1924 rep .29 NeAnM SALE NUMBER 1812 ZREE PUBLIC EXHIBITION FROM SUNDAY, FEBRUARY TWENTY’FOURTH THE COLLECTION OF THE LATE REIZA KHAN MONIF OF PARIS AND NEW YORK [PART TWO] WITH ADDITIONS FROM OTHER SOURCES PERSIAN AND INDIAN MINIATURE PAINTINGS OF THE 16TH AND 17TH CENTURIES SYRIAN IRIDESCENT GLASS, NECKLACES AND OTHER JEWELRY A CHOICE SERIES OF PERSIAN POTTERIES INCLUDING A LARGE 13TH CENTURY RHAGES LUSTRE PLATTER IMPORTANT 16TH CENTURY ISPAHAN RUG RARE 17rH CENTURY EASTERN CAUCASIAN RUG DECORATIVE TEXTILES, ETC. TO BE SOLD BY ORDER OF Hassan Kuan Monti, Executor A. Jocetyn H. Macratu, Attorney FRIDAY, SATURDAY AFTERNOONS FEBRUARY TWENTY-NINTH, MARCH FIRST AT TWO-THIRTY O CLOCK THE ANDERSON GALLERIES [MITCHELL KENNERLEY, Presipent_] PARK AVENUE AND FIFTY-NINTH STREET, NEW YORK 1924 POLYCHROME POTTERY BOTTLE PERSIA, 12TH-I13TH CENTURY [363] SALE NUMBER 1812 ON FREE PUBLIC EXHIBITION FROM SUNDAY, FEBRUARY TWENTY’FOURTH THE COLLECTION OF THE LATE REIZA KHAN MONIF OF PARIS AND NEW YORK [PART TWO] dag WITH ADDITIONS FROM OTHER SOURCES PERSIAN AND INDIAN MINIATURE PAINTINGS OF THE i6tH AND 17TH CENTURIES SYRIAN IRIDESCENT GLASS, NECKLACES AND OTHER JEWELRY A CHOICE SERIES OF PERSIAN POTTERIES INCLUDING A LARGE 13TH CENTURY RHAGES LUSTRE PLATTER IMPORTANT 16TH CENTURY ISPAHAN RUG RARE 17TH CENTURY EASTERN CAUCASIAN RUG ‘DECORATIVE TEXTILES, ETC. TO BE SOLD BY ORDER OF Hassan Kuan Montr, Executor A. Jocetyn H. Macratu, Attorney FRIDAY, SATURDAY AFTERNOONS FEBRUARY TWENTY-NINTH, MARCH FIRST AT TWO-THIRTY O'CLOCK - THE ANDERSON GALLERIES ~~~ EMITCHELL KENNERLEY, Prestpent | PARK AVENUE AND FIFTY-NINTH STREET, NEW YORK 1924 CONDITIONS OF SALE ALL BIDS TO BE PER LOT AS NUMBERED IN THE CATALOGUE. The highest bidder to be the buyer. In all cases of disputed bids the decision of the Auctioneer shall be final. Buyers to give their names and addresses and to make such cash payments on account as may be required, in default of which the lots purchased shall be resold immediately. Purchases to be removed at the buyer’s expense and risk within twenty-four hours from the conclusion of the sale, and the remainder of the purchase money to be paid on or before delivery, in default of which The Anderson Galleries. Incorporated, will not be responsible for any loss or damage whatever, but the lot or lots will be left at the sole risk of the purchaser, and subject to storage charges. 7 All lots will be placed on public exhibition before the date of sale, for examina- tion by intending purchasers, and The Anderson Galleries, Incorporated, will not be responsible for the correctness of the description, authenticity, genuine- ness, or for any defect or fault in or concerning any lot, and make no warranty whatever, but will sell each lot exactly as it is, WITHOUT RECOURSE. If accounts are not paid and purchases removed within twenty-four hours of the conclusion of the sale, or, in the case of absent buyers, when bills are rendered, any sum deposited as part payment shall be forfeited, and The Anderson Gal- leries, Incorporated, reserve the right to resell the lot or lots by either private or public sale, without further notice, and if any deficiency arises from such resale it shall be made good by the defaulter, together with all expenses in- eurred. This condition shall be without prejudice to the right of this Com- pany to enforce the sale contract and collect the amount due without such resale, at its own option. The Anderson Galleries, Incorporated, will afford every facility for the employ- ment of carriers and packers by the purchasers, but will not be responsible for any damage arising from the acts of such carriers and packers. The Anderson Galleries make no charge for executing orders for their cus- tomers and use all bids competitively, buying at the lowest price permitted by other bids. | A Priced Copy of this Catalogue may be obtained for One Dollar THE ANDERSON GALLERIES, INC. PARK AVENUE AND FIFTY-NINTH STREET, NEW YORK “TELEPHONE PLAZA 9356 | CATALOGUES ON REQUEST? SALES CONDUCTED BY MR. F. A. CHAPMAN AND MR. A. N. BADE E present sale closes the settlement of the estate of the late Reiza Khan Monif of Paris and New York. Specimens from other sources have been added. All objects belonging to the estate of the late Reiza Khan Monif are made distinctly recognizable, by a star added to the number. While the whole collection is of an excellent average, some of the pieces are of outstanding merit. The large Rhages lustre platter is an unusually fine and important example. Of the two important rugs, No. 364 is a fine representative of the classic 16th century Ispahan type. The graceful spacing of the de- sign shows that it must be a rather early representative of the type, which can be assigned to the first half of the 16th century. The second rug, No. 365, belongs to the much discussed group of Eastern Cau- casian and Persian rugs, from the extreme north-western border prov- inces, such as Ghilan. It shows a fine and virile design, with which we are also acquainted through the rugs of the Kuba type. Both pieces are equally important from the artistic and the historic standpoint. R. M. Rierstrauy., Pu.D. ORDER OF SALE FRIDAY AFTERNOON, FEBRUARY TWENTY-NINTH PERSIAN MINIATURES, ILLUSTRATIONS OF THE SHAH NAMEH, ETC. SYRIAN, ROMAN AND OTHER ANTIQUE GLASS PERSIAN MINIATURES JEWELRY PERSIAN MINIATURES TEXTILES INDIAN AND PERSIAN MINIATURES PERSIAN AND INDIAN OBJECTS OF ART SHAH NAMEH ILLUSTRATIONS SATURDAY AFTERNOON, MARCH FIRST RHAGES AND OTHER PERSIAN POTTERY MINIATURES EGYPTIAN USHABTIU AND SYRIAN GLASS, E'TC. PERSIAN AND INDIAN MINIATURES NEAR EASTERN TEXTILES PERSIAN MINIATURES FINE RHAGES AND OTHER PERSIAN POTTERY IMPORTANT ORIENTAL RUGS PERSIAN MINIATURES | PERSIAN MANUSCRIPTS AND CALLIGRAPHY 26- 43 44- 79 S0- 90 91-127 128-149 150-183 184-189 190-199 200-218 219-262 263-272 273-302 303-312 313-343 344-363 364-365 366-396 397-405 3 SALE FRIDAY AFTERNOON, FEBRUARY TWENTY-NINTH, AT 2:30 FIRST SESSION NUMBERS 1—199 PERSIAN