} | SALE NUMBER 1974 _ PUBLIC EXHIBITION FROM SATURDAY, OCTOBER THIRD - CURRIER & IVES LITHOGRAPHS THE COLLECTION OF PHEN VAN RENSSELAER PETERBOROUGH, N. H. [PART ONE] +, S TO BE SOLD BY HIS ORDER _ THURSDAY EVENING )CTOBER EIGHTH 3ON GALLERIES L KENNERLEY, Prestpent] UE AT FIPTY-NINTH STREET, NEW YORK 1925 - e = o A * + © ; 4 ‘ i hs * # ~ ra < , ww = ' ' d ¢ a“ F ' ‘ x ’ E ; 7 « ; y v : he . . 4 - ii k ‘ \ ri ve §? as hs elt Nice et ‘ ’ I “ j 4 « ‘ J ‘ -f- . Cd | } ' ‘ y 7, ; ‘ * . 7 ial i i t ' i ; { ni it \ ri it ‘ : j F { oe “THE PIONEER S HOME ONE OF TWO KNOWN COPIES [NUMBER 248 | SALE NUMBER 1974 PUBLIC EXHIBITION FROM SATURDAY, OCTOBER THIRD CURRIER & IVES LITHOGRAPHS THE COLLECTION OF STEPHEN VAN RENSSELAER PETERBOROUGH, N. H. [PART ONE, | TO BE SOLD BY HIS ORDER THURSDAY EVENING OCTOBER EIGHTH AT EIGHT’FIFTEEN THE ANDERSON GALLERIES “250 [MITCHELL KENNERLEY, Presipent ] 489 PARK AVENUE AT FIFTY-NINTH STREET, NEW YORK 1925 CONDITIONS OF SALE ALL BIDS TO BE PER LOT AS NUMBERED IN THE CATALOGUE. The highest bidder to be the buyer. In all cases of disputed bids the decision of the Auctioneer shall be final. Buyers to give their names and addresses and to make such cash payments on 4 account as may be required, in default of which the lots purchased shall be resold immediately. Purchases to be removed at the buyer’s expense and risk within twenty-four q hours from the conclusion of the sale, and the remainder of the purchase money to be paid on or before delivery, in default of which The Anderson Galleries, oe Incorporated, will not be responsible for any loss or damage whatever, but the 4 lot or lots will be left at the sole risk of the purchaser, and subject to poe a charges. All lots will be placed on public exhibition before the date of sale, for examina- z tion by intending purchasers, and The Anderson Galleries, Incorporated, will not be responsible for the correctness of the description, authenticity, genuine- ness, or for any defect or fault in or concerning any lot, and make no mesranta whatever, but will sell each lot exactly as it is, WITHOUT RECOURSE. If accounts are not paid and purchases removed within twenty-four hours of the 4 conclusion of the sale, or, in the case of absent buyers, when bills are rendered, — any sum deposited as part payment shall be forfeited, and The Anderson Gal- _ leries, Incorporated, reserve the right to resell the lot or lots by either private or public sale, without further notice, and if any deficiency arises from such — resale it shall be made good by the defaulter, together with all expenses in- curred. This condition shall be without prejudice to the right of this Com- pany to enforce the sale contract and collect the amount due without such resale, at its own option. ee The Anderson Galleries, Incorporated, will afford every facility for the employ- _ 3 ment of carriers and packers by the purchasers, but will not be ee 2 for any damage arising from the acts of such carriers and packers. } The Anderson Galleries make no o charge for executing orders for their cus by other bids. A Priced Copy of this Catalogue may be obtained for One Dollar — for each Session of the Sale THE ANDERSON GALLERIES, INC. PARK AVENUE AND FIFTY-NINTH STREET, NEW YORK — ae TELEPHONE REGENT 0250 _ CATALOGUES ON REQUEST LuB) SALES CONDUCTED BY MR. F. A. CHAPMAN AND MR. A. N. BADE ORDER OF SALE THURSDAY EVENING, OCTOBER EIGHTH CLASSICAL AND DOMESTIC SUBJECTS 1 23 RURAL AND FARM SCENES 24. 79 AMERICAN HISTORICAL SUBJECTS 80-117 PORTRAITS OF AMERICAN STATESMEN 118-153 MARITIME SUBJECTS 1541644 SHOOTING AND SPORTING SUBJECTS 165-194 AMERICAN VIEWS, INCLUDING THE GREAT WEST 195-257 4 SALE THURSDAY EVENING, OCTOBER EIGHTH, AT 8:15 CURRIER AND IVES LITHOGRAPHS THE COLLECTION OF STEPHEN VAN RENSSELAER [PART ONE] NUMBERS 1-257 All the prints, with one or two exceptions, are in old contemporary frames CLASSICAL AND DOMESTIC SUBJECTS NUMBERS 1-23 “NOAH’S ARK” FE. B. and E. C. Kellogg. Undated. Small folio. Old frame. “NOAH’S ARK” “And they went in unto Noah into the Ark two and two of all flesh wherein is the breath of life. Gen. vii, 15” Small folio. Old pine frame. “NOAH’S ARK” Currier and Ives. Undated. Small folio. Old walnut and gilt frame. Matted. “THE LIFE AND AGE OF MAN” * N. Currier. Undated. Small folio. Old plaster frame. “THE LIFE AND AGE OF WOMAN” N. Currier. Dated 1850. Small folio. Old plaster frame. “DAY BEFORE MARRIAGE, BRIDE’S JEWELS” Currier and Ives. Undated. Small upright folio. Very quaint mottled pine frame. , “THE HAPPY FAMILY” : Currier and Ives. Dated 1869. Pine frame. Fine impression. 