Pg pe Tous : | ‘a5 pe <\ 57, ee 49 Pt at SON Y Wears: SA a a, iG , La K : ke ARE yt ee |e le he Ad ba P NSS, ik a Wc o. he as Aa ae SIN: Aes XG wove i rE ae . Ain eth Be i te i . Sant ih a “ aa - y | ea ee Kea, be Tad po ; 4 | ; ~ ie his : ihe Dai hh —s tiene | ms ¥ 4 > =|) } \ ty Ta I mn) Yaa + ¥ Vite Nee a e) a -) ee Olyphant and Garrett Collections sold at the American Art Association, February 15, 17, 1919. Nos. Prices Buyers Nos. Prices Buye rs 2 $ 37.50 Mrs.Geo.E.Kellogg 60 $ 50. Wn. A, Burnett 4 30 Miss Lorenz, Agt. 61 450. Mrs.Geo.E.Kelloge 9 60. Robt .Fridenberg 62 35. Wm. 4. Burnett 19 656 Mrs .Geo.£.Kelloge 63 25. Mrs.Geo.®.Kelloge i 130. Miss Anna Olyphant 65 100. F.A. Lawlor 12 130. C.JelicDonough 66 180. C.J.McDonough 13 90. Mr.Williams 67 95. C.S.Pinckney 16 130. Mrs .Geo.&.Kelloge 68 65. Mrs .Geo.E.Kelloge 18 356 FoA.Lawlor 69 165. W.W.Seaman, Agt. 19 85. R.0.Roberts 70 100. John Bossert 20 40. W.W.Seaman, Agt. 71 60. WeA.Burnett 22 110, Mrs .Geo.E.Kellogg 72 410. Miss Lorenz, Agt. 23 150. R.O.Roberts 73 110. A.Fridenberg 25 65. H.H.Parke, Agt. 74 250. F.A. Lawlor 26 90. Mrs.Geo.k.Kelloge "5 180. H.N.Nouss 27 60. Wm, A.Burnett 76 170. Mr.Williams 28 1200. Mrs.Geo.£.Kelloge 79 35. E.T. Moran 29 30. F.A.Lawlor 78 300. Mrs.Geo.E.Kelloge 30 75. Mrs.Geo.E.Kellogg 79 1050, w " 31 60. R.0. Roberts 80 25. Robt.Hyman 33 45. W.W.Seaman, Agt. 81 100. Mr.Williams 35 276 A.P.Gardiner 82 95. Wm.A, Burnett 36 55. G.J.Fuerth 83 45. w 7] 37 210. Miss Lorenz, Agt. 84 100. R.0.Roberts 38 256 Mrs.Geo.8.Kellogg 85 120. Mrs .Geo.E.Kelloge 39 115. * » 86 140, " " 40 110. Mi ° 87 180. H.0.Nouss 41 25. F.A.Lawlor 88 55. Wm. A. Burnett 42 32.50 M.L.Lewis 89 140. C.J.MceDonough 44 100. Mr.Williams 90 2006 G.Towne 45 40. R.0O.Roberts 91 175. Wm. A.Burnett 46 95.6 Mrs.Geo.&.Kelloge 92 80. * * 47 145. Ly . 93 75. E.T.Moran 48 40. Thos.F Hatfield 94 200. Mrs.Geo.E.Kelloge 49 906 Mrs.P.W.Rouss 95 2706 Wm.T.Hughes 50 480. Frank’ L.Fitzpatrick 96 350. A.P.Bardiner 51 27.50 WeW.Seaman, Agt. 52 150. Mrs .Geo.E.Kelloge 54 306 FA. Lawlor 55 65.6 wm. A, Burnett 56 25. ” ° 57 480. M.Knoedler & Co. 58 306 Mr.Williams 59 40. Wm.T.Hughes -_ gaottetet.o00.oni St ocrryd 4. a8 tolwad A. : " puptient.c0d. aul ey ate. banat ESE eas descadyh a | qepiteas cos) os | re F yy Le _ ° ie a ‘a 4 oth ¢ smell doit PP i tdo gnc liel. 000. 21k ofSA ghettos. 2aLN grodnebint. 2008 saol [eH a0. “eg tnetgviO arah fete figure hotio i bole es ene iti I¥ 0 anol fet .d. oad. aria ; . “‘wolwed oA. edradot 0 oA COL PSR ( ampet 7 g90Lf8%,.a.0¢ De nie afredol.0 . o7OR , Ostet, hee gol lot. 2,009,612 Seo 5 a @nol sf BA els OMe ST a olwad pA. " gnoli ot. d.088. axe ediedcd GC dah Laas f ge ROMER TET Seu “Artegy eb ew 03 at o0SL aOdL eG? Pye @ \os0 » 8 eOLL Ges a3 008 208 eCOSL 0 OF * ay 203 Ptr «¥S - 88 Bh aang “Spate: hy Hom ‘the Rocks,” ‘Alfred P oe, Pic total for the collection Ae $11,- 1,200. Sener ty ss Pd me intain Stream.” ry Se fi, Price of 96 Pictures. ; f | i Dicturew sold by direction of the exec-- | utors of the late Robert M. Morrison . i phant of New York and by order of rete of the tate Miss Mary E. Gar- ay f Baltimore at the American Art ae fics last evening brought réturns of. $11,541 for the ninety-six numbers. | The highest prices of the evening were fe yf Mrs. George BE. Kellogg for pic- | tures from the Olyphant estate. A small | Wyant, ‘‘ The Mountain Stream,’ went : to Mrs. Kellogg for § 1,200, and she paid | $1,050 for ‘‘ Autumn,” by George Her- | bert McCord. . Other . pictures pee some of the higher prices were: 387—Te Deum ppesanere Sr George Hay- NT PAINTING FOR $ ana bring, ut there is a- er at are in- that the patri- it was, who also| Mecord's “autumn” Z | | ¢ & Co. gave $480 Ih -tere. Lorene, AROMts «cis Vivwe eaaweles <0 picture of the early rail- 50 WwW soit in" Holland—Keokkoek; Rs - aige bh ag | Ug eR cee TE OW REP COU USER bactdelG FR 0 i the 9: coi Accommoda | ae 9:45.Accommodation—E. L. Hen- | mMry.. Knoedler 60. heii bn eee ae » 450 | dys that brought $150 ‘ei Portrait ee i Young Boy—John Nea- ps ; gie; Mre PUIG fois Rojo stn os alba ss aaa a " | 72-—Derby Day—Wititam Powell Frith; re ase as Kensett; ‘“Niags Hh on AONE EMME cece pS ecureca tig gg Gk eh clea 410 | R. wy leslie aint $156 ees eS Lido—James Baker. “The Moun- ne MA LI BIWIOT. «35 asa Besa bo oes 250 * Mrs, George E. bers ae Lhe Lake—John « W. Casilear; hy See res eoertsesreosrerecs , | rs BHO BS 6 oe iaiae ee. é vba ale ele aes cae weep ek 300 hae be wee o—Silverbeck | Chara—Bryan Hook; G, ed renz, OWN a eg eles elele UM OL el ie bina snipe } terete ees Hi RNG sass aces 210 94—Sumbol--Asher Brown Durand; Mre, , Koekkoek, Kell logs GBA ede cet AOR WA ile Oe oleate ver Beth Res a aN ete 200 aati F. a Fitz. 3 | 95—Brittany Peasants at "Prayer—Gustave 480 I Brion; William T: Hughes. ..........%.. 270 A Ma IS? tt: i 96-—Sheep Rescued from the Rocks—Rich- faa hint ? \ ard Ansdell; Alfred P. Gardiner... .2.. 350 wos 8, 150 } With returns for the ceramics, glass- Uvh @ 9:45 | ware, furniture, etc., of the Garrett. estate the grand total. amounted to : 480 | $24,315. of a | stl Pe einssed’” sagseessee 450 ember i eatieton Wig Ge eater wits “Gather- ne ew Seaman, ee ware 65 H. Lorenz, agent.. 410 * Lawless, . 250 Johnson, re An oa Seg Pat | Wou 3S. are eee / 180 “Dnglish Scen- ; RG EBs Bese ieee Oe 4) “The Waterfall, He George ‘E, Kellogg...,..-.> 300 ypha petariett Picture ‘Sale , for a total of $11,541.50. pes i : }Edouard Frere, were by the Hudson ‘lear, David Johnson, McEntee, later fellows Yewell, Some 96 oils from the collections of oe | eh Robert M. Olyphant and of the late ‘| Marry E. Garrett of Baltimore, were sold at 4 mae American Art Galleries, Mon. eve. last, | As the works sold, with the exception of ‘some few examples "of such older foreign ainters as the Dutch and German Koek- oek, Leutze, Herzog and Ary Scheffer, the older Englishmen, Fald, Firth, Cooper and Hayter, and the Frenchmen Brion and River _ school of American painters, Kensett, Casi- Cropsey, Hicks and Hubbard and Sonntag and their McCord, Eastman Johnson, Wyant and Carleton Wiggins with one example of John Neagle, the son-in- law of Sully, all of whose works are out of vogue, the prices brought would be con- sidered remarkably high were it not for the fact that the majority were purchased by Mrs. George C. Kellogg of the Olyphant family. Still, there were several bargains. Mrs. Kelloge paid the highest price, $1,200, of the sale for an early Wyant, “The fountain Stream,” and $1,050 for a McCord. 7 The pictures sold with title, artist, buyers’ ames and prices follow: oe, - Soo Sa rfist Title Buyer Price 1. Graham, W., “Morning on the Tiber,” panel, 4x9,. M.. Lewis... 2.3.20. 0. $12.50 2. Johnson, tes “A Recollection of Theo- | ‘ dore ee 414x6, Mrs. Geo. E. Ste Chay Crema acta iota? orgie sean cle siea.0.0 sees * 37.50 3. Hicks, Tt “Flowers,” 8x6, Mgrs. Geo, E> : SB, cui as a sake 1234x9%, Tae Oran! 2 McDonough SUE pe Te ee Oe 10.00 | /, ticks, -T:, *The Lake,” 634x11, A alban . rrp aeees eet me ceric i ticte ion slc cece cc's) 0 koi a aca es 0 6.00 18, Colyer; V., “On the Missouri,” 8x14, Op Sas LE oo 15.00 | (9.0 Renseti, J. ¥.;: “White Mountain In- dians,”’ ‘9x12, "ER. Friedenberg ........ 60.00 i a Colman &., “The Bay of Gibraltar,” 8x10, Mrs. Geo. E. Kellogg ......... 65.00 i: We Lyron; ’D. V., “Night, Newport Harbor,” | Watercolor, 8x10, Mrs. Geo. E. Kel- De een § wos scan og + 00's 130.00 2. Stevens, A., ‘‘How One Looks to One’s- + self,” 1syix10%4,, C . J. McDonough... 130.00 3. Frére,. Py “Feeding the Baby,” 1504. x124%, M ” Williams RPO, Tone as 90.00 14, Hicks, T., “Marine,” 714x13, R, ie Rob- hes ees 4 Wawa Oe Geo ere 10.00 Ls. Kensett, J, F., “High: Banks,” 91x13, Le OR) Sse SS Anes 12.50 16, Johnson, E., “The Little Housekeeper,” 11x9, Mrs. Geo, E. eeH eT Sst. ferc nies 5/8 6 130.00 e's Perry, EW. “Stirring the Fire,” 12x- 9, prezaty CL. OS eae ete 17.50 18. Hicks, T., “Portrait of Peletia Perit,” | 13x10, ENS ADO TIDOE soe, o ids 0.0.0 90-4 050 35.00 9. Kensett, J. ¥., “The Rapids Above’ the Falls, Niagara,” 9x14, R. Robert. . 85.00 20, Casilear;’ J. -W., “Landscape,” 10x15, Bn IN OO ene eae 40.00 al. Suydam, J. A., “The Salt Meadows,” Ne VOIR iiss a aly eos cae beeses 15.00 . 22. Yewell, Geo. H., “ Choir of the Church of San Pietro, Perugia, Italy,” 15%- ieee wits. Geo. -' Kelloge 3... 0.0. 110.00 23. Kensett, J. F., ‘‘Niagara eralls,” 9u%- ate ton CIRODECTIS: asco ne ces wees 150.00 4. Hicks, T., ‘‘Landscape,’”’ 13%x10, T. F PCI MEET ieee ac Ce cosa iarde wae vy ees 12.50 ‘5.-, Casilear,: -J. W., “Autumn,” 10x16, H Lh Se Pe ae 65.00 6. Blauvelt, oasse kr... “Too, Slow,” 216x12 Mieco. Kel ggr ss sn... cccensus 90.00 7 Widercdae, W., “The Trout Stream,” PUNY uA RIT NeLt is. )5.. 6 occ s s wise oes 60.00 8. Wyant, "A, H., “The Moutain Stream,” 17x14, foe Geov he Kellove <5 .c8 0. 1,200.00 9. Kensett, J. F., ““A Nook at Ramapo, New York, ge 19x16, i eee BENT oy gare ae 30.00 Ryder, P. ee, “Tolerably Hungry,” 17x- 14%. Mrs. Gleb s-Ee Kellogg .cssss3.. 75.00 S So & : the distance. Signed at the lower left: S. Couman. Estate of the late Ropert Morrison OLYPHANT. DWIGHT WILLIAM TRYON, N.A. AMERICAN: 1849— a Y, ; a Warr ri 11—NIGHT, NEWPORT HARBOR (Water Color) Phe ae / 3 J Height, 8 inches; length, 10 inches Tue town, with lights along the docks, crosses the middle of the picture, and a ship, showing lights of red and green, is moored in the waters of the harbor, which occupy the foreground. Sky of dark blue-gray with a few stars. Signed at the lower left: D. W. Tryon, 1896. Estate of the late Ropert Morrison OLYPHant. ALFRED STEVENS _ Berean: 1828—1906 eae Vine. .12-HOW ONE LOOKS TO ONE’S SELF a / 3 0 aS Height, 1354 mches; width, 10Y4 inches FuLu-LENeTH portrait of a blond young woman facing the spec- tator, critically surveying herself in a cheval-glass. She is in a brown gown with tight bodice and outstanding skirt and slashed sleeves, and stands on a waxed floor in a room toned in dark green. Signed at the lower left: A. STEVENS. From the Estate of the late Miss Mary E. Garrett, Baltimore. PIERRE EDOUARD FRERE Frencu: 1819—1886 13-FEEDING THE BABY Nar Wet brary 4 J “i Height, 151 inches; width, 124 inches In a cottage kitchen of warm and mellow-toned walls, with pans hanging in their places and cupboard door open, a small boy is feeding with a spoon a chubby infant he holds on his lap, while his small sister looks on with thoughtful interest. Signed at the lower left: Epovarp Frire, 1868. From the Estate of the late Miss Mary E. Garrett, Baltimore. THOMAS HICKS, N.A. AMERICAN: 18283—1890 | 7 v on Height, 74% inches; length, 13 inches A sEa view with a mass of rocks in the right foreground and an- other, on the left, farther out in the waters; blue sky. Signed at the lower right: 'T. Hicks. Estate of the late Ropert Morrison OLypHant. JOHN FREDERICK KENSETT, N.A. AMERICAN: 1818—1872 15—HIGH BANKS on , Th =e ws Voces : Height, 914 inches; length, 18 inches fee A LANDSCAPE With a river flowing through a gorge, the shores on the right being wooded and those on the left displaying a rocky cliff with fields and trees above. In the distance, a prospect of country; sky of gray cloud. Signed at the lower right: J. F. K., 59. Estate of the late Ropert Morrison OLYPHANT. EASTMAN JOHNSON, N.A. AMERICAN: 1824—1906 . » 16—THE LITTLE HOUSEKEEPER (Millboard) Thinr,- & : > / 3 y, — Height, 11 mches; width, 9 inches A uiTT Lez girl, blond haired and barefooted, wearing a white waist and blue skirt, busying herself washing dishes in a cottage in- terior, with a window on the left. Signed at the lower right: E. Jounson, N. Y. Estate of the late Ropert Morrison OLypuant. ENOCH WOOD PERRY, N.A. American: 18381—1915 17—_-STIRRING THE FIRE (Millboard) 7-N- SY, a D2 Height, 12 inches; width, 9 inches A FULL-LENGTH figure of a young woman, with blue dress and white apron, stirring the fire in a brick oven, in a pleasant cottage room, with window, table and pots of flowers, on the right. Signed at the lower left: KE. W. Perry. Estate of the late Ropert Morrison OLYPHANT. Ne / THOMAS HICKS, N.A. AMERICAN: tee eye ee 18—PORTRAIT OF PELETIA PERIT s oe seein Hao 1314 inches; width, 10 inches &. OricinaL study of the portrait of the merchant, Peletia Perit, which the late Mr. Hicks painted for the Chamber of Commerce. Presented to the late owner by the Artist. Estate of the late Ropert Morrison OLYPHANT. JOHN FREDERICK KENSETT, N.A. Anurican f18182.18ve 19—THE RAPIDS ABOVE THE FALLS, NIAGARA ~ (Millboard) PR. (9. (oberte hina Height, 9 inches; length, 14 mches Tuer green swirling waters of the Niagara rapids fill the fore- ground and, at the right, the river is seen pouring over the falls, where the spray is rising high. Exhibited at the Panama-Pacific International Exposition, San Francisco, 1915. Estate of the late Ropert Morrison OLYPHANT. JOHN W. CASILEAR, N.A. AMERICAN: 1811—1893 G0—LANDSCAPE We iy. Cepatiee Height, 10 inches; length, 15 wmches A landscape depicting a lake with calm surface, seen from the shore in the left foreground, where there are a clump of trees and some bowlders. Hills and mountains line the opposite shores and the sky is of warm gray with accents of white. Signed at the lower left: J. W. C. Estate of the late Ropert Morrison OLypuHant. JAMES A. SUYDAM, N.A. " Ds at American: 1817—1865 saa Kt A hare 21_THE SALT MEADOWS S Height, 9 inches; length, 15 inches A LANDSCAPE showing a wide stretch of salt meadows, where, at the right center, some men are loading an ox-cart; a glimpse of the sea, on the right; green shores and trees, at left; sky of tempered blue with small white clouds. Estate of the late Ropert Morrison OLYPHANT. GEORGE HENRY YEWELL, N.A. | AMERICAN: 1830— 22-2CHOIR OF THE CHURCH OF SAN PIETRO, PERUGIA, ITALY Fe O heey Height, 151% mches; width, 111% inches A cHURCH interior showing carved stalls, the organ overhead, an archway with mural decorations and a massive lectern, on which rests a large illuminated book. ‘Two priests in black robes are seen at the right. | Signed at the lower right: Gro. H. Yewe xr. Estate of the late Ropert Morrison OLYPHANT. JOHN FREDERICK KENSETT, N.A. American: 1818—1872 23—NIAGARA FALLS : : (Millboard) - / SU “—— -H eight, 914 inches; length, 1514 inches A view of Niagara with the American Falls, footbridge and tower at the left. The Horseshoe Falls are seen beyond, clouds of mist partly obscuring the Canadian shores and the sky. Signed at the lower left: J. F. K., 57. Estate of the late Ropert Morrison OLypuant. THOMAS HICKS, N.A. ‘Awrenrcan: 1823—1890 wa 24—-LANDSCAPE. — Y 1 ee aae i as Height, 181% inches; width, 10 inches eo ght, 13% Trees and vines in the foreground, a brown hillside beyond, and a gray sky. 7 Signed at the lower left: T. Hicks. Estate of the late Ropert Morrison OLyPuant. JOHN W. CASILEAR, N.A. 2 AMERICAN: 1811—18938 ai AUTUMN hort Rog as tae Vi ( | rma Height, 10 inches; length, 16 inches 25 A LANDSCAPE in gray, autumn weather, with sunlight struggling through the clouds, partly illuminating a lake and distant moun- tains. The foreground consists of undulating lands, with trees. Signed at the lower left: J. W. C., ’64. Estate of the late Ropert Morrison OLYPHANT. CHARLES F. BLAUVELT, N.A. AMERICAN: 1824—1900 oe SLOW” ne ‘ew . i ; G b > ‘Height, 16 inches; width, 12. inches A COUNTRY squire, wearing a long brown coat, scarlet stock and a wide-brimmed hat is standing before a fireplace, on the mantel of which is a clock. Holding his silver watch in one hand, he is setting forward the hands of the clock with the other. Signed at the lower right: C. F. BLauvett. Estate of the late Ropert Morrison OLYPHANT. WORTHINGTON WHITTREDGE, N.A. AMERICAN: y ii (9 : CA. 27—THE TROUT STREAM ai ve 6 {Jo ee Height, 13 inches; length, 16 inches A woop interior with a stream winding into the foreground and forming a pool as it bends around a shore with boulders. Near the middle of the picture, in a gleam of sunlight, is a fisherman who has just hooked