‘ s és -" ek } | Re Pe A \ Doe ir K fe f 1925 AAA, fi Af NUMBER Is APRIL : 13, a 1925 es | APE I TIMP DY AMMTTII Nee eee NeA Ne 9 Eh || Wes << \, : A uviagiy > py). mnedUD mux COLORED PLATE BOOKS FIRST EDITIONS OF SHELLEY, DICKENS & THACKERAY & OTHER RARE & DELIGHTFUL BOOKS SELECTIONS FROM THE LIBRARY OF MRS. WILLIAM A. TAYLOR NEW YORK CITY i bey (lft i fi tdi ne a Ata, nue ivi ty & OTHER PRIVATE COLLECTORS Ey a = TO BE SOLD BY THEIR ORDER MONDAY, TUESDAY EVENINGS APRIL THIRTEENTH, FOURTEENTH AT EIGHT-FIFTEEN O’CLOCK Tera tteame Vestem e Site, Shae Se ee be ee ok FS ay > a = ee at Mies A aie Doren hae SAMI TIDUS =) Bet ——— wis Oe ee en pe err = ———— ——— & MA | ETT tree ri.s ave8s TELEPHONE PLAZA 9356 suatennasn THE ANDERSON GALLERIES Gain —— | cuatuiyaeify (MITCHELL KENNERLEY, Presivent) ff ee 4890 PARK AVENUE. NEW YORK <2: As : [hin i} | mM a oe ew ee — ee ee ~ tt et tt ee eet SCAMBASEBAIMavsesesVaTBS hE (idee emecsss tl ie i] SRD A COLLECTION OF COLORED PLATE BOOKS DISTRIBUTED THROUGHOUT THE CATALOGUE qoooncg a A COMPLETE SET OF “THE SCOURGE” IN TWELVE VOLUMES [NUMBER 272] SALE NUMBER 1948 PUBLIC EXHIBITION FROM THURSDAY, APRIL SECOND SPORTING & HISTORICAL COLORED PLATE BOOKS FIRST EDITIONS OF SHELLEY DICKENS & THACKERAY MANUSCRIPTS OF MRS. BROWNING MARK TWAIN & STEVENSON DRAWINGS BY THACKERAY & OTHER RARE & DELIGHTFUL BOOKS SELECTIONS FROM THE LIBRARY OF MRS. WILLIAM A. TAYLOR NEW YORK CITY THE LIBRARY OF ANDREW D. BAIRD, 2d BROOKLYN AND OTHER CONSIGNORS TO BE SOLD BY THEIR ORDER MONDAY, TUESDAY EVENINGS APRIL THIRTEENTH, FOURTEENTH AT EIGHT-FIFTEEN O’CLOCK fh 3 $4 ty y 9 , ai oe {\ i THE ANDERSON GALLERIES [MITCHELL KENNERLEY, Presipenr] 489 PARK AVENUE AT FIFTY-NINTH STREET, NEW YORK 1925 CONDITIONS OF SALE All bids to be PER LOT as numbered in the Catalogue. The highest bidder to be the buyer. In all cases of disputed bids the lot shall be resold, but the Auctioneer will use his judgment as to the good faith of all claims and his decision shall be final. Buyers to give their names and addresses and to make such cash payments on account as may be required, in default of which the lots purchased to be immediately resold. Goods bought to be removed at the close of each sale. If not so removed they will be at the sole risk of the purchaser, and subject to storage charges, and The Anderson Galleries, Incorporated, will not be responsible if such goods are lost, stolen, damaged or destroyed. TERMS CASH. If accounts are not paid at the conclusion of each sale, or, in the case of absent buyers, when bills are rendered, this Company reserves the right to recatalogue the goods for immediate sale without notice to the defaulting buyer, and all costs of such resale will be charged to the de- faulter. This condition is without prejudice to the rights of the Company to enforce the sale contract and collect the amount due without such resale at its own option. Unsettled accounts are subject to interest at the rate of six per cent. per annum. All books are sold as catalogued, and are assumed to be in good SECOND- HAND condition. If material defects are found, not mentioned in the cata- logue, the lot may be returned. Notice of such defects must be given promptly and the goods returned within ten days from the date of the sale. No exceptions will be made to this rule. Magazines and other periodicals, and all miscellaneous books arranged in parcels, are sold as they are, with- out recourse. . Autograph Letters, Documents, Manuscripts and Bindings are sold as they are, without recourse. The utmost care is taken to authenticate and cor- rectly describe items of this character, but this Company will not be respon- sible for errors, omissions, or defects of any kind. Bios. We make no charge for executing orders for our customers and use all bids competitively, buying at the lowest price permitted by other bids. Telephone bids accepted only at the sender’s risk. Priced Copy of this Catalogue may be secured for one dollar THE ANDERSON GALLERIES INCORPORATED 489 PARK AVENUE AT FIFTY-NINTH STREET NEW YORK TELEPHONE PLAZA 9356 CATALOGUES ON REQUEST SALES CONDUCTED BY MR. FREDERICK A. CHAPMAN AND MR. A. N. BADE TO BE SOLD MONDAY EVENING, APRIL THIRTEENTH, AT 8:15 FIRST SESSION NUMBERS 1-187 1 ACKERMANN (R.). The History of the Colleges of Win- chester, Eton, and Westminster, with the Charter-House, the Schools of St. Paul’s, Merchant Taylors, Harrow, and Rugby, and the Free-School of Christ’s Hospital. Splendidly illustrated with 48 brilliantly colored plates after Westall, Mackenzie, and others. London: R. Ackermann, 1816 4to, half maroon morocco. FIRST EDITION, WITH THE PLATES IN BRILLIANT COLORINGS. VERY SCARCE. 2 AINSWORTH (WILLIAM H.). Historical Romances. . With numerous illustrations and etchings after Ditzler and others. Philadelphia: Barrie, n.d. 20 vols., half red morocco, gilt backs, gilt edges (rubbed). First STATE, LIBRARY EDITION. One of 1000 copies printed on Japan vellum, with the plates in two states. 3 ALKEN COLORED PLATES. [Apperley (C. J.).] Memoirs of the Life of the late John Mytton, Esq., of Halston, Shropshire. With Notices of Hunting, Shooting, Driving, Racing, Eccentric and Extravagant Exploits. By Nimrod. With 18 full-page colored plates by Henry Alken and T. J. Rawlins. London: R. Ackermann, 1837 8vo, half dark red morocco, gilt edges, by Tout (corners rubbed, name on fiy-leaf). SECOND EDITION, but the first with the full 18 plates. Reprinted with considerable additions from the “New Sporting Magazine”. With the Clawson and F. L. Hadley bookplates. [Apperley (C. J.).] The Life of a Sportsman. By Nimrod. With 86 brilliantly colored full-page plates by Henry Alken. London: R. Ackermann, 1842 Thick royal 8vo, original blue cloth, with gilt vignettes on back and front cover, original yellow end papers, gilt edges, as issued, with the 8 pages of advertisements at the end. In cloth case. First ISSUE OF THE FIRST EDITION, with the four mounted plates in the front part of the volume. It is said that these plates were not ready in time to be printed on plate paper when the volume was first issued, and are therefore mounted. They are among the finest ever executed by Alken, and are in brilliant state. Illustrations to Popular Songs. Colored plates by Alken. London, 1825 8vo, half red morocco (back rubbed). 1 WITH BRILIANT COLORED PLATES 6 ALKEN COLORED PLATES. The Sporting Repository, containing: Horse Racing Pedestrianism Shooting Coursing Cocking Trotting and Tandem Hunting Matches Archery Pugilism Anecdotes on Sporting Subjects, interspersed with Essays, Tales and a Great Variety of Miscellaneous Articles. 19 colored plates by Henry Alken and I. Barenger, engraved by G. Hunt and lithographed by Lahee. London: Printed for Thomas McLean, 1822 8vo, half red levant morocco, gilt edges. First EDITION OF THIS SHORT-LIVED PERIODICAL, WITH THE RARE SERIES OF COLORED PLATES, CHIEFLY BY HENRY ALKEN. ALL BRILLIANT IM- PRESSIONS. The volume comprises Nos. 1-6 inclusive, of Vol. 1, from Jan. 15 to June 15, 1822. [ALL PUBLISHED]. Of the plates, but 5 are by Barenger, THE REMAINDER BEING BY ALKEN. With the Charles O. Eaton bookplate. [Surtees (R. S.).] Jorrock’s Jaunts and Jollities; be- ing the Hunting, Shooting, Racing, Driving, Sailing, Eat- ing, Eccentric and Extravagant Exploits of that renowned Sporting Citizen Mr. John Jorrocks. Illustrated with 15 colored plates by Henry Alken. ‘London: Rudolph Ackermann, 1843 8vo, original cloth, rehinged. In a crushed crimson levant morocco solander case, silk protecting wrappers. THE SECOND EDITION, WHICH IS NOT’ ONLY MUCH RARER THAN THE FIRST EDITION, BUT HELD IN GREATER ESTEEM IN CONSEQUENCE OF THE ALKEN PLATES, WHICH IN THE PRESENT COPY ARE IN EXCEEDINGLY BRILLIANT STATE. 8 AMERICAN ART. Recent Ideals of American Art. Pro- fusely illustrated with photogravures on India paper, and halftones. [ Philadelphia, n.d. ] In 8 folio, half roan portfolios. AQUARELLE EDITION, one of 75 copies. With duplicates of important paintings in color, matted. There is no title-page, and the set has been disarranged, consequently sold as is. 2 9 AMERICAN INDIANS. Curtis (Edward S.). The North American Indian. Being a series of volumes picturing and describing the Indians of the United States and Alaska. Edited by Frederick Webb Hodge. Foreword by Theodore Roosevelt. Field Research conducted under the patronage of J. Pierpont Morgan. Vols. I-XII. Each volume mag- nificently and profusely illustrated with full-page plates in photogravure, and accompanied by its separate portfolio of plates consisting of enlarged photogravures. New York, 1907-22 12 vols., 4to, three quarter brown levant morocco, gilt backs, uncut, ae i half brown levant morocco portfolios, by Blackwell. Together, vols. THIS IS WITHOUT QUESTION THE MOST EXTENSIVE WORK EVER PUBLISHED ON THE AMERICAN INDIANS. The prospectus states that it will consist of 20 vols. of text and 20 portfolios of plates. But 500 copies are to be issued and the price of each volume of text with its corresponding portfolio of plates is $192.50. It is assumed that the purchaser of this set may subscribe for the re- maining unpublished volumes. THE ORIGINAL ISSUE 10 AMERICAN PORTRAITS. Portraits of the Generals, Min- isters, Magistrates, Members of Congress, and Others, who have rendered themselves Illustrious in the Revolution of the United States of North America. 12 portraits drawn from the Life by M. Dusimitier. London: Published by R. Wilkinson, 1783 Small 4to, outer wrappers over the originals, in a cloth slip case, with morocco lettered back. | A COMPLETE SET OF THESE RARE PORTRAITS, ENGRAVED BY B. B. ELLIS, AND PRINTED ON WIRE-WOVE PAPER. The old copperplates were un- earthed about 1868, when a number of impressions were taken off on plain plate paper. This edition, however, IS THE GENUINE EARLIEST AND BEST STATE. The portraits comprise: Gen. Washington, Henry Laurens, John Jay, S. Huntingdon, Charles Thomson, J. Dickinson, S. Deane, General ine G. Norris, Baron Steuben, W. H. Drayton, and Maj. Gen. reene. SOUVENIR OF THE PRINCE OF WALES’ VISIT IN 1860 TO AMERICA 11 AMERICAN VIEWS. A Collection of American and Ca- nadian Views. 25 engraved plates, with portrait. N.p., n.d. Specially bound in 4to, green panelled and embossed morocco, gilt ornamentation, with the royal arms and three feathers of the Prince of Wales on covers, gilt edges, by E. Walker and Sons. A SOUVENIR OF THE PRINCE’S VISIT TO CANADA AND AMERICA IN 1860, WITH THE AUTOGRAPHS OF ALBERT EDWARD, DUKE OF NEWCASTLE, and others, constituting the Royal suite. 3 12 AUTOBIOGRAPHY. A Collection of the Most Instructive and Amusing Lives ever Published. Written by the Parties - themselves. With Brief Introductions, ete. Portraits. London, 1829-32 33 vols., 12mo, half blue morocco, gilt tooled, uncut. A COMPLETE AND CHOICE SET OF THESE AUTOBIOGRAPHIES, including those of Gibbon, Colley Cibber, Vidocq, Voltaire, Hume, Marmontel, Cellini, Mme. du Barry, and many others. 