Bie sP hs Btn ee eA Cre ge oth Pye ne BOF RATED aid ase ate PORN AED E SF eM CE SE Ot a) xa Hating ss aan elt dit ant Face weamtir® af! PTE ah oS > Pah ee tine se oe F ee ae Be peeatl riatine at ec wont coe tet ea went te mae ar enetieine Malay ITT . | | uititiidnt WHAR ABBR Re : NI h nu i {1 THE J. PAUL GETTY MUSEUM LIBRARY r \ \ \ vee ‘ > 4 # f . i . cA nhac GAETNG em nee -— a7 Be TAS iat i G22 < WY S. LEIGH SOTHEBY & CO., WELLINGTON oO STRAND. ~ YY J LZ (4 (TOILE els dd TC] | peng | CATALOGUE OF. THE FIRST FEED AAD IN OF THE _ ENGRAVED BRITISH PORTRATIS, FROM STOWE HOUSE, | se ane my cor i VG Ne yk nnn ae 6) ~ y ere Try tT tt ~ 4 =~ 4 Led 1} Zy~ OVA - - LL NEAEGAAABRERAGNAED POTTS SX ZA eciiete ; ' a [ Duke ot Buckingham | THE STOWE GRANGER. CATALOGUE OF THE FIRST PORTION OF THE: EXTENSIVE AND VALUABLE SERIES OF ENGRAVED BRITISH PORTRAITS, AS ALSO THOSE OF DISTINGUISHED FOREIGNERS CONNECTED WITH ENGLAND, FROM WILLIAM I. TO JAMES II. INCLUSIVE, THE ILLUSTRATED COPY BIOGRAPHICAL HISTORY OF ENGLAND, THE REV. JAMES GRANGER. REMOVED FROM mee OW ER WOUSE, BUCKINGHAMSHIRE. WHICH WILL BE SOLD BY AUCTION, BY MESSRS. ; S. LEIGH SOTHEBY & CO. AUCTIONEERS OF LITERARY PROPERTY AND WORKS ILLUSTRATIVE OF THE FINE ARTS AT THEIR HOUSE, 3, WELLINGTON STREET, STRAND, )Aqy, 5-10, On MONDAY, Sth of MARCH, 1849, and Eight following Days, (SUNDAY EXCEPTED), AT ONE O'CLOCK PRECISELY EACH DAY. Wis (eee TO BE VIEWED THREE DAYS PRIOR TO THE SALE. Catalogues may be had of Messrs. Ligurroot, Rosson & Ligurroor, 26, Castle Street, Leicester Square; Messrs. CURRIE, WoopGAaTE & WILLIAMS, 32, Lincoln’s Inn Fields; Messrs. Barker & BowKeEr, 1, Gray’s Inn Square; Messrs. Norris and Son, 2, Bedford Row; and at the place of Sale. J. Davy & Sons, Printers, 137, Long Acre. CONDITIONS OF SALE. 1, The highest bidder to be the buyer; and if any dispute arise between two or more bidders; the lot so disputed shall be immediately put up again. II. No person to advance less than ls.; above Five Pounds 2s. 6d. ; and so on in proportion. III, The Purchasers to give in their names and places of abode, and to pay down 5s, in the Pound, if required, in part of payment of the Purchase-money ; in default of which, the Lot or Lots purchased to be immediately put up again and re-sold. IV. The Sale of any lot is not to be set aside on account of any error in the enumeration of the numbers stated, or errors of description. V. The Lots to be taken away at the Buyer’s Expence, immediately after the Conclusion of the Sale ; in default of which, S. Leigh Sotheby & Co, will not hold themselves responsible if lost, stolen, damaged or otherwise destroyed, but they will be left at the sole risk of the Purchaser, If at the expiration of Two Days after the conclusion of the Sale, the Lots are not cleared or paid for, they will then be catalogued for immediate sale, and the expence, the same as if re-sold, will be added to the amount at which they were bought. S. Leigh Sotheby & Co. will have the option of re-selling the Lots uncleared either by public or private sale, without any notice being given to the defaulter. VI. Upon failure of complying with the above conditions, the money required or deposited in part of payment shall be forfeited ; and tf any loss is sustained in the re-selling of such lots as are not cleared or paid for, all charges on such re-sale shall be made good by the defaulter at this sale. Gentlemen who cannot attend the Sale, may have their Com- missions faithfully executed by their humble Servants, S. LEIGH SOTHEBY & JOHN WILKINSON, Wellington Street, Strand. THE J. PAUL GETTY CENTER LIBRARY INDEX OF SALE. First Day PEER PAN coca cesbs dccdececcdscc’ THIRD Day eee @eeeseve eve eee ©ee086 88 FourtTH Day eee erese eeeeteoee ene ees FirtruH Day SixtH Day SEVENTH Day EIGHTH Day Seeses ees Seheoes ee 6808886 NINTH Day @eeeeeeeso eee ese see eee ee8 Monday, March Tuesday, March Wednesday, March Thursday, March Friday, March Saturday, March . Monday, March Tuesday, March Wednesday, March 13 14 (tv ore ats Pega , 3 ; e*) KEnee es Fe. TEE sey 4 CATALOGUE OF THE EXTENSIVE AND VALUABLE SERIES OF BRITISH PORTRAITS, ILLUSTRATIVE OF THE BIOGRAPHICAL HISTORY OF ENGLAND, BY THE REV. JAMES GRANGER, AND THE REV. MARK NOBLE. OCTAVO EDITION. FIRST DAY’S SALE. KINGS AND ROYAL FAMILY OF ENGLAND. Vol. I, page 1 to 27. LOT 1 Egbert, First Monarch of all England, by Vertue, and Lewis. Alfred, mezz. by Faber, Vertue, and Benorst, &c. 8 2 Alfred: Ex Ecclesia Oppidi Sancti Albani, brilliant impressions ; and other of him, by Vertue, &c.; Canute, by Vertue, Benoist, &c.; Edward the Confessor, by Mechell, &c. 14 3 Harold: Histoire d’Harold, from the Series of the Bayeaux Tapestry, plates xxxv. to XLIV. ‘ 10 _ 4 William the Conqueror to George II: a Series of the Portraits of the Kings and Queens, 32 small oval mezzotints on two folio sheets, by Carwithan printed and sold for Richard, by Richard Caldwell Seventeen minute oval Portraits from William to Elizabeth, early and scarce : 19 5 William the Conqueror, by iethaste! brillant impression are to be sold by Compton Holland 1 B er) “J THE STOWE GRANGER, VOL. I. William the Conqueror, by Vertue, Vanderbank, and others William II, by Vertue, Vanderbank, and others 12 William II, by Alstracke, Vertue, &c. : ll Henry I, by Elstracke, Vertue, Vanderbank, &c. Stephen, by Histracke, Vertue, Heath, &c. ; 13 Henry II, by Elstracke, fine impression are to be sold by Compton Holland Richard I, by Elstracke tb. ib. 2 Henry Il, by Vertue, Vanderbank, ana his Monument, &e. Richard I, by Vertue, and others 14 Henry II, and Richard I, a Elstracke, Vovene Vanderbank, and others - 9 John, by Elstracke are to be sold by Compton Holland Henry III, by Elstracke, &c. 4 John and Henry III, by Elstracke, Ver tue, Viedenkae &e. 12 John and Henry III: Portraits, Woodcuts, Monuments, and Historical Engravings mee | Edward I. II. and III, by Elstracke, vor tue, and others 12 Edward I. IJ. and III, by Faber, Vanderbank, and others 20 Edward II, &c.; Monumental and Antiquarian Engravings ; Eleanor (Queen), Drawing of her Statue at Waltham; Isabelle de Castille; Mariette excud. 11 The Pourtraictures of King Edward III. with the first 25 Knight’s Companions, on one sheet, by Hollar : 1 EDWARD THE BLACK Prince, by Elstracke, brilliant impression are to be sold by Comptun Holland 1 Edward the Black Prince, by Elstracke, very brilliant, and before the address : i “ THe BLAcK Prince Epwarp the Third’s eldest sonne Lives in this verse and figure, he that wonn His knighthood in the field and did advance His standard through the trembling heart of France. &e. &e. &e. This to his deathless memory bee erected And to famous archery too much neglected. Dedicated to all the worthy and treu louers of archery.” Tuo. CEcILL sculp. are to be sold by Roger Daniel, at the Angel 1 *,* This is one of the most curious and interesting portraits in the English series, and ‘ hitherto unknown” in its present 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 33 34 THE STOWE GRANGER, VOL. 1. Os state. The Prince is represented at full length, holding in his right hand a spear. In the back ground on the right are soldiers on horseback, and on the left the city of “ PoITIERS,” so marked. The impression is remarkably brilliant. Prince Henry, of Portugal : ] *,* This is an impression of the same engraving as the pre- ceding, but altered, the metrical lines by way of title being omitted, and “ Ceura” being inserted for Poitiers in the back ground. Edward the Black Prince, by Marshall, Vertue, and others 7 Edward the Black Prince, his Monument and other Effigies, some coloured 8 John, of Ghaunt, Duke of Lancaster, Hn Yates, very rare are to be sold by Roger Daniell, at the Angell The same, by Vertue, &c. 3 Richard II. and Henry IV, by Deere 4 are to be sold by Compton Holland 2 Richard II, kneeling by his three Patron Saints, by Hollar ; others of Richard and Henry IV, by Elstracke, Vertue, Vanderbank, and others 18 Richard II. and Henry IV, by Vertue, also of Joan his Queen, by Basire, and his Monumental Effigies 12 Henry V, beneath an arch supported by pillars his three-quarter Portrait, in armour, and holding in his right hand a lance are to be sold by Roger Daniell, in Lumber Streete very rare, and a brillant impression : 1 Henry V. and Henry VI, by Elstracke, one of the latter without the address of Compton Holland 4 Henry VI. are to be sold by Soha Hind brilliant impression and very rare, with broad margin ] Henry, V. and Henry VI, by Hollar, Vertue, Faber, and others 13 Henry V. and Henry VI, ay pein Rat: Robins, Faber, Bartolozzi, and others 8 Henry V, Portrait and Monuments ; Hetiy) VI; Margaret, his Queen; John Duke of Bedford, and others of the Family of Henry VI. : 14 38 43 47 THE STOWE GRANGER, VOL. I. Jacqueline, Duchess of Gloucester, and of her Fourth Husband Borselen, by Folkema, and others : 7 Edward IV. and Edward V, by Elstracke, Hollar, White, &c. 14 Edward IV. and Edward V, by Vertue, Vanderbank, &c.; Elizabeth, his Queen, by Facius, proof; others of his Family 17 The True Portraiture of Richard Planrapenee of England, &c., the Third King Richard, by Cross brillant impression and very rare 1 Richard III, by Elstracke, Hollar, Vertue, Poe &e. Ll Henry VII, by Elstracke, Marshall, Payne, Vertue, &c. Elizabeth, his Queen, by G'unst; Margaret, his Mother, by Faber 6 Henry VII; Margaret, his nent and others of his Family 13 Henry VII, his Three Children, by Vertue; his Monument in Westminster Abbey ; Margaret, his Mother, &c. 9 KINGS OF SCOTLAND. Vol. I, p. 27 to 35. Malcolm III, by Bottard ; St. Margaret, his Queen, by Gautrel ; John Baliol and Dervorgilla, by Burg; David; Robert Bruce, including a drawing by Johnson; Robert III. and his Queen 20 John Baliol, David Bruce, and éthbek 16 James I, James II, James III, James IV. and ere V, by Gay- wood, and others 1 James IV, by Eilstracke, fine impression, “with others of him 4 GREAT OFFICERS OF STATE, PEERS. Vol. I, p. 35 to p. 40, Henry Duke of Monmouth, by Faber; Sir John Howard; Stanley Earl of Derby ; Henry Duke of Lancaster ; Percy Earl of Northumberland; Stafford Duke of Buckingham, by Houbraken; Bertram Ashburnham of Ashburham; Eidw. Le Davis sculp.; Sir John Oldcastle; Robert de Vere; Earl of Oxford; Duke of Ireland and his Wife, Philippa de Coney, octagon, very rare 14 THE STOWE GRANGER, VOL. I. 5 48 Monumental Effigies of Peers, &c., by Stothard, some co- loured 18 49 John Talbot, Earl of ireabiry, in armour, o Cecill Jine and rare are to be sould by William Peake 1 00 John Talbot as before, are to be sold by Geo. Humble ; also other Portraits of Him, and Family, and Monument, by Stothard; Rob. de Vere and his Wife; Anthony Widville, Earl Rivers : ; 11 CLERGY. Vol. I. p. 40 to 55. 51 John VIII. or Pope Joan; Edwini Monachi Effigies, by Vertue ; Hadrian IV; St. Thomas Becket; Hugo de Balsam, by Faber : ° 14 52 St. Thomas Becket, by Vosterman, vevy rare ; also the copy; Hugo de Balsam, by Faber; Walter de Merton, by Faber ; Matthew Paris, by Cecill; Roger Bacon; Duns Scotus, by Faber; &c. 17 53 Duns Scotus, by Kilian and Laber ; Nioldas Trivetus ; Wil- liam of Wickham, by Houbraken ; John Wickliffe, by Faber ; Henry Chichele, by Faber, &c. ; William Wayn- fleet, by Faber ; William Patten, by Faber ;, John Alcock, by Faber : 17 54 Duns Scotus, by Fidanza ; Walter Sinleden by Faber ; Wil- liam of Wickham, by Faber; John Wickliffe; Henry Chichele ; William Patten, by Faber; &c. 13 55 Duns Scotus; Walter Stapledon; William of Wickham; Wil- liam Bateman; Robert Eglesfield, by Faber ; John Wicliffe ; William Patten, by Faber 11 56 Duns Scotus, by Bloemaert; William eet by Faber; Robert Eglesfield, by Faber ; John Wicliffe, by Houston ; also curious and early saraeiGh of Wickliffe ; William Waynfleet, by Houbraken; John Lydgate, by Vertue ; John Alcocke, by Faber 14 57 William Waynfleet, by Houbraken, proof; Robert Woodlark, by Faber; Thomas Rotherham, by Faber; John Rous, by Hollar; William Canynges; Thomas de Kempis; Abp. Arundel, &c. 11 58 Monumental Effigies of Clergy, by Stothard : 13 60 61 62 63 64 66 67 68 THE STOWE GRANGER, VOL. I. LAWYERS, STATESMEN, WARRIORS, &e. Vol. I. p. 55 to 67. Sir John Fortescue, by Faithorne, Vander Gutch; Judge Lit- tleton, by Vaughan; &e. 8 Sir William Wallace, mezz. proof before Jace ; Sir William de la More; Joannes Acutus; Richard de la Bere; Henry Fitzalwine, Kt.; Sir Ralph Blackwell, scarce; Sir Wil- liam Walworth ; Jean Talbot, &c. 3 17 Sin RicHarp WuitTINnGToN, by Elstracke, in two states, the Jirst with the scroll instead of the cat, fine and very rare. Sold by Compton Holland. The large engraving by Voet, after Jordaens, from which it is supposed the idea of Whittington’s Portrait was taken, with the small copy, «¢ Alderman Whittingon afflicted with the gout’ 6 Monumental Effigies of English Nobility, and others, by Stothard ‘ 39 Geffrey Chaucer, the full Lanieth from the folio edition of his works; Chaucer, by Vertue and Houbraken 4 Geffrey Chaucer, by Vertue; Bowles and John Gower, by Vertue and Warren, the latter a proof on india paper ; William Caxton; and John Mabuse, painter 17 LADIES. Vol. I. p. 67. Maria de St. Paulo, Comitissa Pembroc, by Faber ; Elizabetha de Clare, Comitissa de Ulster, by Faber; Jane Shore, mezz. by Faber; very scarce and fine; also by Tyson and Bartolozzt Il Monumental Effigies of Eminent Ladies, ‘ Stothard 10 FOREIGN PRINCES, &c. Vol. I. p. 69 to 75. Sigismund, Emperor of Germany, by Custos, Picart, &c.; Philip the Good, Duke of Burgundy, four original draw- ings in Indian ink; and Engraving, by Suyderhoef, brilliant impression ; Albert II. Emperor of Austria, by Custos, &c. ; 1 Sigismund; Philip D. of Burgundy, by Moncornet, Vischer, &c.; Albert II, by Suyderhoef, &c. ; 14 THE STOWE GRANGER, VOL. I. 7 69 Emperor Maximilian on Horseback, by Hans Burgkmair, Albert Durer, &c.; also a sheet by Burgkmair, of small round Portraits 4 70 Emperor Maximilian, by Sugdorkoah Vischer, and thir: with a proof before the letters of his Portrait, published by Wood- burn : 6 71 Emperor Maximilian, by esi and others 14 72 Tue TriumeHaAL ArcH OF THE EMPEROR MAXIMILIAN, in a SERIES of 36 LARGE Woop ENGRAVINGS, and Por- TRAIT, by ALBERT DuReER; together with several other large Wood Engravings. * * «This proof impression of the Emperor Maximilian’s Arch is, I believe, unique. It possesses all the distinguising marks of a proof copy, and is besides accompanied by the letter-press, drawn up by Johannes Stabius, who lived at Inglestadt, where he published several works, inter alia, a description of the four labyrinths, and describes himself to be the Emperor’s Historiographer and Poet. This letter- press is no where mentioned by Bartsch, and appears to have been unknown to him.”—Cu. B. A translation of the letter-press and description of the subjects accompany each plate. 73 Philip I, Emperor of Spain, by Suyderhoef; Charles Duke of Burgundy, by various; his Parliament sitting; Lewis X, King of France; John King of France : 18 74 Charles Duke of Burgundy, by Vischer, and three drawings in sepia; William VI, by Vischer; Philip I, of Spain; John I. of France, &c. 11 75 Hadrian V, Estienne Chevalier, St. ie of pee Philip de Comines, Jean Froissard, &c. 9 ROYAL FAMILY OF ENGLAND. Vol. I, p. 75 to p, 83. 76 Henry VIII, mounted on a charger, superbly caparisoned and habited as for a tournament, a wood engraving, 15 in. by 113 m., by Hans tae dome the Gulston and Sykes Collections ] 77 Henry VIII, half length, ina sp and feather, with fur tippet, &c., by Cornetius Masris, 1548, fine and rare; copy of the same, by Lselburg . 2 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 9 —_ 92 THE STOWE GRANGER, VOL. I. Henricus VIII, Edwardus VI, Maria et Elizabeth, on one sheet, rare; Henry VII, by Delaram, Hollar, and others 8 Henry VIII, by Faber, Houston, Houbraken, Valck, Vertue, &e. 5 : 8 Henry VIII, by Faber, Vertue, and others : 16 Henry VIII. and his Family, after Holbein, by Vertue; Granting the Charter to the College of Surgeons, by Baron; Pro- cession of Henry VIII, 9 pieces on 3 sheets, and others Historical 16 Queen Anne Boleyn, by Eistr sae very hei impression are to be sold by Compton Holland 1 Anne Boleyn, by-Hollar, represented as Faith, full length figure holding a chalice, brilliant impression. before the name ; Portrait, after Holbein, by Hollar ; 2 Anne Boleyn, copy, by Cooper, of the Miniature at Stowe, with an impression of the REE thereof, Mi Cooper, private plate 2 Jane Seymour, by nite an original drawing, from the Col- lection of the Duchess of Portland , 1 Jane Seymour, copy, by Cooper, of the Miniature at Stowe, with an impression of the engraving thereof, Pe Cooper, private plate 2 Anne of Cleves, after ie by Hollar, half ee and round, one before letters; Catherine Howard, after Holbein, by Hollar, &e. : 9 Catherine of Arragon; Anna Boleyn; Jane Seymour; Catherine Howard; Ann of Cleves, all by Houbraken, the second a proof; Jane Seymour, by Hollar, Vermeulen; Queen Catherine Parr, by Hdwards, proof on india paper 8 The several Queens of Henry VIII, by various engravers 25 The same, after Holbein, by Bartolozzi published by Chamberlaine 5 Maria Henrici VIII; Filia, by Hollar, &c.; Mary Queen of France, and Charles Brandon, Duke of Suffolk, by Vertue, and others of the Family of Henry VIII, with a Geneo- logical Tree of the Howard Family . 12 KINGS OF SCOTLAND. Vol. I, pp. 88, 84. James V, Madeleine de France, &c. “4 11 THE STOWE GRANGER, VOL. 1. 7 eo OFFICERS OF STATE, PEERS, &c. Vol. I. p. 85 to 91. 93 Sir Thomas Cromwell, after Holbein, by Hollar, White, &c. ; Thomas Howard, Duke of Norfolk, after Holbein, by Vos- terman, Moncornet, &c.; The Earl of Ormond, after ffolbein; Henry Stafford, Duke of Buckingham, by Faber; The Duke of Suffolk, by Hollar, &c.; Sir Henry Guilford, after Holbein ; Howard Earl of Surrey, &c. 22 94 Sir Thomas Cromwell, by Houbraken and others, the first a proof; Howard Duke of Norfolk; G. Talbot, Earl of Shrewsbury ; Earl of Ormond; Howard Earl of Surrey, by Houbraken ; Lord Vaux, &c. : 14 95 Sir Thomas Cromwell, by Houbraken ; Ed. Stafford, Duke of Buckingham ; Sir Harry Guldeford; Howard Earl of Surrey ; Lord Wentworth; Fitz-William Earl of South- ampton 12 96 Henry Howarp, Errl of cine after Holbein, by Hollar ; CHOICE PROOF before the flowers on the cloak, very rare, together with a fine impression of the portrait, in tts usual state : ; 2 CLERGY, &c. Vol. I. p. 91 to 107. 97 Cardinal Wolsey, by Elstracke, Marshall, and others; Fisher Bishop of Rochester, mezz. proof before any letters ; Bishop Fisher, by Houbraken 4 98 Cardinal Wolsey, by Fuber, &c.; Fisher Bitte of Rochester, by Houbraken, ieee and others; Dean Colet, by Hlollar, Sturt, &c.; Cardinal Beaton : 15 99 Cardinal Wolsey, by Houbraken, &c.; Bishop Fisher, by Barto- lozzi, &c.; Cardinal Beaton; Dean Colet; W. Smith, Bishop of London, by Littler; Archbishop Wareham, by Bartolozzi 16 100 Archbishop Wareham, by Vertue; C. Tanetall: Bishop of Durham; R. Fox, Bishop of Winchester, by Vertue, one a choice proof before any letters ; Dean Colet, by Houston and Faber ; Bp. Smith, by Faber, Kc. 14 101 Dr. Chambers, after Holbein, by Hollar ; William Tindall ; J. Leland, &e. - 7 102 Erasmus Roteropamus, by Albert Durer, is ilhant impres- sion, with the copy; also a full-length Woodcut of him under an Arch ; : 3 C 10 THE STOWE GRANGER, VOL. I. 103 Erasmus, by Jerome Hopfer, J. Vitalis, and others 12 104 Erasmus, by Vischer, Dankertz, Van Dyck, one an unfinished proof; others by Houston, Faber : ried t 105 Erasmus, brilliant proof before any letters ; others by Houston, Faber, J. de Gooch, Vosterman : 8 106 Erasmus, by Clement de Jonge, and others : 17 107 Sir Thomas More, by Woncornet, Aubrey, Marshall, Vertue, Wieriz, and others, some rare and fine 16 108 Sir Thomas More, by Vosterman, White, Houbraken, P. a Gunst, the latter a proof before the letters, &c. 7 KNIGHTS, GENTRY, LEARNED MEN, PAINTERS, &c. Vol. I. p. 107 to 116. 109 Sir Thomas More, by P. de Gunst; Judge More, by Barto- lozzi; Sir John Gage; John Skelton; Sir Thos. Eliott ; Sir Thomas Wivatt, &e. i2 110 Lord Denny; Sir R. Sutton, by Faber; W. ‘Bibreeam! Sir J. Poines, Sir C. Winfield, Sir J. More, Sir C. Southwell, Sir T. Strange, all by Bartolozzi, after Holbein 10 111 Thomas Dowcra; Sir A. Carew; Sir R. Sheffield; Sir R. Sutton, by Fittler ; Sir J. Poines, by Bartolozzi; Sir T. Wyatt; Andrew Borde; Dr. Butts; M. Morrett, by Hollar, &e. aoe F 15 112 Hans Holbein, by various; Matthew Merian, by Hollar; Wynkyn de Worde, Pynson, Grafton, and other early Painters 15 113 Hans Holbein, by ia Hollar, &e. Magi ree Vives; J. Stanbridge, &c. : 12 DISTINGUISHED LADIES. Vol. I. p. 116. 114 Caterina Bolena; Agnes Tilney, Duchess of Yerk; The Lady Guildeford, ty Foliar ; Countess of Surrey, by Hollar ; Monumental Effigies of Knights and Ladies, by Stothard 29 115 The Ladies Surrey, Butts, Borow, Rich, Vaux, Richmond, Henegham, Mentas, Lister, Monteagle, Audley, Suffolk, Eliot, Barkley, &c., all after Holbein, by Bartolozzi, some proofs : : 18 THE STOWE GRANGER, VOL. I. 11 REMARKABLE PERSONS.—Vol. I. pp. 116, 117. 116 Wirt Somers, King Henryes Jester, by Delaram, are to be sould by Thomas Jenner, very rare; Henry Paterson, Fool to Sir T. More; Elynour Rummin, the famous Ale- Wife of England, the rare and or Sas title page to the tract by Skelton, 1624 6 FOREIGN PRINCES, LEARNED FOREIGNERS. Vol. 1. p119°to 129; 117 Charles V. Emperor of Germany, large wood ergravings, Bartsch, vol. 12, p. 140, &c.; the same, by Albert Durer ; and another within a triumphal arch, Antwerpie, 1552 5 118 Charles V, by Vischer, fine and rare ; Charles V. and Ferdi- nand I, by Hopfer, fine, and before the number 58 2 119 Charles V, after Z%tian and others, by various engravers 13 120 Charles V, after Rubens, and others, by Soufman, &c. 9 121 Charles V, after Titian, &c., including his Equestrian Portrait, published by Woodburn, one a proof before letters 16 122 The Procession of the Coronation of the Emperor Charles V, by Pope Clement V, on thirty-seven sheets, by Hogen- berg 37 123 Ferdinand, Emperor, By. Gubide &e.; Francis I, Emperor of France, by De Leu, Hopfer, and others 19 124 Laurentius Mediceus, Annas de Montmorency, Guillaume de Croy, Johannes Sleidan, Symon Grynzus, Andreas Hipe- rius, Cornelius Agrippa, Nicolaus Borbonius, Chev. Bayard, Christ. Longolius, &e. 24 125 Ignatius Loyola, by Bolswert, Vermeulen, Pith Etnden, and another, after Thomas, one of the earliest mezzotints 5 126 Ignatius Loyola, by Wiert#, Gautrel, and others; Pierre Ronsard; Lawrence Campejus, &c. : 26 ROYAL AND NOBLE FAMILIES OF ENGLAND, &ec. Vol. I. p. 129 to 185. 127 Epwarp VI, as a Child holding a rattle, after Holbein, by Hollar, fine and rare ] 128 Edward VI, by Pass, and others, with a pr oof before the letter of the full-length mezzotint published by Kenyon 20 12 THE STOWE GRANGER, VOL. 1. 129 Edward VI, granting the Charter of Bridewell, by Vertue Edward VI, by Vertue, P.a Gunst, Houston, Gribelin, Bartolozzi, &e. : 10 130 Edward VI, copy of the Stowe Miniature, . Cooper, and engraving of the same, private plate ; Edward Seymour, Protector, by P. a Gunst, and others : 8 181 Seymour Duke of Somerset, by Houbraken; Lord John Russell, by Houbraken and Bartolozzi; Dudley Dnke of Northumberland; Richard Lord Chancellor, by Bar- tolozzi; Thomas Seymour; Lord Sudley; W. Marquis of Northampton; Lord Wentworth, and Lord Cobham, by _ Bartolozzi, and a copy of the Stowe Miniature of Admiral Seymour, with the engraving, by Cooper, private plate 21 CLERGY, ENGLISH AND FOREIGN. Vol. I, p. 135 to 148. 132 Archbishop Cranmer, by Loggan, one a brilliant proof before any letters, and the other a proof, very rare 2 133 Cardinal Pole, by WV. de Larmessin, one a brilliant proof 2 134 John Bale; Peter Martyr, by Faber and Houston; Martin Bucer, P. Fagius, &c. 12 135 John Bale, P. Martyr, M. Bucer, and J. Anse 16 GENTRY, KNIGHTS, AND LADIES. Vol. I, p. 148 to 149. 137 Sir T. Smith, by Houbraken; P. Hobbie, Sir J. Maynard, Sir S. Carew, and Sir J. Godsaluc, by Bartolozzi; Sir J. Cheke, and Sir T. Challoner : 10 1388 Sir Tuomas CHALLONER, Ambassador from the Court of Spain, “ etatis sue 28, a. 1548,” after Holbein, by Hollar, very fine impression : I *,,* This is one of the rarest Portraits in the English series, and is esteemed the most scarce of all the productions of the engraver. 189 Lady Jane Grey, by Vertue, one a proof before inscription ; others, by White, Marshall, &c.; the Ladies Ratcliff and Parker ; Mother Jak, Nurse of Edward VI. 12 140 Lady Jane Grey, copy, by Cooper, of the Stowe Miniature, with engraving, private plate; another Portrait of her, private plate, proof before letters ‘ 3 THE STOWE GRANGER, VOL. 1. 13 SECOND DAY’S SALE, FOREIGNERS. Vol. IJ, p. 149 to 151. LOT 141 Hewry II, King of France, large three-quarter portrait, habited with elaborately designed armour, his right hand resting on his helmet, the left holding his shield a very rare and curious engraving : 1 142 Henry II, within an allegorical border, bralliant impression, before “P. R.inv.;” Henry I, in armour, full length ; another, Cock excud., very rare, and a fine impression ; and one by 4neas Vicus 4 143 Henry II, various Portraits; Hieronymus entrar 14 ROYAL FAMILY, PEERS, &c. Vol. I, p. 151 to 155. 