FT gm Sete PA Se met by ohh ly Mahe hed re eaghig ety aes Witer ire Bars} ea i oe Jyh ge oie) aye et ee -i ‘, qe ak r 36 Aaah ‘i a Ataredt qu: Oe fap ie \ ye é Pn tA de 4 dhl vip fxr a= yh & ie ee akae eye dy WP Saree eh or Widder’ ditect sree’ didi ie ataep r Pak Hh tah Pee ie ap " Me pasty eo 0 ee bly ig Any pores has 9 Axe Thue) aes Mi hela es owns do) rf he Peet) pa) thi agp incet Orene boyfie Ad wpd ALE ide® ol in pure y due dc pedo wii oy yeu Ob eee ta: Ee eee shee or eta «ots sont vr atte ie a bh tae slay 4 ane Sie OW ph is Brpibee ie ohoeater Flop nel sah = Men pais s 3h; oo i foe: Prt for 5 Pg Par 7 Pols 4 als ofa . Je rte Tales Ap alent) anir ieee Pie bn De Te Vn rte f Dri yor tem oy baaak ts, ek a te pls fe gre ty rte ke aes ay ove Papal 4, seh. Operate olga tk: ONE et dee Dek rae aid eae ri 14 wy Aap ors hake he : bret iis vee fi ( Sees es ae | Bank yy hte uta tA er a UF pias bey HANIA 9 OB ul 0 ie be, MPA eee of ee aide r tay tes ee a to dy J ey Pd SS dare ar 10, vad Oe hey ep bch Saaaay y hese “i nhs ah LM ye yet Tyo ene fe fa ais ae M4 a ve eels ras ae Waa re aaa re ae & ete acai e Ty if 4 a be ye shih mind tha a shi inked a “ 4 be g hel nay yi See ‘a ie Nl die WM Pelton se as Ade : ae Bt ss ee cath i #4 agi a sf ie ™ \ is Af Peat Sa Hes iF oe fae tt pes eis sh grat yu pod or ai) et iy ey oe, i By) he re At in i a : hes he y (4, i race WAY ik 7 oy) MeG cb owe aoe py? hs yy pe r ats a fat Ppt ody te samnea vs heh i , ane Ww Fhe De Prachogeo 9 Fag ears ry eee ¥ : en Pb We ey a ves 733 eee ag 4 pap BD PLE Bet ae Pa REN Osh Eh Ve ce th g arr MPa . F rake Seas: ba Nets ea ireat see obey Pi Pb ee Fle ah ale we rhe. Pf rand Shah ae Bes eet pity My rt 7 oie yf 8a Weahe Babey A ea ‘ Hohe. a LES PSE De Pte Pee in ach 4 : ad vey is ue Lala it he weil ie Tok aka) SPOS a Pits iieas. as fel a eM. eee ewe: pbinasie wk aca ie he be Weide viper oe PE esha erent Beans anes death xP Baa Sevier SP 2 ii G43 hope DP 4 Purjad jeer ae SiGe eae aes SPRP LER ON Rey aH aged. ie LA 2 eh ih Sa Sot a der tedeha at B Phe gtr Sh heace a ede; a pda sy 6 hes Wh ios ae BN POA SWS oem easing 1 ed Ai sw SE BUR AMG Bak Joubedt fue Le aed ay Sivas i fr PMSA KES P Coen: a tt Naan in ba nURS ro pval aise ree ate yeas ee haat ta Fp cot oan ee ae Me Pei Oy Mite aad righ) afi . age ela pur weds ape Pia if agian a Panett 4 es Soihe seth haar a Ciret Bem Se eeu ne boli in a Ah bas 33 Pape eh Dn ich abu dh pinetak ae put id = i Ghul ie esl Wesag i feegth aie yen Kaa ned ee i Car ished pratate, So ty naar: Ok: hal ek i At yeh AOS ath Bi ‘ depends ; Pt oe inte ye went, iF ie tb a sadn she ih Ne ack, “4 op ae ORT gee i. ke) Gun; BO shee oe ey en red dF ei A t Piaf nantes ae has 4 a 4s Awe PPK oe ice ARES Sapa ceil e's Ais Uae case oe ate Ady tig ch ve evita Pre oe z wh be ate fe Wt nat ee ade ay sity Palen es Hier ee : As te 8 A: eh HRT Ee Rue yy wos un) ( 4 fe * ae isp Le fee ire sige! Mee 5 ai ar Sule igs ee « ‘ses Man a bate re aa Rodel Sab pie Ai acts 2% rut: yeas “ ARTI me Ce Pige ed anes ae ee a PAP OF’ ne ope des, ee hd AW whee oat Pog aise Pode we? ited FA ‘e oPi- gir! yet i> par Pri dit Saber tes ow ote Co eet eo BW gee He ee eye. asl irs ees doiretn Age in de arya (on Matai He hale « tf) pl Be ieee reg heyy Ooy oh ti Fake agi iy Ah vir be hae | PA all re Bes 8 Sy bgt ae satee hve Eek whe te adi ae balan Hoy prey et ae ie Page fafa a Hy eee apa x neat EIS PUD owe port TPT AED One aw DAS OI, Hgmy nase hh ge feet Nie Kore o eee view Ft gall € ey ae ere f Adee a 120 > ted pak IE gi ap phi getrarinte yoy vel abil aca ea SJtaedeny Hisonanbe inp git of Thy oh oy se Ot : Ee A Sri inl dhe Pslerbiag te ct sod 1 re he ie" Sahl wali belts ae Ut pea) in npr efi We Pasar 4 SOA Aide Lariat] SN stn de & vis 3) A or Bar Pe Ao ns, prea ay Dee Fer PANO ie ‘s here Teed rele A tian she ab s yatee Pave & ote cn hes oe tae sie aw Ate SREtw a oak es tated ap Be he Weer’ Wea ist a eyes ie Rt TT etn at ed es ed Ae OS el aed He Oda BT, * Pasa] rs Vins ik ie. ap apa A a tai 8 PP SFr) qe ay ,, Siciaeecae ye Deg Pe erie: yeh RI alt le WA AS biked den tia Maman eran lte Guatge ae a" adie THREE Ag iW ERP te gaa iat eng AG. highs pRB RS erg i uetin a Grea Eee dp ih PA wee » Meat he el Sage ee dt etlmpte! Bebe aad Pirias teat haere ag! FO HGS A saate , hs A desk ip tanek ; ie eer es odes Sade eateg a \wetels: oe Sper ff Phase uy leh as reine Woe make Reet Oa ede ltl ah Atala ( eg ict esl pie fe pevedieh Be ‘ sie atu oh we oH eee ee OF pre hed A af spate rf ppt eo ae i pelea pene =F padre fee hye pip abies y rs aE HA bey gh 33 fie beet speci h asses Pacey * AF oncats vsti ae i Peele doucrg a ae bel Game eo Linksys betas 44 asian ri a4 Paptint t= cere * ny, resid ae as ‘ eat Ps its at Rie Kae Pees: We FOT St ala th iy ot gh We . eure Garp NAM SP ees aT eae y oy “ of Ys oe ne an Ege teres Ase Ok Sake Nite ay Atos oe #3 - ec ut een sre Gites eG t tne oe i a ay He ogee quel bata st 4 4 a Oe ad Teg ee x. Wiscaace eAeazI Stee = Pag) x nee: = ~ ' ce ; ; } ee Ee ee ts Tay: ey > i “ ae 4 > 7 4 ; ay % oe : — yeh : : ? aw * » Rett. wee Ny ee . “4 pln hag Ou : \ : ha ew ; => sy! ie Ae) Sige i x 5 Oe eS. “5 | a ae: F : ° s ‘ on , Ne pit «, am sl 4 ns PSE ogy 3 A Pings Re es So o ieee . act, Ba i ite A oh a f ~~. 1) wm Sn Cox i ok ih! ve hte AP ¥) es fe ‘2 i pie ¢ ava g See Ud aS a ae F f i min hiya at 7: ms] dae ; Ree frei? Oo De ie S if ae Ip We ica e — — rs ne eee aa of | eh Pee mN i | atm BOUGHT BY D, T, wandon, wg : 1895 Pte. by : B, C, Corot, - “Environs of Etreat", 4x18 1$7,500 August, 1896, Ptg. by Jules Breton, "Dres why Myre”, *. 32x 36 ¢ 5,000 | August, 188, Pig. by J, B.C, Corot, “Le Bac", 26 x17 13,917 Sept., 18938 Ptg. by’ C, Troyon, , . , ; "Going to Market", 25-1/2 x 32 ¢/18,500 Pobs OY ‘ve Be 0. Corot, nd "Le Soir", 23-8/8 x 29 ¢/18,500 Pte. by F, Zien, "Grand Canal, Venice", 32-14 x 2-1/4 c. | 2,000 - August ,:. L9005 Ptg. by C. Troyon, "Pastoral Landsoape", 15 x 18-1/4 c| 19,000 = Pig. by Decamps, "Enfants offrayes a la vue d'une chienne", 54-144 x 36-34 30,000 Nove, 1904, Ptg. by A. Van Dyck, "Portrait of Countess Lecarri", 25 x 30 C, 13,000 Ptg. by Vigee Le Brun, "Portrait of a Girl, large hat", 20 x 24 CO, 6,500 Jan, , 1906, Ptg. by Murillo, 9,000 —Septe, 1909, Ptg. by Th. Rousseau, "The Winding Road", 25-3/8 x 16-1/2 | 30,000 Ptg. by JsB.C, Corot, "Environs a‘ Arleux", 17 x 23-14 18,000 Nove. A WN Pig. by Murillo, "Virgin and. Child", 15,000 1h Foe - #8. é. bésoo- FF: | wor., FAL. Soo -F/BX | a hi citeadt: £129, . ei Kh POO6« tad. er — $6716 o | i f | LOeG-F Lbs \ ] DOOD ~FIOE | sl fe CCO- ALK } Duger Ralph ‘tae R. C. & NM. Vose Paul Watkins _ L.T. Haggin:.. M. Knoedler & Co C. Rathemacher John Levy | Chas. B. Disheon, Agt M. Knoedler & Co Ralston Galleries AA. Healy A. Benziger. Clapp & Graham Chas. A. Dickson, Agt, Mrs. MeLe Rothschild - 17th Century Gallery Otto Bernet, Agt W.S. Bension Otto Bernet, Agt Robert B. Harshe, Agt A. Johnson SR. Guggenheim Robt. B. Harshe, Agt Otto Bernet, Agt John Levy Otto Bernet, * M. Knoedler & Co Robt. B. Harshe, Apt Otto Bernet, Agt Robt. B. Harshe, Agt Scott & Fowles John Levy WeA. Clark John Levy Ralston Galleries: Otto Bernet, Act Chas. A. Dickson, Agt Robt.B.e Harshe, © Otto Bernet, sal WeA. Clark Robt.B. Harshe be Ralston Galleries Robt. B. Harshe ‘e) Kleinberger Galleries Me. Knoedler & Co Scott & Fowles Chas.A. Dickson, Agt w " Kleinberger Galleries Robt.B. Harshe, Agt Kleinberger Galleriws Paul Watkins Price ~$ 850 6100 7600 4100 . 5000 8500 10,000 6000 0,000 2300 2600 105700 20 ,000 6000 Buyer Paul Watkins Robt.B. Harshe, Agt Miss R. Lorenz, *" _ Otto Bernet, e Robt.B. Harshe ° " Otto Bernet, a! ” " Chas.A. Dickson, " Otto Bernet, " Robt.B. Harshe, " ” Otto Bernet, " Chas, A. Dickson, " Otto Bernet, ¢ Bourgeois Galleries Robt. B. Harshe, Agt W.W. Seaman, igs Miss Lorenz, x Chas.eA. Dickson " Dr.E. Cadgierre H.sS., Harkness Durand-Ruel Otto Bernet, Agt Miss Lorenz, " Ralston Galleries 5 M. Knoedler & Co Otto Bernet, Agt GN. Franklin Yo ak tag a 8350. 8505 8504 8506 9236 9215 11836 11838 12601 5 1. Pig. by J. B.C. Corot trons of Btreat", 2x18 Nt 3 £, 1896 et 1 Pte. by Jules Breton, : An age ae "Dres 1" Auvore", | 32 x 36 GC} 5,000 eh +, 1897 Bias Chi 1 Ptg. by Je B, C. Corot, ; Poin a be i : oe "Le Bac", 26x17 | 13,917 | a : $ 1 Ptg. by Cc, Troyon, "Going to Market", 25-1/2 x 32 ¢ 18,500, 1 Ptg. by J. B, C. Corot, A ap nee $e. "Le Soir? fi. 23-8/8 x 29 118,500. as Ptg. by F, Zien, sok Si BF Mea oe "Grand Canal, Venice", 32-1/4 x 26-1/4 c. | 2,000 August, 1900, | eee) 1 Ptg. by C, Troyon, Bei “Pastoral Landscape", 15 x 18-14 ¢} 19,000 1 Pig. by Decamps, "Enfants effrayes a la vue d'une chienne", 54-1/4 x 36=3/4 Nov. 904 1 Ptg. by A. Van Dyck, "Portrait of Countess oe e de a9 X 30 CG, 1 Ptg. by Vigee Le Brun, "Portrait of a Girl, large hat", 20 x 24 ¢, 6,500 Jan., 1906, 1 Pig. by Murillo, 9,000 Sept., 19 i Pig. by Th, Rousseau, "The Winding Road", 25-3/6 x 16-1/2| 30,000 1 Pig. by J.B.C. Corot, “Environs d'Arleux", 17 x 23-1/4 18,000 Nov., 1911, 1 Ptg. by Murillo, "Virgin and Chila", 15,000 CENTERS OF BURGH COUNTRY LIFE if whee ti THE PITTSBURGH FIELD CLUB, WHICH IS VERY ADVANTAGEOUSLY LOCATED AT ASPINWALL, IN O’HARA TOWNSHIP e = Polat B 4 - THE OAKMONT COUNTRY CLUB, ON HILTON RO. & PART OF THE GOLF COURSE WHICH IS NOW SO PROMINENT It is on the course of this club that the National Amat Mpionship tournament will be played next summer and a large amount of money has just been expended to develop it into oneae rhe, f the country. Oakmont is about twelve miles out from Pittsburgh Bs é GEMS OF THE Davip T. WATSON COLLECTION At Sunny Hill, Leetsville: recently placed on view at the Carnegie Institute Art Galleries “« “WOOD GATHERERS: WINTER,”; BY GEORGE MORLAND “THE GLEBE FARM,” BY JOHN CONSTABLE: A REPRESEN SV BREA PLE OF THE WORK OF THIS GREAT ARTIST 38° biciow rtist: a Mile a BYIERY:: 3's 2 oy eaters it Saved 4—The Lion and the Butterfly—Jean Ger es Gat AO “Glass—Antonio Leos ‘ lene ca tee car PAM rast, eRe ahah Ge ik Oe 28 Cromer abame edt wig Bae \lins; Bernet, ec beater hey Ret as oe 29— -Feeding Chie ens—F rank Mura; C . ‘Rathemacher, 2.0... 