Grandifolia A.
Palo Maria...... Calophyllum.... 193. |46. 1.4743 -)
Inophyllum TD
Bendis ta. 3. Periilay. oy 0s 5: 188. | 2.0 | 1.4874| &
Ocimoides . s
Poppyseed....... Papaver ...... - A Le Vl ee he aed one neg es O
Somniterrum =
Raisinseed (Grape-|.....-.--+-+++-- 198-2 |-475-| 1.471041
seed). es
ORIEL OTL 9 alae PIS ee ws ees SBA Osada tor
Rubberseed...... le Vetin eae 5 ou: 10380 (50 20M Seen ae
SeOESAMO- gels. +: Sesamum....... LOO Vel ere he
Orientale & In-
Soya Bean....... SO) ok eee Oe ne 189. | 2. 1.4813
Sunflower..... Helianthus..... 189.3] 7 1.4796
umbang:..../:5 Aleurites....... 192.0) 1. 1.4770
(Candlenut). Moluccana
Lumbang (Soft). .| Aleurites....... 194.0) 4. 1.4929
Trisperma ~
Peanit va... s- « Nera OPUS no tagtte bate ee 193.0} 2. 1.4790 Z,
Hypogaea =
Tung (American) .| Aleurites....... 194.6 1.5170
Fordii o
Tung (Chinese)...| Aleurites....... 192.0} 4 1.5170 te
Fordiu ce
POM EATAIE Gide jes ol eae: Juglans Panes 19g 0L ee 1.4770
Wood (Japanese) .| Aleurites....... 193.2 1.5080
— ee |
TABLE XXXIX—Continued—Oils Examined in Writer's Laboratory
is 5 é
ay 2 r=| P rs
> 2 iS) oO <
© z ees 2 =
Oil. Species. e) Zt g3 5 ev
= os | | Z, ay
MOO) os 6 > 20
Sisie| Ba | 24 | Z Hie
Pidiis| SO] & at, coe
Na|a 2
Channel Cathsiix. is ve) .923 | 123.0) 192.0/10.9 | 1.4741
Pur Beak oe AF PROCGL Ae oe .926 |-132.4) 182.4) 90 eae
Vitulina Ete.
Grayish iy, ces ee eee ee .916 | 185.7; 180.1) 2.0 | 1.47038 | —
Menhaden....... Alosa Menhaden | .932 | 158.0] 187.0) 3.9 | 1.4850 =
(Brevoortia Tyr- me
ranis) _ eee Salmo. citi .927 | 159.0} 183.0] 9.8 | 1.4788 | 4
Salar &
Sarilines (4. 0 wie Co OoMIpen ste ee .919 | 134.6) 177.3]10.4 | 1.4800 | =
Sardinus 4
SUEELT Rewie “eee ke cane ee Bs a Be vas oe ee .910 | 132-8} 158.9] 5.2 | 1.4815 z
Shark Liver...... Borealis #2 .922 | 135.9] 62.2) 1.3 | 1.4708 >
Scymnus es Th
Skate Liver...... PUUAtNE es .932 | 151.6) 179.9) 1.8 1 bavi2 aS
Vulvaris =
Une Ah oP ens Uh keer ie .9383 | 184:0) 190.0) > [at ee 2)
Whale, =... os...) Go Baloenas. =... 924) 14s 7 ee 9.2.1 | 48200) =
Yellow Tailfish...| Seriola......... .932 | 180°0; 190.0) eee
—VWvVUuHRuRHexexeyeoooo>> qq eee
g. soluble starch with 100 ce. of 1 per cent salicylic acid solution,
add 300 to 400 cc. boiling water, and boil the mixture until the
Starch is practically dissolved. Dilute to 1 liter.
Potassium Iodide Solution—Dissolve 150. g. of potassium
iodide free from iodate in distilled water and dilute to 1000 cc.
Hanus Solution.—Dissolve 13.2 g. of iodine in 1000 cc. of
glacial acetic acid (99.5 per cent) that will not reduce chromic
acid. Add enough bromine to double the halogen content, de-
termined by titration (3 cc. of bromine is about the proper
amount). The iodine may be dissolved by the aid of heat, but
the solution should be cold when the bromine is added.
Standard Sodium Hydroxide Solution.—Prepare a stock con-
centrated solution of sodium hydroxide by dissolving NaOH
in water in the proportion of 200 g. NaOH to 200 cc. water.
Allow this solution to cool and settle in a stoppered bottle for
several days. Decant the clear liquid from the precipitate of
sodium carbonate into another clean bottle. Add clear barium
hydroxide solution until no further precipitate forms. Again
allow to settle until clear. Draw off about 175 cc. and dilute to
Tee ar a ey
10 liters with freshly boiled distilled water. Preserve in a stock
bottle provided with'a large guard tube filled with soda lime.
Determine the exact strength by titrating against pure benzoic
acid (C,H.COOH) using phenolphthalein as indicator. (See
Bureau of Standards Scientific Paper No. 183.) This solution
will be approximately N/4, but do not attempt to adjust it to
any exact value. Determine its exact strength and make proper
corrections in using it. ie
Alcoholic Sodium Hydroxide Solution—Dissolve pure NaOH
in 95 per cent ethyl alcohol in the proportion of about 22 g. per
1000 ce. Let stand in a stoppered bottle. Decant the clear
liquid into another bottle, and keep well stoppered. This solu-
tion should be colorless or only slightly yellow when used; it
will keep colorless longer if the alcohol is previously treated
with NaOH (about 80 g. to 1000 cc.), kept at about 50° C. for
15 days, and then distilled. For an alternate method see Jour-
nal, American Chemical Society, 1906, p. 395.
Half Normal Sulfuric Acid Solution.—Add about 15 ce.
H.SO, (sp. gr. 1.84) to distilled water, cool and dilute to 1000
ec. Determine the exact strength by titrating against freshly
standardized NaOH or by any other accurate method. Hither
adjust to exactly N/2 strength or leave as originally made, ap-
plying appropriate correction.
Methods.—The oil shall be tested in accordance with the fol-
‘lowing methods:
General.—The laboratory sample shall be thoroughly mixed
‘by shaking, stirring, or pouring from one vessel to another and
the samples for the individual tests taken from this thoroughly
mixed sample.
Loss on Heating at 105 to 110° C.—Place 10 g. of the oil in
an accurately weighed 200 cc. Erlenmeyer flask; weigh. Heat
in an oven at a temperature between 105 and 110° C. for 30
minutes; cool and weigh. Calculate the percentage loss. This
determination shall be made in a current of dry carbon diox-
ide gas.
Foots.—With all materials at a temperature between 20 and
27° C., mix, by shaking in a stoppered flask for exactly one
minute, 25 cc. of the well-shaken sample of oil, 25 ec. of acetone
and 10 cc. of the acid calcium chloride solution. Transfer the
mixture to a burette where settling can take place for 24 hours.
The temperature during this period should be between 20 and
ete O
The volume of the stratum lying between the clear calcium
chloride solution and the clear acetone and oil mixture is read
in tenths of a cubic centimeter or a fraction thereof. This
reading multiplied by four expresses the amount of foots present
as percentage by volume of the oil taken.
Specific Gravity—Use a pyknometer accurately standardized
and having a capacity of at least 25 cc., or any other equally
accurate method, making the test 15.5° C., water being 1 at
Acid Number.—Weigh from 5 to 10 g. of the oil. Transfer
to a 300 cc. Erlenmeyer flask. Add 50 cc. of neutral 95 per
cent ethyl alcohol. Put a condenser loop inside the neck of the
flask. Heat on a steam bath for 30 minutes. Cool and add
phenophthalein indicator. Titrate to a faint permanent pink
color with the standard sodium hydroxide solution. Calculate
the acid number (milligrams KOH per gram of oil).
Saponification Number.—Weigh about 2 g. of the oil in a 300
ec. Erlenmeyer flask. Add 25 cc. alcoholic sodium hydroxide
solution. Put a condenser loop inside the neck of the flask and
heat on the steam bath for one hour. Cool, add phenolph-
thalein as indicator, and titrate with N/2 H;SO,. Run two
blanks with the alcoholic sodium hydroxide solution. These
should check within 0.1 cc. N/2 H,SO,. From the difference
between the number of cubic centimeters of N/2 H,SO, required
for the blank and for the determination, calculate the saponifi-
cation number (milligrams KOH required for 1 g. of the oil).
~ Unsaponifiable Matter.—Weigh 8 to 10 g. of the oil. Trans-
fer to a 250-cc. long-neck flask. Add 5 ec. of strong solution
of sodium hydroxide (equal weights of NaOH and H,O), and
50 ce. 95 per cent ethyl alcohol. Put a condenser loop inside
the neck of the flask and boil for two hours. Occasionally agi-
tate the flask to break up the liquid but do not project the liquid
onto the sides of the flask. At the end of two hours remove the
condenser and allow the liquid to boil down to about 25 cc.
Transfer to a 500-cc. glass-stoppered separatory funnel, rins-
ing with water. Dilute with water to 250 cc., and add 100 cc.
redistilled ether. Stopper and shake for one minute. Let stand
until the two layers separate sharp and clear. Draw all but one
or two drops of the aqueous layer into a second 500-cc. separa-
tory funnel and repeat the process using 60 cc. of ether. After
thorough separation draw off the aqueous solution into a 400-ce.
beaker, then the ether solution into the first separatory funnel,
rinsing down with a little water. Return the aqueous solution
to the second separatory funnel and shake out again with 60 cc.
of ether in a similar manner, finally drawing the aqueous solu-
tion into the beaker and rinsing the ether into the first separa-
tory funnel.
Shake the combined ether solution with the accumulated water
rinsings and let the layers separate sharp and clear. Draw off
the water and add it to the main aqueous solution. Shake the
ether solution with two portions of water (about 25 cc. each).
Add these to the main water solution.
Swirl the separatory funnel so as to bring the last drops of
water down to the stopcock, and draw off until the ether solu-
tion just fills the bore of the stopcock. Wipe out the stem of the
separatory funnel with a bit of cotton on a wire. Draw the ether
solution (portionwise if necessary) into a 250-cc. flask and distill
off. While still hot, drain the flask into a small weighed beaker,
rinsing with a little ether. Evaporate this ether, cool and
Hanus Iodine Number.—Place a small quantity of the sample
in a small weighing burette or beaker. Weigh accurately.
Transfer by dropping about 0.15 g. (0.10 to 0.20 g.) to a 500-cc.
bottle having a well-ground glass stopper, or an Erlenmeyer
flask having a specially flanged neck for the iodine test. Re-
weigh the burette or beaker and determine the amount of sam-
ple used. Add 10 cc. of chloroform. Whirl the bottle to dis-
solve the sample. Add 10 cc. of chloroform to each of two
empty bottles like that used for the sample. Add to each bot-
tle 25 cc. of the Hanus solution and let stand with occasional
_ shaking for one-half hour. Add 10 cc. of the 15 per cent potas-
sium iodide solution and 100 cc. of water, and titrate with
standard sodium thiosulfate using starch as indicator. The
titrations on the two blank tests should agree within 0.1 cc.
From the difference between the average of the blank titration
and the titration on the samples and the iodine value of the
thiosulfate solution, calculate the iodine number of the sam-
ples tested. (Iodine number is centigrams of iodine to 1 g. of
Note.—The unsaponifiable oil from adulterated drying oils is volatile and
will evaporate on long heating. Therefore heat the beaker on a warm
plate, occasionally blowing out with a current of dry air. Discontinue
heating as soon as the odor of ether is gone.
Color.—Use Gardner-Holdt Color Meter or prepare a fresh
solution of pure potassium bichromate in pure colorless H,SO,
(sp. gr. 1.84). This solution should be in the proportion of
1.0 g. potassium bichromate to 100 cc. (184.0 g.) H:sSO: Place
the oil and ‘colored solution in separate thin-walled, clear glass
tubes of the same diameter (1 to 2 ecm.) to a depth of not less
than 2.5 em. and compare the depths of color by looking trans-
versely through the columns of liquid by transmitted light.
The determination of the hexabromide value of linseed oil is
probably the only method whereby adulteration with small
amounts (5 per cent or greater) of soya bean or some similar
oil can be detected. This test shows the percentage of ether-
insoluble bromides which can be formed from the mixed fatty
acids of a given sample of linseed oil.
It has been found that the Steele-Washburn method for hexa-
bromides yields a fairly constant figure of 46% for unadulter-
ated commercial oils.
Soya bean oil has been found to yield not over 6% of hexa-
bromides, while cottonseed oil shows a zero yield.
The calculation given below will indicate how an addition of
10% soya bean oil to linseed oil will not lower the iodine value
Folow the allowable minimum but will lower the hexabromide
value to a marked degree:
Assume a linseed oil with iodine number of 185 tu be adulter-
ated with 10% of soya bean oil, iodine value of 130.
: Then: 90 X 185 = 166.5
10 130 = 30
Iodine number of mixture = 179.5
Assume that the same linseed oil has a hexabromide yield of
46% while the soya bean oil yields 6% of hexabromides.
Then: 90 xk 46 = 41.4
10X 6= 6
Hexabromide yield of mixture = 42.0
A hexabromide yield of 42.0% would be much lower than any
normal linseed oil and would indicate adulteration, while an
iodine number of 179.5 would not indicate adulteration.
The two methods (Steele and Washburn or Bailey’s modifica-
tion thereof) by which the hexabromide test may be made, are
given below. The Bailey modification differs from the Steele
and Washburn method in that an acetic acid-bromide solution
is used instead of a chloroform-bromide solution. The Bailey
modification also entirely eliminates the use of chloroform from
the reaction mixture and does not require “amylene” or other
reagent for removing the excess of bromide after the bromina-
tion of the fatty acids. The Bailey modification, however, re-
quires the precipitated hexabromides to first stand over night in
an ice chest instead of immediate washing.
A. Preparation of Reagents.
The following reagents are necessary:
1. Chloroform.—Shake ordinary U. S. P. chloroform with
Several portions of water to wash out all the alcohol. Dry the
product with granulated anhydrous calcium chloride over night
in order to remove all traces of water. Decant from the cal-
cium chloride and distil. Add to the distillate 3 cc. of absolute
ethyl alcohol for every 100 cc. of chloroform. Keep in a stop-
pered brown bottle.
2. Bromide Solution.—Mix one part ne volume of C. P. bro-
mine* with two parts by volume of chloroform, prepared as
above. This solution must be made up fresh each day because
it deteriorates upon standing.
3. Wash Ether.—Shake ordinary ethyl ether with ten per
cent of its volume of ice cold distilled water. Separate and re-
peat the washing three times. Dry the washed ether with fused
calcium chloride overnight. Decant the ether through a folded
filter into another flask and add thin slices of sodium. Warm
gently on a steam bath under a reflux condenser until the evolu-
tion of gas by action of the sodium has practically ceased and
bits of freshly cut sodium remain bright in the ether. Distil
the ether into a dry bottle and add an excess (at least three
grams per liter) of finely powdered hexabromide of the fatty
acids of linseed oil previously prepared. If no hexabromide is
on hand from previous determinations it may be easily prepared
as follows: In a centrifuge tube dissolve about 5 grams of the
fatty acids of linseed oil in 15 to 20 ce. of chloroform. Place
* The authors have observed that samples of bromine marked “C. P.”
often contain considerable amounts of non-volatile material. All bromine
which is used must be redistilled unless it is found that 5 gms. leave no
weighable residue upon evaporation.
the tube in a freezing mixture and add slowly with shaking,
bromine solution until a slight red color is permanent. Add a
few drops of amylene to take up excess of bromine. Whirl in
a centrifuge until the precipitate has settled and then pour off
the chloroform. Rub up the precipitate with 20 cc. of cold
absolute ether, whirl in a centrifuge and pour off the wash
ether. Repeat the washing with 3 more 20 cc. portions of ether.
After drying, the hexabromide is pure enough for the prepara-
tion of wash ether. Shake at intervals for two or three hours
or allow the mixture to stand over night. Then place the bottle
in ice water so that the ether solution will be at zero or not
about 2° C. for three hours. Decant the ether solution rapidly
through a folded filter into a dry bottle and keep tightly corked
in order to prevent loss of ether by evaporation.
4. Amylene.—This material may be purchased from the East-
man Kodak Company. It is one of the organic chemicals pre-
pared in the laboratory of the University of Illinois. It may be
prepared in small quantities from amyl alcohol by the method
of Adams, Jour. Am. Chem. Soc., 1918, page 1950.
B. Preparation of the Fatty Acids.
Weigh approximately 50 grams of linseed oil into a 114 liter
Florence flask, and add 40 cc. NaOH solution (sp. gr. 1.4) and
AQ ec. of alcohol. Place the mixture on a steam bath and heat
for about 14 hour. Add 1 liter of hot distilled water and insert
into the neck of the flask a 2-hole rubber stopper carrying a
tube which projects into the flask so that its end is slightly
above the liquid, and pass a stream of CO, through the tube
- into the flask. The soap mixture may then be heated, to re-
move the alcohol, either over a free flame or on the steam bath.
If the free flame is used, a capillary “boiler” must be placed
in the liquid, since otherwise the soap solution will bump badly.
If excessive foaming takes place the current of CO, should be
increased until it is strong enough to break up the foam. If
the solution is heated on the steam bath, usually about 2 or 3
hours is required to remove the alcohol, while if it is boiled over
a free flame, one-half hour is usually sufficient. After the
alcohol has been removed, cool the soap solution and acidify
with dilute HCl (1-1). Insert a 3-hole rubber stopper, carry-
ing two glass tubes arranged as for a wash bottle, leaving the
third hole in the stopper open for an outlet for the CO,. The
inlet tube should extend to just above the layer of fatty acids,
and the outlet tube should extend to the bottom of the flask. It
is essential that the outlet tube should not extend down more
than an inch or two outside of the flask, as otherwise siphoning
would take place, causing the liquid to boil inside the tube.
Pass a stream of CO, through the system, and boil gently,
uSing a capillary boiler to prevent bumping, until the layer of
fatty acids is clear. Plug the hole in the stopper which acts as
an outlet for the CO,. The lower layer will be forced out
through the outlet tube by the pressure of the CO,. In this
manner remove as much water as possible without losing any of
the fatty acids, then remove the stopper and add about 500 cc.
of hot distilled water, shake thoroughly so that the fatty acids
are well washed, allow the fatty acids to separate and siphon off
the wash water as before. Repeat the washing until the wash
water does not give an acid reaction with methyl orange. Be-
fore removing the last washing, insert a capillary boiler and
boil gently until the fatty acid layer is clear. After the last
washing, remove the stopper and suck up with a pipette the
last few globules of water. Filter the hot fatty acids through
a folded filter under an evacuated bell jar and keep in a well
stoppered bottle.
C. Preparation of Hexabromides.
Weigh accurately in a weighed centrifuge tube (approxi-
mately 614 inches long by 1 inch in diameter) 1.00 gram (pius
or minus 0.05 gram) of linseed fatty acids, prepared as given
above. Dissolve in 10 ec. of chloroform and place the tube in a
freezing mixture kept as near—5° C. as possible, made by adding
a little dilute hydrochloric acid to finely cracked ice. Add bro-
mine solution from a burette at the rate of one or two drops per
second, shaking the tube well during the addition. At first the
bromine color will be rapidly discharged, but later the mixture
will assume a permanent orange color indicating a slight excess
of bromine. For most fatty acids of linseed oil about 1 cc. of
the bromine solution will be found necessary to give the orange
color. At this point run in rapidly 0.5 ce. more of the bromine
solution, shake well, and allow the tube to stand in the ice mix-
ture for ten minutes. Remove the tube from the freezing bath
and add amylene drop by drop with shaking until the bromine
color has entirely disappeared. Usually five to six drops of
amylene are sufficient, but a slight excess does no harm. The
addition of bromine solution must never be done in direct sun-
Attach the tube to a good water vacuum pump (one which
will indicate a pressure not greater than 40 mm. of mercury)
by means of a new one-hole rubber stopper. Evaporate the
chloroform in a vacuum, warming the tube in water at 50 to
60° C. to hasten evaporation. The tube must be constantly
shaken to prevent bumping of the chloroform. Towards the end
of the evaporation, when the contents of the tube become more
viscous, rotate and tilt the tube so that the oil will flow about
half way up the sides and thus present more surface for evap-
oration. When practically all the chloroform has been evap-
orated, place the tube in a bath at 55 to 60° C. for fifteen min-
utes, keeping the suction on.
Detach from the pump and place the tube in a bath of finely
cracked ice and water. When the tube is cold pour down its
sides 20 cc. of cold wash ether, as prepared above. The wash
ether should have been previously placed in four corked test
tubes graduated at 20 cc. by a file mark and kept at 0° C. in an
ice bath. Thoroughly stir and rub up the bromide mixture
with a rod, breaking up all the lumps. Return the tube to the
ice bath for two minutes and then whirl in a centrifuge until
the precipitate has settled into a hard cake and the supernatant
liquid is clear. Return the tube to the ice bath for two min-
utes and then pour off the wash ether, making sure that no solid
material is lost. Repeat the washing of the hexabromide pre-
cipitate three times in exactly the same way, using three 20 cc.
portions of ice-cold wash ether and rubbing up the precipitate
thoroughly each time. Use a weighed stirring rod and wash the
precipitate adhering to the rod into the tube with the wash
ether at each washing of the hexabromide. Afterwards ary
and weigh the rod plus the slight coating of precipitate and add
the weight of material on the rod to the weight of the main
portion of hexabromide. After the fourth ether washing has
been poured off, carefully incline and tap the tube and spread
the hexabromide precipitate part way up the sides. Warm the
tube in water at 50 to 60° C. until most of the ether has evap-
orated. Attach to the suction pump and place the tube in a
bath at 60 to 70° C. for fifteen minutes. Detach the tube from
the pump, cool in cold water to room temperature, wipe dry
with a towel and weigh at once. Dry the tube to constant
weight in an oven at 100-110° C. The total weight of the pre-
cipitate times 100 divided by the weight of fatty acids taken,
gives the hexabromide percentage. The hexabromide should dry
pure white.
Special Precautions:
1. Have the chloroform dry and adjust its alcohol content to
three per cent.
2. Make sure that all the chloroform is evaporated from the
impure hexabromide before adding wash ether. This will be
accomplished if the water pump indicates a pressure not greater
than 30-40 mm. and the tube is heated in the bath at 60° C. for
two-thirds of its length.
3. Make sure that the wash ether is anhydrous and free from
alcohol and that it is saturated with hexabromide at 0° C. Un-
less the wash ether is allowed to stand at 0° C. for a sufficient
length of time before filtering off excess hexabromide, it will
be super-saturated at 0° C. and will give high results. Care
Should be taken to prevent appreciable loss of ether by evap-
oration; it is well to cool the stock bottle of wash ether on hot
days before uncorking.
4. Make sure that the centrifuge tube containing hexabro-
mide and the wash ether are kept as near 0° C. as possible dur-
ing the process of washing. The finely cracked ice should be re-
plenished at intervals.
5. It has been found that low and non-concordant hexabro-
mide results on pure linseed oil by the new method can nearly
always be traced to the use of a faulty vacuum pump or to faulty
rubber connections. Therefore, the operator should convince
himself by test with a mercury manometer immediately before
making the determination that his pump, as used, will give a
vacuum of not greater than 30 mm. mercury. Heavy walled
pressure tubing should always be used for connections. A
faulty pump or faulty rubber connections usually means that
the chloroform is not all evaporated from the impure hexabro-
mide and will exert a solvent action on the hexabromide later
on, thus giving low yields.
6. If a Nelson rotary oil pump is available, it is an excellent
plan to remove the last traces of chloroform by attaching the
centrifuge tube to this type of pump for 15 minutes. The bulk
of the solvent should be removed first by means of the water
7. With either pump the tube should be heated in a bath of
60-65° C., during the evaporation of the last traces of chloro-
Hexabromide Number
The literature on the determination of hexabromide numbers
is not very extensive. The following are the recent references
of value:
Chem. Tech. and Anal. of Oils, Fats & Waxes, by Lewkowitsch,
5th Ed., Vol. I, p. 568.
Farben Zeitung (1912) No. 3 ff.
Muggenthaler, Inaug. Dissert. 1912, Augsburg.
Bailey and Johnson, J. I. E. C. 10, 999.
The unsaturated fatty acids when treated under proper con-
ditions with bromine absorb at each unsaturated linkage two or
more atoms of bromine depending on the degree of unsaturation.
Thus at a double bond—C=C—there is obtained a saturated
bromo product—C—C—and at a triple bond—C=C—four bro-
Br Br
mine atoms are absorbed to give a saturated compound
i a
—C—C—. The solubility in ether of the bromo derivaties de-
ee Br
creases rapidly with increase of bromine content. Thus the di
and tetra bromo compounds are easily soluble, whereas the hexa
(and octo) compounds are only very sparingly soluble. This
fact is made use of to separate the hexa (and octo) bromo de-
rivatives in carrying out the analytical determination.
The following method is applicable to the determination of
the hexabromide number of saponifiable oils. It must be re-
membered thatthe hexabromide number depends upon the
method employed in making the determination. It is, there-
fore, important that in reporting results, the particular method
must be specified.
Reagents and Apparatus:
(a) Reagents:
(1) C. P. sodium hydroxide solution of 1.4 sp. gr.
(2) 95% alcohol.
(3) Distilled water.
(4) C. P. hydrochloric acid.
(5) CO, or nitrogen.
(6) C. P. bromine containing no non-volatile matter.
(7) Glacial acetic acid showing no reduction with
dichromate or permanganate in the usual test.
(8) Wash ether.
Shake ordinary ethyl ether with 10% of its volume of ice-
cold distilled water. Separate the water and repeat the wash-
ing three times. Dry the washed ether with fused calcium
chloride over night. Decant the ether through a folder filter into
another flask and add thin slices of sodium. Warm gently on a
steam bath under a reflux condenser until the evolution of gas
by action of the sodium has practically ceased and bits of freshly
cut sodium remain bright in the ether. Distill the ether into
a dry bottle and add an excess (at least 3 grams per liter) of
finely powdered hexabromide of the fatty acids of linseed oil
previously prepared. (If no hexabromide is on hand from
previous determinations, it may be prepared as follows: In a
centrifuge tube dissolve about five grams of the fatty acids of
linseed oil in 25 cubic centimeters of ether. Place the tube in
a freezing mixture and add slowly with shaking bromine solu-
tion until a red color is permanent. Let stand for at least
fifteen minutes and then whirl the tube in a centrifuge until
the precipitate has settled and then pour off the ether. Rub
up the precipitate with 20 cc. of cold absolute ether, whirl in
a centrifuge and pour off the wash ether. Repeat the washing
with 3 more 20 cubic centimeter portions of ether. After
drying the hexabromide so obtained is ‘pure enough for the
preparation of the wash ether.) Shake at intervals for two or
three hours or allow the mixture to stand overnight. Then
place the bottle in ice water so that the ether solution will be
at zero or not above 2° C. for at least three hours. Decant
the ether solution rapidly through a folded filter into a dry
bottle and keep tighly corked in order to prevent the loss of
ether by evaporation.
(b) Apparatus:
(1) Steam bath.
(2) Gas burner.
(3) Iron tripod, ring stand and wire gauze.
(4) Round bottom flask of 2 liters capacity.
(5) Separatory funnel, 500 cc.
(6) Bell jar.
(7) Well annealed test tubes 5” x 1”.
(8) 50 ce. burette.
(9) Glass stirring rods 6” x 3/16”.
(10) Glass battery jars.
) Graduated cylinders 10 and 50 cc. capacity for
weighing out samples.
(13) Centrifuge giving about 3,000 R. P. M.
(14) A vacuum showing no higher than 40 mm. pres-
(a) Preparation of fatty acids——Weigh approximately 50
grams of oil into a 2 liter round-bottom flask and add 40 cc.
of NaOH solution (sp. gr. 1.4—36.50% sol.) and 40 cc. of alco-
hol. Place the mixture on a steam bath and insert a 2-hole rub-
ber stopper into the neck of the flask carrying a tube which
projects into the flask so that its end is just above the liquid.
Heat for about one-half hour, passing a stream of CO, through
the apparatus all the while. Add one liter of hot distilled water
and boil the soap solution to remove the alcohol, either over a
free flame or on a steam bath. If a free flame is used about
one-half hour’s boiling will be sufficient, but it may be neces-
sary to insert capillary tubes to prevent bumping of the liquid.
If the solution is heated on the steam bath, usually 2 to 3 hours
are required. After removing the alcohol, the solution is cooled
somewhat and then acidified with dilute HCl (1:1). Warm the
mixture until the fatty acids form a clear layer, continuing to
pass CO, through the system all the time. The fatty acids are
separated from the aqueous layer by means of a 500 cc. Sep-
aratory funnel. The funnel is filled with the mixture, and the
fatty acids will float on top, and the aqueous portion is run off.
The remainder of the mixture in the flask is added to the fun-
nel and the aqueous portion again run off. A brisk stream of
CO, is passed into the funnel to replace the air. 300 cc. of
hot distilled water is added and the mixture is vigorously
shaken. After the fatty acids collect on top the aqueous por-
tion is run off. This washing is repeated until the water is
neutral to methyl orange, three washings usually being suffi-
cient. The warm fatty acids are run into a centrifuge tube
(1” x 5”) and whirled for about one minute to collect any re-
maining water at the bottom. They are then filtered by de-
cantation on to a folded filter under an evacuated bell jar and
kept in a well-stoppered bottle.
(0) Preparation of the hexabromides—wWeigh accurately in
a weighed contrifuge tube (1” diam. x 5” long) as nearly as
possible one gram of fatty acids. It was found that in the case
of linseed oil better results are obtained by keeping the weight
of the sample as near to one gram as possible, so the deviations
from this should not be more than plus or minus 0.02 gram.
Dissolve the fatty acids in 25 cc. of the specially prepared ether
and place the tube in a freezing mixture kept at about —5° C.
made by adding a little HCl to finely cracked ice. Add bromine
solution* from a burette at the rate of about one or two drops
per second, shaking the tube well during the addition until a
deep red color is produced. This should not be done in direct
sunlight. The tube is then allowed to stand in an ice chest over-
night (about 14 hrs.), the proper precautions being taken to
prevent the loss of solvent by evaporation by inserting a stopper.
It is necessary to let the tube stand for this period of time be-
cause in the case of oils which contain only a small amount of
linolenic acid (soya bean oil is a good example) the precipita-
tion of the hexabromide proceeds more slowly than in the case
of an oil with a larger content of linolenic acid (linseed for
Next morning cool the tube by immersion in a bath of cracked
ice and rub up the precipitate by means of a weighed glass rod,
being sure to loosen any material adhering to the side of the
tube. Whirl the tube in a centrifuge till the precipitate forms
a hard cake on the bottom, cool in the ice bath, and decant the
ether. Add 20 cc. of the wash ether previously prepared and
cooled to 0° C. and rub up the precipitate with the glass rod. Re-
turn the tube to the ice bath and when cold whirl it in the
centrifuge. Return the tube to the ice bath and then remove
the ether by decantation. Repeat this washing twice more.
After the last washing incline the tube and carefully tap it to
spread the hexabromide precipitate part of the way up the
sides. Warm the tube in water at 60° C. until most of the ether
has evaporated, then attach it for 15 minutes to a vacuum line
showing a pressure of 30-40 mm. keeping the temperature
around 60° C. Wipe the tube dry and allow it to stand in the
balance at least 15 minutes before weighing. To the weight of
the precipitate in the tube add the weight of the slight amount
adhering to the glass rod. This total weight of precipitate mul-
*5 ec. bromine, 25 cc. glacial acetic acid made up just before use.
tiplied by 100 and divided by the weight of fatty acids taken,
gives the hexabromide percentage.
Notes: (1) The fatty acids are used instead of the glyceryl
esters because the latter give inconcordant results.
(2) In the case of linseed oil, the weight of the sample should
be kept as near one gram as possible.
(3) Care should be exercised in preparing the wash ether for
if it is unsaturated with hexabromides according to directions,
the results will be low.
Comments made by the various observers are abstracted here-
S. and P. Waldstein state that when a large percent-
age of soya bean oil is present in an oil there is formed
a large percentage of tetrabromide which may not be
completely washed out. They recommend in such in-
stances to increase the portions of ether to 25 or 30 cc.
or to increase the number of washings to 5 or 6 in order
to overcome high results.
The chairman of the sub-comneeaee has done some
experimental work with the idea of developing a method
of determining the hexabromide value of oils volu-
metrically. It was found that the bromine absorption
number of the fatty acids of linseed oil were higher
than for soya bean oil in some preliminary volumetric
work. It is known that the bromine substitution num-
TABLE XL.—The Results of Various Observers Working on the Two Methods
Are Given in the Table Below—Hexabromide Values
Steele-Washburn Method Bailey
hikes Modifica-
tion of
Oil z Washburn
ils I Ze acl € 5 : Method
58) 2| 2/28 Blas) g)8)5| 2) Bleg
a.0| 2 a | 20! 3 Fed Sa AS M1 a{/aiss
On| am | O | E |e Olmi-a
100 per cent Pure Raw Linseed Oil. . .|45.9/46.4/46 .6/45.4/46.0 46.2146, 6/45.4/46.1/40.5/42.7/41.6
85 per cent Pure Raw Linseed Oil...
39.3)... ./41.8/39.1/41.9/39.8/41.9/39_ 1/40, 4/34.9137.5136.2
15 per cent Soya Bean Oil......... :
75 per cent Pure Raw Linseed Oil. .
36 .4|/38.4/38. 2/36 .0/37.2/36. 1/38 .4/36.0137.0/31.5134.5/133.0
25 per cent Soya Bean Oil.........
65 per cent Pure Raw Linseed Oil. .
30. 8/33 .4/34.8/30.5)/33.8/33.5/34.8/30.5/32.8/26.7/31.4|29.6
_35 per cent Soya Bean Oil; .* 3.2%..
ber of linseed oil fatty acids is low while the fatty
acids of soya bean oil have a low addition number.
Considerable further work, however, will be necessary
in order to develop a method that will be satisfactory.
TABLE XLI—Jodine and hexabromide numbers of raw and treated
linseed oil
OL Iodine H :
exabromide No.
No. Substance ee Siacla. Method
By A By
553 | Linseed oil from North American seed..... 176.2 a
Boo : Pay ‘ . Se Seas, cole pegs we FR :
553 _ . : " - ine A AME: Ng ad SC ee 46.3
553 : ae : : ee Go 46.5
a een ee bees 46.3
553 “ oe ae + = eran Nairgl2 a Mamie Ata 43.6
553 xe pera 3 s ue Se Suey ight Regs pans a 39.2
oe : i Con : gE aan ce 39.1
565 | Linseed oil, commercial refined............ Le # fs <
563 «“ 4 Petite tan SE a, Bo
é s “ Ch od ah RN ee a Re es 43.8
a : i . UES 6a rag ana ser ec aes St Aa 40.5
574 | Linseed oil (Bu. Hieoide. sample). 26: sasses 183.0 nae
574 a Ra ge ee We No iad ace
Ga St Pt ieee ed iG a 0. CARED LM co? A7.1
Meee o
) oN ia tant, Raa oe Ie Rig Pees ASR Sep OE eR 46.2
Me 45.7
535 | Lins’d oil Ext’d from Argentine seed....... 189.8 50.0 49
535 = c - ‘ is Cae mates fy NE Dna ie MB (pean MuckoO
535 L es : : Ie aot al tater ig Seetiame nae A eS 50
641 | OL 553 + 5% (1) tung oil Grier sass 6 22. LG GAS il ae bere a
641 are st us : eR ere eter A eed a mT hate Sh
rig TDS ey ee Sete er A LG LE Sit ee ae 44
ee “4
643 ee eet 20) Reis) Set eet eh Ca a 1D2c5 we ee: 41
643 erat = Wel aE A ED RR os ARO be 42
644 eerie eo erinding japan. 2......... 164806 es 39
644 pee s s IS Ne eo, SAR RGR Ne h Rrde yar A caRy Tai 39
CN 0 . Bia athe ek cae: AGS OC See ee 42
a ee 41
646 Oo i Beebe 2 ESR! eR To 7a ah eee 40
646 | « « : a bE OP aa aN ae Meat Nima aCe acre ee das 39
588 « « 4+ 10% (1) linoleate drier de RUBE 165.6 ae
588 ~ me i APOE NE PR ter he S. epn ea ree: ;
589 Cet 20%," (1) “ aig! A epee 169.3 45.3
589 ag: 2 NRE A ris ot We ater eee Bee ty AQT
589 aS e * So a Pg OR Saad See 43.6
583 “« « + 0.2% manganese drier* ROR RL: oh 168.6 Bee
583 ak we: . a yd M ames diated Sales ae eons
ay : 2 + 0.057% a ; he ee 171.0 a
561 | Linseed oil, commercial...........-..-+-- 173.8 41.8
561 = TLE Fake AR ee aan GS Src a amas ete
359 M «heavy bOCIGd “+ Si ou sabes G iee ak 80.8 11.8
(1) Added without treating oil.
(*) Manganese linoleate boiled in at 250° C.
Conclusions.—The Steele-Washburn method of determining
hexabromides has given closely concordant results in the hands
of several different operators, and is apparently well adapted
for determining the purity of raw linseed oil. It is recom-
mended that further work be carried on with the object of
shortening the method.
Through the kindness of Mr. Herbert S. Bailey and Mr.
Baldsiefen of the -Experimental Station, E. I. du Pont de
Nemours & Co., there are presented herewith two tables (LI
and LII) showing the iodine and hexabromide numbers of
raw and treated linseed oils, and of soya bean oil, tung oil, and
various mixtures thereof. It is believed that the data presented
in these tables will be of great service to the paint chemist who
intends to carry on hexabromide work.
TABLE XLII—Iodine and hexabroimide numbers of soya bean, tung and lin-
seed-soya bean mixtures
Ow os
Zo =
i os
Hep sam
S ei ele
A 3 Ooo OF
vs b 8 eae a
No. Substance ies Re ea
~ a co
By A. | By B. | By B.
310 Soya bean os raw 5.) eee eee 123.2 a 6.5 4.2
310 . OUR SS a a 0 a 6; 1 See 4.9
310 4 Fe hee ee ek at aes De 6.3) 5 ee 3.6
565 Soya bean oil, raw commercial. .... 133.2 1.6
565 . eS * BS ee 5.0
658 i “©” eold pressed. = 3.02.51 4.2 ee 8.41 Peer
658 . rape te pi Oem newer 9.388 | 7.54
659 Soya bean oil, cold. pressed... ... .:.W.o5 joe 5.95 5.35
659 , oo sues Ree OT Og wae aels She al oe 5.76 5.65
670. | Soya bean oil, extracted, 0). .:.2.. 21, Ve 3.9
622 Tung oil. ee ae is ee 2 0.0 0.0
572 £0% OL 563: 50% OL 310. 954 oe 26.0 23.0
572 Re cata meee ey 23.6
572 50% OL.553 + 50% OL 670. 0.1. a 24.3 23.3
572 Fi ane Be eS er 24.6 24.3
Sample is quartered until 500 grams are obtained. In quar-
tering, seed must be poured at center of pile to evenly distribute
seed and impurities. All of the dirt which settles to the bottom
must be carefully brushed up and added to the pile. Screen the
500 gram sample through 10 mesh until about 50 grams remains
on the screen. The residue is hand picked and everything other
than linseed is set aside and weighed with the dust. The
clean seed obtained at this picking is added to what has passed
through the 10 mesh screen. The seed is then passed through a
20-mesh screen, rubbing the seed around in the screen so as to
remove any seed attached to it. The under size is collected and
weighed after the coarse pickings have been added to it. This
constitutes the first dust. The partially cleaned linseed is then
reduced to 50 grams in a rifflesampler. This is divided into two
25-gram portions which are hand picked separately and the 1m-
purities weighed separately. All linseed portion, whether dried
seed or broken seed, is to be put with the linseed. After cor-
rected calculation, the total impurities are obtained. The im-
purities found in the second picking should agree within 60
milligrams. 7
Oil in Flaxseed.—A 3-gram sample of the clean seed is
weighed out and is ground in an agate mortar with an equal part
of fine sea-sand which has been washed with hydrochloric acid.
The ground sample is placed in a Soxlet thimble and extracted
with redistilled ether for three hours. The distillate is placed
in a weighing dish and the ether is removed by evaporation.
The residue is then dried for one-half hour at 103° C., and the
oil is weighed. |
Oil in Oil Cake—A 10-gram sample of undried oil cake is
placed in a Soxlet thimble and extracted in the same way as
described under Oil in Flaxseed.
Water in Oil Cake-—Weigh 5 grams of oil cake and place in
flask fitted with clean cork. Weigh flask, cork and contents;
connect with hydrogen generator, and start flow of hydrogen
at the rate of 2 bubbles per second. Place flask in paraffin bath
*Contributed by R. L. Hallett.
at a temperature of 110° C., and heat in current of hydrogen
for two hours. Disconnect tubing, and wipe clean of paraffin
while hot, with absorbent paper. Cool and draw dry air through
flask to remove hydrogen. Disconnect, replace original cork,
and weigh. Loss of weight reported as moisture.
Protein in Oil Cake.—Protein is found by determining total
nitrogen by the Kjeldahl method, calculating it to protein.
Raw tung oil shall conform to the following requirements:
Maximum. Minimum.
CCHICEeTavivy ab LD2De Cong eden 0.943 0.940
Acid number (Alcohol-Benzol)...........-- aD cat ees ee
BOT ALON TUMDECL ioc ccnepectec 195 190
Unsaponifiable matter, per cent..................... DES cake fee ees
Pret VAC tIVGnINGES Ate ZO) Conc eee mttaer 1.520 1.5165
Pere DST OW LYS) ae siltstone 163
Belieatine testy MiINUles ee ea, eA ‘
Solutions Required.—The following reagents will be required:
Standard Sodium Thiosulfate Solution.—Dissolve pure sod-
ium thiosulfate in distilled water that has been well boiled to
free it from carbon dioxide in the proportion so that 24.83 g.
erystallized sodium thiosulfate will be present in 1000 cc. of the
solution. It is best to let this solution stand for about two weeks
before standardizing. Standardize with pure resublimed
iodin. (See Treadwell-Hall, Analytical Chemistry, Vol. II, third
edition, p. 646.) This solution will be approximately N/10
and it is best to leave it as it is after determining its exact iodine
value, rather than to attempt to adjust it to exacly N/10
strength. Preserve in a stock bottle with a guard tube filled
with soda lime.
Starch Solution.—Stir up 2 to 3 g. of potato starch or 5 g.
soluble starch with 100 cc. of 1-per-cent salicylic acid solution,
add 300 to 400 cc. boiling water, and boil the mixture until the
starch is practically dissolved. Dilute to 1 liter.
Potassium Iodide Solution—Dissolve 150 g. of potassium
iodide free from iodate in distilled water and dilute to 1000 ce.
lodine-Monochloride Solution Dissolve iodine in glacial
acetic acid that has a melting point of 14.7 to 15° C. and is free
from reducing impurities in the proportion so that 13 g. of
iodine will be present in 1000 cc. of the solution. The prepara-
tion of the iodine-monochloride solution presents no great diffi-
culty, but it shall be done with care and accuracy in order to
obtain satisfactory results. There shall be in the solution no
5 cc. Sample-=.\..
Cottonseedor : | ; QE
Soya Brie ae red
Vertical Section.
A. Beaker Glass 800 cc.
D. Test Tubes; lScm, x 16mm.
B. Cover Plate (/ron or Wood.) E. Thermometer,- Small Range.
C. Collar Support ( Rubber
Stopper No. 6.)
Tung Oil Heat Test Apparatus (Revised 1920)
Note.—Collars C may be omitted and tubes supported in present place
by oa wire gauze placed in bottom of oil bath and resting on bottom
of beaker.
F. Glass Rods, (3mm. with
Cork Stoppers )
sensible excess either of iodine or more particularly of chlorine,
over that required to form the monochloride. This condition
is most satisfactorily attained by dissolving in the whole of the
acetic acid to be used the requisite quantity of iodine, using a
gentle heat to assist the solution, if it is found necessary. Set
aside a small portion of this solution, while pure, and pass dry
chlorine into the remainder until the halogen content of the
whole solution is doubled. Ordinarily it will be found that by
passing the chlorine into the main part of the solution until the
characteristic color of free iodine has just been discharged,
there will be a slight excess of chlorine, which is corrected by
the addition of the requisite amount of the unchlorinated portion
until all free chlorine has been destroyed. A slight excess of
iodine does little or no harm, but excess of chlorine must be
Chloroform.—Should be U. S. P.
Standard Sodium Hydroxide Solution—Prepare a stock con-
centrated solution of sodium hydroxide by dissolving NaOH in
water in the proportion of 200 g. NaOH to 200 cc. water. Allow
this solution to cool and settle in a stoppered bottle for several
days. Decant the clear liquid from the precipitate of sodium
carbonate into another clean bottle. Add clear barium hydrox-
ide solution until no further precipitate forms. Again allow
to settle until clear. Draw off about 175 cc. and dilute to 10
liters with freshly boiled distilled water. Preserve in a stock
bottle provided with a large guard tube filled with soda lime.
Determine the exact strength by titrating against pure benzoic
acid (C,H.COOH) using phenolphthalein as indicator. (See
Bureau of Standards Scientific Paper No. 183.) This solution
will be approximately N/4, but do not attempt to adjust it to
any exact value. Determine its exact strength and make proper
corrections in using it.
Alcoholic Sodium Hydroxide Solution.—Dissolve pure NaOH
in 95-per-cent ethyl alcohol in the proportion of about 22 g. per
1000 cc. Let stand in a stoppered bottle. Decant the clear
liquid into another bottle, and keep well stoppered. This solu-
tion should be colorless or only slightly yellow when used; it
will keep colorless longer if the alcohol is previously treated
with NaOH, (about 80 g. to 1000 cc.), kept at about 50° C. for
15 days, and then distilled. For an alternate method see Jour-
nal, American Chemical Society, 1906, p. 395.
Half Normal Sulfuric Acid Solution.—Add about 15 cc. H,SO,
(sp. gr. 1.84) to distilled water, cool and dilute to 1000 cc. De-
termine the exact strength by titrating against freshly standard-
ized NaOH or by any other accurate method. Either adjust to
exactly N/2 strength or leave as originally made, applying ap-
propriate correction.
Methods.—The oil shall be tested in accordance with the fol-
lowing methods:
General.—The laboratory sample shall be thoroughly mixed
by shaking, stirring, or pouring from one vessel to another and
the samples for the individual tests taken from this thoroughly
mixed sample.
Specific Gravity.—Use a pyknometer accurately standardized
and having a capacity of at least 25 cc., or any other equally
accurate method, making the test at 15.5° C., water being 1 at
1D... 2G.
Acid Number.—Weigh from 5 to 10 g. of the oil. Transfer
to a 300-cc. Erlenmeyer flask. Add 50 cc. of a mixture of
equal parts by volume of 95-per-cent ethyl alcohol and ce. p. re-
agent benzol. (This mixture should be previously titrated to a
very faint pink with dilute alkali solution, using phenolph-
thalein as an indicator.) Add phenolphthalein indicator and
titrate at once to a faint permanent pink color with the stand-
ard sodium hydroxide solution. Calculate the acid number
(milligrams KOH per gram of oil).
Saponification Number.—Weigh about 2 g. of the oil in a
300-cc. Erlenmeyer flask. Add 25 cc. alcoholic sodium hydroxide
solution. Put a condenser loop inside the neck of the flask and
heat on the steam bath for one hour. Cool, add phenolphthalein
as indicator, and titrate with N/2 H,SO,. Run two blanks with
the alcoholic sodium hydroxide solution. These should check
within 0.1 cc. N/2 H,SO, From the difference between the
number of cubic centimeters of N/2 H,SO, required for the
blank and for the determination, calculate the saponification
number (milligrams KOH required for 1 g. of the oil).
Unsaponifiable Matter—Weigh 8 to 10 g. of the oil. Trans-
fer to a 250-cc. long-neck flask. Add 5 cc. of strong solution of
sodium hydroxide (equal wieghts of NaOH and H,O), and 50 cc.
95-per-cent ethyl alcohol. Put a condenser loop inside the neck
of the flask and boil for two hours. Occasionally agitate the
flask to break up the liquid but do not project the liquid onto the
sides of the flask. At the end of two hours remove the con-
denser and allow the liquid to boil down to about 25 cc.
Transfer to a 500-cc. glass-stoppered separatory funnel, rins-
ing with water. Dilute with water to 250 cc., add 100 cc. redis-
tilled ether. Stopper and shake for one minute. Let stand until
the two layers separate sharp and clear. Draw all but one or
two drops of the aqueous layer into a second 500-cc. separatory
funnel and repeat the process, using 60 cc. of ether. After thor-
ough separation draw off the aqueous solution into a 400-cc.
beaker, then the ether solution into the first separatory funnel,
rinsing down with a little water. Return the aqueous solution
to the second separatory funnel and shake out again with 60
ec. of ether in a similar manner, finally drawing the aqueous
solution into the beaker and rinsing the ether into the first
separatory funnel.
Shake the combined ether solution with the accumulated water
rinsings and let the layers separate sharp and clear. Draw off
the water and add it to the main aqueous solution. Shake the
ether solution with two portions of water (about 25 cc. each).
Add these to the main water solution.
Swirl the separatory funnel so as to bring the last drops of
water down to the stopcock, and draw off until the ether solu-
tion just fills the bore of the stopcock. Wipe out the stem of
the separatory funnel with a bit of cotton on a wire. Draw
the ether solution (portionwise if necessary) into a 250-cc. flask
and distill off. While still hot, drain the flask into a small
weighed beaker, rinsing with a little ether. Evaporate this
ether, cool and weigh.
Refractive Index.—Use a properly standardized Abbé refrac-
tometer at 25° C., or any other equally accurate instrument.
Iodine Number.—Place a small quantity of the sample in a
small weighing burette or beaker. Weigh accurately. Transfer
by dropping from 0.16 to 0.19. g. to a 500-cc. bottle having a
well-ground glass stopper, or an Erlenmeyer flask having a spe-
cially flanged neck for the iodine tests. Reweigh the burette or
beaker and determine the amount of sample used. Add 10 ce.
of chloroform. Whirl the bottle to dissolve the sample. Add
10 ec. of chloroform to each of two empty bottles like that
used for the sample. Add to each bottle 25 cc. of the Wijs solu-
NotTE.—The unsaponifiable oil from adulterated drying oils is volatile and
will evaporate on long heating. Therefore heat the beaker on a warm
plate, occasionally blowing out with a current of dry air. Discontinue
heating as soon as the odor of ether is gone.
tion and let stand with occasional shaking for 30 minutes in a
dark place at a temperature of from 21 to 23° C. Add 10 ce.
of the 15-per-cent postassium iodide solution and 100 cc. of
water, and titrate with standard sodium thiosulfate using starch
as the indicator. The titrations on the two blank tests should
agree within 0.1 cc. From the difference between the average
of the blank titration and the titration on the samples and the
iodine value of the thiosulfate solution, calculate the iodine
number of the samples tested. (Iodine number is given in centi-
grams of iodine to 1 g. of sample.) *
Heating Test.—Test tubes containing the oil should be 15 cm.
by 16 mm., with a mark near the bottom to indicate 5 cc., and
closed by a cork so perforated that a glass rod 3 mm. in diameter
can move freely.
Fill an 800-ce. glass beaker (height, 13 cm.; diameter, 10
em.) with cottonseed oil or soya bean oil to a height of 7.5 cm.
Place a thermometer so as to be 1.5 cm. from the bottom of the
Use a nitrogen-filled, chemical thermometer; engraved stem;
total length 4 to 414 in., graduated from 210 to 310° C. in 2°
intervals; the length between 210 and 310° C. not less than
214 in. Thermometer glass shall be well annealed.
When the bath temperature is 293° C. (560° F.) and very
slowly rising at this point, place the tube containing 5 cc. of
the oil to be tested and the tube containing 5 cc. of a control
sample of known value, so that the bottom of each tube is level
with the lowest part of the bulb of the thermometer. If desired,
the collars C may be omitted and the tubes allowed to rest upon
a piece of wire gauze placed in the bottom of the oil bath so
that the tubes will be 1.5 cm. from the bottom of the bath. Note
the time. Remove the source of heat for about 45 seconds and
then reapply. Before 2 minutes have elapsed the temperature
of the bath will have fallen to 282° C. (530° F.), at which point
it should be kept as steady as possible. When the samples have
been in the bath 9 minutes, raise the glass rods at intervals of
14, minute. Note the time when each sample becomes firmly set.
At this period the oil will be so stiff that the entire tube may he
lifted by aid of the rod if the collar C is omitted from the ap-
paratus. As setting or jellying takes place within a few seconds
of fluidity, a good end determination is afforded. Remove the
* It is always well to include a test on a sample of tung oil of known
iodine value. This may be kept in a dark-colored bottle as a standard.
ee a ee ee ey
specimens. Heat the bath again to 293° C., and repeat the ex-
periment with fresh portions of the sample.
No stirrer is used in the bath. A screen around the bath en-
ables the temperature to be more easily reached. When the
bath oil has become tarry and viscid, it should be renewed;
otherwise heating may be irregular.
Quality Test.*—Into an ordinary agateware casserole, having a
bottom diameter of 3 in., weigh 150 g. of the tung oil to be tested,
and set the casserole on a wide-flanged tripod having a 3-in. open-
ing. The object of the flange is to prevent super-heating of the
sides of the casserole. Heat rapidly with a full Bunsen flame,
stirring with a thermometer, until the heat reaches 540° F.
(282.2° C.) Turn down the flame and hold the heat as near 540°
F., (282.2° C.) as possible stirring with the thermometer, until on
lifting the latter the oil drops with a pronounced string, showing
that polymerization has started. The time required after reach-
ing 540° F. (282.2° C.) until the string is noted, is the time of
the heat test. For pure tung oils this will not exceed eight min-
utes. As soon as the oil strings, remove the lamp and the ther-
mometer, and stir with a stiff spatula until the oil is solid. After
stringing, a pure tung oil will require not over 40 seconds more
to become solid. When solid, allow to stand just one minute, then
turn out, upside down, on clean paper and cut with a clean
spatula. Pure tung oil gives, a gel that is dry, not adhering to
the spatula when cut, that is firm, crumbling under pressure of
the spatula without sticking, and the cut portions should crumble
under pressure like dry bread crumbs. Adulterated tung oil
gives a gel that is soft, sticky, and which will not crumble.
It has been found that the optical dispersion of tung oil is ex-
tremely high as compared to that of many other oils. Based on
this, Holley has worked out a method to determine the purity of
tung oil (Holley, Analysis of Paint Vehicles, 1920, p. 81). This
method, however, is not commonly in use because of the expense
and difficulty of obtaining the type of apparatus used for the pur-
pose. It is believed, nevertheless, that optical dispersion methods
are of great value for the examination of tung oil and that they
should be used when the apparatus and instruments are avail-
able, as additional or confirmatory tests. As a rule, determina-
tion of specific gravity, refractive index, and quality tests, as
outlined above, afford sufficient information to judge the purity
and value of tung oil.
* Furnished by R. S. Worstall.
The testing of oleo-resinous varnish should largely be of a
physical nature. Such properties as odor, consistency, clarity,
flowing, time of drying, character of finish, hardness, resistance
to moisture and abrasion, elasticity, etc., point out the real value
of a varnish. Chemical tests that give additional information,
sometimes of a valuable nature, are as follows: Flash point, acid
number, ash, character of solvent, fixed oil and resins.
Flash Point.—A nickel or iron crucible of 60 mm. diameter
and 40 mm. height is filled with the varnish to within 20 mm.
of the top. It is then supported in a water bath in such a man-
ner as to be about two-thirds immersed in the water. The water
should, be from 15° to 20° C. at the start and should be heated
slowly so that the temperature of the varnish as indicated by
a thermometer suspended in it, will show a rise of about 1 de-
gree per minute. Test for flash at each half degree, using a
very small flame. (See also A. S. T. M. use of Tag closed tester. )
Acid Number.—Ten to 20 grams of the varnish are weighed
into a small Elenmeyer flask, 50 ce. neutral alcohol added, and
a small funnel inserted in the neck. Heat on the water bath for
one-half hour, with occasional shaking. Allow to cool some-
what, add two drops of phenolphthalein indicator and titrate
with tenth-normal potassium hydroxide solution. The acid
number is the number of milligrams of KOH required to
neutralize each gram of the varnish. Use of a mixture of equal
volumes of alcohol and benzol 90° gives the true acid number
of a varnish including colloidal acidity that would not be indi-
cated by alcohol alone.
Ash.—Weigh in a porcelain or fused silica crucible several
grams of the varnish. Burn off over a small Bunsen flame,
using great caution to avoid boiling over and spattering. When
all combustible matter is destroyed, weigh the ash and if desired
analyze it.
Solvent—Steam distillation of a portion of the varnish will
remove the solvents, leaving a residue of fixed oils and varnish _
resins, which may be weighed after driving off the water. The
distillate should be examined as recommended under Turpentine
Apparatus for determining gas re-
sistance of varnish. See Interdepart-
mental Specifications, back of volume.
Apparatus for determining draft resistance of varnish. See Inter-
departmental Specifications, back of volume.
Specifications. The amount of mineral spirits and turpentine
may thus be determined.
It is customary to conduct the steam distillation upon 50
grams of varnish in a 500-cc. Erlenmeyer flask placed in an oil
bath maintained at about 130° F. The distillate may be col-
lected in a separatory funnel. The water may then be drawn
off and the distillate examined.
A much more rapid and fully as accurate a method for de-
termining the percentage of volatile is as follows. This method,
however, does not yield the actual volatile for subsequent ex-
Percentage of Volatile-—Place a portion of the sample in a
stoppered bottle. Weigh the container and sample. Transfer
about 1.5 grams of the sample to a flat bottom metal dish about
8 cm. in diameter (a friction top can plug). Weigh the bottle
again and by difference calculate the exact weight of the portion
of the sample transferred to the metal dish. Heat the dish and
contents in an oven maintained at 105° to 110° C. for 3 hours.
Cool and weigh. From the weight of the residue left in the
dish and the weight of the sample taken, calculate the percent-
age of non-volatile residue.
Fixed Oils and Resins.—In the above determination, the total
amount of fixed oils and resins is obtained. It is a difficult
matter, however, to determine the exact percentage and char-
acter of resins that. have been used in the manufacture of the
varnish. This is due to the fact that during the process of
heating oils in the presence of resins many intricate chemical
changes are brought about, a considerable portion of the resins
being distilled off in the form of vapors and combinations of
the oil brought about that are difficult of separation. One of
the best methods, however, of separating the fixed oils and
varnish resins is carried out in the following manner:
A portion of about a half ounce of the varnish resin should be
placed in a 3800-cc. tared beaker. There should then be added
about 200 cc. of ice-cold petroleum ether. After stirring the
beaker should be covered and allowed to stand, preferably in a
dish containing ice. In an hour’s time the resinous ingredients
will be found precipitated at the bottom of the beaker or adher-
ing to the side thereof (with the exception of rosin, which is
largely soluble in petroleum ether). The precipitated resins
should be washed with fresh portions of cold petroleum ether
ah tend Nt |i i ba
two or three times, pouring the decanted portions into a large
bottle. The combined portions of petroleum ether may then be
filtered through a tared filter, adding by the aid of a stirring
rod the resins contained in the beaker. The filter paper and the
beaker with the resins may then be dried at 100° C. and weighed.
The combined filtrates may be distilled to obtain the fixed oil as
a residue, which may be examined for constants. (This fixed
oil may contain rosin.) The amount of rosin contained in a
varnish may be roughly ascertained by thoroughly shaking in a
separatory funnel a portion of the varnish with a large quantity
of absolute alcohol. The rosin may be obtained by evaporation
of the alcoholic extracts. The fixed oils after oxidation or poly-
merization, as caused by the heating of the varnish during
manufacture, are not readily soluble in alcohol.
Separation of Polymerized Oils and Resins.—In the making
of varnish, most oils become oxidized or polymerized to a condi-
tion resembling resins. For instance, when a varnish is ex-
amined for resins by the above method, it will often be found
that a considerable amount of matter insoluble in petroleum
ether will be obtained even when hard resins are absent. The
insoluble substance is oxidized or polymerized oil. It may be
differentiated from varnish resins by the fact that it may be
saponified by alcoholic potash.
This method, as used by the regulatory division of the State
of North Dakota, is the original method published by E. W.
Boughton of the Bureau of Standards (see U. 8S. Bureau of
Standards Technologic Bulletin 65), as modified in North Da-
kota. Although it involves a tremendous amount of work, it is
probably the most accurate method for the separation of polym-
erized oils and resins. The method follows Boughton’s original
scheme very closely. The use, however, of ice-cold ether and ice-
cold water is probably an advantage in that the ether separa-
tions are quicker and sharper. In Boughton’s original method,
the material extracted by ether from the first saponification
mixture of acids and fatty acid soaps is termed unsaponifiable
matter. In the North Dakota revision, the proposal is made to
add this same ether extract to the resin portion. This consti-
tutes a somewhat radical difference between the two schemes
and clearly brings out the fact that neither Boughton’s method
nor the North Dakota method can be relied upon to give the
true oil content of present-day varnishes. For instance, at
least one of the varnishes on the market today contains wool
fat (degras). In Boughton’s method this product would show
up as unsaponifiable matter, while in the North Dakota method
the unsaponifiable part of the wool fat would be included in the
resins. This same difference would be true of a varnish con-
taining paraffin. On the other hand, a varnish made of tung oil
and cumarin resin would show a high unsaponifiable and resin
content by Boughton’s method, while the North Dakota method
would indicate the cumarin as resin.
In view of the above, it is quite apparent that neither one of
these methods should be included as a part of any routine
method of analysis of a varnish but should be merely classed as
“stunt” tests for a research laboratory, where an insight into
the ingredients of a varnish is desired. All of which brings
out the absolute futility of a varnish analysis as a basis of
evaluation. Physical tests afford the only reliable data in judg-
ing the properties of an oleo-resinous varnish.
Method.—Weigh by difference from 4 to 6 grams of the
varnish into a 125-cc. Erlenmeyer flask, add 25 ec. of water and
boil gently until not over 5 cc. of water is left. This is best
performed by placing the flask in an oil bath, and by passing a
stream of carbon dioxide through the mixture during the evap-
oration. Then add 25 cc. each of half normal alcoholic potash
and benzol, and reflux for one hour.
Evaporate the solution down to about 10 ce. and transfer to a
500-cce. globe-shaped separatory funnel, rinsing the flask well
with water, alcohol and ether. Add 100 cc. each of water and
ethyl ether and shake well, using a moderate circular motion.
In this and all similar operations use ice-cold ether and ice-
cold water. The shaking should be repeated three times. Should
an emulsion form and not break within five minutes, add 2 ec.
of alcohol.
Draw off the aqueous layer into another separatory funnel
and wash the ether layer twice with cold water. Add the wash-
ings to the aqueous layer and transfer the ether layer to a
weighed Erlenmeyer flask labeled “Gums.” Acidify the aqueous
layer and completely extract with ether. Transfer the ether
solution to the Erlenmeyer flask into which the varnish was
weighed and distill off the solvent, using a vertical condenser.
Then add 10 cc. absolute alcohol and evaporate on a steam bath.
This is to remove the water present. Distill off the solvent in
a ee ee a gare OT We
the “Gums” flask whenever the flask becomes half-full. All
ether solutions of unsaponifiable matters and the resins acids
that are separated out from subsequent extractions are trans-
ferred to this flask.
To the residue extracted from the acid solution add 20 cc. of
absolute alcohol and 20 cc. of a mixture of 4 parts of absolute
alcohol and 1 part of concentrated sulphuric acid. Reflux for
five minutes, transfer to a separatory funnel, rinsing the flask
with water and ether, and add 100 cc. of ether. Shake well,
add 100 ce. of a 10-per-cent solution of sodium chloride, and
shake several times. Draw off the aqueous layer and extract
with 50 cc. of ether. Wash the combined ether layer and dis-
card the aqueous layers. To the ether layer add 50 cc. fifth nor-
mal aqueous potassium hydroxide and 10 cc. of alcohol and shake
well, using a moderate circular motion. Repeat the shaking as
soon as the layers have separated. Separate the layers and
wash the ether layer with 50 cc. of water containing 5 cc. of
the aqueous potassium hydroxide and 5 cc. of alcohol.