13 BACON (FRANCIS). Ordinances made . . . for the better and more regular Administration of Iustice in the Chan- cery, to be daily observed saving the Prerogative of this Covrt. London: Printed for Mathew Walbanke and Lawrence Chapman, 1642 Small 4to, wrappers. Although Lowndes mentions this tract as having been printed twice before 1642, i.e. in 1628 and 1640, no copy with an earlier date ap- pears to have occurred at auction either in England or in the United States. “BOOK AUCTION RECORDS” REPEATEDLY DESIGNATES THE PRES- ENT EDITION AS THE FIRST. Steeves, in his work on the author, is ig- norant of any printed appearance of the “Ordinances”. VERY RARE. 14 BALZAC (HONORE DE). Works. With numerous etch- ings after Wagrez, Vidal, and others. Philadelphia: Barna) [1899-1900] 53 vols., 8vo, cloth, uncut. EDITION DEFINITIVE. One of 1000 copies printed on Japan vellum, with the plates in two states. A FINE SET, including the “Physiology of Marriage” and the “Droll Stories”. 15 La Comédie Humaine. Translated by G. Burnham Ives, and others. With etchings by le Los Rios and others after Toudouze, etc. Philadelphia: Barrie, [1899-1900] 53 vols., 8vo, cloth, uncut (corners slightly rubbed). EDITION DE TOURS. One of 1000 copies, with the plates on Japan vellum. Include the “Physiology of Marriage” and the “Droll Stories”. BARRIE AUTOGRAPH PRESENTATION COPY, WITH AN A. L. S. 16 BARRIE (J. M.). Peter Pan in Kensington Gardens. Beautifully illustrated in color by Arthur Rackham. London, 1906 Thick square 8vo, cloth. FIRST EDITION. AUTOGRAPH PRESENTATION COPY FROM THE AUTHOR, inscribed on the half-title: “To Charles Dickens’ girl from the humblest of his sons. J. M. Barrie, Jan. 1, 1907.” Inserted is a fine 2 pp., A.L.s. from Barrie to Mrs. Perugini Coie hei of Charles Dickens). "The letter begins: “Anything you do is pleas- ing in my eyes, and it is certainly rather a beautiful idea that the daughters of Dickens and Thackeray should doi this thing together.” The occasion of this letter was the proposed sacrifice of their treas- ures by Mrs. Perugini and Lady Ritchie (daughters of Dickens and Thackeray) in aid of the war fund for disabled soldiers and sailors. [SEE ILLUSTRATION ] 4 17 18 on a floes [Nis ghd Se Fa. (ELSI I! Sey Jeet OM fe 5 Peter Pan In Kensington Gardens [NUMBER 16] [BEARDSLEY (AUBREY).] Malory (Sir Thomas). The Birth, Life, and Acts of King Arthur; of his Noble Knights of the Round Table, their Marvellous Enquests and Adven- tures, the Achieving of the San Grael, and in the End, le Morte dArthur, etc. Introduction by Professor Rhys. With many original designs by Aubrey Beardsley. London, 1893-4 3 vols., 4to, original cloth, uncut. FINE COPY ON LARGE PAPER OF THE FIRST EDITION WITH BEARDSLEY’S ILLUSTRATIONS. One of 350 copies on Large Dutch Handmade Paper. [ ] Aubrey Beardsley. Par Arthur Symons. Traduit par Jack Cohen, Edouard et Louis Thomas. Portrait fac- simile, and numerous reproductions of Beardsley’s work. Paris, 1906 4to, boards, cloth back, uncut. i With the Quinn bookplate. 19 BERRY (MARY). A Comparative View of Social Life in 20 21 22 23 24 England and France from the Restoration of Charles the Second to the Present Time. Portrait. ...... London, 1844 2 vols., 12mo, half calf, by Larkins. Extracts of the Journals and Correspondence from the Year 1783 to 1852. Edited by Theresa Lewis. Portraits. London, 1865 3 vols. extended to six, 8vo, crushed blue levant morocco, backs pan- elled and gilt tooled, sides with fillets and ornate foliate border, inside gilt borders, by Stikeman. FIRST EDITION. A CHOICE COPY, EXTRA-ILLUSTRATED AND EXTENDED TO SIX VOLUMES BY THE INSERTION OF ABOUT 100: ENGRAVED PORTRAITS AND VIEWS, SOME ON INDIA PAPER, INLAID TO SIZE WHERE NECESSARY. BEWICK (THOMAS). A General History of Quadrupeds, 1790; History of British Birds, 2 vols., 1797-1804. Numer- ous woodcuts. Newcastle, 1790-1804 2 vols., 8vo, mottled calf (hinges repaired), and 1 vol. 8vo, cloth (name on title). Together, 3 vols., in a cloth solander case, with back made in the semblance of 8 vols. and lettered. First EpiTions. The “History of British Birds” has the “Pig Sty” cut in the CORRECT STATE, without the bar; the plate of the Sea Eagle without the words “Wycliffe 1791” later added; the correct page-end- ings, etc., etc., and is IN EVERY RESPECT AN EXAMPLE OF THE RARE FIRST ISSUE. The price, however, at the foot of both titles, is given as — 18s. and 15s., respectively, not 10s. 6d. and 12s. as in the Church copy. A portrait of Bewick has been inserted in, Vol. I. [BINYON (LAURENCE).] Primavera: Poems by Four Authors. Portland: Mosher, 1900 12mo, green vellum, uncut, with silk ties. ONE OF FOUR COPIES ON VELLUM, signed by Mr. Mosher. The four authors are Binyon, Stephen Phillips, Arthur S. Cripps, and Man- mohan Ghose. BLADES (WILLIAM). The Biography and Typography of William Caxton. With illustrations and facsimiles. London, 1882 12mo, half blue morocco, gilt back. [BLAKE (WILLIAM).] The Marriage of Heaven and Hell. [With a Song of Liberty.] Printed in facsimile and colored by hand. [Edmonton, 1885] 4to, cloth, roxburghe back, uncut (worn). Muir’s Reprint. One of 50 copies printed, and now SCARCE. 6 25 BLANCO (P. FR. MANUEL). Flora de Filipinas, adicionada con el manuscrito inedito del P. Fr. Ignacio Mercado, las obras del P. Fr. Antonio Llanos, y de un Apendice con todas las nuevas investigaciones botancias referentes al Archipiel- ago Filipino. Gran Edicion hecha a expensas de la provincia de Augustinos Calzados de Filipinas bajo la direccion cien- tifica del P. Fr. Andres Naves. With 489 beautiful colored plates of the flora of the Philippines (a few slightly adhered from dampness). Manila, 1877-80 4 vols. of text and 2 vols. of plates, together, 6 vols., folio, cloth (cov- ers damp stained, 3 vols. rebacked, text slightly wormed). VERY RARE. The finest and most scholarly work on the flora of the Philippines. Inscribed: “To Mr. Peter Simon O’Reilly: a token of esteem from the Augustinian Fathers of the Province of the Holy Name of Jesus in the Philippine islands. Manila, December 24, 1912. Fr. Manuel oier Aguado.” FINE BLACK LETTER BOOK ON HORSEMANSHIP 26 BLUNDERVILLE (THOMAS). The Fower chiefyst offices belongyng to Horsemanshippe; The Art of Rydynge; The Order of Dietynge of Horses; The Order of Curing Horses Diseases, together with the Causes of such Diseases. Printed in Black Letter, with fine woodcut borders to each of the four title-pages, and woodcut illustrations. London: Printed by W. Seres, 1565-6 Small 4to, old calf (strengthened in portions), blind and gilt tooling. A FINE CRISP COPY OF BLUNDERVILLE’S COMPLETE WORK ON HORSEMAN- SHIP. Dedicated to Robert Dudley, Earl of Leicester, whom he urges to impress upon the Queen the importance of providing by Law for the encouragement of the Breeding of Horses for service. 27 BOCCACCIO (GIOVANNI). The Decameron, containing An hundred pleasant Nouels. Wittily discoursed betweene seauen Honourable Ladies and three Noble Gentlemen. With woodcut titles, each with six compartments, to the two Parts, and fine woodcuts at the commencement of each Novel. (The second title has been cut down nearly one half and mounted; the first blank leaf and one leaf of text, Ri, in Part II wanting; some margins repaired and some stains). London: Printed by Isaac Iaggard, 1620 Royal 8vo, polished tree calf, gilt tooled, gilt edges (slightly rubbed). Sold, w.a.f. THE EXCESSIVELY RARE FIRST ENGLISH EDITION, WITH BOTH TITLES DATED 1620. Lowndes wrongly gives 1625 as the date of the First Part. The leaf of Errata and the final blank to Part I are present. The first title is of the Second Issue, with the words “The Last Fiue Dayes” erased. With the George L. Davis bookplate pasted over that of D. W. Smith. AN EXTREMELY RARE BOOK, DEDICATED BY THE ANONY- MOUS TRANSLATOR TO PHILIP HERBERT, EARL OF MONTGOMERY, THE PATRON OF SHAKESPEARE. E. MARION COX COULD TRACE BUT SIX PER- FECT COPIES (vide The Library, 1916, pp. 157-8). fi 28 29 50 dl o2 Bh) o4 BI) BORROW (GEORGE). The Brother Avenged and Other Ballads. London: Printed for Private Circulation, 1913 Small 4to, original wrappers, uncut. FIRST EDITION. One of 30 copies privately printed for Thomas J. Wise. | — Mollie Charane and Other Ballads. London: Printed for Private Circulation, 1913 Small 4to, original wrappers, uncut. FIRST EDITION. One of 30 copies privately printed for Thomas J. Wise. — Proud Signild and Other Ballads. London: Printed for Private Circulation, 1913 Small 4to, original wrappers, uncut. FIRST EDITION. One of 380 copies privately printed for Thomas J. Wise. Queen Berngerd, The Bard and the Dreams, and Other Ballads. London: Printed for Private Circulation, 1913 Small 4to, original wrappers, uncut. FIRST EDITION. One of 30 copies privately printed for Thomas J. Wise. — The Expedition to Birting’s Land, and Other Ballads. London: Printed for Private Circulation, 1914 Small 4to, original wrappers, uncut. FIRST EDITION. One of 30 copies privately printed for Thomas J. Wise. —— Tord of Hafsborough and Other Ballads. London: Printed for Private Circulation, 1914 Small 4to, original wrappers, uncut. FIRST EDITION. One of 30 copies privately printed for Thomas J. Wise. BOWRING (JOHN). Minor Morals for Young People. II- lustrated in Tales and Travels. With illustrations by George Cruikshank and William Heath. London, 1834; 5; 9 3 vols., 12mo, half maroon morocco, uncut. First EpITION. Vol. I is of the Second Issue, with the frontispiece reprinted. BRINKLEY (CAPTAIN F.) Japan: Its History, Arts, and Literature; China: Its History, Arts, and Literature. Colored frontispieces and numerous illustrations. 7 Boston, n.d. 12 vols., 8vo, buckram, uncut. . MEMORIAL EDITION. One of 1000 copies. 8 36 BROWNING (ELIZABETH BARRETT). Aurora Leigh. London: Chapman and Hall, 1857 8vo, cloth, uncut. First EDITION. FINE COPY. ORIGINAL MANUSCRIPT WRITTEN WHEN TEN YEARS OF AGE 37 BROWNING (ELIZABETH BARRETT). ORIGINAL AUTOGRAPH MANUSCRIPT of “Julia; or, Virtue,” a Novel. Written on 15 pp., 4to. Bound, with an engrossed title-page; a Foreword; an A.L.s. of Dedi- cation, and a typed transcript, in crushed crimson levant morocco, gilt ee caeston, and contents lettered on front cover, by Sangorski and utcliffe The letter of Dedication is to her Grandmother in these words: “J dedicate this little volume to her whose smile ever cheers my endeav- ors to please, to her who shines an ornament to her sex, and all around her. To Her, my dearest Grandmama, these pages are inscribed, with ee gratitude and esteem.” The letter is dated July 17th, 1 In the present Manuscript there are evidences that the mother of the young author would at times assist her in her literary attempts, for there are little corrections throughout in the mother’s hand, and some pages at the end, added by her, possibly from her daughter’s sug- gestions or perhaps, a transcription of her child’s rough draft. 