1924 SALE NUMBER 1802 Jan.312UBLIC EXHIBITION FROM THURSDAY, JANUARY TWENTY-FOURTH NeAnM THE HEIRLOOMS & COLLECTION OF CORNELIA S. B. MILLER 56 WEST NINTH STREET NEW YORK CITY [PART ONE] TO BE SOLD BY HER ORDER THURSDAY, FRIDAY, SATURDAY AFTERNOONS JANUARY THIRTY-FIRST, FEBRUARY FIRST, SECOND AT TWO-THIRTY O’CLOCK THE ANDERSON GALLERIES [MITCHELL KENNERLEY, PRESIDENT] PARK AVENUE AND FIFTY-NINTH STREET, NEW YORK 1924 SALE NUMBER 1802 ON PUBLIC EXHIBITION FROM THURSDAY, JANUARY TWENTY-FOURTH THE HEIRLOOMS & COLLECTION OF CORNELIA S. B. MILLER 56 WEST NINTH STREET NEW YORK CITY [PART ONE] AMERICAN FURNITURE OF THE 18TH & EARLY 19TH CENTURIES RARE SPECIMENS OF DUTCH FURNITURE BROUGHT OVER BY THE EARLY SETTLERS MINIATURE FURNITURE, TEA CADDIES & ANTIQUE BOXES INTERESTING EARLY AMERICAN & ENGLISH SILVER IN THE FAMILY FOR OVER ONE HUNDRED YEARS EARLY AMERICAN GLASS: ENGLISH CHINA OLD SILVER & COPPER LUSTRE WARE ORIENTAL RUGS, INCLUDING A VERY FINE SERIES OF BAKU RUGS OBJECTS OF ART: DECORATIVE TEXTILES AND A VERY UNUSUAL COLLECTION OF EARLY AMERICAN, ENGLISH & DUTCH SAMPLERS , | : TO BE SOLD BY HER ORDER BB ca A Cs THURSDAY, FRIDAY, SATURDAY AFTERNOONS | JANUARY THIRTY-FIRST, FEBRUARY FIRST, SECOND AT TWO-THIRTY O’CLOCK ! THE ANDERSON GALLERIES [MITCHELL KENNERLEY, PRESIDENT] PARK AVENUE AND FIFTY-NINTH STREET, NEW YORK 1924 CONDITIONS OF SALE 1. All bids to be PER LOT as numbered in the Catalogue. 2. The highest bidder to be the buyer; in all cases of disputed bids the lot shall be resold, but the Auctioneer will use his judgment as to the good faith of all claims and his decision shall be final. He also reserves the right to reject any fractional or nominal bid which in his judgment may delay or injuriously affect the sale. 3. Buyers to give their names and addresses and to make such cash pay- ments on account as may be required, in default of which the lots purchased to be resold immediately. 4. The lots to be taken away at the buyer’s expense and risk within twenty-four hours from the conclusion of the sale, and the remainder of the purchase money to be absolutely paid on or before delivery, in default of which The Anderson Galleries, Incorporated, will not be responsible if the lot or lots be lost, stolen, damaged, or destroyed, but they will be left at the sole risk of the purchaser, and subject to storage charges. 5. To prevent inaccuracy in delivery, and inconvenience in the settlement of purchases, no lot will be delivered during the sale. 6. All lots will be exposed for public exhibition in The Anderson Galleries before the date of sale, for examination by intending purchasers, and The Anderson Galleries, Incorporated, will not be responsible for the correctness of the description, authenticity, genuineness, or for any defect or fault in or con- cerning any lot, and makes no warranty whatever, but will sell each lot exactly as it is, WITHOUT RECOURSE. But upon receiving before the date of sale, expert opinion in writing that any lot is not as represented, The Anderson Galleries, Incorporated, will use every effort to furnish proof to the contrary, and in default of such proof the lot will be sold subject to the declaration of the aforesaid expert, he being liable to the owner or owners thereof for damage or injury occasioned by such declaration. 7. Terms CasH. Upon failure to comply with the above conditions any sum deposited as part payment shall be forfeited, and all such lots as remain uncleared after twenty-four hours from the conclusion of the sale, will be resold by either private or public sale at such time as The Anderson Galleries, Incor- porated, shall determine, without further notice, and if any deficiency arises from such re-sale it shall be made good by the defaulter at this sale together with all the expenses incurred thereby. This condition shall be without preju- dice to the right of The Anderson Galleries, Incorporated, to enforce the con- tract with the buyer, without such re-sale. 8. Bios. We make no charge for executing orders for our customers and use all bids competitively, buying at the lowest price permitted by other bids. 9. The Anderson Galleries, Incorporated, will afford every facility for the employment of carriers and packers by the purchasers, but will not be respon- sible for any damage arising from the acts of such carriers and packers. Priced Copy of the Catalogue may be secured for fifty cents for each session of the sale The Anderson Galleries Incorporated PARK AVENUE AND FIFTY-NINTH STREET, NEw YorK Telephone, Plaza 9356 Catalogues on request SALES CONDUCTED BY MR. F. A. CHAPMAN AND MR. A. N. BADE INTRODUCTION ‘THE Miller family is an old New York State family. John and George Miller came in 1640 from Maidstone, Kent, England, and settled in Southold, East Hampton, L. I. Their descendants were well-considered members of the community and took part in communal and higher public administrative affairs. Two of them, father and son, Burnett Miller and Dr. Matthias Miller, were members of the Constitutional Convention in 1777. The genealogy of the Miller family tells us a good deal of old New York history and of the. gradual intermingling of the Dutch families with the best English stock of the state. During the 18th century, the Miller family intermarried with pure Anglo-Saxon stock, but in 1804 Judge Morris Smith Miller married Maria Bleecker, a scion of one of the oldest Dutch families in the country. His daughter-in-law, Cornelia Jones, was also of half English, half old Dutch stock. The group of families engrafted on the old Miller family tree has had an important position in all public affairs. It would be difficult for Miss Miller, the owner of the present collection, to take her faithful bulldog for a walk through the downtown district without using one of the streets named after her ancestors. We may mention Bleecker Street, Duane Street, Great Jones, Little Jones and Jones Streets, Har- ing Street, Livingston Street, Van Dam Street, Rutgers Street, and last, but not least, Cornelia Street, which bears Miss Miller’s own first name—a name that has been borne by women of her family for eight generations. These street names remind us of the comfortable days when streets were not only waysand means to get from somewhere to somewhere, of the days when one could still have a walk in the city along paths overshadowed with trees, in short, of the days when men and streets were individualities, not numbers. To the average New Yorker, “Little old New York” is something romantic and remote, like the shades of the Gothic period or of the Italian Renais- sance; to the eighth of the Cornelias, the past has a closer and more vivid meaning. It is almost reality. One can under- stand why she, as well as those nearest to her, has taken a vivid interest in the furniture and ornaments of the past. We wish to emphasize that not all the objects of this sale are old family heirlooms. Miss Miller and her mother have been ardent collectors. The collection, which is now be- ing sold because they have given up their old family home in Ninth Street, consists partly of family pieces, partly of pieces which they acquired. The important family pieces are designated as such, and are accompanied by affidavits, sworn to by Miss Miller and her mother. Nevertheless, there is a unity of spirit in the collection; and this homogeneity extends even to things that do not seem essentially Colonial, such as, for instance, the Oriental rugs. Oriental rugs were, of course, imported into the United States as early as the 18th century. Dried codfish from New England found a ready market