Combine the aqueous layers and extract with ether keeping
all insoluble soaps with the ether layer. Then combine the ether
layers, transfer to an Erlenmeyer flask, and distill off the sol-
vent. Take the aqueous layers, acidify with hydrochloric acid
and extract completely with ether. Transfer this ether solu-
tion to the “Gums” flask.
Take the residue and reflux with 25 cc. of alcoholic potash
for one hour. Evaporate on steam bath until only 10 cc. re-
mains. Cool, transfer to a separatory funnel with the aid of
50 ec. each water and ether and shake. Use the same moderate
circular motion. Repeat the shaking twice and draw off the
aqueous layer. Extract the aqueous layer with ether again.
Combine the ether layers and wash twice with 600 cc. portions
of water. Transfer the ether lavers to the “Gums” flask. Take
the aqueous layer and the washings from the ether layer, acidify
with hydrochloric acid and extract completely with ether. Trans-
fer these ether extracts to a weighed Erlenmeyer flask, distil]
off the solvent and heat on a steam bath with small portions
of absolute alcohol until all of the water is removed. Then heat
to constant weight at 105° C., in an oven filled with carbon
dioxide. Weigh as fatty acids.
Take the “Gums” flask, distill off the solvent, remove the
water, dry and weigh as in the case of the fatty acids. This
weight is reported as resins or as varnish gums.
(a) Wt. of ‘Resins. X: 1.07 < 100—per cent total of resins
Wt. of sample (direct).
Wt. of fatty acids
i rsa le x 100—per cent of total oils.
(c) (Per cent of non-volatile—per cent of ash) =per cent of
total resins (by difference).
A method of examining the fatty acids separated from the
resins in a varnish, as described by de Waele* and by Wolff,; is
referred to on page 329 of the very valuable book entitled “Var-
nishes and Their Components,” by R. S. Morrell (Oxford Tech-
nical Publications). The reader is referred to the original
papers for a detailed study of the methods. It is believed that
while occasion may arise for work of this character, as a rule
much more information regarding the suitability of a varnish
for a certain purpose can be obtained by practical physical tests,
as referred to in other sections of this volume.
Distillation of 100 cc. may be made when it is important to de-
termine the type of solvents used. The distillate can be frac-
tioned and tested for alcohol benzol, or similar light solvents gen-
erally employed in such varnishes. Mineral spirits and turpen-
tine are to be looked for when spirit varnishes of the dammar
type are believed present. The solvents used in shellac varnish
and shellac varnish substitutes Manilla Rosin, etc., are generally
of the alcohol soluble type.
For a determination of the amount of solvent present in a
spirit varnish, a quantity can be weighed out in a friction top
tin cover, evaporated in an oven, and the residue weighed as de-
scribed elsewhere in this volume for the determination of the
amount volatile matter in varnishes. The residue left from the
evaporation may be examined to secure some information re-
garding the type of resin used. Determination of the solubility
of the residue in various solvents, determination of the acid
*de Waele, Journ. Oil Col. Chem. Assoc., 1920, 8°75:
tH. Wolff, Chem. Age, 1921, 15, 2989.
value, and similar characteristics, as outlined under the chapter
for the examination of resin, may afford considerable informa-
Morrell, in commenting upon a scheme for the detection and
separation of common resins, as published by H. Rebs in “Die
Spirituslackfabrikation” (1905), makes the following statement:
Concentrated acetic acid will dissolve lac, rosin, an
oleoresin of turpentine and accroides resin. Very dilute
ammonium chloride will dissolve lac, while manila,
sandarach, rosin, and accroides are insoluble. Benzine
(light petroleum) will dissolve rosin or an oleoresin, but
manila, sandarach, lac, and accroides are insoluble in
that solvent. In order to separate the different resins
qualitatively and quantitatively in a spirit varnish, the
solvent is distilled off, the residue is finely powdered and
warmed on the water bath with the solvents mentioned
above. If lac and rosin be present, the lac will dissolve
in very dilute ammonium chloride. Lac may be sepa-
rated from manila or sandarach, and likewise from
rosin, but the separation of sandarach from manila
copal is very doubtful. The estimation of dammar ad-
mixed with spirit copal or kauri by means of alcohol
and chloroform has been put forward by Stewart.*
The resin is boiled with alcohol, which dissolves the
spirit copal and part of the dammar. The residue is ex-
tracted with chloroform in a Soxhlet, whereby the re-
mainder of the dammar is dissolved. The amount of
the chloroform-soluble extract is a measure of the per-
centage of dammar. The insolubility of a genuine sam-
ple of the particular variety of dammar must be known.
It is evident that the methods of separation of the in-
dividual resins in a mixture are by no means satisfac-
tory, and there is need for much investigation in that
field.t At present the works tests are essentially the
most reliable. Elasticity, lustre, hardness, uniformity
of film, and, in the case of coloured spirit varnishes,
stability to heat and light, are compared against special
requirements. On metals the varnish film must be
clean and the coating must not have an acidity likely to
set up chemical interaction with the metals. Determi-
nation of acidity, behaviour on drying, flow, colour, and
specific gravity are compared with corresponding
values of the standard sample.
If the spirit varnish contain nitrocellulose celluloid,
or cellulose acetate, the residue after the removal of the
* S. Stewart, Journ. Soc. Chem. Ind., 1909, 28, 348.
+ Dietrich, Analysis of Resins, 2nd Ed.
solvents must be examined by special tests. Treatment
with a dilute solution of diphenylamine in concentrated
sulphuric acid will give a blue coloration in the presence
of nitrocellulose. Nitrocellulose may be estimated in the
residue by measuring the volume of nitric oxide evolved
by the action of ferrous chloride and hydrochloric acid
at 100° C., whereby the nitro-group of the nitrocellulose
is reduced to nitric oxide.
Celluloid may be detected by the identification of the
incorporated camphor, which can be removed by ether
or by methyl] alcohol, in which the nitrocellulose is in-
For the detection of cellulose acetate, gentle heating
‘with concentrated sulphuric acid and a little alcohol will
give amyl acetate. |
For the identification of the cellulose component the
original residue may be boiled with hydrochloric acid
(s. g. 1.10), neutralised, and tested for the sugars with
Fehling’s solution. The cellulose in nitrocellulose and
celluloid can likewise be detected by the production of
reducing sugars on hydrolysis.
ae oe wh
Ce Le ee a ee Se ee ae ee ee ee ee
Pe EL Oe ee ee ee eT
ee a ee Ee ee a ee eee ae a ee TS ee ee
While composed mainly of organic material, mixed driers
may contain silicon, iron, aluminum, calcium, magnesium, phos-
phorus, copper, zinc, lead, manganese and cobalt. Some of these
are present in linseed oil, oils and resins, some may be accident-
‘ally introduced (as from kettles) and some are purposely added.
Although the last three only are usually determined, the possible
interference of the others must be considered in any scheme of
When an accurate determination of the percentage of various
metallic driers in oils and varnishes is desired, it is customary
to slowly ignite the mass and examine the ash. Wet oxidation, of
such large amounts of sample as are necessary, with nitric and
sulphuric acids is impracticable and rapid ignition at high tem-
peratures will result in the volatilization of some or all of ele-
ments such as lead and zinc.
The ash is usually extracted with nitric acid, on account of
the presence of lead. It is to be borne in mind that direct de-
termination of lead as sulphate is not permissible in the pres-
ence of calcium, that the bismuthate method for manganese can
not be used in the presence of cobalt, and that most methods for
the determination of cobalt require the elimination of several
of the above constituents.
(For lead, manganese and cobalt)
Ash 50-200 g. of the drier in a muffle at the lowest possible
temperature. Dissolve the ash in dilute nitric acid (1:1), add-
ing hydrogen peroxide to facilitate solution in case peroxides
are present. Filter and dilute to measured volume.
Determine manganese in an aliquot of the above solution by
the persulphate-arsenite method if cobalt is present and by
either this method or the bismuthate method in the absence of
cobalt. (A.S. T. M. Standards, 1921, pages 514-16.)
Determine lead in another aliquot by first precipitating with
hydrogen sulphide in a solution of suitable acidity, dissolving
* Suggested by P. H. Walker.
the precipitate in hydrochloric acid with the aid of a little nitric
acid toward the end, if necessary, and then finally precipitating
the lead as sulphate or as chromate by the usual procedures.
Determine cobalt in another aliquot by first evaporating with
sulphuric acid to eliminate lead, then carrying on a double pre-
cipitate with ammonia to eliminate iron and aluminum, and
finally adding potassium nitrite to the combined ammoniacal
filtrates after acidification with acetic acid. In case the amount
of cobalt is very small, a preliminary concentration should be
carried out by treating the ammoniacal filtrates with ammonium
sulphide, filtering, dissolving the sulphides, making the solution
alkaline and then proceeding with the acidification and addition
of nitrite. ;
If a determination of zinc is desired, it may be carried out in
the filtrate from the hydrogen sulphide separation of lead. In
this case, the filtrate should be treated with sulphuric acid and
evaporated until sulphuric acid is evolved. The cooled solution
should then be diluted, neutralized until it contains approxi-
mately one hundredth normal sulphuric acid and zine pre-
cipitated in the sulphide which can then be ignited and weighed
as oxide or sulphate. For determining the efficiency of a drier,
see methods outlined under Interdepartmental Specifications for
Drier, back of this volume.
Quick Test for Driers in Varnishes and Pigmented Enamels.—
A quick test communicated to the writer by C. L. Schumann,*
for determining such constituents, is as follows:
Weigh 50 grams of varnish into a 500 cc. Erlenmeyer flask,
add 60 cc. of denatured alcohol, 60 cc. concentracted hydrochloric
acid, aud a few glass beads. Heat on a hot plate until most of -
the alcohol is boiled off. Add about 12 oz. of water and heat to —
boiling, subsequently filling up to the neck of the flask with tur-
pentine substitute. Heat and let stand until a clear separation
is noted. Siphon off the turpentine substitute and add another
portion thereof. Repeat process. Evaporate the water solution
to a sufficient concentration for determining metals present.
This water solution will contain all the metal portion of the
varnish. The same method as above may be used with enamels,
but only 2 to 3 grams is required. :
Morrell+ gives certain qualitative tests for lead, manganese, —
* Pratt and Lambert Laboratories.
+ Robert S. Morrell, Varnishes and Their Components. Oxford Technical
and cobalt driers in varnish, that are referred to herewith. For
detecting the presence of lead, the varnish or drier is diluted with
about an equal quantity of light petroleum ether. A dilute solu-
tion of potassium bichromate is added, and the mixture shaken
thoroughly. If lead is present, there will be no sharp line of
division between the water and the diluted varnish, owing to the
formation of a precipitate of lead chromate at the dividing sur-
face, and also on the walls of the test tube. The contents are
poured out of the tube and the walls carefully examined for the
presence of yellow lead chromate adhering to the sides. The ad-
dition of some ammonium sulphide, which will turn the chromate
to a dark color, is confirmatory. This test works in the presence
of manganese and cobalt.
For the presence of manganese, 2 or 3 cc. of the varnish are
thinned with from 8 to 4 cc. of petroleum ether and shaken for
about 8 minutes with moderately dilute nitric acid. The aqueous
layer is withdrawn and boiled with a pinch of manganese-free
lead peroxide. On settling, a violet color indicates the presence
of manganese. This test can be performed directly in the pres-
ence of lead and cobalt.
For the presence of cobalt, the varnish is diluted with light
petroleum ether, and then shaken with dilute hydorchloric acid.
The water layer is separated, and to it there is added an excess
of ammonium sulpho cyanate with a little concentrated potas-
sium acetate and 2 or 8 drops of saturated tartaric acid (to re-
move ferric sulpho cyanate), a blue coloration indicating cobalt.
If rosin is present, the procedure is slightly modified. 114 ce. of
the thinned varnish is shaken with 14 cc. of ammonium sulpho
_ cyanate solution; 14 cc. amyl alcohol, and from 8 to 4 cc. of ether
‘are added. This mixture is shaken. As a red color might indi-
‘ cate a trace of iron, 1 cc. of ammonium acetate solution and 2 or
r 3 drops of saturated solution of tartaric acid are added, whereby
the varnish-ether-amyl alcohol layer becomes green. The addi-
tion of 1 cc. of acetone causes a cobalt blue color to appear in the
aqueous layer. The presence of lead and manganese does not in-
The value of a resin for varnish purposes depends largely
upon its physical properties, such as color, hardness, and fusibil-
ity. In certain cases chemical tests such as acid number and
acetyl value, yield important information. Knowledge of the
chemistry of the varnish resins, however, is far from complete
and their composition, except in two or three cases, is not
definitely known. Consequently there is much confusion in the
literature regarding the proper method of procedure for de-
termining the chemical constants. The purchase of resins on
chemical constants such as iodine, saponification, and acid values
together with ash, color, and size of lumps may not be far dis-
tant. Such procedure would at least eliminate many fanciful
“gradings” now existing and which have but little meaning.
All resins used in varnish making may, for analysis at least,
be conveniently divided into two classes:
(1) Fossil Resins (“Copals” or “Varnish Gums”). These are
in general very hard and difficultly soluble. They must be melted
and held at a rather high temperature until a certain portion is
driven off and they become soluble in oil.
(2) Spirit soluble resins such as rosin, sandarac, mastic,
damar, etc.
These two groups interlap to a certain extent. For instance,
Manila which is soluble in alcohol, must be “cracked” at a rather
high temperature when used in oil varnishes and for the latter
purpose might be considered as a fossil resin.
Hardness.;—The term hardness is purely relative, no definite
method for determining it having yet been devised.t Moreover,
* Arranged by the writer and P. C. Holdt, from Scientific Section, Cir-
cular No. 159. ;
y+ One of the writers has found valuable for determining the relative
hardness of resins that may be dissolved in volatile solvents and then
evaporated to form films, an instrument that will be described in a Scientific
Section Circular to be printed late in February, 1925.
¢ An ingenious method has been described by P. Nicolardot and Ch.
Coffignier, Chimie et Industrie 5150-156-1921. In their apparatus a defi-
nite weight is applied to a small ball which rests on a piece of the resin.
The relative hardness of a series of resins is inversely proportional to
the diameter of the indentation observed when the weight is removed.
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aa a = f. e “oNprIsed SNoulys S Bre :
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ae at ie ? a “onptisel snoulye s ee
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ae eee atc Me PRS Ajaitjyue JSOWITY ‘aTqnyos ApVYSI[S e[qnjos Ajareg ‘oTqnyposuy | ‘peajosstp ATysoyy | “0 ‘d QT ynoqy | -stp API A asmor
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IFPOVz*0D syed joyoo|e Aq uOI}N[OS splIo[yoR1494 9Uu040y ulIpAYIOTYOIp
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the value of the resin depends not so much upon its initial hard-
ness as upon the degree of hardness which it imparts to the fin-
ished varnish. A resin of greatest initial hardness, however,
usually produces the hardest varnish. The general scale of
hardness of the principal types of copal, according to E. J.
Parry,t is as follows:
1. Zanzibar 6. Sierra Leone (fossil) 11. Manila
2. Mozambique 7. Yellow Benguela 12. White Myola
3. Lindi 8. White Benguela 13. Kauri
4. Benguela 9. Camaroon 14. Sierra Leone
5. Pebble 10. Congo (living trees)
15. South American
This table agrees fairly well with that of other investigators.
TABLE XLIV—Table Showing Percentage of Resins Dissolved by Various
Solvents. By Coffignier
sd Carbon
Ethyl Amyl Spirits of *
Alcohol Ether Alcohol | Turpentine ee
FRDZADAT Sk oo ats eee a 14.10 | 25.00 | 36.70 | Insoluble Insoluble
Madagastar a; 2 iN tia 26.20 | 35.00 77.60. 39.70 15.00
Demersiar see tee 27.90 | 44.60 | 47.00 7.50 24.50
CONROE oe te ee 74.70) 51.70 45-97 au 31.80 30.90
pierrs: Leone’. ak ye an 31.10 | 52,20 |} 9620 28 .60 29.10
Brazile pe ae ae 69.80 | 70.30 | 98.20 51.80 55.10
Beriguelenik aenzeks tae 83.50 | 56.30 | 99.10 31.20 26.00
lors) ete 2, Be EN BER os Mn Ora 42.60 | 57.40 | 91.50 20.40 30.10
Kameritigs st ase ehekas 33.30 | 44.20 | 70.80 21.40 26 .30
ACDYE. «80th se Ep en et 52.20 | 56.00). 95,90 20.30 19.70
Kaui; blond) 52 93.40 | 38.20 | Soluble 22.50 18.90
Kaiti: srowiie ave oe ess 64.20 | 39.30 | Soluble 26.40 22.70
Kaur. bushi sae es 87.70 | 52.70 | Soluble 27.10 28.10
Manila, hard, 28. ct. thon 44.10 | 41.50 | Soluble 26.80 31.00
Manild, triable.) >. Sa Soluble | 71.30 | Soluble 35.90 38 .00
Pontianads oa.5 ce ee Soluble | 54.00 | Soluble 33.60 38 .09
Bilne Angolnaarc, sence ak 84.90 | 72.70 | 98.60 30.60 38.70
RedhAngolic ssi aieaies 62.40 | 48.70 | 93.00 23 .00 22.30
Colom bis ac7tg4.p sae ee 83.00 | 50.00 | 95.10 31,30 30.40
According to Bottler, resins may be tested for hardness by
seratching with rock salt. All are scratched; the hardest only
with much difficulty. He classifies them in order of decreasing
1. Zanzibar 5. Congo
2. Red Angola 6. Manila
3. Sierra Leone 7. White Angola
4. Benguela 8. Kauri
{Gums and Resins, E. J. Parry, Pitman & Sons, London.
ere rors
Te ee et, Re ee ee
Solubility.—The solubility of the various resins in different
organic solvents has been thoroughly studied and numerous at-
tempts made to develop a system of classification based on this
property. The solubility of a particular resin varies with its
age, handling after collection, etc. The hardest and best va-
rieties are in general the most difficultly soluble. Table XLITI,
XLIV and XLV are taken from K. Dieterich’s “Analysis of
Fusibility.—None of the resins have sharply defined melting
points. The fusing is a continuous process and may extend over
a considerable range of temperature, as indicated in the table
below. The harder resins require higher temperatures to melt
them, and always undergo partial decomposition during the
melting process. Different samples of the same kind of resin
often differ considerably in this respect, hence the melting point
is of little value in identifying a resin.
TABLE XLV—Due to Coffignier
Specific Softening | Melting
Gravity Point Point
HERI OE ost pos kd 1.058 at16° 65° 165°
Dribariaiiiven ee ae oe. 16055 atil7> 45° 95°
PreOLEIrOt Wee ty a 1.066 at 17° 90° 300°
OCLC SS 0 as ne 1.061 at 17° 90° 195°
oS eleamser, 0 a or 1.072 at 19° 60° 130°
ee ek. LUGO ra ZF bal, eae eee 110°
VE TOSCO: Ce Oa I Oa rr | Gs WIS ALTR eat gid: (OU Sear op ape 150°
ee emer eo te LeO Ga Alle Coe, ne Ree ee 1202
rg TCaMe ee 1.065 at 17° 80° 190°
Diaelanerighle) eae ek we 1.060 at 17° 45° 120°
Pen ener eee eT 1.037 at 16° 55° 135°
mally we ca the, wee. 100°
Bele armen Mer ete ors ey eyelet 2 AD ce ke ue
Specific Gravity.According to Bottler and Sabin,* specific
gravity determinations are very useful in estimating the value
of a resin. The specific gravity of the resin in its usual condi-
tion and after being freed from contained air is found. The
resins showing the smallest differences contain the least enclosed
air and are assumed to be more valuable than their opposites.
They find that Zanzibar, thus treated at 15° C., gives 1.0621
*Bottler & Sabin, German and American Varnish Making, John Wiley
& Sons. Pages 138-14.
and 1.0636, the difference being 0.0015. Lindi copal shows a
difference of 0.0010; red Angola 0.014; Camaroon 0.015; Manila
0.059; and Kauri 0.064.
A method for specific gravity suggested by Dieterich for rosin
and which could be applied to other resins is as follows:
A series of solutions of common salt, ranging between sp. gr.
1.070 and 1.085 at 15° C., are prepared, and in each of these is
placed a few fragments of the colophony under examination, the
temperature being maintained constant. The sp. gr. of the solu-
tion which retains the colophony in suspension will be the same
as that of the substance. In selecting the test pieces, care must
be taken to reject any which exhibit cracks, air bubbles, or im-
purities. 7
Tschirch and his collaborators, K. Dieterich and others, have
done a great deal of work on the various resins and have col-
lected much data concerning their composition, and chemical
behavior. According to the majority of investigators, varnish
resins consist largely of resin acids (resinolic acids) and neutral
substances of unknown composition (designated resenes by
Tschirch), with small proportions of volatile compounds, ash and
impurities. The absence of esters, ethers, anhydrides and lac-
tones (except in the case of rosin) has been fairly well estab-
According to Tschirch and Stephen, the composition of Zan-
zibar copal is as follows: trachylolic acid (C,,H.,O,), 80 per
cent; iso-trachylolic acid (C,,H,.O,), 4 per cent; essential oil,
9.46 per cent; Alpha-resene (C,,H,,0,) and Beta-resene
(C,.H,.0,), together 6 per cent; ash .12 per cent; impurities .42
per cent. Congo copal, according to A. Engel+ has the following
composition: Congo Copalic Acid (C,,H;,0,.) 48 to 50 per
cent; Congo-Copalolic Acid (C,,.H,,0,) 22 per cent; Alpha Con-
go-Copal Resene, 5 to 6 per cent; Beta Congo Copal Resene,
12 per cent; Ethereal Oil, 3 to 4 per cent; Impurities and Ash,
4 to 5 per cent.
For those resins which contain no other saponifiable com-
pounds than the free resin acids, it might be expected that the
acid number, determined in the usual manner (i. é., by dissolv-
* KE. J. Parry, contrary to most other workers, states that all copals
contain esters.
+ Journal American Chemical Society, 1903; Vol. 25, p. 860.
ing the resin in a suitable solvent and titrating directly with
KOH solution) would be identical with the saponification num-
ber. This, however, is not found to be true in practice. The
saponification number (indirect acid number) is usually con-
siderably higher than the direct acid number. There are prob-
ably several contributing causes for this variation. According
to evidence presented by Worstallt (in a very excellent article on
Fossil Resins) when a resin is titrated directly with an alkali
solution, the resin acids are neutralized very slowly. There are
also indications that small amounts of aldehydes may be pres-
ent and that these take up alkali during the saponification pro-
cess, thus giving a higher figure by this method.
Numerous methods have been proposed for determining acid
and saponification numbers using different solvents in varying
proportions. Widely varying values have been reported, and
much of the literature on the subject is highly contradictory.
These differences of opinion are undoubtedly due in some cases
to actual variations in the samples examined, many being of
doubtful origin. In other cases where there is a wide divergence
on apparently authentic samples of the same resin, it is probably
due largely to a difference in the method employed. Hence re-
ported values are meaningless unless the method used is Spe-
cifically described.
Since many of the resins are insoluble or only partially soluble
in alcohol, it is in general advisable to use other solvents.
Various mixtures of alcohol, benzine, benzol, ether and chloro-
form have been suggested. Alcohol alone is suitable only for
rosin, shellac, and possibly Manila.
The presence of water in the solution should be carefully
avoided. It will not mix with most organic solvents, but forms
an emulsion which makes the titration more difficult by render-
ing the end point less distinct. Furthermore, according to
Dieterich, the addition of water decomposes the resin soaps and
results in abnormally high values. An alcoholic KOH solution
should always be employed.
The following methods of analysis have been used and found
satisfactory by the writers.
Direct Acid Number.—Weigh three grams of powdered resin
into a 500 cc. Erlenmeyer flask and add 200 ce. of alcohol benzol.
{Archive der Pharmacie, 1908, p. 293.
Allow the mixture to stand overnight in a tightly stopped flask
and then titrate with fifth normal alcoholic KOH solution, using
phenol-phthalein indicator. Run a blank on the alcohol-benzol at
the same time.
Both the alcohol and the benzol used as solvents should be re-
distilled before using. The alcohol passing over at 78 to 80° C.
and the benzol at 80 to 82° C. being collected for the purpose.
A fifth normal solution of KOH in C. P. absolute Methyl Al-
cohol is used for both acid and saponification numbers. Methyl
is preferable to Ethyl Alcohol on account of the difficulty in ob-
taining the latter sufficiently free from aldehydes to prevent
darkening on standing.
Sapontfication Number (Indirect Acid Number).—The same
quantities of resin and solvent are used as in taking acid number.
An excess of alcoholic KOH is added, the flask tightly stop-
pered, allowed to stand 18 hours and then back-titrated with fifth
normal sulphuric acid. A blank is run on the same quantity of
alkali and solvent as used in the determination.
The saponification number may also be determined by boiling
the resin-solvent-alkali mixture for 14 hour under a reflux con-
denser. The solution is cooled and the residual alkali titrated as
before. Saponification numbers determined in this way are
somewhat higher than those determined by saponification in the
cold. The solvents and alkali solution for saponification numbers
are made up in the same manner as those used for Direct Acid —
A method recommended by K. Dieterich and used by Worstall*
with a slight modification in solvents gives very good results.
This method is as follows:
Weigh one gram of the finely powdered resin into a glass-
stoppered bottle and add 15 cc. benzol and 5 ec. alcohol. Solu-
tion is complete in a few minutes with these solvents. Then add
15 ce. fifth normal alcoholic potash solution and allow to stand
18 hours. Add 25 ec. alcohol and titrate the excess alkali with
fifth normal sulphuric acid, using phenolphthalein as the indi-
cator. Blank determinations are run each time. The addition
of alcohol before the titration is a great help in securing sharp
end reactions.
Acetyl Valuwe.—K. Dieterich proposed the following method
for determining the acetyl value of resins:
* Journal American Chemical Society, Vol. 25 (1903), page 862.
— ee a ee or ee | ee
mR ee ee ee ee ae a E
Boil the resin under a reflux condenser with an ex-
cess of acetic anhydride and a little anhydrous sodium
acetate, until completely dissolved, or until it is evident
that no further portion will pass into solution. Pour
the solution into water, collect the ensuing precipitate
and extract with boiling water until perfectly free from
all traces of uncombined acetic acid. The insoluble
residues left by copal and dammar are also treated in
the same manner. The dried acetylized products are
then tested for the acetyl, acid, ester and saponification
values by dissolving 1 gram in cold alcohol and titrat-
ing with half normal caustic potash. The saponification
is also effected with half normal alkali for half an hour
under a reflux condenser, and the product titrated back
after cooling and dilution with alcohol (not water).
As in the case of fats, the difference between the acetyl-
saponification value and the acetyl-acid value gives the
“true acetyl value.”
Resins Other Than Fossil.—Under this heading are included
the following types of resins:
(1) Resins ordinarily used as solutions in some volatile sol-
vent. Prominent in this group are shellac and macassar which
are usually applied in alcohol solution and sandarac, mastic, and
damar, which are generally cut in petroleum spirits, turpentine
or some similar solvent.+
(2) Rosin.
(3) Ester Gum.
(4) Synthetic resins.
These resins are distinguished from the fossil resins in being
softer, much more readily soluble in volatile solvents and having
lower melting points. As indicated at the beginning of this chap-
ter, however, there is no sharp line of demarcation between the
classes. For example, both manila and macassar might be
classed either as fossil or as alcohol soluble resins.
Acid and saponification numbers can be determined by the
same methods as used for the fossil resins. While most of them
are soluble to a certain extent in alcohol more concordant results
will, in general, be obtained when the resin is dissolved in a mix-
ture of alcohol and benzol.t Alcohol alone is entirely suitable as
a solvent only for rosin, shellac and macassar.
+ Manila might also be placed in this class as it is soluble in alcohol and
is frequently so used.
t Sandarac is practically insoluble in benzol. For analytical purposes
hot absolute alcohol is the best solvent.
Macassar, Sandarac, Mastic and Damar.—These resins are
usually evaluated entirely on a basis of color, solubility, size of
lumps and freedom from dirt or other foreign material. How-
ever, chemical tests such as the determination of acid number are
of value in checking up on the uniformity of different shipments.
Shellac (see Chapter XX XI).
Ester Gum.—The main consideration in the evaluation of ester
gum is, as a rule to secure the lowest possible acid number con-
sistent with good color. Determination of melting point and the
degree of darkening occuring during melting are also important
indications of quality.
Cumaron Resin and Synthetic Phenol Resins.—Ellis* refers to the de-
tection of cumaron resin when mixed with other resins in varnishes
pointing out that cumaron resin dissolves completely or almost completely
in acetone. Phenol aldehyde resins are insoluble in petroleum spirits, while
cumaron resin is partially soluble therein. Phenol aldehyde resins yield
quantities of phenols on treatment with soda lime, while cumaron resins
yield only traces of these bodies. Natural resins generally have a high
acid number, thus differentiating them from the ordinary synthetic resins.
Separation of cumaron resins from fatty acids is accomplished by esteri-
fication, the esters being sufficiently removed by distillation or extraction
with alcohol. Further identification of the resins may be made by de-
structive distillation, cumaron resin decomposing at about 800° C., with the
formation of cumarine, iodine, etc.
Qualitative tests for cumaron resin may be made by color reactions with
bromine, cumaron resin giving a permanently red color when treated with
bromine dissolved in chloroform, in the presence of glacial acetic acid.
Ellis’ method of conducting the test is to use 1 cc. of a 10% solution of the
resin in chloroform, subsequently diluting with 6 cc. of chloroform and 1
cc. of glacial acetic acid. The solution is shaken and 1 ce. of a 10% solution
of bromine in chloroform is added. The solution is again shaken and al-
lowed to stand in a covered container, the presence of cumaron resin being
indicated by a permanent red color.
Ellis also refers to a method of Steinitzer for the detection of phenol
formaldehyde resins, stating that when they are boiled with sodium hy-
droxide solution or heated with soda lime, liberation of phenols results,
which may be identified by their color reactions.
Yacca Gum (Red Gum; Gum Accrotiides). This product which is quite
widely used as a shellac substitute in dark colored compositions, is almost
entirely insoluble in benzol, mineral spirits, or turpentine. It is readily
soluble in acetone, ether, and alcohol. Distillation under vacuo generally
yields a phenol body having a strong phenol odor.
Analysis of Resin Solutions—Analysis of Solution of Spirit Soluble
Resins is given in Chapter XXVIII, page 252.
* Synthetic Resins and Their Plastics. The Chemical Catalog Co., Inc.
Re Nt ee Se gee ee Pe. ee eee ee a ee
a ee ee eee
he Ai
Vite Siete ets adele bails es
Te es 2 eee
Pag et oe
Bvteore li
a oY bed
A. S. T. M. Serial Designation: D 29-23 T
(a) Continuous Extraction Method (suitable for all grades
of lac).
1. The extraction apparatus (Fig 101) shall consist of a wide-
neck flask in which is suspended a metal return condenser. From
the lower part of this condenser is hung a siphon tube of
Knoefler type. The extraction cartridge used for the determin-
ation shall be cut down to such a size that the top of the cart-
ridge is just above the upper curve of the siphon. It shall be
supported on three indentations in the glass so that there will
be a little space beneath and around the cartridge to permit of
a free flow of liquid.
Note.—Any type of siphon extractor where the siphon is continuously
surrounded by the vapors of boiling alcohol may be substituted for the
above form of apparatus.
2. 95-per-cent Alcohol.—Specially denatured alcohol, U. S. In-
ternal Revenue Bureau Formula No. 1 or Formula No. 30.
3. Prepare an extraction cartridge 26 mm. in diameter by 80
mm. in height (Schleicher and Schull No. 603 or the equivalent).
Place the cartridge in the extraction apparatus, Fig. 1, and ex-
tract for 30 minutes with boiling 95-per-cent alcohol.
Dry in an air bath at 105° C., transfer to a glass-stoppered
weighing bottle, cool and weigh. Dry to constant weight. A
number of cartridges can be prepared and kept in glass-stop-
pered weighing bottles until wanted. Now weigh accurately 5
g. of the lac in a 100-cc. beaker and dissolve in 75 ec. of boiling
95-per-cent alcohol by immersing the beaker in a hot water bath
until all the shellac is dissolved and the wax is in solution.
Transfer this solution quickly into the weighed extraction
cartridge, previously wet with hot alcohol, putting the cartridge
into a carbon filter tube of suitable size supported in a hot water
bath (Fig. 2), the outlet tube extending through the bottom of
the bath allowing the escape of the filtrate. Wash all the residue
from the beaker into the cartridge with hot 95-per-cent alcohol.
Put the cartridge in the extraction apparatus (Fig. 101), and ex-
tract for exactly one hour. |
Keep the alcohol boiling briskly during the extraction. The
rate of extraction may be controlled by the use of an electric
hot-point stove, 6 in. in diameter, and using the full current of
2.2 amperes at 110 volts. The volume of alcohol in the flask
should be 125 cc. Protect the flask from drafts. Under these
conditions the tube should siphon over at least 33 times in 1
hour. The condenser should be able to return all the alcohol
volatilized during the vigorous boiling of the contents of the
flask, the object being to effect the maximum extraction during
the specified time.
The weight of the residue insoluble in alcohol thus obtained,
divided by the weight of the sample, and this quotient multiplied
by 100 is the percentage of alcohol insoluble matter in the Tac.
NoTe.—When the determination of alcohol-insoluble matter in bleached
shellac is required, the sample shall be dried if in the form of bars or
hanks or ground shellac, as the water present dilutes the alcohol to a point
where solution may not be complete. It is recommended that in preparing
shellac for this determination, a separate portion be dried by exposure
to the air in a thin layer, without the application of heat.
(6) Gooch Filtration Method (Not Applicable for Stick, Seed
or Grain Lac and Bleached Shellac).
4, 95-per-cent Alcohol.—Specially denatured alcohol, U. S.
Internal Revenue Bureau Formula No. 1 or Formula No. 30.
5. Grind a 50-g. sample fine enough to pass a 40-mesh sieve.
Weigh accurately 2 g. of the sample and transfer to a small
beaker, heat the shellac with 25 cc. of 95-per-cent alcohol. Pre-—
pare a Gooch crucible with an asbestos pad in the usual man-
ner’ and dry it to constant weight. Arrange the crucible for
“For the preparation of the Gooch crucible see any standard text on
quantitative analysis for example, Fresenius (Cohn Translation), p. 120,
1904, or Treadwell-Hall, third edition, Vol. II, p. 26.
i i
OT ee TS
filtration by suction and pour sufficient boiling alcohol through
it to thoroughly heat the crucible.
Notre.—A cold crucible will congeal the wax and prevent filtration.
Immediately filter the boiling solution through the crucible,
using suction, transfer the insoluble material from the beaker
to the crucible, using a “policeman” if necessary and a wash
bottle containing hot alcohol until the washings are colorless and
then wash five more times, nearly filling the crucible each time
with boiling alcohol.
NoTE.—It will be necessary to shut off the suction momentarily to fill
the crucible.
Wash off any film of shellac on the sides or bottom of the
crucible with hot alcohol and dry to constant weight in an oven
at 105 to 110° C. The weight of the residue in the crucible,
multiplied by 100 and divided by the weight of the sample, is
the percentage of material insoluble in hot alcohol.
6. Acetic Acid.—99-per-cent glacial acetic acid having a melt-
point of 14.8° C., free from reducing impurities as shown pies its
action on a eliveriate in sulfuric acid.
Notre.—If these requirements are not met the results of the rosin deter-
mination will be erratic.
Iodine Monochloride Solution.—Dissolve 13 g. of iodine in a
liter of acetic acid, using gentle heat if necessary, determining
the strength by titration with thiosulfate. Set aside 50 to 100
ec. of the solution and introduce dry chlorine gas into the re-
mainder until the characteristic color change occurs, and the
halogen content has been doubled. By titration, ascertain if the
halogen content has been more than doubled, and if so reduce
it by adding the requisite quantity of the iodine acetic acid solu-
tion. A slight excess of iodine does no harm but an excess of
chlorine must be avoided.
Chloroform.—Should be chemically pure.
Sodium Thiosulfate Solution—Dissolve 24.83 g. of the pure
galt in a liter of cold, boiled, distilled water. Standardize by
titrating against freshly resublimed iodine. It 1s recommended
that the resublimed iodine be collected into a glass-stoppered
weighing bottle and weighed after cooling.
Starch Solution.—Dissolve 0.2 g. of starch per 100 cc, of water
and boil.
7. Introduce 0.2 g. of ground shellac into a 250 cc. dry bottle
of clear glass with a ground-glass stopper, add 20 cc. of glacial
acetic acid and warm the mixture gently on top of a hot water
bath until solution is complete (except for the wax). A pure
Shellac is rather difficultly soluble; solution is quicker according
to the proportion of rosin present. Add 10 ec. of chloroform
and cool the solution to 21.5 to 22.5° C. The bottles should be
allowed to stand half immersed in a shallow pan of water, well
insulated or equipped with a suitable thermostat, at least 30
minutes at 21.5 or 22.5° C. before the Wijs solution is added.
Add 20 cc. of Wijs solution (which shall be at a temperature
of 21.5 to 22.5° C.) from a pipette, having a rather small de-
livery aperture (about 30 seconds). Close the bottle, place it
back into the pan of water, and note the time. The bottles must
be kept half immersed in water at 21.5 to 22.5° C. during the
one hour that the shellac is exposed to the Wijs solution. Agitate
the bottles occasionally during that hour.
Notre.—If a number of samples are being run, at least 5 minutes should
be allowed between the addition of the Wijs solution.
After exactly one hour, add 10 ce. of freshly prepared 10-per-
cent potassium iodide water solution, washing into the bottle
any Wijs solution on the stopper with the same. Titrate the
solution immediately with the 0.1 N sodium thiosulfate solution,
allowing the solution to run in slowly (about 25 to 30 cc.) with
vigorous shaking until the solution becomes a straw color. Now
add 15 cc. of freshly prepared starch solution and finish titrat-
ing. The end point is sharp, as the reaction products of shellac
remain dissolved in the chloroform; any color returning after
14 minute or so is disregarded.
A blank determination shall be run at the same time on the
reagents. The blank is necessary on account of the well-known
effect of temperature changes on the volume, and possibly loss
of strength of the Wijs solution. A sample of pure shellac of
known iodine value should also be run with every set of tests
on unknown samples.
In the case of grossly adulterated samples, or in the testing
of pure rosin, it is necessary to use, instead of 0.2 g. of material,
a smaller amount (0.15 g. or 0.1 g.) in order that the excess of
iodine monochloride may not be too greatly reduced, since the
excess of halogen is one of the factors in determining the amount
De a Ee Ee eT ae ae ee
ee ee ee ee ee, ee
Nall 1 ea Nal al
of absorption. In case less than 25 cc. of the thiosulfate solution
are required, another test should be made, using a smaller
amount of the shellac to be tested.
In weighing shellac, some difficulty is at times experienced on
account of its electrical properties. In very dry weather it may
be found that the necessary handling to prepare it for weighing
has electrified it, and it may be necessary to leave it on the bal-
ance pan at rest for a few minutes before taking the final weight.
No pure shellacs show a higher iodine absorption than 18. As
pure shellac is relatively a high-priced material and as the
variation between its highest and lowest figures is not great, it
is recommended that 18 should be taken as the standard figure
for rosin-free shellac, determined by the method above de-
The determination for added rosin in bone-dry bleached shellac
is run the same as above, except that the iodine absorption of
pure bleached shellac is taken as 10 instead of 18.
It is recommended that the value for the iodine number of
rosin be taken as 228. The results of using in this method the
value of 18 as the iodine number of shellac and 228 as the num-
ber of rosin, may be that a slightly lower percentage of rosin,
under some circumstances, will be found than that which is
actually present.
The percentage of rosin shall be determined from the formula:
EMMI UREN OT COE eS ICL AC cc5 iil con nck, Secchccher tesa lbnaMe lets d dee ee 18
e f ROMP Sti ae, < - ee Pya ee a ag renee oe 228
ae - BOTTA KUNA VC) oh eee Fe ta al Ao uu ae es eR ig 1
(«2 — 18) ee ,
(228 — 18) < 100 = percentage of rosin
lodimesniumber of, bleached: shellac... 2 10
at : EE COLT E Se fk le tk I ak eS Rie ee 228
_ ‘ BePINISLUPOr ee se ee ee eet oe ae ets eae Ay
(2 — 10)
(228 —10) x 100 = percentage of rosin
8. Both orange and bleached shellac give off volatile matter
at temperatures approaching 100° C. Bleached shellac alters
chemically at these temperatures, losing its solubility in alcohol.
For these reasons the usual methods of determining water by
heating in the air bath at 100 to 110° C. are not applicable in
the analysis of shellac.
9. Bleached shellac is sold in three forms: as hanks or bars
containing approximately 25 per cent of water, as ground
bleached in pulverized form with about the same water content,
and as bone-dry or kiln-dried shellac. The latter is prepared
by drying the ground bleached shellac in the air or in vacuum
driers at moderate temperatures. It may contain, depending
upon the completeness of the drying and weather conditions, up
to 10 per cent or more of water.
10. Bone-Dry Shellac.—In sampling bone-dry bleached shellac
about 1 lb. should be taken from different parts of the barrel
and finely ground by running through a coffee mill. No attempt
must be made to sieve it. It is rapidly mixed and transferred
to a Mason jar provided with a screw cap and rubber ring seal.
The jar should be filled not more than two-thirds full, leaving —
room for a thorough mixing by shaking the contents. It shall
be kept in a cool place and tested as promptly as possible. If
too warm the shellac may become partially solidified, in which
case the lumps must be broken up by shaking the bottle.
11. Bars or Hanks.—In sampling bars or hanks it is recom-
mended that a whole hank be taken. It is crushed and ground
as rapidly as possible. :
12. Ground Bleached Shellac_—Ground bleached shellac may
be treated as above, bearing in mind that the large amount of
moisture present makes rapid handling imperative.
13. Bone-Dry.—Weigh 5 g. of the finely ground sample in a
flat-bottomed dish about 4 in. in diameter and place the dish in
a well-ventilated air bath from three to six hours at 38 to 43° C.
One or two electric light bulbs provide a convenient source of
heat. The temperature should not be allowed to rise above
NOTE.—With poorly ventilated ovens the drying may take much longer.
Completeness of drying should be ascertained by continuing the treatment
to constant weight. The standard is 5 per cent of moisture.
14. Hanks and Ground Bleached.—Proceed ag in Section 13,
but with this one exception, that the dish and its contents are
allowed to dry in the air or in a sulfuric acid desiccator over
night before it is placed in the air bath. The standard is 25 per
cent of moisture.
: y
: 2
15. Orange Shellac——Proceed as in the case of Section 13.
Orange shellac contains between 1 and 2 per cent of moisture.
Direct Method for Rosin in Shellac.—A direct method for de-
termining the amount of rosin in shellac has long been desired.
Such a method is being worked out by the Bureau of Standards
and promises to be very satisfactory. It is based upon the solu-
bility of rosin in certain light fractions of petroleum hydrocar-
bons. See the Bureau of Standards Technologic Paper No. 282.
This petroleum ether method has not superseded the Wijs iodine
method where a numerical value for percentage of rosin is de-
sired. It is, however, of great value in determining the adulter-
ation of shellac varnishes.
Petroleum ether distilling between 55 and 75° C.* was ob-
tained by the distillation on the steam bath of either commercial
petroleum ether or aviation gasoline, fighting grade.+ Glacial
acetic acid was diluted with water until its solidification point
was between 13 and 14° C.
Method.—In case of a shellac varnish, determine the percent-
age of nonvolatile matter. Place a portion of the well mixed
sample in a stoppered container. Weigh the container and
sample. Transfer a weight of the sample corresponding as
closely as practicable to 2 g. of nonvolatile matter to a 2-liter
Florence flask, the neck of which has a volume of over
100 cc. and restopper the container. Weigh the container
again and by difference calculate the exact weight of the
portion transferred to the flask. Calculate the exact weight of
Shellac in the sample taken from the percentage of nonvolatile
matter in the varnish. The procedure from this point is the
same for dry and cut shellac. Add 20 ce. of the special acetic
acid and. heat the flask until the shellac resin and wax are dis-
solved. With certain shellac adulterants there may be a small
amount of resin which can not be dissolved. Cool the flask to
room temperature (19-21° C.), whereupon a part of the natural
* A fraction with initial boiling point of 40° C. should be satisfactory,
provided it is not used in extremely hot weather.
+ Bureau of Mines Technical Paper No. 323, p. 1.
shellac wax usually separates. Add slowly from a pipette 50
cc. of the petroleum ether cooled to 19-21° C., with constant
shaking of the flask, allowing one to two minutes for the addi-
tion. Add all at once from a graduated flask 100 ce. more of
the petroleum ether kept at 19-21° C., stopper the flask and
shake vigorously. While shaking the flask, slowly add tap
water kept at 19-21° C., until the shellac has separated as an
amorphous mass. Half fill the flask with water and agitate so
as to thoroughly wash the ether layer. Add water until the
petroleum ether layer nearly fills the neck of the flask, cork and
let the flask stand until the ether layer is free from suspended
particles. Transfer 100 cc. of the ether layer to a 100 ce. gradu-
ated flask. It is convenient to fit the large flask with a two-hole
stopper with tubes arranged like a wash bottle, so that the ether
solution can be blown into the graduated flask.
Evaporate the 100 cc. of petroleum ether solution, portion
wise if necessary, in a small weighed Erlenmeyer flask on a hot
plate. When the dry point is reached, suck out the residual
solvent vapors, cool the flask, and weigh. The weight of the
residue multiplied by 150 and divided by the weight of shellac
taken is the percentage of “matter soluble in petroleum ether.”
Dissolve this residue in 25 cc. of a mixture of equal volumes
of 95 per cent denatured alcohol and benzol (the mixture should
be previously titrated to a faint pink color with dilute alkali,
using phenolphthalein as an indicator) and titrate in the cold
with 0.1 N alcoholic sodium hydroxide with phenolphthalein as
an indicator. Calculate the acid number of the “matter soluble
in petroleum ether” (milligams of KOH required for 1 g. of
petroleum ether residue). Transfer most of the petroleum ether
layer remaining in the Florence flask to a small beaker or flask
and evaporate to dryness. Test this residue for rosin by means
cf the Halphen-Hicks test already referred to. Report a faint
purple or blue coloration as “faint test for rosin” and a deep
purple or blue as “decided test for rosin.”
An examination of the results on many samples tested by this
method indicate that a large number of the samples of shellac _
were free from rosin, as shown by a qualitative test and by an
iodine value below the arbitrary accepted limit of 18. Such
samples can probably be safely considered as unadulterated
Shellacs. These samples of pure shellac, with few exceptions,
yielded values between the limits of 6.0 and 7.0 per cent for ma-
terial soluble in petroleum ether and acid values for this residue
between the limits of 60 and 90.
TABLE XLVI—Suggested Method for Rating Samples of Shellac
Slightly adulterated; probably 1—2 per cent
rosin, as in ‘‘Superfine”’
Suspicious; no adulteration proved.
Somewhat adulterated; probably a ‘‘T.N.”
Somewhat adulterated with an adulterant
other than rosin.
Badly adulterated; possibly as high as 40
per cent adulteration.
Grossly adulterated; possibly no shellac
Petroleum Acid number of
ether soluble Rosin test residue
@usoriess.... | Negative......... BOSONS ace nice:
ROO). te cook es POSITIVE «cal oc ws May be greater or
less than 90.
Hees Os. oes ee WNP ALIVE™s tal) uc ela ce en GOme to whe teak
OOO. 2 HPOSLULV.G@r artless Generally, but not
always over 90.
3101 0 St a Oa INGHAM NE Se AERA ONS See c fy See cee
B12:0=20:0). =... Positive or nega- |..... olen: See eee
PETE Met ered Osh ce os sles oor | die eae 's Gans teas eigen:
S ——e
os iy
| 5
' N
eS +
! FI
S :
: Ley
| ‘
ee a
Extraction Apparatus for Alco-
hol-Insoluble Matter
Filtering Device
Apparatus Used in Testing Shellac A. S. T. M. Method
Methods for testing the types of insulating varnishes used in ~
America have been worked out by a special committee of the
American Society for Testing Materials. The tentative methods —
adopted are as follows:
Serial Designation: D 115-23 T. —
Issued, 1921; Revised, 1922; 1923
1. These tests are intended for varnishes which are applied by
brushing, dipping or spraying, and are primarily for the pur-
pose of providing electrical insulation.
Specific Gravity
2. The specific gravity shall be measured with a pyknometer,
Westphal balance or with a hydrometer so graduated that the
specific gravity can be determined to 0.001. The temperature ‘
of the varnish shall be not less than 18° C. (64.4° F.) nor more —
than 22° C. (71.6° F.) and corrected to 20° C. (68° F.) by ap-
plying a correction of 0.0007 per 1° C. (0.0004 per 72)
3. (a) The vicoscity shall be determined with a Stormer or —
MacMichael viscosimeter and shall be stated in terms of the q
viscosity of distilled water determined with the same instrument _
under the same conditions. The short-tube type of efflux vis-
cosimeter usually employed for lubricating oils is not acceptable.
The temperature of the varnish shall be 20° C. (68° F.).
(6) The report shall include such details as the kind of in-~
strument used, the size of the counterweight if a Stormer instru-
ment is used, or the size of the wire in case the MacMichael in-
strument is used, etc.
Flash Point
4. The flash point shall be determined in accordance with the
Standard Method of Test for Flash Point of Volatile Flammable —
en TE ee a ae ee ae, ee
Liquids (Serial Designation: D 56) of the American Society for
Testing Materials.*
Time of Drying
5. (a) Specimens for this test shall be pieces of thoroughly
cleaned, smooth sheet copper or brass about 3 cm. (1.18 in.) wide
and 20 cm. (7.88 in. long and about 0.127 mm. (0.005 in.) thick.
(6) The specimen shall be dipped once in the varnish at a
room temperature of approximately 20° C. (68° F.) and with-
drawn slowly and uniformly (about 38 cm. (15 in.) per minute).
The consistency of the varnish shall be first so adjusted by trial
that, when dry as determined in accordance with Section 7, the
thickness of the film of varnish on each side of the metal shall
be between 0.022 mm. (0.0009 in.) and 0.026 mm. (0.001 in.).
Care shall be taken before dipping the specimens that the var-
nish has stood in the dipping tank for a sufficient length of time
to be free from air bubbles.
6. (a) Specimens of air-drying varnish shall be dried in free
air at a room temperature of approximately 20° C. (68° F.).
(b) In the case of baking vanishes, six specimens shall be
dipped and allowed to drain at a room temperature of approxi-
mately 20° C. (68° F.) until the varnish is set as indicated when
the impression left on the surface by pressing lightly thereon
with a finger will not become obliterated by further flow of the
material. They are then to be dried in free air in an oven at
approximately 100° C. (212° F.). At the end of the first 30 min-
utes, and again at the end of each 10-minute period thereafter,
one specimen shall be taken from the oven and examined. In the
case of slow-drying varnishes, this 10-minute period may be
lengthened at the discretion of the operator.
7. The varnish shall be considered dry when a specimen will
not stick to itself when folded and pressed together between the
thumb and finger at a temperature of approximately 20° C.
fos i.)
Dielectric Strength Test
8. (a) Specimens for the dielectric strength test shall be pre-
pared by dipping pieces of thoroughly cleaned, smooth sheet cop-
per or brass about 20 cm. (7.88 in.) square and about 0.127 mm.
(0.005 in.) thick into the varnish which shall be at the con-
sistency prescribed in Section 5 (0).
* 1921 Book of A. S. T. M. Standards.
(b) Each specimen shall be dipped twice, as specified in Sec-
tion 5 (b), once in each direction, in order to give a more uni-
form thickness of coating. The specimen shall be dried after
each dip in the same vertical position in which it was dipped.
(c) Specimens of air-drying varnish shall be dried in free air
after each dip at a room temperature of approximately 20° C.
(68° F.) for a period of 600 per cent longer than that deter-
mined in accordance with Section 7, provided such period does
not exceed 24 hours.
(d) Specimens-of baking varnish shall be drained and then
baked after each dip for a period of 300 per cent greater than
that determined in accordance with Section 7 provided such pe-
riod does not exceed 24 hours.
(e) The final thickness of the film of varnish on each side of
the specimen shall be between 0.089 mm. (0.0035 in.) and 0.102
mm. (0.004 in.).
9. (a) The dielectric strength of the two films of varnish shall
be determined by applying alternating potential to two circular
metal disks, 3 cm. (1.18 in.) in diameter and with edges rounded
to a radius of 0.64 em. (0.25 in.) which are placed in contact
with the two sides of the specimen directly opposite each other
and under a pressure of approximately 0.5 kg. (1.1 lb.). The
potential shall be applied at a low value and gradually raised at a
rate such that puncture will occur in about ten to fifteen seconds.
Ten such punctures are to be made at various points selected at
random on each specimen. In each test the thickness of the films
of varnish is to be determined as close to the point of puncture
as practicable.
Note.—When necessary, in order to get ten punctures, an additional
specimen should be tested.
(6) The frequency of the test potential shall be not greater
than 100 cycles per second, and each part of the testing appa-
ratus shall have a continuous rating of not less than 2 kva. (pre-
ferably larger).- The wave form shall be a sine curve as defined,
and the voltage shall be measured by methods approved by the
American Institute of Electrical Engineers.*
(c) The voltage may be controlled by any approved method
which does not distort the wave from beyond the limits pre-
scribed above and which does not subdivide the voltage in steps
* Standards of the American Institute of Electrical Engineers.
greater than 500 volts. The apparatus shall comply with the
Standards of the American Institute of Electrical Engineers.
10. The volts at puncture, the net thickness of insulation and
the volts per mil of net thickness shall be reported for each of
the ten tests together with the average maximum and minimum
volts per mil.
Water Absorption Test
11. Specimens similar to those described in Section 8 shall
be immersed in water at a room temperature of approximately
20° C. (68° F.) for a period of 24 hours. Upon removal from
the water, the surface water shall be wiped off and dielectric
strength tests made immediately as described in Section 9.
12. The volts at puncture, the net thickness of the insulation
and the volts per mil of net thickness shall be reported for each
of the ten tests, together with the average, maximum and mini-
mum volts per mil. |
Heat Endurance Test
18. For the heat endurance test, specimens shall be prepared
as in Section 8. After removing not less than 1.27 cm. (0.5 in.)
from one edge of the specimens, the number of strips required
by Section 14 (a) shall be cut from the same edge, each 1.9 cm.
(0.75 in.) in width.
14. (a) After setting as shown by the test indicated in Section
6 (b), the strips referred to in Section 13 shall be placed in a
uniformly heated oven in which the temperature is maintained
at 100° C. (212° F.) within + 5° C. (9° F.). A strip shall be
removed at the end of 1, 2, 4, 8 and 24 hours respectively and
every 24 hours thereafter. These, together with the initial strip,
shall be tested as follows at a room temperature of appoximately
oy 2G. (68°. EF.) :
(b) Each specimen shall be bent through 180 deg. over a rod
0.32 cm. (1% in.) in diameter. The number of hours of baking
at which first cracking in the insulation occurs shall be noted
and reported.
Acid and Alkali Proof Test
15. The specimens to be used for the test for acid and alkali
proofness shall be brass rods 1.5 cm. (0.59 in.) in diameter, 15
em. (5.90 in.) long and carefully rounded at one end to a radius
of 0.75 cm. (0.295 in.). These specimens shall be dipped three
times into the varnish, leaving exposed about 3 cm. (1.18 in.)
of the rod at the end opposite the rounded end. Each coat shall
be dried 25 per cent longer than the period determined in Sec-
tion 7. Three specimens each shall be prepared for the acid and
alkali solutions.
16. (a) The three specimens shall be suspended in the acid or
alkali whose effect it is desired to determine to within 3 ecm.
(1.18 in.) of the end of the coated portion of the rod and suit-
able provision made for detecting the change in the electrical
resistance between the rod and the solution. (Note 1.)
(6) It is recommended that these tests be made in 10-per-cent
solutions as follows:
Sulfuric acid of sp. gr. 1.069 at 60° F. (15.5° C.) or nitric acid
of sp. gr. 1.056 at 60° F. (15.5° C.) or hydrochloric acid of sp.
gr. 1.050 at 60° F. (15.5° C.) and sodium hydroxide of sp. gr.
L145 at 607 (15:5.
(c) The temperature of the solution shall be kept at approx-
imately 20° C. (68° F.).
NoTE 1. A simple method is to connect a voltmeter between each rod in
turn and one side of a 110-volt direct current circuit, the other side of the
circuit being connected to the solution through any piece of suitable metal
suspended in the solution. The resistance will be inversely proportional to
the deflection of the voltmeter pointer, that is, the smaller the deflection,
the greater the resistance. Failure of the material will, therefore, be in-
dicated by a sudden increase in the deflection of the voltmeter pointer.
17. The resistance between each rod and the solution shall be
measured once per day and the number of days elapsing before
breakdown occurs shall be taken as the “proofness” of the var-
Oil Test
18. For the test for the effect of oil, pieces cut from the speci-
mens prepared for the dielectric strength test (Section 8) may
be used after they have been punctured and measured.
19. The effect of oil on the varnish shall be determined by im-
mersing the specimens in transformer oil at a temperature of
100° C. (212° F.) for 48 hours and noting the effect on the var-
nish as indicated for example, by wiping with a piece of dry
white cloth.
NotTe.—Incipient disintegration of the surface of the varnish may some-
times be detected by examining the oil for turbidity. If a specimen of the
oil filtered through filter paper can be distinguished from an unfiltered
sample when the two samples are held in front of a strong light, the oil
is turbid.
Draining Test
(Also known as “Working Viscosity” Test)
20. A strip of bond paper 0.064 mm. (2.5 mils) in thickness,
10.2 cm. (4 in.) in width and 50.8 cm. (20 in.) in length, shall be
immersed in the varnish at a room temperature of approximately
20° C. (68° F.) up to a line previously drawn across the paper
a few inches from the top. The paper shall be withdrawn at a
slow and uniform rate, care being taken that the varnish is free
from air bubbles. The specimen shall be permitted to drain
thoroughly at room temperature while suspended in a vertical
position. It shall then be dried or baked (according to the type
of the varnish) until dry as determined in accordance with Sec-
tion 7.
21. The thickness of the specimen in mils shall be measured
at points 5.1 cm. (2 in.), 17.8 cm. (7 in.) and 30.5 cm. (12 in.),
respectively, from the line to which the specimen was immersed.
22. The thickness of each film in mils at the three points speci-
fied in Section 21 shall be recorded. The difference between the
thickness at the upper point (5.1 cm.) and that at the lower
point (30.5 cm.) shall be taken as a measure of the variation in
the film thickness caused by draining.
Evaporation Test
23. One hundred cubic centimeters of the varnish shall be
placed in a flat-bottom crystallizing dish approximately 75 mm.
(2.95 in.) in diameter and 45 mm. (1.77 in.) in height. It shall
be heated to a temperature of 100° F. (37.8° C.) + 2° F. (1.1°
C.) for a period of 7 hours, the sample being exposed to still
air in the open room.
24. The decrease in volume of the sample shall be taken as the
evaporation, this decrease being determined by noting the
amount of water or kerosene that must be added to fill the dish
to the original level.
NoTE.—This test is relative only. That is, it is only suitable for com-
paring one varnish with another when the tests are made simultaneously
under exactly the same conditions.
Test for Non-Volatile Matter
25. A portion of the sample shall be placed in a stoppered bot-
tle or weighing pipette and weighed. About 1.5 g. of the sam-
ple shall be transferred to a weighed flat-bottom metal dish about
8 cm. (3.15 in.) in diameter, such as the cover of a friction-top
tin can. The container shall again be weighed and the exact
weight of the portion of the sample transferred to the weighed
dish calculated by difference. The dish with its contents shall
be heated for three hours in an oven maintained at 105 to 110°
C. It shall then be weighed after cooling.
26. The ratio of the weight of the residue to that of the orig-
inal sample expressed as a percentage shall be taken as the per-
centage of nonvolatile matter in the varnish.
Heretofore but little information has been published on the
analysis of soluble cotton solutions, with the exception of that
given by Zimmer.* Additional matter of a later character is pre-
sented below, including material used by the writer for several
years and data submitted through the kindness of J. B. Wiesel,
Dr. I. M. Jacobsohn, and Dr. Hugo Schlatter.
No comprehensive scheme of analysis has yet been devised
which may be considered suitable for all types of nitrate
lacquers. In the analysis of such lacquers, much depends upon
the experience and ingenuity of the analyst. He must obtain
clues as to the ingredients present, and must then devise
methods to suit the particular mixture at hand. The separation,
identification, and quantitative determination of mixtures of
organic solvents, particularly those of similar chemical and
physical properties, e. g., butyl and amyl acetate, and those
yielding constant boiling mixtures, are very difficult procedures
for which methods of analysis cannot be devised without a
definite knowledge of all of the ingredients present in the par-
ticular lacquer under examination. The experienced analyst
will find a physical examination of the lacquer of great value in
obtaining clues as to the identity of the solvent mixture. The
determination of the specific gravity, viscosity, color, luster or
dullness upon drying, behavior upon flowing on glass or spray-
ing on sheet metal, thickness of film obtained, and the detection
of the various solvents and thinners by odor, will all be of great
aid to the experienced analyst in judging the probable composi-
tion of a given lacquer.
For instance, in testing airplane dopes it is usual to apply five
coats of the dope by a brush to standard airplane cotton stretched
tautly upon an open frame. Duplicates are exposed with and
without a top coating of finishing enamel made either with pig-
mented dope or pigmented varnish; the latter usually being
preferable. After three months, the tautness of the cloth, the
elasticity of the film and the breaking strength of the cotton
*Zur Analyse der Zapon und Zelluloidlacke. Fr. Zimmer. Kunststoffe,
8, 823 (1918). Chem. Abs., 8, 582 (1914).
cloth, warp and filling, are determined. For exposing panels of
nitro-cellulose finishes for automobiles the writer uses black iron
plates and either applies the dope by brush or by spray gun in
one coat work, exposing duplicates with and without a top coat-
ing of finishing oil varnish. While this method does not dupli-
cate the conditions obtaining in the finishing of automobiles, ©
where several coats are applied sometimes over eleo-resinous var-
nish primers and fillers, it does give a quick indication of the
durability of different types of dopes that are made for experi-
mental purposes.
It is obviously impossible to give in one chapter in this, book
complete information regarding the examination of all such —
compounds as might be derived from aliphatic acids. A study of
such derivatives of alcohols, including the various esters that
can be produced with formic, acetic, propionic, and other acid
derivatives, should be made by the reader, of such extended books
on the subject as Allen’s Commercial Organic Analysis, and
Weight per Gallon Determination.—The pyroxylin solution is
adjusted to a temperature of 20° C., and weighed in a marked
cylinder; the weight of the equivalent volume of water at the
same temperature being previously determined.
Weight of pyroxylin solution
Weight of equivalent volume of water Se ie
Specific gravity x 8.34—Weight per gallon
Specific Gravity—tThe specific gravity determination is made
as outlined above or with a pyconometer. The determination
is made at 15.5° C.
Viscosity Determination.—For thin solutions—one to six
ounces—the viscosity is determined by using a water-jacketed
pipette, which is standardized to deliver 100 ec. of water at 25°
C. in eight seconds. The number of seconds required for the
pipette to deliver 100 cc. of the pyroxylin solution at 25° C. is
the viscosity of pyroxylin solution. Much more accurate deter-
mination may be made by comparing the solutions poured in
glass tubes with Gardner-Holdt viscosity standards.
