ESE , nee, i) M i) | yi aoe | Fa = Siew Twenty Four Phar s, designed and etched by ‘I. ROWLAND SON, under the direction of Miss”? BH. ANGELO anaSON. , FRENCING MASTERS to the of LL OND ON and W1 dedicated to COLONEL BUERIRE Pre il Wp aatinta®y Publishd as the Act directs Feb4/2% 1799, by, H, Angelo, Curzon Jat May Fair. TO COLONEL HERRIES, COMMANDANT OF THE CORPS OF Light Horfe Volunteers of London and Weftmintter. SIR, AT a period when the {pirit of the Nation is fo eminently manifefted, and when all that is loyal and honourable in this Empire is ranged in Arms to fupport its Government and Conftitution, I may fafely indulge the hope that my Countrymen will readily acknowledge the utility of the Work which I herewith offer to them. The exercife of Arms has hitherto been cultivated as an accomplifhment by the Gentleman, ig whom it is now become requifite as a Soldier; and every endeavour to facilitate the more general knowledge of Miltary Taéics, may find a claim to fome approbation at leaft on the importance of the object to which its confequences are direéted. [uJ IMPRESSED with thefe fentiments, I prefumed to folicit your permiffion to dedicate this Work to you +---To whofe patronage, indeed, could I with more propriety commit it, than to yours, Sir, who, by the unanimous fuffrages of your Fellow-Soldiers, are placed at the head of the Fir/ Volunteer Corps in the Kingdom ?——fuffrages univerfally the refult, as well of a conviction of your eminent military merit, as of the warmetft feelings of perfonal attachment and efteem. But the motive which prompts me more particularly to this Addrefs is a circumftance which muft ever enfure to you the admiration and efteem of your Country. You, Sir, were the FIRST who enrolled your name as a LrcHTr HORSE VOLUNTEER ;-—-- and thus, by your individual example, awakened that military fpirit, to which the Britifh Empire, by univerfal admiffion, owes, at this moment, not only its happy tranquillity, but perhaps even the falvation of its Honour and Independence. IT was your judgment, Sir, which firft fuggefted to the Gentlemen of the very refpeCtable Corps which you command, thofe improvements upon the Auftrian Broad Sword Exercife, lately introduced in England, which are fubmitted to the Public in the following (ar Work :-—-The fyftem of parrying throughout with the edge, is fo obvioufly preferable, (as well in the Science as the Exerci/e,) to that of oppofing the back or bevil of the fword to the blade of an enemy ; that I do not hefitate to hope of its now being univer/ally, as it has already been generally adopted. Ir I knew your Charaéter lefs, I fhould be impelled by my own feelings, to fay to you perfonally a great deal more.—-Conneéted as I ftand, however, through your kind approba- tion of my profeffional ability, with the Corps of Light Horfe Volunteers; a connexion, which I fhall ever be proud to boaft of as the greateft honour of my life; permit me now to indulge in an humble attempt, at leaft, to exprefs my warmeft acknowledgements, and to declare to the world how much I feel my‘elf, cae Your moft obliged, and Moft grateful Servant, London, March 23, 1799- HENRY ANGELO. FENCING-MASTER TO THE CORPS OF LIGHT HORSE VOLUNTEERS. } | { i | aa WO Published asthe Act Directs Septemberzijg 8 by H.dngelo.Gurzon Street-Mav Futir. \ | EE map soem ais SPAR SRD a Sas Piblshid StpA, H. Angelo, Garson Stret- May Par, “pileroquemdepmy hop pnay U0 lie ng Sy amp ny mp ro poumgre ‘LO WL OW 6 Was RIM ACING 6 QV GOAL SMS A OL + ing foppr-saany ‘ope bug hg GELU IF ALS Ryeggng Tone UV C) AMIN SLOMMLOU, san ving, Pagy- rang uci on Bape h9 9 6L pysrhp. pyen yng LOMLOU Waa y rey hoyy Teng woxeny soph