SALE NUMBER 2073 PUBLIC EXHIBITION FROM SATURDAY, MAY EIGHTH PAINTINGS OLD & MODERN BEING THE COLLECTION INHERITED FROM HIS SPANISH ANCESTORS BY DR. JOSE MARIA SOLANO OF THE CUBAN DIPLOMATIC SERVICE RECENTLY MINISTER PLENIPOTENTIARY TO URUGUAY TOGETHER WITH ADDITIONAL & UNCLAIMED PICTURES FROM THE LEVERHULME COLLECTION SOLD BY ORDER OF THE EXECUTORS WITH ADDITIONS FROM OTHER ESTATES & PRIVATE SOURCES TO BE SOLD BY AUCTION TUESDAY EVENING, MAY ELEVENTH AT EIGHT’FIFTEEN THE ANDERSON GALLERIES {MITCHELL KENNERLEY, Presipent} 489 PARK AVENUE AT FIFTY-“NINTH STREET. NEW YORK 1926 \ SALE NUMBER 2073 PUBLIC EXHIBITION FROM SATURDAY, MAY EIGHTH PAINTINGS OLD & MODERN BEING THE COLLECTION INHERITED FROM HIS SPANISH ANCESTORS BY DR. JOSE MARIA SOLANO OF THE CUBAN DIPLOMATIC SERVICE RECENTLY MINISTER PLENIPOTENTIARY MOcURUGWAN TOGETHER WITH ADDITIONAL & UNCLAIMED PICTURES FROM THE LEVERHULME COLLECTION SOLD BY ORDER OF THE EXECUTORS WITH ADDITIONS FROM OTHER ESTATES & PRIVATE SOURCES TO BE SOLD BY AUCTION TUESDAY EVENING, MAY ELEVENTH AT EIGHT-FIFTEEN THE ANDERSON GALLERIES [MITCHELL KENNERLEY, Presipent } 489 PARK AVENUE AT FIFTY-NINTH STREET, NEW YORK 1926 CONDITIONS OF SALE ALL BIDS TO BE PER LOT AS NUMBERED IN THE CATALOGUE. The highest bidder to be the buyer. In all cases of disputed bids the decision of the Auctioneer shall be final. Buyers to give their names and addresses and to make such cash payments on account as may be required, in default of which the lots purchased shall be resold immediately. Purchases to be removed at the buyer’s expense and risk within twenty-four hours from the conclusion of the sale, and the remainder of the purchase money to be paid on or before delivery, in default of which The Anderson Galleries, Incorporated, will not be responsible for any loss or damage whatever, but the lot or lots will be left at the sole risk of the purchaser, and subject to storage charges. All lots will be placed on public exhibition before the date of sale, for examina- tion by intending purchasers, and The Anderson, Galleries, Incorporated, will not be responsible for the correctness of the description, authenticity, genuine- ness, or for any defect or fault in or concerning any lot, and make no warranty whatever, but will sell each lot exactly as it 1s, WITHOUT RECOURSE. If accounts are not paid and purchases removed within twenty-four hours of the conclusion of the sale, or, in the case of absent buyers, when bills are rendered, any sum deposited as part payment shall be forfeited, and ‘The Anderson Gal- leries, Incorporated, reserve the right to resell the lot or lots by either private or public sale, without further notice, and if any deficiency arises from such resale it shall be made good by the defaulter, together with all expenses in- curred. This condition shall be without prejudice to the right of this Com- pany to enforce the sale contract and collect the amount due without such resale, at its own option. The Anderson Galleries, Incorporated, will afford every facility for the employ- ment of carriers and packers by the purchasers, but will not be responsible for any damage arising from the acts of such carriers and packers. The Anderson Galleries make no charge for executing orders for their cus- tomers and use all bids competitively, buying at the lowest price permitted by other bids. A Priced Copy of this Catalogue may be obtained for One Dollar THE ANDERSON GALLERIES, INC. 489 PARK AVENUE AT FIFTY-NINTH STREET, NEW YORK TELEPHONE REGENT 0250 CATALOGUES ON REQUEST SALES CONDUCTED BY MR. F. A. CHAPMAN, MR. A. N. BADE AND MR, E. H. L. THOMPSON LIST OF ARTISTS ALIENZO, 87 ALd7, HH. 40 AMERICAN 41 BANCROFT, M. H. 7 BENDIXON, P. 3 BARTOLD, E. 19 BEECHEY, SIR W. 85 BERNINGHAUS, 0. E. 10 BOCCARDO, F. 65 BREUGHEL, J. 31 BURNE-JONES, SIR E. C. 94, 103 CAMPANA, P. 66 CANO, A. 69 CAROLUS, L. A. 105 CHASE, H. 35 COLLSG.K. M. rt CONSTABLE, J. 80 CAROT (MANNER OF) 10 COTES, F. 81 CRANE, B. Att DEGAS (FOLLOWER OF) 8 DE HAAS, M. F. H. 109 DE HAVEN, F. 7 DE LISIO, A. 23 DE MORALES, LUIS 71 DE VILLAMIL, P. 13 DOMINGO, F. 32 DOMINGUEZ, M. 14 our G 55 DUTCH SCHOOL 33, 72 EDE, F. 50 ENGLISH SCHOOL Gal FLEMISH SCHOOL 46, 52, 57 FORLENZA, D. 8 GAINSBOROUGH DUPONT 84 GORTER, A. M. 48 GOYA Y LUCIENTES, F. 78 GRECO (EL) 4, 77 HALS, F. (SCHOOL OF) 28 HALS, F. (AFTER) 26 HAQUETTE, G. 97 HELLEU, P. 20, 25 HERZOG, H. 125 HILDEBRANDT, H. 111 ITALIAN SCHOOL 13 IROLLII, V. 9 KOSLER, F. 98 LAMBINET, E. 39 LAMESI, A. 9 LAWRENCE, SIR T. (SCHOOL OF) 27 ENN aMd aaa 117 LOPEZ Y PIGUER, B. 86 LUCAS, E. 34, 37, 42, 45, 59, 60, 63, 70 MANCINI, A. 61, 64 MENGS, R. 58, 82 MISCELLANEOUS 2, 119 MOWIS, A. 113 PANTOJALUDE LA CRUZ, J. 43 POLLAIUOLO, A, 67 PREBOSTE 73 REMBRANDT (MANNER OF) 29 RICCI, S. es HI RIGO, J. A. V. 16 ROSALES, E. 11 SALVI, G. B. (IL SASSOFERRATO) 51 SILVA, W. A. 115 SHONBORN, 121 SOROLLA, J. 12 SPANISH SCHOOL 15, 30, 44, 53, 68, 79 STOREY, G. A. 1, 5, 17, 18, 22, 24, 36, 38, 93, 95, 102, 104, 106, 108, 110, 112, 114, 116, 118, 120, 122, 123, 124 THAULOW (MANNER OF) 101 TINTORETTO (SCHOOL OF) 91 TORREGGIANI, B. 56 VAN DER GOES, H. 76 VAN DER MEULEN, F. 88 VAN LOO, L. M. 83 VANNERMAN, R. 107 VAN POELENBURGH, C. 54 VAROTARL, A. (IL PADOVANINO) 92 VIERGE, D. 21 WEISS, J. 49 WUSMULLER, J. H. 99 ZIEM, F. 96 ZUCCARELLI, F. 75 ZURBARAN, F. 62 SALE TUESDAY EVENING, MAY ELEVENTH, AT EIGHT-FIFTEEN NUMBERS 1-125 GEORGE ADOLPHUS STOREY, R.A. ENGLISH, 18384-1919 1 THREE STUDIES Water-color. Framed. (Leverhulme) (3) MEDLEVAL ILLUMINATIONS 2 TWO SMALL MEDLEVAL ILLUMINATIONS Christ and Two Apostles; initial “H”. Framed. (2) (Lever- hulme ) . P. BENDIXON 1838 8 THE FLOWER STALL Oil on canvas. Height, 114% inches; width, 91% inches. (Lever- hulme ) From the Collection of George Harland-Peck, Esq., 1920. KATHERINE M. COLLS CONTEMPORARY ENGLISH 4 ALGECIRAS A view of a green undulating plain, with blue mountains in the distance. Ae Panel. Signed “K. Colls”. Height, 74/4 inches; width, 9 inches. (Leverhulme ) GEORGE ADOLPHUS STOREY, R.A. ENGLISH, 1834-1919 5 STUDY OF TREES Lady Place, London. Oil on panel. Height, 14 inches; width, 9 inches. (Leverhulme) 1 ~ ENGLISH SCHOOL CONTEMPORARY FLOWER PAINTING Charming study of deep pink roses and foliage in a cut-glass bowl. Canvas. Initialled “K.C.C.” Height, 1514 inches; width, 1714 inches. (Leverhulme ) FRANKLIN DE HAVEN, N.A. CONTEMPORARY AMERICAN (a) AUTUMN FOLIAGE Panel. Signed. Size, 12 x 14 mches. M. H. BANCROFT CONTEMPORARY AMERICAN (b) ARIADNE IN NAXOS Canvas. Signed. Size, 18 x 16 inches. (2) FOLLOWER OF DEGAS (a) BALLET DANCERS BEHIND THE SCENES Canvas. Height, 1214 inches; width, 20 inches. DOMENICO FORLENZA ITALIAN, (?)-1917 (b) STUDY OF A FEMALE NUDE Pastel. Height, 37 inches; width, 19 inches. (Solano) (2) 9 10 el VICENZO IROLLI CONTEMPORARY ITALIAN (a) FRUIT VENDERS Academy board. Signed at the lower left. Height, 11 inches; width, 15 inches. A. LAMESI CONTEMPORARY ITALIAN (b) TWO FEMALE NUDES Pastel. Signed at the lower right. Size, 17 mches square. (Solano) (2) MANNER OF COROT PAIR OF LANDSCAPES: VILLE D’AVRAY, AND APRES LVORAGE Canvas. Height of each, 15 inches; width, 24 inches. (Solano ) (2) ENGLISH, 19TH CENTURY (a) PORTRAIT OF THE MARCHIONESS OF LONDON- DERRY Bust, head to the left, scalloped collar and fur-lined costume. Canvas. Height, 21 inches; width, 151% inches. EDUARDO ROSALES SPANISH, 1837-1873 foe LOR TRAIT STUDY Bust of a young woman with chestnut hair, red drapery, blue background. Canvas. Height, 14 inches; width, 11 inches. (Solano) (2) 12 13 14 15 JOAQUIN SOROLLA CONTEMPORARY SPANISH (a) PORTRAIT STUDY OF A YOUNG WOMAN Canvas. Inscribed “Tio my brother Joaquin Imbert, yours . Joaquin Sorolla, 1898”, at the lower right. Height, 17 inches; width, 14 inches. (b) THE NAPKIN OF SAINT VERONICA WITH THE THORN-CROWNED HEAD OF CHRIST Academy board. Height, 17 inches; width, 14 inches. (Solano) (2) PEREZ DE VILLAMIL SPANISH, 19TH CENTURY (a) MOONLIGHT SCENE Canvas. Height, 14 inches; width, 16 inches. ITALIAN, 18TH CENTURY (b) LANDSCAPE WITH FIGURES Canvas. Height, 71% inches; width, 9 inches. (Solano) (2) MANUEL DOMINGUEZ SPANISH, 19TH CENTURY CLEOPATRA Canvas. Height, 914 inches; width, 13 inches. (Solano) SPANISH, 19TH CENTURY PORTRAIT OF A LADY Head and shoulders slightly to the right, in white mob-cap, low- cut green bodice with white fichu over shoulders, with a brooch in the shape of a miniature at the corsage; brown background. Canvas. Height, 19 inches; width, 151% inches. (Solano ) 4 16 a, 18 tie 20 JULES ALFRED VINCENT RIGO FRENCH, 19TH CENTURY NYMPHS IN A GLADE BESIDE A POOL Canvas. Signed at the lower left. Height, 36 inches; width, 22 inches. (Solano) GEORGE ADOLPHUS STOREY, R.A. ENGLISH, 1834-1919 LANDSCAPE A pool edged with reeds, trees with delicate foliage and a gate- way. (Leverhulme ) Oil on panel. Height, 18 inches; width, 111% inches. GEORGE ADOLPHUS STOREY, R.A. ENGLISH, 1834-1919 JEAN BATISTE A fine smiling head, with a large hat and a deep white collar. Oil on canvas. Height, 19 inches; width, 13 inches. (Leverhulme ) EMMANUEL BARTOLD CONTEMPORARY AMERICAN PORTRAIT OF LUIS PIPO Smiling bearded man, head to the front, shoulders slightly to the right, wearing a red and white turban and an old gold drapery; light grey-green background. Panel. Signed and dated 1914 at the lower right. Height, 18 inches; width, 914 inches. (Solano) PAUL HELLEU CONTEMPORARY FRENCH PORTRAIT OF A LADY A stately person of aristocratic mien in big plumed hat. Etching printed in colors. Signed at the lower left. Height, 21 inches; width, 13 inches. (Solano) 5 bo bo 24 DANIEL VIERGE SPANISH, 1851-1904 (a) THE MOULIN ROUGE, PARIS Gouache. Height, 19 inches; width, 25 inches. (b) THE FEAST OF THE NATIVITY IN MADRID Gouache. Height, 38 inches; width, 22 inches. (Solano) (2) Well known Spanish artist, represented at the Hispanic Society Museum, N. Y. City by many water-colors and drawings. GEORGE ADOLPHUS STOREY, R.A. ENGLISH, 18354-1919 DEVOTION Bust portrait of a girl, in black draperies, with clasped hands. Oil on canvas. Initialled “G. A. S.” Height, 1814, inches; width, 15 inches. ve Leverhulme ) A. DE LISIO