Madeiras, with Descriptions, plates on India paper, - - - 1827 1112 Burton's Ecclesiastical History of Yorkshire, tarce PAPER, plates, and several additional plates, blue morocco, gilt leaves, - - - 1758.59 *,* The author’s own copy. It contains some ori- ginal Drawings made for the work, but not en- graved. Also the title and 4 leaves of the com- mencement of an Appendix in 1759, not men- tioned by Upcott. 1113 Burton's History of Leicestershire, original edition, por- trait, frontispiece and map. [ 66 j, SIXTH DAY’S SALE. Octavo et Infra. 1114 Bowring’s ai ag iw of the Polish Poets, green morocco, gilt leaves, : 1827 1115 Bowles’s porochiae istry of Brembill i in the County of Wilts, half morocco, gilt top, a 1828 1116 Bowring’s Russian Anthology. Batavia Anthology, together 2 vol. half moroceo, gilt tops, 1821-3-4 1117 Bowring’s Ancient Poetry and serait hes of Spain, half morocco, gilt tops, rs 1824 1117*Boyle’s English Adventures, ‘1676. Mrs. Behn’s Fair Jilt, 1688, 2 vol. in 1, olive morocco, gilt leaves, 1118 Boyer, Relation du Voyage que M. de Bretigny fit a l’Amerique Occidentale, avec un Dicttonnaing de la langue Galibienne, - Paris, 1654 1119 Boyer, Abrege de "Histoire des Vantois} morocco, gilt leaves, searce, 2 Haye, 1691 1120 Brackenridge’s Veyane: to South America, 2 vol. half morocco, gilt tops, - - - 1820 1121 Braithwait’s Barnabees Journall, rtrst EpITION, frontis- piece by Marshall, very scarce, in morocco. 1122 Braithwait’s Comment on Chaucer’s Miller's Tale and Wife of Bath, ~ - - 1665 1123 Braithwait, Regicidium, Tragi-Comicedia, blue morocco, — Lond. 1665 1124 Braithwait’s History of the Revolutions in Morocco, map, Heathcote's copy, in russia, gilt leaves, 1729 1125 Brathwait’s Laws of Drinking, frontispiece by Marshall, 1617. Brathwait’s Smoaking Age, frontispiece by Mar- shall, 1617, 2 vol. in 1, in olive morocco, gilt leaves. 1126 Brathwait’s Barnabee’s "Journal edited by Haslewood, 2 vol. only 125 copies printed, = — 1820 27 Bramsen’s Travels in Egypt, a ib: &e. 2 vol. half morocco, gilt tops, = 1820 1128 Brant (Seb.) Stultifera Navis, per LP Latter; wood cuts, maroon morocco, gilt leaves, - eae" Basil. 1497 1129 Brant, Stultifera Navis Mortalium, cuts, red morocco, gilt leabes, Re a! Pe Oe Basil. 1572 1130 Brantome, Memoires de, 8 vol. red morocco, gilt leaves, Elzevir, 1666 1131 Brantome, Vies des Dames Illustres de France, red mo- rocco, gilt leaves, Ot Leyde, 1665 TES? Brantome: CEuvres, 15 vor. calf, iQFBRR peo ‘Lond. 1779 [ 67 ] 1133 Brachelii Historia nostri temporis, PO red morocco, gilt leaves, - Amst. 1655 1134 Brayley’s Ancient Castles of En glad and Wales, 2 vol. LARGE PAPER, proof plates, - - 1825 1135 Bredenbachii Epistolie duz de Negocio Religionis, Colon. 1567. Belli Livonici Historia, Colon. 1564. 1136 Brerewood, sur ladiversité des Langues et Religions, par de la Montagne, old blue morocco, - Paris, 1640 1137 Breton, Dictionnaire Frangois-Caraibe, rare, Aux. 1666 1138 Breviarium Antiquum Ecclesie Parisiensis, Manuscripr: of the XVth Century, upon veLLUM, with illuminated capitals, and several illuminated borders, blue morocco, with joints, richly tooled on the back and sides. 1139 Bremont, Hattige, ou les Amours du Roy de Tamaran (Charles II.) blue morocco, gilt leaves, Cologne, 1666 1140 Bremond, La Princesse de Montferrat, extra gilt leaves, ” Ahest. 1676 1141 Breviarium Politicorum secundum rubricas Mazarinicas, green morocco, gilt leaves, - Franef. 1724 1142 Brevio e Cademosto Novelle, ring paper, only two copies printed, green morocco, gilt leaves, - 1799 1143 Brianville, Histoire Sacrée en Tableaux, par Le chases vol. old red morocco, gilt leaves, Paris, 1670-71-7 *,* Genuine Edition of all three volumes. 1144 Brickell’s Natural History of North Carolina, 1737 1145 Brigand (Le) par vengeance; Histoire veritable de So- civizca, - - - Paris, 1816 1146 Briot, Histoire de LEaphs Ottoman, cuts, red morocco, gilt leaves, Amst. 1714 1147 Brise-Crosses, L'Antipapisme RévEélé, red morocco, gilt leaves, - Geneve, 1767 1148 Brisson, Hinains de son Naufrage et captivité, FINE PAPER, red morocco, by Kalthoeber, Geneve, 1789 1149 Brissonius de Regno, red morocco, = LL. B. 1647 1150 Brissonius de Regio Principatu Persarum, with the Aldine x Anchor on the Title, green morocco, gilt leaves, with the Anchor on the Sides, Paris, e Typog. S. Prevosteau. 1591 1151 Brissot, Voyage dans les Etats Unis, 3 vol. Par. 1791 1153 Brissonius et Hotmanus De vetere ritu Nuptiarum et jure Connubiorum, gilt leaves, - L. B. 1641 1154 Britannice Historie Antique Scriptores tres, edente Bertramo, privately printed, red morocco, gilt leaves, | | Haun. 1757 1155 British Chronologist, 3 vol. - - 1775 1157 British Museum Library Catalogue, 8 vol. half morocco, gilt tops, - -— 1813-19 [ 68 ] 1158 British Ports from Chaucer to Cowper, by Chalmers, 21 vol. russia, gilt leaves, - 3 1810 1159 Bririsn Ports (including Translations) from the time of Chaucer, 100 vol. in 50, beautiful copy, with Sharpe's plates, proof impressions, inserted, green morocco, gilt leaves, Chiswick, 1822 1160 British Poets, Jones’s Cabinet Edition, 1825. Bounden’s Poems, 1824, 2 vol. | 1161 Brivisu Cuassics, containing the Spectator, Tatler, Guardian and Rambler, with Drake’s Essays, published by Sharpe, plates, 29 vol. plates, red morocco, gilt leaves, 1804 1162 British Drama, comprehending the best Plays in the English Language, Edited by Sir Walter Scott, 5 vol.- green morocco, gilt leaves, - - 1804 1163 British Institution, Catalogue of Pictures Exhibited, 1813-1823, - . - 1824 1164 Brirron anp Brayiey’s Beauties or ENGLAND AND Wares, 25 vol. LARGE PAPER, proof impressions of the plates, bound in russia, marbled leaves, - 1801 1165 Britton’s Beauties of Wiltshire, 2 vol. LARGE PAPER, proofs and etchings of the plates, uncut, olive morocco, 1801 1166 Britonio, I Cantici, et i Ragionamenti, Vineg. 1550. Britonii Ecloga, cujus titulus est Delphila, Venet. 1550, Venetian morocco, gilt leaves. 1167 Britton and Pugin’s Illustrations of the Public Buildings of London, plates, 2 vol. half morocco, gilt tops, 1825 1168 Britton’s Account of Redcliffe Church, plates, 1813 1169 Brizard De l’Amour de Henri IV. pour les Lettres, , Paris, 1785 1170 Brydges (Sir Egerton) Who was Ita Countess of Haps- burg? half morocco, - - Paris, 1826 1171 Broadhurst’s Translations of Funeral Orations from Thu- cydides, Plato and Lysias, LARGE PAPER, fine copy, in morocco, gilt leaves, - - 1811 1172 Brocardi Descriptio Terre Sanctee et Petrus Martyr de Inculis nuper repertis, RARE, in morocco, gilt leaves, 3 Antv. 1536 1173 Brockett's Catalogue of the Books and Tracts printed at | the Private Press of George Allan, Esq. h. b. morocco, Newcastle, 1818 1174 Brockett’s Catalogue of his Library, FINE PAPER, prices, 1823 1175 Brocquiere’s Travels to Palestine in 1432 and 1433, translated by Johnes, extra marbled leaves, Hafod. 1807 1176 Brogiotto, Indice de Caratteri esistenti nella Stampa Vaticana, Thuanus’s Copy, with his Arms, Roma. 1628 1177 Brontii (Nic.) Libellus de Utilitate et Harmonia Artium, wood-cuts, gilt leaves, ai Antverp. 1541 [ 69 | 1178 Brooke's (Fulke Grevil, Lord) Life of Sir Philip Sidney, blue morocco, gilt leaves, - 1652 1179 Brothers’s Prophecies, a Colleetion of Tracts relating to, with his Revealed Knowledge of Prophecies and Times, 2 vol. uncut, - - ~ 1794 1180 Brotier, Recueil des Paroles Memorables, marbled leaves, Paris, 1790 1181 Browne's (Bishop of Corl) Discourse of Drinking Healths, - “ Dublin, 1716 1182 Brown's Observations on Dacinial s Zoonomia, russia, Edin. 1798 1183 Brown, La Religion du Medecin, rich old green morocco, 1668 1184 P. Browne's History of Norwich, - 1814 1185 Browne’s Hydrotaphia, Urne-Buriall, extra, gilé leaves, 1658 1186 Brown's (Sir Thomas) Miscellany Tracts, portrait, russia, 1684 1187 Brown’s (Tom.) Legacy for the Ladies, - 1705 1188 Browne's (Tom ) Works and Remains, 5 vol. 1720 1189 Bruce's Travels to Discover the Source of the Nile, 7 . vol. LARGE PAPER, and Atlas, half morocco, gilt tops, Edin. 1804 1190 Bruce, Report of the Arrangements for Internal Defence against the Spanish Armada, 1588, privately printed, 1798 1191 Brueys (Claude) Jardin deys Musos Provensalos, 2 vol. green morocco, gill leaves, RARE, - Aix. 1628 1192 Brunet, Manuel du Libraire, 4 vol. Lance paper, Wil- liams’s Copy, morocco, gilt leaves, - Paris, 1814 1193 Bruni Arctino, Vita di Cicerone, half morocco, gilt top, Canning’s Copy, - Parma, Bodoni. 1804 1194 Bruscambille (Deslauriers) Prologues non tant superli- fiques que drolatiques. This Edition is not mentioned by Brunet, - - - Rouen. 1610 1195 Bruseambille, Nouvelles et Plaisantes Imaginations, Berg. 1615. Bruscambille, Facecieuses Paradoxes, Rouen. 1615, gilt leaves. 1196 Bruscambille, Les Fantaisies, frontispiece, russia, gilt leaves, - ~ - Paris, 1615 1197 Brusonii Facetie, yellow morocco, gh, leaves, Lngd. 1562 1198 Brusoni, Wavelle: Amorose, Ven. 1663 © 1199 Bruyere’s (De la) Works, 2 vol. old red mee gilt leaves, - - 752 1200 Bryant’s oA mi prices, - i aay 1201 Brydges's Censura Literaria, 10 vol. best edition, uncut, green morocco backs, - 1815 : 1202 Brydges’s (Sir Egerton) British a i ha a portraits, 4 vol. calf extra, gilt leaves, scarce, . 1810 [ 70 ] 1203 Brydges’s (Sir paahiabes: Restituta, 4 vol, calf, extra, gilt leaves, 1814 1204 Brydges’s (Sir Higertou) Polyanthea Labia vestus- tiorum, half morocco, 75 copies printed, Geneve, 1822 1205 Brydges’s (Sir Egarvott) Anti-Critic, 75 copies. printed, half morocco, - Geneva, 1822 1206 Brydges’s (Sir Bewtianh: The Population and Riches of of Nations Considered, half bound, morocco, uncut, Paris, 1819 1207 Brydges’s (Sir Hgexton) Sir Ralph Willoughby, half - Florence, 1820 morocco, 1208 Brydges’s (Sir gettin) Tragic Tales, 2 vol. in 1, half morocco, gilt top, - 1820 1209 Brydges’s (Sir Eaertan): Letters Siow the Continent, half morocco, gilt top, 7 Lee Priory, 1821 210 Brydges’s (Sir Egerton) Res Literaria, Bibliographical and. Critical, 3 vol. in 2, calf, marbled leaves, 75 copies printed, - - Naples and Geneva, 1821-22 1211 Brydges (Sir Egerton) Cimelia, seu Examen Criticum Librorum, half morocco, gilt top, 75 copies printed, Geneve, 1823 1212 Brydone, Voyage .en Sicile et a Malthe, trad. per De Meunier, 2 vol, -old red morocco, gilt leaves, Amst. 1775 1213 Brydson’s Snmmary View of Heraldry, | = 1795 1214 Buchan’s Account of the ancient and noble Family of Keith, half bound, morocco, .. = Peterhead, 1820 1215 Buchanani Poemata, old red morocco, gilt leaves, -Elzevir, 1628 1216 Buchanani Foemathe green morocco, with joints, gilt leaves, _ Elzevir, 1628 1217 Bucke’s Beauties, Wario aod Sublimities of Nature, 4 vol. half bound, gilt tops, - - 1823 1218 Buckingham’s Travels in Mesopotamia, PeEe, 2 vol. half morocco, gilt tops, - _ 1827 1219 Budeus de Asse et Partibus ejus, fine copy, in old French red: morocco, Bonaparte’s Copy, with his Arms on the sides, Aldus, 1522 1220 Bude (Guillaume) Suomnaaied ou Epitome du livre de Asse, black letter, - = _. Paris, 1538 1221 Bourrette (Madame) Lanioan em 2 vol. old red morocco, gili leaves, - - - = Paris, 1755 1222 Bourienne, Memoires de Napoleon, 10 vol. in 5, VELLUM PAPER, ved morocco, gilt leaves, - .» . Par. 1829 1223 Bourrit’s Journey to the Glaciers of the Savoy, 1775 1223*Boursault, Lettres, Fables, Contes, &c. 2 vol. old red mo- TOCCO, gilt leaves, ~ " « Paris, 1699. 1224 Boutier, Histoire de la Decouverte et Conqueste des Canaries, gilt leaves, . - Par, 1630 (71 Quarto. 1225 Brookshaw’s Pomona Britannica,or most esteemed Fruits cultivated in Great Britain, PLATES COLOURED, 1817 1225*Canaries. The Conquest of the Grand Canaries, made by threescore and thirteen saile of Shippes, sent forth at the command of the States Generall, black letter, EXTREMELY RARE, not mentioned in Ames, London, P. S. for William Apsley, 1599 1226 Carew’s Survey of Cornwall, and an Epistle concerning the excellencies of the English Tongue, - 1723 1227 Carleton’s Thankfull Remembrance of God's Mercy, portrait and plates, russia, ne joints, gilt wero by Roger : Payne, - 1627 1228 Carlisle’s (Frederic Earl of) Father’ S Reyer nge,a Tr agedy, with other Poems, PrivaTety PRiniED, plates, russia, gilt leaves, = “ - 1800 1229 Carlisle’s Collections (0K a History of the Ancient Family of Carlisle, PrivareLy Printep, - © - 1822 1230 Carlisle (Earl of) Father’s Revenge, a Tragedy, morocco, 1783 1231 Carlisle's Topographical Dictionaries.of England, Wales, Scotland, and Ireland, 6 vol. half morocco, gilt tops, 1808-13 1232 Carlyle’s Specimens of Arabian Poetry, russia, with joints, gilt leaves, ¥ Cambridge, 1796 1233 Carlyle’s Poems, suggested by Scenes in Asia Minor, plates, half morocco, 1234 Caro (Annibal) Rime, red morocco, Aldine tooling, gilt leaves, - - - - © Aldo, 1572 1235 Queen Carorine. A Coniectrion oF two Hunprep AND E1cuty-rwo AvuroGrapn SIGNATURES OF PEERS, WITH THEIR SEALs, to Tickets of Admission to the ~ House of Lords on the different days during the ‘T'ryal of the late Queen Caroline; embracing the Auio- _ graphs of the greater part of the House of Lords as -Constituted at the time of that memorable event, 3 vol. with Portraits and Views of the House of Lords inserted, in blue morocco, gilt leaves. 1936. L earcto, Il Ballerino, plates, ruled, gilt leaves, Venetia, 1583 1237 Carr’s Stranger in Ireland, plates, — - 1806 1238 Carr’s Tour through Holland, plates, - 1807 1239 Carr’s Stranger in France, plates, - 1203 1240 Carr’s Travels in Spain, plates, - - 1811 Y24al ‘Carrera, Il Gioco de gli Sacchi, Venetian morocco, gilt leaves, RARE, - - joe 1617 [ 72 | 1242 Carr's Tour through Scotland, plates, - 1809. 1243 Cartheny’s Voyage of the Wandering Knight, translated by W. G. dedicated to Sir Francis Drake, black leiter, -1650 1244 Cartwright’s Preachers’ Travels in the E. Indies, Syria, Mesopotamia, &c. red morocco, gilt leaves, 1611 1245 Cartwright s Residence on the Coast of Labrador, 3 vol. in 2, half morocco, uncut, - Newark, 1792 1246 Carve, Lyra. Hibernica, portrait and plates, scarce, gilt leaves, fine copy, - Sulzbaci. 1666 1247 Cary’s New Map of eed and Wales, - 1794 1248 Casa, Rime et Prose, Vinegia, ‘Bevilacqua, 1558 1249 Casas (Bart. de las) Brevissima relacion de la destruy- cion de las Indias.—Disputa entre Casas y Sepulveda. Treynta Proposiciones muy juridicas. Tratado sobre la materia de las yndias. Remedios para reformacion de las Indias.—Avisos y reglas para los confessores que eyeren confessiones de los Espanoles en las Indias. ‘Tratado del Imperio Soberano que los reyes de Castilla tienen sobre las Indias. Principia quedam, &c. ad ma- nifestandam justiciam Yndorum. Resolucion y decla- racion a 12 dudas. Singularis ‘Tractatus super quod- dam quesitum ad novum Indiarum orbem attinens. Apologia J. G. Sepulvedz, &c. in all eleven pieces, of which the eight first are the original editions printed at Sevilla by Trugillo, 1552-1553, the three last are in Ma- - nuscript, and are said to be un printed. Morocco, lined with leather, richly tooled, leaves stamped and gilt, fine set. 1250 Case Latina Monimenta, green morocco, gilt leaves, a pre- sent from Dr. Routh, to Dr. Parr, Florentie, Giunte, 1567 1251 Case Narratio Regionum Indicarum per Hispanos de- vastatarum, plates by De Bry, Oppenheim, 1614. Popery truly Displayed, an English Translation of Las Casas, 1689, 1 vol. russia. 1252 Casas (Bart. de las) Relacion de la Destruycion de las Indias. ‘Treynta Proposiciones, and other works of Las Casas on the Indies, printed in one volume, venetian morocco, with joints, gilt leaves, - me 1552 1253 Casai, Narratio Regionum. Indicarum_ per Hispanos quosdam devastatum verissima, cuts by De Bry, first edi- tion, red morocco, gilt leaves, -| . Francof. 1598. 254 Castagneda Premier Livre de 1’Histoire de VInde, en _Francoys par N. de Grouchy, venetian morocco, gilt leaves, - - Paris, Vascosan, 1553 1255 Casta Paritura, black letter, very singular wood cuts, green morocco, gilt leaves, without place or date. = 1256. Castagneda, Historia dell’ Indie Orientali tradotti da Ulloa, 2 vol. red morocco, gilt leaves, Venetia, 1578 [ 73 | 1257 Castaiieda, Historia del Descubrimiento y Conquista de la India por los Portugueses, blue morocco, gilt leaves, Anvers, 1554 1258 C. Juan de Castahiza, Historia de S. Romualdo Padre y Fundador de Orden Camaldulense, blue morocco, gilt leaves, - - - ~ Madr. 1597 1259 Castell’s Short Discoverie of the Coasts and Continent of America, russia, scarce, ~ 1644 1260 Castlehaven’s (Lord) Memoirs of dfs Engagement in the Irish Wars, LARGE PAPER, of the 8vo. green morocco, with joints, richly tooled, gilt leaves, - Dublin, 1815 1261 Castilio’s Courtyer, done into Englyshe by Thomas Hoby, black letter, Venetian morocco, London, W. Seres, 1561 1262 Castillo, El Devoto Peregrino, Viage de Tierra Santa, plates, morocco, gilt leaves, - Madrid, 1656 1263 Catalogue raisonné des Elzevirs in 12, Manuscript, neatly written, gili leaves. 1264 Catalogue des Livres du Cabinet du Roi, 1722. A Ma- nuscript, red morocco, gilt leaves. 1265 Catherinot, Recueil de ses Opuscules relatifs a la Pro- vince de Berry et a d’autres objets, half morocco, uncut, Bourges, 1660-89 *.* Catherinot was a very laborious Antiquary, who passed his Life in collecting materials for the History of his birth-place, printing them as fast as he wrote. The present volume contains 67 pieces, comprehending every one of those enumerated in the Biographie Universelle as most curious. 1266 Cato Moralissimus, cum elegantissimo commento, green ~ morocco, gilt leaves, - Daventrie, Pafroet, s. a 1267 Catrou, Histoire de l’Empire du Mogol, map, LarGE paPER, old red morocco, gilt leaves, Paris, 1715 1268 Catrou, Histoire de VEmpire de Mogol, gilt leaves, Paris, 1705 1269 Catton’s English Peerage, the Arms only, half morocco. 1270 Cattura del Principe di Sangla Napolitano, Manuscript. 1271 Cave’s Picturesque Buildings in York, a series of Etch- | ings, half morocco, ” - . 1813 1272 Cavendish’s Fegpuacions of Cardinal Wolsey, portrait, half morocco, - 1641 1273 Cavendish’s Negotiations of Cardinat Wolsey, portrait, first edition, half morocco, - 1641 1274 Caulfield’s Portraits and Clistadtars of Remarkable Per- ‘sons from Edward III. to the Revolution, 2 vol. in 1, russia, e - - 1}. 95 L 1275 1285 1286 1287 1288 1289 1290 [ 74 ] Caulfield’s Portraits, Memoirs and Characters of Re- markable Persons from the Revolution to the Reign of George II. 4 vol. LARGE PAPER, half morocco, gilt tops, 1819 Caussini Electorum Symbolorum et Parabolarum Histori- carum Syntagmata, original morocco binding, very richly tooled and gilt, gilt leaves, a beautiful volume, Paris, 1618 Cayley’s Life of Sir Walter Ralegh, portraits, 2 vol. in1, half morocco, uncut, “ | - 1805 Cayley’s Life of Sir Thomas More, with his Utopia, Richard III, and Latin Poems, 2 vol. in 1, half mo- rocco, uncut, - - - 1808 Caylus Recueil d’Antiquités Egyptiennes, Greeques et Romaines, 7 vol. numerous plates, fine set, in French red morocco, gilt leaves, - he Par. 1752 Cazal, Corografia Brazilica, 2 vol. calf, extra, gilt leaves, Rio de Janeiro, 1817 Cecho Dascoli con comento novamente trovato, wood cuts, ~ - Venet. Sessa, 1510 Cecho Dascoli; Lo illustro Poeta, con comento nova- mente trovato, wood cuts, red morocco, gilt leaves, rare, | Venetia, Sessa, 1501 Cellii Imagines Professorum Tubingensium, Senatorii Precipue Ordinis, Elegiis illustrate, with spirited por- traits in wood, blue morocco, gilt leaves, Tubing. 1596 Centorio, Commentarii della Guerra di ‘Transilvania, Vineg. 1565. Historia dell’ Impresa di Tripoli di Bar- baria anno 1565 da Ulloa. Ulloa, Commentari della guerra che il Duca d’Alva contra Gugl. de Nassau, con la cose occorse tra la reina d’Inghilterra, ! Ambasciatore Catolico, &e. Venet. 1570, 1 vol. old morocco. Cent Nouvelles Nouvelles, black letier, euts, olive morocco, gilt leaves, = - Paris, pour Trepperel. Cento Novelle Amorose De i Signori Academici Incog- niti, calf, gilt leaves, - - Venetia, 1651 Centeno, Historia de Cosas del Oriente, Venetian mo- rocco, gilt leaves, rare, - Cordova, 1595 Ceremoniale Episcoporum, old morocco, Thuanus’s Copy, with his Arms on the sides, - “ Venet. 1600 Certani, In Most pez’ Ieernia. Vita del Glorioso. S. Patrizio, Apostolo, e Primate dell’ Ibernia, plate of St. Patrick driving the Devils out of Ireland,. morocco, gilt leaves, Rare, ‘ e Bologna, 1686 Certamen Seraphicum Provincie Anglize pro Sancta Dei Ecclesia, Portraits of Heath, Woodcocke, &c. &c. frontis- piece, brilliant impressions, RARE, blue morocco, gilt leaves, — . Duac.1649 [75 ] 1291 Cervantes, El Ingenioso Hidalgo Don Quixote de la ‘Mancha, Parte Primera, morocco, gilt leaves, fine copy, Madrid, Juan de la Cuesta, 1608 *,* The First Edition of the present Standard Text. 1292 Cervantes’s Don Quixote, 4 vol. Lance PAPER, with En- gravings from Pictures painted by Smirke, Proof impres- sions on India paper, splendidly bound in green morocco, with joints and gilt leaves, - - 1818 1293 Cervantes, Les principales Avantures de Don Quichotte representées en Figures, par Coypel, Picart, &c. Haye, 1746 1294 Cervantes. The Travels of Persiles and Sigismunda, Vene- tian morocco,. lined with leather, most elegantly and etabo- rately tooled inside and outside with small tooling by Hering, gilt leaves, - - - 1619 *,* The binding of this Volume cost 12/. 12s. 1295 Cevallos (Pedro Ordonez de) Viage del Mundo, __ Mad, 1613 1296 Cevallos, Tratado de las relaciones de los reynos, de la ‘China, Cochinchina, y Da we red morocco, gilt leaves, rare, - Tek, 1628 1297 Chalmers’s ein 3 wer half morocco, gilt tops, 1807 1298 Chalmers’s Life of Mary pi of ait 2 vol. in 1, por- trait, in russia, - 1818 1299 Chalmers’s History of the University of Oxford, 2 vol. Dyer’s History of the University of Cambridge, 2 vol, _ together 4 2, LARGE PAPER, plates, PROOF 1MPRES- “SIONS ON INDIA PAPER, morocco, gilt leaves, 1810-1814 1300 Chaloner, De Republica Anglorum instauranda, portrait, olive morocco, gilt leaves, - Lond. 1579 1301 Chamberlayne, Oratio Dominica in diversas omnium fere gentium Linguas versa, LARGE PAPER, blue morocco, gilt leaves, VERY RARE, - = Amst.1715 1302 Chamberlayne, Oratio Dominica in Diversas omnium -fere Gentium Linguas versa, Amst. 1715. Oratio Do- minica plus centum linguis, Lond. 1700. Ziegenbalg ~ Grammatica Damulica, 1716, 1 vol. 1303 Chambers’s Treatise of Civil Eocnak i by Gwilt, plates, 2 vol. — ~ 1825 1304 ‘Chandler's os . in Withee = Asia Minor, 2 vol. _ plates, Oxford, 1766 1305 Champlain, Wyopes de la Noiivells France, dicte Canada, plates, calf, gilt leaves, —=_ = - Paris, 1632 1306 Chandler’s History of Ilium or Troy, - 1802 1307 Chanvalon, Voyage a la et tae map, old French red morocco, gilt leaves, - Paris, 1763 [ 76 ] 1308 Cuansons Francoises. A Manuscript, beautifully writ- ten UPON VELLUM, with very spirited pen andink Draw- ings in. flourishes of Ladies, and Grotesque Figures of Clowns, Buffoons, &c. in russia, gilt leaves. 1309 Chau, surles Attributs de Venus, frontispiece, Paris, 1776 Folio. 1310 Cabrera, Filipe Segundo Rey de Espaha, russia, gilt leaves, jasc 3 "E ~ Mad. 1619 1311 C#saris CoMMENTARII, A FINE MANUSCRIPT, UPON VELLUM, or THE XVtH CENTURY, by an Italian Scribe, the Capitals illuminated. | "9 1312 Caffari Annales Genuenses, A FINE MANUSCRIPT, UPON | vELLUM, from the Duke of Cassano’s Library, green mo- rocco, gilt leaves, elegantly tooled. a | *,* This is the Manuscript referred to by Muratori in his Scriptores rerum Italicarum, vol. vi-page 243. 1313 Calentii, Poetz Clarissimi, Opuscula, green morocco, gi/t leaves, fine copy, EXTREMELY RARE, having been suppressed by the Court of Rome, Rome, ap. Joannem de Besicken, 1503 1314 Cauiot, Les Images de tous les Saincts et Sainctes de l’Annee 1636. Vie de l’Enfant prodigue, 1635. .Vita B, Marie Virginis. Salvatoris, B. Marie Virginis, S. Apostolorum et Icones, 1631. Lux Claustri, and other Works of Callot. - To.lOD ithe) caplet PSRs 1315 Callot, Miseres et Mal-heurs:de la Guerre. Combat a la Barriere, and other Works of Callot. 