i de Peay piniehtes Ne PEA ES Ne OF es “at LIBRARY M. KNOEDLER & CO, 556-8 FIFTH AVE. NEW YORK feet Sh ma Ae * eer ar N Piers FS ‘ : si) ~ eb Ss shierrets tN MaRS aN A) Al Neat ul a ee < ee. Y = Peres Av tar ’ nt s pie, ye ath 4 2) . aes fs ae i iateete, 4 t. Sri SGA Matas Ree a ‘ x vit ge Da Eee hh} eels i $ Re + af : ws + aa ad io be WS.h Seca ea yeteetent : i nf ta 4 4 hey bri Need anes 4 OMe } 4 Sih : eae tat i an bed ‘ be ait v es rt ih TAA Tahoe 4 heh yh ‘ tee , x 3 t } f Fatah Rey Saree Ak avn , Hane Ad ih ah a ee iy) he hehe é ah te BY Me ht At popsiss s i potted se As} i +f ve ; sty Py, ce bas) - at beet uA i gents! | Athy ; ea aed Ri) Seca rea tad th GE eH eeT a Ws East UU CLEAN % on of Old « ek Mitern ee oe by aiish; Dutch Belonging to aN filliam M. Allison ; Of Brooklyn With a Few Additions ae ve To be sold without reserve on a ‘Thursday and Friday Evenings, March 27 oe and 28, 1913, at 8:15 o’clock On Public Exhibition from March 15th, at The Anderson Galleries METROPOLITAN ART ASSOCIATION Madison Avenue at Fortieth Street, New York ee CONDITIONS OF 1. All bids to be PER Lot as numbered in the Gua = +h = 2. The highest bidder to be the buyer; in all cases of disputed bid: lots shall be resold, but the Auctioneer will use his judgment as to the faith of all claims, and his decision shall be final. He also reserves the righ reject any fractional or nominal bid which, in his judgment, may a injuriously affect the sale. 3. Buyers to give their names and addresses and to make ash cash pi ments on account as may be required, in default of which the lots pure a to be immediately resold. . 4. The lots to be taken away at the buyer’s expense and risk twenty-four hours from the conclusion of the sale, and the remainder o: purchase money to be absolutely paid on or before delivery, in default of the Metropolitan Art Association will not be responsible if the lot or Bes lost, stolen, damaged or destroyed, but they will be left at the sole risk purchaser and subject to storage charges. 5. To prevent inaccuracy in delivery and inconvenience in the settl of purchases, no lot will be delivered during the sale. 6. All lots will be exposed for public exhibition in The Anderson en eries before the date of sale, for examination by intending purchasers, and t Metropolitan Art Association will not be responsible for the correctness o! description, authenticity, genuineness, or for any defect or fault in or concerni any lot, and makes no warranty whatever, but will sell each lot exactly as it is, WITHOUT RECOURSE. But upon receiving, before the date of sale, expert opinion — in writing that any lot is not as represented, the Metropolitan Art Association will use every effort to furnish proof to the contrary, and in default of such Tt proof the lot will be sold subject to the declaration of the aforesaid expert, hess being liable to the owner or owners thereof for damage or injury occasioned by such declaration. . 7. Terms Casu. Upon failure to comply with the above conditions any — sum deposited as part payment shall be forfeited, and all such lots as remain uncleared after twenty-four hours from the conclusion of the sale will be resold by either private or public sale at such time as the Metropolitan Art Association shall determine, without further notice, and if any deficiency arises from such _ _ resale, it shall be made good by the defaulter at this sale together with all the expenses incurred thereby. This condition shall be without prejudice to the right of the Metropolitan Art Association to enforce the contract with the buyer, without such resale. 