CONTEMPORARY ITALIAN NEAPOLITAN BEAUTY Bust to the front, in blue garment, wearing heavy earrings and amber and blue bead necklace; high-keyed background. Canvas. Height, 221% inches; width, 16 inches. (Solano ) GEORGE ADOLPHUS STOREY, R.A. ENGLISH, 1834-1919 A MAID WITH A BROOM In a dress with a green bodice, and a mob-cap. Oil on canvas. Initialled “G. A.S.” Height, 151% inches; width, 111% inches. (Leverhulme ) 25 26 27 28 29 PAUL HELLEU PORTRAIT OF A LADY Charming and graceful presentment of a grande dame in broad- brimmed hat, facing the spectator. Etching printed in colors. Dedicated to “Maitre Vitot, M.D.” Height, 28 inches; width, 19 inches. (Solano) AFTER FRANS HALS THE ROMMEL POT The street vender followed by a number of urchins. Canvas. Height, 26 inches; width, 14 inches. (Solano ) SCHOOL OF SIR THOMAS LAWRENCE, P.R.A. ENGLISH, 1769-1830 PORTRAIT OF A LADY Heads and shoulders; with high white collar and black hat. Oil on panel. (Cracked) Height, 11 inches; width, 7 inches. (Leverhulme ) SCHOOL OF FRANS HALS 17TH CENTURY DUTCH HEAD OF A CAVALIER In brown dress, with lace collar and large black hat. Canvas. Height, 914 inches; width, 71% inches. (Leverhulme ) From the Collection of James Orrock, Esq., R. I. REMBRANDT VAN RIJN (IN THE MANNER OF) PORTRAIT OF A BURGOMASTER With moustache and pointed beard, in dark dress, white collar and large hat. Oil on panel. Height, 141% inches; width, 12 inches. (Leverhulme ) From the Collection of William Beckford of Fonthill (Author of Sy atnek’’). From the Collection of James Orrock, Esq., R. I. 7 30 dl 33 34 SPANISH, 18TH CENTURY THE RESURRECTION Christ on a cloud, holding the Cross aloft as he raises his left hand. Canvas. Height, 14 inches; width, 10 inches. (Solano) JAN BREUGHEL FLEMISH, 1568-1625 MADONNA AND CHILD In painted frame, surrounded by a wreath of richly tinted flowers, Panel. Height, 13 inches; width, 10 inches. (Solano) FRANCISCO DOMINGO CONTEMPORARY SPANISH PORTRAIT OF THE DUQUE DE RIVAS Strong personality, head and shoulders slightly to the left, in 17th Century costume; complementary background. Canvas. Height, 20 inches; width, 16 inches. (Solano) MANNER OF 17TH CENTURY DUTCH SCHOOL PORTRAIT OF A CAVALIER Half length, shoulders to the front, head slightly to the right, in white ruff, black slashed doublet, wearing jewelled insignia ; brown background. Canoas. Height, 27 inches; width, 2114 inches. (Solano) EUGENIO LUCAS SPANISH, 1824-1870 LEAVING THE OLD BULL RING IN MADRID A couple of sefioras in the national costume are seen in a two- wheeled carriage drawn by a white horse, as a multitude are leaving the circular structure at the left; houses in the right distance; grey and pink sky. Canvas. Height, 151% inches; width, 2314 inches. (Solano) 8 35 36 37 38 HARRY CHASE, A.N.A. AMERICAN, (?)-1889 THE SQUALL A rough sea of deep green and pale emerald tints with foaming crests, enlivened by a couple of gulls; deep grey sky at the right, with a burst of creamy and silvery effect at the upper left. Academy board. Signed and dated 1875 at the lower right. Height, 15 inches; width, 22 inches. GEORGE ADOLPHUS STOREY, R.A. ENGLISH, 1884-1919 PHRYNE Full-length nude female figure; blue and gold background. Oil on canvas. Height, 22% imches; width, 1034 iches. (Leverhulme ) EUGENIO LUCAS SPANISH, 1824-1870 UNDER THE RAIN Charming types of Spanish maidens in colorful costumes are overtaken by a sudden downpour in a broad plaza, and a cabal- lero emerges from the crowd and offers his umbrella; silhouette of a church with towers rising among a group of buildings in the distance. Canvas. Height, 171% inches; width, 25 inches. (Solano) GEORGE ADOLPHUS STOREY, R.A. ENGLISH, 1834-1919 PORTRAIT OF A WOMAN In a red dress, with low neck, holding a small vase. Oil on panel. Initialled “G. A.S.” and dated 1915. Height, 5114 inches; width, 121% inches. (Leverhulme ) 9 39 40 4] EMILE LAMBINET FRENCH, 1810-1878 FRENCH COUNTRYSIDE A river with a canoe in the foreground, green pastures on the opposite bank with cows and a herder, haystacks and farmhouses on the left, making an impressive line against a sunset sky of pink and emerald tints. Canvas. Signed at the lower left. Height, 9 inches; width, 18 inches. H. ALIZ CONTEMPORARY HUNGARIAN RIVER SCENE A shallow stream partly covered with water plants, its banks picturesquely wooded ; figures in the foreground, hilly distance ; creamy and grey sky with touches of blue. Canvas. Signed at the lower right. Height, 16 inches; width, 2514 inches. AMERICAN, EARLY 19TH CENTURY PORTRAIT OF A MAN Bust, head and shoulders slightly to the left, in fancy white jabot and waistcoat, black coat; complementary background. Canvas. Height, 25 inches; width, 20 inches. (Solano) EUGENIO LUCAS SPANISH, 1824-1870 THE ORANGE WOMAN Offering her fruit to a gayly attired couple in the foreground, while other fruit stands are farther back; a fine coach passes to the right at middle distance; silhouette of town outlined against a blue and silvery sky. Canvoas. Height, 19% inches; width, 2314 inches. (Solano ) 10 43 