1316 Camus, Notice d'un livre imprimé a Bamberg, en CIOCCCCLXII, only 50 copies printed, half morocco, gilt top. Talleyrand’s Copy, - - Paris, 1799 1317 Cambrian Mountains, or Tour through North Wales, coloured Views after Turner, Compton, &c. 1820 1318 Camden's Britannia, by Gough, 4 vol. russia, 1806 1319 Campo, Historia di Cremona, Portraits by Augustin Ca- racci, morocco, gilt leaves, fine copy, Cremona, 1595 1320 Canova. A Collection of Engravings by various Artists from the Works of Canova, BEAUTIFUL PROOFS, chiefly before the letters, in a large Portfolio, with leaves, half russia. 1321 Canova’s Works, engraved in Outline by Moses, 2 vol. LARGE PAPER, Proors ON INDIA PAPER, AND PRINTS, half morocco, gilt leaves, - 87S 2 Ohert 5484 1322 Caoursin, Obsidionis Rhodiz Urbis decriptio, et alia su- orum Operum ad Historiam Rhodiorum spectantia, with large and curious cuts in wood. the size of the page, morocco, - giltleaves, - ~.. Ulme, Reger, Mcccexcvt. [ 77 ] 1323. Cantemir’s History of the Ottoman Empire, half morocco, uncut. - - - 1734 1324 Capgrave, Nova Legenda Anete: a little wormed at the end, otherwise a fine copy, blue morocco, gilt leaves, Londonias, Winandi de Worde, MCCCCCXVI. 1325 Carate, Historia del Descubrimiento y Conquista del Peru, morocco, gilt leaves, = - - Sevilla, 1577 1326 Carate, Historia del Peru, from Barcia’s Historiadores Pri- mitivos. morocco, gill leaves. 1327 Carbure de Ceffalonie (Compte) Monument Dare a la gloire de Pierre- le Grand, plates, half morocco, gilt leaves, Paris, 1777 1328 Carta Tis: A set of Maps of the World, beautifully _ DRAWN UPON VELLUM In gold and colours by an Italian Artist of the Sixteenth Century. The Continent of America is represented as joined to China, blue morocco, with joints, gilt leaves, oblong. 1329 Carranza, Adjustamiento ‘e proporcion de las Monedas de Oro, Plata y en be old red Se a: gilt leaves, Mad. 1629 - 1330. Cary’ 8 Babidesal hata - 1808 . 1331 Casiri Bibliotheca Arabico- Hispana Escurialensis, 2 vol. ‘Matrit, 1760 / 4332 Cassini; Historia de la Provincia de la Compania de Jesus del nuovo Reyno de Granada, morocco, gilt leaves, Madrid, 1741 1333 Cassiani, Libri Gaitatiouuin Sanctissimorum Patrum. De Tnstitutis Patrum et de principalibus vitiis. A very elegant Manuscript, oN veLLUM, in Roman Cha- racters, the first leaf and initial letters beautifully illumi- nated, blue morocco, with joints, elegantly tooled. SEVENTH DAY’S SALE. Octavo et Infra. GIORDANO BRUNO’S WORKS. | 1334 Bruno's Spaccio della Bestia Trionfante, or expulsion of the Triumphant Beast, very scarce, particularly with the | Title, which is usually wanting, in russia, - 1713 1835 Bruno, Ciel Reformé, traduction de Spaccio, fine copy, in French green morocco, with a broad border of gold, 1780 [ 78] 1336 Bruno, Spaccro DELLA Bestia ‘TRIONFANTE, proposto da Giove, effectuato dal conseglio, revelato da Mercurio, &e. Diviso in tre Dialogi, rxrREMELY RARE, Par, 1584. Bruno, Cena de le Ceneri, in cinque dialogi, RARE, 1584, 2 vol. in 1, splendidly bound in olive morocco, gilt leaves, *,* Jordano Bruno was a native of Nola, a man of extraordinary talents and Metaphysical acuteness. He visited England in 1583, and became the inti- mate friend of Sir P. Sydney, and Sir F. Greville. Bruno was burnt in 1600 at Rome, as an Athiest and a teacher of Irreligion. Morhoff however says “‘ manifesta in illo Atheismi vestigia non depre- hendo.” He dedicated his Spaccio Trionfante, and Heroici Furori, to Sir P. Sydney, and from this cir- cumstance Warton and Lord Orford have injuri- ously insinuated that Sydney was a follower of the _ doctrines of Bruno. Zouch has triumphantly re- futed this calumny. The Spaccio has been ‘“‘ Damned to everlasting Fame” in England by Addison in the Spectator. It has been sold for nearly 50/. The Cena de la Ceneri is also rare, and is in fact a con- tinuation of the Spaccio.. In this copy is a curious variation, the reverse of the last leaf of the dedica- tion, and two leaves following appear to have been cancelled and remodelled in the ordinary two first leaves. I do not recollect to have seen this alter- ation pointed out in any bibliographical work. 1337 Bruno, Degli Heroici Furori, Gerardot de Prefond’s copy, in rich yellow morocco binding, tovled in compartments, with red morocco lining, gilt leaves, ~ Par. 1585 *,* Dedicated to Sir P. Sydney, with some Verses on the beauty of English Ladies. 1338 Bruno, de la Causa, principio et uno, Ven. 1584. Bruno, de l’'Infinito Universo et Mondi, Ven. 1584, 2 vol. in 1, : splendidly bound in olive morocco, gilt leaves. , 1339 Brunus de Monade Numero et Figura, et de Minimo -., Magno et Mensura, olive morocco, gilt leaves, Franc. 1591 1340. Brunus, de Triplici Minimo et Mensura, in French red morocco, gilt leaves, =. ..*. Franc. 1591 1341 Bruni Figuratio Aristotelici Physici Auditus, in French blue morocco, gilt leaves, - - Par Chevillot, 1342 Bruni Acrotismus seu Relationes Articulorum Physi- corum adversus Peripateticos Parisiis, in morocco, gilt leaves, we ae - Viteb. 1558 1343 Brunus de Umbris Idearum et Ars Memorize, gilt leaves, oa Par. 1582 [ 79 ] 1344 Brunus de Progressu et Lampade Venatoria Logicorum, 1587. Brunus de Specierum Scrutinio et Lampade Combinatoria Raymundi Lullii, Prage, 1588, 2 vol.inl, in French red morocco, gilt leaves. 1345 Bruno, Candelaio, Comedia, yellow morocco, Par. 1582 1346 Bruni recens et completa Ars Reminiscendi, cuts, red morocco, - - - ~ sine anno, 1347 Bruno, Casata DEL’ CavALLo PEGASEO, COL L’AGGIUNTA DELL’ ASINO CILLENICO, A BOOK OF MOST EXTRAORDINARY RARITY, blwe morocco, ~ - Par. 1585 *,.* Mr. Hibbert’s Copy, and one of the rarest books in his or Mr. Hanrott’s Library. One object of this work is to prove “ che lignoranza e Madre della Felicita e Beatitudine, e questa medesima é I orto del Paradiso degli animali ; come dice Salamone : chi aumenta oe aumenta dolore.” 1348 Giordano Bruno, Opere, per la prima volta, raccolte, da Wagner, 2 vol. in 1, FINE pareR, only 25 copies printed, red morocco, gilt leaves, ~ 25S Lips. 1830 1349 Boniface et le Pedant, Comedie, imitée de Bruno, Par. 1633 1350 C. S. Jordani Disquisitio Histétivn-Liverastn de Jordano Britis in olive médrocco, - Primisl. sine anno. 1351 Bruno (Govanni) Rime Nuove, Venetia, 1533. Le Api di Ruccellai, 1539, 1 vol. 1352 Bucer on the Words of St. Matthew, “ Woe be to the World,” &e. - - Emden, 1566 1353 Burron, Hisroirnr NatureE.ue, 76 vol. plates, calf mar- Lled leaves, the contents lettered, - Paris, 1799 1354 Buffon’s Natural History by Barr, 10 vol. plates, 1797 1355 Buisson, Vie de Turenne, green morocco, Haye, 1695 1356 Bulifon, Rime di gorse illustri Poetesse, morocco, gilt leaves, - Nap. 1695 1357 Bulifon, Gtdriials del WiEBEo dItalia di Filippo V. Re . delle Spagne, &c. plates, uncut, h. b. morocco, Nap. 1703 1358 Bulkeley and Cummins’s Voyage to the South Seas, ori- _ ginal red morocco binding, gilt leaves, ~ 1743 1859 Bullet, Recherches Historiques sur les Cartes 4 Jouer, Lyon, 1757 1360 Buommatei, Della Lingua Italiana, 2 vol. extra marbled leaves, — = -Milan, 1807 1361 Buonaparte, LaVedova, Coviedis Facetissima, Giunt, 1568 1362 Buonaparte, La Vedova, Commedia, printed on tinted paper, green morocco, with joints, gilt leaves, Parigt, 1803 [ 80 ] 1363 Burbury’s Relation of Lord Howard's Journey from Lon- don to Vienna, gilt leaves, — - ’ 1671 1364 Burchiello, Rime, comentate del Doni, in moroeco, gilt leaves, ~ - Ven. Marcolini, 1553 1365 Burchiello, Sonetti, - Vinezia Sessa, 1532 1366 Burchiello, Rime, comentate dal Doni, with the Aldine anchor on the Title, olive morocco, gilt leaves, Vicenz. 1597 1367 Burder’s Oriental Customs, ¢ vol. ~ 1822 1368 Burger’s Sammtliche Schrifted 4vol.in3, Got. 1814 1369 Burges’s Birth and Triumph of Love, plates after 8 de- signs of the Princess Elizabeth, - - 1795 1370 Lord Burghley and the Earle of Bedford’s Ricoente in olive morocco, gilt leaves, - - 1636 1371 Burgi de Bello Suecico Commentarii, portraits, morocco, gilt leaves, “ - Leodu, 1644 | 1372 Burke’ s Works, 8 vol. LARGE PAPER, in russia, 1803 1373 Burke on the Sublime and Beautiful, first edition, with Wilkes’s Autograph, - + - 1757 1374 Burn’s History of the Parish Registers i in England, wncut morocco back and corners, | - - 1829 1375 Burnet's History oF Is OWN ‘Time, with THE suP- PRESSED Passaces, and Notes of Lanke Dartmouth and Hardwicke, Speaker Onslow and Swift, 6 vol. LARGE PA- | PER, RARE, ONLY FIFTY COPIES PRINTED, splendidly bound in red morocco, sides tooled, joints and gilt leaves. 1376 Burnet’s History of the Reformation, 6 vol. LARGE pPa- PER, Williams's Copy, g green moroceas with joints, leaves gilt and marbled, - Oxford, 1796 1377 Burnet’s Life of Sir M. ‘Fiske - Oxf. 1806 1378 Burnet’s (Bp.) Reflections ¢ on Varillas’s History, Amst. 1686 1379 Burnet’s Travels in Suita eee Italy, &e. first edition, gilt leaves, ~ -Rotterd. 1686 1380 Burnett's Specimens of English Prose Writers, 3 vol. gilt leaves, - - - 1807. 1381 Burns’ Works, 4 vol. green morocco, gilt leaves, 1821 1382 Burns’s Poetical W arkas 3 vol. blue morocco, 1804 1383 Burton’s English Empire in America, red morocco, gilt leaves, - ~ ey 1729 1384 Burton’s Anatone of Melancholy, 2 vol. LARGE PAPER, red morocco, gilt leaves, = |=. - 1800 1385 Busbequii Epistolee et de Re Militari, a “ Sulstero, red morocca, gilt leaves, . - | Monac. 1620 © 1386 ‘Busbequii Omnia que extant, red morocco, gilt leaves, - Elzevir. 1633 1387 Busnot, Histoire du Regne de Monier: Ismael Roy de Maroc, extra gilt leaves, - Rouen, 1714 1388 Butler’s (Charles) Life of Enstod 1825. Life of Gro- tius, 1826, half morocco, gilt top, 1389 1390 139] ‘1392 1393 1394 1395 1396 1397 1398 1399 1400: 1401 1402 1403 1404 [ 81 ] Butcher's Survey of the Towns of Stamford and Totten- ham, LARGE PAPER, Venetian morocco, gilt leaves, 1717 Butler's (Sam.) Works, by Aikin, plates by Heath, uarGE PAPER, 2 vol, extra, gilt leaves: Butler’s (Sam.) Remains, by Thyer, 2 P}, extra, marbled leaves, ~ - Quarto. 1759 Chapple’s Review of Risdon’s Devon, half morocco, 1785 ‘Chappe d’Auteroche, Voyage en Sibérie, plates, 3 vol. rich old red morocco, Hee leaves, with Atlas in Folio, in vellum, 3 = Paris, 1768 Charlton’s History of Whitby, York, 1779. Noble on the Mint and Coins of Durham, 1780. Hegg’s Legend of St. Cuthbert, 1777. Origin and Succession of the Bishops of Durham, 1779. Life of Bishop Trevor, 1776,.in 1 vol. Cade the Antiquary’s Copy, with additional _ plates and other illustrations. Charter and Statutes of Downing College, Cambridge, russia, CaN - 1805 Alain Chartier, Giuvres, par Duchesne, gilt leaves, Par. 1617 Chartier (Alain) Histoire des Grand troubles soubs le roy Charles VII. red morocco, gili leaves, Nevers. 1594 Charlevoix, Histoire du Paraguay, pistes 3 vol. calf, ex- tra, gilt leaves, - Paris, 1756 Chassanion’s Merchandises of Popish Priests, 1629.. The Pope’s Benediction, 1641. I marry sir, heere is Newes indeed, being the Letter which the Devil sent to the ’ Pope, 1642. Pacquet of Popish Delusions, wood-cuts, - 1681. The Pope’s Warehouse laid open, 1683, inlaid in 1 volume. Cheeke’s (Sir John) True Subject to the Rebell, 1641. Chertablon, Maniere de se bien preparer a Ja mort, avec des tres belles Estampes, fine impressions, Anvers, 1700 Ceron (Madame) Recueil de Sujets dessines d'apres TAntique gravés par Picart, Audran, &c. LARGE PAPER. Charnock’s ma, of Marine ren tet are a 3 vol. russia, 1800 Chesterfield’s (Lord) Chafee contisted with Cha- racters of the same personages by other writers, 1778 ‘Chiflet, Le faux Childebrand relegué au Fable, 1659. _ Le Vray Childebrand ou reponse au Traite de Chiflet, ~ 1659, Autographs of Guyon de Sardiere and Baluze. 1405 Chinese Courier and Canton Gazette, an English News- paper, various numbers, half morocco, Canton, 1831 [ 82 ] 1406 Curnsst Drawrncs, a Series of Drawings by Native Artists, representing the Costume of the various Or- ders, Professions, and Trades of China, admirably de- lineated and coloured, half morocco, gilt leaves. 1407 Chiesa, I] Capitolo de Frate, a celebrated Satire on the Monks, Manuscript, Unpublished, From the Earl of Guil- ford’s Collection. 1408 Choisy (l’Abbe de) Histoire de l’Eglise, 11 vol. rich old yellow morocco, gilt leaves, Dedication Copy to Louis XV. with the Royal Arms on the Sides, 4 Paris, 1740 1409 Choul, Religion, Castramentagion, &c. de los Antiguos Romanos y Griegos, old red morocco, gilt leaves, | Leon, 1579 1411 Christie's Inquiry into the Antient Greek Game, sup- posed to have been invented by Palamedes, plates, 1801 1412 Christie’s Essay on the Worship of the Elements, plates, Norwich, 1814 1413 Christmas Prince.—Acecount of the Christmas Prince as Exhibited in the University of Oxford in 1607, 1816 1414 Chrysostomus de Virginitate,a Poggiano conversus, ruled, Rome, Aldus, 1562 1415 Ciccarelli, Vite degli Imperatori Romani, con figure in rame, calf extra, gilt leaves, Roma, Domenico Basa, Stampatore Apostolico, 1590 1416 Ciccarelli, Vite de Pontefici con le effigie de Cavallieri, calf, extra, gilt leaves, Rome, Domenici Base, 1587 1417 Cicero de Finibus Bonorum et Malorum, Beautiful Manuscript upon VELLUM, in Roman characters of the Jifteenth century, blue morocco, gilt leaves, Mr. Drury’s Copy. | 1418 Cicero de Legibus et moribus, a beautiful Manuscripr of the XV. century upon veLLUM, the capitals illumi- nated, morocco, gilt leaves, ‘1419 Cicero de Republica, Edente Maio, LaRGE PAPER, HALF MOROCCO, gilt top, - - Rome, 1822 1420 Ciceronis Opera, edente Oliveto, vol. 1 to 6, LARGE Pa- PER, gilt leaves, - Oe Paris, 1740 1421 Cid. La Historia del valerosa y bien afortunado cavallero Cid Ruy Diaz de Bivar, Cuenca, 1616. Sumario de la Batalla de Clavijo por Salinas, os Mad. 1601 1422 Cieza, Istoria del Peru, 2 vol. gilé leaves, Ven. 1556 1423 Cini, Vita di Cosimo de Medici, Primo Gran Duca di Toscana, russia, gilt leaves, Firenze Giunti, 1611 1424 Cinthio, Discorsi, ay Vinegia, Giolito, 1554 1425 Cirbied, Notice des deux Manuscrits Armeniens, relatifs 2 Japremiere Croisade, - © = Paris, 1812 [ 83 ] 1426 Crzxto Novette Antixe, Bologna, Girolamo Benedetti, 1525. Le Crenro Noyetite Antixe, an edition with- out place or date, but aceording to a note by Mr. R. Wilbraham, anterior to the one with the date of 1525. The Margins of this book are filled wiru manuscrirr READINGS BY Peter Verrori AND VinceENzO Borcuint, which were adopted in the Edition of 1572. It is the copy which is referred to by Fontanini, and was subse- quently obtained from the Crevenna Collection by the late Mr. R. Wilbraham, 2 vol. in 1, red morocco. ** This is the earliest Collection of Italian Novels, and perhaps the earliest specimen of the Italian language now extant. 1427 Crento AnTIKE, venetian morocco, lined with lea- ther, gilt leaves, fine copy, VERY RARE, Bologna, Girolamo Benedetti 1525 1428 Cinth‘o, Dell’ Hercole, Canti ventisei, Modena, Gadaldini, 1557 1429 Cirilli (Beati) Speculum Sapientiz, rirsr epirion, gothic type, ruled with red lines, the capitals filled up in gold, old red morocco, gilt leaves. The La Valliere copy, without place or date, but circa 1471 *,* This is a Collection of Fables under the assumed name of St. Cyril. 1430 Ciruelo, Tratado en lo qual se reprevan todas las super- sticiones y hechizerias, morocco, gilt leaves, Barcelona, 1628 1431 Cisneros, Descripcion de la Provincia de Benezuela, calf gilt leaves, - = - Valencia, 17 64 1432 Cladera, Investigaciones Historicas sobre los descubri- mientos de los Espanoles en el Mar Oceano en el Siglo _ XV. y principios del XVI. Porte sits, LARGE PAPER, red morocco, gilt leaves, - Mad. 1794 1434 Clarendon’ s History of the ee of Charles the Second, 2 vol. rare, having been rigorously suppressed, red mo- _ -roeca, gilt leaves, _ - Printed Sor M. Cooper. ie *,* Shebbeare was the Editor of this Edition. The _» ».... Duchess of Queensbary as heir of Lord Clarendon - »... . obtained an injunction against it, and nearly all the =. --. Copies were destroyed. Shebbeare. prefixed to it a violent Tory Preface reflecting on the charac- _ ters of some of the most naan eiahed Living - Charaeters of the day. 1435, Clarke" s Connexion of the Roman, Saxon and English ~ Coins, plates, russia, marbled leaves, <- 1767 [ 84] 1436 Clarke’s Travels in Russia, Tartary, Turkey, Greece, the Holy Land, Scandinavia, &c.6 vol. LARGE PAPER, plates, fine set, uncut, red morocco backs and corners, 1810 1437 Clarke’s Parochial Topography of the Hundred of Want- ing, Berkshire, half morocco, gilt top, Oxford, 1824 1438 Clarke. Otter’s Life and Remains of Clarke, wncut, red morocco backs and corners, - - 1824 1439 Clarke's Progress of Maritime Discovery, half morocco, 1803 1440 Clarke’s Life of Lord Nelson, plates, 2 vol. in russia, with joints, gilt leaves, - - - 1809 1441 Clarke’s (E. D.) Tomb of Alexander, plates, half morocco, Cambridge, 1805 1442 Clarke's Parochial Topography of the Hundred of Want- ing, Berks, half morocco, - - Oxford, 1824 1443 Clarkson’s History and Antiquities of Richmond, in Yorkshire, plates, privately printed, Richmond, 1821 1444 Clement, Bibliotheque Curieuse, 9 vol. in 5, . Gottingen, 1750 1445 Clemente, Tablas Chronologicas, en que se contienen los successos de Espana, Indias Orientales y Occidentales, &c. calf, gilt leaves, - - Valencia, 1689 1446 Clapperton’s Journal of a Second Expedition into the In- terior of Africa, maps, half morocco, - 1829 1447 Clerc, Histoire de la Russie, Ancienne et Moderne, plates, 4 vol. marbled leaves, with Atlas in folio, - Paris, 1783 1448 Clerc, Yu le Grand et Confucius, Histoire Chinoise, old red morocco, + - Soissons, 1769 1449 Clichtovei De Bello et Pace opusculum, old red morocco, gilt leaves, ~ - Paris, Colineus, 1523 1450 Clifford’s Description of the Parish of Tixall, plates, half morocco, - - - Paris, 1817 ‘1451 Clubbe’s History of Wheatfield, - - 1758 1452 Cluny’s American Traveller, map, ~ - 1769 1453 Cochin, Collection de Vignettes, Fleurons, et culs de Lampes ou Suite Chronologique de faits relatifs a 1’ His- | _ toire de France, a BRS on dibeee «Paris, 1767 _ 1454 Coates’s History of Reading, with the Supplement, half morocco, os . a 1802 1455 Coinace, A Volume of pen and ink Drawings of Eng- 78 lish Coins, from William I. to Charles I. neatly executed. 1456 Coins. A series of Drawings in pen an ink of 2284 Roman Coins, very neatly executed. — 1457 Cole, Oratio de Ridiculo, blue morocco, — Lond. 1811 1458 Collins, De Animabus Paganornm, Mediol. 1622. Pars Altera, Mediolani, 1633, 2 vol. rich old French’ mo- » rocco, gilt leaves, very scarce, = [ 85 ] 1459 Collins’s Account of New South Wales, plates by Heath, 2 vol. in 3, russia, with joints, leaves. marbled and gilt, Fonthill copy, - - 1798 1460 Collinson’s. History iy Antiquities of the County of Somerset, plates, 3 vol. half morocco, gilt tops, 1791 1461 Colnett’s Voyage to the South Atlantic, 1798 1462 Coloma, Las Guerras de los Estados Baxos, Barcel. 1627 1463 CoLtumsus. Epistora Curistororr Coton (CotumBus) cui etas nostra multum debet, De Insutis INp1z supra GANGEM NUPER INVENTIS. Ad quas perquirendas octavo antea mense auspiciis et ere invictissimi Fernandi His- paniarum Regis missus fuerat. Alexander de Cosco ab Hispano idiomate in Latinum convertit ; tertio Kalend. Maii, 1493, FIRST EDITION, EXCESSIVELY RARE, (Roma, Pianck. 1493.) Epistoia. Curistorori Coton, &c. de Insulis Indie supra _Gangem nuper inventis, &c. Seconp Epition, ExceEs- SIVELY RARE (Rome, 1493.) In laudem Serenissimi Ferdinandi Hispanie Regis, &c. (a Pageant) et (Conumei Episroua) de Insulis in Mari Indico nuper inventis, FouRTH EDITION, and the first which contains cuts, 1494. Splendidly bound in green morocco, tooled in compartments on the sides, and richly tooled inside. *,* This is A VOLUME OF EXTRAORDINARY INTEREST AND Curiosity. It contains the First and Second Editions of the celebrated Letter of Columbus which was long supposed to have been lost, and, which was unknown to Robertson when he wrote his History of America. The Titles of the First and Second Editions contain a curious variation. In the first Columbus is stated to have been fitted out at the expense of King Ferdinand ; the second approaches nearer to the fact, and says at the ex- pense of Ferdinand and Isabella. The fact is, the Queen defrayed the whole expense. The Fourth Edition has been included in the Volume on account of the Cuts. The Collector never, it is believed, had before an opportunity of purchasing the three Editions bound in one volume. 1464 Columbus. Codice Diplomatico Columbo-Americano, plates, half morocco, gilt top, - - Geneve, 1823 1465 Columbus. Elogi Storici de Christoforo Colombo e di ” Andrea Doria, half russia, uncut, ‘Parme, 1781 ; 1466 Columbre (Augustino) Opera de Masiuschatiain Dedicato al Re Ferdinando de Ragona, morocco, gilt leaves, ~ Venesia, Gulielmo da Fontaneto, 1518 [ 86 | 1467 Columna (Guidonis de) Historia destructionis Troie, black letter, green morocco, gilt leaves, without place or date. 1468 Comedias Espanoles, twenty-six in 1 vol. - Jv. Y. 1469 Combe’s Description of the Ancient Terracottas in the British Museum, plates, - - 1810 1470 Common-Wealth. Great Ship called the Soveraigne of the Seas, with her dimensions, figures, and mottoes, which adorne and beautifie her, plates, green morocco, gilt leaves, - ‘. - | 1653 1471 Complaynt of Scotland, written in 1548, with a Disserta- tion and Glossary by Leyden, LARGE PAPER, green mo- rocco, leaves marbled and gilt, _ A Edinb. 1801 1472 Concina, Viaggio nella Dalmazia Littorale, - 1809 1473 Conde, Historia de la Dominacion de los Arabes en Es- pana, 3 vol. in 2, half morocco, gilt tops, __ Mad. 1820 1474 Conde, Memoires, servant 4 l’Ecclaircissement et de Preuves 2 l’Histoire de M. de Thou, 6 vol. Larce PAPER, - - - - Paris, 1743 1475 Conei de Duplici statu Religionis apud Scotos libri duo, morocco, gilt leaves, - - Rome. 1628 1476 Condivi, Vita di Michel Agnolo Buonnarotti, with the ori- ginal sheet L, very RARE, Roma, Antonio Blado, 1553 1477 Confucius. Le Chou-King, un des Livres sacres des Chinois, trad. par Gaubil avec Notes par de Guignes, rich old red morocco, gilt leaves, .-~ Paris, 1770 1478 Congetture sopra una Carta Papiracea, plates, Firenze, 1781 1479 Conundrum (The) A Satire, privately printed, 1812 1480 Consolato del Mare, morocco, gilt leaves, Venetia, 1612 1481 Constantiensis Concilii, Acta Scitu Dignissima docteque concinuata, red morocco, gilt leaves, RARE, ~ Hagenoe, ap. Henricum Gran. 1508 1482 Constantinople. De captu a Mehemete II. Constanti- -nopoli, Leonardi Chiensis et Langi Enarrationes sibi in- vicem collate. Privately printed at the expense of Lord Stuart de Rothesay, rare, red morocco, gilt leaves, Paris, 1823 1483 ConsTITUTIONES OrpINIs VELLERIS AUREI, PRINTED UPON VELLUM, morocco, with joints, richly tooled gilt leaves, with- out place or date, a a circa, 1550 1484 Contarini, Ambassador de Venesia, Viaggio al Persia al Signor Uxuncassam Re de Persia, FIRST EDITION, BX- ‘TREMELY RARE, in olive morocco, richly tooled on the sides, joints and gilt leaves, Ven. per Hannibalem Fosium, 1487 1485 Contarini, Itinerario al‘ Usuncassan Re di Persia nel 1472, _ @ rare edition, in olive morocco, splendidly tooled on the sides, and richly tooled inside, - Pineg. 1524. [ 87 ] 1486 Contareni Historia de Bello nuper Venetis a Selimo II. Turcarum imperatore illato,& Nic. Stupano, map, Basil. 1573 1487 Contarino, I] vago, e dilettevole Giardino, calf, gilt leaves, Vicenza, with the Aldine anchor, 1597 1488 ° Contile, La Pescara, La Trinozzia, La Cesarea Gonzaga, Comedie, green morocco, gilt leaves, Milano Marchesino, 1550 1489 Conversio et Passio S. S. Martyrum Afre, Hilarie, Digne, Eunomie, Eutropiz, cum comment. M. Velseri, green morocco, Aldine tooling, gilt leaves, Aldus, 1591 1490 Cooke's Fifty Plates of Shipping and Craft, PROOFS ON : INDIA PAPER, 25 printed, - - 1829 1491 Cooxe’s Source or toe THAMEs, ison PROOFS, only 25 copies printed, green morocco, richly tooled, gilt leaves. 