8s 1927 Nov.25 NeAmC c.2 Od Dey ai, eee MT Vad ia 9 fc SLE th ER Ea Phe ohh ; 1 Here ips PRT Ve Ry ol F4, ior 7. is ¢ Pee yy att Fn Aes f 4 BOER ete Ee er no oe Se se eC A | 3 CMe at Davee ar shoes F ee Dee) Seas * Bere tesy DAH oo ii WS BT BN bS Tp: Wty hetyy ee ‘ a ae a WEF BLS GW Mp, : Hid 4 MLE a Fe Ad ane ie tt Pie, ites 4 Pun dae OP a 4 fa? om i chs ova Dy f. nets tats FU Ge g te xheopy #0 § + 7 i RTT nverse io Art Assoc Inc jation: rican NEW YORK CITY Bay 2 fh rt 4 & > : i Buyer Wm.Levy ~ F.Auglin -Mrs.0.B.Cintas W.S.Gould J.W.Spencer Joffe & Joffe Voit Sumner Healy Mr .Holt W.B.Crowell Clapp & Graham A. Arnold J.W.Spencer A.W.Barber J.Levy Gal. J.W.Spencer W.H.Woods A.Arnold A.M.Surprenant A.Arnold A.M.Surprenant W.H.Woods _ B.Lazarus J.Suiet W.H.Woods Clapp & Graham Surprenant A.Arnold Clapp & Graham J.Levy Gal. W.B.Crowell Mrs.0.B.Cintas J.Levy Gals. ! A.Arnold A.Arnola No. igus Association, @. Nov.25, 192 Price $ 2,200. 950. 2,700. 9,100. 5,000. 500. 425. 360. 575. £e Buyer W.H.Woods W.B.Crowell EgF .Albee W.H.Woods W.S.Gould A.Arnold W.L.Emile M.A.Newhouse M.J.Rougeron FREE PUBLIC EXHIBITION From Saturday - November 19 Until Time of Sale Weekdays 9g to 6 7 Sunday eat07s [Thanksgiving Day 2 to 5] UNRESTRICTED PUBLIC SALE Friday Evening November 25 Beginning at 8:15 O'Clock Peete tON tf SALE AT THE AMERICAN ART GALLERIES Madison Avenue ° 56th to 57th Street New York City é SALES CONDUCTED BY Mr. O. Bernet & Mr. H.H. Parke American Art Association - Inc MANAGERS 1927 eee te atone el Shenae 22 Stale aa eH i mix See ORY PAINTINGS Landscapes by Corot, Diaz JacquE anD Van MarcKE Figure Studies by Fortuny GEROME, VIBERT, CLAUSEN RipGway KnicutT & OTHERs A Marine by Crays and A Water-color by Rico & ‘Removed from the CONVERSE RESIDENCE CONYERS MANOR GREENWICH 7 Conn. ejold By Order of the Legatees of the E. C. CONVERSE Ase Rd Ql UNDER MANAGEMENT OF THE American Art Association iN CLOSR APO Ro ALTE D New York LoO2F | Priced (Catalogues Priced copies of the catalogue, or any session thereof, will be furnished by the Association at charges commensurate with the duties involved in copying the necessary information from the records of the Association. ‘The AMERICAN ART ASSOCIATION - Inc Designs its (. atalogiies. and ‘Directs -All Details of LHlustration Text and Typography I. Conditions of Sale TAD ™,_» REJECTION OF Bips, Any bid which is not commensurate with the value of the article offered, or which is merely a nominal or fractional advance, may be rejected by the auctioneer if in his judgment such bid would be likely to affect the sale injuriously. . Tue Buyer. The highest bidder shall be the buyer, and if any dispute arises between two or more bidders, the auctioneer shall either decide the same or put up for re-sale the lot so in dispute. . IDENTIFICATION AND Deposir sy Buyer. 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(In any instance where the purchase bill has not been paid in full by noon of the day following that of the sale, the Association and the auctioneer reserve the right, any other stipulation in these conditions of sale notwithstanding, in respect to any or all lots included in the purchase bill, at its or his option, either to cancel the sale thereof or to re-sell the same at public or private sale without further notice for the account of the buyer and to hold the buyer responsible for any deficiency and all losses and expenses sustained in so doing. . Surppinc. Shipping, boxing or wrapping of purchases is a business in 10. Il. which the Association is in no wise engaged, Aut the Association will, how- ever, afford to purchasers every facility for employing at current and — reasonable rates carriers and packers ; doing so, however, without any assumption of responsibility on its part for the acts ue charges of the parties engaged for such service. . Guaranty. The Association exercises great care to catalogue