1 Bling pede: LGD" g Pigg. ics SEP Bh, Gee a Hk Vay a $8 Re : Ra RO re, 3 Begs aah es Bee ais PE Taam (a DANES Bab Pr aaa H aM 3 PER OG ah Caine py 7 Yeu Je Hd vf - ep sresegbe ya Uhh Re aa a ay é ; 4 7 $e4s 2 f re : ‘ ' = pee Ee ne ee ee ee ee a a a a a ae PP aR pT RR Sn mee m2 tg E+ Si H ON FREE VIEW AT THE AMERICAN ART GALLERIES MADISON SQUARE SOUTH, NEW YORK BEGINNING WEDNESDAY, MARCH 10rTu, 1915 AND CONTINUING UNTIL THE DATE OF SALE | TEEVE RARE AND COSTLY ART PROPERTY BELONGING TO MR. HENRY SYMONS EXPERT OF LONDON TO BE SOLD AT UNRESTRICTED PUBLIC SALE AT TWO O’CLOCK ON MONDAY, MARCH 15tTn, AND FIVE FOLLOWING AFTERNOONS AND ON THE EVENINGS OF MONDAY, TUESDAY, WEDNESDAY, THURSDAY anpb FRIDAY, MARCH 15tu, 16TH, 17TH, 18TH anv 19TH, AT 8 O’CLOCK AT THE AMERICAN ZART GALLERIES MADISON SQUARE SOUTH NEW YORK ILLUSTRATED CATALOGUE OF THE REMARKABLE AND EXTENSIVE COLLECTION OF RARE AND COSTLY ART PROPERTY BELONGING TO MR. HENRY SYMONS EXPERT OF LONDON AND TO BE SOLD FOR HIS ACCOUNT Peau NRESTRICTED PUBLIC SALE ON THE DATES HEREIN STATED THE SALE WILL BE CONDUCTED BY MR. THOMAS E. KIRBY AND HIS ASSISTANT, MR. OTTO BERNET, OF “THE AMERICAN ART ASSOCIATION, MANAGERS MADISON SQUARE SOUTH, NEW YORK 1915 ' THE AMERICAN ART A DESIGNS ITS CATALOGUES ALL DETAILS OF ILLUS TEXT AND TYPOG: PREFATORY NOTE Mr. Symons is known throughout England not only as one of the most reliable authorities upon English, Continental and Oriental porcelain of the eighteenth century, but also as a discriminating collector of old English and French furniture, early bronzes and objects of art in general. His collection of old English porcelains and potteries can be with difficulty paralleled outside of some of the great English museums. It consists of examples from all the most highly regarded factories, such as that of Bristol, Plymouth, Bow, Chelsea, Worcester, Derby, Pinxton, Swan- sea, Nantgarw, Longton Hall and Spode. Included among these will be found a most important collection of rare square and crescent marked Worcester, among which is an especially noteworthy garniture of three blue ground vases. There are also a number of fine early Chelsea, Bow and Derby vases, and an exceptional variety of other decorative pieces. Of. especial interest is the col- lection of nearly three hundred pieces of Bow, Bristol, Chelsea, Chelsea-Derby, Derby and Longton Hall statuettes, which includes an unusually rare set of Bristol figures of the “Four Continents” and a number of Chelsea figures mod- eled by Roubiliac and Bacon, as well as an interesting group of Derby biscuit figures modeled by Spengler and Stephan. The collection of Wedgwood is especially rich in crystalline and basaltes vases of the Wedgwood & Bentley period, and is distinguished by the posses- sion of a Portland vase which has been positively identified by the leading Wedgwood authorities as being one of the famous “Fifty.” The English potteries include salt glaze, early English Delft and the Lady Anna Chandos-Pole Collection of old Leeds ware. Among the English furniture in oak are Court Cupboards and dower chests, high-backed chairs, settees, and a very exceptional Day bed signed by its maker. The mahogany is rich in examples of Chippendale, by whom there are three exceptional armchairs, and a very fine fourpost bedstead. ‘There are some fine Sheraton tables and escritoire bookcases. The satinwood includes Sheraton bookcases, a dressing table with original fittings, and inlaid and painted writing tables. There are, too, some pieces of the Queen Anne period, including the celebrated Rushout Lacquer Cabinet and Stand. There are a very fine pair of Adam torchéres and a Hepplewhite screen in the Chinese taste, an Adam chandelier of cut glass, knife urns and a number of important mir- rors by Chippendale and his contemporaries. The French furniture includes a fine upright escritoire signed by P. Roussel, a Louis Seize Sedan chair deco- rated with Vernis Martin panels and in absolutely original condition, and a most exceptional carved applewood marriage-chest of the early sixteenth century. | The gathering of clocks is an extraordinarily rich one. Among those of the Louis XVI period are one surmounted by a marble figure sculptured by Falconet, a “Reading and Writing” clock and an “Elephant” clock. In addition to these is a marvelous collection of over thirty clocks made by Eng- lish makers of the eighteenth century in ormolu cases decorated with enamels, and with panels of surprisingly ingenious moving subjects. Some of these clocks, which were originally made for presentation to Chinese princes and mandarins, have made the journey to the Orient and found their way back to Europe. There are a number of English clocks of the eighteenth century, in- cluding a lacquered bracket clock by Tomlinson, a tall Queen Anne lacquered clock by George Tyler, several brass lantern clocks, one of them fitted with chimes, and the famous Orrery of “honest” George Graham, a leading Eng- lish clockmaker of the eighteenth century. The collection of bronzes covers a wide range, extending from the six- teenth to the nineteenth centuries. Of the period of the Italian Renaissance are a figure of the infant Hercules Strangling a Serpent, and a fine door knocker. ‘The French bronzes include examples of the schools of Pigalle and Clodion, as well as of the Empire period, while of the modern bronzes the most — important is a magnificent portrait bust, by Rodin, of the English poet and friend of Stevenson, the late W. E. Henley. This is the original from which was taken the marble replica now in Saint Paul’s Cathedral. The textiles consist of fine tapestries, among them a large panel of Brus- sels tapestry after a design by Van de Velde the elder, and a remarkable col- lection of petit point consisting of many individual panels, one suite of six chairs, another of two settees, two armchairs, and several single chairs, in old walnut and oak frames. The extensive collection of objects of art is headed by what is probably the finest Italian Renaissance cabinet of the School of Cellini ever brought to this country. It is of carved steel, damascened with gold, in a series of sub- jects taken from Tasso’s great poem, “Jerusalem Delivered.” There is a suit of sixteenth century German armor, as also a few choice sixteenth and seventeenth century Limoges enamels (some in their original frames), sixteenth and seventeenth century boxwood and ivory carvings, en- graved and mounted crystals of the same period including a gold and enamel mounted tazza, some good miniatures of the sixteenth and seventeenth and eighteenth centuries, Battersea enamels, including one of the most important a ee ee 7 {a vases ever produced, and a number of boxes mounted in gold with miniature paintings. | Of especial interest will be found the celebrated Buccleuch collection of glass of over two hundred pieces. Included in this are examples of early Venetian and seventeenth century German engraved, cut and enameled glass. The collection was formed by the late Duke of Buccleuch and Queensberry, and it would be difficult to exaggerate its importance in view of the many years devoted by the Duke to its acquisition and the unvarying fine quality of the pieces so acquired. A word may be said as to the famous collections which are represented in this gathering. ‘They include those of the Dowager Duchess of Newcastle, The Dowager Marchioness of Conyngham, Lady Anna Chandos-Pole, Lord Joicey of Greg-y-nog Castle, The Earl of Northesk, Lady Menzies of Castle Menzies, Lieut. Col. H. B. Hughes, Sir William Bass, Capt. Ernle Warriner, T. H. Faudel-Phillips, Capt. M. H. Grant, “Linesman” Alfred Trapnell, L. M. Solon and many others. = Horace TownseEnp. New York, March Ist, 1915. for and delivering such purchase, it will not hold itself responsible if such purchase be lost, stolen, damaged or destroyed. 7 Storage charges will be made upon all purchases not removed within ten days from the date of the sale thereof. %. Guarantee is not made either by the owner or the Association of the correctness of the description, genuineness or authenticity of any lot, and no sale will be set aside on account of any incorrectness, error of cataloguing, or any imperfection not noted. Every lot is on public exhibition one or more days prior to its sale, after which it is sold ‘tas is” and without recourse. , The Association exercises great care to catalogue every lot cor- rectly, and will give consideration to the opinion of any trustworthy expert to the effect that any lot has been incorrectly catalogued, and, in its judgment, may either sell the lot as catalogued or make mention of the opinion of such expert, who thereby would become responsible for such damage as might result were his opinion without proper foundation. . 2 SPECIAL NOTICE. Buying or bidding by the Association for responsible parties on orders transmitted to it by mail, telegraph or telephone, will be faith- fully attended to without charge or commission. Any purchase so made will be subject to the above Conditions of Sale, which cannot in any manner be modified. The Association, however, in the event of making a purchase of a lot consisting of one or more books for a pur- chaser who has not, through himself or his agent, been present at the exhibition or sale, will permit such lot to be returned within ten days from the date of sale, and the purchase money will be returned, if the lot in any material manner differs from its catalogue description. Orders for execution by the Association should be written and given with such plainness as to leave no room for misunderstanding. Not only should the lot number be given, but also the title, and bids should be stated to be so much for the lot, and when the lot consists of one or more volumes of books or objects of art, the bid per volume or piece should also be stated. If the one transmitting the order is unknown to the Association, a deposit should be sent or reference sub- mitted. Shipping directions should also be given. Priced copies of the catalogue of any sale, or any session thereof, will be furnished by the Association at a reasonable charge. AMERICAN ART ASSOCIATION, American Art Galleries, Madison Square South, New York City. ORDER OF SALE BEGINNING EACH AFTERNOON AT 2.00 O'CLOCK AND EVENING AT 8.00 O'CLOCK MONDAY AFTERNOON, MARCH 15, 1915 CATALOGUE Nos. 1 to 275 Old English Potteries, Including Staffordshire, Leeds and Luster Wares and Rare Ralph Wood Figures. MONDAY EVENING, MARCH 15, 1915 CATALOGUE Nos. 276 to 450A The Duke of Buccleuch’s Famous Collection of XVI and XVII Centuries Engraved and Enameled Glass. TUESDAY AFTERNOON, MARCH 16, 1915 CATALOGUE Nos. 451 to 728 Fine Examples of Old Crescent-marked Worcester and Chelsea Porcelains. TUESDAY EVENING, MARCH 16, 1915 CATALOGUE Nos. 724 to 874 Old Italian, French and German Ivory and Wood Carvings of the XV, XVI, XVII and XVIII Centuries. WEDNESDAY AFTERNOON, MARCH 17, 1915 CATALOGUE Nos. 875 to 1163 A very Remarkable Collection of Old Worcester Porcelain of the Dr. Wall, “Square-marked” and Later Periods. | WEDNESDAY EVENING, MARCH 17, 1915 CATALOGUE Nos. 1165 to 1808 Interesting Early Italian, French and German Carvings in Ivory. THURSDAY AFTERNOON, MARCH 18, 1915 CATALOGUE Nos. 1309 to 1589 Rare Old English, French and Italian Jewelry and Interesting Trinkets. THURSDAY EVENING, MARCH 18, 1915 CATALOGUE Nos. 1590 to 1696 A very Remarkable Collection of Italian and French Bronzes of the XVI, XVII and XVIII Centuries, and other Interesting Objects. FRIDAY AFTERNOON, MARCH 19, 1915 CATALOGUE Nos. 1697 to 18838 Furniture, Works of Art and Embroideries. FRIDAY EVENING, MARCH 19, 1915 CATALOGUE Nos. 1884 to 1983 Interesting Pictures by, and Attributed to, Masters of the XVI, XVII and XVIII Centuries Schools of Painting. SATURDAY AFTERNOON, MARCH 20, 1915 CATALOGUE Nos. 1984 to 2189 =, ie We; : Tapestries, Clocks, Statuary and Furniture. AN IMPORTANT ANNOUNCEMENT Subsequent to the time when Mr. Symons completed arrangements with the Association for the public sale of his property which had been brought by him from London to be here sold owing to conditions occasioned by the war, he has had sent to this country, and added to his property to be offered for sale, a number of items of extraordinary importance and value. To prevent the possibility of too great a sacrifice of these unusual pieces, —which are less than fifty in number and the majority of which are included in the last session of the sale—Mr. Symons has requested of the Association, and it has granted him, the privilege of placing on them a reasonable wpset price, and such reserves will be announced at the time when each of such objects is offered. With the exception of the few items upon which such upset prices may be placed, the collection will be sold in strict conformity with the Association’s customary agreement, which provides for an unrestricted and unlimited public sale. AMERICAN ART ASSOCIATION. March 8, 1915. FIRST SESSION MONDAY AFTERNOON, MARCH 15, 1915 AT THE AMERICAN ART GALLERIES ‘BEGINNING AT 2.00 o’cLocK Which includes Catalogue Nos. 1 to 275 OLD ENGLISH POTTERIES Including Staffordshire, Leeds and Luster Wares, and Rare Ralph Wood Figures The noteworthy favor bestowed in recent years upon English Porcelains has embraced also those products of the English potters which so distinguished the late Eighteenth century. Such especial value, for instance, attaches to fine examples of old Leeds ware, that it is increasingly difficult to procure examples of undoubted authenticity. Even less frequently are those admirable figures by Ralph Wood which, in their modeling, rival the statuettes of Dresden and Chelsea, offered to the contemporary collector. 1—Six otp LEEpDs AND STAFFORDSHIRE Ware Cream Ewers Of various shapes, and styles of decoration. 2—Oxup LreEps Warr Puate Decorated with a reeded border in black—center occupied by an oval medallion containing a black transfer-printed portrait of a man in wig. 3—TuHREE oLtD LeEeps PLaTeEs (A) Cream-colored glaze, decorated in sepia on cream-colored ground and also decorated in transfer with square rigged ship in full sail and floral sprays. (B) Decorated with oval medallion of allegorical subject with inscrip- tion “Let wisdom unite us” and with trophies of game birds and butterflies. (C) Decorated with a convivial subject of Topers seated around a table and with floral sprays. First Session, Monday Afternoon 4—Oxp Lrreps Porrery PLATE About 1775. Cream-colored glaze with pierced border. Center occupied by circular medallion surrounded by deep border of flutings and occupied by a painting, in colors, of a man in eighteenth century costume, seated, and with a dog at his side. 914 inches. 5—Pair or STAFFORDSHIRE Bow1s Cream-colored glaze. Basket shape, with pierced borders. The lower | portions of interlaced basket work. Scrolled ear handles. Circular pierced bases. Height, 4 inches. 6—Parr oF op LerEps Sauce Boats Cream ware, with fluted looped handles and circular bases. Deco- rated with Greek honeysuckle and:scroll decorations in relief and painted in black and red. Height, 6 inches; length, 9 inches. 7—Oup Lreps CorrreE-PorT Cream ware. Barrel-shaped body, with fluted curved and acanthus-leaf spout and fluted looped handle terminating in Bacchic heads. Flat cover, with painted finial. Body is decorated with reeded bands and with very elaborately painted figures of Amphitrite drawn by dolphins in a chariot formed of a seashell, and of Venus drawn by peacocks in a classical chariot. The lid is decorated with painted butterflies. Height, 7%, inches. 8—Two Pieces or AcatrE Ware Pitcher with a barrel-shaped body and flat looped handle, and a coupe- shaped bowl. The bodies are decorated with colored agate-ware glaze and with bands of blue glaze having a leaf pattern in white reserve. Height of pitcher, 5%, inches. Diameter of bowl, 534 inches. 9—TuHReE Pieces or Leeps AcatE WaRrE Teapot, pear-shape, curved spout, flat looped handle and domed cover. Sucrier, with straight sides, raised ring handles and flat cover. Tea- poy, with cylindrical body and small domed cover. Decorated with bands of colored agate, of blue glaze, and of a checker design i in dark brown. Set consists of teapot and cover, sucrier and cover, and teapoy and cover. (Slight repairs.) First Session, Monday Afternoon 10—Pair or EicHTrentH Century Frencu Fruit Disues anp Sranps Basket-shaped dishes, with sides of pierced and interlaced basket work and looped handles. Cream-colored glaze decorated in blue. Stand with pierced and interlaced basket work borders, decorated in blue. The center occupied with conventional floral sprays painted in blue. Imn- pressed mark: “R.L.” Basket, 3 inches; diameter of stand, 91/, inches. 11—Co.ttection or Etcur STarrorpsHIRE AND LrEeps Ware PITCHERS Some with covers, of various shapes and sizes. All invested with a plain white and cream glaze. 12—O.up Swansea Potrrery SupreR SET Consisting of one circular center dish, with domed cover having a looped branch finial and circular foot, and four side dishes without covers. Decorated, on a cream-colored ground, with a border of rose leaf and scroll design, painted in sepia with lined and dotted borders. Mark: “Swansea” p. Sepia. NOTE: Examples of Swansea pottery are of exceptional rarity. Height of center dish, 7 inches; diameter, 111 inches. 13—Oxp Lrerps Warr Cruet STAND Circular shape, with circular stem and foot and upright twisted carry- ing handle. Side pierced in a pattern of heart-shaped and oval medal- hons. ‘Top, with five receptacles for bottles, fitted with condiment bottles of a Leeds-like ware. From Lady Anna Chandos-Pole’s Collection. Height, 114, inches; diameter, 8 inches. 14—Oup Lerzps Cruet StTanp Cylindrical body, with pierced and raised sides. Decorated with inter- laced scrollings and acanthus leaves and leaf festoons. Baluster-shaped carrying handle. Top pierced for the reception of five bottles. Height, 6% inches; diameter, 61/ inches. 15—O.xp Leeps Dessert DisH anp STAND Dish of basket form with pierced sides of basket work. Looped handles. Stand with pierced border and basket pattern center. Height of dish, 2 inches; length of stand, 81/4 inches. First Session, Monday Afternoon 16—Two otp Leepvs Warr AND STAFFORDSHIRE ‘TEAPOTS One with straight body and domed cover, the other with a pear-shaped body and curved spout with pierced straining nozzle. Invested with cream-colored and white glazes. Height, 61, inches and 41% inches. 17—Parr or STAFFORDSHIRE Dessert DisHks AND STANDS Cream ware. Boat-shaped, with pierced borders of interlaced basket- work decoration. Oval stand, with pierced borders, flutings, and center medallions of interlaced basket-work. Height of baskets, 41/, inches; length of stand, 91, inches. 18—Sert or Four STAFFORDSHIRE DessERtT DISHES Boat-shaped, with looped scroll handles. Lower portions of pierced basket-work. Impressed mark: “St. Anthony’s.” 41/, by 81%, inches. 19—Oup Lereps Cruret Sranp Of a pierced and scrolled pattern, with cylindrical carrying handle and two pear-shaped condiment bottles with stoppers. Height, 8 inches. 20—Oxp Lereps Soup Turren anp Cover Oval shape, with oval stand and twisted rope handles. Domed and shaped cover, with finial and handle of twisted rope design. Decorated with raised borders of honeysuckle scrollings and with raised flowers and sprays of foliage. Mark: Impressed number. From Lady Anna Chandos-Pole’s Collection. Height, 101%, inches; length, 1514 inches. 21—Four Pieces or ony LeEps Wark Pear-shaped teapot with curved spout and a twisted and loop handle terminating in raised leaf forms. Cream ewer, pear-shape, with scal- loped rim. Teapoy, with cylindrical body and domed cover. Coupe- shaped waste bowl. Decorated as to the bodies with a slate-blue glaz- ing and bands of checker pattern in dark brown and white reserve and with bands of white reserve. Spout, handles and finials in white reserve. First Session, Monday Afternoon 22—O.p Lrreps TrEaproy Rectangular form with cylindrical neck. Decorated on all four sides with figures of women and children in relief and colored in blue, yellow and brown, and with borders of leaf rosettes and scroll design in blue. Height, 4 inches. 23-——Pam or op Leeps Lamps Cream ware. Seated figures of lambs. From Lady Anna Chandos-Pole’s Collection. ; Height, 31/, inches; length, 44 inches. 24—Pair oF op Lrrps Trapoys Upright form, with cylindrical necks. Decorated, in colored enamels, with borders of sprays of flowers in imitation of the so-called Lowes- toft manner. ~ Al, by 5 inches. 25—Set oF Four Encuisu EicHTEENTH CENTURY SERPENT PIPEs (A) Staffordshire. Decorated in blue and black on white ground and with double bowls. (B) Staffordshire. Decorated in red and black dots. (C) Of unusual form, probably by Ralph Wood. Decorated with blue leaves and yellow dots. Bowl with acanthus leaves in relief. (D) Of cream-colored Leeds ware, with molded scales. The bowl deco- rated with thistles in relief. 26—Patr or orp Lreeps SuHorr CANDLESTICKS Fluted square columnar stems on square bases. Decorated with oval medallions, scroll ornamentation and a band of scroll design. The square sockets decorated on all four sides with a scroll and floral de- sign in relief. From Lady Anna Chandos-Pole’s Collection. Height, 5 inches. 27—Oup Leeps InxstTanp Cream ware. Rectangular form, with shaped sides and pinnacle ends. Decorated in a pierced design and with acanthus-leaf decoration in relief. From Lady Anna Chandos-Pole’s Collection. Height, 5 inches; length, 714 inches; width, 51/, inches. First Session, Monday Afternoon 28—Two oLp STAFFORDSHIRE CANDLESTICKS (A) Cream ware. Formed as a fluted and acanthus leaf decorated col- umn on circular base, with band of Greek scroll ornamentation. (B) Cream ware. Formed as an acanthus leaf decorated and fluted column on circular base with band of leaf decoration. Impressed mark: “TLakim & Poole.” 3 Height, 10 inches. 29—Onp LrEeps Sauce Boat with CovER AND STAND Boat-shaped on hexagonal pierced stand, with domed cover pierced in a design of quatrefoils and crescents and with garlands of husk pattern in relief. Finial formed as a melon, stem and leaves. Shaped stand, with border of quatrefoils, crescents and scrolls with festoons of husk pattern in re- lief. From Lady Anna Chandos-Pole’s Collec- tion. Height, 81 “inches. 30—Pair oF oLp LEEps VASES AND CovERs Urn-shaped, with domed and pierced cov- ers terminating in acorn finials. Bodies of vases and covers decorated with floral fes- toons and masks, in relief and showing traces of oil gilding. Height, 7 inches. 31—Oup LreEps Ware JARDINIERE Cream-colored glaze. Square form, with curved outspreading sides, having handles, formed as snakes and festoons of husk pattern in relief, and square base with acanthus leaf border in relief. The relief deco- ration is painted in green and on all four sides are floral sprays painted im green and outlined in black. Height, 814 inches. 32—THREE OLD STAFFORDSHIRE CANDLESTICKS Formed as fluted Doric columns decorated with a leaf ornamentation. On square fluted bases. Height, 7, inches. First Session, Monday Afternoon 33—TDTwo Pair oF oLD STAFFORDSHIRE CANDLESTICKS Formed as fluted Doric columns and decorated with a leaf design. On square fluted bases. Height, 101%, inches. 34—Oxp Lrreps Ware VASE Formed as the figure of a woman, her apron full of flowers, standing by the side of a pedestal with a mask from which issues a stream of water. She supports a shaped vase with acanthus-leaf decoration. From Lady Anna Chandos-Pole’s Collection. Height, 7% inches. 35—EIGHTEENTH CENTURY STAFFORDSHIRE VASE Cream ware. Urn-shaped, with rims and handles decorated with fes- tons of drapery and with fluted lower portion. On circular base. Height, 7°, inches. 36—O.p Lrrps Ecce Disx Shaped in the form of a duck seated upon her nest, which rests upon a large vine leaf, the stem forming the handle. The nest forms a bowl for the eggs and the duck a removable cover. Height, 514 inches; length, 101%, inches. 37—Oup TurNeER Dessert SERVICE Cream ware, with pierced edges and basket-work borders and centers. Decorated, in sepia, with floral sprays and borders of leaf decoration. Set consists of two fruit baskets and stands; two bowls with handles and stands, one with cover; nine plates; three small platters. Mark: TURNER. (Slight repairs to some plates. ) 20 pieces. 388—Oxp LrEps VASE AND CovER Ovolo-shape, with shaped domed cover terminating in cauliflower finial. Body decorated with grotesque masks and floral festoons in relief. Height, 1414 inches. First Session, Monday Afternoon No. 39 39—Pair oF oLD LEEDS CANDLESTICKS Square tapering sticks on shaped octagonal bases and carrying urn- , shaped candle nozzles. Decorated, in the style of the Adam Brothers, . with oval medallions and husk pattern pendants. (Repaired.) From Lady Anna Chandos-Pole’s Collection. Height, 121%, inches. 40—Pair or otp LeEps Dessert DisHeEs | Oval form, with shell, scroll and pierced work borders and reeded fiutings. From Lady Anna Chandos-Pole’s Collection. Length, 12 inches; width, 10 inches. 41—Oup Lerps Styte Porrery Lieurur STAND Formed, in three portions, as a mound. Molded in the form of rocks and moss. Surmounting this stand is a liquor receptacle formed as a wine cask having as a handle a youthful Bacchante, wreathed and girdled with grapes and vine leaves. Upon the rocks stand twelve fig- ures of youthful Bacchantes wreathed and girdled with grapes and vine leaves and holding in their outstretched arms removable miniature beak- ers with looped handles. The whole is invested with a’ cream-colored glaze. Height, 20 inches. First Session, Monday Afternoon 42—Oxp Lerps Warr Teapot Straight fluted sides, twisted rope handles having floreated terminations, fluted domed cover with raised floral finial and curved fluted spout. From Lady Anna Chandos-Pole’s Collection. Height, 5 inches. 43—Oup STAFFORDSHIRE Sitver Luster Mue 1810. Boat-shaped body, with band of fruits and leaves in relief and rope borders. Scrolled flat handle. Invested with silver luster. ; Height, 41, inches. 44—PatR OF OLD STAFFORDSHIRE LustER BrEAKERS 1815. Conical shape. Lower portions decorated with bands of white re- serve occupied with paintings of flowers in colors. Copper luster. : ; eshte inches. 45—PatR OF OLD STAFFORDSHIRE LustTER Cups 1810. Egg-cup shape. Lower portions reeded; upper portions occupied with broad bands of purple luster, having a pattern of leaves and scrolls in white reserve. Copper luster. Height, 41, inches. 46—Parir oF STAFFORDSHIRE Luster Curs Egg-cup shape. Lower portions reeded; upper portions occupied with bands of white reserve, painted with roses, grapes and scrolls in colors and purple luster. Copper luster. Height, 41%, inches. 47—Two op SrarrorpsHirE Luster Cups 1810. Egg-cup shape. Lower portion reeded; upper portions occupied with two bands of purple luster and with a fruit and leaf pattern in white reserve. (One faulty.) Height, 4%, inches. 48—TuHREE OLD STAFFORDSHIRE Luster Cups Two with straight sides, the other coupe-shaped. On baluster stems and circular bases. Invested with silver luster. 41/, and 5 inches. First Session, Monday Afternoon 49-——O.p SrarrorpsHirRE Bove Por anp Cover anp LrEeps FLowER-pot Bough pot of semi-cylindrical shape with removable cover, having three piercings for flowers, with spreading and shaped necks, standing on three paw feet and invested with a plain white glaze. (Slightly cracked. ) Flower-pot of cylindrical shape, invested with a cream-colored glaze. Heights, 64% and 7 inches. 50—Oxip Spopr Miniature DINNER SERVICE | White glaze ground, decorated with a printed decoration in blue and white of a willow pattern design. | 46 pieces. 51—OLp SrarrorDsHIRE AGATE-WARE BowL Coupe-shaped bowl, decorated with a marbled design in colored glazes and with a border of white reserve having a checker pattern in dark brown. Height, 3 inches; diameter, 71 inches. 52—EIGHTEENTH CENTURY STAFFORDSHIRE Mue Beaker shape, decorated with two satyr-heads. Scalloped rim, deco- rated with a dip coloring of blue glaze. Circular base with band of incised zigzag ornamentation. Height, 5 inches. 53—Oxup Lrrps Netson Mue Cylindrical form, with looped handle. Decorated with a transfer print in black of Nelson, with date of birth and death, and with motto, “Eng- land expects every man to do his duty.” Height, 41, inches, (Illustrated) 3 54—Oup Sroprt Portrery Pircurer anp Cover Squat-shaped body, with cylindrical neck and looped acanthus-leaf handles, acanthus-leaf spout, and cover with flat button finial. Body of white stoneware, decorated with a sporting subject in relief in the style of Turner. Rim, cover and portion of handle glazed in dark brown. Mark: Spode. Height, 51% wches. First Session, Monday Afternoon 54A—Oxp Spopvre Porcenain VasE Urn-shaped, with double scrolled handles. Decorated, on a Bleu-de- Rois ground, with a relief pattern, in white reserve heightened with gold, of chrysanthemum and prunus blossoms. The scrolled and fluted handles are decorated in matt gold. Mark: “Spode” p. in red. Height, 614, inches. 55—Oup STAFFoRDSHIRE LustER PircHER Pear-shaped body, with scrolled looped handle and curved spout. The lower portion reeded, the upper, with a band of purple luster, has a rose-leaf pattern in white reserve. (Cracked. ) Height, 514 inches. 56—Oxtp SrarrorpsHire Luster Weinetron PITcHER Pear-shaped body, with looped and acanthus-leaf handle. Ornamented, as to the body with polychrome and relief decorations of bands of grape and ivy leaves and ears of barley, and with a bust portrait of Wellington with the title Earl Wellington, and, as to the neck, with a design of festoons in purple, black and yellow and with lines of silver luster. Height, 41, inches. 57—Oup STAFFORDSHIRE LusTER PITCHER Pear-shaped body, with looped and scrolled handle. Decorated with bands and floral sprays in silver luster and with transfer portraits, printed in carmine, of the Duke of York and Mrs. Clark. . Height, 91 inches. 58—Pair oF OLD STAFFORDSHIRE Luster Mues Shaped as trunks of oak trees with rustic handles. Decorated with a raised pattern, colored in green and red, of oak leaves and acorns. Around the rim and base are lines of silver luster. Height, 44, inches. 59—Oup SrarrorpsHIRE LustTER PITCHER Pear-shaped body, with flat looped handle and curved spout. Deco- rated with a raised pattern of bunches of grapes and vine leaves colored in green and purple and with a line of silver luster around the rim. Height, 434 inches. First Session, Monday Afternoon 60—Oxp SrarrorpsHirE Luster Mitx PiTcHEer Pear-shaped body, with flat looped handle and curved spout. The body is decorated in black, with transfer prints of a negro with broken chains and the inscription “Am not I a man and a brother?” and a verse entitled “The Negro’s Complaint.” Around the rim is a broad band of purple luster. Height, 414, inches. 61—O.up SrarrorpsHireE Luster Mask Muce Shaped as the branch of a tree with looped flat handle. Body is deco- rated with splashes of green, purple and red and an all-over diapered pattern in red and with a modeled Satyr’s mask crowned with leaves and flowers and colored. Around the rim and base are lines of purple luster. Height, 414, inches. 62—Oup SrarrorpsHirE Luster Cream Ewer Pear-shaped body, with flat looped handle and curved spout. The lower — portion is occupied with paintings of the “Bird Nestes” and a view of a farmhouse and other buildings; the upper portic 1,. with a broad band of copper luster. Base and interior of rim dec rated with lizes of purple luster. Height, 31, inches. ee ee 638—OLp SrarrorDsHIRE Luster Wewtincron PrrcH2r Pear-shaped body, with looped and acanthus leaf handle and curved spout. Decorated with a pattern in colored rel’>f of strawberry fruit and leaves and stalks of wheat, and with a b .d around the neck of festoons of drapery. The front of the pitcher is occupied with a por- trait, in colored relief, of the Duke of Wellizgton with the inscription “Karl Wellington.” Lines of silver luster complete the decoration. — Heignt, 5%, inches. 64—Oxp SrarrorpsHire Luster PIrcHER Pear-shaped body, with looped handle and curved spout. Decorated, on a white ground, with two oval panels bordered with lines of silver luster and cocina with transfer prints, in sepia, of “The Sailor and the Squire.” Around the rim is a band of looped ornamentation in red and lines of silver luster. Height, 6 inches. First Session, Monday Afternoon 65—Oup STAFFORDSHIRE LustEeR PITCHER Pear-shaped body, with flat looped handle and curved spout. Decorated with a raised pattern of bunches of grapes and vine leaves colored in green and purple, and with a line of silver luster around the rim. Height, 4%/, inches. 66—OLpD STAFFORDSHIRE Luster PrrcHER Pear-shaped body. Decorated with oval panels surrounded by bands of silver luster and occupied with transfer prints, in purple, of a river scene with a bridge and church in the background and a man fishing in the foreground. Height, 51, inches. 67—OtLp STarrorpsHIRE Luster PircHER Pear-shaped body, flat scroll handle and curved spout. Decorated with transfer prints, in black and colored, of the Farmers’? Arms with the motto “Trust in God,” and on the other side with a panel surrounded by a border of agricultural implements and containing a verse of “Speed the Plow.” Around the neck and rim are bands of silver luster. Height, 5%, inches. “°§8—OxLp Sta; corpsHIRE Luster PitcHER Pear-shaped body, with looped handle and acanthus leaf spout. Deco- rated, on a buff-colored ground, with oval panels surrounded by lines of silver luster and occupied with transfer prints of a Country Mansion with a flock of sheep in the background. Around the rim are lines of silver luster. _ 69—Oxp Srarrorps. RE Luster Mitx PitcHER Decorated on a cream ground in red, with transfer of symbolic figures of Faith and Hop# surrounded by branches of pointed-leaf decoration in silver luster. ATound the rim are lines of silver luster. Height, 4%, inches. 70—Oup SrarrorpDsHIrRE ELSON PITCHER Pear-shaped body, looped handle and curved spout. Decorated, on a light buff ground, with transfer prints of a portrait of Lord Nelson sur- rounded by the inscription, “England expects every man to do his duty,” with a view of the ship 7%¢ Victory, and with the name of Lord Nelson and his titles. These are surrounded by naval trophies and by a floral and scroll pattern. Around the rim are naval and military trophies. First Session, Monday Afternoon Y1—TureE oLp STAFFORDSHIRE WELLINGTON PITCHERS Shaped bodies, with looped flat handles. Decorated, in colored relief, with bust portraits of General Hill and the Duke of Wellington, with military flags and bands of silver luster. Height, 6144 and 51, inches. 72—O.p STAFFORDSHIRE NELSON PITCHER Pear-shaped body with cylindrical neck, pointed spout and looped han- dle. Decorated, with raised busts of Admiral Nelson and Captain Berry — flanked by three masted ships painted in brown, yellow, blue and green. Around the rim is the inscription: “Admiral Nelson and Captain Berry.” Height, 61/, inches. NOTE: This rare pitcher is in exceptional condition. 738—O.p Lrrps Brrr Mue Straight sides with looped handle. Decorated with transfer printed subject of the Farmers’ Arms with motto, “God is our Trust.” Height, 6 inches. 74—Oxup STAFFORDSHIRE Luster PircHEeR Pear-shaped, with scroll handle and curved spout. Decorated, on a white ground, with a pattern of flowers, scrolls and leaves in purple luster with leaves in green and with a band around the neck of the quatrefoiled and dotted pattern in purple luster. Around the rim are broad bands of purple luster. Height, 534 inches. 75—Oup STarrorpDsHIRE Luster Prrcuer Shaped as a tree trunk with flat looped handle and decorated, in painted relief, with a Satyr’s mask. Around the rim and base areclmestoeeeiluee luster. Height, 534 inches. 46—OLpD SrarrorpsHiEe WeLLineron ALE Muc Straight sides and looped handle. Decorated, on a cream-colored ground, with a colored transfer print of a portrait of the Duke of Wel- lington, with figures of Peace and Britannia and military trophies as supporters. Above is the inscription “The Duke of Wellington.” Height, 534, inches. First Session, Monday Afternoon 77—OLp StrarrorpsHirE Luster PircHer Pear-shaped body, with fluted scroll looped handle. Decorated with bands of silver luster, with a portrait of a Parliamentary candidate and with a patriotic inscription. Height, 514 inches, 78—OLp STAFFORDSHIRE “DrAr anp Dump” Mue Cylindrical form with looped handle. Decorated in blue and white with pictorial representations of the deaf and dumb alphabet. Height, 2%/, inches. 79—Oxip LrEps Masonic PircHEr Baluster-shaped, with looped handle. Decorated, in carmine, with trans- fer printed subjects: on one side musical instruments, and on the other the Free Masons’ Arms, below which is a verse ending with **The Heart ~ of the Mason.” Height, 61 inches. 80—Onxp STAFFORDSHIRE PITCHER Pear-shaped, with looped handle. Decorated in colors with a printed subject of the Farmers’ Arms, an octagonal medallion containing a bas- ket of flowers and a scrolled panel containing a verse ending “‘Long life and success to the Farmer.”’ Height, 61. inches. 81—Oup StTarrorpsHIRE NApoLEoNic PITCHER Pear-shaped body, with looped handle. Decorated with transfer prints of Napoleonic caricatures: ‘The Stoppage of the Stride of the Globe” and “The Bone of Contention.” Height, 7 inches. (Illustrated) 82—O.p STAFFORDSHIRE NAPOLEONIC PITCHER Pear-shaped body. Fluted loop handle. Decorated, on a white ground, with bands of silver luster and with colored transfer prints of Napo- leonic caricatures: ‘Boney Tired of Wars,” and “Murat reviewing the Grand Army.” Height, 7% inches. (Illustrated) 18 ‘ON ; &S ‘ON c8 “ON I8 ON -- 68 “ON 68 “ON 98 “ON | First Session, Monday Afternoon 88—Oxrp SunpERLAND Pircuer Pear-shaped body and looped handle. Decorated with bands of purple and copper luster, with printed decorations in colors and with an oc- tagonal medallion containing a basket of flowers. Height, 71, imches. (Illustrated) 84—Oxp STAFFORDSHIRE Crus ALE Mua Straight sides, with looped handle; decorated with a transfer printed subject of members of a Club seated around a table listening to an address. | Height, 81, inches. 85—O.p Liverroot Netson Jue Printed, in transfer, in sepia. On one side a figure of “Britannia Mourn- ing Nelson” and in front a square-rigged ship with motto, “Success to the Wooden Walls of Old England.” Height, 1014 inches. (Illustrated) 86—OLp Liverroot “PEAcE anp PLENTY” PITCHER Cream ware. Decorated, in transfer, in sepia. On obverse side an in- scription, “Peace, Plenty and Independence” surrounded by sixteen stars with the names of the United States and surmounted by the American Eagle; on the reverse side, figures of Washington, Franklin and Jeffer- son with the inscription, “Union to the people of America.” Height, 11 inches. (Illustrated) 87—EIGHTEENTH CENTURY GLAZED AGATE-WARE Cat Seated cat admirably modeled. Decorated, with an irregular glazing, in brown, cream color and blue. Height, 5 inches. | (Illustrated) : 88—Sattr Graze TEapor Pear-shaped with curved spout, rounded looped handle, and domed cover, with a disk finial. Invested with a cream-colored salt glaze. (Re- paired.) Height, 31, inches. First Session, Monday Afternoon 89—Enocn Woop Pottery PiIrcHER : Vase-shaped, with cylindrical neck, the han- dle formed as upper portion of man’s fig- ure. The body decorated with four masks in relief surrounded by ears of wheat: the neck with festoons of grapes and vine leaves; the lower portion, with acanthus leaves in relief. Circular base with a border of acanthus leaves. Height, 12 inches. 90—EIcHTEENTH CENTURY STAFFORDSHIRE Tony Jue Seated figure of Toby Philpot, holding a pitcher of beer on his knee. Decorated in brown, blue, purple and green glazings. (Repaired. ) Height, 934 inches. 91—EicuTEentH Century RatpH Woop Tony Jue Seated figure of Toby Philpot, holding a pitcher of beer on his knee. Decorated in gray, yellow and green glazings. Height, 934 inches. 92—Oup Lowerstrorr Porcetain Tory Jue Soft paste. Seated figure of Toby Philpot with a pitcher of ale on his knees. Painted in blue and white, with a characteristic Lowestoft deco- ration. Height, 11 inches. 938—EicHTEENTH Century Sait Guazep Mue Cylindrical body, with looped handle. Decorated on a white ground with bands of reeded ornamen- tation with a design of fruits and flowers in scratch work colored in blue and with a raised oval medallion containing the initials G. R. surmounted by a crown. Height, 314 inches. a, &, eo is Beats No. 91 | ' | ! First Session, Monday Afternoon 94—EIcHTEENTH CENTURY SatT GuazEep Dousite TEapoy Rectangular form, with two cylindrical necks. Decorated with a raised diaper pattern of dots and eight-pointed stars. Invested with a white salt glaze. ; Height, 4 inches. 95—Two oxtp EneuisH Perper Boxes One baluster-shaped, the other vase-shaped, with domed and _ pierced tops, decorated with bands of underglaze blue. Heights, 5 and 4 ieches. 96—Two oup Ene ish Firower Baskets One, shaped as a circular basket, with straight sides decorated with raised acanthus leaves and a honeysuckle border with a bale handle and pierced cover, decorated with raised floral sprays. ‘The other, in Queen’s ware, formed as two conjoined baskets with single looped handle. One marked: wEDGWoop. 97—OxLp Wutetpon TorroisE-sHELL Mue 1760. Straight curved sides and annular base; looped handle. In- vested with a fine tortoise-shell glaze. Height, 4 inches, 98—OLtp Wuietpon AcaTrEe-ware Bown 1760. On an annular base and entirely decorated with an agate-ware design on a cream-colored ground. Height, 214 inches; diameter, 514, inches. 99—OLp WHiELpon AGATE-WARE SAUCE-BOAT 1760. Boat-shaped, with scalloped rim and looped flat handle. Stand- ing on three mask and paw feet and entirely decorated with an agate- ware design on a cream-colored ground. (Lip cracked.) Height, 31, inches; length, 7 inches. 100—OLp WuieLpon AGATE-waRE TEAPOT 1755. Globular body, with flat cover and ball finial, looped handle, curved spout and three shell and paw feet. Entirely decorated with an agate-ware design on a cream-colored ground. (Repaired.) Height, 4 inches. First Session, Monday Afternoon 101—Oxp Wuietpon Torroise-sHeLL TEAPOT | 1760. Globular body, with domed cover, rustic handle and curved spout, standing on three mask and paw feet. Decorated, in relief, with a pat- tern of grapes and vine leaves. Invested with a fine tortoise-shell glaze. Slight ired. (Slightly repaired. ) Height, 51, inches. 102—Ser or EicHTeen oxvp Liverroot Detrr TILes 1775. Square tiles, decorated in black with transfer prints of portraits of celebrated actors and actresses in character, taken from “Bell’s British Theatre’? and surrounded by ornamental borders of dramatic and musical trophies. Above each is printed the name of the performer and beneath the name of the character. In two black wood frames. * From the celebrated R. Soden-Smith Collection. Size of each tile, 4°, inches square. 103—Oxrp Astaury Warr Trapor 1750. Fine red terra-cotta. Baluster-shaped, with curved spout and looped handle and cover with rustic finial. Decorated in relief with floral sprays and dragon forms. Height, 5%, inches. 104—Parr or Astrpury Ware VAsEs 1750. Fine red terra-cotta. Pear-shaped, with cylindrical rims and domed covers, ending in lotus flower finials and decorated with scrolled peony plant and bamboo and prunus blossoms, and with bands of painted Chinese Mandarin ornamentation. Height, 8 inches. 105—TuHREE OLD SrarrorpsHIRE Cows (4) Black mottled cow with milker formed as milk jug. (Repaired. ) (B) Red mottled cow with milker formed as milk jug. (C) Purpled mottled cow on colored base. 5, 6 and 314 inches. 106—Pair or orp Srarrorpsuire STATUETTES (4A) Figure of a sportsman on oval base. (B) Figure of a monkey in eighteenth century costume seated and play- ing a musicial instrument, with an owl at his side. Both painted in poly- chrome. Height, 51, inches. First Session, Monday Afternoon 107—OLp SrarrorpsHirE CasTLe Formed as a square tower having battlements and standing upon a rocky base. Height, 51%, inches; length, 7 inches. 108—Oxup Enocn Woop Sratrverre _ Figure of old man, in eighteenth century costume, resting upon a crutch and walking-stick. On shaped rustic base. Height, 7 inches. 109—Ox.p Enocu Woop Srtarverre Figure of old woman in eighteenth century costume, of looped mantle and black hat, with basket on arm and walking stick. On square base. | Height, 8 inches. 110—Two otp Enocu Woop SrarvEttes Figures of old man, resting upon stick, and old woman bearing a basket. Both in eighteenth century costume. On square bases. Both lettered: “Age.” Height, 7°, “inches. (Illustrated) I1l—Oitp RatpH Woop StaTvuEtre Watteau subject of a young man, in eighteenth century costume of blue waistcoat, black coat and yellow breeches. On rustic base and square blue painted pedestal. Height, 11 inches. 112—O.p STaFFORDSHIRE STATUETTE Subject of the “Agony in the Garden.” Figure of Christ kneeling. On square base, and four claw feet with inscription: “Let this cup pass from me.”’ SD. ches: 1183—Oup Woop anp CaLpweELL Luster STATUETTE Figure of Britannia seated with lon beside her, and her hand resting upon a shield. On shaped rustic base. Decorated in silver luster and colors. Impressed mark: ‘“‘Wood & Caldwell, Burslem.” Height, 101%, inches. First Session, Monday Afternoon 114—Enocu Woop Puover’s Eee SERVER Shaped in the form of a Plover sitting upon her nest. The removable body forms the lid. Painted in natural colors. Height, 43/4, inches; length, 7 inches. 115—Oxip Enocu Woop Ficure Figure formed as that of a sleeping baby in basket-work cradle on rockers. The cradle in yellow, with blue lining. Child in red robe dotted with floral sprays. Face, arms and feet in natural coloring. Height, 5 inches; length, 9¥% inches. 116—Oxnp STAFFORDSHIRE STATUETTE Figure of Elijah seated upon a rock and being fed by a raven. On square base. Height, 10 inches. 117—Oxup Ratex Woop “Vicar anp Mosers” Group | Figure of Vicar being supported home in a convivial condition by the Parish Clerk, who carries a lantern. On oblong and molded pedestal- shaped base, with an oval medallion inscribed: **The Vicar and Moses.” Height, 114% inches. (Illustrated) 118—Oxtp Rate Woop StatvettrEe Full-length figure of Franklin. On molded pedestal, inscribed “Dr. Franklin.” Franklin is represented in a square coat of blue with buff breeches patterned with floral sprays, and with a white mantle lined with purple velvet thrown over his shoulders. He holds an open book in his left hand. Height, 131% inches. (Illustrated) 119—Ox.p Ratru Woop Sratrvettre Full length figure of Franklin. On molded pedestal inscribed “Dr. Franklin” and holding an open book in his hand. Height, 14 inches. SIT “ON OIL “ON First Session, Monday Afternoon 120—Oxp Ratepn Woop STATUETTE Full-length figure of Shylock in violet-colored tunic, blue trousers and voluminous red cloak, holding in one hand his bond. On black molded pedestal with marbled base. . Height, 131, inches. (Illustrated) 121—Oxp SrarrorpsHIRE Luster VASE | Cantharus-shaped, with two looped upstanding handles. Entirely in- vested, on a chocolate-colored ground, with silver luster. On square ebonized wood base. Height, 13% inches. AN EXTRAORDINARY GATHERING OF EARLY WEDGWOOD, JASPER, BASALTES AND CRYSTALLINE WARES ) Including Vases, Tea-equipages, Plaques, Busts and one of the “First Fifty”? Portland Vases The colored jasper vases and other wares of Josiah Wedgwood have for long years found place among the discriminating collector’s most prized acquisitions. Only in recent years, however, has equal attention been bestowed upon the crystalline and pebble wares which he and his partner Bentley carried to so unrivaled a pitch of perfection. To-day the finer specimens of these wares, are sought after with such eagerness that they come upon the market but seldom. . : 122—Pair or oLp Wepewoop & Bent iey Basattres Porrrarr MEDALLIONS Oval-shaped. Relief portraits of David Garrick and Sir Isaac Newton. Mark: Wedgwood & Bentley. 43/, inches. 123—-Oxp Basattres Trapor 1785. Shaped body, with looped handles and swan finial on lid. Deco- rated with figures of singing and dancing nymphs and bands of acan- thus-leaf decoration. Height, 7 inches. 124—-OLp Wepewoop Basaurrs VAsE Pear-shaped body, with curved rim. Decorated, in relief, with handles formed as Satyrs’ heads and with festoons of grapes and vine leaves. Mark: Wedgwood. Height, 8 inches. First Session, Monday Afternoon 125—Oxtp Wepewoop AcatTE CaNnpDLESTICK Shaped as an Ionic column on a square base. Decorated with agate- ware marbling painted in colors. Capital and base in cream color show- ing traces of oil gilding. Height, 10 inches. 126—Oxp Neate Vase 1780. Urn-shaped body of blue granite-ware, decorated with cream- ware bands of raised laurel and acanthus leaf pattern. The handles formed as winged female heads. On square basaltes base. Height, 51%, inches. 127—Oup Wepewoop & BENTLEY CRYSTALLINE VASE witH HANDLES 1780. Pear-shaped, with cylindrical neck. Body of marbled decoration, with upstanding handles in cream-ware. On square white jasper base. Mark: Wedgwood & Bentley. Height, 9 inches. 128—O.p PatmMER CrysTALLINE VASE 1775. Blue pebble and cream-ware. Pear-shaped body, and cylindrical neck. With acanthus-leaf bands, festoons of husk pattern projecting handles formed as rams’ heads and oval medallion with the head of Min- erva. On square base. Mark: “*H. Palmer, Hanley.” Height, 8%, inches. 129—Oup Patmer PEBBLE-WARE VASE Urn-shaped, with reversible cover formed as a candle socket. Decorated with bands of acanthus leaf and Greek wave ornamentation. Project- ing handles, formed as grotesque masks, and festoons of husk pattern. On square basaltes base. Height, 91, inches. 1380—Pair or orp Wepcewoop & BENTLEY CrysTALLINE VaAsEs witTH CovERS 1775. Urn-shaped, with loaped mask handles, and covers with ball fin- ials. Decorated with brown, yellow and green marblings. On square basaltes bases. Mark: wepGwoop & BENTLEY—on circular bat. Height, 9 inches. First Session, Monday Afternoon 131—Parr or oLtp Wepewoop QuEEN’s Ware PastTILLE BURNERS 1805. Tripod shape, with pierced covers, having a honeysuckle decora- tion. Bodies decorated with festoons of foliage and supported by three dolphins. On triangular bases. Decorated in green, black and gold. Mark: Josiah Wegdwood, Feb. 2nd, 1805. Height, 5 inches. NOTE: This mark appears only upon a very few pieces of this precise character. It is sup- posed to refer to the renewal of the partnership between Josiah Wedgwood, Jr., and his brother, John. 182—Setr or THREE otp RaupH Woop OBE tIsks 1785. Obelisks of colored granite-ware’ design standing upon square pedestals glazed in blue and white and decorated with acanthus-leaf moldings and oval medallions containing subjects of Hercules and Classi- cal figures. Heights, 15 and 10 inches, 133 Oxtp Patmer PEBBLE-WARE VASE 1780. Urn-shaped. Pebble-ware body, with cream-colored neck and upstanding handles. Decorated with pendant laurel-leaf garlands, oval medallion with Minerva head and circular rosette. Square basaltes base. Mark: H. Palmer, Hanley. Height, 934 inches. LET “ON 96T “ON LET “ON First Session, Monday Afternoon 1384—Oxp Parmer PEBBLE-wWARE VASE 1775. Urn-shaped with pebble-ware body, cream-colored neck and up- standing handles. Decorated with laurel leaf garlands and an oval me- dallion of Hercules. Square basaltes base. Height, 10 inches. 135—Pair or orp Wepewoop & BENTLEY CRYSTALLINE VASES | 1770. Pear-shaped, with green marbled bodies and cream-ware handles formed as Satyrs’ head with curved horns, on square basaltes base. Mark: wEepGwoop & BENTLEY—on circular bat. Height, 101, inches. 1386—Oxip Wepewoop & BenTLEY CrysTALLINE VASE 1775. Urn-shaped, with handles formed as Satyr-heads with horns, small domed cover, with ball finial and square base. Body of vase of pebble-ware, with relief medallion of “Cupid shaping his Bow.” The handles and medallion are in cream-ware showing traces of oil gilding. Mark: wrepGwoop & -BENTLEY—on circular bat. Height, 121%, inches. (Illustrated) 187—Parr or oLtp Wepewoop & Benriey CrysTALLINE VaAsks- 1770. Urn-shaped bodies with raised garlands of laurel leaves, handles formed as Satyr-heads with curved horns, reversible domed covers form- ing candle nozzles and square bases. ‘The bodies are in serpentine, the handles and relief decorations in cream-ware and the bases in basaltes. Mark: wepewoop & BENTLEY—on circular bat. (Illustrated) 138—Oup Patmer PrEBBiEe-warE Vase WITH COVER 1780. Urn-shaped. Cover with laurel-leaf ornamentation and with acorn-shaped finial. Voluted handles. Decorated with hanging gar- lands in relief and with oval medallions of Apollo and Marsyas. On square black basaltes base. Raised-work body of vase of granite-ware decoration, with raised portion in cream color showing traces of oil gilding. Mark: + almer tanley. Height, 1014 inches. First Session, Monday Afternoon 1389—Pair or orp WeEpewoop & Bentiey CrystTaLuine Ewers 1775. Pear-shaped bodies, with shaped rims, upstanding handles formed as serpents and necks decorated with masks in relief. On square granite- ware bases, with bands of strapwork ornamentation. The bodies are decorated with green granite pebbling, the masks are oil-gilded. Mark: Wedgwood & Bentley. Height, 211, inches. 140—Oxtp Wepewoop Cream-ware Bue Por 1785. Urn-shaped fluted body, with bands of checkered pattern deco- rated and modeled with festoons of drapery. Pierced and fluted cover, with domed top and ball finial. Decorated in slate blue and cream- colored ground. Mark: weEpGwoop. Height, 181%, inches. First Session, Monday Afternoon 141—Pair oF otp Werpcewoop & BENTLEY CRYSTALLINE VASES 1770. Pear-shaped bodies, with looped handles terminating in masks. Cylindrical necks, covers with ball finials, and square basaltes bases. The pebble-ware bodies are decorated in relief with figures of Apollo, Venus and Cupid in cream-ware, which, with the cream-ware handles, show traces of oil gilding. Mark: wEpcwoop & BENTLEY—on circular bat. Height, 15 inches. 142—O.tp Wepewoop Dessert SERVICE 1785. Pearl-ware, shaped as Nautilus and other shells and decorated with a mottled decoration of purple and vari-colored lusters. Service consists of eleven plates, one high compotier, two low compotiers, sauce bowl and three platters. 18 pieces. First Session, Monday Afternoon 1483—Oxp Wepewoop & Benriey CrysTaLiine VaAsE 1775. Urn-shaped body. Granite-ware, with upright scrolled handles. Band of laurel-leaf ornamentation, hanging festoons of drapery, domed cover with ball finial and oval medallion containing subject of “A Sacri- fice’; all in cream-color showing traces of oil-gilding. Mark: wene- WOOD & BENTLEY—on circular bat. ; Height, 23 inches. 144—Oip Wepewoop & Benriey CrysTaLtiine VasE witH HANDLES AND CovER 1775. Urn-shaped. Granite-ware body, with upright scrolled handles, band of laurel-leaf decoration, hanging festoons of drapery and oval medallion containing subject of “Diomedes and the Pallium,” all in cream-color showing traces of oil gilding. On square base. Mark: WEDGWOOD & BENTLEY—on circular bat. Height, 28 inches. First Session, Monday Afternoon 145—Oxup Saton Vase, witH Cover Dark blue and white jasper urn-shaped body with scrolled handles en- twined with serpents, pierced cover with disk-shaped finial, fluted stem and square base. Decorated in relief with subjects of Mars drawn by a ram, Venus drawn by a bull and attended by Cupids, Amphitrite drawn by dolphins, and Juno drawn by an eagle with festoons of grapes and vine leaves and acanthus-leaf floral ornamentation. The curved neck is decorated with arabesques and winged lions, the foot with a band of grape and vine-leaf ornamentation and the square base with cornucopie filled with flowers, floral festoons and rosettes. 3 Height, 27 inches. NOTE: This vase, in view of its immense size and the character of its decoration, was evi- dently made to order for some noble patron of the potter who, in all probability, was Daniel Steel of Burslem. (Illustrated) 146—Pair oF oLp Werpewoop BasaLtres VASES AND PEDESTALS 1790. Oviform shaped bodies with upstanding loop handles, flat covers with pierced baluster finials and circular feet. Decorated with figures of the six Muses modeled by Flaxman, with bands of waved and honey- suckle patterning and with an acanthus leaf ornamentation. ‘The lid with a band of honeysuckle pattern and radiating acanthus leaves. On contemporary tapering composition pedestals with figures of danc- ing Nymphs in high relief, and circular molded bases. Height, 21 inches. 147—Oup Wepewoop GARNITURE 1787. Red and black terra-cotta. Oval shape, with curved necks and projecting handles on square bases. Decorated, as to the bodies, in black and red with figures of the Muses, bands of honeysuckle, egg and dart, twisted ribbon and Greek fret ornamentation, festoons of grapes and vine leaves, and military and musical trophies. Mark: wepewoop. — From the Tangye Collection, with Mr. Tangye’s seal. 3 pieces. Height of center vase, 14 inches; two side vases, 10 inches. 145 No. First Session, Monday Afternoon 148—O1p Wepewoop Basattres Lamp 1790. Fluted bowl with band of scrolled ornament on tripod support of three winged Grecian female sphinxes, fluted domed cover terminating in lotus-leaf finial supported by three “Seated Widow” figures. Around the flat rim of the bowl are three wick nozzles with sconces formed as shells. On molded triangular base. Slight repair. Mark: wepewoop. Height, 11 inches. 149—Oxp Wepewoop Basatres Lamp 1795. Exactly similar to the foregoing except that the tripod support is formed as three-winged Chimere. Height, 10 inches. 150—Tur Wepewoop PortLanp VAsE | 1789-1798. Blue-black and white jasper. Reproduction of the famous Portland or Barberini vase. One of the so-called “First Fifty.” The white reliefs carefully worked over and remodeled as to some details be- fore firing. Height, 10 inches. Inseparably connected with the name of Josiah Wedgwood are his reproductions, in his celebrated jasper-body, of the Portland or Barberini Vase. The original vase is of very dark blue glass, originally entirely covered with a layer of opaque white glass, which was cut away by the artist to produce the design in a cameo effect. ‘That Wedgwood should have succeeded in so closely translating the light and color effects of this glass cameo into so foreign a language as his jasper- body is proof not only of the efficient aid rendered to him by his modelers, but also of his own supreme skill as a potter. That every collector of Wedgwood should burn with desire to possess, not only a Portland Vase, but one of the far-famed “First Fifty,’ is therefore but natural. Modern, and comparatively modern, copies have become familiar by constant repe- tition, but it is only rarely that the collector is privileged even to see an eighteenth century example. The fact is, that during Wedgwood’s own lifetime no more than twenty copies were actually produced, the remaining thirty coming into existence when Josiah, Jr., controlled the Wedgwood destinies. However, during the five years that elasped between the master’s death and the end of the century, the, standard of workmanship was in no degree lowered, and any vase therefore that was made before the year 1800 may be confidently acclaimed as one of the “First Fifty.” P It hardly needs either the eye or the sense of touch of an expert to distinguish be- tween one of these and the later productions. There is a satin-like—rather than a velvety—surface, a subtle refinement in the modeling of the raised surface, which only those craftsmen who had worked for long years under “Old Josiah’s” own supervision were able to accomplish. : it is by this internal evidence that the present example declares itself as one of the “First Fifty.” Its pedigree, though short, is convincing, for it came to its present owner, at first hand, from a descendant of an English country gentleman who purchased it in the closing years of the eighteenth century. It has been submitted to recognized authorities on “Old Wedgwood” both here and in London, and the verdict has in every case been passed without a moment’s hesitation: “This is, without question, one of the original first fifty copies.” (Illustrated) No. 150 First Session, Monday Afternoon 151—Oxip Wepewoop & Bentitey VASE 1775. Tri-colored jasper. Urn-shaped, with tall domed cover terminat- ing in ball finial. Decorated, on a pale-green ground, with panels formed by acanthus leaf and honeysuckle borders and occupied by subjects of “Nymphs Sacrificing,” by bands of laurel and acanthus-leaf ornamenta- tion, and by a checkered pattern of green, white and yellow.’ Mark: WEDGWOOD & BENTLEY—on a circular bat. Height, 131, inches. 152—Pair or orp Wepewoop Basaurres Por-pourrt VAsEs 1800. Cantharus shaped with outstanding looped handles, domed pierced covers with pointed finials and circular bases. Decorated in colored enamels with sprays of peonies and chrysanthemums treated in an Oriental manner, and with lines of red around the rims. Height, 181, inches. first Session, Monday Afternoon 153—Pair or o1p Wepewoop Serpent Vases 1785. Urn-shaped, with cylindrical neck and handles, entwined with serpents. Decorated with subjects of “An Offering to Peace,” and the “Elder Sister,” modeled by Lady Templetown. Square base with honey- suckle ornamentation. Mark: wEepewoop. Height, 14 inches. 154—Pair or otp Neate & Co. Vases wirH Covers 1800. Dark blue and white jasper. Conical-shaped bodies, with scrolled acanthus-leaf upright handles and domed covers ending in ball finials. On square base. Decorated in relief with subjects of ‘*Phoebus Driving | the Chariot of the Sun,” with bands of Greek fret pattern, interlaced | circles, rosettes, acanthus leaves and husk pattern ornamentation. : Height, 131%, inches. 155—Oxtp Wepewoop VasE 1790. Amphora-shape, on square base. Blue and white jasper, deco- rated with subject of a “Bachanalian Triumph” modeled by Flaxman and with bands of acanthus scroll, laurel and honeysuckle decoration. Mark: wrEpGwoop. Height, 14% inches. First Session, Monday Afternoon 156—Pair oF oLp Wepewoop VASES 1785. Blue and white jasper. Pear-shaped, with Satyr-head handles. Decorated with the figures of the Nine Muses modeled by Flaxman, and with acanthus-leaf and honeysuckle ornamentation. On square base. Mark: wEepewoon. | Height, 11 inches. 157—Oxp Wepewoop TETE-A-TETE TEA-SET 1790. Blue and white jasper. Consisting of teapot, cream ewer, sugar bowl, two cups and saucers and tray, decorated in panels formed by an acanthus-leaf ornamentation and with subjects of “A Sacrifice,” ‘Cupid with a Mask,” etc. Tray decorated with a border and center of lotus, honeysuckle and laurel-leaf ornamentation, Mark: wEepewoon. 8 pieces. 158—Oxp Apams BuivuE anp Wuire Sitver Mounrep PircHer - 1790. Pear-shaped body, decorated in white jasper with finials formed of Corinthian columns and arches, and occupied by figures of Abundantia, Ceres and Flora and Nymphs sacrificing, and with bands of acanthus- leaf and ivy-leaf decoration. Looped flat handle; silver rim with Birmingham hall mark. Sheffield-plated hinged lid. Mark: Adams. Height, 10% inches. First Session, Monday Afternoon 159—Oxp Wepewoop TrEaprot, Correre-pot AND Sucar Basin 1785. Black and white jasper. Straight-sided teapot and sugar basin, and pear-shaped coifee-pot. | Covers ending in acorn-shaped finials. Decorated with oval medallions containing subjects of “Jupiter and Saturn as Time,” floral and scroll ornamentations and with bands of - laurel-leaf and scroll decoration. ‘The lids are ornamented in a pat- tern of oak leaves and acorns. Mark: wepewoop. Heights, respectively, 8°4, 51% and 51%, inches. 160—Oxp Wepewoop Basatres Spuinx 1800. Couchant figure of Grecian Sphinx. On rectangular molded base. Height, 9 inches; length, 1214, inches. : ; 161—Pair oF orp Wepewoop Basatres CaNnDLESTICKS 1780. Subject of Tritans bearing cornucopie. On contemporary white marble bases. Height, 12 inches. 162—O.tp Wepewoop & BENTLEY Basautres VASE 1775. Urn-shaped, with projecting handles formed as female heads, fluted neck. Decorated with festoons of husk pattern and with a circular medallion of “A Sacrifice.” Mark Wedgwood & Bentley—in circle. Height, 10 inches. First Session, Monday Afternoon XY XK Z ft Taina 163—Oup Apams VASE 1790. Pear-shaped, with curved neck, beaded rim and projecting han- dles. On square base. Decorated with subject of “The Meeting of Priam and Achilles,” and with acanthus, honeysuckle and lotus leaf orna- mentation. Height, 11% inches. 164—Parr or otp Werpewoop VaAsEs 1787. Blue and white jasper. Pear-shaped, with curved necks and handles formed as Satyrs’ heads with curving horns. Decorated with subjects of an “Offering to Peace” and “Charlotte at the Tomb of Werther,” modeled by Lady Templetown, and with bands of acanthus and honeysuckle and pointed lotus leaves. Square bases. Mark: wepe- Woop. . Height, 10% inches. . aes ge : { First Session, Monday Afternoon 165—Outp Wepewoop Basautres Bust 1785. Head of Zingares. On shaped pedestal decorated with band of Greek fret pattern. Height, 15 inches. 166—O.tp Wepewoop Basautes Bust 1780. Bust portrait of Matthew Locke. On circular base. Mark: | WEDGW OOD. Height, 12 inches. 167—Pair or. oLp Ripceway Vases anp Covers 1815. Red terra-cotta, painted in blue and white. Urn-shaped. Domed covers, terminating in acorn finials. Decorated in white relief with rams’ heads and festoons of drapery with figure subjects of the Wedgwood school, and with painted leaves, rosettes and band of guilloche orna- mentation. Height, 1034, inches. First Session, Monday Afternoon 168—O.ip Wepewoop BasaLtTes STATUETTE 1775. Standing figure of Voltaire holding a book in his right hand. On shaped base. Mark: wWEDGWOOD. Height, 12 inches. 169—Pair or oLp Wepewoop Basattes VASES 1790. Pear-shaped, with shallow fluted necks. Domed covers with ball finials and handles formed as masks and serpents. On square bases. Decorated in relief with subjects of “Venus and Cupid” and “Cupid and Nymph.” Height, 14 inches, 170—Oxtp Wepewoop PEDESTAL 1815. Dark blue and white jasper. Drum- shaped pedestal on circular base, decorated with festoons of grapes and vine leaves and 7 leopards’ heads and with bands of honey- No. 168 suckle and laurel-leaf ornamentation. Mark: WEDGWOOD. Height, 9% inches. 171—Pair oF oLtp WeEpcwoop STATUETTES 1800. White jasper, invested with a slight smear glaze. Reclining figures of nymphs representing Summer and Autumn: Summer with flow- ers and quiver, and Autumn with grapes and overturned Grecian vase. On oval bases. Mark: wepewoop. Length, 10 inches; height, 10 inches. 172—Oxp Wepewoop VaseE 1785. Dark blue and white jasper. Trumpet-shaped, on circular base. Decorated with panels formed by acanthus and honeysuckle borders and occupied by figures of “Victory,” “Abundantia,” “Nymphs Sacrificing,”: etc., and with bands of grapes and ivy-leaf, ribbon, acanthus and laurel decoration. Mark: wepewoop. Height, 81, inches. First Session, Monday Afternoon 173—Pair oF oLD WeEpGwoop JARDINIERES 1790. Blue and white jasper. Rectangular-shaped, on bracketed feet. Arched and recessed sides framed with palm-trees and occupied by figures of Cupids. Mark: wEepewoop. 