1492 Cooper's Chronicle, reprinted litle, russia, - 1566 1493 Copper-Plate Magazine, very jinei a 5 vol. yellow - morocco, gilt leaves, - 1792-1802 1494 Cordiner’s Description of Ceylon, ey 2 vol. 1807 1495 Corelas (Alonzo Lopez de) Trezientas preguntas de cosas Naturales, (en versos castellanos) maroon morocco, gilt leaves, - - Valladolid, 1546 1496 Corneille, Rodogune, Avaredia, frontispiece by Mad. de Pompadour, red morocco, Privately printed Au Nord, 1760 1497 Coronazione della Poetessa Maria Maddalena Morelli Fernandez, - - ~ Parma, 1779 1498 Coronica General de Espana, (Ocampo y Morales), 10 vol. in 7, bound in olive morocco, gilt leaves, — Madr. 1791 1499 Corry’s Observations upon the Windward Coast of Africa, plates, half morocco, - ~ - 1807 1500 Corsett's Tour through Sweden and Denmark, ae half morocco, = - © saucaty AERO 1501 Corres. La preclara Narratione di Ferdinando hares della Nuova Hispagna del Mare Oceano, tradotta per ‘Nicolo Liburnio, with the very curious plan of the City of Temixtilan or Mexico, olive morocco, gilt leaves, Venetia, Bernardino de Viano de Lexona, 1524 Folio. 1502 Cortes, Historia de Nueva Espana, con Notas por Lo- renzana, plates, green morocco, gilt leaves, Mexico, 17'70 1503 Castillo Historia de los Reyes Godos que. vinieron de la -- Scitia de Europa, red morocco, gilt leaves, Burgos, 1582 1504 Castilla Historia de los reyes Godos que vinieron de la . Seythia de Europe, morocco, gilt leaves, Mad. 1624 [ 88 ] ndidly bound in CASTIGLIONE IL CORTEGIANO, splen , sailed olive morocco, with morocco lining, richly tooled, gilt leaves, Venet. Aldo. 1545 *.* This book formerly belonged to Francesco Mel- ‘ chiori of Venice, who has made it a depository for some curious papers, consisting of copies of verses by different members of the family. At the end is a Sonnet addressed to Tasso, on the publication of Camilli’s Continuation of the Gierusalemme, by Francesco Melchiori, .with Tasso’s Sonnet IN Repty, in his own hand writing. At the beginning of the volume is preserved, what may be considered one of the most curious single printed leaves in existence, THE PrinTED CHALLENGE WHICH WAS CIRCULATED AND STUCK ON THE CHURCH DOORS IN VENICE, BY THE CELEBRATED ADMIRABLE CRICHTON, in the year 1580. ‘This most extraordinary docu- meni not only proves the existence of this extra- ordinary man, but shews that what had hitherto been considered Sir Thomas Urquhart’s Rho- domontade. account of him was’no exaggera- tion of his pretensions. It is printed in the large italic type used by Paul Manutius, and most probably by him, as his friendship for Crichton is well known. There is also a Manuscript Son- net addressed to a Lady at the beginning. This vo- lume formerly belonged to the family of the Earl of Orford. It afterwards became the property of Mr. Singer, and subsequently of Mr. Hibbert, at whose sale it was purchased by Mr. Hanrott. 1506 Cattaneo, Osservazioni sopra un frammento Antico di Bronzo di Greco Lavoro rappresentante, Venere, plates, LARGE PAPER, red morocco, gilt leaves, unpublished, . Milano, 1819 1507 Catalogue des Chevaliers de !Ordre du Saint Esprit, Arms engraved, LAKGE PAPER, old green morocco, Paris, 1760 1508 CavatteRo pveEL Sox, Libro intitulado Peregrinacion de la Vida del hombre, puesta en batalla debaxo de tra- bajos que sufrio el cavallero del Sol, blue morocco, gilt leaves, a very rare Romance of Chivalry, Medina del Campo, 1552 1509 Cavanilles, Observaciones sobre la Historia Natural Geo- grafia, &c. del Reyno de Valencia, plates, 2 vol. in 1, half morocco, gilt top, - - Madrid, 1795 [ 89 ] 1510 Cavazzi, Istorica Deserizione de tre regni Congo, Ma- tamba, et Angola, plates, morocco, gilt leaves, Bologna, 1687 1511 Caulfield’s Gallery of British Portraits, range PAPER, 1814 1512 Ceij (Galeotto) Viaggio e Relazione della Indie Occi- dentali della anno 1539 a l’anno 1550, the dutograph Manuscript unpublished, in the margins are minute Draw- ings of the Implements, Instruments, Furniture, &e. of the Indians, very curious. 1513 Celsus de Medicina, First epITion. At the commencement is the rare leaf containing the Dedication, green morocco, gilt leaves, Florentia, Nicolai, MCCCCLXXVIII: 1514 Cuauncy’s History or Henrtrrorpsutre, with all the . plates, morocco, gilt. leaves, very large fine copy, 1700 1515 Chauchard’s Map of Germany, with Descriptions in 4to. 1800 1516 Charles I.’s Works, with his Life and Martyrdom, por- trait and plates, Royal Arms on -the sides, - 1662 1517 Cuesaire. Coxniections For A History or CHESHIRE, _viz. King’s Vale Royall of England, or County Palatine of England, 1650. Leycester’s History of Cheshire, 1673. Mainwaring’s Legitimacy of Amicia clearly proved, 8vo. 1679. ‘Gower’s Sketch of the Materials for a complete History of Cheshire, 4to. 1800. History of the Cathe- dral Church of Chester, 8vo. 1793. Cowper’s Life of St. Werburgh, 4to 1749. Cheshire, from Grose’s An- tiquities. Blome’s Mapof Cheshire. Account of Che shire, the Ancient Kingdom of the Mercians. Morden’s Map of Cheshire. Camden’s Cheshire. Natural His- tory of Cheshire. Account of the Cholmondeley Family. Map of the Dee, a Drawing, and other Illustrations of the County of Cheshire, all inlaid in 3 vol. Imperial Folio, morocco backs and corners, gilt leaves. 1518 Catnes—e Drawincs. A Macniricent CoLuEctTIon OF agout One Hunprep anD SIXTY EXQUISITELY BEAU- TIFUL CoLouRED CuinESe Drawines, By Native Ar- |. TISTS, EXHIBITING THE OccupPaTIONS, AND AMUSEMENTS OF THE CHINESE, also their Musical Instruments, Birds, Insects, Reptiles and Fishes, sumptuously bound in mo- rocco, richly tooled on the sides, with joints and gilt leaves. 1519 Cuinese Drawincs. A fine Collection of about One Hunprep CoLtourep Cyinese Drawines, By Native Artists, exhibiting the Divinities of the Chinese My- thology, red morocco, gilt leaves. 1520 Cutese Drawines. A Collection of Drawings of But- - terflies and other Insects, Plants, Shrubs, &c. of China, exquisitely Drawn and Coloured after Nature by Native Artists, half morocco, gilt leaves. N [ 90 J 1521 Cuinese Drawines. A Granp Cou.ection or Eienty- THREE FINE CoLoURED CHINESE Drawincs, By NATIvE Artists, exhibiting the Armaments, Dress, Warlike and other Musical Instruments, &c. of the Chinese, splendidly bound in russia, with a broad border of gold, gilt leaves. 1522 Cuinese Drawines. A Collection of Ninety-one Chi- nese Drawings of the Plants of China, Coloured after Nature by Native Artists, bound in a Folio Volume, morocco, richly tooled, gilt leaves. 1523 Curse Drawines, representing the mode of cultivat- ing the Tea Plant, the manner of making Porcelain, and Views, by Native Artists. 1524 Cuinese Drawincs, representing the Punishments and Shipping of China, by Native Artists, half :norocco. 1525 Choris, Vues et Paysages des regions Equinoxiales, re- cuellis dans un Voyage autour du Monde, coloured, half morocco, ~ - - Paris, 1826 1525*Choris, Voyage Pittoresque autour du Monde, plates coloured half morocco, gilt top, . Paris, 1822 1526 Choul, Discours sur la Castrametation et Discipline Mili- taire des Romains, wood cuts, Lyon, 1555. Flave Vegece du fait de guerre, et fleur de Chevalerie, wood cuts, 2 vol. in 1, calf, extra, gilt leaves, - Paris, 1539 EIGHTH DAY'S SALE. Octavo et Infra. 1527 Butler’s Hudibras, with a French Translation by Towneley, plates, 3 vol. extra, gilt leaves, - Lond. 1819 1528 Butler's Hore Biblice, rarce paper, 2 vol. in 1, half morocco, gilt top, - - - 1807 1529 Butler’s Hore Juridicee Subsecive, - 1804 1530 Butler's Revolutions of the Empire of Charlemagne, uncut, morocco backs and corners, ~ ore LT 1531 Butler's Hore Biblice, - - Oxford, 1799 1532 Butt's Spanish Daughter, 2 vol. in 1, half morocco, gilt top, - - ~ - 1824 1533 Buxedx, Historia de Japon, con la Venida de los em- baxadores del Japon a Roma, olive morocco, gilt leaves, Carag. 1591 » 9 vol. green morocco,’ gilt leaves, - - - 1823 1534 Byron’s (Lord) Works rich gilt back, 1535 1536 1537 1551 1552 1553 1554 1555 [ 91 | Byron's (Lord) Works, 4 vol. 1823. Collection of his Miscellaneous Pieces, including the Liberal, 5 vol. V. Y. together 10 vol. half bound morocco, uncut. Byron’s (Lord) English Bards and Scotch Reviewers, first edition, half bound morocco, uncut. Byron’s English Bards and Scotch Reviewers, with the Variations, gilt leaves, = 1811 The Beauties of Don Juan, aeiepied by Colonel d’Aguilar, 2 vol. in 1, morocco, gilt leaves, - - 1825 Byron (Lord) Correspondance, par Dallas, 2 vol. Paris, 1825 Byron (Lord) A Collection of various Pieces of Criti- cism on the Writings of Lord Byron, including Hob- house’s Illustrations of Childe Harold ; the Controversy with Bowles, &c. respecting Pope, &c. 3 vol. half bound morocco, uncut. Cabinet du Roy, Louis XI. morocco, - Paris, 1661 Cabinet enarans, 2 vol. rich old French blue morocco, gilt leaves, - Mont Parnasse, 1697 Cabinet Sa fetlaiie des vers de ce temps, 2 vol. in 1, green morocco, gilt leaves, - (Elzevir,) 1666 Cadiere and Girard, Case of, 4 vol. - 1732 Cesaris Commentarii, the map coloured, green morocco, Aldine tooling, gilt leaves, - Venet, Aldus, 1518 Cesaris Commentarii, morocco, gilt leaves, Florentie, ap. Juntam, 1514 Cesaris Commentarii, blue morocco,gilt leaves, Venet. Aldus, 1519 Cesaris Commentarii, Sir J. Thorold’s copy, red morocco, by R. Payne, gilt leaves, - Paris. Stephani, 1544 Cesare, Commentarii trad. per Agost. Ortica della Porta, green morocco, gilt leaves, leather linings, Aldus, 1547 Cesaris Commentarii, old red morocco, gilt leaves, Elzevir, 1635 *,* This copy is taller than that of the Bibliotheque Royale, which according to Brunet is the largest copy known. Cadell’s Journey in Carniola, Italy, and France, plates, 2 vol. half morocco, gilt leaves, ° Edin. 1820 Cagnola,: Esposizione Topografico del Viaggio Israeli- tico nel Deserto, map, half morocco, gilt top, Lodi, 1829 Cahusac, Grigri, Histoire Veritable, Nangazaki, 59749 Caillie, Voyage a Temboctou et a Jenne, 3 vol. half mo- rocco, gilt tops, = - Paris, 1830 Caillard, Catalogue des Livres de la Biliotheque de, FINE PAPER, gilt leaves, ~ - Paris, 1808 [ 92 ] 1556 Calidas’ Sacontala, by Sir W. Jones, Edinb. 1798 1557 Caius de Canibus Britannicis, &c. edente Jebb, LARGE - paPER, Sir M. Sykes’s Copy, in russia, gilt leaves, — Lond. 1729 1558 Caldayco, Libro de Cavalleria Celestial del Pie de la Rosa Fragrante, morocco with joints, leather and silk linings, richly tooled, gilt leaves, VERY RARE, Anvers, 1554 *,* A Romance History of the Bible, with acurious Epistle alluding to the Romances of Chivalry.. 1559 Callimachus, Moschus, et Bion, Gr. et Lat. Vulcanii, red morocco, gilt leaves, Sir John Thorold’s copy, L. B. Plartin. 1594 1560 Callimachi Opera, Notis Variorum et Spanhemii, 2 vol. LARGE PAPER, Williams's copy, red morocco, with joints, gilt leaves, - - - Ultraj. 1697 1561 Callimachus, Theognis, &c. Gr. et Lat. edente Bentleio, Williams's Copy, in purple morocco, with joints, and gilt leaves, - - - ~ Lond. 1741 1562 Calmo, Giocose moderne et facetissime Egloghe Pasto- rali, in lingua materna, gilt leaves, Vinegia. 1553 1563 Callot, Green’s Catalogue of the Works of Callot, 1804 1564 Cautot. Misere de la Guerre, 1636. Vie de l Enfant prodigue, 1635. Capricci di varie figure. Balli di Sfessania. Figure Gobbi, 1616. Exercices Militaires, 1635. Les Penitents et Penitentes, and other Works of Callot including fourteen original Drawings, morocco, lined with leather, tooled and gilt. 1565 Callot, Varie Figure Gobbi, fine impressions. 1566 Cauttor. Les Miseries et Malheurs de la Guerre. The large set. Brilliant impressions, mounted and bound in red morocco, gilt leaves, . - Paris, 1633 1567 Cauiot’s Desicns. Parterre de Nancy. Salvatoris, B. M. Virginis, Sanctorum Apostolorum Icones, Capi- tano di Baroni. Les Bohemiens, &c. fine impressions, morocco, gilt leaves, : Paris, 1631, &c. 1568 Calvino, Il vero modo de la pacificatione Christiana, e de Ja Riformatione de la Chiesa, gilt leaves, Appresso Francesco Durone, 1561 1569 Cambier, Historia Caps B. Marie Waverensis, Lovani, 1657 1570 Camdeni Annales Elizabethe, Williams's copy, green mo- rocco, with joints and gilt leaves, - L. Bat. 1625 1571 Camden's Remains concerning Britain, portrait, 1572 Camiletta di Guttery Clugnicesi, morocco, gilt leaves, Parigi, 1586 1674 1588 1589 1590 1591 1592 1593 1594 [ 93 ] Camerarii Historica Narratio de Fratrum Orthodox. Ecclesiis in Bohemia, Moravia et Polonia. De excidio reliquiarum Valdensium et Albigensium Narratio, mo- rocco, gilt leaves, - - Heidelberg, 1605 1574 Camoens, Obras por Coelho, 4 vol. green morocco, gilt leaves, - - - Lisboa, 1779 1575 Camoens, Obras, - - Lisboa, 1782 1576 Camoens, Os Lusiadas, por de Souza, green morocco, gilt leaves, - - Paris, Didot, 1819 1577 Camoens, Os Lusiadas, green morocco, lined with leather, richly tooled, - - Paris, 1823 1578 Camoens, Lusiadas, 2 vol. gilt leaves, Coimbra, 1800 1579 Camoens’ Poems by Lord Strangford, gilt leaves, 1804 1580 Camoens’ Lusiad by Mickle, 3 vol. morocco, gilt leaves, 1809 -1581 Campenon, L’Enfant SISOIE UE. Lene plates, calf gilt leaves, Paris, 1812 1582 Campbell s States on the Hi aa of Ireland, 1790 Campbell’ s Pleasures of Hope, and Gertrude of Wyoming, 2 vol. green morocco, 1810 Campbell’s Life of John pape of Argyle, red morocco, gilt leaves, - 1745 Campbell’ s Sequel to Bulkely 3 and Curing s Seen scarce, 1747. Morris’s Narrative of the Shipwreck of the Wager. Campaign de M. le Marechal Duc de Coigny en Alle- magne l’an 1743, 8 vol. old green morocco, gilt leaves, Amst. 1761 Campegius De Auctoritate et Potestate Romani Pontificis et alia Opuscula, very rare, Venet. Aldi, 1555. Cam- pegius de coelibatu Sacerdotum non abrogando, Venet. ad signum Spei, 1554, 2 vol. in 1, yellow morocco, gilt leaves, Aldine tooling. Campegius, De coelibatu Sacerdotum non abrogando, Venet. 1554 Campiani Epigrammata, scarce, title pieced, Lond. 1619 *,* Campian was an admired Musician and Poet of the Reign of James I. and is classed by Camden among the chiefest of our Poets. Campistron, GEuvres, 2 vol. gilt leaves, Amst, 1722 Camus (Evesque de Belley) L’ Hermite Pelerin, gili leaves, Douay, 1628 Camus (Evesque de Belley) Evenemens Singuliers, 2 vol. rich old French morocco, gilt leaves, - Lyon, 1628 Camus (Evesque de Belley) Les Evenemens Singuliers, calf, gilt leaves, - “ Rouen, 1643 Camus’s Tragical History of two Italian Families, 1677 1595 1596 1597 1598 1599 1600 1601 1602 1603 1604 1605 1606 1607 1608 1609 1610 161] [ 94 ] CANCIONEROS Y ROMANCEROS. Cancronero GENERAL : que contiene muchas obras de diversos Autores Antiguos, VERY RARE, morocco, gilt leaves, - - Anvers, Martin Nucio, 1557 CancroNerO GENERAL, de nuevo corregido, y impresso, OLIVE MoRocCO, with joints, gilt leaves, VERY RARE, Anvers, Philippo Nucio, 1573 Poesias Escogidas de nuestros Cancioneros y Roman- ceros Antiguos, 2 vol. green morocco, Mad. 1796 Cancionero del excellentissimo Poeta George de Monte mayor: de nuevo emendado y corregido, green morocco, gilt leaves, RARE, . - Salamanca, 1571 Cancionero de George de Montemayor, morocco, gilt leaves, - - - Madrid, 1588 Cantigas y Vilancetes, Manuscript of the latier part of the sixteenth century, written in a beautiful hand, containing Poems in the Portuguese and Spanish Languages, morocco, powdered with gold, joints, lined with leather, richly gilt, gilt stamped leaves. *,* A Manuscript Note of Mr. Hanrott’s in this Volume ascribes the composition of these Poems. to the unfortunate Don Sebastian. Romancero del muy Valeroso Caballero, El] Cid Ruy Diaz de Bivar, en lenguage antiguo. Recopilado por Juan de Escobar, morocco, gili leaves, Alcala, 1612 Romancero del Cid por Escobar, morocco, Segovia, 1629 Romancero del Cid, - Pamplona, 1706 Romancero del Cid, morocco, gilt leaves, Madrid, 1747 Romancero del Cid, reformada sobre las antiguas por. Reguaro, blue morocco, gilt leaves, - Mad. 1818 Romances Nuevamente Sacados de Historias antiguas de la Cronica ce Espana compuestos por Lorengo de Sepulveda, yellow morocco, gilt leaves, VERY RARE, Anvers, Juan Steelsio, 1551 Silva de Varios Romances, an early edition, wanting the title and part of the table of contents, morocco, gilt leaves. Silva de varios Romances, agora de nuevo recopilados, los mejores Romances de los tres libros de la Sylva, anadidos los de la Liga, morocco, Barcelona, 1602 Sylva de varios Romances, blue morocco, Barcelona, 1645 Floresta de varias Romances sacados de las Historias antiguas de los hechos famosos de los Doze Pares de Francia por Damian Lopez de Tortajada, olive morocco, gilt leaves, me > Mad. 1713 Romancero hystoriado, con mucha variedad de glossas, y Sonetos. Hechos y recopilado por Lucas Rodriguez, green morocco, gilt leaves, VERY RARE, Alcala, 1582 [ 95 ] 1612 Coro Febeo de Romances Historiales, compuesto por Joan de la Cueva, olive morocco, gilt leaves, VERY RARE, Sevilla, 1588 1613 Romancero y Monstro beviae dima por Alonso de Le- desma, morocco, gilt leaves, Lerida, 1616 1614 Primavera, y Flor de los mejores Faonaniced que han salido agora nuovamente en esta corte recogidos por Pedro Arias Perez, morocco, gilt leaves, Mad. 1626 1615 Romancero Espiritual, por Joseph de Valdivielso, ana- ‘dido y emendado, morocco, gilt leaves, Alcala, 1668 1616 Romances de Germania de varios autores con el vocabu- lario, por Hidalgo, green morocco, gilt leaves, Mad. 1779 1617 Colleccion de los mas celebres Romances Antiguos Es- panoles, Historicos y Caballerescos, por Depping, 2 vol. in 1, green morocco, richly tooled, gilt leaves, Lond. 1825 1618 Romancero de Romances Moriscos, que contiene el Ro- mancero General, por Duran, green morocco, gilt leaves, Mad. 1828 1619 Canova, Opere di Scultura e di Plastica, descritte da Albrizzi, plates, 4 vol. - - Pisa, 1821 1620 Canovai, Viaggi d’Amerigo Vespucci, calf, extra, gilt leaves, - - - Firenze, 1817 1621 Canones et Decreta Concilii Tridentini, Venet. Aldus, 1569. Orationes, Responsa, Litera, ac Mandata ex Actis Cone. Tridentini collecta, Venet. Aldus, 1567, 2 ~ vol. in 1, blue moracco, Aldine tooling, gilt leaves. 1622 Cantiques et Pots-Pourris, plates, morocco, 1789 1623 Canzoni e Poesie d'un incerto Autori, Manuscript of the early part of the fifteenth century, UPON VELLUM, in a good clear hand, the first leaf contains a medallion portrait in profile, with the initials A. S. at the bottom is a Shield of Arms, morocco, gilt leaves. 1624 Canzonette et Operette diverse, a curious collection of Ninety Italian Popular Ballads, Stories and Songs, of the seventeenth century, bound in 2 small volumes, yellow morocco, gilt leaves, VERY RARE. 1625. Capel’s (Lord) Contemplations, portrait, é 1683 1626 Capella, L’ a ae green morocco, Aldine tooling, gilt leaves, - Venetia, Aldus, 1533 1627 Capell’s Deeiogas . or select pieces of Antient Poetry, red morocco, gilt leaves, - ~ 1760 1628 Capicii de Principiis rerum libri duo, russia, gilt leaves, Aldus, 1546 [ 96 | Quarto. CANCIONEROS Y ROMANCEROS. 1629 Trrumpno pe Marta (Cancionero Espiritual) por Martin Martinez de Ampies compuesto, black satis red morocco, gilt leaves, EXTREMELY RARE, ~ Caragoca, Paulo Hurus, MCCCCLXXXXV. 1630 Cancionero de Lopez Maldonado, parts of the title and prologue wanting, green morocco, gilt leaves, ~ 1586 1631 Romancero General imperfect in various places, olive mo- rocco, with joints, richly tooled, gilt leaves, Madrid, 1604 1632 Segunda parta del Romancero General recopilados por Miguel de Madrigal, morocco, lined with leather, richly tooled, EXCESSIVELY RARE, - Valladolid, 1605 1633 Romancero GENERAL, en que se contienen todos los Romances que andan impresses. Aora nuevamente anadido, y emendado por Pedro Flores, morocco, with yoints, richly tooled, gilt leaves, - ~ Madrid, 1614 1634 Romances. y Historias varias. A curious Collection of the Popular Ballads and Histories of the common people of Spain, bound in 2 vol. niga gilt leaves. 1635 Cosmo the third Grand Duke of Tuscany, Travels in 25 England, plates, half morocco, ad 1821 1636 Cosrumas pe Bearn, in the Gascon Dialect, pRINTED ON VELLUM, VERY RARE, Pau, per Johan de Vingles, 1552 1637 Costumes of Switzerland, Persia, Russia, Holland, &c. Lithograph Plates, coloured, morocco, richly tooled, gilt leaves, - -« 1824 1638 Costume (Antient} of Enelapds by Hamilton Smith, extra, gilt leaves, - ~ a.) 1863 1639 Costume of China by Alexander, blue morocco;- . 1805 1640 Costumes of China, by Mason, 1800, The Punishments of China, 1801, red morocco, with joints, .-- ‘ 1801 1641 Costumes Suisses peints par Reinhard de Lucerne, Basle, 1819. Costumi di Napoli, inlaid, splendidly bound in green morocco, with joints, linec. with volley very fay) ! tooled, gilt leaves. 1642 Costume of the Swiss Peasantry, by Grahiehers pldured, red morocco, = 2 _ Basle, 1788 1643 Costume of Hindostan, by Solv yns, pa ahs red ‘morocco, gilt leaves, - ~* 1807 - 1644 Costumes du Pays et duche cP Sonhaanne black letter, calf, gilt leaves, “ Paris, Pierre Vidoue, 1521 16457 1646 1647 1648: 1649 1650 1651 1652 1653 1654 ‘¥655 1656 1657 1658 1659 [ 97 | Coustumes pes Pays, Comte, er BaiLuiAce pu GRAND PERCHE, PRINTED UPON VELLUM, ruled, the capital letters ‘richly illuminated, in the original rich old ornamented binding, - - - Paris, 1558 Covarrubias Orozco, Emblemas Morales, wood cuts, morocco, gilt leaves, - - Mad. 16i0 Coverdale’s Letters of the Saintes and Martyrs Cranmer, Ridley, Hoper, Bradford, &c. black letter, olive morocco with joints, Tope, gilt and ‘stamped, Williams's Copy; London, John Day, 1564 Coverte’s True and Almost Incredible Report of an Englishman that being cast away in Cambaya, Travelled by Land through many Unknowne Kingdomes and Great Cities, black letter, blue morocco, - 1612 Coxe’s Memoirs of Sir Robert Walpole, 3 vol. 1798. Coxe’s Memoirs of Lord Walpole, portraits, 1802, in all 4 vol. LARGE PAPER, uncut, red morocco. Coxe’s Memoirs of the Pelham Administration, 2 vol, LARGE PAPER, half morocco, gilt tops, - 1829 Coxe’s Original Correspondence of the Duke of Shrews- bury with King William and the Leaders of the Whig Party, LARGE PAPER, uncut, red morocco backs and corners, 1821 Coxe's Life of the Duke of Marlborough, 3 vol. LarcEe PAPER, portraits, maps and plans, arms of the Duke em- blazoned, fine copy in morocco, gilt leaves, 1818 Coxe’s Historical Tour in Monmouthshire, plates, LARGE PAPER, proof plates, hulf morocco, gilt top, 1801 Coxe’s Travels in Poland, Russia, Sweden, and Denmark, 3 vol. LARGE PAPER, ONLY FORTY COPIES PRINTED, 1803. Coxe’s Account of the Russian Discoveries between Asia and America, LARGE PAPER, 1804, in all 4 vol. mo- ' rocco backs and corners. Coxe’s History of the House of Austria, 3 vol. Lance PAPER, uncut, morocco backs and corners, - 1807 Coxe’s Memoirs of the Kings of Spain of the House of _ Bourbon, 3 vol. parce parer, Sir M. gh s Copy, in russia, gilt leaves, - 1813 Coxe's ‘Travels in Switzerland, 2 vol. numerous plates, red morocco, gilt leaves, - 1794 Coxere’s Adventures by Sea with his Dangers, Difficul- ties and Escapes for several yeares. Manuscript, dated 1717, green morocco, gilt leaves. ‘Craven's Tour through the- Southern Provinces of Naples, plates, half morocco, gilt top, - 1821 1660 Craufurd, Essai nix aia sur le Docteur Swift, gill leaves, - - “ Paris, 1808 O [ 98 ] 1661 Craufurd, Essais\ sur la Litterature Frangaise, 2 vol. Paris, 1803, one hundred copies printed for private dis- tribution. _Melanges d'Histoire, de Litterature, &c. 1809, together 3 vol. half morocco. 1662 Crawfurd’s Embassy to the Courts of Siam and Cochin China, plates, half morocco, gilt top, ~ 1828 1663 Crawfurd’s Embassy to Ava, plates, _ si 1822 1664 Creede’s Etchings of the Statues of the Earl of Pem- broke at Wilton, half morocco, - en ved | 1664*Creuxii Historie Canadensis sive Nove Francie, plates, calf, Paris, 1664 1665 Creighton’s Raine of Gour eaueaen and Represented, plates coloured, half morocco, - 1817 1666 Crespi’s Set of Etchings of the stone of Bertoldo and Bertoldino, proof impressions, morocco, gilt leaves. 