every lot correctly and endeavors therein and also at the actual time of the sale to point out any error, defect or imperfection, but guaranty is not made either by the owner or the Association of the correctness of the description, genuineness, authenticity or condition of any lot and no sale will be set aside on account of any incorrectness, error of cataloguing or imperfection not noted or pointed out. Every lot is sold “as is” and without recourse. I, Every lot is on public exhibition one or more days prior to its sale, and the Association will give consideration to the opinion of any trustworthy expert to the effect that any lot has been incorrectly catalogued and in its — judgment may thereafter sell the lot as catalogued or make mention of the opinion of such expert, who thereby will become responsible for such damage as might result were his opinion without foundation. Recorps. The records of the auctioneer and the Association are in all cases to be considered final and the highest bid shall in all cases be accepted by both buyer and seller as the value against which all claims for losses or damage shall lie. BuyING ON Orper. Buying or bidding by the Association for responsible parties on orders transmitted to it by mail, telegraph, or telephone, if con- — ditions permit, will be faithfully attended to without charge of commission Any purchases so made will be subject to the foregoing conditions of sale, except that, in the event of a purchase of a lot of one or more books by or for a purchaser who has not through himself or his agent been present at the exhibition or sale, the Association will permit such lot to be returned — within ten days from the date of sale, and the purchase money will be — refunded, if the lot differs from its catalogue description. CQ[Orders for execution by the Association should be given with such clearness as to leave no room for misunderstanding. Not only should the lot number be given, but also the title, and bids should be-stated to be so much for the lot, and when the lot consists of one or more volumes of books or objects of art, the bid for volume or piece should also be stated. If the one trans- mitting the order is unknown to the Association, a deposit must be sent or reference submitted. Shipping directions should also be given. These conditions of sale cannot be altered except by the auctioneer or by an officer of the -Association OTTO BERNET + HIRAM H. PARK EO ye AMERICAN ART ASSOCIATION -INC Managers an eheaienel . EVENING SESSION Friday, November 25, 1927 at 8:15 O'Clock Catalogue Numbers I to 46 Inclusive feo Oo YeA C 4 po SPANISH: XIX CENTURY 1. 4 WOMAN OF MADRID Cine Crorucop Half-length portrait of a young woman in a plum-colored dress with gold epaulettes, her face and neck wrapped in a white lace mantilla pinned with a yellow rose. | Signed at upper right, Noyac, Maprip Panel: Height, 8 inches; width, 5 inches Me kek-Y- + E NN BRITISH: 1838—I9QII a O, 2. ARABIAN NIGHTS Drv, Pew At the wall of a cavern defined by a pointed Moresque arc are two water carriers and a merchant talking together as they rest by the wayside. Signed at lower left, HARRY FENN Water-color: Height, 16 inches; width, 13 inches 2 Site. LOUIS «ASTON 4KiNene en AMERICAN: 1873— 4 TWO RIVER LANDSCAPES s Each depicting the smooth surface of a wide rlyer bordered © with grasses and trees under a summer sky. One signed at lower right, ASTON KNIGHT, GREENWICH Water-color: Height, 10 inches; length, 13 inches KRNST SCH Mite GERMAN: XIX CENTURY THE NEWSPAPER ‘NAA OB, Cngeezs Half-length figure of an elder in scarlet waistcoat and broad | brimmed black hat, smoking his pipe and reading a news- paper. Signed at upper right, ERNsT SCHMITZ, MUNCHEN Panel: Height, 7% inches; width, 6 inches ALPHONSE DE Ney ee FRENCH: 1836—1885 _.LA RECONNAISSANCE WW), &. A detail of French dragoons—officers an@ orderlies—in blue uniforms and red