144 Queen Mary and Puiuip, by Hogenberg, Cock excudebat, a pair, brilliant impressions, very rare 9 145 QurEN Mary, holding the supplication of Thomas Eee by Detaram, Compton Holland excud.; brilliant impres- sion, before the plate was altered, aie an oval, of which two impressions in different states accompany tt 3 146 Queen Mary, after Ant. More, three quarters, in long vest "CHOICE PROOF, and probably UNIQUE in this state l 147 Queen Mary, by White, Vertue, and Houbraken, a proof, &c. 9 148 Queen Mary, by Bartolozzi, P.a Gunst, and others 10 149 Puritir Il, by BonasongE, very rare ] 150 Philip I], after Hans van Luyck, by Wieriz, brilliant impres- sion, and very scarce, with the copy : 2 151 Philip IL, full-length, in armour, F. H. Hans lieftinck excud., fine and rare; Philip Il, by eal ‘hoef, and oue after Titian, both fine 3 158 154 159 160 161 162 1635 THE STOWE GRANGER, VOL. I. Philip I, by Wiertz, Vaughan, T. de Leu, Passe, Houbraken, and others : : 18 Philip II, by Vertue, P. a Gunst, &e. : 10 Courtenay, Earl of Devonshire, finished drawing, in colours, and another drawing - 8 CLERGY, &c. Vol. I. p. 156 to 173. A Series of Sixty-three Portraits of Cardinals, pasted on/three sheets 63 Cardinal Pole, by P. a ie &e.; Abp. Cues by Faber, Cardon, &c.; Bishop Ridley, by Houston ; Bishop Boner; Bishop Latimer, &c. 1] Cardinal Pole, by White ; Abp. Chadinake Bishop Latimer ; John Knox; Bishop Hooper, by Faber; Bishop Ridley, by P. a Gunst ; Bishop Gardiner, by White 21 Cardinal Pole, C. Picart sc., india proof before letters; Abp. Cranmer, by Vertue, Houston, &c.; Bishop Latimer; Bishop Ridley; John Bradford; John Knox; Laurentius Sanderus ; Johannes Rogersius 27 The Bishops who suffered Martyrdom for the Protestant Faith under the Persecution of Mary, on one sheet, engraved by White, fine impression : : 1 Faitu’s VicTrorigE 1N Romes CRUELTI£, comprising Por- traits of the Bishops who suffered Martyrdom, a very rare and interesting sheet; sould by Tho. Jenner at y° Excha. ; Catalogue of the Names of the Holy Martyrs, on one sheet, 1679, &c. : 4 Sir Th. White, by Faber; Sir Th. Pope, by ye ; Joannes Caius, by aber ; Sir N. Pomes ; Joan van Cleve, painter; Sir Antonio More; John Heywood, woodcut 22 FOREIGNERS. Vol. I. pp. 174, 175. Ferdinando Alvares, of Toledo, Duke of Alva, by J. de Weert, scarce, Vaughan, Gunst, &c.; Margaret of Austria ; Duchess of Parma; Adrianus Junius, by Visscher &c. 15 Portraits as the preceding, by various ; 16 THE STOWE GRANGER, VOL. 1. he, ROYAL FAMILY OF ENGLAND. Vol. I. p. 176 to 182. 164 Exvisaset D. G. Ancii&, Francim, Hipernia#, ET VER- Ginz Reeina, &c., whole length, holding the orb and sceptre, and habited in the magnificent dress she went to St. Paul’s to return thanks for the Victory over the Spanish Armada IsAAc OLIVIER EFFIGIEBAT, CRISPIN DE PASSE incidebat, procurante Joanne Waldnelio . 1 *.* A BRILLIANT IMPRESSION OF THIS EXCEEDINGLY RARE AND INTERESTING PORTRAIT BY CRISPIN DE PAsskz, AFTER OLIVER. 165 Exvizaseta D.G. ANGLI&a, Francia, HIBERNIAZ, ET VER- GiIn#& Reena, &c., whole length, richly habited, holding the orb and sceptre, and standing between two emblema- tical pillars, the sea with ships in the back ground a brilliant impression of this rare portrait, by J. WoNTELIUS. In honorem serenissime sue majestatis hance efigiem fiert curabit Joannes Wontcelius belga anno 1596 ] 166 Exvizaseta D. G. ANGLI€Z, Francia, Hiserniz, &e. a full-length portrait similar to the preceding but from a different plate, without any address very rare, with large margin, and no : 1 167 Exvizasetu Det GRATIA, ANGLIZ£Z, FRANCIZ ET HIBERNIAZ Reeina, bust, with low head dress and flowing veil, by Hogenberg, folio, with large margin; also, the small oval Portrait, by Hogenberg, both rare . 2 168 Elisabeth Dei Gratia, Angliz, &c., holding the orb and sceptre, oval within an allegorical border, with the royal arms above and three lines in Latin beneath, “ Non me pudet Evangelii Christi,” &e. 3 3 1 169 QurEen EvizasBeru, richly habited, and holding the orb and sceptre, three-quarter oval, with nine metrical lines beneath fine impression, with large margin, Francisco Delaram sculp., are to be sould by Jo. Sudbury and Geo. Humble 1 170 QueEN ELIZABETH, oval, Cock excud. brilliant impression, and very rare : 1 16 171 THE STOWE GRANGER, VOL. I. QUEEN ELIZABETH, Turee-QUARTER PORTRAIT, HOLD- ING THE ORB AND SCEPTRE, RICHLY HABITED WITH A VEST COVERED WITH JEWELS. “« Th’ admired Empresse through the worlde applauded 172 173 174 175 176 For supreme Virtues rarest Imitation: Whose scepters rule fames lowde-voye'd trumpet lawdeth, Vnto the eares of every forraigne Nation. Cannopey’d vnder powerful Angells winges To her Immortall praise sweete Science singes.” are to be sould in Popes head Alley, by Jo. Sudbury and G'eo. Humble 1 *.*°A SUPERB IMPRESSION OF AN EXCESSIVELY RARE AND BEAUTIFUL PORTRAIT, WITH BROAD MARGIN. ELIZABETHA REGINA, THREE-QUARTER PORTRAIT, HOLDING IN HER RIGHT HAND A FAN OF FEATHERS, AND SURROUNDED BY A CLOUD. “ Lo here her Type, who was of late the Propp of Belgia; Stay of France,” &c.—Jo. Davies Heref: Fr. de Sculptor, Nic. Hillyard delin. et excud. cum privilege mateste, are to be sould at the Angell, in Lumbard Streete, by Roger Daniell : ] *,* This very rare portrait by DELARAMm is in a desirable state of preservation, with large margin. ELizABETHA ReEcrina, small oval, within a border of allego- rical figures “‘ Lo heare her Type, who was of late Spaines foile, faiths shield, and queene of state ; In briefe of women neere was seene So great a prince, so good a queene.” exceedingly rare are to sould by Roger Daniell, &c. 1 QurEN ELIZABETH, AN EQUESTRIAN PORTRAIT, allegorical of the Spanish Armada, the horse trampling on a hydra and armour large quarto sheet very rare LT. Cecill sculp. sould by Peter Stent. 1 Queen Elizabeth, by Evstracke, Marshall, De Leu, and others, one a brillant impression before any inscription 8 Queen Elizabeth, seated between Lord Burleigh and Sir Fr. Walsingham, by Faithorne, being the title page to “ The Compleat Ambassador,” a brilliant impression, with one of the same plate again used for the * Cabala,” &c. 2 THE STOWE GRANGER, VOL. I. 17 177 Quecn Elizabeth, full length, Lieftinck excud. rare; her full length, seated with sceptre and orb beneath an arch, 1579; another Portrait, being in the title page to the Treatise of Anatomy, by Geminus, 1559; and also that with King James and Prince Charles, the title page to Smith’s Vir- ginia 3) 178 Queen Elizabeth, from Stafford’s Pacata Hibernia, fine tmpres- sion ; others by David, &c. 7 179 Queen Elizabeth, by Crispin de Pass, P. i la Hove, Jacob- sen, &e. 16 180 Queen Elizabeth, by Crispin a Pass, Rabel, Ae others, wood- cuts, &e. 18 181 Queen Elizabeth, by Houbr es? proof efits letters ; others, by Vertue, Vermeulen, Vanderbank, White, &c. 10 182 Queen Elizabeth, whole length, after Holbein, by Faber, very fine impression ; Queen Elizabeth, by Simon, mezz. fine ; others, by Houston, Faber, &c., with that after Crispin de Pass published by Woodburn, &c. 7 183 Tumulus Elizabethe; printed and sold by P. Stent; Queen Elizabeth in Parliament; her Procession to Hunsdon House, by Vertue, and others historical . 8 ROYAL FAMILY OF SCOTLAND. Vol. I, p. 182 to 187. 184 Tue Most Excetitent Princesse MARIE QUEENE OF SCOTLAND, Moruer To our SovERAIGNE Lorp Kine James; also tHe Most I_iustrious PRrINncE HENRY; LORD DARNLEY, Kine oF Scot.anp, &c., WHOLE LENGTHS, standing side by side, with the Arms of France and Scotland between them; the King is represented in a cap and feather, holding a truncheon, the Queen magnificently attired with a large veil R. ELstRAK, scutp., are to be soulde in Pope’s Head Alley, at the White Horse, by John Sudbury and George Humble : : 1 ** THIS EXCEEDINGLY CURIOUS AND INTERESTING PRINT IS PROBABLY UNIQUE; IT IS IN THE HIGHEST STATE OF PRESERVATION, AND IS FROM THE COLLECTION OF Sir Mark Sykes. D 18 THE STOWE GRANGER, VOL. I. 185 Mania Reoina Scotiz, half length, oval, P.M. in the left hand corner a brilliant impression of an exceedingly rare portrait 1 186 Marta Regina Scotie, as the preceding, but with the manner of her execution at the corner, and Jan. Bussem exc. under the P.M. 187 Maria Scotiz et Gallize de facto, de jure Anglize et Hyberniz Regina, full length, angel on either side supporting the royal arms of each country, and the block, axe and four crowns in the fore ground an exceedingly rare and curious engraving 1 188 Mary Queen oF Scots, half length, oval, with an allegorical border, the lower part representing her execution Jine impression, and very rare ] 189 Maria Scotorum Reeina, Francorum Regs Conjux II, Conjunx Ann. 1559, Cock exc., oval, people to the left brilliant impression, and very rare : 1 190 Maria Jacobi Scotorum Regi Filia, Scotorumque nunc Regina, oval, in a rich dress, with fan of feathers in her hand, Pp. MF. in monogram, for P. Myriginus very rare, and a fine impression ] 191 Mary Queen of Scots, and Henry Lord Darna! by Elstracke, a pair of oval brilliant impressions, before any inscription, very rare ; 192 Maria Jacosi Scotorum Pesan Firia, by HoGEenBere, full length, within a border, Hans Lieftinck excud. brilliant impression, and very rare : 1 193 Mary Stuart, Queen of Scotland, by Gaywood, fine; others, by Giourdelle, David, T. de Leu, &c. 5 194 Mary Queen of Scots, by Hilstracke, Moncor de Jacobsen, Huret, &c., some very rare and fine “ 4) 195 Mary Queen of Scots, by Galle, and two others, one a bril- lant impression, and rare 3 196 Mary Queen of Scots, by Leipoldt, very rare; others, by HHollar, Rabel, &c. 7 197 Mary Queen of Scots, with the manner “of her execution, by Connay, fine impression, rare; others, by P.a Gunst, Boitard, Vertue, &c. 7 198 Mary Queen of Scots, by Houbraken, Sistas brilliant; Faber, &c., one coloured : ; 5 Ere ca: is ee 5% Sepa THE STOWE GRANGER, VOL. I. 19 199 Mary Queen of Scots, by Vertue, and others 16 200 Mary Queen of Scots, after Zucchero, a highly finished drawing, in indian ink, with engravings of the same, by Bartolozzi, one a proof 3 201 Mary Queen of Scots, a copy, by Cooper, of the Stowe Minia- twre, with engraving of the same, by Cooper, in three different proof states, private plate; also two others, by Cooper and Scriven, proofs on india paper 6 202 Henry Darnuey, Duke of Albany, Father to our Soveraigne Lord James, &c., by Elstracke, ave to be sold by George Humble, at the White Horse, in Pope's Head Alley, brilliant impression ; another, of the same plate, with the address, are to be sould by William Peake; another Portrait of him, Jo. Halbrock scu’p., are to be sold by Thomas Jenner, brilliant impression, all rare 3 203 Mary Queen of Scots, and Lord Darnley; Historical and other Engravings, by Vertue, &c.; Portraits of Lord Darnley, by Vertue, &c. 12 204 The highe and mightie Prince, ees the Sixt, by Elstracke, half length, with high crowned hat, brilliant impression ; others of James VI, including a brilliant impression of a small oval; also the title page to the Lawes and Actes of Scotland, 1597, containing many portraits 6 STATESMEN, PRIVY COUNSELLORS, PEERS, &c. Vol. I. p. 187 to 201. 205 William Cecil, Lord Burghley, small oval, inscribed ‘“ Cor unum via una,” arms at the corners, very scarce ; others by Marshall, &c. : 5 206 William Cecil, Lord Burghley, by Houbr alae, Vertue, &c. ; W. Powlet, First Marquis of Winchester; Thomas esd Earl of Northumberland; Thomas Earl of Surrey, &c. 13 207 Tue Hicu anp MicumTiez Prince THomas Lorp Howarp, Duke of Norfolk, Earl of Surrey, and Earle Marshall of England, &c. “ Great Satirist, greatest Peere, most high in blood, Was Norfolk ! and in all his greatness good ; 20 THE STOWE GRANGER, VOL, 1. His Honors now reviv’d in Howard’s name, New Statues reare to them, and Norfolk’s fame.” Three quarters length, under an arch, with armorial bearings under a correspondent arch, oblong 4to. extremely rare, and in fine preservation 1 208 Henry Howarp, Errl of Surry, anno etatis sue 25, after Ffolbein, by Hollar, proof before inscription, very rare 1 209 THE Most NOBLE Rosert EARL oF Essex AND Ewe, AND Eart MARSHALL oF ENGLAND, &c. 1600, by BorssarpD EQuEstTRIAN PorTRAIT, with fleet and army beneath BRILLIANT IMPRESSION OF AN EXCEEDINGLY RARE PRINT William Kip. Oxf: Robert Boissard f. 1 210 Tne MOST NOBLE Ropert EARL oF Essex ann Ewe, 1601; EQUESTRIAN PorTRAIT, of a similar character to the preceding, with the fleet and army in the back ground, and beneath are the fullowing two lines : “ Hic tuus ille comes generosa Essexia nostris Quem quam gaudemus rebus adesse ducem.” EXCEEDINGLY RARE, AND MOST BRILLIANT IMPRESSION 1 211 Robert Devereux, Earl of Essex, and when a young man, by Elstracke, rn. £. at left hand corner, very fine and rare 1 212 Robert Earl of Essex, in hat and feather, probably by Elstracke, Jirst state, fine and scarce - Co, Holland excu. 1} 212* Robert Devereux, Earl of Essex, by Hollar, P. Stent excudit, brilliant impression : 1 213 Thomas Howard, Duke of Norfolk, by Houbraken; Robert Devereux, Earl of Essex, by Houbraken, Depuis, P. a Gunst, &c.; Henry Fitz-Allen, Earl of Arundel 12 214 THE RIGHT HONOURABLE AND NOBLE Lorp Rospert EARL oF LeicesTER, &c., EquestRiAN Portrarr, with an engagement beneath, and vessels at sea in the distance VERY RARE, Ros. VaucHan sculp. are to be sould by Comp. Holland over against the Exchange I 215 Robert Dudley, Earl of Leicester, by Marshall, Wierix, Jacobson, one, are to be sould by John Hinde; and ano- ther from the gold plate, some rare and fine 13 216 Robert Dudley, Earl of Leicester, by Van Sichem, Cecill, &c.; and a woodcut, being the title page to “ The most ancient and learned Playe, called the Philosopher’s Game, &c., 1563,” very rare : , 8 THE STOWE GRANGER, VOL. I. 21 217 Robert Dudley, Earl of Leicester, by Houbraken, Vermeulen, Vertue ' ‘ 6 218 James Douglas, Earl of Morton, with the autograph of Hou- braken, as the engraver to the sheet, containing two small portraits ; another, by Houbraken, the large plate; Sir H. Sidney, by Harding; Sir J. Perrott 6 219 Tue Ricgute HonouraB_LeE GEorGE EARL OF CUMBERLAND, Baron CrirrorpD, &c., EQuesrRIAN PorTRAIT, in hat and feather, and holding a baton; beneath the horse is a view of the siege of Porto Rico, accompanied with the descrip- tion of the surprise of the town by the Earl, 15th of May,- 1598, by THomaAs Cocxkson, whose monogram, T. Cc. occurs on the right AN EXTREMELY RARE AND INTERESTING ENGRAVING 1 220 George Earl of Cumberland, in armour, holding a baton, by Vaughan, brilliant impression in the rare first state, sold Ly Compton Holland; and another, altered in the address : , 2 221 George Earle of Cumberland, 1586, whole length, dressed for a tournament, P. Tempest excud. R. White sculp. proof before the original scription, fine and rare ] 222 George Earl of Cumberland, by William Rogers, oval, within an ornamental border, with six metrical lines beneath, &c., fine impression, and very rare ; with two other portraits of him; Henry Herbert, Earl of Pembroke; and Ambrose Dudley, Earl of Warwick, from the Heroologia 5 2923 Walter Devereux, Earl of Essex; Fr. Russell, Earl of Bedford, by Houbraken and Bartolozzi; and Print of the Court of Wards and Liveries, by Vertue, &c. 7 CLERGY, DIGNITARIES OF THE CHURCH. Vol. I. p. 202 to 223. 224 ArcnBisHop PARKER, by HoGENBERG, fine unpression of the original and very print; together with another impres- sion, with the year of his age 69 altered to 70 ; and the copy by Tyson ; 3 * * This is said to be the first portrait engraved in English ; the one in Sir Mark Sykes’s collection sold for £13. 22 225 226 227 228 229 231 233 234 235 THE STOWE GRANGER, VOL. I. Archbishop Parker, from the Heroologia ; others by White, Vertue, P. a Gunst, and Fittler : 7 Archbishops Grindall and Whitgift, from the Heroologia; also by Vertue, V. de Gutch, and Fittler ea Archbishop Lesley, an original drawing by Lord Buchan ; the same by P. a Gunst; Bishop Jewell, from the Heroo- logia, and by Vertue; Bishop Sandys, from the Heroo- logia, and by others; Bishop Aylmer; Bishop Cox, &c. 15 Bishop Nowell, from the Heroologia ; also by Hollar, Fitler, &c.; Bishop Jewell, by Vertue, proof, sc. ; W. Whitaker, by Marshall, and others ; John Rainolds, by Cross, &c. 19 Thomas Becon, Archbishop Whitgift, Laurentius Humfredus, Edward Deering, and Thomas Holland, all from the He- roologia, &c. : 10 William Fulke, by Mar hate jine impression; Henry Smith, rare; William Perkins, by Matham, the title to his works in Dutch, with a duplicate, proof b. 1.; Richard Hooker, by Hollar, Fitler, &c. 2 10 Richard Hooker, by Faithorne, brilliant impression ; and one after the plate has been worn; William Perkins, by £/- stracke; one to be sold by Compton Holland 3 William Perkins, from the Heroologia, and by Marshall, &c. ; John Fox, by Sturt; Rev. Mr. Brightman, sold by R. Walton and P. Stent; George Hartgill, by Hollar ; G. Goodman, by Grave; T. Cartwright 13 John Fox, by Droeshout, Glover, and from the Heroologia ; John More; R. Rogers; W. Perkins, by Cr. de Pass; Hugo Price, by Vertue ° : 11 DIVINES OF THE CHURCH OF ROME. Vol. I. p. 228 to 281. Cardinal Alan; Thomas Stapleton, Gaultier incidit, &c.; Richard White, the rare portrait at the back of his His- tory of the British Isle; Robert Parsons, by J. Neefs; Edmund Campian, by De Groos, &e. 9 Edmund Geninges (Jennings) Mast. Bas. f the original and rare portrait, with copy by Richardson; together with the print representing him at prayer; Edmund Campian 5 THE STOWE GRANGER, VOL T. 2S 236 Effigies et Nomina Quorundam e Societate Jesu qui pro Fide vel Poetate sunt interfecti ab anno 1549 ad annum 1607, Roma, 1608, a rare series of 102 portraits ; also a sheet containing St. Francis, with Portraits of Saints in the border around, the portrait of Thomas Felton occupying the top right hand corner. COMMONERS, LAWYERS, STATESMEN, &c. Vol. I, p. 231. 237 Sir Thomas Smith, woodcut, rare; his Portrait also, by Fittler, 2 proofs; Sir Francis Walsingham, by P. a Gunst, Vertue, and others; Sir N. Throckmorton, by Vertue ; Sir Walter Mildmay, by Faber ; Sir N. Bacon, by P. a Gunst 14 238 Sir Fr. Walsingham, by FISb rane Sir Nidhhie Bacon, by Vertue and Houbraken, the latter briliiant; Sir Henry Unton; W. Maitland; Sir Ant. Mildmay; Sir James Dyer : 10 239 Sir John Clenche, by Fie jine impression; Sir Edmund Anderson, by Fatthome, fine; Sir James Dyer; Ed. Plowden “ 240 Sir Philip Sidney, by TEN ee) Compton Holland excudit., fine 1 241 Sir P. Sidney, from the Her ‘oologia; also by Ver ‘tue, Houbraken, and others; Sir Christ. Hatton; William Barclay, by Mallery, &c. 13 242 Sir P. Sidney, half length, Oba others, by Ver rtue, &e.; Sir Francis Vere, by Fatthorne, fine; His Monument in West- minster Abbey, by Hollar; Sir Join Ogle, by Fatthorne, fine : ‘ 10 ILLUSTRIOUS NAVAL COMMANDERS, &c. Vol. I, p. 241 to 247. 943 CHARLES EARLE OF NOTTINGHAM, BARON OF EFFINGHAM, Lorp Hicu ADMIRALL OF ENGLAND, EQUESTRIAN PorTRAIT, in low hat and feather 1 * * THIS VERY INTERESTING PORTRAIT IS BELIEVED TO BE UNIQUE, and is from the Collection of Sir Mark Sykes. In the back ground is a representation of the Siege of Cadiz, and a View of the Spanish Armada in the offing. 24 244 245 246 247 248 249 250 THE STOWE GRANGER, VOL. I. Charles Earl of Nottingham, by Sim. Pass, Compton’ Holland excud.; another, with the address, areto be“sold by John Hind; Sir Martin Frobisher, holding a baton, scarce ; also, from the Heroologia ; Capt. Christopher Carleill, by Boissard, &e. 7 Sir Francis Drake, by Wieriz, Vedehens Marshall, &c.; Sir John Hawkins, from the Heroologia, &c.; Capt. Thomas Candish, scarce, and Ear) of Nottingham, by Hou- braken 13. Sir Fr. Drake, by White, Fsibranee, &e.; Thomas Candish, from the Heroologia, and others, some scarce; Sir R. Grenvill; Sir Humfrey Gilbert; Earl of Nottingham, &e. : ae i? Sir Fr. Drake, his right ane resting on a helmet, large sheet, fine impression; others, by R. de Leu, &c., together with the title to the English pilot and map, containing several portraits : : 6 Vera Totius Exrepitionis Nautic&® Descriptio FRANC. Draci, on one sheet : 1 *,* This very rare and interesting folding sheet by Hon- dius contains, together with the narrative, a Map of the World, tracing the memorable Voyages of Discovery made in 1577 and 1586, by Sir F. Drake and Thos. Candysh, whose portraits are given. The Tapestry of the House of Lords, engraved; John Pine, on 10 sheets, representing the Naval Engagements of this — country, the borders containing the Portraits of the most distinguished Naval Commanders, together with the Charts, on 8 sheets é : 18 *,." A fine set of these interesting historical engravings, and rendered more so by the melancholy destruction of the original tapestry during the fire. Erricizs Recum ac Principum, eorum scilicet, quorum vis ac PoreNTIA IN Re Nautica seu Marina pre ceteris spectabilis est, summa diligentia et incise a CRrIsPIANO Passxo, brilliant impressions Jol. Colonia, 1596 THE STOWE GRANGER, VOL. I. 25 GENTRY, MEN OF LEARNING, &c. Vol. I. p. 248 to 257. 251 Sir Thomas Gresham, by Delaram, sould by P. Stent; also by Faber, Vertue, &c., including a proof touched by the latter ; together with the View of the Interior of the Royall Exchange, by Hollar ‘ 7 252 Sir Wolstan Dixie; Sir Henry Tyrrell; Sir J. Packington; various Lord Mayors of London, Knights, &c. by Barto- lozzi; Monuments of Distinguished Persons, by Stothard 31 263 Richard Watts, by Adams; J. Bruen, original and copy; William Bullen, original and copy; Richard Haydcocke, title to his work; William Cunyngham, original wood engraving ; Sir George Baker, woodcut, &c. 11 254 Peter Levens, J. C. sculp., with verses underneath, brilliant impression, and rare; Thomas Gale, woodcut; Mark Ridley, the rare original, with the copy; John Hall, woodcut and copy 6 POETS. Vol. I. p. 257 to 267. 255 Edmund Spencer, by Vertue, and others, one a brilliant proof 5 256 Tue CHanpos SHAKESPEARE. AN ORIGINAL DRAWING By CooPeER, from this celebrated Portrait, together with a Proof Impression on India paper before any letters of the engraving, also executed by Cooper, a private plate 2 *,* In the appendix to the very interesting and illustrated Catalogue of the contents of Stowe, sold last year by Messrs. Christie and Manson, an admirable article will there be found from the pen of Mr. Horace Rodd, in vindication of his opinion respecting the originality of this celebrated portrait. His arguments are very strong in its favour, and its “ Pedigree” very much strengthens that opinion. 257 Shakespeare, by Martin Droeshout, as prefixed to the first edition of his works; the Felton Portrait, engraved by Godofrey ; also one after Zoust, by Simon; fol. mezz. brilliant impression 3 258 Shakespeare, by Vertue and Haun the frail a brilliant impression ; his Monuments, by Vertue, Scheemakers, and Gravelot : | < 6 259 Shakespeare, by various engravers, some scarce 15 E 26 THE STOWE GRANGER, VOL. I. 260 John Donne, by Marshall and Lombart ; Sir John Harring- ton, the title to his version of Ariosto ; George Gascoigne, the woodcut from the Steele Glass ; George Buchanan, by White, &c. 8 261 George Buchanan, by various, Secinaing one by Houbraken, brilliant impression ; the Admirable Crighton, by Hall; Alexander Boyd, by Th. de Leu : 13 MISCELLANEOUS AUTHORS, ARTISTS, PAINTERS, AND PRINTERS. Vol. I. p. 268 to 283. 261 Sir Ralph Brook, proof; William Lambarde, by Vertue, proof; John sigue by Vertue; Humphrey Lloyd, by Faber, mezz.; Dr. Dee; Ed. Kelly, Roger Bacon, and four othe” on one sheet, rare 7 262 Sir Thomas Bodley, by Burghers, as Foinder of the Bodleian Library, with the Heads of the Earl of Pembroke, Abp. Laud, Sir K. Digby, and John Selden at the corners, bril- hant impression; John Gerarde, by Rogers, also by Payne, the title to the Herball; John Blagrave, D. Z. fecit 5 264 Roger Ascham, by Fee ; William Lanes by Vertue ; John Stow, by Sturt; H. Lloyd E 7 265 Isaac Oliver, by Hondius, &c.; Zucchero, by Bannerman ; Corn. Kettel, by Bary; Henry Broom, by Hondius ; Sir A. Bacon; Mare. Garrard; John Wight; John Day; Rd. Jones; Theod. de Brie ; Thos. Gower, &c. 24 LADIES. Vol. I. p. 283 to 286. 266 Dutchess of Suffolk, and her husband Adrian Stokes, by Vertue, proof and print; Frances Countess of Sussex, by Faber ; Jocosa Frankland, by Fittler; Anne Throgmor- ton, and other ladies; C. Bretterg, &c. 20 FOREIGN PRINCES, &c. Vol. I. p. 289. Appendix to the Reign of Elizabeth. 267 Maximilian II. Liefrinck excud., P. van Sompel seulp ; Ru- dolph Il. P. van Sompel sculp.; Charles IX. Liefrinck ex.; Henry Il. large jewel at the ear, by Wierix, rare and fine, &c. : : 14 Be ae * Nr aR Ee 268 269 270 271 272 273 274 THE STOWE GRANGER, VOL. I. OF Maximilian II; Rudolph II; Frederic II; Charles IX; Henry III. by Wiertr, rare; &c. by various engravers, some rare - 18 Rudolph II, Henry III, &c. by various engravers, some rare 26 Hewry III. of Valois, and Henry IV. of Bourbon, ovals, in one plate, his Assassination depicted below, half sheet, rare ; J. Clement, about to effect the Assassination, proof, fine and rare, &c.; Henricus Bourbonius, Mathia Quado sculptore, rare and curious, &c. ; 5 Henry THE Fourtu, Kine or FRANCE, AN EQUESTRIAN PorTRAIT, THE KING BARE HEADED, HOLDING A STAFF, AND HABITED IN A RICHLY WORKED CLOAK, and in the distance is a View of a Forest, with a Hunting Party, Dogs, &c. JACOBUS DE FORNAZERII INVENTER ET FECIT ET EXCUDIT, 1600 : large half sheet 1 *,* A WELL ENGRAVED AND EXTREMELY RARE PRINT, FROM THE BINDLEY COLLECTION. HENRY THE FouRTH, HIS QUEEN, AND Two CHILDREN, SEATED, his Courtiers in the back ground, sixteen verses beneath, L. GAULTIER SCULPSIT Les Hereuses et Fatales Devises de M. le: Dauphin et Ma- dame Fille unique de Henry ILII, with their Portraits, and sixteen verses beneath L. Gaultier fecit, 1604 brilliant impressions of two very interesting and rare histo- rical engravings . 2 L’Otymere pes FRANCOIS, ou sont representes au naturel, le Roy, la Royne et les Enfans de France, L. GAULTIER sculp. 1607, a Paris, chez Nicolas de Mathomiere, 1608 large folio sheet 1 *.* In this exceedingly curious sheet the Royal Family of France are represented in a beautiful engraving occupying the upper part, letter-press occupying the rest of the sheet. Eulogie de la Vie Heroique de Henry le Grand tiré d’un plus long Poesme, par Le Sieur Metezeau a Paris, chez Jean le Clerc, 1611, large folio sheet 1 *.* An Equestrian Portrait of Henry occupies the centre of the upper part of this sheet. 