MINIATURES, ILLUSTRATIONS OF THE ne #2 #3 *4 eo *6 #9 #10 SHAH NAMEH, ETC. NUMBERS 1—25 TWO SHAH NAMEH ILLUSTRATIONS (2) PERSIA, 17TH CENTURY TWO SHAH NAMEH ILLUSTRATIONS (2) PERSIA, 17TH CENTURY FRAMED PERSIAN MINIATURE PAINTING TWO SHAH NAMEH ILLUSTRATIONS (2) PERSIA, 17TH CENTURY TWO FRAMED PERSIAN DRAWINGS OF ANIMALS (2) TWO SHAH NAMEH ILLUSTRATIONS (2) persia, 17TH CENTURY TURKISH MINIATURE PAINTING AND CALLE GRAPHIC PAGE Framed. (2) TWO SHAH NAMEH ILLUSTRATIONS Battle scenes. (2) PERSIA, 17TH CENTURY BRUSH DRAWING Persia, About 1700 School of Riza Abbasi. Youth seated. TWO SHAH NAMEH ILLUSTRATIONS Battle scenes. (2) PERSIA, 17TH CENTURY P11 *12 *13 *14 *16 *17 *18 *19 *20 *21 *22 1 *24 MINIATURE INDIA, SCHOOL OF AKBAR, 16TH CENTURY Funeral scene. ! TWO SHAH NAMEH ILLUSTRATIONS Battle scenes, etc. (2) , PERSIA, 17TH CENTURY THREE SHEETS OF EUROPEAN ENGRAVINGS WITH PERSIAN GOLD-PAINTED BORDERS (3) TWO SHAH NAMEH ILLUSTRATIONS Battle scenes, etc. (2) PERSIA, 17TH CENTURY TWO SHAH NAMEH ILLUSTRATIONS Hunting and battle scenes. (2) PERSIA, 17TH CENTURY FOUR ILLUMINATED PAGES PERSIA, 16TH CENTURY (4) TWO SHAH NAMEH ILLUSTRATIONS Hunting and battle scenes. (2) PERSIA, 17TH CENTURY FOUR EUROPEAN FRAMED PICTURES Bulgarian peasant, Italian drawing, etc. (4) TWO SHAH NAMEH ILLUSTRATIONS (2) PERSIA, 17TH CENTURY TWO SHAH NAMEH ILLUSTRATIONS (2) : PERSIA, 17TH CENTURY MINIATURE PAINTING PERSIA, 17TH CENTURY Youth kneeling before an older man. | THREE SHAH NAMEH ILLUSTRATIONS (3). PERSIA, 17TH CENTURY TWO SHAH NAMEH ILLUSTRATIONS (2) PERSIA, 17TH CENTURY ~ TWO SHAH NAMEH ILLUSTRATIONS (2) PERSIA, 17TH CENTURY nN *25 26 27 29 30 31 ; 32 TWO SHAH NAMEH ILLUSTRATIONS (2) PERSIA, 17TH CENTURY SYRIAN, ROMAN AND OTHER ANTIQUE GLASS Enema he ic) Te Ae Se A a a, NUMBERS 26-48 SYRIAN GLASS PITCHER ROMAN PERIOD, BRD CENTURY Globular body with concave effect. Trefoil lip. Fine irides- cence. Height, 41% imches SYRIAN GLASS JAR ROMAN PERIOD, BRD CENTURY Dark amber iridescence. Globular body and wide flaring lip. Height, 334 inches SYRIAN GLASS PITCHER — RoMAN PERIOD, 4TH CENTURY Wide circular body and cylindrical neck with flaring lip. Silver iridescence. (Lip chipped) Height, 51% inches SYRIAN GLASS DISH ROMAN PERIOD, BRD CENTURY Moulded rim and slightly raised centre. Silver iridescence. Diameter, 71/4, inches THREE PIECES OF SYRIAN GLASS ROMAN PERIOD, BRD CENTURY Two vase covers with dome centres. Turquoise iridescence. Shell-shaped small dish with silver iridescence. (3) PAINTED GLASS AMPHORA GREEK PERIOD, ZND CENTURY A. D. Globular body, cylindrical neck and two handles. Body en- circled by painted bands. Height, 35/4, inches GREEN GLASS BOWL roman PERIOD, 2ND CENTURY A. D. Flaring body and turned over lip. Very fine silver iridescence. Diameter, 6 inches GLASS BOTTLE | ROMAN PERIOD, BRD CENTURY A. D. _ Threaded globular body and long tapering neck with flaring lip. Partly silver iridescence. Height, 5 inches 3 Od 5) 36 38 39 40 4] 4:2 43 SMALL GLASS BOTTLE roman PERIOD, Ist CENTURY A. D. Bulbous shape, with beautiful fir e-glow iridescence. Height, 234 inches GLASS BOTTLE ROMAN PERIOD, Ist CENTURY A. D. Pear shape. Covered with fine silver and gold iridescence. Height, 334 inches DEEP GLASS BOWL ROMAN PERIOD, IsT CENTURY A. D. Tapered body with rounded base. Fine silver iridescence. | Height, 3 inches SMALL GLASS BOTTLE roman PERIOD, Ist CENTURY A. D. Pear shape. Fine silver iridescence. Height, 314 inches SMALL GLASS BOWL ROMAN PERIOD, Ist CENTURY A. D. With banded lip on raised base. Fine turquoise iridescence. Height, 214 inches SYRIAN GLASS PITCHER ROMAN PERIOD, 4TH CENTURY - With fine iridescence. Height, & inches SYRIAN GLASS PITCHER ROMAN PERIOD, 4TH CENTURY Very fine silver iridescence. Height, 414 inches SYRIAN GLASS VASE ROMAN PERIOD, SRD CENTURY Body with concave modelling, flaring top. Amethyst irides- cence. Rare shape. Height, 3 inches SYRIAN GLASS BOTTLE ROMAN PERIOD, 3RD CENTURY Globular body with reeded decoration, long narrow neck. Fine silver iridescence. Height, 314 inches SYRIAN GLASS BOTTLE ROMAN PERIOD, BRD CENTURY Almost similar to the preceding. , Height, 4 inches 43, FOUR PIECES OF ANTIQUE ETRUSCAN AND Rae ca TIAN POTTERY Shell found in Etruscan tomb near Capua, probably a jewel box; two Etruscan pottery lamps; small vase decorated in red. (Sold as is) (4) ee ae 438 THREE PIECES OF POTTERY 43c 43D ASE ABE * AA 45 *46 AG *48 #49 Greek black-glazed cup with two handles, Greek vase with double female head, and black-glazed vase with gilded decora- tion. (3) Height not over 7 inches RED FIGURED BLOCK PATERA GREEK, 4TH-3RD CENTURY B. C. In the centre two men banqueting; outside with decoration of a seated man offered food by a servant. Diameter, 81% inches FOUR ROMAN AND EGYPTIAN ANTIQUITIES Ancient looking glass from Pompeian ruins; old Roman bronze toga pin; part of a painted mummy case; and small bronze medallion. (Sold as is) (4) OLD BRONZE VASE FROM HERCULANEUM Handle in the shape of two birds. Greenish patina. (Sold as is) Height, 914 inches TWO ANTIQUE ROMAN RINGS One with carnelian intaglio. (2) PERSIAN MINIATURES NUMBERS 44-79 TWO SHAH NAMEH ILLUSTRATIONS (2) PERSIA, 17TH CENTURY TWO SHAH NAMEH ILLUSTRATIONS Battle scenes. (2) PERSIA, 17TH CENTURY MINIATURE PAINTING PERSIA, 17TH CENTURY TWO SHAH NAMEH ILLUSTRATIONS (2) PERSIA, 17TH CENTURY MINIATURE PAINTING PERSIA, 17TH CENTURY TWO SHAH NAMEH ILLUSTRATIONS (2) PERSIA, 17TH CENTURY ¥*52 *53 *54 *55 *56 *58 aah *60 *61 PERSIAN FLOWER PAINTING Framed. TWO SHAH NAMEH ILLUSTRATIONS (2) PERSIA, 17TH CENTURY PERSIAN FLOWER PAINTING Framed. TWO SHAH NAMEH ILLUSTRATIONS (2) PERSIA, 17TH CENTURY SPECIMEN OF PERSIAN ILLUMINATED PAGES Framed. 7 16TH CENTURY TWO SHAH NAMEH ILLUSTRATIONS (2) | PERSIA, 17TH CENTURY SPECIMEN OF PERSIAN ILLUMINATED PAGES Framed. 