LIBRARY M. Knoedler & Co. 14 East 57th St. New York R ; Poet. eae coo th 6," 2 { ’ 5 f 4 / P, } nd \ ae bs . j fi f aw 4 ‘\ %, en ie” we" rf ie ys ~ * » ry al F} 3 kee ee CATALOGUE Bigh-Class Orxl Hauntings, THE PRIVATE COLLEOTION OF WILLIAM H. SHAW, ESQ., OF THIS CITY. | j NOW ON EXHIBITION AT THE BUCKEN ART GALLERIES, _ 817 & 819 BROADWAY, corner 12th Street, And will be Sold b y Auction without pasa a On Friday Evening, January 15th, 1886, Commencing at 7.45 o’clock. THOS. L. BUCKEN & CO. R. Somervinte, Auctioneer. 2; ig “Vee aie q eth Feet Cie at | ew © eee SS he » oe Cy Fe ee Neds bie. 4, Pee ae yp tat 4) aR D te hay UP eR gk 1 Rear c i A od tx et le OE tas CONDITIONS OF SALE. 1, The Highest Bidder to be the Buyer, and if any dis- | pute arise between two or more Bidders, the Lot so in dis- ae pute shall be immediately put up again and re-sold. 2. The purchasers to give their names and addresses,: and to pay down twenty-five per cent. on the dollar in part payment, or the whole of the Purchase money, 7f required, in default of which the Lot or Lots so purchased to be im-_ mediately put up again and re-sold. 3. The Lots to be taken away at the Buyer's Expense and Risk within twenty-four hours from the conclusion of the Sale, and the remainder of the Purchase money to be absolutely paid, or otherwise settled for to the satisfaction of the Venders, on or before delivery; in default of which Messrs. Thos. L. Bucken & Co. will not hold themselves responsible if the Lots be lost, stolen, damaged or de- | stroyed, but they will be left at the sole risk of the es | chaser. | : 4. The sale of any Painting, Engraving, Print, Furni- - < ture, Works of Art, or any other article, is not to be set — { aside on account of any error in the description. All arti- cles are exposed for Public Exhibition one or more days, and are sold just as they are without any recourse. a 5. To prevent inaccuracy in delivery and inconvenience __ in the settlement of the Purchases, no Lot can on any ac- count be removed during the Sale. BS, 6. Upon failure of complying with the above conditions, — tL the money deposited in part payment shall be forfeited; all Lots uncleared within the time aforesaid shall be sold by public or private Sale, without further notice, and the deficiency (if any) attending such re-sale shall be made a good by the Defaulter at the Sale, together with all charges _ 2 attending the same. t his condition is without prejudices er 2 at this Se without such re-sale, if they think fit. THOS, L. BUCKEN & co. Artists Represented in this Collection. Atalaya, 34. Achenbach, 55. Aublet, 71. Brillouin, 41. Beauquesne, 44, Bruneri, 61. ' Boughton, 66. Bodenmuller, 72. Becker, 78. Bruck Lajos, 79. Ciotta, 2, 14, 27. Champney, 13. Castiglione, 29. Cecco, 30, 38, 50. Carolus, 60. Dolph, J. H., 8, 40. De Wilde, 12. De Beul, 45. Diaz, 52, 65. Egusquiza, 36. EHisermann, 59. Etienne, 74. Fondevilla, 28. Frappa, 47. Frere, 53. Ghens, 19. Gamba, 48. Gisbert, 69. Husen, 18, Hammer, 25. Hadamard, 64. Hinrich, 75. Inkay, 1. Julien, 4, Jacquet, 56. Jonghe, 68. Kuffmann, 15. Kratke, 20. Kotschenreiter, 76. Le Gay, 6. Lesche, 29. Lambinet, 67. Langlois, 70. Mitchell, 3, 35. Malecki, 5. Mouchot, 16. McCord, 22. Meyer, 31. Marcotte de Quivieres, 49., Mannier, 51. Muri, 57. Musin, 63. Olofson, 11. Ribot, 7.. Ruel, 73. Steinheil, 10. Silva, 17. Salles, 43. Sadler, 54. Salentin, 58. Simons, 62. Schenck, 