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A “ eae ems Sn ay - A mets BE sree “s ay ; ‘ ~ ee: naa END lg SP ai lee tinaieate scp ematnciy Ervetei tet aR eT onan ah : — a“ Tatar’ ag ba ah atm = “a ea Vimy. Nigel@ vy T Mam POL Vink AUN Mp TORE ND i ey " ES eS ® Collected by a ere LES H. CRAMP ‘together with some VORKS OF ART onging to other owners if » | 4 j wl € a Va ‘ M. KNOEDLER & CO, a PAINTINGS Collected by Mr. CHARLES H. CRAMP Together with some WORKS OF ART belonging to other owners The Collection contains many works of the first importance, and has in it the greatest collection of Modern Dutch Art ever offered at Public Sale in America. The Paintings will be on View commencing Monday, November Second, at M. THOMAS & SONS’ GALLERIES 1519-1521 Chestnut Street, Philadelphia The Collection will be sold on the afternoons of Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday and Saturday, November gth, roth, 11th, 12th, 13th and 14th, at 3 o'clock. SAML. S. ELLIS HARRY BARE Auctioneer Manager LS Terms and Conditions of Sale All bills payable in CASH before delivery. | In case of disputes between bidders the lot in dispute shall immediately be put up again and resold. The sale of any Article will not be set aside on account of any error in the description, or imperfection. All articles are exposed for Public Exhibi- tion one or more days, and are sold just as they are, without recourse. To prevent errors in delivery, goods cannot be removed without presentation of the bill, and nothing will be delivered during the sale. We will not be resgensible for goods damaged in delivering. Goods carefully packed and shipped. Ladies and gentlemen unable to attend the sale can have their buying orders executed by us without exira charge. : f 4 ; H i ; M. THOMAS & SONS Auctioneers The Following Artists are Represented in the Collection _Abbema, 419 ° Aivazovski, 418 -Akkeringa, 25, 37, 136, 241, 349 Allingham, 144 Alorda, 13 Arntzenius, 36 Artigue, 341 Atter, 166 Aublet, 384 Aufray, 65 Avigdor, 298 Balestrieri, 183 Ballesio, 453 Bartlett, 423 Bartolini, 146, 212, 496 Bartolozzi, 11, 86, 165, 339, 426 Bastien-Lepage, 473 Battaglia, 413, 461 Bergamini, 368 Berg-Constant, 442 _ Bertaccini, 95 Bilders-Van Bosse, 234, 353 Billet, 508 Biondetti, 227, 268 Bisschop, 240 Blas, 313 Blendeau, 258, 266 Blommers, 125, 205, 288 Bogman, 54, 130, 279, 372 Bonheur, Rosa, 300 Bothams, 28 Boudewijnse, 127 Boutigny, 376 Brandeis, 123, 251, 430 Bricher, 10 Brillouin, 282 Briscoe, 87 Bruneri, 481, 482 Butin, 195, 441 Cabat, 75 Caccierelli, 400 Carosi, 406 Cassieres, 68 Chaigneau, 156 Chaplin, 274, 367 Chase, 390 Ciceri, 184 3 Cloy, 117 Collina, 407 Connell, 478 Corot, 465 Cortazzo, 484 Cosenza, 21 Costa, 96, 110, 259, 269, 373 Courtens, 46 Coutourier, 77 Crogaert, 295, 388 Daiwaille, 466 Dargelas, 397 Daubigny, 192, 505 Day, 99 Decamps, 360 , De Dreux, 196A De Garay, 98 Decl ane) bt. 17.7333 De Hoog, 132, I9I De Jong, 151, 238 De Jonghe, 472 Delacroix, 474 Delpy, 73, 262, 409, 440, 475A Demoye, 382 Deueux, 92 De Nittis, 470, 471 Desbordes, 450 De Simoni, 492 Desvarreux, 263A, 377, 487 Desvarreux-Larpenteur, 155, 222, 477, 495 De Villeneuve, 439 Dierckx, 355 Drummond, 62 Dubois, 450 Du Chattel, 370 Dulnard, 249 Duverger, 64 Dvorak, 43 Egusquiza, 215 Ernst, 147 Etienne, 502 Ferranti, 415, 424 Fichel, 60, 281 Flers, 155 Fortunati, 116 Franceschi, 106 Francolini, 7 Franzen, 179 Fredericks, 3 Fries, 9 Gabet, 109 Gallait, 280 Gambert, 389 Gegerfelt, 160, 270 George, 168, 243, 317, 402, 427 Gerard, 30, 202, 256, 337 Geymuller, 324 Gidding, 167, 244 Gigli, 51 Gioja, 104, 408, 462 Groenewegen, 40, 70, 131, 201 Goethals, 325, 410 Goodin, 88 Goupil, 162 Gros, 507 Gruppe, 152, 198 Guelfi, 8 Guillemin, 142 Guinea, 102 Hamel, 140, 354 Hamman fils, 328, 476 Hamon, 312 Heilbuth, 296, 436 Helder, 286 Henkes, 207, 347 Hernandez, 101, 149 Herson, 14, 91, 176 Heullant, 214 Hilda, 148 Hoppe, 134 Huber, 218, 246, 335 Hulk, 138, 454 Hunn, 186 Indoni, 48, 100, 150, 425 Isman-Dareny, 12 Isabey, 362 Israels, 204 Jacque }(0n.5 1220 Jacque, Emile, 221 Jacquet, 44 Japy, 196 Jardienes, 250 Jeager, 38, 71, 344, 393 Jimenez, L., 284 Johnson, 173 Kaemerer, 141, 375, 433 Kerling, 289 Kever, 56, 126, 206, 287, 485 Kikumasa, 84 Kindleberger, 332, 374 Klinkenburg, 29 Klombeck, 323 Knight, -Av Le; 20 Knight, D. Ridgway, 120 Koekkoek, B. C., 294 Koekkoek, H., 79, 401 Koekkoek, J., 80 Koekkoek, W., 264 Koterbischi, 114, 175 Kuijpers, 230 Kuwasseg fils, 15 Lambert, 219 Lambinet, 363 La Monaca, 145 Laugee, 309 Lazerges, H., 226, 455 Lazerges, P., 161, 242, 319,.A17 Lecomte-du-Nouy, 42, 308 Lefebvre, 223 Leikert, 6 Leloir, Louis, 359 Le Poittevin, 364 Lesrel, 398, 399 Lessure, 260, 267, 338 Levy, 178 Lewis, 420, 510 Lierner, 170, 404, 429 Little, 72, 171, 167,254 Linford, 293, 457 Lion, 432 Lynch, 58 Madrazo, 307 Malecki, 194 Marchetti, 509 Marilhat, 361 Marius, 181 Martens, Willy, 304, 365 Mastenbroek, 35, 188, 277, 348, 394 Mathon, 67, 159, 224, 263, 459 Mauve, 32, 203 Medina, 305 Meissonier, 380 Mellin, 391 Menzel, 90 Mesdag, Van Calcar, 235 Mesdag, H. W., 369 Millet, 488 Monchablon, 5 Moran, P., 248 Moser, 41, 351 Mouillion, 78, 329 Nardi, 50 Nordgren, 321 Novo, 121 _Offermans, 23, 239 Olivetti, 213, 497 Palmaroli, 302 — Paoletti, 261 Pasini, 463, Pecrus, 4 Perboyre, 113 Perrault, 358 Pezant, 157, 343 Philippeau, 278, 387 Pigna, 498 Pigott, 185 Pisa, 108 Pokitanow, 74 Prins, 253 Prospocini, 89 Raggi, 414 Raimundi, 18, 81, 172, 396 Ramsey, 326, 327 Rayner, 493, 494 Revy, 336 Richet, 19, 76 Rink, 177 Thip35 200,127 2, 292, 316,-411, 435 Rivas, 446 Rosierse, 271, 447 Ross, 245 Rossman, 164 Rousseau, 503 Saintin, 306 Sauzay, 499 Savry, 66, 216, 378, 458, 479, 500 Schachinger, 449 Schafer, 66A Schelfhout, 193 Schianchi, 1, 93, 111, 180, 255, 318, 339 421 Schiedges, 395 Schildt, 371 Schmidt, 333 Seignac, 448 Senet, 483 Shenkel, 231, 273, 345 Signorini, 45 Simoni, 283, 451, 506 Simmonetti, 57 Sinibaldo, 452 Steelink, 137, 190, 208 Stevens, Alf, 301 Stiepevich, 63 Tanoux, 297 Taupin, 322, 416 Ten Kate, Her., 290 Ten Kate, Mari, 39, 143, 210, 228, 265, 291, 346, 445 Tenre, 174 Ter Meulen, 209 Thornley, 202A, 379, 460 Timmermans, 26, 276, 314 Tissot, 311 Toulmouche, 119, 310 Toussaint, 211 Troyon, 469 Thijssen, 128, 412 Unterberger, 480 Valerio, 334 Valle, 118 Van Borselin, 392 Van Boskirk, 182, 342 Van Couver, 52, 386, 444, 489 Van Damme, I7 Van de Laar, 129 Van der Bergh, 197 Van der Schouw, 139 Van der Weele, 443 Van Deventer, 53, 468 Van de Windt, 233, 352 Van Driesten, 236 Van Essen, 22, 232 Van Leemputten, 16 Van Marcke, 52A Van Starkenborgh, 182A Van Thol, 153, 199 Van Valkenburg, 133 Van Vrolijk, 229 Varnier, 83 Verboeckhoven, 294, 466 Vibert, 59 Vinea, 357, 437 Vollon, 154 Washington, 299 Waters, 82 Waugh, 163 Weiland, 24, 33, 145A, 217, 274, 366, 340, 385, 438, 486 Weissenbruch, 381 Westerbeck, 189, 275, 315, 491 Wijsmuller, 34, 237, 350 Willems, Florent, 55, 303 Williamson, 115 Willms, 97 Wolbers, 69 Wright, 103, 169 Zessos, 285 Ziem, 504 Zwart, 135, 434 FHleilbuth By the Sea Side GATALOGUE First Session Sale | Monday Afternoon, November goth, at 3 o’clock | SCHIANCHI (F.) Rome The eminent Roman Architectural and Archaeological Painter t Ruins of Roman Forum 2 The Temple of Vesta, Rome 534 X 12% FREDERICKS (Alfred) New York A noted New York artist 3. The Milliner 8 x IO PECRUS (Francois Charles) Deceased Born at Limoges Pupil of Florent Willems 4 Old Romances 9% X 13 MONCHABLON (Xavier Alphonse) Paris ' Born at Avillers (Vosges) Prize of Rome, 1863 Medals, 1869, and Second Class, 1874 Medal, 1889, Exposition Universelle Hors Concours Societaire Reerniadne 103% x 63% SENS TRS ECE 2) Brussels Born at Brussels Pupil of Charles Leikert 6 Winter in Holland 854 x 6 FRANCOLINI Rome 7 Drawing the Wine 854 xX 12% GUEEELEP.) Rome 8 In the Time of the Directory 0% X 1498 FRIIS trap} 9g -Peathes S225 BRICHER (Alfred Thompson) New York ._ Born in Portsmouth, N. H., April 10, 1839 Elected Associate of the National Academy, N. Y., in 1879 10.6 6In the Meadows 22x 10% BARTOLOZZI (P.) Rome Especially eminent for his Roman Scenes 11. Piazza Barberina 572 x12 ISMAN (Dareny) Rome 12 Industry and Idleness 1234 x 19 PoeK DA (P)) Rome 13 Testing the Vintage IIS¥gX7 HERSON (Emile Antoine Francois) Deceased Born _and died in Paris Pupil and friend of Diaz 14 Barbizon 858 x 5 KRUWASSEG FILS (Charles) Born at Draveil ( Seine-et-Oise) Pupil of his father and M. Durand-Brager 15 Antwerp 20 x 12% Pee NeePEMPUTTEN (F.) _ Brussels Born at Brussels Pupil of Verboeckhoven 16 Gathering 654 x 9% VAN DAMME Brussels Born at Brussels Pupil of Verboeckhoven ige aICEpOse 056 x 9% RAIMUNDI (P.) Rome A celebrated painter of Roman Views Dor wasted. of, Angelo 53% X 12% ) Pupil of Diaz, ‘Lefebvre and Bo Honorable Mention, 1885s ov Medal; 1888.2. te, ames Medal, Second Class, 1901 “Hors Concours es Societaire ~ 19 In the Fields near Rouen 22x 15% Lact KNIGHT (Aston Louis) ane Born in the United Stateso2 ecm . Pupil of jules Lefebvre, Tony Robert Fleury and D. Ridgway Knight) eae Medal, 1900, Exposition Universelle _ Honorable Mention, 1901 | 20 On the Seine 2156 X15 COSENZA (S.) a Pape of Dalbono 21 Wash Day on the Naples Shore 11K x 6% ¥ Ay A valuable and beautiful work VAN ESSEN (Jan) Born, 1854 Honorable Mention, 1880, Exposition Universelle, ay Paris Medal at Melbourne, 1881 ae Medal at Amsterdam, 1883 ye Medal at Nizza, 1883 | sae Oo Medal at Brussels, 1884 if Medal at Cologne, 1889 a . His pictures are represented in the Museums at Amsterdam ea Haarlem and in the Collection of the Queen of Holland 22 At the Pool 2234 X 1358 AN tal ah . i a Il OFFERMANS (Tony) lpacen Born, 1854 Pupil of the Academy of The Hague and of B. J. pee Medal, London, 1874 Medal, Amsterdam, 1877 Medal, Colonial Exhibition, Amsterdam, 1883 Medal, Columbian Exhibition, Chicago, 18093 Medal, 1889, Exposition Universelle, Paris Represented in all the noted collections in Holland 23. At Work 16 x 1194 WEILAND (Johannes) Amsterdam Born, 1858 Pupil of the Academy of Rotterdam One of the best of the Dutch Artists 24 Dortrecht 103% x 17% AKKERINGA (Johannes Evert) 3 Oirschot Born, 1864, in Oriental India Studies at the Academies of The Hague and Rotterdam Received the Royal Subsidy Received the Willink Collin Prize Honorable Mention, Paris, 1900, Exposition Universelle 25 Scheviningen—Children on the Beach : 16 x 10% TIMMERMANS (Louis) Brussels Born at Brussels, Belgium Pupil of the Academy of the Fine Arts at Brussels and of Portaels go 2 Lne Zuyder Zee 27 Rotterdam 954 x O¥8 BOTHAMS (W.) Haarlem 28 Resting 7X 49% A most exquisite picture of the highest finish 12 -KLINKENBERG (Karel) The\Hague | Born, 1852 Pupil of The Hague Academy and C. Bisschop Medal, 1889, Exposition Universelle, at Paris Many medals and decorations | Represented in the Museums of Amsterdam, Rotterdam and the Hague 26 7 Enbeck: 634 x 83% Be gat GERARD (J.) 7 Brussels 30 A Summerday in Holland: 31 Scheveningen 17x 10% MAUVE (Anton) Deceased Born, 1838, at Zaandam Died, 1888 Pupil of 'P.. F. Van--Os-at Haarlem Medals at Amsterdam, Vienna and Philadelphia Honorable Mention, Paris Salon, 1880 One