8. Bids are received personally or by mail, telephone, or telegraph. We make no charge for executing orders for our customers and use all bcneeas petitively and buy at the lowest prices permitted by other bids. 9. The Metropolitan Art Association will afford every facility for the.’ employment of carriers and packers by the purchasers, but will not be responsible for any damage arising from the acts of such carriers and packers. Priced Copy of this Catalogue, $1.00. THE ANDERSON GALLERIES Metropolitan Art Association Mapison AVENUE AT FortTIETH STREET, NEw YoRK TELEPHONE 7990 Bryant ene As ARRON ode - f eee eee see es eee wees = Ape RE ae ea EE 51 117 i ne 20, 89, 92, 108 aGW). Ee rss y (Sir William) pee 98 m (N poholse) [Aceributed 74 Aiea 195, 130, 133 tS eee ad Aes 102, 119 45 Bere. oto 113 Deters oe 135 Tee 114 (3 0, = eae 17 50 po) Bec ca cas 34, 36 SAD 56 ) Se oe 68 D. . Gator iahal up) eile! sae! 0; 610-8 115 Dougherty (P.).. ee eis nies 126 ial oxCIDAW,) 001... 2k ss Yo) ES SS ae 134 (CTO ol 5 be ia a 10 pee evemererni(5.):......5...... 40 peerallard-Lepinay (F.)........... 120 TP DAE 0 aera 75 LOSS 1 ee 122 SE COS er af Guardi (F.) [Attributed]........ 87 OT i ae 128 0) a We 8 a 88 (Ee Tl ee | G25 ae 39 i" 2) a 66 MNMECEC Jory Gus curs sce ss 95 | C8 5 rr 2 | MEL a 41 PeraertIOSEE) o.oo kc bees ee 35 MIMEASREDS) Gasiy ccs cues ices 13 (ho 0 © SRG as ee 132 504 ea BON ee a eee 52 SS 2 Eg ee a 15 Peacook (ik. )2.. 0s. se ens - be 2G Landseer (Sir Edwin)........... 78 Lathrop (Francis). .1, 4, 7, 22, 73, 79 Leprun (Vime. E. V.)........... 54 ee POAC E oo oie ede vw ce 93, 110 | oe Wery (pir Peter). .<....00. 05s. 99 Whos Pathe (ames)... ecw cas os 12, 16 | lee Loutherbourg (P. J. de)......... 65 FH q La ae oo OM anon (Win). rie Gal a pep REE aa, Marieschi(M.)). 20.6. oo a 80, 5 INLOSLGHIt ee ae ee WLERCat Wa cee ere, 107 Weyer (Agi ies cit to cee 70 eMinor (Re Coys oy aie | 118, 124 Mooutiwelt (A) ecu eee e. . 123 Morland (G.) [Attributed]. .53, 64, 84 MWhOFES (1ACOD) 56 23. ae Ys 91 Murillo (B: E.) [After]... >. 20... 28 ee CE Maier oie Ue re Ries 131 MNICOM Ey ler hace cies a le rere LE Sas] ny C58 ck SIA ear pres ea are 32 Cy Connor eA. oe ccs eee eee 38 Onderdonk (J.)........ Ae ieee 46,71 Bacterson 1) 2 cee, 129 PeASSINE CAS) cr ne 121 PPASGINOEGH LI) Gos cero oe a 86 Pembrook (T. Wiyeer es. 44, 55, 109 Guignan (hele Ses OD) Ricnarae: (We bc. ooo ee 116 Romney (G.).....5.. code ripaeee 33 WObimSOM (EAN) cole: an 6 cass 12,107 Roslin (Alexander)............. 29 Satrerlee (Wyo sk Seine 6 Steen (Jan) eee FoR 8 Tease Swan (C. E Termohlen (K. E.) 42, 57, 62, oe 105; 112 , 125 REPT VET eon tn ch eee 137 *EHOMR Cle Mate ie ean, eh 111 THOMPSON CMe ee orate Toudouze (eG ieee 21 Unknown Painters......... 3, 30, 76 Van Bloemen (J. F.) ae Uiresontele te ee ee ae Van Cauwelaert (E. J.).. : 138 Van-Ceulen (Cit ene, 97 Van Der Cappelle (J.)[Attributed] 81 Van Der Heyden (J.)........... 24 Vander Neer (A. )[Attributed]... 94 Vat seth) ote eet ea 14 VAT PIUY STL | iio eerie re 49 Van Mastenbroek (J. H.)....... 18 Van Ruysdael ae Pre Seance D 48 Vereschaein (Be On as os 67 Westier (Aj) mnie soe ke tae, Von Pausinger (C.) [After] Pee 5 Walley (Hi Pe Barc ors oes 9 Wickenden:(KRo.) 0 0. 106 Wouverman.(Poi2 -) os 60, 63 Yong (hs Giese ey aes 136 Zucchero (F.) [After]........... 