Hagel) aes pening ERAS i SKIS ROTTS 2 Se ey es ine LOWLON, MILDLY peas uoziny op bupyy Sigg Ole rasquinday 20a IF ap 50 PHY BINT z ga STS nab eee ae Gialema Nine tele emuiaaeel es HEY, Se ST GEORGES GUARD. “anny Mogg prong uoxstny 1epe big ET 9 8 ELV PAPE RYDE 1 | | | t 1 | 44 i | D IL ° EFT PARRY rT, AN POE 77 wy GIL. “mM ay Fai & (argon waite eT 7798 by Hr efter {,. ure clo Act “9 ETRE ECR SEC CUT ONS, and BRIDILE-ARM PROTECT. PROTECT N GIAU I & IR Wwe T weet, May Fair, urzon S ie naelo, 11.1798, by H. Ay ‘ep: Publishd S$ oF GRY ‘air, Many F. rzon Street uy elo, Cur 798, by BA als SOPLENS, ») [ Publish J] md a a 7 ») ( RS Perea center fh Te awa CS maine RTE Publish Sept?A A798, by Fl. Ang clo N2M, Curzon Street, May Fair, Cum Two and HORSES Orr ROTEHCT NEw GUARD. Publishd septs 1798, by 1. Angelo, on Street, May Fair. Piblishd by L, Angile, Gaon Street, May Fair, Z Be Dive UB the det Directs September 12 7.g8by HAngelo, Qir= one Street Mity Bair SiGeorges GS Lefson 1. Cut at Antagonists Head. Guard your own, tut at AP Leg . Guard your Head . 2H Cut at ADH! GY your owr. Feint at A Leg . G! your Hf Gut at AP Leg. Gt your Ht hae The same as the second, fier which cul at.d? Ribs, Gut at APH OUP OTE, Gut at Ihe. Shit your own . Gut at APH! Glyeur own, oO. Disengage from an outside Guard and drop your point filling square to the right. Af cuts at your Face Receive him.upon an inside Guard, and Cut at his thigh. GY your H? Qt at ATH 6. Being upon an inside Gi fiint forthe out de of A! arm & cut at his wrist (inside ) ‘The Median 6% the centre of all the others.’ A answers the feint hy coming to an outside GO! & parrys by the half circte. Being upon an outside Gi feint for the fice heut at? Ribs. AL answers the feint by coming to an inside 3 : eS og "Ut tuts below the waistband of the Breedus: ‘ace avotited by shujting the Right Ley behind, Gikparrys with the putside half hanger. of the : UGHILAND BROADSWORD\ \ dd taught al \ MET. ANGELO S ACIDEMY, | ore the Onciernt Scotti Prineiple I ynlrodiucee ty. UW. A taylor: Broadford Mafter © / \ lo the L Morse Volunteer Observations on the Guards tees ‘The outside GM parrys the Face, right ‘whoulder & Ari, (outside) 2. ‘The tuside Otparyys the Face Breast, aut ‘ edn, tiside . moe he SéCearges CO parrys: the IT! nA. \The Hanging 6 covers: irore part of the ‘Body than: any of the others. i The outside hall hanger GF the Ribs. ise ‘The inside hale hanger 68 the Belly. 8. he Half’ cirele 6 the wrist inside. the Lett. denries in Bolt | Gut at APH | GAyour own. \ Gut at. 12 arm outside | 68 vour Ht | Gut at APH! \G4your am outside . ‘Qt at. BH tyour awn. Gut at. A Ribs, | Gt your Ht | tut at ArH | Otveur Ribs. : 8. Being upon an outside Gi point for the fice ‘and out atts an outstile . ‘Alanswers the feint bv coming to an inside ‘ef aud parrys with an outside G4 then ‘ cuts at your He \ @hyvour Ht ‘Gut at ASHE | G4 veur awn, 9. Being upon an outside GY feint for the fie & cul at Avarm outside 16% himsely & cuts at your Hf Ad at. Arist inside ‘Al parrys with the half circle 6% and cuts : at your HE | Gf your H! 1 Qt at APE Giyour Own . | aut at AH! ) Gl your fie. Qt at tiarm outside . G! your Belly, ) Git at A? Breast. | G2 your HH? 1 ut at. At Fae « ; Gf your arm outside Gut at 4? Belly. * your Breast, Hanging OF N? 6. Hale Cirete SSESLERELY ues ASN ORGES. GUARD. pe Ost. Binedts, Sepomben 17.98, by “FR Angelo Cx rgon. Freel Meg “Yaiy. OUTST [ANGER . LIF HAN GI Publishid Sept! 4 179. 8, by H. Angelo, Carson Street-May Bain. Publish Sepets.798,by H. Angelo, Curzon Street May Pair. ED ee RANT quence of not shifting the ILIAG. | Publishd Sept. 7g 8,by H. Angelo WPM, Curzon Stee, May Bair, oe