4 Mae fe, ae y ae 3 i be . Py, ‘ Py ‘ { 4 i VY fae e = Es S85 36 i ! T= t¥: ee Le f aie AT THE AMERICAN ART. GALLERIES MADISON SQUARE SOUTH, NEW YORK FROM WEDNESDAY, MARCH Isr, 1911 UNTIL THE DAY OF SALE, INCLUSIVE se “MODERN PAINTINGS FOREIGN AND AMERICAN ARTISTS © UNRESTRICTED PUBLIC SALE _AT THE AMERICAN ART GALLERIES “ON TUESDAY EVENING, MARCH’ |7TH BEGINNING AT 8.15 0’CLOCK CATALOGUE Modern i Paintings FOREIGN AND AMERICAN ARTISTS TO BE DISPOSED OF AT UNRESTRICTED PUBLIC SALE TO CLOSE AN ESTATE “At the AMERICAN ART GALLERIES MADISON SQUARE SOUTH ON THE EVENING HEREIN STATED THE SALE WILL BE CONDUCTED BY MR. THOMAS E. KIRBY, OF THE AMERICAN ART ASSOCIATION, Manacers NEW YORK 1911 Press of Tue LENT . ae ies Pa * Q : 137-139 East 25th St o\) _-—s CONDITIONS OF SALE 4. The highest Bidder to be the Buyer, and if any dispute arise between two or more Bidders, the Lot so in dispute shall be immediately put up again and re-sold. 2. The Auctioneer reserves the right to reject any bid _which is merely a nominal or fractional advance, and there- fore, in his judgment, likely to affect the sale injuriously, — | 8. The -Purchasers to give their names and addresses, '_ and to pay down a cash deposit, or the whole of the Pur- chase-money, if required, in default of which the Lot or } Lots so purchased to be immediately put up again and re- |-sold, 4, The Lots to be taken away at the Buyer’s Expense and Risk within twenty-four hours from the conclusion of the Sale, unless otherwise specified by the Auctioneer or ' Managers previous to or at the time of Sale, and the re- mainder of the Purchase-money to be absolutely patd, or otherwise settled for to the satisfaction of the Auctioneer, on or before delivery; in default of which the undersigned | will not hold themselves responsible if, the Lots be lost, stolen, | damaged, or destroyed, but they will be left at the sole risk of the purchaser. 5. While the undersigned will not ‘hold ‘themselves responsible for the correctness of the description, genuine- ness, or authenticity of, or any fault or defect in, any Lot, and make no Warranty whatever, they will, upon receiving ' previous to date of Sale trustworthy expert opinion in writing that any Painting or other Work of Art is not what it is represented to be, use every effort on their part to furnish proof to the contrary; failing in which, the object or objects in question will be sold subject to the declara- | tion of the aforesaid expert, he being liable to the Owner or Owners thereof for damage or injury occasioned thereby. 6. To prevent inaccuracy in delivery, and inconvenience in the settlement of the Purchases, no Lot can, on any ac- count, be removed during the Sale. 7. Upon failure to comply with the above conditions, the money deposited in part payment shall be forfeited; all Lots uncleared within one day from conclusion of Sale (unless otherwise specified as above) shall be re-sold by public or private sale, without further notice, and the de- ficiency (if any) attending such re-sale shall be made good by the defaulier at this Sale, together with all charges at- tending the same. This Condition is without prejudice to the right of the Auctioneer to enforce the contract made at this Sale, without such re-sale, if he thinks fit. 8. The Undersigned are in no manner connected with the business of the cartage or packing and shipping of pur- chases, and although they will afford to purchasers every facility for employing careful carriers and packers they will not hold themselves responsible for the acts and charges of the parties engaged for such services. THe AMERICAN ART ASSOCIATION, Manacers. THOMAS E. KIRBY, AvctTIONEER. LE 18 a ‘TUESDAY EVENING os “Marcu 7TH, 1911 THE AMERICAN ART GALLERIES _ BEGINNING AT 8.15 0’CLOCK No. 1 W. MAGRATH a 4 é i BRITISH p- ae A SCOTCH LASSIE Height, 10 inches; width, 8 inches axel) (Surry gee’ On a pile of stones, partly overgrown with greenery, a young woman sits holding up her right knee with her clasped hands. Her left foot shows bare beneath a dull red skirt, which is worn with a bottle-green waist. The blue stocking that she has been knitting and a ball of wool lie beside her. - Signed at the lower right, W. Macratu. No. 2 EUGENE CICERI ITALIAN THE FALLEN TREE Height, 814 inches; length, 11%, inches | Qe ‘ OS Ko che From the bank at the right a tree has fallen across the water which occupies the foreground.. A man in white shirt and blue trousers stands on the bank, breaking a stick across his knee, while in the meadow behind him, leaning on a walking-stick, approaches another man, accompanied by a woman. Signed at the lower left, Eva. Cicert; 76. No. 8 f : DAVID COL : FLEMISH (1822- ) THE WINE TASTER Height, 434, inches; width, 41%, inches » (3 Q A GENTLEMAN, in red hunting clgak, drab vest, cord breeches and top-boots, stands sniffing a glass of wine. Mean- while the cellarer, with a bottle in one hand and a glass in the other, leans for- ward eagerly as he awaits the verdict. Signed at the lower right, D. Cot. Oe No. 4 BAREND CORNELIS KOEK-KOEK puTCH (1803-1862) LANDSCAPE WITH COTTAGE Height, 514 inches; length, 7 inches PANEL ) : My eee 45 AAO Two TREEs occupy the right of the fore- ground, and beyond them appears a cottage with widely spreading, mossy thatched roof and a white wall that catches