bythe Parte ney Hho ee wea aney Nplipta rip anes ¢ otupe ohh +22 VEG ae tS pe iiwey ey be me pee, ‘bh RS! », fone, Betas paw ets ra aa eu ystit ua ¥ BET a aE MDE Pn) Teas Eat Create r | Wye OP gs ay ha Ay lyWe uty rd oj 96. Ce ae Lr Le Be Hs eos Oe 9 2% DS a es 4 trey Oe atl os oy ane, COO ap etal se Uh ewe ee see ore Np Pe ane \ PMR Nee be hae Lee Pte Ut Vater rite pen Ste tle aie win Ma tp ey SEL ays path eh8 OA Be eas ty >} Fraga? bow; ; Dene eae a) Sb Sd ( OnCLE eo whee Cie FREE PB LIC OV TE Ww FROM 9 A. M. TO 6 P. M. | meri AMERICAN ART GALLERIES MADISON AVENUE, 56TH To 57TH STREET ENTRANCE 30 EAST 57TH STREET BEGINNING THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 7, 1924 CONTINUING UNTIL THE DATES OF SALE / 4 (INCLUDING SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 10, FROM 2 TO 5 P. M.) U ANTIQUE AND MODERN FURNITURE AND OTHER ARTISTIC PROPERTY TO BE SOLD AT UNRESTRICTED PUBLIC SALE Moet AMERICAN ART GALLERIES MORNINGS OF FEBRUARY 11 AND 13, AT 10 O’CLOCK AFTERNOONS OF FEBRUARY 11—16, 1924 AT 2:15 O?CLOCK ILLUSTRATED CATALOGUE OF COSTLY ANTIQUE AND MODERN FURNITURE (Including Fine Specimens of Needlework) RENAISSANCE TAPESTRIES, PERSIAN CARPETS INTERIOR DECORATIONS AND EMBELLISHMENTS MAINLY BELONGING TO THE ESTATE OF THE LATE JULIAN-LE ROY WHITE OF BALTIMORE, MARYLAND THE ENTIRE FURNISHINGS OF THE APARTMENTS OF Mrs. LUCY C. BLACKMER OF NEW YORK WITH PROPERTY FROM OTHER SOURCES INCLUDING VALUABLE JEWELRY AND FURS RARE OLD SNUFF BOXES AND WATCHES AMERICAN AND EUROPEAN SILVER TO BE SOLD AT UNRESTRICTED PUBLIC SALE Peer AMERICAN ART GALLERIES ON THE AFTERNOONS HEREIN STATED THE SALE TO BE CONDUCTED BY Mr. OTTO BERNET anv Mr. HIRAM H. PARKE AMERICAN ART ASSOCIATION, INc., MANAGERS THE AMERICAN ARTA DESIGNS ITS CATALO ALL DETAILS OF 4 aa IS. Achille . . I] 581—Sratuary MarsiE STATUE Second Session By Andreom “Venus at Her Toilet.” A graceful goddess with high braided hair is disrobing for the bath. On square base with canted corners. Drum-shaped green marble pedestal with revolving top. Signed: “Studio C. Andreoni.” PAINTINGS, WATER COLORS, 582—F raMeED Baxter Print. -, CRYSTAL PALACE. The f people after a military review. Total height, 6 feet 9 inches. lg 4 D et at am iaaoe a concourse of Maple frame. Height, 6 inches; length, 13 inches. 583—FrameEep CoLorEep LITHOGRAPH ee Nowe © ae PIZARRO LANDING IN SEVILLE. Lithographed by Urra- 4, — bieta. On the shore numerous personages are watching the debarkation of the celebrated S paniard from his galleys. Stained. Height, an inches; length, 161, “”O 584—Two Framep Sepia Prints KAUFFMANN BY PaRISET Wn. #. 4.6.4: | French, Eighteenth Century “Kleonore suce la blessure d’Edouard I, Roi d’Angleterre. 585—Turee Cororep Prints 5O Bust lengths of Mare Antonio — Gerardo Pitt. Framed. 586—TIwo Pren anv Ink DraAwincs . est découvert par Ulysse... 99 Height, 11 inches; length, 14 inches. Italian, Eighteenth Century 5 Pitt, Giuseppe Chiari Pittore and Height, 14 inches; width, 10 inches. é LF | By Bernard Marie Antoinette and Lady of the Court. Signed: Bernard, | {O0. 1783. Carved wood frames. (Oval.) Heights, 15 inches; widths, 121% inches. Kindly read the Conditions wnder which every item is offered and sold. They are printed in the forepart of the Catalogue. r) ) 587—Turee FrameED CoLorED VARNISHED PRINTS BRITANNIA LAMENTING THE DEATH OF NELSON. Apotheosis of Nelson’s death. A monumental tribute to Nelson. In old carved pear-tree frames (the glass of one cracked). 