ad 7 M. KNOEDLER&Co., | 15, Old Bond St., ROR gee _« ; . - re ‘ ~ z ; EXECUTOR'S SALE. The Ashmead Collection pOF Chinese Porcelains, Laces and Paintings. MONDAY and TUESDAY, March 10th and 11th, at 2.30 P. M., each day, IN OUR ART GALLERIES, 1519-21 CHESTNUT STREET, PHILADELPHIA, PA. ON EXHIBITION Thursday, Friday and Saturday, March 6, 7 and 8, 1919, from 9 A. M. until 5 P. M. By order of The Philadelphia Trust Co., Executor. UNDER THE MANAGEMENT OF SAMUEL T. FREEMAN & CO. 1519-21 CHESTNUT STREET, PHILADELPHIA, PA. 1919. PREFACE. Henry B. Ashmead, who was for years the head of the well-known printing house of that name, on his many trips abroad, purchased most of the Paintings in his collection, many of them direct from the artists. Almost all of his collection of Chinese porcelains was also purchased abroad and it was during these trips that his wife collected the laces, which are being offered in this sale. All of the collection was purchased a number of years ago, as Mr. Ashmead died in 1904, although the collection was not put on the market until after the more recent death of Mrs. Ashmead. The Ceramics and Laces are unusually fine and the Paintings among the very few that have come on the Philadelphia market recently which are worthy of a collector’s attention.. TERMS OF SALE FOR PERSONAL PROPERTY. SPECIAL NOTICE—Nono employee is authorized to alter these terms. 1 The highest bidder to be the buyer, subject to the terms of sale, and if any dispute arises between two or more bidders, the Auctioneers shall either decide the same or the - lot so in dispute shall be immediately put up again and re-sold. _ 2 Any bid which is merely a nominal or fractional advance may be rejected by the Auo- tioneer if in his judgment such bid would be likely to affect the sale injuriously. od 3 Every article sold singly; nothing sold by the pair. , 4 Purchasers to give names and addresses, and to make a deposit of 25 per cent., or as much as the Auctioneers may requirein part payment, or the whole of the purchase money if apie te i in default of which the lot or lots so purchased to be mmediately put up again and re-sold. 5 All deposits made are applicable to any or all purchases either at this sale or at any previous sale. 6 The lots to be taken away and paid for at the buyer’s risk and expense within the time announced by the Auctioneer, the Auctioneers not being responsible for the correct de- scription, genuineness, authenticity or defect in any lot, and making no warranty unless specially mentioned at the time of sale. No sale will be set aside nor allowance made on account of any incorrectness, error in cataloguing, or any imperfection not noted. No de- duction on damaged articles, all goods are exposed for public exhibition, and sold just as they are. Purchases will be delivered only upon presentation of receipted bill therefor. 7 To prevent inaccuracy in delivery and inconvenience in settlement of the purchases, no lot can on any account be removed during the sale; and the remainder of the purchase money must absolutely be paid within the time announced by the Auctioneer and before the examination or removal of the goods. 8 The time allowed for payment of bills and removal of goods is either printed in the catalogue or announced by the Auctioneer and can always be obtained from the office of the Auctioneers. It is the duty of all purchasers to inform themselves thereof and no re- sponsibility shall rest upon the Auctioneer by reason of the purchaser’s ignorance thereof. 9 All purchases made at this sale are at the purchaser’s risk as soon as they are struck off; the Auctioneers not being responsible if all or any part of such purchases be lost, stolen, damaged or destroyed; however, without assuming any responsibility the Auctioneers will take all usual precautions for the care and protection of the goods during the time allowed for the removal thereof. 10 All claims must be made before the removal of the goods. © 11 In case of purchases for which settlement is required by estimated or actual weights, counts or measures, no adjustments will be made after the time allowed by the Auction- eers for the removal of the purchases. 12 The record kept by the clerk of the sale, together with the marked catalogue of the Auctioneers, shall in all cases be accepted by the buyers as final when any question arises 13 In addition to any other remedies given by law to the seller, it is agreed that in case of failure by the purchasers to comply with these terms, the money deposited in part pay ment shall be forfeited; all lots not paid for and removed within the time allowed by the Auctioneers shall be re-sold at public or private sale without further notice, and the de- ficiency (if any) attending such re-sale shall be made good by the purchasers at this sale, together with all charges and expenses which may be incurred by reason of their failure to comply with the terms of sale. ; : 14 The Auctioneers will not be liable for non-delivery of any article above the amount paid by the purchaser of such article. 15 Commissions to purchase will be executed by the Auctioneers without charge, such purchases, however, being made subject to the terms of sale. 16 In case of lots upon which there is a reserve, the Auctioneers shall have the right to pid on behalf of the seller. 17 All sales made by order of the Court are subject to the confirmation of the Court ordering the sale. ; 18 The Auctioneers reserve the right to reject any or all bids. 19 The Auctioneers are in no manner connected wth the business of the cartage or pack- ng and shipping of purchases, and although they will afford to purchasers every facility for employing careful carriers and packers, they will not hold themselves responsible for the acts or charges of the parties engaged for such services. jibe FOR INHERITANCE TAX AND OTHER PURPOSES * SAMUEL T. FREEMAN & CO. ARE EXCEPTIONALLY WELL EQUIPPED TO FURNISH INTELLIGENT APPRAISEMENTS OF ART AND LITERARY PROPERTY JEWELS AND PERSONAL EFFECTS OF EVERY DESCRIPTION IN CASES WHERE PUBLIC SALES ARE EFFECTED A NOMINAL CHARGE ONLY WILL BE MADE SAMUEL T. FREEMAN & CO. FIRST AFTERNOON’S SALE, MONDAY, MARCH 10, 1919, at 2.30 O’CLOCK, CONSISTING OF European Porcelains, Chinese Porcelains, Lacquers and Ivories, Jades and Crystals, Bronzes and Miniatures. eb First Afternoon COPELAND CUP AND SAUCER. Egg Shell Fabric, Jeweled Persian Lambrequin Decorations. ROYAL VIENNA BOTTLE. Square Body, Painted with Classical Figure