174—A Coxzection or Tasste Examen “Gems” A series of 169 examples of reproductions by James Tassie of antique gems. Divided into two portions, one of ninety-three examples of the “Il- lustrious Greeks” series, the other of seventy-six examples of the “Roman Emperors” series. ‘These reproductions, in Tassie’s famous ‘“‘paste,” of antique gems are contained in the original boxes covered with marbled paper, in which they were sent out by Tassie, the lids having a pen-and- ink chart giving the name of each subject. The “gems” are bordered with rings of cardboard and with what Tassie’s catalogue terms “neat gilt borders.” So far as is known this is the only collection of these sought-after reproductions from the antique which has been preserved exactly as it came from James Tassie’s hands. 175—Oxp Turner STone-warE Beer PiTrcHEerR Pear-shaped body, with cylindrical neck, straight loop handle and fluted lower portion. The body decorated with figures of an Archery Contest. The neck and upper part of handle are glazed in brown. Sheffield plated rim. Mark: rurner. (Cracked.) Height, 91% inches. First Session, Monday Afternoon 176—O.Lp Apams STonNE-warE BEER JuG | : Pear-shaped body, with looped acanthus-leaf handle and fluted lower portion. The body decorated with a subject of greyhounds coursing a hare with sportsmen looking on. The neck and the upper portion of handles are glazed brown. Mounted with a silver rim with Exeter Hall Mark and two Kings’ Heads, but no date letter. Mark: apams. Height, 10% inches. | 177—Parr oF oLp Werpewoop Luster CANDLESTICKS 1785. Vase-shaped cut glass candle sockets hung with cut glass drops, stands of blue and white jasper drums containing oval panels of figure subjects of a “Sacrifice” ‘‘Baptism of Achilles,” etc. Mounts of beaded and burnished ormolu. Height, 11 inches. 178—Oup Apam Luster CANDELABRUM 1780. Center tapering standard of cut glass with canopy top hung with drops and surmounted by a cut glass star and three branching arms of cut glass terminating in cut glass candle sockets hung with cut glass drops. Very finely chased ormolu mountings with blue and white jasper Adam drum, decorated with a subject of the “Baptism of Achilles” and with bands of interlaced ring ornamentation. Height, 2714 inches. 179—Parr oF otp Neate & Co. CANDELABRA 1785. Vase-shaped sticks of cut glass with shaped sconces hung with cut glass drops and cut glass candle sockets. Tapering bases of blue and white jasper (by Neale & Co.), decorated with oval panels of classical figure subjects surrounded by festoons of drapery. Polished ormolu mounts of molded cornices and bases and ball feet. Height, 1314, inches. 180—Patr oF oLp STEEL CANDLESTICKS 1798. Bell shaped blue and white Jasper bases with acanthus leaf oval medallions, grape and vine leaf and floral scroll decorations. One base. is decorated with figures of Ceres drawn in a chariot by oxen, and of Amphitrite drawn by dolphins. Mounted with candle-sockets of elab- orately chased and fluted ormolu. Height, 15 inches. First Session, Monday Afternoon 181—Oup Turner Lievueur Fountain White stone ware. Formed as a barrel, with staves indicated by incised lines and with four reeded hoops. Decorated in relief with figures of “Abundantia” “Aurora” and “Amphitrite” in the Wedgwood manner, of Mrs. Siddons, and with bands of grape and vine leaf ornamentation. Fitted with brass tap and earthenware spigot. On turned wooden stand. Height, 91%, inches. 182—Oup Turner Liqueur Founratn Of cream colored stone ware. Formed as a barrel, the staves indicated by incised lines and four reeded hoops. Fitted with brass cock and earthenware spigot. On circular turned wood stand. Height, 1014, inches. 1883—Onp Wepcwoop /DovuBLeE Crocus Por 1795. Blue and white jasper. Formed as rectangular tapering pedestal on an arched base with two cup-shaped receptacles for bulbs. Decorated with an oval medallion occupied by subject of “Cupid Sacrificing” and with musical trophies and laurel wreaths. Mark: wepewooo. Height, 7 inches. 184—Pair or Tassie Enamet MeEpALuiions 1780. Irregular oval shape, modeled in very high relief. One with Julius Cesar seated with a Victory at his side, the other with protrait heads of the Emperor Constantine and the Empress Helena. NOTE: These enamels were probably made to order by James Tassie from the original Roman marble reliefs. In original. boxes, 6x5 inches. From the Lumsden Propert Collection. 185—O1ip Wepewoop VasE with Cover anp HanpLes 1795. Pear-shaped, with cylindrical neck. Handles formed as leopard’s masks with plaited locks of hair. Domed cover with ball finial and square base. Decorated with subjects of “Nymphs Sacrificing” and “Cupid,” and with lotus-leaf and honeysuckle ornamentation. Mark: WEDGWOOD. Height, 11 inches. 186—Cxrip Wepewoop Burp Por 1780. Blue and white jasper. Vase-shaped, with pierced cover. Deco- rated with acanthus-leaf and lily pattern. Mark: wEepewoon. Height, 61% inches. First Session, Monday A fternoon 187—O.tp Wepewoop Bown 1800. Blue and white jasper. Decorated with figures of the “Dancing Hours” and with laurel leaf and acanthus and ornamentation. Mark: WEDGWOOD. From the George Wills Collection. : Height, 41, inches. 188—Oxnp Wepcwoop T&Tr-A-TETE TEA AND COFFEE SERVICE 1785. Light green and white jasper. Straight-sided teapot, baluster- shaped coffee-pot and cream ewer, with reeded and acanthus-leaf spouts and looped handles, coupe-shaped cup without handle. The lower por- tions in each case are decorated with shallow flutings of alternate white and green and with acanthus-leaf borderings in white. ‘The bodies are decorated with subjects of ‘The Bourbonnais Shepherd,” ‘Maria and Her Dog,” “Charlotte at the Tomb of Werther” and “The Elder Sister,” modeled by Lady. Templetown. The set consists of teapot, coffee-pot, cream ewer, cup and saucer. Mark: wEepewoon. From the Tangye Collection. 5 pieces. 189—O.p Apams VasE wirh Hanpies 1785. Pear-shaped, with voluted handles; on square base. Decorated with acanthus, laurel-leaf, honeysuckle and lotus-leaf ornamentation. Height, 8%, inches. First Session, Monday Afternoon bd = % oJ id J 3 2 ¢ 3 ® H 3 s { 190—Pair oF oLp WeEpcGwoop TasnLE ORNAMENTS - 1790. Bamboo ware, with decorations in white relief. Formed as or- namental sponge-cakes and intended as table ornaments. Decorated in white on a bamboo-colored ground with bands:of vine-leaf and inter- laced ornamentation and musical trophies. Mark: wepewoop. NOTE: These dishes, representing baked cakes, were made by Wedgwood in times of scarcity to avoid the necessity of using flour, In July, 1800, the consumption of flour for display was prohibited in the Royal Household. 191—Wrepewoop T&TE-A-TETE TEA SERVICE 1845. Blue and white jasper, with bands of acanthus scrolls, oval medal- lion with figure subjects and bands of acanthus leaf and laurel-leaf ornamentation. Service consists of teapot, cream ewer, sugar bowl, waste bowl, two cups and saucers and oval tray. Mark: wepewoon. 10 pieces. 192—OLtp Wepewoop TEArpoy AND CovER 1800. Tri-colored jasper. Cylindrical form, with fluted domed cover, decorated on a white ground with subject of “Cupids Playing,” in green and with rosettes of lilac. Mark: wrpewoop. Height, 51 inches. First Session, Monday Afternoon 1983—Oxip Apams Cream Ewer Aanp COVER 1785. Black and white jasper. Baluster-shaped, with looped handle. and cover ending in ball finial. Decorated in white on black with figures of Cupids playing and singing, and with bands of acanthus and lotus leaf and interlaced ornamentation. Height, 51%, inches. 194—_OLtp WepGwoop T&Tre-A-TETE TEA-TRAY 2 1787. Lilac and white jasper, decorated with ribbon and ivy leaf. The center is decorated with a lotus-leaf medallion. Mark: wepeawoop. Trays of this color are very uncommon. . 12%, by 934 inches. 195—Oxip Wepewoop & Bentitey BamBoo Ware TEA-sERVICE 1787. Bamboo ware, with fluted saucers, cups and covers, the finials shaped as branches of bamboo. Decorated with reliefs of “Playing Cupids,”’ modeled by Flaxman, and with bands of Greek honeysuckle painted in red enamel. Service consists of teapot, cream ewer, sugar basin, butter bowl, waste bowl, tray, five cups and five saucers. (Slight repair to cream ewer. ) 16 pieces. 196—OxLp Wepewoor Bamsoo Ware Tra-sERVICE 1800. Octagonal-shaped teapot and sugar basin. Straight-sided cups and bowls. Decorated on a bamboo-colored ground with bands of raised grape and vine leaf decoration in chocolate color. Service consists of teapot and stand, sucrier, three large cups, five small cups, four large saucers, four plates, and three cake plates. (Some pieces faulty.) Mark: wepewoon. 22 pieces. . 197—O.p Wepewoop Correr-por , 1800. Pear-shaped, with domed cover, curved spout and looped flat handle. Of red terra-cotta, decorated with sprays of peony, chrysan- . themum and plumas blossoms, painted in colored enamels in the Ori- ental manner. Mark: wEpewoobp. Height, 7 inches. First Session, Monday Afternoon 198—Oxip Wepewoop Trea anv Correr-port AND STAND 1790. Fine red terra-cotta. Squat-shaped, with rustic handle and spout, and high cylindrical neck containing strainers for making coffee. Lid with rustic finial. Cylindrical stand, with pierced sides and opening for receptacle of spirit burner. Decorated in relief with design of bamboo stems and prunus blossoms. Height, 10 inches. 200—Orip Wepewoop Tére-A-rerTe CHocoLatTE SET 1795. Tri-colored jasper. Decorated, on a dark blue ground, with a chequered pattern of blue and white containing blue and gold rosettes, and with upright bands of laurel and berry pattern. Set consists of chocolate pot, cream ewer, sugar bowl, cup and saucer and circular tray. Mark: wepGwoop, 6 pieces. 201—Oxip Wepewoop JARDINIERE 1787. Olive green and white jasper. Rectangular-shaped, on bracketed feet and with shaped rim, and decorated with palm trees and figures of cupids in high relief. Mark: wepewoopn. 202—Pair OF OLD STEEL VASES 1812. Blue and white jasper. Pear-shaped, with looped handles. Deco- rated with subjects of “Cupid breaking his Bow,” and “Cupid as an Archer.” Height, 7 inches. 203—Pair or orp Wepewoop & BentTLey CANDLESTICKS 1775. Blue and white jasper. Formed as figures of Hebe and Ceres bearing cornucopiw. On columnar pedestals and square bases. Mark: WEDGWOOD & BENTLEY. Height, 10% inches. 204—Otp Wepewoop Prague 1785. Blue and white jasper. Figure in high relief of ‘Venus instruct- ing Cupid.” Slight repair. Mark: wepewoop. Height, 121, inches. First Session, Monday Afternoon 217—Oxtp Wepewoop & BEntrLEY PLaevue 1775. Oval shape. Blue and white jasper. Subject: “The Marriage of Cupid and Psyche.” Mark: wepewoop & BENTLEY. 81, by 1134 inches. NOTE: This plaque, adapted by Flaxman from an antique gem in the Duke of Marlborough’s Collection, was one of Wedgwood’s most successful subjects. It is rarely met with of such a size or in such admirable condition as this. 218—O.tp Wepewoop PLAaaQuE 1790. Oval shape. Blue and white jasper, decorated with subject of a Nymph Sacrificing. Mark: wEepewoop. Il by 85% inches. 219—Parr or oLD Wepewoop Drums 1795. Blue and white jasper. Decorated with panels formed by an acanthus and honeysuckle ornamentation and occupied by figure of “Moses and Peace,” “Lover Sacrificing to Cupid,” “Bona Fortuna,” etc., and with bands of laurel leaf ornamentation. Mark: wepewoop. on Height, 41%, “inches. First Session, Monday Afternoon 220—T'wo orp Wepewoop FLower-pors 1790. Blue and white jasper. Bowl-shaped. Decorated with acanthus and lotus leaf ornamentation. From the Tangye Collection. Height, 4 inches; diameter, 6%, inches. _221—Patr or oLp Wepewoop PEDESTALS 1786. MRectangular-shaped, with molded cornices and bases. Deco- rated with panels of Sacrifices to Flora and Msculapius, and with bands of honeysuckle, and acanthus-leaf decoration. Mark: wepewoon. Height, 5%, inches. 222—-Turee EIGHTEENTH CENTURY STAFFORDSHIRE VASES Cream-colored glaze. (A) Urn-shaped, on circular base; curved cylindrical pierced cover, Decorated with bands of reeding painted in blue. (B) Urn-shaped, on circular base, with bands of reeded decoration painted in light green, and spaces between showing traces of oil gilding. (C) Wedgwood urn-shaped, with fluted sides, decorated in greenish blue on white with deep bands of festoons of drapery and with band of checkered pattern in brown and white. Mark: wEepewoop. Respective heights, 9, 7 and 7%, inches. 228—Oip Wepewoop Friower Vase 1785. Blue and white jasper, formed as three stems of bamboo, with decoration of bamboo leaves in white on a blue ground. Irregular- shaped base. Mark: wepewoon. Height, 81, inches. 224—Pair or o1p WerEpewoop STATUETTES 1800. Dark blue and white jasper. Figures of Ceres and Hebe, holding : cornucopie. On columnar and square bases. (Repaired.) Height, 9 inches. 225—Oxup Wepewoop PorrincEeR witH Cover 1790. Blue and white jasper. Coupe-shape, with flat looped handles. Decorated with floral garlands and lotus leaves, and with lotus-leaf finial. Mark: wepGwoop. From the Tangye Collection. Height, 41%, inches; diameter of stand, 7 inches. First Session, Monday Afternoon 226—Oip Wepewoop PLaQuE 1787. Oval shape. Subject of “Silenus with Nymph and Cupids.” Mark: wEpGwoop. 84%, by T inches. (Illustrated) 227—O.tp Wepewoop PiLaaQuE | 1785. Oval shape. Blue and white jasper. Subject: “Cupids Playing Musical Instruments and Singing.” Mark: wepewoon. | 51, by 61, inches. 228—Ortp Neate & Co. Bow. | : 1785. Blue and white jasper. Decorated with figures of playing cupids, birds and a band of interlaced ornamentation and inner deep band of basket-work ornamentation modeled in relief. Height, 3 inches; diameter, 61% inches. 229—Ox.p Turner Sucar Basin anp Cover 1787. Blue and white jasper. Sloping sides. Fluted cover, with pointed domed finial. Decorated with subjects of Alexander and with bands of interlaced circles, rosettes and lotus leaves. Mark: Turner & Co. | Height, 41/, inches. 230—Oxip Turner TrEaror | 1775. Blue and white jasper. Straight-sided body, with looped acan- thus-leaf handle, and fluted and domed cover ending in ball finial. Decorated in white on blue with subject of ‘“‘Cupids playing”? and bands of acanthus-leaf and beaded decoration. Mark: rurNeEr. ) Height, 5%, inches, 231—PorTIon oF OLD WerpcGwoop TEA-sET 1790. Blue and white jasper. Teapot, cream ewer and cup and saucer. Decorated with figures of “Cupids playing” and with bands of shallow flutings. Teapot has a curved molded spout and looped reeded han- dle. Mark: wepewoon. 232—Pair oF oLD WeEpGwoop JARDINIERES 1795. Blue and white jasper. Straight-sided on circular base, with - projecting ear handles. Decorated with festoons of grapes and vine leaves. Repaired. Mark: wepewoop. Height, 414 inches. LVG “ON 966 “ON LVG CON First Session, Monday Afternoon 238—Pair oF oLD Werpcwoop PEDESTALS 1800. Blue and white jasper. Decorated with floral garlands, rams’ haeds and. military trophies. Mark: wepewoop. Height, 41 inches. 234—Patr oF OLD WerpGwoop VASES 1800. Dark blue and white jasper. Pear-shaped. Decorated with ver- tical flutings and upright bands of scroll ornamentation, with horizontal bands of lily and acanthus and laurel leaf decoration. Mark: wrepe- WOOD. Height, 334 inches. 235—Pair oF oLp Werpcwoop CANDLESTICKS 1790. Blue and white jasper. Saucer-shaped stand with acanthus and honeysuckle decoration; baluster-shaped sticks, having two ee and © looped handles. Mark: wepewoop. Height, 4 inches. 236—THREE oLD WeEpGwoop PLAQUES 1800. Red and black terra-cotta. Oval shape. Two with figures of “Bacchanalian Revellers,’ and the third with “Euterpe, one of the Muses.” Height, 6 by 4& inches. 237—Parr oF oLtp ApAM FLOWER-POTS 1795. Red and black terra-cotta. Straight sides, with spreading rims. Decorated in black with group of playing cupids and with bands of scroll decoration. Handles of dolphins’ heads. Height, 334, inches. 238—Ox.p Wepewoop Inxsranp 1800. Red terra-cotta. Rectangular shape, containing receptacles for pens, ink, pounce and wafers. Decorated in colored enamels with Oriental design of flowers. Length, 18 inches; width, 51% inches. 239—OLp Werpewoop CHamBer CANDLESTICK 1787. Cream-ware. Saucer-shaped stand, cylindrical stem and two ° curved and scrolled handles. Decorated with purple luster in a marbled pattern. Mark: wepewoon. Height, 4 inches. First Session, Monday Afternoon 240—OLp Werpcewoop & BentitEy MEDALLION 1775. Blue and white jasper. Subject: Portrait of Henry Fourth of France. Mark: WEDGWOOD & BENTLEY. 3144 by 31% inches. 241—Oxtp Wepewoop & BENTLEY PLAQUE 1770. Blue and white jasper. Oval shape. Figure of “Youthful Her- cules.” Mark: Wedgwood & Bentley. Length, 61%, inches. 242—OLtp Werpcwoop & BENTLEY PLAQUE 1780. Oval shape. Blue and white jasper. Full-length figure of “Hebe, ministering to the Gods.” Mark: wepGwoop & BENTLEY. 61, by A%Q inches. 243—O.Lp Wepcwoop & BENTLEY MEDALLION Oval shape. Striated blue and white jasper. Decorated with “‘Cupids Bearing Boar’s Head.” Mark: weEpewoop & BENTLEY. 244—OLtp Wepewoop & BentrLEy MEDALLION Oval shape. Striated blue and white jasper. Decorated with figures of “Cupids with Musical Instruments.” Mark: wepGwoop & BENTLEY. First Session, Monday Afternoon 245—Enocu Woop MEpALLION 1775. Blue and white jasper. Oval shape. Decorated, on a blue glazed ground, with figures of youthful Bacchantes. Mark: ENocH WoobD. 41, by 3°34 inches. 246—Enocu Woop MEpDALLION 1775. Blue and white jasper. Oval shape. Decorated, on a blue glazed ground, with figure of Venus Anadyomene. Mark: Enoch Wood, sculpsit. Als, by 3%, inches. 247—Pair oF o~p Werepewoop MEDALLIONS 1790. Oval shape. Blue and white jasper. Subject of “Maternity” and ‘The Elder Sister,’’ modeled by Lady Templetown. Mark: wrepe- Woop. 4, by 814 inches. (Illustrated) 248—Oxrp Turner MEDALLION Blue and white dip jasper. Oval shape. Decorated with portrait of Lord Nelson. 4 inches. 249—Ortp Wepewoop & BrentriEy MEDALLION 1775. Blue and white jasper. Portrait of Sully. Mark: wepewoop «& BENTLEY. 37%, by 381,. inches. 250—Oxrp Apams Drum 1785. Blue and white jasper. Decorated with subjects of Hercules, Venus, Cupid and Nymphs Sacrificing, and with bands of interlaced and leaf ornamentation. Height, 21, inches. 251—Oxp Apams Drum 1785. Blue and white jasper, decorated with Bacchanalian subjects and figures of Venus, Cupid and Nymphs Sacrificing, and with bands of interlaced and leaf ornamentation. Height, 3, inches. First Session, Monday Afternoon 252—Ortp Apvams Drum 1785. Blue and white jasper, decorated with subjects of Hebe and the Eagle, Endymion on Mount Hymettus, and with Cupid with a mask. Height, 21, inches, 258—Oxp Wepcwoop Scent FLAcon 1800. Blue and white jasper. Shuttle-shaped. Decorated with sub- ject “Abundantia.” Height, 4 inches. 254—Oxtp Wepewoop Scent FLAcon 1800. Blue and white jasper. Shuttle-shaped. Decorated with sub- jects of “Cupid and Venus” and “Maternity.” Height, 4 inches. 255—Otp Wepewoop MeEpALLion Cream-colored Queen’s ware on gray ground, with raised red and black border. Portrait of the Empress Domitia. 27, by 23% inches. 256—Otp Wepewoor Mepariion 1775. Cream-colored Queen’s ware relief on chocolate-colored ground. Portrait head of Cesar Augustus. An early trial piece. 31, by 234 inehes. 257—Oxp. Wepewoop MEDALLION 1790. Oval shape. Blue and white jasper. Bust portrait of the Duke of York. In chased ormolu frame. Mark: wepcwoop. From the Tangye Collection. 134, by 2% inches. 258—Oxtp Werpcewoop CreamM-warE Honey-por 1800. Shaped as a bee-hive with cover terminating in a ball finial. Mark: wEDGWwoop. Height, 5 inches. First Session, Monday Afternoon 259—O.tp Wepewoop BEAKER . 1795. Cream-colored jasper. Straight sides, decorated with figures of infant Bacchantes, modeled by Lady Diana Beauclerk. Mark: WEDGWOOD. Height, 414% inches. — 260—Otp Wepewoon CreamM-warE Crocus VAsE ‘Decorated on a cream-colored ground with bands of blue decoration Shaped and pierced cover. Mark: wepewoon. Height, 834 inches. 261—Partr oF otp ApAms PEDESTALS 1790. Blue and white jasper. Cylindrical-shaped. Decorated with figures of “Nymphs Sacrificing” and with bands of interlaced orna- mentation. | Height, 3 inches. 262—Pair oF oLp WepcGwoop PEDESTALS 1790. Tricolored jasper, decorated in white on blue with panels con- taining subjects of Minerva, Roman Warrior, and Nymph Sacrificing, etc., and with band of lilac Jasper, with laurel-leaf decoration in white. Mark: wEepewoop. From the Tangye Collection. ; Height, 3 inches. 263—Pair oF oLp Wepewoop FLower-Pots 1795. Oviform shape. The bodies entirely decorated with painted agate-ware design, with rims of raised checker pattern in white reserve. Interiors glazed black. (One slightly repaired.) Mark: wepewoon. Height, 51, inches. 264—Set or Four otp Wrpecwoop FLOWER-POTS 1795. Oviform shape. The bodies are entirely decorated with painted agate-ware design, with rims of raised checker pattern in white reserve. Interiors glazed black. Mark: wepewoop. Height, 5 inches. First Session, Monday Afternoon INTERESTING EXAMPLES OF OLD STAFFORDSHIRE AND OTHER ENGLISH POTTERIES 265—SuNDRY OLD STAFFORDSHIRE Miniature Pieces Teapot and cover, sucrier with cover and stand, pitcher and basin, vegetable dish and cover, soup tureen and cover. Of various shapes, and styles of decoration. , 266—Patr or oLtp Hackwoop Vases Of white and blue jasper. Spill shaped, with spreading rims and cir- cular bases. Decorated with floral borders and rosettes in blue jasper - and with bands of bright blue. Mark: ““H”—impressed. shy Height, At/, inches. 267—Set oF SEVEN STAFFORDSHIRE PLAQUES Circular and oval shaped. The five ovals occupied with portraits, the two circular with figure subjects. 268—Davenrvort STATUETTE 1840. White biscuit-ware and blue and white jasper. Decorated with figure of Ceres holding ears of wheat in her hand. Circular blue jasper base, decorated with Greek honeysuckle ornamentation. Figure partially glazed in white. Evidently a trial or experimental piece. Height, 19 inches. 269—OLp STAFFORDSHIRE 'T'EAPOY Circular shape with cylindrical neck and modeled upright Cupid busts at angles. The sides decorated with Cupids carrying garlands, birds and birds’ nests, with a blue drip border and with the inscription “Ann Holmes, 1798.”’ Height, 51%, inches. 270—Oup Jackrietp Mitk Jue Baluster-shaped, with loop handle, pointed spout and three claw feet. Entirely invested in a mirror-black glaze and with a raised pattern of grapes, vine leaves and ‘Tudor roses. Height, 6 inches. First Session, Monday Afternoon 271—Oup SrarrorpsHirE TEa-sET oF THREE PIECES Of white stone china, decorated with Wedgwood subjects in relief. Acan- thus-leaf and rosetted borders, and with lines of dark blue enamel. ‘Tea- pot, with shaped body and straight spout and looped handle and domed cover; sugar basin, with shaped body with projecting ear handles and domed cover; cream ewer, with shaped body and scroll handle. 272—O.p STAFFORDSHIRE VASE Octagonal conical-shaped body, with spreading rim. ‘Two projecting handles formed as bodies of birds. Fluted under-portion, circular base and domed pierced cover, ending in floral finial. Decorated, on a light chocolate-colored ground, with bands of floral borders in dark brown and with transfer pictures of domestic subjects. Height, 81%, inches. 273—Pair or KiGHTEENTH CENTURY STAFFORDSHIRE VASES Pear-shaped bodies, with curved necks; circular feet, on square marbled bases. Decorated with a scroll pattern of white reserve on white, buff and green and with oval medallions framed in relief draperies occupied with Roman Emperors and Empresses on a dark blue ground. Height, 10 inches. 274—GARNITURE OF THREE OLD RincEway VASES Crater-shaped, voluted handles; on circular bases and square pedestals. Decorated on a pale blue ground with shaped panels in white reserve, enclosed by borders of a bamboo-leaf design painted in dark blue and gold, and occupied by well-painted subjects of a country mansion and landscapes. At the junction of the handles and the bodies are sprays of flowers in white relief with leaves in dark blue and gold, and around the pedestals are festoons of five-leaved flowers in white reserve with leaves and scrolls in dark blue and gold. Center vase, 6 inches; side vases, 414, inches, 275—Oxp AGATE-wARE VASE Beaker-shape, on circular foot with molded rim. Entirely covered with a painted agate-ware pattern in brown and yellow. Height, 10%, inches. SECOND SESSION MONDAY EVENING, MARCH 15, 1915 AT THE AMERICAN ART GALLERIES BEGINNING AT 8.00 o’cLocK Which includes Catalogue Nos. 276 to 450A THE DUKE OF BUCCLEUCH’S FAMOUS COLLECTION OF SIXTEENTH AND SEVENTEENTH CENTURY ENGRAVED AND ENAMELED GLASS This collection, which for many years formed one of the glories of Montagu House in London, was gathered together by the Fifth Duke of Buccleuch and Queensberry, the grand- father of the present Duke. It passed out of the hands of the late Duke (the sixth of that name) into those of its present successor some five or six years ago in the course of the negotiations concerning the transfer of a collection of another character in which his Grace was interested, Formed at a time when artistic glassware of this description was less highly regarded than at present, it contains examples, such as the famous Reichs-adler pieces for instance, which could nowadays be reduplicated with the greatest difficulty. Itis particularly rich, however, in examples of the skill with the wheel and gravers of such artists as Caspar Lehmann and the Schwan- harts, who attained their eminence under the patronage of the Emperor Ferdinand III. 276— EIGHTEENTH CENTURY GERMAN BEAKER Octagonal shape. Decorated with cut bandings of a reeded pattern. Height, 3°4, inches. 277—EIcGHTEENTH CENTURY GERMAN ENAMELED GLAsSs Straight sides cut in vertical facettings and enameled in colors with the figure of a man seated under a tree with a dog at his side. Height, 3 inches. 278—EI1cHTEENTH CENTURY GERMAN ENAMELED GLAss Straight sides cut in vertical facettings and enameled in colors with a Watteau like subject of a Shepherd piping and a Shepherdess playing a triangle. Height, 31, inches. Second Session, Monday Evening 279—E1cHTEENTH CENTURY GERMAN BEAKER Straight sides. Decorated with a boldly cut diamond patterning. Height, 41%, inches. 280—EicHTEENTH CENTURY GERMAN BEAKER Heavy white glass. Curved sides and circular foot. Decorated with a pattern of diamond shaped cuttings and oval concavities. Height, 4%, inches. 281—EicHTEENTH CENTURY GERMAN Mue Straight sides, with loop handles. Decorated with vertical cuttings and with a raised and intaglio engraved pattern of oval raised medallions, ears of wheat and bunches of grapes. Height, 4 inches. 282-—SEVENTEENTH CENTURY ANTWERP GLass VASE Bowl shaped with high upstanding rim of an interlaced packers of glass threads and pruntings. Height, 41, inches. 283—-EIGHTEENTH CENTURY GERMAN WINE GLAss Thick white glass. Made in two portions. Quatrefoil shaped bowl, cylindrical stem with knop and hollow quatrefoil shaped foot. The bowl screws, with a frosted glass screw, into the foot. The bowl foot and stem are cut in patterns of horizontal bands and facettings. Height, 61, inches. 284— EIGHTEENTH CENTURY GERMAN GLAss BELL Of blown glass. With glass clapper. Height, 5 inches. 285—-EIGHTEENTH CENTURY GERMAN WINE GLAss Bell shaped bowl with cylindrical stem and circular foot. The bowl is intaglio engraved with the monogram ““T. B. A.” Stem encloses a spiral filament of opaque white or “milch” glass. Height, 6%, inches. 286—EIcHTEENTH CENTURY GERMAN WINE GLAss Bell shaped bowl with cylindrical stem and circular foot. The bottom of the bowl is decorated with a pattern of enclosed air bubbles, the stem with a spiral filament of opaque white, or “milch” glass. Height, 634 inches. 287-—EIGHTEENTH CENTURY GERMAN WINE GLAss Bell shaped bowl with baluster stem and circular foot. Decorated with frosted and cut facettings. Height, 53/, inches. Second Session, Monday Evening 288-——EIGHTEENTH CENTURY GERMAN WINE GLAss } Straight sided bowl, baluster stem and circular foot. The bowl and stem are cut in patterns of facettings. Height, 6%, inches. 289— EIGHTEENTH CENTURY GERMAN WINE GLAss Greenish white glass. Straight sided bowl with molded flutings, hollow baluster stem, and circular ribbed foot. | 3 Height, 7 inches. 290—E1cHTEENTH CENTURY FRENCH GLAss BEAKER Quatrefoil shape with straight sides, decorated in intaglio engraving with conventional floral sprays and with a border of scroll ornamentation. Height, 2%, inches. 991— EIGHTEENTH CENTURY GERMAN TOPER’s GLASS Straight sides with pointed lower portion. The sides are intaglio engraved with panels enclosing subjects of the Pelican feeding her young, a Hen with her chickens, a Stork and an inscription in German character. Height, 4 inches. NOTE: The object of the pointed foot to this glass is to prevent it being laid down until it is entirely emptied. 292-—-KIcgHTEENTH CENTURY GERMAN GLASs BEAKER Thick white glass. Bowl with curved sides and circular foot. The bowl is decorated with reeded and diamond cuttings and with an oval medallion containing the intaglo engraved portrait of a man in uniform. Height, 4 inches. 2938— EIGHTEENTH CENTURY GERMAN Muc Greenish white glass. Straight sides and loop handle. Intaglio engraved with the subject of a Nymph stealing his bow from a sleeping Cupid. Height, 41, inches. 294-—-SEVENTEENTH CENTURY GERMAN GOBLET AND COVER Straight sides, short stem and circular foot. Domed cover with acorn finial, of cut and molded glass. The bowl is decorated with three molded shell shaped medallions, two of which are gilded, the stem and foot with cut facettings. The rim of bowl and portions of the cover and finial are gilded. Height, 7%, inches. Second Session, Monday Evening 995—ErenreentH Century Brisrot Grass Vase Of opaque milk glass. Bottle shaped with cylindrical neck and circular base. Decorated with fine vertical flutings. Height, 4 inches. 296—EIGHTEENTH CENTURY Bristow Guass VASE Of opaque milk glass. Bottle shaped with cylindrical neck and circular base. : Height, 414, inches. 297—HIcHTEENTH CENTURY Brisron Guass Hancinc Wari VASE Of opaque milk glass. Formed as a cornucopia with spiral flutings. Height, 10 inches. 298—EIGHTEENTH CENTURY GERMAN GLAss Rouuine PIN Of greenish white glass. Blown in a cylindrical form with the ends formed by round knobs. Height, 14 inches. 299—-T'wo EIGHTEENTH CENTURY FRENCH GuAss CUPS Sloping sides with loop handles of glass. Decorated with gilt borders around the rims. : Height, 2%, inches. 300—EIGHTEENTH CENTURY FRENCH GOBLET Straight sided bowl with baluster stem and circular foot with scalloped edge. The bowl is decorated with a series of cut facettings, the rim with a band of gold. Height, 6 inches. 303—Five E1cHTreentH Crentury Frencu Guass Braxkers The sides cut with vertical facettings and the rims decorated with bands of gold. Height, 3 inches. 304—Nine ErcuTreentn Century Frencu Guass BEAKERS The sides cut in vertical facettings and the rims decorated with bands of gold. Height, 31% inches. Second Session, Monday Evening 305—EIGHTEENTH CENTURY VENETIAN LiquEUR FLAsk Of dark ruby glass. Made in the form of a barrel banded with spiral and quilled filaments of white glass and decorated with four pruntings, of which three have turquoise blue centers. i Height, 4 inches. 306—EI1cHTEENTH CENTURY VENETIAN LiquEuUR FLAsxK Of dark ruby glass. Made in the form of a barrel banded with spiral fila- ments of white glass. Height, 41, inches. 307—EIGHTEENTH CENTURY VENETIAN LiquEUR FLAsk White glass. Made in the form of a barrel with staves indicated by fine ribbings and banded with spiral filaments of cobalt blue glass. On a base of pinched and quilled glass. é sae Height, 5 inches. 308—E1cHTEENTH CENTURY GERMAN BEAKER Of semi-opaque dark ruby glass with curved sides. Decorated with a cut and facetted band of Greek key pattern and with a band of Greek leaf and berry pattern in gold. Around the rim is a deep border of gold extending into the interior. Height, 41, inches. 309—Pair or EicuTrentH Century Frencu Rusy Guass Scent Borrries Square shape with cut sides and screw tops of engraved gilt metal. Height, 2 inches. 310—Pair or EicHTreentH Century Frencu Ruspy Guass Scent Botries Square shape with cut sides. Height, 134 inches. 311—SEVENTEENTH CENTURY GERMAN RuBy Giass Bown The exterior is decorated with raised gadroonings. Mounted on a cir- cular base and with pierced handles of gilt metal. The bowl is repaired with old rivetings. Height, 134 inches; diameter, 31% inches. NOTE: This and the following five lots (312 to 316 inclusive) are characteristic examples of the work of Johann Kunckel, who rediscovered, in 1679, the art of staining glass of a crimson or ruby color by means of gold. 319—SEVENTEENTH CENTURY GERMAN RuBy GuaAss CouUPE Sloping sides without ornamentation. Height, 134 inches. Second Session, Monday Evening 313—SEVENTEENTH CENTURY GERMAN RuBy Guass CouPE Sloping sides without ornamentation. Height, 2% inches. 314-—-SEVENTEENTH CENTURY GERMAN RuBy GuAss Bown Straight sides without ornamentation. Height, 1 inch; diameter, 414 inches. 8315—SEVENTEENTH CENTURY GERMAN Rusy Guass Bown Quatrefoil shaped with pinched sides without ornamentation. 316—Pair or SEVENTEENTH CENTURY RusBy Guass VASES Pear shaped. Lower portions decorated with bold gadroonings of ruby glass. Height, 5 inches. 317—EIGHTEENTH CENTURY GERMAN RusBy Guass BEAKER. Straight sided. Cylindrical shape with curved rim. . Height, 3 inches. 318—EIcHTEENTH CENTURY GERMAN RuBy Guass BEAKER Sloping sides cut in vertical facettings and a pattern of oval cut con- cavities. Height, 3 inches. 319-—-EIGHTEENTH CENTURY GERMAN RusBy GLuass FLASK Pear shaped body with cylindrical neck. Cut in vertical and hexagonal shaped facettings. 3 Height, 7%, inches. — 320—EIGHTEENTH CEenTURY EncLIsH GLass CANDLESTICK Formed as a column on a circular base with scalloped candle socket. Of amber colored glass cut in facetted pattern. Height, 8 inches. 321—SEVENTEENTH CEentTURY GERMAN CoLOoRED Guass BorriEe Square shape with cylindrical neck mounted with screw cover. Of semi- opaque light blue glass. Probably the work of Johann Kunckel. Height, 91, inches. Second Session, Monday Evening 322— EIGHTEENTH CENTURY GERMAN GLAss TEAPOT Cobalt blue glass. Inverted pear shape with loop handle, curved spout, domed cover and ball finial. Decorated in gilt wheel cuttings with groups of military trophies surmounted by a royal crown and with medallion occupied with the initials “M. K. C.” Height, 7%, inches. 323—EIGHTEENTH CENTURY GERMAN Muc Straight sides with reeded loop handle of glass, and a circular projecting foot. Decorated with a painting in colored enamels of Elijah being fed by the ravens in panel bordered by baluster shaped pillars of blue and arched branches of foliage. On the sides are convivial inscriptions in German and the date “1745.” Height, 5%, inches. $24—SEVENTEENTH CenTURY German Lovine Cup anp Cover Pear shaped body, straight cylindrical neck, two looped handles, domed cover, ball finial and circular foot. Decorated in colored enamels, gold and silver with the Royal Arms of Poland, a portrait of King Augustus the Strong holding a scepter with the inscription ““Augus. Rex Polonix” and with the date “1760.” The silvering which the neck and foot are banded with and the handles and finial entirely coated with has become tarnished almost black with age. Height, 111% inches. 325—-SEVENTEENTH CENTURY GERMAN Muce Of greenish white glass. Shaped sides with heavy loop handle and cir- cular foot. Decorated in colored enamels with a portrait of Prince Eugene flanked by a group of military trophies and with the double headed eagle of Austria. Dated “1697.” Height, 6% inches. 326—Earty EIGHTEENTH CENTURY ENAMELED GLass VASE Beaker shaped with domed cover, ball finial and circular foot. Decorated in colored enamels with an elaborate painting of a hunting subject of a Hare, Fox and Stags being driven by dogs into a net under the direc- tion of huntsmen in eighteenth century costume. The cover is decorated in colored enamels in a pattern of scrollings. There are inscriptions in white “Vivat mein Herr Jager’ and others, and the date ‘1708” twice repeated. Height, 10 inches. Second Session, Monday Evening 327—SixTEENTH CENTURY GERMAN Pass Glass Cylindrical shape, on metal foot with four pruntings of glass at the base. Decorated en grisaille and in colored enamels with the figure of a Knight holding a banner with armorial bearings. Divided into zones by hori- zontal lines with numbers to measure the amount of each draught. Height, 18 inches. 328-——SIXTEENTH CENTURY GERMAN BEAKER Cylindrical shape of greenish white glass on a metal foot. Enameled in colored enamels with an escutcheon shaped shield of armorial bearings in blue, and yellow outlined in brown, and with a band around the rim of beadings of colored enamels and gold. Above the armorial shield is the date, twice repeated, “1567” in white enamel. Height, 111%, inches. 329—SEVENTEENTH CENTURY GERMAN ““WILLKOMM HumMpPEn” Large cylindrically shaped beaker of white glass enameled in colors | with the subject of a man in seventeenth century costume asleep on a pile of cushions. Another man in similar costume is being wheeled away in a Wheelbarrow. On the other side is a soldier holding a halberd seated in an arm chair and offering some article to another man who is seated at a table writing. On the table are a purse from which issue coins, a pitcher and a beaker. There are inscriptions in German in white enamel. ‘The neck is bordered with two wavy lines of white and beads of blue and gold enamel. Dated 1623 in white enamel. Small hole in base. Height, 11 inches. 330—SEVENTEENTH CENTURY GERMAN “WiLLKomMM HumPEN” Cylindrical beaker. Enameled in colors with the Reichs-adler or Im- perial two-headed crowned eagle heraldically displayed. On its wings, as recorded in an inscription, are the arms of the seven Electors and forty-eight members of the Heilege Romische Reich or Holy Roman Em- pire. Each of these coats of arms is identified by the name of the Elec- tor or Member lettered in black on a white label. The eagle bears on its breast the Orb of Empire. Around the rim of the beaker is a border of powdered gold and colored enamel dots. Slight injury at base. Second Session, Monday Evening 331—SEVENTEENTH CENTURY GERMAN ReIcHs-ADLER BorrLe Square shaped bottle. Enameled in colors with the Reichs-adler or Imperial two-headed crowned eagle, heraldically displayed. On the wings are the arms of the seven Electors and forty-eight members of the Holy Roman Empire, and above the inscription ‘“‘Heilege Romische Reich,” These wappen or shields of armorial bearings have white labels lettered with the names of the Electors and Members. The eagle carries on its breast a large crucifix. The back of the bottle is enameled in colors with a crowned serpent hanging on a cross and two stems of lily of the valley. Around the neck is a band of beadings of white, blue and yellow enamel. Dated 1572. Height, 131%, inches. 332—OuLp German Torer’s Grass Of greenish glass. Decorated with bands of a pointillé pattern in colored enamels and with traces of gilding. At the bottom is an acorn shaped knob of glass to prevent the glass being laid down until it was emptied. : Height, 4 inches. $33—SIXTEENTH CENTURY VENETIAN Guass VASE Of fine white and lattimo, or milk, glass. Pear shaped body with cylin- drical neck and handles. The body is entirely covered with a vitro di trina (lace work) pattern in lattimo glass. The scrolled handles are of pinched and quilled filaments of white glass. Around the base of the neck is a twisted filament of white glass. Height, 41, inches. $34— SIXTEENTH CENTURY VENETIAN GLaAss VASE Pear shaped body with vertical glass ribbings, decorated with gilding, small applied knobs of cobalt blue glass, octagonal shaped neck, decorated with threads of cobalt blue glass and upright scroll handles decorated with pinched glass filaments. The neck and rim slightly imperfect. Height, 71, inches. $35—SIXTEENTH CENTURY VENETIAN GLAss Of thin white blown glass. Crater shaped bowl, tall twisted stem, applied handle of quilled filamented glass and circular foot. At the bottom of the bowl is a small fluted sphere of cobalt blue glass. Height, 63/4, inches. Second Session, Monday Evenng 336—SIxTEENTH CENTURY VENETIAN WINE GLAss Thin white blown glass. Conical bowl, tapering cylindrical stem and circular foot. 337—SEVENTEENTH CENTURY VENETIAN GLAss BEAKER Thin white blown glass. Trumpet shaped with the sides blown in a pattern of large reticulations. The foot surrounded by a border of — quilled glass filament. Height, 71% inches. 338—SIXTEENTH CENTURY VENETIAN WINE GLAss Straight sided conical bowl with stem of pinched and quilled cobalt blue glass and filaments of white glass enclosing spiral threads. A red ruby glass. On metal foot. Height, 12 inches. 339—VENETIAN Guass GOBLET Conical bowl and circular foot. Winged stem of pinched and quilled — cobalt blue and white glass, some filaments of the white glass containing spiral threads or lattimo glass. Height, 9 inches. 340—SIXTEENTH CENTURY VENETIAN GLAss GOBLET Conical bowl and circular foot. Winged stem of pinched and quilled cobalt blue and white glass with filaments of white glass enclosing spiral threads of lattimo and blue glass. Height, 11% inches. 341—-VENETIAN Guass GOBLET Conical bowl and circular foot. Winged stem of pinched and quilled glass with filaments of white glass enclosing spiral threads of lattimo and blue glass. | Height, 12%, inches. 342—SIxTEENTH CEentTURY VENETIAN GLAss GOBLET Straight sided bowl and circular foot, winged stem of pinched and quilled cobalt blue glass with filaments of white glass enclosing spiral threads of lattimo glass. Height, 12 inches. Second Session, Monday Evening 343—VENETIAN Giass GOBLET Conical bowl and circular foot. Winged stem of pinched and quilled glass with filaments of white glass enclosing spiral threads of lattimo and blue glass. ae Height, 10 inches. 344—SixTeentH CENTURY VENETIAN Grass GOBLET Straight sided bowl and circular foot. Winged stem of pinched and quilled glass with filaments of white glass enclosing spiral threads of blue and lattimo glass. Height, 101% inches. 345—VENETIAN Grass GOBLET Conical bowl and circular foot. Winged stem of pinched and quilled glass with filaments of white glass enclosing spiral threads of white, red and cobalt blue glass. Height, 111% inches. 346—SIXTEENTH CENTURY VENETIAN GLAss FLOWER VASE Of greenish white glass. Heart shaped body with a tube of glass sur- rounding a heart shaped opening, a tall cylindrical neck connecting the side tubes, and a circular foot. Height, 11%, inches. 347—SIxXTEENTH CENTURY VENETIAN VASE Bottle shape of clear white glass decorated with spiral and waving lines of lattimo glass and with a pinched filament of cobalt blue glass below the rim. The base is decorated with raised leaves and indentations. Height, 914 inches. 348—SIxTEENTH CENTURY VENETIAN VASE Bottle shaped. Of clear white glass decorated with spiral and waving lines of lattimo (or milk) glass and with a pinched filament of cobalt blue glass below the rim. ‘The base is decorated with raised leaves and in- dentations. Height, 9 inches. Second Session, Monday Evening 349—SIXTEENTH CENTURY VENETIAN Guass EwER Pear shaped body, cylindrical neck, pointed spout and looped handle. Of clear white glass with spiral and waving lines of lattimo glass. ‘The rims are encircled with a pinched filament of cobalt blue glass. Height, 8 inches. 349A—SIXTEENTH CENTURY VENETIAN BowL Of clear white glass decorated with ribbed flutings and pruntings of white glass powdered with gold. Height, 31%, inches; diameter, 9°, inches. 350—SEVENTEENTH CENTURY GERMAN PUzzLE GLAss Plain white glass. Formed in the semblance of a standing cup and cover with straight sided bowl, domed cover with pointed finial, bulbous -stem and conical foot. The upper portion is in one piece and encloses a small sphere of glass acting as an adjustable stopper to the aperture at the bottom. Hollow foot and a stem which serves as a drinking glass. Height, 121% inches. $51— EIGHTEENTH CENTURY GERMAN LIQUEUR GLASS Conical shaped bowl with twisted stem. Bowl decorated with intaglio engraving of sprays of flowers. Height, 334 inches. 352—EIGHTEENTH CENTURY FRENCH GOBLET Straight sided cylindrical bowl. Decorated with a deep band of intaglio engraved scroll ornamentation. Height, 314, inches. 353—EIGHTEENTH CENTURY GERMAN LiquEUR GLAss Straight sided, cylindrical shape. Decorated with intaglio engraved medallions, scrollings and interlacements. 354—OxLp GERMAN ToPEr’s Guass Straight sides and pointed foot. Cut sides decorated with an intaglio engraved design of arabesques and scrolls enclosing a subject of two arms issuing from clouds, one of them holding a goblet and the other pointing to the inscription “Rivis Aliet.”” The lower part of the bowl and the foot are cut in facettings. Height, 41, inches. > Second Session, Monday Evening 355—E1cutTrentu Century Frencn Guass Vase Of very thin white blown glass. In the form of a Greek vase with pear shaped body, cylindrical neck and circular foot. The body of the vase is intaglio engraved with figures in the Etruscan manner and with a band of Greek honeysuckle decoration. (Stem repaired.) Height, 7, inches. 356—EicuTeentH Century German Sranpinc Cup anp Cover Bell shaped bow! with domed cover and circular foot. Intaglio engraved in a pattern of scrollings, floral festoons and fruits. The foot is mounted with a scalloped rim of silver. Height, 51%, inches. 357—EIcHTEeNTH CENTURY German WINE Gtass Thistle shaped bowl with a baluster stem and circular foot. Decorated with an intaglio engraved pattern of scrollings. The lower portion of the bowl and stem are cut in facettings. Height, 534 inches. 358—EIGHTEENTH CENTURY GERMAN WINE GLAss Straight sided bowl with baluster stem and circular foot. Around the rim is an intaglio engraved pattern of roses and chrysanthemum medal- lions. Height, 63/4, inches. 359--EIGHTEENTH CENTURY GERMAN WINE GLAss Straight sides, with baluster stem and circular foot. The bowl is decorated with vertical facettings alternately cut in a checkered pattern and frosted. Height, 61%, inches. 360—EIGHTEENTH CENTURY GERMAN WINE GLAss Thistle shaped bowl with baluster stem and circular foot. The upper part of the bowl intaglio engraved in a pattern of scrollings, the lower part and the stem cut in facettings. Height, 6 inches. Second Session, Monday Evening 361—E1cuTeEentH CENTURY GERMAN WINE GLASs | Octagonal shaped bowl with baluster stem and gilt metal foot. The bowl is intaglio engraved with arabesque scrollings surrounding two panels, one occupied with two hearts and two clasped hands issuing from clouds, the other with two hands, one holding a vase, issuing from clouds. The panels are surrounded by inscriptions in German. Stem cut in facettings. Height, 6 inches. 362—E1cHTrentH Century German WINE GLAss Bell shaped bowl, with baluster stem and circular foot. The bowl is decorated with frosted cuttings and an intaglio engraved band of scroll decoration. Height, 5% inches. 363——EIcHTEENTH CENTURY GERMAN GLAss STANDING CuP AND COVER Thistle shaped bowl, baluster stem, and circular foot. Decorated with intaglio engraved scroll ornamentation and cut stars and facettings. Stem and finial with cut facettings. Height, 91% inches. $64—EIGHTEENTH CENTURY GERMAN GOBLET Straight sides with a baluster stem and circular foot. The bowl is decorated with an intaglio engraved Coat of Arms. ‘The lower part of the bowl and stem are cut with facettings. Height, 744, inches. 365—EIGHTEENTH CENTURY GERMAN WINE GLAss Greenish white glass. Straight sided bowl with baluster stem and cir- cular foot. The bowl is decorated with intagho engraved symbolic subjects of “’The Pelican in her Piety,” a Phoenix, a rayed Sun and two mottoes, “Ex Pura Charitate” and “Revertor abortum,” surmounted by a Ducal Coronet. The lower part of the stem is cut with facettings. Height, 7, inches. 366—EIGHTEENTH CENTURY GERMAN WINE GLASS Straight sided bowl with twisted stem and circular foot. ‘The bowl is decorated with an intaglio engraved medallion of armorial bearings . supported by rampant lions, with an ermine mantling and the mono- gram “KE. M.” surmounted by a Coronet. The stem encloses a spiral filament of green glass. Height, 61, inches. Second Session, Monday Evening 367—EIGHTEENTH CENTURY GERMAN WINE GLASS Greenish white glass. Thistle shaped bowl, with baluster stem and cir- cular foot. The bowl is decorated with an intaglio engraved portrait of Frederick the Great surrounded by scrollings and military trophies, and with the double “F” monogram. Stem cut in facettings. Portion of foot missing. Height, 734 inches. . 868—SEVENTEENTH CENTURY GERMAN GOBLET Straight sided bowl, baluster stem and circular foot. The bowl is cut in a pattern of hexagonal faces alternately plain and occupied with intaglio engraved figures of buildings, birds and floral sprays. The stem is cut in hexagonal facettings. Height, 7%, inches. 369—SEVENTEENTH CENTURY GERMAN STANDING CUP AND COVER Straight sided bowl, with twisted baluster stem, domed cover and cir- cular foot. ‘The bowl is decorated with an oval medallion in two layers of glass containing a figure of Cupid with two hearts and ornamental scrollings. ‘This medallion is surrounded by intaglio engraved acanthus leaf scrollings and floral sprays. The cover is decorated with a raised fluted medallion of molded glass. Height, 10 inches. 370—EIGHTEENTH CENTURY GERMAN GOBLET Straight tapering sides, baluster stem and circular foot. Decorated with intaglio engraved leaves and scrollings enclosing an oval medallion formed by two layers of glass bordered with gold and occupied by a gilt intaglio engraving of the Austrian Two Headed Crowned Eagle with a shield displayed, and the inscription “Charles VI.” Height, 714 inches. NOTE: This glass is interesting not only for its exquisite workmanship but also as being an example of the method employed in the seventeenth century for preserving the gilding on glass. 371— EIGHTEENTH CENTURY GERMAN STANDING CuP AND COVER Straight sided bowl, baluster stem, domed cover, double ball finial and circular foot. The bowl is decorated with an oval panel containing a portrait of the Austrian Emperor, Charles the Sixth. The lower part of the bowl, stem and finial cut with facettings. Height, 1114 inches. Second Session, Monday Evening 372— EIGHTEENTH CENTURY GERMAN WINE GLAss Curved sides, cylindrical stem with bubbled knop and circular foot. The bowl is decorated with an intaglio engraved subject of the trunk of a tree with branches, leaves and fruit formed by cut circular concavities. Height, 8 inches. 373— EIGHTEENTH CEentTuRY German Tat Gtass Fluted bowl, baluster stem and circular foot. Decorated in intaglio engraving with a winged eagle holding a medallion portrait of Charles VI., an oval escutcheon occupied with the Arms of Austria, and labels of German inscriptions. Height, 834 inches. ° 374—EIGHTEENTH CENTURY GERMAN GOBLET Straight sided bowl, baluster stem and circular foot. ‘The bowl decorated with cut stars and oval concavities, and the stem encloses a large bubble. Height, 914, inches. 375—EIGHTEENTH CENTURY GERMAN STANDING Cup AND COVER Straight sided bowl, baluster stem, domed cover and circular foot. The bowl is decorated with an intaglio engraved oval medallion occupied with an Imperial Two Headed Eagle surrounded by the Seals and Arms of various States with the inscription “A jove et imperio factis votisque petitus” and the date “1711.” The stem is cut in facettings and the stem and finial enclose twisted filaments of ruby and gold glass. Height, 113% inches. 376—EIcHTEENTH CENTURY GERMAN STANDING CUP AND COVER Straight sided bowl with baluster stem, domed cover and circular foot. The bowl is intaglio engraved with an arabesque pattern and an escutcheon shaped medallion containing the subject of a Boar Hunt. The stem and finial enclose a spiral filament of ruby glass. Height, 111% inches. 3¢77—E1GHTEENTH CenTURY GERMAN WINE GLAss | Straight sides, triple-knopped stem and circular foot. The bowl is decorated with an intaglio engraved Coat of Arms with lion supporters, the lower portion with a band of cut flutings. The stem and bottom of bowl enclose bubbles of glass. Height, 814, inches. Second Session, Monday Evening 378—EIGHTEENTH CENTURY GERMAN GOBLET Straight sides with baluster stem and circular foot. The bowl is cut in vertical facettings, and the stem with trefoiled facettings enclosing a spiral filament of ruby glass. . Height, 8 inches. 379—-SEVENTEENTH CENTURY GERMAN GLAss GOBLET Thistle shaped bowl with seven bubbles at the bottom, curved sides, baluster shaped stem and cut foot. Stem and lower part of the bowl cut in bold facettings. Bowl decorated in intaglio engraving with figures of the four seasons. Height, 91, inches. 380—EIGHTEENTH CENTURY GERMAN STANDING CuP AND CoveR Straight sided bowl, baluster stem, domed cover and baluster finial. The bowl has intaglio engraved decoration on the one side of a ‘‘Boar Hunt” and a huntsman on horseback firing a pistol at the boar which is attacked by dogs, and on the other of a German country mansion. The lower part of the bowl and stem are decorated with cut facettings and the under side of foot with cut concavities. ~ Height, 1234 inches. 381— EIGHTEENTH CENTURY GERMAN STANDING CuP AND COVER Thistle shaped bowl, twisted baluster stem, domed cover and circular foot. Decorated with intaglio engraving of the Royal Arms of England, Holland and Austria, surmounted by a Royal Crown and surrounded by military trophies and scrollings. The stem and finial enclose twisted threads of ruby color and gold glass. Height, 121% inches. 3882—FIGHTEENTH CENTURY GERMAN BEAKER White glass. Barrel shape, banded with glass ribbings. Decorated with sunken roundels or “thumb holes.” Height, 51, inches. 883—EIcGHTEENTH CENTURY GERMAN BEAKER Curved sides. Decorated with a subject of two men drinking at a table and with a convivial inscription. Around the rim is a broad band of gilding, the foot is cut in facettings and the under side is engraved with the name of Asseburg. Height, 41% inches. Second Session, Monday Evening 384—EIGHTEENTH CENTURY GERMAN BEAKER Straight sides decorated with an intaglio engraved subject of the Baptism — of Christ by Saint John the Baptist and by an oval panel containing a figure of Saint Anne instructing the youthful Christ. Dated 1775. Height, 4, inches. 385— EIGHTEENTH CENTURY GERMAN BEAKER Greenish white glass. Decorated with an intaglio engraved panel of two children bathing and a floral pattern. . Height, 41% inches. 886—EIGHTEENTH CENTURY GERMAN BEAKER Thick white glass. Facetted sides decorated with cut oval concavities and intaglio engraved patterns of floral medallions and wiih the initial SENS 22 Height, 41%, inches. 387—EIGHTEENTH CENTURY GERMAN BEAKER Of white glass. Facetted sides, decorated with cut oval concavities and with intaglio engraved scrollings of flowers and leaves. Height, 434 inches. 388—SrventeentH Century German Braker White glass. Decorated with intaglio engraved medallions of half length figures of Saints whose names are inscribed on the surrounding borders. Height, 5 inches. NOTE: A very early specimen of the seventeenth century German engraving. Probably by George Schwanhart. 389— EIGHTEENTH CENTURY GERMAN BEAKER White glass. Curved sides decorated on one side with intaglio engraved armorial bearings surmounted by a Coronet, on the other with the mono- Crdiie Cina es cs - Height, 534 inches.. 390—SEVENTEENTH CENTURY GERMAN BEAKER Straight sides. Decorated with intaglio engraved arched panels of hunt- ing subjects, flanked by columns wreathed with grapes and vine leaves. — Height, 5 inches. Second Session, Monday Evening 391—SEVENTEENTH CENTURY GERMAN BEAKER Thick white glass. Decorated with intaglio engraved figures of Amorini playing musical instruments and dancing. Engraved by George Schwan- hart. Height, 434 inches. NOTE: A typical example of the work of one of the earliest German glass engravers. 392—EIcgHTEENTH CENTURY GERMAN BEAKER Of white glass. Decorated with cut oval concavities, medallions with square centers and intaglio engraved leaf forms. Height, 6 inches. 393—HKiGHTEENTH CENTURY FRENCH Gass BEAKER Thick greenish glass. Decorated with an intaglio engraved scroll and floral pattern, with a circular medallion with a figure of a Cupid holding one heart in his hand and two other hearts at his feet, and with the motto “Un seul me suffit.” Height, 61, inches. 394— EIGHTEENTH CENTURY GERMAN BEAKER White glass. Decorated with intaglio engraved panels, one containing a biblical subject, the other a medallion of cut concavities. The panels are separated by strawberry flowers and leaves. Height, 5%, inches. 395—EIcHTeentH Century German Braker Of white glass. Straight sides. Decorated with molded vertical ribbings and oval concavities. Height, 6%, inches. 396-—-SEVENTEENTH CENTURY GERMAN BEAKER Straight sides decorated with three panels occupied with a Scorpion, a Bird in a cage and a Warrior, and with an inscription in German char- acters. Height, 6 inches. 397—FE1cHTEENTH CENTURY GERMAN BEAKER Of white glass. Decorated with the figure of a soldier on horseback firing a pistol. Height, 7 inches. Second Session, Monday Evening 397A—JacosirE Guass GOBLET Straight-sided bowl with baluster stem. Engraved in intaglio with a portrait of the Young Pretender, the inscription “Charles ye Great Britannia’s Prince,” and with the intertwined rose, thistle and shamrock. | Height, 7 inches. NOTE: These Jacobite glasses were made for the members of the Jacobean party and, for their rarity, are held to-day in very high esteem. 398—EIGHTEENTH CENTURY GERMAN BEAKER Of white glass. Decorated with a pattern of cut concavities and intaglio engraved pattern of scrollings. Height, 7 inches. 399—EIcHTEENTH CENTURY GERMAN DECANTER : Square body, with cylindrical neck, looped glass handle. Decorated with a pattern of cut diamond shapes and concavities. Height, 101%, inches. 400—Pair or KicGHTEENTH CENTURY GERMAN FLAGONS Flat pilgrim bottle shape, with cylindrical necks, loop handles and stoppers of blown glass. Decorated with a cut facetted pattern en- closing a circular medallion which in the case of one flagon is occupied with an applied disc of ruby glass with gilt intaglio engraved Cupids. Heights, 13 inches. 401—SEVENTEENTH CENTURY GERMAN FLAGON Pilgrim bottle shape with cylindrical neck, oval foot and screw stopper. Decorated with pointed leaf medallions formed of incised lines and cut | circular concavities on a frosted ground. Height, 131% inches. 402——-SEVENTEENTH CENTURY ANTWERP GuaAss PITCHER White blown glass. Pear-shaped body, cylindrical neck and looped glass handles. The body is decorated with a reticulated pattern of fine rib- bings of glass. Height, 7 inches. 403—E1GHTEENTH CENTURY GERMAN PITCHER | Globular body with straight cylindrical neck and loop handle. Decorated with an intaglo engraved panel occupied with the figure of a soldier on horseback and surmounted by the initials “I. N. S. M.” and floral sprays. Height, 8 inches. Second Session, Monday Evening 404—SEVENTEENTH CENTURY VENETIAN GuLAss PITCHER AND COVER Of “Crackle” or frosted white glass. Pear-shaped body with high cylin- drical neck, loop handle and domed cover. Decorated with an applied reticulated pattern of glass filaments and outstanding thorns of glass. Finial with an applied ornamentation of pinched glass filaments. Height, 101%, inches. 405—SEVENTEENTH CENTURY GERMAN FLAsk Pear-shaped body with cylindrical neck and ee glass handle. Deco- rated with an intaglio engraved subject of an imperial two-headed eagle surrounded by palm branches and the inscription “Es lebe der Kayser.” Height, 101% inches. 406—EIGHTEENTH CENTURY GERMAN STANDING CuP AND COVER Thistle-shaped bowl, baluster stem, domed cover and circular foot. The bowl is decorated with an intaglio engraving of a lady in Eighteenth Century costume and floral sprays. The stem and finial enclose spiral filaments of ruby glass. Height, 10 inches. 407—SEVENTEENTH CENTURY GERMAN STANDING CuP AND CoveEeR Straight-sided bowl, baluster stem, domed cover and circular foot of gilt metal. The bowl is decorated, in intaglio engraving, on one side with an oval panel of a Deer Hunt, the huntsman on horseback with uplifted spear and, on the other, with a shaped escutcheon enclosing the figure of a squirrel. Both panels are surrounded by an arabesque pattern- ing of acanthus scrolls and festoons of fruits and flowers. Stem and finial with cut facettings. Height, 91, inches. 408—E1cHTEENTH CENTURY SMALL GERMAN STANDING CuP AND CovER Straight-sided bowl, baluster stem, domed cover and circular foot. The bowl is intaglio engraved with an inscription in German, and a plumed hat, the cover and foot in a pattern of scrollings and floral festoons. Height, 9 inches. Second Session, Monday Evening 409—EIGHTEENTH CENTURY SMALL GERMAN GuAss STANDING Cup AND COVER Straight-sided bowl, baluster stem, domed cover and circular foot. Bowl with cut facetted sides and intaglio engraved bands of scrollings. Stem and finial with cut facettings enclose spiral ornamentations of ruby and gold glass. Height, 934, inches. 410—EIcHTEENTH CENTURY GERMAN STANDING CuP AND COVER White glass. Straight sides, baluster stem, circular foot and domed cover with pointed finial. The bowl is decorated with an intaglio en- graved arabesque pattern of acanthus leaves, interlacements and baskets of fruits, the lower portion with cut heart shaped facettings. The facetted Os and finial enclose twisted filaments of ruby glass. Height, 914 inches. GERMAN STANDING CuP AND COVER Straight-sided bowl, baluster stem, domed cover and acorn finial. ‘The bowl is cut with longitudinal facettings and intaglio engraved with the Imperial Austrian Coat of Arms supported by two rampant lions, mantled with draperies and surmounted by an Imperial Crown, and sur- rounded by an elaborate rococo bordering of scrolls and floral sprays. The lower portion of the bowl and stem, cover and finial are cut in facettings with intaglio engraved scrollings. The under side of the foot is cut in oval concavities. Height, 101, inches. 412—SEVENTEENTH CENTURY GERMAN STANDING CuP AND Cover Straight-sided bowl, with double knopped stem, domed cover, and circular foot. The bowl is intaglio engraved with a pattern of scrollings and groups of flowers, the cover with intaglio engraved design of floral Sy toons. Stem and knops with cut facettings. Height, 101% inches. 413—EIGHTEENTH CENTURY GERMAN STanpDING Cur AND COVER Straight-sided bowl, baluster stem, domed cover and circular foot. The bowl has cut sides decorated with an intaglio engraved oval medallion surrounded by scrolls and figures of bears smoking pipes and enclosing a portrait of the Austrian Emperor, Charles the Sixth. The stem and finial are cut in facettings and enclose twisted filaments of ruby and gold glass. Height, 10 inches. Second Session, Monday Evening 414—KIGHTEENTH CENTURY GERMAN STanpING Cup AND Cover Straight-sided bowl, baluster stem, low domed cover and circular metal foot. The sides of the bowl are cut and intaglio engraved with a panel, surrounded by an elaborate arabesque border and enclosing a shield of armorial bearings and the initials “B. S. V. R.,”’ below it being the date “1735” and around it an inscription in German. The cover is cut with facettings and has a circular medallion of glass applied over a scrolled ornamentation in silver leaf and colors. - Height, 10 inches. 415—E1cHTEENTH CENTURY GERMAN GLaAss STANDING CUP AND CovER Thistle-shaped bowl, baluster stem, domed cover and circular foot. The bowl is intaglio engraved with a subject of Cupid picking flowers in a garden and with an inscription in German. ‘The lower part of the bowl, the stem, cover and finial are cut in facettings. Height, 10 inches. 416—EI1cHTreENTH CENTURY GERMAN STanpinc Cup AND CovER Straight-sided bowl, baluster stem, domed cover and circular foot. Bowl and stem decorated with elaborately cut facettings, the cover with a band of intaglio engraved acanthus scrollings. Height, 11144 inches. 417—EIcHTEENTH CENTURY GERMAN STANDING CuP AND COVER Straight-sided bowl, baluster stem, domed cover and circular foot. Deco- rated with cut facettings and oval concavities. Stem and finial enclose leaf-like ornamentations of ruby and gold glass. Height, 111%, inches. 418—SEVENTEENTH CENTURY GERMAN GuLAss STANDING CuP AND CoveR White “Crackle” glass. Straight sides, hollow baluster stem, circular foot, and domed cover with a crown-shaped finial of quilled filaments of glass. The bowl is decorated with intaglio engraved festoons of flowers. Height, 12 inches. Second Session, Monday Evening 419—SrEvENTEENTH CENTURY GERMAN GLASS STANDING CUP AND COVER Straight-sided bowl, baluster stem, domed cover and circular foot. The bowl is decorated with an intaglio engraved panel, enclosed by rococo scrollings on which are perched two birds and a wolf pursued by a flying hawk and occupied with an inscription in German stating that this glass was made by the donor for his wife. The cover is engraved with a Latin inscription, “Da pacem domino in diebus’ (Give peace in our time, O Lord), and the date *1683.” Height, 12%, inches. 420—EIGHTEENTH CENTURY GERMAN STANDING CuP AND COVER Straight sides, baluster stem, domed cover and circular foot. The bowl and cover are decorated by quatrefoils formed of cut concavities bord- ered by intaglio engraved bands. The stem and finial enclose spiral filaments of ruby glass. Height, 11 inches. 421—FEIGHTEENTH CENTURY GERMAN GLAss STANDING CuP AND CovER Straight-sided bowl with longitudinal facettings, baluster stem, domed cover and circular foot. The bowl is intaglio engraved with the subject of a Boar Hunt, the huntsmen, on horseback, advancing on the boar, which is attacked by dogs; in the distance a subject of a stag hunt with huntsman and dogs. The stem and finial with cut facettings. Height, 11 inches. 422—KIGHTEENTH CENTURY GERMAN STANDING CuP AND COVER: Straight-sided bowl, with twisted baluster stem, domed cover and circular foot. The bowl is intaglio engraved with shield-shaped panels sur- rounded by elaborate scrollings and enclosing figures of Cupids. The stem encloses filaments of ruby and gold glass and the finial is cut with facettings. Height, 12 inches. 423—SEVENTEENTH CENTURY GERMAN STANDING CuP Aanp CoveER Straight-sided bowl, baluster-shaped stem, circular foot and domed cover with pointed finial. Bowl cut in twisted flutings. The cover in twisted gadroons and the under side of foot in a pattern of oval leaves and stems. Height, 12 inches. Second Session, Monday Evening 424—KIiGHTEENTH CENTURY GERMAN STANDING CuP AND COVER Straight sides, cylindrical stem with knop, domed cover and circular base. The cup is decorated with a broad band of diamonded flutings and a band of leaf-shaped concavities. (Slightly cracked and chipped.) Height, 131%, inches. 425—EIGHTEENTH CENTURY GERMAN STANDING Cup AND Cover Straight-sided bowl, with baluster stem, domed cover and circular foot. The bowl is decorated with an intaglio engraved shield of Armorial Bear- ings and an inscription in German. The cover with intaglio engraved military trophies and flags. Stem and finial with cut facettings. Height, 121% inches. 496—SEVENTEENTH CENTURY GERMAN STANDING CUP AND COVER Straight-sided bowl, baluster stem, high domed cover and circular foot. Bowl intaglio engraved with an arabesque pattern of scrolls, strap work, garlands of fruit, with the figure of Diana on one side and an armorial _ bearing on the other. The lower part of the bowl, stem, cover and finial decorated with cut facettings; the stem with a band of oval concavities. (Slight repair to stem.) Height, 12 inches. 