16TH CENTURY TWO SHAH NAMEH ILLUSTRATIONS (2) PERSIA, 17TH CENTURY MINIATURE PAINTING INDIA, SCHOOL OF AKBAR, 16TH CENTURY Education of a Prince. TWO SHAH NAMEH ILLUSTRATIONS 3 Battle scenes, ete. (2) PERSIA, 17TH CENTURY MINIATURE PAINTING | INDIA, SCHOOL OF AKBAR, 16TH CENTURY Akbar returns four bags of gold, which he unjustly took. TWO SHAH NAMEH ILLUSTRATIONS (2) PERSIA, 17TH CENTURY MINIATURE PAINTING, STORY OF THE PROPHETS TURKEY, 17TH CENTURY ae te Se. =. *63 * 64 *65 *66 *68 *69 ath, A ithe *73 #4: *75 TWO SHAH NAMEH ILLUSTRATIONS (2) PERSIA, 17TH CENTURY TWO SHAH NAMEH ILLUSTRATIONS (2) PERSIA, 17TH CENTURY SET OF ILLUMINATED PAGES PERSIA, 17TH-18TH CENTURY TWO SHAH NAMEH ILLUSTRATIONS (2) PERSIA, 17TH CENTURY TWO SHAH NAMEH ILLUSTRATIONS (2) PERSIA, 17TH CENTURY TWO INDIAN BLACK AND WHITE DRAWINGS One 16th century, after European engraving, the other 17th century. (2) TWO SHAH NAMEH ILLUSTRATIONS (2) PERSIA, 1VTH CENTURY TWO SHAH NAMEH ILLUSTRATIONS (2) PERSIA, 17TH CENTURY MINIATURE PAINTING INDIA, 18TH CENTURY Framed. SHAH NAMEH ILLUSTRATION TWO SHAH NAMEH ILLUSTRATIONS Battle scenes. (2) PERSIA, 17TH CENTURY MINIATURE PAINTING PERSIA, LATE 16TH CENTURY Bahram in the green pavilion. TWO SHAH NAMEH ILLUSTRATIONS WITH COUN- TER PAGES (2) PERSIA, 17TH CENTURY -~t 80 81 82 83 84 86 MINIATURE PAINTING PERSIA, 17TH CENTURY TWO SHAH NAMEH ILLUSTRATIONS WITH COUN- TER PAGES Hunting scenes. (2) PERSIA, 17TH CENTURY TWO ILLUMINATED PAGES OF A SHAH NAMEH MANUSCRIPT PERSIA, 17TH CENTURY (2) TWO ILLUSTRATIONS FROM A SHAH NAMEH AND ONE COUNTER PAGE PERSIA, 17TH CENTURY (3) JEWELRY numpBers 80-90 AMBER NECKLACE PERSIA, 17TH CENTURY Length, 35 inches AMBER NECKLACE PERSIA, 17TH CENTURY Fine color. Length, 35 inches CARNELIAN NECKLACE INDIA Very fine colors. Length, 30 inches COLORED GLASS BEAD NECKLACE SYRIAN, 4TH CENTURY Length, 25 inches TURQUOISE-BLUE POTTERY NECKLACE EGYPTIAN, 3000 B. c. With carnelian amulet. Length, 40 inches BLUE POTTERY AND CARNELIAN BEAD NECKLACE EGYPTIAN, 3000 B. c. Length, 35 inches AMBER NECKLACE PERSIA, 17TH CENTURY Beautiful old gold coloring Length, 88 inches 8 87 *88 *89 *90 pak #92 *93 #O4, #95 #96 #97 tails: #99 EGYPTIAN NECKLACE 5TH CENTURY Composed of blue pottery beads intersected by colored glass and carnelian beads. Length, 34 inches 18 KARAT GOLD CHAIN 14 KARAT GOLD WATCH ANTIQUE GOLD WATCH PERSIAN MINIATURES NUMBERS 91-127 ONE MINIATURE PAINTING Persia, 177TH Battle scene from a Shah Nameh. MINIATURE PAINTING PERSIA, 177TH Battle scene from a Shah Namch. FRAMED MINIATURE PERSIA, LATE 16TH Landsgape with figures. PERSIAN MINIATURE PAINTING Dervishes and Maiden. Framed. FRAMED MINIATURE PERSIA, LATE 167TH Landscape with figures. PERSIAN MINIATURE PAINTING Dervishes and Maiden. Framed. MINIATURE PAINTING PERSIA, 17TH Framed. TWO MINIATURE PAINTINGS PERSIA, 16TH-181TH Illustrations of the Shah Nameh and Khamse Nizami. THREE MINIATURE PAINTINGS PERSIA, 16rH-18TH Illustrations of the Shah Nameh and Khamse Nizami. 9 CENTURY CENTURY CENTURY CENTURY CENTURY CENTURY (2) CENTURY (3) *100 *101 #102 #108 #104 #105 #106 #107 #108 #109 *110 “11 ta PL *113 *114 *115 MINIATURE PAINTING PERSIA, 17TH CENTURY Framed. MINIATURE PAINTING PERSIA, EARLY 17TH CENTURY Scene of Shah Nameh. MINIATURE PAINTING PERSIA, EARLY 17TH CENTURY Scene of Shah Nameh. MINIATURE PAINTING PERSIA, EARLY 17TH CENTURY Scene of Shah Nameh. MINIATURE PERSIA, 16TH CENTURY MINIATURE PERSIA, 16TH CENTURY MINIATURE PERSIA, LATE 16TH CENTURY Open-air scene. MINIATURE PERSIA, LATE 16TH CENTURY Reception scene in the open. BATTLE SCENE FROM THE SHAH NAMEH PERSIA, LATE 17TH CENTURY MINIATURE PAINTING PERSIA, LATE 16TH CENTURY Open-air scene. BATTLE SCENE FROM THE SHAH NAMEH PERSIA, LATE 17TH CENTURY MINIATURE PERSIA, LATE 16TH CENTURY Reception scene in the open. MINIATURE PAINTING PERSIA, ABOUT 1600 MINIATURE PAINTING INDIA, ne 16TH CENTURY Reception scene. MINIATURE PAINTING PERSIA, ABOUT 1600 MINIATURE FROM THE SHAH NAMEH PERSIA, LATE 17TH CENTURY 10 *116 F117 *118 *119 *120 128 MINIATURE PAINTING Reception scene. INDIA, LATE 16TH » MINIATURE FROM THE SHAH NAMEH PERSIA, LATE 17TH MINIATURE PAINTING Reception scene. INDIA, LATE 16TH MINIATURE FROM KHAMSE NIZAMI PERSIA, LATE 16TH Love scene of Bahram Gur. (Slightly oxidized) MINIATURE FROM KHAMSE NIZAMI PERSIA, LATE 16TH Love scene of Bahram Gur. (Slightly oxidized) TWO MINIATURE PAINTINGS (2) PERSIA, 16TH-17 TH TWO MINIATURE PAINTINGS (2) PERSIA, 16TH-17 7TH SHAH NAMEH MINIATURE PERSIA, LATE 177TH MINIATURE FROM A SHAH NAMEH PERSIA, 17TH MINIATURE PAINTING Framed. PERSIA, LATE 16TH MINIATURE FROM A SHAH NAMEH PERSIA, 17TH MINIATURE PAINTING Framed. PERSIA, LATE 16TH TEXTILES NUMBERS 128-149 INDIAN KALAMKARI SPREAD Fine all-over floral decoration. (Slightly damaged) CENTURY CENTURY CENTURY CENTURY CENTURY CENTURY CENTURY CENTURY CENTURY CENTURY CENTURY CENTURY 18TH CENTURY Size, 7 x 5 feet > Fj Ady 129 130 131 132 138 134 135 136 INDIAN KALAMKARI SPREAD Fine all-over fleurette and medallion decoration in colors. Size, 8 fect 4 mches x 7 feet INDIAN KALAMKARI SPREAD All-over palmetto design in colors, fine border. Size, '7 feet 5 inches x 6 feet 10 mches INDIAN KALAMKARI SPREAD All-over fleurette design, large centre panel, fine border. Size, 7 feet 5 inches x 7 feet FINE INDIAN KALAMKARI SPREAD Fleurette design on crimson ground. Undulating border. Dated 1295 A. H. Size, 8 feet 4 inches x 4 feet 8 inches SILK JACKET INDIA, 17TH CENTURY Finely woven with striped fleurette design in colors. SMALL PANEL OF VELVET AND GOLD BROCADE PERSIA, 18TH CENTURY Crimson border with floral design. Size, 22 x 20 inches SMALL PANEL OF SILK BROCADE, PERSIA, 17TH CENTURY All-over floral design. Crimson border. Size, 23 x 32 inches SMALL PANEL OF GOLD BROCADE PERSIA, 17TH CENTURY Centre with all-over conventionalized flower design, on deep blue ground. Diverse palmetto border. Size, 30 x 18 imches SMALL PANEL OF YELLOW BROCADE PERSIA, 17TH CENTURY All-over entwined and floral decoration. Size, 20 x 20 inches 12 138 139 140 141 143 144 145 146 SMALL PANEL OF SILK BROCADE PERSIA, 18TH CENTURY All-over conventionalized flower design in amber on pale blue. Fine lining. Size, 26 x 25 inches SMALL