100 No. 50, WOMAN PLAYING A LUTE By Theobald Chartran FIRST SESSION Thursday Evening, March 27, 1913, at 8:15 o'clock FRANCIS LATHROP American Painter, 1849-1910 HEAD OF A MAN. One-half life size. Pencil drawing. Height, 15 inches; width, 11 inches. KATHERINE M. HUGER FRENCH WASHERWOMEN. Water color. Signed. Height, 7 inches; width, 10 inches. UNKNOWN PAINTER HEAD OF AN ITALIAN GIRL. Water color. Height, 11 inches; width, 9 inches. FRANCIS LATHROP DRAPED HEAD OF A WOMAN. One-fourth life size. Pencil drawing. Height, 11 inches; width, 9 inches. CLEMONS VON PAUSINGER (After) A FLOWER GIRL. Color print. Height, 23 inches; width, 144% inches. WALTER SATTERLEE American Painter, 1844-1908 AN ITALIAN BALCONY. Water color. Signed. Height, 1944 inches; width, 14 inches. 7 American Painter . . V- | One-fourth life size. Taal Se ay 7 Het 14 inches; width, . FUKAWA BASKE 8 SCENE ON THE BEACH. Kee ; Water color. Signed with see A. P. B. WALLEY 9 A NEW ENGLAND FLOWER GARDEN. Water color. Signed. Height, 14 inches; width, 10 1: q- HARRY FENN 1837-1911 10 A TEA GARDEN OVERLOOKING THE HUDSON, os Water color. Signed, and dated 94. _ :. |4 | Height, 18 inches; width, 214 inches. ma B. J. HARNETT Contemporary English Painter 11 OFF THE ISLE OF WIGHT. Water color. Signed. a Height, 11} inches; width, 17 inches, JAMES LITTLE Contemporary English Painter 12 DUTCH FISHING BOATS. Water color. Signed. Height, 11 inches; width, 14 inches. oe es oe fo- SD ee Jd- 13 14 15 16 17 18 7 eee ee ee ee ee ee ees A eee! Me eee ee ee ee ee oe By a ee ee, ee a mem pays pale at, ie G. H. JUPP Contemporary Dutch Painter BRAY. Water color. Signed. Height, 14% inches; width, 16 inches. JAN VAN ESSEN Contemporary Dutch Painter THE KING OF BEASTS. Water color. Signed. Height, 9 inches; width, 14% inches. C. KUYPERS Contemporary Dutch Painter MARSHLANDS. Water color, Signed. Height, 7% inches; width, 12% inches. JAMES LITTLE WINDMILL NEAR AMSTERDAM. Water color. Signed. Height, 11 inches; width, 14 inches. HENRI CASSIERS Contemporary Belgian Painter COURTYARD, NEWPORT, ISLE OF WIGHT. Water color. Signed. Height, 10% inches; width, 15 inches. J. H. VAN MASTENBROEK Contemporary Dutch Painter LOW TIDE. Water color. Signed, and dated 1903. Height, 9% inches; width, 20 inches. 9 Iv a, % Ae EA: S 19 20 21 22 23 24 MURRAY THOMPSON Contemporary English Painter COMMON PASTURES, SURREY. Water color. Signed. Height, 17 inches; width, 30 inches. FUKAWA BASKE Contemporary Japanese Painter SUMIDA RIVER. Water color. Signed. Height, 19 inches; width, 28 inches. E. TOUDOUZE Contemporary French Artist, 1844- MOTHER AND CHILD. Water color. Signed. Height, 18 inches; width, 2134 inches. FRANCIS LATHROP A GIRL IN WHITE. Pastel. Height, 15 inches; width, 12 inches. Cc. E. SWAN Contemporary English Painter LOOKING FOR PREY. Canvas. Signed. Height, 7 inches; width, 9 inches. JAN VAN DER HEYDEN 1637-1712 VIEW OF NIMEGUEN. Canvas. Height, 10 inches; width, 14 inches. (See Illustration.) 10 uaspAdp{ Jap uvA well Ag j NANDAWIN AO MHIA ‘F2 ON pes m. BS ie heehee a Ju is J 2 26 27 28 29 30 FRANCESCO ALBANO 1578-1650 ANDROMEDA. Canvas. Height, 19 inches; width, 14 inches. ROBERT LADBROOK 1779-1842 LANDSCAPE NEAR WINDSOR. Panel. Height, 11 inches; width, 14 inches. WILLIAM MARLOW 1740-1813 VIEW OF FLORENCE. 