trousers, have dismounted in the shelter of a low ridge; the leaders are examining the visible country © to the left. Gray sky filled with rain clouds. Signed at lower right, A. DE NEUVILLE, and dated 1876 Height, 8% inches; length, 12 inches IO Bo HAE LC SpaeARES iva? | Ee wr Ny ' 7 - Winners > - one 8. -.6. AGBER F “LYNCH PERUVIAN: 1851— PORTRAIT OF A LADY IN Baan Nae haired you ~ Delicate profile to the right of a beautiful fa woman with brown hair dressed high and violet décolletage; light grayish-white background. Signed at upper right, ALBERT LyNcH Panel: Height, 8% inches; width, 634 inches Peek © S SPANISH: XIX CENTURY . SEVILLE: LAS MAJAS Atte , : A procession of women in gdily coloréd shawls a resses is emerging from the arch of an official building over which 48 — flies the Spanish flag, into the place of a white courtyard. + At the left, by the wall, stands a guardia civil in blue coat and red trousers. Signed at lower left, F. Ramos, SEVILLA Height, 10 inches; width, 7 inches Or iO) 4G E.BL ER GERMAN: 1838—1896 INTERIOR OF 4 BYRE J) pct The manger is filled with sheep and ewes with their young ones, two in the foreground accompanied by two white , lambs, the latter watching a brood of chickens hopping in and out of a feed bowl. The coat of the shepherd hangs over a barrel of straw at the right. Signed at lower right, OrTo GEBLER Panel: Height, 14% inches; length, 17 inches II IO. DLO. LE ALPHONSE DE NBUVIULEE FRENCH: 8301885 yf % ee fe HUSSAR OF fii Ee Ti REGIMENT Standing figure of a corporal of Hussars in frogged blue jacket, striped red trousers and black fur cap with plume; resting on his sword, and facing the observer. Signed at lower right with initials, A. DE N., and dated 1866 _ Water-color: Height, 11 inches; width, 7 inches M. SEYMOUR BLOODGOS AMERICAN: 1845— THE POOL “Wy. elt Interior of a wood with a pool of water in the foreground | fed by a rivulet trickling down over the rocks, and sur- rounded by a girdle of tall russet and green trees, lighted 1 in the distance by the sun. Signed at lower right, M. S. BLoopcoop, and dated 1888 Height, 20 inches; width, 16% inches KF. HOPKINSON Soh AMERICAN: 1838—1915 VENICE ({), ‘The white houses of the city topped by square campanili are visible across the green water; in the right foreground, a fishing boat with brown sails, moored beside a stone bridge. Signed at lower right, F. HopKINSON SMITH W ater-color: Height, 14% inches; length, 25% inches Le leo. ew Hala RE DG EE, N:. A. AMERICAN: 1820—1910 THE HILLSIDE Chek t t re Pe al ivided A brown hill rising to the right a y a rough hedge crossing the foreground; the ridge bears a line of trees sil- _houetted in masses against the white cumulus clouds behind. A man is walking through the fields towards the barn on the summit of the hill. : Signed at lower right, W. WHITTREDGE Signed on back of canvas, WuiTrReDGE, N.A., and dated 1899 Height, 11 inches; length, 15 inches Weert ©) 1 1, 1 ITALIAN: XIX CENTURY HEAD .OF A YOUNG GIRL ber Rr £ Head and shoulders facing the observer, of a young Nea- politan girl in a green robe with a white veil covering her dark brown hair and large gold circlets in her ears; her swarthy head is tilted back, the brown eyes and full red lips beckoning to the observer. Dark background. Signed at upper right, V. PoLri Height, 25% inches; width, 13% inches From Louis Pisam, Florence and Rome 13 14. itis Lo, 16, FREDERICK GC. GR AMERICAN: XIX CENTURY LANDSCAPE ‘ we € A hillside with russet undergrowth and t { tree-trunks in the left foreground; behind, a thick and impenetrable cur- | tain of woodland in greens, browns and Braye, His eas = | defining the blue sky. Signed at lower right with monogram F. G. Ge and Hered 1885 Height, 12 inches; length, 22 inches ARTHUR QUARTILE AMERICAN: 183 Cb | MARINE: THE von ieee A fishing vessel flying a brown mainsail and a small tramp 7 steamer are tossing on the waves, hazily