For all heavy solutions, the viscosity is determined by the steel
ball method. The viscosity in this method is equal to the number
of seconds that it takes a steel ball 5/16” in diameter to fall
— re oes
EL ual Rit nat oe
ee a eae Re eT Eee eae EO ee Tee eae
through ten inches of the pyroxylin solution at 25° C. A glass
tube is to be used, which is at least fourteen inches long and
only one inch wide, and: with the bottom mark of the required
_ ten inches at least one inch from the bottom of the tube.
Effect on Metal.—Much information can be obtained regard-
ing the non-corrosive properties of a clear lacquer or of the sol-
vents to be used in a lacquer, by evaporating 50 cc. in a brightly
polished spun copper dish. The presence of free acid in the
solvent, usually developed by the hydrolysis of the esters, or of
free acid developed in lacquers from unstable nitrated cotton,
will cause a green discoloration. The evaporation may be made
on asteam bath. The residue, if any is present, may be weighed.
Free Acidity.—Add to 20 gms. of a clear lacquer, with con-
stant stirring, 40 c. of a neutralized mixture of 50 per cent de-
natured alcohol and 50 per cent of water. Then add diluted
neutralized denatured alcohol until all the solids are precipitated
and the supernatent liquid is clear. This liquid is then decanted
and the precipitate washed by decantation with a small amount
of neutralized denatured alcohol. The decanted liquid and
washings are then titrated with N/10 sodium hydroxide, using
phenolphthalein as indicator, until a faint pink color persists for
at least ten seconds. To neutralize the denatured alcohol in the’
above procedure, add a few drops of phenolphthalein indicator,
and then N/10 sodium hydroxide, drop by drop, with constant
stirring, until a faint pink color appears.
Pigment Separation.—The separation of pigments from a
pigmented lacquer is usually a very difficult thing. Even when
as low as 10 grams of pigmented lacquer are thinned with as high
as 100 grams of a mixed solvent, and centrifuged for an hour,
the colloidal nature of the lacquer is often such as to cause some
finely divided pigments to remain in suspension. Filtering
through double layers of filter paper will not remove such pig-
ments, For this reason, it is customary in many instances to
merely ash at low temperature a 20 gram sample of the lacquer,
first having gotten rid of the volatile constituents by evapora-
tion. The residue from ignition may be examined in accord-
ance with the methods outlined for the examination of pigments
in other chapters of this book. Zine oxide, lithopone, and
titanium oxide are, however, the white pigments usually used
in white lacquers. When Prussian blue is used, it is neces-
sary to make a nitrogen determination on the residue from
evaporation, and then calculate the Prussian blue from the ;
nitrogen content (see Chapter XLI on blue pigment analysis).
If this method is used allowance must be made for nitrogen com-
ing from nitro-cotton present, the amount of which must be de- 4
termined. Where organic colors are present, such as paranitran-
iline, toluidine reds, and similar toners, the determination of the
exact amount of pigment present is almost an impossibility. ~
These pigments would be destroyed in a determination of igni-
tion residue. Because of their very fine subdivision, they usually —
cannot be removed by centrifuging. One method, however, that %
can be tried is to add to the colored lacquer sufficient water to
precipitate the cotton present, which will carry down with it
the majority of the pigment present. After removal of the
solvent and water, the mixture of cotton and pigment can be
dried. The cotton as a rule can be largely extracted with a very :
light volatile ester such as ethyl acetate. Some pigmented
lacquers, however, readily yield their pigment content by centri-
fuging a mixture of 10 grams of lacquer and 100 grams of mixed
solvent (1/3 ethyl acetate, 1/3 benzol, 1/3 acetone). If the re- —
moval of the pigment by extraction is successful, the analytical
procedure should follow that given in Chapter XXXYV.
Total Solids (Method A).—Evaporate carefully, to constant
weight, on a friction top can lid, a 5 gm. sample of the lacquer,
stirring occasionally to break the “skin” which forms at the
surface upon the evaporation of the solvents. The solid residue
upon evaporation may consist of pure cellulose nitrate, of mix-
tures of cellulose nitrate and camphor, or tri-cresyl phosphate,
or various resinous and oily materials, in the case of clear
lacquers, or these various ingredients mixed with pigments in
the case of pigmented lacquers. This method not as accurate as
method B on account of difficulty of getting rid of last traces of
Total Solids (Method B).—A sample (5 to 10 grams) is _
weighed out as rapidly as possible in a tared aluminum can with
a tight fitting cover. About 100 cc. of an ether-alecohol mixture
(2 to 1) is added, and the mixture stirred until a homogeneous
mass is obtained. The ether-alcohol solution is then brought to
a boil over a hot plate or a steam bath and 25 ec. of water is
added very slowly, with continual stirring. The stirring is then
continued until the solvent is evaporated off. The stirring is es-
sential, in order to avoid colloidal precipitate. If the precipita-
ee ee a ae ee ee go ee ee
tion is carried out as outlined, a stringy precipitate is obtained.
A precipitate in this form dries more easily than a lumpy pre-
cipitate. The solution is evaporated to dryness on a steam bath,
and then placed in an oven at 100° C. + 1° C. for two hours;
cooled in a desiccator for a half (14) hour and then weighed.
Weight of evaporated material in aluminum can x 100
Weight of sample
_ If a cloud is formed on the addition of water to the ether-alcohol
solution, the presence of camphor is indicated. When camphor
is present, it is necessary to make two or three additions of water,
evaporating to dryness after each addition in order to drive off
all of the camphor. The percentage of camphor may be de-
termined by the refractometer, as given in Allen’s Commercial
Organic Analysis. The presence of oil in this pyroxylin solution
is indicated by an oily feel and appearance of the total solids
residue. The presence of gums is sometimes indicated by the
dark brown appearance and brittleness of the total solids residue.
When oils or gums are present, a weighed portion of the total
solids residue is placed in a paper thimble, and is extracted with
alcohol-free ether or chloroform in a Soxhlet extraction tube
for four hours. The ether or chloroform, containing the oils or
gums in solution, is transferred to a tared beaker and evapo-
rated to dryness. Increase in weight divided by the weight
of the sample times 100, gives the percentage of oils and gums
in the total solids. To identify the oil or gum used, see methods
of oil and resin analysis, elsewhere in this volume. The acid
value, iodine number, and saponification number of this residue
will give much information.
Volatile Constituents—Distill a sample of approximately 150
grams of the lacquer, in steam. Add to the distillate sufficient
sodium chloride to make a 20% solution of the aqueous layer,
thus “‘salting out” certain of the solvents and thinners. Separate
the two layers, oily and aqueous. Fractionate the aqueous layer,
which should contain alcohol and acetone, if present. The
presence of alcohol can be detected in the higher boiling fraction.
The oily layer is referred to below for further examination.
Acetone Content Determination.—The acetone content is de-
termined by the Messinger Method.* Careful attention should
be given to details, in order to get accurate results. It should be
= % total solids
* Allen’s Commercial Organic Analysis.
remembered that some other solvents such as iso-propyl alcohol
give the iodoform reaction.
Sulphuric Acid Insoluble-——Equal volumes of 95% sulphuric
acid and the oily layer secured as under determination of vola-
tile constituents are placed in a glass-stoppered, graduated
cylinder. The acid should be added very slowly with continued
agitation. The mixture is well shaken and allowed to stand
until there is a complete separation. The volume of the upper
layer is the amount of distillate insoluble in sulphuric acid.
These are hydrocarbons such as benzol, toluol, ete.
Saponification Value.—Duplicate samples of from four to
seven grams of the “oily layer’? dried over fused calcium chloride
are weighed into a pressure flask. Fifty cc. of approximately
normal alcoholic KOH is added. The pressure flask 1s heated in
an oven at 100° C. for one hour. It is advisable to wrap the
pressure flask in a towel before placing in the oven, as there is
danger of explosion. The flask should be shaken three or four —
times while being heated. A blank determination is made on
the alcoholic KOH at the same time as the distillate is being
saponified. The saponified material in the pressure flasks is al-
lowed to cool, and is then titrated with N-2 HCl, using phenol-
phthalein as an indicator. One cc. of N/1 alcoholic KOH is
equivalent to 0.088 grams of ethyl acetate, or 0.1301 grams of
amyl] acetate.
If, after deducting the sulphuric acid insoluble portion, the
saponification number is between 400 and 500, it is probable
that amyl acetate is the only other constituent of the oily layer.
However, since butyl acetate is now being used in such lacquers,
one must not place too much reliance upon the quantitative an-
alytical data without actually determining the nature of the ester
present. It must be borne in mind that these analytical data are
only indictions as to the nature of the materials present. :
Should the saponification number, however, be above 500, the
presence of esters of lower alcohols is indicated. It will, there-
fore, be advisable to fractionate the oily layer to separate these
esters. The fraction distilling below 85° C. is collected separ-
ately from that distilling above 85° C. That passing over be-
low 85° C. is probably composed of ethyl acetate, gasoline, or
benzol, or mixtures of these substances. In the absence of
ethyl acetate, this fraction should be completely insoluble in cold —
concentrated sulphuric acid. The higher boiling fraction is gen-
erally composed of amyl or butyl acetate, or mixtures of both,
contaminated possibly by some free amy] or butyl alcohol. High
boiling hydrocarbons, such as xylene, are also occasionally used.
The presence of such hydrocarbons can be best detected by their
insolubility in cold concentrated sulphuric acid as outlined
After fractionating the oily layer, the sulphuric acid insoluble
portion of each fraction is determined. Saponify each fraction
by the method above. Deduct from the total amount of each
fraction the amount of hydrocarbons present before calculating
the saponification number. This will give an indication of the
nature and quantity of the esters present. Technical ethyl ace-
tate, which may be present in the lower boiling fraction, has a
saponification number of 600-635.
Distillation Range.—Fifty cc. of the dried oily layer are dis-
tilled, using a Barrett 200 cc. benzol distillation flask. The
temperature range at which each ten per cent by volume distills
is noted.
Tricresyl Phosphate.—Boil a small portion of the non-volatile
residue with sodium hydroxide, then acidify. If tricresy] phos-
phate is present, the odor of cresol will be detected and the
presence of phosphates may be determined in the solution.
Qualitative Tests for Benzol_—Qualitative tests are made by
adding one cc. of water and one cc. of mixed acid (nitric and
sulphuric) simultaneously to one cc. of the distillate on a watch
glass. The characteristic odor of nitrobenzol indicates the
presence of benzol.
Discussion and Interpretation of Results.—In the total solids
determination, the best results are obtained when working with
about one gram dry weight of nitrocellulose. For this reason,
it is best to take about 5 grams of solution when determining
the total solids of a 32-ounce solution, while with a solution con-
taining less nitrocotton per gallon, a larger sample is taken.
Camphor is usually present in pyroxylin solutions, in which
scrap celluloid is used as the base, or in pyroxylin solutions when
a high boiling latent solvent is needed, such as in mantle dips.
When more than one or two per cent camphor is present, the
camphor content should be determined by the refractometer.
Wken analyzing a solution which contains scrap celluloid as a
base, about 20% of the weight of the nitrocotton, as determined
by the total solids determination, should be added to the total
solids determination in order to get the percentage of scrap
celluloid used. The camphor type of pyroxylin solution is easily
recognized after some experience in working with such solu-
tions, and it is seldom necessary to use the refractometer in
evaluating the pyroxylin solution.
In determining whether a low, medium or high viscosity type
of soluble cotton was used in the solution, the viscosity de-
termination and the nitrocotton content of the solution are taken
into consideration. From the weight per gallon determination
and the specific gravity of the distilled solvent, the ounces of
nitrocotton per gallon of solution may be determined.
Soluble cotton ranges in nitrogen content from about 11 to
12.6 per cent, the former being used for celluloid and similar
plastics, the latter for smokeless powder. Either of these varie-
ties or any in between these two extremes may be met with in
present day lacquers. The nitrogen content (between the limits
stated) alone is, however, no indication of the suitability of a
soluble cotton for any particular purpose, nor does it bear any
direct relation to viscosity or solubility in any particular solvent.
The saponification determination indicates the presence of any
esters. Knowing the range of the distillation of the various
esters, the type of ester present in the distillate may be in-
dicated from the distillation range of the distillate; and from the
saponification value, the percentage of this ester in the distillate
is estimated. The acetone content determination indicates the
percentage of acetone or ketones present. The sulphuric acid
insoluble gives the approximate proportion of benzol or benzine,
and possibly toluol or xylol present. The water soluble layer
includes all of the denatured alcohol, wood acohol, acetone, or
ketone present. Some of the esters and acetone oil have also
a small water soluble. From the above assumptions, the ap-
proximate composition of the distillate is estimated. The spe-
cific gravity of this mixture is calculated, and changes are made
in the approximate composition until the specific gravity of
the approximate composition compares favorably with the ~
specfic gravity of the distillate. The saponification value and
the acetone content are the most accurate of any of the determin-
ations made, with the exception of the specific gravity and dis-
tillation; and in making changes to obtain the correct specific
gravity, it is not possible to make as many changes in the solvent
composition of the distillate as it is in the non-solvent composi-
tion of the distillate. When changes have been made, so that
the specific gravity of the approximate composition agrees with
the specific gravity of the distillate, such a solvent mixture is
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made up, and the specific gravity, water soluble, H,SO, insoluble
and distillation determinations made on this mixture. If the
analysis. of this mixture does not compare favorably with the
analysis of the distillate, further changes in the composition
are made until the two agree.
From the composition of the distillate, and the percentage of
nitrocotton, gums, and oils, the composition of the pyroxylin
solution may be calculated.
Stability Test for Cellulose Nitrate.—The stability of cellulose
nitrate is determined by subjecting samples dried at 35-43 C. to
various temperatures in the presence of potasium iodide paper.
The stability may be measured in terms of the length of time
and temperature necessary to discolor the potassium iodide
paper. Full details as to this method may be obtained in
Scott’s “Standard Methods of Chemical Analysis.” Other val-
uable articles on soluble cotton are found in the books entitled
Nitro-Cellulose Industry, by Worden; Valuation of Pyroxylin
Solvents and Leather Solutions, by J. R. Lorenz, Oct., 1919, Jour.
of Am. Leather Chem. Asso.; and Sidney Young’s book on “Dis-
tillation Principles,” in which methods for analysis of solvent
mixtures are given. Young also gives on page 261 a simple
method (modified Messinger method) for determining acetone.
Materials to Look For in Pyroxylin Coatings.—There is given
below a list of the more important materials that are used in
pyroxylin coatings. There have been proposed probably one
hundred different plasticizers and stabilizers. Those given be-
low, however, are the most commonly used.
Solvents: Ethyl, Butyl, and Amyl Acetates, Ethyl Lactate,
Acetone Oil, Methyl-Ethyl Ketone, Fusel Oil, Ethyl and Methy]
Alcohols, Butyl Alcohol, Acetone, Benzol, Toluol, Gasoline.
Plasticizers and Stabilizers: Di-Ethyl Carbonate, Tri-Cresy]
Phosphate, Di-Ethyl, Phthalate Urea.
Oils: Castor Oil, Linseed Oil, or Rape Seed Oil usually in
Blown or Heavy Bodied Form.
Resins: Copal, Kauri, Pontianac, Manilla, Shellac, Damar,
Ester Gum and Phenol Colophony or Phenol Formaldehyde, Con-
densation Resins.
Cotton: Usually Regular Soluble Nitrated Cotton. Special
Nitrated Cotton soluble in absolute alcohol also used.
Pigments: Usually high strength toners, C. P. chemical colors,
high strength blacks, and finely ground mineral or chemical col-
ors of greatest hiding power.
During the past five years the use of bituminous substances
for cold application as protective coatings has increased con-
siderably. This has resulted in an urgent demand for specifica-
tions and methods for analyzing and testing them. Heretofore,
reliable methods have not been available. The following descrip-
tions and methods, as prepared for this volume by E. F. Berger,
formerly of the Bureau of Standards, are to be highly recom-
Bituminous compositions for cold application can be divided
into paints, coatings, varnishes, japans, and plastic cements.
Bituminous Paints——Bituminous paints are generally mix-
tures of a bituminous material and a volatile solvent which are
of brushing consistency and which dry and harden by the evapo-
ration of the volatile solvent. They may contain mineral filler
and pigment and small amounts of fatty matter. The term,
paint, as defined by the A. S. T. M. is, however, misapplied to
these materials except in the few instances where pigment is
Bituminous paints are marketed under various names but the
most important kinds can be classed as dampproofing and roof-
ing paints. Dampproofing paints are used almost exclusively
on masonry and concrete to prevent the absorption or penetra-
tion of moisture and are rarely exposed to the weather, being
protected in some manner. The two most common kinds are
stone backing and plater bond.
Stone backing is a solution of a bituminous material in a
volatile solvent used for coating all surfaces except the exposed
face of cut stone, concrete blocks, etc., to prevent staining,
efflorescence, or other discoloration of the exposed face. It is
of heavy brushing consistency, invariably dries to a tough,
flexible film free from tackiness and which will not chip or flake
off in handling. They are composed either of asphaltic or coal
tar materials.
Plaster bond is a solution of a rather soft bituminous sub-
stance in a suitable volatile solvent for coating the inside of
exterior walls of brick, tile, stone, etc., before plastering to
prevent staining, etc. Its value as a means of increasing the
bond between the plaster and the wall is a matter of question.
Plaster bonds are usually made from asphaltic materials and
my contain fatty materials, rosin, rosin oil, aluminum stearate
or oleate or other heavy metal soaps. They are of heavier con-
sistency than stone backings and dry to soft, flexible films which
have a tendency to remain permanently tacky or sticky.
Roofing paints are used for painting metal roofs and for re-
coating prepared and built-up bituminous roofing. They vary
in consistency from those which can be applied with an ordinary
paint brush to those which require a stiff bristle dauber or three
knot roof brush for application. The former are usually called
roofing paints and the latter roof coatings. Roofing paints con-
sist of a bituminous material thinned with a solvent and may
contain fine mineral filler or pigments. When pigments are
present, some drying or fatty oil may be used. Roof coatings
are of heavier consistency than roof paints and contain mineral
or other filler usually of a fibrous character in the proportion of
about 5 to 15 parts per 100 parts of finished paint. Their com-
mon trade name is liquid fibrous asbestos roof coating. Roof
paints and coatings may be made from either asphaltic or coal
tar materials. When using them for prepared or built-up roofing
only asphaltic materials should be applied over asphaltic roofings
and only coal tar materials over roofings made with coal tar
Occasionally paints are encountered which consist of a bitu-
minous substance dissolved in carbon bisulphide or carbon
tetrachloride. These paints are based on the formula given in
the patent of Pearce & Beardsley. Their chief advantage is that
they dry rapidly and give relatively thicker dried films than
paints of the same consistency made with ordinary solvents.
Bituminous Varnishes.—Bituminous varnishes are mixtures
of a bituminous material and fatty oil thinned to a suitable con-
sistency with a volatile solvent which dry partially by the evapo-
ration of the volatile solvent and partially by the oxidation of
the fatty oil. The toughness and general characteristics of the
film obtained from bituminous varnishes are influenced by the
fatty oil present. Bituminous varnishes may be either long or
short oil but those most commonly sold are the short oil type with
about one part of oil to four of bituminous material. Hard
bituminous materials are generally used and include gilsonite,
hard native and residual oil asphalts, glance pitch, manjak,
wurtzelite pitch, grahamite, and fatty acid pitches.
Bituminous Japans.—Bituminous japans are mixtures of bitu-
minous materials with or without fatty oil and resins and vola-
tile solvent the drying and hardening of which is brought about
by baking. The cheaper grades of japan usually consist of a
bituminous substance dissolved in a solvent, the better grades
are mixtures of a bituminous substance with fatty acid pitch,
drying oils, and resins, with or without small amounts of pig-
ment. Most black insulating varnishes and Brunswick Black
are of this character.
Bituminous Plastic Cements.—Bituminous plastic cements are
mixtures of trowelling consistency of bituminous materials with
or without fatty oil and volatile solvent and containing about
15 to 40 parts of filler, generally of a fibrous character, per 100
parts of cement. They are applied in thick layers and usually
dry to tough coatings which remain plastic for long periods.
They are made either from asphaltic or coal tar materials and
the same precautions should be taken in their use on bituminous
roofing as with roof paints and coatings. Pine tar, pine tar oil,
and hard wood tar are sometimes used to improve spreading
quality and to modify the odor of coal tar materials.
The following materials are generally used in these products,
although any material entering into the manufacture of oil
paints, varnishes, etc., is likely to be used.
(1) Bituminous Materials.
Petroleum Asphalts Glance Pitch
Trinidad Asphalt Wurtzelite Pitch
Bermudez Asphalt Coal Tar Pitch
Gilsonite Water Gas Tar Pitch
Grahamite Pine Tar and Wood Pitches
Manjak Fatty Acid Pitches
(2) Fatty and Resinous Materials.
Linseed Oil Castor Oil
China Wood Oil Rosin
Cottonseed Oil Fossil Resins
Rosin Oil
(3) Driers.
Any drier used in oil paints and varnishes.
(4) Thinners.
Petroleum Distillates Pine Oil and Pine Tar Oil
Coal Tar Distillates Carbon Bisulphide
Turpentine Carbon Tetrachloride
(5) Fillers and Pigments.
Asbestos Slate Dust
Asbestine Silica
Clay Rag Fibers
Portland Cement Jute Fibers
Limestone Dust Paper Pulp
(A) Volatile and Nonvolatile:
(1) Materials without filler—Heat a 1.5 to 2 gram sample in
a tared metal dish at 105° to 110° C. for three hours. The loss
in weight is calculated as volatile.
(2) Materials with filler—Heat a 3 to 5 gram sample spread
out to a thin layer in a tared metal dish at 105° to 110° C. for
seven hours. The loss in weight is calculated as volatile.
(B) Separation and Examination of Thinner:
(1) Low boiling thinners.—Distill 100 grams of the sample
with steam at a temperature of 130° C., collecting the distillate
in a separatory funnel. Stop the distillation when 300 cc. of
water has distilled. When the distillate has separated into two
distinct layers, draw off the water, and examine the distillate
for refractive index, specific gravity, soluble in 38 N. sulphuric
acid, dimethyl sulphate, or by any other tests necessary for its
identification. If no pigment or filler is present the residue in
the flask may be dried and used for a testing as in para-
graph (D).
(2) High boiling thinners.—Distill 100 grams of the sample
in a 200 ec. Engler distilling flask at the rate of about one drop
per second, avoiding overheating, which may crack the bitumi-
nous material. Collect fractions up to 170° C., and 170° to
300° C., at which point the distillation is stopped. In most cases
the thinner will all have distilled at a point below 300° C. and
the distillation should be stopped when this occurs. The dis-
tillates are examined as in (1). The residue in the flask is al-
lowed to cool until vapors are no longer evolved, when it is
poured out into a suitable container and, if no pigments are
present, preserved for further testing as in paragraph (D).
(C) Fillers, pigments and free Carbon:
Separate the fillers, pigments, and free carbon from the
vehicle by any of the following methods:
(1) Weigh accurately about 10 grams of the sample into a
centrifuge tube. Add about 25 cc. of benzol and stir so as to
break up the sample, then add about 25 cc. more solvent and
centrifuge until well settled. Decant the supernatant liquid and
repeat the extraction twice with 50 cc. portions of benzol and
then with a mixture of equal parts of benzol and carbon tetra-
chloride until the supernatant liquid is colorless. Dry residue
in tube at 105° to 110° C. for one hour and weigh. Preserve
extracts for further examination of vehicle. The insoluble resi-
due contains the pigment and fillers, and mineral matter occur-
ring naturally in the bituminous materials (7. e., Trinidad and
Bermudez asphalts) and free carbon from coal tar pitches.
(2) Weigh accurately about 5 grams of the sample into a
small beaker, add 25 cc. of carbon bisulphide or carbon tetra-
chloride or benzol (if an examination of the vehicle is to be
made), break up the sample by stirring and allow to stand for
15 minutes. Filter through a weighed Gooch crucible, prepared
with a medium thick mat of asbestos, or an Alundum crucible
using suction if necessary to aid filtration. Wash the residue
in the crucible until the washings are colorless, dry in air at
room temperature until the odor of carbon bisulphide has almost
disappeared, and then for 1 hour at 105° to 110° C. Cool, weigh,
and calculate percentage of insoluble material. In this method
if Trinidad asphalt is present some of the fine mineral matter
may pass through into the extract. This can be determined by
evaporating the extract, burning off the bituminous matter, and
weighing the ash obtained.
(3) Weigh the sample into a paper thimble and extract in a
Soxhlet or other suitable extractor.
Examination of “insoluble matter.—The insoluble matter
(filler, pigment, free carbon) is examined as in the case of oil
paints, except as follows:
(1) Fibrous Filler—Examine microscopically for mineral
wool, rag fibers, jute, paper pulp and asbestos.
(2) Free carbon from coal tar compositions, in presence of
mineral matter containing water of crystallization—When the
filler is asbestos, this method gives satisfactory results. Extract
about 5 grams of the sample as in “C” and weigh the residue of
carbon and asbestos. Now burn off the carbon and weigh.
Increase this weight by 14 per cent to compensate for water
of crystallization driven off from the asbestos. Calculate per-
centages of free carbon and asbestos.
(3) For mixtures of free carbon with asbestos and clay.—The
following method has been suggested but has not as yet been
thoroughly investigated: Extract about 5 grams of the sample
as in “C” and weigh the residue. Ignite the residue in a crucible
for seven minutes in a current of dry carbon dioxide (using a
Rose crucible cover) with a flame about 20 cm. high, or in a
platinum crucible with a tightly fitting cover in a muffle at
between 950° and 975° C. for seven minutes. Cool and weigh.
The loss in weight is water of crystallization from the filler.
Now burn off the carbon, cool, weigh and calculate the loss in
weight as free carbon.
(D) Nonvolatile Vehicle:
Saponifiable or fatty matter may be determined by either of
the following methods. If no pigment or filler is present, the
original material may be taken. If pigment or filler is present,
it should be removed as in (C) and the extract containing the
nonvolatile vehicle or base should be evaporated to a small
volume over a steam bath.
(1) The following method is essentially that given in
“Asphalts and Allied Substances”—1920, by Herbert Abraham.
Weigh 5 grams of the original material (or take the evapor-
ated extract from 7.5 grams of material obtained as in (C)) and
dissolve in 50 cc. of benzol using heat, if necessary, to aid solu-
tion. Add 5 cc. of dilute nitric acid (1:1) and boil under a
reflux condenser for one-half hour to decompose any metallic
soaps (7. e., driers, etc.). Add 150 cc. of water, boil under a
reflux condenser, then transfer to a separatory funnel, draw off
the aqueous layer, and repeat extractions with water until all
metals are removed.
To the benzol solution add 30 cc. of a saponifying liquid made
by dissolving 100 grams of anhydrous potassium hydroxide in
500 cc. of 95 per cent ethyl alcohol and diluting to 1,000 ec. with
90 per cent benzol, and boil under a reflux condenser from one-
half to one hour.
Pour the mixture while still warm into a separatory funnel
containing 150 cc. of boiling water and 25 ec. of a 10 per cent
solution of potassium chloride. Add 250 ce. of benzol, shake
vigorously, and allow the funnel to rest quietly in a warm place
until the solvent separates. (If an emulsion forms which re-
fuses to separate on standing, add 200 cc. of benzol and 100 cc.
of 95 per cent ethyl alcohol and stand in a warm place over
night.) Usually three layers are obtained. Draw off the aque-
ous solution of the soaps as completely as possible and decant
the benzol layer leaving the intermediate layer in the funnel.
Extract the aqueous soap solution with 200 cc. portions of
benzol until the benzol extract is colorless.
Combine the benzol extracts with the layer obtained from the
funnel and extract with 100 cc. portions of 50 per cent ethyl
alcohol. Add the alcohol extracts of the benzol layer to the
intermediate layer in the separatory funnel and extract with
benzol until the benzol extracts are colorless.
Combine the benzol extracts, evaporate, dry at 105° C., and
weigh as unsaponifiable.
Combine the aqueous soap and alcohol extracts and acidify
with dilute hydrochloric acid, warm, and extract with benzol.
Evaporate the benzol extract, dry at 100° C. and weigh as
(2) The following method (B. S. Circular 104, Recommended
Specifications for Asphalt Varnish) is more rapid and avoids
troublesome emulsions. It has not been tried on compositions
containing very soft petroleum asphalts, Trinidad and Bermudez
asphalt, or resins, but it gives satisfactory results on mixtures
of fatty oil with hard petroleum asphalts, gilsonite, wurtzelite
pitch, and manjak.
Weigh about 5 grams of the material into a wide-mouthed
flask (or take the evaporated extract from 7.5 grams of ma-
terial obtained as in (C)), add 50 cc. of benzol and 5 grams of
silica sand, and heat under a reflux condenser on a steam bath
until the material is entirely dissolved. Add 25 cc. of a half
normal alcoholic caustic potash solution, and 25 cc. of de-
natured alcohol, and continue boiling under the reflux condenser
for one hour. Remove the condenser and evaporate the solution
to dryness. .
Add to the residue in the flask 50 cc. of distilled water and
heat until the residue is disintegrated. Filter the water solution
of the soaps. Repeat this operation with 25 cc. portions of water
until the residue is completely disintegrated and the wash water
is clear and colorless.
Combine the filtrates (the soap solution and washings),
acidify with hydrochloric acid, and heat until the fatty acids and
any emulsified asphalt separate and rise to the top, and the
water below is clear.
Cool, transfer to a separatory funnel, and extract three times
with 50 cc. portions of ether. Combine the ether extracts and
wash with water until free from acid. Filter the ether extracts
through paper into a beaker and wash the residue on the paper
with ether until the washing runs through colorless. Evaporate
the ether solutions to dryness.
Add 15 cc. of 95 per cent ethyl alcohol to the residue in the
beaker and warm on the steam bath. Cool to room temperature
and filter through paper into a tared flask or dish. Repeat this
operation with 10 cc. portions of 95 per cent ethyl alcohol until
the alcohol remains colorless. Finally wash the residue on the
paper with 95 per cent ethyl alcohol until the washings run
through colorless.
Evaporate to dryness on a steam bath and heat for an hour
in an oven at 105° C. (221° F.). Cool and weigh. From the
weight of the residue in the flask and the weight of the original
sample calculate the percentage of fatty matter.
(Sometimes the residue obtained after saponification and the
evaporation of the benzol and alcohol from the saponifying mix-
ture is not completely disintegrated by boiling with water. In
that case, extract with water until nothing further dissolves and
then dry. Dissolve in benzol, using heat if necessary, and wash
the benzol solution several times with water. Heat the washings
until the odor of benzol has disappeared and add to the soap
solution before acidifying.)
Examination of Saponifiable-——The saponifiable obtained as
above may be separated into fatty and resin acids by method
of E. W. Boughton, B. S. Tech. Paper No. 65, and may be tested
for rosin and fatty acid pitch (Test 37b) “Asphalt and Allied
Substances” by Herbert Abraham—1920.
Examination of Unsaponifiable—The unsaponifiable should
be tested for melting point and fixed carbon. In case the
sample contains no pigment, filler, or saponifiable these tests
should be made on the nonvolatile obtained as in (A) or in the
residue from distillation as in (B).
For asphaltic materials determine the melting point by the
“Standard Method of Test for Softening Point of Bituminous
Materials Other Than Tar Products”—D. 36-21, A. S. T. M.
Standards, 1921, page 739—(Ring and Ball Method).
Se Se a Se i 7,
a or te
eee ee
For tar products determine the melting point by the
“Standard Method of Test for Softening Point of Tar Products”
—D. 61-20, A. S. T. M. Standards, 1921, page 743—(Cube in
Water Method).
For tar products having melting points above 77° C. (170.6°
F.) use Cube Method in Air—‘Asphalts and Allied Sub-
stances,” by Herbert Abraham—1920, page 516.
Determine fixed carbon on asphaltic materials by method
given in Journal of American Chemical Society, 1899, Vol. 21,
page 1116, or “Fixed Carbon in Bituminous Materials, Its Deter-
mination and Value in Specifications,” by L. Kirschbaum, Eng.
Contr. 39, 172 (1913). The fixed carbon obtained from common
asphaltic materials is as follows.
EEA ge Uo gi ES 0) sa a nr 12 to 14 per cent
CSE UIVES cai ® ge UGS ole 2 | A ERR pean teaes ee ne ete 9% to 18 per cent
I Feb aS RLS a) VE Eo en a 15 to 22 per cent
Ss CNC eels on citlcla te aeatinccettenee anti 13 to 16 per cent
GPa hg fe 0 cep c) aa bay ane eae ee ee eR Renee ee 10 to 18 per cent
Toya Qi 5 2 iia Dn nar See ema oD 14 to 20 per cent
OVE Fie oS NC BA 0 9 gee oem 15 to 25 per cent
ETE LESS yyy oo RR IR eee os ee cso 30 to 55 per cent
(E) Tests for the Differentiation of Asphalt and Coal Tar
Owing to the prejudice of the buying public against coal tar
paints and cements, brought about by the use of materials of
poor quality made from coal tar materials, and the fact that
some dealers in asphaltic materials are using these failures as
selling arguments, the analyst is often called upon to prove the
presence of coal tar materials other than thinners in asphaltic
products and vice versa.
The following tests are useful for this purpose:
(1) Color of solution of nonvolatile in benzol.—Coal tar mate-
rials usually give a solution with a yellowish or greenish brown
fluorescence. Asphaltic materials give a brown solution with-
out fluorescence. The presence of oily constituents in some
asphalts may at times give a fluorescence that might be mistaken
for that obtained from coal tar materials. Wood pitches may
also give a slight fluorescence.
(2) Free Carbon.—The presence of free carbon indicates the
presence of coal tar or coal tar pitch.
(3) Distillation Test.—Weigh into an iron or copper distill-
ing retort 100 grams of the material under examination. Heat
very slowly until distillation begins and then distill off the
thinner at the rate of about one drop a second. Usually around
200° C. a point will be reached where the distillate will stop
coming over and the temperature will tend to drop. At this
point the thinner is usually all removed. Change the receiver
and continue distillation so as to crack or destructively distill the
bituminous material until the temperature reaches 360° C. Note
the character of the distillate. Asphaltic materials usually give
liquid distillates of a brown or reddish brown color. Coal tar
materials usually give solid distillates of orange or reddish color
or liquid distillates from which crystals tend to separate. The
character of distillates from mixtures of the two materials
varies. The presence of fatty oil is recognized by the odor of |
acrolein. .
The following tests are made on the cracked distillate:
(a) Specific Gravity of Cracked Distillate at 25° C.—Cracked
distillate of asphaltic materials—0.74 to 0.87. Coal tar mate-
rials—0.98 to 1.07. Cracked fatty oil lowers the specific gravity.
(b) Sulphonation with 38 N H,SO,. |
The following amounts of residue are usually obtained:
Coal Tar Materials... 2 = 0 to 10 per cent
Water *Gas =TarPitth. =.) 2 ee 0 to 15 per cent
Asphaltic Materials cc...) min. 80 per cent
Wood Tar’ Pitches. 2 0 to 5 per cent
Fatty Acid Pitches and Fatty Oils... 0 to 5 per cent
(c) Soluble in Dimethyl Sulphate.—This test may be used
but with caution owing to its unreliability in the case of small
amounts of either material.
The distillates from coal tar materials are usually completely
Soluble in dimethyl sulphate, while those from asphaltic mate-
rials are about 85 per cent insoluble.
(d) Anthraquinone Test.—Melt. the distillate if solid or if it
contains solid particles and take about 5 cc. for examination.
Cool and add 10 ce. of absolute ethyl alcohol and allow to stand
until the solids separate. Decant the liquid and dry the solids.
Dissolve in 45 cc. of glacial acetic acid and boil under a reflux
condenser for 2 hours. Add drop by drop to the boiling solution,
a solution of 15 grams of anhydrous chromic acid dissolved in
10 cc. of glacial acetic acid and 10 ce. of water. Boil under
reflux condenser for two hours, allow to cool and add 400 ee.
of cold water, and filter off the precipitated anthraquinone. The
crystals of anthraquinone are washed with hot water, then a hot
ee ee ee
1 per cent solution of NaOH, and then with hot water. The
residue is dried and weighed and the percentage of anthracene
ealeulated. From 0:25 to 0.75 per cent of anthracene is found
in coal tars, and correspondingly larger amounts in coal tar
A qualitative test to identify the crystals consists in boiling
them with zinc dust and caustic soda solution, whereupon an
intense red colored solution (Alizarin) is obtained, which de-
colorizes in contact with the air.
This test will serve to identify coal tar materials in asphalt
(4) Diazo Reaction—devised by E. Graefe—‘Distinction be-
tween Lignite Pitches and Other Pitches,’ Chem. Zeit. 30—298
— (1906), serves to distinguish those bituminous substances con-
taining phenolic bodies from those not containing them, as as-
phalts. It should be made on the original bituminous sub-
stance. In the absence of coal tar materials, this test will estab-
lish the presence of wood tars and pitches in asphaltic mixtures
especially with a positive Liebermann Storch reaction.
(F) Physical Tests:
While the foregoing tests will give some information about
the composition and quality of these materials, and their suit-
ability for the purpose intended, the following physical tests are
at times more valuable for determining the adaptability of a
material for a particular use.
(1) Time of drying or setting on prepared roofing, metal,
concrete, etc.
(2) Heat test at 140° F.
(3) Exposure test outdoors at angle of 45° to the south for
periods varying from one week to a month.
(4) Baking test.
(5) Toughness.
(6) Working Properties.
(7) Resistance to water, lubricating oil, and acids.
(8) Heat test on smoke stack paint at 410° F.
(9) Adhesion tests.
The vehicle having been extracted from the paint under ex-
amination, by the previously outlined methods, see pages 213
to 214, the pigment is left ready for analysis. The pigment
can be readily classified under one of the following heads by its
color, thus shortening any preliminary examination. Many of
the colors have a white base which necessitates a determina-
tion of both the colored portion of the pigment and of any white
base which may have been used.
The general analysis of colored pigments is carried out accord-
ing to the specific method outlined for the individual colored,
pigments, together with the methods for a composite white
paint, provided a qualitative examination does not directly
reveal the identity of the pigment.
The pigments used in the manufacture of paints are classified
as follows, in certain instances the trade names being given by
which the particular pigments are shown.
Lead Pigments
Corroded White Lead—Basic Carbonate of Lead.
Old Dutch Process White Lead.
Quick Process White Lead.
Mild Process White Lead.
Carter Lead.
Sublimed White Lead—Basic Sulphate of Lead—Basic Sul-
phate-White Lead.
Zine Lead.
Leaded Zinc.
Zinc Pigments
Zine Oxide—Zine White.
Lithopone — Alabalith — Ponolith — Beckton White—Charlton
White—Orr’s White.
Other Opaque White Pigments :
Titanium Oxide—Titanox. a
Antimony Oxide.
Silica Pigments
China Clay—Kaolin—Tolamite. i
Calcium Pigments
Whiting—Paris White—Chalk—Alba Whiting—Spanish White.
Gypsum—Plaster of Paris—Terra Alba—Agalite.
Barium Pigments
Barytes—Barite—Blanc Fixe—Barium Sulphate.
Barium Carbonate—Witherite.
Red Lead—Orange Mineral.
Vermillions—Para Reds.
Ochres—Tuscan Red—Indian Red—Venetian Red.
Sublimed Blue Lead.
Ultramarine Blue.
American Blue—Prussian Blue—Antwerp Blue—Chinese Blue.
Chrome Yellow—Lemon Yellow—Medium Chrome Yellow.
American Vermillion—Orange Chrome—Basic Lead Chromate.
Orange Mineral.
Chrome Green.
Chromium Oxide.
Green Earth.
Carbon Black—Bone Black—Lamp Black—Drop Black—lIvory
Black—Mineral Black.
Willow Charcoal.
Black Oxide of Iron.
Basic Carbonate of Lead—Old Dutch Process White Lead—
Quick Process White Lead—Mild Process White Lead
Corroded white lead contains approximately 80 per cent
metallic lead and 20 per cent carbonic acid and combined water
with traces sometimes of silver, antimony and other metals.
This material should approach the composition indicated by the
formula 2PbCO,.Pb (OH)..
Total Lead (Gravimetric) —Dissolve 1 gram in 20 cc. of
HNO, (1:1) in a covered beaker, heating till all CO, is expelled;
wash off cover, add 20 cc. of H,SO, (1:1) and evaporate to
fumes of SO,, cool, add about 150 cc. of water and 150 cc. of
ethyl alcohol; let stand in cold water one hour, filter on a Gooch
crucible, wash with 95 per cent ethyl alcohol, dry at 110° C., and
weigh the PbSO,. Calculate to PbO or to basic carbonate.*
Instead of determining the lead as sulphate, the sample may be
dissolved by boiling with acetic acid; then dilute to about 200 ee.
with water, make alkaline with NH,OH, then acid with acetic —
acid, heat to boiling and add 10 to 15 cc. of a 10 per cent solution
of potassium dichromate; heat till the yellow precipitate assumes
an orange color. Let settle and filter on a Gooch crucible, wash-
ing by decantation with hot water till the washings are color-
less, finally transferring all of the precipitate. Then wash with
95 per cent ethyl alcohol and then ether; dry at 110° C. and
weigh PbCrO,. (Any insoluble matter should be filtered out
before preciptating the lead.) Factor .6375 gives lead content.
Total Lead (Volumetric).—Dissolve 0.5 gram of sample in
20 cc. of (1:1) hydrochloric acid and 2 grams sodium chloride,
boil till solution is effected, cool, dilute to 40 ec. and neutralize
with ammonium hydroxide. Add acetic acid until distinctly
acid, dilute to 200 ec. with hot water, boil and titrate with am-
monium molybdate as follows:
Dissolve 4.25 grams of ammonium molybdate in water and
make up to one liter. To standardize this solution dissolve
about 0.2 gram of pure lead foil in nitric acid (pure PbO or
PbSO, may also be used), evaporate nearly to dryness, add 30
cc. of water, then 5 cc. H,SO, (sp. gr. 1.84), cool, and filter.
Drop filter with PbSO, into a flask, add 10 cc. concentrated
HCl, boil till completely disintegrated, add 15 cc. of HCl, and
25 cc. of ammonium acetate slightly acidified with acetic acid.
Acidify with acetic acid, dilute to 200 cc..with hot water and
boil. Titrate, using an outside indicator of one part of tannic
acid in 300 parts of water. | |
It should be noted that when calcium is present, it forms a
more or less insoluble molybdate, and results are apt to be high.
With samples containing less than 10 per cent of lead, the lead
should be precipitated as PbSO,, filtered, redissolved and titrated
as in the process of standardizing.
Carbon Dioxide.—Determine by evolution with dilute hydro-
chloric acid absorbing in soda-lime or KOH solution. Calcu-
late CO, to PbCO., subtract PbO equivalent from total PbO and
calculate residual PbO to Pb(OH)..
* This method of weighing lead sulphate is not accurate in the presence
of calcium componds.
A more simple and efficacious method of determining the car-
bonic acid content will be found in the following method.
The method can be used in such cases where the substances to
be analyzed evolve gases other than carbon dioxide; that is, hy-
drogen sulphide, sulphur dioxide, or organic matter. The appa-
ratus used is shown in Fig. 103. A weighed sample of the sub-
stance is introduced into the Erlenmeyer flask (A). Into flask
FIGuRE 108
Carbon Dioxide Apparatus
(B) is placed a 10 per cent solution of barium chloride, more
than sufficient to hold the carbon dioxide evolved, and 20 cc. of
concentrated ammonium hydroxide free from carbou dioxide. If
sulphides are present, it is sometimes advisable to pass the lib-
erated gas first through a few c.c. of strong potassium permanga-
nate. The flask (B) is warmed until completely filled with am-
monia fumes. Flask (D) is a safety bottle containing the same
solution as flask (B). Only in rare cases will any trace of the
carbon dioxide be noticed in the safety flask. After flask (B) is
completely filled with ammonia vapor, make all connections and
allow the hydrochloric acid to drop slowly from the separatory
funnel into the decomposition flask (A). When effervescence
has ceased, heat the contents of the flask until filled with steam.
The delivery tubes and sides of the precipitating flask are then
washed with boiling water, the flask is filled to the neck, stop-
pered, and the precipitated barium carbonate allowed to settle.
Wash thoroughly by decantation, each time stoppering the flask
to prevent any error from the carbon dioxide present in the air,
and determine either gravimetrically, by conversion into barium
sulphate, or volumetrically, by dissolving in standard hydro-
chloric acid and titrating the excess of acid used with standard
potassium hydroxide. Calculate the barium found to carbonate
and the amount of carbon dioxide from the found carbonate. The
entire operation may be hastened by conducting a brisk current
of air free from carbon dioxide through the entire apparatus.
Two rapid volumetric methods for the determination of car-
bonic acid contents are described in detail by Leon T. Bonser in
the Journal of Industrial and Chemical Engineering, March,
1912, page 203, and by H. W. Brubaker in the same journal,
August, 1912.
Acetic Acid.*—Place 18 grams of the pigment in a 500 cc.
flask, add 40 cc. of syrupy phosphoric acid, 18 grams of zinc
dust and 50 cc. of water. Connect to a straight Liebig con-
denser, apply heat and distill down to a small bulk. Then pass
steam into the flask until it becomes about half full of con-
densed water, shut off the steam and distill down to a small
bulk—this operation being conducted twice. To the total dis-
tillate which was collected in a larger flask add 1 cc. of syrupy
phosphoric acid, connect to a Liebig condenser, using a spray
trap, and distill to a small volume—about 20 cc. Pass steam
through till about 200 cc. of water condenses in the distillation
flask, shut off steam and continue the distillation. These opera-
tions of direct and steam distillations are conducted until 10 cc.
of the distillate require only 1 drop of N/10 alkali to give a
change in the presence of phenolphthalein. Then titrate the
total distillate with N/10 sodium hydroxide and phenolphthalein
and calculate the total acidity as acetic acid. It will be found
convenient to titrate each 200 cc. portion of the distillate as col-
Metallic Lead.*—Weigh 50 grams of the sample into a 400
* Thompson’s Method, Jour. Soc. Chem. Ind., 24, 487, 1905.
ec. beaker, add a little water and add slowly 60 cc. of 40 per
cent acetic acid and after effervescence has ceased, boil on hot
plate. Fill the beaker with water, let settle, and decant the
clear solution. To the residue add 100 cc. of a mixture of
360 ce. of strong NH,OH, 1080 cc. of water, 2160 cc. of 80 per
cent acetic acid, and boil until all solution is complete. Fill the
beaker with water, let settle and decant the clear solution. Col-
lect residue on a watch-glass, floating off everything but metallic
lead. Dry and weigh. Result x 2—percentage of metallic
lead in sample.
The following method of A. N. Finn (unpublished) gives total
basicity of a pure white lead: Place 2 grams of pigment in an
evolution flask, add a little CO.-free water, connect with a
_ separatory funnel and condenser (Knorr type), add through
the funnel, finally washing down, 100 cc. of N/4 nitric acid, boil
and absorb the CO, in a soda lime tube in the usual manner
(having H,SO, and CaCl, drying tubes in train) and weigh.
To the solution in the evolution flask, add about 20 cc. of neu-
tral sodium sulphate solution and titrate with N/4 sodium
hydroxide solution (carbonate-free), using phenolphthalein.
CO, is calculated to PbCO,. The amount of N/4 acid corre-
sponding to the CO, is calculated and deducted from the total
amount of N/4 acid neutralized by the sample and the differ-
ence calculated to combined H,O, from which Pb(OH), is com-
Electrolytic Deposition of Lead—lIn samples of pigment
which contain less than 5 per cent of lead, the lead content may
be determined electrolytically in a very rapid manner by follow-
ing the procedure as outlined by Smith* in his Electro-Analysis,
as follows:
Twenty cc. of concentrated nitric acid were added to
a solution of lead nitrate, giving a total volume of about
125 ce. and acted upon with a current of N.D..,,,—=10
amperes and 4.5 volts. The rotating electrode
(cathode) performed 600 revolutions per minute. The
deposits had a uniform, velvety black color. There was
no tendency on the part of the deposit to scale off,
though more than a gram of the dioxide was preci-
pitated. The time varied from ten to fifteen minutes.
* Electro-Analysis, Smith: P. Blakiston’s Sons & Co.
A platinum dish with sand blasted inner surface was
used as an anode.
By using a current of N.D.,,,.=11 amperes and 4
volts upon a solution of lead nitrate containing 0.4996
gram of lead or 0.5787 gram of dioxide, the rate of
precipitation was found to be:
Ins oI Ues a2 i eee ees 0.4940 gram lead dioxide
Dn. BO sm Ti tess 2 a co ae ee 0.5708 gram lead dioxide
In: 1d: mintites rar oe ee 0.5747 gram lead dioxide
in ?20-sminwtes: ate, es 0.5770 gram lead dioxide
In 26 ,,ariniu teaser ees ee plone 0.5787 gram lead dioxide
In BON ates. ce a oe ee 0.5789 gram lead dioxide
“The maximum time period for a quarter of a gram of metal
is twenty-five minutes.” See also Interdepartmental Specifica-
tions in back of volume. 7
(Sublimed White Lead) *
* Schaeffer Method. : 2 : ;
An average approximate analysis of sublimed white lead as
commercially placed upon the market should show about 78.5
per cent of lead sulphate, 16 per cent of lead one and 5. 5 per @
cent of zine oxide.
Total Sulphates
Mix 0.5 gram of the sample with 3 grams of sodium car-
bonate in a beaker. Treat the mixture with 30 cc. of water and
boil gently for ten minutes. Allow to stand for four hours.
Dilute the contents of the beaker with hot water, filter off the
residue and wash until the filtrate is about 200 ec. in volume.
Reject the residue. By this reaction all the lead sulphate is —
changed to carbonate, the sulphate being transposed into sodium
sulphate, which is found in the filtrate.
Acidulate the filtrate with hydrochloric acid and add an
excess af about 2 cc. of the acid. Boil, and add a slight excess
of barium chloride solution (12 ec. of an 8 per cent solution).
When the precipitate has well settled, 4 hours or preferably
over night, filter on an ashless filter, wash, ignite and weigh as
BaSO,. Calculate the BaSO, to PbSO, by using the factor 2.6,
when a half gram sample is used.
Weight of BaSO, x 1.3 equals weight PbSO,.
On 0.5 gram sample factor BaSO, to PbSO,—2.6.
Molybdate Method.t—Dissolve 1 gram of the sample in 100 cc.
of an acid ammonium acetate solution made up as follows:
i See TEE AEL YS) ARE 4 (0 A na Lecce:
Concentrated ammonium hydroxide... 95 cc.
ria catnnn lb ens Snccspecsesbaguedeubncbseseovingtvennnsoariontc 100 cc.
Add this solution hot and dilute with about 50 ce. of water.
Boil until dissolved.
Dilute to 200 cc. and titrate with standard ammonium molyb-
date solution, spotting out on a freshly prepared solution of
tannic acid.
Ammonium molybdate is a slightly variable salt, but a solu-
tion containing 8.67 grams per liter usually gives a standard
1 ec. equals 0.01 gram Pb.
Standardize against pure PbO. Weigh .5 gram pure litharge
add 30 cc. hot water and 32 cc. (80%) acetic acid. Heat to
boiling, and when all litharge is in solution add 27 cc. concen-
trated ammonium hydroxide. Dilute to 200 cc. with hot water,
boil and titrate, using outside indicator of 1 part of tannic acid
in 300 parts of water. .
Bichromate Method.—Treat the sample as above described
until dissolved. If the solution is not quite clear, filter. Add
to the filtrate an excess of neutral potassium bichromate solu-
tion. Boil until the lead chromate has become an orange yellow
color and stand in a warm place until the precipitate has settled.
Filter on a Gooch crucible, wash thoroughly, ignite below a red
heat and weigh as PbCrO,.
The PbCrO, may be estimated volumetrically by titrating the
chromic acid present. For this method, dissolve the lead chro-
mate from off the filter with hydrochloric acid. Wash well and
determine the chromic acid present with a standard solution
of ferrous ammonium sulphate, using a dilute solution of potas-
sium ferricyanide as an outside indicator. The ferrous ammo-
nium sulphate is made up of such strength that 1 cc. will equal
exactly 0.00202 gram Fe. Dissolve 14.19 grams C. P. ferrous
ammonium sulphate in one liter of distilled water. A small scrap
of aluminum foil in the bottle prevents oxidation. For a one
+ Modification of Low’s Method. Technical Methods of Ore Analysis,
Low, p. 149.
gram sample dividing the number of cc. of ferrous ammonium
sulphate used by 4 gives the per cent of total lead.
Deduct the lead found as lead sulphate from the total lead and
calculate the residual lead to PbO.
Boil one gram of the sample in a beaker with the following
A) (| i MMMM 30 cc.
Ammonium “chloride... 4 grams
Concentrated hydrochloric Aid... a ccccccscascesssstensteeon 6 cc
If the sample is not quite dissolved the result is not affected,
as the residue is lead sulphate or precipitated lead chloride.
Dilute to 200 cc. with hot water, add 2 ce. of a saturated
sodium thiosulphate solution and titrate-with a standard solution
of potassium ferrocyanide, spotting out on a 5 per cent solution
of uranium nitrate. Calculate the zinc to zine oxide by multi-
plying by the factor 1.245.
Determine this constituent as outlined under the Analysis of
The composition of sublimed white lead, the basic sulphate
of lead, has become a most important factor to users of this
pigment. Both among rubber manufacturers and producers
of paints, it is being found essential that the contents of lead
oxide and lead sulphate be known, so that advantage may be
fully taken of its characteristic properties. This control neces-
sitates an analysis of the compound in the laboratory.
In analyzing sublimed white lead by the usual method, it is
found that the percentage composition can be determined only
by an analysis entailing lengthy manipulation, in which the
content of lead oxide is directly dependent upon the accuracy of
the other determinations, owing to the necessity of estimating
its percentage by a calculation based upon the percentage of the
* Low’s Technical Methods of Ore Analysis.
+ J. Ind. & Eng. Chem., 6, 200 (1914).
other constituents present. The steps in the procedure must
therefore be closely watched for slight inaccuracies at all times.
As is well known, the average composition of sublimed white
lead is given as follows:
Mm arctrem er es 78.5
RM Meme 8 16.0
er are CM ee 5.5
That its composition varies only slightly from the above
analysis during a long period of time, is shown by its comparison
with an average of the entire output of the Eagle-Picher Lead
Company extending over five months’ time an average embrac-
ing 270 total analyses.
This average shows the composition to be:
DG, UNCLES SINS ere anne 76.68
eqn ere eae ee: fo ee yo P25
Peer CC 5.19
A slightly higher lead oxide and zinc oxide content and a cor-
respondingly lower lead sulphate content is found, than in the
usually stated formula. It shows, however, only slight variation.
The average total percentage, consisting of lead sulphate, lead
oxide, and zinc oxide, was found to be 99.70 per cent. The
remaining 0.3 of a per cent is only rarely determined, and when
actually sought is found to consist of moisture, occluded gas
and ash. A definite ratio exists between the total lead content
and the lead sulphate and lead oxide contents, and advantage
may be taken of this relation for a rapid and accurate deter-
mination of the lead constituents in sublimed white lead.
In order to arrive at the short method for the anaysis which
is based upon a direct calculation of the lead and zinc contents,
it is necessary that only the percentage of zinc and lead be deter-
mined by the methods already described.
Using the percentages of zine oxide and total lead, together
with the average total, 99.70 per cent, determined from the
large number of analyses, the contents of lead oxide and lead
sulphate are readily estimated by the following calculation:
Total percentage of lead compounds present equals 99.70 per cent (average) =
total percentage found of ZnO, PbO and PbSO, less percentage ZnO.
Total percentage of lead compounds present equals 99.70 per cent (average total)
minus percentage ZnO.
Atomic weight lead... ....<.5... 2s) oa 207.1
Molecular weight lead oxide........., 5. sae 223.1
Molecular weight lead sulphate..................... 303.1
As a hypothetical case, we can assume the presence of a 4.70 per cent ZnO and |
69.00 per cent metallic lead.
(1) ——————— X % Pb found } — % Pb constituents
At. wt. Pb.
a ears
Mol. wt. PbSO, — mol. wt. PbO
Mol. wt. PbO
Mol. wt. PbO
Ss ate oe en ) — % Pb constituents
At. wt. Pb
= % PbSOQ, present
Mol. wt. PbO — Mol. wt. PbSO,
Mol. wt. PbSO,
Determining the percentage of lead oxide and lead sulphate present by the above
formulas we find:
(1) —— X 69.00 } — 95.00
+ = per cent PbO =s150ne
303.1 — 223.1
223 .1
(2) | OR 09.00) — 95.00
—_--———-——— = per cent PhSOQ, = farce
223.1 — 303.1
Therefore by substituting the percentages of lead and zine
oxide in the following formula which is derived from equation
(1) the percentage of PbO in the sublimed white lead is easily
found. The sum of the percentages of zine oxide and lead oxide
subtracted from 99.7 gives the percentage of lead sulphate.
Per cent PbO=[1.464 x % Pb — (99.7 — % GnO) YT 219:
A comparison of the actual results obtained by the complete
analysis of sublimed white lead and its calculated composition
shows that the values obtained are concordant. Indeed the only
essential factors for the short method are accurate determina-
tions of the lead and zine contents. The removal of several steps
in the analysis leads to greater accuracy coupled with a con-
siderable curtailment of time.
A table of comparisons shows the following concordance of
Te Gee
i ras lg a i LS ee ee Re ce ee
het i ot aoe
See ea oe oe eee
. Lead Lead Zine Total
No. Analysis sulphate} oxide oxide lead Total
MEMUOOINICHO. 555 dae sss 79.20 15.28 Bae 68.30 99.72
vested es... 79.17 TOU. ie et ee Gee tes ooh
MMP OINDNIGLG og) la is os. 77.74 16.81 sn 68.70 | 99.66
Riouintede.... ced. et. CL OE AO? O2 iia a reser oo eared Oe ren ce
oo = COR Gre TS ean a 77.09 16.95 Halo 68.40 99.77
Ra culated. oS, 76.85 i UP SES Jet ea te iP Me aE a ks Se
Ber ONINetet ces. oe. ose 80.20 14.66 4.86 68.40 99.72
: aleuloteis eo. eS 80.15 ee Ot ames ye emer Sr dae oT
Demee OM pletej 224... ls. S700) a 10 O0t a5. FT pa 70 OO 071
ain tedaten hi kw. . Keo PAS Va ea 0 Oe te Ca Oe ke, ee ee
Mee Gomplctess. 77.84 Lad 4.86 69.00 99.80
Mraleiiistonee oS. 77.69 bE Bs 3 ar CE ea gS) ee a
PeimeeOINDIGLE a we... 41222 16.20 Gees 67.80 99.63
A COTUN 7 Ce ea rr 77.41 Who Wel tee ang eae ae ae fe enn ee
Beep Omnicte ee... 44.19.| 20.21} 5.48 69.40 | 99.79
Calcnlateds) «22... on o>... 74.00 imate ie eee my ie ET ge ee ek,
Pee OMpIEtG h) oui ca wok 77.63 15.92 6.23 67.80 99.78
Menlciulnted foe) lk... ai Al POROU earache re eS oe ge
Pre OmMvete .0 44 76.05 17.93 5.73 68 .60 99.71
Soaloniategeri ches) Ss) 76.04 PAGERS acy celle. os ape ema angie me
MA IMDIELO a cain ss sk 76.98 Lie78 4.98 69.10 | 99.74
erieiinted ye os she 76.85 EI TU PR eee ene Se ae (ong
That this method will prove of value will be readily appreci-
ated by all chemists who have to determine the percentage com-
position of any basic sulphate of lead, either for the purpose of
meeting specifications or for accurate control of finished
Graphic Analysis of Sublimed White Lead.—In order to escape
the determination of SO, and at the same time eliminate the
calculations the accompanying chart was devised by Burton
Paxton.* The left hand scale of the chart is graduated from 5
to 10, representing percentage of zinc oxide in the pigment.
Right-hand scale is graduated from 65 to 70, representing total
lead in the pigment. The two center scales are graduated in
terms of lead sulphate and lead oxide. A line drawn across the
chart connecting any point (a) on the ZnO scale with any point
(6) on the Pb scale will intersect the center scales at percent-
ages of lead sulphate and lead oxide contained in pigment having
a per cent of ZnO and b per cent of Pb.
To use the chart it is necessary to have percentages of Pb and
~ * Above method and chart as published by Burton Paxton in Chem. &
Met. Eng., May 24, 1922.
ZnO in the pigment. These may be determined quite rapidly
by volumetric methods as follows:
For ZnO.—Boil 1 gram of pigment in 6 cc. HCl, 30 ce. H,O
and 5 grams NH,Cl. Pigment will not all dissolve, but this has
no effect on result. Dilute to 250 cc. with hot water, add a few
drops of 10 per cent sodium sulphite solution and titrate with
a standard solution of potassium ferrocyanide, using ammonium
molybdate as an outside indicator. Ferrocyanide solution should
equal 0.01 gram ZnO per cc.
For Lead.—Dissolve 1 gram of pigment in acid ammonium
acetate and dilute to 200 ce. Heat to boiling and titrate hot
with a standard solution of ammonium molybdate, using tanic
acid as an outside indicator. Molybdate solution should equal
0.01 gram of Pb per cc.
Now lay straightedge across chart connecting percentage of
ZnO on left-hand scale with percentage of Pb on right-hand
scale. Intersection of this line with center scales wil] give per-
centages of PbSO, and PbO. The sum of percentages of ZnO,
PbSO, and PbO is, for all practical purposes, a constant, 99.7
per cent.
Using this chart, it is possible to make an analysis of pigment
in 10 or 15 minutes.
See also Interdepartmental Specifications in back of volume.
Leaded zinc is a varying compound containing zine oxide and
lead sulphate, the latter running from 5 to 35 per cent.
Moisture.—Heat 2 grams at 105° C. for two hours.
Lead and Zinc.—Determine the lead directly by the volu-
metric molybdate method and the zinc by the volumetric ferro-
cyanide method as outlined under Basic Sulphate-White Lead.
Total Soluble Sulphates.* (In the absence of BaSO,).—Treat
0.5 gram of the sample with 5 cc. of water, 3 grams of NH,Cl
and 5 cc. of HCl saturated with bromine; digest (covered) on
the steam bath about fifteen minutes, add 25 ce. of H,0O, neutral-
ize with dry Na,CO, and add about 2 grams more. Boil ten to
fifteen minutes; let settle, dilute with hot water, filter and wash
* Report of Sub-committee VIII of Committee D-1, Proceedings of
American Society for Testing Materials, 14, 271-2, 1914.
with hot water; redissolve in HCl, reprecipitated as above and
wash thoroughly with hot water. Acidify the united filtrates
with HCl and add a slight excess of 10 per cent BaCl, solution.
Let stand on steam bath for one hour, filter, wash with hot
water, ignite and weigh the BaSO,. Calculate to SO, (includes
SO, formed from SO,).
Total Soluble Sulphate (in the presence of BaSO,).—Treat
1 gram in a 600 cc. beaker with 10 cc. of H,O, 10 ce. of strong
HCl, saturated with bromine, and 5 grams of NH,Cl, heat on a
steam bath in a covered beaker for five minutes, add hot water
to make about 400 cc., boil for five minutes and filter to separate
any insoluble material. (A pure pigment should be completely
dissolved.) Wash with hot water, ignite and weigh the
insoluble. Remove lead with Na,CO, as above, making a double
preciptation, acidify, and to the boiling hot filtrate add slowly,
with stirring, 20 cc. of a 10 per cent BaCl, solution; let stand for
two hours on the steam bath, filter, wash, ignite, and weigh as
BaSO,. (Includes SO, formed from SO.,.)
Soluble Zinc Sulphate.—Boil 2 grams of the sample with 150
cc. of water and 50 cc. of alcohol for thirty minutes, filter and
wash with a mixture of alcohol and water (1:3). Heat the.
filtrate to boiling and expel most of the alcohol; then determine
SO, by the usual method of precipitation with BaCl,. Calculate
to ZnSO, and to SO,.