Subjects. SEVRES COFFEE CAN AND SAUCER. Minute Floral Scroll; with Butterfly. Incised Mark Under Glaze. OLD SAXE CUPS AND SAUCERS. Fluted Patterns, with Rustic Twist Handles, Feet, and Minute Floral Designs in Relief on Each Piece. Two Pieces. OLD MEISSEN CUP AND SAUCER. Small Round Bowl Shape. OLD SPODE CREAM PITCHER. Broad Mouth, Squatty Height, Band Painting with Panels of Pheasants. : VIENNA TEA POT. Oval Form, Straight Sides, Cabinet Specimen. BERLIN COMPOTE. With Nest Tray and Cover, Royal Blue, with White Borders and Floral Wreaths. DRESDEN CUP AND SAUCER. Bell Shape, with Fishing and Landscape Subjects in Reserves. OVAL COMPOTE. Berlin Porcelain, Footed Base, Caryatid Handles, Relief Group of Neptune, Cupids and Dolphins, and Small Bachannalean Mask. Painted with Floral and Insect Subjects. CAPO-DE-MONTE COVERED CUP AND SAUCER. With Cover Surmounted by Cupid. Mythological Scenes, Rich Coral Red Handles. First Afternoon 12 13 20 21 22 CAPO-DE-MONTE COVERED CUP AND SAUCER. Same Size and Form, with Chariot Scenes for Subjects. CAPO-DE-MONTE DISH. Large Round Form, with Deep Sides. Mythological Subject, and Floral Festoons with Flying Cupids. SMALL COMPOTE. Round Form, with Three Sees Fi igures, with Spreading Claw Feet, Masks, &c. SPODE CUP AND SAUCER. Copeland Ware. Egg Shell Porcelain, with Lambrequin Designs in Jeweled Enamels. BISQUE FLOWER BASKET. : Beautiful Specimen of Delicate Relief Work. CREAM JUG. . Royal Worcester Reticulated Ware. Raised Enamels and Gold. SMALL JARDINIERE. Yellow Faience, with Carved Groups of Cupids. VENETIAN GLASS VASE. Blue Ground, Covered with Minute Floral Patterns in Laid Enamels and Gold. CHINESE PORCELAIN JAR. Ovoid, with Small Neck. Dark Blue, with White Hawthorne Blossoms. CHINESE TEA BOWL. Scalloped Edge, with Corrugated Sides. Deep Red Body, with Six Small Medallions. Border Inside, and Emblems in Blue. Ching-hwa. BOTTLE. Ovoid Form. White Ground, with Two Figures of Damio, Palm Tree, &c., Silver Mounted Top. Unknown Mark. ~ 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 3] 32 33 First Afternoon OBLONG LIBATION CUP. Broad Spreading Top. Carved with Figure of a Deer, and Two Dragons, &c. BOTTLE VASE. Long Narrow Neck, Deep Blue Mirror Glaze. TEA BOWL. Egg Shell Porcelain. Broad Curving Lip, Decorated with Land- scape and Birds. Kang-he. SHALLOW DISH. Semi-Egg Shell. Sprigs, with Red Berries, Butterflies, &c. Tching-Hoa. CHINESE DEEP BOWL. Flattened Edge, Decorated with Five Gold Fish. Hall Mark. TEA BOWL AND COVER. Egg Shell Porcelain. Exquisite Diaper Patterns in Artistic Arrange- ment with Tray. SMALL VASE. Bottle Shape. Birds and Flowers in Raised Enamels. SMALL VASE. Bottle Shape, Rich Green Crackle. TALL VASE. Lotus Landscape, with Crane on Grayish White Ground. Short Flaring Neck. LARGE JAR. Globular Form. Old Giant Crackle. TALL VASE. — Ovoid, Narrow Base, Low Flaring Neck. Flowers and Leaves in Running Scroll Forms in Blue, on Yellow Ground. First Afternoon 34 = 36 37 38 39 40 I 42 43 SMALL VASE. Thick Flaring Neck on Low Body. Powder Blue. TALL BOTTLE VASE. Ovoid Body, with Narrow Neck and Cup Shape Top. Lotus Flowers and Scrolls in Red Modeled in Relief, with Borders, Neck of Leaf Points, &c. White Body. TEA BOWL. Broad Flaring Sides, Decorated with Four Fish in Red and Gold. Circular Show Mark. SAUCER. Deep Sides. Decorated with Vase of Flowers and Emblem, &c., and Outside Figures of Flying Bats in Red. SMALL VASE. Long Narrow Neck, with Flaring Top. Brown and Green Ground Tea Leaf Glaze. ROSE JAR. Soft White Body, with Prune Tree in Blossom, and Pine Tree. Three Colors—Purple, Red and Green. With Decorated Cover: TEA BOWL. Deep Bell Shape. Semi-Egg Shell Porcelain. Decorated with Four Groups of Emblems—Fish, Shell, Lantern, &c., in Brilliant Enamels. BOTTLE VASE. Straight Narrow Neck. Sang-de-Boeuf. BOTTLE. Square Body. Celadon and Reddish Brown Splash. (Rim Dam- aged.) TALL POWDER BLUE VASE. Oviform, with Prominent Shoulder and Slender Flaring Neck. Sacred Landscape Penciled in Gold, Showing Abodes in the Moun- tainous Country, with River Scenes, Pagodas, &c. Kien-lung. First Afternoon 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 5| 52 TALL BOTTLE VASE. Ovoid Form, with Narrow Base, Broad Shoulders and Short Neck. Fine Lemon Yellow Crackle. LARGE BOWL. Globular Shape, Crude Soft White Glaze, with Plum Tree Branches and Blossoms Dropping from Top Edge. LARGE HAWTHORNE GINGER JAR. Blue and White Decoration in Form of Branches, with the Prune Blossoms in White Reserves Upon a Deep and Brilliant Blue Clouded Ground. With Pierced Teakwood Cover. LARGE PILGRIM BOTTLE. Strap Handles from Shoulders to Neck, with Ornaments. Rich, Red Mottled Glaze Starting from the Neck in Light, Transparent Tints, and Melting into Various Shades of That Color. TEA BOWL. Semi-Egg Shell, Bluish White, with Two Figures of Dragons with Five Claws. VASE. Flattened Bottle Shape, with Corrugations on Corners. Narrow Spreading Neck, with Small Flat Dragon Handles. Blue-grey Glaze. LARGE VASE. ! Yung-Ching. Kien-Lung. Ovoid Form, with Straight Neck. Emblems, Floral Panels, &c., se in Blue on White Reserves in Two Tiers. Fine Old Specimen. TALL VASE. Ovoid, with Rounded Neck and Flaring Top. Fine Powder Blue, with Gold Pencilings of Chrysanthemums, Scroll work, &c., and Show Marks. Taou-Kwang. BOTTLE VASE. Ovoid Form, with Elongated Narrow Neck. Greenish Tea Leaf Glaze. Kien-Lung Period. First Afternoon. ————___—_ 53 34 55 56 57 58 59 60 6] LARGE BOTTLE VASE. Ovoid, with Long, Narrow Neck and Flaring Top. Single Color, Starting at the Neck, with Mottling and Graduating to Deep Shades of Old Rose. Fine Quality Glaze. BOTTLE VASE. Gourd Shape. Decorated with Arrow-like Designs and Diaper Patterns in Red, Black and Lustrous Green Enamels. TEA BOWL. . Deep, with Flared Lip. Two Dragons, One in Red, the Other Green. Two Phoenix Amid Clouds, Floral Emblems, &c. Figure of Dragon in Red Inside. SMALL BOWL. : Fine Green Fish Roe Crackle. Mandarin Mark Inside. TEA BOWL. Deep Form. Fine Deep Shade of Red, with Species of Flowers and Foliage in Brilliantly Colored and Raised Enamels. Yung-Ching. CYLINDER VASE. Brilliant Red Smooth Body, with Splendidly Painted Figures of Orchids and Foliage in Scroll Patterns. Robin’s Egg Blue Inside. Taou-kwang. LARGE VASE. Short Globular Body, with Broad Cylindrical Neck. Landscape Scenes on Body in Raised Enamels. Various Bands on Body and Neck of Diaper Patterns, Lambrequin Effects, Joii Heads, &c., and Raised Rings Around Top and Bottom. Rich in Colorings. Mandarin Seal Mark. BOTTLE VASE. Graceful Ovoid Shape, with Long Neck, Decorated with Brilliant Peony Blossoms and Sprig in Raised Enamels. LARGE VASE. Oviform, with Narrowing Flaring Neck. An Elaborate Landscape Scene, with Several Figures of Men, Women and Animals in Gor- geous Array, and in Near Full View. On the Neck a Band of Leaf Points. 