1667 Crevenna, Catalogue des Livres de la Bibliotheque, &e. LARGE PAPER, 5 VOL, gilt leaves, with prices, Amst. 1789 1668 THE. ADMIRABLE CRICHTON. | A Vouume or Ex- TRAORDINARY CURIOSITY, Containing, . Aldo Manutio, Relatione della Qualita di Jacomo di eapitlecoas - - Vinec. Apo, 1581 *.* This Tract though professing to be printed by Aldus in 1581, was in reality printed a few years since by Tosi in imitation of the Aldine types. Thirty-seven copies only were printed. Messrs. Payne and Foss having purchased all the copies, in order to increase its rarity, destroyed all. but TWELVE COPIES, and the one di ae in the Editor's hands. 2. Jaconi Crrroni Scoti Epicedium Mlustrissimi Cardi- nalis Caroli Boromei rogatu Clarissimi Viri J. A. Magii Mediolanen. Proximo post obitum die exaratum, Of this Tract onLY Two OTHER Copiks are said to be known, one in the Royal Library at Paris, and the other in the Sapienzia College at Rome, = Mediol, 1584 . Jacosr Criront Scot: ad Sfortiam Briviuin de Musa- rum ac Poetarum > imprimis Iilustrium authoritate Judicium. This Tract is supposed to be unique. ‘Cricnton “HAS PREFIXED TO IT VERSES ‘* DE SEIPSO.’ 4. Jacosi Critoni Scoti Oratio pro Moderatorum Genb- ensis Reip. Electione coram Senatu habita, suprposED To BE UNIQUE, . - .--. Mediol. 1579 An Unrivaties Couixction or Tracts or-THe Ap- MIRABLE CRicHToN, Or relating to him... Splendidly * bound in olive morocco, tooled in compartments on the sides, and richly tooled ‘inside, co [ 99 J 1669 Critonii (Jacobi). Epicedium Cardinalis Caroli Boromei, ; Mediolani, 1584. Reprinted for private distribution by B. H. Bright, Esq. only 25 copies printed. 1670 Croce, L’Dsgazi d’ Bertuldin dalla Zena, in rima Bulug- nese, plates, - an Bolog. 1736 1671 Croix du Maine, et du Verdier, Bibliothehues Frangaises, LARGE PAPER, 6 vol. rich old French morocco, gilt leaves, Paris, 1772-73 1672 Croke’s (Sir Alex.) Rekealipical History of the Croke Family, originally named Le Blount, genealogical tables, | 2 vol. blue morocco, gilt leaves, Oxford, 1823 1673 Croker’s Researches in the South of Ireland, plates, half morocco, uncut, - - vases’ 1824 1674 Cromwell’s Memoirs of the Piotdctor Oliver Cromwell, and his Sons Richard and Henry, calf, marbled leaves, re | i 1820 1675 Cronica de Don Pedro Nino Conde de Buelna, | Cronica de Don Alvarez de Luna, &c. 2 vol. Mad. 1782-84 1676 Cronica de Sancto Isidero-Menore, con Alchune additione Cavate del Texto et Historia de la Bibia, black letter, morocco, gilt leaves, - m Z Friuli, 1480 1677 Cronicas de los Reyes de Castilla, 7 vol. LARGE PAPER, scarce, red morocco, backs and corners, uncut, | Madr. 1779, &ce. 1678 Croniques de Normandie, black letter, in russia, gilt leaves, Rouen, pour Regnault. 1679 Crowne’s Relation of all the remarkable Places and Pas- _ sages observed in the Travels of the Thomas Lord Howard Earl of Arundel, Ambassadour to the Emperour of Germany, red morocco, gilt leaves, —- 1637 1680 Cruden’s Concordance, Ki - = 1824 1681 Crucii V esuvius Ardens, old yellow morocco, gilt leaves, we Rome. 1632 1682 Cubero Peregrinacion que ha hecho de la mayor Parte ~ del Mundo, morocco, gilt leaves, - Mad. 1680 ire Cubero, a General del Mundo; morocco, gilt -e*, leaves, - - 1697 1684 Cullum’s History ae Haw sted and Hacdwiek, in Suffolk, plates, half russia, uncut, - - 1813 1685 Cullum’s History and Antiquities aF Hawsted and Hard- wick in Suffolk, plates, LARGE PAPER, 30 copies printed, “russia with joints, gilt leaves, - 1813 1686 Cumberland’s (Richard) Memoirs of his Life and Writ- ings, ILLUSTRATED WITH PORTRAITS AND PRINTS, MANY _ OF THEM PROOFS, half morocco, gilt top, - 1806 1687" Custbertand s (Richard) Memoirs of His Life and Writ- ings, LARGE PAPER, aalf morocco, — - - 1806 [ 100 ] 1688 Cupid turned Volunteer, a Series of Etchings by the . Princess Elizabeth, with Poetical Illustrations by Park, with double set of plates, - (= > 1804 1689 Curtes’s Arte of Navigation, Englished out of Spanishe | by Richard Eden, black letter, one leaf wanting, russia, gilt leaves, - London, Richard. Jugge, 1576 - 1690 Curtius de Prandii ac Ceenz modo, Rome, Manutius, 1562 1691 Custanzu, Sunetti Canzuni, &c. in rima Siciliana, gilé leaves, - - Fis Biol Cattania, 1741 . 1692 Cuvier, Recherches sur les Ossemens Fossiles, plates, 5 vol. in 6, LARGE PAPER, half morocco, uncut, gilt tops, | smth Paris, 1821 | 1693 Cynthii de Obitu Alfonsi Estensis Principis Epicedion, et alia Poemata, calf extra, gilt leaves, —— svi . Ferrarie, Fr. Roscii, 1537 *,* Presentation copy from the author to Alberto Lollio, with a Latin Epigram addressed to him in the Author’s hand on the title. — | 1694 Dale's History of Harwich, LARGE PAPER, russia, gilt leaves, ~ ~ - ~ - 1730 1695 Dallas’s Biographical Memoir of Sir Peter Parker, por- trait, half morocco, ~ - - 1815 1696 Dallaway’s History of West Sussex, vol. 1, and vol. 2, Part I. Tue Oricinat Epition, very RARE. Nearly all the copies of vol. 2, Part I. having been destroyed at Bensley’s fire, morocco, with joints, gilt leaves, 1815-19. Cartwright’s Continuation of Dallaway’s History of Sussex, in boards, - - - 1832 1697 Dallaway’s Anecdotes of the Arts in England, tarce pa- PER, half morocco, ~ 2 *. 1800 1698 Dallaway’s Constantinople, plates, — - 1797 1699 Dallaway’s Heraldic Miscellanies, half morocco. 1700 Dalrymple’s (Sir A.) Collection of Voyages in the Southern Pacific Ocean, half morocco, we oo 1775 1701 Dalrymple’s (Sir A.) Collection of Charts and Memoirs, half morocco, privately printed,,. = «4, A772 Folio. 1702 Cuaton’s Ercuines. A complete set of the Etchings of J. Chalon, mostly after his own designs, and some after Rembrandt, consisting of 714 pieces and Siaty-eight Original Drawings. The Etchings comprise various states of the plates, proors on InpIa PAPER, mounted on paper, and contained in 5 portfolios. 8383 = ; [ 101 J 1703 Charles V. Discours entier et au’ vray du Voyaige faict par le deffunt Empereur Charles cinquiesme A la con- queste du Roiaulme de.Thunes, a fine Manuscript of the Sixteenth Century, red morocco, gilt leaves. 1704 Chaterina de Siena Libro de la Divina Providentia, blue morocco, with joints, gilt leaves, very fine copy, EXTREMELY RARE, Without place or date, but printed by Azzoguidi at Bologna, circa MCCCCLXXI. 1704*Cuaucer’s Canrersury Tass, a large fragment of the first and very rare Edition PRinTED By CAxToN, russia, gilt leaves. 1705 Collection of Upwards of One Hunprep Curnese Parnt- ines finely executed, containing Views of the Principal Buildings, Manufactories, Costumes, &c. of Canton, from the celebrated Collection of Van Braam, bound. in yellow morocco, with silk. on the sides. 1706 Christie's Disquisition upon Etruscan Vases. Christie on the resemblance between the Ornaments used in China, and those of Greece, plates, privately printed, yel- low morocco with joints, gilt leaves, - 1806 1707 CuHrRoniIcLeE OF ENGLAND. Puveevs Temporvum. The Cronicles of England with the Frute of Timis, fourteen leaves wanting in various places, morocco, gilt leaves, Saint Albans, MCCCCLXXXIIL. 1708 Cronycis or Encionpe with ye fruyte of tymes, com- pyled in a booke by one some tyme scole mayster of Saynt Albans. The descrypcion of Englonde, black letter, blue morocco, with joints, gilt leaves, Wynkyn de Worde, MCCCCCII. i oF Cronycle of Englande with the fruyte of tymes, black ‘ letter, red morocco, lined with the same, and most beauti- fully tooled and gilt, wants the table, . Wynkyn de Worde, MCCCCCXX. me, * This Copy has not the hevach of ni ge ~ EARLY CHRONICLES OF SPAIN AND OTHER COUNTRIES IN THE SPANISH LANGUAGE. 1710 ‘La Cronica de Espafia abreviada por mandado de Dofa - ~~ Isabel Reyna de Castilla, por Diego de Valera, black . _ letter, ‘green morocco, gilt leaves, a few. leaves repaired, _ Sevilla, Cromberger, 1538 Pate Chroniques de. Espanya, per Pere Miguel Carbonell, in the Catalan language, black letters wood cuts, morocco, _gilt leaves, - Barcelona, 1547 [ 102 ] 1712 Cronica del Re Don Rodrigo, con la Destruycion de Espana, y como los Moros la ganaron, moroceco, gilt leaves, = - “ Alcala, 1587 1713 Chronica del famoso Cavallero Cid Ruy Diaz Campeador, morocco, gilt leaves, > - Burgos, 1593. 1714 Chronicas de los reyes Don Fernando tercero, Alonzo el Sabio, Sancho el bravo, Fernando el quarto, Alonzo el onzeno, black letter, blue morocco, gilt leaves, | Valladolid, 1555-54-51 *,* This Volume belonged to Hernando de Corral, a Monk of the Monastery of St. Hieronymo de Juste, to which the Emperor Charles V. retired, and on the last leaf he has written some memoranda, respect- ing the Emperor's entering the Monastery, and his Death. d 1715 Chronica del Emperador de Espana Don Alonso VII. por Sandoval, blue morocco, gilt leaves, Ms. Notes by Vincente Lastanosa, - - - Mad. 1600 1716 Coronica de los Reyes Don Sancho el Deseado, Alonso el octavo y Enrique el Primero por Nunez de Castro, blue morocco, gilt leaves, - - Mad. 1665 1717 Coronica del Rey Don Pedro, morocco, gilt leaves, . | Pamplona, 159) 1718 Cronica del Rey Don Juan Segundo, morocco, gilt leaves, | 3 Pamplona, 1590 1719 Cronica del Rey Don Juan Segundo, morocco, gilt leaves, Pamplona, 1591. 1720 Chronica de los Reyes Don Hernando y Dona Ysabel, por Hernando de Pulgar, black letter, wood cuts, morocco, gilt leaves, ) wi ~ Caragoca, 1567 1721 Cronica D'Aragon, por Juan de Molina, black letter, fine : copy, morocco, gilt leaves, Valencia, Juan Jofre, 1524 1722 Chronica de los Principes de Asturias y Cantabria, por Francisco Sota, blue morocco, gilt leaves, Mad. 1681 1723 Coronica Universal del Principat de Cathalunya, per Hie- ronym Pajades, in the Catalan Dialect, morocco, gilt leaves, - - Barcelona, 1609 1724 Cronica de las tres Ordenes y Cavallerias de Sanctiago. Calatrava, y Alcantara, por Francisco de Rades, mo- rocco, gilt leaves, = ” - Toledo, 1572 1725 Cronica de el Gran Cardenal de Espana, Don Pedro Gongalez de Mendoca, por Pedro de Salazar, red mo- rocco, gilt leaves, - Toledo, 1625 1726 Chronicas dos Principes D. Affonso Henriques Primiero Reyde Portugal, por Galvad. de D. Sancho I. e de D. Affonso II. por Ruy de Pina, moroceo, gilt leaves, - Lisb. 1727 [ 103 ] 1727 Chronico do Rei D. Manoel por Damiao de Goes, mo- rocco, gilt leaves, - - Lisboa, 1749 1728 Coronica del Esforcado Principe y Capitan Jorge Cas- | trioto, Rey de Epiro, trad. de Portuguesa, por Juan Ochoa de la Salde, Venetian morocco, gilt leaves, Mad. 1597 1729 Chronica vander Hilliger Stat Coellen, black letter, wood cuts coloured, morocco, with joints, gilt leaves, richly tooled with blind tooling, Coellen, John Coelhoff, MCCCCXCIX, *,* This Chronicle is extremely curious and inter- “esting, from the Account which it gives of the origin of Printing. NINTH DAY’S SALE. Octavo et Infra. 1730 Capacoda, Amours de Charles de Gonzague Duc de Mantoue, - - - Elsevir, 1666 1731 Caporali, Rime Piacevoli, Ferrara, 1590. Barbo, Rime, Vicenz. 1614. Barbo, l’Oracolo, ib. 1616. Martini, Le Muse contentiose, ib. 1614, 1 vol. 1732 Caevets De L’Acoucnér. Recueil General des Ca- quets de la Acouchée mis par ordre en huicts journées, Paris, 1623; with a most extensive Collection of 42 miscellaneous Caquets and Facetiz not contained in the Recueil General, inlaid in 3 vol. rich old French morocco, gilt leaves, EXCESSIVELY RARE. 1733 Caquets de l’Accouchée en huict apres dinées, Troyes, “no date. L'Anti-Caquet de chim mca 1622, red “morocco, gilt leaves. 1734 Caquets de l’Accouchée, 1624. Le Jargon, ou el de PArgot reformé, Lyon, 1634, morocco, gilt leaves. 1735 Caradoc’s History of Wales, by Powelland Wynne, 1774 1736 Carcel de Amor, Espaignol et Francois, Lyon, 1583 1737 Carcer d’Amore trad. da Delio de: Manfredi, wood cuts. - Venet. 1533. Historie di Isabello et Aurelio, Vinegia, 1553. Poetica d’Horatio trad. per Dolce, Vineg. 1535, See Vol. ink 1. 1738 Cardani de Propria vita, liber VI. Paris, 1643. Labbei. Galeni Eulogium, Paris, 1660, 2 vol. in 1; morocco, gilt leaves, [ 104 J Cardani Proxeneta, seu de Prudentia civili, old red mo- rocco, gilt leaves, ~ - Elzevir, 1627 Cardani Arcana Politica, old red morocco, gilt leaves, Elzevir, 1635 Cardanus, Livres de la Subtilité, trad. par le Blanc, old French green morocco, - - Rouen, 1642 Cardinalismo i Nipotismo di Santa Chiesa, 4 vol. Elzevir, 1667-8 3 Cardoini, La Santa Comedia, morocco, Aldine tooling, gilt leaves, - r - Aldus, 1566 Cardonnel's Picturesque Antiquities of Scotland, with Prints, and proofs on India paper, 2 vol. green morocco, gilt leaves, - - - 1788-93 Caresme-Prenant, Procez et Examinations sur la Vie de, morocco, gilt leaves, - Paris. Carionis Chronicon a Melanthone, 3 vol. calf, Autograph of Thomas Knyvett, - 1564 Cardonne, Histoire de I’ Afiqnie et de VBbpainite sous la domination des Arabes, 3 vol. green morocco, Paris, 1765 Carew’s Poetical Works, half morocco, Edinb. 1824 Carey’s Vindiciz Hibernice, or Ireland Vindicated, mo- rocco, gilt leaves - - Philadelphia, 1819 Carletti, Viaggi nell’ Indie Occident. et Orientali, calf, gilt leaves, - - Firenze, 1715 1751 Carli, Istoria della Citta di Verona, LARGE PAPER, 7 vol. 1752 1753 1754 1755 1756 red morocco, gilt leaves, - - Verona, 1796 Carlisle (Comte de)) Ambassades vers le Grand Duc de Moscovie, le Roy de Suede, et le Roy de Dannemarc, Amst. 1670 Carlisle’s Description of the Hinde Grammar Schools in England and Wales LARGE PAPER, 2 vol. half morocco, gilt tops, - 1818 Carlisle’ S (Fred. Earl of ) Precise and Poems, 1801 Carmina quinque illustrium Poetarum, red morocco, gilt leaves. Sir John Thorold’s Copy. Florent. Torrentinum, 1552 Cina (AnnipaL) J. Marraccini, Sonetti dieci, prinTED UPON VELLUM, only 2 copies printed, Parma, 1558, Reprint. 1757 Caro (Annibal) Opere, 8 vol. marbled leaves, Milano, 1807 1758 Caroli Magni Opus contra Synodum, quee in partibus Grecie, pro adorandis imaginibus stolide sive arroganter gesta est, scarce, gilt leaves, aes | anno 1549 1759 Caroli V. Electio et coronatio Caroli V. per Georg. Sabi- num conscripta accessit gestorum ejusdem Caroli V. ab initio Imperii usq; huc relatio par N. Mameranum Colon. 1550. Comimentarium seu Diarium Expeditionis Tunicee a Carolo V. Imperatore suscepte, Lovan. sock 2 vol. in 1, olive sik gilt leaves. [ 105 ] i760 Caroli I. Icon Basilike, frontispiece by Hollar, red morocco, Sir John Thorold’s Copy, ~ Hag. Com. 1649 1761 Carolo I. Defensio. Regia pro Carolo I. Evelyn’s Copy, with his Autograph, morocco, by C. Lewis, gilt leaves, 1649 1762 ContEction DE Canon, an Exact Reprint of various very rare Pieces of French Poetry, Facetiz, Morlini Novelle, &e. &c. 3 vol. only 100 privately printed at the expense of Mr. Caron, fine set; in red morocco, gilt leaves, Par. 1798 1763 Caron and Schorten’s Description of Japan and Siam, by Manley, map, morocco, - - ~- 1671 1764 Caron and Schorten's Description of Japan and Siam, trans. by Manley, map, russia, - 1671 1765 Carteromaco, Il Ricciardetto, 3 vol. old red morocco, gilt leaves, Lond. 1767 1766 Carter's History of the University of Cambridge, russia, _ gilt leaves, Ms. Note by Mr. Bindley, ~ 1753 1767 Carter's History of the County of ames, LARGE PA- PER, half morocco, gilt top, oe 1819 1768 Carter’s Views of Ancient Baildings in England, 6 vol. in 3, green morocco, gilt leaves, - 1786 1769 Cartes (Rene Des) Les Passions delAme, Amst. 1651 1770 Cartwright’s Comedies, ‘Tragi-Comedies, with other Poems, portrait, green morocco, gilt leaves, 1651 1771 Cartwright’s Godlie forme of Household Government, morocco, gilt leaves, - 1600 1772 Carvacho, Honesto y Aariendinlii entretenimiento de Da- mas y Galanes, trad. por Truchado, 2 vol. Granada, 1582 1773 Carve (Thome) Itinerarium in fortissima juxta et No- _ bilissima Legione D. Walteri: Devereux cum Historia facti Butleri, Gordon, Lesly, et aliorum, olive morocco, Moguntiea, 1539 74 Carve. (Thome). Itinerarium, Pars I Editio tertia, Mo- _gunt. 1640. Pars 2, Mogunt. 1642, 2 vol. FINE PAPER, red morocco, gilt leaves, Williams's Copy. 1775 Carve (Tuoma) Itinerarium, Pars I. Meader 1639. _ Pars Il. Mogunt. 1642. Itinerarium Thome -Carve _ pars UI. Spire, 1646, 3 vol. in 1, morocco, with joints, lined with morocco, leaves gilt and stamped, EXCESSIVELY coe SRARE, 1776 Carve (Thome) Itinerarium, Part I. Germanicé. Studio ... Wolfgangi Sigismundi a Vorburg, morocco, with joints, lined with leather, leaves gilt azd stamped, Mayntz. 1640 ~*,* This-German version of Carve’s Itinerary is an ate »jmportant article in the’ series of his works. It » . contains a different Dedication—a Preface contain- ing’ some account of the work, and nine additional chapters, which are net contained in any of the 3 parts of the Latin original. Pp 1777 1778 1779 1780 [ 106 J Carve (Thome) Rerum Germanicarum ab anno 1617, — ad annum 1641, Gestarum Epitome, red morocco, leather insides, richly gilt, gilt leaves, EXCESSIVELY RARE, 1641 Carver’s Travels in North America, LARGE PAPER, por- trait and plates, hog-skin, gilt leaves, «oe U7GL Casa (Giovanni della) Opere, 4 vol. _ -Milano, 1806 Cassan’s Lives of the Bishops of Winchester, 2 vol, half morocco, uncut,. - -— jiPake 1297 Casas, Histoire des Indes Occidentales, gilt leaves, / Lyon, 1642 Casas, La decouverte des Indes Occidentales par les Es- pagnols, gilt leaves, - Kime Paris, 1697 Casas, Voyages des Espagnols dans les Indes Occiden- tales, calf, gilt leaves, - - Amst. 1698 Casas (Bart. de las) Relacion de la Destruccion de las Indias Occidentales, half morocco, - Lond. 1812 Case’s Evangelical Guide: shewing Men and Women their Lott or Chance, portrait, russia, gilt leaves, bound by Roger Payne, with his curious bill for the binding in- serted, - - = 1697 Case (J. de la) La Galatee en Italien, Francois, Lat. et . Espagnol, green morocco, gilt leaves, _. Lyon, 1598 1787 Casimere’s Odes trans. by Hils, frontispiece, gilt leaves, 1788 1646 Castaneda, I’Histoire des Indes de Portugal trad, par de Grouchy, russia, ~ . Anvers, 1554 Castellan, Lettres sur la Moree, Grece, 1’ Hellespont, et Constantinople, 2 vol. plates, calf, gilt leaves, Paris, 1808-11 Castellette, Opere - - Vineg. 1597 Casti, Novelle Galanti, 4 vol. in 2, calf, marbled leaves, Amst. 1804 Casti, Novelle, 3 vol. parce paper, half morocco, gilt tops, Parigi, 1804 Casti, Novelle Galanti, fine paper, red morocco, gilt leaves, _ Lond, 1793 Casti, Gli Animali Parlanti, 3 vol. LARGE PAPER, se Parigi.: 1802 Castiglione, Il Cortegiano, 2 vol. calf, gilt leaves, té i “ae Milano, 1803 Castillejo, Obras, morocco, gilt leaves, _ Anvers, 1598 Castillo, Viage de Tierra Santa, gilt leaves, | Mad. 1769 Castillonois, Le Parfait Courtisan, trad. par Chappuis, old inlaid moruceo, - =... Lyon, 1580 Caste, Novelle Galanti, 2 vol. in 1, marbled leaves, j —_ . _ Amst..1804 Castlehaven’s (Earl of) Review, or his Memoirs of his Engagement and Carriage in the Irish Wars, green morocco, gilt leaves, - - Dublin, 1815 [ f07. ] 1801 Castlehaven’s (Lord). Memoirs of his Engagement and Carriage in the Wars of Ireland, with the suppressed , dedication, morocco, gilt leaves, - 1681 1802 Castlehaven. Letter to the Earl of Castlehaven upon pa: his Lordship’s Memoirs, by Lord Anglesey, 1681 1803. Castro, Metamorfosis a lo Moderno en Varios Epigram- “mas, green morocco, gilt ieaves, = Florencia, 1641 1804 Catalogo de la Libreria de Don Manuel ‘Pantoja, Mat. 1737 1805 Catalogue des Cartes Geographiques, Topographiques et Marines de la Bibliotheque du Prince Alexandre Laba- noff de Rostoff, LaRGE PAPER, 30 copies printed, with au- oe tograph letters of the Prince inserted, — Paris, 1823 1806 Catalogus Bibliothecze Gustavi Schroedteri, Lond. 1726. George Aug. de Matignon Bibliothece Catalogus, Lond. _ 1726. Catalogue of De La Chapelle’s Library, meee i$ 1726 1807 Catalogues. Old Tracts and Plays, 1810. ogeaph Letters, 1824. Gen. Dowdeswell’s Library, 1828. Jadis’s Library, and his Privately Printed Catalogue, 1828, all with prices and names, 1 vol. 1808 Catalogue des Livres, Tableaux, Antiquités, &c. de Ran- don de Boisset, 2 vol. old red morocco, gilt leaves, ' Paris, 1777 1809 Catalogue of the Library of Miss Currer, half morocco, privately printed, - - : 1820 1810 Catalogue Raisonné des Variorum, in 8vo. manuscript, neatly written, 3 vol. gilt leaves. 1811 Catalogues of the Libraries of Prest, Watson Taylor, Garrick, Brockett, Conde, Celotti, Rendorp, Nicol, &c. | @ volo : ~ 1819-95 “1812 Catechisme du Livre de 1 Esprit, - - 1758 1813 S. Catherine d’Ornay de Gennes, Vie et Giuvres Spiri- tuelles, 2 vol. old yellow morocco, gilt leaves, Paris, 1627 1814 Catonis Disticha, Gr. et Lat. et Historia Critica Cato- a niana, Williams's COPY > in olive morocco, with joints and ; gilt leaves, - - Amst. 759 17815 Cattani, I tre libro d’ atone - ‘Vinegia, 1561 1816 Catrou, Histoire de l’Empire du Mogol, marbled ‘leaves, : Haye, 1708 1817 Catton’s Scotch and Irish Peerages, tHe OrtcInAL . DrawinGs OF THE Arms, morocco with Joints, richly tooled, gilt leaves, ) - - - 1779 1818 Catullus, Tibullus, Propertius green morocco, gilt leaves, jirst Aldine edition, - Aldus, 1502 1819 Catullus, ‘Tibullus, Propertius, blue morocco, gilt leaves. _The Lyons Forgery. Renouard’s et 0 Aldus, 1502 [ 108 ] llus, Tibullus, Propertius, green morocco, gilt leaves; 1820 Catullu é pe gr fe aS 1821 Catullus, Tibullus, Propertius, yellow moroced, gilt leaves, Antverp..Plantin, 1560 1822 Catullus, Tibullus, Propertius, morocco, gilt leaves, _. Paris, Colineus, 1643 1823 Catullus, Tibullus et Propertius, red morocco, gilt leaves, ) Baskerv. 1772 1824 CaruLuus, TiIBULLUS ET PROPERTIUS, PRINTED UPON VEL- Lum, 3 vol. choice old French blue. morocco; gilt leaves, from the Mac Carthy Library, Paris, apud Coustelier, 1745 1825 Catullus, with Preface and Notes by Lambe, 2 vol. in 1, red morocco, gilt leaves, - - 1821 1826 Cavalcanti Trattati sopra gli ottimi regeimenti delle Re- publiche, calf extra, - Milano, 1805 1827 Cavalli. Libro della natura delli Cavalli, wood cuts, calf _ gilt leaves, Vinegia, Bindoni, 1544 1828 Cavendish’s Life of Cardinal Wolsey, edited by Bingen, 2 vol, LARGE PAPER, plates, morocco, gilt tops, ._ ' . Chiswick, 1825. 1829 Cavieeo, Libro del Peregrino, wood cuts, Venetia, 1524 1830 Caviceo, Dialogue tres elegante intitulé Le Peregrin, trad. par Daisy, yellow morocco, with joints, gilt leaves, Paris, 1540 1831 Cavriani, Amori Ovidiani, 3 vol. gilt leaves, Sulmona, 1794 1832 Caulfield’s Calcographiana, interleaved, russia, 1814 1833 Causes Célebres et Interessantes recueillis par Gayot de Pitaval, 26 vol. red moroeco, gilt leaves, ,fine set, Amst. 1765 1834 Causes Célebres, Abrégés par Besdel, 3 vol. red morocco, lined with silk, sh leaves, Napoleon's copy with the Impe- rial arms, - _ Pont-a-Mousson, 1806 1835 Cayet, Histoire oF la Paix sous la Regne de Henri III., morocco, gilt leaves, - - Paris, 1607 1836 Caylus (Comte de) Feeries Nouvelles, 2 vol. Soirees du Bois de Boulogne, 2 vol. Contes Orientaux, 2 vol. Recueil de ces Messieurs. Les Manteaux, in all 8 vol. old - red morocco, gilt leaves, we Paris, 1741-46 1837 Caylus (Comte de) Les Manteaux, old French red morocco, _ gilt leaves, = - . Haye, 1746 1838 Caylus (Madame de) Les Souvenirs, LARGE PAPER, ~ Paris, 1804 1839 Cazotte, Ollivier, Poeme, vpLLUM PAPER, proof impressions of the plates, russia, - - ‘Paris, 1798 Quarto. 1840 Dalrymple’ s Memoirs of Great Britain and Ireland, 3 vol. in 2, fine copy in russia, - - 177%, [ 109 ] 1841 Dalzel’s History of si gait ei LARGE PAPER, miar- bled leaves, 1793 1842 Dalzell’s Fragments of Scottish Fifstary, half morocco, gilt tops, = - - Edinb. 1798 1843 Damhouderii Praxis rerum Criminalium, wood cuts, green morocco, gilt leaves, ~ Antverp, 1570 1844 Damiano, Libro e da Imparare Giocare a Scachi et de le Partite, ‘Olive morocco, lined with leather, richly gilt, VERY. RARE, Rome, per Stephani, Guillireti et Herculem Nani, 1512 1845 Damiani de Expeditione in Turcas Elegeia, cum aliis de. Rebus or cicis et Muscoviticis, morocco, gilt leaves, Basilee, apud Frobenium, 1515 1846 Daniel’ s Whole Workes in Poetrie portrait, morocco, gilt _ leaves, - . 