44: 45 46 AT JUAN PANTOJA DE LA CRUZ SPANISH, 1551-1610 PORTRAIT OF THE INFANTA OF SPAIN, DAUGHTER OF PHILIP II Bust, head and shoulders to the right, in red and gilt headdress with pearl ornaments, her hair partly braided and tied under her chin, and in tresses hanging down her back; black and gold jacket over low-cut brocaded bodice; complementary background. Canvas. Height, 2314 inches; width, 18 inches. (Solano ) SPANISH, 16TH CENTURY SAINT RITA Seated figure on a throne, holding an open book and a palm leaf, an arrow emerging from her forehead ; gold background with halo. Panel. Height, 23 inches; width, 20 inches. (Solano) EUGENIO LUCAS SPANISH, 1824-1870 THE FAMILY OF CHARLES IV OF SPAIN Interesting group standing in full Court dress, landscape back- ground. Canvas. Height, 11 inches; width, 151% inches. (Solano) FLEMISH, 16TH CENTURY SAINT CUNIBERT At half length, in episcopal dress, holding the model of a church; landscape background; blue sky. Panel. Height, 15 inches; width, 22 inches. (Solano) BRUCE CRANE, N.A. CONTEMPORARY AMERICAN EARLY MORN Brown foreground, with cottages and tree groups at the middle distance in strong values against a lemon and orange tinted sky. Canvas. Signed at the lower right. Height, 12 inches; width, 16 inches. 11 48 49 50 51 A. M. GORTER CONTEMPORARY DUTCH RURAL HOLLAND Flat country, intersected by canals bordered with green meadows Where cows are seen; fine trees spread their branches in nice de- sign over a pale blue sky with silvery cloud effects. Canvas. Signed at the lower right. Height, 1914 inches; width, 1414 inches. JOSE WEISS CONTEMPORARY FRENCH LAKE LANDSCAPE Broken shore at the left, tree groves on distant bank, with a rising brown hill at the left and centre, with bright touches of habitations ; effective sky of grey cumulus clouds. Canvas. Signed at the lower left. Height, 1514 inches; width, 2314 inches. FREDERICK EDE CONTEMPORARY GERMAN BELGIAN RIVER Bank of tall grasses, with two female figures near the water’s edge; cows in the distance, with a drove of trees beyond, silhou- etted against a sandy hill; grey sky with cloud effects. Canvas. Signed at the lower right. Height, 1414 inches; width, 1734 inches. GIOVANNI BAPTISTA SALVI (IL SASSOFERRATO) ROMAN, 1605-1685 THE VIRGIN Inclined to the right, attired in blue, red and white drapery ; dark background. Canvas. Height, 20 inches; width, 16 inches. (Solano ) 12 52 53 54 55 56 FLEMISH, 16TH CENTURY SALVATOR MUNDI Bust of the Saviour to the front, his right hand giving a blessing, his left holding the’ orb of dominion; in red garment, with jewelled and emerald clasp and ornamentation; old gold back- ground, with halo of golden rays. Panel. Height, 21 inches; width, 1444 inches. (Solano) SPANISH, 17TH CENTURY THE MADONNA AND CHILD Half-length figure of the Virgin seated, her head bent forward as she beholds the Christ Child asleep in her arms, while lifting the head-cloth with her right hand; dark background. Canvas. Size, 29 inches square.’ (Solano) CORNELIS VAN POELENBURGH putTcH, 1586-1667 THE JUDGMENT OF PARIS Paris is seated on the ground, as he passes the apple to Venus at the left with Cupid at her side; other figures on the right; classical landscape setting. Panel. Height, 12 inches: width, 15 inches. _ (Solano ) GERARD DOU putcH, 1613-1675 COMPANIONS An old lady seated with a dog in her lap; interior background. Panel. Hewght, 174 mches; width, 14 inches. (Solano) BARTOLOMMEO TORREGGIANI NEAPOLITAN, (?)-1675 THE TOMB OF PETRARCH At the left, church and dependencies at the middle ground, figure and pack animals about; hilly setting, with the sea at the right distance; blue sky with cloud effects. Canvas. Height, 191% inches; width, 251% inches. (Solano) 13 57 58 59 60 FLEMISH, EARLY 17TH CENTURY THE EXPULSION FROM PARADISE Adam and Eve, nude, are kneeling in the foreground close to the apple tree, as God the Father appears to them from a break in the clouds at the upper left; a variety of animals and birds are about. Copper. Height, 291% inches; width, 38 inches. (Solano) RAPHAEL MENGS GERMAN, 1728-1779 PORTRAIT OF THE SISTER OF THE ARTIST Bust, head and shoulders to the front, attired in blue, red and white garments, holding an artist’s palette and brushes; comple- mentary background. Canvas. Height, 27 inches; width, 20 inches. (Solano) EUGENIO LUCAS SPANISH, 1824-1870 A SPANISH HOLIDAY A sefiorita and a picador are seen on fine horses in the fore- ground, with parties picnicking in the grass nearby, while a number of bulls are at the right distance driven by horsemen; charming landscape, with the city in the distance, and a grey and cloudy sky. Canvas. Height, 27 inches; width, 45 inches. (Solano) EUGENIO LUCAS SPANISH, 1824-1870 FAMILY OF CARLOS IV, WITH THE PRINCE OF THE PEACE The Royal family and the Prince in colorful costumes are mounted on gayly caparisoned steeds in the gardens of La Granja. Fine tree groups about, with the palace at the left distance. Canvas. Height, 20 inches; width, 2314 inches. (Solano) 14 61 62 63 64 ANTONIO MANCINI CONTEMPORARY