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 First Afternoon LARGE BOTTLE VASE. Long Narrow Neck of Bamboo Wood Pattern. Beautiful Plum Bloom Glaze. SMALL CABINET VASE. Eliptical Shape. Fine Crackle, Soft Apple Green Glaze. TALL CHINESE VASE. Oviform Bottle Shape, with Short Neck. Landscape Panels, with Many Figures in the Foreground Finely Executed in Colored Enamels, and Having a Border of Conventional Designs in Blue. The Field is Covered with Floral Diaper, Insects, &c. LARGE CHINESE JAR. Ovoid Form, with Short Neck. Light Green Glaze, with Numerous Figures of Butterflies Amid a Landscape of Brilliant Flowers, Fruits and Melon Vines, with Incised Outline. The Interior is Covered with a Light Blue Glaze. Kea-King. LARGE CHINESE PLACQUE. Round Shape. The Sacred Deer, Basket of Fruit, Kakemona Scrolls and Floral Groups, in Colored Enamels on Ground of White. Deep Lambrequin Border on Rim. | ANOTHER. Damaged. LARGE VASE. Ovoid, with Flaring Neck. Very Fine Crackle Under a Glaze of Mottled Turquoise, and Hues of Deep Blue, Extending Inside to the Shoulder. Incised Rings Around Shoulder and Base. LARGE BOTTLE VASE. Long Narrow Neck, Broad Globular Body. An Open Kakemona Showing Landscape, with Pine Tree and Figure of a Man Jubilant atthe Sight of Large Frog. Another Panel Shows a Landscape with a Man Carrying a Branch of Fruit. Brilliant Enamels Under a Transparent White Glaze. First Afternoon 70 LARGE BOTTLE VASE. 7| 72 73 74 75 Broad Shoulder, with Small Neck, Narrow and Slightly Flaring Base. Coral Red of Fine Quality. VERY LARGE VASE. Ovoid Body, with Narrow Base, Short, Straight Neck. A Five- . clawed Dragon with Ball Flying in Clouds Over the Sea. The Dragon is Painted in Red, the Clouds in Deep Blue, and the Waves in Lighter Blue Over a-Ground of White. Double Lines of Blue Rings Around Neck. | . TALL COVERED VASE. Ovoid Shape, with Narrow Base and Slightly Tapering Neck. Beautiful Rose Madder, with Painted Reserves. One with Two Fowls in a Landscape, Another, Floral Scrolls and Scattered Over the Surface Chrysanthemum Flowers. Beautifully Executed in Raised Enamels. LARGE BOWL. Deep Bell Shape. Bands of Gold Pencillings Over a Solid Red Ground, with Phoenix in Medallions, &c. Inside Decorated with Fish Swimming in Water, &c. In the Bottom a Dragon in Blue on White Ground. Taou-kwang. VASE. Low Globular Body, with Long Tapering Neck. Floral Specimens in Raised Scroll Patterns Under the Glaze and Colored in Brilliant Enamels. Borders of Joii Heads and Wall of Troy, with Lotus Points Rising About the Neck. PAIR LARGE JARS. Blue and White. Decorated with Many Temple and Household Emblems, Flowers, Fruit, &c., Boldly Drawn and Colored in Various Hues of Blue Tints. Over the Shoulder a Narrow Border of Wall of Troy Pattern. Show Marks Appear on Different Objects and Double Line Marks at Base and Beneath Pierced Teakwood Covers. First Afternoon 76 77 78 aie 80 8] 82 LARGE’ BEAKER VASE. Tall Broad Flaring Top, Dragons Playing with Ball, and Cloud Effects Over Body, and on Neck Dragon and Fish in Waves. Nar- row Borders and Ring Marks. Decorated in Blue Under White Glaze. LARGE BOTTLE VASE. Thick Ovoid Body, with Long Neck. Orange Peel Surface of Rich Deep Blue, Leaving the Top White and Meeting the Inside Glaze of White. CELADON HANGING VASE. Hexagonal Sides, with Broad Body, Narrow Base and Tall Tapering Neck. Small Cylindrical Guide Handles for Cord, and Pierced Eyes in Base. Around the Turn of the Body a Moulded Cord Like Band. Glazed Inside. Yong-Ching. TALL VASE. Ovoid Jar Shape, with Semi-sharp Shoulder and Short, Slightly Flaring Neck. Fine Rich Quality of Brown Mottled Over Turquoise and Covering Inside of the Neck. Improvised Handles of Flat Vase Like Figures. Kien-Lung. LARGE WHITE VASE. Ovoid, with Graceful Slightly Flaring Neck. Relief Decorations of Flowers, Scroll Patterns and Borders. TALL BEAKER VASE. Broad, Flaring Top, Flat Band Around Body. Fine Quality of Mirror Glaze. Kien-Lung. PAIR PORCELAIN STOOLS. Barrel Shape, with Round Finger Holds in Sides and Pierced Mark in Top. Decorated with Many Figures of Richly Gowned Men and Women in Landscapes of Outlined Panels. Scattered Floral Designs and Borders with Gold ‘Nail Heads,’ Relief Dog Heads, &c. With Carved Wood Stands. 2 First Afternoon 83 84 85 103 LARGE CYLINDRICAL JAR. | Light Powder Blue Mottling, Leaving the Rim and Base White. LARGE VASE. Ovoid Body, with Narrowing Neck, Turned Scalloped Edge, Lizard Handles. Powder Blue, with Relief Decorations of Flowers, Butter- flies, Storks, and Emblems in White. LARGE JAR. Globular Shape, with Low Neck and Cover. Decorated with Two Five-clawed Dragons Playing with Ball, Deep Band in Shoulder, with Emblems and Border of Joii Heads. Painted in Green Enamel on White Ground. Kien-Lung. SMALL CURIOS AND CABINET ORNAMENTS. Miniature Egg Shell Porcelain Rose Jar. Small Rose Bottles, Minute Decorations, 2 Pieces. Miniature Mirror Glaze Bottle Vases, 2 Pieces. Carved Pearl Card Case. Leather Embossed Pocket Case. Chinese Silk Embroidered Pocket Case. Filigree Silver Card Case. Small Round Box and Rose Bottle, Hall Marked, 2 Pieces. Miniature Bottle Vases, Mirror Black and Blue, 2 Pieces. Cabinet Vases, Lemon Yellow and Bronze Green Fish Roe Crackle. Miniature Vases, Flat and Round, 2 Pieces. Small Enameled Banko Incense Burner. Twin Vase, Red and Blue Dragon Decorations. Fish Roe Blue Gourd Vase, and Twin Vase, with Yellow and Green Mottling, 2 Pieces. Pair Minute Satsuma Vases, Cylindrical Shape, with Decorations of a Hundred Children and Wise Men. Miniature Satsuma Bottle Vase, Very Narrow Foot Base, Broad - Globular Top Figure and Scene Panels and Fine Diaper Work. Gold Seal Mark. Satsuma Figure—Wise Man, Robed in Celestial Costume. Wine Pot, Stiff Yoke Handle Red with White Painted Reserves. 