in the Mediterranean, and in the return cargoes of the ships that took it there were not only the celebrated Bilbao mirrors, but also ““T'urkey carpet” for the well-to-do houses. Such a carpet is shown, for in- stance, in the portrait of George Washington in the Pennsy]l- vania Academy, where the Father of his Country is seen standing on a fine Smyrna rug with a yellow ground. Miss Miller’s rugs have none of the washed-out colors and lame design that are now supposed to “go well” with period furni- ture. They are gay in color and determined in design. Her series of Baku rugs is enough to make the mouth water, it one is interested in Oriental rugs that have been woven with- out a side glance on the European market. Her collection of samplers has also been chosen with taste and imagination. It contains specimens from Holland and Vriesland, which are somewhat more fanciful and exuberant than the well-behaved Anglo-Saxon types. The first part of the collection contains both furniture and objects of art, while the second part will contain mainly objects of art. R. M. RuierstauHt, Pu.D. eS ee ORDER OF SALE THURSDAY AFTERNOON, JANUARY THIRTY-FIRST EARLY AMERICAN AND OLD ENGLISH GLASS 1- 30 SAMPLERS, NEEDLEWORK PICTURES, ETC. 31- 49 CHINESE LACQUER BOXES, ETC. 50-— 57 OLD SHEFFIELD AND OTHER PLATE 58— 87 VARIOUS CHINESE OBJECTS OF ART 88— 95 ENGLISH PEWTER, DUTCH BRASS, COPPER, ETC. 96-106 ENGLISH CHINA, INCLUDING STAFFORDSHIRE, HISTORIC CHINA, AMERICAN OBJECTS OF ART, ETC. 107-119 INTERESTING COLLECTION OF BOXES, TEA CADDIES, ETC. 120-144 EARLY AMERICAN TEXTILES 145-158 EARLY AMERICAN FURNITURE 159-209 MIRRORS, ANDIRONS, ETC. 210-221 FRIDAY AFTERNOON, FEBRUARY FIRST EARLY AMERICAN AND OLD ENGLISH GLASS 299-245 CHINESE PORCELAIN 246-250 SILVER 251-273 FINE EARLY SAMPLERS, DUTCH, ENGLISH, AMERICAN, GER- MAN 274-299 EARLY AMERICAN AND ENGLISH WORK BOXES, TEA CAD- DIES, ETC. ‘ 301-318 OLD LUSTRE 319-330 SILVER 331-355 INTERESTING EARLY AMERICAN MINIATURES 356-368 ORIENTAL RUGS 369-383 EARLY AMERICAN FURNITURE 384-425 PAINTINGS 426-433 MIRRORS 434440 ORIENTAL TEXTILES 441-450 SATURDAY AFTERNOON, FEBRUARY SECOND OLD ENGLISH AND EARLY AMERICAN GLASS 451-475 CHINESE LACQUER, ETC. 476-487 OLD LUSTRE WARE 488-512 MINIATURE FURNITURE 513-521 TURNER WARE 522-533 SAMPLERS 534-552 DIVERSE PORCELAIN 553-570 ORIENTAL RUGS 571-584 IMPORTANT EARLY AMERICAN AND ENGLISH FURNITURE 585-640 SILVER 641-679 MEO RE | ee A on SALE THURSDAY AFTERNOON, JANUARY THIRTY-FIRST, AT 2:30 FIRST SESSION NUMBERS 1-221 EARLY AMERICAN AND OLD ENGLISH GLASS NUMBERS 1-30 1 OLD WHITE GLASS WATER PITCHER Panelled body and cylindrical neck cut with swags of fruit. Height, 1014 inches 2 EARLY AMERICAN MOULDED WHITE GLASS DE- CANTER ABOUT 1800 Body with fluting and scrolls. Tapering neck and mushroom stopper. (Cracked) Height, 11 inches 3 HARLY AMERICAN WHITE GLASS DECANTER Etched with a band of leaf decoration. Narrow ringed neck and mushroom stopper. Height, 11 inches 4 PAIR OF OLD SANDWICH GLASS SWEETMEAT DISHES Pressed with portraits of George Washington, with borders of acorns and oak leaves and scrolls. (2) Diameter, 6 inches 5 OLD ENGLISH WHITE GLASS DECANTER Globular body and narrow neck. Silver cover and scroll handle. Height, 10 inches 6 PAIR OF OLD AMETHYST GLASS FLOWER VASES Bulbous bodies and rounded tops. (Slightly chipped) (2) Height, 6 inches 7 PAIR OF OLD ENGLISH Pe eerietenea ss GLASS HY- ACINTH VASES Spirally panelled. (2) Height, 714 inches 8 MILLEFIORI CRYSTAL PERFUME BOTTLE Globular body and cylindrical neck. (Sold as is) 1 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 TWO OLD ENGLISH AMBER AND RED GLASS FRUIT DISHES Making a pair. (2) Diameter, 15 inches OLD ENGLISH AQUAMARINE GLASS TEA CADDY Rectangular, with gilt metal mounts. Entwined handles at the sides. EIGHT COLORED SANDWICH GLASS BOBECHES Canary-colored, ruby and blue. Moulded with diamond pattern, shell borders. (8) EMERALD -GREEN MILLEFIORI CRYSTAL PAPER WEIGHT With decoration of twisted colors. (Few bubbles) THREE OLD AMETHYST GLASS FINGER BOWLS (One eracked) (8) PAIR OF OLD ENGLISH GREEN GLASS HYACINTH VASES (2) Height, 7 inches THREE EARLY AMERICAN AMBER GLASS BOTTLES Flat oviform bodies and narrow necks, ring handles. (3) Height, 714 inches EARLY AMERICAN PRESSED GLASS DESSERT STAND Bowl with oval medallions divided by diamond pattern fluting. Gadrooned border, on circular foot. (Cracked) Height, 8 inches PALE BLUE SANDWICH GLASS SUGAR BOWL AND SWEETMEAT DISH The bowl moulded with foliage and fluting, dish with diamond, star and hobnail pattern. (2) INTERESTING OLD GREEN GLASS SPIRIT FLASK PITTSBURGH, PA. Moulded with a male figure and inscribed, ‘‘For Pike’s Peak’’, and ‘‘Old Rye’’, Reverse with the American eagle. Height, 614 inches 19 OLD ENGLISH HEAVY CRYSTAL DECANTER _ Cut panelled body and ringed neck. Fluted stopper. (Chipped) 20 SANDWICH GLASS LIME-COLORED DISH With landscape and cottage decoration. Diameter, 12 inches 21 OLD MOULDED GREEN GLASS BOTTLE AND TWO CANARY-COLORED SANDWICH GLASS CANDLESTICKS Candlesticks with baluster columns and shaped bases, almost a pair. (8) 22 EMERALD-GREEN GLASS VASE With tapered body and cylindrical neck. Height, 14 inches 23 THREE BOHEMIAN RUBY AND WHITE GLASS DE- CANTERS Various shapes, cut with circular medallions. One etched with vine. (Sold asis) (8) 24 OLD BOHEMIAN RUBY GLASS VASE AND BOWL Vase baluster-shaped, etched with deer under trees, neck painted with foliage scrolls. Bowl etched with vine. (2) 25 TWO BOHEMIAN RUBY AND WHITE AND TWO ETCHED GLASS FRUIT DISHES Various sizes, one with scalloped border. (4) Diameter, 11 to 714 inches 26 NINE OLD RUBY GLASS FINGER BOWLS (One cracked) (9) 27 NINE BOHEMIAN RUBY GLASS FINGER BOWLS Etched with vine branches. Various sizes. (Some chipped) (9) 28 PAIR OF RUBY CUT GLASS DECANTERS AND A HYACINTH VASE Decanters with panelled bodies and ringed necks, no stoppers. (Shghtly eracked) (3) 29 SEVEN OLD RUBY GLASS FINGER BOWLS. Various sizes. (Some chipped) (7) 3 30 31 32 33 34 30 36 37 38 OLD ENGLISH RUBY GLASS DECANTER AND SUGAR BOWL With pierced and chased gilt metal mounts. (2) SAMPLERS, NEEDLEWORK PICTURES, ETC. NUMBERS 31-49 VICTORIAN EMBROIDERED CHAIR SEAT Cat on cushion. Relief work in clipped wool. (Sold as is) Size, 19 x 20 inches EARLY VICTORIAN EMBROIDERED CHAIR SEAT Dog with two puppies, in relief clipped embroidery. (Sold as is) Size, 20 x 18 inches VICTORIAN EMBROIDERED CHAIR SEAT Relief wool embroidery on gros point background; reclining dog. (Sold as is) Size, 15 x 1614 inches SAMPLER, BY ELIZABETH APGAR AMERICAN, DATED 1835 Worked with alphabets and numerals, vases of flowers, animals and birds. Vine pattern border. (Damaged) (Unframed) Size, 17 inches square EARLY AMERICAN NEEDLEWORK PICTURE Worked with a colored boy and three collie dogs in a landscape. (Unframed ) Size, 27 x 33 inches SAMPLER BY MARTHA PEARSALL american, aBsoutT 1820 Worked with alphabets and numerals in black thread on cream ground. Border of floral design. Signed ‘‘Martha Pearsall, aged 6 years’’. Size, 8 x 814 inches SILK EMBROIDERED PICTURE DUTCH, ABOUT 1830 Basket of flowers and fruit. In colored silks on cream ground. Gilt frame with foliage decoration. Size, 7 x 9 inches SMALL SAMPLER, BY BETTY WILKINSON AMERICAN, DATED 1835 Worked with trees, shrubs, bird, dog and church building. (Un- framed) Size, 614 x 51% inches en 39 SAMPLER BY JANE SMITH, AGED 12 AMERICAN, ABOUT 1830 Worked with alphabets and numerals. AMERICAN, ABOUT 1800 Shaped top and fitted with a drawer; fluted round tapered legs. Graceful outline. Length, 3 feet 10 inches; width, 3 feet 47 421 422 423 