the light. Along the roadway in the centre of the composition a girl is approaching with a faggot on her back. Lavender mountains bound the distance. : Signed at the lower left, B. C. KorK-Koerk. No. 5 $0 EUGENE JOSEPH VER- BOECKHOVEN FLEMISH (1799-1881) SHEEP AND LAMB Height, 54% inches; length, 71, inches ie? AN ewe is oe | iad across an i foreground in the direction of a wattle fence on the right. Her lamb lies beside her, facing toward the left where a golden-brown hen with dark tail is ap- proaching. Signed and dated at the lower right, EvuGENE VERBOECKHOVEN, 1873. ¢) + Ns 0 No. 6 4 JOHANN GEORG MEYER | VON BREMEN : GERMAN (1813-1886) TIRED OF READING Height, 534 inches; width, 44, inches * A urrLz girl is seated in profile at tHe left of a table, gazing at the spectator — as she rests her cheek on an open book, between the pages of which she holds a finger. She is dressed in a white che- misette and rosy wine-colored skirt. Upon the table is draped an olive-green cloth. 7 Signed and dated at the lower right, . 1876, Meyer Von Bremen. NO. 1 ex “EUGENE FICHEL FRENCH (1826-1895) UNDER THE TABLE Height, 91, inches; width, 7 inches PANEL y § A soxpier in the uniform of Frederick i the Great’s army, white coat with red cuffs, red vest and dark green gaiters, _ lies huddled on the floor. His head is propped against the table, off which the ' cloth has been partly dragged, and an ) empty bottle and broken plate lie near | him. Meanwhile in the rear a serving girl is peeping timidly around the edge ' of an open door. — Signed at the lower left, E. Ficwet. No. 8 JEAN BAPTISTE JULES § TRAYER FRENCH (1824-1909) DOMESTIC INDUSTRY Height, 1014 inches; width, 81% inches neh a SEATED at the back of a Louis Vquinze table, a lady is knitting something with | rosy silk. The hight from a window at the left illuminates her face and hands and the bosom of her pale blue silk gown. The latter is in the fashion of } the late Thirties, with a lace fall collar, © lace-lined drooping sleeves and full — skirt. A spool of silk lies on the table. Signed at the lower left, J. Trayer, °38. No. 9 Ls CHRISTIAN SELL GERMAN (1831-1883) BRINGING IN THE SPY Height, 834 inches; length, 101% inches tracclarvald (pur i A Prussian Uhlan, wrapped ina gray overcoat and mounted on a bay horse, is approaching along a country road in charge of two French soldiers, who are trudging in the snow. One, a pri- vate, carries a knapsack, while the other, apparently an officer, in red cap and red breeches tucked into riding- boots, walks with a stick. The group is passing a wayside cross that appears at the left. Signed at the lower right, Cur. SELL. 10. | es No. 10 CHARLES AUGUSTIN WAUTERS FLEMISH (1811-1869) THE HARPIST Height, 1034, inches; width, 714 inches vo 7, STANDING with his face toward the spec- tator, a youth is playing upon a harp whose black frame is embellished at the top with gilded ornament. He is in his shirt-sleeves, his long vest with pocket and flaps, of the color of café- au-lait, being unbuttoned. Olive-black knee-breeches and gray stockings com- — plete the costume. ; Signed and dated at the lower left, Cu. Wavters, 1861. 60: No. 11 | FERDINAND VICTOR EU- GENE DELACROIX FRENCH (1799-1863) _ FOUR STUDIES OF A TIGER | Height, 7 inches; length, 11 inches ae fore part of a tiggr, lying on its back, foreshortened, is shown at the right. At the left appear three studies, i one above another, of various attitudes _ of a tiger in act of lying. The top one i lies prone, facing to the right; the sec- ; ond, similarly lying, has turned its head ' toward the left, while the third is ex- _ tended on its right side in the direction of the left. Collection of S. A. Coale, St. Louis, 1894. No. 12 OTTO VON THOREN GERMAN (1828-1889) WALLACHIAN HORSES Height, 8 inches; length, 11 inches ; | bse nt tee From the left of the foreground a man — in red vest, white sleeves and drawers, mounted upon a chestnut horse and holding by the reins a white and a brown, is urging the trio at full gallop toward the level plain which extends to — the right. A white dog races along- } side. Signed at the lower right, O. v. THoREN. 1 eae 90: “EDUARDO ZAMACOIS SPANISH (1842-1871) STUDY OF A MAN Height, 101% inches; width, 74%, inches WATERCOLOR Tue figure of a man stands almost fac- ing us, with the weight on the right leg, one hand planted on the thrust of the | hip, the other resting on a rectangular support. He is clad in a broad, flat- brimmed felt hat, tight fitting brown jacket, full knickerbockers or skirt, and stockings of the same hue. The jacket is fastened around the waist with a rosy wine-colored girdle, over a vest of brick red. Touches of rosy-pink appear be- low the knees. Stamped at the lower right, Vente Zamacois. ¥ 0: No. 14 MARIE MATTHIEU FRENCH CASTLES IN SPAIN Height, 121%, inches; width, 91% inches Two Spanisu lovers are seated on a stone bench beside a fountain. The man, clad in coat and breeches of rosy scarlet, trimmed with gold braid, as he sings to the accompaniment of his man- dolin, leans his face toward the ear of the lady. Her head is draped with a black mantilla, while her figure is dressed in a rose-colored bodice and yel- low silk skirt, flounced with black lace. Signed and dated at the upper right, Margie Marruiev, 1879. No. 15 fo: EUGENE CICERI ITALIAN POOL