PANEL OF GOLD BROCADE PERSIA, 18TH CENTURY All-over floral design in colors. Size, 22 x 21 inches SMALL PANEL OF GOLD BROCADE PERSIA, 17TH CENTURY All-over floral design in colors. Size, 22 mches square SMALL PANEL OF BLUE SILK BROCADE PERSIA, 17TH CENTURY Palmetto design on blue ground. Size, 21 wmches square SMALL PANEL OF GOLD BROCADE PERSIA, 18TH CENTURY Finely worked with all-over flower design on old-rose ground. Size, 27 inches square SMALL PANEL OF GOLD BROCADE PERSIA, 18TH CENTURY Finely worked with floral design in colors on blue ground. Size, 24 x 25 inches SMALL PANEL OF PERSIAN BROCADE 18TH CENTURY Fine striped floral design. Size, 27 x 34 inches SMALL PANEL OF GOLD BROCADE PERSIA, 18TH CENTURY With all-over conventionalized floral design on light ground. Size, 28 x 87 inches TWO SMALL PANELS OF GOLD BROCADE | INDIA, 18TH CENTURY With all-over fleurette design on crimson ground. (2) Size, 18 x 19 inches, and 19 x 22 inches 13 147 148 149 *150 *151 TWO PIECES OF FLOWERED SILK BROCADE PERSIA, 18TH CENTURY One with striped and one with floral decoration. (2) Size, 21 inches square, and 18 x 22 inches TWO PIECES OF FLOWERED SILK BROCADE PERSIA, 17TH CENTURY One with crimson and one with blue ground. (2) Size, 15 x 16 inches, and 17 x 22 inches PANEL OF GOLD BROCADE PERSIA, 18TH CENTURY With fine striped and floral design on turquoise ground. Size, 26 x 25 inches INDIAN AND PERSIAN MINIATURES NuMBERS 150-1838 INDIAN MINIATURE PAINTING LATE 16TH CENTURY Naval scene. INDIAN MINIATURE PAINTING tate 167TH cENTURY Naval scene. MINIATURE PAINTING INDIA, LATE 16TH CENTURY MINIATURE PAINTING INDIA, LATE 16TH century MINIATURE PAINTING INDIA, LATE 16cH day MINIATURE PAINTING INDIA, LATE 16TH CENTURY MINIATURE PAINTING ee ae MINIATURE PAINTING INDIA, 17TH CENTURY MINIATURE PAINTING INDIA, 17TH CENTURY MINIATURE PAINTING INDIA, 17TH CENTURY MINIATURE PAINTING INDIA, 17TH CENTURY 14 MINIATURE, “HISTORY OF TIMUR” INDIA, LATE 16TH CENTURY [165] ‘ ae 5 ha > ; 7 ei _ i 2 4 * $3 7 * ’ * i hehe Ky " ; : A > | ; . iy r: wy a * ’ ‘ ¢ i 3 ‘ » . : ee " s ‘ 4 ha to *161 *162 *163 *164 "165 *166 *167 #168 *169 *170 pall | "lize ot WE MINIATURE PAINTING INDIA, 1VTH CENTURY MINIATURE ILLUSTRATING SHAH NAMEH PERSIA, 17TH CENTURY MINIATURE ILLUSTRATING THE SHAH NAMEH PERSIA, 17TH CENTURY MINIATURE PAINTING, STORY OF THE PROPHET TURKEY, 17TH CENTURY HISTORY OF TIMUR INDIA, LATE 16TH CENTURY Timur receiving a Dervish. —— Size, 2734 x 2014 mches [SEE ILLUSTRATION | MINIATURE PAINTING, STORY OF THE PROPHET TURKEY, 17TH CENTURY MINIATURE FROM A SHAH NAMEH PERSIA, LATE 17TH CENTURY MINIATURE FROM A SHAH NAMEH PERSIA, 17TH CENTURY MINIATURE FROM A SHAH NAMEH PERSIA, LATE 17TH CENTURY MINIATURE FROM A SHAH NAMEH PERSIA, 17TH CENTURY MINIATURE FROM A SHAH NAMEH PERSIA, 17TH CENTURY MINIATURE FROM A SHAH NAMEH PERSIA, 17TH CENTURY MINIATURE PAINTING inpiA, 18TH CENTURY Nawab with servant on a terrace. MINIATURE PAINTING Inpia, 18TH CENTURY Lady feeding pigeons. | 15 *175 "176 *177 *178 Ply *180 *18] *182 *183 184 185 SHAH NAMEH ILLUSTRATION PERSIA, 17TH Rustam killing an enemy SHAH NAMEH ILLUSTRATION CENTURY Rustam killing the Div. PERSIA, EARLY 16TH CENTURY SHAH NAMEH ILLUSTRATION PERSIA, 16TH CENTURY Rustam carried away by the Div. SHAH NAMEH ILLUSTRATION PERSIA, LATE 16TH CENTURY A warrior killing a dragon. MINIATURE PAINTING TURKEY, 17TH CENTURY Angel of the Last Judgment. TWO ANIMAL DRAWINGS PERSIA, 18TH CENTURY (2) SHAH NAMEH ILLUSTRATION PERSIA, 17TH CENTURY Rustam in audience. Fine blue and gold border. STORY OF SHAH ABBAS PERSIA, 17TH CENTURY The Shah receiving an Ambassador, SHAH NAMEH ILLUSTRATION PERSIA, 17TH CENTURY Khosrau and the bathing maiden. Framed. PERSIAN AND INDIAN OBJECTS OF ART a NNN NUMBERS 184-189 DAGGER | INDIA, 16TH CENTURY Curved blade with gold inlay. Green jade handle. Leather scabbard with chased silver mounts. Length, 131% inches LACQUERED MIRROR CASE PERSIA With decoration of male and female figures in a garden, sur- rounded by birds and shrubs. Size, 16 x 634 inches 16 186 187 188 189 *190 *191 *192 *193 *194 #195 BRONZE BOTTLE PERSIA, LOTH CENTURY Oviform body with embossed ornament, narrow neck. Covered with green patina. Rare shape. Height, 514 wmches BRASS BOWL PERSIA, 18TH CENTURY Engraved with a cartouch of figural decoration on floral ground. Height, 44% mches LACQUERED PENHOLDER CASE PERSIA Painted decoration of flowers in panels. Very fine. Length, 814 inches LACQUERED BOOK COVER PERSIA, 18TH CENTURY With painted floral decoration. Size, 8 x 1214 iches SHAH NAMEH ILLUSTRATIONS NUMBERS 190-199 SHAH NAMEH ILLUSTRATION WITH THREF. PAGES OF ILLUMINATED WRITING (4) PERSIA, 17TH CENTURY TWO SHAH NAMEH ILLUSTRATIONS WITH COUN- | TER PAGES PERSIA, 17TH CENTURY Battle scenes. One page of writing added. (38) TWO SHAH NAMEH ILLUSTRATIONS WITH COUN- TER PAGES PERSIA, 17TH CENTURY Battle scenes. (2) TWO SHAH NAMEH ILLUSTRATIONS WITH COUN- TER PAGES PERSIA, 17TH CENTURY One page of decorative writing added. (38) TWO SHAH NAMEH ILLUSTRATIONS PERSIA, 17TH CENTURY Reception scenes. Elaborate borders. (2) TWO SHAH NAMEH ILLUSTRATIONS WITH COUN- TER PAGES PERSIA, 17TH CENTURY (2) 17 *196 ig OS 0h e1os *199 TWO SHAH NAMEH ILLUSTRATIONS WITH COUN- TER PAGES PERSIA, 17TH CENTURY (2) TWO SHAH NAMEH ILLUSTRATIONS WITH COUN- TER PAGES PERSIA, 17TH CENTURY (2) TWO SHAH NAMEH ILLUSTRATIONS WITH COUN- TER PAGES PERSIA, 17TH CENTURY Battle scene and legendary subject. (2) TWO SHAH NAMEH ILLUSTRATIONS WITH COUN- TER PAGES PERSIA, 17TH CENTURY (2) 18 SALE SATURDAY AFTERNOON, MARCH FIRST, AT 2:30 200 206 SECOND SESSION NUMBERS 200-405 RHAGES AND OTHER PERSIAN POTTERY NUMBERS 200-218 GUEBRI POTTERY BOWL PERSIA, OYH CENTURY Inside with decoration of running trellis pattern on blue-green glaze. Diameter, 54/4 inches RHAGES TURQUOISE-BLUE POTTERY BOWL PERSIA, 13TH CENTURY Inside with inscriptions in lustre. Diameter, 614 inches LUSTRE VASE PERSIA, 15TH CENTURY With impressionistic flower and vine decoration. Height, 434 imches