424 425 FINE OLD CHINESE shed eedyiles tata CABINET OF SMALL DRAWERS Overlaid with pigskin and decorated with brass studs and corner mounts; fitted with one long and four short drawers and enclosed by a pair of doors with decorative brass lock; the shaped base with bracket feet. Height, 16 inches; width, 25 inches; depth, 13 inches FINE EARLY AMERICAN MAHOGANY WORK TABLE ABouT 1800 Rectangular top with two folding leaves; two drawers in the front with raised borders; turned and fiuted legs with unusual claw and ball feet, a shelf below. Size of top, 36 x 18 inches DUNCAN PHYFE MAHOGANY ELBOW CHAIR asout 1820 Ladder back and down-curved arms terminating with scrolls; curved front legs with paw feet; slip seat, covered in fine Persian brocade. VERY FINE EARLY AMERICAN MAHOGANY WORK TABLE ABOUT 1820 A most decorative piece, in splendid condition. Has rectangular top with round corners. One long and two deep small drawers in the front, with decorative ring and rosette handles; a border of black and gold stencilling around the base. On elaborately carved baluster support, with four spreading paw feet. Size of top, 24 x 1714 inches [SEE ILLUSTRATION | FINE DUNCAN PHYFE MAHOGANY WORK TABLE A most decorative piece, with fine finish. Two drawers in the front, one fitted with fixtures for writing materials. Inlaid with narrow panels of curly maple at the sides, pendent baluster orna- ment at the corners. On support with four spreading legs and brass paw feet, carved with acanthus foliage. Size of top, 22 x 18 inches [SEE ILLUSTRATION | 48 [ror] [oor] H1GV.L MUOM ANVOOHVIN HTaVL WUOM ANVOOHVIN NVOIWANV ATUVA ANIA AUVAHA NVOIUMAWV ATUVA ANIA 426 427 428 429 430 431 432 433 PAINTINGS NUMBERS 426-433 PAIR OF OIL PAINTINGS ON PANELS BY J. LEICHNER DUTCH, 17TH CENTURY ‘“The Town Crier’’ and ‘‘The Dentist’’. Gilt frames. (2) Size, 814 x 6 inches PAINTING ON GLASS French, School of Le Prince. Ladies and children playing on a terrace. Guilt frame. Size, 10 x 14 inches OIL PAINTING ON SLATE Bouquet of tea roses. Artist unknown. Gilt frame. Size, 1114 x 111% inches OIL PAINTING ON PANEL School of Frans Hals. Bust portrait of a man wearing wide beaver hat and carrying a basket. Mahogany frame. Size, 1114 x 10 inches OIL PAINTING ON CANVAS Rocky coast scene, with figures and sailing boats. Guilt frame. Size, 5144 x 834 inches PAIR OF COLORED ETCHINGS Figure subjects, after Pater. Framed. Hand-colored. (2) Size, 19 x 15 inches TWO COLORED PRINTS AND WATER-COLOR DRAWING ‘‘The Child Restored’’, after Morland. Size, 14 x 17 inches ‘‘The Affectionate Brothers’’, Bartolozzi after Sir J. Reynolds. Size, 13 x 914 inches Seascape with fishing boats. Drawing, signed Harvy. (Framed) (3) THREE CHROMOLITHOGRAPHS ? Published by the Arundel Society. Classical subjects. Sa 7 Es i ; ? ‘ : : * i i / ! . j > é i } : y if = i * : a7 . oe > aa i a4 = ds ae a : a M4 “ ' | a F " a) . v 458 459 460 461 462 463 464 465 466 467 PAIR OF OLD ENGLISH AMETHYST CUT GLASS JARS WITH COVERS The bodies with panels cut with grape and leaf decoration. (Slightly damaged) (2) Height, 13 inches [SEE ILLUSTRATION | OLD ENGLISH AMETHYST FLIP GLASS Height, 8 inches [SEE ILLUSTRATION | SET OF FOUR EMERALD-GREEN MOULDED GLASS CANDLESTICKS Columns and bases moulded with vine branches. (4) Height, 6 inches SET OF FIVE FINE OLD ENGLISH BLUE GLASS FINGER BOWLS Slightly raised bases and flaring lips. (5) THREE OLD BLUE CUT GLASS DECANTERS Fluted necks and bases. (One damaged) (8) Height, 14 inches PAIR OF ANTIQUE CHINESE AMETHYST GLASS VASES Globular body, long neck. (2) Height, 17 inches PAIR OF OLD WHITE GLASS DECANTERS Panelled cut bodies, ringed necks and flame stoppers. (One stopper damaged) (2) Height, 13 and 9 inches PRESIDENT GARFIELD WHITE PRESSED GLASS FRUIT DISH With scalloped border and beaded and flowered festoon ornament, centre with the President’s portrait and inscribed, ‘‘We mourn our nation’s loss’’, and dates of birth, assassination and death. Diameter, 11 inches THREE-PIECE BRISTOL WHITE ENAMELLED RUBY GLASS TOILET SET ENGLISH Comprising two perfume bottles and box and cover. Decoration of female portraits and gold arabesques. (Slightly damaged) (38) TWO CANARY-COLORED SANDWICH GLASS DOLPHIN CANDLESTICKS Almost a pair. (2) Height, 934 and 91% inches 53 468 SET OF SIX OLD STIEGEL WHITE GLASS DECANTERS, TWO TUMBLERS, SMALL WINEGLASS With gilt decoration of stars and foliage. In original case. (9) 469 PAIR OF AMBER GLASS CANDLESTICKS ENGLISH, ABOUT 1790 With finely cut oval medallion decorated with amorino and cornucopia. (2) Height, 814 inches 470 PAIR OF OLD BRISTOL WHITE ENAMEL RUBY GLASS PRISM CANDLESTICKS With baluster column and round bases. Cut with shaped me- dallion. Gold decoration of flowers and scrolls. (Sold as is) (2) Height, 12 inches 471 OLD ENGLISH WHITE GLASS DECANTER Panelled cut body, ringed neck and flame stopper. Height, 13 inches [SEE ILLUSTRATION | 472 OLD WATERFORD CUT GLASS PITCHER Diamond-cut body, fluted neck, gadrooned flaring lip and handle. Star-cut base. [SEE ILLUSTRATION | 473 OLD ENGLISH WHITE CUT GLASS SUGAR BOWL AND COVER Decagonal form, with scalloped lip and spired cover. Height, 12 inches [SEE ILLUSTRATION ] 474 SET OF FOUR FINE OLD WATERFORD GLASS TUMBLERS IRISH, cIRCA 1800 Tapering bodies cut with bands of oval medallions and with star- cut bases. (4) [SEE ILLUSTRATION | 475 PAIR OF OLD ENGLISH WHITE GLASS DECANTERS Panelled cut bodies, ringed necks and octagonal baluster stoppers. (2) Height, 12 inches [SEE ILLUSTRATION | 54 OLD WATERFORD AND OLD ENGLISH GLASS [471] [472] [473] [474] [475] 476 477 478 479 480 481 482 483 CHINESE LACQUER, ETC. NUMBERS 476-487 CHINESE BLACK AND GOLD LACQUER GAME BOX All-over decoration of pagodas and figures. The interior with four covered compartments also decorated in lacquer and filled with engraved mother-of-pearl game counters and quaint old playing cards. (Lacquer slightly damaged) Size, 11 x 914 inches CHINESE LACQUER AND GOLD WORK BOX Octagonal oblong. With decoration of figures, foliage and flowers. (Sold as is) Size, 914 x 514 x 7 inches JAPANESE LACQUER CABINET With engraved metal mounts. Front with drawers and enclosed by a pair of small doors. The panels with mother-of-pearl decora- tion. (Sold as is) Height, 19 inches; width, 17 inches PAIR OF CHINESE RED LACQUER CABINETS WITH EN- GRAVED BRASS MOUNTS With rising tops. Two small drawers in the front enclosed by a pair of doors. (2) Size, 13814 x 9 x 12 inches CHINESE CINNABAR LACQUER BOX CHIEN LUNG PERIOD Circular, with shaped outline The lid finely carved with a vase of flowers and other objects in relief, on a ground of rosette decoration. Diameter, 6 inches PAIR OF CHINESE CINNABAR LACQUER BOWLS AND COVERS CHIEN LUNG PERIOD Circular, with shaped borders, and domed covers. Finely carved with flowers and rosette decoration. (2) Diameter, 6 inches CHINESE BLACK LACQUER CABINET OF SMALL DRAWERS Gilt, with buildings and figures in landscapes. Height, 13 inches; width, 12 inches CHINESE BLACK LACQUER BOX Cover and sides decorated with picnic scenes, floral border. Gilt claw feet. Size, 12 x 1014 x 4 inches 55 484 CHINESE LACQUER WORK BOX 485 486 487 488 489 490 491 492 Fitted interior. Decorated with figures and buildings in land- scapes and panels of flowers. Paw feet. (Sold as is) Size, 13 x 9 x 6 inches CHINESE LACQUER WORK BOX Almost similar to the preceding. (Sold as is) Size, 1414 x 10 x 6 inches CHINESE LACQUER SMALL DRESSING CHEST With beautiful mother-of-pearl inlay of flowers and peacocks. Rising top and revolving front sections, disclosing interior in- tricately fitted with a sliding mirror, small