1623 1847 Daniell’s Plandresiiive Voyage to India, by the way of ; China, plates coloured in imitation of the original drawings, 1810 1848 Daniell’s Selections from Animated Nature, with Illus. trative Scenery, 2 vol. plates, green morocco, broad border of gold, richly tooled. 1849 Daniel, Histoire de France, !7 vol. LARGE PAPER, rich old French blue morocco, with broad border of gold and arms, - - - Paris, 1755 1850 Dan, Histoire de Barbarie et des Corsaires, morocco, gilt leaves, - Paris, 1637 1850*Danorum Res Gestis Bacal Il. et IV. Poema Dani- cum Dialecto Anglo-Saxonica, edidit G. J. Thorkelin, Havnie, 1815 1851 Dante con la Novo Espositione di Vellutello, morocco, gilt leaves, - - - Vinegia, 1544 1852 Darcis’s ANNALES OF QUEEN EtizaBeTH, with the por- trait of Elizabeth, and engraved title, and the RARE PoR- TRAIT OF Darcie on the last leaf, also a duplicate of the leaf without the portrait, and the modern copy of the por- trait, green morocco, with Pee richly tooled, Grolier pattern, gilt leaves, - - 1625 1853 Dares Phrigius de Excidio Troe, cum figuris, old red mo-. rocco, fine copy, scarce, = Paris. 1527 1854 Darwin's Zoonomia, 2 vol. * = 1796 1855 Darwin’s Phytologia, plates, - ~ 1800 1856 David, Antiquites. Etrusques, Grecques, et Romaines, » 5 vol. Antiquites d’Herculanum, 7 vol. plates, together 12 vol. calf, gilt leaves, - - Paris, 1785-81 1857 Davis’s (Sir John). Discoverie of the True Causes why Ireland was never Entirely Subdued till King James's _ Reign, russia, gilt leaves, | hae - - 1612 [ 110 ] 1858 Davy’s Account of Ceylon, plates, half morocco, gilt top, : 1821 1859 Daulby’ s Catalogue of Rembrandt’s Works, LARGE PAPER, portrait, fine copy in morocco, gilt leaves, __ Liverp. 1796 1860 Daulier des Landes, les Beautez de la Perse, with etchings, morocco, gilt leaves, - - Paris, 1673 1861 Daye’s Works, plates, half morocco, o¢ «¢ 1805 1862 De Bry, Pannonie Historia Chronologica, portraits, Francf. 1596. Boissardi Vite et Icones Sultanorum Turcicorum, plates by De Bry, Francf. 1596. Hulsii Chronologia, 1596, 3 vol. in 1, morocco, gilt leaves, Autograph of Sir Robert Cotton, 1596. 1863 De Bry, Alphabeta et Characteres apud omnes omnino Nationes Usurpati, - - _Francf. 1596 1864 De Bure, Bibliographie Instructive, 10 vol. LARGE PAPER of the Svo. Edition, morocco, gilt leaves, Williams's Copy, 1763 1865 De Burco, Hisernta Dominicana, with the Se ealities and cancelled leaves, RARE, russia, Cologne, (Kilkenny), 1762-72 1866 Dee’s (Dr. John) Letter containing a Discourse Apolo- getical for his Rnvloso mney Studies, morocco, gilt leaves, RARE, - London, Peter Short, 1599 1867 Deering’s Historical Account of N ottingham, plates, calf, gilt leaves, - Notting. 1751 1868 Dekker’s Beta of Londen bringing to Light the most notorious Villanies that are now Practised, First EDITION, frontispiece, VERY RARE, Nassau’s Copy, in russia, with embossed sides, Printed for N. Butter, 1608 *,* Nott in his Preface to the Gull’s Horn Book, says, Dodsley mentions an Edition so early as 1608, but he has never met with it, and questions its existence. 1869 Dekker’s Satiro-mastix, or the ee of the Mune rous Poet, morocco, - 1602 1870 De Lille’s Gardens, a Poem, ‘idlatated by Mrs. Montolieu, plates, red morocco, presentation copy to R. B. Sheridan, ; 1798 1871 Della Bella, Recueil de Divers Griffonemens, Tetes, Animaux et autres Sujets, inventés et gravés per Della Bella, green morocco, gilt leaves, —_ - -. . Paris. 8 1*Deloney’ s Thomas of Reading, half morocco, 1632, reprint. 872 Del-Rio, es Magicaany Libri Sex, calf, oe gilt leaves, .. Colon. 1633 1873 Del Rio's Description of the erie of an Ancient City in America, plates, half MOTOCCO, ss peels BF 1822 | [ll ] 1874 Demosthenes, translated by Leland, russia, 1731 1875 Dempster: Scororum Scriprorum NoMENCLATURA, Bononia, 1622. Dempsteri Apparatus ad Historiam Scoticam, Lib. II. ib. 1622. Dempsteri Menologium Scotorum, ib. 1622, 3 vol. in 1, UPON LARGE THICK PAPER, presentation copies to Manfred de Comitibus, Comes et Pairitius Patavinus, to whom the first is dedicated, with his Arms on the cover, gilt leaves, EXTREMELY RARE, . Bonon. 1622 1876 Denina, Rivoluzioni d'Italia, LARGE PAPER, 3 vol. calf, gilt leaves, - - = ~~ Torino, 1769 1877 Denne’s Ooservations on Paper-marks, illustrated with numerous drawings of Paper-marks by Craven Ord, half ~ morocco, gilt leaves, - - 1795 1878 Denon, Voyages dans la Basse et Ja vets Egypte, plates, , 2 vol. yellow morocco, gilt leaves, and Ailas, Lond. 1809 1879 Desclot, Historia de Cataluna, trad. por Cervera, gilt leaves, - - Barcelona, 1616 1880 Destruction de Hierusalem Faicte par Vespasien, Empe- reur de Rome, et Titus son Filz, black letter, old French blue morocco, gilt leaves, Paris, Nicolas Bonfons,.s. d. 1881 De Trier, Le Verger des Colloques Recreatifs, en Fran- oys et Italien, olive morocco, gilt leaves, Amst. 1623 1882 Deville, Histoire du Chateau-Gaillard, plates, LARGE PAPER, half morocco, gilt top, - Rouen, 1829 1883 Deuchar’s Etchings after the most Eminent Masters of the Dutch and Flemish Schools, russia, gilt leaves, Edin. 1803 1884 Dialogues of Creatures Moralized, wood cuts, half mo- rocco, - - 1816 1885 Dialogues of Ceeatones Mixalized, edited by Haslewood, cuts, Venetian morocco, gilt leaves, = 1816 1886 Diana, De Primatu solius D. Petri ac differentia inter ipsum et D. Paulum Disceptationes, - Rome, 1647 1887 Diaz’ s History of the Conquest of Mexico, by Keatinge, 1800 1888 Dispin’s Typocrapnicat ANTIQUITIES, 4 vol. red morocco, gilt leaves. The Authors own Copy, with additions by Himself and various Correspondents, Drawiugs of Printer’s Devices, not engraved, and numerous Autograph Letters of ~ eminent Literary Characters, - - 1810-19 1889 Dibdin'’s Typographical Antiquities of Great Britain, 4 vol. LARGE PAPER, only 75 Copies printed, plates, proof impres- ~ sions, 3 vol. bound in russia, gilt leaves, vol. 4 half bound, uncut, . - - 1810 *2* The two first volumes contain Duplicate Proofs St the principal Portraits and Plates before the Writing, being all that were so taken. [ 112 J 1890 Disv.n’s BistiotuEca SpENCERIANA, 4 vol., Alpes At- THORPIANE%, SUPPLEMENT TO THE BIBLIOTHECA SPEN- ceriANna, and Cassano Caraocus, in all 7 vol. LARGE PAPER, plates, olive morocco, - 1814-23 *,.* Inthis Copy several additional Plates are inserted ; also the printed Letter of Invitation to Dinner on the Work being finished, with Answers, the order of the Revels, and other privately printed Jeux d'Es- prits on the occasion. 1891 Dibdin’s Specimen Bibliothece Britannice, LARGE PAPER of the Svo, eight Copies printed, - - 1808 1892 Dibdin’s Lincolne Nosegay, 8vo. inlaid in 4to. half mo- rocco. . 1893 Dibdin’s Tour through England, plates, 2 vol. 1504 1894 Dickenson’s Travels of Cyllenius, a Poem, vol 1, all pub- lished, half morocco, Privately Printed, - 1796 1895 Dickenson’s History of Southwell, plates, half morocco, gilt top, - - - Newark, 1831 Folio. 1896 Les Granps Curoniques De France (Dirres Les CHro+ NIQUES DE Saint Denys) 3 vol. PRINTED UPON VEL- LUM, ORNAMENTED WITH SPLENDID MINIATURE PAInt- INGS, Ted morocco, gilt leaves, Paris, Verarp, MCCCCLXXXIII. *,* Tuts BEAUTIFUL Book Is OF THE GREATEST RA- RITY, SPLENDOUR, AND MAGNIFICENCE. ‘The equal beauty of the vellum, extending through three thick folio Volumes, the amplitude of the margins, the richness and splendour of the Illuminations, amounting to about Nine Hundred and Fifty-three Miniatures, of which thirteen are nearly the size of the page, render it one of the most magnificent Historical Works produced in the XVth Century. Only. three other sets upon vellum are known (see Van Praet) of which two are in the Royal, Library at Paris, and the other was purchased by Mr. Johnes at the Paris Sale in 1791 for 1514. 4s. and is now in the possession of his Grace the Duke of New- castle. This Copy wants in the first volume ten leaves in the different signatures, and the title of the third volume has only an ornamented capital. The second and third volumes formerly belonged _ to Harley, Earl of Oxford, who was never able to procure the first volume, which was purchased at the sale of Viscount Morel-Vindé. r 113 J 1897 Les Granps CronigueS De France (Dires LES Cro- NIQUES DE Saint Denys) depuis les Troiens jusqu’a la mort de Charles VII. 3 vol. First epirion, rich old French morocco, gilt leaves, PARIS, EN LOSTEL DE PASQUIER BON Home, MCCCCLXXVI. *,.* Tue First Epirion or tue Curonicues oF Sr. Denys, AND THE FIRST Book PRINTED AT Parts with a Date. This copy appears to have been made up from two,* but is in very fine ‘state, the leaves perfectly sound and crackling. It has successively enriched the Collections of the Duke De La Val- liere and Mac Carthy. 1898 CRonIQuEes DE FRANCE (Dites de Saint Denys) 3 vol. wood cuts, splendidly bound in red morocco, gilt leaves, VERY RARE, -. Paris, Anthoine Verard, MCCCCXCIII. *.* A grand specimen of Verard’s Press. 1899 Chroniques et Annales de Haynnau, Paris, 1532 1900 Chronologie et Sommaire des Souverains, et des hommes illustres, a series of Portraits, with Letter-press printed within wood-cut borders, old morocco, Paris, 1622 1901 Chytrzi Chronicon Saxoniz, Lips. 1593. Broniovii Tar- tarie Descriptio, Colon. 1595, 1 vol. Thuanus’s copy, Arms on the sides. 1902 Cicero de Officiis, A rinE Manuscrirr UPON VELLUM OF THE XVru Cenrury, written in the Roman character by an Italian Scribe. ‘Phe first leaf illuminated with the Arms of a Cardinal, Venetian morocco, gilt leaves. From Mr. Drury’s Collection. 1903 Cicero de Officiis et Paradoxa, FIRST EDITION, UPON VELLUM, fine copy, splendidly bound in blue morocco, mo- rocco lining, richly tooled by Lewis. Mr. Drury’s Copy. Mocunt. Fust et Scnoyrrer, MCCCCLXV. *.* This Edition derives an additional interest from being” THE FIRST CLASSICAL WORK EVER PRINTED. 1904 Cicrronis Orricia et Paradoxa. Versus duodecim Sa- - pientum, et Horatii Ode “ Diffugere Nives,” &c. Seconp EDITION, PRINTED UPON VELLUM, a@ rare and beautiful specimen of early Printing, blue morocco, with joints, lined with vellum, richly tooled, gilt leaves, oe Mocont. Fust ev Scuoyrrer, MCCCCLXVI. 1905 Ciceronis Epistoi# ap FaMIniarEs, A SPLENDID Manu- SCRIPT UPON VELLUM, written in Roman characters, with _ the name of the Scribe at the end, Capitals beautifully illu- te _minated, blue morocco, with joints, gilt leaves, | ‘Schipra ET FINITE PER JOHANNEM DE COLONIA, A.D. MCCCCXLIIII. pridie Maii. Q r114°J 1906 Cicero de Oratore ad Quintum Fratrem, FINE Manvu- SCRIPT UPON VELLUM, with illuminated capitals. The Name of the Scribe is at the end. Blue morocco, with joints, lined with vellum, by C. Lewis. From Mr. Drury’s Collection. | Jacos scripsir Frorentiz, MCCCCXLI. 1907 Cicognara, Storia della Scultura. (The plates only). ' The Duchess of Berry's Copy, in Etruscan binding, with joints, the sides splendidly stamped and inlaid with various pat- terns, by Simier, =»: *) Prato, 1823 ¥,* Simier obtained the first prize in the Parisian “exposition of 1827, for binding this volume. 1908 Cieca, Chronica del Peru, title page a fac-simile, : Sevilla, 1553 1909 Cxraupianus, Epitio Princeps, olive morocco, gilt leaves, Vincentie, Jacobus Ducensis, MCCCCLXXXII. 1910 Clerisseau, et Legrand, Antiquités de la France, 2 vol. in 1, russia, with joints, gilt leaves, by Lewis, Rev. Mr. Drury’s copy, $3 - Paris, 1804 1911 Clutterbuck’s History of Hertfordshire, plates, several additional inserted, 2 vol. boards, - - 1815 1912 Coclictis Chyromantie ac Physyionomie Anastasis, calf extra, gilt leaves, = ~ Bononiea, 1504 1913 Cockburne’s Views in the Valley of Aosta, India paper impressions, half morocco, gilt tops, _ - 1822 1914 Collins’s History of the Noble Families of Cavendishe, Harley, Vere, &c. portraits, + - 1752 1915 Colmenares, Historia de la Civdad de Segovia, morocco, gilt leaves, - - - Mad. 1640 1916 Columbus, Discorso Historico circa la Nascita di Cris- toforo Colombi, Scopritore del Mondo Nuovo, di P. M. Campi, half morocco, IRS ge Se 1917 Combes, Historia de las Islas de Mindanao, Iolo y sus adyacentes, calf gilt leaves, - Mad. 1667 1918 Comestoris (Petri) Ecclesiastica Historia divi Eusebii, et Ecclesiastica Historia Gentis Anglorum’ venerabilis Bede, venetian morocco with joints, lined with vellum, gilt leaves, 3 Argentine, 1500 1919 Compendium Hystorial des Polices des Empires, Roy- aulmes et choses publicques, translatée de Latin, black letter, morocco, gilt leaves, Paris, Nicolas Couteau, 1525 1920 Corio Historia di Milano, from the Cassano Library, ) Mediol. 1503 1921 Coronica de Don Alvaro de Luna, Condestable de Cas- tilla, black letter, green morocco, fine copy, Milan, Juan Antonio de Castellano, 1546 1922 Costume of Yorkshire, double set of plates, etchings and coloured, green morocco, me 1814 1922 1924 1925 1926 1927 1928 1929 1930 1931 1932 1933 1934 1935 1936 [115 J Coronica de D. Enrrique, rey de Castilla, la qual higo Alonso de Palencia, traslade de Sebastian Rodriguez, a manuscript, purple morocco, gilt leaves. Cotman’s Engravings of Sepulchral Brasses in Norfolk and Suffolk, half morocco, gilt top, Yarmouth, 1819 Cotman’s eersvings of Suge ger Brasses in Norfolk, half russia, - 1819 Cotman’s Etchings of the Architéetdeal Antiquities of Norfolk, half russia, - Yarmouth, 1818 Cotman and Turner’s Architectural Antiquities of Nor- mandy, plates, 2 vol. LARGE PAPER, half morocco, gilt tops, 1822 Covarruvias, Tesoro de la Lengua Castellana. Aldrete del Origen de la Lengua Castellana, best edition, red morocco, gilt leaves, — ~ : Mad. 1674 Cranach’s (Lucas) Stamenbuch, a series of Engravings from Cranach’s Drawings, half morocco, — Berlin, 1804 CromweELuiana, a Chronological Detail of Events in which Cromwell was engaged from 1642 to his Death, collected by Stace, inlaid 2 vol. Atlas folio, Mr. Hurd’s copy, ILLUSTRATED WITH A MOST EXTENSIVE COLLEC- TION OF Portraits, Views, Puians, anD Maps, bound in russia, with joints, and gilt leaves, - 1810 TENTH DAY’S SALE. Octavo et Infra. Cazza, Satire, et Capitole Piacevoli, Notes by Crofis and Wilbraham on its extreme rarity, yellow morocco, gilt leaves, - - - Milano, 1549 Cebetis Tabulz, Grecé et Italict, venetian morocco, gilt leaves, - - Parma, Bodoni, 1793 Cebes. Tableau de Cebes en rythme Francoyse. La ‘volupté vaincue, plusieurs Emblesmes, wood cuts, Paris, 1543 Cecaria. Tragicomedia del Epicuro Napolitano, ruled, morocco, gilt leaves, -. - Vinegia, 1538 Cecchi, Comedie, calf gilt leaves, Z Venet. 1585 Cecil Earl of Salisbury, A remembrance of the honours ‘due to the Life and Death of, edited by Brockett, half morocco, 1612, Reprint, - Newcastle, 1818 1937 Ceco d’ Ascoli con Comento, wood cuts,morocco, with joints, ‘gut leaves, - - Venetia, Bindoni, 1550 [ 116 J 1938 Cei, Sonecti, Capituli, Canzone, &e: olive green morocco, gilt leaves, - Firenze, P. di Giunta, 1514 1939 Celestina. ‘Tragicomedia de Calisto et Melibea, trad. di Lingua Castigliana, wood cuts, - Fenet. 1519 1940 Cellz (Ancelli et Christoph.) Europe Descriptio, Antverp. 1536. 1941 Cellini (Benvenuto). Vita e Opere, de Carpani, 3 vol. calf, marbled leaves, ~ - ‘Milano, 1806 1942 Celsus de Medicina, morocco, Aldine tooling, gilt leaves, Aldus, 1528 1943 Celsus, Porphyry and the Emperor Julian’s Arguments against the Christians, translated by Taylor, 1830 1944 Cenci. Narazione della Morte di Giacomo e Beatrice Cenci, manuscript, half morocco. : 1945 Censorinus de Die Natali, blue morocco, — Venet. apud Aldum, 1581 1946 Centlivre’s (Mrs.) Works, 3 vol. red morocco, gilt leaves, 1761 1947 Cento Novelle Antiche, 3 vol. calf, gilt leaves, Milano, 1804 1948 Cento Novelle Antiche Secondo l’Edizione del mMpxxv. - printed on tinted paper, six copies only printed, red morocco, gilt leaves, - - Milano, 1825 1949 Cent Nouvelles Nouvelles, plates by Romain de Hooge, 2 vol. old red morocco, - - Cologne, 1701 1950 Centorio, L’Auro Soave, morocco, - Vineg. 1556 1951 Cepione, Delle cose fatte da Pietro Moscenico Capitano Generale di Mare della Signoria di Venetia, gilt leaves, Venetia, fratelli Guerra, 1570 1952 Ceriziers, Consolations de la Philosophie et de la Theo- logie, old blue morocco, gilt leaves, Paris, 1640 1953 Certamen Tripiex pro avita Fide, Religione, Sacerdotio Decertatum, Londini in Anglia contra Veritatis Hostes, portraits of Holland, Corbie, and Morse, blue morocco, gilt leaves, - ~ - Antverp. 1645 1954 Cervantes, Don Quixote de la Mancha, 2 vol. morocco, with joints, VERY RARE, gilt leaves, Brusselas, 1607-16 *,* Reprinted from the first Madrid Editions. 1955 Cervantes, Don Quixote de la Mancha, green morocco, gilt leaves, RARE, .— ~ - Milano, 1610 1956 Cervantes, Don Quixote de la Mancha, plates by Coypel, 4 vol. blue morocco, gilt leaves, ah _ Haia, 1744 1957 Cervantes, Don Quixote de la Mancha, por Pellicer, 9 vol. Mad, 1799 1958 Cervantes, Don Quichotte par Florian, plates, proofs before the letters, 6 vol. red morocco, silk linings, Paris, 1799 1959 1960 1961 1962 1963 1964 1965 1966 1967 1968 1969 1970 1971 1972 1973 1974 1975 1976 1977 | 117 J Cervantes’s Don Quixote, translated by Motteux, with Life of Cervantes, and Notes by Lockhart, 5 vol. half moroceo, gilt tops, - Edin. 1822 Cervantes, Novelas Exemplares, calf, gilt leaves, Brusselas, 1625 Cervantes, Novelas Exemplares, plates, 2 vol. blue mo- rocco, gilt leaves, - - Haya, 1739 Cervantes, Nouvelles de, plates, 2 vol. old red morocco, gilt leaves, - - Amst. 1768 Cervantes, Trabajos de Persiles y Sigismunda, 2 vol. red morocco, gilt leaves, - - Madrid, 1781 Cervantes, La Galatea y Viage al Parnaso, plates, 3 vol. calf, gilt leaves, . - Madrid, 1784 Chabanon, Vie de Dante, - - Amst. 1773 Chaimis (Bartholomeus de). Interogatorium sive Con- fessionale, morocco, gilt leaves, richly tooled, | Mediolani, Valdarfer, MCCCCLXXIV. *..* This very rare volume has escaped the notice “oF De Bure and Brunet. Chalmers’s Biographical Dictionary, 32 vol. marbled leaves, - : - 1817 Chalmers’s Poetic Remains of some of the Scotish Kings, half morocco, gilt top, ~ - 1824 Chamberline (Christophori). Virtutis et Nobilitatis plausus Honori Rev. Dom. F. Bonaventuraz Macnesu ex Seraph. Or. ap Episcoparum Dunensem Promort. morocco, gilt leaves, VERY RARE, - Roma, 1630 FF A Tract, connected with Irish History, of ex- traordinary rarity. Appended are Verses by Colgan, Jo. Curceus, Hib. Jo. a S. Laurentio, Hib. Chambre (De la). Caracteres des Passions, 4 vol. in 2, rich old calf backs, Wb - (Elzevir.) 1662 Chambre (De la). L’Art de Connoistre les Hommes, gilt leaves, - = Amst. 1669 Chambre (M. dela). Epistres, Lettres et Prefaces, old red morocco, the Colbert copy, - Paris, 1664 Chamfort, Maximes, Pensées, Caracteres et Anecdotes, Paris, 1796 Chamich’s History of Armenia, translated by Avdall, 2 vol. half morocco, gilt tops, - Calcutta, 1827 Champollion, ee les piphok oe LARGE PAPER, ~ gilt leaves, Paris, 1814 Chandler’s Life of William Waynflete, Bishop of Win- chester, portrait, maroon morocco, gilt leaves, 1811 Channing’s Remarks on the Character and Writings of Milton, half morocco, - - 1826 [ 118 J 1978 Chandler's Life of Bp. Waynflete, LARGE PAPER, only 50 printed, plates, proofs on India pear Williams’s Copy, red morocco, gilt leaves, - 1811 *,* It is said that Proofs on Indie Paper were only ‘taken for 6 Copies. 1979 Chansons et Airs de Cour, Recueil des petites Bro- cheures imprimées par la Veufe Oudot, ai) 1726 1980 Chapelain, La Pucelle, plates, . Paris, 1656 1981 Chappuis, Les Facetieuses Journees, Paris, 1584 1982 Chapone’s (Mrs.) Works, red morocco, - 1807. 1983 Chardin, Voyages en Perse et autres lieux de l’Orient, avec des additions, par Langles, 10 vol. beautifully bound in green morocco, gilt leaves, with Atlas half bound, green morocco back, -- - - Paris, 1811 1984 Charles V. Actions Heroigues et Plaisantes, plates, . Bruzx. 1690 1985 Charles VI... Les demandes faites par le roi Charles VI., touchant, son etat et le governement de sa personne, avec les reponses de Pierre Salmon son Secretaire, publiés d’apres les Manuscrits de la Bib. du Roi, par Crapelet, an unique copy, having 9 illuminated miniatures upon vellum, fac-similes of the Manuscripts, . Paris, 1833 1986 Charles 1X. Memoires de l’Estat de France sous Charles Neufieme, 3 vol. in morocco, gilt leaves, Meidelb. 1578 1987 ,Charles van Schorel de Wie ou, Le Fualdes Belge, half morocco, Lond. 1823 1988 Charlevoix, Histoire de S, Downes, plates, 4 vol. Amst. 1733 1989 Charlevoix, Histoire de Japon, plates, 9 vol. Paris, 1736 1990 Charnock’s Lives of Officers of the Navy, plates, 6 vol.1804 1991 Charp, Histoire naturelle de l'Ame, old red morocco, gilt leaves, - Haye, 1745 1992 Charriere (Mad. e. es Trois Femmes, 2 vol. yellow morocco, - _ Lond. 1796 1993 Charron, Les trois Pam. contre tous Athees, Idolatres, &e. 2 vol old red morocco, gilt leaves, . Paris, 1595 1994 Charron, De la Sagesse, gilt leaves, - Elzevir. 1995 Charron, de la Sagesse, russia, with joints, gilt leaves, _Elzevier, 1662 1996 Chartier (Alain) Guvres, ruled, morocco, gilt leaves, the last leaf manuscript, vs Paris, 1529 1997 Chastellux (Marq. de) Voyages dans l’Amerique Sep- tentrionale, 2 vol. Paris, 1786 1998 Chasse (Le) au Loup de Mansel le Dauphin, . Colog. 1695 1999 Li Roumains du Chatelain de Coucy et de la Dame de Fayel, en Vers, nance paper, splendidly bound in green morocco, gilt leaves, - .. Paris, Crapelet, 1829 [ 119 2000° Chateaubriand, Genie du Christianisme, 9 vol. marbled leaves, - ie BAD - Lyon, 1809 2001 Chateaubriand, Itineraire de Paris a Jerusalem, 3 vol. calf, gilt leaves, - Paris, 1812 2002 Chateaubriand, Les Natcher, 3 vol. half morocco, gilt tops, Paris, 1827 2003 Chatterton’s Works, with his Life by Gregory, 3 vol. plates, proofs and prints, russia, with joints, marbled and gilt leaves, Fonthill Copy, . 1803 2004 Chatterton. Bryant’s Obictvaticns on the Poems of Row- ley, 1781. Gregory’s Life of Chatterton, 1789, 2 vol. 2005 CuaTTeRToniana,—A Collection of the various Works of Chatterton as originally published, and of the various Biographical and Critical Pieces relating to his Life and Writings, embracing the Works of Bryant, Milles, Tyrwhitt, Horace Walpole, Malone, Warton, Gregory, and other eminent writers respecting that extraordi- nary Genius, and illustrating many curious points in English History and Literature, collected by Dr. Lort, with Ms. Notes by him, cuttings from Newspapers and Magazines, &c. Also some Specimens of Chatterton’s Autograph, bound in 2 vol. 4to. 4 vol. Svo. and 1 in 12mo. half morocco, uncut. 2005*Chaucer’s Canterbury Tales by Tyrwhitt, 5 vol. with im- pressions of the portrait, and seven of the frontispiece in va- rious stages of the plates, and six proof plates from Bell's Chaucer inserted, green morocco, richly tooled, 1822 2006 Chaulieu, Chuvres abla 2 vol. in 1, old red morocco, gilt leaves, al - Lond. 1740 2007 Chauncy’s Library, Catalogue, with prices, portraits in- serted, - - 1790 2008 Chalmers’s Life of Thomas Radic red morocco, gilt leaves, - - 1794 2009 Charter of ae Marsh, London, Wolfe, 1597 2010 Cheeke’s (Sir John) Hurt of Sedition, black letter, ino- rocco, gilt leaves, - London, W. Seres, 1569 2011 Cheeke’s (Sir aici Hurt of Sedition, blue morocco, gilé leaves, - London, W. Seres, 1576 2012 Chelidonius Pe ines, Sur Vinstitutian des’ Princes Chrestiens et origine des royaumes trad. par Boiastau, gilt leaves, - - . Paris, 1567 2013 Chenier, Giuvres, vELLUM PAPER, 10 vol. red morocco, gilt leaves, Paris, 1826 iA Chesneau, Orpheus Buchdrletious, Emblemata, etchings by Flamen, morocco, gilt leaves, - Paris, 1657 2015 Chesterfield’s (Lord) “Letters and Miscellaneous Works, 8 vol. russia, «— 1800-1777 2016. Chethamensis Bibliotheca Catalogus, portrait, 2 vol. half morocco, gilt tops, - - 1791 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2025 2024 2025 2026 2027 2023 2029 2030 2031 2032 2033 2034 2035 2036 2037 2038 2039 [ 120 ] Chetwind’s Anthologia Historica, Fourteen Centuries of Memorable Passages, russia, gilt leaves, ts 1674 Chevalier du Soleil, ou sont Raccontées les Immortelles Proiiesses de cet Invincible Guerrier, trad. par Rosset, 8 vol. in 28, ” - - Paris, 1643 Chiabrera, della Guerre de’ Goti Canti Quindici, green morocco, gilt leaves, > a Venet. 