Sulphur Dioxide Digest 2 grams of the sample with fre-
quent stirring in 100 cc. of freshly boiled cold water and 5 ce.
of concentrated HCl; let stand ten to fifteen minutes, add an
excess of 0.01 normal iodine solution and titrate back with
0.01 normal sodium thiosulphate solution, using starch indicator.
Report as SO,. Run blank on reagents and make corrections.
Calculations.—Report soluble SO, as ZnSO, Deduct ZnO
equivalent of the ZnSO, from total ZnO and report residue as
ZnO. Deduct soluble SO, and SO, equivalent to SO, from total
SO., calculate remainder to PbSO,; subtract PbO equivalent of
PbSO, from total PbO and report remainder as PbO. See also
Interdepartmental Specifications in back of volume.
Total Zinc.—Dissolve 0.25 to 0.3 g. in 10 cc. of concentrated
HCl and 20 cc. of H,O, make alkaline with NH,OH, then acid
with HCl, add 3 ce. more of concentrated HCl, dilute to about
250 cc. with H,O, heat nearly to boiling and titrate with stand-
ard potassium-ferrocyanide solution. Report as ZnO (Includes —
Cd). Iron, copper or other interfering substances should be
first removed.
Total Soluble Sulphur.—Moisten a 10 g. sample with water,
add a few drops of bromine and then concentrated HCl, boil —
to expel bromine. A small strip of aluminum is added and the
solution heated gently to throw out any lead that may be pres-
ent. Now filter off the lead and insoluble and wash with hot
water. Make alkaline with NH,OH, then just slightly acid with
HCl, heat to boiling and add about 15 cc. of hot barium-chloride
solution. Let stand several hours (overnight), filter on a
weighed Gooch crucible, wash well with hot water, dry, ignite
for five minutes, cool and weigh as BaSO,. Calculate to S.
Sulfur Dioxide.—Mix 5 g. of sample with 50 ec. of warm
(freshly boiled and then partly cooled) water to an emulsion and
pour into a glass-stoppered flask containing 18 ec. of HCl and
exactly 25 cc. of N/10 iodine solution, stopper and shake until
all the oxide is dissolved. Titrate the excess of iodine as rapidly
as possible with N/10 sodium-thiosulfate solution. Use starch
indicator. Calculate to SO.. |
Soluble Zinc Sulfate-——Determine as under Leaded-Zinc.
Lead Oxide Determination by the Breyer-Croll Electrolytic
Method.—9.330 grams of the sample are dissolved in a 250 cc.
beaker with 40 cc. of concentrated HNO, and about 100 ce. of
distilled water. The solution is boiled for a few minutes until all
red fumes are expelled. Add enough silver nitrate to precipitate
all chlorides. Electrolyse for two hours, using about 0.5 ampere
and a solid sheet platinum anode. The solutions are tested for
lead before turning off the current by raising the liquid in the
beaker and allowing to continue for twenty minutes. If there
is no fresh deposit of PbO,, the electrode is washed three times
with distilled water (current still on).
After drying one hour at 110° C., the electrode is weighed.
The weight of PbO, in milligrams divided by 100 gives the per-
centage of PbO.
. The above method is satisfactory for routine work on zinc
oxide. Where a detailed analysis of other impurities is im-
portant, the following method may be used.
Ee OL eae oe ae er
Te Mase ee ee ee
Ferric Oxide.—Treat 10 grams with 50 ce. strong HCl, add
about 1 gram KCl1O,, and boil down to a syrupy consistency.
Cool, add water and a large excess of ammonia. Allow to stand
until the ferric oxide separates, and filter; wash with dilute
ammonia water and then with hot water. Dissolve the precipi-
tate of ferric oxide in an Erlenmeyer flask with warm dilute
H,SO,. Wash the filter paper thoroughly with hot water, dilute
the solution in the Erlenmeyer flask to about 200 cc. and pass
in hydrogen sulphide for five minutes. Place a funnel in the
neck of the flask and boil until all H,S is expelled. Cool and
titrate with dilute KMnO,. A blank determination is carried
out in a similar manner and the number of cc. of KMnO, re-
quired to give a pink color is subtracted from the total number
required on the sample.
Manganese Oxide.—Treat a 10 gram sample in a 16 ounce
Erlenmeyer flask with 100 cc. of HNO, (1:3), heat to boiling
and add a pinch of sodium bismuthate, when the pink color of
permanganic acid is produced; now add a few cc. of dilute
Na,S,O, solution to destroy the pink color, and continue boiling
to drive off all nitrous oxide fumes. Cool thoroughly and add
50 ce. of a 3 per cent solution of HNO., and a very small pinch
of sodium bismuthate to restore the pink color again. Filter the
solution through a Gooch crucible to remove the excess of sodium
bismuthate, rinsing the flask and Gooch with 50 cc. of 3 per cent
HNO, solution to which a small amount of sodium bismuthate
has been added. Now add 10 cc. of ammonium ferrous sulpha%e
_ solution, and titrate the excess of ammonium ferrous sulphate
with standard KMnO, whose iron value has been determined.
One gram of KMn0O, per liter is a convenient strength; and 12.4
grams of ammonium ferrous sulphate, and 50 cc. strong H.SO,
to the liter gives a solution which is almost equal to the per-
manganate solution. A blank determination is carried out in
exactly the same manner as with the sample of oxide, and the
difference in the number of cc. of KMnO, required to give a pink
color with the blank determination and the sample of oxide is
equal to the amount of MnO present. The manganese value of
the KMn0O, is calculated from the iron value, according to the
ratio of Mn : Fe, or 55 : 279.5 or 0.1968 : 1.
Arsenious Oxide-—Weigh 10 grams of oxide in a 16-ounce
Erlenmeyer flask, add about 10 grams of FeSO,, place a rubber
stopper with an acid delivery tube and an exit tube, which is
immersed in a beaker containing about 200 cc. distilled water.
The beaker of water is placed in a pan of cold water, the pan
having an inlet and overflow. Now add 100 cc. strong HCl
from the delivery tube, and heat the flask to boiling so as to dis-
till the arsenic into the beaker of water. Continue boiling until
about two-thirds of the acid has been distilled, remove from the
flame, rinse the delivery tube, add 10 cc. strong HCl to th2
solution in the beaker, warm and pass in H.S to precipitate
the arsenic, as As,S,. Let stand in a warm place for some time
and filter in a Gooch crucible, wash the precipitate of As,S,
with alcohol and then with carbon bisulphide and several times.
with dilute alcohol. Dry at 105° C. for one hour and weigh. |
Dissolve the As.S,, in the Gooch crucible with dilute ammonia
water, wash well with hot water, and dry at 105° C. and reweigh. -
The loss in weight is As,S,, from which the As,O, may be calcu- —
lated. See procedure for arsenic, p. 34 Standard Methods of -
Chemical Analysis, Scott (D. Van Nostrand Co.) Cuprous ©
chloride used in this method.
Chlorine-—Ten grams of the sample are covered with water’ }
and 10 ce. of N/10 AgNo, solution, which has been standardized”
against pure NaCl, added. Forty ec. of concentrated HNO; 4
are added and the solution boiled until nitrous fumes are re-
moved. It is then cooled, 5 cc. of ferric nitrate solution (1:6) ~
added and the solution titrated to a faint pink with N/10 am-
monium sulfocyanide (NH,CNS). A blank shall be run with
the same reagents, to determine the relative strengths of pe
Acid Insoluble-——A sample of 10 grams is treated with bi 25
ec. of water and 25 cc. of hydrochloric acid and evaporated ;
dryness. The residue is taken up with 50 cc. of 1:4 hydrochlor.
acid and the insoluble filtered off and thoroughly washed wit i
1:4 hydrochloric acid and then with boiling water. It is further
washed with hot ammonium acetate solution and again with
boiling water. The insoluble is then burned off and weighed..
Water Soluble Salts —Five grams of the sample are shaken in
a 500 cc. graduated flask for 10 minutes with 250 ec. of water
at room temperature. The solution is made up to exactly 500
ec. and filtered through dry paper. One hundred cc. of fhe
clear filtrate are measured out, poured into a weighed plat) um
Mie.” a
be, iw oe
dish and evaporated to dryness on a sand-bath, the contents be-
ing protected from dust. The residue is dried for one or two
hours at 110° C., cooled and weighed rapidly. The increase in
weight represents the water soluble salts.
- This pigment is a chemically precipitated pigment containing
~pproximately from 69 to 70 per cent barium sulphate, the re-
unainder consisting of zinc sulphide, with occasional impuri-
ties of zinc oxide and carbonate.
, Moisture—Heat 2 grams for two hours at 105° C.
-* Water Soluble-—Determine as under zinc oxide.
Insoluble and Total Zinc.—Take 1 g. of the sample in a 200
ec. beaker, add 10 cc. of concentrated HCl, mix, and add in
small partions about 1 g. of KCIO,, then heat on the steam
& until about half of the liquid is evaporated. Dilute with
: 71.0, add 5 cc. of dilute H,SO, (1:10); boil, let settle, filter,
» wash, ignite, cool, and weigh the insoluble which should be only
c°: make a qualitative examination for alumina and silica.
;The insoluble should be examined under the microscope for
the presence of natural crystallin barytes. Sample may also be
_ examined direct. Make filtrate from insoluble alkaline with
3 NH, OH, acid with HCl, add 8 cc. of concentrated HCl, dilute
to. about 250 cc. with H,O, heat nearly to boiling and titrate
with K,Fe(CN), solution as under zinc white. Calculate to Zn.
Zinc Oxide.—Treat a 4 g. sample of the lithopone for 4 hours
»Ww? a 200 cc. of 1 per cent acetic acid at room temperature, stir-
-_ g occasionally. Filter by suction on a double filter paper and
~ ash with cold water; add to the clear filtrate 13 cc. of concen-
t ated NH,OH, neutralize with HCl and then add 3 cc. of con-
centrated HCl in excess. Heat to boiling and titrate with
K\Fe(CN),, using uranium-acetate solution as an outside indi-
cator. Calculate to ZnO. Calculate this result to Zn, subtract
froin total Zn, and calculate the difference to ZnS. (Any
ZnCO, or ZnSO, is included in the ZnO.)
‘Zine Sulfide.*—Place 0.5 g. of pigment in evolution flask with
.* ‘olution Method of W. G. Scott, “White Paints and Painting Ma-
te _,’ p. 257; see also Blair, “Chemical Analysis of Iron.”
about 10 g. of “feathered” or mossy zinc, add 50 cc. of water;
insert the stopper carrying a separatory funnel and an exit
tube. Run in 50 ce. of concentrated HCl from the funnel, having
previously connected the exit tube to two absorption flasks in
series; first flask contains 100 cc. of alkaline lead-nitrate solu-
tion; second flask, 50 cc. of same as a safety device. After all
of the acid has run into the evolution flask, heat slowly, finally
boiling until the first appearance of steam in the first absorption
flask; disconnect, let the lead sulfide settle, filter, wash with cold
water, then with hot water till neutral to litmus paper and wash-
ings give no test for lead. The PbS precipitate is dissolved in
hot, dilute HNO., evaporate to fumes with H,SO, and finally
weighed as PbSO,. Calculate PbS or PbSO, to ZnS.
The alkaline lead solution is made as follows: Into 100
ec. of KOH solution (56 g. in 140 ec. of H,O) pour a saturated
solution of lead nitrate (250 g. in 500 ec. of H,O) until the pre-
cipitate ceases to redissolve, stirring constantly while mixing.
About 3 volumes of the lead solution will be required for one of
the alkali.
Instead of absorbing the evolved H,S in alkaline lead-nitrate
solution, a solution of 8 g. of cadmium chloride in 250 cc. of
water and 150 cc. of NH,OH (sp. gr. 0.90) may be used. The
CdS precipitate may be filtered on a weighed Gooch, washed
with water containing a little NH,OH, dried at 100° C., and
weighed. Calculate to ZnS. It is better to filter the CdS on a
small filter and wash as above, then place filter and precipitate
in a beaker and dissolve in HCl and KCIO, (keeping at room
temperature at first), filter out any paper pulp or insoluble
matter; make filtrate alkaline with NH,OH, then just acid with
HCl, heat to boiling and precipate with BaCl, in usual manner.
Filter, wash, ignite, and weigh BaSO,. Calculate to ZnS.
For very rapid work the contents of the absorption flask,
after all H,S has been absorbed, may be washed into a vessel
with cold water and diluted to about one liter, acidified with
concentrated HCl and titrated with standard iodine solution,
using starch indicator. (The precipitate should be completely
dissolved.) The iodine solution is prepared by dissolving about
12.7 g. of pure resublimed iodine and 18 g. of KI in a little water
and then diluting to one liter.
While the above methods have proved generally satisfactory,
the evolution method for zine sulfide is rather tedious. Breyer
and Croll of the N. J. Zinc Co. omit this method and secure the
zine sulfide content by difference, after determining total zinc
and barium sulfate. Their methods for the latter as communi-
cated recently to the writer, are given below:
Total Zine in Lithopone (B * C Method).—A 2 gram sample
is weighed out into a 150 ce. beaker and treated with 25 cc. con-
centrated hydrochloric acid. When action has largely ceased,
80 ce. of 1:1 sulphuric acid is added, evaporated to fumes and
the heating continued, with beaker covered, until all barium
sulphate has gone into solution. After cooling, cold water is
poured in to nearly fill the beaker. The solution and reprecipi-
tated barium sulphate are then poured into a graduated 500 cc.
flask, water added to the mark and the whole thoroughly mixed
and filtered. A 250 cc. portion of the clear filtrate is measured
out into a 600 cc. beaker, 20 cc. of citric acid solution and 10 ec.
of ferric nitrate solution added. The excess acid is neutralized
with ammonia, using litmus paper, and a definite excess of 15 cc.
of ammonia added.
The solution is brought to a boil and then the titrating solu-
tion of potassium ferrocyanide is run in with constant stirring
until within 1 cc. of the end point. The addition is continued
0.2 cc. at a time until all the zinc has been precipitated as indi-
cated by a blue coloration appearing when a drop of the solu-
tion is added to a few drops of acetic acid on a test plate.
The potassium ferrocyanide solution is standardized by start-
ing with a weighed amount of C.P. zinc approximately equal to
the amount to be titrated in the sample, and carrying through
the same procedure.
Barium Sulphate in Lithopone (BX C Method).—A 1 gram
Sample is weighed out into a platinum crucible, mixed with 6-8
grams of sodium carbonate and fused for twenty minutes over
a Bunsen Burner and twenty minutes over a blast lamp. The
fusion is then leached out with about 200 cc. of hot water in a
250-cc. beaker. The insoluble barium carbonate is filtered off
and washed thoroughly with hot sodium carbonate solution (2
grams per liter). The barium carbonate is then dissolved from
the paper into a 600-cc. beaker with hot 1:4 hydrochloric acid,
washing thoroughly. The solution is diluted to about 400 cc.
neutralized with ammonia and then made slightly acid with
hydrochloric acid (2 cc. excess). The solution is heated to boil-
ing and barium sulphate precipitated with hot ammonium sul-
phate solution (40 grams per liter). After standing four hours ©
on a steam plate, the barium sulphate is filtered off on to a
weighed, ignited Gooch crucible. See also Interdepartmental
Specification in back of volume. .
For a scheme of analysis for Cadmium Lithopone see chapter
on Yellow Pigments, page 359.
The recent advent of titanium oxide as a constituent of white
paints should be of interest to analytical chemists, since special
methods are necessary for the determination of the titanium
present. There is given below L. E. Barton’s method for the
analysis of dry titanium oxide pigment such as is made in the
United States and which usually contains 75% barium sulphate
and 25% titanium oxide. There is also given a method for the
separation of zinc and lead from mixtures containing titanium.
Determination of Barium Sulphate—Weigh 14 gram sample
into 250 cc. Pyrex glass beaker; add 20 cc. concentrated sul-
phuric acid and 7 or 8 grams sodium sulphate. Mix well and
heat on hot plate until fumes of sulphuric anhydride are evolved
and then heat directly over flame to boiling for five minutes or
until solution is complete. Traces of silica, if any, remain as
an insoluble residue.
Cool, take up with 100 ce. of water, boil and filter off barium
sulphate and silica, washing with 5 per cent sulphuric acid to
free residue from titanium.
Determination of Titaniwm.—The volumetric method used
for determination of titanium is essentially that described by
P. W. & E. B. Shimer (Proc. Eight Internat. Congress of Ap-
plied Chem.) ; the method hereafter described differing prin-
cipally in the form of reductor and also in a few details of oper-
Reagents.—Standard ferric ammonium sulphate solution.
Dissolve 30 grams of ferric ammonium sulphate in 300 cc.
water acidified with 10 cc. of sulphuric acid; add potassium per-
manganate drop by drop as long as the pink color disappears, to
oxidize any ferrous to ferric iron; finally dilute the solution to
one liter.
Standardize this solution in terms of iron. The iron value
multiplied by 1.4829 gives the value in titanic oxide (TiO,) ; and
iron value multiplied by .86046 gives the value of the solution
in terms of metallic titanium.
Indicator—Saturated solution of potassium thiocyanate.
Reductor.—As a reductor a 500 cc. dispensing burette is used.
The internal dimensions of the burette are 15% inches by 22
The reductor is charged with 1200 grams of 20 mesh amal-
gamated zinc, making a column about 12 inches high and hav-
ing an interstice volume of about 135 cc. This form of reductor
is convenient, and when used as hereafter described is adapted
to maintaining hot solutions, which is essential for complete
reduction of the titanium.
The reductor is connected to a liter flask for receiving the
reduced titanium solution through a three-hole rubber stopper,
which carries also an inlet tube for carbon dioxide supply and
an outlet tube for connecting with the suction pump.
The reductor is prepared for use by first passing through it
a little hot dilute sulphuric acid followed by hot water, finally
leaving sufficient hot water in the reductor to fill to the upper
level of the zinc.
The hot filtrate from the barium sulphate determination is
now introduced; about 10 cc. of water being drawn from the
reductor into the original beaker to bring the solution to about
the upper level of the zinc. The water thus removed will not
contain any titanium if the operation has been conducted as
described, but it serves as a safeguard and is also convenient
to acidify this water with 10cc. sulphuric acid and reserve it on
the hot plate to be used as an acid wash after the reduction of
the sample solution.
- The titanium solution is allowed to remain in the reductor for
10 minutes.
While the solution is being reduced, the receiving flask is con-
nected to the reductor and the air completely displaced by carbon
dioxide, conveniently drawn from a cylinder of the liquified
gas. |
When the reduction is complete the receiving flask is con-
nected with the suction pump, and while still continuing the
flow of carbon dioxide the reduced solution is drawn out, fol-
lowed by the reserved acid wash and then three or four 100 ce.
washes with hot water. The displacement of the sample solu-
tion and washing of the zinc is so regulated by means of the
stopcock that the reductor is always filled with solution or water
to the upper level of the zinc.
When the washing is complete, gradually release the suction
to prevent air being drawn back into the receiving flask.
Disconnect the flask, add 5 cc. of potassium thiocyanate solu-
tion as indicator and titrate immediately with standard ferric
ammonium sulphate solution, adding the solution rapidly until a
brownish color is produced, which will remain for at least one
After the pigment has been extracted and dried, a sample is
weighed out and decomposed by the ordinary acid treatment.
Weigh 1 gram into a 250 cc. Pyrex beaker; add 40 cc. concen-
trated sulphuric acid and 15 grams ammonium sulphate. Mix
well and heat on a hot plate until fumes of SO, are evolved, and
then continue heat to boiling for five minutes. Silica, if pres-
ent, will, of course, remain undissolved. Cool, take up with 200
ce. water, boil and filter off lead sulphate, barium sulphate,
silica, and similar acid insoluble inert pigments. Separate as
usual. (See above.) The filtrates should contain the titanium
and zinc in solution as sulphates.
To the filtrate ammonia is added in excess, which precipitates
the titanium with the iron group. For the complete separation
of zinc from the iron group, the hydroxide precipitate should be
re-dissolved in acid and a second precipitation with ammonia
should be made.. Zine may then be determined in the combined
Titanium should be determined on a separate sample, as de-
scribed in the above method for dry TiO, pigments.
See also F. S. B. Spec. No. 115, back portion of this volume and
new specification of Federal Specification Board to be issued in
February, 1925, on Titanox-Zinc Ready Mixed Paint Resistant
to Sulphur Gases.
Antimony Oxide.*};—Antimony trioxide (Sb,O,) a fume pig-
ment that has recently been introduced, may be occasionally
found in certain classes of mixed paints. After being brought
into solution, it may be quantitatively estimated by oxidation
with permanganate or iodine. (See pages 27 and 28, Scott’s
Standard Methods of Chemical Analysis.)
These pigments, while all true silica pigments, are widely
different from the standpoint of physical structure. A micro-
scopic examination is of great value, showing silica or silex to
consist of small, sharp particles, china clay to be tabloid in ap-
pearance and asbestine to consist of long, rod-like fibrous par-
Moisture—Heat 2 grams at 105° for two hours.
Loss on Ignition.—Ignite 1 gram to constant weight in a
platinum crucible.
Insoluble Matter.—Boil 2 grams for thiry minutes with 50
ec. HCl (1:1), add 50 cc. of water, wash, ignite, and weigh in-
soluble residue.
In the case of china clay, or asbestine, a sodium carbonate
fusion should be resorted to, with the subsequent dehydration of
the silica.
The insoluble residue in either case is volatilized with H,SO,
and HF in the usual manner, any loss in weight being considered
silica. Any residue is fused with sodium carbonate, the fusion
being added to the original filtrate. Should BaSO, be present,
the melt is digested with warm water, the BaCO, filtered off,
washed, dissolved in hot diluate HCl and precipitated and de-
termined as BaSQ,.
The filtrates, combined from the preceding filtrations, are ex-
amined for alumina, iron, manganese, calcium and magnesium
in the usual way.
Should it be necessary to determine the alkalies present, a
* See “The evaluation of white pigments with special reference to anti-
mony oxide,” by H. E. Clarke, J. Oil & Colour Chemists’ Assoc., Vol. 4,
pp. 2-26 (1921); Chem. Abstrs., Vol. 15, p. 2197 (1921).
+ See also Circulars 152 and 153 of Scientific Section for results of ex-
posure tests.
separate sample is treated according to the J. Lawrence Smith
method as described in Bulletin No. 700, U. S. Geological Survey.
Carbon Dioxide-—Determine by evolution with HCl, weighing
in soda-lime, KOH solution, or by absorbing in Ba(OH), solu-
tion and titrating or weighing as BaCO,.
Any excess of calcium is reported as oxide. The magnesium
is calculated as MgO, unless the carbon dioxide is in excess of
the amount of calcium present, in which case it is reported as
MgCoO,, and the remainder as MgO.
These pigments are of the following composition:
Whiting.—The natural form of calcium carbonate.
Paris White.—The artificial form of calcium carbonate.
Gypsum.—The hydrated form of calcium sulphate, of formula
CasO 7. 2H-0;
These pigments are analyzed in the following manner:
Moisture.—Heat 2 grams at 105° C. for two hours.
Total Soluble Lime.*—Weigh out 0.75 g. of the pigment into
a small crucible, ignite cautiously to dull redness to destroy
organic matter, cool, transfer to a 400-ce. beaker, add 20 ce. of
HO, cover, then add 15 cc. of concetrated HCl and 3 or 4 drops
of concentrated HNO,, and boil till all the soluble matter is dis-
solved and all the CO, expelled. Wash off and remove the
cover, dilute to about 150 cc. with freshly boiled H,O, heat to
boiling and add dilute NH,OH (sp. gr. 0.96) carefully until a
shght permanent precipitate forms. Heat to boiling and add 10
cc. of a 10-per-cent solution of oxalic acid; stir until the oxides
of iron and aluminum are entirely dissolved and only a slight
precipitate of calcium oxalate remains. Now add 200 cc. of
boiling H,O and sufficient saturated solution of ammonium
oxalate (20 to 25 cc.) to precipitate the lime. Boil and stir for
a few moments, remove from the heat, let settle and filter on an
11-cm. filter. Wash 10 times with 10-to-15-cc. portions of hot
water. Place beaker in which precipitation was made under the
funnel, pierce apex of filter with stirring rod and wash pre-
* Meade, ‘Portland Cement.”
cipitate into beaker with hot water, pour warm dilute H,SO,
(1:4) through paper and wash a few times; add about 30 cc. of
the dilute H,SO, (1:4), dilute to about 250 cc., heat to 90° C.
and titrate at once with standard KMnO, solution (solution
should not be below 60° C. when end-point is reached). The
KMn0O, is best standardized against Bureau of Standards sod-
ium oxalate.* Calculate to CaO and CaCO.,,.
Mixed Calcium and Magnesium Carbonates.t—Weigh 1 g. of
the finely powdered sample into a small porcelain dish, add 25
ec. of normal HCl, cover with a watch glass, and when efferves-
cence has ceased, heat to boiling. Cool and titrate with normal
NaOH solution, using methyl orange as indicator.
The calculation is as follows:
One gram CaO=35.7 cc. of normal acid. CaO x 1.7844 =
CaCO,. Subtract number of cubic centimeters of NaOH re-
quired from 25; result gives number of cubic centimeters of nor-
mal acid corresponding to the CaCO, + MgCO,. Multiply the
weight of CaO in 1 g. of sample (as found in preceding section
on total soluble lime) by 35.7; product gives number of cubic
centimeters of normal acid corresponding to the CaO present;
subtract from total number of cubic centimeters of acid re-
quired by CaCO, + MgCO, and multiply result by 0.042, obtain-
ing weight of MgCO, in 1 g. of sample. The MgCO, determined
by this process should not differ more than 0.25 per cent from
that obtained by more elaborate methods. It is to be noted that
this method is a measure of the total alkalinity, and if Ca or Mg
are present in other forms than carbonate, a complete analysis
would be necessary to give percentages of CaCO, and MgCO,.
Of these two barium pigments used in the manufacture of
paints, barytes is the natural barium sulphate, while blanc fixe
is precipitated barium sulphate.
The following method may be used for the analysis of these
Moisture.—Heat 2 grams at 105° C. for two hours.
Loss on Ignition—lIgnite 1 gram to constant weight. The
* Circular No. 40, Bureau of Standards.
+ J. W. Mellor, “A Treatise on Quantitative Inorganic Analysis,” p. 522.
loss will be reported as loss on ignition, and will consist of free
and uncombined water, carbon dioxide and organic matter.
Barium Sulphate.—Boil 1 gram with dilute HCl, evaporate to
dryness, moisten with HCl, add water, boil, filter and wash.
Should lead be present in the insoluble residue, as shown by the
action of H,S, treat the insoluble residue with a little (1:1)
HCl and several drops of H,SO,. Filter, wash and weigh the
residue. Treat the ignited residue with H.SO, and HF, evap-
orate to dryness and ignite. The residue should show no loss as
silica. The filtrate is examined for alumina, iron, calcium and
magnesium in the usual manner.
Soluble Sulphates.—Treat 1 gram with 20 ce. cone. HCl, dilute
to 200 cc. with hot water, boil, filter, wash, add NH,OH until
neutral, make acid with HCl and precipitate any sulphat as
BaSO,. Determine in the usual manner. Calculate to CaSO,.
If carbonates are present, calculate the remaining CaO to
CaCO,. Any excess of oxide is reported as CaO.
Carbon Dioxide.—Determine as outlined under silica. If any
barium carbonate is present, it is determined in the filtrate
from the preliminary HCl treatment, by precipitation and
weighing, as BaSO,. Any excess of carbon dioxide over the
barium is reported as calcium carbonate.
A white paint may consist of a mixture of any of the preced-
ing pigments, except that lead pigments and lithopone are sel-
dom found together.
After separation from the oil and other liquids as outlined
in Chapter XXIV, page 213, the white pigment mixture may be
rapidly analyzed by the following method. It is, however, often
advisable to resort to a qualitative examination before beginning
the quantitative analysis. Also note method of analysis in inter-
departmental specifications.
Insoluble Residue.—Boil 1 gram of the sample with 20 cc.
(1:1) HCl. Evaporate to dryness, moisten the residue with a
few cc. of concentrated HCl, allow to stand a few minutes, dilute
with hot water, boil, filter and wash the insoluble residue thor-
oughly with hot water. Treat the insoluble residue with (1:1)
HCl and 2 cc. H,SO, to remove the last traces of lead. Filter,
wash and weigh the insoluble residue. Determine the silica by
volatilization with H,SO, and HF. Any loss is reported as silica.
Determine the BaSO, in the residue by boiling with dilute HCl
or making a potassium bisulphate fusion. The residue remain-
ing after either of these treatments is reported as barium sul-
Total Lead.—This constituent can be best determined on a
separate sample. To 1 gram add 10 cc. of conc. HNO., boil, add,
after cooling, conc. H,SO, and evaporate to strong SO, fumes.
Dilute with water, allow to stand several hours, filter, wash
slightly, dissolve and determine the lead volumetrically as out-
lined under Basic Sulphate White Lead.
Lead can also be determined in the combined filtrates from
the insoluble residue. Precipitate the lead in an acid solution
with H,S and determine volumetrically in the above outlined
To determine whether both sublimed white lead and corroded
white lead are present, treat a separate portion of the paint with
boiling acetic acid, filter and collect the insoluble residue. De-
termine the lead either in the filtrate or in the insoluble residue
by the volumetric method. The lead soluble in acetic acid is the
basic carbonate of lead and the lead oxide from the sublimed
white lead, while the lead sulphate from the sublimed white lead
remains insoluble.
Alumina and Iron Oxide—Remove the H,.S from the filtrate
by boiling, after removal of the lead, and precipitate the
hydroxides in an ammoniacal solution after boiling with the ad-
dition of a few drops of HNO,. Determine and separate in the
usual manner.
Zinc.—Precipitate the zinc in the filtrate from the alumina
and iron precipitation, after acidifying with acetic acid, and de-
termine the zinc as outlined under Basic Sulphate White Lead.
Calcium and Magnesium.—Determine the calcium and mag-
nesium in the filtrate from the precipitation of zinc sulphide in
the usual manner, testing, however, first for the presence of
Sulphate.—Determine as outlined under Zinc Lead and
Leaded Zincs.
Sulphide.—Should lithopone be present, separate the zinc
oxide and zinc sulphide as outlined under Lithopone.
Carbon Dioxide.—Determine as outlined under Silica.
Calculations.—Silica is reported as silica, except where alu-
mina is present, showing the presence of china clay. In this
case, calculate the alumina to clay by the method of Scott. —
Weight of Al,O, + 2.5372 — weight of clay.
Weight of clay < 0.4667 = weight of SiO, in clay.
Any difference greater than 5% may be considered silica.
Barium sulphate is reported as barium sulphate or as lith-
opone, if zine sulphide is present, according to the given com-
position of lithopone, 70% barium sulphate and 30% zine sul-
phide. 3
Lead is reported as Basic Carbonate of Lead on the formula
Calculate lead soluble in acetic acid, after determining CO,,
to basic lead carbonate and any residual lead to lead oxide which,
together with the lead sulphate, is reported as Sublimed White
Should calcium sulphate be present the portion soluble in
water is examined for lime or sulphuric acid and calculated to
calcium sulphate, any residual lime being calculated to calcium
carbonate and any residual sulphuric acid being calculated to
lead sulphate. Any residual CO, after calculating calcium car-
bonate is calculated to white lead and any residual lead is cal-
culated to lead oxide.
Lead oxide should not be reported except in the presence of
lead sulphate. Any large percentage of magnesium denotes the
presence of asbestine.
See also Interdepartmental Specifications in back of volume.
a a? oe ‘a: = ‘2 foNGy Fie ‘ef = fle
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These pigments in the pure form are oxides of lead, of the
generally accepted formula, Pb,O,, being probably mixtures of
lead monoxide, and lead dioxide. In chemical composition they
are the same, the proportions of lead monoxide and lead dioxide
varying, however, but by their physical structure and color they
can be readily differentiated.
Two methods are given for the analysis of this pigment.
Moisture.—Dry 2 grams at 105° for two hours.
Organic Color.—Boil 2 grams with 25 cc. of 95% ethyl alcohol,
let settle, decant off the supernatant liquid; boil residue with
water, decant as before and boil residue with very dilute
NH,OH. If either the alcohol, water or NH,OH is colored,
organic coloring matter is indicated.
Total Lead and Insoluble Residue.—Treat 1 gram with 15 ce.
of HNO, (1:1) and sufficient hydrogen dioxide to dissolve all
the PbO, on warming. If any insoluble matter is present, add
25 ec. of water, boil, filter and wash with hot water. Insoluble
contains free SiO,, and should be examined for BaSO, and
silicates, if appreciable. To the original solution or filtrate
from insoluble, add 20 cc. of conc. H,SO, and evaporate to SO,
fumes; cool and determine lead as lead sulphate either gravi-
metrically or volumetrically. If the sample contains soluble
barium salts, the PbSO, will contain BaSO, and should be
treated with acid-ammonium acetate solution, the lead being de-
termined in the filtrate.
Determination of Lead Peroxide (PbO,) and True Red Lead
(Pb.0,). (Method of Diehl,* modified by Topft—not applic-
able when substances are present, other than oxides of lead,
that liberate iodine under conditions given.)
Weigh 1 gram of finely ground sample into a 200-cc. Erlen-
meyer flask, add a few drops of distilled water and rub the
mixture to a smooth paste with a glass rod flattened on end.
Mix in a small beaker 30 grams of C.P. “Tested Purity” crystal-
*Dingl. Polyt. Jour., 246, 196.
+ Zeitschrift fiir analytische Chemie, 26, 296.
lized sodium acetate, 2.4 grams of C.P. potassium iodide, 10 cc.
of water and 10 cc. of 50% acetic acid; stir until all is liquid,
warming gently; if necessary add 2 or 3 cc. of H,0, cool to room
temperature and pour into the flask containing the red lead.
Rub wit hthe glass rod until nearly all the red lead has been
dissolved; add 30 cc. of water containing 5 or 6 grams of sodium
acetate, and titrate at once with decinormal sodium thiosulphate,
adding the latter rather slowly and keeping the liquid constantly
-In motion by whirling the flask. When the solution has become
light yellow, rub any undissolved particles up with the rod until
free iodine no longer forms, wash off rod, add the sodium
thiosulphate solution until pale yellow, add starch solution and
titrate until colorless, add decinormal iodine solution until blue
color is just restored and subtract the amount used from the
volume of thiosulphate that had been added. :
Calculation.—The iodirie value of the sodium thiosulphate
solution multiplied by 0.94193 = PbO,; the iodine value multi-
plied by 2.69973 = Pb,O,; the PbO, value multiplied by 2.86616
= POO r: .
Sodium Thiosulphate Solution (decinormal) —Dissolve 24.83
grams of C.P. sodium thiosulphate, freshly pulverized and dried
between filter paper, and dilute with water to 1 liter at a tem-
perature at which the titrations are to be made. The solution
should be made with well-boiled H,O, free from CO., or let stand
eight to fourteen days before standardizing. Standardize with
pure, resublimed iodine and also against pure potassium iodate.
The two methods of standardization should agree within 0.1% on
iodine value. In place of pure iodine, a decinormal solution of
potassium permanganate may be used for standardization.
Starch Solution.—Two to 3 grams of potato starch are stirred
up with 100 cc. of 1% salicylie acid solution, and the mixture
boiled till the starch is practically dissolved and then diluted to
1 liter. |
The second method for determination of the lead peroxide or
true red lead content is somewhat shorter.
Treat 1 gram in a beaker with 15 cc. of nitric acid, sp. gr. 1.2
(110 ce. nitric acid sp. gr. 1.42 to 100 ce. of water). Stir the
sample until all trace of red color has disappeared. Add from
a calibrated pipette or burette exactly 10 cc. of dilute hydrogen
dioxide (1 part of 3% hydrogen dioxide to 3.5 parts of water).
Add about 50 cc. of hot water and stir until all the lead dioxide
has passed into solution. In the case of some coarsely ground
oxides the contents of the beaker may have to be gently heated
to effect complete solution. After the oxide has completely
passed into solution, dilute with hot water to about 250 cc. vol-
ume and titrate directly with a standard potassium perman-
ganate solution, having an iron value of 0.005. Titrate to the
faint pink permanganate color. A blank titration on the hydro-
gen dioxide solution must now be made.
Into a beaker pour 15 cc. of nitric acid of above strength and
add exactly the same amount of hydrogen dioxide (10 cc.).
Dilute to 250 cc. with hot water and titrate with standard potas-
sium permanganate solution to a faint pink color.
The difference between the number of cc. of potassium per-
manganate required for the blank titration and the number re-
quired for the red lead titration is the amount required for the
hydrogen dioxide which was reacted on by the red lead. The
difference between the two amounts of potassium permanganate
required multiplied by 3.058 grams gives the percentage of red
lead present. The difference multiplied by 1.067 gives the per-
centage of PbO, present.
Lead in Extracted Pigment.—Another very good method of
determining the percentage of true red lead in an extracted pig-
ment is to weigh the sample into a flask, add no water, but sub-
stitute 10 cc. of a mixture of 7 parts of chloroform and 3 parts
of glacial acetic acid, and proceed in the usual manner as out-
lined above.
The latest methods for the examination of red lead and lith-
arge, together with colorimetric measurements for the de-
termination of copper and iron in pig lead, lead oxides, and lead
carbonate, as furnished the writer by Dr. John A. Schaeffer, J.
A. Calbeck and B. S. White, of The Eagle-Picher Lead Co., are
given herewith.
Most methods in use for the determination of the small per-
centage of copper contained in pig lead, lead oxides and lead
carbonate are long and tedious. This is especially true in those
instances where refined metal serves as the base for the finished
product and the copper content being extremely low, many diffi-
culties present themselves; these can be overcome by the use of
this colorimetric method.
While the estimation of the iron content in these compounds
can be readily carried out colorimetrically by a Separate ana-
lysis,t it has been found that the following method, which com-
bines the determination of both copper and iron colorimetrically
In one analysis, adds greatly to the rapidity and accuracy in
finding the percentages of these impurities. The method not
only eliminates the use of hydrogen sulphide, but it shortens
the time of a single analysis to 30 to 40 minutes, while the re-
sults attain the same degree of accuracy as those established by
the longer and more complicated methods.
The method of procedure varies somewhat with the nature
of the sample to be examined: hence, it will be necessary to
make especial mention of red lead. |
Weight of Sample.—In analyzing refined pig lead, or lead
compounds made from refined metals, it is necessary, owing to
the small percentages of copper and iron usually present, to use
large samples. It has been found, by the use of this method,
that smaller samples may be used with equally accurate results,
thereby reducing the bulk to be handled and eliminating any
errors which frequently result from the use of large volumes.
A sample weighing 30 grams has been found sufficiently large
for refined products, and not over 10 grams need be used for the
crude or unrefined material.
Method of Procedure.—Weigh the finely divided sample into
a 400-cc. beaker, and add small portions of hot (1:1) nitric
acid until solution is effected. If any basic lead nitrate has been
* J. Ind. Eng. Chem., 7, 1035 (1915).
+J. Ind. Eng. Chem., 4, 659 (1912).
formed, dilute slightly with warm water and boil. Add 32 cc.
(1:1) sulphuric acid, stirring constantly while adding. Let the
precipitate settle, and decant filtrate through a coarse filter
paper. Wash four times by decantation, using small portions
of warm, distilled water. Transfer the precipitate to the paper,
wash again and allow to drain. Make the filtrate neutral with
ammonium hydroxide and add 4 cc. excess. Boil for a short
time and filter. Wash the precipitate well with warm water,
and reserve for the determination of the iron. MRender the
filtrate acid with special c. p. hydrochloric acid, adding not more
than two drops excess. Add six drops of (1:10) potassium
ferrocyanide solution, filter through close filter papers using
two to each funnel. Catch the filtrate and inspect for copper
ferrocyanide. Let the precipitate drain well without washing.
Dissolve the copper ferrocyanide off of the paper with alternate
washings of small portions of ammonium hydroxide and hot
water. Wash well and keep the bulk to 30 or 40 cc. Render !
slightly acid with hydrochloric acid, adding not over two drops
excess. Transfer to a 100-cc. Nessler tube, and dilute to mark
with distilled water. The copper is then determined colori-
metrically according to a modification of the method of Car-
In another Nessler tube, place 10 cc. of 5 per cent ammonium
nitrate solution, two drops concentrated nitric acid and 90 cc.
distilled water, add from a burette graduated to tenths of 1 cc.,
standard copper sulphate solution until the color matches the
sample under examination.
Standard Copper Sulphate Solution.t—“Dissolve 0.393 gram
of pure CuSO,.5H,O, in one liter of distilled water. 1 cc. =
0.0001 gram of copper,” or 0.00033 per cent when using a 30-
gram sample. —
Analysis of Red Lead for Copper.—Treat 30 grams of the
sample with 40 ec. (1:1) nitric acid, using great care that the
violence of the reaction does not cause the sample to froth over
the beaker. Slowly add 30 to 40 cc. of 8 per cent hydrogen
peroxide, stirring constantly. Boil until solution is effected, and
proceed as directed above.
Sodium sulphite c. p. may be used in place of the hydrogen
* Sutton’s Volumetric Analysis, p. 204.
+ Sutton’s Volumetric Analysis, p. 205.
peroxide for effecting the solution of lead peroxide, adding it
dry in small portions and boiling until no brown lead peroxide
is present.
Determination of Iron in the Above Compounds.—For the
iron determination, use the precipitate of iron hydroxide re-
moved from the copper solution, proceeding as follows: Dis-
solve the precipitate contained on the paper with (1:1) hydro-
chloric acid, collecting the filtrate in a 300-cce. volumetric flask.
Wash the paper free from acid with hot, distilled water, dilute
to mark, and mix thoroughly. Place 10 ec. in a 100-ceec. Nessler
tube, add three drops nitric acid, 10 ee. (1:15) ammonium sul-
phocyanide solution, dilute to mark and compare with a stand-
ard iron solution.t
The color is compared with a blank made in the following
manner: A solution of ferric ammonium sulphate of known
strength is required. This is made by dissolving 0.7022 gram
of ferrous ammonium sulphate in water. Acidify with sul-
phuric acid, heat to boiling and add a solution of potassium
permanganate until all the iron is converted to the ferric condi-
tion. Only the very slightest pink tinge may be present after
the addition of the potassium permanganate, as this tinge will
fade away, while the presence of a pink color tends to vitiate
the results. Allow the solution to cool and dilute to one liter.
One cc. of this solution equals 0.0001 gram of iron.
Prepare the blank by pouring into a 100-cc. Nessler cylinder,
10 cc. ammonium sulphocyanide solution, and three drops of
concentrated nitric acid. Dilute to 100 ec. and titrate to the
exact color developed in the sample under examination, by the
addition of the standard ferric ammonium sulphate solution.
One cc. of this solution equals 0.01 per cent iron as the 10 cc.
removed from the flask contained 1 gram sample. It will be
found that the color can be accurately compared to within 0.001
per cent of iron content.
Comparison of Results on Copper.—Table XLVIII shows the
results obtained by the above method, as compared with the
method set forth by Fresenius,* on two sets of samples and a
copper sulphate solution of known strength.
{£J. Ind. & Eng. Chem., 4 (1912), 659.
* Fresenius’ Quantitative Chemical Analysis, Vol. II, p. 584.
Precautions and Interfering Elements.—I£ the sample con-
tains much zinc, the following method may be used for remov-
ing it: The filtrate from the iron precipitation, before precipi-
tating the copper ferrocyanide, is rendered slightly acid with
acetic acid, and 5 cc. of an 8 per cent sodium ammonium phos-
phate solution are added; boil, cool, filter and treat the filtrate as
before outlined.
TABLE XLVIII—Comparative Results (Percentages Cu) by Method of
Fresenius and of Author
Litharge and
Pig Lead Red Lead CuSO, Solution
Fres. Color. Fres. Color. Fres. Color. Lee
1 0.0009 | 0.00088 | 0.002 0.002 0.002 0.002 0.002
2 0.0013 | 0.0013 | 0.0008 | 0.0008 | 0.0008 | 0.0008 | 0.0008
3 0.0009 | 0.00088 | 0.0009 | 0.00088 | 0.00066 | 0.00066 | 0.0007
4 0.002 0.002 0.0007 | 0.0007 | 0.001 0.001 0.001
5 0.001 0.001 0.0015 | 0.0015 | 0.00066 | 0.00066 | 0.00066
6 C200 loa 0015, > 6.00388. | 0.0038 | 0.0015. | 0.0015 | 0.0015
cf 0.0012 | 0.0012 | 0.00088 | 0.00088 | 0.00088 | 0.00088 | 0.00088
8 0.0079 | 0.0079 | 0.00088 | 0.0009 | 0.0009 | 0.00088 | 0.0009 |
9 eu tawoeo O0lo: | 6:0013 }.0:0018) |) 0.0015. }.0.0015° | 0.0015
10 0.0004 | 0.0004 | 0.00066 | 0.00066 | 0.0007 | 0.00066 | 0.0007
Lead, when present in not too large quantity, has little or no
effect on the accuracy of the colorimetric comparison of copper.
If a faint white cloud of lead ferrocyanide should develop in the
sample under examination, the addition of a small amount of
very dilute lead nitrate solution to the standard will overcome
this difficulty.
Reagents and Indicators.—This method presupposes the use
of absolutely pure reagents, especially free from iron and cop-
per. Use litmus paper as an indicator, as all other indicators,
once introduced, will affect the final color.
Schaeffer’s Latest Method *
Moisture.—Dry 2 grams of the sample for 2 hours at 105° C.
The loss will be moisture.
* See Chemical Analysis of Lead and Its Compounds. Schaeffer, White
and Calbeck. Pub. by The Eagle-Picher Lead Co., Joplin, Mo.
Red Lead, or Lead Dioxide.t—Treat 1 gram of the sample
in a beaker with 15 cc. of nitric acid, specific gravity 1.2 (110
ec. nitric acid, specific gravity 1.42, to 100 cc. of water. This
solution should be aerated to free it from all nitrous fumes).
Stir the sample until all trace of red color has disappeared.
Add from a calibrated pipette or burette exactly 10 cc. of dilute
hydrogen peroxide (1 part of 3-per-cent hydrogen peroxide to
3.5 parts of water). Add about 50 cc. of hot water and stir
until all the lead dioxide has passed into solution. In the case
of some coarsely ground oxides the contents of the beaker may
have to be gently heated to effect complete solution. After the
oxide has completely passed into solution, dilute with hot water
to about 250 cc. volume and titrate directly with a standard
potassium permanganate solution, having an iron value of 0.005.
Titrate to the faint pink permanganate color. A blank titration
on the hydrogen peroxide solution must now be made.
Titration of Hydrogen Peroxide, and Calculation of Results.—
Into a beaker pour 15 cc. of nitric acid having the strength as
above given and add exactly the same amount of hydrogen
peroxide (10 cc.). Dilute to 250 cc. with hot water and titrate
with standard potassium permanganate to a faint pink color.
The difference between the number of cubic centimeters of
potassium permanganate required for the blank titration and
the number required for the red lead titration is the amount
of potassium permanganate required for the hydrogen peroxide
which was reacted on by the lead dioxide. The difference be-
tween the two amounts of potassium permanganate required
multiplied by 3.058 gives the percentage of red lead present
according to the following proportion:
Let X = % Pb,O, per cc. difference
2 Fe:Pb,0, :: 0.005: X
112:685 :: 0.005: X
X equals 3.058
To determine the lead dioxide present multiply this difference
by 1.067 according to the following proportion:
Let Y = % PbO, per ce. difference
2 Fe:PbO, :: 0.005 : Y
112 : 239 :: 0.005 - Y
Y equals 1.067
iJ. Ind. Eng. Chem., 8, 237 (1916).
oye a, ee
These calculations have been arrranged in a series So devised
as to permit the direct’ reading of the red lead percentage. The
basis of the calculations depends on the fact that each cc. of
potassium permanganate solution (iron value, 0.005) is equiv-
alent to 3.058 per cent of true red lead; or, each 0.1 cc. is
equivalent to 0.3058 per cent true red lead on a one-gram sample.
A red lead or orange mineral having 100-per-cent true red
lead content requires 32.7 cc. potassium permanganate solution
of the above strength.
The calculation, therefore, arranges itself as follows: Each
0.1 cc. on the selected burette represents 0.3058 per cent true
red lead. The number 32.7 being equivalent to 100 per cent
occupies an analogous position on the chart.
Calculations should be continued upward to 40.0 or to that
point where the hydrogen peroxide solution used is of such
strength that 10 cc. of the hydrogen peroxide solution require
40 ce. of the potassium permanganate solution. Calculations
should be continued downward to 9.48 per cent true red lead
In using the series the chart is attached to the burette by a
serew clamp. The blank determination is first made on the
hydrogen peroxide solution and the value found is placed op-
posite zero on the burette. In the analysis of the red lead the
value is then read off directly. As a hypothetical case we wili
use a hydrogen peroxide solution with a blank titration of 34.1
ec. In the analysis of a red lead or orange mineral 4.2 cc. of the
potassium permanganate solution is required for a final titration
value. The calculation shows the difference between the two
readings to be 29.9 cc. or multiplied by 3.058 equals a true
red lead percentage of 91.48 per cent. Comparing this with
the series of calculations we find 4.2 cc. from the 34.1 to be
91.43 per cent.
Should it be preferred to determine the lead peroxide con-
tent, the calculation will be based on the value 0.1067 for each
0.1 ce. of the potassium permanganate solution. It is under-
stood that the division must be made to correspond to the 0.1
ec. divisions on the burette.
It is always advisable to make several blank determinations
each day when this analysis is constantly made and when only
occasionally used a blank titration should be made before each —
The strength of the hydrogen peroxide solution will vary but —
the permanence of the permanganate solution renders the method
accurate over a long period of time.
Standard Potassium Permanganate.—It is necessary to al- —
ways have a potassium permanganate solution with an iron
value of exactly 0.005 if the method described for red lead is —
used. Dissolve 5.75 grains c. p. salt in two liters distilled water —
and store in a brown bottle in a dark place for a week or more.
By this time all organic matter will have been oxidized and ~
after filtering the solution through an asbestos filter the solu-
tion is ready for standardization. As small amounts of MnO, —
destroy the permanence of this solution, it is necessary that it —
be removed by filtering. The method described in Bureau of —
Standards Circular No. 40 should be used. This method is as
In a 400-ce. beaker, 0.25 gram of sodium oxalate is dissolved —
in 200 to 225 cc. of hot water (80-90° C.) and 10 ce. of (1:1) ~
sulphuric acid added. The solution is at once titrated with the —
solution of permanganate, the solution being stirred continu- :
cusly and vigorously. The permanganate must be added at the —
rate of 10 to 15 cc. per minute and the last 0.5 to 1 ce. must be ~
added drop by drop, each drop being allowed to decolorize fully —
before the next is added. The solution should not be below
60° C. by the time the titration is completed. With a perman- :
ganate solution having an iron value of 0.005 per cc., 41.66 cc.
of the permanganate are required to react with 0.25 gram sod-
ium oxalate.
If the first titration shows that the solution is too strong a
small amount of distilled water should be added. To calculate
exactly how much water to add divide 41.66 by the number cc.
required in the titration and multiply by the number of cc. re-
maining in the bottle. The difference between this product and
the number of cc. in the bottle will be the volume of water to add.
If the solution is too weak this difference multiplied by
0.00283 will be the grams of potassium permanganate salt to
add. After the addition of water or salt the solution should
again be titrated and if a titer of 41.66 is not obtained water or
SO ee oa ee es
i lita tain tg
salt added until this titer is obtained. A solution carefully pre-
pared in this manner should keep for months.
In certain instances it is found that flake red lead is soluble
only with the greatest difficulty by the above procedure. In
cases where this difficulty is encountered the following method
will be found to give excellent results:
Digest 1 gram of the sample in a beaker with 15 cc. of nitric
acid made up of a strength as given in the previous method.
Boil the solution for a short time, add 10 cc. of a standard oxalic
acid solution, the strength of which has been previously de-
termined. Add 2 cc. of sulphuric acid (1:1). Boil the solu-
tion and titrate with a standard solution of potassium perman-
ganate having an iron value of 0.005. A blank titration on the
same amount of oxalic acid must be made. The difference be-
tween the amount of potassium permanganate required for the
blank titration and that required for the red lead titration
multiplied by the factor 3.058 or 1.067 will give the content of
red lead or lead dioxide according to the proportions in the.
previous analysis.
Iron—The iron should be determined colorimetrically as
described under Red Lead.
Copper.—This constituent may be determined gravimet-
rically, or colorimetrically.
By the gravimetric method twenty grams of the sample are
treated in a large beaker with 50 cc. nitric acid, 25 cc. of water
and sufficient hydrogen peroxide to cause complete solution of
the lead dioxide.
Determine the copper as outlined under the Analysis of
The colorimetric method described under Red Lead is, how-
ever, more rapid and convenient.
Silica.—Silica is found to be present in oxides of lead both
as free silica and as lead silicate, though usually in inappreciable
Digest 2 grams of the sample in a casserole with 2 grams of
potassium chlorate and 15 cc. of dilute nitric acid. Proceed
from this point as outlined under the Analysis of Litharge.
Organic Color.—The adulteration of red lead and orange min-
eral with organic coloring matter may be detected by adding |
20 cc. of 95 per cent alcohol to 2 grams of the oxide, heating
to boiling and allowing to settle. Pour off the supernatant
liquid, boil with water, allow to settle and add a very small
amount of ammonium hydroxide. If either the alcohol, water or |
ammonium hydroxide are colored, it indicates organic coloring
matter. The quantitative determination is exceedingly difficult
and the organic color is usually estimated by difference.
Litharge, the monoxide of lead, PbO, may contain small per- —
centages of iron, copper, silica, silver and free metallic lead.
When the litharge has been made by a process where steam is —
used, there may be an appreciable amount of moisture present.
It appears on the market in two colors, yellow and red. In
some instances litharge is found containing a comparatively
large percentage of red lead, which in certain uses is undesir- —
able. The determination of each of the foreign constituents in
litharge depends largely upon the use to which the litharge is to
be put, as in very few cases are all the constituents determined.
Moisture.—Dry 2 grams of the sample at 105° C. for two
hours. The loss will be moisture.
Free Metallic Lead.—Two grams of the sample are treated
in a beaker with hot water and just sufficient acetic acid is
slowly added, to dissolve the lead oxide. Stir the solution well
and note whether any lead silicate remains undissolved. Should
such remain, continue stirring until solution has been effected.
The solution should never have greater than a 5-per-cent acetic
acid strength.
Filter the solution and wash the residual metal three or four
times by decantation with hot water, having all the wash water
pass through the filter paper, which is finally thoroughly washed
with hot water. Transfer any metal on the filter paper to the
beaker containing the residual lead, add 1 ce. of concentrated
nitric acid and heat to solution. Dilute with 50 ec. of water, add
1 gram of sodium acetate and follow this with an excess of
saturated neutral potassium bichromate solution, sufficient to
precipitate all the lead. Boil, dilute to 100 cc., allow to cool,
Ch, ae ee ae a NT
[ae eae
pe ee See, Ve ee
filter off the lead chromate, wash thoroughly and determine the
lead chromate gravimetrically by drying at 100° C. or volumet-
rically by titration of the chromic acid present as outlined un-
der the analysis of Basic Sulphate of Lead. For the direct de-
termination of lead in this case the factor to divide by is 2, as a
2-gram sample is used.
Red Lead.—Determine the percentage of red lead present as
outlined under the Analysis of Red Lead.
Iron.—Treat 1 gram of the sample with 10 cc. of water and
just sufficient nitric acid, added drop by drop, to cause com-
plete solution. Heat to boiling to oxidize all the iron and de-
termine it colorimetrically.
Copper.—Copper may be rapidly and accurately determined
by the method described on page 335. The following gravimetric
method, however, may be found more convenient if only a few
determinations are to be made.
Twenty grams of the litharge contained in a 200-cc. flask are
dissolved in nitric acid (50 cc. concentrated nitric acid to 100
ec. water). Boil to complete solution. Add 40 cc. of dilute sul-
phuric acid (1:1), boil gently for one hour and allow to cool.
Filter off the lead sulphate and wash the precipitate thoroughly.
Nearly neutralize all the free acid present with ammonium
hydroxide, render slightly acid with hydrochloric acid, warm
the solution and pass in hydrogen sulphide until no further pre-
cipitation of suphide occurs. Filter off the precipitate with-
out washing, using some of the filtrate to transfer the last traces
of sulphide to the filter paper. Dissolve the precipitate in a little
nitric acid and wash the filter paper thoroughly with hot water.
Add 8 cc. of concentrated sulphuric acid, evaporate until the
white fumes of sulphuric acid are evolved and allow the solu-
tion to cool. Add a little water and allow to stand for some
hours. Filter off the lead sulphate, washing with hot water
containing a little sulphuric acid.
Heat the filtrate to boiling and precipitate the copper as sul-
phide with hydrogen sulphide in an ammoniacal solution. Filter
off the copper sulphide through an ashless filter paper, wash,
ignite and weigh in a covered porcelain crucible, from which
the heat and cover are occasionally removed for a few seconds.
The precipitate will consist of a mixture of CuO and Cu,S.
Since the percentage of copper is the same in both of these, the
copper may be determined by multiplying the amount found by
the factor 0.7988.
Silica.—Digest 5 grams of the sample in a covered casserole ~
with 2 grams of potassium chlorate and 15 ec. of dilute nitric
acid (1:1). Evaporate to dryness and dehydrate. Treat the
residue, after cooling, with hot water and nitric acid. Heat to
boiling, and filter the solution through an ashless filter paper.
Wash the residue and filter paper thoroughly with hot acid
ammonium acetate solution, made up to a strength as outlined
on page 310. Should the residue show a trace of iron, wash it
thoroughly with dilute hydrochloric acid. Complete the wash-
ing with hot water, dry, ignite and weigh as SiO,. The residue
may be volatilized with hydrofluoric acid, if there is any doubt
regarding the purity of the silica.
The silica is present as lead silicate and free silica. The above
method determines the total content of silica. The free silica
may be determined by dissolving the litharge in dilute nitric
acid. Heat to boiling, filter, wash, ignite and weigh as silica.
ON ee eee ee
The following portion of Walker’s* method, will suffice for the
examination of Mercury Vermilion. Should the analyst desire
to determine the sulphide of mercury present or make a more
complete examination—reference may be made to the original
True vermilion, or, as it is generally called, English ver-
milion, is sulphide of mercury. On account of its cost it is
rarely used in paints, and is liable to gross adulteration. It
should show no bleeding on boiling with alcohol and water and
no free sulphur by extraction with carbon disulphide. A small
quantity mixed with five or six times its weight of dry sodium
carbonate and heated in a tube should show globules of mercury
on the cooler portion of the tube. The best test for purity is the
ash, which should be not more than one-half of 1%. Make the
determination in a porcelain dish or crucible, using 2 grams
of the sample. Ash in a muffle or in a hood with a very good
draft, as the mercury fumes are very poisonous. It is seldom
necessary to make a determination of the mercury. Genuine
mercury vermilion is at the present time little used in paints.
Organic Reds.—Organic lakes are used for most of the bril-
-jiant red, scarlet and vermilion shades. These organic coloring
matters are sometimes precipitated on red lead, orange mineral
or zinc oxide; but as a usual thing the base is barytes, whiting
or china clay. Paranitraniline red, a compound of diazotized
paranitraniline and beta-napthol, is largely employed; but a
number of colors may be used. The examination of these reds
follows the method as communicated to the writer by BE. F. Hick-
Qualitative Tests for Reds.—In qualitatively testing ver-
milions (para red, toluidine red, and lithol red) the following
suggestions may be useful: (1) Para Red. The intense purple
eolor in a mixture of alcohol (ethyl or denatured) and sodium
hydroxide solution distinguishes para red from the other two.
* P, H. Walker, Miscellaneous Publications, No. 15, U. S. Bureau of
Standards, p. 32.
oe eee
(2) Toluidine and Lithol Reds. (a) Chloroform Test.—A small
amount (0.1 g. or less) of C.P. toluidine red, when stirred into _
100 ce. of warm chloroform, gives a practically clear, orange red
Solution within one hour. Lithol red under the same conditions
remains practically undissolved, even overnight, giving a nearly ©
colorless filtrate. (b) Sodium Carbonate.—C.P. toluidine red is 3
exceptionally resistant to strong alkalies and acids. A boiling
solution of fairly strong sodium carbonate will have practically
no effect on the bright orange red color of the toluidine, whereas
the lithol red (barium lake), will be converted to the sodium _
salt; make both liquids slightly acid with dilute sulphuric acid
and without filtering, place a piece of clean, freshly washed wool
in each, and allow to remain for 10 minutes. Take each piece
of wool and wash thoroughly with mild soap and water, taking ‘
care to wash off any absorbed pigment particles. The lithol
dyes the wool a fast, uniform pink (coral) color that will not
wash out; the toluidine does not dye the wool.
Percentage of Pigment in Paste or Paint.—Weigh accurately —
about 15 g. of the paste or paint into a weighed centrifuge tube.
Add 20 to 80 ce. of petroleum ether, mix thoroughly with a glass
rod, wash the rod with more of the petroleum ether, and add
sufficient of the reagent to make a total of 60 cc. in the tube.
Place the tube in the container of a centrifuge, surround with
water, and counter-balance the container of the opposite arm
with a similar tube or a tube with water. Whirl at a moderate
speed until well settled. Decant the clear supernatant liquid.
Repeat the extraction twice using petroleum ether. After draw-
ing off the last extract, set the tube on top of a warm oven for
10 minutes, then in an oven at 110 to 115° C. for two hours.
Cool, weigh, and calculate the percentage of pigment. Grind
the pigment to a fine powder, pass through a No. 80 screen to
remove any skins, and keep in a stoppered bottle.
Analysis of Pigment.—Test the pigment first qualitatively.
Place a small portion of the pigment in a 50 ec. beaker and add
about 25 cc. of alcoholic KOH or NaOH. Para-red will turn a
dark reddish purple. Pour off the colored solution, and repeat
until all the color is in solution and a white base remains. Add
a little HNO, to some of the base to show the presence of car-
bonate. A white base, giving no effervescence or test for CO,,
ee ee a ee ee ee
is probably composed of silicates or silicate and barium sulphate.
Occasionally the base contains orange mineral; the addition of
HNO, will turn this pigment brown and bleach out on adding
a few drops of dilute NaNO, solution.
Percentage of color.—wWeigh accurately about 0.5 g. portion
of the pigment into a 250 cc. beaker, add about 100 ce. of warm
chloroform, and stir with a glass rod, breaking up any lumps.
Decant the colored solution through a weighed Gooch crucible,
and leave the residue in the beaker. Add a 50 cc. portion of
chloroform to the residue and stir well with a glass rod, break-
ing up any lumps. Decant the colored solution through the
Gooch crucible and repeat the washing of the residue in the
beaker with 50 ce. more of chloroform. Finally transfer the
residue onto the Gooch crucible, and continue the washing with
chloroform from a wash bottle until the base is white or the
washings colorless. Dry the Gooch crucible at 105-110° C. to
constant weight and report the loss as “‘pure color.”
NoTe.—In case the examination of the pigment shows calcium carbonate
to be absent and the base to be barium sulphate and silicates, a direct loss
on ignition using 1 g of the sample will generally check the above within
0.5 per cent.
In case the base contains calcium carbonate, hydrated clays,
alumina, etc., an ignition loss can not be calculated to organic
color, since the results are too high, due to loss of combined
water in the clay.
The above method for percentage of color will give in most
cases a base free from organic color with about 250-300 cc. of
Some samples have been washed with the following mixture
for the percentage of color and satisfactory results were ob-
10 vol. ethyl ether
6 vol. benzol
4 vol. methyl alcohol
1 vol. acetone
Make alkaline with NaOH
This is followed with alcoholic NaOH, alcohol and ether.
In separating the pigment from the vehicle, petroleum ether
has been found to dissolve out only a slight amount of organic
Another suggested solvent for separating the pigment from
vehicles is a mixture of two-thirds to three-quarters petroleum
ether and one-third to one-quarter ethyl ether. Benzol or the
mixed solvents mentioned above do not work well with some
samples of vermilion paint. The reader is also referred to Fed-
eral Specification Board Specification No. 66 for Red Knamel,
in the back of this book.