1 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 hat “MY PONY AND DOG” Currier and Ives. Undated. Small folio. Pine frame. “MY FAVORITE HORSE” Currier and Ives. Undated. Pine frame. “THE BEST JUG TO FETCH BEER IN” Medium upright folio. Pine frame. “BLACK VALLEY RAILROAD” EK. Ackerman, Boston, Mass. folio. Old moulded walnut and gilt frame. VERY RARE. “BLUE MONDAY” Ives. Undated. Small folio. Old moulded pine Currier and frame. Dated 1865. Large rectangular A very amusing print showing a housewife belaboring her cobbler husband. “THE INDIAN FAMILY” Undated. Medium upright folio. Old moulded N. Currier. black walnut and gilt frame. A SCARCE PRINT IN ALMOST PROOF CONDITION. “HIAWATHA’S WOOING” Verses below. Currier and Ives. Dated 1860. Large folio. Rarer. “FLOWERS—ROSES AND BLUEBELLS” Undated. Medium large upright folio. Old Currier and Ives. pine frame. PROOF CONDITION. “THE SAILOR’S ADIEU” N. Currier. Undated. Medium upright folio. “THE SAILOR’S RETURN” N. Currier. Undated. Medium upright folio. 2 Pine frame. Old pine frame. Old pine frame. x b 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 “OFF FOR THE WAR” Currier and Ives. Dated 1861. Medium upright folio. Old pine frame. “THE SOLDIER’S DREAM OF HOME” Currier and Ives. Undated. Medium folio. Brown mottled pine frame. “THE SAILOR’S ADIEU” J. Baillie. Undated. Medium upright folio. Old pine frame. “THE SAILOR’S RETURN” J. Baillie. Undated. Medium upright folio. Old pine frame. “THE SAILOR’S RETURN” N. Currier. Undated. Small upright folio. Old gilt frame. “WILLIAM TELL” Shooting the Apple from his Son’s Head. Unsigned and undated. Small folio. Old painted and gilt frame. RURAL AND FARM SCENES NUMBERS 24-79 “MY BOY-HOOD’S HOME” Currier and Ives. Dated 1873. Small folio. Old walnut frame. “HOME SWEET HOME” ; Currier and Ives. Undated. Medium large folio. Old moulded plaster and gilt frame. “HOME SWEET HOME” Currier and Ives. Undated. Small folio. Enamelled frame of brilliant colors. “THE OLD OAKEN BUCKET” With two stanzas of poetry. Currier and Ives. Dated 1864. Large folio. Walnut and gilt frame. 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 “THE OLD OAKEN BUCKET” BE ee With verses underneath. Lew ae Currier and Ives. Dated 1872. Medium folio. — Mould and gilt frame. MER “THE VILLAGE BLACKSMITH” | BE N. Currier, F. Palmer, Del. Undated. Medium folio. Old | frame. “SUMMER IN THE COUNTRY” rs Currier and Ives. Undated. Small folio. Old mahogany , frame. “SUMMER IN THE COUNTRY” NYE he Se J. Gemmell, Chicago, Ill. Small folio. Old moulded walnu 1 gilt frame. | begets “WINTER SCENE IN oH COUN TRG N. Y. Undated. Large folio, Old moulded walnut tax frame. “AMERICAN COUNTRY LIFE—MAY MORNING” fet N. Currier. Dated 1855. Large folio. Very fine old a oe WoNnDERFULLY BEAUTIFUL PRINT. “SUMMER” Showing horses, sheep and ducks. RAE. E. C. Kellogg. Undated. Small folio. Old maple f “SUMMER MORNING” Haskell & Allen. Undated. Small folio. Old 1 painted frame. “SUMMER AFTERNOON” eal Currier and Ives. Undated. Small folio. Old p ie gr ee “SUMMER EVENING” tyaeet | Currier and Ives. Undated. Yellow pee om 38 39 40 41 42 43 44: 45 46 AT “WINTER” Haskell & Allen. Undated. Old moulded, walnut and gilt frame. VERY BEAUTIFUL PRINT. “WINTER MORNING” Currier and Ives. Dated 1867. F. F. Palmer, del. Medium large folio. Old pine frame. “SPRING” Currier and Ives. Undated. Small folio. Pine frame. “AMERICAN HOMESTEAD, SPRING” Currier and Ives. Dated 1867. Small folio. Mahogany veneer frame. “AMERICAN HOMESTEAD, AUTUMN” Currier and Ives. Dated 1869. Small folio. Old moulded plaster and gilt frame. “AMERICAN HOMESTEAD—WINTER” Currier and Ives. Dated 1868. Medium folio. Fine old ma- hogany veneer frame. Very fine impression. “THE INGLESIDE WINTER” Currier and Ives. Undated. Small folio. Old carved walnut frame. Fine impression. “FROZEN UP” : Currier and Ives. Dated 1872. Small folio. Old pine frame. “AMERICAN FARM YARD, SUMMER” Thomas Kelly. Dated 1863. Large folio. Old moulded plaster frame. Companion to the following print. “AMERICAN FARM YARD, WINTER” Thomas Kelly. Undated. Large folio. Old moulded plaster frame. | Companion to the preceding print. 5 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 “AMERICAN COUNTRY SCENE IN SUMMER” John Smith, Philadelphia. Undated. Large folio, matted. Pine frame. A VERY BEAUTIFUL PRINT. “SUMMER SCENE IN THE COUNTRY” Joseph Hoover, Philadelphia. Undated. Large folio. Enam- elled frame. A VERY BEAUTIFULLY COLORED AND EXECUTED PRINT. “AMERICAN WINTER SCENE” Joseph Hoover, Philadelphia. Dated 1867. Large folio, matted. Pine frame. } A VERY BEAUTIFUL PRINT. “THE FARMER’S FRIENDS” . Currier and Ives. Undated. Medium large folio. Old rolled mahogany veneer frame. | PROOF CONDITION. “THE HAPPY FAMILY” A Farm Scene. Currier and Ives. Dated 1869. Small folio. Old mahogany veneer frame. “THE DAIRY FARM” Currier and Ives. Undated. Medium large folio. Old gilt frame. PROOF CONDITION. “THE DAIRY FARM” Currier and Ives. Undated. Small folio. Enamelled frame of mottled gray and brilliant red. “THE STOCK FARM” Currier and Ives. Undated. Small folio. Fine old moulded walnut and gilt frame. “HAYING TIME” Haskell and Allen. Undated. Small folio. Old walnut frame. 