KASHAN POTTERY PLATE PERSIA, 1VTH CENTURY Fine turquoise-blue glaze. Graceful design in black. Diameter, 9Y% mches KASHAN POTTERY BOWL Persia, 17TH CENTURY With turquoise-blue glaze. Zigzag design in black. Diameter, 61 wmches KASHAN GUMBRAN BOWL PERSIA, 18TH CENTURY With fine decoration of shaped panels divided by fishes and flowers in blue on white. Diameter, 81/4 tnches TURQUOISE-BLUE POTTERY DISH RHAGES, PERSIA, 13TH CENTURY With bold arabesque design. Diameter, 7 inches GUEBRI POTTERY BOWL praaceEs, PERSIA, 8TH CENTURY With ivory-white glaze. Inside with bands of trellis pattern in black. Bottom with medallion of bird. Diameter, 744 inches 19 209 211 212 213 *214 *215 RAKKA POTTERY PITCHER AND LAMP SYRIA, 9TH CENTURY Pitcher with globular body and narrow neck. Lamp, trefoil shape. Iridescence. (2) Height of pitcher, 5 inches RHAGES POTTERY BOWL AND PLATE PERSIA, 13TH CENTURY Bowl with green glaze, interior with band of inscription. Plate with ivory crackle. (2) Diameter, 6 and 61% inches TWO RHAGES POTTERY PITCHERS PERSIA, 13TH CENTURY One cobalt and one turquoise-blue. Bodies with inscriptions in relief. (2) Height, 5 and 6 inches POTTERY PITCHER PERSIA, 138TH CENTURY Ivory-white glaze with vertical stripes in running cobalt. Neck with frieze of Neskhi writing in white on black. . Height, 414 inches BROWN-GLAZED POTTERY VASE PERSIA, 16TH CENTURY Fluted globular body. Height, 61% inches TWO LUSTRE POTTERY STAR TILES PERSIA, 13TH CENTURY Diverse floral and arabesque decoration. (2) Width, 5 inches TURQUOISE-BLUE POTTERY PITCHER PERSIA, 13TH CENTURY Globular body, with touches of silvery iridescence. Short neck with small spout and straight handle. Height, 51% inches RHAGES TURQUOISE-BLUE POTTERY BOWL PERSIA, 13TH CENTURY The centre with four elaborate arabesques in black on the tur- quoise ground. The outside with birds among conventionalized birds. | | Diameter, 8 imches 20 PERSIAN MINIATURE PAINTING, I'7TH CENTURY STORY OF SHAH ISMAIL aorta *216 *217 ¥216 *219 *220 *221 ¥*222 *224 *225 *226 *227 MODERN PERSIAN POTTERY VASE The body with round and oval relief panels with elaborate com- positions of hunters and other figural subjects in various colors. Height, 114% inches LUSTRE AND COBALT-BLUE WALL TILE PERSIA, RHAGES, 13TH CENTURY Neskhi inscription. Foliated background. OCTAGONAL STAR TILE © persia, rHAGEs, 15TH CENTURY Lustre. Representation of a bull. MINIATURES NUMBERS 219-262 MINIATURE TURKISH, 17TH CENTURY MINIATURE TURKISH, 17TH CENTURY STORY OF SHAH ISMAIL PERSIA, ABOUT 1600 A royal cortége in a landscape. Green and gold border. Size, 14 x 914, inches [SEE ILLUSTRATION | MINIATURE PAINTING PERSIA, 17TH CENTURY Figural composition. Framed. SHAH NAMEH, BAHRAM KILLING THE LION PERSIA, 17TH CENTURY KHAMSE NIZAMI, BAHRAM IN THE HAREM PERSIA, LATE 16TH CENTURY KHAMSE NIZAMI, LOVE SCENE PERSIA, LATE 16TH CENTURY MINIATURE PAINTING India, 17rH-18TH CENTURY MINIATURE TURKEY, 17TH CENTURY Scene from Kaswini. *230 *231 #239 *235 *236 #239 *240 *241 SHAH NAMEH ILLUSTRATION _ persia, 16TH cENTURY Rustam and Zohrab. ILLUSTRATION OF THE GULISTAN BY SAADI A school scene. Fine quality. PERSIA, 16TH CENTURY TWO MINIATURES IN ONE FRAME PERSIA, LATE 16TH CENTURY Jussuf and Zuleika, and drinking scene. TWO MINIATURES IN ONE FRAME Reception scenes. PERSIA, LATE 16TH CENTURY MINIATURE PAINTING INDIA, 17TH CENTURY Framed. TWO MINIATURES IN ONE FRAME Two reception scenes. PERSIA, LATE 16TH CENTURY MINIATURE PAINTING PERSIA, 17TH CENTURY Scene from the Shah Nameh. Framed. MINIATURE PAINTING PERSIA, 17TH CENTURY Scene from the Shah Nameh. Framed. MINIATURE PAINTING PERSIA, 17TH CENTURY _ Figural eomposition. Framed. PERSIAN MINIATURE PAINTING Figural composition. Framed. PERSIAN MINIATURE PAINTING Figural composition. Framed. MINIATURE PAINTING FROM A SHAH NAMEH Battle scene. Framed. PERSIA, 17TH CENTURY MINIATURE PAINTING FROM A SHAH NAMEH Battle scene. Framed. PERSIA, 17TH CENTURY MINIATURE FROM A SHAH NAMEH PERSIA, LATE 17TH CENTURY —n #242 *243 *244 *245 *246 247 *248 *249 *250 *251 ¥252 *253 *O54 *255 FIVE MINIATURE PAINTINGS MINIATURE FROM A SHAH NAMEH PERSIA, LATE 17TH MINIATURE FROM A SHAH NAMEH PERSIA, 17TH MINIATURE FROM A SHAH NAMEH PERSIA, 17TH MINIATURE FROM A SHAH NAMEH PERSIA, 17TH MINIATURE FROM A SHAH NAMEH PERSIA, 17TH TWO MINIATURES Diverse scenes. (2) PERSIA, LATE 16TH TWO MINIATURES Diverse scenes. (2) PERSIA, LATE 16TH FIVE MINIATURE PAINTINGS (5) PERSIA, 17TH FIVE MINIATURE PAINTINGS persia, 17TH (5) FIVE MINIATURE PAINTINGS (5) FIVE MINIATURE PAINTINGS (5) PERSIA, 17TH PERSIA, 17TH PERSIA, 17TH (5) FIVE MINIATURE PAINTINGS (5) PERSIA, 17TH FIVE MINIATURE PAINTINGS (5) PERSIA, 17TH 23 CENTURY CENTURY CENTURY CENTURY CENTURY CENTURY CENTURY CENTURY CENTURY CENTURY CENTURY CENTURY CENTURY CENTURY *256 *257 ¥258 *259 *260 *261 #262 263 265 266 FIVE MINIATURE PAINTINGS PERSIA, 17TH CENTURY (5) TWO MINIATURES PERSIA, LATE 161TH CENTURY (2) TWO MINIATURES PERSIA, LATE 16TH CENTURY (2) FIVE MINIATURE PAINTINGS persia, 17TH CENTURY (5) FIVE MINIATURE PAINTINGS PERSIA, 17TH CENTURY (5) FIVE MINIATURE PAINTINGS PERSIA, 17TH CENTURY (5) FIVE MINIATURE PAINTINGS PERSIA, 17TH CENTURY (5) EGYPTIAN USHABTIU AND SYRIAN GLASS, ETC. alo a nan senna SS NuMBERS 253-272 EGYPTIAN BLACK USHABTI OF IRDISON =. 