of the greatest artists that Holland produced in the last century 32 Returning Home £3:x°70 A costly work WEILAND (Johannes) Amsterdam Born, 1858 Pupil of the Academy of Rotterdam One. of the best Dutch painters 33. Preparing Dinner 144 x21y ' A fine artistic and valuable work ‘ WIJSMULLER (Jean Hildebrand) Amsterdam Born, 1855, Amsterdam Silver Medal at Antwerp Silver Medal at Amsterdam Honorable Mention, Paris, 1898 34 A Holland Village 2034 x 13% 13 VAN MASTENBROEK (Johan Hendrik) Rotterdam Born, 1875 Awarded Prize at Rijks Academy, Rotterdam, 1898 Honorable Mention, Paris, 1900, Exposition Universelle 35 Rotterdam 19% x 13% ARNTZENIUS (Floris) Scheveningen Born, 1864 Pupil of the Academies_of Amsterdam and Antwerp Honorable Mention, 1900, Paris 26 la-Port te 1744 x 12% AKKERINGA (Johannes Evert) Oirschot Born, 1864, Island of Banka, India Studied at the Academies of The Hague and Rotterdam Received the Royal Subsidy Received the Willink Collin Prize Honorable Mention, 1900, Paris Exposition Universelle ee in the Clearing 18 x 1214 A picture of the highest class DE JEAGER (B.) The Hague 38 An Autumn Afternoon in Holland 244% x 14% HEN KATE (MART) The Hague Born, 1831 Studied in Paris He has been awarded three Gold and three Silver Medals Commander of the Eikenkroon Chevalier of the Order of Oranje Nassau His picture of “The Coronation” is in the Collection of the Queen of Holland His art is also represented in the Museums of Breslau, St. Petersburg, etc., etc. 39 The Fisherman’s Family 1798 X 1372 GROENEWEGEN (Adrianus Johannes) The Hague Studied at the Rotterdam Academy under A. Van Maasdijk 40 Holstein Cattle in Holland Fields 20 x 13% MOSER (H.) 4t Old Pasture, Spring 124 x9% LECOMTE-DE-NOUY (Jules ee Antoine) Born. at Paris ; Pupil of Gerome and Signol Medals, 1866 and 1869 Medals, Second Class, 1872 _ Cross of the Legion of Honor, 1876 Silver Medal, 1889, Exposition Universelle Honorable Mention, tgo1, for Sculpture Hors Concours ~ Societaire 42 A Corner Market in Pompeii 1854 x I5 DVORAK (Frant) Born at Prélouc (Bohemia) Pupil in Paris of Dagnan-Bouveret ~ 43 In Dreamland ; 0%2 X7 JACQUET (Jean Gustave) Born in Paris, May 25, 1846 Pupil of Bouguereau Medal, 1868 Medal, First Classsa18753 Medal, 1878, Exposition Universelle Cross of the Legion of Honor, 1879 Hors Concours Societaire 44 The Trysting Place IIZ4x17y SIGNORINI (Giuseppe) Born at Rome Medal, 1900, Exposition Universelle Many distinctions in Italy ashe Young Countess IVA XII A beautiful and paid work ‘ + A Corner Market in Pompeii Lecomte-du- Nouy | ay mieCOURTENS (Franz) Brussels Born at Termondes, Belgium Honorable Mention, Paris Salon, 1882 Medal, Second Class, 1884 Grand Prix, 1889, Exposition Universelle Hors Concours 46 A Spanish Waitress 47 The Flower Girl 10%4x15% INDONI (F.) Rome 48 Sunday Morning—A Boy of the Cam- pagna 49 A Holiday—A Girl of the Campagna 144x214 Nothing finer has ever been painted by this celebrated artist NARDI(E.) Rome 50 The Meeting 154% x 21% GIGLI (R.) Rome 51 Tender Moments 1314 x 20 VAN COUVER (Johannes) Holland 52 Flying Clouds—in Holland 2144 x 143% VAN MARCKE (Emile) Deceased Born at Sevres (Seine-et-Oise) Pupil and Son-in-Law of Troyon Medals, 1867, 1869 and 1870 Cross of the Legion of Honor, 1872 Medal of the First Class, 1878, Exposition Universelle Hors Concours 52A Resting in the Fields 13 x 9/2 is) VAN DEVENTER (Willem Antonie) | Deceased Born, 1824 Died, 1893 Pupil of H. V. de Sande Baknises Medals at The Hague, 1857 and 1859 Medal at Rotterdam, 1862 53. A Windy Day—Scheviningen 24 X 1934 A picture of splendid quality ~ BOGMAN (Herman Christiaan) The Hague Born at The Hague . Pupil of Jan Vrolijk and The Hague Academy 54 In the Fields of Holland 2478 X 1534 WILLEMS (Florent) Brussels Pupil at the Academy of Malines Born at Liege, 1824 Medals, 1844 and 1846 Cross of the Legion of Honor, 1853 Medal, First Class, 1855, Exposition Universelle Officer of the Legion of Honor, 1864 é Medal, First Class, 1867, Exposition Universelle Medal, 1878, Exposition Universelle Commander of the Legion of Honor, 1878 — Hors Concours Officer of the Order of Leopold Medals in Brussels in 1842 and 1845 Many other medals in Belgium and foreign countries 55 Childhood’s Happy Hours 1254 x 16 From the collection of the late John W. Lockwood, who originally purchased it for $1750 IKKEVER (Jacob Simon Hendrik) Laren Born, 1854 Pupil of P. F. Greive _ Medal, 1889, Exposition Universelle Silver Medal, 1900, Exposition Universelle Gold Medal, 1896, Amsterdam Silver Medal, 1893, Chicago Exposition Gold Medal, 1899, Amsterdam SOc Inthe Orca ce 10% x 16 A fine example of one of the greatest of the Dutch painters Willems Childhood’s Happy Hours 55 21 SIMONETTI (Ettore) Rome 57 Testing the New Wine 154% x 22% LYNCH (Albert) | + 7Paris Born at Lima (Peru) Pupil of M. Gabriel Ferrier Medal, Third Class, 1890 Medal, First Class, 1900, Exposition Universelle ; Medal, First Class, 1892 ~ Cross of the Legion of Honor, 1901 Hors Concours 58 The Governess 107% x 15% VIBERT (Jean Georges) Deceased Born at Paris, 1840. Died, 1902 Puoil of Barrias and the School of Fine Arts Medals, 1864, 1867 and 1868 Cross of the Legion of Honor, 1870 Medal, 1878, Exposition Universelle Officer of the Legion of Honor, 1882 Hors Concours Societaire 59 Zerlinda 6.13 FICHEL (Benjamin Eugene) Deceased Born at Paris, August 30, 1826 Pupil of Paul Delaroche Medals, 1857. 1861 and 1869 Cross of the Legion of Honor, 1870 Medal, Second Class, 1889, Exposition Universelle Hors Concours Societaire 60 The Violin Solo 61 A Gentleman of the Olden Time 7x 10% 2m DRUMMOND (Julien E.) Brighton, England His picture in the Royal Academy Exhibition in 1903 i excited much admiration. 62 A Highland Beauty 1514 x 213% STIEPEVICH (V. G.) renee ee Grand Prize at Royal Academy of Venice, 1865 Member of the Royal Academy of Milan, 1872 He decorated the Chamber of Commerce at St. Louis, Mo. ~ 63 Feeding Pigeons in Venice, in Olden — Days 157 X 11% A splendid example of this eminent artist DUVERGER (Theophile Emanuel) Deceased Born at Bordeaux, France, September 17, 1821 Medal, 1861, 1863 and 1865 Medal, 1889, Exposition Universelle Hors Concours Societaire 64 Childhood Sports 13 X 1534 PER AY ol) Paris Pupil of Edouard Frére 65 Trying it On 1434 X 21 Pep OAR a0 wha Brussels Born in Holland Pupil of J. H. L. De Haas Medal at The Hague 66 Milking Time 49% X 31% wiClm ect eae st ck) 664 Church Interior La Calle de los Santos at Jativa, Spain 25 MATHON (Emile Louis) _ Paris Bort at Paris Pupil of Arbant and Daubigny Medals at Rheims and Ghent Medal at Antwerp Medal at Marseilles 67 Le Calle de los Santos, at Jativa, Spain 32 X 2534 CASSIERES (H.) Antwerp 68 Moonlight in Holland 214% x 15% WOLBERS (Hermanus Gerhardus) Haarlem Born, 1856 Pupil of J. Van Wyngaerdt 69 Holland Meadow 2034 x 1334 GROENEWEGEN (Adrianus Johannes) The Hague Studied at the Rotterdam Academy under A. Van Maasdijk 70 Homeward Bound 1354 X 297% De JEEGER (B.) The Hague 71 - Late Afternoon in Holland 1234 x 19% 714 Autumn Day ona Holland Canal 194 x 12% PaiLil (].) Amsterdam 72 Heerengracht, Amsterdam 1334 x 10 * . ey ee } ; ne “ta k 7 ¥ 26 DELPY (Camille Hippolyte) Paris Born at Joigny (Yonne) Pupil of Corot and Daubigny, and a worthy succe’sor Honorable Mention, 1881 Medal, 1884 Honorable Mention, 1889, Exposition Universelle - Medal, Second Class, 1g00 Hors Concours Societaire Medals at Marseilles and Lyons Medal at Tours 73. Morning 1534 X 9% POKITANOW (Ivan) Paris Born at Odessa, Russia Medals at Moscow and St. Petersburg Silver Medal, 1900, Exposition Universelle at Paris 74 The Danube at Belgrade 63% x 434 A perfect gem of art, and the artist very rarely paints any picture larger than this : CABAT (Nicholas Louis) Deceased Born at Paris, December 6, 1812 Died in Paris, 1892 Pupil of Camille Flers” First exhibited in 1833 Medal, Second Class, 1834 Cross of the Legion of Honor, June 6, 1843 Officer of the Legion of Honor, November 14, 1855 Medal, Third Class, 1867, Exposition Universelle Member of the Institute of France, November 9, 1867 Occupying the fourth seat, previously filled by Vincent, Prud’hon, Bidauld and Brascassat Director of the French Academy at Rome, 1880 Hors Concours Societaire His most famous pupil was Fromentin 75 October Morning — Bercenay-en-Othe (Aube) 2144 x 13% monet. (Leon) Paris Born at Solesmes (Nord) Honorable Mention, 1885 Medal, 1888. Medal, Second Class, 1901 Hors Concours Societaire 76 Washerwomen—Scene in Brittany 13% x 10% COUTOURIER (Philibert Leon) - Deceased Born at Chalon-sur-Saone (Saone et Loire) Medal, 1855, Exposition Universelle _ Medal, 1861 Medal, 1889, Exposition Universelle Hors Concours Societaire 77 Inthe Barnyard 213%, x 15% MOULLION (Alfred) Deceased Born in Paris Died in Paris, 1887 Pupil of Delestre Medal, 1880 Exempt 78 In the Harvest Field 53% X 3172 KOEKKOEK (Hermanus, Jr.) ~ London Born at Amsterdam, December 8, 1836 Pupil of his father, Hermanus Koekkoek, Sr. Medal, 1882, Arti et Amicitiz Chevalier of the Order of the Oaken Crown of Holland, 1887 Honorable Member of the Royal Academy of Amsterdam Two of this artist’s works belong to the Queen of Holland 79 View off the Needles—Isle of Wight— Fresh Water Bay 2434 x 18 KOEKKOEK (Johannes Hermanus Barend) London 80 Towards Evening 24% X 30% 28 Second Session Sale Tuesday Afternoon, November ioth, at 3 o’clock RAIMUNDI (P.) | = Roe 81 The City Arch, Rome—Arch of Titus — 5SAxX12% . WATERS (G. Safford) 82 A Clear Morning on the Coast 1378 X 9% VARNIER (Anton) Deceased 83 On the Coast of Brittany | 36 x 23 KIKUMASA 2 Tokio’ 84 Fishing 14x10 85 Young Manufacturers | 13x10 BAR TOEOZ/ 14 Rome 86 Arch of Constantine, Rome 57% X12 3 Bhd GO Loe cele Deceased 87 Nearing Port | 18 x 22 GOODIN (L. E.) 88 Scene on the Coast of Holland 16 x 101%4 Pico LOCINTI (A.) 89 Entrance of the Grand Canal SOL A beautiful aquarelle MENZEL (Carl) 90 A Horse Fair 4034 X 3034 HERSON (Emile Antoine Francois) Born and died at Paris Pupil and friend of Diaz 91 Moonlight—Honfleur 9x 534 DENEUX (G.) Born in Paris Pupil of De Nittis Medal at Dijon 92 The Seine near Paris 21I2ZX 15% pele (F.) 93 Forum of Augustus, Rome 94 Temple of Pallade 534 X 11% BERTACCINI (A.) 95 The Roman Campagna 938 x 4% BA COSTA (L.