a trout. Signed at the lower right: W. WHITTREDGE. Estate of the late Ropert Morrison OLYPHANT. ALEXANDER H. WYANT, N.A. AmeERican: 1836—1892 vy Phap- Me ; oO 283—THE MOUNTAIN phe iee >) et = ee Height, 17 neste Dae 14 imches A ricuiy toned autumn landscape, with a pool and cattle in a valley in the foreground; in the middle distance, mountain slopes which lead up to a range, partly lost in the mist and clouds. Signed at the lower right: A. H. Wyant. Estate of the late Ropert Morrison OLyPHant. JOHN FREDERICK KENSETT, N.A. AmeEricAn: 1818—1872 294A NOOK AT RAMAPO, NEW YORK | ee eg ese Og — Height, 19 inches; width, 16 inches Gray rocks, partly in sunshine and partly in the shade of thinly foliaged trees, fill almost the entire composition. A little brook is seen tumbling over them and, above, the sunlight filters through the woods. Signed at the lower right: J. F. K., 758. Estate of the late Ropert Morrison OLYPHANT. PLATT POWELL RYDER, A.N.A. AMERICAN: 1821—1896 30—TOLERABLY HUNGRY 4 i Tr nr0- Yo 4 Re ~ [a Height, 17 inches; width, 144% inches | A LirrLeE boy, with a napkin about his neck, seated before a table, : on the right, and his mother, who stands beside him, pouring . milk into a large saucer, which the child is ready to pena of | with the spoon he holds in his hand. Signed at the lower right: P. P. Rypmr, *72. Estate of the late Ropert Morrison OLYPHANT. JOHN W. CASILEAR, N.A. AMERICAN: 1811—1898 31—SUMMER ie "oc OS Le | bet panes Height, 10 inches; length, 16 inches eo ee A WIDE prospect of level farm lands, a stream, woods and distant : hills, seen from a foreground slope, with elm trees, on the left; . sky of blue with white clouds. Signed at the lower left: J. W. C., 64. Estate of the late Ropert Morrison OLYPHANT. JOHN WILLIAMSON, A.N.A. AMERICAN: 1826—1885 82—A REMINISCENCE me oe frag JoQ-53_ — Height, 12 inches; length, 18 inches V A wake on the left and, on the right, a field on the shore with rocks, trees and bushes; in the distance a range of mountains; sky of pale warm tints above the horizon gradated upward into blue. Signed at the lower left: J. W. 78. Estate of the late Ropert Morrison OLyPuant. SANDFORD R. GIFFORD, N.A. AMERICAN: 1823—1880 88—THE BEACH AT LONG BRANCH OF Ku Vr nr Aan arr (me af, A age _ Height, 9 mches; length, 191% mches THE ocean beach at Long Branch as it was in the sixties, depicted in sunlight. The sandy beach fills the foreground, with the ocean at left and dunes at the right, with some little bath houses. On the beach are a boat drawn up and an awning, with people sitting in its shade. Signed at the lower right: S. R. Girrorp, 1867. Estate of the late Roprerr Morrison OLyPHant. JOHN FREDERICK KENSETT, N.A. AmERiIcAN: 1818—1872 34—TWILIGHT RQ 2: e (Fem ft . - ° S" oe st Height, 1414 inches; length, 20 mches A LANDSCAPE depicting a valley and stream, extending to a range of hills, seen from a foreground with trees and rocks; at the right, in the middle distance, a camp fire; evening sky streaked with crimson tinted late sunset clouds. Signed at the lower left center: J. F. K., 751. Estate of the late Roprrt Morrison OLYPHANT. ' ALBERT BIERSTADT, N.A. ’ American: 1829—1902 35—-HIS OWNER’S PRIDE Q. (& ys Rol 2 ee Height, 14 inches; length, 191% imches Portrait of a fine-limbed horse with rich dark bay coat, in pro- file to the left, standing in a green field with a background of dense green woods. Signed at the lower left: A. Brerstapt. From the Estate of the late Miss Mary E. Garrett, Baltwmore. me AUGUST SIEGERT German: 1820—1883 36—_THE NEWS WITH REF she Peer Te ses — Height, 191% inches; width, 834{anche Maw seated, seen at three-quarters length, reading a newspaper and smoking; on a table before him a flagon and glass. He wears a red waistcoat and creamy-gray outer coat and a large brown hat. Signed at the upper right: A. SrEGERT. From the Estate of the late Miss Mary E. Garrett, Baltimore. SIR GEORGE HAYTER, R.A. EncusuH: 1792—1871 37—TE DEUM LAUDAM Aes s fog cy 0 = ai Height, 191 inches; width, ee inches 4 pe “Tue Glorious Company of the Apostles Praise Thee.” A com- position of three figures at half-length, with Saint Peter in the center, standing with uplifted heads and adoring eyes, in a green vale, with three crosses visible in the distance. Signed at bottom center (on the staff): Sir GrorcE Hayter, pinxit, 1851; signature, date and title also inscribed on back. From the Estate of the late Miss Mary E. Garrett, Baltimore. CHRISTOPHER PEARSE CRANCH, N.A. AMERICAN: 1813—1892 38—IN VENICE an Se Bae. Mas aeg, q a Height, 18 inches; length, 18 inches q A caANAL in Venice, with red brick arched bridges, and houses lining it on either side; gondolas in foreground with figures; blue sky. Signed at the lower left: C. P. Crancu. Estate of the late Ropert Morrison OLYPHANT. GEORGE HERBERT McCORD, A.N.A. AMERICAN: 1848—1909 39—ENGLISH LANDSCAPE) | | Gf SO LGee pa / er Height, 12 mches; length, 20 inches 7 In the foreground and middle distance, on the left, are green slopes, a red roofed turreted building and cliffs; on the right, the waters of the sea with several sail boats; sky of gray and white clouds. Signed at the lower right: G. H. McCorp, A.N.A. Estate of the late Ropert Morrison OLYPHANT. = 5 oe ey Vin ee SOR CASTLE Pie. Lk c S JOHN FREDERICK KENSETT, N.A. AMERICAN: 1818—1872 Height, 14 inches; length, 20 inches / (= } A view of Windsor Castle, with gray sky above, seen in the dis- tance from a roadway in the foreground of the picture, framed in on either side by the foliage of great trees. Signed at the lower right: J. F. K. Estate of the late Ropert Morrison Otypnant. UNKNOWN 41—-HEAD IN PROFILE Le a. PA ren Height, 21 inches; width, 15 inches Heap and shoulders portrait of an olive-skinned young woman with a mass of jet black hair, in profile to the left. She is in black, against a dark green ground. From Thomas Agnew & Sons, London. From the Estate of the late Miss Mary E. Garrett, Baltwmore. LOUIS VICTOR WATELIN FrRENcH: CONTEMPORARY 42—BORDER OF THE WOODS sey eres: Height, 1534 inches; Bib 22 inches A more or less open woodland is presented, both at right and left, with a field road passing from foreground to a middle dis- tance clearing. The trees are warming to autumn tones. At left, a bent peasant woman in blue with white cap. Signed at the lower left: L. WatEtin, *72. From the Estate of the late Miss Mary E. Garrett, Baltimore. UNKNOWN Ta. ye 18—STREAM IN THE MOUNTAINS e 1 « . Ve : P : ‘ : 4 ; J Sis Height, 15 inches; length, 21 imches At left and right, respectively, leaning trees and projecting rocks all but shut out the sky and distant mountains, as they overhang a green and swift-moving stream which swirls into the foreground. From the Estate of the late Miss Mary E. Garrett, Baltimore. . % ARY SCHEFFER Durcnu: 1795—1858 44—JACOB AND RACHEL YY) YWnhhrortre : SY, aE Height, 22 inches; width, 16 inches Jacos holding his shepherd’s crook, and with cloak falling from one shoulder, embraces Rachel, kissing her upon the brow. She is clad in a lavender garment which exposes her arm and shoulder. (Genesis xxix, 2.) Signed at the lower left: Ary SCHEFFER. From the Estate of the late Miss Mary E. Garrett, Baltimore. JOHN FREDERICK KENSETT, N.A. AMERICAN: 1818—1872 45—VIEW FROM DOBBS FERRY Tue Hudson ee dotted with white sails, is seen in the left middle distance beyond a wide stretch of country, lying on the left, diversified by houses, clumps of trees and farms. The view is from a hillside, and in the sky of pale, qualified blue are some gray and white clouds, near the horizon. Estate of the late Ropert Morrison OLYPHANT. ; O w- Height, 14 imches; length, 24 bikes THOMAS HICKS, N.A. American: 1823—1890 46—MORNING PRAYER 2 oO Y “ ic Height, 20 inches; width, 14 inches A pEaAsanT girl, with white cap, purple bodice and red skirt, on her knees at her bedside, in a mansard room. Through an open window appear a roof and a bit of blue sky. On the right is a table with a soup tureen and a cup. Signed at the lower left: T. Hicxs, 1876. Estate of the late Ropert Morrison OLYPHANT. ROBERT SWAIN GIFFORD, N.A. AmERIcAN: 1840—1905: 47—V ENICE | Thur Boe: ¢ ta ype [ “2. Height, 14 inches; length, 24 inches In the waters of the foreground, a broad-beamed sailing vessel, followed by others farther away, all departing from Venice; in the distance, the buildings and towers of the city; morning sky of warm, light grays and pale blue. Signed at the lower left: R. Swain Girrorp, 1875. Estate of the late Roperr Morrison OLypuant. io i tis oe , bs Ss JOHN FREDERICK KENSETT, N.A. AMERICAN: 1818—1872 48—NEW MOON, ADIRONDACKS ‘y aes t. alt te | a _— Height, 141 inches; length, 2441/5 inches ma A LEVEL meadow, with cows grazing, and a wide-spreading elm tree appear in the foreground; in the middle distance, a belt of trees beyond which are seen the Adirondack Mountains, purple gray in the early evening light. In the pale gray-blue sky, over the top of the elm, at left, is the crescent moon. Signed at the lower left: J. F. K. Estate of the late Ropert Morrison OLYPHANT. GEORGE HERBERT McCORD, A.N.A. AmeERIcAN: 1848—1909 49—LAKE GEORGE Te (?- W- (e Lotte QO j ee __Height, 14 inches; length, 25 inches Tue waters of the lake fill the left portion of the picture while on the right, beyond a foreground slope, with trees and rocks, rises a round-topped mountain peak. Hills along the shores extend into the distance and in the blue summer sky are some white clouds. Signed at the lower right: G. H. McCorp, A.N.A. From M. Knoedler & Co., New York. Estate of the late Roperr Morrison OLYPHANT. BAREND CORNELIS KOEKKOEK Dutcu: 1808—1862 50—WINTER IN ae y oe — F j ” : tae ~ Ss rh as et Height, 20 inches; length, 26 4 See 0 Ss " | Sxaters and sledges on a frozen stream at the left, which skirts a __ 4 tall building group with stepped gables, and on the right a snow- covered road down which come pedestrians and a laden cart, the road illumined by the last rays of a setting sun. Signed at the lower right: B. C. Korxxorx, 1854; on back a certificate signed by the Artist. . From the Estate of the late Miss Mary E. Garrett, Baltwmore. fae , ey ef 2 “a ; a? f if # i é } i 2 P. 4] 3 Fi : ‘a ? & 4 / é, # t RAE é Poe ¥ CPUyve Li Py At thf f @ / al “7% é he © f = fs 0 a 4 ° - ie : Le & &/ JOHN R. KEY AMERICAN: CONTEMPORARY 51—LANDSCAPE nn we es pal es aa Height, 261% inches; width, 21 inches ¢ RounpeEp and densely wooded mountains at either side, and in the center a narrow, sinuous river winding between them. Late afternoon light on the distant summits and reflections on the stream. Signed at the lower left: J. R. Kry, ’68. From the Estate of the late Miss Mary E. Garrett, Baltimore. rie JOHN FREDERICK KENSETT, N.A. AMERICAN: 1818—1872 52—-MALLETT’S BAY, LAKE Hang Page gt ek whe Tong eh anther & ¥ ee. Z iy © 19 | 4 mches; leng wmches Aw autumn landscape with a stretch of meadows, seared ip brown, in the foreground, and a border of trees from left to right. Through an opening on the left is a glimpse of Lake Champlain and the farther shore, while overhead is a sky of gray clouds. Signed at the lower left: J. F. K. Exhibited at the Panama-Pacific International Exposition, San Francisco, 1915. Estate of the late Ropnrt Morrison OLypHant. JASPER FRANCIS CROPSEY, N.A. | AMERICAN: 18238—1900 >... 653-4 BLUSTERING DAY Bite ies if ? t Height, 17 inches; length, 231 inches ie gee A SCENE in a wooded valley in autumn, with a pond and great rocks in the foreground. In the distance a high peak lifts its head before a sky of black storm clouds accented, in the upper part, by a burst of light. Signed at the lower right: J. F. Cropsry, 1850. Estate of the late Roperr Morrison OLYPHANT. THOMAS HICKS, N.A. American: 1828—1890 54—PORTRAIT OF A GENTLEMAN | d : a 3 Mf eee Height, 26 inches; width, 1634 imches A FULL-LENGTH seated figure of a gentleman, in profile to right; dark brown coat and waistcoat, gray trousers; a cane in the right hand, and looking at a drawing which he holds before him. Signed at the upper left: T. Hicks. Estate of the late Ropert Morrison OLyPHant. JOHN FREDERICK KENSETT, N.A. AMERIcAN: 1818—1872 @ 5s—IN THE WHITE MOUNTAINS , | (vou Lo Height, 151% inches; length, 24 inches | A PEACEFUL Valley, with a stream, farm lands, houses and forests, occupies the foreground and middle distance. Beyond are moun- tains, with one large peak at the right and another near the middle of the picture. Pale gray-blue sky. Signed at the lower left: J. F. K. Estate of the late Roperr Morrison Otypuanr. R. CATON WOODVILLE CoNTEMPORARY 56—THE BURGOMASTER ge 25" — = Height, 26 inches; width, 2134 inches Hzap and shoulders portrait of a bearded man of middle age and ruddy complexion, facing almost fully to the front, with eyes directed toward his right. He wears a white ruff, dark red coat and heavy fur greatcoat. At upper left a coat-of-arms, and inscription: “W. H., AST 51.” (Possibly a copy of an older painting.) From the Estate of the late Miss Mary E. Garrett, Baltimore. % 4 ‘ 4 ; As) r Z . 4 ra ff fae f, jf aw % y 7 AW. sad haf» AKOG i wei ea MAbs h wa! of, A a he ee ee . Pine ae A Sif fin = 2m ‘iA, 3 5 F=f € ied , iy ; 7, Ytn wal ¥ tithe od . * F 4 oo "? “ F . : é yr Z ’ ] is ! Y EDWARD L. HENRY, N.A. AMERICAN: 1841— / 7/47 57—THE 9:45 ACCOMMODATION 71, %, «,Cher : ue fy ve» _ Height, 16 inches; length, 3014 inches A picture of early American railroading, with a way train on > the left standing at a village station, hurrying passengers and frightened horses about the station platform, and on the right a stage-coach and other vehicles, and frame dwellings enveloped in briliant autumn foliage. Signed at the lower right: EK. L. Henry, 1867. From the Estate of the late Miss Mary E. Garrett, Baltvmore. v LDP. san Pad a eS wee Fs } he Pa r a P : ; ‘ ‘Te y a , J ee eee i ‘ r ; ‘ 4 ; , # 7 ? Sal ae mF i A. eh »- ah 2 , - 7 5 2} end Pras . 4 ® +4 4 § ae ; ay Ro A » J . - "i * eS 7 7) P ‘j ¢ ‘det * = # ce 2s *% JOHN FREDERICK KENSETT, N.A. AMERICAN: 1818—1872 *58—_LANDS beeeees Tax iY , "4 CO r/R bes ‘Height, 22 inches; width, 18 inches A eG LEN in a wild and broken woodland, with overhanging rock ledges surmounted by thick trees and brush at left, mountains _ viewed dimly in the right distance, and in the central foreground ee | waterfall. a0 Wilgtst Be i eee od > ? = 7 i es fale ol ie an ee ah ee re ge - * af s A: From the Estate of the late Miss Many E. Garrerr, Baltimore. : ; > 4 . - vs rid & hie ad Oa oe ate i. Be Ae Gh Fos * rey witty pe om dy t= tly OMe rain + oe ae — " a " > as ay # of _ rv - ‘4 ages LAist, by) : , THOMAS FAED, R.A. Scorcn: 1826—1900 59=PORTRAIT OF A Lh Pe , Height, 30 imches; width, 21 inches th U : A youne woman with blue eyes and rosy cheeks, and a blue ribbon decking her chestnut hair, is portrayed in gray skirt, and black waist trimmed with fur, seated in an armchair upholstered in golden yellow. Signed at the lower left: Tuomas Farp, 1871. From the Estate of the late Miss Mary E. Garrett, Baltimore. JOHN FREDERICK KENSETT, N.A. American: 1818—1 . 60—IN THE pe OS Height, 15 inches; length, 24 inches Tue foreground consists of a clearing, with a small barn at left; in the middle distance a stretch of woods and a hill; beyond, a mountain with jagged tops. The sky is of tempered pale blue. Exhibited at the Panama-Pacific International Exposition, San Francisco, 1915. Estate of the late Ropert Morrison OLyPuant. JOHN NEAGLE AMERICAN: 1799—1865 61—PORTRAIT OF A YOUNG BOY Des C Toth ey w/o Height, 24 inches; width, 20 inches Ni A FirstT-cLass example of the work of John Neagle, the well-known: early American artist who painted the celebrated picture, “Pat Lyons, the Blacksmith,” in the Pennsylvania Academy of the Fine Arts. It depicts, in half-length and full-face, a boy with light brown hair and blue eyes, wearing a dark blue jacket, white waistcoat and wide collar, and a loose black necktie. Estate of the late Ropert Morrison OLypHAnt. 