with L913 ee AWANGS, PAINTINGS, ETCHINGS AND LITHOGRAPHS BY janes ABBOTT McNEILL WHISTLER INCLUDING PROPERTY FROM THE ESTATE OF WILLIAM HEINEMANN, ESQsy DECEASED FORMERLY OF LONDON, ENGLAND ETCHINGS BY BUHOT, HADEN, ZORN AND OTHER ENGRAVERS FROM VARIOUS COLLECTIONS, INCLUDING THAT OF - MISS SUSAN MINNS OF BOSTON, MASS. : MEZZOTINTS IN COLOR BY 5S. ARLENT EDWARDS FROM THE ESTATE OF THE LATE MRS. ANNA M. ROMAINE OF NEW YORK CITY TO BE SOLD AT UNRESTRICTED PUBLIC SALE ON FRIDAY, JANUARY 13TH, 1922 AT 8:15 O CLOCK IN THE EVENING UNDER THE MANAGEMENT OF THE AMERICAN ART ASSOCIATION MADISON SQUARE SOUTH NEW YORK CITY cu: LIBRARY 5. W.KNOEDLER & CO. $690 A 556-8 Fifth Ave. New York ACC. Lia fare) ARAN THE AMERICAN ART ASSOCIATION DESIGNS ITS CATALOGUES AND DIRECTS ALL DETAILS OF ILLUSTRATION Axa AUNID sinyar OG RAPES | WHISTLER AND OTHER ART SELLS FOR $20,000 | Collection of Letters and Books Also Dispersed. | ee | A small oil painting by James A. Me- |'Neill Whistler fetched the highest | price, $1,800, at the American Art Gal-| jleries last night in the sale of draw-| ings, paintings, etchings and litho- | ‘graphs of Whistler from the estate of the late William Heinemann of London, and etchings by varioug artists from] |the collection of Miss Susan Minns of | ; Boston, together with mezzotints in color by 8S. Arilent Edwards from the | estate of the late Mrs, Anna M. Ro-| jmaine of New York. The Whistler | painting represented ‘La, Mere Gerard” in three-quarter length. The total of] the sale wags $20,084, A lithograph in colors by Whistler of a draped figure reclining was bought by Kknoedler & Co. for $1,0%. The same bidder purchased a color lithograph of a draped figure for $600; a lithotint of “The Thames’ for $880; an etching, “The Riva, No. 1,°° for $450, and an etching by Axel Herman Haig for $310. | A third state of ‘Whistler's etching , “Rotherhite’ wag knocked down to D.' Small for $485. A. Swann, agent, gave $320 fer.a Haig etching, “Portals of; Rheims Cathedral.’ In the afternoon a colleetion of books by and relating to Whistler, the prop- erty of Miss Susan .Minns of Boston, and a notable group of letters, the un- published correspondence of Whistler and others with William Heinemann, | was sold for a total of $4,968, ONIBVBLIC EXHIBITION AY THE AMERICAN ART GAIWEERIES MADISON SQUARE SOUTH, NEW YORK ENTRANCE, 6 EAST 23RD STREET BEGINNING MONDAY, JANUARY QTH, 1922 AND CONTINUING UNTIL THE TIME OF SALE DRAWINGS, PAINTINGS, ETCHINGS AND LITHOGRAPHS BY JAMES ABBOTT McNEILL WHISTLER ALSO ETCHINGS BY BUHOT, HADEN, ZORN, HAIG, AND COLORED MEZZOTINTS BY S ARLENT EDWARDS INCLUDING PROPERTIES FROM THE ESTATE OF W. HEINEMANN, ESQ.) DECEASED, OF LONDON THE ESTATE OF THE LATE MRS. ANNA M. ROMAINE AND MISS SUSAN MINNS OF BOSTON, MASS. TO BE SOLD AT UNRESTRICTED PUBLIC SALE BY ORDER OF PARTIES HEREINAFTER DESIGNATED ON FRIDAY, JANUARY I 3TH, I Q22 At oo 5 O'CLOCK IN THE EVENING AT THE AMERICAN ART GALLERIES JAMES ABBOTT McNEILL WHISTLER LA MERE GERARD Painting in Oils [No. 214] ILLUSTRATED CATALOGUE OF DRAWINGS, PAINTINGS, ETCHINGS AND LITHOGRAPHS BY JAMES ABBOTT McNEILL WHISTLER ALSO ETCHINGS BY BUHOT, HADEN, ZORN, HAIG, AND COLORED MEZZOTINTS BY S. ARLENT EDWARDS INCLUDING PROPERTIES FROM THE ESTATE OF W. HEINEMANN, ESQ., DECEASED, OF LONDON THE ESTATE OF THE LATE MRS. ANNA M. ROMAINE AND MISS SUSAN MINNS OF BOSTON, MASS. TO BE SOLD WITHOUT RESERVE OR RESTRICTION BY ORDER OF VARIOUS PARTIES HEREINAFTER DESIGNATED ON FRIDAY, JANUARY I 3TH, 1922 AT 8:15 O CLOCK IN THE EVENING THE SALE TO BE CONDUCTED BY MR. THOMAS E. KIRBY AND HIS ASSISTANTS, OF THE AMERICAN ART ASSOCIATION, Manacers NEW YORK CITY STATEMENT OF OWNERSHIP The Important Collection of Etchings, Drawings, and Paintings by James A. McNeill Whistler, the Property of THE ESTATE OF WILLIAM HEINEMANN, ESO., Deceased, formerly of London, England, and sold by order of the Public Trustee, is herein catalogued under items, Numbers,—168, 169, 170, 173, 174, U7 Wk) U7) WO, INST, WER, TY, WEI, ISK, WS, INO), MON, NOL, OB, wOs, IO, Wy, WS, BOO, ABOU, BOX, 20%, 2Ol, 20H, 205, 207, BOS, ZOO), ZNO, Bilt, 212 and 214. Norte: The following is an excerpt from a letter of Sir George Lewis to Mr. Pennell of Oc- tober 29, 1920. “When Mr. Heinemann made his will a short time ago he wished me to insert a clause as follows: “I desire my trustee to have any Whistler pictures I may possess at the time of my death dispatched to the United States of America and there sold for the benefit of my estate.” The Property of MRS. W. STEELE GRAY is herein catalogued under item Number,—135. A Collection of Mezzotints Printed in Color by S. Arlent Edwards from the Estate of the late MRS. ANNA M. ROMAINE, sold by order of Richard Condon, Esq., Executor, is herein catalogued under items, Numbers,—1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, Fy WO, Wi, 1A, US, Td, Wy, WO, 7, 1S, WG), BO, Bl, 22, 23, Bil, Bh, 20, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 36, 37, 38 and 104. A Collection of Etchings by Axel Herman Haig, the Property of MR. THOMAS M. ROBERTSON, of New York City, is herein catalogued under items, Numbers, —I3I, 132, 133, 134, 136, 137, 138 and 139. An Important Collection of Oil Paintings and Watercolors by James A. McNeill Whistler, obtained by the late Thomas Hepp of Cornwall, England, from Val Prinsep, R. A., a very old and close friend of the artist. Later owned by MR. THOMAS C. HEPP of Cornwall, England, is herein catalogued under items, Num- XS —BIS, DUG, Bil'7, BUS, BIO, BAO, Bl, BW, QW, BAL, QL, DBI, B27, BBs, 229, 230, 231 and 232. Etchings sold by order RICHARD ELY, Attorney, are herein catalogued under items, Numbers,—39, 41, 120, 140, I41, 164, 167, 172, 188 and 190. A Consignment of Etchings, the Property of AN ENGLISH GENTLEMAN, sold by his order, is herein catalogued under items, Numbers,—40, 42, 46, 47, 48, 49, 50, 51, 53, 54, 55, 56, 57, 66, 67, 68, 69, 70, 74, 75, 80, 81, 82, 83, Syl, WX, GG, Si, Ol, G2, GB 4, OG, Oyo MOO, NOU, 1O2, TOF, WOH, WO, WOE; HO, Ui, WUT, TLD, Wis, Wil, Wi, WO, iG, TH, MNO), WA, TAD, 19, UDA, TAX, TAG; 127, WE, WA, EAO, WS, WAG, WHO, Whi, UGH, UGE, WHA, UHH, WHO 161, 162, 163, 165, 166, 171, 175, 176, 194 and 199. A Fine Collection of Buhot Etchings, Consigned by MISS SUSAN MINNS of Boston, and sold by her order, is herein catalogued under items, Numbers,—43, AAG AS; 525 59s) 59 00; Ol) 0251635045055 70 725) 7 i on Ose 89) 90, 96, 98, 99, 103, 142, 143, 144, 145, 146, 147, 157, 158, 159, 160 and 182. Colored Mezzotints by S. Arlent Edwards, consigned by MR. W. P. TRUES- DALE of New York City, sold by his order are herein catalogued under items, Numbers,—8, 9, and 35. An Important Whistler Painting the Property of AN ENGLISH GENTLEMAN, sold by order of a noted English Agency is herein catalogued under item, Number,— Bee Conditions of Sale 1. Rejection of Bids. Any bid which is not commensurate with the value of the article offered or which is merely a nominal or fractional oT his ho xoiected. bythe auctionoor if in his judgment such bid would be likely to affel istler’s Works Korn . 2. The Buyer. The highest bidder shall be the buy Feature of Gale of Art more bidders, the auctioneer shall either decide the sa} 3. Identification and Part Payment by Buy! £ shall be given immediately on the sale thereof and, | American Galleries Dispose o card giving the lot number, amount for which sold} an Asse mblage of Treas- Payment at the actual time of the sale shall be} Pare $20, O24. prices as may be required. | ures 104K If the two foregoing conditions are not complie al Twenty oil sketches by James Abbott the opinion of the auctioneer be put up again anc; MeNeill Whistler, and a number of his 4. Risk After Purchase. Title passes upon th! ¢ tchings, lithographs and pén-and-ink thereafter neither the consignor nor the Associatior| , tel ga ao 1di : ria ae to any article occasioned by theft, fire, breakage qj >=CbCMES, Mmeiuaing propervy trom 5. Delivery of Purchases. Delivery of any pul ©S@e@ Of William Heinemann, of Lon= of the total amount due for all purchases at the S| don, and Thomas C. Hepp, | of Corn- Deliveries will be made at the place of sale or at) Wall, England, formed the feature of may have been removed. | the sale of art works last night at the ears at the Fes i Cores va be || American Galleries, which reached a to- and one p. m. on sales’ days and on other days—« , : made—between the hours of nine a. m. and five | tal of $20,084. The catalogue also. Deliveries at places of sale other than the Ameri, i8ted etchings by Buhot. Haden, Zorn the forenoon following the day of sale unless by spe) 40 others from the collection of Miss Deliveries at the Storage warehouse to which goc| Susan Minis, of Boston, and mezzotints day other than holidays between the hours of nir| ia ¢olor by, a ASTON t Edwards from the Deliveries of any purchases of small articles like’ | estate of; Ann a M. Romaine. discretion of the auctioneer during the session of | Le tere Gera ard,” a small signed oil 6. Storage in Default of Prompt Paymen: painting of an aged woman, identified | ie i I jin the Pennell life of Whistl | paid for in full and either not called for by the pur ee ae Macon: I r ls t formerly owned by Algernon Charles noon of the day following that of the sale will be tv | Swinburne, was purchased by A. Swan, to be carried to and stored in some warehouse un' | geent for a private buyer, for $1,800. | purchaser, and the cost of such cartage and stora; | Knoedler & Co., who obtained several the risk of loss or damage occasioned by such remé| 9f the leading ‘items, bought the ex: | Note: The limited space of the Delivery Rooms [tremely rare lithograph in” colors, | ments necessary, and it is not alone for the benefit ¢ |“Draped Figure, Reclining,” signed | trons, whose goods otherwise would have to be so c\ | with the Whistler butterfly, for $1,025. 7. Shipping. Boxing or wrapping of purchases Unpublished items of correspondence no wise engaged, and will not be performed by the’! between Whistler and Mr. Heinemann, will, however, afford to purchasers every facilit: | together with autograph letters of no- rates carriers and packers; doing so, however, wit | table authors ‘and hooks by and re- part for the acts and charges of the parties enga AAune to Whistler, brought a total of : 8. Guaranty. The Association exercises great ouae a an the afternoon. The volume endeavors therein and also at the actual time of sa | entit & he Etched Work of Whist~ tion, but guaranty is not made either by the ow | (& by Edward G. Kennedy, with in- | the description, genuineness, authenticity or cone troduction by Royal Cortissoz | and | on account of any incorrectness, error of catalo; | Ulustrated with reproductions of vari- out. Every lot is sold “as is” and without recot OUS States of the Whistler plates, was| e {sold to W. W.. Seaman, agent, for | Every lot is on public exhibition one or more di S600; F. | give consideration to the opinion of any trustwort | tapes, J, Drake was the purchaser for | 1$275 of an autograph letter in ink to | incorrectly catalogued and in its judgment may t,| mention of the opinion of such expert, who there “My dear Publisher” (Mr. Heinemann), as might result were his opinion without found | ering to the statement by Ruskin 9. Buying on Order. Buying or bidding by!) etl rat ana es | orders transmitted to it by mail, telegraph or tele | 4,44 ety hock subli eye S 1etver | charge or commission. Any purchases so made {¥ | Other sales ae oe SHea. sale except that in the event of purchases consistit | Whistler s ty : ; i himself or through his agent been personally atl heDraped Fi d Rees ai aps colors, turned within ten days of the date of sale and wi | Knoedle $600: Whi ae ing, to M. | if the book in any material manner differs fron | Ri N, 1?’ + int er etching, “The Orders for execution by the Association should | Whictl Ese hi 8 td Knoedler, , $450; to leave no room for misunderstanding. Not only | ¢ ell, wae oe Wi Rotherhithe,’ to P, | title, and bids should be stated to be so much fot} Teens, § 5; Whistler lithotint, “The more volumes of books or objects of art, the bid +} EOS ie to M.:Knoedler, $380; Haig the one transmitting the order is unknown to t jctehing, Portal of Rheims Cathedral,” reference submitted. Shipping directions should) | 22, °W8"s He ene $32 20; Haig etching, Priced copies of the catalogue of any sale or <| 0s WwW Cathedral, to M. Knoedler Association at charges commensurate with. the; 4 ss histler autograph letter, to information from the records of the Associatio liam Heinemann, relating to Oscar | Wilde, to Seaman, agent, $100; Begs éinel’s “Life of W histler,” first edition, (to Seaman, agent, $95; catalogue of |poreelain, illustrated by— Whistler | drawings, first edition, to N. J. Bari- { lett, $75. SS S At THE AMERICAN ART GALLERIES MADISON SQUARE SOUTH, NEW YORK UNRESTRICTED PUBLIC SALE BY ORDER OF VARIOUS PARTIES HEREINBEFORE DESIGNATED NOTABLE ETCHINGS, DRAWINGS, PAINTINGS, LITHOGRAPHS BY JAMES A. MCNEILL WHISTLER, AND PRINTS BY OTHER ARTISTS FRIDAY EVENING, JANUARY 13th, AT 8:15 O’CLOCK 5. ARLENT EDWARDS Contemporary mezzotint engraver. Revived the art of color printing from a mezzotint plate—done in one printing and without any retouching, as it was practiced a hundred years ago by the English engravers. His work has great depth and brilliancy of tone. NOTICE. The S. Arlent Edwards Prints herein catalogued, Numbers 7 to 38 inclusive, are all fine impressions, and in perfect condition. Each subject is within an artistic hand-carved gilt or antique-bronzed frame. EDWARDS, 5S. ARLENT 1, Baptista TORNABUONI. Mezzotint, printed in colors. After the painting by Ghirlandaio. Signed Artist’s Proof. Edition limited to 225 copies. Height, 18; width, 12 inches. Framed. EDWARDS, S. ARLENT 2. COUNTESS SPENCER. Mezzotint, printed in colors. After the painting by Reynolds. Signed Artist’s Proof. Edition limited Sas to 175 copies. ; Height, 1234; width, to inches. Framed. EDWARDS, S. ARLENT 3. DUKE AND DucHEss OF CUMBERLAND. Mezzotint, printed in colors. After the painting by Gainsborough. Signed Artist’s Proof. Edition A, limited to 225 copies. 6 0 Height, 1744; width, 1234 inches. Framed. EDWARDS, S. ARLENT 4. Etvrra. Mezzotint, printed in colors. After the painting by P. della Francesca. Signed Artist’s Proof. Edition \ limited to 225 copies. Height, 1514; width, 10% inches. Framed. Kindly read the conditions under which every item is offered and sold. They are printed in the forepart of the catalogue. EDWARDS, S. ARLENT qn Ned 5. Emma (Lady Hamilton). Mezzotint, printed in colors. After the painting by Romney. Signed Artist’s Proof. Edition limited Pr to 175 copies. / ¥i™ Height, 1234; width, ro inches. Framed. EDWARDS, S. ARLENT 6. Francots II (Dauphin of France). Mezzotint, printed in colors. After the painting by J. Clouet. Signed Artist's Proof. Edition limited to 225 copies. Height, 1238; width, 10% inches. Framed. EDWARDS, S. ARLENT » > » 7. THE GARDEN Party. Mezzotint, printed in colors. —— After the painting by Lancret. Signed Artist’s Proof. Edition limited Lat i 9D = to 175 copies. i ° . ° < Height, 17; width, 1634 inches. Framed. EDWARDS, S. ARLENT 8. A GENTLEMAN OF BruGES. Mezzotint, printed in colors. After the painting by Memling. Signed Artist’s Proof. Edition limited to re 225 copies. ‘ Height, 16; width, 113% inches. Framed. EDWARDS, S. ARLENT g. GEORGE WASHINGTON. Mezzotint, printed in colors. Sharpless, fecit,—S. Arlent Edwards, Sculpsit,—Published 1899, by J. 357 : Percy Sabin, 80 Nassau St. New York. FINE IMPRESSION, with the iy inscription. Marked, Trial in colors before the use of the ground color,— J. Percy Sabin, publisher. Height, 938; width, 7 inches. Framed. EDWARDS, S. ARLENT (40.) INNOCENCIA. Mezzotint, printed in colors. After the painting by Greuze. Signed Artist’s Proof. Edition limited to A. « 125 copies. Height, 11; width, 8 inches. Framed. EDWARDS, S; ARIDEINT G1) La BELLE FERRONNIERE. Mezzotint, printed in colors. a After the painting by Leonardo da Vinci. Signed Artist’s Proof. Edition limited to 225 copies. Height, 1414; width, 1214 inches. Framed. ly EDWARDS, 5. ARLENT 12. Le Daupuin. Mezzotint, printed in colors. After the painting by Mme. Le Brun. Signed Artist’s Proof. Edition , limited to 175 copies. vy -— Height, 91%; width, 514 inches. Framed. J ‘< we yw ye z Height, 1838; width, 1314 inches. Framed. [See Illustration] EDWARDS, S. ARLENT ) 25. Mrs. Litoyp. Mezzotint, printed in colors. After the painting by Reynolds. Signed Artist’s Proof. Edition limited to fos 225 copies. Height, 2034; width, 1114 inches. Framed. EDWARDS, S. ARLENT 26. Mrs. Norton. Mezzotint, printed in colors. After the painting by Gainsborough. Signed Artist’s Proof. Edition fie limited to 175 copies. Height, 1578; width, 734 inches. Framed. EDWARDS, S. ARLENT ‘27. Mrs. WELLS. Mezzotint, printed in colors. After the painting by Romney. Signed Artist’s Proof. Edition limited to 135 copies. Height, 8; width, 6 inches. Framed. EDWARDS, S. ARLENT 28. THE Music Lesson. Mezzotint, printed in colors. After the painting by Lancret- Signed Artist’s Proof. Edition limited to bf & 175 copies. Height, 1738; width, 1734 inches, Framed. Sale, Friday Evening, January 13th EDWARDS, S. ARLENT 29. Nature. (The Calmady Children.) Mezzotint, printed in colors. var After the painting by Lawrence. Signed Artist’s Proof. Edition limited to 175 copies. Height, 1334; width, 1134 inches. Framed. EDWARDS, S. ARLENT 30. Patience. (Mrs. Drummond Smith.) Mezzotint, printed in colors. After the painting by Romney. Signed Artist’s Proof. Edition limited to 175 copies. P Height, 1234; width, 10 inches. Framed. als EDWARDS, S. ARLENT 31. PLAayMATES. Mezzotint, printed in colors. After the painting by Reynolds. Signed Artist’s Proof. Edition limited to 125 copies. Height, 758; width, 534 inches. Framed. EDWARDS, S. ARLENT 32. PorTRAIT oF A Lavy. Mezzotint, printed in colors. After the painting by Ambrogio de Predis. Signed Artist’s Proof. Edition linuted to 175 copies. > @ «Height, 1234; width, 854 inches. Framed. Erroneously called “Beatrice d’'Este” and attributed to Leonardo da Vinci. EDWARDS, S. ARLENT 33. PRINCESS BEAuJOLAIs. Mezzotint, printed in colors. After the painting by Nattier. Signed Artist’s Proof. Edition limited to Py BAF GOpDIes: &) @ “Height, 18; width, 1334 inches. Framed. EDWARDS, S. ARLENT //34.) SYMPATHY. Mezzotint, printed in colors. ‘we After the painting by Greuze. Signed Artist’s Proof. Edition limited to 225 copies. do) O, Height, 1458; width, 1134 inches. Framed. EDWARDS, S. ARLENT 35. LUCREZIA TORNABUONI. Mezzotint, printed in colors. jp, After the painting by Botticelli. Signed Artist’s Proof. Edition limited to ie 225 copies. oS »” Height, 1378; width, 1078 inches. Framed. Kindly read the conditions under which every item is offered and sold. They are printed in the forepart of the catalogue. on OO LATE ANG EEE SEIS EI IES oe e EDWARDS, S. ARLENT 36. Mrs. WELLS. Mezzotint, printed in colors. After the painting by Romney. Signed Artist’s Proof. Edition limited to 135 copies. Early impression, printed on thin paper. Height, 6; width, 434 inches. Framed. ot EDWARDS, S. ARLENT 37. VISIT TO THE BOARDING SCHOOL. Mezzotint, printed in colors. _ ~~ After the painting by Morland. Signed Artist’s Proof. Edition limited to i 175 copies. Height, 1738; length, 22 inches. Framed. EDWARDS, S. ARLENT 38. WILLIAM, PRINCE OF ORANGE. Mezzotint, printed in colors. After the painting by Van Dyck. Signed Artist’s Proof. Edition linuited Dy to 225 copies. thd 1 Height, 1834; width, 12}¢inches. Framed. OTTO H. BACHER Modern American Etcher BYN@is Rem © su © elt #39.) Two Suips, VENICE. Etching. ‘ Signed Artist’s Proof. Fine Impression, printed on India paper. In per- fect condition. Height, 338; length, 938 inches. EUGENE BEJOT Contemporary French etcher. Born at Paris in 1865. BEJOT, EUGENE 40. LA SEINE AU Pont DES ST. PERES, Paris. Ffching. _ Signed in pencil,—Eugéne Béjot. FINE IMpREssION, printed in brown ink, ae on Japan paper. Margins slightly rubbed. iv Height, 974; length, 1334 inches. FRANK BRANGWYN Contemporary English painter and etcher. Born in London in 1867. BRANGWYN, FRANK 41. TOUR DE Faure. Liching. Signed in pencil, Frank Brangwyn. FINE IMPRESSION, in fine condition. Height, 934; length, 13% inches. Framed. 4 Sue Sale, Friday Evening, January 13th FELIX BUHOT French etcher, born at Valognes, 1847; died in Paris, 1898. “The technic of Buhot is assuredly far from being simple. But he is free. He is not the slave of rules and formulas; he has not the least respect for arbitrary laws; he blends and mixes all the different means used for obtaining effects in black and white- whether by cutting into or corroding the plate. He is not the slave of any one implement.”