45 + Lop. arenes in a Glass Fantin-Latour; Mr. Ralph ea lage Courtship (panel)--Alonzo ; i ‘Perez; Chas.,.A, Saban dey erento Gs. au si deg Case of Salvage. rown; N. , John Levy..: ‘shou the Neashore Wyant; 5a ' Sterl- ing ¢ at. byline “Roadside — A doit ea evant: AW coi) RONSON la eis seats .2650 “the River at Cos Cob, ‘Connecticut "David Johnson; Webb Floy 3 ‘a ane Cavaltymen-—J. A, Waiker; f ot 7 hemacher.. eee eee Vase~Honti ete ee > sete ne eee, ee ee eat ere Lg brit) SETAE. ae es Se Psy toenae “(panel)—Phillppe peau: A. Benziger.. 41—Landscape (panel)—Barend_ Cornelis |) Koekkoek; Iu. aggin..., 42-—-Dahlias in Blue Vase—Henrl Fantin- ) Latour: M. Knoediler We Ot Sy patateniacy 48—Reunion dans un Parc, (Panel)—Mon- ‘ticelli; Seaman, agent,..... 44—Le Jardin d'Amour. (Panel) —Monti- celli; M. Krnoedler &)Coisi. ke ce ie 41.250 45--The ‘Resting Place, (Panel) —Berne- Bellecour; C. Rathemacher...... | 46—Cavalier with -Two- Handed” Swo rd Cesare Detti; Mrs. EB. B. Close.......- 47—Troopers in a-Tavern, (Panel)-—-Jean | Charles Meissonier, fils; Howard Young. 475 | 48--Keene Valley, Adirondacks—-Homer | .D. Martin; Bernet, agent....... AEN | 40-Alexandrie Bay on. the St. Lawrence, a ee a er eee gotemay. es in to the-Carnegie 2, assistant Sec- istitute, vet buying Or ‘arni fa) 1878—George Inness-; Wanbersee Gal- leries Dig yA ES Faia goa a ct Oe ANNA Sal orb brig ED n STD §0--Venetian Fishing Boats. (panel)— Felix. Ziem: Bernet, agent....... FRE Se 1075 | {1—Moutons dans la’ Campagne: Temps orageux-—Charles Jac eque 5 dsohn Levy. 900 | B2—Loving Glances—F'redérick Hendrik mm . ight a water an Kaemmerer; A. Rudert, agent.....,-.0+5 425 eis Rich. resis upon -38—A Roman Beauty; Bouguereau; Ber- “the fields, and the Wee pit OTIS i ssi ok ace ory sa: wel ees ai nlpce wee ips 325 glow wh wwarest oe Mien aatelae Neuville—Prank Mura; BT! a. | lendonning-...s-.4 22s eels Cente bs 7S! also_ purchased ‘pS-—The Beata’ dt the. Annunciation. ey ear Day, | hae ) Jehan Georges Vibert; Bernet. 5 | tion 400; a pPASt- | agent Lin. e eee e nee teeter ties 50 Sel a shepherd dog, ‘eho The Way side Sah dail -Mever won, | BC -with a few Biermens: Bernet, aseRts tie. le Mace. 000 ; |5T—St, ‘ Jerome--Thomas “Suite: Fred dside, i a Schreyer PU ea OME eR fats fee ak rea ay ise ced Ve ea ra glk el at kien e! oh Bis eti t Atal | SRSA Sumer Day: Mile. Rosa Bonheur; on, went to “T/Allier a Heris- | _ ROWSE Aah HAATSNOL Sarco ate ae gig A Wed eo 7.400 a: landscape, went fh--La. Coureriere—Kever; J, D, Waring... 300 OTS x panel, the G0—-Fisher ‘Folk—August Hagborg; Rich, 4 ¥ 1) VRUTER EEL rd ey icin ie nd eer tk Romy cow balasa SU? bir’ Woman,’ by Henner, Pies Ah ag vedare Detfi; C.. Rathena- " Pot rie subject, with long Ly ted EME la Ba Pe ee 300 and wearing 4 red’ [ ite Piainsiman—Frederic Remingtsn, ther of the pictures of the’ A. N..A.; Henry Schultheis.... 970 ion A ha sth i dss ‘to Mr. | 68—~ The. Surprise (pariel)—Jose_ Jitnines ‘y , : WAtenda: It, 38. COACHES Kee kee eos T25 be (64—Bunset in V enice—George, H, McCord; s and Prices. ms £5, Fs ipsa dean sa igen MS BAUM Arena Oia. SM 410 aii } | 63—Excommunidation of St. Paul—Alex- ‘the full ak of the pic- ? ander Hay Ritchie; Arlington Galleries. 325 the. hames o cipmtie pur- (Gé— Good Morning! Etienne . Adolphe prices: Biot; Rohifia Galleries... 05.4.5 -05s 110 ioker, pcos ara von De- _ 67-—-Tne Sleeping Child (panel)-—Alexan- Her pee i Poe a ne ey she iy der, Maris, Guillemin; Chas, A. Dick- in ; BOI OTIC ee cies Geen Ah lk wis ele wpe | eye, oa wee 220 a Laie 6 Cate ieee Re Se sen 11e | gs Venetian Fishing Boats--Georgze H. fr Jacduets “Charies MeCord; George HH, Seymour.......0.6% 425 Seat AERC e ails 100 69—Morning, White . Mountains—Ralph (water Golor)--Bou- | Albert Blakelock; Seaman, agent......- 375 rBeaman, anne. Pa ie aou | Ror ga i) Herisson—Henrl Harpt- & ~Wynant, N. |. prions Tohm Levy. cies eee ee pt eee es 2,075 ae Hi. PEST ECS) Ae MOE MD a ee oneness 100 | 71—Landscape—Monchablon; Tih. > ae iE (panel) ~~ Eduardo - Dib (SHEE PP Guanes vinke a Mena Mawes 2 ia) Smile) Ain Ne ayRionas 1,075 Boek Det A i et Oe Weis ‘ weer | is ey ees ete Work-—Jules Breton; , ailley Jel Leroy... .... 200 Robert Harshe, agent... ese. sees ees 5,800. ~The Revelation caren Aah ane Baron; | 73—Arab Cavallers: © niet’ 3 Staft--Adoif’ rr PAE A RE NIN Neg ie ip Cae ao 4 Schreyer sub §.° Harknese cis isis e ess 8,806 . Lane—Jeari " Oniarlies Meis- | %4—The Departure from Pausilippe—Hec- ; . Mile; cc, Rathemacher, 12.042 .0.°% 120 tor Le Roux; George D. Woodside..,.. 800 | ug ane eee “Henri Har- ats er iadah nag the ie (panel)-—Otto .von pig ngto AMOTIOR huis eee t's 19oren ETON e Vicia st Miers tie preety fain 600! ~D teh, on fe aaa ata B. van os } 76—Children’s Frolic- —Kmil Keyser: Ber- | Pee 7-8 SS Cy Sy ane mae UNIO vg i | Fi; HPV ESR et STU sp wre igia ealls miainlp age siaietivatiet ak ws 5s t,- ; ead of a Young Wonian panerye | 77>The Interrupted, Duet—Cesare Dettis “ean 3 Jaeques Henner: rR B Harshe. ait } sige : i uth aphasia 6 aes 1a Ae Ole Re Mesa ah 8 10 | agen o i 7¢—WMairs Tales—Leon Perrault; Bernet . 13—The Fountain ‘ot “Lave rneai Jean | Peet isle toll (1 li RUBE suis ORY Rite wie Noe Wal ICS 300 t; CC, Rathemacher.. es ot Ty The White) Deve—Jules’ Joseph. ‘Les 14 sant Woman be twa, “Cows, i } tebvress M. Knoodler o& OO as see 1,375 geRtens in the 0 NOE le St. | Wet as orm | Sh.-lestia Btionne Ndolohe “Piey: Rohits in the Doitute Pastels John ToS TERIA RA La ce Rie BAAN oLa EN We al'g ew ashy MERE 9 175 FN Uikila & eo e ied eds CL aS peo | St. ited Aitpi se aT hee (Vittorio “Gorcor Ay. Lzton, Gallemes vis Nene ina os TBO i : i Se SEE NE TT 7 $45,000 PAID FOR | garden truck; lure; | Watson collection, haga lr @ buyer. | wags in the audence. | ler Ly sh os a ae a Saeco a ) $58,850 atone, Cr spas ian —— TROYON PAINTING “ doing to “Market” Leads at. the Watson Sale—168 Pic- tures Sold for $594,370. SO Se COROT’S ‘‘LE BAC,” $34,500 Ex-Senator Clark Buys “Environs of Arleux’ for $30,500—-Nine Corots Average $18,343 Each, a Record. Cimabs ses There was a big and enthusiastic au- dience at the sale of the art collection of the late David TY. Watson of Pitts- burgh, and others at the Plaza under the auspices of the Améican Art Asso- clation last- evening it was the biggest picture sale since’ the -Yerkes, and -the Coréts of the collection brought the highest average at which they have ever scld at a public sale. The returns. for. the eighty-five piet- ures sold were $30,020. “}his made. the big average Of $5,409 a picture. The high price of the ev ening was for the beautiful Troyon, »(' Going toe Market,’) which went to Bei mes agent, fer $45,000.°' Fae picture is going to a Philadelphia “art eoliector. “phe Corot. brought the highest price was which also went to Bernet, and it, which Shin bie eed : ROP agent, who gave $34,500 for it too, will go to Philadelphia. * Record Broken for Corots. The average for the Corots—there were nine |in the sale—was $18,343, The) highest average before that at a pubiic | sale was $15,358, which was given at” the Henry sale. The grand total for the’ entire sale of i68 pictures was $594,870, “Much enthusiasian was shown by the audience as one after another of the pictures was put up. The Troyon, which brought the high price of the sale, was worthy of the enthusiasm shown for it. lt was an earty morning scene, a peas- ant woman on a donkey, the panniers on either side of the animal filled with there are sheep, @ cow, @ barking dog, shadowy trees’ on either side. in the backgruund. anv the picture | igs seen through the ruday light of the! rising sun Ww hich, coming through the morning miast,* throws the shadows of the group into the foreground of, the picture. This was one of the Watson paint: nes !x-Senator William A. Clark was one’ of the puvers 148v evening, the, Corot, Environs of Arleux,”’ ea Watson pict- going to him for $30,500, and he) paid $22,000 for the same al’ tist’s *‘ Ville-! VAvray: Le Bouleau.’ Bernet, agent, paid $28.000 for Corot’s “ Le Soir” and $26,000 Tor, Rousseau’s “* The Winding Road,”’ one of the peautiful pictures of | the sale. Both of the two last from the | So was Van Dyck’s ‘Countess Lereari,’’ tor: which Bernet | paid $30,000, and Mur llo’s, ‘* Madonna | and Child,’ for which he gave $20,000. ; There were 40 pictures from the Wat- gon estate in last night’s sale, and 6 out of the 168 in the entiré collection. Hi. S, Harkness Again a Buyer. -obert B..Harshe of the Carnegie In- stitute was again a purchaser last eve- ning, buying as agent. One of the Covot’s ‘' Environs of Etretat ’ went to | Harry S,. Harkness was | and Mrs. Benjamin Thaw | just returned from b’dding, thougn as a purchaser. hon for R12, 000, seen to be given Paris aid name was not fast D' ere fase ity sold by | He: Feta pict-— | $10 he a list off the pictures, buyers: Cayatryman—de Neu- Dickson, agent...., ot ce the. ‘Hitl—Wyant: sagan, Woman, (panel)— romans River, (wa- , isle: Hip Homer; Knoedler as AOE ae ete 500 ee the “Woods “Wyant; a PEE eee ee wee 400 ’s River, Florida, (water nslow - r Mr. Ralph.. 1,150 vening— Boston. 425 | Bam «Lie ey. Y ie" ign “a ce ( Mite mili ho ees 1,250 | shemecher — eh Fog Beilecour; 0, eS SO a aan 600 | | ers n —Wyanty” ‘John i POP RTE Ts a #\ eleye ls mightlel wie als s 6 he Sul fultana—Diaz diy ivi 2 wns ister Tay eee oak “of Phil im, 16 | @anel)—Montieett ‘dnvotter cles Hetstin qeneiiiere:—zrenr 1 1ond on the Thames—Corot; A. i 00 | ' five fel aie ee ee weet ttt a ee ees 1 Tintian’’ Pass—Rousseau Teale Nak iger ees eT) et eee ery el) A oe. th Cows: (panet)— Gran pe. ere acy ra. teenie pr ne-sur-Mer: un Com de Ville oFot. pay enteenkh Century of Fontainebleau net, Chto. ite W. 8S, Benson.... ji foapeye Danbteny: |" Bernet, agent. 1 /108—ady aed. oT Ghia’. (Coipahion. ‘pict- i) _ ure oe ks 109; panel)—Dtaz; Robert #4 se eae ‘/108The Necklace (Companion ‘pleture to No. 108; panel)—Diaz; A, Johns¢ ) foe “de I’ Yonne—Henri acque; ‘Bernet, Agent......... iy 4 at Sirol aux een 4 er ‘da “UB“Landerane an J Troyon; Knoedler & Co The Seashore, Robert B. Harshe...