} 96 A Good Vintage 912X772 Venice Deceased Deceased Deceased Rome Rome Rome 30 WILLMS (Albert) Bru ssels ah 97 Waiting for the Master : a 1378 X 978 DE GARAY (M.) "Deceased =m 98 A Visit to the Farm | 0% x 2¥4 DAY (Francis) | en NEW Cone 99 Hazard at Golf 14% x 20% INDONI (F.) _ Ronee 100 Father’s Footsteps 22 X31 HERNANDEZ (D.) | | Paris 101 Columbine 144% x 20% GUINEA (Anselmo) Rome 102. The PetGoats 7 23% X 34% WRIGHT (Samuel A.) 103 Chums 24 x 20 GIOJA (B.) 7 | Rome 104 The Struggle for Mastery 105 Approaching a Climax 213K x 14% ; These are the best works by this celebrated artist 101 Columbine Hernandez a DE FRANCESCHI (M.) Rome 106 Preparing for Departure to7 lhe Caravan 2134 x 1434 PISA (Alberto) London 108 Westminster Abbey rox 1 GABE T Venice 109 San Giorgio, Venice } 193@ X 15 DP weOs TA (b-) Rome 110 Dressed in His Best 10%4 x15 mira til (F.) Rome tite the Porum of Trajan 112 ower of St. Angelo at Rome 534 x 124% Peep OYRE (Paul Emile Leon) Parts Born at Alsace, of French parents Pupil of Bonnat, Feyen-Perrin and Robert-Fleury meee 1 ne lavorite 1I4~Ax 14% Pei Biot rl(b.) Rome 114 Contemplation | 9 x 1334 WILLIAMSON (Frank) London 115 Blackfriars, London 15 x8 “A A 34 FORTUNA 116 Cattle on Roman Campagae ; 104 x7% COV iio London 117 The Little Berry Picker 034 x 1334 Wad Bs By Ge @ ney Venice 5 , 118 The Lion of St. Mark, Venice 8x 12% TOULMOUCHE (Auguste) Deceased Born at Nantes Medals, 1852, 1859 and 1861 Cross of the Legion of Hionor, 1870 Medal, 1878, Exposition Universelle Medal, Second Class, 1889, Exposition Universelle Hors Concours Medals at Toulouse and Marseilles Medals at Rome and Florence Medal at Vienna tig . Prepared to! Receive QO 2027s This picture was sold several years ago for $3000 KNIGHT (Daniel Ridgway) Paris Born in Philadelphia Pupil of the Ecole des Beaux-Arts, Paris Pupil in 1872 of Gleyre and in 1876 of Meissonier Honorable Mention, 1882 Medal, 1888 Medal Argent, 1880, Exposition Universelle Cross of the Legion of Honor, 1889 Hors Concours Gold Medal, Columbian Exposition at Chicago, 1893 Gold Medal, Munich, 1888 Gold Medal, Antwerp, 1895 Order of St. Michael, Munich, 1895 Gold Medal of Honor at Academy of Fine Arts at Philadelphia 120 The Favorite Model 20 x 24 mm Sj By) NOVO (Stephano) Venice 121 A Girl of the Campagna in Holiday Attire 22) ihe Farewell 8x 164% BRANDEIS (A.) 3 Florence 123 Panorama del Giardino Boboli, Flor- ence 124--1he bridge of Sighs 54 X 92 The finish and detail of these pictures is extraordinary BLOMMERS (Bernardus Johannes) The Hague Born at The Hague, January 30, 1845 Pupil of the Academy of The Hague Gold Medals at The Hague, Amsterdam, Munich, Brussels Honorary Diplomas at Antwerp, Amsterdam, Chicago and Brussels Medal, 1889, Exposition Universelle Gold Medal, Paris, 1900 Chevalier of the Orders of St. Michael of Bavaria, oor of Belgium and Nederlandsche Leeuw His work is in the principal Museums of Holland 125 The Mid-day Meal 1834 x 14%4 A most beautiful specimen of this great master and cannot be surpassed by any of his works KEVER (Jacob Simon Hendrik) Laren Born 1854 Pup or P./F. Grieve Medal, 1889, Exposition Universelle Silver Medal, tg00, Exposition Universelle Gold Medal, 1896, Amsterdam Silver Medal, 1893, Chicago Exposition Gold Medal, 1899, Amsterdam 126 Return from Labor 20x 134 38 BOUDEWIJNSE (A.) The Hague . Pupil of F. Cormon, Paris Chevalier of the Order of Oranje Nassau Bronze Medal, Paris, 1900, Exposition Universelle 127 Domestic.Duties 1674 x24 © THIJSSEN (Carolus Johannes) : Laren Born 1867 Pupil of the Academy of Rotterdam 128 Preparing Breakfast 1644 x 2134 VAN DE LAAR (Prof. Jan Hendrik) Deceased Born at Rotterdam, January 1, 1807 Died at Rotterdam, May 15, 1874 Pupil of Cornelis Bakker and Baron Wappers Resided in Antwerp, The Hague and Rotterdam Member of Antwerp Academy in 1852 Professor of the Antwerp Academy 129. ©The Fortine Gellee ae MO TLis picture was painted in 1864, in the height of the artist’s fame BOGMAN (Herman Christiaan) The Hague Born at The Hague Pupil of Jan Vrolijk and The Hague Academy 130 Ina Holland Meadow 197% X14 GROENEWEGEN (Adrianus Johannes) The Hague Pupil of A. Van Maasdijk and the Rotterdam Academy 131 A Summer Day in Holland Fields 20'%4 x 135% 39 DE HOOG (Bernard) Laren Born, 1866 Pupil of Jan Van Essen 132 A Holland Home iBxi11y4 VAN VALKENBURG (HENDRIK)~- _ Deceased Born, 1826 Died, 1896 Pupil of the Academy at Antwerp Silver Medal, 1847 Bronze Medal, 1871, Luik Gold Medals at Amsterdam, 1874 and 1888 Gold Medal at The Hague, 1872 Gold Medal in London, 1884 Honorable Mention, 1889, Exposition Universelle Silver Medals at Paris, London and Berlin Represented in the principal Museums of Holland 133 The Busy Housewife 22x 16% HOPPE (Ferdinand Bernhard) The Hague Born, 1841 Studied at the Dusseldorf Academy under Prof. Carl Ludwig Two Silver Medals Represented in the large collections of Holland and Germany 134 By the Brook 2534 x 18% ime went (Willem H. P. J.) Amsterdam Born, 1862 Pupil of Jacob Maris and The Hague Academy Medal of the Second Class at Munich Medal at Antwerp Medal, Columbian Exhibition, 1893, Chicago Honorable Mention, 1889, Exposition Universelle 135 Scheveningen 163% x 223% 40 AKKERINGA (Johannes Evert) Oirschot Born, 1864, at Banka, India Studied at the Academies of The Hague and Rotterdam Received the Royal Subsidy Received the Willink Collin Prize Honorable Mention, 1900, Paris 136 Mending Nets in Holland 25x16 STEELINK (Wilhelm) | The Hague Born, 1856 Pupil of the Academies of Amsterdam and Antwerp Pupil of Wilhelm Steelink, Senior L370 ne hice 24 x 1634 PLGERS | [olticrt ss oe Amsterdam Born, 1855 Studied in the Academy of Amsterdam and the Julian School at Paris Medals at Scheveningen and Barcelona Honorary Member of Fine Arts Academy of Venezuela Decorated with the Order of St. Bolivar Represented in many important Museums and in that at Caracas 138 Ducks and Ducklings. 1994 X 1398 VAN DER SCHOUW (Adriaan) The Hague Born, 1874 Pupil of the Rotterdam Academy Pupil of Le Bourge, Paris 39 Cattle by the Canal 1994 X 13/2 HAMEL (Willem) The Hague Born, 1860, Rotterdam Studied in Rotterdam and Antwerp Medals in London and Barcelona Diploma of Honor, Paris, 1900, Exposition Universelle His work is represented in the Collections of H. M. the Queen of Holland, H. R. H. the Grand Duke of Saxe-Weimar, and celebrated museums 140 Leading the Flock 1834 x 121%4 137 The Flock Steelink e “am 43 KAEMMERER (Frederic Henry) Deceased Born at The Hague, 1839 Pupil of Gerome and the Ecole des Beaux-Arts, Paris Medal, 1874 Silver Medal, 1899, Exposition Universelle Cross of the Legion of Honor, 1889 Hors Concours 141 The Songstress 8x14 GUILLEMIN (Alexandre Marie) Deceased. Born at Paris, October 15, 1817 Died at Bois le Roi (Seine et Marne), October, 1880 Pupil of Gros Medals, 1841, 1845 and 1859 Cross of the Legion of Honor, 1816 _ Hors Concours 142 Early Lessons 044 x 734 TEN KATE (Mari) | The Hague Born, 1831 Studied in Paris He was awarded three gold and three silver medals Commander of the Eikenkroon Chevalier of the Order of Oranje Nassau His picture “The Coronation” is in the collection of the Queen. of Holland His art is also represented in the Museums of Breslau, St. Peters- Bure, -etc., ete, 143. Wash Day 167% x 11% ALLINGHAM (H.) London Honorable Mention, tg00, Exposition Universelle 144 Sunflowers 6% x7 This artist’s works of this importance sell in London for 100 guineas She is said to be the best lady artist in England PY MONACA Pars Greatly celebrated in Paris Mise wine Serenade IIAx 15% 44 WEILAND (Johannes) — Amsterdam Born, 1858 Pupil of the Academy of Rotterdam One of the most eminent artists of Holland 145A Early Morning near Haarlem, Holland 1534 x 1034 BARTOLINI (F.) one One of the great artists of Italy Many distinctions 146 A Rug Merchant, Cairo 1434 x 2134 ERNST (Rodolphe) Paris Born at Vienna, Austria Pupil of M. Feuerbach Medal, 1889, Exposition Universelle Honorable Mention, 1900, Exposition Universelle 147 Going to the Fountain 1238 x 193% HILDA (Eléonore Mme.) ae Born “at Paris Pupil of Rodolphe Ernst 148 The Tiger's Den 14 x 1834 HERNANDEZ (Daniel) Paris 149 Columbine 14 x 26 INDONI (F.} Rome One of this artist’s finest works 150 An Italian Game 2214 x 31% 45 PESIONG (Jan) 3 The Hague Born, 1863 Pupil of the Academy at Rotterdam Several Academic medals During four years received a Subsidy from H. M. the Queen Represented in the Museum at Middleborg and in other noted. collections 151 A Dutch Alley 10lg x 1734 GRUPPE (Ch:-Paul} The Hague Born at Picton, Canada Pupil of Joseph Israels and Mesdag 152 Autumn Woods 97% X14 VAN THOL (Hendrik Otto) Deceased’ Born, 1859 Died, 1902 Pupil of the Academy at The Hague Received the Subsidy of H. M. the Queen, 1892 and 1893 Represented in the Museum at Middleborg and in other noted. collections 153 Winter 20%4x 14 VOLLON (Antoine) Deceased. Born at Lyons, April 20, 1833 Pupil of Ribot Pupil of the Academy at Lyons Medals, 1865, 1868 and 1869 Cross of the Legion of Honor, 1870 Medals of the First Class, 1878, Exposition Universelle Officer of the Legion of Honor, 1878 Member of the Jury, 1889, Exposition Universelle Member of the Institute of France, 1808 Hors Concours Societaire 154 still Life 13 x 938 40 FLERS (Camille) Born at Paris; February 15, 1602 Died at Annet (Seine- et-Marne), June 27, 1868 Pupil of Monsieur Paris Medal, Third Class, 1840 Medal, Second Class, 1847 Cross of the Legion of Honor, 1849 Hors Concours 155 In the Pields of- frances = 1734 X 115% ; a > Deceased CHAIGNEAU (Ferdinand) Barbizon, France Born at Bordeaux (Gironde) Pupil.of Brascassat Honorable Mention Medal, 1889, Exposition Universelle Medal at Bordeaux 156 Sheep at the Spring 1274 x 16% ® PEZANT (Aymar) : | Parise ane Born at Bayeux (Calvados) Pupil of M. de Vuillefroy Honorable Mention, 1883 Medal, Third Class, 1888 Honorable Mention, 1889, Exposition. Universelle- Medal, Second Class, 1890 Medal, t900, Exposition Universelle Hors Concours Societaire 157 Cattle Resting in Holland Fields 24 X 1934 DESVARREUX-LARPENTEUR (James) Paris Born at Saint au! Pupil of Yvon - Pupil of Van Marcke and M. de Vuillefroy Medal at Brussels 158 On the Edge of the Wood, at ven France 2534 X 2198 This is one of the finest examples of this artist’s work exhibited in Philadelphia In a sale in Paris in t880, a small picture by him brought 3800 francs. (See “Dictionary of Painters.”) eens cess nessa 49 MATHON (Emile Louis) Deceased Borate Paris Pupil of Arbant and Daubigny Medals at Rheims and Ghent Medal at Antwerp Medal at Marseilles 159 A Fisher Woman of Dieppe _ 1234 x 235% -GEGERFELT (Wilhelm De) Paris Born at Gothenburg, Sweden Medal at Stockholm Medal at Christiania 160 A Winter Evening on the Holland Coast 3134 X 205% LAZERGES (Jean Baptiste Paul) Deceased Berm at-oParis Pupil of his* father Medal, 1884 Medal, Second Class, 18908 Hors Concours Societaire 16t Inthe Hill Country—Algiers 39% x 69. GOUPIL (Jules) Deceased Bort at’ Paris Pupil of Ary Scheffer Medals, 1873 and 1874 First Class Medal, 1875 Medal, Second Class, 1878, Exposition Universelle Cross of the Legion of Honor, 1881 Hors Concours 162 Mother’s Jov and Care 201%4 x 24% ‘WAUGH (Fred. J.) Pupil of his father As Born in Philadelphia mg 163 The Gate by the Woods 26 x22", 2 ROSSMAN (X.) a | This Paris Born. at:Paris Pupil of Arbant and Daubigny Medals at Rheims and Ghent Medal at Antwerp Medal at Marseilles 263 At Jativa—Valencia, Spain 2358 X 1334 DESVARREUX (R.) Paris Societaire 263A Napoleon I. and his Aid-de-Camp 1806, in the morning before the battle 127% x 16% 4 | | 83 KOEKKOEK (Willem) . Deceased 264 Bridge in Amsterdam 2354 x 171% TENKATE (Mari) The Hague Born, 1831 Studied in Paris He was awarded three Gold and three Silver Medals Commander of the Eiken Kroon Chevalier of the Order of Oranje Nassau His picture of “The Coronation” ts in the Collection of the Queen of Holland His art is also represented in the Museums of Breslau, St. Petersburg, etc., etc. 265 