Ee ee ae a ae ee can eee
Added Coloring Matter.—Test the pigment successively with
hot water, 95 per cent ethyl alcohol, alcoholic NaOH or KOH and
acetic acid. Chloroform, NaOH, H.SO, HCl-stannous chloride,
and other reagents may be tried.* The presence of an organic
color may often be noted by the characteristic odor given off
on ignition.
Loss at 100° C.—Heat 2 g. in a steam-jacketed oven at atmos-
pheric pressure for three hours, or to constant weight.
Loss on Ignition.—Ignite a portion in a covered porcelain
crucible to constant weight. This may include combined water,
CO.,, organic matter, and some SO, if much CaSO, is present.
CO, may be determined on a separate portion of the sample if
Free Acid or Alkali.mBoil 10 g. of sample with 100 cc. of
water; filter and wash. Test filtrate with litmus paper; if acid,
titrate with standard alkali and methyl orange and calculate to
the equivalent of H,SO,. If alkaline, titrate with acid and cal-
culate to the equivalent of Na,O. Test filtrate for alkali salts
and alkaline earths.
Insoluble, Iron Oxide, Etc.—Digest 2.5 g. of the sample (previ-
ously roasted at a low temperature if much organic matter is
present; if very low in carbonaceous matter a little KC1O, or
NaClO, may be used in effecting solution) with 25 cc. of HCl
(adding a little HNO, or chlorate, if not already added), wash
off cover, and evaporate to dryness. Take up with HCl and
water, filter, wash with dilute HCl and cold water. Make the
filtrate up to 500 cc., mix, and examine as below.{ Ignite the
* For details consult Zerr, “Tests for Coal-Tar Colors in Aniline Lakes,”
(English translation by C. Meyer); Schultz and Julius, “A Systematic
Survey of the Organic Coloring Matters’; Hall, “The Chemistry of Paints
and Paint Vehicles”; and Mulliken, “Identification of Pure Organic Com-
pounds,” Commercial Dyestuffs, Vol. III.
+ It is inadvisable to use platinum unless it is known that attacking sub-
stances are absent.
+ For more exact work this filtrate should be evaporated to dryness and
SiO. removed.
residue and weigh as “insoluble matter;’§ if this contains —
BaSO, it may be determined by fusing with six times its weight —
of Na,CO,, cooling, digesting with hot water, filtering, and wash- E
ing the residue with hot water until free of sulfate. a
Remove filtrate and place beaker used for the digestion under. oe
neath the funnel, pierce the filter with the glass rod, and wash —
the residue with a little water into the beaker; then pour hot —
dilute HCl (1:1) over paper, and finally wash with hot water. ‘
If necessary add more HCI to the beaker to dissolve the BaCO,;
heat to boiling, add dilute H,SO, in slight excess, let stand about
one hour on steam bath; filter, wash, dry, ignite, and weigh
BaSO,. (This subtracted from total insoluble will give “‘in-
soluble silicious matter,” if it is desired to so report.) If it is
desirable to analyze the insoluble silicious matter, this can be ©
done by the usual methods for silicate analysis, but the results 5
should be reported as a separate analysis. } A
For the determination of iron place 100 ce. of the first filtrate
in a flask, add about 3 g. of granulated zine, put a funnel into .
the neck of the flask, heat when the action slackens; if basic —
salts separate out add a few drops of HCl. When the reduction ¢
is complete, add 30 ec. of H,SO, (1:2), and as soon as the
residual zine is dissolved, wash down the funnel inside and out
and the neck of the flask with a fine jet of water, filling the
flask (1000 ce.) about two-thirds full, cool in water, add 10 cc.
of “titrating solution” (made by dissolving 160 g. of manganese
sulfate in water, diluting to 1750 cce., adding 330 cc. of HeEvO}
Sp. gr. 1.72, and 320 ce. of concentrated H,SO,), and titrate with
KM..9,. (5.659 g. per liter) that has been standardized against
Bureau of Standards sodium oxalate. Run a blank on the zine,
correct for same and calculate total iron as Fe,O,. Instead of
adding the zinc to the solution, the reduction may be effected in
a zine reductor.*
The Fe,0, may also be determined by the K,Cr,O, method.
Lime.—Dilute an aliquot of 100 ce. of the original solution to
about 200 ce., add 10 ce. of HCl, make alkaline with NH,OH, @
add 2 or 8 ec. of bromine water, and boil till excess of NH, is. .@
Pee en) a eee en a ee
§ If the insoluble contains appreciable amounts of Fe it will be necessary —
to fuse it with Na.CO, or K.S.0; to determine total Fe in samples. ee
‘§ Lord and Demorest, “Metallurgical Analysis,” 1918, pp. 28-29.
¢ Ibid., pp. 21-26.
expelled. Let settle, wash by decantation, redissolve in HCl,
and reprecipitate with NH,OH and bromine water. (Precipi-
tate = Fe,O,.Al,0,.TiO, .P,0O,.MnO,.) This precipitate may be
ignited and weighed if desired.
To the combined filtrates add a few drops of NH,OH, heat to
oiling, and add an excess of saturated ammonium-oxalate solu-
- ion; continue the boiling until the precipitate becomes granular,
‘et stand about 30 minutes, filter, and wash with hot water till
free of ammonium oxalate,* place beaker in which precipitation
“was made under the funnel, pierce apex of filter with stirring
rod and wash precipitate into beaker with hot water, pour
warm dilute H,SO, (1:4) through paper and wash a few times;
add about 30 cc. of H,SO, (1:4), dilute to about 250 cc., heat
to 90° C. and titrate at once with standard KMn0O, solution
(solution should not be below 60° C. when end-point is reached).
Calculate to CaO. (The Fe value of KMnO, x 0.502 = CaO.)
The calcium-oxalate precipitate may be ignited to constant
weight as CaO. If desired, magnesia may be determined as
Mg,P,0, in the usual manner in the filtrate from the calcium
oxalate. t
Soluble Sulfates.—Treat 1 g.t of the pigment (roasted gently
if much organic matter is present) with 30 cc. of HCl, boil 10 ©
minutes, add about 50 cc. of water, boil, filter, and wash with
hot water. Heat the solution to boiling, add NH,OH, filter
and wash a few times with hot water; dissolve precipitate in
hot dilute HCl and reprecipitate with NH,OH, wash well with
hot water. Render united filtrates just distinctly acid with HCl,
boil, add by drops with stirring excess of 10 per cent BaCl,
solution, boil about 10 minutes, filter on a Gooch crucible, wash
with hot water, ignite and weigh as BaSO,. Calculate to SO,
or CaSQ,.
Total Sulfur other than that Present as BaSO,.—Treat 5 g.
of the sample in a covered porcelain dish with 50 cc. of aqua
* For more exact work this precipitate should be dissolved in HCl and
the calcium oxalate reprecipitated as above.
7 If desired, a direct determination of Al,.O; may be made on an aliquot
of the solution or on the HCl solution of the NH.OH precipitate by Peters’
phosphate method (this will include titanic acid) as described by Blair,
“The Chemical Analysis of Iron,” and Philips, “Methods of Iron Analysis
Used in the Pittsburgh District.”
; {If low in soluble sulfates use a larger portion of sample.
; ’
regia (LHNO,:9 HCl) and evaporate to dryness on steam bath.
Add 20 ec. of concentrated HCl and about 250 cc. of water, make
double NH,OH precipitation; determine BaSO, as given under
“Soluble Sulfates.”’
Cuprous Oxide Red in Antifouling Paints.—The red cuprous
oxide used in antifouling paints can be analyzed in accordance
with the following method. Weigh accurately about 0.25 g. of —
the dry sample into a 250-ce. ground glass stoppered Erlenmeyer
flask. Add 10-15 cc. of acid ferric chloride solution (200 g.
FeCl,. 6 H,O in 500 cc. of 1:1 HCl), and a few glass beads, stop- —
per, and rotate until the oxide is completely dissolved (usually
within 2 or 3 minutes on high-grade finely ground samples).
Warm on the steam bath, if necessary, but it is not advisable and
generally unnecessary. Add 5 cc. of syrupy phosphoric acid,
200 cc. of cool distilled water, and titrate the ferrous iron with
decinormal KMn0O, to the first permanent (30 seconds) color
change. A blank (usually about 3 drops) should be run on the
1 cc. O. 1 N KMn0O, = 0.00636 g. Cu.
= 0.00716 Cu,O
Loss at 100° C., loss on ignition, insoluble matter, total or
soluble iron, alumina, lime and sulfur may be determined as
outlined under the ‘‘Methods for Analysis of Indian Reds, etc.,”
using 1 g. or an aliquot corresponding to this weight.
Lead Chromate.—If present, the lead is removed in the above
scheme by nearly neutralizing the filtrate from the insoluble
matter with NH,OH, cooling, and passing in H.S, to precipitate
PbS. Filter, wash with water, containing H.S, dissolve PbS
in hot dilute HNO,, add 10 cc. of concentrated H,SO,, evaporate
till SO, is evolved, cool, dilute to 200 cc., let stand a few hours,
filter on a Gooch crucible, wash with 1 per cent H,SO,, ignite,
and weigh PbSO,. Calculate to PbO or Pb. Heat the filtrate
from the PbS to expel H,S, oxidize with a little HNO., and make
up to volume if working on more than 1 g.
The iron is best determined in an aliquot by the K,Cr.,O,
method. Another aliquot is treated with NH,OH, the precipi-
tate containing AI,O,.Fe,0,.Cr,0;.P,0,.TiO,. Lime and MgO
may be determined in filtrate. |
The NH,OH precipitate is dissolved in hot dilute HCl, wash-
ing paper with hot water, cooled, oxidized with Na,O., boiled
to expel H,O,, cooled, cover glass washed off, diluted to about
150 cc., and acidified with H,SO,. Add a measured excess of
ferrous ammonium-sulfate solution — (NH,),Fe(SO,).,.6H,O,
12.4 g.; concentrated H,SO,, 50 cc.; and water to make 1 liter,
and titrate back with standard K,Cr,O, solution to determine
its value in terms of the latter. The Fe value of the K,Cr,O,
solution « 0.5969 = CrO..
Or, moisten 1 g. of the pigment with water, add 5 cc. of con-
centrated HCl, boil a few minutes, cool, add Na,O, in excess,
boil to expel H,O., cool, wash off cover glass, dilute, acidify with
H.SO,, and titrate CrO, as above.
Analyze as given under “‘Method for Analysis of Indian Reds,
etc.” Insoluble matter may be treated with HF and H.SO, to
determine SiO, by loss if desired.
After gently roasting to destroy organic matter, test as given
under “Methods for Analysis of Indian Reds, etc.”
Manganese.—Manganese is determined by the bismuthate |
method.* Ignite gently (to destroy organic matter) 1 g. of the ©
sample in a platinum dish, cool, add 10 cc. of water, 4 cc. of
concentrated H,SO, and about 20 cc. of HF (if necessary, add —
a little sulfurous acid). Evaporate until the H,SO, fumes freely, —
cool and dissolve in 25 ec. of HNO, (1 part concentrated HNO,
to 3. parts water). If no appreciable residue remains, transfer —
to a 100-cc, volumetric flask, using 25 ec. of HNO, (1:3) to —
rinse the dish, dilute to the mark with water, mix thoroughly. —
If there is an appreciable residue, filter on a small filter, wash
with water, ignite residue in a platinum crucible, and fuse with
a little sodium or potassium pyrosulfate. Dissolve in water,
with the addition of a little HNO,, add to the main filtrate,
evaporate nearly to dryness, take up in HNO, (1:8) and trans-
fer to the flask as before. Pipette an aliquot of 10 cc. into a
200-cec. Erlenmeyer flask, add 30 cc. of water and 10 cc. of con-
centrated HNO., sp. gr. 1.4; add about 0.5 g. of sodium bis-
muthate, heat for a few minutes, or until the pink color has dis-
appeared with or without the precipitation of MnO,. Add a
few small crystals of sodium or potassium nitrate to dissolve —
the MnO, and boil the solution several minutes to expel nitrous
fumes (a little Na,CO, will aid this). Add water to bring the
volume up to 50 cc. and cool to about 15° C.; add about 0.5 g. —
of bismuthate and shake the flask well. Add 50 cc. of water
containing 30 cc. of concentrated HNO, to the liter, filter by suc-
tion through an asbestos felt into a 300-cc. Erlenmeyer flask
and wash with 50 to 100 cc. ofthe same acid. Run in a meas-
ured volume of standard ferrous ammonium-sulfate solution and
titrate to a faint pink color with standard KMnO, solution. The
number of cubic centimeters of the KMnO, solution obtained,
subtracted from the number corresponding to the volume of
ferrous solution used, will give the volume of KMnO, equivalent
to the manganese in the sample, which, multiplied by the value
of the KMnO, in Mn, gives the weight of manganese in the por-
tion of sample used.
* Blair, “The Chemical Analysis of Iron.”
Standard KMnO, Solution —tThe solution of KMnO, is com-
posed of 1 g. dissolved in a liter of water. The Fe value of this
solution X 0.1968 = Mn. This solution may be _ standardized
against Bureau of Standards sodium oxalate (using about 0.05
to 0.1 g.)* Weigh of Na,C,O, x 0.1639 = Mn. Twelve grams
of (NH,).Fe(SO,),.6H,O, 25 cc. of concentrated H,SO,, and 25
cc. of H,PO,, sp. gr. about 1.7, are made up to 1 liter with water.
The value of this solution should be determined against the
KMn0O, each day as follows:
Measure into a 200-cc. Erlenmeyer flask 50 cc. of HNO,
(1:3), cool, add a little bismuthate, dilute with 50 cc. of 3-per-
cent HNO.,, filter by suction through an asbestos felt into a
300-cc. Erlenmeyer flask, and wash with 50 cc. of 3-per-cent
HNO,. Run in 25 ec. of the ferrous solution and titrate with
KMn0O, solution. Instead of titrating the permanganic acid
formed by the bismuthate with the ferrous solution and then
titrating back with KMn0O,, a direct titration with standard
sodium arsenite solution may be made.t
*W. Blum, “Original Communications, Eighth International Congress
of Applied Chemistry,” Vol. I, pp. 61-85.
+ Lord and Demorest, “Metallurgical Analysis,” 1913, p. 82.
A pure chrome yellow should contain only lead chromate and .
other insoluble lead compounds.
Added Coloring Matter.—Test the pigment successively with
hot water, 95-per-cent ethyl alcohol, and chloroform. The solu-
tions should remain colorless. Other reagents may be tried.*
Moisture.—Heat 2 g. at 105° C. for two hours. The loss in
weight is reported as moisture.
Insoluble Matter.—Treat 1 g. with 25 cc. of concentrated HCl
and boil for from 5 to 10 minutes in a covered beaker adding
about 6 drops of alcohol to the boiling liquid, one at a time.
Dilute to 100 cc. with hot water and boil for from 5 to 10 min-
utes (the solution should be complete). Filter the hot solution
(if insoluble matter is present) and wash with boiling water
till washings are free from lead and chlorine. Ignite the insolu-
ble matter, weigh, and examine for SiO,, BaSO,, and Al1,O,. |
Total Lead.—Nearly neutralize with NH,OH the filtrate from
the insoluble matter (or the original solution), dilute to about
300 cc., and pass into the clear solution a rapid current of H,S
until all of the lead is precipitated as PbS. Let the precipitate
settle, filter, wash with water containing some H.S. Boil the
filter and precipitate with dilute HNO, until all of the lead has ~
dissolved, filter, and wash thoroughly with hot water. To the —
filtrate, add 10 cc. of H,SO, (1:1), evaporate until copious
fumes of SO, are evolved, cool, add about 75 cc. of H,O and then
75 ec. of 95-per-cent ethyl alcohol. Let stand about one hour, —
filter on a Gooch crucible, wash with dilute alcohol, dry, ignite,
and weigh as PbSO,.
Chromium (Iron, Aluminum) .—Heat the filtrate from the
PbS to expel H.S and, if iron is present, add a few drops of
* For details consult Zerr, “Tests for Coal-Tar Colors in Aniline Lakes”
(English translation by C. Mayer) ; Schultz and Julius, “A Systematic Sur-
vey of the Organic Coloring Matters’; Hall, “The Chemistry of Paints and
Paint Vehicles”; and Mulliken, “Identification of Pure Organic Compounds,”
Commercial Dyestuffs, Vol. ITI.
HNO, and boil about two minutes. Render the solution just
alkaline with NH,OH, boil a few minutes, filter, and wash with
hot 2-per-cent NH,Cl solution. (If the sample contains an
appreciable amount of zinc, a double precipitation should be
made.) In the absence of iron and aluminum this precipitate
may be ignited and weighed as Cr,O,. If iron and aluminum are
present, dissolve the NH,OH precipitate with hot dilute HCl,
washing the paper with hot water; cool, add NH,OH until alka-
line, and then add Na,O, (about 1 g.), keeping the beaker cov-
ered. Digest until all of the chromium and aluminum have been
dissolved, adding more Na,O, if necessary. Filter off the
Fe(OH),, wash thoroughly with hot water, ignite and weigh
as Fe,O,; or, dissolve the precipitate in HCl and determine the
Fe content volumetrically. Make up the filtrate from the
Fe(OH), to 250 ce. in a graduated flask, and mix. Render an
aliquot portion acid with H,SO,, boil to expel any free oxygen,
cool, add an excess of standard (NH,).Fe(SO,)..6H,O solution
and titrate back with N/10 K,Cr,0, solution, using K,Fe(CN),
as outside indicator. (The CrO, may also be determined by
acidifying the aliquot portion with acetic acid, precipitating as
PbCrO, or BaCrO,, and finally weighing on a Gooch crucible.)
To determine Al,O,, make an aliquot portion of the filtrate from
the Fe (OH), acid with HCl, and then just distinctly alkaline
with NH,OH, heat to boiling, let settle, filter, wash with hot 2-
per-cent NH,Cl solution, ignite and weigh as Al,O,. If iron and
aluminum are not to be determined or are present in negligible
amounts, the first NH,OH precipitate may be dissolved in dilute
HCl, oxidized with Na,O., acidified with H,SO,, boiled, and CrO,
determined volumetrically. The CrO, in the absence of other
Oxidizing substances, may be determined on 1 g. of the pigment
by Schwartz’ method (Fresenius Quantitative Chemical An-
alysis, Ed. 6, Vol. 1, p. 424).
Zinc, Calcwm, and Magnesium.—Precipitate any zinc in the
filtrate from the first NH,OH precipitate with H,S, filter, wash
with dilute (NH,).S, dissolve the zine sulfide in dilute HCl,
and determine the Zn content volumetrically by K,Fe(CN),
method. In the filtrate from the zine sulfide, determine calcium
by the oxalate method and magnesium as Mg.,P.0..
Sulfuric Anhydride.—Heat 1 g. of the pigment with 10 cc. of
concentrated HCl until free chlorine is expelled, add about 300
ec. of water and boil; filter off any insoluble matter and wash
thoroughly with hot water, heat to boiling, and precipitate with
BaCl, solution in the usual manner. Keep the solution hot while
filtering off the BaSO, and wash with hot water until the wash-
ings show no lead or chlorine.
Carbon Dioxide.—Determine carbon dioxide by the evolution
method, using dilute HNO.,, free from oxides of nitrogen.
Water-Soluble Matter.—Weigh 5 g. of the pigment on to a
weighed Gooch crucible (containing asbestos, and dried at 110°
C.), wash six times with 25-cc. portions of cold water; dry at
110° C. and weigh. The loss in weight, corrected for moisture
(as determined above), represents the soluble salts removed by
the water. The washing may be examined, if desired.
Calculations.—Calculate CrO, to PbCrO,, and SO, to PbSO,
if calcium is absent. If CO, is present and calcium and man-
nesium are absent, calculate to (PbCO,),.Pb(OH).. Report
any residual Pb as PbO. If calcium is present, calculate to
CaCO, if CO, is also present. If calcium and SO, are present
and CO, is absent, calculate to CaSO,. If calcium, CO,, and SO,
are present, calculate to CaCO,; any residual calcium is then
calculated to CaSO,. Report zinc as ZnO.
This pigment is a chemically precipitated pigment containing
approximately 68 per cent barium sulphate, the balance consist-
ing principally of yellow cadmium sulphide with some zinc sul-
phide. It is not affected by hydrogen sulphide. For moisture,
water soluble, total sulphides, and oxides, see methods for litho-
Method for Cadmium and Zine Sulphides.—Take 1 gram of
the sample in a 200 cc. beaker, add 15 cc. of concentrated HCl,
mix, and add in small portions about 1 g. KCIO,, then heat on
the steam bath until about half of the liquid is evaporated and
the yellow color of the CdS has disappeared. (If necessary, a
few ce. of concentrated HNO, may be added at this point to ef-
fect the solution of the CdS.) Then add 15 ce. of 1-1 sulphuric
acid and evaporate to fumes of SO,. Cool, dilute with 100 cc. of
water, filter off, and weigh the insoluble barium sulphate and
examine it for alumina and silica (not likely to be present).
To the filtrate from the insoluble, add water until volume is
200 cc. Cool and pass a rapid stream of H,S gas through the so
lution for 15 minutes. Add dilute NH,OH, drop by drop until
yellow cadmium sulphide begins to precipitate. Heat the solu-
tion to about 90° C. and again pass H.S for five minutes. Boil the
solution for a few minutes, let settle, and filter through close-
grained paper, washing the precipitated CdS with cold 10% sul-
phuric acid and with hot water. Save filtrate for zinc.
Dissolve the sulphide on the filter in 1-2 HCl in a clean beaker,
add 15 cc. (1-1) sulphuric acid, take to fumes, and repeat pre-
cipitation of CdS. Filter through weighed Gooch crucible, wash
with 10% sulphuric acid and hot water, dry at 110° C. for one
hour, and weigh as CdS.
Combine the two filtrates from the CdS precipitation cool
thoroughly, make slightly alkaline with NH,OH, and pass a rapid
stream of H,S gas for ten minutes. Heat to boiling, let settle,
filter on fine-grained paper, wash well, and ignite carefully in
crucible to ZnO. Factor ZnO to ZnS = 1.1975.
The analysis of these blues, as is generally the case with pig-
ments, does not necessarily give results which can be used to
grade samples, the strength and color tests being most impor-
Movrsture.—Heat 2 g. of the pigment at 105° C. for two hours.
The loss in weight is reported as moisture. A “dry” Prussian
blue should contain less than 7 per cent of moisture.
Insoluble Matter.—Ignite 1 g. of the pigment in a porcelain
dish at a low temperature, just high enough to decompose the
last. trace of blue, but not high enough to render the iron diffi-
cultly soluble in HCl. Cool, add 15 cc. of HCl and a few drops of
bromine, cover with a watch-glass, and digest on the steam
bath; wash off cover, evaporate to a syrup, add water, boil,
filter, wash with hot water, ignite the residue and weigh.
Examine the insoluble residue for silica, barium sulfate, and
alumina. A pure Prussian blue should show no insoluble residue.
Iron and Aluminum.—Determine iron and aluminum in the
filtrate from the insoluble matter by precipitation with NH,OH
in the usual manner. A double precipitation is desirable. Ignite
and weigh Fe,0,-+ Al,O,, deduct Fe,O, (calculated from total
Fe), and calculate Al,O, to Al.
Calcitum.—Determine calcium in the filtrate from the Fe,0,
+ Al,O, by precipitation with ammonium oxalate ; titrate with
KMn0O,, or, ignite and weigh as CaO. Acidify the filtrate from
the calcium oxalate with HCl and dilute to a definite volume and
Sulfuric Acid.—Determine sulfuric acid in an aliquot of the
above solution as BaSO, in the usual manner.
Alkali Metal and Alkaline Salts.—Evaporate an aliquot of
the above solution with sulfuric acid, ignite (treating with solid
ammonium carbonate), and weigh. Determine whether the
alkali metal is sodium or potassium and subtract the alkali metal
corresponding to the sulfate (SO,) found. The remainder is
alkali combined with the blue and is reported as Na or K.
Total Iron—Decompose and dissolve 1 g. of the pigment as.
under “Insoluble Matter,” reduce, and determine the total iron
with KMnO, or K,Cr,0,. There should be not less than 30 per
cent, calculated on the dry pigment.
Total Nitrogen.—Determine the total nitrogen on a 1-g. sam-
ple of the pigment by the Kjeldahl-Gunning Method, digesting
for at least 214 hours. The sulfuric acid should not blacken,
which would indicate organic adulteration.
Water-Soluble Matter.—Weigh 2.5 g. of the pigment into a
graduated 250-cc. flask, add 100 cc. of water, and boil for five
minutes. Dilute with water, let stand until at room tempera-
ture, make up to mark, mix and let settle. Filter through dry
paper and discard the first 25 cc. Transfer 100 cc. of the clear
filtrate to a weighed dish, evaporate to dryness on a steam-bath,
ary in-an oven at 105° C. for 30 minutes, cool and weigh.
Calculations —The percentage of Prussian blue may be ob-
tained with sufficient accuracy for commercial purpuses by mul-
tiplying the percentage of nitrogen by 4.4 or the percentage of
iron (in the absence of other iron pigments) by 3.03.*
NoTEe.—Some blues, e. g-, Chinese blue, may contain tin salts. Others
may contain manganese or chromium compounds. The presence of these
compounds should be determined by a qualitative examination at least.
Heckel Method for Iron in Prussian Blue.—In a method for
the examination of Prussian blue, worked out by James E.
Heckel, the sample is heated in an open crucible, gently at first
and later with strong heat. The contents of the crucible are
then brushed into a beaker, also placing the crucible in the
beaker if any of the Fe,O, clings to it. Heat with 25 cc. con-
centrated HCl and add 3 cc. SnCl,. In about fifteen minutes
solution is complete. If the crucible has been placed in the
beaker, remove it after rinsing with distilled water into the
beaker, and transfer the solution to a 500-cc. flask, washing out
all FeCl, from beaker. Make up to mark with distilled water.
Concentrate a 100-cc. aliquot portion and reduce with SnCl..
Stir constantly, adding the material, drop by drop, from a
burette until apple-green color is produced—from chrome-
oxidized blues. For chlorate-oxidized blues, the SnCl, is added
* Parry and Coste, The Analyst, Vol. 21, pp. 225 to 230 (1896).
until complete disappearance of the yellow color. At once pour
in 50 ce. cold HgCl, and 50 ec. MnSO,, dilute with cold distilled
water to about 600 cc. and titrate with KMnO,. For those in-
terested in this method, see files of Drugs, Oils and Paints.
An analysis is of little value for determining the quality of
pure ultramarines, but is useful in the identification of foreign
admixtures. Practical tests as to the stability and compatibil-
ity of the pigment in mixtures with other pigments, coloring
power, tint, fineness, fastness to light, etc., are more important
than chemical analysis.
Moisture.—Heat 2 g. of the pigment at 105° C. for two hours,
cool and weigh. The loss in weight is reported as moisture.
Silica.—Treat 1 g. of the pigment in a covered dish or cas-
serole with 30 cc. of HCl (1:1), heat until decomposed, wash
off and remove cover, and evaporate to dryness on the steam-
bath. Moisten with concentrated HCl and again evaporate to
dryness, add 1 to 2 cc. of concentrated HCl, let stand about 5
minutes, add hot water, filter and wash the insoluble matter
with hot water. If great accuracy is desired, evaporate the
filtrate to dryness, take up with HCl and water, filter on a
second paper, wash, and add the residue to the main insoluble.
Ignite the insoluble matter, cool and weigh. Determine SiO, by
volatilization with H,SO, and HF. Make a qualitative examina-
tion of any residue that may remain.
Alumina.—Render the filtrate from the silica faintly alkaline
with NH,OH, boil a few minutes, filter, wash with hot 2-per-
cent NH,Cl solution, ignite and weigh as Al,O,( + Fe,0,). For
more accurate work, dissolve the Al(OH), precipitate in HCl
and reprecipitate as above.
Sodium Oxide—Acidify the filtrate from the Al,O, with
H.SO,, evaporate to dryness, ignite (finally adding solid am-
monium carbonate) and weigh as Na,SO,. Calculate to Na,O.
If calcium is present it should be precipitated with ammonium
oxalate in the filtrate from the Al,O,, ignited and weighed as
CaO, and the sodium determined in the filtrate from the calcium
oxalate, as described. .
Total Sulfur.—Mix 1 g. of the ultramarine with 4 FOOL
Na,CO, and 4 g. of Na,O, in a nickel crucible, cover with about 1
g. of Na,CO, and fuse, using an aluminum or asbestos shield
to prevent the sulfur being taken up from the gas. Dissolve
the fused mass in dilute HCl, filter and wash, if necessary (there
should be no insoluble residue), precipitate with BaCl, and de-
termine total sulfur by weighing as BaSO,. Calculate to S.
Sulfur Present as Sulfate——Dissolve 1 g. of the pigment in
dilute HCl, boil to expel H.S, and filter if necessary; make the
solution faintly alkaline, with NH,OH and just distinctly acid
with HCl, and treat with BaCl, in the usual manner. Calculate
BaSO, to SO, and to S.
Sulfur Present as Sulfide-—Subtract the sulfur present as
sulfate from the total sulfur.
This pigment is essentially a compound of the oxides of alum-
inum and cobalt.* Certain shades of ultramarine blues are often
sold under the name “cobalt blue.”
Moisture.—Heat 2 g. of the pigment at 105° C. for 2 hours.
The loss in weight is reported as moisture.
Alumina.—Fuse 1 g. of the pigment with 12 to 15 g. of sodium
or potassium pyrosulfate cool, digest with water and HCl, filter,
and wash the residue with hot water. Make the filtrate up
to 250 cc. in a graduated flask and mix. Ignite the residue,
cool, weigh, and examine for SiO, and BaSO,. Dilute an aliquot
portion of the filtrate to 200 cc., add 5 g. of NH,Cl, heat to boil-
ing, and add dilute NH,OH till just distinctly alkaline (a few
drops of 0.2-per-cent alcoholic solution of methyl red is recom-
mended as indicator). Boil for one or two minutes, filter at
once, dissolve the precipitate with HCl, and reprecipitate as
before. Filter, wash thoroughly with hot 2-per-cent NH,Cl
(or NH,NO,) solution, ignite, and weigh as AI,O.,.
Calcium and Magnesium.—Unite the filtrates from the AI,O,,
saturate with hydrogen sulfide, filter, and determine calcium and
magnesium in the filtrate in the usual manner.
Cobalt Oxides.—Subtract the determined constituents from
100 and report the difference as cobalt oxides, unless a qualita-
tive examination shows the presence of other substances in sig-
nificant amounts. Should the pigment contain phosphoric acid
(or arsenic acid) in more than negligible amounts, these must
* “ Analysis of Paint and Varnish Products,” C. D. Holley, p. 210 (1912).
be removed before determining aluminum, calcium and mag-
Total Lead.—The total lead content is determined by the vol-
umetric method for lead as outlined under Basic Sulphate-White
Total Sulphur.—Treat 0.5 gram with 10 cc. of water and a
few ec. of bromine water. Boil gently until all the bromine has
passed off. Dilute with water, add another portion of bromine
water, boil, and continue the treatment until the sediment has
become white in color. Add 8 cc. of nitric acid, evaporate until
the brown fumes of nitric acid have disappeared, dilute with
water and add an excess of sodium carbonate. Determine as
outlined under Basic Sulphate-White Lead.
Lead Sulphate-—On a separate sample determine the lead
sulphate as outlined under Sublimed White Lead, by transposi-
tion of the sulphate with sodium carbonate.
Lead Sulphite.—Boil one and one-half: grams of the sample
with 3 grams of sodium carbonate, allow to stand, filter and
thoroughly wash. To the filtrate add 3 cc. of bromine water,
heat gently to oxidize the sodium sulphite to sulphate, acidify
with HCl and precipitate the sulphate with barium chloride.
Filter, wash and weigh in the usual manner. The barium sul-
phate formed will contain both the sulphur present as sulphate
and that present as sulphite converted to sulphate. Deduct the
amount present as sulphate and calculate the remainder to lead
Lead Sulphide.—Deduct the sulphur present as sulphate and
sulphite from the total sulphur and report the difference as lead
Lead Carbonate.—A small amount of lead may be present as
carbonate. Determine the carbonic acid present as outlined
under Basic Carbonate White Lead, and calculate this carbonic
acid to lead carbonate.
Lead Oxide.—Deduct the lead present as lead sulphate, lead
ae tee } sNora ieiay eee of Chemical Analysis,” Lunge-Keane, Vol. III,
t “The Chemical Analysis of Lead and its Compo .
White, pp. 22-24, mpounds,” Schaeffer and
sulphite, lead sulphide and lead carbonate from the total lead
and report the difference as lead oxide.
Zine Oxide—Determine the zine present as outlined under
Sublimed White Lead, and report it as Zine Oxide.
Carbon and Volatile Matter—lIgnite the sample in a partially
covered crucible at a low heat for two hours. Report the differ-
ence as carbon and volatile matter.
A pure chrome green should contain only Prussian blue and
pure chrome yellow. A microscopic examination should be made
to determine whether the green is a combined precipitation
product, which is of the greater value, or one mixed after sep-
arate precipitation. A good green will show the presence of
green and blue particles, while a poor green will show yellow
and blue particles mixed with green. .
Moisture.—Heat 2 g. of the pigment at 105° C. for two hours.
The loss in weight is reported as moisture.
Insoluble Matter.—Heat gently 1 g. of the pigment in a small
porcelain dish until the blue color has been decomposed. The
heating should be carried out very carefully so as not to render
the iron difficultly soluble. (With some very pure chrome greens
it may be advantageous to mix the sample with 2 to 5 times its
weight of pure barium sulfate or pure anhydrous sodium car-
bonate before igniting.) Let cool, transfer to a beaker, and de-
termine insoluble matter as outlined in Section 5 for Yellow
Lead.—Determine lead in the filtrate from the above as out-
lined in Section 6 for Yellow Pigments.
Iron, Alumina and Chromium.—Determine iron, aluminum >
and chromium in the filtrate from the PbS as outlined for Yel-
low Pigments, making a double precipitation.
Zinc, Calcium, and Magnesium.—Determine zinc, calcium and
magnesium in the filtrate from the iron, aluminum and chrom-
ium determination as outlined for Yellow Pigments.
Carbon Dioxide.——Determine carbon dioxide by the evolution
method, using dilute HNO, (1:5).
Sulfuric Anhydride.—Heat gently 1 g. of the pigment, cool,
transfer to a beaker, add 30 ce. of concentrated HCl, cover, and
heat on a steam-bath for about 30 minutes (in some cases, the
iron compounds will go into solution more readily by letting the
solution stand for some time at room temperature and then heat-
ing). Wash off cover, add 50 cc. of boiling water, boil for five
minutes, filter, render the filtrate faintly alkaline with NH,OH,
then slightly acid with HCl, heat to boiling, and precipitate with
BaCl, (15 cc. of 10-per-cent solution) in the usual manner, boil-
ing about ten minutes. Filter, wash with hot water, ignite, and
weigh the BaSO,,.
Nitrogen.—Determine nitrogen on a l-g. portion of the pig-
ment by the Kjeldahl-Gunning Method, digesting for at least
214 hours.
Water-Soluble Matter.—Weigh 2.5 g. of the pigment into a
graduated 250-cc. flask, add 100 ec. of water, and boil for five
minutes. Dilute with water, let stand until at room tempera-
ture, make up to the mark, mix, and let settle. Filter through
dry paper and discard the first 25 ec. Transfer 100 cc. of the
clear filtrate to a weighed dish, evaporate to dryness on a steam-
bath, dry in an oven at 105° C. for 30 minutes, cool and weigh.
The black pigments include those which contain carbon as
their essential constituent. The introduction of asphaltic and
coal-tar mixtures complicates their chemical analysis. For those
pigments which contain coal-tar mixtures, recourse may be had
to works* covering this matter thoroughly.
The analysis of the simple black pigments may be carried out
in the following way:
Moisture.—Dry 2 grams at 105° C. for two hours.
Oil.— Extract 2 grams, with ether in a fat-extraction ap-
Carbon.—Determine the carbon by difference after determin-
ing the moisture, oil and ash. For an exact determination of
carbon make a combustion test, absorbing the carbon dioxide in
soda-lime or caustic potash as usual.
Ash.—Ignite 2 grams to a bright red heat until all the carbon
is driven off. If graphite is present, the ignition should be car-
ried out with the aid of oxygen. Should carbonate be present,
mix the ash with a small amount of ammonium carbonate and
again ignite, thus reconverting to carbonate any oxide which
may have been formed.
Analysis of Ash.—The ash is boiled with concentrated HCl
and the insoluble residue determined in the usual manner. The
filtrate is examined for calcium, magnesium and phosphoric acid.
Calculate the magnesium to phosphate, any residual phos-
phoric acid to calcium phosphate and any residual calcium to
Gases.—Black pigments such as lamp or gas blacks may con-
tain as high as 15 per cent absorbed or adsorbed gases. High
vacuum is necessary to free such gases from the pigment.
* Allen’s “Commercial Organic Analysis,” 4th Edition; “The Analysis of
Paints,” Gardner and Schaeffer.
Accelerated roof expusure tests, 197
Accelerated testing cabinets, 71
Accelerated testing vs. exterior ex-
posure, 76
Accelerated weathering test chart,
Acetone in lacquer, 287
Acid number of varnishes, 246
Acid resins, 262
Acid test, 279
Acidity, Effect of on light resist-
ance, 123
Acidity of lacquers, 285
Air-liquid tension, 155
Alkali resistance test, 279
Aluminwm oxide in aluminum stear-
ate, 190
Aluminum stearate, 181
Aluminum stearate solutions, 186
American Society for Testing Ma-
terials tests on insulating
varnishes, 276
American Society for Testing Ma-
terials tests on shellac, 267
American vermilion, 358
Analysis of aluminum stearate, 191
bituminous paints, 296
driers, 255
paints, 213
- paint oils, 218
paint vehicles, 213
pyroxylin coatings, 283
resins, 258
white paint, 304 et seq.
Anthraquinone tests, 302
Antifouling paints, 208, 204, 354
Antimony oxide, 304, 327
Apparatus for oil absorption, 108
specific gravity, 84
testing shellac, 275
Abestine analysis, 327
Ash in varnishes, 246
Asphalts, 301
Asphalt tests, 301
Barium carbonate, 304
Barytes analysis, 329
Basic chromate yellows, Analysis of,
Bending test of films, 13
Benzol, 289
Benzol in paints, 217
Bituminous cement, 293
japans, 295
paints, 293
Analysis of, 296
varnish, 293
Black pigments, 370
Blanc fixe analysis, 329
Bleached shellac, 272
Blue pigments, 362
Blown oil test on thinners, 178
Boiled linseed oil, Constants of, 219
Bone dry shellac, 272
Brightness and hiding power of pig- ©
ments, 28, 24, 28
Brightness of white pigments, 210
Bulking values of
colors, 89
paint liquids, 88
pigments, 89
Cadmium lithopone, 360
Calcium pigments, Analysis of, 328
Calculating analysis of lead pig-
ments, 315
Camphor in lacquer, 289
Candlenut oil constants, 219
Caramel solutions, Color strength of,
Carbon dioxide apparatus, 307
Catfish oil constants, 220
Celluloid in varnish, 254
Cellulose acetate in varnish, 254
nitrate in varnish, 254
stability, 292
Te ———ee—e_e—_e_—_—_—eeeeeeee
Chemical examination of aluminum
stearate, 188
Chia oil constants, 219
Channel catfish oil constants, 219
China clay analysis, 327
Chinese blue, 362
Chinese wood oil analysis, 239
in paints, 217
specifications, 239
constants, 219
Chrome green, 368
yellows, 358
Coal tar pitch, 302
Coating apparatus, Experimental, 13
Cobalt blue, 365
drier, 255
Coefficient of diffuse reflection of
pigments, 80
Color analyzer, Keuffel & Esser, 42
change cabinet, 61
chip maintenance, 45
of varnishes, 167
white pigments, 210
standards for varnishes, 165
strength of caramel solutions, 166
systems, 34, 35
Colorgraphing color, 43
Colorimeter for white
Pfund, 21, 22
Colorimeters, 34, 36, 38
Colorimetric determination of cop-
per, 336
Colors, Method for testing, 206
Colors, Wave length of, 46, 47
Condition of pigments on absorbing
oil, 117
Consistency of stearate
Constants of oils, 219, 220
Cooper-Hewitt ultraviolet light, 125
Copper oxide in paint, 354
paint, 354
Corroded white lead, 304
Corn oil constants, 219
Cottonseed oil constants, 219
Cumaron resin, 266
Cryptometer, Pfund, 19, 20
Cyanide blue, 362
Detection of special oils in paints,
spirit varnish components, 252
Diazo reaction, 303
Dielectric strength tests, 277
Diffuse reflection of pigments, Co-
efficient of, 80
Discoloration of interior whites, 61
Distillation range of mineral spirits,
Distillation range of thinners, 171
Draft test apparatus, 247
Draft test on varnish, 247
Drier analysis, 255
Driers in
paints, 216
varnishes and pigmented enamels,
Drying time meter, 56
Du Nouy surface tension apparatus,
Eastlack-Booge test for lithopone,
Eastman Universal Colorimeter, 38
Effect of acidity on light resistance, —
Effect of colors on hiding power, 26
Effect of
lacquer upon metal, 285
solvents upon resins, 259, 260
ultraviolet light on pigments, 146
Elasticity of paint films, 17
Ester gum, 265
Evaporation effects, 169
Evaporation speed of lacquer sol-
vents, 291
Experimental coating apparatus, 138
Exposure tests on
antifouling paints, 203, 204
metal paints, 195
paints and varnishes, 193, 199
paper, 12
Exterior exposure vs. accelerated
testing, 76
Figuring bulking values of paint, 90
Film gauge, Pfund, 27
Films, Elasticity of, 17
Hardness of, 68
Hiding power of, 17
Nelson tests on, 17
paint, Testing of, 11
Pet OR Se ee ga ee eee ee ee Yee
strength of, 14-16
tested for hardness, Photomicro-
graphs of, 69
thickness of, 14-16
Use of microscope for examining,
Fineness, Greene method for determ-
ining, 101
of paint pigments,. 91
testing apparatus, 95, 96
Fish oil
constants, 220
in paints, 217
Fixed oils and resins in varnish, 248
Flake red lead analysis, 343
Flash point of varnishes, 246
Flaxseed analysis, 237
examination, 237
Flow curves of paints and varnishes,
Flowing values of paints and var-
nishes, 54, 55
Flowmeter, 48
Fossil resin analysis, 258
Fur seal oil constants, 220
Fusibility of resins, 261
Gardner photomicrographic camera
for exterior tests, 106
Gardner-Holdt colorimeter, 165
viscometer, 150
Gas resistance of varnishes, 247
test apparatus, 247
Gel test apparatus for
stearate, 185
Gels of aluminum stearate, 189
Grapeseed oil constants, 219
Graphic analysis of sublimed white
lead, 315
Grayfish oil constants, 220
Green pigments, 368
Greene method for determining fine-
ness, 101
Gypsum, 304
Hardness of films, 68
Heat test, 279
Heat test for tung oil, 240
Heating test on tung oil, 244
Heavy bodied linseed oil, Constants
of, 219
Hempseed oil constants, 219
Hexabromide numbers on oils, 234-
Hexabromide test on oils, 224
Hiding power,
Effect of colors on, 26
of films, 17, 21
of pigment-oil mixtures, 27
of pigments, 28, 25
tests, Shaded paper for, 18
Humidity cabinet for testing films,
Indian red, 351
Insulating varnishes, 276
Interfacial tension, 154
apparatus, 158
Iron arc
equipment design, 135
test on lithopone, 134, 138-142
Iron cyanide blues, 362
Japanese wood oil constants, 219
Kapok seed oil constants, 219
Kauri gum reduction tests on min-
eral spirits, 177
Keuffel & Esser color analyzer, 42
Lacquer analysis, 293
Lacquer components, 292
Lake colors, Qualitative tests for,
Lead chromate, 358
drier, 255
oxide analysis, 333
Leaded zinc, 304, 316
Light resistance of lithopone, 128
Linseed oil
analysis, 218
constants, 219
Litharge analysis, 336
Lithographic linseed oil, Constants
Litho] red, Analysis of, 348
Lithopone, 304
analysis, 321, 360
Light resistance of, 123
tests for darkening, 142
Lumbang oil constants, 219
Manganese drier, 255
Marine exposure tests, 204
Mcllhenny-Steele method on shellac,
Melting point of resins, 261
Menhaden oil constants, 220
Mercury arc tests on pigments, 80
Method of determining texture of
pigments, 119
Microscope, Use of, for examining
films, 64
Mineral spirits, Distillation range of,
Sulphur test on, 179
Testing, 175
Moist cabinet for testing paints, 58
Moisture in shellac, 271
Mullen’s tester, 10
Nelson cabinet, 71
test on paint films, 17
New Jersey Zinc Company’s accele-
rated testing cabinet, 72
Non-volatile matter, 281
Ochre analysis, 355
Oil absorption
of colors, 207, 208
factors on pigments, 110
of pigments, 107, 111
Oil analysis, 218 et seq.
constants, 219, 220
in flaxseed cake, 237
test, 280
Opacity of pigments to ultraviolet
light, 147
Optical dispersion of tung oil, 245
Orange mineral analysis, 339
pigments, 358
Organic color in red lead, 344
lakes, 847
red pigments, 347
Oticia oil constants, 219
Palo Maria oil constants, 219
Panels for exposure tests, 194
Paper, Tests on, 12
Para red, 347
Peanut oil constants, 219
Perilla oil constants, 219
Permeability of films, 10
Pfund paint testing instruments, 19-
22,21, 29, 308
Photographing pigments, 102
Photographs of exposed lacquers,
varnishes and paints, 202
Photomicrographic camera for ex-
terior tests, Gardner, 106
Photomicrographs of films tested for
hardness, 69
of paint texture, 121
of paint and varnish films, 65-67
of pigments, 98-100, 102, 104, 105
of pigment screens, 92
of pigment texture, 121
Physical character of films, 9
Examination of paint materials, 9
properties of white pigments, 210
Pig lead analysis, 336
Pigment in lacquer, 285
Plasticity of paints and varnishes,
51, 55
Plasticity and yield value, 48
Polymerized oils and resins, 249
Poppyseed oil constants, 219
Prince’s metallic red analysis, 351
Protein in oil cake, 288
Prussian blue, 362
Pycnometer for specific gravity, 86
Pyroxylin lacquer coatings, 283
Quality test on tung oil, 244
Quartz tube mercury lamp, 73
Raisinseed oil constants, 219
Raw Linseed oil, Constants of, 219
ee ee ee ee ae ee ee ee
_—— P , ‘
ill ee tet
ee ee ee oe
Red lead analysis, 333, 339
oxide of iron analysis, 351
Reporting conditions on exposure
tests, 196
Resinates in paints, 216
Resin acids, 262
Resin analysis, 258, 266
Solubility of, 259, 260
in varnish, 248
Rosin, 265
in shellac, 269, 273
oil constants, 219
Routine testing methods for white
pigments, 210
Rubberseed oil constants, 219
Salmon oil constants, 220
Saponification value of lacquers, 288
Sardine oil constants, 220
Schaeffer analytical methods, 348
Seal oil constants, 220
Sesame oil constants, 219
Settling test for pigments, 211
Shaded paper for hiding power
tests, 18
Shark oil constants, 220
liver oil constants, 220
Shellac purity by Steele-McIlhenny
method, 273
Shellac testing, 267
weighing, 275
Ship paints, 204
Sienna analysis, 355
Silica analysis, 327
Skate liver oil constants, 220
Soft lumbang oil constants, 219
Softening point of resins, 261
Solids in lacquer, 286
Solubility of resins, 261
Solutions for shellac testing, 268
Solutions for testing oils, 218
Solvent in varnishes, 246
Source of ultraviolet energy, 78
Soya bean constants, 219
Special oils in paints, Detection of,
Specific gravity
apparatus, 82, 84
of colors, 89
of paint liquids, 85, 88
of pigments, 81, 89
Speed of evaporation of thinners,
Spectrophotometers, 34, 40
Spirit varnishes, 352
Spreading rate of paints, 32, 33
Standard solutions for testing oils,
Stearate solutions, 183
Steel panel exposure tests, 195
Steele-McIlhenny method on shellac,
Steele & Washburn test, 225
Strength of films, 14-16
Sublimed blue lead analysis, 366
Sublimed white lead, 304, 310
Sulphur test on mineral spirits, 179
Sunflower oil constants, 219
Surface tension, 154
of paint oils and liquids, 157
Synthetic resin, 265, 266
Talking machine record tests on pig-
ments, 98-100
Tar pitch, Coal, 301
water gas, 302
wood, 302
Tension of paint liquids, 160
Testing cabinets, 71 et seq.
Testing colors for tone and strength,
Testing paint films, 11
Testing the light resistance of litho-
pone, 124
Texture of pigments, 118
Thickness of films, 14-16, 30, 31, 33
Thinners, Blown oil test on, 178
Distillation range of, 171
Effect of upon viscosity, 174
Evaporative rate of, 173
Viscosity effects induced by, 169
Tinting strength of white pigments,
Titanium oxide, 304
Titanox analysis, 324
paint analysis, 326
Toluidine red, 348
Total solids in lacquer, 286
Tricresyl phosphate, 289
Tuna fish oil constants, 220
Tung oil constants, 219
test apparatus, 240
testing, 239
Turpentine, 175
Tuscan red analysis, 351
Ultramarine blue, 364
Ultraviolet energy, Source of, 78
light for testing cabinet, 73
opacity tests, 147, 148
tests on pigments, 146
Umber analysis, 355
Use of microscope for examining
films, 64
Uviare lamp, 125
test on lithophone, 126-134
Varnish analysis, 246
Varnishes, Color of, 167
Viscosity of, 174
Vehicles, Analysis of, 213
Venetian red analysis, 355
Vermilion analysis, 347, 358
Viscosity, Effect of different thin-
ners on, 174
effects induced by thinners, 169
of stearates, 184
varnishes, 149, 174, 284
in poises, 151
Volatile constituents in lacquer, 287
Volatiles in paints and varnishes,
216, 248
Washburn and Steele test, 225
Water absorption tests, 279
gas tar, 302
in oil cake, 237
Wave length measurements on pig-
ments, 80
of colors, 46, 47
pigments, 41
Whale oil constants, 220
White lead, 304
White paint analysis, 304 et seq.
White pigments, Brightness of, 210
Color of, 210
Physical properties of, 210
Routine testing methods for, 210
Tinting strength of, 211
Whiting analysis, 328
Wood oil constasts, 219
Wood tar, 302
Yellow lithopone, 360
pigments, 358
Yellowing of whites, 61
Yellow tailfish oil constants, 220
Yield of paint, 90
Yield values, 48
Zine lead, 304
oxide, 304
analysis, 317
The specifications issued to date, in so far as they are available at
the Government Printing Office, have been bound in this volume.
The list is given below:
ards ___ fications
er Board Edition Title
° 0)
82 4 2nd Edition—Linseed Oil.
84 5 29nd Edition—Basic Carbonate White Lead.
85 6 2nd Edition—Basic Sulphate White Lead.
86 c 2nd Edition—Turpentine.
87 8 2nd Edition—Zine Oxide.
2nd Edition—Leaded Zine Oxide.
89 10 2nd Edition—White and Tinted Paints (Exterior).
90 11 2nd Edition—Red Lead.
91 12 2nd Ediiton—Ocher.
93 13 2nd Edition—Iron Oxide Paints.
94 14 2nd Edition—Black Paint.
97 15 3rd Edition—Green Paint.
98 16 2nd Edition—Mineral Spirits.
102 17 Ist Edition, corrected—Composite Thinner.
103 18 3rd Edition—Spar Varnish
104 19 9nd Edition—Asphalt Varnish.
105 20 29nd EKdition—Liquid Paint Drier.
111 21 2nd Edition—Flat Interior Lithopone Paint.
117 22 2nd Edition—Interior Varnish.
146 66 Sept., 1923—Water-Resisting Red Enamel.
147 67 Sept., 1923—Gloss Interior Lithopone Paint.
163 115 Feb., 1924—Titanium Pigment, Dry and Paste.
At a recent meeting of the Federal Specifications Board, two new
specifications were adopted and will be printed in the very near fu-
ture. Copies may possibly be obtained about the first of April, 1925,
from the Government Printing Office, Washington, D. C., at five
cents each. These specifications will be designated as follows:
Bureau Specifi-
of cations
Stand- Board
ards Spectfica-
Circular cation Title
No. 0. k :
DOO re a Specification for Heavy Rust Preventive Com-
Rr eae Nitanox-Zine Exterior Paint.
February 1, 1925.
RY OTS As Te ial Gs ae
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S. W. STRATTON, Direcior
No. 82
[2d edition. Issued June 8, 1922]
ee ee
This Specification was officially adopted by the Federal Specifications Board,
on February 3, 1922, for the use of the Departments and Independent Establish-
ments of the Government in the purchase of materials covered by it.
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S. W. STRATTON, Director.
No. 84.
[2d edition. Issued July 3, 1922.]
This Specification was officially adopted by the Federal Specifications Board on
February 3, 1922, for the use of the Departments and Independent Establish-
ments of the Government in the purchase of materials covered by it.
Teel IE MS, ei Be LY 2 ep I
en, eee ee ee ee, 2
3. Laboratory examination of dry pigment.........................-.-... 2. 3
4. Laboratory examination of paste...........:...... Bis OS Rae dds TREE 4
eS Oa re es a OG an Rae a Ok 7
Basic carbonate white lead may be ordered in the form of dry
pigment or paste ground in linseed oil. Material shall be pur-
chased by net weight.
(2) Dry PicmMeNnt.—The pigment shall be the product made
from metallic lead and shall have a composition corresponding
approximately to the formula 2PbCO,.Pb(OH),. It shall be
thoroughly washed after corroding, shall be free from impurities
and adulterants, and shall meet the following requirements:
106568 °—24
2 Circular of the Bureau of Standards
Color—Color strength.—When specified, shall be equal to that
of a sample mutually agreed upon by buyer and seller.
I pa sn omer
Minimum, | Maximum.
Per cent. | Per cent.
Coarse particles retained on Standard No. 325 SCFeeN............ 2 cee ndt een eee efasar ere canes 1.0
Fead carbomate,.. cc. veg. occs cyece epee ls home esinee nine shove’ al 1008s s Gees 65. 0 75.0
Total impurities, including moisture..........-..+++++rerreeesstrrertseetetetetstestsssses ees 2.0
(b) Paste.—The paste shall be made by thoroughly grinding
the above-described pigment with pure raw or refined linseed oil.
The paste as received shall not be caked in the container and
shall break up readily in oil to form a smooth paint of brushing
consistency. ‘The paste shall consist of:
Minimum. | Maximum.
Pigment) 2002 dic tels ones coco tensed seus tenann na ea» Vester a ata hi
Linseed Of)... oc ss cede ecu se cacweessae ema aes Ap at ho «bin sivs sy fee rs 8 10
Moisture and other volatile matter............. 0.0. .e ee ece terete ete nee eee elec eee ee eeees 0.7
Coarse particles and ‘‘skins’’ (total residue retained on No. 325 screen based on
pigment)... ...ce.ciseeceenecenseecuneeeaueee cee snl ens tanianhi)s at AN ois se 1.5
Nore.—Deliveries will, in general, be sampled and tested by the following methods, but the purchaser
reserves the right to use any additional available information to ascertain whether the material meets the
It is mutually agreed by buyer and seller that a single package
out of each lot of not more than 1,000 packages shall be taken as
representative of the whole.
With the dry pigment, this package shall be opened by the
inspector and a sample of not less than 5 pounds taken at random
from the contents and sent to the laboratory for test. When
requested, a duplicate sample may be taken from the same pack-
age and delivered to the seller, and the inspector may take a
third sample to hold for test in case of dispute.
Whenever possible, an original unopened container shall be
sent to the laboratory with the paste; and when this is for any
reason not done, the inspector shall determine by testing thor-
oughly with a paddle or spatula whether the material meets the
requirement regarding not caking in the container. (See 4 (a).)
After assuring himself that the paste is not caked, the inspector
shall draw a sample of not less than 5 pounds of the thoroughly
mixed paste, place it in a clean dry metal or glass container,
which must be filled with the sample, closed with a tight cover,
sealed, marked, and sent to the laboratory for test with the
inspector’s report on caking in container. .
Specification jor Basic Carbonate White Lead, Dry and Paste 3
(a) CoLlor.—Take 1 g of the sample, add 10 to 12 drops linseed
oil, rub up on a stone slab or glass plate with a flat-bottomed
glass or stone pestle or muller to a uniform smooth paste. Treat
in a similar manner 1 g of the standard basic carbonate white
lead. Spread the two pastes side by side on a glass microscope )
slide and compare the colors. If the sample is as white or whiter
than the ‘‘standard,”’ it passes this test. If the standard is whiter
than the sample, the material does not meet the specification.
(b) CoLoR STRENGTH.—Weigh accurately 0.01 g of lampblack,
place on a large glass plate or stone slab, add 5 drops of linseed
oil, and rub up with a flat-bottomed glass pestle, or muller, then
add exactly 10 g of the sample and 45 drops of linseed oil, and
grind with a circular motion of the muller 50 times; gather up
with a sharp-edge spatula and grind out two more times in a
like manner, giving the pestle a uniform pressure. Treat another
0.01 g of the same lampblack in the same manner, except that 1o
g of standard basic carbonate white lead is used instead of the 10
g of the sample. Spread the two pastes side by side on a glass
microscope slide and compare the colors. If the sample is as
light or lighter in color than the standard, it passes this test. If
the standard is lighter in color than the sample, the material does
not meet the specification.
(c) Coarse ParTICLES.'—Dry in an oven at 105° to 110° C. a
No. 325 screen, cool and weigh accurately. Weight 25 g of the
sample; dry at 100° C.; transfer to a mortar, add 100 cc kero-
sene, thoroughly mix by gentle pressure with a pestle to break
up all lumps, wash with kerosene through the screen, breaking
up all lumps, but not grinding. After washing with kerosene
until all but the particles which are too coarse to pass the screen
have been washed through, wash all kerosene from the screen with
ether or petroleum ether, heat the screen for one hour at 105 to
110° C., cool and weigh.
(d) QUALITATIVE ANALYSIS.—Test for matter insoluble in acetic
acid, zinc, calcium, etc., by the regular methods of qualitative
(ec) MorsruRE.—Place 1 g of the sample in a tared wide-mouth
short weighing tube provided with a glass stopper. Heat with
tie fey en
1 For a general discussion of screen tests of pigments and data regarding many pigments on the market,
see Circular No. 148 of the Educational Bureau, Scientific Section, Paint Manufacturers’ Association of
the United States.
4 Circular of the Bureau of Standards
stopper removed for two hours at a temperature between 105 and
110°C. Insert stopper, cool and weigh. Calculate loss in weight
as moisture.
(f) Tota, LEAD AND INSOLUBLE ImpuRITY.—Weigh 1 g of the
sample, moisten with water, dissolve in acetic acid. If any insol-
uble residue remains, filter, dry at 105 to 110° C. and weigh as
insoluble impurity. Dilute the solution to about 200 ec, make
alkaline with NH,OH, then acid with acetic acid, heat to boiling
and add ro to 15 cc of a 10 per cent solution of sodium bichromate
or potassium bichromate, and heat until the yellow precipitate
assumes an orange color. Let it settle and filter on a Gooch
crucible, washing by decantation with hot water until the wash-
ings are colorless, and finally transferring all the precipitate.
Then wash with 95 per cent ethyl alcohol and then with ethyl
ether; dry at 100° C. and weigh PbCrO,. Calculate to lead oxide
(PbCrO, x0.69=PbO). Total lead may be determined by the
sulphate method if preferred.
(g) CARBON Diox1DE.—Determine by evolution with dilute acid
and absorption in soda-lime or KOH solution, calculate CO, to
PbCO,, subtract PbO equivalent from total PbO and calculate
residual PbO to Pb(OH),.
CO; x6.072 = PbCO,
CO, X 5.072 =Fpw
PbO X 1.197 = PbCOz
PbO X 1.08 =Pb(OH),
(a2) CAKING IN CONTAINER.—When an original package is
received in the laboratory, it shall be weighed, opened, and
stirred with a stiff spatula or paddle. The paste must be no
more difficult to break up and show no more caking than a normal
good grade of white-lead paste. The paste shall finally be thor-
oughly mixed, removed from the container, and the container
wiped clean and weighed. This weight subtracted from the
weight of the original package gives the net weight of the contents.
A portion of thoroughly mixed paste shall be placed in a clean
container and the portions for the remaining tests promptly
weighed out.
(6) MixiInc witH LINSEED O1,.—One hundred grams of the
paste shall be placed in a cup, 30 cc linseed oil added slowly with
Specification for Basic Carbonate White Lead, Dry and Paste 5
careful stirring and mixing with a spatula or paddle. ‘The result-
ing mixture must be smooth and of good brushing consistency.
rately from 3 to 5 g of the paste into a tared flat-bottomed dish,
about 5 cm in diameter, spreading the paste over the bottom.
Heat at 105 to 110° C. for one hour, cool and weigh. Calculate
loss in weight as percentage of moisture and other volatile matter.
_ (d) PERCENTAGE oF PIGMENT.—Weigh accurately about 15 g
of the paste into a weighed centrifuge tube. Add 20 to 30 cc
“extraction mixture”’ (see Reagents), mix thoroughly with a glass
rod, wash the rod with more of the extraction mixture, add
enough of the reagent to make a total of 60 cc in the tube. Place
the tube in the, container of a centrifuge, surround with water
and counterbalance the container of the opposite arm with a
similar tube or a tube with water. Whirl at a moderate speed
until well settled. Decant the clear supernatant liquid. Repeat
the extraction twice with 4o cc of the extraction mixture, and
once with 40 cc of ether. After drawing off the ether, set the
tube in a beaker of water at about 80° C., or on top of a warm
oven for 10 minutes, then in an oven at 110 to 11 5° C. for two
hours. Cool, weigh, and calculate the percentage of pigment.
(e) EXAMINATION OF PIGMENT.—Grind the pigment from (d)
to a fine powder, pass through a No. 80 screen to remove any
“skins,” preserve in a stoppered tube and apply tests 3(a), 3(b),
3(d), 3(7), and 3(g).
(7) PREPARATION oF Fatty Actps.—To about 25 g of the paste
in a porcelain casserole add 15 cc of aqueous sodium hydroxide
(see reagents) and 75 cc of ethyl alcohol, mix and heat uncovered
on a steam bath until saponification is complete (about one hour).
Add 100 cc of water, boil, add sulphuric acid of specific gravity
1.2 (8 to 10 cc in excess), boil, stir, and transfer to a separatory
funnel to which some water has been previously added. Draw
off as much as possible of the acid aqueous layer and lead
sulphate precipitate, wash once with water: then add 50 cc
of water and 50 cc of ether. Shake very gently with a whirl-
ing motion to dissolve the fatty acids in the ether, but not so
violently as to form an emulsion. Draw off the aqueous layer
and wash the ether layer with one 15 cc portion of water and then
with 5 cc portions of water until free from sulphuric acid. Then
draw off the water layer completely. Transfer the ether solution
to a dry flask, add 25 to 50 g of anhydrous sodium sulphate.
6 Circular of the Bureau of Standards
Stopper the flask and let stand with occasional shaking at a tem-
perature below 25° C. until the water is completely removed from
the ether solution, which will be shown by the solution becoming
perfectly clear above the solid sodium sulphate. Decant this clear
solution (if necessary through a dry filter paper) into a dry 100 cc
Erlenmeyer flask. Pass a rapid current of dry air (pass through a
CaCl, tower) into the mouth of the Erlenmeyer flask and heat ata
temperature below 75° C. on a dry hot plate until the ether is
entirely driven off. .
