cow A ae ‘ % 1923 mo Dec.6 NeAmP 3 SALE NUMBER 1780 N PUBLIC EXHIBITION FROM TUESDAY, NOVEMBER TWENTY-SEVENTH RARE PRINTS BY N. CURRIER AND CURRIER & IVES TO BE SOLD BY AUCTION THURSDAY EVENING, DECEMBER SIXTH AT EIGHT-FIFTEEN O’CLOCK THE ANDERSON GALLERIES [MITCHELL KENNERLEY, Presipent] PARK AVENUE & FIFTY-NINTH STREET, NEW YORK 1923 de ~ Dg oom age eee eee a & Tym : b age gh ee ae i — pruc NEARLY CFE: [ NUMBER 234] SALE NUMBER 1780 ON PUBLIC EXHIBITION FROM TUESDAY, NOVEMBER TWENTY-SEVENTH RARE PRINTS N. CURRIER AND CURRIER & IVES THE COLLECTION OF FRED J. PETERS OF FLUSHING, LONG ISLAND REPRESENTATIVE EXAMPLES GATHERED DURING THE PAST FIFTEEN YEARS FOR THE PURPOSE OF ILLUSTRATING A BIOGRAPHICAL HISTORY AND CHECK LIST ENTITLED: “NATHANIEL CURRIER LITHOGRAPHER COLORED ENGRAVINGS FOR THE PEOPLE?” A VARIED NUMBER OF SUBJECTS, ALL PERTAINING TO THE LIFE AND PROGRESS OF THE AMERICAN PEOPLE, AND THE MOST DESIRABLE PRINTS AFTER THE ARTISTS EMPLOYED TO BE SOLD BY HIS ORDER THURSDAY EVENING, DECEMBER SIXTH AT EIGHT-FIFTEEN O’CLOCK THE ANDERSON GALLERIES LAQ53)4 [MITCHELL KENNERLEY, Przsipent] PARK AVENUE & FIFTY-NINTH STREET, NEW YORK 1923 CONDITIONS OF SALE All bids to be PER Lor as numbered in the Catalogue. The highest bidder to be the buyer. In all cases of disputed bids the lot shall be resold, but the Auctioneer will use his judgment as to the good faith of all claims and his decision shall be final. Buyers to give their names and addresses and to make such cash payments on account as may be required, in default of which the lots purchased to be immediately resold. Purchases to be taken away at the buyer’s expense and risk within twenty- four hours from the conclusion of the sale, and the remainder of the purchase money to be paid on or before delivery, in default of which The Anderson Galleries, Incorporated, will not be responsible if the lot or lots be lost, stolen, damaged, or destroyed, but they will be left at the sole risk of the purchaser, and subject to storage charges. All lots will be exposed for public exhibition before the date of sale, for examination by intending purchasers, and The Anderson Galleries, Incorpo- rated, will not be responsible for the correctness of the description, authen- ticity, genuineness, or for any defect or fault in or concerning any lot, and makes no warranty whatever, but will sell each lot exactly as it is, wirHouT RECOURSE. Terms Casu. Upon failure to comply with the above conditions any sum deposited as part payment shall be forfeited, and all such lots as remain un- cleared after twenty-four hours from the conclusion of the sale will be resold by either private or public sale at such time as The Anderson Galleries, Incor- porated, shall determine, without further notice, and if any deficiency arises from such resale it shall be made good by the defaulter at this sale together with all the expenses incurred thereby. This condition shall be without prej- udice to the right of The Anderson Galleries, Incorporated, to enforce the contract with the buyer, without such resale. Brvs. We make no charge for executing orders for our customers and use all bids competitively, buying at the lowest price permitted by other bids. The Anderson