276 277 278 279 280 281 282 283 284 285 THE STOWE GRANGER, VOL. I. Henry the Fourth curing the King’s Evil, P. Firens fecit, oblong sheet ; La Statue Equestre de Henry le Grand sur son Pre-Destoril, large sheet, accompanied with description a Paris, chez Nicolas de Mathomiere 2 Henry the Fourth, small oval, in the centre of a Triumphal Arch, enriched with vignettes, Lsate Fournier inven. Thomas de Leu sculp. very scarce large folio sheet 1 Henry the Fourth, one with hat and feathers and one with crown; Monsieur le Dauphini, et Madame Fille, four beau- tiful ovals, after Quesnel and Joh. Blasmez, by Thomas de Leu m Henry THE FourTH, AN Bousereree PortralrT, the King in armour and holding a baton, four metrical lines in French beneath, J. le Clerc excudit. J. V. Halbeck se. 1 *,* An autograph note by the late Duke of Buckingham states, “ This must be the print that Woodburn’s mezz. is taken from, miscalled by Elstracke.” Two impressions, one a proof before the letters, of the portrait published by Wood- burn, accompanies this rare original. Henry the Fourth, an Equestrian Portrait in armour, very rare K. v. Sickem sculp. et excudit. 4to. 1 Henry the Fourth destroying the Hydra, full length, in armour, by Gaultter ; other Portraits of him a Granthomme, Th. de Leu, Wieria, &c. 10 Henry the Fourth, at different periods of his Life, by Crispin de Pass, brilliant impressions; another, full length, in armour 5 Henry the Fourth, full (oath William Ragen sculpsit ; oval Portraits, by Gaultier, Granthomme, Van Sickem, Goltzius, $c., some rare 14 Henry the Fourth, holding two sceptres, Gan Geldorp pinait, Joan Gelle fecit, large folio sheet, rare and curious; large Portraits of him, by Ellart Frisius, Hl. Hondius, and H. Goltzius, fine impressions 4 Henry the Fourth, large Portrait, by Goltzius, brilliant im- pression ; others, by Firens, Morin, &e. : 5 Henry the Fourth, by various Engravers : 14 THE STOWE GRANGER, VOL. I. 29 286 Francois Ravailac, the Assassin of Henry the Fourth, the rare print, by Christ. van Sichem; also two Historical En- gravings, representing his Assassination, and another large one from the Mariette Collection ; 4 287 Henry THE FourTH, AS HE LAY IN STATE AFTER HIS Morper, Anno. 1610 half sheet THE EXTREMELY RARE engraving by Briot, after Quesnel, accompanied with two impressions of the engraving of the same as published by Woodburn, one a proof before e e 3 letters FOREIGNERS WHO WERE IN ENGLAND. Vol. I. p. 292 to 306. 288 Frederick VI. Duke of Wirtemberg; Francis Duke of Anjou, whole length, Liefrinck exc.; others, by Moncornet, &c.; Pompone de Bellieure; Cecilia Marchioness of Baden ; Ant. de Lomenie; Haral Hintfield, &e. 20 289 Charles de Gontant de Borin; Christian Friis, Lord of Borreby ; Pierre de Bourdelle; Du Bartas; Franciscus Gomarus ; Lucas Trelcatius; Petrus Bertius; Joannes Drusius, &. 25 290 Petrus Molinzus, by Dankertz, and others; Dominicus Bau- dius; Joannes Meursius; Franciscus Gomarus, by Vertue, proof; Paulus Merula; Janus Dousa, by Vischer 18 291 Janus Dousa; Daniel Heinsius, by Suyderhoef; Franciscus Raphelengius; Janus Gruterus; Abrahamus Ortelius ; Mathias de Lobel; Carolus Clusius; Cornelius Vandun ; Orlandus Lassus 26 292 Danie] Heinsius, Carolus Gunains Rudolphus ieialenie Phi- lippus Marnixius, Wernerus Helmichius, Paulus Toscanus, Antonius gee Hubert Languet, Philippe de Plessis, &e. - 22 30 THE STOWE GRANGER, VOL. I. THIRD DAY’S, SAGE ROYAL FAMILY OF ENGLAND. Vol. I. p. 307 to 310. LOT 293 James I, by Vertue, Vanderbank, Picart, $c., one a proof before the letters 12 294 James I, by Vertue, P. a Gunst, Smnith, mezz., Faber, mezz., and two from the rare Portrait on Horseback, by Delaram, published by Woodburn, one a proof before the letters 7 295 James I, three quarters, with hat and feather, four verses beneath, are to be sould by P. Stent, and sould by John Overton, folio ; his Portrait, laurelled head with broad lace collar, and holding a sceptre, eight Latin verses beneath, Crisp. Passeus, figur. sculp., &c.. 1618, brilhant im- pression; another, with hat and feather, lace ruff, fine impression ; his Portrait, enthroned, by Simon Pass, from his works in folio 4 296 James I, high cap and feather, P. de Fricke Antwerp ; and other of his Portraits, by Simon Pass and Crisp. de Pass, some rare, fine 15 297 James I, crowned, and holding the weed and orb, with six verses beneath, are to be sould by Roger Daniell; the same plate altered, and others, by Visscher, Delaram, and Kilian 5 298 James I, full length, with high cap and head resting on his sword; Prince Henry, as a child, on the right, by Visscher, rare and fine; his Portrait, broad hat and feather, and lace*rutf, Simon Passeus delin. et sculp., Compton Hol- land excudit; another, in a high hat, @tat xxxvii, by Heinrich Ullrich 4 299 James I, by Gaywood, Vaughan, Will. Pass, Delaram, Meys- sens, some rare and fine : 10 ‘Guar ‘a } . . re ahs THE STOWE GRANGER, VOL. I. 31 300 James I, whole length, in low cap, his left hand holding his sword; his Son, Prince Henry, on the left, and a helmet on a table and the royal arms on the right AN EXCESSIVELY RARE AND ALMOST UNIQUE PRINT; his Portraits also, by Gaywood and J. Granthomme, brilliant 4 301 Jacosus D. G. Macn# Britannia, Francia, ScoTis& Et Hisernia, Rex. MpcxxlI, AN EQUESTRIAN PorTRAIT, bare headed, and holding the sceptre; beneath the horse is a view of London Bridge folio sheet BRILLIANT IMPRESSION, AND VERY RARE, accompanied with the small Equestrian Portrait, Eb. Kieser exc. 2 302 JAMES sy THe Grace oF Gop KING oF GREAT BRITAIN, AND Henry II. py Grackr oF Gop PRINCE oF WALES, on the right is the King crowned and sitting, a sword in his right hand, and a skull in his left, resting on his knee ; before him stands Prince Henry, whose left hand rests on a skull on the table; beneath are sixteen metrical lines, commencing, “¢ Who viewes not on this reverend aspect Wisdome and Majesty theire rayes reflect.” Wii. Passzus figu. et sculpsit, are to be sould by Thomas Jenner, Anno Dom. 1621 half sheet THE EXCESSIVELY RARE ORIGINAL Print from the Gulston Collection, accompanied with an impression from the plate, altered in the address to George Fearebeard excudit ° : 2 303 JacoBpus ET Anna, REx ET RecGina ANGLIA, FrRAnNcIZ, Scotia, et Hrpernia, by Wierix, whole lengths, the King holding a baton in his right hand, and with his left the hilt of his sword, his helmet on a table behind him, a shield of arms below VERY RARE, BRILLIANT IMPRESSION, Johan Wiricx f. et excud. cum Privil. Sig. de Buscher haff sheet 1 804 Jacosus ET Anna, Rex ET RecinA, whole lengths, of a very similar character to the preceding Print, the King, however, holds the sceptre, and his helmet is on the ground, the shield of arms above, verses in Latin beneath VERY RARE, and beautifully engraved half sheet 1 Bi le THE STOWE GRANGER, VOL. I. 305 Tut Most HicoH anp Micuty MonarkK JAMES BY THE GrRaAcE or Gop Kine or GREAT EBRITAINE, FRANCE, AND IRELAND, BORNE THE 19 oF JUNE, 1566 Tue Most ExceLttent Princessrk ANNE QUEENE OF Great BritTraIne, FRANCE, AND IRELAND, BORNE THE 12 OctoBeEr, 1574, whole lengths, half sheet R. Ecstracx sculp. are to be sold at the Whit Horse, in Pope's head Alley, by John Sudbury and George Humble . 1 *,* A BRILLIANT IMPRESSION OF ONE OF THE MOST IN- TERESTING AND MOST BEAUTIFUL OF THE SERIES OF EncuisH Portraits. Besides that in the Sutherland Collection, now in the Bodleian Library at Oxford, this is the only other impression known, and in point of brilliancy itis not possible that this can be surpassed. The Queen is on the right hand, magnificently attired, wearing a hoop ; ‘she holds in the one hand a feather, and in the other a book, a high lace collar terminating in a rose, with brilliant and pearls in her hair. The open tunic of satin is orna- mented with jewels and pearls, and shows the embroidered skirt beneath it. 306 JAMES THE SIXTH, AND ANNE HIS QUEEN R. ELstrackeE scul., as before 1 *,* This is an impression of the same plate as the preceding, but is rendered particularly interesting from the EXTRA- ORDINARY ALTERATION that has been made in the face of the King, the original one by Elstrack having been obliterated, and the present (apparently the work of Simon Pass) introduced in its stead. The present impression is from the collection of Sir Mark Sykes, at whose sale, in 1824, it formed one of the most interesting portraits in his collection, and considered as the only one known. 307 JAMES THE First, and ANNE HIS QUEEN, whole lengths, in their robes of state and crowned; over their heads are sus- pended the arms of Great Britain and Denmark, with a Me- dallion of Prince Henry, and Genealogy proceeding from the two roses of York and Lancaster occupying the centre Renoip Exrsrrack sculpsit. John Speed excudebat. oblong folio 1. *,* A BRILLIANT IMPRESSION OF THIS MOST RARE AND IN- TERESTING ENGRAVING. It is not noticed by Bromley, and is from the collection of Sir M. Sykes. a Fas We CeO ey hy THE STOWE GRANGER, VOL. I. ou 308 James I. and Anne his Queen, by Visscher, whole lengths, crowned and sceptred, standing in niches under separate arches, with a Medallion of Prince Henry, and Genealogy in the centre, fine and rare, oblong folio sheet ; also two other sheet engravings of a similar nature, one large and other small; and also oval Portraits of James and Anne, &e., rare and interesting 4 309 James I. and nis QUEEN, an original pen ane sepia sketch, by Prince Rupert, very interesting 1 310 Title Pages to various Works, containing engraved Portraits of James I. and Historical Subjects, &c. 311 THE UNIQUE SERIES OF THE TWENTY-FOUR EQUESTRIAN PORTRAITS OF THE KINGS OF ENGLAND, INcLUDING ALSO THE QuEENS Mary AND ELIZABETH, small 4to.size Soutp By Ros. WALTON *,* The fortunate circumstance of the late Duke of Bucking- ham having purchased the present series, when, in 1822, they were sold by auction at this house in separate lots, offers a most favourable opportunity for their being again bound together and preserved as a BooK, from which state, in our humble opinion, we think they ought never to have been altered. Had there not existed rare and exquisitely beautiful single portraits of our kings and queens for the purpose of illustrating the labours of Clarendon, Granger, and other interesting works, there might be some ground for their being separated. If, however, it should be found that our views do not meet the wishes of those who may be interested on the subject, the several Portraits may be sold singly in their numerical order as noticed on each Print. IN STATING THIS EXTRAORDINARY AND MOST INTEREST- ING SERIES OF HisToRICAL PORTRAITS TO BE UNIQUE, we would observe, that there have been two or three of the Portraits sold separately at very great prices, since the sale of these in 1822, and we do not despair, but that the title page of the volume (no doubt containing the portrait of William the Conqueror, here wanting’), may be found among the very many collections of engraved title pages existing. F 34 THE STOWE GRANGER, VOL. I. To each of the Portraits is a printed description beneath it, chiefly in verse. The very interesting Portrait of Edward the Black Prince, here inserted between those numbered 11 and 12, does not appear to have been published with the series, though marked as sold-by Rob. Walton. HISTORICAL ENGRAVINGS, JAC. I. TEMP. Vol. I. pp. 810, 811. 312 JAMES I, SITTING IN PARLIAMENT, 1604; THE KING IS BENEATH A CANOPY OF STATE, WITH PRINCE HENRY ON HIS LEFT HAND, ON THE ONE SIDE LorpD CHANCELLOR ELLESMERE, AND ON THE OTHER THE EArt oF Dorset, Lorp TREASURER, WITH THE OTHER GREAT OFFICERS OF STATE STANDING NEAR THE THRONE, THE PEERS, BIsHoPS, JUDGES, AND OTHER MEMBERS OF THE HOUSE RANGED ON EITHER SIDE; together with the Arms of English, Scotch, and Irish Nobility RENOLD EvstTRACK sculpsit, JoHN SPEED excudebat, 1604 . large folio folding sheet 1 *,* THIS EXCESSIVELY RARE, MOST INTERESTING, AND RE- MARKABLY CURIOUS ENGRAVING, is in the highest state of preservation, and is from the Collection of Sir Mark Sykes; in an historical point of view the print is truly valuable, as giving true and faithful Portraits of the Illus- trious Men who formed the Privy Council of James. 318 JAMES I, SITTING IN PARLIAMENT, 1624, awn HisToRIcAL ENGRAVING OF A SIMILAR DESCRIPTION TO THE PRECEDING. HERE THE KING IS ACCOMPANIED BY Prince CHARLES, LorD KEEPER WILLIAMS, AND THE Eart oF MAriLBorouan, (Sir JAMES LEy), ARE STANDING BEHIND THE THRONE. IN FRONT ARE SEEN THE EARL OF WORCESTER, WITH THE SWORD OF STATE, THE EARL oF OxrorpD, THE DUKE oF BUCKINGHAM, AND OTHERS OF THE Privy CounciL, whose portraits are here most admirably pourtrayed Reno_D Exstraxk sculpsit, Joun Sprep excudebat, 1624 large folding folio sheet 1 *,* A PECULIAR INTEREST ATTACHES ITSELF TO THIS — TRULY VALUABLE HisTORICAL ENGRAVING, INASMUCH AS WE HAVE HERE REPRESENTED THE Prince CHARLES THE STOWE GRANGER, VOL. I. 35 ATTENDING AT THE COUNCILS OF HIS FATHER THE YEAR ONLY BEFORE HE ASCENDED THE THRONE. In addition to the borders of coats of arms as in the previous print, there are at either side, “The Armes of the Earles, Viscounts, and™ Barons of the Kingdom of Ireland,” and ‘The Armes of the Lord Barons of Scotland.” Besides that, attached to the engraving, there is another impression of these side borders, which, at the sale of the late Sir M. Sykes, were sold with the preceding print, but which evidently do not, as is justly observed in an autograph note by the late Duke of Buckingham, belong to the print, and though they differ from those attached to the present engraving, yet they do apparently belong to it. This and the preceding lot were formerly in the Collection of Sir James Winter Lake. 314 THe Arcus or TriumPH, erected in honor of the High and Mighty Prince James, the first of that name, King of England, and sixt of Scotland, at His Magestizs En- TRANCE AND PassAGE THROUGH HIS HONORABLE Citty oF Lonpon, upon the 15th day of March, 1603 Invented and published by SrzepHen Harrison, Joyner and Architect, and graven by WiLtL1AM Kip, in eight en- gravings are to be sould at the White Horse, in Pope’s Head Alley, by John Sudbury and George Humble folio 8 *,* These eight engravings are from one of the rarest of our works, illustrating the magnificence and splendour of the pageantry of bygone days, and will be found amply des- cribed in Nichols’s Progress of James I. 315 Tuer ApoTHeosis oF JAmEs I, as represented in the paintings by Rubens, on the ceiling of the Banquetine House at WHITEHALL, in 1720, engraved on three sheets, by Gribelin, brilliant impressions 3 816 THe REVELLS OF CHRISTENDOME, T. Cer ioeye SCULP., with 48 metrical lines beneath, sowld by Mary Oliver, in Westminster Hall oblong folio sheet 1 * * THIS EXCESSIVELY RARE AND CURIOUS SATIRICAL EN- GRAVING represents James I, Henry IV. of France, Prince Maurice, and Christian IV. of Denmark, seated at a table 36 THE STOWE GRANGER, VOL. I. as the “ Four Royal Gamesters,” with the Pope of Rome, his Cardinal and Monks, who are seated in front, the Pope snatching the stakes won by King James, who seizes on his crown. “ To snatch the last stake up, Brittaine then swore To have the Triple Crowne, Rome’s Vicar wore.” The portraits, as usual, with those by Cockson, are admirable likenesses. 317 THe Devit upon Duny, or the Downfall of the Upstart CuymMisT, being the second edition of a late song, to the tune of Smock us, and Choak us A folio sheet ballad, on the upper part of which occurs the EXCESSIVELY RARE ENGRAVING by HOLLAR, representing ‘The Death of King James the First ” printed for Nathaniel Brooke, 1672 *,* This is accompanied by the copy made from the impres- sion in the Collection of the late William Beckford, Esq. ROYAL FAMILY conrtinuep. Vol. I. p. 312 to 318. 318 Anna Regina Scotorum, whole length, with Portrait of Prince Henry at her side, Visscher excudit, in two states, one before the name of the engraving ; her Portraits also, by Crisp. de Pass, and others : 6 319 Anne of Denmark, Queen of James I, oval, with verses by Farley beneath, Simon Passeus sculpsit, are to be sold by John Sudbury and George Humble, in two states ; also her Portrait, by MJeyssens and Houbraken, with a proof of that by the latter 6 320 Prince Henry, Illustrissimi Generouieamunta Pri. Henrici, VERA EFFIGIES THE ORIGINAL AND VERY RARE ENGRAVING by Simon Pass, representing the whole Portrait of Prince Henry exercising with a lance, a representation of a tournament in the back ground, are to be soulde by Compton Holland, over against the Exchange, at the signe of the Globe half sheet foto 1 *,* A BRILLIANT PROOF IMPRESSION, before the name of — the Engraver; from the Collection of Sir Mark Sykes. It is accompanied with two impressions, one a proof before the letters, of the mezzotint, published by Woodburn, engraved by Dunkarton. Soe THE STOWE GRANGER, VOL. I. 37 321 Henricus Princeps, Wallie Magne Britannie Regis Primo- genitus, C. Boel fecit, Petrus de Jode excudit, are to be sold in Lombard Streete, by John Boswell, fine impres- sions, in three different states of the plate 3 322 Henricus,Wallia Princeps, by Delaram, Crispin de Pass, &c. together; the small full-length Portrait of the Prince, by Hole,in two different states ; Portraits also, by Vertue, &c. 9 323 CHARLES PRINCE OF WALES, whole length, on the right a table with the hat of the Prince thereon, and on the left the royal canopy, verses beneath, R. Elstracke sculp. Medallion of Queen Anne, and Charles, by Simon Pass, ori- ginal impressions, with autograph of Walpole; other Portraits and Medallions, &c. by Pass, &c. ° 8 324 CHARLES Prince oF WALES, and THE INFANTA Marta, small whole lengths, Our Saviour joining their hands ; above them are represented James I. and Philip King of Spain, their trains supported by the Duke of Buckingham and Count Olivares, the populace below applauding “ Omnes Gentes plaudite manibus” an exceedingly rare and curious engraving, in which are numerous mystical emblems small folio sheet 1 *,* This singular engraving is from the collection of Sir Mark Sykes. It is accompanied with another rare print, repre- senting Our Saviour joining the SES of Prince Charles and Maria. 324*The Prince Charles and Henrietta Maria ; mere full lengths, being the frontispiece to the Bpithalamium Gallo-Britan- nicum folio sheet 1 325 The Most Illustrious and Renow ced Prince CHARLES, Prince of Wales, with cap and feather, and falling ruff, small square within a border, with military figures, WiL. Pass scu., Tho. Jenner excud. brilliant Mere and very rare 1 826 Prince CHARLES eS Delaram, Simon Pass, Crisp. de Pass, and others ; the Infanta Maria, by Simon Pass all fine, and several very rare, a charming sheet 8 327 Prince Charles on horseback, by Ch. Turner, after the unique Print by Delaram, two impressions, one a proof b.l. 2 38 THE STOWE GRANGER, VOL, I. 828 THe NosLE AND VERTEOUS Princes ELIZABETH, DAUGH- TER TO ouUR Sover. Lor. Kina James, large three quarters, in a magnificent dress, with high laced collar, and holding in her left hand a book, with Latin and English — verses, by Jo. Davies, commencing— “ This Form and Face which Arte delineates In both, shewes Grace and Natures vtmost skill.” VERY RARE; C. Bort fecit. are to be solde in Lombard street, by John Boswell ] 329 Elizabeth, Queen of Bohemia, three quarters, holding in one hand a fan of feathers, and in the other an embroidered handkerchief, sixteen verses beneath, sould by John Overton ; and (also) are to be sould by Peter Stent; other Portraits of her by Crisp. Pass, Moncornet, Vertue, &e. ° ; 7 FAMILY PIECES OF JAMES I. &c. Vol. I. p. 318 to 320. 830 James the First, and the Palatinate Family, Historical Prints from the “ Vor Dei,” and “ Vox Regis,” by W. Pass fine and scarce . : = 331 Tue PRoGENIE OF THE MOST RENOWNED PRINCE JAMES, Kine or GREAT BrITAINE, FRANCE, AND IRELAND, CONSISTING OF TWENTY-THREE WHOLE-LENGTH FI- GURES, with Latin and English Inscriptions underneath, in seven compartments, ARE TO BE SOULD AT THE UNI- CORNE IN CORNEHILL, BY WILL. RippDIARD! large oblong sheet 1 THIS MOST INTERESTING AND BEAUTIFULLY EXECUTED ENGRAVING, FROM THE SYKES COLLECTION, IS PRO- BABLY UNIQUE. It appears to have been published after the death of James the First, as he is represented seated on the throne, and holding in his left hand a skull, which symbol of death also accompanies the figures of the renowned Prince Henry and other of his deceased children. On the left of the engraving are Chares I, his Queen Hen- rietta Maria, and their offspring ; and on the right, the Princess Elizabeth, her husband Frederick of Bohemia, and their children. The likenesses throughout are admi- : rably preserved, and the print is in the highest state of preservation. THE STOWE GRANGER, VOL. I. 39 332 Triumpuus JAcosi Recis AucustxQu_E Ipsius Protez Witt. Pass sculp. are to be sold by Tho. Jenner at y? Ex- change ; oblong folio sheet 1 * * THis 18 ANOTHER EXCEEDINGLY RARE AND INTEREST- ING ENGRAVING, REPRESENTING THE KING AND HIS Royat PROGENY, EXECUTED DURING HIS LIFE TIME. On the left side is Prince Charles, bare-headed, standing before a table, with his right hand placed upon the Bible, lying open. On the side are the King and Queen of Bo- hemia, with their royal progeny. Beneath are metrical lines in Latin and English, the latter signed “ W. G. seripsit.” Two proof impressions (one before any letters) of the beau- tiful mezzotint engraving, executed by Charles Turner, from this extremely rare print, accompanies it. 303 TriumpHus JAcosI Recis AucusT#QUE Ipsius PROLE Witt Pass sculp. gc. as before ; 1 *,.* This is an impression from the same plate as the preceding, but WITH CONSIDERABLE ALTERATION made on the demise of the King, a skull being held in his hand. Prince Charles is represented as King, his Queen, Henrietta Maria, standing by his side in lieu of the table and Bible as in the previous engraving. 334 THE Most Happy UNIONS CONTRACTED BETWIXT THE PRINCES OF: THE Bioop Roya or THis Two Famous KiInGpDoMEs oF ENGLAND AND SCOTLAND, contynewed from the Normans Conquest to our most gracious Soue- raign JAMEs I. King of England, Scotland, France, and Defender of the Faith Renotp Exstrax sculpsit. JouN SPEED excudebat large folio sheet 1 ** THis EXTRAORDINARY RARE SHEET COMPRISES TWENTY BEAUTIFUL ENGRAVED MEDALLION PORTRAITS OF THE KINGS AND QUEENS OF SCOTLAND, interlinked with roses and thistles, from which are suspended the various. Royal Shields of Arms. The portraits commence from the lower part, with JoHn or Gaunt on the right and Rosert II. on the left, ending on the top with those of Kine JAmMeEs and Anne his Queen; on either side is a descriptive letter-press, in which is stated, “ The portraictures of all those most royall personages so 40 339 336 338 339 THE STOWE GRANGER, VOL. I. conjoyned and knite, as fare as by any presidents cold be attayned, is here expressed both of England and Scotland, and also of those princes that hath bene united unto them, as either by their pictures remayning, or monuments yet sene, or by descriptions from others gathered, may justly be veryfied.” Tue RorALy PROGENIE OF OUR MOST SACRED King JAMES, BY THE GraAcE oF Gop Kine or E. S. F. and L., &e., DESCENDED FROM THE victorious Kine Henry VII. AND ELIZABETH HIS WIFE, WHEREIN THE TWO DIVIDED FAMILIES WERE UNITED TOGETHER . BENJAMIN WricutT fecit, Compton HoLLAND execu. Lon. 1619, large half sheet 1 *.* THis EXCESSIVELY RARE SHEET is from the Collections of Sir James Lake and Sir Mark Sykes, the latter noting on the back of it, “I have never seen a duplicate of this print entire.” It is of the same character as the one preceding. It contains fourteen Medallion Portraits, commencing with Henry VII, the portrait being connected with the rose, &c. THE GENEALOGY OF THE KINGS AND QUEENS OF ENGLAND, FROM EGBERT TO K1nG JAMES I, COMPRISED IN EIGHT OR MORE LARGE SHEETS, IMPRINTED APPARENTLY FROM WOODEN BLOCKS *,* This extraordinary production contains very many portraits, coats of arms, and all the usual illustrations attendant on genealogical rolls. It is believed to be complete, and only wants arranging and mounting on thin linen. THe PALATINATE FamILy, whole length figures of Frederick King of Bohemia, and Elizabeth his Queen, with those of their five children in the centre, WiLL. Pass fecit et ad vicum figurator, are to be sould by Thomas Jennier, &e. Jine impression and very rare small oblong 4to. 1 THE PALATINATE FamILy, very similar to the preceding, but having an infant, the sixth child, in a cradle in front of the others, extremely rare, and a brilliant impression small oblong 4to. 1 | Tue Patatinate Famiry, by Visscher, representing the King and Queen of Bohemia seated on their thrones, attended by their nine children brilliant impression, and very rare — oblong folio sheet 1 340 341 342 343 344 345 346 347 348 349 THE STOWE GRANGER, VOL. I. 4] The Palatinate Family, Frantz. Br. fec., F. Hoeius ex., the King and Queen between two pillars, and surrounded by their ¢en children brilliant impression, and very rare — small oblong 4to. 1 ILLUSTRIOUS STATESMEN, PEERS, &c. Vol. I. p. 320 to 339. Robert Cecil, Earl of Salisbury, H. Stock sculp., are to be solde by Compton Holland, &c.; others, from the Heroo- logia, &e.; Thos. Sackville, Earl of Dorset, &c. by Hou- braken, Vertue, &c. 9 Thos. Howard, Earl of Suffolke, by Blcenaakee are to be sold by Compton Holland, brilliant impression ; another, without the address, also the copy 3 Edward Somerset, Earle of Worcester, by hii Pass, are to be sold by John Sudbury and Geo. Humble, fine impres- ston, and rare; also another of the same, with the address, are to be sould by William Peake : 2 Henry Veere, Earle of Oxford, holding a truncheon, by Robert Vaughan, are to be sold a Comp. Holland, and RV., Jine and rare : 1 The Portraiture of the two most noble Henries revived, the Earles of Oxford and Southampton, equestrian portraits, very rare are to be sould by Tho. Jenner 1 CuHarwes Eart or NotrineuaM, in the robes of the Garter, - whole length, standing under an arch, by RoGErs brilliant proof 1 George Villiers, Duke of Buckingham, ova, with an ornamental border, and others; H. Howard, Earl of Northampton, Xe. 11 Tue Hicu AND ore PRINCE Lancer’ Doke oF Ricu- MOND AND LENNOX, whole length, hf. sheet, by Van Somer P. v. S. pinxit, JoANNES Barra sculpsit, &c. 1624 EXTREMELY RARE, A BRILLIANT IMPRESSION, from the Col- lection of Sir James Lake and Sir Mark Sykes 1 Prince Lodowick, Duke of Lennox, by Simon Pass, Compton Holland exc.; also a copy of the full-length in previous lot; Rt. Car, Earl of Somerset, and the Ladie Frances, his Wife, whole lengths, rare; his Portrait, by Simon Pass, &c. : : 6 G 42 350 351 352 353 3904 309 396 357 358 359 360 361 362 THE STOWE GRANGER, VOL. I. Carr, Earl of Somerset, by Houbraken, one a proof before letiers 2 William Earle of Paiesks. &ec., by Simon Fee are to be sold by John Sudbury and Geo. Humble; another, are to be sould by William Peake; and one, the reverse sido, no address 3 Francis Manners, Earl of Rutland, fine, pee very rare, are to be sold by Thomas Jenner and Geo. Ferbearde exc., also the copy ‘ 2 Henry Percy, Earl of Northumberland, with hat and flowing beard, by Francis Delaram extremely rare are to be sold by Thomas Jenner 1 | Henry Percy, Earl of Northumberland, with bald head and beard, by Fr. Delaram, also the copy very rare are to be sold by Geo. Humble 2 Robt. Devereux, Earl of Essex, when young, by Elstracke, scarce, are to be sold by Compton Holland; also other Portraits of him 4 Henry Wriothsley, Earle of Southam by Simon Pass, are to be sold by Joh. Sudbury and Georg. Humble, brilliant impression ; also the copy 2 Thomas Howard, Earle of Arundell, by Sena Pass, Compton Holland exc. ; also his Portrait, by Cooper, from a minia- ture, 3 proof impressions : * Richarp SackviLLe, Baron of Buckhurst and Earle of Dorset, by Simon Pass, are to be sould by John Sudbury and Geor. Humble, brilliant impression, and very rare ; another, with the address, are to be sould by William Peake 2 Richard Lord Bernie. Earle of Dae small oval, in armour, with six verses beneath, also the copy very rare, brilliant impression are to be sould by John Hind 2 Roser Sipney, Viscount Lisle, Baron of Penshurst, by Simon Pass, brilliant impression, and very rare are to be sold by Joh. Sud. and Geor. Humble 1 Joun Diasy, Earl of Bristol, also the copy fine impression are to be sould by William Peake 2 Sir William Knollis, Viscount Wallingford, &c., ave to be sold by Compton Holland, fine impression ; also another, with the address of John Hind ; also the copy, and a Portrait of Lord Lumley : 4 THE STOWE GRANGER, VOL. I. 43 363 A REPRESENTATION OF THE RIGHTE HONOURABLE JOHN LORD HARRINGTON, Baron or Exton, Knighte of the Noble Order of the Bathe, and his Ma*** Leuetenant of the County of Rutland, taken at Whitehall THE EXTREMELY RARE EQUESTRIAN PoRTRAIT, bare headed, with truncheon in his hand, the horse richly caparisoned ° : 1 *.