-.. atthe Winding Road, genau; Bernet. ‘agent. ... a eerie ne of Btretat—Cor | Poe ‘ the’ Forest of ane Levy... ~ {a Miere—Corot: Be “The -House by the a tel)— Constant Proven: ef . | 128—Along the’ Riv Daubigny; Rals (Assi—Le eee y L2se Ni te: Ay AE 42 yada agent $2—Heed vot i Ceti gigst of Cpaileries. 26. .. 133 -_ Interior: | lament; Knoedie 124——-S1iti on te € Ae i k—Foinn ; Towles } tis — Gathering ho lend: Charles A. Lae fie it | 4°8-Tringinss In Favets—Gvorve land: Rudert. agent | Pieeck Woodland’ 2 begets flee pe” i P41—Po: strate oO cal Ves ies tiade, Neat ‘Soew ich |, +Jaimes Stark Mert Bo -alarsne. 13 see 9 Infant "No. ks Prought to take raoh’s Palace—Bonifazio - Kleinbergar < pas Veneziano: ith Butiding me “Asspar i (3) Paul Wva kins. Tia ae Lady ages G aAsSpar Wy atkins Poussin, ugh 225 Net cher: ‘Paul S00 2 W oody + River Scene, “with Pigures spare l~ Meta tert! sie sdeha Robert Harshe, agents... : | ae Hamilton as ‘ee Romney; R. |. age: | 144—Portrait Henry’ Raeburn; Candie. ,. Lorenz,’ Gentlemar—Ssir Bernat, agent... 145—-Lady Juliuna Penn—Sir. Joshua Reynolds; Seaman, agent........ | 146—Cenutess" ox idarborough—thomas Gainsborough; Dickson,, agent....... |147—The Shepherd Boy—Sir Joshua ‘Reynolds; O, Bernet, agent........,.1 148—Tobias hike ere, Poa -— re ae | Gains. borough: } 14\—Coun | Dyck; Hornet, 1560— Young Woman | Eat—Vigee-Le Brun: | Elarshe .... 181—Seene in the Channel—Sir A. Ww. | Caleotty Seaman, agent,. | 152—The Glebe . pipe tap B. Harshe, agen yas RAY pss eens Onele ed w ith Dire: stoire. Robert BL EZ e | 152—Madonna and Ghiid--Murtilo: Bors agent i Sec ee 4— Boy With Fruit and Bread—Mu- tt Ww. Seaman, agent......+.. Lae Portratt. ‘of (a Gentleman—peter au. Rubens; Bourgeois Galleries. . The Mill Pond—John Crome, “oid eeeornes: Robert B. Harshe, Agent... .10,200 | 137—Portrait of Christoph Willibald Ritter von. Gluck (1714-1787)—T. EDimesch; Seaman, agent.. iy oan | | J5%—Pavsage d’Avutomne; Antoine ‘Voi Lar. 4. UOrenz.?.’. et | 159—Preparing the Meal—Joser Viae Pecos Average of hes 343. = - : yo18 a e 2 “The Beatack amount spent i United States in one night toe ete ings since the historic. ‘Charles TT. Yerkes’ sale in Mendelssohn Hall seven years ago was spent last. night by a ‘score of persons in the Grand Ball- ‘room of the Hotel Plazas a | The occasion was the sale of che col- ‘lection of the late David T. ‘Watson and paintings belonging to several les- ser estates under the tion Thomas E. Kirby, of the Ammevted Art Association. The total for the avenine amounted to $535,520, and for the two evenings of the sale, $594,370. The Yerkes sale, . conducted by Mr. Kirby, came to $769, 200. Greater prices for individual paintings were brought at the sale of /1910, $129,000 for a Turner, $80,500 ‘for a Corot, $60,500 for a Troyon, all purchased by Duveen Brothers. But ‘while the highest price paid last night ‘was $45,000, also for a Troyon, with a Corot following at $34.500, the average od price of the eighty-three paintings sold was much higher than at previous sales. cel 4 5 rr , 4: bop 8 inst ihe was agreed the cage aver- j S100) | | age _|the record held by the Henry sale h Ee ay ene worhe sore reached in this country, ery in 1907, where the average paintings by Corot was $15 333. Two of the paintings by Corot were; aig by former Senator W. A) lark. For one of these, “La Mere,” a lwery fine specimen of the aie dae Corot | hones, Senator Clark paid $30,500. For os ithe other, “Ville d’Avray-Le Bouleau,” f "ithe purchase price was $22,000. The heaviest buyer of the evening, for th th | however, was Otto Bernet, associated 2 lacted as agent for ‘with the American Art Association, who pusoneeys in Phila- | oston, Chicago and. other |\delphia, Mr. Bernet said after the - jlarge cities. | ‘sale that. the Troyon, “Going to Mar- | | iH \Ket,” which led the sale, and the Corot, “Le Bae,” which was second in pricé, ‘were both going to a Philadelphia pur-_ ichaser. Both extremes in price were touched in the sale of paintings by oe delicate Barbizon master, the other one being $625, paid by the Seventeenth _ pee Galleries for a Corot, “Bou- e sur Mer—Un Coin de Ville.” | These are the paintings Mit. brought the highest ae last night: ue ae ots W. A. fee Cattle,’” Teoyon i Gal alletes “Te Bac,’ Corot: Otto Bernet (agent)... \“‘Outskirts of bs oracied Dall uaeaee & » Bim et {age ie Botloa” Beriet (agent) Boe ney Prd 45, 000 | Moses latent to Pharaoh,’ cen Wenéa ano; Kleinberger Galleries ‘Woody River Scene with bema; B. B. Harshe Tuady a maliton Pinan a pr Harborough,’ is | «Sitio Dickson. icine uae 6, 000) : See i : ‘i ‘ 2 2 12,800) 3 6,100} 2 10,000) * 12,600! 15,000 | De neL, Sanat: Sully, St. Girone: eee ‘Blanek. 375 a spommeur, A A Summer ee iss bag tic ag Doses EB, etad ee len hte See eras, 725 Pe thes So McCord, ‘Sunset iz ee bi C. Regeaee SPAR U Ae Ree hoo Melis 410 Alexander H. Ritchie, Excommunica. ae of St. Paul; Arlington Gal PAS mNWCAS SAieinh mmm Giaed hl MA, Gv 20 George H, “McCord. Venetian Fishing aa George H. Seymour!!........2.. 495" Blakelock, Moise. White Moun. - } ard WwW Seaman, MECIUN eran. a oore 2751 : eet Harpignies, L’Allier a Herisson: ; } VN i COSA 15 | | ferdinand na ME eRe eee et res VOID 5 i Be Disposed 0 ee Fe Ae Aca ies Bet Oiphe Breton, Returning from t's. Session at | Work: Robert “B. Harshe, agent.......: 5,800 Merde ee fi Adolf Schreyer. Arab Cavaliers: Chie?’s a Staff: H. PROVOST esse. es, 8,800 Hector Le Rowe The Departure from . es Pausilippe: George D. Woodsid LG ra the 809 +t Otto von Thoren, Driving the Cows: ee IVT ge ie at 600 Emil Keyser, Children’s Frolic; O. Ber- f oot acim 1 Ng oe Cs ee ; ett e nt Rothemacher Pe axe de, £ ae ee vats on Perrault, Fairy Tales: 0. Bernei, | io: nate ie pene tit ee CCEA ae ae Oi aes 2s mat 650 fee a een ete Sapient tne ——— — = pT BE pad iation. “The prices were good and ‘Jules Joseph Lefebvre, The White Dove: , enthusiasm So general that the au- Mihaly ae Moning 13 scape; Otto oy ie excellent for a. memorable. sale Pi Net, ALONG. 6 kee on: aia ae pie 7 = Bere ‘the st a be te pela Grivolas, : The Motet A. Rudert, CEM R He eee renseesecene eereo ” The total for the ‘evening's sale was: $58,850. At to-night’s sale the old mas- ters, and an especially important group ey of Jand 2d foam of tl tendo af @ group ply: scapes by Corot will be disposed rabian ee ere Ss. jue See tee (TROYON PICTURE ._TBIGHES $46,000 x Ss sold to a buyer rep- by. Otto Bernet, - agent, for ve Realized in ah & building that was indicated ture is. said to have been the Night’s Sale of Watson ‘studio. — The large painting of a peasant girl _retui y from work with a bundle of west, = oe a huge water jug was sold ht “ GBs shes ae for $5,800. Collection. rca ea | The war has not tightened the purse |} eer oils Hee strings of American picture buyers as suner, Head of a Young | ee Last night’s sale of the pictures of an Harshe, agent.......... $5 } +a" ‘7 1 of Pittsburg, by Woman ie Greue in (the “Onient: _ |the late David T. W atapn ss, 4 ohn ee eas Satin divas; 500 | ‘the American Art Association, amounted mate Powevard Haussmann; | lio $585,520, making the srandl. tota Pe eh rake’ ado] |4594.970. Te will take’ rank ambne the} eaeaet The Cheering Glass; fod memorable picture auctions. DE A iahs lira e ipo 'a b's bivra ce 6 65% 60 i =e Cromer Sands; O. - Ber- The ballroom-of the Hotel Plaza hee NAG GAGAN a biclb ea ciewe casi c e's 575 crowded, many not being able to find in-Lat our. P | pat aaa 000 seats, The favorite pictures were greeted | crea ; act n, : with applause, as were also the spectacu- | £25 lar bids, although opening bids of $10, -| 000 were rather common. The Troyon! Se eee tetas Ae vie Rice oat 2,650 iyi oybet, The Casque; O. Ber- a | picture of the girl on a donkey Going | Be ee ah ic Ph pte Market Jed the prices, Tt: waa ech | £ : : ais? ils in ec tor ough | me ‘of Paris, 1870-71; O. Bernet, me lee a eae throug AM Pe tino ig ak Copies dee ks 409) | o Berhet, a : 40, . eee is in Blue a Former Senator W. A, its pe a eaier Ovid cio gene sieges a are La Monticelli. Reunion dans un two Corots, paying $30, ah ner @ Avray.” W. Seaman, agent..A......5. 450) }and $22,000 for the ate . / ot Le Jardin d@’Amour; “Le Bae,” the principal ‘Corot, went to ae adler & Co........,..-1--......-.. 4280, Otto Bernet, agent, for $34, 00. A ee ecour, ne sing | -s i oO oro | javerage for the Watson group aPlgecy Rothemacher pateeaaes sae neee es 440 | ‘is the highest on auction records, being me eed Woune ee $185,343 In the great Henry sale of weaver Hoar A ope BP ge a i BRO aia | ; : oD, Martin, Keene Valley, Adiron- _| (1907 the previous record average of ig eh SOLIS. MOT in. ke vi ne wwe as 825/ $15,333 was established. | ree Inness, Alexandria Bay on the , | Arabian scenes by Schreyer went be- it. Larence; Kleinberger Galleries... 575 Felix Zeim, Venetian Fishing Boats; O. “Phe Halt at the yond the records, Per AORE Tiley Meese let Ab 6 hers oes 1,075; | Wountain” going to the Ralston Galleries Charles Emile Jacque, Moutons dans 1s | for $12,600 and H. S. Harkness paying | coo: Temps orageux; John 90 $12,300 for the ‘Arabian STaedarneri.” mis oe © 0, «Aiba Chole behets, Sup ip DelwW A&M 0.0 Soe R © tom v « F. H. paerimerer, ‘Loving Glances; A, The Van Dyck protrait of the “Countess udert. agen Fe ERE ek ES 425 Lereare’”’ was sold to Otto Bernet, agent, | ‘| Jean, Jacques Henner, for $30,000, and the “Windinge Rowayy by Rousseau, went to the same buyer for $26,000. _ The list of pictures, with buyers and prices, follows: Alphonse de Neuville, “A French .Cavalryman,’’ Charles A, Dickson, BCU oo ie esas s ssc snes o/s ewe a eae Alexander H.. Wyant, “The Church on the Hill,”” George H. Ainslie......, “Head. of a M. Knoedler & oO. *. . ee a ee Winslow “Homer, "eh “Good Pool—— Saguenay River,” M. Knoedler & Pi oniere ‘H. Wyant, "Uptis "dee ‘of ees Women,’’ the Woods,” EH. 1. Lueder. A Winslow: Homer, “St.. John’s Rivre, ; Plorida,’”’. Mr. Palih cviay le 1,050). Alexander H. Wyant, “The Hnvirons ; of a ae Rec. & N. M. ads V0S6) 2 Sgaisauen etn pla Miplocal§ 6 wighe ae Alexander H. “Wyant,” "“T andscape,’? 2 BI VAN EONS soir, Mgt ee 220 James Baker Pyne, “View of Heidel- j berg,” Ib. fT. Hageen:. ..., 900.) | Winslow Homer, “Watching from the al i Cliffs?’ M. Knoedler & Co.. y ely seas P. Ii. Berne-Bellecour, “Cuirassiers,” Le a Cy Rota ma ener o's s% ‘ena’ woman » 669 Alexander H, Wyant, “Autumn and- ide ”) J ohn Levy’. . Pres) am PN. Vie. Digg “tie Sultana,” “Charles Bis A, Dickson, agent,.. Ba oy Monticelli, See peer h eee ew “Rubens at the ‘Court. of Philip HIT., ga ee Knoedler : Re S06 eset a Th04. Henri Harpignies, ine "Bois de Tres. melliere,’”” Ralston Gallieries...../. 1973) | Je 3 Corot, ““Richmond, on . the ‘el Thames,” A. A, Healey. .cene++ the els Bs yee Theodoré Rousseau, “An » It n "Pass,” Ax Benzieger Py od wwe ole Tere Emile Van Marcke, ‘‘Landsceape Ww ith Cows,” Clapp & Graham..... «\ <5 175, }Charles Emile Jaeque, “Interior, oft Sheepfold, KS Rudert; agent, \se.0 Diaz, “A Gady with ‘Perroquet: and ‘Dog,”” Mrs. Maurice L. Rothschil.. Corot, “Boulogue-sur-Mer: Wn Coin ae Ville,” mabye: 3s: century gal- . ODM sy. wire 5 ak Up ean aT cage aaa 625 Dit “Tn “the: ‘Forest of Fontaines bleau,” ©. Bernet, agent....... 4a Ee Corot, *Willaws,’’ Wi. Ss: Benson. 1,750 Charles Francois Daubleny, “on the Oise,” O. \Bernet, agent.......... Hea Diaz, ‘Lady: and Child, * Robert ; Harshe, agent. Via ee OODOT Diaz, ‘The Necklace, ” "A. "Johnstone. 3100 Henri Harpignies, “Bords de VrYonne,”’..'S. RR. Guggenheim. .....~ 950 ‘Constant "Proyon, ‘A (Brittany Farm,’’ ; Robert iB8o> FRAVSn6). os ces sic eteinle se eee 3,5.00 Jacque, “Sheep Entering the Fold,” OF Bernet;: agent inn. 27 peas ~ 4,000 Daubigny;. ‘lua Mare aux Herons,’’ J OL PIGOWY. shoals bela eee 0) 555 Sol Wat g) eb AR, Corot;.’ “La Mare,” “Senator” WAC (CM aes ta cig erate bichon ae 30,500 Constant Troy On, ‘Landscape and Cattle? W).- Khoedler & Gols...) 7,000 dete “The Seashore,’ Robert 'B. Nis AW aks 6%. nap arr Muni anCE iia IP im ci ftN to. 2,700, | Theodore Rousseau, “The Winding | Road,’ OO. Bernet, / Peen pera Ville 26,000 Corot, ‘Environs of Etretat, ” Robert : . | ‘B. Harshe, agent ile phen wiebianate Ly, oN | Constant ‘Tryon, “Shepherdess and Flock: ‘Scott & Fiowles,.../..2.., 3,000 | “Gathering , Fagots: Outskirts | Diaz, . of the Forest of Fontainebleau,” John Levy ane alle |\Corot, “Envy irons of “Arieux,’ O. Ber- i a [> Met’ ARON. ss sew wetv eek pons hes aimietal ea aimee Constant Troyon, “The House by the John Levy... ves 1,800 ME cia the: River sara > pe | ee ee re oe aes River,’? Daubigny, ac que, “Outskirts of F patalneniead, ae ; Charles A, Dickson, agent..+-...+ 8,5 0 : Corot, ‘ae Soir,’ O. Bernet, agent. .28,000 Trevyon, “Going to Market,’ OQ. Ber- TOE) SAG OTN a! cae scapes: tA oleuh oy acai einen ae 45,000 ‘orot, ‘“Ville-d’Avray: Le “Bouleau,” Senator W. A OFA RHE Lk co alp totem be vee «22,000 Jules Dupre, “Sunset in’ the PORTE Robert B. Harshe, agent....-«.- fi ,000 Jacque “The Approaching Storm,” Ralston Galleries........bsse: - 8,259 } Gustave Courbet, “The Shady Glen,” | Wi OW. Seaman, agents. ...3...4%-- 3,000 | School of Rembrandt, ‘Head of an ; ' Old Man,’ Kleinberger Galleries. 569 iPietro Longhi, “Interior -With Fig- es | ures,’’ M, Knoedler & Co......- 4 573 lJohnh Crome, “Mill on the Yare, or Scene in Norfolk,” Scott & Fowles.. 3,000 George Morland, “Gathering Fagots,’ Charles A. Dickson, agént.:..+e0.. 2,400 George Morland, “Bringing Anns KFagots,’’? A. Rudert, BBE a shorn Wey aoe 2,200 Gabriel Metsu, “An. Interior With ; Two Figures,’’ Lie shtghiy Gal- ; J) JOTEOS

Panel: Height, 10% inches; length, 291% inches SESS SS 40—LANDSCAPE SS | | if AN eminence in the foreground on the left, with a tree broken by the wind; on the right, a roadway in which a covered wagon drawn by two horses is passing. ‘Through the middle of the picture a wide stretch of flat country extends to the sea, which appears on the left. On the right, in the distance, is rising ground with two church spires. Over all is a sky of finely modeled gray clouds with some blue-gray in the upper por- tion. Signed at the lower left, Pu. Roussrav. By order of an Executor. Barend Cornelis Koekkoek DutcH: 1803—1862 41—_LANDSCAPE Panel: Height, 12 inches; length, 16 inches A HIGHLY finished landscape showing a hillock in the right foreground and some tall trees growing within a yard fenced | with palings, where are seen the roof of a building and a couple of low stacks. In the middle foreground is a pool through which passes a roadway. ‘Three hunters, with their dogs, are approaching near the middle of the picture. On the left is another hillock with slender trees, and in the distance appear a level plain with a flock of sheep and shepherd, and a range of hills. The sky shows warm-tinted clouds with spaces of blue in the upper portion. Signed at the lower left, B, C. KorKxorx. By order of an Executor. Henri Fantin-Latour Prencn- 1836-1904 WO ¢ al j sredlev 1b “7 42—DAHLIAS IN BLUE VASE Canvas: Height, 19 inches; width, 17¥ inches An effectively grouped bouquet of red, white and variegated dahlias, with buds and leaves, arranged in a green glass vase which rests on a table; dark background. | Signed in red, Fantry, and dated ’74 in lower left. By order of Messrs. Exxins & Henriques, Attorneys, London, es | HS A. T. J. Monticelli | VA 3 wat. | FRENCH: 1824—1886 43-—-REUNION DANS UN PARC ve L 9 i) ne fl. Panel: Height, 15 inches; length, 231% inches A WELL-woopED park with trees and shrubs in jadi tints, peopled by a crowded group of numerous figures of ladies in bright costumes. ‘Two nude children, probably in- tended for Cupids, are sketched in the center of the picture. Signed at the-lower left. The reverse side of the panel is almost entirely unplaned and is characteristic of Monticello’s indifference to the material on which he painted. By order of Messrs. Evxtns & Henriques, Attorneys, London. % J | 4 ” * . . a oo in : c ‘ 7 x wi i - ns NR ete. nee eas DS > PR Rg i deat —nin aie nil mice cs wd < 5 A. T. J. Monticelli — ye 4 Frencu: 1824—1886 VA, erated 44—LE JARDIN DAMOUR female figures. Nearly all are in golden dresses and are dis- posed in various attitudes near a terrace at the edge of a | ee, forest. Here and there the artist has dashed in a few strokes ; /4 S i, aa of green as if to mellow down the richness of the whole pic- ture. y oS AN unusually well defined group of sixteen small whole-length By order of Messrs. Evxins & Henriques, Attorneys, London. rae RE RR Cera Ree a Prosper Etienne Berne-Bellecour Frencu: 1838—1910 45—THE RESTING PLACE Panel: Height, 16 inches; length, 241 nena : In the foreground on the right, leaning against the trunk of a tree, is a French cavalryman in uniform of light blue tunic, 3 with white galons, and red trousers terminating in loose boots. 7 | 4. 4 ab yeunt RY Occupying the center of the composition are another soldier i E: in the same uniform and two horses, which are attached by tethering ropes to the trunk of the tree on the left. ‘The caval- ryman beside the horses is adjusting the saddle and trappings of one of the mounts. Signed at the lower right, E. Berne-BELLECour, and dated 1907. Property of the late Mr. J. T. Sperry. ~ Cesare Detti Irauian: 1848— eo? | LY? ‘a (French School) 6 OG | 46—CAVALIER WITH TWO-HANDED SWORD Z fi, 4. A} mk Height, 22 inches; width, 15 inches A. FULL-LENGTH standing figure of a cavalier, his left hand resting on his hip and the right on the hilt of a great two- handed sword which he holds beside him. His rich costume comprises a blue velvet beret with brown plume, white ruff, buckskin, laced jacket, dark blue velvet breeches, yellow- brown stockings and buckskin shoes. About his waist is a pink sash and, by an ornamented belt over his right shoulder, a sword and pouch are suspended on his left side. Signed at the lower right, C. Dertt. By order of an Executor. | Jean Charles Meissonier, fils ‘9 fe Frencu: 1852—1917 PF pe 47—TROOPERS IN A TAVERN y /~ Wand eo 7 : Panel: Height, 2114, inches; width, 18 inches A croup of three men wearing Louis Treize costumes of gray, blue and_-yellow, seated about a table, with a jug and glasses of wine. One of them, on the right, is playing on a lute for the delectation of his two companions; back of them stands the tavern-keeper in white shirt with sleeves rolled up, and breeches and apron of gray. Signed at the lower right, Cuar ies MEIssoNIER, FILS, and dated 1885. Purchased from Messrs. Knoedler & Co., New York, 1885: ult A a x 78 Collection of the late Mr. Jurius Wanpswortu, New York. be! p65 B/ UXX 4 Cag a Aateet. Lfth S65" Bea 8XXx Homer D. Martin, N.A. AMERICAN: 1836—1897 48—KE ENE VALLEY, ADIRONDACKS Height, 16 inches; length, 2414 inches Tue foreground and part of the middle distance lying in shadow overlook a stretch of forest. The dead trunks of sev- eral trees indicate that the foreground timber has been burned over. ‘The view is eastward at early evening, and a part of the forest in the middle distance, and a mountain range beyond, receive the light from the last rays of the sun. On the left and on the right of the picture rising smoke indicates forest fires. Overhead is a sky of tempered green-blue with masses of pink-tinted clouds. Signed at the lower right, H. D. Martin. Painted to order for Ezra Babcock, Esq., 1882. Property of the Estate of the late Gustav ReicHarp, George Inness, N Wer AMERICAN: 1825—1894 ¢ ap 49—ALEXANDRIA BAY ON THE yA ye Pallas ST. LAWRENCE, 1878 ; Millboard: Height, 16 inches; length, 24 inches A LANDscAPE with figures, belonging to the earlier period of Inness’s work. In the foreground, seated near the middle of the picture on a rocky shore, are two women, and at the left, standing on a little landing-place on the shore of the Bay, the waters of which fill the left of the picture, is another woman. Two pine trees appear near the middle of the picture, and on the left is a wooded island in the bay; beyond, on the farther shore, is a range of hills. The sky, of a yellow-gray tone, indicates that an evening effect is depicted. Signed at the lower right, G. INNEss. Property of the Estate of the late Gustav RercHarp, Felix Ziem Paencu! 