Galleries, Incorporated, will afford every facility for the employment of carriers and packers by the purchasers, but will not be respon- sible for any damage arising from the acts of such carriers and packers. THE ANDERSON GALLERIES PARK AVENUE AND FIFTY-NINTH STREET NEW YORK TELEPHONE PLAZA 9356 CATALOGUES ON REQUEST SALES CONDUCTED BY MR. F. A. CHAPMAN AND MR. A. N. BADE ORDER OF SALE AMERICAN CITIES AND VIEWS 1- 29 AMERICAN FARM, RURAL AND PASTORAL SCENES 30 71 CIVIL WAR 72— 88 MEXICAN WAR 89- 96 PRESIDENTS OF THE UNITED STATES 97-108 POLITICAL BANNERS 109-115 AMERICAN HISTORY 116-125 FANCY SUBJECTS 126-132 SUBJECTS AFTER OLD AMERICAN AND ENGLISH CLASSICS 133-139 NAVAL, STEAMSHIPS AND CLIPPER SHIPS 140-166 INDIANS, PIONEERS, AND EARLY WEST 167-181 FISHING, HUNTING AND SPORTS 182a-198 ADIRONDACK SERIES 199-208 WILD GAME 209-228 TROTTING HORSES AND RACES ON LONG ISLAND 224—231 PAINTINGS BY A. F. TAIT, N. A. AND WILLIAM HART, N-A; 232-233 OLD ADVERTISEMENT OF N. CURRIER 234 SALE THURSDAY EVENING, DECEMBER SIXTH, AT 8:15 RARE PRINTS BY N. CURRIER AND CURRIER & IVES NUMBERS 1-234 {In order to simplify the catalogue it seemed advisable to omit repeating the words “colored lithograph” and “framed.” All the prints are colored, and all are either in the original frames, or suitable frames, except as otherwise stated. AMERICAN CITIES AND VIEWS NUMBERS 1-29 1 ECHO LAKE—WHITE MOUNTAINS Currier & Ives. Not dated. Oval. Height, 111% inches; width, 141% inches 2 AUTUMN ON LAKE GEORGE Currier & Ives. Not dated. Height, 814 inches; width, 125@ iches 8 THE BRIDGE AT THE OUTLET, LAKE MEMPHREMAGOG Currier & Ives. Not dated. Height, 74 inches; width, 121% imches 4 VALLEY FALLS—VIRGINIA Currier & Ives. Not dated. Height, 8 inches; width, 1252 inches 5 WASHINGTON, FROM THE PRESIDENT’S HOUSE N. Currier. Dated 1848. Height, 8 inches; width, 121% inches Title in French and German. 6 ALNWICK CASTLE Height, 1434 inches; width, 205, inches 7 MELROSE ABBEY Currier & Ives. Not dated. Height, 77% inches; width, 1214, inches 8 VIEW OF BALTIMORE N. Currier. Dated 1848. Height, 8 inches; width, 124g inches 10 ek 12 13 14 16 18 1S SUNN YSIDE—ON THE HUDSON Currier & Ives. Not dated. Height, 8 inches; width, 1214, inches HUDSON RIVER—CROW’S NEST | Currier & Ives. Not dated. Height, 74, inches; width, 123 inches UP THE HUDSON Currier & Ives. Not dated. Height, 83, inches; width, 1214 inches THE HUDSON HIGHLANDS Currier & Ives. Dated 1871. Height, 83g inches; width, 123% inches UNDER CLIFF—ON THE HUDSON Currier & Ives. Not dated. Height, 81% inches; width, 121% inches THE MOUNTAIN SPRING, WEST POINT Near Cozzen’s Dock. Painted by F. F. Palmer. Currier & Ives. Dated 1862. Height, 1034 inches; width, 1538 inches THE MILL DAM AT “SLEEPY HOLLOW” Currier & Ives. Not dated. Height, 17 inches; width, 221% inches The large issue, in fine colors. VIEW ON MONTGOMERY CREEK Near the Hudson. Currier & Ives. Not dated. Height, 83g inches; width, 121% inches MILL-COVE LAKE “Near Po’Keepsie-on-the-Hudson.” Currier & Ives. Not dated. Height, 83g inches; width, 1214 inches VIEW ON THE HARLEM RIVER, N. Y. The High Bridge in the distance. Drawn from nature and on stone by F. F. Palmer. Currier & Ives. Dated 1852. Height, 