Norx.—It is important to follow all of the details, since ether generally contains
alcohol and after washing with water always contains water. It is very difficult
to remove water and alcohol by evaporation from fatty acids, but the washing of the
ether solution and subsequent drying with anhydrous sodium sulphate removes both
water and alcohol. Ether, in the absence of water and alcoliol, is easily removed
from fatty acids by gentle heat.
The fatty acids prepared as above should be kept in a stoppered ©
flask and examined at once.
(g) TEST FOR MINERAL O1.—Place 10 drops of the fatty acid
(f) in a 50 cc test tube, add 5 cc of alcoholic soda (see reagents),
boil vigorously for five minutes, add 40 cc of water and mix.
A clear solution indicates absence of more than a trace of unsaponi-
fiable matter. If the solution is not clear, the oil is not pure
linseed oil.
(hk) lopINE NUMBER OF Farry Acips.—Place a small quantity
of the fatty acids (f) in a small weighing burette or beaker. Weigh
accurately. Transfer by dropping about 0.15 g (0.10 to 0.20 g)
to a 500 cc bottle having a well-ground glass stopper, or an
Erlenmeyer flask having a specially flanged neck for the iodine
test. Reweigh the burette or beaker and determine the amount
of sample used. Add ro cc of chloroform. Whirl the bottle
to dissolve the sample. Add 10 cc of chloroform to two empty
bottles like that used for the sample. Add to each bottle 25 cc
of the Hanus solution (see reagents) and let it stand with occa-
sional shakings for one-half hour. Add 10 ce of the 15 per cent
potassium-iodide solution and 100 cc of water, and titrate with
standard sodium thiosulphate, using starch as indicator. The ti-
tration on the two blank tests should agree within 0.1 cc, From
the difference between the average of the blank titrations and
the titration on the sample, and the iodine value of the thiosul-
phate solution, calculate the iodine number of the sample tested.
(Iodine number is centigrams of iodine to 1 g of sample.) If
ee ee ae ee Se
Specification for Basic Carbonate White Lead, Dry and Paste 7
the iodine number is less than 170, the oil does not meet the
(i) COARSE PARTICLES AND ‘“‘SKINS.”—Weigh an amount of
paste containing 25 g of pigment (see 4 (d)), add roo cc kero-
sene, wash through a No. 325 screen and weigh the residue as in
10 volumes ether (ethyl ether).
6 volumes benzol.
4 volumes methyl alcohol.
1 volume acetone.
(6) AQguEOuS Soprum HyproxIpE.—Dissolve 100 g sodium
hydroxide in distilled water and dilute to 300 cc.
pure sodium thiosulphate in distilled water that has been well
boiled to free it from carbon dioxide, in the proportion of 24.83 g
crystallized sodium thiosulphate to 1,000 cc of the solution.
It is best to let this solution stand for about two weeks before
standardizing. Standardize with pure resublimed iodine.” This
solution will be approximately decinormal, and it is best to leave
it as it is after determining its exact iodine value, rather than to
attempt to adjust it to exactly decinormal. Preserve in a stock
bottle provided with a guard tube filled with soda lime.
(d) STARCH SOLUTION.—Stir up 2 to 3 g of potato starch or
5 g of soluble starch with too ce of 1 per cent salicylic acid
solution, add 300 to aoo cc of boiling water, boil the mixture
until the starch is practically dissolved, and then dilute to one
(e) Porasstum IopIDE SOLUTION. —Dissolve 150 g potassium
iodide free from iodate in distilled water and dilute to 1,000 cc.
(7) Hanus So_utron.—Dissolve 13.2 g iodine in 1,000 cc of
glacial acetic acid, 99.5 per cent, which will not reduce chromic
acid. Add enough bromine, about 3 cc to double the halogen
content, which is determined by titration. The iodine may be
dissolved by applying heat, but the solution should be cold when
the bromine is added. | .
sodium hydroxide in 95 per cent ethyl alcohol in the proportion of
2 See Treadwell-Hall Analytical Chemistry, I], 3d ed., p. 646.
8 Circular of the Bureau of Standards
about 22 g per 1,000 cc. Let the solution stand in a stoppered
bottle. Decant the clear liquid into another bottle, and keep well
stoppered. This solution should be colorless or only slightly
yellow when used, and it will keep colorless longer if the alcohol is
previously treated with NaOH (about 80 g to 1,000 cc), kept at
about 50° C. for 15 days, and then distilled.
S. W. STRATTON, Director.
No. 85.
[2d edition. Issued July 3, 1922.]
This Specification was officially adopted by the Federal Specifications Board on
February 3, 1922, for the use of the Departments and Independent Estab-
lishments of the Government in the purchase of materials covered by it.
AT RM Tos. PRS oon eke St EP Eee bis fe Phare ee I
Merete me renee CPOE Ge BE, tteis al a he ae oF Sd Be 2
S.:Laborsary examination of dry pigment): !) i). ui du. biiee an A 2
eet el Oe TIENT OL DASte Fs. ow sce sien, posh mlenyn'e anita w Aa seb vok ‘
SnaNMNE Teme re sesh, Sh Pa at OEE RA OE ARE, | ee Res 7
Basic sulphate white lead may be ordered in the form of dry
pigment or paste ground in linseed oil. Material shall be pur-
chased by net weight.
(2) Dry Picment.—The pigment shall be the sublimed product
prepared from lead sulphide ores, free from impurities and adul-
terants, and shall meet the following requirements:
Color—Color Strength.—When specified shall be equal to that of
a sample mutually agreed upon by buyer and seller.
Minimum. | Maximum.
Coarse particles: ~ Per cent. | Per cent.
etabied. on Mandard Nov425.acreen=: . sor vty oo. 4. 08.8 BSD ee ek ewe 1.0
RC ERE rece te ty eae hag eee ine ce chase Cost ae ieee 11.0 18.0
CAT GEO C ihe aole cts oy 6 te Eg Te Oe eA Pi ee TIS AO RBG a oR 9.0
20al impudties, including moisture ooo es us Has sob en ddd wes wivewsetuasacdpeuwOsaiaves 1.0
The remainder shall be lead sulphate.
2 Circular of the Bureau of Standards
(b) PasteEs.—The paste shall be made by thoroughly grinding
the dry pigment with pure raw or refined linseed oil.
The paste as received shall not be caked in the container and
shall break up readily in oil to form a smooth paint of brushing
consistency. It shall mix readily in all proportions without
curdling with linseed oil, turpentine, or volatile mineral ie
or any combination of these substances.
The paste shall consist of:
Per Sori
[ko (991) 1) eg erry aed CON EDR EO LRM MGR OMANI EM am 1.0
Pinseed Oil... Bak sh ioe oe a ks Me a BOY ee eee rN 0
Moisture and other volatile: matter...) occ. css cies wse.pesiecls selssens « ve ee ee 0.7
Coarse particles and ‘‘skins”’ ( totai residue retained on No. 325 screen, based on
PUTMNCTL) ee eed aa ce ba banaue baccevs sce un/be wb oals meu o/h-cln a alkene an 1.5
Note.—Deliveries will, in general, be sampled and tested by the following methods, but the purchaser
reserves the right to use any additional available information to ascertain whether the © matety meets
the specification.
It is mutually agreed by buyer and seller that a single package
out of each lot of not more than 1,000 packages shall be taken as
representative of the whole.
With the dry pigment, this package shall be opened by the
inspector and a sample of not less than 5 pounds taken at random
from the contents and sent to the laboratory for test.
With the paste, whenever possible, an original unopened con-
tainer shall be sent to the laboratory; and when this is for any
reason not done, the inspector shall determine, by thorough test-
ing with a paddle or spatula, whether the material meets the
requirement regarding not caking in the container. (See 4a.)
After assuring himself that the paste is not caked in the container
the inspector shall draw a sample of not less than 5 pounds of the
thoroughly mixed paste, place it in a clean dry metal or glass con-
tainer, which must be filled with the sample, closed with a tight
cover, sealed, marked, and sent to the laboratory for test with the
inspector’s report on caking in container.
When requested, a duplicate sample may be taken from the
same package and delivered to the seller, and the inspector may
take a third sample to hold for test in case of dispute.
(a) CoLor.—Take 1 g of the sample, add ro to 12 drops linseed
oil, rub up on a stone slab or glass plate with a flat-bottomed glass
or stone pestle or muller to a uniform smooth paste. Treat in
Specification for Basic Sulphate White Lead, Dry and Paste 3
a similar manner, 1 g of the standard basic sulphate white lead.
Spread the two pastes side by side on a glass microscope slide and
compare the colors. If the sample is as white as or whiter than the
“standard,” it passes this test. If the ‘‘standard’’ is whiter than
the sample, the material does not meet the specification.
(6) CoLor StRENGTH.— Weigh accurately o.o1 g of lampblack,
place on a large glass plate or stone slab, add 5 drops of linseed oil
and rub up with a flat-bottomed glass pestle or muller, then add
exactly 10 g of the sample and 45 drops of linseed oil and grind
with a circular motion of the muller 50 times; gather up with
a sharp-edge spatula and grind out twice more in a like manner,
giving the pestle a uniform pressure. ‘Treat another 0.01 g of the
satne lampblack in the same manner except that 10 g of standard
basic sulphate white lead is used instead of the 10 g of the sample.
Spread the two pastes side by side on a glass microscope slide and
compare the colors. If the sample is as light as or lighter in color
than the ‘‘standard,”’ it passes this test. If the ‘‘standard’’ is
lighter in color than the sample, the material does not meet the
(c) COARSE PaRTICLES.'—Dry in an oven at 105 to 110° C. a
No. 325 screen, cool, and weigh accurately. Weigh 25 g of the
~ sample, dry at 10o0°C.; transfer to a mortar, add 100 cc kerosene,
thoroughly mix by gentle pressure with a pestle to break up all
Jumps, wash with kerosene through the screen, breaking up all
lumps but not grinding. After washing with kerosene until all
but the particles too coarse to pass the screen have been washed
through, wash all kerosene from the screen with ether or petroleum
ether, heat the screen for one hour at 105 to 110° C., cool, and
(d) QUALITATIVE ANALYSIS. —Test for matter insoluble in
acid ammonium acetate solution, for calcium, for carbonates,
and for any other impurities suspected by the regular methods of
qualitative analysis.
(e) MorsturE.—Place 1 g of the sample in a tared, wide mouth,
short weighing tube provided with a glass stopper. Heat with
Aig removed for two hours'at a temperature between 105 and
110°C. Insert stopper, cool, and weigh. Calculate loss in weight
as moisture.
1 For a general discussion of screen tests of pigments and data regarding many pigments on the market,
see Circular No. 148 of the educational bureau, scientific section, Paint Manufacturers’ Association of the
United States.
4 Circular of the Bureau of Standards
(f) INSOLUBLE ImpuRITY AND ToTaL LeEapD.—In a 250 cc
beaker, moisten 1 g of the pigment with a few drops of alcohol;
add 50 cc of acid ammonium acetate solution. (See Reagents
5a.) Heat to boiling and boil for 2 minutes. Decant through a
filter paper, leaving any undecomposed matter in the beaker. To
the residue in the beaker, add 50 ce of the acid ammonium acetate
solution, heat to boiling, and boil for 2 minutes. Filter through -
the same paper and wash with hot water. If an appreciable
residue remains, ignite and weigh as insoluble impurity. Unite
the acid ammonium acetate solutions, heat to boiling, and add
dropwise, with stirring, a slight excess (in total about 10 to 15 cc)
of dichromate solution. (See Reagents 55.) Heat until the
precipitate assumes an orange color, let settle, filter on a weighed
Gooch crucible, wash by decantation with hot water until the
washings are colorless, and finally transfer all of the precipitate
to the crucible. Then wash with 10 cc of 95 per cent ethyl
alcohol and finally with rocc of ethyl ether. Dry at 110 to 120°
C., cool, and weigh PbCrO,. Calculate to PbO by multiplying
by the factor 0.69.
(g) Zinc Ox1DE.—Weigh accurately about 1 g of the pigment,
transfer to a 400 cc beaker, add 30 ce of HCl (1:2), boil for 2 or
3 minutes, add 200 cc of water and a small piece of litmus paper,
add NH,OH until slightly alkaline, render just acid with HCl,
then add 3 cc of concentrated HCl, heat nearly to boiling, and
titrate with standard potassium ferrocyanide as in standardizing
that solution. (See Reagents 5d.) Calculate total zinc as ZnO.
(h) LEAD SULPHATE.—Treat 0.5 g of the pigment in a 400 cc
beaker with a few drops of alcohol, add 10 ce of bromine water,
toccof HCl (1:1), and 3 g of NH,Cl. Cover with a watch glass
and heat on a steam bath for 5 minutes, add hot water to give a
total volume of about 200 ce, boil for 5 minutes, filter to separate
any insoluble matter (a pure pigment should be completely dis-
solved), and wash thoroughly with hot water. (The insoluble
matter may be ignited, weighed, and examined qualitatively.)
Neutralize the clear solution (original solution or filtrate from
insoluble matter) in a covered beaker with dry Na,CO,, add 1 g
more of dry Na,CO,, and boil 10 to 15 minutes. Wash off cover,
let settle, filter, and wash with hot water. Redissolve the precipi-
tate in HCl (1:1), reprecipitate with Na,CO, as above, filter, and
wash thoroughly with hot water. Acidify the united filtrates
with HCl, adding about 1 cc in excess. Boil to expel bromine,
Specification for Basic Sulphate White Lead, Dry and Paste 5
and to the clear boiling solution add slowly with stirring 15 cc of
barium chloride solution. (See Reagents 5¢.) Let stand on
steam bath for about one hour, filter on a weighed Gooch crucible,
wash thoroughly with boiling water, dry, ignite, cool, and weigh
as BaSO,. Calculate to PbSO,, using the factor 1. Co :
(4) CaLCULATIONS.—Calculate the percentage of PbSO, to PbO
by multiplying by the factor 0.736 and subtract the result from
the percentage of PbO found under (f); report the difference as
PbO. Report ZnO found under (g) as percentage of ZnO. Mois-
ture and insoluble matter are reported as such.’
(aq) CAKING IN CONTAINER.—When an original package is
received in the laboratory it shall be weighed, opened, and stirred
with a stiff spatula or paddle. The paste must be no more difficult
to break up and show no more caking than a normal good grade of
white lead paste. The paste shall be finally thoroughly mixed,
removed from the container, and the container wiped clean and
weighed. ‘This weight subtracted from the weight of the original
package gives the net weight of the contents. A portion of the
thoroughly mixed paste shall be placed in a clean container and
the portions for the remaining tests promptly weighed out from it.
(6) Mrxine with LINSEED Om,.—One hundred grams of the
paste shall be placed in a cup, and 30 cc of linseed oil added slowly
with careful stirring and mixing with a spatula or paddle. The
resulting mixture must be smooth and of good brushing con-
rately from 3 to 5 g of the paste into a tared flat-bottomed dish,
about 5 cm in diameter, spreading the paste over the bottom.
Heat at 105 to 110° C. for one hour, cool and weigh. Calculate loss
in weight as percentage of moisture and other volatile matter.
(d) PERCENTAGE OF PicMENT.—Weigh accurately about 15 g
of the paste into a weighed centrifuge tube. Add 20 to 30 ce of
“extraction mixture” (see Reagents), mix thoroughly with a glass
rod, wash the rod with more of the extraction mixture, and add
sufficient of the reagent to make a total of 60 cc in the tube.
Place the tube in the container of a centrifuge, surround with water,
? A method given by Schaeffer, J., Ind. and Eng. Chem., 6, p. 200 (1914), based on calculation of compo-
sition after determination of moisture, impurities, total lead, and total zinc oxide, is sometimes used. ‘This
method requires very accurate determination of Pb and ZnO, since the errors of determination are multi-
plied by approximately four in making the calculation to PbO and Pbsoa.
104952°—24 2
6 Circular of the Bureau of Standards
and counterbalance the container of the opposite arm with a sim-
ilar tube or a tube with water. Whirl at a moderate speed
until well settled. Decant the clear supernatant liquid. Repeat
the extraction twice with 4o cc of extraction mixture and once
with 4o cc of ether. After drawing off the ether set the tube in
a beaker of water at about 80° C. or on top of a warm oven for 10
minutes, then in an oven at 110 to II 5° C. for two hours. Cool,
weigh, and calculate the percentage of pigment.
(e) EXAMINATION OF PicMent.—Grind the pigment from (d) to
a fine powder, pass through a No. 80 screen to remove any ‘‘skins,”’
preserve in a stoppered tube, and examine as under 3 (a), 3(0), 3(d),
3 (f), 3(9), 3(2), and 3 (2), Laboratory Examination of Dry Pigment.
({) PREPARATION OF FaTTy Aciws.—To about 25 g of the paste
in a porcelain casserole add 15 cc of aqueous sodium hydroxide
(see Reagents), and 75 cc of ethyl alcohol, mix, and heat uncovered
on a steam bath until saponification is complete (about 1 hour).
Add 100 ce of water, boil, add sulphuric acid of specific gravity
1.2 (8 to 10 cc in excess), boil, stir, and transfer to a separatory
funnel to which some water has been previously added. Draw
off as much as possible of the acid aqueous layer and PbSO,
precipitate, wash once with water, then add 50 cc of water and
so ce of ether. Shake very gently with a whirling motion to
dissolve the fatty acids in the ether, but not violently, so as to
avoid forming an emulsion. Draw off the aqueous layer and wash
the ether layer with one 15 ce portion of water and then with 5 cc
portions of water until free from sulphuric acid. Then draw off
completely the water layer. Transfer the ether solution to a dry
flask, add 25 to 50 g of anhydrous sodium sulphate. Stopper the
flask and let stand with occasional shaking at a temperature below
25° C. until the water is completely removed from the ether solu-
tion, which will be shown by the solution becoming perfectly clear
above the solid sodium sulphate. Decant this clear solution (if
necessary through a dry filter paper) into a dry 100 ce Erlenmeyer
flask. Pass a rapid current of dry air (pass through CaCl, tower)
into the mouth of the Erlenmeyer flask and heat to a temperature
below 75° C. on a dry hot plate until the ether is entirely driven
off. The fatty acids prepared as above should be kept in a stop-
pered flask and examined at once.*
3Itis important to follow all of the details since ether generally contains alcohol and after washing
with water always contains water. It is very difficult to remove water and alcohol by evaporation from
fatty acids, but the washing of the ether solution and subsequent drying with anhydrous sodium sulphate
removes both water andalcohol. Ether, in the absence of water and alcohol, is easily removed from fatty
acids by gentle heat.
Specification for Basic Sulphate White Lead, Dry and Paste 7
(g) Test For MINERAL O1L.—Place 10 drops of the fatty acid
(7) in a 50 cc test tube, add 5 cc of alcoholic soda (see Reagents),
boil vigorously for 5 minutes, add 40 cc of water, and mix; a clear
solution indicates that not more than traces of unsaponifiable
matter are present. If the solution is not clear the oil is not pure
linseed oil.
(h) lopine NuMBER oF Farry Acips.—Place a small quantity of
the fatty acids (f) in a small weighing burette or beaker and weigh
accurately. ‘Transfer by dropping about 0.15 g (0.10 to 0.20 g)
to a 50occ bottle having a well-ground glass stopper, or an Erlen-
meyer flask having a specially flanged neck for the iodine test.
Reweigh the burette or beaker and determine the amount of sample
used. Add 1toccof chloroform and whirl the bottle to dissolve the
sample. Add 1occ of chloroform to each of two empty bottles like
that used for the sample. Add to each bottle 25 cc of the Hanus
solution (see Reagents 5) and let stand with occasional shaking
for one-half hour. Add 10 ce of the 15 per cent potassium iodide
solution and 100 ce of water, and titrate with standard sodium
thiosulphate, using starch as indicator. The titration on the two
blank tests should agree within 0.1 cc. From the difference be-
tween the average of the blank titrations and the titration on the
sample and the iodine value of the thiosulphate solution, calculate
the iodine number of the sample tested. (Iodine number is centi-
grams of iodine to1 gof sample.) If the iodine number is less than
170, the oil does not meet the specification.
(1) COARSE PARTICLES AND “SKINS.’’—Weigh out an amount
of paste containing 25 g of pigment (see d), add 1oocc of kero-
sene, wash through No. 325 screen, and weigh the residue as
in 3 (c).
(2) Acid AMMONIUM ACETATE SOLUTION.—Mix 150 cc of 80
per cent acetic acid, 100 ce of water, and 95 cc of strong ammo-
nium (specific gravity 0.90).
(6) DICHROMATE SOLUTION.—Dissolve 100 g sodium dichro-
mate (Na,Cr,0,2H,O) or potassium dichromate (K,Cr,O,) in water
and dilute to 1,000 cc.
solution of uranyl nitrate in water or a 5 per cent solution of
uranyl acetate in water made slightly acid with acetic acid.
of the pure salt in water and dilute to 1,000 cc. To standardize,
8 Circular of the Bureau of Standards
transfer about 0.2 g (accurately weighed) of pure metallic zine or
freshly ignited pure ZnO to a 400 cc beaker. Dissolve in 10 cc
of HCland 20 cc of water. Drop in a small piece of litmus paper,
add NH,OH until slightly alkaline, then add HCI until just acid
and finally add 3 cc of strong HCl. Dilute to about 250 cc with
hot water and heat nearly to boiling. Run in the ferrocyanide
solution slowly from a burette with constant stirrmg until a drop
tested on a white porcelain plate with a drop of the uranyl indica-
tor shows a brown tinge after standing 1 minute. A blank should be
run with the same amounits of reagents and water as in the stand-
ardization. The amount of ferrocyanide solution required for
the blank should be subtracted from the amounts used in stand-
ardization and in titration of the sample. The standardization
must be made under the same conditions of temperature, volume
and acidity as obtain when the sample is titrated.
(ec) BARtuM CHLORIDE SoLuTIOoN.—Dissolve 100 g of pure
crystallized barium chloride in water and dilute to 1,000 cc.
sodium thiosulphate in distilled water that has been well boiled to
free it from CO, in the proportion of 24.83 g of crystallized
sodium thiosulphate to 1,000 cc of the solution. It is best to
let this solution stand for about two weeks before standardiz-
ing. Standardize with pure resublimed iodine. (See Treadwell-
Hall, Analytical Chemistry, vol. 2, 3d ed., p. 646.) This solu-
tion will be approximately decinormal, and it is best to leave it as
it is after determining its exact iodine value, rather than to at-
tempt to adjust it to exactly decinormal strength. Preserve in a
stock bottle provided with a guard tube filled with soda lime.
(g) Srarcu SOLUTION.—Stir up 2 to 3 g of potato starch or 5
g of soluble starch with 100 ce of 1 per cent salicylic acid solu-
tion, add 300 to 400 cc of boiling water, and boil the mixture until
the starch is practically dissolved; then dilute to 1 liter.
(h) EXTRACTION MIXTURE.—Mix 10 volumes ether (ethyl ether),
6 volumes benzol, 4 volumes methyl alcohol, and 1 volume acetone.
(1) AguEOUS Soprum HyprOxIDE.—Dissolve 100 g of NaOH
in distilled water and dilute to 300 cc. |
(7) PotTasstum IopipE SoLUTION.—Dissolve 150 g of potassium
iodide free from iodate in distilled water and dilute to 1,000 cc.
(k) Hanus SoLuTION.—Dissolve 13.2 g of iodine in 1,000 cc
of glacial acetic acid, 99.5 per cent, which will not reduce chromic
acid. Add enough bromine to double the halogen content, de-
Specification for Basic Sulphate White Lead, Dry and Paste 9
termined by titration (3 cc of bromine is about the proper
amount). ‘The iodine may be dissolved by the aid of heat, but
the solution should be cold when the bromine is added.
(7) Atconotic Soprum MHyproxipE SoLuTion.—Dissolve
pure sodium hydroxide in 95 per cent ethyl alcohol in the propor-
tion of about 22 g per 1,000 cc. Letstand ina stoppered bottle.
Decant the clear liquid into another bottle, and keep well stop-
pered. This solution should be colorless or only slightly yellow
when used; it will keep colorless longer if the alcohol is previously
treated with NaOH (about 80 g to 1,000 cc) kept at about 50°C.
for 15 days, and then distilled.
S. W. STRATTON, Director
No. 86
[2d edition. October 6, 1922]
(Gum Spirits and Wood Turpentine)
This specification was officially adopted by the Federal Specifications Board,
on February 3, 1922, for the use of the Departments and Independent Establish-
ments of the Government in the purchase of materials covered by it.
Paes meet Yr cid Sia as seltieek Aes aod ea MO gethn OO I
2. Detection and removal of separated water...... 2.0... ec cece cece ececceccces 2
I Re i, os card as Ga ee ads 2
Pre ermcery Se MettAarION <6. 2. oe, Oe ROR Ee VE Woe! ED 3
Seen pe Ibiasl? oii Ale. ctr ib hoo Giese teste Be)
These specifications apply both to the turpentine which is
distilled from pine oleoresins, commonly known as gum Spirits or
spirits of turpentine, and to turpentine commonly known as
wood turpentine, which is obtained from resinous wood, whether
by steam or by destructive distillation. When ordering under
these specifications, the purchaser shall specify whether (a) gum
spirits or (b) wood turpentine is desired. When wood turpentine
is specified, it may be stated whether steam or destructively
distilled wood turpentine shall be furnished.
2 Circular of the Bureau of Standards
Turpentine shall be pure and conform to the following require-
APPEARANCE.—Shall be clear and free from suspended matter
and water.
CoLor.—Shall be ‘‘standard”’ or better.
Opor.—Shall be characteristic of the variety of turpentine
specified and, if desired, shall conform to the odor of the
sample agreed upon.
Maximum Minimum
Specific gravity, 15.5/15:5° C..i). 6s - he Ga eeeens
Refractive index at 20° C........5...... cds ee ees eT Pen 1.480 |
Initial boiling point at 760 mm pressure................ 160°C * os fee
Distilling below 170° C at 760 mm pressure (per cent)...]............, 90
Draw a portion by means of a glass or metal container with a
- removable stopper or top, or with a “‘ thief,’ from the lowest part
of the container, or by opening the bottom valve of the perfectly
level tank car. If water is found to be present, draw it all out,
record the quantity, and deduct it from the total volume of liquid
The method of sampling given under (a) should be used when-
ever feasible. When method (a) is not applicable, method (0),
(c), or (d) is to be used according to the special conditions that
(a) While Loading Tank Car or While Filling Containers for
Shipment.—Samples shall be drawn by the purchaser’s inspector
at the discharge pipe where it enters the receiving vessel or vessels,
The‘ composite sample shall be not less than 5 gallons and shall
consist of small portions of not more than 1 quart each taken at
regular intervals during the entire period of loading or filling. —
Specifications for Turpentine 3
The composite sample thus obtained shall be thoroughly mixed
and from it three samples of not less than 1 quart each shall be
placed in clean, dry, glass bottles or tin cans, which must be
nearly filled with the sample and securely stoppered with new,
clean corks or well-fitting covers or caps. “These shall be sealed
and distinctly labeled by the inspector; one shall be delivered to.
the buyer, one to the seller, and the third held for check in case
of dispute.
(6) From Loaded Tank Car or Other Large Vessel.—The com-
posite sample taken shall be not less than 5 gallons and shall
consist of numerous small samples of not more than 1 quart each
taken from the top, bottom, and intermediate points by means
of a metal or glass container with removable stopper or top.
This device, attached. to a suitable pole, is lowered to the various
desired depths, when the stopper or top is removed and the con-
tainer allowed to fill. The sample thus obtained is handled as
in (a).
(c) Barrels and Drums.—Barrels and drums shall be sampled
aiter gaging contents. Five per cent of the packages in any ship-
ment or delivery shall be represented in the sample. Thoroughly
mix the contents of each barrel to be sampled by stirring with a
clean rod and withdraw a portion from about the center by means
of a “thief” or other sampling device. The composite sample
thus obtained shall be not less than 3 quarts, shall consist of equal
portions of not less than one-half pint from each package sampled,
and shall be handled asin (a). Should the inspector suspect adul-
teration, he shall draw the samples from the suspected packages.
(dq) Small Containers, Cans, Etc., of 10 Gallons or Less.—T'hese
should be sampled, while filling, ea method (a) whenever possible;
but in case this is impossible the composite sample taken shall be
not less than 3 quarts. This shall be drawn from at least five
packages (from all when fewer), and in no case from less than
2 per cent of the packages. The composite sample thus taken
shall be thoroughly mixed and subdivided as in (a).
Samples will, in general, be tested by the following methods;
but the purchaser reserves the right to apply any additional tests
or use any available information to ascertain whether the material
meets the specifications:
(a) Appearance.—Examine to determine compliance with the
A Circular of the Bureau of Standards
(b) Color.—Fill a 200 mm perfectly flat-bottomed colorimeter
tube, graduated in millimeters, to a depth of from 40 to 50 mm
with the turpentine to beexamined. Place the tube in a colorim-
eter and place on or under it a No. 2 yellow Lovibond glass.
Over or under a second graduated tube in the colorimeter, place
a No. 1 yellow Lovibond glass and run in the same turpentine
until the color matches as nearly as possible the color in the first
tube. Read the difference in depth of the turpentine in the two
tubes. If this difference is 50 mm or more, the turpentine is
“standard’’ or better.
(c) Odor.—Determine’ by comparison with several samples of
known purity, which have been kept in the dark in completely
filled, well-stoppered bottles and are free from separated water.
(d) Specific Gravity Determine at 15. 5/15.5° C, in a pycnom-
eter accurately standardized and having a capacity of at least
25 cc, or by any other equally accurate method.
(e) Refractive Index.—Determine refractive index at 20° C with
an accurate instrument. When the refractive index is determined
at any other temperature, the readings obtained shall be corrected
to 20° C by adding to or by subtracting from the actual reading
0.00045 for each degree centigrade that the temperature at which
the determination was made is, respectively, above or below 20° C.
(f) Distillation —Apparatus.*—C ondenser.—The type of appa-
ratus (see Fig. 1) adopted by the American Society for Testing Mate-
rials for the distillation of paint thinners other than turpentine,
substituting for the thermometer there described? an immersed ther-
mometer such as is described below, is preferred. In case the
A.S.’T. M. distillation apparatus is not available, use an ordinary
straight glass-tube condenser, about 22 inches long, with 16 inches
in contact with the cooling water. The end of the condenser tube
should be fitted with an adapter or should be bent down to a
nearly vertical position, and the tip should be cut off or ground
down at an acute angle. The tip should extend a short distance
into the receiving cylinder.
Flask.—Comparable results can be obtained only by using
flasks of the same dimensions. ‘The distilling flask used shall be
the standard Engler flask, as used for petroleum distillation,
having the following dimensions: Diameter of bulb, 6.5 cm;
cylindrical neck, 15 cm long, 1.6 cm internal diameter; side or
vapor tube, 10 cm long, 0.6 cm external diameter, attached to
ee a ee
1 Fig. 1. 2A.S. T. M. Standards, p. 607; roz8.
Specifications for Turpentine 5
. neck at an angle of 75°, so that when the flask contains its charge
of 100 ce of oil the surface of the liquid shall be 9 cm below the
bottom of the junction of the side tube and neck.
Support for Flask.—Support the flask on a plate of asbestos
20 cm in diameter, having an opening 4 cm in diameter. in its:
center, and heat with an open flame. Surround the flask and
burner with a shield to prevent fluctuation in the temperature of
the neck of the flask. Or, support the flask in a metal cup, 15 to
20 cm in diameter, containing high-boiling mineral oil or glycerin
aD |
Fic. 1.—Distillation apparatus
and fitted with a concave cover having in the center a circular
opening 54 to6 cmin diameter. In all cases take the necessary
precautions to prevent fluctuation in temperature in the neck of
the flask.
Thermometer.—The thermometer used for turpentine distillation
shall conformi to the following specifications: :
It shall be graduated from 145° to at least 200° C in 0.2° inter-
vals. Thermometers graduated above 200° C may be used, pro-
vided they also comply with the following requirements: Length,
bottom of thermometer to 175° mark, not more than 8 nor less than
6 Circular of the Bureau of Standards
6.5 cm. Length, top of bulb to 145° mark, not less than 1.5 cm. |
Length, 145 to 175° mark, not more than 6 cm.
The thermometer shall be made of suitable thermometric glass
and thoroughly annealed, so that the scale errors will not increase
after continued heating. |
The thermometer shall be filled above the mercury with an inert
gas, with sufficient pressure above the mercury column to prevent
breaking of the column. It shall have a reservoir at the top, so
that the pressure will not become excessive at the highest tem-
Every fifth graduation shall be longer than the intermediate
ones, and the marks shall be numbered at each interval of 5°.
The graduation marks shall be clear-cut and fine and the number-
ing clear-cut and distinct. .
The error at any point on the scale shall not exceed +0.5° CG
when tested for total immersion of the mercury column.
Receiving Cylinder.—Collect the distillate in an accurately grad-
uated so or 100 ce cylinder. The so-called normal or precision
cylinder of 50 cc capacity, having an internal diameter of 1.5 cm
and graduated in 0.2 cc, is preferred. If a cylinder with larger
inside diameter is used, a pasteboard cover should be placed over
the top and surround the condenser tube.
OPERATION.—Place 100 ce of the turpentine and several small
pieces of pumice (or glass) in the distilling flask, fit the thermom-
eter so that the top of the mercury bulb is level with the bottom
of the side tube, and the 175° C (347° F) mark is below the cork.
Place the flask in position on the asbestos board or oil bath and —
connect with the condenser. Apply the heat cautiously at first,
and, when distillation begins, regulate the heat so that the tur-
pentine distills at the rate of not less than 4 nor more than 5 cc
per minute (approximately two drops per second). The initial
boiling point is the thermometer reading at the instant when the
first drop falls from the end of the condenser. Discontinue dis-
tillation when the temperature reaches 170.0° C (338° F), or an
equivalent thereof, depending on the atmospheric pressure, as
outlined below; let the condenser drain and read the percentage
The percentage distilled below successive selected temperatures
and the temperature at which each successive 10 ce. distills may
also be determined, if desired, making the necessary correction 0
the temperature for variations in atmospheric pressure. _ Ss
2 a
Specifications for Turpentine 4
Since distillation results are comparable only when obtained
under exactly the same pressure conditions, turpentine shall be
distilled at that pressure which, at room temperature, is equivalent
to a pressure of 760 mm of mercury ato°C. Whenever the atmos-
pheric pressure after correcting to 0° C is other than 760 mm, a
correction must be made. Since alteration of the pressure in the
distilling system requires rather complicated apparatus, it is
simpler to alter the temperature observation points to correspond to
the prevailing pressure.
To determine what the atmospheric pressure at the prevailing
room temperature, or at the temperature of the barometer, would
be at 0° C, read the barometer and thermometer alongside when
about to begin distillation. Refer to Table 1, page rz. Under the
column nearest the observed pressure reading, and on the line
nearest the observed temperature of the barometer will be found
the correction which must be subtracted from the observed pres-
sure reading to obtain the equivalent, or true, reading at 0° C.
The distilling temperature of turpentine is affected plus (-) or
minus (—) 0.057° C for each millimeter variation of the barometer
above or below the normal 760 mm ato° C2 If the barometer
reading, after correcting to 0° C, is below 760 mm, the turpen-
tine will distill at a slightly lower temperature than under normal
pressure. Therefore, the temperature recorded at the beginning
of distillation (and any others observed during the course of the
distillation) must be corrected to get its équivalent at normal
pressure. ‘The final temperature observation point (170° C of the
specifications) must be altered accordingly to get its equiva-
lent at the pressure (corrected to 0° C) at which distillation is
For example, if the barometer reading, after correcting to
o°® C, is 750 mm, the correction of the observed initial distilling
temperature will be 0.057 10=0.6° C approximately. If the
reading of the thermometer when the turpentine begins to
distill is 155.6° C, the corrected initial distilling temperature will
be 155.6°+0.6°=156.2° C. Furthermore, the temperature ob-
servation point at end of distillation (170.0° C at 760 mm) must
be altered to the same extent. Since the turpentine is distilling
0.6° C below what it would at normal pressure, distillation must
§ Landolt-Bornstein Physikalisch-Chemische Tabellen, Ed. 4, Table 127, p. 43 ce
8 Circular of the Bureau of Standards
be discontinued at 0.6° C below the specified limit of 170.0° C to
determine the percentage distilling below 170.0° C. ,
If the barometer reading corrected to 0° C is above 760 mm,
subtract the temperature correction from the observed ther-
mometer reading to determine the initial distilling point, and
continue distillation to 170.0° C plus the correction to determine
the percentage distilling below 170.0° C.
(g) Polymerization.—Place 20 cc of 38 N (equivalent to 100.92
per cent H,SO,) sulphuric acid in a graduated, narrow-necked
Babcock flask, stopper, and place in ice water to cool. Add
slowly, from a pipette, 5 cc of the turpentine to be examined.
Gradually mix the contents, keeping warm, but being very care-
ful that the temperature does not rise above 60° C. When the
mixture no longer warms up on shaking, agitate thoroughly and
place the flask in a water bath and heat at 60 to 65° C for not
less than 10 minutes, keeping the contents of the flask thoroughly
mixed by vigorous shaking for one-half minute each time, six
times during the period. Do not stopper the flask after the
turpentine has been added, as it may explode. Cool to room
temperature, fill the flask with concentrated sulphuric acid until
the unpolymerized oil rises into the graduated neck and centri-
fuge from four to five minutes at not less than 1200 r. p. m., or
for 15 minutes at 900 r. p. m., or allow to stand, lightly stop-
pered, for 12 hours. Calculate the percentage, note the consist-
ency and color, and determine the refractive index (at 20° C)
of the unpolymerized residue. The consistency should be viscous
and the color straw or darker.
REAGENT FOR TESTING.—In a weighed glass-stoppered bottle
(the regular 2'%4-liter acid bottle is of a convenient size) mix
ordinary concentrated sulphuric acid (sp. gr. 1.84) with fuming
sulphuric acid. If the fuming acid used contains 50 per cent
excess SO,, the ratio of one part, by weight, of the former to
three-fourths of a part, by weight, of the latter will give a mix-
ture slightly stronger than the required strength. To determine
‘the exact strength of this mixture in terms of H,SO,, weigh
exactly, in a weighing pipette of about 10 ce capacity, approxi-
mately 20 g of the acid. Allow it to flow down the sides of the
neck into a 1o00-cec volumetric flask containing about 200 ce of
distilled water. When the pipette has drained, wash all traces of
the acid remaining in the pipette into the flask, taking precau-
tions to prevent loss of SO,, and make up to the mark. Titrate
Specifications for Turpentine 9
20-cc portions, drawn from a burette, against half normal alkali.
Calculate the concentration in terms of the percentage of H,SO,
in the sample taken.
In the same way determine the percentage of H,SO, in the
stock of ordinary concentrated acid (sp. gr. 1.84). From these
data calculate the quantity of the
latter which must be added to the
quantity of mixed acid in the
weighed bottle to bring it to a
concentration, in terms of H,SO,, of
100.92 per cent.
After adjusting the concentration
by the addition of the ordinary
sulphuric acid, thoroughly shake the
bottle of mixed acid and again de-
‘termine its concentration. The al-
lowable variation is + 0.05 per cent
HpO).s Eimally as a check run a
polymerization test on gum turpen-
tine known to be pure. The residue
should fall below 2 per cent.
Special precautions must be taken
to prevent dilution of this acid by
the absorption of atmospheric mois-
ture. The arrangement shown in
Fig. 2 is most suitable for storing
and delivering measured quantities
of this reagent.
With the three-way stopcocks A
and B in the position shown, acid is
siphoned into the pipette P, the dis-
» placed air passing into R. To empty
the pipette, A and B are turned to
the position shawn by the broken lines, air passing in at a. The
acid adhering to the walls of the pipette dries this air so that
when it passes into R on again filling the pipette there is no
accumulation of moisture in the acid remaining in the reser-
voir. If such arrangement is not to be had, the acid should be
kept in well-fitting glass-stoppered bottles of not more than one-
_ half liter capacity.
Fic. 2.—Acid bottle and pipette
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S. W. STRATTON, Director.
No. 87.
[2d edition. Issued July 3, 1922.]
‘This Specification was officially adopted by the Federal Specifications Board on
February 3, 1922, for the use of the Departments and Independent Establish-
ments of the Government in the purchase of materials covered by it.
NE Be cide ain gS woe Sosa, so sibge dpe td UV aL Oeeh Deon I
eR MMM ee OT Tae oe ois oc eres ae Mate Sele tp OVEN ERS OE OU ee a 2
3. Laboratory examination of dry pigment............... BME, UD LN se ER OO 3
Ppaeeoe yeexaniisation Of paste. (. iss 64 a eas dyaet as 1:0 lice nae e
en mean tne ernis yl
High-leaded. Low-leaded.
Maximum. | Minimum. | Maximum. Minimum.
pian oe ops
; Per cent. | Percent. | Percent. | Per cent.
Zinc oxide (ZnO). . Looe Sa ee LE oS - eS Te aes ee 60° eaten ss ecu 93
Water soluble salts. .......------------@--+--2-2 ctr 1,0 [Sites TO ae ae
Total impurities, including MOSUL ss: < ee nese ae oe
Linseed Ol... -c-ccn- cco cccn ce weet ewes cee bnncn nec et eine bse 50 ee ee 12.0
Moisture and other volatile matter. ...--.-----------+-----++-- proto (i Rise Ripa Seno ESS
Coarse particles and “‘skins”’ (total residue left on No. 325 screen based on pigment) ese 1 a (ees “erst
Note.—Deliveries will, in general, be sampled and tested by the following methods, but the pur-
chaser reserves the right to use any additional available information to ascertaim whether the material
meets the specification. ,
It is mutually agreed by buyer and seller that a single package
out of each lot of not more than 1,000 packages shall be taken as
representative of the whole. ;
With the dry pigment, the package’ is to be opened by the in-
spector and a sample of not less than 5 pounds taken at random
from the contents and sent to the laboratory for test.
With the paste, whenever possible, an original unopened con-
tainer shall be sent to the laboratory, and when this is for any
reason not done, the inspector shall determine, by thorough
testing with a paddle or spatula, whether the material meets the
requirement regarding not caking in the container. (See 4 (a.)
After assuring himself that the paste is not caked in the con-
tainer, the inspector shall draw a sample of not less than 5 pounds
of the thoroughly mixed paste, place it in a clean dry metal or
glass container, which must be filled with the sample, closed with
Specification for Leaded Zinc Oxide, Dry and Paste 3
a tight cover, sealed, marked, and sent to the laboratory for test
with the inspector’s report on caking in container.
When requested, a duplicate sample may be taken from the
same package and delivered to the seller, and the inspector may
take a third sample to hold for test in case of dispute.
(a) CoLtor.—Take 5 g of the sample, add 1.5 cc of linseed oil,
rub up on a stone slab or glass plate with a flat-bottomed glass
or stone pestle or muller to a uniform smooth paste. ‘Treat in
a similar manner 5 g of the standard leaded zinc oxide. Spread
the two pastes side by side on a clear colorless glass plate and
compare the colors. If the sample is as white or whiter than the
“standard,” it passes this test. If the ‘‘standard’’ is whiter
than the sample, the material does not meet the specification.
(6) CoLoR STRENGTH.—Weigh accurately 0.01 g of lampblack,
place on a large glass plate or stone slab, add 0.2 cc of linseed oil,
and rub up with a flat-bottomed glass pestle or muller; then add
exactly 10 g of the sample and 2.5 cc of linseed oil, and grind
with a circular motion of the muller 50 times; gather up with a
sharp-edged spatula and grind out twice more in a like manner,
giving the pestle a uniform pressure. ‘reat another 0.01 g of
the same lampblack in the same manner, except that 10 g of
standard leaded zinc oxide is used instead of the 10 g of the sam-
ple. Spread the two pastes side by side on a glass microscope
slide and compare the colors. If the sample is as light as or lighter
in color than the ‘‘standard,’’ it passes this test. Ifthe “‘standard”’
is lighter in color than the sainple, the material does not meet
the specification.
(c). COARSE PARTICLES.'"—Dry in an oven at 105° to 110° C.
a 325 screen, cool and weigh accurately. Weigh 10 g of the
sample; dry at 1oo° C., transfer to a mortar, add 100 cc kero-
sene, thoroughly mix by gentle pressure with a pestle to break up
all lumps, wash with kerosene through the screen, breaking up all
lumps, but not grinding. After washing with kerosene until all
but the particles which are too coarse to pass the screen have been
washed through, wash all kerosene from the screen with ether or
petroleum ether, heat the screen for one hour at 105° to 110°C.,
cool and weigh. 4
1 For a general discussion of screen tests of pigments and data regarding many pigments on the market,
see Circular No. 148 of the Educational Bureau, Scientific Section, Paint Manufacturers’ Association of
the U.S.
4 Circular of the Bureau of Standards
(d) QUALITATIVE ANALYsSIS.—Test for matter insoluble in hydro-
chloric acid, lead, calcium, carbon dioxide, etc., by regular methods
of qualitative analysis.
(e) MoIstuRE.—Place 1 g of the sample in a wide-mouth short
weighing tube provided with a glass stopper. Heat with stopper
removed for two hours at a temperature between 105 and 110° C.
Insert stopper, cool, and weigh. Calculate loss in weight as
moisture. |
(f) WATER SOLUBLE SaLts.—To 10 g of pigment in a 500 cc
volumetric flask, add 200 cc of water, boil for five minutes,
nearly fill the flask with hot water, allow to cool, fill to mark, mix,
filter through a dry paper, discard the first 50 ce of filtrate,
transfer 100 cc of the filtrate (corresponding to 2 g of sample)
to a weighed dish, evaporate to dryness, heat for one hour in an
oven at 105 to 110° C., cool, and weigh, calculate to percentage
of water soluble salts.
(g) ZINC OxIDE.— Weigh accurately about 0.3 g of the pigment,
transfer to a 400 ce beaker, add 30 cc of hydrochloric acid
(1 :2), boil for two or three minutes, add 200 ce of water and
a small piece of litmus paper; add ammonium hydroxide until
slightly alkaline, render just acid with hydrochloric acid, then add
3 ce of strong hydrochloric acid, heat nearly to boiling, and
titrate with standard potassium ferrocyanide as in standardizing
the solution. (See Reagents 5 (d).) Calculate total zinc as ZnO.
(h) CALCULATIONS.—If, as will be the case with material com-
plying with the specification, no metals but zine and lead are
found by qualitative tests, add the percentage of ZnO, moisture,
and water soluble salts and subtract the sum from 100. Call the
remainder ‘‘normal and basic lead sulphate.”’
(2) CAKING IN ConTAINER.—When an original package is re-
ceived in the laboratory, it shall be weighed, opened, and stirred
with a stiff spatula or paddle. ‘The paste must be no more diffi-
cult to break up and show no more caking than a normal good
grade of leaded-zinc oxide paste. The paste shall be finally
thoroughly mixed, removed from the container, the container
wiped clean, and weighed. This weight subtracted from the
weight of the original package gives the net weight of the con-
tents. A portion of the thoroughly mixed paste shall be placed
in a clean container and the portions for the remaining tests
promptly weighed out.
Specification for Leaded Zinc Oxide, Dry and Paste 5
(6) Mrxine wiry LINSEED O1L.—One hundred grams of the paste
shall be placed in a cup, 35 ce of linseed oil added slowly with
careful stirring and mixing with a spatula or paddle, the resulting
mixture must be smooth and of good brushing consistency.
rately from 3 to 5 g of the paste into a tared flat-bottomed dish
about 5 cm in diameter, spreading the paste over the bottom.
Heat at 105 to 110° C. for one hour, cool, and weigh. Calculate
loss in weight as percentage of moisture and other volatile matter.
(d) PERCENTAGE OF PIGMENT.—Weigh accurately about 15 ¢
of the paste into a weighed centrifuge tube. Add 20 to 30 cc
“extraction mixture’’ (see Reagents), mix thoroughly with a glass
rod, wash the rod with more of the extraction mixture, add suffi-
cient of the reagent to make a total of 60 cc in the tube. Place
the tube in the container of a centrifuge, surround with water,
and counterbalance the container of the opposite arm with a
similar tube or a tube with water. Whirl at a moderate speed
until clear. Decant the clear supernatant liquid. Repeat the
extraction twice with 4o cc of extraction mixture, and once with
40 cc of ether. After drawing off the ether, set the tube in a
beaker of water at about 80° C. or on top of a warm oven for 10
minutes, then in an oven at 110 to 115° C. for two hours. Cool,
weigh, and calculate percentage of pigment.
(¢) EXAMINATION OF PiGMENT.—Grind the pigment from (d)
to a fine powder, pass through a No. 80 screen to remove any
‘“skins,’’ preserve in a stoppered tube, and apply tests 3 (d), (f),
(g), and (h). If required, apply tests 3 (a) and (6) in comparison
with a portion of pigment extracted from the standard paste in
exactly the same manner as in extracting the sample.
(7) PREPARATION OF Farry Acips.—To about 25 g of the
paste in a porcelain casserole, add 15 cc of aqueous sodium hy-
droxide (see Reagents) and 75 cc of ethyl alcohol; mix, and heat
uncovered on a steam bath until saponification is complete (about
one hour). Add 100 cc of water, boil, add sulphuric acid of
specific gravity 1.2 (8 to 10 cc in excess); boil, stir, and trans-
fer to a separatory funnel, to which some water has been pre-
viously added. Draw off as much as possible of the acid aqueous
layer and lead sulphate precipitate, wash once with water, then
add 50 cc of water and 50 cc of ether. Shake very gently with
a whirling motion to dissolve the fatty acids in the ether, but
not violently, so as to avoid forming an emulsion. Draw off the
6 Circular of the Bureau of Standards
aqueous layer and wash the ether layer with one 15 cc portion of
water and then with 5 ce portions of water until free from sul-
phuric acid. Then draw off completely the water layer. Transfer
the ether solution to a dry flask, add 25 to 50 g. of anhydrous
sodium sulphate. Stopper the flask and let stand with occa-
sional shaking at a temperature below 25° C. until the water is
completely removed from the ether solution, which will be shown
by the solution becoming perfectly clear above the solid sodium
sulphate. Decant this clear solution (if necessary, through a dry
filter paper) into a dry “1oo cc Erlenmeyer flask. Pass a rapid
current of dry air (pass through CaCl, tower) into the mouth of the
Erlenmeyer flask and heat to a temperature below 75° C. on a dry
hot plate until the ether is entirely driven off.
Novte.—It is important to follow all of the details, since ether generally contains ~
alcohol and after washing with water always contains water. It is very difficult
to remove water and alcohol by evaporation from fatty acids, but the washing of the
ether solution and subsequent drying with anhydrous sodium sulphate removes both
water and alcohol. Ether, in the absence of water and alcohol, is easily removed
from fatty acids by gentle heat.
The fatty acids prepared as above should be kept in a stoppered
flask and examined at once. |
TER.—Place 10 drops of the fatty acid (f) in a 50 cc test tube, add
5 cc of alcoholic soda (see Reagents), boil vigorously for five
minutes, add 4o cc of water and mix; a clear solution indicates
that not more than traces of unsaponifiable matter are present.
If the solution is not clear, the oil is not pure linseed oil.
(hk) IlopInE NUMBER oF Farry Acrps.—Place a small quantity
of the fatty acids (/) in a small weighing burette or beaker. Weigh
accurately. Transfer by dropping about 0.15 g (0.10 to 0.20 g)
to a 500 cc bottle having a well-ground glass stopper or an Erlen-
meyer flask having a specially flanged neck for the iodine test.
Reweigh the burette or beaker and determine the amount of sample
used. Add soccof chloroform. Whirl the bottle to dissolve the
sample. Add ro cc of chloroform to two empty bottles like that
used for the sample. Add to each bottle 25 cc of the Hanus solu-
tion (see Reagents) and let stand with occasional shaking for one-
half hour. Add 10 ce of the 15 per cent potassium iodide solu-
tion and 100 cc of water and titrate with standard sodium thio-
sulphate, using starch as indicator. ‘The titrations on the two
blank tests should agree within 0.1 cc. From the difference be-
tween the average of the blank titrations and the titration on the
Specification for Leaded Zinc Oxide, Dry and Paste y,
sample. and the iodine value of the thiosulphate solution calculate
the iodine number of the sample tested. (Iodine number is centi-
grams of iodine to 1 g of sample.) If the iodine number is less
than 170, the oil does not meet the specification.
(1) COARSE PARTICLES AND ‘“‘SKINS.’’—Weigh an amount of
paste containing 10 g of pigment (see 4(d)), add roo g of kerosene
and wash through a No. 325 screen. The residue is reported as
‘““coarse particles and ‘skins.’ ”’
solution of uranyl nitrate in water or a 5 per cent solution of
uranyl acetate in water made slightly acid with acetic acid.
(b) STANDARD PoTasstuM FERROCYANIDE.—Dissolve 22 g of
the pure salt in water and dilute to 1,000 cc. To standardize,
transfer about 0.2 g (accurately weighed) of pure metallic zinc or
freshly ignited pure zinc oxide to a 400 cc beaker. Dissolve in
10 ec of hydrochloric acid and 20 cc of water. Drop in a small
piece of litmus paper, add ammonium hydroxide until slightly
alkaline, then’ add hydrochloric acid until just acid and then add
3 ec of strong hydrochloric acid. Dilute to about 250 cc with
hot water and heat nearly to boiling. Run in the ferrocyanide
solution slowly from a burette with constant stirring until a drop
tested on a white porcelain plate with a drop of the uranyl indi-
cator shows a brown tinge after standing one minute. A blank
should be run, using the same amounts of reagents and water as in
the standardization. The amount of ferrocyanide solution re-
quired for the blank should be subtracted from the amounts used
in standardization and in titration of the sample. The standardi-
zation must be made under the same conditions of temperature,
volume, and acidity as obtain when the sample is titrated.
(c) BartuM CHLORIDE SoLuTION.—Dissolve 100 g of pure
crystallized barium chloride in water and dilute to 1,000 cc.
sodium thiosulphate in distilled water that has been well boiled
to free it from carbon dioxide, in the proportion of 24.83 g of
crystallized sodium thiosulphate to 1,000 cc of the solution. It
is best to let this solution stand for about two weeks before stand-
ardizing. Standardize with pure resublimed iodine (See Ana-
lytical Chemistry, Treadwell-Hall, 2, 3d ed., p. 646). This solu-
tion will be approximately decinormal, and it is best to leave it as
8 Circular of the Bureau of Standards
it is after determining its exact iodine value, rather than to
attempt to adjust it to exactly decinormal. Preserve in a stock
bottle provided with a guard tube filled with soda lime.
(ec) STtaRCH SOLUTION.—Stir up 2 to 3 g of potato starch or 5 g
of soluble starch with 100 cc of 1 per cent salicylic acid solution,
add 300 to 400 cc of boiling water, and boil the mixture until the
starch is practically dissolved, then dilute to 1 liter.
10 volumes ether (ethyl ether).
6 volumes benzol.
4 volumes methyl alcohol.
1 volume acetone.
(g) AguEOUs SopiumM HyproxIbE.—Dissolve 100 g of sodium
hydroxide in distilled water and dilute to 300 cc.
(hk) Porasstum IopIDE SoLUTION.— Dissolve 150 g of senate
iodide free from iodate, in distilled water and dilute to 1,000 cc
(1) Hanus SOLUTION.—Dissolve 13.2 g of iodine in 1,000 ce of
99.5 per cent glacial acetic acid, which will not reduce chromic
acid. Add enough bromine to double the halogen content, deter-
mined by titration (3 cc of bromine is-about the proper amount).
The iodine may be dissolved by the aid of heat, but the solution
should be cold when the bromine is added.
sodium hydroxide in 95 per cent ethyl alcohol in the proportion
of about 22 g per 1,000 cc. Let stand in a stoppered bottle.
Decant the clear liquid into another bottle, and keep well stop-
pered. This solution should be colorless or only slightly yellow
when used, and it will keep colorless longer if the alcohol is pre-
viously treated with sodium hydroxide (about 80 g to 1,000 cc),
kept at about 50° C. for 15 days, and then distilled.
S. W. STRATTON, Director.
No. 89.
{2d edition. Issued July 3, 1922.]
This Specification was officially adopted by the Federal Specifications Board on
February 3, 1922, for the use of the Departments and Independent Establish-
ments of the Government in the purchase of materials covered by it.
ee te Bi) omit bare cert ane (29 heir © or
RM ERE SU. haley, IR (cle dew Ae eva «td Rae putilye ev oe aWidle 9 ag . 3
9) LGboraveny GmamINALON oem paste... 2. ck ek eee pee cee ne renne« 3
ee aie sere. SEI. SIRO. OR LAA, Ba CAB AEA, ot 6
Ra hanoratory ecamination—Mixed paint... topes) 1s rept srca'y sald. oh Dyas 7
Pe a eg RN i hn face 5 ob ie ain Be hk ty hs LEMAR no pele aa pekaed 4 8
White paint and tinted paints made on a white base may be
ordered either in the form of semipaste pigment ground in linseed
oil or of ready-mixed paint.
The semipaste shall be purchased by net weight, the ready-mixed
paint either by weight or volume (231 cubic inches to the gallon).
(a) PIGMENT.—The pigment shall be composed of:
Maximum.| Minimum.
Per cent. | Per cent.
White lead (basic carbonate, basic sulphate, or a mixture thereof)................ 70 45
Zanic Orde (ZNO)... ...). 5. ¢ ota» Domandd eaigawdgea sh aaah. pee Suaisbislent. sige 16S. Beh 55 30
White mineral pigments, containing no lead or zinc compounds, pure tinting
MOLE GY TUIXCUITC TMCLOO! 5 icin ser da.c sin vile ae a0 oie gna e 4.0 p inih exer Vintharein) Dy opicew eiphe 15 0
1It is believed that this specification admits practically all high-grade prepared paints generally avail-
ablein the United States, and which are therefore obtainable without requiring manufacturers to make
up speciallots. On large contracts for which paint will be specially made, the purchaser may require
the bidder to submit the formulaof the paint he proposes tofurnish as conforming to the specifications.
2 Circular of the Bureau of Standards
In no case shall the sum of the basic lead carbonate, basic lead
sulphate, and zinc oxide be less than 85 per cent. The lead and
zinc pigments may be introduced in the form of any mixture
preferred of basic carbonate white lead, basic sulphate white lead,
zinc oxide, or leaded zinc, provided the above requirements as to
composition are met. The total lead dissolved by dilute acetic
acid and hot acid ammonium acetate, weighed as lead sulphate,
and this weight multiplied by the factor 0.883 shall be considered
white lead. (It is not possible to determine the amount of lead
carbonate and lead sulphate when carbonates or sulphates of
other metals such as calcium are present. Also neither basic lead
carbonate nor basic lead sulphate are definite compounds. The
factor to convert PbSO, to (PbCO,), Pb(OH), is 0.854, to convert
PbSO, to PbSO,PbO is 0.868, and to convert PbSO, to (PbSO,),
PbO is 0.913. The arbitrary factor used under this specification
is the mean of the largest and smallest of these three factors.
(6) Ligurp.—The liquid in semipaste paint shall be entirely
pure raw or refined linseed oil; in ready-mixed paint it shall con-
tain not less than go per cent pure raw linseed oil, the balance to
be combined drier and thinner. The thinner shall be turpentine,
volatile mineral spirits, or a mixture thereof.
(c) SEMIPASTE.—Semipaste shall be made by thoroughly grind-
ing the pigment with pure raw or refined linseed oil.
The semipaste as received and three months thereafter shall be
not caked in the container and shall break up readily in linseed
oil to form a smooth paint of brushing consistency. It shall mix
readily with linseed oil, turpentine, or volatile mineral spirits, or
any combination of these substances, in all proportions without
curdling. The color and hiding power when specified shall be
equal to that of a sample mutually agreed upon by buyer and
seller. The weight per gallon shall be not less than 19.0 pounds.
The paste shall consist of:
Maximum.) Minimum.
Per cent. | Per cent.
PUCMENE och, osccve.s a gaievidews ws cae + ete Nite ah el Oke 77 73
LARSOOEPON 5 EY FOR LS so accu bars 5 gs data eM cinema G2 od a2 27 23
Moisture and other volatile matter...... 40 8U02) Sorry. cl a ee at Pi ay Riel a Ph
Coarse particles and ‘‘skins”’ (total residue retained on No. 325 screen based on
pigment)... oo... ee cutee eek RL RR, Shee ee: 2) 0 ay ery beh cyt
(dq) Reapy-MrxEp Parint.—Ready-mixed paints shall be well
ground, shall not settle badly or cake in the container, shall be
readily broken up with a paddle to a smooth uniform paint of good
Specification for White Paint 3
brushing consistency, and shall dry within 18 hours to a full oil
gloss, without streaking, running, or sagging. The color and
hiding power when specified shall be equal to those of a sample
mutually agreed upon by buyer and seller. The weight per gallon
shall be not less than 1534 pounds. The paint shall consist of:
Maximum. | Minimum.
Per cent. | Per cent.
ee Pea ee MERA, GSE e 8s S8 559.5 dase tet att Sale SELLE m mY Oslo aiale alee ata eee 52 48
Moisture and other volatile matter ........ 0.02. cece eect entre ett tence et scans DoF tesutseecuas
Coarse particles and “‘skins”’ (total residue retained on No. 325 screen based on
Mr ettt) os os cdc Ua cs pc re bbe 0 a be wna veo alee nm en le ohare gee Le Och i ete easter
(d) Reapy-Mixep Parnt.—Ready-mixed paint shall be well
ground, shall not settle badly or cake in the container, shall be
readily broken up with a paddle to a smooth uniform paint of good
brushing consistency, and shall dry within 18 hours to a full oil
gloss, without streaking, running, or sagging. The color and
hiding power when specified shall be equal to those of a sample —
mutually agreed upon by buyer and seller. The weight per gallon
shall be not less than 9 pounds. ‘The paint shall consist of: |
Maximum.) Minimum,
Ui Sasa 1 ene ea Ce oO SE pier n ee tie Mines Re MEME AN TERT er Lk
Liquid (containing at least 80 per cent linseed oil)........... 0... 00s cece eee eee 72 68
WAR BT er OURS al ae ac Gen a et IC re Coke Ca tek ts UC ah weshts he srs 0,3 ickenceny ain
Coarse particles and ‘“‘skins”’ (total residue retained on No. 325 screen based on
SEES oa Say sins Gclcvp 5.0 Wom OED RA DID RR Res ae Mies eh dace ge LG leew tuacebes
Notr.—Deliveries will, in general, be sampled and tested by the following methods,
but the purchaser reserves the right to use any additional available information te
ascertain whether the material meets the specification. |
Specification for Black Patwnt 3
It is mutually agreed by buyer and seller that a single package
out of each lot of not more than 1,000 packages shall be taken as
representative of the whole. Whenever possible an original
unopened container shall be sent to the laboratory, and when this .
is for any reason not done, the inspector shall determine by
thorough testing with a paddle or spatula whether the material
meets the requirements regarding caking in the container. He ©
shall then thoroughly mix the contents of the container and draw
a sample of not less than 5 pounds of the thoroughly mixed paint,
place it in a clean, dry metal or glass container, which it shall
nearly fill. The container shall be closed with a tight cover,
sealed, marked, and sent to the laboratory for test with the
inspector’s report on caking. ,
When requested, a duplicate sample may be taken from the same
package and delivered to the seller, and the inspector may take a
third sample to hold for test in case of dispute.
(a) CAKING IN CONTAINER.—When an original package is
received in the laboratory it shall be weighed, opened, and stirred
with a stiff spatula or paddle. The paste must be no more diffi-
cult to break up than a normal good grade of semipaste paint.
_ The semipaste shall finally be thoroughly mixed, removed from
the container, and the container wiped clean and weighed. This
weight subtracted from the weight of the original package gives
the net weight of the contents. A portion of thoroughly mixed
_ semipaste shall be placed in a clean container and the portions for
the remaining tests promptly weighed out.
(b) CoLor.—Place some of the paint on a clean clear glass
plate. Place some of the standard agreed upon beside the sample
on the plate, turn the glass over, and compare the colors.