1821101 50—VENETIAN FISHING BOATS ee G QO y 5 Panel: Height, 1414 inches; length, 2214 inches 1 In the right foreground a number of fishermen, in their row- | ae boat, are drawing in a net; on the left two sloops with lateen / } 15 sails; on the shores of the blue waters, which occupy the first plane of the picture, buildings are indicated, and beyond is a Y as es y dew range of hills. The sky is gradated from a warm light tone _at the horizon into strong blue above. Signed at the lower right, Zien. From the Governor E. D. Morgan Collection, New York, 1886.-* ah S IT, Collection of the late Mr. Jutrus Wapswortu, New York. he Sh a ea - — ie bi a! iy iat 7 —— a \ - . j co ae os — 0 EO en ee ee sky is overcast with masses of rolling clouds. Charles Emile Jacque | FRENCH: 1813—1894 tA . 51—MOUTONS DANS LA CAMPAGNE: TEMPS OkA GEUX Canvas: Height, 171% inches; length, 2114 inches A SsTORM-TOSSED landscape with trees on either side. In a clearing which forms the foreground is seen a flock of sheep grazing; a red-capped shepherd girl is seated on a bank; the Signed and dated 1874 to lower right.» Spencer, ng With signed and dated certificate by the artist on back of canvas. By order of Messrs. Evxins & HENRIQUES, Attorneys, London, Frederik Hendrik Kaemmerer Frencu: 1839—1902 52—LOVING GLANCES Height, 231 inches; width, 15°84 inches Two full-length figures, a young man and a young woman, advancing arm in arm on a pathway by the shore of a lake. The costumes are of the French Directory. The young man, with brown coat, white waistcoat, buff breeches and black chapeau, carrying his cane, turns his head to his companion, a young woman in robe of white, her hands clasped on her lover’s left arm as she looks up in his face. Signed at the lower right, F. H. KarmMerer. By order of the Executor of the late Mr. Davin T. Watson, Pitts- burgh, Pennsylvania. William Adolphe Bouguereau Frencu: 1825—1905 583—A ROMAN BEAUTY | Height, 22%4 inches; width, 18 inches A HEAD and bust picture of a Roman girl with black hair, the head turned to the left in three-quarter view. She wears a cape of gray-blue over a bodice of dark blue with pleated chemise of white. Her hair is bound with a gold band, and around her neck is a double string of pearls. Signed at the lower right, W. Boucurrsrau, and dated 1872. Purchased from the late Adolph Kohn, New York, 18838. Collection of the late Mr. Jutius Wapsworrtnu, New York. ae, tr, 2 , SSS ee Frank Mura AMERICAN: 1861— For many years past a resident of Paris gO / 54—IN THE FIELDS, NEUVILLE | Vere 7 Canvas: Height, 14 inches; length, 27 inches A VIEW in early springtime over a flat country at a high alti- tude, with spindly wind-blown trees across the foreground. Two teams of horses are ploughing the uneven ground, and a group of cottages is seen to the right. ce Signed at the lower right. Exhibited at the Derby, 1914. By order of Messrs. Exxins & Henriques, Attorneys, London. | Jehan Georges Vibert aD — << Frencu: 1840—1902 : 55—_THE FHAST OF THE ANNUNCIATION > awe 41. harshe 7 aa oe , | In a courtyard overhung with vines a white-robed monk with bald head and white beard, and another who is younger, wear- ing a straw hat and a blue apron, are engaged in decorating and adorning with freshly cut flowers a richly dressed statue of the Virgin and Child. The figure is placed on a pedestal which is draped with rich crimson embroidered drapery and | garlands of white flowers. The older monk, standing on | the right, is engaged with some detail of the long blue flowered cloak which forms a part of the costume of the statue. Panel: Height, 244% inches; width, 191% inches i; Signed at the lower right, J. G. Viperv. | ' | i } ‘I i i Purchased through Mr. C. L. Carstairs, now of Messrs. Knoedler & Co. By order of the Executor of the late Mr. Davin T. Watson, Pitts- burgh, Pennsylvania. C.S.Casxx- c an) Pad eA ae LT G | EES a (3m Tice ~ cares te . “ LZ 2% — C. R. aR Sxx- Meyer von Bremen, Johann Georg GerMAN: 1813—1886 56—THH WAYSIDE SHRINE Height, 25°4 inches; width, 201% inches A Group of two children, a little girl and little boy, kneeling in the roadway before a wayside shrine which appears on the left of the picture. The girl, with her arms around the little boy, has her hands clasped on his right shoulder, while the little boy’s hands are folded before him. The children are evidently travelers, for the boy has a basket on his arm and the little girl has a bundle tied in a blue check cloth slung over her shoulder. At the foot of the shrine also are another bundle, a stone jug, and a walking stick which they have been carrying. Signed at the lower left, MeyER von BreMEN, and dated 1866. Collection of the late Mr. Jutivs Wapswortnu, New York. 4,0 C i sa | Thomas Sully AMERICAN: 1783—1872 i . +57—ST. JEROME Height, 20 inches; width, 24 inches A HEAD and bust picture of an elderly man, the top of the head bald, and gray hair on the temples and a gray beard. The shoulders are covered with a cloak of dark red. ‘The head, inclined slightly forward, is seen in three-quarter view to the right; background of brown. Collection of the late Mr. Jutius WapswortnH, New York. set anki Ah tas cin ony . Vay ~ dS ; Mlle. Rosa Bonheur : dM, Frencu: 1§22—1899 | 583—A SUMMER DAY Height, 191% imches; length, 29 inches THE composition shows a grass-covered eminence in the fore- ground with a willow tree and a drinking-place on the left. On the right of the picture is a farmer mounted on a bay horse 3 who is looking at his herds and flocks which are under the watchful eye of a shepherd dog, who looks up at him. Sheep and lambs are seen in the foreground and farther up on the slope, at the left, are several cows. On the left, in the distance, is a range of hills, and the summer sky shows white and gray clouds illumined by the sunlight. Signed at the lower left, R. BonuEvr. Purchased from Messrs. M. Knoedler & Co., New York, 1894. By order of the Executor of the late Mr. Davin T. Warson, Pitts- burgh, Pennsylvania. Cs OP hxwe Qi. sxy ml fm Koco, ti key i iagaues C. RIE MxKAKw- Vad Y, Jacob Simon Hendrik Kever Mopern Dutcu: 1854— 7 59—LA COUTURIERE 40 O Canvas: Height, 251/, inches; width, 1914 inches View of the interior of a cottage with a small whole-length figure of a Dutch peasant woman seated, mending a garment; a doorway is seen to the left, a large window to the right. Signed in lower left. By order of Messrs. Exxtns & Henriques, Attorneys, London. August Hagborg SwEpDIsH: 1852— 60—FISHER FOLK ings 7 : Height, 24 inches; length, 261 inches & ZG In the foreground, on a flat sandy beach, are a fisherman with blue sweater and oilskin hat carrying his oilskin coat on his right arm, and a young woman with him who is talking as she stands with her elbows resting on a long-handled spade used for clam digging. Far away, on the left, is another girl at work. Beyond lies the expanse of the sea, with numerous boats, under a gray sky. Signed at the lower right, Hacpore. Property of the late Mr. J. 'T. Sperry. Cesare Detti Iranian: 1848—1915 (French School) 61—HALTED Height, 2114 inches; length, 29 inches _A monk, of sleek, well-fed appearance, riding on his donkey and accompanied by a peasant girl, has been halted in the road- way by a party of soldiers at an outpost on the edge of a woods. ‘The costumes are of the period of Henri Deux. One of the men holds the donkey by his leading-rope, while another with steel cuirass is interrogating the monk, who raises his out- stretched palms with a gesture of innocent surprise and general denial. Beyond, on the right, is a glimpse of a town and a river. ‘The trees are in late autumn foliage and the sky is filled with gray clouds. Signed at the lower left, C. Deri, Paris, 88. By order of an Executor. Frederic Remington, A.N.A. AMERICAN: 1861—1909 62—A PLAINSMAN Height, 24 inches; width, 20 inches In the foreground is a man mounted on a dark chestnut horse, seen in side view and casting a blue shadow on the yellow desert sands of Arizona. On the right is a troop of pack-mules with their burdens on their backs, and in the distance, on the left, a mounted man is rounding up one of the mules which has run away from its companions. In the upper part of the composi- tion are sand-dunes and a blue sky. Signed at the lower left, FREpERIcC RemincTon, Arizona Ty. Purchased from the National Academy Exhibition. Property of the late Mr. J. T. Sperry. Jose Jiminez y Aranda SPANISH: 1832— 4 dy Bene . (French School) 7 re S 683—_THE SURPRISE “Sa Panel: Height, 21 inches; length, 2614 inches | A PARTY of a dozen soldiers, in the picturesque costume of the i French Revolution period, have been playing cards in their i ______ barracks, which is the interior of a church with stone floor and | pillar and carved screens. In the left center of the composi- tion one of the small doors in the great entrance-doors of the | church has been opened by the sentries outside who announce a some startling news. Their game interrupted, the soldiers are springing from their seats as they listen to what one of their - number, near the doorway, is shouting out, with one hand held up beside his mouth. Signed at the lower left, J. Ananpa, Paris, 1884. By order of an Executor. vy A George H. McCord, A.N.A. AMERICAN: 1848—1909 Lb perrvofer Y / a) } | { 64—SUNSET IN VENICE Height, 29 inches; width, 24 inches In the waters of a canal which fill the foreground, fishing boats with red, brown and yellow sails are anchored on the right of the composition. Beyond is a footbridge over the canal, and on either side are buildings. Among those on the left is a church with a tower and spire. Signed at the lower right, G. H. McCorp, A.N.A., VENICE, 1906. Purchased from the Executor of the Artist’s Estate. ae | - Property of the late Mr. J. T. Sperry. &? bye Os Alexander Hay Ritchie ScotcH-AMERICAN: 1822— 65—HXCOMMUNICATION OF ST. PAUL Height, 28 inches; length, 36 inches A COMPOSITION with many figures of men and women assem- bled in a church for a ceremony representing the excommu- nication of St. Paul. ‘The bearded man, with bald head, impersonating St. Paul, stands, dressed in a long white robe, on a shelf-bench on the front of a pulpit in the left of the composition, where a preacher in gray robe and cape, holding a document in Latin in his left hand, with his right