meprneentegrpemenn smerny nytom terete eh ERGY" igeataetioes CL. - {ae ra Aa’ LIBRARY °. M. KNOEDLER & CO. 1427? 556-8 Fifth Ave, ACC. New York ON FREE PUBLIC VIEW AT THE AMERICAN ART GALLERIES MADISON SQUARE SOUTH, NEW YORK BEGINNING MONDAY, MARCH 12th, 1917 AND CONTINUING UNTIL THE TIME OF SALE VALUABLE AMERICAN AND FOREIGN OIL PAINTINGS BY DISTINGUISHED MASTERS TO BE SOLD AT UNRESTRICTED PUBLIC SALE ON FRIDAY EVENING, MARCH 16th, 1917 BEGINNING AT 8.15 O’CLOCK AY Lith AMERICAN ART (GATEERIES ILLUSTRATED CATALOGUE OF AMERICAN AND FOREIGN OCA NTENGS BY DISTINGUISHED MASTERS OF THE MODERN SCHOOLS TO BE SOLD AT UNRESTRICTED PUBLIC SALE BY DIRECTION OF ROBERT FORSYTHE LITTLE, ESQ.; ATTORNEY WILLIAM M. COLEMAN, ESQ., ATTORNEY AND SEVERAL PRIVATE OWNERS AT THE AMERICAN ART GALLERIES ON THE EVENING HEREIN STATED THE SALE WILL BE CONDUCTED BY MR. THOMAS E. KIRBY AND HIS ASSISTANT, MR. OTTO BERNET, OF THE AMERICAN ART ASSOCIATION, MANAGERS NEW YORK CITY OMe THE AMERICAN ART ASSOCIATION DESIGNS ITS CATALOGUES AND DIRECTS ALL DETAILS OF ILLUSTRATION TEXT AND TYPOGRAPHY CONDITIONS OF SALE 1. Any bid which is merely a nominal or fractional advance may be rejected by the auctioneer, if, in his judgment, such bid would be likely to affect the sale injuriously. 2. The highest bidder shall be the buyer, and if any dispute arise between two or more bidders, the auctioneer shall either decide the same or put up for re-sale the lot so in dispute. 3. Payment shall be made of all or such part of the purchase money as may be required, and the names and addresses of the pur- chasers shall be given immediately on the sale of every lot, in default of which the lot so purchased shall be immediately put up again and re-sold. Payment of that part of the purchase money not made at the time of sale shall be made within ten days thereafter, in default of which the undersigned may either continue to hold the lots at the risk of the purchaser and take such action as may be necessary for the enforcement of the sale, or may at public or private sale, and without other than this notice, re-sell the lots for the benefit of such purchaser, and the deficiency (if any) arising from such re-sale shall be a charge against such purchaser. 4. Delivery of any purchase will be made only upon payment of the total amount due for all purchases at the sale. Deliveries will be made on sales days between the hours of 9 A. M. and 1 P. M., and on other days hours of 9 A. M. and 5 P. M. Delivery of any purchase will be made only at the American Art except holidays—between the Galleries, or other place of sale, as the case may be, and only on pre- senting the bill of purchase. Delivery may be made, at the discretion of the Association, of any purchase during the session of the sale at which it was sold. 5. Shipping, boxing or wrapping of purchases is a business in which the Association is in no wise engaged, and will not be performed by the Association for purchasers. The Association will, however, afford to purchasers every facility for employing at current and reasonable rates carriers and packers; doing so, however, without any assumption of responsibility on its part for the acts and charges of the parties engaged for such service. 6. Storage of any purchase shall be at the sole risk of the pur- chaser. 'Title passes upon the fall of the auctioneer’s hammer, and thereafter, while the Association will exercise due caution in caring for and delivering such purchase, it will not hold itself responsible if such purchase be lost, stolen, damaged or destroyed. Storage charges will be made upon all purchases not removed within ten days from the date of the sale thereof. 7. Guarantee is not made either by the owner or the Association of the correctness of the description, genuineness or authenticity of any lot, and no sale will be set aside on account of any incorrectness, error of cataloguing, or any imperfection not noted. Every lot is on public exhibition one or more days prior to its sale, after which it is sold “as is” and without recourse. The Association exercises great care to catalogue every lot cor- rectly, and will give consideration to the opinion of any trustworthy expert to the effect that any lot has been incorrectly catalogued, and, in its Judgment, may either sell the lot as catalogued or make mention of the opinion of such expert, who thereby would become responsible for such damage as might result were his opinion witl hout proper foundation. AMERICAN ART ASSOCIATION, American Art Galleries, Madison Square South, New York City. (2) = © © 4 = IS DI ODP Attributed to Jean Louis Andre Théodore Géricault Frencu: 1791—1824 p= O@) 20—CAESAR’S ENTRY INTO ROME Height, 18 inches; length, 161% inches Lb ee = ee ae / tutanytlplergtien A composition with many figures, showing the Roman ruler in his chariot drawn by four white steeds with leaders at their bridles, preceded by youths and children bearing vessels and garlands. Helmeted soldiers, with pikes and emblems, follow in the wake of the triumphant leader. The chariot is passing a great building which appears on the right, and on the left there is a great crowd of people and other buildings. Purchased from T.. J. Blakeslee, New York, 1891. Wy . bo. Gedo J. Abner Harper Collection, New York, 1911. SYN 4 By order of Wruu1am M. Coteman, Attorney. Wing. D. F. Hasbrouck AMERICAN: 1860— 21_THE WOODS IN WINTER Water Color: Height, 13 inches; width, 10 inches From the snow-covered foreground a pathway leads through a wood. 