* THIS BEAUTIFUL AND PROBABLY UNIQUE PORTRAIT is from the Collection of Sir Mark Sykes. Above the figure is the following anagram— “ Dominus Johannes Harringtonus Insignis erat, ab, unus honor domi.” 364 Dominus JoHANNES HARRINGTON, BARo bE Exton, ZETAT. 22, oval, within a border, a lion and cock sup- porting the arms and crest, with English verses beneath R. Exsrrack sculpsit, Hen. Balaam excudeb., Ato. BRILLIANT IMPRESSION, AND RARE; his Portrait also, from the Heroologia, and another ; 3 365 Edmond Baron Lord Sheffield, by Ailstracke, are to be sould by Jhon Sudbury and Geo. Humble, brilliant impression, and very rare; also the copy, and another, by &. Grave 3 366 James Lord Hay, Baron of Saley, by Sim. Pass, fine and rare are to be sould by John Sudbury and Geor. Humble 1 367 The Portraicture of the Right Honourable the Lord Mountjoy Blunt, by Droeshout, Tho. Jenner exc., very rare, and Jine : ; I 368 Lord Mountjoy Blunt, by Droeshout, as the preceding, but with a border, the lower part the tilting match, the upper a boar hunt, the sides hawking, &c., extremely rare, and very brilliant : : 1 THE CLERGY. Vol. I. p. 339 to 381. 369 Geo. Abbot, Abp. of Canterbury, by Simon Pass, Vertue, Houbraken, &e.; Abp. Bancroft, by Vertue, &c. 6 370 Abp. Abbot, by Simon Pass, Compton Holland excudit, bril- liant impression ; another, are to be sold by John Hind ; his Portrait, by Houbraken, fine proof, &c. 4 44 THE STOWE GRANGER, VOL. If. 371 John King, Bp. of London, by Simon Pass, are to be sould by J. S. and G. Humble, fine; Matthew Hutton, Abp. of York, by Elstracke, He. Holland eacudit, fine, and others 5 372 King, Bp. of London, ta Delaram, Comp. Holl. excud.; the same, by Simon Pass, sould by P. Stent; Richard Vaughan, from the Heroologia, &c. ° 4. 373 GrorcEe MountTaIneE, Bp. of London, G. Y. seulpsit, are to be sold at the Globe, against the EHachange, a brilliant impression, and very rare, also the copy James Mountague, Bp. of Winchester, Henricus et Compt. Holland excud., &c. 5 374 Lancelot Andrewes, Bp. of Winchester, mi verses beneath by George Wither, fine and rare; his Portraits also by Payne, Vaughan and Hollar, all fine . 4 375 Gervase Babington, Bp. of Worcester, by Zlstracke and others ; John Jegon, by Tyson; Bp. Andrewes; Bp. John Overall, &e. 10 376 Henry Robinson, Bp. of ‘Gaile and Bane Airay, &c., three Monumental Effigies, curious and rare, from the Bindley Collection, &c. : large folding folio sheet 3 377 Robert Abbot, Bp. of Salisbury, by Delaram, in two states, one with the Christian name John, sold by Jo. Sudbury and G. Humble, the other sold by Wiliam Peake, and three others of him; Fr. Godwin, Bp. of Landaf, by Vertue 6 878 Arthur Lake, Bp. of Bath te Wells, by Pisa fine; others, by Hollar, &c.; Patrick Forbes, of Corse, by Gaywood ; also his Portrait, a drawing in chalks, &e. 7 379 John Williams, Bp. of Lincoln, are to be sold by Tho. Jenner, &c.; George Carleton; John Boys, title page, by Payne; John Donne, by Hollar, &c. 9 380 Francis White ; Bishop of Carlisle, by Gillie: brilliant im- pression ; another, by Mountin, in two states, one with the address of Geo. Humble, brilliant 3 381 Ant. de Dominis, by El/stracke, and others; Andrew Willet, large oval; Rd. Middleton; William Slater, with the copy ; John White, fine and scarce 12 382 Robert Hill; Dr. Sutton; Robert Bolton; Samuel Purchas, title page to his Pilgrimage, rare; Ant. de Dominis 10 883 384 385 386 387 388 389 390 391 392 393 ‘THE STOWE GRANGER, VOL. I. 45 Rd. Wightwick, by Faber, mezz.; Rt. Burton, Blon. f. ; S. Radcliffe ; W. Pemble, in the Oxford Almanack, 1749 ; S. Durand ; Thomas Wilson, by Cross 7 Thos. Scott, by Marshall, with verses beneath, brilliant ; his Portraits, by Crispin de Pas, &c. fine; Richard Stock, Tho. Jenner exc.; and Monumental Effigy of Erasmus Williams . 8 John Dod, by Cross, with verses beneath; Hark Broughton, by Payne; Arthur Hilderson; John Cartan, Dr. Bishop ; a True Portraiture of the Jesuits and pass on one plate, vare ; Abraham Aurelius ll Henricus GarRNnETUS, by Wieriz, fine per rare; and others; William Fich of Campfield, Essex; John Forbes and other Jesuits, with six Historical Engravings representing the Deaths of Jesuits, &c. ‘ 16 ILLUSTRIOUS COMMONERS, STATESMEN, &c. Vol. I. p. 381 to 395. Sir Ralp Winwood, by Hondius, Vertue, &.; Sir Dudley Carleton, by Delff,; &c.; William Trumbell, by Vertue ; Petrus Young a Seton 10 Sir Thomas Smith, by Simon Pass, Catan Holland excud. ; another, Jo. Woodall excudit. ; Sir Robert Naunton, by Sim. Pass; Sir Anthony Shirley : 5 Rosertus SHERLEY Anglus Comes Gesare Eques Aurat., oval, within a border, the lower part representing him kneeling as Ambassador at the Persian Court UNIQUE, from the G'ulston and Hollis Collections His full length, by Birrel; and copy of the previous one, two impressions ° 4 Tuomas Ecerton; Lord Ellesmere, by Simon Pass, G'uil Hole, fine and rare, Fittler and others 8 Sir Francis Bacon, by Simon Pass? brilliant impression before any address, with large margin 1 Sir Francis Bacon, reverse side to the preceding, Simon Passeus sculpsit, are to be sould by John ee and George Humble, fine impression 1 Sir Francis Bacon, by Pass, Hollar, Van ries ; and an oval, not noticed in Bromley or Granger 3 46 THE STOWE GRANGER, VOL. I. 394 Sir Francis Bacon, head in red chalk, drawing ; another in black chalk, being his Head from his Monument at St. Alban’s; his Portrait, by Houbraken; and Statue, by Hollar : 4 395 Sir Francis Bacon, by Marshall ; others by Hollar, Glover, Cross, Vertue, &e. 10 396 Sir Edward Coke, by Simon Pass, Castes Holland excudit. ; also by Payne; and others, White, some rare and fine 9 397 Sir Edward Coke, by Loggan, Cooper, and weds all Jine impressions 3 398 Sir Henry Montagu, by Dian with six Latin verses be- neath, Compton Holland eacud.; Sir Henry Hobart, by Simon Pass, in two states, one, sould by John Sudbury and Geo. Humble 3 399 Sir JuLtius Cz#sar, Master of the Rolls, by R. Elstracke, are to be sold by Compton Holland, a brilliant impres- ston, with good margin ° | 400 Sir JuLtius Casar, a most curious and interesting satirical Print, in which King James, Queen Ann of Denmark, the Duke of Buckingham, and other Distinguished Chae racters are represented as endeavouring to mount an ass; beneath are thirty English verses, printed, coloured, and sould by John Garrett, &c. oblong folio sheet 1 *,* This singularly curious and probably UNIQUE Print is from the Collection of Sir Mark Sykes. 401 Sir Francis More, by Fatthorne, brilliant impression; Sir James Ley, by Payne, with the copy ; Michael Dalton, by Marshall, &c.; Sir Thomas Craig, by Vertue ; Adamus Blacuodeus, by Picart, &c. 10 MILITARY AND NAVAL MEN. Vol. I. p. 395 to 400. 402 Sir Horatio Vere, by Francis Delaram, Compton Holland excudit. ; his Equestrian Portrait, G. Mountain sculpsit. are to be solde by William Peake; Sir H. Vere, by Vertue ; Lord Chichester 5 403 Generall Cecill, Sone to the Earle of Exeter, if Simon Pass, are to be soulde by John Sudbury and Georg. Humble, rare and fine ; also the copy . 2 a = eee i THE STOWE GRANGER, VOL. I. 47 404 Gulielmus Fairfax, by Gaywood, with six verses beneath, two different portraits, one to the right and one to the left, the latter the very rare original ; also the copy of the same 3 405 Gulielmus Fairfax, by WM. Droeshout, small oval, with military trophies, fine and very scarce ; also the copy 2 406 The Generous and Most Noble Henry Ricu, Knight, Cap- taine of the Guarde to his Royall Majestie, by Simon Pass, are to be soulde by Thomas Jenner A BRILLIANT IMPRESSION, AND VERY RARE 1 407 ArtHurR Severus O’TooLe Nonestcu, an° etatis 80, 1618, by Francis Delaram, with English verses beneath, are to be sould by Thomas Jenner, brilliant impression, and very rare, also the copy 2 408 The Portraiture of Captain John Smith, nd e7, 1616, and six verses beneath, the rare original, in two states, also the copy; and two Historical Prints : 5 408* AN ANONYMOUS PORTRAIT, small oval by HoLuaR, very rare, and a_brilliant impression : ; 1 BARONETS, KNIGHTS, &c. Vol. I. p. 400 to 407. 409 Sir Hugh Middleton, by Vertue; Thos. Harley, by Vertue ; Sir Richard Spencer, by Hondius ; also eighteen Portraits on one sheet, containing his Portrait; Sir William Wadd, Tho. Jenner excud., with the copy, &c. : 9 410 Thomas Sutton, Founder of the Charter House, by Elstracke, Compton Holland excud.; another, are to be soulde by John Hind ; others, by Van Hove, Vertue, and full length, by Faber ; Darcy Wentworth, by Pass, withthe copies 9 411 Thomas Sutton, by Faber; Nicolas Wadham, by Faber ; Thomas Teesdale, by Faber ; Alderman Leate, by Payne, fine tmpression ; John Graves, by Vertue; and Monu- mental Effigies, &c. : ; 12 END OF VOLUME I. 48 THE STOWE GRANGER, VOL. It. FOURTH DAY’S SALE. AUTHORS, POETS, ANTIQUARIANS, &c. Vol. II. p. 1 to p. 41. LOT 412 Gulielmus Butler; Robertus Fludd, by Merian and others; Jo- hannes Antonius, by Cross; Gilbertus Jaccheus, &c.— Physicians : 8 413 Ben Johnson, by R. paapiin, are to be sold by Geo. Humble; the same, without the address; others by Vertue, War- ren, &c. Z 414 Ben Johnson, by Houde aken, Vertue, and Elder, the first a Jine proof : 3 415 Ben Johnson, by Houbraken and Vertue; Tr. Beaumont, by Vertue, &c.; Joh. Fletcher, by Vertue, &c. 10 416 Joh. Fletcher, by ‘Mosshell title to his folio work, brilliant im- pression ° 1 417 Michael Drayton, by Hole and Marshall ; Sir Thomas Over- bury, by Simon Pass, Laur. Lisle et Hen. Holland exud. ; also the smaller Portrait, with the copy; Samuel Daniel, by Hollar, with the copy ‘ 8 418 Sir THomas OvVERBURY: AN EXTRAORDINARILY RARE, AND PROBABLY UNIQUE ENGRAVING, By Martin DRroks- HOUT, IN ALLUSION TO HIS MURDER. Sir Thomas Overbury is represented as lying at full length, his head resting on the fire beneath a furnace. In the back are full-length figures of Ropert Car, EARL OF SOMER- SET, AND nIs CounrtEss, the divorced wife of Sir Thomas Overbury, who looking on, exclaims : “ Once (Faire) I knew the tongues Phlebotomie Had powre to cure your Sexes Maladie, But now youre manly humours boile so highe That you must in y® Gallants Fernace lye” Beneath and on the engraving are numerous verses explana- tory of the many figures in this most curious folio sheet, Sould by R. Stent 1 THE STOWE GRANGER, VOL. II. 49 419 Tuer PortTRAiIcTuRE oF SIR THOMAS OVERBURY, KNIGHT, ETAT 82, SEATED AT HIS DESK, WITH HIS HEAD REST- ING ON HIS LEFT HAND, CONTEMPLATING HIS OWN EPITAPH, IN WHICH HE IS IN THE ACT OF WRITING RENOLD ELsTRACK sculpsit, Compton HoLianp eaxcudit. half sheet 1 ** THIS MOST INTERESTING, BEAUTIFUL, AND PROBA- BLY UNIQUE PORTRAIT, IS FROM THE COLLECTIONS OF GENERAL DowpESWELL AND Sir Mark Sykes. On the right corner are arms of Overbury; beneath are twelve metrical lines, and the following is the epitaph com- menced, the poet resting his pen at the final word, his own name. “ His Epitaph written by himself.” « The span of my dayes measur ‘d, heere I rest, That is my body ; but my soule, his guest, Is hence ascended, whither, neither Tyme, Nor Faith, nor Hope, but onely love can clime. Wher being now enlightened, shee doth know The truth of all men argue of below : Onely this dust doth heere in Pawne remaine, Then the world dissolves she come again. | Tho. Overburie.” 420 Grorce CHAPMAN, by WILL. Pass, being the rare folio title page to the Batrachomyomachia, a brilliant impression ; his Portrait, by Hole; and one by Warren, proof and etching : é i) 491 Josuau SYLVESTER, laureated head, in oval, with verses beneath, by Jo. Vicars, commencing— “« Sylvester to the Muses Your Talent, to mee lent, yee sacred Nine, I now returne on faire Parnassus shrine.” BRILLIANT IMPRESSION, AND ALMOST UNIQUE W. Peake excudit. 1 422 Josuah Sylvester, by Corn. v. Dalen, with verses beneath, by Vicars; John Taylor, the Water Poet, in the title to his folio works; also in the character of a Waterman, from the tract Ht Habeo, &c., 1621, &c. : 6 H 50 THE STOWE GRANGER, VOL. II. 423 George Wither, by Fr. Delaram, are to be solde by Wilham Peake, fine impression ; the smaller Portrait, by Hole ; and John Owen, &c. : 7 424 Ricoarp Martin, Oracutum LonpINENSE ET POETA, obit 1618, etat 48, Stmow Passmus, scwlpsit 1620 1 *,* This is one of the rarest portraits in the English Series, and may be considered as almost unique. It is from the collection of Sir Mark Sykes, as seen by his monogram, “iM. M. S. 1814, Woodburn, £68.” Richard Martin was a native of Devonshire. His learning, politeness, and wit, were the delight and admiration of all his acquaintance. His person and manners qualified him to adorn the Court, and his eloquence to influence the Senate. King James, who was delighted with his face- tiousness, recommended him to the City of London for their Recorder, in which office he died. Two copies of the portrait accompany the original. 425 Eques Ludovicus Petrucius, Adriodantis Filius, and a Latin Poet of eminence, and of the University of Oxford Jine impression, and very rare 1 426 Lady Mary Sydney, Countess of Pembroke, te Simon Pass, are to be sold by Jo. Sudbury and Geo. Humble, very rare, and a brilliant impression; her Portrait, J. de Courbes fecit, &e. 4 427 Sir Walter Ralegh, by Simon Pas, Compt. Hollag exe. § others, by Faithorne, Vertue, &c.; John Barclay, by Mel- lan, &c. ll ' 428 Sir Walter Ralegh, by Vitighie Van Hoe" Houbraken, &c.; William Camden, 2 Marshall, Gaywood, White, Basire, &e. 17 429 Str Joun WYNN DE Guin Corn. Canny eieeeenns 1626, etatis 73, large oval, within an ornamental border, with armorial bearings, by Roz. VauGHAN fine impression, and very rare 1 430 Sir John Hayward; John Norden; Aaron Rathbone, fine, and without any address; Sir Robert Cotton, by Cross ane Vertue; Sir Thos. Roe, by Vertue 7 431 William Burton, by Fr. Delaram, fine and rare, also the copy; Sir William Segar, by Delaram, are to be sould by Thomas Jenner ‘ 3 THE STOWE GRANGER, VOL. It. dl 432 Thomas Coriat, title page to the “ Crudities,” by Hole, &c.; Samson Lennard, by Vaughan; John Florio, by Hole; S. Simon Torman; Sir A. Welden; Theop. Wodenote ; John Napier; William Lithgow, &c. 15 433 THOMAS MOFFETTUS Anetr1; NarurAatist, AND Avu- THOR OF THE THEATRUM INSECTORUM, with the Portraits of Epwarp Wotton, ConrAapbD GESNER, and THOMAS PENN on the same plate, small ovals, decorated with a variety of ornamental devices, Wit~m. Rocers, Angl. et Londonensis sculpsit small folio sheet AN EXTREMELY RARE AND ALMOST UNIQUE ENGRAVING, Srom the Collections of Mr. R. Graves and Sir Mark Sykes : ‘ 1 434 THomas Morret, by W. RoGeErRs, UNIQUE AND BRILLIANT PROOF of the preceding engraving, before the introduction of the Miniatures; also from the Collection of Sir Mark Sykes ; 5 1 PAINTERS, ENGRAVERS, &c. Vol. II. p. 41 to 48. 435 Peter Oliver, after Vandyke, &c.; Cornelius Jansen, by Meys- sens, &c.; George Jamesone; Francois Quesnel, par Michel l Asne, &c.; Nicholas Stone; Crist. Roncalli, &c. 15 436 Peter Oliver, after Vandyke, fine proof; Hofnagle, by Hon- dius ; H. Hondius, by Meyssens, &c. 4 437 Pau. vAN Somer, by Simon Pass, bust within an oval, PRooF, Jine and rare; also his Portrait, by Chambers 2 4388 John Davies, of Hereford, Poet, and “ The Writing Schoole- master,” oval, within a border, sould by Peter Stent, rare, also the copy; Martin Billingsley, by Hole, rare, &c. 5 DISTINGUISHED LADIES. Vol. II. p. 48 to 60. 439 The Illustrious Princesse Frances, Ducuress or RicnuMonp AND LeEnNnox, magnificently attired in her coronation robes, with coronet on her head, by Francis Delaram BRILLIANT IMPRESSION, AND VERY RARE 1 440 CATHERINE MaArcHIONESS OF BUCKINGHAM, oval, coronet on her head and holding a string of pearls, by /’%r. Delaram, very rare, and fine impression, from the Bindley Collection; also her Portrait, by Magdalena Pass, within an ornamental border, Tho. Jenner ex.; also copies of the same : 3 52 THE STOWE GRANGER, VOL. II. 441 Frances, Duchess of Richmond and Lennox, three quarters, by William Pass, 1623, very rare, also the copy 2 442 Tue Lapie Frances, CountressE oF HERTFORD, magni- ficently attired, oval, by Francis Delaram are to be sold by Roger Daniell, fine impression 2 *,* This very rare portrait is accompanied with the anonymous and probably wnique portrait of a lady, richly habited, and holding in one hand a fan of feathers, and in the other a handkerchief, three quarters, upright, with six verses beneath. The two portraits are from the Bindley Collec- tion, and formed lots 921 and 922, in the sale catalogue. 443 Frances Countesse of Somerset, by Simon Pass, Comp. Holl. excud., in two states, one with curled hair and the other with hat and feathers, also the copy of the first ; Elisabeth Lady Cavendish, by Vertue 4 444 Lucy Harrinaton, COUNTESS OF Buorores by Simon Pass, ore to be sold by John Sudbury and Geo. Humble, a brilliant impression ; also the copy 2 445 Lucie Countess of Bedford, a beautifully executed copy of the Stowe Miniature, painted by Nicholas Hilliard, with two proof impressions ue the engravings, by Ee from the same 3 446 Six tinted and other impressions of the plate, in ‘different states 6 447 Christian Popping, by Simon Pass, small oval, rave; Anne Bill, by Simon Pass, monumental oval; Lady Mary Vere, by Van Hove; Lady Anne Clifford, by White, scarce ; Magdalena de Pass, by Simon Pass, monumental oval a brillant impression, and very rare : i) 448 Tue Lapye ARABELLA STEUART, 1619, J. W. seulpsit, are to be sould by George oe Jine, and very rare; also the copy re 449 Lady Arabella Stuart, by “Hasseae Derothes Wadham, by Faber ; Catherine Countess of Desmond, by Alamet ; Mary Darcy, Countess Rivers, by Cooper, from the original at Hengrave by Cooper, private plate, proof on india paper 6 450 MarToaka, alias Rebecca, Dani to the Mighty Prince Powhatan, and Wife to Mr. John Rolff, etat. 22, 1616, by Simon Pass, Compton Holland excud., brilliant impres- ston, and rare; also the copy : 2- THE STOWE GRANGER, VOlLe Il. 53 REMARKABLE PERSONS. Vol. II. p. 60 to 63. 451 Tuomas Perst Nositis Ancius, Magni Britannie Regis Stipendiarius, anno 1605, by Crispin pE Pass, in an ornamented oval, with vignettes at the corners of historical events connected with the Gunpowder Plot THE ORIGINAL AND VERY RARE PORTRAIT, from the Bindley Collection, accompanied with another small and almost unique portrait of the Conspirator, as also Richardson's copy of the first : 3 452 Thomas Percius, Nobilis Anglus Conjurationis, a. Mpcv., Inite Princeps, oval, with two ovals beneath, representing the apprehension of the Conspirator, descriptions in Dutch on either side; various Portraits of the Conspirators, with plates of their execution > ll 453 THe GunrowpDER TrEAsoN Propounded, Anes Enter- prised, Practized, Reveled, Expounded by Sathan, Anti- christ, Papists, Traitors, an Eagle, an Oracle, Founded in Heaven, Confounded in Hell LARGE HISTORICAL ENGRAVING, RicH. SMITH excogitavit, Micu. DrosHaut sculpsit folio sheet 1 *.* This most rare and interesting engraving; by Droeshout, represents in the centre Kine James in his High Court of Parliament, the House of Lords. Beneath are the barrels of gunpowder, “ Faux” standing on the left corner, and below the Portraits of the Twelve Conspirators, the Por- trait of Henry Garnett occupying the centre in an oval. 454 Gun Powder Conspirators in Council, their Portraits, and re- presentations of their Executions, 1606, with descriptions in Latin, French, and Dutch, very rare, oblong hf: sheet 1 455 Erriacies, 7, Proditorum qui in cuniculis sub Domo Parlamenti, Westmonasterii prope Londinum, &c. The original and very rare engraving of the Portraits of the Conspirators : oblong 4to. 1 456 Concilium Septem Nobilium Anglorum Conjurantium Jacobi I, the portraits taken evidently from the preceding engraving, with description in German, Ll. Virich f- oblong 4to. 1 54 THE STOWE GRANGER, VOL. II. 457 Mutip-Saxe, Mulled Sack, a Fantastic and Humourous Chimney Sweeper, he is in a cap and feather, and laced band, his cloak tucked up and otherwise singularly habited, with verses beneath, commencing— ‘¢T walke the Strand, and Westminster; and scorne To march i'th Cittie, though I hear the horne. THE EXCESSIVELY RARE AND PROBABLY UNIQUE IMPRES- sion from the Delabere Collection, as mentioned m Granger, p. 62 are to be sold by Compton Holland, over against the Ex- change 1 458 Mulled Sack, a drawing of the preceding, by Harding ; also the copy, bein by Caulfield; John Selman, woodcut, &e. ) 459 Muld Sacke, or The anne of Hic Mulier to the late Declamation against her, with woodcut portrait, the ori- ginal and very rare tracts, in 4to., printed for Richard Meighen, 1620 460 THE PouRTRAYTURE OF Eva FLIEGEN, the Miraculous Mayd that lived at Muers, in Cleveland, without food, stat 40, holding a bunch of flowers in her hand, oval, with verses beneath, are to be sould at Holbor in Condit, William Peake excudit. A BRILLIANT IMPRESSION, AND EXCEEDINGLY RARE ] 461 Eva Fliegen, as the preceding, but with the address, ave to be sould in Pope's head Alley, by oe Humble, very rare; also the copy 2 462 Eva Fliegen, Balt. Flyssier aCe et ex., Andr. Stoc sculp. Hage. folio sheet 1 FOREIGN PRINCES, &c. Vol. II. p. 67 to 70. Appendix to the Reign of James I. 463 Christian IV, King of Denmark, after Peter Isachs, by John Muller, three quarter folio sheet, fine, and in three differ- ent states ; others by Haelwich, Simon Pass, &e. 7 464 Christian IV, by Eilstracke, Compton Holland excud.; the same with son Frederick, full lengths; and another, a Jine drawing in pen and ink, on vellum, &c. 6 465 466 467 468 469 470 471 472 A473 474 475 THE STOWE GRANGER, VOL. II. 55 Christian the 4th, by the Grace of God King of Denmark, and Frederick his Son, by Simon Pass, full length, with verses beneath, very rare, from the Gulston Collection ; also the copy 2 Christian IV, oval, by akan. 3 others by Muller, Houbraken, Moncornet, &c. ; 11 Historical Engraving, by Simon Pass, reureeentice the Cere- monies practised at the Creation of Knights during the Reign of Christian IV. of Denmark, &c. Simon de Pass delineavit, large folio sheet 1 Frederick III, King of Denmark, by Elstracke, George Ferr- beard excudit ; others, by various engravers’ 7 Frederick III, large Equestrian Portrait ; his Portraits by San- drart, Falck, and others * 6 Fredericus V. Comes Palatinus et Elisabetha, three quarter fol. sh. after Mireveld, by Boissard, a pair; another of Frederick, same size, probably engraved by Barra 3 Fredericus V. Bohemie Rex, Elector Palatinus, two Equestrian Portraits, each having a view of the City of Prague be- neath, one by ftobert Weiss ; also the Equestrian Por- trait, published by Woodburn 3 Fredericus V. Bohemiz Rex, &c.; two mihien Equestrian Por- traits, one with a view of Prague, and the other by Vischer, with a battle beneath; also the Portrait, published My Woodburn, proof Vere letters Fredericus Comes Palatinus, by Simon Pass, oval, within a border of military trophies ; another Portrait, as King of Bohemia; and also of Elizabeth his Queen, ovals within the same border, also by Simon Pass 3 Fredericus Comes Palatinus, by Simon Pass, proof of the pre- ceding without the border ; his Portrait, by Jacob Gran- thome, small square within a border, the figures of Justice and Peace on either side; another, with that of his Queen Elizabeth, by Crispin de Pass, on one sheet, brilliant im- pressions, 3c. : . 