38 BROWNING (ROBERT). Poems. 39 London: Chapman and Hall, 1849 2 vols., 12 mo, original cloth, uncut. FIRST COLLECTED EDITION. The Ring and the Book, 4 vols., 1868-9; Pacchiarotto and How he worked in Distemper, with Other Poems, 1876; Asolando, 1890. London, 1868-90 6 vols., 12mo, original cloth, uncut. First EDITIONS. 40 —— Prince Hohenstiel-Schwangau, Saviour of Society. Al London: Smith, Elder and Co., 1871 12mo, crushed olive levant morocco, Jansen style, uncut, by The French Binders. AN IMMACULATE COPY OF THE FIRST EDITION. AUTOGRAPH PRESENTA- TION COPY FROM THE AUTHOR, inscribed: “Fanny Haworth from hers affectionately ever R. B.” BULLEN (A. H.). Lyrics from the Song-Books of the Eliz- bethan Age, 1887; More Lyrics from the Song-Books of the Elizabethan Age, 1888. London, 1887-8 2 vols., 8vo, crushed crimson levant morocco, Jansen style, inside den- telles, uncut, by Riviere. In a slip case. One of 500 and 750 copies respectively, on Large Paper. Choice copies. 9 A2 43 44 45 46 BULWER (EDWARD, LORD LYTTON). Novels. Jilus- trated. Boston, 1891-2 31 vols. (should be 82), 8vo, cloth, uncut. EDITION DE LUXE. One of 1000 copies. FIRST EDITION OF FANNY BURNEY’S “EVELINA” BURNEY (FRANCIS, Madame d’Arbiay). Evelina, or, a Young Lady’s Entrance into the World. London: Printed for T. Lowndes, 1778 3 vols., 12mo, original calf, naturally a little worn, and with a few slight repairs. THE EXTREMELY RARE FIRST EDITION, and considering the popularity of this work and the extent to which it was read and handled, we may reasonably call this a VERY FINE COPY. BURTON (JOHN HILL). The History of Scotland. Edinburgh and London, 1853-70 9 vols., 8vo, half red calf, gilt backs, uncut (corners slightly rubbed, inner margin of one title extended). First EDITION. With the two Supplementary volumes, issued pre- viously, and continuing the History from 1688 to 1748. With the H. O. Harris bookplate. SCARCE. BURY (RICHARD DE). The Philobiblon. Edited and Translated by Ernest C. Thomas. Frontispiece. London, 1888 Royal 8vo, crushed tan levant morocco, back panelled and richly gilt tooled, sides panelled with delicate scroll work, gilt tooled, wide in- side gilt borders, doublures of crushed blue levant morocco, with scrollwork borders and corner ornaments, delicately gilt teoled, fly- leaves of white watered silk, uncut, by Ringer. ONE OF 50 COPIES ON LARGE PAPER, SIGNED BY THE PUBLISHER. A CHOICE COPY. WITH FOREEDGE PAINTINGS BUTLER (SAMUEL). MHudibras, in Three Parts. Written in the time of the late Wars. With large annotations and a preface by Zachary Grey. Engraved portrait by Riley after Lely, and engraved plates by Riley after Hogarth, together with woodcut head and tail-pieces by Nesbit. London 1799 2 vols., 8vo, contemporary panelled calf, gilt backs and sides, with etched views in ovals on covers, gilt edges. In slip case. ON THE FOREEDGE OF EACH VOLUME IS A DELIGHTFUL VIEW OF ENGLE- FIELD GREEN, SURRY, APPARENTLY THE WORK OF EDWARDS OF HALIFAX. A PLEASING COPY. 10 AT 48 A9 50 51 52 53 BYRON (GEORGE GORDON, LORD). Hours of Idleness. A Series of Poems, Original and Translated. Newark, 1807 8vo, crushed blue levant morocco, gilt back, gilt borders, uncut, by Sangorski and Sutcliffe. A BEAUTIFUL COPY OF THE RARE FIRST EDITION, with the half-title. CARLYLE (THOMAS). Complete Works. Illustrated. Boston, 1884 20 vols., 12mo, cloth, uncut. THE VELLUM EDITION. One of 275 copies. CARRANZA (DOMINGO G.). A Geographical Description of the Coasts, Harbours, and Sea Ports of the Spanish West- Indies; particularly of Porto Bello, Cartagena, and the Island of Cuba. 5 folding maps and plans. London, 1740 Small 8vo, original half calf. CARROLL (LEWIS). Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland. With 42 illustrations by John Tenniel. London: Macmillan and Co., 1866 12mo, original cloth, hinges repaired, and a little shabby as is usual, gilt edges. First EDITION. RARE. CASSIN (JOHN). Mammology and Ornithology of the United States Exploring Expedition, during the Years 1838-42, under the Command of Charles Wilkes. Atlas con- taining 53 plates, mostly colored, of which 42 are of birds. Philadelphia, 1858 2 vols., Text, 4to, cloth (back torn), Atlas, folio, half morocco (worn). Of this immensely important contribution to Ornitholegy only a few sets were printed with the atlas. The text was prepared by Cassin from the description of Titian R. Peale and the manuscript notes of C. Pickering, both of whom accompanied the expedition as natural- ists. Illustrations of the Birds of California, Texas, Oregon, British and Russian America. Intended to contain Descrip- tions and Figures of all North American Birds not given by Former American Authors. 50 beautifully colored plates. Philadelphia, 1865 Royal 8vo, cloth (worn and broken). RARE. CATULLUS (CAIUS VALERIUS). The Attis. Translated into English Verse, with Dissertations of the Myth of Attis, on the Origin of Tree-Worship, and on the Galliambic Metre by Grant Allen. . London, 1892 12mo, half olive morocco, gilt tooled, uncut, by Riviere. First EDITION of this translation. A FINE COPY. 11 54 CERVANTES SAAVEDRA (MIGUEL DE). The Ingenious Gentleman Don Quixote of La Mancha. A Translation by John Ormsby. With illustrations by Cruikshank and Lalauze. New York, 1892 4 vols. in seven (should be eight: Vol. IV, Part I is wanting), 8vo, cloth, morocco backs, uncut. One of 50 copies on Handmade Paper. 55 CHAMPFLEURY. Le Violon de Faience. Illustrated with 84 etchings by Jules Adeline. Paris, 1885 8vo, crushed red levant morocco, gilt back, sides ornamented with gilt border and a framework of inlaid black morocco, gilt tooled, and corner ornaments, inside dentelles, gilt edges, by Lortic. One of 150 copies on Japan Vellum, numbered and initialed by the publisher, L. Conquet. 56 CHESTERTON (GILBERT K.). Charles Dickens Fifty Years after. [ London, n.d. ] 4to, original wrappers. One of 25 copies privately printed by Clement Shorter. 57 CHINESE CERAMICS. Chinese Porcelains and Hard Stones. By Edgar Gorer and J. F. Blacker. Illustrated by 254 plates of gems of Chinese Ceramic and Glyptic Art, beautifully re- produced in colors from the originals. London, 1911 2 vols., thick 4to, buckram. FINE COPY OF THIS VERY RARE AND VALUABLE WORK. One of 1000 copies. 58 CLARKE (CHARLES AND MARY COWDEN). Recollec- tions of Writers. With Letters of Charles Lamb, Leigh Hunt, Douglas Jerrold, and Charles Dickens. Facsimile of a Dickens letter. London, 1878 12mo, half blue calf, gilt tooled, by Zaehnsdorf (slightly rubbed). First EDITION. ORIGINAL MANUSCRIPT OF “THE $30,000 BEQUEST” 59 CLEMENS (SAMUEL L.) Original Autograph Manuscript of “The $30,000 Bequest.”’ Written on 81 pages. 8vo, bound in crushed green levant morocco, gilt back, line berders, lettering on back and front cover. THE COMPLETE MANUSCRIPT OF THIS DELIGHTFUL SHORT STORY BY MARK TWAIN, consisting of over 11,000 words. At the commencement of the manuscript on the upper margin, the author has written several names for his characters which have been inked through. There are numer- ous corrections in the author’s hand throughout the story. COMPLETE MANUSCRIPT BY MARK TWAIN ARE NOT COMMON. [SEE ILLUSTRATION ] 12 ae et a Oso [Jo quect, pew 3S ede, Shek Pig PO mee, of Ho Fa, West + Ue South, Waar oe ons. es nadig caewa, 0 Where tet 7 ine: glia eaueaieies a Sela ipies tt ; d bs tea + oct putea orn Selatdur fever were has ayer — aaa SCore, 7 Neate oe Ha wa Sor ype D> a te ATED, Leap me hao haere ge. - tds at jor Cee Oath Pr (eee MED 7a 26 ue 7 —~ PAGE ONE OF THE ORIGINAL MANUSCRIPT OF “THE $30,000 BEQUEST” [NUMBER 59] INTERESTING CORRESPONDENCE ABOUT HIS WRITINGS 60 CLEMENS (SAMUEL L.) A Collection of 16 Autograph 61 62 AN j j*- ‘ 63 \y \ Letters, Cards, etc., written to Chatto and Windus, or to Mr. Chatto personally, in relation to literary and publica- tion matters. Bound in one volume, 4to, green polished calf, gilt back, fillet borders, with lettering on back and front cover, by Sangorski and Sutcliffe. THIS IS A MOST INTERESTING COLLECTION OF LETTERS, in which he writes of “Puddnhead” and its publication date for America; of the Webster firm in the hands of the Assignee, Bainbridge Colby. He has been kept awake all night reading Besant’s “London,” and was unable to do any work the next day in consequence; He is sending copy for the ‘‘Californian’s Tale” in good clean print. Some maxims have been written and forwarded to Chatto and Windus, but he recalls No. 3, as the Archbishop of Canterbury’s uncle does not think it should be used. The objectionable maxim is present, but can- not be quoted. These letters and cards have been neatly tipped in the volume, to- gether with typed transcripts of the correspondence, and in a number of cases with envelopes, and enclosures referred to. There are also inserted 5 portraits of Mark Twain, and a photographic view of his house at Redding. The letters were written from various places, from August 28, [1894] to November 24, 1901. COKAYNE (SIR ASTON). Small Poems of Divers sorts Written by Sir Aston Cokain. Ornament on title. Engraved frontispiece portrait of Cokayne (inlaid). London: Printed by Wil. Godbid, 1658 Small 8vo, red crushed levant morocco, gilt tooling and edges, gilt in- side borders, by W. Pratt. The genuine blank leaves T7 and T8 are present. Title-page extended on inner margin. The binder has wrongly inserted the Errata as A2 instead of A8: First EDITION. First Title. The portrait is here in the First State, with inscription beginning, ‘‘Come Reader draw thy purse and be a guest.” “The Obstinate Lady” and “Trappolin” have separate title- pages. Pages 209-256 are misprinted as 109-156; one or two have been corrected in ink. There is another misprint after p. 480, when the pagination reverts to 461 (for 481) and continues contentedly to ibe end. With the C. B. Foote E. D. Church and Beverly Chew book- plates. COLERIDGE (SAMUEL TAYLOR). Poems. To which are now added, Poems by Charles Lamb, and Charles Lloyd. Printed by N. Biggs, for J. Cottle, Bristol, 1797 Small 8vo, original boards, uncut, paper label (rebacked). In a crushed crimson levant morocco solander case. This SECOND EDITION contains many important additions. There are several fresh poems by all three authors. COLORED PLATES. [Bunbury (H. W.).] An Academy for Grown Horsemen; Annals of Horsemanship. By Geof- frey Gambado. With 29 colored plates by H. W. Bunbury. London, 1787-91 2 vols. in one, folio red straight grain morocco, gilt tooled, uncut, by Wallis. Fine copy of the First EDITION. 