'The trunk of one large tree rises from the left fore- ground to the top of the picture and on either side of the road appears the foliage of pine trees. Beyond are slender trunks and saplings with a pinkish winter sky showing through the interstices. Signed at the lower left, and dated. By order of Mr. Ronerv Forsyrue Lirrie, Attorney. Henry Oliver Walker, N.A. AMERICAN: ConTEMPORARY Ji 22—BOY AND DOVE ) ee ee af CT ee 1 WA Mee, Res ve aa Height, 19 inches; width, 101% inches Or golid frame, full, round cheeks and broad forehead, with his light hair mildly tousled, a small boy stands nude in tall green grass where field flowers bloom, before a dark green wood. He holds against his chest in an attitude of childish affection a gray dove whose wings are partly spread, and looks down at the bird, as he stands in an easy posture turned slightly to the left but facing forward, his body encircled by a narrow dove-gray fillet. Signed at the lower left, Henry Onriver Wanker, 1888. William T. Evans Collection, New York, 1913, Catalogue No. 103.9770 By order of Mr. Roserr Forsyrur Lrrrir, Attorney. aay William H. Howe, N.A. AMERICAN: 1846— PA GO 23 AUTUMN AT FONTAINEBLEAU D Ale : Oe ATE pen eras 2s ae / Panel: Height, 1284 inches; length, 16 inches Setine ie eee. A roap, deeply furrowed, extends from the forefround into ¢ the middle of the picture, rising steeply up a hillside covered with herbage, brown and withered by the frost. A few trees on either side of the road, and other tree masses in the middle distance, with a sky of gray clouds, complete the picture. Signed at the lower right. By order of Mr. Roserry ForsyrHe Lirrie, Attorney. John Henry Twachtman YA oO 1902 i ie American: 1858 24—_UNDER THE IRON PIER, CONEY ISLAND Millboard: Height, 12 inches; length, 14 inches WZ4 VL Tue pier structure, with its galleries and roofs, occupies the right of the picture extending to the sea, where a white excur- sion steamer is seen just leaving. In the surf on the left are some bathers and a life saver in a skiff. Part of the pier struc- ture, under which the artist was seated, crosses the top of the canvas, and four iron pillars descend from it to the immediate foreground on either side. On the backing an inscription in ink, as follows: “Coney Island Pier. Sketch by John H. Twachtman, made for the Century Co.” By order of Mr. Roperr Forsyrne Lirrir, Attorney. Alexander H. Wyant, N.A. AMERICAN: 1886—1892 25—IN THE CATSKILLS Height, 14 inches; length, 17 inches Maret bee L Iw the foreground the land rises on either side of a brook of sinuous course, green bushes growing down to the water’s edge on the right, and on the left a slender and nearly leafless tree rooted in a stony soil whose herbage is a brownish-green. Beyond a brown, indefinite middle distance rises the deep blue ridge of the mountains, with peaked and rounded summits, under a sky full of white and darkening gray clouds. Signed at the lower left, A. H. Wyayr. From the A. H. Wyant sale, 1894. #Nb41 $/904 Wiliam T. Evans Collection, New York, 1918, Catalogue No. 34. 9620-1 By order of Mr. Rosertr Forsyrue Lirrie, Attorney. eed George H. Bogert, A.N.A. AmeERICAN: 1864— 26—OFF ETAPLES Siting. Panel: Height, 18 inches; width, 1434 inches THe bluish green expanse of the sea, with breakers rolling in on the sandy beach, occupies the lower portion of the picture. On the right is a headland with white chalk cliffs; on the left is a sloop sailing before the wind, and farther away are several other sails. Over all, a sky of warm-tinted gray clouds with a patch of blue in the upper portion. Signed at the lower right, and dated ’94. By order of Mx. Roserr Forsyrue Lirriz, Attorney. Samuel Colman, N.A. AMERICAN: 1833 27—A VALLEY IN MEXICO ez Height, 11 inches; length, 17 inches ‘ ae i 2 Z CLOCLBLS TY. GEL I'iar lands and a stream on which is a punt being propelled along, occupy the foreground. In the middle distance are buildings and a walled garden with groups of trees,—the whole forming an establishment of importance. Beyond lies a range of mountains and overhead is an evening sky with gray clouds tinged with warm white and pink. Signed at the lower right. Thomas B, Clarke Collection, New York, 1899, Catalogue No. 209. AES 4 Emerson McMillin Collection, New York, 1913, Catalogue No. 121. — S/10. € Property of a Private Collector. Ailes allnge/ Arthur Turnbull Hill AMERICAN: oo (oer 283—THE LAKE IN WINTER ae i = = Height, 15 inches; length, 18% inches VI ID A. LAKE with wooded shores occupies the central portion of the picture. On the bank, in the foreground, are the trunks of trees, both on the left and right, reaching up to the top of the canvas. The general tone of the picture is cast in light tints and snow is indicated blowing as it falls across the picture. Signed at the lower right, and dated 1913. By order of Mr. Rozerr Forsyrue Lirrie, Attorney. Charles P. Gruppe American: 1860— 29—_LATE OCTOBER Height, 13 inches; length, 18 inches GE. 2 Merb 7 Lah | | i al i | | i ‘In tké foreground are pastures on the edge of a wood, which traverses the middle portion of the picture. ‘The trees are almost bare of foliage. A white and black cow is seen in the right center grazing among the saplings. Signed at the lower right. By order of Mr. Rosperr Forsyrne Lrrrie, Attorney. William Sartain, A.N.A. AMERICAN: 1843— 30—HARLY EVENING JI Height, 12 inches; length, 20 inches A. BELT of full-foliaged trees, dark against an evening sky of gray blue, extends from the left across the composition, and relieved against it in milder tints is a mass of shrubbery. The immediate foreground shows a part of a sandy road. By order of Mr. Roserr Forsyrue Lrrrir, Attorney. George Willoughby Maynard, N.A. AMERICAN: 1843— 381-_THALASSA Millboard: Height, 16 inches; length, 20 inches a i oe THe entire composition, except for a strip of sky in the upper part, is filled by the expanse of blue ocean and breakers which are rolling in shoreward. Floating on a great wave, as it curves over with white foam, is a beautiful mermaid who, at home in her element, reclines at her ease as she is buoyed up by the beautiful blue waters. Signed at the