2 ehes Height, 251% wmches; width, 2034 inches ad ———" Bu sae. GEORGE A. BAKER, N.A. AMERICAN: 1821—1880 Vien Ce een Height, 24 inches; width, 20 iwmches 62—ITALIAN GIRL A THREE-QUARTERS-LENGTH figure of a young Italian peasant woman, with white headdress and bodice, blue apron and red skirt, her right hand on her hip and, with the left, holding a copper vessel under the spout of a wayside fountain. Landscape setting. i Signed at the lower left: G. A. Baker, 1851. Estate of the late Ropert Morrison OLYPHANT. CHINESE ARTIST Sa 68—PORTRAIT: TING-GUA ae ER A FULL-LENGTH seated figure of a Chinese mandarin of high rank, wearing rich robes of black, blue and yellow and heavy chains of beads; on the arm of the massive seat, at his left, is his red jewel- crowned cap; on his right, beside a pillar, a globe with gold fish; landscape view through a circular window. Estate of the late Ropert Morrison OLYPHANT. OLIVER INGRAHAM LAY, A.N.A. AMERICAN: 1845—1890 64—M EDIT ATION ma / po ae ie Height, 2614 inches; width, 1914 inches A youne woman in a dress of light yellow-gray cloth seated in an armchair in the garden before the open doorway of her house, her head resting on her hand. Over a paling fence, at the right, are stalks of corn in tassel, trees and a bit of sky. Signed at the lower left: Ot1ver Lay, 1878. Estate of the late Ronert Morrison OLyPHAnt. J. OGDEN WOOD AMERICAN: CONTEMPORARY 65—ON THE WAY HOME pp 1 Ee, Oc gh ¥ oO «: Height, 20 inches; length, 26 inches Two sleek cows, one black, the other red, and both with white faces, with a white calf beside them, are seen on a road in the fore- ground, while three other cows are coming across a little stream beyond. A French landscape setting with sky of rolling gray clouds and patch of blue. Signed at the lower left: J. O. Woon, 1880. Estate of the late Ropert Morrison OLYPHANT. ta is JERVIS McENTEH, N.A. American: 1828—1891 66—NOVEMBER DAYS 4, : KG, Fe a A sHALLOow stream in the right foreground, proceeding from a wood which appears in the middle distance, and a boy seated beside a large tree in the middle of the picture. Gray sky. Height, 16 inches; length, 28 inches Signed at the lower right: J. McEntxx, 1865. — Estate of the late Ropert Morrison OLypHant. THOMAS HICKS, N.A. AmERICAN: 1823—1890 67—FIRST VISIT TO = kf a Oyj ce Cae Height, 28 inches; width, 18 inches t A FULL-LENGTH figure of an old man, wearing a suit of black and a dingy high hat, with a green umbrella under his arm, standing with back to the spectator, on a stone sidewalk, as he reads a handbill, “Lost, Five Dollars Reward,” which is pasted on the gray wall before him. Estate of the late Ropert Morrison OLYPHANT. RICHARD WILLIAM HUBBARD, N.A. American: 1817—1888 __ $8 LANDSCAPE 2 a Va Ae Pah — 6 gee Height, 16 mches; length, 30 inches Tue placid waters of a river occupy the foreground, with a man fishing from a punt at the shore, on the right, where a group of trees shades an inlet with lily pads. In the middle distance are the opposite shores, with trees and hills, beyond which rises a blue mountain peak. Sky of gray and white clouds with some : spaces of blue. : Signed at the lower left: R. W. H., L-XIII. Estate of the late Ropert Morrison OLyPuHanrt. JOHN CARLETON WIGGINS, N.A. American: 1848— - 69—GATHERING SEAWEED Sf OD tat WW Ftarerre 7 Z if gat Height, 18 mches; length, 30 inches Mee | A cart loaded with seaweed, drawn by two oxen and driven by a boy with white shirt and straw hat, is advancing over a sandy road from the seashore where a man is seen at work. The ocean lies beyond under a sky of gray-blue. Signed at the lower right: Joun C. Wicerns, 779. Estate of the late Ropert Morrison OLYPHANT. THOMAS HICKS, N.A. AMERICAN: 1823—1890 70—NO PLACE LIKE HOME «:_ Height, 2114 inches; length, 2814 inches re deed ‘ z ~ Awn elderly couple, a man in his shirt sleeves and a woman wearing a white cap, lilac-colored sack and black skirt, sitting before their wood fire, which heats the kettle hanging from a crane in a large open fireplace. On the right is the supper table, set with blue dishes, and on the floor are two cats lapping milk from a dish. Signed at the upper left:.T. Hicks, 1877. Estate of the late Ropert Morrison OLYPHANT. RICHARD WILLIAM HUBBARD, N.A. AMERICAN: 1817—1888 7I—-LAKE GEORGE Jnr. “Oc. Conse ¥ gs ' 6 ‘d —— Height, 18 inches; length, 30 mches A view of Lake George from a foreground shore of meadows and clumps of trees, with figures of a man and a boy. Beyond the lake are the opposite shores rising somewhat steeply and cul- minating, near the middle of the picture, in two peaks. White cirrus clouds are seen in the pale blue sky. Signed at the lower right: R. W. H. XIV. Estate of the late Ropert Morrison OLypHant. WILLIAM POWELL FRITH, R.A. Eneuse: 1819—1909 72—DERBY DAY tart a —_— Height, 161% inches; length, 8614 inches THE spectator sees in the distance the crowded grandstand and beyond it snatches of rolling land, all the rest of the composition being taken up with jostling throngs afoot and not less gay peo- ple in coaches, bettors, gamesters and entertainers, aristocrat and common folk in lively colors and democratic spirit. From the Estate of the late Miss Mary E. Garrett, Baltimore. HERMANN HERZOG AMERICAN ScHoout: 1832—1900 S re ! 4 “ 783-NORWEGIAN LANDSCAPE (2, ste bir cs Height, 21 inches: length, 811/, inch a // i eig inches; length 4, inches Mountains to right and left, mounting into darkening clouds, and between them a broad and silvery river whose waters wash a flat and stony foreground, where boats are drawn up and figures are seen about them; higher up, a mill among the trees. Signed at the lower left: H. Herzoc, 1867. From the Estate of the late Miss Mary E. Garrett, Baltimore. “-*% od JAMES BAKER PYNE EneuisH: 1800—1870 “%4-—VENIGE FROM THE LIDO 2 a 4 Z Diameter, 8544 wmches In the right foreground two gondolas at the point of a sandy shore, an abutting garden wall and playing children, and in the left middle distance San Giorgio with the sun setting behind it. Between them the eye roams the hazy Lagoon to the city domi- nated by the Campanile. From the Estate of the late Miss Mary E. Garrett, Baltimore. EASTMAN JOHNSON, N.A. AMERICAN: 1824—1906 75—A PLANTATION MELODY, rn. 7 / AS aa o Height, 24 inches; length, 86 inches Yd , need f e e e e . : GATHERED in a spacious kitchen, with vegetables as well as culinary utensils hanging on the walls or from beams, a number of persons listen with varying degrees of pleasure to an air played on the violin by a young negro. He has ten auditors, from happy baby to industrious grandma. Signed at the lower left: E. Jounson, 1866. From the Estate of the late Miss Mary E. Garrett, Baltimore. THOMAS DOUGHTY AMERICAN: 17938—1856 Pi hho cat = Height, 23 inches; length, 32 inches i é 7%—ENGLISH SCENERY Passine through the right foreground a river makes a bend, near the middle of the picture, where on the shore is a ruined castle embowered amid green trees. In the distance are round-topped hills. ‘The sky is composed of pale warm tints with a mass of clouds, on the right. Estate of the late Roprrt Morrison OLYPHANT. THOMAS HICKS, N.A. American: 1823—1890 77—-THE WATERFALL r a Merger J O Eige ioe Height, 30 inches; width, 25 inches A woop interior with a brook splashing over a slope of step-like rocks ; fallen timber in the foreground, green woods above. Signed at the lower left: T. Hicks. Estate of the late Ropert Morrison OLYPHANT. JOHN W. CASILEAR, N.A. AMERICAN: 1811—1893 78—A SWISS LAKE 3 2 gk : Height, 18 inches; length, 32 mches A puiacip lake, bordered, on the right, by a piece of shore with rocks and trees; a headland at the left and a range of the Alps, snow-capped, in the distance; cows standing in the water near the shore, on the right. Overhead is a summer sky of blue with clouds. Signed at the lower right: J. W. C., 62. Estate of the late Ropert Morrison OLYPHANT. GEORGE HERBERT McCORD, A.N.A. AMERICAN: 1848—1909 _ -19—AUTUMN ee Ror gS, /O05U“ — Height, 20 inches; length, 36 inches A ponp, at the left; meadow lands with brown herbage, on the right; a slope, beyond, with trees mostly bare of leaves, and a gray sky, are the elements that compose the landscape. At the edge of the pond a boy is poking with a stick in the shallow water. Signed at the lower right: G. H. McCorp, ’80. Estate of the late Ropert Morrison Otypuant. JULIAN SCOTT, A.N.A. American: 1846—1901 80—THE LAST SHOT (dott : Oe eid i if. Height, 30 inches; width, 22 mches A Union soldier standing as if at bay in a roadway, holding his rifle in readiness to fire when the right time comes, and a com- panion, his gun over his shoulder, also looking intently to where the enemy may be expected. Up the road two soldiers are helping a third, who has been wounded, to limp away. Signed at the lower right: Juttan Scott, 1881. Estate of the late Roprert Morrison Otyruant. THOMAS HICKS, N.A. AMERICAN: 1823—1890 81—A FRIENDLY WARNING Ws yy : gf TO s- Height, 241% inches; length, 331% inches A croup of four men gathered around a wood stove in a bare room in a country tavern. One of them is a young man, wearing _ eity clothes, while another is a countryman, with an ancient ““stovepipe” hat, who from his chair before the fire is giving some friendly advice to the man from town. The other two figures are a hackman and a village loafer, half asleep near the shelves that hold bottles and glasses. Exhibited at the Panama-Pacific International Exposition, San Francisco, 1915. Estate of the late Ropert Morrison OLYPHANT. HENRY NELSON O’NEIL EncusnH: 1817—1880 82—IN DAYS OF ai hie GS: Height, 24 inches; length, 36 Slee: A sTaTE barge, with the golden splendor of the Bucentaur, travels the rippling blue water of a broad bay, and aboard it in state are a lady enthroned, her lord with sword and mace and a map or chart, and ladies and gentlemen in attendance in resplendent robes. Doubtless a representation of an historical event. Signed at the lower right: H. O’Ner1, 1862. From the Estate of the late Miss Mary E. Garrett, Baltimore. WILLIAM LOUIS SONNTAG, N.A AMERICAN: 1822—1900 ya ig ys peed f 9 eight, 28 inches; length, 414% inches é # : 4 At either hand the green wooded slopes of imposing mountains, touched here and there with autumn color, descend to a narrow valley threaded by a river, the valley blocked in the distance by other huge crests, and on a plateau clearing in the right fore- ground stands a log shelter. Signed at the lower left: W. L. Sonnac. From the Estate of the late Miss Mary E. Garrett, Baltimore. JOHN FREDERICK KENSETT, N.A. AMERICAN: 1818—1872 84 NARRAGANSETT ap ee | eG tence Height, 25 inches; length, 40 inches A MARINE, with red-brown rocks in the foreground, on the left, and another ledge farther away. In the right of the picture lies the green-blue expanse of the ocean, with white sails on the horizon, and across the central portion appears a low headland. The com- position is completed by a clear sky of warm, pale grays slightly tinged above with blue. Signed at the lower left: J. F. K., °67. Exhibited at the Panama-Pacific International Exposition, San Francisco, 1915. Estate of the late Ropert Morrison OLtyPpHANT. EMANUEL LEUTZE, N.A. AMERICAN Scuoou: 1816—1868 aii IMAGE BREAKER Ya, oe Le oe iG “oe, | ; x a Height, 37 mches; width, 32 mches Tue composition depicts an episode during the religious wars in’ * France. An angry Huguenot father, in black and white, with steel neckpiece and high brown boots has found his blond-haired young daughter, who wears a blue bodice and white satin skirt, at her devotions in the chapel of the family chateau before an altar covered with a red cloth on which are a small image of the Virgin and Child, a cross and vases of flowers. The father raises his gauntleted right hand to break the symbols of a creed he hates, while with the left he pushes away the young girl. Signed at the lower right: KE. Leurzex, *47. Estate of the late Ropert Morrison OLYPHANT. EDWIN WHITE, N.A. AmMERIcAN: 1817—1877 86-—THE SACRED Lessoye’ AL eo aa JU. U — Height, 44 inches; width, 86 inches A THREE-QUARTERS-LENGTH figure of an old man with bald head and long gray beard, wearing a black cloak lined with crimson and, standing beside him, a little girl with pnkish gray bodice and brown skirt. The aged man holds on his lap an open Bible and his right hand is raised as he expounds the text. Signed on the leaves of book: Enywry Wuirt, N. Y., 1836. Exhibited at the Panama-Pacific International Exposition, San Francisco, 1915. Estate of the late Ropert Morrison OLYPHANT. JOHN W. CASILEAR, N.A. AMERICAN: 1811—1893 . Fe Cte : 87—_THE ROCKY tana 7 ‘ FROM NEAR GREELY, COLORADO Ti In the foreground is a level plain with a pool to which three mounted Indians have come to let their ponies drink. On the right and at the right center are groups of trees, while farther away is a forest bordering the plain. Beyond appears a snow- capped range of the Rocky Mountains. The blue sky is partly covered by white and gray clouds. Height, 24 inches; length, 4614 inches Signed at the lower right: J. W. C., ’82. Estate of the late Ropert Morrison OLyPHant. JASPER FRANCIS CROPSEY, N.A. AMERICAN: 1823—1900 -88—MOUNT JEFFERSON, PINKHAM NOTCH, WHITE MOUNTAINS SS Height, 31 inches; length, 49 inches THE composition shows a wide, wooded valley in autumn foliage, with a pond in the left foreground and a glimpse of a stream in the middle distance, where the mountain slopes rise with rugged contours to the pointed peak of Mount Jefferson. Late afternoon sunshine glints across the valley and the tops of the mountain range are in relief against a warm-tinted sky of blue with white clouds. Signed at the lower left: J. ¥. Cropsry, 1857. Estate of the late Ropert Morrison OLYPHANT. THOMAS SIDNEY COOPER, R.A. Encuisu: 1808—1902 7 () "6 89—CATTLE IN THE MEADOWS hae Waacece « gs a _ Ow a knoll in the foreground bordered by brush and flags, a red cow, a black and white cow and a tawny cow are lying down on a patch of soft grass, and a red bull standing over them eyes the spectator. To right two white sheep are lying, and a ram is standing near, gazing toward the distance where a winding river courses through low meadows. Height, 3314 inches; length, 48 inches Signed at bottom center: T. S. Coorrr, A.R.A., 1858. From the Estate of the late Miss Mary E. Garrett, Baltimore. BRYAN HOOK Encuisu : CONTEMPORARY 90—SILVERBECK CHARD & Ss Sy gar of fase Height, 40 inches; length, 50 inches A sroap and level stretch of wild land, its herbage green and brown, is seen in the dim light of gloaming, and at the edge of a brook in the foreground lies the body of a deer. In the distance the moorland is bounded by a range of mountains rapidly being obscured by settling banks of gray cloud or fog whose edges are purpled by the setting sun. The artist’s memorandum on a card on the back, noting the picture as submitted in competition for the Turner Gold Medal at the Royal Academy Exhibition, adds this note: “Quotation for catalogue—Macbeth,’ act III, sc. 2” (possibly either one of the following passages) : “Ere the bat has flown His cloister’d flight; ere to Hecate’s summons The shard-borne beetle, with his drowsy hums, Hath rung night’s yawning peal.” “Good things of day begin to droop and drowse; Whiles night’s black agents to their prey do rouse.” Awarded Turner Gold Medal, Royal Academy, 1882. From the Estate of the late Miss Mary E. Garrett, Baltimore. HERMANN HERZOG AMERICAN ScHOOL: 1832—1900 91— FISHERS OF THE NORTHLAND ge Warr: Ov: Orme Y “e- Height, 371% inches; length, 56 inches /7% : Movunrarns of Norway loom high on the right, and are illumined by reflected light from white clouds over white snow fields, while on the left, across a river, they are rapidly becoming obscured in a black fog. In the right foreground, where are some huts on the river bank, a family of fisher folk are seen about their boat. Signed at the lower left: H. Herzoc, 1866. From the Estate of the late Miss Mary E. Garrett, Baltimore. WORTHINGTON WHITTREDGE, N.A. AmeEriIcANn: 1820—1910 92—LANDSCAPE Vann beret a sii a 34 inches; length, 56 inches a THE spectator looks over a park and garden of royal spaciousness, the scene framed by a broad arch of trees which throws the fore- ~ ground into shadow, the view beyond being in sunshine and extend- ing over fields, habitations and woods to a sea alive with sail. In the garden two ladies are walking, and at the right a gardener is leaving an elaborate greenhouse. Signed at the lower right: W. WuHITTREDGE. From the Estate of the late Miss Mary E. Garrett, Baltimore. JASPER FRANCIS CROPSEY, N.A. a AMERICAN: 1823—1900 7 ge Height, 371 mches; length, 54 inches 983—HAGLE CLIFF Anove a foreground where are a log house, a man and a dog, and where trees have been cut down and pumpkins and sunflowers are growing in the clearing, rises a steep hillside covered with trees in autumn foliage of crimson, brown and yellow. High up, a rocky cliff rears its shape near the middle of the skyline, the whole in relief against a sunset sky with streaks of crimson clouds. Signed at the lower right: J. F. Cropsry, 1851. First exhibited in the 26th Annual Exhibition of the National Academy of Design, New York, 1851., Notice and criticism in May number of Bulletin of the American Art Union, 1851. Estate of the late Roperrt Morrison OLYPHANT. ASHER BROWN DURAND, N.A. AMERICAN: 1796—1886 94 SUMBOL Dye se fe 7 A? per Height, 40 inches; length, 60 inches A GREAT mountain peak, rising from amid the clouds in the upper middle portion of the composition, dominates this dramatic land- scape. In the left foreground are rocks and trees, while at the right is a valley, with a river and a church spire embowered among the trees. Overhead is a blue summer sky with clouds of warm gray and white. Signed at the lower left: A. B. Durannp, 1856. Estate of the late RopErt Morrison OLYPHANT. GUSTAVE BRION Frencu: 1824—1877 95—BRITTANY PEASANTS AT Wie eight, inches; length, 8 mches 295% Height, 53Ys inches; length, ZS A he og hoe Art left the portal of a small rural church, crowding into which and kneeling against the wall and on the ground outside are peo- ple of the peasantry praying, men, women and children, the line extending along a coping to a monumental cross on the right. Their costumes are full of quiet and rich color in the soft even- ing light. 