6 2 = an 5 a ‘ > ee SAA hs Ss eS oe ee) S 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 “THE STRAW YARD—WINTER” Currier and Ives. Undated. Medium folio. Moulded walnut frame. “AMERICAN FARM YARD, MORNING” Currier and Ives. F. F. Palmer, del. Dated 1857. Large folio. Old moulded plaster and gilt frame. ONE OF THE FINEST PRINTS, IN ALMOST PROOF CONDITION. “AMERICAN FARM YARD, EVENING” Companion to the preceding. “NOON” George E. Perine, N. Y. Lithographed by J. L. Giles & Co., N. Y. Large folio. Moulded walnut and gilt frame. A VERY BEAUTIFULLY COLORED AND EXECUTED RURAL LANDSCAPE SCENE. “GOING TO PASTURE—EARLY MORNING” Currier and Ives. Undated. Small folio. Old gilt frame. “SUNDAY IN THE OLDEN TIME” Currier and Ives. Undated. Small folio. Old walnut frame. “THE OLD MILL—IN SUMMER” Currier and Ives. Undated. Small folio. Mahogany veneer frame. “THE BRIDGE AT THE OUTLET” Currier and Ives. Undated. Small folio, matted. Painted pine frame. “FORDING THE RIVER” Currier and Ives. Undated. F. Palmer, Del. Medium folio. Enamelled and gilt frame. A VERY BEAUTIFULLY COLORED PRINT IN ALMOST PROOF CONDI- TION. “THE CLEARING” Currier and Ives. Undated. Medium folio. Old pine frame. 7 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 “THE RIVERSIDE” Currier and Ives. Undated. Small folio. Very fine old mahog- any veneer frame. “THE RIVER SIDE” Haskell & Allen. Undated. Small folio. Moulded walnut and gilt frame. “THE FERRY BOAT” N. Currier. F. Palmer, Del. Undated. Medium large folio. Old pine frame. A VERY RARE and well-executed print showing a stream with an old time wooden flat-end boat with horses and men aboard, about to be pushed down the stream. “THE THATCHED COTTAGE” Currier and Ives. Undated. Medium large folio. Old gilt frame. PROOF CONDITION. “THE IVY BRIDGE” Currier and Ives. Undated. Small folio. Old moulded plaster frame. “THE SYLVAN LAKE” Currier and Ives. Undated. Fine mahogany veneer frame. “GOOD TIMES ON THE OLD PLANTATION” Currier and Ives. Undated. Small folio. Old pine frame. “SKATING SCENE—MOONLIGHT” Currier and Ives. Dated 1868. Small folio. Interesting old tortoise-shell pine frame. “A GLIMPSE OF THE HOMESTEAD” . Currier and Ives. Dated 1863. Medium large folio. Old pine frame. 2 ALMOST PROOF CONDITION. 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 “THE HOME IN THE WILDERNESS” Currier and Ives. Dated 1875. Medium folio. Mahogany fin- ish and gilt frame. “HOME IN THE WILDERNESS” Currier and Ives. Dated 1870. Small folio. Old mahogany veneer frame. “HUSKING” Currier and Ives. Dated 1861. Painted by Eastman Johnson. On stone by C. Severin. Large folio. Original black walnut and gilt frame. There is every indication of Rembrandt influence in this picture, which is held to be the best example of Currier and Ives. The faces of the workers, andthe shading, are so superior that this is easily the PREMIER AMERICAN PRINT of this subject. “A PAIR OF NUTCRACKERS” Currier and Ives. Undated. Small folio. Pine frame. AMERICAN HISTORICAL SUBJECTS NUMBERS 80-117 “THE LANDING OF COLUMBUS AT SAN SALVADOR, OCTOBER 12TH, 1492” Currier and Ives. Dated 1876. Medium large folio. Old enamelled frame. ProoF CONDITION. s “DISCOVERY OF THE MISSISSIPPI BY FERDINAND DE SOTO AND HIS FOLLOWERS MAY 1541” Currier and Ives. Dated 1876. Medium folio. Old pine frame. PROOF CONDITION. “LANDING OF THE PILGRIMS AT PLYMOUTH, 11TH DEC. 1620” N. Currier. Undated. Small folio. Old moulded plaster and gilt frame. 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 “WILLIAM PENN’S TREATY WITH THE INDIANS When He Founded the Province of Pennsylvania, 1661. The only treaty that never was broken” N. Currier. Undated. Small folio. Old pine frame. “THE DECLARATION OF INDEPENDENCE” Sarony and Major. Undated. Small folio. Pine frame. VERY BRIGHT, FINE PRINT. “THE DECLARATION OF INDEPENDENCE, JULY 4TH, 1776” N. Currier. Undated. Small folio. Old mahogany veneer frame. “WASHINGTON PASSING THE DELAWARE Evening previous to the Battle of Trenton, Dec. 25th, 1775” Painted by T. Sully, published by Sumner Augustus Mitchell, Phila. May 20th, 1825. Etched by W. Humphreys, engraved by G. S. Lang. Engraving in map form. RARE ITEM. “GENERAL FRANCIS MARION OF SOUTH CAROLINA In his swamp Encampment inviting a British Officer to share his Dinner of sweet Potatoes and cold water” Currier and Ives. Dated 1876. Medium folio. Old pine frame. A RARE HISTORICAL PRINT IN PROOF CONDITION. “MARION’S BRIGADE CROSSING THE PEDEE RIVER, 5. Ceo ers On their way to attack the British Force under Tarleton” Currier and Ives. Undated. Medium folio. Old pine frame. A RARE HISTORICAL PRINT, COMPANION TO THE PRECEDING PRINT. IN PROOF CONDITION. “WASHINGTON ENTERING NEW YORK ON THE EVACUATION OF THE ROYALISTS, NOV. 25, 1783” F. B. Stacy. Dated 1852. Medium large folio. Old gilt frame. AN EXCEEDINGLY FINE EARLY AMERICAN PRINT. 