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 First Afternoon Red Earthen Square Box, with Lid and Handles, Elaborate Carved in Relief. ANCIENT COUPE. Oblong Broad Flaring Top, Footed Base. Pale Blue, with Borders of Incised Floral Diaper, Deep Band Around Body of Landscape. The Figure of a Bat, in Red Overhangs the Edge of One End Under Which are Two Large Raised Marks in Coral Red. An Old and Interesting Piece. PLUM BLOOM CABINET VASE. Ovoid Bottle Form, with Narrow Base and Short Neck. Beautiful Quality of Glaze Starting from the Neck Which is Greenish Crackle. SMALL TEA BOWL. Deep Bell Shape, Sang-de-Boeuf of Fine Quality, the Edge and Inside White. Yung-Ching. Deep Cup, Two Five-Clawed Dragons in Red on White Ground. Tung-che. Deep Cup, Egg Shell Porcelain. Landscape with Figures of Men and Bats, and Scattered Objects Inside, Colored Enamels. Seal Mark. GLOBULAR VASE. Fine White Egg Shell, with Four Groups of Flowers in Penciled Outline Around Sides. Four Character Hall Marks. Small White Egg Shell Cup, Flattened Rim, with Fine Leaf Tooth Edge. Also Two Small Deep Corrugated Trays, 3 Pieces. Small Egg Shell Cup, Floral Decorations in Red and Green, with Gold Show Marks, Fruit and Bat Inside. ee CUP. Semi-Egg Shell, Bell Shape. Decorated in Blue, with Pagodas, Houses and Chinese Wall. Four Double Blue Ring Marks Besides Hall Mark. Landscape Inside. . Ching-hwa. First Afternoon 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 12] 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 CUP AND SAUCER. Egg Shell. Profusely Decorated with Minute Figures, Garden and Household Scenes and Borders, in Fine Enamel Colors and Gold. CUP AND SAUCER. Egg Shell. Minute Figure Decorations on Oval Reserves Over a Ground Work of Gold Diaper, with Butterflies, &c. CUP AND SAUCER. Egg Shell. Decorations of River Scenes, with Wild Geese and Pheasants, and Plants in Bloom. Cylindrical Box, Mythological Figures and Landscape, Brilliant Enamels. Small Round Ring-top Box, Carved Arabesques and Blue Enamels Over Brown. Miniature Silver Box, Form of Deep Oval Basket, with Hinged Lid and Ring Handles, Repousse Arabesques. Hall Mark. MINIATURE ENAMEL CHALICE. Beautiful Classic Dancing Figure in Panel, and Finely Executed Arabesques. Translucent Enamel Over Silver, with Ivory White Detail. Large Silver Mug and Small Cylindrical Vase, Finely Chased and Gilt Lined, 2 Pieces. Large Silver Gilt Engraved Vase. Small Tea Pot, Form of a Roman Lamp, English Silver. Miniature Tripod Tea Pot, Heavy Chased Japanese Bronze. Lady’s Umbrella Handle, Translucent Enamel, with Miniature Figure and Landscape. Lady’s Hand Bag, Fine Old Bead Tapestry Work. Large Carved Amber Cross. MINIATURE JEWEL CABINET. Fine Example of Old Chinese Gold Lacquer Work, Inlaid with Pearl, and Delicately Mounted with Silver. 130 131 132 133 141 142 First Afternoon SMALL INCENSE BURNER. Melon Shape Corrugated Body of Gold Lacquer Beautifully Worked, with River Scenes, Floral Landscapes, Mosaic Gold and Jewels Over a Fine Body of Aventurine. The Top is Bronze, Cut Out in Form of Flowers, with Small Knob. | MINIATURE BRONZE LOBSTER. Perfectly Articulated. Pair Large Carved Pearl Nautilus Shells. LARGE CONCH SHELL. Most Artistically Carved with the Scene of a Bacchanalean Festival. Figures on a Chariot Drawn by Lions and Goats and Piloted by Dancing and Flying Cupids, Women Dancing and Carrying Baskets of Fruit, a Satyr Fondling a Goat, and Other Figures and Landscape, _ and Extending Over Nearly the Whole Surface of the Shell. Specimen of Sea Coral. Large Meerschaum Cigar Tube, with Group—Mazeppa. Small Carved Meerschaum Cigar Tube. Tortoise Shell Model of Rickasha. Carved Tortoise Shell Paper Knife. Fancy Woven Straw Pocket Case, Made by a Galley Slave. OSTRICH EGG. Decorated in Relief with Many Layers of Poweered Gold Lacquer. Landscape, with Giant Lotus, Trees, Grasses and Storks. ANOTHER. Decorated with Pheasants. Slightly Smaller. GOLD LACQUER INRO. Mountain Landscape and Torrent, with the Sacred Pheasant or Ho-ho Bird Perched Under a Pine Tree Near the Stream, and on the Reverse Side a Hen and Chick. The High Reliefs are Worked in Many Layers of Polished Powdered Gold, and Mosaic Inlay, with Slight Color Tints and Silver Relief. Five Compartments, Lined with Aventurine and Powdered Gold. ‘ First Afternoon 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 15] 152 153 154 155 IVORY NETSUKE. Form of a Rounded Box or Button. Deftly Carved Pierced Work to Represent a Dense Forest of Pine Trees. Choice and Rare. IVORY NETSUKE. Three Fishermen in a Boat. , Signed. IVORY NETSUKE. Melon on a Branch, with Snail on Top. SMALL CARVED IVORY. Figure of a Demon with Hammer. IVORY NETSUKE. Figure of Dog Foo. IVORY NETSUKE. Warrior on Horse Crossing a Bridge. Signed. CINNABAR LACQUER NETSUKE. Landscape, with Figure of a Man. Reverse Pine Tree and Land- scape, with Hotei and Moon in Silver and Gold. Small Carved Wood Figure of an Eagle on’a Pinnacle. Signed. Miniature Carved Ivory Group—Old Man and Fractious Boy. IVORY NETSUKE. Smiling Dog Foo. IVORY NETSUKE. » Priest on Horse and Man Kneeling. Signed. IVORY NETSUKE. Sacred Bull and Boy Attendant. IVORY NETSUKE. Three Boys and Cart. Signed. First Afternoon 156 157 167 168 169 170 IVORY NETSUKE. Boy and Bear Sitting. . eae igned. IVORY NETSUKE. Rat with Bean Pod. Carved Wood Netsuke—Man and Boy. Cinnabar Lacquer Netsuke—Form of a Nut, Carved with Five Figures of Men, Pine Tree, &c. Carved Wood Netsuke—Duck. Signed. Carved Wood Netsuke—Sleeping Woman. Signed. Carved Wood Netsuke—Ball with Fish and Several Emblems. CARVED WOOD NETSUKE. Octopus and Bunch of Fish. | Signed. Carved Wood Netsukes—Tortoise and Snake, 2 Pieces. Ivory Encrusted Netsuke—Form of Nut and 2 Other Carved- Wood Pieces. Large Carved Coral Umbrella Handle and Beetle, 2 Pieces. SNUFF BOTTLES. PORCELAIN SNUF F BOTTLE. Numerous Red Dragons in the Sea of White Waves. Flattened Ovoid Shape, with Carved Rosette Top, Beautifully Carved in High Relief and Bears a Hall Mark. CARVED CAMEO GLASS SNUFF BOTTLE. Flattened Ovoid Form. Opaque White, with Figure of Lady at a Window, Tree Branches, Landscape with Figures in a Boat-Passing Under a Bridge. Improvised Handles of Dog Foo Heads and Rings. Green Relief on White. | SNUFF BOTTLE. Mottled and Wavy Agate. Thick Ovoid Form. LARGE SNUFF BOTTLE. Fine Yellowish Green Crackle. First Afternoon 17] 172 173 174 175 176 177 178 179 180 FLAT SNUFF BOTTLE. Clouded Red Stone, Like Fossil Marble. Fine Bloodstone Stopper. PORCELAIN SNUFF BOTTLE. Flat Ovoid Body, Carved with River and Garden Scenes and Many Figures in Relief, and Colored in Bright Enamels. Seal Mark. JADE SNUFF BOTTLE. Fat Ovoid Form, Large Coral Top. IVORY UMBRELLA HANDLE. Carved with Figure of a Large Monkey. Carved Umbrella Handle—Frog. LARGE IVORY PIPE CASE. Representing Large Gathering of Persons Bringing Tribute Offerings of Various Objects. Finely Carved in Relief. Signed. IVORY PAPER KNIFE. Carved Figure of a Man Holding the Blade. Emblems in Thick Gold Lacquer. | LARGE IVORY CARVINGS. GROUP. Representing Two Men Fighting a Dragon. Old Smoky Ivory. Artistic. 