3 Signed at the lower right: Gust. Brion. From the Estate of the late Miss Mary E. Garrett, Baltimore. RICHARD ANSDELL, R.A. Encuiso: 1815—1885 96>—HIGHLAND SPATE: SHEEP €. iy. pr dace BEING RESCUED FROM THE ROCKS #7 5d one Height, 421% inches; length, 96 inches A Herp of horned sheep have wandered and been caught upon rock ledges amid the swirl of a freshet’s rushing waters, and three Highlanders accompanied by the shepherd dog are rescuing them, one by one, in wind and storm. Signed at the lower left: R. ANsDELL, 1864. From Thomas Agnew & Sons, London. From the Estate of the late Miss Mary E. Garrett, Baltimore. SALE SATURDAY AFTERNOON FEBRUARY 15, 1919 AT THE AMERICAN ART GALLERIES BEGINNING PROMPTLY AT 2.00 O CLOCK NOTE: With the exception of the few items designated by an asterisk, the following described property is to be sold by order of a Legatee of the late Miss Mary E. Garrett of Baltimore. The objects designated by an asterisk belong to the estate of the late Robert Morrison Olyphant and are to be sold by order of the Executor. GLASS, PORCELAIN AND TABLE WARE 97—FovurRTEEN LIQUEUR AND SHERRY GLASSES Nine assorted liqueur and five sherry glasses. 98—TWENTY-FIVE CuT AND EtrcuHep LievEuR GLASSES Facetted, high stems, the bowls etched with garland, and pearl rim. 99—Twenty CutT-cLass WINE GLASSES Rope facetted stem, the bowls cut with diamonds and spear- shaped leaves. 100—Twenty-rour Cut-cuass WINE GLASSES Similar to the preceding. 101—SixtTEEN Cut anp Etcuep WINE GLassEs Finely cut baluster stems, the bowls cut with lobes and etched with garlands and pearls. 102—TwetvE Cur ann EtcHep CLARET GLASSES Similar to the preceding. 103—Seven Cut anp Ercuep Fincer Varied patterns, enriched with etched garlands. 104—T'wo Cut anno EtcHep TUMBLERS One with broad foot, enriched with intaglio rim band dis- playing deer in a wooded park. One plain facetted body, enriched with elaborate intaglio, view of an Imperial City, interrupted with a crested and wreathed coat-of-arms bear- ing on its shield a rampant lion and flowers. 105—Two Cur anp Decoratep TuMBLERS AND TRAYS _ Round trays and glasses with plain facetted sides, decorated with hunting scenes in black and gilding; floral edges in gilding. Varying sizes. 106—Turee VENETIAN GuAss TuMBLERS AND Rounp Tray Decorated in stripes of blue, clear and milk-white glass. 107—Turee BoHEMIAN CLARET GLASSES Plain baluster stems, with medallion cut bowls; one each, ruby, blue and green. 108—ELEVEN VENETIAN WINE GLASSES High baluster stems with lily bowls; iridescent yellow glass varying to milky-white and brown tones. 109—NineE Tatt VENETIAN WINE GLASSES Similar in color to the preceding. Five trumpet bowls and four bell-shaped. 110—Two Oxp Curt-cuass PERFUME BoTTLEs Elongated pear-shaped bodies, with hobnail and diamond cutting, spreading feet and facetted stoppers. (Chipped.) Height, 814, inches. — oe ke pele Ny 111—Fovur Curt-cuass DECANTERS Two with simple facetted barrel-shaped bodies, one pear- shaped with etched body, all with stoppers. One with molded neck. (Variously chipped.) Respective heights, 1212, 1114 and 71% inches. 112—Two Op Enecuish Cut-citass Decanters Squat bottle-shaped with varied cutting, mushroomed stop- pers. One with loose chain silver label. Respective heights, 9 and 91% inches. 113—Two Oup EneuisH Curt-crass Decanters Globular bodies enriched with diamond and flute cutting; long, facetted necks. Stoppers vary. Respective heights, 121, and 111% inches. 114—Two Otp Eneutsu Cur-ciass Decanrers Deeply cut barrel bodies, enriched with diamond and fan motives ; facetted necks ; round stoppers cut to match bodies. Height, 1134 inches. 115—Two Oup Encusu Cur ann Etcuep DECANTERS Tapering, facetted bodies etched with band of running vines and grapes; long incurving necks; steeple stoppers. Height, 13 inches. 116—Two Orv Encusn Cur-crass Vases Tapering bodies with scalloped rims, on spreading feet; cut with diamond and fan tops and facetted below. Height, 8% inches. 117—Two Tatu Decoratep Grass DECANTERS Round, tapering bodies with simple S-shaped handles; deco- rated in raised gilding with scroll panels and foliage; pear- shaped stoppers. Height, 1414, inches. 118—Two Cur anp EtcHep Grass ComMpotiERs Bowl-shaped bodies with heavy, cut baluster stems and star cut feet. Etched with wreaths of flowers and initialed “G.” Height, 7 inches; diameter, 7 inches. VENETIAN AND OTHER DECORATED GLASS 119—Two Miniature Decoratep Guiass Botries Squat shape, enriched with gilding; round stoppers. 120—Two DercoratED VENETIAN Guass VASES One, deep blue, bottle-shaped, enriched with fine pale blue spirals. The other with sloping body, small neck and han- dles; enriched on golden-brown with irregular corrugated rings in yellows. Height, 7 inches. 121—DecoratEep VENETIAN Guass VASE Graceful oviform body with incurving neck and two handles ; enriched with vertical varied slanting ribs of aventurine and pale amber roped with blue and red, and a series of blossoms. Height, 7 inches. 122—-Two Earty Bonemian Guass PERFUME BoTTLEs Square bodies, charmingly decorated in gold with scrolls, flowers and birds; silver stoppers enriched with leaves and small terminals. Height, 614 inches. 128—OxLp Bouemian Grass Purr Box anp Tray Shaped cylindrical body; domed cover with pinnacle ter- minal; round tray; rich blue, decorated in gold with jeweled imbrication and medallioned coat-of-arms. Total height, 9 inches; diameter of tray, 8 inches. 124—-Sma.Lu VENETIAN Guass Fish Bowni Clear glass body supported on three stems simulating dark rich coral sprays. : Diameter, 7 inches. 125—TIwo DrcoratTEpD VENETIAN GLAss VASES Pear-shaped, on small feet, of pale milky glass enlivened with a rope lattice of ruby-red on the body. (One mouth repaired. ) Height, 614 inches. © o es >. 126—Two Decoratep VENETIAN Grass VasEs One, bulbous body with long ribbed neck, enhanced with five shaped handles terminating in shell motives and three inter- mediate small orifices for individual flowers; of clear pea- cock-blue glass with a nulling of clear white on the handles. The other, ewer shape, with snake handle of iridescent pale lavender-blue glass, slightly jeweled and gilded. Respective heights, 7 and 81% inches. _127—Two DecoratEep VENETIAN Grass VaAsEs One with funnel top and flaring base of ruby glass; elabo- rate stem, in the form of a vase of flowers supporting rope medallion in clear and colored glass (imperfect). The other, with slender lily mouth and small foot, with the quaint stem simulating a Cupid’s body with outstretched arms; decorated with milky spirals on clear glass, and the head and hands of turquoise-blue. Respective heights, 734 and 81% inches. 128—Turee BuuE anp Gotp VENETIAN Guass Bow.s Slightly fluted, clear turquoise-blue bowls, with two sea- horses in clear glass enriched with gold, set on the rims for handles. Diameter, 51% inches. 129—DecoratEp VENETIAN Grass FLoweEr VASE Inverted bell body and spreading foot, of opalescent ruby over a milky glass; elaborate stem of a swan in milky glass seated on a wreath of various colored flowers. Height, 934 inches. 180—Two Decoratep Giass FLowrer Ho.xpers One, Venetian, ewer-shaped, with coiled serpent handle of slightly smoked glass, trimmed with blue rings at intervals. The other, English; gadrooned goblet-shape, of lavender glass with gilded rim and foot. Respective heights, 914 and 7 inches. 131—Two Dercoratep VENETIAN Guass FLtowErR HoLpers Both of greenish-amber glass. One with long, slender funnel receptacle supported on a four-handled baluster stem and spreading foot; the other with lily mouth and slender stem scrolled into a sitting bird with pink feet; ribbed stem and foot. Respective heights, 12°4 and 10%, inches. 182—Two TurevolisE-BLUE VENETIAN GuLAss GOBLETS Bell-shaped bowls and spreading feet, of blue lined with white; elaborate stems with two-handled vases supporting lobed disks which display on each three large forget-me-nots. (Larger one imperfect.) : Respective heights, 12 and 81% inches. 188—Two Tait Venetian Guass VasEs One, pear-shaped body with lily mouth; enriched with varied spirals and “V”s of light blue, lavender, yellow, ivory, gold, dark blue, deep rose and black. The other gourd-shaped, with long, sectioned, tapering neck; in varied shades of bottle-green. . Respective heights, 1114 and 14 inches. 1384—Two Drcoratep VENETIAN GuAss FLowrrR Ho.peEers Long, slender funnel receptacle supported on an eight-han- _ dled baluster stem and spreading foot; milk-white glass trimmed with ruby. Respective heights, 12 and 9%, inches. 1385—Two Venetian Guass FtowrrR Honpers One, double elongated ribbed and curved flasks, either for oil and vinegar or flowers; in slightly milky-blue glass on broad foot of clear glass. The other with double gourd- shaped body, slender neck, small spout and scrolled handle, enriched with spirals in milky glass on clear white. Respective heights, 91% and 9 inches. 186—Two VENETIAN GuAss STanpING CouUPrEs Gadrooned bowls with crested rims, the stems of milky- white sea-horses' modeled in full relief, on flaring feet. One of emerald-green, the other ruby; both enriched with gold. (Imperfect. ) Height, 81%, inches. + ‘ a eee eget ener 137—VENETIAN Guiass FLrowrer Hover The body in the form of an open-back swan with cygnet seated on its tail, supported on spreading circular foot; smoky glass enriched with powdered gold. (Imperfect.) Height, 7 inches; length, 9 inches. 1388—Two Rusy Venetian Guass FLrowrer Howpers Varied patterns; double curved and elongated flask-shaped bodies, spirally ribbed, supported on short baluster stems; one trimmed with disk of clear glass. Respective heights, 91/, and 8%, inches. 139—Decoratep VENETIAN GLass Stanpine CoureE Gadrooned body with flaring crested rim, on double twisted stem terminating in a blossom; spreading foot. In smoked amber glass. Height, 814, inches. 140—Decoratrep VENETIAN Guass STANDING CouPE AND Cover Ribbed bowl and cover with spiral terminal, supported on slender spiral and baluster stem and spreading foot; of amberish smoked glass with milky veinings. Height, 111, inches. 141—Venetian Grass StTanpinc CourE Gadrooned body, with crested rim and snake handles; the stem of milk-white sea-horse modeled in full relief; the body and foot in two alternating colors of aventurine. Height, 914 inches. 142—Two Buivur anp Goitp VENETIAN GLass GOBLETS Bowl-shaped bodies with upright collar, enriched with stel- late and spiral dart-like motives in blue, milky-white glass and aventurine; gadrooned baluster stem and spreading foot in clear glass. | Height, 8 inches. 1438—Tatrut Stranpine VENETIAN Guass FLtowER HoLper Gadrooned funnel-shaped receptacle and spreading foot of slightly smoked glass; elaborate double stem of two scrolled snakes exhibiting blue spirals, in clear glass with gilded combs; supported on small pear-shaped gadrooned baluster stem. Height, 15 inches. 144—VENETIAN Guass VASE Curious elongated pear-shaped indented body, with Cupid- wing handles, curved lily neck with small, extra, spout-like orifice for single blossom and spreading foot; of greenish- amber glass slightly smoked. Height, 15 inches. IntTerEstTiINc Dovusite Bripat Cup or VENETIAN Guiass Ribbed barrel-shaped goblet, supported on a highly con- ventionalized grotesque bride, her arms being scrolls and her bell-shaped skirt forming another goblet; varying clear to light amber glass. (Has been riveted.) 145 Height, 121%, imches. 146—VENETIAN Guass Two-HANDLED VASE AND STOPPER Graceful, ribbed, pear-shaped body, incurving neck, with two handles terminating in shell motives and spreading foot; of slightly milky glass; supported above the short stem by two coiled white snakes, studded on both sides with a pink blossom. Rosetted stopper. (Chipped.) Height, 12 inches. 147—DecoraTep VasE AND PiTrcHER oF VENETIAN GLass Vase, slender bottle-shaped, with two loop handles on high spreading foot, the body covered with raised lattice of smoked glass, the neck and foot simulating veined agate, en- riched with powderings of gold. Pitcher, green and gold, with aventurine snake handle, supported on three milky- white dolphins and a green spreading foot. Respective heights, 11 and 12 inches. 148—Two Iripescent Mink-wHire VENETIAN Gass VasEs One, depressed funnel-shaped body supported on gadrooned stem and netted spreading foot, pale greenish-amber vary- ing to pale bluish milky glass. The other, slender ribbed conical body with spreading foot of varying milky glass supported by two intricately scrolled serpents in white glass with red tongues. (Repaired.) Respective heights, 11 and 16 inches. mente Ee i SS a Ps PEt i en ee 149—Tartt Two-HANDLED VENETIAN Guass VASE Slightly gadrooned bulbous body with high baluster stem, neck with lily mouth and two scrolled serpent-like handles, supported on spreading foot; pale green glass flecked with gold. Height, 1934 inches. 150—Buve anv Goip VENETIAN Guass TripLE FLowrer Houper Three scrolled vertical dolphins, each a flower holder, form the body, supported on a bossed baluster stem and high spreading bell foot; turquoise-blue glass with fins, tails and mouths of white glass, generously enriched with powdered gold. Height, 101%, inches. 151—Taut Iripescent VENETIAN GLass-cOVERED VASE Quaint diminishing body formed of a series of ogees, sup- ported on high bell foot, pinnacle cover similarly formed to body; almost clear glass flashing with purple, crimson, blue and yellow in the light. (Terminal chipped.) Height, 151/, inches. 152—Rusy Venetian Grass BEAKER Gadrooned body with bossed molded collar and high flaring mouth, supported on a double gadrooned stem and high, bell-shaped foot, encrusted with bosses; rich ruby, with bosses and gadroon stem enriched with powdered gilding. Height, 1314 inches. 