lower right. Thomas B. Clarke Collection, New York, 1899, Catalogue No. 1s $80 Sage Property of a Private Collector. Walter Shirlaw, N.A. AmeERIcAN: 18388—-1909 42 C= 32—THE LITTLE SHEPHERD Height, 10°4 inches; length, 19 inches ee LLL. By the side of a little stream, in the left foreground, a shepherd boy is seated and seems to have just finished taking a bath. Large trees in green foliage, on the bank, occupy the left of the picture. A clump of bushes on the right, the roadway in ‘the center and some sheep grazing beyond, with a sky of gray, are the other elements composing the picture. Signed at the lower left. Purchased from the artist. Property of a Private Collector. Henry Oliver Walker, N.A. AMERICAN: ConTEMPORARY a 32 VOUNG GlnL G I Oe : ; LOD. OF Leite Height, 20 inches; width, 12 inches A HALF-LENGTH seated figure of a young woman, the head turned over her right shoulder and appearing in lost profile. The body is draped with a garment of grayish blue, the left shoulder showing nude. Signed at the upper left. By order of Mr. Roserr Forsyrue Lrrrie, Attorney. Antoine Vollon Frencu: 1833—1900 Gee 34—V IEW OF DIEPPE Vs. Panel: Height, 12 inches; length, 20 inches THE waters of a harbor fill the foreground and the middle por- tion of the picture is traversed by the walls of the quays and the buildings of the town. Near the quays some vessels are moored, and a small sloop is passing on the right. Over- head is a sky of qualified blue with some gray and white clouds. Signed at the lower left. Property of a Private Owner. Frederick Stuart Church, N.A. 22? — AMERICAN: 1842— 35—THE WITCH'S DAUGHTER /7,,,, 9.0 (Stile Water Color: Height, 2144 inches; width, 13 inches THE witch’s daughter is a fair and seductive young woman, and she sits comfortably in the deep crescent moon, looking down at a wide-eyed owl perched beside her. He is brown, and she wears a sleeveless pale green gown of flimsy material, which trails below as they float through the clouds. Signed at the lower left, ¥.S. Cuurcu, N. Y., 1881, copyricnr. Etched by Mr. Church for “L’ Art,” Paris. Wilam T. Evans Collection, New York, 1918, Catalogue No. 42. $560 g : 10-7. ld By order of Mr. Rozerr Forsyrne Lirrie, Attorney. Robert L. Newman American: 1827—1912 J 36—THE GOOD SAMARITAN Ls Height, 19 inches; width, 17 inches A Group of two figures showing the wayfarer, with white loin drapery supported by the good Samaritan, who is clad in a robe of red and wears a white turban. On the right of the group stands the Samaritan’s horse, and two other mounted travelers are seen disappearing along the road in the distance. A. low-toned picture with rich color tints. Signed at the lower left, and dated 1898. Property of a Private Collector. Francis D. Millet, N.A. AMERICAN: 1846—1912 Ja EES 37—_THE MANDOLIN Sy A. . Oi: Height, 20 inches; width, 16 inches Aeneas RL N a catved-gilt and red-upholstered high-backed chair, a young lady with chestnut-brown hair and wearing a low- necked purple-velvet gown trimmed with delicate white lace, is seated at a round mahogany table playing a stringed instru- ment. Her music on the table rests against a pile of books beside a jar of flowers. She faces the left, nearly three-quarters front. Neutral ground of subdued reddish-brown note. From the ee of the, Artist’s Works, Catalogue No. 72, New York, 1914. R > 2504 Ud brane By order of Mr. Rozerr ForsyrHe Lirrie, Attorney. Hugo Ballin, A.N.A. AMERICAN: 1879— VID 38—THE DOVE Panel: Height, 21 inches; width, 17 inches i oe A DECORATIVE composition full of rich but subdued color. A young woman is shown at half-length, facing the spectator, before an idealized background. Her left hand is extended before her breast. and a white dove with a green sprig in its beak has alighted on the index finger, and with wings still expanded holds up the green toward her face. She wears garments of many colors, and jewels. There is a noticeable quality in the dove’s plumage. Signed at the lower left, Hueco Barun, °08. William T. Evans Collection, New York, 1913, Catalogue No. 16. -prHo-rz By order of Mr. Rosert Forsyrue Lrrrie, Attorney. ees, Leonard Ochtman, N.A. American: 1854— oO 39—HARV ESTING G2 f Height, 16 inches; length, 22 inches “4% vA * an (CALLE YGALL2. Lg. In the foreground a broad field of wheat, which has been mostly cradled, bound, and shocked up; a farmer bending over as he binds, in the middle distance; beyond him a strip of the standing grain, and a hillside with groups of trees. Over all a sky of gray clouds. Signed at the lower left, and dated 189%. From the Wm. F. Havemeyer Collection. Pe Property of a Private Collector. John La Farge, N.A. AMERICAN: 1885—1910 ey fe Jo 40—MOUNT TOHIVEA ; Vey, Water Color: Height, 1514 inches; length, 211% inches A. MOUNTAINOUS landscape in sunshine and partial shadow, in many tones of green, from tending toward blue to the lightest of green on the far, high mountain, which is in direct sunshine. In the immediate foreground are seen the tops of palms and tropical vegetation. The robin’s-egg sky has many mottlings, on both its blue and green trends, and white clouds, with other clouds tinged as with reflections of the greens below, in lieu of the sunset tones of other climes. Wilkam T. Evans Collection, New York, 1913, Catalogue No. 438. PSUS: By order of Mx. Roserr Forsyrue Lirrie, Attorney. Cy William Gedney Bunee, N.A. AMERICAN: 1840—1916 {/70-- 41 WATCH HILL, RHODE ISLAND UL eiseel PD. Height, 14% inches; length, 25 inches 7 THE blue Sound puts in from the right, its wavelets breaking in white spray and rolling up a crescent beach whose nearer arm forms the low foreground, the farther arm projecting low and flat under a pale sky—the sky there as of a thin white veil drawn before a light greenish-blue. Between the arms the high round-topped hill mounts toward a variegated sky whose clouds have the tones of cream-yellow and brown onyx, with rare patches of green. The hill’s crest is green; its bank where broken away by the sea is curiously marked in a sandy-yellow and greenish-brown. Parts of buildings on the farther slope project above the hill’s green top, and between the dunes at its base is an opening where the sea breaks through in time of storm. From James S. Inglis Collection. Wilkam T, Evans Collection, New York, 1913, Catalogue No. 108.