{ , | PES eS ae ee. See | Jf. oe ; ew from August 3 No. 371 Sale, August 6, 1925 Interesting Groups Firearms, Weapons Books Cannon Models pis cette tates Fae RS DS NOSES nea SENNSR SS Sanaa SSC SERS ia Se Na taosanae Albert Christ Revolver, 1866. APPARENTLY THE FIRST TO BE OFFERED TO BE SOLD BY AUCTION THURSDAY MORNING AND AFTERNOON AUGUST 6, 1925 AT 10:30 AND 2 O’CLOCK | The Walpole Galleries | 12 West 48th Street New York Telephone, Bryant 4140 WALTER 5S. SCOTT, Auctioneer View from August 3 No. 371 Sale, August 6, 1925 Interesting Groups Firearms, Weapons Books Cannon Models GUNS—Silver Mounted North India Matchlock; 1822 Flintlock Musket; Colt Revolving Percussion and Magazine Rifles; S. ‘ North Rifle, 1834; Parker Turkey Rifle; Spencer Sporting Rifle; Confederate Musket; Babcock Target Rifle; U. S. Springfield Carbine; American Air Gun of 1840; English Blunderbuses, and a 12-inch Arabian Blunderbus. i PISTOLS—17th Century French and English Wheelocks; Saw- Handle Flintlock; Case and Pair of French Duelling Pistols; 10-Shot Walsh; Harper’s Ferry, Aston, S. North, Johnson and Other Martial Pistols; Pairs of Williamson and Phila Deringers; Le Mat; Repeating Magazine, All Metal, 4-Shot Percussion; “Cigar Case’ Revolver; Superb Pair Silver Mounted Balkan Flintlocks; Two Presentation Colts, one with case; Pair Richards Duelling Pistols; Case and Deane Revolver -(never fired); and Rapahannock Forge Continental Pistol . Albert Christ 1866 Revolver IK Size710" sae (Illustrated, plate 12) 48 360. 361. 362. 363. 364. 365. 366. Arab Powder Flask, Etc. 17th Century. Silver mounted flask, wad box and bullet pouch, mounted in beaded and engraved sheet silver. All on original leather belt. In good condition, considering age. Rare and fine. (Illustrated, plate 12) Powder :Phlask> Somindiq. le I&8th Century. Made with a whole Nautilus shell for cup and built upon wood core with same material inset in panels. Brass loop to attach to belt. Charger missing, also’ three small mother of pearl plates. Unique and exquisitely beautiful. Top 4”, didinny =. (Illustrated plate 12) | Kalinga Borong and Sheath. L. 27”. Philippine Isl.. 18th Century. Native carved grip of horn. Sheath of hardwood with three broad silver bands. Fine. (Illustrated, plate 12) Ankus. India. 18th Century. L. 18”. | Elephant Goad, of fine forged iron ornamented with pierced work and chiselling. Ivory grips (slightly chipped). A fine piece, remarkably preserved. (Illustrated, plate 12) Battle Axt= SW indintelaZZ. 18th Century. Steel head, well forged and inscribed in chis- eled Arabic letters. Finely forged iron shaft, octagonal from head to grip. Perfect condition.