3 : GROUP. Man Bearing a Basket of Fagots, Leaning on His Axe and Talking to Two Small Boys. Fine Character and Technique. Signed. GROUP. Figure of a Mandarin with Sword and Lighted Torch Standing on a Bank, While Beneath Bends the Figure of a Man Washing a Dish in the River. Signed. 182 183 184 185 186 187 188 First Afternoon LARGE IVORY CARVING. Upright Figure of a Woman Elaborately Gowned with Long Flowing Robes and Draperies, and Carrying a Plant with Long Stems. At Her Feet the Crouching Figure of a Monkey Garbed in Mandarin Robes. Carved from One Piece in Most Dexterous Fashion. Height, 8 Inches. IVORY CARVING. A Man’s Skull, with Snake, Toad and Snails Crawling Through and Over the Surface. Signed. FINE SPECIMEN OF CINNABAR LACQUER. LARGE SWEET-MEAT BOX AND COVER. Round Form, with Five Lobes and Corrugations, Flat Top, with Expansive Garden and Mountain Landscape, with Several Figures Gathering Fruit in the Foreground. The Sides are Exquisitely Carved Floral Surface, with Rama-like Panels on Each Lobe, with Fretwork Borders of Key Design of Joii Heads. Deeply Carved in Bold, and High Relief of Unusual Quality. Breadth, 111/2 Inches. CRYSTAL BALLS AND JADE CARVINGS. ROCK CRYSTAL BALL. Of Exceedingly Fine Purity. With Bronze Tripod Stand Rep- resenting Three Large Storks. Diameter, About 33/1 Inches. mR CRYSTAL BALL. Diameter, Nearly 21/1 Inches. ROCK CRYSTAL BALL. Diameter, | Inch. LARGE JADE COUPE. Form of a Lotus Flower, with Large Border of Lacy Stems and Blossoms Cut in Free Openwork Extending Around and Under the Cup Which is Cut to Extreme Thinness. Slight Oval Form. With Base Carved to Represent Pine Trees. Length, 7:'2 Inches at Widest Part, Depth, 2:'1 Inches. First Afternoon. 189 190 19] 192 193 LARGE JADE CARVING. Sailors Furling Sail on a Junk, with Many Figures in Various At- titudes and Employment. Cut from One Large Block of Grayish White Jade.- Length, 13 Inches. CHINESE TEMPLE VASES. PAIR VERY TALL CYLINDRICAL VASES. Lacquer on Porcelain, with Dragon in High Relief Encircling Each, and Raised Bands Top and Bottom. Covered with Conventional Designs in Panels of Raised Ornamentations in Gold Lacquer and Colors, Exquisitely Executed Diaper Patterns, &c. Height, 33's Feet, Diameter, | Foot. LARGE PORCELAIN TEMPLE JAR. Ovoid Shape, with Large Dome-like Cover Surmounted by an Eagle. Thick Shoulder with Low Neck, and Narrow at Base, Simulated Band Around Body. Large Figures of Eagle and Hawks, Pine Trees and Floral: Landscape, with Deep Lambrequin Border of Red and Gold Over Shoulder. Height, with Cover, 3 Feet. PAIR LARGE MEDALLION VASES. Ovoid Bodies, Narrowing Neck, with Broad Flaring Scalloped Top, Dog Foo Handles and Small Dragon Ornaments in Relief. Conven- tional Decorations in Panels of Garden, Theatre and Household Scenes, the Reds and Greens Prevailing Colors. Height, 32 Inches, Width of Top, 12 Inches. LARGE BEAKER VASE. Broad Flaring Top, Rounded Band Encircling Body Simulating the Covering Over of the Vase Design, Upon Which are Two Dragons in Blue, and Two Floral Pieces. ‘The Main Body is Carved in Relief Representing Mountain Landscape, with Peacock, Magnolia Trees, Bee and Blossoms. Height, 15:/2 Inches. Kang-he. 194 195 196 197 198 a 200 First Afternoon LARGE PORCELAIN VASE. Bottle Shape, with Long Neck, Bamboo Handles in Red. Large Figures of Dragons Flying in Clouds and the Waves, Green and Red Prevailing Colors. LARGE BOTTLE VASE. Globular Base, with Straight Neck. Incised Figures of Foo Dogs in Green Red and Blue Enamels Over a Surface of Yellow Marked with Dark Clouds of Bronze Color. TALL PORCELAIN VASE. Ovoid, with Narrowing Neck and Broad Flanged Top, with Raised Bands on Shoulder and Base. Painted in Red, Green and Black, with Landscape, a Mandarin and Two Spirited Horses, with the Sun Showing in the Clouds and Bats Flying. On the Neck a Land- scape, with Two Figures. LARGE JAR. Blue and White, Ovoid Shape, with Thick Top and Narrowing Foot, Low Straight Neck, Mountain Landscape and River Scenes, with Numerous Figures, Band of Emblems on Neck,*Period Ring Mark, Height, 21 Inches. re. MING JAR. Globular Shape, with Low Beveled Neck, Copper Glaze of Beautiful Quality, with Four Large White Reserves Around Sides, with Decora- tions of Peonies in Raised Enamels, and Eight Small Round Reserves Over and Beneath. Greenish Grey Glaze Inside. Choice Specimen. Has Pierced Carved Dragon Cover. LARGE PORCELAIN VASE. Broad Ovoid Form, with Thick Slightly Flaring Neck, Raised Band Around Shoulder, and Fish for Handles. Iron Rust Glaze, Running Downward Inside the Neck. Fine Early Period Piece. SHRINE. Ornamental Base, with Ribbon-like Festoons and Cut Lotus Designs Forming a Stem on a Broad Base of Conventional Borders, a Wheel- shaped Ornament or “Buddha’s Fan” Surmounting the Top. Kien-lung. First Afternoon 201 202 203 204 205 206 LARGE BOTTLE VASE. Thick Ovoid Base to Sharp Shoulder, Tall Slightly Flaring Neck, with Small Flat Dragon Handles. Chocolate Brown Glaze, with Scroll Designs in Gold Pencilings, and Two Large Reserves Painted with Landscapes in Choice Colored Enamels. Light Blue Glaze In- side. LARGE POTTERY FIGURE. God of Longevity, Holding a Sacred Tortoise. Decorated in Colored Enamels and Gold. GINGER JAR AND COVER. Melon Shape, with Corrugated Sides. Decorations of Fruits and Iris Plants in Rare Colored Enamels, Deep Border of Diaper Pattern Around Neck, Interspersed with Chrysanthemum Rosettes, Green Fretwork Border Beneath. Kien-lung. Ming. BRONZES. LARGE BRONZE INCENSE BURNER. Globular Body, with Broad Low Neck Setting on a Separate Base, with Feet. Two Large Panels Handsomely Chased in High Relief, One of a High Priest Under a Pine Tree Standing by the Sea, Over Which Birds Are Flying, on the Other a Man and Woman Praising the Rising Sun. Conventional Relief Borders, Diaper Work Over Body, with Dragons, Clouds, &c., in Relief. On the Cover is a Large Group, with the God of Life and Dog Foo, Tree Root Seat, Peonies and Clouds. LARGE BRONZE VASE. Ovoid Shape, with Narrow Neck and Broadened Step Top. Finely Chased with Prominent Conventional Designs, Tall Loop Handles, Bandy Feet, &c. DAMASCENED VASE. Conical Form. An Unusually Fine Specimen of Gold and Silver Damascened in Bronze. Diaper and Fretwork in Many Most Minute Forms and Covering the Whole Surface, with Show Marks and Hall Mark. Height, 28 Inches. Height, 93's Inches. 