158—Tatut Sranpine Grass GoBLET Bowl-shaped, on high stem and spreading foot; light green decorated with long flag leaves in brown and darker greens. Height, 13 inches. 154—GracEFUL VENETIAN Guass VASE Bulbous body modeled with peardrop gadroons, slender swan neck with lily mouth supported on small baluster stem and spreading foot; slightly milky glass with the foot of greenish glass. Height, 17 inches. 155—Turee Tart Tirrany Favrire Griass Frowrer Hoipers Double bulbous bowl, supported on tall slender stem and spreading foot; golden-yellow and milky glass with iridescent areas of purples, blue and flame color. One with silver- plated foot and stem. : | Respective heights, 17, 161% and 16 inches. 156—Two Tatu Tirrany Favrite Grass Flower Hobpers — Ogival bowls, supported on slender stems and bell-shaped feet; golden-yellow and milky glass with a charming iri- descence of purple, blue and green. Height, 16 inches. 157—Two VENETIAN GLass CaRAFES One bottle-shaped, with spiraling and bossed lattice round the bowl in iridescent milky glass. The other pear-shaped, with spiraling and wave trimming and bosses in yellow glass; stopper for same. Respective heights, 10 and 111% inches. 158—Two Venetian Guass Ewers anp STOPPERS Of clear glass; one trimmed with ruby lattice and bosses, the other with turquoise trimming on the spiraled body. (One imperfect. ) , Respective heights, 1314 and 12 inches. 159—Two Venetian Grass Liqgureur BorrLtes anp Covers Pear-shaped, with slender necks; clear glass, decorated with ribbings of milky glass. The pinnacled covers form glasses. Height, 14 inches. 160—VENETIAN Guass BraKkER Gadrooned body with bossed molded collar and high flaring mouth, supported on a double gadrooned stem and high, bell-shaped foot; encrusted with bosses. Iridescent milky glass, with the bosses pale green and gold. Height, 1614 inches. 161—Tatt Sranpine VENETIAN Grass VasE Bell-shaped body, enriched with raised lattice supported on baluster stem with scrolled sea-horse handles and spreading foot; smoked glass, with warm amberish tones flecked with powdered gold. Height, 1614 inches. 162—Tovrevoise VENETIAN Giass EPEercne In three sections, with two graduated, bell-shaped bowls for fruit, supporting liliform flower holder, the stem entwined with a snake and having four scrolls at foot; the middle support a baluster with three deep scrolls and large blos- soms between each; lower stem a spiral baluster on spread- ing foot. Height, 221, inches. 163—Turee Bouemian Grass Decanters AND STOPPERS Bottle-shaped, decorated with vines and bunches of grapes; one each, red, green and blue. Pewter mountings and handle. (The green stopper missing. ) Height, 14 inches. 164—Two Sinver-pLratep Wine Coo.ers Urn-shaped, with rim simulating the waves of the sea, sup- ported on a rustic stem and circular molded foot; the body and stem garlanded with vine-leaves and clusters of grapes; rustic handles. Loose linings. Height, 131, inches. 165—Larcer Ova Sitver-PLatTep TEA-TRAY Plain dip, with heavy rope edge twisted at ends to form double handles.. Center engraved with floral medallion en- closed in scrolls. ; Length, 82 inches. DECORATIVE OBJECTS IN EUROPEAN, CHINESE AND JAPANESE PORCELAIN, AND ITALIAN FAIENCE 166—T'wo DecoratEep DrespEN PorcELAIN Cups AND SAUCERS Decorated in -low-toned colors with pastoral and hunting scenes; gilded rims. 167—Four Porcrerain Cups and SAUCERS Cylindrical shapes. Three Royal Vienna: one turquoise- blue, with Cupid medallion; one with octagonal medallion, “Cupid and Psyche”; one Royal-blue, with landscape panels in reserve. The fourth Dresden, Royal-blue, with reserve medallions of flowers. 168—TweELveE BuvE anp WuirtTe CHINESE PorcEeLAIn Cups AND SAUCERS ; Decorated with differing floral motives; varied in size and pattern. 169—Drespen Porcetain CovereD SuCRIER Bowl-shaped, with slightly domed cover and raspberry-spray terminal; decorated with sprays of roses in deep rose pink. Diameter, 444 inches. 170—Earzty STAFFORDSHIRE TEA-CADDY AND COVER Depressed octagonal body, domed cover with swan terminal, decorated with bands of floral motives and sprays in red and brown. Height, 51, inches. 171—Fovur CuinesE PorcenAIn Bowts and SAUCERS Eighteenth century, made for the European market. Deco- rated in enamels with Watteau pastoral scenes in brilliant enamels. *172—Satsuma Porcevain Trapot, Cup anp Saucer AND Cov- ERED Bown Teapot decorated with floral medallions and geometric spirals ; cup and saucer with irregular medallions, the saucer with a band of personages examining scroll paintings; bowl ~minutely painted with growing blossoming trees and flowers. 1738—DerEcoraTED PorceLaIn CovEerRED Bovurtton Cur AND SAUCER Decorated with raised flowers and Chinese figures and land- scapes in colors and gilding. Height, 6 inches. *174—Imar1t CoverED Jar AND Cup anp SAUCER : Reticulated double-bodied jar, with lacquered rim and dome cover, enriched with flower spray in relief. (Imperfect. ) Cup and saucer, interiors decorated with lobed floral medal- lions in colors, rims and exteriors in black and gold floral lacquer. 175—Five Oxtp Lowestorr Bowts Decorated with banded circular medallions enclosing sprays of flowers in enamels; interior and exterior rims display lavender bands entwined with green and gilded vines. Diameter, 634 inches. 176—Five Otp Lowestort Bowts Two decorated with medallions enclosing urns and flowers in brilliant enamels and three with stellate floral medallions, and all with dainty basket and pearl borders gilded. Diameter, 7 inches. *177—LaceveEreD Imari Bow. Flaring sides, interior decorated in enamels with eagle and peonies; medallioned panel border in reds; exterior in black, red and gold floral lacquer. Diameter, 7144 inches. 178—NineE Decoratep Bowts, Lowestort STYLE Decorated on the interior edge with imbricated scrolled panels in pink and floral sprays, exterior with varied flower sprays in brilliant enamels. (One repaired.) Diameter, 7 inches. 179—Fovur Decoratep PorcreLain PLaATEs Copeland, decorated with growing primroses in center and reticulated floral medallion border; Leeds, cream glaze with pierced geometric border; Minton, with panel of Cupid driv- ing a butterfly chariot; Royal Worcester, with flying cranes and reticulated border in pale blue, jewels and gilding. 180—Two Cuines—E Porcetaty PuaTEs OF THE CH’IEN-LUNG PERIOD Decorated in enamels. One octagonal, with lady on veranda drinking tea; the other round, displaying the “Symbols of Happy Augury.” Diameters, 81% and 9 inches. 181—Two Buve anp Wuirt CuInEsE PorceLaIn PLATES OF THE CH’IEN-LUNG PrERiop (a) Lightly serrated rim, decorated with sprays of flowers in varied alternating lobes, and center medallion enclosing balustrade terrace occupied by two ladies of the Court. (s) Cusped and petaled dip and central medallion enriched with varied sprays of asters, peonies and poppies. Diameter, 9 inches. 182—Turee Bivue anp Waite Farence PuiaQues (a) Italian, with gadrooned and wave edge, decorated with . : central landscape medallion; tasseled floral rim. : (s) With scrolled rim, decorated with octagonal central F pierced floral medallion and continuous landscape border. : (c) With scrolled rim, decorated with circular central . pierced floral medallion and border paneled alternately with — landscapes and stags. Diameters, respectively 9 to 18 inches. 183—Two BuiveE anp Waiter CHINESE PorRCELAIN PLATES OF THE K’anc-Hst PERIOD Plain dip, slightly gadrooned and serrated rim; decorated in a rich lustrous cobalt-blue with two feng-huangs perched among rocks and growing peonies, and above are two flying cranes in partial reserve. Diameter, 9 inches. 184—Two Decoratep CHINESE Puates, EIGHTEENTH CENTURY, Lowestorr STYLE One decorated with group of crested herons in brilliant enamels, and dainty geometric and pearl border; the other with medallion of riverside landscape, with figures and dainty scroll and flower spray border in enamels. 185—TuHrEE JAPANESE PorcELAIN PLATES Imari, and blue and white, decorated with central floral medallions in blue, scroll-paneled border, enriched with lotus scrolls, growing bamboo and birds and basket rim in red, blue, green and gilding, and other ornamentation. Diameter, 9 inches. 186—Fovur Buvre anno WuHuirTE Faience PLatTEs Broad gadrooned rim; decorated with central landscape me- dallion and border paneled with floral motives and foliage. Diameter, 11 inches. 187—Turee Buve anp Wuite Cuinese Porcetain PLatTEs OF THE CH’IEN-LUNG PERIOD Many-sided rim, decorated with aster blossom in center from which radiate eight panels occupied by the flowers of the four seasons repeated, and eight-paneled border of floral sprays. (One repaired.) Diameter, 101%4 inches. 188—Fovur BuveE anp Waite CHINESE PorRCELAIN PLATES OF THE CuH’IEN-LUNG PERIOD . Similar to the preceding. Diameter, 1014 inches. 189—Two Vasss, Teapot anp Barre in BuvE anp Wuire Cui- NESE PorcELAIN (a) Double gourd-shape decorated with lotus scroll; rim mounted in silver. (s) Miniature temple jar and cover, decorated with leaf- vines and ju-i band at neck; seated Dog Foo terminal to domed cover. (c) Pot with gadrooned bell-shaped body and cover, up- right shaped handle; decorated with panels of peonies. (p) Barrel, decorated with band of asters and pearls; mounted in silver with bird spout, open scroll banding with supporting knobs and Cupid stopper. (No stand.) 190—Two Iratiman Farence PircuHers (a) Bulbous body, straight spout and strap handle, deco- rated with wide band of scrolled vines and minor bandings in orange and blue on cream ground. Metal lining for flowers. (s) Reticulated double-bodied trick jug, with scroll handle; decorated with pierced rosettes in yellow, blue and green on cream ground. Heights, 9 inches. 191—WHuiTE AND GoLtp Skvres PorcELAIN SERVICE Plain, simple shapes, enriched with gilded rims and mono- grams “RFG.” Factory mark and “Doré a Sevres.”’ Con- sisting of 108 pieces: 68 Dinner plates. 7 Celery and olive boats. 6 Large round entrée dishes. 2 Gravy boats and trays 6 Small round entrée dishes. 2 Salad bowls. 4 Assorted oval platters. 1 Large soup tureen and tray. 7 Round vegetable dishes and covers. 192—CuinesE Mepariion PorceLaIn SERVICE Mostly decorated with alternate floral and landscape scrolled medallions in reserve, with grounds of flowers on gilding; executed in rich, brilliant enamels. Tea and dinner service, consisting of the following 226 pieces: 16 After dinner cups and saucers. 23 Soup plates. . 5 Tea bowls and saucers. 6 Cake plates. 11 Breakfast cups and saucers. 8 Assorted oval platters. 14 Breakfast plates. 4 Oval well and tree platters. 44 Fruit plates. 4 Large fruit dishes. 55 Dinner plates. 4 Small fruit dishes. 1 Large soup tureen and cover. 1 Large punch bowl and tray. 4 Round compotiers. 8 Vegetable dishes with covers. 4 Oval sauce tureens and covers. 2 Square cake dishes. 2 Shaped fruit bowls. 4 Round berry dishes. 1 Large oval hot water entrée dish and cover. 2 Large oval asparagus dishes with loose strainers. 3 Assorted oval vegetable dishes. 198—Cvurious CuInEsE Porcexain [yx-pot oF THE CH’IEN-LUNG PERIOD Outer bowl decorated in enamels and gilding with “‘Shou- lao,” the God of Longevity, presenting a peach to two high mandarins; interior jar enclosing a pestle terminating in a small figure of a scholar. (Repaired.) Has carved wood stand. Height, 21, inches. *194—Two Satsuma PorceLain Bow1s High curved sides, with short feet; one fluted and decorated with devotee in grotto overhung with fir-trees, the other with landscape with sage contemplating a waterfall. Height, 314 inches. ee ae ye oe 195—Smatt Cuinesr Porcevarn Jar or THE YuNG Cu’ENG PERIOD Decorated with dragons in blue, among green cloud scrolls on a blue-white ground; jw-i bands in green, red and yellow at neck and foot. Has carved pierced wood cover and stand. . Height, 4 inches. *196—Two Satsuma PorcELain VASES Bulbous, with outcurving neck; interior lip decorated with colored butterflies; exteriors simulating turquoise-blue cloi- 7 sonné enamel. Height, 41 inches. 197—Two Decoratep Drespen Porcetain Groups “The Senses of Smell and Vision.” Two young girls are seated: one at a table occupied by a basket of flowers, which she is smelling; the other before her dressing table and mirror, viewing her charms. On shaped and fluted plinths. Enriched with gilding and colors. Height, 4%/, inches. 198—JapanrEsE Pottery Bown Scalloped lip, decorated with chrysanthemum medallions in white and gold interrupted by broad gray leaves on cream. fishroe crackle ground. Diameter, 51/, inches. 199—Two Decoratep Drespen PorcreLain Groups “A Youthful Bacchus” stands beside a vase for pot-pourri; perforated top for same; on rustic plinth. “Young Girl and her Pet Parrot.” Seated figure, in eighteenth century costume with lacy mob cap, feeds her favorite, whose gilded cage is set on a table beside her; on shaped fluted plinth. Respective heights, 51, and 5%, inches. 200—JAPANESE PotrErRY CovERED JAR AND STANDING COUPE (a) Jar, depressed bulbous body, enriched with dull brown trickling splash on warm gray crackled ground; pierced silver-plated cover. (se) Keisan coupe; high elliptical foot, pierced with geo- metric motives; interior of bowl. decorated with panels of birds, exterior with scrolled feathers in black-brown on a warm cream crackled ground. -201—Two Japanese Decoratep Farence Botrizs (a) Double gourd-shaped, finely decorated with reserved scrolled chrysanthemums in blue, green, old red and gilding on resonant black ground. ; (ws) Squat bottle-shape, decorated with alternate spirals and medallions in blue and cream crackle displaying rushes and flower sprays. in gold and pale colors. Height, 614 inches. *202—Two Satsuma PorcELain Vases Bottle-shaped, decorated with panels of landscapes and per- sonages in dull colors and gilding, on a crackled cream ground. Height, 614, inches. 203—DecoraTED DrespEN PorcELAIN GROUP “The Return from Confirmation.” Seated figure of a young girl in eighteenth century costume, her lacelike veil still on her head, and her prayer-book held in her lap. Be- side her is a spinning-wheel on a table. Enriched with colors and gilding. On oval scrolled plinth. (Repaired.) Height, 64, inches. 204—Two Drcoratep DrespEN PorceLain FicuRINEs “The Fortune Teller” and “Cupids’ Darts For Sale.” ‘Two _ diminutive girls, both in Watteau costumes and lace head- dresses; one before a table turning the cards of Fate, the other at a rustic column selling bows and arrows. Enriched with colors and gilding. On circular scrolled patterned plinths. Height, 61, inches. 205—Two Royat Worcester Porcetain Dovsite Vases Bottle-shaped, the outer body reticulated with geometric panels, neck decorated with floral bandings and festoons in ruby, pale blue and gilding on white ground. Height, 7 inches. 206—CuinesE ENAMELED PorceLain VasE oF THE YuNG CH’ENG PERIOD Slender oviform, with the Imperial-yellow ground lightly in- cised with all-over scrolling and enriched with spray of roses in pink and green. Height, 7%, inches. 207—JapanrEsE Portrrery BorTriLEe Squat bell-shaped body, enriched on the cream ground with archaic scrolling in black and on one side with a broad area of apple-green splash. Height, 71/, inches. 208—Curiovus OLp BLuE anp Wuitt Persian PorceLain Botrrie Molded squat body and spout, decorated with alternating panels of animals and flowers; neck enriched with metal mounting minutely chased with arabesque and floral band- ings. Height, 714 inches. 