IN THE FOREST Height, 8%, inches; length, 1434 inches Bonn Obbak _A pooL, surrounded on three sides by | gray, mossy boulders, occupies the cen- tre of the foreground. It is flanked in the middle distance by two oaks, near _ the left one of which appears a black _doe. The background presents a mass | of yellow greeny-brown foliage, through an interval in which a peep of white clouds and intensely blue sky is visible. Signed at the lower right, EKuc. Cicer. he et A. TAMBURINI ITALIAN THE STUDENT Height, 121%, inches; width, 10 inches Pav, Oa A A tay brother is seated, reading, his | figure in its brown habit being seen as far as the knees in profile to the left. From under his brown skull-cap a few scanty gray locks protrude. He holds’ the book resting on his lap. eae Signed at the upper right, TamBurtni. No. 17 | 00° CESARE DETTI 2, | ITALIAN THE SECRET Height, 1334 inches; width, 101% inches aa 3 Two MEN are seated at a table, covered with a blue Persian rug. One of them, distinguished by a gray beaver hat, rests a hand on the lip of a pewter pitcher as he talks eagerly to his com- panion. The latter turns his face in profile, while he presents his back three- quarters to the spectator. His cos- tume consists of a short-waisted, rosy- amber, silk doublet, with flaps that lie over breeches of plum-red velvet. Signed at the lower left, Cc. DETTI. s No. 18 JULES JACQUES VEYRAS- _ SET ; \ FRENCH (1825- ) THE LUNCH HOUR Height, 1034 inches; length, 13% dhches PANEL Aw empty wagon with a dapple-gray in the shafts is drawn up alongside a half- built wheatrick. The trace horses are standing free; a white, with his tail toward the spectator, and a bay, facing us. Meanwhile, two men are seated on the edge of the road at the left, eating their lunch, while a woman _ stands watching them. | 3 Signed at the lower left, J. Veyrasser. No. w 90° : L. DU PAAL CONTEMPORARY FONTAINEBLEAU Height, 123, inches; length, 16 inches Trane’ blank A arcs beech-trunk, Y Saab toward the left of the foreground, reflects a brilliant spot of white light. To the right of it a woman, dressed in a white cap and blue waist stoops, apparently in the act of binding a faggot. Farther toward the right is a pile of logs, be- yond which three tree-trunks show con- picuously against the background of dense forest. | PANEL Signed at the lower right, L. Du Paat. } 0 : No. 20 - HENRY PEMBER SMITH AMERICAN (1854- ) SHORE, LAKE COMO Height, Le 8 16 inches THE water is feasts s @, right by _ a villa, distinguished by the bright ~ scarlet of its roof, while its tower is q surmounted by brown tiles. Steps de- q scend to the water, where a man is — standing in a boat. Four red posts ap- ‘ pear at the left, beyond which the scene — is closed in with a wooded hill, where — cypress trees and some olives form con- spicuous masses. Signed at the lower left, Henry P. Smiru. No. 21 140: ADOLPHE MONTICELLI _ FRENCH (1824-1886) A GROUP OF LADIES Height, 1414, inches; width, 101% inches PAN AcainstT a background of rich hues, in which greens and blues and purples predominate, four female figures are grouped in pyramidal design. The | apex is formed by the feathered hat of one of the two who are standing at the back of the two seated figures. Of the latter the left-hand one is gowned in a pompadour train of creamy primrose over a cerulean blue skirt, while the other wears a dress of geranium red, slashed with chrome. A white dog les at her feet. Signed at the lower left, MoNnTICELLI. ‘e bd BAREND CORNELIS KOEK-KOEK No. 22 puTCH (1803-1862) LANDSCAPE Height, 12%, inches; length, 1614 inches Tops ; bye p : Aone a road which leads to the fore- 4 ground a man and woman are approach- ing, the former pushing a wheelbarrow. _ Farther back appears a flock of sheep, followed by the shepherd. At the right stretches a sheet of water, while in the — distance a village with a spire nestles at the foot of blue mountains. The foreground at the right is closed in — with a red-roofed house, seen beyond two trees. Signed at the lower right, B. C. Korx-Korx. — : No. 23 Gi a) s THEODORE VALERIO A FRENCH (1819-1879) A MONTENEGRIN FAMILY Height, 134, inches; length, 181/, inches PANEL Tira b. € bard Tue centre is occupied by the mother, who is seated holding her right hand to her face, while she lays the left on the hood of the baby’s cradle. Her cos- tume includes a white head-dress and voluminous white gown with full hang- ing sleeves. Over it is worn a buff jacket, while a _ rosy claret-colored drapery confines the waist. The hus- band, a man with long moustaches, sits smoking in the shadowed rear at the P lett. Signed and dated at the lower right, VaALERIO, 1865. No. 24 Go ——- JEAN ERNGSEE FRENCH (1824-pECEASED) GIRL’S HEAD Height, 17%, inches; width, 141%, inches Ob3 rw Tue head and O$ of a girl are own a full face. The hair is covered with a wreath of myrtle and a spray of the — same appears in the right hand, which _ is held across the figure. From the — shoulders greenish-blue drapery de- 9 scends over a tight-fitting robe of creamy-lavender, cut low and square upon the bosom, the opening being ~~ edged with lapels and bands of pale — gold. Signed at the left side, JEAN Aeoeee 2ut (, Claud br.Er fi 1 [ee CO No. 25 6 y JEAN LEON GEROME pRencH (1824-1904) AFTER THE BATH | Height, 16 inches; width, 121% inches