lighted by the huge disk of a full moon. Signed at lower right, QUARTLEY Height, 16% inches; width, 12% inches ~ JAMES M. HART, N. AMERICAN: eae + CATTLE TRAVERSING A dan October scene, an arch of russet and green foliage spanning a woodland park up which a herdsman is driving brown and white cattle. Above, in the distance, is a glimpse of — brilliant blue sky. Signed at lower left, James M. Harr Panel: Height, 1634 inches; width, 12% inches 14 Weeds 1 LON CH PERUVIAN: 1851— | 17. PORTRAIT BY GASLIGHT \g Ww, Sftueey ____~ On the stone balustrade of a ball-room, from which streams __ __ a yellow light, stands the erect figure of a young lady in a 3 ©. plain white evening robe and long brown gloves, her head tilted back against the wall, and facing the observer. In the garden at the right, a dense mass of trees in the moon- light. Signed at lower left, A. LYNcu eight, 21 inches; width, 1014 inches Peewee PRELULWITZ, N.A. AMERICAN: 1865— 18. VENUS Wit Se gare r Nude figure of the sea-born goddess, standing erect in a (es huge shell riding on the crest of a wave, accompanied by a shark and two men swimming. | 4 Signed at lower right, H. PRELLWITZ, and dated 1907 Height, 17 inches; length, 29 inches Thos. B. Clarke Prize, National Academy of Design, 1907 15 EDOUARD TOUDOUZE FRENCH: 1844—1907 | | 19. L’ECHALIER Co oe. LK | A young woman in a scarlet blouse, mauve petticoat re blue ' stockings, and wearing a white cap. is perched coquettishly $ O. ona lower rail of a rough fence, with two brass milk cans at her feet. Behind is a green meadow bordered by trees Signed at lower right, E. TouDOUZE Panel: Height, 14 inches; width, 11 inches ALBERTO °PRASie ITALIAN: 1826180000 Game | F 20. LES MARCHANDS. QAM. A white garden wall crowned by fruits and a 4 liant in the Algerian sunlight. In the right foreground the AL. \ (ates wall abuts on a shop, before the door of which a horseman in brown dress and red fez has pulled up and | is addressing questions to the two owners. @ Signed at lower left, A. PAsINi Height, 9 inches; length, 10% inches 16 wil ara, EeNOMARID DETAILEE FRENCH: 1848—1912 21. EN VEDETTE Ow ee ey ae Figures of a cavalryman of the Twenty-first Regiment in | _ black uniform with red facings, astride a brown horse, facing 3 66, half-right, with lance and pennant looped over his right ae eee eee shoulder. 2 ft Signed at lower right, Epovarp Derairte, and dated 1877 Panel: Height, 1334 inches; width, 84 inches Collection of Benjamin Stern, Esq. Loan Exhibition, Educational Alliance and Hebrew Tech- nical Institute mee bt RCO PASIN I ITALIAN: 1826—1899 2. MARCHE AUX FRUITS Q WW. S | A courtyard in North Africa, before a house with /over- at hanging upper stories and Moorish windows; behind, at the left, is a low stable building and the brilliant green foll- ——, age of atree. ‘Iwo veiled women are in the doorway of the 5 S a house; outside is an amorphous group of merchants, with ‘ their horses amid baskets and scattered heaps of fruit. Signed at lower right, A. PASINI Height, 11 inches; length, 1334 inches : i 24. dormer windows clustered regularly toge FRANCOIS FLAMENG FRENCH: 1859— | W. tk Undydd LA MARCHANDE DE PATISSERIES The Bois, at the time of the Directory. On an Autumn morning soldiers and cavaliers are caracoling across the park, their figures dwarfed by the great mass of yellowing ~ trees behind. In the foreground citoyens and citoyennes strolling or gossiping; two resplendent ladies have rebufted a young girl, richly dressed, who is carrying a tray of pies. Signed at lower right, FRANCoIs FLAMENG Panel: Height, 13 inches; length, 16% inches MARTIN RICO SPANISH: 1850—1908 CASTILIAN SUNSHINE A group of old white-walled houses with 4teep gables and er at the river- side; here and there a woman, a seated fisherman, and two figures in a boat. At the right, in a mass of greenery lie the roofs of mansions and two white belfries thrust up