1582 Chiabrera, Rime, 3 vol. half morocco, Milano, 1807 Chimerandre l’Antigrec, ou les Equivoques de la Langue Francoise, . - Balivernopolis. Chinese Shipping, a series of Drawings on Silk, by Native Artists, very delicate. Choissy (l’Abbé de). Voyage de Siam, Paris, 1687 Cholieres, la Guerre des Masles contre les Femelles, red morocco, ~ - Paris, 1588 Cholieres, Les Apresdinées, red morocco, gilt leaves, Paris, 1587 Cholieres, L’Apresdinées, red morocco, gitt leaves, title mended, - - - ‘ Paris, 1610 Cholieres, les Neuf Matinées, gilt leaves, Paris, 1585 Choyselat, Discours Oeconomiques, old morocco, Rouen, 1612 Choyselat, Discours Oeconomiques, 1612, reprint. Christ, Dictionnaire des Monogrammes,° Chiffres, &c. usée par les Peintres, Graveurs, &c. Paris, 1750 Christi Vita Artificio Graphices Depicta, wood cuts, _(Antverp.) Christlichen Seelen-Schatz. A Volume of Prayers in German, engraved on copper plates at the expence of Clement Augustus, Elector of Cologne, and distributed by him as presents, - - Bonn. 1729 Christine, Reine de Suede, Pensées, LARGE PAPER, por- trait on India paper, green morocco, lined with leather, richly tooled, gilt leaves, - - Paris, 1825 Churcher’s College, Petersfield, the History of, half morocco, gilt top, - - e 4 1823 Churton’s Life of Alexander Nowell, Dean of St. Paul’s, LARGE PAPER, half morocco, gilt top, Oxford, 1809 Ciacconius de Triclinio, plates, red morocco, gilt leaves, Sir John’s Copy, < - - Amst. 1664 Cicceide Legitima, - - Paris, 1692 Cicci (Maria Luisa). Poesie, Parma, 1796. ‘erase Bandettini Versi Estemporanei, Pisa, 1799. Ciceronis Oratorica, 1514, 4to. Orationes, 1519, 3 vol. Epistole ad Atticum, 1513. De Officiis; 1517. Epistole ad Familiares, 1502. Opera Philosophica, 1523-22, 2vol. De Officiis, 1519, in all 10 vol. all of them the first Aldine Editions, uniformly bound in green morocco, gilt leaves, a very rare set of Books, [ 121 .2040 Ciceronis Epistole ad -Familiares, green morocco, gilt leaves, - - Venet. Aldus, 1522 - Quarto. 2041 Dickenson’s History of Newark, half morocco, , gilt top, 1819 2042 EE ane de l’'Academie Francoise, 2 vol. russia, gilt leaves, - - - Paris, 1814 2043 Dictionnaire des Proverbes Danois, Copenhag. 1757 2044 Dictionnaire anus: hepeguol, yeprenor Francois, 2 vol. russia, - _ Lyon, 1803 2045 Dicts Moraux des Philesophes: MANUSCRIPT UPON VELLUM, of the XVth Century, with twenty miniature portraits of the Philosophers, red morocco, with joints, by C. Lewis. 2046 Diece Circoli dell’ Imperio, morocco, Aldine tooling, rich gilt back, - In Academia Venetiana. 1558 -2047 Dionysii Halicarnassei de Thucydidis Historia Judicium, And. Duditio Interprete, red morocco, Aldus, 1560 2048 Diosdadus de prima Typographiz Hispanice etate, 1793 2049 Dionysii Halicarnassei Romanarum Antiquitatum pars hactenus desiderata ab Ang. Maio restituta, LARGE PAPER, yellow morocco, gilt leaves, Mediol. 1816 2050 Dionysii Halicarnassei Romanarum Antiquitatum pars desiderata nunc denique ope Cod, Ambrosiani ab Angelo Maio restituta, - Mediol. 1816 2051 Diplomatique, Nouveau Traité dé par Deux Religieux Benedictins, 6 vol. LARGE PAPER, in russia, Par. 1750 2052 Disney's Memoirs of Thomas Brand Hollis, portrait, half morocco, privately printed, — - ' 1808 2053 Dixon’s Canidia, or the Witches, a easryie in Verse, morocco, gilt leaves, - 1683 2054 Dobie’s Examination of gies Claim of! John | Lindsay Crawfurd to the Titles and Estates of Crawfurd and Lindsay, calf, gilt leaves, - - 1831 2055 Dobson. Paradisus Amissus Miltoni, 2 vol. . Solomon de Mundi Vanitate a Prior, Latine redditum, together 3 vol. blue morocco, gilt leaves, - Oxon. 1750-34 2056 Dodsley’s Economy of Human Life, parce paper, plates by Gardiner, red morocco, gilt leaves, . - 1795 2057 Dodwell’s Tour through Greece, 2 vol. plates and Views in Folio, COLOURED IN IMITATION OF THE ORIGINAL DRAWINGS, - - 1819 2058 Dodsworth’s Micassms of Sihichiit'y Cathedral, proof plates, ' LARGE PAPER, half morocco, gilt top, - 1814 2059 Dodsworth’s History of Salisbury Cathedral, LARGEST PAPER, PROOFS AND ETCHINGS OF THE PLATES ON INDIA PAPER, AND THE OricinaL DrawiNGSs INSERTED, bound in russia, elaborately tooled on the sides, gilt leaves, 1814 [ 122 ] ioni, Histori i d morocco, gilt leaves, 2060 Dogiioni, Historia Venetiana, old re ij Tastes copy, with his Arms, ~ = Venet. pas 2061 Douce, Le TRANSFORMATIONI, PRINTED ON VELLUM, woo cuts, green morocco, lined with red, richly gilt in the Gro- lier style, - - Venetia, Giolito, 1553 *,* This copy was purchased at the Sale of the Meer- “man Collection, and resold in the Collection of the Rey. T. Williams. No oTHER copy UPON VELLUM 1s KNowN. ‘The beauty of the vellum and type, with the exquisite brilliancy of the spirited wood cuts, are such as to render it a perfect gem among'st books printed upon vellum. ‘Two leaves which were deficient have been supplied by Harris in so admirable a manner as nearly to defy the scrutiny of the most practised eye. 2062 Dolce, Il Palmerino, wood cuts, yellow morocco, gilt leaves, Vinegia, Sessa, 1561 2063 Dolce, Primaleone, figliuolo di Palmerino, yellow morocco, gilt leaves, - - Venetia, Sessa, 1562 2064 Dolce, Vita di Carlo Quinto, fine portrait, old moroceo, gilt leaves, - - - Vineg. 1567 2065 Dolce, L’Achille et L’Enea, in ottava rima, Vinegia, Gio- lito, 1571, a corner of the title torn off. Menechini, Ora- tione delle Lodi della Poesia d’Omero, et di Virgilio, Vineg. 1572, 2 vol. in 1, morocco, gilt leaves. 2066 Dolce, El Nascimiento y primeras Empressas del Conde Orlando traduzido por Pero Lopez Henriquez de Cala- tayud, morocco, gilt leaves, - Valladolid, (1594) 2067 Doleti Francisci Valesii Gallorum Regis fata, Lugd. 1539 Les Gestes de Francoys de Valois par Etienne Dolet, Lyon, 1540, 2 vol. in 1, rich old French morocco, gilt leaves. 2068 Domenichi Historia di Detti, e fatti degni di Memoria di diversi Principi, e Huomini Privati, calf, gilt leaves, Vinegia Giolito, 1558 2069 Domesday-Book for Kent, Sussex, and Surrey, by Hen- shall, half russia, - ~ - 1799 2070 Doni, Prose Antiche di Dante, Petrarcha, et Boccaccio et di altri raccolte, green morocco, rich gilt back, ; | Fiorenze, appresso il Doni, 1547 2071 Doni, I Marini, wood cuts, russia, - — Vinegia, 1552 2072 Doni, I Mondi, wood cuts, some leaves stained, red morocco, gilt leaves, - - Vinegia, Marcolini, 1552 2073 Doni, Il Cancillieri, Libro della Memoria, olive morocco, Vinegia, Giolito, 1562 2074 Doricleo (Silvino) Pensieri Poetici, Parma, 1793 [ 123 J 2075 Doubdan, Voyage de la Terre-Sainte, plates, calf, gilt leaves, Edward Daniel Clarke's copy, with a long MS. note by him, “ the most valuable work that has appeared upon the sulyect of the Holy Land,” - Paris, 1657 2076 Douglas’s (Bp.) Select Works, - 1820 2077 Dow’s History of Hindostan, 3 vol. - 1770 2078 Drake. Expeditio Francisci Draki Equitis Angli in Indias Occidentales, A. MDLXXXV. qua urbes Fa- num D. Jacobi, D. Dominici, D. Augustini et Cartha- gena capta fuere, with the four folding plates having Eng- lish descriptions attached to them, russia, gilt leaves, by C. Lewis, EXCESSIVELY RARE, Mr. Jadis’s copy, Leyde apud Raphelengium, 1588 2079 Drake. A Summarie and True Discourse of Sir Francis Drake’s West Indian Voyage, the Geographical maps mentioned in the title wanting, russia, RARE, London, Richard Field, 1589 2080 Drake. The World encompassed by Sir Francis Drake, 1652 2081 Draxe. Sir Francis Drake revived, being a Summary of his four Voyages to the West Indies, portrait, and additional portrait and map inserted, russia, gilt leaves, 1653 2082 Drake. Life of Sir Francis Drake, portrait, morocco, gilt leaves, not published, -: 1828 2083 Drinkwater’s History of the Siege of fae plates, LARGE PAPER, russia, 1786 2084 Drinkwater’s Orgies of the British Fleet under Sir John Jervis, - . - 1797 2085 Droits du Regiment de la Calotte. .4 Manuscript collec- tion of Satirical Poems on the affair of Father Girard and Miss Cadiere. The Miracles of Francois de Paris, and other subjects, with various portraits inserted, morocco, gilt leaves. 2086 Drummond's (Sir W.) Academical Questions, half morocco, gilt top, - - 1805 2087 Drummond's Essay on a Punic Inscription found in the Island of Malta, half morocco, - 1810 2088 Du Bois, Vies des Gouverneurs Hollandois aux Indes Orientales, p/ates, rich old French red morocco, gilt leaves, Haye, 1763 2089 Du Bos, Reflexions Critiques sur la Poesie et sur la Peinture, 3 vol. LARGE PAPER, = Paris, 1755 2090 Ducarel’s Series of Anglo Gallic Coins, plates, 1757 2091 Ducchi, Il Giuoco de gli Scacchi, ridotto in Poema Eroico, olive morocco, richly tooled, gilt leaves, Vicenza, 1607 [ 124 ] 9092’ Duchess of Devonshire’s Passage of St. Gothard, a Poem, ¢ with a French version by Delille, plates, gilt leaves. 2093 Dugdale’s Life, Diary and Correspondence, by Hamper, LARGE PAPER, half morocco, - - 1827 2094 Duncumb’s History of Herefordshire, plates, 2 vol. half morocco, uncut, - - Hereford, 1804 2095 Duncan's History of the Lives and Reigns of the Kings of Scotland, calf, gilt leaves, - ' Dublin, 1722 2096 Dunkin’s Oxfordshire, plates, with the cancelled leaves, Q vol. in 1, half morocco, gilt top, - 1823 2097 Dunsford’s History of Tiverton, half morocco, gilt top, Exeter, 1790 2098 Dupin, Forces Militaire, Navale et Commerciale de la la Grande Bretagne, with Atlas, 4 vol. half morocco, gilt tops, - - - Paris, 1820-24 2099 Duplessi-Berteaux, Recueil de Cent sujets de divers genres composes et gravé a l’eau-forte, - 1811 2100 Duppe’s Life of Michel Angelo, additional Portrait, LARGE PAPER, half morocco, - - 1807 2101 Duppa’s Illustrations of the Lotus of Antiquity, plates coloured, half morocco.. Presentation Copy to Dr. Burney, privately printed, - _* 1813 2102 Dupui’s Journal of a Residence in Ashantee, plates, half morocco, ot) : +1824 %103 Dureri (Alberti) Icones Vitz Christi, a series of En- gravings on Wood, blue morocco, gilt leaves. | 2104 Dureri, Vita et Passio D.N. Jesu Christi, a series of Copper-plate Engravings, fine impressions. 2105 Du Tertre, Histoire Generale des Antilles, plates, 4 vol. Paris, 1667 2106 Dutens, Origine des Decouvertes attribués aux Modernes, Lond. 1796 2107 Du Tertre, Histoire des Isles de St. Christophe, de la Guadelope, et autres, morocco, gilt leaves, Paris, 1654 2108 Eckii Apologia pro Principibus Catholicis adversus ca- lumnias Buceri, Colon. 1542. Stephani (Gardiner) _ Winton. Episcopi ad Martinum Bucerum’ Epistole Lovan. 1546, and other Tracts in the volume. 2109 Ecton’s Thesaurus rerum Ecclesiasticarum, by Browne Willis, russia, : ~ - 1763 2110 Eddae Semundine, sive Antiquiora Carmina Mythico- Historica de Volsunkis, &c. 2 vol. morocco, with gilt leaves, - - - Haun. 1818 2111 Edwards's Gangrena, or Errors, Heresies, and Blasphe- mies of the Sectaries of this time in England, 3 Parts, 1 vol. morocco, gilt leaves, | - 1646 Si12 Edwards's History of the British Colonies in the West Indies, plates, 3 vol. “ “ 1793 [ 125 J 2113 Edwards's Companion from London to Brighthelmston, several additional plates, very rare, nearly the whole edition having been burnt before publication. Sir M. Sykes’s copy, 1801 2114 Edwards’s Anecdotes of Painters in England, Larce PAPER, with Sixty-five additional Portraits, many of them private plates, and unpublished, half morocco, 1808 Folio. 2115 Coronnement et Sacre de Louis XV. plates, Paris, 1722 2116 Coronation oF GeorGe II. Processus factus ad Corona- _ tionem Georgii Secundi Regis Mag. Britannia et Re- gine Caroline, Manuscript, red morocco, gilt leaves. 2117 Coronation or Georce IV. published by Sir George Nayler, coloured Engravings, half morocco, gilt top, 1824 2118 Coronation oF Georce IV. A Series of Autograph Letters of Peers and Peeresses, Officers of State, &c. re- specting their Tickets for the Coronation of George IV. neatly mounted in three Folio volumes. 2119 Coronation oF GeorGe IV. Wuuiraxer’s CEREMONIAL oF THE CorRoNnaTION OF GEorGE IV. THE Text 1s PRINTED IN LETTERS OF GOLD, AND THE Puates Co- LouRED. The Earl of Guildford’s Subscription Copy, with his Arms Emblazoned, sumptuously bound in blue morocco, gilt leaves, with morocco lining and rich tooling, 1823 2120 Cronica del rey Don Juan el segundo, black letter, mo- rocco, gilt leaves, portions of the last two leaves supplied by the pen, - Logrono, Arnao Guillen de Brocar, 1517 2121 Croquis per divers Artistes, 62 Lithograph Engravings, proors, from the Duchess de Berri’s Collection. 2122 Crusii-Turco Grecia, Basil. 1584. Rerum Muscoviti- carum commentarii Sigismundi liberi Baronis in Her- berstain, Basil. 1571, 1 vol. morocco, gilt leaves. 2123 Qurita, Annales de la Corona de Arragon, with the Index, 7 vol. half russia, gilt tops, Caragocga, 1610. Sayas, An- nales de Aragon, uniform with the preceding, 1666. 2124 Costumes of France, Italy, and Holland, represented in 42 illuminated Drawings on vellum, executed at the com- mencement of the XV Ith. Century, very curious, as display- ing the Habits and Manners of the time. *,* This very curious Volume belonged to Henrietta Maria. It is in the original morocco binding, beau- tifully ornamented with fleurs de lys, with her Mo- nogram, H. M.R. surmounted by the Crown of England, r 126 J 2125 Damernal (Eloy) Le Livre de la Deablerie, en rimes et per personages, black letter, green morocco, gilt leaves, VERY RARE, a small piece of the title torn off, Paris, Le Noir, 1508 2126 Dameto, Historia del Reyno Balearico, russia, gilt leaves,’ RARE, _ : - Mallorca, 1632 9197 Dampmartin, Connoissance et Merveilles du Monde, the Dedication Copy to Henry III. of France, ruled, most beau- tifully and elaborately tooled in compartments on the sides, with the Royal Arms of France, and Henry's Cypher, Paris, 1585 2128 Dante La traducion del Dante de lengua Toscana en verso Castellano, pot el Reverendo Don Pedro Fernan- dez de Villegas, black letter, VERY RARE, red morocco, gilt leaves, Burgos, por Fadrique Aleman, de Basilea, 1515 2129 Dart’s History of the Cathedral Church of Canterbury, plates, LARGE PAPER, russia, gilt leaves, - 1726 2130 Dart’s History of Westminster Abbey, plates, LARGE PAPER, 2 vol. red morocco, gilt leaves, - 1727 9131 Davis's History of the Carribby Islands, plates, gilt leaves, 1666 9132 Davila, Vida y hechos del rey Don Henrique tercero. green morocco, gilt leaves, - Madrid, 1638 2133 Denon, Viaggio nel Basso et alto Egitto, LARGE PAPER, plates, - Firenze, 1808 9134 Dee’s (Dr. John) Memorials pertayning to the perfecte Art of Navigation, three leaves wanting, very scarce, London, Daye, 1577 2135 Dee’s Relation of what passed with some Spirits, with Letters of sundry great Men, published by Casaubon, frontispiece, - 5 : 1659 ELEVENTH DAY'S SALE. Octavo et Infra. 2136 Ciceronis Opera, 10 vol. ruled with red lines, choice old French blue morocco, by the Elder De Rome, richly tooled, silk linings, gilt leaves, - _ Elzevir, 1642 *,* One of the Finest and Most Beautiful sets in existence. 2137 Ciceronis Opera, 20 vol. LARGEST paper, remarkably fine set, in blue morocco, gilt leaves, Glasgue, Foulis, 1749 [ 127 J 2138 Ciceronis Epistole ad soar a ruled, old red morocco, gilt leaves, - - Paris, Stephani, 1530 2139 Cicero de Officiis, blue morocco, gilt leaves, | Paris, Barbou, 1773 2140 Ciceronis de Amicitia dialogus, old blue morocco, gilt leaves, - - Paris, Coustelier, 1749 2141 Ciceronis de Amicitia Dialogus, old red morocco, gilt leaves, - - = Paris, Barbou, 1771 2142 Ciceronis Cato Major, old blue morocco, gilt leaves, Paris, Barbou, 1758 2143 Ciceronis Liber Paradoxorum, manuscript UPON VELLUM. 2144 Ciceronis Somnium Scipionis, printed in letters of gold upon a black ground, green morocco, gilt leaves, without date, place, or artist’s name. 2145 Ciceronis Epist. Quinto fratri, an Elegant Manuscript of the XVih Century upon vellum, the first page beautifully illuminated with the Arms of a Cardinal, morocco, gilt leaves. 2146 Ciceronis Orationum sex partes inedite curante Maio, VELLUM PAPER, fine copy in morocco, gilt leaves, Mediol. 1817 2147 Ciceronis trium Orationum fragmenta inedita ex antiq. Mss. ab Angelo Maio, veLium parser, half morocco, gilt top, - - - Mediol. 1814 2148 Ciceronis et Portii Latronis in Catilinam orationes, green morocco, gilt leaves, - - Paris. 1796 2149 Ciceronis Rhetorica, green morocco, gilt leaves, Aldus, 1514 2150 Ciceronis Sententie, Apopthegmata et Parabole, Pet. Lagnerii, yellow morocco, - Paris, Stephani, 1546 2151 Ciceronis Fragmenta, a Carolo Sigonio collecta, blue mo- rocco, gilt leaves, - - Venet. Ziletti, 1559 2152 Cicerone, Oratione, in difesa di Milone, trad. da Banfidio morocco, Aldine tooling, gilt leaves, - Aldus, 1554 2153 Cicerone, Le Epistole Famigliari, morocco, Aldine tooling, gilt leaves, - Vinegia, fighuoli di Aldo, 1545 2154 Cicerone, Pistole ad Attico, fatte Volgare da Senarega, LARGE PAPER, THE ONLY COPY KNOWN, morocco, Aldine tooling, gilt leaves, Vinegia in Caso figholi di Aldo, 1555 2154*Ciceron, Libros de los Officios, de la Amicitia, y de la Senectud, en Romance, yellow morocco, Anvers. 1549 2155 Ciceron, Les Epistres Familieres, Lat. et Frang. par Dolet et Belle-forest, red morocco, gilt leaves, Lyon, 1591 2156 Ciceroes Three i of Duties, by Grimald, russia, with joints, London, Tottell, 1583 2157 Cicero’s Letters ‘5 his Friends; by Melmoth, 3 vol. . Cicero’s Cato and Lelius, by Melmoth, 2 vol. Pliny’s Letters, by Melmoth, 2 vol. Melmoth’s Fitzosborne Letters, i in all 8 vol. in russia, uniform, - VY. 2158 2159 2160 2161 2162 2163 2164 2165 2166 2167 2168 2169 2170 2171 2172 2173 Q174 2175 [ 128 J Cicognara, Catalogo Ragionato dei Libri d’Arte e d’An- tichita possedute da lui, 2 vol. half morocco, Pisa, 1821 Cieca, Parte Primera de la Chronica del Peru, morocco, gilt leaves, - - Anvers. 1554 Cimone, Il Marito Frate e Becco Novella, 50 copies printed, green morocco, gilt leaves, Venezia, 1813 Cinonio, Osservazioni della Lingua Italiana da Lamberti, 4 vol. calf, - Milano, 1809 Cinthio, Orbecche Tragedia, Aldo, 1543. La Sofonisba Tragedia di Trissino, Venet. 1587, 2 vol. in 1, green morocco, gilt leaves. Cinthio, Le Fiamme, Vineg. 1548. Betussi Dialogo Amoroso, Venet. 1543. Berni, La Catrina, - Fiorenz, 1567. Cantici di Fidentio, Fiorenz. 1565, 1 vol. mo- TOCCO. Cinthio, Tragedie, 2 vol. - - Venet. 1583 Cinthio, Hecatommithi, 2 vol. ruled, olive morocco, with joints richly tooled, gilt leaves, RARE, with a very minute collation inserted, t Monte Regale, Lionardo Torrentino, 1565 Cinthio. Cent Excellent Nouvelles de Jean Baptiste Giraldy Cynthien, en Francois par Chappuis, 2 vol. morocco, gilt leaves, ~ oy Paris, 1583 Cirni, Successi della Armata della Majesta Catolica destinata all’ Imprese di Tripoli, gilt leaves, Fiorenza, Torrentino, 1550 Cisano, Tesoro di Concetti Poetici, scelti da’ piu’ Ilustri Poeti Toscani, Seconda Parte, green morocco, gilt leaves, Venetia, 1610 Civeri, Quattro Canti di Ricciardetto Innamorato, cuts, red morocco, - = - Veron. Merli. Clanricarde’s (Marquis of) Memoirs, relating to Ireland, olive morocco, gilt leaves, - - 1722 Clapmarius de Arcanis Rerum Publicarum, red morocco, gilt leaves, - - Amst. 1641 Clarendon’s History of the Rebellion, 6 vol. LARGE PAPER, in russia, gilt leaves, pee 4 Oxford, 1807 CrarEnpDon’s Hisrory or rHE REBELLION, With the sup- pressed Passages and Notes of Bishop Warburton, 8 vol. with his Lirs anp Continuation of his History, 3 vol. together 11 vol. LARGE PAPER,* ONLY Firry Corres Prinrep, in Venetian morocco, gilt leaves, ; Oxford, Clarendon Press, 1826-27 Clarendon’s Life and Continuation of his History, 2 vol. LARGE PAPER; uncut, ta Jie - 1760 Clarkson’s Life of William Penn, 2 vol. calf, marbled leaves, - “ a = ey 1813 [ 129 ] 2176. Clarke's (Adam) Bibliographical Distionary, and Miscel- lany, 9 vol. marbled leaves, - 1802 2177 Clarke’s Repertorium Bibliographicum, portraits, with the Dialogue in the Shades containing @ variation in the plate, of which ‘ad twelve Hes were printed, russia, gilt leaves, - 1819 2178 Clarke's Disloavies in the Sloe Rare Doings at Rox- burghe Hall, and Roger Payne’s Diary, - 1821 2179 Clarke's (Mary Eanes Rival Princes, 2 vol. in 1, half morocco, - - 1810 2180 AucTorEs Sadence Latin1, edente Mattaire, nempe, Cesar, Catullus, Tibullus et Propertius, Cornelius Nepos, Q. Curtius, Florus, Horatius, Juvenalis et Per- sius, Lucanus, Lucretius, Martialis, Ovidius, Vel. Pater- culus, Virgilius, Sallustius, 16 vol. in 15, LARGE PAPER, with the exception of Sallust, which is upon amg! paper, green morocco, gilt leaves, Jfine set. 2181 Classici Auctores Latini, typis Brindley, nempe, Cesar, Catullus, &c. Corn. Nepos, Q. Curtius, Horatius, Juven- alis et Persius, Lucanus, Lucretius, Ovidius, Pheedrus, Sallustius, Tacitus, Terentius, Virgilius, 24 vol. red _ morocco, gilt leaves, - Lond. Brindley, 1744 2182 Classicorum Auctorum Fragmenta e Vaticani Codicibus editorum, curante Maio, 2 vol. LARGE paPER, half mo- rocco, gilt tops, - - Rome, 1828 2183 Classiques Francais, Vers et Prose, LARGE PAPER, 2 vol. green morocco, with joints, gilt leaves, Paris, 1828 2184 Claudianus, morocco, gilt leaves, Florentia, apud Juntas, 1519 2185 Claudianus, Venet. Aldus, 1523. Valerius Flaccus, Venet. Aldus, 1523, 2 vol. in 1, original binding, gilt leaves. 2186 Claudianus, notis Heinsii, fine paper, choice old red morocco, gilt leaves, - Elzevir, 1650 2187 Claudiani Opera, edente Gesnero, 2 vol, Williams’s Copy, green morocco, with joints and gilt leaves, Lips. 1759 2188 Claville, Traité du Vrai Merite de l’'Homme, 2 vol. calf, Paris, 1737 2189. Clerical Guide, or Ecclesiastical Directory, 1822 2190 Clerk of the Market of the King’s Houshold, History of the Office, by Erobanos, - 1737 2191 Clery, Journal de ce qui s’est passé a la ‘Doar du Temple pendant le aaphiite de Louis XVI. LARGE PaPER, red morocco, * Lond. 1798 2192 Glesclanit’s Idol of the ri aac: or Insurrection of Wat the Tyler, green morocco, gilt leaves, - 1654 2193 Clias’s Course of Gymnastic Fxertises, - 1823 2194 Clifford’s Collectanea Cliffordiana, half morocco, uncut, . ; Paris, 1817 S 2195 2196 2197 2198 2199 2200 2201 2202 2203 2204 2205 2206 2207 2208 2209 2210 2211 2212 2213 [ 130 ] Cloppenburgii Sacrificiorum Patriarchalium Sehola sacra, Elzevir, 1637 Clotilde, Poete Francais du xv® siecle; publiées par Vanderbourg, plates, blue morocco, lined with leather, Paris, 1804 gilt leaves, - - - ' Cluny, Le Voyageur Americain, trad, de l’Anglois, the original was suppressed, gilt leaves, ~ Amst. 1783 Cesarotti, Corso di Litteratura Greca, 2 vol. Padoua, 1781 Cesole, Opera Nuova (della Giuocco delle Scacchi) nella quale se insegna il vero regimento delli huomini et delle donne, Vineg. Bindoni, 1534. Capitolo del Gioco della Primiera, col commento di Pietro Paulo da San Chirico, Venet. 1534, 2 vol. in 1 morocco, gilt leaves. Cestii Orbis Terrarum Synoptica Epitome, (Genev.) Stoer, 1588. Lerii Historia Navigationis in Brasiliam, (Gen.) Vignon. 1586, 2 vol. in 1, im morocco, gilt leaves. Cochrane’s Pedestrian Journey through Russia and Siberian Tartary, 2 vol. half morocco, uncut, 1824 Cochrane’s Pedestrian Journey through Russia and Siberian Tartary, 2 vol. half morocco, - 1825 Cochrane’s Residence and Travels in Colombia, 2 vol. half morocco, gilt tops, - - | 1825 Cochelet, Naufrage du Brick—La Sophie, sur la cote Occidentale d’ Afrique, plates, 2 vol. calf, gilt leaves, Paris, 1821 Code de la Librairie et Imprimerie de Paris, old blue morocco, gilt leaves, - - Paris, 1744 Code de Procedure Civile, morocco, Paris, 1806 Coeffeteau, Histoire Romaine, 3 vol. old green morocco, gilt leaves, - - - Rouen. 