14 64 65 66 67 [Combe (William).] Doctor Syntax in Paris; or, A Tour in search of the Grotesque: A Humourous & Satirical Poem. With colored engraved title-page, and 17 colored plates, by Williams, in the manner of Rowlandson; some are signed (few leaves of text repaired). London, W. Wright, 1820 8vo, red morocco, back panelled and gilt tooled, sides with gilt fillets, inside dentelles, gilt edges, by Zaehnsdorf. FIRST EDITION. Clean copy of one of the best of the imitations of Combe’s “Tours.” SCARCE IN CLEAN CONDITION. [Combe (William).] The Tour of Dr. Syntax through London, or, The Pleasurer and Miseries of the Metropolis: A Poem. With vignette on title and 19 colored plates by Williams after the manner of Rowlandson. London, 1820 8vo, contemporary mottled calf (slightly rubbed, name on title). First EpiITIon. The best of the imitations of Combe’s “Tours,” and generally attributed to him. [D’Oyley (Sir Charles).] Tom Raw, the Griffin: A Burlesque Poem, in Twelve Cantos. Illustrated by 25 en- gravings (in the manner of Rowlandson), and all brilliantly colored. London: Ackerman, 1828 Royal 8vo, crushed crimson levant morocco, gilt back with emblematic tooling, gilt fillet borgers, inside dentelles, gilt edges, by Sangorski and Sutcliffe. Name stamp “M.A.” with crest on title margin. A VERY FINE CLEAN COPY OF THE RARE FIRST EDITION, WITH THE PLATES IN BRILLIANT COLORING. These plates are sometimes wrongfully at- tributed to Rowlandson, but are undoubtedly the work of the author, Sir Charles D’Oyley, who was an artist of much ability. IN RARE ORIGINAL BOARDS UNCUT [Egan (Pierce).] Life in London; or, the Day and Night Scenes of Jerry Hawthorn, Esq. and his Elegant Friend Corinthian Tom, accompanied by Bob Logic, the Oxonian, in their Rambles and Sprees through the Metro- polis. Illustrated by 36 colored plates by I. R. and George Cruikshank, engraved music, and numerous woodcuts in text. London: Printed for Sherwood, Neely, and Jones, 1821 Royal 8vo, original illustrated board covers, hinges cracked, entirely uncut. In a red morocco solander case. A REMARKABLE COPY OF THE LARGE PAPER EDITION OF ONE OF THE MOST POPULAR BOOKS OF ITS KIND. While it has the footnote at p. 9 commencing “Second Edition” (styled by Cohn as the “First spurious Edition”), yet it has the cor- rectly placed printer’s name on the verso of the half-title, and the ad- vertisements at the end—both marks of the First EDITION. With the Samuel H. Austin bookplate. 15 68 69 70 71 72 73 [Egan (Pierce).] Real Life in London; or, the Ram- bles and Adventures of Bob Tallyho, Esq., and His Cousin the Honorable Tom Dashall, through the Metropolis; Ex- hibiting a Living Picture of Fashionable Characters, Man- ners, and Amusements in High and Low Life. By an Amateur. Illustrated with a series of highly colored prints, designed and engraved by Messrs Alken, Brooke, Dighton, Rowlandson, etc. London: Printed for Jones & Co., 1821-2 2 vols., 8vo, crushed blue levant morocco, gilt backs, fillet borders, in- side dentelles, gilt edges, by Sangorski and Sutcliffe. Original labels preserved. THE VERY RARE FIRST EDITION, and a very good unwashed copy. [Egan (Pierce).] Real Life in Ireland. With colored Plates by Alken, Heath, and others. London, n.d. 12mo, half green calf (rubbed). —— Jerrold (Douglas). A Man Made of Money. With illustrations in color by John Leech. London, 1849 12mo, half blue morocco, gilt back, gilt edges, by Root. FIRST EDITION. [Egan (Pierce).] Sporting Anecdotes, Original and Selected. A New Edition, Considerably Enlarged and Im- proved. With the large folding plates in colors, by I. R. Cruikshank, two other colored plates, with other plates, un- colored, and woodcuts. London, 1825 8vo, red morocco, back panelled and gilt tooled, sides with gilt fillets, inside dentelles, by Riviere. FIRST COMPLETE EDITION. A good copy, with some edges uncut. There is a slight repaired tear in the crease of the folding plate. Journal of Sentimental Travels in the Southern Prov- inces of France, shortly before the Revolution. Embellished with seventeen (18) colored engravings from designs by T. Rowlandson. London: R. Ackermann, 1821 Royal 8vo, original boards, rebacked, uncut. In cloth cED case, with cloth protecting wrapper. FirsT EDITION. A VERY TALL COPY, ALL THREE EDGES UNCUT. Le Sage (Alain René). The Adventures of Gil Blas of Santillana. Newly translated from the French by Martin Smart. With 100 copperplates, colored by hand. London, 1807 4 vols., 16mo, dark green morocco, backs panelled and gilt tooled, sides with gilt fillets, inside dentelles, uncut, by Riviere. SCARCE WITH THE COLORED PLATES. A FINE COPY. 16 74 75 76 17 78 79 Mills (John). The Flyers of the Hunt. With colored plates by John Leech. London, 1859 12mo, cloth, uncut. FIRST EDITION. Mitford (John). The Adventures of Johnny New- come in the Navy. A Poem in Four Cantos. With Notes. With 20 colored plates by Williams, some signed (some marginal tears repaired including one in lower inner margin of title). London, 1819 8vo, red morocco, back panelled and gilt tooled, sides with gilt fillets, inside dentelles, some edges uncut, by Riviere. FIRST EDITION ISSUED UNDER MITFORD’S NAME. The work was first published in 1818 under the pen-name Alfred Burton. [Mitford (Captain John).] My Cousin in the Army; or, Johnny Newcome on the Peace Establishment. A Poem. By a Staff Officer. With 16 colored plates by Williams, some signed (slight marginal repairs in several leaves of text). London: Hodgson & Co., [1822] 8vo, red morocco, back panelled and gilt tooled, sides with gilt fillets, inside dentelles, gilt edges, by Zaehnsdorf. First EDITION. A VERY SCARCE BOOK, by some attributed to Capt. Mit- ford, “Alfred Burton.” The New Botanic Garden. With 133 engravings by Sansom after paintings, colored from drawings by Syden- ham Edwards. London, 1812 2 vols., 4to, half leather (rubbed). FINE COPY. SCARCE. The Adventures 7 Mr. Ledbury. With illustrations by John Leech. London, 1886 Royal 8vo, half green crushed levant morocco, uncut, original front cloth cover and back-strip bound in. [Thornton (Alfred).] The Adventures of a Post- Captain. By a Naval Officer. With the engraved and colored title-page and the full series of 24 brilliantly colored plates by Williams in the manner of Rowlandson, (some margins repaired). London: J. Johnston, [1817] 8vo, blue morocco, back panelled and richly gilt tooled, sides with gilt fillets, inside dentelles, gilt edges, by Riviere. First EDITION. SCARCE. 17 80 81 82 83 WITH BRILLIANT COLORED PLATES COLORED PLATES. Thornton (Alfred)... Don Juan. Vol- ume the First. With 15 colored plates. Don Juan. Volume the Second: Containing his Life in London, or, a True Pic- ture of the British Metropolis. With 16 colored plates. London: Thomas Kelly, 1821-2 2 vols., 8vo, crushed crimson levant morocco, gilt backs, gilt panelled sides, inside dentelles, by Riviere. FIRST EDITION. VERY FINE COPY OF ONE OF THE SCARCEST OF COLOR- PLATE SPORTING BOOKS. [Westmacott (W. M.).] The English Spy: An Origi- nal Work, Characteristic, Satirical, and Humourous. Com- prising Scenes and Sketches in every Rank of Society, being Portraits of the Illustrious, Eminent, Eccentric, and No- torious. Drawn from Life by Bernard Blackmantle. TJllus- trated with 71 highly colored plates, of which 67 are by Robert Cruikshank, 2 by Thomas Rowlandson, and one each by T. Wageman and G. M. Brightly; also 36 woodcuts in the text by Robert Cruikshank and Hughes. London: Sherwood, Jones & Co., 1825-6 2 vols., royal 8vo, crushed crimson levant morocco, gilt backs, gilt panelled sides, gilt edges, by Zaehnsdorf. AN IMMACULATE COPY OF THE RARE FIRST EDITION, IN A HANDSOME BINDING. The suppressed Rowlandson plate is present. —— Wilson (Harriette). Memoirs. Written by Herself. With the series of 10 colored portraits by George Cruik- shank, and 18 colored folding plates by H. H. [Henry Heath], Read, Marks, and others (some of the folding plates have been trimmed and mounted, the titles and half-titles are in facsimile). London, 1825 4 vols., 16mo, red morocco, backs panelled and gilt tooled, sides with gilt fillets, inside dentelles, some edges uncut, by Riviere. Apparently the First EDITION, BOUND UP FROM THE ORIGINAL PARTS, Woodward (G. M.). Eccentric Excursions, or, Liter- ary & Pictorial Sketches of Sountenance, Character, & Country, in Different Parts of England & South Wales. With 100 colored plates, engraved by Isaac Cruikshank after Woodward. London, 1796 4to, crimson morocco, fillet borders, floral ornaments at corners and on back, inside fillets with floral design at corners, uncut. First EDITION. VERY RARE.IN THE UNCUT STATE. There are a few slight marginal repairs; and three plates have been backed with linen. 18 84 COLORED PLATES OF NIAGARA. Views of the Great 85 86 87 88 89 Falls of Niagara. Beautifully illustrated with 5 finely colored lithographs, printed by Hullmandel. London: Published by R. Ackerman, n.d. Oblong folio, half roan and embossed cloth. VERY SCARCE. COLORED RACING PLATES. Epsom Race-Course. A panorama of colored plates in hinged sections, showing the Course, Grand-Stand, and other buildings. Size when ex- tended 86 inches. London: Ackermann & Co., 1834 Oblong: folio, half straight-grain morocco. One or two slight mar- ginal repairs. A VERY DECORATIVE VIEW OF THIS CELEBRATED RACE- COURSE, filled with life of moving horses and peoples as on a race day. The various buildings, such as “The Rubbing House,” “Nicholson’s Re- freshment Booth,” “Liverpool Stand,” “The Steward’s Old Stand,” gy snmung Post,” “Weighing House,” “Refreshment Booths,” etc., are shown. COTTLE (JOSEPH). Reminiscences of Samuel Taylor Coloridge and Robert Southey. Portraits. London, 1847 12mo, half maroon morocco, by Stikeman. FIRST EDITION. SCARCE. CRABBE (GEORGE). Poetical Works. With his Letters and Journals, and his Life, by his Son. Frontispieces and engraved titles. London, 1834-40 8 vols., olive calf, gilt backs (slightly rubbed). With the Robert Blackburn bookplate. CRASHAW (RICHARD). Steps to the Temple, Sacred Poems. With the Delights of the Muses. With the rare frontispiece engraved by Cross. London: Printed for Humphrey Moseley, 1648 12mo, crushed blue levant morocco, gilt back, sides handsomely gilt tooled, and inlaid in a Grolieresque manner, gilt edges, by Riviere. Second Edition, wherein are added divers pieces not before extant. 24 pieces are added to the First part, and 19 to the Second. With the C. L. F. Robinson bookplate. COWPER (MARY, COUNTESS). Dairy: 1714-1720. [Ed- ited by Spencer Cowper.] Portrait. London, 1864 8vo, half brown morocco, gilt back, uncut (slightly foxed). First EDITION. These diaries were kept by the wife of Lord Chan- cellor Cowper, while she was Lady of the Bedchamber to Caroline of Anspach before her Accession to the throne as the queen of George II. 19 90 91 92 93 94 COWPER (WILLIAM). Poems, 1782; The Task, 1785. — London, 1782-5 2 vols., 8vo, crushed crimson levant morocco, gilt backs, gilt panelled sides, gilt edges, by Birdsall. BEAUTIFUL COPY OF THE FIRST EDITION, with the half-title to Vol. 2 ioe copy of the Poems has the cancel leaves, but not the suppressed reface. COX (HARDING). Chasing and Racing: Some Sporting Reminiscences. Portrait. New York, 1923 12mo, cloth. CROWE (J. A.) AND CAVALCASELLE (G. B.). The Life and Times of Titian, illustrated, 2 vols., London, 1881; Raphael: His Life and Works, 2 vols., London 1882-5. London, 1881-5 FIRST EDITION. 