designates the accused. Several priests are grouped beyond the pulpit on the left, and the townsfolk are seated on benches, or standing, or occupying places in a gallery in that part of the church where the ceremony is taking place. The figure of St. Paul holds a lighted candle in the left hand and a book in the right; on the floor, at his feet, are vestments, books, and a bundle of fagots. The costumes indicate that the ceremony is taking place in some part of Germany about the time of the Reformer, Luther. Signed with initial, at the lower right, R. By order of the Executor of the late Mr. Davin T. Watson, Pitts- burgh, Pennsylvania. z Etienne Adolphe Piot FRENCH: CONTEMPORARY 66—GOOD MORNING! hu Phd deo Vl Height, 32 inches; width, 28 inches A THREE-QUARTER-LENGTH life-size figure of a little girl wear- ing a white slip and with her hands clasped before her. The body is in three-quarter view to the right and the head is in- clined to the left over the right shoulder. Background of dark blue. : Signed at the lower left, A. Pior. By order of an Executor. Alexandre Marie Guillemin FrRENcH (or Betcran): ConTEMPORARY ee 1860 ) 67—THE SLEEPING CHILD i. A flprr , Panel: Height, 3334 mches; width, 1734 inches THREE Italian peasants, two young women and a man, have come upon a little girl who has gone to sleep on a heap of dried herbage in a room of a peasant dwelling. By the side of the child is her basket in which are some wild flowers she has gathered. One of the young women, kneeling on the floor in the center of the picture, holds a sieve with which she has been sifting seed on to a white cloth. Signed at the lower left, A. GuILLEMIN. Purchased from the late Charles F. Haseltine, Philadelphia, 1895. 3 By order of the Executor of the late Mr. Davi T. Warson, Pitts- burgh, Pennsylvania. art George H. McCord, A.N.A. AMERICAN: 1848—1909 68 VENETIAN FISHING BOATS Height, 20 inches; length, 380 inches | _ A Group of fishing boats, with red, brown, gray, white and yellow sails, is seen in the middle of the picture near a wharf | where there is a building with red-tiled roof. Farther away, | in the right center, is another group of boats. In the distance, j at the extreme right, buildings on the shore are indicated. Signed at the lower left, G. H. McCorp, A.N.A., VENICE; and dated 1907. Purchased from the Executor of the Artist’s Estate. Property of the late Mr. J. T. Sperry. Ralph Albert Blakelock, N.A. we AMERICAN: 184'7— _69 MORNING, WHITE MOUNTAINS Wet Height, 20 inches; length, 32 inches AN important example of the earlier period of Blakelock, de- picted with great fidelity in the drawing of the various features of the landscape. The right foreground is occupied by a hill- side with rocks and trees forming the shore of a lake, which appears in the left foreground. On the opposite shore appear the trees on the edge of a forest, which continues upward on a mountainside on the left and extends in the right center to a misty distance. The foliage shows autumn tints and in the sky of warm yellow-gray the sun is seen through the mists well up from the horizon. Just above the sun, in the upper middle portion of the composition, is a cluster of little clouds. Signed at the lower left, R. A. Buaxe tock, and dated 1868. Property of the Estate of the late Gustav REIcHarp. Henri Harpignies Frencu: 1819—1916 ete = 70—L’ ALLIER A HERISSON J | Canvas: Height, 26 inches; length, 32 inches AN extensive landscape with a background of irregular and barely clad hills. A shallow river passes through the fore- ground of the picture, and on the near banks are three groups of tall branching trees. ‘The blue sky is charged with clouds, and the rays of sunset are reflected on the banks of the river. Signed and dated 1906 to lower left. By order of Messrs. Evxins & Henriques, Attorneys, London, | | : 3 | oe Ferdinand Jan Monchablon | la Yeys a tS Faewcn: 1855—1908 f. T1-LANDSCAPE. She) Gutlo | = %) Height, 29 inches; length, 8914 inches _AN important example of the landscape work of Monchablon, marked by his usual careful rendering of detail and compre- hensive grasp of general effect. The picture shows fields of many different crops on rolling country; some fields of wheat in the middle distance are being harvested by the farm laborers. | In the distance, on the left, is another stretch of country that is not cultivated but is diversified by pastures and woods. . Overhead is a summer sky evenly gradated from luminous | light warm gray at the horizon into pale blue above, with a few clouds floating in the sunlight. Signed at the lower right, Jax Moncuasion, and dated 1886; also signed at the lower left, OEUVRE L. | Purchased from M. Knoedler & Co., New York, by the Holland Gal- | leries, who sold the picture to the late owner. | P ty of the late Mr. J. T. Sperry. | roperty of a oY a rH — «8767 o Ns Aes: Cais hy 186, bs osry > helt HE bonne biph 277ibdr, BAM SX Jules Adolphe Breton Frencu: 1827—1906 pT -RETURNING FROM WORK 5 " d Height, 36 inches; width, 28%4 inches ® si FULL-LENGTH figure of a French peasant girl depicted in f ) side view as she walks toward the left, carrying under her left s BN arm a sheaf of grain and with her right holding a water-jug on her shoulder. ‘The setting for the figure is composed of a , field with a growing green crop and a sunset sky with a band i . “ brilliant pink cloud half way up from the horizon, and 7 other clouds of fainter pink above. Je Signed at the lower left, JuLEs Breton, and dated 1896. ape By order of the Executor of the late Mr. Davin T. Watson, Pitts- | pear Quy burgh, Ee CPC. sxxx_ HA pC) gern” 6129) ang Ong. /96- saxK- | \ : a A C4 . rn wiht a § SKK - i Wino! "Oe OQ ho Sala i % tebe rs & ae y : a , oe ma \ : NS . %& al he VE , t nf ~ Sat eo eo ; Ne fr a" s f | ’ S ; ey ). So. ; _ ‘ \ o ; ‘ . : wt 5 IL, . g 2 Adolf Schreyer GERMAN: 1828—1899 73—ARAB CAVALIERS: CHIEF’S STAFF Height, 28 inches; length, 40 inches AT the foot of a rugged slope, the hill visible above and behind them at the right, and a vast, uneven country extending beyond them in the distance, a company of Arab horsemen in their picturesque garb are gathered about their chief. ‘The halt is at the border of a river, an edge of which appears in the foreground at the left. ‘The standard is borne by a rider on a black horse, who stands nearest the onlooker, beside the chief who is mounted on a dappled gray. The others, seven in number, have reined up about and behind them, all armed and each alert, the light falling strongest on the foremost members of the group. The ground is a yellowish-brown, with suggestions of green, the sky revealing blue in places but largely overborne by white and dusky-gray clouds which thicken and darken over the hilltop at the right. Signed at the lower right, Ap. SCHREYER. LAX XXX Purchased by Mr. Stanley P. Gifford from M. Knoedler & Co., New York. 1278 + Ute Ut haw St/7906 aK AXXX i e s - _— , ' : Ps a ‘ H - st i tal cea 5 cea Pe ee ee sain er oo ASIEN 1 SPU ie YR cece rai Mugs @ Purchased from the Stanley P. Gifford Sale, New York, 1913, by the Holland Galleries. y MG KOOO + Property of the late Mr. J. T. Sperry, who purchased the picture * from the Holland Galleries. : - A ee a a aecetneage ee Hector Le Roux Frencu: 1829—1900 74—THE DEPARTURE FROM PAUSILIPPE Height, 2614 inches; length, 44 inches A CLASSICAL composition with a group of two young women, in the right foreground, on a terrace shaded by a large olive tree and overlooking the city and the sea. While one of the dey young women extends her right hand in a gesture of farewell to a departing shallop the other clings to her in grief and affec- tion. On the extreme right of the terrace, looking over its enclosing wall, is a little lad, nude except for a leopard skin about his loins. The Greek costume of the two young women are, in the case of the taller one, with arm extended, pink, blue and white, and the other’s, white and light blue. Signed at the lower right, Hecror Lr Rovx. By order of an Executor. ye 4b? Otto von Thoren German: 1828—1889 _ 75—DRIVING THE COWS Panel: Height, 3014 inches; length, 3514 inches In the foreground in the middle of the picture is a herdsman | with light blue smock, in back view to the spectator, with his dog trotting along at his side, driving three cows homeward across the pastures. The cows on either side of the driver are dark red with white markings, and one, ahead of them, is white with a spot or two of black. On the left, in the middle dis- tance, is a thatched cottage; in the distance, on the right, a range of hills, and overhead a sky of gray with some blue in the upper portion. Signed at the lower right, O. v. THOREN. Collection of the late Mr. Jurius WapswortuH, New York. Emil Keyser GERMAN: CONTEMPORARY 76—CHILDREN’S FROLIC Height, 3124 inches; length, 481 inches A DOZEN or more little girls, with a boy in the middle of the long line they form across the greensward of the foreground by holding each other’s hands, are sweeping along with dancing steps on a day in May. On the left of the picture, back of the long row of children, is a little girl who is crying because she has been left behind in the onward sweep of the play. ‘The setting for the figures consists of green meadows and a gray sky. In the immediate foreground on the borders of a little pool are cowslips with their yellow blossoms. Signed at the lower left, Emin Keyser. Purchased from the late Charles F. Haseltine, Philadelphia, 1898. 