ITALIAN IDEAL HEAD Charming presentment of a blond woman, shoulders to the front, head raised to the left. Academy board. Signed at the upper left. Height, 1914 inches; width, 121% inches. (Solano) FRANCISCO ZURBARAN SPANISH, 1598-1662 A FEMALE SAINT Full figure, seated, facing the right, with a crown of thorns on her knee; roses in a bowl standing on a pediment at the right; landscape background. Canvas. Height, 24 inches; width, 18 inches. (Solano ) EUGENIO LUCAS SPANISH, 1824-1870 THE FAMILY OF PHILIP IV IN THE GARDENS OF ARANJUEZ Grouped about, the female members attired in the quaint hoop skirts of the period, while the Royal coach is in attendance at the back; park landscape. Canvas. Height, 191% inches; width, 27 inches. (Solano). ANTONIO MANCINI CONTEMPORARY ITALIAN HEAD OF A YOUNG WOMAN At bust, facing the spectator, smiling; attired in colorful garb, her hair decorated with flowers and leaves. Academy board. Signed at the upper right. Height, 19 inches; width, 1214 inches. (Solano). 15 65 66 67 68 69 FEDERICO BOCCARDO CONTEMPORARY ITALIAN STILL LIFE, FRUIT A red apple, a bunch of green grapes and another of a purple hue, a couple of plums and a glass bowl of water, all nicely arranged on a brown table; grey background. Panel. Signed at the lower left. Height, 13 inches; width, 17 inches. (Solano). PEDRO CAMPANA SPANISH, 1503-1570 (7) THE CRUCIFIXION Christ on the Cross, with the two Marys and St. John in color- ful garments at the foot. Golgotha in the background; night sky. Panel. Height, 21 inches; width, 16 inches. (Solano). ANTONIO POLLAIUOLO ITALIAN, 1432-1498 THE PRESENTATION IN THE TEMPLE Panel. Height, 21 inches; width, 18 inches. (Leverhulme ) SPANISH, 17TH CENTURY THE MADONNA WITH THE DOVE Head to the front, shoulders to the right, in very graceful pose. Canvas. Height, 25 inches; width, 80 inches. (Solano) ALONZO CANO SPANISH, 1601-1667 THE ANGEL MUSICIAN Seated on a cloud, attired in pink and blue garments, performing on a violoncello; sky background. Canvas. Height, 35 inches; width, 2144 mches. (Solano) 16 ‘““BAILE GITANO , GYPSY DANCE BY EUGENIO LUCAS [NUMBER ‘70 _] EUGENIO LUCAS SPANISH, 1824-1870 70 “BAILE GITANO”, GYPSY DANCE In a high pitched interior a couple are dancing, surrounded by a multitude, all in characteristic, colorful gypsy garb. Canvas. Height, 191 inches; width, 23 inches. (Solano) [SEE ILLUSTRATION | 17 LUIS DE MORALES (EL DIVINO) SPANISH, 1509-1586 71 “ECCE HOMO” Half figure, nude, shoulders to the front, head turned toward the left, a rope about his neck, holding a broken reed; dark background. Panel. Height, 151% inches; width, 11 inches. (Solano ) [SEE ILLUSTRATION | DUTCH, EARLY 19TH CENTURY 72. LANDSCAPE WITH COWS Several cows, one of which is standing in the stream which winds’ from foreground to the distance, are nicely composed against a thicket with several slender trees at the right; a boy is seated on the grassy bank; hilly distance; blue sky with creamy and grey cloud effects. | Panel. Height, 19 inches; width, 28 inches. (Solano) PREBOSTE SPANISH, EARLY 17TH CENTURY 73 PORTRAIT OF A CABALLERO Bust, head and shoulders to the front, bearded, wearing a white ruff, dark doublet; complementary background. Canvas. Height, 18 inches; width, 14 inches. (Solano) Preboste was an assistant of El Greco. 18 ““RCCE HOMO BY LUIS DE MORALES [NUMBER 71 ] EL GRECO (DOMENICO 'THEOTOCOPULI) SPANISH, 1548 (?)-1648 74 SANTA DOMINGO DE LA CALZADA Three-quarter length, standing, to the front, attired in black and white robes, holding in his left hand a crucifix, on which he gazes intently, his right hand placed upon his chest; sky back- ground. Canvas. Height, 39 inches; width, 29 inches. (Solano 2 Formerly in the Urquiola Collection, Madrid. | SEE ILLUSTRATION | FRANCESCO ZUCCARELLI, R.A. ITALIAN, 1702-1788 PAIR OF ITALIAN SCENES (a) Ruins of a castle built over a stream, with mountains in the distance; figures about; blue sky with cloud effects. (b) Cottage on the right, with a bridge over a river at the left; figures about; mountains in the distance; blue sky with cloud effects. Canvas. Height of each, 81% inches; width, 191% inches. (Solano ) HUGO VAN DER GOES FLEMISH, 1480-1482 THE VISITATION The Virgin and St. Elizabeth in red, white and deep blue gar- ments are in the foreground, while a maid holding a distaff stands at the door of a mansion at the right; charming land- scape with crags and villages at the left distance; clear sky. Panel. Height, 31 inches; width, 21 inches. (Solano) 20 SANTA DOMINGO DE LA CALZADA BY EL GRECO [NUMBER 74 | EL GRECO (DOMENICO THEOTOCOPULT) SPANISH, 1548-1614 77 MATER DOLOROSA Nearly half figure, shoulders to the front, head inclined to the left, eyes looking up; head cloth descending to the shoulders, red and blue garments, her right hand placed at the bosom; complementary background. | . Canvas. Height, 2414 inches; width, 18 inches. (Solano ) FRANCISCO GOYA Y LUCIENTES | SPANISH, 1746-1828 78 GOYESCA A woman pursued by an old witch, with other figures. Panel. Height, 13 inches; width, 9 ches. (Solano) SPANISH, 