427—SEVENTEENTH CENTURY GERMAN GLAss GOBLET Thistle-shaped bowl with seven bubbles at the bottom, curved sides, bal- uster-shaped stem and cut foot. Stem and lower part of the bowl cut in bold facettings. The bowl is engraved in intaglio with armorial bearings. and the names of the Von Sickinger family. Height, 8 inches. 428—E1cHTEENTH CENTURY GERMAN STANDING Cup AND COVER Straight-sided bowl, with baluster stem, domed cover and circular foot. The sides are cut in a pattern of pointed oval concavities, the stem with bands of small circular concavities, and the cover and finial with facet- tings. Height, 121%, inches, Second Session, Monday Evening 429—--KIGHTEENTH CENTURY GERMAN GOBLET Straight-sided bowl with baluster stem and circular foot. The bowl is decorated with intaglio engraved scrollings and with an oblong panel occupied by a portrait of Queen Maria Theresa surrounded by an in- scription in German. The stem is cut with facettings. Height, 91, inches. 430—EIGHTEENTH CENTURY GERMAN GLAsSs STANDING CuP AND COVER Straight-sided bowl, baluster stem, domed cover and circular foot. The bowl has cut sides and is decorated with an escutcheon-shaped shield of armorial bearings surmounted by a Royal Crown. ‘The stem, cover and finial are cut with facettings, and the finial encloses a DEAT aR BEERS orna- mentation of ruby and gold glass. Height, 12 inches. 431—SEVENTEENTH CENTURY GERMAN STANDING CuP AND COVER Straight-sided bowl, molded baluster stem, domed cover, with cut finial. and circular foot. Decorated with figures of two Saints with Armorial Bearing and the inscription ‘“‘Maria von Bassenheim Abbess.” Height, 14 inches. 432—-EIGHTEENTH CENTURY GERMAN GOBLET Of white glass. Straight sides, baluster stem, and circular foot. Deco- rated with cut facettings and intaglio engraved in a rococo pattern of acanthus scrolls, festoons of grape and vine leaves, baskets of fruit and with figure subjects of “Cupid Sharpening His Arrow” and “Abundantia Attended by Cupids.” Height, 8 inches. 433 EIGHTEENTH CENTURY GERMAN GLAss STANDING CuP AND Cover Straight-sided bowl, baluster stem, flat domed cover and circular foot. The bowl is decorated with cut facettings- and, on one side, with an intaglio engraved two-headed eagle with the Austrian Coat of Arms sur- mounted by an Imperial Crown, and, on the other, with an oval medallion portrait of Queen Maria Theresa, with the inscription “Vivat Maria.” (Foot cracked.) Height, 121% inches. Second Session, Monday Evening 434—SEVENTEENTH CENTURY GERMAN STANDING Cup AND CovER Of white “Crackle” glass. Curved bowl, baluster-shaped stem and cir- cular base. Stem and lower part of bowl enclosing bubbles. The bowl is decorated in intaglio engraving with a subject of Neptune and Juno and Mermen. Domed cover with pointed finial. The foot is decorated with rococo scrollings. Height, 91 inches. 435— EIGHTEENTH CENTURY GERMAN STANDING CuP AND COVER Straight-sided bowl, baluster stem, domed cover and circular foot. The bowl is decorated with an intaglio engraved Coat of Arms surrounded by a scrolled mantling and surmounted by a figure of the Virgin, and on the other side with an inscription in German “In honor of Benedict Von Der Eytt.” Stem and finial are cut with facettings. ; Height, 15 inches. 435A —KEIGHTEENTH CentTURY GERMAN GLAss StTanpInc Cup AND Cover Straight sides, domed cover and ball finial. The sides are decorated with intaglo engraved figures emblematic of the Four Quarters of the Globe. (Foot cracked.) Height, 12 inches. 436—SEVENTEENTH CENTURY GERMAN GLass STANDING Cup AND CovER Straight-sided bowl, baluster stem, domed cover with pointed finial and circular foot. The bowl is decorated with intaglio engraved armorial bearings surmounted by a sword and Bishop’s mitre and the inscription “Vivat Frid. Christin. Ep. Prin.”’ (Long live Frederick Christian, Bishop and Prince). On the other side is a circular medallion of cut facettings flanked by intaglio engraved military trophies. Height, 12% inches. _ 437--E1cHTEENTH CENTURY GERMAN STANDING CuP AND COVER Straight-sided bowl, baluster stem, domed cover and circular foot. ‘The bowl is intaglio engraved on one side with a medallion and bordered by branches of palm leaves surmounted by a crown and enclosing a portrait of the Austrian Emperor Charles the Sixth, and on the other with a medallion occupied by a two-headed Imperial Eagle. Stem cut with facettings. Height, 141/, inches. Second Session, Monday Evening 438—-EIGHTEENTH CENTURY GERMAN STANDING CuP Straight-sided bowl, baluster stem and circular metal foot. The bowl is intaglio engraved in a landscape subject of a building with towers, in front of which is a sheet of water with men in boats. Height, 13 inches. 439—EIGHTEENTH CENTURY GERMAN STANDING CUP AND COVER White “Crackle” glass. Straight-sided bowl, with baluster stem, domed cover and circular foot. The bowl is decorated with an intaglio engraved escutcheon occupied with armorial bearings. ‘The stem and finial are cut with small circular concavities. Height, 14%, inches. 440—SEVENTEENTH CENTURY GERMAN STANDING CuP AND COVER Of white “Crackle” glass. Straight-sided bowl cut with longitudinal facettings, baluster-shaped stem and domed cover with baluster finial. Cut in a pattern of pointed leaves and facettings and decorated with intaglio engraving of branches of flowers tied with ribbons, and with floral sprays. Height, 15 inches. 441—SEVENTEENTH CENTURY GERMAN STANDING CuP AND COvER White “Crackle” glass. Straight-sided bowl, baluster stem and circular foot covered with pointed finial. Decorated in intaglio engraving with a series of oval panels containing subjects of musicians, men playing billiards and water birds, with bands of scrollings and flowers and with an inscription. 3 Height, 161% inches. 442—SEVENTEENTH CENTURY GERMAN STANDING Cup AND COovER Thistle-shaped bowl, baluster stem, circular foot and domed cover with pear-shaped finial. The bowl is decorated in intaglio engraving with an unfinished design of a mythological subject and with an oval medallion surrounded by an elaborate border of flowers and scrolls and occupied by a figure of a lion. Above on a label is the motto “Quis hune impune- lacessit.” The stem and finial are cut in a facetted pattern. Height, 17 inches. Second Session, Monday Evening 443—SEVENTEENTH CENTURY GERMAN LARGE GLAss STANDING Cup AND COVER Straight-sided bowl, baluster stem, domed cover and circular foot. The bowl is decorated with a band of circular concavities and an intaglio engraved bordering of garlands of fruits and flowers and a strap work. Around the middle of the bowl is a band of circular cut facettings. Height, 18 inches. 444—--KIGHTEENTH CENTURY DoUBLE STANDING Cup AND COVER Formed as two cups. Bowl with straight sides, domed cover and vase- shaped finial, short stem and circular foot. From the top of the cover springs a second cup with a cover having raised flutings of molded glass. Decorated in intaglio engraving, as to the lower portion, with a pattern of husk garlands from which depend armorial shields and clusters of fruits and flowers. As to the upper portion with a double-headed crowned eagle holding a sword and sceptre and with a group of military trophies. Height, 18%/, inches. 445—SEVENTEENTH CENTURY GERMAN GOBLET White “Crackle” glass. Fluted bowl, baluster stem and circular foot. The bowl is decorated with outstanding loops of filamented glass, the lower portion with flutings. Height, 1114, inches. 446—SEVENTEENTH CENTURY ANTWERP GLAss STANDING Ort Lamp Formed as a twisted pillar of white glass containing a spiral ornamenta- tion of milch glass, supporting a cylindrical oil container, into which fits a subsidiary cylindrical oil receptacle with a small aperture at the bottom, a domed top and a finial of quilled cobalt-blue glass surmounted by a bird of white and cobalt-blue glass. From the outer oil container pro- trudes a curved and pointed wick-nozzle. Height, 19, inches. NOTE: This very interesting specimen of early Flemish glass may be attributed to Antwerp, where, under the guidance of a Venetian named Scarpaggiato, the seventeenth century glass makers. made a passable imitation of the much more delicate Venetian glass. Second Session, Monday Evening 44°7—-SEVENTEENTH CENTURY GERMAN PuzzLE Cup Of plain white glass. Straight-sided bowl, baluster-shaped stem, deco- rated with bands of pinched glass. From the center of the bowl rises a column of glass on which revolves an ornamental figure consisting of six figures of deer, three of them stags with branching antlers which meet to form a triple arching. The finial is formed as a seated figure. Portion of the revolving ornament is missing. Height, 16% inches. 448—-F1GHTEENTH CENTURY GERMAN Bowt Of white glass. Coupe shaped. Decorated with a pattern of cut facettings and intaglio engraved stars. Diameter, 71, inches. 449——SEVENTEENTH CENTURY ANTWERP Guass DiIsH White glass. Circular shape with rim of an open work design of pinched and quilled filaments of white glass enclosing a flat berry prunting. (Cracked. ) Diameter, 101% inches. 450—EIGHTEENTH CENTURY GERMAN DiIsH Circular shape. The center occupied by a medallion of star pattern formed by concavities cut on the reverse side; reverse side of the rim is decorated with an intaglio engraved pattern of acanthus leaf scrolls and groups of fruits and leaves. Diameter, 10 inches. 450A —EIcHTEENTH CrentTURY GERMAN GLass Tazza Circular flat top with upstanding rim, baluster stem and circular foot. Decorated with an intaglio engraved pattern of acanthus leaf scrollings. Height, 4 inches; diameter, 61, inches. THIRD SESSION TUESDAY AFTERNOON, MARCH 16, 1915 AT THE AMERICAN ART GALLERIES BEGINNING aT 2.00 o’cLOocK Which includes Catalogue Nos. 451 to 723 FINE EXAMPLES OF OLD CRESCENT-MARKED WORCESTER AND CHELSEA PORCELAINS Among the makers of those English porcelains whose technical excellence so distinguished the latter half of the Eighteenth Century some few factories attained artistic pre-eminence. Among these are to be included the makers of Worcester, of Chelsea, Bow, Bristol, Derby and Chelsea-Derby. As a consequence, fine examples of their productions have been so eagerly sought after that to-day they are rarely procurable save when the gathering of some noted col- lector is dispersed. So keen is the competition at these times that the most extravagant sums are offered for pieces of exceptional merit. 451—Co.ueEcTIon oF Four otp WorcEsTER AND CHELSEA CREAM Ewers Of various shapes, sizes, decorations and marks. 452—Co.LLECTION OF FIVE o~tp WorcESTER AND CHELSEA CREAM Ewers Of various shapes, sizes, decorations and marks. . 4583—CoLLECTION OF FIVE oLD WorRCESTER AND CHELSEA CREAM Ewers Of various shapes, sizes, decorations and marks. 454—Outp CHELSEA Sauce Boat Boat-shaped, with scroll and acanthus-leaf handle, on oval base. Deco- rated on a ground of embossed wicker-work design with shaped panels surrounded by rococo borders of scrolls and shells and occupied by paintings of exotic birds in colors. The rim and base are decorated in purple and gold. Height, 4 inches; length, 8 inches. Third Session, Tuesday Afternoon 455—Pair oF oLD SALoPiAN PorcEeLAIn Bow1s Coupe-shaped, decorated in transfer blue with sprays of flowers and broad bands of blue and scalloped borders. Height, 217, inches; diameter, 41/, inches. 456—Pair oF oLtp Mason IRon-STONE VASES Cylindrical-shaped, with curved necks. Decorated with alternate verti- cal bands of gilt scrollings and Chinese floral medallions on blue grounds, with patterns, in the Oriental manner, of branches of chrysanthemums and hawthorn blossoms on white grounds all painted in gold and colors. Height, 11 inches. 457—Oup CHELSEA Dersy CAakE BASKET Circular shape, with scalloped top with bale handles formed as moss ~ leaves and moss-rose buds, with typical Chelsea decoration of raised branches of moss-roses with buds and leaves painted in natural colors and with butterflies painted in bright colors. Around the rim and foot are bands of gilding. | Height, 91%, inches; diameter, 51, inches. 458—Oup CHELSEA Derpy INKsTAND Formed as a shaped tray, with scroll and acanthus-leaf handles and four ball feet. Down the center runs a longitudinal pen tray, in front are two circular inkwells with removable ink-bottles and at the back two reversible taper stands and wafer receptacle. Decorated, on a tur- quoise ground, with a panel of white reserve, with scrolls and flowers naturalistically treated and with a scroll border in white reserve occu- pied with scrollmgs and lines in pink and gilt and with floral sprays in colors. y Length, 11%, inches. 459—Ontp WorcESTER JARDINIERE Straight sides and false ring handles. Decorated with acanthus scrolls and honeysuckle ornamentations in purple, green and red heightened with gold, and with oval medallion bordered in gold, and occupied with a silhouette portrait of George Third, with the inscription, “A token from Margate.” Height, 54, by 7 inches. Third Session, Tuesday Afternoon 460—TuHREE oLtp WorcrEstER PORCELAIN JARDINIERES Bucket shaped. Decorated, on a canary-colored ground, with spade- shaped panels of white reserve occupied with baskets of roses and other flowers naturalistically painted. Heights, 6 inches and 5%, inches. 461—Patr oF o~tp WorcrkstER PorcreLaAIn Crocus VAsEs Cylindrical-shaped, with removable covers for the reception of bulbs. The fronts fluted and decorated on a purple ground with rectangular panels of white reserve bordered with gold, and occupied with paint- ings of groups of roses and other flowers. (Repaired.) Height, 51% inches; width, 8 inches. 462—-OLp WorcEsTER PoRCELAIN Crocus VASE Cylindrical-shaped, with removable cover for the reception of bulbs and four ball feet. Body decorated with borders of myrtle leaf and pointed- leaf pattern, with rectangular panel occupied with subject of Venus and Cupid in colors and two side panels occupied by trophies of Cupid’s quiver and two pierced hearts suspended by ribbons. | Height, 71, inches; width, 81% inches. 462A—Partr or oLp WorcrstER PoRCELAIN JARDINIERES Bucket shaped with ring handles. Decorated with two deep bands of rose color, with a broad band of oak leaf and acorn pattern in gold and with rectangular panels of English landscape paintings. Gilt lines around the rims and bases. Height, 5 inches. 463—Oxup WorcrstTER PorcEeELAIN Crocus VASE Cylindrical-shaped, with removable cover for reception of bulbs and sup- ported on three ball feet. Decorated with borders in relief and with bands and borders of Greek fret pattern and myrtle leaf. Upright bands of husk design and lotus flowers in gold on a white ground and a rectangular sunken panel, painted in sepia, with the subject of a “Stag in a Forest,” with oval panels of landscapes painted in sepia and with broad bands of canary yellow. Height, 81%, inches; width, 9 inches. Third Session, Tuesday Afternoon 463A—Oxtp Worcester PorcEeLaIn JARDINIERE Bucket shaped, with ring handles. Decorated, on a white ground, with festoons of husk pattern in gold and red, with a border of Greek key pattern in red and gold and with an octagonal shaped panel contain- ing a silhouette portrait in black. Inscribed “A token from Chelten- ham.” Height, 6 inches. 464—Oxup Crescent Marxep Worcester Mvuc Straight sides; looped handle; decorated in transfer blue with sprays of roses and chrysanthemums. Mark: Crescent in blue. Height, 31, inches. 465—Oxip Crescent Marked WorceEsTER CHRISTENING Mue Straight, curved sides, with two bands transfer printed in blue with Ori- ental checker and trefoil pattern. Mark: Crescent in blue. Height, 2% inches. 466—Oxp CrescENT Marxep WorcerstTER SAUCE-BOAT AND Bown Decorated on a white ground in transfer blue with sprays of flowers in a rosetted border. Height of bowl, 2 inches; diameter, 414, inches. Height of sauce-boat, 334 inches; length, 61 inches. 467—Onxip WorcEsTER PorRCELAIN BEAKER Trumpet-shaped, decorated in blue underglaze on white with a painting of a Chinese willow tree and acanthus blossom. Height, 51% inches. 468—Onp Crescent Markep WorceEstTER TEAPOT Pear-shaped body, looped handle and domed cover with pointed finial. Body decorated with a pattern in relief of concentric curves and with _ a transfer blue printed pattern of floral sprays. Mark: Crescent in blue. Height, 5 inches. 469—Oxp Crescent Marken Worcester PorcenaIn TEAPOT Barrel-shaped body, with curved spout, looped handle and flat cover with flower finial. Body is decorated in relief with a Chinese subject of men fishing from a boat, a spray of peony blossoms and an Oriental scroll border, and with blue transfer printed floral sprays and a scrolled and floral border. Mark: Crescent, in blue. Height, 414, inches. Third Session, Tuesday Afiericon 470—Two oup Crescent Marxkep Worcester Mvues Straight sides, with looped molded handles. Decorated on a white ground with transfer prints in blue of an Oriental subject of a young woman fishing. Mark: Solid Crescent, in blue. Height, 9%, ‘inches. 471—Oup CrescENT Marxkep Worcester Corrrere Por Pear-shaped body, straight neck, scroll handle and greybeard spout. Body in a raised lettuce leaf pattern, with flowers, fruits and butter- flies transfer printed in blue. Mark: Open Crescent in blue. Height, 1114 inches. 472—-OLp CrEscENT Markep Worcester Corrree Por Baluster-shape, with curved spout, looped flat handle and cover with disk finial. Decorated with transfer prints in blue of Oriental subjects of fishermen. Mark: Solid Crescent, in blue. Height, 8%, inches. 473—ELEVEN WorcEsTER PorRCELAIN PLATES Fluted and scalloped edges. Decorated on a white ground with trans- fer prints in characteristic Worcester dark blue, and groups of roses and other flowers and leaves and with a lambrequin border. The spaces occupied with scale diapered patterns of scrollings in white reserve on solid blue ground. Mark: Solid Crescent in blue. Diameter, 7 inches. 474—Ortp Worcester PorceLaAIn DEssERT SERVICE Decorated, on a white ground, with large paintings of individual flowers and borders of salmon-color with a further decoration of leaves in gray gold lines and a gold rope border. Signed at the back of each piece with the name of the flower represented. Service consists of three berry dishes and sixteen plates. (Three plates slightly faulty. ) 19 pieces. Third Session, Tuesday Afternoon 475—Dr. Watt Periop Worcester DEssERT SERVICE Oval compotier on oval foot. Dishes and plates with fluted and scalloped edges. The centers are occupied by floral sprays in gold surrounded by scalloped borders of turquoise-blue with gilt shells, the rims have borders of turquoise-blue with an inner ornamentation of gilt scrolls. The service consists of one compotier, four oval and three square dishes and ten plates. 18 pieces. 476—CreEscENT Markep CHAMBERLAIN’S WorcESTER DEssERT SERVICE Plates and dishes of fluted design with scalloped edges. Basket with sides pierced in an interlaced and scalloped design. Decorated on a white ground with an all-over pattern of Oriental flowers in underglaze blue outlined and heightened in gold and of Oriental leaves and blossom in red, green and yellow heightened with gold, surrounded by a border of checker design in black on a green ground alternating with bands of gros-bleu decorated with a trefoil design in red outlined in gold. Pierced sides of the basket are painted in apple-green with raised cinquefoil ro- settes of white, edged with blue, and with gold centers. The service con- sists of one fruit basket, four plates, three small plates, four circular dishes. Mark: Crescent and “Chamberlain’s,” in blue. 12 pieces. 476A—Oup Worcester TEAPOT ; Globular shape, with looped handle and domed cover with pointed finial. Decorated with the so-called “Queen Charlotte pattern.” (Repaired. ) Height, 514 inches. NOTE: This teapot, which belongs to the Dr. Wall period, probably marks the first intro- duction of this pattern. 477—Oup Crescent Marxkep Worcester TEAPOT Pear-shaped body, with looped handle, domed cover and pointed finial. Decorated on a white ground with an all-over pattern of Oriental flowers in underglaze blue and red heightened with gold. Mark: Solid Crescent, in blue. Height, 7, inches, Third Session, Tuesday Afternoon 478—Oup CHELSEA PorceLaIn VAsE Square baluster shape, with spreading neck and square rim with a raised band of lotus leaf ornamentation. On square molded base. Deco- rated on a turquoise-blue ground with sunken panels occupied by paint- ings of exotic birds and floral and leaf sprays naturalistically treated. Base and rim decorated with lines of gilding. (Repaired. ) Height, 121, inches. 479—Oxp CHELSEA PorRCELAIN CuP Coupe-shape, with rustic handle and three scroll feet. Decorated on a raised white wicker-work ground with sprays of flowers and leaves pro- ceeding from the base of the handle and painted in colored enamels. Around the interior of the rim is a floral and leaf border in the Oriental style, painted in colored enamels. ' Height, 1% inches. NOTE: This cup is a copy of a Chinese Sacramental Cup. 480—Partr oF oLpD Worcester PorceLain Ewers anv Basins Octagonal shape. The pitchers with high necks and scroll looped han- dles. Decorated on a gros-blew ground with shaped panels of white re- serve bordered with gilt scrollings and occupied with floral sprays. Height, 234 inches. 481—Oup SropE Miniature TEApPotT Squat pear-shape, with domed cover having a rose as finial, rustic han- dle and curved spout. Decorated on a purple ground with a wreathing of raised and painted flowers, leaves and shells. Mark: Spode, in script, painted in black. Height, 2%, wicehes. 482—O.p CHELSEA PorcELAIN VaAsE OF FLOWERS Oviform shaped vase. Decorated, on a white ground, with a paint- ing of AXsop’s fable of the “Fox and the Grapes” and filled with a group of raised and painted flowers. | Height, 51%, inches. Third Session, Tuesday Afternoon 483—Oxip CuetsrEa PorceLaIn CrEAM Ewer Pear-shaped body, with rustic handle terminating in raised and painted oak leaves, supported on kneeling figures of two goats. In front is a raised and painted group of flowers on which is a carefully modeled bee. Further decorated with sprays of flowers and gilding. Height, 43 inches. NOTE: This is the very celebrated “Goat and Bee Jug.” 484—Otp CHELSEA DerBy PorRCcELAIN CANDLESTICK Circular base, with gold flutings and scalloped edge. Candle socket of ‘classic design with a raised decoration of lotus leaves and a twisted branch which forms handle with rosetted thumbpiece. Decorated with a border of gros-bleuw outlined with gold scrolls, with raised acanthus leaves painted in dark blue and gold, and floral sprays painted in colors. Mark: Combined Anchor and D., in gold. Height, 3%, inches. 485—Onp CHELSEA PorCELAIN SWEETMEAT DiIsH Circular form with projecting and scroll handles, scalloped rim and four scroll and shell feet. Decorated with panels of exotic birds and with green and blue scrollings. (Cracked.) Mark: Anchor in green. Height, 2°, inches; diameter, 51% inches. NOTE: This is the only known instance of the Anchor mark being painted in green. 486—Oxtp Worcester PEN Tray Oblong shape, on four ball feet. Decorated with the Worcester “Kylin” pattern consisting of shaped panels of white reserve on a dotted green ground, occupied with figures of Kylins and Chinese utensils and sur- rounded by gilded branchings and border of Chinese honeycomb pattern and of panels of white reserve occupied by flower forms in red and green. The rim and ball feet are gilded. Height, 214, inches; length, 9 inches. 487—O.p SropE Cup anp SAUCER Scalloped rim and handle formed as a butterfly with folded wings. Decorated on a green ground with groups and wreaths of roses and other flowers painted in natural colors. The interior of the rim, the handle and stem of cup are gilded. Height, 4 inches. Third Session, Tuesday Afternoon 488—Pair OF OLD CHELSEA PorcELAIN Pot-PpouRRI VASEs | Pointed pear-shape, with removable covers, with raised mayflower deco- ration. ‘The covers with four cylindrical shaped spaces, occupied with piercings and finials shaped as raised flowers and leaves. Height, 41, inches. 489—Pair OF OLD CHELSEA PorcELAIN Pot-pouRRI VasEs Pointed pear-shape, with removable covers, with raised mayflower deco- ration. ‘The covers with four circular shaped spaces, occupied with piercings and finials shaped as raised flowers and leaves. Height, 6 inches. 490—Patr oF oLp CHELSEA FLowrerR BASKETS Shaped as oval wicker baskets, with a border of raised and colored flowers around the rims and with interior decoration of fruits and butter- flies painted in a naturalistic manner. Height, 2 inches; length, 414 inches. 491—Oxp Loneton Hatt Vase ‘ Of rococo design. Pear-shaped body, with one voluted and shell handle. Wreaths of raised and painted flowers and escutcheon-shaped panels occupied with paintings of tropical birds and butterflies. The scrolls are painted in green and gold. Height, 914 inches. 492—Srr or THREE oLp WorcEsTER PorcELAIN SPILL VaAsEs Trumpet-shaped. Decorated on a sage-blue ground with scrolled and honeysuckle pattern and a pointed-leaf border, with octagonal panels, having a purple ground and bordered with gold, occupied with groups of roses and passion flowers and other blossoms naturalistically painted. Heights, 51%, inches and 4 inches. 493—Patr oF OLD CHELSEA Dersy Vases Pear-shaped bodies, with high curved necks and circular bases. Deco- rated with an all-over “mayflower” pattern in turquoise-blue and yellow with raised figures of yellow-painted birds and branches of leaves and blessoms. (One imperfect.) Height, 7 inches. Third Session, Tuesday Afternoon 493A—Patr oF OLD PINxTON JARDINIERES Bucket shaped with projecting dolphin handles and three claw feet. Decorated, on a mat chocolate colored ground, with a honeysuckle and scroll decoration in yellow and with two spade-shaped panels of Eng- lish landscapes. Guilt handles. Height, 5°, inches. 494—Patr oF OLD SPoDE VASES AND STANDS Cantharus-shaped, with curved sides, circular bases and octagonal stands. Decorated with a ground of marbling in purple, with octagonal bands of white reserve occupied by paintings of Cupid with Bacchic Thyrsus driving a chariot drawn by lions and a goat, and of Diana driving a chariot drawn by two goats. Interiors decorated on a mar- bled ground in red. (One imperfect.) Marks. Factory numbers and names of subjects in puce. Height, 61, inches. 494A—Partr oF oLD WorcESTER JARDINIERES Bucket shaped, with projecting ring handles. Decorated with hori- zontal bands of purple and with oval panels of landscape paintings in sepia. Guilt handles. Height, 5 “inches. 495—Oup CHeEetseA Ecce SERVER Shaped as the figure of a partridge sitting on a nest with modeled twigs, leaves and ears of wheat. The removable cover consists of the body of the bird painted in natural colors and the bowl of the nest painted in green, red, blue and brown. ; 54, by 6%, inches. 496—Oxup CHELSEA PorcELAIN TEAPOT Melon-shaped body, with wide shallow flutings, looped handle, curved spout and pointed finial. Decorated with festoons of flowers and leaves in green, outlined with black, and with floral sprays painted in colors. (Cracked. ) Height, 6 inches. 497—Otp CHELSEA PorcELAIN VasE Pear-shaped, with cylindrical neck and circular base. Decorated, on a white ground, with a group of flowers and floral sprays naturalistically — painted. Gold lines around the neck and base. Mark: Anchor, in red. Height, 614, inches. Third Session, Tuesday Afternoon 498—Oup Cuetsea PorcenaAIn VasE wirn HANDLES Pear-shape, curved rim and scroll loop handles. Decorated, on a tur- quoise-blue ground, with shaped panels bordered with gilt scrolls and occupied with paintings of exotic birds and butterflies. . Height, 81%, inches. 499—Oxip WorcrstER PorceLAIn Dessert SERVICE Oval shell-shaped and square dishes with shaped edges. Decorated, on a white ground with the characteristic Worcester “Japan” pattern in gold and colors. Service consists of two ice cgolers, one deep dish, two platters, two square berry dishes, four fruit dishes, two tureens with covers and stands, seventeen small plates and two large plates. (Nine pieces slightly repaired.) 32 pieces. 500—Oxip CHAMBERLAIN’s WorcESTER PorCELAIN INKSTAND Rococo design of shells and pierced and acanthus scrolls, having in front a pen tray behind which are receptacles for pens and an ink-well and wafer box of cylindrical form, with flat lds having modeled roses as finials. Above is a figure of a cupid making entries in a book. Decorated on plain green and purple grounds, with elaborate gilt scrollings, groups of roses and floral sprays painted in a naturalistic manner. Height, 5144, inches; length, 101%, inches. 501—Oup CueEtsEa Porcentain Vase, CovER AND STAND Cantharus-shaped vase with domed cover and quatrefoil-shaped stand. Decorated with an allover pattern of raised branches of oak and leaves. The cover has a finial formed as a branch of oak, with leaves and acorns. The leaves are outlined in apple-green with purple veinings. Slight repair to stand. Height, 8°4 inches. 502—Oxnp CHELSEA PoRCELAIN STATUETTE: “SSHAKESPEARE” Dressed in seventeenth century costume of white heightened with gilding. He rests his elbow upon a pile of books resting on a shaped pedestal from which depend a scroll inscribed with the quotation from The Tempest: “The cloud capt towers,” etc. On a rococo scrolled and shell base painted in green with gilt scrollings. Modeled after the monu- ment by Kent in Westminster Abbey. | Height, 121% inches. Third Session, Tuesday Afternoon 503—Two CHELSEA PorcELAIN Birps . Painted in natural colors and perched upon trunks of trees with raised and painted flowers and leaves. Height, 234 inches, 504—Two oLtp CHELSEA PorcELAIN Birps Figures of modeled birds seated upon tree trunks with rocky bases. One base is decorated with raised and painted bunches of grapes and vine leaves, the other with raised flowers and leaves, in plain white glaze, with gilding. Height, 21/4 inches. A MOST EXCEPTIONAL GATHERING OF OLD CHELSEA STATUETTES OF THE BEST PERIOD For so many years have old ‘‘ Chelsea China Figures’’ been regarded as the most desirable examples of English porcelains to acquire that to-day they are generally looked upon as the rare prizes of the collector’s life-time. By many they are considered as preferable, in the freedom of their modeling and their characteristically English coloring, to the perhaps more technically perfect Meissen productions with which they were contemporaneous. However this may be, they have a very distinct attraction of their own, which perhaps accounts for the almost extravagant value placed upon them by their admirers. 505—Oup CuHeEtsEA PorcEeLaAiIn Birp Figure of a bird with white body and black and yellow wings and tail, supported by the trunk of a tree. Painted in natural colors. Height, 31%, inches. 506—O.up CHELSEA PorcELAIN MINIATURE STATUETTE Figure of Minerva, in blue helmet, resting her hand upon her shield, and supported by trophies of arms. On rustic base, with raised and painted flowers. Height, 354 inches. 507—Oup CHELSEA PorcELAIN Dog Figure of a pug dog seated. Painted in fawn color, with a white and gold collar and black muzzle. On oval scroll and shell base of green and blue, with gilt scrollings. (Slight repair.) Height, 2°, inches. Third Session, Tuesday Afternoon 508—Oup CuHeEetseA PorcELAIN Cat Figure of a cat naturalistically painted in tortoise-shell and plain white glaze. Seated on an oval base, painted with sprays of flowers. (Repaired. ) | Height, 21%, inches. 509—Pair oF oLp CHELSEA PorcEeLatn Docs Figures of two spaniels couchant. Painted in white with brown mark- ings, on oval bases with raised and painted flowers and leaves. Height, 31% inches. 510—Ouxp Cuetsea Porcertatn Doe Figure of a pug dog with a red collar, fawn-colored markings, and black muzzle. On a rectangular base. | Height, 3%. inches, 511—Oup CHELsEA PoRCELAIN STATUETTE Figure of a man in farmer’s costume of blue coat, pink waistcoat, green breeches and broad-brimmed hat, fondling a dog and supported by a tree trunk with raised and painted leaves. Height, 3 inches. 512—O.up CuetsEa Porcetain Scent FLacon Shaped as a flask and mounted in gold and silver. The neck painted with floral sprays. Chased gold and silver stopper with flower finial. Height, 3 inches. 518—Oxup CHELsEA PorceLaIn Scent FLAcon Formed as the figure of a boy in a striped pink coat and knee-breeches. Mounted in ormolu with a porcelain cover formed as a dog’s head. Height, 2% inches. 514—Oxup CHELSEA PorRCELAIN SCENT FLACON Formed as the figure of a boy with pink coat and yellow knee-breeches. playing with a goat and supported by a trunk of a tree with raised and painted bunches of grapes and vine leaves. Mounted in silver, with a band of cut garnets around the rim, and with a hinged repoussé silver cover. Height, 3 inches. Third Session, Tuesday Afternoon 515—Oxtp CHELSEA PorcELAIN Scent Fiacon Formed as a head of asparagus. Painted in green and purple and mounted in gold with an engraved hinged lid. Height, 33% inches. 516—Oxp Derrsy Stratvette: “THe Pet Doe” Seated figure of a young man in eighteenth century costume, violet- colored coat, red and blue striped vest and knee-breeches and curled tied wig teaching his pet dog, which sits on its hind legs. Rustic base, with raised and painted flowers. Height, 5 inches. 517—Oup Dersy STaTuettTe: “THE GARDENER” Figure of a young woman in eighteenth century costume, rose-colored bodice and white skirt painted with floral sprays. She holds up with one hand her apron full of flowers and rests the other on a watering pot which stands upon a pedestal with a lion’s mask from which issues a stream of water. Height, 7 inches. 518—Set or Six oLp CHELSEA STATUETTES Figures of cupids crowned with flowers and holding baskets of flowers supported by tree trunks with raised and painted flowers and leaves. Circular rustic bases, with raised and painted flowers and leaves. From the collection of the Marquis de Motta. Height, 414 inches. 519—Patr oF oLtp Derpy Srarvetres: “THe Musicians” Figures in eighteenth century costume of a boy playing a harp and a girl a guitar. The boy is dressed in a dark blue coat and orange-col- ored breeches, and the girl in a dark blue bodice, blue skirt decorated with roundels and sprays in gold, and yellow apron. Both are sup- ported by tree trunks. On circular scrolled bases with gilt scrollings. Height, 41%, inches. Third Session, Puesday Afternoon 520—Oup CHELSEA PorCELAIN STATUETTE: “THE TytrHe Pic” Group A parson in black robe, and a farmer and his wife. The farmer with a green square coat and breeches, holding a lamb in his arms, the wife with a green dress, white cloak, green apron, and red hat, holding a baby in her arms and at her feet a basket of eggs. The group is sup- ported by a tree trunk with boscage of modeled and painted flowers and leaves. On shaped base with modeled and painted flowers and leaves. Height, 6 inches. NOTE: This group is a Chelsea rendering of a popular Staffordshire factory group. 521—Oup CHELSEA STATUETTE Nude figure with wreath of raised and painted flowers, having at her side a wicker-work basket full of raised and painted flowers on scrolled support. Rococo, scroll and openwork base, painted in green and pur- ple. Modeled by Roubiliac. . Height, 91, inches. 522—Oup CHELSEA PoRCELAIN STATUETTE: “THE CooK’’ Figure of a child in a rose-colored coat, turquoise-colored cap and white apron, holding in his hands a dish with pastry. Supported by a tree trunk with raised and painted flowers and leaves. On scroll base with gilt scrollings. Height, 434 inches. §23—Oxp CHELSEA PoRCELAIN STATUETTE: “FAME” Represented as an angel in a white robe, having conventional floral scrollings of red, blue and gold leaves, with a rose-colored scarf, and blowing a trumpet. Supported, by cloud forms, on a rococo scroll and shell base painted in rose-color, with green and gilt scrollings. Height, 121%, inches. 524—Oxnp CHELSEA PorcELAIN STATUETTE: “MILTON’’ Figure of Milton holding his cloak in both hands, and at his side a circular pedestal with the subject of “Adam and Eve being expelled from the Garden.” Dressed in a jerkin decorated with floral sprays in red and gold, a yellow mantle lined with purple, green breeches and a black hat. Height, 1114 inches. Third Session, Tuesday Afternoon 525—Parr oF OLD CANDLESTICK STATUETTES Figures of Cupids crowned with flowers and with flowing scarves, pat- terned with floral sprays and lined with purple, seated on trunks of trees, with branches of raised and painted flower and leaf boscage sup- porting acanthus-leaf modeled candle sockets. On a rococo scroll and shell base colored in green with gilt scrollings. Height, 6%, inches. 526—Pair oF oLp PorRcELAIN CHELSEA STATUETTES Consisting of tree trunks and intertwined branches with raised and painted flowers and leaves on which are perched two birds painted in yellow with feather markings of brown. Below, seated on their hind legs, are dogs looking up at the birds. On scroll and shell bases painted in green with gilt scrolls. ; Height, 7 inches. 527—Ox.p CHELSEA PoRCELAIN STATUETTE Figure of a ram with horns standing with a reclining lamb. Supported by a tree trunk with raised and painted flowers and leaves. On ir- regular rustic base, with raised and painted flowers and leaves. Height, 6% inches. 528—Patir oF OLD CHELSEA PoRCELAIN STATUETTES: “SUMMER AND WINTER’. Summer, as the figure of a young girl in a white robe, dotted with floral sprays in gold, holding in her right arm a sheaf of wheat. Supported by a tree trunk with raised and painted flowers and leaves. Winter as a young boy in eighteenth century costume, dotted with floral sprays in gold, leaning one hand upon a trunk of a tree with raised and painted leaves and holding on his right shoulder a bundle of faggots. On rococo scrolled and openwork bases with gilt ornamentation. Height, 814 inches. 529—Oxp CHELSEA PorCELAIN STATUETTE: “THe Musician” Figure of a young woman in eighteenth century costume of a yellow bodice, laced with gold, pink over-skirt, white petticoat decorated with floral sprays in gold and colors and in her hair, a plume of feathers. She holds in one hand a triangle which she strikes with the other. Sup- ported by a tree trunk and branches and raised and painted flowers and leaves. On a scroll and shell base, painted in blue with gilt scrollings and decorated with raised and painted flowers and leaves. Height, ™/, inches. Third Session, Tuesday Afternoon 5381—Oup CHELSEA PoRCELAIN STATUETTE: “FRENCH SHEPHERDESS” Figure of a young woman in a blue bodice and purple flowered skirt, en- twining the neck of her pet lamb with flowers. Supported by a tree trunk with raised and painted leaves. On circular scrolled base, painted with flowers and gilt lines. Height, 51% inches. 582—Pair or CHELSEA PoRCELAIN VASES Urn-shaped with fluted necks and domed and fluted covers. The necks are decorated with raised lions’ masks in white and festoons of laurel leaves in gold and with spiral flutings of blue bordered with gold, the bodies with raised festoons of draperies in white reserve. The bases are in white decorated with gold lines. One base repaired. Height, 91%, inches. 583—Oxup Bow PorcELAIN STATUETTE Figure of a young woman in red jacket lined with gold, closely buttoned vest and flowered skirt with a checker pattern of dots. She holds a flower in her left hand and rests her right hand upon her hip. At her side is a spaniel seated upon its hind legs in a begging attitude. Sup- ported by a trunk of a tree with branches. On square base with raised scrollings painted in purple. Height, 6%, inches. 5384Oxnp Dersy Stratuvettre: “THe Hunter” Figure of a young man in eighteenth century costume of a green jacket, white vest with floral sprays, purple knee-breeches, high black hat and black boots with brown tops. He rests one hand upon a gun and holds in the other a dead bird. At his feet is a spaniel. Supported by a tree trunk with raised and painted leaves. On a rococo scrolled and shell base, painted in purple with gilt scrollings. Height, 6%, inches. 535—Outp CHELSEA PoRCELAIN STATUETTE: “JUNO”’ Figure of Juno. In flowing robes of white painted with floral sprays, yellow mantle, flowing head-dress and veil of dark blue. Crowned and holding a scepter in the right hand. At her side is a peacock with a spreading tail painted in red, green and blue enamel. On a square base. Mark: Scratched number. Height, 61% inches. Third Session, Tuesday Afternoon - 586—Ox.p CHELSEA PorcELAIN STATUETTE: “FRENCH SHEPHERDESS” Figure of a shepherdess in eighteenth century costume of pink bodice with green over-skirt and yellow petticoat decorated with quatrefoils of white reserve occupied with floral sprays. She holds in one hand her ~ apron filled with fruits, and in the other a wicker-work basket of eggs. Supported by a tree trunk and branch, with raised and painted flowers and leaves. On scrolled base with gilt scrollings. Height, 7%, inches. 587—Outp CHELSEA PorcELAIN STATUETTE: “THE Piping SHEPHERD” Figure of a young man in a pink coat, flowered vest, light yellow knee- breeches and black hat. He plays a pipe with one hand while with the other he strikes a tambourine suspended over his left shoulder. Sup- ported by a tree trunk with raised and painted flowers and leaves. On a scroll and shell base, painted with blue scrolls. Mark: Scratched numbers. Height, 7 inches. 538—Parr oF oLD WorcESTER PORCELAIN Crocus Ports Shaped commodes, as with curved sides. Decorated with a pattern of panels occupied with sprays of cornflowers separated by diamond-shaped panels of roses and leaves, and with a square panel of a basket of flow- ers naturalistically painted. Height, 61, inches; length, 81%, inches. 5389—Oup CHELSEA PorRCcELAIN GCANDLESTICK Formed as an infant Bacchanal. Seated and wreathed with grapes and vine leaves holding a bunch of grapes in one hand and a cup in the other. He supports a candle socket of pierced leaf design painted in green and gold. On a circular scroll and shell base, painted with green, yellow and black, and decorated with painted floral sprays. Height, 9 inches. : 540—Patr oF OLD CHELSEA PorRCELAIN VASES ; In a rococo design of a flat pear-shape, with spreading, pierced rims and scroll and shell handles. On scroll and shell bases. Decorated with festoons of raised and painted flowers, with paintings of butter- flies and insects and with gilt scrolls. (One repaired.) Height, 717, inches. Third Session, Tuesday Afternoon 541—Oxip CHELSEA PorRCELAIN PITCHER Pear-shaped, with pointed spout and loop scroll handle. Decorated with exotic birds and foliage. Height, 81 inches, 542—-O.p CHELSEA PorcELAIN VASE Pear-shaped and rococo design, with elaborately scrolled handles and - shell base. Decorated in turquoise-blue and gold and with shaped panels of white reserve occupied with paintings of exotic birds and groups of flowers painted in a naturalistic manner. Height, 11 inches. 543—Oup CHELSEA PorRCcELAIN VASE Ovolo-shape, with rococo decoration of scroll and shell work. Painted in green, with gilt scrollings and sprays of raised and colored flowers and leaves and with bands of exotic birds painted in colors. The necks have pierced shaped panels of raised “‘mayflower”’ decoration. The cir- cular bases are decorated with wreaths of raised and painted flowers and leaves. Mark: Anchor in gold. (Shght crack on rim.) Height, 81% inches. 544—Pair oF OLD CHELSEA PorceLAIn Fruir Baskets Oval shaped with pierced sides of wicker work design having raised and painted rosettes at the intersections and turquoise wicker-work handles with raised and painted flowers and leaves at their junctions with the bodies. The interiors are occupied with paintings of cherries, leaves, and butterflies all in natural colors. Height, 31%, inches; length, 814 inches. 545—Parr oF OLD CHELSEA PorcELAIN PITCHERS Pear-shaped bodies, with cylindrical and fluted rims, spouts formed as bearded masks and scroll and loop handles. Decorated with bands, sprays and wreaths of flowers painted in a naturalistic manner and with a gilt acanthus-leaf ornamentation. (One slightly cracked.) Height, 834 inches. 546—GARNITURE OF THREE OLD CHELSEA PorcELAIN VASES Oviform shaped, with looped acanthus leaf handles and circular spread- ing bases. Decorated, on a turquoise-blue ground, with a raised pattern of branches and buds and with groups of raised mayflowers in white reserve with old centers. The handles are decorated with gilt scrollings and the bases with gold lines. (Slight repairs.) Heights, 8 and 714, inches. Third Session, Tuesday Afternoon | 547—Parr oF oLp CHELSEA PorcELAIN Haneine FLower VASES Formed as cornucopie. The bodies have twisted flutings decorated with sprays of flowers and butterflies painted in natural colors. The molded rims have a band of raised and painted floral and leaf decoration. Height, 11 inches. 548—Onp CHELSEA PORCELAIN GARNITURE OF THREE VASES The center vase is ovolo-shape, with high domed cover having a modeled figure of a bird as finial. The two side vases are spill-shape, with low domed covers and modeled figures of birds as finials. The handles are formed as female masks crowned with wreaths of raised and painted flowers, the circular bases are fluted and dotted with raised and painted “mayflowers” and above them are bands of raised and painted shell ornamentation. The fluted bodies are decorated with branches of raised and painted flowers, painted butterflies and insects, and with pierced bands and borders of wicker-work interlacements having raised and painted “‘mayflowers” at the intersections. The covers are decorated with branches of raised and painted flowers and leaves and with dia- mond-shaped panels of a pierced wicker-work pattern, with blue and rose-colored roundels at the intersections. The bird finials are painted in yellow and black. From the collection of W. A. Fletcher, Sundorne Castle, Shrewsbury. Height of center vase, 11 inches; of side vases, 9 inches. (Illustrated) 549—Patr oF OLD CHELSEA PorcELAIN VASES Pear-shaped bodies, with rococo openwork scrollings, domed covers of similar design with raised leaves and flowers and with circular bases. Decorated, with shaped panels occupied by elaborate paintings of groups of flowers naturalistically treated and with scrollings and lines of gold. (Cracked. ) j Height, 9 inches. 550—Oxup CHELSEA PorRCELAIN VASE Pear-shape, with curved rim and scroll looped handle. Decorated, on a turquoise ground, with shaped panels bordered with gilt scrolls and oc- cupied by paintings of exotic birds and butterflies. Height, 81/, inches. No. 548 Third Session, Tuesday Afternoon 551—Patir oF oLp Derspy PorcEeLAIN STATUETTES: “THE WeusH Tattor AND WIFE” Both are riding upon goats and grasping the horns with one hand. The tailor, in a brown full square coat with black hat, carries upon his back two kids and, in his girdle, the instruments of his trade. His goat carries in her mouth the tailor’s iron. The wife is dressed in a dark purple jacket and flowered skirt, holds on one arm a baby and carries a basket on her back in which are two children. Hung around the neck of her goat is a basket of provisions, bottles and a knife. Both figures are supported by trunks of trees, with raised and painted flowers and leaves. On rococo bases of scroll and shell design, with gilt scrolls. Mark: Scratched numbers. Height, 914, inches. 552—Oxp CHELtsEA PorceLtaIn Cruet STanp AND BorriLeEs Pierced cruet stand of wood with ivory balusters, and a carrying handle of silver. The bottle-shaped casters are of porcelain mounted with chased and pierced silver, and decorated with floral sprays painted in colors on a white ground and with gold scrolled panels inscribed with the names of the condiments. The silver rims bear the Birmingham hall mark. (One cruet without cover.) Height, 11 inches. Third Session, Tuesday Afternoon 55383—Oxtp WorceEstER PorcenAIn “RopNEY”’ JuG Fluted pear-shape with curved neck, with scroll flat looped handle and spout formed as the head of Admiral Rodney in a three-cornered hat. Decorated, around the rim, with a band of raised and painted acanthus- leaf decoration, and on the body and neck with groups of flowers and floral sprays painted in a naturalistic manner. These much sought after “Rodney” jugs, as English collectors term them, were made by the factories both of Worcester and Derby to com- memorate the victory in the West Indies on April 12, 1782, of the popular hero Admiral Rodney. 554—O.p CHELSEA PorcELAIN STATUETTE: “THE GARDENERS” : | : Figures of a youth and a maiden in eighteenth century costumes. The : youth holds in his lap a mask and leans one arm upon a spade and raises : the other with a protecting gesture upward. ‘The maiden, with rose- : colored bodice and white under-skirt, stands holding on one arm a basket of flowers from which she is taking blossoms and leaves. Both figures are supported by a tree trunk with raised and painted leaves. On ir- regular rocky base, with raised fruits and painted flowers. Mark: Scratched numbers. Height, 5%, inches. 555—Two otp CHELSEA PorRcELAIN CANDLESTICKS Formed as seated boys in eighteenth century costume, of green coats lined with red, and rose-colored flowered vests and yellow knee-breeches. At their sides are seated dogs, while the backgrounds are of raised and painted flowers and leaf boscage, projecting branches of which support pierced and modeled acanthus-leaf candle sockets. On pierced scroll and shell bases painted in green with lines and scrollings in gold. Height, 6%, inches. 556—Oup Cuetsea Porcentain Posset Cup and STAND Two handled cup with domed cover, rose finial, and circular stand. The cup has looped rustic handles terminating in raised flowers and leaves and is decorated with a painted English view, the cover and stand with flowers and butterflies. Mark: Anchor in red. Height, 51% inches; diameter of stand, 71% inches. Third Session, Tuesday Afternoon 557—Oxp CHELSEA PoRCELAIN STATUETTE: “Cupip AND TIME” Time as an old man with wings, in a mantle of white painted with fica sprays, is seated on a cut-stone pedestal and holds with both arms a struggling Cupid. At his feet are a scythe, an hour-glass and a ter- restrial globe. On a scroll base, with modeled crown, scepter and human skull. Painted in blue and red, with gold dots and scrolls. Height, 8 inches. 558— SET oF THREE PINXTON JARDINIERES Bucket shaped, with lion head and ring handles. Decorated, on a white ground, with groups of flowers naturalistically painted, with a laurel leaf border in gold, and with gold lines around the rims and stands. (One stand repaired. ) . Heights, 5%, and 5 inches. 559—Pair oF OLD CHELSEA STATUETTES Figures of man and woman in eighteenth century costume. The man in a coat lined with rose-color, flowered waistcoat, knee-breeches and tie wig. The woman in a loose white jacket, trimmed with rose-color and green, and a flowered skirt bordered with rose-color, with flouncings of green. The figures hold in their laps molded shells painted with floral sprays formed as receptacles for bonbons. On rustic bases, with raised and painted leaves and flowers. (One of the figures repaired. ) | Height, 6%, “inches. 560—Pair oF oLtp Bow Porceiatn Vases Ovolo-shaped, with domed covers having handles formed as female masks and domed covers with figures of birds as finials. On circular fluted bases. The fluted bodies are decorated with branches of raised and painted flowers, painted butterflies and bands of pierced interlacements. The covers are decorated in a similar fashion. Height, 11144 inches. 561—Pair oF oLp CHELSEA’ PorcELAIN STATUETTES: “ArT AND CoMMERCE”’ “Art” is represented as figures of two Cupids with a classical architec- tural subject between them which they are measuring, the one with a pair of callipers, the other with a rule. “Commerce” is shown as figures of two Cupids with a bale of merchandise between them, one is counting money into a purse, the other reckoning upon a tablet. On octagonal scrolled bases with masks at the angles and raised wreaths of laurel leaves. Height, 7 inches. Third Session, Tuesday Afternoon 562—Oup CHELSEA PorRCELAIN STATUETTE Figure of a youth in eighteenth century costume, of white jacket and knee-breeches, dotted with floral sprays, yellow cloak with floral sprays in black and lined with green, and turned-up hat with black plumes. He holds in one hand a basket of fruit and at his feet is seated a dog. Supported by a trunk of a tree, with raised and painted flowers and leaves. On a scrolled base, painted in green with scrollings and dots of purple and gold. Height, 10 inches. 563—Pair oF OLD CHELSEA PorRCELAIN STATUETTES: “AFRICA AND AMERICA”’ “Africa” as a young negress holding in one hand a cornucopia full of flowers and with a lion at her feet. America as the figure of a young Indian girl, girdled with feather and with a feather head-dress, has, at her side, a quiver full of arrows and, at her feet, an alligator. Sup- ported by trunks of trees, with raised and painted flowers and leaves. On rustic bases with raised and painted flowers and leaves. (Repaired.) Height, 9 inches. 564—Oxp CuHELsEA PorceLAIn StTarueTre: “THE FIsHERMEN” A group of two Cupids under a branching tree, with raised and painted leaves. One Cupid holds in his hand a wicker-work fishing-basket from which the other takes a fish. On a rocky base, with painted flowers and streams of water. Scratched initials M. B. Height, 91, inches. 565—Oup CHELSEA PorceLAIN STATUETTE: CERES Figure of Ceres in a flowing white robe decorated with floral sprays, a mantle of blue lined with crimson and a head-dress of flowers and ears of wheat. In her right hand she holds a spray of flowers and with the left takes an ear of wheat from a sheaf of wheat and flowers. On scroll and shell base, painted in green with gilt scrollings and with raised and painted ears of wheat and flowers. Height, 914, inches. 566—Oxp Cueitsea PorceLaAIn STATUETTE: “Europa” Europa, in a white robe decorated with painted floral sprays, and with a flying scarf of rose-color, is seated on a bull with gilded horns around whose head she is entwining a wreath of flowers. On scroll base, deco- rated with gilt dots and scrolls. Height, 914 inches. Third Session, Tuesday Afternoon 567—O.p CuHEeLtsEA PorcreLain Group Four standing cupids, supported by a tall tree trunk decorated with raised and painted leaves. The Cupids are in various positions, one of them bending his bow, another preparing to blow a horn and are accompanied by two dogs. On scrolled bases, with raised and painted flowers. Mark: Scratched numbers, with initials J. N. | Height, 8%, inches, 568—Oxp CHEeLsEA PorceLain STaTruETTE: Porrrarr oF JOHN WILKES Figure of John Wilkes, a Radical politician of the eighteenth century, standing in an oratorical at- titude. He is dressed in a costume of green and gold laced coat, white shirt with falling collar, red breeches, rose-colored cloak and white tie wig. He leans one arm upon a pedestal upon which is a roll of manuscript, and holds a book in one hand and a cap of Liberty in the other. On a rococo scrolled base decorated with gilt scrollings. Modeled by Bacon. Height, 1114 inches. - 569—Onxp CHELSEA PoRCELAIN STATUETTE: “NEPTUNE” A crowned figure of Neptune in a red robe deco- No. 568 rated with medallions of white reserve occupied by gold stars and lined with yellow stands with raised right arm. Supported by an elaborately painted dolphin. High conical - base, decorated with raised and painted shells and seaweed and a stream of water. Height, 1014 inches. Re : 570—Oxp Cuetsea Porcentain STATUETTE: ‘Tre Birps’ Nesters” Four Cupids grouped around a tree trunk with raised leaves, birds and birds’ nests, toward which one of them is climbing. Two of the other cupids at the base of the tree are taking birds from a nest and placing them in a wicker-work cage. On a rocky base with raised leaves ; modeled and painted birds and bird cages. Mark: Scratched numbers and in- itial B. Height, 10 inches. Third Session, Twesday Afternoon 571—Oup CHELSEA PoRCELAIN STATUETTE: “JUSTICE” Female figure with closed eyes, in a purple robe patterned with large flori- ated medallions and a green cloak. In one hand she holds a pair of scales and in the other a sword hilt. On scroll and shell base painted in green and gilt. Modeled by Bacon. Height, 131% inches. 572—Parr oF oupd CHELSEA PORCELAIN STATUETTES AND PEDESTALS: ““Hy- GEIA AND AUSCULAPIUS”’ | i Hygeia in a classical robe holds in one hand a serpent and in the other a sacrificial bowl. Atsculapius stands, partially draped with a classical tunic and mantle, leaning upon a tree trunk and holding in his hand a roll of manu- script. The pedestals are of a shaped design in the Adam style, with mod- eled rams’ heads and festoons of leaves. Plain white glaze, heightened with gild- ing. Height, 1514 inches. 573—Oxp CHELSEA PoRCELAIN STATUETTE: No. 571 “SLEEPING SHEPHERDESS”’ Figure of a shepherdess in rose-col- ored bodice and underskirt, red stomacher laced in white, sleeping in a sitting posture with her head on her arm and at her side an upturned hat filled with flowers. Her lap is filled with flowers and in her left hand she holds a bunch of flowers. At her side is a seated lamb. She is seated against a rocky pedestal crowned with a square pedestal and classic urn. One side of the pedestal has a modeled figure of a dolphin from whose mouth issues a stream of water. At the back are branches of trees. On an irregular base with raised and painted flowers and leaves. Mark: Scratched numbers. Height, 9°34 inches. Third Session, Tuesday Afternoon 574—Pair oF CHELSEA PORCELAIN “DwaRFs” Grotesque figures clothed in yellow costumes, flowered and painted in a pattern of vari-colored diamonds. They wear exaggerated broad- brimmed and steeple-crowned hats. On rustic bases colored in green. Heights, 6 and 61% inches. 575—Parr oF op CuHetseA PorceLarn STATUETTES: “SHAKESPEARE & Miron” Dressed in seventeenth century costumes of white heightened with gild- ing and draped with white cloaks lined with rose-color. Shakespeare rests his elbow upon a pile of books on a shaped pedestal from which depends a scroll inscribed with the quotation from The Tempest: “The cloud capt towers,” etc. Milton has at his side a circular pedestal with a subject in relief of Adam and Eve expelled from the Garden of Eden. He rests his elbow upon a pile of books with a scroll inscribed with the quotation from Paradise Lost: “Heavens on Heavens,” ete. On ro- coco scrolled and shell bases, colored in green with gilt scrollings. The figure of Shakespeare is modeled after the monument by Kent in West- minster Abbey. Height, 1114 inches. Third Session, Tuesday Afternoon 5'76—Pair oF CHEtsEA PorcELAIN STATUETTES: “THE Harvesters” Youth and maiden in eighteenth century costume. The latter rests one arm upon the trunk of a tree with raised flowers and leaves, and holds up with the other arm her over-skirt. Youth supported by a tree trunk with modeled and painted flowers from which hangs a cider barrel suspended by a strap and over his shoulder is a scythe. In plain _ white glaze. Height, 7 inches. 577—Pair oF OLD CHELSEA PORCELAIN CANDLESTICKS Formed as boscages with raised and painted leaves and flowers and with the modeled and painted figures of woodpeckers and canaries painted in natural colors. These support pierced and modeled candle sconces and sockets of acanthus leaf design painted in green and pur- ple heightened with gold. On scrolled bases painted in green with gold scrollings. Height, 91% inches. 578—Pair OF OLD CHELSEA PoRCELAIN STATUETTES: “CuPID AND Hyceta”’ Figures of Cupid with his quiver and Hygeia with a serpent. Supported by square pedestals surmounted by classical urns with festoon orna- mentation in white heightened with gilding in relief. On rocky bases, with raised and painted leaves, seaweed and shells. Mark: Scratched numbers. Height, 8 inches. 579—Pair OF OLD COALBROOKDALE PORCELAIN VASES Oviform shape with pierced rims, scroll loop handles and scroll quatretoil | feet. Decorated on a robin’s-egg-blue ground with a heart-shaped panel. of brilliantly painted flowers and with raised scrollings and large raised and painted flowers and leaves. ‘The pierced rims with gilt lines and honeysuckle ornamentation. Height, 14 inches. 580—Ouxp CHELSEA PorRCELAIN STATUETTE: “Mars” Figure of Mars, with crested and plumed helmet painted in purple, corselet with embossed scroll pattern and rose-color, and white mantle lined with yellow. The base is painted in green and yellow, with rose- colored scrolls. Height, 131, inches. Third Session, Tuesday Afternoon 581—Parr or oLtp CHELseA PorceLAIN STATUETTES: “THE CouRTIERS” Man and woman in eighteenth century costume. "The man, in a green jerkin with floral sprays in white reserve heightened with gold, white knee breeches with painted floral sprays, rose-colored cloak and yellow tri-cornered hat holds in his left hand a bunch of flowers and is sup- ported by a scrolled pedestal and tree trunk with raised and painted flowers and leaves. ‘The woman, in a green bodice, with floral sprays in white reserve heightened with gold, and a white skirt with floral sprays and yellow flouncings and in a yellow cloak lined with ermine, carries an oval medallion over her shoulder hanging on a ribbon and is supported by a tree trunk with raised and painted flowers and leaves. On circular scrolled bases painted in green, yellow and rose-color, with gold dots and scrolls. Modeled by Roubiliac. (Repaired. ) Height, 12 inches. 68 “ON Third Session, Tuesday Afternoon 582—Set or Four oip CHELSEA STATUETTES: “Four QUARTERS OF THE GLOBE” Four children representing the four Continents: Europe, with regal crown and holding a club, has at her feet trophies of a Bishop’s Mitre, a Helmet and Cornucopia; Asia, crowned with flowers, with a robe orna- mented with floral sprays, and holding in one hand a bunch of grapes and vine leaves, is supported by a kneeling camel; Africa, as a young negress in a blue and rose-colored robe with head-dress of an elephant’s head, holds in one hand a scorpion and in the other a cornucopia with flowers, and is supported by a lion and a tree trunk with raised and painted leaves; America, with a wreath of leaves and a feather girdle, carries a quiver full of roses and is supported by an alligator and by a tree trunk with raised and painted flowers and leaves. On rococo scrolled and openwork bases painted in green, with gold scrollings and shaped escutcheons with the names of the respective continents in black script letters. Height, 91, inches. (Illustrated) : 583—Pair oF ApAmM VASES Of the period and in the style of the Brothers Adam. Scagliola com- position and carved wood. Urn-shaped vases of fine scaghola marble composition on square bases. Pineapple finials, ram’s-head mask handles, floral festoons and acanthus leaf decoration in carved and gilt wood. Height, 22 inches. 584—Oxup CHELSEA PorcELAIN VasE Pear-shaped, with looped and beaded handles, curved neck, fluted stem, circular foot and square base. Decorated as to the lower portion and neck with modeled acanthus leaves painted in gros-blew and gilt, and with a raised band around the upper portion of honeysuckle and scroll design painted in gros-blew and gilt. The body is invested with a plain white glaze, decorated with oval panels bordered with gilt lines and occu- pied with subjects of a “Nymph Sacrificing” and a bust portrait of a woman in eighteenth century costume with white head-dress and pearl necklace. The stem and base are decorated with lines of gros-blew and gold. Mark: Scratched numbers. Height, 9 inches. Third Session, Tuesday Afternoon 585—Oup CHetseA PorceLAIN CANDLESTICK STATUETTE Figure of a youth in eighteenth century costume, white coat, yellow knee breeches, black hat with purple plumes, having at his side a basket of flowers. Supported by a branch of a tree with raised and painted flowers and leaves terminating in a candle socket, of painted leaf de- sign. On rococo scrolled and openwork base painted in green with floral sprays and scrollings in gold. Height, 101%, inches. i} TSP Aw Laem 9: * Cy - (3 9 is 586—Oxp CHELSEA PoRCELAIN STATUETTE: “Mars’’ Figure of Mars in dress of Roman warrior with purple white plumed helmet. Corselet decorated with a scale pattern in gold, green buskins, red sandals and green cloak lined with rose color. Supported by military trophies of cannon-balls and an escutcheon shaped shield. On a rococo and shell base painted in green with gilt acanthus leaf scrollings. Height, 131%, inches. Third Session, Tuesday Afternoon 587—Oxtp CHEtseA PorceLaIn STATUETTE: “MINERVA” paar Figure of Minerva in lilac-colored corselet, with peacock-feather imbri- cations, a white skirt with floral sprays of elaborate design painted in gold and colors, a pale yellow robe lined with red and a green cloak lined with rose-color. She is supported by the trunk of a tree with branches of raised flowers and leaves and rests her arm upon a shield. At her feet is a pile of books surmounted by an owl. Scroll and shell — base painted in green and rose-color, with scrollings and dashes of gold. Height, 1444 inches. 4 (Illustrated) S 588—Onup CHELSEA PorRCELAIN STATUETTE: ““FALSTAFF” Figure of the actor James Quin as Falstaff. In pink coat with flowered under-jerkin, green breeches, boots with buff tops and hat with rose- colored plumes. Standing and supported by a tree trunk. In his girdle is stuck a tavern bill beginning with the item “Sack.” On scroll base painted in green with gold scrollings and acanthus leaves. Height, 13 inches. NOTE: According to Professor Church, the inclusion of “Sack” in the tavern bill denotes this | figure as belonging to a very early Chelsea period. (Illustrated) 589—Oup CHELSEA STATUETTE: ““BRITANNIA”’ Britannia shown as a figure of Minerva. With rose-colored and red helmet having white plumes, green cloak lined with rose-color and white-flowered robe. She holds by her side a shield. At her feet are military trophies, including a gun, cannon-balls and a hand-grenade. On a scroll and shell base painted in green with red scrollings. Height, 1234 inches, (Illustrated) 590—Pair oF STATUETTES “Cephalus and Procris” and “Rinaldo and Armida.” In one Procris, in a classic robe of white awakens the sleeping Cephalus who reclines on a rocky bank with the implements of the chase beside him. In the other Rinaldo in pseudo-medieval costume stabs Armida in the breast. Height, 61/, inches. Third Session, Tuesday Afternoon 591—O.p Derrsy Porceiain VASE Urn-shaped, with cylindrical neck, looped handles formed as serpents, circular foot and square base. The body is entirely oc- cupied with a very elaborate painting of a rocky landscape with a stream and bridge, foliage and a gypsy encampment. The neck is decorated with a honeysuckle design in gold and turquoise dotted ground, with a honeysuckle pattern border, and with a band of Greek fret ornamentation in black and red. The base is decorated in gold and white. Mark: D. and crown, in red. Height, 1314, inches. 592—Ou.p Dersy Porcexain VasE Urn-shaped, with cylindrical spreading neck, two looped and shaped handles, cir- cular foot and square base. The body deco- rated, on a gold ground, with flowers and roses, probably painted by Billingsley; the upper part with bands of grapes and bands of gilt scrollings; the neck with a honey- suckle pattern in gold, and the base with geen gilt leaves on a white ground. (Handles shightly repaired.) Mark: D. and Crown. Height, 101%, inches. 5938—Ser or THREE OLD Crown DeErBY STATUETTES Figures of Monkey musicians seated, consisting of the Leader of the Orchestra, the Harpist and the Clarinettist, dressed in colored coats with white ruffs. On shaped bases of green and gold lines. Height, 4 inches. 