3 Canvas. Height, 14 inches; width, 17% inches. BARTOLOME ESTEBAN MURILLO (After) 1617-1680 A BEGGAR BOY. Canvas. Height, 22 inches; width, 18 inches. One of the figures in this artist’s composition in the Prado at Madrid. ALEXANDER ROSLIN 1718-1793 THE EMPRESS CATHERINE OF RUSSIA. Oval canvas. Height, 31% inches; width, 22 inches. UNKNOWN PAINTER (H. K....... ) FISHING BOATS. Canvas. Signed, and dated 1906. (Name illegible.) Height, 18 inches; width, 12 inches. 12 oy WY 32 WI yo 33 34 WwW 35 <0 o- P. MESLE Contemporary French Painter VILLAGE OF BEAUPRE, FINISTERRE. Canvas. Height, 24 inches; width, 32 inches. J. CAMPBELL NOBLE Contemporary English Painter ENGLISH FARM LANDSCAPE. Canvas. Signed. Height, 28 inches; width, 36 inches. GEORGE ROMNEY 1734-1802 ADMIRAL SIR JOSHUA ROWLEY. Canvas. Height, 24 inches; width, 20 inches. From the Collection of G. Rickets of Alvesford, Hants, England. GEORGE V. CURTIS Contemporary American Painter MY GARDEN AT BARBIZON—MORNING. Canvas. Signed. Height, 23% inches; width, 28% inches. JOSEF ISRAELS 1824-1911 PORTRAIT OF MLLE. D’ESTRADES. Canvas. Signed. Height, 25 inches; width, 21 inches. Shown at the Salon, Paris, in 1877. (See Illustration.) 13 Property of Mr. G V. Curtis. ee PAUL GROLLERON Contemporary French. Painter 37 THE OUTPOST IN THE SNOW. ; Panel. Signed. =e ee BGO ‘Height, ou inher width, 84 in a JAMES A. O'CONNOR > 1793-1841 38 ENGLISH LANDSCAPE. Panel. Signed with initials. Son | Height, 9 inches; width, u v4 ches. GEORGE HITCHCOCK Contemporary American Painter ee son S 99. A DAISY FIELD, Pe Canvas. Signed. oe Sans . Height, 11 inches; width, yey inches. oa ; AUGUSTIN FEYEN-PERRIN French, 1829- 40 FISHER GIRLS WAITING FOR THE BOATS AT EVENING. Canvas. Height, 16 inches; width, 22 inches. ; fo Ve 14 7 3 ESTRADES By Josef Israels 35. MLLE. D’ Oo N Se eee ee or ee See : JOSEPH | MURRAY I INC Fas Shue oe ‘1806-1859 41 ENGLISH LANDSCAPE. | = Canvas. Signed, but illegible. KARL E. TERMOHLEN Contemporary American Painter 42 SUNSET, GREENE VALLEY. Canvas. Signed. W. BEAUQUESNE Contemporary French Painter | 43 A CHARGE OF FRENCH CAVALRY. Canvas. Signed. | nay = Lo- ——- Height, 18 inches; width, 25¥%4 inches. — T. K. PEMBROOK - Contemporary American Painter 44 A HILLTOP IN THE CATSKILLS. ; “i Speier Canvas. Signed. Height, 18 inches; width, 14 inches. Ss Sas H. BONNEFOY Contemporary French Painter a | 45 CHICKENS IN A FARMYARD. ae nee - : Canvas. Signed. a ( Height, 10 inches; width, 1514 inches JULIAN ONDERDONK Contemporary American Painter 46 TWILIGHT. : Canvas. Signed. Height, 9 inches; width, 12 inches. . LO- 16 ba Ur (a Gv / 50° i 47 48 49 50 51 RICHARD PARKES BONINGTON 1801-1828 THE BRIDGE OF THE RIALTO, VENICE. Canvas. Relined. Height, 12 inches; width, 18 inches. From the H. B. Johnston Collection. JACOB VAN RUYSDAEL 1628-1682 THE RUINED TOWER—CASTLE OF BREDERODE. Panel. Signed with initials. Height, 18 inches; width, 25 inches. JAN VAN HUYSUM 1682-1749 FLOWERS AND BUTTERFLIES. Canvas. Height, 25 inches; width, 21 inches. THEOBALD CHARTRAN French Painter, Died 1908 WOMAN WITH A LUTE. Canvas. Signed, and dated 1898. Height, 46 inches; width, 35 inches. (See Illustration.) PIETER BARBIERS 1772-1837 FLEMISH LANDSCAPE. Canvas. Relined; signed and dated. Height, 27 inches; width, 23 inches. 