4U*x«- By order of the Executor of the late.Mr. Davin T. Wasson, Pitts- burgh, Pennsylvania. | CR — Cesare Detti Irauian: 1848—1915 (French School) Yl? a 77—THE INTERRUPTED DUET | Pewa be Height, 34 inches; length, 44 inches A. YOUNG woman with salmon-pink robe trimmed with fur is seated on the left of the composition in a great throne-chair, her feet resting on a blue cushion, and has stopped playing on a lute which she has placed at her side. On the right, seated be- side her on a couch, is a young man in costume of red, blue-gray and white, who continues his playing on another lute of dif- ferent style, and has apparently come to a passage in the music filled with meaning. ‘The lady turns her head away with pen- sive expression. On the left, lying on the floor, are music-books ; and in the background of the apartment is a piece of furniture with a decanter on it and a large metal vase with pink laurel blossoms. é “Signed at the lower right, C. Derti, and dated Paris, ’89. By order of an Executor. fa? Ue Beret dyot Leon Perrault Frencu. LSo2-— fo 6 Q 78—F AIRY TALES Height, 421% inches; width, 33% inches Two little French peasant girls, one with dark hair with white bodice and blue skirt; the other with light blond hair, white bodice and purple-brown skirt, seated close together on a stone by the roadside. The girl with brown hair, who has blue eyes and looks up directly out of the picture, holds a paper-cov- ered book in her lap while her little companion, her hand on the other’s shoulder, is reading from its pages. In the back- ground are warm shadows and the leaves of plants and vines. Signed at the lower left, L. Perrauxit, and dated 1887. By order of an Executor. \ Ps a % 2 *~ a . bal E - Ss 7 % SNe ae eee a ee Jules Joseph Lefebvre Frencu: 1834—1912 / 793—THE WHITE DOVE Height, 47 inches; width, 3014 inches A. THREE-QUARTER-LENGTH life-size figure of a beautiful young woman with light brown hair, wearing a Grecian robe of dia- phanous white confined by a sash of yellow. Her hair is bound with a garland of white morning-glories. ‘The body is in three- quarter view to the right, and the head, inclined forward, is seen in profil perdu. The young woman holds, with both hands, gently against her breast, a white dove with wings partly ex- tended and head stretched back as it looks into the face of its mistress. ‘The picture shows the beautiful drawing character- istic of the work of Lefebvre. Signed at the lower left, Jutes Leresvre, and dated at the lower right, Paris, 1880. By order of an Executor. Bon A ail ?OoAa f’ fW Vw Etienne Adolphe Piot ing Frencuo: CoNnTEMPORARY A 80-—LESBLA Avy oo yer" Height, 321% inches; width, 231, saches A THREE-QUARTER-LENGTH life-size seated figure of a young woman, the face in full view to the spectator, wearing a skirt : of white and white drapery about her shoulders. With her ; left hand she is caressing a pink rosebud which is fastened in her corsage and her right hand rests in her lap, where there is a bunch of pink roses and green leaves. ‘The background is a crimson curtain. Signed on the left, A. Prior. By order of an Executor. Matteo Vittorio Corcos SPANISH: CONTEMPORARY (French School) 81—_W AITING Height, 41 inches; width, 251% inches A HALF-LENGTH life-size figure of a pretty young woman who, with head turned to the spectator’s right as she leans against the rail of a balcony overlooking a public garden, seems to be waiting for the arrival of an expected friend. The light, fall- ing from the sky, illumines her blond hair and filters through the trees of the park. The young woman wears a Spanish | shawl with figured pattern lace, a black ribbon at her neck and black net mitts. Signed at the lower right, V. Corcos. By order of the Executor of the late Mr. Davin T. Watson, Pitts- burgh, Pennsylvania. ub: Mihaly Ae Munkacsy | , ef Huncartan: 1846—1900 0 0 82—LANDSCAPE Height, 37°4 inches; length, 5634 inches A. LANDSCAPE in France, depicted in sunlight, showing a broad roadway bordering a little stream leading from the foreground into the middle of the picture, where there is an arched stone gateway at the entrance to the grounds surrounding a country ~ church which appears on the left. On the right of the gateway a crossroad leads between stone park and garden walls to the entrance of a house which, with its out-buildings, is seen amid the trees on the right of the picture. Bordering the stream is a hedge and a row of tall poplars and in the middle portion of the picture, back of the villa and the gateway, are the poplars and other tall trees of a park. Although the celebrated artist, Munkacsy, is known chiefly by his figure sub jects, he painted many landscapes, of which this one is a representative example. Signed at the lower right, M. Munxacsy. Purchased from the late Charles F. Haseltine, Philadelphia, 1890. By order of the Executor of the late Mr. Davin T. Watson, Pitts- burgh, Pennsylvania. vg heal Ms eames Al -§xxr nga a, Ben Lad, jrom wv $y 2a SP (sf a C RH AaxxK- , &% fy 2 4 ~~ Pierre Grivolas FRENCH: CONTEMPORARY 88—_THE MOTET Height, 79 inches; width, 53 inches THE scene represents a religious procession of many young girls all clothed in white and wearing white veils, who are descending the steps of a steep street, proceeding from a church seen between the walls of the buildings on either side of the narrow passageway. Each of the girls holds a song-book in her hands, and in the immediate foreground, on the right, is an elderly priest who, with hands uplifted, is beating time for the singing. On his right, seated against the wall of a house, with an open window in which appears a young mother holding a child in her arms, are several other young women who have not taken part in the procession. The effect is in strong sunlight, in the south of France, which lights up the walls on the right of the picture and throws into shadow those on the left. Above the roofs and the top of the church is a space of blue sky. Signed at the lower left, on the face of a stone step, P. Grivoras, and dated 1881. By order of the Executor of the late Mr. Davin T. Watson, Pitts- burgh, Pennsylvania. ©. RH — ~ ae Oe eee ee eee os SECOND AND LAST EVENING’S SALE TUESDAY, APRIL 17, 1917 IN THE GRAND BALLROOM OF THE PLAZA FirtH Avenue, 58ruH to 597TH STREET BEGINNING PROMPTLY AT 8.15 O CLOCK Catalogue Nos. 84 to 168, inclusive 4 &)- #£Alphonse Marie de Neuville | | Frencu: 1836—1885 hee | —s- 84-4 FRENCH CAV ALRYMAN oC aah, 916 aoe width, 534 inches oy, 4 A FULL-LENGTH standing figure of a French cavalryman of | the time of the First Republic, or the early years of the | Napoleonic period. In the left hand he grasps a sword which | __ is carried by a wide belt. The uniform consists of a high green | shako with tricolor rosette in front, green fur-trimmed jacket with gold frogs and chevrons and red trousers reinforced with leather. | Signed at the lower right, A. pp NEvvitue, and dated 1875. By order of the Executor of the late Mr. Davin T. Watson, Pitts- burgh, Pennsylvania. CO Ke oX x- Alexander H. Wyant, N.A. AMERICAN: 1836—1905 85—THE CHURCH ON THE HILL Height, 10 inches; width, 8 inches In the foreground, rich autumn herbage; in the middle dis- tance, a hillside crowned with belts of trees. At the left, at the top of the hill, is a church with a belfry. The hour is evening, and the picture is completed by a sunset sky with tints of yellow and gray-pink near the horizon, and gray clouds, amid spaces of blue in the upper part. Signed at the lower left, A. H. Wranr. Property of the Estate of the late Gustav ReicHarp. Jean Jacques Henner Frencu: 1829—1905 86-_HEAD OF A YOUNG WOMAN a ti | Panel: Height, 10%4 inches; width, 81% itches A HEAD and bust picture of a young woman with auburn hair, her face in full view to the spectator as she looks over her left shoulder with a very searching glance from her large dark eyes. Red drapery covers the right shoulder and the left arm. Signed at the upper right, J. J. HENNER. By order of the Executor of the late Mr. Davin T. Watson, Pitts- burgh, Pennsylvania. Crypt as ae ee gedly Ko" } 1 Winslow Homer, N. A. AMERICAN: 1836—1910 87—A GOOD POOL: SAGUENAY RIVER Water Color: Height, 9¥% inches; length, 18°4 inches In a canoe managed by two guides, one with paddle at the bow and the other at the stern, is a fisherman casting his line in the blue waters of the river, which traverses the picture. The immediate foreground shows a shore of shelving rock. Above the canoe and figures, and in close view to the spectator, is a fine specimen of speckled trout, leaping through the air. The fish is in relief against a dark clouded sky, and on the farther shore of the river high rocky formations are indicated. Signed at the lower left, Homer, 1895. Property of the Estate of the late Gustav Retcuarp, 23609. Ow conacguneeh firm 0.8 7, fase LA /igll + Sold f VA Ye bah treahlyn yi Ves ss Ff MAXX ~ Alexander H. Wyant, N.A. AMERICAN: 1836—1892 | 88—THE EDGE OF THE WOODS Height, 12 inches; length, 15, inches SAPLINGS, denuded of leaves, and small trees and undergrowth showing early autumn tints in the foliage, occupy the middle ground. In the forward plane of the landscape the sod is still green, having not yet been bitten by the frost. A sky of gray appears above the leaves and branches of the trees. Signed at the lower right, A. H. Wyant. Property of the Estate of the late Gustav REICHARD, a Winslow Homer, N.A. | tae if i Jf pe AMERICAN: 1836—1910 is (ae JOHN'S RIVER, FLORIDA | | Mn Kelphr Water Color: Height, 14 inches; length, 20 inches In. ane foreground the waters reflect the blue of a clear sky and the heavy dark foliage of palm trees growing on the river bank in the middle portion of the picture. Along the edge of the shore are water lilies, vividly green. In the distance, on the left, a line of low hills—and, on the right, the blue silhou- ette of one of the winter resort hotels. . Signed at the lower left, Wrxstow Homer, and dated 1890. Property of the Estate of the late Gusray ReicHarp. c. Alexander H. Wyant, N.A. AMERICAN: 18386—1892 90—THE ENVIRONS OF A CITY: EVENING Height, 12 inches; width, 16 inches Roiuine lands of autumn-brown occupy the foreground, with a little stream in the right center. Beyond, appearing in sil- houette against an evening sky, pale gray in the upper portion and showing pink clouds above, are buildings and _ hill-tops. From a chimney of one of the buildings smoke is blown by the wind to the right. Bees Signed at the lower left, A. H. Wyanv. Purchased from R. C. & N. M. Vose, Boston. Property of the Estate of the late Gustav Reicuarp. Alexander H. Wyant, N.A. AMERICAN: 18386—1892 9I—_LANDSCAPE Height, 14 inches; length, 20 inches Tue forward plane of the composition is occupied by fields sloping upward to the left with a roadway, wet by recent rain, on the right. A wide-spreading