209—DercoratTED DrespEN PorcEeLAIN Group “Asleep After The Ball.” tee Sy Ca oe eet > + , ae Se aatt Sa” a 218—Two Drcoratep Drespen Porceiatn Ficurines| = “Pastoral Amusements.” A young girl standing and hold- — ing clusters of grapes in the panniers of her dress, and a — youth dancing with a garland of roses held on his shoul- ders. Both are in eighteenth century costumes, enriched with gilding and colors. On key-patterned circular plinths. Respective heights, 7 and 64, inches, 214—Two Farence Fiowrr Hopers (a) Octagonal vase-shape, with eight extra orifices for in- ae dividual blossoms; decorated with flowers, birds and fruits in dull red, green and yellow. (Repaired.) (sn) Wall jardiniére; fluted semicircular body, decorated with floral and rope motives in blue on cream ground. o. Width, 7144 imches. — 215—Turee Decoratep Farence Jars (a) Italian albarello, decorated with broad scrolled leaves and blossoms in orange and green reserved on dark blue. (s) Italian albarello, decorated with coat-of-arms in red, yellow and dark blue and leaf scroll bands on starch-blue ground. Inscribed. (Repaired.) | -(c) Dutch, decorated with tub and orange-tree draped with flags and flower-vines mm colors on white ground. 216—Royrat Worcester Porcetain FLowrr HoupEer Receptacle modeled in the form of a shell; white glaze en- riched with gilded rim and supported on coral-red stems in a simulation of bronze. Circular base decorated with shells and seaweed motives. Height, 814 inches. 217—Royat Dovuttron Farence Vase Ovoid body with trumpet mouth, on square base; enriched in reserve with maidens holding orange garlands on royal- blue ground, touched with gilding. Height, 81, inches. 218—Two Decoratep Drespen Porceiain Groups “Mars and Minerva.” Attired in classic Roman garb and plumed helmets, standing among Cupids who are playing with various attributes of the Deities. Enriched with colors and gilding. On scrolled oval plinths. Heights, 81, and 8 inches. 219—Szivres Bisque Bust “Marie Antoinette.” Finely modeled from the original of Pajou. On circular, blue and gilded plinth. Both pieces with factory mark. Height, 73/, inches. 220—Decoratep Drespen Porcetain Bust Smiling, fair-haired subject, with a kerchief over head and a bouquet in her corsage; enriched with colors and gilding. On scrolled oval pedestal. Height, 9% inches. 221—Royat Buivurt Srvres Porcetamn Vase anv InxstTAanp Bottle-shaped vase, decorated with gilded scrolling at lip and body (lip chipped). Low circular tray supporting ink- stand with surrounding orifices for pen-holders. Height, 9 inches; diameter, 614 inches, 222—-Buve anp WuitE CHINESE PorcELAIN JAR OF THE K’anc- Hs! Prriop Squat inverted pear-shape with outcurving foot and short collar; decorated in reserve with prunus trees in blossom, on a rich cobalt-blue crackling-ice ground, at the neck with a ju-t band. Height, 91, inches. 223—Two Bivur anp Waitt CuinesE Porcretain Borrries Graceful pear-shapes decorated in rich cobalt-blue on a lustrous dense ground, with four-lobed medallions and lobed bands enclosing scrolled lotus blossoms in reserve; metal mountings at foot; neck and chained stopper. Height, 91% inches. 2924—Two EIGHTEENTH CENTURY LoweEsTorT VASES Graceful inverted pear-shaped bodies, decorated with lightly modeled cartouches on an imbricated ground with dainty medallions of landscapes alternating with flower sprays, in the lower panels with shells, seaweed and sprays in bistre, blue and crimson and gilding on the flowers. (One re- paired. ) , Height, 10 inches. 225—Larce Oxp Lowerstorr Bow. Fluted body with serrated edge; interior rim decorated with trailing vines and flower sprays at intervals, exterior with sprays of flowers in brilliant enamels. Diameter, 1114 inches. 226—Two DrcoratTEep EIGHTEENTH CENTURY LOoweEstToFrT TRAYS Elongated oval with scrolled rim, decorated with floral medallion and wave and pearl rim with sprigs of flowers; in green, crimson, brown and gilding. . Length, 101% inches. *997—Dovutton Potrrery JARDINIERE Globular, decorated with leaf garlands and medallions in rich brown on a lighter, netted ground. Diameter, 101% inches. 228—DercoraTED SEvRES PORCELAIN JARDINIERE Shaped oval, with ogival sides and scrolled acanthus-leaf handles and scrolled feet; the panels decorated with gay- plumed birds in landscape, in colors and gilding. Length, 101% inches. 229—DercoraTED DrespEN PorcELAIN BONBONNIERE The graceful Diana, in classic garb, reclines and holds a boat-shaped dish decorated with raised flowers; enriched with colors and gilding. On scrolled and shaped plinth. ( Chipped.) Length, 12 inches. 230—EcesHeLL Srvres Porcenain TETE-A-TETE TEaA-sET Finely decorated with gilded lace grounds and banding, with charming rosebuds in reserve; consisting of teapot, covered sucrier, milk pitcher with cover and two cups and saucers. 231—Royat Virnna PorcELAIN TETE-A-TETE CHOCOLATE SET Decorated with oval medallions depicting various classic subjects, enriched with pale lavender and floral gilded bands on a lavender tinted ground; consisting of chocolate pot and cover, milk pitcher and cover, sucrier, two cups and saucers and oval tray. (One cover repaired.) 232—Royat Worcester PorceLain VasE Persian form, with pendant reticulated medallion and floral band on shoulder, supported by four long-necked eagles, banded at foot; enriched with gilding, a simulation of bronze, silver-pink and turquoise-blue. (Repaired.) Height, 11 inches. 233—Two Satsuma FLower Jars Elongated pear-shape with lobed mouth; decorated at the mouth and foot with delicate medallion and scroll bands, jewels and gilding; the bodies with an oblong gilded mesh enclosing dragons and insects in pale colors. Height, 111% inches. 234—_DecoraTED CutnresE LowEstTortT VAsE oF THE EIGHTEENTH CENTURY Hexagonal bottle-shape, decorated with sprays of varied flowers in brilliant enamels. Height, 111% inches. 235—CHINESE PorRcELAIN BotrLEeE oF THE YuNG CH’ENG PERIOD Globular, with incurving neck and broad foot; decorated in reserve with five-clawed Imperial-green dragon among cloud forms of blue, green and pink, and another dragon in aubergine rising from wave formation and seeking the sacred pearl of power; on brilliant and golden-yellow ground. (Neck repaired and lip banded with metal.) Height, 11 inches. 236—Two Corretanp PorceLain Vases AND Covers Graceful egg-shaped body, enriched with fluted neck, leaf foot and pearl strap handles, supported on a fluted stem and square base; decorated with Cupid among butterflies in colors on white grounds. Height, 111% inches. 237—Two Buivure anp WuitEe CuHInEesE PorcELAIn PLAQUES OF THE CH’IEN-LUNG PERIOD pee Deep dips, with slightly lobed rims. One decorated with = ; landscape exhibiting a rocky stream with a man fishing with a net from a tiny boat, various mandarins on both banks watching the operation; the other, with a three-clawed — dragon approaching to attack a tiger under a prunus tree. — Diameter, 1214 inches. 238—Irauian Farence Fiower Vase | Tapering body, with heavy rope handles; decorated Be panels of broad leaf scrolls in dull reds, erreas and Mat : on pale yellow Eroune: * Height, 121% inches. | 239—RoyvaL WorcrsteR PorcEeELaIn PITCHER Bottle-shaped, with small mouth and handle modeled in the form of a coiled lizard, simulating bronze, decorated with — growing bamboo and flying cranes in gold and bronze on imbricated gold-powdered gray ground. Height, 12 inches. 240—Dercoratep Dresp—N PorcEeLain Group “The Wine Press.” Many children are having a merry time grouped at various pursuits on and around a large old- fashioned grape press; enriched with colors and gilding. On circular plinth. . Height, 13 inches. *241—Two DecoraTED PorcEeLain VAsEs : One, cylindrical. Banded with bamboo stems in relief; collar embellished with flying birds. The other, quadri- lateral, with incurving mouth and short foot, lightly mod- eled with Shou character on sides; giant crackle on cream- white glaze. Respective heights, 11 and 184%, inches. 242—Two Buve ann Waitt Curnese Porcertain PLaaves OF THE CH’IEN-LUNG PERIOD Small cavetto and broad marly; decorated with central me- dallion of reserve ju-i banding and floral sprays with radi- ating lobed floral panels which are repeated on the marly; soft Mohammedan-blue on a resonant white ground. | Diameter, 1414 inches, © ais TX thet 243—Two Buivure anp Wuirte Irauian Farence Wine Pots Bowl-shaped, with dog spouts and round loop handles; deco- rated with bands of entwining vines and stems bearing grapes. (Oue repaired.) Height, 14 inches. 244—T'wo Srivres Porcretain VasEs Graceful pear-shaped bodies, with trumpet mouths and spreading feet ; decorated with Cupids variously toying with hearts and playing with doves, in dull pink; gilded rims. Height, 14 inches. 245—Buivur anp WuitTEe Curinese PorcreLain VasE anp Cover Elongated inverted pear-shape; domed cover with a stand- ing Dog Foo terminal; decorated with two lobed medallions enclosing landscape occupied by two Court ladies singing; the ground enriched with birds and flowers. Height, 141/, inches. 246—Pirrcep DrespEN PorcELAIn Fruit Basket Boat-shaped, with scrolling rim, rustic handles and feet; the pierced basket enriched with raised trailing roses in colors and gilding. Length, 1414, inches. 247—Royat Worcester Porcextain Boat-sHaprep VAsE The body with scrolled, winged demi-female handle, scrolled prow and reticulated rim, supported on an acanthus and scrolled stem and round leaf-molded base; enriched on the cream matt glaze with silver and gilding. Height, 14 inches. 248—Royat Worcester Porcetarn Pitcrim Borrie Flattened oval body, incurving neck with fixed double ring chain handles and quatrefoil foot; entirely reticulated with floral medallion motives, enriched on the white with iri- descent gilding. Height, 14°34 inches. 249—Rovat Worcester Porcetan Vase anp Ewer witu Cover — Bottle-shaped vase, with gilded loop handles decorated with growing lavender chrysanthemums and buttercup sprays on a gold-powdered cream ground. Ewer and cover. Persian form with reticulated handle and spout strap; decorated — with lotus scrolls in colors and gilding on white Bsa ground. (Repaired.) , Respective heights, 15, and 1414 inches, — 250—Two Larce Iranian Farence Borttrries Globular bodies and short necks. One decorated with reserve medallion enclosing bust of a Roman soldier on a rich blue F. 7 ground on which are floral sprays in dull colors, geometric — bands at neck: the other, with two shaped medallions en- closing large birds. Height, 15 inches. 251—Two Lance Iran Farence ALBARELLOS Incurving cylindrical bodies decorated in blue on cream grounds, with all-over floral scrolls enclosmg on one an In- scribed panel, on the other two shaped panels occupied by birds. Height, 15 inches. 252—CHINESE PowpER-BLUE PORCELAIN VASE Squat bulbous body, with long broad incurving neck with two leaf handles; decorated in gold with pagoda surrounded by temple buildings and a long inscription, the neck with flower sprays. Height, 14 inches. 253—Two Larce Bivue anp WuitE CuInEsE PorcELAIN JARS OF THE K’anc-Hst PERIop Elongated inverted pear-shape, with broad foot and short incurving collar; richly decorated in brilliant cobalt-blue with three series of arched fir-tree banded panels displaying greatly varied landscapes occupied by differing animals in each: monkey, ducks, antelope, crane, rabbits, eagle and spotted deer; at the foot with growing flowers; the neck with lobed medallions enclosing peonies. Height, 15 inches. i, fi fi 2 A ical * mr; ? 254—CuINESE PowDER-BLUE BoTTLE oF THE CH’IEN-LUNG PERIOD Graceful inverted pear-shaped body, decorated in gold with five-clawed dragon among cloud scrolls seeking the sacred pearl of power on a rich translucent Mazarin-blue. Has carved wood stand. Height, 16 inches. 255—Larcr CHINESE PorcELAIN BoTTLE-sHAPED VASE OF THE K’anc-ust PERIOD Depressed globular body and long straight neck; decorated in cobalt-blue with many weird dogs of Foo playing among cloud-forms with brocaded balls. Has carved wood stand. Height, 161% inches. 256—Larcre CHINESE PorceLAIn Braker oF THE K’aNG-HSI PERIOD Bulbous center, with high outcurving neck and foot. Deco- rated in the center with sprays of flowers, at neck with a “Juggler Entertaining a High Mandarin” on his veranda, at the foot the juggler receiving approbation and his guer- don; in rich brilliant cobalt-blue on a dense resonant white ground. Height, 17 inches. 257—Larce CHINESE Porcevain Vase oF THE K’anc-HsI PERIOD Club-shaped, decorated in Mohammedan-blue with innumer- able “‘feng-huangs” among sprays of flowers. Height, 18 inches. *258—DercoraTED JAPANESE PoRCELAIN PLAQUE Deep sloping cavetto; enriched in enamels with irregularly placed and varied medallions exhibiting personages at coun- try pastimes, birds and flowers. Diameter, 151% inches. 259—Buivr anp Wuitrt CuiInEsE PorcreLAIN PLAQUE OF THE K’anc-Hs1 PERiop 3 Plain deep dip; decorated in rich cobalt-blue with an elabo- rate scroll-handled basket of asters, lotus and prunus blos- soms and narrow floral band. Diameter, 151/, inches. *260—EnNaMEL PorcELAIN PLAQUE Central circular rose medallion, from which radiate fa . shaped panels of varied flowers in reserve on a flowered red a ground. — Disneion 16 inches. 261—Larce Bive anp Wuirre Curnese Porcenain Prague OF | tHE K’anc-nst Prriop es Broad outcurving marly, marked by ciel sinuous lobes ree decorated in center with scrolled stems of peonies bearing — 7 curious, flame-like leaves which are modified and repeated in ~ the paneled lobes; beautiful Mohammedan-blue on dense white ground. rg Diameter, 191% inches. 262—Two DercoratED DrespEN PorceLamn FicureEs. “Les Jardiniéres.” Pastoral standing figures of a youth and maiden in Watteau costumes, both carrying baskets of flowers and bouquets; enriched with gilding and colors. On square leaf-scrolled plinths. Height, 1914 inches. *963—LarcE AuvSTRIAN PorRCELAIN PLAQUE Shallow cavetto, decorated with the bust of a young girl in medieval costume, on a gilded ground semé with fleurs-de-lis. Diameter, 22 inches. ~ 264—-Two Larce CurtnesE Porcetain VAsEs Club-shaped, with rudimentary animal and ring handles on — neck; decorated with various bands of key-pattern scroll, tai-t’ieh ogre heads, .ju-t and leaf motives, all in low relief and simulating bronze. (One repaired at neck and with one ring handle missing.) Height, 22 inches. 265—Two Larce Canton Enametep Mepatiion Porcerain VASES Club-shaped, lightly gadrooned from foot to crown, with Dog Foo handles in gilding, elaborately decorated with many reserve scrolled handles displaying Court fétes, scenes of Court life, and flowers, birds and butterflies, in brilliant enamels on gilded grounds enriched with peony scrolls. Height, 35 inches. | / | i i *266—Four JAPANESE Ivory Carvincs (4) A mounted sage with kneeling attendant replacing his shoe. (zs) Two peasants and their offspring. (c) Bunch of pomegranates and a beetle. (>) Two squatting playful boys in close proximity. *267—CrystaL Gazinc Batu Clear ball, supported on a silver-plated stand of cat-tails on a rustic base. Diameter of ball, 21% inches. 268—Smatut Carvep Ivory PAanet “Leda and the Swan.” The subject is seated on the banks of a pool in which two nymphs are bathing; an attendant waits on the shore. Carved in low relief and tinted; molded rim. Height, 35% inches; width, 334 inches. *269—Two Rovunp LacevErEpD CovEerep Boxes Decorated with detached blossoms on a fine old gold ground. 270—Two Mopets tn TorToIsE-sHELL AND AN Ivory SHRINE (a) Sampan rigged with one lug sail, in dark-colored shell. (s) Jinricksha with folding hood, in pale yellow shell. (c) Carved ivory shrine, seated figure of a Goddess; en- closed with two doors; on wave and dragon oval base. 271—Sitver-citr Mountep Limocres Cup anp Saucer Cup and saucer enriched with scrolled acanthus-leaf band occupied by Cupids attacking chimera and dragon, painted “en camaieu,” and with gilded bands. 272—Sma.u InxsTaND AND SILVER PursE Pottery stand, gadrooned bulb-shape invested with green and aubergine glaze; fitted with engraved gilded bronze cover and boat-shaped tray. Flat, shaped purse with carrying chain, engraved with mono- gram “WHG” within floral scrolls. 273—Carvep CoraL SET : a Bracelet enriched in high relief with . Cupid sleeping among roses, of clear lustrous pink coral. Consisting of bracelet, — brooch and two earrings. 