into the sunshine. Signed at lower left, Rico Water-color: Height, 23 inches; width, 16 inches 18 ee ee eee ete ee ee ge et Te ee wins my JULES JACQUES VEYRASSAT FRENCH: 1829—1893 25. LA MOISSON © | A wide plain eG for miles the autumn wat In the right foreground two men and a woman loading grain on to a wagon drawn by a chestnut and two white horses. In the left middle distance, groups of harvesters and an empty wagon resting beside two stacks. Signed at lower right, J. VeyRASSAT Panel: Height, 12 inches; length, 16 inches FRANCOIS FLAMENG FRENCH: 1859— 46. LE JEUNE NAPOLEON [ *0, Choris Chee alg A snow-clad Alpine landscape of the Italian campaign. The young general Buonaparte, in gold-embroidered black uni- form and tricolor scarf, his head bare, passing on a chestnut horse before serried ranks of French infantrymen in black -and white uniforms. Behind him appears the mass of cheer- ing soldiery in a forest of fixed bayonets and the captured standards of the Austrian army. A dismantled gun carriage lies across the left foreground. Signed at lower right, FRANCOIS FLAMENG Height, 25 inches; width, ae 19 ALPHONSE. DE NER Vi baat FRENCH: 1836—1885 24. VEDETTE DE DRAGONS § 60. Figure of a non-commissioned officer of dragooh in Cd ark blue uniform with red facings and epaulettes, fully accoutred, _ and mounted on a roan horse facing to the left. His glance is directed across the desert country, away from the observer. Signed at lower right, A. pp NEUVILLE, and dated 1879 Height, 20 inches; width, 16 inches — | Vente A. De Neuville, Hotel Drouot, Paris, 1901 PAUL JEAN BELGIAN: 1819—1900 { 28. EFFET DU MATIN: BATEAUX (4 L’ANCRE y A group of Dutch sailing barges, the nearest with brown and white sails, float placidly on the smooth silky waters of the estuary of the Scheldt; two rowing boats are putting back — and forth between the barges and the observer, the soft and / on clear morning light streaming down from a brilliant blue sky ‘lightening to lilac on the horizon. | 7 e ~~ Signed at lower right, P. J. Crays — : Height, 1634 inches; length, 25 inches Alexander Blumenstiel Collection, American Art Associa- tion, 1906 From Messrs. Scott and Fowles, New York [See illustration] 20 nee eee Ye Ef ° No. 28. Erret pu MaTINnN; BATEAUX A L’ANCRE “phy MARIO FORT URS qe!” SPANISH: 1838—1874 | 30. AN AFRICAN CHIEF / g@6, ‘ / / A 29. AVANT LVORAGE | XO. Qt LOUIS CARRIER- BELLEUSE. FRENCH: 18485, A shingle beach with the green sea in re disrater: theneathl the leaden gray heavens. At the right, fishing boats have been landed; in the left. foreground, a number of fishermen and women are struggling with a capstan to beach a large boat which sticks its gray sails up into the sky. | Signed at lower right, Louts CARRIER- BELLEUSE, and dated 1892 | Height, 26 inches; length, 3692 inches — Graceful erect figure of a negro chief wrapped in black and white robes, with blue Moroccan corselet and pink blouse, — his outstretched arms resting on a long flintlock rifle. Flat landscape with a mass of green trees behind the figure at the left. Pe . Fon ea of Signed at lower right, with dedication, FoRTUNY, and dated 1870 ee Height, 16% inches; width, 13 ache 8 , ; [See illustration] OR9 No. 30. AN AFRICAN CHIEF : | 1 | : | : i : 5 4 | JEAN. GE EORGES ‘VIBERT FRENCH: 1840—1902 31. THE CONNOISSEURS 15 \.d : Gad “yp Palace interior with a library table at the right and an armorial screen in the foreground. Before it, turning over “a . the leaves of an album of prints, is a cardinal in scarlet seated in a green armchair, a Monsignor in purple robes looking over his shoulder and smiling AAURISERE TOF with him. . Signed at lower left, J. G. VipERT Panel: Height, 1834 inches; ite 15 inches JEAN JACQUES HENNE FRENCH: 1829—1905 0. 