17 oy H. s. KEVER. Contemporary pa Painter 52x PLAYING MARBLES. Canvas. Signed. Height, 20 D4 ee die 263 im Bought of M. Knoedler & Co., New York. ae GEORGE MORLAND (ataibuted): Be 1763-1804 a 53. THE FERRY. : os oe Panel. Height, 25 inches; width, 32 inche. Cat : . MME. ELIZABETH VIGEE LEBRUN French, 1755-1842 54 MLLE. DE ST. AIGNAN. Oval canvas. Height, 25 inches; width, 21 Pe = Listed in Pierre de Nolhac’s “Catalogue des Oeuvres de Mme. — ay ( w/ Vigee Le Brun.” : From the Wagnier de Labarthe Sale, Paris, 1857. From the Bolton Sale, 1912. Pe sh ta T. K. PEMBROOK Contemporary American Painter 55 EVENING NEAR NOROTON. Canvas. Signed. | =i a . Wi? : Height, 25 inches; width, 30 inches. — SIR NATHANIEL DANCE 1734-1811 56 A YOUNG GIRL. Canvas. Height, 24 inches; width, 18 inches. — From the St. Johns Sale, where it was incorrectly ascribed to Sir 3 4 Yr Joshua Reynolds. : 18 JAN STEEN (Attributed) 1626-1679 Height, 19 inches; width, 151% tnchew - This i is a repetition of the picture in the Ryks Museum at Am- sterdam. _ > GEORGE AMES ALDRICH paurmaporary American Painter Cavan. Signed. . j Height, 20 inches; width, 24 inches. PHILIPS WOUVERMAN 1619-1668 60 THE RETURN FROM HAWKING. é Pe , Panel. Signed with initial. Height, 9¥%4 inches; width, 7% inches. MICHELE MARIESCHI 16 -1743 61 VIEW OF SAN GIORGIO MAGGIORE. Canvas. Height, 14 inches; width, 21 inches. 19 KARL TERMOHLEN Contemporary American Painter 62 LANDSCAPE, EVENING. | Canvas. Height, 20 inches; width, 30 inches. [ o- PHILIPS WOUVERMAN (Attributed) 1619-1668 63 A KERMESSE. Canvas. Height, 151% inches; width, 17 inches. ide GEORGE MORLAND 1763-1804 64 COAST SCENE. Canvas. Signed with initials. Height, 12% inches; width, 16% inches. Painted for Lord Despeneer. } d 6 - Sold in the Anderson Sale at Christie’s, 1879. . From the Collection of Col. Behenna. P. J. DE LOUTHERBOURG 1740-1812 65 THE LIGHTNING FLASH. Canvas. Relined; signed, and dated 1808. Height, 28 inches; width, 41 inches. ot bas Ghee Exhibited at the Royal Academy 1809. ee Bought from Arthur Tooth & Sons. J. B. HOFNER 66 THE PET LAMB. Canvas. Signed, and dated 1866. Height, 48 inches; width, 36 inches. / Jo- « BASIL VERESCHAGIN 1842-1905 67 COSSACK SENTINEL ON THE DANUBE. Canvas. Height, 40 inches; width, 67 inches. : From the Vereschagin Sale, November, 1891. MELCHIOR D’HONDECOETER : Dutch, 1636-1695 68 COCK AND HENS. Canvas. Height, 34 inches; width, 27% inches. From the Sale of the Fould Collection. Ae a FERNAND JUST QUIGNON Contemporary French Painter 69 THE QUAI AT PONT-A-VEN, FINISTERRE. Canvas. Signed, and dated 1884. Height, 46 inches; width, 71 inches. Exhibited at the Salon, Paris, in 1884. [30 - 21 70 71 i 73 74 SECOND SESSION Friday Evening, March 28, 1913, at 8:15 o’clock A. E. MEYER A CUBAN SERVING MAID. Canvas. Signed. Height, 15 inches; width, 9 inches. JULIAN ONDERDONK Contemporary American Painter A QUIET SPOT. Canvas. Signed. Height, 6 inches; width, 10 inches. HAL ROBINSON Contemporary American Painter WINTER SUNSET. Canvas. Signed. Height, 10 inches; width, 12 inches. FRANCIS LATHROP STUDY OF A GIRL. Canvas. Height, 24 inches; width, 20 inches. NICHOLAS BERCHEM (Attributed) 1620-1683 WINTER SCENE IN HOLLAND. Panel. Signed. Height, 714 inches; width, Il inches. 22 ih 75 76 77 78 79 80 WALTER GOODALL English Painter A GIRL AT THE WELL. Water color. Signed, and dated 1852. Height, 24 inches; width, 16 inches. Exhibited at the Old Water Color Society, London. UNKNOWN PAINTER ENGLISH LANDSCAPE. Canvas. Height, 1114 inches; width, 15 inches. ERSKINE NICOL 1825- SNOWBALLING. Canvas. Signed and dated. Height, 14 inches; width, 12 inches. SIR EDWIN LANDSEER 1802-1873 EVENING IN THE HIGHLANDS. Academy board. Height, 634 tnches; width, 10 inches. FRANCIS LATHROP PORTRAIT OF JAMES RUSSELL LOWELL. Canvas. Painted from life in black and white. Height, 21% inches; width, 15 inches. MICHELE MARIESCHI 16 -1743 PIAZZA SAN MARCO. Canvas. Height, 14 inches; width, 22 inches. 