1434, inches; width, 201, inches THE BATTERY, NEW YORK By Moonlight. N. Currier. Dated 1856. Height, 7% inches; width, 121% inches 2 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 oO ~ THE NARROWS, NEW YORK BAY From Staten Island. Currier & Ives. Not dated. Height, 8 inches; width, 123@ inches CENTRAL PARK, THE DRIVE Currier & Ives. Dated 1862. Height, 11 inches; width, 1514 inches VIEW OF THE PARK, FOUNTAIN, AND CITY HALL, N. Y. N. Currier. Dated 1846. Height, 8 inches; width, 1114 inches VIEW OF THE DELAWARE “Water Gap” in the distance. Painted by George Innes. Currier & Ives. Dated 1860. Height, 14% inches; width, 223 inches HARRISBURG AND THE SUSQUEHANNA From Bridgeport Heights. Painted by F. F. Palmer. Currier & Ives. Dated 1865. Height, 1415/16 inches; width, 205g inches Showing the Camel Back Bridge and the Old State Capital from Wash- ington Heights during the Civil War. VALLEY OF THE SUSQUEHANNA Painted by E. Blummer. Currier & Ives. Not dated. Height, 1434 inches; width, 2052 imches VIEW OF HARPER®S’ FERRY, VA. From the Potomac Side. Currier & Ives. Not dated. Height, 144 inches; width, 2038 inches TOLL GATE, JAMAICA, L. I. N. Currier. Not dated. Cut and inlaid. Height, 884 inches; width, 1234 mches Very Rare. Only a few copies known, showing the old Long Island Toll Gate. OLD SAW-MILL, L. I. N. Currier. Not dated. No plate line. Small oblong folio. Founded in the early 17th century. ‘The ruins still stand on Man- hasset Bay. 29 30 dl 34 35 36 37 38 LAKE WINNIPISEOGEE From Centre Harbor, N. H. Painting by F. F. Palmer. Currier & Ives. Not dated. Height, 143% inches; width, 203% Fine brilliant colors. AMERICAN FARM, RURAL AND PASTORAL SCENES NUMBERS 30-71 SUMMER IN THE COUNTRY Currier & Ives. Not dated. Height, 8 inches; width, 121% THE ROADSIDE MILL Currier & Ives. Dated 1870. Height, 8 inches; width, 1214 THE DAIRY FARM Currier & Ives. Not dated. Height, 9 inches; width, 12% WINTER IN THE COUNTRY A Cold Morning. Painted by G. H. Durrie. Currier & Ives. Dated 1864. Height, 183. inches; width, 2714 SKATING SCENE—MOONLIGHT Currier & Ives. Dated 1868. Height, 74g inches; width, 121% SPRING N. Currier. Not dated. Height, 74g inches; width, 12% SYLVAN LAKE Currier & Ives. Dated 1868. Height, 8 inches; width, 121% THE FARMYARD IN WINTER Painted by G. H.-Durrie. Currier & Ives. Dated 1861. Height, 16 5/16 inches; width, 235% THE RURAL LAKE Painted by F. F. Palmer. Currier & Ives. Not dated. Height, 1014 inches; width, 1234 4 inches inches inches inches inches inches inches inches inches inches 39 40 4] THE MILL STREAM Painted by F. F. Palmer. Currier & Ives. Not dated. Height, 11 inches; width, 1588 mches A small bridge crossing a tributary of the Connecticut River with the miller’s cottage and distant landscape. A NEW ENGLAND HOME Currier & Ives. Not dated. Height, 8 inches; width, 1244 inches THE THATCHED COTTAGE Currier & Ives. Not dated. Height, 81% inches; width, 121% inches 43 AMERICAN FOREST SCENE [NuMBER 42] MAPLE SUGARING Painted by A. F. Tait, 1855. N. Currier. Dated 1856. Height, 1814 inches; width, 26% inches One of the quaintest of the Rural Scenes. This print is in the original colors. [SEE ILLUSTRATION | THE GYPSIES’ CAMP Currier & Ives. Not