10 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 “WASHINGTON FAMILY, WASHINGTON, HIS LADY AND TWO GRAND-CHILDREN BY THE NAME OF CUSTIS” N. Currier. Undated. Medium folio. Very quaint pine frame. One of Currier’s first lithographs. (Note “grand-children” ) “WASHINGTON’S RECEPTION BY THE LADIES AT TRENTON” N. Currier. Dated 1845. Upright folio. Pine frame. “WASHINGTON’S RECEPTION BY THE LADIES ON THE BRIDGE At Trenton, New Jersey, April 1789, on his way to New York to be inaugurated First President of the United States” James Baillie. Dated 1848. Small upright folio. Old pine frame. “GENERAL ANDREW JACKSON AT NEW ORLEANS, JAN. 8TH, 1815” N. Currier. Undated. Medium large upright folio. Old pine frame. “NAVAL HEROES OF THE UNITED STATES Alexander Murray, John Paul Jones, Richard Dale, Nicholas Biddle, Edward Preble, John Barry, also Warships Bon Homme Richard and Serapis” N. Currier. Dated 1846. Small folio. Old pine frame. Rake. . “U. S. DRAGOONS CUTTING THEIR WAY THROUGH A MEXICAN AMBUSCADE” ; N. Currier. Dated 1846. Small folio. Old pine tortoise-shell finish frame. “GEN’L AMPUDIA TREATING FOR THE CAPITULA- TION OF MONTEREY WITH GEN’L TAYLOR, 24TH SEPT. 1846” Sarony and Major. Dated 1846. Medium large folio. Old stencilled pine frame. Fine impression. 11 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 “THE GALLANT CHARGE OF THE KENTUCKY — CAVALRY UNDER COL. MARSHALL” | Buena Vista, Feb. 23rd, 1847. J. Baillie. Undated. Medium folio. Old pine frame. | “GENERAL TAYLOR AND HIS STAFF On the Morning before the Battle of Buena Vista, February 23, 1847” K. B. and E. C. Kellogg. Dated 1846. Small upright folio. Old mahogany veneer frame. “BATTLE OF CERRO GORDO, APRIL 18TH, 1847” N. Currier. Dated 1847. Medium folio. Old pine frame. “CAPITULATION OF VERA CRUZ” The Mexican soldiers marching out and surrendering their arms to General Scott, March 29, 1847. N. Currier. Dated 1847. Small folio. Pine frame. “THE MEXICANS EVACUATING VERA CRUZ And Surrendering their Arms to the U. S. Army under General Scott” N. Currier. Dated 1847. Small folio. Painted pine frame. “ASSASSINATION OF COLONEL E. E. ELLSWORTH By James W. Jackson, at the Marshall House, Alexandria, Va., May 24th, 1861” E. B. and E. C. Kellogg. Undated. Small upright folio. Old pine frame. “NEW HAMPSHIRE VOLUNTEER MUSTER ROLL” Colored lithograph showing engagements and personnel, Fourth Reg. Co. I, New Hampshire Volunteers. Large upright folio. Undated. Old gilt frame. “COL. MICHAEL CORCORAN, AT THE BATTLE OF BULL RUN, VA., JULY 21ST, 1861 The desperate and bloody charge of the Gallant Sixty Ninth, on the Rebel Batteries” Currier and Ives. Undated. Small folio. Old painted, moulded pine frame. 12 - ay ” Pa. 4 a s) ~~ £ x 7 o-¥ = Sem ~ ght 29> - E a ae = oy MEETING OF GENERALS GRANT AND LEE PREPARATORY TO THE SURRENDER [NUMBER 109 | 105 106 107 108 109 110 “THE GREAT BATTLE OF MURFREESBORO, TENN., JANY. 2ND, 1863” With description of the battle. Currier and Ives. Dated 1863. Small folio. Pine frame. “BATTLE OF FIVE FORKS . . . APRIL 1ST, 1865” With description of the battle. Currier and Ives. Undated. Small folio. Very fine old mahog- any veneer frame. “THE BATTLE OF CHICKAMAUGA, GEO.” With description. Currier and Ives. Undated. Small folio. Old moulded pine frame. “THE FALL OF RICHMOND, VA. on the Night of April 2nd, 1865” Currier and Ives. Dated 1865. Small folio. Old moulded plaster frame. “MEETING OF GENERALS GRANT AND LEE Preparatory to the Surrender of General Lee and His Entire Army to Lieut. General U. S. Grant, April 9th, 1865. This memorable event terminated the great Rebellion” Published by Joseph Hoover & Co., Philadelphia. P. S. Duval & Son, Lith., Phila. Dated 1866. Large folio. Old moulded walnut and gilt frame. : A VERY BEAUTIFUL PRINT IN ALMOST PROOF CONDITION, depicting the outstanding event of the Civil War. But few copies are known. [szx mLusTRATION “SURRENDER OF GEN’L LEE at Appomattox C. H. Va. April 9th, 1865” Showing Generals Grant and Lee. Currier and Ives. Dated 1865. Small upright folio. Old pine frame. 