594—Buioor Dersy STATUETTE Figure of Milton holding a manuscript in his left hand and resting his arm on a pile of books resting on a shaped pedestal. Octagonal base. In white, decorated with edgings of color and gilt. Mark: Bloor, Derby, in red. (One hand repaired. ) Height, 7 inches. Third Session, Tuesday Afternoon 595—Oup Dersy Porcenain Vase anp STAND Cylindrical shape, with wide spreading rim, with looped scroll handles and cylindrical stand. Decorated on a bleu-du-roi ground with a scroll and honeysuckle pattern in gold and with a large oval medallion occu- pied by a miniature painting of Cupid. (Stand slightly cracked.) Height, 7/, inches. 596—Oxp Drersy PorcenaiIn Mue Shaped as a Bacchic head with looped handle. Painted in natural colors. Mark: D. and Crown, in puce. Height, 31, inches. 597—O.p Dersy Biscuir Nicutr Lamp Stand for night light formed as the removable pointed roofed Porch of a Castle. On rustic base with raised foliage. Height, 7 inches. 598—Oup Dery Biscurir STaTuETTE: “CuPprip”’ Figure of Cupid seated in a chair of Empire Pe holding a rose in one hand and a book in the other. Height, 51. inches. 599—Oxp Dersy Biscurr Starvuerre: “Mrs. BarBavuip” Portrait of Mrs. Barbauld (the celebrated authoress), dressed in late eighteenth century costume, with lace collar and cap, seated in an arm- chair. On shaped and scroll base. Height, 6% inches. 600—Oxp Dersy Biscuir STATUETTE Figure of Cupid, with a dog, under a trunk of a tree with foliage. On rustic base. Mark: D. crossed batons and Crown, impressed. Height, 51/, inches. 601—O.p Dersy Biscuir STaruETTE Figure of a cow and calf under a tree trunk with fohage. On a circular rustic base. 602—O1tp Dersy Biscuit STATUETTE: ‘SNELSON” Bust of Nelson, with empty sleeve. On circular pedestal. Height, 4 inches. Third Session, Tuesday Afternoon 603—Oxp Dersy Biscuir STaTuETTE: ‘‘WINTER” Symbolic figure of Winter represented as a young boy carrying a bundle of fagots on his shoulder. Mark: Crown D., impressed. Height, 61, inches. 604—Onp RocxtrcHam Biscuit STATUETTE Figure of Cupid surrounded by roses sleeping on a settee which has scrolled and acanthus-leaf frame. On a rectangular base with scrolled and pierced feet and acanthus-leaf decoration. . Height, 4 inches; length, 7 inches. 605—Pair or orp Dersy Biscurr Sratuerres: “GALLANTRY”’ Figures of standing youth and sitting maiden in eighteenth century costume. On shaped scroll and molded base. Mark impressed. Height, 7 inches, 606—Oxp Dersy Biscuit STATUETTE: ‘“SNELSON” Bust of Nelson on a cylindrical ebonized stand. Height of bust, 514 inches. 607—Pair oF oLtp Derpy Biscurir STATUETTES Subjects, boy and girl playing the horn and guitar. On rustic stand. Mark: D, crossed batons and Crown, impressed. : | Height, 61% inches. 608—Onup Derby Biscuir STATUETTE Figure of a boy in eighteenth century costume, carrying a hare in a basket. On circular rustic base. Height, 714, inches. 609—Pair or orp Dersy Biscuir Srarurrres Bacchus and Ariadne on circular bases. Mark: Numbers, impressed. Height, 91, inches. 610—Oup Dersy Biscurr Srarvurttre: “BELISARIUS AND HIS DAUGHTER” Belisarius as an old man in Oriental costume, being led by his daughter who is in eighteenth century costume. On a circular rustic base. Mark: D, crossed batons and Crown, impressed. Height, 101, inches. I19 “ON Third Session, Tuesday Afternoon 611—Oup Dersy Biscuit Statverte: “THE Distressep Cuprp” Cupid captured by nymphs, one of whom is breaking his bow, and bound to the trunk of a tree. Mark: D, crossed batons and Crown with number. Modeled by Spengler after a design by Angelica Kauffmann. | Height, 121, inches. (Illustrated) 612—Oxp Dersy Biscuir Statuerre: ““THE AWAKENING OF CUPID” Cupid asleep under a tree with foliage surprised and awakened by two nymphs. On rockwork base, with molded flowers. Mark: Impressed number. Modeled by Spengler after a design by Angelica Kauffmann. - Height, 1214, inches. (Illustrated) 613—Oup Dersy Biscuir STATUETTE Cupid, captured by nymphs, is by them bound to the trunk of a tree with branches and raised leaves and flowers. Modeled by Spengler after a design by Angelica Kauffmann. Height, 161%, inches. (Illustrated) | 614—Oxup Derspy PorcELAIN STATUETTE Figure of a cupid in nun’s costume carrying on his back a sheaf of wheat which forms a receptacle for spills. The figure is in biscuit, the robe is glazed in dark blue. On circular stand, with lines of white re- serve and gold. Mark: D, crossed batons and Crown, in red. Height, 7 inches. 615—Pair oF o~tp Derspy Porcreniatn VASES Cantharus shaped on square bases. Decorated, on an apple-green ground, with bands of gold and white reserve and with octagonal panels occupied with paintings of “Corra Lynn on the Clyde” and “Loch Achray, Perthshire.” Height, 10 inches. Third Session, Tuesday Afternoon 616—Set or THREE OLD Derpy PorceLAIn VASES Elongated pear-shape, with molded and curved necks, scrolled and beaded handles with acanthus leaf terminations and circular bases. Decorated, on an apple-green ground, with spade shaped panels of groups of Roses, Sweet Williams, Fuchsias, Tulips and other English garden flowers naturalistically painted. The handles are burnished gilt. Around the foot are raised beads in white and around the bases and rims bands of burnished gold. (Slight repairs.) Heights, 241, and 201% inches. NOTE: These vases are one of the most noted productions of the Derby factory and are known to collectors as “Long Tom” vases. 617—Pair oF otp CHELSEA PorceLaAIN STATUETTES: “SHEPHERD AND SHEP- HERDESS”’ Z Shepherd in a flowered coat lined with rose-color, rose-colored breeches and white cloak and straw hat. He holds in one arm a basket of fruits, one of which he holds extended in his right hand. At his feet is seated a dog. Shepherdess in a flowered bodice, over-skirt and petticoat of rose-color, a straw hat and yellow scarf. At her feet is seated a lamb. Supported by tree trunks with raised and painted leaves. On shaped and scroll bases painted in green and decorated with gilt dots and scrollings. Height, 10%, inches. 618—Barr, Fricur ann Barr Worcester Dessert SERVICE Decorated, on a white ground, with an Oriental pattern having centers of chrysanthemum flowers surrounded by quatrefoiled panels of white reserve occupied with mythical monsters, vases and plants in colors and grounds of seaweed scrolls in gold, and of apple-green dotted with black. Borders of a honeycomb decoration in white on green with panels of white reserve occupied by flowers and leaves in red and green. The service consists of 1 boat-shaped deep dish, 4 fruit dishes, 4 berry dishes, 4 square dishes, 2 tureens with covers and stands, and 22 plates. 37 pieces. 619—Portion or o~1p WorcrstTER TEA SERVICE Of the same pattern as the foregoing. ‘The service consists of sucrier and cream ewer, | waste bowl, 2 large saucers, 18 cups and saucers and 1 two-handled tray. 24 pieces. Third Session, Tuesday Afternoon 620—Mason’s Iron StronE Cuina DeEssErRT SERVICE Decorated, on a white ground, with oval panels occupied with Chinese figure subjects alternating with panels of apple green occupied with a chrysanthemum and scroll ornamentation in blue. Service consists of 4 shell-shaped berry dishes, 1 oblong berry dish, 2 platters, 2 tureens with cover and stands, and 17 plates. Mark: Iron Stone China and ~ Crown in color. 26 pieces. 4 621—O.p Iron StonE CuHinA DEssErtT SERVICE Decorated, on a white ground with a willow pattern design in under- glaze blue, heightened with over-glaze red and gold decoration. Service consists of 1 compotier, 4 berry dishes, 2 fruit dishes and 14 plates. 21 pieces. CHINESE LOWESTOFT CHINA OF EXCEPTIONAL RARITY AND BEAUTY For many years the so-called Lowestoft porcelain of a hard paste body and decorated in the Oriental manner was held to be of English manufacture. It has now been conclusively settled that all this ware was made in China during the later Ch’ien-lung period, now known in many cases to order and always for direct importation into Europe. It is this fact that accounts for the armorial bearings and European flowers which so often form a part of the decoration. There was, however, a factory at Lowestoft in the eighteenth century. which produced a soft paste porcelain, decorated in blue. 622—CuinEsE Lowestorr PLATE Circular shape with curved and scalloped edge. Decorated on a white ground in colored enamels heightened with gilding. ‘The center is occu- pied by a Chinese figure subject of a Goddess seated in her triumphant car surrounded by her attendants who are carrying lanterns. There is an inner border of European character painted in red and gold and an outer border of shaped panels of white reserve and occupied with floral scrolls in colored enamels. Height, 111, inches. 623—Pair or Cutnese Lowrstorr Deep DisHes Circular with scalloped edges. The centers are occupied with shaped escutcheons of armorial bearings mantled with gilt scrollings and with European roses. There is an inner rim of a Chinese diapered pattern in blue under-glaze and a deep outer border of butterflies and a diapered pattern in blue under-glaze. All painted in colored enamels and gold. Diameter, 81%, inches. Third Session, Tuesday Afternoon 624—CuinesE Lowestorr Scent Friacon Flat bottle-shaped, with handles formed as female masks, fluted rim and base. Decorated with paintings of groups of flowers and leaves in colored enamels. Mounted in ormolu, with domed and screw cover and scalloped base. Height, 5 inches. 625—Cuinesze Lowestorr Bown ann Sranp Decorated on a ground of fine white glaze with sprays of flowers and leaves painted in colored enamels and with a border of European char- acter painted in red and gold. Height, 21% inches; diameter, 3% inches. Diameter of stand, 4144 inches. 626—CuinEsE Lowestorr TEarot Pear-shaped body, flat cover with finial formed as a fruit, loop handles and curved spout. Decorated on a ground diapered in purple with shaped panels of Chinese domestic figure subjects in colored enamels. Height, 4 inches. 627—CuinEsE Lowestorr Miniature TEA SERVICE Decorated, on a ground of fine white glaze, with sprays of flowers and leaves painted in colored enamels and with a border of European char- acter painted in red and gold. The set consists of teapot, cream ewer, sugar bowl, four cups and two saucers. 9 pieces. 628—Cuinest LowrEstorr SAUCE-TUREEN Boat-shaped, with twisted and reeded handle terminating in raised floral medallions. Decorated with a border of floral festoons in the Adam style, and floral sprays in colored enamels and gold. Handle oil-gilt with oil gilding. Height, 31%, inches; length, 71/ inches. 629—Cuinese Lowestorr TEApoy anp STAND Circular shaped with domed top cylindrical neck, and shaped stand. Decorated, on a white ground, with sprays of flowers in blue enamel heightened with gold. Height, 51/, inches. 630—Cuinses Lowrstorr Mue Cylindrical body, with twisted and looped handle. Decorated on a white ground with sprays of flowers and two conjoined armorial shields man- tled with floral wreaths in colored enamels and gold. One of the shields is occupied with armorial bearings, the other with the monogram, W.S. Height, 434 inches. Third Session, Tuesday Afternoon 631—CuineEse Lowestorr Muce Straight sides; looped handles. Decorated, with gold and colored enamels on a white ground, with a European chain and quatrefoil bor- der, and with oval medallions surrounded by wreaths and sprays of flowers and occupied with monograms in gold outlined with sepia. Above is an Armorial crest (On a wreath of the colors, an ear of wheat, Or): Height, 4%, inches, 632—CuinesE Lowestorr Muc Straight sides, with looped and dragon handle. Decorated on a ground of white glaze with shaped panels bordered with a design in underglaze blue, and occupied with a Chinese landscape, and groups of flowers in colored enamels heightened with gold. Smaller shaped panels are occu- pied by landscapes painted in sepia. : 633—SeEtT oF THREE CHINESE LowestorT VasEs Two ovolo-shape and one spill-shape. Decorated on a fine white glaze ground with a scroll and diaper pattern in underglaze blue, with panels of white reserve occupied by paintings of Chinese domestic figure sub- jects and European roses and leaves in colored enamels. Height, 51, inches. 634—Parr or CuinesE Lowestorr “Manparin” Vases Pear-shaped, with curved rims. Decorated on a diapered ground of underglaze blue, with a raised pattern of branches of hawthorn flowers and leaves and flying birds in white, and with shaped panels of Chinese domestic figure subjects in colored enamels heightened with gold. Height, 6 inches. 635—CuineEseE Lowestorr TrEapror Pear-shaped body, domed lid with raised flower and leaf finial, scrolled loop handle and curved spout. Decorated, on a gold diapered ground, with shaped panels of Chinese domestic figure subjects and of birds and leaves in colored enamels and with floral sprays in sanguine. Handle and spout slightly gilded. Height, 7 inches. Third Session, Tuesday Afternoon 6386—CuinesE Lowestorr Traror Globular body, square looped handle, domed cover with raised leaf finial and curved spout. Decorated, on a white ground, with a shaped rosette with radiating leaves alternately red and green flanked with scrolls and heightened linked rings in colored enamels heightened with gilding. The handle and spout are decorated with floral sprays and scrolls in red. The cover has a scroll border in red. Height, 71/, inches. 637—CuinEsE Lowestorr Muce Shaped as a section of a stalk of bamboo with looped bamboo handles. Decorated with groups and sprays of roses and branches of bamboo in colored enamels heightened with gold. Height, 5 inches. 638—CurinesE Lowestorr VasE Pear-shaped body, with cylindrical neck. Decorated on a white ground with a deep lambrequin border of floral sprays and leaves in blue under- glaze, and with panels of Chinese figure subjects painted in colored enamels with tall trees in blue underglaze heightened by gilding. Height, 91, inches. 639—CuineEsE Lowestorr VasE Bottle-shape, with cylindrical neck. Decorated, on a ground of Chinese diapered pattern in red, gold, purple and black, with panels bordered by gilt scrollings, and occupied with Chinese domestic figure subjects and birds seated on boughs of trees painted in colored enamels and with rocks and foliage painted in sanguine. Height, 1114 inches. 640—Curnese Lowestrorr VasE Pear-shaped body, curved neck, domed cover with kylin finial. Deco- rated, on a white ground, with baskets of flowers and floral sprays in colored enamels and with a border of scrolls and diapers in purple and red. Kylin finial is in red, black and gold. Height, 1014 inches. 641—Pair or op Cuinese Lowestorr Vases Rectangular shape with high curved necks, square rims and bases. Deco- rated, on a ground of raised shark’s-skin pattern, with raised and painted floral sprays, scrolls and rosettes and with six sunken panels of Chinese domestic figure subjects modeled in low relief and painted in colored enamels heightened with gold. The handles in red with gilt scrollings. Height, 8 inches. Third Session, Tuesday Afternoon 642—CutnesE Lowestrorr VASE AND COVER 643— Ovolo shape, with domed cover. Decorated on a white ground with raised and painted vertical bands of groups of vine leaves with borders around the rims and bases of the same character, and with modeled figures of squirrels painted in red. Panels of white reserve occupied with vases of flowers painted in colored enamels heightened with gold. Height, 12 inches. CuinEsE LoweEstort VaAsE Hexagonal pear-shaped body, with high, rimless neck. Decorated with borders of scrolls and flowers in underglaze blue, inclosing oblong panels, those of the body decorated with paintings of Chinese domestic subjects in colored enamels, and those of the neck with Chinese landscapes painted in sanguine. (The neck repaired.) Height, 11 inches. 644—Pair oF CHINESE Lowestorr Turnip STANDS Diamond-shaped, with curved sides, scrolled handles and pierced remoy- able covers with looped handles. Decorated, on a ground of a Chinese diaper pattern, in red, black and gold, with shaped panels bordered with gold scrolls outlined in black. The larger panels are occupied with Chinese domestic figure subjects, the smaller panels with birds perched on branches. The covers are decorated with sprays of European roses in colored enamels. The body handles are oil-gilt. (Slight repairs.) | Height, 814 inches. 645—Paimr or CuHInNEsE Lowestrorr VASsEs Rectangular-shaped, with curved necks and looped kylin handles. Square rims and bases and slightly domed covers with finials. Decorated on a ground of raised shark’s-skin pattern, with raised and painted floral sprays, scrolls and rosettes, and with six sunken panels of Chinese do- mestic figure subjects modeled in low relief and painted in colored enamels heightened with gilding. The covers are decorated with raised gilt scrolls and rosettes and with shaped panels of landscape subjects in sanguine. The handles are in red and gold. Height, 12°, inches. Third Session, Tuesday Afternoon 646—Patr or CHINESE Lowrstorr CANDLESTICKS Pillar-shaped stems, with vase-shaped nozzles and quatrefoiled bases. Decorated with bands of ruby color, bordered with a trefoiled. scroll ornamentation in gold outlined in brown, with diapered borders in red and blue and with the crest of a rampant lion holding in his paws a floriated cross. Height, 101, inches. 647—Pair oF CHINESE LoweEstorr “SMANDARIN” VASES Rectangular pear-shaped, with curved necks and dragon handles. Deco- rated on a solid red ground with scrolls, leaf forms and sprays of flowers and bamboo, and with shaped panels of white reserve with subjects of Chinese landscapes and floral sprays in colored enamels. The interiors are invested with a tortoise-shell glaze. Height, 12 inches. 648—Ser or THuree CuinesE Lowestorr VAsEs Flat bottle-shape, with shaped bases and rims. Decorated with bor- ders of scroll and floral pattern in underglaze blue and panels of Chinese domestic subjects and landscapes in colored enamels heightened with gold. The molded sides are decorated with floral sprays in colored enamels and with shaped panels of Chinese landscapes. Height, 1114 inches. Third Session, Tuesday Afternoon 649—Pair or Curnese Lowestorr Bovucu-Prors Shaped as Louis XV. commodes with pierced tops. Decorated with scrollings at the angles in gold, outlined in black, and red enamel. The false drawer fronts have raised gilded handles and lock escut- cheons painted in blue outlined in gold. There are escutcheon-shaped gilt bordered panels at the side occupied with landscape paintings in sanguine. The pierced tops are decorated with rosettes in red enamel and with raised and painted roses and leaves. Height, 5 inches; length, 814 inches, NOTE: These very unusual and interesting bough-pots were evidently made to special order in China for the French market. 650—Pair or CuinreseE Lowestrorr VASEs Bottle-shape, with quatrefoiled domed covers with kylin finials, ah Dragon handles. Decorated, on a white ground with oval and oblong panels of flowers and floral sprays in colored enamels. .The ground is further decorated with floral sprays painted in colored enamels. ‘The finials show traces of oil gilding. The handles are in white. Height, 141, inches. 651—Pair or CuinesE Lowestorr “MANnpDARIN” VASES Hexagonal shape, with curved necks, spreading rims and hexagonal bases. Inner bodies, of straight hexagonal shape, are surrounded by shaped outer bodies pierced in a honeycomb pattern and decorated with raised and painted vases of flowers, panels of Chinese subjects and floral sprays. The sloping shoulders are decorated with floral quatrefoils in red and purple. There are also vertical and horizontal bands of raised floral ornamentation in colored enamels. ‘The bases are decorated with sprays of flowers in colored enamels. Height, 12 inches. 652—GaARNITURE OF Five CuHtnEseE LoweEstorr VASES t Three ovolo-shaped, with domed covers and two spill-shaped. All deco- rated, on a white ground, vertical and horizontal bands of raised and painted grapes and vine leaves, with raised figures of red painted squir- rels and with vases of roses and floral sprays in colored enamels and gold. Height (3), 121% inches; (2), 10 inches. Third Session, Tuesday Afternoon 6538—Pair or CHINESE Lowrstorr MANpDARIN VASES Square pear-shaped, with projecting flat kylin handles, curved rims, spreading bases and domed covers with kylin finials. Decorated on a ground of a Chinese diapered pattern in red, black and gold, with shaped panels of white reserve. Six of these panels are occupied with paint- ings of Chinese domestic figure subjects in colored enamels and height- ened with gold; four with subjects of Chinese landscapes painted in san- guine, and ten with flowers and birds in colors heightened with gold. The covers are decorated with four shaped panels of floral sprays and birds. The handles are painted in gold, with gilt scrollings, lines and roundels. The kylins are painted in red, green and gold. Height, 131%, inches. Third Session, Tuesday Afternoon 654—CuINEsE Lowrstorr VASE | Pear-shape, with spreading neck and loop handles formed as elephant heads with tusks and trunks. Decorated, on a ground of fine white glaze, with shaped panels surrounded by gilt scrollings outlined in sepia and by a diapered pattern in oil gilding. The larger panels are occupied by Chinese domestic figure subjects; the smaller ones by Chi- nese landscapes with sheep and deer in the foreground, by floral sprays in colored enamels and by landscapes painted in sanguine. (Neck re- paired. ) Height, 17 inches. (Illustrated) 655—Pair or CurnesE Lowestorr PITcHERS AND COVERS Pear-shaped, with cylindrical necks, loop handles and domed covers with lotus finials. Decorated, on a white ground, with shaped panels bor- dered by gilt scrollings outlined in sepia. The large panels are occu- pied by elaborate paintings of Chinese domestic and military subjects in colored enamels heightened with gold; the smaller ones by European flowers; branches of foliage and birds. The panels on the covers have Chinese figure subjects, branches of trees and birds. The ground shows traces of oil gilding. . Height, 151% inches. (Illustrated) 656—CuHINESE LoweEstort TuREEN Circular form, with upstanding loop handles; and domed cover, with plum finial. Decorated, on a ground of fine white glaze, with a border of butterfly pattern diapered spaces, European roses, and floral sprays in colored enamels. Finial is gilded with painted leaves; the handle in red, with gold-dotted rosettes. | Height, 94, inches. 657—CurneEsE Lowestorr Puncun Bown Decorated by a Chinese artist, with shaped escutcheons occupied with a Coat of Arms adapted from political caricatures of the period. eco “ON gg9 “ON Third Session, Tuesday Afternoon 658—Oxtp Cuinese Lowestrorr TRay Circular shape with cylindrical sides and hollowed out handles. Deco- rated, on a white ground, with groups of European roses and other flow- ers, with floral sprays and with a band of gilt. The handles are orna- mented with scrollings and floral sprays in colored enamels. Length, 181% inches; width, 1414, inches. 659—Cuinese Lowestorr Puncuw Bown The exterior is decorated with armorial bearing mantled with acanthus scrollings and with sprays of peony blossoms and leaves painted in © colored enamels. The interior with a trefoiled border in gold and with Chinese figure subjects in colored enamels. Height, 5 inches; diameter, 11 inches. 660—CurineEsE Lowrstorr DINNER SERVICE | Decorated, on a white ground, with colored enamels, sepia and gold. The centers are occupied with shields containing armorial bearings mantled with wreaths of European roses and other flowers, and sur- mounted by a crest. (On a wreath of the colors a demi-lion rampant or, holding in the dexter paw a branch of laurel.) There are inner and outer borders of chain and quatrefoil pattern in gold outlined in sepia, while the rims are occupied with sprays of European roses in sepia and heightened with gold. The set consists of two oblong platters, one plate, one soup plate, nine bowls and three stands, three teacups without handles and five saucers and three gravy boats. (Some pieces cracked. ) 27 pieces. 661—Cuinese Lowesrorr Dinner SERVICE Decorated, on a white ground, with branches of peonies in colored enamels and with flying birds and acanthus-leaf and meander borders of European character, in gold outlined in red. The tureens have han- dles formed as dogs’ heads and finials shaped as seated dogs with col- lars. The service consists of two tureens with stands and covers, two sauce-boats, five circular dishes, four large plates, eleven soup plates and fifty-eight small plates. (Finial of one tureen repaired.) 86 pieces. a Ke =" gate s aM with. «2 <<. & % Third Session, Tuesday Afternoon 662—CuineEset Lowrstorr VasrE anp Cover Oviform shape, with fluted body, domed and fluted cover and lion finial. Decorated, on a ground of greenish white, with a deep scroll and floral lambrequin border design, shaped panels, on a diapered red ground, of Chinese landscapes, floral sprays of European roses, and Chinese flowers. All in colored enamels; and there are borders of red rosettes on a green ground hatched and scrolled of scrolls of red on white and of scrolls and dots of blue on white, and of rosettes and dots of blue on red. The cover has a deep lambrequin border of the same character as that of the body, with floral sprays in colors, and the finial is solidly gilt. (Cover, repaired. ) Height, 361, inches NOTE: This remarkable specimen of late eighteenth century Chinese porcelain was for many years classed as being of Chinese paste decorated at Lowestoft. It formed part of the collection of King George IV and by some means came, during last century, into the possession of the Marchioness of Conygham. From her collection it came directly to the present owner. Third Session, Tuesday Afternoon 663—Oxip Encuisn Sorr Paste Lowestorr PLATE Octagonal shape with flat rim. Decorated with circular and fan-shaped panels of Chinese landscapes, men in boats fishing, rock forms, pagodas and foliage and with floral sprays in underglaze blue. The exterior of the rim is painted with scrollings in under-glazed blue and with a mark of pseudo-Chinese character. Diameter, 71/, inches. 664—Oxp Encuisn Lowrestorr Sorr Paste Mue Straight sides and circular base with reeded and looped handle. Deco- rated, on a white ground, with a painting in blue of Chinese landscapes with pagodas and men fishing from a boat, rock forms, tree trunks and foliage, and with a border of a checkered pattern interrupted by panels of floral sprays. Height, 414 inches. OLD WORCESTER AND OTHER PORCELAINS, INCLUDING A NOTEWORTHY COLLECTION OF OLD SPODE 666—Oxp WorcerstrerR PorceLAIn Dessert SERVICE Decorated with a Worcester “Japan” pattern of peony blossoms and leaves in underglaze blue, gros bleu, red, green and gold and with deep borders of scallops, interrupted by sprays of peony blossoms and leaves, and occupied alternately with grounds of dark blue with puce scrolls and leaf forms in puce, and with white grounds having a dotted and leaf pattern in red, green and gros-bleu. The service consists of twenty plates, four square, four oblong and four leaf-shaped dishes, sauce tureen and cover and one boat shaped compotier with two handles. 34 pieces. 667—Oxp Worcester PorceLaIn Dessert SERVICE Fluted design, with deeply scalloped rims. Decorated with broad bor- ders of bleu-du-roi, scroll and leaf decoration in gold and floral sprays painted in natural colors. Service consists of one compotier, eight fruit dishes, two sauce-boats with covers and stands, four platters and sixteen plates. 31 pieces. Third Session, Tuesday Afternoon 668—THREE OLD SpopE PorcEeLarn VasEs Cantharus-shaped, with upright looped handles and circular feet. Deco- rated, on a white ground, with the Oriental “Chintz” pattern in gold and colors. Mark: Spode, in red. (Slight repair.) Height, 81%, and 6% inches. 669—Pair oF OLD SpPopE VAsEs Pear-shaped, on circular feet. Decorated with upright panels alter- nately red and green occupied with peonies and prunus blossoms in the Oriental manner. Height, 9 inches. 670—Oxtp Spropr Cup anp STAND Cylindrical-shaped cup, with two handles, and circular stand. Deco- rated with a marbled pattern in purple and vari-colored luster with bands of Adam style, ornamentation, circular medallions of flowers and floral sprays. Mark: Spode, in red. Height of cup, 3% inches; diameter of stand, 8 inches. 670A—O.Lp SpopvEe Porceiain InxksTanp Rectangular shape, with a sunken receptacle for pens in front and two ink-wells with domed covers. Decorated on a white ground in gold and colors. Mark: Spode. Height, 314 inches; length, 8 inches. 671—OLp SropvE PorceLain Scent Borrie Shaped as two conjoined bottles, on ball feet with ball stoppers. Deco- rated, in colors, on a gold-dotted brown ground with a scroll and floral pattern. Height, 2%, inches. 671A—O.Lp Spope Porcerain PERFUME SPRINKLER Shaped as a watering pot. Cylindrical body, with looped handle. Dec- orated on a white ground with an Oriental pattern in colors and gold. Spout and handle in solid burnished gold. Mark: Spode. (Slightly re- paired. ) Height, 2%, inches. 672—O.p SpopE PERFUME SPRINKLER Shaped as a teapot, with pear-shaped body and looped handle. Deco- rated on a dark blue ground with gold lines and sprays of flowers naturalistically treated. Height, 1%, inches. Third Session, Tuesday Afternoon _673—OLxp Spope Porcerarn Vase : Trumpet-shaped with scalloped edge. Decorated, on a white ground, with raised and painted flowers and with a gilt shell pattern. Height, 5 inches. 674—OLp Spopr VasE Pear-shaped with spreading neck, scrolled and fluted handles and circu- lar foot. Decorated, on a white ground, with an Oriental pattern of peony blossoms and leaves in dark blue, red and gold. Handles deco- rated in gold on a dark blue ground. Mark: Spode, in red. Height, 6 inches. 675—Oxup SropE PorcELAIN EGG-sTAND Trefoil-shape, supported by three claw feet, with handle formed as hen sitting on her nest. Fitted with five eggcups, salt cellar and pepper cruets. In white, with a pattern of acanthus leaves, in gold. Mark: Spode. Height, 7 inches. 676—TIwo oup SpropE Spitut VASES Cylindrical-shaped, with spreading rims. Decorated, on a white ground, with an Oriental pattern of peony blossoms, a deep band of scroll and blossom decoration, and bands of white reserve with Chinese emblems. Mark: Factory number in red. Heights, 5 and 4%, inches. 677—Oup SrpopE PorRCcCELAIN VASE Pear-shaped, with cylindrical neck and spreading rim. Decorated, on a white ground, with groups of exotic birds in the Chelsea manner and with bands of raised beaded ornamentation in white on gold. Height, 6 inches, 678—Patr oF oLp SpopE PorcELAIN VASEs Urn-shaped, with projecting rams’ head Hantioa: Decorated on a white ground with an Oriental “Chintz”? pattern in gold and colors and with raised beaded borders on the rims and feet. (One repaired.) Mark: Spode, in red, with factory number. Height, 7 inches. Third Session, Tuesday Afternoon 679—Oxp Spope Porcerain Vase Pear-shaped body, with cylindrical neck. Decorated with bands of flow- ers in natural colors and with a rococo pattern of scrolls and diapers in gold. Mark: Spode, in red. Height, 6 inches. 680—Setr or THREE OLD SpopE FLOWER-Ppots AND STANDS Coupe-shaped flower-pots, with cylindrical pierced stands. Decorated with naturalistically painted flowers, and with bands of gold inter- lacements. Mark: Spode, in sepia. Heights, 41/, and 4 inches. 681—OLp Sropr Porcerain Miniature Taper Houper Shaped as a Chamber candlestick. Decorated, an a bleu-de-roi ground, with a raised pattern of hawthorn blossoms and leaves. Handle of bur- nished gilding. Mark: Spode, in red. Height, 2 inches; diameter, 4 inches. 682—Ser or THREE OLD SpopE PorceLaIn Spitt Vases Cylindrical-shaped, with scalloped rims. Decorated on brown and yellow grounds with floral sprays in natural colors. Mark: Spode, in red. Height, 214 inches. 683—Pair oF OLD SpopE Miniature Pot-pourri Vases Cylindrical-shaped, with upstanding rims, handles and domed and pierced covers. Decorated, on a burnished gold ground, with roses and other flowers naturalistically treated in the Billingsley manner. Mark: Spode, in red. (Slight repairs to one cover.) Height, 2°, inches. 684—Pair or otp Worcester PorceLAIn Boven Pors Semicircular shapes with projecting ring handles and pierced cover. Decorated, on a ground of white glaze, with paintings of English land- scapes in colors. Height, 43, inches. 685—Parr or Pixnxton JARDINIERES Bucket shaped. Decorated, on a white ground, with paintings of Eng- lish landscapes in colors, and with lines of gold around the rims and bases. Height, 41% inches. Third Session, Tuesday Afternoon 686—Setr or THreE o1p SpopE PorceLain Vases Pear-shaped, with cylindrical necks. Decorated on a white ground with an Oriental “Chintz” pattern. (One slightly repaired.) Mark: Factory number in red. Heights, 81% and 6 inches. 687—Set or THREE OLD SPODE PorceLarn Vases Pear-shaped bodies, with cylindrical necks, upright handles and Paine feet. Decorated with the Oriental “Chintz” pattern in gold and colors. Mark: Spode, p. in red. (One vase repaired. ) Heights, 81, and 61% inches. 688—Pair oF oLpD SpopE PorcELAIN VASES Pear-shaped bodies, with high cylindrical necks, looped handles and square bases. Decorated, on a blue ground, with a scroll pattern and bands of flowers. Handles and bases decorated with mat gilding. Height, 1014 inches. 689—Oxp SropE PorcELAIN VASE Urn-shaped, with spreading rim and Dolphin handles and circular foot. Decorated, on a Chelsea ruby ground, with raised gilt birds and foliage and with a border of grapes and vine leaves. The handles are mat gilded. (Slight crack.) Mark: Spode, in red. Height, 7 inches. 690—Oxtp WorcrEstTER PorcELAIN INKSTAND Rectangular shape, on four bracketed feet, with three cylindrical re- ceptacles for ink and sand and a longitudinal pen holder with a shaped cover, the handle formed as a figure of Cupid. At the back are two spherical-shaped pen-holders and a handle formed as a dolphin. Deco- rated, on a gold ground, with an all-over design of flowers naturalistically painted and acanthus leaves in white. Height, 41%, inches; length, 8 inches. 691—Oxp SropE PorcrenaIn VASE Cylindrical shape; spreading rim and circular foot. Decorated, on a white ground, with group of flowers and a band of honeysuckle pattern in gold. Mark: Spode, in red. Height, 71, inches. a a Third Session, Tuesday Afternoon 692—O.p Sroprt Miniature Tra SERVICE On a shaped tray, with projecting shell handles. Decorated with roses painted in the Billingsley manner and with gilt leaves. 6 pieces. 693—OLp Sprope Miniature Tra SERVICE On a shaped tray with projecting shell handles. Decorated, on a white - ground, with groups of roses in natural colors and floral sprays in gold. Mark: Factory number in gold. 6 pieces. 694—Sret or THREE OLD SpopE Porcexarn Vases Trumpet-shaped, on four scrolled feet. Decorated, on a white ground, with raised flowers and birds brilliantly colored, and with a gilt shell design. (Slight repairs.) Mark: Spode, in gold. | Height, 614 and 5 inches. 695—OxLp SpopvE Bow. | Coupe-shape, on circular foot. Decorated, on a white ground, with transfer prints in purple of pastoral subjects and with a gilt scrolled border around the interior and exterior rims. Mark: Spode, in red. Height, 3 inches; diameter, 6%, inches. 696—OLp SropE PorceLatn PomapdE Box Circular shape, with decoration of exotic birds and fruit on a mat — olive-green ground decorated with gold, and bands of beaded orna- mentation in white. Diameter, 31% inches, 697—Oxp SpopE Porcetain Spitt Vase Cylindrical shape, with spreading neck. Decorated on a gold ground with naturalistically painted flowers. (Repaired.) Height, 4 inches. 698—Pair or Mason Iron Srone Fiower Pors Hexagonal shape with curved sloping sides, flat shaped rims and spread- ing pierced bases. Decorated with an allover Worcester Japan pattern of peony blossoms and scrolls in gold and red on a rich blue ground and with shaped panels of white reserve occupied by paintings of bamboo stems and birds painted in the Oriental manner in red and gold. Height, 8 inches. Third Session, Tuesday Afternoon 699—Oxp Pinxton Porceiain DEssEeRT SERVICE Decorated with finely painted sprays of flowers on a white ground, with a pattern of grapes and vine leaves and with gold borders. ‘The service consists of one compotier, two fruit dishes with pierced sides and stands, two sauce-boats with covers and stands, three fruit dishes and twelve plates. 20 pieces. 700—Ortp WorcestER PorcELaIn VASE Straight, incurved sides and circular base. Decorated, on a white ground, with a scroll pattern of acanthus leaves and diamond-shaped medallions and with octagonal panels occupied with paintings of a “Roman Warrior” and “A Nymph Sacrificing.” Height, 5 inches. 701—Pair oF OLD CHELSEA PORCELAIN CANDLESTICKS Formed as tree trunks with roots and branches which form handles and terminate in candle sockets of acanthus leaf design, having sconces of raised and painted leaves. At the foot of the tree in one case sits a dog with a collar and in the other a sheep. On rustic bases. Painted in natural colors. : Heights, 51, inches. 702—Pair oF OLD CHELSEA STATUETTES ON PepeEsTALs: “THE Musicians” Figures of boys in eighteenth century costumes of rose colored coats lined with blue and waistcoats and knee breeches decorated with floral sprays, both playing musical instruments. On scrolled bases with raised and painted flowers and leaves and gilt scrollings. ‘The pedestals, of shaped design with voluted handles and molded bases, are painted with bands of flowers naturalistically treated. Heights of Figures, 534 inches. Heights of Pedestals, 3%, inches. 708—Oup CHELSEA PorCcELAIN STATUETTE: “NEPTUNE”’ Figure of Neptune as a nude bearded man, crowned with a flying robe of pink which is decorated with floral sprays and lined with green. Sup- ported by a dolphin painted in green, red and pink. On a very elaborate base of rococo scrolls with a pierced band of rocaille design of marine shells and sea-weed. The scrollings in green and gold. Height, 8 inches. Third Session, Tuesday Afternoon 704—Pair oF OLD SpopE PorceLain VASES Urn-shaped, with cylindrical necks, spreading rims, upright eagle han- dles, circular feet and square bases. Decorated, on a white ground, with a pattern of peonies and leaves, long-tailed birds in the Oriental style and with broad stripes of bleu-du-rot diapered in gold. Feet and stems of bleu-du-roi, patterned in gold. Height, 17 inches. Third Session, Tuesday Afternoon 705—Pair oF OLD SpopE PorcreLarn Vases Pear-shaped bodies, with cylindrical necks, wide-spreading rims, circular bases and upright handles. Decorated on a burnished gold ground in a very elaborate all-over pattern of roses and other flowers painted in the Billingsley manner. Handles of burnished gold. Mark: Spode, in red. Height, 1214, inches. NOTE: Spode vases of this size and character of decoration are so exceptional that it would be difficult to duplicate these two examples. 707—Oxp CHELSEA PorcELAIN STATUETTE Green bodice, purple cloak, red skirt decorated with floral medallions. Height, 1114 inches. Third Session, Tuesday Afternoon 708—Patir oF CHELSEA JARDINIERES Straight sides with projecting handles of scrolls and shells. Decorated with an Adam design of urns draped with flowers, and butterflies, with a border around the rim of classic scrolls in black on a purple ground and festoons of husk pattern in green with red berries and medallions in purple. Gold lines around the rims and bases. Mark: Anchor, in gold. Height, 6°, inches. 709—Two outp CHELSEA PoRCELAIN VASES Oviform shape. The bodies entirely covered with a decoration of raised May flowers painted in turquoise blue with gold centers, and with raised sprays of berries and leaves painted in red and green. Around the bases are bands of a looped decoration in gold and gold lines. Heights, 71%, and 7 inches. 710—Oup CHELSEA PorcELAIN WatcH STAND Shaped as a rococo tall clock case with circular opening for watch, on four voluted and acanthus leaf feet and surmounted by an acanthus leaf finial supported by two figures of Puttini holding flowers. Deco- rated with groups of flowers and floral sprays naturalistically painted, and with a shaped panel of exotic birds. Repaired. Height, 101%, inches. -710A—O.up CuHeEtsEA PorceLain VasE Oviform shaped with cylindrical neck, curved rim and shaped circular base. Decorated, on a white ground, with paintings of roses and floral sprays naturalistically treated. Repaired. Height, 101, inches. 711—I'wo Earrty SeuARE-MARKED WorcEsSTER Cups AND SAUCERS Cups without handles. Decorated on a scale-blue ground with shaped panels of white reserve bordered with scrolls and occupied by paintings of exotic birds. The centers of saucers are occupied by medallions, butterflies and insects. Mark: Square Mark in blue. Third Session, Tuesday Afternoon 711 A—Portion or Mintature CHiInEsE Lowesrorr TEA SERVICE Decorated, on a white ground, with floral sprays in colored enamels and with gilt borders. The service consists of cream ewer, waste bowl shaped platter and six cups. 712—Oxtp Worcester PorceLAIn Dessert SERVICE Decorated, on a white ground, with a Worcester “Japan” pattern of peony blossoms, buds, and birds painted in gros-bleu, red, yellow and gold. The service consists of seventeen plates, four oval, four square and three leaf shaped fruit dishes, one compotier, two sauce tureens, covers and stands. 33 pieces. 718—Oup Derspy PorcreLaAIn TEA AND CoFFEE SERVICE Decorated with a “Chintz” pattern of peony blossoms and leaves and with gilt-scrolled panels of gros-blew occupied by prunus blossoms in white reserve. The service consists of ten coffee cups, ten tea cups, ten saucers, two cake plates, waste bowl and small platter. Mark: D, crossed Batons and Crown, in red. 34 pieces. 714—Oxup WorceEsTER PorcreLAIN TEA AND CoFFEE SERVICE Cups and saucers with scalloped edges. Squat shaped teapot, with acanthus leaf loop handle, curved spout ending with dragon’s head, domed cover with raised flower finial and three shell feet. Decorated on broad bands of apple green ground with shaped and gold bordered. panels occupied by sprays of roses and other flowers naturalistically painted, with roses in white reserve and with leaves and stalks in gold. The service consists of twelve tea cups, twelve coffee cups, twelve saucers, teapot, sucrier, cream ewer, waste bowl and cake plate. * - 41 pieces. 715—Oup Sroprt Porcetain TEA AND CoFFEE SERVICE Decorated, on a white ground, with transfer prints in sepia of English domestic figure subjects in the manner of Wheatley. Each piece is decorated with a different subject. The service consists of twelve cof- fee cups, fifteen tea cups, fifteen saucers, sucrier with cover, cream ewer. Third Session, Tuesday Afternoon 716—Oxup Worcester Porcetain TEA anp Correr SERVICE Decorated, on a white ground, with a broad band of salmon color deco- rated with flower medallions in white reserve with red and gold centers, with gilt scrolls and bands of gilding. The service consists of cream ewer, sucrier, waste bowl, ten coffee cups, nine tea cups, nine saucers and two cake plates. 33 pieces. 717—Ouxp Dersy Porceiar Dessert SERVICE Decorated with cornflowers, floral sprays and borders of cornflowers and leaves between two dotted bands of gilding. Mark: D, Crossed Batons and Crown in puce. Service consists of twenty-three plates, two ice coolers, two sauce boats and stands, four small oval fruit dishes, two large fruit dishes, four square fruit dishes, two leaf shaped fruit dishes and one compote. 718—O.xp Swansrea Porcetain DEsseERT SERVICE Decorated with sprays of cornflowers, moss, roses and buds and with borders of cornflowers and gold floral sprays between two bands of gold patterning. Mark: Numbers impressed. The service consists of twenty- one plates, two sauce boats and stands, two ice coolers, one compotier, four oval fruit dishes, three round fruit dishes and three square fruit dishes. 38 pieces. 719—Outp Apams CaNDELABRUM Tapering standard of cut glass, with canopied top hung with cut drops and surmounted by a cut star, and with three branching arms of cut glass, terminating in glass candle sockets hung with cut drops. Finely chased ormolu mountings and pedestal of a blue and white jasper drum by Adams decorated with subject of “The Baptism of Achilles,” and with bands of interlaced ring ornamentation. Height, 271, inches. Third Session, Tuesday Afternoon 720—Pair or oLrp NEALE CANDELABRA 1785. Vase shaped sticks of cut glass with star shaped sconces hung with cut glass drops, and with cut glass sockets. Pyramidal shaped pedestals of blue and white jasper. Decorated with oval panels of classical figure subjects surrounded by festoons of drapery. Polished ormolu mountings, of molded cornice and bases and four ball feet. Probably by Neale and Co. Height, 1314, inches. 721—Oup Dersy Porcetarin DINNER SERVICE Decorated on a white ground in red, gold and blue with an Oriental pattern of peony and prunus blossoms, with elaborate lambrequin bor- ders of a diapered pattern in gray and brown with scrolls of white reserve on a red ground and with borders of blue having a zig-zag pattern in gold. The service consists of one hundred and forty-nine large dinner plates, eight medium plates, twenty-eight small plates, thirty-one soup plates, thirty-one small soup plates, fourteen platters, three trays, six- teen berry dishes, six fruit dishes, one ice cooler, four compotiers, one tureen, four gravy boats and two. stands, two dishes. Mark: D and Crossed Batons in puce and red. | From the collection of the Rt. Hon. Lord Joicey, Greg-y-nog, Glamor- ganshire. 3 298 pieces. 722—STAFFORDSHIRE LustEeR TEA SERVICE Decorated, on a white ground, with transfer-prints in mulberry color of Landscapes and English Country Houses and with lines and borders | of silver luster. Cups with looped handles. Boat-shaped teapot, cream ewer and sucrier and coupe-shaped waste bowl. 53 pieces. 723—Oxp Worcester PorceLAIn TEA AND CoFrreEe SERVICE Decorated with peony flowers and leaves, rock forms and butterflies painted in red, gros-bleu and gold. Service consists of eighteen tea cups, eighteen coffee cups, seventeen saucers, teapot and cover, and sucrier. 55 pieces. FOURTH SESSION TUESDAY EVENING, MARCH 16, 1915 AT THE AMERICAN ART GALLERIES BEGINNING AT 8.00 oO’cLOCK Which includes Catalogue Nos. 724 to 874 OLD ITALIAN, FRENCH AND GERMAN IVORY AND WOOD CARVINGS OF THE XV, XVI, XVII AND XVIII CENTURIES In all the countries of Europe, artificers from the Fifteenth to the Eighteenth centuries were wont to deliver their message of art in carvings of ivory and pearwood as well as by means of paint and canvas. These carvings, generally of a small size, seldom fail to attract the attention of the real connoisseur. 724—SIxTEENTH CentTuRY FLEemisH Carvep Oax Ficure Figure of a Saint dressed in Nun’s garb supporting on her right arm the figure of a crowned Virgin holding the Infant Christ on her knee. Height, 28 inches. 725— FIFTEENTH CENTURY ByzANTINE Cross Lignum-vitae. The front decorated with a pattern of crosses in circles and interlaced ornamentation, the sides with inscriptions of the names of saints in silver, the front with pointillé decoration of metal studs. Height, 13 inches. 726—SEVENTEENTH CENTURY SpanisH DeEvoTionaL MEDALLION Oval form of wood with serrated edges. Containing a representation of the crucifix with the holy women and carvings of mother-of-pearl and ebony. TY, by 61% inches. Fourth Session, Tuesday Evening. 727—SIxTEENTH CENTURY ITALIAN RELIQUARY Pear wood. Formed as a crucifix with the Madonna at the foot of the cross and God the Father in Glory above it. Mounted in silver with “T. N. R. I.” inscription in gold on a silver label. Back of cross hollowed out with sliding covers to form reliquary. Length, 11%, inches. 728—SIxTEENTH CenTuRY Frencu RELIQUARY Boxwood. Formed as crucifix having at the foot the Virgin Mary, God the Father and the Holy Spirit represented as a dove. Back of crucifix hollowed out with sliding covers to form reliquary. Length, 101, inches. 729—SEVENTEENTH CENTURY SPANISH CARVING Boxwood figure of the Madonna holding infant Christ. On wooden pedestal of later date. Height of carving, 33/4 inches. 730—SEVENTEENTH Century ITatian CaArvING Pear wood. Crucifix, with rusticated cross, flanked by two kneeling figures of a bishop and a female saint in seventeenth century costume. On a shaped and molded contemporary base of ebonized wood. Height, 10 inches. 731—Pair oF SEVENTEENTH CentTurY ITALIAN STATUETTES Pear wood figures of the Madonna holding the Child and Hope with the Anchor. Contemporary gilding. On square bases. Height, 11 inches. 7382—SIXTEENTH CENTURY SPANISH CARVING Pear wood. Figure of a female saint holding a book. | Height, 61, inches. 733—SIXTEENTH CENTURY GERMAN CRUCIFIX Carved pear-wood figure on a plain wooden Cross, of later date. Height, 12 inches. 7384— SEVENTEENTH CentTurY Iranian -CruciFix Figure of carved pear wood, Cross of inlaid ebony and molded base. of walnut. 7 Height, 22 inches. 735— SEVENTEENTH CENTURY GERMAN CRUCIFIX Figure of carved pear wood, Cross of walnut with pear-wood tablet, and pedestal base of walnut on four ball feet. Height, 24 inches. Fourth Session, Tuesday Evening 736—SEVENTEENTH CENTURY ITALIAN CRrRUCIFIX Figure of carved pear wood. Cross of inlaid ebony, and shaped base of ebony inlaid with panels of tortoise-shell lines of ivory. Height, 30 inches. 737—SixTEENtTH Century Iran Ivory Carvine | Standing figure of Saint Catherine holding a sword with her wheel at her side. On square base covered with old crimson velvet. Height, 11 inches. 738—SEVENTEENTH CrentTuRY DutcH STaTUETTE | Carved in pear wood. Subject of a grotesque dwarf in early sixteenth century costume. On octagonal base. . Height, 81, inches. 739—Par oF EIGHTEENTH CENTURY GERMAN STATUETTES Of carved pear wood. Figures of Peasant women, one holding a bag in her hand, the other with a bag thrown over her shoulder. Heights, 121% inches. 740—SEVENTEENTH CENTURY Boxwoop STATUETTE Carved figure of a Saint holding under her arm a book. Painted, gilt and studded with real turquoises, amethysts and garnets. The book is hollowed out for the reception of the relic. On octagonal molded base. Height, 14 inches. CARVED ROCK CRYSTALS AND A COLLECTION OF INTERESTING IVORY CARVINGS OF THE XVI AND XVII CENTURIES 741—Seventeentn Century Travian Rocx Crysran Carvine Bust of a Doge with long hair and pointed beard in a Doge’s cap. On circular pedestal. All in carved and en- graved rock crystal. Height, 434 inches. 742—SEVENTEENTH CENTURY FRENCH CRYSTAL AND SILVER- GILT TAazzaA Flat fluted bowl of baluster shape, stem of rock crystal oe! with intaglio engraved scrollings, circular foot with a band of cut crystal flutings and chased and engraved silver rim. Height, 41, inches. Fourth Session, Tuesday Evening 743—Garnirure oF THREE SEVENTEENTH CENTURY GERMAN Rock CrystTan VasES Pear-shaped bodies of cut rock crystal. The center vase has a bowl supported by three ostriches on a cut crystal sphere, scrolled handles shaped as female terms, neck and rim of silver enameled and set a jour, with cut crystals. The circular base is decorated in colored enamels. The side vases have scrolled handles formed as enameled female terms, the stems are formed as enameled Puttini on cut crystal dolphins and the circular feet are enameled with a design of flowers. Heights, 71% inches and 7 inches. 744—SpanisH SEVENTEENTH CENTURY Ivory CaRvVING Figure of the Madonna with infant Christ supported by cherubim. Length, 2 inches. 745—SEVENTEENTH CENTURY FRENCH Ivory CaRVING Miniature powder horn mounted in silver and formed in the figure of a Lady of the Court holding in one hand a heart-shaped escutcheon with monogram W. A. F. On the back a figure of a mermaid holding a fish in one hand and in the other a beaver by a leash. 3 inches. Fourth Session, Tuesday Evening 746—SIXTEENTH CENTURY GERMAN Carvep Ivory PowpEr Horn Tip of an elephant’s tusk carved with a deer’s head and antlers, elephants’ heads and animals. 4 inches. 747—EIcHTEENTH CenTURY FrRENcH Ivory Tospacco GRaTER _ Of ivory with detachable cover. Cover carved in relief with a figure of a young woman carrying a basket of fruit and with shell ornamentation. Length, 61% inches. 748—SEVENTEENTH CENTURY FRENCH Ivory CARVING Portion of a tobacco grater. Decorated with a panel occupied by figure of a man in peasant costume and with a decoration of floral festoons, shells and basket of fruits. Length, 71%, inches. T49—SEVENTEENTH CENTURY FRENCH Ivory Carvine Portion of a tobacco grater. Subject of a young woman in contem- porary costume having her fortune told by an old gypsy woman. Deco- ration of cornucopie of fruits and flowers. _ Length, 8 inches. 750—SEVENTEENTH CENTURY FRENCH Ivory CARVING Portion of a tobacco grater. Subject of a Flemish peasant holding a goblet of wine. 751—SEVENTEENTH CENTURY FRENCH Ivory CarvING Portion of a tobacco grater. Decorated with the figure of a wandering snake charmer. Length, 7 inches. 752—EIGHTEENTH CENTURY FRENCH CARVED Ivory PANEL Octagonal shape carved with subject of Venus and Cupid and surrounded by a border of bead, spindle and acanthus leaf decoration. , 3Y, by 21% inches. 753—EIGHTEENTH CENTURY FRENCH Ivory Box Lid carved with a subject of two seated figures in the Watteau manner. Silver hinge. 31, by 214 inches. Fourth Session, Tuesday Evening 754—SIxTEENTH CENTURY CarvED Ivory PLaaQuE Octagonal shape having on one side a low relief carving of Europa and Nymphs in a rocky landscape, and on the reverse, a painting in oil of a Nymph bathing. Al, by 3 inches. 755—Pair or EIGHTEENTH CENTURY BuRMESE Ivory CaRrvVINGs Upright figures of Burmese King and Queen in native costume. On cylindrical black wood pedestals. Length, 4 inches. 756—SIXTEENTH CENTURY GERMAN PownpeErR FLASK Portion of a stag’s horn elaborately carved with figure subjects includ- ing the martyrdom of Saint Sebastian. Mounted in silver repoussé and ~ engraved. Mounting of later date with a catch top and two rings for suspension. 757—SEVENTEENTH CrEenTuURY ITatian CruciFix Carved pear-wood figure, Cross of inlaid ebony with pear-wood label and metal scroll and cross bones. _On molded semi-octagonal pedestal base of tortoise-shell with quilled moldings of ebony. Height, 261, inches. 758—Pair or Ivory PLAQuEs Carved with portrait heads of Van Dyke and others. In molded marble frames. Height, 41, inches; length, 4 inches. 7T59—SEVENTEENTH CENTURY GERMAN Ivory Carvine Rectangular panel carved in recess in high relief with the figure of infant John the Baptist adoring the infant Christ. Landscape background and two cherubim in a cloud. 53% by 4 inches. 760—SIXTEENTH CENTURY SpanisH Ivory Carvine Figure of Sait Michael in a classical costume standing upon a dragon set with inlaid crystals and with trace of coloring. | 61, inches. 761—SEVENTEENTH CENTURY SpanisH Ivory Carvine Figure of the infant Saint John. Hair shows traces of paint and col- oring. One arm missing. Height, 314 inches. Fourth Session, Tuesday Evening 762—FirTEENtTH CENTURY ITatian CARVING Figure of Saint John in flowing mantle. 31, inches. 763—SIXTEENTH CENTURY Iratian Ivory Carvine Portion of a crucifix. Al, inches. 164—SEVENTEENTH CENTURY SpanisH Ivory Carvine The Immaculate Conception. Figure of the Madonna with clasped hands standing upon a crescent. On circular ebony pedestal base. (Illustrated) 3%, inches. 765—SEVENTEENTH Century [rattan Ivory Carvine Figure of a Saint in monk’s robes with cowl thrown back. On contem- porary wooden base of ogee form. ( Illustrated) Length, 5 inches. 766—SEVENTEENTH CENTURY GERMAN Ivory CarRVING Figure of an Ecclesiastic holding in one hand a bell and in the other an open book. Length, 41% inches. 767—SIxTEENTH CENTURY FRENCH Ivory Carvine Figure of a female Saint, in nun’s costume, with clasped hands. Length, 4/4, inches. 768—SIXTEENTH CENTURY GERMAN Ivory CaRviING Subject of the Flight into Egypt, the Madonna with the Infant in her arms sitting upon an ass. 33, inches. 769—SIxTEENTH CENTURY SpanisH Ivory Carvine Figure of a Saint with clasped hands. Shows traces of coloring and gilding. Cylindrical pedestal base of black wood. Height, 61, inches. 770—SixteentH Century Traian Ivory Carvine Full length standing figure of Mary Magdalen holding a vase of unguent. On semicircular base. From the Andrews Collection. (Illustrated) No. 764 No. 770 No. 771 No. 765 No. 773 No. 775 Fourth Session, Tuesday Evening 771— FIFTEENTH Century Ivory Carvine Figure of the Madonna holding in one arm the infant Christ who holds in his hands an orb. Length, 61, inches. (Illustrated) 772—SIXTEENTH CENTURY ITALIAN Ivory CarRvVING Figure of a Saint in monk’s robes holding a Bible. Length, 6 inches. 773—SEVENTEENTH CENTURY SpaAnisH Ivory Carvine Subject of the Immaculate Conception. The Virgin standing upon a crescent with cloud forms and cherubim. Shows traces of coloring. Contemporary carved ebony base. Length, 74 inches. (Illustrated) 774—SEVENTEENTH CENTURY F'LEMISH Ivory CARVING Figure of Christ. Portion of a crucifix. 814 inches. 775— SEVENTEENTH CENTURY SPANISH CARVING Figure of the Immaculate Conception. The Virgin standing with clasped hands upon a snake entwined crescent supported by cherubim. Traces of coloring. Shaped and molded pedestal. 7 inches. (Illustrated) 776—TIwo SIxTEENTH CENTURY ITALIAN Ivory CarvIiINGs Portions of crucifixes. One, a Figure without arms. The other in per- fect condition. Mounted in velvet covered panel. 73, by 434 inches. 777—FirreEENtH CEentTuRY FLEmisH Ivory Carvine Ivory figure of Christ on a crucifix. Length, 18 inches. 778—SIx EIN WEN TIT Century Carvep Ivory AprostTLeE SPoons Egg-shaped bowls. Handles formed as figures of Apostles with their emblems. Length, 514 inches. Fourth Session, Tuesday Evening 779—SIXTEENTH CENTURY GERMAN CarveD Ivory TriprycH In three leaves, the two side leaves closing to cover the middle portion. Pointed tops ending with Gothic finial. On ivory base of Gothic quatre- foils carved in low relief with arched panels enclosing figures of Saints en silhouette and engraved. Above in a carved quatrefoil panel is a figure of Christ in glory. Wrought iron strap hinges and lock escutcheon. Height, 10 inches; length, 834 inches. Y80—SEVENTEENTH CENTURY ITALIAN CRUCIFIX Carved ivory figure on a cross of ebonized wood inlaid with tortoise-shell. On shaped and molded base of walnut inlaid with tortoise-shell. Height, 20 inches. %81—SeEtT or SEVEN SIXTEENTH CENTURY GERMAN Ivory CARVINGS Rectangular, diamond shape, oval and circular pierced and carved ivory medallions with subjects of the Madonna and Child, Christ washing the feet of Huis disciples, Christ holding an ear of wheat, etc. Mounted on an ebonized obelisk standing on a rectangular base. Height of obelisk, 7144 inches. 782—-EIGHTEENTH CENTURY GERMAN TEA Cappy Shaped and molded form. Of burr walnut wood decorated with inlaid and etched ivory in a design of figures in eighteenth century costume standing upon architectural pedestals and surrounded by a scroll design with festoons of drapery. Removable lid with disc finial. Height, 6°, inches. e 783—SEVENTEENTH CENTURY ITALIAN PLAQUE Of liignum-vite. Flanked by Ionic columns with ivory capitals supporting ivory spheres with ivory bases. Decorated with etched figures of female winged Terms. The plaque proper contains an arched recess with a figure of a bishop. The spandrels above are occupied by figures of angels with trumpets and the pilasters at the sides with pendent groups of flowers and leaves falling from satyr masks. All this decoration is in inlaid and etched ivory. Height, 10 inches; width, 1034 inches. Fourth Session, Tuesday Evening 784—SEVENTEENTH CENTURY SPANISH CARVING Figure of a Saint with head and legs of ivory and hands of wood. On semicircular base. 785—Two SEVENTEENTH CENTURY SpanisH Ivory CarviNncs _ Pear wood figures of Saints dressed in monk’s robes and in one case holding a Bible. Head, hands and feet of ivory. On shaped and molded octagonal base. Height, 1534 inches. 786—SEVENTEENTH CENTURY GERMAN STATUETTE Carved wood figure of a female in man’s costume of jerkin and tights with cloak thrown over her left arm. Figure of carved wood with head and bust of carved ivory. On square molded pedestal base. Height, 1514 inches. 787—SEVENTEENTH Century Iranian Ivory Cannon Cannon of ivory, the barrel carved with quatrefoil medallions in relief and two couchant lions at the trunnions, the mouth with a band of lozenge ornamentation and the breech as an elephant’s head. On ebony carriage. ; Length of cannon, 51% inches. 788—SEVENTEENTH CentTuRY Iratian Ivory Carvine Figure of a youthful Hercules draped with a lion’s skin fighting with a lioness whose cub he holds in his hand. Height, 9 inches. 789—FirTEENTH CENTURY Coptic StranpInc Cup anp Cover Of ivory formed in a design of a spirally ornamented sphere on conical. base with hexagonal stem and knob of spiral ornamentation decorated with carved figures of serpents, lizards and human figures. The whole surmounted by a kneeling female figure holding a child in her arms. Faces of the figures are of a strongly marked African character. | Height, 13 inches. Fourth Session, Tuesday Evening 790—SEVENTEENTH CENTURY GERMAN FLAGON AND LID Upright cylindrical body formed of a section of an ivory tusk carved in a subject of cupids and nymphs. Mounted in silver with elaborately repoussé base and rim and with hinged lid repoussé in a design of scrolls and flutings and surmounted by a finial of a female figure. Thumb piece formed as a gryphon and scrolled looped handle formed as a female Term. Ivory carving about 1650. Silver mount of later date. Height, 14 inches. Z6L ‘ON €6L ‘ON Z6L ‘ON Fourth Session, Tuesday Evening Y91—SEVENTEENTH CENTURY GERMAN CARVED Woop MEDALLION Oval shape of pear wood carved with the figure of Saint Cecilia at the organ, attended by angels and cherubim. 7 by 6 inches. 792—Pair oF SEVENTEENTH CENTURY ITALIAN CaRVINGS Boxwood figures of the Madonna and Saint John. Mounted on con- temporary pedestals. Heights of figures, 1014 inches. (Illustrated) 793—SEVENTEENTH CENTURY SPANISH Carvine IN Boxwoop The Immaculate Conception. ‘The Madonna standing on a crescent holding the infant Christ in her arms. Base formed as clouds with dragon headed serpent. _ Height, 81% inches. (Illustrated) 794—SEVENTEENTH CrEenTURY FRENCH RELIQUARY Boxwood formed as crucifix. At the foot of the cross the Madonna and above God the Father and the Holy Spirit. Back of cross carved with emblems of the Passion and hollowed out to form the reliquary. Height, 111% inches. RARE AND INTERESTING OBJECTS OF ART AND CRAFTSMANSHIP BELONGING TO THE XVII AND XVIII CENTURIES 795—SEVENTEENTH CENTURY GERMAN Boxwoop BENITIER Lower portion for the reception of holy water supported by puttini. Above the subject of the Annunciation surmounted by God the Father and the Holy Spirit from whom descends a ray falling upon the Madonna. 81, inches. Fourth Session, Tuesday Evening 796—EIGHTEENTH CENTURY FRENCH TRAVELING Dressinc CaAsE* Cylindrical case of lignum-vite mounted with engraved silver bands and fitted with a man’s silver-mounted toilet necessaries. 'The mounts en- graved with a crest surmounted by a Ducal Coronet. The lid has an inlaid plate of silver engraved with armorial bearings and the motto ‘Liberté tout entiére.”’ | Height, 9 inches; diameter, 334 inches. 797—EIGHTEENTH CENTURY FRENCH PERFUME HOLDER Rectangular frame of ormolu having interlacements of green colored ivory and pointillé ivory ornamentations at the angles. The swinging handles are of ormolu and the hinged fringing of lambrequins of cut crystal mounted in ormolu. Above are three cut glass perfume flasks with screw tops of cut glass on which are two circular medallions painted in the Watteau manner and mounted in ormulu. From Sir Joseph Duveen’s Private Collection. Height, 81% inches. 798—EIGHTEENTH CENTURY SPANISH Razor Cask Of tortoise-shell. Upright rectangular form with fluted angles, domed cover and square base. Mounted in silver with an escutcheon name plate and handle decorated with flat chasing in an interlaced design of scrolls and acanthus leaves. ‘‘Hidalgo” engraved on the name plate. Height, 9 inches. 799—SEVENTEENTH CENTURY GERMAN T'AzzZA Carved rock crystal bowl on an elaborately repoussé and chased silver- gilt stand. Around the bowl are satyr masks draped with grapes and vine leaves from which swing floral festoons. Below is a band of floral and leaf decoration. The stand consists of four curved supports ending in paw and claw feet, and a circular base. Through the bottom of the rock crystal bowl projects upward a serpent’s head in silver gilt its spiral body depending downwards between the uprights of the stand. Height, 7 inches. i} ’ Fourth Session, Tuesday Evening 800—OLp: Frencu Sitver Box Oval shape. The bottom of box and lid formed by copper plaques re- poussé in subjects of the “Rescue of Andromeda by Perseus” and of men in seventeenth century costume hunting and fishing. | Length, 41, inches; width, 31% inches. 801—SEVENTEENTH CENTURY FRENCH ToRTOISE-SHELL Box Mounted in ormolu. Circular shape. Decorated with an embossed pat- tern of scroll and floral design, with three oval medallions, contain- ing portraits of Louis XIII. and Anne of Austria, and with a figure of Peace. Height, 2%% inches; diameter, 414 inches. 802—EicHTEENTH CENTURY ToBAcco AND TinDER Box Oblong shape. Of brass engraved on the lid with the figure of an English Beadle and the inscription “A. Bollen, Windsor.” Arranged in com- partments for the reception of the flint, tinder and tobacco. 803—EicHTEENTH CENTURY FRENCH Box Octagonal shaped and molded. Of marbled agate mounted in silver. The lid has a silver rim, lock and key and pierced and engraved key escutcheon. Height, 41, inches. 804—Two EicHTrEENtH CEentURY GERMAN Boxtks One of oblong form with rounded ends, with a miniature painting in oil of a Teniers Ale House subject. The other of oblong form with shaped ends, scrolled thumb piece and silver hinge. Lengths, 5% and 61%, inches. Fourth Session, Tuesday Eveniny 805—EIGHTEENTH CENTURY FRENCH Pocket TorLetT SET Heart shaped black shagreen case with piqué ornamentation, containing six cut ruby glass perfume bottles with silver gilt tops. 806—Oxp CrystaL Scent Fracon Ivory case, carved with figure of Cupid and floral sprays. Bottle of cut crystal with silver mountings. In black shagreen case. Length, 31, inches. 807—OLp EneuisH Travertine Writine Ser Eighteenth century. Consisting of ink bottle with screw-top wafer receptacle and pencil. Sections arranged to screw the one into the other. In black shagreen case. 808—EicHTEENTH CentTuRY “‘PockET COMPANION” Small book with engraved views of English mansions at the head of some pages. Other pages contain official information and a list of the House of Lords and Commons. Dated 1799. In red morocco cover with silver clasps. 809—SEVENTEENTH CENTURY ENcLIsH Horn-Booxk Case of stitched leather. Square frame with handle covered with sheet of transparent horn. Intended for the reception of a printed “A. B. C.” sheet for the use of infant scholars. 