By order of Mr. James S. Smith, Exr. of the Estate of the late ke JAMES N. SMITH |" “5 s-:265 CLINTON AVE. 5 t 4 | or. | BROOKLYN, N. Y. VALUABLE PAINTINGS TO BE SOLD AT UNRESTRICTED PUBLIC SALE AT The Philadelphia Art Galleries S. E, COR. 15tTH AND CHESTNUT STREETS PHILADELPHIA, PA. LIBRARY M. KNOEDLER & CO. 556-8 FIFTH AVE. NEW YORK ON FREE VIEW at The Philadelphia Art Galleries S. E. GOR. 15th AND CHESTNUT STREETS FROM MONDAY, JAN. 18, 1915 UNTIL THE DATE OF SALE INCLUSIVE A VERY IMPORTANT COLLECTION OF VALUABLE PAINTINGS TO BE SOLD AT PUBLIC SALE ON Wednesday, January 20, 1915 AT 2.30 O’CLOCK By order of Mr. JAMES S. SMITH, Exr. of the Estate of the late JAMES N. SMITH BROOKLYN, N. Y. AND SEVERAL PRIVATE COLLECTORS AT The Philadelphia Art Galleries S. E. COR. 15th AND CHESTNUT STREETS PHILADELPHIA REED H. WALMER, Manager I. il Ill. IV. VII. VI. Terms and Conditions of Sale All bills payable in Cash before delivery. The highest bidder to be the buyer, and if any dispute arise between two or more bidders the lot so in dispute, shall be im- mediately put up again and resold. The purchasers to give their names and ad- dresses, and to pay down a cash deposit of at least 25 per cent. of the purchase money, or the whole if required, in default of which the lot or lots so purchased to be immediately put up again and resold. The lots to be taken away at the buyer’s ex- pense and risk within twenty-four hours of the conclusion of the sale, and the re- mainder of the purchase money to be ab- solutely paid or otherwise settled for to the satisfaction of the manager on or be- fore delivery, in default of which the undersigned will not hold themselves re- sponsible if the lots be lost, stolen, dam- aged or destroyed, but they will be left at the sole risk of the purchaser; and no goods to be removed unless receipted bills are presented. No claims allowed after the removal of goods. Articles are exposed for public examination one or more days, and are sold just as they are, without recourse. Upon failure to comply with the above con- ditions, the money deposited in part pay- ment shall belong to the managers as liquidated damages for purchaser’s failure to complete the sale All lots unclaimed within the time aforesaid, shall be resold at public or private sale, without further notice. The undersigned are in no manner connected with the business of the cartage or pack- ing and shipping of purchases, and al- though they will afford to purchasers every facility for employing careful car- riers and packers, they will not hold them- selves responsible for the acts and charges of the parties engaged for such service. PHILADELPHIA ART GALLERIES Catalogue Wednesday January 20, 1915 Beginning at 2.30 o’clock =, SCHLICHER Vienna Born in Vienna, Pupil of the Austrian Academy. 1 The Jolly Sailor J. J. C. SPOHLER Antwerp 2 Windmills in Holland 3 Sheep and Ewe UNKNOWN 4 A Cavalier (Porcelain Painting) R. C. SWEETING 5 King Lear and Cordelia E. BAIH 6 Fishing E. BAIH 7 Peasants C. GRIESON Rome 8 Neapolitan Girl W. E. PLIMPTON New York 9 Sketching UNKNOWN 10 The Settlement of Alabama Claims Wm. H. BICKNELL 11 Wm. Jennings Bryan (Engraving) ALBERT INSLEY New York 12 Autumn in the Woods JULES DUPRE 13 Landscape J. J. HENNER 14 Head R. A. BLAKELOCK 15 Landscape M. K. KELLOG