588—PoLycHROME Voge ee Fb hte Sivteenth Century Against a dull blue ground the seated Madonna, clothed in blue pb with red mantle, is holding the standing Infant on her knee. a : Gilt decoration Antique architectural frame. Height, 24 inches; width, 16 inches. 589—PRIMITIVE PAINTING: SAINT MICHAEL Fe ish. Gothich Siateenth ,Céntury C b Height, 27 inches; width, 1434 inches THE Saint standing in armor with his spear thrust into Satan. He is surrounded by the four Evangelists. On panel. FRENCH SCHOOL EIGHTEENTH CENTURY 590—PORTRAIT OF A LADY (Q Ae nee Fotiaf- bor Height, 12 inches; length, 16 inches Busr portrait, facing front; wearing yellow gown with diaphanous drapery. FRENCH SCHOOL ay: SEVENTEENTH CENTURY | 5 591—JUDGMENT OF PARIS Height, 1414 inches; length, 18 inches Derictine the awarding of the apple to the goddess, Venus. Second Session JAN WEISSENBRUCH Dutcu Scuoor: 1822—1880 592—_WINTER, UTRECHT Watel Color: Height, 141% inches; length, 211% inches Ancient red-bricked edifices flank a broad street which has been flooded during the winter and frozen hard, giving a fine surface for numerous persons to skate over its surface. ‘Toward the _ back- ground is a clump of leafless trees, before further interesting edifices and a distant church spire seen over their roofs. Signed at the lower right: JAN WEIsSENBRUCH. SCHOOL OF LARGILLIERE Frencuo: Earty E1gHTrENtH CENTURY 593 PORTRAIT OF 4 LADY Yur. E& 0 Faby, Y 9) Height, 15 inches; width, 1214, inches Factxe front and wearing lace-trimmed red gown and ermine-lined wrap. FRENCH SCHOOL EIGHTEENTH CENTURY 594TH REE PASTELS é.. iy bis ‘Ss 5D Oval: Heights, 15 inches; widths, 12 inches “ ~ Court beauties of the period. FRENCH SCHOOL EIGHTEENTH CENTURY 595—-MME. BOUVRET Wr. vel yee Pastel: Height, 16 inches; width, 1234 inches Bust length of a pretty girl, wearing curling brownish hair and hold- ing a dove to her breast. Blue background, executed on parchment. Kindly read the Conditions under which every item is offered and sold. They are printed in the forepart of the Catalogue. FLORENTINE SCHOOL FIFTEENTH CENTURY 596—MADONNA AND CHILD WAA. A 4 Wt Y O Height, 17 inches; width, 1444 inthes Acarnst a background of gilt softened by side draperies is shown the seated Madonna with Infant standing on her knee and holding a pear. Antique architectural frame. DUTCH SCHOOL (WIL ; IGHTEENTH CENTURY ‘ 597—PAIR OF DECORATIVE PAINTINGS 3 Ss. Height, 18 inches; width, 15 inches STanpiné on a table is a low vase filled with flowers in natural colorings. CORNELIS TROOST Dutcu: 1697—1750 598—THE CLARINET PLAYER Age P. Height, 191% inches; length, 261% inches 3 y " Sranpine to the right is a gentleman about to play the clarinet, while seated at a table covered with antique rug of rich colorings is a lady in a yellow gown, lace-trimmed. Signed at the lower right, C. Troost, and dated 1743. FLEMISH SCHOOL SIXTEENTH CENTURY ‘ 599—THE ADORATION OF THE KINGS ] O, Height, 21% inches; length, 23 inches THe three kings offering gifts to the Infant, who is seated on the Virgin’s knee. To the right, St. Joseph. Second Session FRENCH SCHOOL DirectrorrEe Prriop 600—PORTRAIT OF MME. VIGEE LE BRUN Ar q(sr.wel C / 2 a Pastel: Height, 22 inches; width, 181% inches Bust length, facing front, wearing blue-plumed felt hat over slightly auburn curling hair and ruffled lawn bodice with pinkish crimson bow and sash. A black mantle is thrown around her shoulders. MARGUERITE GERARD Frencnu: 1761— 601—THE KISS 1s Ld). 