77. Smith-Hald, 80. Torrini, 24. Thurneyssen, 33. Tamburini, 37. Thoren, 42. Vernon, 23. Williamson, 9, 32. Weber, 21. Walker d’Acosta, 26. Yarz, 46. New York, Fan’y gth, 1886, Messrs. T. L. Bucken & Co. Dear Sirs: I place in your hands my Collection of Paintings. Please sell them for me without reserve. Resp'y Yours, WM. H. SHAW. CATALOGUE. Mriday Hvening, January 15, 18860. COMMENCING AT 7.45 PP, M. 1 ee ee. ee eb cw Paris Z 6 V entice 2, Me tk Venice "s Vf On the Lake , | Pratt) NEIL... . New York af U Marine > & PULUEN) Mohn Se ee Ry gS. Paris i 4 Landscape 5 MALECKT) Wee eee Munich fre Me Pupil of Josef Brandt. ~ Polish Horse Dealers LE GAY: Victoria oe Paris. o ‘ o2_0/ At Peace ae GERMAINE. 38 Paris 9 Suill Life 6 eg Monk's Head sun : ~ 9 AGN Sue Landscape 10 he x - Pupil of Meissonier. "e ' Medal, Paris Salon, 1882. _~ ae ASH Life Pupil of Munthe. Winter Scene 7 DOLPH, J. 7 CA RY New York é iA csuotate of the National Academy of Design, 4877. _ Member of the Society of American Artists, 1878. WILLIAMSON, Joun.......New York ; 11 tr ae _ OLFOSON. Bees wh eee ee ee Lon h STEINHELL gto. CHAS. EDWARD... Patis ‘ : te, ye Roe _ CHAMPNEY, J. Weuts..... ..New Yc RS ae (et ee 2 ty Schooltime 0 * sy 4 ! ,¥ ' ~ t = bl ty ~ ro } ~ mle CIOTTA; C.... bo The Start ‘An 15 m Sey _KAUFFMANN, 0 | fe a Morning tn the Mountatn Se ee ¢ Te 5 eo rv. MQUCHOT, Diovie. aoe Tagen aris Bf ‘4 Pupil of Cabanel. ee Monks at a Musical Rehearsal zi SILVA, oa Ci en New York 9&7 OANA. | Bxecution Light, Long 1. ied 4 Sound ones 18 : USER A eGo ey dant Bhuseclons 19 SS) i ri fiat Antwerp 8 se) ie Party 3 , ae hr Laat AK aC ee oe ae KRATEE, ]..- (aa OT sae ‘o hehehe: ages ee as an : Medal of Maritime Exhibition, London, Ta * 4 a Wa saab ah Se McCORD, e Hise es “ieee New ¥ g | e A. N. A. , a! BAY i 23 YI. Nl eel ne Florence | 3 xt i i 1 An EES Monk earns - 26 : coe. WALKER, SEVP AICOSTA) ia Paris.) aaamme Pupil of Vibert. ; $9 “ ie The Surprise ee cIoTTA, cer {Week oar a hea: LV ence sone f On the Ve veranda : gi) ce . a : ‘s | ty et dr it ; i, es eth ee \ ib ge fy 5 M dnt, Sia . : CASTIGLIONE , GUISEPPE.. ae aa Born at Naples. — : Honorable Mention, Salon. 4 i —Ltahan Noble Lady Ne 31 : MEYER, S. fo e: .Dussel . fails the Window He Si Sia 12. a2 WILLIAMSON, Jomun....... New York / National Academician. Landscape | 30 TrmuURNEYSSEN, THeopore......Paris « 3 SX Pupil of Detaille. LLI ,flunting Scene MITCHELL, Ne...... ~~... New York Fo ier SEGUSOUIZA, RY. tp nT ie Veal a al oe Pupil of Madrazzo. ne ae dire} “Reverie . 37 \ +¢ nae fe 8. 24 Street 1, in A cee ia i { Je a 3 oT Py 1 ri Ade y Ay “i iy he “sS , fl Pe ca New York y ~ Associate of the Academy of Design, 1877. Member of the Society of American Artists, 1878. Mother and Kittens 41 Pete ITN 1. Ge. Mere ib atis a Pupil of Drolling. jf Born at St. Jean d’ Angely. Medals, Salon, 1865, 1°69, 10:4, Chevalier of the Order of Leopold of Belgium. Hors Concours. The Smoker a Se 49 wn a ° rr mon eN; OTTO DE... oa... .... Vienna Bec } ‘ Medals, Salon, 1865, 1884. ee A Legion of Honor, 1884, ra Hors Voncours. 3 ee Gold Medal of Honor, Munich, 1869, % Bye Chevalier of the Russian Order of Vladimir. * Chevalier of the Order of Francis Joseph. :. A Passing Shower . 15 | SALES, fgg ecco , 4 “@( Meditation | ad 14 aC BEAUQUESNE, W, C.)) ae me . Born at Rheims. Pupil of Jacque. Stable and Sheep — : of Pee he | 46 2 “YARZ, EDMOND... 72. 