13 111 112 113 114 115 116 A1¢ “TERRIFIC COMBAT BETWEEN ‘MONITOR’ 2 GUNS AND ‘MERRIMAC’ 10 GUNS In Hampton Roads, March 9th, 1862, In which the Little ‘Moni- tor’ whipped the ‘Merrimac’ and the whole ‘School’ of Rebel Steamers” Currier and Ives. Dated 1862. Small folio. Old pine frame. “TERRIFIC COMBAT BETWEEN MONITOR AND MERRIMAC, Showing the Minnesota and Rebel steamers, Hampton Roads, March 9, 1862” Currier and Ives. Dated 1862. Medium folio. Old pine frame. “COM. FARRAGUTT’S FLEET, PASSING THE FORTS On the Mississippi, April 24, 1862. The U. S. Frigate Missis- sippi destroying the rebel ram Manassas” Currier and Ives. Dated 1862. Medium folio. Fine walnut and gilt frame. VERY FINE PRINT. “YANKEE VOLUNTEERS MARCHING INTO DIXIE” J. M. Bufford. Dated 1862. Small folio. Grained pine frame. Rake. 382 CIVIL WAR UNION GENERALS AND ADMIRALS, Also shows Confederate States with Richmond in the middle Large folio, matted. Pine frame. A very interesting Civil War item. “CUSTER’S LAST CHARGE” Brevet Major-General George A. Custer, Lieutenant-Colonel 7th U. S. Cavalry. Killed in Battle with the Sioux June 25th, 1876. Currier and Ives. Dated 1876. Medium upright folio. Old pine frame. A STRIKING PRINT IN PROOF CONDITION, “CUSTER’S LAST CHARGE” “Brevet Major-General George A. Custer, Lieutenant Colonel 7th U. S. Cavalry. Killed in the battle with the Souis, June 25th, 1876” : Currier and Ives. Dated 1876. Small upright folio. Walnut and gilt frame. 14 118 119 120 121] 122 123 124 PORTRAITS OF AMERICAN STATESMEN NUMBERS 118-153 “MARTHA WASHINGTON” Currier and Ives. Undated. Small upright folio. Mahogany veneer frame. “G. WASHINGTON” Currier and Ives. Undated. Medium upright folio. Original old mahogany veneer frame. ONE OF THE RAREST WASHINGTON PRINTS. “WASHINGTON” Standing beside his horse. N. Currier. Undated. Upright folio. Pine frame. “WASHINGTON, THE PATRIOT, THE STATESMAN AND THE WARRIOR” Sarony and Major. Dated 1846. Fine mahogany veneer frame. Fine impression. “GEN. GEORGE WASHINGTON THE FATHER OF HIS COUNTRY” J. Baillie. Undated. Small upright folio. Old mahogany ven- eer frame. “WASHINGTON First in War, First in Peace and First in the Hearts of His Countrymen” Kellogg & Comstock. Undated. Small upright folio. Old ma- hogany veneer frame. “WASHINGTON, First in War, First in Peace and First in the Hearts of His Countrymen” | Kellogg and Thayer. Undated. Medium upright folio. Old pine frame. 15 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 “GEN. GEORGE WASHINGTON THE FATHER OF HIS COUNTRY” Small upright folio. Old mahogany veneer frame. “GEORGE WASHINGTON FIRST PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES” Probably Kellogg. Undated. Medium upright folio. Old ma- hogany veneer frame. “GEORGE WASHINGTON FIRST PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES” D. W. Kellogg & Co. Undated. Medium square upright folio. Old pine frame. “JOHN ADAMS, SECOND PRESIDENT OF THE U. 8.” D. W. Kellogg & Co. Undated. Medium upright folio. Old pine frame. | AN EARLY AND VERY BEAUTIFULLY COLORED PRINT. “JOHN ADAMS SECOND PRESIDENT OF THE U. S. Born Oct. 19, 1735. Inaugurated March 4, 1797. Died July 4, 1826” EK. B. and E. C. Kellogg. Undated. Medium folio. Old pine frame. “THOMAS JEFFERSON THIRD PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES Born April 2, 1748. Inaugurated March 4, 1801. Died July 4, 1826” EK. B. and E. C. Kellogg. Undated. Medium upright folio. Old moulded walnut frame. Uncolored. “THOMAS JEFFERSON THIRD PRESIDENT OF THE 8. Born April 2, 1743. Inaugurated March 4, 1801. apis rar March 4, 1809. Died July 4, 1826” | K. B. and E. C. Kellogg. Undated. Small pais folio. Old pine frame. 16 182 133 134 135 136 137 138 “JAMES MADISON FOURTH PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES Inaugurated March 4th, 1809. Died June 28th, 1836” D. W. Kellogg & Co. Hartford. Undated. Medium upright folio. Old pine frame. “JOHN QUINCY ADAMS SIXTH PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES” D. W. Kellogg & Co. Undated. Medium upright folio. Old walnut frame. A VERY EARLY AND BEAUTIFULLY COLORED PRINT. “ANDREW JACKSON SEVENTH PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES” D. W. Kellogg & Co. Undated. Medium square upright folio. Old pine frame. “GENERAL WILLIAM H. HARRISON” D. W. Kellogg. Undated. Medium upright folio. Rosewood finish and gilt frame. VERY FINE PRINT. “JOHN TYLER TENTH PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES” Born April 19th, 1790: Succeeded to Presidential Chair on the death of President Harrison, April 4, 1841. Retired March 4th, 1845” : E. B. and E. C. Kellogg. Undated. Medium upright folio. Old mahogany veneer frame. “JAMES K. POLK PRESIDENT ELECT OF THE UNITED STATES” N. Currier. Dated 1844. Medium upright folio. Old pine frame. “JAMES K. POLK, 11TH PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES” J. Baillie. Undated. Small upright folio. Old pine frame. 