- PIBO- By order of Mr. Roznerr Forsyrue Lirrre, Attorney. Ly. lunckty Louis Loeb, N.A. AMERICAN: 1866—1909 Vp - 42-THE DREAMER 24 os Water Color: Height, 22 inches; width, 1734 inches A TALL young woman gowned soberly in a green so dark it is nearly black is depicted at three-quarter length, seated and facing the right, three-quarters front. Her hands rest idly in an open book in her lap, and she gazes blankly into far-off space, dreaming. The light falls broadly on her bright red hair and exposed shoulder, and she wears a violet-blue and green corsage bouquet. Signed at the upper right, Louts Lorn, with date. Wiliam T. Evans Collection, New York, 1913, Catalogue No. 13. $250. By order of Mr. Rozerr Forsyrue Lirrre, Attorney. Hh feeing | { I i i J. Carroll Beckwith, N.A. AMERICAN: 1852— 43—A PPLE BLOSSOMS vA Height, 25°4 inches; width, 171% inches Ye Vie ‘ a i A rozusr blond young woman, her golden hair bound in light blue fillets and her features drawn into a musing smile, is seated in a bower of luxuriant pink blossoms among the dark brown branches of a sturdy tree, only the crotch of whose trunk is visible. About her is wrapped a canary-yellow and pink-white filmy drapery which leaves an arm and her chest exposed, and over her lap is spread a broad and open book, at a page of which she gazes with interest, the back of one wrist against her thigh. Signed at the lower left, Carrotu Brcwwirn. (73 Reproduced in Lippincott’s “American Figure Painters.” William T.. Evans Collection, New York, 19138, Catalogue No. 17/304 By order of Mr. Rozerr Forsyrue Lirrie, Attorney. Mes Sows Louise Cox, A.N.A. (Mas. Kenyon Cox) we ee 44—LITTLE MISS MUFFETT Cagle Prareaey Height, 24 inches; width, 20°4 inches Tats little miss is seated cross-legged on a crimson cushion on the library floor, with her back very straight, and looking straight in front of her toward the spectator, her hands clasped in the lap of her white, pink-flowered dress. The short dress has short, puffed sleeves, and her arms and lower legs are bare. Her loosened brown tresses hang over her shoulders, and she wears white shoes. The background is shelves of books, and a screen with blue ground and golden-brown ornament. Signed at the lower right, Loutss Cox, 1906. Willkkam T. Evans Collection, New York, 1918, Catalogue No. 48. fHOO 4 bs. bLwle By order of Mr. Rozerr Forsyrue Lirriz, Attorney. Po Henry W. Ranger, N.A. AMERICAN: 1858—1916 45—A NOCTURNE ‘ a Height, 18 inches; length, 251% inches LE ig “2 EDD Ve Across the picture runs a broad river, its water green in the Wmoonlight under a malachite sky. On the nearer bank two bushy trees grow at the left, and at the right is an ancient gabled building with a short chimney, in front of which a figure on horseback and another figure standing behind the horse are seen in the bright moonlight. Across the stream are green fields and occasional trees, and the full moon has risen over the hillside in a clear sky—though heavy clouds hang aloft—its light whitening the river. Throughout there is a_ brilliant atmosphere. Signed at the lower left, H. W. Rancrr, 793. William T. Evans Collection, New York, 1913, Catalogue No. 174. 8775", 4 sa By order of Mr. Roper Forsyrne Lirrie, Attorney. Yaw. Martett, Worthington Whittridge, N.A. AMERICAN: 1820—1910 46—INDIAN ENCAMPMENT i P 5 6 a 2 LS * eatng Panel: Height, 19 inches; length, 27 inches In 4 level valley traversed by a stream, which appears in the middle foreground, and with masses of great trees on either side, a party of Indians have camped for the night. The tepees, with figures and horses, appear on the extreme right, and figures on horseback are seen approaching from the dis- tance. I*ramed in by the foliage on either side of the picture appears a distant range of blue mountains, and above is a sky showing rosy tints where the sun has set. Signed at the lower left. By order of Mr. Rozerr Forsyrue Lirrie, Attorney. Eastman Johnson, N.A. AMERICAN: 1824—1906 i] LEE 47—“PLAY ME A TUNE” \| CE pees i Milboard: Height, 22 inches; length, 261% inches ee Ve. I} | In a homelike, well-furnished interior is a group of three i figures. A man wearing a great-coat, who seems to have come into the house on some errand, is seen standing in the left por- tion of the composition and, as explained in the title of the picture, is enjoying the music made by a lady in blue who is | seated before an old-fashioned square piano on the right. On | the left is a little girl seated on a stool beside a fireplace where | wood is burning. | Signed at the lower left. From the Sale of the Artist’s Works, New York, 1907, Catalogue No. 127. Wo Property of a Private Collector. Addison T. Millar AMERICAN: 1860—1913 | O77 eee | 48—THE SPRING | Height, 22 inches; length, 28 inches va Bethel | A sumMER landscape showing the waters of a pool formed by a spring in the meadows, shaded by bushes and the foliage of a large tree, which appears on the right near a fence built of big boulders. Beyond is a sunny expanse of meadows, green foliage, and a distant hillside. Signed at the lower left, and dated 1912. By order of Mr. Rogert Forsyrue Lirrie, Attorney. Antoine Vollon Frencu: 1833—1900 49—STILL LIFE Ve jb Lbetrus— Height, 211% inches; length, 29 inches On a table are grouped a china ewer and basin, a tall golden beaker, a fruit dish containing