drawers and recep- tacles. (Sold as is) PAIR OF CHINESE CARVED WOOD LANTERNS Ornamented with small glass panels painted with flowers. (2) Height, 25 inches OLD LUSTRE WARE NUMBERS 488-512 PAIR OF OLD PINK LUSTRE PLATES Charming decoration of houses in a landscape. (2) Diameter, 714 inches SET OF THREE OLD PINK LUSTRE DEEP PLATES The centre with quaint flower spray with three large orange- colored blossoms. (One slightly cracked) (3) OLD LUSTRE COW-SHAPED CREAMER The body mottled in pink lustre. (Repaired) Length, 7 inches OLD PINK LUSTRE CREAM PITCHER With landscape decoration. OLD POTTERY PITCHER WITH PINK LUSTRE AND RE- LIEF DECORATION The globular body with decoration of playing amorini in white on the blue ground. Bands of pink lustre. (Repaired) Height, 614 inches 56 493 OLD SILVER LUSTRE MUG Decorated with transfer print of classical subject. Height, 314 inches 494 PITCHER WITH SILVER LUSTRE DECORATION 495 496 497 498 499 500 o01 502 903 504 Fluted cream-colored body with wide silver lustre band about the neck, decorated with roses in relief. (Slightly chipped) Height, 514 inches OLD SILVER RESIST LUSTRE CREAM PITCHER Decorated with wide band of floral motifs. Height, 414 inches OLD SILVER RESIST LUSTRE CREAM PITCHER Decorated with cockatoo and flowers. Height, 434 inches OLD SILVER RESIST LUSTRE CREAM PITCHER Decorated with grapes and leaves. (Slight chip) Height, 414 inches OLD SILVER RESIST LUSTRE CREAM PITCHER All-over decoration of graceful semi-conventionalized flower sprays. Height, 414 inches OLD SILVER RESIST LUSTRE CREAM PITCHER Decoration of two birds and flower sprays. (Handle repaired) Height, 414 inches OLD SILVER RESIST LUSTRE CREAMER Flower and festoon decoration. Height, 434 inches OLD SILVER RESIST LUSTRE CREAMER Grape and leaf decoration. Height, 434 inches OLD SILVER LUSTRE FACE JUG Floral decoration in resist technique; the face in red, (Cracked) Height, 414 inches OLD SILVER LUSTRE CREAMER | Leaf festoon and floral decoration. Height, 414 inches OLD COPPER LUSTRE CHOCOLATE POT The centre with rose sprays in relief on olive-green ground. Height, 6 inches 57 505 LARGE OLD COPPER LUSTRE JUG 506 007 508 509 510 o11 512 013 514 The centre with band in pink lustre having landscape decoration. Height, 6 inches OLD SILVER RESIST LUSTRE CREAM PITCHER All-over bird and flower decoration. Height, 5 inches OLD SILVER RESIST LUSTRE PITCHER Decorated with wide band bearing conventionalized floral pattern. Height, 534 inches OLD COPPER LUSTRE JUG WITH RELIEF DECORATION Body encircled by light blue band with decoration in relief of amorino on goat. Height, 634 inches OLD COPPER LUSTRE PITCHER White band with grape decoration around the neck. OLD SILVER RESIST LUSTRE CREAMER Conventionalized flower-vine decoration. Height, 414 inches OLD SILVER RESIST LUSTRE CREAM PITCHER Unusual fluted body with round reserved panels having flower rosettes. (Slight crack) Height, 414 inches OLD SILVER LUSTRE CREAMER Fluted body with cartouches bearing floral rosettes. Mouth with relief floral decoration. MINIATURE FURNITURE NUMBERS 513-521 VERY RARE MINIATURE MAHOGANY CHEST OF DRAWERS EARLY AMERICAN, ABOUT 1820 Probably a cabinet maker’s model. Three drawers of varying depths. Brass bail handles at the sides. Moulded base with paw feet. Height, 23 inches; length, 22 inches; width, 11 inches INTERESTING AND RARE MINIATURE MAHOGANY FOUR-POSTER BED 7 Length, 23 inches; width, 14 inches 58 515 516 d17 518 519 520 O21 VERY RARE MINIATURE LADDER-BACK ARMCHAIR EARLY AMERICAN, ABOUT 1750 High back with three arched splats. Round side columns with vase-shaped finials. Round armrests, legs and stretchers. Rush seat. VERY RARE MINIATURE PAINTED ROCKING ARM.- CHAIR AMERICAN, ABOUT 1800 Has square back with round side columns and spear-head splats. Baluster supports to the elbows. VERY RARE MINIATURE MAHOGANY DROP-LEAF TABLE Rectangular top with shaped corners. Two drop leaves. A drawer in the frieze. On fluted square tapering legs. Size of top, 25 x 22 inches RARE MINIATURE MAHOGANY CHEST OF DRAWERS AMERICAN, ABOUT 1800 Four drawers with bird’s-eye maple fronts, old pine linings and white porcelain handles. Shaped skirting around the base; ring turned legs with ball feet. Height, 11 inches; length, 121% inches FINE MINIATURE EMPIRE MAHOGANY BUREAU AMERICAN, ABOUT 1820 Has moulded cornice supported by two round columns with gilt metal capitals and bases. Four drawers, and one in the frieze. In fine condition. Height, 1514 inches; length, 18 inches RARE MINIATURE MAHOGANY WARDROBE Interior fitted with shelves and hanging compartment, enclosed by a pair of panelled doors and surmounted by an overlapping cornice, Moulded base, with ogee bracket feet. Height, 20 inches; length, 14 inches RARE MINIATURE MAHOGANY FALL-FRONT DESK AMERICAN, ABOUT 1800 Top has fall front enclosing shaped pigeonholes. Four long drawers below with bevelled borders and old white glass handles. Moulded base with ogee bracket feet. | Height, 19 inches; length, 19 inches 59 522 523 524 525 526 527 528 529 530 531 TURNER WARE NUMBERS 522-533 OLD TURNER CREAMER WITH RELIEF DECORATION Classical decoration of amorini and goats in white on blue. (Spout slightly chipped) Height, 314 inches OLD TURNER STONEWARE RELIEF JUG Amorini and goats in relief on light blue; grape frieze on neck. (Slightly chipped) Height, 614 inches OLD TURNER STONEWARE BLUE AND WHITE PITCHER Hunting scene in relief; flower band on neck. (Repaired) Height, 514 inches OLD TURNER STONEWARE RELIEF DECORATED MUG AND SMALL PITCHER Both with classical decoration in white on light blue. (2) (Pitcher repaired, mug slightly chipped) PAIR OF OLD TURNER RELIEF DECORATED CREAMERS Flower cluster decoration in light blue on white. (2) Height, 5 inches OLD TURNER STONEWARE BLUE AND WHITE PITCHER British coat of arms, lion and dogs, dog and snake. Height, 6 inches PAIR OF OLD TURNER STONEWARE PITCHERS Decoration in classical style, amorini and goats, relief in white on light blue. (One with spout repaired) (2) Height, 4 inches OLD TURNER STONEWARE CREAMER WITH RELIEF DECORATION Decoration of hunters in white on blue. Height, 314 inches OLD TURNER CREAMER WITH RELIEF DECORATION Renaissance motifs in white on light blue. (Small age-crack) Height, 314 inches SILVER RESIST LUSTRE PITCHER Pheasant and flower decoration. (Mouth slightly chipped) Height, 544 inches [SEE ILLUSTRATION | 60 TWO OLD LUSTRE PITCHERS AND TURNER JUG WITH ‘INSCRIPTION [531] [532] [533] 532 533 034 039 536 037 OLD TURNER JUG WITH RELIEF DECORATION Interesting specimen with the name of the ancestor of the present owner, “‘J. J. Bleecker, Esq.’’ written across the front in gilt. A “J.J. Bleecker’’ came from Holland in 1658 and was Mayor of Albany, 1700-1701. The present piece must refer to a descend- ant, probably a grandson, of the early representative of the family in America. Fine relief decoration of hunting dogs and trees, in white on the light blue ground. (Age-cracked.) Height, 7 inches [SEE ILLUSTRATION | LARGE OLD COPPER RESIST LUSTRE PITCHER Body with wide blue band, having conventionalized leaf decora- tion. Height, 8 inches [SEE ILLUSTRATION] SAMPLERS NUMBERS 534-552 FINE SAMPLER DUTCH, DATED 1800 The upper part worked with numerals and alphabets followed by crowns, shrubs, and flower vases. Centre with a crowned foliage eartouch containing initials ‘‘M. E. B.’’ and date. Trees, pigeon roost, shrubs and a parrot below. (Unframed) Size, 38 x 9 inches RARE SAMPLER BY ELIZA STEEMANS AMERICAN, DATED 1816 Worked with a building, trees and grounds. GERMAN, LATE 17TH CENTURY Parrot on fruit branch, Adam and Eve, Crucifixion, alphabets and finely designed floral borders. Size, 41 x 11 inches [SEE ILLUSTRATION ] CROSS-STITCH EMBROIDERY SAMPLER DUTCH, DATED 1685 Finely executed vine borders in blue and white, flower urns, sprays and medallions. One alphabet. Signed, ‘‘S A S, 1685.”’ Size, 32 x 1114 inches [SEE ILLUSTRATION | DIVERSE PORCELAIN NUMBERS 553-570 PAIR OF OLD STAFFORDSHIRE POTTERY SPANIELS (2) Height, 12 inches SET OF FOUR OLD STAFFORDSHIRE SPANIEL ORNA- MENTS WITH COPPER LUSTRE Three different sizes. (4) Height not over 814 inches SIX-PIECE EMPIRE PORCELAIN COFFEE SERVICE FRENCH, ABOUT 1820 Decorated with bands of naturalistic roses and with deep friezes of gilt. Consisting of tray, small coffee pot, creamer, sugar bowl and pair of cups and saucers. (One cover chipped) (6) PORCELAIN URN WITH PAINTED DECORATION FRENCH, ABOUT 1820 Scenes of the hunt. Wide gold border. Empire shape. (Cover chipped) ‘ Height, 714 inches SET OF TWELVE MEISSEN PORCELAIN PLATES Painted decoration in centre of peacocks, swans, pheasants, etc. Meissen mark. (12) THIRTEEN-PIECE MEISSEN PORCELAIN DINNER SERVICE Consisting of large tureen with cover, oval platter, and eleven soup plates. Quaint flower and butterfly decoration on white. Meissen mark. (One plate cracked, one plate chipped) (13) 64 509 560 561 562 563 564 565 066 FINE ROYAL BERLIN THIRTY-PIECE PORCELAIN DIN- NER SERVICE Consisting of three large platters in graduated sizes, pair of dishes with covers, sauce dish with cover, square bowl, twelve dinner plates, and eleven luncheon plates. Quaint flower spray decoration. Royal Berlin mark. (Two slightly chipped) (30) PAIR OF TUCKER PORCELAIN VASES Urn shape, with lion-mask handles and square bases. With painted panels of figures in landscapes and gold decoration. (2) Height, 1614 inches SET OF SEVEN ROYAL SEVRES PORCELAIN DINNER PLATES ‘Monogram in centre; vine border. Dated 1847. From the Chateau de Fontainebleau. (7) EIGHT-PIECE OLD SEVRES PORCELAIN TEA AND COF- FEE SET Consisting of three teacups and saucers, four small coffee cups and saucers, one small cake plate. Green and gold with rose borders. (Five pieces repaired) (8) OLD SPODE LARGE PORCELAIN PLATTER WITH TWO PLATES TO MATCH Fine blue, red, and gold, conventionalized floral decoration. One soup plate, one plate, the platter oval. (3) Length of platter, 18 inches SET OF SIX OLD ENGLISH PORCELAIN PLATES IN CHINESE STYLE Decorated in red, blue, and gold with Chinese flowers. (6) Diameter, 734 inches SET OF TWELVE OLD ENGLISH PORCELAIN PLATES IN CHINESE STYLE Almost matching the six preceding plates. Floral decoration in Chinese style. (12) Diameter, 914 inches PAIR OF EMPIRE STYLE ROYAL WORCESTER POTTERY FLOWER URNS Glazed in light blue and rose. (2) Height, 714 inches 65 567 EIGHT-PIECE OLD WORCESTER DINNER SERVICE 568 569 270 ovl O72 073 Consisting of large platter, three medium-sized platters, two slightly smaller platters and covered sauce dish with tray. Bold Chinese decoration in deep blue, red, and gold. (The tureen damaged) (8) Length of platter not over 19 inches SIX PAINTED PORCELAIN PLATES EnguisH, aout 1830 Flower and fruit sprays in the centre; borders quaintly deco- rated in gilt. (6) PORCELAIN FLOWER VASE ENGLISH, ABOUT 1840 Cornucopia-shaped, quaint floral decoration. Height, 914 inches ELEVEN-PIECE OLD WORCESTER PORCELAIN DINNER SERVICE Consisting of six platters in graduated sizes, set of three platters of the same size, and sauce tureen with underdish and cover. Fine Chinese flower-vase decoration in deep blue, red and gold. (Two pieces repaired, one slightly cracked) (11) ORIENTAL RUGS NUMBERS 571-584 DAGHESTAN RUNNER CAUCASUS Border of conventionalized Cufie lettering, flanked by three smaller borders of angular vines. The field of arabesque design on deep blue alternating with red cartouches. Length, 16 feet 10 inches; width, 3 feet 4 inches BAKU WOOLEN RUG CAUCASUS Beautiful example. Four borders, the main one with conven- tionalized birds and rosette flowers on sky-blue. The centre field deep indigo-blue with all-over design of Cashmere palmettes set into honeycomb pattern. Size, 8 feet 9 inches x 4 feet 1 inch KHORASSAN WOOLEN RUG EASTERN PERSIA Five borders, the main one with undulating vines and rosettes. The centre field with all-over design of Cashmere palmettes, on deep indigo-blue ground. Size, 14 feet x 6 feet 4 inches 66 FINE BAKU RUG [582] o74 575 576 oT 578 579 580 KERMANSHAH WOOLEN RUG PERSIA Three floral borders. Centre field with large star medallion on magenta-red ground with floral designs. Size, 6 feet 6 inches x 4 feet 5 inches KUBA WOOLEN RUG CAUCASUS, 18TH CENTURY Three borders, the main one with Cufic lettering on red. Centre field with arabesques, leaf and conventionalized flower design on deep indigo-blue. Beautiful design. Size, 5 feet 2 inches x 3 feet 10 inches BOKHARA WOOLEN RUG WESTERN TURKESTAN Three geometrical borders. Centre divided into four squares. In- teresting centre panel, deep glowing red with touches of apricot, indigo and white. Size, 4 feet 3 inches x 6 feet 2 inches FERAGHAN WOOLEN RUG PERSIA Six borders, the main one of Herati design on pale green. Centre field with Herati pattern with delicate pastel shades of deep indigo-blue. Size, 12 feet 2 inches x 6 feet 9 inches LARGE AFGHAN WOOLEN RUG WESTERN TURKESTAN Beautiful weave. Geometrical border. Centre field with six rows of parti-colored octagons. Fine color harmony of white, blue, vermilion and magenta-red. Size, 7 feet 8 inches x 6 feet 2 inches BAKU WOOLEN RUG CAUCASUS Fine example. Five borders, the main one with red and white barber-pole stripes. Centre field with all-over palmette design on deep indigo-blue. Small stepped centre medallion and corner motifs with characteristic bird and rosette design on pale blue. Size, 12 feet x 4 feet 9 inches GIORDES WOOLEN PRAYER RUG | Very fine knotting, triple border with diverse Turkish floral designs, the arch of the prayer niche with small flower motifs, the field with plain olive-gray. . Size, 6 feet x 4 feet 5 inches 67 581 082 083 084 085 BAKU WOOLEN RUG CAUCASUS Fine example. Four borders, three with conventionalized rosette design in various colors, one with red and white barber-pole stripes. Centre field with all-over palmette design on deep indigo- blue. Small stepped centre medallion with flower, bird and cross motifs on pale blue. Size, 8 feet 10 inches x 4 feet 1 inch BAKU WOOLEN RUG CAUCASUS Six borders, the main one with rosettes and X-shaped geometrical motifs on sky-blue. Centre field with Cashmere palmette decora- tion on deep indigo-blue. With three stepped centre and corner medallions with conventionalized flower motifs. Size, 12 feet x 4 feet 8 inches [SEE ILLUSTRATION] BAKU WOOLEN RUG CAUCASUS Six borders, the main one with rosettes and birds on blue ground. Centre with all-over design of Cashmere palmettes set into honey- comb design on deep indigo-blue ground. Size, 11 feet 3 inches x 5 feet BEKTASH ANATOLIAN WOOLEN HEARTH RUG ABouT 1800 Charming color. White border with diagonal leaf motifs. Red centre, with three pale blue stripes patterned with flower clusters. Size, 5 feet 6 inches x 3 feet 9 inches IMPORTANT EARLY AMERICAN AND ENGLISH FURNITURE NUMBERS 585-640 FINE OLD SHERATON STYLE MAHOGANY CORNER CABINET The upper part with fine moulded cornice formed as an architrave, with baluster centre and side finials, enclosed by a trellis-pattern glass door. Lower part enclosed by a panel door, the centre in- laid with an Adam vase in holly, a drawer above, with shaped base and bracket feet. Fine borders of tulipwood inlay. Height, 7 feet 8 inches; width, 3 feet 