17TH CENTURY 79 “ECCK HOMO” The agonized Redeemer wearing the crown of thorns is presented at three-quarter length, with a rope encircling His neck and wrists, holding a broken staff; attired in crimson garment open at the throat; halo of golden rays, against a dark background. Panel. Height, 33 inches; width, 23 inches. Heavy carved wood frame. (Solano) 22 JOHN CONSTABLE, R.A. ENGLISH, 1776-1837 80 ARUNDEL A magnificent view from the Brighton Road of Arundel and the Castle, with the Valley of the Arun in early autumn. In the background are seen three youths, one seated on a donkey, the others on the trunk of a fallen tree; on the left is a road leading around a wood, and along which a shepherd with his dog is driving a flock of sheep; another flock is seen on rising ground on the right; in the distance is the River Arun, winding its course through the valley, and beyond, the town of Arundel, with Castle amidst trees. Canvas. Signed in lower left hand corner, “Jno Constable. Arundel’. Height, 44 inches; width, 551% inches. (Leverhulme ) From the Collections of Lady Mary Marcia Elphinstone, and James Orrock, Esq., from whom it was acquired by Lord Lever- hulme. Exhibited at the New Gallery, London, 1897-8, No. 199 (James Orrock). Illustrated in Byron Webber, “James Orrock, R.I.”, 1908, Vol. II, page 155. From a label pasted on the back of the frame it appears that this fine picture was once in the possession of Thomas Agnew, Carver and Gilder, Exchange Street, Manchester—this would be during the earlier half of the last century. Constable exhibited no picture of Arundel at the Royal Academy or the British Institution, so far as can be discovered from the respective cataloguers. We know from his biographers that he visited his friend George Constable at Arundel in July, 1834, and he was working on his picture of Arundel Mill and Castle (now in the Collection of Mr. Libby of Toledo, Ohio) at the time of his death. The Leverhulme picture dates from about 1834-37, and ranks as one of his masterpicces. 23 © 81 $2 83 FRANCIS COTES, R.-A. ENGLISH, 1726-1770 PORTRAIT OF A LADY 7 | Half-length figure of a distinguished looking 1a walking to the left, in greyish-white low-cut dress with short loose | sleeves, —slate-colored waistband and gold-colored shawl ; a-posy of flowers at centre of corsage, ‘with necklace with white bow at back; she is pulling on the glove of her left hand | with the. ungloved right ; dark hair dressed high. - . Canvas. Height, 35 inches; width, 28 inches. BP Leverhulme ) - This is one of the pictures, “The property of a Lady", sold at Christie’s, December 7, 1917, No. 44, - and bought by Mr. Cremetti, who sold it to Lord Leverhulme i in Une pea year. RAPHAEL MENGS _ GERMAN, 1728-1779 °~ _ PORTRAIT OF PRINCE LUIS OF BOURBON, SON OF KING FERNANDO IV OF NAPLES Three-quarter length, standing, facing the spectator, Hotine a _ staff, wearing a powdered wig, lace jabot and cuffs; dark-coat and red waistcoat with gold embroidery, the hilt of his sword showing. Warm complementary background. Canoas. Height, 40 inches; width, 82 inches. ( Solano ) ee LOUIS MICHEL, VAN LOO” FRENCH, 1707- L771 PORTRAIT OF FERNANDO VI OF: SPAIN - Three-quarter length, standing, facing the spectator, wearing a full powdered wig, blue, red and plum-colored costume, lace at the neck and sleeves, and the blue band of the order of the Holy Spirit, with the insignia of the Toison d’Or attached; holding a sceptre. On a table is the royal crown, studded with pearls and jewels; sky background. Canvas. Height, 41 inches; width, 33 inches. (Solano) [SEE ILLUSTRATION | 24: re SN eg oe “~*~ w “ope ue “ r a + 4 \ 2 4 PORTRAIT OF FERNANDO VI OF SPAIN. BY LOUIS MICHEL VAN LOO BE [NUMBER 837] 2 hee 84 85 86 GAINSBOROUGH DUPONT ENGLISH, 1767-1797 PORTRAIT OF MRS. SIDDONS Charming version of the famous portrait in the National Gallery, London, by Gainsborough. Canvas. Height, 44 inches; width, 33 inches. (Solano ) Gainsborough Dupont was the nephew of Thomas Gainsborough, and completed some of his uncle’s unfinished works. He painted George III, who pronounced it his favorite likeness, and also others of the Royal family. SIR WILLIAM BEECHEY, R.A. ENGLISH, 1753-1839 PORTRAIT OF MISS YELD Full length, facing the spectator, kneeling on a blue-striped pink sofa, attired in low-cut white lawn dress, her arms around a pet dog at her side. Charming young lady with dark brown hair. Wine-colored curtain at the right background; sunset landscape at the left and centre. Canvas. Height, 50 inches; width, 3714 inches. See entry from Beechey’s account book, page 252, April 21, 1821: “Sir William Beechey by W. Roberts, (received) of Lady Chambers (as last half) for Miss Yeld, £65-15-6.” BERNARDO LOPEZ Y PIGUER SPANISH, 1801-1874 PORTRAIT OF ISABEL OF BRAGANZA, QUEEN OF SPAIN | Bust to the front, attired in red bodice with lace, pearl neck- lace, and wearing several decorations; blue complementary back- ground. Pastel. Height, 23 inches; width, 16 inches. (Solano ) 26 LEONARDO ALENZO SPANISH, 1807-1845 87 PORTRAIT OF