274 Cues Carvep Ivory Fan Guards carved with various Lohans and temples ; perfor = blades similarly enriched. The painted field displays a court féte with innumerable figures clad in silk and with minia- ture ivory features. In lacquered box. : Length, 9 inches. 275—Two TorroisrE-sHELL Fans anp CarriacGE Parason The sticks of fans are of pale yellow shell; one with field of feathers, the other black silk monogrammed. | Folding parasol with elaborate spiral tip and handle with leaf knob, of dark and light shell; covered with black Chan- tilly lace over champagne-colored silk. 276—-Si1LtverR Mopex oF Vixine SHIP Swan-shape, with three spearlike oars in place on either side; sail filled with the wind. Mounted on oblong molded and ebonized plinth. Length, 8 inches. *277—THREE JAPANESE LacevuER Boxts One square, with slightly domed loose top and interior tray; decorated with flowers and birds on an aventurine ground; long red cord and tassels for same. Another oblong, deco- rated in red and gold flower sprays on black ground. The third oblong, with side drawer, decorated with floral spray on aventurine ground. (All slightly imperfect.) } *278—Two CHINESE CarvepD Bamsoo FLrower Hoxpers Truncated; enriched with a varied landscape in low relief, “The Taoist Paradise.” (Sides split.) Height, 51/, inches. *279—Carvep CHINESE Hvat1 Woop Box Oblong; enriched with panels of flowers and fabulous mon- sters. Loose lifting top. Height, 51% inches; length, 12 inches. *280—LarGE JAPANESE LacevuER Box Oblong, with loose-lifting cover ; the exterior decorated with medallions and scrolls in black and gold; interior of top finely decorated with tortoises among rocks and bamboo in varied colored golds enriched with minute particles of mother-of-pearl. In black lacquered case. Height, 614 inches; length, 161 inches. 281—GitpEp Bronze Enament Tazza On fluted spreading foot; double ring and strap handles; the body decorated with floral enameled band interrupted with gilded shell motives in relief, Diameter, 914 inches. 282—Framep Roman Mosaic Pane The fagade of the Basilica at Rome; minutely executed in colors with many figures before the famous church. Height, 734 inches; width, 11 inches. 283—Framep Roman Mosaic Circular panel with scroll corners displaying a group of four doves perched and drinking from a bowl; minute in execution and soft in color. 1434, inches square. *984.-_Very Larce Carvep CHINESE RuINocEROS Horn Lily-form cup, supported on a curved openwork of flower- ing prunus in which are birds; rich mellow yellow patina. Has open carved wood stand. Height, 22 inches. *285—Turee Japanese Bronze Aso Trays (a) Bowl-shape, simulating an antique pattern. (s) Tub-shape, simulating an antique pattern. (c) Flat, round, plain tray. *286—Two SmaLu JapaNnEsE Bronze ANIMALS Recumbent water-buffalo and reindeer; finished in light brown patina. 287—Two Bronze Groups (a) Two hounds in close OSS seated on their haunches; on molded oval marble plinth. (8) Russian bronze; a moujik stands holding a box for matches in front of him. On round marble plinth. *988—T wo Tape Bronze Tripops Antique models, slightly varying; funnel bowls with upright loop handles on elephant and trunk feet. Height, 61% inches. *289—THREE Sree Bronze VaseEs (a) Small quadrilateral beaker, decorated with deen in relief. (zs) Quadrilateral, with inset mouth and foot decorated with rudimentary animal-head ring handles. (c) Tripod, enriched with floral band on body. Has carved ~ R and pierced wood cover. Respective heights, 41/8, Bo and T1/, inches. 290—TurerE Brass CHAMBER CANDLESTICKS Two old English, with large deep saucers. One Dutch, with small socket and floral repoussé saucer. *291—-Two Bronzre Cupips “Painting” and “Literature”; seated figures diligently ap- plying themselves to books held on their knees. On black marble plinths. Height, 7 inches. 292—-Comrosition Group By GustavE Dort “A Youthful Bacchus”; Cupid reclining on some rushes, a basket of grapes at his side, is holding a cluster to his. mouth. Signed “Gve Dore.” Tinted pink; on molded ob- long base. Length, 7 inches. 293—Bronze SpHInx PAPERWEIGHT An Egyptian model, in typical attitude; large ring handle on back; deep greenish-yellow patina. Mounted on oblong rouge marble plinth. Length, 8%, inches. { i : *294—Two JAPANESE CLOISONNE VASES Oviform, with short necks; decorated with bands of dragons and spear-shaped lobes in dull colors and orange on black grounds. Height, 9 inches. *295—Two JaPaNESE CLOISONNE VasEs Club-shaped; the bodies decorated with floral, cloud and butterfly motives in colors on lavender grounds, the necks on blue grounds. ; Height, 91%, inches, *996—Two CrysTaL AND Brass CANDLESTICKS Tapering shafts and bobéches, mounted with brass sockets, collars and spreading feet. Height, 10 inches. *297—Two JAPANESE Bronze FLtowrer Hoppers One, club-shaped vase, with long neck and spreading foot; the other, a fish with hinged head supported vertically by a tree branch. Both with rich brown patina. Respective heights, 934, and 101%, inches. *298—Two JapanEsE Bronze CaNnDLESTICKS , Plain shafts enriched in relief with coiled dragons and the sacred pearl, supported on three ju-i feet. — Height, 8 inches. *299—T wo Japanese Bronze Vases (a) Trumpet mouth beaker, enriched with various archaic scroll panels. (sp) Pear-shaped body, trumpet mouth, decorated in relief with chrysanthemum sprays. Respective heights, 10 and 7 inches. 300—Bronze Group Setter and pointer on rough ground, with partridges before them; receptacle at other end. Signed “Barye.’’ On molded oval plinth. Length, 10 inches. 301— Bronze Bust “The Venus de Milo”; rich Sei peeaehies patina. On a circular molded plinth. Signed: F. Barbedienne Fondeur. — a Height, 10 inches. 302—JapanEsE Bronze Vase “a Bottle-shape, enriched in relief with three-clawed coiled dragon rising from wave forms; patina of deepening browns. _ Height, 134, inches. *3083—Two Bronze VASES Etruscan form, with upright loop handles terminated in satyrs’ masks; enriched with bands of varying classic fig- ures, Roman warriors and athletes. | Height, 12 inches. - *304—Two Japanese CLoIsonNE ENAMEL VaAsEs Club-shaped; decorated with birds and growing lotus and peony trees in rich colors on a waved turquoise-blue ground. Height, 181, inches. *305—JAPANESE Bronze CovereEp IncENSE BuRNER Oblong with canted corners, rustic handles and dome cover formed of open stems of prunus among which are birds; ogre and claw feet. Has open wave and flower carved wood stand. Height, 14 inches. *306—SitvER AND GoLp-PLATED VasE wiTH Tray Persian form, with scroll handles and four strap feet at- tached to molded circular tray; enriched with arabesques and medallions, variously plated. Height, 16 inches. 307—Russtan Bronze Group Unsaddled standing figure of a racehorse, his equipment ly- ing on the rough foreground before him. On molded oval plinth. Signed and dated 1878. Height, 111% inches; length, 16 inches. 808—Inpo-Persian DaccEer Pointed, etched and scrolled blade and brass handle enriched with gadrooned tortoise-shell band; triangular engraved brass sheath. Length, 14 inches. 309—East Inpian Sworp witH Goitp MovuntTines oF THE EIcH- TEENTH CENTURY Short sword with two-edged blade; shaped gold handle ter- minating in a lobed floral motive, skilfully enriched with floral filigree, minute leaf bands and jewels (some missing) ; scabbard tipped with elliptical gold butt and long neck- piece, both enriched with intricate chased floral arabesques in low relief; the body wound with dark reed. Length, 33 inches. *310—Inuaip Buack Marsie Crock Square case, with inserted porcelain dial; bracketed and pedimented, supported on molded base. ; Height, 12 inches; length, 15 inches. *311—BronzE Group Three dogs of different breeds are investigating a rocky hole in which a fox has disappeared; rich green-black patina. Signed: P. J. Mene. On elliptical molded base. Height, 8 inches; length, 15 inches. *312—BronzE Group “Iphigenia and Orestes”; closely seated figures in classic garb; rich green and brown patina; on oval molded black marble base. Signed: Moreau. Total height, 1 foot 6 inches; width, 1 foot 3 inches. 8313—GiupEp Bronze anv Statuary Marsie Crock IN THE Louis XVI SryLe The porcelain dial of the clock is set in a bracketed and broken fluted column surmounted by cooing doves; a maiden, in bronze, is seated beside the column; mounted on a shaped oblong marble plinth enriched with rosette and ribbon bronze panel, flutes and leaf and ovolo molding. Supported on six feet. Made by Charpentier, Paris. (Imperfect.) Height, 181% inches; length, 171% inches. *314—Bronze Ficure “Voltaire” ; seated contemplative Ante in the flowing cos-_ 7 tume of the period; rich dark brown patina. Signed: Car- = rier. On circular plinth. : ee Height, 24 inches *315—Bronze FicurE | sae “Le Brun”; seated figure in the flowing costume of the period and holding portfolio marked “Rembrandt.” ” Signed: c A. Carrier. On circular plinth. a. Height, 26 teckel 8 *316—Larce Sitver Iyuai Japanese Bronze Wine Urn Oviform body with scroll cloud handles, demi-dragon spout, ju-t perforated bell foot and straight cover with fabulous frog terminal; enriched with all-over cloud scrolls, wave motives and flying cranes. 3 Height, 27 inches. 317—Bronze Ficure “Ceres”’; standing in flowing classic robe and draperies, a wreath of grapes and vines encircling her brow. On ir-— regular cylindrical base. Patina of rose and brown. Signed: F’. Barbedienne Fondeur. | Height, 28 inches. 318—LarcEr Bronze anp Buack Marsie CuiocKx Low oblong molded and arched marble base with the dial set in the arch, surmounted by a group in bronze, ‘‘Peace and the Arts.” Central female seated figure in classic garb, on her right being a Cupid proffering a small sheaf of wheat ; on her left, among books, a palette and bust, is another Cupid studying Art. . Height, 271%, inches; length, 24 inches. 319—Framep Ovat Statuary Marsie Bas-RELIEF “Flora,” dancing in flowing classic draperies and shower- ing flowers from her right hand. Signed: Wm. H. Rine- hart, Sculpt. Roma 1874. : Height, 19 inches; width, 15 inches. 320—Framep Ovat Sratuary Marsie Bas-RELIEF “The Dancing Nymph.” Her uplifted hands outspread her classic draperies. Signed: Wm. H. Rinehart, Sculpt. Roma 1894. Height, 28 inches; width, 2114, inches. 321—Larcre Framep Mosaic LanpscaPeE “The Forum at Rome.” Many surrounding buildings are also seen, with St. Peter’s looming up in the left distance. Height, 321, inches; width, 59 inches. FRAMED ETCHINGS AND MEZZOTINTS 3822—FramMep ENGRAVING ] “Danzatrice,” after Ant. Canova by Angelo Bertini. 3238—Fovur Framep ETcuHines (a) Group of seated Arabian boys at play, by Mempes. Proof. (3) Donkeys of the Caravan at rest before an inn, by P. Moran. Proof. : (c) Sunset near the coast with shipping, by J. C. Nicoll. Signed proof. (p) Off the Coast. By J.C. Nicoll. Signed proof. 324—Framep ErTcuine “Eglise Saint Pierre a Caen,” by Delauney. 325—Two Framep Etcuines (a) Afterglow on the River, by S. Parrish. Signed proof. (sp) Old House at Windsor, N. S., by C. A. Platt. Signed proof. 326—Framep Lint ENGRAVING “George Peabody, Philanthropist, 1795-1869”; full length, seated. Proof before letters. Published London, 1867. 327—Framep MeEzzoTiIntT ‘‘Adieux de Napoleon 4 son fils.” By Rollet after Grenier. 3828—Framep LirHoGRAPH “George Washington.” Oval, within a garland of oak leaves, surmounted by a mask and with a pendent tablet in- scribed “Patriae Pater.” (Slight stains on margin.) Drawn on stone by Rembrandt Peale. Copyright secured 1827, Pendleton’s Lithograph V, Boston. 329—Framep FAcsIMILE “Ld Baltimore Secretary”; three-quarter length, standing. Inscribed as above. LACE AND BROCADE CURTAINS, BEARSKIN RUGS, AND A LARGE DECORATIVE FLEMISH RENAISSANCE TAPESTRY OF THE SEVENTEENTH CENTURY 380 Ewa stan os Dutt AMBER VELVET CUSHIONS Square, with rounded corners; trimmed with rose, pink and tan silk edging. 30 inches square. 331—Two Larect Dutt AmBer VELVET CusHIONS Similar to the preceding. 30 inches square. 3382—Two Larcte Dutt Amper VELVET CusHiIons Similar to the preceding. 30 inches square. 333—Two Pairs or Lace Curtains Heavy linen scrim, enriched at front and foot with deep borders of Renaissance linen lace displaying floral ribbon motives finished with similar scalloped edging. Length, 3 yards 21 inches; width, 1 yard 15 inches. 3$34—Pair or Lace Curtains Heavy linen scrim, enriched at front and foot with deep borders of floral diamonds and lattice linen lace, which are repeated and form the scalloped edge. Length, 3 yards 16 inches; width, 1 yard 15 inches. 335—Tureer Lace Curtains Heavy linen scrim, enriched on front and foot with deep borders of floral diamond medallions of linen lace surrounded with block lattice band and finished with a medallioned Van- dyke edging. Length, 3 yards; width, 1 yard 20 inches. 3386—TIwo Pairs or Lace CurtTAINsS Heavy linen scrim, enriched with deep insertions of floral diamond medallions of linen lace which are repeated as borders at front and foot. Length, 3 yards 22 inches; width, 1 yard 20 inches. 337—Pair or Lace Curtains Heavy linen scrim, enriched at front and foot with deep borders of linen lace displaying latticed floral diamonds and circular medallions, which are repeated as a deep edging. Length, 3 yards 26 inches; width, 1 2/3 yards. 338—Pair oF Lace Curtains Heavy linen scrim, enriched at front and foot with deep borders of linen lace of latticed diamonds and blossoms flanked by two similar bands, the finishing one with scalloped edge. Length, 3 1/8 yards; width, 1 2/3 yards. 839—Turee Pairs SILVER-IVORY AND EMERALD-GREEN BROCADE CuRTAINS Woven in one piece with the borders; the field displays all- over floral bouquets among trailing vines; richly bordered with a garland of roses and other flowers and an inner laurel-leaf guard. Interlined, and lined with yellow silk. Length, 3 yards 33 inches; width, 1 yard 26 inches. 340—Two Pairs or Lace Curtains Heavy linen scrim, enriched with deep double borders of crochet lace of floral scrolls at front and foot. Length, 4 yards 2 inches; width, 14, yards. 341—Two Parrs or Cur-worx Lace CurTAINS Heavy linen scrim, enriched at front and foot with deen cut-work embroidered scrim borders displaying interlacin scrolls and floral motives flanked by similar bands, th outer one with scalloped edge. | Length, 4 yards 10 inches; width, 1 yard 26 inche : 342— THREE GoLpEN-YELLOW AND Crimson BRrocapDE Pourmeee Woven in one piece with the borders; the field semé with bouquets of roses; bordered on three sides with wreaths of varied flowers with inset corners at the foot; executed in shades of golden-yellow on a soft rich rose-crimson ground. Interlined, and lined with pale yellow silk. Length, 2 yards 26 inches; width, 1 yard 26 inches. — 343—-Two Patrs or GoLDEN-YELLOW AND Crimson BrocapE Cur- TAINS Similar to the preceding. (1) Length, 2 yards; width, 1 yard 26 inches. . (2) Length, 2 yards 10 inches; width, 1 yard 26 inches. 344—F ive Lencrus oF GOLDEN-YELLOW AND Cuimson BROcADE Similar to the preceding. Each length, 1 yard long; 1 yard 26 inches wide. 345—GoLDEN-YELLOW AND Crimson BrocapkE PortTizre Similar to the preceding. Length, 3 yards 883 inches; width, 1 yard 26 inches. 346—Cinnamon Bearskin Ruc Finely mounted head; lined with heavy variegated mohair. Length, 5 feet 2 inches. 347—Gray anp Brack Russian Wotrskin Rue Finely mounted head; lined with heavy variegated mohair. Length, 5 feet 2 inches. 