23 ae / OU Ps Goons f.,, &., Paar 81 82 83 84 85 86 JAN VAN DER CAPPELLE (Attributed) Dutch, 1630- MEN-OF-WAR OFF FISHING BANKS. Panel. Height, 9 inches; width, 13 inches. E. ACCARD Contemporary French Painter THE BIRTHDAY VISITOR. Panel. Signed. Height, 11 inches; width, 734 inches. KAREL DU JARDIN Dutch, 1625-1678 PEASANTS AND CATTLE FORDING A STREAM. Canvas. Signed, and dated 1654. Height, 12 inches; width, 14 inches. GEORGE MORLAND 1763-1804 THE PEDDLERS. Canvas. Relined. Height, 13% inches; width, 17 inches. Sold with the engraving from the painting. MICHELE MARIESCHI 16-1743 VIEW OF VENICE. Canvas. Height, 14 inches; width, 21 inches. DANIEL PASSMORE English Painter THE ROSE. Canvas. Signed, and dated 1857. Height, 24 inches; width, 20 inches. 24 87 367 88 {5 iv 89 poe 90 Ww 91 92 / § or FRANCESCO GUARDI 1712-1793 VENICE. Canvas. Height, 10% inches; width, 15% inches. G. E. HICKS Contemporary English Painter THE HAPPY MOTHER. Canvas. Signed, and dated 1866. Height, 24 inches; width, 18 inches. FUKAWA BASKE Contemporary Japanese Painter SHIDZUOKA HARBOR. Water color. Signed. Height, 18 inches; width, 28 inches. ANTOINE VESTIER French, 1740-1824 PORTRAIT OF MLLE. DUTHE. Oval canvas. Carved wood frame. Height, 25 inches; width, 21 inches. JACOB MORRIS English Painter SHEEP ON THE HILLSIDE. | Canvas. Signed, and dated 1855. Height, 30 inches; width, 48 inches. FUKAWA BASKE Contemporary Japanese Painter AFTER THE SHOWER. Water color. Signed. Height, 29 inches; width, 21 inches. 25 93 94 95 96 o/, 98 PHILIBERTE LEDOUX Pupil of Greuze, 1767-1840 HEAD OF A CHILD. Oval canvas. Carved wood frame. Height, 18 inches; width, 16 inches. AART VANDER NEER (Attributed) 1603-1677 RIVER LANDSCAPE BY MOONLIGHT. Panel. Height, 18 inches; width, 22 tnches. JOHN HOPPNER 1758-1810 PORTRAIT OF MRS. O’BRIEN OF MEATH. Canvas. Relined. Height, 31 inches; width, 26 inches. KARL TERMOHLEN SUNSET ON THE LAKE. Canvas. Signed. Height, 20 inches; width, 24 inches. 4 CORNELIS JANSON VAN CEULEN Dutch, 1590-1664 PORTRAIT OF PROFFESSOR EMILIUS IN THE GOWN OF THE UNVERSITY OF LEYDEN. Canvas. Height, 30 inches; width, 25 inches. SIR WILLIAM BEECHEY 1753-1839 ADMIRAL LORD ST. VINCENT. Canvas. Height, 30 inches; width, 25 inches. 26 99 lo- 100 go i 101, dv ra 102 ae 103 104 fur SIR PETER LELY 1617-1680 PORTRAIT OF PRINCESS MARY. Oval canvas. Relined. This sitter was Mary Tudor, the natural daughter of Charles II] and Mary Davis. Leight, 30 inches; width, 25 inches. FEDERIGO ZUCCHERO (After) 1543-1609 PORTRAIT OF A LADY. Relined. Carved wood frame. Height, 24 inches; width, 18 inches. Canvas. JAN FRANZ VAN BLOEMEN (Called ORIZONTE) 1662-1740 CLASSIC LANDSCAPE WITH FIGURES. Canvas. Relined. Height, 38 inches; width, 53 inches. THEOPHILE DE BOCK Dutch, 1851-1904 LANDSCAPE IN HOLLAND. ‘Canyas. Signed. Height, 10 inches; width, 14 inches. RALPH ALBERT BLAKELOCK American Painter THE MOONLIT RIVER. Canvas. Height, 6 inches; width, 8 inches. From the Collection of Senator Gibbs. Signed. GEORGE AMES ALDRICH Contemporary American Painter WILLOWS BY A STREAM. Signed. Height, 20 inches; width, 24 inches. 