A NUDE woman is seated on a brown velvet cushion which lies upon the mar- ble step of a fountain basin. She holds the mouthpiece of a long tube which is coiled about the standard of a hookah. Her head is bound with a pale blue rib- bon, embellished with a red flower. The jet of the fountain projects from a panel of old rosy-lavender hue, deco- rated with pale blue arabesques. An- other panel, of blue tiles, embellishes the wall at the right. Signed at the lower left, J. L. Grrome. ALBERTO PASINI ITALIAN (1826-1899) RECEPTION OF THE SHEIK Height, 10%, inches; we 18 sh ches “A Bepourn tent with its accompani- ment of goats occupies the left of the foreground. In the front of it a woman, clad in blackish-slaty robe, proffers ceremoniously a bowl, while a man has advanced and bows in welcome and homage to a.mounted sheik. Beside the latter rides a standard bearer, with. a green and scarlet flag on a pole, sur- mounted by a crescent. A single horse- man appears behind and in the rear a cavalcade with two more flags. Signed and dated at the lower right, A. Pastn1, 1867. Ba ge? NARCISSE VIRGILE DIAZ DE LA PENA FRENCH (1802-1876) A FOREST GLADE Height, 14 inches; OP Byres 19 inches One looks across the grassy aged ground, where a boulder crops out at the left and a pool with rushy margin occupies the center, to a square space, surrounded on three sides with trees. Several of the latter catch the pallid glow of a fitfully lighted sky, where slaty, creamy and olive-colored clouds are being driven by the wind. Some streaks and spots of white light occur as accents at the extremity of the _ grassy vista. Stamped at the lower right, VENTE Dtaz. Purchased from Adolf Kohn, New York, No. 28 J. FRANCIS MURPHY > AMERICAN (1853- ) 3 LANDSCAPE Height, 13 inches; length, 22 inches Acrossthe right of the foreground of long rushy grass extends a ragged ~ fence of posts and rail. Beside it grow a few saplings, two young trees with — bright green foliage and a willow. ‘The latter stands near a little showing of water, which seems to extend to an- other willow somewhat in the rear. The golden-brown pasture stretches back to a distant border of woods, beneath yg which in the centre.are indications of cottages. Signed at the lower left, J. F. Murpry. a0 No. 29 ALBERT BIERSTADT AMERICAN (1830-1902) CALIFORNIA LANDSCAPE Height, 14 inches; length, 20 inches MILLBOARD peta yp BEsIDE a smal 7% at the left of the foreground stand a stag and a doe, reddened by the evening light. A big oak grows beyond the pool and three others are grouped toward the right near a sheet of water, which is enclosed by a winding bank. Here appear three deer. ‘The landscape in the distance is enveloped in misty luminous atmos- phere. _ Signed at the lower right, A. B. A | No. 30 geo =) JULIAN SCOTT Wea AMERICAN (1846- ) J. ALDEN WEIR, N.A. AMERICAN (1852- ) CAPTAIN MOLLY PITCHER HEAD OF AN OLD MAN ag 4 Height, 17 inches; width, 14 inches — | (an VO Onasch Tuobverse shows the head and bust of young-men, whose soft chestnut hair is surmounted by a black felt cornered _ hat. Crescent-shaped rings hang from ‘nis ears and a string of yellow beads ff f Jer encircles*his neck. “Bkawears a blue coat“ with buff lapels and high rolled collar, and a red vest edged with green. Signed and dated at the right, JULIAN Scott, 1877. On the reverse J. Alden Weir has rep- resented the face of an old man, wrin- kled and. rubicund, beneath a _pent- house of shaggy gray hair. ‘The eyes are weak and watery, while the under- lip sinks in, unsupported by teeth. Gray stubble bristles on the upperlip and chin. No. 81 | _ DAVID JOHNSON, N.A. Fe AMERICAN (1827-1908) VIEW AT RAMAPO, ROCKLAND _ COUNTY, N. Y. Height, 141% inches; BS CEA iM Bounvep on the right by a clump of * willows, the water stretches back be- tween indented banks in a vista that terminates with distant mountains. ’ Near the foreground lies a boat, from + which a man in blue shirt and red vest > 1s fishing. At the left a cow has en- : _ tered the water and two others stand 7 on the margin of the bank, while two + more are approaching through the tall _ yellow grass. ) Signed and dated at the lower right, with the Monogram J. D., 774. 2 o | a No. 32 q GEORGE INNESS, JR., N.A. AMERICAN (1854- _—) 4 LANDSCAPE AND CATTLE Height, 12 a length, 28 inches A cow with red and white body stands in the centre of the foreground, her — brown neck and head seen in profile against the buff-drab trunk of a tree, — stripped of its bark. In front of her — appears a pale red and white calf, while toward the right lies a white-dun cow. a The herdsman, dressed in blue overalls, — sits at the left on a log; behind him be- ing the suggestion of a pool, backed by trees. | x Signed and dated at the lower right, E Gro. Inness, Jr., 1879 . | No. 33 M 5 ; EUGENE JETTEL | AUSTRIAN (1845-1901) A COUNTRY ROAD FHaght, 164%, inches; leng £Ol 24, (AL A TRIMLY kept a extends directly back from the centre of the foreground, crossed by a grassy footbridge. Near the latter, on the left bank, three ducks appear beside a willow tree. Mean- while, parallel with the right bank, a road, bordered by sapling trees at regu- lar intervals, stretches back to a distant windmill. Along the road are approach- ing a black and a white cow, followed by two brown ones and a figure in a blue jacket. i - Signed and dated at the lower right, Evucene Jetter, Paris, ’90. Se No. 34 KARL PIERRE DAUBIGNY FRENCH (1846-1886) : ON THE SEINE 1 Height, 13%, inches; length, 22% inches q Vina: Ty hath THE river extends across the clottrell the water on the left disappearing be- 4 hind a bushy growth of saplings which — occupies the foreground. A boat lies — off them, in which a man sits fishing. © On the farther bank some red roofs and white walls of cottages show above at | hedge of bright yellow-green foliage. fr. a Signed and dated at the lower right, Kart Davusieny, 1873. oa nf om 'R. BRUCE CRANE AMERICAN (1857- ) NEAR WATER MILLS, N. Y. Height, 14 eek ofp is BorpErep on the left by a strip of _ grass and a rude stone wall, a sandy road extends back from the fore- ground. Midway stands a man, with a gun under his arm, looking out across the rough meadowland which spreads at the right. It stretches back to a pool which lies at the foot of a low hill, spotted with round-shaped trees. Over this the sky shows clear and pale blue, but elsewhere is choked with gray, white and creamy clouds. SE ee es VES ee =a ’ aaa a ‘) Ree i tec ees cine SRN ENT ere ere LS DPN Aa ES le eee | ve Signed at the lower right, R. Bruce Crane. No. 86 JOSEPH COOMANS) FLEMISH (1816-1891) MESSALINA Height, 211% nw width, 161% inches Tue head and bust of a woman are shown almost full face, the crown of the head covered with a closely fitting head- — dress of sequins, crossed by two bands — of sapphire-blue. A rope of beads, of . the size and color of red cherries, en- — circles her neck and falls in a loop over 4 the bosom. ‘The latter is covered with ; a drapery of rosy material, woven with “ lavender and blue flowers, which is fas- 4 tened above the left shoulder with a — silver clasp, bearing an Egyptian face. Signed and dated at the lower right, “g JosepH Coomans, Paris, 1879. a WV No. 37 THOMAS SULLY AMERICAN (1783-1872) LADY BLANCHE Height, 17 inches; length, Lo, A erru’s face fronts the spectator, the chin resting on one hand, as the head is turned over the left shoulder; the lat- ter and a little of the nude back being sketchily rendered. ‘The brown hair, confined upon the crown with a yellow band, falls in ringlets over the ears. The eyes are blue, the cheeks and lips | rosy. The whole is seen against a red- dish background. Signed and dated on the back of the canvas, : T. S., 1861 5 c No. 38 EUGENE JETTEL AUSTRIAN (1845-1901) PASTURE AND COWS Height, 17 inches; leygth, 26 inches — knw. , From the left of the foreground a rude fence of posts and rails extends back _ diagonally. It terminates in an open — gate near which a brown cow lies with her back to the spectator, but turning her white face in profile. Three other — cows spot the distance, where the pas- < | ture is bounded by a fence over the top — of which appear a white-walled cottage and barn with brown roofs. Signed and dated at the lower left, Evcene JETTEL, 793. 7 | No. 39 l JOHN G. BROWN, N.A. A (1831- ) ONE TOUCH OF NATURE Height, 21 ae width, 17 a) & A BooTBLACcK, with his box slung at his back, stands facing us, as he places in the buttonhole of his coat a little nose- gay which a flower girl has given him. Holding her tray of flowers, she stands at the right, dressed in a drab felt hat, trimmed with slaty-blue ribbon and a crimson rose, brown velveteen jacket, green waist and a drab skirt with ruffles. The boy’s suit is rough, frayed at the edges and patched. Signed and dated at the lower left, ‘ J. S. Brown, N. A., 1877. : No. 40 GUILLAUME SEIGNAC \% FRENCH (CONTEMPORARY ) THE BABY’S BATH Height, 21% inches; width, ay inches Tue back of a fair-haired child appea above the edge of a large wooden tub. The little one holds its right hand across its face, perhaps with the soap in it, — for a young girl extends her hands as if asking for it. Her figure, seated on _ the floor with the feet extended to the right, is dressed in a low necked che- — misette and a light blue corset with ~ shoulder straps, above a skirt of striped _ olive-yellow and deep blue. Signed at the lower left, Setenac. No. 41 J. A. WALKER A TROOPER Height, 214, inches, width, hy Be A Frencu soldier Gn red cap and drab overcoat has checked his charger on the snow-covered road and, with his left hand at the back of the saddle, turns his face toward the spectator. In the middle distance a trooper of the Garde Civile is disappearing below the brow of the hill. Signed at the lower left, J. A. WaLxKeEr. Oa ‘ARTHUR QUARTLEY, Nut Aq AMERICAN (1839- 1886) WHALE-BACK LIGHT PORTSMOUTH : Be wi h, 17 inches At the left of the middle distance a lighthouse of circular masonry crowned with a lantern, rises sheer from the water. It adjoins a white tow which surmounts a circular base stonework. At the right, and nearer to the front lies a two-masted fishing — boat, with her fore and after sails low- ered, but her jib spread. Her cabin roof is lavender-pink, and a green a extends for a little distance along her : gunwale. Signed and dated at the lower right, s A. QuarTLey, 1878. tS q Oe Ob rn Ole VICENTE PALMAROLI Eyre (1835-1896) SAD NEWS Height, 25%, inches; width, 1914 inches PANEL a A | i. A apy, holding a ete letter on her lap, is reclining in a gilded chair; the arms of which are decorated with panther heads. Her elegant figure, in- clined toward