32, ‘PAYSANNE | 5 eH. (Se . Ora t0de | _ A delicate profile to the left of a young girl wearing a dark green dress and brilliant scarlet cap, her face with its straight | nose and red lips softly and brilliantly lighted from upper lett. Signed at upper right, J. J. HENNER, and dated 1892 : Height, 16%4 inches; width, 13% inches [See illustration] 24 PAYSANNE NO. 32: EAN BAPTISTE CAMILLE COROT -J 3A. re FRENCH: 1796—1875 con® tb VIEUX PONT DE ORR | 30 33. f : QO. V/ o fake In the middle distance, the triple stone arch of the bridge, — crowned by a lodge, crosses the smooth green mirror of the — river; behind rises thick woodland extending to the left — foreground. On the grass near the observer, at the left, is — the kneeling figure of a woman in brown dress and cap. The ~ ground slopes abruptly up to the right in a hummock partly | veiled by delicate saplings fluttering against the pale blue — sky. Signed at lower right, COROT 4 Height, 14 inches; length, 17 Ce Painted about 1855-60 i a Presented by Corot to M. Hubert-Martincourt Exposition de l’Ecole des Beaux Arts, 1875 Vente Perkins, 1899 From Messrs. Arnold & Tripp, Paris, 1901 Collection of M. de Montgermont From Messrs. Scott & Fowles, New York Illustrated and described in Robaut, L’Oeuvre de Corot, 4 | Volo ll Nowsr9 ; [See illustration] 26 EUX PONT DE MANTES makice AVI 33 S Z, NARCISSE VIRGILE DIAZ DE LA PENA — see FRENCH: 1807—1876 | ‘ %, a Oo. a 34. LE SENTIER DU BOIS — . ae A young girl in a black dress, Hite apron woodland lane wary covered be mate and broken | gv by a tiny pool in the foreground. The sun, appearing teil z sO the thick oaks and beeches which fringe the walk, casts soft ce ee ‘patches of warm light on to the grass and high eee on ‘an the tree-trunks. ~ a all ~. Signed at lower left, N. Diaz, a ted 1864 From Leroy et Cie., Paris ao Alexander’ Blumenstiel Collecdont Assen eae Art Associae | tion, 1906 | * Sars at os gos i : “2 From Messrs. Scott and Fowles, New var ie [See illustration] 28 No. 34. Le SENTIER DU Bots 35. curtain of trees; in the distance at the right, the country EMILE PRON MARCKE te FRENCH: a7 Be i CAT ELE: /ATERING | ’ A pond. lies in the extreme f reground ; thre cz tle whica roan and brown—are wading in the pool of water which washes the meadow pasture. Behind, at the left, is a dark ascends in a slow rise to a hillside fringed with woods black against the white clouds of the horizon, | a Signed at lower left, EM. VAN MARCKE . a Height, 23V% inches; length, a9 inches [See ‘hist even 30 ONINGLVAA HILLVD “SE “ON 0 OO PE a EDOUARD, DELAILDE FRENCH: 1848—1912 ih, a ie 36. AT THE jp Cees / Before a- gabled barn are two Reta. in red ape green | uniforms, an officer astride a roan horse and a. trumpeter dismounted and sponging down the legs of a gray. In the fields behind, in the right middle distance, other soldiers of the same troop moving away from the observer | across: the grass. Ce es a, a Signed at lower left, EDOUARD Dera and dated 1899 Panel: Height, 20 inches; longi. ae ince (See illustration (2) ; JEAN LEON GEROME / bieD.. 1824—1904 Jf . gheo aq rerery) Ja LES BAIGNEUSES DU HAREM Interior of a Turkish marble court with a pool centred wil a fountain. In the water, and on the sides of the bath, in attitudes of ease, are five nude female figures, the nearest smoking a nargileh beside a rug and a plate of oranges in the foreground. On a balcony behind appears a group of © women visitors. Signed below, J. L. GEROME : Height, 21% inches; length, 26 inches 32 E MANOEUVRES TH . I , N Ene eoineeneSE a8; may ‘EDOUARD DETAL | Frenctt 2 1845-191 THE CHARGE Galloping over an. moyvertucnedes gun. ¢ ca a dragoon in full armor brandishing _ brown horse. Behind him ae in the line of the chau ve — “ [See istration) = \ 34 _ Pad No. 38. THE CHARGE eEN eee I 848— 39. THE ae WIFE ¢ 6. ‘Daas Dark interior, with the figure of a young wo ; skirt and torn white blouse falling off her whit ‘ . seated before an Italian credenza; the floor < are heaped with pieces of armor, a Gore statue suit of mail standing sentinel in the background. — a helmet in her left hand, an | resting it. on her : looks at it quizzically. x Signed at lower right, (cae CARRIER BELLEUSE “it Height, 32% inches; length, 494 | inc he [See illustration] 36 THE ARMORER’S WIFE No. 39. 