Tending the Flock 14 X 434 BLENDEAU (Paul) Paris 266 Food for the Rabbits 972 X 1372 ERSSURE {Jules} Paris 267 Marseilles 10x 6% DIG NORE TT: (A) Venice One of the best painters of scenes in Venice 268 Beautiful Venice 1258 X 778 O° (L: ) Florence 269 Pleasant Anticipations 10% x15 GEGERFELT (Wilhelm von) Paris Born at Gothenburg, Sweden Pupil of the Academy at Stockholm Medal at Stockholm Member of the Stockholm Academy 270 Winter Evening near The Hague 2834 x 2138 i 84 ROSTERS Gl) Deceased s Pupil of Van Schendel 271 Night Market at Amsterdam RIP (Willem Cornelis) | The Hague Born, 1856 Pupil of R. Van Eysden of Rotterdam and Carl Piloty of Munich Silver Medal at Rotterdam Bronze Medal at Scheveningen Honorable Mention, 1889, Exposition Universelle Medal, Paris, 1900 Represented in the Collections of Her Majesty, Queen Wilhelmina, and Her Majesty, the Queen Mother a70 on the Road to the Town 14/4 X 9% # SO ENICEL | Holland The great painter of Cathedrals and Churches 273 Vhe Dutch Chirgneae London, England 1454 x 183% WEILAND (Johannes) Amsterdam Born, 1858 Pupil of the. Academy of Rotterdam One of the best of the Dutch artists 274 Industry 115g x18 WESTERBEEK (Cornelis, J.) The Hague 275 Road Through the Village 21Y%4,x14% TIMMERMANS (Louis) Brussels Born at Brussels, Belgium Pupil of the Academy of the Fine Arts at Brussels and of Portaels 276 Early Morning at Rotterdam i3 xa 85 VAN MASTENBROEK (John Hendrik) Rotterdam Born, 1875 Awarded Prize at Rijks Academy, Rotterdam, 1808 Honorable Mention, 1900, Exposition Universelle 277 By De Engelsche Booten 303% x 18 PHILIPPEAU Deceased 27or the lirst Dance 1034 x 143% BOGMAN (Herman Christiaan) The fines Born at The Hague Pupil of Jan Vrolijk and The Hague Academy 279 Grazing in Holland 1994 X 1334 GALLAIT (Louis) Deceased Born at Tournay, Belgium, March 10, 1810 Pupil of the Academies of Tournay and Antwerp Pupil of Hennequin First Prize at Ghent, 1831 Medals, 1835 and 1848 Cross of the Legion of Honor, 1841 Grand Medal of Honor, 1855, Exposition Universelle Member of the Institute of France Hors Concours The City of Brussels struck a Special Medal in his honor, in 1841 Chevalier of the Order of the Crown of Oak of Holland Grand Cordon of the Order of Leopold of Belgium Commander of the Order of St. Etienne of Austria Chevalier of the Order of the Lion, Héerlandzs Member of the Royal Academy of Fine Arts of Belgiunr Member of the Academy of Antwerp Member of the Royal Academy, London Member of the Academies of Munich, Berlin and Paris. Great Gold Medal of Austria at Vienna, 1882 Received the Prussian Order of Merit 280 Sorrows Forgotten 1034 x 131% This picture cost over $1500 to import 86 FICHEL (Benjamin Eugene) Deceased Born at Paris, August 30, 1826 Pupil of Paul Delaroches. Medals, 1857, 1861 and 1869 Cross of the Legion of Honor, 1870 Medal, Second Class, 1889, Exposition Universelle Hors Concours Societaire 281 A French Cafe in the Olden Time 13x 16% BRILLOUIN (Louis Georges) Deceased Born at Saint Jean d’Angely (Charente Inferieure), Det 221817 ies Pupil of Drolling and Cabat Medals, 1865, 1869 and 1874 Hors Concours 282 The Visit to the Studio 204% x 147% SIMONI (Gustavo) Rome One of the greatest of the Italian artists Diploma of Honor, 1889, Exposition Universelle 283 The Cavalier 1454 x 21% This is one of the most beautiful works by this artist JIMENEZ (Louis) : Paris Born at Seville, Spain, June 21, 1845 Pupil of Eduardo Cano Pupil of the Ecole des Beaux Arts at Seville Moved to Paris in 1875 Medal at Paris, Third Class, 1887 Grand Prix, 1880, Exposition Universelle Cross of the Legion of Honor, 1889 Hors Concours Medals at Seville, Madrid and Cordova Medal at Barcelona Medal at Valencia Medal at Munich 284 The Wine Song : 1244 x 16% The Sisters 89 ZESSOS (Alessandro) Venice Pupil of the Academy of Venice Chevalier of the Crown of Italy Honorable Mention, 1889, Exposition Universelle 285 A Venetian Beauty 1514 x 203% A picture of the highest quality and beauty HELDER (Johannes) The Hague 286 The Old Mill 34% x 2834 KEVER (Jacob Simon Hendrik) Laren ; @ Born, 1854 Pupil of P. F. Greive Medal, 1889, Exposition Universelle Gold Medal, 1896, Amsterdam Silver Medal, 1893, Chicago Exposition Gold Medal, 1809, Amsterdam Zo7e? lhe Sisters ; 19/8 X 2278 This is one of the greatest pictures by this eminent painter, and in many respects has never been surpassed in any of his works BLOMMERS (Bernardus Johannes) The Hague Born at The Hague, January 30, 1845 Pupil of the Academy .of The Hague Gold Medals at The Hague, Amsterdam, Chicago and Brussels Medal, 1889, Exposition Universelle Gold Medal, Paris, 1900, Exposition Universelle Chevalier of the Orders of St. Michael of Bavaria, Leopold of Belgium and Nederlandsche Leeuw His work is in the principal Museums of Holland 288 Meal Time 1444 x 113% Nothing finer in quality and beauty has ever been produced by this. artist ae gO KERLING (Anna E.) The Hague Born, 1862 Mi Pupil of O. Eerelman, S. Robertson and the Academy at The Hague Silver Medal at The Hague Academy Honorable Mention, 1900, Paris, Exposition Universelle ‘This artist is represented in the collection of the Queen of Holland 289 Preparing Dinner 14% x 1858 TEN KATE (Herman Frederik Karel Deceascas Born, February 16, 1822, at The Hague Died, 1891 Pupil of Cornelis Kruseman of Amsterdam He won a medal at the Academy of The Hague when nineteen Honorary Member of the Rotterdam Academy, 1856 He was Commissioner of the Netherlands to the Paris Exposition of - 1878 Medal at Philadelphia, Centennial Exhibition 200. lie anet (O9BX73B | . A small but beantral expression of the master TEN® KAT Ee ivlars) The Hague Born, 1831 Studied in Paris He has been awarded three Gold and three Silver Medals Commander of the Eiken Kroon Chevalier of the Order of Oranje Nassau His picture of “The Coronation” is in the collection of the Queen of Holland His art 1s also represented in the Museums of Breslau, St. Petersburg, etc., etc. 291 The Pluohet 1734 X 1134 AIP (Willem Cornelis) The Hague Born, 1856 Pupil of R. van Eysden, of Rotterdam, and Carl Piloty, at Munich Silver Medal at Rotterdam Bronze Medal at Scheveningen Honorable Mention, 1889, Exposition Universelle at Paris Medal, Paris, 1900 Represented in the collections of HM: Queen Wilhelmina, H. M. the Queen Mother, in the Museums of Leeuwarden and Middleborg 292 Windmills on the River Maas 2014 X 17% ae : 7 a” - : x cide ON, ; « ey 2 ciate Palmarolt Music Hath Charms 93 LINFORD (Charles) Deceased 293 Summer in the Forest 26 x 18 KOEKKOEK (Bernard Cornelius) Deceased Born at Middleborg, 1803 Died, 1862 Pupil of Schelfhout and Van Os Chevalier of the Order of the Lion of the Netherlands Chevalier of the Order of Leopold of Belgium Medals at Amsterdam and The Hague Medals at Paris Member of the Academy at Rotterdam Member of the Academy of St. Petersburg Member of the Society of Arts of London and VERBOECKHOVEN (Eugene Joseph) Deceased Born at Warneton, Belgium, 1799. Died, 1880 Chevalier of the Order of Leopold of Belgium Chevalier of the Order of Michael of Bavaria Chevalier of the Order of Christ of Portugal Decorated with the Iron Cross Member of the Academies, Belgium, Antwerp and St. Petersburg Medals, 1824, and First Class, 1841 Cross of the Legion of Honor, 1845 Medal, 1855, Exposition Universelle Hors Concours 294 Early Morning in Thuringia. The Old Chateau 33% x 2678 A very important example of two most eminent artists CROGEART (Georges) Paris 295 Moments of Leisure 105% x 134% 94 HEILBUTH (Ferdinand) Deceased Born at Hamburg Naturalized Frenchman Died at Paris in 1890 Medals, Second Class, 1857, 1859 and 1861 Cross of the Legion of Honor, 1861 Officer of the Legion of Honor, 1881 Hors Concours Societaire 296 A Day on the River, Bougival 3034 x 224% TANOUX (Henri Adrien) febaus Born at Marseilles (Bouches du Rhone) _ Honorable Mention, 1888 Honorable Mention, 1889, Exposition Universelle Medal, Third Class, 1894 Medal, Second Class, 1895 Bourse de Voyage, 1895 Hors Concours Societaire 297 A Lady of Saragosa 24 X 29 AVIGDOR (Rene) "Ss Paris Born at Nice (Alpes Maritimes) Pupil of Hector Le Roux Honorable Mention, 1894 Societaire 298 The Young Countess 239% X 20 WASHINGTON (Georges) Deceased Born at Marseilles (Bouches du Rhone) Pupil of Picot Medal, 1893, at Paris Honorable Mention 299 An Arab Encampment 24 X 20 296 ; A Day on the River—Bougival Fleilbuth ~ —" 97 BONHEUR (Marie Rosa) Deceased Born at Bordeaux, 1822. Died, 1900 Pupil of her father, Raymond Bonheur and Constant Troyon Medals, 1845, and First Class, 1848 Exempted by the Jury of Admission by special decision (Moniteur of July 27, 1853) . Medal, First Class, 1855, Exposition Universelle Cross of the Legion of Honor, 1865 Medal, 1867, Exposition Universelle Hors Concours Member of the Institute of Antwerp Chevalier of the Order of Leopold 300 ©The Pride of the Farm “i 1844 x 21% 300A Reclining in the Fields 7¥4 x 104 SLPEVENS (Alfred) | Paris and Brussels Born at Brussels, May 11, 1828 Pupil of Navez in Belgium and Roqueplan in Paris Pupil of the Ecole des Beaux Arts in Paris Medal, 1853 Medal, 1855, Exposition Universelle Cross of the Legion of Honor, 1863 Medal, First Class, 1867, Exposition Universelle Officer of the Legion of Honor, 1867 : Medal, First Class, 1878, Exposition Universelle Commander of the Legion of Honor, 1878 Grand Prize, 1889, Exposition Universelle Hors Concours Chevalier and officer of the Order of Leopold of Belgium Commander of the Order of Leopold of Belgium, 1863 Chevalier and Commander of the Order of St. Michael of Bavaria Chevalier and Commander of the Order of Francis Joseph of Austria The Great Gold Medal of Honor at the Universal Exposition at Antwerp, 1885 301 By the Sea 2314 x 287% PALMAROLI (Vicente) Paris Born in Madrid Pupil of his father and Madrazo and the Academy of Fine Arts at Madrid Medal, 1867, Exposition Universelle Hors Concours Appointed Director of the Spanish School of Art at Rome, 1882 Chevalier and Commander of the Order of Charles III of Spain Chevalier and Commander of the Order of Isabelle the Catholic poe - Music Fath Charms °: 22 X 32 ad a | Qs WILLEMS (Florent) Paris Pupil at the Academy of Malines Born at Liege, January 8, 1823 Pupil of Mechlin Academy ~ Removed to Paris in 1844 Medals, 1844 and 1846 Cross of the Legion of Honor, 1853 Medal, First Class, 1855, Exposition Universelle Officer of the Legion of Honor, 1864 Medal, First Class, 1867, Exposition Universelle Medal, 1878, Exposition Universelle Commander of the Legion of Honor, 1878 Hors Concours Officer of the Order of Leopold, 1851 Medals in Brussels in 1842 and 1845 Many other medals in Belgium and foreign countries. 