1680 Cogan’s Rhine, plates, 2 vol. green morocco, richly gilt, gilt leaves, - - ~ 1794 Colardeau, Oeuvres, plates, LARGE PAPER, 2 vol. old red morocco, gilt leaves, - - Paris, 1779 Colbertine Bibliothecz Catalogus, with prices, 3 vol. Paris, 1728 Colden’s History of the Five Indian Nations of Canada, 2 vol. in 1, morocco, gilt leaves, - - 1755 Cole’s Bibliographical Tour from Scarborough to the Library of a Philobiblist, * - 1824 Cole's History of Filey. Searborough Collector. Original Letters of Rev. James Hervey. Antiquarian Bijou. Antiquarian Trio, and Select Remains of Rev. John Mason, 1 vol. proof impressons of the prints, Scarborough, 1826-29 2217 2218 2219 2220 2221 2222 2223 ZILIA 2225 2226 2297 2228 2229 2230 2231 2232 f 131] Coleman’s Circle of Anecdote and Wit, green morocco, 1822 Colerus, La Verité de la Resurrection de Jesus Christ _defendue contre Spinosa, gilt leaves, Haye, 1706 Colinii Castellonii, (Gasparis) Magni quondam Francie Amiralii vita, - : . 1575 Collenutio, Historia del regno di Napoli, 2 vol. venetian morocco, gilt leaves, = Venetia, Tramezzino, 1558 Collet et (Sieur) Les Divertissemens, old blue morocco, gilt leaves, - ~ Paris, 1633 Collection des Moralistes eed 12 vol. blue morocco, gilt leaves, Paris, Didot, 1782 Collier’s History of English Disniitic Poetry to the time of Shakespeare, 3 vol. LARGE PAPER, - 1831 *,.* The large paper copies which were only printed for presents, are EXTREMELY RARE, Collingwood’s (Lord) Correspondence and Life by G. L. N. Collingwood, 2 vol. half morocco, gilt leaves, 1828 *,* This copy contains the cancelled leaves. Collins’, Discours sur la liberté de penser, LARGE PAPER, ruled, old red morocco, gilt leaves, - Lond. 1714 Collins's Life of William Cecil, Lord Burghley, from an Original erent he LARGE PAPER, green morocco, gilt leaves, - * 1732 Collins’s Poetical WO avis) plates’ half morocco, gilt top, 1798 Collins’s Poetical Works by Dyce, tinted paper, nine copies so printed, - - - 1827 Colman’s Broad Grins. Poetical Vasatiell Eccentrici- ties in Edinburgh, 3 vol. in 1, calf, gilt leaves, 1819-18 Colombo (Fern.) Historia nelle quali s’ha particolare, et vera relatione della vita et defatti dell’ Amiraglio Chris- _toforo Colombo, suo padre, red morocco, gilt leaves, Venet. 1571 Columbus. Lettera rarissima di Cristoforo Colombo, illustrata da Morelli, half morocco, Bassano, 1810 ‘Columbus. Memorials of Columbus, half russia, gilt top, - - - - 1823 Colton’s Lacon, half morocco, gilt top, - 1820 Combat de trente Bretons contre trente Anglois, publié d’aprés le Manuscrit de la Bibliotheque du Roi, Larce paPer, half morocco, gilt top, - Paris, 1827 Comeediz. Hecastus Macropedii, Colon. 1540. Macro- pedii Rebelles et Aluta, Colon. 1540. Andrisca Macro- pedii, with music in score, Colon. 1540. Papei Samarites, Colon. 1540.’ Zovitii Ovis Perdita, Colon. 1540. Zo- vitii Didascalus, Colon. 1541, 1 vol. gilt leaves. [ 132 J 9933 Comeedie ac Tragcediz aliquot ex Novo et Veteri Tes- tamento desumpte, morocco, richly tooled, gilt leaves, Basil, 1541 2234 Comedias Espafoles, de varias Autores, 4 vol. Mad. V. Y. 9935 Comedie. L’Amor constante del Signor Stordito intro- nato, Vineg. 1550. Bentivoglio, Il Geloso, Vineg. 1544. Firenzuola, La Trinutia, Fiorenz. 1549. Firenzuola, I Lucidi, Fior. 1549, 1 vol. morocco, gilt leaves.. 2236 Comedie. Polifila, Fiorenz. 1556. Bibiena, Calandra, 1558. Araldo, La Ingratitudine, 1559, Poggi, La inventione della Croce, 1561. Razzi, La Balia, 1564. Landi, Il Commodo, 1566. Grazine, La Gelosia, 1568, 1 vol. mo- rocco, gilt leaves, Fiorenza, Giunti, 2237 Comedie. Cosmio, Clarice, 1590. Borghini, La Donna constante, 1606. Domenichi, Le due Cortigiane, 1609, 1 vol. olive morocco, Venet. 2238 Comedie... La Floria dell’ Arsicio Intronato, 1567. Mar- tini, Amore Scolastico, 1570. Grazini, La Gelosia, 1568. Landi, Il Commodo, 1566. L’Ingagni, 1568. Manescalco, Moti di Fortuna, 1569, 1 vol. choice old vellum, gilt leaves, Thuanus’s arms on the sides, Firenza, Giunti, V. Y. 2239 Comedie. Piccolomini, Allessandro, 1554. L’Amor Constante, 1559. Bibiena, La Calandra, 1553. La Ingiusti Sdegni, 1563. Parabosco, Il Viluppo, 1560. Cecchi, La Moglie, 1556. Ccrchi, La Stiava, 1550, gilt leaves, Vineg. Giolito. . ‘ 2240 Comedie elette novamente raccolte con le corretioni et annotationi di Ruscelli, ruled, green morocco, gilt leaves, . Venet. 1554 2241 Comedia del Sacrificio de gli intronati, — Venet. (1531) 2242 Comenii Janua Linguarum reserata quinque Linguis, morocco, gilt leaves, = - Elzevir, 1661 2243 Commines (Ph. de) Cronique et Histoire, black letter, calf gilt leaves, - - Paris, 1539 Quarto. 2244 Egan. The Converted Fryar, as it was acted in the Palace-Yard, Westminster, 1673. The Franciscan Convert or a Recantation Sermon of Anthony Egan, 1673. Room for Miracles, 1673. : 2245 Egerton, (Thomas, Lord Chancellor) his Life, also the Life of John Egerton, Bishop of Durham, and Notices relative to Francis Egerton, Duke of Bridgewater, half morocco, gilt top, privately printed, - Paris, [183 ] 2246 Eginhardi Vita et gesta Karoli magni, Colon. 1521. Lilii - Angloram Regum Chronicon, Francfort, 1565, 1 vol. red morocco, gilt leaves. 2247 Enret’s Borantca, Drawinos,a series of 143 drawings of Plants vron veiium, beautifully coloured after na- ture by G, D. Ehret, mounted and bound in 2 volumes. 2248 Elci (Angelo) Satire, portrait, half morocco, Firenze, 1817 2249 Elizabeth’s (Queen) Prayer Book. A Booke of Christian Prayers, printed within wood cut borders, red morocco, gilt -. leaves, London, John Daye, 1581 2250 Ellis’s (Sir Houry) History and Antiquities of ~ebee plates, half morocco, uncut, - 798 2251 Ellis’s Journal of the ssneicagp to China, plates, half mo- rocco, gilt top, 1817 ' 2252 Elphinstone’s Account of Caubul, lskohs hal lf morocco, 1815 2253 Elyot’s (Sir Thomas) Castel of Helth, black letter, calf, gilt leaves, - - London, Berthelet, 1541 2254 Emblesmes d’Amour divin, plates by van Lochom, gilt leaves, - - - Paris, s. d. 2255 Emblemata Amatoria, a series of Engravings, also a few drawings in colours. The Album of Cornelius Alberts, mo- rocco, gilt leaves. | 2256 Engelandisch Memorial, Portraits of Charles I. Abp. Laud, Lord Strafford, Duke of any &c. green morocco, gilt leaves, - 1649 2257 England. Teseciption de font ce qui s'est passé dans les Guerres entre le roy d’ preiatornes le Roy de France, &c. plates, gilt leaves, Amst. 1668 2258 Englefield’s (Sir Henry) Walk through Southampton, plates, first edition, - ~ . Southampton, 1801 2259 Englefield’s Walk through Southampton, second edition, Southampton, 1805 - 2260 Englefield’s collection of Vases drawn and Engraved by Moses, LARGE PAPER, Olive morocco, gilt leaves, 1819 2261 Eneravines, Sharpe’s Illustrations of the Spectator, Tatler and Guardian, after the Designs of Stothard, &c. | PROOFS, half russia. 2262 Engravings by Bolswert and Luikens, fine impressions, mounted in a volume. 2263 Entick’s Constitutions of Free Masons, blue morocco, ma- sonic tooling, - - - 1767 2264 Ephemerides. Joannis de Sacro busto Spericum opuscu- lum, Leips. s.a. Ephemerides sive Almanach perpetui ab anno 1473, Venet. Lichtenstein, 1498. Opusculum repertorii pronosticon in mutationes evis, Venet. Rat- dolt, 1485, and other early Astronomical Tracts, 2 vol. morocco, gilt leaves. [ 134 ] 2265 Epicteti Enchiridion,Grece, == ‘Parma, 1793 2266 Epistole Basilii Magni, &c. Epistole diversorum Philo- sophorum, &c. Graec®, morocco, gilt leaves, Venet. Aldus, 1499 2267 Epistole et Evangelia in festis solemnioribus totius anni. Conventus Parisiensis ordinis Beatee Marie de Mercede Redemptionis Captivorum, MANUSCRIPT UPON VELLUM, most beautifully written, the capitals illuminated, and head pieces, &c. very elegant, bound in red velvet. 9968 Erasme, l’Eloge de la Folie trad. par Gueudeville, plates, LARGE PAPER, of the 12mo. old French red morocco, gilt leaves, - - ~ 1751 2269 Erizzo, Le Sei Giornate, marbled leaves, Venetia, 1567 2270 Esbatement Moral des Animaux, plates by Mark Garard, old morocco, gilt leaves, - Anvers, 1578 9271 Escobar, Novelas, calf, gilt leaves, Lisboa, 1675 2272 Esquemeling, Piratas de America, trad. por el Dr. De Buena-Maison, plates, gilt leaves, = Colon. 1681 2273 Esquemeling’s Buccaneers of America, plates, 2 vol. in I, . 1684 2974 Espafa Compendio de le Historia de Espana. LARGE PA- PER of the 8vo. 2 vol. ~ - Mad. 1806 2975 Espinel, Vida del Escudero Marcos de Obregon, gilt leaves, “ - - 1618 2276 Eulenspiegel, fifty-five Plates of the Life of Eulenspiegel, 1826 2277 Euripidis Hippolitus, Gr. et Lat. cura Egerton, half mo- rocco, uncut, - - - Oxon, 1796 2278 ‘Evelyn’s Silva and Terra, by Hunter, 2 vol. russia, gilt leaves, - - if. - 1825 2279 Evelyn’s Memoirs, Diary and Correspondence, by Bray, 2 vol. half morocco, uncut, gilt tops, - 1819 2980 Erondelle’s Nova Francia: or the description of that part of New France which is one continent with Virginia, map, title inlaid, gilt leaves, - - 1609 2281 Exegesis Controversiz de Sacra coena, LARGE PAPER, old morocco, Thuanus's Copy, (Geneva, Crispin, 1574) 2282 Expilly, della Casa Milano, old green morocco, gilt leaves, ’ } Parigi, 1753 2283 Fabri, Farth zu dem Heyligen Landt, map, morocco, gilt leaves, - - ~ - 1557 *,* This Author accompanied Breydenbach, and re- lates many particulars omitted by that Traveller. 2284 Facciolati, Totius Latinitatis Lexicon, a Bailey, 2 vol. russia, with joints, gilt leaves, - Lond, 1828 2285 Faerni Fabule, Etchings, ruled, old green morocco, gilt leaves, the Gaignat copy, - Rome. 1564 [135 J 2286 Faleti de Bello Secambrico libri iiii. et ejusdem alia Poemata, Aldine tooling, morocco, gilt leaves, Venet. 1557 2287 Fauchet, Origine de la Langue et Poesie Francoise, blue morocco, gilt leaves, « - Paris, 1581 2288 Fauchet, ‘Les Antiquitez Gauloises ou Frangoises, por~ traits of the Kings of France inserted, 3 vol. green morocco gilt leaves, - Paris, 1620 2289 Faulkner’s Historical Aveouit of Btham: plates, LARGE PAPER, Of the Svo. half morocco, - 1813 2290 Faulkner's History of Kensington, hositey half morocco, gilt top, - 1820 2291 Fausti Orationes, with a detente title bearing the auto- graph of Paulus Rhamnusius, the Editor, Aldus, 1551 2292 Febure, Discours Historique concernant le Mariage d’ Ans- bert et de Blithilde, fine old red morocco, powdered with leurs de lys, Colbert's copy, Paris, 1647 2293 Federici, Memorie Trevigiane sulla T ipografia del Secolo XV.half morocco, - ~ Venegia, 1805 2294 Federmanns Indianische Historia, green morocco, gilt leaves, VERY RARE, - Hagenaw, 1557 2295 Fenelon, Qiuvres, LARGE PAPER, 9 vol. old morocco, lined with silk, gilt leaves, > Paris, Didot, 1787 2296 Fenn’s Original Letters of the Paston Family, plates, 5 vol. half morocco, uncut, - 1787-1823 *,* The first four volumes were a present from Sir John Fenn to R. Gough, who has enriched them with many Manuscript notes. In the fifth volume is inserted a brilliant impression of the very rare portrait of Sir William Paston by Faithorne which at the Sale of Sir Mark Sykes’s Prints produced "96l5s 2297 Fenton's Certaine Tragicall Discourses out of French and Latine, black letter, Be te with joints, richly tooled, gilt leaves, = - 1567 2298 Fenton’s Historical Pour chroush Pembrokeshire, plates, LARGE PAPER, half moroceo, uncut, - 18ll 2299 Ferishta’s History of Dekkan, oY Scott, 2 vol. half mo- _ rocco, uncut, 1794 2300 Feu d’Artifice tiré a Versilitiss " Pboeasita du Mariage de la Comte de ere the cia drawings, morocco, gilt leaves, . - 1771 2301 Fielding and Walton’s Picturesque Tour of the English Lakes, coloured plates, LARGE PAPER, half morocco, 18%1 2302 Fieschi. Congiura del Conte Gian Luigi Fieschi dell’ anno 1547, Manuscript, morocco, gilt leaves. 2303 Figueroa, Historia de las cosas que hicieron los Padres de la Compania de Jesus por las partes de Oriente y otras, red morocco, gilt leaves, - Mad. 1614 [136 ] 9304 Fino, La Historia di Crema, raccolta da gli Annali di Pietro Terni, russia, gilt leaves, © Venetia, 1566 2305 Fitnot, Gaterre pu Musée NapoLeon, VELLUM PAPER, proof t impressions of the Plates before the letters, with Etch- ings of several inserted, 10 vol. half green morocco, uncut, Paris, 1804 *,* Some of the early Numbers not having been printed in 4to. paper, are inlaid to the size of the others, as usual. 2306 Fiore de Virtude. Comencia una opera chamata Fiore de Virtude, morocco, with joints, Grolier tooling, VERY RARE, Venesia, nel beretin convento, MCCCCLXXIV. 2307 Fisher’s Tombes, Monuments, and Sepulchral Inscrip- tions, lately visible in St. Paul’s Cathedral, and St. Faith’s under it, in Latin and English, scarce. Presen- tation Copy to Dr. sts: rebiyot Principal of St. Mary's Hall, Oxford, - 1684 2308 Fisher’s Scenery of seni plates in esipeen i 2 vol. in 1, half morocco, gilt leaves, - 1795 2309 Fitzclarence’s (Lt. Col.) Journal bibs India. through Egypt to England, plates, half morocco, gilt top, 1819 2310 Flacourt, Histoire de la Grand Isle Madagascar, plates, Troyes, 1661 2311 Flechier, Histoire du Cardinal Ximenes, portrait gilt leaves, - Paris, 1693 2312 Fletcher (Phineas) Leaiwe. The Locusts, or Apollyo- nists, a Poem, morocco, gilt leaves, Cambridge, 1627 2313 Fleurieu, Voyages pour eprouver les Horloges Marines inventées par Berthoud, 2 vol. rich old French red mo- rocco, gilt leaves, - - - Paris, 1773 Folio. 2314 Delphini (Petri) Epistole, with the two leaves of Errata, which are sometimes wanting, red morocco, gilt leaves, rare, Venetiis, 1524 2315 Denyaldo, Rollo Northmanno-} morocco, gilt leaves, RARE, ~ Rothomagi, 1660 2316 Deuchar’s Collection of Etchings, after the most eminent Dutch and etree Masters, 3 vol. blue morocco, gilt leaves, - - Edinburgh, 1803 2317 Diago, Bistewy ‘de las Condes de Barcelona, morocco, gilt leaves, imperfect in the Title, = Barcelona, 1608 2318 Diago, Annales del Reyno de Valencia, morocco, gilt leaves, Valencia, 1613 [ 137 ] 2319 Dialogi decem variorum autorum, ruled with red lines, old French red morocco, richly gilt, gilt leaves, Colonie, per Joan. Veldener, MCCCCLXXIII. 2320 Diaz del Castillo (Bernal) Historia de la conquista de la Nueva Espana. First Edition, with an additional Chapter which appeared in the Second Edition published the same year inserted, red morocco, gilt leaves, Madrid, 1632 2321 Diaz de Castillo, Historia de la Conquista de la Nueva Espana, second edition, morocco, gilt leaves, Madrid, 1632 2322 Dicrrs anp SaYEINGIs OF THE PuILosoPHERs, translated by Anthony Widville, Earl Rivers. First Edition, fine copy, olive morocco, with joints, richly tooled, gilt leaves, by Lewis, VERY RARE. Mr. Hibbert’s copy, PrintTepD BY WiuiiAmM Caxton, MCCCCLXXVII. 2323 Dictionarium Arabico Turcicum, 2 vol. Constant. 1728 2324 Dilettanti Society. Specimens of Ancient Sculpture, Egyptian, Etruscan, Greek and Roman, half morocco, gilt top, . - - 1809 2325 Diodori Siculi Historia a Poggio“in Latinum traducta, ruled with red lines, the title and head in letters of gold, old French red morocco, richly gilt, gilt leaves, Venetiis, per Andream Jacobum Katherensem, MCCCCLXXVI. 2326 Dionysii Halicarnassei Antiquitates Romane, Lampo Birago interprete, red morocco, gilt leaves, Tarvisii, per Bernardum Celeriumde Luere, MCCCCLXXX. 2328 Dispensatio per Fratrem Philippum Mulart, anno 1520. A Broadside, not mentioned by Ames, Herbert, or Dibdin, Impress. perme Richardum Pynson, regium Impressorem. 2329 Drake's History and ae of York, plates, uncut, half morocco, - 1736 2330 Drypen’s Fasues, with Engravings from the pencil of Lady Diana Beauclerc, printED UPON VELLUM, the Plates upon Satin, red moroeco, gilt leaves, 1797 *,* Only two copies upon vellum are mentioned by Van Praet. 2331 Du Halde, Description de l’Empire de la Chine, plates, 4 vol, LARGE PAPER, a old French red morocco, gilt as Paris, 1735 2332 Durer’s (Albert) Designs fot the Prayer Book, with a set of Durer’s Designs for the Life of Christ, and various other ofhis Prints inserted, 1817. Lucas Cranach’ s Prayer Book, Munchen, 1818. The Altar-piece of Lucas Cra- nach at Wiemar, 1 vol. Wiemar, 1813, half morocco. i [ 138 } 2333 Dyalogus Creaturarum moralizatus,red morocco, gilt leaves, fine Copy of a rare edition, Colonia, Conradus de Homborch, MCCCCLXXXI. 9334 Eckhel, Choix des Pierres gravées du Cabinet Imperial des Antiques, LARGE PAPER, half morocco, Vienne, 1788 9335 Epy’s PicruRESQUE SCENERY OF Norway, THE ORIGINAL Drawines, beautifully coloured, mounted and bound in 2 vol. with Letter-press Descriptions by Tooke, 1820 2336 Enciso, Suma de Geographia que trata de todas las partes del Mundo en ESPECIAL DE LAS INDIAS, EXTREMELY RARE, black letter, blue morocco, gilt leaves, Sevilla, Cromberger, 1530 *,* Tue First Book pRiInTED IN THE SpanisH Lan- GUAGE RELATING To America, ‘The Author wrote this Book from personal observation for the inform- ation of Charles V. It was unknown to Robertson. TWELFTH DAY’S SALE. Octavo et Infra. 2337 Commentaires de l’Estat de la Religion et Republicque soubs les rois Henry et Francoys seconds, &c. par de la Place, green morocco, gilt leaves, ~ 1565 2338 Campaignie de la Lesine, ou Alesne, - Paris, 1604 2339 Contre-Lesine, - - Paris, 1618 2340 Complaint of Scotland, with Dissertation and Glossary, by Leyden, half morocco, uncut, - Edin. 1801 2341 Comptes du Monde Adventureux, - Paris, 1555 2342 Comptes du Monde Adventureux, - Lyon, 1595 2343 Conca, Descrizione Odeporica della Spagna, 4 vol. LarGE PAPER, half morocco, gilt tops, - Parme, 1793 2344 Concile de Trente. trad. par Gentian Hervet, green mo- rocco, gilt leaves, - - Paris, 1584 2345 Conciones et Orationes ex Historicis Latinis excerpte, red morocco, gilt leaves. Sir J. Thorold’s copy, Elzevir. 1649 2346 Concordio, Ammaestramenti degli Antichi raccolti e vol- garizzati, marbled leaves, 4 Milano, 1808 2347 Condamine, Voyage fait dans l’Amerique meridionale, plates, LARGE PAPER, old red morocco, gilt leaves, Paris, 1745 2348 Conestaggio, Istoria dell’ unione del regno di Portogallo ____alla Corona di Castiglia, calf, gilt leaves, Venet. 1642 2349 Conestaggio, Historia delle Guerre della Germania in- feriore, calf, gilt leaves, - Elzevir, 1634 [ 139 ] 2350 Confession Utele et Assai Bona, Manuscript of the XV Ith Century, morocco, gilt leaves. 2351 Confession Reciproque, ou Dialogues entre Louis XIV. et Pere la Chaize, Cologne, 1694. Caracteres de la Famille Royale, 1706, 2 vol. in 1, red morocco, gilt leaves. 2352 Confessions of a Gamester, half morocco, gilt top, 1824 2353 Congreve’s Works, 3 xo} calf Gia gilt leaves, free from stain, - Baskerville, 1761 2354 Consolatorie de Diversi tabi morocco, gilt leaves, Vinegia, 1550 2355 Constantin, Recueil des Voyages qui ont servi 4 l’Eta- blissement de la Compagnie des Indes Orientales, plates, marbled leaves, - Amst. 1702 2356 Constable’s Sale Catalogue, prices and names, 1827 2357 Constitution de la a ie ahha nn red morocco, gilt leaves, - Paris, 1796 2358 Consultation de l’Oracle pour savoir si le Pretendant Prince de Galles est suppose ou Legitime, morocco, 1746 2359 Contareno, Republica de Vinitiani. Contareno Republica di Vinegia, Vineg. 1564, 2 vol. in 1, red morocco. 2360 Contareni de Elementis et Eorum Mixtionibus Lib. quinque. Capitii de Principiis Rerum Poemata, green morocco, gilt leaves, Paris, per Nic. Divitem, sub insigni gemine Anchore, 1548 2361 Contes et Nouvelles de Boccace, plates by Rom. de Hooghe, 2 vol. calf, gilt leaves, - Cologne, 1732 2362 Contes et Nouvelles de la eine de Navarre, plates by De Hooghe, 2 vol. calf, gilt leaves, - Amst. 1708 2363 Contes et Nouvelles par La Fontaine, plates by De ) Hooghe, 2 vol. calf, gilt leaves, - Amst. 1709 *,* The Three preceding Lots are uniform. 2364 Cent Nouvelles, aaa by De Hooghe, 2 vol. calf, gilt leaves, - Cologne, 1701 2365 Contes en Vers par la Tontdae Voltaire, Vergier, &c. 6 vol. with plates by Choffard, the culs de lampe worked . of separately, 6 vol. red morocco, gilt leaves, Paris, 1778 2366 Conti, La Bellamano, Rime Antiche di Diverse, olive morocco, gilt leaves, - ” Parigi, 1595 2367 Conty (Prince de). Les Devoirs des Grands, ruled, old morocco, - ~ - Paris, 1667 2368 Convivialium Sermonum Liber, calf, gilt leaves, Basil. 1543 2369 Cooke’s Classic Authors, a Set of the Embellishments to, ON LARGE PAPER, 4 Vol. gilt leaves. [ 140 ] HEARNE’S WORKS ON LARGE PAPER. 2370 Lelandi Collectanea de Rebus Britannicis, 6 vol. Oxon, 1715 Roperi Vita T. Mori, - “ 1716 Rossi Historia Regum Angliz, - 1716 Aluredi Beverlacensis Annales, - 1716 Titi Livii Foro-Juliensis Vita Henrici V. 1716 Camdeni Annales Elisabethe, 3 vol. - 1717 Sprotti Chronica, - - 1719 Guil. Neubrigensis Historia Rerum Anglicarum, 3 vol. 1719 Collection of Curious Discourses, - 1720 Textus Roffensis, - - 1720 Robert de Avesbury,. Historia Edward III. 1720 Joh. de Fordun Scotichronicon, 5 vol. - 1722 History of Glastonbury, ~ - 1722 Hemingii Chartularium Eccl. Wigorniensis, 2 vol. 1723 Robert of Gloucester’s Chronicle, 2 vol. = 1724 Peter Langtoft’s Chronicle, 2 vol. ~ 1725 Johannis Glastoniensis Chronica, 2 vol. * 1726 Adam de Domerham Historia de rebus gestis Glasto- niensibus, 2 vol. - - 1727 Thome de Elmham Vita Henrici V. - 1727 Historia vite Richardi II. a monacho de Evesham, 1729 Liber Niger Scaccarii, 2 vol. ~ - 1728 Johannis de Trokelowe Annales Edwardi II. 1729 Th. Caii Vindiciz pbb Acad. Oxoniensis contra J. Caium, 2 vol. - 1730 Walteri Hemingford, Hist. de wee gestis Edwardi I. I. et WI. @vol. - - 1731 Tho. Otterbourne et J. Whethainsteds duo rerum An- glicarum Scriptores, 2 vol. ” 1732 Chronicon Prioratus de Dunstaple, 2 vol. 1733 Benedictus Abbas Petco aa de Vita Henrici II. et Richardi I. 2 vol. - 1735 Vindication of those who take the Oath of Allepianes, 1731 Acta Apostolorum Greco-Latine, e Cod. Laudiano, 1715 Dodwellus de Parma Equestri Woodwardiana Disser- tatio, = - 1713 Account of some pute “en bad Windsor and Oxford, * - 1725 In all 55 volumes. Jn the origins rich old morocco bind- ings, excepting the two last which are in calf. ¥* This Collection of the Works of Hearne forms a ant! which may confidently be pronounced the finest [141 ] in existence. It was originally formed by the cele- brated Dr. Mead, and afterwards became the pro- perty of Gerard Meerman, in whose family it. re- mained till the Sale of that magnificent Library, of which it formed one of the most valuable ar- ticles. It has since received the addition of the two last articles. The difficulty of completing the Works of Hearne, even on small paper, from the small num- ber that were printed, is well known, and there are perhaps few collections which can shew so com- plete a set On LARGE PAPER as the above; espe- cially when it is taken into consideration that being bound at the time from sheets, they are larger in size, and more uniform than can be ex- pected in a set formed at the present time. The intrinsic value of Hearne’s publications must ever make them an important article ina col- lection of British History. The splendour and com- pleteness of this copy are such as will render it an ornament to the first collection in the Kingdom. 