(c) WEIGHT PER GALLON.—From the weight of a known volume
of the paste calculate the specific gravity, which multiplied by
8.33 gives the weight in pounds per gallon. Any suitable con-
tainer of known volume may be used for the purpose, but a short
cylinder of heavy glass with rounded bottom about 75 mm. high
and having a capacity of from 125 to 175 cc (a glass cap to keep
dust from reagent bottle stopper) is a convenient apparatus for
the purpose. The capacity of this vessel is deternined to within
Ice. The paste is packed into it until completely full, the top
4 Circular of the Bureau oj Standards
leveled off smooth with a spatula, and weighed to +0.5 g. Sub-
tract the weight of the empty container and divide the remainder
by the number of cubic centimeters representing the capacity of
the container. ‘The quotient is the specific gravity, which can be
thus determined within +2 in the second decimal place.
(d) Mrxtnc wits LinsEED Ou.—One hundred grams of the
paste shall be placed in a cup, 70 cc linseed oil added slowly with
careful stirring and mixing with a spatula or paddle. ‘The result-
ing mixture must be smooth and of good brushing consistency.
(ec) MorstuRE AND OTHER VOLATILE MaTTER.—Weigh accu-
rately from 3 to 5 g of the paste into a tared flat-bottomed dish
about 5 cm in diameter, spreading the paste over the bottom.
Heat at 105 to 110° C. for one hour, cool, and weigh. Calculate
loss in weight as percentage of moisture and volatile matter.
(f) PERCENTAGE OF PicMENT.—Weigh accurately about 15 g
of the paste into a weighed centrifuge tube. Add 20 to 30 cc
of ‘extraction mixture”? (see reagents), mix thoroughly with a
glass rod, wash the rod with more of the extraction mixture, and
add sufficient of the reagent to make a total of 60 cc in the tube.
Place the tube in the container of a centrifuge, surround with
water, and counterbalance the container of the opposite arm
with a similar tube or a tube with water. Whirl at a moderate
speed until well settled. Decant the clear supernatant liquid.
Repeat the extraction twice with 40 cc of extraction mixture
and once with 40 cc of ether. After drawing off the ether, set
the tube in a beaker of water at about 80° C. or on top of a warm
oven for 10 minutes, then in an oven at 110 to 115° C. for two
hours. Cool, weigh, and calculate the percentage of pigment.
Grind the pigment to a fine powder, pass through a No. 80 screen
to remove any skins, and preserve in a stoppered bottle. |
(g) PREPARATION OF Farry Actps.—To about 25 g of the paste
in a porcelain casserole, add 15 cc of aqueous sodium hydroxide
(see reagents) and 75 cc of ethyl alcohol, mix and heat un-
covered on a steam bath until saponification is complete (about
one hour). Add 100 ce of water, boil, add sulphuric acid of
specific gravity 1.2 (8 to 10 cc in excess), boil, stir, and
transfer to a separatory funnel to which some water has been
previously added. Draw off as much as possible of the acid
aqueous layer, wash once with water, then add 50 cc of water and
occ of ether. Shake very gently with a whirling motion to dis-
solve the fatty acids in the ether, but not so violently as to form
Specification for Black Paini 5
an emulsion. Draw off the aqueous layer and wash the ether
layer with one 15 cc portion of water and then with 5 cc portions
of water until free from sulphuric acid. Then draw off the water
layer completely. ‘Transfer the ether solution to a dry flask and
add 25 to 50 g of anhydrous sodium sulphate. Stopper the flask
and let stand with occasional shaking at a temperature below
25° C. until the water is completely removed from the ether solu-
tion, which will be shown by the solution becoming perfectly
clear above the solid sodium sulphate. Decant this clear solution,
if necessary, through a dry filter paper, into a dry 100 cc Erlen-
meyer flask. Pass a rapid current of dry air (pass through a
CaCl, tower) into the mouth of the Erlenmeyer flask and heat to
a temperature below 75° C. on a dry hot plate until the ether is
entirely driven off.
NoTE.—It is important to follow all of the details since ether generally contains
alcohol and after washing with water always contains water. It is very difficult
to remove water and alcohol by evaporation from fatty acids, but the washing of the
ether solution and subsequent drying with anhydrous sodium sulphate removes both
water and alcohol. Ether, in the absence of water and alcohol, is easily removed
from fatty acids by gentle heat.
The fatty acids prepared as above should be kept in a stoppered
flask and examined at once. |
MaTTER.—Place 10 drops of the fatty acid (g) in a 50 cc test
tube, add 5 cc of alcoholic soda (see reagents), boil vigorously
for five minutes, add 40 cc of water, and mix; a clear solution
indicates that not more than traces of unsaponifiable matter are
present. If the solution is not clear, the oil is not pure linseed oil.
(2) opine NuMBER oF Farry Actps.—Place a small quantity
of the fatty acids (g) in a small weighing burette or beaker. Weigh
accurately. ‘Transfer by dropping about 0.15 g (0.10 to 0.20 g)
into a 500 cc bottle having a well-ground glass stopper, or an
Erlenmeyer flask having a specially flanged neck for the iodine
test. Reweigh the burette or beaker and determine amount of
sample used. Add tocc of chloroform. Whirl the bottle to dis-
solve the sample. Add 10 cc of chloroform to two empty bottles
like that used for the sample. Add to each bottle 25 cc of the
Hanus solution (see reagents) and let stand with occasional
shaking for one-half hour. Add 1occ of the 15 per cent potassium
iodide solution and 100 cc of water, and titrate with standard
sodium thiosulphate, using starch as indicator. The titrations
on the two blark tests should agree within 0.1 cc. From the
6 Circular of the Bureau of Standards
difference between the average of the blank titrations and the
titration on the sample and the iodine value of the thiosulphate
solution, calculate the iodine number of the sample tested. (Iodine
number is centigrams of iodine to 1 g of sample.) If the iodine
number is less than 170, the oil does not meet the specification.
(7) CoarsH PARTICLES AND Sxins.—Dry in an oven at 105 to
110° C. a No. 325 screen, cool, and weigh accurately. Weigh an
amount of semipaste containing 10 g of pigment (see 3 (f)), add
50 cc of kerosene, mix thoroughly, and wash with kerosene
through the screen, breaking up all lumps but not grinding. After
washing with kerosene until all but the particles too coarse to pass
the screen have been washed through, wash all kerosene from the
screen with ether or petroleum ether, heat the screen ror one
hour at 105 to 110° C., cool, and weigh.
(az) QuatitativE ANALysIs.—Make qualitative analysis follow-
ing ordinary methods.
(b) Loss on Icnrt10oN.—Ignite 1 g of the pigment in a weighed
porcelain crucible until all carbon is consumed. It is best to use
gentle heat with free access of air. Cool, weigh, and calculate
the percentage of loss on ignition.
of the pigment in a porcelain dish, moisten with a few drops of
alcohol, add 20 cc of concentrated hydrochloric acid, cover, and
heat on steam bath for 15 minutes. Remove cover and evaporate
to dryness, moisten with hydrochloric acid, add 25 ce of water,
filter on a weighed Gooch crucible, and wash with hot water until
the washings are free from lead and iron. Dry the crucible and
contents at 105 to 110° C. for 2 hours. Ignite for 7 minutes in a
current of dry carbon dioxide (using a Rose crucible cover) with
a flame about 20 cm high. Cool ina current of dry carbon dioxide
and weigh. ‘Then ignite with free access of air (or in a current of
oxygen) until all carbon is consumed. Cool and weigh. The loss
in weight is calculated as carbon, and the residue remaining on
the Gooch crucible is calculated as insoluble mineral material.
(d) Leap OxIpDE AND IRON OxipE.—Determine lead and iron
in the filtrate from the carbon determination by any convenient
method, calculating lead to Pb,O, and iron to Fe,O,. |
Specification for Black Paint 7
(a) CAKING IN CONTAINER.—Follow the procedure outlined in
3(@), noting that the paint should be no more difficult to break up
than a good grade of mixed paint.
(6) Cotor.—Follow the procedure outlined in 3(b).
(c) WEIGHT PER GAaLLON.—Weigh a clean, dry, 100 ce gradu-
ated flask. Fill to the mark with tHe thoroughly mixed paint and
weigh again. The increase in weight expressed in grams, divided
by 100, gives the specific gravity, which multiplied by 8.33 gives
the weight in pounds per gallon.
(d) BRUSHING PROPERTIES AND Time oF Dryinc.—Brush the
well-mixed paint on a suitable panel, which may be ground glass,
steel, or well-filled wood. Note whether the paint works satis-
factorily under the brush. Place the panel in a vertical position
in a well-ventilated room and let stand for 18 hours. ‘The paint
shall be dry, smooth, and free from streaks.
— (e) WaTer.—Mix 100 g of the paint in a 300 cc flask with
75 cc of toluol. Connect with a condenser and distill until about
50 cc of distillate has been collected in a graduate. ‘The tempera-
ture in the flask should be then about 105 to 110°C. ‘The number
of cubic centimeters of water collecting under the toluol in the
receiver is the percentage of water in the paint. Material com-
plying with the specification should yield less than 0.5 cc.
(7) VOLATILE THINNER.—Follow the procedure outlined in 3(e).
Correct the result for any water found (see 5(e)) and report the
remainder as a volatile thinner.
(g) PERCENTAGE OF PiGMENT.—Follow the procedure outlined
in 3 (7).
(h) Testinc NoNVOLATILE VEHICLE.—Follow the procedure
outlined in 3(g), 3(), and 3(2), except that in the preparation of
the fatty acids the mixture of paint and alkali is heated on the.
steam bath until all volatile thinner is driven off.
(1) COARSE PARTICLES AND SKINS.—Follow the procedure out-
lined in 3(9).
(j) Testinc Picment.—Follow the procedure outlined in 4(a)
to 4(d) inclusive.
8 Circular of the Bureau of Standards
‘ro volumes ether (ethyl ether).
6 volumes benzol.
4 volumes methy] alcohol.
1 volume acetone.
(b) Aguzous Sop1um HyproxmeE.—Dissolve roo g of sodium
hydroxide in distilled water and dilute to 300 cc. :
sodium thiosulphate in distilled water (that has been well boiled
to free it from carbon dioxide) in the proportion of 24.83 g of
crystallized sodium thiosulphate to 1,000 cc. of the solution.
It-is best to let this solution stand for about two weeks before
standardizing. Standardize with pure resublimed iodine. (See
Treadwell-Hall, Analytical Chemistry, vol. 2, 3d ed., p. 646.)
This solution will be approximately decinormal, and it is best to
leave it as it is after determining its exact iodine value, rather
than to attempt to adjust it to exactly decinormal. Preserve
in a stock bottle provided with a guard tube filled with soda lime.
(d) StarcH SOLUTION.—Stir up 2 to 3 g of potato starch or
5 g of soluble starch with 100 cc of 1 per cent salicyclic acid solu-
tion, add 300 to 400 ce. boiling water, and boil the mixture until the
starch is practically dissolved, then dilute to 1 liter.
(ec) Porassrum IopipE SoLUTION.—Dissolve 150 g of potassium
iodide free from iodate in distilled water and dilute to 1,000 cc.
(f) Hanus SoLurion.—Dissolve 13.2 g of iodine in 1,000 cc of
99.5 per cent glacial acetic acid, which will not reduce chromic
acid. Add enough bromine to double the halogen content,
determined by titration (3 cc of bromine is about the proper
amount). The iodine may be dissolved by the aid of heat, but
the solution should be cold when the bromine is added.
(g) ALCOHOLIC SoprtumM HypRoxIDE SOLUTION.—Dissolve pure
sodium hydroxide in 95 per cent ethyl alcohol in the proportion
of about 22 g per 1,000 ce. Let stand in a stoppered bottle.
Decant the clear liquid into another bottle and keep well stoppered.
This solution should be colorless or only slightly yellow when used,
and it will keep colorless longer if the alcohol is previously treated
with sodium hydroxide (about 80 g to 1,000 cc), kept at about
50° C. for 15 days, and then distilled.
S. W. STRATTON, Director.
No. 97.
[3d edition. Issued July 3, 1922.]
This Specification was officially adopted by the Federal Specifications Board on
February 3, 1922, for the use of the Departments and Independent Establish-
ments of the Government in the purchase of materials covered by it.
Sanpete Ae Aiea. EAE. Aidt’ BAA lies Dae. Thijs EAA ides I
RI ty orn Sn 5 cin hp care dns how needs 400d be dean Myth. abieteg epee 3
Gomera amination of: semipastery, . i... Gyvieded-« Kin + coe 0 Me tials «ape 3
eee et a ee psp dene cram 0 ons va tp ee p Gn eee 6
gree eeeniory examination of mixed paint... ii... ses eee cee ee utes unas 8
ER eC es Ec ey see os his eT Oe EE TS cE SE Vale £0 5 eek Gee re)
The paint contemplated by this specification is a chrome green
paint, and it may be ordered either in the form of semipaste
pigment ground in linseed oil or as ready-mixed paint.
The basis of purchase may be either net weight or volume (231
cubie inches to the gallon).
(a) PicMENT.—The pigment in both semipaste and ready-
mixed paints should be a chrome green containing about 23 per
2 Circular of the Bureau of Standards
cent of color (sum of lead chromate and insoluble Prussian blue),
about 10 per cent of magnesium silicate, aluminum silicate, or
similar siliceous material, and about 67 per cent of barium sul-
phate. It should be made by precipitating the color on the
proper base rather than by mixing the individual materials. It
must yield on analysis:
Maximum.) Minimum,
Per cent. | Per cent.
Color (total lead chromate and insoluble Prussian blue)... ............e eee e ese efor eee eee eee
Material soluble in water, including soluble Prussian blue...................... ie cries tan ees
Acid-soluble or water-soluble calcium in any form, calculated as CaO........... ORE BH Bee Gcn pce oy he
Material other than color and barium sulphate,................ cee eee cere eeees mike pL WROKE Ba apy sak eh
The remainder must be barium sulphate.
(b) Liguip.—The liquid in semipaste paint shall be entirely
pure raw or refined linseed oil; in ready-mixed paint it shall
contain not less than 90 per cent pure raw linseed oil, the balance
to be combined drier and thinner. The thinner shall be turpen-
tine, volatile mineral spirits, or a mixture thereof.
(c) SemipastE.—Semipaste paint shall be made by thoroughly
grinding the pigment with pure raw or refined linseed oil.
The semipaste as received and three months thereafter shall be
not caked in the container and shall break up readily in linseed
oil to form a smooth paint of brushing consistency. It shall mix
readily with linseed oil, turpentine, or volatile mineral spirits, or
any combination of these substances, in all proportions, without
curdling. The color and hiding power when specified shall be
equal to that of a sample mutually agreed upon by buyer and
seller. The weight per gallon shall be not less than 16 pounds.
The paste shall consist of:
Maximum.) Minimum.
Per cent. | Percent.
72 68
Bad (550 l-) 0] ee nr Rn aOR GMRaE CEN sa eaMee Hr Wenge og CRM MORTEM UN ISIS yp
Linseed ol os 08 bos cece ago obaleelbas Cutis Raa ea RN adoie RE. cea Vn ea ee 32 28
Moisture and.other volatile matters. <..060.. su oc bc osns0. 0 00 cuen celcen sna avai Li ey J Are reer ae
Coarse particles and ‘‘skins’”’ (total residue retained on No. 325 screen based on
PIPMENL) FST Ab aie clon olvl ge sdawleltey Gin sMUstche cachet els coe Aa abe «nhs Wa a:cholele @ aia alitn eee SiS) tT. eens seo
(d) Reapy-MixED Parnt.—Ready-mixed paint shall be well
ground, shall not settle badly or cake in the container, shall be
readily broken up with a paddle to a smooth uniform paint of good
brushing consistency, and shall dry within 18 hours to a full oil
gloss, without streaking, running, or sagging. ‘The color and
hiding power when specified shall be equal to those of a sample
Specification for Green Paint 3
mutually agreed upon by buyer and seller. The weight per gallon
shall be not less than 12 pounds. ‘The paint shall consist of:
Maximum.) Minimum.
Percent. | Percent.
| ee eae a RSS Oe Sele Ne TS SR iy Oe ene eS 55
Liquid (containing at least 90 per cent linseed oil)................................ 50 45
Be eaten eo eee EL. es ei ican oath ccs bile eae OSC Boldccde cea gt O28 |pake eto ee
Coarse particles and “‘skins’’ (total residue retained on No. 325 screen based on
eR Mr ee eae W HS es ae Gh a Cates. state lls eid ake wie ecd « kk las og held Dc e-s cn'p cena 2i52 | aad See
NotTe.—Deliveries will, in general, be sampled and tested by the following methods, but the purchaser
reserves the right to use any additional available information to ascertain whether the material meets
the specification.
It is mutually agreed by buyer and seller that a single package
out of each lot of not more than 1000 packages shall be taken
as representative of the whole. Whenever possible an original
unopened container shall be sent to the laboratory, and when this
is for any reason not done, the inspector shall determine by thorough
testing with a paddle or spatula whether the material meets the
requirement regarding caking in the container. He shall then
thoroughly mix the contents of the container and draw a sample
of not less than 5 pounds. This sample shall be placed in a clean,
dry metal or glass container, which it must nearly fill. The con-
tainer shall be closed with a tight cover, sealed, marked, and sent
to the laboratory for test with the inspector’s report on caking.
When requested, a duplicate sample may be taken from the
same package and delivered to the seller, and the inspector may
take a third sample to hold for test in case of dispute.
(a) CAKING IN CONTAINER. — When an original package is
received in the laboratory it shall be weighed, opened, and stirred
with a stiff spatula or paddle. The paste must be no more diffi-
.cult to break up than a normal good grade of semipaste paint.
The semipaste shall finally be thoroughly mixed, removed from
the container, and the container wiped clean and weighed. ‘This
weight subtracted from the weight of the original package gives
the net weight of the contents. A portion of thoroughly mixed
semipaste shall be placed in a clean container and the portions
for the remaining tests promptly weighed out.
(b) CoLlor.—Place some of the paint on a clean, clear glass
plate. Place some of the standard agreed upon beside the sample
on the plate, turn the glass over, and compare the colors.
4 Circular of the Bureau of Standards
(c) WEIGHT PER GALLON.—From the weight of a known volume
of the paste calculate the specific gravity, which multiplied by
8.33 gives the weight in pounds per gallon. Any suitable con-
tainer of known volume may be used for the purpose, but a short
cylinder of heavy glass with rounded bottom about 75 mm high
and having a capacity of from 125 to 175 cc (a glass cap to keep
dust from reagent bottle stopper) is a convenient apparatus for
the purpose. ‘The capacity of this vessel is determined to within
tcc. The paste is packed into it until completely full, the top
leveled off smooth with a spatula, and weighed to +0.5 g. Sub-
tract the weight of the empty container and divide the remainder
by the number of cubic centimeters representing the capacity of
the container. ‘he quotient is the specific gravity, which can be
thus determined within +2 in the second decimal place.
(d) Mixinc wirH LinsEED O1.—One hundred grams of the
paste shall be placed in a cup, 30 cc of linseed oil added slowly with
careful stirring and mixing with a spatula or paddle. ‘The result-
ing mixture must be smooth and of good brushing consistency.
(ec) MoIstURE AND OTHER VOLATILE MaTTEeR. — Weigh accu-
rately from 3 to 5 g of the paste into a tared flat-bottomed dish
about 5 cm in diameter, spreading the paste over the bottom.
Heat at 105 to 110° C. for one hour, cool, and weigh. Calculate
loss in weight as percentage of moisture and volatile matter.
({) PERCENTAGE OF PiGMENT.—Weigh accurately about 15 g
of the paste into a weighed centrifuge tube. Add 20 to 30 cc of
“extraction mixture’’ (see reagents), mix thoroughly with a glass
rod, wash the rod with more of the extraction mixture, and add
sufficient of the reagent to make a total of 60 cc in the tube.
Place the tube in the container of a centrifuge, surround with
water, and counterbalance the container of the opposite arm
with a similar tube or a tube with water. Whirl at a moderate
speed until well settled. Decant the clear supernatant liquid.
Repeat the extraction twice with 40 cc of extraction mixture and
once with 40 cc of ether. After drawing off the ether, set the
tube in a beaker of water at about 80° C. or on top of a warm oven
for 10 minutes, then in an oven at 110 to 115° C. for two hours.
Cool, weigh, and calculate the percentage of pigment. Grind
the pigment to a fine powder, pass through a No. 80 sereen to
remove any skins, and preserve in a stoppered bottle.
(g) PREPARATION OF Farry Acips.—To about 25 g of the
paste in a porcelain casserole, add 15 cc of aqueous sodium
Specification for Green Paint 5
hydroxide (see reagents) and 75 cc of ethyl alcohol, mix and
heat uncovered on a steam bath until saponification is complete —
(about one hour). Add 100 cc of water, boil, add an excess
of sulphuric acid of specific gravity 1.2 (8 to 10 cc will usually
suffice), boil, stir, and transfer to a separatory funnel to which
some water has been previously added. Draw off as much
as possible of the acid aqueous layer, wash once with water,
then add 50 cc of water and 50 cc of ether. Shake very gently
with a whirling motion to dissolve the fatty acids in the ether,
but not so violently as to form anemulsion. Draw off the aqueous
layer and wash the ether layer with one 15 cc portion of water
and then with 5 cc portions of water until free from sulphuric
acid. ‘Then draw off the water layer completely. Transfer the
ether solution to a dry flask and add 25 to 50 g anhydrous sodium
sulphate. Stopper the flask and let stand with occasional shaking
at a temperature below 25° C. until the water is completely
removed from the ether solution, which will be shown by the
solution becoming perfectly clear above the solid sodium sulphate.
Decant this clear solution, if necessary, through a dry filter
paper, into a dry 100 cc Erlenmeyer flask. Pass a rapid current
of dry air (pass through a CaCl, tower) into the mouth of the
Erlenmeyer flask and heat to a temperature below 75° C. on a
dry, hot plate until the ether is entirely driven off.
2 NoTtE.—It is important to follow all of the details, since ether generally contains
alcohol and after washing with water always contains water. It is very difficult
to remove water and alcohol by evaporation from fatty acids, but the washing of the
ether solution and subsequent drying with anhydrous sodium sulphate removes both
water and alcohol. Ether, in the absence of water and alcohol, is easily removed
from fatty acids by gentle heat.
The fatty acids prepared as above should be kept in a stoppered
flask and examined at once.
MATTER.—Place 10 drops of the fatty acids (g) in a 50 cc test
tube, add 5 cc of alcoholic soda (see Reagents), boil vigorously
for five minutes, add 40 cc of water, and ‘mix; a clear solution
indicates that not more than traces of unsaponifiable matter are
present. If the solution is not clear, the oil is not pure linseed oil.
(2) lopINE NUMBER OF Farry Acips.—Place a small quantity of
the fatty acids (g) in a small weighing burette or beaker. Weigh
accurately. Transfer by dropping about 0.15 g (0.10 to 0.20 g)
into a 500 cc bottle having a well-ground glass stopper, or an
Erlenmeyer flask having a specially flanged neck for the iodine
6 Circular of the Bureau of Standards
test. Reweigh the burette or beaker and determine amount of
sample used. Add 10 ce of chloroform. Whirl the bottle to
dissolve the sample. Add 10 cc of chloroform to two empty bot-
tles like that used for the sample. Add to each bottle 25 ce of
the Hanus solution (see reagents) and let stand with occasional
shaking for one-half hour. Add 10 cc of the 15 per cent potas-
sium iodide solution and 100 cc of water, and titrate with stand-
ard sodium thiosulphate, using starch as indicator. ‘The titrations
on the two blank tests should agree within 0.1 cc. From the
difference between the’ average of the blank titrations and the
titration on the sample and the iodine value of the thiosulphate
solution, calculate the iodine number of the sample tested. (Io-
dine number is centigrams of iodine to 1 g of sample.) If the
iodine number is less than 170, the oil does not meet the specifica-
tion. |
(7) COARSE PARTICLES AND SkiNs.—Dry in an oven at 105 to
110° C. a No. 325 screen, cool, and weigh accurately. Weigh an
amount of semipaste containing 10 g of pigment (see 3 (f)), add
50 ce of kerosene, mix thoroughly, and wash with kerosene
through the screen, breaking up all lumps but not grinding. After
washing with kerosene until all but the particles too coarse to pass
the screen have been washed through, wash all kerosene from the
screen with ether or petroleum ether, heat the screen for one hour
at 105 to 110° C., cool, and weigh.
(a) QUALITATIVE ANALYsIS.—Test for Prussian blue by boiling a
portion of the pigment with sodium hydroxide solution. A yellow
or yellow-brown precipitate with a yellow liquid above it should
result. Filter, add a mixture of ferric and fetrous salts to the
filtrate, and render acid with dilute hydrochloric acid. A blue
color indicates Prussian blue in the sample. Ignite another por-
tion very gently to decompose the Prussian blue and make a
qualitative analysis of the residue.
(b) MatreR SoLUBLE IN WaATER.—Transfer 2.5 g of the pig-
ment to a graduated 250 ce flask, add 100 ce of water, boil for
5 minutes, cool, fill to mark with water, mix, and allow to settle.
Pour the supernatant liquid through a dry paper and discard the
first 20 cc. “Then evaporate roo cc of the clear filtrate to dryness
in a weighed dish, heat for one hour at 105 to 110° C., cool, and
weigh. ae tee ie
Specification for Green Patnt 7
portion of the pigment very gently in a small porcelain dish.
The heat must be so regulated by moving the burner that the
Prussian blue is thoroughly decomposed without rendering the
iron difficultly soluble. Allow to cool, transfer to a 400 cc beaker,
add 20 ce of concentrated hydrochloric acid, heat on steam bath
for 30 minutes, boil for 5 minutes, dilute with hot water to about
250 cc, filter on paper while hot, wash thoroughly with hot water
until the washings are free from lead and chlorine, and ignite and
weigh the residue, which will be barium sulphate and siliceous
material. Mix the ignited residue with about ro times its weight
of anhydrous sodium carbonate (grinding the mixture in an agate
mortar if necessary), and fuse the mixture in a covered platinum
crucible, heating about one hour. Let cool, place crucible and
cover in a 250 cc beaker, add about 100 cc of water, and heat
until the melt is disintegrated. Filter on paper (leaving crucible
and cover in beaker) and wash the beaker and filter thoroughly
with hot water to remove soluble sulphates. Place the beaker
containing the crucible and cover under the funnel, pierce the
filter with a glass rod, and wash the carbonate residue into the
beaker by means of a jet of hot water. Wash the paper with hot,
dilute hydrochloric acid (1:1), and then with hot water. If the
earbonate residue is not completely dissolved, add sufficient dilute
hydrochloric acid to effect solution, and remove crucible and cover,
washing them with a jet of water. Heat the solution to boiling
and add 1o to 15 cc of dilute sulphuric acid, and continue the
boiling for 10 or 15 minutes longer. Let the precipitate settle,
filter on a weighed Gooch crucible, wash with hot water, ignite,
cool, and weigh as BaSO,. Subtract from the result of the
previous determination to obtain the siliceous material.
(d) LEAD AND CHROMIUM.—Unite the filtrate and washings
from barium sulphate and siliceous material (see (c)), dilute to
500 cc, nearly neutralize with ammonium hydroxide, and pass
in a rapid stream of hydrogen sulphide until all the lead is pre-
cipitated as Pb§; filter, wash with water containing a little hydro-
gen sulphide, dissolve in hot nitric acid (1:3), and determine lead
as sulphate in usual manner, weighing as PbSO,. Boil the fil-
trate from the lead sulphide to expel hydrogen sulphide. Add
sodium peroxide in sufficient amount to render the solution alka-
line and to oxidize the chromium to chromate. Boil until the
hydrogen peroxide is driven off, cool, acidify with sulphuric acid
8 Circular of the Bureau of Standards
(1:4), add a measured excess of a freshly prepared solution of
ferrous sulphate, and titrate the excess of ferrous iron with stand-
ard potassium dichromate, using potassium ferricyanide solution
as outside indicator. ‘Titrate a blank of an equal volume of the
ferrous sulphate solution with the standard potassium dichromate.
From the difference between the titration on the blank and on
the sample, calculate the chromium in the sample to PbCrQ,.
From the PbCrO, found, calculate the equivalent of PbSO, by
multiplying by the factor 0.938. Subtract this value from the
total PbSO, found above and report the remainder as lead com-
pounds other than chromate, calculated as PbSQ,,.
(ec) CaLcrum.—Ignite 2 g of the pigment and primaries the
residue in hydrochloric acid as in 4(c). Then, without filtering
from the insoluble matter, transfer to a 500 cc volumetric flask,
saturate with hydrogen sulphide, make alkaline with ammonia,
fill to the mark, mix, and filter through a dry paper, discarding
the first 20 cc. ‘Then determine the calcium in 250 cc of the
filtrate (corresponding to 1 g pigment) by precipitation as oxalate
and weighing as calcium oxide.
(f) Cotor.—Add the percentages of matter soluble in water
4(b), barium sulphate and siliceous material 4(c), lead compounds
other than chromate calculated as PbSO, 4(d), and calcium oxide
4(e) and subtract the sum from 100, Call the difference the
percentage of color.
(a) CAKING IN CONTAINER.—Follow the procedure outlined in
3(a), noting that the paint should be no more difficult to break up
than a good grade of mixed paint.
(b) CoLor.—Follow the procedure outlined in 3(0).
(c) WEIGHT PER GALLON.—Weigh a clean, dry, 100 cc gradu-
ated flask. Fill to the mark with the thoroughly mixed paint and
weigh again. ‘The increase in weight expressed in grams, divided
by 100, gives the specific gravity, which multiplied by 8.33 gives
the weight in pounds per gallon.
well-mixed paint on a suitable panel, which may be ground glass,
steel, or well-filled wood. Note whether the paint works satis-
factorily under the brush. Place the panel in a vertical position
in a well-ventilated room and let stand for 18 hours. The paint
should be dry and free from streaks.
Specification for Green Paint 9
(ec) WATER.—Mix 100 g of the paint in a 300 ce flask with 75 cc
of toluol. Connect with a condenser and distill until about 50 cc
of distillate has been collected in a graduate. ‘The temperature in
the flask should be then about 105° to 110°C. The number of
cubic centimeters of water collecting under the toluol in the re-
ceiver is the percentage of water in the paint.
({) VOLATILE THINNER.—Follow the procedure outlined in
3(e). Correct the result for any water found (see 5(e)) and report
the remainder as volatile thinner.
(g) PERCENTAGE OF PiGMENT.—Follow the procedure outlined
in 3(/).
(h) TESTING NONVOLATILE VEHICLE.—Follow the procedure
outlined in 3(9), 3(2), and 3(z), except that in the preparation of
the fatty acids the mixture of paint and alkali is heated on the
steam bath until all volatile thinner is driven off.
(2) COARSE PaRTICLES AND Skins.—Follow the procedure out-
lined in 3(,). |
(j) TEsTING PicmMENT.—Follow the procedure outlined in 4(a)
to 4(e), inclusive.
5 volumes benzol.
4 volumes methyl alcohol
1 volume acetone.
(6) AQuEOUS Sopium HypRoxIpE.—Dissolve 100 g of sodium
hydroxide in distilled water and dilute to 300 cc.
sodium thiosulphate in distilled water (that has been well boiled
to free it from carbon dioxide) in the proportion of 24.83. g crys-
tallized sodium thiosulphate to 1,000 cc of the solution. It is
best to let this solution stand for about two weeks before stan-
dardizing. Standardize with pure resublimed iodine. (See Tread-
well-Hall, Analytical Chemistry, vol. 2, 3d ed., p. 646.) This so-
lution will be approximately decinormal, and it is best to leave
it as it is after determining its exact iodine value, rather than to
attempt to adjust it to exactly decinormal. Preserve in a stock
bottle provided with a guard tube filled with soda lime.
(dq) STaRcH SOLUTION.—Stir up to 2 to 3 g of potato starch or
5 g of soluble starch with 100 cc of 1 per cent salicylic acid solu-
IO Circular of the Bureau of Standards
tion, add 300 to 400 ce boiling water, and boil the mixture until
the starch is practically dissolved, then dilute to 1 liter.
(ec) Porassrtum IopIDE SoLutTIoN.—Dissolve 150 g of potassium
iodide free from iodate in distilled water and dilute to 1,000 cc.
(f) Hanus SoLution.—Dissolve 13.2 g of iodine in 1,000 cc
of 99.5 per cent glacial acetic acid, which will not reduce chromic
acid. Add enough bromine to double the halogen content, deter-
mined by titration (3 cc of bromine is about the proper amount).
The iodine may be dissolved by the aid of heat, but the solution
should be cold when the bromine is added.
(g) ALcoHOLIC SoprumM HypROxIDE SOLUTION.—Dissolve pure
sodium hydroxide in 95 per cent ethyl alcohol in the proportion
of about 22 g per 1,000cc. Let stand in a stoppered bottle.
Decant the clear liquid into another bottle and keep well stop-
pered. This solution should be colorless or only slightly yellow
when used, and it will keep colorless longer if the alcohol is pre-
viously treated with sodium hydroxide (about 80 g to 1,000 cc),
kept at about 50° C. for 15 days, and then distilled.
pure crystallized ferrous sulphate (FeSO, 7H,O) in about 500 cc
of water, to which 25 cc of concentrated H,SO, has been added,
and then dilute to 1,000 cc. This solution should be freshly
standardized when needed, as it does not keep well.
4.903 g of pure dry crystallized potassium dichromate in water
and dilute to 1,000 cc. One cubic centimeter of this solution
corresponds to 0.0108 g PbCrO,, or o.oror g PbSO,.
(j) PoTasstuM FERRICYANIDE SOLUTION.—Dissolve a piece half
as big as a small pea in 50 cc of water. This solution must be
made fresh when wanted, because it does not keep.
‘Samaaaspinouepupaapinsae-nadagemaaaapaaaoiae neaeeegineueondamaesoee pane aera nena neen eee eee
No. 98.
[Second edition. Issued February 28, 1923.]
[Revised January 2, 1923.j
This specification was officially adopted by the Federal Specifications Board
on February 3, 1922, for the use of the departments and independent establish-
ments of the Government in the purchase of volatile mineral spirits for thin-
ning paints.
oS co Boi it ie di eet Allain Sap ‘Saad. Bre nara aoa doll Ai tiaities ysy I
a. Detection and removal of separated water.i).. 0 cece ccc 2
te da ile, 29s. <> sak ee eek: -Liaaters «dry dpbeterehs die. db ae 2
Uae MR ITIACION 6 oa se. ge oss ates o 8 Sie Wonk Lat ale ese Bock Cee 3
Si og Uh cae ey pane ee a aE Ne rae Waray Mae Bac Pen’ © ART ania A Fo 9
This specification applies only to petroleum distillates, known
as mineral spirits. The material delivered under this specifica-
tion shall conform to the following requirements:
APPEARANCE.— hall be clear and free from suspended matter
and water.
CoLor.—Shall be no darker than an aqueous solution of potas-
sium dichromate containing 0.0048 g per liter (this corresponds to
No. 21 Saybolt chromometer).
Spot TEst.—Shall evaporate completely from filter paper.
Petroleum Products, Bureau of Mines Technical Paper 323.
27818°—23 ‘
2 Circular of the Bureau of Standards.
FLasH Pornt.—Shall be not lower than 30° C. (86° F.) when
tested in a closed cup tester.
BLACKENING.—Shall not blacken clean metallic copper. Distil-
late below 130° C. (266° F.) shall not exceed 5 percent. Distillate
below 230° C. (446° F.) shall be not less than 97 per cent.
Acipity.—shall be neutral.
Draw a portion by means of a glass or metal container with a
removable stopper or top, or with a ‘‘thief,’’ from the lowest part
of the container, or by opening the bottom valve of the perfectly
level tank car. If water is found to be present, draw it all out,
record the quantity, and deduct it from the total volume of liquid
NorTrE.—Deliveries will in general be sampled and tested by the following methods,
but the purchaser reserves the right to use any additional available information to
ascertain whether the material meets the specification.
The method of sampling given under (a) should be used when-
ever feasible. When method (a) is not applicable, method (0),
(c), or (d) is to be used, according to the special conditions that
obtain. ,
FOR SHIPMENT.—Samples shall be drawn by the purchaser’s
imspector at the discharge pipe where it enters the receiving
vessel or vessels. The composite sample shall be not less than 5
gallons and shall consist of small portions of not more than 1
quart each taken at regular intervals during the entire period of
loading or filling. The composite sample thus obtained shall be
thoroughly mixed, and from it three samples of not less than 1
quart each shall be placed in clean, dry glass bottles or tin cans,
which must be nearly filled with the sample and securely stoppered
with new clean corks or well-fitting covers or caps. These shall
be sealed and distinctly labeled by the inspector. One shall be
delivered to the buyer, one to the seller, and the third held for
check in case of dispute.
composite sample taken shall be not less than 5 gallons and shall
consist of numerous small samples of not more than 1 quart each
taken from the top, bottom, and intermediate points by means
of a metal or glass container with removable stopper or top. —
Specification for Mineral Spirtts. 3
This device attached to a suitable pole is lowered to the various
desired depths, when the stopper or top is removed and the con-
tainer allowed to fill. The sample thus obtained is handled as
in (a). :
(c) BARRELS AND Drums.—Barrels and drums shall be sampled
after gauging contents. Five per cent of the packages in any
shipment or delivery shall be represented in the sample. Thor-
oughly mix the contents of each barrel to be sampled by stirring
with a clean rod and withdraw a portion from about the center
by means of a “thief” or other sampling device. The com-
posite sample thus obtained shall be not less than 3 quarts, shall
consist of equal portions of not less than one-half pint from each
package sampled, and shall be handled as in (a). Should the
inspector suspect adulteration, he shall draw the samples from
the suspected packages.
These should be sampled, while filling, by method (a) whenever
possible; but in case this is impossible, the composite sample
taken shall be not less than 3 quarts. This shall be drawn from
at least five packages (from all when fewer), and in no case from
less than 2 per cent of the packages. The composite sample
thus taken shall be thoroughly mixed and subdivided as in (a).
(a) APPEARANCE.—Exaimine to determine compliance with the
(6) CoLor.—Compare in any suitable apparatus the depth of
color of the sample with the depth of color of a fresh solution of
potassium dichromate in distilled water containing 0.0048 g K,Cr,0,
per liter. (If desired, the color may be determined in a Saybolt
chromometer, in which case the color must be no darker than
No. 21 on that scale.)
(c) Spor TEest.—Transfer five drops of the mineral spirits by
means of a small pipette or burette to the center of a clean white
filter paper supported on a 7-cm crystallizing dish and allow the
liquid to evaporate at room temperature, away from direct sun-
light. There should be no oily spot left after 30 minutes.
(qd) FLAsH Point.—Determine with either the ‘‘Tag”’ or Elliott
closed-cup tester. The former is preferred.’
2 Directions for using the ‘‘Tag”’ tester may be found in A. S. T. M. Standards Ds6-21 and in Bureau
of Mines Technical Paper No. 323. Directionsfor using the Elliott cup may be found in Proceedings
A.S. T. M., 1917, pt. 1, p. 414.
4 Circular of the Bureau of Standards.
(ec) BLACKENING.—Place a clean strip of mechanically polished
pure sheet copper, about }4 inch wide and 3 inches long (1.3 cm
by 7.5 cm) in a glass test tube about 34 inch wide and 18 inches
long (1.9 by 46 cm). Add sufficient of the sample to be tested
to completely cover the strip and heat rapidly to its boiling point
(it is most convenient to heat the tube by immersion in an oil
bath maintained at a temperature slightly higher than the initial
boiling point of the mineral spirits). Keep the sample at its
boiling point, without any actual distillation taking place, for 30
minutes and then examine the copper strip for blackening. A
slight tarnish shall be disregarded, but any marked blackening
shall be cause for rejection. |
(f) DistILLATION.—Use the A. S. T. M. (D 86-21 T) method
as described below, except that it will be necessary to read the
volume of the distillate at 130° C. and at 230° C. and the distilla-
tion need not be carried beyond the 230° C. (446° F.) point.
Flask.—The standard 100 cc Engler flask is shown in Figure 1,
the dimensions and allowable tolerance being as follows:
Dimensions of Engler flask.
. @f-
Description. he wpe 4 . Inches. ei
Diancter of bulb; outside <9 see evo had ane Pee ck cals rie 6.5 2. 56 0.2
Diameter of neck, insides... 2e. op oh i oie ae Sk me he oe Bal ee een cee al 1.6 - 63 el
Lenvth of meek ke castes ss poe becca sees coe Geert es re cee eee 15.0 5.91 4
Length of vapor tab@y 20) os jccols wire ds ue o bcs maf pts Sone elas oe oie ee aS ee 10. 0 3.94 .3
Diameter of vapor fube, outside. sco aac te est se pes nee -6 24 .05
Diameter of vapor tuhe, inside. . 5..5....509 sche ks 09a gd cn ecm aoe ale :
ZANG OLIGE:= | occ. aw oes Lice vos AE Oe RO ES Books « Sebpe 57 Peewee ne eau a ace er ie TOFS Mees
Tinting and extending pigments. ............... ccc c cece eee ee eee e eee eee e ne eeares aS i eaerre: oy!
Material BBL Die Ate WALCO cos, ow inc dc ial ethce meolass'9 as ibaa os aaeuachis «4, win» ale cetera * ADB abs ere eeaen
N OTE. —The lithopone used must contain not less than 26 per cent of zinc sulphide and must not darken
on exposure.
(6) Liguip.—The liquid ee of the paint shall consis of
treated drying oils or varnish, or a mixture thereof, and turpentine
or volatile mineral spirits, or a mixture thereof, in such proportions
as to insure not less than 25 per cent of nonvolatile vehicle. The
nonvolatile vehicle shall dry to a tough and elastic film.
(c) Parnt.—The paint shall be well ground, shall not settle
badly, cake, or thicken in the container, shall be readily broken
up with a paddle to a smooth, uniform paint of brushing con-
sistency, and shall dry within 18 hours to a dead flat finish without
streaking, running, or sagging and free from laps and brush
marks. ‘The color and hiding power when specified shall be equal
to those of a sample mutually agreed upon by buyer and seller.
After drying for not less than five days, marks made on the painted
surface with a soft lead pencil (No. 2 Mogul) shall be easily removed
by washing with soap and warm water without appreciably
marring the paint surface. The weight per gallon shall be not
less than 14% pounds.
The paint shall consist of:
_ | Maximum, Minimum.
Per cent. | Per cent.
7 68
tee Sy AECL SE EET Creer ee se 2
Liquid ocaninisa at least 25 per cent nonvolatile matter)...................c.-00: 4 28
Contes particles and “skins” (total residue retained on No. 325 screen basedon| §8 | —
plgrizent) ie... «a un debinho cdailte pike gains Hsp es keane) dima RE ee) sere
NotE.—Deliveries will, in general, be sampled and tested by the following methods,
but the purchaser reserves the right to use any additional available information to
ascertain whether the material meets the specification.
It is mutually agreed by buyer and seller that a single package
‘out of each lot of not more than 1,000 packages shall be taken as
representative of the whole. Whenever possible, an ‘original
unopened container shall be sent to the laboratory, and when this
is for any reason not done the inspector shall determine by thor-
Specification for Flat Interior Lithopone Paint 3 \
ough testing with a paddle or spatula whether the material meets
the requirement regarding caking in the container. He shall
then thoroughly mix the contents of the container and draw a
sample of not less than 5 pounds. This sample shall be placed
in a clean, dry metal or glass container, which it must nearly fill.
The container shall be closed with a tight cover, sealed, marked,
and sent to the laboratory for test with the inspector’s report
on caking.
When requested, a duplicate sample may be taken from the
same package and delivered to the seller, and the inspector may
take a third sample to hold for test in case of dispute.
(a) .CAKING IN CONTAINER.—When an original package is re-
ceived in the laboratory it shall be weighed, opened, and stirred
with a stiff spatula or paddle. ‘The paint must be no more difficult
to mix to a uniform consistency than a good grade of flat paint.
The paint shall finally be thoroughly mixed, removed from the con-
tainer, and the container wiped clean and weighed. This weight
subtracted from the weight of the original package gives the net
weight of the contents. A portion of the thoroughly mixed paint
shall be placed in a clean container and portions for the remaining
tests promptly weighed out.
(6) Cotor.—Place some of the paint on a clean, clear glass plate.
Place some of the standard agreed upon beside the sample on the
plate, turn the glass over, and compare the colors.
(c) WEIGHT PER GALLON.—Weigh a clean, dry, 100 ce gradu-
ated flask. Fill to the mark with the thoroughly mixed paint and
weigh again. ‘The increase in weight expressed in grams, divided
by 100, gives the specific gravity, which multiplied by 8.33 gives
the weight in pounds per gallon.
T0 WasHING.—Brush the well-mixed paint on a suitable panel,
which may be ground glass, steel, or well-filled wood. Note
whether the paint works satisfactorily under the brush. Place
the panel in a vertical position in a well-ventilated room and let it
stand for 18 hours. The paint should be dry and free from streaks.
Let the panel stand for five days, then make marks on it with a
soft lead pencil (No. 2, Mogul) and wash these marks off with warm
(75° C.) distilled water and white floating soap, using a sponge or
soft rag. The marks must be removed by this treatment without
appreciably marring the paint film.
4 Circular of the Bureau of Standards
(e) FastNEss To Licur.—Apply a sufficient number of coats
of the paint to a ground-glass plate to completely hide the surface,
cover half of this painted surface with opaque black paper, and
exposure indoors in a well-lighted room for five days. Remove the
black paper and examine the surface. The exposed portion should
be no darker than the portion protected by the black paper.
({) WaTER.—Mix 100 g of the paint in a 300 cc flask with 75
ce of toluol. Connect with a condenser and distil until about
50 ce of distillate has been collected in a graduate. The tem-
perature in the flask should be then about 105 to 110° C. The
number of cubic centimeters of water collecting under the toluol
in the receiver is the percentage of water in the paint. Material |
complying with the specification should yield less than 1.0 cc.
(g) VOLATILE THINNER.—Weigh accurately from 3 to 5 g of
the paint into a tared flat-bottomed dish about 5 cm in diameter,
spreading the paint over the bottom. Heat at 105 to 110° C. for
one hour, cool, and weigh. Calculate the loss in weight as per-
centage of water and volatile thinner, subtract from this the per-
centage of water (3 (f)), and report the remainder as volatile
_ (h) PERCENTAGE OF PIGMENT.—Weigh accurately about 15 g
of the paint into a weighed centrifuge tube. Add 20 to 30 cc of
“extraction mixture’’ (see Reagents), mix thoroughly with a glass
rod, wash the rod with more of the extraction mixture, and add
sufficient of the reagent to make a total of 60 cc in the tube,
Place the tube in the container of a centrifuge, surround with
water, and counterbalance the container of the opposite arm
with a similar tube or a tube with water. Whirl at a moderate
speed until well settled. Decant the clear supernatant liquid.
Repeat the extraction twice with 40 ce of extraction mixture and
once with 4o cc of ether.- After drawing off the ether, set the
tube in a beaker of water at about 80° C. or on top of a warm
~. oven for 10 minutes, then in an oven at 110 to 115° C. for two
hours. Cool, weigh, and calculate the percentage of pigment.
Grind the pigment to a fine powder, pass through a No. 80 screen
to remove any skins, and preserve in a stoppered bottle. Pre-
serve the extracted vehicle for 3 (7).
percentages of water (3 (f)), of volatile thinner (3 (g)), and of pig-
ment (3 (h)), and subtract the sum from 100. ‘The remainder is
the percentage of nonvolatile vehicle, which should be not less
than one-third as large as the percentage of volatile thinner.
Specification for Flat Interror Lithopone Paint 5
(j) NaTuRE oF NONVOLATILE VEHICLE.—Evaporate the ex-
tracted vehicle and extraction mixture from 3 (h) to about 5 cc
Thoroughly clean with benzol a piece of bright sheet iron, tin
plate, or terneplate. Spread a portion of the concentrated ex-
tracted vehicle on the sheet of metal, allow to dry for 30 minutes
at room temperature in a vertical position, bake for three hours .
at 100 to 110° C. (212 to 221° F.), remove from the oven, and
keep at room temperature for three days. Test the film with a
knife blade at a place not less than 2.5 cm (1 inch) from the edge.
The film should be tough and elastic; if it powders or if particles
fly under the test, it will be considered brittle, which will be cause
for rejection. The film must also stand light, vigorous rubbing
with the finger without powdering or disintegrating.
(k) COARSE PARTICLES AND SKINS.—Dry in an oven at 105 to
110° C. a No. 325 screen, cool, and weigh accurately. Weigh an
amount of paint containing 10 g of pigment (see 3 (h)), add 50 cc
of kerosene, mix thoroughly, and wash with kerosene through the
screen, breaking up all lumps, but not grinding. After washing
with kerosene until all but the particles too coarse to pass the
screen have been washed through, wash all kerosene from the
screen with ether or petroleum ether, heat the screen fm one hour
at 105 to 110° C., cool, and weigh.
Use the pigment extracted in 3 (h).
(a) QUALITATIVE ANALYsIs.—Make qualitative sel Si fol-
lowing ordinary methods.
(6) MATTER SOLUBLE IN WATER. ashipe nice 2.5 g of the pig-
ment to a graduated 250 cc flask, add 100 ce of water, boil for
five minutes, cool, fill to mark with water, mix, and allow to
settle. Pour the supernatant liquid through a dry filter paper
and discard the first 20 cc. Then evaporate 100 cc of the clear
filtrate to dryness ina weighed dish, heat for one hour at 105 to
110° C., cool, and weigh. ‘The residue should not exceed 0.008 g.
1 g of pigment to a porcelain casserole or dish, moisten with a
few drops of alcohol, add 40 cc of hydrochloric acid (1.1, specific
gravity), cover, and boil to expel hydrogen sulphide; remove the
cover and evaporate to dryness on the steam bath, moisten with
hydrochloric acid, dilute with water, filter through paper, and
wash with dilute hydrochloric acid and then with hot water until
6 Circular of the Bureau of Standards
the washings are free from zinc and chlorine. Ignite and weigh
the residue, which will be barium sulphate and siliceous material.
Mix the ignited residue with about 10 times its weight of anhy-
drous sodium carbonate (grind the mixture in an agate mortar if
necessary), fuse the mixture in a covered platinum crucible, heat-
ing about one hour. Let cool, place the crucible and cover in a
250 cc beaker, add about 100 cc of water, and heat until the
melt is disintegrated. Filter on paper (leaving the crucible and
cover in the beaker) and wash the beaker and filter thoroughly
with hot water to remove soluble sulphates. Place the beaker
containing the crucible and cover under the funnel, pierce the —
filter with a glass rod, and wash the carbonate residue into the
beaker by means of a jet of hot water. Wash the paper with
hot dilute hydrochloric acid (1:1), and then with hot water. If
the carbonate residue is not completely dissolved, add sufficient
dilute hydrochloric acid to effect solution, and remove the crucible »
and cover, washing them with a jet of water. Heat the solution
to boiling and add 1o to 15 cc of dilute sulphuric acid, and
continue the boiling for 10 or 15 minutes longer. Let the pre-
cipitate settle, filter on a weighed Gooch crucible, wash with hot
water, ignite, cool, and weigh as BaSO,. Subtract from the re-
sult of the previous determination to obtain the siliceous material.
(d) Tota, Zinc CALCULATED As Zinc OximpE.—With material
containing no interfering elements (iron, for example) weigh ac-
curately about 1 g of pigment, transfer to a 400 cc beaker,
moisten with alcohol, add 30 ce of hydrochloric acid (1:2),
boil for two to three minutes, add 200 cc of water and a small
piece of litmus paper; add strong ammonia until slightly alka-
line, render just acid with hydrochloric acid, then add 3 ce of
strong hydrochloric aeid, heat nearly to boiling, and titrate with
standard ferrocyanide as in standardizing that solution (see
Reagents). Calculate total zine as zinc oxide.
When iron or other interfering elements are present (see 4 (a) ),
take the filtrate containing the zinc from 4 (c), add a slight excess
of bromine water and 2 g ammonium chloride, heat to nearly
boiling, add an excess of ammonia, heat for about two minutes,
filter, dissolve the precipitate in hydrochloric acid, add 2 g of
ammonium chloride, and reprecipitate with ammonia as above.
Filter, wash the precipitate with hot 2 per cent ammonium-chloride
solution, unite the two filtrates, and determine zinc as above.
Specification for Flat Interior Lithopone Paint 7
(e) Zinc Oxipe.—Weigh accurately 2.5 g¢ of pigment, transfer
to a 250 cc graduated flask, moisten with a few drops of alcohol,
add about 200 ce of 1 to 3 per cent acetic acid, shake vigorously
and let stand for 30 minutes, shaking once every five minutes.
Fill to the mark with 1 to 3 per cent acetic acid, mix, filter through
a dry paper, discard the first 25 cc and determine zine in 100 cc
of the filtrate (corresponding to 1 g) as in 4 (d). Calculate the
_ percentage of zinc oxide.
(f) CaLcuLations.—Subtract the percentage of zinc oxide
(4 (e) ) from the percentage of total zinc as zinc oxide (4 (d) ) and
multiply the remainder by 1.2 to convert to percentage of zinc
sulphide. In case the percentage of barium sulphate (4 (c)) iis
not more than 2.86 times as great as the percentage of zinc sul-
phide, add the two together and call the sum the percentage of
lithopone. If the percentage of barium sulphate is greater than
this amount, take 2.86 times the percentage of zinc sulphide as
the percentage of barium sulphate to be included in the percentage
of lithopone and include the remainder in the percentage of tinting
and extending pigments. Subtract, the sum of the percentage of
zine oxide (4 (e) ), lithopone, and matter soluble in water (4 (0) )
from 100. Call the remainder percentage of tinting and extending
(a) Extracrion MixtuRE.—
3 10 volumes ether (ethyl ether).
6 volumes benzol. .
4 volumes methyl alcohol.
I volume acetone.
(6) ONE To THREE PER Cen? Acetic “Acip.—Dilute 20 cc
glacial acetic acid to 1,000 cc with distilled water.
(c) Uranyt InpicaTor For Zinc TirraTIon.—A 5 per cent
solution of uranyl nitrate in water or a 5 per cent solution of
uranyl acetate in water made slightly acid with acetic acid.
(dq) StanDaRD Potasstum FERROCYANIDE.—Dissolve 22 g. of
the pure salt in water and dilute to 1,000 cc. To standardize,
transfer about 0.2 g (accurately weighed) of pure metallic zinc or
freshly ignited pure zinc oxide to a 400 cc beaker. Dissolve in
10 cc of hydrochloric acid and 20 cc of water. Drop in a small
piece of litmus paper, add ammonium hydroxide until slightly
alkaline, then add hydrochloric acid until just acid, and then 3 cc.
8 Circular of the Bureau of Standards
of strong hydrochloric acid. Dilute to about 250 ce with hot’
water and heat nearly to boiling. Run in the ferrocyanide solu-
tion slowly from a burette with constant stirring until a drop
tested on a white porcelain plate with a drop of the uranyl indi-_
cator shows a brown tinge after standing one minute. A blank
should be run with the same amounts of reagents and water as in
the standardization. The amount of ferrocyanide solution re-
quired for the blank should be subtracted from the amounts used
in standardization and in titration of the sample. The standardi-
zation must be made under the same conditions of temperature,
volume, and acidity as obtain when the sample is titrated.
S. W. STRATTON, Director.
No. 117.
[2d edition. Issued July 3, 1922.]
This Boeifcation was officially adopted by the Federal Specifications Board on
February 3, 1922, for the use of the Departments and Independent Establish-
ments of the Government in the purchase of materials covered by it.
; Page
EE Pe Sie eT ONT TES RN: UR. RE ERS 20 ee I
ROC ete. SS, ise, oN Tf) SRO UCR Ra 2
ee ener eMarmindtion (iy)... fa ls2iitce . nubs they olay ua. paadeeers 2
SE a a as! abcess OP gic OP. cn tes tbo ie 6
The varnish shall be suitable for general interior use, including
both rubbed and unrubbed finish, exclusive of floors. It must be
capable of easy application with a brush in the ordinary manner
according to the rules of good standard practice, must flow out
to a good level coat free from runs, sags, pits, or other defects, and
dry with reasonable promptness to a hard, somewhat elastic glossy
coating which can be rubbed in 48 hours or less. ‘The manufac-
_ turer is given wide latitude in the selection of raw materials and
processes of manufacture, so that he may produce a varnish of
the highest quality. The varnish must meet the following
63901 °—23
Clear and transparent.
2 Circular of the Bureau of Standards e
CoLor.—Not darker than a solution of 3 g of potassium dichro- |
mate in 100 ce of pure sulphuric acid, specific gravity 1.84.
FLasu Pornt (cLosED-cup).—Not below 30° C. (85° F.).
NoNnvVOLATILE MatTER.—Not less than 45 per cent by weight.
Set to Toucu.—In not more than 4 hours.
Dry Harp.—In not more than 24 hours.
Dry to Rus.—In not more than 48 hours.
TOUGHNESS.—Film on metal must stand rapid bending over a
rod 3 mm (% inch) in diameter.
Worxkinc PRopERTIES.—Must have good brushing, flowing,
covering, leveling, and rubbing properties; and must show no
impairment of luster or other defect when used where natural or
illuminating gases aré burned or when subjected to air currents
during the process of drying or application.
Water RESISTANCE.—The dried film must stand application
of cold water for not less than 18 hours without whitening or
showing other visible defect.
Note.—Deliveries will, in general, be sampled and tested, by the following methods, but the pur-
chaser reserves the right to use any available information to ascertain whether the material meets the
It is mutually agreed by buyer and seller that a single package
out of each lot of not more than 1,000 packages shall be taken as
representative of the whole. Whenever possible, an original un-
opened container shall be sent to the laboratory, and when for
any reason this is not done, the inspector shall thoroughly mix
the contents of the container sampled, transfer not less than 1
quart to a clean dry glass bottle or tin can which must be nearly
filled with the sample, securely stoppered with a new clean cork
or well-fitting cover, or cap, sealed, and distinctly labeled by the
The inspector should take a duplicate from the container
sampled to be held for check in case of dispute, and, when re-
quested, should take a sample for the seller.
The tin panels used in the following tests shall be cut from —
bright tin plate weighing not more than 25 g nor less than 19
g per square decimeter (0.51 to 0.39 pound per square foot).
(Commercial No. 31 gage bright tin plate should weigh about
0.44 pound per square foot. It is important that the tin plate
used shall be within the limits set.) | |
Specification for Intertor Varmsh 3
(a) APPEARANCE.—Pour some of the thoroughly mixed sam-
ple into a clear glass bottle or test tube and examine by trans-
mitted light. The varnish must be clear and transparent.
(b) CoLor.—Prepare a standard color solution by dissolving
3 g of pure powdered potassium dichromate in 100 cc of pure
concentrated sulphuric acid of specific gravity 1.84. Gentle.
heat may be used if necessary to perfect the solution of the di-
chromate. The standard color solution and a sample of the
varnish to be tested shall be placed in clear, thin-walled glass
tubes of the same diameter. The color comparison shall be
made by placing the tubes close together and looking through
them by transmitted light. The tubes used for this test should
be 1.5 to 2.0 cm (5% to 18 inch) in diameter and shall be filled to
a depth of at least 2.5 cm (1 inch). (Since the potassium di-
chromate-sulphuric acid must be freshly made for this color
comparison, it is frequently more convenient to compare samples
with a permanently sealed tube of varnish which has previously
been found to be slightly lighter in color than the standard solu-
tion of 3 g dichromate in sulphuric acid. When samples are
found to be darker than this standard tube of varnish, the di-
chromate standard should be made up for final decision.) |
(c) FLasH Pornt.—Determine with either the Tag or Elliott
closed-cup tester. The former is preferred.’
(d) NonvVOLATILE MaTrer.—Place a portion of the sample in a
stoppered bottle or weighing pipette. Weigh container and sam-
ple. ‘Transfer about 1.5 g of the sample to a weighed flat-bot-
tomed metal dish about 8 cm diameter (a friction-top can plug).
Weigh container again and by difference calculate the exact weight
of the portion of sample transferred to the weighed dish. Heat
_ dish and contents in an oven maintained at 105 to 110° C. (221 to
230° F.) for three hours. Cooland weigh. From the weight of the
residue left in the dish and weight of the sample taken, calculate
the percentage of nonvolatile residue.
(ec) Dryinc TimE.—Pour the varnish on a clean glass or bright
tin plate not less than 15 cm (6 inches) long and 1ocm (4 inches)
wide. Place the plate in a nearly vertical position in a well-
ventilated room but not in the direct rays of the sun. The tempera-
ture of the room should be from 21 to 32°C. (7o to 90° F.). The
film is tested at points not less than 2.5 cm (1 inch) from the edges
of the film by touching lightly with the finger. The varnish is
1 Directions for using the Tag tester may be found in A. S. T. M. Standards D 56-21, and directions for
using the Elliott cup in Proceedings A. S. T. M., 1917, pt. 1, D. 414.
4 . Crrcular of the Bureau of Standards.
from carbon dioxide and other acid fumes. Wash the residue on
the paper or in the crucible with hot neutral alcohol until free from
soap. Dry the filter paper or crucible and residue at 100 to 105°C.
for three hours, cool, and weigh the total matter insoluble in alco-.
hol. (Since the percentage of the matter insoluble in alcohol is not
required under this specification, time may be saved by omitting
the drying and weighing and proceeding directly with the moist
residue to the determination of matter insoluble in water (ae
(2) FREE ALKALI oR Free Actp.—Titrate the filtrate from the
above, using phenolphthalein as indicator, with standard acid or
alkali solution, and calculate the alkalinity to sodium hydroxide
(or potassium hydroxide) or acidity to oelic acid. |
(3) Matrer INSOLUBLE IN WatTER.—Proceed as in the deter-
mination of matter insoluble in alcohol. After filtering and
thoroughly washing the residue, extract it with water at 60° C.
and wash the filter thoroughly. (When the matter insoluble in
water is all inorganic, boiling water may be used for the extraction
and washing.) Dry the filter and residue at 100 to 105° C. for ,
three hours, cool, and weigh matter insoluble in water. The
nature of this may be determined by further examination. ‘The
insoluble matter should be siliceous. ‘The approximate amount of
feldspar contained in the abrasive material of scouring soap
(when such material is known to contain nothing but feldspar or
quartz or a mixture of the two) may be determined by decom-
posing about 0.5 g of the abrasive material with hydrofluoric
acid, taking up the residue in water and hydrochloric acid and
determining the Al,O,. This weight multiplied by 5.48 and
divided by the weight of sample gives the approximate percentage
of feldspar in the abrasive material. Feldspar may be identified
and the relative amounts of feldspar and quartz roughly deter-
mined by means of the petrographic microscope.
INSOLUBLE IN ALCOHOL).—Titrate the filtrate from the deter-
mination of matter insoluble in water with standard acid, using
methyl orange as indicator. Calculate alkalinity to sodium car-
bonate (Na,CO,).
(d) Steve Test.—Transfer a weighed sample of the insoluble
siliceous material to a No. 100 sieve and carefully brush through.
Weigh the amount passing through and calculate percentage.
After weighing transfer to a No. 200 sieve and treat in the same
manner. Weigh the amount passing through and calculate per-
centage. i
Specification for Interior Varnish 5
from the top of the plate. Let panel stand in the same position
for 20 minutes longer, then lay flat. An exaggerated condition of
a dusty room shall be created by rubbing some cotton batting
between the hands immediately over the panel. Let panel dry
for a total of 48 hours in a well-ventilated room. If the comb
marks show at this time, the varnish shall be rejected. If no
comb marks show, the surface shall then be rubbed with pumice
flour, water, and a felt pad with long, even, firm strokes back and
forth in one or another direction, but not in circles, until every
portion of the panel has been rubbed. Most of the pumice will
then be removed from the pad and panel, and the varnish film
given a ‘‘water rub” with the pad.
A satisfactory rubbing varnish in the above test will yield a
smooth, dull film even at those places where the dust particles
have been encrusted in the film, and shall show no spots where
the pumice has been ground into and become attached to the film,
nor show any other evidence of gumming. No sweating shall
occur anywhere on the film in 18 hours after rubbing.