dated. Height, 1114, inches; width, 163g inches 9) 44 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 AUTUMN IN NEW ENGLAND—CIDER MAKING Painted by G. H. Durrie. Jno. Schuller, del. Currier & Ives. Dated 1866. Height, 1434 inches; width, 2514 inches Fine impression. Charming autumn landscape with ox-drawn cart bring- ing the apples to the cider press. THE FARMER’S HOME—AUTUMN Painted by F. F. Palmer. Currier & Ives. Dated 1864. Height, 16 inches; width, 2314 inches THE OLD MILL IN SUMMER Currier & Ives. Not dated. Height, 81% inches; width, 121% inches FLOATING DOWN TO MARKET Currier & Ives. Dated 1870. Height, 77% inches; width, 123 inches WINTER IN THE COUNTRY—THE OLD GRIST MILL Painted by G. H. Durrie, 1862. Currier & Ives. Dated 1864. Height, 1884 inches; width, 271 inches HOLIDAYS IN THE COUNTRY Troublesome Flies. Currier & Ives. Dated 1868. Height, 1514 inches; width, 23 11/16 inches THE OLD HOMESTEAD IN WINTER Painted by G. H. Durrie. Currier & Ives. Dated 1864. Height, 184% inches; width, 2614 inches THE GRAZING FARM 3 Currier & Ives. Dated 1867. Height, 16% inches; width, 245 inches THE RETURN FROM THE PASTURE Painted by F. F. Palmer. Currier & Ives. Not dated [1857]. Height, 185% inches; width, 275% inches The cows are returning home, wading through the brook. and the discussion events leading up to it. The career of the ‘Alabama,’ and final settlement of the famous “Alabama Claims” resulting from the ship’s exploits, form a notable chapter in the history of British and American relations. “MONITOR” AND “MERRIMAC” Terrific combat between the Monitor, two guns, and Merrimac, ten guns. The First Fight between Iron Clad Ships of War. In Hampton Roads, March 9th, 1862. In which the little Monitor whipped the Merrimac and the whole “School of Rebel Steamers.” Currier & Ives. Dated 1862. Height, 75 inches; width, 12° mches 28 161 162 163 164 165 166 “MERRIMAC” AND “MONITOR” The Great Fight between the “Merrimac” and ‘Monitor’ March 9th, 1862. | The first battle between ironclad ships of war. From a sketch fur- nished by F. Newman of Norfolk, Va. Currier & Ives. Dated 1862. Height, 7% inches; width, 121% inches This print differs from the other two views of the famous naval engage- ment by Currier & Ives. The vessels are in reversed positions and it will be noted that in the title the Confederate ““Merrimac”’ is first mentioned. Very Rare. Only a few copies known. [SEE ILLUSTRATION, PAGE 27 | BOMBARDMENT OF THE FORTS AT HATTERAS INLET, N. C. By the United States Fleet under Commodore Stringham and the forces under General Butler, Aug. 27th, 1861. Currier & Ives. Not dated. Height, 54 inches; width, 1214 inches A MIDNIGHT RACE ON THE MISSISSIPPI F. F. Palmer del. From a sketch by H. D. Manning of the Natchez. Currier & Ives. Dated 1860. Height, 181% inches; width, 271% inches Portraying the ships ‘‘Natchez” and “Eclipse.” “ROUNDING A BEND” ON THE MISSISSIPPI The parting salute. F. F. Palmer del. Currier & Ives. Dated 1866. Height, 181, inches; width, 2734 inches “Queen of the West” and ‘‘Morning Star.” Portraying the ships, HIGH PRESSURE STEAMBOAT “MAY FLOW ER” First Class Packet Between St. Louis and New Orleans on the Mississippi River. N. Currier. Dated 