2000 B. c. Excellently modelled. Inscriptions. Rare piece. Height, 51% mches EGYPTIAN TURQUOISE-BLUE GLAZED USHABTI 1500 B. c. Excellent modelling. Hieroglyphic inscriptions. (The glaze slightly faded) Height, ‘71/4 ches EGYPTIAN GREEN-GLAZED USHABTI 1500 zB. c. Very fine modelling. Hieroglyphic inscription. (Glaze almost faded white) Height, 71/4, inches GLASS AMPHORA GREEK PERIOD, 38RD CENTURY B. C. Oviform body and narrow neck with shaped handles. Fine decoration in colors. Stand. One of the finest pieces in this collection. Height, 5 inches 267 268 269 270 271 2724 *273 *Q7 4 GLASS PITCHER GREEK PERIOD, SRD CENTURY B. C. Oviform body and high cylindrical neck with flaring lip. Fine banded decoration in colors. One of the finest pieces in the collection. | Height, 5 mches GLASS AMPHORA GREEK PERIOD, 38RD CENTURY B. C. With fine decoration of inlaid colored glass. Oviform body, cylindrical, and shaped handle. One of the finest pieces in the collection. Stand. Height, 414 inches SYRIAN GLASS VASE ROMAN PERIOD, 3RD CENTURY Very fine shape. Globular body and long narrow neck, two handles. Golden iridescence. Height, 6 inches GLASS JAR ROMAN PERIOD, Ist CENTURY A. D. Globular body and flaring neck. Fine iridescence. Height, 31% mches GREEN GLASS BOWL PERSIA, BRD CENTURY A. D. With fine silver and gold iridescence. Very rare piece. Diameter, 33/4, inches GLASS BOWL GRECO-ROMAN PERIOD, 2ND CENTURY A. D. Fluted body. Fine turquoise iridescence. Diameter, 51/4, inches LARGE ETRUSCAN BRONZE URN WITH COVER 6TH-5TH CENTURY B. Cc. Globular shape. The upper rim with finely modelled figures of three rearing horses ; in the centre of the cover a discus thrower. iipie piece, | Height, 1814 inches PERSIAN AND INDIAN MINIATURES NUMBERS 273-302 MINIATURE FROM A SHAH NAMEH PERSIA, 17TH CENTURY MINIATURE FROM A SHAH NAMEH PERSIA, 17TH CENTURY *275 *2'76 *277 *278 *2'79 *280 *281 *282 *283 *284 *285 *286 MINIATURE FROM A SHAH NAMEH PERSIA, 17TH CENTURY MINIATURE FROM A SHAH NAMEH PERSIA, 17TH CENTURY MINIATURE FROM A SHAH NAMEH PERSIA, 17TH CENTURY MINIATURE FROM A SHAH NAMEH INDIA, 18TH CENTURY MINIATURE FROM A SHAH NAMEH INDIA, 18TH CENTURY MINIATURE FROM A SHAH NAMEH INDIA, 18TH CENTURY MINIATURE FROM A SHAH NAMEH INDIA, 18TH CENTURY MINIATURE, STORY OF SHAH ISMAIL PERSIA, ABOUT 1600 Orange borders. Size, 14 x 914 inches MINIATURE, STORY OF SHAH ISMAIL PERSIA, ABOUT 1600 Orange borders. Size, 14 x 914 inches MINIATURE, STORY OF SHAH ISMAIL PERSIA, ABOUT 1600 Green borders. Size, 14 x 914 inches MINIATURE, STORY OF SHAH ISMAIL PERSIA, ABOUT 1600 Green borders. Size, 14 x 914 inches MINIATURE, STORY OF SHAH ISMAIL X PERSIA, ABOUT 1600 Size, 14 x 914 inches *287 *288 *289 *290 *291 *292 *293 *294 *295 *296 MINIATURE, MINIATURE, STORY MINIATURE, STORY Battle scene. MINIATURE, STORY Battle scene. STORY MINIATURE, Battle scene. ~ OF OF OF OF Green borders. SHAH SHAH SHAH SHAH MINIATURE, STORY OF SHAH Battle scene. MINIATURE, STORY Green borders. OF SHAH Reception scene. Blue borders. e MINIATURE, Reception scene. MINIATURE, Scene of siege. MINIATURE, Scene of siege. Battle scene. Blue border. Blue border. 27 STORY OF SHAH Blue borders. SLORY Ob ob Ar STORY OF SHAH STORY OF SHAH ISMAIL PERSIA, ABOUT 1600 Size, 14 x 914 inches ISMAIL PERSIA, ABOUT 1600 Size, 14 x 914 inches ISMAIL PERSIA, ABOUT 1600 Size, 14 x 914 mches ISMAIL PERSIA, ABOUT 1600 Size, 14 x 914 inches ISMAIL PERSIA, ABOUT 1600 Size, 14 x 914 inches ISMAIL PERSIA, ABOUT 1600 Size, 14 x 91/4 inches ISMAIL PERSIA, ABOUT 1600 Size, 14 x 914 inches ISMAIL PERSIA, ABOUT 1600 Size, 14 x 914 mches ISMAIL PERSIA, ABOUT 1600 Size, 14 x 914 inches ISMAIL PERSIA, ABOUT 1600 Size, 14 x 914 mches #297 #298 *299 *300 *301 308 MINIATURE, STORY OF SHAH ISMAIL PERSIA, ABOUT 1600 Battle scene. Size, 14 x 91, inches MINIATURE, STORY OF SHAH ISMAIL PERSIA, ABouT 1600 Battle scene. Blue border. Size, 14 x 914 inches MINIATURE, STORY OF SHAH ISMAIL PERSIA, ABOUT 1600 Battle scene. Blue border Size, 14 x 914 inches MINIATURE, STORY OF SHAH ISMAIL PERSIA, ABOUT 1600 Battle scene with the Turk. Apricot borders. Size, 914 x 14 inches MINIATURE, STORY OF SHAH ISMAIL PERSIA, ABOUT 1600 Battle scene. Black borders. Size, 14 x 914 inches MINIATURE, STORY OF SHAH ISMAIL ‘ PERSIA, ABOUT 1600 Battle scene. Black borders. Size, 14 x 914 mches NEAR EASTERN TEXTILES NUMBERS 803-312 SMALL PANEL OF SILK BROCADE PERSIA, 18TH CENTURY Worked with conventionalized floral design in shaded colors on light ground. Size, 21 x 39 inches 304 SMALL PANEL OF SILK BROCADE PERSIA, 17TH CENTURY All-over pear-shaped palmetto design, intersected by fishes and flowers on blue ground. Very rare. Size, 21 inches square 28 —_— 306 307 308 309 310 311 312 *313 SMALL PANEL OF GOLD BROCADE PERSIA, 18TH CENTURY With striped design in colors, divided by rows of inscriptions. Size, 85 x 81 inches TWO PANELS OF FLOWERED GOLD BROCADE PERSIA, 18TH CENTURY (2) Size about 40 x 20 inches EMBROIDERED WOOLEN SHAWL «np1, 17TH CENTURY Finely worked borders. Centre with rectangular panel with arabesques. Size, 35 x 22 inches INDIAN KALAMKARI SPREAD 18TH CENTURY Beautiful floral decoration in colors. (Slightly damaged) Size, 6 feet x 5 feet 7 mches EMBROIDERED WOOLEN HANGING PERSIA, 18TH CENTURY Finely worked with fleurettes and arabesques. Border with fo- liage ornament. Size, 5 feet x 3 feet 4 inches EMBROIDERED WOOLEN HANGING PERSIA, 18TH CENTURY Centre finely worked with a shaped panel, birds, flowers. Bor- der with running flowers. Beautiful colors. Size, 5 feet x 3 feet 7 mches ANTIQUE WOOLEN INDIAN SHAWL Woven with all-over palmetto design in colors. Very rare. Size, 6 feet x 5 feet 8 inches SMALL PANEL OF GOLD BROCADE PERSIA, 17TH CENTURY Fine all-over palmetto design in colors. Size, 26 x 25 inches PERSIAN MINIATURES NUMBERS 313-348 FIVE MINIATURE PAINTINGS persia, 177TH cENTURY (5) 29 *314 #315 ¥316 *317 *318 *319 *320 *324 *325 *326 FIVE MINIATURE PAINTINGS (5) FIVE MINIATURE PAINTINGS (5) FIVE MINIATURE PAINTINGS (5) FIVE MINIATURE PAINTINGS (5) FIVE MINIATURE PAINTINGS (5) PERSIA, PERSIA, PERSIA, PERSIA, PERSIA, MINIATURE FROM A SHAH NAMEH PERSIA, MINIATURE FROM A SHAH NAMEH PERSIA, MINIATURE FROM A SHAH NAMEH PERSIA, MINIATURE FROM A SHAH NAMEH 4 PERSIA, MINIATURE FROM A SHAH NAMEH PERSIA, MINIATURE FROM A SHAH NAMEH PERSIA, MINIATURE FROM A SHAH NAMEH PERSIA, MINIATURE FROM A SHAH NAMEH PERSIA, MINIATURE FROM A SHAH NAMEH 30 PERSIA, 17TH 17TH 17TH 17TH 17TH 17TH 17TH 17TH 17TH 17TH 17TH 17TH 17TH 17TH CENTURY CENTURY CENTURY CENTURY CENTURY CENTURY CENTURY CENTURY CENTURY CENTURY CENTURY CENTURY CENTURY CENTURY MINIATURE, SCENE FROM THE SHAH NAMEH PERSIA, ABOUT 1550 [3431 . » " *328 *330 *331 *332 *333 *334 *335 *336 *337 *338 *339 #340 *341 