303 Household Pets 107% X 15% MARTENS (Willy) . The Hague Born at Java, of Holland parents, in 1856 Pupil of the Amsterdam Academy and of Bonnat, in Paris Honorable Mention, Paris Salon, 1886 Cross of the Legion of Honor, 1889 Hors Concours, 190c, Exposition Universelle, being a member of the = Jury Hors Concours : Societaire of Salon Champ de Mars, Paris Gold) Medal at Berlin Chevalier of the Order of Nederlandsche Leeuw Chevalier of the Order of Michael. of Bavaria | Represented in the Royal collections by life-sized portraits of His M. Willem III, Her M. Queen Emma, and Her M. Queen Wilhelmina of Holland, ete. 304. The Pet Goat 149% x 19% Ne LNAZ Venice 305 Venice—The Grand Came 2774 x 14% SAINTIN (jules Emile) Deceased Born at Lemée (Aisne), August 4, 1829 Pupil of Drolling, Picot and Leboucher Medals, 1866 and 1870 Cross of the Legion of Honor, 1877 Hors Concours Medal at Munich, 1883 306 At the Photographers 18x 21% Laugee Charity IOL MADRAZO (Raimundo de) Paris Born at Rome, of Spanish parents, July 24, 1841 Pupil of his father, Frederico Madrazo Pupil at Paris of the Ecole des Beaux Arts and Leon Cogniet Medal, First Class, 1878, Exposition Universelle Cross of the Legion of Honor, 1878 Gold Medal, 1889, Exposition Universelle Officer of the Legion of Honor, 1889 Hors Concours Chevalier of the Order of Christ of Portugal Chevalier of the Order of Rose of Brazil Chevalier of the Order of Charles III of Spain Bove Carlotta 137% x 1834 LECOMTE-DU-NOUY (Jules Jean Antoine) Paris Born at Paris Pupil of Gerome and Signol Medals, 1866, 1869 and 1872 Cross of the Legion of Honor, 1876 Silver Medal, 1889, Exposition Universelle Hors, Concours Societaire 308 A Servant of Lucullus 1534 x 224 Pe Ger Fil 54Georges) Paris Born at Montivilliers (Seine-Inferieure) Pupil of his father, of Pils and Lehmann Medal, Second Class, 1881 Medal, 1889, Exposition Universelle Silver Medal, 1900, Exposition Universelle Hors Concours Societaire 309 ~©6©Charity » 3534 x 4834 TOULMOUCHE (Auguste) Deceased Born at Nantes, France, September 21, 1829 Pupil of Gleyre Medals, 1852, 1859 and 1861 Cross of the Legion of Honor, 1870 Medal, 1878, Exposition Universelle Medal, Second Class, 1889, Exposition Universelle Hors Concours Medals at Toulouse and Marseilles 310 Studiously Inclined 1414 x 19% 102 TISSOT (James) Deceased Born at Nantes, France, October 15, 1836 Pupil of Flandrin and Lamothe Medal, 1866 Gold Medal, 1889, Exposition Universelle Cross of the Legion of Honor, 1899 Hors Concours His picture, “Meeting of Faust and Marguerite,’ is in the gallery of the Luxembourg : 311 ~The Hammock fate, 34 % 50% one This picture cost the present owner $3000 HAMON (Jean Louis) Deceased Born at Plouka (Cotes du Nord), 1821 Died on the way to Vichy, 1874 Pupil of Paul Delaroche and Gleyre Medal at the London Exhibition, 1851 Medals at Paris, 1853 and 1855 Cross of the Legion of Honor, 1855 Medal, 1867, Exposition Universelle Hors Concours 312 Good Morning 19/2 X 53 BLAS (Ollores) , ‘Rome 313’ The Grand Canale ear. . 105g X15 TIMMERMANS (Louis) Rotterdam Born at Brussels, Belgium Pupil of the. Academy of the Fine Arts at Brussels and of Portaels 314 Moonlight on the Scheldt 1014 x 1434 WESTERBEEK fre (Cornelrs) The Hague 315 A Country Road 1334 x 19 311 The Hammock Tissot 105 RIP (Willem Cornelis) The Hague Born, 1856 Pupil of R. Van Eysden of Rotterdam and Carl Piloty of Munich Silver Medal at Rotterdam Bronze Medal at Scheveningen Honorable Mention, 1889, Exposition Universelle Medal, Paris, 1900 Represented in the collections of Her Majesty, Queen Wilhelmina,. and Her Majesty, the Queen Mother 316 On the Tow-path Near Zeguaard 1378 X 9¥4 GEORGE (William) London 317. A Windy Day on the Channel 20x 14 SCHIANCHI (F.) | Rome 318 Sorrento I158 X 5/2 LAZERGES (Jean Baptiste Paul) Deceased Born at Paris, January 10, 1845 Pupil of his father Medal, 1884 Honorable Mention, 1887 Medal, Second Class, 1898 Hors Concours Societaire 319 Crossing the Desert 320 Scene in Algiers 18g x15 NORDGREN (Axel) Deceased Born in Stockholm, December 5, 1828 Pupil of Hans Gude He was the Court Painter - Member of Stockholm Academy, 1869 Gold Medals at Stockholm, Sweden, and Lyons, France 321 A Norwegian Torrent 22144 x 143% This artist’s works are to be found in the museums of Stockholm, Munich, Dusseldorf, Weimar and Berlin. It is extremely difficult to get any specimens of his work as they are almost all owned by governments. 106 TAUPIN (Jules Charles Clement) teas! Born at Paris Pupil of Benjamin Constant and Jules Lefebvre Honorable Mention, 1895 Medal, 1900, Exposition Universelle Hors Concours Societaire 322° In Algiers 15 X 215% KLOMBEC Koh bs is Deceased Pupil of B. C. Koekkoek 323 Winter in Germany 33 X 25 Ac BAYNE) ei RG Paris This picture is partly copied from the picture by D. Ridgeway Knight, owned by the Academy of the Fine Arts. 324. Hailine the Perty. 2134 x 184% GOETHALS (Raimond Eugene) | Paris Born at Bordeaux (Gironde) Pupil of his father and Gudin Medal at Toulon Medal at Vienna ss 325 Ihe Sun's Good Night to the Coast of France 59 X 43 A superb work of art RAMSEY (Milne) New York 326” Grapes 327 Fruit and Art Objects 36 x 29 These are two of the most beautiful of this artist’s work 107 HAMMAN FILS (Edouard Michel Ferdinand) Paris Born at Paris Pupil e his father and Emile Van Marcke Medals at Rheims and Toulon Gold Medal at Marseilles Medal at Strassbourg 328 Near Surdif—Basse, Normandie 079% x 4872 This picture was exhibited in the Paris Salon, and is one of the artist’s most important works. MOULLION (Alfred) Deceased Born in Paris Died in Paris, 1887 Pupil of Delestre Medal, 1880 Exempt 329 Near Cherbourg, France 71% x 44% 108 Fifth Session Sale Friday Afternoon, November 13th, at 3 o’clock SCHIAN CEs Ts Rome 330 6At Amalfi 331 Steps at the Piazza de Spagna, Rome 572X114 KINDLEBERGER 332 Entrance to the Harbor of Newport 20X14 SCENT Bs Paris. After Charondeau 333 “[heVitecbear 1178 x 7¥% VALERIO (Theodore) © Deceased Born at the Forges of Herserange, near to Longwy (Moselle), in 1819 Died in September, 1879 Pupil of Charlet Medal, Third Class, 1859 Cross of the Legion of Honor, in August, 1861 334 Entrance to Honfleur 1358 xX 9%4 HUBER (Leon) Paris Born at Paris : Pupil of Lehmann and Dominique Rozier Societaire 33.5 oti laie 2554 x 214 109 REVY (M. E.) 336 Nymph of the Forest GERARD (J.) Brussels 2270 -On-the- Beach at- Scheveningen 1814 x 13 LESSURE (Jules) 338 A Boating Party 7 84x 12% BARTOLOZZI (P.} p20 Puseolo Frascati 54% x12 WEILAND (Johannes) Born, 1858 Pupil of the Academy at Rotterdam One of the best of the Dutch artists 340 An Hour of Leisure 738 Xx 11% ARTIGUE (A.) 341 Giving Instruction 1274 x 16% VAN BOSKIRK (Robert W.) Born in New Jersey, 1855 Pupil of A. H. Wyant 342 Fishing on the Avon 2134 x 14% Paris Rome Amsterdam Paris New York EEO: PEZANT (Aymar) Born Bayeux (Calvados) Pupil of M. de Vuillefroy ~ Honorable Mention, 1883 Medal, Third Class, 1888 Honorable Mention, 1889, Exposition Universelle Medal, Second Class, 1890 Hors Concours Societaire 343 ° Resting in the Fields | 237% X17 — DrJAEGER (B.) The Hague 344 Autumn Near The Hague | 24x 15% SHENKEL. | The Hague The great painter of churches and cathedrals 345 Morning Service in Holland O78 X 12% TEN KATE (Mari) The Hague Born, 1831 Studied in Paris He was awarded three Gold and three Silver Medals Commander of the Eiken Kroon Chevalier of the Order of Oranje Nassau His picture of “The Coronation” is in the collection of the oa of Holland His art is also represented in the Museums of Breslau, St. Petersburg, etc.; etc, 346.7 Thee Critics 201% x 205% Pst HENKES (Gerke) The Hague Born, 1844 Pupil of the Academy at Antwerp Awarded two Gold Medals at Amsterdam Honorable Mention, 1889, Exposition Universelle at Paris Medal, Second Class, Brussels, 1867 Chevalier of the Order of Oranje Nassau Chevalier of the Order of St. Michael of Bavaria His pictures have been purchased for the Museum at The Hague and’ other noted collections 247) A Dutch Interior 13% x9 VAN MASTENBROEK (Johan Hendrik) Rotterdanr Born, 1875 Awarded Prize, Rijks Academy, Rotterdam, 1898 Honorable Mention, Paris, 1900 Represented in the Walker collection at Liverpool and most of the great collections 348 Early Morning on the Zuyder Zee 301% x 26 AKKERINGA (Johannes Evert) Oirschot. Born, 1864, at the Island of Banka, India Pupil of The Hague and Rotterdam Academies Received the Royal Subsidy Received the Willink Collin Prize, Honorable Mention 349 Repairing Broken Nets in Holland 2614 x 1558 WIJSMULLER (Jean Hildebrand) TE ott Beveg ite: Born at Amsterdam, 1855 Silver Medal at Antwerp Silver Medal at Amsterdam Honorable Mention, Paris, 1808, Exposition Universelle 350 A Holland Village 207% X 1344 112 MOSER (H.) 351 The Balkenburg—Moonlight 20x 13% VAN DER WINDT (Carel) “Leyden A most talented painter, who promises to produce some great pictures © 352 Evening in Holland 144 x 8% BILDERS VAN BOSSE (Maria Philippine) a . Deceased — Born, 1837 Died, 1900 Pupil of J. Van de ne Bakhuijsen, Bosboom, and her husband Johannes Warnardus Bilders ‘She was considered the best of the wood scene painters of Holland 353 By the Woodside : 1954 X 133% i : ee i; a HAMEL (Willem) | “Ss The Hague aaa Born, 1860 Studied at Rotterdam and Antwerp Medals in London and Barcelona ~ i Diploma of Honor, Paris, 1900, Exposition Universelle His work is represented in the collections of H. M. the Queen of Holland, H. R. H. the Grand Duke of Saxe-Weimar, and celebrated Museums 354 Tending the Flock 235% x 18% DIERCKX (Anton B.) | Rotterdam _ 4 Born, 1875 Pupil of Ch. Rochussen and the Rotterdam Academy 355 Rotterdam 356 A Canal at Rotterdam 1344 x 10 358 The Virgin and the Infant Jesus Perrault 115 VINEA (Francesco) . Florence Born at Di Forli, 1846 Pupil of Pallastrini Professor in the Royal Academy of Florence Gold Medal, Berlin, 1886 Medals at Florence and Naples Medals at Rome and Turin ac7) Avtlarmniless Flirtation 1434 x 1834 PERRAULT (Léon) Paris Born at Poitiers Pupil of Picot and Bouguereau Medal, 1864; Medal, Second Class, 1876 Cross of the Legion of Honor, 1887 Medal, 1880, Exposition Universelle Silver Medal, 1900, Exposition Universelle -Hors Concours Societaire 358 The Virgin and the Infant Jesus 1934 X 25/2 LELOIR (Alexandre Louis) Deceased Born in Paris, March 15, 1843 Died, January 28, 1884 Son and pupil of J. B. Auguste Leloir Medals, 1864, 1868, 1870; Second Class, 1878, Exposition Universelle Cross of the Legion of Honor, 1876 Hors Concours 359 Sweet Strains 184 x 133% DECAMPS (Alexandre Gabriel) Deceased Born at Paris, 1803. Died, 1860 Pupil of Pujol. Many Medals Cross of the Legion of Honor Officer of the Legion of Honor Many foreign distinctions - One of the greatest artists of the century 360 Crossing the Ford 16% x 10144 Soeperes 116 eer. | MARILHAT (Prosper) Deceased Born at Vertaizon, near Thiers (Puy de Dome), March 20, 1811 Died there, September 13, 1847 “2 Pupil of Roqueplan ae ea” He resided a number of years in Cairo, where the climate so ruined his health that he did not long enjoy the fame which awaited him on his return to Paris. He was certainly one Of the) gteac ges French painters of the 1830 period. Aca , vas 361 Summer on the Loire 2014 x14 ISABEY (Louise Gabriel Eugene) ‘Deceased Born at Paris, 1804. Died in Paris, 1887 Pupil of his father Medals, First Class, 1824 and 1827 mat} Cross of the Legion of Honor, 1832 ; | Officer of the Legion of Honor, 1852 Medal, First Class, 1855, Exposition Universelle Hors Concours | | re 362 The Alchemist a 14x9% : es LAMBINET (Emile) ) ‘Deceteen —— 4 Born at Versailles, January 13, 1815 Died at Bougival, January 1, 1878 Pupil of Boiselier, Drolling and Horace Vernet Medals, Third Class, 1843, and Second Class, 1853 and 1857 Cross of the Legion of Honor, 1867 Hors. Concours 363 By the Brookside 13x 7% LE POITTEVIN (Eugene Modeste Edmond) Deceased Born in Paris, July 31, 1806 Died in Paris, August 6, 1870 Pupil of Louis Hersent and Ecole des Beaux Arts Medals, Second Class, 1831; First Class, 1836; Second Class, 1848 and 1855 Cross of the Legion of Honor, 1843 Member of the Antwerp and Berlin Academies 364 Children of Fisherfolk 834 x 104 Bergamini 1SSsl A Procession in Ass 3 119 MARTENS (Willy) The Hague Born .at Java, of Holland parents, in 1856 Pupil of the Academy of Amsterdam, and of Bonnat, at Paris Honorable Mention, Paris Salon, 1886 Cross of the Legion of Honor, 1889 Hors Concours, 1900, Exposition Universelle, being a member of the Jury Hors. Concours Societaire of Salon Champ de Mars, Paris Gold Medal at Berlin Chevalier of the Order of Nederlandsche Leeuw Chevalier of the Order of Michael of Bavaria Represented in the Royal collections by life-sized portraits of H. M. Willem III, H. M. Queen Emma and H. M. Queen Wilhelmina of Holland, etc. 365 Tending the Goat 221% x 1834 WEILAND (Johannes) Born, 1858 Pupil of the Academy of Rotterdam One of the best of the Dutch artists ebo, Aetiome in Holland 32 X 257% . One of this great artist’s most important works Amsterdam CHAPLIN (Charles) Born, Andelys (Eure), 1825 His father was an Englishman and his mother a French woman Pupil of l’Ecole des Beaux Arts and of Drolling Medal, Third Class, 1851 Medal, Second Class, 1852 and 1865 Cross of the Legion of Honor, 1865 Officer of the Lezion of Honor, 1877 Hors Concours Deceased 367 Flora 1934 X 1334 BERGAMINI (F.) Rome This is one of the most important and elaborate works by this great painter 368 the--Ganal 14x 164 SCHILDT (Martinus) Rotterdam Born, 1867, at Rotterdam Pupil of the Academy of Rotterdam Gold Medal at Amsterdam, 1809 Silver Medal, 1900, Exposition Universelle at Paris A noted artist 371 The Busy Housewife A woman of North Brabant 20 X 1358 Sintbaldo The Minuet fs BOGMAN (Herman Christiaan) The Hague Born at The Hague Pupil of Jan Vrolijk and The Hague Academy 372 Ihe Flock in the Fields 214x154 DA COSTA CL?) Florence 373 Sunday Morning at Seville 10g x 1434 KINDLEBERGER 374 Canonicut Island 20X14 KAEMERER (Frederic Henri) Deceased Born at The Hague, 1839 Pupil of Gerome and the Ecole des Beaux Arts in Paris fer viedal, 3574 Silver Medal, 1889, Exposition Universelle Cross of the Legion of Honor, 1889 Hors Concours Aye ln tie Park 6x9% BOUTIGNY (Paul Emile) Paris Bom at Paris Pupil of Cabanel Medal, 1884 Medal, Second Class, 1889, Exposition Universelle Medal, Second Class, Paris Salon, 1889 Cross of the Legion of Honor, 1898 Medal, Second Class, 1900, Exposition Universelle Hors Concours Societaire 376 Soldiers at Play 1934 X 14 124 DESVARREUX (R.) itpaee Societaire 377 Major of Artillery Calling “Halte” at — Manceuvres at Vincennes 233% x 27K SAVRY (Henrt) : Brussels. — : : Born in Holland Pupil-of J.-H. L, DeHaas Medal at The Hague 378 Inthe Meadows of Holland 30% X 35% THORNLEY (W.) Paris 379--On the: Znyder ee 32 X 2472 MEISSONIER (Jean Louis Ernest) Deceased Born at Lyons, 1813 Pupil of Leon Cogniet Medals, 1849 and 1841 Medals of the First Class, 1843 and 1848 Cross of the Legion of Honor, 1846 Grand Medal of Honor, 1855, Exposition Universelle Officer of the Legion of Honor, 1856 Member of the Institute of France, 1861 Grand Medal of Honor, 1867, Exposition Universelle Commander of the Legion of Honor, 1867 Grand Medal of Honor, 1878, Exposition Universelle Grand Officer of the Legion of Honor, 1878 Hors Concours Honorary Member of the R. A., London Grand Medal of Honor, Universal Exposition at Antwerp, 1885. 380 The Story of the Flowers 3X 472 a Sheep and Lamb 469 r27 WEISSENBRUCH (Johannes Hendrik) Deceased Born at The Hague, 1824. Died, 1903, at The Hague Pupil of B. J. Van Hove Chevalier of the Order of Oranje Nassau Chevalier of the Order of Michael of Bavaria Silver Medal, 1889, Exposition Universelle Medal, Second Class, 1900, Exposition Universelle Hors Concours Medal, Chicago Exposition Gold Medal at Amsterdam Represented in all the important collections of Holland . eS ' and the world 381 Scene in the Netherlands O58 X7 A beautiful specimen of the master DAMOYE (Pierre Emmanuel) Deceased Born at Paris Pupil of Corot, Daubigny and Bonnat Medals, 1879 and 1884 Gold Medal, 1889, Exposition Universelle | Cross of the Legion of Honor, 1893 Member of the Jury, Hors Concours, 1900 Exposition Universelle Hors Concours Societaire ao2e lhe tarvest. Field 237% X 132 Pee (|. HL.) Brussels Chevalier and Commander (with the Star) of the Order of Isabella. the Catholic, of Spain Chevalier and Commander of the Order of Leopold of Belgium Chevalier and Officer of the Order of the Couronne de Chene . of Holland Chevalier and Officer of the Order of the Crown of Italy ‘Chevalier and Officer of the Order of Merit of St. Michael of Bavaria Chevalier of the Order of the Crown of Prussia Chevalier of the Order of Francis Joseph de Seusse Member of the Academy of St. Ferdinand of Spain Member of the Royal Academies of Amsterdam, Rotterdam and» Antwerp Grand Gold Medal at the Exposition at Utrecht, 1868 Grand Gold Medal at the Exposition at Munich, 1869 Medal of Honor at Amsterdam, 1883 383 River Pasture with Cattle d = > hen we 128 a AUBLET (Albert) ‘the Ral Born at Paris Pupil of Cl. Jacquand and Gerome Honorable Mention, 1879 Medal, 1880 . Gold Medal, 1880, Exposition Universelle Cross of the Legion of Honor, ea ; Hors Concours Societaire Medal at Vienna, 1881 Medal at Rome, 1882- Medal at Munich, 1883 ‘ 384 Low Tide at Trouville 1334 Xx 109% WEILAND (Johannes) Amsterdam Born, 1858 : i Pupil of the Academy of Rotterdam One of the best of the Dutch artists 385 A Narrow Street in Leyden. 44 x 107% | VAN COUVER (Johannes) Holland 306 Delft 165% x 107% A splendid result PHILIPPEAU Deceased 387 The Pilgrims’ First View of Rome 1434 x 10% A picture of great beauty CROEGAERT (Georges) | Paris 388 Important Documents 1034 X 1334 tanay ISEPVIIG S,UsIpiyD sy GSP 131 _ GAMBERT Paris ; 389 ©The Pet Dog 154 x18 CHASE (William M.) New York bie : Born, Franklin Township, Indiana, 1849 - ae Pupil of B. F. Hayes, J. O. Eaton and of the _ National Academy, New York ’ Pupil of the Royal Academy, Munich ae Pupil of Wagner, Piloty, in Munich a Honorable Mention in Paris, 1881 Silver Medal, 1889, Exposition Universelle Gold Medal, 1900, Exposition Universelle ~ Hors Concours Received three Medals at Munich Medal at the Centennial Exhibition, Philadelphia, 1876 390 ©=Asking Alms 65 x O38 MELLIN (Joseph) Deceased Born im: Paris Pupil of David d Angers and Paul Detaroche. Medal, 1843 Medal, Second Class, 1845 Medal, 1855, Exposition Universelle Medal, Second Class, 1858 Hors Concours 391 Awaiting the Master 21344 x 173% VAN BORSELIN (Jan Willem) Deceased Born, 1825. Died, 1892 Pupil of Schelfhout Many Medals and Decorations 392 Gathering Fagots 12x 16% Dre neGER (B.) The. Hague 393 A Holland Stream 2554 x 18 VAN MASTENBROEK (Johan Hendelae Rowe <> Born, 71675 ane Awarded prize at Rijk’s Academy, Rotem L898). 42 rs Honorable Mention, Paris, 1900, Exposition Universelle | | 394 In the Docks of Antwerp | 10x7% 394A- Rotterdam Canal © 1352 x9% SCHIEDGES (Petrus Paulus) The Hague Born, 1860 Studied at The Hague Academy eee Represented in the Museum at Middleborg fae in the collections | of H. H. M. M., the Queens of Holland 395 Summer ona Holland Canat 2334 X 3438 RAIMUNDI (R.) Rome am 396 An Object of Art. 144% x21y DARGELAS (Elenm)as Deceased = Barn at Paris . | Fs Pupil of Picot Medal, Paris Salon, 1864 397. Lhe, Good; Sister 101%4 x 1334 LESREL (Adolphe Alexandre) Paris Born at Genets (Manche) Pupil of Gerome Diploma of Honor, 1889, Exposition Universelle — Societaire 398 The Halbadier 399 On Guard | 798 X 9% Lazerges Not at Home 455 135 CACCIARELLI (V.) Sat 400 The Rug Merchant _ 144% x 2134 KOEKKOEK (Hermanus, Jr.) London Born at Amsterdam, December 8, 1836 Pupil of his father, Hermanus Koekkoek, Sr. Medal, 1882, Arti et Amicitiz Chevalier of the Order of the Oaken Crown of Holland, 1887 Honorable Member of the Royal Academy of Amsterdam Two of this artist’s works belong to the Queen of Holland This picture created a sensation when exhibited abroad 401 The Approaching Squall—Off Dover, England | 287% x 36 GEORGE (William) London | 402 Wash Day 1834 x 1314 403, Resting at Noon 1234 X15 LIERNUR (Martinus Wilhelmus) The Hague Born, 1833 Pupil of the Academy at The Hague Awarded many Academic prizes Represented in the Museum Suasso, at Amsterdam 404 The Return from Labor 405 A Dutch Hamlet 2154 xX 14% CAROSI (G.) Rome 406 A Roman Flower Girl 1454 x 21% 136 COLLINA (Alberto) 407 By the Temple of Vesta 144 x21k GIOJA (B.) 408 A Difficult Shot 144 x 21% DELPY (Camille Hippolyte) Born at Joigny (Yonne) Pupil of Corot and Daubigny Honorable Mention, 1881 Medal, 1884 Honorable Mention, 1880, Exposition Universelle — Medal of the Second Class, 1900 a Hors Concours ae Societaire a Medals at Marseilles and Lyons Medal at Tours 409 The Brook 22x 124% GOETHALS (Raimond Eugene) — -_~—_—_—~Parris Born at Bordeaux (Gironde) Pupil of his father and Gudin Medal at Touion Medal at Vienna 410 Becalmed 1714 2X I1% RIP (Willem Cornelis) The Hague Born, 1856 ; Pupil of R. van Eysden, of Rotterdam, and Carl Piloty, of Munich Silver Medal at Rotterdam Bronze Medal at Scheveningen Honorable Mention, 1889, Exposition Universelle Medal at Paris, I900 Represented in the collections of H. M. Queen Wilhelmina and H. M. the Queen Mother 411 Cloudy Day in Holland — 13% x 8% 37 THIJSSEN (Carolus Johannes) pees aren Born, 1867 Pupil of the Rotterdam Academy 412 A Holland Home 1x21 -BATTAGLIA (C. Bompiani) Rome wate 413 Flower Sellers at Rome a4Ax21y% RAGGI (GH = Rome 414 Passing the Idle Hours 144%4x21y BecRANIL Rome 415 Leaving Rome on a Holiday 1454 x 213% TAUPIN (Jules Charles Clement) ies Paris pepotrn at; Paris Pupil of Benjamin Constant and Jules Lefebvre Honorable Mention, 1895 Medal, 1900, Exposition Universelle Hors Concours Societaire 416 A Hot Day in the Levant 3178 X 25% LAZERGES (Jean Baptiste Paul) Deceased Born at Paris Pupil of his father ‘ Medal, 1884 Medal, Second Class, 1898 Hors Concours Societaire This great work was the artist’s exhibition picture in the Paris Salon of 1890, and is a painting of signal merit, and is valued at » $5000. 417 The Caravan Resting at Biskra 7814 x 5038 138 AIVAZOVSKI (Ivan Constantinovich), Professor el i Petersburg — | The first marine painter of Russia Born at Theodosia, Crimea, Russia, July 7, 1817 Pupil of the St. Petersburg "Academy from 1833 to 1835, after 1835 of Phillipe Tanneur Professor of the Imperial Academies of St. Petersburg and © Theodosia Painter to the Imperial Court of Russia Medal in Paris, 1843 Cross of the Legion of Honor, 1857, Hors Concours Elected Member of the tadeiny a the Fine Arts at Amsterdam, 184 Member of the St. Petersburg Academy Decorated with the Order of the Lion of the Netherlands Two Gold Medals at St. Petersburg Decorated with the Order of St. Anne of Russia Medal at Moscow Medal at Warsaw Medal, 1876, Philadelphia Centennial Eaposian. 