1855. Height, 16 inches; width, 28 inches Fine impression. MIDNIGHT RACE ON THE MISSISSIPPI Between the “Memphis” and the “James Howard.” Currier & Ives. Dated 1875. Height, 9 inches; width, 131% inches 0) 167 168 169 170 171 173 174 INDIANS, PIONEERS AND THE EARLY WEST NUMBERS 167-181 GOLD MINING IN CALIFORNIA Currier & Ives. Dated 1871. Height, 81 inches; width, 121% A HOME IN THE WILDERNESS Currier & Ives. Dated 1870. Height, 8 inches; width, 1234 THE TRAPPER’S LAST SHOT Currier & Ives. Not dated. Height, 10% inches; width, 151% AMERICAN FRONTIER LIFE “The Hunter’s Stratagem.” Painted by A. F. Tait. Currier & Ives. Dated 1862. Height, 19 inches; width, 271, The large print. Only two other known copies extant. [SEE ILLUSTRATION | AMERICAN FRONTIER LIFE “On The Warpath.” Painted by A. F. Tait. Currier & Ives. Dated 1863. Height, 1814 inches; width, 27 Only copy known of this print. [SEE ILLUSTRATION | THE MOUNTAIN PASS—SIERRA NEVADA F. F. Palmer, del. Currier & Ives. Dated 1867. Height, 1714 inches; width, 2554 YOSEMITE VALLEY, CALIFORNIA The “Bridal Veil’ Falls. Painted by F. F. Palmer. Currier & Ives. Dated 1866. Height, 1734 inches; width, 2534 THE PIONEER’S HOME On the Western Frontier. Painted by F. F. Palmer. Currier & Ives. Dated 1867. Height, 1834 inches; width, 2634 30 inches inches mches wmches inches inches inches imches eS AMERICAN FRONTIER LIFE—“THE HUNTER’S STRATAGEM” [NuMBER 170] AMERICAN FRONTIER LIFE—‘‘ON THE WARPATH” [NuMBER 171 | 175 ACROSS THE CONTINENT “Westward the Course of Empire Takes Its Way.” Painted by J. M. Ives. Drawn by F. F. Palmer. Currier & Ives. Dated 1868. Height, 1734 inches; width, 271, inches Completion of the Union Pacific Railroad and depicting the first through train from New York to San Francisco. 176 THE PURSUIT Painted by A. F. Tait. Louis Maurer, *55, in plate. N. Currier. Dated 1856. Height, 18 inches; width, 2514 inches [NuMBER 177] 177 THE LAST WAR-WHOOP Painted by A. F. Tait. Louis Maurer in plate. N. Currier. Dated 1856. Height, 1814 inches; width, 251 inches A Rare Print. [SEE ILLUSTRATION | 32 1 9 180 181 1824 182R 182c CAPTURING A WILD HORSE Indian method of “Breaking him down.” Painted by Catlin. Currier & Ives. Height, 121% inches; width, 177% inches THE ARKANSAW TRAVELER Scene in the Backwoods of Arkansas. Currier & Ives. Dated 1870. Height, 8 inches; width, 121, inches Companion to “The Turn of the Tune.” THE TURN OF THE TUNE Traveler playing “The Arkansaw Traveler.” Currier & Ives. Dated 1870. Height, 7% inches; width, 1214, inches Companion to the “Arkansaw Traveler.” THE INDIAN PASS—ROCKY MOUNTAINS Currier & Ives. Not dated. Height, 934 inches; width, 1634 inches On the Union Pacific. FISHING, HUNTING AND SPORTS NUMBERS 1824-198 THE LIFE OF A SPORTSMAN Coming Into Camp. Currier & Ives. Dated 1872. Height, 81% inches; width, 1214 inches This and the following two items comprise the small Adirondack Series of camping subjects. THE LIFE OF A SPORTSMAN Camping in the Woods. Currier & Ives. Dated 1872. Height, 81% inches; width, 123% inches THE LIFE OF A SPORTSMAN Going Out. Currier & Ives. Dated 1872. Height, 81% inches; width, 1214 inches WATER-RAIL SHOOTING Currier & Ives. Not dated. Height, 8 inches; width, 1214 