40. LE REPOS DE LA BERGERE on ae tall oaks, their jagged branches, heavy with autumn foliage, _ silhouetted against a stormy sky filled with wild flying sheets young peasant woman in Gol blouse and blue BS ey dog CHARLES EMILE. mac no ai . FRENCH; regs ‘ie Bae? po In the atl of the foreground, a green kno on Shill lambs are pasturing, surrounded by a circle of hedges. and of gray cloud. On the knoll, amid her flock, is resting a at her feet. | Signed at lower left, CH. JACQUE : ee “4 Ve oe a Signed on back of canvas and authenticated, Cu. Jacave, 1874 Height, 44 inches ; length, +40 inches Stated by Jacque [to M. Pienard] to have been 1 painted in Brittany. i | | Collection of M. Panel. Parts From Messrs. Scott and Fowles, New York 4 [See illustration] | 38 yore Le REpos DE LA BERGERE No. 40 oe T. Yerkes Collection, American ee Association, CHARLES FRANCOIS DAUBIGNY _ FRENCH: eae : a THE BANKS OF THE OISE NEAR iis The placid river flows diagonally across t evsce ein the left foreground; on it is a barge rigged with a square sail and moving lazily along under the wind. In the distance, a broad open prospect of thickly wooded country, with a clump of poplars at the left. The near bank is deep in wild grasses and rises to a low ridge crowned by trees; at the water’ s edge are four peasant women, three engaged in washing linen, the fourth driving two brown oxen up the pak Signed at lower left, DAUBIGNY, and dated 1873 aes q Height, 39% inches; “lea 76 inches Etched by the artist ae = 3 oe ~ ‘Gaen ‘ 7 ay) a. From Charles Sedelmeyer, Paris, 1890 I9IO From Messrs. Scott-and Fowles, New York [See illustration] 216 Pd SUAANY UVIN ASIQ AHL AO SHNVG FHI, “IV ‘ON 42. D. RIDGWAY KNIGHT aan AMERICAN: 1845 1pa 5} te Soe 56m. THE CLOSE-OF- DAY town on the farther bank in the hele of “a Hillareie dom : nated by a fort. In the foreground are two young girls, one in brown, the other in pink blouse and gray skirt with a sack and a wheelbarrow full of garnered weeds, look- ing across the kitchen garden to a third who is strolling | of ty her basket under her arm, to meet her Over cee sits perched upon the back of a white horse. : . Signed at lower right, Ripeway Kaige and dated Paris 1884 | Height, 47 inthe length, 59 “inches [See illustration] 42 ; : ; No.’ 42. THE CLoseE oF Day GEORGE CLAUSEN San BRITISH: 1852— 5 be. | 43. BIRD SCARING | Gee. | Autumn, the land stretching out bare and bedan as a as the eye can reach. In the foreground, a small boy i in patched brown clothes and leggings and red kerchief, is brandishing ‘a wooden clapper, at the noise of which ; a flock of crows he started into flight. Behind him, in the s copse of bare shrubbery and trees, He Signed at lower left, G. CLAUSEN, “ a ey [See ‘llustrattont| | PAUL DESIRE TROUILLEBERT FRENCH: 1829—1900 Qs, 44. LE MATIN WwW, MS Co A In the foreground, a mass of wild grasses piling up to. the cluster of russet half-bare trees, beneath which is the figure of a woman in a gray dress and white cap and apron, tending a brown cow. In the distance at the left, a patch of — water reflecting the light clouds of the dawn sky; beyond — appears the spire of a church nested in woodland. ; Signed at lower right, TROUILLEBERT Fleight, 26 inches; length, 32 inches } 44 . tet BirD SCARING wag. No 45. 