—Léonce Bénédite. BUHOT, FELIX 42. Le Sor. Fiching. Bourcard, No. 9. After Corot. Fine IvereEssIon, printed on Japan paper. In perfect condition. Height, 524; length, 6% inches. Un Grain A TROUVILLE. Etching. > Bowral, INO, 122, FINE Impression, on Holland paper, in perfect condition. Height, 534; length, 87 inches. Together, 2 pieces. BUHOT, FELIX 43. EAUX-FORTES ORIGINALES ET D’APRES Divers. Ltchings. Boucard, Nos. 5, 16, 24, 52, 53, 54, 58, 60, 65, 66, 123. Eleven etchings by Buhot,—Au Fil de l’Eau; Vase Etain Laque; Biberon en Faience d'Oiron; Le Poisson Volant; Cabinet de Lecture au Japon; ye Quatre Anons dans Un Pré; Cacoleti¢re Assise; Un Jeune Voyou; En Province; Le Couvre-Feu; anda destroyed impression of the Matinée d’Hiver. All good impressions. Together, 11 pieces, various sizes, about 6 by 9 inches. BUHOT, FELIX 44. JAPONISME. ichings. Boucard, Nos. 11-20. A series of ten etchings, including title-page, of Japanese objects in the yo collection of Monsieur Ph. Burty. ALL FINE PRroors, printed on Holland h dy o paper with wide margins. Copy No. 33, in the original portfolio. In perfect condition. BUHOT, FELIX Vo45. MA PETITE VILLE, Aquatint and Drypoint. Bourcard, No. 27. Second State of three. Signed on the plate with the initials, F. B., date 1872 and “Aprés la pluie” in lower left corner. BEAUTIFUL PRoor, printed on “Van Gelder” paper, ; with large margins. In perfect condition. Height, 454; length, 614 inches. Kindly read the conditions under which every item is offered and sold. They are printed in the forepart of the catalogue. BUHOT, FELIX » 46. MA PETITE VILLE. Aquatint and Drypoint. “ Bourcard, No. 27. Third State of three. FINE IMPRESSION, printed on heavy Holland paper. With dedication in 5 ink,—A Monsieur Philippe Burty—hommage d'un premier essai ad’ Eau : Forte, Tohub. In perfect condition. Height, 4; length, 534 inches. From the Burty and Barrion Collections. BUHOT, FELIX 47. L’ETANG DE LA Bikyre. Etching and Aquatint. Bourcard, No. 43. First State, before the plate was Aquatinted, and the J® Second State with the Aquatint work added. Signed in pencil and with the red owl stamp. Fine impressions, printed on Holland paper. In perfect condition. Height, 3; width, 234 inches. Together, 2 pieces. BUHOT, FELIX 48. Ex Lrpris DE Lton LEREY. Etching and Aquatint. Bourcard, No. 51. Signed,—Felix Buhot. VERY FINE IMPRESSION, in perfect condition. Height, 4%; length, 7 inches. : Au Bord DELA MER. FEiching. - Bourcard, No. 46. After Louise Abbema. FINE ImpREssION, in perfect condition. Height, 414; length, 658 inches. Together, 2 pieces. BUHOT, FELIX 49. L’ ENTREE DE LANDMER. Lching. Bourcard, No. 57. Signed with the red owl stamp. FINE Proor, printed in brown ink, on a i. greenish colored paper. In perfect condition. Height, 3; length, 7% inches. BUHOT, FELIX , 50. PLUIE ET PARAPLUIE. Efching. ~~ Bourcard, No. 68. Second State of two. Signed with the red owl stamp. FINE Impression, printed in brown ink on Holland paper. In perfect condition. Height, 458; width, 31 inches. BUHOT, FELIX ‘51. PLUIE ET PARAPLUIE. Fiching. Bourcard, No. 68. Second State of two. FINE IMPRESSION, printed in black ink on Holland paper. In perfect con- dition. Height, 458; width, 334 inches. Sale, Friday Evening, January 13th BUHOT, FELIX ™y 52. UNE MATINEE D’AuTOMNE. Fitching and Aquatint. Bourcard, No. 71. Second State of two. Signed on the plate, andwith the red owl stamp. VERY FINE IMPRESSION, ¥) printed on parchment. In perfect condition. Vas Height, 414; length, 63 inches. BUHOT, FELIX 53. UNE MatTIN&E D’AUTOMNE. Ffching and Aquatint. Bourcard, No. 71. FINE IMPRESSION, printed on Holland paper. In perfect condition. Height, 4%; length, 65 inches. BUHOT, FELIX Ny 54. Une Matinée p’Automne. Etching and Aquatint. Bourcard, No. 71. p Frne Iveression, printed on Holland paper. In perfect condition. ‘Z Height, 4%; length, 656 inches. BUHOT, FELIX 55. L’AnGéLus. Etching and Drypoint. Bourcard, No. 72. Fourth State of four. FINE ImpREsSION on Holland paper. In perfect condition. Height, 578; width, 438 inches. BUHOT, FELIX ® 56. SPLEEN ET IDfaL. Etching and Drypoint. Bourcard, No. 73. Signed on the plate. FINE IvprEssION, printed on Holland paper. In perfect condition. Height, 638; width 3% inches. From the Philippe Burty Collection. BUHOT, FELIX 57. SPLEEN ET IDEAL. Etching and Drypoint. = Bourcard, No. 73. Signed on the plate. FINE ImpREssIoNn, printed on Holland paper. In perfect condition. Pe Height, 634; width, 3% inches. BUHOT, FELIX ~. 58. Les GarpDIENS bu LoGiIs, oU LES AMIS DU SALTIMBANQUE. Etching and Drypoint. Bourcard, No. 76. Second State, before height of plate was changed to 31 inches. : Stamped on lower margin with the red owl stamp. BEAUTIFUL IMPRES- SION, printed on green ribbed paper. In perfect condition. Only five proofs taken in thas state. Height, 338; length, 44% inches. Kindly read the conditions under which every item is offered and sold. They are printed in the forepart of the catalogue. BUHOT, FELIX 59. T&TES DE Bretons. Etching and Aquatint. Bourcard, No. 80. Only State. Signed on the lower margin with the red owl stamp. VERY FINE IMpREs- 33 SION, printed on heavy ribbed paper. In perfect condition. 410." Height, 314; length, 4% inches. BUHOT, FELIX 60. Le CHEVALIER DeEstoucHEs. Etchings. 24 Bourcard, Nos. 91-95. Set of five subjects, illustrations to “Le Chevalier Destouches” by J. Barbey d’Aurevilly. No. 91. Le Bruit de Deux Sabots No. 93. A Cette Lueur Sondaine. Trainant. No. 94. Je Fis Ce Qu’on Appelle No. 92. Le Soir Méme. Un Bon Marché. No. 95. On Allume Les Cierges. SUPERB SET. PRoors with the symphonic marginal sketches, printed on Japan and Holland paper. In perfect condition. Mounted along edges on heavy Japan mount. Height of each, 634; width, 4% inches. Together, 5 pieces. [Set.] BUHOT, FELIX 61. UNE VIEILLE Maitresse. Etchings. Bourcard, Nos. 99-108. Ten subjects, illustrations to “Une Vieille Maitresse” par J. Barbey d’Aurevilly. No. 99. Théde Douairiéres. No. 104. Le Criard. No. 100. I Promessi Sposi. No. 105. La Blanche Caroline. No. tor. Les Adieux. No. 106. Ryno et Hermangarde. ry, . No. 102. Une Variété dans No. 107. Le Bas-Hamet. toes l’Amour. No. 108. Le Tombeau du Diable. No. 103. Caramba, Fit-Elle. SUPERB SET. Signed on lower margins in pencil,—Felix Buhot. PRroors, with the symphonic marginal sketches, printed on Holland paper. In perfect condition. Mounted along edges on heavy Japan mounts. Height of each, 678; width, 4% inches. Together, 10 pieces. [Set.| BUHOT, FELIX 62. LreTrRES DE Mon Moutin. Etchings. Bourcard, Nos. 109-113. Subjects same as following item [No. 63]. SUPERB SET. PROOFS OF THE First STATE, printed on Japan paper. In perfect condition. Height of each, 7; width, 4% inches. Together, 5 pieces. [Set.] Sale, Friday Evening, January 13th BUHOT, FELIX 63. LeTrRES DE Mon Mou in. Etchings. Bourcard, Nos. 109-113. First STATES, before the marginal sketches and Aquatint were added. Five subjects, illustrations to “Lettres de Mon Moulin” par Alphonse Daudet. VERY FINE SET. Titles as follows. No. 109. Title, Lettres de Mon No. 111. Le Secret du Maitre Moulin. Cornille. No. 110. La Diligence de Beaucaire. No. 112. Le Curé de Cucugnan. No. 113. Les Vieux. Printed on Holland paper. No. 110 signed in pencil,—Premier Liat, Felix Buhot; Nos. 112 and 113, signed with the red owl stamp. In perfect condition. Mounted along edges on heavy Japan mounts. Height of each, 7; width, 4% inches. Together, 5 pieces. [Set.] BUHOT, FELIX 64. LetTrREs DE Mon Moun. Etchings. es Bourcard, Nos. 109-113. Subjects same as preceding. SUPERB SET. PROOFS OF THE FINISHED SraTEs, with the Aquatint and the symphonic marginal sketches added. R Printed on Holland paper, signed on the plates and with the red owl stamp. In perfect condition. Mounted along edges on heavy Japan mounts. Height of each, 7; width, 4% inches. Together, 5 pieces. [Set.] BUHOT, FELIX ™ 65. Lerrres DE Mon MouLin. Etchings. Bourcard, Nos. 109-113. Subjects same as preceding. SUPERB SET. PROOFS OF THE FINISHED SraTEs, with the Aquatint and the symphonic marginal sketches added. o Printed on Japan paper, and signed on the plate. In perfect condition. 3U° Height of each, 7; width, 41% inches. Together, 5 pieces. [Set.] BUHOT, FELIX N 66. Un Grain A TROUVILLE. Fiching. Bourcard, No. 122. First State of four. _ Signed on the plate, very fine impression printed on Japan paper. In per- Sens, fect condition. Pov Height, 514; length, 8 inches. BUMOM BBW IX 67. L’EMBARCADERE, TROUVILLE. Etching and Drypount. a) Bourcard, No. 126. Third State of three. Signed in pencil,—Felix Buhot. FINE Proor with the red owl stamp, printed on heavy Holland paper. In perfect condition. } O Height, 734; width, 1076 inches, Kindly read the conditions under which every item is offered and sold. They are printed in the forepart of the catalogue. BUHOT, FELIX 368. La FETE NATIONALE AU BouLEVARD CLicuy. Etching. Bourcard, No. 127. Third State of four. Signed in pencil,— Felix “Buhot, also pencil dedication to G. Bigot. VERY of 3 FINE IMPRESSION, printed on heavy Holland paper. In perfect con- dition. Height, 1214; width, 938 inches. BUHOT, FELIX 69. La FETE NATIONALE AU BouLEvarRD CLicuy. Etching and Aquatint. == Bourcard, No. 127. Fourth State, with the additional work on margin. , Signed in pencil, Felix Buhof. “VERY FINE ImpREssION, printed on Japan » 0”) a paper. Margins slightly rubbed. ' — Height, 1214; width, 934 inches. From the Tricaud Collection. ~ BURODPEBELX ™g 70. L’Hiver A Paris ou LA NeEIGE A Paris. (A la Place Breda.) Etching and Aquatint. Bourcard, No. 128. Third State of five. Dp hee Signed,—Felix Buhot. FINE IMPRESSION, printed on Holland paper. In c perfect condition. Height, 934; length, 1338 inches. BUHOT, FELIX 71. L’Hiver A Paris ou La NetcE A Paris. (A la Place Breda.) Etching and mae Aquatint. Bourcard, No. 128. Third State of five. : Signed on the plate,—Felix Buhot, Paris, 1879. VERY FINE PRoor, with Be & the following etched in lower left and right corners, “L’Art” and “L’Hiver de 1879 a Paris.” tn perfect condition. Height, 10; length, 1358 inches. BUHOT, FELIX ~ 72. L’Hiver A Paris ou La NEIGcE A Paris. (A la Place Breda.) Etching and Aquatint. Bourcard, No. 128. Fifth State of five. Signed on the lower margin, in pencil,—Felix Buhot. AN EXTREMELY FINE IMPRESSION, printed on heavy Holland paper, with large margins. In perfect condition. Marked Proof “No. 2.’ Height, 10; length, 1356 inches. BUHOT, FELIX 73. LA PLACE PIGALLE EN 1878. Etching and Aquatint. — Bourcard, No. 129. Fifth State oe five. Signed on the plate,—F. B. 1878, and with the red owl stamp. FINE Via IMPRESSION, with the two inserts in the upper right corner. In fine : condition. Height, 914; length, 1334 inches. FELIX BUHOT UNE JETTEE. EN ANGLETERRE [No. 76] VON Kindly read the conditions under which every item is offered and sold. They are printed in the forepart of the catalogue. eI A Ge IAN NC Ae SESS A oe let BUHOT, FELIX 74. PLACE PIGALLE EN 1878. Etching and Aquatint. Bourcard, No. 129. Fifth State of five. Signed,—Felix Buhot. VERY FINE Impression, with the red owl stamp, printed on Holland paper, in perfect condition. Height, 9%; length, 1338 inches. ISON, IIBILIDX 75. UN Di&BARQUEMENT EN ANGLETERRE. Fiching and Aquatint. ; Bourcard, No. 130. Fifth State of five. Signed,—Felix Buhot. Good impression, with the red owl stamp. In perfect condition. Height, 1178; width, 7% inches. BUHOT, FELIX 76. UNE JETTEE EN Pees Drypoint and Aquatint. Bourcard, No. 132. Second State of four. Signed on the plate with the initials—PF. B. VERY FINE Proor, printed on China paper, inlaid. With pencil dedication,—A Monsieur T. Fillon, devotedly, Felix Buhot. In perfect condition. Height, 1134; width, 77% inches. ) [See Illustration] BUHOT, FELIX 77. LES PETITES CHAUMIERES. LHiching and Aquatint. — Bourcard, No. 149. Early Trial Proof. Impression taken from the plate, showing the subject in Aquatint only, before the signature and monogram or any of the etched lines were added. In perfect condition. Height, 4; length, 53 inches. BUHOT, FELIX 78. Les PETITES CHAUMIERES. Etching and Aquatint. > Bourcard, No. 149. Fourth State of four. Signed on the plate and on lower margin, in pencil, A curi- ous impression, printed from the plate after it had been wiped almost dry, giving the effect of a proof printed from a lithographic stone. In perfect condition. Height, 4; length, 538 inches. BUHOT, FELIX 79. Les PETITES CHAUMIERES. Etching and Aquatint. Bourcard, No. 149. Fourth State of four. Signed on the plate,—Felix Buhot, and with the red owl stamp on the — lower margin. An extremely fine impression, printed on parchment. / In perfect condition. Height, 4; length, 538 inches. Sale, Friday Evening, January 13th BUHOT, FELIX 80, Les Perires CHAUMIERES. Etching and Aquatint. an Bourcard, No. 149. Counter Proof. Signed in pencil,—Felix Buhot. Good impression, on Japan paper. In the artist’s handwriting below lower plate-mark,—Coutre-épreuve da l’essence. In perfect condition. Height, 378; length, 5% inches. BUHOT, FELIX 81. Les GRANDES CHAUMIERES. Etching and Drypoint. a Bourcard, No. 150. Fourth State of four. Early Proof, before additional drypoint work. Sa 92. - Signed, Felix Buhot. FINE IMPRESSION, printed in brown ink on Holland paper. In perfect condition. Height, 514; length, 1034 inches. 