4 vols., 8vo, half brown morocco, gilt tooled, uncut, by Stikeman. CRUIKSHANK (GEORGE). Wight (John). Mornings in Bow Street, with 21 full-page woodcuts by Cruikshank, Lon- don, 1824; More Mornings in Bow Street, with an etching, 8 full-page woodcuts, and numerous vignettes, by Cruik- shank, and other illustrations (margin of one woodcut ex- tended). London, 1827 London, 1824-7 2 vols., 12mo, red morocco, backs panelled and gilt tooled, sides with gilt fillets, inside dentelles, by Riviere. First EDITION. “Mornings in Bow Street” is of the VERY RARE FIRST ISSUE, printed by Shackell and Arrowsmith, and without legends on the plates. The advertisement leaf at end is not present. CHOICE COPIES, CLEAN, AND WITH SOME EDGES UNCUT. —— Maxwell (W. H.). fice of the Irish Rebellion in 1798. With 6 portraits engraved by Lightfoot, and 21 etch- ings by George Cruikshank. London, 1845 8vo, green morocco, back panelled and gilt tooled, sides with gilt fillets, inside dentelles, by Zaehnsdorf. ‘ First EDITION. FINE COPY. 95 96 CRUIKSHANK (GEORGE). ORIGINAL PEN-AND-INK WASH DRAWING: ‘Musical Dandies’. Size 1014 inches by 1514 inches. Signed George Cruikshank. A group of four dandies, striving for harmony. There are numerous notes and a caption in another hand. CUNNINGHAM (ALLAN). The Songs of Scotland, Ancient and Modern; with an Introduction and Notes, Historical — and Critical. London, 1825 4 vols., sprinkled calf, gilt backs, uncut (hinges weak). First EpIT1on. A fine untrimmed copy in a contemporary binding. 20 97 DANIEL PRESS. Bridges (Robert). Hymns [from the 98 99 100 101 Yattendon Hymnal, with Notices of the Tunes for which they were written]. Printed in black letter. [Oxford], 1899 Small 4to, crushed red levant morocco, with broad arabesque borders, uncut, original wrappers bound in, by the Club Bindery. Ss os 150 copies. With the Poor Boukpinces Extremely rare. Madan, o. 45. Gascoigne (George). The Queen’s Majesty’s Enter- tainment at Woodstock, 1575. From the unique fragment of the edition of 1585, including the Tale of Hermetes the Hermit, and a Comedy in verse, probably by George Gas- colgne. With an Introduction by A. W. Pollard. Oxford: Reprinted by H. Daniel and H. Hart, 1903 & 1910 Small 4to, boards, cloth back, uncut. One of 115 copies printed from the unique copy then in the Rowfant Library, now in the British Museum. The text was printed by Mr. ee) in 1903 and the Introduction by Mr. Hart in 1910. Madan, o. 57. [DEFOE (DANIEL).] Religious Courtship: Being His- torical Discourses on the Necessity of Marrying Religious Husbands and Wives only. With an Appendix Of the Neces- sity of taking none but Religious Servants, and a Proposal for the better managing of Servants. London: Printed for E. Matthews, 1722 8vo, polished calf, gilt back, sides with gilt fillets, gilt inside borders, gilt edges on the rough, by Lloyd, Wallis & Lloyd (hinges weak). A VERY FINE COPY OF THE FIRST EDITION, with the SCARCE leaf of ad- vertisements. RARE. There was no copy in Hoe. Laid in is an en- graved portrait of Defoe by Gucht after Taverner (the lower part torn). [ ] A System of Magic; or, A History of the Black Art. Being an Historical Account of Mankind’s most early Deal- ing with the Devil; and how Acquaintance on both Sides first began. Occult frontispiece by Gucht after Eberlein. London: Printed: And Sold by J. Roberts, 1727 8vo, polished calf, gilt back, sides with gilt fillets, gilt inside borders, gilt edges on the rough. THE VERY RARE FIRST EDITION. A FINE COPY. DE LA MARE (WALTER). Flora. A Book of Drawings by Pamela Bianco. With Illustrative Poems by Walter de la Mare. Numerous illustrations, including full-page plates in color. London, n.d. Ato, boards, uncut. FIRST EDITION. 21 102 103 104 105 DICKENS (CHARLES). The Posthumous Papers of the Pickwick Club. With illustrations by R. Seymour and Phiz. London, 1836-7 In the original 20 parts in 19, 8vo, green wrappers, uncut. In a green levant morocco solander case. THIS COPY, ALTHOUGH CONTAINING SEVERAL POINTS OF THE First EDI- TION, IS NOT OF THE FIRST ISSUE, as the plates are not in the first state, nor are the wrappers correct for that issue. The advertise- ments are mainly lacking up to the 18th number. The illustrated title- page is correct, with ‘“‘V” on the signpost instead of ‘‘W,” in the name eller. The Posthumous Papers of the Pickwick Club. With illustrations by Seymous, Buss, and “Phiz’ (engraved title in the second state). London, 1837 8vo, green morocco, back panelled and gilt tooled, sides with gilt fillets, inside dentelles (wants half-title). FIRST EDITION BOUND UP FROM THE ORIGINAL PARTS, WITH THE TWO RARE BUSS PLATES, the note on p. 9 in the First State, and the mis- print in the running-head of p. 375. Although most of the plates are in the Second State, many, for example, those facing pp. 132, 197, 201, 296, 301, 434, 441, 484, 496, & 504, and others, ARE IN THE RARE FIRST STATE. THE VOLUME IS EXTRA-ILLUSTRATED BY THE INSERTION OF THE SERIES OF PLATES BY ONHYN. ALTOGETHER, A DESIRABLE COPY OF THIS FAMOUS BOOK. [ ] Sketches by Boz, illustrative of Every-Day Life and Every-Day People. With 40 illustrations by George Crutk- shank. New Edition, Complete. London: Chapman & Hall, 1839 8vo, polished calf, gilt tooled, uncut, by Riviere (front cover loose). FIRST ISSUE OF THE FIRST OCTAVO EDITION, with the publisher’s imprint on the plate “Greenwich Fair” and those following. The leaf of ad- vertisement is wanting. The present copy shows the stab-holes of the - parts very clearly. PRESENTATION COPY FROM CHARLES DICKENS DICKENS (CHARLES). Master Humphrey’s Clock. With ilustrations by George Cattermole and Hablot Browne. London: Chapman and Hall, 1840-1 3 vols., royal 8vo, gilt decorated cloth, with the clock on each volume indicating the correct hour for each volume. In two three-quarter brown levant morocco slip cases, inner cloth protecting covers. FINE COPY OF THE FIRST EDITION. PRESENTATION COPY FROM CHARLES DICKENS, with an inscription on a double sheet of note paper which has been tipped in the first volume. [SEE ILLUSTRATION |] 22 ——) i oe AN INSCRIPTION IN A FINE COPY OF “MASTER HUMPHREY’S CLOCK” [NUMBER 105] 106 107 108 109 110 111 Works, with Forster’s Life. Portraits and the original ulustrations by H. K. Browne, Cruikshank, and others. Boston, 1890 48 vols., 8vo, cloth, uncut. EDITION DE LUXE. One of 1000 copies printed on Large Paper, with the illustrations on Japan Vellum. A FINE SET. D. [ORAT (CLAUDE JOSEPH).] Lettres en vers, et Oeuvres Mélées de M. D. Numerous fine engravings after Eisen. Paris, 1767 2 vols., 8vo, green levant morocco, gilt tooled borders, uncut, by Ri- viere. FINE COPY OF AN ATTRACTIVE BOOK. DOVER (ROBERT, AND OTHERS). Annalia Dvbrensia. Vpon the yeerely celebration of Mt Robert Dovers Olimpick Games vpon Cotswold-Hills. Written by Michaell Drayton. Esq. John Trvssell. Gent. William Dvrham. Oxon, Esq. Thomas Randall. Cant. Ben: Johnson. Iohn Dover. Gen, . . . Thomas Heywood. Gent. With the rare plate in facsimile loosely laid in. London, Printed by Robert Raworth, for Mathewe Walbancke. 1636 4to, half red crushed levant morocco. Old name on title-page and somewhat stained. FIRST EDITION. This copy has at the end the Dedication leaf “For his VVorthy Freind, Simon Rolston, Gent.” The book was apparently printed for presentation only, and each recorded copy has a different name on the presentation leaf. “Iohn Trvssell’ appears twice in the list of contributors. With the Beverly Chew bookplate. DUMAS (ALEXANDRE). Romances. Illustrated. New York, 1893-4 48 vols., 12mo, cloth, uncut. ILLUSTRATED LIBRARY EDITION. One of 1000 copies. Fine set. Celebrated Crimes. With illustration after De Los Rios, Prodhomme, Wagrez, etc. Philadelphia: Barrie [1895] 8 vols., 8vo, cloth, uncut. IMPERIAL JAPAN LIBRARY EDITION. One of 500 copies of Japan Vellum, with the plates in two states. Printed for Andrew R. Baird. DUMONT (JEAN). Batailles gagnées par le Serenissime Prince Fr. Eugene de Savoy sur les Ennemis de la Foi. Portrait, 10 double-page engravings and head and tail-pieces by Jean Huchtenburg, and 3 maps. A La Haye, 1725 Folio, contemporary calf. FIRST EDITION. Subsequent volumes and supplements were published, but this volume was the beginning of the work and the brilliant im- pressions of the plates show its early issue. 23 112 113 114 115 116 117 DURUY (VICTOR). History of Rome. Translated by M. M. Ripley and W. J. Clarke. Edited by J. P. Mahaffy. Numerous illustrations, many i colors. Boston, 1884-7 8 vols. in sixteen, imp. 8vo, half red morocco, uncut (lower margins of five volumes slightly waterstained). EDITION DE GRANDE LUXE. One of 250 copies on Japan vellum. ELIOT (GEORGE). Works. Illustrated. Boston, n.d. 15 vols., 8vo, cloth, uncut (the uncut leaves of one volume have been roughly opened). ILLUSTRATED LIBRARY EDITION. ELLIOT (DANIEL G.) A Monograph of the Tetraoninae, or Family of the Grouse. With 27 magnificent colored plates of birds and eggs, mostly life size, drawn from nature by the author and Joseph Wolf. The two plates of eggs show 60 specimens. New York: Published by the Author, 1865 Atlas folio, half red levant morocco. A SUPERB COPY OF THE FIRST EDITION. A Monograph of the Phasianidae, or Family of the Pheasants. With 81 superbly colored plates, after drawings from life of J. Wolf and J. Smit. New York: Published by the Author, 1872 2 vols., atlas folio, red morocco, gilt ornamentation on backs and sides, gilt edges. A VERY FINE COPY OF THE RAREST AND FINEST OF ELLIOT’S ORNITHOLOG- ICAL WORKS. ELLIS (EDWARD S&.). History of the United States. Numerous illustrations, some colored. New York, [1899] 6 vols., 8vo, morocco (slightly rubbed). ELLIS (HENRY). A Voyage to Hudson’s-Bay, by the Dobbs Galley and California, in the Years 1746-7, for Dis- covering a North West Passage. Folding map. Dublin, 1749 Small 8vo, panelled calf, gilt tooled, by Morrell. Fine copy. 118 ERATH (ANTONIUS ULDARICUS). Conspectus Historiae Brvnsvico-Lvnebvrgicae Universalis. Brvnsvigae, 1745 Folio, old calf. 24 119 ESQUEMELING (A. O.). Bucaniers of America: or, a 120 121 122 123 124 True Account of the Most Remarkable Assaults committed of late Years upon the Coasts of the West Indies, by the Bucaniers of Jamaica and Tortuga, both English and French. Wherein are contained more especially, the unparallel’d Ex- ploits of Sir Henry Morgan, etc. Portraits of Capt. Mor- ganm Lolonois, Brasileano, Bartolomew Portugues, view of the Spanish Armada, the rare Map of South America, and other- curious engravings and maps. London: Printed for William Crooke, 1864 Four Parts in one volume. Thick small 4to, old russia, gilt tooled (rubbed), gilt edges (one signature sprung). SeEcoND EDITION, corrected and enlarged, with the additional relations of Capt. Cook and Captain Sharp. THE FOURTH PART IS NOT ALWAYS FOUND IN THE WORK. EVANS (R. H.). Old Ballads, Historical and Narrative, with some of Modern Date, collected from Rare copies and MSS. Frontispiece. London: Printed for R. H. Evans, 1810 4 vols., 8vo, crushed crimson straight-grain morocco, gilt backs, gilt panelled sides, gilt inside borders, uncut. A CHOICE COPY OF THIS FINE COLLECTION OF OLD BALLADS. FIELDING (HENRY). Works. With the Author’s Pre- face and an Introduction by’G. H. Maynadier. With illus- trations and frontispieces in color. New York, 1903 12 vols., 8vo, crushed red levant morocco, gilt fillets, gilt inside bor- ders, doublures and fly-leaves of watered silk, uncut. HAND-MADE EDITION. One of 150 copies with the plates in two states. FITZGERALD (PERCY). Charles Townsend, Wit and Statesman. Portrait. London, 1866 12mo, half crushed blue levant morocco, gilt tooled. FIRST EDITION. FOOTE (SAMUEL). Works. Portrait. London, 1830 3 vols., 12mo, sprinkled calf, gilt backs, uncut (hinges worn). A nice copy, uncut. FORD (JOHN). The Works of John Ford, with Notes by William Gifford. A New Edition, Revised, with Additions to the Notes by Alexander Dyce. London, 1869 3 vols., 8vo, half brown morocco, gilt tooled, uncut, by Stikeman. FINE COPY OF THE BEST EDITION. 