nih Peat es a Rn 4 A yey) te Rak 6 ahs iron eacaeaty 27) amie aa eV R Gh aN ay ‘ ye ir ; | ah Pi (s ie see “ ef ig ray so 7h Sa ris a0 : va | oe hn here Ry 4 ae j 1 np Z ast 4 I hirer . Nags ee ee ete I Aye. a0 Pi) o ial Pre AY? AS | bY; C71 PIERS 5 ( ANG A WES. Wh, ; re TOTAL OF $176, 822 OBTAINED FOR 97 wae _ AND TWO STATUES—CHURCH’S “ NIAGARA” GOES. | “FOR THE HIGUEST PRIcE, $12, 500—GERQMy’s. 4 FAMOUS “ DEATH OF CZESAR” SOLD FOR $8,000 | | —MEISSONIER’S “MARSHAL SAXE AND sraBe? | FOR $8, 600—1Roon’s “ AUTUMN © Dyess ee wene character of the assembly. in Chek 1 “gale. “All parts of the hall from which +8 Ps : tures ‘could be seen as_ they were brought | out 1 for..the inspection of bidders were filled; | | but there was a smaller number of persons crowding the { | side aisles than on the previous. evening, the. fact that. | seats had to be procured in advance having become | generally known. - Many were — evidently — there. by a desire to look upon the splendid works of art without any design of buying, but scattered through the hall were many whose serious — counte-— nances betokened that they were there intenton important Diisiness. The bidding was done as before, through mes- senger boys stationed in the aisies and men who stood i leaning against the platform and facing the ee | No voice except theirs was raised above a low tone, and no indication was given to the people as to the pes ) who were bidding. One shrill, boyish voice was always” d Iti 10Fe ¢ and Ohio | ft. the parquet. he peter Mr. icky sees a | a 1etioneer were in most cases 0 " Bales were “made somewhat ‘more sapien Asi bleh cae on the previous: occasion ; ‘there was* a ‘much less | number of ‘small bids. and pictures were started ata. | point nearer that-at which they finally sold. In afew instances, after bids had been slowly advancing | $25 or $50 at a time, some one would sud- denly advance $100 or more and bring the | sale to a conclusion atonce. The first excitement of the } evening was occasioned by Leutze’s *‘ Absorbed, ” which was started at $100 and advanced $100 at a time until it. reached $3,700. . This was the first sale of the evening | | which rose above the hundreds. Duverger’s “ First | Cider ”’ ” was started at $500, went slowly wp | to $925, and | then, in two. bids, rose to $1,200. The first. ‘picture to start at $1,000 was Breton’s ‘ Shep- _ herdess,”” which sold for twice that sum. _ Ach- | enbach’s ** Norway Torrent” was greeted with applause | asit was brought on the platform; the first bid was $1, 100, from which price it went up by $100 bids to $1, 800. Zamacois’s ‘‘Two Confessors” was started at 7 $3, 000; the next bid was $4,000, the next $4,500; then | Pag: advanced by hundreds to $6,500. The “ Turkish Patrol of. _Decamps was knocked down to a gen- tleman. from Philadelphia at $8, 300, but another ‘person claiming that he had bid $50 more before the ( hammer fell, it was again put up and he found no com- " petitors. Troyon’s “ Autumn Morning” was siarted at. $1, 060, then advanced $1,000 ata time to $9,000, then by hundreds to $9, 700. Vernet’s * Italian Brigands Sur- | prised by Papal . Troops ” received — an opening bid ‘of i $4,000 ; the next was $6,000; another bid adveae oe the price $100 secured the prize. He ee re rT} Oe tee ( 126..Coliar Bacchantes...-.-.- : 26. "Portrait of A. B. Dirand:. (127..A Brittany Shepherdess.. 8..Morning after a sit eae A ged SE a a AG ne (129_._Fruit Piece.........- voseseceeesse Sait JeaNn...... se 330 : 130..A Calm Sea, Mentone. Liat Bp ed ase Haseltine........ 310 : 131..Winter Scene in Holland......... ..Koek-Koek...... eee 1%82..'The Story of the Battle... Be as Vriendt...... 1,800 pkoos Ae Norway 1 oe a WA Pipes »»+-Achembach. ..... 2,000 / 134.2 $& OSSOSSUAH's. - < - 2 vieenseveeece 9 o'ee os. LAYS. 055 poles TAD | 185. The Two Bhhassdre: SOP arte tees Banaetis he 6,500 136..Santa Claus..... Reem eta See wae Vins Berardsiscsies) ten he EO Bt: ORE Ol BOAU .5.