the right almost in pro- file, is dressed in a creamy-salmon silk gown, the train of which is laid over the arm of the chair. Her shoulders are draped in a black shawl, embroidered with rose, lavender and yellow flowers, while her soft blond-brown hair shows - against the creamy panel of a screen. Signed at the lower right, V. PALMAROLI. No. 44 | Awt- | \O | No. 45 . ANTONIO CASANOVA Y ESTORACH 4 SPANISH (184'7- ) STUDY OF A CAVALIER Bee 24 inches; width, 20 in wher. THE oe is ee three-quarters ee q a the left, a broad-brimmed slaty-gray felt hat surmounting the high forehead. — Scanty gray hair appears above the ears ; the brows are arched, and the nose _ is long and pendulous, while the lower — part of the face is covered with a white — moustache and soft beard, against which the left hand is held. The bust is clad in a blackish-gray doublet, with white over-hanging collar and green sleeves. 4 Signed and dated at the lower right, A. Casanova, 1876. No. 46 Bo i WILLIAM ADOLPHE BOUGUEREAU _ FRENCH (1825-1905) BEFORE THE BATH Height, 24 inches; = 1914, inches A woman in Neapolitan peasant cos- tume is seated in profile on the edge of a fountain, supporting with her right hand the nude standing figure of a girl child and gazing into her face. The little one holds an orange to her left breast and inclines her curly head to return the mother’s gaze. The latter’s costume consists of a white head-dress and full-sleeved white chemisette, dull crimson body and silvery mouse-colored skirt, with a border of salmon and dark - blue stripes. She is adorned with ear- rings and necklace of gold glass beads. Signed at the lower left, W. BoucurrgEau. 4 6 0 No. 47 CONSTANT TROYON FRENCH (1810-1865) GOING TO MARKET Height, 2534 inches; width, 21%, inches As sHE sits on her donkey, riding di- ee rectly from us, the back of a woman’s — figure is seen between two panniers, which are filled with vegetables. She is dressed in a white cap, pale claret- — colored body, black skirt and blue © apron, while a rosy pocket-bag is slung over each hip. The light, coming from — the right and back of the spectator, — illuminates portions of her costume, ae 2 particularly the cap, as she turns her ~ head toward two women on the right. One is digging in a patch by the road- 4 side, while the other, clad in dark brown cap and dress and dull blue apron, be waits beside her. Signed at the lower left, C. Troyon. gone eA Collection of George I. Seney, New York, Purchased of M. Knoedler & Co., New York. Fed Bah Lemna Leb rabies —~ fam; 7 . , No. 48 Bel PAUL JEAN CLAYS FLEMISH (1819-1900) FREIGHT BOATS IN HARBOR Height, 28 inches; width, 22 inches cy Moorep at the right of ihe centre lies a sailboat, whose heavy brown hull h a blue band around the gunwale, while a green cabin shows above her deck. Her sails, except for a dull old-rose jib, are white, and a blue pennon and the Belgian ensign hang from the mast- heads. Back of her at the right is an- other freighter, whose lower sail is red- dish-buff, the upper being drab. A rowboat appears hard by with spots of red and white among its occupants; while another boat, rowed by a man in a red jersey, occupies the left of the foreground. Signed at the lower right, P. J. Cavs. ae CAMILLE DELPY No. 49 FRENCH (CONTEMPORARY) RIVER LANDSCAPE Height, 201, inches; length, 32 inches PB sh ‘ is dyed with the rich color- ing of a lavender horizon, streaked with crimson and bright yellow. At the left of the foreground a woman, in white cap and slaty-blue gown, kneels on the bank, washing linen, while another ~— stands near her, dressed in a pink cap and drab skirt. Across the water in front of them a boat lies moored to a stake on a spit of land. The scene is closed in at the back by low, wooded hills. Signed at the lower right, C. Dre.py. . if Of No. 50 / } AUGUSTE MUSIN FLEMISH SAILBOATS | Height, 213, inches; Vase OH le THREE Bak are moored in a bunch at the right of the centre, the middle one showing a red pennon, while a blue floats from the masthead of the one at the left. Their sails, rigged square in front and _ schooner-rigged aft, are mostly white, hanging loosely. Farther back, at the left, are two sim- ilar boats, one distinguished by laven- der-gray sails, the other by a Dutch ensign. Signed at the lower right, Aucuste Musin. Q Or | No. 51 ne DAVID DE NOTER > FLEMISH IN THE LIBRARY Height, 313, inches; width, 26 inches PANEL A uapy sits at the left of a fable, which is covered with a blue, decorated Per- * sian cloth, resting her elbow on it as she holds a book. She is dressed in a 4 . pearly gray satin gown, the body of — a which is stiff and square cut with flaps : upon the shoulders, while six tucks run — down the centre of the skirt. Amicnem various objects of still-life, arrayed — upon the floor, is a white pitcher with baby forms around the bowl. Signed at the lower right, Davin be Noter. No. 52 ib 0 0 ERSKINE NICOL, A.R.A. BRITISH (1825-1904) THE BROKEN SAXPENCE Height, 32 An, width, 24 4 ee Lh A Scorcu hd is wae on her “creepie”’ in a cottage kitchen, looking down at a half sixpenny-bit, which she holds in her right hand. The picture seems to represent the old Scotch song, “Logie o’ Buchan”: “I think on the laddie wha lo’es me so weel; He had but ae saxpence, he brak it in twa, an’ he gi’ed me the half o’t when he gaed awa.” The girl’s costume consists of a blue dress, sprigged with white, looped up over a brown petticoat, a red and buff kerchief being crossed over her shoul- ders. A silk purse, the present of her rich suitor, lies unheeded on her lap. Signed and dated at the lower right, E. Nicot, 1877. 