6 FREDERIC THE Firt, Count Palatine of Rhyne, &e., and ELIZABETH Princesse of Great Britaine, Countesse Pala- tine, &c., by Francis Delaram, Compton Holland ewe. a pair of ovals, brilliant impressions : 2 56 THE STOWE GRANGER, VOL. II. 476 Fredericus Comes Palatinus et Elizabetha, by Crispianus quec horem fecit, 1618, ovals, that of Elizabeth in two states, the one with high-crowned hat, and the other with feather and ornament on hair, brilliant impressions, and rare 3 477 Tue Hicu anv MicuTize Prince FREDERICK THE FIFT, Count PALATINE, &c., BORN 1596; also the Most Ex- CELLENT PRINCESSE ELIZABETH, &¢., BORN 1596, MARRIED, &c. 1612, WHOLE LENGTHS Ren. ExstrRack scu., are to be sold at the whit horse, in popes head alley, by John Sudbury and George Humble quarto hf. sheet 1 * * THIS MOST BRILLIANT AND BEAUTIFUL ENGRAVING MAY BE CONSIDERED AS ALMOST UNIQUE, and is from the Collection of Sir Mark Sykes. The figure of the Princess Elizabeth, magnificently attired, occupies the centre of the plate, the Elector Frederic standing at the right side, the arms of England and the Palatinate appear- ing at the side of the head of each. 478 Tur Hiche anp Micurtiz Prince FrReperick THE Firt, and THe Ricut NoBLE AnD VERTUOUS PRINCESSE ELIZABETH A PAIR OF VERY RARE EQUESTRIAN PoRTRAITS, with twelve metrical lines beneath each, and armorial bearings above Renotp ExstackeE sculpsit, are to be sold in Pope's head alley, by John Sudbury and George Humble hf. sheets 2 ** From the Collection of Sir Mark Sykes. 479 Tue Prince FREDERICK AND THE PRINCESSE ELIZABETH, EQUESTRIAN: Portraits, from the same plates as the — preceding, but with CONSIDERABLE ALTERATIONS, in which state the present pair are considered as nearly unique. The preceding portraits would appear to have been issued just after the marriage in 1612, while these evidently appeared after their coronation in 1619. The inscription to that of the Princess having ‘“‘ and the crowned Queen of Bohemia, the 7th of November, 1619.” The upper part of the plate of the Prince appears to have been quite altered, and each are crowned. : 2 480 481 482 483 485 486 487 488 489 490 491 THE STOWE GRANGER, VOL. II. 57 Frederick King of Bohemia, by Delaram, Crispin de Pass, and others; with his Equestrian Portrait by the side of Gabriel Batter, by Visscher 15 Frederick King of Bohemia, by Corn, v. Toda Visscher, Kilian, Faber, &c. 10 Fredericus et Elisabetha, by Modes and Delph, Jine impres- sions, and one printed on satin 7 Historical Engravings, representing the Gatendioe of Frederick and Elizabeth, and other subjects, by Visscher, Mieser, &e. ‘ : 4 A note to the engraving by Visscher states, “ This print is very rare. The Portrait of the King and Queen were erased, and Oliver Cromwell introduced instead of the King, and the figure of Justice in place of the Queen. The head dresses in the historical part were altered.” Maurice of Nassau, Prince of Orange, and Albert Archduke of Austria, Equestrian Portraits, by Crispin de Pass, on one sheet, face to face, with armorial bearings between oblong folio sheet 1 Maurice of Nassau, large Equestrian Portrait, by Crispin de Pass; full length Portraits, one a proof before the letters, the other, W. S. Wanenburch sculp. ; Bust in armour, by Muller 4 Maurice of Nassau, Eadeatiiaii Portrait as 4 last, but with different head; a large three-quarter Portrait, by And. Stock ; full-lengths, by Jacobus de Gheyn, and others 6 Maurice of Nassau, large three quarters, by Muller and Delph, Jine impression; ovals, by C. V. Queboren, &c. 6 Maurice of Nassau, large three quarter, after Mireveld, by Muller, brilliant proof before any letters 1 Maurice of Nassau, as before, by Delph; another, within a symbolical border, A. Bolswerd excud.; oval, by Kilian, Hondius, &c. : 12 Maurice of Nassau, large val by Suyderhoef and Delph; small ovals, by Crispin de Pass, and others 14 Maurice Prince of Orange, are to be sold by Compton Holland, fine and rare; oval, with a border, by Crispin de Pass, brilliant impression , 2 I 58 THE STOWE GRANGER, VOL. II. 492 Maurice of Nassau, large oval, by Crisp. van Queboren, fine ; others by Delph, Tanje, Vertue, &c. 5 493 Maurice of Nassau, full length, in a magnificent suit of armour within a long oval, land and sea forces occupying the back ground, J. Sanredam sculp., rare and fine 1 494 A Royat Huntine Parry, with Equestrian Portraits of Philip of Austria, Maurice of Nassau, Henry Frederick of Austria, William Lewis of Nassau, Ernest Casimir of Nassau, and John Ernest of Nassau, brilliant impression of an interesting engraving by Delph, Visscher exc. oblong folio sheet 1 495 Currus TRIUMPHALIS Illustrissimi Principis GuLizLm1 Nas- sovir Aransionensium, Axcudebat Nicolaus Joan. Viss- cher, anno 1626 A most interesting and beautiful engraving, nearly three feet in length, representing the Prince William drawn by elephants, in a triumphal car, with numerous attendants, and followed by all the Princes of the House of Nassau, Equestrian Portraits; also an emblematical engraving, Harlins inven. et fectt. : ‘ 2 496 Princers CuRIsSTIANUS Dux BrunsviGENsis Administrater Halberstadt EQUESTRIAN PorTRAIT, representing the Prince in armour, and bare headed, beautifully engraved, and almost — UNIQUE . ] 497 Christian Duke of Rronavwick by Simon Pass, oval within the same border as used for the Portrait of Prince Charles ; Jine proof before the name of the engraver, rare; a small Equestrian Portrait, by Kiest7; ovals, by Payne, Viss- cher, &c. A 6 498 Christian Duke of Brunswick, by Robert van Fee after Van Dyck, brilliant impression, with an unfinished proof ; large oval Portrait, by Delph ; small oval, by Lselburg 4 499 Christian Duke of Brunswick, by Simon Pass, Hondius, Le Clerc, &e. ‘dil 500 Cardinal Barberini and his tives Nephews, Gy Greuler ; his Portraits, by Simon Pass, Mellan, iP. de Jode, Voster- man, &c.; and a sheet containing small Portraits of the Popes of Rome ; : ye THE STOWE GRANGER, VOL. II. 59 AMBASSADORS TO KING JAMES, &c. DISTINGUISHED FOREIGNERS WHO HAVE VISITED OR RESIDED IN ENGLAND. Vol. II. p. 71 to 87. 501 Maximilian de Bethune, afterwards Duke of Sully, by Edelinck, and others, one a proof 9 502 The Right Honourable Diego Sarmiento A Acuna EARLE of GonpaAmor, by Simon Pass, 1622, are to be sold by Thomas Jenner, fine and rare ; also the copy, a full length, being the title to the second part of Vox Populi 3 503 Count GonpaAmor, a Nest of Plots Discovered, or a Rod for the Romish Jesuits, set forth in the Explanation of this following Figure, and may serve as an Antidote against Popery and Popish Cruelties A large broadside, the upper part containing a satirical en- graving, with a full length portrait of Gondamor, with metrical lines in three columns beneath, extremely rare and curious, Printed in the year 1679, for the General Assembly of Hawkers . 1 504 Count Gondamor, another Satyriéal Broadside Engraving, with full length portrait of Count Gondamor, aah Laud, and Hugh Peters, with verses beneath : ] 505 Count Gondamor, by Cooper, after a picture by Velasquez, in the Collection of the M. of Buckingham, in three states, one proof on India paper before any letters, private plate 3 506 Prince Albert Count D’Aremberg, Equestrian Portrait, by Pet. de Balliu ; Maria his wife, after Vandyke, Meyssens exc. ; his Portrait by Bolswert, P. de Jode, &c. 8 507 John Oden Barnevelt, by Elstracke, are to be sold by John Sudbury and George Humble, brilliant impression ; Sir Jonn Huyssen Cattendyck, &c. : 3 508 John Oden Barnevelt, by Crispin de Pass ; another, after Mh- revelt; Henry Sconberg; Henry Duc de Rohan ; Count Corfitz Ulfield, &c. 509 Hugo Grotius, by Delph, Larmessin, Cross, &c.; J.O. Barnevelt, by Delph, &c.; Reinier Pauw, by Matham ; soy Contareno, by Vosterman 20 60 510 oll 512 513 514 516 517 918 519 320 THE STOWE GRANGER, VOL. If; B. Joachim, by Matham, proof; Reinier de Pauw, by Me Mea d; Hugo Grotius, by Cross, and others; Aloysius Cor taren by Pet. de Jode; Emanuel de Meteren; Andreas Riv tus . . Bh Emanuel van Meteren; pec Ai Critopulus Giaiitec Andreas Rivetus, Hondius, &e. ; Paitipont Cavern &e. a 17" Ernest Count Mansfeld, are to be sold by irae Humble; others, : by Visscher, Delph, Kilian, &c.; Andreas be ames. yeas and Danker te : oR with an siainsthed ees Abrahamus Sétinlierli Petr Hommius, by Van Dalen, &c.; Thomas Erpenius; Petr Cunzus; Ernest Count Mansfeld, by Moncornet, &e. | Claudius de pean by Suyderhoef, oie oa ae 2 Vorst, ic! fine impression a3 Nicolaus Claudius Fabricius, after Vandyke, by Vosterman, Ses : Simon Vouet, by various; Gerard Mercator, my Lar- messin, &e. hs 7 CONSTANTINE HUYGENS, by Visscher, side fit to the r r danus, by Suyderhoef, Blooteling, ge J. Ci ap Corn. Galle; Adolfus Vorstius, by Pontius, &e. REIGN OF CHARLESL THE ROYAL FAMILY. Vol. II. p- 87 be 96. 44 dy Charles I, bust, with falling lace collar, in three st state es, inscription, Per Ecclesiam Petor, his full lengt h from the “ Bibliotheca Regitrs with hg Jode, &e. : | o 52] 922 923 524 525 526 527 928 THE STOWE GRANGER, VOL. II. 61 CHARLES I. sirrinc iN PARLIAMENT WITH THE OFFI- cers OF Srate, Nosiiiry, &c., among whom are dis- tinguishable by their correct likenesses, the Duke of Buckingham, the Earls of Worcester, Northumberland, Warwick, Nottingham, Oxford, Dorset, Southampton, and many others; on either side and behind the throne are Lord Chancellor Coventry and the Earl of Marlborough, the Lord Treasurer. Above the whole is a Genealogical Tree, interspersed with Miniatures of the Kings and Queens of the Tudor and Stuart Families, on each side and below a complete border of armorial bearings. AN EXCESSIVELY RARE AND ALMOST UNIQUE engraving, apparently the work of Renotp Exsrracke. It was formerly in the Gulston, Tighe, and Sykes Collections large folding folio sheet 1 *,* As this truly interesting Historical Engraving appears to have been issued at the period of the “ill-fated” Charles ascending the throne, we think, as it is not described in the work of Granger, that it cannot be more appropriately placed than at the commencement of the series of the Portraits and those of the Royal Family of that period. Charles I, oval, anno 1628, fine and rare; another, in a hat, by Marshall; others, by Hollar, Sc., fine impression 4 Charles I, Equestrian Portraits, by Hollar, Marshall, and one P. Stent excudit, very rare, &c., and one with small portrait between the portraits of : 9) Charles I, large Equestrian Portrait, with tournament beneath ; the Statue of King Charles at Charing Cross, by Hollar, &e. ‘ . 4 Charles I, with broad brimmed hat, oval, with two dragons, after Vandyke, by Zoet, in two states, brilliant impressions ; other Portraits in broad brimmed hats, by Hollar, Gay- wood, Danckertz, &¢. some rare, and all fine impres- sions : : 12 Charles I, by Fatthorne, White, Moncornet, &c. 12 Charles I, by Picart, Audran, Vertue, &c. 12 Charles I, by Vosterman, Pet. de Jode, Lommelin, &c.; large oval, by Delph; another, after Vandyke, by Suyderhoef, &c. A : 9 62 529 031 533 534 040 541 042 THE STOWE GRANGER, VOL. Il. Charles I, three-quarter, holding a cap in his hands «Once was I cald Charles by the Grace of God Of England, Scotland, France and Ireland King.” &e. a rare and curious portrait; also an Equestrian, with the human skull under the horse’s front feet, Sipe rare; his Statue also 3 Charles I, after Vandyke, by Becket, &c., mezz.; a full length, seated, by Smith, very rare ; “ Corruptibilem pro Incor- ruptibile,” mezz., by Faithorne, &c. : 7 Charles I, large oval, with long hair and falling lace collar, after Vandyke, by Smith, mezz., one a brilliant proof before any letters; another, very similar, mezz., by Simon 3 Charles I, three-quarter, mezz., after Vandyke, by Faber; ovals, by Smith, one a brilhant proof before letters ; others, by Cooper, &c. 12 Charles I, Equestrian Portrait, after PB NEM by Lombart ; Charles I. on horseback, with the Duke d’Esperna at his side, after Vandyke, by Baron 2 The Royal Martyr, by Faber, mezz.; Charles 1, by Vertue ; The Royal Martyr, by Vertwe, in three states, one a proof 3 Charles I, full length, in his robes, after Vane by Strange, brilliant impression 1 Charles I. and James Duke of Hamilton, after Vandyke, by Strange i The Three Charles’s, after Pine by Sharp, ‘bla impression 1 Charles I, half length, and holding a handkerchief, by Rob. Cooper, after an original picture in the possession of Thomas Cholmondeley, private plate, four impressions, one a proof on india paper, and one altered and retouched by Mrs. Cholmondeley, from the original 4 A Parallel of Times, or a Memento to the Whigs, a large broadside, with the Portrait of Charles I, holding a white handkerchief, execution at a distance, “ horrible murder,” with metrical lines in three columns beneath, printed by J. Grantham, 1683; full-length of Charles I, in armour, with a catalogue of his land and sea forces, a broadside 2 Charles I, his Portrait in various positions, being the engraved title pages to works engraved by Hollar, misses Mar- shall, and others, some very scarce - oY THE STOWE GRANGER, VOL. It. 63 544 Charles I. dictating to Sir Edward Walker, fine impression, with a duplicate ; View of the Execution of Charles I. with Description in Dutch, folio sheet ; his Execution, by Ma- sarb, one a proof before letters, &c. 6 545 Charles I. and Illustrious Persons of his time, on one sheet, by Nutting ; two other sheets, with Portraits of Charles I, and others, rare; Charles I. sitting in Parliament, proof, &c. ; : 5 546 Henrietta Maria, Equestrian Portraits, one large, Daret exc.; the other small, by Moncornet; Portrait after Vandycke, by Meyssens, Simonneau 4 547 Henrietta Maria, large ovals, after Weil ng by Glover and Delph, one of the latter on satin ; others, a ii) pid &e. : 548 Henrietta Maria, by various engravers, some scarce 549 The Illustrious Princesse Henrietta Maria, by Faithorne, are to be sold by Tho. Hinde, very rare 1 550 Henrietta Marta, by Faithorne, G. fF. fecit, half sheet oval, proof before any letters . 1 550* Henrietta Maria, Mother Queene, i ai quarters, fob. Walton excudil, very rare Ls 551 Henrietta Maria, after Vandyke, full length, by P.v Gunst, proof before any letters ‘ : I PRINCES AND PRINCESSES OF THE ROYAL FAMILY. Vol. II. p. 96 to 552 Tue True EFFriGi£Es OF OUR MOST ILLUSTRIOUS SOVERAIGNE Lorp, King CHARLES, QUEEN Mary, WITH THE REST OF THE RoyAL PRoGENIE; also a Compendium or Ab- stract of the most famous Genealogies and Pedigrees, expressed in Prose and Verse Printed at London, for John Sweeting, 4to. 1641 * .* This very rare volume contains the eight very rare portraits by Hollar, Vaughan, &c. 553 Prince CHARLES, Prince of Wales, Duke of Cornwall, &c., one with the address, Tho. Jenner excu., both very rare 2 554 The Most Mighty and Illustrious Prince CHARLES, Prince of Great Britaine and Ireland, Duke of Cornewell, &c., Will. Dobson pinxit. GuIL. FAITHORNE seulpsit, are to be sold by Thomas Rowlett, c., brilliant impression 1 by William Féihorte att y ae of y mc Temple Barr, brilliant impression, rare ; Princess I 1 and Prince William of Nassau, a pair, by P. de Jode 556 Mary Princess of Great Britaine, by Moncornet, &c. ; Cha Prince of Wales, by Van Dalen, &c. ley 557 The Princess Mary, after Vandyke, by Hondius, Movistire and Houbraken ; small ovals of Prince Chaniee, by Gay- wood, and others, some rare vel oo 558 The Princess Mary, after Vandyke, by Paithorna, Wf ec mezz.; The Lady Anne, mezz. use “8 another, after Volustets: by Crisp, is earns | Dalen; Princess Augusta i bin meso ‘ Queboren ‘ aaa. 560 James Duke of York, after Zenier, by Hollar, ine wit. border, fine impression rad 561 Jacobus Dux Eboraci et Albani Gaitieat Simon Taatielaayg a pinxit, C. van Dalen, junior, sculpsit, Nicol. Visscher excudit. folio hf. sheet, very fine impression = 562 Henry STEWARD, 4th Sunn of the late King, oval, oun | ing hair and lace collar | EXTREMELY RARE, and fine impression ~ 4X05 563 Henricus Dux GLOCESTRIZ, COMES CanrTaprIct folio hf. sheet, A BRILLIANT PROOF BEFORE ANY LETTERS vik itd taal Haye - THE STOWE GRANGER, VOL. II. 65 FIFTH DAY'S SALE, ee eee ee REIGN OF CHARLES I. contTiINveEbp. DOUBLE PORTRAITS, FAMILY PIECES, &e. Vol. II, p. 101 to 104, LOT 564 Charles 1. and Henrietta Maria, after Vandyke, oblongs, by R.v. Voerst and Franc. Hoeius ; others with a small full length of Charles and the Prince Charles, by Glover, sould by Rob. Peake 7 965 Henrietta Maria, with the Princesses Mary, ae and Eliza- beth, full lengths, sold by C. Dicey and Co., 4to. sheet, very rare; Historical Print of the Betrothing of the Prineess Mary, oblong sheet, no address 2 566 Charles I. and Henrietta Maria, after Vandyke, by Vertue, oblong folio sheet; the Betrothal of the Princess, R. A. Persyn sculp. oblong sheet ; Theobalds, by Sparrow 8 567 Charles I. and his Queen, surrounded by the Princes and Princesses, under a canopy, Zedruckt v’ Amsterdam, by Re. Hoeye, fine impression, oblong ; the Betrothing of the Princess, as before, different plate e 568 Charles I. and Henrietta Maria, a pair of Equestrian Portraits, HI. David fec. Le Blond excud. 2 569 Charles I. seated, his left hand resting on a table, on which is the crown and sceptre, Prince Charles, as a Child, standing at his knee, fol. mezz. after Vandyke, fine impression 1 970 Prince Charles, James Duke of York, and the Princess Mary, oblong mezz. after Vandyke, by Purcell, with an impres- sion before the name of the publisher, Sayer; Prince Charles caressing a Dog, the Princesses on either side, oblong mezz. no address, but after Vandyke, by Thomp- son, rare A 2 571 Charles I. in armour; and Henrietta Maria, a pair of full lengths, after Vandyke, by P.v. Gunst, fine impression 2 K 66 572 973 575 576 977 978 979 580 THE STOWE GRANGER, VOL. If. Henrietta Maria, with the Princes Charles and James, after Vandyke, by Strange; Prince Charles, James Duke of York, and the Princess youl after isi by Strange, Jine impressions 2 Charles I, Henrietta Maria, aaa the Paes Charles and James, after Vandyke, by Massard, fine impression ; same subject, by Barow; Prince Charles caressing a Dog, as before, by Cooper 3 Tue SERIEs OF THE SMALL OVAL Pongal of the Kings and Queens of England, from William the Conqueror, in- cluding the Family of Charles the First, chiefly two on a sheet, rare and fine impressions are to be sold by Robt. Peake 32 THE PALATINE FAMILY. Vol. II. p. 104 to 109. Elizabeth Queen of Bohemia, Equestrian Portrait, by Robert Weiss ; Prince Charles, Count Palatine, Equestrian Por- trait, by C. van Dalen; another Equestrian Portrait of the Prince of Wales, sould by Matt. Collings 3 Elizabeth of Bohemia, after Mireveld, by Delph, brilliant im- pression upon satin ; others by Vischer, Moncornet, &c. ; Charles Louis of Bavaria, by Vischer, &c. 8 Elizabeth Queen of Bohemia, by Delph and Faber; Charles Louis, by Delph, Pet. de Jode, Sandrart, and J. van Somer, mezz. 7 Elizabeth Queen of Bohemia, large vale by R. a Voerst and Delph; Charles Louis, by Payne, Merian, Moncornet, Pet. de Jode ; Frederick Henry, after Mireveld, by Delph; Robert Count Palatine, after Vandyke, by Sayers 11 Elizabeth of Bohemia, after Mireveldt, by Delph; Charles Louis, by Vaillant, fine and rare; also by Hollar; and a mezz. I. V. S. delin. Amst. 1630, proof 4 Henricus Frepericus Illust. Princ. Frederici Regis Bo- hemie Primogenitus, oval within a richly ornamented border, with inscription in English beneath BRILLIANT IMPRESSION, OF GREAT RARITY ; also the very rare Portrait of the PRINCE as a CHILD, with a battledore in his hand, by Delaram, Compton Holland excud., with verses commencing “ Childhood here with Mayestie,” &c. 3 THE STOWE GRANGER, VOL. ll. 67 581 The Most Illustrious and High Borne Prince Rupert, Prince Elector of the Righne, Guil. Faithorne sculpsit, Guil. Dobson pinxit, are to be sould by Tho. Rowlett A BRILLIANT IMPRESSION ] 582 Prince Rupert, by Hollar and others, with an ie Por- trait, woodcut ; the Princess Elizabeth, by Queboren, &e. 12 583 ELISABETHA Beco rnic: Recis) BoHEMIz They UNICA, three quarter oval within a scroll border, with incription in English beneath, are to be sould by William Peake A BRILLIANT IMPRESSION, AND EXTREMELY RARE 1 584 Serenissima Princeps Elisabetha et Serenissima Princess Sophia, a pair, small 4to. sheet fine impressions, and extremely rare 2 585 The Palatine Family, representing the King and Queen seated under a tree, their eldest son on the left, and youngest child playing with a rabbit, fine proof before any inser ie tion 586 Two other engravings of the Palatine Family, his King sie Queen surrounded by their children, rare Ae GREAT OFFICERS OF STATE, PEERS, NOBILITY, &c. Vol. II. p. 109 to 151. 587 Francis Lord Cottingham, by Houbraken, a fine proof; and others, Henry Mountagne, Earl of Manchester, &c. 8 588 Illustrissimi Conjugis D. Thomas Howard et D. Alatheia Talbot, Arundelize et Surriea comes, after Vandyke, by Vosterman, oblong sheet; Illustrissimee et Excellentissime Heroine Aletheiz Martie Talbotorum Gentis, after Cor- nelius Stent, by Hollar, fine proof, sal any ‘iil: tion ° 589 Heroine Aletheize Martie Talbotorum ertae &e., as the pre- ceding, by Hollar ; the Howard Family, after Vandyke, by Vertue, folding sheet 2 590 Thomas Earl of Arundel, Equestrian Portrait, by Hollar, very rare; his Portrait, after Vandyke, by Hollar, two im- pressions, oue before the address, J. Meyssens exe. 2 68 THE STOWE GRANGER, VOL. If. 591 Thomas Howardus Comes Arundelie, after Vandyke, by Vos- terman; others, by Hollar, Moncornet, Houbraken, Basire, &e. : 10 592 Thomas Howardus Howardorum Primus, Canta Arundeliz, &e., after Vandyke, by Hollar, brilliant tmpression ; Henricus Arundeliz Comes, three quarters, after Vandyke, by Lombart, brilliant impression, before the engravers name 2 593 GrorRGIUS VILLIERIUS ee Buckie’ oval, with long inscription beneath, WiLL1AM MarsuALvL sculpt., very rare : I 594 GrEoRGE VILLIERS, Duke AND Margquis oF BucKINGHAM EQUESTRIAN PortRAItT, richly habited, with ships at sea beneath, graven and dedicated by Wit. Passaus, in the Yeare of our Lord God 1625, beautifully engraved, and very Tare folio sheet 1 595 G. Villiers, D. of Bitkiggliae’ after Mireveld, by Delph, Moncornet, &c., also by Houbraken, one a proof 12 596 ALcERNoN Percy, Eart or NoRTHUMBERLAND, whole length, his hat on a table beside him AN EXTREMELY RARE PorTRAIT, engraved in the manner of the early works of Faithorne, without any address 1 597 Algernoun Earle of Northumberland, Equestrian Portrait, by Hollar, sould by Tho. Jenner, at the Ex. erate 098 Algernon Percy, &c., oval, Corn. van Dalen sculpsit, sould by Tho. Jenner, brilliant impression; others, after Van- dyke, by White, Houbraken, &c. : 6 599 Ropert EarL oF Warwick, Baron or Leeze, &e., Lord High Admiral of England, full length, in armour, his helmet at his feet, with vessels at sea in the distance W. Hotiar fecit, brilliant impression, and rare 1 600 Rosert EARLE of Warwick, Baron or LeEzzz, by R. van VoerstT, large oval, with lace collar and laced scarf over armour, within a border of military trophies, a naval en- | | gagement beneath, with eight metrical lines BRILLIANT IMPRESSION, AND EXTREMELY RARE, from the Collections of Sir William Musgrave and Sir Mark | Sykes 1 4 Robert Rich, Earl of Warwick, after Fandgke, by Houbraken, aud others 8 60 = 602 603 606 607 608 609 610 611 612 613 THE STOWE GRANGER, VOL. II. 69 JAMES StEwarRT, Duke of Lenox, Earle of March, Lord Darnley, &., G. Geldorp pinx., Voerst sculp., Will. Webb excudit, brilliant impression, and with the first address, very rare ‘ I James Duke of Lennox, Earle of March, oval, by Jodt. Vaughan, are to be sould by W. Riddiard ; his Portrait, after Vandyke, by Houbraken, brilliant impression, on india paper 2 Jeames Steward, Duke of Ridcisondk and Lennox, oval, by Faithorne ; others, after Vandyke, by Houbraken, &c. 7 James Stuart, Dnke of Richmond, after Vandyke, by Larlom, full length, folio, mezz., one a brilliant proof before any imscription 2 Paitip Hersert, Earl of Michatteutbry. oval Mitens pinx., Voerst sculpsit.. Will. Webb excudit BRILLIANT IMPRESSION, AND VERY RARE ] Philip Earl of Pembroke, after Vandyke, by Hollar, brillant impression, before the address of Peter Stent; also one with the address; Philippus Comes Montgommeriae, by Simon Pass, before the Star of the Garter on the shoulder, are to be sould by John Sudbury and Geo. Humble ; another, with the star, are to be sould by William Peake 4 Philippus Heribertus Comes de Pembroke, after Vandyke, by f. van Voerst, together with a proof of the same, before any letters; Guillaume, Comte de Pembroke, &c., large oval, by Vosterman 3 Willielmus Comes Pembrochie, large ina after Mytens, by R. a Voerst, fine impression; small oval, by Hollar, original and copy ; others, after Vandyke, &c. 7 Philip Earl of Pembroke and his Family, after Vandyke, by Baron large oblong sheet 1 Ed. and Rd. Sackville, Bark of Dorset, after Vandyke, by Vertue, &c.; James Duke of Hamilton, by White, and others, one a proof before letters : 13 Tue Riegut Hon. James Marquess Hamiuton, Earle of Arran, &c., by FAITHORNE BRILLIANT IMPRESSION, are to be sould by Robt. Peake 1 Tue Hicn Borne Prince JAMES MArQuess oF HAMILTON RARE EQUESTRIAN PORTRAIT, in armour, with ship in the back ground, sould by Will. Webb folio sheet 1 70 614 615 616 618 619 620 621 622 623 624 625 THE STOWE GRANGER, VOL. II. James Marques of Hamilton, by Vaughan; two ovals, different plates, one to be sold by Roger Daniel; small oval, by Hollar, brilliant impression ; others, by Fatthorne, P. a Gunst, &c. 8 George Duke of Buckingham and his ‘Beastie Francis, 1636, by M. Ardell, folio mezz., one a brilliant proof before any letters 2 Jobin Pawlet, Marquesse of Winchested small ods by Hollar ; William Seymour, Marquis of Hartford, small oval, by Holiar, &c.; William Cavendish, Duke of Newcastle, by Hollar and Vostermans; Robt. Vere, Earl of Oxford; Robt. Hastings, Earl of Huntingdon, small ovals, by Hollar, &c. 13 Francis Earl of Bedford, +i Vertue, Banat &e.; William Earl of Bedford, by Houbraken, &c.; William Cecill, Earl of Salisbury, small oval, by Hollar; Spencer Earl of Northampton, by Vander Gutch, &e. : 10 WiLi1AM Fievpine, EARLE oF DensieH, oval, by VAN Voerst, brilliant impression, and very rare; also the small oval, by Hollar, with the copy : 3 L. Cranfield, Earl of Middlesex; Spencer Earl of Sunderland ; Henry Rich, Earl of Holland, by various; Mildmay Fane, Earl of Westmorland, by Hollar, &c.; John Earl of Bolingbroke, by Hollar 19 Henry Ricu, EARLE oF HOLLAND, Baron of Kensington, &c., after Vandyke, by FairHorne, sould by Robt. Peake BRILLIANT IMPRESSION, AND VERY RARE 1 Henry Rich, Earle of Holland, oval, in armour, are to be sould by Tho. Jenner, also the copy; others, after Vandyke, by Clowet, one a proof before letters : 4 Mildmay Earl of Westmorland, with a round ornamented scroll, by P. Williamson, brilliant impression, and rare 1 George Carew, Earl of Totness, in armour, oval, by Van Voerst, brilliant impression ; William Cavendish, Duke of New- | castle, by Ho/lar, &c., with a large Equestrian Portrait 11 Henry SoMERSET, Earle of Worcester, with scarf over armour, VERY RARE, and a fine impression, also the copy 2 Henry Gray, Earle of Standford, small oval, by Hollar, with the copy; Mountjoy Blunt, Earle of Newport, small oval, by Hodlar, with the copy; Weston Earl of Portland, after Vandyke, by Hollar, &c. . 