oranges, roses and other flowers, some of which have their stems in the water of the basin. On the right is a curtain of blue velvet with heavy gold border. The ewer of ornamented china, with a hinged cover and a little green dolphin on the handle, is the most conspicuous object in this brilliantly painted piece of still life. Signed at the lower left. Property of a Private Owner. Adrien Demont Frencu: 1851— 50—A FISHING VILLAGE IN FRANCE ee) Ve Height, 18 inches; length, 33 inches In the foreground, where an estuary is depicted at low tide, a fisherwoman is crossing on stepping-stones, and an old boat lies high and dry on the sands at the left. In the middle of the picture, where the water passes under an archway, a road leads into a town, its buildings showing lights in the windows, while above, over a distant range of hills, the full moon is rising in an evening sky. Signed at the lower right. Property of a Private Owner. Luis Jiminez SpanisH: 1845— 51—A COUNTRY IDYL va Height, 29 inches; width, 21% inches A j 2 Za a, On the bank of a little stream which proceeds from the middle distance, where it flows under a bridge to the foreground, are two figures,—one a young man who is fishing, and the other a girl who, in passing along with a laundry basket filled with clothes, has stopped to talk. At the side of the bridge, where a road crosses the stream, is a small flat-roofed building, and beyond is a steep hillside. A bit of gray sky appears on the right upper portion of the composition. Signed at the lower right. From the William Baumgarten Collection. Yo MA Property of a Private Collector. Frits Thaulow Vip ee OO) Norwecian: 1847—1906 700 52—A LONG THE CANAL ZL Gt Height, 24 inches; length, 28 inches ZZ, a Vltte vt A caANnaL lined with stone walls leads from the left into the middle of the picture, where it turns behind the walls which enclose the buildings of a town, the walls and roofs appear- ing on the right. Two vessels are moored at a landing-place, and on the roadway between the banks of the canal and the walls of the town, on the right of the picture, are a blue wagon, a white horse, a man and a child. Some trees growing within the walls reach up with warm-tinted foliage near the middle of the picture and show in relief against a late afternoon sky with large masses of cumulus clouds. Signed at the lower right. Property of a Private Owner. UI Frederick J. Waugh, N.A. AMERICAN: 1861— 583—GLOUCESTER DOCKS ; ie Height, 20 inches; length, 30 inches In a slip between two docks, built on piles, and with buildings showing on both the right and left of the picture, a large fishing schooner is tied up to the wharf, with its two dories floating high out of the water near by. Beyond, between the ware- houses on the piers, other buildings are seen, which line the street, and above is a colorful sky. Signed at the lower right. Signed also on the back of the canvas, and dated 1910. By order of Mr. Roserr Forsyrue Lirrie, Attorney. Frederick Stuart Church, N.A. AMERICAN: 1842— 54—LOVE BIRDS Height, 22 inches; length, 29 inches STANDING among vines and blossoms is a half-length figure of a young girl with auburn hair, her head, seen in profile, reaching forward as she receives the caressing little peck of a pet white dove perched on one of the vine stems. The young girl’s costume of pale green harmonizes with the tints of the vine leaves and her hair is bound with a green withe with a white blossom. On the left are seen the waters of a lake, a wooded shore, and a patch of blue sky. Signed at the lower right, and dated 1913, with “Copyricur.’ By order of Mr. Roser ForsytHe Lirrie, Attorney. Frank De Haven, A.N.A. i Hy AMERICAN: 1856— ae LOG = 55—THE OLD APPLE TREE | | Height, 24 inches; length, 80 inches fiemrrnD feb. | A LANDSCAPE depicting green pastures where some sheep are grazing, with an old apple tree bereft of part of its bark and | most of its branches, growing near a large boulder in the | left foreground. Beyond is a sloping hillside with a group of | trees on the left; overhead a sky of pale gray. | Signed at the lower right. By order of Mr. Roxerr Forsyrue Lirrie, Attorney. M. F. Blashki AMERICAN: CONTEMPORARY LD CY) | 56—A SUMMER DAY | Height, 25 inches; length, 30 inches lewcry SAulfgee In the foreground, by the side of a lake, the blue waters of which appear in the middle portion of the composition, are figures of men and women reclining, while two children are | seen on a bank at the left. Tall trees, reaching up to the top of the canvas, cast the shade of their foliage over the fore- eround, while on the farther shores of the lake are great masses of trees shining golden-brown in the sun. Beyond ap- pears a sky of blue with white clouds. Signed at the lower left, and dated 1906. Purchased from the artist. Property of a Private Collector. Robert Reid, N.A. AMERICAN: 1863— Vii 57—THE VIOLET KIMONO oe yas Height, 29 inches; width, 2534 inches Tue full-length portrait of a young lady with a mass of yellow hair revealing reddish tinges, seated and turned to the left at her dressing table. Her head is turned from the spectator and her face is seen three-quarters full in the oval mirror over her table. Her checks are pink, her lips are red, and she wears a thoughtful or dreamy expression as she looks abstractedly at a glass bowl of violets which she is languidly arranging before the mirror. She is clad in a violet kimono which gives various tones of purple in the strong light, with bits of green in its ornament, and the tones are taken up again in the curtains at either side, while her kimono, falling open over her lap, dis- closes a white lace skirt. Signed at the lower right, Rozerr Rep. William T,. Evans Collection, New York, 1918, Catalogue No. 184. $500 - 7 : By order of Mr. Roserr Forsyrue Lirrie, Attorney. Yn, dawg Henry