418 Leaving the Sinking Ship 78 x 6134 The city of Theodosia is the ancient Chersonesus Taurica ABBEMA (Louise) Paris Born at Etampes (Seine et Oise) Pupil of Chaplin, Henner and Caro!us-Duran Honorable Mention, Paris Salon, 1881 Medal, 1900, Exposition Universelle Societaire Medal at Lyons Medal at Antwerp 419 The New Song 87% x 50% LEWIS (Edmund D.) Philadelphia 420 Cape May Beach 72 X 42 139 Sixth Session Sale Saturday Afternoon, November 14th, at 3 o’clock SU ELANCHI(F.) Rome 42t Roman Forum Pee eters, Rome WIYAx 5% BARTLETT (C. D.) Amsterdam 423 Milking Time 1914 x 1234 PERRAN TI Rome 424 The Belle of the Campagna > 1434 x 213% INDONI ~~ - Rome 425 The Harvest Dance 145% X 215% Pawn OZZI (P) Rome 426 Canal at Venice 574% X12 GEORGE (William) London 427 On the Farm—A Sunny Day 428 Meadowlands I73KZ xX 11% 140 LIERNUR (Martinus Wilhelmus) Born, 1833 Pupil of the Academy at The Hague Awarded many Academic prizes sedis Represented in the Museum Suasso at Amsterdam | 429 The Old People’s Home 1814 x 13% BRANDEIS (A.) ce Florence 430 Island of San Georgio, ian seek 431 La Dogana—Santa Maria della Salute, — Venice ‘) 04x 514 LION (A. M.) Antwerp ~ 432 The Harbor of Antwerp ace 25 x 1834 | : KAEMMERER (Frederic Henri) Deceased _ Born at The Hague, 1839 Pupil of Gerome and the Ecole des Beaux Arts in ‘eoee Medal, 1874 Medal, Silver, 1880, Exposition Universelle Cross of the Legion of Honor, 1889 Hors Concours 433. lime of the Direcis, 6 x 934 DE ZWART (Willem H.-P. J.) Amsterdam Born, 1862 Pupil of eros, Maris and The Hague Academy Medal, Second Class, at Munich Medal at Antwerp Medal, Columbian Exhibition, 1893, Chicago Honorable Mention, 1889, Exposition Universelle 434 A,Dutch) Farms hiouse ee 14x 104 14 ion Contemplat 143 RIP (Willem Cornelis) - The Hague Born, 1856 Pupil of R. van Eysden, of Rotterdam, and Carl Piloty, of Munich Silver Medal at Rotterdam Bronze Medal at Scheveningen Honorable Mention, 1889, Exposition Universelle Medal, Paris, 1900 Represented in the collection of Her Majesty, Queen Wilhelmina, and Her Majesty, the Queen Mother 435 A Gray Day in Holland 13% x 165% HEILBUTH (Ferdinand) Born at Hamburg Naturalized Frenchman Died at Paris in 1890 Medals, Second Class, 1857, 1859 and 1861 ’ Cross of the Legion of Honor, 1861 Officer of the Legion of Honor, 1881 Hors Concours Societaire 436 By the Sea Side 3334 X 47 Deceased VINEA (Francesco) Born at Di Forli, 1846 Pupil of Pallastrin Professor in the Royal Academy of Florence Gold Medal, Berlin, 1886 Medals at Florence and Naples Medals at Rome and Turin 437 And Nobody There to See 1434 x 1834 Florence WEILAND (Johannes) Amsterdam Born, 1858 Pupil of the Academy at Rotterdam Medals and Decorations One of the most illustrious painters of the Dutch school 438 Mending the Net 135% x 1858 i : 144, DE VILLENEUVE Bornvat-Paris & Pupil of De Neuville 439 Refreshment by the Way — 072 X 798 DELPY (Camille Hippolyte) ee Paris Born at Joigny (Yonne) Pupil of Corot and Daubigny Honorable Mention, 1881 Medal, 1884 Honorable Mention, 1889, Exposition Universelle Medal of the Second Class, 1900 Hors Concours Societaire Medals at Marseilles and Lyons Medal at Tours 440 The Evening Hour 2344x113 2 This picture is as fine as the finest Daubigny . BUTIN (Ulysse-Louis Auguste) Deceased Born at Saint Quentin (Aisne), 1838 Died at Paris, December 9, 1883 Pupil: of APicot7;and> Fue Exhibited at the Salon for the first time in 1871 Medal, 1875 Medal, 1878, Exposition Universelle Cross of the Legion of Honor, 1881 Hors Concours One of his pictures is owned by the government One of the greatest painters of coast scenery of the French school 441 [The Market Boat 29 x 36% BERG-CONSTANT (A. E,) Deceased Student of Troyon 442° tne rastee 21144 x 18 A splendid example The Market Boat Butlin 441 jo) m ta ore ee 147 VAN DER WEELE (Herman Johannes) The Hague Born, 1852 Pupil of the Academy at The Hague Gold Medal at Munich _ Silver Medal at Amsterdam Honorable Mention, 1889, Exposition Universelle Medal, 1893, Columbian Exhibition, Chicago Medal at London Fic work is represented in the Museum at Middleborg and in other great collections in Holland 443 Sheep by the River 34 X 22 VAN COUVER (Johannes) ; Holland 444 The Outskirts of Leyden 214x144 Ue eICA PE. (Mari) The Hague Born, 1831 Studied in Paris He was awarded three Gold and three Silver Medals Commander of the Eiken Kroon Chevalier of-the Order of Oranje Nassau His picture of “The Coronation” is in the collection of the Queen of Holland His art is also represented in the Museums of Breslau, St. Petersburg, etc., etc. 445 Through the Forest Ig4xsh RIVAS (A.) Rome 446- Hours of Idleness O78 x 1934 RO SUK SE -(].) Deceased Pupil of Van Schendel 447 The Night Market at Rotterdam 3248 X 25 Probably the finest example of this artist in the world SEIGNAC (Guillaume) Born at Rennes (Ille et Vilaine) — Pupil of Bouguereau and Gabriel Ferrier Honorable Mention, 1900 oe Societaire 448 Contemplation | 29 X 374 SCHACHINGER {(G) 449 In the Garden 319% X 514 DESBORDES-GRASSIAN (Mme. Louise) Born at Angers ; Honorable Mention, 1880, Paris Suicn We Honorable Mention, 1880, Exposition Universelle Societaire . Te 450 The Pool eae 58 x 3858 SIMONI (Gustavo) Diploma of Honor, 1889, Exposition Unieeeres er ae One of the finest works ever produced uh this mastee Tied ge 451. The Fatal: Move 2034 X 207% SINIBALDO a “Rome | 452 The Minuet. Sa | 3014 x 18% oe aes A marvelous production BALLESIO | ” Ronea 453 The Cardinal and the Missionary ¥ 195% X 1134 } . ‘-. 451 The Fatal Move S7moni s Pl ra ae “a ISI poereketjohn Fr., Jr.) Amsterdam Born, 1855 Pupil of the Academy of The Hague and the Julian School in Paris Medals at Scheveningen and Barcelona _Honorary Member of the Academy of Fine Arts, Venezuela _ Decorated with the Order of St. Bolivar His work is in many famous Museums AoA bn Full Cry 24/2 X 3578 LAZERGES (Hippolyte Jean Raymond) Deceased Pupil of Horace Vernet and Lecompte Born at Narbonne (Aude), 1817 Pupil of Bouchot and d’Angers Medals, 1843, 1848 and 1858 Officer of the Legion of Honor, 1867 Officer of the Academy Hors Concours Conservator of the Municipal Museum of Algeria wee Not at-rlome 15% X 27% DU BOIS (Eugene) Deceased The death of this artist was a great loss to the art world of France Died in 1893 Pupil of Daubigny and Corot Medals at Bordeaux and Toulon 456 On the Seine 2134 x 14% LINFORD (Charles) Deceased 457. Scene at Delaware Water Gap 26 x 18 Sey hoy (H.) Brussels Born in Holland Pupit or. A; L.-De Haas Medal at The Hague 458 Cattle in the Stream 30% X 3534 Oe 8 Oe Te oe FO Oe 7 eed 59 GaGa ae et ates Bae “a ie x 2 ~~ ‘ 4 Asta MATHON (Emile Louis) Born at Paris Pupil of Arbant and Daubigny — Medals at Rheims and Ghent — Medal at Antwerp Medal at Marseilles 459° The Beach ateNice (2814 x 2036 © THORNLEY (W,) eee 460 On the Way to Breda 2834 x 224 BATIAGEIA 461 ‘The Sisters 1434 x 21% GIOJA (B.) 462 A Decisive Move 1334 x 21% PASINI (Albert) Born at Busseto, near Parma, Italy Pupil of Ciceri, Isabey and Th. Rousseau Lived many years in Turkey, Arabia and Persia Medal, Third Class, 1859 Medals, Second Class, 1863 and 1864 Cross of the Legion of Honor, 1868 Grand Medal of Honor, 1878, Exposition Universelle Officer of the Legion of Honor, 1878 Hors Concours a Medal at the Vienna Exposition, 1873 Cate Chevalier of the Order of St. Maurice and St. Lazare Officer of the Orders of Turkey and Persia_ ; Honorary Professor of the Academies of Parma and Turin — 463 The. Caravan 352 x 22% 7 This certainly is one of the finest and most important exanmples of this artist ever offered at public sale pe dete amr a 155 MEDINA (A.) Venice 464 Venice—The Grand Canal 274. X 144 COROT (Jean Baptiste Camille) Deceased — Born at Paris, 1796. Died, 1875 Pupil of Michallon and Victor Bertin Medals, 1833; First Class, in 1848- and 1855 Cross of the Legion of Honor, 1846 Medal, 1867, Exposition Universelle Officer of the Legion of Honor, 1867 Hors Concours Diploma to the memory of deceased artists, 1878, Exposition Universelle 465 The Woodland Path 22 X 32% VERBOECKHOVEN (Eugene Joseph) Deceased Born at Warneton, Belgium, 1799 Died, 1880 Chevalier and Commander of the Order of Leopold of Belgium Chevalier of the Order of Michael of Bavaria Chevalier of the Order of Christ of Portugal Decorated with the Iron Cross Published in 1822 in the Gallery of the Great Painters of Belgium and Holland Member of the Academies of Belgium, Antwerp and St. Petersburg Medals, 1824, and First Class, 1841 Cross of the Legion of Honor, 1845 Medal, 1855, Exposition Universelle Hors Concours and DAIWAILLE (Alexander Joseph) Deceased Born in Amsterdam in 1818 Son and pupil of Jean Augustin Daiwaille and of his brother-in-law, Barend C. Koekkoek “The animals in his landscapes were supplied by Eugene Verboeckhoven” (see Scribner’s Cyclopedia of Painters and Paint- ings). 466 Murgthalia the Duchy of Baden- Pee 1867 Certificate 467 Scene Near Dinant 274 x 18 Nothing finer than these two pictures have ever been produced con- jointly by these two great masters of the brush VAN DEVENTER (Willem Antonie) Born, 1824 Died, 1893 Pupil of H. van de Sande Bakhuijen Medals at The Hague, 1857 and 1859 | Medal, Rotterdam, 1862 468 In the English Channel 2574 X 10% | TROYON (Constant) Born at Sevres, 1810 His parents wished him to be a painter of porcelain; but af a time spent in the manufactory at. Sevres, he studied under Ric creux, and became a painter of landscape and animals. ' Medals, Paris, 1838, 1840, 1846, 1848, 1855 Legion of Honor, 1849 Member of the Amsterdam Academy Died, 1865 yo Diploma to the Memory of Deceased Artists, Exposition Universelle -* 1878 “3 ae 469 Sheep and Lamb 3534 X 46% This picture was owned by Se estate of Constant Troyon and was sold in Paris, and has on it the stamp of the sale and is undoubtedly genuine case ~ DE NITTIS (Guiseppe) 3 Deceased — Born at Barletta, near Naples, in 1846 Died in Paris, August 22, 1884 Pupil of Naples Academy Pupil in Paris of Brandon, Gerome and Meissonier Medal, Third Class, Paris, 1876 Medal, First Class, Paris, 1878, Exposition Universelle Cross of the Legion of Honor, 1878 Hors Concours ac 470 On the Border of Hyde Park, Londagal 214x144 a 471 At the Café A 35 x 46 ae This artistis work is only found in the most important ‘collections | sa DE JONGHE (Gustave) | Deceased Born at Courtray, Belgium, February 4, 1828 Son and pupil of Jan Baptist de Jonghe and of Navez, in Brussels — Gold Medal in Amsterdam, 1862 Medal in Paris, 1863 472 " per na HAMMAN FILS (Edouard Michel Ferd Born at Paris Pupil of his father and Emile Van Maccket Medals at Rheims and Toulon Gold Medal at Marseilles Medal at Strasbourg 476 Cattle by the Stream 4594 X 3134 DESVARREUX LARPENTEUR ame Born at Saint Paul Pupil of Yvon Pupil of Van Marcke and M. de Vuillefroy Medal at Brussels 477 Plowing in the Department of Yonne, France 3638 X 2534 In a sale in Paris in 1880 a small picture by him brought. 