9 626 627 629 630 631 632 633 634 THE STOWE GRANGER, VOL. II. 71 SIR THOMAS WENTWORTH, Kr. Earce or Strar- FORDE, Lp. LIEUTENANT GENERALL, AND GOVERNOUR oF IRELAND, by HoLuar, three-quarter, profile in armour to the left, holding out his left hand quarto sheet 1 *.* A note in the AuToGRAPH of the late DuxEe oF Buck1ne- HAM appended to this VERY BEAUTIFUL PorTRAIT states, “This Print by Hollar is supposed to be unique. It is mentioned in no Catalogue.” Sir Thomas Wentworth, Earle of Strafford, in armour, with helmet in front, after Vandyke, by Hollar, 1640, three quarters to the right, brilliant impression before the title of Knight of the Garter ; also his Portrait, by White, one before the address 4. 8 Sir Thomas Wentworth, by Hola as the Prdedie ee ovals by Moncornet and others; also by Houbraken, Simmonneau, &e. : 12 Sir Thomas ida tercils by Hollar, as the preceding, but with the additional inscription of the Order of the Garter ; also a cut proof by Houbraken, &c. ‘ 3 Tuomas EARLE oF STRAFFORD, full length, in his robes of the Garter, by VAUGHAN, fine and very rare; the rare oval, with the manner of his Execution, with inscription in Dutch below; others, after Vandyke, by P. de Jode, &c., together with the Portrait in armour, by Hollar, having the additional inscription of the Order of the Garter, &c. 6 Thomas Earle of Strafford, by Vertue; also Progenies Straf- fordiana, by Vertue, &e.; William Fines, Viscount Sey, small oval, by Hollar, with the copy, &c. 9 The Lords John and Barnard Stuart, full lengths, after Van- dyke, by McArdell, one a brilliant proof before oid letters Philippus Comes ptere® after Feitighe: by ama brilliant impression ; George Digby, Earl of Bristol, by Houbraken ; Lord Wharton, of Wharton, small oval, by Hollar, with the copy, &e. 8 The Magnanimous and Undaunted William Let Craven, Baron of Hampsteed, &c., Equestrian Portrait in armour, quarto sheet ; a smaller Equestrian Figure, said to be Sir John Erresby ; Lord Craven, three quarters, in armour; Robt. Lord Brook, &c. : 6 Ys THE STOWE GRANGER, VOL, Ii. 635 Lord Herbert of Cherbury, small oval, by Hollar and others ; Lord Capel, &e., by Vertue ; Marquess of Montrose, &c., by Vertue; Earle of Castlehaven, original woodcut, with copy 12 636 George Gordon, Maria of Huntley, by Van Voerst, rare ; Cary Lord Falkland; Lucius Lord Falkland; Lord New- borough, private plate ; Marquess of Clanricarde 12 637 William Villiers, Viscount Grandison; and Patricius, Lord Viscount Chaworth, a pair of full lengths, after ea by P. v. Gunst 2 THE CLERGY. ARCHBISHOPS, BISHOPS, AND DIGNITARIES OF THE CHURCH, AND OTHER DIVINES. Vol. II. p. 151 to 200. 688 Archbishop Laud, after Vandyke, by Hollar, in three states, all fine; another by Loggan, mezz. half sheet; also by Vertue; Archbishop Williams, by Houbraken ; Arch- bishop Juxon, by Vertue, &c., one a proof b. I. 9 639 Archbishop Laud, small ovals, by Hollar and Marshall; also by Loggan, after Vandyke; Archbishop Williams, by White : 11 640 Archbishop Laud, by Marshall, White, Visscher (with the copy) and others; Archbishop Williams, by Vander Gucht, &c.; Bishop Hall 15 641 W. Curle, Bishop of Winchester, by Cocill ; Bishop Hall, by Payne; J. Howson, Bishop of Durham, by Martin R. Do, in two states, one before the dates; Archbishop Laud, by Audran ; his Trial, by Hollar ; and a curious Saty- rical Engraving relating to him i 0 642 Bishop Hall, by Zetter and others, some rare; T. Morton, Bishop of Durham, by Faithorne, fine ; a very curious Satyrical Engraving, with verses beneath, Hendrick Lau- . rentz excud. Amstelrodam, 1641; M. Wren, Bishop of Ely, by Vander Gucht; Bishop Prideaux; Bishop Corbet, &c. 18 643 R. Brownrig, Bishop of Resist by Fatthorne, ee ; J. Spotis- wode, Bishop of St. Andrews, by Hollar ; Avéhibishing Usher, by Marshall, Landry, and Vertue; G. Webb, Bishop of Limerick, by Slater, &ec. ; 10 644 645 646 647 648 649 650 652 653 THE STOWE GRANGER, VOL. II. 73 Archbishop Ussher, by Marshall, fine ; others, by Glover, &c., fine; J. Shute, Archbishop of Colchester, by Marshall ; Chr. Wren, by Vander Gucht ; John Donne, by Hollar ; Dean Bargrave, by Cole ll Archbishop Ussher, by Marshall, Ee sthonac. Vaughan, and others; W. Chillingworth, Cooper Earl of Shaftesbury, J. Lack. and Wollaston, mezz. ovals on one plate; G. Herbert; Daniel Featley, by Marshall, &c. 14 William Alabaster, after Cornelius Johnson, by Payne, rare and fine; also the copy; John Hales; Thomas Fuller; Dr. Preston, by Faithorne, &c.; Gerard Vossius, by Crispin de Pass, Vertue, &ce. : 16 Gerard Vossius, after Sandrart, by Blooteling and Matham ; Dr. Sibbs, by Payne and others; Samuel Bolton, by Faithorne and Van Hove 10 Dr. Taylor, by Marshall, &c.; Dr. Gouge, i Faithorne, in two states; another by Dunstall; T. Crisp, by Sturt, &c.; Ed. Simpson Il Dr. Laighton, oval, by Hollar, with se copy; W. Fenner, by Hollar; MWerbert Palmer; Ed. Calamy, by White ; H. Seudder, by Sherwin; Ed. Finch, his Perambulations, original woodcut, with the copy : 13 Adoniram Byfield, with a Windmill on his Head, and the Devil blowing the Sails, scarce; Th. Cartwright, by Lombart ; W. Oughtred, by Hol/ar, F. S. sculp. and Fatthorne, the latter a brilliant impression before the name of the en- graver, from the Mariette Collection 5 John Sym, by Marshall; W. Whatelie; J. Featley; Fr. Ro- berts; Rd. Bernard, by Hollar; J. Rogers, scarce ; H. Burton, by. Glover, Hollar, &c. ; 13 Jeremiah Burroughs, by Gaywood, Cross, &c.; Nicholas Lockyer; Henry Jersey, proof, with the copy ; Thomas Beard, Schoolmaster to Oliver Cromwell, with the copy ; R. Blackerley, by Van Hove ; Alexander Anderson, not mentioned, rare ’ 13 Alexander Henderson, oval by Bones rare ; others of him ; Francis de Neville, by Hollar ; Thomas Atwood, by Mar- shall ; William Ames, by Marshall; Edmund Gregory, by Marshall ; Walter Mountagne, in title page, by MZar- shall : : 10 L 74 THE STOWE GRANGER, VOL. It. PRIESTS OF THE CHURCH OF ROME, RESIDENT OR OTHERWISE IN ENGLAND. Vol. II. p. 200 to 208. 654 Thomas Anglus (White), by Vertue, one a proof; R. Car- penter, the scarce frontispiece by Marshall; another, by Faithorne? Thomas Maurois Cantuarie natus, by Con- radus; Augustine Baker, by Neefs; and the full length, rare; Lucas Waddingus, by Picart 10 655 Effigies A. R. P. F. Jacobi Hiberni, a me Nicolas Perrey ex- cusa, very rare, see note on back; Thomas Maurois, by Matham; Ed. Arrowsmith; Sir Tobias Mathewes, by Gammon, rare, also the copy ; Christopher Colman ; Ambrose Barlowe ; Martin Woodcocke, &c. 9 656 Rodolph Corbie, drawing in pen and mk; Paulus a Magda- lena (Henry Heath); Francis Bell; Thomas Bullaker, rare; also the copy; Philip Powel, rare; also the copy, and a. fac-simile drawing; Martin Woodcocke; and others 13 COMMONERS, MEMBERS OF THE HOUSE OF COM- MONS, AND EMINENT LAWYERS. Vol. II. p. 208 to 231, 657 Sir John Coke, mezz., by White; oval, by Sturt; Sir Philip — Percival, by Faber, &c.; Sir William Curtius, by Cooper, private plate; Gen. Trumbull, by Gribelin; Balthazar Gerberius, by Pontius, one before P. S. excudit, &e. 11 658 John Pym, by Glover, Visscher, Hollar, and others; John Hampden, by Vander Gucht; Sir Edward Deering, by Moncornet; Lord Keeper Coventry, by Vander Gucht, &e. 14 659 William Lenthall, Salo by Cooper, on india paper, prwate plate; John Pym, by Houbraken ; John Hampden, by Houbraken, also by Cooper, proof and etching, private plate; Sir Henry Vane, on india paper : 6 660 Edward Lord Littleton, by White and Vander Gucht, small oval, sould by Robt. Peake; Sir Edward Dering, after Johnson, by Glover, brilliant impression ; small oval, by Glover; Sir Henry Vane, by Faithorne, Vander Guchi, &e.; Sir John Hotham, &c. 18 uu SY ee 661 662 663 664 665 666 667 668 THE STOWE GRANGER, VOL. II. 75 Thomas Lord Coventry, by Houbraken; Sir John Stapleton, by Cooper, private plate; Lord John Finch, by Vander Gucht, also by Cooper, private plate; Sir John Winde- bank, by Cooper, private plate; Lord Chief Baron Wandesford, mezz., by Watson; Sir Edward Littleton, mezz., by Williams 10 Sir Ranulph Crew, half sheet, by Fain &c.; Sir Robert Heath, half sheet, by Hollar; Sir Richard Hutton, small oval, by Hollar; Sir William Jones, by Sherwin, &c. 8 Sir George Croke, by Vaughan, Gaywood, White, and Hollar ; Sir John Barkley, oval, woodcut, and oval, by Hollar ; also his Monument; Sir William Noy, by Vander Gucht ; Judge Jenkins, &c. 13 Sir Richard Brownlowe, by Cross; eae Selden, by White, Chantry, &c.; Robert Aylett, by Cross, rare; also Richardson’s copy; William Prynne, by Hollar, Benoist, &c.; Sir Alexander Gibson, by White : 14 MILITARY AND NAVAL—PARLIAMENTARY GENERALS AND OFFICERS. Vol. II. p. 232 to 267. Sir John de Burgh, by Cecill, William Peake excudit ; Capt. Burleigh, by Cooper, private plate; Ralph Lord Hopton ; George Lord Goring ; Lord Hopton, by Vertue; Sir B. Granville and Monument; Robt. Earl of Carnarvon, by Baron and Vander Gucht 13 Sir Bevill Granville, drawing in india ink, by Onaper: from the picture lately at Stowe, together with four impressions of the same, engraved by Cooper, in various proof states 5 MounTAGNE BARTIE, EARLE OF LinpsEY, BARON ERSBY, Lord Great Chamberlaine of England, &c., in armour, after VANDYKE, by FAITHORNE, BRILLIANT IMPRESSION AND VERY RARE, from the Collection of Sir Mark Sykes half sheet 1 Robert Barti, Earle of Lindsey, by Van Voerst, fine and rare; another, by Houbraken, &c.; Lord Carnarvon, by Vertue; Earl of Kingston, by Vertue ; Sir Jacob and Sir Bernard Astley; Sir Ed. Lake; Sir Nicholas Slanning and Sir B Gascoigne, by Cooper, private plates : 15 76 THE STOWE GRANGER, VOL. II. 669 Lord John Byron, by Cooper, private plate; Col. Lunsford ; Sir Th. Byron, by Cooper, private plate; Sir R. Peake; J. Graham, Marquis of Montrose, “ Scotland’s Glory,” very rare; others, by Houbraken, &c.; Sir John Pen- nington, by Van Dalen, &c. : 18 670 THe PouRTRAICTURE OF THE ILLUSTRIOUS LORDS, THE EARLE OF Essex AND BARON WILLOUGHBY, OF ERESBY, their famous father’s worth revived EQuEsTRIAN Portraits, with their arms on either side, with the Siege of Berghen op Soom beneath EXTREMELY RARE, from the Collections of Mr. R. Grave and Sir Mark Sykes, “ M.M.S. 1814, Woodburn, £12. 12s.” ; small 4to. 1 671 THe PARLIAMENTARY GENERALS.—A Perfect List of all the VicToRIEs obtained (through the blessing of God) by the Parliament’s Forces, under the command of His Excellency Rosert Eary or Essex, His Excellency ALEXANDER LesLey, Earl of Leven, Sir THomas Farrrax, Ed. Earle of Manchester, Philip Skipton, OL1ver CROMWELL, Sir W. Waller, Sir W. Brereton, Ed. Massey, and Richd. Browne CoLLecTED By Jos1aAH RicraFt of London, Merchant, London, printed for John Hancock, 1646, large fol. sh. 1 *,* THIS EXCESSIVELY RARE AND PROBABLY UNIQUE His- TORICAL SHEET, from the Collection of Sir Mark Sykes, contains the PouRTRAICTURES of all the above named PARLIAMENTARY GENERALS. 672 His Excellency Sir Thomas Fairfax, Generall of the Forces raised by the Parliament Equestrian Portrait in armour, by Marshall, with a Review of the Forces beneath, brilliant impression, Edw. Bowers pinait.. W. Marshall sculpsit.. printed for John Par- tridge : : large 4to. 1 673 Ture PourTRAIcTURE of His Excellency Str THomas Farr- FAX, by FAITHORNE, oval, in armour BRILLIANT IMPRESSION, AND RARE half sheet 1 674 675 676 677 678 679 680 681 682 683 THE STOWE GRANGER, VOL. II. ef Lord Thomas Fairfax, profile, with verses in Dutch beneath, S. Savry exut., scarce; large oval within border, by Huijch Allardt . 2 The Description of the Armies of Horse and Foot of his Majes- ties, and Sir Thomas Fairfax, as they were drawn into several bodies at the Battayle at NasByE, the Fowerteenth Day of June 1645 large folding folio sheet, containing at the upper corner the portrait of Sir Thomas Fairfax - l Thomas Fairfax, Generalis Exercitus Anglicani, &c., in Ana- gramma, Ferri-Fax erit, &c., fine and rare 1 Robert Devereux, Earl of Essex, full length, by Hodlar, in two states, one before the date was erased; small oval, sold by Henry Dochin, rare ; Sir Thomas Fairfax, oval, inscribed, Cetera norunt, &c.; also his Portrait, by Howbraken 6 Robert Devereux, Earl of Essex, by Faithorne, Marshall, &c., woodcut of his funeral; Sir Thomas Fairfax, by Fazthorne, Vertue, and others, some rare ; 18 Monument of Devereux, Earl of Essex, by Hole ; Sir Thomas Fairfax, by Hollar, Moncornet, and others, some rare ; woodcut of him in Council; Ferdinand Lord Fairfax, by Worlidge, and others; General Harrison, by Vander Gutch, &c. 18 Sir William Waller, Knight, Brectht Major- General of the Parliament’s Army, the rare oval, within military trophies, after Jansen, C. J. pinxit, Roddermond incidit, with others, P. Stent excudit, &c.; Edward Lord Montague, small oval, by Hollar; others, by Houbraken, &c. 10 Phillip Skipton, in armour, one from Ricraft’s England’s Cam- pions; another, proof before any letters, private plate ; Colonell Massey, originals and copy, scarce; Richard Browne; General Ireton, by Houbraken 12 General Ireton, by Houbraken, proof before letters ; Col. Pop- ham; Lord Roberts; Col. Hacker; Lord Willoughby ; Cornet Joice, by Cooper, private plate; Sir J. Gell, &c. 9 Sir John Danvers, drawing in indian ink ; another, by Cooper, private plate ; Col. Okey; Sir Will. Brereton, by Cooper, private plate; Earle of Calendar, original and copy; General Lesley, by various ; 14 78 684 685 686 687 688 689 690 691 692 THE STOWE GRANGER, VOL. II. General Rupert Douglas, in armour, oval, Renatus Lochon sculpsit, brilliant impression, and very rare; James Ramsey, oval, in armour, Johan Cressius fecit; Sir John Meldrum; Wilhelm Brog, Crispiaen van Queboren sculpsit, fine, original and copy : 7 General Douglas, oval, by Faleke, fine and rare; another, by Meyssens; Sir G. Lisle and Sir C. Lucas, by Vertue, Vander Gucht, &c. : : 9 BARONETS, KNIGHTS, GENTRY, &e. Vol. II. p. 267 to 285. Sir Thomas Remmington and Family, by Halfpenny, private plate; Sir Robert Harley, by Vertue ; Sir Nathaniel Barnadiston, by Van Hove; Sir T. Lister; Sir James Campbell, P. Stent excudit; W. Hervey, by Vander Gucht, &c. =f: ue 11 Sir Martin Lister, Knight, 1626, by White, fine and rare fol. A Sir John Fortescue, oval, in armour, by Hen. Dankers, very rare, see note in pencil at bottom; John Webster Cor. | Jo. (Johnson) pinw., T. Matham sculp., rare 2 The Committee, or Popery in Masquerade, a large Satyrical Engraving, with many figures, including Isaac Pennington, Lord Mayor of London, with the Explanation in verse beneath, printed by Mary Clark for Henry gs: 1680, original and copy = Arthur Goodwin, full length, eS Vandyke, by P. v. Gunst, one a proof before any letters . 1 Erricies Groreit Tooke pve Porrs in Comrratu Harr- FORD ARMIGERI, oval, in half armour, by Epmunp Mar- MION, extremely rare, and from the Collection of Sir Mark Sykes, with his note on back, “ M. MS. 1814, Woodburn, £26. 5s.” 1 Joun La Morte, Citizen of London, we ne 1 May, 1577, and deceased July 13, 1655, oval, by FarrHoRNE, in two states, one a brilliant proof before any inscription or en- graver's name ; also the copy : 3 THE STOWE GRANGER, VOL. Il. 79 693 John Harrison of Leeds; Jacob Calthorpe of Norfolk; Mr. Henry Welby; William Lee; Francois Hawkins, tirant a Vorage des dix ans, by Payne, very scarce ; two others of the same, one with lines beneath ; Sir R. Beaumont 8 694 Georgius Rudolphus Weckherlin, after Mylins, by Faithorne, fine impression ; the True Effigies of Mr. Edward Calver, gent., of Wilbie, by Hollar, two impressions, one before the address of P. Stent, fine and very scarce ; also the copy 4 695 Srr Witi1AM Dick, or Braip, Lorp Provost or EpDIN- BURGH, variously represented in three plates, by RoperT and WILLIAM VAUGHAN, in a folio pamphlet, entitled “ The lamentable Estate and distressed Case of the Deceased Sir William Dick, in Scotland,” &c. The first plate represents Sir W. Dick on horseback, with his followers, ships of war in full sail before him, bags of gold under his feet, all emblematical of his services to the Commonwealth. The 2nd and 3rd represents him in prison, and in his coffin, surrounded by his disconsolate family A VERY RARE AND SINGULARLY CURIOUS TRACT, FROM THE COLLECTION oF Sir Mark Sykes. 696 Sir Benjamin Rudyerd, after Mytens, by Payne, with metrical lines beneath, fine impression ; small oval, by Hollar, original and copy ; Sir William Balfour, &c. 6 697 The True and Lively Portraicture of ENpimyon PorTeER, of his Ma's Bedchamber, Esquire, after Dobson, by Faithorne BRILLIANT IMPRESSION, and very rare, are to be sold by Tho. Rowlett; also a small round mezzotint, proof b. 1. 3 The following very rare Portraits of the Rawpon FamiI_y are here brought together, though separated in Granger, see vol. 3, p. 307, 407, &e. 698 The True and Lively PourrratTuRE of that worthy gentle- man, LAWRENCE RAWDEN, late Alderman of the Cittie of Yorke, he died at Yorke the 25 of July, 1626, by A. Her- tochs, from the Gulston, Bindley, and Sykes Collections 1 699 Citizen Rogsert Rawpon, one of the Governours of St. Thomas Hospitall, and Master of the Right Worp” Cépany of the Fishmongers, he died at Mitcham, in Surrey, and buried the 15 of September, 1644, by Hertochs, from the Gulston, Bindley, and Sykes Collections 1 80 THE STOWE GRANGER, VOL. Ii. 700 ALDERMAN MARMADUKE Rawpon, proof before any inscrip- tion, very rare : 701 MarmapbvukKE Rawpovy, sonne of that worthy gentleman, Law- rence Rawdon, late of the Cittie of York, Alderman, he was borne in York the 17th of March, An. Dom. 1609-10. by Rt. White, very rare, from the Gulston, Bindley, and Sykes Collections 1 702 MarMApukKeE Rawpovn, of Hodsden, Bistuibes second son to that valliant Collonel and worthy Knight, S" Marmaduke Rawdon, of Hodsden; he was borne in London, 16th August, 1621, by R. White, very rare, from the West, Gulston, Bindley, and Sykes Collections, see note on back : l 703 CoLoneL THOMAS Ragen eldest son of Sir Marmaduke Rawdon, of Hodsden, he was agent from King Charles the Ist, to John the 4th King of Portugall, he died at Hods- den, 30th of July, An. Dom. 1666, etatis sue 54, by hk. White, very rare, bien the Bindley and Sykes Collec- tions 1 703*The Valiant and Worthy Patriot and Capiaie Sir GEORGE Rawpoy, Knightand Baronet, ztatis sue 63, by R. White very rare . 1 *,* An interesting account of this family will be found in Volume III. p. 407. 704 Jacosus Petrus Hunter Nositis Scoro Susecicus, Franc. de Nis pinxit, Paul Pontius sculpsit, brilliant tmpres- ston, from the Gulston, Bindley, and Sykes Collections 1 EMINENT PHYSICIANS, &c. Vol. II. p. 286 to 295. 705 William Hervey, mezz. by McArdell, proof before letters; another by Houbraken ; Sir Theodore Mayerne 6 706 Sir Theodore Mayerne, after Rubens, by Simon, fol. mezz. ; others by W. F, &c.; Philemon Holland, by Marshall ; William Hervey, by Hall, &c. 9 707 Sir Matthew Lister, Knight and Dr. of Phicis, 1646, , proof 1 708 Dr. John Bastwick, two full lengths, one in armour, by Cross ; oval, by Hollar, &c.; Abdiah Cole, Lazarus Riverius, E. Culpepper, and another, the four on one sheet, by Cross, fine impression ; John Woodall, by Glover, in the title to his surgery ; Georgius Scharpius ; Dr. Reade, &c. 11 THE STOWE GRANGER, VOL. II. 81 709 Anthony Colley, Med. Londinensis, very rare, a brilliant impression, from the Gulston and Bindley Collections ; Nicolas Culpepper, by Cross and others, scarce; Dr. Morton, by Cross, the rare original, and copy 8 ENGLISH AND SCOTCH POETS. Vol. II. p. 295 to 316. 710 John Milton, small bust on pedestal, by Hollar ; others by Marshall, Vertue, Reynolds, and Gardiner 12 711 John Milton, by Vertue, Houbraken, Vander Gucht, and others 10 712 John Milton, hrettoing¢ in colours by Har ae others by Faber, Simon, &c.; Abraham Cowley, by Basire, &c. 11 713 John Cleaveland, by Cross and others ; George Sanders ; Sir Ed. Sandys ; Ed. Waller; Sir John Suckling, by Mar- shall, Vertue, &c. 15 714 James Shirley, by Marshall ; Philip Massinger, by Cross ; Rd. Brome, by Cross, scarce and fine ; also the copy ; Robert Stapleton, by Zombart, Marshall, &c. 10 716 Richard Lovelace, from his Lucasta, by Hellar, original and copy; Thomas Middleton, crowned with laurel, original and copy; Francis Quarles, by Cross, Marshall, &c.; Sir os F. Wortley ; Rob. Herrick, by Marshall 16 717 George Wither, large oval from his works, by Payne ; oval, by Marshall, original and copy; Humphrey Mill, by Mar- shall, scarce ; Nathaniel Richards, by 7. Raulyns, origi- nal and copy . 9 718 Arthur Johnston, by Vertue, one a proof; Sia by Cooper ; and full length in title page, by Droeshout, to the Pa- ralipomena ; Peter Collins, by Galle; Drummond of Hawthornden, by Finlayson 6 719 William Drummond of Hawthornden, after Tien by Fin- layson, fol. mezz. fine proof before any letters 1 720 W. Drummond of Hawthornden, large and small ovals, by Gay- wood ; also the other small rare oval ; W. Alexander, &c. 6 721 Str WiLttIAM ALEXANDER, Earl of Sterling, oval, s. w. a. above, 1616 below, Ant. Spero Ant. Sperno at the sides BRILLIANT IMPRESSION, AND OF GREAT RARITY, from the Collection of Sir Mark Sykes, “ M. M.S.1814, £15. 15s.” 1 M 82 THE STOWE GRANGER, VOL. It. SIXTH DAY’S SALE. MISCELLANEOUS AUTHORS. Vol. II. p. 316 to 340. LOT 722 Joannes Priceus, by Hollar, 1644 ; another after Dankert, by Hollar, inscribed, “In Silentio et in spe erit fortitudo vestra,” both fine impressions ; William Austin, by Glover, in the title page to his Meditations, &c. 4 723 D. Gertrude More, by Weefs; W. Hodson, by Marshall’ John Speed, by Savery, hf. sh.; Sir Rd. Baker, by Sher- win, in the title to his Cheniiels A 7 724 Thomas James, oval, the rare original, and copy; J. Ricraft, one on india paper; Henry Spelman, by White and Faithorne; Sir R. Baker, by Marshall, title to his Chro- nicle 8 725 Henry SpELMAN, by Fainias Jine proof iit the yan tion 726 William Somner, by peghat ; Sir Robt. Cotton, by ee. ; John Weever, by Cecil ; William Forster ; James Yorke ; Sir Kenelm Digby, by Houbraken ; John Parkinson, by Marshall, in the title to the Theatrum Botanicum 12 727 Sir Kenelm Digby, after Vandyke, by Van Voerst, Larmessin, and Houbraken, the latter a proof; Sir Henry Wootton, by Dolle, &c. ; : 7 728 Sir William Cornwallyes, by Cecill; John Hall, oval by Mar- shall, original and copy; R. Brathwayt, by Marshall ; Lewis Roberts, by Glover ; James Stanier, by Hollar 8 729 Captain JAMES SALSTONSTALL, etatis suw xxix. by Mar- shall, fine and rare, from the Bindley Collection ; Thomas Nigell, by Marshall, rare, original and copy; Sir Thos. Urchard, by Glover, original and copy ; Edward Turgiss, by Vaughan, fine and rare 6 730 Nathaniell Nye, by Hollar ; David Papillon, = Cross ; John Bate, woodcut; John Babington, by Droeshout; John Lilburne, by Hollar, Glover, &c.; John Dethick, by Lombart; John Thompson, by Marshall and Glover ; Humphrey Curson 17 731 732 733 734 739 736 737 738 739 740 741 742 743 744 THE STOWE GRANGER, VOL. II. 83 PAINTERS, ARCHITECTS, AND SCULPTORS. Vol. II. p. 341 to 361. Marcus Gayward, by Hollar, with the copy, by Bannerman ; Daniel Mytens, after Vandyke, by Pontius, M. van Enden ex. &c.; Rubens and Vandyke, after Vandyke, by Pon- dius ; another of Rubens, fol. mezz. 8 Paul Rubens, after Vandyke, by Nattier, fine aa very rare, proof from the Luxemburg Gallery : 1 Rubens, after Vandyke, by Woollett; another by Pontius, brilliant impression ; and the reverse plate also, by Viss- cher ; and the mezz. by Pelham 7 Rubens, by Hollar, G. Paneels, Pontius, Visscher, Wortiaee, &c., fine impressions 12 Rubens, after Vandyke, by Gaywood, Diaviz Haut, Lutima, Savery, Pontius, Visscher, Gregori, Priester, &c., fine impressions 9 Rubens and his Family, fol. mezz. ie McArdell, a brilliant proof before any letters 1 Rubens, after Vandyke, by Nattier ; Babats and his Family, by McArdell ; Rubens and his First Wife, by Hess, &c. 4 Vandyke, mezz., by Vaillant, proof; also by Vander Bruggen, Neeffs, and Schiavonetti, one a proof before any letters 5 Vandyke, by Gaywood, Vosterman, M. van Enden exc., Meyssens, Vaillant, &c. 8 Vandyke, by Hollar, Worlidge, SiikcishatPaxat Watson, &c. 10 Gerard Segers, after Vandyke, by Pontius, M. Vanden Enden exc., Messeyns; Gerard Honthorst, by Pontius, &c. ; Orazio Gentileschi, by Cocchi; Palemedes Palamedessen, by Pontius; W. Dobson, mezz. by White 13 Wicxi1AM Dossoy, etching, by John English (Evelyn), sould by Thomas Rowlett, very rare, from the Mariette, West, and Gulston Collections ] W. Dobson, as the preceding, but with the oe altered, P. Stent excudit.; others by Bannerman, &c.; Henry Vander Borcht, by Hollar, also the copy ; David Beck, by Coget, &e. 11 Adrian Hannerman, after Vandyke, by sitios one a proof before any letters; Joannes Livens, by Vosterman, M. Vanden Enden excud.; Francis Cleyn; Henry Steen- wick 13 84 THE STOWE GRANGER, VOL. It. 745 Henry Steenwick, after Vandyck, by Pontius, Vanden Enden excud. &c.,; Henry Stone; Adrianus Stalbant, by Pon- tius; Francis Wouters; Ab. van Diepenbeke, by Pontius; Cor. Polemburg, by Pontius; D. Teniers, by Michel 13 746 Adrianus Stalbant, after V andyke, by Pontius, Vanden Enden exc., an oval, proof before any letters ; Corn. Polemburg, after Vandyke, by P..D. Jode, Vanden Enden exc., &c.; John Torrentius; Edw. Pierce, &c. 10 747 Sir Balthasar Gerbier and his Family, after Vandyke, by Walker, one a proof before letters; Balth. Gerbier, J. Meyssens exc. ; Van Der Borcht, by Hollav; G. Geldorp; J. Peti- ; La Soeur, &c. 12 748 Ha Fhe by Hollar, in two states ; ake by Van Voerst and Val. Green; Artemisia Gentilisca; Nicholas Stone; Lucas Vosterman, after Vandyke, &c. 10 ENGRAVERS, MUSICIANS, WRITING MASTERS, &c. Vol. II. p. 862 to 372. 