207 208 209 210 211 212 213 214 215 216 217 218 219 First Afternoon LARGE BRONZE FIGURE. The Mother of Moses. By A. Carrier. Height, 22 Inches. BARYE BRONZES. FIGURE OF A HOUND. FIGURE OF A SETTER DOG. The above two items bear the Hall Marks and Artist’s Signature on the model. PAINTED MINIATURES AND PORCELAINS, ETC. ANTIQUE PORTRAIT OF A LADY. Finely Painted on Ivory. About 1800. PORTRAIT OF A FRENCH NOBLEWOMAN. Painted on Ivory by Dumont, 1795. CUT SHELL CAMEOS. Classical Head and Portrait. Two Pieces. ITALIAN STONE CARVING. Fisherman’s Boat and Crew. Cut in Relief. AGATE CUP AND SAUCER. Cup with Handle. Cut from One Piece. Red Variagated Veins. RICE GRAIN TEA BOWL AND COVER. Decorations of Bats, Joii Heads and Show Marks. Marriage Cup and Rose Bottle, 2 Pieces. Egg Shell Marriage Cups, 2 Pieces. OLD WEDGWOOD MINIATURES. Fine Specimens of Blue and White Fabric, with Minute Flaxman Designs. Two Pieces—Candlestick and Flower Pot, with Tray. Rare Soft Paste Cup, 2 Handles, and Purple Lustre Decorations. First Afternoon ~ 220 221% 222 223 224 225 226 227 228 229 230 231 232 233 CHINESE PORCELAIN BOWL. White Semi-Egg Shell. Floral Scroll Design, Carved Under the Glaze. Blue Fretwork Bands Inside and Out. TEA BOWL. Deep Corrugated Sides and Carved Fretwork Minute Floral Designs and Ribbon Festoons in Raised Enamels. TEA BOWL. Floral Specimens Outlined and Painted in Colored Enamels ‘on Yellow Ground. Five Bats Inside. LARGE DEEP. BOWL. Slightly Flaring Edge. Imperial Yellow Ground, with Floral De- signs in Incised Outline. Four Circular Reserves Painted with Beautiful Emblems. Panel and Border Inside. GOURD VASE. Brownish Yellow Glaze, with Decoration of Gourds on Vine in Green, and White Reserve, with Incised Outline. ? Tao-Kuang. Chia-Ching. Slab Specimen of Green Jade. Large Magnifying Glass, Metal Rim. Large Magnifying Glass, Mahogany Rim. Brass Candlesticks and Ornaments. Carved Stands for Balls, 2 Pieces. Reading Glass and Eye Shade. ILLUSTRATED ART WORKS, ETC. ALBUM OF PAINTINGS. On Rice Paper. Consisting of Twelve Plates of Historical Costumes. Quarto, Damask Binding. ANOTHER. : Consisting of Ten Plates Representing Baskets of Rare Flowers. ANOTHER. Specimens of Rare Flowers and Butterflies. Twelve Plates. 234 20 First Afternoon ALBUM OF PAINTINGS. On Rice Paper. Customs and Costumes. Beautifully Bound in Cardinal Silk. 2 Volumes. HISTORY OF THE ART OF PRINTING. From Its Invention to Its Wide-spread Development in the Middle of the XVI Century. Preceded by a Short Account of the Origin of the Alphabet and the Successive Methods of Recording E:vents _ Before the Invention of Printing. By H. Noel Humphreys. _II- 236 237 238 239 240 24] 242 lustrated by One Hundred Fac-similes in Photolithography. Second Issue, Published by Bernard Quaritch, London, 1868. Folio, cloth. Catalogue of the Wm. B. Bement Collection of Art. Quarto, Full Morocco Binding. Engravings from British Artists. Barbizon Days. By Charles Sprague Smith. 8vo, Cloth. N. Y., 1902. Paris Exposition Catalogs. 4 Vols. Catalogues of Foreign Galleries, Cathedrals, &c., 13 Pamphlets. - COLLECTION OF PHOTOGRAPHS. CABINET COLLECTION. Of European Landscapes, of Historical and Prominent Places Throughout Europe, as well as Many of the Paintings of the Old Masters from the Foreign Galleries. Several Hundred Plates Mounted on Folio Cardboard and Contained in a Large Six-drawer Cabinet. LARGE CARVED MAHOGANY CABINET. Beveled Plate Glass Fronts. Two Compartments—Upper and Low- er, with Open Shelf in Centre. ” SECOND AFTERNOON’S SALE. TUESDAY, MARCH 11, 1919, AT 2.30 O’CLOCK Laces and Embroideries. AT 3.30 O’CLOCK Oil Paintings Second Afternoon 262 263 LACES AND EMBROIDERIES. WHITE LACES. Small Valenciennes Medallion. Handkerchief, Original Pattern in Duchess Style. Point Lace Handkerchief. Very Fine Point Lace Collar. Cream Silk Spanish Lace Head Covering. Point Lace Handkerchief. Long Point Lace Scarf, with Broad Rounded Ends. Point Lace 10-inch Lace, 6 Yards Long. Point Lace Trimmings, 3 Odd Pieces. Fine Point Lace Shoulder Shawl, Medallion Patterns. Applique Head Piece. Applique Bandeaux. Fine Point d’espret Scarf, Pointed Ends. Point Thread Lace Strips, 3:/2-inch, 3 Pieces, 33/1 Yards. Large Duchess Lace Head Piece.: Large Duchess Lace Bandeaux. Duchess Lace 6-inch Strips, in 2 Pieces, 33/1 Yards. Duchess Lace 6-inch Strips, to Match, in 10 Pieces, 6 Yards. Duchess Lace 31/s-inch Strips, to Match, in 3 Pieces, 31/2 Yards. ORIENTAL EMBROIDERIES. LARGE WHITE SILK SHAWL. Chinese Embroidery of Floral Designs, Gorgeously Worked in Colored Silks and Gold Thread. Has Deep Net Lace and Fringe Border. Designs Finished on Either Side. LARGE CHINESE SILK EMBROIDERY. An Immense Hanging of Black Satin, Worked with Beautiful Speci- mens of Brilliant Birds and Butterflies in a Landscape of Elaborate Floral Designs. The Birds Represent the Peacocks, Pheasants— or Ho-ho Birds, with Long Way Plumage, Parrot, the Conventional Crane, Butterflies of Several Varieties and Are Worked in the Most Brilliant Colored Silks. The Floral Designs and Deep Borders in Bright-Gold Thread. . Size, 12:/2 Feet Long, 6 Feet Wide. 264 265 266 267 268 269 270 27| 272 273 274 275 276 Second Afternoon ANOTHER.: To Match. OLD INDIA SHAWL. White Ground. BLACK LACE FAN. Mounted on Smoked Pearl. WHITE DUCHESS LACE FAN. Mounted on Carved Wood. HANDSOME WHITE POINT LACE FAN. Mounted on Carved Pearl, with Classical Cut Medallion in Centre. BLACK LACES. Large Maltese Bandeaux, 18 Inches Wide, 91/2 Feet Long. Large Maltese Shawl. | Chantilly Bolero. | Chantilly 10-inch Strip (with Insertion), 8:/2 Yards Long. Chantilly Insertion, 2-inch, 31 Yards. Point 5-inch Lace, 6 Yards. Point 4-inch Lace, 6 Yards. LARGE SPANISH MANTILLA. _ Beautiful Pattern of Fine Black Lace. 277 278 279 280 281 Circular Front Dotted Veil. CHANTILLY LACE COAT. With Long Sleeves. Large Dotted Lace cone 27 Inches Wide, About 7 Feet Long. LARGE BLACK LACE SHAWL. Triangular Shape. BLACK 13-INCH LACE. 10:/2 Yards. Second Afternoon 282 Small Black Lace Diamond Shape Shawl and Neckpiece, 2 Pieces. © 283 Large Black Lace Shoulder Piece. 284 Large Sash, 31/2 Yards. 285 - Large Collar. 286 Collar, Tie and Pair Long Mitts. 287 Black Lace, 14-inch, 4:/2 Yards Long. 288 Black Lace, 5-inch, 12 Yards Long. 289 Black Spanish Lace, 6-inch, 6 Yards. 