25 125. 126 127 129 130 FRENCH REVOLUTION. The Reign of Terror; A Collec- tion of Authentic Narratives, written by Eye-witnesses of the Scenes. London, 1826 2 vols., 8vo, half red morocco, uncut (slightly rubbed and foxed). FIRST EDITION. GOETHE (J. WOLFGANG VON). Works. Edited by F. H. Hedge and L. Noa. Boston, 1882 10 vols., 12mo, half green morocco, uncut. CAMBRIDGE EDITION. [GOLDSMITH (OLIVER).] The Vicar of Wakefield: A Tale. Supposed to be written by Himself. Salisbury: Printed by B. Collins for F. Newbery, 1766 2 vols., 12mo, contemporary calf, hinges cracked, and name stamp on margin of titles. In a lined cloth case. FIRST ISSUE OF THE FIRST EDITION, with the misprint “Waekcfield” in the headline of page 95 of the second volume. A NICE CLEAN COPY INTERNALLY. Poems and Plays. Edited by Austin Dobson. With etchings by John Jellicoe and Herbert Railton. London: Dent, 1889 2 vols., 8vo, crushed dark blue levant morocco, gilt backs, line borders on sides, uncut, by the French Binders. The Temple Library. One of 150 (uh on Large Paper. A CHOICE COPY. THE RARE SECOND EDITION GRAY (THOMAS). An Elegy wrote in a Country Church Yard. London: Printed for R. Dodsley, 1751 4to, polished calf, gilt back, gilt fillet borders, inside dentelles, gilt edges, by Riviere. THE SECOND EDITION. AN EXCEPTIONALLY FINE COPY. This is an exact reprint of the First Edition, except the words “The Second Edi- tion” on) title-page, and “hidden” corrected to “kindred” on page 10. VERY SCARCE, ESPECIALLY IN THIS CONDITION. — Odes by Mr. Gray. Vignette on title-page. Printed at Strawberry-Hill, for R. and J. Dodsley, 1757 4to, crushed blue levant morocco, Jansen style, inside dentelles, gilt edges, by Zaehnsdorf. THE VERY RARE FIRST EDITION. THE FIRST BOOK PRINTED AT HORACE WALPOLE’S STRAWBERRY-HILL PRESS. 26 131 ~ 182 133 134 135 136 137 GRIBBLE (FRANCIS). The Romance of the Men of Devon. Illustrated. London, [1912] 12mo, half green morocco, gilt tooled, uncut, by Riviere. GROLIER CLUB. The Culprit Fay, and Other Poems. By Joseph Rodman Drake. Portraits from a miniature by Met- calf, and two illustrations after watercolors by E. E. Winchell. New York: The Grolier Club, 1923 8vo, boards, parchment back, uncut. ONE oF 300 COPIES PRINTED BY THE GILLISS PRESS FOR THE GROLIER CLUB PRINTERS’ SERIES. GROLIER CLUB. The Compromise of the King of the Golden Isles. By Lord Dunsany. Colored vignette on title. New York: The Grolier Club, 1924 Imp. 8vo, boards, cloth back, uncut. ONE OF 300 COPIES PRINTED BY THOMAS M. CLELAND FOR THE GROLIER CLUB PRINTERS’ SERIES. Accompanying the present volume is the Pro- spectus of the Series. . GROLIER CLUB. Three Essays: I-Book-buying—II-Book- binding—HI-The Office of Literature. By Augustine Birrell. New York: The Grolier Club, 1924 Imp. 8vo, boards, linen back, uncut. ONE OF 300 COPIES PRINTED BY FREDERIC AND BERTHA GOUDY ON THE HAND-PRESS FORMERLY USED BY WILLIAM MORRIS, FOR THE GROLIER CLUB PRINTERS’ SERIES. GROLIER CLUB. Quattrocentisteria: How Sandro Bot- ticelli saw Simonetta in the Spring. By Maurice Hewlett. New York: The Grolier Club, 1921 Imp. 8vo, boards, linen back, uncut. ONE OF 300 COPIES PRINTED BY JOHN HENRY NASH FOR THE GROLIER CLUB PRINTERS’ SERIES. GROLIER CLUB. The Pierrot of the Minute. By Ernest Dowson. Printed in black and old red, with borders of Fournier XVIIIth Century ornaments. New York: The Grolier Club, 1923 12mo, decorated boards, uncut. \ ONE OF 300 COPIES PRINTED BY BRUCE ROGERS FOR THE GROLIER CLUB PRINTERS’ SERIES. GROLIER CLUB. A Lodging for the Night: A Story of Mediaeval Paris. By Robert Louis Stevenson. Printed in black and red with woodcut title and frontispiece. New York: The Grolier Club, 1923 ONE OF 300 COPIES PRINTED BY CARL PURINGTON ROLLINS FOR THE GRO- LIER CLUB PRINTERS’ SERIES. ai 138 139 140 141 142 GUIZOT (F. P. G.). History of Oliver Cromwell and the English Commonwealth, 2 vols., London, 1854; History of Richard Cromwell and the Restoration of Charles II. 2 vols., London, 1857. Translated by Andrew R. Scoble. London, 1854-7 4 vols., 8vo, half red calf, gilt backs, uncut (corners slightly rubbed). Fine edition. The First English Translation, with large, clear type. With the H. C. Wright bookplate. History of England, 5 vols., [1876-81]; History of France, 6 vols., n.d.; History of France (Martin), 3 vols., [1877-82] ; History of Russia (Rimbaud), 3 vols., 1880-[82]. With numerous iulustrations. Boston, [1876-82] 17 vols., royal 8vo, half crushed brown levant morocco, gilt backs, uncut (some volumes slightly rubbed). HACKE (WILLIAM). A Collection of Original Voyages: Containing Capt. Cowley’s Voyage round the Globe, Capt. Sharp’s Journey over the Isthmus of Darien, Capt. Wood’s Voyage thro’ the Streights of Magellan, ete. Maps and plates. London, 1699 Small 8vo, original panelled calf (rebacked). RARE. Part of the original material for the history_of the Bucca- neers. [HALIBURTON (T. C.).] The Clockmaker. First and Second Series. Jllustrated. London, 1838-9 2 vols., 12mo, half brown morocco, uncut. [ |] The Bubbles of Canada, London, 1839; The Attaché, First and Second Series, 4 vols., London, 1843-6; The Rule and Misrule of the English in America, 2 vols., London, AE SERS Ex London, 1839-51 143 7 vols., 8vo and 12mo, half brown morocco (rubbed). First EDITIONS, with the exception of Vol. IV of the “Attache.” HALL (JOHN). Poems. By John Hall. With the rare engraved frontispiece portrait of the author by Wm. Mar- shall (inlaid and slightly repaired). Cambridge, 1646 The Second Booke of Divine Poems. By J. H. London, 1647 In one vol., small 8vo, full citron crushed levant morocco, inlaid with green and red, richly tooled, with flowers, circles, stars, etc., in mosaic, gilt edges, by Riviere. First EDITION. The frontispiece, present here, is seldom found in the book; and the second part, the “Divine Poems,” is now EXTREMELY RARE. With the M. C. D. Borden and Beverly Chew bookplate. 28 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 HAMILTON (ANTHONY). Memoirs of Count Grammont. Translated with Notes by Horace Walpole. Portraits and illustrations. Philadelphia, 1891 Royal 8vo, crushed olive levant morocco, Jansen style, gilt inside bor- ders, uncut. FINE COPY. HARE (AUGUSTUS J. C.). Memorials of a Quiet Life. Portraits. London, 1873[5] 2 vols., thick 12mo, half dark brown morocco, gilt tooled (slightly rubbed EXTRA-ILLUSTRATED BY THE INSERTION OF OVER 50 PORTRAITS AND VIEWS FROM PHOTOGRAPHS AND A MS. GENEALOGY OF THE HARE FAMILY. A choice copy. HAWTHORNE (NATHANIEL). Works. With Introduc- tory Notes by George P. Lathrop and a Biography by Julian Hawthorne. Illustrated. Boston, [1882-4] 15 vols., 12mo, half red morocco, uncut. STANDARD LIBRARY EDITION. A GOOD SET. HAZLITT (W. CAREW). Remains of the Early Popular Poetry of England. Collected and Edited with an Introduc- tion and Notes by W. Carew Hazlitt. London, 1864 4 vols., 8vo, crushed crimson levant morocco, gilt backs, line borders on sides, uncut, by the Booklovers’ Shop. LARGE PAPER Copy. The Library of Old Authors. HERBERT (GEORGE). The English Works of George Herbert. Edited by George Herbert Palmer. Portraits and illustrations. Boston, 1905 6 vols., 8vo, boards, cloth backs, uncut. One of 150 copies on Large Paper. HERGESHEIMER (JOSEPH). The Presbyterian Child. New York, 1923 8vo, decorated boards, cloth back, uncut. First Epition. One of 950 copies printed by Bruce Rogers at the Press of William Edwin Rudge, and signed by the author. HISTORICAL MEMOIRS; or, The Secret History of the Courts of Europe from the XVI to the XIX Century. With numerous illustrations, and colored frontispieces. Philadelphia: Barrie [1900] 24 vols., 8vo, cloth, uncut. ONE oF 1000 COPIES ON JAPAN VELLUM, WITH THE PLATES IN TWO STATES. A FINE SET. 29 151 152 153 154 HISTORY OF NORTH AMERICA (THE). Edited by Guy C. Lee and F. N. Thorp. With numerous illustrations. Philadelphia: Barrie, [1905-7] 20 vols. three-quarter crushed black levant morocco, gilt tooled, uncut. UNIVERSITY EDITION. One of 1000 copies. A CHOICE SET. HOLMES (OLIVER WENDELL). Works. Illustrated. Boston, [1892-6] 15 vols., 12mo, half dark blue levant morocco, uncut. STANDARD LIBRARY EDITION. HOOGHE (ROMEYN DE). Hieroglyphica, oder Denbilder der alten Volker, namentlich der Aegyptier, Chaldaer, Pho- nizier, etc. With 63 fine copperplates. Amsterdam, 1744 4to, vellum. ScARCE. These remarkable plates are extremely “Blakesque” in design and rich in cabalistic and symbolic significance. HOOKER (JOSEPH DALTON). The Botany of the Ant- arctic Voyage of H. M. Discovery Ships Erebus and Terror in the Years 1839-43. Beautifully illustrated with 198 col- ored plates. London, 1844-7 2 vols., thick 4to, Scotch deerskin, gilt backs, gilt and blind borders, in- side dentelles, by Sangorski and Sutcliffe. A VERY FINE LARGE COPY OF THE RARE FIRST EDITION. THE RAREST OF HUDSON’S BOOKS 155 [HUDSON (WILLIAM HENRY ).] Fan. The Story of a Young Girl’s Life. By Henry Harford. if London: Chapman and Hall, 1892 At 156 3 vols., 12mo, original cloth, uncut (library labels removed from covers, and evidences of use in two or three places). THE EXCESSIVELY RARE FIRST EDITION PSEUDONYMOUS PUBLICATION, AND UNTIL HIS DEATH NOT GENERALLY KNOWN TO BE BY HUDSON. [SEE ILLUSTRATION | Ralph Herne. Facsimile. New York, 1923 8vo, boards, cloth back, uncut. FIRST AMERICAN EDITION. 