25 BUHOT, FELIX 82. Les GRANDES CHAUMIERES. Etching and Drypoint. — Bourcard, No. 150. Fourth State of four. Signed,—Felix Buhot—VrEry FINE Proor, with the red owl stamp, printed on French paper. In perfect condition. Height, 514; length, 1056 inches. BUHOT, FELIX 83. LA Petite MarINE,—SOUVENIR DE Mepway. Etching and Aquatint. Bourcard, No. 153. Fifth State of five. Signed,— Felix Buhot. FINE Proor, with the red owl stamp, printed on heavy Holland paper. In perfect condition. Height, 6%; length, 856 inches. BUHOT, FELIX ‘84. Le Perir ENTERREMENT. Etching and Aquatint. = Bourcard, No. 154. Second State of two. Signed with the red owl stamp. FINE Impression, printed in blue ink, arts on French paper. In perfect condition. : 7 d Height, 334; length, 45 inches. BUHOT, FELIX 85. MAtvINEE D’HIVER SUR LES Quals. FEifching. = Bourcard, No. 158. First Trial Proof. Good impression, printed on Holland paper, with a proposed remarque drawn on lower plate mark by the artist. In perfect condition. Height, 1014; length, 1334 inches. BUHOT, FELIX 86. MATINEE D’HIVER SUR LES Quats. Etching and Aquatint. Bourcard, No. 158. Fifth State of five. Signed, Felix Buhot. VERY FINE IMPRESSION, with the red owl stamp, printed in brown ink, on Japan paper. In perfect condition. Height, 934; length, 1376 inches. Kindly read the conditions under which every item is offered and sold. They are printed in the forepart of the catalogue. BUHOT, FELIX 87. Les Esprits pes VILLES Mortes. Etching and Aquatint. | ~ _ Bourcard, No. 160. Third State of five, with false margin. Signed in pencil,—Felix Buhot. FINE Impression, printed in brown ink, on dark brown prepared paper, margin unfinished, has only a few sketches on sides and top, the following title is written in Buhot’s handwriting,— Au dessus des Monts a Travers les prés, les Vents apaisés du Soir, Nuages de feu des Cieux diaprés, Perisprits humains nous venons revoir, Legeres cohortes qwemportent, Les vieux clochers des Villes Mortes. In perfect condition. Height, 13; length, 1754 inches. BUHOT, FELIX 88. LEs Esprits DES VILLES Mortes. FEiching. Bourcard, No. 160. Counter Proof. Good impression, in good condition; Also a proof of the symphonic mar- gin, used on the “Baie de St-Malo;” and a reproduction of the fifth state of the “La Falaise de Baie de St-Malo.” Height, 11%; length, 1538 inches. Together, 3 pieces. ¥ BUHOT, FELIX 89. Les Esprits DES VILLES Mortes. Etching and Aquatint. = Bourcard, No. 160. Fifth State of five. Signed under margin, with the red owl stamp. SuPERB Proor, printed in brown ink, on Japan paper. With false margin printed separately and ey laid over print, also in brown ink, on heavy Holland paper. In perfect vu condition. Height, 1314; length, 17% inches. BUHOT, FELIX 90. Le Hisou. THE Ow. Etching and Aquatint. aoe Bourcard, No. 161. Signed on the lower margin, in pencil,—Felix Buhot. FINE IMPRESSION, | Sire printed on “papier essencé.” Margins broken and print torn in a few places. Height, 1738; width, 1234 inches. BUHOT, FELIX \ or. La PLAce DES Martyrs ET DA TAVERNE DU BAGNE. Etching. Bourcard, No. 163. First state of three. ” Signed in pencil,—Felix Buhot. VERY FINE IMPRESSION, printed on pre- ) 4 pared paper. In perfect condition. : Height, 1338; length, 1734 inches. From the Beurdeley Collection. BUHOT, FELIX “{ 92.) LA Faraise. Balk DE Saint-Mato. Etching, Aquatint and Drypoint. ; Bourcard, No. 165. Second State of five. Very FINE Impression, printed in black ink, on heavy Holland paper. 4 ?@ In perfect condition. 7 * “Height, 9; length, 1154 inches. [66 ON] GSIVIVUA VI LOHDE XIT al Kindly read the conditions under which every item is offered and sold. They are printed in the forepart of the catalogue. BUHOT, FELIX 93. La FavaiseE. BAtE DE Satnt-MALo. Etching, Aquatint and Drypoint. 1 —= Bourcard, No. 165. Fifth State of five, with false margin. Signed,—Felix Buhot. FINE PRroor, with the red owl stamp. There are a number of pencil sketches and notes on the margins. In perfect con- / ot dition. Height, 1134; length, 1554 inches. [See Illustration] WISI, IIBILIDC 94. La FALAISsE, BAIE DE Saint-MaAtLo. Fiching, Aquatint and Drypoint. _ Bourcard, No. 165. Counter Proof of the First State. e() Signed in pencil,—Felix-Bihoi--F INE IMPRESSION, in perfect condition. et? \9 Height, 8%; length, 11% inches. BUHOT, FELIX 95. Les Ores. Fiching and Aquatint. Bourcard, No. 166. First State of four. Good impression, printed on heavy Holland paper. In perfect condition. @ Height, 6; length, 101% inches. BUHOT, PELIX N 96. Les Ores. Etching and Aquatint. 14 Bourcard, No. 166. Fourth State of four. . signed on the lower margin, in pencil,—Felix Buhot, and with the red owl a /)% 88 stamp. Good impression, printed on heavy plate paper. In perfect © #* "condition. Height, 6; length, 1024 inches. BUHOR, EEVEX | 97. L’EGLISE DE JouBOURG. Aquatint. | Bourcard, No. 170. First State of two. Signed with the red owl stamp. FINE IMPRESSION, on green paper. 10. — Height, 77%; length, 103 inches. From the Beurdeley Collection. BUHOT, FELIX | 98. FRONTISPIECE “POUR LES ZIGZAGS : Bourcard, No. 172. | Signed on lower margin, in pencil,—Felix Buhot, and with the red owl stamp. Fine impression, one of six printed on Japan paper. Marked in Buhot’s handwriting on lower margin,—Composition etched for “Les Zizgags,” for Octave Uzanne. In perfect condition. | Height, 9; width, 61% inches. ” Etching. BUHOT, FELIX “ 99. THE VicrortA CLocK Tower. Lithograph. | Bourcard, No. 184. Only State. | Signed and dated on the plate,—Felix Buhot, 1892. FINE IMPRESSION printed on heavy Japan paper. In perfect condition. be * Height, 914; width, 6% inches. Buhot made this lithograph for Mr. Duchatel’s “Traité de Lithographie artistique.” 1892. » “ 100. Sale, Friday Evening, January 13th BUHOT, FELIX Celebrated Cc UnE MENDIANTE. After Fortuny. = tenia —— J Woodcut. Good impression, in good condition. Height, 636; width, 45 inches. DAVID YOUNG CAMERON yntemporary Scotch painter and etcher. Born at Glasgow in 1865. CAMERON, DAVID YOUNG tor. AMBOISE. EHiching. ‘ Rinder, No. 352. Signed on the plate, good impression, in perfect condition. From edition published in “The Studio”—Part Height, 1014; width, 6 inches. ‘ THE TOWERS ~ Rinder, N 1910. IV, 1902-03. OF CHARTERHOUSE, GODALMING. Elching. 0. 243. Good impression, in perfect condition. From the “Portfolio” edition of ; Height, 544; width, 3% Together, 2 pieces. 31% inches. CAMERON, DAVID YOUNG — 3 / y hy 102. ARRAN, SCOTLAND. Fiching. Rinder, No. 43. Signed on t the “Port Height, 478; length, 97 inches. A NorMAN VILLAGE. = Rinder, No. re plate, good impression, in perfect condition. Published in olio,” Vol. XXIII. Etching. oO 359. Signed on t published Height, 5%; Together, 2 he plate, good impression, in perfect condition. From edition, in “The Artist Engraver”’—Jan. 1904. ; length, 7 inches. pieces. CHARLES FRANCOIS DAUBIGNY French painter and etcher, born in Paris in 1817; died in Paris in 1878. DAUBIGNY, CHARLES FRANCOIS 103. SOLEIL CoucHANT. Eiéching. Cows IN A Poot. Etching. Signed on the plate. Good impression, printed on India paper, one of the edition published in the “Gazette des Beaux-Arts. ” (74 In fine condition. Height, 4%; length, 7% inches. Signed on the tion. Height, 10; le Together, 2 pieces. plate. Good impression, printed by Sarazin. In good condi- ngth, 131% inches. Kindly read the conditions under which every item is offered " and sold. They are printed in the forepart of the catalogue. PHILIBERT LOUIS DEBUCOURT French painter and engraver. Born in Paris, 1755; died at Belleville, in 1832. DEBUCOURT, PHILIBERT LOUIS 104. Qu’AS TU FAIT?—QUE VAS TU FAIRE? Stipple engravings, printed in colors. Signed on the plate,—Dessiné et gravé par P. L. Debucourt. Fine impres- 20, sions, with the titles, corners stretched over a cardboard mount, other- ot wise in perfect condition. Rare. “Height, 1136; width, 81 inches. Together, 2 pieces. [Pair.] Framed. 1 WILLIAM JACOBSZ DELFF A 4 Born, 1580; died, 1638. DELFF, WILLIAM JACOBSZ 105. CHRISTIAN DUKE OF BRUNSWICK. Engraving. — Good impression, with the inscription, cracked and repaired in a few } places, mounted on a thin board. Height, 1478; width, 11% inches. H. FANTIN-LATOUR hee bats ; ’ FANTIN-LATOUR, H. sa sedated La o 106. VENUS ANADYOMENE. Lithograph. ae Signed on the’ stone,—L. Fantin. FINE IMPRESSION, on heavy Japan “paper. In perféct condition. Pd ere , ~ Height, 15; width, 11/4 inches. Pi: NNN NRO Pate Vv SIR FRANCIS SEYMOUR HADEN Eminent English etcher. Born at London, 1848; died there in 1910. President of the “Royal Society of Painter Etchers.” HADEN, SIR FRANCIS SEYMOUR ~j 107. KENSINGTON GARDENS. (The Small Plate.) Etching. Harrington, No. 12. med in pencil,—Seymour Haden. FINE Impression. In perfect con- ition. Height, 614; width, 436 inches. ; 2 lige HADEN, SIR FRANCIS SEYMOUR ~108. EGuam Locr. Eiching. , Harrington, No. 16. Second State of three. vac Signed in pencil,—Seymour Haden. VERY FINE IMPRESSION. In perfect ; wy Ss condition. Published as No. XIII, in “Etudes a l’eau-forte.” 