17 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 “JAMES KNOX POLK ELEVENTH PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES Born November 2nd, 1795. Inaugurated March 4th, 1845” E. B. and E. C. Kellogg. Undated. Medium upright folio. Old pine frame. “JAMES K. POLK 11TH PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES” J. Baillie. Undated. Small upright folio. Old mahogany veneer frame. “GENERAL Z. TAYLOR” Rough and Ready. Sarony and Major. Dated 1846. Small folio. Mahogany ven- eer frame. “ZACHARY TAYLOR TWELFTH PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES” Kellogg & Comstock. Undated. Medium upright folio. Old mahogany veneer frame. “FRANKLIN PIERCE PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES” EK. C. Kellogg. Undated. Medium upright folio. Old pine frame. “JAMES BUCHANAN, FIFTEENTH PRESIDENT OF THE U. S.” N. Currier. Undated. Medium upright folio, Fine walnut and gilt frame. . “A. LINCOLN Abraham Lincoln Sixteenth President of the United States” Currier and Ives. Undated. Medium upright folio. Old pine frame. “PRESIDENT LINCOLN AT HOME Reading the Scriptures to his Wife and Son” Currier and Ives. Undated. Moulded frame. 18 147 148 149 150 151 152 1538 “GENERAL JAMES A. GARFIELD 20TH PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES” Currier and Ives. Dated 1880. Medium large upright folio. Fine old mahogany veneer frame. FINE PRINT AND RARE IN THIS SIZE. “THE PRESIDENTS OF THE UNITED STATES, WASH- INGTON TO HARRISON (10)” N. Currier. Dated 1842. Tall upright folio. Old mahogany veneer frame. A VERY EARLY AND AN EXCEEDINGLY RARE PRINT. “THE PRESIDENTS, WASHINGTON TO POLK (11)” Centre medallion of Washington and Declaration of Indepen- dence. N. Currier. Dated 1844. Old pine frame. “PRESIDENTS OF THE UNITED STATES, WASHING- TON TO POLK (11)” Medallion of Declaration of Independence. J. Baillie, New York. Dated 1844. Medium upright folio. Old mahogany veneer frame. Uncommon print by this lithographer. “MAJ. GEN’L GEORGE B. McCLELLAN GENERAL IN CHIEF OF THE U. S. ARMY” 6 Currier and Ives. Undated. Medium upright folio. Fine ma- hogany frame. “MAJOR GEN. McCLELLAN” Showing the General galloping ahead of troops. Upright folio, pine and gilt frame. Very fine impression. TWENTY-FIVE COLORED AND UNCOLORED PRINTS AND ENGRAVINGS Washington, Lincoln, etc. Unframed. (25) 19 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 161 MARITIME SUBJECTS NUMBERS 154-1644 EARLY MAP OF THE UNITED STATES Showing United States Frigates “Chesapeake”, “Essex”, ‘Con- stitution, “Enterprise”, “Hornet”, “Wasp”, “Argus”, ‘United States”. Also memorable action by Commodore Perry on Lake Erie. Original pine frame. Dated 1813. Size, 2214 inches x 1934 inches. A VERY RARE, EARLY, HISTORICAL MAP. “PILOT BOAT IN STORM” Currier and Ives. Undated. Medium folio. Old pine frame. VERY FINE CONDITION. “FISHING BOATS IN A SQUALL” Buffords, Boston. Undated. Small folio. Old pine frame. Rare. “OFF THE COAST IN A SNOW STORM TAKING A PILOT” Currier and Ives. Undated. Medium folio. Old pine frame. Fine impression. RARE PRINT. “U.S. FRIGATE CONSTITUTION” N. Currier. Undated. Small folio. Old mahogany veneer frame. “THE CONSTITUTION AND GUERRIERE” J. Baillie. Undated. Small folio. Old mahogany veneer frame. “THE GEM OF THE PACIFIC (U. S. FRIGATE)” N. Currier. Dated 1849. Small folio. Old mahogany veneer frame. RARE AQUATINT: “HOMEWARD BOUND—INDIAMAN” J. Fairburn, London. Small folio. Pine frame. Shows fine © full-rigged war ship. EXXCESSIVELY RARE PRINT. 20 162 163 164 1644 165 166 167 168 “THE MAMMOTH IRON STEAM-SHIP, GREAT EAST- ERN” Full description and data. Currier and Ives. Undated. Small folio. Old moulded frame. “STEAM SHIP WASHINGTON” Commander’s name and specifications. N. Currier. Dated 1847. Small folio. Old mahogany veneer frame. Very fine impression. “STEAMSHIP NASHVILLE” William Minns. Undated. Large folio. Unframed. SLOOP YACHT “POCAHONTAS” OF NEW YORK Color print by Currier & Ives, C. R. Parson, Del., copyright, 1881. Large folio. Maple frame. SHOOTING AND SPORTING SUBJECTS NUMBERS 165-194 “THE LIFE OF A SPORTSMAN” Currier and Ives. Dated 1872. Small folio. Old moulded wal- nut frame. Different from the usual copy. “THE LIFE OF A SPORTSMAN—COMING INTO CAMP” Currier and Ives. Dated 1872. Small folio. Old pine frame. Very fine impression. “LIFE IN THE WOODS: RETURNING TO CAMP” Currier and Ives. Dated 1860. Large folio. Old gilt frame. “MORNING IN THE WOODS” Two Hunters with dogs. Currier and Ives. Large folio. Old moulded walnut and gilt frame. A BEAUTIFUL PRINT. 