290 Black Lace, 7:/2-inch, 3 Pieces, 11 Yards. 291 Black Lace, 4-inch, to Match, 4 Yards. 292 Black Lace Veil. 293 Black Lace Strips, &c., 9 Pieces, assorted. Second Afternoon PAINTINGS No. | MILNE RAMSEY AMERICAN Ws NATURE MORTE : spe ey be 4b Meni Height, 26 inches; width, 341% inches Upon a table lies a large lobster and beside it, a kettle, a copper measure, a funnel, a bunch of celery, a glass of salt and a number of vegetables. Signed in lower left. Dated 1889. No. 2 He LicROEFE SALMON AND TROUT Height, 1814 inches; width, 2814 inches. The fisherman’s kit, well filled, rests upon the moss-covered rocks of a sloping ravine. Beside it lie two large salmon, while near them is the angler’s leather fly book and a loose snooded fly. Signed in lower right. Dated 1869. No. 3 DAVID DE NOTER STILL LIFE _ Height, 121% inches; width, 934 inches The family marketing stored in the pantry of an old manse. A big hare lies half upon the tiled floor, near an old table. Next is a jardiniere filled with fruit, a basket of grapes, a stalk of celery and some greens and stand- ing upon the table is a vase of flowers, a tub and a large knife. Signed in lower left. fo. = Second Afternoon No. 4 H. L. BODDINGTON AMERICAN TALLY-LYNN, NORTH WALES Height, 19 inches; width, 36 inches A view of the lake, with the mountains rising against a rolling bank of clouds. In the foreground is a stretch of rokcs, a fisherman and a girl sitting among them, with cattle grazing in the distant meadows. No. 5 DON VINCENTRE PALMAROLI SPANISH A FRENCH WATERING PLACE Cradled panel: height, 20 inches; width, 23°inches A woman sitting upon the beach, her parasol partly hiding her and the paper which she is reading. In the distance children are seen racing along the sand. | Signed in lower left. No. 6 MARTIN DE VOS DutcH THE ESCAPE Height, 20 inches; width, 291% inches A stable interior with three dogs hunting a rat w hich has slipped past them beneath the old wooden chest, from the top of which the black dog is anxiously watching, while upon the brick tiled floor a white terrier lowers his head to see beneath the chest; standing to his left is the sheep dog. - Signed in lower left. No. 7 LOUIS GEORGES BRILLOUIN FRENCH Af rd §? SPANISH BARRACKS Height, 13 inches; width, 1814 inches In the outer chambers of an old Spanish castle, groups of cavaliers are assembled, several about a large table in the foreground, watching with much interest a young recruit being uniformed by the Quartermaster. In the middle distance, beside a large archway, is a group of three men conversing. Beside them sits a large hound and at the extreme right are. two men, one playing a mandolin. ‘ Signed in lower left. No. 8 -DE BEUL, JUNIOR BELGIAN 4 y | CHICKENS Panel: height, 141% inches; width, 2134 inches In the yard outside an old rough-cast barn many chickens are feeding. A ray of sunlight half falls across the stable door, which is partly shaded by the branches of an ‘old tree. Signed in lower left. No. 9 WOUTERUS VERSCHUUR Durcu: 1821-1874. : v4 7 a, FEEDING TIME Panel: height, 534 inches; width, 71% inches A white horse standing in a stable. Facing the front of the stall a boy stands leaning on the manger. Signed across beard on manger. Second Afternoon No. 10 EUGENE VERBOECKHOVEN VO. ee BELGIAN: 1799-1881 SHEEP Panel: height, 6 inches; width, 81% inches Reclining on the straw strewn ground just outside the stable door are two sheep and a lamb, the sunlight falling from above illuminating their thick coats of wool. On the back of the panel is a certificate of authenticity, signed by the artist. No. 11 6, L. EUGENE LAMBERT /). —_ FRENCH: 1825. AN UNWELCOME GUEST H eight, 32 inches; width, 391% inches A terrier stands watching over his dish of bones. Two household cats are nearby, one of them sniffing the contents. The terrier, snarling and ill at ease, betokens trouble at any further encroachment. Signed in lower right. No. 12 fe 74 ue a ALFRED STEVENS BELGIAN: 1828-1906 Uy, K. xX t | FAREWELL Height, 48% inches; width, 361% inches On a balcony overlooking the sea in sight of a steamer putting off in the early moonlight sit a mother and son. The woman’s head is in profile, looking to the left. Her left arm is thrown across the shoulders of the dark-haired boy, dressed in blue, sitting beside her. The moon is up, casting a silvery ray on the ripples and lighting the group. Signed in lower left. Second Afternoon No. 13 EDWARD MORAN /bp — AMERICAN OCEAN WAVES—1871. Khanté 7K. ane Height, 24% inches; width, 421% inches The ocean under a heavy sky of dark, rolling clouds brightening into a grey, hazy horizon, casting about the wreckage of a life boat, about which sea gulls hover and glide in search of prey. Signed in lower left. No. 14 DE NITTIS VE 70. _ ENGLISH AFTERNOON IN HYDE PARK Blogg x br appar Height, 43 inches; width, 72 inches The straightway above the bridge at the bend of the river. From the shade of four trees at the edge of a grove the scene widens. On the right is the river bank, with sheep grazing and enlivened by many figures, while on the river boats are moving. Beyond, the landscape fades into the distance. A torrid sky with mottled clouds casting shadows on the water gives a brightness to the scene. Signed in lower right. No. 15 /b 0. ~ GUSTAVE JACQUET -Frencw: 1846-1909 va i, 4 . pan FORTY WINKS } lyersen’ Panel: height, 16 inches; width, 1244 inches The figure of a young woman gowned in silk sitting in a large arm chair of gold and blue tapestry. A book is held in her right hand and her head has fallen listlessly to the left, showing the profile of the face, the strong light falling upon the clear flesh tints of the face, bust and half-exposed arms. The details of the background are beautifully executed. Signed in lower left. b/f ~ Second Afternoon No. 16 GUSTAVE JACQUET FRENCH: 1846-1909 = a Neha thd BETSY Panel: height, 1214 inches; width, 914 inches Keg. — An ideal portrait of a young woman whose face displays the charm of rounded features and radiant color, resplendent with the bloom of youth. The head is in profile, turned to the right and inclined slightly backward. Signed in upper left. No. 17 MARTIN RICO Vn fa abriehe SPANISH: 1850-1908 As 5 THE ISLAND OF BILLANCOURT Height, 151% inches; width, 231% inches A landscape of the Seine near St. Clouds. The tiny island, the quiet reach of deep water below, the background of solid woods, is all varied depths of green, the monotone being relieved by the coloring in the neers of a woman in the foreground and the masses of clouds above. :: Signed in lower left. Dated 1864. SEE ILLUSTRATION. No. 18 CESARE DETTI ITALIAN: 1850 Wy wi Wd | A LIE Cradled panel: height, 12 inches; width, 16 inches The poses of the principals and the onlookers ih a game of dice afford a splendid opportunity for the display of the characteristic technique of the artist. Astride a bench in a garden, two Cavaliers sit playing at dice. Alongside stands a young maid with tray in hands. Through the open gallery in the background other figures are sitting and moving about. Signed in lower right. Dated 1881. SrE ILLUSTRATION. No. 16 No. 17 » No. 20 ks * 5 \ . - . 