1865, ; Height, 6; length, 874 inches. A i wt ak 1444 [681 ON] SUALSIS AHA Kindly read the conditions under which every item is offered and sold. They are printed in the forepart of the catalogue. HADEN, SIR FRANCIS SEYMOUR ™ 109. ON THE TEST. Drypoint. Harrington, No. 20. Signed in pencil,—Seymour Haden. FINE IMPRESSION. In perfect con- u ; dition. ng Height, 6; length, 9 inches. HADEN, SIR FRANCIS SEYMOUR 110. KipWELLy Town. Etching. — Harrington, No. 24. Signed in pencil,—Seymour Haden. FINE IMPRESSION. In perfect con- dition. : Height, 534; length, 834 inches. HADEN, SIR FRANCIS SEYMOUR ~{ 111) Kensincton GarpEns. (The Larger Plate.) Etching. > Harrington, No. 28. Second State of two. Signed in pencil,—Seymour-Haden. VERY FINE IMPRESSION, printed on ~—Tndia paper. In perfé¢t condition. Published in “A selection of Etchings by the Etching Club.” 1865. Height, 8; width 47% inches. HADEN, SIR FRANCIS SEYMOUR 112. KENSINGTON GARDENS. (The Larger Plate.) Hiching. — Harrington, No. 28. Second State of two. Signed in pencil,—Seymour-Haden. Good impression, printed on India =“ paper. In good condition. Published in “A selection of Etchings by / 0a the Etching Club.” 1865. Height, 8; width, 47 inches. From the W. S. Brough Collection. HADEN, SIR FRANCIS SEYMOUR ~ 113. SHERE Mitt Ponp. {The Small Plate.) Etching. Harrington, No. 37. Only PUBLISHED STATE. Signed in pencil,—Seymour Haden. FINE IMPRESSION, on Holland paper. v4 Som In perfect condition. Height, 4%; length, 654 inches. HADEN, SIR FRANCIS SEYMOUR 114. Dunprum River. Etching.“ @ Sinan \otant0 a Harrington, No. 49. Second State of two. , Signed on the plate,—Seymour Haden. FINE IMPRESSION, printed on India paper. In perfect condition. Published in “Etching for the Art Union of London by the Etching Club,” 1872. Height, 6; width, 514 inches. mm HADEN, SIR FRANCIS SEYMOUR , 115. NEWCASTLE IN EMLyn. Etching. Harrington, No. 62. Signed in pencil,—Seymour Haden. FINE IMPRESSION, in perfect condi- tion. Published as No. XX in “Etudes a l’eau-forte.” 1865. Height, 4%; length, 57 inches. AXEL HERMAN HAIG MT, ST. MICHEL ,, / [Nox 131) gee Kindly read the conditions under which every item is offered and sold. They are printed in the forepart of the catalogue. HADEN, SIR FRANCIS SEYMOUR 1116. HOUSE OF THE SMITH. Fiching. Harrington, No. 63. Signed in pencil_—Seymour Haden. FINE IMPRESSION. In perfect con- dition. Published as No. XVIII in “Etudes a l’eau-forte.” 1865. Height, 4%; length, 6 inches: HADEN, SIR FRANCIS SEYMOUR 117. KENARTH, SouTH WALEs. Etching. == Harrington, No. 64. Only Published State. “0 Signed in pencil,—Seymour Haden. BEauTIFUL IMPRESSION. In perfect a Ye - condition. Published as No. I, in “Etudes a l’eau-forte.” 1865. Height, 4%; length, 578 inches. HADEN, SIR FRANCIS SEYMOUR iF 118. KILGAREN CAsTLe. Etching. ye Harrington, No. 65. “] Signed in pencil,—Seymour Haden. FINE IMPRESSION. In perfect con- | Ya-* dition. Published as No. XVII in “Etudes a l’eau-forte.” 1865. Height, 41%; length, 576 inches. 1 | HADEN, SIR FRANCIS SEYMOUR 119. LitrLe CaLais PIER. Etching. Harrington, No. 98. | % Signed in pencil,—Seymour Haden. FINE Impression, plate mark and yw IG margin cracked and repaired. , Height, 3; length, 61% inches. HADEN, SIR FRANCIS SEYMOUR ~»120. THE Moat House. Eiching. Harrington, No. 114. Second State of two. Signed in pencil,—Seymour Haden. BEAUTIFUL IMPRESSION, printed in brown ink, on Holland pete In perfect condition. Height, 538; length, 838 inches. * | HADEN, SIR FRANCIS SEYMOUR | 121, Harry KELLEy’s PutNeEy. Etching and drypoint. Harrington, No. 117. Only Published State. Signed in pencil,—Seymour Haden. VERY FINE IMPRESSION, on Japan paper. In perfect condition. Height, 434; length, 7 inches. 2: HADEN, SIR FRANCIS SEYMOUR | ™ 122. THE THREE SIsTERS. Eiching. = Harrington, No. 129. Second State of two. Signed in pencil, —Seymour Haden. BEAUTIFUL IMPRESSION on Holland paper. In perfect condition. Height, 514; length, 814 inches. [See Illustration] FEZ RMAN HAIG EL HE AX] INTERIOR OF BURGOS CATHEDRAL [No. 1 Kindly read the conditions under which every ttem is offered and sold. They are printed in the forepart of the catalogue. HADEN, SIR FRANCIS SEYMOUR ; 123. THE THREE SISTERS. Eiching. Harrington, No. 129. Second State of two. Signed in pencil,—Seymour Haden. FINE IMPRESSION, printed on heavy KY) ¢ Holland paper. In perfect condition. ae Height, 514; length, 844 inches. HADEN, SIR FRANCIS SEYMOUR 124. BREAKING UP oF THE AGAMEMNON. Fiching. Harrington, No. 145. Signed in pencil,—Seymour Haden. FINE IMPRESSION, printed by Gould- @ ing, and in his handwriting,—“J lke this impression very much,” f Goulding Imp. In perfect condition. Height, 714; length, 16 inches. 14S" HADEN, SIR FRANCIS SEYMOUR ~s 125. IrFLEY MILL. Etching. Harrington, No. 146. Only Published State. Signed in pencil,—Seymour Haden. FINE ImMpREssIon. In perfect con- dition. : Height, 514; length, 83 inches. HADEN, SIR FRANCIS SEYMOUR ~ 126. THE Poot Dorntie. Etching. Harrington, No. 158. Second State of two. yeSigned in pencil,—Seymour Haden. FINE Impression. In perfect con- pg dition. Height, 614; length, 1014 inches. HADEN, SIR FRANCIS SEYMOUR Sy 127. CHALLOW Farm. Drypoint. Harrington, No. 175. Only Published State. i Signed in pencil,— Seymour Haden. FINE ImpreEssION. In perfect con- si dition. ager Height, 6; length, 878 inches. te Nf tab] MAG HADEN, SIR FRANCIS SEYMOUR ™ 28. A SALMON RIVER. Etching and Mezzotint. A Harrington, No. 226. pd : : : : 6p Signed in pencil,—Seymour Haden. VERY FINE IMPRESSION, printed on ] Holland paper. In perfect condition. ib Height, 456; length, 614 inches, HADEN, SIR FRANCIS SEYMOUR “ 129. GRAYLING FISHING. Mezzotint. Harrington, No. 241. Signed in ‘pencil, —Seymour Haden. VERY FINE ImpREssION, printed on Holland paper. In perfect condition. Height, 738; length, 11% inches. AXEL HERMAN HAIG PORTALS OF RHEIMS CATHEDRAL [No. 134] _Kindly read the conditions under which every item is offered and sold. They are printed in the forepart of the catalogue. HADEN, SIR FRANCIS SEYMOUR 130. HAUNT OF THE Mosquito. Mezzotint. Harrington, No. 243. Only Published State. Signed in pencil, —Seymour Haden. VERY FINE IMPRESSION, printed on A. C. L. paper. In perfect condition. Height, 6; length, 878 inches. HAIG, AXEL HERMAN Noted Swedish Etcher: Born on the Island of Gotland, HAIG, AXEL HERMAN ( 0) Mont St. MicHet. Etching. Armstrong, No. 2 »£ a Signed Artist’s Proof. BEAUTIFUL IMPRESSION. In perfect condition. aes Edition linuted to 500 proofs. Height 3414; width, 241% inches. Framed. [See Illustration] HAIG, AXEL HERMAN 132.) LIMBURG ON THE Laun. Etching. = Armstrong, No. 50. Signed Artist’s Proof. FINE IMpREssION, paper slightly toned, otherwise in fine condition. Edition limited to 650 proofs. Height, 3414; width 24% inches. Framed. HAIG, AXEL HERMAN 132A. PAMPELUNA BRIDGE. RETURNING FROMTHE Farr. Liching. Armstrong, No. 55. «= » « Signed Artist’s Proof. Fine Impression, paper slightly toned. Edition Ores limited to 700 proofs. Height, 2534; length, 3614 inches. Framed. HAIG, AXEL HERMAN @ 33.) INTERIOR, BuRGos CATHEDRAL. Efching. . Armstrong, No. 65. Signed Artist’s Proof. FINE Impression, printed on heavy paper, which is toned from age, and has a cardboard stain across the top, otherwise in fine condition. Edition limited to 500 proofs. Height, 2714; width, 1734 inches. Framed. [See Illustration] HAIG, AXEL HERMAN 134. PoRTALS OF RHEIMS CATHEDRAL. Etching. Armstrong, No. 94. Signed Artist’s Proof. BErAutiruL RicH Proor, printed in brown ink, on Japan paper. In perfect condition. Edition of 325 proofs printed. Height, 2444; width, 18 inches. Framed. [See Illustration] Sale, Friday Evening, January 13th HAIG, AXEL HERMAN 135. INTERIOR, AMIENS CATHEDRAL. Etching. Armstrong, No. 98. Signed Artist’s Proof. FINE ImMpREssIoN. In perfect condition. Edition of 450 proofs printed. Height, 2736; width, 1834 inches. Framed in gold. HAIG, AXEL HERMAN 136) DuRHAM CATHEDRAL, INTERIOR. Fiching. ~ Armstrong, No. 99. Signed Artist’s Proof. BrAutTiruL RicH IMPRESSION, printed in brown @ ink on Japan paper. In perfect condition. Edition limited to 425 proofs. Height, 2458; width, 1744 inches. Framed. HAIG, AXEL HERMAN 137. ST. MARxk’s, VENICE, ExTERIOR. Etching. Armstrong, No. 126. e Signed Artist’s Proof. BEAUTIFUL IMPRESSION, in perfect condition. ¥ Edition limited to 350 proofs. Height, 2314; length 3134 inches. Framed. HAIG, AXEL HERMAN 138) St. GILLES, ARLES: THE BAsILica. LHiching. x Armstrong, No. 127. 3 Signed Artist’s Proof. FINE IMPRESSION, paper stained in places, other- wise in fine condition. Edition limited to 625 proofs. Height, 28%; width, 1934 inches. Framed. w HAIG, AXEL HERMAN (139) Notre Dame, Paris. LHéching. Armstrong, No. 137. Signed Artist’s Proof. BEAUTIFUL IMPRESSION, in perfect condition. Edition limited to 350 proofs. Height, 2214; length 31 inches. Framed. ALBANY E. HOWARTH HOWARTH, ALBANY E. 140. INTERIOR OF DURHAM CATHEDRAL. Fiching. Signed Artist’ s Proof. BEAUTIFUL IMPRESSION, in perfect condition. Height, 24%; width, 17 inches. HOWARTH, ALBANY E. 141. GATEWAY OF ST. JOHN’S COLLEGE. OXFORD. Etc hing. Signed Artist’s Proof. FINE IMPRESSION, in perfect condition. Height, 1178; width, 734 inches. a a Kindly read the conditions under which every item is offered and sold. They are printed in the forepart of the catalogue. VICTOR HUGO HUGO, VICTOR NXg 142. L’Ectair. Etching. Signed on the plate,—Victor Hugo, 1868. FINE IMPRESSION, printed on .e Holland paper. In perfect condition. Height, 814; width, 534 inches. f CHARLES JACQUE Celebrated French painter and etcher. Born in Paris, 1813; died, 1894. JACQUE, CHARLES 143. Cows In A PooL. Etching. Signed on the plate,—Ch. Jacque, 1850. FINE IMPRESSION, printed on Holland paper. In perfect condition. y ny. yo Height, 814; length, 1074 inches. © THE RETURN Home. Etching. Signed on the plate,—Ch. Jacque, 1850, FINE IMPRESSION, printed on India paper. In perfect condition. Height, 4; length, 714 inches. Together, 2 pieces. JACQUE, CHARLES 144. FARM YARD SCENES, LANDSCAPES, Etc. Etchings. Twelve small etchings, nine by Jacque and three etched after his paintings. re Subjects represent,—Farm Yard Scenes, Tavern Interiors, Landscapes, LMA YA and Interiors. All fine impressions, in fine condition. Together, 12 pieces, various sizes about 214 x 4™% inches. 