810—Two SEvENTEENTH CENTURY GERMAN ARROW HoLpeErs Section of deer’s antler and other horns engraved with sporting subjects and diapered patterns with sliding plate at the bottom for the with- drawal of the arrow. Lengths, 6 inches and 5 inches Fourth Session, Tuesday Evening 811—EicurerentH Century EneciisH Terrestrial GLoBE : In hinged shagreen case the interior of which represents a sidereal globe. Engraved on copper and colored. Signed, “‘C. Price” on ornamental es- cutcheon. Diameter, 314 inches. 812—Four SEVENTEENTH AND EIGHTEENTH CENTURY PrRimiING FLAsks One, of the seventeenth century, of steel damascened with brass with a spring stopper arrangement and two metal hinge suspension loops, one bottle-shaped of black shagreen mounted in silver with bayonet-catch stopper, one of horn carved with two figures in eighteenth century cos- tume and mounted in chased and engraved silver and one of turned lig- num-vitae with chased and engraved silver mount. Lengths, 3%, to 6Y, inches. 813—SEVENTEENTH CentTurRY Iranian Miniature Pistrou Of carved coco-bola wood banded with silver and inlaid with silver roundels. The match-lock, formed as serpent, and the trigger, are of brass with rings for suspension. 814—SEVENTEENTH CENTURY GERMAN Ink BoTTLE Conical shape, of sewn leather with silver mounts of later date. 21, inches. 815—EicHTEENtH Crentury Scotcu PowprEer Horn Mounted in silver with spring nozzle and hinged lid ornamented with a flat chased acanthus scroll design, and rim engraved with thistle and leaf border. Fourth Session, Tuesday Evening 816—SEVENTEENTH CENTURY DanisH STANDING Horn The horn is engraved with an intertwined dragon-headed serpent and a band having the inscription “Voir Sus Vesperam.” The silver mounts consist of a band with gauffered and engraved edges, two cylindrical feet and a parcel gilt rim. With repoussé subjects of a rampant lion’s head, battle axes and double arched canopies occupied by figures of Saints. The rim bears the inscription ““Haxon Macnusson Anno 1679.” Copenhagen Hall Mark of the seventeenth century. 817—SEVENTEENTH CENTURY DutcH PowpEeR Horn Covered with leather and mounted in silver with spring catch formed as a gryphon’s head. The lid engraved with armorial bearings and the name “Johan van Goll.” Fourth Session, Tuesday Evening 818—Ei1cHTEENTH CENTURY CoLoniaL PowpEerR Horn Mounted in silver with wooden cover having a silver rim and plate en- graved “Gift of W. Harffy Esq., Detroit, Oct. 19th, 1789.” Upon a silver band is engraved the Indian name ““Tayannega.” 819—O.Lp ScorcuH Snurr Muy Formed as a Ram’s horn mounted in silver with hinged lid. The lid is decorated with a repoussé and engraved thistle, and with a label in- scribed “John Harrold.” The rim is engraved with two clasped hands and two conjoined hearts. 820—SEVENTEENTH CENTURY NORWEGIAN QUIVER, AND EIGHTEENTH CENTURY Powpver F ask Arrow holder of horn with rough carving in high relief of a fluted cross. Powder flask mounted in brass with a bayonet-catch nozzle and silk cord for suspension. 821—SEVENTEENTH CENTURY DutcH CUP Aanp CovEeR Cocoanut carved in checkered pattern with a silver rim cover, flame fin- ial, and molded foot. Height, 81, inches. 822—FKicgHTEENTH CENTURY GERMAN FLASK Cocoanut carved in the form of a sun fish with metal eyes and nozzle. The body is carved with two circular medallions of “Shepherd piping to a Shepherdess” and “Troubadors and Ladies.” Height, 7 inches. 823—EIGHTEENTH CENTURY GERMAN VASE Cocoanut mounted, in silver, on a tripod stand. Silver straps, engraved rim finial shaped as a bouquet of flowers and acanthus leaf base. Height, 8%, tnches. Fourth Session, Tuesday Evening 824—FEI1cgHTEENTH CENTURY GERMAN FLAsk Cocoanut carved in the form of a sun fish with mother of pearl eyes and silver nozzle. Carved with military and musical trophies and an all-over pattern of leaves. Silver chain. Length, 5 inches. 825—SEVENTEENTH CENTURY GERMAN VASE Beaker shape with domed cover ending in a pine-apple finial, on cir- cular base. The silver mounts consist of a molded rim with a band of flat chased ornamentation, flat-chased cover with a molded and chased finial and a molded and fluted base. Height, 61% inches. 826—SEVENTEENTH CENTURY GERMAN CUP Bowl formed of a nut with a scalloped and engraved silver rim. Lobed stem and circular base, with engraved border. Maker’s mark I. H. Height, 5 inches. 827—Two EIGHTEENTH CENTURY GERMAN GOBLETS Bowls formed of cocoanuts. ‘Turned stems and foot of coco-bola wood. Mounted with deep silver rims. : Height, 6 inches. 828—EIGHTEENTH CENTURY ScoTcH GOBLET Bowl formed of a carved cocoanut, the stem and foot of coco-bola wood. Mounted in silver with figures of thistles. Armorial shield on bowl, engraved with the letter M. Height, 5 inches. 829—SEVENTEENTH CENTURY GERMAN GOBLET Bowl formed of a nut engraved in pattern of pointed leaves. Mounted on a silver stem and circular base and with silver rim. Height, 534 inches. 8380—EIcHTEENTH CENTURY FLASK Nut mounted in silver, with cylindrical neck closed by a silver mounted cork. Silver base engraved “B. L. 6th Feb.” Length, 41/, inches. Fourth Session, Tuesday Evening 831—SEVENTEENTH CENTURY DutTcH PERFUME BoTTLE Formed of a small cocoanut, with fluted circular base and cover with screw stopper. | 832—Two EicHTEENtH Century EneiisH BEAKERS Of wood mounted in silver. One of coupe form with cover and engraved 4 silver rim, the other of cylindrical form with molded band and silver ~ rim. London hall marks with date letters of the eighteenth century. . Heights, 234 and 142 inches. 4 8383—SEVENTEENTH CENTURY GERMAN CUP Bowl of a tropical nut painted with a band of rude ornamentation. — “Mounted in silver, with two scrolled ear handles and pierced and en- graved circular base. 834— EIGHTEENTH CENTURY EneLIsH Lac Eace Formed as an egg. Decorated with Chinese subjects in raised gold lacquer. | Height, 31, inches. 835—SEVENTEENTH CENTURY GERMAN PowpeErR Fuask, AND EIGHTEENTH Century Frencu Box Powder flask of burr maple mounted in brass and engraved with floral designs. Box of tortoise-shell, cylindrical shape mounted in silver. Flask length, 51 inches. Box height, 43, inches. — 836—SEVENTEENTH CENTURY SpaNiIsH Inx-sTAND Of pear wood. Rectangular casket with four spherical feet having a compartment in the center for ink, two drawers for sand and wafers and a pen receptacle. Decorated with inlaid and etched panels of St. Augustine, a Pope and the symbols of the Four Evangelists. Height, 31, inches; length, 9 inches; width, 31, inches. Fourth Session, Tuesday Evening 837—EIGHTEENTH CENTURY FRENCH Lapy’s Worx Box Shell shaped box of ebony with a piqué decoration of cut steel studs. The lid is formed of an entire mother of pearl shell engraved with the design of a peacock. The interior is occupied by a mirror surrounded by a border of fleurettes, in colored silks and there is an inner padded cover of white satin with appliqué embroidery of flowers in colored silks and gauzes. ‘The box contains scissors, thimble, pin-cushion and other sewing necessaries in mother of pearl mounted in gold. Height, 21/, inches; length, 8 inches; depth, 7 inches. 838—SEVENTEENTH CENTURY GERMAN CaSKET Of tortoise-shell. Coffer-shaped with rounded lid mounted in repoussé silver. Hinges of scroll design and key escutcheon as_a double headed eagle. Four ball feet. 839—SIXTEENTH CENTURY GERMAN NavtiLus Cup Nautilus shell bowl mounted on a stem and foot of chased and repoussé gilt bronze. Baluster-shaped stem and circular domed foot with a pat- terning of scallop shells and scrolls. Height, 91% inches. 840—SEVENTEENTH CENTURY GERMAN SILVER-MOUNTED NavutiLus Cup Bowl of a nautilus shell, carved with flying storks and scrolls on an imbricated ground in the Oriental manner, mounted with a silver rim and strappings of a floriated pattern and with a circular foot of repoussé and engraved silver. Chased and repoussé cover with finial shaped as a standing Cupid. Height, 8 inches. (Illustrated) 841—SEVENTEENTH CENTURY GERMAN Box Of pear wood. Rectangular shape, edged with ivory and mounted with engraved and chased silver lock escutcheon. Shaped strap hinges. Height, 314 inches; length, 7°, inches; width, 41. inches. Fourth Session, Tuesday Evening 842—E1cHTEENTH Century EnciisH Box anp Sry Grass Box of rectangular shape, of stamped and tooled leather with the arms of the London Apothecaries’ Company on the lid. On the sides are oval medallions with figures of Justice and a medallion of armorial bearings. The spy glass is of ebony and polished shagreen in a black shagreen case. Height of bow, 41% inches; length, 634 inches. Length of spy glass, 2%, inches. 843—Pair or SIXTEENTH CENTURY ITALIAN COMPASSES Of pear wood carved in a zig-zag pattern—with metal points and wooden quadrant. . Length, 22 inches. NOTE: These compasses formerly belonged to the celebrated Italian architect, Vignola Giacomo Barozzia. 1507-1573. 844—EicHTEENTH CENTURY FrRENcH WatTcH STAND Of pear wood. Carved with scrolls and a seated figure of a sportsman. The receptacle for the watch is surmounted by a reclining figure of a nude youth. Height, 10 inches. 845—SEVENTEENTH CrNntTURY ITatiIan Monry CHANGER’s SCALES AND WEIcCHTS Pear wood box elaborately carved inside and out with panels of floral and scroll pattern. Inside is a balance of wrought and chased steel with brass pans and receptacles for the brass weights. Wrought steel hasp. Dated 1614. Length, 5 inches; width, 25% inches. 846—SEVENTEENTH CENTURY GERMAN PowpER FLask Of box wood. Pear shape. Carved with a hunting subject and with bands of grapes and vine leaves, hunting trophies and foliage. Acorn shaped stopper. 847—SIXTEENTH CENTURY GERMAN Box Of wood. Formed as a couchant lion flanked upon one side by King David playing a harp and on the other by Moses holding the Tablets of the Law. With hinged lid with mirror. Dated in incised letters, 1601.” No. 848 No. 850 847 No. No. 586 857 No Fourth Session, Tuesday Evening 848—SEVENTEENTH CENTURY GERMAN Box Of pear wood. Boat shape, the lid carved with the figure of a sports- man with dog and gun, the inner surface with an archaic figure of a Saint holding a chalice. Height, 284 inches; width, 31/, inches. 849—Oxup Encruiso Cur anp Scent Friacon One formed of a cocoanut on a wooden stem with silver rim, the other of wood in the form of a sun fish. Cup, height, 53/4, inches. Scent flacon, length, 5 inches. 850—SIXTEENTH CENTURY GERMAN PERFUME FLASK Of box wood. Heart shaped. Carved with acanthus scrolling and mounted with two ivory portrait medallions. Closed with carved wooden stopper. Height, 4 inches. 851—SEVENTEENTH CENTURY GERMAN SCENT FLACON Of wood. Shaped as a sun fish and carved with figures. Length, 314, inches. 852—EI1cHTEENTH CENTURY GERMAN SCENT FLACON Of wood. Carved with figures. Silver rim. Height, 3 inches. 853—SEVENTEENTH CENTURY GERMAN PIN-CUSHION | Of wood inlaid with ebony, etched ivory and mother of pearl. Arranged so as to screw to side of table, and with a cushion of old purple velvet. Height, 51% inches. 854—FirTEentH Century German Box-woop Carvine The lower portion of a crucifix carved in a succession of arched panels with scenes from the life of Christ and other Scriptural subjects includ- ing the suicide of Judas Iscariot. Height, 4 inches. 855—SEVENTEENTH CENTURY SCENT FLACON Vase shaped. Of box wood, carved with a pattern of scrolls and acan- thus leaves and with two circular medallion portraits of Louis XIII. and Anne of Austria. Silver rim with chimera stopper. Fourth Session, Tuesday Evening 856—SixTEENTH Century Jrarian PErFumME Box Of box wood carved in the form of a bottle shaped vase with figures of Adam and Eve, and the Serpent. Removable stopper, and opening at bottom closed by slide. Height, 3 inches. 857—Swiss SEVENTEENTH CENTURY ScENT FLAcoNn Of pear wood carved with half length figures of Luther and others. The bottom formed of a silver medallion with the Arms of the Swiss Cantons. Height, 3°4 inches. 858—EIGHTEENTH CENTURY GERMAN SNUFF Box Of box wood, carved in the form of a man-of-war with hinged lid carved with a Roman Warrior standing upon an urn. Length, 414, inches. 859— EIGHTEENTH CENTURY GERMAN NUTCRACKER AND WoopEn Box The one formed as the bust of a man with cocked hat and flowing hair with book, hollowed for the reception of nuts, the other a shuttle shaped box, the lid carved with a bow, quiver and arrows. Nut Cracker length, 5 inches. Bow length, 3 inches. 860—Earty SIXTEENTH CENTURY ITALIAN Sworp BELT Of metal colored and gilt. Formed of elaborately chased rectangular medallions linked together with a double catch for the sword. Length, 37 inches. 861—Patir oF SIXTEENTH CENTURY ITALIAN Kynire HanpieEs Of box wood carved with figures of Amorini. Height, 3°/, inches. 862—Four SEVENTEENTH CENTURY GERMAN Kwnire Hanp.es Of pear wood elaborately carved with classical figures and foliage. Height, 344, inches. Fourth Session, Tuesday Evening 863—German Two Proncep Fork Handle of carved wood in the form of a deer’s horn capped with silver. Silver shank and prongs. Length, 171%, inches. 864—O1p Frencu Knire Silver mounted. In shagreen case with hinged lid. Length, 51, inches. 865—SEVENTEENTH Century Irauian Pocket Fork Sixteenth century. Two prong fork with steel handle damascened in gold and silver. Knife missing. In cuir bouilli case. 866—OxLp GERMAN Pocket Sprpoon AND Fork Shaped handles of steel decorated with gold damascenings. Knife miss- ing. In morocco leather case tooled in gold. 867—OLp Irattan Pocket Knirr, Fork anp Spoon Knife and fork of steel with handles ornamented with gold and silver damascenings. In cuir bouilli case. 868—SIXTEENTH CENTURY GERMAN KNIFE AND Fork IN CaAsE Handles of carved ivory, representing a man and a woman standing with clasped hands and a warrior. Case of cuir bouilli. 869—SEVENTEENTH CENTURY FRENCH KNIVES AND Fork Knife and fork with silver handles in stamped leather case initialed W. R. B. Knife with silver handle decorated in an arabesque pattern. Length, 7 inches. 870—SIXTEENTH CENTURY RussIAN SPOON Of silver. Circular shaped bowl and flat Sea handle with knob finial. Decorated with shaped panels of niello work. Length, 8%, inches. 871—SEVENTEENTH CENTURY BAVARIAN PocKET Spoon Anvd Fork Of silver. Oval shaped. The handle terminates in a modeled female bust with a sliding piece shaped as a grotesque mask. The top unscrews to form steel pick. Length, 6% inches. g 8 Fourth Session, Tuesday Evening 872—EicuTeentu Century Frencn Razor Cask Of blue shagreen. Baluster shaped with hinged domed lid and octagonal molded base. Mounted in silver, repoussé and chased in a rococo shell design, with an engraved rim, swinging handle and silver and blue crystal thumb piece. Interior fitted with tortoise-shell handled razors mounted in silver and with a silver mounted razor hone. Height, 5 inches. 873—SIXTEENTH CENTURY ITALIAN KNIFE Steel plate with carved ivory handle of seated satyr and female. Length, 10%, inches. 874—SIxTEENTH CENTURY GERMAN KNIFE anpD Fork Two pronged fork and steel knife handles of carved ivory formed as figures of Venus partially draped and Hercules with lion’s skin. In silk lined stamped leather case. Showing traces of coloring. Length, 614, inches. . FIFTH SESSION WEDNESDAY AFTERNOON, MARCH 17, 1915 AT THE AMERICAN ART GALLERIES BEGINNING aT 2.00 o’cLocK Which includes Catalogue Nos. 875 to 1163 A VERY REMARKABLE COLLECTION OF OLD WORCESTER PORCELAIN OF THE DR. WALL, “SQUARE-MARKED” AND LATER PERIODS 875—Pair oF OLD Srvres Porcenain Vases Empire period. Pear-shaped, with curved necks, spreading rims and circular feet. Decorated in gold, over a turquoise-blue ground with a pattern of fine flutings, and with bands of elaborate arabesque scroll- ings in colors of green and mat gold. From the collection of Lord Kenmare. Height, 1014, inches. 876—O.Lp Pinxron Porcevain Vase Urn-shaped, with curved neck and square foot. Decorated, on a canary- colored ground, with a pointed-leaf ornamentation, with festoons of roses painted in sanguine, and with landscape paintings. The base and rim are solidly gilt. Height, 10 inches. 877—SeEtT oF THREE OLD Derspy PorcEeLAIN JARDINI®RES Commode-shape, with four scrolled feet and acanthus-leaf projecting handles. Decorated with upright bands of ornamentation and with panels of English rural subjects painted in the Wheatly manner. (One slightly faulty.) Heights, 414 and 3%, ; lengths, 8 and 6%, inches. Fifth Session, Wednesday Afternoon 878—Ser or THREE oLp Derspy PorceuaIn VASES Pear-shaped bodies, curved necks and spreading rims, voluted and acan- thus leaf handles, circular feet and square bases. Decorated on a white ground with Worcester Japan pattern of shaped panels and gros bleu decorated with gilt scrollings of peony flowers and leaves and with shaped panels of gros bleu, gilt borders and with handles partially gilt. Mark: Script D and Crown in red. Heights, 111%, inches and 8% inches. 879—Oup Dersy PorceLAtIn VASE Hexagonal straight-sided body with domed cover, and handles formed as dophin heads. Decorated, on a white ground, with groups of flowers naturalistically painted, with lines of gilt and gilded handles. (Cover faulty.) Height, 12 inches. 880—Patir oF oLp Derspy PorcELAIN VASES Cantharus-shaped, with projecting looped lion-head handles, and cir- cular feet. The upper portions decorated, on a green ground, with shaped panels of butterflies and English landscape subjects with country mansions and figures; the lower portions, decorated with scrollings and floral sprays of gold on a white ground. -Around the rim is a border of egg and dart pattern in gold on a white ground. Height, 914, inches. 881—Onup Dersy PorcevaIn VASE Hexagonal straight-sided body, with domed cover, flame finial and dol- phin-head handles. Decorated with a Worcester “Japan” pattern in underglaze blue, red, green and gold. The handles are painted in choco- late color. Height, 12%, inches. 882—Oup Derpy PorcELAIN VASE Hexagonal straight-sided body with domed cover, and pointed finial. Decorated, on a ground of ‘‘Worcester red,” with gilt scrollings, cinque- foil flowers and leaves of white reserve, and with shaped panels of paint- ings of Chinese landscapes. Height, 1234 inches. Fifth Session, Wednesday Afternoon 883—O.p Dersy Porcetatin Vase Urn-shaped, with voluted handles, domed cover, ball finial, and circular foot. Decorated with a band of naturalistically painted roses and leaves on a black ground and with an all-over pattern of gilded leaves and scrolls. Guilt handles and foot. Height, 12 inches. 884— Pair oF OLD DERBY JARDINIERES Straight sides with scroll and shell projecting handles. Decorated on a white ground with sprays of Billingsley roses in colors and with small leaf forms in gold. Gold lines around rims and bases. The handles are decorated with gold. Mark: D and Crossed Batons in red. Height, 424 inches; diameter, 5 inches. 885—Pair oF oLD DerBy PorcELAIN JARDINIERES Straight sides with scroll and shell projecting handles. Decorated on a white ground with sprays of Billingsley roses in colors and with small leaf forms in gold. Lines of gold around rim and bases, and handles decorated with gold. Mark: D and crossed batons in red. Height, 4°4 inches; diameter, 5 inches. 886—Parr or o~tp Dersy PorRCELAIN JARDINIERES Similar to the preceding. 887—Oxp Duesspury Derspy Dessert SERVICE Shaped dishes and plates, with scalloped edges. Decorated with broad borders of bleu-du-roi diapered patterns of gold dots and floral sprays. Mark: D. crossed batons and Crown. The service consists of two fruit dishes and fourteen plates. 16 pieces. 888—Parr or CHamBertain’s WorcEsTER PorceLain VaAsEs Urn shaped with projecting leopard-head handles. Decorated on a gros blew ground with gilt scrollings and with shaped panels of white reserve occupied with paintings of English Abbeys. (One cracked.) Height, 51%, inches. Fifth Session, Wednesday Afternoon q 7 } i ‘ ; ] 39: 889—Pair oF oLD Dersy PorceLaAIn STATUETTES: “SUMMER AND WINTER ] Winter as a boy bearing a bundle of fagots on his shoulder and Summer as a girl with a sheaf of wheat and corn flowers. On circular rustic bases with gilt bands. Mark: Impressed numbers. 7 Height, 7, inches. 890—Pair oF CHAMBERLAIN WoRCESTER VASES Spill shape on four ‘claw feet and bases. Decorated on a gros bleu ground with bands of scroll and leaf ornamentation in gold and with a broad band of white reserve occupied by stalks of roses and other flowers, naturalistically painted. Height, 41, inches. 891—Oxup CHAMBERLAIN WorCESTER VASE Pear-shaped. Decorated on a gros blew ground with shaped panel sur- rounded by gilt scrollings and floral branchings and occupied with a group of roses and other flowers, naturalistically painted. Height, 71/, inches. se Fifth Session, Wednesday Afternoon 892—OLp CHAMBERLAIN WorceEsTER PorceLAIN Muc Cylindrical shaped with loop acanthus leaf handles. Decorated with two bands of meander and leaf decoration in gold on a gros blew ground and with a deep band of stalks of roses and other flowers naturalistically painted. Height, 3 inches. 893—Pair oF OLD SwANsEA PorcELAIN VASES Cylindrical shape with wide curved rims, handles of eagle heads and rings. Decorated on a white ground with gilt scrollings and paintings of exotic birds. The rims with a pattern of raised flowers with dotted centers. (Repaired.) aes : eight, 4 inches. 894— Pair of CHAMBERLAIN WorCESTER CANDLESTICKS Cylindrical stems with circular bases and sconces. Decorated on a scale blue ground with shaped panels of white reserve surrounded. by gilt scrolls and with groups of flowers and floral sprays naturalistically painted. (Sconces repaired.) Height, 6 inches. 895—Set or THREE OLD CHAMBERLAIN WorcESTER VASES Cylindrical shape with cylindrical necks and spreading rims. Decorated on a gros blew ground with shaped panels of white reserve bordered with gilt scrollings and occupied by groups of roses and other flowers painted in a naturalistic manner. Around the rims and necks are bands of gilt scrollings. 896—Pair oF OLD CHAMBERLAIN WorcESTER PORCELAIN ORNAMENTS Shaped as birds seated upon stumps of trees, with raised flowers and foliage. Plain white decorated in gold. Mark: Chamberlain’s “Worces- ” in red. (Repaired.) ter, 897—Pair oF oLpD WorcerstTEeR PorcELAIN BEAKERS Straight sides, decorated with a sprigged pattern of cornflowers and a border of cornflowers and leaves in blue, green, yellow and gold. Height, 4 inches. Fifth Session, Wednesday Afternoon 898—Ser or THREE oLtp WorceEstTER PorcELAIN VASES Spill-shaped, with small loop mask handles. Decorated with a “Japan” pattern of peony blossoms and leaves in gros-bleu, green, red and gold, and with borders of a roundel pattern in gold on a gros-blew ground. Height, 51, and 4%, inches. 899—Onp CHAMBERLAIN’S WorcESTER PoRCELAIN PITCHER Straight body, with twisted flutings, cylindrical neck, pointed spout, and acanthus-leaf handle. Decorated as to the body with canary-colored panels, enclosing oval medallions of flowers naturalistically painted and with vertical bands of black and gold lines; as to the neck, with a pointillé pattern of roundels and stars in gold and with a deep border of points occupied alternately with pink grounds and floral sprays of gold on white. (Repaired. ) Height, 7 inches. 900—OLp CHAMBERLAIN’S WorcEsSTER PoRCELAIN VASE Decorated, on a mirror-black ground, with sprays of flowers and leaves in gold and with a spade-shaped panel of an English landscape and country house. The handles, rim and base decorated with gilding. (Re- paired. ) Height, 11 inches. 901—Patr or otp Dersy Porcetarn Ewrrs Egg-shaped bodies with fluted necks, shaped rims, Satyr-mask handles, and circular feet. Decorated, on a ground of apple-green, with oval panels of paintings of a Saint in meditation and King Lear. Necks, rims and feet partially gilt. Height, 101%, inches. 902—O.p Worcester PorceLaIn VASE Urn-shaped body, with curved neck; dolphin and shell handles, circular foot and square base. Decorated in gold on a ground of mirror-black with floral and acanthus-leaf scrolls, laurel leaves and ears of wheat and with a shaped panel of flowers naturalistically treated. The handles are solidly, the rim and base partially gilt. Height, 14144 inches. Fifth Session, Wednesday Afternoon 903—Ser or THREE orp Worcester PorceLaIn Spirit Vases Trumpet-shaped, with dolphin head and ring handles, scalloped rims and circular feet. Decorated in gold on a white ground with peacocks, branches and flowers and dottings of gold butterflies. Rims and feet with lines of gold. Heights, 6 and 5 inches. 904—Pair oF oLp Worcester PorceLain BEAKERS Straight sides and spreading rims. Decorated on a gold diapered ground, with festoons and sprays of roses, and other flowers natural- istically painted. Height, 3 inches. 905—SET oF THREE OLD WorcerstTER PorcELAIN Sprtu VAsEs Straight sides and spreading rims, on three feet. Decorated on a deep gold band with roses and other flowers naturalistically painted and with a border of gold interlacements and gold lines. (One cracked.) Heighst, 414, and 3% inches. 906—OLp CHAMBERLAIN’S WorcEsTER PORCELAIN VASE Baluster-shaped, with projecting looped and voluted handles and oc- tagonal foot. Decorated with a panel paintéd en camaieu with the “Rape of Proserpine by Pluto” and with a very elaborate design of spiral flutings, festoons, shells and scrolls, and with borders of trefoiled, loz- enged and rosetted design in gold on a white ground. Mark: “Chamber- bf lain’s Worcester,” in gold. Height, 71, inches. 907—OxLp Worcester PorceLain INKsTAND Drum-shape, with twisted looped handles, basket-hke receptacles for wafers and cylindrical pen-holders. Fitted with three pear-shaped re- movable ink-wells. Decorated, on a rose-du-Barry ground, with oval me- dallions of exotic birds painted in colors. The upper surface is deco- rated with sprays of roses on white. The handles and pen receptacles are gilt. Height, 4 inches; diameter, 71/, inches. Fifth Session, Wednesday Afternoon 908—OLp SauarE Marxep Worcester PLATE Decoration divided into four sections by radiating bands of gros-bleu patterned with circular medallions of Oriental figures and gilt scroll work. The four fan-shaped panels thus formed are decorated alternately with sprays of flowers and with exotic birds. The center, within a bor- der of under-glaze blue, is occupied by a spray of flowers in the Oriental manner. Mark: Square Mark in blue. 909—THREE OLD WorcEsTER PorRCELAIN T'WoO-HANDLED Cups’ AND SAUCERS Pear-shaped cups, with two scrolled handles. Decorated with festoons of flowers and vine leaves in gold and with a serrated gilt border around the rim. Height of cups, 3 inches; diameter of saucers, 5°4 inches. 910—Oxp Barr, Fruicut & Barr Worcester Porceitamn INKsTAND Semicircular-shaped with incurved handles ornamented with raised shells and with looped carrying handles. Circular well for ink. The front is decorated with paintings of birds. Height, 21%, inches; length, 614 inches. ee a ae eee Oe 911—Oxp Barr, Fricut & Barr Porcenain VAsE Urn-shaped, with winged Dragon handles. Decorated on a green scale : ground with shaped panels of Oriental mythical monsters and vases of : flowers and with an Oriental design of scrolls and medallions. Handles , painted in green and yellow. . Height, 71/, inches. ‘a : 912—Pair or oLp Crescent Marxep Worcester PorcELaIn PuatTes _ . “Queen Charlotte’ pattern of concentric bands of blue with a scroll decoration in white reserve outlined in gold, alternating with similar bands of white decorated with a scroll pattern in red and purple. Diameter, 71/, inches. Fifth Session, Wednesday Afternoon 9138—Oup Furicut, Barr & Barr Worcester Porcetarn Disu Shuttle shaped with scalloped edge and circular foot. Decorated as to the center with subjects in the Chinese manner of a lady with a parasol under a tree and surrounded by a very broad border of bold scrolls in blue bordered with gold and a border of scroll and diaper pattern in white reserve on a red ground. There is an outer border of gold roundels with a blue ground. Mark: F. B. & B. and Crown—impressed. 914—Parr or otp Fricut, Barr & Barr WorcestER PLATEs Decorated with subjects, in the Chinese manner, of a lady with a parasol under a tree, surrounded by a very broad border of bold scrolls in blue bordered with gold and another border of scroll and diaper pattern in white reserve on a red ground. There is an outer border of gold roundels on a blue ground. Mark: “Flight, Barr & Barr” in red and F. B. B. and Crown impressed. Diameter, 81, inches. 915—Oxp Worcester PorceLain BEAKER Straight sides. Decorated with a pointillé pattern of roundels and with a border of a lozenge and chain pattern in gold on a bleu-du-rot ground. On the body is a gold-bordered medallion occupied with a painting of a mountainous landscape in sepia. Height, 3%, inches. 916—Ser or Ten otp Crescent Markep Worcester Cups AND SAUCERS “Queen Charlotte” pattern of radiating bands of blue with scrollings of white reserve outlined in gold alternating with similar bands of white decorated with a scroll pattern in red and purple. Mark: Crescent in blue. 917—Barr, Fricur & Barr Worcester Dessert SERVICE “Queen Charlotte” pattern of radiating bands of blue with scrollings in white reserve outlined in gold, alternating with similar bands of white decorated with scrollings in red and purple. The rims are decorated with a scroll and rosette pattern in red on a white ground and with gold lines. The service consists of three square and two oval fruit dishes, one round fruit dish and fourteen plates. 20 pieces. Fifth Session, Wednesday Afternoon 918—Ser or THREE OLD WorcEsTER PoRCELAIN VASES Urn-shaped with upright handles shaped as winged female terms, circu- lar feet and square bases. The bodies are decorated, on a deep maroon colored ground, with spade shaped panels of white reserve bordered with gold and occupied with paintings of pastoral subjects. The necks and feet are decorated on a white ground with floral scrolls. The base and handles are gilt. Heights, 1014 inches and 8, inches. 919—Pair oF oLp WorcesTER PorcELAIN VASES Pear-shaped with cylindrical necks, spreading rims, upright voluted handles, circular feet and square bases. The bodies are decorated with acanthus scrolls and pointed leafage and with spade shaped panels bor- dered in gold occupied by views of English Country-Mansions and land- scapes. The necks and feet are decorated with a scrolled and honey- suckle border of gold on a white ground. The bases, handles and rims are gilt. Height, 12 inches. 920—Pair oF oLp WorcEsTER PoRCELAIN “Warwick” VASES Cantharus shaped with twisted acanthus stem handles, circular feet and square bases. Decorated, on a honeycombed ground, with spaces of a shagreen pattern in red and gold, with a raised design of classic heads and bacchanalian thyrsi resting on a band of draped lion’s skin show- ing the paws and head, with a band of grape and vine leaf scrolled deco- ration, and with reeded feet and beaded rims, all in mat and burnished gilding. Height, 101%, inches. 921—Setr or THREE OLD WorceEstTER PorcELAIN. VASES Pear-shaped bodies with looped handles, cylindrical necks, spreading rims and circular feet. Bodies decorated, on a lemon colored ground, with octagonal, gold bordered panels occupied by baskets of flowers. The necks and feet are gilt and ornamented with a band of pearls in white on a gold ground. The handles are gilt. (One vase faulty.) Heights, 81/, and 7 inches. Fifth Session, Wednesday Afternoon : 922—O_p WorceEsTER Sour Tureen, Cover AND STAND Quatrefoil shape with handles formed as shells and artichoke finial and — scalloped rim. Decorated with figures of long tailed birds seated upon a rock surrounded by branches of flowers and leaves painted in the Ori- ental manner. Height, 914 inches; length, 1334 inches. 923—Oxp Furicutr, Barr & Barr Worcester Muc Cylindrical body with looped acanthus leaf handle. Decorated, on a salmon colored ground, with vertical gilt lines and with an oval panel of white reserve occupied by a painting of full blown roses and leaves. Mark: Flight, Barr & Barr and Crown, painted in purple and scratched B. Height, 3° inches. 924—Parr oF OLD WorcEsTER PorcELAIN VasEs Spill shaped. Decorated with shaped panels occupied by Oriental sub- jects and vases of flowers and with spaces of green shagreen pattern and with bands of rose color and blue. Inside of rims with a band of honeycombed decoration in green and red and with panels of peony blos- soms in red and green. (Repaired.) From the George Wills Collection. Height, 6 inches. 925—O.p Worcester PorceLain FrowEer Por anp StTanp Body with curved upright sides, projecting ear handles; circular stand. Decorated with a band of roses, with a scrolled leaf pattern in gilt on a white ground and with a square panel containing a painting in sepia of the “Flight into Egypt” inscribed “St. Matthew, Chap. 2, Verse 21.” (Handles faulty.) Height, 9 inches. 926—Pair oF oLtp Fruicut & Barr WorRCESTER JARDINIERES AND STANDS Bucket shaped with ring handles. Decorated on a canary yellow ground with a deep band of a gold ground painted with flowers naturalistically treated. Around the stands are oak leaf and meander borders in gold. The handles are gilded and there is a gilt line around both rims and bases. Mark: Flight & Barr, Worcester, painted in purple. Height, 7 inches. Fifth Session, Wednesday Afternoon 927—O.pv WorcestER PorcreLain Juc Pear-shaped body, high cylindrical neck and scrolled handle. Decorated with a raised pattern of lettuce leaves and incised scrolls, and a paint- ing of a landscape with ruins and a river, rococo scrolls and floral sprays. Height, 101%, inches. 928—Ser or THree CHamBeriain’s Worcester VAsEs Hexagonal pear-shape bodies, one with high domed cover and two with spreading rims. Decorated in a Worcester Japan pattern in gros bleu, green, red and gold and with gilt borders. (One small vase repaired.) Mark: “Chamberlain’s Worcester” painted in red. Heights, 12°, inches and 8 inches. Fifth Session, Wednesday Afternoon 929—Patr oF CHAMBERLAIN’s WorcESTER IcE CooLERS AND COVERS Warwick vase shape with projecting loop handles of acanthus leaf and lion mask design on square bases. Decorated on a ground of deep rose with square panels bordered with gold and occupied by paintings of Dunraven Castle, Glamorganshire, and Fonthill Abbey, Wiltshire. The covers have pine-apple finials. There are gilt bands around the rims and bases, and the handles are solidly gilt. Height, 121%, inches; diameter, 10 inches. 930—OxLp Worcester PorcenaAIn TEA SERVICE Decorated with fan shaped panels of Chinese vases of flowers with a quatrefoiled pattern of dots in black on green and brown and with bor- ders of honeysuckle in white and red. The service consists of one tea- pot, one stand and cover, one cream ewer, one waste bowl, one cake plate, eighteen cups and saucers. (Waste bowl and a few cups cracked.) 41 pieces. 931—Oxup Worcester PorceLAIn Dessert SERVICE Decorated with an edged bordering of characteristic Worcester apple green, with gilt bands and square, circular and _ shuttle-shaped panels of white reserve occupied by sprays of roses, morning glories and pop- pies naturalistically painted. The service consists of one compotier, four fruit dishes, four berry dishes, four cake plates and twelve plates. 25 pieces. 932—Oxp Crescent Marken Worcester PLates *“@ueen Charlotte” pattern of radiating bands of blue with a scroll deco- ration in white reserve outlined in gold, alternating with similar bands of white decorated with a scroll pattern in red and purple. Diameter, 81%, inches. 933—O xp Worcester PorceLaIn Cream Ewer Pear-shaped body, pointed spout and loop handle. Decorated on a white ground with transfer prints in black in the subject of the “Tea Party.” Height, 4 inches. 934—Two otp WorcrEsteER PorcELAIN PLATES Decorated with sepia transfer printed subjects of classical ruins, fig- ures, festoons and floral sprays. As is usual with transfer prints of this period these plates are not marked. Diameters, 9 inches. Fifth Session, Wednesday Afternoon 935—Oxup Worcester PorceLain PITCHER Pear-shaped with loop handle. Decorated with black transfer printed subjects of the “Rural Merrymaking” “The Piping Shepherd” and “Colin and Lucinda,” and with festoons of fruits and flowers. From the George Wills Collection. Height, 12 inches. 936—OxLp Worcester Porcevar PircHer Pear-shaped with loop handle. Decorated with black transfer printed subjects of sporting and hunting scenes and with a circular medallion bordered in gold with the script monogram R. M. Height, 1134 tnches. 937—OLp Worcester PorcetaIn Mug Cylindrical shape with loop handle. Decorated with a sepia transfer printed subjects of “ A Visit to the Fortune-teller” and “A Fishing Party.” Height, 5 inches. Fifth Session, Wednesday Afternoon 938—Oxp Fuicut, Barr & Barr PorcELAIN VASE Pear-shaped with curved and spreading rim, upright, acanthus leaf handles, stem with gadrooned knob, square foot and circular base. The rim is decorated with a raised Greek tongue-and-leaf patterned border. The lower portion of the body has a Greek honeysuckle pattern in relief, the rim and foot have bands of gilded quatrefoiled rosettes in oval panels of white reserve on a gold scrolled ground. ‘The body, rim, stem and base are in canary color, and the body is further decorated with two heart shaped panels occupied by exotic birds and landscapes. (Slightly repaired.) Mark: “Flight, Barr & Barr,” and Crown. Height, 1914, inches. NOTE: This vase is undoubtedly one of the most important as to size and subject, ever issued from the Worcester factory under the domination of Flight, Barr & Barr. Fifth Session, Wednesday Afternoon 939—Oxp WorcerstTER PorceLtain Mue Baluster-shaped with loop handle. Decorated with black transfer printed subjects of a ‘Rustic Merry Making,” and the “Dairy Maids.” Height, 6 inches. 940—Dr. Watt PrEeriop Worcester PITcHER Baluster-shaped body with pointed spout, loop handle and circular foot. Painted, on a white ground, with a Chinese domestic figure subject in colors and gold. Height, 7 inches. 941—Fovr Fricut & Barr WorcrsteR PorRCcELAIN CuPS AND SAUCERS Fluted and gauffered rims and shaped looped handles. Decorated with gilt floral sprays, husk festoons and deep borders of shuttle pattern in two shades of blue and with circular medallions with outer borders of gold and inner borders of blue and gold dots. Painted with a crest of a Rampant Lion within a border of the Royal Garter surmounted by a Crown and Lion, which bears the motto “Honi soit qui mal y pense.” Height of cups, 3 inches; diameter of saucers, 5%, inches. NOTE: Part of the celebrated service made for Prince William Henry (afterwards King William IV) when he was created Duke of Clarence in 1789. 942—Oxup WorceEstTER PorcELAIn PITCHER Pear-shaped body with acanthus and lotus leaf decoration in low relief, fluted neck, cylindrical mask, spout and loop handle. Decorated with decoration in gold on bleu-du-rot grounds. Mark: Solid Crescent floral sprays in gold, bleu-du-roi oe and with two bands of floral painted in blue. Height, 61, inches. Oxtp WorcerstER PorcELAIN VASE Pear-shaped body with fluted lower portion acanthus leaf handles, domed and pierced cover and oval foot. Decorated as to the lower portion of body in bleu-du-rai and gold and as to the upper part with an oval medallion bordered by branches of foliage in gold and occupied by a sepia painting of ‘The Piping Shepherd.” The neck flutings are painted in bleu-du-roi alternately with trefoiled ornamentations in gold.’ Mark: Solid Crescent and W. painted in blue. Height, 7, inches. Fifth Session, Wednesday Afternoon 944—Dr. Watt Periop Worcester Cur AND SAUCER Decorated with drapery festoons in peacock blue with a gold fringe. The rims with a scalloped band of gold. NOTE: This peculiar pattern belongs to the Dr. Wall period and is very rarely met with. 945—Oxp Worcester PorcenaIn Cure AnD SAUCER Fluted rims. Decorated with shaped borders of apple green, gold scrolls and sprays of flowers in colors. 946—Oxp SeuaRE Markep WorceEstTeER PLATTER Octagonal shape. Decorated with an Oriental pattern of an exotic bird seated upon a rock, and surrounded by branches of flowers and leaves and by blue winged butterflies. Mark: Square Mark painted in blue. It may be interesting to note that this platter was the only marked piece in a large service. Length, 9°4, inches. Width, 61/, inches. 947—Pair oF OLD WorcEstTER PLATES Decorated with an Oriental pattern of an exotic bird seated upon a rock and surrounded by branches of flowers and leaves and by blue winged butterflies. (Cracked. ) Diameter, 8°, inches. 948—Two otp Worcester PLarrers Octagonal shape. Decorated with an Oriental pattern of an exotic bird seated on a rock and surrounded by branches of flowers and leaves and by blue winged butterflies. Length, 131%, inches. Width, 934 inches. 949—Pair oF oLD WorcerEstTER PorceLaIn Ice CooLers Straight sides with projecting cupped handles, domed covers with rustic loop handles and circular feet. The bodies are decorated, on a white ground, with groups of roses and other flowers naturalistically painted and with a band of gros blew patterned with vine leaves in gold and inter- rupted by oval panels of paintings of birds. The covers are decorated on a gros bleu ground with gold scrolls. Height, 11 inches. Fifth Session, Wednesday Afternoon 950—SevarE MarKep oLD WorcESTER PORCELAIN VASE Pear-shaped with cylindrical neck. Decorated, on a scale blue ground, with shaped panels surrounded by rococo borders of scrolls and shells — and occupied by paintings, in colors and gold, of exotic birds, Chinese flowers and scrolls. Around the neck is a pattern of scrolls and rosettes of white reserve outlined in gold. Mark: Square Mark painted in blue. (Slightly repaired. ) | Height, 71% inches. 951—SavuarE Marxkep oLtp WorcEsTER PorcELAIN Bow Coupe shaped on annular foot. Decorated, on a scale blue ground, with shaped panels of white reserve bordered with gilt scrolls and occupied by paintings of exotic birds and butterflies. Mark: Square Mark, painted in blue. Height, 3 inches; diameter, 61, inches. 952—SeauaRE Markep oLp Worcester PorcELAIN Bown Coupe shaped on annular foot. Decorated, on a scale blue ground, with shaped panels of white reserve bordered with gilt scrolls, and occupied by festoons of sprays of flowers painted in a naturalistic manner. Mark: Square Mark painted in blue. (Slightly cracked. ) Height, 31%, inches; diameter, 6% inches. 953—Pair oF OLD CresceENT Markep WorcrsTER PorcEeELAIn Fruit DisHEs Curved rims and scalloped edges. Decorated, on a scale blue ground, with panels of white reserve occupied by sprays and festoons of flowers naturalistically painted. Mark: Square Mark painted in blue. Diameter, 71, inches. 954—Oxtp Seuare Markep Worcester PorceLaIn PLATE Oval shape with fluted rims. Decorated, on a scale blue ground, with shaped panels and oval medallions bordered with gilt scrolls and occu- pied by groups and sprays of flowers and foliage naturalistically painted. Mark: Crescent, painted in blue. Height, 11% inches; length, 1014 inches; width, 714 inches. (Illustrated) No. 956 No. 957 Fifth Session, Wednesday Afternoon 955—Pair or oLp SauarE Markep Worcester PorcELAIN PLATES Curved rim and scalloped edge. Decorated, on a scale blue ground, with panels of white reserve occupied by sprays and festoons of flowers naturalistically painted. Mark: Square Mark painted in blue. Diameter, 81%, inches. — (Illustrated) « 956—Pair oF OLD SeuaRE Markxep WorcrEstER PorcELAIN PLATES Curved rims and scalloped edges. Decorated, on a scale blue ground, with panels of white reserve occupied by sprays and festoons of flowers naturalistically painted. Mark: Square Mark painted in blue. Diameter, 71%, inches. (Illustrated) 957—Parr oF oLD CrEscENT Marxkep WorcrstER PorceLAIn PLATES Curved rims with scalloped edges. Decorated, on a scale blue ground, with panels of white reserve occupied by figures of exotic birds and but- terflies and with a center medallion of white reserve occupied by a group of fruit and leaves painted in colors. Mark: Crescent painted in blue. Diameter, 71/4, inches. (Illustrated) 958—Oup SevarE Mark Worcester Fruit Disu Leaf shape with raised veinings. Decorated with shaped panels of white reserve bordered by gilt scrollings and with a circular medallion of white reserve occupied with paintings of exotic birds and butterflies. . Length, 10 inches; width, 71 inches. (Illustrated) 959—Oxp Crescent Marken Worcester PorceLAIn EcuELLE AND STAND Shaped body, two shell handles, domed cover and finial modeled as an artichoke. Decorated, on a scale blue ground, with shaped panels of white reserve bordered by gold scrollings and occupied by sprays and festoons of flowers naturalistically painted. Mark: Crescent Mark painted in blue. No. 961 Fifth Session, Wednesday Afternoon 960—Oxup Worcester PorcELAIN Cup Curved and sloping sides with double looped handle. Decorated, on a mottled blue ground, with shaped panels of white reserve occupied by roses and other flowers naturalistically painted. Of the Dr. Wall or early period. Height, 21% inches. 961—Ouxp SevarE Markep Worcester PorcetatIn TEA SERVICE Fluted cups and saucers with scalloped rims. Decorated in an elab- orate “Chinese” flower pattern of broad radiating bands of bleu-du-roi diapered in gold with borders of a Chinese scroll and checker pattern and large rosettes of chrysanthemums in white reserve on red ground. Fan shaped panels between these are occupied with paintings of Chinese flowers painted in red, blue, green and gold. The centers of the plates, saucers and teapot stand are occupied by chrysanthemum rosettes of white reserve on red grounds surrounded by borders of underglaze blue with a scrolled pattern of cinquefoils and leaves of white reserve. The service consists of teapot, cover and stand, cream ewer, two cake plates, six cups without handles, three cups with handles and six saucers. NOTE: A tea service of this period in such perfect condition is very rarely to be met with. : : 20 pieces. (Illustrated) 962—OLp Crescent Markep Worcester PorcELAIN GARNITURE Two pear-shaped vases, and bottle-shaped vase with cylindrical necks, spreading rims and domed covers and pointed finials. Decorated, on a ground of gros-blew with shaped panels of white reserve, surrounded by rococo borders of scrolls, shells and diapered spaces and occupied by garlands and groups of roses naturalistically painted. The cover of the center vase is decorated with two oval medallions of white re- serve occupied by similar paintings. All three vases have bands of gild- ing and borders of interlaced scrolls and dotted work in gold while the blue grounds of the bodies are further enriched with sprays of flowers and foliage painted in gold. Mark: Open Crescent painted in blue. Heights, 131, inches and 91/, inches. NOTE: These vases represent the very finest work of the Worcester factory during the Dr. Wall period. They are noteworthy, not only for their extremely decorative character, the fineness of their paste and the artistic character of their ornamentation, but also for their absolutely perfect condition. (Illustrated ) Fifth Session, Wednesday Afternoon 963—Two otp WorcEsTER PORCELAIN JARDINIERES Straight sides, projecting cupped handles and circular bases. Deco- rated, on a ground of gros bleu, with circular medallions of white re- serve bordered by a pattern of scrolls and leafage and occupied by exotic birds and flowers and foliage and painted English landscapes. The foot has a broad band of gilding and the projecting handles are entirely gilt. Mark: Indeterminate painted in blue. , Height, 61%, inches; diameter, 71, inches. NOTE: These jardiniéres while not exactly matching are of the same period and style of decoration. 964—Patr BeautiruL Minron VasEs BY SOLON Of graceful amphora shape with two twisted handles at neck which terminate in Bacchanalian masks and are gilded and finished in silver luster. The bodies of the vases are invested with a blue glaze over which is an exquisite embellishment in pate sur pate executed in Solon’s best manner, the subjects of which are The Seething Cauldron and the Ex- plosion, Cupid outdone. The base and neck are of sage green and or- namented with relief scrolls, ornaments and other designs, tinted and outlined with gilding. Signed L. Solon. Height, 15%, inches. Fifth Session, Wednesday Afternoon 965—OLp Dersy Biscuir PorceLtaAin STATUETTE Seated figure of a woman in classical draperies holding a volume in one hand and writing with the other upon a tablet which is supported by a seated Cupid. On oval base paneled with fluted pilasters. (Slightly repaired. ) Height, 171% inches. 966—Patir or Derspy Porcenatn VASES Crater shape with projecting loop handles with lion head terminations, and circular bases. The upper portions are decorated on a green ground with shaped panels surrounded by gilded border containing painting of butterflies and two English landscape subjects of country mansions with figures; the lower portions with scrollings and floral sprays in gold on a white ground. Around the rim is a border of egg and dot pattern in gold on a white ground. Height, 91/, inches. 967—O.p Mason Iron-stone Cutna Vase Hexagonal shaped with sloping sides and with dragon handle, high pin- nacle cover and spreading base. Decorated, on a ground of dark blue, with a pattern of chrysanthemums and scrolled leafage and with shaped panels of transfer-prints of Chinese landscapes and figures and floral sprays printed in outline and colored. The handles and finial in green, red and gold. Height, 821, inches. NOTE: These mammoth vases were very seldom made by British potters owing to technical difficulties connected with the firing. 968—OLp VINCENNES PoRCELAIN DeEssERT SERVICE The centers are occupied with paintings of exotic birds, trees and flow- ers. The rims with floral sprays between two scalloped borderings of gold. The service consists of two écuelles, covers and stands, two oval fruit platters, three square fruit dishes, four round fruit plates, seven plates and four small deep plates. Mark: Double L in blue. 26 pieces. NOTE: This unusually complete service is a product of the factory at Vincennes which after- wards, under royal patronage, became known as the Sévres factory. Fifth Session, Wednesday Afternoon 969—OLp Worcester PorceLAIn TEA SERVICE Fluted, with scalloped edges. Decorated with radiating panels of red diapered in gold, with chrysanthemum medallions of white reserve, red and gold. The fan shaped spaces between are occupied with floral sprays in red, green and blue heightened with gold. The centers are occupied by chrysanthemum rosettes surrounded by borders of a scroll and rosette design of white reserve on a red ground. ‘The interiors of the cups and bowls are decorated with chrysanthemum rosettes in red. heightened with gold. Service consists of sucrier and cover, cream ewer, waste bowl, three small dishes, twelve saucers, nine coffee cups with han- dles and eleven teacups without handles. 38 pieces. 970—OLp SeuvuaRE Marked WorcEstTER PorceLAIn Cup AND SAUCER Cup without handles. Scale blue ground with shaped panels of white reserve bordered with gilt scrolls and occupied by paintings of exotic birds. The center of the saucer is occupied by a medallici: of white re- serve with butterflies and insects. Mark: Square Mark painted in blue. (Cup faulty.) 971—Ox_p SevuaRE Markep WorceEstER PorcELAIN CuP AND SAUCER Cup with looped and intertwined handle. Decorated, on a scale blue ground, with shaped panels of white reserve bordered with gilt scrolls and occupied by paintings of exotic birds. Mark: Square Mark painted in blue. 972—OLp SeuarE Markep WorcrstER PorceELAIN BEAKER Straight sides. Decorated, on a scale blue ground, with panels of white reserve occupied with exotic birds and butterflies. Mark: Square Mark painted in blue. Height, 4°34 inches. Fifth Session, Wednesday Afternoon FINE OLD ENGLISH PORCELAINS, INCLUDING MANY EXAMPLES OF SWANSEA CHINA 973—Set oF THREE OLD SwansEa PorceLain Sprtu Vases Trumpet shaped. Decorated, on a light blue ground, with shaped panels of white reserve bordered with gold scrollings and occupied with domestic subjects of children playing. ‘The rims are decorated with a scroll border of gold on white. Heights, 5 and 41% inches. 974—GARNITURE OF OLD SwansEA PorceLatn VasEs Five trumpet shaped spill vases with circular rims on three scrolled feet. Decorated, on a white ground, with paintings of exotic birds and floral sprays in gold, with a border of scroll leaf design and with gold lines. (Two vases cracked.) | Heights, 61, inches, 5, inches and 414 inches. 975—THREE OLD SwANSEA PorceLain VasEs Urn-shaped with cylindrical necks, scrolled and voluted handles and cir- cular feet on square bases. Decorated with an all-over pattern of flowers in the Oriental manner, with bands of bleu-du-rot and with a gilt ornamentation. Guilt handles and bases. Heights, 10% inches and 10 inches. 976—Pair oF OLD Swansea PorceLarin PLATES Decorated, on a gold diapered ground, with sprays of roses painted by Billingsley. Gold banded rim. Mark: “Swansea” impressed. Diameter, 81 inches. 977—Pair oF otp Nantrcarw Porcerain PLaTEs Shaped rims with scrolled borders. Decorated with groups of roses, poppies and other flowers painted by Billingsley and with scrolls and diapers in gold. Mark: “Nantgarw” impressed. Diameter, 81/, inches. 978—Pair oF OLD SwansEA PorceLaiIn VASEs Pear-shaped, with curved and spreading rims, dolphin and shell handles, circular feet and on square bases. Decorated with an all-over pattern of sprays of roses in the Billingsley manner with gold bands and with gilt . handles and bases. Height, 12 inches. Fifth Session, Wednesday Afternoon 979—Srt or THREE OLD SWANSEA PorcELAIN Spitut VASES Trumpet-shaped, with spreading rims and circular feet. Decorated with lines of gilding and with bands of roses and rose leaves painted in the Billingsley manner. : Heights, 514 inches and 4 inches. 980—OLp SwansEA PorcELAIN PORRINGER AND COVER Curved sides, with shaped cover, butterfly finial and handles formed as winged female Terms. Decorated with sprays of roses and other flowers naturalistically painted and bordered with a scalloped band — of turquoise blue with an ivy leaf decoration in gold. — Height, 44, inches. 981—O_Lp SwansEA PorRCELAIN PORRINGER Curved sides. Decorated with groups of roses and other flowers nat- uralistically painted and with scrolled and shaped panels of a gold diapered piven and with trefoil sprays. Height, 5 inches. 982—OLp CHuRCH GRESLEY PORCELAIN DeEssERT SERVICE The centers occupied with an Oriental decoration, on red ground, of scrolls and flowers in gold, white reserve and blue, and with shaped panels of white reserve, bordered by blue enamel occupied with Oriental subjects of bamboo stalks and flowers in green and purple. ‘The borders are of a hatched ornamentation in red and scroll forms in blue enamel with cingefoiled medallions in gold bordered with blue. Gilt edges. The service consists of two ice coolers, two sauce boats with covers and stands, four shaped fruit dishes, three shuttle shaped fruit dishes, two flower-pots and stands, three shell-shaped fruit dishes, two berry dishes, two circular deep dishes, one sucrier and cover, eleven saucers, five cups and twenty-eight plates. 69 pieces. 983—Oxtp Lonetron Hatt Porcetain Bown Shaped body on an oval foot. Invested with a gros bleu glaze with a gilded scalloped border and a band of checkered diaper pattern scrolls and trefoils around the exterior. The interior is occupied with an oval panel of white reserve occupied by exotic birds and foliage. Height, 5 inches; diameter, 18 inches. Fifth Session, Wednesday Afternoon 984—Patr oF o~tp Loncron Haut Srarvetres: “THE GARDENERS” Figures of a young man and woman in eighteenth century costume. The man, in a pink jerkin, brown breeches, blue apron and black hat, holds a flower-pot with plant and is supported by a pillar of rocks at whose base is a basket of flowers. The woman, in a pink rosetted dress with a yellow under-skirt and broad brimmed hat of the same color, holds a bouquet of flowers in one hand and a staff in the other and is supported by a rocky pillar with scrolled base on which stands a pet dog. Both on rustic bases with rococo scrolls painted in pink. Height, 8%, iches. 985—THREE oLD Bow VAsEs Of rococo shell and scroll design with projecting scroll handles. Painted in purple and decorated with floral groups and sprays. The circular rims are decorated with roses and other flowers modeled and painted. Circular bases. Height, 51, inches 986—Patr oF oLtp Bow Miniature FLOWER-POTS Of rococo and shell design painted in purple with floral sprays and gilt scrollings. Containing bouquets of modeled and painted flowers and leaves. Height, 61% inches. 987—Parr oF OLD SWANSEA PorcELAIN VASES Cylindrical shape with eagle head and ring handles. Decorated on a white ground with bands of honeysuckle and acanthus leaf in gilding and with groups of Billingsley roses in natural colors, surrounded by sprays of foliage in gold. Height, 514 inches. 988—Pair oF oLD Swansea PorcELAIN VASES Urn-shaped, with upright scrolled handles and square bases. Decorated, on a white ground, with gilt scrollings and diapers and with a broad band of painted decoration of landscapes with ruins, fishermen and other figures. The handles and bases solidly gilt. (One repaired.) Height, 8 inches. Fifth Session, Wednesday Afternoon 989—OLp Swansea PorcEeLaIn VASE | Urn-shaped, with cylindrical neck, spreading rim, projecting dolphin handles, circular foot and square base. Decorated, on a ground of white, with circular medallions with chased gold borders occupied by a swan painted in gold and by tulips and hollyhocks naturalistically painted.- Handles solidly gilt. Height, 14 inches. 990—Oxp Swansea PorcELAIN VASE Pear-shaped body, cylindrical neck, handles as winged cupids, circular foot and square base. Decorated on one side with figure of a Chinese woman on a balcony. On the other with a landscape subject of a lake and stream of water, and with wreaths of Billingsley roses. Foot and neck gold scrolled. Rim slightly cracked. Height, 1234, inches. 991—OLp Swansea PorceLain Cup anp SAUCER Cup with a pear-shaped body and handle as a female head. Decorated with octagonal panels of Billingsley roses with bands of a raised beaded pattern and gold borders of leaf design. The saucer with a center me- dallion on a green ground and a radiating leaf pattern in black. Height of cup, 51% inches; diameter of saucer, 71/, inches. 992—-Pair oF OLD CHELSEA PORCELAIN VASES Pear-shaped, with circular necks, upright handles, circular feet and square bases. Decorated, on a white ground, with paintings of flow- ers, landscapes and exotic birds and with floral sprays and with a scrolled ornamentation of gold on a white ground. The handles deco- rated with gilding. Height, 10 inches. | ‘993—Pair oF OLD SwansEA PoRCELAIN JARDINIERES Straight sides with square looped handles and three cushion feet. The bodies decorated with a raised and acanthus leaf pattern and with groups of roses and floral sprays naturalistically painted, and with gold bands. Height, 5%, inches; diameter, 71/, inches. Fifth Session, Wednesday Afternoon 994—Set or THREE OLD Swansea Porcetarn VASES Pear-shaped with upright dragon handles, cylindrical necks, circular feet and square bases. The bodies decorated, on a pale green ground, with exotic birds and branches of foliage, the necks and handles in gold, the bases in black. Height, 101%, inches and 131% inches. SCARCE OLD BRISTOL HARD PASTE PORCELAIN STATUETTES 995—OLp Bristot Harp Paste PorceEntaIn STATUETTE Figure of a couchant pug dog on a green ground. Irregular rectangular base. Height, 31% inches; length, 5 inches. 996—Oxp Bristot PorceLaIn STATUETTE Upright figure of Saint Luke, in green robe and purple mantle, holding a copy of his Gospel in one hand. At his side the symbolic bull. On shaped rustic base. Height, 64, inches. 997—Oxp Bristot Harp Pastrt PorcenaIn STATUETTE: “BRITANNIA”’ A woman’s figure with purple mantle and Minerva helmet with a dragon at her feet. On shaped base. Height, 714 inches. 998—O.p Bristor Harp Paste PorceLain STATUETTE: “CHARITY” Shown as a draped female figure holding an infant in her arms with two children clutching at her skirt. On square base. Evidently a copy in porcelain of the familiar Staffordshire group. Height, 7 inches. 999—Oxp Bristrot Harp Paste PorcELAIN STATUETTE Figure of a young man in eighteenth century costume in white coat lined with purple, and with purple rosettes, canary colored breeches and black hat, playing a hurdy-gurdy. On a rustic base with raised flowers and leaves. Height, 81, inches. Fifth Session, Wednesday Afternoon 1000—Setr or THREE OLD CHAMPION’s BristoL PorRCELAIN VASES Pear shaped, with cylindrical necks and circular feet. Decorated, on a white ground, with groups and sprays of flowers naturalistically painted. From the A. Trapnell Collection. Height, 5 inches. 1001—SErT oF oLp Bristot PorcELAIN STATUETTES: “‘FouR QUARTERS OF THE GLOBE” Represented as female figures. Europe in a white robe decorated with elaborately painted sprays of flowers and a green mantle, crowned with laurel leaves and a gold coronet, holds in one hand a book and in the other a painter’s palette. Supported by a horse and trophies of armor and arms. Asia in a white robe painted with floral sprays, a green mantle and gilt coronet, holds in her hands a vase, and is supported by a camel. Africa as a semi-nude negress with a red mantle upheld by a yellow ribbon, holds in one hand a sword and is supported by a lion and a crocodile with an elephant’s head at her feet. America, as a semi-nude figure with a white blue lined mantle painted with sprays of flowers and feather head dress, takes with one hand an arrow from her quiver and is supported by a trunk of a tree and a mountain lion. All four figures are on rustic bases with rococo scrolls painted in purple.. NOTE: This is, perhaps, the most important, as it is one of the most desirable, series of groups produced at Bristol. Only two other examples of a complete set are known. Height, 121, inches. (Illustrated) 1002—Oxp Bristot Harp Paste PorceLAIn TEAPOT Globular shape with curved spout, looped handle, domed cover and pointed finial. Decorated with an Oriental pattern of gold scrollings with medallions of floral sprays, and with two oval medallions contain- ing Chinese domestic figure subjects in gold and colors. Mark: X in blue. Height, 5% inches. 10083—O.up Bristrot PorcEeELAIN STATUETTE: ““CHARITY” Female figure, in a white robe decorated with sprays of flowers and a yellow and purple mantle, holds a child in one arm and relieves the dis- tressed with a gift of money. On a rustic base. Height, 1014 inches. . 4 , er a eS ee os Le ee TOOT "ON Fifth Session, Wednesday Afternoon 1004—Oxp Bristot PorceLtain Mue Straight sides with loop handle. Decorated on a white ground with 3 paintings of exotic birds and-foliage. Height, 3% inches. 1005—Oxp Bristo~t PorceLaIn SucrierR AND Bowx Coupe shaped sucrier with domed cover with pine apple finial. Deco- rated with sprays of roses, tulips and other flowers painted in blue enamel and with lines and scalloped borders of gilding. Sucrier, 5 inches high; diameter, 414 inches. Bowl height, 234 inches; diameter, 534 inches. 1006—Pair oF otp Bristo~t PorcELAIN SUCRIERS Boat-shaped with scroll loop handles. Decorated on a white ground ~ with sprays and bunches of roses and other flowers and with sprays of foliage and husk decoration and lines of gilding. Mark: Impressed B. and X. Height, 43/4, inches; length, TY, inches. OLD CHELSEA PORCELAINS, SOME WITH THE “GOLD ANCHOR” MARK 1007—Oxp Cuetsea Porcenain Inx Borrie Drum-shaped. Decorated on a gros blew ground with shaped panels bordered with scrollings and floral sprays in chased gold and occupied with exotic birds and foliage. _ Height, 2 inches. 1008—Oxp CHELSEA PorcELAIN PLATE Shaped rim and raised edge. The surface is divided by radiating bands of gros bleu, into three fan-shaped panels, occupied by exotic birds, sprays and festoons of flowers naturalistically painted in colors and by gold scrollings. Mark: Anchor, in gold. Diameter, 81, inches. NOTE: Part of this particular service was shown at the Earl’s Court Exhibition in 1909. Fifth Session, Wednesday Afternoon 1009—O.xp CuHeEtsEA PorceLaIn STATUETTE: “WINTER” Figure of an old man in a blue cloak, lined with green, broad brimmed hat and high leggings seated upon a tree trunk with raised and painted flowers and leaves. At his feet is a brazier. On scrolled base with raised and painted flowers and leaves and gilding. (Repaired.) Mark: Anchor, in gold. © Height, 51% inches. 1010—O.tp CuHeEtsEA PorceLaIn STATUETTE Figure of a youth in Polish costume of red jacket, blue tights, high red boots and purple lined mantle. Supported by a tree trunk with raised and painted flowers. Mark: Anchor, in gold. Modeled by Roubiliac. (Slightly repaired.) Height, 41, inches. 1011—Parr oF o~p CHELSEA STATUETTE SWEET-MEAT HOLDERS Figures of a negro and negress, the one in a rose colored sleeveless jerkin decorated with floral sprays and knee breeches painted with pea- cock feathers; the other in a turquoise bodice, and white skirt lined with rose color and dotted with floral sprays. In their hands they hold shells which serve as bon-bon holders. The interiors of these are decorated with painted butterflies and insects. On scroll and shell bases with raised and painted flowers and leaves. Height, 8 inches. 1012—Parr oF otp CHELSEA PorcELAIN STATUETTES: “Spring & AuTUMN” Spring shown as the figure of a boy in rose colored coat, flowered vest and breeches, is crowned with flowers and has on his back a basket of flowers. Autumn, shown as the figure of a girl in a green bodice, yellow over-skirt and flowered petticoat, is wreathed with vine leaves and holds in her apron bunches of grapes. On scrolled bases painted in green, yellow and purple. Height, 6 inches. 1018—Oup Cuetsea PorcELAIN STATUETTE: “SPRING” Figure of a young girl in a white robe and yellow lined mantle of red dotted with floral sprays, holds in one hand a basket of flowers and in the other a single blossom. Supported by a tree trunk with raised and painted flowers. On rustic base. Mark: Anchor, in gold. Height, 51%, inches. Fifth Season Wednesday Afternoon 1014—Ox.p CHELSEA PorcELAIN STATUETTE: “THE HARVESTER” Figure of a young man in a green coat lined with rose color and knee breeches decorated in gold and colors. Supported by a tree trunk with raised and painted flowers from which, suspended by a strap, hangs a cider barrel. The figure carries over his shoulder a scythe. At his feet is a bundle in a flowered handkerchief. On scrolled base with raised and painted flowers and gilt decoration. Mark: Anchor, in gold. (Slightly repaired. ) | Height, 71, inches. — 1015—Oup CHELSEA Porenrars VASE Bottle-shaped with straight sides, cylindrical neck and spreading rim. Decorated with a pattern of circles of flowers in green containing flori- ated rosettes in gold and with oval panels of figures of Cupids painted en camaieu. Height, 51% inches. 1016—O.Lp CueEtsEA PorceLain Two-HAaNDLED Cup AND SAUCER Cup with straight sides and scrolled handles. Decorated with a pat- tern of raised scrolls painted in green and gold and with a deep rose colored ground having an overlaid reticulated pattern in gold. Han- dles with gilt scrollings. Height, 31, inches; diameter, 61, inches. FINE EXAMPLES OF OLD WORCESTER, CHELSEA AND | OTHER ENGLISH PORCELAINS 1017—Set or Srx otp Crown Derspy Porcenain Icr Pars Cylindrical shaped, straight sides with projecting scroll and shell han- dles. Decorated with sprays of roses and with burnished gilding. Mark: “DPD.” with Crown, in red. | Height, 41, inches; diameter, 5 inches. 