157 HUGO (VICTOR). Works. With numerous etchings after French artists. Philadelphia: Barrie, [1893-6] 41 vols., 8vo, cloth, uncut. EDITION DE BIBLIOPHILE. One of 250 copies on Japan vellum, with the plates in two states. A FINE AND DESIRABLE SET. 30 pete AL oN Che Story of a Poung Gil’s Rife BY HENRY HARFORD IN THREE VOLUMES VOL. I. LONDON: CHAPMAN AND HALL, Lp. 1892 [All rights reserved] THE TITLE PAGE OF THE EARLIEST PUBLICATION OF W. H. HUDSON [NUMBER 155] 158 —— Works. Illustrated. ~ Boston, n.d. 380 vols., 8vo., cloth, uncut. INTERNATIONAL LIMITED EDITION. One of 1000 copies, with the illus- trations on Japan Vellum. 158A ILLUMINATED INITIAL AND BORDER. A Large Illu- 159 160 161 162 minated initial “U” measuring 3 by 3384 inches, together with a brilliant top and lateral border; the top border measuring 124, by 10 inches, and the lateral border measur- ing 21, by 9 inches, on vellum. Cut from an Antiphonal. XVI Cent. A DELIGHTFUL SPECIMEN, in which the background of the initial is of burnished gold, and the borders are richly illuminated with floral sprays and scrolls, the gold being duller than the initial. At the two ends of the top border are incorporated the initials L and A, for Louis XII and Anne de Bretagne, while in both borders the Fleur-de-Lys of Louis and the Ermine of Anne are joined in triangu- lar insets. INMAN (THOMAS). Ancient Faiths embodied in Ancient Names. Illustrated. London, 1872 2 vols., thick 8vo, cloth uncut, (worn, hinges slightly torn). FIRST EDITION. SCARCE. IRVING (WASHINGTON). The Life and Voyages of Christopher Columbus. With many illustrations, some in colors. New York, 1892 3 vols., 4to, vellum, uncut. QUADRI-CENTENNIAL EDITION. One of 402 copies with an extra number of plates, printed, together with the other full-page plates, on India paper or Japan vellum. Printed for Andrew R. Baird. The Life and Voyages of Christopher Columbus. With many illustrations, some in colors. New York, [1892] 3 vols., 4to, cloth, morocco backs, uncut (rubbed). ISABELLA EDITION. One of 1100 copies. JACKSON (CHARLES J.). An Illustrated History of English Plate, Ecclesiastical and Secular, in which the devel- opment of form and decoration in the Silver and Gold work of the British Isles from the Earliest Known examples to the Latest of the Georgian Period are delineated and de- scribed. Colored frontispiece, 76 photogravure plates, and 1500 other illustrations. London, 1911 2 vols., thick 4to, imitation half morocco. FINE COPY OF THE FIRST EDITION OF THIS SCARCE AND STANDARD WORK ON OLD ENGLISH PLATE. 32 163 JAMES (G. P. R.). Works. Illustrated. London, 1844-9 21 vols., 8vo, half red calf, gilt backs (slightly rubbed). BEST EDITION. REVISED AND CORRECTED BY THE AUTHOR. 64 JOHNSON (SAMUEL). The Vanity of Human Wishes. 165 166 The Tenth Satire of Juvenal, imitated by Samuel Johnson. = ZL f-London: Printed for R. Dodsley, 1749 4to, crushed crimson levant morocco, gilt back, gilt fillet borders, in- side dentelles, gilt edges, by Riviere. A SUPERB COPY OF THE VERY RARE FIRST EDITION. A PRESENTATION COPY FROM DR. JOHNSON [JOHNSON (SAMUEL).] Greek Testament. Nouum Iesu Christi, Dn. nostri Testamentum. Vt ex Bibliotheca Regia Anno M.D.L. per Robertvm Stephanvm excusum fuit. Printer’s device on title. Francofvti, 1601 Folio, old calf, rehinged. In cloth case. PRESENTATION COPY FROM DR. JOHNSON TO HIS FRIEND S. HOOLE. On the inside front cover is written, doubtless.in.Hoole’s hand. “S. Hoole 1781 ex dono Saml. Johnson Lith sae is written on a fly-leaf: “The gift of Dr. Johnson to Mr. Hoole.” The volume later came into the possession of Dr. Joseph Turnbull, who has written two notes on the fily-leaf, one of which reads: “Boswell, in his life of Johnson, says, that he called wpon him, one day, and found him read- ing a folio copy of the Greek N. Test. Doubtless this was the very identical copy.” THE 1821 EDITION WITH COLORED PLATES JOHNSTONE (CHARLES). Chrysal; or, the Adventures of a Guinea. With the series of copperplates beautifully col- ored by hand, after Corbould, Burney, and others. London: Printed for Hector M’Lean, 1821 3 vols., 8vo, dark blue crinkled calf, richly gilt backs, gilt borders on sides, inside dentelles, gilt edges, by Riviere. A VERY FINE COPY, POSSIBLY ON LARGE PAPER. This is one of the clever- est as well as the fiercest and most scurrilous of the novels of the type of Pompey the Little, and shows the influence of Smollett. 167 KALIDASA. Sakoontala; or, The Lost Ring. Translated by Monier Williams. Printed within borders of colors and gold, with engravings likewise enclosed in borders, copies from Mss. in the British Museum and the Library of the East India House. Hertford, 1855 4to, crushed red levant morocco, back gilt tooled with inlaid strap- work of blue morocco, sides with inlaid strap-work of tan morocco, corner ornaments and centre-piece of tan and blue morocco inlaid, richly gilt tooled, inside gilt borders, gilt edges, by Holloway. First EDITION of this translation, in a handsome binding. 33 168 KAVANAGH (JULIA). Woman in France during the Eighteenth Century. Portraits. New York, 1893 2 vols., 12mo, half calf, uncut (slightly rubbed). AN UNCUT “ENDYMION” WITH BOTH ERRATAS 169 KEATS (JOHN). Endymion. A Poetic Romance. London: Printed for Taylor and Hessey, 1818 8vo, crushed blue levant morocco, inlaid and gilt backs, sides richly ornamented with gilt tooling and further embellished with an inlaid panel of brown, with maroon strap-work edging; doublures of purple levant morocco, elaborately tooled to a specially prepared design of delicate lace-like conception in which are incorporated small blue in- laid hearts; purple levant morocco end leaves, uncut, by Zaehnsdorf. A MAGNIFICENT COPY OF THE VERY RARE FIRST ISSUE OF THE FIRST EDI- TION, IN A HANDSOME BINDING, BOTH LATERAL AND LOWER EDGES UNCUT. THIS COPY CONTAINS NOT ONLY THE LEAF WITH THE ONE-LINE ERRATA— the correct state for the first issue—BUT THE SLIP OF ERRATA WITH FIVE LINES AS WELL. DAVID GARRICK’S AND CHARLES MATHEWS’S COPY 170 KILLIGREW (THOMAS). Comedies and Tragedies. Bril- liant frontispiece portrait of Killigrew by Faithorne after Sheppard (narrow lateral and top margins, and the lower margin repaired). London: Printed for Henry Herringman, 1664 Folio, original calf, rehinged and back repaired. In a cloth box. THE VERY RARE FIRST EDITION, AND THE EARLIEST ISSUE, WITH SEPARATE TITLES, ALL BEARING THE DATE 1663. FORMERLY IN THE LIBRARY OF DAVID GARRICK AND CHARLES MATHEWS, WITH THEIR BOOKPLATES. 171 KINGSLEY (HENRY). A Collection of FIRST EDITIONS of his Novels. London, 1860-76 32 vols., 12mo, half crushed brown levant morocco, gilt tooled, uncut. Comprising: Geoffrey Hamlin, 1850 (Not Hornby Hills, 2 vols., 1872 First Edition) Valentin, 2 vols., 1872 Ravenshoe, 3 vols., 1862 Oakshott Castle, 3 vols., 1873 Silcote of Silcotes, 3 vols., 1867 Reginald Hetherege, 3. vols., Mademoiselle Mathilde, 3 vols., 1874 1868 Number Seventeen, 2 vols., 1875 Stretton, 3 vols., 1869 Grange Garden, 8 vols., 1876 Old Margaret, 3 vols., 1871 Fireside Studies, 2 vols., 1876 FirST EDITIONS, with the exception noted. A CHOICE SET. | 172 KIPLING (RUDYARD). The Five Nations. London, 1903 12mo, cloth, uncut. FIRST ISSUE OF THE FIRST EDITION. 34 173 174 175 176 17 178 179 180 181 Destroyers at Jutland. 4 parts. ee City, 1916 » 12mo, original printed wrappers. c He V iv First EDITION. One of a very few copies issued for copyright. The Neutral. Garden City, 1916 12mo, original printed wrappers. First EDITION. One of a very few copies issued for copyright. Tales of ‘The Trade’. 38 parts. Garden City, 1916 3 parts, 12mo, original printed wrappers. Comprising: Part I Some Work in the Baltic. Part II Business in the Sea of Marmora. Part III Ravages and Repairs. First Eprtions. Each one is of a very few copies issued for copy- right. The Holy War. ip Garden City, 1917 12mo, original printed wrappers. ie ‘d ‘ First EDITION. One of a very few copies “issued for copyright. Mesopotamia. Garden City, 1917 12mo, original printed wrappers. ws m4 First EDITION... One of a very few copies issued for copyright. A Nativity. oy sete Garden City, 1917 12mo, original printed wrappers. NX ON First EpITion. One of a very few copies issued for copyright. The War in the Mountains. 5 parts. Garden City, 1917 Comprising: Part I The Roads of an Army. , Part II Podgora. Lone Part III A Pass, a King, and a Mountain. ~ fe Part IV Only a Few Steps Higher Up. Part V The Trentino Front. First Epirions. Each one is of a very few copies issued for copy- right. The Irish Guard. Garden City, 1918 12mo, original printed wrappers. First EpItion. One of a very few copies issued for copyright. The Song of the Lathes. 12mo, original printed wrappers. spe rP, oD City, 1918 (M First EpITION. One of a very few copies issued for copyright. 35 182 —— The King’s Pilgrimage. Garden City, 1922 12mo, original printed wrappers. FIRST EDITION. One of a very few copies issued for copyright. 1838 —— Address at University College, Dundee, October 12, 1923. | Garden City, 1923 Anh # 12mo, original printed wrappers. Ya First EDITION. One of a very few copies issued for copyright. 184 Address at the Annual Dinner of the Royal College 185 186 187 of Surgeons, London, February 14, 1923. Garden City, 1923 12mo, original printed wrappers. FIRST EDITION. One of a very few copies issued for copyright. Independence. Rectorial Address at St. Andrews, October 10, 1923. Garden City, 1923 12mo, original printed wrappers. First EDITION. One of a very few copies issued for copyright. — London Town (November a 1918-23). Dit Garden City, 1923 12mo, original printed wrappers. ‘+ ph 4s FIRST AMERICAN EDITION. FIRST ISSUE, for copyright. KOCK (CHARLES P. DE). Works. With a Memoir of the Author. General Introduction by Jules Claretie. Trans- lated by Edith M. Norris. Frontispieces. Boston, n.d. 25 vols., 8vo, crimson morocco, gilt tooled (bindings a little scuffed and backs darkened). VERSAILLES EDITION. One of 100 copies. 36 TO BE SOLD TUESDAY EVENING, APRIL FOURTEENTH, AT 8:15 SECOND SESSION NUMBERS 188-393 188 LA BRUYERE (JEAN DE). The “Characters”. Newly rendered into English by Henri van Laun. With an Intro- duction, a Biographical Memoir and Notes. With dlustra- - tions by B. Damman and V. Foulquier. London, 1885 4 ; Thick 8vo, crushed dark green levant morocco, gilt tooled, uncut. See EXTRA-ILLUSTRATED BY THE INSERTION OF ABOUT 70 ENGRAVED PORTRAITS oO AND VIEWS, SOME OF THEM SCARCE. With the John L. Dudley, Jr., E bookplate. 189 LA FONTAINE. Fables. Text in French. Paris, 1813 “2 vols., 12mo, crushed red levant morocco, backs and sides richly gilt a? sh Y tooled, inside dentelles, gilt edges, by Petit. ¥) ,\\ A pleasing copy of this handy edition, printed on papier vélin. \w \\ | 190 LAKING (GUY FRANCIS). The Furniture of Windsor Castle. Magnificently illustrated with 47 photogravure plates on India paper. London: Bradbury, Agnew & Co., 1905 bs, Thick 4to, olive levant morocco, gilt and inlaid back and sides, with ee borders of 16 fillets on broad inlays; doublures and end leaves of bro- caded silk. A FINE AND IMPORTANT CONTRIBUTION TO THE SUBJECT OF RARE AND BEAUTIFUL FURNITURE. 