3 / JACQUE, CHARLES 145. THE SINGERS. LHiching. Signed on the plate,—Ch. Jacque. FINE IMPRESSION, trimmed to the print- ed surface. Height, 143; width, 1214 inches. / 4 THE SMOKER. Etching. Signed on the plate-—Ch. Jacque, 1849. Good impression, printed on plate paper, in fine condition. Height, 8%; width, 614 inches. LEON JACQUE French etcher of the Nineteenth Century. JACQUE, LEON 146. LANDSCAPES. LHichings. Collection of Nine Etchings, Subjects represent,—Landscapes, Farm Yard scenes, and work on the farm. ALL FINE Proors, in fine condition. Together, 9 pieces, various sizes, about 6 by 9 inches. Sale, Friday Evening, January 13th JACQUE, LEON 147. LANDSCAPES. Fifchings. Collection of Ten Etchings. Subjects represent,—Landscapes, Farm Yard scenes, and work on the farm. ALL Fine PRoors. In fine condition. jo Together, 10 pieces, various sizes, about 6 by 9 inches. ALPHONSE LEGROS Celebrated French painter and etcher. Born at Dijon, 1837; died, tg11. LEGROS, ALPHONSE ‘ 148. THE DEATH OF ST. FRANCIS. Fiching. ee Malassis, No. 56. a Signed in pencil,—A. Legros. FINE ImMpREssion. In perfect condition. Height, 714; length, 115 inches. LEGROS, ALPHONSE 149. LE Mouton Retrovuve. Etching. = Malassis, No. 86. Signed in pencil,—A. Legros. FINE IMPRESSION, printed on Holland paper In perfect condition. Height, 1614; width, 12% inches. py 3 eo , LEGROS, ALPHONSE 150. LA PéicHE ALA TRUBLE. Etching. Malassis, No. 90. \ Signed in pencil,—A. Legros. Good impression, in good condition: ~~ Height, 578; length, 77 inches. LEGROS, ALPHONSE 151. Les FAIsEURS DE Facots. Etching. ae Malassis, No. 182. Signed in pencil,—A. Legros. Good impression, has tear in lower margin, repaired. : Height, 15; width, 1078 inches. )LEGROS, ALPHONSE 152. SINBAD LE Marin. Eiéching. —_— Malassis Supplement, No. 482. Signed in pencil,—A. Legros. FINE Impression. In perfect condition. Height, 71%; width, 534 inches. LEGROS, ALPHONSE ~_, 153. HEALING THE SICK. Etching. _Signed in pencil,—A. Legros. FINE Impression. In perfect condition. Height, 84; length, 1156 inches. Kindly read the conditions under which every item is offered and sold. They are printed in the forepart of the catalogue. | | AUGUSTE LEPERE Contemporary French etcher. LEPERE, AUGUSTE 154. L’ABREUVOIR AU Pont Marie, Paris. Etching. Signed on the plate. Good impression, in good condition; also, a Proof on India paper of Lalanne’s etching, “Poplars Near Amiens;’ and a Proof of Jacque’s drypoint, “Le Bonne Compagnée.” Together, 3 pieces, various sizes about 6 x 9% inches. JAMES MCBEY } 4 Contemporary Scotch etcher. McBEY, JAMES JA. vr bar Sj «155. THE SHOWER. Drypoint. Signed in ink,—James McBey. BEAUTIFUL IMPRESSION, marked No. XVII. In perfect condition. Height, 714; length, 1238 inches. DONALD SHAW MACLAUGHLAN Contemporary American etcher. Born in Canada, 1876. MacLAUGHLAN, DONALD SHAW i} 156. A VENETIAN NoontTIDE. Eiching. — Signed in pencil,—D. Shaw MacLaughlan. VERY FINE Impression. In perfect condition. Height, 934; length, 1158 inches. CHARLES MERYON Celebrated French etcher. Born in Paris in 1821; died there in 1868. MERYON, CHARLES 157.) Le MINISTERE DE LA Marine. Etching. = — Deltail, No. 45. J Signed on the plate with the monogram, C. M. FINE IMPRESSION, 2h printed on French ribbed paper. In perfect condition. Height, 614; width, 534 inches. L POAGR EF MERYON, CHARLES ae 158. L’ANcIEN Louvre Du Cérfi DE LA SEINE. Etching. 4 Vow) NL Ae NS even So Delteil, No. 53. | 2 Signed on the plate-——Gravé par C. M. 1866—Peint par R. Zeeman. BEAUTIFUL IMPRESSION, printed in brown ink on green paper. In per- 5 ¢ fect condition; also copy of “Notre Dame.” “ “Height, 534; length, 954 inches. i i Together, 2 pieces. Sale, Friday Evening, January 13th MERYON, CHARLES 159. Le MINISTERE DE LA MARINE. Etching. Delteil, No. 45. Signed on the plate,—Meryon, sculp. Good impression, with the title, publishers name and address. In fine condition. Height, 614; width, 534 inches. Régpus. Etching. Delteil, No. 101. Signed on the plate,—C. M. fecit 1863. FINE IMPRESSION, with the in- scription, in fine condition. Height, 1134; width, 478 inches. Lr PAVILLON DE MADEMOISELLE ET UNE PARTIE DU Louvre. Etching. Delteil, No. 9. Signed on the plate-—C. Meryon, after Zeeman. Good impression, in good condition. Height, 524; length, 958 inches. Together, 3 pieces. FREDERIC REGAMEY French illustrator and etcher. Born in Paris in 1851. REGAMEY, FREDERIC 160. LANDSCAPES AND FIGuRES. Etchings. '¢.ée Eight etchings by Régamey, done to illustrate “Victor Hugo”; also, Land- scape etching by Howard; and a landscape etching by Valknar. All } good impressions in good condition. de Together, I1 pieces, various sizes about 4 by 8 inches. FRANK SHORT Contemporary English etcher and mezzotinter. Born at London in 1857. SHORT, FRANK 161. A SILVER TIDE. Aquatint. yee Signed in pencil,—Frank Short. FINE Impression. In perfect condition. Height, 6; length, 9 inches. SHORT, FRANK 162. BELLINZONA, ON THE ROAD TO LOCARNO. Aquatint. After Turner. Signed in pencil,—Frank Short. FINE Proor, marked by the artist,—Early working proof. In perfect condition. rie. Height, 8; length, 934 inches. SHORT, FRANK 163. THE CHURCH AT KAMPEN. Etching. Signed in pencil,—Frank Short. FINE IMPRESSION. In perfect condition. Height, 54; length, 774 inches. Kindly read the conditions under which every item is offered \ and sold. They are printed in the forepart of the catalogue. LUCAS VAN LEYDEN Early German engraver. Born in Leyden in 1494; died in 1533. VAN LEYDEN, LUCAS 164. ADAM AND Eve. Engraving. Bartsch, No. 8. 6 » Signed on the plate with the monogram and date,—“L. 15179”. FINE al ImprEssION. In perfect condition. Height, 458; width, 234 inches. From the Alfred Morrison collection. ANDERS ZORN Swedish painter and etcher of note.. Born at Moa in Dalecarlia, in 1860. ZORN, ANDERS 165. MME. Simon. Liching. — Delteil, No. 66. Ann Signed on the plate. Good impression, with the stamp of Ed. Sagot, Paris. x)» In perfect condition. Height, 938; width, 636 inches. ~S ZORN, ANDERS 166. St. GAUDENS AND His Mopev. Etching. Delteil, No. 111. . , Signed in pencil,—Zorn. Good impression, printed on French paper. In | jaie perfect condition. Height, 538; length, 734 inches. ZORN, ANDERS ~, 167. DANCE AT Gopsmor. Etching. Delteil, Supplement, No. 272. Signed in pencil,—Zorn. FINE Impression. In perfect condition. )}o.— Height, 1134; width, 7)4 inches. JAMES ABBOTT McNEILL WHISTLER Celebrated American painter and etcher. Born in Lowell, Mass., in 1834, died in London in 1903. “All his work is alike—perfect. It has only been produced under different circumstances and is an attempt to render different effects or situations. Therefore the methods vary, but the results are always the same— great. The greatest, most perfect, as a whole, that any etcher has ever accom- plished.” JOSEPH PENNELL. ’ WHISTLER, JAMES ABBOTT McNEILL 168. ANNIE. Etching. Kennedy, No. 10. Fifth State of five. jj » Signed on the plate,—M ‘histler. FINE IMPRESSION, printed in brown ink on ibs French paper. In perfect condition. Height, 458; width, 34 inches. Framed. R AD) STL WHI EILL ET [No. 181] T McN JAMES ABBOT CQU. BE Kindly read the conditions under which every item ws offered and sold. They are printed in the forepart of the catalogue. | WHISTLER, JAMES ABBOTT McNEILL “ 169. LA MERE GERARD. Eiching. | Kennedy, No. 11. Fourth State of four. ~ @ Signed on the plate,—Whistler. VERY FINE Impression, printed in brown &\°@ ink, on old French paper, wide margins. In perfect condition. One of the “Twelve Etchings from Nature.” Height, 474; width, 314 inches. Framed. For the Original Painting, See No. 214. WHISTLER, JAMES ABBOTT McNEILL 170. FUMETTE. Etching. Kennedy, No. 13. Fifth State of five. Signed on the plate,—Whistler. FINE IMpREssION, printed in brown ink, } : on old French paper. In perfect condition. One of the “Iwelve Etchings fa from Nature.” Height, 638; width, 424 inches. Framed. WHISTLER, JAMES ABBOTT McNEILL 171. LivErRDUN. Fiching. Kennedy, No. 16. Second State of two. Signed on the plate,—Whistler. FINE IMPRESSION, in brown ink, on French > & paper. In perfect condition. Height, 4%4; length, 6 inches. | 1 WHISTLER, JAMES ABBOTT McNEILL 172. DoGonA KENNEL. Fiching. Kennedy, No. 18. Only State. Signed on the plate,—Whisiler. FINE IMPRESSION, printed in brown ink on ~ Japan paper. In perfect condition. Height, 234; length, 314 inches. WHISTLER, JAMES ABBOTT McNEILL ™N 173. La VIEILLE AUX LogquEs. Efching. Kennedy, No. 21. Third State of three. Yulee em Sioned in pencil, with the Butterfly. SUPERB Earty Proor, printed in F brown ink on French paper. In perfect condition. One of the “Twelve 110, * Etchings from Nature.” Height, 81%; width, 534 inches. Framed. WHISTLER, JAMES ABBOTT McNEILL 174. THE Music-Room. Eiching. Kennedy, No. 33. Second State of two. UL BEAUTIFUL PRoor, printed in brown ink, on French paper. In perfect 7 ve“ condition. Height, 5 11/16; length, 8 5 /16 inches. Framed. WHISTLER, JAMES ABBOTT McNEILL 175. LANDSCAPE WiTH Two Horses. Eiching. Kennedy, No. 36. Second State of two. : Signed on the plate,—Whistler. FINE IMpREssION, printed in brown ink, BV « on French paper. In perfect condition. Height, 5; length, 8 inches. JAMES ABBOTT McNEILL WHISTLER ROTHERHITHE [No. 183] Kindly read the conditions under which every item is offered and sold. They are printed in the forepart of the catalogue. SLE EN I A ee I ae ee WHISTLER, JAMES ABBOTT McNEILL 176. EAGLE WHARF. Etching. | Kennedy, No. 41. Only State. Signed on the plate,—Whistler, 1859. VERY FINE Impression, of the Ellis Of = and Green printing. In perfect condition. One of the “Sixteen Etch- ings.” Height, 538; length, 834 inches. WHISTLER, JAMES ABBOTT McNEILL “177. LONGSHOREMEN. Etching. . ; Jxennedy, No. 45. Only State. “) Si§ned in pencil, with the Butterfly. AN EXTREMELY FINE Earty Proor, NTA oe in brown ink, on'French paper. In perfect condition. /i\8' Height, 578; length, 834 inches. Framed. WHISTLER, JAMES ABBOTT McNEILL 178.) SoupE A Trots Sous. Liching. - Kennedy, No. 49. Only State. ) Signed in pencil, with the Buéter/ly. SUPERB EARLY Impression, printed in black ink, on French paper. In perfect condition. Ay Height, 576; length, 87 inches. Framed. WHISTLER, JAMES ABBOTT McNEILL | N 179. Brpt VALENTIN. JLiéching. at Py Kennedy, No. 50. Second State of two. Signed in pencil, with the Butterfly. AN EXTREMELY FINE EARLY PRoor, rn | printed in rich brown ink, on Japan paper. In perfect condition. Sei Height, 6; length, 878 inches. Framed. WHISTLER, JAMES ABBOTT McNEILL 180. Bret LALOUETTE. Etching. Kennedy, No. 51. Second State of two. /30-- Signed in pencil, with the Butterfly. BeautiruL EARLY Proor, printed 5 in rich brown ink, on French paper. In perfect condition. irr Macht, 9; width, 6 inches. Framed. WEHISTLER, JAMES ABBOTT McNEILL %{ 181.) BECQUET (The Fiddler). Etching. } he : Kennedy, No. 52. Third State of four, with the lower edge of the plate cleaned and before some of the drypoint lines at the sides and bottom m= were deepened. 5 /J , ~ AN ExtreMeLy FINE Impression, printed in black ink, on French ribbed | / paper. Has small rust stain on surface, about one inch from right ; margin, otherwise in perfect condition. One of the “Sixteen Etchings.” Height, 10; width, 7% inches. Framed. [See Hlustr: ation| u fe y T TL S THM {lL i [9ST ‘ON ] TTIHN “ON—VAIe GH OW DLOGy St LAV SE Kindly read the conditions under which every tem is offered and sold. They are printed in the forepart of the catalogue. WHISTLER , JAMES ABBOTT McNEILL 182. Becquer (The Fiddler). Etching. #& Kennedy, No. 52. Fourth State of four. fy FINE IMPRESSION, printed on thin Japan paper. In perfect condition. One of the “Sixteen Etchings.” vf Height, 10; width, 754 inches. WHISTLER, JAMES ABBOTT McNEILL 183. ROTHERHITHE. Liching. Kennedy, No. 66. Third State of three. Signed in pencil, with the Butterfly. VERY FINE EARLY PRoor, printed in brown ink, on old French paper. In perfect condition. One of the “Sixteen Etchings.” Height, 1034; width, 734 inches. Framed. [See Illustration] WHISTLER, JAMES ABBOTT McNEILL 184. THE ForGE. Drypoint. Kennedy, No. 68. Fourth State of four. Signed in pencil, with the “Butterfly. in black ink on French paper. In perfect condition. One of the “Sixteen Etchings.” 