MINIATURE FROM A SHAH NAMEH PERSIA, MINIATURE FROM A SHAH NAMEH PERSIA, MINIATURE FROM A SHAH NAMEH PERSIA, MINIATURE FROM A SHAH NAMEH PERSIA, MINIATURE FROM A SHAH NAMEH PERSIA, MINIATURE FROM A SHAH NAMEH PERSIA, MINIATURE FROM A SHAH NAMEH PERSIA, MINIATURE FROM A SHAH NAMEH PERSIA, MINIATURE FROM A SHAH NAMEH PERSIA, TWO SHAH NAMEH MINIATURES (2) PERSIA, LATE SHAH NAMEH, MINIATURE PAINTING PERSIA, SHAH NAMEH, MINIATURE PAINTING PERSIA, MINIATURE FROM A SHAH NAMEH PERSIA, MINIATURE FROM A SHAH NAMEH PERSIA, dl 17ru 17TH 17TH 17TH 171TH 17TH 17TH 17TH 17TH 17TH 17TH lit 17TH 17TH CENTURY CENTURY CENTURY CENTURY CENTURY CENTURY CENTURY CENTURY CENTURY CENTURY CENTURY CENTURY CENTURY CENTURY ; *342 MINIATURE FROM A SHAH NAMEH PERSIA, 17TH CENTURY *343 SCENE FROM THE SHAH NAMEH prenrsia, azout 1550 Defeat of Afrasiab. Framed. Size 10 x 714 inches [SEE ILLUSTRATION | FINE RHAGES AND OTHER PERSIAN POTTERY NUMBERS 344-363 *344. POLYCHROME POTTERY BOWL , PERSIA, RHAGES, 13TH CENTURY _ Cobalt-blue ground. Centre with elaborate arabesque star, sur- rounded by Neskhi inscription and ornamental Cufic border. Diameter, 81% inches *345 POLYCHROME AND RELIEF POTTERY BOWL PERSIA, RHAGES, 13TH CENTURY Fine design of raised star medallion, in gold on turquoise-blue background. Surrounded by cartouch and medallion motifs. Fine and rare specimen. Diameter, 83/4, inches 346 RHAGES POTTERY BOWL PERSIA, 13TH CENTURY With fine decoration of foliage. Turquoise-blue glaze. P ! Diameter, 61/4, inches 347 RHAGES COBALT AND LUSTRE POTTERY PITCHER PERSIA, 13TH CENTURY The body deeply grooved, the recesses with figures of women in lustre and cobalt. Height, 9 inches *348 VERY IMPORTANT LUSTRE PLATE RHAGES, PERSIA, 138TH CENTURY The outer border with elaborate Neskhi inscription. The sides with arabesque leaf spirals intermingled with bird design. The bottom of the plate separated from the sides by another Neskhi imscription; on the bottom two personages seated on a back- — ground of bird and arabesque leaf design. Diameter, 20 inches [SEE ILLUSTRATION | 32 VERY IMPORTANT LUSTRE PLATE RHAGES, PERSIA, 13TH CENTURY [348] 349 350 351 352 353 354 355 356 RHAGES POLYCHROME POTTERY BOWL PERSIA, 13TH CENTURY Very fine potting. Ivory-white glaze, with delicate arabesque decoration in gold, light blue and red. Diameter, 814, inches TURQUOISE.AND BLACK POTTERY PITCHER PERSIA, 13TH-147TH cENTURY Broad frieze of undulated bands, with frieze of Neskhi writing above and below. Very fine piece. Height, 514 inches COBALT-BLUE LUSTRE POTTERY PITCHER RAQQ@A, MESOPOTAMIA, 12TH CENTURY With all-over impressionistic floral decoration in copper lustre on deep cobalt ground. Fine piece. Height, 10 inches RHAGES POTTERY RBOWTJ, PERSIA, 138TH CENTURY Turquoise-blue glaze. Inside with panels and band of ara- besque decoration. Fine museum piece. Diameter, 8 inches RHAGES LUSTRE POTTERY PLATE PERSIA, 138TH CENTURY The centre with bold representation of a fine design of woman on horseback on arabesque background. Fine museum piece. Diameter, 9 inches POTTERY BOWL SULTANABAD, PERSIA, 127TH-13TH CENTURY The inside with decoration of three flying phoenixes on a back- ground of peonies. Black and white with touches of blue. Diameter, 834 inches RHAGES POTTERY WATER VESSEL PERSIA, 13TH CENTURY Fine turquoise-blue glaze. Globular body and small spout and neck. Rare shape. Height, 61% inches LUSTRE POTTERY BOWL SULTANABAD, PERSIA, 18TH CENTURY The sides with a wide band of finely conventionalized inscrip- tion. The bottom medallion with mounted cavalier. A mu- seum piece. Diameter, 814, inches 33 357 358 *359 *360 *361 *362 TURQUOISE-BLUE POTTERY EWER PERSIA, 13TH CENTURY Globular body, with moulded relief frieze. Shaped neck; short spout. Height, 814 inches GUEBRI POTTERY BOWL — rwacss, PERSIA, 8TH CENTURY Inside with decoration of entwined ornament in black on green. Museum piece. Diameter, 7 inches RHAGES POLYCHROME POTTERY BOWL PERSIA, 12TH-137TH CENTURY — The interior with ivory-white glaze; decorated with a frieze of seven camels separated by small shrubs; arabesque medallion on the bottom. Diameter, 644 inches RHAGES POYCHROME POTTERY BOWL PERSIA, 127TH-13TH CENTURY Light turquoise-blue ground, with composition of king on the throne, with an attendant on either side, and two human-headed birds below, encircled by an intricate arabesque composition of fine design. Border of Neskhi writing. Diameter, 714 inches 4 [SEE ILLUSTRATION | RHAGES POTTERY BOWL _ persia, 12TH-13TH CENTURY Flaring bowl of very delicate potting. The interior with ivory- white glaze is entirely covered by a fine arabesque composition in cobalt-blue and black, an eight-pointed star on the bottom. Golden iridescence. Diameter, 81% inches OCTAGONAL TURQUOISE-BLUE POTTERY BOWL PERSIA, 13TH CENTURY The eight panels decorated with opposite sphinxes, horsemen, etc.; arabesque composition filling the space below. Diameter, 714 inches 34 RHAGES POLYCHROME POTTERY BOWL PERSIA, I2TH-I 3TH CENTURY 360 | Ph) me” te RNP aa oie i hy iat a, ; | ca ) , * 4 ae ere - td ; ; J *363 *364 *365 POLYCHROME POTTERY BOTTLE RHAGES, PERSIA, 121TH-13TH CENTURY Globular shape, with bulbous neck. Around the shoulder a frieze of seated women, separated by arabesques. ‘The body decorated with a wide band, bearing a spirited decoration of horsemen, in polychrome and gold painting. Very important specimen. | SEE ILLUSTRATION | IMPORTANT ORIENTAL RUGS NUMBERS 364-365 IMPORTANT ISPAHAN RUG Persia, 16TH CENTURY The border shows a beautiful design of scrolls and peony flowers on deep bluish-green background. The centre field with a design of gracefully swinging spirals intermingled with leaves, peony flowers and Chinese cloud bands. Old-rose background. We assign this rug rather to the early 16th century, on account of the very fine spacing of the design. Rugs of the later period are inclined to seek improvement by technical elaboration and over-crowding of the design. A fluid and yet spacious com- position like that of the present rug seems to indicate the short moment of balanced perfection that took place in rug designing during the period of Behzad. (Slight imperfections) Size, 7 feet 8 inches x 16 feet 10 inches [SEE ILLUSTRATION | IMPORTANT FLORAL RUG EASTERN CAUCASUS, 17TH CENTURY This type of design, which can be traced back to the 16th cen- tury Ispahan rugs, occurs in 17th century rugs which are ascribed to Armenia, Eastern Caucasus (Kuba) and the dis- trict Ghilan by the south-west corner of the Caspian Sea. It seems to be more and more probable that the Armenian rugs do not belong to Armenia proper, as stated by Martin, but to the Eastern Caucasus and the corresponding Persian border land. It is therefore more than possible that all the rugs of this design belong to the district of the Eastern Caucasus and the Persian border provinces. 