4 0 No. 53 EDWARD MORAN AMERICAN (1829-1901) SHRIMP GIRLS, NORMANDY Height, 2414 inches; length, 36 inches At the left of the foreground two girls. are pushing their shrimp-nets through the shallow water. One, whose figure is — seen in profile, wears a bluish-green dress with white sleeves, while the other is dis- tinguished by a cap and kerchief of brick red. She is turning her face toward the front, where a little girl, in terra-cotta frock and red_ kerchief, stands holding a basket. A short dis- tance back at the right a girl, dressed in a grayish-blue gown, tucked up over a short fawn-colored petticoat, stoops to gather something into a basket. Signed and dated at the lower left, Epwarp Moran, 1878. EDWIN LORD WEEKS AMERICAN (1849-1903) A NILE FERRYBOAT Height, 24%, ew... length, 36% oh Lod One looks across the ia to the op- posite bank where camels are lying down and one is standing, its rider be- ing dressed in a red fez and pale blue cloak. Near by stand two hooded and cloaked figures; one in white, the other in scarlet, who are watching the arrival of the ferryboat. The latter, operated by a Nubian, who stands at the bow with a pole, is laden with a donkey and three camels, while three white-robed Arabs occupy the stern. A walled vil- lage with a minaret appears in the mid- dle distance at the right. Signed at the lower left, HK. L. WrErExs. No. 54 Va HUE ah ai) - ta it AM iM WH Hh Hi ih Hi Y AM 1 Hie ih Gai Hi AH] i! HIE Hy HH i A Hi) | Me || Hy ii } ef, » , No. 55 LOUIS DE WINTER FLEMISH (1819- ) ¢ MOONLIGHT ON THE SHORE Height, 261, inches; length, 364%, inches Gwe Tue light of a full mon glitters on the wet sand of the foreground, which is strewn with boulders and streaked with rows of smaller stones. It is en- livened with figures, conspicuous among which is a fishergirl, as she stands lean- ing on a man’s arm. ‘The sand termi- nates in a causeway, pierced with arches. Above the left end of it a clump of masts shows against the base of a tall cliff. Signed and dated at the lower right, L. pe Winter, 1859. PANEL | No. 56 97> HENRY W. RANGER, N.A. AMERICAN (1858- ) NEAR LYME, CONN. Height, 28 inches; length, 36 inches Tue light illuminates into prominence two rocky eminences in the background, which are topped by the yellow and reddish foliage of a grove of young trees. At the left of the middle dis- tance, where the pasture rises to another grove of trees, the seated and standing figures of two men appear beside an upward curl of smoke. The grassy foreground is flanked on the left by a single oak and on the right by two, the foliage of which arches nearly across the sky. Signed and dated at the lower left, H. W. Rancer, 799. 92 ' No. 57 ADOLF SCHREYER GERMAN (1828-1899) — THE RETREAT Height, 231% inches; length, 39_ inches In the foreground an Arab, mounted on ‘a white horse, is galloping toward the left, holding the bridle of a dappled iron-gray, whose saddle is riderless. The man, clad in a geranium-red cloak, car- ries his musket across his body as he turns and gazes anxiously toward the ~ right. Further back on this side a horseman levels his gun to fire, while in the rear, extending to the left, appears a host of cavalry in rapid flight. Signed at the lower right, Ap. ScHREYER. | Purchased from M. Knoedler & Co., New York. ; NOG mT fr. d Werte {Seo Art) 490. CLF. Hacella, 2000 cht 314; Vhs C. Karcsien [Foo Rée ) No. 58 ALFRED FRANCOIS DELOBBE FRENCH (1835- ) FIELD FLOWERS - Height, 391, bebo width, Bod) i ts re A country gi}, with black hair falling loosely about her face, stands nearly facing us. Her right hand is laid on her bosom, while the left supports the sack of her blue apron, in which is a profusion of poppies, marguerites and clover. Her dress is purplish-brown, the bodice being edged with gold, above which appears a white chemisette. _ Signed and dated at the lower left, A. DEtossBeE, 1879. 310 Noe JEAN BERAUD FRENCH (1849- ) LE BAL MABILLE eight, 2934, inches; length, 4814 BENEATH a ceiling of foliage gas-lights — are strung in arcs, clustered around . posts and suspended in drops. The — floor is crowded with promenaders of both sexes, interspersed with dancing : couples. At the left a girl in white fichu tie and drab jacket, leans her hand _ on a circular table as she talks to a oe ws Cae Th man. Dressed in a black suit and high 2 hat, he is seated with his hands in his pockets, smoking a cigarette. A board, — setting forth the Prix de Consommation, — hangs on a tree in the foreground. ¥ Signed and dated at the lower right, ; JEAN Beraup, 1880. 