30). ~ = ee Honorable Mention, Salon, 1883. a Medal, Salon,1884. . KG entice Be F an aS FRAPPA, ee eat banded, 4% ple, Paris r. aps Pupil of Vibert. Honorable Mention, Salon. 4 Laking a Shave ae EY 48 GAMBA, Dre Prevpour........... Paris et \ ie of Gerome and Hamon. ‘i 2- Ldylle From the Salon of 1875. 49 MARCOTTE De Quivieres, Pavt. . Paris PALM foe 4 Low Tide i 50 eer Dm... ye.) Vienna Vv Sultan's Palace 17 : ; MANNIER, Hee pe ay Me “ , i ee * M xePupil of Meissonior. : ee it A. Ls heologian DIAZ, N, [deceased] coh ue = ak Medals, 1844, 1846, 1848, wh Legion of Honor, 1851. eee Niches mas Diploma to the Memory of Deceased Artists sa a Born Tee eet 1876. Py FRERE, EDovarRD. ... oe pee eS 4 0 ~ Born 1819. ee bor ne we Medals, Salon, 1851, 1852. Medal, Exposition Universelle, 1855. . Legion of Honor, 1855. _ Hors Concours, i nu vainveed ndustry pect SADLER, W. Denpy....... _., London Sates) brated English Painter. Ti Various Medals, ~ The Old Manuscripts _ACHENBACH, ANprR. ..... Dusseldorf 56 a JACQUET GUSTAVE. i.e hex oh. Panis Pupil of Bouguereau. Medal, Salon, 1868. Medals ist Class, Salon, 1865. Medal, Universal Exhibition, 1878. - Chevalier of the Order of the Legion of Honor, 1879. Hors Coacours. Fancy Li ead 19 a a i) i Sy ee om a ana a _BRUNERI, “Francois, Be ie Paria? «1 a ae Born at Turin. | Pupil of Gerome and Bonnat. Chevalier of the Order of the Crown of Italy. Ventce e SIMONS, Marci owt Ke he aie: Paris Becca Bor at New a Pupil of Vibert. Fai ie never WON Fair Lady he RANCQIS(4. ....... Brussels _ v Born in Ostend. ; Knight of the Order of Leopold of Belgium. edals, London, Philadelphia, Vienna, Amsterdam, etc. Marine—Englsh Channel he aan eet ats: Marguerite 21 is ih, ‘ K rim 3 , jd ge es eee pr Nols OPA Tis oy Medals, 1844, 1846, 1848. Cross of Legion of Honor, 1851. ye ‘Diploma to the Memory of Deceased Artists, 1 res Born 1807, Died 1876. In the Woods 66 ~ -BOUGHTON, Gro. va ge Member of the National, N. Y., 1871. Associate of the Royal Academy, London, 1877. sn a7 Daughter of the Soi if 67 LAMBIN ET, E. [deceased]. . “5 ; reeked Various Medals. oe The Brook : a . 2 ‘22 es ie x tah Ry “4 pes gi ee ‘& uu, ae 48 i. x . \ on i Pe ; a a 68 A Meare, (GUSTAVE DEOL 2... Belgium ‘a Born 1828, 4 Gold Medal, Antwerp, 1862. Mm “ay Mediul. Salon, 1863. Chevalier of the Order of Leopold. Chevalier of the Rose of Brazil. The Reverie From the Hurlburt Collection. 69 GISBERT Rima oul triton rons. Tee tenes Choe £ . {50° ¥ Dit Head — MeEANGEOIS, Henrt.....,:,.....Paris Pupil of Bonnat. A Visit to Grandmother From the Salon of 1884. hi : € , 23 ¥ 4 ¥ ™ ; ; uo — . ~ 4° ¢ popeNnNes, Fs FREDERICK. Bec | ie deal FL cad Ae RUEL, | ‘Leon, (4.2) 1 ee tee Ng i Oe Honorable ope Salon, 1881. * eS Ti, he Army Blacksmith ee -ETIENNE, W. rdgoeaseare a . ae OP HA Pupil of L. Marchetti. _ fe ws a Flower fibet ae the M nn Maw : He, Paris Oat 75. PeINRICH, OswaLp.-. 2.2. . Dusseldorf [i in M4 Reading the Bible LPL corscitensphfe. eee Munich i “Bowling ; (7 a ois LF cea IRAP oc tbe Paris Pupil of Cogniet. Medal, Salon, 1865. Medal, Centennial Exposition, 1876. Chevalier of the’ Order of Christ of Portugal and of Isabella the Catholic. Ln Danger BGI ER; Ne” Fag Fo Ae eerste Munich [i a amily Llappiness a i BRUCK te ae TUG i on ITH-HALD, Friruor,..,...- Pupil of Gude. ne ant, rst eee es } Heath 7 — tm eg ena i et nS ie ee alee fe ce A ee ce eo ng can ei ie av a te ee er ee ee i te eo se FR EE. a re : = Tele stitat bie tal vo Seles =