W. Ranger, N.A. AMERICAN: 1858—1916 PA, (Za 58—WILLOWS of SOUT ee aThe BBY) Sa alhoe VA LOLI) Height, 28 inches; length, 35°4 inches AN aged willow of sturdy and rugged trunk and straggling branches grows at the right on the edge of a pond or spring pool, its topmost branches mounting above the picture. Slender trees grow at either side of it and across the pond at the left, their graceful bodies seeming to bend in a breeze. The big willow and the pond are in a foreground shadow, while beyond, and extending to the far distance, the sunshine lights green fields of irregular surface and low hills, under a blue and white summer sky with cream-yellow touches. On the right the fields are bordered by a line of thick woods, near which in the middle distance two persons are seen conversing. Signed at the lower left, H. W. Ranerr. William T. Evans Collection, New York, 1913, Catalogue No. 180. fphoo0- By order of Mr. Roserr Forsyrue Lirrie, Attorney. Jhw. Yah 4 Henry W. Ranger, N.A. AMERICAN: 1858—1916 JHAO0 ~~ 59-SKY, DUNES AND SEA : LEE Height, 28 inches; length, 36 inches | Tue dunes, which are high at the left and covered with the coarse, gray-green grass of the seaside, have given way to inroads of the tides in the foreground, and become low, hum- mocky sand-patches, with a bit of struggling green here and there. At the right the sea, a deep blue on a bright day, comes up in gentle motion. The light blue sky is all but filled by masses of grayish-white cumuli, whose edges are tinged with faint cream-yellow. Signed at the lower left, H. W. Rancer, 1904. William T. Evans Collection, New York, 1913, Catalogue No. 198. EKO, By order of Mr. Rozerr Forsyrue Lirriy, Attorney. byw. fuachcth, ae a — —— We J2 George Inness, N.A. AMERICAN: 1825—1894 60—THE FARMHOUSE j la ome Eat lee eat Pain na ps OM aaah ar Eo, Bee Yeintie Height, 25°/, inches; length, 2934, inches THE green grass is long, loose, uncared-for and luxuriant in a farmyard bordered by some thick green woods. All over the foreground is the deep, verdant carpet, here and there the surface further softened by the feathery wisps of seed-blades, and all in transparent shadow, while sunshine falls upon trees at either side of a wandering path and reveals at the left the outlines of the farmhouse, partly screened by bushes and shaded by trees. In the path, just within the border of the shadow, a figure is seen. The distant sky is a deep, intense blue, where it can be seen between masses of cumulus clouds, which glow yellow in the warm sunlight, bevond the yellowish- green of the plentiful trees. Signed at the lower right, G. Ixness. Purchased from George H. Ainslie. William T. Evans Collection, New York, 1913, Catalogue No. 64. 80 4 By order of Mr. Roserv Forsyrue Lirrin, Attorney. JD dbtiry Henry W. Ranger, N.A. AMERICAN: 1858—1916 —00 hid? 6\-THE SPRING-HOLE, HALEY’S WOODS e ee Height, 36 inches; width, 28 inches A SWAMPY ravine or cut between low banks extends straight back through the center of the picture to an indistinct middle distance, high round-topped hills being seen afar against the horizon. The banks at either side are wooded; the lower land has been cleared. A pile of logs sawn for firewood stands at the right in it, beside a pool of the foreground which reflects the light of the sky and the forms and tones of the green and yellow herbage on its shores or banks. Sunlight toward the close of day illuminates the low clearing and the tall bordering yellow and green trees of the banks of the cut, and gives touches of sunset colors to the white clouds which tumble in fluffy masses in the sky. Up the ravine at the side two figures of workmen are visible. Signed at the lower left, H. W. RanceEr. Wilkam T. Evans Collection, New York, 1913, Catalogue No. 68. {ieo, By order of Mr. Rosert Forsyrue Lirrix, Attorney. Im, Irak. Frederick J. Waugh, N.A. AMERICAN: 1861— JEU . 62—A MISTY DAY, MONHEGAN d j Ps: Height, 25 inches; length, 80 inches “ 'PHE ocean in slow but massive movement comes from the right with slightly ruffled surface, its ponderous inertia carry- ing it up the sloping rocky shore at the left, where the suc- cessive low waves are spent and broken, recoiling in lassitude in a greenish-white and spreading foam. ‘The rocks are dark on the sunless day, and a dense mist is coming in over the sea, so thick that outlying rocks in the distance—where the white spray dashes high above them are but dimly seen across a stretch of somber, greenish-blue water. The whole scene is mder a dull gray, murky sky, which blends with the mist. Signed at the lower right, Waveu. Willkam T. Evans Collection, New York, 1913, Catalogue No. 57. $L50, By order of Mr. Ronert Forsyrue Lirrix, Attorney. Lh. Sh Albert P. Lucas AMERICAN: CONTEMPORARY bos 683—NOCTURNE Height, 30 inches; width, 25 inches L., lect, a landscape, in which a roadway and trees are dimly seen, rises a high night sky with dark clouds from beyond which comes the light of the moon. A few stars are seen in the open spaces. The color scheme shows warm tints, through which appears the light of the moon falling on a mass of little cloud flecks depicted in tints of yellow and orange. Signed at the lower right. Purchased from the artist. Property of a Private Collector. JOO 2 Robert Reid, N.A. AmeERIcAN: 1863— 64—THE POOL 7s Height, 30 inches; width, 25 inches In the midst of a green thicket of tangled undergrowth a rill makes its appearance, high in the picture, bubbling from cloven rocks, and winds and tumbles down their uneven edges to form a pool below in the foreground. The dense green foliage and its entanglement of gray and brown trunks and stems make a solid background surrounding the small rocky gorge of the miniature waterfall, and the sunlight plays on the exposed leaves and on the brown and purple rocks, while the pool mir- rors