5 ae 3 lL Height, 22 inches; width, 181% inches Tue young gallant imprints a kiss upon the cheek of his lady-love, while an old lady, seated at the right, is an interested spectator. Signed at the lower left, M. Gérarpv, and dated 1790. DUTCH SCHOOL EIGHTEENTH CENTURY 602—P4IR OF DECORATIVE PAINTINGS Nt j Merl fe) b. Height, 22 imches; length, 29 inches SuHowrne a blue bow! filed with flowers. FRENCH SCHOOL Earrty EIGHTEENTH fe ee Oe 6083—ENFANT DE FRANCE E 4 la (Pastel) | : Height, 231% inches; width, 191 inches THREE-QUARTER-LENGTH portrait of a child in costume of the period playfully watching a bird held captive by a string. Kindly read the Conditions under which every item is offered and sold. They are printed in the forepart of the Catalogue. SCHOOL OF LELY Encuisy: 1618—1680 604-0 ITATION - HE Oe Height, 291% inches; width, 2314 inches A youne lady, facing front, is seated beside a table, her left hand raised to her head and right hand resting on an open book. LOUIS TOCQUE Frencu: 1696—1772 605—PORTRAIT OF A LADY Ww JO 5 ae Oval: Height, 3014 inches; width, 24 inthes Bust portrait of a young woman wearing white décolleté gown of the period, her hair dressed with flowers. NICOLAS DE LARGILLIERE Frencu: 1656—1746 606—PORTRAIT OF A MAN YQ Vy PO -_ VS, Oval: Height, 80 inches; width, 24 inches Facine front, with full curled wig; wearing embroidered coat with flowing lace collar. DUTCH SCHOOL EIGHTEENTH CENTURY 607—PAIR OF DECORATIVE paring: We i E: Height, 83114 inches; width, 22 inches A sitver vase filled with white carnations and red tulips. Second Session FRENCH SCHOOL EIGHTEENTH CENTURY 608—PORTRAIT OF A LADY Mr. Kopel 3 O , H eight, 31 inches; width, 22 inches Facrne slightly left; wearing large lace hat, flower-trimmed, and pink gown and holding a small dog. NICOLAS DE LARGILLIERE Frencu ScHoor: 1656—1746 609—MME. DE WALLERY ot Height, 3114 inches; width, 251% inches Har-LeneruH figure of a handsome woman seated before a wooded landscape wearing pink flowers in her gray hair, and a white ivory dress draped in fine blue and pale lavender. She has a red carnation at her bosom and in her left hand holds a loose bouquet of beautiful flowers. | ITALIAN SCHOOL by Q 2k cy elas CENTURY 610—OLD ITALIAN TRIPTYCH Height, 31 inches; width, 26 inches | §0. Tue central panel contains the seated Madonna with Infant and two | attendants. The side panels with saints and angels. Antique frame of the period. SCHOOL OF PANNINI | EIGHTEENTH CENTURY we iP A PAINTING 27 cA4 Height, 281 inches; length, 89 mches SHowine on the left a temple towards which two figures are ap- ~ proaching. i Kindly read the Conditions under which every item ts offered and sold. They are printed in the forepart of the Catalogue. FLEMISH SCHOOL MW SEVENTEENTH CENTURY | 612—THE CONDEMNED SAINT 3 0, Height, 3414 mches; width, 291% imches THe executioner with long sword stands beside the kneeling saint, who is begging for mercy from the noble lady who is approaching with attendants. FRENCH EIGHTEENTH CENTURY SCHOOL eet WA | | pp (ArrEer Narrier) . ave ‘ aw), het 613—MME. ADELAIDE DE FRANCE | “ -_ = 20 ' Pastel—oval: Height, 3514 inches; width, 2714, inches THREE-QUARTER length, facing front, of a charming young girl, wear- | ing gray Pompadour hair and gray silk vested dress, adorned with | pearls and lace trimming. 