inches 33 184 185 186 187 188 WOODCOCK SHOOTING. [NuMBER 184] WOODCOCK SHOOTING From nature and on stone by F. F. Palmer. N. Currier. Dated 1852. Height, 12% inches; width, 2014 inches [SEE ILLUSTRATION | SNIPE SHOOTING From nature and on stone by F. F. Palmer. N. Currier. Dated 1852. Height, 12% inches; width, 203@ inches QUAIL SHOOTING Currier & Ives. Not dated. Height, 814, inches; width, 12 7/16 inches WOODCOCK SHOOTING Currier & Ives. Dated 1870. Height, 81/16 inches; width, 12% inches IN THE NORTHERN WILDS Trapping Beaver. Currier & Ives. Not dated. Height, 8 inches; width, 121% inches 34 189 190 191 193 194 195 196 197 THE RETURN FROM THE WOODS Painted by F. F. Palmer. Currier & Ives. Not dated. Height, 111% inches; width, THE VELOCIPEDE “We can beat the swiftest steed, with our new velocipede.” Currier & Ives. Dated 1869. Height, 814 inches; width, ROVER Champion Irish Setter “Rover,” by Beauty, out of Grace. The property of Rev. J. Cummings Macdona, England. Currier & Ives. Not dated. Height, 8% inches; width, BLUE FISHING Currier & Ives. Not dated. Height, 77 inches; width, COD FISHING—OFF NEWFOUNDLAND Currier & Ives. Dated 1872. Height, 81/4, inches; width, WAITING FOR A BITE N. Currier. Not dated. Height, 8 inches; width, BROOK TROUT FISHING Currier & Ives. Dated 1872. Height, 838 inches; width, THE ANXIOUS MOMENT “A Three-Pounder Sure.” Currier & Ives. Dated 1874. Height, 14 inches; width, A FOUR OARED SHELL RACE Currier & Ives. Dated 1884. Height, 181% inches; width, 35 1534 inches 1284 inches 1234 imches 1214 inches 123 inches 11% inches 1214 inches 1814 inches 281 inches ee ONE OF TWO KNOWN COPIES OF THE ONLY EARLY AMERICAN PRINT ON THE SUBJECT OF CARD PLAYING [NUMBER 198] 198 THE RUBBER—“PUT TO HIS TRUMPS” Painted by Louis Maurer. N. Currier. Not dated. Height, 1914 wmches; width, 1534 imches But one other copy known, and as far as records show this is the only early American print with a card playing subject. 36 THE LARGE SERIES BY A. F. TAIT SCENES IN THE ADIRONDACK FISHING, HUNTING AND CAMPING NUMBERS 1994-208 CAMPING IN THE woops—*“‘A GOOD TIME COMING’’ [NuMBER 199a | 1994 CAMPING IN THE WOODS 199R “A Good Time Coming.” Painted by A. F. Tait. Currier & Ives. Dated 1863. Height, 185 inches; width, 275 inches Very Rare in the original coloring. [SEE ILLUSTRATION | CAMPING IN THE WOODS “Laying Off.” Painted by A. F. Tait. Currier & Ives. Dated 1863. Height, 185% inches; width, 271 inches 37 200 LIFE IN THE WOODS “Starting Out.” Painted by Louis Maurer. Currier & Ives. Dated 1860. Height, 1914 inches; width, 2714 inches TROUT FISHING ON CHATEAUGAY LAKE, FRANKLIN COUNTY, NEW YORK [NuMBER 201 ] 201 AMERICAN WINTER SPORTS Trout Fishing on Chateaugay Lake, Franklin Co. N. Y. Painted by A. F. Tait 1856. C. Parsons, del. Printed by Endicott & Co. N. Currier. Dated 1856. Height, 17% inches; width, 251% inches Records show that there are only five copies of this print extant. [SEE ILLUSTRATION | 202 AMERICAN HUNTING SCENE “An Early Start.” Painted by A. F. Tait, N. A.; landscape by J. B. Bristol. Currier & Ives. Dated 1863. Height, 1834 inches; width, 2714 inches A very fine impression in the original coloring. 