191 LAMB (CHARLES). Blank Verse. By Charles Lloyd and Charles Lamb. London: Printed by T. Bensley, 17938 12mo, original boards, a little worn, with portion of the paper label, . uncut. In a crushed crimson levant morocco book-shaped box, silk _ lined, and silk protecting wrappers. .)) « THE VERY RARE FIRST EDITION. y 6 fo This copy was formerly the property of the son of Charles Lloyd, bh = James F. Lloyd, with his autograph in ink, and a long pencilled note } 7 regarding both Lamb and Lloyd on the fly-leaf. There are also here oO and there throughout the volume notations by him. 192 The Adventures of Ulysses. Engraved title-page and frontispiece by C. Heath after Corbould. | 0 : 3 Dye London: Printed by T. Davison, 1808 & ee we 12mo, original boards (a little worn, and a few foxings), uncut, paper label. In a crushed brown levant morocco solander case. THE VERY RARE FIRST EDITION. Siz 198 —— The Works of Charles Lamb. 194 195 196 197 198 London: Printed for C. and J. Ollier, 1818 2 vols., 12mo, original boards, cloth backs, uncut, paper labels. In a crushed blue levant morocco solander case. VERY FINE CLEAN COPY OF THE FIRST EDITION. LANDOR (WALTER SAVAGE). Gebir, Count Julian, and Other Poems. London: Edward Moxon, 1831 8vo, crushed purple levant morocco, Jansen style, inside fillet border, uncut, by the Scroll Club Bindery. FINE COPY OF THE FIRST EDITION. [LATHEY (THOMAS P.).] The Angler. A Poem in Ten Cantos. With proper instructions in the Art, rules to choose Fishing Rods, Lines, Hooks, Floats, etc. . . . Receipts for Pastes, etc., and in short, every article relating to the sport. By Piscator. Engraved portrat (foxed), and woodcut vignettes. London, 1819 Royal 8vo, contemporary dark red straight-grain morocco, emblemati- cal tooling’ on back, in gilt; embossed pictorial panels on sides, with portraits of Walton and Cotton, and piscatorial accompaniments, by [Gosden.] In cloth case. LARGE PAPER COPY OF THE FIRST EDITION, IN A HANDSOME AND AP- PROPRIATE BINDING. WITH COLORED PLATES LE SAGE (ALAIN RENE). The Adventures of Gil Blas of Santillana. Newly translated from the French by Martin Smart. Hmbellished with 100 copperplates beautifully col- ored by hand. London: Printed for Richard Phillips, 1807 4 vols., 12mo, original boards, rebacked, paper labels, uncut. A PLEASING COPY, the tastefully colored plates adding greatly to these fascinating Adventures. The Adventures of Gil Blas of Santillane. With en- gravings by R. Smirke. London, 1822 A vols., 12mo, half calf. LEVER (CHARLES). Novels. With an Introduction by Andrew Lang. With the original illustrations by H. K. Browne and others. Boston, 1894-5 40 vols., 8vo, cloth, uncut. One of 1200 copies, with the illustrations on Japan vellum. A FINE SET. 199 LEVY (AMY). A Ballad of Religion and Marriage. [ London, n.d.] Ato, original wrappers. , One of 12 copies printed for private circulation. 38 200 LONGFELLOW (HENRY W.). Poems on Slavery. 201 202 203 204 Cambridge, 1842 12mo, brown morocco, gilt edges (slightly rubbed, two fly-leaves and half-title foxed). . THE RARE First EDITION. This copy does not contain the leaves of advertisements. Bound in are: The Spanish Student, Cambridge, 1843, First EpITIoN; Voices of the Night, Cambridge, 1848; and an- other work by Longfellow. Works. Illustrated. Boston, [1886] 11 vols., 12mo, half green morocco, uncut (backs slightly faded). STANDARD LIBRARY EDITION. The “Life” that makes Vols. XII-XIV of this edition, is wanting. LOW (CHARLES R.). Her Majesty’s Navy, 3 vols., N. Y., n. d.; Her Majesty’s Army (Richards), 3 vols., N. Y., n.d. With numerous colored plates. New York, n. d. 6 vols., 4to, half calf, gilt backs (slightly rubbed). LOWELL (JAMES RUSSELL). Works. Illustrated. Boston, [1890-3] 11 vols., 12mo, half crushed olive levant morocco, uncut (some backs faded). STANDARD LIBRARY EDITION. MACHEN (ARTHUR). The Heptameron, or Tales and Novels of Margaret, Queen of Navarre. Now first com- pletely done into English Prose and Verse. Portrait of Margaret of Navarre and eight etchings by Flameng. N.p.: Privately Printed, 1886 8vo, crushed citron levant morocco, uncut, by Stikeman. " A SUPERB COPY OF THE RARE FIRST EDITION OF ARTHUR MACHEN’S TRANSLATION, WITH THE COMPLETE NUMBER OF PLATES. This copy is further enhanced by the INSERTION OF 75 PLATES ENGRAVED BY DE LONGUEIL, DE LAUNAY, GUTTENBERG, AND OTHERS, AFTER FREUDENBERG. McMURTRIE (DOUGLAS C.). American Type Design in the Twentieth Century; with Specimens of the Outstanding Types produced during this Period. With an Introduction by Frederic W. Goudy. Chicago, 1924 8vo, boards, cloth back. First EDITION. 39 206 207 209 210 211 212 213 MANUSCRIPT BOOK OF HOURS. Horae Beatae Mariae Virginis. Cum Calendario. Written on 134 leaves of vellum in lettres batardes. One miniature (rubbed), ornamental initials and borders in which are incorporated flowers, birds, butterflies, etc. in gold and colors. (A number of the illu- minations are rubbed, and one leaf is defaced). XVth Century Small 4to, old calf (rebaced). In a full morocco case, with monogram “C.B.F.” on cover. MASEFIELD (JCHN). Salt-Water Ballads. London, 1902 12mo, buckram, uncut (back and upper edges of covers faded), en- closed in a half red morocco slip case. FIRST EDITION OF THE AUTHOR’S FIRST BOOK. VERY RARE. Ballads. ‘London, 1903 Small 4to, wrappers, uncut, in a half red morocco slip case. FIRST EDITION. A BEAUTIFUL COPY OF THIS RARE LITTLE BOOK, UNCUT AND UNOPENED. —— A Mainsail Haul. Frontispiece by Jack B. Yeats. London, 1905 12mo, cloth, uncut, in a half red morecco slip case. A FINE COPY OF THE SCARCE FIRST EDITION. — Multitude and Solitude. . London, 1909 12mo, cloth, some edges uncut (a little rubbed), in a half red morocco slip case. First EDITION. SCARCE. —— Ballads and Poems. London, 1910 Small 4to, cloth, uncut( slightly rubbed), in a half red morocco slip case. FIRST EDITION. SCARCE. —— Martin Hyde. With illustrations by T. C. Dugdale. London, [1910] 8vo, cloth, in a half red morocco slip case. FIRST EDITION. Fine copy. —— The Tragedy of Pompey the Great. London, 1910 12mo, cloth (name on fly-leaf), in a half red morocco slip case. FIRST EDITION. VERY SCARCE. An ex-library copy, BUT IN UNUSU- ALLY FINE CONDITION AND SHOWING NO SIGN OF WEAR. 40 Jim Davis. London, [1911] 12mo, cloth, in a half red morocco slip case. First EDITION. AN IMMACULATE COPY, STILL IN THE PUBLISHER’S JACKET. The Street of Today. London, 1911 12mo, cloth, some edges uncut (back a little rubbed), in a half red morocco slip case. First EDITION. Scarce. The Widow in the Bye Street. London, 1912 12mo, cloth, in a half red morocco slip case. THE SCARCE FIRST EDITION. —— The Daffodils Fields. London, 1913 12mo, cloth, uncut. First EDITION. Dauber: A Poem. London, 1913 — 12mo, cloth. First EDITION. Captain Margaret. 7 New York, 1916 12mo, cloth, uncut (back slightly stained), in a half red morocco slip case. First AMERICAN EDITION. Good Friday; The Locked Chest [and] The Sweeps of Ninety-Eight: Two Plays in Prose; Sonnets and Poems; John M. Synge: A Few Personal Recollections. Letchworth: Garden City Press, 1916 \5evols., 8vo, wrappers, uncut, in a half red morocco slip case. First EpITIONS, with the exception of the last named, which was first issued at the Cuala Press in 1915. THE PRIVATELY PRINTED SERIES, OF WHICH 200 COPIES WERE PRINTED. VERY RARE. [ ] Wiers-Jensson (H). Anne Pedersdotter: A Drama in Four Acts. Translated by John Masefield. Boston, 1917 12mo, cloth, in a half red morocco slip case. First EDITION. The Battle of the Somme. London, 1919 8vo, boards, parchment back, in a half red morocco slip case. First EDITION. Al 223 —— A Poems and Two Plays. London, [1919] 224 225 12mo, cloth, in a half red morocco slip case. First EDITION. Right Royal. London, 1920 12mo, boards, in a half red morocco slip case. FIRST EDITION. — King Cole. With drawings by Judith Masefield. London, 1921 8vo, boards, parchment back, uncut, in a half red morocco slip case. FIRST EDITION. One of 780 copies on Large Paper, signed by the author. 226 ——— Melloney Holtspur, London, 1922; Esther, London, | 227 228 299 230 1922; Esther and Berenice, N. Y., 1922; The King’s Daugh- ter, London, [1923]; Collected Poems, London, 1923. London and New York, 1922-3 5 vols., 12mo, cloth and boards, some uncut. First EDITIONS, with the exception of “Esther and Berenice”, which, however, is the FIRST EDITION of the plays together in one volume. —— The Taking of Helen. London, 1923 | 8vo, boards, parchment back, uncut. FIRST EDITION. One of 780 copies on hand-made Paper, signed by the author. — The Dream. Illustrated by Judith Masefield. London, n.d. 8vo, boards, cloth back, uncut. FIRST EDITION. One of a limited edition, signed and numbered by the author and illustrator. MASON (STUART). A Bibliography of the Poems of Oscar Wilde. With portraits, illustrations, facsimiles, etc. London, 1907 4to, white buckram, uncut. FIRST EDITION. ONE OF 25 COPIES ON LARGE PAPER, WITH THE PLATES ON JAPAN VELLUM, AND SIGNED BY THE AUTHOR. With the Quinn bookplate. M. [AY] (T. [HOMAS]). The Tragedy of Antigone, the Theban Princesse. London: Printed by Thomas Harper, 1631 Small 8vo, calf, with the Bridgewater arms on sides (title mended, head and lower lines trimmed into). FIRST EDITION. EXTREMELY RARE; NO COPY IN HOE OR HUTH. With the Bridgewater bookplate. 42 231 MAYHEW BROTHERS (THE). The Greatest Plague of Life; or, the Adventures of a Lady in search of a Good Servant. Illustration by George Cruikshank. London: David Bogue, n.d. aa original cloth (plates a little foxed, and a few slight marginal tears). First EDITION. 232 MELVILLE (HERMAN). The Whale. London, 1851 3 vols., 12mo, blue cloth sides, white cloth backs, with gilt decoration A of a whale on each back. THE EXCESSIVELY RARE First LONDON EDITION issued under the NN. above title. It is said that only about 200 copies were issued in three RAY volumes, and 300 copies in one volume. 233 MEREDITH (GEORGE). Poems. London: John W. Parker and Son, [1851] 12mo, original cloth, uncut. In a dark green levant morocco solander case. ol THE EXCEEDINGLY RARE FIRST EDITION OF THE AUTHOR’S FIRST BOOK, with the genuine slip of errata at the end, having the diamond-shaped ornament in centre of dash. 2934 MERIMEE (PROSPER). Colomba. Beautifully illustrated with 63 original compositions of Daniel Vierge, engraved on wood by Noel and Paillard. Preface by Maurice Tourneux. eee Paris, 1904 y~ Royal 8vo, handsomely bound in maroon straight grain morocco, gilt ve back, rich gilt ornamental border on covers, doublures of olive straight \ ee Re grain morocco, broad border, uncut, by Chambolle-Duru, original \p- wrappers bound in. In slip case. A MAGNIFICENT COPY. ONE OF 100 LARGE PAPER COPIES ON JAPAN VELLUM, WITH THE ILLUSTRATIONS IN TWO STATES. 235 MILTON (JOHN). Poetical Works. Edited, with Memoir, Introductions, Notes, etc., by David Masson. Frontispiece portraits. London: Macmillan and Co., 1890 0