27 Canvas. | =) S Iy \ i 105 106 107 108 109 110 KARL TERMOHLEN Contemporary American Painter LANDSCAPE. Canvas. Signed. Height, 20 inches; width, 30 inches. ROBERT J. WICKENDEN Contemporary American Painter LANDSCAPE IN AUTUMN. Canvas. Signed. Height, 23 inches; width, 28 inches. HAL ROBINSON Contemporary American Painter ROLLING HILLS. Canvas. FUKAWA BASKE Contemporary Japanese Painter FUJIYAMA, EVENING. Water color. Signed. Signed. Height, 16 inches; width, 10 inches. Height, 18 inches; width, 26 inches. T. K. PEMBROOK Contemporary American Painter SUMMER SUNSET, NOANK. Canvas. Signed. Height, 16 inches; width, 22 inches. PHILIBERTE LEDOUX Pupil of Greuze, 1767-1840 YOUNG GIRL WITH A DOG. Oval canvas. Carved wood frame. Height, 18 inches; width, 16 inches. 28 I~ ba - Ju- 111 112 113 114 115 J. CRAWFORD THOM EVENING NEAR SPARTA. Canvas. Signed, and dated 1886. Height, 18 inches; width, 30 inches. KARL TERMOHLEN Contemporary American Painter AT SUNSET. Canvas. Signed. Height, 25 inches; width, 30 inches. SCHOOL OF BOUCHER TWO DECORATIVE PANELS—RUSTIC YOUTH AND MAID. Canvas. Height, 23 inches; width, 28% inches. JAMES R. BREVOORT 1832- LANDSCAPE AT EVENING. Canvas. Signed. Height, 20 inches; width, 32 inches. WILLIAM L. DODGE Contemporary American Painter MARINE. Canvas. Signed. Height, 20 inches; width, 39 inches. 29 Iyo- ai § , A a gf & 116 117 118 (phe, 120 WILLIAM T. RICHARDS 1833-1905 AN AUGUST AFTERNOON. Canvas. Signed. Height, 26 inches; width, 47 inches. GEORGE R. BARSE, JR. Contemporary American Painter THE TOILET OF A ZEPHYR. Water color. Signed, and dated ’94. Height, 30 inches; width, 18 inches. Exhibited at the American Water Color Society Exhibition. Exhibited at the Boston Art Club Exhibition. ROBERT C. MINOR American, 1840-1904 EDGE OF THE FOREST. Canvas. Signed. Height, 12 inches; width, 16 inches. ‘THEOPHILE DE BOCK Dutch, 1851-1904 CUTTING TIMBER. Canvas. Signed. Height, 1444 inches; width, 23% inches. From the artist’s sale. EMMANUEL GALLARD-LEPINAY Contemporary French Painter EVENING CALM—VIEW OF SAN GIORGIO, VENICE. Canvas. Signed. Height, 20 inches; width, 30 inches. 30 121 122 123 124 Yn- 125 Jd e) ALBERTO PASSINI THE NOONDAY HALT. Canvas. Signed and dated. Height, Il inches; width, 14 inches. ALBERT L. GROLL Contemporary American Painter ARIZONA. Canvas. Signed. Height, 12 inches; width, 16 inches. ADOLPHE MONTICELLI 1824-1886 AUTUMN—FIGURES IN A WOOD. Panel. Signed. Height, 18 inches; width, 23% inches. ROBERT C. MINOR American, 1840-1904 OAKS AT SUNSET. Canvas. Signed. 3 Height, 16 inches; width, 20 inches. From the sale of the artist’s paintings after his death. KARL E. TERMOHLEN Contemporary American Painter SUMMER LANDSCAPE. Canvas. Signed. Height, 22 inches; width, 27 inches. 31 Jea- Ls Te y are ? gaat & ” 2? 126 127 128 129 130 Sys Scat ade ee PAUL DOUGHERTY Contemporary American Painter AFTER THE STORM. Canvas. Signed. Height, 25 inches; width, 30 inches. WILLARD L. METCALF Contemporary American Painter ON THE HUDSON. Canvas. Signed, and dated ’04. Height, 26 inches; width, 29 inches. Exhibited at the World’s Fair, St. Louis, 1902. A. GUINIER Contemporary French Painter THE RETURN FROM THE HARVEST FIELD, EVENING. Canvas. Signed. Height, 39 inches; width, 27 inches. Bought from Arthur Tooth & Sons. JAMES PATTERSON Contemporary Scotch Painter A HARBOR ON THE COAST OF FRANCE. Canvas. Signed, and dated 1910. Height, 32 inches; width, 42 inches. RALPH ALBERT BLAKELOCK American Painter THE MOHAWK VALLEY. Canvas. Signed. Height, 12 inches; width, 22 1nches. 