749 Lucas Vosterman, beautiful etching by Fr. Vanden Wyn- gaerde, fine and rare 1 750 Theodore Rogiers, after Vandyke, by ie brilliant impres- ston; Winceslaus Hollar, zetat 47, small oe proof before inscription ; others of him 7 751 Winceslaus Hollar, by Gaywood, brilliant. impression and rare; his Portrait, by himself, Meyssens excud. ; Theo- dore Rogiers, by Clouet ; Robt. van Voerst, after Van- dyke, &c. ; 7 752 Henry Lawes, by Pe 3 Jine impression, rare ; Nicolao L’anier, by Vosterman, two states, Vanden Enden ex., and Fr. Vanden Wyngaerde exc.; Jacobus Gouterus, Joannes Livius fecit, very spirited etching 4 753 Richard Gethenge, of Hereford, xt. 82, rare; the same by Chantrey ; Theophilus Metcalfe; Peter Vowell, by Cooper, private plate : 5 754 Elias Allen, Mathematician, after Vander Borcht, by Hollar, Jine impression; Thomas Shelton, wtat. 46, scarce ; the Two Tradescants, by Hollar . 4 755 Jacobus Roclans, by Pontius, fine; also the Six Portraits of the Roclans Family, by Hollar 7 756 William Stokes, small oval, by Glover, fine pe very rare ; also the copy, and a pen and ink drawing of it 3 757 758 759 760 761 762 764 765 766 THE STOWE GRANGER, VOL. It. 85 DISTINGUISHED LADIES. Vol. II. p. 372 to 396. Elisabetha Ducessa de Lenox et Richmond, after Vandyke, by Hollar ; Alatheia Talbot Comitissa Arundellize et Surriz, after Vandyke, by Hollar : 2 ANNA Dacres Comitissa Arundellia et Surrizx, stat. 69, oval, with patch on her temple, after Vost—ERMAN, by Hoar, Jine and extremely rare; also the copy 2 Catherine Duchess of Lennox, after Vandyke by P. de Jode, proof before the letters ; M* La Duchesse de Richemont, fol. mezz. after Vandyke, by Vander Bruggen; Mary Dutchess of Richmond, after Vandyke, fol. mezz. by Bockman : 3 Alathea Talbot, Countesse of Arundell, rare, B20. original and copy ; Lady Arundell and Lady Mowbray, in one plate, y Hollar ; small ovals of the Countess of Kent Margarita Comitissa Essex, oval, by Hollar, fine and rare ; also the copy; Dorothea Comitissa de Suffolk, oval, by Hlollar, in two states, one a proof before the inscription, Jine and rare : 4 Elizabeth Countess of Huntingdon, angels suspending a coronet over her head, oval, by Marshall, fine and scarce ; also the copy; another Portrait of her, by Payne, fine and scarce 3 Rachel Countess of Sass eee after Vantaee by McArdell, brilliant proof before any letters; Elizabeth Countess of Southampton, after Vandyke, by Thompson; Anne Countess of Bedford, after Vandyke, by Lombart 3 Francesca Brivces, Filia Domini Cavendish et Dotissa Exonize Comitissa, after Vandyke, by FAITHORNE, fine and very rare; also her Portrait, published by Thane 2 Elizabeth Countess of Devonshire, after Vandyke, by Lombart; Lucy Countess of Carlisle, after Vandyke, by Pet. de Baillue ; another, by Vertue, one a proof before letters ; another, full length, by P. v. Gunst; the Countess of Sunderland, by Vertue, one a proof before letters 8 Lucy Countess of Carlisle, after Vandyke, by P. v. Gunst, fine proof before the letters; Margaret Countess of Carlisle, and Dorothea Countess of Sunderland, after Vandyke, by Lombart ; also Anne Sophia, Countess of Carnarvon, by the same : : 4 86 767 768 769 770 771 772 773 774 775 776 THE STOWE GRANGER, VOL. Il. Frances Stuart, Countess of Portland, fol. mezz., after Vandyke, sold by Alexander Browne, very scarce; Penelope Lady Herbert, after Vandyke, by Lombart; Lady Aubigny, by Cooper, prwate plate 4 Maria Stuart, Comitissa Portlandiz, after Vandgiak by Hollar, Meyssens excud., &c.; Catherine Howard, Lady Gi by Gronevelt, Lommelin, &c. CATHERINE Howarp, Lapy Dicey, by Haba in a square, upon a white ground, three quarters, habited in a laced boddice, her arm resting on a table BRILLIANT IMPRESSION, AND EXTREMELY RARE, from the Collections of Sir James Lake and Sir Mark Sykes 1 Lady Catherine Howard, etat 13, 1646, oval, by Hollar, one a proof before letters, and the counterproof; another, oval, by Hollar, brilliant impression, from the Townley Col- lection ; also two other small Portraits of her, by Hollar, all fine and rare : 6 Catharine Howard, Lady Aubigny, three quarters, before a vase of flowers, by Hollar, proof before any inscription 1 Jane, Daughter of Arthur Goodwin, after Vandyke, by P. v. Gunst; Philadelphia and Elizabeth Whartons, after Van- dyke, by P. v. Gunst; Margaret Smith, after Vandyke, by P. v. Gunst; Blanche, Lady Arundell, by Scriven, proof before letters ; Cecilia Compton, by Cooper, private plate 6 Elizabeth Hervey, after Wangtel by Hollar; another, by Gaywood, P. Stent excudit, brilliant impression ; Susan- nah Temple, Lady Lister, after Johnson, by White, fine impression, and very rare; also the copy 4 Lady Teresia Shirley, in long flowing hair, braided with pearls, after Vandyke, by Hollar, extremely rare, but cut; another of the same, larger, &c. i 3 Vera Erricies Reticgios# Marcarit@ Smita (Lapy HERBERT), oval, with angels supporting a crown above, : four English verses beneath BRILLIANT IMPRESSION, AND UNIQUE, from the Collections of the Rev. Mr. Brand and Sir Mark Sykes, see his autograph note, “* M. M.S. Woodburn, £31. 10s.” ' MarcareTa SmitH, Vidua Thome Cary et Uxor Edwardi Equitis, by FarrHorne, after Vandyke, brilliant im- pression : : 1 777 778 779 780 781 783 784 785 786 787 THE STOWE GRANGER, VOL. II. 87 Margaret Smith, after Vandyke, by Vaillant, w. 1. mezz, proof before letters; Madam Anne Kirk, after Vandyke, by Becket, w. |. mezz.; Anna Wake, by Marshall ; another, by Clouet ; Mrs. Griffith, by Glover; Margaret Lemon, after Vandyke, by Hollar; another, by Lommelin 8 Madame Kirk, sitting in a chair, after Vandyke, by Gaywood, rare, a brillant impression; Anna Wake, by Clouet, proof; Margaret Lemon, by Marin, proof 3 Anne Countess of Morton, after Vandyke, by Lombart, also by Marshall, and others; Countess of Buchan; Maria Rutten, by Bolswert and Vander Wyngaerde; Lady Campbell, Van Dyck’s Wife, by Bartolozzi 1] Elizabeth Countess of Castlehaven, after Vandyke, e Lombart; Lady Garrard, by Hollar; Maria Ruten, by Faithorne and Gaywood; Vandyke’s Wife, by Bartolozzt, proof 6 REMARKABLE PERSONS. Vol. II. p. 397 to 414. President Bradshaw, mezz., by Worlidge, proof before letters ; another, by Vander G‘ucht, also by ees private plate ; Old Parr, by various 9 Captain Robert Dover, on horseback, the rare original, from the « Annalia Dubrensia,” with a drawing of the same, by John Brand 2 Archee the King’s Jester, by Cocill, original ine copy ; Hob- son, the Carrier of Cambridge, by J. Payne, are to be sould by P. Stent, rare, original and copy; Old Parr, mezz., by White, and others 9 THe OLDE vERY OLDE Man, or THomas ae of Win- nington, in the parish of Alderbury, county of Shropshire THE EXCESSIVELY RARE AND MAY BE UNIQUE ORIGINAL, from which it appears that Van Dalen engraved the fol- lowing portrait, which looks to the left 1 Tuomas Parr, as the preceding, by C. v. DALEN brilliant impression, and very rare 1 Thomas Parr, by Van Dalen, with the ndditiod of inscription of his death; others, by various; also tracings and drawings, &e. 10 Francis BATTALIA, the Stone Eater, whole arte by Hollar, fine, and very rare; also the copy; JEFFREY Hupson, the celebrated Dwarf, the extremely rare original; also copies 5 88 THE STOWE GRANGER, VOL. II. 788 Innocent Nat W11T, three quarters, in a black cap with two favours, and holding in his right hand a wooden sword. _ “Did you never see a man before? at what d’ye looke? I am yo" servant Natt, an Honest Cooke: Boyes trouble not mee! I’m going on my way, You vex me soe, I know not what I say.” an excessively rare and almost unique print, from the Fothergill, Gulston, and Bindley Collections; also the copy : 2 789 John Bull and F. Paritiaes on one woodcut; Alberman Abel and R. Kilvert, woodcut ane pen and ink drawing; Natt. Witt, copy 6 790 An Exact Legendary, comnendianae conkalien the whole Life of ABEL BELL, &c., with singular woodcuts, portraits above the text, printed in black letter, a rare broadside, imprinted in the yeare 1641 ‘ ] 791 Lazarus and Baptista COLLOREDO, full lengths, by Hollar, the rare original; also the copy; John Clavel, Highwayman, by Hole, Rich. Meighen evc., rare; also the copy, &c. 5 792 Moxy Cur Purss, three quarters, in an elegant dress, holding in her right hand a mirror, an eagle HbR. behind: her - shoulder , ] “ Not so quiek sighted, is the Eagle* for as pray As I new fashions spie, to make me gay.” *,* This extremely rare original of this extraordinary woman is not mentioned by Granger. It presents her as an elegant and beautiful woman, so different from the other rare por- trait of her, of which a copy and drawing accompany this. 793 Matthew Hopkins, Witch Finder Generall, the original and rare wood engraving from the Bindley Collection ; also three copies : ; 4 FOREIGN PRINCES ALLIED TO THE ROYAL FAMILY. Appendix to the Reign of Charles I. Vol. II. p. 415 to 419. 794 Maria pe Mepici, Queen of Henry the Fourth, Bust of a Female, supposed to be herself when young, wood engrav- ing, inscribed, Maria Medici, F. M.D.LXXXVII. very rare, see Strutt’s Dictionary of Engravers; Mary de Medici, oval, by Cor. Galle 2 794*Maria de Medici, her Coronation, by Caution 1610, fine, and very rare, oblong 4to.; also two small Portraits of her 3 THE STOWE GRANGER, VOL. II. 89 795 The Mighty Princesse Maria de Medicis, by Cockson, Comp. Holl. excu. fine and rare; another by Crispin de Pass ; and one Wierta sculpsit, 1600, fol. sh. fine and rare 3 796 Maria de Medicis, ovals, by De Leu, Cockson, Jacobson ex. &c.; large oval, after Vandyke, by Sompel ; another by Vosterman, Moncornet, &c.; and one of William Prince of Orange, by Crispin van Chistian 12 797 Maria de Medicis, after Vandyke, by Pontius, Vanden Enden exc. ; large oval by Hondius ; another by Morin; others by Larmessin ; and two historical, by Hollar 9 798 Iconismus Turme Equestris Christianissimam Reginam Matrem, Mariam Mediceam Amstebrodamum intrantem Jussu D.D. Consulum excipientis et deducentis, representing the Pro- cession, in a series of six oblong engravings, proofs before any inscriptions, preceded by a portrait of Mary de Me- dicis, after Hondthorst Amst. 1689 799 The Most Renowned Hopefull Prince William, Prince of Orange, oval, by Faithorne ; small full length, by Hollar; large oval, after Mireveld, by Delph; full length, after Honthurst, by Sailliar, &c. 8 800 William Prince of Orange, lage oval, after Hinshov't, by Brower ; another by Cr. a. Quebren scul., G. H. pin.; also after Honthorst, by Visscher ; and full length, after Honthorst, by Saillier, proof ; 4 801 Gustavus Adolphus, King of Sweden, small full length, in half armour, crowned, fine impression, and very rare; ovals by Cecill, in two states, one before the address, sould by P. Stent, &c. 5 802 Gustavus Adolphus, small a by Kilian ; atelier. with a wreath, printed on vellum, very rare; also one within a star, by Koch ; small Equestrian Portrait, by Kilian, on satin ; and Miniature, by Cooper, private plate, &c. 7 803 Gustavus Adolphus, Equestrian Portrait, in armour, by Jacob von Heyden, 1631; small full length, in armour, by Walch, 1632, and large full length in armour, excudebat R. Sout- man, Harlemi, 1650, rare 3 804 Gustavus Adolphus, ovals, by Marshall, Droeshout, P. de Jode, Kilian, Moncornet, &c.; Equestrian Portraits, by ~ G. Mountin, and others 7 18 N : 90 805 806 807 808 809 810 811 812 813 814 THE STOWE GRANGER, VOL. If. Gustavus Adolphus, large oval, after Mireveld, by Delph; others, by Pontius, Visscher, Claude de Lorrain, by Moncornet, &c. 8 Gustavus Adolphus at the Battle of Sani oblong ; and two other Historical Engravings relating to him 3 Hewnricus Frepericus Nassovius illustrissimi Guilielmi Principis Uranie Filius et Mauritius natus Princeps Uranie, &c., full lengths, as young men, in armour, with a land and sea engagement in the back ground, shields of arms above, large 4to. sheet very rare, and beautifully engraved ‘ 1 Henry Frederick Prince of Orange, oval, in armour, Roger Daniell excudit; small Equestrian Portrait, by Hollar and others; Frederick Hendrick und Amelia van Solm, a pair of three-quarter very spirited etchings, not men- tioned by Bartsch : 7 F. H. Prince of Orange, and Amelia with her two Children, full lengths, a pair, beautifully engraved by W. Akersloot of Harlem, 1628; ovals, by R. S., “ Crispiaen van queb.,” Picart, and others, one a proof b. 1. 11 F. H. Prince of Orange, large three quarters, in armour, by Delph; \arge oval, after Mireveld, by Delph; ovals, by Moncornet, Pet. de Jode, Moncornet, and others 7 F. H. Prince of Orange, large oval, in half armour, by Crispin de Pass ; another, in ornamental frame, by Suyderhoef ; and others, by P. de Jode, Waumans, &c. 6 F. H. Prince of Orange, large Equestrian Portrait, in armour, by Crispin de Pass ; large three quarter, in rich dress ; Bust, within an arch, on pedestal above the plan of Wesel ; Frederick Henry and Emelia van Solms, after Jordaens, by Rymsdyk, proof before letters . 4 F. H. Prince of Orange, large three quarters, in armour, after Van Dyck, by Pontius; large oval, in half armour, by Hondius ; three quarters, in armour, by Delph ; Prince of Orange and Amelia, as before 5 F. H. Prince of Orange, full length, in armour, by Crispin de Pass, with portraits of his six sons below, and naval and land engagements on either side ; a large Allegorical Engraving, by Simon de Pass, with an oval portrait of the Prince in the upper part . 2 THE STOWE GRANGER, VOL. II. 91 FOREIGNERS IN ENGLAND, AMBASSADORS. Vol. II. p. 420 to 486. 815 Le Marquis de Vieuville, Ambassador to Charles I, full length, drawing in colours, with two proof impressions of the engraving of tt, by Cooper, private plate 3 816 Le Marquis de Vieuville, as the preceding, by Cooper, three proof impressions, in different states 3 $17 Joannes Oxenstiern, Amb. from Sweden, by P. de Dee Rohan Duc de Fontenay, by Moncornet ; Joannes Fromhold, by Galle; Pompone de Bellievre, by Nantewil ; Cardinal de Berulle, by various; Chateauneuf, by Ragot, Daret, &e.; Francois de Bassompicre, by Moncornet 16 818 Pompone de Belliévre, by Nanteuil; Cardinal de Berulle; M. de Chateauneuf, by Moncornet; Fr. de Bassompiere, by Humblot; Cardinal Rosetti; Henri de Senneterre, Equestrian Portrait ; Henry de Lorraine, by Morin, &c. ; Michael le Blon, by Matham; Petr. Brahe, by Falck 18 819 Le Comte D’Harcour, by EKdelinck, Moncornet, &c.; Henry de Senneterre; Fr. de Bossompierre; Cardinal de Berulle, by Luvin; Pompone de Bellievre, by Te ee Henry de Lorraine, by P. de Jode, &c. 14 820 Stephanus de Gamarra, by Meyssens, Cross, Bo ; Gregers Krabbe, oval, in centre of allegorical engraving, rave and curious; Joannes Polyander, by Van Dalen, fine ; others, by Delph, &c.; Joannes de Reede, by Hollar 821 Albert Joachim Camerarius, the biographer of Melanchthon, after Mireveld, by Matham, fine proof, rare; Effigies of Jaurar Ben Abdella, Ambassador from Morocco, by Glover, rare; Joannes Polyander, by Suyderhoef, fine ; Franciscus Junius, by Hollar, fine impression, and very rare; also one by Burghers 4 822 Fr. Spanshemius, by Van Dalen, fine ; eee Comenius, by Noval; Fr. Junius, by P. v. Gunst; Vincent Voiture, by Lubin; Renatus des Cartes, by Schenk, Bosch, and Edelinck 7 823 Renatus des Cartes, by Ta Dalen, Clement de Tonghe; and Lubin ; Olaus Wormius, by Marshall and Hollar ; a Sia- mese Priest ; Madame de Rohan, by Moncornet, &c. 11 92 THE STOWE GRANGER, VOL. III. 824 Franciscus Junius, by Hollar ; another etching, after Vandyke, Vanden Enden exc. re Comenius, by Cross and Glover; also the usc to his works, by Crispin de Pass ; Fredericus Spanhemius, by Suyderhoef, &c. » fine ; J. H. Hottinger, by Meyer, &c. | 825 Renatus Descartes, by Suyderhoef, Van Ties and others; Fr. Spanhemius, by Suyderhoef; M. Voiture, by various ; Olaus Wormius, by Haelwechz; The Siamese Ambas- sador to Charles I; Marie de Rohan 15 VOLUME III. THE INTERREGNUM. THE ROYAL FAMILY, &c. Vol. III. p. 1 to 13. 826 Carolus II. Dei Gratis Magne Britannie Rex, large oval, in half armour, after Adrian Hanneman, by Danckers a brilliant impression ° : 1 827 Charles II, full length, in armour, in an historical engraving, representing at the distance the Murder of Charles I, the print is inscribed “ Het Tooneel der Engleische Ellenden” brilliant impression, and rare ] 828 Henrietta Maria, Queen Dowager, by Fokus G.. F. fect; the Queen Mother, by Cooper, mezz.; the Princess Eliza- beth, by Hollar, original and copy ; also the oval in which Cupid holds her black veil, four verses beneath, fine and rare : i) 829 OLIVER CROMWELL, A LARGE EMBLEMATICAL En- GRAVING, BY FAITHORNE, representing OL1ver Crom- WELL IN FULL ARMOUR, STANDING BETWEEN TWO PILLARS, in his right hand he holds a sword, on which are three crowns, and in his left an open book, inscribed, . “ Tollo Perlego Protego,’ numerous emblematical sur- round the figure, beneath which is inscribed, “Tur Em- BLEME OF ENGLAND’s DISTRACTIONS,” as also of her attained and further expected Freedome and Happiness BRILLIANT IMPRESSION, AND OF EXCESSIVE RARITY 1 *,.* This most interesting engraving is accompanied with two impressions, one a proof before any letters, of the copy engraved by Charles Turner, published by Woodburn. THE STOWE GRANGER, VOL. III. 93 830 The Honourable and Undaunted Warrior OLIVER CROMWELL, Lo. Governor of Ireland, Equestrian Portrait, in armour, by Hollar, in the centre of a broadside, being “ A Perfect Table of one hundred forty and five Victories obtained by the Lord Lieutenant of Ireland, from Wednesday, August 1, 1649, to March the last, 1650” EXCESSIVELY RARE, printed by Robert Ibbitson, 1650 folio broadside 831 Four VERY RARE AND CURIOUS SATIRICAL ENGRAVINGS OR BROADSIDES, representing Oliver Cromwell crowned as King of England, with the various ceremonies detailed, addressing the Covenanters from a pulpit at Worcester, Sept. 28, 1651, &c., each accompanied with verses and descriptions in the Dutch language : 4 832 Cromwell and Fairfax, with the portrait of Charles I. between them, in a broadside, with verses in Dutch beneath; the Royal Oake of Great Britaine, Oliver Cromwell in armour on the left; Parliament Haer Testament, by Clement de Jonghe; and other Satyrical Engravings, Medals, &c., some very rare and curious . 10 8383 Oliver Cromwell’s Cabinet Councell Discovered, with twelve portraits, very scarce, there being no other portraits of some of the regicides; ‘Title Page to the England’s Worthies, containing forty-four portraits, scarce; another sheet, containing nine portraits; small Equestrian Por- traits, one by Faithorne; and other Portraits by him, sould by P. Stent, &c., some scarce 22 834 Oliver Cromwell, three quarters, in armour, a boy tying a sash, letterpress on either side, fine impression, and rare; an Equestrian Portrait; and others, by Fatthorne, &c. 15 835 Oliver Cromwell, small Equestrian Portrait, by Mazthorne, fine impression ; a small square Portrait, within a border, by Bouttats, fine impression ; Oliverius Cromwel Rex In- dependentium Anglie Tyrannus, with gallows on one side and prison on the other, very rare, &c. 4 836 Oliver Cromwell, three quarters, in cap and feather; ovals, by Vermeulen, Picart, and others, with the Satyrical Medal- lion and the Great Seal of the Protector, by Vertue 16 837 Oliver Cromwell, by Houbraken, Faber, Drevet, Vertue, P. a Gunst, &c. : : 7 94 THE STOWF GRANGER, VOL, III. 838 Oliver Cromwell, large Equestrian Portrait, after Vandyke, by Lombart, brilliant impression; large three-quarters, in armour, by Lombart, fine impression ; large ovals, mezz., by Pelham and FP’. Place, fine 4 839 Oliver Cromwell, Equestrian Portrait, as in lot 836 ; large three- quarter, in armour, by Gaywood, P. Stent excud.; large oval, in armour, 0. c. P. R. at the angles, by Velde, Franz Carelse excudit, rare; another, by Pelham, brillant impression . 5 4 840 Oliver Cromwell, large oval, in armour, 0.c. P. R. at the angles, by Velde, first state, Rombout Vanden Hoege excudit, brilliant impression, rare; large oval, in armour, with an ~ ornamented frame of military trophies, &c., Kardt excudit; large Equestrian Portrait, with view of London beneath, I. Magot excudit ; another, by Sherwin ; and also Crom- well and Lambert, in armour, mezz., by Andrew Miller 5 841 Oliver Cromwell, three quarters, in armour, page tying his sash, by Cooper, proof before any letters, private plate; . Elizabeth Cromwell, by Cooper, proof before letters, private plate; Richard Cromwell, oval etching; and one by Bouttats 5 842 Elizabeth Cromwell, Wife to the Protector, in a black hood, a monkey at the side and four verses beneath, rare, original and copy; Richard Cromwell, by Hollar; others, sold by Peter Stent, &c. ‘ 10 843 Ricnuarp CroMWELL, Protector, with flowing hair and loose vest, half length, Guill. Haynesworth sculpsit, and are to be sould by P. Stent EXCEEDINGLY RARE, AND A BRILLIANT IMPRESSION 1 GREAT OFFICERS OF STATE, &c. Vol. III. p. 15 to 26. 844 General Ireton, by Houbraken, Vander Gucht, &e.; Col. Fiennes, by Vander Gucht; Lt. Gen. Fleetwood, by . Houbraken ; Edward Somerset, Marquis of Worcester, by Cooper, private plate 8 845 Epwarp SomeErsET, Marquis of Worcester, oval, in armour, | with sash across, by FAITHORNE | A BRILLIANT PROOF before any inscription 1 846 James Stanley, Earl of Derby, by Loggan, brilliant impression, with one of a later period; also a small oval woodcut Portrait; William Duke of Hamilton, by White 6 qn THE STOWE GRANGER, VOL. III. 9 847 Tur NewcastLe FAmity;—the Duke and Dutchess seated in arm chairs, surrounded by their children, after Abr. a Diependeke, by CLower small half sheet, folio of extreme rarity, and fine impression “ Thus is this semy-circle, wher they sitt, Telling of Tales of pleasure and of witt.” I 847*Charles Viscount Mansfield and Henry Cavendish, on horse- back, vaulting, the Marquis of Newcastle and his Family as Spectators, Abr. a Diepenbeke delin., Pet. van Lise- betten sculp. large oblong sheet. \ 847**Cecil Calvert, Baron Baltimore, by Blooteling ; Sidney Godol- phin, by Cooper, private plate; Lord Mordaunt, by Skelton; G. Digby, Earl of Bristol; Earl of Derby 8 848 Giovanni Viscomre MorpDANT, IN ARMOUR, oval, composed of armorial bearings, A SUPERB IMPRESSION, before the name of the engraver ; also another, smaller size 2 THE CLERGY. Vol. IIL. p. 27 to 61. 848* Archbishop Usher, by Dunstall; John Richards, Bishop of Ardagh, by Cross, fine and scarce; Edward Parry, Bishop of Kelaloe, by Dickson ; Edward teapholde; by Loggan ; Jeremy Taylor, by Lombart, &c. : 11 849 Bryan Walton, by Zombart; Dr. Gauden, fr ontispiece, by Cross, and also by Cooper, private plate; John Hewit; Alexander Ross; Nicolas Lockyer, scarce ; Baineass Thomas, by Cross; Sydrack Simpson, fine and rare 17 850 Edward Terry, by Vaughan, original and copy; Robert Dingley; Gulielmus Oughtred, by Maithorne, one a proof before the engraver's name; John Trapp, by Gaywood ; another, by Cross; Cave Beck, frontispiece, scarce 9 851 Francis Roberts, by Cross; Sam. Fairclough, by Van Hove ; John Godwin, by Gaywood; also the Satyrical Portrait of him, with a windmill over his head, Pride and Error blowing the sails, with sixteen verses beneath, the rare original and copy; Henry Stubbes d 8 852 Christopher Love, by Cross, 1651 and 1652, both scarce ; others, by Z. v. Mours, &c.; also an engraving, representing his Execution at the Tower, 1651, with text in Dutch, a rare broadside; William Bridge; John Durant, &c. 10 96 THE STOWE GRANGER, VOL. III. 8583 Christopher Love, half sheet, Conradus fecit ; James Walton, by Chantry, original and copy; Cuthbeat Sidenham, by Gaywood ; Joh. Frost, by Vaughan, &c.; Hezekiah Hol- land; Thomas Cawton, original and copy 10 854 John Rogers, after Savill, by Hollar, fine and scarce; John Murcot, by Faithorne, fine and scarce; also the copy; Samuel Moore, by Marshall; J. Symonds; Th. Mocket, by Cross, original and copy 9 855 Huen PETERs, a very curious satyrical print of him, in singular costume, with an oval at either side, representing him hanging, and his hand on a pole, the print is inscribed, “¢ Majister Hugo Peters,” &c., very rare 1 856 Hugh Peters, a windmill on his head, rare, original and copy; another, satyrical, in a clerical dress, standing on the books of Common Prayer, &c., fine impression, in the first state of the plate; another, preaching from a pulpit, scarce, &e. 6 857 Hugh Peters, by Vossen ; another, priitell by Peter Cole ; also by Cooper, private plate; Archbishop Leighton, by White, proof, &c.; John Perdage; Jeremiah White 9 858 Richard Carpenter, by Fatthorne ; John D'Espagne; another, by Marshall; Alexander More, by Crispin de Pass, &c.; Peter Wright, &c., all Priests of the Church of Rome 7 GREAT OFFICERS OF STATE. Vol. III. p. 61 to 71. 