1018—Pair oF oup Bristot PorcetaIn Sauce TuREENS Boat shaped with scroll loop handles. Decorated on a white ground with sprays and branches of roses and other flowers and with sprays of foliage and husk decoration and lines of gilding. Mark: Impressed B and X. Height, 4%), inches; length, 11/4, inches. Fifth Session, Wednesday Afternoon 1019—Pair orp Worcester PorceLAIN VASES Pear-shaped with cylindrical necks, spreading rims, upright voluted handles, vtircular feet and square bases. The bodies are decorated with acanthus scrolls and pointed leafage and with spade-shaped panels, bordered_in gold, containing views of English mansions and landscapes. The necks and feet are decorated with scrolled and honeysuckle borders of gold on white grounds. Bases, handles and rims are gilt. Height, 12 inches. 1020—Oup Fuicut & Barr WorcestER PorceLAIN VASE Urn-shaped with curved and molded rim, ring handle and circular base. Decorated, as to the lower part of the body, in canary yellow with a patterning of green leaves, and as to the upper portion with a deep band of hawthorn branches on which are seated robins, bullfinches and other brightly colored birds. Around the neck is a border of bullrush patterning in gold. Guilt handles. Around the body, base and rim run lines of burnished gold. Height, 1214 inches. 1021—Parr oF oLp CHAMBERLAIN’s WorcEstTER IcE PaIts Warwick vase shaped with projecting loop and lion mask handles and square base. Decorated, on a ground of deep rose color, with square panels bordered with gold and occupied by paintings of ‘Dunraven Castle, Glamorganshire,” and “Fonthill Abbey, Wiltshire.” Guilt bands around rims and base, and solidly gilt handles. Height, 121%, inches; diameter, 10 inches. 1022—Dr. Wart Periop WorcrstER PorcEenAIn Fruit DisH Oval shaped. Decorated with three radiating bands of red having diapered patterns in gold and with three shaped panels of paintings of rock forms, flowers and leaves painted in the Oriental manner. Gilt lines around rim. Height, 314, inches; length, 121% inches. 1023—Oxtp CHAMBERLAIN WorcEsSTER PORCELAIN VASE Pear-shaped body, curved neck, spreading rim and projecting satyr mask handles. Decorated, on a gros blew ground, with gilt scrollings and borders and with a spade shaped panel of flowers naturalistically painted. Handles gilt. (Repaired.) Height, 10 inches. Fifth Session, Wednesday Afternoon 1024—Oxtp CHAMBERLAIN’s WoRCESTER VASES Pear-shaped bodies, curved necks with scalloped rims, voluted and scrolled handles, circular feet and square bases. Decorated, on a gros blew ground with with gilt scrollings and acanthus leaf ornamentation in white reserve and with a heart shaped panel of roses and other flowers naturalistically treated. The rim, base and handles of white reserve decorated in gold. (Repaired.) Height, 10%, inches. 1025—Pair or Fuicut anp Barr WorcESTER JARDINIERES AND STANDS Bucket shaped with ring handles. Decorated on a canary yellow ground with a deep band of flowers naturalistically painted in colors on a gold ground. Around the stands is an oak leaf and meander border in gold. Around the base is a meander leaf border in gold. The handles are gilt, and there are gilt lines around the rim, bodies, and feet of bases. Mark: Flight and Barr, Worcester, painted in purple. (One body cracked.) Height, 7 inches. 1026—Ox1p Worcester PorcEeLain JARDINIERE AND STAND Bucket shaped with ring handles. Decorated, on a ground of apple green, with a diamond shaped panel of-an English ratlettials pain: Gilt handles. Height, 6%, eo 1027—Two oxp Pinxton JARDINIERES Bucket shaped with projecting dolphin handles. Decorated on a white ground, diapered with a scroll pattern in gold, with shaped panels of English landscapes and rural figure subjects. Height, 43/4, inches. 1028—Oup Srope Cuiwa Pate Decorated in the manner of Oriental Lowestoft. The center is occupied with armorial bearings surmounted by a crest and with bands of gold husk decoration on a bleu-du-rot ground. Mark: “Spode” in red. Diameter, 91/4 inches. Fifth Session, Wednesday Afternoon 1029—Pair oF otp CHELSEA PorcELAIN VASES Pear-shaped fluted bodies with high necks, and scrolled handles, en- twined with serpents. Painted in an exceptional manner with subjects of exotic birds and hawking subjects. The handles are decorated in green and gold. Gold bordered rims and bases. Mark: Anchor, in gold. Height, 10%, inches. 10830—Oup SroprE Porcetain Two Hanpiep VAsE Urn shaped with double scrolled handles. Decorated on a bleu-du-roi ground, with a raised pattern, in white heightened with gold, of chrysanthemums and prunus blossoms. The scrolled and fluted handles are decorated in mat gold. Mark: “Spode” in red. Height, 6%, inches. Fifth Session, Wednesday Afternoon A NOTEWORTHY GATHERING OF VERY FINE OLD CHELSEA CHINA “FIGURES” 10381—Pair oF oLp CHELSEA PorcELAIN STATUETTES: “FouR QUARTERS OF THE GLOBE” Figures of four children, two in each group, representing Europe and America, Asia and Africa. Europe, crowned and holding a sphere in one hand is seated on a pedestal with a helmet and dog at her feet. America, with feather head dress, is seated on an alligator. Africa, as a negress with a coral necklace, is seated on a lion. Asia, crowned with flowers, holds a bunch of flowers in one hand and a vase of spices in the other. On scrolled bases with raised leaves and flowers. Mark: Anchor, in red. Height, 91, inches. Fifth Session, Wednesday Afternoon 1032—Parr oF OLD CHELSEA PoRCELAIN STATUETTES: “FRENCH SHEPHERD AND SHEPHERDESS”’ Figures dressed in eighteenth century costume. The Shepherd, in a ’ sleeveless coat of rose color, green waistcoat, white shirt, flowered yel- low breeches and a hat with a turned up brim of red, holds in one arm a lamb and in the other a bunch of flowers. The Shepherdess, in a rose colored bodice, green over-skirt, yellow flowered petticoat and red straw hat, rests one hand upon a basket of eggs and holds in the other her skirt filled with flowers. Both figures leaning against tree trunks with boscage of raised flowers and leaves. On scrolled base painted in green, and with gold lines and scrolling. Height, 10 inches. 1033—Pair oF oLp CHELSEA PoRCELAIN CANDELABRA STATUETTES Formed as figures of Shepherd and Shepherdess with a boscage backing of raised ‘and painted leaves and flowers. The Shepherd, in a green, red lined coat, flowered breeches and black hat plays a pipe with a stand- ing lamb at his side. The Shepherdess in a green bodice, flowered skirt, black fringed apron and straw hat with ribbons, holds in one hand a cluster of flowers, a seated lamb at her side. ‘T'wo pierced candle sockets terminate branches of the boscage. On rococo and scrolled bases, painted in rose color with gilt scrollings. Height, 8°4 inches. 10384—Ouxp Cuetsea PorcELAIN STATUETTE: “THE TytHe Pic Group” Figures of a Parson, a Farmer and his wife. The Farmer, in a green square cut coat and breeches, holds a lamb in his arms. His wife in a green dress, white cloak, green apron and red hat, holds a baby in her arms, a basket of eggs at her feet. The Parson in black robes with white “bands” waits expectantly for his tithes. The group is supported by a tree trunk and boscage with raised and painted flowers and leaves. On shaped base with raised and painted flowers and leaves. Height, 6 inches. NOTE: This is the Chelsea rendering of a very popular eighteenth century Staffordshire group. Fifth Session, Wednesday Afternoon 1035—Pair oF oD CHELSEA STATUETTE SWEET-MEAT HOLDERS Formed as the figures of a man and woman in eighteenth century cos- tume, holding square wicker-work baskets which form. bon-bon con- tainers. The woman in a pink bodice, flowered skirt and white apron, the man in a blue coat, flowered vest and breeches and a pink hat. On square bases with raised and painted flowers and leaves. Mark: Anchor, in gold. Height, 614 inches. 1036—OLp CHELSEA PorRCELAIN STATUETTE: ““THE QUARREL” Group of two figures in eighteenth century costumes. ‘The man, seated on a rocky pedestal and supported by the trunk of a tree, is seized by the lapel of his coat by his enraged wife who makes a threatening gesture with her right hand which he wards off with his left. At his feet is a bag of music and a broken violin. On square rustic pedestal. Height, 6 inches. 10387—O.p CuHeEtsEA PorceLaIn STATUETTE: “SPRING” Figure of a boy in eighteenth century costume of a rose colored coat, flowered vest and breeches crowned with flowers and having on his back | a basket of flowers. Supported by the trunk of tree. On circular and scrolled base painted in green and purple and dotted with purple floral sprays. Height, 81/, inches. — yo Fifth Session, Wednesday Afternoon 1038—Pair oF oLp CHELSEA STATUETTE SWEET-MEAT HoLpErs Formed as seated figures of a man and woman. The woman in a green bodice, yellow skirt, brown hat and white apron holds on her lap a pierced basket, to serve as a bon-bon holder; the man, in a pink coat, yellow breeches, and green hat holds between his legs a similar basket. On rocky base painted with leaves. Height, 8% inches. 1039—Pair oF oLp CHELSEA ORMOLU-MOUNTED PorRCELAIN VASES Square shape, with straight rectangular sides, spreading necks and square shaped rims. Decorated with sunken panels bordered with lines of purple and occupied with paintings of Flemish village subjects and with exotic birds. The ormolu mounts consist of rims with crestings of a honeysuckle pattern and molded bases with bands of an egg and dart design. Height, 111% inches. Fifth Session, Wednesday Afternoon 1040—Patr oF oLpD CHELSEA STATUETTE SWEET-MEAT HOLDERS Formed as seated figures of a young man and woman in eighteenth cen- tury costumes sitting on rocky pedestals, supported by trunks of trees with raised and painted flowers, and holding in their arms oval baskets with pierced sides which form bon-bon holders. ‘The woman in a green bodice with rose-colored overskirt dotted with floral sprays, pale yellow underskirt, and black hat lined with rose color. ‘The youth in a yellow coat lined with purple, red breeches and white stockings, one of which is falling down. The interiors of the baskets are decorated with floral sprays. On shaped and scrolled bases with raised and painted flowers and leaves, colored dots and scrollings. Mark: Anchor, in gold. Height, 10%, inches. T¥OT ‘ON GEOL ‘ON It0I ‘ON Fifth Session, Wednesday Afternoon 1041—Patr oF oLp CHELSEA STATUETTE CANDLESTICKS ON PEDESTALS Formed as the figures of a man and woman in seventeenth century cos- tumes supported by tree trunks with raised and painted flowers and leaves, the branches terminating in candle nozzles. The man is in a jerkin of red with puffed sleeves, knee breeches of a checkered pattern in gold and colors, a rose colored cloak lined with blue, and a black hat with colored plumes. The lady is in a similar costume with rose colored bodice, white skirt decorated with peacock feathers in colors, a white and gold cloak and head-dress of white ostrich plumes. On rococo bases of scroll and shell work painted in green with gilt lines and scrollings. The pedestal of square shape with painted scrolls and acanthus leaves at the angles, and with four panels of exotic birds, painted in colors. Modeled by Roubiliac. Heights, Figures, 10 inches; Stands, 4 inches. (Illustrated) 1042—OLp CHELSEA PorcELAIN STATUETTE ON PEDESTAL: “THE SINGING LEsson”’ Figures of a youth and maiden dressed in eighteenth century costumes, the youth in a blue coat, flowered vest and rose colored breeches. The maiden in a pale yellow bodice and over-skirt and purple under-skirt with blue stripe and floral medallions. She holds in her arms a dog whose ear the youth pinches with his right hand. On scrolled base decorated with lines of scrolls and gilding. The contemporary pedestal is of square shape with painted scrolls and acanthus at the angles, and four panels of exotic birds painted in colors. (Pedestal slightly repaired.) Height of figures, 10 inches. Height of pedestal, 41%, inches. (Illustrated) 1043—Oxp CyHEetsEA PorceLtaIn CANDELABRA: “THE Cace Biro” Formed as the figure of a young woman in eighteenth century costume of a yellow bodice and flowered rose colored skirt standing against a boscage background with raised and painted flowers and leaves. She holds in her hand a bird cage and has at her feet a seated lamb. On either side are branches terminating in acanthus leaf candle sockets painted in purple, green and yellow. On a scroll and shell base painted in green, with gilt scrolls. Height, 12 inches. Fifth Session, Wednesday Afternoon 1044—Oup CHELSEA PorcELAIN STATUETTE: “THE Preinc SHEPHERD” Figure of a sleeping shepherdess leaning against an urn-crowned foun- tain and being awakened by a shepherd playing on a pipe. Both figures are dressed in eighteenth century costumes. The shepherd in a blue coat, flowered vest, pale yellow knee breeches, and black hat has a dog at his side. ‘The shepherdess in a rose colored bodice and over-skirt and a purple flowered under-skirt holds in her hand a wreath of flowers. A lamb seated is beside her. On shaped rustic base with raised and painted flowers and leaves. Height, 10 inches. 1045—Pair oF oLp CHELSEA PorcELAIN STATUETTES: “FRENCH SHEPHERD AND SHEPHERDESS”’ Figures dressed in eighteenth century costumes. The shepherd has a green coat, white shirt, and red knee breeches while, over his shoulder, is a wallet suspended by a strap. He is seated upon a rocky pedestal and at his feet are two lambs and a dog. The shepherdess has a green bodice with a purple shoulder scarf, a medallioned skirt dotted with sprays of gold flowers and a straw hat with powdered hair. At her feet are two lambs. On rocky, scrolled and shell’ bases strewn with raised and painted flowers. Modeled by Roubiliac. (Slightly repaired. ) Height, 9%, inches. 1046—Pair oF oLp CHELSEA PorRCELAIN STATUETTES: “CuPtIp’s ARCHERY” Figures of two Cupids, supported by tree trunks with raised and painted flowers and leaves. The one holds in his right hand a flaming heart at which the other aims with his bow and arrow. Bases of raised and painted flowers and leaves with quivers and arrows. Sub bases of rococo scrollings with gilt decorations. Mark: Anchor. Height, 7 inches. 1047—Oxp CHELSEA PoRCELAIN STATUETTE: “ANDROMACHE WITH THE ASHES oF HeEcrTor”’ Andromache, in classic costume of a yellow robe with rosettes of white reserve and floral sprays and a light green mantle, stands with bowed head, leaning her arm upon a funereal urn which rests upon a pedestal with four claw feet, decorated with oval medallions and draped with husk garlands. On an acanthus-leaf base with raised border of Greek key pattern, Height, 9 inches. Fifth Session, Wednesday Afternoon 1048—Pair oF oLD CHELSEA PorcELAIN STATUETTES: “FRENCH SHEPHERD AND SHEPHERDESS” The Shepherd, in a flowered jerkin, purple sprigged knee breeches and green coat lined with yellow, carries a basket of fruits and is supported by a tree trunk. He has a seated dog at his feet. The Shepherdess, in a bodice of rose color with an over-skirt of green, a flowing scarf of yellow and a Dolly Varden straw hat is supported by a tree trunk, and holds in her hand a tambourine. At her feet is seated a lamb. On rocky scrolled bases painted in green with colored scroll work. Height, 1014 inches. 1049—Patr oF OLD CHELSEA PoRCELAIN SWEET-MEAT STANDS Formed as figures of Negros and Negresses. The former in white jack- ets dotted with floral sprays and in rose colored breeches, the latter in white dresses lined with yellow and dotted with floral sprays. Both hold in their outstretched arms shells for the reception of bonbons. Be- tween each pair is a column supported by acanthus leaves. On scroll and shell bases painted in green and gold. (Slight repairs. ) Height, 11 inches. 1050—Pair oF oLp CHELSEA PoRCELAIN STATUETTES: “THE CoURTSHIP” Seated figures of a youth and maiden in eighteenth century costumes. The youth in a rose colored coat lined with yellow, flowered vest, me- dallioned knee breeches and black hat with colored plumes, is seated upon the trunk of a tree under a boscage with raised and painted flowers and leaves. The maiden in a bodice of rose color and medallioned skirt. On scrolled and shell bases painted in green with purple scrollings. Heights, 934 inches and 9 inches. 1051—Oup CuHeEtsEA PorcELAIN Group: “THE Birps’-NEsTING CuPpips” Group of Cupids. Two, with white pink lined scarves, dotted with floral a sprays, and one with a girdle, stand under a tall tree trunk with raised 3 ‘ leaves up which another Cupid climbs in quest of a bird’s nest. Of those f under the tree two are embracing, another holds in his hand a fruit ‘ which he has taken from a basket at his feet, and another, the third, is seated holding a faggot in his hand. On a rocky base with raised and painted leaves and moss. Mark: scratched number. (Slight repair.) Height, 16 inches. Fifth Session, Wednesday Afternoon 1052—Oxp CHELSEA PorcELAIN STATUETTE: “VENUS AND CuPpID” Standing figure of Venus, in classic robe of white decorated with floral sprays and an under garment of rose color. She holds Cupid by one hand and raises the other upward. Supported by the trunk of a tree with raised and painted flowers. On scrolled base, with raised and painted flowers. Height, 7%, iches. 10583—Oup CHEtsEA PorRCELAIN STATUETTE: “Mars” Standing figure of Mars, as a Roman warrior, in blue helmet, and blue cloak lined with rose color. Supported by a military standard and shield. Mark: Anchor, in gold. (Slight repair to base.) Height, 8 inches. 1054—Pair oF otp CHELSEA PorcELAIN STATUETTES: “HARLEQUIN AND CoLUMBINE” Harlequin in his characteristic costume of a varicolored diamond pattern flowered jerkin, striped rosetted tights and a black mask. Columbine in a dark green bodice and flowered skirt which she holds up with one hand. Scrolled base painted in purple with raised flowers and leaves. Height, 6%, inches. 1055—Oxp CHELSEA STATUETTE: “LA BELLE JARDINIERE”’ ON PEDESTAL Two figures under a tree trunk whose spreading branches are covered with raised and painted flowers and leaves. “La Belle Jardiniére”’ seated and dressed in eighteenth century costume of rose colored bodice, yellow over-skirt and red flowered under-skirt holds in one arm a watering pot and basket of flowers and extends the other to a youth who stands, one arm resting upon a tree trunk, and holding out the other to receive the flowers. The youth is dressed in an eighteenth century costume of green coat lined with yellow and flowered breeches. Scrolled base painted in light green and with gilt scrollings. The group stands on a contemporary old Chelsea pedestal with scrolled and voluted consoles at the angles and shell patterned apron in front. The front panel is oc- cupied by a painting of a landscape and ruins, and the side panels by butterflies. Height of figures, 734 inches. Fifth Session, Wednesday Afternoon 1056—Pair oF oLp CHELSEA PoRCELAIN CANDELABRUM STATUETTES Formed as figures of kneeling Cupids, their quivers lying beside them with boscage backgrounds with raised and painted flowers and leaves. Surmounted by pierced candle sockets and sconces. On scrolled and shell bases, painted in rose color and green. | Height, 101% inches. 1057—Oxp CHELSEA PorCELAIN CANDELABRUM Formed as the figure of a fox, preparing to feast upon a partridge, under a tree trunk with twisted branches, raised and painted flowers and leaves and yellow birds. Three of the branches are arranged for candles with acanthus and lotus leaf modeled sockets, painted in rose color, green and yellow. On rococo scrolled base with trefoil shaped openings decorated in gold. (Repaired.) Height, 18%, inches. 1058—Pair oF OLD CHELSEA PORCELAIN STATUETTES: “SHEPHERD AND SHEP- HERDESS” The Shepherd, in a lilac colored coat with green waistcoat, medallioned knee breeches and black hat, is supported by the trunk of a tree and _a boscage of raised and painted flowers. He holds in his hand a sheet of manuscript and rests his other upon his hip; at his feet is a seated dog. The Shepherdess in a green bodice, purple and white flowered skirt, leans against the trunk of a tree with a boscage of raised and painted flowers and leaves and wreaths with flowers the neck of a pet lamb who rests against her knee. On a circular scrolled base with raised green moss and gilt scrollings. Height, 81%, inches. 1059—Pair oF oLp CHELSEA PoRCELAIN STATUETTES: “*THE GARDENERS” Figures of a young man and woman in eighteenth century costume. ‘The Gardener, in his shirt sleeves, with flowered vest, blue apron, yellow breeches leans against a broken pillar, rests one hand upon a spade and holds in the other a flower pot and stand. The Gardener’s Wife, in a bodice of lilac laced over a white undergarment, flowered skirt and straw hat lined with green, holds in one hand her apron full of flowers and rests the other upon a flower pot. She is supported by a lion’s mask fountain from which issues a stream of water. Rustic base. Height, 74, inches. Fifth Session, Wednesday Afternoon 1060—O.up CuetsEA PorcenaIn STatTuetTTeE: “Mercenary Love” Figure of Cupid, in flowing mantle lined with rose color, supported by a tree trunk with branches of raised flowers and leaves holds in his up- lifted right hand, and affectionately regards, a bag of money. On cir- cular and shell base painted in green with gilt scrollings. Height, 8%, inches. 1061—Oup CueEtsEa PorcenaAIN CANDLESTICK STATUETTE Formed as the figure of a Pantaloon, with purple medallioned garment, red breeches and broad brimmed hat, in a dancing posture. He holds in one hand a lantern and leans against a tree trunk with raised and painted flowers and leaves which ends in a candle socket of modeled acanthus leaf design. On a rustic and scrolled base painted in green with gilt scrollings. Height, 91% inches. 1062—OLp CHELSEA PoRCELAIN INK-STAND Shaped design, on high scroll and shell feet. At the back is a longi- tudinal pen tray with a shaped cover with a handle of a Cupid playing with a dog and shaped panels of landscapes and ruins. In front are three circular receptacles for taper stand, sand-box and ink-well, which are decorated, on a turquoise blue ground, with shaped panels of Chinese pagodas and floral sprays. The surfaces are decorated, on a white ground, with butterflies and insects and with green and gold scrollings. Height, 41%, inches; length, 914 inches. 1063—Oxp Cuetsea Porcenain StatuettTe: “THE Minuet” Figure of a young woman, in eighteenth century costume of rose colored bodice and red skirt decorated with floral sprays and bordered with yellow flouncings, in the attitude of dancing a figure in the minuet. On circular base. Height, 5%, inches. 1064—Oxip Cuetsea PorceLaIn STATUETTE: “THE SNUFF-TAKER” Figure of a monkey in eighteenth century costume of a yellow coat me- ~ dallioned in blue and red, dark red waistcoat, yellow knee breeches and tri-cornered hat, supported by trunk of a tree and taking snuff out of a box. On circular rustic base. Height, 714, inches. Fifth Session, Wednesday Afternoon 1065—Parr oF OLD CHELSEA “Rusy” Cups Egg-shaped cups on circular bases. Decorated, on a ruby ground, with flying birds in chased gold and bands of reel and bead, and of oak leaf decoration and with heart-shaped panels. Children, one with a pop-gun, the other with butterfly net and dog seated in a landscape. Painted by Donaldson. Height, 31% wcehes. 1066—Pair oF oLD CHELSEA PORCELAIN JARDINIERES Straight sides with projecting handles of scrolls and shells. Decorated with an Adam design of urns draped with flowers, with butterflies, with a border of classical scrolls in black on a purple ground, with a husk pattern in green with red berries, and with medallions in purple. Gold lines around the rims and bases. Mark: Anchor, in gold. Height, 634, inches. Fifth Session, Wednesday Afternoon No. 1067 No. 1068 No. 1069 1067—O.xp Cuetsea Porcetar Birp | Figure of a bird painted in natural colors, perched upon the trunk of a tree with raised and painted flowers and leaves. (Slightly repaired.) Height, 41/, inches. 1068—O.Lp Cuetsea Porcerain StatTuetre: “FRENCH SHEPHERD” Figure of a shepherd in eighteenth century costume of yellow coat, white shirt and pink breeches. Over his shoulder is hung a satchel con- taining a bottle. Supported by a trunk of a tree with raised and painted leaves. On rocky base with raised and painted flowers and leaves. Mark: Anchor, in red. Height, 61, inches. 1069—O.p CuHetsea PorceLaIn Parror Figure of a parrot, painted in yellow and purple, perched upon a tree trunk with raised and painted flowers and leaves. On rustic base. Height, 6 inches. 1070—Otp CuHertsEA Porcetarn VASE Hexagonal shape, with curved neck and scroll handles. Painted with figures of exotic birds, foliage and butterflies. Mark: Anchor, in gold. (Repaired. ) Height, 8 inches. Fifth Session, Wednesday Afternoon 1071—Oxup CuHEtsEA Posset Cur, CovER AND STAND Coupe shape with two intertwined handles, domed cover and scroll finial. Decorated with a raised scale pattern and with groups of flowers and floral sprays naturalistically painted and with gilt borders and scroll- ings. Mark: Anchor, in gold. Height, 41%, inches; diameter, 7 inches. 1072—Oxtp CHELSEA PorRCELAIN VASE WITH HANDLES AND COVER Pear shape with scrolled loop handles, domed covers ending in raised — { leaf and flower finials. Decorated on a turquoise blue ground with — groups of raised mayflowers in white reserve. Gult scroll handles. Cir- cular bases. Slight repair to one handle. Height, 81 inches. 1073—Pair oF OLD CHELSEA CHAMBER CANDLESTICKS Circular stands with shaped edges, candle nozzles of lotus flower form and looped rustic handles, with floral thumb pieces. Decorated with borders of bleu-du-roi, gold scrollings and floral sprays painted in colors. Mark: Anchor, in gold. Diameter, 51%, inches; height, 31%, inches. 1074—Onxp CHELSEA PorRCcELAIN Two-HANDLED Cup Straight sides with rococo scrolled handles. Decorated, on a canary yellow ground, with groups of flowers and with floral sprays naturalisti- cally painted. Gold bands around the rim and base, and handles with gilt scrolls. Mark: Anchor, in gold. Height, 334 inches. 1075—Two oup CHELSEA PorRCELAIN PLATES Fluted rims and shaped edges. Decorated, in the Adam style, with a bor- der of husk festoons and with semicircular scallops in rose color bor- dered with gold dots. The centers are occupied with paintings of Classic urns wreathed with flowers and with small floral sprays. Mark: Anchor, in gold. Diameter, 81, inches. 1076—O.p CHEtsEA PorceLaIn PLATE Fluted and scalloped rim. Occupied with a very unusual pattern, painted in the Oriental manner, of Chinese figure subjects, a Chinese pavilion, draperies, tassels and flying birds. | Diameter, 914, inches. Fifth Session, Wednesday Afternoon 1076A—O.up Bow Porcenain StTatTuEeEtre Figure The figure of a couchant Fawn. On an oval base with raised and painted flowers. Height, 314, inches. VERY RARE OLD BOW, INCLUDING FIGURES, GROUPS AND VASES 1077—O.p Bow Porcexiain Statvuerre: “THE FLower Gir” Figure of a young woman, in blue bodice with pink striped skirt, taking a blossom from a basket of flowers-held on her right arm. Supported by a tree trunk with raised and painted flowers and leaves. Pierced base decorated with purple scrolls and an ornamental border. Height, 6 inches. 1078—Oup Bow PorceELAIN STATUETTE Figure of a ram with colored markings on an oval base with raised and painted flowers and leaves. Height, 3°, inches. 1078A—Oup Bow PorcELAIn STATUETTE The figure of a sleeping lamb on rustic circular base with raised and painted flowers. Height, 3 inches. 1079—O.p Bow PorceLaIn STATUETTE Seated figure of a youth in eighteenth century costume of pink coat, flowered breeches and black broad brimmed hat, holding in his hand a book and seated upon a rocky pedestal. Rustic base with raised and painted flowers and leaves. Height, 434 imches. 1080—Oup Bow PorcELAIN STATUETTE Figure of a Pattini, or nude boy, seated upon a stump of a tree, holding in one hand a vase of flowers. Irregular base with raised and painted flowers. (Repaired.) Height, 6%, inches. Fifth Session, Wednesday Afternoon 1081—Oxp Bow PorceLaIn STATUETTE Figure of a nursing lamb, on a scrolled base with green and purple lines | and raised and painted flowers. | Height, 21%, inches. 1082—OxLp Bow PorceLaIn Statruetre: “THe Firowrer SELLER” Figure of a girl in eighteenth century costume of green bodice, purple stomacher, white over-skirt, pale yellow under-skirt and purple hat, “4 seated on a tree trunk and holding in her hand a single blossom. Ata her side is her pet lamb. On scrolled base. Height, 5 inches. 1088—Oxup Bow PorcenaIn StTatTuEtTte: “THE Sant” Figure of a female saint in a nun’s habit of a red cloak lined with green, a rose colored undergarment and a black hood, holding, in her left hand a breviary. On a circular rocky base with raised and painted leaves and flowers. Height, 5%, inches. 1084—Onp Bow PorcELAIN STATUETTE: “THE Proup PERSIAN” Standing figure of an Oriental Prince in pseudo-Oriental costume of dark rose colored coat with gold froggings, blue sash fringed with green and flowered vest, high yellow boots, flowing blue mantle lined with er- mine, and turban. On rocky base with raised and painted flowers and a rococo scrolled and pierced sub-base, painted in green and rose height- ened with gold. Mark: Anchor and two Daggers, in red and blue. Height, 91% inches. 1085—Patir or otp Bow Srarvettes: “THe Dancers” Figures of youth and girl in attitude of dancing supported by trunks of trees and blossoms. The Youth in a yellow jerkin and flowered sleeves and breeches, the Girl in a blue bodice, flowered skirt, and yellow apron. On pierced and scrolled bases, decorated in red, purple and blue heightened with gold. (Slight repair.) Mark: “Te” impressed. Height, 7 inches. NOTE: This mark is generally taken for that of a well-known Bow artist named Tebo, who modeled this and other groups. Fifth Session, Wednesday Afternoon 1086—Parr oF oLp Bow PorcEetaAIn CANDELABRA Formed as standing figures of a Boy and Girl. The Boy, in a white coat with gold trimmings, flowered trousers and white hat lined with pink and with gold border; the girl in a pink bodice, medallioned and gold fringed skirt, flowered apron, and plumed hat. Backed by excep- tionally elaborate boscages with raised and painted flowers. On scrolled and open work bases painted in pink and gilded. Each figure has a.scrolled metal branch supporting a porcelain candle socket and sconce of a rococo design of dark blue and gilt scrollings. Mark: Anchor and Dagger, in red. Height, 1014 inches. 1087—Ouip Bow PorceELaAIn STATUETTE: “NEPTUNE” Figure of Neptune man with flowing beard, his head crowned with a wreath of laurels. In a green cloak lined with yellow, a portion of which is elaborately decorated with floral medallions bordered in gold. He holds in one arm a vase from which issues water and is supported by a dolphin painted in green and purple. On a rustic base with raised and painted flowers and leaves. Height, 8 inches. Fifth Session, Wednesday Afternoon 1088—Oxnp Bow PorcELAIN STATUETTE: ‘SJ UPITER”’ Figure of Jupiter seated upon an eagle, with a red mantle lined with yellow and holding in his right hand a sheaf of thunder-bolts one of — which he grasps, prepared to hurl with his left hand. Irregular base of cloud forms. Height, 61, inches. No. 1089 No. 1090 No. 1089 1089—Pair or oLpD Bow PorcEeLAIn STATUETTES: ““SPRUDENCE AND DISCRE- TION” , Figures of a Youth in eighteenth century costume of pink jacket, yellow flowered breeches and striped cap, and of a Maiden in light blue jacket and purple and yellow flowered skirt regarding herself in a mirror. Supported by tree trunks with raised flowers and leaves. On rococo scroll and pierced bases painted in purple and green heightened with gold. Height, 74% inches. 1090—Oxp Bow PorcrLaIn STratTuETTEe: “THE GALLANT” Figure of a young man in eighteenth century costume of pink coat lined with yellow, flowered vest, and light green breeches, seated on a rocky pedestal and taking snuff with his right hand from the box he holds in his left. On circular base painted with floral sprays. 61% inches high. Fifth Session, Wednesday Afternoon 1091—Pair oF otp Bow PorceLaiIn STATUETTES Seated figures of a Youth and Maiden in eighteenth century costume. The Youth in flowered breeches and purple hat, holds in one hand a roll of manuscripts and gesticulates with the other. At his side is seated a dog. The Maiden in a purple bodice, yellow over-skirt and blue hat lined with purple, is seated upon a tree trunk playing a hurdy- gurdy and having on one side a pet dog standing upon its hind legs. Supported by trunks of trees with leaves and flowers. On scrolled and pierced bases. Mark: Anchor and Dagger, in red. 1092—Pair or o1p Bow PorceELAIn Stratuetrres: “THEr Musicians’’ Seated figures of a man in Pierrot costume playing the bagpipes, and a woman in a yellow bodice and purple flowered skirt playing a hurdy- gurdy. Supported on stumps of trees. Irregular bases. Height, 5 inches. 10938—Pair or orp Bow PorceLAIn STATUETTES: “SUMMER AND AUTUMN”’ Summer represented as a young girl in blue dress with a white under- skirt decorated with sprays of flowers in purple, holds up with one hand her apron filled with flowers. Autumn as a boy in pink coat lined with yellow, blue vest and flowered breeches, is supported by a tree trunk and holds in both hands a bunch of grapes. On rustic bases with raised and painted flowers and leaves. (Repaired. ) Height, 6 inches. 1094—Oitp Bow PorcetaIn STaTuETTeE: “FRENCH SHEPHERD AND SHEP- HERDESS” Figures in eighteen century costume. The Shepherd in a yellow flowered coat, pink breeches, and black hat leans upon a trunk of a tree playing a pipe. He has a knapsack over his shoulder and at his feet is seated his dog. The Shepherdess as a young woman, in yellow bodice, white and purple striped skirt, holds up her apron filled with flowers and has at her feet, a seated pet lamb. On circular rustic bases. | Height, 6 inches. Fifth Session, Wednesday Afternoon 1095—Pair ‘or otp Bow PorceLAIN STATUETTES Figures of a Youth and Maiden in eighteenth century costumes. ‘The girl in a pink over-skirt, and yellow and blue petticoat. The youth in a pink coat, yellow waistcoat and black breeches. On rustic bases ornamented with gilt scrollings. (Repaired.) Height, 6 inches. 1096—Oup Bow PorcELAIN STATUETTE: “PEG WorFINGTON” Figure of Peg Woffington, modeled as a Greek Sphinx, upon a scrolled base. Height, 5 inches. NOTE: This figure of the celebrated actress Peg Woffington is one of the rarest productions of the Bow Factory. 1097—Ser or THREE op Bow PorceLAIN ORNAMENTS Modeled as Birds perched upon trunks of trees with mottlings of pink and brown. Fifth Session, Wednesday Afternoon 1098—Pair or oLp Bow Porcetain Stratuerres: “Mars anp VENus” Standing figures of Mars and Venus. Mars, in a panoply of Roman armor with blue helmet, holds a sword in his right hand and a buckler on his left arm. Venus is partially draped in a rose colored flowing garment. Both lean upon trunks of trees and at their feet a pair of doves are billing and cooing. On rococo base with pierced and scrolled borders painted in purple and with raised and painted flowers and leaves. Height, 11 inches. Fifth Session, Wednesday Afternoon 1099—Parr oF oLp Bow Porcexain Vases Hexagonal baluster-shaped with straight rimless necks. Decorated in the Oriental manner with long-tailed birds, branches of peony blossoms and floral sprays. Painted in red, blue and green and canary yellow heightened with gold. | 7 Height, 91 inches. NOTE: These vases belong to a very early Bow period. A precisely similar pair in the South Kensington Museum, formerly belonging to Lady Schreiber, are varyingly attributed by leading authorities to Chelsea as well as Bow. These same authorities, however, all agree that they are among the very best productions of English eighteenth century kilns. 1100—Oxp Bow SratTvuettTe: “Sprrmne” Figure of a young Girl in eighteenth century costume of blue bodice, red sleeves, and red striped skirt with floral medallions, holding up with one hand her apron filled with flowers and with the other hand encir- cling a trunk of a tree, with raised and painted flowers and leaves form- ing a boscage. On a rococo scrolled base painted in green heightened with gold. Mark: Anchor and Dagger, in red. Height, 10 inches. 1101—Oxp Bow Porcr.atin STATUETTE: “Cuprmp As A BIRD-CATCHER” Figure of Cupid, wreathed with garlands of flowers, kneeling in front of a boscage of raised and painted leaves and flowers, and enticing with one hand a bird perched on a branch above him. At his side is his quiver and a dog. Ona rococo scrolled base painted in green heightened with gold. Mark: Anchor and Dagger. Height, 81, inches. 1102—Oup Bow Srarvuettre: “THE Musician” Figure of a Youth in eighteenth century costume, seated upon a trunk of a tree playing a lute and singing. Height, 51 inches. 1103—O.xp Bow Srarvetre: “THe FLowEr SELLER” Figure of a young girl in eighteenth century costume with green bodice, purple stomacher, white overskirt, pale yellow underskirt and pale purple hat, seated on the trunk of a tree with a single blossom in her hand and at her side is a lamb. On scroll base. Height, 5 inches. Fifth Session, Wednesday Afternoon 1104—Pair oF orp Bow Porcenain STatTuetres: “Spring AND SUMMER” Spring as a group of amorini playing with a goat who is being suckled by a kid. Summer as a similar group, one of whom is feeding a goat with ears of corn. On rustic bases with raised and painted flowers and leaves and sub-bases of pierced and scroll rococo design colored in purple and green heightened with gold. Height, 9 inches. These “Seasons” groups are among the best known and most highly prized of early Bow pro- ductions. ) 1105—Oup Bow PorcELAIN STATUETTE: “SPRING” As the figure of a young woman in eighteenth century costume holding a basket of flowers. Fifth Session, Wednesday Afternoon ~ 1106—Ouxup Bow PorcenaiIn STATUETTE: “DEVOTION” Figure of a young woman seated and reading a book which she supports with both hands. Height, 51%, inches. 1107—Pair oF orp Bow Porcerain STATUETTES: “THE SPORTSMAN AND His SWEETHEART” | Figures of a young man in eighteenth century costume, with a gun and spaniel by his side, seated on the trunk of a tree, and of a young woman in a costume of the same date drawing water for her lap dog and seated upon a trunk of a tree. On square rustic bases. In plain white glaze. Height, 5 inches. 1108—Srr or Four otp Bow Porcetarw Sratuetres: “THE Four Seasons” Figures of Spring as a young woman with a basket of flowers, Summer as a young woman with a sheaf of wheat, Autumn as a youth pressing the juice from a bunch of grapes into a bowl, and Winter as an old man leaning upon a stick. All in plain white glaze. Height, 514, inches. 1109—Pair or otp Bow PorcELAIn CANDELABRA STATUETTES Figures of Spring and Autumn. The former as a young girl with basket of flowers and flower filled apron, holds a bunch of flowers in her left hand and has, at her side, a bee-hive. The latter as a Youth seated upon a basket of grapes and vine leaves and pressing, with his right hand, the juice from a bunch of grapes into a cup which he holds in his left. On ormolu bases with ormolu branches having modeled peony blossoms and fluted and modeled candle sockets and sconces. In plain white glaze. Height, 11144 inches. 1110—Parr oF o~tp Bow Porcetaww CANDELABRA Formed as tree trunks with branches, having raised flowers and leaves, on which are perched birds, while dogs are playing at the bases. Backed with branches and leaves of gilded metal having raised roses and candle sockets formed as tulip blossoms with pointed leaves. On oval rock bases. (Damaged. ) Height, ¥1 inches. Fifth Session, Wednesday Afternoon 1111—Patr or otp Bow Porcrnuaw Vases Octagonal baluster shaped with pierced scroll handles. The bodies are decorated with the characteristic early Bow ornamentation, of branches of prunus blossoms and. leaves. White glaze. Mark: Triangle and Anchor impressed. Height, 9 inches. 1112—Parr or op Bow Srarverres Figures of couchant dogs on irregularly shaped bases. : Height, 51% inches. 1112A—Oup Bow Porcenain Piuate Flat rim. The center is occupied with a painting of rock forms, stems of bamboo and chrysanthemum blossoms, the rims Chinese flower and leaf forms, all in colors heightened with gilding and in the Oriental manner. Diameter, 834 inches. 1113—Pair or orp Bow Miniature Vases Hexagonal bottle-shaped, with curved necks and spreading bases. Deco- rated on a white ground with miniature designs of birds, stems of bam- boo and flowers painted in the Oriental manner. The rims are bordered with floral sprays. (Repaired.) Height, 41%, inches. 1114—Ser or Four otp Bow Porceriain Bonzson DIsHEs Shaped as clusters of serrated leaves and with rustic looped handles. Decorated, as to the interiors, with designs of bamboo stems and branches and butterflies painted in the Oriental manner. Heights, 114, inches and 81/, inches. 1114A—Pair or onp Bow Porcextain Fruir Bowtns Circular shape with curved sides and shaped edges. Decorated, in the Oxiental manner, with shaped panels of white reserve on a ground of red relieved with floral sprays of white reserve and gold the spaces above being occupied by a Chinese pattern of geometrical interlacements. The panels are occupied by Oriental rock forms in blue enamel and sprays of flowers and leaves in green, red and gold, and the centers with cireu- lar medallions of Chinese landscapes. Height, 21%, inches; diameter, 10 inches. Fifth Session, Wednesday Afternoon 1115—Oxp Bow Porcetain Cup AND SAUCER Cup with carved sides and pierced flat handle. Decorated with shaped panels with red line borders occupied by sprays of flowers and leaves, painted in the Oriental manner, and by a checkered bordering painted in red. 1116—Oup Bow Porcevain Ecco SERVER Modeled as the figure of a Duck, the upper portion being removable so as to forma lid. Naturalistically painted, in brown, purple and green, with yellow beak. Height, 314, inches; length, 5 inches. 1117—Oup Bow Porcrentain Ecc SERVER Formed as the figure of a Partridge sitting upon her nest. The body being removable so as to form the lid. The nest, serving as the egg container, is modeled in relief to represent twigs with a border of inter- laced twigs and leaves all naturalistically colored. Height, 34, inches; length, 414 inches. 1118—Oup Bow Porcrenain Ecco SERVER Formed as the figure of a Partridge sitting upon her nest. The body is removable so as to form a cover. The nest is modeled in relief to rep- resent twigs with a border of interlaced twigs and leaves, serves as the egg container. Both bird and nest are naturalistically painted in brown, black, green and rose color. Height, 514% inches; length, 7 inches. 1119—Oxp Bow Porcetain Ecce SEerver | Figure formed as a Partridge sitting upon her nest, the body being re- movable so as to form the cover. The nest, modeled in relief to represent twigs with a border of interlaced twigs and leaves, serves as the egg con- tainer. Both bird and nest are naturalistically painted in brown, black, green and rose color. . Height, 51% inches; length, 7 inches. 1120—O.xp Bow Porce ain Eee SERVER Modeled as a hen picking her feathers. Painted in natural colors. Height, 31/, inches; length, 41/4, inches. Fifth Session, Wednesday Afternoon 1120A—THREE otp Bow Porcetarn Puates Shaped edges. The centers are occupied by paintings of branches of trees and exotic birds, the borders with floral sprays, all painted in colors in the Oriental manner. Diameter, 81/, inches. 1121—Par oF orp Bow Miniature Frower Pors anp FLowers Flower pots of rococo scroll and shell design painted in purple with floral sprays and gilt scrollings and containing bouquets of modeled and _ painted flowers and leaves. Height, 61%, inches. 1122—Parr or oLp Bow Vases Pear-shaped bodies with fluted rims and circular bases. Modeled in a rococo design of shells and scrolls with a single voluted handle. Deco- rated with painted flowers and leaves and with paintings of butterflies and floral sprays. Height, 6 inches. 1123—O.up Bow Porcerain STATUETTE Bust of a Harlequin, with a pointed cap formed, of a cluster of leaf forms, a fall-down collar and a frogged jerkin. On a shaped and fluted base. Invested with a heavy white glaze. Height, 10°4 inches. 1124—Oup Bow Porcertatn Bonson Hover The figure of a young girl in a fancy costume of pink cloak, yellow robe, pink Turkish trousers and high conical head dress, holding in her hands a shell decorated with floral sprays. Supported by a tree trunk with raised and painted branches of coral and sea-weeds. Height, 5%, inches. 1125—Oxp Bow Porcetary Bonson Hover Formed as three shells supported by a rocky base with a rocaille deco- ration of raised and painted sea-weeds and marine shells and with a handle formed as a marine shell. The interior of each shell is decorated with sprays of peony blossoms and buds painted in the Oriental manner, and with scrolled borders of dark brown and gold. (Repaired.) Height, 51, inches. Fifth Session, Wednesday Afternoon 1126—Oxp Bow Porceain Sauce Boat Boat-shaped, with looped handle. Decorated with a raised and painted border of quatrefoils, leaves and with shaped panels, bordered by raised and painted floral sprays and occupied by paintings of Chinese sub- jects and butterflies. The rustic handle painted in green and brown. Height, 5 inches; length, 8%, inches. 1127—Oxup Bow Porcevain Sauce Boat Shell-shaped with curved spout, looped handle and oval base. Deco- a rated both as to exterior and interior with branches of flowers, leaves and floral sprays. (Repaired.) Height, 41, inches. 1128—Oup Bow Sauce Boat Boat-shaped with looped handle and three mask and claw feet. Deco- rated, as to both exterior and interior, with Oriental subjects of flowers and bamboo leaves and with floral sprays painted in colors and height- ened with gold. Height, 5% inches; length, 9 inches. 1129—Ox1p Bow Porcetain Sauce Boar Boat-shaped, formed as a cluster of lettuce leaves, with rusti¢ looped handle. Decorated with lines of purple and green, and. painted with insects and butterflies. Height, 54, inches. 11380—Oxup Bow Porcenain Cream Ewer Pear-shaped body with pointed spout and looped handle. Decorated, on a white ground, with the trunk of a tree and with scrolled floral sprays painted in the Oriental manner. Height, 51%, inches. 1131—Fovur orp Bow Porcexain Curs Sloping sides, with two looped scroll handles. Decorated with raised sprays of prunus blossoms and leaves. In plain white glaze. Height, 2° inches. NOTE: These plain white ware decorated in relief with branches of prunus blossoms were among the very first productions of the Bow Factory. ears EET TRE) Fifth Session, Wednesday Afternoon 11381A—TureeE orp Bow Porcenarm Cups Sloping sides without handles. Decorated with raised sprays of prunus blossoms and leaves. In plain white glaze. Height, 15% inches. EARLY ENGLISH TIGER WARE AND OLD LAMBETH DELFT 1182—SixTEENTH CENTURY Enenisu Ticrr Jue Pear-shaped body with high cylindrical neck, looped and molded, handle mvested with a “tiger” glaze and mounted im silver. Height, 7 inches. 113838—Earrty SEVENTEENTH CENTURY EncuisH Ticrr JuG Pear-shaped body with high cylindrical neck, looped handle, and con- temporary silver mounts. The rim has a band of scroll and interlaced pattern and the inscription TIM. Height, 7 inches. 11384—SIxTEENTH CENTURY GERMAN SALT GLAZED PITCHER Pear-shaped body with high cylindrical neck and spout formed as a Satyr mask. The body is decorated with an incised pattern of scrolls and trefoils and with three applied oval medallions, two with armorial bearings, the other with a shield of armorial bearings, the figure of a knight on horseback and the initials I. E. Side panels dated 1590. Center panels 1594. Height, 11 inches. NOTE: These sixteenth century German stoneware tankards are frequently met with bearing conflicting dates. This was due to the use of old molds and stamps by the potters. 1185—SEVENTEENTH CENTURY GERMAN STONEWARE 'T'ANKARD Pear-shaped body with silver rim handle and hinged cover having a seated dog as finial and a scroll thumb piece. Invested with a green- ish glaze. Height, 71, inches. Fifth Session, Wednesday Afternoon 1186—SIxTEENTH CENTURY GERMAN BELLARMINE PITCHER Pear-shaped body with looped molded handle and cylindrical neck. Decorated in relief with a “Grey Beard” face, with circular medallions containing heads of men in sixteenth century costume, with leaf-shaped panels of scroll decoration and with a band of inscription in Roman capital letters. 2 Fil 4 Height, 8 inches. 11387—SEVENTEENTH CENTURY GERMAN PITCHER Pear-shaped body, cylindrical neck and looped handle, with hinged pewter lid and shell thumb piece. Decorated, in an incised pattern, with floral scrolls and a raised octagonal medallion occupied with a German coat-of-arms, and the initials C. R. (16)88. Maker’s mark on pewter L. H. Height, 9% inches. 11388—EIcHTEENTH CENTURY GERMAN DeLFr TAaNKARD WITH COVER Cylindrical form with looped handle and hinged lid of pewter having a ball thumb piece. The body is decorated, in polychrome, on a sponged puce ground with an oval panel of white relief bordered with scrolls and cornucopiz, surmounted by a royal crown and occupied by a paint- ing of a landscape with plants and conventional flowers and foliage. Mark:y toch: Height, 1114 inches. 1189—EIcHTEENtTH CENTURY GERMAN STONEWARE T'ANKARD Cylindrical shape with looped and molded handle. Invested with a brown glaze and mounted with a silver rim. Height, 714 inches. 1140—E1cHTEENTH CrentTURY LAMBETH Detrr Monry Box Pear shaped on circular base and having a slit for the insertion of money. Decorated in blue on a white ground with an allover pattern of chrysanthemums, peonies and roses. Signed on the bottom A.Y. 1708. Diameter, 6 inches. Fifth Session, Wednesday Afternoon 1141—SEvVENTEENTH CENTURY LamBetTH Detrr BowL Coupe shape with projecting pierced ear handles. Decorated in blue, on a white ground, and in an Oriental manner with a border of a diapered pattern and with oval panels of floral sprays. The center is copied with a scrolled and floral pattern, the exterior with bands of floral and leaf scrolls of blue on a white ground. Signed at the bot- tom with script letters C. J. Height, 21% inches; diameter, 7 inches. 1142—Oup LampetuH Deurr PuatTe Decorated in blue on white with a circular medallion having a laurel leaf border and occupied with the initials R. G. 1689. Diameter, 834 inches. 1143—Pair oF OLD LamBetH Deurr PLAtTEs Decorated, in blue, on a white ground, with an Oriental decoration of floral sprays and a floral border. The center is occupied by a circular medallion with the initials F. I. M. (One cracked.) Diameter, 834, inches. 1144—Pair oF SEVENTEENTH CENTURY LAMBETH DeLFr PLATES Decorated in blue on a white ground with a heart-shaped medallion containing the initials H. W. I. 1698. 1145—SEVENTEENTH CENTURY LAMBETH DetFrr Deep PLATE The center is occupied by a raised medallion in blue having the initials H. I. S. surrounded by a beaded border in blue. Diameter, 9 inches. 1146—SeEvVENTEENTH CentTURY LAMBETH Deurr PLATE Decorated with a scrolled border in the Oriental manner. The center is occupied by a circular medallion containing the initials A. F. and the date 1728. Diameter, 8 inches. 1147—E1cHTeENTH CENTURY STAFFORDSHIRE Bow. Coupe shaped on circular stem. Decorated as to the interior and ex- terior with blue on a white ground with floral sprays, an oval medallion of interlacements and the inscription “Rum & Warer.” Height, 81, inches; diameter, 61% inches, Fifth Session, Wednesday Afternoon _ 1148—EicHTreentH Century Bristot Detrr PLATE Decorated with a sponged ground of puce and a border of hexagonal and fan-shaped panels, in white reserve, of birds and floral sprays in blue. The center is occupied by eight-lobed medallions of white reserve occupied by a decoration ‘of bamboo and peonies in blue. Diameter, 8%/, inches. 1149—SixTEENTH CENTURY EncuisH SAaLt GuLazep PITcHER Pear-shaped body, with cylindrical neck and looped handle. Invested with a salt glaze of mottled brown on a gray ground, and decorated with an oval medallion occupied with a double fleur-de-lis. Stamped rosettes around the rim. Height, 7 inches. 1150—SIxTEENTH CENTURY FRENCH Faience Lion Modeled as a couchant lion on a molded rectangular base. Decorated in polychrome with a border around the base of scroll forms. . Height, 4 inches. 1151—SEVENTEENTH CENTURY LamBerH “Wiliam anp Mary” Derr Disx Circular form with fluted border and scalloped rim. The center is oc- cupied with picture of saltant horse and with a tulip and leaf decora- tion in blue, green and yellow. Around the fluted rim is a border of tulip and floral decoration in blue, yellow and green. Diameter, 13 inches. 1152—Parr oF oLp SpopE Miniature Baskets Straight sloping sides with arched handles. Decorated with bands of gilding, gilt leaves and groups of roses painted in the Billingsley man- ner. (Repaired. ) Height, 24, inches. 1153—Cuinest Lowestorr PLatTrer | Oblong with shaped flat rim. Inverted with an irregular white glaze and decorated with borders, of a Saracenic trefoil pattern, in gold out- lined in red. Length, 161%, inches; width, 13 inches. aera Fifth Session, Wednesday Afternoon 1154—Turee Preces or orp Worcester Two taper stands and bonbon dish. One taper stand decorated, on a gros bleu ground, with a “Japan” pattern in colored enamels; the other, on a white ground, with sprays of flowers naturalistically painted. The bonbon dish, shaped as a basket with bale handle, is decorated, on a yellow ground, with panels of floral sprays. 1155—Oxp Worcester Porcerain Orn Lamp In the form of a Pompeian terra-cotta hand lamp. Decorated with a pattern of gold dots, lines and meander bordering and with bands of floral sprays painted in colors. Length, 51/, inches. 1156—Oxp Worcester Posser Cur anp Cover Cup with domed cover and looped handles. Decorated, on a white ground, with a silhouette portrait of George Third and with the in- scriptions “Long may he reign” and “ Dear to his subjects.” (Cracked. ) 1157—Orp Worcester Porcetain Two-HanpdLeD Cup Scroll handles with shell terminations. Decorated with a portrait of George Third and the inscription, in gold, “Long may he reign.” Height, 2% inches. 1158—Oip Turner Friower Por anv STanp 1775. Of glazed buff-colored and blue stoneware. Formed as a vase with fluted lower portion, with removable top. Upper portion deco- rated flutings and with a band of flowers, and figures of Nymphs hold- ing bunches of grapes and sheaves of corn and with floral sprays. All in blue relief. Height, 6 inches. 1159—Oxp SrarrorpsHire PLates AND A Scent BOTTLE The plates are decorated as to the rims with panels of raised floral sprays in colors. The centers with sprays of flowers painted in blue with touches of color. The scent bottle is of oval shape decorated with classical figures in relief surrounded by acanthus leaf borders in blue and red. Diameter of plates, 414 inches. Height of bottle, 2%, inches. Fifth Session, Wednesday Afternoon 1160—Pair or Encuish Lowestrorr Sorr Pastr Cream Ewers Helmet-shaped with loop handles. Decorated, on white grounds, with floral sprays, ribbons of floral scrolls, and diapered borders in under- glaze blue. 1161—Oxp Rvupotstapt Harp Paste Porcretam Mue The body is shaped as the face of a lady with earrings, and turban-like head dress. Domed cover with raised flower finial. Height, 61, inches. 1162—Oxup Rupotstapt Harp Paster Porcetain Mue Shaped as a Negro’s head with cover as a turban, flower finial and looped scroll handle. The head is painted in natural colors, the turban decorated with vertical bands in color. Height, 61, inches. 11683—Pair or o~tp FRENCH PoRCELAIN Empire VASES Elongated pear-shaped bodies with curved necks, molded rims, circular feet and square bases. The handles formed as Grecian Sphinxes on Gryphon supports. Decorated entirely with chased gilding and with shaped panels entirely occupied with elaborate paintings of Night and Morning. Height, 22%, inches. SIXTH SESSION WEDNESDAY EVENING, MARCH 17, 1915 AT THE AMERICAN ART GALLERIES BEGINNING AT 8.00 oO’cLOCK Which includes Catalogue Nos. 1165 to 1308 INTERESTING EARLY ITALIAN, FRENCH AND GERMAN CARVINGS IN IVORY 1165--SEVENTEENTH CENTURY FRENCH CRUCIFIX Ivory carving of Christ on black ebony cross. Length of iwory figure, 11 inches. 1166—FiFrTEENTH CENTURY FRENCH Ivory CARVING Figure of crowned Madonna holding the infant Christ and seated in a bigh backed Episcopal chair carved in a Gothic design. 534 inches. 1167-——SEVENTEENTH CrENTURY ITALIAN Ivory CaRVING Panel with subject of the Madonna and Child with infant St. John. 31, by 234 inches. 1168—EIcHTEENTH CENTURY ENGLIsH Ivory CARVING Standing figure of Britannia in armor with helmet and terrestrial robe draped with lion’s skin. On circular base. Height, 9 inches. 1169—Pair or EIGHTEENTH CENTURY FRENCH Ivory CARVINGS “Laughing and Crying.” After Houdon. Mounted on columnar ped- estals. Length, 5% inches. Sixth Session, Wednesday Evening 1170—Earty EicHTrEentH Century Frencu Ivory Carvine Figure of a seated and weeping Cupid. On contemporary shaped base of ivory with ebony moldings. : 534 inches. 1171—SrxTEENTH CENTURY GERMAN Ivory CaRviING Rectangular panel with circular medallion occupied by head of a Teu- tonic Warrior. The angles filled with ornamentation of dolphins, strap and scroll work. 41, by 2%, inches. — (CIllustrated) 1172—SEVENTEENTH CENTURY SPANISH CRUCIFIX Carved ivory figure, of unusual size, with painted wounds, hair and loin-cloth on black wood cross with carved ivory tablet and ap- plied oval scrolled medallion of bronze with figure of Madonna and in- scription “Mater Dolorosa.” Rectangular molded base of wood. | Height, 36 inches. 1173-—Earzty Firreenta Century Irarran Woop Carvep Pane Rectangular shape carved in low relief in vari-colored inlaid woods, with subject of Christ and his disciples on the Sea of Galilee. Mountainous landscape in the background with forts and other buildings. The sea is suggested by waves of crude design and very conventional character. 11144 by 9 inches. 1174—SEVENTEENTH CENTURY GERMAN CARVED PANEL Apple wood. Rectangular shape, divided by rococo borders of scroll work into two panels. The upper one contains: figure of Christ heal- ing the sick, and the lower one a figure of Saint Jerome in the Wilder- ness on his knees before a crucifix. A river crossed by bridge and with buildings on its banks in the distance. 16 by 10 inches. 1175—SEVENTEENTH CENTURY DutTcH STATUETTE Pear wood. With a subject of Hercules leaning on his club. On square octagonal base having on the front the incised inscription “A van Halen facet 1625.” Height, 18, inches. No. 1171 AND No. 1182 Siath Session, Wednesday Hvening 1176—SevenreentH Century Frencn Rock Crysrau anp Gotp Tazza re 7 Boat-shaped with projecting handle on ue cylindrical stem with knop and oval molded foot. Of cut rock crystal mounted in gold and enamels. The handles formed as the figures of female terms with enameled bodies and scrolled terminations of chased gold. ‘The rim is mounted with a chased gold border, the foot with two bands of scalloped, chased and engraved gold and the knop with a band of gold pierced and enameled in a floral design. Mark: Seventeenth century Provincial French touch. Height, 5 inches. 1177—SEVENTEENTH CENTURY GERMAN Rock CrystTaL STANDING CUP AND CovER Straight sided bowl of cut rock crystal with domed cover. Gilt bronze finial shaped as a knight on horse- back. Guilt bronze stem shaped as a stag and a hound. The bowl and cover are decorated with bands of in- taglio-engraved scrollings. Height, 10 inches. 1177 A—SIxTEENTH CENTURY ENAMEL AND CRYSTAL STAND- Inc Cup Shaped as an ostrich of cut cristal-de-roche or rock crystal on a domed base. ‘The upper part of the bird with outstretched wings serves as a cover. The feath- ers are delicately carved, and around the base is a band of intaglio carved ornamentation. Mounted in colored champlevé enamels with legs wrought in enameled and gilt silver. Height, 11 inches. No. 1177 1178—SIxTEENTH CENTURY HorN CuP Aanp COVER Urn shaped, with ball knopped stem, circular foot, on four ball feet and domed cover with ball finial. Elaborately engraved with a pattern of acanthus leaves, scrolls and oval and circular medallions, with por- traits of sixteenth century warriors. Mounted in brass with bands of engraved niello-work. Height, 15 inches. > Sixth Session, Wednesday Evening 1179—Oup Caro pt Monte Porcertarw CruciFrix 1775. Figure modeled in porcelain with a rose colored loin-cloth and naturalistically colored wounds. At the foot of the Cross is a Mary Magdalen also modeled in porcelain clasping the Cross. On a rocky base with skull and crossbones. Painted and gilt cross of carved wood. Height, 26 inches. 1180—SEvENTEENTH CENTURY GERMAN Ivory TANKARD Cylindrical shape with domed hinged lid, looped and scrolled handle and standing on three scrolled feet. Decorated as to the body with a band of grape, pomegranate and scroll ornamentation and with an allover pattern of flutings and zig-zags representing a very early form of engine turning. Inner surface of lid engraved with a floral design. 7 Height, 5%, inches. 1181—SrvENTEENTH CenTURY SpPANisu Ivory Carvine Figure of the Infant Christ. Hair shows traces of coloring and gilding. Height, 834 inches. 1182—Ser or Six FirreentH Century Carvep Ivory PANELS Rectangular shape. Carved in low relief with colored backgrounds with subjects from the life of Christ. These evidently at one time formed a part of a reliquary or casket. From the Stuart Collection. Q1/, by 2 inches. (Illustrated) 1183—Par or Eicntreentn Century Frencu Ivory Carvines Figures of Peace and War. Peace represented as a Roman Warrior holding a shield in one hand and a spear in the other and standing upon a military trophy of guns, flags, etc. Peace represented by a figure of a young girl holding in one hand a bird. Black square pedestals. __ Height of figures, 7 inches; pedestals, 47, inches. 1184—Pair or EicuterntH Century Frencn Wax Porrrairs Portraits of an Actor and Actress. The former in Oriental costume, the latter holding in one hand a parrot. Decorated with old paste brilliants. Old gilt frames. Height, 6 inches; width, 41% inches. Sixth Session, Wednesday Evening 1185—Patr or SEVENTEENTH CENTURY ITALIAN CarRvEpD Ivory PLAQUES Subjects of Infant Bacchantes. Height, 31%, inches; length, 21, inches. (Illustrated) 1186—Pair oF SEVENTEENTH CENTURY CarRvepD Ivory PLAQuEs Infant Bacchantes carved in high relief, drinking and playing with a goat. Height, 334 inches; length, 41% inches. (Illustrated) 1187-—SEVENTEENTH CENTURY GERMAN Ivory CaRviING Rectangular shaped panel carved with the subject of Marsyas and Cupid. Signed at the back ‘*Mathias Rauch,” 1685. From the Shangdon Collection. 5%, by 3% inches. (Illustrated) 1188—SIxTEENTH CENTURY ITALIAN CarRvED Ivory PLaevuE Rectangular panel carved in high relief with a figure of ‘‘Marsyas Hanging to a Tree.” Height, 6%, inches, length, 434 inches. 1189—SEVENTEENTH CENTURY GERMAN Ivory CARVING Ivory carving of a figure of Venus partially draped leading by the hand a Cupid. In a very elaborately carved frame of ebony and pear wood forming an arched alcove with mirror back and sides surrounded by rococo scroll and shell work with a serpent on the lower portion. The frame is French of the middle eighteenth century. Height of ivory statuette, 634 inches. 1190—FirTEENTH CENTURY TRAVELING CASKET OF CARVED Ivory Chasse shaped, with hinged lid, metal handle and lock escutcheon. Carved in low relief, with the Nativity and visit of the Magi, the lower portion with half length figures of Saints with their emblems. Traces of coloring and gilding. Lined with crimson silk. From the Shangdon Collection. Length, 61/4 inches. 1191—SEVENTEENTH Century ITatiaAn Carvep Ivory Casket The sides are carved with figures of Amorini and acanthus leaf scroll- ings, the ld with a deep acanthus leaf border and with a panel of the Triumph of Bacchus (in a chariot drawn by two horses). Height, 5 inches; length, 10 inches; width, 8 inches. No. 1186 No. 1187 No. 1186 ' No. 1185 No. 1185 Sixth Session, Wednesday Evening 1192—SEVENTEENTH CENTURY GERMAN Ivory CaRvING Figure of the Madonna with outstretched hands which formerly held the infant Christ. Standing upon an octagonal pedestal carved with cherub’s head and elouds. TY, inches. 1193—SixTEENTH CENTURY SpPAnisH Ivory Carvine Subject of the Immaculate Conception—figure of the Virgin stand- ing upon a crescent, the figure of Christ missing. On pedestal base carved with acanthus leaf decoration in high relief. Decorated in colors and gilt and in an exceptional state of preservation. Length, 634 inches. 1194—SIxTEENTH CENTURY GERMAN CaRVED Ivory TRIPTYCH In three leaves. The two side ones folding over the center, which has pointed roof with carved crockets and finials. Divided, by trefoiled Gothic arches with crockets and finials, and into panels with subjects of the lfe of Christ beginning with the “Annunciation” and ending with the “Deposition in the Tomb.” Above is the Virgin flanked by winged Angels. Silver hinges. Height, 1034, inches; length, 8 inches. (Illustrated) 1195—SEVENTEENTH CENTURY GERMAN Ivory CRUCIFIX Carved ivory figure on a plain wooden cross with ivory tablet and cross- bones. Height, 161, inches. 1196—SEVENTEENTH CENTURY ITALIAN Ivory PLaQuE Rectangular shape, subject of the Nativity with the Madonna in the center exhibiting the Child for the admiration of the shepherds and angels, Saint Joseph standing on one side. Above, cloud forms with cherubim holding a scroll. (Illustrated) 124% by 9% inches. 1197—SEVENTEENTH CENTURY GERMAN Ivory FLAGON sanp Lip Upright cylindrical body formed of a section of an ivory tusk carved in a subject of infant Bacchantes and silver base repoussé in a design of masks, cornucopie and acanthus leaves. Hinged lid repoussé in female masks, cornucopie and acanthus leaf decoration and finial of scroll and honeysuckle design. Thumb piece and scrolled looped han- dle. Silver mounts have mark of the Seventeenth Century. Height, 12 inches. a ee We SN. Bias bind WRIT. YTV y NY ee « “ . AN } € OS a SANYO: ot \g \e a Q i * a: ‘ ae 8 alae ‘ \ , % i itt Briere eee ed RO ag TE TEE AE sae eT RT er ge aA 1196 No. Siath Session, Wednesday Evening : SEVENTEENTH AND EIGHTEENTH CENTURY ITALIAN, FRENCH AND GERMAN BRONZES 1198—SIXTEENTH CENTURY GILT Bronze BELL Decorated, in relief, with rams’ heads, garlands of fruits and leaves and with a figure of the Virgin with Cherubim holding a sudatorium, surmounted by a figure of the Virgin and Child. The rim bears the inscription (in Latin) “Affinae made me in 1556.” Height, 5 inches. 1199-—_Louis Seize Frencu Giutr Bronze STATUETTE Figure of Cupid. On a circular wooden base. Height, 41/, inches. 1200—E1IcHTEENTH CENTURY FRENCH GILT BRONZE Finely modeled recumbent figure of Love resting on a cross and sur- rounded by the emblems of the Passion. On molded base. Height, 2% inches; length, 41/4 inches. 1201—Parr or Outp FrRENcH Paper WEIGHTS Gilt bronze figures of seated poodle dogs. On white marble bases with beaded borders. Height, 31% inches; length, 41/, inches. 1202-—Pair or Louis Seize Century Frencu Vases Silver mounted in gilt bronze. Urn-shaped vases of silver with twisted serpent handles and covers of gilt bronze, the latter having pineapple finial and reversible so as to form candle-sockets. On circular feet of gilt bronze, fluted pedestal of silver and shaped bases of gilt bronze. Height, 81, inches. 