38 : [NUMBER 203 | 203. CATCHING A TROUT “We Hab You Now, Sar.” Painted by A. F. Tait. Lithograph by O. Knirsch. N. Currier. Dated 1854. Folded at side margin. Height, 181% inches; width, 255% inches Very Rare; and one of Tait’s most artistic compositions. [SEE ILLUSTRATION | 204 A CHANCE FOR BOTH BARRELS Painted by A. F. Tait. Currier & Ives. Dated 1857. Height, 184 inches; width, 27 inches 39 205 206 207 208 [NuMBER 205] A GOOD CHANCE Painted by A. F. Tait. Currier & Ives. Dated 1863. Height, 1914 inches; width, 2814 inches Scene laid in the Adirondacks. Shooting deer from a canoe. [SEE ILLUSTRATION | THE LIFE OF A HUNTER “Catching a Tartar.” Painted by A. F. Tait. Currier & Ives. Dated 1861. Height, 181% inches; width, 27 3/16 inches THE TRAPPERS’ CAMP-FIRE Painted by F. F. Palmer Currier & Ives. Dated 1866. Height, 16% inches; width, 251% inches THE HUNTER’S SHANTY In the Adirondacks. Currier & Ives. Dated 1861. Unframed. Height, 1452 inches; width, 2034 inches 40 WILD GAME NUMBERS 209-223 209 MATING—IN THE WOODS Pheasant or grouse. Currier & Ives. Dated 1871. Height, 814 inches; width, 121% inches 210 THE CARES OF A FAMILY Painted by A. F. Tait. Currier & Ives. Not dated. Height, 834 imches; width, 121% inches A Family of Quail. [NuMBER 211 | 211 SNOWED UP Ruffed Grouse in Winter. Currier & Ives. Dated 1867. Height, 1484 inches; width, 20 inches An uncommon print and a fine impression. [SEE ILLUSTRATION | 41 212 213 214 215 216 PNG 218 219 220 222 THE HOME OF THE DEER Currier & Ives. Not dated. Height, 10 inches; width, 15 inches QUAILS N. Currier. Dated 1849. Height, 814 inches; width, 1284 inches RUFFED GROUSE Pheasant or Partridge. Currier & Ives. Dated 1871. Height, 814 inches; width, 125% inches AMERICAN FEATHERED GAME Mallard and Canvas-Back Ducks. Painted by A. F. Tait. N. Currier. Dated 1854. Upright oval. Height, 1614 inches; width, 1314 inches AMERICAN FEATHERED GAME Woodcock and Golden Eye. Painted by A. F. Tait. N. Currier. Not dated. Large upright folio. No plate mark. AMERICAN FEATHERED GAME Woodcock and Snipe. Painted by A. F. Tait. N. Currier. Not dated. Large upright folio. No plate mark. AMERICAN FEATHERED GAME Partridge. Painted by A. F. Tait. N. Currier. Not dated. Large upright folio. No plate mark. DEAD GAME Woodcock and Partridge. Currier & Ives. Dated 1872. Height, 123 inches; width, 8% inches DEFIANCE! Currier & Ives. Not dated. Height, 832 inches; width, 123% inches Stag and deer. READY FOR BATTLE Currier & Ives. Not dated. Height, 888 inches; width, 1236 inches Stag and deer. A PAIR OF NUTCRACKERS Currier & Ives. Not dated. Height, 12 inches; width, 84% inches Squirrel. 42 2238 AMERICAN SPECKLED BROOK TROUT Painted from life by A. F. Tait. Chrom. Litho by C. Parsons. Currier & Ives. Dated 1864. Height, 16 inches; width, 22 inches TROTTING HORSES AND RACES ON LONG ISLAND SLEIGH RACES NUMBERS 224-231 224 THE TROTTING STALLION TOM MOORE Driven by Dan Mace. Trotted on the Fashion Course, L. I., November 4th, 1869, in Harness, a mile against time. Drawn by J. Cameron. Currier & Ives. Dated 1870. Height, 17 inches; width, 23 inches 225 TORONTO CHIEF, GENERAL BUTLER AND DEXTER In their great race under saddles, over the Fashion Course, L. I. July 19th, 1866. Sweepstakes of $1000.00. Half