859 Edwardus Nicholas, by Hertochs; Claudius a Salmasia, by Matham ; Secretary Thurloe and Hugh Peters receiving a petition from four deputies from Holland, by Sherwin ; Secretary Thurloe, by Cooper, private plate; others, by Houbraken and Vertue; Edmund Ludlow, by Vander Gucht, &c. 11 860 Secretary Thurloe, by Hawes proof; Sit Samuel Morland, by Lombart, Hollar, &c.; Sir Alex. Erskine; Mr. Praise God Barebone, &c. : 8 861 Jupce MALtet, 4to. mezz., proof before any inscription, and of which plate only one other impression was taken off before it was destroyed, see note in the autograph of the late Duke of Buckingham ‘ 1 THE STOWE GRANGER, VOL. III. O7 862 Sir Alex. Erskine, by Corn. Galle; Bulstrode Whitelock, by Faithorne and Hulsbergh; Chief Justice Rolle, by Her- tocks ; Major Desborough; Thos. Fidell, &c. 9 863 John Desborough, by Cooper, proof before any letters, private plate; also the highly finished drawing, by Cooper, of Lady Desborough, from the picture lately at Stowe, and an impression of the engraving by Cooper, proof before letters, private plate : 3 MILITARY AND NAVAL. Vol. Ili. p. 72 to 81. 864 General Fairfax, holding the head of Charles I. by the hair, and an axe in his left, inscribed “ Carnifexr Regis Anglie ;” Thomas Fairfax, Anagramma, “ Fax erit famosa,’ oval, fine and scarce; Generals Fairfax and Oliver Cromwell, with the head of Charles I. between them 3 865 Major Generall Lambert, half sheet, mezz.; others, by Hou- braken, Vander Gucht, &c.; Col. J. Hewson, Col. Rey- nolds, Col. Jones, Sir R. Willis, and Sir Th. Tilderley, adé by Cooper, private plates; Sir Thos. Morgan, by Gulston, &e. : 17 866 Thomas Sanders de Ireton, by Loggan; Col. Penruddock ; Major Wildman, by Hollar, the scarce original and copy ; Col. John Lilborne, standing at the bar on his trial, fine impression, and rare : 8 867 Admiral Blake, an engraving representing a naval engagement off Calais, Portrait, fol. mezz., by Preston, and others, including those by Cooper, private plates ; Captain Penn, also by Cooper, private plate ; General Lesley 12 GENTRY. Vol. III. p. 82 to 87. 868 GuLIELMI Paston BaronettTi EFricies, by FAITHORNE EXTREMELY RARE, fine impression half sheet 1 869 Sir Henry Willoughby, 4to. mezz., by T. Man, with a view of Wollaton Hall, his seat, extremely rare; Peter Temple ; Sir Harry Slingsby, by Vertue : 5 870 Robert Henley, fol. mezz., by Faithorne ; John Holt, oval, by Loggan, fine impression; Anthony Ascham, by Cooper, private plate, &c.; Sir R. Chiverton, fol. mezz.; Sir Hugh Cartwright, &c. , 7 O 98 THE STOWE GRANGER, VOL. III. EMINENT PHYSICIANS, &c. Vol. III. p. 87 to 92. 871 Theod. Turquet de Mayerne, by Lombart, &c.; S. Charlton, by Lombart, &c.; Dr. Everard, by Cross, $¢., originals and copies; Rd. Tomlinson, by Cross; N. Culpepper, by Cross, &¢., one a proof 16 872 John Bulwer, by Faithorne, one a brilliant proof before any inscription ; Robert Bayfield, by Faithorne, one in broad brimmed hat, brilliant impression, in the first state; Tobias Venner, by Fatthorne, &c. : 8 DISTINGUISHED POETS AND AUTHORS. Vol. III. p. 92 to 120. 873 Thomas May, etat 55, original and copy; Thomas Stanley, by Faithorne ; Edward Benlowes; also the large En- graving with his Portrait, and various Views of old St. Pauls; Sir W. Lower, rare, original and copy; W. Chamberlaine, by Binneman 1] 874 Francis Goldsmith, with lines beneath, fine and rare; another, by Cross; John Quarles, by Fatthorne; John ee by Marshall ; Hugh Crompton 875 John Tatham, by Vaughan, original and copy; Jan af desdon, original and copy ; Leonard Willian, on a pedestal, by Cross; whole length Figures, with the names of Bunge and Nim above, extremely rare 7 876 Catherine Philips, mezz. by Vercolie, proof 6. 1.; another, on a pedestal, by Fatthorne; John Price, by Hollar, brilliant wmpression ; Thomas Peake, original and copy 7 877 Edward Leigh, by Cross, brilliant impression ; William Hicks, by Loggan, fine ; Ed. Chisendale, rare frontispiece and copy; John Sparrow, by Loggan, brilliant impression 6 878 Francis Rous, Provost of Eton College, etat 77, 1656, by Faithorne, brilliant impression, also the copy; James Sparrow, by Loggan, fine ; Sir George Strode 5 878* William Sanderson, by Faithorne ; Sir George Strode, Frontis- prece; James Howell, whole length, by Mellan and Bosse, original and copy; Robert Mentethus, by Lochon ; Robert Stapleton, by Marshall ‘ 6 THE STOWE GRANGER, VOL. III. 99 879 Henry Carey, Earl of Monmouth, by Faithorne, brilliant im- pression ; another, by Marshall, on a pedestal ; James Howel, title pages, by Marshall and Van Hove; William Dugdale, by Hollar, a brilliant impression 6 880 Exrias AsuMo eg, his bust, on a pedestal, by FatrHorne, a brilliant impression, with the copy, by Vander Gucht, &e. : ‘ 3 *,,* To the original is attached the following note in the auto- graph of the late Duke of Buckingham: “Found by Mr. Dunbar, the keeper of the Ashmolean Museum, at the back of one of the shelves, and by him given to me.” 881 William Burton, by Hollar, two impressions, one before the inscription, “ Anteigna sepulta vetusta;” Richard Kil- burn, by Cvoss; Jonas Moore, by Cross, &c.; John Greaves é : 6 SEVENTH DAY’S SALE. AUTHORS AND LITERARY MEN conrTinu_Ep. Vol. III. p. 121 to p. 1385, LOT 882 William Bagwell, etat 66, an. 1659, six metrical lines beneath, by Faithorne, the back of the print being occupied by an engraving by Chantry, representing Bagwell surrounded by his family at a table, very rare, from the Bindley Collec- tion ; also the copy; Sir John Moore, frontispiece, = Yeates 883 William Leybourn, by Ga wa. White, Vander Gucht, ce others; Sir James Harrington, mezz. by«Marchi; Sir James Ware, by Vertue 7 884 Sir James Harrington, mezz. by Marchi, br illiant proof b. I. ; William Bariffe, by Glover, from the Fothergill Collection, fine and scarce; Richard Elton, by Droeshout, fine and searce ; Robert Loveday, by Fatthorne 6 TOO THE STOWE GRANGER, VOL. IIf. 885 Sir James Harrington, after Lely, by Hollar, 1658, oval, fine and rare; also the copy; others of him, by Vander Gucht, &c.; George Wharton, by Fatthorne, Loggan, &c.; John Booker, woodcut, original and copy 10 886 Richard Rawlyns, by Gaywood ; William Lilly, by Cross and others; Thos. Willsford, by Vaughan; John Gadbury, by Cross, &c. : : ll 887 Richard Fitzmith ; Philomath, using a pair of compasses, with two metrical lines beneath, brilliant impression, and very rare; Robert May, ztat 71, 1660, with six verses beneath, in two states; Gulielmus Williams, ext. 32, oval, very rare; William Ramsey, Af sh. by Cross ; also the Bust, by Cross; and another with high hat ; 7 PAINTERS, MUSICIANS, WRITING MASTERS, &c. Vol. IIL. p. 185 to 142. 888 Robert Walker, by Lombart, proof; Isaac Fuller; Christo- pher Simpson, by Faithorne, 8vo. and 4to. sheet; Henry Lawes, by Faithorne ; Edward Mascall, by Gammon 7 889 John Gamble, by Cross, fine and rare ; Thomas Shelton, title to his “ Tachy-graphy ;” Robert Walker, by Lombart ; Noah Bridges, by Loggan ; John Brown, by Gaywood 5 890 Edward Cocker, etatis sue 26, 1657, with an ornamental oval, by Gaywood, very fine impression, and rare; another, within an oval of foliage, with pen in hand, and calligraphic figures on either side; also one with four verses beneath, and a woodcut; Jeremiah Rich . oi galls DISTINGUISHED LADIES. Vol. III. p. 142 to 148. 891 Rachel Middlesexize Comitissa, after Vandyke, by Lombart ; Penelope Countess of Wilton, by Hollar, Meyssens excudit.; Lady Catherine Harrington, ewtat 36, 1654; Mrs. Jane Lane ‘ ‘ 4 892 Lapy CATHERINE Harrineton, Wife to Sir James Harring- ton, within an octagon, with arms, BRILLIANT IMPRESSION, before the inscription of age and year 1 893 Mrs. Sarah Gilley, by Faithorne, Chantrey, &c.; Madama Killegry, by Hollar, after Vandyke, half sheet folio ; Susannah Perwick, by Cross, original and copy 6 THE STOWE GRANGER, VOL. lit. 101 894 Honoratissim& Domin& Paston Erriacies, Anno Domini 1659, large oval, with arms beneath, by FAITHoRNE A BRILLIANT IMPRESSION, and of extreme rarity ] *,,.* This very beautiful engraving is considered the “ chef d’ceuvre” of Faithorne. On the same sheet is a copy of it; also Lady Temple, by Gaywood, de he and copy ; Medal of Lady Falconberg. é REMARKABLE CHARACTERS. Vol. III. p. 149 to 153. 895 Martha Hatfield, lying in a Traunce, very rare, in three states, also the copy; Roger Crab; Lucretia Grenvil ; Marriot the Great Eater; Hannah Trapnal; Dr. Houlbrook, Blacksmith of Marlborough; anonymous Portrait by Cross, proof, §c.; another of a Man holding a cloak 15 896 The Lively Portraiture of Barbara Usher, the Hairy Woman, aged 29, 1658, by Gaywood, Sould by P. Stent, brilliant impression, and very rare ; another, large oval mezz. g 897 Vera Effigies Barbare, &c. as the preceding, by Gaywood, very rare; her full length, by an early German engraver, e.; James Naylor, mezz., by Preston, scarce; others of him . 8 DISTINGUISHED FOREIGNERS, CONNECTED WITH THE ENGLISH SERIES. Vol. III. p. 156 to 163. 898 Henricus Carolus de la Tremoille, by Philippe; Michel Le Tellier, by Nantewil, proof; F. de la Mothe; Henri D’Orleans, Duc de Longueville, by Nanteuil ; Menasseh Ben Israel; P. Reetz and Jacob Cats, by Natalis, &c.; Christianus Ravius; Leonard Philarus; Joannes Clau- bergius, by Suyderhoef; Joannes Rutilius, by Brower 16 899 Jacob Cats, by Natalis; Joannes Rutilius, by Mayer; Hier- onymous Van Beverningk, by Blooteling ; Cath. Lethieul- lier, by Luttichys; Flor. Marchant, fac-simile in pen and ink, by J. Brand, from the Bindley portrait ; Rigch Dandulo, by Cross ; M. de Thevenot, by Fatthorne and Picart; Jacob a Campen; Gaspar de Crayer, by Pontius 12 102 THE STOWE GRANGER, VOL. III. 900 Vera Effigies Domini Blasii de Manfre Netini Siculi, etat 72, S. Jenet sculpsit, A. Reich excudit. Vienne, 1650, the original and rare portrait of this extraordinary Water Spouter, with engravings of the same, by Hollar, &c. 4 REIGN OF CHARLES II. THE ROYAL FAMILY. Vol. III. p. 164 to 168. 901 CHartes II. at the Hague, full length ; also Henry Duke of Gloucester, seated, Christophorus Jacobi vander Leamen pinait, S. A. Bolswert sculpsit, a fine proof ; Charles II. surrounded by the Royal Family at Dinner, S. Tvielt in. Pierre Philippe sculpsit : 2 902 Cuarces II, full length, in half armour, standing on a pedestal, crowned by Jupiter, and with various emblematical figures, symbolical of his Restoration, after Cornelius Schut, by Ho.tiar, extremely rare large folio sheet 1 903 Charles II. at the Hague, by Bolswert ; his Embarkation at Scheveling, after Schut, by Visscher * and another by Matham : 3 904 Charles II, drawing, by een from the Stowe Miniature ; also a proof impression of the engraving of it, by Cooper, _ private plate ; Charles II, three quarter, after Vandyke, by Hollar 3 905 Charles II, three quarters, after Vandyke, by Hollar, ¥ Meys- sens excudit, fine impression, first state ; oval, in armour, with hat and feather, after Vandyke, by T. v. Meurs ; another, when a child, after Vandyke, by Vaillant, proof before letters : 3 906 CuarRveEs II, oval bust in armour, with owiag hair, by Chantry, W. Fa. invent. T. Ch. sculp. P. Stent excudit. | Jine and rare : ° 1 907 Cuartes II, stmiLtaAr Bust To THE PRECEDING, by FaiTH- ORNE, with six metrical lines beneath, commencing — “ The Second Charles, Heire of y* Royall Martyr,” BRILLIANT IMPRESSION, and very rare 1 908 Cuartes II, LARGE OvAL BuSsT, IN THE ROBES OF THE GARTER, WITH ARMS AT THE FOUR CORNERS, W. FAITHORNE SCULP., FINE AND EXTREMELY RARE apparently a proof touched in by the engraver 1 THE STOWE GRANGER, VOL. III. 103 909 Charles II, large oval, with long flowing wig, crown and sceptre on a table Peter Williamson sculp., Peter Stent exc. fine and scarce 1 910 CHarues II, LARGE OVAL, WITH LONG FLOWING WIG AND LACE BAND, and royal arms beneath, inscribed, Frpe1 Derensor D. Loccan deli. et sculp. et excu. cum prwvilegio : : 1 *,* “This beautiful and rare print is one of Loggan’s finest performances, and is so rare that only one more impression is known.’—See Manuscript note attached. 911 Cuartes II, Lance EQuestriAn PorTRAIT, with a View of London beneath, fine impression, and rare, Paris chez P. Mariette ; another Equestrian Portrait, London be- neath, Garret excudit, but without any inscription, half sheet, very rare : : 2 912 Charles II, large Equestrian Portrait, in rich dress and broad brimmed hat and feathers, by Paulus Furston ; another, by A. de Blois; his Statue at Edinburgh, and small Equestrian Figure, with Whitehall and the Royall Oak beneath . : 4 913 Charles II, large three quarters, in armour, his hand resting on a truncheon, after Mason, by Chantry ; large oval, by Vandrebanc ; full length, in royal robes, seated » foles MezZe after Lely, and sold by Alexander Browne 3 914 CHARLEs II, LARGE EQUESTRIAN PORTRAIT TO THE LEFT, WITH LONG FLOWING HAIR, AND VIEWS OF, Lonnon, GREENWICH, AND THE THAMES BENEATH, royal arms on either side at the bottom, and dedicatory inscription by HucGo ALLART, very rare, &c., a fine impression large folio sheet 1 915 Charles II, small Equestrian Portrait, by Visscher; Great Seal, by Vertue; large oval, after Knoller, by White ; another, by Vandrebanc ; and full length, in royal robes, by White, folio sheet : : 6 916 Charles II, three quarters, in armour, emblems of the rising sun in the distance, after Diepenbecke, by Hollar, folio sheet ; oval, in armour, after Mason, by Sandrart, fine ; oval, by Willemson ; three quarters, in armour, etching, by Boel, &e. . . 5 104 917 918 919 921 922 923 924 925 926 927 928 THE STOWE GRANGER, VOL. Ill. Charles II, full length, in royal robes, by Sherwin, folio sheet ; oval, after Lely, by Bouttats ; and various others 8 Charles II, oval, with sash across the breast, after Hanneman, by Danckers; oval, by Aubrey; ovals, folio mezz. a Smith, Williams, &e. Charles II, large oval, in armour, with a after Pa by Visscher, fine ; another, in armour, Z. Spirinck delt. et sculp. 1664, fine and rare; oval, by Fran. vander Steen, fine and rare 3 Charles II, after Lely, folio mezz. by Plocielings another, after [noller, sold by Smith ; ovals, by Loggan, Mon- cornet, Picart, &c. 10 Charles II. in royal robes, full length, neatses after Lely, by Brown ; another, three quarters, in armour, after Lely, sold by Bowles, with a reverse impression ; another, after Lely, by J. H. Tucker ; and an oval, after Kneller, by Williams 5 Charles II, full length, in singular ata, and seated by a pillar, resting his hand against a shield, arms and inscription beneath, rare ; full length, in the robes of the Garter, by Sherwin ; mezzotints, by Cooper, Smith, &c. 9 Charles II, three quarters, in armour, with emblems of the rising sun in the back ground, after Duepenbecke, by Hollar, a brilliant impression, and rare; large three quarter, in armour, his hand resting on a truncheon, brii- lant impression, before any artist's name, and with three columns of verses in the Dutch language 2 Charles II, small Portrait, by Hollar; others, by Faithorne, Jode, Van Hove, Bouttats, and others, some rare 23 Charles II, by Hollar and Chantrey; Frontispiece, by Loggan; ovals, by Faithorne, one a proof; also by White, Vander Gucht, and Vertue; and a very rare small full length, in royal robes, standing between two pillars : 1] Charles II, by Fatthorne, Vanderbank, Vander Gucht, Wil- lemson, and others, some rare 4 13 Charles II, by Van Dalen, Mason, Faithorne, Larmessin, &e. 13 Frontispieces and Titles to various works, wit the Portraits of Charles II, Medals, and a set of small Portraits of the © Kings of England, on seven plates THE STOWE GRANGER, VOL. III. 105 929 Charles II. and his Queen, oblong sheet, by Van Hove ; others, sold by Matthew Collins, &c., rare i 5 930 Cuarvzs Il. AND HIS QUEEN, A SERIES OF SEVEN OBLONG ENGRAVINGS, BY RoDERIGO SToOoP, IN COMMEMORATION OF THE ARRIVAL OF THE QUEEN FROM PORTUGAL, as follow— I. The Entrance of the Lord Ambassador Mountague into the Citty of Lisbone, the 28th day of March, 1662. II. The Publique Proceeding of the Queen’s Ma‘* of Great Britaine through y® Citty of Lisbone. iI]. The maner how her Ma* Donno Catherina embarketh from Lisbon for England. {V. The Duke of York’s meeting with the royal navy after it came into the Channell. V. The manner of the Queenes Ma“ landing at Portsmouth. VI. The coming of the King’s Ma“ and y® Queenes from Portsmouth to Hampton Court. VII. The Triumphal Entertainment of y° King and Queene, by Lord Mayor and Citizens of London, from Hampton Court to White Hall, on the River Thames, “ Aqua Triumphalis.” *,* A note by the late Duke of Buckingham to the last states, “ This set is extremely rare; it belonged to the Vindé Col- lection.” Only four of this series was in the Collection of Sir Mark Sykes. 931 II. AND HIS QUEEN, represented in the Kings and Queens on A PACK OF PLAYING CARDS, comprised of maps of all the counties of England and Wales, apparently issued about the year 1666 exceedingly rare, and not mentioned by Mr. Singer in his valuable work on Playing Cards SATYRICAL BROADSIDES, &c. 932 Tue Scors holding their Younae Kincxs Noss to the Grin- stone, an extremely rare engraving, surrounded with metrical lines on either side, and prose beneath, London, printed 1651, from the Bindley Collection 1 933 The Maner of His Majesties curing the Disease called the King’s Evil, by Van Hove, printed for Dorman Newman, 1679; the Popish Plot, a singular engraving, with printed description, printed for Th. Dawks, 1679 2 te 106 THE STOWE GRANGER, VOL. III. 934 Babel and Bethel; or the Pope in his Colours, singular en- graving, with metrical description beneath, printed for Langley Curtis, 1679; another large Engraving of a similar description, with separately printed descriptions ; also one relating to Germany. ROYAL FAMILY contTinuep. Vol. III. p. 170 to 183. 935 CATHARINA QUEENE OF GREAT BRITAIN, and Daughter to ' John the IIII. and Sister to Alphonsus VI, Kings of Por- tugal, by FaiTHorNeE, large oval, with rich berthe, a jewell hanging in front, the crown on the right, and arms of Portugal below, London, printed and sold by Peter Stent, at y° white horse, in guilt spur street, betwixt Newgate and Py-corner, 1662 Solio sheet EXTREMELY RARE, AND A BRILLIANT IMPRESSION 1 9386 QuEEN CATHERINE, THREE QUARTERS, SUPERBLY habited, with broad laced berthe, large flowing wig, hoop, and holding in left hand a pair of gloves, inscribed Carolo I/, et Hanc Serenissime Regine Catharine Effigiem Lumil- lime consecrat, G. FAITHORNE SUPERB IMPRESSION, AND EXTREMELY RARE hf. sheet 1 937 Donna CATHERINA, Queene of England, oval, P. Williamson fecit, P. Stent excudit, BRILLIANT PROOF, before the address of Overton, extremely rare 5 I 938 Donna Catherina, as the preceding, sould by John Overton, at the whitehorse, neere the fountaine tavern, without New- gate, fine and rare 1 939 Catharina Lusitana et Regina Angliz, N. Bylli sculp. proof before any inscription 1 940 Catherina Regina, large oval within a foliage of oak, Peter Williamson fecit, John Overton excudit ; Catherina Lusi- tana, by Bylh 2 941 Catherina Regina, half sheet, mezz., after Lely, by Blooteling, brilliant impression; oval, half sheet, mezz., after Lely, by Blooteling ; another, after Haysmans, by Smith, half sheet, mezz.; and one full length ; 4° 942 Donna Catherina, ovals, by P. de Jode, Larmessin, Waumans, and others ; : 9 oe THE STOWE GRANGER, VOL. III. 107 943 Catherina Queen of England, oval, after D. a Plaats, by A. de Blois, brilkant impression; large oval, within an orna- mental oak foliage, proof before any inscription; full length, after J. B. Caspers, by Davis ; and another, after Haysmans, by Tompson 4 944 Donna CATHERINA, bust in oval, broad laced collar, with long flowing hair, the crown on the left, Wencestaus HoLiar AQUA FORTI, a. 1661 BRILLIANT PROOF BEFORE INSCRIPTION, exceedingly rare 1 945 P. James, Duke or York, half length, in armour, with flowing hair “England doth boast thy birth and riper yeares, But France and Flanders speake the rest with teares.”—I. H. brilliant impression, and very rare ] 946 James Duke or York, oval, in armour, with aaah across, by Faithorne, a cut proof 1 947 James Duke of York, Equestrian Pasteait, by W. Hollar, fecit, 1640, fine and rare 1 948 James Duke of York, oval, in armour, with ee flowing hair, and Order of the Garter in front, by James Gammon, P. Stent excudit, brilliant Hp eit before the name of the engraver 1 949 James Duke of York, large three eee s, in the robes of the Garter, by Robert White, sold by John Overton, fine and rare 1 950 James Duke of York, beat quarters, in armour, his arm resting on an anchor, by J. Smith, proof before any inscription ; another, resting his truncheon on a cannon, after Lely, by Browne ; another, full length, after Kneller, by Beckett, ea WC. e e 4 ; 951 James Duke of York, whole length, in the robes of the Garter, by Loggan ; oval, by Gammon, and others 7 952 Mary D’Este, Duchess of York, mezz., after Lely, by Bloote- ling; the Lady Isabella, Daughter of James Duke of York, fol. mezz., with a dove in the child’s arms, after Lely, sold by S. Cooper, proof before inscription, very vyave; another, half sheet, mezz., holding the head of a lamb, cut proof; Henry Duke of Gloucester, as a child in a cradle, 4to. mezz., by Lens ; 4 108 THE. STOWE GRANGER, VOL. Ht. 953 Anne Hyde, Duchess of York, by Simonneau; Mary D’Este, Duchess of York, full length, by Vandrebanc; others, by Audran ; three quarter, mezz., after Lely, by Thompson, with a reverse impression ‘ 6 954 Henry Duke of Gloucester, full length, in the robes of the Garter, by White; large oval, after Luthchuys, by Van Dalen, fine and scarce; others, by Vertue; small plate, by Hollar, scarce, &c. 6 955 Mary Princesse oF ORANGE, oval, hf. ‘hs by FArTHORNE, sould by William Faithorne, at y° signe of y° oan within Temple Barr, brilliant impression 956 Mary Princess of Orange, fol. mezz. after Lely, by ae others, by Cooper and Blooteling ; the Lady Anne, after Lely, by Blooteling ; William Henry, Prince of Orange, fol. mezz., after Lely, by Blooteling and Valck 7 957 Princess Ann, half sheet, Amst., by Nicol. Visscher ; another, fol. mezz., after Lely, by Thompson; Mary Princess of Orange, mezz., after Lely, by Thompson, Valck, &c.; William Prince of Orange as a child, oval, after Honthorst, by Brower, &c. : 8 958 William Henry Prince of Geagee three quarters, in armour, resting his arm on a helmet, fol. sheet, after Rane by Philippe, fine; oval, in armour, by Valck; Prince and Princess of Orange, oblong mezz., by Gole; Henriette Anne d’Angleterre, one an unfinished proof 7 959 Prince Rupert, half sheet, oval, after Vandyke, by Faithorne, sould by P. Stent; others, by Sayers, Vaillant, &c. 5 960 Prince Rupert, mezz., after Lely, by Thompson, proof before letters; another, after Gerard Dow, by Smith, fol. mezz., proof before letters; the Prince of Hanner, in armour, mezz., with reverse, a proof 4 961 Prince Rupert, oval, after Vandyke, by Faithedbes sould by Robt. Peake; another, after Lely, by Thompson, mezz., another, after Dahil, by Faithorne, half sheet, mezz., sold by Cooper ; George Prince of Denmark, by P. v. Gunst 4 962 Prince Rupert, oval, after Vandyke, by Faithorne, sould by Thos. Hinde; George Prince of Denmark, after Anedler, half sheet, mezz., by Smith, &c. ° 5 963 Prince Rupert, large oval, in the robes of the Garter, after Lely, by Blooteling, 1673, fine impression; George Prince of Denmark, oval, by Loggan, fine impression 2 THE STOWE GRANGER, VOL. HI. 109 GREAT OFFICERS OF STATE. Vol. III. p. 182 to 198. 964 Thomas Wriothesley, Earl of Southampton; Thomas Duke of Leeds, Earle of Danby, by White and Blooteling ; Earl of Radnor; Thomas First Lord Clifford, after Lely, by Holl, proof before letters, private plate 10 965 Tuomas Osszory, Earl of Danby, by Blooteling brilliant proof, before any inscription : ] 966 Henry Duke of Norfolk, large oval, in armour, after Lely, y Blooteling, 1678, brilliant impression, and rare 967 H. Bennett, Earl of Arlington, by Houbraken, and sind Henry Earl of St. Alban’s, by Cooper, private plate; James Duke of Ormond, by Loggan, Faber, &c. 12 968 George Monck, Duke of Albermarle, Equestrian Portrait, sold by Ste. Lye; three quarters, by Gaywood ; ovals, by White, &e. 969 Grorce Monck, DuKE oF ALBERMARLE, in armour, with the Order of the Garter, and arms beneath, octagon Af sh. by GaAywoop, are to be sould at the signe of the Pheasant, at Snow Hill, 1660, fine, and ere ne rare, from the Sykes Collection 1 970 GrorGe DuKeE or ALBERMARLE, rie over his shoulder, his hand resting on a helmet, after Barlow, half sheet, by GAYWOOD, BRILLIANT IMPRESSION, AND VERY RARE 1 971 George Duke of Albermarle, as the preceding, after Barlow, P. Stent excud., fine and rare 1 972 George Duke of Albermarle, similar to the Speceding: occupy- ing the upper right hand part of a broadside, entitled a Poem Gratulatory on the Heroick Vertues of George Monck, &c., London, printed for William Gilbertson 1 973 George Duke of Albermarle, in armour, holding a truncheon, by Loggan, 1661, half sheet ; another similar, with inscrip- tion on a black ground, rare 2 974 GrorGE DvUKE oF ALBERMARLE, circular Tae in armour, with verses beneath, by James Hoar, Guit, SHERWIN fe. BRILLIANT IMPRESSION, and extremely rare ] 975 George Duke of Albermarle, by Sheppard, Ld. le Davis, &c. 6 110 976 977 978 979 980 981 982 983 984 THE STOWE GRANGER, VOL. III, The Soremn INTERMENT of George Duke of Albermarle, col- lected by Francis Sandford, en a series of twenty-one oblong engravings, after Barlow, by Robert White very rare ; ¥ Ng = Rae. — RK ‘ ri ay ; , TOMICAS Vx OY = \ j ? ay n he imme a aerate deste SEGRE! | | j heater cw \ che SKC) Asie me om POTS Te SY panan Lill HO ‘a Tm Bante SCOTS IT 1 en Sern | COOLO AO 1 ETE | A a 1 ga he i } { {| 14 | | laf 4 | , 4 hes i‘ ‘ To | Yer . TZ s SLRS BLED {tL OS, | 1 | ara Speed x T™ / | a YN GW a, HOO ~~ od — Als f [| i Pita }.] x oa a 1849 Mar -9 LoSoS c fon Saheb sina ed Brit ae iii) a Weer >: vice