0. No. 60 5 6 AUGUST HAGBORG ~— SWEDISH (1852- ) A FISHERGIRL Height, 471, inches; a dak Us Vr / BaREFOOTED on the wet sand, a girl stands shading her eyes with her right hand as she gazes toward the left. She is clad in an old-rose lavender waist and a greenish whitish-blue apron, tucked up over a coarse gray-olive skirt. A basket, slung from her shoulder, hangs at her back and her left hand holds a fishing net. ‘Through the shallow water in the rear three men are pushing a sail- boat. Signed at the lower right, Hacxore. glo? ae ALEXANDER WAGNER HUNGARIAN-GERMAN (1838- _), BULL FIGHT _ Tue scene represents the arena gf t Plaza de Toros, backed by three tiet of spectators, spotted with circula fans. In the foreground a. picado. mounted on a rearing bay horse, whos stern is toward the spectator, has drive his garrocha into the neck of the bul whose attention is being distracted b a capeador. The latter in a costume of | pearly-gray satin, embellished with © black corded embroidery, is waving a crimson capeo, lined with yellow. Signed at the lower left, A. Wacner. Collection of William Schaus, New York, 1896. No. 62 530 HENRY PEMBER SMITH AMERICAN (1854- ) OAKS IN AUTUMN Height, 36 inches, il 54 iftvthes e. . var Tue mellow glow of afternoon bathes the silvery trunk and bright yellow- green foliage of a sturdy oak which oc- cupies the left of the foreground. Be- hind it runs horizontally a stone wall, surmounted by a fence. It is succeeded toward the right by a hedge, at the ex- tremity of which appears the upper -part of a man in a red waistcoat. At the right of the foreground lies a pool, _ surrounded by boulders, while farther back appears another oak. ee | Signed at the lower left, Henny P. Smiru. No. 63 WILHELM KRAY GERMAN (commutes aaa WATER NYMPHS left hanging down, with a mee ; upon the finger. A glittering gossa1 drapery veils her figure below the wa A companion, also nude, sits beside: he holding out her hand in conversati Seaweed adorns her hair and lies aer her lap. The sea spreads behind tk two figures, beating against a cliff c the right, which is crowned with a cast ley where a red light appears in one of the windows. ' Signed at the right, W. Kray. EMIL VAN MARCKE FRENCH (1827-1890) OX TEAMS HAULING SAND Height, 401%, inches; length ei inches : Vin Caw Dowwn the incline of a mountain road which crosses the foreground a wagon piled with sand is approaching from the right. It is drawn by four oxen, two abreast, the leaders dun color, the others tawny, all having sheepskins upon the yokes and crimson tasseled fringe hanging over their foreheads. The teamster, clad in white shirt, red sash and blue trousers, with a black coat hanging over his left shoulder, carries his staff across the back of his neck, held in place by both hands. ‘Two other wagons, whose drivers are sim- ilarly attired, follow, one of them being seen around an angle of the road. A second range of mountains closes in the background. Signed at the lower right, Em. Van Manrcke. Purchased from L. Crist. Delmonico, New York. AMERICAN ART ASSOCIATION, Managers. Tuomas E. Kirsy, Auctioneer. No. 64 : 1 ( | AND THEIR WORK = fo) = Z, fo) C7) A, fo) em D a 2 2 < ARTISTS REPRESENTED AND THEIR WORK CATALOGUE NUMBER AUBERT, Jean Ernest Girl’s Head Q4 BERAUD, Jean Le Bal Mabille 59 BIERSTADT, Axzert California Landscape 29 BOUGUEREAU, Witi1am ApoLPHE Before the Bath 46 BROWN, Joun G. One Touch of Nature 39 CICERI, Evcrne Pool in the Forest 15 The Fallen Tree Q CLAYS, Paut JEAN Freight Boats in Harbor 48 COL, Davin The Wine Taster 3 COOMANS, JosErH Messalina CRANE, R. Bruce Near Water Mills, N. Y. DAUBIGNY, Karu Prerre On the Seine DELACROIX, FEerprnanp Victor EUGENE Four Studies of a Tiger DELOBBE, Atrrep Francois Field Flowers DELPY, CamiILue River Landscape DE NOTER, Davin In the Library DETTI, Cesare The Secret DE WINTER, Louis Moonlight on the Shore DIAZ DE LA PENA, Narcisse VIRGILE A Forest Glade ‘CATALOGUE NUMBER 36 35 34 11 58 49 51 17 55 27 ‘| CATALOGUE NUMBER DU PAAL, L. Fontainebleau | 19 ESTORACH, Antonio Casanova ¥ Study of a Cavalier A5 FICHEL, Evetne Under the Table q GEROME, JEAN LEON After the Bath 25 HAGBORG, Aveust A Fishergirl 60 INNESS, Geores, Jr., N.A. Landscape and Cattle 32 JETTEL, Evucrne A Country Road 33 Pasture and Cows 38 JOHNSON, Davi, N.A. View at Ramapo, Rockland County, N. Y. 31 KOEK-KOEK, Barenp Cornetis Landscape 22 Landscape with Cottage 4 KRAY, WitHELM Water Nymphs 63 MAGRATH, W. A Scotch Lassie MATTHIEU, Martz Castles in Spain MONTICELLI, Apo.ipHe A Group of Ladies MORAN, Epwarp Shrimp Girls, Normandy MURPHY, J. FRaANcIs Landscape MUSIN, Aveuste Sailboats NICOL, Ersxine, A.R.A. | The Broken Saxpence PALMAROLI, Vicente Sad News PASINI, ALBerto Reception of the Sheik QUARTLEY, Arruur, N.A. Whale-back Light, Portsmouth RANGER, Henry W., N.A. Near Lyme, Conn. CATALOGUE NUMBER SCHREYER, Apvotr The Retreat 57 SCOTT, Jutian, N.A. Captain Molly Pitcher 30 SEIGNAC, GuILtaAuME _ The Baby’s Bath 40 SELL, CHRISTIAN Bringing in the Spy 9 SMITH, Henry PEMBER Oaks in Autumn 62 Shore, Lake Como 20 SULLY, THomas Lady Blanche 37 TAMBURINI, A. The Student 16 TRAYER, JEAN BapristE JULES Domestic Industry 8 TROYON, Constant Going to Market AY VALERIO, "THEODORE A Montenegrin Family 23 VAN MARCKE, Emu Ox Teams Hauling Sand 64 VERBOECKHOVEN, JOSEPH Sheep and Lamb EvuGENE _ VEYRASSET, Juuzs acee The Lunch Hour VON BREMEN, Jowann Geore | MrErvrErR Tired of Reading VON THOREN, Orto Wallachian Horses WAGNER, ALEXANDER Bull Fight WALKER, J. A. A Trooper WAUTERS, Cuarites AucustiIn The Harpist WEEKS, Epwin Lorp A Nile Ferryboat WEIR, J. ApEn, N.A. Head of an Old Man ZAMACOIS, Epvarpo Study of a Man, ot. oe] ww ay ee A ty eh ao eee: 2 PP Oe A 3 RCH INSTITUTE GETTY RESEA WNL 3 3125 01662 9269 4 gv En St ent Fy y — y lM * \ IMM