a confusion of their colors. A symphony of rich tones. Signed at the lower right, Roperr Rei. William T’. Evans Collection, New York, 1913, Catalogue No. 60. $tlo- By order of Mr. Rozerr Forsyrue Lirrir, Attorney. Mo. ffnger Louis Paul Dessar, N.A. | AMERICAN: 1867— ee i ee \| 65—‘LOGGING”: EARLY MORNING Height, 28 inches; length, 36 inches Lo LE pane In the center of the composition, emerging from the woods and proceeding toward a clearing which appears in the middle distance, is a team of four oxen drawing a pair of big wheels to which are chained two tree trunks which have been recently i} felled. The head and shoulders of the driver, with his goad, | appear over the back of the ox on the left of the rear pair. i The foreground rises in deep shadow and is overhung by the t foliage of great trees, while the morning light illumines the clearing and a belt of trees beyond. i Signed at the lower right, and dated 1912. By order of Mr. Rogert Forsyrue Lirrie, Attorney. | William L. Picknell, A.N.A. | | American: 1852—1897 I oO i | 66-—APPLE BLOSSOMS Vi || 1 Height, 26 inches; length, 36 inches ye Ye | In an orchard, occupying the foreground, are a number of apple trees in full bloom shining in the May sunlight. A road | passes through the middle of the picture and over the tops of i | brick chimney, and other buildings. Above is a blue sky with the trees are seen a large substantial looking house with a red i | \ some gray clouds. Signed at the lower right, and dated 88. | Property of a Private Collector. Henry W. Ranger, N.A. AMERICAN: 1858—1916 VENA Oo. 67—SPRING PASTURES 4 Height, 27°4 inches; length, 3534 inches Ve ee ee A. VALE between rolling hills extends back through the center of the picture, fresh and verdant and showing here and there touches of color in the plant growths that mingle with the grass. ‘The hills are crossed by stone fences which divide the fields as on the hills of Connecticut, and along one fence a few trees are growing, their shadows thrown on the hillside at the left. A hill to the right of the foreground puts the nearer part of the vale in partial shadow, where a field road ruts the turf, and up the vale in the middle distance two figures appear in the sunlight. Signed at the lower left, H. W. Raneer, 1905. William T. Evans Collection, New York, 1913, Catalogue No. 65. SLRS" By order of Mr. Roserr Forsyrue Lirrie, Attorney. He thant /§0 ee Hugo Ballin, A.N.A. AmeERICAN: 1879— 68—AN EVENING SONG yy Z Height, 3924 inches; width, 2924 inches vg. Yio ‘ ; A YOUNG woman in a loose, bluish-green gown which is low about the neck is seated in a stone window embrasure playing a lute, and facing slightly to the right. She wears an elaborate jeweled pendant at her breast, a necklace of blue beads strung on a red cord, and a pearl and sapphire ring, and her reddish- yellow hair is wreathed in colors. A conventional landscape is visible through the window, and bright flowers and green vines are used within and without the casement in the production of an effective decorative composition. She has a reposeful meditative expression, with downcast eyes beneath drooping lids. Charles Melville Dewey, N.A. AMERICAN: 1851— 0 <*— 69—DRIFTING: A NEW ENGLAND SC ‘ENE, NEAR by ESSEX, MASSACHUSETTS Pc, bie a berg MOV, Height, 30 inches; length, 40 inches / Two men have been gathering hay from the salt meadows, and with a load of it heaped high on a brown flat-boat or scow, in an inlet, are idly adrift, ready to go homeward. One has his long sweep in the shallow, rippling water, as a rudder, as he sits at the stern, and his companion is standing beside the mound of hay, holding upright his sweep, which reaches high above it. Beyond is a narrow stream of water crossing the picture, and at the left a bit of the green sea is seen, with a white lighthouse on the coast. In the distance at the right are green-covered hills or dunes, under an iridescent sky. Signed at the lower left, Coarues Menvinte Dewey. William T. Evans Collection, New York, 19138, Catalogue No. 138. pobo- By order of Mr. Rozerr Forsyrue Lirrie, Attorney. Wh, sponge Henry W. Ranger, N.A. AMERICAN: 1858—1916 VA. 00 eo FO—THE SWAMP POOL y Lhaok THE pool appears in the foreground, bordered by blue-gray boulders whose rough surfaces are patched with various colors in marsh-growths and incrustations. Beyond it a stretch of Height, 36 inches; width, 28 inches swamp land extends into the distance, bounded on the left by a wooded upland. At the beginning of the wood, on the border of the pool, the sunlight plays upon the light bark and scragely trunk of a tree whose green foliage is tinged with vellow—the yellow note running more or less through the landscape and the lower sky. It is a showery day, and the clouds aloft are dark. Numerous birds in flight appear in black silhouette against the sky, and near the pool two figures are seen standing near a small tree. Signed at the lower left, H. W. Rancrr, 1907. William T. Evans Collection, New York, 1918, Catalogue No. 134. $/K00~ By order of Mr. Roserr Forsyrue Lirrrie, Attorney. Ni a K Snr. Henri Lerolle Frencu: 1851— 71I—RETURNING FROM THE LAVOIR y/ > 3 z BY Bath was oa BYR Baath as ZA, YE ae Height, 32 inches; width, 26 inches In the foreground of the picture which borders a stream seen on the right, a young peasant woman is advancing toward the spectator along a pathway, trundling a wheelbarrow loaded with the family washing. She wears a white bodice and blue gray skirt, while head, neck, and arms are bare. Beyond lies a stretch of flat country with some little stacks of grain, and in the distance is a range of hills. Above is a summer sky of blue with gray clouds tinged with pink. Signed at the lower left. Property of a Private Owner. Pierre Carrier-Belleuse Frencu: 1848— 72—PASSING THE TIME Le Pastel: Height, 29 inches; length, 