THE ACTOR, ISIDOR MAIGNEZ Head and shoulders slightly to the right, deep blue coat, linen jabot; dark background. Canvas. Height, 25 inches; width, 18 inches. (Solano) FRANS VAN DER MEULEN FLEMISH, 1682-1690 88 EPISODE OF THE BATTLE OF COURTRAI Two mounted officers in picturesque Louis XIV costumes are fighting with sword and pistol in the foreground, as a third falls with his mount; others are engaged at the middle distance, and reinforcements are appearing from a wooded fringe farther back. Blue sky with buff and grey cloud effects. Canvas. Signed on a green banner. Height, 47 inches; width, 45 inches. (Solano ) Van der Meulen was the favorite battle painter of Louis XIV. SEBASTIANO RICCI VENETIAN, 1660-1734 89 MIRACLE OF THE BEHEADED SAINTS Walking, holding their heads in their hands as they approach a monarch enthroned; concourse of people and a mounted guard ; fine architectural setting. Canvas. Height, 16 inches; width, 24 inches. (Solano ) SEBASTIANO RICCI VENETIAN, 1660-1734 90 RELIGIOUS PROCESSION A King and Queen, followed by a Cardinal and others, are about to enter a church; fine architectural setting. Canvas. Height, 16 inches; width, 25 inches. (Solano) 27 eM 93 94 SCHOOL OF TINTORETTO VENETIAN, 16TH CENTURY THE DREAM OF JACOB Lying on a couch as God the Father appears to him from a golden burst in the clouds. Canvas. Height, 52 inches; width, 41 mches. (Solano) ATTRIBUTED TO ALESSANDRO VAROTARI (IL PADOVANINO) VENETIAN, 1590-1650 THE FOUR SEASONS Four decorations, female figures with flowers, fruit and game according to season. Canvas. Height of each, 52 inches; width, 47 inches. (Solano ) (4) These four paintings were the property of the Counts Dianini from the 17th to the 19th Century. GEORGE ADOLPHUS STOREY, R.A. ENGLISH, 1854-1919 MISTLETOE A girl in a green dress and mob-cap, with a spray of mistletoe in her hand. Oil on canvas. Height, 8014 inches; width, 2114 inches. (Leverhulme ) SIR EDWARD COLEY BURNE-JONES, BART., R.A. ENGLISH, 1838-1898 GANYMEDE A fine study of an eagle of ruthless appearance carrying off a very scared-looking little baby. Inscribed on the back “Gany- mede and the Eagle—The Bird and the Bantling.” Pastel. Oak frame. Height, 1234 inches; width, 9 inches. (Leverhulme ) 28 95 96 SMy 98 GEORGE ADOLPHUS STOREY, R.A. ENGLISH, 1834-1919 DIANA Three-quarter length figure of a girl holding bow and arrows. Oil on canvas. Initialled and dated “G. A. S. 1915.” Height, 35 inches; width, 27 inches. (Leverhulme ) Exhibited at the Royal Academy, 1915. Reproduced in “Royal Academy Pictures”, 1915, page 67. FELIX ZIEM FRENCH, 1821-1911 VENICE The Doge’s palace and the Campanile loom up at the right, and the Maria della Salute is away off at the left; a gondola is in the foreground, and colorful sails are about. Sunset effect sky, with orange at the horizon merging into a pale emerald at the top. Canvas. Signed at the lower left. Height, 20 inches; width, 28 inches. (Solano ) GEORGES HAQUETTE CONTEMPORARY FRENCH NORMANDY FISHERMEN Returning to port with their catch in a small trawler, in a pale green choppy sea; dock and cliffs on the left; other craft in the offing. Canvas. Signed at the lower left. Height, 21 inches; width, 29 wnches. FRANZ KOSLER CONTEMPORARY GERMAN IDEAL HEAD Half length, of a dark-eyed woman wearing flowers in her black hair, slight veiling over her left shoulder and bust; rich old gold background. Canvas. Height, 23 inches; width, 18 inches. | 29 J. H. WUSMULLER CONTEMPORARY DUTCH 99 WINTER LANDSCAPE A stream, with a town on the opposite bank; snow-covered shore on. the left, with a cottage among trees and figures; warm sunset sky, reflected in the water. Canvas. Signed at the lower right. Height, 12 inches; width, + 20 inches. OSCAR E. BERNINGHAUS CONTEMPORARY AMERICAN 100 INDIANS RECONNOITRING Two in the foreground and another coming up among the tall sage brush; hilly distance, blue sky. Canvas. Signed at the lower right. Height, 20 inches; width, 30 inches. MANNER OF THAULOW 101. A STREET SCENE In winter in a manufacturing town, with figures about. Canvas. Signed at the lower left. Height, 21 inches; width, ‘26 inches. GEORGE ADOLPHUS STOREY, R.A. ENGLISH, 18354-1919 ~102. A DECORATIVE FIGURE OF A NYMPH ~ Blue oval background. Oil on canvas. Height, 2314 inches; width, 144% inches. (Lever- hulme ) 30 SIR EDWARD COLEY BURNE-JONES, BART., R.A. ENGLISH, 1838-1898 103. POLAR BEAR Sketch of polar bear in characteristic pose. Black and white chalk drawing. Framed. Height, 834 inches ; width, 14 inches. (Leverhulme ) GEORGE ADOLPHUS STOREY, R.A. ENGLISH, 1834-1919 104 EMILY A study of the head and shoulders of a girl. Oil on canvas. Initialled “G. A. 8S.’ H eight, 1914 inches; width, 1314 inches. (Leverhulme ) LUDOVICUS ANTONIUS CAROLUS BELGIAN, 1814-1865 — 105 THE LETTER : | An interior, with a lady seated at a writing desk and a cavalier standing behind her. ee Panel. Signed and dated “L. Carolus, ’51.” | Height, 18 inches; width, 1414 inches. (Leverhulme ) | GEORGE ADOLPHUS STOREY, R.A. ENGLISH, 1834-1919 106 THE SECRET A study of a girl’s head, with her finger to her lips. Oil on panel. Initialled and dated “G. A. 8.1915.” Height, 151% inches; width, 121% inches. (Leverhulme ) 31 107 108 109 110 ROSA VANNERMAN CONTEMPORARY DUTCH PASTORALE | A white and a brown cow are lying in the foreground chewing their cud, and others are approaching from the distance, while the cow girl leans against one of the trees at the right; blue sky with hght grey cloud effect. Canvas. Signed at the lower right. Height, 41 inches; width, 28 inches. GEORGE ADOLPHUS STOREY, R.A. ENGLISH, 1884-1919 THE SUNDIAL In an old-world garden, with Tudor buildings in the Batlle ound. Oil on canvas. Height, 2034 inches; width, 1334, inches. ( Lever- hulme ) M. F. H. DE HAAS, N.A. AMERICAN, 1882-1895 MOONLIGHT MARINE The rough sea is washing in against high cliffs on the right, a schooner looms into sight at the left distance; and the bright and evening star are well up in a warm sky with slight cloud effects. 3 : 7 Canvas. Signed at the lower right. Height, 25 inches; width, 44 inches. GEORGE ADOLPHUS STOREY, R.A. ENGLISH, 1834-1919 LEDA AND THE SWAN Study for the big picture of Leda and Jupiter, exhibited at the Royal Academy, 1906. Oil on panel. Initialled and dated “G. A. S. 1906.” Haight, 121, inches; width, 151% inches. (Leverhulme ) | 82 JRA 112 113 114 H. HILDEBRANDT CONTEMPORARY DUTCH SERVING THE STEW An old couple are seated at a plain deal table, whereon a bottle, _ glass and a loaf of bread are seen, and a little girl stands with her back toward the spectator, while the elder sister brings in a steaming bowl; humble interior. Canvas. Signed at the lower right. Height, 26 inches; width, 32 inches. GEORGE ADOLPHUS STOREY, R.A. ENGLISH, 1834-1919 PSYCHE A lightly draped female figure, with black gauze wings, holding aloft a lamp; dark blue background. Oil on canvas. Height, 23 inches; width, 19 inches. (Lever- hulme ) A. MOWIS GERMAN, 19TH CENTURY MOUNTAIN SHEEP A group of long-fleeced specimens are seen in the foreground and dotted about the mountainous landscape. Canvas. Signed at the lower left. Height, 2814 inches; width, 50 inches. GEORGE ADOLPHUS STOREY, R.A. ENGLISH, 1834-1919 LYDIA LANG: A PORTRAIT Full length, with white hair, in a black dress with a parasol over her arm; walking in a garden. Oil on canvas. Height, 191% inches; width, 181% inches. (Lever- hulme ) 33 115 116 LAER 118 WILLIAM A. SILVA CONTEMPORARY AMERICAN VIEW ON THE MEDITERRANEAN A bathing resort borders the deep blue sea in the foreground and at the left distance, while fine trees rise in decorative design over a pale blue and heliotrope sky. Canvas. Signed at the lower left. Height, 27 inches; width, 34 inches. GEORGE ADOLPHUS STOREY, R.A. ENGLISH, 1834-1919 SULTANA A bust portrait of a girl, in furs and wearing a velvet cap. Oil on canvas. Signed with a monogram, “G. A. 8S.” Height, 2014 inches; width, 15 inches. (Leverhulme ) PHILIP LITTLE CONTEMPORARY AMERICAN THE BROOK Rich reflections in a limpid body of water from the green and pink foliage on its banks. Canvas. Signed. at the lower left. Size, 30 mches square. GEORGE ADOLPHUS STOREY, R.A. ENGLISH, 1884-1919 A TALKATIVE COMPANION A girl, seated on a balcony, with a parrot by her side. Oil on canvas. Height, 23 inches; width, 17414 wmches. (Lever- hulme ) 34 ee 120 ar 122 SPORTING PRINTS SET OF TWENTY SMALL COLORED SPORTING PRINTS Illustrating Apperley’s “Life of John Mytton, Esquire.” Framed. Height, 6 inches; width, 8 inches. (Leverhulme) (20) GEORGE ADOLPHUS STOREY, R.A. ENGLISH, 1834-1919 LANDSCAPE A bridge over a stream, with a ruined arch in the background. Oil on panel. Height, 101% inches; width, 141 inches. (Lever- hulme ) SHONBORN CONTEMPORARY FRENCH THE FANTAZIA A band of mounted Arabs approach the spectator at a gallop, flourishing their arms for the entertainment of a large number grouped at the right distance; sandy foreground with mountains in the distance; violet-grey sky. Canvas. Signed at the lower right. Height, 24 inches; width, 36 inches. GEORGE ADOLPHUS STOREY, R.A. ENGLISH, 1834-1919 TEA IN THE ORCHARD Oil on canvas. Initialled and dated “G. A. S. 1914.” Height, 1314 inches; width, 2014 inches. (Leverhulme ) Exhibited at the Royal Academy, 1914. Reproduced in “Royal Academy Pictures”, 1914, page 48. 35 GEORGE ADOLPHUS STOREY, R.A. ENGLISH, 1854-1919 123 CHARITY Full-length figure of a girl, in red cloak with a basket of fruit; landscape background. Oil on canvas. Initialled and dated “G. A. S. 1884.” Height, 3514 inches; width, 25 inches. (Leverhulme) GEORGE ADOLPHUS STOREY, R.A. ENGLISH, 18354-1919 124 SALOME Full-length nude female figure, her arms resting on a tambourine supported on a pedestal. . Oil on canvas. Height, 39 inches; width, 25 inches. (Lever- 3 hulme ) LIBRARY J, PAUL GETTY CENTER H. HERZOG AMERICAN, 19TH CENTURY 125 SCENE ON THE ST. JOHN RIVER, FLORIDA There is a rowboat on the right bank of the tranquil stream, the shores abounding in luxuriant tree growths. Canvas. Signed at the lower right. Height, 62 inches; width, 52 inches. 36 [APFED 170 28 ¥ mi 3 S ye