35 *366 *367 *368 *369 #370 *371 The present rug is an extremely fine specimen of the type. It has a main border showing undulated vines with five petalled rosette flowers on red ground. The main border is flanked by two small flowers, showing small black geometrical rosettes on yellow ground. The centre field is on a beautiful sapphire- blue ground, with four rows of palmette flowers of bold design connected by tendrils, alternating with lozenge-shaped, scal- loped motifs with small arabesque leaves attached at either end. (Slight imperfections ) Size, 5 feet 2 inches x 13 feet [SEE ILLUSTRATION | PERSIAN MINIATURES NUMBERS 366-396 MINIATURE, STORY OF SHAH ISMAIL PERSIA, ABOUT 1600 Battle scene with the Turk. Apricot borders. | Size, 914 x 14 inches MINIATURE PAINTING, STORY OF SHAH ISMAIL } PERSIA, ABOUT 1600 Battle scene. Apricot border. Size, 14 x 914 imches SHAH NAMEH ILLUSTRATION INDIA, 17TH CENTURY Kai Khosrau fording the river Djihun, the border between Per- sia and Turkestan. Well-executed specimen of Indian minia- ture painting of the 17th century. SHAH NAMEH ILLUSTRATION INDIA, 17TH CENTURY Kai Khosrau receiving an Ambassador. Fine gold-painted border. SHAH NAMEH PERSIA, 17TH CENTURY Kai Kawus rising in the air. Charming landscape below. Framed. Size, 10 x 7 inches STORY OF SHAH ISMAIL PERSIA, ABOUT 1600 Shah Ismail Hunting the Bear. Framed. Size, 13814 x 8% inches 36 IMPORTANT 16TH CENTURY ISPAHAN RUG 364. | #372 *373 *374 *B375 *376 3 aE *378 *581 *382 *383 STORY OF SHAH ISMAIL PERSIA, ABouT 1600» Shah Ismail crossing a River into Turkey. Framed. Size, 131% x 814 inches STORY OF SHAH ISMAIL PERSIA, ABOUT 1600 Investiture of Shah Ismail by Sheikh Sefi in a Mosque. Blue and gold border. Framed. Size, 1814 x 814 mches KHAMSE NIZAMI, BATTLE SCENE PERSIA, EARLY 17TH CENTURY Framed. Size, 10 x 514 inches KHAMSE NIZAMI, ISKENDER SURPRISING MAIDEN IN A SWIMMING POOL PERSIA, EARLY 17TH CENTURY STORY OF SHAH ISMAIL PERSIA, aBouT 1600 Legend of the Life of Timur Shah. Framed. Size, 10 x 644 inches KHAMSE NIZAMI, BAHRAM ENTERTAINED PERSIA, EARLY 17TH CENTURY Framed. Size, 10 x 514 mches PERSIAN DRAWING OF A CONSTELLATION Framed. SHAH NAMEH, BIRTH OF RUSTAM persia, asovr 1600 PERSIAN DRAWING Framed. DRAWING persia, 17rH-18rH CENTURY Bahram Gur hunting. European influence in technique. Framed. ; Size, 1214 x 1614 inches FOUR MINIATURES IN ONE FRAME Diverse subjects. PERSIA, LATE 16TH CENTURY HISTORY OF TIMUR INDIA, LATE 16TH CENTURY Breaking into a stronghold. Size, 2734 x 2014 inches 37 *384 *385 *386 *387 *388 *389 *390 *391 *392 *393 *394 *395 LEGENDARY COMPOSITION inpia, END oF 16TH CENTURY The Finding of a Child. Size, 2734 x 2014 inches LEGENDARY SCENE INDIA, LATE 16TH CENTURY A. woman in green armor, attacking group of foes. Stze, 2734 x 2014 inches HISTORY OF TIMUR INDIA, LATE 16TH CENTURY Attack upon a Palace. Size, 2734 x 2014 inches SHAH NAMEH, RUSTAM CAPTURING KHAMUS PERSIA, ABOUT 1580 Size, 12 x 714 inches SHAH NAMEH, RUSTAM TRAPPED PERSIA, 17TH CENTURY KHAMSE NIZAMI, BATTLE SCENE PERSIA, LATE 16TH CENTURY KHAMSE NIZAMI, RECEPTION SCENE PERSIA, LATE 16TH CENTURY KHAMSE NIZAMI, LADIES IN PAVILION | PERSIA, LATE 16TH CENTURY STORY OF SHAH ISMAIL PERSIA, ABOUT 1600 Shah Ismail Fording a River with his Retainers. Gold and apricot border. Framed. Size, 18144 x 8Y4 inches SHAH NAMEH, RUSTAM TRAPPED Framed. PERSIA, 17TH CENTURY Size, 10 x 714 imches STORY OF SHAH ISMAIL PERSIA, ABouT 1600 Reception in the Garden. Blue and gold border. Framed. Size, 1314 x 814 inches STORY OF SHAH ISMAIL PERSIA, about 1600 Reception by Shah Ismail in a Tent. Blue and gold border. Framed. Size, 1816 x 81% inches 38 “i re Pa, igrs IMPORTANT FLORAL RUG BA Tyce nee « EASTERN CAUCASUS, ig 28s! CENTURY [365] >, *396 *397 *398 *399 *400 *401 * 4.02 F403 *4.04 *405 STORY OF SHAH ISMAIL PERSIA, ABOUT 1600 Cavalier Being Rescued from a River in Presence of Shah Ismail. Blue and gold border. Framed. Size, 13814 x 81% inches PERSIAN MANUSCRIPTS AND CALLIGRAPHY Se eae NuMBERS 397-405 TWO PERSIAN MANUSCRIPTS 16rxH anp 18TH CENTURIES One Neskhi, the other Talik. (2) PERSIAN MANUSCRIPT OF PRAYER BOOK Well-illuminated unwan. Lacquer binding. 18TH CENTURY SPECIMENS OF PERSIAN CALLIGRAPHY Cufic, Neskhi and Talik writing. SEVEN SPECIMENS OF PERSIAN CALLIGRAPHY (7) 17rH AND 18TH CENTURIES DOUBLE PAGE OF CUFIC WRITING ON VELLUM EGYPT, OrH-LOTH CENTURY DOUBLE PAGE OF CUFIC WRITING ON VELLUM EGYPT, ITH-1OTH CENTURY TWO PERSIAN MANUSCRIPTS PERSIA, 16TH-17TH CENTURY One of the Shah Nameh with a few illuminated borders in red leather binding; the other one without any decoration. (Both sold as is) (2) PERSIAN MANUSCRIPT 18TH CENTURY Painted lacquer binding. In perfect condition. Showing on the outside a blossoming rose bush; on the inside a peach tree in bloom. The manuscript itself with illuminated initial pages of very intricate design. The text in fine Neskhi writing offset with gold. PERSIAN MANUSCRIPT 17TH-18TH CENTURY Talik and Neskhi writing. Several richly illuminated unwans. Part of the book lithographed. Binding of recent date. 39 R. WA \ : . ‘ i rb catalogue designed ‘by The: Anais on Ge isi sagai aii decane links oe