39 inches Two ballet girls in reclining positions, with their gauze skirts forming a background for their heads, shoulders and arms, are playing a game of cards while waiting for the moment when they are called to appear in the spectacle. The one on the right has black hair adorned with a rose; the other is blonde and wears bows of blue ribbon in her hair and as shoulder-knots. Signed at the lower right, and dated 1890. Property of a Private Owner. Elihu Vedder, N.A. AMERICAN: 1836— 73—THE THREE FATES Oe Height, 44 inches; width, 32 inches eS ee Le Tue three female figures in this composition are depicted nude above the waist, the lower portion of their bodies being cov- ered with draperies of bluish-gray, while the head of each figure is crowned with drapery of qualified pink. The central figure is standing, and the other two are in supporting posi- tions. Near the lower part of the picture lie the distaff, bobbin and shears. Signed at lower right, and dated Romer, 1887. By order of James R. Carrer, Trustee. H. Bolton Jones, N.A. AMERICAN: 1848— eae. coe CE. aoe: From a sandy foreground with bunches of cactus, where are two white-clad men with a donkey, the walled city of Tangiers is seen on the hill upon which it is built, the white walls of the buildings shining in the sun. Over the tops of a belt of thick-foliaged trees on the right of the picture is a glimpse of the sea beyond the town. Overhead is a sky of qualified blue. 74—NEAR TANGIERS, MOROCCO Height, 36 inches; length, 54 inches Signed at the lower left, and dated “'TancER, 1880.” Wm. B. Bement Collection, New York, 1899, Catalogue No. 69. $ 360K. lingen | | | | | | , Property of a Private Collector. José Villegas Spaniso: 1848— 75—THE DANCER Tia ee Height, 67 inches; width, 42 inches A FULL-LENGTH life-size figure of a young woman of bru- nette type, dressed in a short skirted gown of pink trimmed with black and wearing a flat-brimmed red hat, which she holds lightly by the rim with the fingers of her left hand. With the right hand, held back at the waist line, she flirts the flounces of her skirt as she pirouettes on the stage, where some roses that have been thrown to her are lying. Signed at lower right, and dated 1906. To be sold to close an Estate. AMERICAN ART ASSOCIATION, ManacGeErs. THOMAS E. KIRBY, AUCTION EER. LIST OF ARTISTS REPRESENTED . AND THEIR WORKS | | j | | ] | | / | | | | | j a LIST OF ARTISTS REPRESENTED AND THEIR WORKS BALLIN, Hueco, A.N.A. The Dove An Evening Song BECKWITH, J. Carroiy, N.A. Apple Blossoms BLAKELOCK, Ratew Apert, N.A. Navarro Ridge, California Sundown BLASHKI, M. F. A Summer Day BOGERT, Grorcr H., A.N.A. Off Etaples BUNCE, Wituiam Gepney, N.A. Watch Hill, Rhode Island CARRIER-BELLEUSE, Pierre Passing the Time CHURCH, Frepericx Stuart, N.A. The Witch’s Daughter Love Birds COLMAN, SamuvueEt, N.A. A Valley in Mexico CATALOGUE NUMBER 38 68 43 A] CATALOGUE NUMBER COX, Louisrt, 4.N.A. Little Miss Muffett 44, DE HAVEN, Frans, A.N.A. The Old Apple Tree i) DEMONT, Anprien A Fishing Village in France 50 DESSAR, Louis Paut, N.A. “Logeine’—Early Morning 65 DEWEY, Cuaries Mervinir, N.A. Drifting: A New England Scene, near Essex Massachusetts 69 FULLER, Grorecr, A.N.A. Ideal Head 1 FULLER, Lucia Farrcuinp, A.N.A. The Rose Gown 2 GELLEE, Cravupe (CLraupr Lorrain) Attributed to A Féte Champétre 19 GERICAULT, Jran Louis AnprRi TuHtopore At- tributed to Caesar’s Entry into Rome 20 GROLLERON, Pau L. N. Lighting his Pipe 10 On the Alert 18 GRUPPE, Cuartzs P. Late October bo Ke) HARPIGNIES, Henrt Landscape HASBROUCK, D. F. The Woods in Winter HILL, Artour Turners The Lake in Winter HOWE, Wituiam H., N.A. Autumn at Fontainebleau HOWLAND, Atrrep C., N.A. A Souvenir of France INNESS, Gerorcn, N.A. The Farmhouse JIMINEZ, Luis A Country Idyl JOHNSON, Easrman, N.A. “Play Me a Tune” JONES, H. Borron, N.A. Near Tangiers, Morocco JONGKIND, Jowan Barruorp Winter in Holland LA FARGE, Joun, N.A. Lady of Shalott Mount Tohivea CATALOGUE NUMBER 9 Or 60 74 13 4.0 CATALOGUE NUMBER LEROLLE, Henri Returning from the Lavoir dal LESREL, A. A. Soldier, Period of Louis XIII 17 LOEB, Louis, N.A. The Dreamer 42 LUCAS, Apert P. Nocturne 63 MAYNARD, Grorck Wittovcupy, N.A. Thalassa 31 MILLAR, Anpison T. The Spring 48 MILLET, Francis D., N.A. Spikenard 15 The Mandolin 347) MORAN, Tuomas, N.A. Cliffs of Green River, Wyoming 1 5 MURPHY, J. Francis, N.A. October 6 NEWMAN, Roserr L. The Good Samaritan 36 OCHTMAN, Lezonarp, N.A. Harvesting 39 PICKNELL, Wim L., A.N.A. Apple Blossoms RANGER, Henry W., N.A. A Nocturne Willows Sky, Dunes and Sea The Spring-hole, Haley’s Woods Spring Pastures The Swamp Pool REID, Rosert, N.A. The Violet Kimono The Pool SARTAIN, Wituram, A.N.A. Early Evening SHIRLAW, Wautrrr, N.A. The Kiss The Little Shepherd THAULOW, Frits Along the Canal TWACHTMAN, Joun Henry Under the [ron Pier, Coney Island VEDDER, Exiacv, N.A. The Three Fates VERBOECKHOVEN, Euvcenr Josepu Goats VILLEGAS, Jost The Dancer CATALOGUE NUMBER 30 VOLLON, ANTOINE View of Dieppe Still Life WALKER, Henry Ottver, N.A. Boy and Dove Young Girl WAUGH, Frepericx J., N.A. Gloucester Docks A Misty Day, Monhegan WHISTLER, James Aszporr McNEILu “Tatting”’ WHITTRIDGE, Worruineton, N.A. Indian Encampment WYANT, Arexanpver H., N.A. An October Landscape In the Catskills CATALOGUE NUMBER 34 49 16 46 *) a | FOR INHERITANCE TAX AND OTHER PURPOSES THE AMERICAN ART ASSOCIATION IS EXCEPTIONALLY WELL EQUIPPED TO FURNISH INTELLIGENT APPRAISEMENTS OF ART AND LITERARY PROPERTY JEWELS AND PERSONAL ERPECTS OF ByVaRY DESCRIPTION IN CASES WHERE PUBLIC SABES AR bE PEC ii) A NOMINAL CHARGE ONLY WILL BE MADE THE AMERICAN ART ASSOCIATION MADISON SQUARE SOUTH NEW YORK TELEPHONE, 3346 GRAMERCY | | | | | | | COMPOSITION, PRESSWORK AND BINDING BY ool wheal ee NS Noe Mery WS ae iste 3s ode 3 60 tire rary ee, a Sean atabsets