68 EARLY FLEMISH CARVED OAK CHEST—17TH CENTURY [592] # 586 087 088 589 590 591 FINE WALNUT CIRCULAR CENTRE TABLE DUTCH, ABOUT 1790 Plain folding top, and forms a console when closed. Square tapered legs. (Sold as is) Diameter of top, 4 feet EMPIRE STYLE MAHOGANY SIDEBOARD AMERICAN, ABOUT 1820 Top has long mirror supported by round columns. Two long drawers in the frieze and cupboards below with voluted fronts. Round columns at the sides with gilt metal capitals, and square bases on paw feet. Length, 5 feet 7 inches; width, 23 inches CHIPPENDALE STYLE MAHOGANY DESK WITH CHINA CABINET TOP Upper part enclosed by two Gothic pattern glass doors. Centre with fall-front enclosing small drawers, pigeonholes and locker. Three drawers below. Claw and ball feet. Height, 5 feet 3 inches; width, 3 feet 5 inches FINE HEPPLEWHITE MAHOGANY CHEST OF DRAWERS AMERICAN, ABOUT 1780 | Four drawers in the bow front, with narrow raised borders and inlaid with tulipwood lines. Shaped base, with high bracket feet. Height, 3 feet 2 inches; width, 3 feet 5 inches WALNUT SCRUTOIRE PENNSYLVANIA-DUTCH, ABOUT 1770 This piece is typical of the solid and serviceable furniture made during this period. Top has fall-front enclosing small drawers and pigeonholes with inlaid string borders. A drawer below. On stand with drawer, and square tapered legs. Height, 3 feet 4 inches; width, 3 feet SET OF SIX EARLY AMERICAN PAINTED SIDE CHAIRS ABOUT 1825 Ladder-back type. Slightly voluted backs, cane seats and taper- ing curved legs. Bow-shaped top rails, shaped splats, legs and stretchers, painted and gilt with acanthus scrolls, rosettes in me- dallions, and sweeping lines. (6) 69 592 093 594 595 596 O97 EARLY FLEMISH CARVED OAK CHEST 17TH CENTURY The front divided into three panels carved with arched decora- tion, with blossoms in the spandrels; the frieze carved with foliage. Length, 4 feet 5 inches; width, 2 feet [SEE ILLUSTRATION] JACOBEAN OAK CHEST EARLY ENGLISH, ABOUT 1630 With plain rising top, the front divided into three sunken panels with moulded borders, the frieze carved with foliage scrolls. Length, 4 feet 2 inches; width, 21 inches OLD SHERATON STYLE MAHOGANY SECRETARY DESK Upper part with moulded cornice inlaid with borders of tulip- wood and enclosed by a pair of panelled doors. Lower part with fall front enclosing small drawers, pigeonholes and locker four long drawers below of varying depths, moulded base with ogee bracket feet. A most decorative piece, in good condition. Height, 7 feet 6 inches; length, 3 feet 6 inches PAIR OF CHIPPENDALE MAHOGANY SIDE CHAIRS AMERICAN, ABOUT 1770 The open backs with a graceful centre design of pierced fluting and quatrefoil ornament, the tops showing the hump back motif and terminating with scrolls; upholstered slip seats; moulded square legs and stretchers. These were formerly owned by Judge Morris Smith Miller, of Utica, N. Y.; born New York City, 1779. Affidavit attached. (2) VERY FINE. DUNCAN PHYFE MAHOGANY DRESSING TABLE ABOUT 1820 A most decorative piece in splendid condition. One long and two small drawers in the front and fine brass inlay at the sides. On feather-carved lyre-shaped supports, with shelf below and acanthus and paw feet. Length, 2 feet 11 inches; width, 18 inches FINE PAIR OF MAHOGANY SIDE CHAIRS DUTCH, ABOUT 1760 The open backs with pierced and carved centres, cupid’s-bow tops terminating with foliage carving, stuffed seats; pierced and fluted square legs and stretchers showing Chinese influence. These formerly belonged to Cornelia Haring, wife of Hon. Samuel Jones, of West Neck, L. I., and New York City. Affidavit at- tached. (2) [SEE ILLUSTRATION] 70 FINE PAIR OF DUTCH MAHOGANY SET OF NINE MAHOGANY CHAIRS SIDE CHAIRS 2 OF CHIPPENDALE DESIGN [597] | [598] 598 099 600 601 602 603 604 SET OF NINE MAHOGANY CHAIRS OF CHIPPENDALE DESIGN ENGLISH, ABOUT 1830 A very handsome suite, comprising eight side chairs and one elbow chair. The open backs with gracefully pierced centres of interlaced ornament, tops with the hump-back motif. Red leather- covered bow-front seats. Square legs and stretchers. (9) [SEE ILLUSTRATION | HARLY AMERICAN MAHOGANY SIDE CHAIR azsour 1770 Almost similar to Number 597. (Sold as is) MARTHA WASHINGTON MAHOGANY WORK TABLE AMERICAN, ABOUT 1800 The oval top with rising flaps enclosing fitted interior and two deep recesses at the sides, two drawers in the serpentine front, the brass knobs engraved with the Miller crest. Fluted round legs with cuff feet. Length, 2 feet 5 inches; width, 16 inches EARLY AMERICAN LARGE MAHOGANY BOOKCASE ABOUT 1830 Top with moulded cornice; interior with shelves and enclosed by three long doors having small rectangular glass panels with moulded borders; three drawers in the base; acanthus and paw feet. Height, 7 feet 10 inches; width, 6 feet EARLY AMERICAN MAHOGANY CONSOLE TABLE ABOUT 1820 Probably an example of Duncan Phyfe’s later work. Has fold- ing top and double lyre-shaped support, with four carved spread- ing legs and paw feet. (Soldasis) Size of top, 24 inches square FINE HEPPLEWHITE ELBOW CHAIR enauisu, asout 1790 Painted with flowers and foliage on a dark ground. Has the wheel-back with festoons between the spokes, centre painted with a small landscape. Outcurved and voluted armrests. Shaped seat covered with old brocade. Cabriole front legs. EARLY AMERICAN MAHOGANY WORK TABLE ABOUT 1825 Plain rectangular top, three drawers in the front and pendent acorn finials at the corners, on turned baluster column with shaped base and four spreading feet. Size of top, 17 x 20 inches Gh 605 606 607 608 609 610 611 EARLY AMERICAN MAHOGANY SOFA Empire style. Straight back with rolled top rail terminating with acanthus scrolls; scrolled ends; on finely carved foliage and paw feet; upholstered in yellow embroidered silk damask. Length, 7 feet 6 inches; width, 2 feet FINE BURL WALNUT CHINA CABINET purcu, asout 1770 Upper part with a moulded and arcaded coznice, and enclosed by an arched door with small glass panels carved at the top with foliage scrolls supporting a classical vase; similar panels in the sloping ides. Three drawers in the lower part with deep voluted outline, base with similar carving. A most decorative piece. (Slight restorations) Height, 6 feet 2 inches; width, 4 feet [SEE ILLUSTRATION ] EARLY AMERICAN MAHOGANY BOOKCASE asour 1830 Interior with shelves and enclosed by a pair of trellis-pattern glass doors; base with gadroon ornament and with conventional- ized acanthus and claw feet. Height, 4 feet 7 inches; length, 3 feet 7 inches EARLY AMERICAN MAHOGANY BOOKCASE asourt 1830 Made with and matching the preceding. FINE SHERATON MAHOGANY BREAKFAST TABLE AMERICAN, ABOUT 1800 The shaped top with two drop leaves, fitted with drawer; slender fluted legs with cuff feet. Length, 4 feet; width, 3 feet FINE CHIPPENDALE MAHOGANY PEDESTAL TABLE AMERICAN, ABOUT 1760 Circular top with moulded border and the bird-cage pillar socket; on turned column and tripod support, with claw and ball feet. Diameter of top, 25 inches SHERATON STYLE MAHOGANY DESK Very decorative and useful piece. Fall front enclosing small drawers, pigeon-holes and locker. Four drawers below of vary- ing depths. Moulded base with claw and ball feet. Beautifully inlaid borders of tulip wood with shell motif at the corners. Height, 3 feet 6 inches; length, 2 feet 5 inches 72 BURL WALNUT CHINA CABINET—-DUTCH, ABOUT [ 606] 1770 ‘ é 2 gest Pe. 2 ’ . “ w i of Oi oe ay 3 . ~ te rie rie . EN, a we an : + je ¥ 7 tw % a 2 A . ‘ ‘ % x = * ” : ? , fee en . \ °* 612 613 614 615 616 617 EARLY AMERICAN MAHOGANY FOLDING BREAKFAST TABLE ABOUT 1820 Rectangular top, with