1203—SEVENTEENTH CENTURY GERMAN BRONZE Formed as a dove-cote encircled by a gourd vine. On circular base with three ball feet and with a chased and shaped silver cresting. Height, 91, inches. Sixth Session, Wednesday Evening 1204-—SEVENTEENTH CENTURY SPANISH STANDING Cup AND COVER Of gilded bronze, the bowl with a silver lining. Bowl and cover deco- rated with gadrooning, the top of stem with a band of acanthus leaf design, the circular foot with bands of pointed leaves and laurel leaf, and the cover surmounted by a figure. Height, 1184 inches. 1205-—Pair or Louis Quinze Git Bronze CANDLESTICKS Decorated with rococo shell and scroll ornamentation in relief. On circular shaped bases. Height, 91% inches. 1206—Louts QuinzE Bronze InksTanp Decorated with pierced shell and scroll work. Fitted with two ink- stands and covers and a compartment for wafers. | Height, 10 inches; length, 19 inches. 1207—Louis PuiriprE ‘THERMOMETER Formed as a Corinthian column, on a square pedestal, surmounted by a figure of Fame. The capital, figure and mountings are of ormolu; the pedestal and base of serpentine marble, and the hemisphere on which the figure stands of lapis lazuli. Height, 18 inches. 1208—Parir or Louis Seize CANDLESTICKS Agate and gilt bronze. Baluster-shaped stems and octagonal bases of richly marked sang-de-beuf agate, mounted with bands of pierced and chased gilt bronze in acanthus leaf patternings. Height, 5 inches, 1209—Two EicHTrentH Century DutcH Carvines Of mother-of-pearl. Oval shape. Carved with subject of a Dutch in- terior with mother and children, the mother nursing a baby. In old gilt frames. Height, 31%, inches; length, 21, inches. 1210—Pair or DerBysHIRE Spa VASEs Urn-shaped on square bases of red and purple “Blue John” spa. Height, 6 inches. Sivth Session, Wednesday Evening 1211-—DerBysHirrt Spa VAsE Urn-shaped vase of “Blue John” spa. On a square pedestal base. Height, 10 inches. 1212—DerpysHirE Spa VAsE Urn-shaped vase of “Blue John” spa. On a cylindrical pedestal base. Height, 11% inches. 1213—Derpysuire Spa Vase Urn-shaped vase of “Blue John” spa. On a square pedestal base. Height, 141%, inches. 1214—Pair or DerBysHirE Spa CANDLESTICKS Formed as Ionic columns on square pedestal bases with molded bases of white and black marble. (One repaired.) | Height, 22%, inches. 1215—SEVENTEENTH CENTURY ITALIAN Bronze PiLaeve Circular shape. The head of our Saviour. Diameter, 31%, inches. 1216—SIXTEENTH CENTURY ITALIAN PLAQUE Rectangular shape. Subject of a Saint in a scrolled panel with a border of scrolling and rosetted ornamentation. 2%, by 3 inches. 1217—EIGHTEENTH CENTURY ITALIAN Bronze PLAQvueE Oval form. The “Judgment of Solomon” modeled in low relief. Height, 334 inches. 1218—SEVENTEENTH CENTURY ITALIAN Bronze PLAQUE Saint Martin on Horseback dividing his cloak for the beggar. Length, 414 inches. 1219—SkEvVENTEENTH CENTURY ITALIAN BronzE PLaaue Infant Fauns seated under a tree, one eating a bunch of grapes and the other wreathing himself with vine leaves. Length, 4°, inches. Sixth Session, Wednesday Evening 1220—EIcHTEENTH CentTURY FRENCH Bronze PLaQuE Oval shape. A Teniers drinking subject modeled in relief. Height, 41/4 inches. 1221—SEvENTEENTH CeEenTuRY ITALIAN Bronze PLAQue ‘Pan making Love to a Nymph.” Modeled in high relief. Length, 5%, inches. 1222—-SIxTEENTH CENTURY ITALIAN BronzE PANEL Cast and chased figure of Christ tied to the column. Surrounded by a beaded border. 5%, by 3 inches. 1223—SEVENTEENTH CrenTURY ITatian Bronze Puaave Circular shape. The ‘Conversion of Saint Paul” with finely modeled figures. Diameter, 534 inches. 1224— EIGHTEENTH CENTURY FRENCH BronzE PLAQUETTE Moulded and chased with a subject of Ceres holding a lighted torch and attended by Nymphs and Husbandmen. Height, 61% inches. 1225—NINETEENTH CENTURY FRENCH Bronze PLaQueE Subject of a bird seated on a branch below which are Cupids with bow and quiver. Height, 7%, inches. 1226—SIxTEENTH CENTURY ITALIAN VoTIVE PLAQUE Black copper oval escutcheon shape with scrolled border, the upper portion occupied with a representation of the Holy Trinity, the lower with the figures of two Saints bearing palm branches and holding between them a representation of a church. 8 by 614% inches. 1227—SEVENTEENTH CrENnTuRY Irarian Bronze PLaauE Escutcheon-shaped with rococo scrolls and acanthus leaf bordering. The center is occupied with a Crucifix, having beneath it a serpent upon three cherubim heads and clouds. The figure of Christ of gilt bronze. Height, 1034 inches. ; 4 < $ 4 é ey eae a a Sith Session, Wednesday Evening 1228—SIxTEENTH CentTuRY FLEMisH PLaavuE Of repoussé bronze. A Crucifixion, with St. John and the Virgin at foot of the cross. On the left Angel receiving into a chalice the blood from the pierced side, and on the right an Angel receiving the blood which flows from the pierced hand. Height, 71%, inches; width, 534 inches. 1229—SEVENTEENTH CENTURY FLEemisH Bronze PLaaue The figure of a Bishop holding a cross in one hand and a stand of lighted candles in the other. On either side shaped shields with ar- morial. bearings, and in the distance a cathedral. Beneath is the in- scription (in Latin) “‘Faveas the ‘Holy Father of Bruges in the name of Christ.” Height, 734 inches; width, 6 inches. 1230—SEVENTEENTH CENTURY GERMAN PLAQUE Of repoussé bronze. Oval shape, with subject of “Christ and Woman of Samaria” modeled in very high relief. Height, 9 inches; width, 61 inches. 1231—SEVENTEENTH CENTURY VENETIAN PLAQUE Of repoussé silver. ‘T'wo sportsmen, with dogs and emblems of the chase, and a seated sportsman, with his gun across his knees, holding the body of a deer and surrounded by his dogs. Leaning upon his stick and conversing with him is a peasant in a broad-brimmed hat. In a contemporary frame of ormolu with sprays of flowers in colored and cut Venetian glass, oval medallions containing enamel portraits and ‘circular medallions of stone cameo portraits. Height, 1014 inches; width, 83/4, inches. 1232—EicHTEENTH CENTURY ENnciisH Bronze PLAQuE Circular shape. Figure of Saint George, on horseback, with the Dragon. In three-quarter relief. Diameter, 11 inches. 1233—SEvVENTEENTH Century IrauiaAn Bronze PLaQue Figure of Pan piping to an infant Faun under a tree. Modeled in high relief. Length, 13 inches. Sixth Session, Wednesday Evening 1234—SEVENTEENTH CENTURY ITALIAN BronzE PLAQUE Subject, in high relief, of the Virgin and the Infant Christ in the center with Saint Joseph at one side. ¢ Length, 131%, inches. 1235—Four SEVENTEENTH CENTURY ITALIAN Bronze PLAQUES “Sacrifices to Pan and Mars,” “The Departure for the Chase” and the “Bear Hunt.” In gilt bronze molded frames. Length, 12 inches. 1236—Frencu Bronze oF THE EMPIRE PERIOD Girl seated and reading a book, with a pet dog in her lap. On square polished marble base. Height, 934 inches. 1237-—SEVENTEENTH CENTURY FLEMISH BronzE Morrar Around the rim is the inscription “Lof gote ban al anno 1617.” Pro- jecting loop handles. Height, 5 inches. 1238-—SEVENTEENTH CENTURY DutcH Bronze Mortar Decorated with bands of Renaissance ornamentation in relief and with a band bearing the inscription “Henryck ter Horst me fecit anno 1638.” Height, 5 inches. 1239—Oup Bronze Two-HANDLED VASE Decorated with a subject of Centaurs and Cupids modeled in relief. On a green marble base and marble pedestal. Height, 9 inches. 1240—Parr oF SEVENTEENTH CENTURY JTALIAN Door HAnpDLEs Of bronze, formed as heads of Nymphs wreathed with flowers resting on a scroll and shell ornamentation. Height, 5 inches. 1241—Patir or Louis SrizE MarBLeE AND Bronze CANDLESTICKS Formed as figures of Cupids in bronze carrying cornucopiz of ormolu terminating in candle sockets. On circular fluted pedestals and square bases of white marble mounted in ormolu. Height, 1134 inches. ea ws Sivth Session, Wednesday Evening 1242—Frencn Bronze or THE Empire PERIOD Figure of Cupid bending his bow. On circular molded gilt bronze pedestal and square base. Height, 51%, inches. 1243-—Louis SrizeE Bronze Figure of a Bacchanal astride a Panther. On molded black marble base. Height, 51%, inches. 1244—Pair or Louis Seize Bronzes Recumbent figures of male and female Centaurs. On molded black mar- ble bases. (Slightly defective.) Height, 6 inches. 1245—SEVENTEENTH CrEnTuRY IratiAN RELIQUARY Of ebony and ormolu. Square shaped base with turned stem which supports a square tablet of architectural design with pedimented top and scrolled sides containing an oval painted panel of the Baptism of Christ and enriched by ornamentations of pierced molded and chased ormolu. Below is an oval glazed escutcheon for the reception of the relic. Height, 23 inches. 1246—SEVENTEENTH CENTURY GERMAN BRONZE GROTESQUE Figure of a man with heavy mustache. Hands missing. On contem- porary wooden base. Height, 6 inches. 1247—SEVENTEENTH CENTURY [ITALIAN BRONZE STATUETTE Figure of Silenus reclining on a Lion’s skin. On oblong base. Height, 8 inches. 1248—SrvENTEENTH CENTURY ITALIAN BRONZE A drunken Silenus falling off a horse and supported by young faun. On rectangular wooden base. Height, 434 inches; length, 8 inches. Siath Session, Wednesday Evening 1249—Pair or Louis Seize Bronze STATUETTES _ Figures of children. The Boy is holding a bird’s nest and the Girl a bird. On square black marble bases, mounted in ormolu. Height, 13 inches. 1250—Parir or Louis Seize Bronze STATUETTES Figures of Children dancing and playing musical instruments. On bronze Empire bases. : Height, 10% inches. 1251—Louis SrizE Bronze STATUETTE Figure of a Hermes with wings. On a square molded base of colored marbles. Height, 11 inches. 1252-—_EIGHTEENTH CENTURY FRENCH Bronze STATUETTE Figure of a horse. On black marble base. Height of bronze, 6 inches; length, 19 inches. 1253—SEVENTEENTH CENTURY FRENCH Bronze STATUETTE Figure of Time carrying a Scythe. On a rectangular stepped base. Ileight, 4 inches. 1254-—SEVENTEENTH CeEntTUuRY JTatIAN Bronze STATUETTE Figure of Apollo, in laced sandals with a cloak over his left shoulder. On rectangular pedestal of yellow marble with molded cornice and a base of dark red marble. Height, 18 inches. 1255—EIcHTEENTH CENTURY FRENCH Bronze Figure of Apollo. On rectangular bronze base. ITeight, 10 inches. 1256—Oup Frencu Bronze Benvenuto Cellini in armor resting one arm upon his helmet. On Boule pedestal inlaid with tortoise-shell and brass. Height, 17 inches. ee See ne ee ee Sixth Session, Wednesday Evening 1257—Pair or Otp FrRENcH CANDELABRA . Empire period. Figures of classically draped females of Caryatid char- acter supporting a triple branch candelabra. On square pedestals. Height, 201, inches. 1258—SIxTEENTH CeEnTuRY Iratian Bronze Group Atelier of John of Bologna. After the celebrated Vatican group of the Laocoon. On rectangular molded base. Height, 17 inches; length, 111% inches. 1259—Pair OF SEVENTEENTH CENTURY Bronze Pricket CANDLESTICKS Twisted stems with pointed candle supports. Bases with claw and ball feet and cherubim heads. Height, 17 inches. 1260—SEVENTEENTH CentTuRY Irattan Bronze Door KNnocKker In a design of a female Term without arms resting on a bearded mask which is supported by two dolphins with floriated tails. Height, 16 inches. 1261—TIwo Irauian Bronze STATUETTES Figures of “Wrestlers.” Signed Chiurazzi. 1262-—Eicureentu Century Frencu Bronze anp Sirver STarvuerres Figure, in gilt bronze, of Virtue as a winged woman in Roman armor standing upon a recumbent figure of Vice with helmet plumes, helmet, baldric, sword and shield in silver. Base of flame forms in gilt bronze. On a shaped ebony pedestal with four gilt bronze mask feet. Height, 22 inches. 1263—Pair or EicorrentH Century Eneuisn Ficures Of lead painted Egyptian Caryatid Pilasters whose upper portions are shaped as Egyptian Sphinxes with folded arms and lower portions as rectangular sloping pedestals with pseudo-hieroglyphics. Height, 2 feet 10 inches. 1264—Parr or EicuteentuH Century Girt Bronze Fire Docs Formed as the figures of a man in eighteenth century costume drinking, and of a seated lady. On rococo scroll bases. Height, 12% inches. Sixth Session, Wednesday Evening AN UNUSUAL COLLECTION OF OLD CLOCKS, INCLUDING EARLY LANTERN CLOCKS AND EIGHTEENTH CENTURY TALL CLOCKS IN LACQUER AND MAHOGANY CASES 1265—Oup Frencu CiLock Directoire period. Drum shaped case of ormolu supported by two obelisk columns of marble with applied ornamentations of ormolu, and surmounted by a marble and ormolu pineapple finial. On rectangular black marble base with four ormolu feet. White enamel dial with maker’s name obliterated. Height, 15 inches. 1266—SEVENTEENTH CENTURY ENGLISH LANTERN CLOCK Brass case with arched top of brass, engraved brass “frets” pierced in a design of armorial shields and scrollings, and projecting engraved brass dial with Roman numerals. Signed on the front fret “Thomas Loomes” (London, 1630-1674). Height, 15 inches. 1267—SEVENTEENTH CENTURY EncuisH LANTERN CLOCK Open case with turned brass columns at the angles, arched brass top and projecting dial of engraved brass. Single hand, and Roman nu- merals. Signed in the front, “Cousin, Versailles.” Height, 10% inches. NOTE: This clock is undoubtedly of English manufacture, although signed with the name of a French clock-maker. 1268—SEVENTEENTH CENTURY ENGLISH LANTERN CLOCK Open sides with turned brass columns, brass urn finials and arched top of brass. Projecting dial of engraved brass with single pierced steel hand and Roman numerals. Height, 101%, inches. 1269—EicHTEENTH CENTURY Ene ish Bracket CLock Square arched case of ebonized wood, with oval glass panels and me- dallions of Phoebus masks. White enamel dial, with Arabic numerals. pierced and engraved brass hands. Spandrils of floral sprays in gilt bronze. Above three medallions of Battersea enamel, one painted in a river scene and landscape subject. Bob pendulum movement. Strikes on two bells. Height, 17 inches. se Sivth Session, Wednesday Evening 1270—Oup CuHIPPENDALE Case Carte, CLocK Of the period and in the manner of Chippendale. Mahogany and gilt case, carved in a rococo design of scrollings, acanthus leaves and floral garlands. Painted dial with pierced steel hands. Height, 30 inches. 1271-—EIcHTEENTH CENTURY EncuisH REPEATING CLOCK Square mahogany case with molded base and domed cover. The clock has an engraved brass front plate, having a minute dial and a “Peeping Tom” opening displaying the hours. Affixed to this brass plate is a steel hook on which, at night time, can be suspended a pocket watch, the winding arbor of which is connected to a projecting key in the clock plate. ‘The effect of this is that when the watch is hung up at night it is wound by the clock. The clock repeats the hours and quarters. There is a hinged engraved brass front pierced so as to show the face of the watch. Maker’s name: Thomas Ogden. Halifax, 1729. Height, 121% inches. NOTE: Ogden was a well-known Quaker watch maker of the eighteenth century. In the Parish Church of Halifax there is an entry in the Church Warden’s Accounts under the date of 1725, “Thos. Ogden for mending Chimes 3 shillings.” 1272—SEvENTEENTH CentTuRY Encusn Bracket ALarm Cxiock In ebonized case with domed and molded top and sides with glass panels. Engraved brass face with silver dial rim and single hand. Circular movement with engraved and pierced cock and cut steel pallet plate. Maker’s name “John Snow” (of London). Height, 12% inches. NOTE: This very early movement is especially interesting from the care expended in the decorations of the interior of the movement. “In the Coffee House of Simpson’s ‘Old Choppe House’ is a lantern clock inscribed John Snow, and dated 1630.” Britten, page 748. 1273—Winiiam anp Mary Hanerne Crock Walnut case with molded cornice and arched pediment enclosing a fret work panel, and with a shaped bracket apron. Brass dial rim, and dial plate engraved with tulip flowers and scrolls. Single steel hand. Strikes the hours. Maker’s name engraved on the front: Jacobus Markwick of London. Height, 1534 inches. Siath Session, Wednesday Evening 1274—Louvis QuinzE CLock In Boule case of inlaid and engraved brass and ebony. Decorated in a pattern of rococo scrolls, acanthus leaves and shells, and mounted in wrought and chased ormolu. White enamel dial, with pierced and engraved gilt hands. Boule bracket of inlaid and engraved brass and ebony, on three scroll supports of inlaid ebony, mounted in ormolu. Height, 30 inches. 1275—Oup SHERATON CASE BrAcCKET CLOCK AND BRACKET Of the period and in the manner of Sheraton. Satinwood case mounted with arches of ormolu and with lon-headed ring handles, on four ball feet. Front inlaid with a pattern of interlacements and lines in satin- wood. White enamel dial with steel hands. Molded and fluted bracket set with arched panels of brass-work over red silk. Signed ‘‘Puck- ridge of London.” Height, 251 inches. 1276—SuHERATON Manocany Case Musica Box Case of mahogany inlaid with lines of satinwood and bands of king- wood. Shaped as a bracket clock, with bracket feet. Circular white enamel clock-like dial, having around the rim the names of the o!d English tunes played by the musical box on a chime of bells and a clock-like hand of pierced steel. Maker’s name: “George Brown, Beverley.” Height, 141, inches. 1277—EicnTEentTH Century Eneuish Bracket Crock Mechanical striking clock, in square case with shaped domed top mounted in English ormolu. Dial plate of gilt bronze, pierced and chased in a rococo scroll pattern. On shaped bracket feet. Engraved, bob pendulum movement. Strikes the hours, half hours, and quarters. Maker’s name: “Thomas Martin” (London, 1692). Height, 15%, inches. 1278—SkEVENTEENTH CENTURY ENGLISH CHIMING LANTERN CLOCK Square brass case with arched lantern top, engraved frets pierced in a pattern of bold scrollings, angle supports of turned brass columns, turned finials and four ball feet. Silver dial with Roman numerals and one pierced steel hand. Chimes upon seven bells with a separate large bell for striking. Height, 14 inches, NOTE: This is one of the two or three known examples of an English lantern clock with chimes. Se ee ee ree Sixth Session, Wednesday Evening No. 1289 ) No. 1279 1279—E1cHTEENTH CENTURY ENcuIisH Lacauer Bracket CLocK Chiming clock in arched case, with shaped cupola top and turned brass finials and brass swing handles on heavily molded base. Decorated with a Chinoiserie design, in English lacquer, of floral medallions and shaped panels of flowers and scrolls on a diapered ground and with sunken panels of raised acanthus leaf scrollings painted and gilded. The dial is of brass with applied spandrel ornamentations of pierced and chased brass, silver dial rims, and pierced steel hands. Signed at the bottom and in the front “‘William Tomlinson of London.”? Chimes the hours and quarters on six bells and strikes on a separate bell. Height, 27 inches. NOTE: W. Tomlinson, who became a member of the Clock Makers’’ Union in 1699, was noted, according to Britten, for his lacquer clock cases. Sixth Session, Wednesday Evening 1280—E1cHTEENTH CENTURY ENGLIsH Bracket CLock In black case inlaid with bandings of brass, with stepped top, molded brass base and brass ball feet. Pierced scale patterned panels of brass at the sides and shell ring handles. White enamel dial with pierced brass hands. Made by James McCabe (London, 1778-1786). Height, 17 inches. 4 1281— EIcHTEENTH CENTURY BRACKET CLOCK English musical and chiming clock, in square ebonized case, with molded and domed top, mounted, in chased ormolu, with female Terms and floral pendants at the angles, side panels of an arabesque pattern in pierced ormolu over red silk, and vase and flame finial. The case is of ebony flanked by openwork scrollings of ormolu. Silver dial plate with Roman numerals, and two small dials, one giving the names of the airs played and the other controlling the striking movement. Pierced - steel hands. Maker’s name, ‘“‘“George Margettes, London” (1779-1799). Height, 26 inches. 1282—Oup Frencu Bracket Ciock anp BRACKET Gilt case of wood carved in a Louis Seize design of scrollings, acanthus leaves and laurel-leaf festoons, surmounted by a classic urn with festoons of drapery. Bracket carved with ram’s head and acanthus leaves. White enamel dial and pierced steel hands. Height, 49 inches. 1283—EIcHTEENTH CENTURY ENncLIsH Bracket CLock Mechanical, musical and chiming clock of mahogany. Arched top case with fluted Ionic columns at the angles having gilt bronze capitals and bases. Brass swing handles with escutcheons of pierced brass. Re- volves on a mahogany base. Dial with raised, pierced and chased orna- mentation and spandrels of gilt bronze. Above is an arched opening occupied by a revolving painting of the Sun. Chain driven movement, chiming the hours and quarters and playing seven airs on twelve bells. Height, 30 inches. 1284—EicHTEENTH CrentTurY Ene ish Bracket CiLock In ebony case mounted in ormolu, and with bands of pierced ormolu on a red paper ground. Shaped domed top with looped carrying handle. White enamel dial surrounded by a design in ormolu surmounted by a painted panel of a river scene with children. Brass hands. Strikes the hours, half hours and quarters upon twelve bells. Height, 26 inches. Sixth Session, W ednesday Evening 1285—Louis Quinze Bracker Crock Shaped Boule case of inlaid and engraved brass and ebony with rococo mountings of ormolu. Supported by four scrolled and acanthus feet of ormolu on which are ormolu figures of seated Cupids. The case is surmounted by a figure of a Roman warrior with his hand upon a shield bearing the insignia of the Order of the Golden Fleece. The dial is of chased and pierced ormolu with numeral panels of white enamels having two sets of numbers. Pierced steel hands. Maker’s name: “Gille Ainé a Paris.” Leight, 45 inches. (Illustrated) 1286—Lovis QuinzeE Bracket Crock AnD BRACKET Shaped and painted case of ebonized wood, with rococo mountings of pierced and chased ormolu. White enamel dial, with radiating panels occupied with two sets of numbers. Pierced and engraved hands. Shaped bracket, decorated with paintings of floral spray in gold on a black ground, and with elaborate scrollings of pierced and chased ormolu. Maker’s name: “Cabot Le Jeune a Paris.”’ Height, 53 inches. 1287—HEIcHTEENTH CrentTURY ENncuisH Hanerne Ciock Mahogany carved and molded case, with fret-work panels. White enamel dial, with painted Roman numerals. Pierced steel hands. Crown escapement movement, presenting some unusual features. Striking hours and quarters. Maker’s name: “Alexander Cummings, London.” Height, 23 inches. NOTE: Alexander Cummings was the author of a treatise on clock work published 1766, and made a celebrated clock for George III, receiving a salary of £200 a year for look- ing after it. 1288—“Honrst” Grorcr GrAHAm’s Famous OrrerRy Cock Ebony case of upright octagonal design with molded cornice, base and feet. In front is a panel giving access to a dial plate of chased and engraved brass with a circular silver dial rim. Above is a brass plate engraved George Graham. The dial shows two circles of figures run- ning from 1-12 inclusive, the figure twelve in both cases being in Roman the other figures in Arabic characters. The flat top has a silvered cir- cular band engraved with the signs of the Zodiac, the days of the Sixth Session, Wednesday Evening month and the numbers 1-31 inclusive. In the center of this, on a small steel rod, is a silvered globe engraved to represent the terrestrial sphere, while from the silvered rim projects a globe representing the Moon. From the center of the top itself projects an ormolu sphere representing the Sun with a pointer directed towards the Earth. When the clock is in motion the Earth revolves on its own axis and also around the Sun, while the Moon revolves on its own axis and passes around the Earth. In other words, the Orrery represents, with approximate exactness, the movements of the Earth around the Sun and of the Moon around the Earth. In a walnut carrying case with brass han- dles. NOTE: “Honest” George Graham, one of the most celebrated of seventeenth century English watchmakers and buried under the same tombstone as his great contemporary, Tompion, devoted the later years of his life to the perfection of this Orrery Clock. By it he hoped to attain everlasting fame but, though its tradition was always preserved, the clock for many years seems to have disappeared. Only comparatively recently did it come to light again and find its way into the possession of its present owner. (Illustrated) 1289—SEVENTEENTH CENTURY IvorY AND Ormotu MountTep BAROMETER Formed as a classical column with spirally fluted shaft and molded bands of chased gilt bronze, on an oblong pedestal and molded base inlaid with lines of ebony. This column supports an oblong silvered and engraved thermometer plate in which are engraved, in French, the barometrical stages. This plate is enclosed in a rectangular case of brass with a flat chased diaper pattern plated with silver, surmounted by an arched panel occupied with the royal monogram of two L’s sur- mounted by a crown and flanked by two turned finials of gilt bronze. Below is a tablet of engraved gilt bronze inscribed “Barométre Portatif par S Mancel, Rotterdam.” The surface of the gilt bronze has been almost entirely covered by a mercury amalgam caused by the acci- dental breakage of the barometer tube. Height, 354%, inches. NOTE: Daniel Quare was one of the best clock-makers of the seventeenth century who patented a “portable” barometer. This barometer, in the details of its case and in every other respect, resembles the one made by Quare and illustrated by Britten on page 298. It is probable that this was ordered from the Dutch instrument maker whose name it bears by Louis XIV, purchased by the latter from Quare and engraved by him with his own name. (Illustrated) oo a - & Oe | neg 288 No. 1 Sixth Session, Wednesday Evening 1290—-OLp SHERATON SATINWOOD BAROMETER Banjo case of satinwood inlaid with lines of ebony. Broken scroll pediment with urn of turned ivory. Silvered barometer dial and ther- mometer plate. Made by Rubergall of London. Length, 36 inches. 1291—Oup SHERATON CLock BAROMETER Mahogany banjo case inlaid with lines of ebony and boxwood. Sil- vered dial with white enamel clock face and silver thermometer plate with Fahrenheit scale. Maker, “Huntley, London.” Length, 41 inches. 1292—-Outp SHERATON BAROMETER Satinwood case of banjo shape with inlaid edgings of ebony. Broken molded pediment. Silvered and engraved barometer dial and _ ther- mometer plate. Maker, ““Monti Moina, London.” Length, 42 inches. 1293—Oxup EnciisH Crock BAROMETER Mahogany case inlaid with lines of satinwood, kingwood and ebony. Broken scroll pediment. Silvered barometer dial and thermometer plate with white enamel clock face. Maker, ‘“‘Lionel Somalvico, Lon- don.” Length, 42 inches. 1294—Oxup EncuisH BAROMETER Mahogany banjo case with inlaid lines of satinwood and with broken scroll pediment. Silvered barometer dial and thermometer plate. Maker, “Smyth, London.” Length, 47 inches. 1295—EIGHTEENTH CENTURY ScotcH CLOcKk BAROMETER Mahogany banjo case inlaid with lines of ebony. Broken voluted pedi- ment. Silvered barometer dial and thermometer plate and white enamel clock face. Maker, “C. Gallie, Edinburgh.” Length, 49 inches, Sivth Session, Wednesday Evening 1296—E1cHTEENTH CENTURY DutrcH BAROMETER In oblong mahogany case with molded rectangular base, molded pedi- ment and fluted urn finial, decorated with carved festoons of leaves and drapery. Silver record plate engraved with two classical urns with a pierced and engraved ornamentation at the bottom and with oval classical portrait medallions draped with leaves. Maker, “G. Lurasco of Amsterdam.” Height, 46 inches, 1297—EIcuHTEENTH CENTURY EneuisH Miniature Tari Crock Mahogany case. Hood with arched top flanked by turned mahogany columns, pendulum case with paneled door, and square base. Silvered dial with Roman numerals. Engraved with maker’s name, “Rbt. Wil- kins of London. 1750.” In absolutely original condition. Height, 40 inches. (Illustrated) 1298—QurEen AnnE Watnvur Tari Crock In walnut case. Rectangular hood with straight cornice and turned Egyptian columns at the angles. Pendulum case having hinged door with oval glazed aperture. Silvered dial rims, ‘‘Peeping Tom” aperture for the days of the month, and with separate small dial rim of gilt bronze. Engraved tudor-rose medallion in the center and applied pierced and raised spandrel ornamentations. Strikes the hours. Dial plate engraved at the bottom with the maker’s name, “James Wightman of London” (1663 onward). Height, 73 inches, 1299—EicuHTEentH Century Oup Eneuisuy Laceurr Tati Crock Musical, chiming and striking clock. Decorated in English lacquer with raised Chinese figure subjects, diapers, scrolls and floral sprays. Broken pedimented hood with a cornice, Ionic columns at the angles, and three turned gilt finials. Silvered dial rims, and dial plate enriched with pierced and chased spandrel ornamentation of gilt bronze. Above is a silvered rim engraved with the names of old English tunes, and below a silvered panel engraved in script “Apranamms Pertinor, Lon- pin. Fecir. Mayo, Anno Domini mMpcexxxiv.” Strikes the hours and quarters and plays chimes and airs. Height, 89 inches. Sivth Session, Wednesday Evenng 1300—OxLp Queen ANNE Maraquetry Tati Crock In walnut case with square hood with straight cornice and columns at the angles. The pendulum case and hood inlaid with a character- istic Queen Anne marquetry pattern of flowers and birds in light woods on a dark ground. Silvered dial rim with dial plate of gilt bronze enriched by gilt and chased bronze spandrel ornamentations. Door with circular glazed aperture. Strikes the hours. | Height, 83 inches. 1301—EI1c¢HTEENTH CENTURY ENcLish LacauErEep Tatu Ciock Hood with broken pedimented top and frieze of applied gilt fret-work. Pendulum case door decorated in English gold and silver lacquer, a subject of Chinese figures and men on horseback; the pedestal base a ee eee eae ee ee ee with a Chinese figure subject surrounded by floral borders. Silvered dial with Roman numerals, and *“‘Peeping Tom” aperture for displaying the days of the month. The dial plate has spandrel ornamentations be of pierced and chased gilt brass. On a silvered rim is engraved the name of the maker, “John Rogers, 1731.” : Height, 88 inches. 1302-—OLp QUEEN ANNE T'ALL Crock Of burr walnut inlaid with lines of ebony and boxwood and with ebony moldings, canopied top with two urns of carved gilt wood, two ebony Ionic columns at the side and a band of applied fret-work cut in a scroll design. Pendulum case has hinged door with a bull’s-eye glazed opening. Silvered dial rims with pierced steel hands and a “Peeping Tom” aperture for displaying the days of the month. The dial case has spandrel ornamentations of Amorini with sceptres. Above is an oval silvered medallion supporting two flying Cupids and engraved with a figure of Time holding a Sickle. Strikes the hours. Height, 96 inches. No. 1297 No. 1304 No. 1303 Sixth Session, W ednesday Evening 1303—Oup QuEEN ANNE LacauER Tatt CiLock Corniced hood surmounted by fret-work panels of Chinese design, with Tonic columns at the angles and supported by pierced, carved and gilt brackets. Pendulum case with hinged door having circular glazed opening. Square pedestal base. Decorated, on a black ground, with raised .gold lacquerings of Chinese figure subjects, pagodas, trees and birds. Two silvered dial-rims with “‘Peeping Tom” aperture for the days of the month. Dial face enriched with pierced and raised spandrel ornamentations in gilt bronze. Pierced steel hands and split second hand. Dial rim engraved “Geo. Tyler, Popehead Alley, London, 1691.” Strikes the hours. Height, 92 inches. (Illustrated) 1804—Onp CHIPPENDALE Manocany Tatu Criock Mahogany case of the period and in the manner of Chippendale. Broken pedimented hood with three fluted urn finials of mahogany and fluted Ionic columns at the angles. Pendulum case with hinged door, having a Gothic arched top. Pedestal base with shaped panel. Dial face painted with subjects of ladies in eighteenth century costume at the angles and with a dial above showing the phases of the Moon. Pierced steel hands with split second hands. Strikes the hours. Painted with maker’s name, “Jno Tootell of Eccles.” Height, 98 inches. (Illustrated) 1305—Oxp Georcian Act oF PARLIAMENT CLOCK Lacquered pendulum trunk with large white painted dial. ‘The case is painted with the maker’s name, “J. Villiscum of London, 1780.” Height, 51 inches. NOTE: These Act of Parliament Clocks were made in 1797 for country inns when Pitt im- posed a tax upon all who carried clocks or watches. 1806—Oxp Gerorcian “AcT OF PARLIAMENT” CLOCK Large black painted dial with Roman numerals in yellow. Pendulum trunk with hinged arched door decorated in English lacquer. Height, 54 inches. (Illustrated) a ae ee Sivth Session, Wednesday Evening No. 1806 No. 1807 1807—OLup Encuisn PreprsraL Ciock Pedestal case with molded and raised panels, gilt acanthus leaf. carv- ings, and molded canopy top. ‘The face has seven silvered dial rims inclosing ormolu medallions of radiating branches of laurel leaf on a granulated ground and surrounded by acanthus scrollings, and cornu- copie in chased ormolu. ‘There are three large dials, one showing the hours, the other the minutes and the third the seconds, and three smaller ones, indicating the airs and the chimes. The names of the month and day appear through a “Peeping Tom” aperture, while above is a painted and silvered half dial showing the phases of the Moon. Compensating balance movement. Originally played airs upon nine- teen bells, but now fitted with a special barrel playing on four bells. Strikes upon a coil. Engraved with maker’s name, Thomas Keegan, Edinburgh, with date April, 1803. Height, 81 inches; width, 28 inches; depth, 21 inches. Sixth Session, Wednesday Hvening 1308—O.Lp SHEraton Manocany Srrikinc Pepestran Hatt Crock Square pedestal with paneled door. The frieze is carved out of the solid in a fret work pattern and with molded panels and with husk pattern pendants. Above is a band of rosetted guilloche pattern. Sloping pendulum case with paneled and glazed doors and molded cornice with rams’ heads from which depend floral festoons. Square hood with canopy top and concave glass clock door. Silvered dial with two sets of numerals and pierced steel hands. Strikes hours and quarters. Height, 9 feet 7 inches; width, 2 feet 6 inches; depth, 2 feet. SEVENTH SESSION THURSDAY AFTERNOON, MARCH 18, 1915 AT THE AMERICAN ART GALLERIES BEGINNING AT 2.00 o’cLocK Which includes Catalogue Nos. 1309 to 1589 RARE OLD ENGLISH, FRENCH AND ITALIAN JEWELRY AND INTERESTING TRINKETS 1809—Pair or Ovp EncuisH, BELT CLAsPs Two panels set in silver, and containing twisted human hair. 1310—Parr or Orv Encuisn Buck es Of wrought steel with silver frameworks mounted in old paste brilhants. 21, by 1% inches. 1311—Oup EncuisH Paste Buckle Of steel, wrought in an open-work pattern, and mounted with old paste brilliants. 23, by 21 wmches. 1312—Pair or Oty Encuisu Buckles Of steel set with large paste brilliants. 1313—Pair or Ourp Encuisn BuckieEs Of wrought steel with a framework of Staffordshire pottery painted with rosettes in blue and red enamel. 1314—Ser or Eicurren Orv Encuisu Paste Buttons Twelve large and six small buttons set with ruby and white cut crystals. In a contemporary, velvet-lined, gold-tooled morocco case. Seventh Session, Thursday Afternoon 1315—EIcHTEENTH CENTURY VINAIGRETTE Oval shaped gold box with pierced inner lid and an outer lid containing a Roman mosaic. In contemporary red morocco case. Length, 14 inches. 1316—Pair oF otp Wepcewoop Gotp Mountep Earrines 1800. Blue and white jasper. Decorated in white on blue with figures. Mark: wEepewoop. ~1817—Patir or otp Wepewoop Earrincs 1800. Blue and white jasper. Decorated in white on blue with figures of “Hope,” “Nymph Sacrificing,” ‘‘Abundantia,” etc. Mounted in gold. 1318—SEVENTEENTH CENTURY SPANISH CROSS Gold and rubies. Cross of gold wrought in a pattern of six shell- shaped medallions, each one of which is set with a table-cut ruby. Length, 2 inches. 1319—Two EicHTeentH Century WaAtTCH-CHARMS AND ONE RiIne Watch-charms of gold, one set with an intaglio engraved gem of the first century B. C.; the other with an intaglio engraved Egyptian cornelian scarab of the third century B. C. The ring, of silver, set with an intaglio engraved sard of the Roman-Augustinian period. 13820—Oup EncusH Memoriat Ringe Gold ring with shuttle-shaped bezel containing painting of two mourners at an altar surrounded by the inscription ‘‘The dear remains will I keep sacred.” 1321—Oup Eneutsu RiIne Gold, octagonal bezel, containing a drawing in sepia of a girl holding her pet lamb. 13822—Oxup EneuisH Goup Rine Set with a table-cut emerald surrounded by diamond chips and mounted in silver. Seventh Session, Thursday Afternoon 1823—Oup EncuisH Goup Rina With oval bezel set with an intaglio engraved armorial crest. 13824—Oup Eneuish Memoria Rine Of gold, the bezel containing a miniature sepia painting of a figure seated by a memorial urn. Engraved “Thos. Andrews. 13th. July 1794. tat 5 yrs.” 1825—Oup Enewuish Memoriat Rine Shuttle-shaped bezel enclosing a human eye worked in embroidery of colored silks. Engraved “John Burgoyne. Obd 6th. Dec. 1787.” 13826—FIFTEENTH CENTURY GERMAN ECCLESIASTICAL RING Of silver, mounted with an oval medallion of ivory carved with the head of the Saviour. 13827— EIGHTEENTH CEnTURY EncuisH LOCKET Heart-shaped, having on the one side a design of a tree worked in human hair, and upon the other twelve monograms, each containing the initial “K.” Mounted in gold. 1328—Oup Encuish WatcH CHARM Of blue enamel, mounted in gold. 13829—Turee EicureentH Century Enerish Watcu Cuan APPENDAGES Of vari-colored agate and rock crystal, in chased gold mounts. 1330—Oxp Encusn WatcH CHARM Of cut steel with intaglio engraved armorial bearings. 1331—SrvenTEeentH Century EnciisH Commemorative MEDALLION Silver gilt. Oval shape. On the obverse side the head of Charles I, “King of Great Britain & Ireland,” and on the reverse the Arms of the United Kingdom. 1%, inches. NOTE: These medallions were struck for the Royalist party to commemorate the death of Charles I. Seventh Session, Thursday Afternoon 1332—Turee SEVENTEENTH CENTURY FRENCH MEDALLIONS Rectangular shaped, surrounded by elaborate frames of gold wire work and colored enamels, and containing miniature paintings on glass of devotional subjects. 1333—SIXTEENTH CENTURY FRENCH DovuBLE POMANDER Formed as two minature gourds on twisted stems with leaves. Each is in two sections united by a screw. For the reception of perfumeg. 13934— SIXTEENTH CENTURY FLemisH EccLesiasticaL PENDANT ; Of silver and bottle shaped. Engraved with the figure of the Virgin, a pattern of scroll work and an escutcheon with the initials “S. W.” Formed in two portions united by a screw and containing small glass flagon for the reception of Holy Water. 13835—SIxXTEENTH CENTURY POMANDER Of silver. Formed as a bottle-shaped vase, elaborately engraved with an allover design of acanthus scrolls. Formed in four parts united by a screw. For the reception of perfumes. 13836—FIrTEENTH CENTURY SPANISH RELIQUARY CROSS Of cut rock crystal set in filigree silver. Height, 2% inches. 1337—EIGHTEENTH CENTURY ScENT FLACON Of silver gilt. Bottle shaped and decorated with a pattern of rococo scrolls and shells. The rectangular base forms a seal. Length, 334 inches. 1338—Earzty SIxTEENTH CENTURY ENAMEL PANEL Pear shaped with a design of blue, white and green champlevé enamel. Set with three table cut rubies and a table cut emerald. Height, 2 inches. Tee ee Er >) te Sa Seventh Session, Thursday Afternoon 1339—Oup EncusH Fos CHAIN Of cut steel (probably the work of Boulton & Watts, circa 1780). Hay- ing three pendants ornamented with hanging drops of cut steel. : Length, 9 inches. 1340—SIxTEENTH CENTURY SPANISH CHARM Of silver gilt. Ornamented with the figure of the Virgin and Child, cherubim and scroll work. Cylindrical stem and square base. Length, 4 inches. 1341—Ser OF SIXTEENTH CENTURY SPANISH ECCLESIASTICAL JEWELRY Large oval medallion, small circular medallion and chain. Of gold filigree work set with quatrefoils, marguerites and pear-shaped orna- mentations of white champlevé enamel having a dotted pattern of dark purple and blue and imitation turquoises of blue enamel. The large oval medallion is framed in gold and contains a miniature of Saint James presenting the Infant Christ before the Virgin Mary, painted in gold and gouache on vellum. The other medallion contains an engraving of a female Saint holding a palm branch. 4 pieces. (Illustrated) 13842—CinevuECcCENTO ITALIAN GoLpD “J EWEL’’ Sixteenth century. Pear-shaped pendant of gold molded and chased in the form of the Virgin, crowned, seated amid clouds and holding on her right arm the Infant Christ. Decorated with colored enamels and with a pendant formed of an Oriental pearl. 13843—Ser or Ovp EncuisH SEED-PEARL JEWELRY | The set consists of a necklace, two bracelets, two brooches and two hairpins. Of seed-pearls in a design of vine leaves and bunches of grapes; with gold clasps. Ina contemporary velvet-lined morocco leather case. Seventh Session, Thursday Afternoon No. 1400 No. 1895 No. 1344 13844—CinevEecento Irauian NECKLACE AND PENDANT Of gold pearls and emeralds. ‘The necklace is formed of gold links, enameled in colors, alternating with clusters of seed pearls. The pen- dant, of floral design, is of gold enameled in colors, set with pearls and cabochon cut emeralds. Seventh Session, Thursday Afternoon LOUIS SEIZE NEEDLE-CASES OF VERNIS MARTIN 13845—O.p FrencuH NEEDLE-cASE AND PEN Box The needle-case of eighteenth century bead work, decorated with floral sprays on a ruby-colored ground. ‘The circular-shaped pen box of tortoise-shell with ruby beads, and semée with white and blue beads, and with a lid of ruby, blue, yellow and white beads with the inscription ‘Ne m’oubliez pas” (Do not forget me). Length, 21, inches. (Illustrated) 1346—OLp FrencH NEEDLE CAsE Cylindrical shaped, painted in ‘“‘Vernis Martin” with subjects of birds and flowers. Length, 31 inches. (Illustrated) 13847—Ouxp Frencn NEEDLE CASE Cylindrical shaped and gold mounted, painted in the Watteau manner with figure subjects. | : Length, 41%, inches. (Illustrated) 13848—Oup EncuisH NEEDLE CasE Gold mounted and decorated in “Vernis Martin” with subjects of sport- ing dogs and wild ducks. Length, 31% inches. (Illustrated) 1349-015 Frencu NEEDLE Cask Painted in ‘“‘Vernis Martin,” with a checkered pattern of black and gold. Gold mounted and tortoise-shell lined. Length, 41% inches. (Illustrated) 1350—OLp Frencu NEEDLE Case Painted in “Vernis Martin” on an apple-green ground with conventional floral sprays. Length, 4 inches. (Illustrated) No. 1845 1346 oO N No. 1347 No. 1348 1349 No. . 1351 No Seventh Session, Thursday Afternoon as 1351—Oup FrencH NEEDLE CasE | Of dark green lacquer, decorated with bands of gilt and white dots. Length, 5 inches. (Illustrated) 1852—Oup FrencH Ivory NEEDLE CasE Cylindrical shaped and decorated, in alternating spiral panels, with dolphins, sea-shells, cornucopie and a seated figure. Mounted in silver. Length, 414, inches. (Illustrated) 1853—Oup Frencu NEEDLE CASE Painted in “Vernis Martin” with an allover pattern of dots and leaf forms. Length, 6 inches. (Illustrated) 13854—Oxtp Frencu NEEDLE CASE Cylindrical shaped. Painted in ‘“Vernis Martin” with a pattern of flowers, insects, birds and musical trophies. Length, 5 inches. (Illustrated) 1355—Oup FrencoH NEEDLE CASE Cylindrical shaped and painted in “Vernis Martin” with subjects of Sporting Dogs and Wild Geese. Length, 51 inches. (Illustrated) 13856—OLup Frencn NEEDLE CASE Cylindrical shaped. Of rose du Barry lacquer, ornamented with a pat- tern of diapering and gilt dots. : Length, 614 inches. (Illustrated) No. 1352 1353 No. 1357 O N No. 1855 1356 oO. N No. 13854 Seventh Session, Thursday Afternoon 13857—Oup FrencH NEEDLE CASE Cylindrical shaped. Of white lacquer ornamented with a pattern of diapering and gilt dots. (Illustrated) Length, 51 inches. 1358—SEVENTEENTH CENTURY "TORTOISE-SHELL MINIATURE CASE Oval shaped with gauffered edges and mounted in silver. Size, 234 inches. 1359—OLp Encuisn Pocxet Macniryine Guass Eighteenth century. Oval shaped. Of tortoise-shell mounted in ioe 3, inches. 1360—O.Lp EnctiisH PENDANT Cut and pierced steel, frame enclosing an oval Battersea enamel. 21/4, inches. XVII AND XVIII CENTURY ENGLISH AND FRENCH MINIATURES AND GOLD-MOUNTED SNUFF-BOXES 1361—SEVENTEENTH CENTURY EnGLIsH MINIATURE Style of Isaac Oliver. Painted in oil on copper with the bust gue of a Divine in black robe and starched bands. Height, 2 inches. (Illustrated) 1362—SEVENTEENTH CENTURY ENnNcusH MINIATURE School of Nicholas Hilliard. Painted in oil on copper. Portrait of Queen Elizabeth facing the spectator with large ruff; rose colored background. (Illustrated) Height, 23/, inches. 1363—SIXTEENTH CENTURY ENcGLisH MINIATURE Attributed to Hoskins. Oval shape, painted in oil on copper. Por- trait of a middle aged man, with dark hair and moustache, in a black velvet costume with falling linen collar. Height, 24, inches. (Illustrated ) aL a on te ad No. 1363 No. 1362 No. 1361 No. 1369 No. 1365 No. 1370 No. 1867 No. 1868 No. 1366 No. 1364 Seventh Session, Thursday Afternoon 13864—SEvVENTEENTH CenTURY ENcGiisH MINIATURE Attributed to Isaac Oliver. Painted in oil on copper. Portrait of a young man with black hair and a moustache in velvet costume with lace collar. Height, 21, inches. (Illustrated ) 1365—SEVENTEENTH CENTURY ENGLISH MINIATURE School of J. Hoskins. Painted in oil on copper. Portrait of elderly woman with red robe and lace chemisette. Height, 3%, inches. (Illustrated ) 1366—SEVENTEENTH CENTURY ENGLISH MINIATURE Portrait of a monk against a green background. On the reverse is a painting of an open Bible, with the initials B. I. B. Height, 21 inches. (Illustrated ) 13867—SEVENTEENTH CENTURY MINIATURE Painted in oil on copper with a portrait of a man, facing the spectator, with long curling hair, dark brown jerkin and lace cravat. Height, 27% inches. (Illustrated ) 1368—SEVENTEENTH CEenTURY ENcLIsH MINIATURE Painted in oil on copper with the portrait, three-quarter length, of a child with fair curling hair, lace cap and light green dress. | Height, 27, inches. (Illustrated ) Seventh Session, Thursday Afternoon 1369—SEVENTEENTH CenTURY EncuisH MINIATURE Attributed to Samuel Cooper. Painted in oil on copper with a portrait of a young man in lace jabot. Height, 23/, inches. (Illustrated ) 1370—SEVENTEENTH CENTURY EncusH MINIATURE Attributed to Samuel Cooper. Painted in oil on copper. Portrait of Charles II. Three-quarter view facing the spectator with a dark green velvet, gold embroidered vest, falling lace cravat and brown coat. Height, 3 inches. (Illustrated ) 1371—SEVENTEENTH |CENTURY ENGuIsH MINIATURE Painted in oil-on copper. Portrait of a young woman with lace mantilla-like head dress, against a dark background. Height, 31%, inches. 13872—SEVENTEENTH CENTURY DutTcH MINIATURE Painted in oil on copper. Portrait of a young woman with black coiffed cap and white lawn collar against a red background. Com- position frame. Height, 21% inches. 1373—SEVENTEENTH CENTURY MINIATURE Painted in oil on copper. Portrait of a young man with dark curling hair against a green background. Much defaced. In contemporary chased ormolu frame with figures of flying angels carrying a crown; scrolled border. Height, 2% inches. (Illustrated) 1374—SEVENTEENTH CENTURY MINIATURE Oval shape. Painted in oil on lapis-lazuli. Figure of Minerva in armor standing on a battlefield. In contemporary frame of gilt wood. Height, 31% inches. Seventh Session, Thursday Afternoon No. 1376 No. 1873 No. 1875 1875—SEVENTEENTH CENTURY MINIATURE Painted in oil on copper. Portrait of a middle aged man with long hair and deep lace collar. In a contemporary ormolu frame with figures of flying angels carrying a crown. Height, 21% inches. 1376—SEVENTEENTH CENTURY MINIATURE Painted in oil on copper. Portrait of a young woman facing the spectator, with crimson colored bodice and lace chemisette. Height, 24, inches. wx 13877—Ser or EveveN SEVENTEENTH CEenTURY GERMAN ENAMEL PLAQUES Oval and quatrefoil shaped plaques painted in colored enamel with religious subjects, including the Virgin and Child enthroned on clouds, and the Four Evangelists. Arranged in a gilt and carved black wood frame. (One enamel faulty.) Seventh Session, Thursday Afternoon 1378—SEVENTEENTH CENTURY GERMAN ENAMEL PAINTING Orpheus seated in a rocky landscape through which meanders a stream. In the background Pegasus with Cupids escorting a concert party of female musicians. In ebonized pear wood frame. Height, 61% inches; width, 514 inches. 13879—SIXTEENTH CENTURY PaINTING Of the late Byzantine School. Oval shape, of copper, painted on both sides, with gold backgrounds. Portraits of Saints and Church Digni- taries with halos, bearing inscription in Greek characters against gold background. Height, 51 inches. Seventh Session, Thursday Afternoon 1880—SrEVENTEENTH CENTURY ENAMEL PAINTING Oval shape. Figure of a Saint in nun’s garb standing before a table with her hands clasped. In a contemporary metal frame with scroll work ornamentation. Signed at back I. I. Height, 3% inches. 1381—EIcHTEENTH CEenTURY FRENCH MINIATURE Enamel on copper. Portrait of a young woman in eighteenth century costume. In old repoussé cartouche-shaped silver frame. From the Fitz-Henry Collection. 1382—Oxup Frencu Miniature anp Dutcu Iniay Pane One a symbolic painting, in oil on copper, of the Infant Christ em- bosomed in a rose with a contemporary pear wood and ormolu frame. The other a panel of tortoise-shell inlaid with mother of pearl with a Dutch Féte by the side of a canal bordered with Dutch houses. Height of miniature, 21%, inches; height of panel, 4 inches. -13883—SEVENTEENTH CENTURY SpPANIsH MINIATURE Painted in oil on copper. Portrait of a middle aged man facing the spectator. In dark colored jerkin with upstanding lace collar and holding a Bible in his right hand. Ormolu frame. Height, 3 inches. 1384— SEVENTEENTH CENTURY MINIATURE Painted in oil on copper. Portrait of a middle aged man with long dark curling hair and light moustache, in a dark jerkin with the blue ribbon of an Order and large falling lace collar. Ormolu frame. | Height, 3 inches. 13885—EIcGHTEENTH CENTURY GERMAN MINIATURE Painted in oils on copper. Bust portrait of a soldier in armor. Height, 734, inches. 1386—Pair or Earty SEVENTEENTH CentTuRY MINIATURES Painted in gouache on copper. Oval panels containing portraits of Saints in attitudes of prayer, with rose colored backgrounds painted in a design of conventional foliage in white and blue. Escutcheons of gold painted with cherubim and a roundel of blue with the sacred monogram in gold. Height, 31/, inches. a _ Seventh Session, Thursday Afternoon 13887—SIXTEENTH CENTURY SPANISH PAINTING ON VELLUM School of Murillo. Painted on vellum in water-color. Saint Carlo Borromeo with the Infant Christ in the desert attended by cherubim. In silver gilt frame with elaborate repoussé scrolled decoration. | Height, 51% inches; width, 334 inches. 1388—O.p EncuisH SILHOUETTE Portrait of a gentleman with falling hair and lace cravat. 1389—Oup EnciisH SILHOUETTE ON GLASS Portrait of an officer in a red coat. In contemporary ebony and ormolu frame. No. 1401 No. 1398 No. 1390 EIGHTEENTH CENTURY ENncuisH MINIATURE By John Smart. Oval portrait of a young lady in delicate rose colored costume with dark brown hair falling over her shoulders in ringlets. Signed 8S. 777. In contemporary gold frame, 1390 Height, 134 inches. 1391—SeEvENTEENTH CENTURY EncuisH MINIATURE Painted in oil on silver. Portrait in three-quarter profile of Sir Samuel Garth, the celebrated Georgian physician and friend of Addison and Pope. In contemporary gold frame. Height, 1% inches. Seventh Session, Thursday Afternoon 13892—E1cHTEENTH CENTURY EncLisH MINIATURE Painted on ivory. Portrait of young .girl with fair hair and blue bodice trimmed with crimson. Dated 1772. In ormolu frame formed as a locket, the back engraved with a Phoenix in flames. Height, 2%, inches. 13893—SrIxTEENTH CenTuRY Iratian DevotionaL LOCKET Oval shape. Painted in water-colors on vellum. On one side the Presentation in the Temple, on the other a female Saint. In a con- temporary frame of rock crystal and gold. Height, 134 inches. 1394-—SEVENTEENTH CEenTURY ENciisH MINIATURE Attributed to Samuel Cooper. Painted in oil on copper. Portrait of a young man with fair curly hair in three-quarter profile. Framed in ormolu. | Height, 2% inches. 1395—SEVENTEENTH CENTURY MINIATURE Painted in gouache on vellum. Portrait of a middle aged man in a red robe with falling lace Steenkirk cravat and blue bow. In a contempo- rary frame, engraved on back J. R. & W. H. Height, 21%, inches. (Illustrated ) 13896—Ei1cHTEENTH CENTURY ENGLISH MINIATURE Attributed to Angelica Kaufmann. Painted in water-color on paper. Shepherdess with her sheep at the gate of a sheep fold. 13897— EIGHTEENTH CENTURY FRENCH ENAMEL MINIATURE Painted in enamel on copper. Portrait of a young woman in eighteenth century costume with curling hair and a necklace of pearls. In a gold frame with an inscription on the back attributing the miniature to M. Vincent. Dated 1769. Height, 21/, inches. 1398—Eicureenta Century Enerish Miniature Painted on ivory. Portrait of a lady in a veil holding her child in her arms. In contemporary gold frame set with half pearls. (Illustrated ) Height, 2% inches. m 15 i es line = 1 See 2S Ss “wes Ss Seventh Session, Thursday Afternoon 13899—EicuTeEENTH CEenTuRY Miniature By C. F. Zincke. Painted in enamel on copper. Full face portrait of Col. Thomas Thornton in green coat and periwig. Mounted as a locket in gold with the Paris touch and encircled by marquisites. Height, 1%, inches. 1400—Eariy EicnTreentH Century MINIATURE Painted in oil on copper. Portrait of a divine in black robes with starched bands. Mounted as a buckle surrounded by a border of paste brilliants. From the Dreyfuss Collection. (Tusirated) Height, 15% inches. 1401—EIcHTEENTH CENTURY FRENCH MINIATURE Painted on ivory. Portrait of a young woman facing the spectator with her hair drawn over cushion, in a blue bodice with a spray of flowers in her corsage. In contemporary gold frame set with diamonds. Height, 15% inches. (Illustrated ) 1402—E1cenHTEENTH CrentTURY ENcLIisH LOCKET Oval shape. One side contains a painting on ivory of a young woman mourning before a cenotaph of mother-of-pearl and ormolu bearing the inscription “Affection weeps, Heaven rejoices.” The other side contains human hair with the monogram S. W. formed in seed pearls. In contemporary gold frame. Height, 3 inches. 1403—SEVENTEENTH CENTURY FRENCH ENAMEL By J. Mathieu. Rectangular shape. Painted in enamel on copper. A subject of Venus, Cupid and Time. Signed Mathieu. In contem- porary frame of amber. Height, 2% inches; width, 3 inches. 1404—EicuTeentH Century Snurr Box Circular shape. Of yellow tortoise-shell with elaborate chased gold mounts. The lid contains a miniature painting on ivory of The Fortune Teller. Diameter, 214, inches. (Illustrated ) Seventh Session, Thursday Afternoon 1405—EIcHTEENTH CENTURY FRENCH SNuFF Box Of yellow tortoise-shell with heavy gold mounts. Decorated as to the lid with a miniature painting on ivory of a reclining Venus and as to the bottom with the entwined monogram M. A. R. in gold, on a blue silk background. This box is said to have belonged to Marie Antoinette. Diameter, 21% inches. (Illustrated) 1406—EIcHTEENTH CENTURY FRENCH SNuFF Box Of yellow tortoise-shell with gold rims and piqué with gold stars. In the lid is a miniature portrait of a young~girl in white robe and blue sash resting her head upon her hand. | Diameter, 27% inches. (Illustrated ) 1407—EIGHTEENTH CENTURY FRENCH SNuFF Box Of yellow tortoise-shell mounted in gold and decorated, as to the lid, with a miniature painting of “Nymphs Surprised” - in the manner of Fragonard. Diameter, 3 inches. (Illustrated) 1408—EicHTEENTH CENTURY FRENCH SNuFF Box Of enamel, inlaid and mounted with gold. Decorated, as to the lid, with a miniature painting of a pastoral subject in the style of the seventeenth century Flemish school. Diameter, 3 inches. (Illustrated ) 1409—EIcHTEENTH CENTURY ENGLISH SNuFF Box Of Sheffield Plate lined with tortoise-shell. Decorated, as to the lid, with a picture in oil on glass of the Battle of Fontenoy painted in the so-called Pergolesi manner and framed in gold. Diameter, 314 inches. 1410—SEVENTEENTH CENTURY FRENCH Box Oval shape. Of tortoise-shell with molded brass rim and hinged lid. Decorated with a miniature painting in gouache of Venus and Cupid. Length, 33, inches. LOFT “ON FAME Le ae SOFT O N SOFT “ON VOVI “ON 90FT “ON Seventh Session, Thursday Afternoon 1411—THeE CELEBRATED “Ros Roy” Sinver Burtons Eighteen large and seven small plain spherical buttons of silver of seven- teenth century manufacture. NOTE: These buttons were made in the first place for the father of the famous outlaw, McGregor of Glengyle. After his death they were habitually worn by Rob Roy him- self and were finally inherited by his direct descendant, Gregor McGregor of Ard- nadam near Dunoon. He wore them to the day of his death and left them to his life- long friend and cousin John Campbell of Poltalloch, from whose son, Mr. Colin Camp- bell, they were acquired by Mr. Stewart of Rawcliffe, Langside, near Glasgow. From the well-known Rawcliffe Collection they passed into the hands of the present owner. (An interesting M.S., detailing their history, accompanies these buttons.) ~ 1412—SEVENTEENTH CENTURY Roman Mosaic Decorated with the subject of a fox caught in a trap. Concer? ormolu frame, with acanthus leaf ornamentation. In a velvet lined morocco box. Height, 31% inches; width, 234, inches. INTERESTING COLLECTION OF XVIII CENTURY CARVINGS BY J. VOYEZ One of the most picturesque figures of Eighteenth century England, Jean Voyez, the French émigré, is chiefly known to the Collector by some of his admirably modeled potteries, such as e ‘‘ Fair Hebe’’ pitcher and by his lifelong conflict with Josiah Wedgwood. Of late years, however, recognition has been accorded to what are now known to collectors as ‘‘ Voyez’’ carvings. Designed to occupy the lids of boxes and for other decorative purposes, these are the most dainty little modelings imaginable. They are neither in wax nor ivory, but a composition of his own, partaking of the natures of both. It is believed that it was the merit of these carvings that procured for him admission to the Royal Society of Arts of Great Britain. 1418—Oup “Voyrez”’ Locket Oval shape. Containing a carving by Voyez of a Classical altar under an arched canopy. Ormolu frame surrounded by old paste brilliants. 1414—Oup “VoyvxEz’”? MEDALLION Oval shape. The center is occupied by a wax carving by Voyez on a blue tinsel background surrounded by a border of large Poe bril- liants set in silver, Oup “VoyvEz”’ BRACELETS Of knitted brown silk with imitation pearls and clasps containing carv- ings by Voyez mounted on blue tinsel and framed in ormolu. Seventh Session, Thursday Afternoon 1416—Ser or Six Oup “Voyrz” Ivory Burrons Ivory backs and fronts with carvings by Voyez of classical subjects. Mounted on purple tinsel. 1417—Oup “Voyrz” BonBONNIERE , Circular shape with frame and backing of silver, containing a carv- ing by Voyez on a green tinsel background surrounded by a setting of large garnets. Diameter, 21, inches. 1418—Oup Torrolsr-sHett “Vovez’”’ Box Circular shape, with loose lid containing carved medallions by Voyez of a dog bearing a basket of flowers. 1419—Oup Frencu “Voyvez”’ BonBONNIERE Circular shape. Of purple lacquer ornamented with engine turnings, and containing a carving by Voyez on a tinsel background of tortoise- shell pattern. Diameter, 21, inches, 1420—Oup “VoyvsEz”’ TorTorsE-SsHELL Box Circular shape. Lined with tortoise-shell, the lid. containing a carved medallion by Voyez on a background of silver foil of the “Angel of Hope” and the inscription “L’Esperance de L’Amour.” 1421—O.p “Voyrrz” TorrToisE-sHELL Box Circular shape. Lined with tortoise-shell, and containing a carving by Voyez of Cupid holding up a heart to a dog. 1422—Oxnp “Voyrez” Ivory, Torroisre-sHELL AND Gotp Box Circular shape. Mounted in gold with loose lid. Contains a carving by Voyez of a full rigged ship on a blue tinsel background. Diameter, 3 inches. 1423—Op “Voyrz” Torrolse-sHELL Box Circular shape. With loose lid containing a carved medallion by Voyez of Andromache weeping over the ashes of Hector. Diameter, 224 inches. 3 4 Seventh Session, Thursday Afternoon 1424—OLtp Frencn LACQUER AND TORTOISE-SHELL Box Circular shape. Lined with tortoise-shell and with tortoise-shell lid decorated with gold piqué work and with carvings in low relief of two figures, in eighteenth century costume, drawing water from a well. Diameter, 3 inches. 1425—Oup “Voyrrez”’ LaceuER AND T'ORTOISE-SHELL Box Of lacquer with engine turned ornamentation and lined with tortoise- shell. The lid contains a carving by Voyez of a full rigged ship and | lighthouse. 3 Diameter, 3 inches. 1426—Pair oF oLp “VoyEz” Carvep MeEpALiions Carved with subjects of Cupids and Nymphs by Voyez. Framed. Diameter, 2% inches. 1427—Pair oF oLtp “VoyvEz”’ Carvep Wax PAneELs Rectangular shape. Carved in relief by Voyez with subjects of sea ports and figures. Height, 3 inches; width, 334 inches. 1428—Louis Srize Cornevian NEEDLE Case Cylindrical shape with chased gold mountings. 1429—Oxp Frencu Ivory Parason HAanpLe Of carved ivory. : Mounted in pierced gold with a band of white enamel having a scroll pattern in gold. 3 Length, 31, inches. 1430—Lovis Srizz NEEDLE Case Octagonal shaped, of vari-colored gold elaborately chased. Length, 41% inches. 1431—Louvis S£1IzE Ervtr Hinged lid mounted in repoussé and chased gold with clasp formed of a single diamond. Length, 334 inches. Seventh Session, Thursday Afternoon 1432—Louts Seize Snurr Box Rectangular shape: Of gold elaborately engine turned and chased. The ld with an oval panel of a bouquet of flowers set with turquoises and pearls, the under portion containing a musical box playing a selection of tunes. Paris Touch Mark. . Length, 21 inches; width, 13% inches. 1433—SEVENTEENTH CENTURY BAVARIAN RELIQUARY Of silver gilt. Oval shape with hinged lid engraved in a scroll pattern on one side and on the other with the monogram “VY. A.” surmounted by a Coronet. Length, 314, inches. 1434—SEVENTEENTH CENTURY FRENCH POMANDER Box Made in the form of a watch with a silver dial, at the back of which is the “‘pomander” or receptacle for perfumes. The back is engraved with a figure of Cupid. XVHI CENTURY ENGLISH AND FRENCH GOLD AND SILVER WATCHES 1435—Oxup Eneuisu Sitver WarcH In double case. Outer case showing traces of tortoise-shell covering. White enamel dial, with Roman numerals. 1436—OLp Ene ish Wartcu Outside case of tortoise-shell and pinchbeck. The dial of Battersea enamel with painting of ‘““Mercury and Cupid.” 1437—OLtp Eneuisp Watcu Outer case of shagreen piqué with pinchbeck. Inner case of pinchbeck. Made by C. Watts, London. Fob attachment of seal and key in pinchbeck. 1438—Oxp EncuisH Pincuspeck WatTcH With two outer cases and dial with Arabic numerals. Made for the Turkish market by George Prior (1769-1788) of London. Seventh Session, Thursday Afternoon 1439—Oup Encuish WatcH Outer case of tortoise-shell and pinch- beck, inner case of silver. White enamel dial with Roman numerals. Makers, Thos. Tomkin and E. as 1671- 1713, of London. 1440—Ox.p GERMAN SitveR WatcH Outer case of silver and tortoise-shell. Dial of white enamel with Roman nu- merals. 1441—Oxup Enerish Watcu In pierced -case showing remains of shagreen cover. White enamel dial. oe Repeats the hours and quarters. Maker, Joseph Windmills (1671-1702), London. 1442—Oxup Frencu Gotp Warcu Gold engine turned outer case. Engraved gold dial with Roman numerals. Plays musical selections and repeats the hours and quarters. Of early nineteenth century make. 1443—Oxup German WartcH Model of the seventeenth century. Outer case of chased and engraved gold, en- ameled outside with a painting of “Su- sanna and the Elders,” and inside with a subject of a German Village. Engraved silver dial. Made probably in the early eighteenth century, by Karel Pasek. 1444—Lovis Sriz—E Gotp WartcH Engraved gold case set with jargons. Back with an ornamentation of vari-col- ke ored jargons set in silver. Dial sur- No. 1443 . rounded by a ring of jargons. Maker, *T’Epine a Paris.” No. 1446 J No. 1445 No. 1448 Seventh Session, Thursday Afternoon 1445—Louvis Sriz—E Frencu Wartcu Outer case of gold chased and engraved, having a back decoration of jargons and with dial surrounded by a ring of jargons. Makers, J. & M. Vieusseux. | | ) (Illustrated ) 1446—Louvtis Seize Frencn WatcH Outer case of gold chased and engraved, ornamented with a medallion portrait painted in enamels and surrounded by a setting of jargons, as is also the front of the case. Maker, “Berthon a Paris.” (Illustrated) 1447—Lovis Seize Frencuh Watcu . } Outer case of chased and engraved gold. Double dial, one of chased gold and green enamel. Maker, “J. Leroy a Paris.” (Illustrated ) 1448—SIxTEENTH CENTURY ENGLISH WatcH Outer case of gold, silver and brass elaborately pierced, chased and engraved. Dial of gold and black enamel with Arabic numerals. Early works with horse-hair balance. Maker, Abraham Dunan. (Illustrated) 1449—Lovis Seize Frencu Gotp WatcH Outer case of vari-colored gold chased in a design of “Cupids Sacrific- ing.” White enamel dial. Maker, Melli of Paris. (Illustrated ) 1450—Oup Frencn Gotp WatcH Gold and enamel dial in the style of Louis Seize. Roman numerals. Repeats the hours and quarters. 1451—Oxp Frencu Strver Wartcu Outer case of silver engraved and decorated with a portrait painted in enamel and surrounded by a ring of jargons. Maker, Esquivilon & Delhoudens, Paris. (Illustrated) Seventh Session, Thursday Afternoon , 1452—Louis SrizE Goup CHATELAINE AND WatcH Of gold and purple enamel set with pearls. The chatelaine of gold with pearl chain, medallions of translucent purple enamel over engine turned grounds surrounded by half pearls and enamel pendants looped with seed pearls. The gold watch is encircled with large pearls and has a back of translucent purple enamel on an engine turned ground. Shuttle shaped watch key. White dial, gold hands. In contemporary morocco. case. Length, 71/, inches. 1458—Louis Sriz—e Frencu PIncHBeEcK CHATELAINE « 4 a 4 + aad Pierced and chased pinchbeck mounts. with five medallions of enamel paintings on copper of Cupids. Length, 6 inches. x ¥ f g) 7 « row { ~ “ma ] a 1454—OnLp EncuisH Sttver Watcu In three cases. The outer one of engraved silver, the middle one of tortoise-shell with gold piqué decoration and the inner one of engraved silver. White enamel dial with Arabic numerals. Made for the Turkish market by Edward Prior of Lon- No. 1452 don (eighteenth century). BEAUTIFUL OLD BATTERSEA ENAMEL BOXES, VASES AND CANDLESTICKS 1455—Oup BarrerseA ENAMEL NEEDLE CASE Of Battersea enamel, mounted in ormolu and decorated, on a rose du Barry ground with a shaped panel of white reserve occupied by a land- scape painting. Portion missing. Length, 134 inches. 