2371 Spelman’s Life of Alfred the Great, by Hearne, red mo- rocco, gilt leaves, - Oxford, 1709 2372. Leland’s Itinerary, by Hearne, 9 vol. in 4, original edi- tion, red morocco, gilt leaves, - Oxford, 1710 2373 Leland’s Itinerary, by eernp, 9 vol. LARGE PAPER, nay russia, uncut, - Oxford, 177 2374 Rossi Historia peal Angliz, LARGE PAPER, morocco, gilt leaves, : - Oxford, 1745 2375 Hearne’s Collection of Curious Discourses, with addi- tions, 2 vol. half morocco, uncut, : 1771 2376 Lives of Leland, Hearne and Wood, LARGE PAPER, 2 vol. green morocco, gilt leaves, - - Oxford, 1772 2377 Liber Niger Scaccarii, accedunt Charte Antique, &c. antehac ineditz, 2 vol. LARGE PAPER, russia, Lond. 1774 2378 Lelandi Commentarii de Scriptoribus Britannicis, ab Hall, 2 vol. naRGE paPER, old red morocco, gilt leaves, Oxon. 1709 2379 2380 2381 2382 2383 2384 2385 2386 2387 2388 2389 2390 2391 2392 2393 2394 2395 2396 2397 [ 142 J Cooke’s Descriptions of the Views of the‘Thames, half morocco, - - - 1822 Copland’s History of Madagascar, half morocco, gilt top, | 1822 Coplestone’s Reply to the Calumnies of the Edinburgh Review against Oxford, - ; - 1810 Coppetta Rime, calf extra, gilt leaves, Venetia, ap. Dom. et Gio, Bat. Guerra, Fratelli, 1580 *,* This Volume is connected with the Aldine Series. Coppier, Histoire et Voyage des Indes Occidentales, gilé leaves, . - - Lyon, 1645 Coras, Arrest Memorable du Parlement de Tolose, con- tenant une Histoire Prodigieuse d’un Supposé Mari, gilt leaves, - ~ ~ Lyon, 1596 Corbet’s (Bishop). Poetica Stromata, or sundry Pieces in Poetry, russia, gilt leaves, - - 1648 Coreal, Voyages aux Indes Occidentales, plates, 3 vol. calf, marbled leaves, - - Amst, 1722 Corippi de Laudibus Justini Lib. 1v. Goetzius recensuit, morocco, with joints, gilt leaves, Williams's Copy, Altorf, 1743 Cornazano, Proverbi, wood cuts, red morocco, with joints, gilt leaves, - - - Vinegia, 1535 Cornazano, Proverbii in Facetie, printed on tinted paper, red morocco, gilt leaves, - Parigi, Didot, 1812 Cornazano, Proverbii in Facetie, LARGE PAPER, richly tooled, blue morocco, gilt leaves, - Parigi, 1812 Corneille, Heraclius, Elzevir, 1647. Rodogune, Elz. 1652. D.Sanche d’Arragon, Elz. 1650. Nicomede, Elz. 1652. D. Bertran, Elz. 1652. Le Feint Astrologue, Brux. 1654. L’Amour 4 la Mode, Bruz. 1654, 1 vol. red morocco, Sir John Thorold’s copy. Corneille (P. et T.) Le Theatre de, 10 vol. morocco, gilt leaves, - is Elzevir, 1664-78 Corneille, (P.) GEuvres diverses, morocco, gilt leaves, Amst. 1740 Corneitie. (T. & P.) Cuers D’Oxrvvre, PRINTED UPON VELLUM, 4 vol, vellum, Junot’s copy, Paris, Didot, 1800 Cornelius Nepos, old yellow morocco, gilt leaves, ‘ Paris, Barbou, 1754 Cornelii Europei Monarchia Solipsorum, Venet. 1645 Cornwallyes’s (Sir William) Essayes, red morocco, gilt leaves, - ” 7 - 1632 2398 Corona mistica beate marie virginis gloriose, black letter, wood cuts, - Antwerp, Gerard Leew, 1497 [ 143 J 2399 Coronazione della Poetessa Maria Maddalena Morelli Fernandez, tra gli Arcadi Corilla Olimpica, portrait, Parme, 1779 2400 Coronelli, Memoires du Royaume de la Moree, Amst. 1686 2401 Corpus Juris Civilis, 2 vol. fine copy, bound in red mo- rocco by Padaloup, with morocco lining, gilt leaves, Amst. 1665 2402 Corraro, Relation de la Cour de Rome, Elzevir, 1663 2403 Corret, Origines Gauloises, ou recherches sur la langue, &c. des Celto-Bretons, calf, marbled leaves, Hamb. 1801 2404 Corry’s History of Bristol, plates, 2 vol. russia, gilt leaves, Bristol, 1816 2405 Corsini, Il Torracchione Desolato, 2 vol. old yellow mo- rocco, gilt leaves, ~ - Lond. 1768 MISSALS AND HORA&. 2406 Horw Beata Maria VIrRGINIS, MANUSCRIPT UPON VEL- LUM, SPLENDIDLY ILLUMINATED. *,* THis EXQUISITELY BEAUTIFUL MANUSCRIPT WAS EXECUTED FOR Henry pve Vatois, DUKE or Or- LEANS, AFTERWARDS Henry II. or France, whose arms are illuminated on the first leaf. Then fol- lows the Calendar, containing twelve miniatures, representing the occupations of the Months ; Feasting, Cutting Wood, Pruning the Vine, Hawk- ing, Dancing, Shearing, Mowing, Reaping, the Wine-Press, Ploughing, Feeding Swine and Killing Swine. After this follow in various parts of the volume seventeen miniatures the full size of the page, representing St. John in Patmos, Christ in the Mount of Olives, the Annunciation, Joseph leaving Mary, the Angel Visiting Joseph, Joseph’s Return to Mary, Mary and Elizabeth, the Nativity, the Angel and the Shepherds, the Wise Men’s Offerings, the Circumcision, the Flight into Egypt, the Glorification of the Virgin, the Crucifixion, David’s Repentance, Job in his Misery, and the Trinity, then thirty-five smaller miniatures of the Saints. Each page is inclosed in a border of gold, terminating in elegant knots, and many of them have illuminated borders of birds, insects and flowers. The writing is in the Roman character, and the numerous initials are filled in with gold. The Drawing and Colouring of this volume entitle it to rank with the Finest Specimens of French Art of the XVIth Century, it may be considered in every respect a perfect Bijou, Small 8vo. [144 J 2407 Hor# B. Maria Viroinis, A SPLENDIDLY ILLUMINATED MANUSCRIPT UPON vELLUM. The calendar contains twenty-four miniatures representing the occupations of the Months. ‘Then various miniatures representing” the Passion of Christ, enclosed in beautiful borders of birds, insects and flowers upon a ground of gold. On several of the borders occur the initials W. M. and the words ‘ Fors Vous.’ ‘The text is in the Gothic cha- racter, finely written, the capitals finely filled in with bistre, heightened with gold. It appears to have been executed by a Flemish Artist in the Italian style, green morocco, inlaid with red, small 4to. in a morocco case. 2408 Missace cum Calendario, with elegant illuminations en- closed within borders of flowers, fruits and insects upon a ground of gold. In a fine Gothic character, the initials in gold upon colours,.morocco back with joints, richly tooled, the original sides curiously stamped, and con- taining the name of the binder inlaid, small Ato. 2409 Horz cum CALENDARIO, AN ELEGANT MANUSCRIPT UPON VELLUM, With large and small illuminations, and bor- ders of birds, insects, fruits and flowers, in a very de- licate and superior style of Art. In a Gothic character, red morocco, lined with green, richly tooled, 12mo. 2410 MissaLe cum CALENDARIO, Manuscript upon vellum with Illuminations of French Art. Every page has a flo- reated border. It contains at the end a Baptismal and Marriage Register of various French Families, and on the last leaf is a very ancient wood cut representing an Angel weighing a Soul against a Fiend who is endea- vouring to pull down the opposite Scale, blue morocco with joints, small 4to. 2411 Missate Romanum, a Manuscript upon vellum with illu- minations, of Flemish Art. It contains thirty minia- tures and painted borders, and twenty small circular: miniatures in the borders, red morocco, small 4to. 2412 MissaLe. An Intuminarep Manuscrirt of French Art’ UPON VELLUM. It contains Twenty-nine small Minia- tures and Fourteen large, one of the latter representing a subject from the dance of Death, in a neat style of Art. The border of every decorated with _ Miniatures of Animals, Grotesques, Birds, Flowers and Fruit, bound in red velvet, 8vo. ine Geasgrareen0 [ 145 ] DIBDIN’S TOUR. 2412 Dispin’s BisiiocrapwicaLt, ANTIQUARIAN AND. Pictu- RESQUE Tour in France and Germany, 8 vol. in 6, LARGE PAPER, 1821, and an Additional Volume, contain- ing Critiques by Crapelet, Licquet, Lesné, Peignot, Dibdin’s Roland for an Oliver, &c. In all 7 vol. PROOF IMPRESSIONS OF THE PLATES ON INDIA PAPER, ILLUSTRATED WITH THIRTY-ONE ORIGINAL DRAWINGS BY LEWIS, NUMEROUS VARIATIONS AND STATES OF THE PLATES, Plates from the Small Edition, &c. &c. splen- didly bound in red morocco, with joints, richly tooled, leaves gilt and tooled. *,* THis 18 UNQUESTIONABLY THE FINEST ILLUS- TRATED Copy oF THE JBrsviocrapHicaL ‘Tour WHICH ExISTs, and has been formed at a very considerable expense. The Foundation of it was Mr. Hibbert’s Copy which sold for 921. Ss. Irv THEN CONTAINED ONLY THIRTEEN OF THE ORI- GInAL DRAWINGS, MOST BEAUTIFULLY EXECUTED BY LEWIS, IT NOW POSSESSES THIRTY-ONE, com- prising the finest Subjects and Specimens of his Pencil, including the exquisite Drawing of the Portrait of Diana of Poictiers. It has also upwards of One Hundred and Sixty additional Plates to the Work, (including Lewis's Etchings, the Rox- burghe Plates and India Proofs, and many Etchings of the principal Engravings belonging to the Work). It has also two cancelled leaves, likewise the Text to Lewis’s Etchings, his remarks on his own Drawings and Dispute with Dr. Dibdin, and additional matter from the Second Edition. Quarto. 2414 Fleurieu’s Discoveries of the French to the South East of New Guinea, translated by Archdeacon Nares, see his MS. note, plates, - ~ - 1791 2415 Flinders’s Voyage to the Terra Australis, LARGE PAPER, 2 vol. russia, with Atlas in russia, - 1814 2416 Flochia, Gedichtum versicale de Flochis, cut, half mo- rocco. 2417 Florez, Medallas de las Colonias, Municipios y Pueblos Antiguos de Espana, plates, 2 vol. Mad. 1757. Mahudel Disseration sur les Monnoyes Antiques d'Espagne, Paris, 1725, together 3 vol. - 1, marbled leaves. [ 146 ] 2418 Florez, Memorias de las Reynas Catholicas, plates, 2 vol. Mad. 1770 2419 Florio’s Second Frutes, to which is annexed his Gardine of Recreation yielding six thousand Italian Proverbs, ‘morocco, gilt leaves, London, for Thomas Woodcock, 1591 2420 Folengi, Opus Macaronicum, Notis illustratum, 2 vol. in 1, calf, marbled leaves, “4 Amst. 1768 2421 Folengi, La Humanita del figliuolo di Dio in ottava rima, blue morocco, gilt leaves, - Vinegia, Pincio, 1533 2422 Foliete Clarorum. Ligurum Elogia, with an Introductory Epistle of Paulus Manutius, green morocco, gilt leaves, RARE, - - Rome, A. Blado, 1574 2423 Foliete Conjuratio Flisci, Tumultus Neapolitani, Cades Petri Ludovici Farnesii, - Genue, 1587 2424 Folkes’s Tables of English Silver and Gold Coins, plates, 1763 2425 Folkes’s Plates of English Coins, with manuscript notes by Dr..Gifford. 2426 Fontaine, Contes et Nouvelles, an unpublished and un- finished edition, of which very few copies are in circulation. The very beautiful plates by Choffard are proofs before the letters, . = - Paris, 1795 2427 Fontani de Bello Rhodio, Libri Tres, Haganoe, 1527. Pauli Jovii de Legatione Moschovitarum Libellus, Basil. 1527, 2 vol. in 1, morocco, gilt leaves. 2428 Fontanini, Biblioteca de la Elaquenza Italiana con le Annotazioni de Apostolo Zeno, 2 vol. in 1, calf, gilt leaves, - - - Parma, 1803 2429 Fonruitt. Rutter’s Delineations of Fonthill and its Scenery, LARGE PAPER, PROOF PLATES on India paper, 1823 2430 Fonthill. Description of Fonthill Abbey, plates by Storer, ETCHINGS AND PROOFS, half morocco, - 1812 2431 Forbes's Oriental Memoirs, plates, the Natural History beautifully coloured, 4 vol. red morocco, gilt leaves, presen- tation copy, - > = ’ 1813 2431*Forbes. A Series of the Engravings to Forbes’s Oriental Memoirs in various states of the plates, proofs, etchings, &c. 2432 Foreign Field Sports, Fisheries and Sporting Anecdotes, plates after Howitt, &c. half morocco, gilt top, 1814 2433 Fornasini, Novella Letta in un Adunanzi d’Amici, half morocco, gilt leaves, - Parma, Bodoni, 1804 2434 Forrest's Voyage to New Guinea, plates, . 1780 2435 Forrest's Voyage from Calcutta to the Mergui Archipe- lago, LARGE parE, plates, half morocco, : 1792 2436 Forster's Journey from Bengal to England, 2 vol. in 1, half morocco, gilt top, - 7 1798 2438 2439 2440 244] 2442 2443 2444 2445 2446 2447 2448 2449 2450 2451 2452 2453 2454 [147] Fortescue’s Foreste, or Collection of Histories, dooen out of French (Mexia), black letter, morocco, gilt leaves, London, John Kyngston, 1571 Fosbrooke’s History of Gloucestershire, 2 vol. half morocco, uncut, - - Gloucester, 1807 Fosbrooke’s British Monachism, plates, including several additional, LARGE PAPER, half morocco, gilt top, 1817 Fosbrooke’s Berkeley Manuscripts. Abstracts and Extracts of eee Lives ae Berkeleys, half morocco, gilt tup, - 1817 Foscolo (Ugo) Dray iat Clétiei. Prophetz Hypercalypsis, _ privately printed and suppressed, g green morocco, gilt leaves, Pisis in * Edibus Sapientia, 1815 Fossati, Favole, Delineate, ed incise in Rame, fine i im- pressions, printed in various coloured inks, 6 vol. in fine old blue morocco, richly gilt, lined with silk, gilt leaves, Venezia, 1744 Fouilloux, La Venerie. La Fauconnerie de Jean de Franchieres, wood cuts, - Paris, 1606 Fountainhall’s (Lord) Chronological Notes of Scottish Affairs from 1680 to 1701, edited by Sir Walter Scott, 120 copies printed, ~ ~ Edin. 1822 Fox's History of the Reign of James the Second, LARGEST PAPER, the Translation of the French Letters in Fox’s James the Second, inlaid to the same size, russia, with joints, gilt leaves, - - 1808 Foxe’s North-West Fox, or Fox from the North-West Passage, with the folding map, with a Fox in the corner, running away with a goose, venetian morocco, gilt leaves, RARE, - - - - 1635 Fracastoro della Sfilide pi ae ag da Benini, portrait inserted, - Patav. 1739 Frampton’s Joyfull Netek out of the New found World, translated from Monardus, russia, gilt leaves, 1596 France, Nouveau Voyage Pittoresque de la France, 360 plates, LARGE PAPER, 3 vol. - Paris, 1817 Franchi, Historia del l’atriarcha S. Giovangualberto Pri- mo Abbate et institutiore del Monastico Ordine di Val- lombrosa, FINE PAPER, blue morocco, Fwrenza, 1640 Francklin’s Tour from Bengal to Persia, Calcutta, 1788 Franklin’s Journey to the Shores of the Polar Sea, plates, half morocco, gilt top, - - 1823 Franco, della Belleze, fine portrait, Casale di Monferrato, 1540. Misere de li Amanti di Nobile Socio, Vineg. 1532 Trattato dell’) Amore Humano da Flaminio Nobili, Lucca, 1567. Discorso del Constante in Laude delle Donne, Venet, 1579. Flagello delle Meretrici, Venet. 1599,.and other tracts, a beautiful volume from Wilbraham’s collection. [ 148 J 2455 Franco, Aggrippina, in ottava rima, Venetia, Pincio, 15335 2456 Francois, Dictionnaire Roman, Walon, Celtique et Tu- desque, half morocco, uncut, - Bouillon, 1777 2457 Fraser’s Tour through part of the Snowy range of the Himala Mountains, plates, LARGE PAPER, ° 1820 2458 Fraser’s Journey into. Khorassan, half morocco, 0, gill top, 1825 2459 Fraser’s Travels in the Persian Provinces on the Southern Banks of the Caspian Sea,.half morocco, =" 1826 2460 Freycinet’s Voyage round the World, by Arago, plates, half morocco, gilt top, : 1823 2461 Frezier, Relation du Voyage a ia Mer du Sud, title pieced, plates, 1716. Reponse a la Preface Critique &c. contre la Relation du Frezier, 1727, 2 vol. in 1, gilt leaves. 2462 Frobisseri Navigationes a Freigio translate, frontispiece, morocco, gilt leaves, - Hamburg, 1675 2463 Froissart’s Chronicles, by Lord Berners, 2 vol. half mo- rocco, uncut, ams 1812 2464 Froissart, Memoirs Be the Life of, by Johnes, Hafod, 1810 2465 Frolich, Notitia Elementaris Numismatum, plates, ~ Vienne. 1758 2466 Fuga, Abecedario Pittorico dall’ origine delle Belle Arti a anno 1775, LARGE PAPER, red morocco, gilt leaves, Fir. 1776 2467 Fuligatto, Vita Roberti Card. Bellarmini, Latine reddita a Silv. Petra Sancta, portrait, Thuanus's copy, Leodii, 1626 2468 Fureriltinerarium A’gypti, Arabi, Palestine, &c. plates, morocco, gilt leaves, a Norimb. 1620 Folio. 2469 LE CHAMP DE DRAP D’OR. Tue account oF THE INTERVIEW BETWEEN Henry VIIE. anp Francrs I. in THE YEAR 1520, WITH A PARTICULAR DETAIL OF ALL THE MAGNIFICENT CEREMONIES THERE OBSERVED, COLLECTED FROM THE CONTEMPORARY CHRONICLERS. The celebrated interview, usually called “ Tue Fireip or Cioran or Goxp” has always béen referred to by the Contemporary Writers of both Countries as the most magnificent entertainment whieh had occurred in the annals of either kingdom. The Nobles of both states vied with each other in splendor, and the re- venue of their estates for some ir ca Was spent on this occasion. The orly Pictorial Record of this meeting was that at [ 149 ] Cowdray, (destroyed by fire some years ago) and it is rather singular that no other painrines should exist to our times of so remarkable an event, but that it should have remained to the present time to produce a splendid Record OF EvENTS, which occurred three centuries ago, drawn from the written descriptions of persons who were actually present, and who paint in language that which is here produced to the eye, by the splendid exertions of modern art. The following is a List of a few of the numerous decorations by the first modern Artists, which grace the volume. A Drawing in Water Colours, by Stephanof,, representing the Crowning the Victor in the Tourna- ment. Superb Painting in Oil, by R. Bone, repre- senting the Embarkation of Henry VIIL. at Dover. The Fountain of Wine at the Gate of the Palace erected at Guisnes, for the Reception of Henry, by Bone, in oil. The Procession of Cardinal Wolsey to the Court of Francis I. in Oil by Bone. The Presen- tation of the Ambassador of Francis to Henry and his Queen, in Oil, by Bone. The Presentation of Cardinal Wolsey as Ambassador from Hen ry to Francis, in Oil, by Bone. Henry accompanied by Wolsey and his Train riding to meet the French King, in Oil, by Boze. The Meeting of the Two Kings, in Water Colours by Stephanoff. The Conference in the Tent, in Oil, by Bone. ‘The Banquet, in Oil, by Bone. The Challenge in the Lists, in Oil, by Bone. 'Two Knights Tilting, Drawing in Indian Ink, touched with colour, by Cooper. ‘The encounter in the Lists between Henry and Francis, in Oil, by Bone. The Visit of Francis to Henry at Guisnes, in Oil, by Bone. The Meeting of the Two Queens, by Bone, in Oil. The Celebration of High Mass in the Presence of the Two Courts, by Cardinal Wolsey, in Oil, by Bone. The Entertain- “ment and Masquing given by the Queen of Francis, ~ Drawing by Stephanoff, in Water Colours. Portrait of Francis the First, after the picture by Titian, in colours, by R. Bone. Portrait of Henry the Eighth, from the picture by Holbein, ina rich dress, in water colours by Willement. Portrait of Francis the First, ‘drawn by Harlowe, when at Paris, from the original _ picture, on blue paper in chalks. Besides. these, the volume contains numerous vic- NETTES AND INITIAL LETTERS, which are interspersed _ throughout, making the number of decorations up- wards of a hundred. Splendidly bound in morocco, by Lewis, with a morocco case. [ 150 ] 2470 Gaspar DE. CRAYER. Firty-THREE DRAWINGS FROM Susyects IN THE New TESTAMENT, ADMIRABLY EXE- curep iN InpIAN INK AND OIL By GasPAR DE CRAYER, with his own portrait. *,* Gaspar de Crayer was born at Antwerp in 1582, and died in 1669. This eminent painter in early life distinguished himself by a Portrait of Cardinal Ferdinand the Governor of the Low Countries, who appointed him Painter to the Court. His reputa- tion speedily increased, and most of the Churches in the Low Countries are decorated with his Paint- ings. Rubens on beholding his Picture of the Centurion before Christ, said “ Crayer nobody will surpass you.” ‘These scriptural Drawings exhibit a power of genius and ability of execution, which will sustain the eulogium of Rubens. 2471 Dugdale’s Monasticon Anglicanum, plates, 3 vol. red mo- rocco, gilt leaves, 2 Lond. 1655-83 *,* This copy contains the rare leaf, being the Epistle of Ralph Bathurst, following the title of vol. 1. 2472 Ducpare's Monasticon AnGLIcAnuM; a History of the Abbies and other Monasteries, Hospitals, Frieries, Cathedral and Collegiate Churches in England and Wales, WITH ADDITIONS BY CALEY, ELLIs-AND BANDINEL, 12 vol. LARGE PAPER, proof impressions of the plates, splendidly bound in maroon coloured morocco, with joints, richly tooled, gilt leave s = 1817-30 *,* This splendid Edition of Dugdale may justly be considered a National Work, and of the highest importance to every Public Library and Corporate Body to possess. Next to Doomesday Book it is the most ancient and ample record of the History and descent of the greatest portion of the Landed Property of the country, and has been admitted as Evidence in a Court of Justice where the original documents had perished. Besides the Plates be- longing to the Work, this copy is illustrated with aset of those belonging to the Original Edition. 2473 Dugdale’s Monasticon Anglicanum, a set of 90 Plates, mounted, and bound in an atlas folio, russia, London, John Overton. 2474 Dugdale’s History of St. Paul's Cathedral, by Ellis, PROOF PLATES, with a duplicate set from the original Edi- (ion inserted, LARGE PAPER, 2 vol. half morocco, uncut, gilt leaves, - ss = 1818 [ 151 ] 2475 Dugdale’s Antiquities of Warwickshire, plates, russia, with joints, gilt leaves, - a 1656 2476 Duepae’s History or ImpanxinG AnD Drainina, plates, red morocco, with joints, gilt leaves, richly gilt and tooled inside and out, - - - 1662 2477 Dugdale’s Baronage of England, 2 vol. Lance paper, blue morocco, with joints, gilt leaves, - 1675 2478 Dugdale’s View of the late Troubles in England, Larce PAPER, 1681. Dugdale’s Antient usage of bearing Arms, 1682. Selden on the Office of Lord Chancellor by Dugdale, 1677, the last two inlaid, 3 vol. in 1, blue morocco, gilt leaves. 2479 Enderbie’s Cambria Triumphans, or Brittain in its perfect Lustre, morocco, gilt leaves, - - 1661 2480 Enderbie’s Cambria Triumpbans, LarGE PAPER, 1810 2481 Englefield’s Description of the Isle of Wight, plates, LARGE PAPER, half morocco, uncut, ~ 1816 2482 Engravings on Wood. Einger kunst, a series of spirited cuts representing the Art of Wrestling, Wittenberg, 1539. Wapen buch. Arms of the German States and Cities, Frankf. 1545. Bericht von Augsburg, 1550, 3 vol. in 1, red morocco, gilt leaves. 2483 Encravines. Sets of Engravings to various Works, The Decameron, after Stodart. Keepsake, 1818. Literary Souvenir, 1827. Bijou, 1828-29-30, proors on Inp1A PAPER, in 1 vol. green morocco, richly tooled. 2484 Encravines. A collection of Engravings to various works. The Keepsake, 1828, 1829, 1832. Crabbe’s Works. The Literary Souvenir. Rogers’s Poems. Various after Sir Thomas Lawrence, PROOF IMPRESSIONS on Inp14 paper, splendidly bound in 1 vol. Venetian mo- rocco, richly tooled, gilt leaves. 2455 Encravines. Sets of Engravings to various works. The Anniversary, 1829, ErcHINGS AND PROOFS ON INDIA PAPER. Rogers's Italy, proors on Inp1A PAPER. Select _Ercuinecs, proors on Inp1a paper, and Views in the South of France, PROOFS ON INDIA PAPER, morocco, gilt leaves. 2486 Engravings and wood cuts by various Artists, mounted in a folio volume. 2487 Enzina. Cancionero de todas las Obras de Juan de _Enzina, black head red morocco, with joints, gilt leaves, very rare, Caragog¢a, Iorge Coci, 1516 2488 Ercolana, Antichita at; da Bayardi, plates, 9 vol. Napoli, 1757-92 2489 Escobar, Las quatrocientas respuestas a otras tantas preguntas, &c, 2 vol. green morocco, gilt leaves, rare, Valladolid, Francisco Fernandez, 1550-52 2489 Escolano, Historia de la Ciudad y reyno de Valencia, 2 vol. morocco, gilt leaves, rare, Valencia, 1610-11 [ 152 ] 2490 Espejo de Principes y Caballeros en el qual se cuentan los immortales hechos del Cavallero del Febo, y de su hermano Rosicler, por Diego Ortunez de Calahorra, 4 parts in 2 vol. red morocco, gilt leaves, RARE, 1617 2491 Euclidis Elementa, morocco, gilt leaves, — . | Venetiis, Ratdolt, MCCCCLXXXII. 9492 Eusebius de Evangelica Preeparatione, FIRST EDITION, very fine copy, with illuminated capitals, red morocco, with joints, richly tooled, gilt leaves, by C. Lewis, Venetiis, Nicolaus Jenson, MCCCCLXX. 2492*Evutropi Historia. Ciceronis Vita ex Plutarcho ab Achille Bocchio, Tiberii et Caii Gracchorum Historia de Greco traducta per L. Aretinum, Manuscript on vellum of the XV th century, red morocco, with joints, gilt leaves. 2493 Fabritii (Aloyse Cynthio de gli) Libro della Origine delli Volgari Proverbi, fine copy, red morocco, gilt leaves. Con la gratia del Sommo Pontifice et della Illustriss. Seg- noria, “ - Vinegia, J. Fratelli Vitali, 1526 *,* This is one of the rarest works in the Italian language. ‘The author was burnt on account of the publication of these Proverbs. Mons. Paris wrote the following note in his copy; J'ai cherché ce livre pendant 30 ans et le hazard seul me la pro- cure. Il a &é brulé par U Inquisition et recherché avec tant de soin qu'il est presque introuvable. This. copy contains an additional Satire, and four Sonnets at the end, of which 24 copies only were printed by Renouard in 1812. 2494 Fabyan’s Chronicle, black letter, russia, with joints, gilt leaves, = London, William Bonham, 1542 2494*Fabian’s Chronicle, russia, gilt leaves, London, John Kyngston, 1559 2495 Faria y Sousa, Historia del Reyno de Portugal, portraits, Amberes, 1730 2496 Farington’s Views of the Lakes in Cumberland and Westmorland, fine impressions, - - 1789 2497 Fayre or Armes AND oF Cuyvatrye, Venetian morocco, with joints, gilt leaves, by C. Lewis, FINE COPY. *,* “ Thus endeth this beke, whiche beyng in Frenshe was delyvered to me, William Caxton, by Lord Kyng Henry the VIIth. Kyng of Englond and Fraunce, in his Palais of Westmestre, and desired and wylled me to translate this said boke.” Caxton, MCCCCLXXXIX. 2498 Fazio di Gluberti. Incominza el Libro primo dita Mundi, componuto per Fazio di Gluberti da Firenze, wormed, gilt leaves, rare, Venezia, MCCCCLXXVII.