(2) Gas TEst.—A pparatus.—The necessary apparatus consists
of a glass bell jar approximately 20 cm (8 inches) in diameter and
30 cm (12 inches) in height, inside dimensions, having a ground-
glass rim; a ground-glass base plate of suitable size: a small,
kerosene glowlamp without chimney, or a small alcohol lamp
filled with kerosene, using a round wick not over 6 mm (14 inch)
in diameter and adjusted to give a flame 2 cm (4/, inch) in height.
A wire or a light wooden frame is fitted inside the jar and provided
with a support for holding a disk of tin plate 15 cm (6 inches) in
diameter in a horizontal position 5 cm (2 inches) above the wick
of the lamp. The frame must also be provided with several other
supports above this disk for holding in a horizontal position the
various varnished panels under test. The test panels consist of
semicircular pieces of bright tin plate approximately 15 cm (6
inches) in diameter..
The form and arrangement of the above apparatus is designed
to provide an even distribution of the products of combustion
over the test panels.
Method.—First determine the normal time required for the
varnish under examination to set to touch at room temperature.
Divide this time by five to arrive at the different drying periods
at which the varnish is to be tested in the gas tester. ‘Thus, if a
varnish sets to touch in five hours, samples should be tested for
resistance to gas at drying periods of one, two, three, and four
6 Circular of the Bureau of Standards
hours; it is needless to use the fifth or five-hour period for the
above varnish, as a varnish which has set to touch is practically
immune to injury from gas fumes. Similarly a varnish which
sets to touch in one hour should be tested for resistance to gas at
drying periods of 12, 24, 36, and 48 minutes.
Example.—A varnish which sets to touch in five hours is tested
as follows:
First, clean two of the semicircular, bright, tin-plate panels
carefully with benzol. Flow the varnish on one-half of panel
No. 1 at, say, ro a, m., and allow to drain in a nearly vertical
position at room temperature. At 11 a. m., flow the varnish on
the other half of panel No. 1; allow to drain as before. At 12 m.
varnish one-half of panel No. 2, and at 1 p. m. varnish the other
half, as above. At 2 p. m. place the two panels close together in
a horizontal position on the upper supports of the frame. Light
the lamp and set it under the circular tin. Place the bell jar in
position, centering it as nearly as possible, properly seated on the
eround-glass plate. If the chamber is tight and lamp properly
adjusted, the flame will be extinguished in about four minutes.
After the panels have been in the chamber for half an hour,
remove the bell jar and examine the varnished panels for gas
effects. :
he varnish on all four sections should remain bright and clear
without trace of pitting, ‘‘crow’s footing,” frosting, or other
Varnish shall be purchased by volume, the unit being a gallon
of 231 cubic inches at 15.5° C. (60° F.). The volume may be deter-
mined by measure, or, in case of large deliveries, it may be easier
to determine the net weight and specific gravity at 15.5/15.5° ©.
(60/60° F.) of the delivery. The weight per gallon in pounds can
then be determined by multiplying the specific gravity by 8.33.
The net weight in pounds divided by the weight per gallon gives
the number of gallons. . |
A Oe
U. S. Gov't
No. 66.
George K. Burgess, Director.
[Issued September 25, 1923.]
This specification was officially adopted by the Federal Specifications Board
on September 1, 1923, for the use of the Departments and Independent Estab-
lishments of the Government in the purchase of water-resisting red enamei.
ERM ee alt ng wap inn pw gm owe c OPS rane ueee tans cere idee tlere sd crn cooks I
So Seve AI a AE OPO SRN ALS Ce A SLPS ga i OL 2 2
Bpeeepiaee yearn rintloue si olde ied 2, eee eiden peered 4 ec etek. hen 2
en MNCS AE Ee i ie olla es Siig maid a micttie os ak 6
The material desired under this specification is an extremely
durable, highest quality red enamel, suitable primarily for outside
use. It should be made by grinding pure high color strength
toluidine red toner (metanitro-paratoluidine-azo-betanaphthol),
free from any base or substratum, with the very best water-
resisting long oil spar varnish. The color and hiding power
when specified shall be equal to those of a sample mutually
agreed upon by buyer and seller. It must meet the following
WEIGHT PER GALLON.—Not less than 7!% pounds.
PIGMENT.—Not less than 6 per cent by weight; pigment to be
composed entirely of pure high color strength toluidine red
toner, free from any other organic coloring matter, base, or
61692 °—23
2 Circular of the Bureau of Standards.
CoARSE PARTICLES AND ‘‘SKINS” (total residue retained on No.
325 sieve).—Not more than 0.5 per cent.
NoNVOLATILE MaTtER.—Not less than 60 per cent by welghiee
Set to Toucu.—In not more than 18 hours.
Dry Harp AND ToucH.—In not more than 48 hours.
WorKING PROPERTIBS.—Enamel must have good brushing,
flowing, covering, and leveling properties and must not cake in
the container.
WATER RESISTANCE.—Dried film must withstand cold water for
18 hours and boiling water for 15 minutes without whitening,
dulling, or change in color.
TOUGHNESS.—Enamel must pass a 50 per cent Kauri reduction
teStat eas oR ae
Deliveries will, in general, be sampled and tested by the following ~
methods, but the purchaser ‘reserves the right to use any addttronal
available information to ascertain whether the material meets the
It is mutually agreed by buyer and seller that a singh package
out of each lot of not more than 1,000 packages be taken as repre-
sentative of the whole. Whenever possible, an original unopened
container shall be sent to the laboratory, and when for any rea-
son this is not done the inspector shall thoroughly mix the con-
tents of the container sampled, transfer not less than 1 quart
to a clean, dry glass bottle or tin can, which must be nearly filled
with the sample, securely stoppered with a new, clean cork or well-
fitting cover or cap, sealed and distinctly labeled by the inspector.
The inspector should take a duplicate from the container sampled
to be held for check in case of dispute, and, when requested,
should take a sample for the seller.
The tin panels used in the following tests shall all be cut from —
bright tin plate weighing not more than 25 nor less than 19 g per
square decimeter (0.51 to 0.39 pound per square foot). (Com-
mercial No. 31 gauge bright tin plate should weigh about 0.44
pound per square foot. It is important that the tin plate used
shall be within the limits set.) The panels shall be about 7.5 by
13 cm (3 by 5 inches) and must be thoroughly" cleaned with
benzol immediately before using.
an original package is received in the laboratory, it shall be
Specification for Water-Resisting Red Enamel. 3
weighed, opened, and stirred with a stiff spatula or paddle. The
enamel must be no more difficult to break up than a normal good
grade of enamel paint. The enamel shall finally be thoroughly
mixed, removed from the container, and the container wiped
clean and weighed. This weight subtracted from the weight of
the original package gives the net weight of the contents. Apply
some of the thoroughly mixed enamel, both by brushing and
flowing, to clean glass plates. It should work easily under the
brush. Dry both plates in a nearly vertical position. They
should both dry without streaking, separating, or showing brush
marks. A portion of thoroughly mixed enamél shall be placed
in a clean container and the portions for the remaining tests
promptly weighed out.
(b) CoLOR AND HipiInc PowEr.—Place some of the enamel on a
clean, clear glass plate. Place some of the standard agreed upon
beside the sample on the plate, turn the glass over, and compare
the colors by transmitted and reflected light.
(c) WEIGHT PER GALLON.—Weigh a clean, dry, 100 ce gradu-
ated flask. Fill to the mark with the thoroughly mixed enamel and
weigh again. ‘The increase in weight expressed in grams, divided
by 100, gives the specific gravity, which, multiplied by 8.33,
gives the weight in pounds per gallon.
(d) COARSE PARTICLES AND SKINS.—Dry in an oven at 105 to
110° C. a No. 325 sieve, cool, and weigh accurately. Weigh
accurately about 50 g of the enamel, add 100 cc of kerosene, mix
thoroughly, and wash with kerosene through the sieve, breaking
up all lumps, but not grinding. After washing with kerosene
until all but the particles too coarse to pass the sieve have been
washed through wash all kerosene from the sieve with ether or
petroleum ether, heat the sieve for one hour at 105 to 110° C.,
cool, and weigh.
(e) PIGMENT.—Qualitative examination. Poe about 1 g of the
thoroughly stirred enamel, previously strained through a No. 200
SIEVE: IM)..a )50..cC baler Add about 4o ce of chloroform
(U.S. P.) and warm on the steath bath, stirring with a glass rod.
A clear orange-red solution should result in a few minutes. Take
another portion of the enamel and spread it with a spatula on a
smooth, white surface, such as a piece of milk glass. Touch a few
drops of alcoholic sodium hydroxide solution to the center of the
film and rub well witha glass spatula. There should be no change
in color.!
1 The presence of para nitraniline red is indicated by a violet color.
4 Circular of the Bureau of Standards.
Quantitative. determination. Weigh 1 g (+ 10 mg) of the
enamel and 6 g (+ 10 mg) of pure zinc oxide, place on a large
glass plate, add 2 cc of linseed oil and rub up with a flat-bottomed
glass pestle or muller, grinding with a circular motion 50 times.
Gather up with a sharp-edge spatula and grind out twice more
in like manner, giving the pestle a uniform pressure. Next
weigh to + 1 mg an amount of pure high color strength toluidine
red toner equal to 6 per cent of the weight of enamel taken,
add 4 drops of linseed oil and rub up with the glass pestle.
Then add 6 g of pure zinc oxide and 2 cc of linseed oil and treat
in exactly the same manner as described above. Transfer por-
tions of each paste to a clean microscope slide quite close together,
and then draw a palette knife across both samples, so as to make
them meet in a line. Compare the tints as shown on both sides
of the glass. The color of the sample tested shall be not less
than that of the selected standard, and the tone shall be not
materially different from it.
(7) NONVOLATILE MATTER.—Place a portion of the sample in a
stoppered bottle or weighing pipette. Weigh container and sam-
ple. Transfer about 1.5 g of the sample to a weighed flat-bot-
tomed metal dish about 8 cm in diameter (a friction-top can plug).
Weigh container again and by difference calculate the exact weight
of the portion of sample transferred to the weighed dish. Heat
_ dish and contents in an oven maintained at 105 to 110° C. (221 to
230° F.) for three hours. Cool and weigh. From the weight of
the residue left in the dish and weight of the sample taken calcu-
late the percentage of nonvolatile residue.
(g) Dry1inc Time.—Pour the enamel on one of the tin panels
described above. Place the panel in a nearly vertical position in
a well-ventilated room, but not in the direct rays of the sun. The
atmosphere of this room must be free from products of combus-
tion or laboratory fumes. The temperature of the room should
be from 21 to 32°C. (7o to 90° F.). The film is tested at points
not less than 2.5 cm (1 inch) from the edges of the film by touch-
ing lightly with the finger. The enamel is considered to have set to
touch when gentle pressure of the finger shows a tacky condition,
but none of the enamel adheres to the finger. The enamel is con-
sidered to have dried hard when the pressure that can be exerted
between the thumb and finger does not move the film or leave a
mark which remains noticeable after the spot is lightly polished.
If rapid, light rubbing breaks the surface, the sample is considered
not to have satisfactorily dried hard. In case the test shows time
of setting to touch or drying hard more than 18 and 48 hours,
Specification for Water-Resisting Red Enamel. 5
respectively, two additional tests shall be run on different days,
and if the enamel does not meet the above drying and hardening
requirements on both of these additional tests it shall be con-
sidered unsatisfactory. In cases where different laboratories fail
to agree on the drying test, due to different atmospheric condi-
tions, and umpire tests are necessary, such tests shall be made in
a well-ventilated room maintained at a temperature of 70° F. and
relative humidity of 65 per cent saturation.
(h) WATER RESISTANCE.—Pour the enamel on two of the tin
panels described above and allow to dry under the conditions
described in paragraph (g) for 48 hours. Place one of these panels
in a beaker containing about 2.5 inches of distilled water at room
temperature (immersing the end of the panel which was upper-
most during the drying period) and leave in water for 18 hours.
The enamel shall show no whitening and no more than very slight
dulling either when observed immediately after removing from the
water or after drying for 2 hours. Place the other panel in a
beaker containing about 2.5 inches of boiling distilled water (im-
_mersing the end of the panel which was uppermost during the
drying period) and allow to remain in the boiling water for 15
minutes. The enamel shall show no whitening, no more than a
very slight dulling, and no material change in color, either when
observed immediately after removing from the water or after
drying for 2 hours.
(2) TOUGHNESS.—The toughness of the enamel is determined
by the Kauri reduction test, as follows: By proportioriately reduc-
ing its toughness by the addition of a standard solution of “‘run-
Kauri” gum in pure spirits of turpentine.
(1) Preparation of the “run Kawur.’’—Arrange a distillation
flask, water-cooled condenser, and a tared receiver on a balance.
Place in the flask about one-third of its volumetric capacity
of clear, bright hard pieces of Kauri gum broken to pea size.
Carefully melt and distil until 25 per cent, by weight, of the gum
taken is collected in the tared receiver. (At the end of the distil-
lation the thermometer in the distillation flask with the bulb at
the level of the discharging point of the flask should register about
316° C. (600° F.).) Pour the residue into a clean pan, and when
cold break up into small pieces.
(2) Preparation of standard “run-Kaurv’”’ solutton.—Place a
quantity of the small broken pieces of run-Kauri, together with
twice its weight of freshly redistilled spirits of turpentine, using
only that portion distilling over between 153 and 170° C. (308
and 338° F.) in a carefully tared beaker. Dissolve by heating
6 Circular of the Bureau of Standards.
to a temperature of about 149° C. (300° F.) and bring back to
correct weight when cold by the addition of the amount of redis-
tilled spirits of turpentine necessary to replace the loss by evapora-
tion during the dissolving of the gum.
(3) Reduction of the enamel.—Having carefully determined the
nonvolatile content of the enamel according to the method under
paragraph (f) of this specification, take 100 g of the enamel and
add to it an amount of the standard run-Kauri solution equiva-
lent to 50 per cent, by weight, of the nonvolatile matter in the
enamel. Mix the enamel-and the solution thoroughly.
(4) Application of the enamel.—Flow a coat of the enamel thus
reduced on one of the tin panels described above and let stand
in a nearly vertical position at room temperature for one hour.
Next place the panel in a horizontal position in a properly venti-
lated oven and bake for five hours at 95 to 100° C. Remove the
panel from the oven and allow to cool at room temper ears prefer-
ably 24° C. (75° F.) for one hour.
(5) Bending the panel.—Place the panel with the enameled side
uppermost over a 3-mm (% inch) rod, held firmly by suitable
supports, at a point equally distant from the top and bottom
edges of the panel and bend the panel double rapidly. The enamel
must show no cracking whatsoever at the point of bending. For
accurate results the bending of the panel should always be done
at 24° C. (75° F.), for a lowering of the temperature will lower the
percentage of reduction that the enamel will stand without cracking,
while an increase in the temperature increases the percentage of
reduction that the enamel will stand.
Enamel shall be purchased by volume, the unit being a gallon
of 231 cubic inches at 15.5° C. (60° F.). The volume may be
determined by measure or, in case of large deliveries, it may be
easier to determine the net weight and specific gravity at 15.5/15.5°
ee (60/60° F.) of the delivery. The weight per gallon in pounds
can then be determined by multiplying the specific gravity by 8.33.
The net weight in pounds divided by the weight per gallon ee
the number of gallons.
U. S. Gov't
No. 67.
George K. Burgess, Director.
(Issued September 19, 1923.)
This specification was officially adopted by the Federal Specifications Board
on September |, 1923, for the use of the Departments and Independent Establish-
ments of the Government in the purchase of gloss interior lithopone paint, white
and light tints.
Se se dao cigs eens d a ns tang ee ns deg eee bel I
IRE gs eck oa oe rads ccs tee hewedeaecuesaue 2
EE rR alls ae es ee OL oe ne ee ee 3
RR Tg ec a rises S Sistc vip ene Wide Gu ajerhelnre mip vsie' dw «aid a abe 6
a ies ce ceases tase eke cbse eg es seer de ss aes 8
This specification covers ready-mixed lithopone paints, fre-
quently known as gloss mill white, in white and a variety of light
tints. Paints under this specification are not intended for out-
side exposure. ‘They shall dry to gloss opaque coats that will
adhere well to wood, metal, and plaster, stand washing with soap
and water, and show no material change in color on exposure to
light or material yellowing when kept in the dark.
‘The paint shall be purchased by volume (231 cubic inches to
the gallon).
2 Circular of the Bureau of Standards.
(a) P1cMENT.—The pigment shall consist of :
Maximum.) Minimum.
Per cent. | Per cent.
Li OPOMe be wee ong& jcc vis wo's coh wcteleleie'u'e wie alae 8. dieihol ale hela a tain ise, o ara 9m alps} a: bvale Wate opty te ne rnana ana 65
ZINC OFIGS, co cis
George K. Burgess, Director.
| [February 20, 1924.]
This specification was officially adopted by the Federal Specifications Board
on February 20, 1924, for the use of the Departments and Independent Estab-
lishments of the Government in the purchase of titanium pigment, dry and paste.
EE Als ie us 7 Feet oe Moke, a, ee ee 1
peerrmrtrgr Tex cae td, S MIL BIS, TO bad SOFT BR ds sla aide 2
3. Laboratory examination, dry pigment.............0.0/ 006.002.0000 22, 3
4. Laboratory examination, PSC. - ueneaten ide «oe d... Seoeeimer ll. seer a. 6
CUE ere ee A one he ae ORE, ae 9
Titanium pigment may be ordered in the form of dry pigment or
paste ground in linseed oil. The material shall be purchased by
net weight.
(2) Dry PicmMENT.—The pigment shall be 25 per cent titanium
oxide precipitated upon and coalesced with 75 per cent of blanc
fixe (precipitated barium sulphate). It shall be thoroughly
washed, shall be free from adulterants, and shall meet the fol-
lowing requirements.
Color—Color strength.—When specified, the color and color
strength shall be equal to that of a sample mutually agreed upon
by buye and seller.
2 Circular of the Bureau of Standards
i- | Marxi-
mum. mum.
Per cent. | Per cent.
Coarse particles retdined on IN0..325 SeV@. 0.2 occ cdi ot oe es eeies ssa veins 0 oiedciesieisien oiininwem .0
Titanium oxide (TiOds). . decay coms aide ep turn oe8 terete + de ts Spies coh ab aia re 24. OF sc uclaes Soe
Total impurities, including moisture... ecu kk odeacds doe sdeeccbodece bacnbe tee analy at eta maam 1.0
The remainder shall be barium culghabe.
(b) Past#.—The paste shall be made by thoroughly grinding
the above-described pigment with pure, raw, or refined linseed oil.
The paste as received shall not be caked in the container and
shall break up readily in oil to form a smooth paint of brushing
consistency. The paste shall consist of:
Mini- Maxi-
mun, mum,
Per cent. | Per cent.
Pigtiont 2065 os naccc hws cise Gaui svboew ohisaewines Bes male els hs aimcep es cate ieee etn 80.0 85.0
Linseedl ollie os occ cei ceca ons Swe oe Wnt Ciba gle wie wlan iw mine's eie ele ee eae ea 15.0 20. 0
Moisture and other volatile matterec: <0. s A 7. voc ee ne. adn agen sob secek sek eae eb als eee eins ot
Coarse particles and ** skins ” (total residue retained on No. 325 sieve, based on pig- is
ment) 2
Deliveries will, in general, be sampled and tested by the following
methods, but the purchaser reserves the right to use any additional
available information to ascertain whether the materval meets the
specification. |
It is mutually agreed by buyer and seller that a single package
out of each lot of not more than 1,000 packages be taken as repre-
sentative of the whole.
(a) Dry Picment.—The package is to be opened by the
inspector and a sample of not less than 5 pounds taken at random
from the contents and sent to the laboratory for test.
(b) Paste.—Whenever possible, an original unopened con-
tainer shall be sent to the laboratory; and when this is for any
reason not done the inspector shall determine by thoroughly
testing with a paddle or spatula whether the material meets the
requirement regarding not caking in the container. (See 4 (@).)
After assuring himself that the paste is not caked in the can, the
inspector shall draw a sample of not less than 5 pounds of the
thoroughly mixed paste, place it in a clean, dry metal or glass
container, which must be filled with the sample, closéd with a
tight cover, sealed, marked, and sent to the laboratory for test
with the inspector’s report on caking in container.
Specification jor Titanium Pigment 3
When requested, a duplicate sample may be taken from the
same package and delivered to the seller, and the inspector may -
take a third sample to hold for test in case of dispute.
(a) Coror.—Take 5 g of the sample, add 1.5 cc of linseed oil,
rub up on a stone slab or glass plate with a flat-bottomed glass or
stone pestle or muller to a uniform smooth paste. Treat in a simi-
lar manner 5 g of the standard titanium pigment. Spread the
two pastes side by side on a clear, colorless glass plate and compare
the colors. If the sample is as white as or whiter than the “ stand-
ard,”’ it passes this test. If the ‘‘standard” is whiter than the
sample, the material does not meet the specification.
(6) Color StTRENGTH.—Weigh accurately 0.01 g of lamp-
black, place on a large glass plate or stone slab, add o.2 cc of lin-
seed oil and rub up with a flat-bottomed glass pestle or muller,
then add exactly 10 g of the sample and 2.5 cc of linseed oil, and
grind with a circular motion of the muller 50 times; gather up
with a sharp-edged spatula and grind out twice more in a like
manner, giving the pestle a uniform pressure. ‘Treat another
0.o1 g of lampblack in the same manner, except that 10 g of stand-
ard titanium pigment is used instead of 10g of the sample. Spread
the two pastes side by side on a glass microscope slide and com-
pare the colors. If the sample is as light as or lighter in color
than the “standard,” it passes this test. If the ‘‘standard”’ is
lighter in color than the sample, the material does not meet the
(c) COARSE PARTICLES.'—Dry in an oven at 105 to 110° C. a
No. 325 sieve, cool, and weigh accurately. Weigh 10 g of the
sample, wash with water through the sieve, breaking up all lumps
either by gentle pressure with a pestle in a mortar, but not grind-
| ing, or with a brush on the sieve. After washing with water until
all but the particles too coarse to pass the sieve have been washed
through, dry the sieve for one hour at 105 to 110° C., cool, and
(d) QUALITATIVE ANALYSIS.—Place a small amount (about one-
half gram) of the sample in a 250 cc Pyrex glass beaker; add 20
ce of concentrated sulphuric acid and 7 to 8 g of ammonium sul-
phate. Mix well, and boil for a few minutes. The sample should
1 For a general discussion of sieve tests of pigments and data regarding many pigments on the market seed
Circular No. 148 of the Educational Bureau, scientific section, Paint Manufacturers’ Association of the
United States.
4 Circular of the Bureau of Standards.
go completely into solution; a residue denotes the presence of
silica or siliceous matter. Cool the solution, dilute with 100 cc
of water, heat to boiling, settle, filter, wash with hot 5 per cent
sulphuric acid until free from titanium, and test the residue for
lead, etc. ‘Test the filtrate for calcium, zinc, iron, chromium, etc.,
by regular methods of qualitative analysis. For the iron deter-
mination take a portion of the filtrate, add 5 g of tartaric acid,
make slightly ammoniacal, pass in hydrogen sulphide in excess,
and digest at the side of a steam bath for a while. No precipitate
denotes absence of iron, nickel, cobalt, lead, copper, ete. A
black precipitate easily soluble in dilute hydrochloric acid denotes
iron. For titanium test a small portion of the original filtrate
with hydrogen peroxide (a clear yellow-orange color should result)
and another portion with metallic tin or zine (a vee blue to violet
coloration should result).
The pigment should show negative tests for sulphide sulphur,
carbonates, and appreciable water-soluble matter.
(ec) MoisturE.—Place 1 g of the sample in a wide-mouth, short
weighing tube provided with a glass stopper. Heat with the stop-
per removed for two hours at a temperature between 105 and 110°
C. Insert the stopper, cool, and weigh. Calculate the loss in
weight as moisture.
(f) MATTER SOLUBLE IN WATER.—Transfer 2.5 g of the pigment
to a graduated 250 cc flask, add 100 cc of water, boil for five
minutes, cool, fill to the mark with water, mix, and allow to
settle. Pour the supernatant liquid through a dry filter paper
and discard the first 20 cc. ‘Then evaporate roo cc of the clear
filtrate to dryness in a weighed dish, heat for one hour at 105 to 110°
C., cool, and weigh.
(g) Tyrantum Oxipk.—Transfer 0.5 g of the dried sample to a
250 cc Pyrex beaker, add 20 cc of concentrated sulphuric acid
and 7 to 8 g of ammonium sulphate. Mix well and heat on a hot
plate until fumes of siiphuric acid are evolved, and then con-
tinue the heating over a strong flame until solution is complete
(usually not over five minutes of boiling) or it is apparent that the
residue is composed of silica or siliceous matter. Caution should
be observed in visually examining this hot solution. Cool the
solution, dilute with 100 ce of water, stir, heat carefully to boiling
while stirring, settle, filter through paper and transfer the precipi-
tate completely to the paper. Wash the insoluble residue with
cold 5 per cent (by volume) sulphuric acid until titanium is
Specification for Titanium Pigment. 5
Dilute the filtrate to 200 cc and add about 10 ce of ammonia,
specific gravity 0.90, to lower the acidity to approximately 5
per cent sulphuric acid (by volume).
Wash out a Jones reductor ? with dilute 5 per cent (by volume)
sulphuric acid and water, leaving sufficient water in the reductor
to fill to the upper level of the zinc. (These washings should
require not more than one or two drops of o.1 N potassium per-
manganate solution to obtain the pink color.) Empty the
receiver, and put in it 25 cc (measured in a graduate) of ferric
sulphate solution. (See Reagents.) Reduce the prepared tita-
nium solution as follows: (1) Run 50 cc of the 5 per cent sulphuric
acid solution through the reductor at a speed of about 100 cc
per minute; (2) follow this with the titanium solution; (3) wash
out with 100 cc of 5 per cent sulphuric acid; (4) finally run through
about 100 cc of water.
Care should be observed that the reductor is always filled with
solution or water to the upper level of the zinc,
Gradually release the suction, wash thoroughly the glass tube
that was immersed in the ferric sulphate solution, remove the
receiver, and titrate immediately with 0.1 N potassium perman-
ganate solution. (See Reagents.)
1 cc o.1 N KMnO,=0.00481 g Ti
=0.00801 g TiO,
Run a blank determination, using the same reagents, washing
the reductor as in the above determination. Subtract this per-
manganate reading from the original reading and calculate the
final reading to titanium dioxide (TiO,) (which will include iron,
chromium, arsenic, and any other substance which is reduced by
zinc and acid). (See 3 (2) for reporting TiO,,.) 3
the precipitate of BaSO, obtained in separating the titanium.‘
(See 3 ().) |
(1) IRON OxipE.—Prepare a standard ferric solution contain-
ing 0.00001 g Fe per cc. (See Reagents.) Weigh ar g portion
of the sample and treat as in 3 (g), transfer without filtering to a
200 ce flask, cool, fill to the mark, and determine iron colorimetri-
cally in 50 cc aliquots in the following manner. Filter through a
2 Directions for preparing a Jones reductor may be found in Blair, ‘‘ The Chemical Analysis of Iron,”
&th ed. Lippincott & Co., or Treadwell-Hall, ‘‘ Analytical Chemistry,” sth ed. J. Wiley & Sons, p. 638
8 Any other accurate method of determining titanium oxide may be used. For a discussion of various
methods see ‘‘The Analysis of Silicate and Carbonate Rocks,” by W. F. Hillebrand, U. S. Geological
Survey Bulletin 700. ;
‘If the sample is impure it may be necessary to purify this precipitate, using appropriate methods.
84628°—24 2
6 Circular of the Bureau of Standards
dry filter paper (discarding the first 20 cc), and transfer 50 cc
of the filtrate to a clean roo ce Nessler tube or other color com-’
parator. Add a drop or two of 0.1 N KMnO, solution, to oxidize
any ferrous iron until a faint pink color is obtained. Add 10 cc
of ammonium or potassium thiocyanate solution (see Reagents),
dilute to 100 cc, and mix thoroughly. Compare the color imme-
diately with a series of standards, prepared side by side with the
sample in similar tubes.
Prepare the standards from the standard ferric solution so as
to have a range of from 0.000005 g Fe to 0.00004 g (0.5 to 4.0 cc).
Dilute these amounts with distilled water to about 50 cc. Add
just enough o.1 N KMn0O, to produce a faint pink and then 10 ec
of the thiocyanate solution. Finally dilute all standards to 100 cc.
For a single sample it is more convenient to run the standard Fe solution from a
burette into a Nessler tube containing the acid, 10 cc of the thiocyanate solution, and
60 to 70 cc of distilled water until the depth of the color thus produced on dilution
to 100 cc and mixed exactly matches the sample. From the burette reading calculate
the amount of Fe. The color comparisons must be made immediately after the stand-
ards are prepared.
Calculate the total iron found to Fe,O, and report as such.
Calculate the TiO, equivalent by multiplying by the factor 1.003
and subtract this figure from the total titanium oxide as deter-
mined in 3 (g) and report the remainder as TiO,.
(a) CAKING IN CONTAINER.—When an original package is re-
ceived in the laboratory it shall be weighed, opened, and stirred
with a stiff spatula or paddle. The paste must be no more diffi-
cult to break up and show no more caking than a normal good
grade of titanium pigment paste. The paste shall finally be
thoroughly mixed, removed from the container, the container
wiped clean, and weighed. This weight subtracted from the
weight of the original package gives the net weight of the con-
tents. A portion of the thoroughly mixed paste shall be placed
in a clean container, and the portions for the remaining tests
promptly weighed out.
(6) MIxING witH LINSEED O1L.—One hundred grams of the paste
shall be placed in a cup, 40 cc of linseed oil added slowly with
careful stirring and mixing with a spatula or paddle. The re-
sulting mixture must be smooth and of good brushing consistency.
Flow a portion of this paint on a clean glass plate. Let standina
nearly vertical position at room temperature (65 to 100° F.).
Specification for Titanium Pigment. ‘i
The film after four hours shall show no streaking or separation:
within a distance of 4 inches from the top.
curately from 3 to 5 g of the paste into a tared flat-bottomed
dish, about 5 cm in diameter, spreading the paste over the bottom.
Heat at 105 to 110° C. for one hour, cool, and weigh. Calculate
the loss in weight as the percentage of moisture and other volatile
(d) PERCENTAGE OF PIGMENT.—Weigh accurately about 15 g
of the paste into a weighed centrifuge tube. Add 20 to 30 ce
of “extraction mixture’ (see Reagents), mix thoroughly with a
glass rod, wash the rod with more of the extraction mixture, and
add sufficient of the reagent to make a total of 60 cc in the tube.
Place the tube in the container of a centrifuge, surround with:
water, and counterbalance the container of the opposite arm with
a similar tube or a tube with water. Whirl at a moderate speed
until clear. Decant the clear supernatant liquid. Repeat the
extraction twice with 40 cc portions of extraction mixture, and once
with 40 cc of ether. After drawing off the ether, set the tube in a
beaker of water at about 80° C. or on top of a warm oven for 10
minutes, then in an oven at 110 to 115° C. for two hours. Cool,
weigh, and calculate the percentage of pigment.
(e) EXAMINATION OF PiGMENT.—Grind the pigment from (d)
to a fine powder, pass through a No. 80 sieve to remove any
“skins,” and preserve in a stoppered tube and apply tests 3 (d),
(7), (9), (2), and (7). If required, apply tests 3 (a) and (b) in
comparison with a portion of pigment extracted from the standard
paste in exactly the same manner as in extracting the sample.
(7) PREPARATION oF Farry Actps.—To about 25 g of the paste
in a porcelain casserole add 15 cc of aqueous sodium hydroxide
(see Reagents), and 75 cc of ethyl alcohol, mix and heat uncovered
on a steam bath until saponification is complete (about one hour).
Add too cc of water, boil, add sulphuric acid of specific gravity
1.2 (8 to 10 cc in excess), boil, stir, and transfer to a separatory
funnel to which some water has been previously added. Draw
off as much as possible of the acid aqueous layer, wash once with
water; then add 50 cc of water and 50 cc of ether. Shake very
gently with a whirling motion to dissolve the fatty acids in the
ether, but not violently, so as to avoid forming an emulsion.
Draw off the aqueous layer and wash the ether layer with one 15
cc portion of water and then with 5 cc portions of water until free
from sulphuric acid. Then draw off completely the water layer.
8 Circular of the Bureau of Standards.
Transfer the ether solution to a dry flask, and add 25 to 50 g of
anhydrous sodium sulphate. Stopper the flask and let stand with
occasional skaking at a temperature below 25° C. until the water
is completely removed from the ether solution, which will be
shown by the solution becoming perfectly clear above the solid
sodium sulphate. Decant this clear solution (if necessary through
a dry filter paper) into a dry roo cc Erlenmeyer flask. Pass a
rapid current of dry air (pass through a CaCl, tower) into the
mouth of the Erlenmeyer flask and heat to a temperature below
75°C. on a dry hot plate until the ether is entirely driven off.
It is important to follow all of the details, since ether generally
contains alcohol, and afler washing with water always contams
water. It is very difficult to remove water and alcohol from fatty
acids by evaporation, but the washing of the ether solution and sub-
sequent drying with anhydrous sodium sulphate removes both water
and alcohol. Ether, in the absence of water and alcohol, 1s easily
removed from faity acids by gentle heat.
The fatty acids prepared as above should be kept in a stoppered
flask and examined at once.
TER.—Place 10 drops of the fatty acid (f) ina 50 cc test tube, add
5 cc Of alcoholic soda (see Reagents), boil vigorously for five min-
utes, add 4o ce of water, and mix; a clear solution indicates that
not more than traces of unsaponifiable matter are present. If
the solution is not clear, the oil is not pure linseed oil.
(h) IODINE — oF Farry Acips.—Place a small quantity
of the fatty acids! (f) in a small weighing burette or beaker.
Weigh accurately. | Transfer (by dropping) about 0.15 g (0.10 to
0.20 g) to a 500 cc} bottle having a well-ground glass stopper, or
an Erlenmeyer flask having a specially flanged neck for the iodine
test. Reweigh the) burette or beaker and determine the amount
of sample used. Add ro cc of chloroform. Whirl the bottle to
dissolve the sample. Add 1o ce of chloroform to two empty
bottles like that used for the sample. Add toeach bottle 25 cc of
the Hanus solution (see Reagents) and let stand, with occasional
shaking, for one-half hour. Add ro cc of the 15 per cent potas-
sium-iodide solution and 100 cc of water, and titrate with standard
sodium thiosulphate, using starch as indicator. ‘The titrations on
the two blank tests should agree within 0.1 cc. From the iodine
value of the thiosulphate solution and the difference between the
average of the blank titrations and the titration on the sample,
calculate the iodine number of the sample tested. (lodine number
Specification for Titanium Pigment. 9
is centigrams of iodine to 1 g of sample.) If the iodine number is
less than 170, the oil does not meet the specification.
(2) COARSE PARTICLES AND SKINS.—Dry in an oven at 105 to
110° C. a No. 325 sieve. Weigh an amount of paste containing
10 g of pigment (see 4 (d)), add 100 cc of kerosene, mix thoroughly,
and wash with kerosene, through the sieve, breaking up all lumps but
not grinding. After washing with kerosene until all but particles
too coarse to pass the sieve have been washed through, wash all
kerosene from the sieve with ether or petroleum ether, heat the
sieve for one hour at.105 to 110° C., cool, and weigh.
10 volumes ether (ethyl ether).
6 volumes benzol.
4 volumes methyl alcohol.
I volume acetone.
(b) AguEous Soprum HyproxipEe.—Dissolve 100 g sodium
hydroxide in distilled water and dilute to 300 ce.
sodium thiosulphate in distilled water that has been well boiled to
free it from carbon dioxide, in the proportion of 24.83 g of crys-
tallized sodium thiosulphate to 1,000 cc of the solution. It is
best to let this solution stand for about two weeks before standard-
izing. Standardize with pure resublimed iodine.’ ‘This solution
will be approximately decinormal, and it is best to leave it as it is
after determining its exact iodine value rather than to attempt to
adjust it to exactly decinormal. Preserve in a stock bottle pro-
vided with a guard tube filled with soda lime.
(d) STARCH SOLUTION.—Stir up 2 to 3 g of potato starch or 5
g of soluble starch with 100 cc of 1 per cent salicylic acid solution,
add 300 to 400 cc of boiling water, and boil the mixture until the
starch is practically dissolved, then dilute to 1 liter.
(e) Potasstum IopipE SoLuTIon.—Dissolve 150 g of potassium
iodide free from iodate in distilled water, and dilute to 1,000 cc.
(f) HANUS SOLUTION.—Dissolve 13.2 g of iodine im 1,000 cc
of 99.5 per cent glacial acetic acid which will not reduce chromic
acid. Add enough bromine to double the halogen content,
determined by titration (3 cc of bromine is about the proper
’ Tread well-Hall, Analytical Chemistry, 2, sth ed., p. 645.
IO Circular of the Bureau of Standards.
amount). The iodine may be dissolved by the aid of heat, but
the solution should be cold when the bromine is added.
(g) ALconotic Sopium HyproxinE SoLuTIoN.—Dissolve pure
sodium hydroxide in 95 per cent ethyl alcohol in the proportion of
about 22 g per 1,000 cc. Let stand in a stoppered bottle. De-
cant the clear liquid into another bottle and keep well stoppered.
This solution should be colorless or only slightly yellow when
used, and it will keep colorless longer if the alcohol is previously
treated with sodium hydroxide (about 80 g to 1,000 cc), kept at
about 50° C. for 15 days and then distilled.
(hk) 0.1 N Porasstum PERMANGANATE SOLUTION.—Dissolve
3.161 g of pure potassium permanganate in a liter of distilled
water, let stand 8 to 14 days, siphon off the clear solution (or
filter through an asbestos filter), and standardize as follows: In
a 400 cc beaker dissolve 0.25 to 0.30 g of Bureau of Standards’
sodium oxalate in 250 cc of hot water (80 to 90° C.) and add 15
cc of dilute sulphuric acid (1:1). Titrate at once with the potas-
sium permanganate solution, stirring the lquid vigorously and
continuously. The permanganate must not be added more
rapidly than 10 to 15 ce per minute, and the last 0.5 to r cc must
be added dropwise with particular care to allow each drop to be
fully decolorized before the next is introduced. The solution
should not be below 60° C. by the time the end point is reached.
(More rapid cooling may be prevented by allowing the beaker to
stand on a small asbestos-covered hot plate during the titration.
The use of a small thermometer as a stirring rod is most convenient.)
The weight of sodium oxalate used multiplied by 0.8334 gives its
iron equivalent, or multiplied by 1.1954 gives its titanium dioxide
(TiO,) equivalent*. The permanganate solution should be kept
in a glass-stoppered bottle painted black to keep out light.
(i) FERRIC SULPHATE SOLUTION For TrTanrumM.—A solution
containing 2 per cent of iron as ferric sulphate is desired and may
be prepared as follows: Dissolve 20 g of pure iron or plain carbon
steel in a slight excess of hydrochloric acid, oxidize with nitric
acid, heat with about 80 cc of sulphuric acid until fumes are
evolved, finally cool, and dilute to 1,000 cc, set on steam bath,
until dissolved, and filter if necessary. Add o.1 N permanga-
nate solution until a faint pink color shows that any ferrous iron
has been oxidized. Ferric ammonium sulphate may also be used’.
6 International Atomic Weights, 1921-22.
7 Gooch, Methods in Chemical Analysis, 1st ed., p. 426.
Specification for Titanium Pigment. II
RIC DETERMINATION OF IRON.—Determine the strength of the
ferric solution reagent used in 5 (i) in terms of iron and dilute
this solution until one is obtained of the strength 1 cc =0.00001
g Fe.
(k) Potasstum TurocyaNaTe INDICATOR.—Prepare a 2 per
cent solution of the pure salt in distilled water.
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U. S. Gov’t
No. 137
George K. Burgess, Director
[Issued June 21, 1924]
This specification was officially adopted by the Federal Specifications Board
on May 1, 1924, for the use of the Departments and Independent Establishments
of the Government in the purchase of olive drab paint (semipaste and ready-
4. Laboratory examination, ready-mixed PaintLe se et Fee
ETN TOs ge ARCS oe ek” < eae alga aE PERE SC aaan aaC LS
remeruerrere HEC WAPI 0S NN ee 11
Perro moore IB tOrmatlon 7 eS e N De As Serme eee eee nd
Poa eer epeciiicatiting. cu) ole kc er eee 11
Olive drab paint shall be of the following classes: Semipaste in
lineseed oil and ready mixed.
No details.
No details.
The pigment shall be composed of:
Ingredients % Maximum | Minimum
Per cent Per cent
White lead (basic carbonate, basic sulphate, or a mixture thereof) --.....---.----|-------.---- 35
PAU OXUAS CLO) hss Re i a ie oka Ped pts Meets! S 30
White mineral pigments (containing no lead or zinc compounds), pure tinting
colors, or. any mixture thereof. . 225.225 2226.55 nen soos sean e ee BO. Peas ae
PirearG GOlOTS oS ee ecu pa acw een Laveen mecha eee geet Noten (Sec. ee
al lOnIGe SUL DAU oo 8 oo ee er 2 oo a a ai eee ee IN On@s; Ae so osee
In no case shall the sum of the basic lead carbonate, basic lead
sulphate, and zinc oxide be less than 70 per cent. The lead and
zinc pigments may be introduced in the form of any mixture pre-
ferred of basic carbonate white lead, basic sulphate white lead, zinc
oxide, or leaded zinc, provided the above requirements as to compo-
sition are met.
The difference between the total lead weighed as lead sulphate
and the lead sulphate equivalent to the chromium found, multiplied
by the factor 0.883 shall be considered white lead. It is not possible
to determine the amount of lead carbonate and lead sulphate when
carbonates or sulphates of other metals, such as calcium, are present.
Also neither basic lead carbonate nor basic lead sulphate is a definite
compound. The factor to convert PbSO, to (PbCO,), Pb(OH), is
0.854, to convert PbSO, to PbSO,PbO is 0.868, and to convert PbSO,
to (PbSO,), PbO is 0.913. The arbitrary factor used under this
specification is the mean of the largest and smallest of these three
factors. |
The liquid in semipaste paint shall be entirely pure raw or refined
linseed oil; in ready-mixed paint it shall contain not less than 85
per cent pure raw linseed oil, the remainder to be combined drier
and thinner. The thinner shall be turpentine, volatile mineral
spirits, or a mixture thereof.
Semipaste shall be made by thoroughly grinding the pigment
with pure raw or refined linseed oil.
The semipaste as received, and three months thereafter, shall be
not caked in the container and shall break up readily in linseed oil to
form a smooth paint of brushing consistency. It shall mix readily
with linseed oil, turpentine, or volatile mineral spirits, or any com-
bination of these substances, in all proportions without curdling.
The color and hiding power when specified shall be equal to those of
a sample mutually agreed upon by buyer and seller. The weight
per gallon shall be not less than 18 pounds. The paste shall con-
sist of:
Ingredients Maximum | Minimum
Per cent Per cent
ga REE a a ed eee ae A ee oe 73
NR ee ca wk ip sn amore mene ek 27; 23
Moisture and ofher volatile matter... | _.0.....-..20.---- 2 n 0.7 |azoues ee
Coarse particles and ‘‘skins’’ (total residue retained on No. 325 sieve based on
OE BE eh) es SS ae oe ey > ee MMe tine Oe) Wee ge ee 2H0ne Soe ees ae
Ready-mixed paints shall be well ground, shall not settle badly or
cake in the container, shall be readily broken up with a paddle to a
smooth uniform paint of good brushing consistency, and shall dry
within 18 hours to a full oil gloss without streaking, running, or
sagging. The color and hiding power when specified shall be equal
to those of a sample mutually agreed upon by buyer and seller. The
weight per gallor shall be not less than 15 pounds. The paint shall
consist of:
Ingredients Maximum | Minimum
Per cent Per cent
Seen ie mee ce ate ee ee ee ee ceth 66 62
Liquid (containing at least 85 per cent linseed oil) ______________________________- 38 34
ee SPLEEN SO 6 Car eR A Eh ee. OI BS, NR in dN 0: 6 lege cnees ee
Coarse particles and ‘‘skins’’ (total residue retained on No. 325 sieve based on
eS Breer Ps a ed fs ee Sa ee 2:0: 225. eee
Delweries will, in general, be sampled and tested by the following
methods, but the purchaser reserves the right to use any additional
avatlable information to ascertain whether the material meets the
Tt is mutually agreed by buyer and seller that a single package out
of each lot of not more than 1,000 packages shall be taken as repre-
sentative of the whole. Whenever possible an original unopened
container shall be sent to the laboratory, and when this is for any
reason not done, the inspector shall determine by thorough testing
with a paddle or spatula whether the material meets the requirement
regarding caking in the container. He shall then thoroughly mix
the contents of the container and draw a sample of not less than 5
pounds of the thoroughly mixed paint, place it in a clean, dry metal
or glass container, which must be filled with the sample, closed with
a tight cover, sealed, marked, and sent to the laboratory for test with
the inspector’s report on caking in container.
When requested, a duplicate sample may be taken from the same
package and delivered to the seller, and the inspector may take a
third sample to hold for test in case of dispute.
(a) Canine 1In Contarner.—When an original package is received
in the laboratory it shall be weighed, opened, and stirred with a stiff
spatula or paddle. The paste must be no more difficult to break up
than a normal good grade of semipaste paint. The semipaste shall
finally be thoroughly mixed, removed from the container, and the
container wiped clean and weighed. This weight subtracted from
the weight of the original package gives the net weight of the con-
tents. A portion of thoroughly mixed semipaste shall be placed in
a clean container and the portions for the Lae tests promptly
weighed out.
(6) WereutT per Gatton.—From the weight of a known volume
of the paste calculate the specific gravity, which multiplied by 8.33
gives the weight in pounds per gallon. Any suitable container of
known volume may be used for the purpose, but. a short cylinder of
heavy glass with rounded bottom about 75 mm high and having
a capacity of from 125 to 175 ce (a glass cap to keep dust from re-
agent bottle stopper) is a convenient. vessel, for the purpose. The
capacity of this vessel is determined to within 1 cc. The paste is
packed into it until completely full, the top leveled off smooth with a
spatula, and weighed_to plus or minus 0.5 g. Subtract the weight of
the empty container and divide the remainder by the number of
cubic centimeters representing the capacity of the container. The
quotient is the specific gravity, which can be thus determined within
plus or minus 2 in the second decimal place.
(c) Mrxine wirn Linszep Orn.—One hundred grams of the paste
shall be placed in a cup, 18 ec of linseed oil added slowly with care-
ful stirring and mixing with a spatula or paddle. The resulting
mixture must be smooth and of good brushing consistency.
(qd) Cotor—To the mixture made, in (¢), add 3 ce of drier
(F. S. B. No. 20) and mix thoroughly. Prepare a mixture of the
standard paste with 18 cc of linseed oil and 3 ce of drier, using
the same linseed oil and drier for both lots of paint. Apply both
paints on clean metal or glass so that the edges touch one another.
Let dry and compare the colors.
eee a
(¢) Moisrure anp Oruzr Voiatite Marrer.—Weigh accurately
from 3 to 5 g of the paste in a tared flat-bottomed dish about 5
cm in diameter, spreading the paste over the bottom. Heat at 105
to 110° C. for one hour, cool, and weigh. Calculate the loss in
weight as the percentage of moisture and volatile matter.
(7) Prrcenrace or Picmenr.—Weigh accurately about 15 g of
the paste in a weighed centrifuge tube. Add 20 to 30 ce of “ex-
traction mixture” (see Reagents), mix thoroughly with a glass rod,
wash the rod with more of the extraction mixture, and add enough
of the reagent to make a total of 60 cc in the tube. Place the tube
in the container of a centrifuge, surround with water, and counter-
balance the container of the opposite arm with a similar tube or
a tube with water. Whirl at a moderate speed until well settled.
Decant the clear supernatant liquid, repeat the extraction twice with
40 ce of extraction mixture and once with 40 cc of ether. After
drawing off the ether, set the tube in a beaker of water at about
80° C. or on top of a warm oven for 10 minutes, then in an oven
at 110 to 115° C. for two hours. Cool, weigh, and calculate the
percentage of pigment. Grind the pigment to a fine powder, pass
through a No. 80 sieve to remove any skins, and preserve in a
stoppered bottle.
(g) Preparation or Farry Aciwws.—To about 25 g of the paste in
a porcelain casserole, add 15 cc of aqueous sodium hydroxide (see
Reagents) and 75 cc of ethyl alcohol, mix and heat uncovered on a
steam bath until saponification is complete (about one hour). Add
100 ce of water, boil, add sulphuric acid of specific gravity 1.2 (8 to
10 ce in excess), boil, stir, and transfer to a separatory funnel to
which some water has been previously added. Draw off as much as
possible of the acid aqueous layer and lead sulphate precipitate, wash
once with water, then add 50 cc of water and 50 cc of ether.
Shake very gently with a whirling action to dissolve the fatty
acids in the ether, but not so violently as to form an emulsion. Draw
off the aqueous layer and wash the ether layer with one 15 ce por-
tion of water and then with 5 cc portions of water until free from
sulphuric acid. Then draw off the water layer completely. Transfer
the ether solution to a dry flask and add 25 to 50 g of anhydrous
sodium sulphate. Stopper the flask and let stand with occasional
shaking at a temperature below 25° C. until the water is completely
removed from the ether solution, which will be shown by the solu-
tion becoming perfectly clear above the solid sodium sulphate. De-
cant this clear solution, if necessary, through, a dry filter paper into
a dry 100 cc Erlenmeyer flask. Pass a rapid current of dry air
(pass through a CaCl, tower) into the mouth of the Erlenmeyer
flask and heat to a temperature below 75° C. on a dry, hot plate
until the ether is entirely driven off.
It is important to follow all of the details, since ether generally
contains alcohol, and after washing with water always contains
water. It is very difficult to remove water and alcohol by evapora-
tion from fatty acids, but the washing of the ether solution and
subsequent drying with anhydrous sodium sulphate removes both
water and alcohol. Ether, in the absence of water and alcohol, is
easily removed from fatty acids by gentle heat.
The fatty acids prepared as above should be kept in a stoppered
flask and examined at once.
(2) Txsr ror Minera Orn anp OrHer UNSAPONIFIABLE Marrer.—
Place 10 drops of the fatty acid, (7), in a 50 ce test. tube, add 5 ce
of alcoholic soda (see Reagents), boil vigorously for five minutes, add
40 cc of water, and mix; a clear solution indicates that not more
than traces of unsaponifiable matter are present. If the solution is
not clear, the oil is not pure linseed oil.
(2) Ioptns Numper or Farry Acips.—Place a anit quantity of
the fatty acids, (7), in a small weighing burette or beaker. Weigh
accurately. ‘Transfer by dropping about 0.15 g (0.10 to 0.20 g)
into a 500 cc bottle having a well-ground glass stopper, or an Erlen-
meyer flask having a specially flanged neck for the iodine test. Re-
weigh the burette or beaker and determine the amount of sample
used. Add 10 cc of chloroform. Whirl the bottle to dissolve the
sample. Add 10 cc of chloroform to two empty bottles like that
used for the sample. Add to each bottle 25 cc of the Hanus solu-
tion (see Reagents) and let stand with occasional shaking for one-
half hour. Add 10 cc of the 15 per cent potassium iodide solution
and 100 ce of water, and titrate with standard sodium thiosulphate,
using starch as indicator. The titrations on the two blank tests
should agree within 0.1 cc. From the difference between the aver-
age of the blank titrations and the titration on the sample and the
iodine value of the thiosulphate solution, calculate the iodine number
of the sample tested. (Iodine number is centigrams of iodine to 1
g of sample.) If the iodine number is less than 170, the oil does
not meet the specification.
(7) Coarse Parrictes anp Sxins.—Dry in an oven at 105 to ,
110° C. a No. 325 sieve, cool, and weigh accurately. Weigh an amount
of semipaste containing 10 g of pigment (see V 2 (7)), add 100 ce
of kerosene, mix thoroustily, and wash with kerosene through the
sieve, breaking up all lumps, but not grinding. After washing with
kerosene until all but the particles too coarse to pass the sieve have
been washed through, wash all kerosene from the sieve with ether
or petroleum ether, heat the sieve and contents for one hour at
105 to 110° C., cool and weigh.
(a) Quarrrarive Anatysis.—A complete qualitative analysis, fol-
lowing the well-established methods, is always advisable. Test a
portion of the pigment with hydrochloric acid (1: 1). No odor of
hydrogen sulphide should develop. Boil, dilute, filter, and test
the filtrate for metals other than lead and zinc (especially calcium
and barium). The absence of calcium in this filtrate indicates that
the extending pigments contain no calcium carbonate or calcium sul-
phate; the absence of barium indicates that the extending pigments
contain no barium carbonate. To test for chromate, boil another
small portion of the pigment. with dilute nitric acid, filter, cool, and
add to the filtrate a few cubic centimeters of ether and a few drops of
hydrogen peroxide; stir, let stand until the ether layer separates. If
this layer is deep blue, chromium is indicated. Test for Prussian blue
(which is rarely present) by boiling a portion of the pigment with
sodium hydroxide solution. A yellow or yellow-brown precipitate
_ with a yellow liquid above it should result. Filter, add to the
filtrate a mixture of ferric and ferrous salts, and render acid with
dilute hydrochloric acid. A blue color indicates the presence of
Prussian blue in the sample.
(6) Wuire Leap—Weigh accurately about 1 ¢ of the pigment,
transfer to a 250 cc beaker, moisten with a few drops of alcohol, add
slowly 25 cc of concentrated hydrochloric acid, cover, and boil for
5 to 10 minutes. Dilute to about 150 cc with hot water and boil
for 5 to 10 minutes. Filter on paper or on a Gooch crucible, and
wash the insoluble residue thoroughly with hot water. Discard the
residue for quantitative purposes. Nearly neutralize with ammonia
the filtrate from the insoluble matter, dilute to about 300 ce and pass
into the clear solution a rapid current of hydrogen sulphide to com-
plete precipitation, let the sulphide of lead settle, filter on paper,
wash with water containing some hydrogen sulphide, dissolve the
sulphide in hot nitric acid (1:3), add 10 cc of sulphuric acid (1:1),
evaporate until copious fumes of sulphuric anhydride are evolved;
cool, add about 75 ce of water, and then about 75 cc of 95 per cent
ethyl alcohol. Stir, let settle, filter on a Gooch crucible, wash with
dilute alcohol, dry, ignite, and weigh as PbSO,: Subtract the lead
sulphate equivalent of the total cromium as found below, (c), multiply
the remaining PbSO, by the factor 0.883 and report as white lead.
(c) Toran Curomrum.—Heat the filtrate from the lead sulphide
to expel hydrogen sulphide. Cool, add sodium peroxide, keeping the
beaker covered, in sufficient amount to render the solution alkaline
and to oxidize the chromium to chromate. Boil until all the hydro-
gen peroxide is driven off, cool, acidify with sulphuric acid (1:4),
add a measured excess of a freshly prepared solution of ferrous sul-
phate, and titrate the excess of ferrous iron with standard potassium
dichromate, using potassium ferricyanide solution as outside indica-
tor. Titrate a blank of an equal volume of the ferrous sulphate solu-
tion with the standard potassium dichromate. From the difference
between the titration on the blank and on the sample, calculate the
chromium in the sample to PbCrO,. From the PbCrO, found, cal-
culate the equivalent of PbSO, by multiplying by the factor 0.938.
(d) Zinc Oxwwn.—Weigh accurately about 1 g of the pigment,
transfer to a 250 cc beaker, moisten with alcohol, add 30 ec of
hydrochloric acid (1:2), boil for two or three minutes, add about
100 cc of water, let settle, and filter on paper; to the filtrate add
about 2 g of ammonium chloride and strong ammonia until slightly
alkaline (the latter to precipitate out any iron present), set on the
steam bath to settle, filter into a 400 ce beaker, wash the precipitate
once with water, remove the beaker and dissolve the.iron hydroxide
with dilute hydrochloric acid, catching the ferric chloride in a
250 cc beaker, add to this filtrate 1 g of ammonium chloride and
make ammoniacal, let settle, filter and wash thoroughly with hot
water, catching the filtrate and washings in the original 400 ec
beaker, reserved from the first precipitation. Add a small piece
of litmus paper. Render the filtrate first acid with hydrochloric
acid, then add 3 ce of strong hydrochloric acid, heat nearly to
boiling, and titrate with standard ferrocyanide, as in standardizing
that solution (see Reagents). Calculate total zinc as zine oxide.
(ec) Orcanio Cotortne Marrer—(A. S. 7. M. Standards, 1921,
p. 690).—Test the pigment successively with hot water, 95 per cent
alcohol, alcoholic sodium hydroxide, and acetic acid. Chloroform,
sodium hydroxide, sulphuric acid, hydrochloric acid-stannous
chloride solution, and other reagents may be tried. The solutions
should remain colorless. The presence of an organic color may
often be detected by the characteristic odor given off on ignition.
(f) Catcutations.—Add the percentage of white lead (see
V 3 (b)), zine oxide (see V 3 (d)), and subtract from 100; the
remainder is reported as extending and tinting pigments.
(a2) Caxine in Conratner.—Follow the procedure outlined in
V 2 (a), noting that the paint should be no more difficult to break
up than a good grade of mixed paint.
(6) Weitcutr per Gatton.—Weigh a clean, dry, 100 cc diva dilibded
flask. Fill to the mark with the thoroughly mixed paint and weigh
again. The increase in weight expressed in grams divided by 100
gives the specific gravity, which multiplied by 8.33 gives the weight
in pounds per gallon. .
(¢) Brusaine Proprrrms ano Time or Drytne.—Brush this
well-mixed paint on a suitable panel, which may be ground glass,
steel, or well-filled wood. Note whether the paint works satis-
factorily under the brush. Place the panel in a vertical position
in a well-ventilated room and let stand for 18 hours. The paint
should be dry and free from streaks. Flow a portion of the paint
on a clean glass plate. Let dry ina nearly vertical position at room
temperature (65 to 100° F.). The film shall show no streaking or
separation within a distance of 4 inches from the top.
(zd) Cotor—Paint the sample and the standard on clean metal
or glass so that the edges touch one another. Let dry and compare
_ (e) Warrr.—Mix 100 g of the paint in a 300 cc flask with
7 ce of toluol. Connect with a condenser and distill until about
©0 ce of distillate has been collected in a graduate. The tem-
perature in the flask should be then about 105 to 110° CG. The
number of cubic centimeters of water collecting under the toluol in
the receiver is the percentage of water in the paint.
(7) Voratie Turnner.—Follow the procedure outlined in V 2
(e). Correct the result for any water found (see V 2 (e)) and re-
port the remainder as volatile thinner.
(g) Prercenrace or Pigment.—Follow the procedure outlined in
Woe. (fs :
(h) Testinc Nonvorarme Ventcrz.—Follow the procedure out-
lined in V 2 (g), (2), and (¢), except that in the preparation of the
fatty acids the mixture of paint and alkali is heated on the steam
bath until all volatile thinner is driven off.
(7) Coarse Particres anv Sxins,—Follow the procedure outlined
in V 2 (4).
(j) Txstrine Piement.—Follow the procedure outlined in V 3 (a)
to (f), inclusive.
(a) Uranyn Inpicator ror Zino Trrrarion.—A 5 per cent solu-
tion of uranyl nitrate in water or a 5 per cent solution of uranyl
acetate in water made slightly acid with acetic acid.
(0) Sranparp Porassrum Frrrocyanmpr.—Dissolve 22 g of the
pure salt in water and dilute to 1,000 cc. To standardize transfer
about 0.2 g (accurately weighed) of pure metallic zinc or freshly -
ignited pure zinc oxide to a 400 cc beaker. Dissolve in 10 ce of
hydrochloric acid and 20 cc of water. Drop in a small piece of
litmus paper, add ammonium hydroxide until slightly alkaline, then
add hydrochloric acid until just acid, and then 8 cc of strong
hydrochloric acid. Dilute to about 250 cc with hot water and heat
nearly to boiling. Run in the ferrocyanide solution slowly from
a burette with constant stirring until a drop tested on a white
porcelain plate with a drop of the uranyl indicator shows a brown
tinge after standing one minute. A blank should be run with the
‘game amounts of reagents and water as in the standardization and
in titration of the ue The standardization must be made under
the same conditions of temperature, volume, and acidity as obtained
when the sample is titrated.
(c) Sranparpv Soprum TuiosuteHate Sorurion.—Dissolve pure
sodium thiosulphate in distilled water (that has been well boiled to
free it from carbon dioxide) in the proportion of 24.83 g of crystal-
lized sodium thiosulphate to 1,000 ce of the solution. It is best to
let this solution stand for Pycat two weeks before standardizing.
Standardize with pure resublimed iodine. (See Treadwell-Hall,
Analytical Chemistry, vol. 2, 3d ed., p. 646.) This solution will be
approximately decinormal, dad it is best to leave it as it is after
determining its exact iodine value, rather than to attempt to adjust —
it to exactly decinormal. Preserve in a stock bottle provided with
a guard tube filled with soda lime.
(2) Srarcu Sorurion.—Stir up 2 to 3 g of potato starch or 5 g
of soluble starch with 100 cc of 1 per cent salicylic acid solution,
add 300 to 400 cc of boiling water, and boil the mixture until the
starch is practically dissolved, then dilute to 1 liter.
(e) Exrracrion Mixrurn.—
10 volumes ether (ethyl ether).
6 volumes benzol.
4 volumes methy] alcohol.
1 volume acetone.
(f) Aqueous Soprum Hyproxipr.—Dissolve 100 g of sodium hy-
droxide in distilled water and dilute to 300 ce.
(g) Porasstum Iopme Sorurion.—Dissolve 150 g of potassium
iodide free from iodate in distilled water and dilute to 1,000 ce.
(hk) Hanus Soturion.—Dissolve 13.2 g of iodine in 1,000 cc
of 99.5 per cent glacial acetic acid, which will not reduce ehyreanie
acid. Add enough bromine to aouble the halogen content, deter-
- mined by titration (3 cc of bromine is about the proper amount).
The iodine may be dissolved by the aid of heat, but the solution
should be cold when the bromine is added.
(2) Axconotic Soprom Hyproxipr Soiurion.—Dissolve pure
sodium hydroxide in 95 per cent ethyl alcohol in the proportion of
about 22 g per 1,000 cc. Let stand in a stoppered bottle. Decant
the clear liquid into another bottle and keep well stoppered. This
solution should be colorless or only slightly yellow when used, —
and it will keep colorless longer if the alcohol is previously treated
with sodium hydroxide (about 80 g to 1,000 cc), kept at about
50° C. for 15 days, and then distilled.
(j) Stanparp Frrrous Suneware Sonvurion.—Dissolve 14 g
of pure crystallized ferrous sulphate (FeSO,7H,O) in about 500
cc of water to which 25 cc of concentrated H,SO, has been added,
and then dilute to 1,000 cc. This solution should be freshly stand-
ardized when needed, as it does not keep well.
(4) Sranparp Porasstum Dicuromate Soxvurion.—Dissolve
4.903 g of pure, dry, crystallized potassium dichromate in water
and dilute to 1,000 cc. One cubic centimeter of this solution corre-
sponds to 0.0108 g PbCrO,, or 0.0101 g PbSO,. This solution may
be checked by determining its iron value on Bureau of Standards
Standard Sample No. 27a, Sibley Iron Ore.
(¢) Porasstum Ferrricyanwe Sorurion.—Dissolve a piece of
potassium ferricyanide half as big as a small pea in 50 cc of water.
This solution must be made fresh when wanted, because it does not
No details.
This specification covers the requirements for a high-grade olive
drab paint for outside and general. use. It may be ordered either in
the form of semipaste pigment ground in linseed oil or of ready-
mixed paint, and the purchaser shall state which is desired.
The semipaste shall be purchased by net weight, and the ready-
mixed paint either by weight or volume (231 cubic inches to the
No details.
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