7 Fine Rich EArLy Proor, printed Height, 734; length, 1236 inches. Framed. In the summer of 1861 Whistler was in France, painting The Coast of Brillany. At this time, while at Perros Guirec, he made this splendid drypoint. WHISTLER, JAMES ABBOTT McNEILL SN 185. THE “ADAM AND Eve,” O_tp CHELSEA. Fiching. Kennedy, No. 175. Second State of two. Signed in pencil, with the Butterfly. BEautiruL Earty PRoor, printed SO. in brown ink, on Japan paper. In perfect condition. Height, 678; length, 1176 inches. Framed. WEISTLER, JAMES ABBOTT McNEILL N(i86.) THe Riva No. 1. Etching. Kennedy, No. 192. Third State of three. Signed in pencil, with the Butterfly, imp. BEAUTIFUL PROOF, printed by Lf Csr tf > [ Whistler, in brown ink. In perfect condition. One of the “Twelve Etchings,” Venice. Height, 77%; length, 11% inches. Framed. 5 i Foy ? / ) [See Illustrations] WHISTLER, JAMES ABBOTT McNEILL (¥87.) La Saute: Dawn. Etching. ie ‘ Kennedy, No. 215. Fourth State of four. Signed in pencil, with the Butterfly, imp. VERY FINE IMPRESSION, printed by Whistler, in brown, with very little tone. In perfect condition. One of the “Twenty-Six Etchings,” Venice. Heigh t, 478; length, 776 inches. Framed. JAMES ABBOTT McNEILL WHISTLER STUDY IN THE SEMI-NUDE [No. 197] Kindly read the conditions under which every item is offered \ and sold. They are printed in the forepart of the catalogue. 1 | WHISTLER, JAMES ABBOTT McNEILL ~ oe . eae 2? 188. THE Mempes CHILpreN. Elching. : Kennedy, No. 261. Only State. } e ... Signed on the plate with the Butterfly. FINE IMPRESSION, printed in brown » ‘< ink, on French paper. In perfect condition. Height, 258; length, 4 inches. WHISTLER, JAMES ABBOTT McNEILL 189. EARLY MornincG, BATrersEA. Lithotint. Way, No. 7. ali Signed on the stone with the, Butterfly. In perfect condition. HACE Height, 6%; length, 10!4 inches. Framed. | WHISTLER, JAMES ABBOTT McNEILL 190) VICTORIA CLuB. Lithograph. iat Way, No. 11. Signed on the stone with the Butterfly. FrNe Impression. In perfect condition. Height, 8; width, 538 inches. ;} WHISTLER, JAMES ABBOTT McNEILL Na 191. Virri—Tue CAnat, IN Britrany. Lithograph. Way, No. 39. ye Signed in pencil, with the Butterfly. FrnE EARLY Proor, printed by Way. as In perfect condition. Height, 914; width, 578 inches. Framed. WHISTLER, JAMES ABBOTT McNEILL \y192/ Nupg Mopet Reciininc. Lithograph. Way, No. 47. Signed in pencil, with the Butterfly. AN EXTREMELY FINE EARLY Proor, printed by Way. In perfect condition. PON Height, 434; length, 834 inches. Framed. WHISTLER, JAMES ABBOTT McNEILL 193. La JoLre NEw YorkKAIsE. Lithograph. Signed in pencil, with the, Butterfly. FINE EARLY IMPRESSION, printed by Way. In Whistler’s handwriting at the bottom is the title,—“La Jolze New Vorkatse, Lowis Quinze,” and also a pencil dedication to,—“ William Heinemann.” In perfect condition. Height, 9; width, 6 inches. Framed. WHISTLER, JAMES ABBOTT McNEILL 194. STEPHANE MALLARME. Lithograph. | , Way, No. 66. ‘Siehed on the stone with the Butterfly. Good impression, in perfect condition. Height, 334; width, 234 inches. Drawn for a frontispiece to the poet’s works. ol THM 101e [861 ON] Ht GHdVud Ni AGL Ss THANOW LLOGdv Kindly read the conditions under which every item is offered and sold. They are printed in the forepart of the catalogue. WHISTLER, JAMES ABBOTT McNEILL \ 195. THE SmiTH, PASSAGE DU DRAGON. Lithograph. ) ; Way, No. 73. | d D Signed on the stone with the Butterfly. FrnzE EArLy Impressron. In | perfect condition. Height, 1056; width, 678 inches. Framed. WHISTLER, JAMES ABBOTT McNEILL 196.) THE THames. Lithotint, done on one stone. Way, No. 125. Signed in pencil, with the Butterfly. VERY FINE EARLY ImpREssIoN, printed » ; by Way. In perfect condition. vé@~™ Height, 10%; width, 758 inches. Framed. WHISTLER, JAMES ABBOTT McNEILL 7% 197.) DRAPED FIGURE STANDING. Lithograph, in colors. 7» {, sc NS ~ y AA \ Ne Way, No. 155. \ Signed on the stone with the Butterfly. BEAuTirUL PRoor, printed on ‘Ser Japan paper, in colors of grey, flesh, red, and green. Printed in Paris. ee In perfect condition. EXTREMELY RARE. Height, 878; width, 4% inches. Framed. This particular proof is described in Mr. Way’s catalogue, of Mr. Whistler's Lithographs. [See Illustration] | ‘ WHISTLER, JAMES ABBOTT McNEILL | Si 198.) DRAPED FIGURE RECLINING. Lithograph, in colors. \e Way, No. 156. Nye Signed on the stone with the Butterfly. BEAUTIFUL PRoor, printed on ‘8 ‘Japan paper, in colors of grey, green, flesh, blue and purple. Printed in f Paris. In perfect condition. EXTREMELY RARE. vy 4” Height, 634; length, 10 inches. Framed. Nickithaw~ aro WHISTLER, JAMES ABBOTT McNEILL ~ 199. NUDE Stupiss. Lithographs. Set of four lithographs by Nicholson, after Whistler’s pastels. a. Height of each, 534; width, 234 inches. s Together, 4 pieces. | Wam ohfin ‘ WHISTLER, JAMES ABBOTT McNEILL ~, 200. NubDE MopeEL STANDING. Reproduction in colors. Lithographic reproduction of a Whistler pastel, made by T. R. Way. 40. Height, 734; width, 334 inches. Framed. a Used as an illustration in Mr. Theédre Duret’s book on Whistler. [See Illustration] | WHISTLER, JAMES ABBOTT McNEILL 201. WHISTLER’S MOTHER. Colored reproduction. Height, 14; length, 16 inches. Gilt frame. Reproduction of the original painting, in the Musée du Luxembourg. JAMES ABBOTT McNEILL WHISTLER STUDY IN THE NUDE [No. 205] & »t > Kindly read the conditions under which every item is offered and sold. They are printed in the forepart of the catalogue. WHISTLER, JAMES ABBOTT McNEILL 202. CicELY HENRIETTA, Miss ALEXANDER, Harmony in Grey and Green. Color reproduction. hy) Fe Height, 2034; width, 11 inches. Gilt frame. : A reproduction in exact colors of the original painting, now in the National Gallery at London, Commissioned by W. C. Alexander. WHISTLER, JAMES ABBOTT McNEILL 203. CREMORNE GARDENS, No. 2. Colored reproduction. P Reproduction of the original painting, in the possession of T. R. Way, Esq. Height, 10; length, 20% inches. Framed. WHISTLER, JAMES ABBOTT McNEILL 204. GIRL IN PINK. Portrait of a Young Girl. Color reproduction. Height, 1114; width, 6% inches, somewhat damaged by water. Gilt frame. WHISTLER, JAMES ABBOTT McNEILL “Ny 205. Nupe Mover Seatep. Pastel in colors. Signed with the Butterfly. “XN nude full length, seated on a chair, with her left leg crossed over her right. The drawing is on heavy brown & paper, the model is outlined in black and heightened in white, pink, and brown; other colors introduced are, red, blue, and yellow. In per- fect condition. Height, 10%; width, 634 inches. Framed. [See Illustration] WHISTLER, JAMES ABBOTT McNEILL Ni 206. PorTRAIT OF A Lapy ReEapinc. Pen-and-Ink sketch. Signed with the Butterfly. Full length portrait of a lady holding a book. In Whistler's handwriting ; on right margin, is the following,—“Un aprés midi.ches Van Dyck,” de oes Aug. 10, 1900. Height, 728; width, 4% inches. Framed. WHISTLER, JAMES ABBOTT McNEILL Nv 207. Stupy or THE NupE. Pen-and-ink sketch, on note paper. Height, 444; width, 2% inches. Framed. , A beautiful little sketch, showing the nude figure of a youthful female LY model, with her arms stretched - upwards holding to draperies. pwai g I ma \ [See Illustration] y 4 28 ang He . 4 WHISTLER, JAMES ABBOTT McNEILL = 208. Furr Lencru Porrrair or WHISTLER. Woodcut, in colors. By William Nicholson. Signed in full, and dated, 1887. ye Height, 934; width, 9 inches. Framed. Exhibited at the Franco-British Exhibition, London, 1908. WHISTLER, JAMES ABBOTT McNEILL 209. PORTRAIT OF WHISTLER. Photograph. Full length, seated in armchair in his studio. Taken from life. Height, 1044; width, 734 inches. Framed. JAMES ABBOTT McNEILL WHISTLER STUDY OF THE NUDE [No. 207] Kindly read the conditions under which every item is offered and sold. They are printed in the forepart of the catalogue. WHISTLER, JAMES ABBOTT McNEILL 210. PORTRAIT OF WHISTLER. Photograph. Taken from life by M. Dornac. Full length, standing beside his engraving | \ , and printing press in his studio, Rue Notre-Dame-Des-Champs. | » «9, “ SHeight, 1014; width, 8 inches. Framed. \ WHISTLER, JAMES ABBOTT McNEILL 211. PORTRAIT OF WHISTLER. Photograph. Taken from life, full length, seated on lounge in his studio. XN Height, 734; length, 1014 inches. Framed. WHISTLER, JAMES ABBOTT McNEILL “ 212. PoRTRAIT OF WHISTLER. Photogravure. FINE PRoor IMPRESSION, with wide margins, two of which are uncut, and with the following autograph inscription by Whistler,—“To William ' Heinemann, Graceful host and bold publisher, with affection.” Signed &*@” with the Butterfly. Height, 534; width, 35 inches. White frame. | WHISTLER, JAMES ABBOTT McNEILL ~ 213. YOUNG GIRL SEATED AT A WINDOW. Oil painting on panel. | Signed with the Butterfly. VERY FINE PAINTING of a young girl seated, and reading, ifi right corner of window seat, directed towards the left, with right leg crossed over left knee. Long velvet curtains drawn and fastened on each side. Landscape vista can be seen through the window. | Colors, white, light and dark green, yellow, brown, pink and blue. ; Height, 914; width, 736 inches. Framed. Not mentioned in Pennell’s “Life of Whistler,” or of having been reproduced. [See Illustration] | WHISTLER, JAMES ABBOTT McNEILL ™ 214. La MERE GéRARD. Oil painting. Signed in lower right corner,—Whistler. Three-quarter length, seated and holding flower in her left hand. Painted on heavy cardboard. Height, 1134; width, 814 inches. Framed in gold. This is the identical painting regarding which Mr. J. Pennell in his Life of James | McNeill Whistler, writes,— < K, wAnother figure was La Mére Gérard. She was old and almost blind, was said to Y. Ww AY have written verse. . . She sold violets and matches at the gate of the ‘ \ \w Luxembourg. She was very paintable as she sat huddled up on the steps, and he got her to pose for him many times. . . They used to chaff him about her in oe | the Quarter. Once, Lalouette invited all his clients to spend a day in the country, \ € | and Whistler accepted on condition that he could bring La Mére Gérard. She / arrived, got up in style, sat at his side in the carriage in which they all drove off, <= wy, \ and grew livelier as the day went on. He painted her in the afternoon.” VU V L° Accompanying the above is a Signed Autograph Letter from T. Watts Duntry, The yl i\ & Pines, Putney Hill, S. W., dated, June 3, I912, written to Mr. Heinemann and or \ (i relative to the above painting, which reads,— “I enclose you receipt for 150, the price of Whistler’s ‘La Mere Gérard.’ I do not think I am at all likely to come across any letter referring to it from Whistler. e For the Etched plate, See No. 169. [See Frontispiece for Illustration] JAMES ABBOTT McNEILL WHI PAINTING IN OILS [ No. 213] STLER Kindly read the conditions under which every item is offered and sold. They are printed in the forepart of the catalogue. ek SID ABTA IANS SARS AG SE Ici iat et WHISTLER, JAMES ABBOTT McNEILL ~ 215. THE PATH OVER THE HILL. Oil painting on canvas, mounted on cardboard. A beautiful little landscape, with a path leading up over the hill on which a lady is walking; there are two other figures on the hillside, in the background are some trees and tall bushes, with a clear sky. Painted in brown, green, blue, and yellow. Signed with the butterfly, in lower 3 SS. right corner. _ Height, 356; length, 734 inches. In gilt Whistler frame. @ S' Note: This and the following 17 items were obtained by Mr. Thomas C. Hepp of Looe, Cornwall, England, from his father Thomas Hepp, who obtained them by purchase from Val C. Prinsep, R.A., (son-in-law of Mr. F. R. Leyland) a very old and close friend of Whistler’s and who wrote the latter’s biography. As the letter shows, Mr. Prinsep obtained them direct from Mr. Whistler, without the artist’s knowledge as to whom they were intended for. The Herbert Johnson referred to in the letter was a cousin of the younger Mr. Hepp, and an artist who went to India with Mr. Prinsep when Edward, Prince of Wales, went there on his tour. The letter, which refers to all of these 18 paintings, will be sold with the present item. It is a one-page 4to Signed Autograph Letter, dated from “Holland Park Road, Addison Rd. London, W. 15th July 1874,” and reads as follows,— “Dear Tom. “At last I have obtained for you the twenty ‘Whistler’ sketches you have so much desired and which you were so greatly bitien to possess. “Be sure to keep from Mac my part in the maiter. You know how touchy he is, and your friendship with Ruskin would make him bitierly regret pariing with his sketches. “As to price, supposing we agree on £30 you can give me this when we meet at the club. “Have you heard from Herbert Johnson recently. I haven't met him since our Indian trip. Hope to see you soon. “Yours always “Wal. C. Prinsep.” WHISTLER, JAMES ABBOTT McNEILL 216. MAN AND WoMAN SEATED ON A BENCH READING A NEWSPAPER. Oil painting _ on heavy cardboard. Two figures seated on a slate colored bench alongside an open gate; the background is of dark and light green, with an orange and slate colored sky. The lady has on a white skirt with a brown velvet waist and a hat trimmed with a brown ribbon, the man a dark brown suit and hat. This is a charming and interesting little painting, both in com- position and color. Height, 638; length, 734 inches. In gilt Whistler frame. See note to No. 215 [See Illustration] WHISTLER, JAMES ABBOTT McNEILL “ 217. Nocturne. Cil painting on wood panel. A study of sky, clouds, and water. | 3 Height, 5; length, 844 inches. In gilt Whistler frame. . See note to No. 215. ~ ” PO~— WHISTLER, JAMES ABBOTT: McNEILL 218. NoctuRNE. Oil painting on canvas. Study of sky, land and water, colors arranged so as to give the effect of a Nocturne. Height, 738; length, 1034 inches. In gilt Whistler frame. See note to No. 215. u ATLSTOM T [916 0 N] ONILNIVd TIO TI aN OT L LOddV SHAY £ Kindly read the conditions under which every item is offered and sold. They are printed in the forepart of the catalogue. | | WHISTLER, JAMES ABBOTT McNEILL } || 219. Porrrair or A Lapy READING. Oi! painting on heavy cardboard. | | Three-quarter-length portrait of a lady with auburn colored hair, standing holding a newspaper or magazine, in a grey dress trimmed in black, with a white ruffle at the neck, and a black hat trimmed with a white ee, * feather. Painted on a dark brown background. A very interesting and finished painting. Height, 914; width, 538 inches. In gilt Whistler frame. } See note to No. 215. WHISTLER, JAMES ABBOTT McNEILL 220. Fisuinc Boats. Oil painting on wood panel. ~ A scene, probably at Billingsgate, of a number of fishing boats moored alongside the wharfs. A very interesting and finished painting, show- ing the masts of the fishing boats, in the background and on the other side of the river the warehouses and buildings, beautifully drawn. In the foreground are a few barrels and some fishermen. Signed with the butterfly, in the lower left corner. Height, 354; length, 738 inches. In gilt Whistler frame. See note to No. 215. WHISTLER, JAMES ABBOTT McNEILL } | 221. NupE Mover BatTHInG. Oil painting on cardboard. | eae A night scene in the woods, a nude young lady seated on the bank with her right foot in the water. An interesting little study, done on a dark | background; the model, painted in light brown, stands directly in the y | light of the moon, which is shining through the trees. Signed with the butterfly, in lower right corner. Height, 538; length, 674 inches. In gilt Whistler frame. See note to No. 215. WHISTLER, JAMES ABBOTT McNEILL 222, LANDSCAPE WITH TREES. Oil painting on canvas mounted on cardboard. =i A charming little landscape; in the foreground is a heavy clump of bushes, in the center a low meadow with pools of water, and in the distance trees and heavy foliage against a yellow sky. Painted in yellow, green, light and dark brown. Height, 7%; width, 334 inches. In gilt Whistler frame. See note to No. 215. | WHISTLER, JAMES ABBOTT McNEILL \, 223. WHEAT FIELD. Oil painting on canvas. Beautiful composition, in the foreground a wheat field in bloom, on the outer edge a line of trees, bushes and farm houses, against a lightly ) clouded sky. //U ~ Height, 8; length, 10% inches. In gilt Whistler frame. jv See note to No. 215. u a = I u i LS [F3s “ON ] ONILINIVd TIO THM TITHNOW LLOGdv s CLAY £ Kindly read the conditions under which every item is offered and sold. They are printed in the forepart of the catalogue. | WHISTLER, JAMES ABBOTT McNEILL | ~s 224. LANDSCAPE WITH LAKE. Oil painting on cardboard. Kosa had charming landscape with lake in the middle distance, on which two Ms boats can be seen; on the shore in the foreground there are two figures, ?£A&= and to the left a clump of bushes, the sky is heavily clouded. Painted | in light and dark brown, light green, orange, grey white, and blue. Signed with the /utterfly, in lower right corner. Height, 5; length,8? inches. In gilt Whistler frame. | See note to No. 215. ae i we [See Hlustration|] WHISTLER, JAMES ABBOTT McNEILL SJ 225. LANDSCAPE WITH FArM House AND TREES. Watercolor. | A charming landscape, showing a low rambling farm house set in the mid- dle distance behind three large trees against a light sky. The house is tinted in brown, light brown, pink, and orange; the trees in green, the Ao “Le sky in light blue, and the entire foreground in light green. Signed with the butterfly, drawn in dark green, in lower right corner. Height, 634; length, 1014 inches. In gilt Whistler frame. | See note to No. 215. WHISTLER, JAMES ABBOTT McNEILL i “ 226. THE Mountarnsive. Watercolor. | A beautiful drawing, showing a road leading up the mountainside; across the valley there rises a taller mountain, which is drawn in purple | See and light blue against a blue and white sky; the hillside is in brown, 00 light and dark green, with a touch of pink and blue. Signed with the tutterfiy in lower left corner. Height, 1154; width, 936 inches. In gilt Whistler frame. See note to No. 215. WHISTLER, JAMES ABBOTT McNEILL | ~ 227. LANDSCAPE WITH A Lake. Watercolor. | A charming landscape with a lake in the middle distance; the distant shore, on which there are trees and some cottages, is drawn in grey against a solid grey and blue sky; the foreground is in dark and light brown with a light sky overhead. Signed with the butterfly in lower right corner. aoe Height, 414; length, 10 inches. In gilt Whistler frame. See note to No. 215. WHISTLER, JAMES ABBOTT McNEILL 228. SuNSET. Watercolor. Pee Study showing the water, a solid green, and in the distance resting on the water a solid batch of blue clouds, above which the brilliant glow from a the sunset can be seen. Signed with the butterfly in lower left corner. ws Height, 4%; length, 7/4 inches. In gilt Whistler frame. See note to No. 215. [ 086 “ON J UOTOOURLVM UATISIHOM THNPW LLOPEV SHINVE . “ Kindly read the conditions under which every item is offered and sold. They are printed in the forepart of the catalogue. WHISTLER, JAMES ABBOTT McNEILL “229. Mountain LanpscarE. Watercolor. A beautiful landscape with a rolling hill-top in the foreground, drawn in yellow, brown, and green, a ridge of dark blue mountains in the distance an. against a light blue sky. The brilliancy of the colors on the sunlit hill- a top and a slight indication of a mountain to the left center, against the dark ridge in the distance gives this drawing a wonderful perspective. Signed with the butterfly drawn in brown and pink, in lower left corner. Height, 9%; length, 13% inches. In gilt Whistler frame. See note to No. 215. WHISTLER, JAMES ABBOTT McNEILL 230. ON THE END OF THE PIER. Watercolor. A beautiful little water scene full of sunlight; in the middle distance to the left stands the end of a pier on which a number of people are sitting, off the end of the pier there is a sail boat and in the distance four more can be © seen; the brilliancy of the sun can be noted on the water in the foreground “Fe! and by the reflection of the pier in the water underneath. Signed with the butterfly in the lower right corner. Height, 538; length, 676 inches. In gilt Whistler frame. See note to No. 215. [See Illustration] WHISTLER, JAMES ABBOTT McNEILL 231. LANDSCAPE WITH LAKE IN FOREGROUND. Watercolor. An evening scene showing the sunet, and a heavily clouded sky, the land- scape is hilly with a lake in the foreground on which rests a number of r sail boats. Drawn in brown, yellow, purple, grey, pink, and blue. D) « Signed with the butterfly, in lower right corner. ‘Height, 458; length, 1238 inches. In gilt Whistler frame. See note to No. 215. WHISTLER, JAMES ABBOTT McNEILL 232. CLOUDS AND Sky. Watercolor. — An interesting little study of an arrangement of clouds. Height, 444; length, 10% inches. In gilt Whistler frame. See note to No. 215. THE AMERICAN ART ASSOCIATION, MANAGERS. THOMAS E. KIRBY, AUCTIONEER. DN EG BINGE AIR Ais vies FOR UNITED STATES AND STATE Tax INSURANCE AND OTHER PURPOSES THE AMERICAN ART ASSOCIATION IS EXCEPTIONALLY WELL EQUIPPED TO FURNISH APPRAISEMENTS AND INVENTORIES OF ART PROPERTY, BOOKS, MANUSCRIP Fs) Jew EES AND PERSONAD EPPECTS OF EVERY DESCRIP TLON AT CHARGES COMMENSURATE WITH THE DUTIES INVOLVED TEE AM ERIC AN TAR ASsOChA’ DION MADISON SQUARE SOUTH NEW YORK TELEPHONE, 3346 GRAMERCY CONDE NAST PRESS GREENWICH, CONN. BY JAMES A. McNEILL WHISTLER ETCHINGS BY BUHOT, HADEN, ZORN, HAIG COLORED MEZZOTINTS BY S. ARLENT EDWARDS THE AMERICAN ART ASSOCIATION AMERICAN ART GALLERIES MADISON SQUARE SOUTH NEW YORK CITY 1922 ICU