¢iceccce- scans UG se KMANS oes ekg 3,000 138:.The Mountain. Ford..............-. COG 4 eee . 900 139: _Flemish Landscape and Cattle....Verboeckhoven. 875 140... Portrait of the Artist. ..... dd Sener Allston. .... sxoees 1 920 (141..Vishing Boats Gouin into” the t Harbor of Brindis1.-.-...;-..: ge GOR os Pogue Lee 142..The Turkish Peak, Smyrna pia Devcamps......... 8,350 -143..First Beach, Newport.......-..-... ichards....-... 550 | '144..The Knitting-school.......:.... +e AUKOL......00002 1,000 | ids. .Autumn Morning, Landscape and #3 Cattle. -TYOYOD.....000 +++ 9,700 . 146. -Ifalian Bandits Surprised by Papal ELE AT STi Sg a ns Ae tae 147 SWiarara, Malis. 2s .. 22.22.2236. i 148. _Britiany Peasants at Prayer 4150 Pion in Frout of the Pan- Deere paket ee a hee Simonetti........ 2,725 | Pe 150..Light. oui: Coast of Holland. . 151..On the way to th Bath... .--.-Bouguereau..... 6,000 '152..Aipine View near Meyringen..... Durand......-- 625 _153..The Letter Writer of Venice.........Miiller .......... - 1,559 | | 164..Tne Danger Signal. ....-.---.-..... Mcbntee....csee _lob-.The Path through the Woods. .... COVOb cocks aac she 1,090 | 158:.In a Spanish PAbean bls eee Madrazo......... 2° 350 157 PA PUG UM DATS AION. lo teen eewae - Hii anes USSG EES a Bs | 158... Feeding the Flamingo......... ...-Olairin.. Rats ree i oe .Preparing for Church... A Reo arsee te /sig yee Pieri aeeee 2,400. .Fishing Boats, S. sme. 7: tes 4..--Achenbach. ..... 1,625 Etse “Theophiia Pa.mer...-....--.....5.- Reynolds ........ 2100. 162... Waiting at the Rendezvous..... .Worms........... 460. | 163..Thoe Secretary Be ret ire 2A win aie Fauy ET ata 395 — “164.. Landscape. ..-....--..-.---- Spee Dopre i ke F 1,560 -165..Marshai Saxe and Staff. ......-.. ... Meissonier ...... 8,600 166..Scenein an Or Chard. .....+. APS sti BOM 2 eek 9,150 | 167..The Bookworm ......-+....+--+--++ Brillouin. ..... ek Re WSO) ie The COBROGISSCUTS ..........--2+--.-- Chavet. 22 5 1. 420 + «Study of Head for the Hemicycle. Delaroche........ 460 PBek Girl: ....----. cases oes ves eee Landelie;........ 800 ving on Borrowed Robes cola Stee Gyn ee ee 400 -Le Poittevin.... 1,300 | “vistmas in England...........+. Boughton. ....2.. 1,025 - Mo povrorey bro Oy eds : F262 0355.2 Baugniet........ 850 174... Ruins of Kenilworth Castle....... Ecc y TE NOE Cores ae OO 175..0ld China Shop (Pompeii). .... see ERATION vag cee vox ga Ss) Wmpeacwraney IGN. -2552-- 6. == eee Wood ville....... ALO 177..A Sccluded Brook..-.... aati ss Bee Kensett -.....2.. _ 600 ESS GACT UY Nea a i a nape see ae hinhov DOLL trenwcee coey 400 RPO DIO LAICOTINO. saacic ces vie ss veces 5. --- Casilear.. 12.5. 2257,000 18)..The Hurry for the TORR Da. WEAVER ee Foe Ve SOB 131..Prisoners from the Frent.......-. Homer <2 o2 . 1,800 -182...Moonlight, Dutch Coast .......... De abated ee eee 550 \183..A Young Roman’s Bath...........- Glove... 21252. 95,200 184..Phe Wandering Fiddler........... J ohuson, - Pe N SS NO SOG: 1~5..The Temptation of St. Anthony..Leloir............ 2, 160 186.."'The Cock and Pearl” (Fable)-..-Rtousseau_....... "400. 187..Marine (Dutch Shipping). srtesese ClQVS eres sees se. | 8,550 : STATU: Busty... J Diamnteenk. eee es Statue..Last Days of Napoleon.. eMac onic eC ee oh : eee ee er ee ee ses peeaivos ae : “TUESDAY'S: PURCHASERS AND PRICES. Plow is given a list of the ostensible pur- Riikess of the pictures at the J obnston sale on Tuesday, ‘The names are those given to Mr. Avery yesterday when | the pictures were paid for and taken away. In some | cases, however, the names do not represent the real buy rs. It is said that Alfred Pell bought | *MTurner’s Slave Ship” for alady in Boston, and that 'Miiller’s **Roil-call of the Last Victims of the Reign of | - Terror” was purchased by Mr. Satterlee foe Tohv t acob | ; % Astor. Mr. Avery said last night that m st “would be found in which pictures had been bough gh hs gentlemen and ladies who preferred not » appear in the - transaction before the public. es AVERY, SP. z Sodas Morse-—-Governor Tomlinson. >...... penta e panies ae Sear eo eRCOS ‘Geyer—Consultation of the Doctors........