1456—Oxp Bittsron Enamet NEEDLE Case AND Tare MEASURE Decorated on a rose du Barry ground with sprays of flowers modeled in relief and colored. (Illustrated) Length, 4 inches. No. 1462 No. 1457 Seventh Session, Thursday Afternoon 1457—Oup BatrerseA Enamet NEEpie Case Mounted in ormolu. Decorated with panels of paintings of landscapes and ruins and with a dotted pattern in white enamel. Length, 3 inches. (Illustrated) 1458—Oup BatrersteaA ENAMEL NEEDLE CASE Mounted in ormolu. Decorated on a white ground with floral sprays (top missing). | Length, 41, inches. (Illustrated) 1459—Oxp BarrerseA ENAMEL NEEDLE CASE Mounted in ormolu. Decorated, on a white ground, with cartouche shaped panels of landscapes bordered with raised and gilt scrolls. Upper portion with screw top. | Length, 51% inches. (Illustrated ) 1460—Oup BatrersEA ENAMEL NEEDLE CASE Mounted in ormolu. Decorated, on a purple ground, with panels of landscapes, bordered with raised and gilt scrolls. Length, 41, inches. (Illustrated) 1461_—Oup BatrersEA ENAMEL Scent BotTTrLe AND NEEDLE CASE Mounted in ormolu. Decorated, on a turquoise blue ground, with shaped panels of painted landscapes framed in raised and gilt rococo scrolls, and with a diapered pattern in white enamel. Length, 6 inches. (Illustrated ) 1462—Oxup BatrersEA EnAmMeL NEEDLE CASE Mounted in ormolu. Decorated, on a blue ground, with shaped panels of paintings of landscapes and ruins, border in raised and gilt coquilles. Length, 434 inches. (Illustrated) Seventh Session, Thursday’ Afternoon 1463—Oxp BarrerseA ENAMEL BONBONNIERE Shaped as a bird. In yellow ename!, with hinged lid decorated with painted scroll on a white ground. 1464—O.p BarrerseEA ENAMEL BONBONNIERE Mounted in ormolu. Oval shaped with hinged lid. Decorated with a painted portrait of General Elliot (1718-1790. Later created Lord Heathfield). Length, 2 inches. 1465—Oxp BatrersktA Enamet Patcu Box Shuttle shape. Mounted in ormolu. Decorated on a rose du Barry ground, with hinged mirror lid with a painting of a lady seated. 1466—Oxp BatrrerseA Enamet Patcu Box Circular shape with a loose lid. Decorated, on a rose du Barry ground, with the inscription “This is my friend.” 1467—Oup BattrersEA ENAMEL ScENT FLAcon Decorated, on a blue ground, with floral panels and raised scrolls in white. ier: 1468—Onxp BarrersEA ENAMEL BONBONNIERE Mounted in ormolu. Shaped and decorated to imitate a watch, hav- ing a dial in front and a decoration of floral sprays on the back. 1469—Oxtp BatrrersraA ENAMEL Box Mounted in ormolu. Decorated, on a rose du Barry ground, the lid with figure subjects in the Watteau manner and the sides with panels of floral sprays. 1470—Oxp BarrerseaA Enamet Box Mounted in ormolu. Rectangular shape with hinged lid. Decorated on a pale mauve ground, the lid with the subject of ““Nymph Bath- ing,” the sides with landscape subjects, and the interior of lid with a subject of two boys. Mark: A Bee (for Battersea). Length, 24%, inches; width, 134 inches. 4 eres J ) ceo wh pm Soret ' wie ee ee et a rs ip ve ete ee Pek = 9 2b ules Wad = . 5 > ie Aerie hs sae ®, Peis ; ec Te eye ese, Demo eeene + 8 c E 4 hee ee . 5 or ah in . eri _ ee. 2 ad Ge ype. F.= - sb we ’ Seventh Session, Thursday Afternoon 1471—Oup BatrerseA Enamet Box Mounted in ormolu. Rectangular shape with hinged lid. Decorated, on a white ground, the lid with a Watteau subject of two lovers seated, the sides and bottom with sprays of flowers, and the interior of lid with a landscape. (Repaired.) Length, 21%, inches; width, 134 inches. 1472—Oup Barrersea Enamet Box Rectangular shape, with a hinged lid. Mounted in metal, and deco- rated, on a rose du Barry ground, the lid with landscape and figure subjects and the sides with sprays of flowers. Length, 234, inches; width, 21, inches. -1473—Oxp BatrerseaA Enamet Box Mounted in ormolu. -Rectangular shape with hinged lid. Decorated, on a light blue ground, the lid with a panel of a Watteau subject framed in raised scrolls of gold, the sides and bottom with oval and circular panels, framed in scrolls of bianco sopra bianco and occupied with floral sprays. (Illustrated) 1474—Oup BarrerseA ENAMEL Box Mounted in ormolu. Rectangular shape with hinged ld. Decorated, on an apple green ground, the lid with an oval panel of “Cupids Play- ing,” the sides with circular panels of pastoral subjects and with a raised scroll and ribbon pattern in gold. Length, 3 inches; width, 214 inches. (Illustrated ) 1475—Oxup BatrrersEA ENAMEL SNUFF Box Shaped as the hull of an eighteenth century man-of-war and painted in natural colors. Double hinged lid of veined agate. Length, 414 inches. Seventh Session, Thursday Afternoon 1476—Oup BarTersEA ENAMEL SNuFF Box Mounted in ormolu. Rectangular shape. Decorated, on a _ white ground, with floral sprays in bianco sopra bianco, and with paintings of flowers, birds and insects. ; Length, 34%, inches; width, 21% inches. 1477—O.p BarrerseaA ENAMEL SnurrF Box Mounted in ormolu. Decorated on a ground of scale pattern in pink, with panels of white reserve occupied by floral sprays, the interior of lid with a Watteau subject of a rustic dance. Length, 31%, inches; width, 21, inches. (Illustrated ) 1478—Oxp Batrersea Enamet Box Mounted in ormolu. Rectangular shape with hinged lid. Decorated, on a white ground, with a painting in the Watteau manner, of a Guitar Player, and with groups of roses and butterflies. (Repaired. ) % \ Length, 3% inches; width, 21% inches. 1479—Oxp BatrrerseaA ENAMEL Box Mounted in silver. Rectangular shape with hinged lid. Decorated on a white ground, the lid with a panel occupied by a painting of “The Fortune-Teller,” the sides with panels of subjects in the Watteau manner. All these panels are bordered with rococo scrolls in bianco sopra bianco. (Illustrated) Mounted in silver. Shield shaped with molded sides. Decorated, with paintings on the lid, sides, bottom and interior of lid, of scriptural subjects, including “Christ and the Woman of Samaria,” “The Last Supper,” and “Christ Restoring Sight to the Blind.” 1480—Oup BarrerseA ENAMEL SnNuFF Box : Length, 314, inches; width, 21%, inches, . | No. 1473 No. 1474 No. 1477 No. 1479 Seventh Session, Thursday Afternoon 1481—Oup Battersea ENAMEL Snurr Box Mounted in ormolu. Rectangular shape, Decorated, on a white ground, with figure and landscape subjects, interior of the lid with a portrait of a lady in eighteenth century costume holding a fan in her right hand. 1482—O.p BattrerseA ENAMEL Box Mounted in ormolu. Decorated, on a white ground, the exterior of lid with paintings of military trophies, the interior with a portrait of an Austrian Field Marshal of the eighteenth century. 1483—BatrersEA ENAMEL PLAQUE Rectangular shape. On a white ground with a subject of one of Asop’s Fables ‘The Dog and the Wolf.” 1484—Oxp BarrersrA Enamet Ovat Mepatrion In old silver frame. Decorated with a painting of Mercury. Length, 334 inches; width, 234, inches. 1485—Oxp BarrersEA Enamet BonBonnrizRE Mounted in ormolu. Shaped and decorated to imitate a watch, with a painted dial on one side and a decoration of floral sprays on the other. 1486—Two Oxp BarrerseA Examen Drawer HANDLES Mounted in ormolu. Decorated with painted portraits of a man and woman. (Cracked.) 1487—Oup BatrerseA EnamMeEL SALTCELLAR Coupe shaped. Decorated, on a white ground, with figures of Cupids bearing garlands, and with birds and flowers. Signed F. B. 1488—Parir or Oxvp BarrerseaA Enamet Carp Counter Boxss Quatrefoil shaped. Pierced sides, decorated on a blue ground, with paintings of the Knave of Clubs. Length, 3%, inches; width, 3 inches. Length, 31, inches; width, 21, inches. 4 LOFT ‘ON 0671 “ON G6PL “ON I6¥7I “ON O6F1L “ON LOFT ON Seventh Session, Thursday Afternoon 1489—Oxp BatrerseaA EnamMet Bown Coupe shaped. Decorated, on an apple green ground, with panels of white reserve, framed in raised and gilt scrolls, and occupied with paintings of pandsca Das and pastoral subjects. Height, 2%, inches; diameter, 41/ inches. 1490—Parr or Oxup BarrerseEA ENAMEL VASES WITH COVERS Mounted in ormolu. Decorated on a gros blew ground with shaped panels of landscapes, framed with raised and gilt scrolls and sepa- rated by floral sprays. Height, 41 inches. (Illustrated ) 1491—Oup BatrrersEA ENAMEL TrEA-Ppoy Mounted in ormolu. Rectangular shaped with circular screw lid. Decorated, on a blew dw roi ground diapered with quatrefoils of white dots, with shaped panels of white reserve bordered by raised and gilt scrolls and occupied by paintings of landscapes. Height, 414, inches. (Illustrated ) 3 1492—Turee Oxtp BatrrerseEA ENAMEL SALTCELLARS Decorated, on a dark blue ground, with panels of landscapes and rural subjects separated by raised gilt and floral sprays. Length, 5 inches. (Illustrated ) Seventh Session, Thursday Afternoon 1493—Patr or Oxup BarrerseaA ENAMEL TEA-poys Octagonal shaped, with straight sides and cylindrical covers. Deco- rated, on a pale blue ground, with panels of exotic birds and land- scapes, bordered by scrolls of bianco sopra bianco. | Height, 43/, inches. ‘ 1494—Pair or Ovp BatrrerseA ENAMEL CANDLESTICKS Baluster shape, with fluted sconces. Decorated, on a white ground, with floral sprays. Height, 7 inches. 1495—Oup BarrerskeA ENAMEL PLATE Circular shape with fluted rim. The center occupied with painting of a landscape and ruins. Diameter, TY, inches. 1496—Oxp BatrrerseA Enamet Box Mounted in ormolu. Circular shape with loose lid. Decorated with panels of paintings of Seaports and with floral sprays. Mark: A Bee (for Battersea). Height, 21, inches; diameter, 51%, inches. Seventh Session, Thursday Afternoon = 1497—Parr or Ovp BarrerseEA ENAMEL CANDLESTICK VASES Vase shaped on cylindrical pedestals and square bases. Decorated, on rose du Barry ground, with cartouche shaped panels of painted land- scape subjects, and with flutings and bands of interlacements in dark blue outlined in gold. Arranged with reversible sconces, so as to form candlesticks or vases. Height, 101% inches. (Illustrated ) 3 1498-—Pair or Oxup BarrerseEA ENAMEL CANDLESTICK VASES Mounted in ormolu. Vase shaped on cylindrical pedestals and square bases. Decorated, on rose du Barry grounds, with cartouche shaped panels of landscapes and flutings of blue outlined in gold. Arranged so as to form either candlesticks or vases. (One repaired.) Height, 114% inches. 1499—Patr or Oxtp BarrersEA EnameL CANnDLESTICKS Baluster shaped on circular bases, with removable circular sconces. Decorated, on a white ground, with raised and gilt scrolls and with panels of floral sprays. Height, 11 inches. (Illustrated ) 1500—Otxp BarrersEA ENAMEL VASE Mounted in ormolu. Pear shaped, with a pinnacle cover and molded finial. ‘The body is decorated, on a white ground, with panels occu- pied by paintings of a Landscape and Seaport, and with festoons of flowers, floral sprays and exotic birds. The cover is decorated with floral sprays and gold scrolls. This is one of the largest Battersea enamel vases that is known to be in existence. Height, 143, inches. (Illustrated ) 1501—EIcHTEENTH CENTURY GERMAN MINIATURE Painted in oil on copper. Bust portrait of a soldier in armor. Height, 734 inches. 1502—Oup FrencH DevorionaL MEDALLION Of gold and enamel. Painted on one side with the Virgin and Child, upon the other with Saint John. 66FI “ON Seventh Session, Thursday Afternoon 1503—SiIxTEENTH CENTURY ENAMEL Oval. Painted in enamel on copper in the style of the French school of the seventeenth century with the Judgment of Solomon. Length, 3% inches; width, 3 inches. 1504—Louvis Sere French Mremoranpum TAsLets Rectangular case with hinged lid. Of rose du Barry lacquer with — elaborately chased gold mounts. Bearing, on one side, the inscrip- — tion “Souvenir d’Amitié” and consisting of six ivory leaves for memoranda, with gold pencil. Length, 3%, inches; width, 2 inches. 1505—Loutis QuinzE FrRENcH Ivory Memoranpum TABLETS Rectangular shape, of six ivory leaves. In green shagreen case mounted with repoussé and chased gold work. On one side a medallion of human hair work bearing the monogram “L. B.” in gold. | Length, 41/, inches. 1506—Oxp Encuisu Ivory Snurr Box Shuttle shaped with hinged lid, having gold plate engraved with the monogram “EK, B.” | Length, 31%, inches. 1507—Oxip Wepcwoop Patcu Box 1790. Rectangular shape with rounded ends. Of ivory lined with velvet. On lid is applied a blue and white jasper medallion with sub- ject of Aurora framed in cut steel. 1508—EIGHTEENTH CENTURY ENGLISH MINIATURE FRAME Oval shape. Surrounded by an openwork floral border of marquisites in silver setting. : 34, inches. 1509—EIGHTEENTH CENTURY MINIATURE FRAME In silver and old paste brilliants. Oval shape surrounded by a wreath of laurel leaves with six pointed stars and a knot of ribbon. Height, 51% inches. Seventh Session, Thursday Afternoon 1510—EtentTEENTH CENTURY FRENCH NECESSAIRE Rectangular shape with sloping sides. Of green shagreen piqué with gold rosettes and fitted with two perfume bottles, knife, pencil- case and bodkins and ivory memorandum tablet. Length, 21, inches. 1511—SrixTEEntTH CENTURY GERMAN Rock-crysTAL PLAQUE Octagonal shape, engraved in intaglio with a Crucifix and emblems of the Passion. Height, 4 inches. 1512—Two Otp German Rock Crystat MEpALuions Oval shape. Engraved in intaglio with the portraits of Vespasian and Lepida the wife of Galba. Gold wire mounts. Length, 3 inches. 1513—Oup EneuisH Scent Fiacon Circular shape. Old cut glass intaglio engraved with initial “M” surmounted by ducal coronet. Mounted in silver. 1514—Oxtp Eneuitsu Scent Fracon Circular shape. Of old cut glass engraved with monogram M. T. M. Silver gilt mounts. 1515—Lovts SE1zeE Ervr Hexagonal shape. Of tortoise-shell with chased gold mounts. Fitted with thimble, needle case and scissors, etc. Length, 37% inches. 1516—SrvVENTEENTH CENTURY GERMAN SNUFF Box Oval shape. Of a section of stag horn mounted in silver. The lid and bottom of horn with embossed oval medallions. Silver rim, thumb piece and hinge. Length, 3 inches. Seventh Session, Thursday Afternoon 1517—E1cHTEENTH CENTURY FRENCH 'SNuFF Box Boat shaped. Of sea-shell with mountings of a silver rim and hinged lid decorated with a repoussé and chased design of two classical figures. | 1518—EIGHTEENTH CENTURY ENGLISH SNUFF Box Boat shaped. Fashioned from the shell of a small land tortoise with silver rim and hinged lid of tortoise-shell mounted in silver. Flat- chased, rosetted ornamentation. 1519—EicuHTEENTH CENTURY ENGLIisH SNuFF Box Rectangular shape. Of silver with mother of pearl lid carved with portrait group of Father, Mother and Child flanked by escutcheons with the portraits of George III and Queen Charlotte, and surmounted ~ by a royal crown with lion and unicorn, supporters bearing shields with the arms of Great Britain. 1520—SIXTEENTH CENTURY SPANISH ROSARY Of cut rock-crystals mounted in silver. Consisting of forty-two en- graved beads of melon shape and silver-gilt cross. Length, 51 inches. 1521—SEVENTEENTH CENTURY LimocEs ENAMEL Figure of Saint Peter, with crowing cock in the background. Painted en grisaille heightened with gold. Height, 5% inches; width, 4 inches. 1522-—-SEVENTEENTH CEenTURY Limoces ENAMEL Leaf-shaped plaque having in the center a circular medallion oc- cupied by a figure of the Virgin and Saint Elizabeth. This is sur- rounded by a patterning of birds and flowers in translucent enamels heightened with gold and on a black background with gold scrollings. The figure subject is painted en grisaille heightened with gold. Height, 6 inches; width, 51/ inches. Length, 31, inches. by | Seventh Session, Thursday Afternoon SNELL Le SEY ARAL ME ——- = OSS ig, eateries LE SELEDDEAPEEESES ERE rer Sy L S S 3 = ed led (3 5 if N > Ky: % ~ %y i, ty is * % ‘3 led be | ie Ly 5 , + > ¢ .% a a, le % Ne | i. %i nt % be 4 ~ pe eOBRELE ERE OS E 1523-—-SEVENTEENTH CrEnTURY LimoGEs ENAMEL The Crucifixion with Christ between the two thieves, the Madonna at the foot of the cross and Roman soldiers on one side. All in colored enamels. In old wooden frame. Height, 81/, inches; width, 7 inches. 1524-SEVENTEENTH CeENTURY Limocres ENAMEL Christ exposed to the people after the Scourging. In colored enamels heightened with gold. Wooden frame. Height, 8%, inches; width, 6 inches. Seventh Session, Thursday Afternoon ney. es oe Ee oe oll all — -- «ew wr & Rat daha tea * & &* *& e Tan Tas prin Pipe giboy 1525—SEVENTEENTH CentTuRY Limocres ENAMEL Pilate washing his hands after his condemnation of Christ who stands in the foreground in charge of Roman soldiers. In colored enamels heightened with gold. Contemporary molded frame inlaid with panels of tortoise-shell. Height, 71/4, inches; width, 5 inches. oS Seventh Session, Thursday Afternoon 1526—SEVENTEEYNTH CENTURY Limocrs ENAMEL Oval panel, surrounded by a patterning of medallions and gold scroll- ings on a black ground, bordered with white and occupied with a figure of Saint Theresa, her heart pierced by an angel. In contem- porary tortoise-shell frame inlaid with brass. In colored enamels heightened with gold. Signed, at the back, “‘Landin Emaillieur a Li- mouge.” Size of enamel, 5 by 414 inches. 1527—SixTEENTH CENTURY Limocres Enamer The Crucifixion, with a soldier piercing the side of Christ, the Virgin prostrate at the foot of the cross attended by weeping women. Land- seape background with children, and blue sky studded with gold stars. In colored enamels heightened with gold. | Height, 101%, inches; width, 714 inches. | (Illustrated ) 1528—SEVENTEENTH CENTURY LimocGEs ENAMEL PLAQUE Seated figure of Madonna and Child with attendant cherubim, sur- rounded by a stream in which swans are floating. In a gilt wooden frame of later date. Height, 63/4, inches; length, 51%, inches. OLD SILVER WARE, PRINCIPALLY ENGLISH OF THE GEORGIAN ERA 1530—EicHTEENTH CENTURY GERMAN SILVER Carp COUNTERS AND CASE Circular box of silver with lid engraved in a pattern of scrollings and containing four silver medallions, having upon one side subjects from ZEsop’s Fables in low relief and on the other markers for the game of “Schlem” or Slam. Diameter, 14%, inches. 1531—EIcHTEENTH CENTURY DutTcH SILVER Scent FLAacon The body in the form of a violin with a stopper shaped as the head of Mars. Length, 4 inches. A x wu . ' Seventh Session, Thursday Afternoon 1532—Gerorce III Sirver Snurr Box Rectangular shape with molded sides. Decorated with a flat chased and engine turned pattern. London Hall Mark with date letter for 1813. Length, 2% inches; width, 1%, inches. 15383—GrEorGE III Sirver Snurr Box Rectangular shape with an engraved pattern of checkered design. Lon- don Hall Mark with date letter for 1800. Length, 23% inches; width, 134 inches. g 8 A 15384—Gerorce III Sitver Snurr Box Decorated, in silver inlay, on a ground of black enamel, with a leaf and floral border surrounding an oval medallion enclosing a design of a classic urn upon a pedestal. London Hall Mark with date letter for 1800. Length, 3 inches; width, 1% inches. 1535—Grorcer III Sitrver Inx Stranp Square cut glass bottle with silver rim, cover and hinged lid. Set in silver framework of gadrooned design. London Hall Mark with date letter for 1820. 23, inches square. 1536—EIcHTEENTH CENTURY DutTcH SILVER SpricE Box Formed as a vase with hinged lid, and octagonal foot. Decorated with repoussé floral festoons. Length, 4 inches. 1537—EIcHTEENTH CEentTUuRY DutrcH Sitver Spice Box Formed as a vase with hinged lid, looped side handles and octagonal foot. Decorated with an engraved pattern and set with two colored cut crystals. The bottom of foot is hinged so as to form a smaller box. Length, 4%, inches. Seventh Session, Thursday Afternoon 15388—EIcHTEENTH CrErntTuRY DutcH SILVER-GILT Spick Box Formed as a vase with hinged lid, and octagonal foot. Decorated with repoussé festoons of flowers and with pear shaped crystals set in the body. The cover has an oval finial supported by Amorini and the body is supported by two rampant lions. Eighteenth century Holland Hall Mark. Maker’s initials C. B. Height, 41% inches. 1539—EIcGHTEENTH CENTURY DutTcH SILver Spice Box Formed as a vase with two side handles. Decorated with a repoussé pattern of floral wreaths, oval medallions and a finial as an Amorini holding a shield surmounted by a crown. The body is supported by two rampant lions. : Height, 41% inches. 1540—EI1GHTEENTH CENTURY Swiss SILVER TEAPOY Baluster shaped with circular cover and octagonal shaped foot. Deco- rated with a repoussé pattern of scrolls and shells on a ground of dotted imbrications. Eighteenth century. Mark of Baden (Switzer- land). Height, 5% inches. 1541—E1gHTEentH Century Durcu Sitver-citt Tea Cappy Rectangular shape with square neck and cover and urn shaped finial. On four scroll feet. Decorated with a repoussé pattern of shaped panels enclosed by scrollings and occupied on one side with figures of Amorini and festoons of flowers and on the other with a Dutch Pastoral scene and a Landscape. Eighteenth century Holland mark. Height, 61%, inches. 1542— EIGHTEENTH CentTuRY DanisH Sitver BEAKER Curved spreading sides. Decorated with a dotted pattern at the rim and with a similar pattern and a band of flutings at the foot. Odense (Denmark) mark of the year 1763. Height, 61, inches. Seventh Session, Thursday Afternoon 1543—SEVENTEENTH CentTuRY DutcH Sitver CHALICE Ovolo shaped bowl with baluster knop and circular foot. The foot and knop are decorated with repoussé and chased flutings and a chased pattern of acanthus leaves, the bowl with engraved floral scrollings, and, on one side, the figure of Christ with His cross, the blood from His side pouring into a chalice, on the other a bust length figure of Christ. Height, 614 inches. 1544—-SEVENTEENTH CENTURY GERMAN CHALICE Silver and gilt bronze. Straight sided bowl of hammered silver with gilt interior, on a baluster stem and circular foot of gilt bronze. The knop and foot have an incised decoration of oval panels occupied with the emblems of the Passion surrounded by a patterning of strap-work. Height, 91% inches. 1545—Georce III Sitrver Gosietr Egg shaped bowl, cylindrical stem and circular foot. The lower part of the bowl is decorated with a design of shallow flutings and the foot with a band of reeded ornamentation. Engraved with a crest. Lon- don Hall Mark with date letter for 1800. 1546—-SEVENTEENTH CENTURY DutTcH STANpING CuP AND COVER Of horn and silver. Pear shaped bowl of horn, on a baluster shaped stem and circular foot of silver repoussé pierced and chased in a design of Amorini, flowers and leaves, and standing on three feet formed as eagles. The cover of silver chased and repoussé with a finial formed as a female bust, in cast and chased silver. Hall mark of Hoorn, 1640. Height, 14 inches. 1547—E1cHTeentH Century Fiemisu Sitver Fruir Disu Oval shape. Decorated with a repoussé figure of a bird upon a tree branch surrounded by a border of grapes, pomegranates and other fruits. Eighteenth century Antwerp mark. Length, 71%, inches; width, 61%, inches. Seventh Session, Thursday Afternoon 1548—Earty EI1GHTEENTH CENTURY SwepisH Parcet Gitt Sitver Fruit Disu . Flat circular shape with three pointed feet. Decorated with a repoussé pattern of flowers and leaves. Stockholm mark with date letter for 1707. Diameter, 81%, inches. 1549—EIGHTEENTH CENTURY Swiss Sitver Rose Water Disu Oval shape decorated with a pattern of birds and floral scrolls, and with a raised medallion enclosing a basket of fruit, and bordered with acan- thus leaves and flowers. All in dotted work. Eighteenth century mark of Basle. Length, 14 inches; width, 10 inches. 1550—SEVENTEENTH CENTURY PoRTUGUESE SILVER DreEsstne CASKET Rectangular shape with bracket feet, hinged lid and looped swing side handles. Decorated with an allover repoussé design of shaped medal- lions, flowers and leaves, and borders of roses and leaves. Seventeenth century Lisbon mark. Height, 64 inches ; length, 10 inches; depth, 61% inches. 1551—SEVENTEENTH CENTURY SPANISH SILVER SPICE CASKET Hinged lid, four scroll and mask feet, circular projecting lock plate and hinged clasp. Decorated with a bold repoussé pattern of scrollings, acanthus leaves, shells and wild animals. The lid with a pattern of gadroons radiating from a scrolled design with a figure of a mytho- logical bird feeding from a basket of fruit, and with a pierced and repoussé cresting of acanthus and shell design. ‘The clasp with engraved scrollings. The interior is partitioned into three sections. Height, 81%, inches; length, 914 inches; width, 9 inches. NOTE: Not only the unusual character of its decoration but the unusual weight for a piece of silver of this early period render this casket interesting. 1552—EIGHTEENTH CENTURY HANOVERIAN SILVER CANDELABRA Formed as the figure of Spring carrying a wreath of flowers. On a circular base with panels of repoussé flowers and with scrolled branches having candle sockets and bobéches of pointed leaf design. Parcel gilt. Eighteenth century Hanover mark. Height, 12 inches. Seventh Session, Thursday Afternoon 1553—GerorceE III Sitver Posser Cur Circular shape with two looped handles. London Hall Mark with date letter for 1805. 1554— EIGHTEENTH CENTURY DutcH Sitver Mustrarp Por Hinged and domed lid, with ball finial, scroll handle and circular base. Height, 2% inches. 1555—Georeer II Stnver Cream Ewer Bucket shaped with pointed spout and flat loop handle. London Hall Mark with date letter for 1716. Height, 2 inches. 1556—GeorceE III Strver Bown Curved sides with fluted bottom. Decorated with festoons of drapery and an engraved monogram. London Hall Mark with date letter for 1801. Height, 2 inches; diameter, 3 inches. 1557—Gerorce III Strver Musrarp Por Oval bowl with gadrooned edge and foot, hinged lid and loop handle. English Hall Mark with date letter for 1772. Height, 31, inches. 1558—Georce III Sitver STRAINER Circular form with outstanding scrolled loop handles, plain rim and pierced bottom. London Hall Mark with date letter indecipherable owing to the piercing, but before 1784. Diameter, with handles, 7 inches. 1559—GEORGE III Sitver Mve Straight sides with loop handles, circular molded foot. London Hall Mark with date letter for 1779. 1560—GeorceE III Sirver Sucrier Boat shaped with two looped handles. The body is decorated in a pattern of acanthus leaves and flowers enclosing two scr olled medallions. London Hall Mark with date letter for 1800. Height, 414, inches; length, 8% inches. Seventh Session, Thursday Afternoon 1561—Ser or Srx GeorGIAN SILVER COFFEE Si Gane: Scrolled handles with plain bowls. Length, 434 inches. 1562—Twenty-rour Georce III Encruisu Trea Sroons Handles of “Old English” pattern. London Hall Mark with date letter for 1796. ai Na 1563—Earty Grorcian Sitver Spoons anp Marrow SERVER One spoon of “rat tail” pattern. English Hall Mark of the early eighteenth century. 1564—S1x Georce III Irisu Sitver Sroons Handles of “Old English” pattern. Dublin Hall Mark with date letter for 1751. Maker’s name Isaac D’Oliver. ; 1565—Earty GerorGciAn IrisH Sittver Sour LADLE AND Two SILvER SPoons Bowls of shell design the handles decorated with a flat chased pat- — tern of acanthus leaf scrolls and an engraved crest. “Dublin Hall Mark with date letter for 1764. (Weight 14 ounces 15 pennyweights. ) Length of ladle, 181% inches; length, of spoons, 1114 inches. 1566—Oup Georce III Sinver Fisu Siuick ann Two Satap Spoons The slice with pierced and engraved blade. Engraved with various ~ monograms. London Hall Mark with date letter for 1800. 1567—TIwetve GEORGE III Strver Dessert Knives ann Forks Pearl handles mounted in silver and silver blades and tines. Sheffield Hall Mark with date letter for 1794. 1568—GeorceE III Strver Dish Howuper Oval shape dish holder on circular round stand which has a circular pierced medallion in its center. London Hall Mark with date letter for 1796. 4°/, inches by 71, inches. Seventh Session, Thursday Afternoon 1569—Gerorce III Encuish Traror anp Sranp Straight sides, and spout, hinged lid and black wood handle, on quatre- foil shaped stand with four scroll feet. The body is decorated with a border of scrollings and quatrefoil medallions. London Hall Mark with date letter for 1790. (Weight 18 ounces.) Length of stand, 744 inches; height, 61, inches. 1570—Georce III Sirver Tra Cappy ‘Straight sides, with hinged lid and vase finial. Decorated with a re- poussé and chased pattern of panels of baskets of grapes and fruits, surrounded by borders of shell design. In front is a scrolled escutcheon surrounded by a floral wreath. London Hall Mark with date letter for 1783. Height, 3% inches; length, 5 inches. 1571—Gerorce III Sinver Corret Por Baluster shaped body, curved spout, looped handle, domed cover and circular foot. The body decorated in a repoussé pattern of scrollings and floral wreaths, the lid with a band of flat chased flower and leaf ornamentation, and the foot with a band of repoussé and chased shell design. London Hall Mark with date letter for 1778. Height, 11 inches. 1572—Grorce III Cruer Stanp anv CRrueEts Scroll supports on shell feet, with ringed holder for bottles, and scroll and shell handle. ‘Three silver bottles of baluster shape design decorated with a repoussé pattern of scrolls, shells and flowers and with high pierced domed covers. Two bottles of contemporary glass cut in diamond facettings with engraved silver rims and covers. London Hall Mark with date letter for 1754. Height, 10 inches; diameter, 7% inches. 1573—E1cHTEENTH Century Durcu SILVER PowpErR Box Circular shape. Decorated with repoussé bands of ornamentation. The lid with a scroll surrounded escutcheon engraved “Le At” and Dutch inscriptions. Eighteenth century Holland mark with Maker’s mark “J. P. M.” Height, 21% inches; diameter, 4 inches. Seventh Session, Thursday Afternoon 1574—EIcHTEENTH Century DutcH Sitver Tra Cappy a Baluster shaped top, cylindrical neck and domed cover. The body is decorated with a repoussé lambrequined and tasseled pattern and a border of acanthus leaf scrolls. The cover with ace leaves and scrolls. Eighteenth century Hague mark. Height, 5% inches. 1575—EIcHTEENTH CENTURY DutTcH SILVER SALVER Mes Oval shape with shaped edge, standing on four ball feet. Decorated with a raised and scrolled outer border and an inner border of flat chasing. Eighteenth century Holland mark. Length, 5 inches. 1576—SEVENTEENTH CENTURY ENGLISH SILVER Two-HANDLED Lovine Cup Straight sides curving in to a circular foot, two looped and scrolled. The lower portion of the bowl is decorated with a repoussé and chased pattern of curved gadroonings surmounted by a border of trefoil dots and roundels. London Hall Mark with date letter 1691. Maker’s mark “I. Y.”? with horse between. Height, 434, inches. 1577—EIcGHTEENTH CEentTURY DutcH Sitver TEApor Spherical shape with flat hinged cover, pine-apple finial and scroll handle with a female head as thumb piece. Body decorated with bands of flutings and acanthus leaf scrolls and with figures of Amorini. Ejigh- teenth century Holland mark. Height, 41/ inches. 1578—E1cHTEENTH CENTURY FLEmisH Sitver TEApor Pear shaped body, cylindrical neck, hinged cover with flower finial, dragon head spout entwined by a ‘serpent. Decorated with a repoussé pattern of acanthus scrolls and with fluted lower portion. Eighteenth century Antwerp mark. Height, 7 inches. 1579—EIcHTEENTH CENTURY SitverR CorreEe Por Baluster shaped body with domed cover and baluster shaped finial, scroll and shell design spout and looped ivory handle. The body is decorated with scroll and shell ornamentation and an engraved crest. Ejigh- teenth century mark of Braunschweig with Maker’s mark of Reinhold Godfrey Spitta (1748-1768). Height, 9 inches. Seventh Session, Thursday Afternoon 1580—Lovis Seize Sirver Castor The stand is decorated in a design of Doric columns from which depend festoons of flowers and leaves with oval medallions of heads of Roman Emperors. It is supported on four claw feet and has two shaped and looped handles decorated with oval portrait medallions. The three bottles are of contemporary glass, cut in oval concavities with silver rims and silver mounted stoppers. Eighteenth century French pro- vincial mark. Height, 91, inches. 1581—O.xp SHEFFIELD PLatTep TurTLE-sour TUuREEN Formed as the figure of a turtle with projecting head and flippers. The carapace or top shell removable to form the lid. NOTE: Only the head of this unusual piece of Sheffield Plate shows signs of wear. The solid silver rims suggest its date as being about 1785. 1582—Oup SHEFFIELD PLATED TRAY Shaped tray with deep molded and repoussé border of a Georgian pattern and two scrolled and shell handles. On four lion feet. Length, 25 inches; width, 17 inches. 1583—Six Oup SHEFFIELD Piatep DisH Covers Curved tops with removable lids. Straight rims, gadrooned borders and removable handles. Interiors tinned. Mark of J. Dixon and Son of Sheffield. Lengths, 12 to 20 inches. 1583A—EIcguHreentyH Century Iranian Terra-corra STATUETTE Figure of an angel at the gate of Paradise. On square base. (Re- paired. ) Height, 22 inches. 1583B—Pair or Louis Seize Trerra-coTta STATUETTES Subject of the “Birds’ Nesters.” On circular wooden base. . Height, 13 inches. Seventh Session, Thursday Afternoon 1583C—O.up Iranian TeErra-cotta Bust Well modeled bust of a middle-aged man with bushy hair. The face turned over the left shoulder. Height, 151, inches. 1583D—Pair or Louis Seize Frencu Terra-corra STATUETTES © “The Birds’ Nesters.” Figures of children. One holds a nest and the other a struggling bird. On circular bases. Height, 29 inches. 1588E—Lovuis Quinze TrErRA-coTTa STATUETTES Group of two nude children. A girl draping a boy with a garland of flowers. On shaped base. | Height, 124%, inches. No. 1584 No. 1587A 1584—Louvis SrizE Frencno Marsxue STATUETTE Figure of a reclining Cupid fondling a dove. On oblong base. Length, 13 inches. 1585—Oup Frencn Marsie STATUETTE Figure of Sleeping Cupid with bow and quiver. Length, 23 inches. 1586—EIcgHTEENTH CENTURY ITALIAN MARBLE STATUETTE Figure of a Bacchante crowned with vine leaves, holding a bunch of grapes in the fold of his drapery. Height, 14 inches. Seventh Session, Thursday Afternoon 1587—Louis Srize Frencu Marsie STatTuetTre Group of two quarreling Cupids, one clasping a broken bow and de- fending himself from the onslaught of the other. On a rocky base. Height, 11 inches. 1587A—Lovis Seize MarBire STATUETTE Sleeping Cupid with bow and quiver on a draped rocky base, with a rectangular sub base of black marble. Height, 11 inches; length, 17 inches. No. 1586 No. 1588 No. 1587 1588—Louts SrizE Marsie STATUETTE Figure of a Cupid capturing a Swan. On shaped base. Height, 171, inches. 1588A—Lovtis SrizE Marsie STATUETTE Figure of sleeping cherub. Length, 14 inches. 1589—SeEvENTEENTH CENTURY ITALIAN MARBLE STATUETIE Sleeping Cupid with his Bow and Arrows at his side. On shaped base. Length, 17 inches. Lael tiene pend “ae * 4) f an . ‘ + re ie 2 om ' . 7 - te ‘ =e i i‘ a a : 4 4 4 set i, 2 + 5cn = r Z » i J ¥ 2 t i i. } 7 ( ¥ ‘ "* Lg = . _- o ae ris = EIGHTH SESSION THURSDAY EVENING, MARCH 18, 1915 AT THE AMERICAN ART GALLERIES BEGINNING AT 8.00 o’cLOCK Which includes Catalogue Nos. 1590 to 1696 A VERY REMARKABLE COLLECTION OF ITALIAN AND FRENCH BRONZES OF THE XVI, XVII AND XVIII CENTURIES, AND OTHER INTERESTING OBJECTS 1590—Eariy FirreentH Century Irarian Carvine Negro’s head carved in black onyx with:teeth of white enamel and robe of light yellow veined marble. Mounted on panel covered with old Italian crimson valvet. Height, 41%, inches. 1591—FirteentuH Century Irarian VAse Of variegated agate. With fluted neck and lower portion of stem, on a square base. Decorated on the body with standing female figures and with festoons of flowers and leaves. Height, 6 inches. 1592—Pair or SrxreentH Century Wax Ficures Subjects of “Silenus, with Infant Satyrs and Goat” and ‘‘Venus at- tended by Cupids, and mounted on a Dolphin.” In glazed wooden frames. Height, 71/, inches; width, 1334 inches. | Eighth Session, Thursday Evening 1593—Parr or SIXTEENTH CENTURY ITALIAN ALABASTER PLAQUES | Subjects of the Nativity and the Adoration of the three Magi and of the Shepherds and Angels. Above are Angels and Cherubim in clouds. In inlaid wooden frames. The alabaster shows traces of gilding. 814 by 7 inches. 1594—SIxTEENTH CENTURY FLEMISH STEEL COFFER Rectangular shape of steel with upright baluster-shaped straps, deco- rated all over with elaborate patterns and interlacements and heart- shaped scroll ornamentation and with brass studs. Inside the lid is entirely occupied with an elaborate spring lock having four catches covered by a plate of steel elaborately engraved with scroll and floral design. Locked from the lid with a steel key, key-hole being closed by a revolving spring cover. Coffer on four chased and engraved ball feet. | Height, 31, inches; length, 51 inches; width, 31% inches. 1595—SEVENTEENTH CENTURY GERMAN STEEL CasKET Rectangular shape with hinged lid, wrought steel loop handle, lid lock and four ball feet. The entire surface is engraved with figures of courtiers, patterns of scrollings and an inscription dated “1621.” Height, 31, inches; length, 444 inches. 1596—SIxTEENTH CENTURY ITALIAN DAMASCENED STEEL CABINET } Modeled base of four claw feet. Front divided into three portions by four columns. Side occupied by panels flanked by Corinthian columns. Center portion with swing door having lock and key and small drawer. Side compartments and three drawers with button han- dles and locks. Panels, door and sides framed with molding. Columns damascened in gold. Base of heavy gilt molding with upper face of | steel damascened. 1597—ByzanTINE Brass Cross The four arms end in quatrefoil-shaped medallions occupied with figures in relief of the four Evangelists. The figure of Christ is missing. Height, 15 inches. Eighth Session, Thursday Evening — 1598—SEVENTEENTH CENTURY RELIQUARY Figure of a Saint in nun’s habit carved in relief in parti-colored mar- bles on marble background. In an octagonal gilt bronze frame with silver escutcheon and a silver receptacle for the relic. The escutcheon inscribed with the name “Saint Madeleine of Passe.” Height, 914 inches. 1599—SixTEENTH CENTURY ITALIAN SILVER STATUETTE Of silver gilt. The figure of a kneeling Saint in monk’s robes. Height, 4% inches. NOTE: This figure evidently at one time formed a portion of a large devotional group. -1600—SIxTEENTH CENTURY ITALIAN SrttverR Gitt STATUETTE Figure of a kneeling Saint in monk’s robes. Height, 74/7, inches. 1601—E1cHTEENTH CENTURY FRENCH CRUCIFIX Gilt bronze figure on wooden cross bordered with gilt bronze. On boule base with gilt bronze consoles and a panel of ‘The Annunciation” in gilt bronze. Height, 1314 inches. 1602—Pair or SEVENTEENTH CENTURY ITALIAN Bronzes Figures, in gilt bronze, of women in classical costumes. On rectangular molded wooden bases. Height, 5 inches; length, 6 inches. 1603—Pair or SeveENTEENTH CenTURY IraLian Bronzes Of gilt bronze and marble. Relief portraits of Pignatello and Odess- calco, in gilt bronze mounted on oval marble panels. In gilt bronze frames. Height, 74, inches. 1604—Pair or EicHreentH Century GERMAN PLaQuEs Of bronze. Rectangular shaped with rounded corners. Subjects, mod- eled in high relief, of the head of a religious order in adoration before figures of Christ and the Almighty in Glory and in his Library sur- rounded by his Seminarists. Signed: “C. L. Gerard, 1727.” Height, 121/, inches; width, 1834 inches. Eighth Session, Thursday Evening 1605—Patir or Louis Seize Girt BronzE CANDELABRA Formed as figures of nude children holding cornucopie wreathed with fruits, flowers and leaves. On circular molded bases with borders of -acanthus and laurel-leaf design. Figures in plain bronze, decorations in gilt bronze. Height, 101%, inches. 1606—CineveEcENTO ITALIAN Bronze InxkstTanp Vase-shaped inkwell, pubs on a tripod stand with legs of lions’ masks and feet. Height, 24%, inches. 1607—SixTEENTH CENTURY ITaLiAN Bronze STATUETTE Figure of Aisculapius holding a staff with a Serpent at his side. On pierced circular bronze base. Height, 31, inches, 1608—SEVENTEENTH CENTURY ITALIAN Bronze BELL Figure of a woman in peasant costume with crossed arms, and holding a flower. 1609—SixTEENTH CENTURY JTALIAN BRONZE Bust of a boy. Mounted on a circular pedestal. Height, 414, inches. 1610—Arcuaic Bronze STATUETTE Figure of Hercules holding a lion’s skin. On rough stone base mounted on a bronze stand. Fragment of a larger composition. Probably be- longing to the fifth century B. C. 1611—SIxTEENTH CENTURY JTALIAN Bronze INCENSE BuRNER On tripod support with three ball feet, and decorated with an acanthus- leaf ornamentation. Height, 234 inches. 1612—Pair or FIFTEENTH CENTURY ITALIAN BronzEs Figures of Saints. Height, 53, inches. * Height, 4 inches. Eighth Session, Thursday Evening 1618—SixtTeentH Century Irauian Bronze BANNER SOCKET Pear shaped, in a pierced and chased design of open-mouthed masks and female heads. Surmounted by a crown. Shows traces of gilding. Height, 6 inches. 1614—Earty SIxTEENTH CENTURY ITALIAN Bronze INKsTAanp By Andrea Briosco, called Riccio (1470-1582). Tripod form, resting on scroll supports. Decorated with an elaborate treatment of masks, scrollings and lions’ heads, the triangular cover with a molding of egg and dart pattern and with figure of a nude boy seated and reading a book. An exceedingly characteristic example of the work of one of the most highly regarded artificers of the Italian Renaissance. Height, 61% inches. Eighth Session, Thursday Evening 1615—Earty SIxTEENTH CENTURY ITALIAN Bronze Recumbent figure of a horse over whom is thrown a mantle. On base of colored marble. Height, 6 inches. 1616—SEVENTEENTH CENTURY FRENCH BronzE Figure of a horse with saddle and trappings in gilt bronze. On eigh- teenth century wood pedestal decorated with military trophies in ormolu and standing on four ormolu feet. Height, 10 inches. Eighth Session, Thursday Evening 1617—Pair oF SEVENTEENTH Century Irartian Door Hannes Of bronze, formed as Nereides blowing horns. Leight, 44/, inches. 1618—Oup Bronze Lamp The figure of a boy on a dolphin holding a sidereal globe with sun and stars which forms the bowl of the lamp. On rocky base. Height, 71/4, inches. 1619—Ser or Tren SEVENTEENTH CeEntTuRY ITALIAN BronzE PLAevEs Oval shaped. Portraits of the Roman Emperors, in low relief, and surrounded by borders of military trophies, ribbons and lions’ heads. Lenght, 41/4, inches. 1620—SEvVENTEENTH CenTURY ITALIAN Bronze Figure of a rearing horse. On rectangular red marble base. Height, 6 inches. Eighth Session, Thursday Evening — 1621—SEVENTEENTH CENTURY BronzE STATUETTE Figure of nude boy with outstretched arms. On a polished black marble base. Height, 834, inches. 1622—Pair or Louis Seize BronzeEs Figures of two nude Nymphs seated and holding doves in their hands. On oval fluted marble bases. Height, 734 inches. 1623—Pam or SevenreentH Century German Bronze GROTESQUES Bust portraits, one of a bearded man in broad-brimmed hat, the other of a man in stocking cap with his ear pierced by a cobbler’s awl. On cylindrical black wooden bases. Height of busts, 6%, inches. ‘Sane © Eighth Session, Thursday Evening 1624—-SIxTEENTH CENTURY BronzE STATUETTE Cire perdu casting. Standing figure of a youth in classical robe with a vase of flowers at his side. On a contemporary shaped and molded base of Siena marble inlaid with a panel of green Travertine marble. Height, 1034 inches. NOTE: The extraordinary virility of the modeling is characteristic of the period. 1625—Pair or Louis Seize Bronze STATUETTES Figures of children seated. One holding a book and reading. On oval white marble bases. d Height, 914 inches. Eighth Session, Thursday Evening 1626—Earry SrxTeEentH Century [rattan Bronze STATUETTE Standing figure of a bearded man, nude save for a fold of drapery. Height, 1034 inches. NOTE: The extraordinary virility of the modeling is characteristic of the period. 1627—Two Louis Srtizze Bronze STATUETTES Figures of young women with classical robes seated upon lamps of classic form with outstretched hands. On octag- onal bases. One flame missing. © Height, 814 inches. 1628—Pair oF SIxTEENTH CENTURY Figures of Chimere. On black marble bases. Lengths, 101%, inches and 8 inches. 1629—SEVENTEENTH CrEnturRY Itatr- IAN BronzE Bust portrait of the Roman Emperor Cesar Augustus. On turned ebony pedestal. No. 1626 Height of bronze, 914 inches. 1630-—Ser or Seven SEVENTEENTH CENTURY ITALIAN Bronzzs Figures of Roman Warriors in armor. One of them holding and load- ing an arquebuse. Average height, 10 inches. (Illustrated) | 1631—Lovis QuaTrorzE Bronze | Figure of infant Bacchanal astride a goat. On carved wooden rock work base. Height, 10 inches. flames at which they warm their 4 No. 1630 Eighth Session, Thursday Evening 16382—Pair or SEVENTEENTH CENTURY ITALIAN BronzEs Figures of the Farnese “Hercules leaning upon his Club” and of “Silenus carrying in his Arms the Infant Bacchus.” On square pedestal of vari- colored marbles. | Height, 14 inches. 1633—Pair oF SEVENTEENTH CENTURY ITALIAN BronzeEs Figures of pacing horses. On molded ebony bases. Height of bronzes, 8 inches; length, 81/, inches. (Illustrated) SE9T “ON Eighth Session, Thursday Evening 1634—SEVENTEENTH CENTURY ITALIAN BRONZE Figure of a Bull. On marble base. Height, 41/, inches. 1635—Pair or Lovis QuaTorzE BRronzE STATUETTES Figures of Venus and Apollo. Venus supported by a Dolphin and Apollo — by a Palm tree. On square base and contemporary boule pedestal inlaid with ebony and silver. Height, 1714 inches. 1636—EIcuHTEENTH CENTURY FRENCH SILVER AND BronzE STATUETTE “Virtue Triumphant over Vice.” Gilt bronze figure of Virtue in Roman — armor with a silver shield inscribed “Quis ut Devs,” standing over the bronze figure of Vice. On shaped wood pedestal with gilt bronze feet. Height, 22 inches. Eighth Session, Thursday Evening 1637—Patr or EicuTeentu Century Frencu Bronze CANDELABRA Figures of nude children playing with pet dogs. Candle arms formed as branches of trees terminating with beaded candle sockets. On pol- ished wood bases. ITeight, 13 inches. 1638—Pair oF SEVENTEENTH CENTURY ITALIAN BronzeE STATUETTES Figures of David with the head of Goliath and Minerva with shield and spear. ITeight, 20 inches. Eighth Session, Thursday Evening 1639-—Parr or E1GHTeEENTH CENTURY FRENCH BRONZE STATUETTES Figures of an old Peasant and a young Peasant girl. On cylindrical and molded bronze pedestal bases. . Height, 191% inches. 1640—SIxTEENTH CENTURY ItTaLIAn Door Knocker Of bronze, formed as the figure of St. Jerome between two couchant lions, surmounted by a shaped escutcheon of armorial bearings. The knocker portion formed as bold volute. Mounted on an ebony stand. Height, 16 inches. 1641—Two Bronze Ficures In bronze and ormolu. Adapted for wall suspension. Figures of Amorini holding’ cornucopie. Height, 171% inches. Eighth Session, Thursday Evening 1642—SEVENTEENTH CENTURY ITALIAN BronzE CANNON Elaborately decorated in relief with a Ducal Coat of Arms, military trophies and figures of Mars and Minerva. The breech is formed as the head of a bald-headed man, and the trunnion as two lions with spheres. Above the touch-hole is the inscription “Ferdinand II” and the date “1638.” Length, 22 inches. 1643—Sixteentu Century Irarian Bronze Crvucirix Figure of bronze. On a carved wooden base representing rock mound. Height, 221, inches. Eighth Session, Thursday Evening 1644—SEVENTEENTH CENTURY Bronze FIGURE After the celebrated group of “The Laocoon” now in the Vatican. On square bronze base. eight, 2714 inches. Eighth Session, Thursday Evening 1645—SEVENTEENTH CENTURY ITALIAN BronzE STATUETTE Figure of the Infant Hercules strangling the Serpent. Height, 30 inches. 1646—Pair or SEVENTEENTH CEnTURY ITALIAN BronzE STATUETTES Figures of a wounded Amazon and a Roman Warrior on rearing horses. On oblong marble bases. ITeight, 20 inches. 1647—SkrvENTEENTH CENTURY Bronze STATUETTE Figure of Mercury. On modern ebonized base. Height of figure, 24 inches. Eighth Session, Thursday Evening 1648—O.tp Frencu Bronze Lamp Empire period. Formed as a bowl with a flame finial, sippened by three classically draped female figures of a Caryatid character. The bowl of chased ormolu with figures of green bronze. On molded pedestal base of Siena marble and sub-base of green marble. | Height, 33 inches. 1649—Parr or Orp FrencH Bronze CANDELABRA Empire period. Formed as figures of winged Victories holding aloft with both hands five-branched candelabra in the form of cornucopie of gilt bronze. The figures stand on gilt and chased bronze bases with appliqué modeled and chased figures of Cupids, acanthus-leaf erro Des wreaths of laurel leaves and acanthus-leaf moldings. Heights, 25 inches. 1650—SEVENTEENTH CEentTuRY ITaLian CruciFix Figure of cast and chased bronze with gilt loin cloth: Cross of ebony. Mounted on an octagonal panel of sheets of ivory lined with ebony in a frame of quilled ebony moldings and panels of molded tortoise-shell inlaid with ivory. Bis > ae a y eight, 22 inches. 1651—SEVENTEENTH CENTURY KwnireE HoLper anp Knives anp Forks Knife holder formed as the figure of a walking elephant, the head re- movable and the interior fitted with a case containing twelve knives and twelve forks. The knives and forks are of steel, the handles octagonal with molded bands of steel and formed of tapering panels of silver nielloed in a design of dogs chasing deer, floral scrolls and a meander ] pattern of floral scrolls. The knives have pointed blades and the forks are two-tined. The case is of cuir bouilli modeled with extreme realism, the tusks being of ivory. From the Duke of Sutherland’s Collection, Stafford House, London. Height, 13 inches; length, 19 inches. NOTE: Though the knives and forks of. this remarkably interesting piece are undoubtedly Italian work of the sixteenth century, it is possible that the case itself is of early seventeenth century French fashioning. Eighth Session, Thursday Evening 1652—SIxTEENTH CENTURY SpanisH Derr Disu Of brass. Decorated with a circular medallion of armorial bearings surrounded by radiating panels of interlaced and scrolled patterns and by an acanthus-leaf border. The rim is decorated with a pattern of scrollings and interlacements aad with engraved lines of damascened silver. Diameter, 191/, inches, 1653—Hispano-Moresaut Deer Dist Of copper. Decorated with a raised six-lobed medallion occupied by a pattern of Saracenic interlacements and an escutcheon of armorial bearings surrounded by borders of Saracenic interlacements, flowers and leaves. Diameter, 1634 inches. 1654—Oup SpanisH Brazier Of copper. Formed as a circular bowl with fluted rim, scroll handles, domed and pierced cover, and three scroll and ball feet. The whole on a circular stand. Height, 23 inches; diameter of stand, 31 inches. 1655—OLp SPaANisH Sanctuary Lamp Of metal, silver-plated. Vase-shaped body decorated with bands of acanthus-leaf scrollings and quatrefoil medallions, and having three pierced projecting handles to which are affixed chains of links pierced in a design of interlacements. Silver plated. Height, 41 inches. XVII CENTURY GERMAN AND LOUIS SEIZE FRENCH CLOCKS OF MARBLE, BRONZE AND ORMOLU 1656—SIxTEENTH CENTURY GERMAN CLOCK Rectangular case of gilt brass engraved and chased in a pattern of acanthus scrollings. On brass base with four turned brass feet and finials. Probably of Augsburg make. No hands. Height, 61%, inches. 1657—SEVENTEENTH CENTURY GERMAN TABLE CLOCK Square gilt and engraved steel case on four turned feet. White metal dial with Roman numerals. Elaborately engraved movement. Striking on two bells. Of old Nuremberg make. 33, by 41, inches. Eighth Session, Thursday Evening 1658—SEVENTEENTH CENTURY GERMAN TURRET CLOCK Square case of gilt bronze. Circular cupola top of pierced brass with turned columns and panels enclosing miniature crucifixes of silver. White enamel dial with pierced brass hands. Crown escapement move- ment, with front pendulum. | Height, 111% inches. 1659—O.p GermMAN REPEATING CLOCK . Ormolu case, surmounted by a standing figure of a woman in classic — costume carrying a cornucopia of flowers. On octagonal ormolu base, — with mask and claw feet. Verge escapement set with ruby. Chain movement. of five independent trains. Strikes on two gongs and bell with separate repeating movement. Height, 7 inches. 1660—Oxup Encuisu Striking CiocKk In chased ormolu case, with applied pierced scrollings, pinnacle top with urn finials. White enamel dial plate surrounded by spandrels of floral sprays on a blue ground, and an arched panel of a basket of flow- ers, and floray sprays, all painted in colors in Canton Chinese enamel. Bob pendulum movement with back plate engraved by a Chinese artist. Strikes on one bell. ; Height, 131%, inches. 1661—Louwis SeizE Ciock Square base of white marble with molded cornice and base, mounted with pierced. and chased ormolu, and surmounted by a figure in gilt bronze of a Nymph seated and reading. On black marble base with four ormolu feet. Maker’s name: ‘Le Roi.” Height, 16 inches. 1662—Louis Seize Bracker Ciock Drum-shaped dial, supported by four scrolled and shaped arms, surmounted by an urn finial on marble base, mounted in ormolu with figures of two doves billing and cooing. White enamel dial, with gold hands. Verge escapement movement with engraved back-plate. Height, 14%, inches. Eighth Session, Thursday Evening 1663—Louvis Seize CiocK Formed as a classic temple of white marble, mounted with ormolu on four detached columns of marble with ormolu capitals and_ bases. Above is the clock movement with two revolving bands of white enamel carrying respectively the hour and minute numerals. In the center is an ormolu bust of Voltaire on a marble base. Maker’s name: “Antony Colian 4 Paris.”’ Height, 16 inches. 1664—Louis Seize Marsie ann Ormoxivu Crock Formed as a broken column supporting a drum-shaped clock case wreathed with festoons of laurel leaves, surmounted by an urn finial and supported on one side by a group of trophies. On ormolu molded base, with square acanthus-leaf medallions, and white marble pedestal with four ormolu feet. White enamel dial with steel hands. Height, 1234 inches. 1665—Louts Seize Lyre Crock Lyre-shaped case of marble and ormolu, with acanthus-leaf, beaded and twisted rope ornamentation supporting a sun-burst of ormolu and floral festoons. Base of Siena and black marbles. White enamel dial with figures in black and red, and with pierced flewr-de-lys hands of gilt bronze. Maker’s name: “Breant a Paris.” Bob pendulum and crown escapement movement. Height, 1934 inches. 1666—Otp Louis Srize CLocxk Striking clock of marble and bronze. Drum-shaped clock case sup- ported by bronze figures of Cupids and surmounted by an ormolu figure of a Nymph playing with a pug dog. On a shaped white marble base, with panels of finely chased and burnished ormolu in a design of Cupids playing and with four ormolu feet. White enamel dial, with pierced gilt hands. Strikes the hours and quarters on single bell. Height, 1414, inches. 1667—O.xp Skvres Biscurr Crock Of the Directoire Period. Surmounted by a group in Sevres biscuit of Perseus rescuing Andromeda, mounted on chased ormolu. ‘The base is decorated with an ormolu panel of Cupid and Nymphs sacrificing. On five ormolu feet. Height, 19 inches; width, 17 inches. Eighth Session, Thursday Evening 1668—Louvis QuinzE CarTEL CLock In ormolu cartel case of rococo scrollings and acanthus leaves, sur- mounted by a figure of a seated Cupid holding a torch with both hands. White enamel dial. Maker’s name: “Julien Le Roi, Paris” (1686- 1759). Height, 27 inches. » A CURIOUS COLLECTION OF XVIII CENTURY ENGLISH MECHANICAL, MUSICAL AND CHIMING CLOCKS This group of clocks has a double interest. In the first place the movements represent the mechanical ingenuity of the English clockmakers of the Eighteenth Century when it had reached its utmost pitch of perfection while the cases stand for a curious combination of European and Chinese artistry. In some instances, entirely of European, in others partly of European and partly of Chinese manufacture they are all of a character to delight the ofttimes ingenuous eyes of the Princes and Mandarins for whom they were fashioned. It was during the late Boxer risings that they came into the possession of an English mer- chant in Hong-Kong, by whom, a few years later, they were brought to England. 1669—E1cHTEENTH CENTURY ENcLIsH TaBLeE CiLock Drum shape with sides of chased ormolu pierced in a scroll pattern over red silk. White enamel dial painted with Chinese numerals. Single pierced hand. Inner dial of brass with ‘““Peepng Tom” opening showing the months also in Chinese characters. Height, 2%, inches; diameter, 41% inches. 1670—Pair or EIGHTEENTH CENTURY ENGLISH CLOCKs Striking clocks in cases of chased and pierced ormolu. Formed as Chinese sea-dragons on bases of wave forms from whose mouths issue flames and clouds of smoke. These dragons support the drum-shaped clocks. On pierced and chased ormolu-shaped bases and four bracket feet. White enamel dials with split second hands. Engraved circular movement, verge escapement. Strikes hours, half hours and quarters on single bell. Height, 131%, inches. Eighth Session, Thursday Evening 1671— EIGHTEENTH CENTURY ENGLISH Bracket CLOCK In ormolu case with domed cover with vertical bands of chased ormolu, pineapple finial, and four rococo scroll feet. White enamel‘dial with chased and pierced ormolu ornamentation. Looped side handles. Old verge escapement movement with elaborately engraved back-plate. Strikes on two bells. Maker’s name: “William Carpenter’ (London, 1770). | Height, 14 inches. 1672—EicHTEENtH CrentTuRY EncuisnH Mintarure Bracket Crock Mechanical and chiming clock in ormolu-mounted ebony case, with bracket feet and scrolled carrying handle. Dial plate of engraved ormolu with white enamel dial and revolving medallion set with colored cut paste jewels. Verge escapement movement. Chimes of two bells. Maker’s name: “Robert Phillip” (1779-88). Height, 10 inches. 1673—EIGHTEENTH CENTURY ENGLISH CLOCK Case of very finely chased ormolu decorated with panels of pierced ormolu and bands of colored paste jewels set in silver; surmounted by a pierced ormolu cresting and pots of flowers and by a shaped mirror resting upon a rocky base set with flowers and leaves enameled in natural colors. The mirror is framed in ormolu set with garnets and has a pierced and chased ormolu cresting. The back is occupied with a Chinese painting of a seascape and children on a dark blue Chinese paper. White enamel dial surrounded by a rim of paste jewels set in silver. Early bob pen- dulum movement. Height, 201%, inches. 1674—E1cHTEENTH CEenTURY ENncLisH C1Lock Striking clock in ormolu case, with pinnacle top and urn-shaped finial. Dial of Canton enamel painted by a Chinese artist with peony blos- soms, flowers and a Chinese basket. Engraved back-plate also by a Chinese artist, in a design of scrolls and an undecipherable attempt at an English name. Height, 1814, inches. Eighth Session, Thursday Evening 1675—Eicureentu Century Enevisn Crocx Chiming clock in engraved ormolu case, with pinnacle-shaped top, urn- _ shaped finial and scroll feet. The sides have oval medallions of pierced ormolu over a red silk ground. White enamel dial with split second hands set with paste rubies. Bob pendulum movement with engraved back-plate. Height, 121%, inches. 1676—EIcHTEENTH CENTURY ENGLISH CLOCK Mechanical and chiming clock in case of chased and engraved ormolu with pinnacle top. Dial plate of blue enamel with floral scrolls in gold and translucent enamels. Surmounted by an urn-shaped finial with movable figures of ormolu. Sides decorated with oval medallions of pierced ormolu over red silk grounds. Strikes hours on one bell. Bob pendulum movement with engraved back-plate. Height, 161 inches. (Illustrated) 1677—EIGHTEENTH CENTURY EneouisH Bracket C1iock Mechanical, musical and chiming clock in arched case of chased and engraved ormolu. Pinnacle-shaped top decorated with chased and pierced ormolu and surmounted by a classic urn. On four scroll feet. White enamel dial with pierced ormolu spandrel ornamentation and sur- mounted by a mechanical movement of a seascape and buildings with moving sailing ships. Engraved bob pendulum movement. Strikes hours, half hours and quarters and chimes on eight bells. Maker’s name: ‘Paul Rimbault” (London, 1779-1785). Height, 17 inches. (Illustrated) 1678—EIcHTEentH Century Enciish Ciock Musical and chiming clock in chased and pierced ormolu case. On acanthus-leaf and scroll feet. Domed top of imbricated pattern, vase- shaped finial and acanthus feet. Three white enamel dials. Bob pen- dulum movement with two separate chains, striking on two bells and chimes of eight bells. Maker’s name: “Robert Phillip” (1779-1783). it ve ey et wre vee wee Veeeaepone Bahn et OLSS H { 3 * q n 6 4 ‘7 13 f 4 id No. 1681 No. 1677 No. 1676 Eighth Session, Thursday Evening 1679—EIcHTEENTH CENTURY ENGLISH CLOCK Chiming and striking clock in ormolu case, with pierced and chased apron and cresting. Stepped top surmounted by an ormolu vase with branches of flowers set with cabochon-cut paste jewels and with four pineapple finials. The dial is of white enamel with pierced gilt hands and split second hand, the spandrels being occupied by birds in chased ormolu on a chased silver background. ‘The dial is surrounded by a ring of cabochon-cut paste jewels. Bob pendulum movement with engraved back-plate. —.. ‘ Height, 13 inches. 1680—EI1cHTEENTH CENTURY ENcLIsH ASTRONOMICAL CLOCK In a square Chinese case of mahogany with molded panels. Circular dial of white enamel with plate of ormolu decorated with a design by a Chinese artist. On the top is a sidereal globe revolving between two equatorial bands of brass in accordance with sidereal time. Bob pen- dulum movement with crown escapement and independent sidereal movement. 1681-—E1cHTEENTH CENTURY ENGLIsH CiLocK | : Mechanical, musical and chiming clock, in chased and engraved ormolu case. Square form with domed top surmounted by an urn of flowers. On four bracket feet. Dial of white enamel surrounded by a broad band of cut paste emerald, rubies and diamonds and by four circular — gilt medallions. Engraved movement. Maker’s name: “H. Borrell” (London, 1795 onward). (Illustrated) 1682—EicHTreentH Century EneiisH Crock Striking clock in chased ormolu case, with applied pierced scrollings and a pinnacle top with urn-shaped finials. White enamel dial, with spandrels of floral sprays on a blue ground, surmounted by an arched panel of a basket of flowers and floral sprays all in colored Canton enamels. Bob pendulum movement with back-plate engraved by a Chinese artist. Strikes on one bell. Height, 13% inches. Eighth Session, Thursday Evening 1683—EIcgHTEENTH CrentTURY ENGLISH CLOCK Mechanical, musical and chiming clock, in chased and engraved ormolu case made in two portions. The lower of square form on scrolled feet with acanthus-leaf scrollings at the angles and applied medallions of chased ormolu of acanthus-leaf design, the upper of rectangular shape, with pierced, beaded and voluted consoles at the angles, contains in front a dial of white enamel with gilt hands and surrounded by a border of cut paste jewels. At the sides are shaped medallions of translucent enamels. Above is a domed cupola formed of fluted sec- tions of engraved ormolu which open to disclose a column of twisted glass rods, and surmounted by a disc-lke figure in front of which re- volve two wheels set with cut paste jewels. ‘At the angles are four pinnacle-shaped revolving finials set, in a spiral pattern, with cut paste. When the clock strikes the covering leaves of the cupola are raised, the glass rods within revolve, the two wheels above revolve in opposite directions, and the conical finials also revolve. Maker’s name: “J. Mottran” (London, 1789-1794). Eighth Session, Thursday Evening 1684—EicutTrentH Century Enewisn Crock . Mechanical, musical and chiming clock, in a chased ormolu frame sur- mounted by a lantern of classical design with urn finial, on a molded base with panels of applied chased ormolu. ‘The lantern encloses a painted ivory carving of a Chinese pagoda surrounded by Chinese figures of painted ivory carrying articles emblematical of their trades. White enamel dial surrounded by floral wreaths painted in colored enamels and surmounted by a pierced design of plants, trees and a stream with a figure in a rowboat, at the back of which are twisted glass rods representing falling water. At the hours of striking the carved ivory figures in the lantern revolve as also do the glass rods simulating the waterfall. Strikes hours, half hours and quarters on mechanical musical chimes. Bob pendulum movement with engraved back-plate. Height, 281%, inches. Eighth Session, Thursday Evening 1685—E1cHTeentH Century Encuisu Bracker Crock Mechanical, musical and chiming clock, in chased and engraved ormolu case with domed canopy top surmounted by an urn-shaped finial, molded base with band of bead ornamentation and four scroll feet of chased ormolu. White enamel dial with split seconds, hour and minute hands. Below are sailing ships which move on the striking of the hour. Bob pendulum movement. Maker’s name: “Henry Borrell” (London, 1795). Height, 24 inches. Eighth Session, Thursday Evening 1686—E1cuTeentu Century Encusn Bracket Crock Mechanical and musical clock, in arched case with pinnacle top of ormolu. Decorated with applied ornamentation of musical and other trophies, floral wreaths and sprays, cornucopie with flowers. The pinnacle with a band of applied imbricated ornamentation, oak leaves and acorns. On four scrolled and pierced feet. White enamel dial painted by a Chinese artist with an amusingly ineffectual attempt to reproduce English names. Quarter repeating striker with three inde- pendent chains. Plays tunes on ten bells. Maker’s name: “Parkinson & Frodsham” (London, 1801). 4 Height, 31 inches. (Illustrated) -* 1687—Pair or Louis SrizE VAsE Criocks Ormolu cases formed as cantharus-shaped vases with scrolled winged gryphon handles, pierced and domed cover, and finial formed as a dove. On square pedestal with applied ornamentation of pierced and chased ormolu and bands of honeysuckle and beaded ornamentation. On four circular feet. The scroll handles of the vases are decorated in alternate red and green paste jewels, set in silver. Circular dial, surrounded by a rim of emerald and ruby paste jewels. Old French silk suspension movement. Height, 26 inches. (Illustrated) 1688—Oup FrenNcH Ormotvu Crock Empire period. Formed as an oval-shaped pavilion with a molded base, decorated with applied classical floral festoons, on which rest six com- posite Corinthian columns in clusters of three. The shafts of these are spirally encircled with an elaborate chased wreathing of flowers and leaves and spiral banding of burnished work. ‘These columns support a frieze decorated with a pattern of classical pointed leaf design in chased and ‘burnished ormolu. This cornice is crested with a pierced honeysuckle pattern having rosettes of chased and burnished ormolu, while above rises a domed top with an applied ornamentation of acan- thus-leaf scrollings, the whole terminating in a finial-of acanthus leaf and pineapple design. Between two of the columns is supported a white enamel clock dial surrounded by a rim of acanthus-leaf design in chased and burnished ormolu. Compensating pendulum of ormolu. Height, 27 inches. L89T “ON 989T “ON L89T “ON SAPEEXREEEEO DERG HERES GeO 4 Be ef ily ‘ip e : FHRPESTHEMO STARE TREES Eighth Session, Thursday Evening 1689—Oxip FrencH Ormoxivu C1Lock Of exactly the same description as No. 1688 1690—EIGHTEENTH CENTURY ENGLISH CLOCK Mechanical, musical and chiming clock in chased ormolu case sur- mounted by a lantern of classical design occupied with a figure of a Chinese Sage.