oak appears on the left at the top of the slope, and beyond is seen, on the right, a distant range of hills. The sky shows broken clouds of warm gray with one or two small spaces of blue in the upper portion. The picture presents a unified ensemble of sober tints. Signed at the lower right, A. H. Wyant. Property of the Estate of the late Gustav ReicHarp, 4 — a ee ae - James Baker Pyne BritTIsuH: 1800—1870 92—VIEW OF HEIDELBERG Height, 151% inches; length, 2134 inches ae From a point of view in the right for eground, high up on the hillside, the view extends over the river which traverses the middle of the picture and comprises the opposite shores with the castle perched high amid the trees. Along the opposite shore are the buildings of the town, and in the distance, on the right, a bridge with archways crosses the river. In the dis- _ tance on the left a high hill is in silhouette against the summer sky of grayish-blue with warm tints on the right where the sun is indicated. Signed at the lower left, J. B. Pyne, and dated 1867. Purchased from Wm. Scott & Son, Montreal, 1896. By order of the Executor of the late Mr. Davin T. Watson, Pitis- burgh, Pennsylvania. CR XH oxx — Ve Winslow Homer, N.A. AMERICAN: 1886—1910 92—-WATCHING FROM THE CLIFFS Np. Karedon xb y Water Color: Height, 14 winches; length, 20 inches On a great shelving rock, brown and pink in tone, sloping downward to the right, two young women, seated and holding a large fisherman’s basket, are looking seaward, the foremost figure holding her hand at her brow to shield her anxious gaze. Back of them, on the left, is another young woman, standing and holding her baby in her arms. Still farther away, on the left, are some other seated figures, and just showing above the rocky cliff is the red roof of a fisherman’s cottage. ~ Overhead is a fine sky of white and gray, showing patches of blue as it clears after a storm, and white sea gulls are flying. Signed at the lower left, Wixstow Homer, and dated 1892. Property of the Estate of the late Gustav ReicHarp. Prosper Etienne Berne-Bellecour ; Frencu: 1838—1910 | 94—_ CUI RASSIERS q 4 ah bun oper Panel: Height, 1614 inches; length, 2444 inches A croup of three French cavalrymen of whom one, on the left of the picture, is an officer. He is standing by while he watches two of his soldiers, one of whom is holding a horse by the bridle while the other adjusts the saddle and trappings. ‘The two troopers wear the old-fashioned breast-plate of steel and helmets with horse-hair plumes, blue tunics, and red trousers terminating in loose boots. The officer, in uniform of red and blue, holds his light cane in his hands behind his back. 'The setting for the figures is a pleasing landscape in sunlight, showing a winding road on the right, a group of trees on the left, and a distant hillside beyond. Over all is a gray sky. Signed at the lower right, E. Brerne-BELLEcour, and dated 1907. Property of the late Mr. J. T. Sperry. Alexander H. Wyant, N.A. | ; AMERICAN: 1836—1892 95—AUTUMN BONG Height, 124, inches; length, 15 inches FoREGROUND meadows of brown; a glimpse of a stream in middle distance; trees on the right and the left, and a brown hillside beyond. Over all is a fine sky of gray with a bit of Pe ale blue in the upper central portion. Signed at the lower right, A. H. Wyanr. Property of the Estate of the late Gustav ReicHarp. . saan Narcisse Virgile Diaz de la Pena p Te Frencu: 1807—1876 vs oO -96—THE SULTANA ? = b> ‘ Height, 1234 inches; width, 934 inches a Withern, A FULL-LENGTH figure of a young woman in full face view to { de the spectator, dressed in rich Oriental robes. Jewels orna- Be ment her jacket and head-dress. She is depicted leaning | Ps + against a rock, and in the background are other rock forma- tions. A distant mountain peak and a glimpse of blue sky. i Fi Signed at the lower left, N. Diaz. je T Seney Collection, New Y ork, 1891, Catalogue No. Y54- x WAS Se $bo3 4 M. Knoedler & Co. Collection, New York, 1898, Catalogue No. 146. ~ $810, Aimbat« | By order of the Executor of the late Mr. Davin T. Warson, Pitts- burgh, Pennsylvania. ©-8$-C @kKkx — | C RH. axxx. — | Brihh dante » lise Hby bly do WM SX. i | > : mt | Wa Kapedlr xX 4, Panel: Height, 174% inches; width, 11 mches Se ee ae a ee ere == a re eee ee Ne en om ie er Te ae ee A. T. J. Monticelli Frencu: 1824—1886 mis 97—RUBENS AT THE COURT - : OF PHILIP III, 1603 A Group of ten characteristic figures, of which nine are ladies richly appareled in golden and blue dresses, in a park, and near a marble gateway with pillars. To give a touch of versimili- tude to the original title of the picture “Rubens et les Dames de qualité de la cour le Philippe III, 1603,” the great artist is seen in one of the porticoes and is apparently conducting the party to the Park. The background is formed of masses of tall growing trees which impart a feeling of immensity and solemnity to the scene. 3 a | Signed in lower right in red. By order of Messrs. Evxins & Henriques, Attorneys, London. Henri Harpignies FRENCH : 1819—1916 98—LE BOIS DE TREMELLIERE Canvas: Height, STi; need width, 17 inches A LATE spring landscape seen from the edge of a wood, with tall spindly fir and other trees to left. A rough cartway leads to a well-wooded dell in the middle distance; by the road- side a girl in gray dress and pink hat is seated reading a — book. There is a distant view of hawaes hills? 7 Signem and. dated 90 to left. By order of Messrs. Evxins & HENRIQUES, Attorneys, Lone ie Jean Baptiste Camille Corot . Frencu: 1796—1875 99—RICHMOND ON THE THAMES Canvas: Height, 8 inches; length, 184% inches A view of both sides of the river, with a terrace of houses, figures and a beached sailing boat on the left. The center of the picture is formed of a range of graceful trees with early summer effects. An edging of brushwood, in which are seen two figures, passes along the right side of the bank, and in the meadow two female figures, one with a dark and the other with a light shawl, are walking away from the spectator. Signed at lower left. Painted in 1862. This is the finest of the three pictures painted by Corot in England. Described and illustrated in “L’Oeuvre de Corot” by Alfred Robaut and Moreau-Nélaton, No. 1326. From the collections of M. Mayer, M. Lovedin, and Dr. Cornelius Herz. Ww» a By order of Messrs. Evxins & Henriques, Attorneys, London. 7 g : Vy ft ie | 2 ‘| ft | | A t | 1 tI | if | f | i | Pierre Etienne Theodore Rousseau Frencu: 1812—1867 100—AN ITALIAN PASS Canvas: Height, 81% inches; length, 12% inches In this picture the artist breaks away somewhat from his usual environment, and has painted a view of a narrow roadway on a high altitude, with a low stone edge on the left on which two figures are seen. Other figures are indicated further on. On either side are high craggy declivities, and in the distance a deserted plain with mound. ‘The time selected is a summer evening. It is a little gem from one of the most famous collections ever formed by an English collector. Zs bl.no Signed in full. Liste » From the collection of the late Sir JohnADay. Sale /909 KZ = ¥ L520 By order of Messrs. Exxins & Henriques, Attorneys, London. Emile Van Marcke Frencu: 1827—1890 101—LANDSCAPE WITH COWS Panel: Height, 91% inches; length, 124% inches Two cows, one dark red and white, the other black with white markings, standing in a pool in the foreground. Beyond, on the right, is the edge of a forest, and on the left a level plain. In the left upper half of the picture is a sky with gray clouds and a little space of blue. Signed at the lower left, EM. vAN MARCKE. e Purchased from the late Adolph Kohn, New York, 1883. Collection of the late Mr. Juti1us WapswortuH, New York. i RE take, Sead Beene : iets i Te we? Sees Charles Emile Jacque Le Frencu: 1818—1894 es TERIOR OF SHEEPFOLD 14. ndirrw , Panel: Height, 91% inches; length, 1224 inches BerroreE a rack on the left stands a ewe with two lambs and, on the right, lying down in the straw is another ewe. A black hen is pecking in a feed-trough on the right. The lighting of the sheep-stable is from a window on the left, outside of the pic- ture. Signed at the lower left, Cu. Jacque. By order of the Executor of the late Mr. Davin T. Warson, Pitts- burgh, Pennsylvania. ©. ¥3 eo oh QIN Sic — . Ve K byschild Height, 1344 inches; width, 1014 inches Wr afu~ s os Narcisse Virgile Diaz de la Pena q y Lace Frencu: 1807—1876 1083—A LADY WITH PERROQUET AND -DOG A FULL-LENGTH figure of a young woman with blond tresses, in side view to the spectator, walking to the left. The cos- tume shows a long cloak of pink, the sleeve of a blue jacket embroidered with gold, and a skirt of white, with head-dress of white and blue. Perched on the forefinger of her right hand is a green perroquet, and the left hand is extended as if to quiet the little pet dog who is seen at her side. Signed at the lower right, N. Diaz. Purchased from the late Mr. S. P. Avery, New York, 1883. Collection of the late Mr. Jutivus Wavswortu, New York. Jean Baptiste Camille Corot Frencu: 1796—1875 104A—BOULOGNE-SUR-MER: UN COIN DE VILLE LG . hay hry Panel: Height, 10 inches; length, 141% inches AN extensive summertime view over the irregular sand dunes of Boulogne-sur-Mer with a church and houses, forming the “coin de ville,” partly hidden amid trees in the foreground; other houses and cliffs are seen in the distance; the sky is filled with fleecy clouds. Signed at lower left. Described and illustrated in “L’Oeuvre de Corot” by Alfred Robaut and Moreau-Nélaton, No. 957. By order of Messrs. Exxins & Henriques, Attorneys, London, Narcisse Virgile Diaz de la Pena 4 w ? we . Frencu: 1807—1876 105—IN THE FOREST OF FONTAINEBLEAU ‘ eral) Panel: Height, 184% inches; length, 18 ches : ae is a pool in the middle foreground, in a clearing of the forest; the figure of a peasant woman bending over appears near the middle of the picture, and in the middle distance the ground and the trees are illuminated by bright sunlight, while the grass and foliage of the trees in the foreground are in shadow, with a ray of sunlight gleaming on the trunks of birch trees on either side.