4 MOORISH HAREM fy Q. 4. Interior of a Moorish villa overlooking a bay at the ri _A musician is seated on a divan playing the lute to three _ maidens—one standing, one seated and one soln beside the lute player. , 20. o4 4 before a dark red drapery caught up before a pillar at the £18: | Signed at lower right, BENJ. CONSTANT BENJAMIN CONSTANT FRENCH: ee Dear el ts Height, 31 inches; length, 56 ince $ a eee Vn: "os a; mi ‘_ SS FLEMISH 3 Gils Gases ANNE D'AUTRICHEy ea ae “4 Seated figure at three- oie in a red] chair, and left. The queen wears a coronet of pearls, a ruff, slashed and puffed black and gold robe and collar and ceinture of jewels; in her right hand is a small bouquet of flowers. os Height, 46 inches; width, (357% inches ae [END OF SALE] 46 INDEX OF ARTISTS AND THEIR WORKS “gear BLOODGOOD, M. Srymour The Pool IO i CARRIER-BELLEUSE, Louis i Avant l’Orage 29 i The Armorer’s Wife | 39 CLAUSEN, GEorGE _ Bird Scaring 43 — CLAYS, Paut Jean Effet du Matin: Bateaux a |’Ancre 28 CONSTANT, BENJAMIN A Moorish Harem 45 COROT, JEAN BapTisTE CAMILLE Le Vieux Pont de Mantes 723 _ DAUBIGNY, Cuartes FRANCOIS The Banks of the Oise near Auvers 41 DE NEUVILLE, ALPHONSE Hussar of the 7th Regiment 9 La Reconnaissance 5 Vedette de Dragons 27 DETAILLE, Epovarp At the Manoeuvres 36 En Vedette 21 The Charge 38 DIAZ DE LA PENA, Narcissr VIRGILE Le Sentier du Bois FENN, Harry Arabian Nights FLAMENG, Francois La Marchande de Patisseries Le Jeune Napoléon FLEMISH SCHOOL Anne d’Autriche FORTUNY, MARIO An African Chief GEBLER, OTTO Interior of a Byre GEROME, Jran Lion Les Baigneuses du Harem GRAY, FREDERICK G. Landscape HART, James, N./. Cattle Traversing a Wood HENNER, Jean Jacouss Paysanne JACQUE, Cuartes EmiteE Le Repos de la Bergére es Cat “NU LR CRY pee Pn ac cemetery ee een erat co CONTE TNS aaeo —— r = - b ns LFF: ae <> des SHUM GURAMNTESE teenie eS te ee CATALOGUE NUMBER * 42 20 22 13 18 _ Marine: The Full Moon 1s ‘Ri Fe co, MArtTIN * f xy Castilian Sunshine 24 CATALOGUE NUMBER SCHMITZ, Ernst The Newspaper 4 SMITH, F. HorpKinson Venice Sart: II TOUDOUZE, Epovarp L’Echalier ; . 19 TROUILLEBERT, Paut Déstré Le Matin 44 VAN MARCKE, Emire Cattle Watering 35 VEYRASSAT, JuLes Jacques : La Moisson . ee 25 VIBERT, JEAN GEORGES The Connoisseurs 7 Re WHITTREDGE, W., N.42. The Hillside 7 sips met RAITSALS FOR eee STATES & STATE TAX INSURANCE & OTHER PURPOSES Pat AlOGUES OF PRIVATE COLLECTIONS CKTAI™,_» HE American Art Association, Inc. will furnish appratsements, made by experts under its direct supervision, of art and literary property and all personal effects, in the settlement of estates, for inheritance tax, insurance and other purposes. @The Association is prepared to supplement this appraisal work by making catalogues of pri- vale libraries, of the contents of homes or of entire estates, such catalogues to be modeled after the fine and intelligently produced sales’ catalogues of the eAssociation. @ Upon request the Association will furnish the names of many trust and insurance companies, executors, administrators, trustees, attorneys and private individuals for Whom the Association has made appraisements which not only have been entirely satisfactory to them, but have been accepted by the United States Estate Tax Bureau, the State Tax (ommission and others in interest. Merc AN ART ASSOCIATION - INC eMadison Avenue at 57th Street NEW YORK Ea ls a At a Rend AR RR or eee 42? F ql ie Sele eire! be ta : | | SEARCH INST il | | l LN i I Peas ‘ ; pe: . LSet Shyu i 2h of 5 : F ea “s Nails bie $ jthoit PST er Pipvedt age M : oe Os 1 Aue % . ‘ ‘ i) CAPA) ve . oA 2% . Woes ‘ere ’ iy . Fite v . ‘ + 3 AC ‘ . ee ie . v ora v VA ‘ : % % ‘ Sisroa® 2) . en . 4 CE ACG me ‘ ‘ wus Nay Ant Hl x ' i , ' , A chi 9A ahh ek 3 PUN. < - 1M . . : 1 fA 7 SOUS an ‘ oy vt F RCRA Feat ' & f f y E p 4.3 i 1 ‘i erasures . i a : aX . Yoe be eh Se . ’ ‘ coe i i Nee tis oat Le CAN ie ‘ Shik: ‘ iaeciials 4 yt ‘ aa te Pay \ ‘ : D : Cadre on t j Wh dy iF oer 1 Oe a an! ee r CRIS: tar Dianne i 7 ek a ‘ et OS Peele re tt ‘ bets UT Say aly Woe tae a oe ey ales Ve 4 : was By nay? sh - Sito Ris Msn Bray. ee ve ER S ‘ % i Vee . fe oP tent 7 U yah PrN Wi op 5 ay re we eA Res é eg i ; on ac : , ‘ Wh iG on 1 HY AT a 4 fi ‘ ‘ RJ an OU ee LC ee ets \ ‘ ’ (he 4 t ' ' : 3 ceed ‘ ‘ mene tae td