round corners and two drop leaves; partly turned legs carved with foliage. (Sold as is) Length, 4 feet 5 inches; width, 3 feet 6 inches OLD OAK HALL TABLE Plain rectangular top, on X-shaped supports, with stretcher. Pierced and carved with quatrefoil ornament. A most decora- tive piece. Length, 4 feet 4 inches; width, 2 feet 4 inches EMPIRE STYLE MAHOGANY CHINA CUPBOARD AMERICAN, ABOUT 1820 This is an unusually large piece, fitted with six adjustable shelves with centre division, enclosed by a pair of doors with glass panels in the upper part, surmounted by a plain cornice with arched frieze supported by round columns at the sides. Height, 8 feet; width, 4 feet 6 inches PAIR OF CHIPPENDALE STYLE MAHOGANY SIDE CHAIRS The open backs with vase centres pierced with interlaced orna- ment and waved tops; slightly bow-front stuffed seats; fluted square legs and stretchers. (2) RARE EARLY AMERICAN MAHOGANY SIDE CHAIR ABouT 1770 Ladder-back pierced with conventional scrolls, fluted columns at the sides; slip seat, square legs and stretchers. IMPORTANT SECRETARY-DESK EARLY AMERICAN, ABOUT 1780 This unique specimen combines within itself the styles of Adam and Hepplewhite, together with the more solid and heavier style seen in the earlier American furniture. Probably made of bog oak, the upper part has an unusual dentilled and moulded frieze carved with husk festoons. Enclosed by a pair of panelled doors. Lower part with fall front enclosing small drawers, pigeon- holes, and locker. Three drawers below; shaped base with bracket feet. Chamfered and reeded corners, fine bevelled borders to the doors and drawers, and fine line inlay of tulipwood. Height, 6 feet 9 inches; width, 3 feet [SEE ILLUSTRATION | 73 618 619 620 621 622 623 SHERATON MAHOGANY SMALL DESK AMERICAN, ABOUT 1800 The rising top enclosing a writing tablet and pigeonholes, front with two drawers and inlaid with narrow panels of maple; reeded and turned baluster legs with shelf below. | | Size of top, 25 x 17 inches LINEN CHEST OF ENGLISH OAK A most decorative piece. Top and sides finely carved with panels of foliage, rosettes and urns, with unusual rush-pattern pilasters at the sides. Finely carved patera borders. Height, 17 inches; width, 45 inches; depth, 18 inches EARLY AMERICAN SMALL MAHOGANY SIDEBOARD aBouT 1800 Two drawers in the front. Curly maple borders and round tap- ered legs with cuff feet. Length, 3 feet 4 inches; width, 19 inches MAHOGANY BREAKFAST TABLE OF SHERATON DE- SIGN Rectangular folding top, on six round tapered legs with thimble feet. Size of top, 4 feet 9 inches square EMPIRE STYLE MAHOGANY CORNER CUPBOARD AMERICAN, 1820 With deep moulded cornice and enclosed by four panelled doors. Unusual detached round columns of curly maple at the sides, with foliage capitals. Paw feet. Height, 6 feet 9 inches; width, 3 feet 7 inches IMPORTANT DUNCAN PHYFE MAHOGANY CONSOLE- TABLE : AapouT 1814 The refined and graceful appearance of this splendid piece ex- presses Duncan Phyfe at his best. Shaped folding top with ‘reeded borders, which revolves and discloses a recess beneath. On double lyre-shaped support with acanthus carving, and four square tapered and spreading legs with brass paw feet, showing Empire influence. Forms a console when closed. Size of top, 38 inches square [SEE ILLUSTRATION | 74 RARE EARLY AMERICAN SECRETARY-DESK ee Gi 624 MAHOGANY CORNER CABINET AMERICAN, ABOUT 1820 Upper part enclosed by a door having small square glass panels arched at the top. Lower part enclosed by a pair of doors with rosewood panels and old pressed glass handles. Bracket feet. Height, 6 feet 9 inches; width, 3 feet 3 inches 625 SMALL MAHOGANY DRESSING TABLE AMERICAN, ABOUT 1830 An attractive piece in good condition. Has fine bevelled top, a drawer in the front and cupboard below, closed by two panelled doors. Carved columns at the sides, paw feet. Height, 30 inches; length, 36 inches 626 MAHOGANY SECRETARY CHEST OF DRAWERS AMERICAN, ABOUT 1830 Front with blind drawer with fall front enclosing a recess. Three drawers below and two small drawers above. Carved columns at the sides. This piece was formerly owned by J udge Morris Smith Miller, of Utica, N. Y.; born New York City, 1779. Affidavit attached. Height, 48 inches; width, 45 inches 627 EMPIRE MAHOGANY BUREAU AMERICAN, ABOUT 1810 Moulded top with drawer and supported by round side columns with gilt metal mounts. Two drawers below with bow fronts. Moulded base with blind drawer. Height, 30 inches; width, 32 inches 628 SET OF FIVE EARLY AMERICAN RUSH - BOTTOM CHAIRS ABOUT 1820 Ladder-back type with broad top rails and centre splat. Rush seats. Turned spindle legs with ball feet and stretchers. (5) - 629 SHERATON MAHOGANY BUREAU AMERICAN, ABOUT 1800 With fine borders of tulipwood inlay. Three drawers. Base with scrolled outline. Height, 35 inches; width, 48 inches 75 630 IMPORTANT DUTCH CHIPPENDALE WALNUT MIRROR 631 632 633 634 635 ABOUT 1760 This beautiful and rare mirror has always been known as the ‘‘Miller mirror’’. Has the original glass panel. The walnut frame with scrolled outline, carved and gilt with scroll and foliage in the elaborate manner of the period. Shaped top carved with a vase and foliage. This piece formerly belonged to Judge Morris Smith Miller of Utica, N. Y.; born New York City, 1779. Affidavit attached. Height, 6 feet; width, 2 feet 6 inches [SEE ILLUSTRATION ] MAHOGANY BOW-FRONT BUREAU american, asout 1800 Four drawers of varying depths with narrow raised borders. Moulded base with bracket feet. Height, 36 inches; width, 42 inches VERY RARE WALNUT CRADLE PENNSYLVANIA-GERMAN, ABOUT 1760 Has high pointed ends and slender spindle splats in the sides. Swung between two round tapered posts with octagonal capitals surmounted by acorn finials; spreading legs with stretchers. Length, 3 feet; width, 2 feet VERY RARE MAPLE AND OAK LADDER-BACK ARM- CHAIR EARLY AMERICAN, ABOUT 1760 High back with arched splats, the side columns with fine baluster finials. Scrolled armrests with baluster supports continuing with the front legs. Spindle stretchers and turned feet. Rush seat. SET OF THREE RARE WINDSOR CHAIRS EARLY AMERICAN, ABOUT 1760 The high hooped backs with seven spindles. Extra wide saddle seats; flaring baluster legs and stretchers. (3) VERY FINE AND RARE PAINTED WINDSOR ARMCHAIR EARLY AMERICAN, ABOUT 1770 Double hooped spindled back and baluster supports to the shaped elbows. Wide saddle seat; flaring gilt ring turned legs and stretchers. 76 IMPORTANT DUNCAN PHYFE MAHOGANY CONSOLE TABLE » [623] 636 SHERATON SECRETARY CHEST OF DRAWERS AMERICAN, ABOUT 1810 Unusually deep top drawer and three drawers below, one fitted with writing slide, ete. Shaped base with bracket feet. Borders and drawer fronts with fine holly inlay. Height, 44 inches; width, 46 inches 637 SHERATON MAHOGANY BOW-FRONT BUREAU AMERICAN, ABOUT 1800 Four drawers with narrow raised borders. Shaped base with bracket feet. Height, 42 inches; width, 45 inches 638 FINE MAHOGANY CHEVAL GLASS AMERICAN, ABOUT 1840 Bevelled mirror panel, supported by a pair of carved baluster columns with spreading legs and paw feet, Height, 6 feet ; width, 2 feet 8 inches 639 PAIR OF ORMOLU CANDLE BRACKETS ENGLISH, ABOUT 1840 Branches in the form of lily sprays. Fitted for five lights. (2) 640 THREE-PIECE EARLY AMERICAN ORMOLU AND PRISM CANDELABRA SET Consisting of centre two-light candelabrum, and a pair of candle- sticks. The columns formed as figures of Romeo and Juliet, Standing on white marble bases. (Sold as is) (3) Height, 18 and 15 inches SILVER NUMBERS 641-679 641 SILVER FISH SERVER Pierced and engraved with flowers and foliage scrolls. Ivory handle. 