21 169 170 172 173 174 175 176 “THE RETURN FROM THE WOODS” Currier and Ives. F. F. Palmer, del. Undated. Medium large folio. Old moulded walnut and gilt frame. “AMERICAN FIELD SPORTS, NO. 2” Published by L. M. Delavan, New York City. Lithographed and printed by Charles Hart, New York City. Undated. Large folio. Original moulded walnut and gilt frame. A VERY FINELY EXECUTED AND BEAUTIFULLY COLORED PRINT, showing two sportsmen with dogs. Although the picture has a mat around it the margins have not been cut down, but it was put on for the purpose of hiding a brown spot on the upper right- hand corner. | “AMERICAN FIELD SPORTS, NO. 2” Vivid hunting scene showing two hunters and setters. Haskell and Allen. Undated. Large folio. Fine old gilt frame. BEAUTIFUL PRINT. “LIFE OF A HUNTER—TIGHT FIX” Showing hunters attacked by a grizzly bear. Currier and Ives. Dated 1861. Painted by A. F. Tait. Large folio. Old pine frame. : [SEE FRONTISPIECE | “READY FOR BATTLE” Majestic buck and fawn, background of mountains and cascade. Currier and Ives. Undated. Medium large folio. Old pine frame. VERY FINE PRINT IN PROOF CONDITION. “DEER AND FAWN” Currier and Ives. Undated. Medium large folio. Old pine frame. A RARE PRINT IN PROOF CONDITION. “HUNTING SCENE—DEER SHOOTING” Theodore Kahlmann, N. Y. Undated. Large folio. Old moulded walnut and gilt frame. AN EXCEEDINGLY RARE AND BEAUTIFULLY COLORED REALISTIC PRINT. 22 ‘ & < ” = > i : \ <_ Ty~ 2 ¢ ; , re " <] ’ } t “ i“ - ‘ . , : . ? i ; . i , ' = 5 4 ; NSS) es 4 ~ it ’ i I : ; ; : t . Ry ak > : ‘ by eo oF es — a = ? ® “ y F \ fi on } fae a = by Pd fe g : > ie ee se - ed - © 195 196 197 198 “A HOT RACE TO THE WIRE” Shows two horses, Smuggler and Judge Fullerton. Currier and Ives. Dated 1876. Fine moulded walnut frame. AMERICAN VIEWS INCLUDING THE GREAT WEST NUMBERS 195-257 “SOLDIERS’ HOME, WASHINGTON, D. C. Showing Dr. King’s Residence, President’s Villa, Military Gov- ernor’s House and Soldiers’ Home” Charles Magnus, New York and Washington, D. C., 1863. Medium folio. Pine frame. | A VERY BEAUTIFUL PRINT. “SOLDIER’S REST, WASHINGTON, D. C.” Charles Magnus, Washington, D. C. Dated 1864. Medium folio. Pine frame. “BIRD’S EYE VIEW OF CAMP CONVALESCENT NEAR ALEXANDRIA, VA. Rendezvous of Distribution with key to 22 Buildings Shown” Charles Magnus, Washington, D. C. Dated 1864. Medium folio, top matted. Pine frame. Very fine impression. “RICHMOND, VA., PANORAMIC VIEW OF, In commemoration of the Glorious Victories of the 3rd and 9th of April, 1865” Showing five generals and small insert maps of 30 victories. Charles Magnus, Washington, D. C. Dated 1865. Large folio. Pine frame. Fine impression. “WASHINGTON’S HEADQUARTERS” D. W. Kellogg & Co. Undated. Small folio. Mahogany veneer frame. 25 200 201 202 203 204 205 206 207 “MOUNT VERNON” Drawn on, the spot and in colors by C. H. Wells, printed in oil colors by F. Collins. Undated. Large square folio with small oval steel engraving at the base entitled “Tomb of Washington”. Enamelled and gilt frame. “BIRD’S EYE VIEW OF MT. VERNON” The Home of Washington with key to buildings. G. & F. Bill. Dated 1859. Medium folio. Old moulded plaster and gilt frame. “GREAT FIRE AT BOSTON NOVEMBER 9TH AND 10TH, tSia } Also gives description of fire underneath the print. Currier and Ives. Dated 1872. Small folio. Old moulded wal- nut frame. “THE GREAT EAST RIVER BRIDGE” To connect the Cities of New York and Brooklyn. Currier and Ives. Dated 1872. Small folio. Black and gilt frame “THE HIGH BRIDGE AT HARLEM, N. Y. With descriptions and specifications.” N. Currier. Dated 1849. Medium folio. Old pine frame. “CENTRAL PARK .. . THE BRIDGE” Currier and Ives. Undated. Small folio. Old enamelled and gilt frame. | “CENTRAL PARK, N. Y. THE BRIDGE” Kellogg & Bulkeley. Undated. Small folio. Fine old mahogany veneer frame. “THE OLD STONE HOUSE, L. I. 1699” Currier and Ives. Undated. Small folio. Old mahogany veneer frame. ONE OF THE EXTREME RARITIES. 26 ie 208 209 210 211 212 213 214 215 216 “THE OLD SAW MILL, L. I.” N. Currier. Undated. Small folio. Old pine frame. ONE OF THE RAREST PRINTS. “UP THE HUDSON” Currier and Ives. Undated. Small folio. Walnut and gilt frame. “SUNNY SIDE—ON THE HUDSON” Currier and Ives. Undated. Small folio. Old mahogany veneer frame. VERY FINE PRINT. “THE OLD MILL-DAM, SLEEPY HOLLOW” Currier and Ives. Undated. Medium large folio. Old pine frame. PROOF CONDITION. “THE HUDSON NEAR COLD SPRING CHAPEL OF OUR LADY” Currier and Ives. Undated. Small folio. Old mahogany veneer frame. “HUDSON RIVER—CROW NEST” Currier and Ives. Undated. Small folio. Old gilt frame. VERY FINE. “VIEW ON HUDSON RIVER FROM RUGGLES HOUSE, NEWBURGH” Currier and Ives. Undated. Small folio..Old gilt frame. Matted. “MILL COVE LAKE Near Poughkeepsie-on-the-Hudson” Currier and Ives. Undated. Small folio. Old moulded walnut frame. Very fine impression. “THE HUDSON, FROM WEST POINT, GROUNDS OF THE UNITED STATES MILITARY ACADEMY” Currier and Ives. Dated 1862. F. F. Palmer, Del. Medium large folio. Old moulded walnut and gilt frame. A VERY BEAUTIFUL PRINT IN ALMOST PROOF CONDITION. 