7 ITALIAN SCHOOL (\ 1 { PTY 5 setias CENTURY 614—PORTRAIT OF A YOUNG LADY , 52 Height, 3514 inches; width, 28 inches THREE-quARTER length, facing to the left; wearing red gown and green mantle. ITALIAN SCHOOL EIGHTEENTH CENTURY 615—PORTRAIT OF A BISHOP Height, 37 inches; width, 28 inches Wearine red cap and red cope, ermine-trimmed, his right hand raised in blessing. Second Session a DUTCH SCHOOL SEVENTEENTH CENTURY 616—PAIR OF DECORATIVE PAINTINGS Height, 29 inches; length, 41 inches FLowers, fruit and a pheasant, and flowers, fruit and a parrot; both in bright colors. A. BOUVIER CoNTEMPORARY FRENCH prs 6164—LE SOIR Height, 30 inches; length, 87 inches Turee fishing smacks are toward left, near the shore of a lazily lapping _ sea on which the beams of the setting sun are playing. Signed at lower left, A. Bouvier, 1889. ITALIAN SCHOOL SEVENTEENTH CENTURY | ¢ 617—HARBOR S Height, 38 inches; length, 501% inches CastieEs on the water’s banks and mountains in the distance. FRENCH SCHOOL Ex EENTH CENTURY 618—PORTRAIT OF A LADY Height, 40 inches; width, 3114, inches Fuu1 face; wearing pale blue gown with pink draperies and holding in her right hand a wreath of flowers. Kindly read the Conditions under which every item is offered and sold. They are printed in the forepart of the Catalogue. ITALIAN SCHOOL ity By NTEENQH CENTURY 619—HARBOR SCENE AL F Height, 41 inches; length, 45 inches Panace ruins on the right, and behind a headland, flag-decked ships. In the foreground, men loading a ship. ATTRIBUTED TO ALESSO BALDOVINETTI | ‘t LIAN: 1425—1499 620—THE ie ho : cls CV Height, 42 inches; width, 42 inches Tue Virgin interrupted at prayer by the angel, who kneels before her. Above, to the left, the Holy Ghost in the form of a dove. ATTRIBUTED TO PIETRO DA CORTONA Traian :_1596—1660 . 621—_THE anon Ip 30. Height, 611% inches; width, 43 inches Tuer Virgin at prayer interrupted by. the angel, who points heaven- ward. ‘The Holy Ghost in the form of a dove and cherubs appear in the dark cloudy background. O.). \ We 622—Decorative Painrep Paner ue In the Manner of Pannini, Eighteenth Century aS. Seaport and Ruins. At right rise the ruins of two important columned temples enriched with sculpture. At right is a group of men hauling to shore a heavy boat. The bay stretches to distant edifices at horizon. Height, 6 feet 9 inches; width, 5 feet 10 inches. or fu + > A % a ae Meee id eas Sth ins it aa de To ay f , ie Bait a) mae’, ath” rhe Aes Ce — a e z * * he 9 ox Se ee ee ee ee ee - PT Se ie toss ; re = ie ae “ee are wae oe ran @ Gore +L Se ~ Ete lt, ° ; os $ sh Sar KSI ne (tn en ning a eth Pt BPE Ae AEP NE tin tS A RH | i Betsy es : eee LO SPAPRM SC ghey dhaiits cae Syl emues sey eran PFT RET hag! SCA Ge ga, Wary iE NP energy, . u' Sheceresttur toh bees tear eta SF tts “ eS SANE yy bd 4 at Ne SS ev Th AS ye; HE Nea rary eg: “ERG TI ANT ah, Seg Naty ry Vnree Sean neh Th Sakae ah YN soy errs tere ae . oot eae cy ee or bp Lf Taw ree u epee ey tye h se es he opty 7 ING ae WF Ey WSS NE Hee Ye, USO AED OW othe Seren hae od x YP Ae we ae we BUN Ses SOT RNS ay ye er ireesaned St te Peary ay be foe Sit eryueye See ey ibd of vane t ea Miwa hey oreo asus yar yees SERN OS, Hsin trey: . bbe ta aa try Far bnet ere, SBMS LAL Ry myn: ue veus t sgoetea gy Sweeny oe RUE, BNE RES je iF sae ) se WEWSCS Oy stent) ae wt VEL ety eye wing x hw stent y AS ABYSS Sad, Usp ndinveney ae MAKE by wr 4 PPh eA ey Tare an" oI Ais BRA BEVIN UF a Nletrg FING Hy anyon ten Bene pee h a { 7 ¥ BAM ney FSS tH Toon anu . het a Shengelsaie ASS VE ws ; Serena eu. Beha Fiera bao 7 Meet were ilps Stay ys erhy nt ‘ Uae PER LADE g Dew WEE Ly ese rae Re ata, i Tatas Westerners iva ture © Bg es hoe iene Wek, she iS ee ey us teednag a vont eee tt ue tite aR RS or