--- Apes MEA 3s 950 | Becker—The Reapers’ Return Home. --....--- Bie ae 5,10 Israels —Fishing Boats off ScheveningenD.....-.-----+- 2.900 - Hamon—Spring Flo wers.... .....-.---:0++-- be aoa “ 4,600 | - Weir—Pestum by Mocnlight.-+....... is te, Ad oie 260 — Dyckmans—Settling A.COOUNtE nent: Htteserereanzc 4,350 | ,» Decamps—The, Suicide. ...:-..2.-.+- eae fo Neh -25 114. Escosura—The Quarrel of the Pétis.......- asta tenet nars 1, a, rea Cae sae eee PPE rear ces sneebunmen $22, 720 | ARRY, A. : Lely—Nelk Gwynne.....+-....... Re Saucon eue Gene Ame BARNEY, A. H. ; k - Bdugniet—* Lydia Sees capeegete eo sd os he cecal dacs 300 | Brrr, B. P. ‘3 athe | Castres—JS ape? Bazaar: Sie tess Be es cle Ren earth ‘BENNETT, JI. @ Re, : Van Marcke—Landscaps, with Cattle......-.-.---- Paes $2,550 Aleissonier—Suldiers at CardsiigF-cs-en pnt on teema oo. FOU Ors Mata ser ses. psoas ase it SO ie eek «asses 4,050 | ae I Prince of Hun- _ enczur—Arrest of Franz Rakoezy, Prine - gary. By. LTOL Stes wes Ta Big ir on ra aie aaa , $3,750. A iston—Spalatro’s Vision of he Bloedy Hand..-... = Sp OO | Roybet—The Cock Figh DE, SEO eee pesletesue 86 60 —_——" Total...., A * 1 ‘> talogue. THE COLLECTION OF PAINTINGS, DRAWINGS, AND STATUARY, THE PROPERTY OF IN TAYLOR JOHNSTON, Eso. WD «BO BE SOLD AT AUCTION. at ' WILL BE ON EXHIBITION AT THE GALLERIES OF THE “ NATIONAL ACADEMY OF DESIGN,” CorRnER 23d STREET AND 4th AVENUE, On the Morning of Wednesday, November 29th, » AND Will continue on Exhibition every Week-day and Evening until the time of sale, TUESDAY, WEDNESDAY anp FRIDAY, Derember 19th, 20th and 22d, ee “At Half -past Seven, P. M. CHICKERING HALL, 5th Avenue, cor. of 18th St., 63 ¢ New York. ae *% The sale will be made under the direcKon) yf Samuel P. Avery, 88 Fifth Avenue, to whonrygraeds purchase and other communications may iy Stal ist tne sine, BEOGae W. fen Kate—The Guard ‘Room...... : BUSH, JAMES. OP opie ale ee Bellows—A NOE Syste pe uteri Brown, ALEXANDER. Madrazo—Interior of Santa Maria, Rome... becees ; BUELL, JAMES. Trayer—Working Embroidery.......---5 Hed Recs a Meckntee—Novempber Days......-- Sig bel eateoisTeleniem zee West—The “ Ascension,” Study. 1800..... sense acne con lh r Tot aaa gee enceceecenenennantt ; CANNON, LE GRAND B. Petit eee Leroux—Funeral in the Columbarium... epi Shane COLMAN, s. et Det acroiz—Virgil and Dante Rabe rly the Styx. toes Fay te ‘DENNY, ©. H. pede ae ecg re Bubbles. ee S ereeees KN ecoee 3 5 os y Dopen, W.E ; peinan— Ruins of Ere hae: House. eg ais si Saiamacaity see ISHER, J. M Bie 2 Soya The Gee. paella 2 elke : Ssaidtenlnes cine ae ‘of: ci, “iT aneiaaas f —— TRS: Barncuiancsign TAs aes oa en tal seeeenccons “Pigung, 3,30 es BER Nar Ft ROR RL Ev 5 Shattuck—Stockbridge Scenery. PEG es et tegensen ene Gifford—The Coming Stormo kee Skee tsa hy Jonnson—A New-Engiand Boy at iivoaietaat 2.20000 eat Wotatsice.. & a eee io staat Soe ae ae eee eece | GARRIre, J. W. jae! Chureh—Sunset in Vermont........+-. rttetaceeeetttteeee $400 Gray—Hagar...... Reta tt ee pes Se nee ee ae eee ae Se Duverger—P Pay OP! sc ist cane Ponelg ae aeiaee anes he OAGvel—Man Reading:...sccdsseviesisuvetacus cae Sccvel ste Letom Gérome—A Bashi-Bazouk..........-. “ Landelle—Egyptian Girl. Thebes........ Gignoua—Moonli ght on the Sa uenay. tienry—The Railway Station, Westchester. Schelyhout—Winter Lanuscape, Hotland...........00606 dTaseltine—Indian Rock. Narragansett............ Ziem—Venice at Sunset. Entrance to the Gr and ; POAT oil. See ated s wiiapies eee eee as See ean See ents ‘ Church—Twilight in the Wilderness, -<....naee es: ; <> Wittems—La Lecture... 2eses2----eaee al eres weeee »\ unt—Isabella and the Pot of Basii.................. +» 2,656 Hrére—Indusuy ee ies is mre tenasparseetewaseaeeeen ne otal). ches Mecrcsva ne eee eae wceee