27 217 218 219 220 221 222 223 224 225 226 “VIEW FROM FORT PUTNAM, WEST POINT, HUDSON RIVER, N. Y.” Currier and Ives. Undated. Small folio. Gilt frame. “CATTERSKILL FALLS” Currier and Ives. Undated. Small folio. Old frame. “SCENERY OF THE CATTSKILLS” Currier and Ives. Undated. Pine and gilt frame. Fine impres- sion. “SCENERY OF THE CATTSKILLS, THE MOUNTAIN HOUSE” : Currier and Ives. Undated. Medium folio. Old gilt frame. AN EXCEEDINGLY RARE PRINT IN PROOF CONDITION. “NIAGARA FALLS, FROM THE CANADA SIDE” Currier and Ives. Undated. Guilt frame. Fine impression. “NIAGARA FALLS” From the Canadian Side. Currier and Ives. Undated. Small folio. Old frame. “NIAGARA FALLS FROM NEAR CLIFTON HOUSE” Small folio. Old enamelled and gilt frame. “NIAGARA FALLS FROM GOAT ISLAND” George Stinson & Co. Portland, Maine. Undated. Medium folio. Pine frame. “SARATOGA LAKE” Drawn from nature by Aug. Kollner. Published by Goupil, Vi- bert & Co. Undated. Small folio. Mahogany veneer frame. “LAKE GEORGE, N. Y.” ? Currier and Ives. Undated. Small folio. Fine mahogany ven- eer frame. Beautiful impression. 28 228 229 230 231. 232 233 234 235 236 “AUTUMN ON LAKE GEORGE” Currier and Ives. Undated. Medium folio. Old moulded walnut and gilt frame. “PLACID LAKE, ADIRONDACKS” Currier and Ives. Undated. Small folio. Old pine frame. Very fine impression. “THE SYLVAN LAKE” Currier and Ives. Undated. Small folio. Old gilt frame. “THE NOTCH HOUSE, WHITE MOUNTAINS, NEW HAMPSHIRE” Currier and Ives. Undated. Small folio. Old mahogany veneer frame. “SILVER CASCADE, WHITE MOUNTAINS” Currier and Ives. Undated. Rustic frame. Fine impression. “LAKE CHOCORUA, WHITE MOUNTAINS” Haskell & Allen. Undated. Small folio. Old pine frame. “ECHO LAKE, WHITE MOUNTAINS” Currier and Ives. Undated. Oval folio. Old carved walnut and gilt frame. Very fine impression. “INDIAN FALLS” Currier and Ives. Undated. Small folio. Old moulded walnut and gilt frame. Matted. “MOOSEHEAD LAKE” Currier and Ives. Undated. Small folio. Old moulded plaster and gilt frame. “THE ICE CONE AT THE FALLS OF MONTMORENCY, NEAR QUEBEC” ~ Ackerman & Co. London. Dated 1853. Large folio. Old deep moulded walnut and gilt frame. 29 237 238 239 240 241 242 243 244 245 TOWNSHIP AND RAIL ROAD MAP OF NEW HAMPSHIRE Dated 1854. Size, 38 x 27 inches. “CHICAGO IN FLAMES” | Currier and Ives. Undated. Small folio. Old pine frame. “A HOME ON THE MISSISSIPPI” Currier and Ives. Dated 1871. Medium folio. Old moulded walnut and gilt frame. VERY FINE. “GREAT MISSISSIPPI STEAMBOAT RACE From New Orleans to St. Louis, July 1870. Between the R. E. Lee, Capt. John W. Cannon and Natchez, Capt. Leathers. Won by the R. E. Lee, arriving at St. Louis July 4th at 11:20 A. M. Time 3 days, 18 hours and 14 min.” Currier and Ives. Dated 1870. Small folio. Old pine frame. “MIDNIGHT RACE ON THE MISSISSIPPI’ Haskell & Allen. Undated. Medium folio. Old colored plaster frame, very effective coloring to harmonize with print. ScaRCE BY THIS LITHOGRAPHER. “MIDNIGHT RACE ON THE MISSISSIPPI, MEMPHIS AND JAMES HOWARD” Currier and Ives. Dated 1875. Medium folio. Fine rosewood finish and gilt frame. “THE WESTERN FARMER’S HOME” 3 Currier and Ives. Dated 1871. Medium folio. Pine frame. “A HALT BY THE WAYSIDE: THE COVERED WAGON” Currier and Ives. Undated. Small folio. Moulded walnut and gilt. frame. “LOOKING DOWN THE YO-SEMITE” Currier and Ives. Undated. Medium large folio. Moulded wal- nut frame. Very fine impression. 30 246 24:7 248 249 250 251 252 253 254 “LOOKING DOWN THE YO-SEMITE” | Currier and Ives. Undated. Small folio. Old mahogany veneer frame. “THE PIONEER CABIN OF THE YO-SEMITE VALLEY” Currier and Ives. Undated. Small folio. Old moulded frame. “THE PIONEER’S HOME ON THE WESTERN FRONTIER” Currier and Ives. F. F. Palmer, Del. Dated 1867. Large folio. Original pine frame. A PRINT OF EXCEEDING BEAUTY AND RARITY AND ONE OF TWO KNOWN COPIES. ALMOST PROOF CONDITION. . [sEE ILLUSTRATION | “THE ARKANSAS TRAVELLER, SCENE IN THE BACKWOODS OF ARKANSAS” Currier and Ives. Dated 1870. Medium folio. Old walnut frame. “THE TURN OF THE TUNE” Traveller Playing the “Arkansas Traveller” Currier and Ives. Dated 1870. Medium folio. Old moulded walnut frame. Companion to the preceding. “THE EXPRESS TRAIN” Currier and Ives. Dated 1870. Small folio. Old frame. “THE EXPRESS TRAIN” Currier and Ives. Undated. Medium folio. Old pine frame. “THE GREAT WEST” Train and Pioneer Settlement. Currier and Ives. Dated 1870. Small folio. Old carved walnut frame. “THROUGH TO THE PACIFIC” Currier and Ives. Dated 1870. Small folio. Old pine frame. 31 255 256 257 LAKE MEMPHREMAGOG Owls Head. Currier and Ives. Undated. Small folio. Old mahogany frame. NEW YORK BAY FROM BAY RIDGE, L. I. Currier and Ives. F. F. Palmer del. Dated 1860. Folio. Old walnut frame. VERY RARE. THE SAILOR’S BRIDE N. Currier. Dated 1849. Small folio. Old painted pine frame. 1925 Oct. 8 NeAnR c.1. _. Anderson /Currier & Ives lithogra : 87-P19312 AN 3 3125 01163 9975 eet