348—Two Gray Russtan Wotrskin Rves Finely mounted heads; lined with heavy variegated mohair. Respective sizes: 5 feet 6 inches and 4 feet 2 inches long. 349—Larce Fiemiso Renaissance TapestRY OF THE Ear.y SEVENTEENTH CENTURY “Allegorical Hunting Fete” A clearing in an expansive, well-wooded countryside dis- closes a vista of a straggling village, its church, and the sun setting over distant hills. The landscape is animated with many personages and wild animals; in the center the “Master of Ceremonies” has a cloth spread on the green- sward before him to receive the various trophies of the chase; several menials, with large antlered stag-heads on their shoulders, approach the rapidly assembling crowd of mounted and unmounted huntsmen and their leashed dogs, that are grouped around to view the result of the day’s sport. On the left the noble Seigneur and a companion watch the proceedings from a distance, while his lady, who is beside him, bends over to pet a favorite hound; on the right among the trees, the chase is still in progress. The foreground is occupied by a pool and a tangle of wild flowers in which appear exaggerated and many fantastic allegorical animals of the chase: pheasants, rabbits, a wild duck, a crested heron and a fox, and at left a classic chi- mera. The dull blues and greens of the woodland are enriched with crimson, ivory, tan, yellows and light blues of the costumes. The elaborate borders are similar at crown and foot; a cen- tral balustraded grape arbor is occupied by Ceres bearing a cornucopia, and flanked by further canopied lattice arbors sustained by caryatids and enclosing ‘“‘An Italian Garden,” a faun amid fruit trees, and several of the signs of the Zodiac duly inscribed. The side borders are similarly pan- eled and sustain at the top allegorical figures of “Truth” and “Justice”; under are further signs of the Zodiac, and below at the left a group depicting Venus seated with Mars and Cupid in close proximity, on the right Juno seated with the great Jupiter and a peacock near her. The coloring of the borders is of the brighter tones of the field on deep Ivory grounds. (Various repairs are needed.) Length, 11 feet 6 inches; width, 12 feet 6 inches. ANDIRONS AND FURNITURE 350—Two CotonraL Brass ANDIRONS Ball terminals, with baluster shafts; supported on scrolled claw feet. Height, 221 inches. 851—Two CotoniaL Brass ANDIRONS Pinnacle terminals, with ball and baluster shafts; supported on strap scroll feet. : Height, 281, inches. 352—Smatyt Manocany Porrasre Desk anp Travetine Mirror Slant-top desk with fall-over sections, interior lined with cloth and fitted ; inlaid with bandings of rosewood and brass. Height, 41, inches; length, 141% inches; width, 10, inches. Convex mirror cased in leather; outer case, mahogany with brass handle. 834 inches by 7% inches. 353—Two Moruer-or-PEArL InLaip RosEwoop PortaBLEe DEsxks Slant-top, with fall-over sections; interior lined with red velvet and fitted; one inlaid with rose-garlanded medallion, the other with floral oval medallion and paneled banding. Heights, 43/4, inches; lengths, 18 inches; depths, 10 inches. 354—Two Bomsay Twetve-sip—Ep Intaip MoTHER-oF-PEARL J ARDINIERES Bowl-shaped, with straight stems and molded feet ; variously decorated on the bodies with floral panels and geometric and floral bands on the rims and feet. _ Respective sizes: Heights, 714, and 8 inches; diameters, 121, and 121%, inches. 355—Larce Bompay TweELveE-sipED InLAti MorTHer-or-PEARL J ARDINIERE Similar to the preceding. ‘ Height, 1012 inches; diameter, 16 inches. 3856—TIwo Larct Bompay Twetve-sipEp Inuai Moruer-or- PEARL JARDINIERES Similar to the preceding. Heights, 10 inches; diameters, 16 inches. 357—Two BomsBay Intaip MotTHER-oF-PEARL JARDINIERES Round, with sloping sides; inlaid on the rim with intricate floral and geometric bands, on the under side of foot with stellate floral banded medallion. (Imperfect.) Diameter, 1114 inches. Square, with straight sides and gilded bronze feet; the sides delicately inlaid with floral panels and bandings. 10 inches square. 358—Two BomsBay Iniaip Moruer-or-PEarL JARDINIERES Square, with four indented stepped corners; shaped, molded and pierced foot. Inlaid with geometric bandings on the feet with spear-shaped panels. Molding in red. (Imper- fect.) 1214 inches square. Square, with indented stepped corners and shaped set back foot; decorated with geometric bandings. 1114 inches square. 359—East Inpian Octaconat Lacever Tray Molded rim, decorated with central lobed medallion of lotus sprays on white ground with octagonal panel of flowers on green, succeeded by a green field of flowers and animals and two borders alternating in color. Made at the Madras School of Arts. Diameter, 18 inches. 360—Two Cuinese Intarp MorTHer-oFr-PEarL Trays Huali wood; oval, delicately decorated with mother-of-pearl inlay, depicting a Chinese summer palace, outbuildings and personages surrounded by various symbols, flowers and birds. (Tray has warped.) Length, 241/, inches. Oblong, with inlaid central oval medallion of butterflies, birds and flowers; paneled border of similar motives and scroll corners. Length, 2514, inches. 361—SMALL CoLONIAL Suyapep Manocany ComMopE Depressed oval shape; molded body, supported on four: 3 ae turned legs; loose top with brass side catch and handle, = Fitted with metal lining. = Height, 17 inches; length, 24 inches. — 362—SMALL Tray-Top Manocany TaBLE IN THE re oa STYLE Shaped molded top and frieze ene with shell and leaf a scrolls and gadroon rim, supported on cabriole legs with leaf knees and claw feet; one side drawer. Height, 28 inches; length, 211, inches; depth, 1612 inches. . 9 38683—Maunocany Marria WASHINGTON SEWING TaBLE OF THE CotoniaL PERIop Square center, with two mock drawers in front; reeded pilasters and legs. Round side pockets, shaped hinged lift- ing top; interior lined with green cloth. 3 Height, 29 inches; length, 27 inches; depth, 16 inches. 364—Manocany Bepsipr TABLE IN THE COLONIAL STYLE Rectangular, composed of one drawer with enclosed closet under; reeded and fluted pilasters; supported on reeded, turned and castered legs. Height, 20 inches; length, 231, inches; depth, 181 inches. 3865—Inuaip OvaL Manocany CELLARETTE OF THE SHERATON PERIOD Deep body with band of brass at foot, enriched with heavy lifting handles and old escutcheon; hinged top similarly brass-banded and inlaid; supported on tapering, castered feet. Interior fitted and lined with green cloth. In ori- ginal condition. | Height, 24 inches; length, 241, inches. 366—Carvep RosEwoop SUTHERLAND TABLE One side drawer, supported on lyre-shaped ends enclosing floral carving, with scrolled and castered feet; twisted ex- tending legs support flaps. Height, 301, inches; size of top, open: length, 41 inches; width, 28 inches. 367—Circutar Manocany TaBLlEe IN THE SHERATON STYLE Quartered top, inlaid with brass lines and a central insert of aventurine lacquer; pierced brass gallery; supported on _ three incurving inlaid legs held by circular central drum. Height, 301, inches; diameter, 33 inches. 368—SMauLuL CircutarR Carvep Huartt Woop CuHInEsE TABLE Molded top, with insert of Canton medallion porcelain deco- rated with panels of flowers and personages in bright enam- els; deep pierced floral scroll frieze; supported on pierced dragon and scroll pillar and tripod claw feet. z Height, 33 inches; diameter, 2314 inches. 869—Carvep Fotpine Cuan in THE CHINESE STYLE Round back, rail and arms terminating in leaf scrolls; pan- eled and pierced back, supported on X-legs with footrest, seat of red leather; enriched with occasional scroll and floral engraved mountings of gilded bronze, and the panel in red. 370—Turee Carvep Watnotr Hart Cuairs in THE ITALiaAN RENAISSANCE STYLE Stiff splayed backs enhanced with an ovoidal cartouche, draped with fruit, crested with a ducal crown and two sup- porters of rampant lions; shaped seat, carved with leaf and scroll medallion. Frontal support, carved with scrolled cartouche, mask and leaf motives. 371—Circuiar Carvep RosEwoop TaBLeE IN THE GoTHic STYLE Top with molded rim enclosing Roman marble mosaic panel displaying medallion of doves surrounded by a spiral lattice in many colors; paneled frieze, supported on molded shaft and tripod legs. Height, 31 inches; diameter, 33 inches. j t 372—Circutar Inari Sorrento Watnut Tasie Carved and molded top enriched with central medallion, shepherd and his sheep, and surrounding oval medallions in which are animals, these envisaged with grape and convolvu- lus scrolled vines; supported on leaf shaft and tripod dol- phin feet. (Imperfect. ) Height, 30 inches; diameter, 34 inches. 3738—CotoniaL Manocany WasHstTanpb Carrara marble top with high surrounding rim; composed of one drawer with two enclosing doors under; supported on turned legs; enriched with the original basket ring han- dles. Height, 3614 inches; width, 24 inches. 374—Initaip Manocany CasinetT TaBLE OF THE SHERATON — PERIOD : Top in two hinged portions which fall over and form side wings ; incompletely fitted interior (originally for toilet use), composed of five unequal drawers, supported on a loose frame with tapered and castered legs. ‘Top enriched with inlaid scroll-handled urn. ‘The drawers have sunken, flat brass handles. Height, 27 inches; width, 24 inches; depth, 24 inches. 375—Carvep Manocany Bureau IN THE CoLONIAL STYLE Composed of three drawers; fluted and reeded pilasters, sup- ported on carved and turned feet. Elaborate husk and drapery handles. Height, 31 inches; width, 387 inches; depth, 1914 inches. 376—CotontiaL MAHoGany SipE TABLE Deeply molded top, supported by mirror back and heavy scrolled ends with small shaped stretcher; black and gold Belgian marble top. Height, 3 feet; width, 3 feet 314 inches; depth, 1 foot 81% inches. 377—Two IntTeEereEstine PEtTiItT-PpoInt ARMCHAIRS Carved oak frames with leaf-scrolled arms, twisted and castered legs and shaped stretchers; seats and backs up- holstered in early English needlework displaying, in varied point, fabulous animals and birds among fruit, trees and scrolls. . Lae es > ay ee et 378—CircuLar CorLontAL Manocany Extension BREAKFAST TABLE Molded top and deep frieze, supported on central turned leg, encased in large, deep fluted and bracketed half-legs which extend; all castered. Has two extra wide leaves. Made by John Burt. Height, 2 feet 414% inches; diameter, 4 feet. 379—Larcre Cuinese EMBROIDERED STANDING SCREEN Oblong, with pierced and floral carved frame of huali wood, supported on scroll panels with bracketed wings and feet carved in the form of crouching monsters. Panel beauti- fully embroidered with landscape depicting blossoming peonies under a spreading tree, and many birds in brilliant plumage, both flying and perched. Height, 5 feet 11 inches; width, 3 feet 11 inches. 380—CircuLar Carvep Rosewoop Extension Dinine Taser Molded top, divided; paneled octagonal support, with scroll bracketed legs terminating in claw and ball feet. Six extra leaves. Diameter, 4 feet 6 inches; length extended, 14 feet. 381—Two Carvep Manocany Bookcases Open case with two drawers at foot; carved, molded top, scrolled medallion frieze; reeded pilasters and deeply molded bases. Fitted with three movable shelves. Height, 4 feet 7 inches; width, 3 feet 10 inches. 382—Carvep CoLoniAL Manocany Dressinc BurEau Bow front, composed of four long drawers; inset, fluted quarter-round pilasters; molded base and claw feet. Oblong mirror, supported on reeded columns enriched with brass candle brackets. The mirror and the husk and drapery han- dles of a later period. Total height, 6 feet 2 inches; width, 3 feet 7 inches; depth, 2 feet. 383—In Lain Durcu Wanut CaBINeET OF THE EicHTEENTH = TURY aA 2 Composed of two sections; the upper portion with aan enclosing door and sides, interior fitted with two shelves and _ lined with dull olive velvet; shaped molded pediment : lower : a portion composed of four shaped drawers supported on scrolled pilasters and claw feet; elaborately inlaid with vase and floral scroll medallion on ends; the drawers and stiles with flowers and scroll motives. Height, 6 feet 5 inches; width, 2 feet 11 inches; diameter, 1 foot 10 inches. 384—Carvep RosEwoop CoMBINATION Wasusrann AND DreEssinc | Bureau Broken front with side pedestals ; composed of three drawers and four enclosing doors; three marble tops. Surmounted by a heavily bracketed and pedimented oval mirror. Height, 6 feet 6 inches; length, 4 feet 5 inches; depth, 2 feet. 385—Carvep RosEwoop Dressing BurEau Elaborately carved front, composed of three drawers and slipper drawer in base; white and gray marble top; pedi- mented oval mirror, supported by heavy carved side brack- — ets. . Total height, 7 feet; width, 4 feet 1 inch; depth, 1 foot 10 inches. 386—Ser ov Carvep Oak Dinine Cuarrs In THE Frence RENAE SANCE STYLE Consisting of twelve side chairs and one armchair, Seats ~ and backs upholstered in leather studded with brass nails, surmounted by shell and leaf scroll pediments, supported _on richly carved and turned legs and stretchers. (Leather covering very much torn.) 387—Larcre Carvep Oak Extension Dintnc TABLE IN THE Frencu RENAISSANCE STYLE Matches the preceding chairs. Square top with deeply rounded corners, carved with a raised rim and gadrooned molding; leaf-bracketed frieze; supported on central column with two extending side supports of four columns and heavy stretchers ; variously enriched with arabesque bandings, leaf and scale motives. Seven extra carved leaves enclosed in plain oak cabinet. | 5 feet 21, inches square; length extended, 15 feet. 888—CotonraL Manocany HicHpoy Composed of seven varied long drawers and two half draw- ers; broken molded top; columnar supports on leaf and claw feet. Height, 6 feet 6 inches; width, 4 feet 11 inches; depth, 2 feet 1 inch. 3889—CarvEp Manocany HicHroy IN THE COLONIAL STYLE Composed of two sections; the upper portion composed of four long drawers and three small unequal drawers at top; center drawer enriched with shell and leaf scrolls; deep, hooded, molded pediment with three flaming-vase terminals ; inset fluted pilasters. Lower portion composed of four unequal drawers with center drawer similarly enriched to one at top; deeply shaped carved apron; supported on cabriole legs with leaf motives on knees and claw and ball feet. | Height, 7 feet 6 inches; width, 3 feet 7 inches; depth, 1 foot 81% inches. 390—Carvep Cononia, Manocany Tester Brep Four turned posts enriched with reeds above, and by elabo- rate acanthus-leaved members under; supported by cabriole and claw and ball castered feet; pedimented headboard of a later period. Tester fluted with patterned ivory silk. Spring mattress for same. Height, 8 feet 5 inches; length, 6 feet 10 inches; width, 4 feet. *391—Fine Inpia Carpet Close heavy pile; paneled center, occupied by a geometric and floral arabesque in rich crimson, pink, light blue, black and pale green on a deep ivory ground. The major border a stem of recurring highly conventionalized flowers and Herati leaves in the colors of field on a rare dull rose ground, flanked with narrow yellow and black geometric guards. Finished with a leaf and vine band on a black ground and a curious light blue and dentelled motive on a recurring crimson band. | 10 feet 6 inches by 29 feet 6 inches. tan. THOMAS E. KIRBY, | Hay AUCTIONEER. 3 INTELLIGENT APPRAISALS FOR UNITED STATES AND STATE TAX INSURANCE AND OTHER PURPOSES THE AMERICAN ART ASSOCIATION IS EXCEPTIONALLY WELL EQUIPPED TO FURNISH APPRAISEMENTS AND INVENTORIES OF ART PROPERTY, BOOKS, MANUSCRIPTS, JEWELS AND PERSONAL EFFECTS OF EVERY DESCRIPTION AT CHARGES COMMENSURATE WITH THE DUTIES INVOLVED THE AMERICAN ART ASSOCIATION MADISON SQUARE SOUTH NEW YORK TELEPHONE, 3346 GRAMERCY DING BY | BING * ~g _ » ca A a ne 3 eat Feet UP eae tee - y A ake a ee Rh oad a Phe eaiy 3 sie 3, g Le ; ras ‘ee ene 2 ORR Ie ES AN EIN 2 AE EN ty A TN LEAL DIE: : : rae K IAT I BGR os EAN ee ae y | ESEARCH II Wht Wa | Hh il Wa 3 3125 01663 1232 Rs hae ORS We J By f mea Fo EAC wiakoy ed shh hae ee dh tah he HR Wy Ba AYA UE 4) mt 0 re AEE te, MEAS thie eet aera ‘ee yO Sy pees foe ya ei} SS haty dy 184 ALERIM)) Siteshirr! bs Sid aire: OPES ERE, ENE MDS Eg aha =e {Ostet erabans ae S SIR PT PEARS 7 Srrernn Manns etre SPs we bhiegteMbodeiiae a 0 » OR May Latah tela AMARA HPA a Eitas ue an rail PH FEMS: wy Hadi z Shagietaior ae AURIS ANH aire Rhea kite) Haid OH gota hat bel ata Fi aga Hace 178 ayes Het by. 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