642 ENGRAVED SILVER TEA SET Comprising a teapot, sugar bowl, cream jug and bowl. Hexagonal baluster shape. Engraved with foliated panels of trellis pattern and with shaped scroll borders. Has the Miller initials. This set formerly belonged to Cornelia Jones, wife of John Bleecker Miller, Affidavit attached. (4) Weight about 69 ounces 77 643 644 645 646 648 649 650 651 652 SILVER PUNCH LADLE WITH WOOD HANDLE DUTCH, ABOUT 1780 Oval bowl; baluster handle with ivory knob. Maker’s name. ENGLISH SILVER CASTER AND TRINKET BOX Caster chased with fluting and scrolls; trinket box heart-shaped with foliage chasing. (2) Weight about 4 ounces GEORGE III SILVER PUNCH LADLE WITH TWISTED WHALEBONE HANDLE The bowl set with a George IT sixpenny piece. GEORGE II SILVER PUNCH LADLE Lonpon, patep 1733 Made by Starling Wilford. Bowl engraved with initials B. I. S. Handle with beaded decoration. Top with figure of St. George. SILVER CADDY SPOON, SAUCE LADLE, AND ENGLISH SILVER TODDY LADLE WITH WHALEBONE HANDLE (3) SEVEN GEORGE III SILVER TEASPOONS ENGLISH, DATED 1799 Fiddle pattern. The ends engraved with initials. (7) Weight about 4 ounces SIX GEORGE III SILVER DESSERT SPOONS ENGLISH, DATED 1818 (6) Weight about 3 ounces SILVER SOUP LADLE The reeded handle with initials. Maker’s name. Weight about 914 ounces OLD SHEFFIELD PLATE MILK JUG AND PLATED SAUCE BOAT Sauce boat with reeded border and handle. (2) PAIR OF SILVER FISH SERVERS One engraved with a fishing scene; the other with birds and flowers. With initials. (2) Weight about 7 ounces A A 78 IMPORTANT DUTCH CHIPPENDALE WALNUT MIRROR—ABOUT 1760 [630] 653 654 655 656 697 658 DUTCH SILVER TEA CADDY The sides chased with Biblical subjects. Beaded borders. Height, 414 inches GEORGE IV SILVER MUFFINEER LONDON, DATED 1825 Baluster shape, with engraved decoration. Maker’s mark, C. U. Height, 614 inches. Weight about 5 ounces TWELVE SILVER FIDDLE-PATTERN DESSERT SPOONS AMERICAN, ABOUT 1825 Made by C. and A. W. Johnson. The ends engraved with the initial ‘‘J’’. These formerly belonged to Judge Samuel Jones; born West Neck, Long Island, 1734. Affidavit attached. (12) Weight about 8 ounces NINE SILVER FIDDLE-PATTERN TABLESPOONS AMERICAN, ABOUT 1820 Ends engraved with the initials ‘‘M. B.’’ Maker’s mark R. W. in oval field. These formerly belonged to Judge Morris Smith Miller; born New York City, 1779. Affidavit attached. (9) Weight about 20 ounces SILVER ENGRAVED SUGAR BOWL AND COVER AND PAIR OF TONGS EARLY AMERICAN, ABOUT 1760 Oval. With classical handles; the domed cover surmounted by a small vase. Body finely engraved with undulating and husk pattern. Engraved with the initials ‘‘M. D.’’ Maker, I. Sayre. The tongs with shell tops. This piece was formerly in the possession of Marianne Bowers, wife of James Chatham Duane; born New York, 1770. Affidavit attached. (2) Height, 8 inches. Weight about 15 ounces SILVER-PLATED CAKE BASKET Pierced with geometrical design. Shaped border ornamented with vine branches. Pierced swing handle. Claw and ball feet. This piece was formerly owned by Cornelia Jones, wife of John Bleecker Miller. Affidavit attached. Length, 1114 inches 79 659 660 661 662 663 664 665 GEORGE III SILVER SUGAR BOWL AND COVER AND PAIR OF TONGS LONDON, DATED 1792 Made by Peter and Anne Bateman. Boat shape. Fluted and finely engraved with flower sprays and medallions. Domed cover with vase top. On shaped foot. Reeded borders; engraved with monogram, ‘‘M. A. D.’’ Engraved sugar tongs with acorn tops. This piece was formerly in the possession of Marianne Bowers, wife of James Chatham Duane; born New York, 1770. Affidavit attached. (2) Height, 7 inches. Weight about 12 ounces ENGRAVED SILVER PIE KNIFE With engraved floral decoration and shaped handle. With Jones erest and initial. Formerly owned by Cornelia Jones, born 1825, wife of John Bleecker Miller. Affidavit attached. GEORGE III SILVER CREAM PITCHER | LONDON, DATED 1772 Chased with flower festoons depending from medallions. Beaded borders and shaped handle. Formerly in the possession of Marianne Bowers, wife of James Chatham Duane, born New York, 1770. Affidavit attached. Height, 414 inches. Weight about 214 ounces ENGLISH SILVER CREAM PITCHER Baluster shape. Beaded borders and shaped handle. Engraved with the Bleecker-Miller monogram. Height, 414 inches. Weight about 3 ounces PAIR OF SILVER TABLESPOONS GERMAN, aBouT 1800 Engraved with the initials of Peter C. Miller. (2) SILVER PRESENTATION CUP Baluster shape. Chased with a cartouch of floral design. In- scribed ‘‘ Awarded by the American Institute at the 23rd Annual Fair 1850 to William Jones for the best blood mare ‘Young Dove’.”’ Height, 614 inches. Weight about 5 ounces SMALL SILVER SALVER FRENCH, ABOUT 1760 Beaded border. On three feet. The centre engraved with the Duane crest. Diameter, 7 inches. Weight about 7 ounces — 80 666 SMALL SQUARE SILVER SALVER EARLY AMERICAN, ABOUT 1740 With raised and moulded border and incurved corners. On four bracket feet. Maker’s initials, ‘‘B. R.’’ in oval shield. This piece was formerly owned by Judge Morris Smith Miller, of Utica; born New York, 1779. Affidavit attached. Size, 514 inches square. Weight about 8 ounces 667 PAIR OF SILVER CIRCULAR SALTCELLARS EARLY AMERICAN, ABOUT 1760 With plain bowls. On three hoof feet. Maker’s initials, ‘‘B. R.’’ in oval shield. These were formerly owned by Judge Morris Smith Miller, of Utica; born New York, 1779. Affidavit attached. (2) Weight about 6 ounces 668 PAIR OF OLD SHEFFIELD PLATE DECANTER STANDS ENGLISH, ABOUT 1812 With gadroon and rope pattern borders. (2) Diameter, 614 inches 669 TWO OLD SHEFFIELD PLATE TABLE CANDLESTICKS ENGLISH, ABOUT 1790 Fluted cylindrical columns and square bases. Almost a pair. (Sold as is) These were formerly owned by Judge Morris Smith Miller, of Utica; born New York, 1779. Affidavit attached. (2) Height, 614 inches 670 PAIR OF SILVER MINIATURE MUFFINEERS ENGLISH, DATED 1882 Baluster shape; with pierced tops and reeded borders. (2) Height, 314 inches 670A RARE SILVER TRENCHER SALTCELLAR EARLY AMERICAN, ABOUT 1740 With gilt bowl and moulded shaped base. Maker’s mark ‘‘F. R.’’ conjoined in oblong shield. Weight about 114 ounces 671 HEPPLEWHITE MAHOGANY TEA CADDY AMERICAN, ABOUT 1800 Rectangular, with fine tulipwood borders. Cover inlaid with shell motif. Two compartments. Size, 714 x 5 x 5 inches 81 672 673 674 675 676 677 678 679 OLD INLAID MAHOGANY WORK BOX Beautifully banded and inlaid with borders of rosewood and tulipwood; ball feet. (Sold as is) Size, 12 x 9 x 51% inches FINE OLD ROSEWOOD WORK BOX Banded and inlaid with brass. Size, 19 x 11 x 7 inches SMALL MAHOGANY CHEST Front beautifully inlaid with a vase of flowers in tinted woods. Bracket feet. (Sold as is) Size, 22 x 15 x 18 inches OLD MAHOGANY WRITING CASE Beautifully banded and inlaid with brass. A drawer in the end. Converted into a work box. Size, 20 x 11 x 8 inches FINE PAIR OF OLD CHINESE ENGRAVED ZINC TEA CADDIES IN LACQUER CASE Tops of caddies engraved with arabesques, the covers with Chinese ladies. Black lacquer case with decoration of butterflies. Inseribed, ‘‘Canton 1855’’. (2) Size of case, 1214 x 9 x 8 inches FINE OLD ENGLISH MAHOGANY WORK BOX Beautifully inlaid with feather, shell and diamond pattern bor- ders in various woods. Size, 1214 x 9 x 6 inches FINE OLD ENGLISH MAHOGANY BOX With deep recessed lid and chased brass handles. Beautiful holly inlay of foliage scrolls and string lines. Size, 1114 x 1114 x 10 inches FINE OLD MAHOGANY WRITING CASE: Banded with brass. Fitted with writing tablet and receptacles. Size, 24 x 12 x 8 inches