4 3 . 3 ‘ } : ‘ . ‘ t 4 ” . ‘ 2 2 ot oe ; ‘ . y 4 . ~ 0 E e ‘ . e ; A . Second Afternoon No. 19 __ JULES DUPRE A bg pee FRENCH: 1812-1889 IN THE MEADOW LANDS Playp x tia. Height, 13 inches; width, 2034 inches 3 A landscape of low-lying meadows with the hazy atmosphere blending distant objects into a vague mass of form and color. In the middle setting a house with high thatched roof among a group of rambling out-buildings, shaded by bushy shrubbery, with a pool of water in the foreground. Be- yond stands the windmill and in the distance, the vague shadow of another among low, rising hills. Patches of blue sky appear through a mass of white, rolling clouds, fading into grey mist on the horizon. Signed in lower right. No. 20 JEAN LEON GEROME J 7 es FRENCH: 1824-1904 AN ARABIAN STEED dd bi xX LD Panel: height, 211% inches; width, 1734 inches In an Oriental street a horseman is displaying the qualities of an Arabian steed to a group of three men, who stand on the opposite side. . The horse steps with head erect, led by the man afoot. A man leaning from an open window above is watching with intent interest. The figures are superbly draped in Oriental costumes, and the architectural surroundings add much to the charm and detail. Signed on side of doorway, centre. Snr ILLUSTRATION. Second Afternoon No. 21 Z / ali eae NARCESSE VIRGILE DE LA PENA DIAZ FRENcH: 1807-1876 bhp x 4, a Lo IN THE FOREST OF FONTAINEBLEAU Height, 26 inches; width, 22 inches The mighty trees of a dense forest silhouetted in picturesque lines against a heavy sky, their gnarled and twisted trunks and distorted branches reaching from below, where a pathway leads through boulders and thick brush to a clearing nearby, through which come rays of light to brighten the erstwhile gloom, finding its way from rock to trunk and partly glisten- ing in a narrow, running brook amongst rocks. Where the forest is the thickest, the figure of a woman can be seen bending over a bundle of fagots. The sun casts a vivid ray through massing clouds, which, except for a - single patch of deep blue, cover the sky. Signed in lower left. SEE ILLUSTRATION. - No. 22 4 f Wh, Paes ADOLF SCHREYER Np K to - GERMAN: 1828-1899 ty Veo © BEDOUIN ARABS Height, 48 inches; width, 75 inches A battle scene on the desert. In the foreground, two Bedouin soldiers, one supporting his wounded comrade, are making their way in flight, their _ horses close together. In perfect unison men and horses seem to leap over the matted ground. Through the smoke-beclouded distance, tribes of horsemen are massed, rearing, plunging and riding in to a hand-to-hand fight. The main figures are most spirited and in the artist’s best style, displaying that quality of action for which he is so noted. Signed in lower right. Gafed /$G8 SEE ILLUSTRATION. No. 21 \ * 4 ‘ * } fo No. 24 | | | Second Afternoon No. 23. CHARLES EMILE JACQUE 4 G09. FRENCH: 1813-1894 SHEEP ENTERING THE BARN u mi v4 ar Ww Height, 26 inches; width, 21% inches With the falling of the evening shadows, the shepherd and his flock return and as he patiently stands by, they crowd through the narrow doorway beneath the thatched roof of an old stone barn, while the shepherd’s dog stands watch at the opposite end. In the foreground are two hens, and, in a high window beside the door, another is preparing to roost. The sun has set and the silvery rays of the rising moon glisten through the towering tree across a patch of blue sky at the left. Signed in lower left. SEE ILLUSTRATION. No. 24 EMILE VAN MARCKE 4 Ms fe FRENCH: 1827-1890 CATTLE Beles Height, 221% inches; width, 3314 inches A green meadow, sunny and level, is bounded by a woods on the left. Occupying the centre of the foreground are two cows, one white, the other a deep red, with white face and feet. The soft blue of a summer sky, the hills and trees with cattle pasturing in the distance form a beautiful back- ground for a characteristic example of this artist’s work. Signed in lower left. SEE ILLUSTRATION. Second Afternoon No. 25 JULES DUPRE: /414.— FRENCH: 1812-1889 J hy AFTERNOON IN THE HOLLAND MEADOWS Height, 18 inches; width, 22 inches A A rich, verdant lowland pasture broken in the foreground by a winding stream, with cows resting on the banks. In the middle distance, near the woodlands, cattle graze, and clumps of trees give shade and color to a land- scape rising in the distance to a line of blue rolling hills. The sky is over- cast with masses of rolling clouds, through which the sunlight is breaking. Signed in lower right. SEE ILLUSTRATION. No. 26 3 4 5h. — _ MIHALY MUNZKACY HUNGARIAN: 1846-1900 JM. kh. x 6 : IN THE FOREST FONTAINEBLEAU Height, inches; width, %& inches A rough roadway scores a broad space of flat, mossy green ground, running far into the distance between rows of ancient trees, whose boughs complete- ly arch the road. Besides these many others at varying distances fill the landscape until, far down the roadway and past a sunlit clearing, the edge of the wood beyond comes into the view. A man clad in a blue coat saunters quietly along the road and here and there wild flowers give a touch of brilliant color. On the left, the scene turns to an open landscape while here and there the clear blue of the sky is caught through the dense foliage. Signed in lower right. SEE ILLUSTRATION. No. 25 Ph No. 26 "3 ‘ * Second Afternoon No. 27 A. SAVINI THE BELLE OF POMPEII Panel: height, 1 11% inches; width, 934 inches With smiling face toward the spectator, sits a beautiful young woman, her left arm thrown back over the seat, while her right holds a brazen chalice. The ray of light from above heightens the flesh tints and tresses of flaxen hair. Signed in lower left. Hos NS4 ; F a . 7 c et ae 18 fa ewe. S err K ee ee Pane oe zs - it 4 , Ei ae eee a , “ OF roe ute . at Publ x er at Bt, ee a rs aA ee eS io0 et 3 Pe in ee > Tas, “ = a) : batt Senet. Me eee i > al a _