32 Gu- wt \s Zs Jo- 131 132 133 134 135 PATRICK NASMYTH Scotch, 1787-1831 LANDSCAPE. Panel. Signed, and dated 1830. Height, 16 inches; width, 19% inches. HENRY JUTSUM English, 1816-1869 TINTERN ABBEY. | Canvas. Height, 25 inches; width, 30 inches. RALPH ALBERT BLAKELOCK American Painter AN INDIAN ENCAMPMENT. Canvas. Signed. Height, 12 inches; width, 22 inches. EDWIN ELLIS Contemporary English Painter FISHERMAN MENDING HIS NETS. Canvas. Signed. Height, 18 inches; width, 33 inches. ALFRED DE BREANSKI Contemporary English Painter EVENING NEAR DORCHESTER. Canvas. Signed. Height, 24 inches; width, 40 inches. 33 FRED GRANT YOUNG Contemporary American Painter 136 A BASKET OF PEONIES. aS. Canvas. Signed. Ys Height, 28 inches; width, 48 inches. J. TERRY Contemporary English Painter 137 ENGLISH COAST TOWN AT EVENING. Canvas. Signed, and dated ’89. v i“ Height, 33 inches; width, 62 inches. E. J. VAN CAUWELAERT Contemporary Flemish Painter 138 PEASANT BOY AND CATTLE. Canvas. Signed. Zr? Height, 47 inches; width, 67 inches. 34 AMERICAN BANK NOTE CO., NEW YORE Sie Mears) he 127 Det VOMIT gop AN / ns CHE Hoe ¥ | CF wore #4 UH we ? ¢ oN, ia BSED iA 0/445) MN pe 7 a iid ieee 9, waist, Tes ; Lue ee Lo Lie a ay ig ¥ a ie i) Wie yh pid ie big ey i yy Lie ee fe: Y 795 He hi A SLNE iy, a Lo oo. i Ly, a Gy a Hy Wes ° G y yy, v pie Me yy iy j Vo f ; Bon i} Va By Lie hs Wie GE eA ML EM IED Le Ve ENO Te ana ay LL EM EOD is 7 He hi Wey apaA y 4 ae ieee, gts Feit eH Lie J . h Ui i ey f Hit ee, oe, ay hy ae Le, Us Dies MS i / By We (tie iy ey Wie Hi ie iia ELLE Lites eh y Hie rs Ly | Ly the Hei Le Higa Lo te e i we, Ten Meh es ee iy, iy He be Oi sO NG es Wt heey ie ih : Be TS Pa igh UDI a STALL TA iy es a é Mh i Wy Ly Hee Ly y, Lo Vy Se 1 Mee ay ey sie ae Wey Re by Lia I i i ie, of p We 7 ih y Soi iis ges VEY gies Cay ey CL ie <— eS See he 4 uy ek ays VENTA AEN y a bis ih ee ey, fF, (i #ee Lysis : Heit p agit Ah Hes } 4:3 i te Le He ie ee, Hike Ls i Tey ‘ Ase Wy Baris es aif i Min aaa? fae oF th Hey, if ie f Nie NEY i, Vie us ii HO ARAL MEMES TED ea Ligh Berna) Mt Tags HAs Ai Wis Me Ue ie) wR ey eases? oe VAG SAE 36 Whee 4 Wy: j Le ‘) ty) ey He tit anh We fs 5 ney bo ; ih 1 hie) oh, Ps Wy i CAE Wt A iy iy i! : Ve ifr ae, By yy eu Ap Dy 2 Spit Mie L445 ry FOIE Avie LES ei Me ies gz PAVE 544 fy. BAe sated Ghee Mites We lis Re fe 5 Wt 4a . Va is ff, tise EY LH ES LE yy SUR tan aif ap St We, fie) ie Ely $8 wh Hy teehee LAS SUP st ig Hee +424 AU », co Gy ue , ey Me his ie ae f i iy) fd oh MALL ih ; i BOTT SALE VEE BIND Hs Hy hy i ih ia hie es LWA BIRT ISEO DIE R SEIN ie Hf - os iy , Wilde oF BRL MER Se aS J, GBA hee 4 WS, “ j a Gt ah ies aS? 4 ASTIN Hie A $f) a ie i554 Ihe aie 6 ‘j rs) oy DYtA EMEP *s iy Pd of, ¢ . Bae We LS MME SUM UGE EN Na PM OETEAT Pay eM ' ie BA Wie, iy 0s 1h oe Be Pe ed HO i iol Mie 4 My) Hs ies We Hai ¥ eg} Ve his Vide A ads 4 a Hh ui : ae 3, (i f ; ee ; ys y ’ 4 ihe fy y fii BY ys ey popes A ie : Wo ERAS i Pave We My tis Haig , 4 Way Bf? Had ye, a ‘ee pael se ih - ay Zi Hes i fie r) ih # Ks ey Le yy he HN Meaty wy j aH Hid jad i Me iB vy as iy Viste Hy i i ni iy 4 lia He on pre AG, Hf See Ne ts i, 2s / YDS of ; Ai ee > hi ii i fits Ath Past, Ay i beh Mh ies (ft tei “ ie Len ; oo te es nD) AURA ited ; vs ai 4) Pree ed ioe ks iy ip aa Aue Ati, } : ve tee te, ee ra spe 4 ap i o Bs i) Pas ey. Hy iN Bey aise eH yi yrs Aye Hoe Be i ce 1h) fe Ay fy, pnieian ‘ Mis inane x 7, aA Ay iy vi) ? ie ay hie Yrs EH 1% oi i Ha 5 We ee Bie ea >, As ie ay Rois aes yy 0 ify ; ys Vf i Mes i Bh Hy oe if uy ; Day He on Hy Ri) a ¢ 7 2. 7 et PSE iM : ehh uy i ve eS Naw ats NS Le Say Aat Ly ws ‘ fi wa? ; Mire iy an » ve ENN) RO Neth htae Sy hs 1 “ AL ATV Uy i as AIOE AE ReKS 2. ee