Deceased Paris Deceased New York 16 Persian Water Carrier C. DETTI 17 A Nobleman PAUL LAZERGES 18 Arabian Scene FREDERICK E. CHURCH 19 In the Everglades Paris Paris New York ARTHUR PARTON New York 20 Hayfield, Arkville, Conn. PAUL. P. SCHAAN Paris 21 A Conference J. B. COROT Deceased 22 On the River Oise E. CONNOR New York 23 Flowers WOODSIDE New York 24 After the Hunt From the Estate of Joseph Harrison, Jr. FRITZ THURLOW The Hague 25 River Argue in Autumn JAMES HAMILTON Deceased 26 Marine A. SCHREYER Paris 27 Arabian Horsemen CAMILLE DELPY Paris 28 Scene on the Seine H. BRENT 29 Hunters shooting a Deer by Moonlight From the Hon. Carroll Spence Collection. UNKNOWN 30 St. Cecelia UNKNOWN 31 Painting of Napoleon WARREN SHEPHERD New York 32 Venice JAMES G. TYLER New York 33 On the Georgian Banks —r DAVID TENIERS Brussels 34 Landscape and Figures GEO. M. BRUESTLE New York 35 New England Hills ROUREGES Paris 36 The Proposal EDWARD MORAN Deceased 37 Marine Wm. HOGARTH, 1697-1764 38 Laughing Audience ORESTE CORTAZZO Rome 39 Interior (Merry Making) CARLETON WIGGINS, N. A. New York 40 The Farm Lane M. BRUE Paris 41 Sheepfold C. F. DAUBIGNY Paris 42 The Banks of the Oise From the collection of Eugene Suchet, Paris A. ALLAN New York 43 Madison Square F. ZIEM Paris 44 Venice CARLETON WIGGINS, N. A. New York 45 Curiosity BIRGE HARRISON New York 46 The Convent or ‘‘First Com- munion”’ GEO. F. BENSELL Deceased 47 Il Penseroso 10 HERMANN DEIGENDESCH The Hague 48 Edwin Forrest as Damon LOUIS JAPY Paris 49 Morning Landscape, Loire A. H. WYANT Deceased 50 Meadowland EDWARD MORAN, N. A. New York 51 Long Island Shore at Green- port, (water color) CARLETON WIGGINS, N. A. New York 52 Storm on the Edge of the Forest THOS. B. GRIFFIN New York 53 Delaware Falls K, E. FELIX New York 54 On Long Island Sound 11 MAX KAUFMAN Paris 55 A Jolly Good Fellow Cc. A. CORRADINI Paris 56 The First Born G. CERRI Paris 57 The Lovers J. J. HENNER Paris 58 Ideal Head CHARLES WILSON PEALE 59 George Washington F. GIMENO Paris 60 Inspecting the Estate J. B. NANOZ 61 Shad Fishing in New York Bay G. COLSOULLE 62 The Patrol GEORGE INNESS Deceased 63 Landscape A. PEDROTTI Rome 64 ‘‘Your Good Health”’ FRANK BICKNELL New York 65 Landscape VICTOR PLOLL Paris 66 The Stirrup Cup JAMES HAMILTON Deceased 67 A Gale BLYTHE New York 68 The Old Stage Coach 13 Goce nhiCHER Vienna Born in Vienna, Pupil of the Austrian Academy 69 Enjoying his Leisure W. LOS Warsaw 70 Fox Hunting in Russia JAMES HAMILTON 71 Sunset H. HOMBORG 72 A Quiet Nap G. VIVIAN 73 Venice L. NOTTERMAN 74 Meal Time J. MORAN 75 The Encampment Deceased Munich New York Munich New York W. K. HEWITT New York 76 Lear, Kent, Gloster and Edger JAMES HAMILTON Deceased 77 The Tempest UNKNOWN 78 Landscape, Old Spain H. DELLATERE Paris 79 Dead Game E. MULLER Amsterdam 80 The Egg Market A. EVENSEND Paris 81 Street Scene in Amsterdam UNKNOWN 82 Shepherdess and Sheep 15 JAMES HAMILTON Deceased 83 After the Storm UNKNOWN | 84 Mary Queen of Scotts UNKNOWN ‘85 Brigands in Ambush L. VERWEE Paris 86 Sheep PAUL WEBER Dusseldorf 87 Landscape C. H. SPOONER Philadelphia 88 October Sunset UNKNOWN 89 Fowl Market in Amsterdam FAC SIMILE 90 Summer PASTEL 91 Autumn PHOTOGRAPH 92 After the Trial LITHOGRAPH 93 The Fisherman PRINTED BY Tue Braprorp Press, Inc. PHILADELPHIA