Forfeit, Mile Heats, Best 8 in 5. Go as they please. Painted by J. Cameron. Currier & Ives. Dated 1866. Height, 17 inches; width, 2732 imches 226 GEORGE M. PATCHEN, BROWN DICK AND MILLER’S DAMSEL In their splendid trotting contest for a purse of $500.00 on the Union Course, Long Island. Painted by Louis Maurer. Currier & Ives. Dated 1859. Height, 17 5/16 inches; width, 27% inches 43 228 229 230 231 TRUSTEE Drawn from life by Samuel Jones, on stone by John Cameron. N. Currier. Dated 1848. Height, 1734 inches; width, 2634 inches The celebrated trotting horse Trustee as he appeared in his great match against time of trotting in harness, 20 miles in one hour over the Union Course, L. I. Oct. 20th, 1848. TACONY AND MAC Hunting Park Course, Philadelphia, June 2nd, 1858. Purse $1500.00. Mile heats, best three in five under the saddle. Painted by Louis Maurer. N. Currier. Dated 1853. Height, 171 inches; width, 2614 inches THE SLEIGH RACE Currier & Ives. Not dated. Height, 81 inches; width, 123% inches “TROTTING CRACKS” IN THE SNOW Painted by Louis Maurer. Currier & Ives. Dated 1853. Height, 165 inches; width, 277% inches Portraying the famous horses of the day, Flora Temple, Lantern, Pocahontas, Lancet, Brown Dick, Alice Grey and Stella. THE SLEIGH RACE Currier & Ives. Dated 1859. No plate line. Small folio. VERY SCARCE. 44 PAINTINGS NUMBERS 232-233 ARTHUR F. TAIT, N. A. WILLIAM HART, N. A. AMERICAN, 1819-1905 AMERICAN, 1828-1894 BY ARTHUR F. TAIT, N.A. AND WILLIAM HART, N.A. [NUMBER 232 | 232 QUAIL A hen with three chicks in a clearing in the foreground. Distant farm- house and wheatfields. Autumn scene with stacked sheafs in the fields. Landscape by William Hart and the birds by A. F. Tait. Canvas, signed by both artists, lower left. Height, 1014 inches; width, 131 mches “In disposing of the studio effects of William Hart, several studies of wild game by A. F. Tait were found in various states of completion. It was then suggested that the two artists in their younger days had col- laborated in many of the original paintings, which were afterwards sold to Currier, and from which the lithographic stone was made. Finding this painting of the “Quail, Hen and Chicks” verifies this fact. William Hart furnished the landscapes and Arthur F. Tait the game subjects.” [SEE ILLUSTRATION | 45 227 TR ARTHUR F. TAIT, N. A. Fs AMERICAN, 1819-1905 3 NEAR ST. REGIS LAKE 234 Wooded bank with fallen tree in the foreground among which several deer are seen. Canvas signed and dated 1870 at the lower right. Inscribed on back: “Outlet of St. Regis Lake, Franklin Co. N. Y.” Height, 14 inches; width, 221, inches OLD ADVERTISEMENT OF N. CURRIER | Colored | | Engraving || for the || PEOPLE || published by || N. CURRIER || Lithographer | | 2 Spruce St. || (Nearly opposite the City Hall) || NEW YORK || For Sale Here. | Georgian scrolled frame border. Small upright folio. No plate line. An early window display card of Nathaniel Currier. Rare. [SEE FRONTISPIECE | 46 } This catalogue designed by The Anderson Ga Composition and Press-work bye Publishers Printing Company, New Y ork é ea a (2, if hee i? ae me ou ; eine a rx ik ’ "OPE i: * oe c . sg ee ~ i ; > bot Pr a oe ‘i ‘ ’ ies ’ a4 . + . < i he! a AOE Se prin