3800 francs (see Dictionary of Painters), and his fame has been Haine ever since that date. CONNELL (E.D.). Paris Pupil of Van Marcke ; 478 ~—-Cattle in the. tre 24x 18% Like the work of Auguste Bonheur SAVRY (Henri) . Brussels) 8 Born in Holland i Pupil of.J “Has Desteaas Medal at The Hague 479 The Return from the Fields 30% X 3534 UNTERBERGER (F. R.) Deceased 480 Venice : 2534 x 181% : as >. So airs a4 | ares a ‘ a4 . 3 F ; r = . s* DUSIT QVUIG 94} JO sdIIIWIWIOD & BUIAIZDNY IeSHd S6r Beles ee at atte aly ts Pails 2 Gerome and Bonnat Paris tetany tm NR eT ME Paris ern in Italy sueE MeAGok. 1889, Exposition Universelle for oil Sain niig able Mention, 1889, Exposition Untverselle for aquarelles | nee An Opportunity - 10 > x 16 | EVER Racst a Hendrik) Laren Born, 1854 Pupil of P. F. Greive Medal, 1889, Exposition Universelle Gold Medal, 1896, at Amsterdam ‘Silver Medal, 1893, Columbian Exhibition at Chicago Gold Medal, 1899, at Amsterdam | 485 eas Children’s Breakfast 23% x 20 “as oe is one of the artist’s greatest works and is Siee one of the finest examples of the entire Dutch School of Art : a -WEILAND (Johannes) Amsterdam - Born, 1858 Pupil of the Academy of Rotterdam One of the greatest of the Dutch painters 486 The Young Mother 21x 25% - DESVARREUX (R.) | Societaire | 487 Colonel of Carbineer leon III. 233% x 287% MILLET (Jean Francois) Born at Gréville, 1814. Died, 1875 Pupil of Paul Delaroche Pensioned to study in Paris by Cherbourg in 1834 Medals, 1853 and 1854 Medal, First Class, 1867, Exposition Universelle Cross of the Legion of Honor, 1868 Diploma to the Memory of Deceased Artists, 1878, Exposition . Universelle _ Deceased — 189° Ge Sentier 21% x 16% © ent This artist during his whole life only painted about eighty pic- tures. After his death his designs and unfinished studies were sold at the Hotel Drouot, in Paris; and, although numbering but fifty- — six, they brought 321,034 francs. Another small collection of designs were sold just after, and brought 431,050 francs. x This most important work is valued at $8500, but this artist Ses fine examples are so rare and expensive that it is difficult to say — how much it is really worth. i ‘This picture is from the Forbes collection of London, one of the great private collections of Europe. It has also been owned by — Messieurs E. Boussod and Sarlin, of Paris. It is guaranteed by ~ Messieurs Georges Petit and I. Montaignac, of Paris, and astetterta signed by them and endorsed by Mr. Charles F. Haseltine, of Phila~ | delphia, will be given to the purchaser of the picture. a VAN COUVER (Johannes) Holland — Student of Maris 489 A Dutch Homestead 490 ‘The Environs of Haarlem 21% x 14% tees nh RC Sd oN Ne 491 Early Morning on a Holland Farm Wester beek aly Moioe ona Holland faem 18 x 26 ae ae ‘truthfulness. | pet Rome | Going: to “Market, near Rome | | i a Ay 24 xX 11% | f RAY! F R 2 (Samuel) | London a 493 Entrance to the Grounds of Haddon 9 : Ete: Hall | ae The Old Mill 18 x 26%4 great importance : SVARREUX. LARPENTEUR (James) Paris Born at Saint Paul Pepi of ean Van Marcke and M. de Vuillefroy Medal at Brussels 49 5 Cattle in the Fields 2534 X 213% - BARTOLINI (F.) pais So oR, f Wuvereat. paititer , 496 Scene in Damascus - 144 x 22 hgh -OLIVETTI (Luigi) Rome | 497 Spinning by the Wayside 145% x 22 PIGNA ie | : eee), ‘ — 498 «Cesar Receiving a Comme _ Senate ea 2734 X 17% . ae e SAUZAY (Adrien Jacques) Born ‘at’ Parts Pupil of Pasini Medal, Third Class, 1881 Medal, Second Class, 1883 Medal, 1880, Exposition Universelle Hors Concours Societaire A499 On the Seine 24x 18 SAVRY (Henri) Born in Holland é Pupil of: J, iis Eeiestiaa. soo Cattle in Holland Meadows 501 Sunshine and Shade 307% X 3534 ETIENNE (W.) | Deceased — Born in Russia ce. Fellow-artist in Paris with Marchetti, they occupying together their _ palatial studio } ‘ Medals at Moscow and St. Petersburg Died in Paris in 1884 502 Off for the Hawking ss i 1034 x 16 yee RGR sear le Pen sere ee arse ae ti Daubigny L’Arbre Penche 505 171 USSEAU FF ieosiore Deceased Pupil of Lethiere Born, 1812. Died, 1867 Medals, 1834, 1849 and 1855 Cross of the Legion of Honor, 1867 _ One of the Fight Grand Medals of Honor, 1867, at the Exposition Universelle 1. 4. Oe 2 ee eee OF fepiona to the Memory of Deceased Artists, 1878, Exposition Fe Universelle Os Les Falaises ae %~% x9% This picture is valued at $7500 This picture by Theodore Rousseau is from the great Roederer — Collection of Paris. It is guaranteed by the.eminent Parisian experts, _ Messieurs Georges Petit and J. Montaignac, and a letter signed by them and endorsed by Mr. Haseltine will be given to the purchaser of this picture. . Boe ZIM (Felix) | Paris + a ae | Studied at Paris a : Born at Beaume (Cote d’Or), 1822 3 Medals, 1851, and First Class, 1852 a Medal, 1855, Exposition Universelle he Ee Cross of the Legion of Honor, 1857 Ee Fale este Officer of the Legion of Honor, 1878 eee ea Hors Concours Prove ey As beautiful an example by that master as can be seen bo es Valued at $7000 Bret et... 504 Venice DAUBIGNY (Charles Francois) Deceased Born at Paris, 1817 Died in Paris, 1878 Pupil of Paul Delaroche Medal, 1848 “ Medals, First Class, 1853, 1857 and 1859 : Medal, 1855, Exposition Universelle Cross of the Legion of Honor, 1859 Medal, First Class, 1867, Exposition Universelle Officer of the Legion of Honor, 1874 Hors Concours Diploma to the Memory of Deceased Artists, 1878, Exposition ‘ Universelle t fone = Arbre Penche | 30 xX 17% aS Valued at $8000 This picture by Daubigny is from the Madame Brysse Collection of Paris, which was a collection of great note. It is guaranteed by j Messieurs Georges Petit and J. Montaignac, of Paris, two of the most eminent experts of that city, and a letter signed by them and a endorsed by Mr. Charles F. Haseltine, of Philadelphia, will be given to the purchaser of this picture. oe FS. ene SIMONI (Gustavo) One of the greatest of the Italian arenes Diploma of Honor, 1889, Exposition Universelle . 506 [he-Favorite)aneer 2438 X 355% A masterpiece GROS (Lucien Alphonse) Born at Wesserling, Alsace - Pupil of Meissonier Medals, 1867, and Second Class, 1876 Medal, 1889, Exposition Universelle Cross of the Legion of Honor, 1898 Hors Concours Medals at Berlin and Munich Medal at Vienna This artist was the best pupil of Meissonier excepting Detaille. 507. A Little Beggar ox Bs 16 x 20 BILLET (Pierre) Paris” Born at Canton (Nord), France Pupil of Jules Breton Honorable Mention, 1872 Medal, Third Class, 1873 : Medal, Second Class, 1874 Medal, Second Class, 18809, Exposition Universelle Hors Concours Societaire This picture is a splendid example of the Master and a picture. of a high class 508 Gathered Loads 1634 x 21% | MARCHETTI (Ludovico) Paris Born at Rome Pupil of Fortuny Medal, 1889, Exposition Universelle Medals at Rome, Florence and Venice Chevalier of the Order of the Crown of Italy 509 A Flirtation 114 xI5 An extraordinarily beautiful work, in the artist's best style. 4000 francs was paid the artist for this picture. LEWIS (Edmund D.) Philadelphia 510 The Upper Delaware 4014 x 21 | Willing, tor. The followed mp pictures is a tre- “A Monchaiblon went @ Fredericks for $6, a Bar- oe Herson for a a Ral- 1. Cassatt Are | oe Loe Bee ye unsoe Wife of Noted Shipbuilder _ Causes - Him to Dispose oo Oly Collection. | : | | J SALE BRINGS SMALL PRICES Though Prodacts of Brushes Su and | New Masters Are ‘Offe; » No ; Enthusiasm Is Shown. |~ ISPBCIAL DHSPATCH TO THE HERALD.) | PHILADELPHIA, Friday.—The galleries of ‘Thomas & Sons, of this city, have been ithe rendezvous : of artists and the patrons of art. during the. last week. Paintings ‘that appeal. most strongly to the eye of ithe connoisseur have been offered at pub- lic auction. and have been sold at prices that on.an average represent about a ae of their real value. The principal drawing card has been the admirable collection, the result of years of search and concentrated effort of Charles Hi. Cramp, of this city. There have been many ties in cir- leulation to account for Mr. Cramp’s dis- posal of this excellent art collection, and) all of them have been far from the truth. / The simplest explanation, and the one heen bears the fmiprint of the stamp” of ‘truth, is the one given by a representative of Thomas & Sons. At this house it was stated that the death of Mr. Cramp’s wife ‘within the last year has led up to the ‘closing of his.palatial home, in South ‘Broad street, and driven Mr. Cramp to a hotel life. He:has already, it is said, en- gaged apartments at the new Bellevus- Stratford, now in process of erection, and has distributed the greater portion of his household furnishings among his children. Having no suitable place in which to store his art. collection, he determined to ‘dispose of it, and.for that reason placed it ‘in the hands of C. PF! Hazeltine, an art ealetact Highteenth and Chestnut streets, ithis RM Sane | Mr, Hazelton in turn handed it over to, ‘Thomas & Sons, to be placed: at public ‘auction. | A singular fact in connection with the isale of the paintings is the uniformly low: prices they have brought. With the ex-| ception of one or two works none of them) iseemed to excite any enthusiasm, and al- though the rooms were thronged with cu-) 'riosity: seekers very few exhibited a dis- position to buy. This fact is all the more linexplicable when it is considered that in ‘the collection were studies by Troyon, ‘Corot, Tissot, Israels, Rosierse, D’Aubigny land many of the German masters. w wif lim + ee SS so so ae made by George 1 Company at the Sig Ueat in Sansom Street | Bats Base 220 FOREGO I ow WE BR scenes ei Ha Fe a ee “ = — ~ iy » Z ~ ——— en ‘iia On al rte gs PP tiger ne RIL el tg a8 tr EE Me ORY, Peet ae oT ge one pp aae Rt Neier MOD aE LAO Ow eee eel ietia WE ye anaes te eh jaagthses «phi cape Sap aT Tacchini gt FSB a he mat Bry et a el ee AA init gboo Sen pr bey” Aare. IE gs ate Mie ig hae ele any Otte arty ment ame Say am TRO gap et gt gre s PONE PT ig ne rg NEG ES et SOFAS PC tle et tN ae aT Sei = pi PNRM Ng a ay as 1 es Fan ee i" Ne Tegra AUT ne BE ae ret page aca eat ION Se PR ig hie Si ca nan ste era crt ppt tet Rlge 2 SA Re ge SF Pg aa nee Psa OF may ORR meen gant ne RN EEN AARON SeeB GG PASS ARES oN ge amapin is” D STEN Bg er CCN ae WORE” my le RF A Bre is a i il Eee la ae eI oat eS ee te et ee ee er PP A or esac EERE DLL LE GE PC AAA IS egy MOREE ALA Ree A be shee * sey a me sa SO UBD I nh EL A RR NO a cthge ot onus onan E a een mE PSR CO et as ae AOR Ce lh ges hae Ab Ag RO AE EL bain ot pt censor ot : OB AG gE re phe a? pO ne tonl ip WeaeD aevls 6 Wa EN cewehe c2 SoieT Jobe Pony easel w fell sub PS S73 Atel oe Ran Mhn at eR hn eli ed oD 8p 68S a Pease ithe ‘ ray oe De ee te Se min SR en ae ima nage Se a MI saa ry fond tbat on Spend fee ee es ait El 20 ot day Mab eg® 2 Sepeiaektelcae omen. ke ieoere AEE PS ws Yxtateng :¢ faarposraccneancbatieaten SOMO ERE? pe BW 2 eRe ra ater ft paribacs eee Laie tah Dasescotbed gett ~ ORG y ga ae evepoion 4 paw Gh ete, Loti ak AB OE LAA ee 9s ee a Sra pp toe donna 2 Pah et Ag) IC gif cM ibe poly toes